#she could write something really beautiful for ciel i believe since she has been him for so long now
minakoaiinos · 5 months
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animeyanderelover · 4 years
Mind doing prompt 41 for the same concept(the Queen’s granddaughter )from before with Charles Grey? Only if you feel like it! I hope life has been treating you well!
I love that idea❤️! Life has recently been a bit hard for me because I wrote and I’m still about to write some exams and have absolutely no motivation for them. I would recommend to read this so you can understand the backstory. By the way, I had way too much fun with this and it turned out incredibly long...
Warnings: Yandere themes, unhealthy mindset, unhealthy relationship, possessiveness, obsessiveness, manipulation, sabotage, pregnancy slight NSFW
Prompt 41: “Don’t worry, I’m sure you’ll look cute with a swollen stomach carrying our child.”
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You stared with hatred and disgust in your eyes on your hand, to be specific on your ring finger where a little object was placed that had ruined your life. A small ring, made out of silver and implanted with small blue diamonds. It was almost absurd how such a small ring could ruin someone’s entire life. You just wanted to throw it out the window and somehow get rid of it, but you knew that he would just order a new one. You also knew that you would get in troubles with your parents and grandmother if you would lose the wedding ring for the third time so you decided to not do it. It wouldn’t be from any use. Your thoughts were suddenly interrupted by a voice you had learned to despise more than anything else. “(y/n)! I’m home!” You clenched your fists tightly. How dare he to act like nothing had happened after all he had done?!?! He was a devil, a liar, a traitor, trash!!! He had ruined your entire life!!! The person you were talking about was no other than Charles Grey. Your husband and a long time ago your best friend. Where did it all go wrong?
“No!! There must be a misunderstanding! Ciel would never do something like this!!”, you cried out to your grandmother, the queen of England. She looked with pity in her eyes down at you and tried to tell you as gently as possible:”I know that it’s hard to believe child. But the evidences are too heavy and we have a couple of witnesses as well. There’s no denying it anymore.” “Then they’re all liars and the evidences are all fake. Ciel would never sink that low! He’s a cultivated, smart and loyal man and-“ “(y/n)! That’s enough, don’t scream at your grandmother like this!”, your father told you in a strict voice. “But-“, the warning glare of your mother made you shut up once again. Recently accusations had appeared that Ciel had been faking reports over the orders the queen had given him. Important facts had been left out of the reports and rumors had started spreading around that Ciel had been involved in some dark business and had used questionable ways of solving the tasks of your grandmother, using threats and violence against innocent people.
“(y/n)?”, your mother suddenly started speaking to you. You looked in her direction, already having a feeling about what she wanted to talk about. “Mother, father, please.”, you begged, feeling tears starting to swell up in your eyes. “No daughter. Don’t even try it. We were already pretty shocked when we found out that you tried to break off the engagement between Ciel and Elizabeth Midford. Do you even know how disgraceful that is? The Midford’s are good friends of us and you knew that. There’s some tension between them and us now because of your unprofessional acting. You have as the granddaughter of the queen a reputation to hold and still decided to trail behind this man like a lovesick puppy? I’m deeply ashamed of you.” You looked at your feet, feeling a pang in your heart because of your mother’s harsh words. Your grandmother didn’t say anything what told you that she silently agreed to what her daughter-in-law had just said. “(y/n)! You’re forbidden to see that boy ever again. Your behavior is unacceptable and we also don’t want other people to hear that you spend your time with a criminal.” You snapped your head in your father’s direction. “No! Please don’t do this! I love him, father! I love him! You can’t forbid me to see Ciel!” Your father gave you a cold look. “I can and I will. I already told the guards to not let you anywhere near the jail where he’s kept.” You turned to your grandmother, tears flowing down your eyes. “Grandma...” The desperation in your voice was clearly audible and a look of guilt crossed the queen’s face, but she shook her head. “That’s unfair!!” That was the last thing you yelled at them before you stormed out the throne room, crying rivers out of your eyes. “Ciel...”
A knock was heard on your door, but you ignored it. Most likely your parents or the queen again. Well then, you wouldn’t let them in. Not after they took the one man you loved the most away from you. It had been nearly two weeks since Ciel had gone to jail and you had tried everything you could think of to see him, but the guards were definitely good ones. They hadn’t given in when you had offered them money and they had also caught you when you had tried to break in. At least they hadn’t told your parents yet, but had threatened to tell them the next time you would try to. So you had decided to focus on something else, proving Ciel’s innocence. As the queen’s granddaughter it had been rather easy for you to get copies of all the files you needed and as soon as you read the first file you knew that it was bullshit. It was very good faked, but you knew Ciel better than anyone else. He would never do something like this. Why had the witnesses lied? Were they threatened or bribed? Whilst you were deep in your thoughts another knock was heard, this time accompanied by a familiar voice. “(y/n)? Are you in there? Please let me in.” You were surprised when you heard Charles voice, but felt also glad that he was here. It felt like Charles was the only person you could talk to.
You hurried to the door, unlocked it and opened it. You were met with his silver eyes which had a worried look in them. “You look terrible.”, was the first thing he said to you. You couldn’t help, but laugh a bit. “Is that the way to talk to the granddaughter of the queen?” Charles faked a shocked expression and answered with a teasing voice:”My deepest apologies, miss. I thought you wouldn’t mind if the guy you knew since your youngest ages.” He bowed to you and you laughed out loudly. “It’s alright. I can’t really blame you. I do look not good.” You hadn’t slept very much the past few weeks. How could you sleep whilst Ciel was rotting in the jail?! Charles noticed the chaos on your desk, mountains of papers and files were spread randomly on it. “How are you even able to work in this mess?” You shrugged with your shoulders and asked him:”I appreciate your visit, but I thought you were busy with other things?” Charles sighed and answered with a serious look on his face:”The queen sent me because she thought if you wouldn’t listen to her or your parents then you would probably listen to me. I’m here to knock some sense in you.” “Oh.”, was all you replied. “(y/n), why are you even helping this guy? I mean, don’t you see all the evidences and witnesses? There’s no way he’s-“ Charles was interrupted by you. “I know he’s innocent! Ciel is a loyal and good man! He would never do something like this! He’s too smart, brave, cultivated, cool, handsome...” Whilst you kept rambling with a dreamy look in your eyes about Ciel you missed the dark look that crossed Charles look for a short moment. “During my questioning he didn’t seem like a very polite man.”, he commented with a slight bitterness in his voice.
You stopped talking for a moment and looked at him with wide eyes. “Wait! You’re the one questioning him?!” Charles nodded and in the next moment you were already clinging to his arm. “Then you can help me to get in there! I need to see Ciel and talk to him! I need to hear his side of the story so I can help him to get out faster!” Charles had an unsure expression on his face. “Aren’t you forbidden to get anywhere near him?” You made huge puppy eyes. “Please Charles! You’re my best friend!”, you whined. For a short moment you could have sworn that Charles eyebrow twitched when you called him your best friend, but it was so quickly gone that you weren’t sure if you had even seen it. “I guess I can try, but...” You felt excitement pumping through your veins when he said this. “But?!”, you asked eagerly. “...But you need to promise me that you’ll rest enough. I’m worried for your health when you keep skipping sleep like this.” “I will!” You gave him a big hug. “Thank you! You’re the best!” Charles cheeks heated up slightly and he scratched sheepishly his head. But then once again a serious expression crossed his face. “There’s something else.” You nodded, willing to do everything to see Ciel. “Promise me to not get hurt.” You blinked confused. “What do you mean?” Charles bit his bottom lip. “Ciel...is not who you think he is.” With these words he left the room, leaving a confused you there. “What did he mean with this?”
“You have only twenty minutes, understood? That’s the longest I can keep the guards away.”, Charles told you and you nodded excited. You knew you could count on him! It had taken him some time, but he had managed to lure the guards away for some time, giving you time to speak to Ciel. Only the thought of him made your heart beat five times as fast. “I’ll give you a sign when they’re about to come back.” With these words he opened the door to Ciel’s prison and you quickly sprinted in. The light in there was pretty dim and your eyes needed a moment to adjust, but then you saw him. He was sitting in a small chair in front of a small desk. You couldn’t help, but notice his handsome features. “Ciel.”, you said, feeling thrilled to see him again. He looked up and his beautiful blue eyes met yours. For a short moment you got lost in them, having the feeling that you could just drown in these eyes before you quickly pulled yourself together. There was no time for this! “I’m so sorry that you’re in here! Just know that I always knew that you were innocent and I’ll help you out here! I promise! But I need you to answer me a few questions! There are some things involving this case that don’t make sense and I wanted you to-“ “Can you shut up?” You stopped talking and gave Ciel a surprised look. “Excuse me?” Ciel let an annoyed sigh out and repeated:”Can you shut up? You’re annoying me.” He glared coldly at you and you felt like someone had just hit you in your face. “I understand that all of this is probably getting on your nerves, but I need you to answer me this questions so that I can get you out of here. After that we can do all the things we used to do again. Walking through the garden, having nice teatimes, going on balls and dance together-“ Ciel scoffed. “You don’t get it, do you?” You became once again quiet. “Wh-what do you mean?” Your voice was slightly shaking. Ciel turned towards you with the most degrading look someone could have in his eyes. “You really are stupid for not noticing it. You probably think that I like you and hold this pretty illusion in your head that we’ll get later on married and live happily together for the rest of our lifes, don’t you? Well then, time to grow up and realize that I don’t like you even the slightest bit. I only was nice and polite with you because you’re the queen’s granddaughter and I hoped I would make a good impression on her like this. But in reality you’re just annoying, stupid and clingy. And the most pathetic part is that you were ready to break of the engagement between me and Elizabeth just so I could be your fiancé. But why would I want to be betrothed to a lovesick girl like you? You’re even worse than Lizzy. In my opinion you’re just a silly, lovesick fool.”
‘Crack!’ Your heart crumbled into million pieces because of the brutality of his rejection. For a moment you just stood there shocked and numbed before tears started to escape your eyes. Your breath started to speed up and it felt like the longer you were in the presence of Ciel the harder it got to breath. You needed to get away from him! You turned quickly around and slammed the door open, nearly slaying Charles with it. You just sprinted right back to the palace, to your room where you could cry without needing to hold back. You ignored Charles worried calls after you. “I was a fool! Blinded by the ideal picture I had in my mind that I wasn’t able to see the monster he really is! My parents were right!” Now you also understood what Charles had meant back then. He had just wanted to warn you because he had already seen how Ciel was really like. You were such an idiot...
How long had it been since the day in the jail? Probably less than a week, but in this week the whole world had seemed to turn against you. Only one day after Ciel’s rejection your parents had informed you that they had set up an arranged marriage for you with a guy you had never met in your life before. That had ended in a huge argument where all of you had ended up screaming at each other. But it had been from no use for you. The celebration was in a week and then you would meet this guy for the first time. And you hated it! You hated everything! Currently you were crying in one of your pillows, having never felt so mournful in your life. A knock was heard on your door. “(y/n), my child?” You recognized the voice of your grandmother immediately, but didn’t want to open the door. Instead you chocked a, “Come in.”, out. The door opened and the queen walked slowly to you, sitting down right next to you. “(y/n).”, she spoke softly and embraced you in her arms. “G-grandma.”, you cried and hugged her back, feeling like her arms were the only stability you had left in your life. “It’s-it’s so unfair. I don’t want to ma-marry a g-guy I never met-met before in my li-life.” You sobbed hardly and the queen tried to comfort you by rubbing soothingly circles in your back. “I know. That’s why I came here. I think that’s too much too and I might have an idea how to prevent this from happening.” You looked at her with hopeful eyes. “R-really? B-but my parents told me that they want me to have a fiancé. That means I’ll get engaged to someone in one or another way.” “I know, but at least we can take care of that your fiancé will be at least someone you know.” You raised your eyebrow confused before you realized who she meant. “You mean Charles, don’t you?” Your grandmother nodded. “I understand that it’s probably awkward for you to think about since you’ve known him since you were three and you thought of him so far only as a good friend, but that’s exactly the reason why Charles will be the best choice for you. He knows how you think and work and understands you better than anyone else. Also...” “Also?”, you repeated curiously. The queen gave you a small smile. “No. I think he should tell you that himself.” She stood up. “Think about it. I won’t force you.” Then she left you there, deep in thoughts. But only a few moments later you made a decision.
You stared embarrassed at the ground, waiting for Charles rejection. You had after your talk with your grandmother immediately stormed to Charles and had told him about the idea and Charles had listened without interrupting. “Yes.” “I understand that you feel awkward about this and I apolo-“ You stopped abruptly when you realized what he had just said. “Wait?! What?!” “I said yes.”, Charles repeated himself. “Charles, you don’t have to do this just because I’m the queen’s granddaughter. If you don’t want to I would understand you.” Charles stepped closer to you with a strange look in his eyes. What was that? He slowly grabbed both of your hands and told you:”I want to. You know why? Because I really love you.” Your eyes widened. “S-since when?”, you mumbled shocked. “Since quite some time, to be specific since the first moment I saw you after all those years again. You’ve grown into such a beautiful young woman, but I never got the chance to tell you this because I didn’t know how to.” He looked really sincere whilst confessing to you and you couldn’t help, but feel your heart flutter in your chest. You felt bed for never realizing his feelings for you. “I’m really stupid, aren’t I? I was so busily looking at Ciel that I never noticed your feelings and you were still willing to help me. I guess Ciel was right, I am a silly and lovesick fool.” The bitterness in your voice was clearly audible. “Hey. Look at me.”, Charles told you softly and you lifted your head to look at him. He was staring with pure love in his eyes at you. “Don’t listen to what Ciel told you. This guy is scum for not realizing how lucky he was that you loved him. He’s the only fool for not seeing how pretty and great you really are. But I can see it. I know it’s a bit hard for you to feel the same since you only see me as a dear friend. But I hope you can give me a chance to prove my love for you. Will you give me this chance?” How were you supposed to say no to this? “Yes.”, you answered him, deeply touched by all of this. Charles smiled and moved his face closer to you, looking you shortly in the eyes as if asking if he could do this. When you didn’t move away he captured your lips in a soft kiss, moving his lips against yours and slowly pulling you closer to him. And you decided to kiss him back, feeling your heart beating faster in your chest.
Only a few months later everyone knew about your engagement with Charles. Luckily your parents had quickly agreed to break of the previous engagement, feeling thrilled that you had chosen Charles instead and your mother had told you that she had always liked him and thought he was the perfect match for you. You had moved in with Charles, your parents wanting you to spend your time with your new fiancé. Charles had treated you so far only with love and gentleness, wanting you to feel as comfortable as possible with him. But you had also noticed how he sometimes showed you signs that he wanted to take your relationship to the next step, but you felt a bit unsure about this and were glad that Charles understood that and had every time backed off, willing to wait until you were ready. And this day happened to be this one...
You shot up from your shared bed with Charles, panting heavily. Your whole body burned and you felt a tingling sensation inside your core. That’s when you noticed the way your thighs were tightly pressed together. Confused you moved your hand down and you were shocked when you felt how wet it was down there. “What happened?”, you asked yourself before pictures of your dream started to hit you. Your face started burning and you instantly grabbed your pillow to hide your face in it. You had dreamed about Charles and you doing it! Embarrassing! But destiny seemed to want to torture you a bit more because in that moment the door swung open and Charles walked in. “Honey, I’m-“, he stopped when he saw you curled up in a ball. “Are you alright?”, he asked you worried and came closer to you. “No! Stay right there!”, you yelled scared, didn’t want him to notice in which state you were currently in. He flinched when you screamed at him, looking for a second hurt before he noticed your red face, the way you were panting heavily and the way you rubbed your thighs against each other. His face started flushing pink. “Oh.” You whined, feeling more than just ashamed that he had found out before you felt him laying a hand on your shoulder. You flinched and whimpered in his touch, glancing carefully at his face. You didn’t miss the haze of lust that was visible on his face and one short glance down told you that you had successfully aroused him. Just great. “Let me have you.” You blushed even more when you heard him saying this. “I-I’m not too sure.”, you stuttered, clearly embarrassed. “I know that it must be uncomfortable since you still aren’t too sure about how you should feel about me and this will be your first time. But I promise that I’ll be careful and gentle with you. Please give me the chance to show you how deep my love really goes for you.” His voice sounded desperate for obvious reasons and his breath had by now quickened as well. You were arguing with yourself whether to accept or not. You knew he would back of if you told him to, but did you want him to leave you? You knew you needed some relief and you were not too sure if your own hands would satisfy you enough. You didn’t answer him, but the pleading look you gave him was all he needed. He was quick to tower over you and started to attack your face and neck with kisses, making you whimper and squirm under him. He hastily started undressing himself, showing you that he was really desperate for this. It was rather simple for him to undress you since you were only in a nightgown and underpants. You couldn’t help, but blush when you saw him completely naked like this. Charles on the other hand took a moment to let his eyes roam over your exposed body before bending down to your face. You gasped when you felt him pressing his length against your entrance, whining for him to stop teasing. “I love you...so much.” That were the last words you could remember because after that you weren’t able to think about anything different than the immense pleasure and Charles groans.
“What do you mean by he’ll be let out again?!”, you yelled shocked and angrily at your parents. Your father sighed and tried to reason:”The Midford’s pleaded us to let him out again since their daughter seems to be completely broken. It also looks like that some of the evidences and statements from the witnesses don’t seem to fit together so the queen decided to let him out. But only under supervision.” You were speechless. Only a few months ago you had been the one defending Ciel, but now the tables had turned and you were the one wanting to see him rot in jail. “Darling, we’re glad that you’re over him, but please don’t try to do anything stupid. Even your fiancé stood up for him and told your grandmother that there is something wrong about the situation.” This made you freeze in your movements. “Charles believes that Ciel is innocent?”, you asked surprised. “Yes.”, your father told you. “Where is he?”, you asked him. “I believe he’s currently with the young Phantomhive. The queen gave him the job to let Ciel out again and explain how everything will work for him now.” You instantly turned around, storming towards the prison. Your head was screaming at you that something was suspicious. It didn’t make sense! Charles was from the very beginning the one who had liked Ciel the less and had always told you that he was a bad person. Why did he suddenly change his mind?
When you arrived at the jails you were surprised when you didn’t find any guards what only strengthened the bad feeling you had. You slowly sneaked inside, careful to not run into anybody on your way. When you had almost reached the cell where Ciel was kept you suddenly heard voices, recognizing them as Charles and Ciel’s. You quickly hid behind the corner and silently listened to what they were talking about. “I almost thought you would break your promise to me.”, you heard Ciel speaking. Promise? Which promise? “I’m sorry for letting you wait that long, but it did took me a while to make the evidences and statements look fake after spending so much effort to create them.”, Charles answered. You tended up. What did he mean with this? You slowly peeked around the corner to see what was going on in there. You saw Charles, Ciel and Ciel’s butler standing there. “I need to give you that, you did great with creating all this to false evidences and statements to make me look like a criminal, just to get the love of this damn girl.” Your brain almost stopped working. Did he mean...? “Don’t call her that! And don’t even dare to come near her ever again!”, Charles yelled angrily at Ciel before taking a deep breath to calm down and continuing in a calmer voice:”But at least I don’t have to worry about her still loving you. You did quite the number to her back then. She cried for days straight and I was almost planning to kill you for that.” Ciel scoffed and replied:”You told me to go harsh on her. I got kind of lost in my words as well since this was a chance to tell her how I really felt.” You stood there trembling, your brain just having understood what they were talking about. What had you done?! You had walked straight into the devil’s trap! You needed to tell your parents and the queen about this! But in that moment you crossed eyes with the red eyes butler who gave you a mischievous smirk before telling the two men:”It’s seems like the little princess was eavesdropping on our little conversation.” Charles snapped his head quickly around, his eyes almost instantly meeting your wide ones. “(y/n)?!” He sounded clearly shocked, not having expected you to hear all of this. You stepped slowly back before quickly turning around and storming back to the palace. You heard Charles cursing and yelling at Ciel and his butler that they could leave now and when you took a short glance behind you you saw that he was chasing after you.
You gasped desperately for air when you reached the throne room, feeling glad to see your parents and your grandmother in there. “Child? Is everything alright? You look very pale.”, your grandmother told you with a worried expression on her face. Nothing was right! You had just found out that Charles had planned all of this from the very beginning, but you needed to admit that physically you didn’t feel all that great either. You felt dizzy and I’ll for some reason, probably from all the running. In the next second Charles reached the throne room as well, immediately grabbing you by the shoulders and panting from the little run. You were quick to slap his hand away. “Mum! Dad! Grandma! Charles, he...” You couldn’t finish your sentence, everything suddenly started spinning around. “(y/n)?”, you heard Charles asking you worried. You stumbled against him, grabbing his shoulder for some support. “Daughter! What is wrong?!”, your father asked panicked. “I-I” Before you could finish that sentence you suddenly collapsed and Charles quickly catched you. “(y/n)!!”, you heard many voices calling your name before everything turned suddenly dark.
When you opened your eyes the first thing you noticed was that you were laying in your old room in the palace in your bed and that your whole family was in there. Charles was sitting next to you, holding your hand tightly in his. He was the first one who noticed that you were awake. “(y/n)! You’re awake!” At first you wanted to scream at him, but you stopped when you noticed the pure look of happiness on his face. And not only on his face, but on the faces of your parents and the queen as well. “How can time pass by so fast? It feels just like yesterday when I held her for the first time in my arms.”, your mother spoke with tears in her eyes. You blinked confused, not really understanding what was going on. “Can someone explain to me what is going on here?” “Darling, you’re pregnant.”, your father told you in a touched tone. It was the second time that day that your brain stopped working, not able to process what he had just said. “I never thought I would live long enough to witness the day where I would become a great-grandmother.”, the queen spoke with a soft smile on her face. “Since when?” You didn’t even know how you managed to ask this question. “Since one month.”, Charles told excitedly. “The marriage should be hold in the next few weeks before she starts showing.”, your father suddenly spoke up and your mother nodded. “I think so too. You both need to get married before she starts showing since it will be a bit more complicated with the dress then.” You just stared somewhere in the space, not really realizing what was going on around you. “Let’s talk about this outside. I think we should give those two a bit time alone.”, the queen told your parents. They nodded in agreement and left the both of you alone.
“We’re going to be parents! Isn’t that just wonderful?” Charles sounded ecstatic. A thousands thoughts were racing through your head right now, thinking about how to get out of this situation only to be met with the ugly and horrible truth. There was no way out! You knew that you would bring great shame over your whole family if you would refuse to marry the man who got you pregnant and with whom you were engaged. So you did the only thing you could think of in that moment. You raised your hand and smacked Charles with all strength you could bring on in that moment, putting all your anger, disappointment and frustration in this hit. Charles blinked confused and looked surprised at you whilst a red handprint started to become visible on his face. “How could you do this to me?!”, you yelled angrily at him. Charles started chuckling a bit, rubbing his cheek. “I guess I deserved that a bit.”, he mumbled. But then he answered you:”You want to know why I did it? I did it for us. I knew that we were perfect for each other and I knew that I could give you the love that no one else could give you. But you were blinded by this Phantomhive boy, wanting to marry him. And I couldn’t let that happen! This boy was preventing you from seeing who your true love was, who you were meant to be with. ME! I’m perfect for you! I did all of this to help you realize that.” Shock wasn’t even the word to describe your feelings now. Was he crazy?! “You did all of that because you believed that the only one who was perfect for me was you?!” You stared with an unbelieving look in your eyes at him. But his gaze told you that he was really believing that. You could have screamed at him, hit him, cursed him even though you doubted that you would find a fitting word to use for him because even the worst word you could think about seemed too nice for him. But you did none of this. Instead the realization how hopeless your situation was hit you once more, but this time much more harder. You started sobbing, hiding your face in your hands. Charles was quick to embrace you in a hug, stroking your hair softly. “I promise you that I’ll take great care of you and the child.”
End of Flashback
It had been four weeks since your marriage and you were currently in your tenth week. Your stomach was still flat, but you knew that this would change the next few weeks. Originally you had wanted to hate that child just because it was Charles, but you couldn’t bring yourself to do that. It wasn’t the fault of the little one. In the next moment the door to the bedroom was opened and Charles walked in. “Hello darling. How are you feeling?”, he asked you gently and sat down next to you on the bed, giving you a long kiss and pulling you closer to him. You didn’t answer him and turned away from him. You heard him sigh. “Are you still mad at me?” Your eyebrow twitched. Was that even a question?! “How is the baby doing?”, he tried to change the topic and slowly started caressing your belly. “Fine.”, you answered him shortly, but you couldn’t completely hide the nervousness in your voice. Recently your mother had visited you and had told you from her experience during the time she had been pregnant with you and how your birth had been for her. It had scared you a bit when she had told you about how much she had struggled during her pregnancy and birth. How the hell were you supposed to endure all of this?! Charles noticed the look on your expression. “You’re worried, aren’t you?” You still refused to answer him and look at him, but this time he gently grabbed your chin and turned your head in his direction, forcing you to look at him. “Don’t worry, I’m sure you’ll look cute with a swollen stomach carrying our child.”
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robin-the-enby · 3 years
Hey! I love your matchups and I really want one with on the black butler characters.
I am ISTJ and even though I was born in America I come from a Mexican family. So I am fluent in Spanish and English. Along side of Mandarin Chinese (still learning) and Japanese (still learning)
Appearance wise, I have olive skin, long wavy/curly hair that reaches my tailbone (i like putting it in side braid). I also have long bangs that quite often fall over my glasses. And just too lazy to move them. I also have dimples when I smile. I will bite anyone who try poke them.
Personality: I can get hard to know at first because I have trust issues (my heart has been broken okay) . Not too mention people don't try to get know me because of my major Resting Bitch Face. They think I am judging them or that I am scary. But I am not... I am attentive so I will stand up for myself and anyones else. I am patient. Also, after you get to know me you will realize I am a chaotic crackhead with a melodramatic persona. Like "your star is here!" "The stage is calling for me. Move out of my way" "the spotlight is on me so could you move you crusty face?" I like to tease and flirt with the people I am close to. I zone out or daydream a lot. And in the worst times. It could be a serious meeting and I am chuckling because of something in my head. Which have scared people. It could be during a conversation and I will stop listening. But I will always feel bad and apologize.
I also like to scare people. Like tell them the unsolved cases or horrific cases that I know (I love unsolved cases) . This is also why my little siblings hate me. Turns out talking kids murder cases and disapperinv cases was not appropriate for bed time story... woops.....
I like to pop out of nowhere and either flick or playfully punch my friends and say boo. I do accidentally roast people. I don't think before I say things. And don't realize until hours or days later. And I am like "shit"
I am sarcastic and that has gotten me in trouble before. My friend asked for my advice and I didn't know she was being serious. So I gave her a sarcastic advice and she came back to me mad. I was like "shit you believed me?"
Likes/hobbies: i like my anatomy class and I like to read, write, meditate (because I get stressed a lot). I really like to dance and listen to music. Which my music taste is everywhere: Kpop, classical music, jazz, jpop, Spanish songs, rock, metal. Every music genre except for country. I like to play the violin.
My passion lies in the arts and crafts. I would like to do illustration and photography. More specifically street fashion photography and and event photography. Like weddings and funerals. Yes funeral photography does exist and I will like to do it. Since it is also special event. I draw a lot of portraits and landscapes. I have been told that my art is either scary or mysterious. Though I can get a little caught up with my passion. I practice to get better with no rest.
Flaws/toxic traits: I am not empathetic or sympathetic. People always thought I didn't care about my friend's issues. I do i just don't understand them. My compassion does make up for this and will give advice. My other flaw, is the high walls I build to protect myself. I am there for other people. But people were never there for me. People have manupliated me and that cause me trust issues. I don't know how to handle negative emotions like depression, anxiety, self doubt, procrastination. So I just isolate myself in these moods. They really take a toll on me and make me think I can't do my passions. I am afraid of commitment because of toxic relationships i had before.
Love language: I am not obvious with affection. (Because no one ever gave me it). I show it through my teasing and flirting. My love language is however Act of Service. I will help my s/o with anything they need. Chores, work, advice, etc. Sort of the mom of my friend group. But a Savage mom as I have been told. "Stop crying, here I made you a cookie" "do I need to hurt someone" "don't worry I can get coffin with a lock in it". I am also an aggressive supporter. Like "No YOU are beautiful. YOU are gorgeous!" (This happened when someone gives me affection and time try to turn the attention to them as way to hide my fluster)
I will call my s/o like "stupid" "idiot" but in a endearing way. Okay. Occasionally I will use "beloved" and "Cariño/cariña"
I am not good receiving verbal affection or physical affection. I was never given affection so I am not used to it. I will start blushing and stop working. I will also probably say "idiot" or turn the attention to them like "no.. u" but I think fails because I am terrible at hiding my blush. I get easily flustered with affection okay. But I won't ever admit that I like it. Though it is obvious.
Sexuality: i am bisexual so it doesn't matter what gender I am paired up with.
Funt fact i guess?: I love small plants, plushies, and banana milk. Like I have hundreds of different kinds of plants and they each have their own name. Like GGmo, Lily, Melody, Edward. I love Banana milk as I said. I drink it every evening. It always get me happy so when I am sad or had a bad day. I drink banana milk and I am happy. It is also to make up for my coffee addiction. I am addicted to coffee. My friends said no coffee and I was like fine banana milk then :)
This is getting long now... bye.
I'm glad that you like my matchups, I'm trying my best tbh😅 I match you with:
Sebastian Michaelis
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Sebastian is very curious in nature, so he definitely wants to know what you're really like, not the front you put on.
He's also very charming when he wants to, he makes it very easy to open up to him and get comfortable around him.
Sure, he, as a demon, doesn't really care much for humans, so when he doesn't have to play the polite, kind butler, he probably has a RBF as well, however, I think that changes when he's interacting with someone he loves.
His sweet words may have been a mask at first, so he could see the real you, but the closer you two become, the more he means every word of praise, encouragment or comfort he utters.
He would most certainly be amused by your crackhead self once you do get comfortable around him, but it's not really his vibe. He wouldn't scold you for being loud, brash or inapropriate, like he does the other servants.
If he's in a really good mood or when the situation calls for it, he can be dramatic as well. Sometimes he'd do it just to get on Ciel's nerves XD
One big pro of being with Sebastian is that he lets you off the hook a lot. If he was talking to anyone else and they'd space out, oh honey, he would stare them down so hard, it's sending chills down my spine just thinking about it. But if it's you it's like a complete 180, Sebastian can't possibly be mad at you, everyone spaces out sometimes, those things just happen.
The other servants make sure to be on your good side so that you could intercede with him on their behalf.
You can't scare him with your true crime stories, but you sure as hell can scare the others. And you can bet your ass Seb's gonna help! The plan is: You tell the story and then he's gonna pop up out of nowhere behind them, giving them mini heart attacks.
If you try to scare him though, you'll need to be on guard 24/7 until he gets you in return. And even if your on guard all the time, he finds a way to scare the life out of you.
Your humor is practically the same, I mean, Sebastian is great at off handed remarks/roasts and sarcastic comments that you have to look for to really see them. You two could be talking shit about anyone and everybody would be like "Oh yeah, normal conversation, yes"
Sebastian would love to dance with you. And trust me when I say this, he is good at any type of dance. If you two are ever at a ball, prepare your feet, because he's not gonna let go of you the whole night (unless his master is in danger of course).
He would be your #1 supporter, he'd go with you out to take photos, and if you asked him to look at some, he'd take a good long look at each and every one of them and describe in detail how he feels about them. Also would go to any art shows you'd host if it came to it.
When it comes to sympathy and empathy, Sebastian also has a hard time showing these feelings. He's been alive for far longer than any human on Earth and he's a demon. He's never had any of the problems humans have, so naturally he doesn't kniw what it feels like to have them. Plus, before you came into his life, he didn't care much for them either.
However, he's gonna be there for you whenever you need him, emotionally or practically, even though he doesn't get your feelings.
You both have walls put up, you because of bad past experiences, him because as a demon, he has major issues with being vulnerable in any way. And I'm not talking just emotionally here, but demons are almost undestroyable, yet they have very few weaknesses that they just need to hide away.
It's rare Sebastian has a problem, but even if he had, you wouldn't know, because he thinks you, as a human, wouldn't understand and so he won't burden your mind with it. However, he's very perceptive and so if your behaviour changes, be it due to anxiety or a depressive episode, he'll know.
Now, he's not the type of person to try and break down your walls by force, but in situstions like these, where he's not sure how to help, you gotta talk to him and he won't leave you alone until you tell him how he can help.
He's not above carrying you around and doing everything for you until you're embarassed enough to tell him
He is very appreciative of your help around, since the other servants are good at everything but what they're supposed to do.
You with your tough love and Sebastian with his teeth rotting compliments and affection, it'd be honestly really funny to watch. He adores how you show affection, because it's different from most people he's known. But on the other hand, you can't expect him not to spoil you afte all the hard work you do every day?
He would really shower you in love and affection, because you deserve it and because it makes you flustered XD
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Oh, and pretty please also some happy Alois scenario's? Like, he's with Luka and Hannah and they're all happy and healthy. No pain nor any spooder demons, please. (You're a godsend. I've literally been following blogs like yours for years and not many write for the characters that I like. I hit the jackpot with your blog. Thank you~)
Ah man… words cannot express how much I needed to write this
and how much I would love to write more things like this!!
Alois needs so much love!
And you know what, bby? I’m more than happy to keep writing all these characters! They’re ones I love deeply, with my whole entire heart!
Everyone seems to write Ciel, Sebastian, the Reapers… and, of course, I love them too, absolutely! But if I can be a source of content for the characters that people can never find content like this for, then I want to do that as much as I possibly can. It seems that the characters few people write for are often my favorites, so I’m all too happy to oblige!
Because we’re doing a pain-free spiderless Alois AU, but I still wanted to have it make sense for these guys to be in the manor – he and Luka eventually got picked up by the old Lord Trancy, but it was because Alois was tracked down as the rightful heir, and, well, the old Lord Trancy suddenly died about a week after they arrived, leaving Alois to be the new head of the household. (thank you, Hannah!)
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“Missed me, missed me! Now you have to kiss me!”
Laughter rings out in the manor as (Name)’s fiancé chases after her nearly as soon as she walks into the parlor where he seems to have been waiting for her. It’s perhaps strange of him to say something like this when she hasn’t yet made a comment that she missed him while she was out… then again, they know each other so well. That she’s told him before that she’s always overjoyed to see him after they’ve been apart may also have something to do with it.
As soon as ALOIS catches her, his arms tight around her waist, he twirls around with her once before bending her backwards ― dipping her so low the tips of her hair brush the floor. It’s then that he comes in for a kiss, despite the fact that both of them giggling makes their lips very misaligned.
“You silly boy!” She hooks her arms round his neck in an attempt to hold on for dear life. (Not that he’d ever drop her. Of course not!) “You think I wouldn’t have greeted you with a kiss even if you hadn’t said that?”
It’s a little hard to believe, with his rounded face and mischievous personality, that the young earl is pushing twenty. Even though he’s been like this since she met him a few years ago, he finds new ways to woo and surprise her with every passing day. “Yes, but… you know I’m impatient! And your kisses are just so sweet, I can’t resist taking one before you even offer it.”
She shakes her head at him, pulling herself up a bit so she can nuzzle the tip of her nose against his. “Oh, of course. Who am I to keep the most handsome man in the world waiting?”
“The future Lady Trancy, that’s who!” Finally he straightens them both up; he steals another kiss as he does, of course. He glances past her toward the doors, and when he looks back, he’s raising an eyebrow, a smile playing at the edges of his mouth. “… Oh, dear. Have you lost Luka?”
(Name) scoffs with a grin and gives Alois a playful smack to the chest. “No, I would never! Hannah met us at the door and mentioned something about fixing him a snack. I’d imagine he’s halfway through a roast beef by now. Speaking of, I already bought him a caramel lollipop while the shop owner and I discussed my order for the wedding. I’ve never seen a boy with such an appetite! He eats more than I do, and he’d probably still fit into my dress.”
A snort is Alois’ answer as he heads into the other room. “He’s still growing! Now that you mention it, though, I could picture him wanting to wear your dress. While you were out, I was nearly tempted to try it on myself.” He pauses to thread his arm through hers. “Ultimately I decided I had best leave it, though. You’ll look much lovelier in it than I would.”
The two of them don’t get very far when the triplets appear out of nowhere on the stairs. “She will, yes,” Thompson quips. “In fact, I do believe the Lady’s beauty will outshine the dress itself.”
“No offense,” Timber titters, “but Lord Trancy will look so plain next to his bride!”
“Goodness, what shall we do?” Canterbury adds. “Perhaps he should wear a dress as well.”
Alois rolls his eyes. The trio speak so bluntly and outlandishly, it really is a wonder he hasn’t thrown them out entirely yet. Hannah is just too fond of them, considering them as brothers or friends, and they do their jobs fine. It would be too quiet without them, at least, so might as well keep them around for now.“You three have no idea what you’re talking about! We’ll both be stunning! Now, care to make yourselves useful and direct us to where Hannah and Luka have gone? Are they in the kitchen?”
Timber clicks his tongue. “No, no. They’ve retired to the young master’s room.”
“He took his second sandwich up there with him.”
“Oh, dear. We’re going to have ants.”
“Alright, enough!” Alois snaps, more annoyed than truly mad. “Can you three ever shut your mouths??”
(Name) sets her hand on Alois’ shoulder to help ground him. “Oh, love, did Thompson say Luka’s taken his second sandwich with him? By God, the boy works fast!”
Immediately the earl’s temper is calmed as he glances toward his fiancée. Her remark is enough to bring a smile to his face. “We should catch up with them, then.” He reaches up to grab her hand with both of his, darting up the steps. “And, Timber! Do make sure you and your brothers are prepared to do battle with the invading ants!”
The two of them laugh once more as they race through the halls like children, clutching hands, without a care in the world. When they reach the door, Alois pulls (Name)’s hand back from opening it. He puts a finger to his lips, gently leading her to one side. “Shh, stay quiet,” he whispers. “I’m going to pull a trick on Luka.”
“Hehe!” She covers her mouth with one hand. “Of course!” Big brothers like to play around with their younger brothers, after all, don’t they?
Alois bites down on his lip in an effort to keep himself from just bursting out in laughter. He can’t give himself away before he’s even done what he wants to do! As soon as he’s gotten composed, he opens the door and sweeps into the room in such a way that neither Hannah nor Luka can see his fiancée. For added effect, he paints a concerned look onto his face. “Luka!! Oh, my god, Luka, where’s (Name)?! Did you leave her all by herself in town?!”
True to the triplets’ word, the teenager is sitting on his bed, holding half a sandwich that he seems to have just taken a bite out of. With his mouth full and his eyes wide, he stares in shock at his older brother.
“Whhht?!” Luka throws the sandwich down on the bed and immediately jumps to his feet. “I-I swear, Alois! She was right be’ind me, ‘onest! We rode back in the carriage t’gether, then I got out ‘n’ came inside, ‘n’ she was ― I swear ta ‘igh ‘eaven I ‘eard ‘er ‘eels be’ind me!!”
It’s a miracle how Alois manages to hold back his laughter. “We ― well, I can’t find her!”
One can practically feel the panic rolling off of Luka. “O-oh, my God!! We ‘afta search ev’rywhere! ‘Annah! ‘Annah, g-get the triplets! They can split up, ‘n’ we’ll cover all the manor ground, ‘n’… ‘n’ I don’t understand! How could she ‘ave jus’―”
Hannah, who up until now has rather silently been perusing the bookshelf in the corner of the room, clearly thinks Alois is being too cruel. “Luka, calm down. It’s okay. Alois is just having a go at you. (Name) is right outside the door, and she’s safe.”
As if on cue, Alois pouts and opens the door for his fiancée. “(Name), come on in! Hannah ruined everything!”
“(NAME)!!!” Luka has his arms around the woman like lightning, a relieved smile taking over his face. “I’m so ‘appy y’ didn’t go missin’ fer real! What was that all ‘bout, y’ two, givin’ me a ‘eart attack?!”
(Name) giggles and returns the hug. “I’m sorry, Luka! It was Alois’ idea!”
Luka lets go of her before falling back on the bed, throwing an arm across his face. “Me own brother, stabbin’ me in the back! Oi, Jimmy, ‘ow d’you live with yerself, ‘uh?”
“Oi, yourself, don’t call me that!” All at once Alois is removing his coat in one flourish so he can pounce on the bed. He wrestles around with Luka for a moment, both of them laughing and trying to pin the other down. “You’re next, (Name)! You sold me out!”
Hannah walks over to stand by (Name), having finally picked out a book. “Our boys,” she sighs. When she glances over at the other woman, there’s a hint of a smile playing on her face.
(Name)’s smile is unabashed, warm, and full of love as her eyes focus on her soon-to-be-husband and her about-to-be-brother.
“Yes,” she agrees softly, “our boys.”
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ships-for-you · 5 years
For @llama-anonymous
I apologize fore the delay however I hope that you will enjoy this matchup regardless. I also apologize if my writing hasn’t been as good as it was since I’ve completely abandoned writing and just starting to pick up again.
For Black Butler, I ship you with Finny!
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I personally believe that our sweet and strong Finnian would best suit you.
Although you may be straightforward and blunt with how you deal with your ideas and whatever goes through your mind, he gets used to it as Sebastian shares a similar personality trait.
You would’ve been the young master’s music teacher by aiding him with the violin, he was one of your best students as of late.
You’d also occasionally fill in as a dance instructor although, that did not happen regularly.
Sebastian would have been a substitute however as much as he wouldn’t like to admit it, the young master needs to learn that even demons need time to organize events and execute orders that need maximum focus.
In short, he can get everything done however, he would very much enjoy his time privately in the rare occasions he has.
Due to frequenting the Pahntomhive manor, you had grown close with the servants as they would always greet you and brighten up your mood during your stay there.
A particular blonde seemed to have intrigued you as he made almost no attempt to start a conversation with you, unlike the rest of the servants.
Perhaps you came off as too strong-willed? Or were you too reckless at times?
He didn’t mean to, he was merely a bit shy. You were such a magnificent creature in his eyes. Like a beautiful flower.
Your long ebony locks was what caught his attention initially. Something about the dark color seemed so natural and unnatural at the same time. Unnatural in a sense wherein the percentage of the people he had seen with hair as dark as yours made up the diminutive minority.
Your glowing golden skin also caught his attention.
Your skill with the violin is undeniable. Truly a sight to behold and an even better experience to listen. From perfect octaves, chords, up bow staccato, left hand pizzicato, and so forth.
Of course, Ciel is nowhere near your level although he demanded to see if you truly qualified for the position. He was not disappointed.
Eh may have thought your teaching style wasn’t as logical as Sebastian’s however, music isn’t always about logic. He found that your emotions tend to shine through your decision making whenever you thought of which piece to teach him but you can’t help it. You make decisions more with your heart.
Nevertheless, your duties did not end there. You were a mediocre painter, still studying the arts.
You loved to paint figures that may seem simple at first glance but are much more complex than what meets the eye. The themes usually revolve around problems that you thought hindered society from changing for the better like slavery, unequal rights and so on.
But what you loved to paint the most were flowers. Flowers, so simple to paint yet hold so much symbolism. You painted a group of lily of the valleys in the outline of a young man.
Unconsciously, it resembled the profile of a certain gardener. All purely coincidental, I assure you.
Once it had dried, you encased it and planned to show your teacher although decided to do so after you taught the young master and so, you brought it with you to the manor to save time and money from traveling back to your own abode to your teacher.
Ciel questioned what it was and you merely said it was a mediocre painting he wasn’t permitted to see which only fueled his childish curiosity. Unbeknownst to you, the servants were curious as well as they had been eavesdropping.
“Miss (Y/N) can paint?” “Seen her drawings before, the lady does have quite the talent.” “She’s really talented, yes she is!” “You lot, get back to work!”
Sebastian had offered to store it in a safe place for a while whilst you instructed the young master and you, albeit hesitantly, agreed.
...And of course the servants found it and examined it... and they were astonished. It was beautiful.
“Kinda looks likeds Finny, don’t it?” “A coincidence?” “I know that flower, it’s the lily of the valley! It represents the purity of a heart. Perhaps Lady (Y/N) likes someone?”
They quickly closed it back up and returned to their duties, trying not to seem suspicious.
Once you were dismissed, you asked Sebastian to return it to you, and made your way to leave before you were stopped by hearing thumping foot steps.
“I like your painting!” A voice said and you turned around to face them and were greeted by the gardener.
You only smiled and thanked him as you were in a hurry and left.
He looked forward to see your paintings once more however, seeing your long black hair flowing as you hurried was picturesque enough for him to enjoy. He would be waiting for your return.
For Ouran Highschool, I ship you with Kyoya Ōtori
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The idea of you being in a relationship with the third Otori son is quite entertaining to many, especially to the Host Club.
You were the fiancée of the merciless host club vice president although either of you acknowledged the other as such. You were engaged as a part of a long term business deal involving the partnering of his family to your own. Purely business, is what the ravenette would say.
That statement isn’t always true.
You, being you, tended to get into trouble from time to time. Whether it be accidentally violating one of the academy’s regulations, or being somewhere you weren’t supposed.
You can’t help it, Ouran can get quite dull as time passes on and so you’re merely trying to discover things that could quench your thirst for adventure.
...which usually results in trouble.
You find the most adventure, or interesting events, either follow the Hitachin twins or the Host a Club that Kyoya directs. Either way, they both give you a good laugh and serve as entertainment and so you visit them often.
You may or may not stay in music room 3 for the entirety of their club period.
“Have you not gotten bored nor feel the need to stop visiting me?” “No, and I don’t visit just for you, Kyoya. Besides, it’s not like I’m freeloading.”
He finds your company simultaneously entertaining and aggravating. He simply cannot determine which emotion overrides the other.
You do keep him company intermittently after club hours for the sake of accompanying him while he calculates the Host Club’s profit for the day.
Although he doesn’t admit it, he does hold affections for you. He can’t seem to explain it as he himself cannot understand it however, he feels at ease when you are with him. He ironically feels at peace despite your talkative nature.
You are one of the few people whose presence he’d rather be with.
But when you get into arguments, it truly doesn’t just die down. Of course, your arguments revolve more around your own opinions and are not necessarily serious. Fairly childish but we all have our individualistic passions.
Visiting each other’s home is natural and happens frequently but not too frequently. Mostly you visiting his as he feels more comfortable in his own private space as he usually works anyway.
The rest of the club are entertained by the chemistry you have with the bespectacled Vice President as your personalities usually clash. You being the more social and quite reckless half and him being the more calm and collected half.
You occasionally practice with Tamaki as your accompanist may or may not happen. Of course, that doesn’t happen without a littl playful flirting which you return with a few flowery words of your own.
If that takes place during club hours, the guests won’t be amused...neither would Kyoya.
But some of them love the “forbidden love” act? A little bit of sin sprinkled in the club never hurt anyone. A woman being unable to choose between the cool type or the prince.
Whenever they hold extravagant balls, they would recruit you, should you like to, to play along with the orchestra of students as they found your talent with the violin truly magnificent.
Of course, it’s all because you practice 40 hours a day *ahem*
Being Kyoya’s fiancée, you know he does not necessarily have the best relationship with his father and you admire his persistence to prove himself to him howver, you know that he needs to relax from time to time.
It is highly likely that you would spend the night with him in order to ensure he sleeps earlier.
Once he does retire, he lowers himself onto his bed beside you and turns to face you. You near yourself to him and snuggle him hesitantly, you’re used to hugging your pillow when you sleep and this was the safest you could do to him. Your boundaries were never discussed.
You felt him wrap his arms around your body as you calmed yourself, ridding yourself of your worries to prepare for sleep.
“This is highly inappropriate, you know? A man and a woman to sleep in the same bed.” “You’re not one to do anything without an ulterior motive and as of now, you do not have that.”
He’d probably near his face to yours in order invoke a sense of fear or uncertainty to prove a point.
“...You don’t know that, don’t let your guard down just because you think you know them. All men have...impulses.”
“But you’d ask me first, right? Now go to sleep, you need it.”
For Kamisama Hajimemashita, I ship you with Mizuki!
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You would’ve been a regular student turned Benzaiten type of Godess, a Godess who embodied eloquence, and the Godess of music.
Balancing school responsibilities, planning for your future, all the while attempting to fulfill the role of a God, you honestly felt as if you wanted to give up altogether. You should not be given that title.
Either way, you pull through. Sort of.
You would’ve met Nanami at a meeting with the local Gods. It would’ve happened when your own familiar seemed to be picking a fight with hers.
Chiyosuke, your familiar, would explain that he only acted on impulse as he saw one of her familiars eyeing you with, “salacious manner.”
Was he wrong? We may never know as they kept denying it flustered.
You would’ve been confused but trusted your familiar’s statement as he is your own and is considerably loyal to you and to the shrine.
You would’ve forgiven the perpetrator, regardless if he denied it or not, as the other familiar bonked his head from behind as he and their Mistress apologized for his stead.
You let it go and become closer to Nanami as she faces the same trials and tribulations as yourself through your journey to becoming a God.
She confides in you and travels to your own shrine to hang out and vice versa.
She explained that she had become a God upon coming in contact with a man she “saved” from a puppy as he was found scared and cornered to a tree. The mystery man had been a God and transferred his mark of God to her.
You wished your story was as comedic as hers, you would comment as you recall how you came to possess the god mark in the first place. It wasn’t as light nor comedic as your companion’s story, far from it, actually.
Tomoe wouldn’t despise nor adore your presence. There were times wherein you seemed like a bad influence to Nanami as your recklessness seemed to worsen her own however, found that you also taught her what you had learned and so she would become less troublesome and naive to the situation she was in.
Chiyosuke isn’t very fond of Tomoe although he does enjoy Mizuki’s presence muck more despite their negative first impressions.
The three are mostly found together somewhere near the porch.
Mizuki would admire the relationship you share with those close to him. His mistress, Tomoe, and your own familiar, you cared for them selflessly.
He almost envied your selflessness. Caring for them unconditionally. Not expecting anything in return. He wished he felt similarly that with Nanami.
One day when you and the Land God planned a small outing to an amusement park, Mizuki took this as an opportunity to learn how to be as selfless as you. Naturally being selfless is not a personality trait one can learn through merely observing however he thought that if he were to stay close to you, you would influence him.
Once you had all arrived, you had suggested to ride a monstrous rollercoaster as you had everyone in one place and decided to take advantage of that.
You and Nanami boarded on the ride excitedly as your familiars begrudgingly followed, not understanding the thrill of said ride.
You’d sit next to Mizuki. (Not like you had a choice as Chiyosuke had to sit with a stranger as the ride could not fit three people in one cart. Why he decided to let you sit with Mizuki, you do not know.)
As the ride started to twist and turn, you only laughed heartily and screamed to your delight as doing so made you feel more hyped.
While Nanami and Mizuki was screaming in horror, Tomoe seemed apathetic about the whole ordeal, and Chiyosuke was feeling a bit faint as if he would vomit on the person he sat beside if the ride were to continue like this.
Mizuki clutched your arm close to his as he was not accustomed to zipping through places at high speeds along with the fact that he had no control over the situation of the ride.
You only laughed and told him that he could on hold on tight but hold on tighter to the restraints that were built in to the ride.
After the terrifyingly dizzzy experience, all of you decided to take a breather and explore on your own.
Mizuki stuck around you and your familiar as you ride more rides.
By the time you all were ready to leave, you all met one last time at the agreed spot for a final ride.
Of course, it was the Ferris Wheel.
The only Ferris Wheel available seemed to have been made specifically for couples as it would allow only two people at a time in each compartment.
Chiyosuke had opted to sit this one out, and you liked the idea of watching Tomoe with Nanami, so you rode it with the snake.
It was rather slow and served as a perfect contrast to the thrilling ride you all had rode initially thus, formally concluding your outing.
As Mizuki and you were alone in the compartment, you decided to make small talk and throw in a few jokes. You told each other stories as the pair of you unconsciously moved closer together, indicating comfort in one another’s presence.
Before the vessel the both of you were in docked, he pulled you to his embrace as he thanked you for the opportunity to do something fun and for spending it with him.
“I hope to see you soon, Lady (L/N). I’d like to see more of your passionate side again,”
For Diabolik Lovers, I ship you with Shū Sakamaki!
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You would’ve met at school, specifically in the music room.
It was your free time and you wanted to practice as much as possible as you had an upcoming recital in a few weeks that could change your musical career forever.
Of course, one of the third years had to be sleeping there and, as much as you didn’t want to wake him up, you needed to practice, thus you brought out your violin and tuned it.
They didn’t seem to stir in the slightest and so you continued to tune your instrument before playing.
You knew playing this piece was practically suicide as you deemed it the most difficult one you had learned so far, especially since it was designed to have 4 different voices and was only compressed into a string only piece.
Der Erlkönig. It’s not a Paganini caprice but it’s as hard as—
Halfway into the piece, you played a sharp instead of a natural which caused you to get frustrated and come to a hault as your bow made contact with the strings.... which resulted in a very unpleasant horse-like noise to emit from your instrument.
You cringed.
You’re incredibly nit picky when it comes to playing the violin and so if you commit an error, you tend to redo it from the start instead of picking from the measure you failed to execute properly. Not a good practice, you know, but you’d die before admitting that to anyone.
Once you were about to start once more, the senior from before rose from his sleeping position to stare at you with a blank expression.
”You slipped.” ”Oh, really? Huh, I didn't even notice.” the sarcasm is real.
And it all started there, he helped you a bit by suggesting you change your fingering to allow your fingers to shift from one note to the other with less stress.
You tried it, and looked back to thank him only to find him gone.
You frequented the music room to practice until your recital ang continued to do so as you enjoyed his presence.
You tend to bicker with him however he lets you win an argument to get you to shut up. Most of the time.
You also come to learn that he is a closet pervert with weird interests in girls, or so as you observed.
It’s most likely you’d entertain him by playfully flirting with him, which did not seem to faze him in the slightest and so, you try to step up your game every once in a while in the attempts to fluster him. Or to evoke any emotion aside from apathy.
It’s very likely you find out he was a vampire when you accidentally caught him drinking from a blonde student who carpools with them. He knows you caught him and you knew he knew as well.
You never brought it up, but you are no coward. That may or may not be both your strength and weakness.
That especially showed one day when you visited his home and were in his room, considerably less talkative than usual as you sat on his bed which was a good distance from the couch he preferred to sleep in.
You weren’t scared, that little bit of knowledge about his true nature shouldn’t change how you truly feel about him. That’s what you thought and yet your body language showed otherwise.
The blonde vampire wouldn’t admit it however, he enjoyed listening to you as you rambled or complained to him. Your voice strangely calmed him and was much more sleep inducing than his “music” and so he did what he had to in order to prompt you to speak with him.
“Do you think I’ll try to drink your blood?” He opened his eyes to direct his sapphire orbs to yours. Your eyes widened slightly although you kept your ground to which he chuckled at your pride to put up a brave facade. “I’m not really into girls who are as tense as you, it’s too troublesome when they resist.” “I’m not scared, you hear?” You remarked and glared only for it to falter when you saw such intensity yet mischief in his eyes as he pushed you onto his bed.
“Then you wouldn’t mind if I drank from you.” He stated as he neared his face to yours to closely examine the red that started to bloom across your cheeks. Your long, beautiful, dark hair sprawled across his light colored sheets, your glowy skin complimented by the golden patterns that covered his bed. As tempting as it was to take you right then and there, he had a point to get across. “Do whatever you want, I don’t care.” You stubbornly retorted, hoping for him to stop teasing you, should it have been a joke.
He turned your head to the side to gain access to your neck. His breath fanned across it as you shut your eyes tight as you could. He stared at you to observe and drink in your almost weakened state and leaned down to lick your neck. He was certain he was the only one who could render you this defenseless. You shivered as you stiffled a moan that was threatening to be let out. He chuckled once more and let out a comment. “Ahaha. You’re a sensitive one, aren’t you? How lewd.” ‘I’m screwed’, you kept repeating in your mind until you realized he didn’t continue. “You’re an idiot. You insist on being stubborn even in a situation like this?” He asked with a straight face. “Why does that matter?!” You shot back as you felt embarrassed to have actually enjoyed the sensation of his tongue running across your neck. “Because it’s in situations like these where my brothers might try to take advantage of you.” He smirked, his body still hunched over yours. “Then again, I doubt anyone would get turned on by you in the first place.”
The hell was that supposed to mean???
“Well then why don’t you leave me alone then?!” You attempted to hit him which failed as he caught your hand in his and pinned it above you along with the other one as you tried to hit him once more. “I have bad taste in women, remember?”
“Just close your eyes and feel my fangs as they enter you.”
I probably got carried away however this was quite difficult as this is a lot of fandoms to request. Nevertheless, I like the challenge.
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justmewoo · 5 years
Brother Knows Best Part [1/?] Tony Stark x Brother Male Reader]
This is something I came up with two days ago and it is unedited. But I have a big idea and i'm planning in writing it as a one shot that contains for or five chapters long. So if you like this first chapter let me know and I will be happy to work on part two. I hope you enjoy my crappy writing and let me know if you want me to tag you on the chapters.
WORD COUNT: 4,180 takes place in the middle of infinity war and endgame.
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"Take care of your brother for me [M/N] we'll be back in no time." That was the last time I ever saw my Mother and Father alive before they died in a car crash. 
It has now being more than two decades since it happen. I was twenty six years old while my younger brother Tony was twenty one. I'm the oldest of the two but not everyone knows about me.
Ever since the death of my parent's Tony became distant not that we we're ever close to begin with. But he simply didn't want to see me anymore. Which of course, hurt me seeing him act this way towards me. But, it was his choice and there was nothing that could convince or change his mind about the decision he wanted to choose. I had resigned from Stark Industries because Tony wanted to take over the industries and quite friankly I didn't want work there anymore. 
I was able to start out fresh in another country. So what better place than to start out fresh where no one knows about your family name than in Tokyo Japan. I had become a high school teacher for psychical education. The first year was a bit difficult to understand and learn japanese when I had arrived but during the second year living here I was able to pick up every word and enjoyed their culture and festivals very much. With the money that I had saved I was able to rent an apartment in a good neighborhood. Being a foreigner here people where nice and helped me a lot especially when it came to riding the trains. At first it could be confusing at firs till at least you get the hang of them. The staff of the school where I work in have all being helpful and caring since the day I joined them. 
The students I first taught where good kids they where a bit crazy knowing they would be getting a foreigner for a teacher. Even though I couldn't really speak their language it was fun to see them try and speak english. I got along well with them which was amazing since it could be difficult when teaching high school students. But after being here for more than four years i'm able to communicate with them just fine.
I made good friends on here too some of them are from the staff while other's I met out in the streets I also got to meet someone special here. "[F/L] Sensei someone's here to see you in the office." Said a young voice that belong to a student. I had decided to fake my last name because in Japan they had technology that only Stark Industries could only create.
"Thanks, Yuki i'll go right away. Alright everyone take a break while I come back." I yelled as I took off running to the main office inside the school. I speed walk down the hallway till I finally reached the small faculty room. "[F/L] Sensei there's someone who wants to see you in the principal's office." A staff member said. I bow and said thank you before knocking on the door and hearing a come in. I opened the door to find the principal and my pregnant wife of three months talking before I walked in shutting the door after me. 
"[F/L] Sensei, your wife is here to see you. I'll leave you two to talk." The principal said smiling wide at me before leaving us alone. I walked over and hugged her. 
"Aiko what are you doing here didn't you have your appointment today with the doctor? Is the baby alright." I asked worried as she returned the hug. 
Aiko shook her head smiling up at me. "The baby is fine I have a suprise for you." She said taking out something from inside her bag. It was a white medium bag. "Open it." I took it from her and slowly opened it inside was a blue shirt that had english words written on it with a small picture in the bottom of the bag. The shirt said "Daddy's boy." Written in white. 
I took a look at the picture of the baby and dropped the bag and shirt on the table behind me and crushed Aiko in a big hug. I kissed the top of her head and smiled while looking at the picture of my son. "I still can't believe i'm finally having a family of my own." I whispered to myself looking up at the cieling thinking about how happy my parents would had being if they where still alive. 
After school ended Aiko decided to stay there and wait for me till the last class was done so her and I went walking home together. The school was about two blocks away from where we live. Aiko and I walked down the streets holding hands along with the students who made their way home. I had changed from my track suit before leaving into regular clothing that was just a plain white shirt and some blue jeans. Aiko wore a nice summer white dress with some sandles. "Ne, [M/N] can we go to the convience store for some snacks?" Aiko asked. 
"Of course, anything you want infact i'm craving some rice curry from there." I said smiling at her. Aiko nodded rubbing circles on her small bump with her right hand. As we continued to walk down the street I kept looking back taking a few glances here and there. I had a feeling someone was following us. Unware of my wife's glance she worried but I assured her that everything was fine. A few minutes later we had finally arrived to the small convience store around the corner. Behind a tree I noticed a tall figure hiding. Feeling a bit unsure about this person I let Aiko go inside the store and said to go inside while I went back to the school because I forgot some papers and would be right back. I speed walking away until I saw go inside and walked careful to the man who has being following us. I tricked the guy and climbed on the tree next to it glaring down at him. 
"How did you find me here." I stated more than a question. I crossed my arms not leaving my eyes off him. 
"I just wanted to see how you where doing it's been a long time since I last heard anything about you." 
"There's always a reason why you suddenly show up so cut the crap Fury. What the hell are you doing here?" I said angrily. 
"First come down from there I see, you still remember all that training you did when you where younger. Alright you caught me but first come down from that tree people will think i'm crazy if they see me talking to myself." He said. 
I sigh. Before coming down the tree I walked over to him to face Fury. "Alright i'm down now what is it." I spoke eyeing him and the store that Aiko is in. 
"I don't have a clue if here in Japan or if you have seen it in the news but Tony has being known as Iron Man he's part of The Avengers. A super hero team who saves people back in New York." 
I laughed. "Seriously.... Tony a super hero, and The Avengers? Really you came all this way to tell me that. Your pulling my finger Fury. Tony is a selfish guy he doesn't care about anyone or anything just look at me he didn't give two shits about me! The only thing he's ever cared about is drinking and having a good time with girls that's all he's good for. Seriously they seriously couldn't come up with a better name than the Avengers? Yea, I don't bite it and if it was true then I never heard of them nor do I want to know about them either. And I don't want to know anything about Tony either. Tony isn't capable of becoming a hero." I turned my back facing him. "Whatever your plan was for coming here isn't going to work. I have a family of my own now anything Tony does isn't any of my business nor my problem."
"I understand you have a beautiful wife and a baby on the way but, I want you to come back to New York. The Avengers aren't having a good time right now especially with what's happened in Sakovia. Tony needs you the team could use someone with your skills. I get it that your family is important to you but you can't walk away from your brother." 
I crossed my arms and roll my eyes. "Family doesn't walk away and turn their back on you. And that's something I will never do to mine. He's a grown up now not a little kid who needs guidence from someone like me. My kid won't ever know about him nor carry the Stark name either. So now that Tony needs me he remembers that I exist, no because to my he died the same day my parent's did. I no longer have a brother so leave and never come back here again because next time I won't hold back." I glanced at him before walking away and not taking a look back. I wiped the tear with my hand and smiled seeing Aiko through the window before standing in the middle of the street looking between her and where Fury used to stand.
I walked inside the store and looked for Aiko. I found her on the isle of the bread and drinks. I kissed her cheek to see her carry a basket with food. I took it from her and carried it with my right hand. "I was getting worried where you able to find those documents?" She asked politely. 
I nodded." Yeah, I found the documents I dropped them at the office. So what do you have all here are you sure you will be able to eat all this?" 
"What are you emplying that I eat too much food huh?" She yelled angry. I shook my head. 
Here come her mood swings. "Not at all hun, I was just asking because I never seen you eat some of these. For instance you don't like sugary foods and you have four boxes of chocolates that contain way too much sugar." Aiko suddenly hugged me and cried. "Hey, it's okay hun no need to cry about it. You can buy them only if you don't eat all of them today." 
"Thank you [M/N] alright what if we buy some potato chips and eat them with a spicy ramen." Aiko walked to the next aisle looking for ramen. I sigh before following behind her. While she talked to herself I couldn't help but remember the days after my parent's death. 
Tony had locked himself inside his room after the funeral of our parents. The house was packed with people who knew our father and mother. There was also people from the Stark Industries who worked with my father including Hank. Being the oldest I had the responsibilities of taking care of everything but it was overwhelm. People all dressed in black suits giving their sorrys to me while Tony wouldn't come out of his room. I was out of excuses whenever they would ask about him and said he wasn't feeling well or he was simply not here. But I knew that he was probably drinking his pain away. When everyone left I untied my tie tossing it to the sofa. I stood up hearing Tony's sobbing and cursing out every word he ever knew about. I sigh, I quickly made my way to his room but the door was locked. I bang on his door quite a few times. "Open the door Tony we need to talk." I yelled. 
"Leave me alone you can't boss me anymore [M/N] so but the fuck off." He yelled back. I continued to bang on his door until my fist couldn't take it anymore. So I kicked the door with my foot. I saw Tony falling from his bed wearing pyjamas holding a glass of wisky in one hand and a bottle on the other. "What the hell did you do to my door asshole!" Tony yelled tackling me but quickly I moved away from him grabbing him by the back of his shirt. I used my strenght throwing him to his bed. I took the bottle and glass away from him smashing it to the floor. 
"Calm down, I know how you feel you aren't the only one in pain. I lost them too Tony you can't be acting this way!" Tony stood from his bed pointing his finger at me. 
"Shut up, I don't want to hear you. Do you know how much I have hated you? You think I never noticed how much they perferred you over me!? All they would say is 'Why can't you be more like [M/N]?' 'Why can you be smart like him?' 'You are nothing like your big brother.' I'm tired of hearing all of that shit!" I could smell his breath smelling of alchol as he stood right in front of me glaring. 
I knelt my eyebrows in anger. My right hand turned to a fist shaking trying my best not to punch him in the face this very moment. "Look. Your drunk and have no clue what you're saying so go to bed." I moved away from him picking up the glass and bottle that had broken. My back faced him as I picked it up. "I i'm so glad that I don't act like you do because I would have been so miserable living the life you so call have. Or should I call you Mr. Howard Jr. President of the Stark Industries. I seriously can't wait to see how you run it all by yourself without dad's help." Tony said popping the p at the end of his sentence. 
I stood up from the floor to face him once more. Tony had a big smirk on his face. "You have no idea how much pressure it's taken on me since before you where even born. From day one I was expected to be incharge of dad's industries. I wasn't allowed to have a normal childhood. I didn't become the intelligent Tony Stark winning medals at a young age. I'm sorry that you always felt that way towards me. But you don't need to worry about me because I heard you argue with him before they left about wanting to take over the company so your wish has come true little brother it's all yours because I quit." I shouted walking out of his room. I toss the bottle in the kitchen and walked back to the living room and grabbed my tie before marching to my room. 
I grabbed the suit cases I had inside my closet and begin to pack all of my clothes inside. I grabbed everything from jeans, to shirts, to sweat pants and just started to unhook everything from the hangers and into the suitcase. I only had two suitcases so in the other one I placed all of my suits and belongings. Once I had finished packing I grabbed the picture that I had hanging in the wall and put it on top of the clothes so it wouldn't get broken. I took the picture from the glass and ripped the end of the picture throwing it on the floor. A tear escaped from my eye as I looked at it before placing it back  and zipping the bag. I turned around yanking another picture frame of Tony and I together when we where younger. I slammed it on the floor stepping on it cracking the frame and ripping the picture in half. I grabbed ny suitcases stopped in the doorframe before taking a look at my old room before slamming the door shut and leaving. When I walked passed Tony's room he was already knocked out on the bed. I was so angry that I didn't bother to say my goodbyes and walked out of the house. I had joined S.H.I.E.L.D and got training for about ten years years with Fury's help who was able to keep it under cover. But after being there I realized that working for them or the training was not what I wanted to do for the rest of my life so that's when I decided to leave for Japan. 
"Alright your change will be 400 yen." Said a voice snapping my head to the person. It was the cashier I nodded taking my change and grabbing the bag from the counter. Aiko and I left the store holding each other's hands. Outside the store she ate a snack as we walk making our way home. The walk home was peaceful and quiet but seeing Fury and talking about Tony brought too many memories that I haven't had for a long time. 
As the months continued to past it turned to two years I tried to live my life as always except now that we have a toddler who's almost three years old makes it difficult because he just wants to walk and try to take things inside his mouth all over the house. The first couple of months where a bit hard because becoming a first time parent has it's challenges. Guessing when they need a change of diaper, or when they want to take a nap. But one thing that I definatly won't miss is my son's crying in the middle of the night. Aiko took maternity leave after she had our son but I told her its best if she stays at home becoming a fulltime mom because I don't want him not be surrounded by his parent's. I want Yuki to feel love and live a happy childhood so he could remember all the good times he had growing up. I want to spoil him when he's a bit older and take him on family trips. I just simply want him to have the life that I never had. 
I just got home from work. So slowly I knocked on the door waiting to see Aiko and Yuki. A few seconds later the door opened revealing them smiling happily at me. "Welcome home." Aiko said as Yuki reached for me wanting to be carried. I peck Aiko in the lips while sweeping the baby from her arms and walked inside together. I took off my shoes in the small entrance then followed her to the living room.
I took a seat in the couch with Yuki in my lap. "Dinner's about to be ready do you want a cold beer or a glass of water?" She asked walking to the kitchen. 
"A beer would be nice with this weather right now anything cold cools you down. Thanks hun, so what have you done today." I asked turning my attention back to Yuki. Yuki only stared back at me smiling and giggling. "Are you excited for this weekend buddy? Where finally going on vacation with your grandparents." The baby babbled none sense and continued to play with his favorite plushy. "Alright dinner's ready." I got up from the couch with Yuki on my arms. I took a seat in the chair as Aiko served dinner. She came back to the dinner table with a bowl of rice and another plate of meat with vegetables. She then carried Yuki in her arms and sat on the other chair next to me. 
After dinner I had taken Yuki inside the warm bathroom for his bath time. I had a pair of boxers and got inside the tub with him in my arms. I had brought a few toys of his to play with and ran the water in good temperature not so cold and not too hot either. I grabbed a small plastic blue bowl placing it under the running water and began to shower him. I them grabbed the baby shampoo and washed his couple of small hairs of his head. Next I rinsed the shampoo of his head and covered his eyes with my free hand so the soap wouldn't get inside his eyes. Yuki splashed water wetting my face. I glared down at him with a funny face causing more giggles to come out of him. Yuki looks Japanese but has my eye color and smile but the rest of his characteristics are the same as Aiko's which makes me happy that he doesn't have a trait from my side of the family. "I'm going to teach you English when your older young man." I said in English but he didn't seem to care about a clue of what I said. Aiko knows both languages as well so we want him to learn to speak it as he gets older. Anyway, then afterwards I let him play in the water with his toys for a couple of minutes before finishing his shower. 
After I had finished him shower Aiko came and took him to his room to get him dressed while I took a shower. I was in deep thoughts thinking about work when suddenly I had heard a yell and stuff being thrown around. I closed the water and put a towel around my waist running out of the bathroom to my son's room. Forgot to mention but it was already pass eight at night time when I was showering. When I got to the room I saw Aiko holding Yuki in her arms cornered by a woman with blond hair and wore black gear. The woman turned around at the sound of my steps. 
She smirked after taking a look at me. "I'm sorry to interrupt your shower but I need you to come with me." I walked up to her glaring. 
"Who the hell are you? Get away from my family." I yelled grabbing her from the arm throwing her to the wall. Aiko and Yuki looked at me scared but I was standing confront of them protecting them from the mystery woman. Too busy to noticed I failed to see Aiko placing a hand over her plain stomach. 
The woman got up from the floor and stood up. "I'm not here to do anything dangerous to you or your family but Fury gave me your address and we need you to help us. The world is in great danger." 
I shook my head and clinched my hands into fist angry. "I already told Fury i'm not going back to New York your part of the famous avengers aren't you? Then saving the world from evil is part of your job not mine. I'm never going back so leave my house before I throw you out myself." I said through my teeth. 
"Tony's missing." She responded back. I stood silent as she took out a phone showing me a clip of the news. Two creatures in the middle of a destroyed New York.
"What's going on [M/N]." Spoke Aiko lowering her voice. And putting Yuki on the ground. I looked at them three before walking over to her. "There's something you need to know Aiko.... I have lied to you my last name isn't [Fake Last Name] my real name is Stark and i'm from New York. I used to be a part of SHIELD bu- 
A sudden slap made it's way to my left cheek. I turned my head away then looked back at Aiko who had tears coming down her cheeks. She back away from me and took a glance at Yuki who also began to cry. "Get out of my house I never want to see you again. Get out and leave us alone!" She yelled in anger. 
"Let me explain I didn't want you and our son to be in danger I had to lie to you but i'm sorry I didn't mean to hurt you." Aiko pushed my hand off her arm and walked out of the room and left the apartment with a crying Yuki. 
After I heard the door shut I sigh thinking about what to do. But even though I still had a grudge against Tony I had to find him especially after seeing those creatures. "What's your name?" I asked. 
"Natasha Romanoff I go by Black Widow i'm sorry about your wife and kid but if this wasn't truly important I wouldn't had been given orders by Fury to come find you. But the earth and everyone are in danger including here in Japan." 
"I guess there's no way running away from what you became right? Shield or anything to do with Tony will always come looking for me. Alright where are we going?" I asked as much as it pains me to leave my family.
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shitsuji-hcs · 6 years
Elizabeth Midford, Dull Swords: Part 1, Building a fight scene
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Despite Black Butler’s massive popularity as an anime and manga, by film standards the movie falls far beyond what the fandom would have expected. The first live action was received with heavy negative criticism and it would seem that ‘Book of the Atlantic’ fell somewhat in the same way. In less than two weeks of the Japanese release and the three days of US release the film earned less than $5,000,000 combined - in comparison, the highest grossing film of the year, ‘Detective Conan: Crimson Love Letter’ earned $11,749,652 alone on its opening weekend.
These two movies can’t be compared, due to the huge differences in the plots and narratives yet… Black Butler’s production team could learn a thing or two. The greatest fault in ‘BOTA’ was its “so-so” action, that was also said to be a fault in the previous movie. Knowing this, I’d like to analyse Elizabeth’s famous fight scene and look into why the series has been known for poor action scenes despite the great action depicted in the manga.
Long post so the rest is under the cut.
For anyone who would like to watch the fight as they read the analysis, the full fight is linked here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5LfH_MLe7jI
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An important thing to know about writing fight scenes is that a fight alone is not interesting. It is the weight behind that fight that makes things interesting. Superheroes fight to save the world and villains fight to accomplish their own goals. The start of this fight is not interesting because it begins with Grell wanting to fight simply for the sake of fighting - this is just Grell’s character. We know that one of her main roles in the series is to block Ciel and Sebastian from attaining their goal. Our protagonists, Ciel, Sebastian and Elizabeth want to avoid this fight instead, giving us more of a reason as to why this fight should be done with as soon as possible. This fight does however have one purpose - leading up to Elizabeth’s exposition as the swordswoman she is.
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When creating a fight scene, interest is added by raising the stakes - the more danger there is of losing something, the greater the emotional payoff and tension - each fight should be a gamble that makes us feel that the characters we root for have to win. Even if they’re bound to lose, the chance that they should win should at least tempt us. Toboso changes this with how she portrays Sebastian.
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Usually when Sebastian engages in battle, we expect him to win every fight, since he’s put forward as this amazing force that always succeeds his tasks. Fighting against two reapers should mean nothing to him. Yet, the extra baggage of protecting two children raises a problem. By separating them, Toboso then creates the possibility of “only one can survive” - Sebastian would choose Ciel in priority over Elizabeth. In this instance, we start to fear that Elizabeth is in danger.
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Given that Ciel would “do anything to protect his fiancee”, we trust that he’ll be able to reach out to Elizabeth in her time of need. With an injured leg, Ciel is then rendered useless in his state. The fact that Ciel is pictured as further away from Elizabeth in the manga, shown by how Ciel is not in the frame, highlights her vulnerability against the Dolls that are drawn enormously in comparison to her size. Not only is he unable to protect her, but he’s unable to protect himself if Sebastian can’t shake the reapers off of him. 
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In the film, Ciel is pictured relatively close to her, removing this aspect of fear for Elizabeth’s state. The film makes it seem as if either one of them was able to stand, they could make it to each other in less than a few seconds. Since the idea that Ciel will always protect Elizabeth has been referred to in the film numerous times already, we believe that if she makes it to him he’ll do what he can to protect her. While one may argue that this puts Ciel in danger as well, Sebastian could come in soon and save the both of them - the distance between them in the manga is important in exaggerating that the matter of a second could literally result in Elizabeth’s death. 
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The manga shows her sluggish movements to get up while Ciel calls out to her quite well, since the distance between her and the Bizarre Dolls is much closer to make it seem as if they’re closer to grabbing her than they really are. 
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The fact that when the camera cuts to Elizabeth as she’s already propped herself up removes the aspect of vulnerability that’s shown in the manga. The way that the film only shows their legs in the foreground does play with the whole compositing of the scene, making them look larger than they are, but it ends up losing the sense of urgency that the manga had as they seem close enough to touch her.
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In the manga, we don’t see Ciel whip out his gun and cut straight to him shooting. This already is far more effective than how in the film we see him pull the gun out (rather slowly considering the situation) and then shoot. This panel is effective as it shows the speed of his fire - he wants to kill them as fast as he can and the futility in it shows it. The film only shows the first shot then switches to focus on Ciel shooting, rather than the targets he’s aiming at. To improve this, perhaps a shot showing his perspective as he watches Elizabeth try to scramble away with his shaking hands in the frame as shoots would be more effective.
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Not to mention that as the first Doll lunges to bite Elizabeth, for some reason it gets launched sideways instead of being fired back by the force of Ciel’s gun. If you slow it down enough it even looks as if the image of the Doll being shot was just dragged across the screen instead of actually flopping from the force of the shot. 
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The next image of Ciel shooting is relatively basic. The team might as well have just made a gif of Ciel shooting those three shots or so and it could look the same. There lacks any variation in those few moments that we see. Comparatively, the single image in the manga of Ciel shooting at the horde without showing the Dolls being killed right before Elizabeth is much more effective. It’s made evident in the manga that this boy is in full panic as we see the large group towering over Elizabeth, once again with the distance exaggerated as much smaller to create the sense of danger. The open space around Ciel in the film also takes away from how much tension there was in the manga - while you can argue that this shows his isolation, having this sort of shot in this perspective loses the image of danger that threatens Elizabeth. 
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In the manga, we truly see Ciel’s terror as he realises that his gun is out of bullets because of the closeness of the panel and the tightness of the frame which follows the positioning of his arms. Not to mention how the gun is so centred in the panel, showing how it’s the centre of his focus.
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Ciel’s expression in the manga shows fear by a wider mouth and the more dramatic shading over his face. In the film, his expression is much more frustrated. This choice is obviously understandable. It’s a pretty shot and all, but it does take away from some of the drama because the position is far less dynamic.
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The sequence of events leading up to Elizabeth’s reveal changes, which arguably makes it less effective. In the manga, switching perspectives between Sebastian, Elizabeth and Ciel adds to the chaotic nature of this scene. Everyone has different opponents but they all need to survive. Seeing Sebastian dash towards Elizabeth emphasises that even he might not be able to save her, shown by how close the Dolls hands are to Elizabeth. The manga is able to use action lines to show and highlight the focal point of each panel. Such a thing would be harder to animate. Though used heavily in sports anime like ‘Haikyuu’ and ‘Ballroom e Youkoso’, in a setting such a ‘Black Butler’ which tries for elegant and refined style, rather than artistic interpretation, these sort of lines don’t fit as well.
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Arguably, the most important part for this build-up is how Ciel reacts to believing his fiancee is about to die before his eyes. The order of focus is especially important in this. In the film, Elizabeth starts to talk, turning around just as the feet of the Dolls come into frame. This is a relatively good shot. Here, the director chose to show Elizabeth’s vulnerability more by emphasising the height disadvantage. On the floor, she lacks the escape means. In the manga, she may be sitting down, but the danger is shown in the form of hands. What the film shows is the immense force that is about to strike down on top of her. The manga does this as well, but I would give this a pass.
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On the other hand, the manga highlights the panic that the both of them feel in this situation. In the film, Elizabeth is already smiling as she talks to Ciel, and then we see Ciel’s reaction, rather than how Ciel in the manga realises first and then we see Elizabeth’s struggle to hold in her tears. The film chose to show Elizabeth in a state of acceptance, which again is very powerful, making the audience think that she’s resigned to her death.
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Ciel’s expression in the film is much more akin to anger, a frustration in how he’s unable to save her. The manga’s choice shows Ciel in absolute fear - the lack of colour serves to dramatise this as well. Black Butler is known for beautiful eyes and just zooming in on the empty look of Ciel’s eyes shows the rawness of his fear. His gentler brow also serves towards showing more fear than the sharper brow in the film. This, coupled with the echoed gasp and sound effect, adds to the hollow feeling that Ciel would feel upon realising the possible fate of Elizabeth.
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Once again, the lack of colour in the manga adds to the dramatic panic felt in this scene. During the entire scene, Elizabeth’s blazer was coloured black, as well as her eyelashes - pretty much everything has been turned to greys. As she cries over how she can’t be cute anymore, the softened lines serve to show her in the last angelic moment that she may well have. At this point, it’s hard to tell what are water droplets and what are tears as they run down her face. Her innocence is also highlighted by lighter eyes and shaded cheeks and lips in contrast to her tangled mess of hair. This is the last image that Ciel may see of his beautiful feminine fiancee.
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I have less complaints about the image of her in the film. The camera panning up to her crying face emphasises how delicate she is while also keeping the Dolls in the background to keep their threat important. There’s far less detail and her eyes are drawn wonkily, but at least they tried to make this dramatic with the camera movement.
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Sebastian finally manages to escape Ronald with simple movements, but that can be forgiven since he isn’t the focal point. Instead, we have the image of him running to save Elizabeth, but all that can be seen of her is her dress between the legs of the Dolls. At this point, the film tells you that it’s all over for her. 
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I don’t want to pick up on this, but the way that Sebastian runs here makes me think of the spider gif. It really is a downer to what is a good scene but it had to be said. If this gif doesn’t work when I post it I’ll start crying.
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Another flaw I’d point out would be Ciel’s final reach out to Elizabeth. The way this is done in the film feels far too smooth, rather than carnal and desperate - how one would normally react in absolute panic. It’s more like a dramatic flourish that someone would do in a high school play. Of course, his expression of panic is still great. Wide mouthed in a choked/silent scream. If this was animated with a greater sense of urgency, there’d be less of a problem here.
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Frame tightness is especially important for the drama of this scene - the manga frame is tight and barely shows Ciel’s full face. This can symbolise how trapped he feels in not being able to do anything. His under eyes are also heavily shaded to show his distress. The open spaces and use of the background feels inappropriate for the close seriousness of the situation. The manga also showcases a look with greater desperation as we see how things are from Elizabeth’s eyes - her fiance screaming for her is the last image that she’d see.
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The fact that we see Elizabeth once again as the shadows of the Dolls close up on her is a really good directorial choice. Here the camera’s closeness to Elizabeth’s form works. It almost feels as if she’s saying goodbye to her audience instead, the tighter frame making us form a more personal connection with her, making up for the lesser emotion that Ciel was drawn in beforehand. In opposition to the reactions of Ciel and Sebastian who see that they’re too late in the manga, having Elizabeth listen as her fiancee screams her name in darkness is really well done. 
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The blackness that fills the screen is just as effective as in the manga to make one think that Elizabeth’s finally been killed. Letting this ring for two seconds gives the audience a chance to think that a death really has occurred. For an audience member who hasn’t read the manga, this would be effective enough to make them think for a second that she’s gone. These few seconds are good and there’s little I would change and I’m glad that the director actually chose to do this. This blackness serves as an equivalent to the page turn and makes it even more surprising when we realise what happens next.
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As pernickety as this analysis has gotten over the build up, it’s important to look at it because this is how fights are built up. You don’t start out in any martial arts match with the massive axe kicks and what not. Tension is built up in every fight, whether an official match or in a fictional setting, by the fighters raring up to the bigger scenes instead of coming out with them straight away. Toboso wrote the build up to Elizabeth’s revelation well, which is why this had so much of a reaction for Japanese readers - far greater than Grell’s reintroduction.
Now, despite all that we’ve looked in to so far… we’ve only scraped six or so pages - 30 seconds if you want to talk about it in the films terms. You can see clearly that there are some great points that the film has done well to adapt the manga. It can also be seen that there are some areas of the film which are “so-so” because it lacks the same depth that the manga does.
I’d love to hear your thoughts on this scene alone. I will be getting to the rest of the fight direction, where I believe things start to decline, but I can’t give too much away right now.
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inuyomekag · 7 years
Black Butler: Chapter 128
This is getting too heavy
(Link to my post for ch.127)
First, shoutout to Grell for telling us Agni’s full name! And letting us know that we have a birthday to celebrate in a couple months. 
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Before I jump into the good stuff, I wanted to talk about this part:
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Because A) I’m in a lot of pain, and B) This scene really gives us insight into how Ciel feels about Soma and Agni. 
Ciel is a damn good actor, as we know, and by what he says to Soma in this scene, it sounds like the reason he’s been pushing him and Agni away since he met them is not because he dislikes them and doesn’t want them around, but because he’s been trying to prevent them from getting too wrapped up in his business and getting hurt in the crossfire (which, lo and behold, is exactly what just happened). Now we know, more or less, that Ciel really does/did care about Soma and Agni.
And those last two panels?^ This kid, this literal child, is physically holding himself back from crying because he thinks he has to act strong 24/7. He pulls himself together right after this and slips right back into the role of the “Queen’s Watchdog.”
Can I just take a moment to say how much I love Ciel Phantomhive? Because I do, I love Ciel Phantomhive.
Okay now I’ll get to the good shit. 
I’m gonna talk about the 2CT a lot, so if you don’t like that theory you may want to proceed with caution. I’ve been trying not to put too much weight on the Twin Ciel theory, even in regards to the events of the recent chapters, because it’s always been a pretty far-fetched theory that fans have been developing for quite a while now and I don’t want to rely on it being true. That’s why I always try to think of other possibilities, buts its honestly getting harder and harder to consider other theories.  
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The second Soma sees Ciel, he slaps him across the face. We know he would never lay a hand on Ciel without a good reason, and I think believing Ciel had a hand in Agni’s murder constitutes as a good reason. However, it might be that whatever was on the paper that Agni found in the fireplace has something on it that also warrants Ciel getting slapped. But I feel like it’s important that this page gives focus to the moment Soma sees Ciel’s face. 
So either Soma slapped him A) because of what’s on the paper from the fireplace, or B) because he thought the person with the gun was Ciel.
(btw, if the twin was involved, he would be the one who held the gun to Soma’s head. Not the one with the knives who killed Agni. They’re not the same person.)
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Ciel is absolutely fucking terrified. 
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He obviously knows what those words mean and specifically associates them with something/someone.
(I’m about to go pretty hard with the Twin Theory for a bit, brace yourselves...)
(I wouldn’t have thought of this part on my own) I’ve seen people saying that back when Ciel and his twin (who may or may not exist) were kidnapped, the brother had the blue-diamond family ring, (I’m thinking it was given to him because he was named as the heir to the family) and he swallowed it so that the kidnappers couldn’t steal it. Then when Sebastian got Ciel out of the cage, and the twin had just been killed, Ciel went and cut his brother’s body open to get the ring back (or more likely had Sebastian do it) because he needed it to prove that he was the heir to the Phantomhive family. This would explain how Ciel had the ring immediately after he escaped, because I doubt the cult would have let him keep it and I’ve always wondered how he got the ring back. (I would love to credit whoever thought of this but I can’t actually remember where I read this theory...)
This would be what the writing on the wall is referring to. Sebastian doesn’t seem to understand what the words mean, even though he was, presumably, there for the event that the writing refers to. The way it’s worded is probably something that only Ciel and his brother would understand. Also, the panel on the right in the screenshot above is a very clear shot of Ciel’s hands and the ring on his finger. I just feel like that image of the ring was deliberate.  
Outside of the twin theory, I can’t really think of what this could mean, or what would have Ciel so shook (I told you, it’s getting hard to think of anything else!). It’s entirely possible that something completely different will be revealed about Ciel’s past that we don’t know anything about yet. Whether it’s the existence of the twin or not, its obvious that there’s something important we don’t know about Ciel’s past. 
The dialogue in the last scene was kinda weird lol, I had to read it twice to get what happened (the first time I read it I thought the paper revealed something bad that Seb had done). 
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When Ciel said this I think he was referring to when Seb said that the papers fell out of Soma’s hand.
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Kinda like Ciel wanted Seb to be lying, because he really didn’t want those papers to have been in Soma’s hand. (Unless Ciel is saying that, in which case I’m confused. The placement of the speech bubbles is kinda vague)
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(Pause to admire Sebby’s face)
He seems to understand why Ciel doesn’t want Soma to have those papers, which is why he says he’s regrettably not lying.
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Which leaves the kid looking the shookest I’ve ever seen him. So we know that whatever information is revealed from those scraps of paper is like....a huge deal. 
(More) About the Twin Theory:
I think if this whole thing is revealed to be true, the person/thing walking around wearing the twin’s face and body is just a walking corpse that our old friend Undertaker (who has been suspiciously absent lately) has created. idk for what purpose...I still believe that at least a part of his plan is to save Ciel from the contract, but maybe his bigger goal is making sure the Phantomhive family doesn’t end with Ciel, so he’s getting desperate and re-animating the dead brother. (a very loose theory...it’s kinda early to think about this lol)
OH and I wanted to mention Lizzy in relation to the 2CT. I realized that if the twin is hanging around with the Blue Sect, then Lizzy might have met him and found out through him that our “Ciel” isn’t actually Ciel, and that Ciel died but is kinda alive again now.....and that whole confusing situation. That would explain her weird behavior and why she keeps running back to the Blue Sect. 
So in conclusion, everything is a mess, Sebastian is really beautiful,
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and I don’t think Ciel is about to have a very happy birthday in a couple weeks.
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On SebaCiel and other things
I am greatly surprised that nobody had written about this before. To be honest, I'm even more surprised at how some SebaCiel shippers simply take the blame when they are called pedophiles, rape apologists, and abuse supporters. So I thought it was time already to clarify some misconceptions that those antis have burned so strongly in their own minds.
1.- So we are all pedophiles...
[ped-uh-fahyl or, esp. British, pee-duh-]
noun, Psychiatry.
An adult who is sexually attracted to young children.
I always find this one very funny. They think we are all attracted so children! Oh, my god... Let me tell you something, this one is even funnier when those who say it then ship Ciel with someone else too, be it Lizzy, an OC or any other character. Because, you know, Ciel is the problematic part of this argument.
Of course, everybody has their own favorite character, but when it comes to the SebaCiel shippers, what is it that they find so appealing about the ship? I understand I cannot answer this in the name of the whole fandom, but I think a good part of it will agree on the following; we do not fantasize about Ciel.
I am not going to argue about how SebaCiel is not ilegal, problematic or immoral in it's most pure form, because everybody knows that already. Any normal person with some common sense as well as the ones who, like me, study law, are well aware that underaged girls and boys date older men rather often, that love is not regulated or penalized and that child abuse is only a crime when there is a sexual behavior. Liking someone, regardless of the age, is not a crime unless you act on it.
So I am going to skip the introduction and go right to the problematic point; yes, there are a lot of SebaCiel supporters who ship it sexually, me among them. Does this mean that they're all depraved old men who hoard child porn on their computer and jerk off to it? Who knows. Maybe some do, maybe some don't, maybe some Cielizzy fans do, since they ship children too. But the point is, what's the profile (from a statistical point of view) of the average SebaCiel shipper?
We know the majority of the Kuroshitsuji fandom is female. We know that based on GFantasy (Kuroshitsuji publishing magazine) surveys as well as the author's word, and it can be easily proved. We also know that a big part of the readers' ages range from 14 to twenty-something, which can also be proved through GFantasy surveys, or simply checking around the profiles of the Kuroshitsuji bloggers. This gives us an idea of what kind of age and gender the shippers might be, as well as probably reject the dirty old man's theory. But, how is this relevant to the topic at all? A twenty-something young woman can't be a pedophile? Well, yes, she can. But it is unusual, again from a statistical point of view. But then, why do they ship it? And to answer this I have to travel back in time to the not so ancient times in which I was still an underaged high schooler who was starting to get into the series. A time in which many of my female classmates were all crazy over certain male teacher in his forties (yes, you read well, forties) and my best friend couldn't stop talking about her favorite male idol, who was at the very least ten years older than her. I don't know whether you find this shocking or not, but through my experience I was realizing the already well documented fact which is that young women tend to find older men more appealing. But this doesn't have anything to do with shipping, or even with Kuroshitsuji, does it?
Those who are into the yaoi/bl fandom are probably getting my point already. And this is because the japanese bl genre, which is in fact aimed at women, often uses feminine males as protagonists, so a female reader can relate, unlike the real gay erotica, which uses manlier characters, and similarly to the hetero erotica in which the heroine often represents the reader's ambitions. And I'm sure that you've guessed who the more feminine part of the SebaCiel ship is. Ciel is the perfect heroine. He's beautiful, domineering, hard to get, dresses cutely and has the hottest guy ever all to himself. So, do we find Ciel appealing? Yes, of course. He's a well written character with good looks and innate sexyness. Do we fantasize? For sure. Any woman dreams about putting on that lacy lingerie, knee-high stockings and stilettos just like him and seduce their man. But, is he arousing? Hmm... No. Or at least, not without Sebastian.
I don't know whether or not Cielizzy shippers (and other Ciel shippers) write smut, and to be honest I really don't want to know, but if there's something twisted in a handsome man getting it on with an underaged yet highly sexualized, borderline crossdresser boy in high-heeled boots, there must be something equally sick in an underaged girl getting it on with that very same boy.
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And then why do we ship it? Because we like little children getting naked? No. Because we like older, handsome, dark, devilishly seductive, adult men getting naked, and we don't like to see them snatched away from us by some other woman, fictional or not. And since Ciel retains that feminine, yet not quite female appeal, he's the perfect match for the true object of our fantasies. And for that reason, I don't think that SebaCiel shippers are any more pedophilic than the rest of Ciel x (?) shippers.
2.- ... And we also promote child abuse...
 Rivers of ink have been spilled on this topic. By both parts. On how Ciel is or is not a child, the nature and requirements of consent, what and what not was child abuse in victorian era and how it translates into the contemporary world... I'm not in the mood to repeat all the arguments that have been given. Instead, I'm putting the canon universe aside and talk solely of the nature of law that, I'm aware, is very different in my country and the US.
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First and foremost, in my country, sexual activities of any kind aren't considered child abuse when the underaged partner is older than 13, unless the teenager has been deceived to give his consent. Which means that it is licit as long as it is consensual, and promoting a licit act is, once again, not illegal. I am not breaking any law.
But then, what about morals? Yes, I've read a lot of posts of morality and immorality regarding this topic. It is funny how those who believe to be more righteous talk about morality as if they held the ultimate truth. But let me tell you what my college professors, magistrates and connossieurs of law think of "morals"; nothing. And with this, I'm not saying that morality is useless, or that it shouldn't taken into account, simply that 1. Law doesn't always reflect morality. That your laws forbids adults to have sex with consenting teenagers doesn't mean it is immoral. I could as well argue how I find limiting someone's freedom of choice regarding their deepest intimacy to be far more immoral and against the very human nature. And 2. Every single person has different morals. Morality is an opinion. No human holds the absolute truth. What is considered immoral has changed through the ages and it will keep changing with humanity. So be humble, and never attempt to force your view of things into anyone else.
And on a side note, I have a constitutional right to voice mi opinion and promote my ideas, regardless of how immoral, and the attempt to stop me through coercion, including bashing, insulting and shaming, is indeed a crime, so most of the antis are actually breaking the law, not the shippers. So yes, if my crime is doing what I am allowed to do, then I plead guilty. Guilty of being an apologist of freedom, of opinion, and of course, of shipping! :D
 3.- And then they say we romanticize abusive relationships...?
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This is yet another interesting point, and from here we leave the boring world of law and come back to Kuroshitsuji! <3
So, after seeing that shipping SebaCiel is not illegal nor immoral, we can discuss whether or not it is abuse. It is not child abuse in canon, as age of consent was only for male/female relationships, male/male being an entirely different thing that they called sodomy and didn't have anything to do with age, as well as the fact that Ciel was given his title at the age of 11 in an official ceremony, obtaining the status of head of the family which equals to adulthood to all legal circumstances. Yet someone could argue that a demon from hell could as well coerce a little boy into something lascivious, couldn't he? That he could force, hurt and otherwise violate his consent. It is not hard to believe but, does their relationship work like that? I don't think so.
An abusive relationship is "a pattern of abusive and coercive behaviors used to maintain power and control over a former or current intimate partner. Abuse can be emotional, financial, sexual or physical and can include threats, isolation, and intimidation."
This doesn't sound much like SebaCiel to me, no matter how many times I read it. I truly can't recall a single situation in which any of the things in that list took place. I do, however, notice a strong power-play in which the two of them struggle to maintain control over one another. But, to what extent is it dangerous? It is kind of obvious that for Sebastian is not dangerous at all, so one could make the mistake of believing that Ciel is the weak part. And I wonder if they realized that Ciel is the Master, the owner, the dom, the one handling the riding crop, binding the demon to his will. There's no argument about consent, because what he doesn't like he can stop it with a single order, restrain the demon, make him kneel. And yes, the demon could break the contract, set himself free and take the boy forcefully. But he doesn't, because he loves it. The proud, beautiful and foolish human who doesn't surrender to him.
Of course, this is open to character interpretation, but I think the power-play in Kuroshitsuji is very strong, as well as the subjacent bdsm undertones and themes that we have seen so many times in cover art and official illustrations, as well as in Yana's previous yaoi works. I wanted to point out these themes because a relationship based on dominance/submission is not the same as an abusive relationship, and once again it is all about consent and the sub's power to stop it at any time.
 And with this, I'd like to put an end this long review, as well as to agree with some anti's last popular point, which is that fiction affects reality. It really does, so enjoy it as much as you can, and learn from it all the things you might not experience in real life. Immerse yourself in a good story, make research, be critical, ship as much as you want and never, ever let anyone exert any kind of censorship on what you can read, watch, like or ship. ;)
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