#she has his number. she calls him after no contact; she sees his absence in the shop. she knows he's sick and tried to connect
pangolin-404 · 1 year
as much as I know why Truant was too far gone to say yes, I think Truant should've taken up Thumper's offer for pumpkin pie, I think that would've fixed him
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bitchinbarzal · 1 year
What you left behind | A Fantilli
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based on this ask
You’d heard them talking about you at the Hobey award ceremony.
“I feel bad acting like everything’s ok! Y/N has no idea”
“Adam should’ve told her before she flew all the way out here”
“I can’t believe he’s breaking up with her”
Your heart dropped and you walked away before you heard anymore. You sat throughout the whole ceremony with a wary smile.
By the end of it you had excused yourself on account of not feeling well. You were so ill and knew fine well why but now this was making you feel worse.
When Adam did return to your hotel room that night, bustling around while you faced the wall in the darkness you were deciding if you wanted to address the situation or not.
It wasn’t until he got into bed that you spoke
“I know you want to break up with me”
Adam sighed and turned on the bedside light “Babe it’s not you-“
“Do not say it’s not you, it’s me! God, Adam I thought we were better than this!”
“I don’t want to hold you down while I’m away!”
You were now stood up from the bed “You want to go to Columbus! It’s like four hours from Ann Arbor!”
He groans “I could end up literally anywhere and I don’t, I don’t want to drag this relationship with me while I’m starting off in the NHL!”
You gasp lowly “You think this relationship is a drag? Adam there’s something-“
You were crying now, getting yourself upset thinking about how your entire world was crumbling around you.
“Listen let’s just call it ok? You’re clearly getting upset and-“
You laugh ironically “I am getting upset because my boyfriend is breaking up with me and I’m trying to tell him I’m p-“
“I get it, you’re pissed but I think this is for the best I’m going to stay in Luca’s room for the night” Adam finishes, almost infuriating you as he picks up his hoodie and phone before kissing your forehead and leaving the room.
When the door clicked shut you sat down on the bed and let out a shaky breath and placed your hand over your belly “It’s just me and you kid, eh?”
You were packed up and gone before Adam got back to the room the next morning, leaving him feeling somewhat disappointed.
He had tried to call but you’d blocked his number. Eventually he gave in and stop trying to contact you to apologize for how it all went down.
You on the other hand were too busy in the summer break preparing for the baby’s arrival in november.
It felt weird being home all summer. Typically you’d be spending your time split between vacations, lake houses and this year was supposed to be spent by Adam’s side as he was drafted.
Now you were knee deep in baby sleep suits, stuffed animals and diapers all needing to be organized into boxes.
The summer was hard, you’d been contemplating not going back to college now you would ultimately be single parenting and how difficult that was going to be.
It had taken a lot of thinking but you knew you couldn’t give up on school, not now you were all your daughter had.
The new school year looked a lot different. You’d moved out of dorms with your best friend and into your own apartment, you’d dropped out of your position as social admin of the hockey and lacrosse teams and even changed some of your classes to better align with better paid positions post graduate.
It only took the boys a day to notice your absence from the team.
“Where’s y/n? There’s no way she left us because Adam broke up with her!” Dylan whined as the team got changed after their first practice.
Luca just shrugged “I haven’t seen her, I don’t even know if she’s back this year”
“She wasn’t in our sports management class this morning” Mark adds “And her best friend has a new roommate”
Luca then became a little concerned. He’d gone from seeing you all day, everyday to not even knowing where you were.
That was until that evening at Tony’s, the pizza place you, Adam and Luca would go every Tuesday. It seemed as though you guys were keeping to the tradition as you both stood in line to order your pizza.
“Y/N?” You froze hearing his voice, slowly turning around with a coy smile
“Hey Luca” You reply sweetly, not missing how his eyes were now glued on your now seven month pregnant belly.
“Hey so-“
“You’re pregnant?”
You tut “Yeah it looks like it” you joke “so don’t judge when I tank a whole pizza alone I’m technically eating for two”
He softly laughs before he asks “Is it Adam’s?”
You can’t hide it and you know it so you nod “Yeah, it is”
You expect Luca to yell at you but he doesn’t. Instead he grumbles “and you didn’t tell him?!”
His anger takes you back a little and you sigh sadly “I tried Luca”
“Not very hard!”
The tears started the gather in your eyes as you thought back to that night you and Adam broke up and you tried to tell him about your little baby girl.
“Luca You don’t know anything ok? I tried to tell him but he was too busy breaking up with me! You know what Lu, pretend this interaction never happened!” You scoffed, taking off out of the restaurant.
Only five minutes after you got in your apartment the doorbell rang and you waddled to the front door, very unamused and hungry.
On the other side of the door stood Luca holding your order from Tony’s.
“I’ve got pizza?” He smiled and you gestured him in.
The two of you ate the pizza and garlic knots in silence until Luca asked
“Is It a boy or girl?”
You wiped your hands with a napkin before you said “A little girl”
He smiles “and you’re due?”
“November, middle of November”
He nods before he reaches across the table to squeeze your hand “I’m really sorry you’ve done this alone, but I’m sure Adam would want to know he has a daughter”
You retracted your hand from his and scoffed “He didn’t want to be ‘held down’ Luca! His words! So no, I’m not telling him because when I tried, he shut me down so this is his loss!”
Luca wanted to fight you, to stick up for his little brother but he knew better so he gave in. He knew which battle he wanted to pick
“Can I… can I be in her life? She is my niece after all I want to be in her life”
You softened “Of course you can Luca, you can be as involved with her as you want as long as you don’t tell your brother”
Luca reluctantly agrees and so he begins a part in this secret.
Over the following weeks he spent nights over at your house, helped you set up the nursery and was helping you study in your new classes.
He’d slowly stopped speaking to Adam as the secret was getting harder to keep and Adam had noticed.
When Luca didn’t go to Columbus with the rest of his family for Adam’s birthday, Adam knew something was wrong.
So when I’m November the blue jackets played Detroit, Adam, Nick and Kent took the trip to Ann Arbor to watch their old team play.
You wouldn’t have gone to the game that night had you known he would be there but it was too late. You saw him in the crowd. You’d been sitting in a seat, wearing Luca’s jersey so nobody else on the team could see your bump when you spotted Kent closely followed by Adam.
After that you made a mad dash out of Yost, but not before Adam saw you.
He watched you leave, watched you walk out and never said a thing. He had conflicted feelings about seeing you again. He knew it was a possibility but he didn’t know for sure not after his friends told him you’d basically distanced yourself so far from the team, what caught his eye though was his brothers name and number on the back of your jersey.
After the game Adam found his brother outside the locker room
Luca looked surprised to see him, looking around cautiously for someone else by the looks of it “Adam, what’re you doing here?”
“Dropping by to see the team, what’s wrong? You seem on edge? Looking for someone?” Adam wasn’t sly with his questions.
“No I just-“
“Not my ex girlfriend? Not Y/N? Who left by the way”
Luca looked panicked “you saw her?!”
“Yeah i saw her leaving, wearing your jersey! Dude are you fucking y/n? How could-“
Luca scoffs “I’m not fucking her!”
“Well what’s going on? You haven’t come to visit, we hardly talk, she’s walking around here in your jersey and you seem really agitated about her right now so cmon dude spill it! I’d rather you just told me straight but I’m gonna be mad you know I’m still in love with her!!”
Before Luca can even defend himself and you, his phone starts ringing. It’s you.
As soon as he picks up the phone he can hear you crying “what’s going on? Talk me y/n”
That peaks Adam’s interest.
“I fell Luca! I fell and I need to go to the hospital I’m bleeding-“
“I’m coming, I’m coming just hang in there you guys are gonna be ok is the ambulance there? Ok just go and I’ll meet you at the hospital”
Adam is traipsing behind him still demanding answers when Luca shouts “Just get in the car Adam! I don’t have time to deal with you right now”
Adam can feel Luca’s stress and it’s confusing him, a lot.
When they arrive at the hospital he finally asks “Why are we here? What is going on? Who’s hurt?”
Luca sighs, pinching his nose and just praying you’ll understand why he did it
“Y/N is pregnant” he states as if it was the simplest thing while Adam’s entire world just exploded.
He was still in love with you and you were having a baby.
“Is It yours?” Adam asked “Because if it is I’m gonna let you call mom before I fucking kill-“
Luca holds his hand up to his little brother “The baby is yours”
Adam is going through every emotion possible at the moment, stuttering out “Why didn’t you tell me? She didn’t-“
“She tried Adam, the day you broke up with her”
He feels horrible, he feels heartbroken.
“And Why are we at the hospital? Do we need to go in? Is she ok?”
“She said there’s been bleeding, that she fell after the game. That could be bad Adam so just don’t go in there guns blazing when she could have lost her baby”
Adam’s heart breaks even further for his baby; who’s existence he’s only known of for a minute who might now be dead.
The brothers make their way up to the ward and ask for you to which the nurse smiles sympathetically “It’s family only, sorry boys”
Luca hurries “He’s the babies dad, she’s pregnant-“
“Actually, miss y/l/n had a turn in the ambulance after she was picked up by paramedics and she is no longer pregnant” Adam and Luca both gasped lowly, heartbroken when the nurse continued “She delivered her babygirl in the ambulance on route here. Congratulations dad, head on down its room 103”
The two shared glances before Luca patted his little brother on the back “You’re a dad, man!”
“I’m a dad…” he repeats, almost in disbelief.
When Adam got to your room and walked in you were laying in the hospital bed holding your little girl in your arms mumbling something to her. When you looked up and saw Adam the smile on your face dropped
“What’re you-“
“Is she ok? Are you ok?” He interrupted, walking over to you both.
You looked surprised “Luca told you?”
He nods “the cliff notes, we were in a rush”
You nodded understandingly “She’s perfect, all eight pounds of perfection”
You watch Adam step closer and closer to you both when you say “Adam, do you want to hold her?”
He nods, sitting down in the chair next to your bed and taking her into his arms. You watch them as Adam whispers sweet words to her.
“Hi babygirl, I’m your daddy”
When he finally puts her in her bassinet, Adam turns to you “I’m so sorry you went through this all alone, I’m sorry I didn’t listen to you that night and I’m sorry I just abandoned us… I regret it everyday”
You smile softly “Do you miss me?” It was a lighthearted jab but Adam grabs your hands, seriously and says “So much, everyday I’ve thought about what an idiot I was to let you go. The love of my life”
“Adam you really broke my heart, I’m not sure how I would’ve survived if it wasn’t for her” you say gesturing to the baby asleep next to you.
He squeezes your hands “I know and I can only apologise and beg you to understand I acted on stupid judgement. We could always make long distance work and you have never held me down ever, you make me a better person y/n, I guess now you both do”
Eventually around eleven your nurse manages to sneak Luca into your room. He fully expected you two at each others throats when he entered but instead he found you both sitting on your bed holding your daughter in your hands just adoring her.
“Hey guys, she’s beautiful y/n congratulations”
You smile “thanks uncle Lu”
“So what’s princess called?”
Adam looks at you to tell him and you take pleasure when you say “This is Lucia, her name is inspired by our role model. Both of us”
Luca crouches down by Lucia’s sleeping body and brushes his thumb over her cheek “Hi Lu, I’m your uncle Luca. I love You so much already and I don’t even know you yet”
Your head absentmindedly rested on Adams’s shoulder and he kissed the crown of your head and mumbled “My girls, my whole world”
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chadillacboseman · 1 year
Hiii :)))
I saw your Makarov posts and I am obsessed with how you write him! I was wondering if I could request a writing? Could you write a oneshot where the reader is completely unaware of just WHO Makarov is and thinks he's a regular guy (established relationship) but she somehow finds out what he does/ has done and he lowkey kinda panics bc how tf did she figured that out??? And is she gonna leave??? But he explains how much he's doing to make sure she never is exposed to his work and he becomes more desperate to make sure she stays? Idk i like him lowkey kinda OOC 😌
If not that's totally ok! Have a good day!!
ALSO- Jason Isbell has a song called "Live Oak" that I feel fits really well:
There's a man who walks beside me
He is who I used to be
And I wonder if she sees him and confuses him with me
And I wonder who she's pinin' for
On nights I'm not around
Could it be the man who did the things
I'm living down?
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Makarov had worked very hard to keep his "work" away from you. He crafted believable stories, spun from whole cloth, to explain his extended absences and late nights spent away from home. When his men kept an eye on the house, he made them do it in secret, hoping, no- praying that you wouldn't notice the familiar cars that parked on the street every night.
As they say, though, even the best laid plans can go awry.
Makarov's phone rang in the middle of the night, the soft thrum of the vibration just enough to wake him, but not you. He scrambled from the bed, quickly swiping to answer the call while making his way into the hallway.
"What is it?" he asked, sleep still clinging to his voice as he paced in the small space.
An errant creak in the floorboards made him curse in Russian, glancing over his shoulder to make sure it hadn't awoken you.
In the bedroom, you stirred, reaching a hand over to his side of the bed and blinking awake when you found it empty.
"V?" you croaked out into the darkness.
No answer.
You could hear the soft sound of his voice coming from the hallway, words muffled by the distance between you. You rose to your feet quietly, trying to shake the tiredness from your mind.
Makarov had his back to you, his phone pressed against his ear; he was whispering, but you could hear the angry hiss in his voice.
"I told you to tie up the loose ends!" he paused to listen to the man's response and scoffed quietly, "Make sure he's dead before morning, or I'll put a bullet between your eyes myself."
Your heart hammered out an erratic rythm in your chest, so loud that you were sure he could hear it. Had you misheard him?
Makarov ended the call and immediately swiped his thumb across the numbers, dialing a contact you didn't recognize.
"Ivan just called me," he hissed into the phone when the person picked up, "After that stunt at the train station in London-"
His next words were lost to the ringing in your ears.
Train station? Your memory flashes to the news articles, the tv coverage- dozens dead, and hundreds more injured in a blast that NCA and Interpol were still investigating.
Before you could stop it, a small gasp fell from your mouth, impossibly loud in the quiet space. At the sound of it, Makarov's shoulders stiffened, his broad frame becoming rigid in the darkness.
He ended the call abruptly and tried to swallow his heart down out of his throat. His mind was on fire, racing with what to do- what to say-
When he finally turned to face you, his face was pale and his eyes were full of desperation.
The two of you stood in silence, neither willing to break it and confront what had just happened. You'd shared your life with him for the last four years- had laid in bed next to a killer. How many plots had he orchestrated? How many people had died at his behest?
Makarov finally broke the silence with a whisper of your name, "Please- let me explain."
You looked so afraid, wild-eyed like a doe that hears the errant crack of a twig in the forest. His heart was in his stomach now; he felt as if his entire world was about to fall down around him.
Part of you wanted to leave. To pack a bag and find a cheap hotel to put some distance between the two of you. But another part of you, a bigger part, wanted a fucking explanation.
But what could he possibly say?
Makarov closed the distance between the two of you, one of his hands coming up to cup your face. You flinched at the movement, and he felt his heart break.
"I did everything I could to keep you safe," he murmured, his dark eyes never wavering from yours, "I didn't-" he paused for a moment, searching for the words, "I didn't want you to know who I am- what I am."
"You'll never have to find that out. I promise."
"And what are you?" You whispered. You felt as if your life had been upended entirely, pieces of your broken image of him scattered like a shattered piece of china.
"And what if the enemies you've made come for me?" You asked, defiantly, pulling your face from his grip.
A possibility he'd considered thousands of times. That you pulled away from his touch while you asked it pierced his chest like a knife.
How could he begin to explain the details his men kept on the house? The late nights he spent awake when a noise roused him from his sleep, ears strained in the darkness and a grip on his pistol?
"My men watch the house when I'm gone," Makarov searched your face for any sign of relief, "I will always keep you safe, Любимая."
There was so much more he wanted to say-
Don't leave me.
You're the closest thing to normal I have.
I love you.
"No one will ever lay a hand on you," he brought his hand to your face once more and you let him, closing your eyes as his thumb swept across your cheek gently, "Please, give me a chance."
You wondered, now, how many sleepless nights he had spent making sure you were safe. How many times he'd been away, nerves on edge with worry of your safety.
Could you still see him as the same "V"?
"Promise me something?" You stared up into his eyes, sparkling in the dark hallway.
"Anything," he breathed, bringing his face closer to yours, the tip of his nose brushing against yours as he spoke.
"I want things to stay like they were. I don't...I don't want to know about what you do."
You weren't even sure that was possible. But you had to try.
Makarov brought his lips to yours, his stubbled chin grating gently against your skin as he kissed you. For a moment, everything felt right again as he pulled you tight against him, the warmth of his body such a familiar comfort you could almost forget what you'd heard. When he broke the kiss, he was breathing heavily, his eyes flitting to yours once more.
"I promise."
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ladysmutwriter · 5 months
Take me one more time
Continuation of Watching her Fade Away! Summary of that fic// after a nasty fight with your boyfriend Simon Henrikkson, you cheat on him with his best friend David, breaking up with him afterwards.
After breaking up with Simon you move from Stockholm to pursue your studies, however, after a year of no contact with him, Sophie calls you to tell you Simon was badly injured in a hit and run, leaving him paralyzed from his waist down, and that perhaps your company could help him in the deep depression he now has.
This was an unfinished fic, i might not finish it, but here are the two chapters i wrote into one.
art credit @/ throat2834 on TikTok
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You were walking out of school, hands in your hoodie as the snow fell from the sky, all the other kids chatting with their friends as they got out of their classes.
You were never one to have many friends, usually more kept to yourself, your only friend being David, a guy who was a few years older than you, about to graduate- you two met on detention, after you got sent there for "vandalizing" the bathroom's walls; the teacher there just told you to stay quiet, and then got out of the classroom to go smoke, there, the only other kid was this messy brunnette, his hair falling on his face and a scar under his eye as he mindlessly drawed on his history book.
Getting closer to see his drawings, you began talking, and then he walked you to your home, exchanged numbers and began talking.
You had a bit of a crush in him, after all he had this "bad boy" look plastered all over him, teaching you how to smoke cigarettes behind school, introducing you to Simon and Sophie, which had the same age as you; you four began hanging out daily, until your crush for David faded away and was filled with Simon.
Thankfully, your attraction was mutual, as Sophie once told you Simon had told her he liked you.
It was the beggining of the sour relationship you'd endure for years.
You were driving back to Stockholm, the map on the copilot seat and Deftones sounding in low volume as you entered the colorless town, all of your memories coming back and the guilt rotting deep in your brain once again eating your head.
After your little affair with David you two cut off all relationship you used to had, the years of being there for each other burned into regret from both parts, the only contact you still had being only Sophie; her constantly talking to you and keeping you up with her life. After you confessed what had happened with David, she promised you that Simon would never know about it in your absence.
Stoping the car in front of Sophie's house, you got out and knocked on the door, after a few seconds a happy Sophie oppened the door and hugged you tightly, telling you how much she missed you, her arms giving you that warmth you missed oh-so-much. Breaking the hug she invited you to her house, you sitting on her couch as she went to get you some coffee, after all you drived some good hours to get back, feeling your eyes close by themselves as you took in the warmth of her house and fell asleep on the couch.
Once you woke up, you saw Sophie watching the TV as she sat next to you, the still warm cup of coffe in front of you in the little table; reaching out to drink it, you began some small talk with her, mostly about how she had been, until the topic landed on Simon.
"I really regret what i did" You admitted, suddenly your throat becoming dry, the memories of seeing Simon cry as you broke up with him coming back to your head.
"I know Y/N" she answered after taking some time to think, her eyes scanning your face as she gave you a soft look, never judging you, instead, understanding you.
She knew how Simon was with you, after all she heard always she sides from both of you whenever you had an argument, her support mostly landing on your side as for all she loved Simon and held him as a dear friend, she knew how toxic he could be.
You ended up crashing at Sophie's, spending the night cuddling with her as you watched movies and ordered some chinese food; preparing yourself to go visit Simon the next day.
The sun rised, Sophie waking you up so you'd go shower and get ready- the warm water hitting your skin making you relax, after all, you were supossed to fix things now.
Second Chapter:
Simon was... Empty.
He still remembers your breakup, you asked to meet him in his house, a day after the big fight; you looked... Bad, to say it somehow, your eyes didn't look at him how you used to look at him, with love; no, it was almost disgust now, empty, voidless eyes staring into him as you said the words he feared so much.
"I don't think we have a future together"
Those lips he used to kiss so much, now giving him the worst words he ever heard. You were his first love, his first everything. And you were leaving him like everyone else, he felt his body go cold, his hands trembling, the urge to scream and beg for you to not leave burning his throat, instead, he went silent, his eyes staring at the floor.
You two were sitting on the edge of his bed, your hand over his as silent tears ran down your tired eyes; his face seemed of pure rage, you were just like everyone else- 
"Din jävla tikt"
You frowned your face at the insult, letting out a short squeak of fear as Simon pushed you to your back, him straddling your hips as his mouth forced onto yours.
Was this what you wanted? For him to be like your shitty exes? He could be that and way worse- inflict on you the pain you were giving him right now. Teeth against each other as his hands pressed down on your body keeping you still as you tried to squirm, fingers digging painfully into your soft flesh as more tears ran down your face, screams of desesperation muffled against Simon's mouth.
You'd never forget the taste of that last kiss, cigarettes and coffee, a taste you used to love so much turned into one of the worst memories of your life.
It was when one of his hands left your torso to move onto your neck, choking you as you finally got the strength to push him away, him landing on the floor as you got up, face red, hair messy and tears streaming down your cheeks like rivers, your legs shaking as Simon's mother opened the door after she heard the struggle, asking what had happened in a panicked voice, after all, her son was on the floor looking at you as if he was one step from murdering you, and you completely terrified on the other side.
You ran, away from that house, away from the memories.
Simon's thoughts were interrupted as his phone buzzed.
It was already 3 PM, him still on his bed, his curtains closed as he took a look at his phone- his chest hurting as he recognized the number.
"Can i visit you? I'll stay at Stockholm for a few days in case you want to talk"
He stared for some seconds at the message, his hands becoming sweaty as he answered with a simple "yes". Shit, he hadn't bathed in days, less brushed his teeth, and his room probably smelled like shit too- but he didn't bother changing any of that, after all, a part of him wanted you to feel pity for him, to feel guilty, to beg to be back with him, somehow those thoughts making sense in his delusional brain.
Probably half an hour passed before he heard the door ring, hearing his mother squeal in happiness at seeing you, now all that was left was for you to cross the door to his room.
On your perspective, going back to that house made you uncomfortable, the feeling of being choked returning to your head as you hugged his mother, she was a nice lady- always worried about Simon, cleaning his mess and working her back off to afford him treatment. As much as she used to be a motherly figure to you, her hugs felt like Simon's; after having a small chat with her, you told her you were here to see her son, she said goodbye as she had to go meet Simon's dad somewhere and left you alone in the house.
Everything was silent there, only your footsteps ringing in your ears as you finally stood in Simon's door.
Knocking, you got in, the harsh smell of bad higiene hitting your nose as you saw his room, a complete mess, magazines on the floor, rotting food in plates and his wheelchair with clothes stacked up on it, the lump on the bed being Simon, who didn't even bother looking away from his phone to greet you.
He was vulnerable now- you had to remind yourself, he was weaker than never before; a small sense of pity forming in your gut as you walked towards his bed, sitting next to him as you placed your hand gently over his, him letting his phone drop to the covers as his eyes went to yours.
Deep eyebags, unkept facial hair and reddened eyes from sleeping all day- he looked like shit.
No words needed to be spoken, and neither of you wanted to anyways, anxiety filling up both your chests as your eyes met.
Your hand went to his face, caressing it softly, fingers then tangling on his greasy hair, sighing as you realized he was living as bad as he looked, his breath stank too- you trying your best to not make any face of disgust.
"Let's go wash you" You said to his surprise, but he didn't say anything, he was locking his feelings, afraid that if he showed any emotion he'd break into a million pieces, letting out his feelings for you in the proccess.
Getting up, you cleaned up his wheelchair, grabbing him up by his armpits as you dragged him to sit down on it, moving the chair towards his bathroom- thankfully his bathroom was big enough for you two, you going to turn the faucet on as you prepared him the tub, as soon as warm water filled it, you turned to Simon, giving him an awkard smile.
First step was to help him brush his teeth, as soon as he finished you helped him clean any toothpaste left overs from his facial hair.
He didn't even stare at you, his eyes lost on the tub as he thought how long had it been since he properly bathed, layers of sweat stuck to his skin- probably the water would end up black afterwards. Realizing he was a lost case, you kneeled in front of him to take off his black t-shirt, him offering no help nor protest, anxiety bubbling up your skin as you saw he spread his cuts to his torso, some fresh, some older, some already healed; you'd need to disinfect some later. Moving down, you began pulling down his pants, his hands instantly going to grab yours- his face crimson red as he looked away from you.
"It´s nothing i haven´t seen before Simon" You said- his hands leaving yours as he breathed a little more heavily.
Pulling the pants down with his boxers in one fast movement, you avoided looking at his groin- you weren't a perv. Lifting him up and getting him into the bathtub was another whole task, he had gained some weight, making it harder for you to move him in your arms. Once you had him in the tub, you got to work, applying shampoo on his head as you used a cup that was lying around to wet his hair.
You spent a good 15 minutes on his hair, untangling it and massaging his scalp, making him ease into it, letting out little sighs as he relaxed. After his hair looked shiny, you moved some of it from his face, smiling at the tenderness of the situation- the hatred you once had for each other forgotten into the peaceful situation, the only sound being of your fingers softingly cleaning Simon.
Things changed when you went with the sponge, your hand underwated rubbing on Simon's thighs, trying to clean his skin when his hand went to grab your arm, his wet hair pressing down on your shoulder as his fingers digged into your skin. Realizing what was going on, you had a mental debate- where you really gonna go down this path? What if he assumed you were going to go back with him if you "did" this?
However, something lit up inside of you... Seeing him so, vulnerable, desesperate- you were probably the first person to care for him this way in such a long time, wouldn't you extend your kindness just a bit more?
Letting go of the sponge, your hand went up his thigh, feeling his body hair thicken as your hand reached upper and upper, feeling the intense warmth emanating from his crotch, even in the hot water.
He let out a low groan as your hand grasped his hard dick, fingers going to rub his tip before masturbating him, hand moving up and down as he bit your shoulder, his whole body tensing. He finally looked at you- god, were you gorgeous, your brows furrowed as you bit your lip, focused on getting him to cum, now letting out groans and moans for you to hear, your face moving to his direction, finally your lips meeting as he felt his orgasm come closer, since he hadn't done anything in some time, being a bit too sensitive, not really lasting long before feeling the knot on his lower abdomen grow.
Your tongues danced with each other, your hand jerking him off rapidly as his grip on you tightened, letting out little mewls of your name as he broke the kiss, hiding his face on the crook of your neck as he came, his fluids mixing with the water as he came down from his high, breathing heavily.
"Well, we better change the water now"
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bwabys-scenarios · 1 year
Fixer Upper
Part 17
Perv!Kurapika x Fem!Reader
part 16
part 18
warning: Kurapika is really mean to reader in this chapter :(
taglist: @fabitheraven @tsukilover11 @ashdownunderscorebeloved @lemonslut @homeinmydreams @superweeniehutjrsblog @bugmomwrites @heartsforseo @lixiawinter @altaircc @itszenava @fiightforlovee @mimi-sanisanidiot @monainanuttshell @wow-im-gay @whorermoviestar @lightshowerrr @mama-m1na @aceywaceyboobybear @nenggie @wicked-binch
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(Name) attempted to snuggle into Kurapika’s chest, only to be met with the absence of warmth where he should have been. Her eyes fluttered open to see his side of the bed empty.
His satchel was gone, and after a quick around the apartment, she realized he was also gone.
She was worried, after last night he shouldn’t be out alone. (Name) attempted to call him, waiting a moment before a wave of nausea overtook her.
“The number you’ve dialed has been disconnected. Please try again after the beep.”
She stared down at her phone, hand trembling. ‘No… no there has to be some sort of explanation. He wouldn’t…’
(Name) took a deep breath, setting her phone on the counter before taking out the ingredients for breakfast.
She jumped, turning to see Leorio, Gon, and Killua walking in. “God I’m starving. Really should have taken you up on th-“
(Name) rushed forward, eyes wide. “Leorio, let me borrow your phone.”
Leorio blinked, handing over his phone without hesitation. “What’s wrong, sunshine? Phone broken?”
She didn’t answer, Killua stepping forward. He watched as she scrolled until Kurapika’s contact showed up, clicking the call button.
‘Hello, this is Kurapika Kurta, the Blacklist Hunter. I am unable to get to the phone right now, please leave a message and I’ll get back to you as soon as possible.’
(Name)’s hand trembled, Leorio having to place both of his hands on her shoulders to keep her from falling.
“(Name)! What’s the matter?”
She handed back his phone, unable to look him in the eye.
“I think… I think Kurapika blocked me.”
(Name) sat at the kitchen table, picking at her food as her friends attempted to comfort her.
“I’m sure it’s some kind of mistake, (Name)! Kurapika cares about you a lot. You’re his favorite!” Gon said, patting her back.
“Yeah, he kind of adores you. I don’t think you should worry.” Leorio said in agreement. (Name) held her tummy, staring at the ground.
“I… I want to believe that, I really do…”
‘But there’s too many things adding up that say otherwise…’
Leorio scooted closer, wrapping an arm around her. “Come on, princess, don’t frown. I swear, it’s probably some kind of accident. You know Kurapika, he can be a bit ditzy sometimes.”
(Name) sighed, bringing a hand up to rub at her temple. “Yeah…”
She gave them a tired smile. “Alright boys, what’s on the agenda for today?”
After a quick debriefing on the current situation, the girl got dressed in a pair of sweatpants and a hoodie. “How’s this?”
(Name) raised an eyebrow at the white haired boy. “Well what?”
“I mean… all I’m saying is that I wouldn’t wear that top with that color of pants…”
(Name) looked down, then sighed. “Aight, I’ll be right back.”
She changed into a knee length skirt and cardigan, throwing on a pair of leg warmers with her Mary Janes. “How about this?”
“It’s… better.”
(Name) snickered. “You know, you could be a little fashion designer, Killua. You’ve got a real good eye for it.”
He blinked. He had been teasing her beforehand, but her comment caught him off guard. “Oh.”
(Name) handed him a box of apple juice. “Here, carry Gon’s too, he always spills his.”
The three found themselves following behind her, even though they were the ones that knew where they were going.
“(Name), do you know where we’re going?”
She paused, glancing back at her friends. “Oh, um…”
She answered by moving to the back and standing behind them. “Lead the way!”
(Name) sipped on her favorite milkshake, Leorio occasionally feeding her pieces of his cake. “Hmm… what are we doing again?”
Killua smiled, his eyes darting to the left. “Hunting them, of course.”
The girl hummed. “Hmm… hunting? You know I forget that as hunters we… hunt. I know it’s in the name and everything, b-“
She glanced between Gon and Leorio, the two looking increasingly nervous. “Gon? Leorio? What wrong?”
“I forget you don’t know how dangerous our targets are. Those two have A Class Bounties.”
“What does that even mean? A class bounties, that means nothing to me.”
“They’re worth a lot of money and have killed hundreds of people.”
“Oh. Well that is quite unfortunate.”
Leorio snickered next to her. “(Name)… what do you know about the Phantom Troupe?”
“… not a lot if I’m being honest, besides them being the ones that…”
She went quiet, twiddling her thumbs.
“The ones that killed Kurapika’s clan.”
The entire table went silent at Killua’s words. (Name) glanced out the window. “So which ones are our targets?”
Killua glanced to a man and woman sitting at one of the tables. The woman had pink hair in a ponytail, and the man had black hair in a ponytail.
“Siblings?” (Name) asked. Killua pinched her cheek.
“Having the same hairstyle doesn’t make people siblings, (Name).”
Leorio pinched her other cheek. “Hey, don’t stare at them, you’ll make it obvious we’re watching them.”
“Guys, I don’t think (Name) can respond with you pulling both of her cheeks.”
They blinked, letting her go. “Ahh…” she rubbed her cheeks, frowning at her friends. “That hurt, you know…”
She poked her tongue out at the two before continuing to sip on her milkshake.
“The moods completely changed.”
(Name) felt a shiver run up her spine, glancing between her friends to see the same frazzled expression on each of their faces.
“There’s so much tension, it’s scary.”
“What, did they spot us?”
“No, they haven’t spotted us yet, so just stay calm.”
(Name) tuned them out, bending down to rummage through her bag. “Hmm… I have a good remedy for this.”
She pulled out a pair of hello kitty sunglasses, shoving them over her eyes. “Now they can’t see where I’m looking!”
The three could only sigh. “I think those will only draw attention to you, sunshine.”
“They’re on the move, so what are we gonna do? And remember, if we fight these guys we’re gonna lose.” Killua said, setting his cup on the table.
“Well, we’re not just going to sit here and let them walk away are we?” Leorio asked, gesturing towards the two. Killua raised an eyebrow at this, the tall man quickly putting his hands down.
“Right, we’ve come this far, we’re not going to come back now.” Gon agreed.
“Okay, you three are going to have to listen and do exactly as I say.”
(Name) listened as he explained his plan, stopping him midway through. “… and where do I come in?”
He clamped his mouth shut, not answering her question.
The white haired boy sighed. “Listen, maybe it’s best if… if you didn’t come with us.”
(Name) set her bag back down, pulling her sunglasses off. “Why? I don’t understand.”
Gon placed a hand on her shoulder. “You don’t know how to do Zetsu, it’s not s-“
(Name) huffed. “Oh come on. I thought you would all stop underestimating me after the Hunter Exam. Haven’t I proven myself enough?”
“(Name), it’s not like that. You can’t-“
“I can! Just… just explain Zetsu to me.”
The two glanced at each other before beginning a short explanation.
“Oh, you mean this?”
(Name)’s face changed to a more neutral expression, staring into the wall.
Her two younger friends blinked. “She’s… she’s doing it!”
She laughed. “It’s basically like masking, but adding some nen into the mix!”
“It’s pretending to not be… me.”
Leorio stared at her, eyes narrowing before going wide. “Wait… masking? Do you mean…”
“I’m autistic.”
The whole room went quiet, all three of them going silent. “Autistic?”
She nodded. “Oh, did I not tell you? I forget some people don’t just… know. Usually they can pick me out like sharks with a drop of blood in the water.”
“I mean, I thought you were a bit odd…”
“I don’t know how to respond to that.”
“Oh shit is that offensive? Sorry, sunshine. You’re just… not…”
“Oh god.”
(Name) snickered, smacking his back. “Aww, I’m just teasing. I understand you don’t mean anything by it.”
He sighed in relief. “Autism or no autism, I’d still tap th-“
“Okay that’s enough speaking for now, sweetheart.”
Gon piped up shyly. “I’m also autistic.”
Killua and Leorio gasped. “WHAT?”
(Name) laughed. “I knew there was something about you!”
She ruffled his hair. “One of us! One of us!”
Killua, who didn’t know what autism was, groaned. “Ok, ok, she’s got autism or whatever. We’re going to lose them, come on you’re with me.”
He grabbed (Name)’s wrist before they left.
Killua helped (Name) up onto the top of a building, calling Gon to report on their situation. The girl crouched down, putting her sunglasses back on.
They followed the two quietly, (Name) noticing Killua getting more and more anxious by the second.
They waited stood near the window in an abandoned building, occasionally peeking out to look at the two Phantom Troupe members.
They were standing in the middle of the abandoned part of town, staring out into nothing.
“What do you think, Killua?” Gon asked over the phone, (Name) leaning in so she could hear the conversation,
“They’re either waiting for someone, or they’re trying to draw us out.”
“Do you think they’ve discovered we’re following them?”
“There’s a 50/50 chance, but even if they are on to us, they still don’t know where we are. They’re trying to wait us out, acting as though nothings wrong, hoping that we’ll give away our position.”
“So now what?”
“For now let’s just sit tight, who knows, maybe they are just waiting for somebody.”
Killua gasped, his hand reaching out to grab (Name)’s wrist. “Gon, I’m going to hang up, so listen carefully. If any of us sees anything suspicious, we don’t even question it, we just get out of here. In fact, the the next time you hear your phone ring don’t answer it, just run!”
(Name) readied her dagger, back pressed against the wall as they stared at the Phantom Troupe members.
The man turned his head slightly, his eye landing on the window they had been looking out of.
Killua grabbed (Name)’s arm and attempted to make a run for it, but a man blocked the entryway.
He pushed her onto the ground and began bouncing off the walls attempting to create enough momentum to be able to attack the man.
He launched himself forward, his leg being caught. Killua held onto the floor and spun out of his grasp.
“Hey Phinks.”
Killua turned his head to see the man from before, arm wrapped around (Name)’s neck. “I certainly didn’t expect see you here. I thought you were helping Chrollo take care of that other thing.”
(Name) choked out a gasp. “Killua, run!”
Killua’s eyes went wide when he squeezed her tighter, causing her to claw at his arm in vain.
“So, kiddo, I have a couple of questions I’d like to ask you.”
(Name) passed out from the lack of oxygen, the man keeping a good hold on her. “Ah, you better answer succinctly, or this little lady will die.”
(Name) woke up to the sound of something slamming against rock. She blinked her eyes awake, yawning. “Mmm… gotta pee…”
She felt someone’s hand cover her mouth. (Name) attempted to struggle, but when her eyes met the ones looking down at her, she stilled.
It was killua, and he looked terrified. Her head was lying in his lap, and her memory was slowly coming back.
“She’s awake. Need to question her too.”
(Name) blinked when she was pulled to her feet, Killua having to be held back from doing anything.
Her brain was still fuzzy from sleep, but they didn’t seem to care.
“What do you know about chain user?”
She blinked at the shorter man, eyebrows furrowing. “Wait… I know you…”
The room went quiet as she gasped, reaching to rummage through her bag. When she did this, the man in front of her grabbed her arm and wrenched it behind her back. “Don’t move, or kill you.”
She wiggled against him, the man holding a sharpened claw against her neck. “I said don’t move.”
“Listen to him, (Name)! He’s not playing around!”
She settled down, panting slightly from the pressure of the situation. “Okay, okay. I’m still.”
He tore her backpack from her hands, dumping the contents onto the ground. She stayed where she was, embarrassed to have her butt perched in the air and her face pressed against some rocky surface.
“Knew it, little thief.”
He held up his wallet, pocketing it before pressing down against her lower back. “Thief? I didn’t steal anything!”
“Really? Then why my wallet in your bag?”
“You dropped it, and I picked it up! I was planning on returning it to you in case I saw you again.”
The man scoffed, twisting her arm harder until she cried out in pain. “Tell the truth, girl, before I really break it.”
“I am telling the truth!”
The man glanced to the woman with short brown hair standing nearby. “Paku.”
Pakunoda nodded, walking over before grabbing (Name)’s face. (Name) squeaked as her cheeks were squished between the woman’s fingers.
“Did you steal from Feitan?”
She hummed, tilting (Name)’s face with her hand before letting go. “She’s telling the truth. Fei, you should be more careful.”
The man grumbled, letting her go. (Name) glared at him as she rubbed her arm.
“Answer question.”
She could feel the man’s frustration coming off of him in waves. “Do you know chain user?”
She whispered. “Chains, as in… bdsm? OUCH!”
(Name) was shoved back onto her tummy, arm wrenched behind her back. “Think you’re funny?”
“I mean, somet- AH!”
He twisted her arm, causing her to wiggle around again. “Stay. Still.” he hissed against her ear.
“Do you know chain user?”
“No, I don’t.”
She held her back from saying something snarky, the pain in her arm becoming almost unbearable. “If she’s lying, she’s good at it.” Paku said, leaning against the wall.
Feitan finally let her go, the girl collapsing next to Killua. He didn’t move, only sparing her a worried glance before turning his attention back to Gon.
He had been arm wresting with Nobunaga for a while now, his hand red from being slammed against the makeshift stone table.
(Name) stood, standing next to Killua. She wasn’t as good at hiding her emotion as the young boy was, eyebrows furrowing.
“Hey, he’s had enough. Stop i-“
When she walked forward to try and stop the man, she felt a thread wrap around her neck.
“Don’t move, or your head will be sliced clean off.”
A woman with pink hair stood behind her, hands spread out slightly to hover around her sides. (Name) stayed still, lip trembling. She tuned back into Gon and the long haired man’s conversation.
“I don’t know anything, and even if I did, I’d never tell you!”
“Kid! You too cocky!”
Gon was pinned to the makeshift table by Feitan. Killua began to step forward, but was stopped by Hisoka placing a card to his neck.
(Name) was kept still by Machi, the girl growling lowly. She seethed quietly as they spoke to each other. Feitan let him go, Machi allowing to her join Gon and Killua.
She pulled them towards her, eyes scanning the room as the two spoke with each other.
“Alright, we’ll let them go since they’re not related to the chain user.”
“Yeah, no point in keeping them around.”
“Wait, we can’t be sure, someone must be pulling the strings behind the scenes. We shouldn’t release them until we figure out who they get their orders from.”
“But even if they are working for someone, it’s not the chain user. Actually, I’m sure that guy works alone anyways.”
(Name) noticed the dark haired man staring at her, quirking an eyebrow in his direction. He looked away when she made eye contact.
“Our objective is to find the chain user, so let’s not concern ourselves with anyone else.” The blonde haired man in purple said.
“Hear that? Good for you. You get to go home to mommy now.” Feitan cooed.
“No, they aren’t going anywhere. Hey kid, why don’t you join us?”
Nobunaga smiled at the boy, who clenched his fists by (Name)’s side. “No way!”
“We could be partners.”
“You gotta be kidding me, I’d rather die than be your partner!”
(Name) pulled him back a little, patting his cheek. “Gon, don’t test him.”
She felt herself being pulled back by strings again. “Speaking of people joining…”
The pink haired girl from before pulled (Name) in by the waist. She squeaked, earning a squeeze from the girl.
“I want to nominate this one.”
The entire room went quiet, Gon and Killua staring wide eyed at their older friend.
“Wow, I never thought I’d see the day where Machi was interested in someone.” Phinks said, kneeling down to get a better look at (Name)’s face. She tolerated the tall man roughly grabbing her cheeks to turn her face in several different directions before he hummed. “She is cute, is this your type?”
Machi huffed. “That’s irrelevant. I have a hunch about this girl.”
Machi nodded. “She’s not that strong now, but I have this feeling that she’ll become strong enough to be a great ally to us.”
“Your hunch usually right.” Feitan said, leaning against a wall.
“I’ll be taking her. Do what you want with the kids.”
(Name) walked stiffly through town, Machi keeping a firm hand on the small of her back. The pink haired woman was getting some minor shopping done, and when she stopped by an ice cream shop, she ordered herself a waffle cone and looked to (Name).
“Go ahead. Place your order.”
‘What is this, some kind of date?’
(Name) glanced at the woman before turning to the employee and placing her order. She licked her ice cream as they continued walking.
“You didn’t give me an answer. Do you want to join us?”
“No, I don’t.”
Machi hummed, working on her own serving of ice cream. “You should rethink your answer. Working with us means you would become stronger, be able to do what you want and take what you want.”
“And at what cost?”
Machi paused, glancing to the girl next to her. “Hmm?”
“If getting what I want means I have to kill others, then it isn’t worth it to me. I’d rather live the rest of my life with nothing than kill others for financial gain.”
Machi scoffed. “I bet you’ve never been without basic necessities. You wouldn’t last a day with nothing.”
(Name) pouted, but Machi wasn’t exactly wrong. Even when she had nothing, she still had her friends to rely on. Leorio took her in, feeding and taking care of her even when she was at her lowest.
“… maybe you’re right, but as long as I have my friends, I’ll truly never have nothing.”
Machi was about to continue to persuade her, but all of a sudden a chill ran up her spine, the vision of red eyes coming and going so quickly it nearly made her head spin.
For some reason, keeping a hand on (Name) felt dangerous, as if keeping her captive would only spell her doom.
Machi pulled her hand away, causing the girl to blink. “Huh?”
Machi stepped away slowly. “Go.”
(Name) tilted her head, face scrunching up in confusion.
“Go! Before I change my mind!”
(Name) didn’t need to be told again. She dropped her half finished ice cream cone and sprinted away, the pink haired woman watching her go.
‘That girl… she’s tied to someone dangerous. Maybe she isn’t a good fit for the Troupe after all…’
(Name) was met by Leorio outside her apartment, the man nearly bursting into tears. “(Name), holy shit!”
She groaned when the man pulled her into a bear hug, squeezing her so tight she felt her back crack. “Can’t… breathe!”
He released her, now pressing a kiss to her forward as he cupped her cheeks. “I was so worried, Killua and Gon told me everything.”
“Speaking of… Killua and Gon…”
She took a minute to breathe, the man supporting her so she didn’t fall over. (Name) coughed, Leorio noticing her expression and quickly snatching her bag to rummage through it.
He held up her inhaler, letting her take a puff before pulling it back. She took a second to breath before pulling her inhaler back to take another puff.
“Deep breaths, (Name).”
She nodded, calming down finally. “Take me to the boys.”
He carried her up the stairs to her apartment, texting the boys on the way. Sometimes (Name) forgot how strong her silly, lovable friend was. He was carrying her with one arm, using the other to open up her apartment door.
Both of the boys rushed out to greet her, jumping into Leorio’s arms. “Hey!”
He grumbled, allowing them to pull her towards them. Gon was tearing up, Killua shaking the girl. “How did you escape? What the hell happened?”
“Well… escaped isn’t the right way to put it.”
After an explanation and a lot of hugs, (Name) collapsed onto the couch. “Leorio, love, can you order takeout? I’ve got a bad case of noodle legs.”
“On it, sunshine.”
The two boys joined her on the couch, Killua poking at her cheek. She ignored this, soon passing out.
(Name) woke up to the sound of the TV turning on. Killua and Gon sat in front of her couch, still in their pajamas as they munched on bowls of cereal.
She sat up and rubbed her eyes before shuffling to the kitchen. A box of takeout from her favorite restaurant sat on the counter, her name written in Leorio’s handwriting on the front.
‘I love him.’
She glanced out the window, seeing the sun rising in the sky. ‘Morning already? I really passed out.’
She ate her takeout, not caring that her two friends stared at her with raised eyebrows. She plopped down onto the couch and watched them play video games while she ate.
“Ah, Killua, we need to get dressed soon if we’ll be ready in time.”
The white haired boy nodded, stretching. “Yeah, and I still need a shower. Are you taking one first, (Name)?”
She raised an eyebrow. “A shower? I can take one later. I don’t have any plans.”
Killua and Gon glanced at each other then back to her. “… (Name)…”
“Didn’t you… didn’t you get a text from Kurapika saying to meet him in the park?”
From her expression, they assumed that was a no.
(Name) looked down at her box of takeout, slowly closing it and standing up.
“Hey, (Name), I’m sure it’s some kind of mistake! Maybe he assumed we’d tell you, so he didn’t bother asking!” Gon said, following her as she brought her plate to the kitchen. Killua was close behind, giving his older friend a worried look.
“… maybe.”
Her answer was a lot less hopeful than her previous ones had been. The two glanced at each other again.
“Hey, why don’t you get ready and leave with Leorio later? We’ll meet up with Kurapika and test the waters. Then we’ll meet with you and Leorio at his hotel!”
Gon held her hand with both of his, giving her that kind smile that she just couldn’t say no to. “Alright, alright. That’s a good plan, Gon.”
(Name) stared at herself in the bathroom mirror after her shower, looking over her makeup. ‘… a little bit of makeup will be fine. It’s a special occasion after all, I’m seeing my friend again properly.’
Her face heated up when she thought about their night spent together with him in her arms. Did he regret it? Was that why he’d blocked her?
Her heart felt heavy, but she pushed her feelings aside. ‘He’ll need my support, so I can’t think about trivial things like that.’
(Name) looked over her reflection, smiling. She looked nice, better than she had in a while.
She wore a soft blue sundress, paired with a white cardigan that hid the nasty bruise Feitan left on her arm. (Name)’s makeup was light, complimenting her natural features.
“Sunshine you look…”
Leorio stared at the girl as she excited the bathroom, cheeks turning pink. “You look amazing.”
(Name) blushed and waved her hand dismissively. “Oh, thanks. Let’s get going.”
Leorio escorted her by the arm to the hotel, opening the door for her. She laughed, leaning her head against his arm. “Thank you, Leorio. You’re really sweet.”
“Nah, I’m not sweet for everyone. I’m just sweet on you.”
He playfully booped her nose, the girl breaking out into giggles. “Careful, you’ll smudge my makeup!”
The two turned to see Kurapika standing near by, Gin and Killua at his side.
He looked both excited and nervous to see (Name) there, eyes scanning her form.
It was quiet for a moment, the only sound Kurapika was able to hear was his thumping heartbeat.
Before he could process what was happening, (Name) wrapped her arms around him, squeezing him tightly. “I missed you, Pika.”
He didn’t respond, didn’t even hug her back, but didn’t push her away either. When she pulled away, he could only think of one thing.
‘She’s gorgeous.’
“It’s been a while since we were all together!” Gon said, smiling at the pair.
(Name) gave Kurapika a peck on the cheek before she left the group to make some snacks in Leorio’s kitchen. He watched her go, eyes soft as she hummed to herself.
“She missed you a lot, Kurapika.” Gon said, giving Kurapika a shy smile.
“I… missed her too.”
(Name) walked back in, handing out cups of tea to everyone. Kurapika caught himself staring at her, looking away, but not quick enough.
“Pika? Need something?”
He shook his head, feeling his heart soar when she pulled him close again. “You sure? I’m here if you need me. I always will be.”
He allowed his hands to reach up and grasp the fabric of her soft cardigan. “…”
He didn’t say anything, just taking in her warmth as she gently ran her fingers through his hair. “It’s been a tough few days, huh?”
“Yes. Yes it has.”
The group smiled at this, internally cheering their friends on. ‘They’re finally reunited! Now Kurapika can watch over her again!’ Gon thought, beaming at the two.
“I’ll make some snacks, okay? You four just relax.”
She leaned down to press a few kisses to Kurapika’s cheek, the blonde leaning into her touch. “I’ll be quick.”
It was happening again, he was losing his will to leave. His eyes stayed glued to her form until she was out of sight, a familiar ache settling in his heart when he could no longer see her.
(Name) hummed as she chopped up some fruit, preparing a bowl of mixed fruit along with some crackers, cheese, and deli meat. ‘I bet Gon won’t even make a little cracker sandwich, he’ll just shove it all in his mouth.’
She giggled at this thought, but her small moment of joy didn’t last long. (Name) felt a shiver run up her spine, the girl running out of the kitchen.
“The corpses were fake. The ones we thought were dead weren’t! Of course, a conjurer could have pulled that off easily! Damn it, why didn’t I realize this sooner?”
(Name) flinched at his tone, inching forward. “Pika…”
She placed a hand on his shoulder, only for it to be harshly slapped away. (Name) gasped, pulling her hand back and holding it against her chest.
“The situation has changed. Now what? We’re here to help.”
Leorio glanced at (Name), taking note of her hurt expression. She tried not to take it personally, but she felt the atmosphere surrounding her Pika change. Instead of the warm, protective aura that made her feel safe, all she felt was a cold, violent rage.
(Name) sat across from Leorio, shrugging her cardigan off.
“Yeesh, that’s a nasty bruise, (Name). If you told me before hand I would have gotten you some ice.”
She sighed, poking her lip out. “It’s not that bad, it barley even hurts.”
Leorio stood up. “How’d it go?”
“I couldn’t get a straight answer. I asked the community for any updates regarding the auction today, but no luck.”
(Name) turned her head slowly, giving Kurapika a sweet smile as he continued speaking. He didn’t return her smile.
“You have it all wrong, Leorio. I’m not counting on the mafia, far from it.”
(Name) stood up, attempting to give Kurapika a comforting touch, but he dodged her.
Unfortunately, as he did, he spotted the hand shaped bruise on her arm.
He felt his eyes turn scarlet, glad that he had his contacts in. “(Name)…”
He stepped foward, grabbing hold of her arm. “Who did this to you?”
For some reason, (Name) felt… frightened. The intensity of his tone had her unable to speak.
“She was captured by the Phantom Troupe when Gon and Killua were. She was hurt then.” Leorio answered for her, staring at Kurapika’s hand that gripped (Name)’s arm.
He felt his heart thump against his chest, bile rising in his throat. “…”
“(Name), I need you to listen to me carefully.”
He pulled her closer, staring into her eyes. “You need to leave, and never speak to me again. Do you understand? The path I walk is dangerous a-“
He faltered, eyes widening.
She huffed, pulling her arm away. “I don’t care if it’s dangerous, Pika, I won’t leave you. You’re important to me, and I want to help you as much as I can!”
His heart sank. Within moments, his world can crashing down around him. ‘No… no I can’t let her…’
His hands began to shake, breath coming out in uneven pants as he imagined her attempting to fight against one of the Troupe members. The only outcome he could think of would be her death.
And he couldn’t let that happen.
‘I didn’t want it to come to this. Anything but this.’
He took one last look at the woman in front of him, steeling himself.
“Do you honestly think you could do anything that would be of use to me?”
(Name) blinked, the tall man behind her not knowing if he had heard his blonde friend correctly.
“Excuse me?”
“Oh don’t play dumb, (Name). Everyone here knows how weak you are, how much of a burden you’ve become to us. Tell me, what exactly do you bring to the table besides being the equivalent of a little house wife?”
She stepped back slightly, looking confused. “Pika… pika why are you saying these things to me?”
“Why?” he laughed bitterly, staring at her with those cold, unforgiving gray eyes. “Because I’m tired of pretending you don’t make me sick to my fucking stomach, (Name).”
Tears began beading at the corners of her eyes. “You don’t mean that!”
“I don’t? You’re even more of a moron than I thought you were. Can’t you put two and two together, (Name)?”
“Kurapika.” Leorio warned, stepping forward. The blonde shot him a look before turning his attention back to (Name).
“I’ve always had a soft spot for pitiable creatures like you, (Name). When I saw you struggling to do the simplest tasks during the Hunter exam, I couldn’t help taking pity on you. And look, you did something right for once! You sure did keep me warm during the fourth phase. Looks like you are useful for something, even if all that is, is being a warm body.”
Leorio was about to charge forward, but (Name) stopped him. “Pika, you don’t-“
“Again with the ‘Pika’. God you’re annoying. It’s been so fucking hard pretending to be okay with that stupid nickname of yours. If I hear it one more time I’m going to puke.”
He stepped forward, grabbing her chin and tilting her face up to look at him. “You know, I thought maybe after getting your license, you’d become stronger, become something other than the pathetic loser you’ve been since the first phase.”
He let her go, walking past her. “Look like I was wrong, though. I feel stupid for thinking you could have been of some kind of use to me.”
One more time, (Name) attempted to stop him. “Pika, please-“
“Don’t you ever call me that again. The next time you do…”
He trailed off, his eyes growing wide at the sight of her face. His tactic had worked, maybe a bit too well, she looked absolutely broken, her makeup running down her face along with her tears.
“But… but I love you. I don’t want to leave you.”
He turned back away, fighting the urge to pull her into his arms and kiss her tears away.
“Maybe one day someone will love you back.”
Kurapika left then, Leorio chasing after him. (Name) was left to her own devices, only able to stare at the floor in shock.
Her Pika, the person that gave her a new reason to live, had just shattered her heart. As she attempted to pick up the pieces, she tripped, scraping her knee. “Ow!”
She glanced up to see Kurapika walking away. He didn’t turn, didn’t acknowledge her yelp of pain in anyway.
“I’ll always be there to catch you.”
(Name) sat in the hotel lobby, placing a bandaid over her knee. She thought back to the look on Kurapika’s face.
She’d never seen him look at her like that before, with eyes so cold, so angry that she could barely recognize the man she loved behind them.
Leorio ran back in, eyes scanning the room until he saw her. “(Name)! Are you… no of course you’re not okay.”
He pulled her close, almost more worried that she wasn’t sobbing into his chest than he would have been if she did.
“I can’t believe him! That behavior is unacceptable, I won’t be friends with someone who-“
He stopped, looking down to see (Name) giving him a big smile. “I’m alright. I’m sure he’s just taking out his anger on me. People say the worst things when they’re angry, you know?”
Leorio hesitated. “I get that, but-“
She shook her head. “But nothing. You should get back to him. He needs your help, Leorio.”
He took a deep breath. “Okay. I’ll do it, but only because you asked me to, okay?”
She smiled. “Thank you.”
Leorio glanced back several times as he left, almost as if he was scared that once she was out of his eyesight, she’d disappear.
(Name) watched him go, only relaxing when she couldn’t see him anymore.
(Name) walked down the street, a pink umbrella in her hands. She hummed to herself, trying to keep her mind off of the incident that happened only an hour before.
‘He’s just having a bad day. Things like this happen. It’s normal.’
That’s what she kept telling herself, but every time she attempted to rationalize the way he spoke to her, she felt a part of her ache.
(Name) paused when she felt her phone buzz in her pocket. “Leorio?”
“(Name), quick, head towards the hotel! You have to stop Kurapika before he does something stup-“
Leorio didn’t have to finish his sentence, (Name) began sprinting towards the hotel, dropping her umbrella in the process.
‘I need to maintain Zetsu. If he’s trailing the spiders like I’m assuming he is, they’d be able to sense my presence without it!’
As she ran, she felt her head spin. She didn’t want to think of Kurapika getting himself hurt, the thought of him dying nearly bringing her to her knees.
(Name) felt a hand cover her mouth as she was dragged into an alley. She struggled for a moment before she met the eyes of her beloved.
He held a finger to his lips, glancing out before pulling his hand away. “What the hell do you think you’re doing?”
“Coming to prevent you from doing something stupid.”
The blonde cursed. ‘Leorio must of called her.’
“Well the only stupid one here is you. Leave before you cause me any more headaches.”
She shook her head, grabbing his sleeve. He attempted to swat her away, but she grabbed his other hand. “I’m not leaving you, not until you’ve calmed down!”
He growled, glancing back out to see the spiders were on the move. Almost instinctually, he pulled her closer to him, pushing her behind his back to shield her from anything. ‘She can use Zetsu, that’s good… I can’t let her out of my sight, she’d be a liability to me and herself.’
He sighed before scooping her up into his arms, almost sighing in contentment at the feeling of her weight against him. It felt nice to hold her again, but he couldn’t indulge in that feeling for long. “Don’t speak, don’t even whisper after this. I won’t hesitate to drop you.”
It was a bluff, and he was hoping she wouldn’t notice.
She couldn’t help but nuzzle into his chest, sighing softly. (Name) could remember a time when he’d hold her whenever she wanted, always kind and gentle.
But the harsh grip her had on her was far from gentle, almost causing her pain. She tried to ignore it, but would whimper every time he squeezed her thighs as he peered out to watch the Phantom Troupe.
They chased after the group, (Name) spotting Gon running next to them. She was going to wave, but Kurapika suddenly dove into the alleyway when the Phantom Troupe turned to look at them.
He pressed himself against her, shielding her body from sight. His hand was over her mouth, eyes glued to the entryway of the alley.
She watched as chains manifested on his hands, quickly grabbing his hands and pushing them down. They were cold, much colder than the last time she held them.
Gon leaped out of his hiding spot, (Name) barely holding herself back from following behind him. Out of nowhere, Killua appeared next to them. He took one look at (Name) before walking out to join Gon’s side.
Kurapika kept a good grip on her, pulling her so close she struggled to breath. She felt his warm breath against her neck, his lips brushing against her shoulder as he attempted to calm himself.
A short, balding woman met up with the two. Kurapika set (Name) down on her feet, gritting his teeth.
“Now that they’re on high alert, we have to keep our distance, otherwise they’re bound to notice us. Make sure you conceal your presence.”
“Damn it!” Kurapika growled.
“We just have to be patient!”
“I’m aware of that!”
“I don’t think you are! Your reckless pursuit exposed them to needless danger. Do you even know why they allowed themselves to be captured? If you get captured here, then no one will be able to stop the troupe.”
He glanced at (Name), eyes narrowing. “If I didn’t have to protect you, then maybe I could have gone after them.”
She frowned, once again reaching out for him. “Don’t touch me. You make me sick.”
Melody seemed confused by this statement. ‘But… his heart…’
“P-… Kurapika, I’m not trying to be a burden, I just want t-“
He cut her off with a scoff. “You’re not trying hard enough, it seems.”
Melody glanced between the two. The girls heart thumped against her chest, a confused and heartbroken song. It combined into a duet with Kurapika’s, that played a song of anger, determination, and overwhelming love.
(Name) stayed quiet as the two spoke, letting the rain soak into her clothes. She stared at the ground, eyes blurry with tears. She was almost grateful for the rain, it hid her tears well.
Though, Melody could tell just from her heartbeat alone that she felt great sadness. She couldn’t help but reach a hand out to comfort the girl. Kurapika noticed this, his fingernails digging into his palm.
Leorio finally caught up with them, parking beside them and getting out.
“We have to come up with a plan to get them back.” Kurapika said. (Name) began to speak up, but the blonde stopped her. “You need to go. You’ll only slow us down.”
She frowned at him. “I want to save Killua and Gon! I’m coming with you!”
He grabbed her wrist, squeezing it. “No… no (Name), you cant. I won’t let you.”
The girl pulled, Kurapika only increasing the pressure on her wrist when she did. She gasped, Melody covering her ears at the sharp CRACK!
Kurapika’s eyes went wide, immediately loosening his grip on her wrist. The girl wrenched her wrist away from the rage filled blonde, wincing at the pain blooming beneath her skin.
“I can, and I will. Why won’t you let me help you? You had no isssue with Gon and Killua-“
“That’s because they aren’t fucking weak like you!”
She flinched, using her arm to shield herself out of fear of him hurting her. Leorio was quick to rush forward and create a barrier between the two, shielding (Name) from Kurapika’s anger.
The blonde felt his stomach sink. ‘They… they think I’m going to hurt her.’
“Oh my god… your wrist, (Name)… it’s fractured.”
Melody covered her ears, whimpering at the mournful sound Kurapika’s heart was making. (Name) eyes prickled with tears. “H-hurts!”
“I know, I know sunshine. Just breathe. Shit, we need to get her to a hospital.”
“We don’t have time for that right now.” Kurapika steeled himself, casting his feelings aside.
“What the fuck do you mean? I-“
“He’s right. We have to save Gon and Killua first.”
(Name) held her arm to her chest, crying out in pain at the slightest of movements. Kurapika visibly flinched at this, having to use all of his willpower to remain calm and collected.
“If you can’t keep quiet, then we’ll leave you behind.” Kurapika said, smoothing out his disguise.
“You heartless bastard. How could you say that to her after everything she’s done for you?” Leorio said, eyes brimming with angry tears.
“Leorio, it’s okay. Just concentrate on the plan, I’ll be fine.”
They got into the car, speeding towards the hotel. Kurapika tried his best not to steal glances at the girl sitting next to him.
His instinct was telling him to do anything he could to help her, to ease her pain, but he couldn’t do that. Kurapika didn’t want to waste his nen when he knew he’d be needing it later.
It was hard to ignore her sniffling, even when she tried her best to hide it. “Can you shut up already?!” Kurapika snapped. His nerves were shot, the sound of his dearest friend in pain only worsening is state.
Her lip trembled as she attempted to keep quiet. Kurapika stared out the window so he wouldn’t see her hurt expression.
(Name) sat in the backseat of their car as Kurapika and Leorio left for the hotel. Melody fidgeted with her coat, glancing back at the sullen girl while she thought of what to say.
“… dreadful weather, huh?”
The girl gave a small nod, wincing at the pain in her wrist. Melody’s heart ached for the poor girl. She was obviously in love with Kurapika, but the blonde had been unnecessarily cruel the entire night, and by the way the other two reacted, Melody assumed it was unusual for him to act in such a way.
And when it was quiet, all Melody could hear from the angry man was a melody of unbridled rage, with a undertone of a fierce and protective love. Kurapika definitely cared for this girl, so his actions confused the older woman greatly.
“My name is Melody. What is yours?”
The girl looked up, swiping at her tears with her uninjured hand. “I’m (Name).”
Melody smiled. “That’s a pretty name, perfectly fitting for a gorgeous woman such as yourself.”
This drew a giggle from the girl. “Ah, that’s better. Even your laugh is pretty. I know it’s hard, but try to dry up those tears, okay?”
(Name) nodded, sniffling a bit before wiping the rest of her tears away.
They would be back by 7:01, meaning they had around five minutes until Kurapika and Leorio would return with the leader of the Phantom Troupe in tow.
She busied herself with grabbing some painkillers from Leorio’s briefcase, glad she packed a juice pouch in her bag.
By the time she finished taking her medicine, the door on the other side of her opened, a man being shoved in the other side.
He was tall, with black hair and a handsome face. He glanced her way, seemingly taking every feature of hers in before looking back to his captor.
Kurapika was deadly silent, slamming the car door as Leorio sped off. (Name) glanced between the man next to her, to Kurapika, and to Leorio.
“… did it go well?” she asked, leaning forward a bit to look at Kurapika.
He didn’t answer her, didn’t even look at her. (Name) slumped back into her seat, a pout on her lips. The man watched her intently, eyes moving from her face, to her body, then to the bruised wrist she kept close to her chest.
“It’s okay. A number of the enemies were injured. They won’t move until reinforcements arrive.”
Kurapika’s eyebrow twitched when he noticed the man staring at (Name).
“What are you looking at?”
Chrollo turned to face forward. “Nothing. I didn’t expect the chain user to be a woman.”
“Did I say I was? You shouldn’t let appearances fool you.”
He pulled his wig off, sighing. “Anyway, you should mind what you say. Since it may be the last thing out of your mouth.”
“You won’t kill me. You left your precious friends behind.” He said softly, sending a charged look (Name)’s way. The girl shrunk under his gaze, Kurapika’s blood pressure rising.
“I’m not so composed that I will ignore your taunts!”
“Kurapika! That’s enough.” Leorio said, more for (Name)’s sake than anything. She looked rather uncomfortable, forced to sit next to the leader of the Phantom Troupe, who kept leering at her.
“The girl’s fortune didn’t mention this. Therefore, this event isn’t significant enough to matter.”
(Name) leaned over Chrollo, putting a hand on the blondes arm to try and calm him.
“If you kill him, I’ll kick your ass!” Leorio yelled from the drivers seat.
Kurapika seethed, slowly leaning back into his seat, seemingly placated by (Name)’s touch.
Chrollo took note of this. “Do you need further explanation? I consider this situation the same as an afternoon coffee break. A peaceful outing.”
(Name) gasped when chrollo slammed into her. Kurapika had decked him right in the face, the girl crying out at his weight pressing into her hurt wrist.
“Calm down, Kurapika! We’re on equal footing, now. Nothing has changed.”
“Equal footing? You are sorely mistaken. First of all, you’ve made the wrong assumption. I have no value as a hostage.”
Chrollo leaned off of (Name), giving her a small smile that she couldn’t judge the sincerity of.
“If you insist on babbling-“
“He’s not lying. Everything he says is true.” Melody said, interrupting the blonde.
“There you go. This is reality. You people are the ones on the ropes.”
(Name) couldn’t hear or process anything, the throbbing pain of her wrist making her ears ring. She could see them speaking, see Chrollo say something that made Kurapika’s eyes go red with rage. (Name) felt Chrollo crash into her, this time with more force.
The side of her face made contact with the window, blood spurting out of her nose as she heard Leorio scream for Kurapika to stop.
And that’s when she blacked out.
“Kurapika, what the fuck is wrong with you? Did you think of anyone else but yourself when you fucking launched Chrollo into (Name)? For Christ’s sake she’s bleeding! She could have a concussion!”
“I know! I know…”
Leorio placed (Name) on her back, using his suit jacket as a pillow. Kurapika was knelt at her side, wiping the blood from her nose and trying to calm his racing heart. ‘(Name)… I’m so sorry.’
As Leorio left to grab his brief case, Kurapika knelt down to press a kiss to her lips. For a moment, all he felt was pure bliss, unable to stop himself from indulging in her warmth.
He pulled back, ashamed of himself. Kurapika couldn’t understand why he kissed her, why he wanted to do it again and again. His cheeks turned red, the pretty shade of scarlet that only (Name) ever got to see returning to his eyes as he gazed down at her.
“It’s not gentlemanly to kiss a woman when she’s unconscious.” Chrollo said, leaning back in his seat.
“Shut up, I don’t want to be lectured by a murderer.”
Kurapika glared at him before returning his gaze to the woman below him. He licked his lips, wincing at the metallic taste of blood on his tongue.
‘You deserve so much more than this, (Name). A happy life, where the man you love would never even think of hurting you, accidentally or not.’
He brushed the hair out of her face, moving to cup her cheek. ‘I’ll have to hurt you, over and over again. It’s for the best, I promise. Just forget about me, and find someone who will treat you like the angel you are.’
Leorio arrived, using his sparse medical tools in his briefcase to check over the girl. “God, sunshine, all beat up…”
He sent a glare in Kurapika’s direction, the blonde shrinking under his gaze. “… will she be okay?”
Leorio sighed. “I think so, but her wrist may be completely broken now. Before, it seemed like a fracture, but…”
Kurapika glanced down at her wrist, his eyes going wide at the sight. It was bent at an unnatural angle, his stomach heaving at the sight of her bone jutting against her skin.
“Oh god…”
Leorio did the best he could, wiping the sweat from her forehead. “After this, she’ll need to go to a hospital. You may have just fractured her wrist, but Chrollo landing on her did a lot of damage.”
“Fuck. FUCK!”
He hit the wall of the airship, Leorio sighing in exasperation at his friends temper.
If Kurapika had kept his rage under control, none of this would have happened. He was dangerous, the woman laying in front of him visual proof.
“Leorio… please listen to what I have to say.”
The man raised an eyebrow, looking up at him. “Go on.”
(Name) blinked her eyes awake, groaning at the harsh light against her eyes.
(Name) grunted when something collided with her, gasping out in pain when she was squeezed tightly. “Ow!”
She groaned, opening her eyes again to see Killua, Gon, and Leorio surrounding her bed. Despite her pain, (Name) felt tears of joy well up in her eyes. “Gon! Killua!”
She attempted to pull them closer to her, put her left arm felt… heavy.
“Easy! You broke your arm, (Name).” Leorio said. “Gon, you can hug her, but you have to remember to be gentle.”
“Yes, Leorio!”
The two hugged her, Leorio joining in soon after. They all laughed, (Name) pressing kisses into their cheeks and foreheads. “I’m so glad you’re all safe. Where’s Kurapika?”
Leorio stiffened, his eyes looking everywhere but her. “He’s… recovering at a hotel near here.”
“Recovering? Oh god, he wasn’t hurt, was he?”
“No, he’s okay, his nen just took a lot out of him.”
(Name) straightened up, attempting to leave her hospital bed. “Okay, let’s go to him then.”
“Woah, slow down sunshine!”
He pushed her back down, eyes wide. (Name) struggled against him, a frown on her face. “I want to see him!”
Leorio glanced at the other two, thinking back to Kurapika’s words.
“Leorio… please listen to what I have to say.”
The man raised an eyebrow, looking up at him. “Go on.”
Kurapika sighed, staring down at the girl. “You may think I’m cruel, but I’m acting this way for her benefit. You’ve seen what happened today, what my anger can do, how dangerous being connected to me can be.”
Leorio nodded. He’d thought about the same thing. (Name) wasn’t like them. She didn’t have overwhelming strength like him, or unique powers like Gon or Killua. Leorio didn’t want her to be in a situation like this again.
“I… I’m going to cut contact with her after this. It’s the only way I can see her continuing to live her life safely.”
Leorio held onto (Name)’s uninjured hand, frowning. “It’s going to hurt her. She really loves you, and not just in a friendly way. She’s in-”
“Please, don’t say anything else.”
He glanced up to see Kurapika holding onto his shirt, tears beading in his eyes. “I… I think she’s a dear friend, and to keep her safe, I can’t be near her.”
‘No matter how much I want to be…’
Leorio sighed, rubbing his forehead. “I understand. I don’t like your methods, but…”
He cupped (Name)’s cheek, staring down at her with soft eyes. “I don’t want her to suffer like this ever again.”
Kurapika tried to ignore the unpleasant feeling blossoming in his chest at the sight of Leorio’s eyes. Those weren’t the eyes of a worried friend, they were the eyes of a worried man in love.
“… I’m still angry at you, Kurapika. You hurt her, and there will never be an excuse for that.”
The blonde lowered his head. “…”
“… but if I didn’t help you, she would cry. You’re the most precious person to her, after all.”
He almost sounded bitter, thumb rubbing against her cheek lovingly. Kurapika stood up.
“It’s time. Pakunoda should be here shortly.”
(Name) looked at Leorio expectantly, holding onto his sleeve with her free hand. “Please, Leorio.”
Leorio’s lip trembled. “Sunshine…”
“He doesn’t want to see you, (Name).” Killua spoke up, surprising (Name) and Gon.
“Huh? Why not?” Gon asked, glancing between the three.
Killua’s eyes narrowed when (Name) placed a hand over her cast at Kurapika name.
“He… he’s just not feeling well, (Name). He’s been asleep since-“
(Name) looked up at Leorio, tears streaming down her face. “P-please take me to my Pika! Please!”
And god, with her begging him like that, pawing at his shirt with her uninjured hand, Leorio couldn’t say no to her.
(Name) sat down next to Kurapika’s bed, humming softly as her fingers ran through his hair. Even in his sleep, her touch seemed to calm him.
“How long has he been out for?”
“Around twelve hours.”
(Name) nodded, a single tear falling to land on his cheek. “Pika… I hate seeing you like this. I wish I could see you smile at me again.”
Leorio felt his heart break in two for the girl, Gon by her side. “It’s going to be okay, (Name)! I’m sure he’ll wake up soon!”
Killua blinked, pulling back Gon to whisper to him. “Gon, use Gyo.”
The boy did as he was told, gasping. “(Name) is…”
She was using nen, a faint aura surrounding her and Kurapika. They could feel Kurapika’s aura grow stronger slowly, a far cry from the weak one they’d sensed just moments before.
“Her nen ability… is she an enhancer?” Gon asked. It was obvious that she was healing him, the nen surrounding the blonde having a gentle and sweet feeling to it.
“Maybe… it seems she’s unaware that she’s using nen right now…” Killua felt his frown deepen.
‘I don’t understand why she’s still helping him, why she still loves him after everything he’s put her through…’
Leorio had trusted Killua enough to tell him some details, but Killua being the smart boy he was, pieced together the rest.
“Kurapika… he’s being harsh towards her to push her away, it seems.”
Killua scoffed. “While I think being near him is dangerous, hurting her is unforgivable.”
“I agree… but…”
Killua’s body stiffened when he finally put the final piece in place.
‘Kurapika is the one that broke her arm.’
(Name) stayed by Kurapika’s side for nearly two days, only leaving to use the bathroom. She slept with him in bed, Leorio sighing as he covered her and the blonde up after checking on them in the middle of the night.
When Kurapika awoke, (Name) couldn’t help but cry out in joy. “Kurapika, you’re-“
“What the fuck are you doing here!?”
(Name) flinched at his harsh tone, eyes gone wide. “I wanted to make sure you were okay, I-“
“Leorio, I told you I didn’t want to see her! Why the fuck is she here!?”
“Kurapika, calm down, it’s-“
(Name) wrapped her arms around him. “Kurapika, please! I don’t understand, why do you keep saying these things? Y… you’ve never treated me like this before! What did I do to make you hate me so much?”
She cried into his shirt, blubbering out apologies. Kurapika didn’t have to pretend to act sick this time, he felt like he was going to throw up. ‘She’s… she’s apologizing to me…’
“Don’t touch me.”
He pushed her away, having to hide his eyes with his hair. “You disgust me. Being near you makes me sick to my stomach. Can’t you just leave me be? You’re like some kind of stalker.”
(Name) shook her head, holding onto his hand. “You don’t mean that, Kurapika. We’re friends, and I know-“
She blinked, his cold, brown eyes staring into hers.
“My mission will always come before you. Always. If, for some reason, your death could benefit me in some way, I’d let you die without hesitation.”
(Name) stared at him for a second, in shock.
“Kurapika, you’ve said too much!”
Leorio slapped him, pulling (Name) away. The blonde took the hit, not even lifting a hand to cradle his now red cheek.
He stared at his hands, tears dropping onto his clenched fists. ‘Hopefully… hopefully that was enough.’
(Name) was completely quiet, allowing Leorio to lead her outside. “What a fucking dick. (Name), are you…”
His breath hitched in his throat at her expression. It was painfully familiar, the same look she had when sitting on the edge of the platform during the third phase.
She stared at the ground, tears streaming down her cheeks.
“He really meant that.”
Leorio pulled her into his arms, holding onto her tightly. He wanted her to sob, to be angry, she deserved that, but the only indication of (Name) still being alive was the tears that stained his suit and her beating heart.
“… I want to go home.”
Kurapika glanced down at (Name) smiling softly as she leaned against his shoulder in her sleep. The smile slipped from his features when he remembered the image of her face falling when he yelled at her.
He pulled his suit jacket over her form, looking out the window as the train continued on its journey to York New.
‘The last time we were in York New, I broke your heart.’ he thought, hand caressing her cheek. His gaze moved from the window and back to her, eyes softening when she nuzzled against him.
His breath hitched. (Name) hasn’t used that name for him once since he’d returned to her life. He knew that was his own fault, but it didn’t change the fact that he missed it.
“Right here, angel.”
He pulled her a little closer, allowing himself to enjoy her comforting presence. She was still asleep, mumbling random things as she cuddled into him. ‘Is she… dreaming of me?’
His cheeks turned a light pink.
Kurapika was almost grateful for the long train ride. He’d get to spend that much more time with her, that much more time holding her, being in her presence.
And that’s all he could wish for.
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sparklingcid3r · 17 days
wow ur last hc was a full meal like that was poetry!! urrrr mind!!!
wut do u think it was like for darry having tg back to the high school for the first time? maybe to pick on pony when he was sick and half the teachers wondering y ponys dad is so young and the other half looking disappointed that darry became a dropout? wut was going thru his mind (besides the fact tht pony is sick and likely exhausted bc his nightmares r keeping him up)
ty!! i live to serve (cunt)💅
also i’m rereading this after i finished and am realizing that maybe i did not answer this as best as i could have, i got carried away again🙏 bless yall for putting up w my bs because wth
- Darry was dreading this moment. He knew it was coming, he knew it was inevitable, and he knew that he couldn’t pass it off to someone else. He was the guardian, he was the first number the office secretary called. They worked to get into contact with him, no one else
- So Darry is given his lunch break early to go and pick up his brother from school, the one he’s been told just threw up in the nurse’s office and woke up from a nap screaming. Maybe they should have given him just one more week
- Darry thinks about a lot on the drive over. He can’t understand the way Pony is expressing his grief because Darry never let himself feel it the way Pony does. He thinks the best way to deal with it is to dig his heels in and push back, and since it worked for him, he’s under the impression that it would work for anyone if they’d just try
- Cut Darry some slack he’s got a lot on his plate this is just him wishing there was less
- He actually does believe it though
- Will Rogers is smaller than he remembers when he pulls into the visitors parking lot. He can see his old parking spot as he walks towards the entrance, taken up by a new senior, because that’s what time does. It erases and fills in, relinquishes and moves on
- There’s a new lady working the front desk in the office. She’s young, got maybe just a few years on him. His face isn’t the first thing she looks at when he walks in. A couple of months ago, he would have picked up what she was putting down, even leaned into it. Now, it makes him squirm
- When Darry tells her he’s picking up a Ponyboy Curtis from the nurse, her eyebrows get a formal introduction to her hairline. At first, Darry doesn’t understand what’s got her so shocked, but then she goes to the phone to confirm with the nurse and says, “Hi, Colleen, I have Ponyboy’s, ah, his father here?”
- Darry keeps his face neutral, but something inside him shifts when he thinks about how they will have to replace their parents’ names with his in Pony’s file. He thinks so long about it that it doesn’t occur to him to correct the secretary
- The nurse—Mrs. Perry, if nothing had changed in the short while it took Darry to end up right back where he started—must have corrected her for him. “Oh, brother, I see.” He doesn’t like being looked at by her half-lidded eyes, but naturally she does so when saying to him, “I’m very sorry about that, Mr. Curtis. Ponyboy will be here in a moment. Is there anything else I can do for you?”
- Darry turns away and replies curtly, “No, thank you.”
- Mrs. Perry herself has walked Pony to the office, whose shoulders are sloping and head is downturned. His hair hides his face, a second shield, like he expects a verbal lashing right in front of the staff. Darry doesn’t know why. Maybe he thinks something in Darry is bound to blow, and maybe he’s right. But not now
- “I hear you’re not feeling too hot, Pony,” he tries, and Pony shrugs. Darry doesn’t try again, just accepts the absence note from the secretary
- “It’s good to see you again, Darrel. You look healthy,” Mrs. Perry says. Her lipsticked smile is warm and further crinkles her eyes, but a certain sadness weighs her old features down. Darry always liked her and, having been a football player, spent a decent chunk of time sitting in her office for the old once-over. She might have been one of the first people to tell him he was going places, all the way back in his sophomore year
- A sweet old lady, disappointed by the twist of fate but with no way of saying that to Darry’s face
- “Thank you, ma’am,” Darry says, and drops a hand on Pony’s shoulder. It unbalances his kid brother more than it ought to, so he takes it as an opportunity to get the hell out of there. “It was good seeing you again.”
- “Likewise. Take care, Ponyboy. Feel better soon.”
- Pony nods, goes for a tight-lipped smile. It’s better than nothing, so Darry lets him off easy
- They get back to the truck and Pony is curled up in the passenger seat, leaning on the door and hugging his bag. The back of his head is turned to Darry while he watches the window
- Darry starts the car. “You shouldn’t have gone to school if you weren’t feeling good.”
- Pony mumbles under his breath
- “Words, Ponyboy. You gotta use ‘em if you want people to understand what you’re saying.”
- “You told me it was time to go back. I’ve spent enough time lazing around on my ass, you said. You said that.”
- Darry’s grip on the wheel paints a white streak across his knuckles. “Obviously if you’re sick and throwing up, you stay home. You forgot to mention that part this morning. Hey, look at me when I’m talking to you.” Pony was possibly about to say something, but Darry cut him off. He was too angry to hear him out. “I had to use up my lunch break to pick you up today and you’re real lucky I hadn’t taken it yet, because that would be money down the drain. You get that, Ponyboy? That I have to actually work to make sure we keep a roof over our heads?”
- Pony doesn’t clap back when Darry expects him to. It quickly drains all the fight from his body and unwraps the pressure in his chest, realizing that arguing has become more familiar than just talking. It’s like he doesn’t know how to converse with Pony anymore without it dissolving into a yelling match to see who’ll shove the last word in
- He’s sick, Darry remembers, and all Darry knows how to do to get a word out of him is to yell. They never used to come to blows this quick
- But if Pony would just think first, use the God-given head he’s got on his shoulders, so many arguments would be avoided. Darry would have let him stay home from school if he’d been told that Pony was under the weather, right?
- “Just forget it,” Pony mutters, pulling his bag closer to his chest and setting his gaze back out the window
- Darry glances at him, then fixes his eyes on the road, stuck wondering how he let it get this bad
ignore the fact i wrote fanfiction in bullet points lmfao i was cheffing it up too hard
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ambiguouslady42 · 1 month
Remember Summer Days - Chapter 2: Satoru Gojo's Day Off
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This is chapter 2 of Remember Summer Days. I'm grateful for the number of likes on my first-ever fanfic.
Word Count: 1.9K
Trivia: If you're from Los Angeles, let me know if you can recognize anything familiar. I'm originally from LA, so I like to remember things that once were there.
Read chapter 1 here.
July 2007. Los Angeles, CA. 
“Gojo, have you ever skipped school before?”
“It’s Satoru, and yes I have. You seem like the bookish type, so you likely never have done that”.
“That’s rather presumptuous”, you say. “I will have you know that I have skipped school a number of times this past year”. 
“Sureeeee you have”. Satoru says. 
Isabel notices this playfulness to this boy. It’s comforting in a way. Within herself, she’s realizing that she is very attracted to Satoru. For one, he is tall; she estimates that he’s about 6 feet. She already had to look up at him to be able to have a conversation with him. His eyes are hiding behind these dark circular sunglasses. She can’t look into his eyes, but she can see her reflection. She’s able to look at herself and begins to stare down at her shoes as she attempts to continue talking to him.  He catches on quickly that Isabel cannot hold eye contact while speaking to him. 
“What’s the matter? You crying?” He goes ahead and bends down to look at her face.
This interaction startles her. She stumbles on her feet. He quickly catches her so she doesn’t fall backwards. She quickly retracts her arm back. 
“No! And hey! I just met you. No touching!” As she begins to frown at Satoru.
“Whoa. Sorry, didn’t mean anything by it”, he said. 
“I’m sorry…I’m just not used to being touched in general. Thanks for catching my fall. I do appreciate that”, she said. “Anyways, yes, I skipped school. I was bored in January and decided to walk out after Spanish. Walked out the front gate of the school and decided to go home to take a nap. I even unplugged the phone until the school day was over so the school wouldn’t call in for the absence”. 
Seeing the change, Satoru continued to talk to Isabel as if nothing had just occurred. “Wow. You thought of everything. But, you seriously went home to just take a nap?” 
“Oh yeah…I was feeling very tired. Although, a year ago I skipped school to go to the bookstore up the street. They have these magazines that get imported from Europe, and I love to read them.” Isabel begins to look down at her shoes again when she realizes that she’s hopeless. 
“You are silly”. Satoru begins to laugh.
“I’m glad I could be entertaining to you.” Isabel retorts back. “Anyhow, Ferris Bueller! My favourite character is Cameron. He has the dreamiest blue eyes. I think his character always meant well. Plus, one day, I’d like to skip school to go to the art museum.”
In this instance, Satoru decided to remove his sunglasses. He possessed the bluest eyes that you had ever seen. They have the shades of blue that colour the sky, but also the shade of blue that can be seen in the water of the Pacific Ocean (if you go to the right beach). Isabel is forced to look away before she can say anything. Her face began to feel hot again. Satoru quickly was able to see that her cheeks were turning red. 
“I love it when I do that.” 
“Do what?”
“Make people swoon over my eyes. It’s as if they’ve never seen blue eyes before”. Satoru proceeds to put his sunglasses back on. 
Feeling the discomfort within her, Isabel decided that this was a moment to go ahead and take her leave. “Well, this was nice. I hope you enjoy your films. I do love Ferris Bueller’s Day Off”. 
“Mind if I tag along with you?” Satoru says.
“You’re going to follow me home?” Isabel raises her eyebrow.
“Pfft, as if I’d want to go home with you. I got what I wanted. Are you going to grab anything else?” 
“Well actually, I might grab Interpol’s new album”.  Isabel says happily.
“Never heard of them”. Satoru says.
“You should. They’re pretty great. Listened to their first two albums, and this third one will be just as good.” 
Satoru can glance at how excited Isabel is to look at the finite amount of CD’s lined up in alphabetical order. Once they get to the section with the letter “I”, Isabel quickly sees the label for “Interpol” and grabs the album. “Got it, I think I did enough damage. Should have enough for a drink and the train ride home.” 
“Do you want me to get those for you?” Satoru asks.
“Oh, not at all. I can handle this.” Isabel says confidently. “Besides, we just met, dude.”
Satoru shrugs. He wanted to be friendly, but perhaps this person doesn’t necessarily want to be their friend. Both of them make their respective purchases. As they’re both exiting the door, Satoru asks Isabel “Are you going anywhere after this?” 
“As I said, I had enough for a drink and then I’ll head home after,” she says. 
“Is it okay if I can tag along with you? Maybe after, I’ll just walk you to where you need to go. I promise I’m not trying any funny business.”
“I guess…I’m not really the kind of person most people hang around with.”
“I’m not most people. What kind of drink are you getting anyway?”
“I like sugary caffeinated drinks. I have a tad of a sweet tooth.” 
“What a coincidence, as do I.” Satoru smiles. 
Isabel glances up to look at Satoru and gives him a smile. What stands out to Satoru is the dimple on the right side of Isabel’s cheek. He liked it. 
“So where do you get this sugary beverage anyway?”
“Just up the street. Have you ever had one of these?” Isabel asks Satoru. “It’s a blended caffeinated beverage, but I promise you won’t really taste the caffeine”. 
“Alright, I guess it can’t hurt to try it.” 
“So? What do you think? Of course, with all the caramel in it, I don’t think you have a problem with it” as Isabel gives Satoru a look.
“What?! I really love sweets” Satoru says. 
“Listen, I’m actually not from around here. I’m visiting with friends for the next two months. 
“Oh? Doing what?”, she asks.
“My two friends and I are just on vacation. We go back to finish school this September”. 
“You’re so lucky. I don’t get a summer vacation. We have a year-round calendar.”
“What’s that like?”
“It’s the absolute worst! I have to go to school from July until September. We’re just in our third week. It’s pretty rough due to the heat.” 
Isabel suddenly began to look a little faint as the pair were talking in the direct sun. Her knees began to shake and wobble. Satoru caught notice of this. California summers had a habit of being very warm when they wanted to be. Standing on Sunset/Vine, there was a lack of shade at times. “Let’s sit on this bench”.  A palm tree stood in front of the bench. It was a way to reinforce shade to the seated area. Satoru quickly grabbed onto Isabel. He placed his arms around her shoulders. He was aware that she was not keen on touching but Isabel felt too weak to protest.
“Hey, are you still there? Stay here, I’m going to run to get some water.”
Isabel slowly closed her eyes for what felt like 30 seconds. The sun was blistering on this particular day. She could see the heat waves. She wonders if she should’ve skipped the caffeine in general. She hadn’t had any water throughout the day. Satoru came back. He was sweating, but Isabel could smell the musk. She was surprised by the chivalry he presented. “Here, drink this.” Satoru quickly helped Isabel by propping her head back up to help her take the first few sips of water. “Not too quickly, you’ll make yourself sick.” Feeling embarrassed by this, Isabel began to look down on her knees. “Are you okay?”, he asked.
“Well, I’m embarrassed. I didn’t mean for this to happen, and I certainly don’t want you to think I’m some sort of weakling who can’t handle the heat. However, thank you. This was very nice of you.
“You’re the first person that I talk to in this town. You seem nice.”
“Thanks. I’m not used to hearing that.” 
There was a comfortable silence between the pair. They both smiled. Isabel finished up her water. “I guess I should go home now. I don’t live very far, but it will take me a minute to get home. You can walk me to the stop now. It’s just on Hollywood and Vine.” She continues, I think you’ll get a kick out of it. It has decor to represent the glamour of Hollywood.” 
As Satoru walked Isabel towards Vine Street, she pointed out the stars on the sidewalk. “This is just part of the Hollywood Walk of Fame. There’s plenty more on Vine and other streets.”
“You sure know a lot” Satoru mentions.
“Not really. My family made me walk through these streets at night as an outing. It was very scary at the time. I remembered they had these doors that would do jump scares. Since then, I’ve not been very fond of walking down on Vine.” 
“Well, maybe I hope someone could face their fears and show me around. I’ll be there to protect them. However, maybe laugh at them”
“Maybe.”, Isabel said.
As Satoru escorted Isabel to the Hollywood and Vine subway stop, he still had some sense of worry after the day’s incident.
“Would you like a ride home? I could get my driver to drop you off.”
Isabel chortled. “PFFT. I’m sorry, what?”
“My driver could take you home.”
“No thank you. I feel like I have already imposed on you too much.”
“It’s not a problem at all.”
“I’ll be fine. May I remind you, we just met. You know? “Stranger danger.”
“Suit yourself. You seem rather stubborn.”
Isabel began to frown, but then she relaxed and thought of the perfect compromise.
“How about this? Here’s my number, if you’d like. I could text you when I get home…if you want.”
Satoru was not going to say no to this instance. He was not taking this phone number for ulterior motives.
Isabel is not apprehensive about sharing her phone number. Besides, it’s not like she texts a lot of people these days. 
After taking her phone number, Satoru confirms this by telling her, “I just want to make sure nothing happens to you. Also, in case I need any other movie or music recommendations in the near future.”
Isabel gave Satoru a reassuring smile “Don’t worry, I’ll be okay now. I feel grateful for this. Where are you staying by the way?”
“Ah ah ah, remember… stranger danger.”
Isabel giggles. “Right…in that case...I’ll see you later.” 
“Oh? We’ll see each other again?”
“Maybe? Who knows.” she smiles again. It began to hurt her jaw.
Isabel walks away and towards the station. She makes her way down the stairs. Satoru looks at her fade into the distance. He picks up his phone. “I’m ready to go. I’m actually on Hollywood and Vine. Take your time. Traffic is busy in the area.” He sits back down on a nearby bench. He smiles and reminisces about today and wonders if he’ll keep experiencing this feeling. Perhaps he’ll tell his friends about this incident. He doesn’t know if he should keep this to himself.  The train began to approach. Isabel gets her iPod ready for the journey. Proceeding to press shuffle she plays Suffragette City by David Bowie.
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From the start.
Pairing: Austin Butler x reader
Summary: Austin was excited to go to the Oscars and possibly win a reward still a part of him felt saddened by Lisa Marie's absence, sure Kaia there helped but when he saw you, it was like an angel sent by Lisa found him and he promises himself he wouldn't let you slip away, and he doesn't care who he has to hurt to get you.
Warnings: mention of Lisa Marie's death, Kidnapping, Friends to lovers? Housewife kink, Toy Dildo, Vaginal Plug, Creampies, Fingering, Oral (Fem & Male), Dirty talk, Double penetration, Stockholm syndrome, Infidelity, Starvation, Knife kink, Yandere/Dark Austin, Forced Marriage, Pillow talk, Mention of murder, Filming, Spiked drink.
A/n: this was requested by @presleybbg and her beautiful ideas.
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All that Austin could remember was how much pain he was in, he felt like it was too soon to pretend everything was fine like he wasn't mourning. Lisa was like a second mother to him and like his real mother, she was gone too soon. He was getting ready for the Oscars, fixing his bow tie in the mirror and running his fingers through his hair "You sure you don't want me to come?" Kaia spoke up after watching him for a second, her voice filled with a little worried "I have to do this alone." he replied, "I got to go, see you soon." He kisses his girlfriend before leaving, he wanted to just get this over with.
After running the red carpet, he began the search for his seat. He sighed, walking around the small area where his seat would be but he was starting to think the person who told him where it was supposed to be was simply right, 'great' he groaned about to make his way back when a voice stopped.
He looked over his shoulder and his heart skipped a beat or two.
A woman waved eagerly to him with a smile "Over here!" she called and Austin follow her voice like a lost puppy "T-Thank you" he stuttered as he now stood in front of her "Your welcome." you smiled and walked past him just a little before he stopped you "let me thank you more? How bout some coffee or something?" he asked, pulling his hands in his pockets, trying to seem put together though everything wasn't, you looked him up and down, it wouldn't be bad right? And to be honest, it would be cool to have a rising new star as a friend "Okay, I'd like that Mr. Butler." you answered reaching your hand out for his phone "Here let me put my number in." Almost without absolute hesitation, he gave you his phone and you typed your number into his contacts "I'll see you around" you smiled "Good luck!" you called before disappearing into the crowd. All feelings of warmth are gone with you and the coldness that was there before returning, Austin still had a smile on, one that looked so real, he wasn't an amazing actor for nothing after all, the night proved to be long and fruitless. Sure Austin was happy for his fellow actor, but the only good thing that happened was he met his true soulmate, he eat with his girlfriend and her family that night, texting you under the table if you wanted to meet up tomorrow, smile growing bigger once you said yes.
Shortly after that coffee 'date' you and Austin became friends fast, dodging paparazzi like the Matrix, tonight you were gonna visit one of your favorite nightclubs, you weren't much of a party girl but it was fun to let loose, and besides Austin has been quite busy, he deserved a break. You decided on a thigh-length dress, the top of the dress was off-shoulder and a sequin silver, the skirt was a plain black, almost leather-looking material and you paired it off with sliver-colored heels with red bottoms, you did some light makeup and went in your way. The club bosted music, flashing lights, and grinding, sweaty bodies took up the space, your eyes searched for Austin, once your glaze glanced at the bar, there he was, shooting down what seems to be whisky, he leaned against said bar, he a green almost see through blouse that was unbuttoned down to the third button showing off his firm chest and a little of his torso, the shirt tucked in black jeans addressed his slim waist, rings and a sliver chain jeweled his body, to finish his look was dark green leather boots that looked more black in the light of the darkroom. As you checked out the handsome man, your tongue licked your lips without realizing it, and thoughts of how he would sound moaning, telling how good your lips felt around his cock stopped as his eyes looked up and met yours with a smile. He waved you over and turned to the bartender, holding two fingers to him before he looked back at you.
"Precious." he greeted, when you finally reached him, his raspy, deep voice granted your ears, and heat built up in your core from his little nickname for you. "Hey Aus, how are you this night?" you asked and sat on the stool beside him, grabbing the shot the bartender put in front of you, Austin looked away from your question before looking back at you with a sad haze, a frown on his enticing lips "Kaia and i..broke up." your eyes widen, you thought things were going good between the two "I'm sorry to hear that.." your heart ached for him "It's fine." he downed the shot of whisky, watching the people dancing showing off his capturing side profile. You didn't know if the alcohol in your system give you so much courage but you gently moved his head and kissed his plump lips, he didn't hesitate to lick your lips for access to your mouth, you did, and his tongue explored your mouth, battling your tongue with fervor. You pulled away and gripped his hand, rushing to the lady's restroom where you resumed the heated make out, your hands fumbled to unbuckle his belt, and once you slid it out of the hoops of his jeans, you hooked your fingers into his pants and underwear before dropping to your knees bring them down with you. His cock bounced against his stomach, it stood proud, long, and thick, the slit wept pre-cum so much it dripped on the tiles of the clean-smelling restroom, your lips engulfed his head, tongue swirling around the slit, tasting the not-so-bitter salt of his pre-come causing a delicious inhale from the man above, your month took inch upon inch until his member rested in your throat, your eyelashes flatter as you look into his blue orbs through them "Fucking damn!" he growled, his hands took hold of your head, he begins to thrust in and out of your throat, using it as his cocksleeve, fucking it like he would your slopping wet cunt, drool poured out your mouth, covering the base of his dick and his balls "Dirty girl, making such a mess on my cock." he grunted, your already wet underwear dripped your slick.
"Gonna cum, and you're gonna swallow isn't that right?" his voice deepened and looked down at you with a smirk. You nodded, moaning around his dick, body squirming in want and excitement, he cursed, head thrown back, his thrust quickened and with a deep groan, pushing his whole member back down your throat, pumping load after load, forcing you to swallow everything, You pulled back, breath heavy, and your saliva smeared across your chin "Let's get you cleaned up." Austin spoke softly as he helped you up, your knees shook for a bit before regaining their previous strength, he cleaned you up and bought you back to the party. Austin held onto your stumbling self to the door of your apartment, your keys already in his hand inserting them into the door knob but to his bewildered, the door shot open, and a man with 2000 hair, a band T-shirt, jeans, and a grey beanie. "Hey, you're Austin Bulter! I didn't believe my baby guess I was wrong, here let me help." the man's voice sounded like a teenager's voice but he was obviously 20 years old but was simply stuck in the 2000 style, "I'm Nathan by the way" 'Nathen' smiled and took you from Austin's arms, and lead you to the couch, Austin's nose wrinkled from the strong smell of weed on Nathen's breath and the room. Who was this man? Was he your boyfriend? This lame ass- bitch- ugly looking piece of shit was your boyfriend? No. No. He couldn't be. Austin held back a snarl as Nathen leaned down and kissed you this would do. Austin said a quick goodbye and derived home with white knuckles, he broke up with Kaia for you, and he didn't regret it of course, he spend the rest of the night thinking of what to do, getting no sleep. It was a few days when came up with a plan, it was wrong but he needed you, and you belonged to him you just don't know it yet, Austin slides into the open window, clad in black from head to toe, a backpack over his left shoulder, he looked back to the windows, oh precious girl didn't you know how dangerous that is? But don't worry it will change, he take good care of you and keep you safe.
Austin kneed down on your side of the bed you and your dick of a boyfriend slept in, he took a needle out of a safe plastic small bag, a fast-sleeping drug filled the glass medical needle, he gently pricked the side of your neck and pushed the drug into your veins.
"What the fuck!" Nathan screeched Austin simply looked at him with a smirk that spoke of danger.
Austin grunted as he carried you to his car, lay in his back seat, and then sat in the driver's seat he sighed, glancing at your sleeping form, he didn't want to get rid of your poor excuse ex-boyfriend, oh well it no use to get upset about spill blood. It took two-three months and a lot of patience, for you to fall for him, and five weeks to get you to trust him, he kept you well-fed, of course eating the food and drinking the water to show that it was okay, untampered with, after that was smooth sailing. Austin walked through the door of the house he shared with his love, the smell of clean products flowing around the enclosed air, leaving his shoes on the shoe rack, he followed the scent into the kitchen, and his cock stirred to life as he leaned against the kitchen's open door frame, you were simply wiping the stove down with an apron on, still lustful desires flow within him, just by you doing wife like duties, he had already made you his wife, with a friend's help you were married on a certificate, yet to have a wedding, he'll make that happen when the time was right. You had yelled and screamed at him once he revealed that certain knowledge to you, now though you were happy to be his wife. His fetching blue orbs stayed on your form like a man stoned by one of Medusa's glances, quietly he set the bag he brought on the island and walked behind you, wrapping his arms around your waist, his white Tank top from his recent photo shoot against your back "Why, Hello there precious." Austin smiled untieing your apron," I missed you." you spoke softly, turning around in his arms and allowing him to completely take off your favorite apron "I missed you too." he gently pecked your lips "I bought something we can have fun with, wouldn't you like that?" he said backing away and showcase the black plastic bag that read Spencer's on the front, you looked from the bag to your husband, if your core wasn't burning a scorching desire it was now, Austin's eyes were like a raging storm out in the open ocean with want, a mischievous smirk tugged at his lip, a hard bulge strained against its jeaned cage, you felt your cheeks grow heated as you nodded eye trained on the black baggie. Austin turned around and laid the items on the wooden island, "Come here baby." he called you over, stepping aside.
Your breath stopped, there sat a dildo that was roughly the size of your husband's length in the colors of glittery pastel blue, pink, and green with a pattern of tie-dye, beside it was a vaginal Plug the base color was black and was covered in royal purple paint splashes, the end was jeweled with amethyst and lastly, lube. Your pussy clenched around nothing thoughts of just what Austin could have in mind made your underwear soaked. "Undress precious. Slowly" Austin ordered, voice deeper with wanton dominance, resting his forearm on the wooden surface, your heart beat faster and you shredded each piece of clothing, pants, panties, shirt, and then bra all while trailing your hands on your body, the last article of your clothes dropped to the floor, and your lips locked together, his fingers squeezed your throat, enough to make you breathless and his rings cooled your feverish skin, your tongues swirled and licked crudely, the burning sensation lack of air pulled you both away, you look at each other, lidded eyes and panting. Austin took this time to truly appreciate your body "So goddamn beautiful." he breathed, helping you onto the kitchen countertop behind you, his lips latched on your neck as two of his fingers enters and pumps into your cunt roughly, his thumb rubbing at your clit with vulgar, a loud moan punched out of you as he began to scissor your pussy, stretching you open.
The edge of absolute paradise was ripped away, and you whimpered looking to Austin with betrayal "Patience." he chuckled, grabbing the lube and the over the top of the dildo "Open." he rested the rubber cockhead on your lips, slowly you part your lips and the toy, slides into your wet, hot maw, the rubber tasted like artificial strawberry, your eyes flattered close, the weight of the dildo was alike to your husband. You bobbed and sucked on it like it was, muffed moans and sounds of Austin's fingers fucking your weeping cunny "You like this baby? Sucking on a fake dick while I bring you to heaven and back?" Austin spoke in a trance as he watched you blow the toy like his first blowjob from you, you nodded sucking harder, your hips buck and your legs shook as your climax busted out. Austin gently pulled the colorful toy out then poured a generous amount of lube on it and his own "Ready?" he asked as he moved you to the cold tiled floor "I'm ready." you assured breathlessly, he rushed to push his jean, underwear completely and ripped his tank top off throwing somewhere to be picked up, you tried to relax as the toy dick was slowly pushed in, and Austin thrusted a back arching thrust, every inch of him was inside, his balls rest on the curve of your ass. The stretch was a sting burn, once your tense body relaxed, pangs of blissed-out pleasure shot throughout your body, and you felt so full! "Go." you smile as you saw the conflict on his face, "Yess." he hissed as he plowed into your cunt, each thrust forced the toy to box against your cervix, his balls wet from the lube and your juices, a wet smacking noise mixed with your loud moans, whines and Austins grunts, moans, and growls.
Your body jerked up, causing Austin's cock and the fake dick to come out little by little, Austin growled in frustration and slide you back to him, throwing your legs over his shoulders and holding down your thighs, resting them on his torso. He resumed pounding, your eyes rolled back, it was all too much the fast strokes of your husband's member up against the roof of your pussy while the dildo mini-strokes the bottom, his cum heavy balls spanking your ass no doubt leaving bruises from his hard treatment. Your legs began to shake, your back arching off the floor and your pussy gushing out your release Austin followed a little later, both of you gasped and panted for air, bodies covered in sweat, exhaustion heavy in the bones, you were on the edge of passing out when both lengths was pulled out, your eyes shot open and a whimper left your pouting lips "Sensitive." you muttered "I know precious, I just got to put this in you and I'll run us a bath." Austin chuckled as he gently put the plug in "Gonna need a wheelchair." you replied, his laugh was all you heard before you submitted to unconsciousness.
A week has passed since Austin had gone to another state to film, this was the first time he's been away for so long. The life before you had met him stuck in your mind like a core memory, being able to just go out to shop for simple things like grocery shopping and necessities, go to the park, and eat out, to feel the wind around you and the sun on your skin without asking for permission and being denied. You loved him, truly but the want, the desire become too much, and he would be gone for another week, so you packed a bag and some money and wrote a last goodbye note before escaping into the night. You couldn't go back home, despite the kidnapped you it would break your heart if he was arrested so you moved to another state away from California, far away. You got back on your feet, tried and failed to date no matter who you were with they weren't Austin, there was one time a man, a nice man fucked into you, he felt good but not like him, it didn't help that in the middle you moaned Austin's name, loudly. You decided that you were gonna go to a club, and you sat watching the crowd have the time of their life while the bartender made your order drink, your heart sped up for a second a split second you thought you saw Austin but when you glanced back he was gone, you shake your head and took a gulp of your drink before rushing to the restroom. You were listing your mind, he couldn't have found you this quick! It's only been three weeks, your classed the marble sink and looked up in the mirror, suddenly everything looked blurry and your head felt light, the last thing you heard was ladies' restroom door opening and footsteps then it went black.
You groaned as you came too, your head still felt fuzzy but not too much "Wakey, wakey precious." A familiar voice taunted venom laced, your eyes quickly opened "Austin." you muttered softly, Austin looked as good as he always had, though the closer you looked at him, he slightly had bags under his eyes, likely from searching for you "You know I thought everything was okay, I was happy, you were happy—well seemed to be." he hissed, his cold blues glared at you "I loved you. Did you even love me?" he asked, he started strong but at the end, his voice weakened "Of course I do!!" you reassured frantically, what have you done? "IF YOU DID YOU WOULDN'T HAVE RUN AWAY!!!" he screamed angrily, causing you to flinch, Austin sighed and ran his fingers through his hair, he got up and looked at you one last time before going. For two days you have been in the basement, without food or water, and yet you come to hate him, you missed more not that he was so close, you want to be in his arms, why did you leave? You had everything you could want, you perked out as you heard footsteps not before long Austin stood in front of you "Get up." he ordered, and you quickly obeyed "Fellow me." you followed him with your head down, was he gonna throw you? Was he done with you? Your heart ached at these thoughts, once you stepped out of the basement, the mouth-watering smell of food entered your nose "Go eat, I get you new clothes and run you a bath." he spoke, and in no time, you sat in down in the dining room and scarfed all the dish, drink all the water, you smiled, stomach full "it's ready" Austin said after finishing what he said he would do.
The warm water relaxed your tense muscles and the feeling of being completely clean, made you sigh with blissfulness, the clothes smell like roses and were soft against your skin, you were happy, and things almost seemed back to normal, almost.
Austin sat up against the backboard of the queen-sized mattress, his eyes boring into you, his phone and a knife on his bedside table "Strip and come here precious." he commanded, grabbing his phone, looking for something on it, you striped and hesitantly crawled on the bed stopping in front of him, slick already producing between your folds from the sheer dominance that radiant off your husband. He got off the bed and laid the phone beside the kitchen blade, he unbuckled his black belt, pushing his black jeans past his knees "Here's what's gonna happen, you are going to take what I give you and you're gonna like it, understand?" he pushed you to lay on the spot he was previously occupied, spread your legs and got in between them, his heavy member rest against your lips and clit "Answer." "Yes. I understand." Austin let out a pleased hum before grabbing his phone again and sliding right home inside of you, the stretch burned in the right way "Say hi to the camera." your eyes widen as his phone camera record your face and then shooting where you were one, he began to pound into you without remorse, his pubic bone smacked into your poor clit, the camera zoomed in recording, your cunt clenching hard on his cock almost slowing him down, growls and sexy huffs leave Austin no doubt enjoy your pussy, he fucked you as he missed it, the phone was suddenly was throw it to the side before grabbing the knife and held it to your neck, each jolt from his thrusting threatened to cut you, the feeling of the fear and danger of having such a dangerous woman that could hurt possibly end you filled you with excitement like a drug "Dose this turn my little wife on?" Austin chuckled darkly, moving the knife to your cheek, cutting a small line, a sharp hiss left you "Y-yes, so much!" you admitted, bucking your hips against his hips, Austin muttered a soft fuck and plowed you into the bed, pushing you both to the edge of pure paradise and bliss. You screamed as Austin stabbed the knife in the pillow beside your head, forcing an intense climax, Austin groaned as he pumped his cum into your weeping pussy.
"You. Are. Mine. Next, you try to leave I won't so nice." Austin pulled out of you and slammed the door on his way out, leaving you to your thoughts, his cum leaking out and the knife standing straight in the pillow. You sighed and closed your eyes, it would take some time for him to forgive you but you loved him, you need to show him that.
You sat up and walked through the door, planning on what would be done.
Taglist: @crash-and-cure, @plasticfantasticl0ver, @flwersgarden, @18lkpeters, @thegettingbyp2, @kendralavon7, @randomwhore4ever, @xstrengthxinxtragedyx, @depressedriches, @nayemendes, @livelaughelvis, @yynneessmon, @sunflower1990, @wolywolymoley, @pennyroyalcreep,@little-miss-naill, @arabellapresley, @satninangels @charlesswife, @austinbsblog, @richardslady121, @neptuneismysister, @misswede
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valiantstarlights · 2 months
[Loving You is Cherry Pie] Chapter 2
Read on AO3 / Chapter 1
Featuring doting father Alpha!Hob (43) and his son, recently presented Omega!Dream (20).
A huge thank you to everyone who talked to me and cheered me on while waiting for me to post this chapter. 🙇‍♀️ It really helped in making me feel like I wasn't just yelling into the void. 🥰
CWs: Still no spice. Just more angst and vagueness. Enjoy?
Dream? What happened? Where are you?  (Missed call.) (Missed call.) (Missed call.)
Jessamy (Dream's roommate) 
(Missed call.) Jessamy, Dream sent me these messages. (You sent a photo.) [Image description: A screenshot of Dream's latest texts to Hob.] Please call me when you see this.
"I need you to take my place at the conference."
"What? Why? Aren't you about to leave right now with your girlfriend or something?"
"Ellie's not my-- (frustrated exhale) Dream isn't answering his phone, and I'm losing my goddamn mind."
"...Okay? I mean, no offense, but doesn't Bean kinda hate you right now?"
"He texted me, Jo. Asking me for help. And he misspelled most of the words, like he couldn't-- (inhale, followed by a shaky exhale) I need to know he's okay. Please, Jo. You can't ask me to move even farther away from him. Please. He needs me."
"Woah, okay, slow down. Have you called his roommate?"
"Yes. She's not answering either. Fuck. I can't... If something has happened to him..."
"Hobs. Breathe. Dream's at his university now, yeah?"
"(deep breath) Yeah. Yes."
"Alright. When did he text you?"
"Around 3 P.M."
"Three-- (short, sharp inhale, followed by a long exhale) That was two hours ago. Hobs. That was two fucking--"
"You think I don't know that?! I was in a meeting with Roderick fucking Burgess! You know how he is about phones!"
"Shit. Okay. Okay. We both need to...We both need to calm down and not be at each other's throats. Where are you right now?"
"Where the fuck do you think? In the car with Mervyn, making him break all the goddamn traffic laws trying to get to Dream's campus as fast as possible."
"Alright. Okay. (deep breath) Here's what we're going to do. You're gonna focus on making sure Bean is okay, and I'll handle everything else that needs handling. This conference is the one hosted by Morningstar, correct?"
"(relieved sigh) Yes. Thank you, Jo. I owe you--"
"Ten billion favors. Now stop talking to me and go find Bean."
(Missed call.) (Missed call.) (Missed call.)
Robbie (Gadling Corp.)
"Stop calling me. I'm trying to call my son."
"Robbie, don't you think you're overreacting a little? I'm sure Dream is fine."
"...Fine? My son isn't answering my calls after texting me for help, and you think he's fine and I'm overreacting?"
"I'm just saying. Dream has friends who care for him. I'm sure they wouldn't let him come to harm."
"They're his friends, Eleanor, not his bodyguards. They have lives and schedules and shit to deal with of their own. And Dream contacted me. Not them."
"(frustrated sigh) Look, I really don't have time for this. Dream could be in danger."
"And I understand that. But...does it really have to be you?"
"Do you really have to be the one to go find him? It's just--"
"If you're worried about Lucifer Morningstar blowing a gasket because of my absence as Gadling Corp.'s representative, then rest assured because Jo's already on her way to terrorize them. But more to the point, do you really think I would prioritize some fucking conference over my own son?"
"No, of course not! But--"
"Because let me be clear: Dream is my first priority. And he always will be, every single time. That is something that will never change, no matter what happens."
"Look, I'm sorry, but I really can't deal with this right now. I'll talk to you later. (hangs up)"
"(soft sigh)"
(Missed call.) (Missed call.) (Missed call.) (Missed call.) (Missed call.) (Missed call.)
(unknown number) 
"Hello? Is this Mr. Robert Gadling?"
"Yes, speaking. Who is this?"
"Ah. Good afternoon, Mr. Gadling. This is Dr. Gilbert Green. I'm an Omegan Care Specialist from St. Francesca's Hospital. I am calling about your son, Mr. Dream Endless--"
"I'm sorry, did you say St. Francesca's? The hospital specializing in Secondary Gender Diseases?"
"Yes, sir, the very same. Your son has been admitted about an hour ago, after a call to 999 by his roommate, Ms. Jessamy Raven. He had been exhibiting all the signs of a heat."
"A hea-- What do you mean my son is in heat? He isn't even 21 yet!"
"Unfortunately, sir, although rare, some omegas experience an early heat if they meet a highly compatible match before they turn 21. But not to worry. St. Francesca's is fully equipped to care for alphas and omegas experiencing unscheduled heats and ruts."
"Alright, thank you, Dr. Green. I will be there as soon as I can."
"(hangs up)"
(A face-to-face phone call in the Non-Contact Visiting Room at St. Francesca's Hospital)
"I still can't believe you're not allowed to visit Dream, Mr. G."
"Yeah, well. I shouldn't have hanged up on Dr. Green before he managed to tell me about the hospital policy that doesn't let 'unrelated' alphas anywhere near omegas under their care, unless said unrelated alpha is on the omega's list of alphas they're allowing to assist them during their unscheduled heats, and the alpha is there to..."
"...(awkward cough)"
"(clears throat) Anyway. Will you please make sure Dream gets those gift baskets from me, at least?"
"Oh, yeah, of course. I mean, these are literally all of Dream's favorite things. (rummaging) Wow. I didn't even know gift basket companies included...oh my god, is that an entire weighted blanket??"
"Is that...not usually included?"
"...Mr. G., no offense, but you're such a rich person about this. Normal gift baskets usually have snacks and fresh fruit. But all of this is like, next level stuff. Look, even the salted egg potato chips are gourmet."
"Is it too much? Dream likes that brand the best."
"I mean, I don't think it's too much? Like, you obviously picked all of these items out yourself. Like this one. (package crinkles) I don't think anyone else knows how obsessed Dream is over these dark chocolate covered pretzels."
"Right? The only time I get to eat those in peace is if I secretly buy a pack and keep it in my office."
"(laugh) Same! And I can't even sneak a single pretzel from his stash, because he'd know. Like how??? Does he count how many pieces there are beforehand?"
"(chuckle) You know, I wouldn't be surprised if he did. (pause) So do you think he'll accept these? Dr. Green warned me that omegas going through unassisted heats get temperamental, even towards those they're closest to."
"I mean, he didn't object to my presence when I checked up on him during a lull period a couple of hours ago. Then again, I'm a beta, so..."
"(ringing sound, followed by a heavy sigh) Hold on. Let me just-- (the ringing stops) Sorry about that."
"Is everything alright?"
"Yeah. Everything's fine. Don't worry about it."
"Okay. (pause) Well, temperamental or not, I think Dream would absolutely love these, Mr. G. I mean, they're from you. Not some random alpha trying to court him."
"(sigh) I hope you're right. It's the least I could do after they told me I'm not allowed to see Dream until after his heat passes."
"Don't worry, Mr. G. You can count on me to deliver these to him myself during his next lull period."
"Thank you, Jessamy."
"And um, Mr. G.?"
"...I'm sorry."
"I promise, I tried to call you as soon as I saw Dream sitting on the bathroom floor under the shower spray fully clothed. But you weren't answering, so I called 999 instead, and--"
"Jessamy. It's fine. What's important is that Dream is safe. And that's all thanks to the call you made."
"Yeah, but...Dream wanted me to call you. He was lucid for a bit, in the ambulance. He said he wanted to talk to you."
"Did he say why?"
"No... He um, he just said he wanted to talk to you. And when I called you again and you still weren't answering, he started crying?"
"Fuck. ...Shit, sorry for swearing."
"That's okay. I'm just. I'm so sorry, Mr. G. And also for not answering your call later or replying to your message. I didn't even notice it in the chaos, and then my phone died, so I didn't see your messages until this morning."
"(sigh) I'm sorry as well. I was in a meeting yesterday, and the other party wanted everyone's phones turned off."
"What? Why?"
"Just an old man being an old man, I guess."
"...Oh, the nurse is signalling me to hang up. Has it been 10 minutes already?"
"Wait, Jessamy. Before you go..."
"Yeah, Mr. G.?"
"Will you... No, never mind. I'll tell Dream myself when his heat breaks."
"(relieved sigh) Hey, baby. It's so good to hear your voice again."
"Did you need something?"
"Is uh... Is everything okay? I just called St. Fran's, and the nurse said you checked yourself out as soon as your heat broke?"
"That is correct. I am allowed to do so, am I not?"
"I... Yes, of course. I just...well, I just thought I could swing by later today to help get you checked out, and we could both spend the weekend at home."
"No need. I have a lot of school work to catch up on, and it would be for the best to get started on them as soon as possible. I shall spend the weekend in my dorm."
"Oh. I mean, are you sure? I imagine you're still feeling a bit lethargic--"
"I'm fine."
"...If you're sure?"
"I am."
"...Alright. Well, take it easy, okay? Don't push yourself too hard."
"Okay, baby. I'll talk to you soon. Love y--"
"(hangs up)"
Good morning, baby! How's catching up on your school work going? Hopefully your pile of things to do is smaller than mine. (You sent a photo.)  [Image description: Two half foot tall stack of papers and folders placed neatly on a wide wooden desk. One of the topmost folders has a sticky note marking it as urgent, and another sticky note placed under the first that says, "Fucking do this first, Hobs. - JCG"] Dream?  (Missed call.) 
I'm still sleeping.
Oh, sorry. Carry on.
Have you had lunch yet?
Just sent you and Jessamy some food from Cain and Abel's. Cain wanted to arm wrestle with me before he'd make their special chocolate lava cake, but thankfully, Abel has no such requirement and just made it with no extra charge or muttered complaints while Cain took a call outside.
Thank you.
You're welcome, baby. Tell me when the food gets there.
(Dream sent a photo.) [Image description: A large take-out bag with the Cain and Abel's logo is on a small wooden dining table. It is filled halfway up with eco-friendly food containers. Placed beside it are a couple of cold drinks, the cups wet with condensation. Visible in the corner of the picture is a thick textbook with a couple of highlighters placed on top of it.] It's here.
Happy eating, baby!
Jessamy (Dream's roommate) 
Thank you for the food, Mr. G!!! Fr fr C&A's chips are so delicious I cry
"Fr fr?"
For real for real!
You're welcome. I'm glad you liked it.
Dream didn't eat much, but I guess he's still recovering from his heat, so that's to be expected? Not to worry though! I'll make sure he eats more soon.
Thank you, Jessamy.
Dr. Gilbert Green (St. Fran's)
How long does it take for an omega to recover their appetite after their first heat? Sorry. This is Robert Gadling. My son, Dream, was in St. Francesca's for most of last week? Unassisted early heat.
No worries, Mr. Gadling. I have your number saved on my work phone. To answer your question, it really depends on the omega. Some are ravenous post-heat, while others get nauseous at the very mention of food. There is absolutely nothing to be worried about, so long as Mr. Endless regains his appetite within the week.
I see. Thank you, Dr. Green.
Good night, baby. I hope you made a lot of progress on your school work.
(thumbs up emoji)
Good morning, baby! Did you sleep well? I'm off to the office. Business with Burgess. At eight in the morning. Please pray for me. (You sent a GIF.)  [Image description: A cute cartoon dog with its paws together, praying.]
Good luck.
(You sent a photo.)  [Image description: A dozen quizzes, exams, and papers arranged neatly on top of a long wooden desk. All of them have Dream Endless written on top, and all of them have perfect scores.]
Oh, wow! That's amazing, baby! I'm so proud of you! What do you want for your reward? Disclaimer: I am prepared to buy you anything ridiculous. Maybe even a Shakespeare-related thing. 
Just want to sleep. Very tired. But thank you.
Aww. (hug emoji) Alright, rest well, baby. We'll just celebrate your perfect marks when you go home this weekend. You did so well. Love you.
Can't go home this weekend. Group project.
Oh. That's too bad. Maybe next week, then?
"Oh, hey. Everything okay?"
"Yeah. Everything's good. Listen, do you wanna have lunch?"
"Whenever you're free. I just um...I haven't seen or heard from you in weeks. (shy laugh) I missed you."
"Oh. Ah...thank you. I was just catching up on the work that piled up when I took an emergency leave. You know how it is."
"Mm-hmm. ...How's Dream, by the way?"
"He's good. Feeling better now."
"That's great."
"...So there's this newly opened bistro. It's just a few blocks from the office, and apparently, it's been getting a lot of good reviews."
"Oh, really?"
"I mean, I personally haven't been, but Chris knows it. He's the one who recommended the food there in the first place."
"Sounds great."
"...Oh, are you asking me to have lunch there with you?"
"Only if you're free, of course. If not, we can just catch up some other time. No pressure or anything."
"Oh. Uh... No, I'm... (sigh) Yeah. Lunch would... Lunch would be great."
"We could swing by Gadling Corp. in a few?"
"No, it's fine. I'll just ask Mervyn to drive me there."
"Please, Robbie? I want to apologize for what I said in person."
"...Yeah, alright. I'll meet you in the lobby."
"(relieved sigh) Thank you."
Alpha CEO of Gadling Corporation Seen on a Date With Omega CFO of Adler Communications
A few months after his split with his cheating ex-wife Nyx Endless, dashing Robert Gadling is seen on an intimate date with the stunning Eleanor Adler. (more on page 6.)
(There are three photos featured in the gossip rag's article.) 
[1st image description: Hob is helping Eleanor get out of a black nondescript town car. He is wearing a business suit that makes him look sharp and stern. It's offset by the smile on his face as he offers his hand to Eleanor like a gentleman. Eleanor is wearing a business dress that makes her look soft and approachable, but still very professional. She is smiling warmly at Hob as she takes his hand.]
[2nd image description: Hob and Eleanor are sitting at an intimately small table, with a plate of half-eaten tiramisu between the two of them. Eleanor looks like she is in the middle of telling an amusing story, and Hob is looking at her with a small smile on his face. His body is leaning slightly towards her. The lighting makes Eleanor's long blonde hair look like a golden waterfall. The light is reflected in Hob's dark eyes.]
[3rd image description: Eleanor is leaning towards Hob as if to kiss him on the cheek. Her eyes are closed, and her hand is resting lightly on Hob's arm. Hob's head is tilted slightly towards her as he allows the gesture. His hand is resting on her elbow. We cannot see the expression on his face, as their bodies are only inches apart. Both of them are standing on the sidewalk outside the bistro. It is the largest photo of the three.]
Papa (number redacted)
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"Are congratulations in order?"
"Sent you the link. I still can't believe they called you one of the top 100 most eligible alphas in the world. Because first of all? Inaccurate. You're mid, at best. Second of all, what am I, chopped liver?"
"What the fuck is this?"
"What do you mean what the fuck is that? That's you and Eleanor Adler, isn't it?"
"It is. But...we didn't make anything official. We were just having lunch for god's sake."
"You sure? I mean, she did kiss you on the cheek there."
"So? Cheek kisses aren't romantic in nature 100% of the time! Oberon and Titania Fairlands give you cheek kisses every time you meet!"
"Ugh. Don't remind me."
"...Fuck. I have to talk to Dream."
"(snicker) Oh boy. I so do not envy you right now."
"(sigh) Jo."
"Yeah, yeah, I already have people doing damage control. Did you really think I called you simply so I could get my daily dose of schadenfreude?"
"Eleanor and I were just having lunch."
"...Thank you for the update?"
"I... An article came out. Saying that we--she and I--are now dating. It's not true."
"An article? (clicks of a computer mouse and the clacking of keyboard keys)"
"Please don't come to the wrong conclusion. I meant it when I told you that I would wait for your blessing before I court or date anyone, and--"
"You have my blessing."
"--I... What?"
"I'm looking at the article right now. The two of you look good together."
"(sigh) I apologize, for how childish I was acting before. You were under a lot of pressure thanks to the annulment, and...I wasn't helping. The Board is right. You need to marry again so you could have biological children to inherit the company someday."
"So you have my blessing to start courting Eleanor. She is an accomplished omega from an affluent family, and she is a good match for you. It is unlikely you'll meet a better omega to be your spouse."
"I... Dream..."
"(beeping of an alarm clock) Ah, excuse me. I have to go to class now. But please convey my warmest regards to Ms. Adler. And...my belated apologies, for intentionally spilling wine on her dress."
"...Right. That's... I'm sure she has already forgiven you, but thank you for apologizing anyway."
"Of course."
"Take care going to and from school, baby."
"I will. Goodbye. (hangs up)"
"Hobs? Hellooo?"
"...Dream gave me his blessing."
"(pause) Say that again?"
"Dream gave me his blessing. To start courting Eleanor."
"...Huh. Really?"
"I'm still in shock, to be honest."
"Same. I thought, you know, after Nyx, you'd remain single for the rest of your life and our family's future heirs would either come from me reproducing asexually, or Bean having pups of his own with his future alpha mate."
"(sharply) Hey."
"Don't even joke about that."
"Joke about what? Me reproducing asexually?"
"No. Dream having pups with some alpha."
"Wh-- 'Some alpha?' Hobs, are you hearing yourself? Bean probably already has a bunch of alpha suitors leaving courting gifts outside his dorm room and waiting on him hand and foot every time he goes out."
"He doesn't. He would tell me if anything like that is happening."
"...Right. Because Bean would totally tell you everything that is going on in his life, including how many suitors he has and where they live."
"...Do you know something I don't, Jo? Did Dream say something to you?"
"Okay, back up, Papa Bear. He didn't tell me shit. But also, it's literally not any of our business?"
"Isn't it?"
"Hobs. He's twenty years old, not five. I'm sure he can tell anyone he doesn't like to fuck off just as well as any other omega his age can."
"Oh, Christ. Don't tell me I just activated your overprotective alpha dad mode. Goddammit. (muffled) Yeah, just a second, Ric. Alright. I have to go put out some more fires. I'll talk to you later when you're less...that. Bye. (hangs up)"
I mean it, Hobs. Quit being the typical overprotective alpha dad or you'll smother Bean. Who knows, he might even have a suitor you'd approve of. I require an affirmative reply sometime within the next ten minutes or I'm getting Ric to raid your secret snacks stash.
"I thought about what you said, and... (sigh) You're right."
"No, really, what am I right about this time?"
"(heavy sigh) About me acting like an overprotective alpha dad."
"It's just... Dream isn't even 21 yet, and he's already had his first heat--"
"And omegas having their first heat is a signal to every goddamn alpha that they're ready to be wed and bred. Yeah, I know."
"Then can you really blame me? Considering the unmarried alphas we know who would no doubt ask us for Dream's hand in marriage?"
"...I guess not. (pause) Ah, shit. Now you got me feeling overprotective over him as well."
"No, you're not."
"No, I'm not."
"(sigh) Fuck. This is so stupid. We both know Bean is perceptive enough to see through people's facades and manipulative ways, and that he can defend himself just fine, but--"
"It doesn't really stop us from worrying about him anyway."
"(frustrated huff) How about this, then: unless Bean asks either of us to intervene, we back off and let him handle things. That's doable, right? We can do that?"
"Are you asking me?"
"Fine. We'll try. But if someone hurts him--"
"Then it's a free-for-all. Agreed?"
"You should really talk to your dad, Dream. I'm serious. He needs to know."
"What for? What would telling him accomplish?"
"I don't know, he'd be able to help?"
"No, Jess. You know him. Do you really think--"
"But he loves you. Even I know that."
"No. I'm sorry, but no. And please don't tell him either. I know he asks you for updates about me sometimes. Please. Please don't say anything."
"If anyone should tell him, it's me."
"But you're not going to."
"...I hate this."
"I'm sorry."
"Please, Jess. Promise me."
"...Fine. I won't say anything to anyone. But if Mr. G. asks, I'm not going to lie, either."
"Don't worry. He won't. He's busy enough already."
"So is he and Ms. Adler really..?"
"Looks like it. So it won't matter. But thank you. For accompanying me today. And for agreeing to not say anything. You're a much better friend to me than I deserve."
"Gods, shut up or I'm going to start crying."
"Do you want me to buy us a tub of ice cream after class?"
"No. Let's have something warm. Maybe some pumpkin soup or something."
"...Understood. Shall I have the ingredients delivered?"
"Yeah, okay. I'm free until 4. I'll wait for it to arrive."
"I'll add a couple of pints of that sweet corn ice cream you like. Both would be yours to eat."
“(watery laugh) Like I’d give you any in the first place.”
"(soft huff of laughter) Alright. I’ll see you in a bit, Jess. (hangs up)"
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specialagentlokitty · 2 years
Mr Evershed x Student!reader - get better
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Reader doesn't go to school for a while and Mr Evershed gets worried. He can't call anyone because Reader has no parents/their parents are abroad. Turns out Reader is in hospital after coughing up blood. - @mxacegrey 💜
Mr Evershed looked at the absence record with a frown on his face, most were just a day here or a day there, maybe they’d decided to ditch class or were sick and no one called in about it.
Then there was yours, you were gone for two weeks.
“Loraine!” He called.
The woman came rushing in.
“Why didn’t anyone say anything about (Y/N) not being in for two weeks?” He asked.
“I… I don’t know shall I ask?”
He shook his head and sighed, setting the papers down.
“No, can you get me all the contact details we have for them?”
She nodded and in a moment she was back with a list of contact details and he quickly got to work.
Mr Evershed started at the top of the list with your mum and dialled her number. Disconnected.
He then tried your dads number. Disconnected.
Sighing he pinched the bridge of his nose and tried your phone number. Setting his phone on speaker he set it on the desk and listened to it ring.
“(Y/N)? Hello it’s Mr Evershed.” He spoke.
“Sorry love I’m not the one you’re calling after, I’m just their nurse, they asked me the answer their phone if it rings and they’re away.”
“Their nurse?”
Mr Evershed immediately sat up, frowning as he looked at his phone.
“Yes, I’m sorry I can’t tell you anything more due to privacy reasons but you’re more than welcome to come by. I’m sure they would appreciate the company.”
“Right thank you.”
Mr Evershed hung up and grabbed his jacket and keys as he walked over to Loraine.
“I’ve found them, any issues here call me.”
Mr Evershed drove to the hospital and made his way into the reception asking about you and if they could tell him where he’d be able to find you.
They asked him to wait and nearly half an hour later they came with a bit of paper in hand.
“That’s their room number and how to get there.”
“Thank you.”
Mr Evershed carefully followed the instructions he was giving, and now that he was on the right ward he carefully looked at the room numbers as he passed them.
Yours was at the very end and your door was open so he walked over and knocked, waiting by the entrance
“Mr Evershed?” You asked.
He looked up and smiled, walking over to take a seat next to your bed.
You sat up a little more, pulling at one of the wires so it wasn’t trapped underneath you.
Mr Evershed looked at all the wires attached to you, the machines and the tissue spotted with blood by your hand.
“Is everything alright? Are you alright?” He asked.
You shrugged a little.
“As best as I can be I guess.”
“What’s wrong?”
You looked at him before turning your attention back to whatever show was playing on your laptop. You turned the screen so he could see as well.
“Well the food here sucks for one.” You grumbled.
He chuckled a little and nodded his head.
“It always does.”
You spotted him looking at you in concern and you sighed.
“Don’t stress about it sir. It’s a reoccurring issue to be honest. I’m sick, ever since I was a little kid I’ve been sick.”
You held up your hand and a series of violent coughs wracked your body.
Mr Evershed quickly got up, rubbing your back in an attempt to help you and after a few moments it died down and you took a deep breath sitting up again.
He kept a hand on your back and grabbed you a clean tissue from the box next to your bed.
When you reached out he saw the red on your palms.
“Sanitiser…?” You mumbled out.
“Right hold on.”
He grabbed that for you and put some in your hands before putting it back down and sat next to your bed again.
“Are you okay? Do you need a nurse?”
You shook your head.
“No that was a minor issue.”
“Minor? You nearly coughed up your own lungs, are you sure you don’t need them?”
“It’s normal sir. I have this thing, I can’t remember what it’s called I didn’t bother trying to memories it, but I cough up blood. It was a pretty violent attack that sent me here.”
“And this is just normal?”
You shrugged.
“More or less yeah. It’s why I don’t take part in PE, and sometimes I’ll just skip school all together. I do have meditation but I ran out and I have to pay to get it because it’s not under the NHS scheme for medicines.”
“Shouldn’t your parents be sorting that out?”
“Please the moment I turned 16 they left, I was burden to them and they couldn’t do anything with me because I can’t travel.”
You sat back in bed and stared at the ceiling.
“It’s not so bad though, just means I’ve got to be careful.”
Mr Evershed frowned as he listened to you.
“What happens without your medication?”
“Attacks become more frequent and violent.” You said.
“Right, and who do I talk to about this medication?” He asked.
You looked at him and rose a brow and he crossed his arms.
“Why? I can’t afford it? There’s no point.”
“Okay but I can so?”
“Sir I can’t ask you to do that.” You sighed.
“And I can’t let you keep suffering and coming in and out of hospital.” He said.
You sighed again and pointed to the nurse who walked into the room and he smiled and got up to go and talk to her.
They walked away and a few moments later they came back and he was smiling at you.
“Right, I’m going to pharmacy to sort this, I’ll be back in about an hour, do you need anything?”
“Uhm… actual food and maybe a hoodie or something? My other one is all dirty and like I can’t wash it yet.”
“Right food and some hoodies, okay I’ll go get some.”
“Wait sir I’ve got some at home, here.”
You handed him your keys and wrote down your address for him and he left.
You carried on watching the show you were watching before he came and just over an hour later he came back with a few bags in hand.
“So we’ve got food, I could only find one of your hoodies on the coat wrack and I can’t go through your stuff so I’ve got you a few of my old ones I don’t wear anymore so they’ll probably be too big.”
You nodded and gestured for him to leave the room and the nurse closed the door so pull one of the hoodies on and she let him back in.
You were eating away and the snacks and he handed you something from the pharmacy.
“When you’re discharged they’ll have a few boxes waiting for you to pick up, I’ve already paid for them so don’t worry.” He smiled.
“Thank you so much sir honestly.”
“I’m not just going to let you struggle okay? I’ll be back tomorrow so write down everything else you need. And here.”
He handed you your house keys and gave you a smile.
“You’re going to get better in no time.” He smiled.
You nodded and grinned back as he left and you dig through the bag of snacks he had gotten for you to find something to eat as you carried in watching the show
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nyt1ba · 3 months
      He pondered his metamorphosis for decades,  piling up one research after another to comprehend the full nature of the monstrosity that became of him,   for if he were to seek a solution to reverse the current fate of the human race,   he had to begin with its very source,   himself.   While it may be beyond his will,   Naytibas continued to reproduce in the nest,   their life cycles bound to his own,   always existing as long as he would.   It was phenomenon he found necessary to monitor,   hoping to find ways to either halt or contain their growing numbers without having to result to anything too drastic.   It is there that he had set up something equivalent to a lab,   scrapped together from old tech from the old world,   along with his old logs regarding the early stages that led to the catastrophe that befallen earth,   [   secured away from the air born squad members mother sphere would send in relentless search.   ]   His workshop in Xion was hardly a fraction of what he had here,   the existence of the nest was meant to remain a secret he would carry to the grave.   That was his belief initially,   having grown accustomed to his solitude by now.
   But things changed,   he was no longer alone.   Artemis and Elektra had somehow managed to pull him in,   to give spark to a compassion he thought to be long lost.   Despite their reservations                Elektra for the most part                they had trusted him with the darkest parts of themselves,   it was only fair that they knew of his as well,   regardless of the complex nature of his truth,   he owes them that at the very least.   They knew of the nest by now,   and he felt more at ease in being able to go back there without being questioned.   What he didn't expect however,   was to receive visits there so frequently.   Elektra must have caught glance of his hover bike close to the entrance and since she was human there was no barrier affective to keep her from entering whenever she desired.   He had grown accustomed to it somehow,   enough to lower his guard   &.   allow himself to lose himself in his work without paying attention to his surroundings.   As expected,   he's too preoccupied to question the purpose of her visit,   and would still remain half present as he tended to another instance of urgent repairs to her arm.   This was not carelessness however,   but something more akin to comfort.   It was more convenient for him to work here,   mostly for being able to stretch his wing more freely,   it became almost like another limb he can't do without,   and having to keep it hidden was a discomfort that made it harder for him to think on some days.
      “ … can I? ”     elektra’s fingers linger, hesitant and acutely aware of her companion’s slight aversion to physical contact — she takes no offense to that, of course. but … still, she’s curious about adam. wings, ordinarily hidden beneath layers of baggy clothing, are still a sight to behold. they glow in the absence of light as if they are comprised of it — elektra’s touch is gentle, perhaps a bit overly so ... she doesn’t want to hurt him, after all. feathers are soft to the touch, bound to flesh and bone. elegant in a way that she cannot hope to describe.     “ they’re beautiful, you know. ” / HEH
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   He has to tear himself away from his work when she calls,  surprised to see she was still there when her purpose of coming all the way here was over and done with,   didn't she say something along the lines that she was in a hurry   ... ?   He can't quite remember.   '   can I ?   '   She asks him,   and only then that he's made aware of the hand hovering just above the feathers of his wing.   It's just as she assumed,   he still had some reservations regarding touch,   he's avoidant and quick to pull away at the slightest bit of contact even if he was the one to initiate it,   [   but that in itself was a rare happening.   ]   He's hesitant,   unsure,   as if a mere touch would burn him in an instant.   Lips part to in an involuntary attempt to protest but his voice couldn't quite find the words   ...   she trusted him with her scars,   allowed him to see the full extent of damage left imprinted on her being so gruesomely,   even if his own scars are decorated in gold   &.   light,   she should be given the chance to either embrace or loath them.
   He yields after a moment's meditation,   wing stretching a little wider as one would extend an open hand.   She's gentle as always                    even more so this time,   evidently cautious to the sensitivity of his mutation.   His gaze doesn't leave her,   bewildered at the awe she was displaying.   No trace of disgust to be found,   no repulsion by the amalgamation of creatures in their egg-like wombs which surrounded them or the centre that beat unanimously with his own heart.   There eyes meet,   and it's with that same rare tenderness that she expresses her thoughts,   beautiful.   Adam blinked,   flustered yet again,   this was the last thing he thought she would say.   It's strange,   for her to find the parts he loathed of himself to be loveable in any capacity,   it might have been more merciful if she lied about it.        ❛❛   I   ...   suppose.   ❜❜        he mumbles,   wing folding back as he turns to look away.   If she keeps this up,   she would surely be the end of him   ...   he doesn't mind it much.
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@stilettaux // *INCOHERENT SOBBING*
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aajjks · 7 months
“shh~ it’s okay, minho. your sister will be here soon” coos the teacher as she holds him close and rocks him back and forth in her rocking chair. minho’s teacher, ms. green, has been worried sick for minho’s wellbeing ever since his long absence from school. his record depicts him attending a school in daegu for a year before returning back to the elementary in seoul. his aunt insisted the school keep his old contact information but what was strange was that they haven’t seen you since minho returned back.
everyone knew minho lacked parents and the only parental figure in his life was you. a lot of red flags were noticeable but it really became evident in minho’s behavior; you were absent in his life.
she isn’t sure why but it could be that you’re busy. but you always, always picked up calls when it came to minho. this time around, the phone call went straight to voicemail. ms. green was beginning to think the call to mr. jeon was futile seeing as she’s never called that number once and can’t remember who this ‘jeon jungkook’ man looked like but he’s marked as ‘guardian/family friend’ in minho’s file.
but thirty minutes later, a happy voice rings through the classroom calling (she assumes) minho ‘buddy.’ the 6-year old slowly turns around and doesn’t hesitate to jump out of his teacher’s arms and into the mysterious, awfully handsome man.
“j-jungkookie!! i missed you” he cries “wh-wh-where’s noona?”
the teacher is speechless. this man, jeon jungkook is beautiful. she wonders if this ‘guardian’ you marked is your boyfriend or minho’s cousin. “ehem” coughs ms. green to snap out of her gaze on the handsome man. “um, hello. i’m minho’s teacher ms. green. can i see a form of identification? it’s for safety purposes” says a nervous ms. green and jungkook obliges.
he shows the teacher his ID and once she sees it, she hands jungkook minho’s book bag and made sure to place his homework in their.
“um, before you leave, i scheduled a conference to talk about minho’s behavior lately. his aunt has yet to respond but if you could get in contact with ms. y/n or provide a number to contact her that would be helpful. u-uh, also he has a lot of homework to catch up on and maybe you can encourage him to do it”
He has no idea what the teacher is talking about but he’s just busy playing with Minho. The toddler immediately jumped into his arms, and that was the best feeling for Jungkook.
The teacher keeps on staring at him. That’s just creeping him out, but he doesn’t dwell on it. “Oh? A conference? I’ll be sure to let my girlfriend know. Yn his sister is my girlfriend so. Don’t worry about her she’ll be there.” He says, giving her a small smile.
“she’s just been really busy lately, and he was with her aunt so.. I’ll help him out with the homework, Ms….” he doesn’t even know her name.
Minho has nuzzled his face into jungkooks neck, this is a really great feeling because you haven’t told your brother anything about what happened between you two and he hopes that you won’t.
“Hey buddy, do you want to come home with me? Noona is right there.” He coos, pressing a kiss to his cheek. “Noona is eagerly waiting for you. I’m sorry she couldn’t be there. She missed you a lot though.” He says to the six-year-old, who’s got fat tears in his eyes
Aw, that hurts Jungkook.
“You’ll be with jungkookie and noona yeah?” He says after he picks up his bag and bids farewell to the teacher. Jungkook makes sure to tuck Minho in to the front seat, with tightening the seatbelt around him.
“Hey, do you want ice cream? We could get some for your noona too- lately she has been in a very bad mood you’ll cheer her up.. I missed you too you know!” he starts his car and they both drive off the ice cream parlor and then finally home to you.
And after roughly an hour or so, Minho is finally smiling and giggling around with Jungkook and he’s really happy to have Minho’s company back.
They are parking back into Jungkooks home, and soon Mrs. min opens the door for the both of them and she’s shocked to see your little brother.
“Hello master Minho!” She greets the toddler who is still lapping onto his ice cream cone.
“Where’s yn. Tell her that Minho is here.”
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laylaisthename · 2 years
Implied spoilers for ILW ch16!!!!
Yet another It Lives Within fic based off the idea that Amalia brought mc back from the dead
tw for sorta graphic descriptions of dead bodies? // 2100 words // not proof read cause i got no one for that but i did throw it through the spellcheck // m!MC&Amalia (they love each other but not romantically)
The radio is barely audible over the sound of her Highlander's engine pulling up, bounding down the highway into the beautiful green mountains of Oregon. 
Fear made you do quite strange things, Amalia found. Things like contacting one of your best friend's exes to help you track his phone, tracing the signal down to a clearing in the woods near a small town named Westchester. 
She and Horus had been talking when in the distance a scream rang out. He'd cut off the call with a quick, "Back soon." But it's been hours and still there has been no word from him, despite her many, many attempts to reach him or his parents, the calls ringing and ringing with no response. 
She considered contacting the police, but a gut feeling told her they'd be of little help, probably citing that it was out of their jurisdiction or something to avoid the drive out this late in the afternoon. It had to be her. 
The drive wasn't a long one, but nerves made for poor company. She fiddled with the Highlander's radio, still not quite used to all the knobs and buttons. It gets stuck on some old rock station, and a wistful smile plays on her lips as she can already imagine Horus in her passenger seat, belting along to every word on their way back. The bustle of the city thins out the closer she gets. 
"It's fine." she says to herself, "He's probably just distracted." Never mind that he was glued to his phone and he always picked up when she called. He'd let it ring a few seconds, much to Amalia's dismay, but he liked her ringtone so much. 
It's still light out when she arrives, the long summer days thankfully providing her with a clear sight of the parking lot and the woods beyond. It's mostly empty, save for a cluster of cars of different sizes on the far side, among which she recognized the Asar family's car. The rest of them probably belonged to their extended family. Horus did say that everyone was showing up, much as he tried to get out of it. She parks nearby
It wasn't hard to figure why they picked this area to camp. It was beautiful this far away from everything. Tall pines rose high above, their needles a green blanket over the forest floor, littering the trail. Mountains lined the horizon, and Amalia bet that there had to be some beautiful streams running through the forest. 
She opened her phone again, scrolling down her contacts for Horus's number one last time. When it once again rings to voicemail she lets the message roll. 
"I'd do a bit here," his recorded voice rings clear, "but everyone that knows me usually texts. So hi stranger." 
"Hey stranger," Amalia replies after the tone, keeping her voice light despite the anxiety gnawing at her. "I got worried about you so I'm here outside the campsite. If I find you out there having fun I'm seriously kicking your ass for not picking up. See you soon." 
She makes her way to the nearest info board. Only one of the marked campsites is large enough to accommodate his whole family, and Amalia finds it on the map with ease, following the trail markers deeper and deeper into the woods. 
It's not always easy to notice the absence of things, and having grown up in a city as she had, Amalia did not know to listen to the absence of bird's song when she drew close to the location. She didn't feel how deathly still everything had gone, nor how strange that actually was. 
It's the smell that hits her first. Acrid and metallic, bile rising in her throat when she stumbles upon the first body. It was a man. She thought it was a man at least. It was hard to tell exactly who this was with what was left of the body. Claw marks marr the face, limbs bent in ways that made her nauseous just looking at it.
Amalia had no idea who this was. She wasn't sure if that somehow made it better or worse. Her steps are careful as she moves through the clearing, her eyes wide trying not to look too closely at the carnage around her.
The sun has started to set when she sees it. A shock of bright red hair from the corner of her eyes, almost missed among all the blood. The shell shock of finding so many bodies, so much blood and broken bones, wanes away into pain. She found him. But when she rushes to kneel beside Horus, grabbing his hand in hers, it was already cold, his fingers strangely stiff. She was scared she might break one off if she held it any tighter. 
His eyes- just one eye, was left open staring up at her. Empty and unfocused, the brilliant brown glowing golden in the waning sunlight. The other had disappeared, as if something had taken it out, leaving behind only a crevice rimmed by claw marks and blood, streaking down like tears. 
He was gone. 
She reached out to the gaping wound in his chest. It was as if something had grabbed her hand and moved it for her- no she wasn't imagining the force, the Power guiding her hands. Amalia thought of herself as a rational person. And her mind was shouting at her to stop, to turn back and grieve her loss, this bright fire snuffed out from the world. This was crazy, and dangerous and disgusting as her trembling fingers dug into the hole left in his chest, the last of his warmth already long gone before she arrived here. Symbols traced around his body, drawn in his blood in a hand that should not be as steady as it was.
But grief made you do even stranger things than fear, she learned. Because a feeling in her gut told her that this would bring him back to her. 
She rummages around his pockets, pulling out old crumpled receipts and other things, heedless of the bloodstains she was leaving everywhere.  Eventually her hands close around a butterfly knife, a tattered old thing he'd bought himself to impress a girl once. She flicks it open, laying the blade against her palm and cuts. She leaves a drop of blood on each of the runes, each glowing a bright cyan in the waning light. With the circle complete she holds her hand over his missing eye, a final offering for a pact made in blood. 
"Please…" the word is a quiet prayer on the rising winds, bright light pouring out of his eye socket, illuminating her face as she backs away from the rune circle. Amalia watches on as Horus' body is carried up, light gathering around the worst of his wounds. 
She hadn't noticed how dark it had gotten until the winds died down, Horus' eyes fluttering closed as his now mended body is left on the forest floor. Amalia waits with bated breath as the runes slowly dim and fade, rushing forward. It's completely silent, no winds or animals, not even the distant rush of water. And then, more felt than heard, a heartbeat. Slowly his chest rises, up and down, up and down. Mesmerized Amalia watches him sound asleep. Whatever she had done had worked, and as her eyes fell on another body wreathed in red she knew that it wouldn't work a second time. 
Annie's dress was stained crimson, her small frame lying only a few feet away from Horus, arms outstretched as if she was reaching for him. The winds had blown her hair back, and Amalia could not stand to look at the terror in her face for more than a glance. 
Carefully Amalia walks over, closing Annie's eyes. She wants to say something. A goodbye of sorts, a way to pay her respects. With how much time she spent over at their house, Annie, may as well have been her own sister. But her voice fails her still, and all she manages to say is, "Goodnight." 
Behind her Horus starts to cough, his voice strained, "Lia?" 
Slowly his hands reach up to his eyes, pressing the heels of his palms down into them. One moves up through his hair, the other down to the ground to prop himself up. "I feel…" he has to stop to take a breath, "like ass. What…?" 
And finally he opens his eyes and looks at her. Amalia couldn't help but let out a little gasp, staring into his sudden heterochromic eyes. The restored eye was piercing in its cool cyan color, creating such an odd contrast against the streaking red of his hair and the warm brown that his eyes had been before. And it's as she's staring at him that his eyes drift behind her, filling with a hurt Amalia had never seen in him before, and one she hoped to never see again. 
"Annie?" He desperately tries to stand up, but barely makes it a single step before his legs give out under him. His arms scrape over the ground as he tries to heave himself up again, only to fall and crawl along. Amalia didn't know what to do. He reaches Annie's body, leaning over her. 
"They're all… gone. I-" another coughing fit overtakes him, dark blood splattering on his hand. Amalia gently rubs his back, carefully pulling Horus away. As much as she wanted to give him the time he needed, he had to be looked at by a doctor. 
"Horus, we need to go." but his eyes refuse to meet her. 
"I tried, Annie. I'm sorry, I'm so sorry, I promised you."
Seeing him like this, she wondered if leaving him dead may have been the kinder mercy. But what's done is done. 
"Russ, look at me," she grabs his face between her hands, her fingers growing slik from the tears, "I'm going to take you somewhere safe, just keep your eyes on me. Can you do that?" 
He shakes his head. "No I need-"
"Please. Just don't look down. Don't look back." She entwines their hands and tugs him along. Thankfully he doesn't struggle against it. She doubts she'd be able to drag him out of here by herself if he resisted, and would rather not have to knock him out. 
Thankfully the moon is bright tonight, making it easier to avoid the bodies around the clearing. Still Amalia takes out her phone to use the flashlight, always looking ahead, afraid to look behind her. She wasn't ready to look Horus in the eyes again. 
Not a word is exchanged between them the whole way back, but Amalia can hear him sniff every so often. There was so much she wanted to say, but what could she? That she was sorry for his loss? What words could be enough? Not to mention her own complicated feelings. She'd just brought someone back from the dead. She didn't believe magic was real, but what else would you call this? One thing she knew for sure however, he could not know about this, ever. It would change everything between them, and Amalia couldn not allow that to happen. If Horus learned she had brought him back somehow he'd either feel indebted to her or hate her, and she wasn't sure which one was worse. 
They make it to the car without issue, and Amalia finds that her hands still tremble as she's helping Horus into the passenger seat, clicking his seat belt into place. She struggles to type the address of the nearest hospital into the gps, but eventually she manages. Not all of Horus' wounds were gone, just the most lethal ones. Plenty of scrapes and a nasty cut on his leg drip blood in her car, but she can't bring herself to care about that. It would probably leave a scar, but it was the mental ones Amalia truly worried about. The pain, the horror, the guilt-
No, she resolved as they approached the hospital, she would not burden him with this as well. He would not be allowed to learn of what happened here. That would be her weight to bear.
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whatsonmedia · 2 years
Music Monday: 4 Selected Tracks of the Week!
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Adam Humphries, the music editor at WhatsOn, presents you with recently released, upbeat music. Put these on your playlist and dance the rest of the week away. Here is the week’s top playlist! The Vaccines' lead guitarist Freddie Cowan to release debut album - as Freddie & The Scenarios! Freddie Cowan, or that guitarist from The Vaccines as many of you will know him who also did backing vocals. It has branched out on his own with his new band, Freddie and The Scenarios. Has a slight 60's/70's sound to it. Their debut album, Answer Machine, is a change in direction from what Freddie did with Vaccines. From backing vocals to lead singer Freddie seems to have what it takes to take centre stage. And also carry the performance. As a singer he projects a strong vocal tone which doesn't take itself too seriously or forcefully. https://youtu.be/f0nmpAJecwo In the first single release you can see that he's coming into his own as a main singer and can tell stories that you want to listen to. Gorgeous animated dogs illustrate Holly Henderson's poignant psych-pop single - "Wendy" A while back British singer songwriter musician Holly Henderson released her single, Wendy. A heartfelt story about friendship and absence. She dedicated it to her friend, her dog called Wendy. Well, they do say that dogs are like best friends. In this case she wrote a track celebrating that friendship and what it means. After a couple of months Holly has released an animated video to accompany the single, and it's surprisingly not that bad. It's one of those where you can see it doing many rounds on video sharing platforms https://youtu.be/jLYEtdmrT-g The techniques and creativity used for the video aren't of a high budget but rather use moving layers. Credit to Holly for using her creative flair to make a video and music which uses the day-in-the-life route of storytelling. Daisy Kitty & Lewis - Messing With my Life The sibling trio from London who have been making their own style of music since 2000 and gradually gathered a big music following ever since. They have toured with some big names in the music industry such as Razorlight, Mike, Billy Bragg, Stereophonic as well as the ever-infamous Jools Holland. During that time, they have performed at the legendary music mecca festival, Glasgow, and have played at Bestival music festival a whopping 8 times, and all on the main stage. https://youtu.be/nJg8RoJzXcs Their single, Messing With my Life is about a breakup and trying to get the ex to cut all contact with them, even though they persistently try to attempt communication. Jack Penate - Tonight's Today Originally released back in 2009 by British singer songwriter, Jack Penate. Tonight's Today is something of an intriguing song itself considering that there weren't a vast number of songs like it doing the rounds on the airwaves. In some ways Jack is the male vocal equivalent to Adele and the late Amy Winehouse; doesn't take himself too seriously but can still carry his heart on his sleeve and sings about things that've happen to him. Tonight's is about something that many of us have gone through in the post-euphoria moment when we're having a come down to reality. Or when we're in such a moment of ecstasy we lose track of reality. https://youtu.be/Nn-Oo5zPPt4 The accompanying video doesn't make that much sense but nonetheless the less is worth a, good watch. It's shot using a black and white format and is slightly grainy which gives it that edgy atmosphere. Read the full article
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abbyfmc · 2 years
Yandere Boyfriend! x Girlfriend! Reader:
No one has asked me for this.
This idea of ​​one shot from a yandere phrase that I published in my third book of 'Phrases and things of a yandere boy' which is the following (it's in Spanish but I'll translate it for you):
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*Phrase #18:
'Why are you with my love? And why are you pissed? It is not you who has been robbed of many years of life in a hospital bed by a coma. Trust me I'll do anything to make up for lost time with her, so do me a favor and stay out of our lives.'
-By: Me.
Context: Y/n and William (it was the first yandere that came to mind) already had a love relationship but William one day suffers an accident so bad that it left him in a coma for a few years and when he wakes up he discovers that his lover later got a "friend" ( that of "friend" from William's point of view) who was keeping her company in his absence. When William managed to return home after several psychological and bodily resuscitation therapies, the friend was upset with Y/n but William was not going to give up on him, and said the phrase in a calmer but somewhat disturbing way.
yandere name: William(original oc).
Warning: Tampering.
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*__ PO.V*
I had just arrived home in the middle of a rainy night.
I live with my boyfriend William. We are both 28 now and we met when we were about 23 or 24 in college. He works as a lawyer and was busy most of the time and I was the manager of a fancy restaurant from which I sometimes bring home leftover food that no one wanted. Other times I or William cook.
We had a beautiful life despite the time that our jobs took us, or despite the stress we felt and no, we had no children or plans for it because we wanted to live more peacefully. We tried to talk even if it was by text and spend time together going for a walk, watching a movie or playing sports.
Until a specific day.
I had received a call on my phone after I got home. Sirens, crowds of people and horns were heard. It turns out that William had a car accident and when they searched his phone they found my number, and I believed it even more when the accident was reported on the news, so I took my coat, my keys and my bag and desperately ran to the hospital that I have been told and yes, William was admitted there.
--Sorry-- Once I got to the hospital I immediately went to the reception area and after asking for my boyfriend's name to find out where he would be, they told me that they were checking him in the Traumatology area on their respective floor, but that I should wait until They moved him to a room, so with my heart pounding I had no other.
--I hope you are well William-- I didn't want him to die. He and I had been through a lot together and if that happened, I would be so sad.
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Time has passed and William still does not wake up.
Apparently, due to the accident, he has fallen into a coma and has been like that for several months.
I gave my contact information to the doctors and nurses so that while I was at work they could inform me of any progress or decline that my partner had, such as his severe trauma and yes, the prices of the bills to pay. I still haven't figured out who the opposing car was that left William like this, but as soon as I do, I'll see if I can do something about it legally.
--Hi again William-- I waved dejectedly as soon as I entered the room without receiving any response. The room didn't have much. Just a small bathroom next to it, the monitor William was hooked up to showing his vitals, a chair where I sat, and a small table.
I have been reading his favorite books to him, telling him things that have happened to me during the day and how I missed him in a calm way or… as calmly as I could because other times my voice broke and I ended up crying from fear maybe that he never woke up and the doctors disconnected him or that he ended up dying. I insisted to the doctors that they let him live and to the nurses too. On the other hand, she was tired since she left work and came here on weekdays and on weekends she used to clean the house for when William woke up and came back or tried to do the weekly shopping that could no longer be weekly due to our tight schedule.
--Yet I feel like I can't blame you-- Of course not. I can't be mad at him. Where are your other relatives? Only his old mother came to see him but after her no one else has come to see him.
Sometimes William moved his fingers or toes, cried or frowned, which the first time it happened really moved me but the doctor who was with me at the time explained that this type of movement is normal in people who they fall into a coma, and I'm used to that, although I don't lose hope that he will finally open his eyes and wake up.
--Come on William, you can survive. I know you can do it, I'll be here to see you wake up-- Sometimes I wished that he would wake up, that he would get better and that we could finally go home and remember this event as a bad nightmare or a bad time to restart a peaceful life.
On the other side, I have met a new guy at my job named Axel. He was the same age as me and at first he seemed like someone very serious, but he turned out to be someone very nice as time went by. However, when I saw his car, I must say that I felt that it was very very familiar to me for some reason and I thought I had heard of it somewhere, but I don't remember very well. He has tried to ask me out and has kept me company all this time. At first I didn't say anything to him about William for the first year until two years had passed.
Axel was very respectful when I told him about it and even went with me to the hospital, but his surprised face when he saw William made me suspect him, although he told me that nothing was wrong.
--ok if you say so-- I sat in the hospital cafeteria next to him since I haven't managed to eat that much all day, so I took the opportunity to relax.
--Well and… hey, are you seriously planning to sleep here? I see you very tired-- He showed concern for me, but William's mother has already been here all day and that lady must be tired, so I said yes and instead please take William's mother to her apartment since It's something like 10:00PM and it's a little late for her to be out alone.
--In agreement. We'll talk tomorrow, good night-- We said goodbye and I went to William's room. I have permission from the Traumatologist who treated my boyfriend and that is why no staff has told me that I should leave since apart from the mother, I am the only relative who comes to keep him company.
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Time has passed really fast.
Axel has shown more interest in me than I expected over the next six years that we have known each other despite the fact that I still love William and stay with him, waiting for him to open his eyes to the point where whenever I can I check my cell phone in case there is a message from the doctor or her mother or I am always on the phone at home without losing hope.
But one day while I invited Axel to have coffee at my house, I received a call on my phone. It was late afternoon and calm was finally prevailing on that Sunday, so I stopped to pick up my phone, took the call and realized that it was William's mother.
--Y/n! Honey, you there?-- William's mother asked really surprised and anxious about something.
--Yes ma'am, why does it sound like that? What's going on?-- I started to worry until my heart skipped a beat hearing a familiar voice in the background, which made me assume only one thing.
--Come to the hospital quickly! He has woken up and wants to see you!-- A wave of joy flooded my heart and my eyes immediately filled with tears of joy.
--I'm going to the hospital immediately ma'am! Tell William I'm coming!-- So I hastily closed the call.
📳📳End of call📳📳
I closed all the windows and quickly turned off all the lights while Axel looked at me all confused by my tone of voice when talking to my mother-in-law.
--What's going on?-- He asked confused and standing up immediately from the sofa.
--My mother-in-law called me from the hospital. William is awake and I have to go see him!-- He understood and left the house to his car, willing to take me since the car William used had a problem recently and I sent him to make some changes and improvements which are not ready.
--Thanks for taking me. Sorry if I put too much pressure on you, it's very important to me-- It was true. Many times I felt bad with him for rejecting him but he has never seemed to get angry although he has continued to try to have something with me on occasion, but my feelings already belonged to someone else during these six years.
I can not believe it. The love of my life managed to survive and woke up, I knew I shouldn't lose hope!
The whole way, she looked like a little girl about to go to her favorite water park. Axel didn't say anything about it, and when we parked in the hospital's civilian parking lot, I immediately got out and rushed into the building, looking for his room with Axel behind me trying to follow my steps until I was in front of the door of the aforementioned room.
--I think it's better that I stay here and wait for you-- Axel added, sitting down on one of the hall chairs with his phone. I insisted that he come with me and he did, so I opened the door and went inside.
--Good afternoon Mom-- Yes, my mother-in-law trusts me so much that she lets me tell her mom sometimes. I see William talking to her with some confusion perhaps because she told him that it had been six years since her fatal accident. William had been looking at me for a while, perhaps having mixed feelings, and I walked towards him with tears in my eyes and my heart pounding in my chest.
--William, I knew you'd survive-- He seemed to smile and I hugged him as best I could so as not to hurt him. I didn't feel able to say a word. I could feel him respond to my hug which lasted a long time while Axel and my mother-in-law talked about who knows what topic. We didn't part for a while and then I sat down in the chair next to her.
--You are still as pretty as before. I'm glad to see you-- He then proceeds to see Axel talking to his mother about how things have been around these six years and after Axel also looks at him, I feel like all of a sudden a not-so-good tension builds between these two.
--Who are you? Have we met?-- William asked Axel seriously.
--No, I do not think so. But anyway, I'm Axel, nice to meet you-- I could see that they were both giving each other a fake smile. I feel like something is wrong here and I don't know why.
--Yes, equally. Did you come with Y/n?-- William asked him in response and Axel nodded, so I told him that he is a friend I met on my job shift some time ago and that I brought him so they could meet, although internally I could already see that perhaps it was not a very good idea.
--I see-- Will answered. To break the awkwardness, Axel said that he had to leave at that time. I felt bad for him and tried to apologize but Axel said it wasn't my fault so I let him go "quiet".
My mother-in-law named Gladys and I proceeded to tell him that six years have passed since his accident and that we have been taking care of him all this time. Both me and my mother-in-law have even had to wake up here and divide our schedule. While I was here I talked to him and even read to him or simply waited for him to wake up and his mother did the same when she was here.
--Thank you both very much indeed-- I was able to see William smile again after a long time, which made my heart and his mother's too happy.
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During the following days, Mrs. Gladys and I have been helping William to follow the resuscitation therapies that the doctor has made him follow, since after six years in a coma and therefore, immobile, his body was asleep, so it was very difficult for the beginning, but I was always giving him encouragement and support after leaving work unless I was cleaning the house while Axel helped me with the weekly shopping when it had to be done, giving me my money, of course since he insisted on helping me with the errand.
And after a long time waiting in recovery at the hospital, William was finally able to return home with me where the medical processes, both resuscitative and psychological, continued and I was able to be more relieved just as William was able to be happier with me. It goes without saying that the night William came home we even slept in each other's arms, especially me since for some reason I felt that they were going to take him away from me.
--Calm down darling. Nothing and no one is going to separate us, I will never leave your side again-- I hugged him at bedtime. It felt strange yet good to have him back by my side once more, and with him reciprocating it is so much better.
But that's not the only thing, since every time Axel and William see each other, it's noticeable as a kind of not-pretty tension between those two. I've tried to find out what it is but William just tells me that he doesn't trust him, that it sounds like it came from somewhere but he still doesn't know where and that it doesn't bother him at all while Axel is annoyed with me and didn't want to tell me nothing as much as I wanted to insist. On the other hand, Mrs. Gladys has been staying with William while I was at work and is taking care of him while helping him heal and slowly readjust to his life again.
However, things got weirder on my birthday when Axel came to bring me a rather happy present which was a small piece of cake, at which point William came out of our room and pretended to greet Axel kindly.
--Oh hello Axel. It is very kind of you to come to congratulate my girlfriend and remember her birthday on top by bringing her cake-- William sat in the armchair next to me and in front of the sofa where Axel was sitting who did not seem in a very good mood when he saw him. I decided to get up and go to the kitchen to make some tea for everyone.
--Guys, I think I'll make some ginger tea, would you like it?-- They nodded slightly and then I left. He couldn't bear that awkward situation. The kitchen isn't that far from the living room so if they said anything I could hear it. I looked for the ingredients in the pantry and while mixing them, I heard a strange conversation between the two of them.
--So… you've been coming here after that day-- I could hear William say to Axel. What day are you referring to? Isn't it…
--Please man, I already told you that was not my intention even after that trial, seriously-- Lawyer? What judgment are you talking about? I mean, I know that William before the coma belonged to a respectable law firm but I didn't know that Axel was also one since he never wanted to tell me what he worked for.
--I don't care what your intentions were. It is not going to be that the client you defended that time wants revenge for making my client win successfully-- Now that I remember, William before the crash (which I was not by the way) told me that he had to fight a popular rich criminal around town to defend his client and told me to get as little involved as possible even though Will and his client victim won and the defendant was sentenced to a lengthy jail term.
--What? Do not say foolishness. When I met her in that restaurant, I didn't even know that she had anything to do with you. I fell in love without even knowing it-- I was about to light the stove with the match when I heard that. Neither I nor William said anything for a few seconds that seemed so long that you could hear a pin drop to the floor. I turned the stove on low and put the pot with the tea, then let it boil while I listened.
--So that was it. You were in love with her while I was in a coma-- William replied.
--Yes, but she was always faithful to you and we are just friends now although I always helped and supported her in whatever way I could. We never try anything wrong-- That was true. Axel helped me and supported me in my difficult moments like any friend would but we never tried anything behind William's back, my heart and feelings of love and hope that my partner would come back from the coma always won me over.
--That makes me happy. But I'll make something clear to you-- William replied again.
--She will always be mine-- I didn't know this facet of William, although I can understand it being someone who doesn't exactly cause a pleasant memory.
--I know, I already accepted it, what's your problem with that?-- Axel replied annoyed.
--And why are you angry? It's not you who's had six years of life in a hospital bed in a coma. Trust me, I'll do anything to make up for lost time with her, so do me a favor and stay out of our lives-- William replied calmly but seriously. I could hear a growl from Axel followed by a 'Whatever you say' and then I heard the kettle ding, indicating that the tea was ready, so I turned off the stove, found cups and poured the tea into each one to leave. carefully to the room without saying almost a word, but Axel was gone.
--He had some problems to solve and that's why he left, but don't worry love, you have me-- I handed his mug to William as I put the small pot on the coffee table in the living room and took my cup of tea, but not before blowing on it a bit.
I was surprised to hear that side of William, but I dare not say anything about it yet. Although I already know the origin story of their rivalry.
I don't know how far it can go though.
I just hope it doesn't go too far.
-The End.
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archived-kin · 4 years
diluc ragnvindr and the secret spouse
note from kin: i was running around dawn winery looking for any chests i might have missed when this idea suddenly popped into my head. honestly i was tempted to do this similarly to the obey me solomon piece i did a while back and give diluc a husband but then i figured i should probably keep it gender neutral for both the girls and the gays
this is super short but i’ve had writer’s block for AGES so at least i got something out! i hope this isn’t so awful it burns your eyes out :,) i tried my best okay
fandom: genshin impact
character(s): gn!reader, diluc, aether, paimon
pairing(s): diluc/reader
warning(s): none
genre: fluff!!
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You wake to the distant buzz of household conversation and a distinct absence of the usual presence beside you. Slightly disoriented, you sit up, rubbing at your eyes as the morning light peeking around the edge of your heavy velvet curtains casts the creases of the sheets around you into sharp definition.
A still-steaming mug sits on the bedside table, indicating that it hasn’t been long since your dear husband got up and made you your usual morning cup of tea. There’s a little red flower sitting on the saucer - a Windwheel Aster, which, if the flower language the two of you have developed over time still stands true, means that he’s still at home. He’d have left a Snapdragon if he was going out, a Calla Lily if he’d be gone for the day, or a Cecilia if he’d be away for an extended period of time. Of course, he tells you these things in person when he gets the chance, but, well - duty calls, and duty certainly doesn’t wait for a sensible wake-up time.
You throw your arms up and stretch, limbs trembling slightly as all the knots and cramps that have built up throughout the night finally straighten out. Windwheel Asters usually herald a good day in your household - though with Diluc, they can become Snapdragons and then Calla Lilies in the blink of an eye - and you’re looking forward to spending some time with your husband. It’s been a busy week for the both of you, what with an unexpected increase in the number of Abyss Order attacks cropping up around Mondstadt as well as several sudden unexplained deaths of hunters from Springfield, and you’d really like to have twenty four hours to just relax.
Diluc’s usual coat is still draped over the chair beside the desk, so, after a moment’s thought, you pull it on over your nightclothes. You have the weekend off, anyway - all your pending cases have been essentially solved and are ready to go - so you don’t see any need for donning your usual detective garb, though you do feel tempted to put on your trademark scarf to ward off the morning chill.
You take a few minutes to make the bed and open the curtains before you sit down in the armchair by the window to enjoy your tea. You can see several of the usual workers milling about between the grapevines, as well as what looks like a carrier balloon being docked just by the road. That’s new - deliveries to Dawn Winery usually come by carriage, but then again, the fact that the balloon also appears to be smoking extensively and is being accompanied by a very dishevelled-looking man who looks close to tears indicates that this probably isn’t a delivery,
On further inspection, you realise that your husband is standing nearby the smoking balloon, conversing with a young man with long golden hair tied back in a braid that you’re not particularly familiar with. You’re sure you recognise him from somewhere, though - in the same way that you might recognise the general composition of a painting you’ve seen in passing.
You don’t have time to continue contemplating the boy’s identity, though, because next thing you know, Diluc is leading him inside. You drain the remainder of your tea to the dregs with one gulp and pull yourself to your feet, resolving to go down to greet the two.
While you don’t bother with changing into something more formal, you do take a moment to wash your face and freshen up your breath with some of the mint-water Diluc keeps in the bathroom. You’re not fussed about keeping up a ‘respectable’ image, but you do at least want to be presentable.
Diluc is sitting with his back to you when you slip into the front room, still dressed in just your nightclothes and his overcoat, now with your feet tucked into a comfortable pair of slippers as well. The boy he’d invited in is the first to notice you, looking up from the map in his hands and face steeling slightly as he registers your presence.
An odd little fairy of some kind is bobbing about behind him, chewing on what looks like a large slice of cake. Her eyes widen to the size of saucers as she spots you, exclaiming so loudly that she sprays crumbs all over her unsuspecting golden-haired companion.
“Who’s this?!” she shrieks, alarmed in an almost comically exaggerated way. Her shock sends her even higher into the air, and she threatens to hit the ceiling head-on. “Y-you don’t look like a maid!”
You raise an eyebrow, mildly amused. “That would be because I’m not a maid.”
Diluc finally turns around, eyes lighting up slightly when he sees your choice of attire. A small smile curls at the corners of his lips as he moves to the side, leaving enough room on his seat for you to settle down beside him.
His young friend’s eyes dart between the two of you rapidly as Diluc continues droning on about something to do with transport balloons and the influx of monster activity in the area without a word as to your sudden appearance. He’s certainly quick-witted, you’ll give him that - he seems to deduce your relationship almost immediately.
Still, he asks about it in a polite and roundabout way - bless the boy. You can imagine that he’s a little afraid of making assumptions, especially about a man like Diluc.
“Is that your coat, Master Diluc?”
Diluc pauses in the middle of his explanation, eyebrows lifting slightly. You don’t know why he seems so surprised by the boy’s question - after all, the impression of the prideful Darknight Hero he has probably doesn’t incline him to think of him as a relationship-y sort of man.
“...yes.” He says finally. You don’t miss the way he steals a glance at you through the messy fringe of his red hair.
“Why so surprised?” You chime in, smiling at the boy as he straightens up slightly at the sound of your voice. “Surely you’ve deduced our relation already?”
He looks thoughtful for a moment. “Are you two… partners?”
You laugh. “Well, you could certainly put it like that.”
“You’re so clueless, Aether!” complains the boy’s fairy companion. “They’re obviously dating or something!”
Aether shoots her an unimpressed look. “That’s what I meant, Paimon.”
“Your name’s Aether, then?” You note. He nods. “Good name, Aether. You seem like a smart boy.”
“Hey!” The fairy glares at you, but it doesn’t really have much effect when she’s got the face of a baby lamb and crumbs still decorating her lower face to boot. “Don’t forget about Paimon!”
“Paimon’s a lovely name too,” You comply with a smile. “Very trustworthy.”
She looks appeased by the compliment, crossing her arms with a smug grin aimed at her taller companion. “See? Paimon’s trustworthy.”
“I heard them, Paimon,” sighs Aether, wearing the kind of expression that tells you he has to put up with this sort of thing a lot.
“What are you doing up so early?” Diluc asks you, and you start slightly at his sudden question. “Normally you sleep til noon on Sundays.”
You shrug and give his thigh a firm pat, taking great enjoyment in the way his ears flame up slightly at the gesture. “Guess I just missed your lovely face.”
The red of his ears darkens. “...you’re ridiculous.”
“You’re cute,” you counter with a smile, leaning forward to kiss the tip of his nose. He chuckles in spite of himself, the corners of his eyes crinkling in a smile that he rarely lets anyone but you see.
“You’re both gross,” Paimon decides with a pout, and the two of you suddenly remember the presence of the two other people in the room. Aether is pointedly staring at a painting on the wall, but at Paimon’s words, he hurriedly turns back.
“No, no, it’s fine,” You laugh, waving off Aether’s apologies for his fairy friend’s comment. “The maids often say the same thing.”
“The maids wouldn’t say such things if you didn’t insist on being so affectionate everywhere,” Diluc comments, though the smile still tugging at his lips tells you that he definitely doesn’t consider that a bad thing. “If you don’t want them to talk, perhaps you should take it down a notch or two.”
“Who said I didn’t want them to talk?” You counter, inching closer to him again. You'll refrain from kissing him right in front of Aether and Paimon, but that doesn’t mean you can’t tease him a little. “Besides, you’re one to talk. You’re the one always hanging off my shoulders whenever you get the chance.”
Diluc, however, doesn’t seem to have the same qualms as you about abstaining from affection in front of guests. His smile widening almost playfully, he gently lifts a hand to your chin. “Oh? Are you complaining?”
“Who said that?” is your response, and you lean in and kiss him.
It isn’t until the two of you pull away that you realise that Paimon has started making gagging noises as Aether frantically tries to shush her, all the while determinedly refusing to look in your direction. You almost feel bad for the kid - he clearly isn’t the best with affectionate couples.
“Sorry, sorry,” You say airily, moving away from Diluc, though you keep a hand resting on his knee.
“Is this what all married couples are like?” Paimon says, still wrinkling her nose in disgust. “If so, Paimon doesn’t want to get married, ever!”
Aether, still avoiding direct eye contact with both you and your husband, mutters an exasperated, “Bold of you to assume anyone would want to marry you.”
She immediately kicks him in the head, nearly knocking the poor guy right off the sofa. “Paimon heard that!”
“What a rowdy pair,” You comment cheerfully as Aether retaliates by flicking Paimon hard in the head, sending her spiralling halfway across the room with an indignant yelp. “You really do make strange friends, Diluc.”
He makes an odd chuffing sound in response to your words. “They aren’t any stranger than you.”
You shake your head. “You still married this strange detective, didn’t you?”
“I suppose I did,” He smiles softly again, setting his right hand over the one you have on his knee. “I wonder if I made the right decision?”
You give his knee a reproachful pinch and he gives short, sharp laugh in response - something that you don’t hear nearly enough from him. “Of course you did!”
You move to jab him in the sides, knowing exactly where all of his sensitive spots are, but he stops you quickly, seizing both your hands in his and firmly refusing to let go. You struggle for about a second before giving up and slumping against him with a dramatic huff.
“You’re too strong,” You complain, though your affectionate nuzzle into the side of his neck directly contradicts your pseudo-annoyed words. “I don’t like it.”
Diluc chuckles, knowing full well that you love the fact that he can lift entire tables without breaking a sweat. “Whatever you say, darling.”
The look that you give him as you raise your head nearly knocks all of the breath out of him. The adoring grin on your face doesn’t relent as you lift a hand and brush his cheek, your touch feather-light and sending shivers down his spine.
He finds himself leaning in again, overwhelmed by your presence. You smile knowingly and reach up to meet him - only to be interrupted with a start.
Paimon complains, half-disgusted and half-resigned, “They’re doing it again!”
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