#she has the r a n g e darling
a-hazbin-reader · 4 months
I would like to see how Alastor's mother meets the reader (when they were alive). I see almost nothing of Alastor's mother and I feel that she is a wonderful mother ヾ(≧▽≦*)o
Alastor lovers would be NOTHING without this woman, she should be WORSHIPPED
Alastor X Reader Headcanons
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TW: None I think???
Description: ☝️⬆️
Alastor's mother was his entire world, all the love and affection in his life came from her
The way he learned to love he learned from her
So you have her to thank for that
Which is why you're so fucking nervous to meet her, if she doesn't like you then you feel like your relationship is doomed
Not that Alastor would leave you at the drop of a hat but you just couldn't make him choose, you love him too much for that
You're fretting over everything, your hair, your clothes, your perfume-
It's not until you feel a strong hand on your shoulder and look into Alastor's eyes that you realize you were panicking
He's smiling at you, he's always smiling, but you can tell you worried him
"Sorry...it's just...I'm nervous..."
You're being pulled into his warm embrace before you can say anything more, familiar fingers pushing your chin up
You feel a pleasant shudder go through you as you meet Alastor's eyes, soaking up the affection that radiates from them
"Now now, a little dinner has you this worked up~?"
"What if she doesn't like me?"
He's leaning in closer, never breaking your gaze as his lips brush against your own, his canines glinting almost like fangs-
"Why wouldn't she like you? If I love you then she'll surely love you too..."
God, this woman raised such a good man
If Alastor was being honest with you, he's a bit nervous too but not in a bad way
He's excited for his two favorite people to meet, he's excited to show off each of you to the other so that you both understand his love for you two
He's just so ecstatic that this is finally happening
Coos and soothes you the entire walk to his mother's house, knowing that you're nervous but understanding that you have no reason to be
Alastor lets himself in and you're immediately welcomed with the scent of delicious food cooking
You can hear his mother in the kitchen, the table not yet fully set
Alastor leaves your side to hug his mother in greeting, laughing a little when he startles the old woman
She's beautiful even though she's no longer a young woman, you see a lot of her in her son
"Mother, I'd like you to meet my darling Y/N~"
Alastor's arm wraps around you in an attempt to calm your nerves and to present you proudly to his mother
When her kind eyes land on you, all sense of anxiety and fear melts away as she pulls you in for a hug
She's stronger than she looks, squeezing you as though you two have known each other for years
You realize that she hugs just like Alastor and melt into her arms as you hug her back
"It's so good to finally meet you..! I've been asking Alastor to bring you over ever since he first mentioned he was seeing someone!"
Now Alastor is blushing and mumbling something about her promising she wouldn't bring that up
You can't help but laugh and pat his cheek softly, it's adorable when he's embarrassed
Together the three of you finish up dinner, his mother sending him out of the kitchen to set the table
Leaving the two of you alone
It starts off smoothly, the two of you making polite conversation before falling into comfortable silence
And then it's uncomfortable
Oh shit you're nervous again
She stands next to you as the two of you work together to finish cooking, a soft smile on her face
"My son really loves you, my dear..."
Her voice is still soft, still warm, but there's a warning tone to it
Alastor did say his mother could be the sweetest woman or the scariest woman you've ever met
"I hope that love isn't misplaced."
Oh. Of course.
She's looking out for her son, like any good mother would do
You're careful with your next words, reaching out and taking the other woman's hand gently
You make sure to look into her eyes, wanting to convey your truth
"Ma'am, you son will have my heart and my soul in life and in death. I love him more than words can convey.."
And that's all it takes, the woman pulling you in for another hug and clutching you in relief
This woman is relieved that her son found someone who genuinely loves him and will continue to love him when she's gone
And if you love her son as she does then she has no choice but to love you as well
Things are easy going between you two after that, Alastor's mother loving you a little more with each thing she learns about you
She watches the two of you interact and gains a better understanding of the relationship
She understands why her son fell for you, you're more than just a pretty face that lured him in
You actually remind her a little bit of herself in her younger days
Mother, please don't say that
The two of you actually get along rather well, ganging up on Alastor several times throughout the night
"I'm only saying! The best way to enjoy tea is-"
"Alastor, honey, Y/N and I just told you that you're wrong."
"Why don't you let the two people who know what they're talking about carry the conversation, hm~?"
"I think it's about time we leave, don't you two agree?"
Not Alastor's mother taking your hand and looking at her son with a shocked expression
"You would take away my darling Y/N? What cruel boy you've turned into!"
Oh she's good
Alastor pretends to be annoyed at the sight of you two clinging to each other and whining about not wanting to be separated
Before that fake annoyance melts away into fondness and he's joining in on the hug
Alastor takes care of cleaning up dinner, leaving the two of you alone again
Which means Alastor's mother gets to show you photos of Alastor when he was younger
And tell you all the embarrassing stories
You two are so busy giggling and cooing at the photos that you don't notice Alastor standing in the doorway, face flushed red with embarrassment
"Time to go, my dear!"
She sends you home with plenty of leftovers and fusses over you like you're one of her own
"Do you need a jacket, dear? A hat? I might have an extra one around here-"
Gives you the biggest hug and kiss on the forehead before you leave, telling you to visit her often
Oh just one more hug before you go
Before Alastor can pull away from his own hug, she pulls him back to whisper to him
"You picked a good one, my darling boy...~"
You three are a family after that, no matter what anyone says, no matter what happens
She loves you just as much as she loves her boy and she'll brag about you just as much as he does
Carries a photo of you two around in her purse so she can show everybody
Literally loves having you around and is worried that other men will try to take you for themselves
You don't have a ring on that finger
Not yet anyways
Alastor's mother just has to convince him that he wants to get married
Which probably won't be hard
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This is like the only photo of Alastor's mother I can find and I don't even know if it's canon or not-
She's gorgeous??
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This one wasn't originally what I was working on but it was too good to pass up
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phefics · 4 months
congrats my darling!! you deserve it 🥺
🍪 could i request a nsfw alphabet with robin? 💖
𝐨𝐩𝐡𝐞𝐥𝐢𝐚’𝐬 𝟏𝐤 𝐜𝐞𝐥𝐞𝐛𝐫𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 // omg tysm love, of course u can!!! i have answered a few of these questions about her so i just copy-n-pasted my previous answers for some xoxo
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a: aftercare (what they’re like after sex) very cuddly, rambles a lot about how much fun it was and how hot you are, giggles at the messy sheets, and probably wants to stay up talking after.
b: body part (their favourite body part of theirs/their partner’s) to quote steve harrington, "you like boobies" ... robin likes boobies but also thighs.
c: cum (anything to do with cum basically) robin gets really wet, which she initially thought was a bad thing until you assure her that it's a really good thing.
d: dirty secret (a dirty secret of theirs) the obvious answer would just be her liking girls but if you’re fucking her, you already know that, sooo i’d say its maybe her inexperience - robin prides herself on her intelligence and ability to get shit done regardless of her nerves, but admitting that she has never even kissed anyone is something she would be embarrassed to do, especially if she’s trying to impress you
e: experience (how experienced are they?) she is completely inexperienced, like, has never even kissed a girl before you!
f: favorite position (this goes without saying) robin likes to have you sit on her face, or to just lay between your thighs. if a strap is involved, she likes to fuck with whoever's being penetrated on top.
g: goofy (are they more serious/humorous?) tries to be serious but ends up giggling and being silly
h: hair (how well groomed are they are, etc.) robin isn't big on shaving but she does definitely keep herself trimmed.
i: intimacy (how they are during the moment) robin is giggly, talkative, and completely lovestruck.
j: jack off (masturbation headcanons) robin really doesn't masturbate?? she's inexperienced and a little behind when it comes to sexual awakenings - she figured out she was a lesbian like two years ago, ok?? and she doesn't really understand...how...and would probably need to read it in a book or have it demonstrated on her.
k: kink (one or more of their kinks) personally, i don’t see robin as super kinky, or at least, she’s not super experienced/informed and therefore wouldn’t know much about what she’s into. however, i can see her being into dom/sub dynamics (i think she’s more of a sub) and some of the more common things like edging and praise. i also think she has a tickle kink but that is just me projecting ajdkdjkdf...
l: location (favorite places to do it) robin would never risk getting caught in public, for many reasons, so her favorite place to do it is in bed - classic, comfortable, intimate, and safe from prying eyes
m: motivation (what turns them on, gets them going?) robin is turned on by just about everything you do, but she is motivated by the idea of pleasuring you, like, getting down on her knees to go down on you like a woman starved. she has a people-pleasing tendancy that definitely extends to the bedroom.
n: no (something they wouldn’t do, turn offs) robin doesn't like behind restrained or hurt in the bedroom, mostly because of the whole russian spy thing, but even without the added trauma, it just really isn't her thing.
o: oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.) robin loves oral sex from both ends. she prefers it to fingering and before getting more sexually involved, i feel like she didn't really consider that straps were a thing and assumed oral was the best-case scenario.
p: pace (are they fast and rough/slow and sensual?) robin likes to take things slow. when she's nervous, her instinct is to be frenzied, so she prefers to calm herself and do everything slow to savor it.
q: quickie (their opinions on quickies) robin prefers to just have sex in a more typical, vanilla way. in bed, take things slow, lots of kisses...so nah, quickies aren't her thing.
r: risk (are they game to experiment?) robin is down to experiment with most things, but she prefers to stay in her comfort zone most of the time, since sex is still new and intimdating for her.
s: stamina (how many rounds can they go for/long do they last?) robin is able to go for a long time, and can have multiple orgasms like most vagina-owners can - she can keep at it for a while.
t: toy (do they own toys/use them? on a partner/themselves?) robin is rlly into toys!! she loves strap-ons, whether that’s being fucked by one or fucking someone else. vibrators are also great, she has a tiny one of her own that she masturbates with, but using it with a partner would unlock a whole new world of fun!!
u: unfair (how much they like to tease) robin isn't good at trying to be a tease, because she will likely give in before her partner, lol.
v: volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make) robin is loud and talks a lot, she can’t help it - it’s sometimes nervous rambling and sometimes mindless babbling from pleasure
w: wild card (a random headcanon) self-indulgent one here, apologies - robin is super ticklish and often will accidentally laugh and twitch during sex when you touch her too gently or in a senstive spot. luckily, that isn't a turn-off for her, it just flusters her, so if you didn't mind, it could be something fun to play with...
x: x-ray (let’s see what’s going on in those pants) robin has a pretty bush, it's dark and doesn't match the curtains yknow?? her pussy is a dark pink and gets wet so easily, she's almost always glistening by the time her pants are off and you can spread her lips...
y: yearning (how high is their sex drive?) robin has been yearning for a relationship for so long, when she finally has it, she wants to fuck whenever humanly possible. it's not even that her sex drive is high, it's more like trying to make up for lost time.
z: zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards) robin is pretty hyper and struggles to sleep most nights anyway, and sex doesn't really tire her out as much as it probably should, so she'll be down to stay up and hang out afterwards.
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ymaohoh · 4 months
Hellcheer Headcannons - Love Alphabet Template
Template by honestsycrets.
These are just my headcannons. Tag - what are yours?
A = Affection 
Eddie and Chrissy are the king and queen of PDA. They can’t get enough of each other. Eddie touches Chrissy to reassure himself that he’s not dreaming. They’re big on hugs and kisses and physical signs of affection. 
B = Babies 
Chrissy wants kids but she wants to live a little first. She wants to go to college and maybe see more of the world. Eddie has never thought about it before (he’s never had a reason to) but the idea of Chrissy getting big with his child makes him feel all hot and gooey inside. He’s afraid of being a crap dad though. 
C = Cuddles 
They cuddle a lot. Chrissy is usually the little spoon as she likes having Eddie’s arms snug around her waist. Eddie loves holding her too. He likes kissing the top of her head and nuzzling into her neck.
D = Darling  
Chrissy calls Eddie Eddie, but the way she says it makes it sound like the most intimate and private of nicknames. Eddie called her Cunningham at first, then Chrissy, then Chriss. He calls her ‘baby’ and ‘sweetness’ and it makes her melt. 
E = Enamored 
They fall for each other quickly and they fall hard. They are not the ‘slow burn’ troupe. They go right for the kill. 
F = Firsts 
Chrissy isn’t Eddie’s first but it feels that way when they eventually fuck for the first time. He’s nervous as shit but in the end it’s fucking amazing. They fit together like a puzzle. Chrissy makes Eddie wait a little as she’s nervous (she’s read that once you give it away to a guy you can never take it back) but Eddie makes her realise it’s not something he wants to take. Eddie shares it with her, and makes her sing. 
G = Good Morning
Chrissy is a morning person. Eddie is not. That takes some adjusting but Eddie doesn’t mind. It gives them more time together (though he insists on strong black coffee). 
H = Hugs 
Oh yes. All the time. Chrissy hugged Eddie for the first time when he saved her from Vecna. It wasn’t planned but the weight of his arms felt like safety. 
I = In Labor 
Eddie is freaking out but he’s trying his best to keep calm in front of Chrissy. He makes sure she has everything she needs and he hates seeing her in pain. They ask him if he wants to step out of the room when it’s showtime but he holds onto Chrissy’s hand like an anchor (even though she squeezes so tight he thinks the bones might break). He cries later as he takes in his entire world. 
J = Jealousy 
Eddie can get jealous. He has baggage and it takes him time to accept, yes, Chrissy really truly does like him. He hates seeing guys checking Chrissy out. Chrissy makes an effort to remind him she’s not going anywhere. 
K = Kisses 
They kiss a lot. With tongue. Without tongue. 
L = Loyal 
Are you kidding? Ride or die. 
M = Memory 
Chrissy’s is their first time together. She didn’t know girls could get off like that. Eddie’s is when he first saw Chrissy in a Hellfire T-Shirt. That blew his mind.
N = Never! 
Their only rules are they both need total honesty and trust. They never lie to one another.
O = On the Rocks 
They never really argue (which is a shame as Eddie thinks the make-up sex would be fucking incredible). 
P = Playtime 
Eddie loves going down on Chrissy. It’s his favourite thing in the entire world. Chrissy loves riding face. He coaxes all sorts of fun and wild things out of her.
Q = Quiet Time 
They can be totally quiet together easy. They spend quiet nights watching movies, reading, Eddie practising his guitar. 
R = Rapture 
Is each other. And strawberry flavoured lipgloss. 
S = Soulmate
Eddie admits to being pretty jaded about all things to do with love before he met Chrissy. Chrissy calls him her soulmate and says she thinks they’d find one another in any dimension or universe. Eddie calls her a total freak when she says that and kisses her neck but knows she’s right. 
T = Together 
Everything is better and more interesting to explore together. They do spend a lot of time together and it’s almost embarrassing how needy they are. Where one goes, the other will follow.
U = Unyielding 
Eddie will tell any interloper very bluntly to fuck off. Chrissy got mad once when some girl at a music gig tried touching Eddie’s arm and boy was she all over Eddie that night. 
V = Vulnerable 
Eddie is vulnerable with Chrissy. Everyone else sees him as this scary mean freak (and they're not wrong) but he’s soft with Chrissy. Chrissy used to keep a lot of things bottled up like bubbling champagne but Eddie had a corkscrew.
W = Wedding 
Chrissy always pictured having a white wedding with the big dress and fuss. Eddie does suggest this as he wants her to be happy (though honestly he’d be happy with a quickie at the courthouse) but in the end they have something intimate and special with just their friends (and Wayne) attending. She's sad when her parents don't show. When Eddie puts a ring on her finger and she’s now Christine Munson she cries. So does he. 
X = (E)x 
Jason tries to cause trouble when they first come out as a couple, but there’s not much he can do when Chrissy and Eddie look so god-damn happy all the time. 
Y = Yearning
Chrissy will call Eddie in the middle of the night if she misses him (he’s reassured her this is okay). The next day he’ll swing her up into his arms and tell her he’s missed her and she’ll laugh and pepper his face with kisses. 
Z = Zzz… 
They usually sleep at Eddie’s. Eddie sometimes sneaks into her bedroom (climbing up the trellis) but they can’t really ever relax with her parents around.
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johnkahner · 6 months
Request: could I please have Mileena x afab reader fluff alphabet? (pronouns don't matter do whatever, I'm agender afab though so I prefer afab reader)
AN: Apologies that this took longer than expected. I started writing this on Nov. 20th, but I just got it done. I've had stuff going on irl, and didn't feel like writing lately. Also for this I used "you" to refer to the reader instead of he/she/they.
Notes: Gender-Neutral! Reader, Fluff, Not Proof Read
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A = Admiration (what do they absolutely adore about you?)
Mileena would adore how you would show your appreciation for the ones you care for. If someone would dare to insult her, how you would try your best to shut them up. Even if it results in violence. She likes a woman that has a bite in her. 
B = Body (what is their favorite part of your body?)
Your lips would probably be her favorite. So soft looking, pretty, like your lips are pulling her in so they could kiss her. 
C = Cuddling (how do they like to cuddle?)
Likes to lay her head in your lap while you play with her hair. 
D = Dates (what does their ideal date with you look like?)
Would love to attend a festival with you. Hand in hand walking around to see the vendors and other stuff there. 
E = Emotions (how do they express emotion around you?)
Mileena would express her emotions when she is stressing out about her duties and her infection of Tarkat. She feels calmer whenever you are around. 
F = Family (do they want one? If they do, when?)
She’s the Empress. She’ll need an heir to the throne of course. She would consult with you first, and see what happens from there. 
G = Gifts (how do they feel about gift giving? What are their habits when it comes to this?)
Mileena wouldn’t know what to give you as a gift. Sure she could give you expensive items, but would it be something you would truly appreciate? She would most likely give you gifts on anniversaries or holidays. 
H = Honesty (do they have secrets they hide from their s/o? Or do they share everything?)
She doesn’t hide anything from you. Once you two are a couple she doesn’t feel right keeping things from you, so she’ll tell you anything you want to know. 
I = Injury (how would they act if you got hurt?)
A switch in her brain snaps. She goes feral wanting to know how you were injured. If it was another person that did it, they are dead meat. But she’ll clean up your wounds first of course. 
J = Jealousy (do they get jealous easily? How do they deal with it?)
She gets jealous easily, but she’ll try her best to keep it under control. 
K = Kisses (how do they like to kiss you?)
To be funny I would like to say Mileena would like to french kiss you (because of tongue hehe); however, I feel like she would like to eskimo kiss you. 
L = Love (how do they show you they love you?)
Her love language is probably words of affirmation. She’ll say the classic “I love you”, she’ll hug you, and maybe she’ll probably give you a teethy kiss. 
M = Marriage (do they want to get married? How do they propose? What would the marriage be like?)
Of course! She’ll most likely propose at a banquet or something like that. The marriage is a blissful one. You’re married to the Empress! Now that the two of you are married that doesn’t mean your responsibilities to Outworld of change. You help each other with one another’s duties. 
N = Nightmare (what is their worst fear?)
She worries that one day you will contract Tarkat. She doesn’t want you to experience the scrutiny and pain she has experienced. 
O = Oddity (what is one quirk they have?)
She likes to teasingly nibble at you. Not too hard to leave a bite, but she just likes to play around. 
P = Pet Names (what do they like to call you?)
Darling, Love, or Precious. 
Q = Quality Time (how do they like to spend time with you?)
She likes to do anything you like, but she’s fine with just sitting and having a cup of tea with you. 
R = Romance (how romantic are they? What would they do to make their s/o happy? Cliché or rather creative?)
Mileena doesn’t see herself as the classic “romantic”. While she does whatever she can to make you happy, she can be a bit awkward about it. She tries to be creative because she isn’t the biggest fan of clichés. 
S = Security (How protective are they? How would they protect you? How would they like to be protected?)
Of course she is protective, you are in a relationship with the Empress of Outworld. She would have Li Mei assign her best soldiers to protect you. She would be flattered if you were to protect her, but it would make her sad if you were to be injured on her behalf.  
T = Time (how long did it take you to get together?)
After spending some time with you, she would ask you if you would like to start courting each other. 
U = Upset (how do they act when you’re upset?)
It pains her to see you upset. She’ll try to be there for you, but if you want to be alone she’ll respect your wishes. 
V = Value (how important is the relationship to them? What is it worth in comparison to other things in their life?)
The relationship is as important to her as her being Outworld’s Empress. If she had to choose between the two, she would choose you of course. 
W = Warrior (how do they feel about you fighting? Would they fight for you, beside you, etc?)
She would love to fight you. Loves seeing the energy you have in battle. If her opponent was someone that was threatening you she would fight them for you, but if you insist she will fight along with you. 
X = X-Ray (how well are they able to read you?)
Just by looking at you she can tell how you feel. 
Y = Yearning (how will they cope when they’re missing their partner?)
She will head to the training grounds and fight the soldiers when she is missing you. 
Z = Zzz (how do they sleep with you?)
She likes to rest her chin on top of your head with her arms wrapped around you. She loves to have you in her arms. You look so peaceful in her opinion. 
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multifandomfix · 10 months
Zelda Spellman Fluff Alphabet
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A = Aroma (What do they smell like?)
Zelda smells of rosewood and patchouli.
B = Babe (What would they use as pet names? Do they use them a lot?)
Darling and dearest are often used when she wants something from you. She uses pet names on a regular basis, but usually when the two of you are alone.
C = Cuddles (Do they like to cuddle? How would they cuddle?)
Sometimes, when she’s in the mood for them, then hell yes she’s a cuddler, but when she’s not feeling it, best keep your distance.
D = Domestic (Do they want to settle down? What would they think about living together?)
She wouldn’t mind settling down, though she does fear that will make her seem old.
E = Emotion (How affectionate are they? How do they show affection?)
She’s affectionate in subtle ways. A whispered praise, a quick peck on the cheek. She doesn’t like to make a whole public display of it.
F = Flirt (How do they flirt? Are they smooth or awkward?)
She’s an incredibly smooth flirt. Direct and seductive.
G = Gifts (Are they a gift giver? What kind of gifts do they give?)
She’s not a huge gift giver, though boy oh boy does she love being on the receiving end. She’ll occasionally buy you flowers and the occasional surprise gift.
H = Hugs (Do they like hugs? How often do they do it? What are their hugs like?)
She’s alright with hugs, and she does give good ones, but they’re not near the top of the list on her favorite types of affection.
I = I Love You (How fast do they say the L-word?)
It’ll take a while to get that out of her. She might be thinking and feeling it, but it does take some time for her to admit it to herself, and even longer to say it to you.
J = Jealousy (How jealous do they get? What do they do when they’re jealous?)
She can get majorly jealous. She’ll snap at whoever brings out the jealousy in her and it can be amusing to watch. She gets all red in the face and kind of possessive.
K = Kisses (What are their kisses like? Where do they like to kiss you?)
Zelda’s kisses are generally very passionate when it’s just the two of you. When around others, she tends to let it be more casual and chaste.
L = Little ones (How are they around children? Would they want some of their own?)
She’s good with children, though doesn’t often consider having her own, considering how Sabrina is such a handful. But she could be reminded of their better points and be convinced to give it a go with you to help out.
M = Meet (How did they meet you?)
She met you in the woods. She was preparing for a celebration with the church of night and you were out picking herbs and flowers. You caught her eye, smiled and she struck up a conversation.
N = Nurture (Are they good at taking care of you if you’re hurt/sick?)
She can be, though she often assigns that sort of thing to Hilda, who is better at it. She’d want you to have the best care possible, rather than her care.
O = Out (What’s a typical date night with them like?)
Candles, an incredible meal and slow dancing to an old record. Classic romance, but perhaps with a bit of a darker twist.
P = Propose (When do you/they propose? How does the proposal go?)
You propose the night before her birthday. She’s so busy worrying about what her family will have planned for her that she doesn’t see it coming. Though she does graciously and tearfully accept.
Q = Quirk (What small habit/feature/quirk do they have that you find especially endearing?)
The way she pays so much time and attention on her appearance when she has such natural beauty already. Watching her put on her makeup or choose an outfit is an art form that you never get tired of seeing.
R = Routine (What does a typical day together look like? Routines, schedules, habits?)
Your bedtime routine often involves you helping her unwind, which she is eternally grateful for.
S = Security (How protective are they? How would they protect you?)
She can be protective, casting spells to help ensure your safety or having Hilda keep an eye on you when she can’t.
T = Try (How much effort would they put into dates, anniversaries, etc?)
She can really go all out if she has a mind to. She’ll plan everything down to the last detail to impress you, not that she has any need to go to so much trouble.
U = Unique (What’s something they’d only do for you?)
Wear pink. She is adamant that pink is not her color, and she’s right, but if for some reason you wanted to see her in it, she’d begrudgingly oblige.
V = Vulnerable (How long does it take them to feel comfortable being vulnerable around you?)
It’s definitely going to take Zelda a while to really open up to you. She can be fairly closed off until she gets to know someone.
W = Wardrobe (What would they wear to impress you?)
A suit. You’ve seen her don a million beautiful dresses and skirts, so if she really wants to blow you away she’d do it with a designer pantsuit.
X = Xtra (A random headcanon for them.)
Zelda isn’t a morning person. You don’t dare wake her until she’s good and ready to get up on her own.
Y = You (What are some things they would like in a partner?)
Zelda wants someone who won’t threaten her independence. She still wants to maintain her own life and interests outside of the relationship and if you can’t get on board with that, she’s out.
Z = Zzz (What are their sleep habits?)
Zelda can be a deep sleeper, and she does on occasion softly snore. She’d deny it if accused, but it’s that kind of snoring that is more cute than bothersome.
For @zennyreadsbooks
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Zelda Spellman (CAOS): @derry-n, @riveranddoctorsong123, @jona-lea, @allthemoresapphic, @akeldamasemele, @320viada, @theroyalgaymess, @lady-darkswan3
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toasttt11 · 22 days
fluff alphabet
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A = Affection, How Affectionate are they? How do they show their Affection?
Carter and Connor are both quite affectionate with each other, They like to just cuddle and enjoy being with each other.
B= Beauty, What do they admire about each other? What do they think is beautiful about each other?
Carter adores when she gets Connor to smile but he has a specific soft smile he has reserved just for her and it’s her favorite.
Connor loves when her hair is in its natural curls and he thinks that it just makes her look more her and he loves it.
C= Comfort, How do they comfort each other? What comfort do they need?
Carter just needs to be held by Connor and listen to his heartbreak when she is upset.
Connor lays his head on her lap burying his face in her stomach as she runs her fingers through his hair.
D= Dates, What are their usually dates?
They like to go to new food places and have a meal together, going on hikes with cooper, staying at home cuddling and reading together.
E= Events, Who goes to more of their lover’s family’s events.
Carter goes more to Connors family events especially now she lives a few minutes from them and spends more time with them then Connor does.
F= Family, Do they want a family?
Carter and Connor have talked about having a family a lot, especially when Connor was traded to Vancouver and they started living together. They want a big house in Vancouver and they both agreed on one kid as they have Cooper already. Carter wants to continue to play after she has a kid for at least a few more seasons.
G= Getting together, How do they get together?
Carter came down and spent a few days in Seattle when Connor was in town and Connor confessed first.
H= Honest, How honest are they with each other? Are they pretty open with each other
Carter and Connor are extremely open and honest with each other as they were best friends before they started being in a romantic relationship, they have no secrets from each other and both of them can read each other very well.
I= I love you, how fast do they say i love you
The day they confess their feelings as they have been in love with each other for years before they finally get together.
J=Joker, Who’s got the better sense of humor? Do they tease each other often?
Carter has the better sense of humor and is the more sarcastic one. They do tease each other but not often.
K= Kisses, Do they kiss often? Where is their favorite places to kiss?
Connor is always kissing her forehead and head and Carter is always kissing his cheeks with her red lipstick.
L= Love language, What are their love languages?
Connor and Carter both love physical touch and gift giving! They are always sending each other gifts.
M= Memories, Is one of them on the more sentimental side?
Connor is the more sentimental one, he keeps a lot of physical items from over the years even when they were just friends.
N= Nicknames, What do they call each other?
Carter calls Connoe- Connie, C, Baby, My love
Connor calls Carter- Roo, Baby, My darling, My love
O= Obvious, How obvious is it that they like each other?
It is obvious but because they have always had feelings for each other people thought that’s just their friendship, only Quinn and Madi knew about their pinning.
P= PDA, How do they feel about PDA?
They don’t love it, they are both quite reserved people so they don’t love having their relationship in the open especially as they are keeping it private from the world.
Q= Quiet, Would they rather spend a quiet night at home together or spending it out?
They would much rather spend a night at home, cuddling each other than being out, especially because they don’t get a lot of time with each other.
R= Romantic, How are they romantic to each other?
Connor is extremely romantic and sends her flowers at least every week and try’s to plan romantic dates when he can.
Carter is quite romantic and likes to make him romantic little gifts and always is kissing the gifts with her lipstick on.
S= Support, How supportive are they of each other and how do they support each other?
Very supportive, they are each other’s biggest supporters.
T= Try, How much effort to do they put into dates, anniversaries, gifts and just daily tasks for each other?
Carter and Connor both try so incredibly hard and is always doing something for their relationship, especially being long distance.
U = Urge, who’s the most impulsive? who do they loop into their plans, and who entertains their antics?
Carter is the impulsive one and Connor happily entertains her.
V= Vacations, how do vacations look for them?
Away from people and somewhere they can bring Cooper.
W = Worthy, Do they have any insecurities?
Not anymore.
X = Xoxo, who checks up on their partners a lot when they’re apart?
They are always texting and facetiming each other when they are apart.
Y= Yearn, who misses each other more?
They both miss each other terribly when they are apart.
Z= Zzz, how do they sleep together?
Just cuddled up and tangled up with each other and being as close as possible.
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themculibrary · 11 months
Maria/Natasha Masterlist 2
part one
And We Will Come Back Home (ao3) - fairywriter G, 1k
Summary: In the few seconds that were her own Natasha would bring out her phone and call Maria’s number just to hear her voice.
a normal, adult friendship (ao3) - basha N/R, 6k
Summary: Maria Hill and Steve Rogers decide to try a normal, adult friendship. They bond over their love of the Dodgers, their sexualities, and their hopeless crushes on Russian ex-assassins.
a thing that wants (ao3) - magdaliny E, 5k
Summary: “Hey, Steve,” Bucky says. “We’re gonna find Nat a dame, okay?”
Natasha shoves him into the pool.
Confessions of an Angel (ao3) - keiko48460 M, 129k
Summary: Maria Hill, is on the run from the government who betrayed her. She finds sanctuary with Shield but a war is coming, and her past is lurking around every corner.
Fury believes she can lead the Avengers. Maria thinks she belongs in a cage. Will she learn to control her powers with the help of the Avengers and Shield or will the darkness within her consume everything she hold dear?
Darling, so it goes (ao3) - TheTruthAboutLove M, 31k
Summary: In 2055, after HYDRA has taken over, but Fury is organizing a resistance cell in Chicago, he runs into a young Maria Hill and takes her in, having no idea of her full potential. In NYC, Tony Stark is covertly leading the rebellion in another, larger-scale fashion, with the help of Natasha Romanoff.
don't bring tomorrow (i'll lose you) (ao3) - dephinecormier M, 1k
Summary: “Just because we’ve fucked for years doesn’t mean that you know me.” Maria shoves Natasha back once more, pushing until the back of Natasha’s knees hit the edge of the bed.
“Well, clearly I don’t.” Natasha growls out, ripping herself out of Maria’s grip and flips them cleanly. Maria stifles a gasp as Natasha kicks her legs out from under her and slams her down on the bed. Her elbow digs sharply into Maria’s chest as she presses down, leaning in.
#girlavenger, or How Natasha Trended on Twitter and Saved the World (ao3) - burritosong T, 5k
Summary: Natasha becomes an internet phenomenon. It's nothing that she was ever trained for.
how to date your friendly neighbourhood super secret agent. (ao3) - dustbear M, 21k
Summary: Agents Maria Hill and Phil Coulson accidentally meet the woman and man of their dreams(respectively), and have to work hard to keep their super secret agent spy jobs a secret in the pursuit of something resembling a normal dating life.
Coincidentally, so do Natasha and Clint.
If There Was a Me for You (ao3) - false_alexis T, 16k
Summary: When Maria is sent to intercept the Black Widow, there are certain things she wasn't expecting- certain very inconvenient things. Now they're stuck trying to distinguish the desirable from the inevitable.
Soulbond AU
i'm staying at my parents’ house and the road not taken looks real good now (ao3) - hhhillhouse N/R, 22k
Summary: Natasha takes The Avengers to her family's farm to recover after their first run-in with the Scarlet Witch and promptly flirts with Maria Hill in front of everyone, whether she admits it or not. (Black Widow comes before Age of Ultron in this storyline)
just when you escape you have yourself to fear (ao3) - capanon E, 18k
Summary: "Natasha was intimately familiar with being the center of this particular circus back on day one. She knew from experience that, like herself, Maria Hill was not a woman to crack under pressure." In which Natasha has commitment issues, fights aliens, and still gets the girl.
Kairos (ao3) - Pumpkinnubbin T, 137k
Summary: When Fury sends Natasha to Hill's place for help, this isn’t what she's expected to find.
Cue a mysterious child, one overprotective mother, and Natasha's unwillingness to be roped into things.
Maria's Rule (ao3) - MTL17 E, 65k
Summary: Natasha convinces Maria to break her own rule on workplace fraternisation. Repeatedly.
My Number One with a Bullet (ao3) - wintersoldier1989 E, 7k
Summary: Even though they’ve had a co-workers with benefits arrangement going on for a while now, Maria is struggling to keep the lines from blurring, especially where Natasha is concerned.
one more game, please (ao3) - powercrow M, 2k
Summary: Maria and Natasha are undercover. So are their feelings.
stuck on me like a tattoo (ao3) - letter2thepast T, 967
Summary: Maria Hill and Natasha Romanov are both tattoo fiends. Just in different ways.
The Taste of Her Cherry Chapstick (ao3) - cartersleia T, 1k
Summary: Natasha stares, breathless, as Agent Hill applied chapstick to her lips, blood still dripping down her nose.
They were both deadly assassins. They were both badass Agents of SHIELD, and both were in the quinjet returning from a mission that almost cost them their lives, hence both her and Maria's bloody noses and Nat's split lip.
So...why was Maria so attractive to her right now? When she's applying chapstick of all things?
Her lips just look so...supple, and soft, but Nat knows she'd also kiss rough. She'd kiss demanding, in charge, shoving Natasha against a wall as her lips smacked against Maria's.
That's the ideal life, she thinks.
Unchained (ao3) - dongyrn M, 175k
Summary: A girl with powers she is just beginning to comprehend is thrust unprepared into the world. Can she find the help she needs? Features primarily the Avengers timeline and characters with other MCU tie-ins, including Daredevil, Alias, and X-Men (yes, mutants, I went there) among others. Light OC Femslash, a BlackHill subplot, and some comic-based cameos.
What if Natasha Didn't Go to Vormir? (ao3) - phg M, 163k
Summary: What would happen if Natasha couldn't go to Vormir because they only had enough Pym Particles for 10 people and 11 had survived the snap to go back? (Read the tags carefully!)
A story about sisterhood (and love) that follows Natasha, Maria, Yelena, and eventually Kate in the time period from Endgame to post-Hawkeye.
You Mean Everything (ao3) - startrekkingaroundasgard T, 5k
Summary: Natasha asks Maria to be her date to the Christmas party but then doesn’t show when the night comes. Maria leaves broken hearted only to find Natasha waiting at her doorstep.
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starleska · 6 months
merry CHRISTMAS everyone!!!! absolutely delighted with The Church on Ruby Road and need to scribble out some thoughts:
oh Fifteen my beloved!!!! he's so charming and madcap, and i love how optimistic he seems to be about the future...although he hasn't lost sight of his past (and clearly isn't fully healed from all of his trauma - how could he be?), i am l i v i n g for his confidence and emotional sincerity 😭💖 not to mention, he can sing?!?! pretty sure Fifteen's gonna be one of my favourite Doctors 🤭
Ruby is such a darling and so easy to root for!!! she and Fifteen have such buoyant chemistry, you can't help but want the two of them to adventure forever 🥺💖
ohhhh everything with Carla and Cherry Sunday made me want to cry;;;; thank you Doctor Who for validating family structures which aren't between blood relatives!!! i absolutely loved the Doctor telling Ruby that she has the biggest family ever;;;
mavity is canon we're running with it and i think that's hysterical. good luck to the folks editing the fandom wiki 🙈💖
i loved e v e r y t h i n g the Doctor talked about concerning luck, coincidence, and languages!!! i think the Doctor talking about the language of rope is part of RTD's shift towards more fantastical stories with Fifteen...fantasy and sci-fi can be so wonderful when blended together, and i just thought this was a brilliant way of smashing together science and magic. like, the ropes being the goblins' 'electricity'? the 'ventilation shafts'? pretty much all the technobabble turned fantasybabble was awesome 🔥
said it already but the music. both from Janis Goblin and especially from the Doctor and Ruby. it was just so fun and silly!!! with an apparent music-themed villain on the horizon (unless Jinkx Monsoon is simply serving cunt in that outfit) i hope we get more in the future 🥰
i know it was retconned but the amount of time we all had where we thought Davina McCall was actually dead in the Doctor Who universe was so funny. i think we should have kept it that way 😂
MRS FLOOD????? oh we love an ominous direct address around here don't we!!!! there are a thousand theories knocking around right now and i'm sure they'll only get more complicated, but who are we betting on...is she the Rani? a future incarnation of the Doctor? 'The One Who Waits'? one of the Toymaker's legions? someone else?!?
ahhhhh the preview we got for the upcoming season has me so damn excited!!!!! it feels so good to be excited about Doctor Who again 🙈💖
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ubejamjar · 3 months
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⁺˚・༓☾5 Character Associations☽༓・˚⁺
★ E M O T I O N S / F E E L I N G S
Hope of a new start in a city where no one knows you
Joy in finally, finally accomplishing something you thought you couldn’t.
Calm when you get lost in the process of creative work
Safety in the arms of a well-meaning stranger
Loneliness after your lover goes home
★ C O L O R S
Brown - cinnamon, clove, old leather
White - snow, ivory, wool
Blue - night skies, blueberries
Purple- winter mornings, dried hydrangea
Yellow -amber, citrine, honey
★ S C E N T S
old books
warm wool
spiced cake
honeyed green tea
evergreen trees
★ O B J E C T S
An unfinished knit scarf that she wears anyway
A deck of ornate, fading tarot cards in black and white
A worn journal with rough edges, full of letters and sketches meant to be gifted to someone
A pair of leather boots, perfectly broken in with snow clinging to them
An ephemeris filled with astrological ponderings and dreams.
★ B O D Y L A N G U A G E
Easy smiles ready for anyone and everyone, they always brighten when someone smiles back.
Eye contact to show attention, to make sure one feels both seen and heard, to make sure you’re ok.
Tail flicking when irritated, anxious, or especially stressed, usually followed by pinching the bridge of her nose.
A fidgety restlessness of someone who is always ready for something to go wrong; it only fades when she’s truly comfortable with someone
Standing alert or at attention whenever someone in command, with authority speaks. It’s an echo of her life as a conscript that is difficult to shake.
★ A E S T H E T I C S
༓An endless blue sky reflected in the rice paddies; little green rice sprouts that catch the sunshine
༓ A fresh cup of tea with just the right amount of milk and honey
༓ A campfire night beneath a sky full of stars;
༓ A university library just before closing for the day
༓ A street lamp casting gold light onto the gently falling snow
Tagged by the dear @gatheredfates ❤️ Thank you so much for including me!
I have no idea who has already done this because I’m still pretty new here so tag you’re it: @magitekbun @sebnoire @viiioca @amalthea-felsblood @emeraldminuet @pumpkinmagekupo @otherworldseekers @hinganskies @hakai-zonapher
I want to know about all your darlings ❤️ Please do link me to your post if you've already done it! I'd love to see!
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demigoddessqueens · 2 years
assassins’ amoures
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Fluff alphabet here for my favorite Assassins (and some Templars) to commemorate the 15th year and for Flufftober
Based off their names
Ezio likes to be the equal one in a relationship, although in some more “spicy situations”, I can see him as a soft dom type. You bring out the better qualities of him, even light-hearted teasing aside. Keeping him focused and building him up keeps Ezio going. Even to the ends of the earth, he’ll do what he can to keep you safe and loved. When he’s in love, oh good luck to any trying to grab his attention. Thoughts are of you, with that blushed far off look, even Claudia and Leonardo are teasing him.
This boy?? This boi! This boyo is so in love he smiles non stop. Always day dreaming of you, reading pieces of poetry or romance literature that reminds him of you. Favorite nicknames are “my love, darling, heart/mon coeur” or personalized ones solely for you. He is every romantic cliche ever and then some! Adorkably a badass! When he’s not being an Assassin, he’s off in the gardens or taking strolls, and you’re always by his side. Arms linked.
S,H,A,Y 🚢 🌊
On the seas, Shay likes to sit out and spend time with you on the deck. On land, maybe a romantic walk at night. Given how this man left the Colonial Assassins and knew the Templars, there are most definitely secrets that can cause a rift but he claims to do so to protect you. That being said, he’s your hype man! Always guiding you and building you up, since he didn’t have a lot of that from someone he genuinely loves. When he’s away missing you, oh he’s an emotional wreck. Not showing it outwardly, but it’s a storm cloud inside him.
Seeing you shoot off an arrow, the sun gleaming in your eyes and hair, you have never looked more ethereal than in this moment. Your strength and focus never fail to amaze Bayek. He sees you as his equal in all matters, though his kisses say otherwise. Passionate and all consuming of your being. Yet even such a focused man is keen to matters of the heart, and his calls for you when he finds the Order and is taken away for his work.
A traditional man of sorts, Haytham likes to you spoil you in such ways. Fine clothes and some jewelry, along with long walks in town squares to show you off (in his own way). Being the significant other of the leader of Templars means you are privy to secrets, but Haytham has his reasons (at least he likes to think so). Aside from that, he adores your wit and humor and when away, likes to imagine the fun banter you two would have. He would absolutely be the type to want to marry you, falling into a peaceful domestic routine of sorts.
A,M,U,N,E,T (Aya)
Before and after becoming a Hidden One, Aya admired your presence. You were there for her through the worst of times and when she founded the Assassin’s with Bayek. Being her spouse, co-founder, fellow partner in crime means you have a leader of a wife who also enjoys a good time. She adores you, and you her, calling each other “my love” or “goddess”. Traveling together adds a sense of thrill and excitement in new places, although if you’re ever homesick, Aya/Amunet wants you to share that with her.
Life on the high seas can be rambunctious but Edward can count on your leadership. Sometimes. When you’re not getting into the crew’s shenanigans. Your fun-serious side, with a dash of ruthlessness, is one of the many becoming qualities he admires in you. When you’re not cracking jokes or death defying stunts/schemes, Kenway does have a softer side to him. Going out of his way to talk to you, or when you sees you off in a distance, daydreams how you’re buying his favorite rum for him as a gift or protecting him. Do you think of him as much as he does you? Or do you remember the time he covered you with a blanket one cold night?
You had been best friends with Jacob, but even the laughs and glances couldn’t fill the you-shaped hole in his heart. When you finally got together, there was never a shortage of admiration on his part about all that he admires about you, including your fun side. That being said, he’s a passionate man who is not shy about making it known how he feels about you, despite Evie’s teasing, and if a Rook tries to get chummy with you they find out real fast! Maybe laying it on a bit thick with the compliments but you know he’s genuine. He likes to scale the rooftops with you to get the best views, especially at sunset. If you ever have nightmares/panic attacks, Jacob knows what that feels like and he’s more than willing to help you through it.
Connor didn’t expect to fall in love after trying to rebuild, but you were a welcomed exception in his life. When he first started catching feelings, he thought it was subtle until your eyes met his and he turned away with a blush creeping on his cheeks. He may not be the most traditional romantic but once you realize what he’s doing, you’re touched by how sweet he is. Once you’re together, Connor’s little nicknames for you are along the lines of “love, dove” or maybe something floral. If you ever have nightmares/panic attacks, that soothing voice calms you down as he holds you close.
Unlike her twin, Evie likes to think she was refined and focused until she met you. Then her more carefree, free-spirited fluoridated when she spent more time with you. Jacob likes to tease that you’re a “bad influence”. She sees you as her equal in every way and comes to realize that even in the most trying times, she can let her walls down for you. She values you, in all ways a loving significant other can: your opinions, your ideas, your wants.
Kassandra is a woman who’s naturally curious and takes an interest your activities/hobbies, be it pottery or sword sparring. Her kisses are heated, gripping to you as if you’re her tether. She imagines a simple life with you at times, living out the rest of your years by the beach. If there’s anything you have set your sights on, your Amazonian love is in your corner 1000%. Romance is not her strongest suit, but you know she tries and that’s all that matters. I don’t know Ancient Greek dialect, but I’d imagine nicknames would be something like “sweetie” or “darling”.
Alexios did not expect to have a family again (Kassandra and his mother), let alone the heart of you. He respects and values you as his equal, and all that you do. He enjoys hunting, sailing and some sparring with you, and encourages you if you want to improve yourself. After settling down, your presence inspires him to be more at peace. He doesn’t have to be closed off or hesitant or the simplest actions. When he confessed, Alexios gripped tightly onto you, pouring every ounce of his soul into words. You gladly accept, and soon are pulled close to him in the tightest hug and sweetest kiss. After that, you could be doing the most mundane thing and Alexios looks at you as if you’re Queen of Olympus itself.
Eivor admires you, loves you, their beloved and equal in every way. An inspiration to fight to see tomorrow with you. Not “showy” with their emotions, or the most blatantly romantic, Eivor still has those moments where they want to be near you at every moment. Making sure you’re well fed, taken care of, or warm during the harsh winters. You’re a much valued and loved person in Eivor’s life, someone worth protecting amidst this dangerous lifestyle.
Though he won’t outright admit it, Altair admires your skill as a fellow assassin in training (mostly as an excuse to be near you). As long as Maria and Malik don’t rib him that the arrogant “novice” has finally been bested. If anything, it indirectly inspires him to do better/push himself to which you tease him relentlessly, but he’ll gladly take it since it’s you. When he finally confessed to you, the tense pause almost killed him (fearing you’d say no) only to return your hug ten fold in an iron grip. Cupping the back of your head. In the younger years, you two daredevils were always seeking out the highs of being an Assassin but mellow out with age. Still, that romance never dies with affectionate banter and nicknames, and gentle touches.
Aveline enjoys shopping with you or even taking (much needed) long walks with you. She sees you as her equal, and values your opinion, be it for both Assassin and other non-related matters. She’s faced betrayal and heartache but you’re an inspiration that there’s always a better tomorrow, no matter how small some victories may be. You confessed to her one night, and it was one of the happiest moments in Aveline’s life, the day you called her “my rose”. One of the loveliest, genuine aspects of her life, Aveline treasures her life with you.
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dark-elf-writes · 1 year
*presents you with a thought nugget* imagine if Orochimaru was Kushina's sensei, how much and what do you thing would change?
So much
First of all imagining the chaos of Orochimaru and Jiraiya’s little protégés getting together would be hilarious. Jiraiya would be the one that’s inconsolable about it tbh Oro would have more of a… healthy interest in making sure that Minato is not Jiraiya the second.
Kushina would be a terror with all of the jutsu orochimaru would teach her. Already an absolute Uzumaki powerhouse that send people running for the damn hills but with Orochimaru’s mind as a driving force behind her? T E R R I F Y I N G.
Perhaps with the bond between him and Kushina the blow of being passed over for Hokage would be lessened. Perhaps it would be even more so when he saw how trapped Minato was to his desk and he realized that all of his experiments would have to have been put on the back burner indefinitely. Perhaps he would have been, if not content but still willing to take the role of an adviser. Able to still be at the side of power without being leashed like minato was.
But, perhaps most importantly, even if Jiraiya was named as one godparent Kushina would turn to her own sensei, to the man who had taken in a fellow outcast and made her feel at home. Who had stood by her when her people were slaughtered and she was left alone. And asked him to be her future child’s other godparent.
And in the aftermath of an attack that left both of them without their students, Orochimaru would have stepped up when Jiraiya stepped back, would have hissed in the face of Danzo and Hiruzen as he lifted the child, his child now that his darling little student was gone, would have laughed in the face of anyone who tried to insinuate that Orochimaru couldn’t protect his little hatchling.
He was one of the Sannin after all.
He was the one who stayed.
He is owed this. He owes this to his student. To Jiraiya’s too as it was painfully obvious that he would rather run from his duty to the golden boy he had taught than honor his memory.
And Naruto grows up knowing his past. Knowing his family through the pictures and stories Orochimaru has. Knowing he is loved even if he has a demon sealed away in him.
Orochimaru, in turn, stays loyal if not to the village than to this boy with Kushina’s laugh and Minato’s face.
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ateezivy · 1 year
learn the alphabet with ivy (updated)
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warning! jokes about drugs and killing (this is how she copes with her trauma😭)
A is for…
‘ass shakin on a tuesday?’
‘ask hongjoong if we can get mcdonald’s for dinner’
‘as a mingi enthusiast, i can confirm’
B is for…
‘but did i die?’
‘boxing was fun until i almost broke my wrist-‘
C is for…
‘cause i said so’
‘cute is overrated, i like looking like i just killed someone-‘
‘call me when i actually care, wooyoung’
D is for…
‘don’t follow me, i won’t be running away. i’m going to the store…’
‘driving is easy, these losers are just lazy. AINT THAT RIGHT YUNHO???’
‘did someone say le sserafim?’
E is for…
‘eggplant emoji? boy what-‘
‘extra ice please’ ‘but seonghwa hyung asked for light-‘ ‘i said extra’
‘even if i die, keep performing’ ‘ivy no-‘
F is for…
‘frogs are innocent beings.’
‘felix said otherwise.’
G is for…
‘god would want me to’
‘going to the gym is so much work, but i’m forced to’
‘guys, i think i started my period…’ *cue panic*
H is for…
‘hongjoongie-oppa says i’m brilliant’ ‘he told you that so you would shut u-‘ ‘san no one asked for your input’
‘how did you manage to make jongho cry bruh-‘
‘how big is his-‘ ‘olivia!’ ‘-house…’
I is for…
‘i’m fearless’ *after getting scared by yunho*
‘i feel bonita’
‘if i have to dance to this song on more time-‘
J is for…
‘just say you hate me already’
‘jongho is my best friend, sometimes’
‘jimin would be my friend.’
K is for…
‘killing people is only okay sometimes’
‘kites still exist??’
L is for…
‘lost me at the word running’
‘look at me’ *slaps san*
‘living is breathing.’
M is for…
‘mingi my dearest’
‘my type? mingi.’
‘my mom told me not to do it, but my mom is also a drug addict so-‘
N is for…
‘no money’
‘no ice cream for you mr. park’
‘nayeon-unnie is cooler than you’
O is for…
‘oh jolly pirate’
‘oh brother, this fool again’ *san walks in*
‘oh, i like yeosang more’
P is for…
‘people think im innocent. that’s cute’
‘pipe down’
‘poop doopy’
Q is for…
‘quit looking at me like that, you’re gonna make me vomit’
‘quiet, i think i hear god’
‘quit talking, i’m trying to listen to itzy!!!’
R is for…
‘right, and i’m beyoncé.’
‘right hand man, jongho. not you’ *cut to wooyoung frowning’
‘rings. blings. and all that’
S is for…
‘silence, who died?’
‘snow snow snow snow snow snow sno-‘ *yeosang throws a snowball at her*
‘sweet. can we go home now?’
T is for…
‘tomorrow is a new day, a new slay’
‘teen beach movie has one of the best soundtracks’
‘they see me rollin, they hatin-‘
U is for…
‘uvula shot’ *shows camera yunhos uvula*
‘under the seaaa. under the seeeaaa. darling is betTA down where it weTTA’
‘uhm, be so fucking for real right now…’
V is for…
‘very good morning my loves’
‘van… gogh’ *van starts moving*
‘valid point, too bad i don’t care’
W is for…
‘wow, and here i thought i was the idiot’
‘where is my food servants’ *acting a scene for a show*
‘why am i here. i need to go home. i, i need to go.’
X is for…
‘xoxo, go piss girl’
‘x-rays helped see the shape of dna’ ‘it’s 2 am. go to bed.’
x’s and the o o o’s they HAUNT me’
Y is for…
‘you have no idea what you’re talking about do you?’
‘yo, chill out brother’
‘yes, i do love my members. yes, i do hate my members. family.’
Z is for…
‘zoom zoom, hop in hotties’
‘zebras. are the white with black stripes. or black with white stripes’
‘zooweemama am i right?’
taglist: @atolua @skzfairies @itzy-eve @cixrosie @stopeatread @alixnsuperstxr @smh-anon
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sisi-misi123 · 1 year
This is Nikolai Lantsov x fem reader. Well i stil can't write summary soo
A/n: I don't know but this might be disturbing for someone so I'm putting warnings. But this turned out good. And again sorry if it has mistakes.
Warnings: eati!g d!sord!r, abu!e, t!xic boyfriend, star!ing, se!f ha!m sc!rs
,,As you say moi tsar!"
You sat in the gardens of the Grand Palace and thought about your conversation with Nina earlier. She encouraged you to be yourself and not hide in baggy clothes. This worried you slightly, not that Nina noticed your insecurity about wearing tight clothes, and the fact that she can tell you starve yourself for days just to please your jerk boyfriend. Nina wouldn't be able to understand...for now. Your boyfriend is a duke who is highly respected. He wanted you to be impossibly thin so you wouldn't run away from him and be beautiful enough.
A servant came to you and told you that you should prepare for a meeting with the king of Ravka. You have heard this and that about the scarred Tsar Nikolai Lantsov, but you have never met him. You should be trained in the Little Palace, but your village hid you to help them. However, you fought side by side with the Sun Summoner, and when the battle was over you were to become the betrothed of this hideous duke.
You got up and headed to your room to get ready, but when you tried to put on your kaftan it didn't fit you. Your boyfriend showed up at the door and said you'd have to lose so much weight in order to it's up. You were furious because according to him only sickly thin girls were beautiful and you were far from thin....So you took the kaftan and threw it on him and dumped him. However, he got angry and hit you so hard , that you saw stars. You hit him on the head with your hairbrush and ran out of the room. After you thought you were far enough away from him you collapsed into a dark corner of one of the hallways. You started crying, it wasn't because you felt guilty about hitting your ex, it was because for so long you were afraid and did not want to save yourself from him. Even now you were scared, so much. Because he could come to his senses at any moment, find you and.....he could do a lot of things. You got up, wiped your tears and plastered a fake smile on your face. As you was just entering the Great Hall, you bumped into someone.
You: I'm so, so sorry!
When you look at his face you realised that this was king Nikolai lantsov. And you bumped into him! That was so embarrassing.
Nikolai: No need to worry, darling!
You: It was so stupid of me, My Highnese!
Nikolai: Just Nikolai please!
Apparently the blow your ex gave you left a wound because the king's eyes widened at the sight of your shoulder and neck. You have bruises and sores all over your body because it wasn't the first time he hit you.
Nikolai: You're hurt!
You: That's nothing...
Nikolai: Who did this to you?!
You: It's not big of a deal.
Nikolai: It is when someone has hit you!
You: My boyfriend dis this, but now he is ex boyfriend.
Nikolai: Where is he?
You: I-i hit him and he is unconscious i think...
Nikolai: Did he hit you first?
You: Y-yes.
Nikolai: Has he hit you any other time?
You: I-i'm afraid i can't tell you that...
Nikolai: Why?
You: If he...if he find out I'm telling you this...he might beat me to...to death....
Nikolai took your hand and took you to the infirmary. Corporalnik trained there you took off the shirt you were wearing and remained in your underwear. You instinctively covered your body with your arms. The king had turned away so as not to disturb you. The healer said your body has so many scars and bruises, that it is unrecognizable. Only then did the king turn and his eyes widened barely perceptibly, but still he could see.
You: I'm sorry, but can i put my shirt back on. It's embarrassing for me to sit half naked in the presence of the king.
The healer: Miss i have to heal you.
You got a little angry: Oh trust me i can bare a little pain. I suffered for two years, it won't matter to me if I suffer this minimal pain!
Nikolai: Why didn't you tell anyone Y/n?
You: How do you know my name?
The healer left the room.
Nikolai: Maybe you've heard of a privateer named Stormhund?
You: Yes, I've worked with him before the civil war-Wait! You?
Nikolai: A tailor made my face unrecognisable.
You: You're lying!
Nikolai: I'm not lying, little rabbit!
That was the nickname Stormhund gave you because you get scared easily... It wasn't possible...or it was?
You: Oh my- I can't believe!
Nikolai: Come here!
You hugged him tightly.
Nikolai: Why did you let some duke starve you and beat you?!
You: I was scared.
Nikolai: Oh my dear! I love you!
You: I love you too!
He kissed you gently.
Nikolai: I'm gonna help you be yourself and to love yourself.
You: As you say, moi tsar!
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rogue-durin-16 · 2 years
I just love women in suits or in uniform, so can you write BoB with women in suits with the boys just admiring? Can you do Malarkey, Hoobler and Luz? I saw you writing for Shifty and Bull, but their not on the character list. Can I ask for them, too? Sorry if this is too vague.
A/N: OH THIS WAS THE REQUEST. OKAY YEAH NOW I UNDERSTAND WHAT YOU WANTED. Also as a fellow woman in suit, this was quite self indulgent. enjoy darling <3
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Malarkey would shortcircuit at the mere sight of women in suits. Yes, I will die on this hill.
It all started when he saw Marlene Dietrich in Morocco.
That woman in that tuxedo awakened something in him and it has yet to die down.
Wide eyes at any woman in pants and a tie.
Once he overheard Guarnere commenting on how gals should only wear dresses and skirts and he went out of his way to defend women in suits.
He was a bit too enthusiastic. Now he gets teased every time E Company comes across a woman in a suit.
But they don't understandddd, it's not just the suit, it's the womannnn, it's the power they radiate just by walking.
Bonus points if they wear heels. Malarkey definitely gives off "step on me" vibes.
He desperately wants to date one but whenever he has the opportunity to ask one out in, let's say, a pub, he can't.
Like he PHYSICALLY can't. That sweet, bright charm of his evaporates and he's left being a shy, babbling mess.
When he finally lands one, it's because SHE made the first move. And the second. And the third.
The boys assume Don's pride must be a little wounded but I'm telling you, he couldn't care less, he's over the moon with the whole situation.
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100% watched Morocco with Malark to understand what the fuck was up with Marlene Dietrich and went down the Amy Jolly rabbit hole.
Like, you don't understand, he got himself a picture of her and carries it around at all times.
Now god forbid Hoobler sees a pretty woman dressed in a manly suit.
He's so sheepish about it good lord.
Toothy grin. Instantly smitten. What's eye contact, he don't know her.
Will try to impress her. Poorly.
Will also not succeed because have you seen the kind of women who wear suits? Yes you have, and you know Hoob is gonna have to try little bit harder.
He's definitely intimidated by them, and that makes them even more attractive, I don't know how to make this one make sense so bear with me.
He beats around the bush a lot when talking to them but he's relentless. If he wants a date, he'll get a date okay?
He just needs a little push.
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Luz was the one making fun of Malarkey becoming unable to function at the sight of women in suit. He started the joke.
Shocker huh. Obviously no, but you know what comes as a shock for him? How hot women in suits are.
Particularly that one Intelligence Officer working with Nixon who often comes and deliver documents to whoever is Easy's Commanding Officer.
She's stunning in her uniform right? Right. Well actually we don't know if she's stunning or if Luz is just utterly smitten by a goddamn C.O.
It's probably the latter but THAT DOESN'T MATTER.
What matters here is that epiphany George has when she comes rushing from Colonel Sink's office without having time to change into her uniform because she was on leave.
She's wearing a beautiful plaid blue three piece —I'm talking trousers, blazer, vest, tie, the whole shebang— and George suddenly understands Malark.
He groans and pretends to melt into the chair he's sitting in. Muck and Penkala find this very fucking amusing.
He's so dramatic about it, like, he wants you to know he is a d m i r i n g you. What he doesn't want to do is tell you.
Luz is the one who gives himself away to Don and I will stand by that.
Unlike Malarkey, though, George definitely tries to hit on this one Lieutenant while they're off duty in England, which earns him some serious scolding from Winters and maybe —just maybe— a date from the C.O. he just flirted with.
Cheeky bastard.
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He definitely defended Malarkey's interest in suited up women at some point.
Most assumed it was just out of courtesy because this man is a literal angel and everyone was going hard on Malark for absolutely no reason.
Truth is, he sees the appeal.
Yeah he very much sees the appeal.
Very quiet about his admiration so he goes unnoticed but uhhh definitely just as down for it as Don.
Some would underestimate his ability to sweettalk anyone into anything, by the way.
Forget Luz's obnoxiousness, Shifty gives out the most polite, subtle compliments to these women.
What a gentleman.
He probably would ask out a beautiful girl in a suit to everyone's surprise.
To some of them, an affirmative response from the woman would also come as a surprise.
Not for McClung though, he knew Shifty would get her duhhh.
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Bull gives Hoob and Malark shit for drooling over Miss Tuxedo but high-key admires the women who wear them.
I don't know if he'd be attracted to them but he definitely thinks they're functional and badass, which he loves.
Specially if they smoke.
Actually, I feel like he would find this very sexy oop-
He would so have a "go girl" attitude whenever they would pass strutting by.
Honestly, I don't think he'd have much of an opinion on this, I firmly believe Bull loves functionality and tradition for him, and a suited up woman isn't very traditional :/.
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Band Of Brothers: @francois-ceverts @chubbypotatoepie @tvserie-s-world
Permanent taglist: @elia-the-bibliophile @randomparanoid @karlthecat15722 @thebutchersdaughtersblog @amourtentiaa @comfort-reads
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aly4khq · 1 year
HEADCANONS: What if AOT characters saw you breaking down (or about to) because of stress?
Characters: Mikasa, Eren, Armin, Erwin, Levi, Hanji
AOT x Black!Reader (SFW)
- - - - M I K A S A A C K E R M A N - - - -
• She'd be walking to her room when hearing your whimpers echoe from your lips. Slowly opening the door, she gazed upon the sight that was displayed. You grabbing onto your hair, possibly ripping out some strands, while tears raced out of your once overjoyed, warming eyes.
• She would hold you in her arms, rocking you gently, whispering soft comforting words into your ear. A bunch of i love you's and you're okay's.
• "Let's take a break, I'll protect you from everything dear." Her voice hypnotising your moves as your eyes start to drop heavy. Curling up in your bed, waiting for sleep to overcome you.
• Makes sure that if you need anything like a bath and gives it to you. At that moment, you are the main character.
- - - - - - - E R E N J E A G E R - - - - - -
• He'd catch onto your behaviour quickly. Sudden change of attitude? He'll make you feel like yourself again. Changing of food schedules? He'll encourage you to get betters
• But the day you were literally hyperventilating and crying, he felt hopeless. He didn't know what was wrong and how to help comfort you. '
'Should I touch them? No, they could panic more. But a hug can be good? Touching them though?'
As he came to his senses, his arms slowly wrapped around you and ordered you to breath carefully.
• To be honest, he was scared himself and was about to burst into tears right then and there just by looking at you.
• Gently caresses your muscles, giving you a soft massage after you relax.
• Reminds you that he is there. Let's you vent if you need to.
- - - - - - A R M I N A R L E R T - - - - - -
• Before you even acknowledge that you're not doing well, he's comforting you.
• "What's wrong? You can talk to me."
- "Huh?"
- "Why are you down, love?"
- "I don't even know myself."
• Treats you like a baby. Comforting you at night, reading you stories so you can sleep. Hugging you ever so often.
• He was so gentle and patient with you one time that you cried because of it.
• "☹️Woah, why are you crying?"
- "😭I love you so much. You're the best thing that ever happened to me. I don't even know how I'll pay you back for everything-"
- "😰Okay calm down-"
• Your problem always has a diagnosis when Armin is around.
- - - - - - - E R W I N S M I T H - - - - - - -
• He isn't always spot on since he's a workaholic but 99.95% of the time he is.
• He'd send someone to find you and bring you to his office.
• "You're not in trouble nor is this work related" -> probably the first thing that comes from his mouth while you close the door behind you.
• Encourages you to take it out on the titans on the next expedition. 😁
- "Slice out all of your rage!"
- "Where?"
- "...Titans, darling. Titans."
• One minute you're sad the next you are laughing at his dad jokes.
• He also would let you sleep it out, you on his lap while he continues to do his work.
• Would still take on meetings with people he's close with (Aka Levi and Hanji)
- *Levi stares at you and Erwin in awe*
- Hanji screams, "AWWWH SO CUTE-"
- "Quiet, Hanji."
- - - - - L E V I A C K E R M A N - - - - - -
• Very confused but understands completely. First kneels down and tries to communicate with you.
• "Hey..? I'm here now."
• More physical therapy then verbal. Tends to hold you more and talk in your secret language.
• Makes sure that you have a bath and wipes away your tears.
• Doesn't mind if you cling onto his waist while he touches up your afro's shapes.
• "Um...brat...?"
- "Hm..."
- "Do you..need anything else?"
- "No." 🥱
- "Oh, okay." 😊
- - - - - - - - H A N J I Z O E - - - - - - - - -
• Gasps aggressively before immediately taking you in their arms.
•Treats you like a baby. Rocks you around the room and rubs their hand down your back.
• "What's wrong?"
- "I can't deal with this anymore.." 😥😭
- *You start to cry even harder*
- "Awwh! It's okay." 🥺
• Hugs you like it's the last day on Earth.
• Let's you take out your anger side on her bad experiments.
• Makes a little invention where you can hurt but it always comes back to it's origin form.
• Always keeps an eye out for you.
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Please check out Robaire part
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•Jesse is not only wise but he's older then her. His experience with his ex wife and girlfriends which is why he's so great in bed.
•He's obsessed with her and it almost took over his life but with the help of Robaire he managed to control himself but he's willing to stalk her to know she's safe. Apart from anything else he's a little crazy and controlling at the same time putting her above anything and everything else.
•HE WILL HURT OR KILL! Very very protective of her. He looks at her while she sleeps and everything she does 24/7.
• He'll say c r a z y things to her like Robaire "Darling you know I can't control myself round you my heart melt, my mind goes blank, and my body becomes engulfed with lustful rage." "No one will ever love you the way I do Darling keep in mind I saw you and wanted you and now I got you and no matter what, no matter how much you might hate me now baby I'll never let you go. "
•You have no idea how good he is at hiding his crazy side like in public he has women throwing themselves at him and men too but he says he's taken or he has a wife at home. Yes wife he was crazy so crazy that he had them married right away.
•The fans were shocked when they heard he got married again of course he wanted to rub it in his ex wife's face that he found someone better then her.
•G r e a t i n b e d ! He put her legs on his shoulders as he pounds her senseless and won't stop until he's finished with her. On their honeymoon he fucked her so hard that she couldn't stand up without help. He's deeply obsessed with her p*ssy to where it has him acting crazier.
♡Was born June 3rd
♡He's 9 inches thick wide and long 🤤😫🤚🏾
♡Loves deep stroking that it drives him crazy like it does her
♡5'9 inches taller than her (she's 5'4 1/2)
♡loves picking her up wether it's sex or just that he loves doing it
♡Saids things like "Darling please don't go I hate to kill people who dare take you." "Leave me and I'll end us both. " "Who would fuck you like I have baby girl? No one that's who." " Ooh baby girl your better then my ex wife. " "She's nothing to me I love you now my ex was a mistake that I regret but since I met you I've been back in love and I love it." "You'll bare my 2 kids since my selfish ex wife wouldn't and I'm glad your going to be their mother. "
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