#so so pretty she has the prettiest and most comforting voice
earlgreybocchan · 5 months
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amourane · 2 months
so this is love
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pairing: theodore nott x hufflepuff!reader
genre: fluff
w/c: 2.7k
summary: there's a weird feeling that erupts in theo's chest whenever he looks at you and for the first time in his life his mind goes silent.
warnings: none!
a/n: i honestly love this so much and it's so so sooo cute!
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Theodore Nott was many things. Quiet, judgmental, emotionless and most importantly handsome. One of the prettiest boys in Hogwarts yet the most unapproachable. No one had ever seen a smile grace his lips and if you had tried to converse with the Slytherin he would only stare at you with blank eyes waiting for you to go away. He spoke little words but it was enough for people to get the point. Unlike his rowdy group of friends, he wouldn’t merrily join in conversation, rather make snarky remarks every now and then, an uninterested look always on his face. A scowl or a smirk always tugged at his lips as he listened to what his friends had to say. 
Even though Theo never voiced his thoughts out loud he always knew what to think. His mind was constantly running at a hundred miles per hour. Every little thing he wanted to say flitted through his mind. It was as if his head was a cacophonous symphony. 
Yet as he looked at the girl in yellow robes his mind was oddly quiet. He watched her silently as she dropped her ingredients into her cauldron. It was a rare moment. One he had discovered a month ago when he had finished his potion early and looked around to see if anyone else was done. There you were. Eyes scanning the contents of your Potion’s book but it was quite clear you had finished brewing whatever was in your cauldron as you leaned back into your seat. 
Theo’s mind was silent. 
There were no thoughts, no opinions, no judgments. He stared at you and it made him uneasy. There was something about you that unnerved him. He didn’t recall you from his other classes and it was the first time he had even seen you in Potions. As he felt the comforting silence settle in his head he concluded one thing - you were interesting and he was going to keep an eye on you.
“Nott, mate, what are you doing? I’ve been asking you to pass me a quill for about a century, have you suddenly gone deaf?” Blaise nudged Theo out of his trance and the brunette blinked for a second before passing over a quill. His partner frowned before following where his eyeline previously was and he smirked. “Still obsessing over the little Hufflepuff I see. Who knew you were capable of having feelings.”
“I don’t fancy her.”
“I never said you did.” Blaise’s smirk widened. “You came up with that on your own.”
Theo felt his face heat up. It wasn’t true. He didn’t like you, not in the slightest. He was merely fascinated at how you were able to turn his manic mind into a state of tranquillity. He looked over. You were talking to your partner beside you and Theo assumed she had said something funny because a grin had overtaken your pretty features and a giggle slipped past your lips. Theo didn’t fancy you but he couldn’t deny that you were the prettiest girl he had ever seen.
“He’s staring again.” Hannah said as she poked your side to get your attention. “It’s like he’s drilling holes into your skull. Do you think he wants to hex you?”
You looked up from your cauldron with a frown as you faced your friend. “He doesn’t stare at me, don’t be silly Hannah. I’m sure he has a reason for looking this way.”
“Y/n you’re terrible at finding excuses for anything. It’s so obvious he’s looking at you and his glare is starting to scare me a bit.” 
Behind your fellow Hufflepuff was Theodore Nott. Your eyes glaze over his perfectly tousled hair and his dark coloured eyes. He really was handsome. You watch as he says something to Blaise and you see a tint of pink touch his cheeks. Cute. You smiled to yourself. Merlin, he was really cute.
Theodore Nott had been watching you for a few weeks now and you weren’t oblivious enough to not notice the Slytherin’s gaze. At first you didn’t know how to react when you first felt his eyes on you. It was weird. Every time you would turn around he would already be looking down at his piece of parchment, scribbling something down with his quill. You had never caught him staring at you but you could certainly feel it. The piercing feeling of his stare made goosebumps rise on your skin. In a way you found it endearing. Sometimes you would turn around and find him, nose deep in his textbook and you could faintly see the tips of his ears blush red. It was those times you would giggle to yourself. 
It was arrogant to assume that Theo felt that way about you but for some reason you couldn’t help but get a little giddy at the thought he might. That someone like him would even think about going out with someone like you. That the cutest guy in your year would fancy you. Then reality came crashing back and you knew that a Slytherin would never be seen with a Hufflepuff much less date one.
“Hello? Earth to Y/n? You still there?” Hannah waved her hand in front of your face. “Merlin, one mention of Nott and you go all dreamy on me. When are you going to ask him out then?”
Your cheeks flared up with heat and you couldn’t help a smile that tugs at your lips. “Shush Hannah.” You try to sound serious but with your blushing face and bright grin it’s hard to do so.
“You’re actually whipped, Y/n.” Hannah let out a laugh and you let a giggle slip past your lips at her statement. You didn’t feel the need to deny it after all, maybe it held some truth. 
Theodore Nott always knew what to say and when but as he stood in front of you he found himself speechless. Now as his eyes wandered over your delicate hands and beautiful face he couldn’t find the words that needed to be said. His mind was quiet again. Silence. He opened his mouth to apologise for bumping into you and nearly knocking you over but no words came out. So he did the next best thing, help you grab your books.
You were scrambling to grab scrap pieces of parchment that had escaped the grasps of your books and Theo grabbed the Herbology textbook you had dropped. He watched as you gathered your things before finally meeting his gaze. You smiled and he felt his heart stop. Suddenly it was as if he was being engulfed in a tidal wave. There was a twinkle in your eyes and it set off a spark in his chest that he didn’t know was there. Theo felt himself grow hot as you stared at him and for the first time in his life he felt self conscious.
“Thank you.” You said and he felt his ears ring as your voice echoed through his mind. “I’m really sorry I wasn’t watching where I was going and I was in a rush to get to my next class. I hope you aren’t hurt anywhere.”
A beat passed.
Theo blinked. He watched as your bright expression slowly morphed into one of concern. He watched as you reached out to touch his arm.
“It’s Theo.” Is the only thing he can think to say before he realised how it must’ve sounded rude. “But you can call me Theodore. I don't mind.”
Another beat passed.
The two of you were now standing in the middle of the hallway as other students passed by. Theo could hear their whispers as they looked. The curious eyes wondering what a Slytherin could possibly be talking to a Hufflepuff about. For a second Theo thinks he’s upset you and you’re going to storm off but he’s proven wrong. The bright smile returned to your face.
“Well Theo, I’m going to need my Herbology textbook back, I’ve already been late twice this week.” 
“O-Oh yes right, sorry I forgot.”
Theodore Nott has never once stumbled over his words. Yet as he stood in front of you he found himself wrapped in a world he had never known before. He felt himself grow even warmer and he reached a hand to loosen the emerald tie around his neck. This was unlike him. He never went speechless, he never struggled to find a smart quip or retort and he most definitely never stuttered. You brought out a side to him that was new and he didn’t know if he liked it or not.
“Thank you for helping me Theo, I’ll see you in Potions.” You waved goodbye as you hurried off down the hallway. 
Theo’s eyes remained glued onto your frame as you ran. A rising bubbly feeling began in his chest and he felt his heart quicken. He gulped. You had long disappeared from his view but he still felt a burning sensation on his cheeks and he tried to cool himself down with his hands but it served no use. Giving up, he turned away and marched down the hall determined to figure out whatever he was feeling.
“You know staring at her won’t make her your girlfriend Nott.” Mattheo smirked as he watched his best friend. The others at the Slytherin table tittered with laughter and Theo rolled his eyes. He was now used to his friend’s teasing and even though it was relentless he didn’t pay any attention to it. Why would he? It wasn’t true anyway.
“Very funny Riddle.”
“You know me Theo, always the jokester.” He winked as he sipped the pumpkin juice in his cup.
“But seriously Theo you should ask her out if you like the girl. Salazar, it's better than drilling holes in the back of her head.” 
“Pansy’s right Nott, we’re all tired of you mooning over the girl just go ask her out already and then the two of you can go snog in the broom cupboard.” Draco snickered and the other Slytherins erupted into another round of laughter.
“Well you’ve got it all wrong I don’t fancy her.” Theo looked at his friends with a scowl present on his face. “She makes me feel all these things and I hate it. I hate how different it is. I hate how quiet everything gets when I look at her. I hate how she makes me feel and it’s all horrible and downright disgusting. It’s like I’ve got a fever whenever I’m around her and I’ve somehow contracted some life-threatening heart disease. My mouth dries up and I stumble over what I say and it’s not like me at all. So no, you’ve all got it wrong because I don't fancy her.”
With that Theo leaves the table, dinner untouched, with red cheeks and a rapidly beating heart. His friends watched dumbfounded as their friend trudged away. They all exchange knowing glances before shaking their heads at his obliviousness to his own feelings.
“That guy seriously needs to realise that sometimes not being an emotionless prick isn’t going to kill him.” Pansy dug into her beef as she scoffed at her friend’s stupidity.
Unbeknownst to the Slytherins a certain Hufflepuff was watching as their friend stormed off, her eyes never once leaving his ruby red face and the angry glare that accompanied it. She excused herself from her table before slipping away to follow a certain brunette.
Annoyance was the main thing that Theodore Nott felt at the moment. Anger at the persistence that he had a crush on you when he didn’t, he knew he didn’t. You had cast some sort of spell on him. Some sort of hex that made him notice every little bit about you. The way your smile lit up the room, the way your laughter echoed in his mind like the happy tinkering of a bell. Every second he saw you it was as if you overtook his senses. Clouding his sight with your beauty, suffocating him with your sweet scent, muffling his ravenous thoughts until everything was calm. 
When Theodore Nott looked at you he felt an overwhelming emotion, one that he couldn’t explain, but it made his hectic thoughts still and as cheesy as it sounded it made time itself stand still. When Theodore Nott looked at you he noticed every fine small detail like the way you like to smile at yourself whenever you get a question right or the way you tap your fingers on the desk when you’re concentrating. When Theodore Nott looked at you he felt his heart soar and he isn’t used to feeling this unnatural emotion that had been brewing inside of him.
He didn’t even notice you were behind him until he heard your voice. Soft and gentle and kind. He spun around. You had a look of concern etched upon your face and you stepped closer towards him and he backed away feeling his heart quicked once again. He glared at you hoping that his stare would force you to go away and would force whatever he was feeling to disappear.
“Are you okay Theo? I saw you leave and you didn’t touch your food, did something happen?”
You were so caring, so nice, so calm. You were so many things and Theo couldn’t take it. Couldn’t take looking at you when he could hear his heart pumping. “What are you doing to me?” He whispered, backing away further.
You frowned. “I haven’t done anything Theo. Are you sure you’re okay you look quite red and-”
“You’re lying.” He seethed. “You’re lying because why are you making me feel these things? Why does my mind go quiet, my thoughts stop, the words fail? There’s no explanation to this. I don’t understand why my heart races and everything suddenly feels hotter around me. I don’t understand this feeling I have inside me, some magnetic force that keeps pulling me to you. You’re everywhere Y/n.”
His glare intensified as he spoke, each word punctuated by a slow, deliberate step forward. “I look at you and I feel things I’ve never felt before, this bubbly warm feeling. Whenever I’m around you I can’t think of what to say. I close my eyes and I see your smile, your eyes. I can hear your laughter even if we’re in the noisiest classroom. You’re everywhere Y/n. So tell me, what have you done to me?”
A beat of silence.
The both of you stare at each other. Your frown had long gone and now you simply looked at the Slytherin in front of you trying to decipher his anger.
“It’s love Theo.” You take a step closer. “All the things you’ve just said - it’s love.”
Theo froze. His expression remained stony yet his eyes betrayed his thoughts as he looked away for a second. He blinked before looking at you once again. Your eyes, the eyes he couldn’t help but notice everywhere he went, looked back at him. His mind was no longer quiet. An outbreak of noise erupted inside his head and he struggled to grasp what was going on. He couldn’t focus. All he could hear was his own voice in his mind, overlapping, shouting, screaming, crying. It all came crashing down and Theo didn’t know what to do.
Then your lips collided with his and he stilled. The noise died down. Chaos ceased. Theo let his eyes flutter shut as he kissed you back with fervour. Your lips were soft and you tasted sweet like strawberries. He wrapped his arm around your waist and you were warm as you leaned into his touch. He felt your arms tangle in his hair and he smiled at the feeling. This felt right. This didn’t feel weird or disgusting. It was something he never thought he would feel. 
The both of you broke apart and you blinked looking at Theo with your beautiful eyes. His heart continued to race. You beamed up at him and he couldn’t help but smile back. You were so pretty, so gorgeous and you had just kissed him. His mind was finally quiet again. The strange feeling that filled his body now didn’t feel so foreign at all in fact it felt natural as he gazed at you.
“It’s love Theodore Nott. That’s what you feel.” You give him another kiss. “And it’s what I feel too.”
Theodore Nott was many things but as he closed his eyes to kiss you once again there is only one thing that he wants to be - in love with you.
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aemvnd · 2 months
Crybaby!reader being cradled by rafe!! She just needs her daddy, he’s tough but soft at times and he just reassures her, calming her down from her little tantrum 🤍🤍🤍
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𝓇.cameron. ┆ lovin' on you.
◟ ㅤᡣ𐭩ㅤㅤ ݁.﹒ won't be able to write much today… goin' shoppin' for my new apartment. 💐 here's a lil' somethin' for the soft girlies . <3
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"c'mon baby, stop your cryin'—you're gonna make yourself sick," he sighs softly, cradling you in his lap, keeping a firm pressure around you as he gently rocks you, and you feel so safe in his thick, strong and protective arms, so loved.
"i.. 'm sorry, daddy, jus' can't help it sometimes," you mewl with a cute pout, another stream of fresh tears falling down your cheeks, making you bury your face into the crook of rafe's warm neck, and he sighs again, pressing a gentle, loving kiss to the top of your head, getting a whiff of those feminine hair products that he loves on you, something sweet and vanilla scented, just utterly and perfectly you.
"just needed dad, huh?" rafe chuckles softly, giving his head a slight shake to himself in amusement, and he can still hear you sniffling softly, trying to be quiet and not upset him, which he hates, because he's been trying to work on you and your shyness, always so nervous to upset him in someway, somehow.
it probably has something to do with your daddy issues, rafe thinks, slightly smug and malicious, but that's why he was the man who stepped up—not just as your man, and not just as your boyfriend, but as someone you can always look up to, someone you can go to for guidance, someone who'll be firm with you and punish you if need be.
and it was too easy, becoming that someone you desperately needed as he manipulated his way into your life.
however, rafe wasn't the bad guy—no, he knew you needed him, needed that extra love and attention, always so needy and whiny when you didn't get it, but now that rafe was here, with you, now that he has you under his control, you're the most perfect, docile little angel, all submissive and obedient and so, so sweet it's almost sickening.
"don't worry, dollface," rafe croons sweetly, before gently lifting your face up with two light little love-taps to your jaw, catching your attention as you instantly look and perk up, locking eyes with your handsome boyfriend.
and fuck, rafe thinks you're so pretty when you're crying.
"no more crying, ya' hear me?" rafe commands, though he keeps his voice light and gentle, but still firm, knowing he doesn't truly need to keep you in check, you know his rules already, and you've always been rafe's good girl.
sweetly, almost tenderly, rafe carefully wipes away the flowing tears down your flushed cheeks, already knowing you'll wanna redo your makeup once you see that your mascara and eyeliner had run down and created quite the mess—but again, rafe still thinks you're the prettiest girl in the world.
"sorry again, daddy—jus' love you 'nd missed you," you answer meekly, eyes watery and bloodshot, and your pouty lips swollen slightly from you always anxiously biting them, another bad habit that rafe is trying to work on getting you to stop.
"don't worry 'bout it, baby—daddy's here now, yea?" rafe hums softly, pressing a few soft, loving kisses all over your face, making you giggle sweetly and playfully roll your doe-like, misty eyes, which makes rafe smile.
"how about we put on a film and stay in for the rest of the night, yeah?" rafe offers politely, not minding watching one of your stupid romantic movies if it makes you smile, and get you outta this terrible mood of 'missing him' as you always like to complain.
but again, rafe finds that he doesn't mind his girl missing him, not one bit—in fact, he enjoys that fact a bit too much, but he would never admit it aloud, not even if he had a gun to his head.
"okay!" you chirp happily, already over your little tantrum from minutes ago, snuggling even deeper into rafe's lap as you both get comfortable on his bed, looking for one of your favorite movies to watch.
afterwards, once you decide on the film 'the notebook', rafe can't help but release a small, little grin to himself, because he already knows in just the next ten minutes, you'll be hysterically crying all over again, and he'll have to comfort you as you watch noah and allie's love story.
and if rafe already secretly knew that was the film you were gonna pick, and that 'the notebook' was one of your favorite romance films of all time... well, he didn't mind that too much, either.
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blondwhowrites · 4 days
AU where mattheo is a boudoir photographer and you go in and can't help getting so turned on and he sees the wet spot form and u end up getting railed on camera 🥹
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No, because he'd be so prolific in the sex community. He'd totally be a porn star too, doing his own stuff. He's basically a superstar, and everyone is dying to get photographed by him because the shoots most of the time turn out to become videos if the model consents beforehand. He's been in so many affairs, and he's lost count of how many times he's been in fights because of angry spouses. 
It's a normal Tuesday for him, and he's already done a handful of shoots, with only one of them being a video, which he's already edited and plans on uploading that night. He only has one shoot left and he's looking forward to going home and simply doing nothing for the rest of the day.
"Um.. h- hello is this the right studio? I'm here for a boudoir photoshoot?" You step into the studio, a Victoria's secret bag hanging off your arm and a sweet smile on your face. He's instantly out of his chair to greet the sweet little thing that's stumbled into his studio. 
"Don't worry, princess, you're in the right place." He's grinning like a wolf, helping you with your bag, and ushering you further into the studio. You're the prettiest thing he has ever laid eyes on, and when he goes to check, he finds out you only booked a shoot, and he seriously considers asking you if you've ever been interested in doing a video. Seeing as how that would be inappropriate, he decided not to. "So what brought you here, pretty girl?" He asks while handing you the certain paperwork you needed to fill out before the shoot could begin.
Your face heats up at the rumble of his voice, and the nickname sends a jolt that runs straight to your core. "Well, I have a friend that is in the industry." You gave him a shy look, batting your eyelashes and making him weak in the knees. "And she said these types of photo shoots can really help with boosting confidence and comfortability with your body—actually, she recommended you." You explained, filling out the forms and handing them back to them.
"Ahh, so no spouse or anyone at home?" He asked, raising a brow. You? Single? He internally thanked whatever was out there for this insane luck. He didn't care what he had to do to get it, but he was taking you home. You shook your head, giggling awkwardly. "No- i'm afraid I'm single."
"Oh-" Your eyes lit up slightly, and you held up Victoria's secret bag. "I brought a few sets that maybe I could use in the photos i- if you don't mind, of course."
Ohh, this was gonna be the start of something beautiful.
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vixialuvs · 2 months
yeonjun, taehyun x reader established poly relationship please! daddy kink and they call reader princess and/or baby. maybe scenario is reader getting back home to the throuple's apartment from her 9-5 office job, and she had a bad day and really really tired, so taejun comforts and spoils her. you can add any kinks! 🤭♡
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୧ ׅ𖥔 ۫ OFF TO THE RACES ! ⋄ 𓍯
୨୧ pairing. taejun x afab!reader
୨୧ genre. comfort/smut.
୨୧ cw. soft!dom taejun, sub reader, daddy kink, established relationship, poly, face sitting, kissing, unprotected sex, praise
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YOU REALLY HATED YOUR JOB. it is simply hours on end of doing the most tedious jobs for your extremely harsh boss, who hates your guts. the only thing you look forward to at the end of the day is going home to your lovely boyfriends, who spoil you like their lives depend on it.
today, in particular, has been extra demanding and strenuous. your boss has yelled at you at least 3 times for the tiniest things, and customers have been complaining all day over stupid stuff, which has made your bubbly personality and social battery wear out for the day.
when you finally get home, later then usual because your boss made you work overtime, you come home to taehyun cooking in the kitchen and yeonjun on the couch, on his phone. they both turn to look at you, their smiles becoming wide and evident, but faltering a little when they see how worn-out you look.
“welcome home, princess.” taehyun says from the kitchen, stirring around a pot of your favorite food. “i’m making your favorite. it’s almost done, okay?”
you nod weakly, allowing yourself to be engulfed in yeonjuns arms. you didn’t even realize that he was coming over to you, you’re too sleepy. you can feel his lips press against your head.
“what’s wrong baby? hard day?”
yeonjun gently talks in your ear, lifting you up in his arms to carry you over to the couch where he then places you on his lap. taehyun also comes over, having finished cooking the food, sitting beside the two of you and pulling your legs over his lap.
you nod softly, your voice coming out in a little tiny mumble.
“yeah.. everyone was s’ mean to me today..”
you speak with a pout, causing the boys to crack a small amused smile, hands coming to pull you closer to them.
taehyun rubs his hands over your thighs, covered in the prettiest pink thigh highs, while yeonjun ties your hair up gently for you and kisses the shell of your earlobe. you don’t see, but him and taehyun share a look of silent agreement on something.
“awe, we’re sorry princess. how about we help you feel better, hm?”
taehyun coos, his hand starting to travel up to play with the edge of your skirt. you whine softly and nod, but then hear yeonjun tsk in your ear softly.
“words baby. let us hear you..” he murmurs, beginning to play with your clothes.
“y-yes, please.. wanna feel better..” you whimper bashfully, beginning to tremble on his lap.
that’s all that the boys need to hear before their strong arms are lifting you up and carrying you into the bedroom. they set you down on your back so carefully, placing your head on a pillow.
taehyun leans down to connect your lips, meanwhile yeonjun is busying himself with getting rid of your pesky clothes. the boys lift you so that your sitting on your back legs.
yeonjun has already pulled off every single item of clothing, leaving you and him bare. you pull at taehyun shirt mindlessly, trying to take it off of him. he obliges and pulls it off, letting you run your hands all over his abs.
he lifts you up so yeonjun can slide underneath you, right below your pretty cunt. yeonjun groans at the sight, his eyes rolling back slightly at the aroma of your heavenly juices.
“fuck, princess, you look so pretty like this. gonna eat your cute cunt out, just fuck yourself on daddy’s face, okay?”
he latches his lips on your clit, making you let out a shaky whimper as taehyun kisses you again. the only thing you can hear is the wet sounds of yeonjun devouring your pussy.
“daddy!” you whimper against tyuns lips, pulling at yeonjuns hair and bucking your hips along with the rhythm of his licks, falling apart on his mouth.
“come on baby, daddys got you. shh. that’s it sweetheart, just let go.”
taehyuns raspy voice only turns you on further, and the feeling of his lips on your neck pushes you over the edge.
you cum all over yeonjuns face, whimpering loudly for them as they help you through your high. yeonjun suckles on your clit like a starved man, rubbing at your soft thighs and kissing your folds relentlessly.
taehyun pulls your weak body off of his face and gently sits you on yeonjuns lap at the edge of the bed, before getting down onto his knees infront of you two.
“wanna taste this pretty pussy, baby. will you let daddy?”
he kisses your thigh, growling softly as yeonjuns tip nudges your entrance.
“yes daddy, please.. you guys make me feel so good..”
you mewl lewdly, back arching up into juns touch as he pulls you down onto his cock. you look down to see tyun licking up and down his cock and your clit as yeonjun plunges inside of you repeatedly, moaning into your shoulder as he kisses it.
taehyun moans against your cunt as you tug on his hair, sounds of pleasure spilling out of your lips as yeonjun splits you open on his cock.
“fuck, gonna cum in this pussy baby. gonna let me? let daddy fill your cunt with his cum?”
yeonjun babbles into your ear, groaning as he fucks you faster and faster, close to his release. you nod dumbly, eyes rolling back in your head as you let out the sluttiest noises.
“please cum inside daddy, need you!”
you wail, looking down to see taehyun simultaneously jerking off while he eats you out, the sight making you paint yeonjuns cock white. your walls squeezing him is too much for him and he cums all over your pussy, mixing your cum together.
taehyun has also came, making a white mess all over the floor as he nurses the two of you through your orgasms.
you can feel strong arms pulling you off of yeonjuns cock and cleaning you up, before being laid down on the bed in the two boys embrace, where you almost instantly knock out into a deep sleep.
maybe hard work does pay off sometimes.
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@vixialuvs ‘24. likes and reblogs appreciated !
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misserabella · 8 months
Hey so could u write smth where reader is about to shower but like has a breakdown abt feeling insecure of her body and Ellie comforts her, could be smutty if u want! (Pls include stretch marks as an insecurity bc I've been feeling so insecure abt mine lately and I have them everywhere😭 my hips, thighs, stomach, boobs even!)
a/n; okay but think about how soft and reassuring she’ll be…
perfectly imperfect
ellie williams x insecure reader
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cw; a lil of angst, crying, insecurity about weight and body, fluff, kisses and ellie being the best girlfriend ever.
you felt tears swell in your eyes as you stared at your reflection. you hated what you saw, the fat that enveloped your body under skin, how it was scarred with stretch marks around your hips, belly and tits…
you bit down on your lip, feeling the knot on your stomach tighten. how could anyone find you attractive like this?
tears were falling down your cheeks when the door to your apartment swung open, ellie stepping in with recently bought groceries.
“babe?” she called out for you as she left them on the counter of the kitchen, not finding you anywhere before she heard the soft sobs coming from the bathroom. scared, in case you’d gotten hurt, she hurried to open the door, finding you completely naked and with reddish puffy eyes. “baby? what’s wrong?” she inquired, a frown of worry showing on her beautiful features. you cried against her chest, her arms carefully surrounding your body as if you were the most pressure thing she had ever touched —‘cause you were—. she shushed you, stroking you back. “talk to me pretty girl, you know i hate it when you cry.”
“i’m so ugly els, i hate myself.” her frown deepened.
“what are you talking about doll, you’re the prettiest thing i’ve ever seen.” you shook your head, her hands cupping your face, thumbs drying away your tears.
“i’m fat, and have stretch marks everywhere. how can you love me? there are so many beautiful girls out there… i’m just waiting for you to realize that and leave…” she hushed you, cutting you off.
“baby. i love you. and your body is beautiful. i love it. i love your little rolls and your beautiful stretch marks. they don’t change the way you look for me. you’re intelligent. and hot, and gorgeous and i couldn’t have wished for a better girlfriend.” she kissed your cheeks. “and i’m not gonna leave you. ever. you know that.” she pecked your lips.
“you promise?” you voice was broken, a thin line.
“i promise.” she nodded. “i can’t wait to love you ‘till the day i die. and if i have to remind you how beautiful you are every day i’ll do it. you’re perfect. look at you.” she turned you around so you could watch yourself, her hands caressing your sides. “so pretty and perfect for me…” she kissed your shoulder. “i love everything about you. you drive me crazy.” you smiled, leaning against her chest as she softly kissed your head. “want me to show you?” you looked into her emerald eyes, shining with determination. after you nodded she smiled. “come on.” she took of her own shirt. “let’s get in the shower, hm?”
ellie spent the whole afternoon taking care of you; after having washed your body with her own hands —kissing you every inch of your skin and praising you for how beautiful and breathtaking you were— and took care of your hair she had kissed every inch of your body and over your stretch marks, making your favorite meal and buying you your favorite treats, watching your favorite movie, doing face masks, brushing your hair, cuddling you to sleep…
and every few minutes she’d repeat: ‘you’re perfect. i love you.’
and then, every time you’d look at yourself you could hear it. and you’d say. “i’m perfect. i love me.”
‘cause you were perfect just the way you were.
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jongseongsnudes · 1 year
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twenty three.
warning; 🙁🙁🙁 1k words.
“you’re going to be the most beautiful bride,” your fiancé’s face lights up as he says so, his words and pretty smile one every girl would fall for, “i hope you like the custom design i went with, love.”
the detailed drawing in your hand had you in awe, the to-be-made wedding gown designed by beomgyu himself, one of the prettiest you’ve ever come across. the modernised, silky gown something straight out of a movie.
but it was just not for you.
you’ve always been a sucker for those more traditional weddings, something you’ve always dreamed of when you were younger. a beautiful white gown, a wonderful day full of friends and family and a happy couple who can’t wait to spend the rest of their lives together.
“our mothers are on their way. do you want to try on a few dresses while we wait?” beomgyu’s voice breaks your daze, the man leaning in slightly to look at you, “are you okay?”
“yeah i’m fine beomgyu.”
you pat his knee reassuringly before getting up to follow the store assistant towards the separate bridal changing area. a thought has you pausing for a second, realisation of how comfortable you’ve gotten with beomgyu, hit you. 
it had been three weeks since you’ve moved in with him, spending most of your days together at his home. eating, cooking, watching random reruns on tv. despite your bad first impression of him and his flirty nature, choi beomgyu really wasn’t all that bad. he took care of you, made sure you were always okay. and you appreciated that.
“miss, right this way. these are our newest dresses, please pick any that you would like to try on.”
this store must’ve been the most expensive one in the city and to have beomgyu’s mum rent it out for the day tells you just how powerful and truly rich they were. definitely unnecessary with how big the actual store was but you knew the rich don’t share.
your eyes land onto a simple white gown amongst the extensive collection of pearls and diamond covered ones, your hands immediately grabbing it. the look on the assistant’s tells you she’s probably wondering why you chose such a plain dress but to you, it was the most beautiful one.
nonetheless she helps you into it, the sight of the white material gradually covering your body in the mirror makes you anxious. anxious about how real it was all becoming, that you were getting married in two months.
“i’m sorry sir, you can’t be in here!”
you glance up at the lady’s voice, just to see your step brother entering the area, looking like he had just stepped right out of a movie set. he always does.
“s- sunghoon?”
“i thought i’d stop by to see my baby sister pick out her dress,” the man walks over towards you, totally ignoring the poor assistant’s soft pleas for him to leave the area. he replaces her spot behind you instead, his fingers now at your zipper, “give us a moment.”
she does so without further protest, leaving as quickly as possible and leaving you completely alone with sunghoon.
“you shouldn’t be in here, beomgyu is right outside.”
“he’s not my problem. i’m here to see you,” he zips up the gown before readjusting your hair down your back. every little graze against your skin causes goose bumps all over your body, the coldness of his fingers an instant reminder of every other time he had touched you. it’s insane what this man can do to you, how something as simple as his touch could evoke such reactions from you.
he twirls you so you could face him, his arm slyly wrapping around your waist to bring you flat against him. a smile is plastered across his face the entire time, as if he’s happy to see you and to be fair, you were just as happy to see him.
as wrong as it may be, you really did miss this man.
“you look so beautiful.”
it’s as if the air was knocked right out of you, your breathing becoming hasty over two simple words.
if someone told you the park sunghoon, the man who hated you with his entire being would one day say such words to you, you would’ve called them crazy. yet here you were. so many things had happened in such a short time but with the wedding just two months away, you had to think of what was to come.
your future.
you and sunghoon.
and when all this has to stop.
“you said that last time then followed it with you’re poor,” you scoff in an attempt to cover your nervous state but his eyes tells you he could see right past your little act. he always does.
“but you are, doesn’t change the fact that you’re beautiful though,” he leans down as he says so, gradually closing the gap between your faces. you’re now panicking, eyes impatiently watching the man press his lips onto yours, kissing you. soft and sweet.
“give me time. two months.”
you look up at him, partly confused. your expression only causes him to laugh, a view your poor heart could never get used to. it makes you think about the park sunghoon you first met, the one who always laughed at your misfortune.
“i said that i would stop this marriage, right? i meant it.”
“the wedding is in two months sunghoon, it’s too late...”
you weren’t sure how he was going to make such thing happen, to stop a grand marriage between two powerful families. but in that moment, you felt as though you could really trust him. the look in his eyes was genuine.
it gave you hope that maybe things could really change, that your life could be different from the one its heading towards.
“just trust me. two months.”
“okay, i trust you.”
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taglist; @jeonjungkookkk @soobsbby @astra-line​ @drunkanddazedalways @shine-your-light​ @02zprotector​ @byunhoebaek​ @artgukkx​ @nowrosesaredead​ @abdiitcryy​​ @y4wnjunz​ @enhasengene​ @enhacolor @my5colors @kyutiepeachy​​ @miixsh @vantxx95​ @1115phile​ @outrologist @axartia​ @bunhoons​​​ @3nh4luvr​ @duckieanon​​ @lix-freckle3​ @uuwonnie​​​ @emoworu​​​ @kyoyangwon​ @sunshine-skz​ @paolennenicole​ @ahnneyong​ @hhganyu​ @duolingofanaccount​ @hseungi​​​ @omgjwon​ @jays-blue​ @jaykedpotato @gobighee​ @jiawji​ @taekbokki​​​ @wonwon-ie @mavlogist​@thedemonundernikisbed ​ @rosie-is-everywhere​​​ @kuleo26 @ii4enha-jwn​ @thejjrl​ @taytaymuse @cococake​​​ @sunooslover​ @muffinminnie​ @sashamifasolla @yoonjin96 @choibeomgogi​ @flower-lise @princesjy​​​ @she-is-dreaming @n-wjns​ @mimikittysblog​ @letapostropheesgo​​​ @f0rlov3rs ​  
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daisyblinder · 2 years
Pretty / Arthur Shelby x Fem!Reader
🦋 Warnings: None
🍁 Arthur finds his sweet wife very pretty and she finds him beautiful too
🦋 Just a fluff piece for Arthur :)
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There were many awful sights Arthur Shelby had had to see. Some horrid sights caused by himself. But there was one sight that could wipe away that horror, even just for a moment.
 That was looking at his sweet wife mending his shirt. Sitting in candle light, in their unmade bed, only a robe on. Well more or less off, the thing had come so loose her bare breasts and the bump of her pregnant belly were out for him to see.
 Couple years ago the timid shy woman wouldn’t even have felt comfortable sitting like this with him, in her long sleeved night shifts.
 But as their marriage blossomed and Arthur’s quest to make her feel safe and loved continued the same way she had made him feel accepted and cared for, they had come to enjoy these small moments of intimacy.
 ”You’re staring darling”, a warm giggle woke Arthur from his daydream. Y/n was looking at him with that adoring glint in her eyes. That warm adoration that almost hurt him. How could she look at him like that even when she knew of the mad dog he could be?
 ”Aye, staring at me gorgeous wife”, he smirks confidently before plopping down on the bed next to her. Leaning against his elbow he looks at her hands as they work on his shirt.
 ”You don’t ’ave to fix ’em, love. No use in that”, he comments bringing his own rough hand to finger the fabric. Y/n stops her work to lean down and kiss his hair.
 ”I know but I like doing things for you. Me gorgeous husband dressed in shirts mended by me own little hands”, she grins. Arthur can’t help the smile that spreads to his face at her reasoning.
 Then his eyes shift lower. Looking at her bare breasts and belly. Lifting a tender hand to her belly he softly strokes her stomach. ”You look so pretty like this”, he whispers a flush rising to his ears when he hears the softness of his own words.
 Y/n looks down at him with a raised brow turning a little so he has better access to her belly. ”Pretty isn’t going to last, soon I’ll be bloated like a balloon”, she says jokingly but Arthur can hear the soft insecurity in her voice.
When he had married her, he had made it a point that he was a husband and a lover, to one woman only. But Y/n knew of his tastes before that, his sexual escapades were not a secret.
 ”I think you are so pretty like this”, Arthur says in a shy voice. ”Soft, warm, with our babe safe in yer belly. Can’t think anythin prettier than that” he manages to stutter out looking up at his wife.
 Arthur’s romantic words were always so beautiful. A little clumsy but Y/n had never heard anything so endearing as his first confessions of love to her:
 ”So-fuck it, I love you a little bit. You’re me wife, I’ve done worse things”
 Not the most romantic but it never ceased to make her giggle and feel an overwhelming love towards her Arthur.
 Gently Y/n puts her the shirt on their night table and lays on her side next to Arthur who was still propped on his elbow.
 ”Do you know what’s the prettiest thing I’ve ever seen”, she whispers as she scoots over so she can press her her body fully against her husband.
 Arthur hums enjoying the attention as Y/n starts running her hand softly against Arthur’s side.
 ”I could stop and stare at you for days when you’re truly happy. Your smile is the most beautiful thing”, she says softly and giggles at the way Arthur starts coughing and stuttering at the compliment.
 To stop his embarrassment Y/n purses her lips and tilts her chin towards him. Arthur stares at her for a while not understanding how her gesture has to do with anything.
 Y/n furrows her brows at him and speaks with pursed lips. ”I want a kiss!”
 Arthur lets out a small ”Ah” sound and gives her multiple soft small kisses. When they pull away, Y/n smirks at him. ”Got you proper flustered didn’t I?”, she giggles.
Arthur raises his brows at her and opens his mouth mock offended. ”Says the lady who would rattle the cabinets in our water closet so I can’t hear ye piss”
 Y/n pouts. ”That is not fair! I’m used to an outhouse not weeing away next to your husband waiting for you to come to bed”, she blushes and burrows against his chest still pouting.
 Arthur let’s out a small chuckle lifting a hand to stroke her head. ”I luv you, you little angel”, he says loud and clear.
 The sound his wife makes is not one of satisfaction as she raises her head to look at him; Still pouting.
 ”Wrong name”
 ”Wrong name”
 ”The fuck you mean?”
 ”You don’t say ’you little angel’, you say ’my little angel”, she says pointedly now grinning knowing how much it would frustrate her husband.
 ”You’re a fucking crazy woman that’s what you are”
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dark-elf-writes · 3 months
I have no clue anything about ff but where is the ‘Harry gets adopted by FF7 characters and finds out what a family should be” au
No one is more surprised than me that I haven’t written this yet tbh like who am I????
Little Harry who has heard a woman’s voice from a young age telling him that he is not alone, that he is not a freak, that he will be loved and cared for more than he could ever know. He always hears her more when he is working in his Aunt Petunia’s garden. Can practically feel her in the way the plants bloom more beautifully than anywhere else on their street. His invisible friend that helps him find what little beauty he can in his world.
And sometimes she talks about her friends. About a woman who is as strong as she is kind, who loves freely but took no shit, who welcomed those with good intentions with open arms and threw anyone without them out on their arse. About a ninja with sticky fingers and the blood of a princess who would give anything for her people and have fun every step of the way. About a father who demanded the world to change for his little girl and decided to be the push that set it all in motion. About an inventor trapped in the place he should have been able to do good but unable to make anyone listen so he sent his inventions out to make change for him. About a pilot who was grounded against his will and decided to make those that would clip his wings choke on that decision. About a man who was only doing his job and was hurt over and over again for doing the right thing and who learned slowly that the things done to him did not make him a monster.
About a hero that led them all, each of them broken and shattered in their own ways, into a better world.
Harry liked the stories of the hero the best.
Then one day things get bad and Uncle Vernon gets far more angry than he normally is. Harry runs to the garden, hoping somehow that his friend, his only friend, could save him, and she does.
In a space that is more light and glowing green energy than any “world” should be, he sees her for the first time, softly smiling and reaching out to rub her fingers through his hair. She is the prettiest lady he has ever seen. Another voice laughs when he tells her so and a big man with kind eyes, a scar on his face, and hair just as wild as Harry’s grins at him as he announces that “this kid knows what he’s talking about.”
She smiles though there is something sad in her eyes when she speaks.“I can send you somewhere that will help for a time, but eventually you will have to come back. This planet is quite certain that it needs you in the future.”
Harry wants to cry, wants to scream. How does he have to go back! He doesn’t want to.
But something else sticks with him, something that makes him hurt before he even realizes what it was.
“Send me somewhere. Not us?” Not his friend who had told him so many stories and helped him grow flowers? Not this pretty lady and the man with such a kind smile? After everything he would still be alone?
It’s the man’s hand that lands in his hair this time, a comforting weight as he ruffles the tangled locks. “Spike and the others will be waiting for you on the other side. They’ll take good care of you. SOLDIER’s honor.”
Harry doesn’t understand, can’t understand really but “You’re my friend,” he tells the woman, frustrated tears gathering in his eyes. He doesn’t have the words to say anything more. To name the swirling mass of hurt and yearning in his stomach.
She seems to understand smiling sadly at him again before she leans down to press a kiss to his forehead. “You’ll still be able to hear me. More clearly than most I think. I will not leave you Harry Potter.”
Harry Potter is seven years old when he goes missing from the backyard of his Aunt’s house in a swirl of green light. He is seven years old when he wakes up in a shallow pool of water in a church that has seen better days with a man with wild blond hair and shining blue eyes watching him in stunned silence. He is seven years old when his first friend sends him to his hero for safety.
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glcnpowell · 5 months
10/365 || sereshace + quiet
Natasha stretches her arms up over her head as she wakes, rolling from her side to her back with a sigh. The comforter’s been drawn up to her chest to keep her warm — with her boys in bed, the blankets are always kicked down to her ankles. Even before she opens her eyes to blink up at the ceiling, she knows Jake and Bradley have already gotten up.
A quick glance to the clock on her nightstand has her sitting up slowly, brushing the sleep out of her eyes and rolling her neck to ease the ache there. Flying a jet for a living is one thing. Flying commercial to head home from her latest deployment is another, an entirely different kind of ache that’ll need more than one night in her own bed.
Their bed.
It’s the first time she’s come home to this — Bradley and Jake all moved in, fully committed in a way they’d only ever talked about for years. Now, though, it’s real. She brushes her teeth at a sink decorated with two other toothbrushes, a jar of Jake’s hair pomade and Bradley’s deodorant.
With most of her belongings still packed up, exhaustion still heavy in her bones, she borrows Bradley’s deodorant and then tugs on one of Jake’s burnt orange sweatshirts. The smell of coffee hits her as she makes her way down the stairs, but the sound of their voices doesn’t register until she’s nearly to the kitchen.
They’re quieter in the mornings than she thought they’d be.
For all the noise they surround themselves with, all the bickering and laughter and life, her boys are better now at settling down. Dialing in. She watches for a moment from the doorway — leans against the frame with a grin on her lips as they manage a maddeningly fluid dance. Jake gets three plates out, one by one to keep the porcelain from clattering too loudly, and sets them on the counter for Bradley to serve up their breakfast.
(His momma’s egg casserole recipe. He makes it every time she comes home.)
Bradley steps around Jake to grab three mugs from their ever-growing collection, his feet silent against the tile and a hand curled around Jake’s hip to keep him still. He’s humming to himself, she thinks, entirely focused on filling two mugs with coffee and one with hot water. Jake drops the teabag into the water just as Bradley reaches to shut the stovetop off, and she’s so focused on their rhythm that she starts a bit at the sound of Bradley’s voice.
“You think she’s awake yet? Or is she still up there snoring loud enough to wake the neighbors?”
Natasha rolls her eyes, grinning. She knows they know she’s here. Jake breathes out a long-suffering sigh, taking their plates and setting them on the table, very clearly pretending not to notice her. “The snoring, Bradshaw. I mean, how am I supposed to keep this pretty face of mine if I can’t get my beauty rest?”
“Guess you’ll just have to let our girl be the prettiest instead, babe,” Bradley says, walking two mugs of coffee to the table.
Jake huffs, setting the third plate on the table and then grabbing his mug of tea. “The sacrifices we’ve got to make. She’s lucky she’s worth it.”
Bradley steps toward the table like he’s going to sit down, but then turns and tugs Natasha into his arms instead, hugging her tight as she laughs. “So worth it. Hey, you. G’morning.”
“Welcome home, darlin’,” Jake greets, kissing her forehead with a grin. “Our boyfriend made breakfast. I seem to remember it bein’ your favorite.”
She tips her head up until Jake gets the hint, leaning down to brush a kiss against her lips. When she pulls back, Bradley’s watching them with a grin, his arms still loosely wrapped around her waist.
“Thanks for letting me sleep in,” she says quietly, squeezing Bradley’s arm. “Missed you.”
Jake’s grin softens. He shares a quick look with Bradley, head tilting, and then Bradley’s smirking. They’ve spoken without saying a damn word and she’s able to see it clearly.
Quieter than she thought they’d be.
Bradley looks down at her, grinning brightly. “You talking to us or the casserole, Tash?”
“The food, obviously,” she insists, twisting Bradley’s nipple though his shirt. He yelps and Jake laughs, the sound quickly turning into an equally high-pitched yelp when she pinches his side. “Outta my way, boys.”
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shaarlslec · 2 years
lady leclerc
read part 2 here lovelies;
pairing: lewis hamilton x reader words: 7200 ish (i need to stop writing long introductions but i cannot); warnings/notes: bridgerton but make it lewis hamilton, not historically accurate at all (language esp), mentions of death; patriarchy? but dont worry we will make it fall; being sister to the three leclerc brothers; need to find gifs with lewis not in his racing gear to fit the theme agggh;
Sir Lewis Hamilton’s name was on everybody’s lips that sunny afternoon of June before the main event of the summer: the debutantes’ ball. Rumours went around the whole town of London that the Marquez’s son was in search for a lady to betroth after years of not attending any season. Hamilton’s name was on the top of your family’s tongues too that day – warning you to stay afar from the most eligible bachelor that everyone else craved to have as a suitor. 
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The day you have prepared for most of your life finally had arrived and you were feeling more uneasy than ever before. You felt your sweat going down on the line of your back as your maid was tightening the corset above your waist. You nervously gulped as you pushed your shoulders back to look at your figure in the giant mirror that stood tall in front of you. A very unrecognizable person showed on the other side, and you were not that very pleased with what was seen before your eyes.
Doodled up from head to toes, dressed in a pretty suede mauve dress and with arms covered in light purple lace gloves that went up to your elbows, the woman looking at you from the mirror looked way different than the one who often chooses to ditch pretty dresses for her brothers’ stolen loose white shirts and pants. But today was important, today was not the day for you to be dressed in men’s clothing. You had to look the prettiest you had ever looked while not being too much, showing elegance and class – but how can you do that when your brothers only taught you rough aggressive sports and how to properly spit against the wind?
You looked outside the mirror seeing how the sun peaked at its brightest shape, and you knew that the middle of the day was near which meant that you would have to be ready in time to be presented in front of the Queen by the beginning of the evening.
You rehashed the speech in your head, even mimicking a reverence as you were memorizing for the thousands time how to properly introduce your name in front of her majesty. Y/N Leclerc, daughter of Baron Leclerc, sister to the three Leclerc brothers. Simple, efficient, short and to the point. And yet, why was it so hard to you to find the right pace of the words? 
“Your Majesty,” You spoke out loud after you coughed twice to adjust the tone of your voice while trying to get a hold of your accent, “No.” You shook your head as the words seemed so utterly spoken from between your lips, “Your Majesty.” You tried again after you took a fresh breath of air in. 
Wrong, wrong, wrong. It sounded all so wrong.
You sighed and looked at your right at a happily smiling maid that only tried to comfort you with her positivity, “You will do just great, my lady.” She softly spoke before a short paused in which she read the stiffen and annoyed facial expressions on your face, “I will bring Baron Leclerc to you after we are done here, I believe that he will best know what to say.” She then replied, arraying the locks of your hair for the thousand time that day to make them sit perfectly on the top of your already aching shoulders. 
“Bring all of them in.” You sharply spoke, “They should be home, the morning hunting session must have been finished by now.” You added with yet another light annoyed huff, “I am so sorry for being this irritated, ma’am.” You apologized underneath your almost cut breath realizing how sharp and unkind your tone sounded with the one who has been noting but perfect in serving you as your main maid since you were a just a little spoiled daddy’s child, with the one from whom you learned how to act lady-like for the very moment you will be officially out in the social world. 
Lady D, as you often liked to call the maid since her name was unbelievability complicated for you to pronounce as a child, glowingly smiled at you once more before gripping the strings of the corset and tightly locked them at your back in a small complicated ribbon that you swore no one in the world was capable of doing, “You do not have to worry about that darling, I know that today is a very stressful day for you.” She then kindly spoke as she took a step back to fully watch the imagine you were unable to recognize in the mirror, “You do look stunning.” Lady D encouraged, and although you appreciated the woman’s support through not only that day but all your young years in the absence of your dearest mother, you were not able to escape the feeling that you looked like an unshaped pencil. 
Your shoulders shrugged again before being pushed back by Lady D, “I look stupid, ma’am.” You replied as you nervously started to walk across the room while talking and sporadically gesticulating, enhancing your tamed anger in front of your maid, “The way I look is not even the stupidest thing about today, Lady D. The stupidest thing is that I must look and behave in a certain way for a man to sway into my direction at the ball.” You exasperatedly cried out while still being attentive not to derange not even a string of hair with your hands so close to your face.
“Then, I have to make conversation with him and pretend that I am interested in whatever he will say just to convince everyone in the room that I am ready to marry and have kids, and built a family and be a good wife in his household just for him and his family to invest in me and my family and that it is just –” You stopped, the sound of horses neighing outside the window interrupting your brambling out of a sudden.
You glanced outside, and for a minute there your shoulder relaxed, and your speech calmed down a notch. 
They were home, your family was home. You were basically able to hear your brothers' laughter through the window alongside with the familiar sound of Lady D’s husband shouting at the horses to stop. Lady D followed your glare, and you once you saw the corners of her mouth lifted in a small genuine smile, you understood that her family was back home too, and nothing made the two of you happier than their presence in that very moment. You dearly sighed softly, when will you be able to smile at a man who is not one of your brothers like that?
 “I am not ready for what follows at all.” You ended, watching the three men you just earlier mentioned getting out of the family chaise to enter the mason with the thought of hurrying into your chambers, “If it was not for them, I would have stayed unmarried until the end of my days.” You mumbled, speaking for yourself rather than for Lady D’s ears to capture your bittersweet words. 
The first familiar face to exit the chaise’s little woodened doors was Lorenzo, your older brother, and the now head of the family. Baron Leclerc, as everyone called him since the early death of your late father five years ago. You had always known him as Enzo and called him accordingly using the terms “big little brother” and “you sound just like father, my dearest brother”. From between your lips escaped a chuckle once you saw him looking up at your window, checking if you were ready to be seen. You threw in a little wave, and Enzo replied with a warm smile. 
Enzo was two years older than you, and yet after your father’s passing, he had to take the household responsibility into his own hands, and that did not do him any good. Your big little brother had the most forced and rapid process of maturing amongst the four of you – Lorenzo had to, there was no other choice for your family to survive back then if he refused to do so. Therefore, although Enzo was not that mature in age, the man acted and behaved as if he reached an early maturity of a forty-year-old man and took the role of your protector against all the bad things in the world – including men, most importantly including men. You were the most grateful for your big little brother, not even imagining how your lives would have completely turned upside down if Lorenzo were not to take responsibilities for the three of you.
Baron Lorenzo was followed by Charles Leclerc, your fresh breath of air when times went rough in your family as they often had the tendency to do. You two were ten months apart, making him the oldest; fact that made Charles always believe that he had the upper hand in any of your arguments and there was nothing more that you loved about your relationship with him rather than to prove him wrong nine out of the ten times. With you two being the middle children, you grew up doing all sorts of mischief together as if you were twins with two weirdly coordinated brains. Your favourite ones being secretly shooting in the back of the garden or sneaking after midnight for a competition of horse-riding in the woods without anyone knowing.  
The last one of the boys to enter the house was Arthur Leclerc, the one you would trade one of your limbs in exchange for the boy’s unlimited safety and love. Arthur was your biggest supporter and admirer from the very first time he uttered his first words. Listening every single time at the door when you had one of your language lessons, exercising dancing practices with you and happily sitting on the top of your piano while slowly cheering and clapping when you would play them melodies during Christmas mornings, Arthur loved to do them all. You swore to yourself starting from a very young age that if somebody were to hurt your youngest brother, you would be the one to murder them in cold blood with or without any assistance from Lorenzo and Charles.  
Watching them going into the house and hearing their hurried steps on the stairs to come and see you, you realized that you would cause dreadful harm to anyone if they wrongly mingled with any of your brothers. No matter the cause, no matter the reason. Family always came first – always and forever. 
The three of them were your whole family, and no one dared to touch your family due to that. Mother died young, months after having Arthur as afterbirth complications shortly appeared, and father followed years later due to illness. You had other relatives spread across the town and country that you had to falsely pretend to adore, knowing that they were after your money and social status. And yet, none of the mattered. All they wanted was to spread rumors and listen to prefabricated lies about you and your brothers.
You were a Leclerc, and that was all that mattered. 
“I am so jealous that they do not have to all of this yet.” You spoke, thinking about how your situation as a woman was far different from the one of your brothers.
They were all happily unforced to marry yet. You? On the other hand. Oh, you were getting older, and no one wants an old maiden to marry. 
Lady D agreed with a silent nod as Enzo’s knuckles impatiently knocked on the other side of the door, “Men always had everything easier, in my next life I want to be reborn as one of them.” She commented as she threw you a sly wink, unlocking the door for your brothers to all barge in at once. 
You nodded back with a tiny smug on your face. Lady D was moderately right, you too wanted for your next life to not be revolved around the idea of marriage, and yet in your next life you would perhaps not be this lucky to have them three as your family. Therefore, being Lady Leclerc sounded just right for the moment, living in the same mansion as your brothers and sharing your life with them for long as your unmarried happy life permitted. 
“You look astonishing sister!” Arthur was the first one to affirm once they stopped in awe at the entrance of your chambers, covering his mouth in wonder as he took few steps in, Arthur continued with the loads of compliments, “I have never seen you in such a beautiful dress!” He then argued, getting closer to take a better look at the intricate lace print of your gloves, “Are these mom’s?” Arthur then asked with widened teary eyes that you adored staring back at you, although your heart ached every single time Arthur mentioned your dear mother as you knew that your youngest brother had never escaped the guilt of your mother’s death. 
You softly smiled to him as you took Arthur hands in yours after nodding, “They are, she wore these when she met father.” You spoke, “Enzo offered them to me as a gift.” You added, gently looking into your big little brother direction, “I will keep them in good condition so you will gift them to your future wife.” You teased, knowing very well that the idea of marriage was an estranged feeling for the twenty-two-year-old boy. 
“They are perfectly made for you, sister.” Enzo added, leaning on the now closed door behind Lady D’s exit after a short reverence from her side in front of him, “When was the last time I specifically required Lady D not to kneel in front of me anymore?” He then asked, making sure that your maid was unable to hear him anymore, “I hate when she does that, it makes me feel so dirty.” 
Charles’ short giggle filled the room, “Because she is forty-five?” He then asked, “I am pretty sure you had older women than her kneeling in front of you, brother.” Charles then teased, throwing you a short wink as your favorite topic of discussion when you two were alone were Enzo’s affairs, “Arthur is right sis, you do look astonishing in this dress.” He then added as Charles also came closer to you and Arthur to look at your dress from head to toes, “You might even make Sir Hamilton’s neck turn.” Charles then chuckled, picturing the whole imagine of envious women watching the whole scene as he indulges in bourbon in one of the ballroom’s dimmed lighted corners. 
Lorenzo had decided to drop any reply to Charles’ nasty comment or to scold you for your short chuckle as a response to Charles’ wink, and yet he was not able to hold back when he heard the name that just came out of your brother’s mouth, “You will make a lot of necks turn, anyone but him – you are not allowed.” Enzo then spoke, and you knew that judging by the seriousness in the man’s tone that he was indeed not joking around as Charles was. 
You knew how Sir Hamilton was, everybody knew who Sir Lewis Hamilton was and everybody had heard that he will be present that night at the ball – first time ever for him to do so. High rank in the aristocracy, friends with the royal family, clean reputation with business partners, and a good son to the Marquez and Marchioness Hamilton with the exception that he refused to marry by now preferring to study aboard and see the world before doing so.
Not to mention, devilishly handsome as you often heard people talking about him during your social gatherings, extremely humble for a man his status, gentle with everyone he had ever meet in public, and educated in most topics that existed. You have never had to chance to meet him in person, thought.
As if somebody carefully orchestrated that, and now that you heard your brother’s serious tone and saw Enzo’s furrowed eyebrows, you suspected that Lorenzo was the one to blame for not letting you get a hold of a sight of Sir Lewis Hamilton yet.
“Why not him?” You inquiringly asked Enzo, “I thought he will make the top of your list.” You then added, knowing that Lorenzo had all it planned for you and your family business-wise with any eligible suitor in town, “From what I have heard, the Marquez’ son fits all of your criteria.”  
Oh, how many things you have heard of him.
There was no one in the whole town who was more surrounded by mystery rather than the figure of Sir Lewis.
As the Marquez’s son was rarely in town, people gossiped about him at all social gatherings that you and your brothers attended: some said that Sir Lewis was one of the Queen’s illegitimate sons, and that was one of the reasons why he was never seen in her presence although everybody knew that the Hamiltons were in good relations with the royal family. You never quite believed that rumor or anything else that was said about him, and yet part of you was very much very intrigued by this character – as all town was.  
Lorenzo let out a deep sigh, “What about your criteria Y/N?” He then breathed, “Do you want a self-centered selfish man as your husband?” Your little big brother inquired, sending a look of disapproval by shaking his hand. 
Your eyebrows frowned in confusion, “How do you know he is all that? From what I know the Marquez’s is barely even here.” You replied, seeing Lorenzo all defensive about this enigmatic character of a man.
Charles commented as he stroked one of your shoulders for reassurance and comfort all together, “We happened to stumble across him at the club quite a few times sis, trust Enzo when he says that Sir Hamilton might not be the best choice for a husband.” He then spoke with a light smile, “You will do turn his neck, and you better leave it turned. That is if he attends.” Charles highlighted with yet another soft chuckle, “You can do better than a Marquez.” 
Your eyes slightly rolled, “Like who? A prince?” 
Arthur nodded, “You can definitely lure the prince looking like this!” 
You stroked the boy’s hands, Arthur showring you with compliments was so familiar and yet so surprising every single time, “Thank you.” You softly spoke, “What about you Arthur? What do you think about Sir Lewis Hamilton?” You asked, knowing that Arthur would be the one amongst the three of them to support even your dumbest decisions.
“I am as clueless as you sister, I have never meet Sir Lewis in flesh and bones.” Arthur spoke, “They never take me to the club!” He then argued, sending sharp looks towards his older brothers, “Something about being too young to play chess and watch people fight.” He then commented, looking straight at Lorenzo who was the one who vehemently opposed to Arthur becoming a frequenter of the club the two of them enjoyed.  
“That is what you do there?” You argued too, “Play chess and watch people fight?” You inquired while switching glares from Charles to Lorenzo, “Sounds very boring my dearest,” You paused as you patted Arthur’s light ruffled chestnut hairs, “Lady D’s stories are more interesting that what these two are up to.” 
Arthur agreed with a nod, “They do not deserve me in that club anyways, sis.” 
You and Arthur both approved at the same time with yet another nod, making Lorenzo and Charles laugh at your synchrony. If you could choose a moment to freeze in time, this would be it. The four of you laughing together in the same room, all of them admiring you and you admiring them back. And yet, reality was that you had to find a good enough man to leave them for their own sake.
Baron Leclerc was doing a good job maintaining the family’s status, and yet you were slowly yet surely running out of money to live a comfortable life as Lorenzo was not enough to provide goods for the entire family and the few remining servants that you had in your mansion. 
You sighed for the thousandth time that day thinking about the way in which you had to repay them for being your brothers, “Fine boys, leave me and get changed into fancier clothes. We need to be at the palace in less than three hours.” You demanded, unclasping your hands from Arthur, and giving Charles an anxious look, knowing that he was the one who understood you the best when it came to your emotions.  
“You will do great sis.” Charles then softly spoke, stroking your shoulder for one last time that afternoon before they went to their chambers to prepare themselves for being your three wingmen while also acting like your protectors. 
“We are here for you, Y/N.” Enzo spoke at the door as he was the one to close them back, “Always and forever.” Your brother then ended as the door were closed not only after giving you the same warm smile that Lorenzo got you used to since you were children. 
“Always and forever.” You mumbled back, knowing that the “always and forever” meant being away from them for the remining of your life. 
The atmosphere back at the Marque house was far different from what was happening at your place. Sir Lewis was back home for almost two months now, and yet no one saw him outside except for maybe the people that were members of the Gentlemen Club that he frequented. Such a pretentions name for what was really going on there. The chess and watching fights that your brothers mentioned to you were only two of the surface things that took place there. The parts where they would play poker for money and watch ladies dancing almost naked on top of tables while they take handful sips of bourbon and smoke cigars were left outside the discussion. It was not the ideal place to be, and yet your brothers much like Lewis went there to get a pause from whatever life was stressing them for. 
For Lorenzo and Charles was keeping the family together by attending events in high society at the club with the ideal of forming business relationships over placing bets for people fighting in the ring, and as for Lewis quite the opposite.
Ladies and alcohol were the two things that interested him, wanting to have little escapades from the pressure of being the Marquez’s only son. Not the ideal place to be, and yet Lewis would have wished for that afternoon to be spend there or anywhere else in the world far apart from his home where her mother tossed a huge list on his bureau with eligible women to meet at that evening’s ball. 
“Explore them and let me know what you think, you can cross names off the list after you talk with them at least once at the ball.” She demanded, pointing at the top of the list where the name of Queen’s daughter stood tall, “She is eighteen now, and the Queen is more than happy to send her off.” She then spoke, attentively watching her son taking a glance over the names. 
Lewis heavily huffed as he stood back into his chair to relax his already tensed up muscles, taking the list in both of his hands just to please his mother, “Do you really want me to marry a child just because she is a princess?” He then argued, two fingers now standing at the top of his upper lips as he counted all the ladies’ names, “Thirty-five?” Lewis then gasped in shock, “You want me to talk with thirty-five people this evening alone, mother?!” He then argued again, knowing way too well that he was not willing to do so. 
The Marchioness nodded, “And I expect you to like at least ten, and we will see from there.” She then spoke while tapping her fingers on the wooden surface, “We have let you experience life on your own too many years.” She guilty-trapped him while using the sweetest tone a mother can use when they want to manipulate their children, “Your father is deeply sick, and you need someone to rule this whole estate with a woman that can bear your children. That is our last wish as your parents, Lewis.” 
“I will try.” Lewis promised, glancing at his mother’s pleading face and then back to the sheet in front of him full of names until the very one to catch the man’s attention was the last name wrote in cursive at the bottom at the page, “Lady Leclerc.” The man mumbled, fingers back on the top of his lips as he let your name being out of his mouth as if it has always belonged there, “Why is she on the foot of the page?” Lewis inquiringly asked, giving his mother a confused glare. 
The two Leclerc brothers were very much just acquittances of his, and yet amongst all the names that were written on the pages yours sounded the most familiar and your face the most well-known.
You have never got a hold of Lewis’ sight, although the man got one of you years ago when you were at arms with Lorenzo cruising through the park near the lake in one late fall afternoon of October.
It was something about the way you looked, something about the way you clasped your hands together to blow hot air into them to warm yourself up, something about the sound of your giggle at one of Lorenzo’s bad jokes that Lewis never seemed to forget.
Lewis wanted to say ‘hello’ back then, to introduce himself and to politely ask your brother about your situation as he was struck by lightning at your mere presence ten feet away from him. And yet, Lorenzo’s sharp look over his shoulder pierced Lewis harder than your beauty. 
Months later when he was back home visiting during his studies break, Lewis met Lorenzo at the club and asked about you and your full name. Lorenzo then laughed straight into the man’s face not wanting to disclosure anything about you. Lewis understood right from there that you were off limits, and not wanting to get into a fight with the Leclerc brothers, stepping outside was the right move.
And yet, two years later there you were – on the bottom of his mother’s list meaning that you were going to be out in the social world for the very first time as a woman who wants to marry. 
“She is an orphan, daughter of the late Baron Leclerc.” The Marchioness shortly replied, “Her three brothers take care of her since they were children as they had to rise themselves since the father was occupied with business affairs rather than taking good care of them, she has no mother-figure to teach her the rights and the wrongs of being a good wife.” She then crudely added, “Her family does not have that much money left since their father died, and quite a few proprieties under the Leclerc name for a Baron.” Lewis’ mother continued, “The only reason why she even made it on my list to begin with is that her father has a small cousin connection with one of the Queen’s half-sisters and I happen to know her late mother very well.” The woman softly sighed, “Poor girl, to be part of such a damaged family with no mother by her side to guide her.”
Lewis pondered his mother’s words. And yes, as harsh as they sounded – the Marchioness was right. In the eyes of such people as her, you were just a poor girl from a damaged family where the parents left too soon and nothing more. You have been stigmatized almost whole adult life for being an orphan, and so were your brothers. And yet, what everyone was unaware of was the happiness that you four shared in your ‘little too-tiny’ house for a Baron. 
“I know her two eldest brothers.” Lewis spoke, “They do not look poor.” He argued with a smug on his face, remembering all the times in which Charles ordered the most expensive bourbon from the bar to share with the entire room while Lorenzo was already hammered on one of the seats after closing a good deal with the Duke of Hastings, “She does not look poor neither.” He then added while the smug widened on the man’s face, remembering how your neck was covered in pearls that fall afternoon and how beautifully your face was illuminated by the sun’s relaxion in them, “She looked beautiful.” He lastly covered, reminiscently curving all the details of your face from that one single day. 
“The princess is even more beautiful.” The Marchioness bluntly spoke, “Now please go and get dressed, we have to go in less than three hours at the palace.” Lewis’ mother demanded, and the man had no other choice but to listen.
Your knees weakened once you were at the top of the stairs, getting ready to be announced in front of the Queen. Charles and Arthur were next to your trembling body as Lorenzo was waiting for you at the end of the stairs to clasp your hand with yours and hand you in front of the Queen who was already bored of all ladies before you who gave her nothing but tacky lines and poor curtsies.
There were three more debutants before you, and you felt like the world was about to collapse once one of them stepped aside and her name was loudly announced.
“I will trip and fall.” You whispered to both of your brothers, “Can you please take me back home?” You desperately pleaded, grabbing Charles by the collar of his white shirt with both hands while looking at him, and then at Arthur whose emotions might have been even bigger than yours. 
“You will not trip and fall.” Charles assured you while searching for something in the insides of his suit, “Here, for courage.” He then spoke, showing you the tip of a metallic flask which you were sure was filled with the finest of Charles’ bourbon collection.  
Not giving it a second thought, you fetched the flask from Charles’ suit and secretly took a huge sip of the liquid as Arthur and Charles covered for you, “Do not tell Baron Leclerc about this, Enzo is going to be so mad knowing that you are trying to get me drunk to meet the Queen.” You chuckled as Charles quickly took the flask from your hand to place it back at its rightful place. 
“Secrets are always safe with us, sis.” Arthur assured you, watching you take yet another two steps as it was rapidly your turn to get down the stairs of hell, “See you on the other side.” He then teased, placing a short kiss on the back of your hand before letting you go. 
You took a deep breath in, and once your name was announced loudly in the room your body went on automatic pilot. You had no idea how you managed to go down the stairs without holding the railing, with your back straight and your shoulders pushed back just as Lady D thought you, and yet you successfully achieved to do so while looking elegantly radiant. Once you got a hold of Lorenzo’s hand in yours, you shortly exhaled in relief and your muscles relaxed underneath your brother’s touch.
And yet, once the eyes of the Queen looked dead into yours, your heart started beating faster than expected and your words seemed to not find their ways out.
Your hand got slightly squeezed by Lorenzo and you saw Charles and Arthur in the crowd behind the Queen, your mouth opened with class and beauty - they truly were your anchor.
“Your Majesty.” You spoke, clam and controlled as you greeted the Queen with a short reverence, “Y/N Leclerc, daughter of Baron Leclerc, sister to the three Leclerc brothers.” You added while looking at the ground, lifting your glare up just for a moment in which your attention was not fully focused on the graceful woman standing on the chair in front of you, but rather on a pair of dark-arson eyes watching you from behind her shoulder.
You went silent as your glare was caught by the man to whom the black panther’s look belonged. It was him who looked at you with interest, it was him whose name you knew very well but never met in person.
And yet, you were not then aware that Lewis’ eyes were all on you while everybody else was closely watching the Queen’s reactions.
Sir Lewis Hamilton’s memory was right – you were just as beautiful as he remembered. Your lock of eyes lasted for way too short for you to figure out who was eyeing you back, and you were too caught in the moment to analyse the look.
Your back straightened, your shoulders were then again automatically pushed back as you were waiting for a sign from the Queen who was analysing you from head to toes for a good moment before a short smile appeared on the woman’s face. 
“You smell like bourbon.” She then commented, and the room went quiet. 
Your eyes widened, and so did Lorenzo’s. You felt Charles and Arthur looks on you then, absolutely forgetting in an instant those dark-arson eyes on you.
You wanted to say something, and yet you were taken aback by the following sentences that came out of the Queens’ mouth, “I do enjoy my occasional sip of bourbon as well, Lady Leclerc.” She then spoke with an even wider smug now on her face, “Please do enjoy the night.” She continued, and then everybody else around her loudly clapped.
It was for the very first time when she pronounced one of debutantes’ name, let alone whishing one of them to enjoy the night.
“Thank you, Your Majesty.” You simply and effective responded before Lorenzo took you out of the spotlight and went straight to your brothers who were happily giggling once you arrived at their spot. 
“Which one of you morons gave Y/N bourbon?” Enzo whispered in between his scrunched teeth, making sure that no one around you four can hear him.
Charles’ eyes went on the celling, and Arthur followed suit in a split of a second. You covered your light chuckle with your hands, “I think we need to thank whoever did it,” You commented while titling your head towards your little brother’s side, “I made the Queen smile.” You added, and Enzo had no other choice but to drop the scolding in front of his youngest siblings seeing how outnumbered he was. 
You took a short look around for the man whose eyes arose in the back of your mind again after the moment with the Queen was passed, and yet there was no sight of the man around you or your brothers. 
“Come on Y/N, I have to introduce you to some people.” Lorenzo demanded, grabbing your hand again in his to closely shelter you next to him and your other two protectors for that night. 
You sighed, “Fine.” You spoke, taking one last look over your shoulder lusting to find the one that resembled the black panther from earlier and yet being unsuccessful to do so, but being left only with the craving of satisfying your curiosity. 
Lady Leclerc, Lady Leclerc. 
Your name rumbled into Lewis’ mind as he was roaming around the ballroom trying to talk with as many women as the Marchioness demanded him to do so.
Lewis’ mother was closely watching him from across the room, still calculating each step of her adult son. The reason why Lewis’ eyes went away from yours as you were introducing yourself to the Queen was the Marchioness who hurried him to find a spot next to a couple of women who were already introduced before you.
Oh, Lewis needed to please the Marchioness quick, and the Marquez’s son had decided to do that since the very beginning of the evening so they could leave earlier from that hell of a ball. 
The beginning of the evening was exhausting for both of you. Lorenzo and Charles introduced you to as many people as achievable, while Lewis had to introduce himself to as many women as imaginable.
Statistically it was unlikely for you two not to meet at some point during the evening, and yet your brothers made sure that Sir Lewis Hamilton was not in your way.
Charles was the one to search for Lewis in the crowd and inform Enzo, and Enzo was the one to move you like a pawn during a very elaborate chess game. There was no way in which they would permit him to be in your proximity – and they had to make sure that you were not accidentally into his.
While all of that was happening, you and your little brother were completely clueless about your eldest brothers’ plan, and you just smiled and talked and then smiled and talked some more, you smiled and you talked until your mouth hurt from that much smiling, and especially that much talking. 
You needed a break – both of you were. Lewis was as exhausted as you to pretend to want ladies’ attention which he anyway got no matter how hard and little he tried. All of them were interested in the same topics, all of them used the same prefabricated lines, and all of them told him straight away how many kids they desired and how good of a wife every single one of them were.
When the dancing started and you firstly picked Arthur to dance with, your brothers were left with no other choices but to invite other two ladies and dance. They had to be around you, they wanted to be around you for you not to make move or say the wrong thing and you were feed up already by their schemes. 
“Little brother, I need your help.” You pleaded Arthur as you two were dancing together, “I need a break from this.” You almost cried out, “Can you be my diversion?” You spoke, and you knew right away that Arthur will never say no to one of your pleadings, “I will sneak out for a fresh breath of air only for five minutes and be back, make sure that they do not notice.” You spoke, titling your head into Enzo and Charles’ direction. 
Arthur agreed right away with a nod, no matter how much he feared to leave you alone unsupervised. You have shown him that although you are a woman, you knew way better than himself to take care of you. You needed an out, and Arthur was more than willing to help his sister.
You sneaked out on one of the balconies in dance steps, while Arthur took another woman to dance with as he threw you a grin on your way out. You had time only for a couple of minutes before the music stopped, and that was more than enough for you.
And yet, what you were unaware of was that during your little sneaking method, Lewis bumped into you, the man was planning the exact same thing as you – alone, five minutes, on one of the balconies of the palace.
Once you got out the whole charade and let your lungs freely inhale the evening’s piercing fresh air, your whole body relaxed against the palace’s wall. With your hand at your chest, you kept playing with the tiny purple diamond that was tucked in your dress by now, swirling the neckless in between your fingers.
It was the first piece of jewellery that your father gifted to you, and now having it in your hands made you less anxious at the thought that you needed to go inside and be social for the rest of the night in hopes that you will find a potential husband. Lucky enough, your potential husband followed you outside the ballroom and was now taking his first steps into your little world. Without wanting to cause you a heart attack,
Lewis coughed twice to adjust the tone of his voice and to make his presence acknowledge at your back. 
You slowly turned to look over your shoulder, thinking for a split of a second that it was either Enzo or Charles that wanted to scold you for sneaking away and not at all expecting to find the darkened eyes of the black panther staring back into yours as they shortly did hours ago. Your entire body froze, and not in the way that it froze on the top of the stairs, but in a way that it was shocked on how exhaled it was to be in the man’s presence.
Seeing him from head to toes and standing in flesh and bones right before you, you put all the heard description of the man together and you figured it out that your gut instinct was right back there – it was him, the one that everybody wanted as a suitor and who your brothers from some unknown reason detested. 
“I apologise, my lady.” Lewis softly spoke, not daring to take any step further to not frighten you no more, “I was not aware of somebody being here.” He then lied, casually resting his shoulder on the door frame with both hands clasped at the front, “And yet, now I cannot leave a lady alone in the dark.” He then spoke, Lewis’ eyes fixing on the swirl of your finger against the purple diamond. 
You chuckled, “I do appreciate the effort, my lord.” You commented, “And yet, there is enough light coming from inside, and I am only inches away from my brothers.” You spoke with a care choosing of your words, “This lady actually enjoys being in the dark alone in silence, my lord.” You added, watching Lewis’ lips being pressed together in tension every time you finished your sentences by calling him “my lord.”
Lewis wanted to make a step back and go inside, and yet at the same time it was not just you who lured him on the balcony. The man needed silence for his own good, “I was searching for the same thing as you, Lady Leclerc.” Lewis then spoke, and you were awed once again that night by someone calling out your name in such a manner, “Do you mind if I join you in silence?” He then asked, and there was no way in which you were able to refuse such an offer.  
You agreed with a nod, and Lewis permitted three steps of a slow yet powerful pressed walk on the balcony finding a spot for his body close to yours and yet distant enough for people to not interpret something if they were to witness your very first dialogue. 
“You know my name.” You commented with your eyes closed, engulfing in the sounds of the evening alongside with the voice of the man that close to you.
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fatuifucker · 2 years
first stream: your perfect doll!
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[art cr: kuroume_1024 on twt]
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dom trans! streamer! scaramouche x sub fem-sex reader (no pronouns used for reader but mention of boobs for both parties)
SUMMARY = kunihiko is about to make his debut as scaramouche! hope everything goes well!
WARNINGS = please view the sucker series masterlist for the full warnings! smut, use of the word “cunt”, recording, thigh riding, hint of self-harm, scara has nipple and navel piercings, scaramouche is called kunihiko in this au, ooc scaramouche
W/C = 2k
A/N = thank you to my wonderful beta readers @boba-is-a-soup, @saikiscleansink and @artiepooh for giving me advice for this fic! Also!! Reminder there is a poll at the end that will determine the content of the next chapter!
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“Good day everyone,” She says with a polite smile, hands clasped right in front of her, reminiscent of that aristocratic princess trope you see all over anime. “My name is a 06ScaraBalladeer but I’m known as Scara.”
She’s perfect. Just the way you envisioned her. Her long, straightened hair sweeps over her shoulders, the pristine appearance matching with her raven black and mulberry dress. Your eyes drift to the subtle rose in her cheeks, complementing her porcelain face and her innocuous smile. With a girl as endearing as her, it’s easy to be enraptured. The chat is already filling with comments. Good things, fortunately. Calling her cute, complimenting her gothic lolita style and princessly demeanour. 
“This pretty doll has awakened, been blessed with life to walk among the mortal folk. Rejoice, for I shall purify your tainted hearts!” Scara raises her arms for dramatic effect, pausing for a moment before covering her mouth with her sleeve and giggling. “Or something like that. I saw a friend of a friend do something similar and I wanted to try it out.”
Drama; it serves as an effective juxtaposition to a modest face. It keeps viewers on their toes, riling them up with excitement.
Scara crosses her legs, returning her hands to her lap. “Now you may be wondering, why is a weak and frail doll like me on this wretched realm called the internet? You see…I couldn’t help but be curious of what lies in this nerd haven. But now I see…” She crosses her arms, furrowing her eyebrows. “You all need to be punished! Punished really thoroughly!”
Jeez, it’s only her debut and her chat is already filled with thirsty masochists.
“But it’s okay, I know you all need love too. And who better to give you both than me: the prettiest, most adorable doll in the universe?” she giggles. “I want to spread my love and punishment to as many people in the world. Which is why you all need to subscribe to me so we can all have tons of fun together. One day, I’ll see a million of you with me, and that’s a promise! I have a lot to learn but I hope to meet you all!”
As soon as the livestream ends, you switch off your phone and walk to the bedroom. The door is left open and no one is in sight, though the sound of running water gives you enough of a hint to where he’s gone. The PC is still on, its screen set to the Twitter front page. You make yourself comfortable on the chair before scrolling through the page. You lift your head upon hearing the sound of the door shutting behind you.
“Fuck, I’m shaking.” A masculine voice speaks up. “Scara finally debuted after we spent so long mulling over her. Ha, I knew keeping my trashy lolita outfits would come in handy.” He smirks as he wipes his wet face clean with a towel.
His sharp voice contrasts the sweet feminine tone of the streamer. Short indigo hair instead of Scara’s long lavender locks. Without the identical black and mulberry dress, even you wouldn’t have guessed that your boyfriend Kunihiko leads a double life as Scara.
“Your tweet received a lot of likes and retweets too,” you point out as you scroll down the timeline. “We’ve reached one thousand subscribers.”
He frowns. “It’s not enough,” Kunihiko mutters bitterly as he adjusts the long, purple wig on the mannequin head. “I want more people to fawn over– no, to worship me. I need one million of them by the end of this month…or else…”
He mumbles the rest under his breath. You tilt your head, worry starting to cloud your brain upon noticing his darkening gaze. It vanishes as soon as you notice it, replaced by a devious glimmer. 
“And you,” He slams his palms on either side of the chair. Indigo hues exude seduction, inviting you in with the sweet yet musky scent of his cologne. He speaks in a whisper; his warm breath fanning your face as he draws out his words. “You’ll get me there…right? You’ll make Scara the biggest streamer in the world. Won’t you, my perfect producer?”
Enchanted, you cup his cheeks, your words coming out in a trance. “Of course. I’ll do anything to make you happy.”
“Good.” Kunihiko presses his lips against yours, guiding you to the bed. “It’s too early to sleep so let’s celebrate my debut.”
“How so?”
Kunihiko laughs as he undoes the corset of his black dress. “Oh, (Name). If you have time to act coy, you have time to take off those shorts."
At first, you couldn’t move. You stare. Only stare even as the heat rushes to your face and brain, watching him peel off each layer. Little by little, he reveals more and more of his porcelain skin. Your eyes diverge from the dried lines on his thighs to the navel piercing on his belly, the near purity of his fair body an irony, knowing the debauchery you both have and are about to commit. Your breathing ceases when he unclasps his bra, the shimmer of the silver jewellery sending your mind further into disarray.
“God, I love it when you look at me like that. I hate it as much as I love it, but I hate it more when you’re being so fucking slow.”
It’s only then do you process his order, sliding off your shorts and drifting your fingers to your pussy. The moment he tosses aside his last piece of clothing, Kunihiko pounces on you like a predator cornering his prey, immediately burrowing his face into you like a starved animal. The rough contact of his nose rubbing against your clit and his tongue moving up and down your slit forces you to curl into yourself. Your legs wrap around his neck as you moan and beg for more, only for him to stop all of sudden. His expression twists to a scampish one, eyes lifting to meet your baffled expression.
“Did you think I was going to eat you out?” Kunihiko repositions himself behind you, his arms scooping you by the inner side of your knees to keep your legs open. “I don’t mind, but didn’t you promise me something else?”
You hold your breath, feeling a lithe finger ghosting down your body. “Y-yes, Kuni. I got too excited.”
“Hm I see you’re very excited. Look," Kunihiko circles his finger around your clit, pressing on the little nub. "It's sooo swollen. You're making me jealous."
The scent of sandalwood and cherries permeates your nose, the strong yet gentle fragrance blinding your senses. His touch steals your breath away, left behind only a hungry wail as you slur your next word out. “Jealous?"
Wetness touches your ear, and you flinch. The cold metal of his nipple piercings grazes your back as he rubs his chest against you. In a split second, his finger enters your hole, eliciting a gasp out of you as he mercilessly fucks your soaked pussy.
“Jealous because you're being touched so intimately.” Kunihiko's arms trap you and you’re left squirming in his grasp as he gropes your tits and nibbles on your ear. “But it's fine, you can repay me later. I don't give a damn about getting off as long as you're telling me how good I'm making you feel."
Despite his vulgar words, his tone conveys nonchalance, like this is routine for him – well, technically it is — like he isn’t knuckle deep inside his lover’s cunt. In comparison, you have to withhold a meek whine when he inserts a second finger into your hole, stretching your thin walls through a scissoring motion.
"Fuck (Name), get my phone."
Hazily, you stretch over the bed to pick it up, intuitively flipping the camera around and pressing record. "H-haah…Kuni," You position the phone to your entrance, getting it close enough to pick up the sloppy noises before trailing the device up your body and back above your head again. "Kuni, it feels sooo good…Kuni is fucking me so well! I lo— a-ah!"
Your voice dies into helpless moans when your boyfriend slips a third finger, aggressively pumping them in and out of you. "Go on, move your hips against me. Tell the camera who's making you feel this good."
"Kuni! Kuni, Kuni, Kuni!" you scream his name, a glob of drool rolling down your chin down your neck past the valley of your breasts. "I'm Kuni's slut! I looove getting fucked by Kuni! I want to cum all over Kuni's fin— aaaah!"
In the midst of pleasure, you don’t pay attention to the phone sliding out of your grasp. Kunihiko thankfully notices it, grabbing your hand to keep it steady and moving it back down to your cunt. With his other hand, he spreads your lips open just in time for the camera to catch you squirting all over the bedsheets. He rubs the juices into your pussy even as your thighs continue to twitch, your eyes following his hand moving the phone to your face. Without giving you a moment to calm down, he stuffs his drenched digits into your mouth, forcing you to lick it up.
"Get your boobs in view," he orders, pushing your wrist back. "Smile for the camera.”
Kunihiko ends the recording and takes a couple more photos at several different angles. He grins in satisfaction before his lips morph into a frown at the mess. "Ugh, should have made you cum on the floor instead." Kunihiko lies on the bed as he swipes through the photos. "This shit is kinda hot though. If we set up an OnlyFans for you we'll probably get rich."
“You said you don’t want me to sell my body online.”
“Yeah, and you know why,” he scoffs. “You’re the normie out of the two of us. If you become a degenerate then we won’t be able to continue living in this god-forsaken society.”
“Shall I clear the bedsheets or do you want me to touch you first?”
He thinks for a moment before getting off the bed and dragging the gaming chair to the mirror. “Deal with it later. I want to ride your thigh.”
You frown but move to sit on the chair. “I’ll have to clean this up later too.”
“The pictures are worth it.” Kunihiko splays his legs before sinking onto your thigh, wasting no time in moving. “You know, (Name), you’re lucky you’re both cute and useful. Not just your body, I mean you as a whole.”
His searing heat burns your skin, staining it with his fluids. His mouth falls open, chest heaving with steady pants as he ruts against your thigh. Red blooms across his cheeks, his expression contrasting his actions when he turns the phone to the mirror and taps the record button. He captures your chin and shoves his tongue inside your mouth, shutting his eyes as he moans for dramatic effect. “Fuck, (Name)...I fuckin’ love you so damn much.”
Your heart races at his words. Your body shivers as his hands trace your body, holding onto you as if you would run away if he let go. Magnetised, you nibble on his bottom lip as you push his slender body against yours. “I love you too, Kuni.”
He stops the recording and you both part to gaze into each other's eyes. Deep indigo irises declare a yearning, a satisfaction, a fondness. An attachment. His smile displays euphoria comparable to being drugged as he tosses away his phone to focus on planting kisses all over your face. You hold him and whisper affirmations into his ear while he keens into your touch.
“(Name), you won’t leave me.”
“I would never.”
He laughs dryly. “Yeah. Of course you won’t.”
You open your mouth. Upon seeing his resentful expression, you close it again. You let him continue to roll his hips against your thigh, letting him find pleasure in your body.
“Oh yeah, some people sent me superchat money. What should I use it for?”
[Your answer]
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shockinglysubmissive · 11 months
Hello! This is a dirty request, so feel free to ignore this. Do you know that asks game where if u don't answer u have to take off a piece of clothing? (idk if it was exactly like that). Do you think you can write that fem!reader is playing that with Shoto, Neito and Shindo? Perhaps she is well known for being very slutty and sleeping with most of the boys at school. They ask her how many guys she's slept with and who exactly they are (you can tell which of the BNHA guys they are and what things they do with her). The guys cheat at the game and reader is the only one naked but she feels comfortable with them since she has already slept with them individually before... Several times. They even make her beg to take off their clothes and it all ends in a foursome. Degradation, spanking and recording please and thank you. I'm sorry if it's too much.
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Sorry this took so long. It's been hard to focus on writing the plot recently. I really loved this idea, so I hope I did it justice. Here you go! I hope you enjoy! 💜
Warnings: stripping, group sex, degrading, spanking, filming, begging, temperature play, oral (reader receiving & giving), two dicks in one hole, passing out
It has been years since you 4 had gotten together to spend time with each other. After graduation, you all went traveling to different countries to assist with hero work. Now, more than 5 years later, it seems as if no time at all has passed. The four of you sat on the floor of your living room, each holding a notepad with a list of questions.
"So who is going first?" Shoto asks, looking around the room at you all. You were going to offer to go first, but Neito cuts you off. His eyes lock on yours so you know the question is directed at you.
"What is your body count?" He asks with a grin, already having a rough estimate of how many based on prior conversations and experience with you.
"Starting this already? What a perv. I'm not telling you because it's none of your business." Shaking your head with a laugh, you shed your first article of clothing, tossing it aside. You figured that the questions would be biased and pointed directly towards you, since there has always been sexual tension between you all. You just expected that they would ease into the questions and not jump right into it.
"Who has the prettiest cock from all the ones you've seen?" Yu asks, grinning widely at you from across the table.
"Shouldn't it be my turn to ask the question? Cheaters. Fine. If you must know, Mirio." You cross your arms over your chest, knowing he was disappointed it wasn't him.
A few rounds later, you had been targeted by all three men, and most of your clothes now lay on the floor. You were more annoyed by the fact they all had their clothes still on, than the fact you were so exposed to them.
"Would you have sex with all of us right now?" Shoto asks, his voice remaining as stoic as normal despite the situation you were in.
"Not in the middle of the game. We have to finish this first." You give a small laugh, not thinking he was being serious. His lips purse together and he nods, clearly thinking about something. You decide to shrug it off and move on to the next question.
"What's your biggest kink?" You direct your attention to Neito as you speak, knowing with him, it's going to be interesting. He stays quiet for a moment before grinning.
"Filming. Fucking love getting to watch it back later. And hearing her scream for me whenever I want." He finally speaks, his gaze holding steady to yours. His confidence as he speaks leaves your face warm, and your pussy throbbing. "I bet you'd look so cute being filmed. Maybe I can record us all fucking you once we get you naked." He winks. "Now, pretty girl. Who, out of the three of us, gave you the best orgasm?" He asks.
"Well... That's hard... Yu gave me the fastest orgasm of my life. Shoto gave me the most intense. And you, you gave me the most orgasms in one session. Best is too vague. All were the best in their own right." You feel your panties stick to your folds as you grow increasingly wet from the memories.
"How about we settle it once and for all, clear things up tonight. We all make you cum and you have to decide who is the best." Shoto cracks the smallest grin as he looks at you.
"Yeah. I like the sound of that. I'll show you both how to have her cumming in seconds." Yu activates his quirk in one hand, the vibrations blurring his finger tips.
"Speed isn't everything. I bet you're tapped out in 2 minutes, leaving her unsatisfied." Neito huffs out, crossing his arms over his chest.
"And you think quantity is better than quality. Sure I didn't give her as many, but the ones I gave her had her screaming my name and melting under my touch. I left her unable to walk because her legs were trembling for nearly an hour afterwards." Shoto speaks up, catching everyone off guard with his blunt words. Neito glares, taking the comment to heart and he silently vows to prove him wrong.
Everything moves fast. You are barely aware of the dual temperature hands yanking your panties down. To your left Neito is setting his phone up on a tripod, pointing it to film Yu. His strong arms pull your back to his chest, hooking his arms under your knees to hold your legs open. Your glistening pussy is on clear display to the camera.
"Let's see who you moan the loudest for. And we will have video evidence for the future at who truly gives your slutty cunt the best orgasms. I bet you think about us every time someone else sinks within your sloppy hole. The whole time, you wish it was one of us. No one can satisfy you like we did. That's why you whore around. You just want to fill the empty space we left." Neito's words go straight to your core, leaving you twitching around nothing. "You naughty little bitch. Come on. Say it. Use your words."
"It's true. Only ever wanted to be with you three. No one else has ever come close to making me feel as good." Your voice trembles with anticipation, Yu's fingers starting to vibrate against your thighs. Between your legs, Shoto blows ice cold air against your clit, chilling your entire vulva. You want to close your legs to warm it back up, but Yu's arms are holding you wide. You think you will get some relief when you feel his tongue begin to fuck your hole, but it was freezing cold. The chill makes you hyper aware of everything he is doing, feeling every slow drag collecting your slick.
Yu works his vibrating fingers close to your cunt, resting on one of your outer lips so a ghost of the vibrations reaches your clit. When you start getting impatient, your hips try to squirm and force him to touch your clit. Chuckling, his hand trails higher, pressing against the spot above your pubic bone to stimulate your g-spot externally. "Don't get greedy. You'll be cumming plenty. You don't need me to touch your clit yet."
"Don't move your hand. You turned her into a fountain by pressing down there." Shoto pulls away, your slick coating his face. He shifts back, his eyes and the camera both focused on the drips starting to fall from your cunt. "Maybe the three of us together can give her the best orgasm. I've never seen her this wet without making her cum. Her pussy is so reactive to your vibrations. No wonder you gave her the fastest. Looks like she's right on the edge and nothing has touched her clit." He speaks as if you're not there, as if you were just a hole. And you loved every second of it.
Not being on to be ignored, Neito sucked one of your nipples between his teeth. His tongue flicks against the bud, gently biting down to get a yelp from you. Your hands reach out for him, grabbing his shirt and trying to tug it off. He swats at your hand, pulling off of you.
"You want me to undress? Want the three of us undressed? Well you're going to have to beg for it. Ask nicely and maybe you will be rewarded with seeing our bodies again." Neito grins wickedly down at you, loving the way you squirm in embarrassment.
"Please will you undress?" Your eyes flick between the two men in front of you. Because of your hesitation, your voice is barely audible.
"Ah ah ah. Speak up. I want the video to catch every word that leaves those pretty lips of yours." Neito grips your chin, forcing you to hold his gaze. "Now try it again. And really beg for us. If I have to correct you again, you really won't be happy." He releases your chin, letting his arms cross over his chest.
"W-will you please undress? I want to see you. All three of you." Your voice is louder than before, but not loud enough to appease the blonde in front of you. You can tell he is disappointed by the slight shake of his head.
"I say we flip her over and smack her ass until it's puffy and sore." Yu finally speaks up, shifting you in his arms to drop you onto the floor on your hands and knees. He gives you a warning smack, not holding back as the first strike makes your body lurch forward.
Shoto is next, heating his left hand up to increase the sting as he strikes your other ass cheek. You grit your teeth trying to bear the punishment, but when Neito takes his turn, the babbling starts. He lands a strike against your sensitive pussy, your slick amplifying the sound of the contact. Each man takes another turn before they pause.
Shoto rubs a cool hand over the sore spots on your ass. "Are you ready to try begging for what you want again? Or do we need to continue this?" His slow circles stop and he swats your ass lightly.
"No more. Please. I'll do it right this time." You take a deep breath, making sure you'll be able to speak loud and clear enough for their liking. "I want to see you. I want to see your bodies. Your muscles. But most importantly, I want to see the cocks I've been craving for so long." The desire drips thickly from your voice, desperation rapidly building to the point where you think you may go insane.
The three men exchange glances, debating on if you met their expectations. Slowly, Yu shrugs off his few remaining articles of clothing. The other two follow suit, discarding their clothes and tossing them into a pile on the ground. You are quick to scan over their bodies, greedily taking in every new scar and stretch mark littering their skin.
"Alright. Who is fucking where?" Yu asks, looking between the three of you to see who speaks up first.
"I want her pussy." Shoto says simply, looking at your puffy, slick covered lips. Neito crosses his arms, clearly not happy with that decision.
"What if I wanted her pussy first? I don't like sloppy seconds." Neito pouts like a child, just wanting to get his way.
"Why don't you share? I'm sure our pretty one can handle two cocks buried in her tight cunt while I fuck her ass. Isn't that right?" Yu speaks up, moving to pull you to sit in his lap so his leaking cock head pushes against your tight asshole. You aren't given much choice, though you weren't going to deny that you wanted to try. Neito quickly moves to kneel over you, his tip wasting no time slipping into you. Taking the remaining space standing between your legs, Shoto glides his tip along Neito's, prodding your clenching hole.
"Shit! Your dick is even weird temperatures." Neito attempts to disguise his surprised moan with a disgusted gasp, failing miserably. His hips involuntarily grind against the dual temperatures, pushing deeper into your hole.
"Easy now. We have to go slow. If we go too fast we might actually split her open. And that would ruin all the fun." Shoto grunts as he resists the urge to plunge himself back into the familiar warmth. After all this time, it is still as welcoming as ever. Your hands reach for Neito's shoulders, needing to dig your nails into something as slowly, their three cocks stretch you far wider than you thought possible.
"Yeah. That's it. Just hold on to me. We will make you see stars." Neito leans down, his lips brushing against your ear as he speaks. "Almost there. Then you'll be so stuffed."
Time loses its meaning. Yu's vibrating fingers tease your nipples to distract from the white hot pain at your core. The restraint in the three men was impressive. They all wanted nothing more than to fuck into you with hard, fast thrusts. But they waited. They let you stretch and swallow around their cocks. Even Yu, who buried himself to the hilt long before the other two, managed to hold off fucking into you. But finally, all three tips kissed your deepest spots.
Your legs tremble, cunt pulsing already as the three men silently set a pace. They start gentle and slow. But Yu breaks first. After sitting for so long buried in your ass without moving, he needed relief. His hands grip your waist, slamming up into you at a harsher rhythm.
Neito caves next, craving the sounds of your moans as his head repeatedly drags against that spongey spot. When his pace quickens, he feels your entire body shudder, your cunt already gushing an obscene amount.
Finally, Shoto caves. Hic cock is longer than Neito's, so with each thrust, his tip slams against your cervix, threatening to burst into your womb.
Words are a foreign concept to you. The three men all fucking into you with differing paces and angels has you seeing stars. You don't even have the ability to warn them as your vision goes black. The intensity of your orgasm has you fading in and out of consciousness. You are vaguely aware of the feeling of cum flooding your holes, and your body being repositioned.
"Guess round two will have to wait until the morning." One of the males voices breaks into your mind, but you're not alert enough to tell who was speaking. "Poor thing couldn't handle so much pleasure. She will just have to get used to it." A second speaks up. "So you both agree that this is going to be a reoccurring event?" The third asks.
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enid-rhees · 5 months
Platonic Carl x best friend reader who's super insecure about her body/weight. One day Carl finds out and comforts her about it. Reader also has feelings for Enid, but Enid doesn't pay much attention to reader (Enid secretly has a huge crush on reader, and avoids her because of that). Reader thinks it's because she's not pretty enough for Enid. But one day gains the confidence to ask Enid out (thanks to Carl's help).
If this is too much, I understand! Love your blog - ✨🫧
wing-man || platonic!carl grimes x fem!reader / enid rhee x fem!reader
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warnings: a bit of angst, reader dealing with body insecurities
a/n: aaa another Carl req :D !! i absolutely adore him sm, so i loved writing this sm :] i hope you enjoy anon, tysm for requesting!
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you knew you shouldn’t, but you can’t help it.
every time you walk past the mirror in your room, you can’t help but stop in front of it, and just stare in sorrow. you hated the way you looked. you didn’t know why you constantly brought yourself down by doing this. you just couldn’t help it.
you couldn’t help but stare at every insecurity you spotted on yourself, the thoughts in your head only making it worse. tears pricked at your eyes and you quickly wiped them away, but they kept spilling from your eyes and trailing down your cheeks. you wrapped your arms around yourself to hide your figure and looked back at the mirror.
the clothes you wore — you hated the way they looked on you. so you walked over to your closet and started to dig through the limited clothes you had. they were all over your floor within minutes, and you were crying all over again in the last outfit you put on.
why didn’t you look pretty? why couldn’t you look pretty like- like Enid?
Enid. she was the prettiest girl you’ve ever seen. she had the most mesmerizing smile, eyes, everything. and yes, you would admit it right now, you liked her, a lot.
but, you would never have her. Enid barely paid attention to you in the first place. you’ve had very few, small conversations with her, but they were nothing more than that. she would never like someone like you, you weren’t half as pretty as she was, you knew it.
there were even times Enid actively avoided you, so you were pretty sure that proved all of your points.
you sat on the floor in front of your mirror and cried into your hands. you didn’t realize that your cries were loud, because you jumped when a pair of hands grabbed yours. Carl sat in front of you, his eyes wide and frantic. “Y/N? what’s wrong?” you shook your head and tried to wipe your eyes but Carl still held onto you. “don’t do that, what’s wrong? please, tell me.” he pleaded.
“i hate the way i look!” you snapped, and Carl softly let go of your hands. “i hate everything about myself. none of my clothes look good, this mirror is a fucking nightmare. i just want to be pretty.” you cried out, not even realizing half of the words that spilled out of your mouth just then. “no one wants someone like me.” you added, voice going raspy.
“none of that is true.” Carl spoke firmly. you looked up at him and wiped away the rest of your tears. “you’re just saying that, Carl.” you spoke in a whisper.
“i’m not. you are the perfect the way you are, Y/N. there’s not a single flaw on you. i really think that you are absolutely perfect, in every way. in and out.” a small smile made its way to your lips and you reached your hands out to pull him in a hug.
Carl held you so tightly, rubbing his hands up and down your back. you held him even tighter, his hugs had always calmed you down, ever since you two were young. you met him at the Quarry, all those years ago, and instantly became best friends.
whenever you got scared after a hoard of walkers, or after a fight and you had trouble calming down from it, Carl was always there to take you in his arms and hold you until you felt safe. you couldn’t have asked to find anyone better than him in the middle of this shitty, new world.
“i’m still never going to find someone looking like this,” you spoke, your words muffled by his flannel. “you’re wrong again.” he said.
“i’m not.” you said back. you then removed yourself from his arms and leaned again the wall behind you. “the only person i want doesn’t even pay attention to me.”
“who?” Carl asked. he moved forward, getting closer to you as if you were about to tell him the biggest secret you knew in the school bathroom. you shifted in your place, “Enid.” you whispered.
“Enid?” he repeated back in a whisper. you nodded. you’ve never really told Carl you liked girls, it never came up in conversation and you had no reason to bring it up. but now you did, and you trusted him with that knowledge.
“we’ve only talked a few times.” you told him, “but besides that she… ignores me. and it’s not like she’s trying to hide it, she walks away when i show up. she doesn’t like me. Enid would never want to be with someone like me.” tears started to pool around your eyes again, but you quickly wiped them away before they could fall.
“i don’t think she hates you,” Carl said softly. “let me help you.” you furrowed your eyebrows and let out a small laugh. “with what, exactly?”
Carl shrugged, “asking her out.” your eyes widened as you stared at him like he was insane, “are you insane?!”
“no! you should go for it! you never know what the outcome could be. come on, i’ll be your wing-man!” you couldn’t help but laugh at Carl’s preposterous offer. “yeah, you’re insane. never in a million fucking years, Grimes. because if she rejects me then i will literally never show my face here again.” you said with not even an ounce of humor in your words.
Carl rolled his eyes, “okay, now you’re being dramatic. relax for a moment and think about it. i know that there’s a huge risk to this, but with the world we’re in now… don’t you want to take the chance you have? i mean… you never know what can even happen tomorrow.”
you knew what he was implying, and the slightest thought about it made your chest tighten. “okay.” you ended up saying. “fine, but you better be a goddamn good wing-man or i’m finding a new best friend.”
Carl snorted, “right, we both know that’s not true you asshole.” he said, lightly hitting your shoulder. you took hold of his hat and moved it down to cover his face while pushing him away, laughing just as much as him.
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“from the few times you spoke to Enid, what was it about?” Carl asked you. you thought for a moment, staring at the wall in front of you.
“comics.” you stated first, “she likes comics. there was a day i was sitting by the end of the fence, reading one of yours, and she came up to me first. and then there was a few other times. but that was it.”
Carl nodded and paced the floor of his bedroom. it was almost comical, how into this Carl really was. you wanted to laugh, but he would just give you another lecture on why this was important.
“what else?” he asked. this time, you really had to think. there wasn’t much else you and Enid talked about. but… there was one thing. but you remembered Enid telling you that no one knows, so you weren’t sure if you could tell Carl.
“…can you promise not to tell anyone else? Enid told me no one knows… so.” Carl nodded, “of course, yeah.”
“she goes into the woods a lot. she invited me to go with her at one point… but i wasn’t sure how i felt going out there. but she does it nearly everyday for hours.”
Carl then stopped in his tracks and you watched as he began to think hard. “that’s it.” he said. you raised your eyebrows, “what’s it?” he walked over to his drawer and pulled out a bent comic and handed it to you.
“i don’t need that one anymore. here’s the plan, okay? i’ll help you find a new outfit, and by the way, you look great in everything you own. we’ll find a new outfit, you go outside with this comic and find Enid. you ask if she would like to go out into the woods, or wherever she goes, and you’ll give her the comic then. she questions you, and then you confess.”
you stared at him with shock. “wow, okay.” you responded, nodding slightly. “does that sound good? too much? not enough?” Carl questioned, and you put your hand up to stop his rambling.
“no, it’s perfect, Carl.” you told him. you stood up from his bed and took the comic from his hand. you turned it over and read the front. “oh- Carl, she loves this comic. she has a whole collection of them. this is perfect.”
“that makes this even better then. come on, let’s find an outfit.” Carl took you back to your own room and started to dig through your clothes. he picked up one shirt and a pair of jeans, and then slipped off his own flannel. “i know you like this one. you can wear it today. but try this on.” Carl left your room after that, giving you no choice but to try on the clothes.
you slipped the shirt and jeans on and pulled Carl’s flannel over the shirt. you looked in the mirror and sighed, you still didn’t think you looked good. it just felt… wrong.
Carl knocked on your door, and you jumped out of your thoughts. “come in.” you called out. Carl smiled when he walked in, “you look great!” you pouted and looked back at the mirror, “i don’t. i just… i really don’t think I’m generally attractive, Carl. i don’t know if i can do this.”
“stop.” he said immediately, “you may not see it, but you really, genuinely look perfect. but everyone else sees it, i promise you. you can do this, okay? don’t back down, i promise it’s going to be okay.” he held onto your shoulders and his voice soothed you, slowing down your racing heart.
you nodded and took a deep breath, “okay… okay.” you whispered to yourself. Carl still held onto your shoulders as he pushed you out of your bedroom and down by the front door. he handed you the comic again and you folded it to place in your back pocket.
“you got this, okay?” he whispered. you nodded again. Carl pulled you into another hug and the two of you stayed like that for a few moments. “thank you, Carl.” you told him.
“thank me when you come back with a girlfriend, yeah?” you smiled and hit his shoulder. “okay, go.” Carl said, opening the front door and pushing you out of it, closing it before you can turn around.
you sighed. you were really about to do this. this was really happening. okay… okay. you closed your eyes and sucked in a deep breath, exhaling heavily. you began to walk down the sidewalk, turning your head in every direction in hopes to see Enid somewhere.
you then looked over at the gate, and spotted her getting ready to climb over it. “okay.” you whispered to yourself, and began walking over to it. as you got closer, you jogged over to her before she started to climb. “hey… Enid.” you spoke, a little out of breath. she held onto the bars of the gate and looked over at you, “Y/N.” she said in surprise.
your heart started to race, “mind if i join you?” you asked, and a small smile then appeared on Enid’s lips. “no, not at all. come on.” she reached out her hand, and you took it in yours. you were sure she could feel how hot your hand was now that she was holding it, and you were hoping she wouldn’t say anything about it.
Enid pulled you up on the gate and you started to climb with her. when you made it to the top, Enid jumped first, and she looked up at you. “i’m here if you fall.” she called out. you jumped down and you felt Enid’s hands briefly touch your waist. “good?” Enid asked, and you nodded, face burning at her touch.
Enid started to walk and you followed her. “why did you want to come with?” Enid asked, breaking the awkward silence between the two of you. “um,” you looked down at the ground as you tried to figure out what to say, other than the truth.
“we haven’t talked in a bit, wanted to catch up with you.” you ended up saying, alright you weren’t quite sure if that would work. Enid nodded, “yeah, i guess it has been a bit. sorry about that.”
you shook your head, “don’t apologize. we all got shit going on.” you told her. “where are we going?” you questioned.
“there’s a spot i like to sit at. we’re almost there.” she said simply. after another few minutes, the two of you stood in front of an open area in the woods with a few branches lying in the ground. Enid walked over to it and sat on one of the branches, so you followed her and sat next to her.
Enid smiled awkwardly, “i really don’t… do much out here. i just like to sit here in silence away from everyone and read comics.” she looked down at her hands, fumbling with her fingers nervously.
“that’s okay… i actually had something i wanted to give you.” you told her, and it felt like time had stopped when she looked up at you. god, she was so beautiful. “for me?” she asked in disbelief, another smile growing on her lips.
you couldn’t help but smile back, confidence slowly taking over you, “yeah! i uh, i noticed you had this collection and i happened to have one of the comics… and me and Carl haven’t really read it. so, it should definitely be yours.” you reached into your back pocket and took the comic out.
Enid’s eyes widened at the sight of it. “oh my god.” she mumbled. she took it out of your hands and began examining it front to back, and flipped through the pages. “this is one of the last ones i needed.” Enid told you, her hand going over her mouth. “thank you so much.”
“it’s no problem, really.” you told her, scratching your neck. you couldn’t help but admire her as she smiled down at the comic. her smile was so contagious, you didn’t want to look away. you couldn’t look away.
“there has to be another reason you gave this to me… it can’t just be because of my collection. this is.. really- this means a lot, Y/N.”
your words almost got caught in your throat as you looked at her. “right- um..” you laughed nervously. “i didn’t only ask to come with because i wanted to catch up with you. i-i wanted to tell you something as well.” you could hear your own heart pounding, and you swore it was going to rip right out of your chest if it beat any faster.
you’ve never felt more nervous. “what is it?” Enid asked, turning her whole body towards you. you breathed in deeply. “i really… really like you, Enid.” you whispered. you watched as Enid froze.
“and this is probably the dumbest thing i’ll ever do, because there’s no way that… someone as beautiful and kind as you… would ever like someone like me. but you’re constantly on my mind, Enid, and i couldn’t keep it in any longer. i’m sorry if this made you-“ you were cut off with lips on yours. your eyes widened briefly before you closed them in utter relief. her lips felt so good on yours.
your body relaxed under her touch, her hands were softly holding onto your waist as you kissed. Enid pulled away first, but didn’t pull away too far from you. she laughed breathlessly, “you know, you didn’t need a whole plan to confess. i would’ve taken any opportunity to do this.” she mumbled, unable to take her eyes off your lips.
you bought a hand on the back of her head and pulled her back into you. Enid happily kissed you back. “and by the way,” she whispered against your lips. “you’re the most beautiful person i’ve ever met. everything about you… is just absolutely perfect. don’t ever for a second think otherwise.”
“okay.” you whispered, feeling tears prick at your eyes. Enid kissed you again, her fingers drawing little shapes into the skin of your waist.
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thepastdied · 1 year
I imagine Eddie's parents to have thick country accents.
Wayne does, so his dad must.
And maybe his mama has a sweet country accent too. But because Eddie was raised in Hawkins he didn't really get much of it, or whoever raised him most of his life. Or whatever. You know what I mean.
Heads up, this gets sad.
His mom would be so soft to him, the complete opposite of his asshole dad, and her voice alone made him so happy.
"Well ain't that just the sweetest! My boy gettin' me the prettiest flowers. Wasn't you supposed to stay out of that garden next door?"
And he'd be all bashful as his mom squished his cheeks and kissed his forehead.
"I just had to- made me think of you, mama."
"These are gonna right on the table so I can see them every day."
And she'd smile as she stroked his short though still fluffy hair.
And Eddie loved to listen to her tell him stories because she had the most pleasant voice. He'd pretty much follow her everywhere when his dad wasn't around, afraid he'd call him a sissy and tease him when he was. But he truly was a mama's boy.
He'd watch her as she sewed her pretty dresses, legs hanging off the chair and kicking above the floor because he hadn't had his growth spurt yet. He was short for his age around that time.
"Now don't be lookin' at me with those big doe eyes, you ain't old enough to sew. Don't want you hurtin' yourself, sunshine. Maybe next year- when your feet start touchin' the floor, huh?"
And she'd kiss him on the head as he groaned before giving him a box of fabric so he could pick out her new dress pattern.
Only a year later, she would be buried in that dress, and as sad as he was- he felt a little comfort, knowing it was the special one she made with him right by her side.
"What a gorgeous dress! The prettiest I have, I'll wear it till the day I die."
And he looked at her in awe as the twirled in a circle, smiling brightly at him with her brown eyes sparkling and deep brown hair swaying. It was Eddie's best memory of her.
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brakke-dino · 1 year
Can I have more Spider and Quaritch content (pwetty pwease)
Sure thing ask and you shall receive.
It was night and it was Quaritch’s turn to Take watch. He sat there watching spider as he tossed and turn. Spider shot up awake, Quaritch pretended not to see hoping he would just go back to sleep. Spiders bed shuffled around when he stood up. “What on earth is he doing?”quaritch whispered under his breath.
Quaritch finally turn his head to see spider at the trunk of a wide tree. He observed spider, spider jumped up and started climbing. “Oh hell no, no no no” Quaritch whispered.
Quaritch walked over to the tree and looked up, to see spider already over half way up. Seeing how high up he was made his stomach churn, he looked around to see his options. He frowned when he new he couldn’t shout so he had to climb, so he made his way up to spider.
Around half way up Quaritch stoped and looked up at spider, kid was just peacefully sitting at the top of the tree looking up. Quaritch started to think it was a bad idea to go after him, but he was already half way up so he continued the climb.
He finally reached spider, kid was singing or humming to himself it sounded like a pretty sad song. “What’s up kid” Quaritch asked his tone was kinda spiteful. Spider jumped at the surprise mainly bc it was Quaritch’s voice.
“How did you get up here” Spider asked in disbelief. Quaritch gave him the you know look. Spider sighed then continued looking up. Quaritch took a seat on another branch right next to spider.
Quaritch looked in spiders hand to see him fiddling with a string with beads on it. “ what’s that” Quaritch asked voice coated in curiosity. Spider sighed and held it up for him to see. Quaritch slowly went to grab it but was shocked when spider pulled it away.
“It’s a song cord, it tells a song about everything in your life” spider explained running the song cord threw his fingers. Spider the proceeds to put it on his loin cloth. Quaritch looks up at the sky and sees all the stars and every now and then a banshee flaying across the sky.
“Why are you up here kid” Quaritch said still looking up to the sky. Spider sighed, then looked down at the forest floor.
“Bad dream”spider sulked pulling his knees to his chest. Poor kid he’s probably home sick and miss all his friends Quaritch thought. Quaritch put a hand on spider’s shoulder to comfort him.
“It was about you, Jake and kiri” Spider huffed. This caught Quaritch off hard first off the kid’s opening and he had a dream of him? Quaritch knew how uncomfortable he was so he tried to change the subject.
“Who’s kiri?”Quaritch asked. Spiders head flung his head to face Quaritch. Maybe I regret asking that, Quaritch thought.
“Who’s kiri, only the most prettiest, lovely, kindest, smartest, caring girl ever she is amazing.”Spider informed. This is like the most spider has ever talked about someone and so kindly. It hit Quaritch this kid has a crush.
“What did you fancy her?” Quaritch asked in a giggle spider shoved him, spider face turn red. Quaritch didn’t know if was from anger or the kid was blushing.
“No! Gross dude she is like my sister” Spider yelled. Quaritch giggled if he said so. Spider stood up so did Quaritch.
“See that star there Jake said that that star is earth” spider said pointing to the sky. Quaritch bent down to see where he was pointing. Quaritch made an estimated guess on witch one it was.
“I’m going down now, I have no clue how your getting down” Spider laughed. Spider jumped to another branch the on a leaf and elegantly reached the ground in a matter of seconds. Maybe it was a bad idea to climb up here, no it wasn’t I just had the best time with Spider Quaritch thought. Quaritch attempted what spider just did but failed miserably, getting winded by branches and slapped and wiped by vines and leaves.
“Well that was awful” spider giggled as Quaritch laid on the ground covered in leaves. Quaritch dusted himself off and went back to look out ,spider went to his blanket. Spider didn’t attempt to sleep again, he instead sat there touching the bioluminescent ground and watched as the ground flashed every touch. 
Quaritch was watching the kid as he jumped up in excitement, and ran to a tree and pulled off a brown fruit. He sat back down with his find and cracked it open, then spider dipped his fingers in and started painting his stripes on again. “Nice find” Quaritch said walking over to spider. Spider nodded in agreement.
Quaritch grabbed the other half of the fruit and started on his back. Once they were done spider flicked paint on Quaritch and giggled. “Is this what I get for helping you” Quaritch giggled back, then he flicked paint on spider but a little to much as the speckles covered spider.
“Shit sorry forgot I have big hands” Quaritch huffed. Putting the bowl down, and attempting To wipe the ones off his arm first but it had already stained.
“Don’t worry I like it, it reminds for Navi glowing dots”Spider reassured moving Quaritch’s hand away. The sun started rising so Quaritch woke everyone up. and once again they were off heading to the banshees.
I can write spiders pov on this only if you want but I’m going to WA for a road trip so I won’t be able to post but I will be drafting story’s so be prepared. Thanks for the motivation @today-or-tumble i really appreciate it
@today-or-tumble @naavispider @nashichiyo
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