#she didnt need it to be romantic she just needed to be chosen by him in some way
hirokiyuu · 2 years
i do think its immensely funny that like. yukina's whole entire life was about doing everything she could for her brother and her brother only like. the entire reason she bothered trying to save the world was because it was the place mitsuo lived. she only cared abt helping the gods because if they lost their powers the power that sustained his immortality was also gone. and the moment she was finally starting to move past that, when they'd made peace with each other.... she was then executed while he condemned her
and after that she just couldn't care less. nothing mattered. she'd burn down the whole fucking world who gave a shit right. if even her brother thought she was irredeemable, then she was!
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ginnyluna · 4 months
I've been thinking about Reyna lately. Specifically, about her romantic interests. Like, how she was supposedly in love with Jason before the swap, but did nothing when he disappeared, and then developped a crush on Percy in like three days. I know i'm not the only one thinking it's a bit weird and out of character for her, and i had a thought on that.
Headcanon alert: Maybe becoming Praetor isn't just about leading the legion. Why are there always two praetors, a boy and a girl? What if New Rome expects their praetors to get together, after their service? You gotta understand, yes there are many citizens in New Rome, but the thing is, there are very few actual demigods, those people are almost all legacies, several generations after an actual demigod, and almost none of them have any real power anymore. Maybe New Rome needs to insure they keep having powerful warriors to fufill their leadership positions. What better way to insure that than artificially putting two of their most powerful warriors together?
It's not necessarily obvious, more like an unwritten rule, but when two praetors are chosen, they know it comes with expectations. Praetors are good at meeting expectations, after all. And New Rome's senators are there to remind them of those expectations. To make things easier, when picking their next two praetors, sometimes, the Senate chooses two teens who are already a couple, if both are powerful enough. Sometimes, they may pass over a potential praetor if they explicitly refuse to be a part of this kind of engagement, or if their parents want to protect them from that. And sometimes, the Senate picks two powerful orphans, one who spent his entire life following the rules and trying to meet expectations, and one who just lost her family and would do anything to belong to a new one - bonus points if one is an extremely rare son of Jupiter, they'll definitly want to insure that this specific genetic will be passed on to the next generation.
So. I don't think Reyna was ever in love with either Jason or Percy (at least, to me, it really didnt' feel like it when reading her pov chapters). I think maybe she was just expected to be, so of course she tried to be. Reyna has always been a rule-follower, after all, she always does what is expected of her, she understands the hierarchy's needs. And maybe she longs for a family of her own, too, and Jason is a really good guy, it would be a really good match, so if that's what the legion expects of her, why not go for it.
Edit: more under the cut
Also, it would kinda explain Reyna's reactions, i think? Even though she's not in love with Jason, she still likes him, they're friends, and they have both unexplicitly agreed to this match when they accepted the role of praetors. So when Venus tells her that Jason will never end up with her, Reyna just... doesn't get it? Why wouldn't they end up together, that's part of the deal, right? Why would Jason change his mind? Reyna probably already knows he's not in love with her like she's not in love with him, but that's never been a problem for her, and it wasn't gonna be a problem for him either when he took the praetor badge, so what changed? Does he actually dislikes her that much?
So yeah, she's a bit hurt by that. She thought they had an agreement (unspoken, prehaps, but still, for her it was quite clear).
But then Jason vanishes. No one really knows what to do, they don't even know what happened, did he leave? was he kidnapped? is he dead? Of course Reyna is worried, he was her friend, but she has an entire camp to run, all by herself now. She also thinks, that's what Venus meant after all, doesn't matter if he's dead or if he left willingly, he'll never be a part of her family, the family she's been longing for. Reyna probably thinks she's cursed to be alone now, the forever-alone single praetor, what a depressing thought. But then comes Percy.
Percy is powerful. He's another very rare demigod. He's brave, strong-willed, a natural leader - all important qualities for a potential praetor. So when he succeeds his quest, brings back the golden eagle and saves Camp Jupiter, of course he is chosen to replace Jason. Reyna thinks, is this her second chance? Percy is also handsome, funny and kind, he would be just as good match as Jason.
But when Percy agrees to become praetor, he has absolutly no idea what expectations comes with it - it's not like anyone ever takes time to explain, everybody just usually knows about it, it's tradition and what not. So when he tells Reyna he already has a girlfriend, of course she's disappointed, her hopes for family and a sense of belonging are shattered, again.
My point is, what Reyna had for Jason and Percy, it was never about love. It was mostly about rationalizing New Rome's expectations, and a little about wanting to belong, to be a part of a family of her own.
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cattonicdragon · 1 year
So how about tooth fairy Jack frost Easter bunny and mr claus(sorry if do do him) with someone that represents karma and make bad things happen to terrible people.
Tooth fairy,Jack frost,Easter bunny/bunnymund and north with a karma reader
I have so many requests so I'm starting off with the requests that have the less characters bc they take me the less amount of time.
Of course you can,for this you will be chosen as a guardian because karma dosnt nescerally have someone who represents it so they just have to believe in karma and shit.
Also norths will be more platonic than romantic
Has been proof read
Ty for the request
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Tooth fairy
Shes kinda scared that you'll be something like pitch black
However once shes been explained to that you give people what they had coming she understands alot better
Despite her first interpretation shes actually very sweet
She sees you give a bully karma and she just smiles sweetly at you.
You and her come across each other every so often,usually it's because someone had their tooth taken out unwillingly(like someone punching someone or something)
She likes hanging out when shes not collecting teeth or just having some down time
You also explain to her that when you give someone karma they had it coming and deserved it
You like to hang out with her at the tooth palace(or whatever its called)
You have actually given abit of karma to pitch before
There have been times where you've had to put bunnymund and Jack in their place,she finds it funny whenever this happens
Her mini tooths love you to bits
Even when your not at the palace you'll always have a small group of them following you about
They like to make sure your okay and pick up teeth along the way
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Jack frost
Honestly hes kinda excited
A guardian of karma sounds excitciting
He probally wouldnt be surprised if he was one of the first to receive karma though
He asks you constantly why you give him karma,much like a kid who broke a vase then pretended they didnt do anything
Hes very clingy
Tries to get other people out of trouble by bribeing you
If hes ever done something that you need to give him karma for he'll try get out of it by sweet talking
If there one person he'll never stop you giving karma to its pitch
Infact he constantly whines to you about giving pitch more,even going as far as making things up
He likes putting his hand on your shoulder
Will start snow fights with you at random
He will definatly see you floating around during an unexpected storm
Your almost constantly busy so he dosnt get to much time with you
Because of this he will definatly start more frost days so you can spend a day off with him and enjoy the snow
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Bunnymund/Easter bunny
Hes mixed between two mindsets
Having another responsible guardian
Another Jack situation
He would definitely be surprised if he got any karma,its be a "I dont think I deserve this " even though he knows what hes done
Hes definitely got it easy after seeing the type of karma you gave to Jack though
Will ask if you can give karma to Jack,because he was playing with some of the elves....
He likes to hang out with you when your not doing anything in Easter island
He likes to give you personalized eggs as presents
Hes very protective of you especially when coming on the topic of pitch
Speaking of,bunny would definatly ask how much karma hes due,isnt surprised with the amount
You sometimes help him place the eggs around at Easter,its a fun activity for the day
Your the only one he'll ever allow to brush his fur,let alone touch it
Glares at Jack if he gets to close
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He trust the man in the moon,and so far manny hasnt been wrong in choosing his guardians
Hes also heard about you before so hes confident in manys choosing
Hes grateful that you seperate Jack and bunny alot,they can be quite tiring sometimes
Since you dont really have a realm or anything north let's you hang about in the workshop
The yetis and elvs love you
The elves will often climb on you or show you some of the toys
You help the yetis paint and make the toys every so often
He gives you one of the snow globes so if you cant make it back yourself you can just throw the globe
He acts very much like a father figure to you
Asking how your day was and what some of the people did etc
He was the one to reasure the others that you ment no Ill intention
You fit very well into the guardians
If north thinks you need a break he gives you a toy with a note with it
Let's you pet the reindeer
He allows you to watch the globe if your ever bored
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angy-grrr · 22 days
I am still sad that we didnt get a hand hold. Izuku literally had hand holding moments with every character on the show. He even was allowed to have moments with Rody Soul in the movie. While we cannot get even a single hand hold between Izuku and Bakugo.
Yeah I feel you; while characters having challenges and not achieving what they wished for is pretty normal in storytelling, this isn't the case with bkdk's handhold. In the last chapter the author wanted us to know that Katsuki is able to extend his hand towards Izuku, even if he doesn't have to as he isn't sad or in need of saving, calling him by his hero name an a typical expression on his face.
It just highlights it, doesn't it? I think many of us were pretty sure we would get a handhold explicitly because of him holding hands with others without it being romantic; it could represent them as a hero duo, the ones who will take All Might's lessons and continue his work, but also them becoming true friends who are in good terms, acceptance of their weaknesses and the other's strengths.
Anyone who doesn't ship them would be perfectly okay with it, probably many would really enjoy a friendship moment like that, so none of that can be a reason why they can't hold hands.
And yet, we get it implied in such a strange way. Personally I prefer to interpret it as "yeah, we could show you a handhold between two male characters because the protagonist already has held hands with his friends in a platonic way. But we won't show you a platonic handhold".
Also, I know this has nothing to do with this -it kinda does in my mind tho) but: apparently some ppl back when Katsuki died in the manga, were making these "predictions" posts, some joking and some a little more seriously, about Izuku going into his grave with Ochako and their baby, named after him.
In one, someone wrote Deku could say that Katsuki was his hero, and that phrase was chosen because they understand he is extremely important to his character, and see it as a platonic thing to say. But then when he says it to Ochako "everyone" understands it as romantic, just like the handhold, even when there's nothing implying it truly.
I think I got reminded of this because of the comparison; with them we get more openness in the story -he is able to say her hair fits her, that she isn't weird, that she always hides herself to not bother others, that she's his hero, and hold her hand. With this I'm not referring to the characters themselves but the narration -we are able to see this, but not that. We can see Izuku holding Ochako's hand, Ochako holding his, and Iida holding his too twice (when he's trying to reach out to him and when he is guiding him into UA), but not Katsuki.
Why can't we see that one?
Why would he offer his hand in the first place, when Izuku isn't hiding away nor lost?
Why would this one be any different?
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hobidreams · 2 months
I was curious about TES after Yoongi was getting whacked left and right by anon's and read all the 3 parts + drabbles. I agree with them that he is toxic and but I also noticed something peculiar.
Why does y/n keep giving in that relationship ? Like, she buys him that music device, she spends her money on him after his first hit, she goes down on him more times than he does in the series. Even when they were just fxckbuddies, he seemed to be way ruder and seeing their relationship, I don't think he has made up to her. She is doing everything & he is just receiving while giving back little. The relationship seems parasitic rather than symbiotic.
im ngl to you i think its just because of the way the series is written and it's impossible for me to cover everything in their relationship!! LOL. so all those little moments of Yoongi being there for her, offering the $$ and emotional support she needs to pursue her dreams, doing the dishes for her when shes busy, those don't really get highlighted just bc of the scenes that ive chosen to write about. i tried to show it in the AMM answers (not sure if you read those too) but basically whatever she wants, she gets and Yoongi buys for her or acquiesces (even if its like food at 3am). like the cats that she's obsessed with. if she randomly brought home another cat he'd just cave to what she wanted loool. also in an amm i think i said that he, mc, and mocha wear family halloween costumes LMAO he def didnt like them at first but he does stuff like that to make her smile all the time!
ALSO PLS THE MAN WENT DOWN ON HER THE FIRST TIME LIKE A MADMAN u think he isn't down there on a regular basis?? 😆
anyhow the entire concept of the series was enemies to lovers so i truly wanted to create a character who was RUDEEE and in the depths so that he could get a second chance. ive always said in asks abt TES that if u meet a man like first chap Yoongi, u should run LOL but post-final-cup, Yoongi is absolutely trying his best to meet her needs and use his words and communicate with her like a big boy! also i think in my head he's just not as.. creative as her?? so like it'd never occur to him to rent a limo for sex LMAO but he would take her out for a nice romantic dinner to celebrate and that's not something that was particularly interesting to write a whole drabble abt 😥 so like the BJ drabble was meant to harken back to ch2, so that's why she was doing that. so i don't think it's totally accurate to say he always gives less.
also when i was writing the series, it was important to me that she has her flaws too. they're just flaws that arent as obvious because we're in her head! like she's so obviously a busybody and nosy AF. she's attracted to Yoongi cause she's kinda lost in her life and has a very "I want to fix him" attitude that's not good for either of them. so that moment at the end of the [REDACTED] confrontation where Yoongi storms off instead of thanking her was meant to be her wakeup call. he had to come to terms with it on her own and she ultimately had to respect his decisions, even when she disagrees with them. in a relationship i can still see her trying to take over and "my way or the highway" at times but Yoongi is more chill now so he mostly goes along with it, even if he bickers for fun with her over it! so imo the relationship is quite balanced now!!
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sizzlingpatrolfox · 1 year
So I don’t really care that much about song meaning,but I read some pjms and armys theories and I don’t really understand why dome of them are so against LC being about sex. I am not saying the song is only about that, LC is deep, it’s about escapism etc but when all back up dancer and doing very explicjt sexual moves I think it’s safe to say the meaning it’s connected to carnal please too
Getting this ask today reminded me of this other long ask I got weeks ago and never got around to reply. Finally I went and searched for my face posts 😅
- jimin confirmed on release day that he was inspired by Like Crazy (2011) and never missed any chance to mention this film during promos. so what was he trying to correlate? bear with me ✋
Sex and Alcohol are interchangeable coping mechanisms. both jacob + anna cope with pain of separation by carelessly drinking and having sex. in fact jacob's sex scenes also hold interesting symbolisms regarding intimacy. let's move to anna: she's toxic in wanting to get back with jacob despite being apart for so long. this is reminiscent to how the girl pulls jimin into the dream club and meets him midway the mv. as jm said in the spotify intvw, he's showing how "one loses themselves after a loved one in a Dream". what does it imply? he's yearning for something meaningful to feel complete yet it's unattainable, nor can he stay healthy post loss in Face-Off hence confrontation in the bathroom mirror cuz he's the problem. (the next track 'Alone' is where he accepts his mistake of not properly dealing w/ his complex emotions beforehand.)
the anima theory (which armys/jikookers poorly mutated into a gender crisis) is Jung's belief that man projects his inner desires on his wife/lover. this phenomenon is criticism by psychologists on emotionally stunted man-childs!!? so not only do theories which refuse to address the clear romantic/sexual imagery just plain disingenious but disrespecting jm as well.
he is a hopeless romantic but he referenced a movie about withering relationships here, and how sex is not necessarily love (jacob realizing his sexual compatibility with sam cannot help him move on from anna with whom his attachment is sincere)
i'm not peaking into jm's personal life but im not denying the song's adult concept either. he didnt need to dance such sensual choreo nor refrain teens during the fancall from watching the dance (the backup dancers were having full blown sex) but he did! for he had a story to tell! remember when jm, during encore, said he'll do a modest version of a dance step to pacify jealous fans, it wasnt the group hug intro but the mirror step, which he did with a male dancer instead on stage. jm and karmys had a mutual understanding of what that move signified, and why 1 female dancer was specifically chosen for it in the first place. jm was rightfully teasing them about the whole dance and not just because girls were in it.
There's nothing wrong with thinking it's about sex, but there's also nothing wrong with thinking it's not about sex. I mean, Jimin never explicitly said "it's not about sex" or otherwise, but at some point he did use a bed as prop with people all around (over) him. There's also the fact that men embrace him in the original choreo but he didn't think that was appropriate for music shows which would be aired on Korean tv. He also said he wanted the song to have an "ambiguous" feel and honestly, he got that concept very well executed. The song feels like a lot of things at once.
I agree with many points of the second ask, and I think you'd find I said similar stuff when I talked about my own interpretation.
The only thing I disagree with is the last part because it feels -to me- kinda deranged to see something sexual in the mirroring part because there's nothing like that going on. I think Jimin was just joking with the fans, and it was all banter, and that's the easiest part of the choreo to rearrange for fun. I really don't see anything sexual in that part of the choreo.
I don't think I have much more to add at least for now. I re-read my posts and I still feel the same way about the song.
Also this one about set me free because why not 🫡
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aemiron-main · 2 years
I agree that gay!Mike is easier to resolve things out and it works better to explain things. Because it is purely a specific conflict for Mike's character rathen than it being about El or Will too.
With the lack of gay!Mike & and the bi!Mike theory, you have to explain so many things to resolve the plot and dynamics of the characters such as;
1- why and when Mike did fall out of love with El, why El wasn't enough or fit and why Will is better. That just doesn't make much sense to be to wrap up the characters' dynamics and arcs. Because even if you argue that El also did not love Mike, the narrative still makes it that there was something that just didnt click between El and Mike, and that El wasnt enough. It just... doesnt seem a right way to solve this thing to me.
2- With the gay!Mike narrative you can solve that weird tension by just saying that Mike came to realize that he is gay and that is why he is unable to love El romantically. Not because El lacks something in particular, or not because El just isnt fit for him. But because it is something about his sexuality that makes him unable to love El like that.
3- It is more clear cut, and resolves the pitting of El and Will against each other in the narrative. I am not saying Will and El literally are pit against each other, but I am speaking in narrative terms here. Here is that El and Will both serve as potential love interests to Mike. So they are 'rivals' as presented. So in the story where Mike ultimately chooses Will because Will was more fitting for him and was better, it creates a tension between these two characters (El and Will) AND it doesnt resolve the characters' arcs! Even if the writers make El be happy about Byler (I am sure she will), it still stands that El was not meant to be chosen! It just doesnt solve or resolve the issue here!
Like people dont realize it but Mike being something other than gay is actually the thing that complicates the plot, complicates the relationship dynamics and arcs, and just makes the resolving of this conflict and issue harder too. Gay!Mike is clear cut because you only need to explain that Mike is gay and his lack of attraction towards women is what makes him unable to love El romantically. That doesnt have anything to do with El herself. It doesnt even have anything to do with Will. It is purely about Mike himself and his sexuality. So you just have to point that out and that's it! It is easier and resolves all of this shit in a better way!
ANON I AM CLAPPING AND HOLLERING AND CHEERING LITERALLY YES LITERALLY ALL OF THIS I HAVE THE SAME THOUGHTS AS YOU YES!!!!! YESSSSSS!! I have a big post/response to another ask coming in regards to this EXACT topic and what’s been said here and I just cannot emphasize how much I agree with you, YOU KNOW WHATS UP ANON YOU GET IT YOU SEE THE VISION, UR MIND IS HUGE!!! JUST YES ALL OF THIS IM BANGING MY DESK IN AGREEMENT!!! IT HELPS RESOLVE THE NARRATIVE EXACTLY LIKE NOT ONLY IS IT EASIER TO RESOLVE THAN OTHER SEXUALITIES FOR MIKE BUT IT LITERALLY PLAYS A KEY ROLE IN RESOLVING THE NARRATIVE AND CHARACTER ARCS!! And it plays that big role because it’s been SET UP THAT WAY from the START!! Mike has been written as gay from the start and like I’m gonna talk about in my big gay mike analysis, this is supported by EVERY ASPECT OF THE SHOW: the set design, the costuming, the lighting, the soundtrack, the writing, the narrative, the allegories, the cinematography, EVERYTHING!! It’s been built up this entire time!!!! YES!!!!!
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away-ward · 1 year
"yeah the series def needed more of it. but the thing is it did not happen for the other couples maybe except for damon saying in conclave that the only person who can bring ivarsen's dad to his knees is ivarsen's mom or something like that. so again only these two couples get the spotlight and exclusivity of the mmc reassuring the fmc they are the only ones for them. so we know that no matter how many orgies they participate in they will always go back to their respective partners but we don't get that kind of reassurance from the other two mmcs. "
Sliding into this convo, my question is: was this really necessary for emmy? Or willemmy. This might be an important thing for kaibanks because banks just want someone to choose her above everything, or even will, because he thought no one would choose him, but emmy? Or even willemmy in general? I dont think emmy needs it, so thats why, i asked if it's something emmy needs or something that readers just want to see even if it doesnt align well with emmy's characterisation, just because it's a romantic scene. However, slowly until the end of nightfall, emmy slowly opened up to will and chose him, in fact, propose to him in front of everyone, participted in a lot of things he wants her to do by his side so thats why by firenight, apart from him wanting her to be more verbally communicative of her love towards him (becaus eits his love language), he never ask much anymore, because he knew emory would choose him in/above everything, for life. Decades and decades where there will be just willemmy. Will stopped worrying about it slowly until the first epilogue of nightfall (?) during the time where they stayed at em's old home before moving into michael's old house. So i can see why banks needs the constant reassurance about being choosen and being publicly declared about kai's wants for her (because of her issue with gabriel, her mom and damon always not choosing her and abandoning her), but willemmy? Emmy? Will? It was already solved by firenight. He never needed anymore prove that emmy wouldnt be with anyone but Will Grayson III after that unknown conversation in the carfax room about aydin's rola in emmy's life now, and later on that implied conversation with damon at her newly built gazebo about that locker room scene because thats one of the only things that still got on will's nerves even after everything. Will always knew empry loved him, and she with him, but will just didnt know if she would prioritise him the , but slowly mature and understood that she had other duties that she had to deal with. "Life" got to her. Not other man. Not other woman. But her financial independency, her education, her career, her family duties. Which all of these will or rika never really had. Or even if they had, they had money that can access help, like therapy, rehab etc. I'm done comparing banks to will, then I will compare emmy's to rika's need to be chosen below.
Now, Unlike rika, emmy never suffered the thought of "oh, will would never choose me above his friends". Emmy only thought will wouldnt save her in blackchurch because she had immense (and unncessary amount of) guilt about her rejection to will after all that push and pull, and signing him up for jail (even if she had no choice) because she was just a good person who hated hurting people even if they could be guilty. In fact, among every characters in the series, emory was the only one who thought of caring about will's hurting limits because she was well aware that she might nit deserve his forgiveness, because even damon just hurt him and expect will to back in hid life, even if he regretted it. Emory was the only one who took will's hurt and boundaries seriously, thats why she hated to hurt him. In the past chapters, emmy thought no wanted to share her burden because his brother's love exhausted her and she thought she had no hope to be free and happy. Later on we saw her arc admitting that she too, had fought for so long, and wanted to start be good to herself and let herself have nice things and nice people in her life, which was the main reason why she was able to forgive will, because "you dont have to give up on everyone who dissappointed you" because people like will (as opposed to people like martin or damon) didnt always hurt her on purpose, but for the lack of trying or just miscommunication because they came from very different worlds. So real miscommunication was bound to happen, and now that theyre healthier and more mature, with no financial dependencies to anyone, they can do whatever they want because the abusers are gone, financial or educational debt are none, so whats there to wait for anymore? Nothing.
I never remembered reading nightfall and thinking "oh yeah, willemmy need to choose each other or declare their love to others like michaelrika (MR) and kaibanks (KB)" because unlike those two couples, willemmy had different dynamics, social standings, problems and wants and needs from MR and KB. Unlike MR and KB, wilemmy had already know they were it for each other, and they had always loved the other. But life got to them. Not because they didnt want to choose the other. And i dont think it's fair to say that will never expressed his exclusive love for emmy like damon when he literally did multiple times throughout the story, especially when he compared his love for emmy and how no one else compared to her, not even all the sexual escapades he had with his bffs damon and alex, because of his specific wants and needs that can only be gotten by being with emmy. In fact, even after everything damon and alex did, they still cant be #1 for will and they cant fully help him shows how it was really just emmy for him. The guy literally straightened himself, became sober, more comfident, became cheery again, started college, being present fo rhis nephews just because he looked forward to seeing emmy in his life again, "whetever thing i want to do for my little emmy" he said in that train cabin. I suggest you read that one anon ask here on KO's page where an anon ask KO about Damon/Will's compatibility, maybe you'll understand my point of will's declaration of love then. Plus, will probably already mentioned off page so many times how it was only ever gonna be emmy to the point where his friends got his message clearly already. Even durimg the bridal gown scene, will said something like "i knew she was made for me, i can see decades of us together", which he never said this about ANYONE, but just emmy. And then in that painting room in blackchurch when he compared his love for emmy to micah's to rory. "She was perfect for me when she let herself be". And what did emmy become as the ending gradually comes? She let herself be bevause she doesnt really wanna face the world and wants to stay in neverlamd with will forever. Even in firenight, will said something about freefalling, and the only other things that equals to it, or was more fulfilling than freefalling was the mother pf his children, which was Emory. And many other scenes where will declared will's love for emmy, and so did emmy for will.
I honestly dont know where did you read this will who didnt declare much to himself, to emmy, to the world about his feelings for emory, unlike damon in that conclave scene. In fact, will's declaration was at least 20% more than damon's and that's saying something because we got more winterdamon's scenes than willemmy. Even from other's povs we saw how to will, it was always emmy for him. Like the burning of gazebo in michaelrika's pov and michael knowing his feelings for em, then that will banks "feminist" fight scene in hideaway and kai said about his type was not so different, and then again will and kai in that bonus scene when will asked him why kai didnt stop him from burning down the gazebo, and then in kill switch, we got two with one being will showing up at arion's parties with hickeys because of the aftersex bus scene on nightfall, then two being that willdamon hookup pool scene where damon jerked him off to the image of emmy in blue panties, then in conclave we got emmy hint again when damon called her a bitch for not coming back home, and then also another one in conclave between michael and rika where it was insinuated that michael might bring emory to blackchurch to get will out of it (ironically, it worked but michael wasnt the one who brought her there but aydin, and he never got to meet her because alex ughh). There was just so many! Not even winter was implied as damon's love interest until we saw her in killswitch. But willemmy? The whole fuckimg town knows about it, including their classmates and alumni. Even his grandpa, and especially martin. I understand if we want to see more public declaration by will or emmy, but to say he didnt declare much, was just so?? Especially in the past where he did say a lot of things. And to say that emmy didnt understand this was just so?? Even the scene where em wanted to runaway from blackchurch because of alex was only because she saw how happy he looked when they reconciled (forgetting how long theyve been away as family, and emmy not knowing everything), but even then it was a misunderstanding. Not because she thought she wouldnt choose her as his love interest. She only thought he would hated her for everything she did to hurt him. And according to people like emmy, why would you want to be with someone that you hate? And then we saw in will's pov that said even if she had "sinned" so much and was his worst enemy, emory was the only one for him. And the same with him with her even if she thought his life might be just as bad as hers. Will also made this clear in the train after that orgy happened, and before that, his monologues were very in denial to soothe himself, so im not gonna include that too because then this will be a thesis but yall get the gist.
Now getting back to comparing emory and rika's needs and wants. In fact that michael line of "she is everything" was exactly needed only for michaelrika bevause it was the result of michael kept on not choosing rika until he was almost always too late (rika's near death situations, and extreme harrassment by his family and friends). But willemmy? Not only did emmy dgaf how the world thinks of her, but she mentioned so many times that her worry was only IF WILL felt and thought like the world about her. And emmy thought the world was laughing at her, when will never laughed at her, he just wanted to laugh WITH her, by his side. Thats why she rejected him. Thats why she runaway and tried to leave. If she had truly known that will was sincere, maybe some things could change, but still not by much because she was still dealing with a lot of things at home and she was looking forward to a lot of things in her career path for a better future. Emory needed will to be whatever she needed, so her wants are private to only her and will, but michaelrika were more open in their declaraction becaus eit involves so many, they needed EVERYONE to know about it. Didnt michael reject rika before that damon trevor's kidnapping amd assaulting? That michael rejecting rika was because rika didnt want to make their reltionship to be a secret even when it could harm her, her business and michael, no? Rika's needs was understandable but she ws only 16, and immature so michael had to push her away because she still didnt understand the severity of her wants then. They were all still pawns of their parents and the high profile people of that town. If anything, will's wants of being loved in the light was more similar to rika than em's to rika. And Will got what he wanted, and em will make sure he recieve it until he dies, while em never needed this because she already knew will would choose her above everything. Rika and Emory's need are completely different because they came from completely different backgrounds and have two completely differents lovers, and to say that scenes that happened in michaelrika needs to happen with willemmy, is most probably just a fan's wish fulfillment than something that is necessary in willemmy's story. I gotta disagree very hard on this one.
Hope you guys understand my long ass ask, do let me know about it. What do yall think?
Hey, there. Thanks for waiting!
because banks just want someone to choose her above everything
I really liked the reminder of this trait for Banks. I usually think of her as so stoic and strong and self-assured, especially as she ages and matures past the child-like traits that Damon tried to limit her too, but she really does need Kai to reassure her that he will choose her over everything and everyone else. Every. Time. (except maybe their children. She might murder if he tried to pick her over her children.) So, I think this is an important part of her character for me to remember.
why, i asked if it's something emmy needs or something that readers just want to see even if it doesnt align well with emmy's characterisation, just because it's a romantic scene
I think this is similar to what the other anon was saying; that readers want it because it’s important to us that Emory knows she’s loved unconditionally, it’s what we want to see, versus it actually being something important to Emory.
It's a good question to ask when analyzing her story. Was it important to her to have that declaration by the end of nightfall, after taking everything into consideration?
Will was known for making these huge declarations of love and what he was going to do for her and how he saw their lives together. I mean, how many of us highlighted the “Come hell or high water” quote. Maybe Emory didn’t need big declarations; they’d never worked on her before. Maybe she doesn’t need words, but actions.
I still think Will’s quiet, “I love you, but I’ll let you go,” and then he started to walk away was a pretty huge declaration of Will finally being willing to listen to what Emory wants. It was just done quietly.
he never ask much anymore, because he knew emory would choose him in/above everything, for life. Decades and decades where there will be just willemmy. Will stopped worrying about it slowly until the first epilogue of nightfall
I can already feel people being irritated. I’m starting to gather that people don’t really care what Will wants/needs or anything. Which, it’s their right to hate him; he is pretty hate-able at times. But I do think it’s interesting that you’re looking at their relationship from what Will would need. She did have him on a roller-coaster of emotions, but being sure that she’ll stick around this time and not try to “wake up” must be pretty satisfying for him.
Willemmy being happy and in love makes my heart all warm and gooey. It’s melting.
. So i can see why banks needs the constant reassurance about being choosen and being publicly declared about kai's wants for her (because of her issue with gabriel, her mom and damon always not choosing her and abandoning her
Again, I just wanted to highlight this point, so I can try to remember to think about Banks. I wonder if this is going to follow her through life and if Kai will ever meet the threshold. Or if it’s always just going to be out of his reach, because the damage has been done. Is his love enough to heal this wound of hers?
He never needed anymore prove that emmy wouldnt be with anyone but Will Grayson III
Again, most people probably don’t care what Will needed from Emmy. From what people say to me, the concern is more that he won’t be faithful to her based on his history. But I like to think people can change. Especially when it’s something they want to change for. I’ve seen it happen, and I don’t see why it couldn’t here.
Emmy only thought will wouldnt save her in blackchurch because she had immense (and unncessary amount of) guilt about her rejection to will after all that push and pull, and signing him up for jail (even if she had no choice) because she was just a good person who hated hurting people even if they could be guilty
One, the “signing him up for jail” line maybe me think of a parent signing their child up for an activity like dance or something. So, I got a chuckle out of that.
Two, the first half of what you wrote reminded me of when Emmy first got to Blackchurch, and she was constantly looking for Will, asking for Will, asking Will to talk to her. She was looking for his help. Somewhere in the back of her head, she hoped that the Will she knew – the one that would protect her – wasn’t gone. It wasn’t until she saw how angry he really was the longer she stayed in Blackchurch that she began to realize she “killed” the old Will. That really ramped up the guilt she was already carrying.
You said it right, she hated the idea of hurting anyone, but especially Will. He was one of the few things that gave her “good days” when she was living the worst time in her life. Killing his heart might have actually hurt her even more than having a hand in punishing him for something he didn’t do.
will (as opposed to people like martin or damon) didnt always hurt her on purpose, but for the lack of trying or just miscommunication because they came from very different worlds
I both agree and disagree with this. I think there were times when HS Will said or did something to intentionally hurt her. When he would say things like she was easy to replace. It was usually a response to her lashing out, but he still did it. It always bothered me that he’d go there, so it sticks out. But for the most part, any damage he did at that time was done unconsciously. Which may be why their HS story is so sad; both sides suffered from misunderstanding the situation and each other. Really gets you in the feels, huh?
will probably already mentioned off page so many times how it was only ever gonna be emmy to the point where his friends got his message clearly already.
This reminded me of the reel PD has on their insta where they show Damon hating how much Will talks about Emmy. It makes me think that Will just goes on and on about her when it’s just the two of them, but I know it’s probably more like Will says one thing and Damon’s like, “I just really hate her.”
Even from other's povs we saw how to will, it was always emmy for him. Like the burning of gazebo in michaelrika's pov and michael knowing his feelings for em, then that will banks "feminist" fight scene in hideaway and kai said about his type was not so different, and then again will and kai in that bonus scene when will asked him why kai didnt stop him from burning down the gazebo, and then in kill switch, we got two with one being will showing up at arion's parties with hickeys because of the aftersex bus scene on nightfall, then two being that willdamon hookup pool scene where damon jerked him off to the image of emmy in blue panties, then in conclave we got emmy hint again when damon called her a bitch for not coming back home, and then also another one in conclave between michael and rika where it was insinuated that michael might bring emory to blackchurch to get will out of it
So… realistically, I knew about most of these scenes. But having them listed like this was really a shock to see how much Will was not keeping things secret.
I will say the Arion one was after the movie theater date, not the bus scene, since the day after homecoming was the day Will leaves her in the hallway at school, and they don’t talk again until Blackchurch. But I still like your point that Damon knew immediately where he got those from. Which is so interesting because if Will was such a playboy, hooking up with everything, how does Damon know where the hickies came from? Unless, Will doesn’t let other girls “mark” him…  Which is a new possible HC for me…
*Edit 10/2023: I now realize that the Anon probably meant the bus scene after the game. In my head, I associate this with the Cold Point/Truck Stealing scene, and refer to it as The Bus Ride, while the other one after homecoming I call The Bus Scene. Stupid, but that's why I didn't piece it together. In any case, Anon is right about the bus scene after Arion's party.
The whole fuckimg town knows about it,
I really don’t think the whole town knows about it, but I would absolutely love it if everyone was watching Will and Emmy dance around each other, waiting for it to happen. Just being so Nosy about it.
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(ignore the other text, it was the only version of this gif I could find after searching for five minutes. It still communicates how I would love if the town were just...NOSY)
bevause it was the result of michael kept on not choosing rika until he was almost always too late (rika's near death situations, and extreme harrassment by his family and friends).
I think this is an interesting interpretation of Michael’s reaction and his subsequent declaration in front of Kai. He’s scared because he nearly failed her before. Of course, he’d never say that. So Kai and Rika continuing to take risks with her safety pushes him to being uncharacteristically vocal about his love for her. I hadn’t thought of it that way before.
And emmy thought the world was laughing at her, when will never laughed at her, he just wanted to laugh with her
I misread this at first and thought you said that Emmy didn’t care if the world was laughing at her, only that Will didn’t. And it reminded me of the scene at the end of the game when someone throws soda on her. I remember her being embarrassed, but not knowing why, since things like that happened almost weekly. Then thinking, “He saw me… He saw what the whole world thought of me,”
But even in that scene, she cared what they thought, she just didn’t want them to know she cared. With Will, though, it was so much harder not to care and to keep her feelings from slipping past her walls.
Anyway, I eventually did read it right, but I just wanted to share 'cause that line always breaks my heart just a little.
while em never needed this because she already knew will would choose her above everything.
I wouldn’t say that HS Emmy knew that, but I think Emmy by the end of NF knew that Will was willing and able to put her wants and needs above everything else, even his own wants.
There were a lot of doubts about HS Will that Emmy couldn’t overcome, and honestly, there’s a good chance he would have failed her. I know what he says he’d do, but he was still immature and idealistic, and they’d have encountered a lot of problems. But a more mature Will who knew what it was going to take to support her and be there for her – that Will could be relied on. He’d never pick his friends or a party over her, or get mad that she didn’t want to go to school on the East Coast because another school offered a better program for her interest (this wasn’t brought up in NF, it’s just me brainstorming possible troubles they’d encounter if things were different).
I know I’m one of the people who have bemoaned not having a huge declaration scene, but the more I look at these smaller scenes, the more I appreciate their story and what makes it different and more enjoyable for me, compared to the other three.
Would I have loved more conversations between them, resolving all their previous issues? Sure.
A scene where they make their dedication to each other clear and undeniable, without it being encroached upon by other characters? Absolutely.
But I’m starting to hate what we got a little less. So, thanks for sharing your perspective and interpretations. I enjoyed it.
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butchdykenormallen · 11 months
okay so scarian hungergames au.
I feel like its gonna be canon compliant to the actual hunger games in some things but not in others. like grian is katniss, scar is peeta, maybe big b can be gale (but I cant picture big b commiting such atrocities so maybe itd be martyn? but he and grian wouldnt have the romantic aspect.)
maybe grian and scar could even come from different districts or smth ooo. I feel like watchers would stand in for the capital instead. maybe ren could stand in as the district 13 leader.
okay so I think I'm just gonna wing it.
grian is a young man living in district 11 with his slightly younger brother jimmy and his [grian] twin, pearl (cuz I love skyblings). jimmy gets chosen for the games but grian stands in for him, yadda yadda, and scar is chosen as the other tribute. grian feels bad about this (not super bad, hes not TOO close with scar, but he still doesnt wanna see him die) because scar is kinda the district sweetheart. the town sweetheart who has also been fostering a bit of a crush on him for sometime. grians hunting partner, Joel, I've decided cuz. I think it fits (he and grian wont be romantic tho lol, but hes more jealous that his hunting partner (and fellow badboy) just VOLUNTEERED TO be put in the hunger games and is "using it to be smitten with scar".) is pretty upset!! like he and grian were much more efficient hunting TOGETHER. they fed BOTH their families and now joel has to do it himself. he swears that he'll take care of jimmy and pearl, though. pearl doesnt like this and kinda goes all depressive and lone wolf (shes more of katniss' mom, jimmy is more prim)
so they go through the games. I'm gonna say the stand in for rue will be. hrm. idk if there'll be a stand in actually. AAGGH IM CONFUSING MYSELF!! AND I NEED TO DO LAUNDRY!! rhhh... frustrated chirps I'll finish my infodump l8r bye bye kissies
kisses kisses.. so sorry i didnt answer this earlier im getting school done for tomorrow and got caught in the adhd loop. but this is so interestin and wonderful and i heart it sm. saving this
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stagefoureddiediaz · 2 years
Taylor whole conversation with lucy, was cruel about her bf tbh. All she saw was trhem talk for less then a minute when buck was trying not to cry and she culd have checked on him but didnt.
Hey Nonnie
that conversation was the return of the real Taylor - the one who only has half the pieces to the puzzle but jams them together and claims she has the whole picture. I mean who goes up to someone you've never actually met and starts at them like that - I mean if she'd seen across the room and they hugged I might've understood a tiny bit, but literally Lucy stood next to Buck and that warranted going up to that woman and spewing thinly veiled threats. It really highlights Taylors insecurity and the fact that she might say she doesn't care about the kiss when the fact is she really does. Because it isn't so much about the kiss, but more that the kiss represents Buck pulling away from her, that she no longer has the power over him that she had had up to that point ,that despite her protestations 'God you're so needy' she actually wanted needy Buck. Because Taylor only wanted Buck when he stopped pursuing her - she wedged herself into his trauma and presented herself as a life raft he could cling to in the worst moments of his life - now she is going to try to drown him when he's in sight of the land because her self created purpose is over and he will no longer need her!
The whole lack of interaction between Buck and Taylor this episode was fascinating to me because it wasn't just about highlighting the lack of true care or concern from Taylor, or the concept of found family v gf - it also really highlighted the incompatibility of their professional lives in a more stark manner than we've seen up to now - how Taylor with her chosen profession cannot bridge the gap and become part of the family - in the way Athena does, or the way we've seen from Maddie, Abby and even Karen - all of whom had/have intimate moments with their partner in the firehouse or at a scene and yes they (with the exception of Karen) are also first responders, but that only gives them the same access opportunities that Taylor has with her job - she was there but they didn't interact - if Athena, Maddie or even Abby had been at the scene we would've had some interaction we see it all the time between Athena and Bobby - just a smile, touch of hands or something to acknowledge each other and say ILY. But we get nothing between Buck and Taylor - the only time he even acknowledges her presence is when he looks at the back of her head when she is talking to Lucy. So Taylor can never bridge that divide and become part of the family and she knows it which is part of why she lashes out at Lucy - someone who is also on the outside of the firefam, but does have the potential to become part of Bucks family.
This actually has nothing to do with Lucy as a threat to Taylor from a romantic perspective - because we all know Taylor is looking in the wrong direction there, but everything to do with the fact that a year on Taylor is still not accepted by the firefam and I think she wants to be - I think that she sees that Buck has managed to build this new alternative family for himself after a rubbish childhood, he has a father figure and siblings etc and deep down thats what she wants as well - because not once have we had any reference to any family beyond a father in prison and other relations who appear to have judged her for her fathers sins and nor have we heard mention of friends or colleagues that she is close to. So in many ways her blow up at Lucy was never about the kiss - it was actually a projection of all the things Taylor doesn't have and hasn't been able to get - camaraderie and found family - things Lucy can have with the 118 and non of it has anything to do with the BUck/Lucy of it all beyond Lucy forming familial bonds - which is what Taylor actually saw - the bonds of family and not romantic ones. the whole 'I'd hate for things to get messy again' line is very much if I can't have that family i'm going to make sure you can't either because no one gets to have it if I can't!!
The reason I say this is because of this seasons recurring themes - family and belonging and the being on the outside looking in of it all and the whole season they have kept Taylor very much outside of the family because they could have shown her interacting with them even though she's not Bucks endgame (hell even Ana got a meaningful interaction with the firefam and at the firehouse) but they chose not to - the only interactions have been professional (at Christmas) or at a Christmas party where she didn't interact with the firefam beyond being in the background (and this was the perfect opportunity to have some meaningful interaction!) and even when she interacted with Eddie in a meaningful way - he wasn't technically part of the 118!
Sorry this got way longer than I thought when I started writing this - you sparked thoughts about the family aspect of the show and the firefam and when I started thinking about it Lucy and her purpose made so much more sense!!
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papers4me · 3 years
Fruits Basket Manga Review , ch 111
sigh~~~ I feel that my recent posts are a bit negative towards the anime, but thats cuz the chapters I’ve read so far are either unbelievably important character depth content cut for no valid reason or content in the anime but packed with million other things that it lost its purpose or importance. Basically tohu’s ep 6 which consists of 4 chapters & now ep 5 which is a momiji ep & yup, packed with 4 chapters as well... so, I apologize for any negativity, my intention is just analyzing artistic & story-telling aspects, I love se03, but yeah it screwed up lots of important characters due to its not so thorough plot decisions & harmful character insight choices.
today.. we explore Momiji... but only before his curse breaks.
Furuba anime struggling to know how to design an episode based on various plot-heavy chapters?
so, they decided 13 eps, & decided one ep for momiji cuz motoko’s graduation & the fanclub is the core of the furuba & have already cut tons of tohru, cuz who cares? she’s kind. be like her. end of lesson. No. really, jokes aside, how to do this?
How to combine several chapters in one ep? collect small snippets from chosen chapters/content like a bee does flowers? you gotta skip some content, you gotta highlight others. The ep is only 20 min after all & you got an op & Ed that you cant always skip.... so.. furuba team decide that momoji’s ep should be true to his zodiac animal, this is the rabbits last appearance in spirit. so, they went with quick hopping from one chapter to the other like a rabbit?
No really, ep 5 is really like a rabbit in its flow, you can’t savior a moment enough before jumping to the other: we learned momiji grew up!! loves toheu romantically, challenged kyo, really meant it, wanted a fair love game, got freed, lost tohru romantically & faced momiji! but that’s not all? we still have space!! quick add akito’s moodiness & love triangle with her dog & her submissive bed partner, add a happy comedy for no reason whatever & make shigue kiss tohru & wish shes 'was his lover instead!!!!!!!!! Mind you all this happened in the anime before shigure hurt tohru with his “the truth of the zodiacs talk & them accepting & feeling consolance that kyo is doomed”talk. 
-Gets whats my biggest surprise after reading this chapter ?????????
Shigure is consistent!! He isnt a rabbit hopping here & there. The dog is loyal & is tired for good reason! Him being depressed & his weird talk with thoru makes so much sense given the manga’s order.
Kyo is consistent!! In the anime, momiji surprise him with confession he loves tohru & challenge him, then kyo la~la~la~joins them downstairs for curry. Not a single expression on his face, where is the expression? it will appear when the plot is forced to address it: by the end of the ep when momiji face hin again. Then we get kyo’s reaction.
I need someone to tell the anime that actions require a reaction. You can refrain from showing a certain reaction if you can’t address it now, but you can’t erase it, negate it, then make it appear when have to!!!! couldn’t they make kyo refuse to join them & eat together? the     other characters wont be surprised they think he’s needlessly moody. The audience will know that kyo is troubled with momiji’s challenged & it will excite them!!! having kyo just go eat & watch the momiji/hiro/haru/yuki comedy skit is weird.
The manga’s author wanted kyo to join the dinner, like the anime did. but huge difference. the author actually cares for logic reaction & understands that the audience aren’t dumb little kids that will sit & wait for kyo’s turn to...react! nope! she did this: (a) & (b) below.
-Lost Small Bits/ Panels from the chapter.. But Sadly Big Huge Chunks for Characters buildup & Growth:
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(a) addressed the fact the hiro noticed kyoru is in love & dressed that shigure was right!! the cat being in love is a weird concept to the zodiacs! hiro reacted naturally & the author used hiro to flesh yuki’s (the rat), momiji’s (the rabbit) & haru’s (the cow) decision to silently watch the kyo (the cat) makes his own decisions to live!!! They won’t interfere or tell akito or remind him of his state as the doomed caged cat. So sad this moment is cut from yuki. Why must yuki only interact with kyo to beat him (all seasons)? why must yuki only think of kyo to envy him (all seasons) ? Here, yuki’s growth towards kyo as a person & his relationship with tohru is 1000 times better than all tohru is my mom’s sh!t & I envy kyo’s Sh!t we saw in the anime over & over till we memorized it.
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(b) kyo didnt just go la~la~eat with momiji after knowing he loves tohru. Nope, there’s small bits missing: called logical emotional reaction. He was surprised he’s caught pining over tohru! cuz yuki, the audience representative, has told us in the previous chapter that ppl in love dont notice anything around them. Kyo thinks him being cold hid his feelings. the dummy’s feelings are as bright as the sun in the Sahara, tohru too. a child read her! such small thing that wont take much space from the ep but was cut cuz kyo only needs to be responsive at the ep’s end. & this scene of kyo & tohru looking awkwardly at each other is minor in space but so important cuz kyo is determined to let go but his decision is challenged by not only momiji, but his natural attraction to tohru. Here he knows he’s caught & exposed... here he knows momiji is a better choice for tohru cuz he wont didn’t hurt her mom... here he knows that even yuki is better cuz never had to pretend to be cold to her... here he knows the world is better than him... & here he just cant help by smile & walks towards her... T_T ... another lesson in writing slow burns by Takaya-san.
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-Why would the anime team pass on this?? drawing kyoru closer after the epic tear in Cinderella ep, cuz they want empty suspense~! The anime team thinks that if kyo & tohru stand next to each other, then it means all their issues are solved & the audience are so stupid as to forget tohru’s mom, kyo’s imprisonment, kyo not confessing his sins to tohru & tohru’s need to make a choice wether to fogive hom or not.. nope! you see, they think, ppl who read mangas are smart, so the author can give this epic symbolism & pp would still be not sure kyoru is end game & tohru will forgive him or kyo even fogive himself, but ppl who watch, oh no, gotta cut all the plot worthy content, produce a graduation song for a minor character, cut all kyo/tohru interaction cuz it only means romance & not at all character depth & oh if we show yuki actually formulating deep thoughts that aren’t centered around him, the audience might forget his se02 struggles! or that might ruin yuki’s upcoming growth moment in the finale where he .. you guessed it hits kyo.. as he always do & sulk &  think abt himself cuz yuki can only do monologues when he’s directly involved.... man~it is so sad how the anime is dumped down.. Who is the target audience again? not kids as young as hiro cuz even hiro is smart!
-just look:
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 Momiji talks abt kyo shouldn't give up loving tohru & the authr shows this this ghost!!! his mom! The author reminds us that kyo isnt da~~~~ forgetting anything. He’s a deeply troubled soul & hos mom wants him locked cuz she too was locked in a cage & thinks that’s safer...why oh why you dump ur own story! sh!t~
Side Notes:
I like the closeups on Kisa’s face as she interacted with kyo. It’s very rare for kisa to have a world beside the endearing parental/big protective bro/big doting sister love she has with tohru & haru & off course the romantic love with hiro which was perhaps since their birth or sth. lol.  Kisa & kyo arent much on the brotherly side as they rarely interact, but its one of those  refreshing  interactions she has that helps cast a new light on her as tiny as it is,  but its sth out of the norm around her. She sees him  around tohru & gets to perceive his true unprovoked character. “He is  nice guy”.
I really wanted to punch kureno this chapter.. like Shigure is a jerk shitty dog for sleeping with akito’s mom but kureno... dude.. you submissively sleep with the guy’s eternal love interest & still walks in on him talking to her!!! lol. you’re mentally, emotionally & physically weaker than him & yet, she puts you on her bed, not him & you, tho not wanting her at all, dont walk away. No wonder shigure is defeated & wishing for someone like tohru, lol! Even if shigure met an older tohru-like person, it wont work. shigure deserve someone like him mean, schemer & loves playing power games. Tohru is someone who values honesty & commutation, not saying she’s an angel on earth, but tohru knows who suits her.. except fate is saying: NO. .... currently. lol.
I know kureno’s weakness is part of his character & I love that such characters exits. There are ppl ike that in real life. It’s just this chapter, I felt shigure’s frustration. XD
Yuki in this ep is the best yuki. no exaggeration here, I love when yuki is calmly thoughtful of others & here its kyo of all ppl !!!! cutting this scene is sad.. without it, kyo & yuki remain a cat & rat in the anime. Only ever thinking abt each other thro envious binoculars or hateful words or yuki giving kyo comedic hitting or life’s problem-solving hitting. Why can’t anime yuki be interactive outside his self-centered issues is beyond me.
Momiji & kyo’s interactions are always the best! whether comedy or drama.
I hated the curry cooking scene in the anime... so weirdly out of the ep’s flow.. very forced comedy... in the manga it had a purpose! not just quick add comedy cuz next shot momiji curse breaks & drama & we’ll close the ep with tears & sadness & glimpses of hope...
I love haru’s answer to hiro... so him.. “a guy can’t fall in love?”so chill.. so..simple.
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If the writing had been better and Davis had the balls he would have eventually turned Scott into the villain that he was slowly becoming. But there were no balls to be had in the writers room or on set so we were left with Scott, giving us what must have been mostly a false narative and a walk off where Scott’s final expression just oozes slime. He started out as a whining teenager riddled with hormones who had this horrible thing happen that changed his life and then turned into a narcissistic hypocrite who wore the “chosen one” label like it was an excuse to do deplorable things. This is why I think, if handled by talented people behind the scenes that Scott would have been slowly slid out as the Protagonist to Antagonist of the story by way of letting the “True Alpha” thing warp him as a person-which we saw it did or maybe it was the excuse he needed to be more of who he actually was.
What type of hero does the things that he did in the show and learn absolutely nothing from it or grow from the first to the sixth season of anything? Not a hero, not at all. We get that in Derek, who started out understandably hateful, untrusting, violent, brooding and a loner. What he started out as is not who he was at the end of the series. Same with Stiles who was arguably kind of a dick, a funny sarcastic ass but mean and jealous who ended up still being sarcastic and an ass but less of a dick, more pack minded and no longer the Robin, he became the Batman that Erica called him as or maybe even surpassing that into Oracle. And hell, look at Lydia. Lydia started out as a lousy, annoying, stuck up, air headed (though this was a mask) popular girl obsessed with popularity and being number one with her number one boyfriend. She wouldn’t have given anyone like Stiles the time of day and the show ended with them being best friends (I am going with what Holland and Jeff said about Stydia. She said ambiguous but was a little sarcastic about it and Davis said that they probably ended it after a month when they realized there was just nothing there romantically. So best friendness.) Lydia became a strong, independent person, she didn’t need a guy (though they gave her one at every instance however they could 😑) she learned to fight, learned what she was and how to use her otherness, she made friends, genuine friends with people she never would have looked at twice, went into dangerous situations without thinking twice for her friends and allowed herself to be her true self. She wasn’t pretending to be stupid, the way she was before, because it didn’t matter. Lydia learned that there was more than being the small town jocks girlfriend/future trophy while, better to be seen and not heard-because thats exactly what she was aiming for. Jackson had to be number one because she was number one. She pretended to be dumb to not outshine him or look weird. She would have probably done her four years of college, marry Jackson who would have probably become…what a lawyer like his dad, squeeze out a couple of perfect kids and be the best PTA mom she could be. Yikes to that. Lydia had so much development though she deserved to much more.
Lydia, Derek and Stiles are leagues more the hero than Scott. Scott was bitten and…became the lacrosse co-captain. He loved Allison and then he loved Kira and them Malia (WTF). He didnt grow enough. Scott of course is caring when he cares at all but lets look at that. He cares about his mom, Deaton and anyone he happens to be sleeping with. Yes, he will fight for any innocent person who needs him, he will go out of his way to protect people and he is kind and trusting. But he’s also an ass, like Stiles was an ass and while Stiles remained an ass he always developed layers. Scott’s layer’s didn’t really change as it should have, not compared to the others and thats why his character fails. The writers and Davis tells the audience that he is the hero but they didn’t go hard at making him out to become the hero. I don’t understand why they did that if he was their MAIN but they seemed to develop other characters and not Scott. Scott trusting Theo is what gives it away, Scott is not the hero. Buffy, the chosen one, was the hero she never wore the Chosen One as anything more than what she was, she fought for people because that is who she was an ultimately she grew as a character. She had friends and there were ups and downs but she never trusted anyone above them just because someone blew smoke up her ass and applauded and fake hero worshiped her (like Theo to Scott) she understood that the world was not black and white the world was an array of colors.
What Peter-and yes, even Peter got development more than Scott-sad about Scott is something. Scott surrounded himself with murderers to not her his own hands bloody because it was more important to be a true alpha than a regular one. He needed the prestige more than to fight on his own and do his own dirty work. Didn’t he also decide to let some kids die in the last season? Because they weren’t human it was okay to use them as bait or whatever but had the kids been human he would have tried or sent like Malia out there probably.
The point is that Scott isn’t the hero and I don’t understand how people think he is
DW: I mean, there is nothing here I disagree with at all. I would have loved to see Scott become a well-written villain. Hell, I would have loved to see him on an actual hero's journey as well! Instead we got a character who said he was the hero a lot, but still ended up recruiting teenagers to fight in a supernatural war -- which was exactly what Derek did in S2, and the antis hate him for.
Peter ended up with a better redemption arc than Scott did. Peter!
And yet the antis will tell the majority of fandom who feel this way that this is their fault, not the fault of the writers.
No. It's a fault of execution. If you're a footballer who kicks a ball and it doesn't end up between the posts, don't blame the crowd when you get booed for it. The ball was fine, your boot is fine, but you fucked up the execution all the same.
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crossovereddie · 3 years
Actually, here is an alternative thing for you to occupy your time with, and a question I have been meaning to ask you for a while. I have finished 911 finally! So I'm ready for the new season. And I wonder, realistically, what do you think the roadmap would be for a buddie endgame?
I absolutely see how their story has been framed and filmed in a lot of parallels to how a romantic storyline would be set out. But there has been no outright mention of either of them being bi - although the conversation about Maddy setting Buck up with whassisface was very casual and could very easily have been an example of canonically bi Buck - and they are both at the end of season 4 in 'relationships' with women.
So, in your estimation, what's the timeline? What's the transition? How do they go about this and how long does it take? I wanna know your thoughts 👀
okay yes i have lots of thoughts on this and it's actually one of my fave questions i get asked. I've always watched a lot of tv shows so I'm just estimating on what I've seen before and what I would personally do. IMO this love story is a slow burn. We only have four seasons so far and only three of those seasons have Eddie in them. This unsurprisingly got long so ill put it under the cut.
So I'll go by seasons bc to me its important to look at everything that has happened so far by seasons and by love interests and not as a whole. Its the best way i can form a timeline that I think would make the most sense and why
S1: So we don't get any hints at Buck being anything other than straight and I think this is because he was supposed to be. They hadn't planned for Eddie yet and they definitely hadn't planned for the chemistry Oliver and Ryan were gonna have. S1 Buck was this reckless kid who didn't take anything serious. He was definitely super immature. Then he meets Abby and he starts to get serious about his job and his love life. I'm not gonna say "Abby changed him" because she didnt. He saw the person he was and the person he was becoming and decided on that change himself.
S2: Eddie!!!! So we get introduced to this army medic turned firefighter in the least heterosexual way. Then Buck is angry because Eddie is hot and really good at his job. they work together and Eddie compliments Buck and now they're smiley bffs. Seriously wtf was all that? Anyway this is all sus bc from what ive seen before in other shows when a main love interest leaves and a new main character replaces them, that means something. JLH replaced Connie Britton as far as big name actress but i really believe Eddie replaced Abby as far as importance in Buck's life. Do i think they brought him in with the intentions of turning him into a LI? No but they sure fueled the narrative from the get go. I think they saw fans reactions and started testing the waters.
Moving on to LIs in this season. We find out Eddie has a kid and the mother is not in the picture (eddie made sure buck knew that right away). Then later on we find out he's technically still married. shannon comes back and we get Eddie finally getting to confront this head on. He tries to get his family back together for the sake of his son. Its big for Eddie's character bc all he does and all he's ever done is for his son. Then Shannon asks for a divorce then she dies bringing this arc to an abrupt end and leaving eddie heartbroken.
meanwhile Buck is still waiting for Abby. Then he finally accepts that shes not coming back and decides to move on. He goes right back to being "Buck 1.0" with Taylor and feels bad about himself because that really isnt him anymore. He wants a real relationship. So then Ali calls and asks him on an actual date and he agrees. This is his first try at a relationship after a heartbreak. in tv these don't usually work out but are used to develop the main character's growth. We don't really see much of her but she breaks up with him so.
S3: This is Eddie finally dealing with his feelings/guilt season. This is also the season I think we really see how important Buck is to the Diaz boys. S2 had cute buckley-diaz family moments but those could still be interpreted as a best friend and his best friend's kid. This season though... after the tsunamic episode was when i really started to fully believe buddie was going canon. This season is solidifying their bond not only as Buck and Eddie but as Buck Eddie and Christpher. As I'm writing this I realized neither of them really has a love interest in this season do they? Ana is introduced but then is clearly presented as definitely NOT the right choice for eddie and especially for Chris. Then they counter that with Buck helping Eddie build a skateboard for Chris that he can use as opposed to Ana's ablest remarks about how he can't do it so just move on to something else. Then we get Buck's reaction in Eddie Begins. Buck has seen his team his friends his family get hurt on the job before but he has never reacted the way he did when it was Eddie in danger. Again solidifying just how much these two mean to each other. Don't even get me started on this season being when Eddie changes his will offscreen. Anyway we get Abby back and Buck finally gets the closure from that relationship that he needs to move forward into a serious relationship.
Now S4: jfc s4....IMO this is the only logical season to get the ball rolling on Buddie and they sure did that with 4x14 despite everything else. So i never thought they would be the first serious relationship for each other after the heart break theyve both experienced. It wouldn't be fair to their character developments. Buck tries dating Veronica and that clearly doesnt work but we know hes now open to dating again. We get Buck Begins where we see why Buck is the dare devil he is. The only way he got his parents attention as a kid was to put himself in danger. They bring back taylor and how to they ultimately get together after she friendzones him? She thinks hes in danger and suddenly wants him. As much as i hate it this is really gonna be a relationship where Buck finally stands up for himself and sees his own worth and realizes he deserves more. He deserves someone who sees him and loves him for who he is. He deserves to be chosen, something Abby Ali his parents dont do and what i think taylor wont end up doing. I feel like shes gonna choose her career over him. Maybe not in a "I'm breaking up with you" way but maybe she takes a new job and want to do LD (hes tried that twice and it didnt work for him. hes not gonna want that) or she could ask him to go with her but he wont. His family is in LA. His job is in LA. Eddie and Chris are in LA and he won't leave them. Then we have Eddie finally deciding to move on and try dating again so they bring back ana. To me it's not gonna work out so I'm not bothered at all lmao. It's interesting that they'd choose her though. Someone we already know Eddie doesn't trust with his son. There's also more buckley-diaz family scenes of them being coparents. The hildy episode, Chris running to Buck when hes mad at eddie, Buck being the one to tell Chris Eddie got hurt, then Buck staying with Chris and taking on the guardian role without him even knowing just how much that role really does belong to him. He didn't do it out of obligation. He didn't do it because he was asked to. He did it because he thought it would be best for Chris. Finally to 4x14. This is by far the biggest "Oh shit this is it. This is the beginning of buddie". We find out Eddie changed his will a year ago and has just been sitting on this info. I think Eddie knew back then what it meant but he wasn't in the right mindset to accept what it means so he kept it to himself. I think he finally started allowing himself to go there during treasure hunt. The man was jealous yall. Carla coming back and her comment about doing whats best for him and not chris is his oh shit moment. I think he wouldve broken up with Ana a few days after that if he had the time lol. He gets caught up in the mother/son sl then this poor mf gets shot by a sniper. The way that whole scene was filmed btw was not in a bff way. That was a lover watching his beloved almost die in front of him. Buck again puts himself down and Eddie decides this is the moment. He needs Buck to see how important he is. He wants buck to know how loved he is. So he sits there talking himself up to it and finally lets Buck know just how big of a part he is in Eddie's family. Buck's previous scene is him saying he wants someone who wants him back then here is Eddie saying he needs him...Chris needs him. wtf.
So with S5: I think Eddie knows and Buck has a feeling but he's not sure so what i would do is spend s5 with Eddie basically showing Buck his feelings but not exactly getting in the way of Buck's new relationship because Buck has to be the one to make that choice. Id also have chris feeling the different shift with buck having a gf like he did with Eddie. This newfound info wasnt just dropped on us for a "Aww so sweet" moment. This will business is gonna be a part of a bigger storyline. I'm hoping its with Eddie's family during maybe 5b.
So what I think would be the best timeline for canon buddie is 5a eddie already having either broken up with ana or is gonna break up with her, Buck choosing himself and ending things with Taylor by midseason finale, them bringing in Eddie's family in 5b and maybe then being when Eddie confesses his feelings for Buck. Then 6a we could get them walking on egg shells around each other not really knowing what to do bc this is all so new for both of them. This could bring just the right amount of comedy and angst especially them awkward and flustered around each other at work. A big blowup can happen between them for added angst (maybe an arguement before one of them or both of them is put in danger) then a midseason finale kiss. Then trying to find the balance between their personal relationship and their work relationship during 6b.
I don't know how long Fox shows last but procedurals can last a long time. I'm not sure thats gonna be the case for 911 especially with all the main cast staying that long so i think this would give us at least a whole season (S7) of canon buddie.
As far as then being presented as straight, there's been more seeds planted about buck being bi. A few i can remember off the top of my head: all of 2x1 lmao, maddie's comment about bucks boy crush on eddie, buck hinting at thinking eddie is cute when he thinks maddie is talking about him, the christmas elf, the comments on the instagram livestream, idk if youve watched it or not but TK's comment to Buck in the crossover episode, and like you mentioned Maddie's casual comment about setting him up with Josh. All we really know about Eddie's love life is he married Shannon when they were young and is trying with Ana so it could turn into a whole storyline for him.
I'm so sorry this is so long and took forever but i I hope i actually answered your question and didnt just get lost in rambles lmao.
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helbertinelli · 3 years
How do you feel on au ideas of Jedi Padme and Senator Anakin from Tattoine
Ignoring the fact that Tatooine does not have a Senator, before people are gonna get up on this post like “But Tatooine doesn’t have a Senator...“ In this AU it does...
I like that idea. But... Anakin still has to act like Anakin and Padme still has to act like Padme. Like their personalities and most of their backstories shouldn’t change as well. Otherwise it’s just genderbent Anakin and Padme and it’s completely different. Also Anakin can’t be Force Sensitive at all or the Chosen One. Padme must be the Chosen One.
Here is my idea for an ideal AU and this is based on the events of Star Wars because their story was perfect, but with Anakin and Padme’s roles swapped.
Anakin was a former slave on Tatooine. He got released by Watto after winning that pod race and he gets to be Senator when he’s older. He’s mentored by Palpatine. He’s emotional and angry at the Republic that they’re not doing more and he’s trying to push for a lot of change. Then you have Padme, who met Anakin on Tatooine when she was a Padawan and he was a slave. She’s about justice and democracy and freedom for people and she’s very diplomatic, but she isn’t beyond throwing hands with someone as well. She was the Padawan of Qui-Gon Jinn, who died on Tatooine in the duel with Maul. Then Qui-Gon’s former Padawan, Obi-Wan, who was a Jedi Knight already when he joined Qui-Gon on his mission to Tatooine, defeats Maul and agrees to finish Padme’s training. And yes, Anakin still falls completely in love with Padme when they meet on Tatooine.
Anakin is trying to change so many things so fast and he’s also against spending money on wars when there’s so many people in need, so he’s a threat for Palpatine’s plan and the separatists. Palpatine tries to get him assassinated but his attempt fails because Anakin comes to Coruscant on a different ship. He doesn’t really have handmaidens or whatever the term would be, like Padme did. Maybe he sent a cloaked droid as a decoy on the main ship that gets blown up. I don’t know.. anyway... Palpatine says he should get protection from the Jedi. Anakin is against it at first, but then Palpatine assigns Obi-Wan and his Padawan, Padme look after him. Anakin is happy to see Padme again and he’s cool with the plan. He also meets Jar Jar on Coruscant and he talks to him about his worries about Padme not remembering him and he tells Jar Jar he’s been thinking about her everyday.
Then Padme and Obi-Wan get there. Padme is like “My goodness Ani, you’ve grown.“ And he’s like “So have you... grown more beautiful... for a Jedi.“ Padme is extremely flattered by him calling her beautiful and she starts having some feelings for him, but she tries to ignore them. Then the other stuff from AOTC happens and the council decides, Anakin should be guarded off Coruscant and Obi-Wan is sent to investigate the assassination attempt.
>>> I’m putting the rest of this + Padme’s tweaked backstory + notes about the AU under a Read More, because it got super long. So if you want to read about Senator!Anakin and Jedi!Padme in AOTC/ROTS/OT keep reading...
Padme was originally from Naboo and she was found by Qui-Gon right before she had to start her training as a Queen. The Naboo didn’t like that she had to leave to join the Jedi, but they also didnt want to get in a conflict with them. So they found another Queen. So because Padme didn’t start her Jedi training right away, she knew her family and she even kept in contact secretly with her family.
She takes Anakin to Naboo and asks her parents to stay at the Lake House to protect Anakin. All the scenes at the Lake House still happen just the same, except it’s Padme playing with the Force with food. Then Anakin reveals that he’s in love with her, but she turns him down because she’s a Jedi and he’s a Senator.
Then Anakin has a dream that night about his mom needing help and Padme has the same dream. Anakin tells Padme about the dream and she tells him about hers and they decide it’s too much of a coincidence and they go to Tatooine. They find out what happened to Shmi and they both go to find her. She still dies in Anakin’s arms. Anakin gets really angry and he gets his blaster out and starts shooting at the Tuskens who attack both of them. Padme kills some of them with her lightsaber to defend both her and Anakin and to try to leave. Anakin keeps killing Tuskens well after they aren’t attacked anymore and Padme is kinda shocked by that at first.
When they get back to the Lars farm, Anakin has his breakdown and Padme consoles him. They get Obi-Wan’s message and transmit it to the Jedi temple. Padme feels guilty about bringing Anakin to Tatooine and about what they had to do. She tells Anakin she wants to go save Obi-Wan but she doesn’t know what to do. He tells her they should go. They get to Geonosis, they get captured, Padme tells Anakin that she loves him, and they kiss.
Then the fight happens with all the Jedi and the clones. Padme, Anakin, and Obi-Wan go after Dooku. Dooku attacks Anakin, leaving him unconscious and Padme gets angry and starts fighting him without Obi-Wan, she then gets knocked away by Dooku. Obi-Wan has to fight Dooku by himself and he gets knocked out. Padme then attacks Dooku again and they fight. He cuts Padme’s arm. Yoda comes in and fights Dooku. Anakin regains consciousness and her runs to Padme and hugs her.
Padme and Anakin return to Naboo and they get married in secret.
>>> Now for ROTS and the OT... there will be a lot of changes!
Padme comes back from saving Palpatine and she gets reunited with Anakin. She tells him she is pregnant. She isn’t showing yet, but she’s worried about what will happen once she starts showing. Anakin reassures her and he tells her this is the happiest moment in his life. Then there’s the balcony scene where they’re super cute and romantic to each other and talk about how much they love each other. They say that they should go back to Naboo and raise the baby.
Anakin starts having dreams about Padme dying. Padme starts having the same dreams too, but also other dreams of Mustafar. Anakin becomes concerned of losing Padme.
Anakin talks to Palpatine about bringing people back after they die, and Palpatine tells him it is possible. He tries to get more information from Sheev about this and he ends up telling Palpatine about Padme. Sheev tells him that the Jedi won’t allow Padme to leave the Order and keep the baby and more stuff about how the Jedi are evil and Anakin shouldn’t trust them. He convinces Anakin, who is well-liked and respected in the Senate, to introduce and pass more legislation giving Palpatine more power so he can control the Jedi better.
Anakin figures out later on that Palpatine is also a Sith. He tries to go to the temple to talk with Padme but runs into Windu instead and he basically convinces Anakin to tell him what he wants to tell Padme. Anakin tells him about Palpatine and Windu goes to arrest Palpatine. Palpatine wins this time, though. He then uses the fact that Windu and other Jedi tried to attack him and he has Anakin backing him up (because he promised he’d save Padme if Anakin helped him), to declare the Jedi outlaws and he has the clones execute Order 66. He doesn’t make this public though and makes it seem like the clones are unstable and they should stop production. A lot of Jedi die, but some manage to escape.
Meanwhile Padme goes to Mustafar because it kept appearing in her dreams and she wants to know what’s important about it. She is attacked by the Separatist who are waiting for Palpatine there, but she defeats all of them. She is badly injured and Obi-Wan tracks her down and takes her to the medical station. He tells her that Anakin turned against the Jedi. Padme refuses to believe him and tells Obi-Wan about her marriage and about her being pregnant. Obi-Wan along with Bail, take Padme to Alderaan to recover from her injuries safely and to stay there until the twins are born. They keep telling her they’ll try to bring Anakin to her. She believes them at first, but then she gets kinda tired of waiting.
Anakin asks Palpatine to find Padme and he tells Anakin that Padme died during Order 66. Anakin is completely devastated by this. Palpatine asks him to help him rule the Empire and he uses the fact that Anakin is so popular to basically get whatever he wants from the Senate with little resistance. He gives Mustafar to Anakin as a gift for all of his help.
Padme runs away from Alderaan and tracks Anakin down to Mustafar. She’s really late in her pregnancy by this time, kinda like she was during the ending of ROTS. She’s reunited with Anakin. She tells him what Palpatine did and Anakin tells her that Palpatine said she died. Anakin leaves the Empire behind and him and Padme join the Rebellion.
The Rebels are not very happy about Anakin and they don’t trust him at first, but Padme sticks by him and Anakin proves that he’s on their side, too. Padme and Anakin have their own little Rebel cell. They have a ship, the Twilight, that they use for transportation and as a home-base basically. Padme gives birth to twins and they name the twins Luke and Leia. They raise the twins on the Twilight while they fight the Empire.
The Rebels win in the end and they make Bail chancellor of the New Republic. Padme and Anakin eventually move to the Lake House on Naboo after the war is won. The twins are about 3-4 by then.
When the twins are older, Leia trains with Bail to be a senator. Luke is more interested in the Jedi and he wants to restore the Jedi Order. He finds Obi-Wan and asks him to help. In the end, Padme and Anakin leave behind their careers and just focus on being parents and enjoying married life. They have other children too, all of them are Force sensitive as well. Luke ends up restoring the Jedi Order, but better since he takes out the rule prohibiting attachments and he makes it more of a thing to join rather than something you’re forced into. Leia ends up succeeding Bail as Chancellor of the Republic.
>>> Some notes:
- Padme and Obi-Wan don’t bicker as much as him and Anakin did. Padme is more inclined to listen to Obi-Wan. That being said, she does make her own decisions and she does goes completely against his wishes when she thinks it’s necessary. She just doesn’t try to reason with him about why her way is better.
- Palpatine tried to get Padme on her side, but she was hard to control. Anakin is much easier to manipulate since he views Palpatine as a father while he’s training with him.
- Padme’s story of joining the Jedi Order is similar to Anakin’s from the movies: Qui-Gon finds the Chosen One and asks the Jedi to train her. They’re not cool with the idea at first, but decide to let her join in the end.
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amateur-author597 · 3 years
Everyone who said Blinky would die because of"and blinky" in the trailer
Fuck you
It was very fair but still I was so scared
Same to if those who said Archie died because he wasn't in the trailer
Again fair but I was terrified and anxious as hell
My heart could not have handled if he died or Douxie's grief but I'm still upset about what actually happened
And I wish Zoe showed up so they could give her some characterization
We find out she's known Douxie and been friends with him for over 900 years but she doesn't help with the Arcane Order?
And none of the hedge witches show up to help fight them to defend their home?!?!?!
Jim you stupid string bean, I love you though
Claire, good job, that was some hard magic
Toby, go duke!
Douxie my husband, YAAASS QUEEN, GET IT BABY
The Police Station
It was so funny
Everything about it I loved
Douxari confusing the officers and being neutrally chaotic
Claire trying to be tough and silent
Toby spilling ALL the tea and the officers not believing him
Archie just being Archie and enjoying the confusion of the humans
Keep casually listing just about every spy agency in order
and then just
"And your mum"
What a legend
Literal King 👑
Walter and Barbara
Them being engaged and happy
Jim being best man
Walter DYING before they could get married
Very unpopular opinion
I loved it, so fucking funny
I don't even like mpreg normally
But I loved it as a random side plot cause they probably couldn't find an import part for every character and still give them their deserved screen time
Also, funny!
Krel was way too smug explaining to Steve that he would be pregnant, not Aja
You know how we as a fandom have all decided Krel is Aro/Ace icon or at least Aro spec and/or grey ace (something like that) I have no problem with this and love it, it makes me feel very validated, but what Krel just doesn't want kids and decided it's easier to not have romantic relationships, that's also a legitimate thing a lot of woman do
Does that mean gay guys can have biological kids on Akiridion 5?
I wish there was a bit where Steve called Lawrence on the phone calling him "dad" or "coach dad" and being like "Hey, I know you're probably busy, you're at school but I'm seriously freaking out and I need your help or advice" and explaining the whole Akiridion pregnancy and Coach just reassuring him gently and telling him that he and Steve's mum would support him and he wasn't alone and they weren't mad at him.
Douxie figuring out the sigil
Good job baby! Smart boy! I am very proud
You very smart
The Order bringing the Titans with Nari mind controlled
That's all
Numora dying
Why! It's was so unnecessary!
I don't necessarily love her by any means
But still!
*key spams in frustration*
This began much irritation that just increased
I was sad
"Nor more running"
Simple line
Shattered me and my very being THE SWITCHING SPELL
Douxari was so chaotic and funny and pure in a very weird way
I was sad that THAT screenshot of Douxie and Archie wasn't actually Archie because he looked so happy chddling his familiar but it was still cute
Narxie was so fucking sarcastic when the Arcane Order realized the spell didn't work and I live for it
Walter and Barbara
Them being engaged and happy
Jim being best man
Walter DYING before they could get married
I loved it, so fucking funny
Krel was way too smug explaining to Steve that he would be pregnant, not Aja
You know how we as a fandom have all decided Krel is Aro/Ace icon or at least Aro spec and/or grey ace (something like that) I have no problem with this and love it, it makes me feel very validated, but what Krel just doesn't want kids and decided it's easier to not have romantic relationships, that's also a legitimate thing a lot of woman do
Does that mean gay guys can have biological kids on Akiridion 5?
I wish there was a bit where Steve called Lawrence on the phone calling him "dad" or "coach dad" and being like "Hey, I know you're probably busy, you're at school but I'm seriously freaking out and I need your help or advice" and explaining the whole Akiridion pregnancy and Coach just reassuring him gently and telling him that he and Steve's mum would support him and he wasn't alone and they weren't mad at him.
Douxie figuring out the sigil
Good job baby! Smart boy! I am very proud
You very smart
The Order bringing the Titans with Nari mind controlled
That's all
Numora dying
Why! It's was so unnecessary!
Dndndbebhsve hehr didjbdisbeurbvtisjbsgsneosbsyneyjsosnsjdbdynsvsidbfindbzhndhdushdhushdbud
*key spams in frustration*
Titan Nari
I was so scared when Douxie nearly passes out from lack of oxygen trying to save her
Claire did a great job and I like her but I feel like they're overpowering her without developing her
Nari and Skrael's battle was a cinematic masterpiece
Coach Lawrence seriously needs a break
"No more running" destroyed me
The 9th configuration
The Final Battle
I don't even know what to say
RIP Varvatos
Rip Douxie that fall would have really fucking hurt
He definitely had broken ribs from that
I'm surprised he could walk after even while being supported against someone else to stand
Jim should have just stabbed Bellroc instead of talking
Jim should not have been able to walk and run perfectly fine after being stabbed even with all the adrenaline
"Always was, always will be" hurt my entire soul
The Time stone
This frustrated me so much it took me 3 days to write just this bit
Go back in time and save everyone?
Yes! Awesome!
Go back to the start the start
Also, I love and adore Toby
I get that he was tired of being the trollhunter
Largely because he was tired of not thinking he would do a good enough job
But odds are Toby will make some of the same mistakes and they'll be right back in that same position except maybe Claire will die that time around
And if you're sick of the trauma and responsibility of it than why would you dump it on your best friend
Once again I say, it was an illogical and dumb decision
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chasethesun18 · 3 years
I have to say I'm surprised they let Rick and TC verbalize the romantic potential for Miggy in such concrete terms this soon. (I'm freaking out over the parallel of TC and Rick's sidebar about Magnum's love for Hannah in 1x15, and now the same over his love for Higgy. Bless.) Now that they have, instinct is telling me the REAL angst is about to start. If the writers have any keen sense of pacing, the slowburn is far from over. Either Higgy/Ethan comes back as a solid couple, and then comes the fall, or we'll jump into their decline straightaway. I think the first is more likely. In the spirit of slowburn, my gut tells me to be prepared for Magnum getting another love interest, one that'll last longer than Abby this time, before we push to an official Miggy. I've seen it done on SWAT recently- one half of the central pair enters a relationship, we deal with the highs and lows and pining and jealousy, and then as that relationship ends, the other half of the coveted pair gets a new partner of their own. More pining and jealousy and angst commence until that final moment when tensions are so taut the standstill breaks. My tentative, arbitrarily chosen timeline for Miggy is circa the end of season 5 if the show makes it that far.
Higgy and Ethan spent much of the season in the honeymoon phase, with Miggy suffering the tension this dynamic wrought, until the season's last legs when Higgy reveals her past to her bf. Ethan's been good for stirring the pot between Miggy, all those itchy, uncomfortable feelings they don't know how to put a definitive label to. I think Higgy needed a transition from Richard before she could be ready to embrace her endgame with Magnum, and Ethan's a good one. It's also been great to see her be happy, for her to know she's capable of giving her heart away again. I'm grateful he wasn't the stalker, nor did he die. Our girl's been through enough trauma when it comes to love, thank you very much. With Magnum as the heart and Higgy as the practical, logical head, I think it's always been within the realm of possibility she'll take longer to catch up to what's brewing between her and Magnum. (Not that Magnum is quite there yet, himself. He just has friends and his uncle that are confronting him first about him and Higgy. And understandably, since he's the single one in this scenario. Higgy has a commitment elsewhere.) But I do believe that as obtuse and abrasive as she can be, she's improved. The difference in her dialogue from 3x01 to 3x16 is proof of that. Between gifting him Roberto the Mouse, returning his father's watch, the heart-to-heart she instigated, admitting he's both an important part of her life and her best friend, she's softening. She even admits she's been scared to get close to people, using defensive mechanisms to prevent herself from getting hurt. Progress, the likes of which we haven't seen before. I'm cheering. It's slow-going, but it's going. That's the silver lining to the obstacles in their path.
ok i didnt include your original ask that said you just watched the finale and you had THOUGHTS - girl did you ever hahaha
yes ok so to be totally honest i have not thought about these two in a hot minute. i really wasn't thrilled with the season as a whole, so it's really just slipped my mind and i had to get back in a miggy mindset to really think about this and answer. i totally agree that he's going to get a girlfriend. magnum and higgins journey reminds me a lot of castle and beckett, so they are in fact due for magnum to get a girlfriend. and im totally ok with that? i think i said this in a post after the finale that i was really here for the role reversal and i still feel that way. it's been magnum pouring his heart out and being open (and then being hurt). the finale showed him starting to kind of retreat and be more guarded - just as higgy came out swinging with the best friend comment and initiating a hug. so yeah, higgins will probably come back to hawaii with the knowledge that she's happier with magnum and with lots of thoughts and feelings to sort through...and magnums gonna have a new girl. thats fine though! i wanna see her fight for him the way he's fought for her up until this point.
yes, she is definitely softening and i LOVE it. it just means now its time for the role reversal cause we cant have things looking this good for them lolol
i have always said as long as they didnt move backwards i was happy and while i did feel like at the beginning of the season they took a few steps back, i was ultimately happy with the ending.
thank you for sharing your thoughts!!! <3
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