#she is also. notably. an important court advisor. this is just how she chooses to dispense her wisdom
maemil · 2 months
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The best thing about Dark Knights of Steel has got to be Harley Quinn as a silly little court jester who annoys everyone around her...
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imagine-loki · 4 years
Pride and Prejudice
TITLE: Pride and Prejudice CHAPTER NO./ONE SHOT: Chapter 47 AUTHOR: wolfpawn
ORIGINAL IMAGINE: Imagine Loki was raised on Jotunheim as Laufey’s son after the war, but an agreement was then made that he would wed Odin’s daughter so Odin could secure the alliance of Jotunheim through the marriage. Loki, in turn, was raised to be king of Jotunheim, but how he views Asgard is far different from how Odin’s daughter is raised leading to a clash of cultures as well as uncertainty between the pair of betrothed youths.     RATING: Mature   NOTES/WARNINGS: Forced Marriage, not all fun and games. My first real step back into the Loki scene in over a year.
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Ella paced as she thought over everything. Laufey began to get tired even looking at her. “If I may?” she began. 
“I fear you forget you were told all this specifically for your input,” Loki chuckled. 
“We need to make it that none question the situation. That as far as the house of Laufey is concerned, there is this and only this and all stand behind it.” She inhaled deeply. “All within it.” “My brothers…”
“No, Loki, not just them.” She gave him an awkward look. 
“No.” He realised what she was referencing. “She’d never…” “So long as there is even a single scent of an alternative or uncertainty, some will argue, some will argue regardless but if there is even one possible chance of causing unrest, then there are some that will exploit such. We stand united, then none can try and do so. We get her in line, we rally together and we remain a strong single unit. No in-fighting, no weaknesses.” “How will that help?” Laufey asked, not out of dismissiveness but interest. “You see my father’s house, is there any weakness in it?” “None.” “No, because he never permitted it. Thor’s rages, my father’s Odinsleeps, they were not allowed be perceived as weaknesses, we stood as one. Behind closed doors, matters could be different, my father incandescent with rage at my brother’s stupidity and actions, my mother’s terrible fretting for my father’s health, but none outside can know those times, not in court and especially in the realms of our enemies, for they will be like carrion to a dying animal, circling, ready to feast on you as soon as you are too weak to fight back. We always stood as one in it.” Arden, Loki and Laufey looked at her with uncertainty. “I will not take offence if you think this too much. I merely wish to answer your question as best I can.”
“It is something we must consider,” Laufey stated. “If for nothing more than to deal with this situation. With two mates carrying and possibly a third, the house must ensure to be as safe as possible at this time.” 
Loki nodded slightly. He was unsure of what to think. There was a considerable chance that Angrboða would be unhappy that of the mates, she could potentially be the only one not carrying a child, he knew that had a risk of her being even more sour, when she and his brothers and their other mates would learn of Ella’s condition and how soon their child would arrive, there could be animosity, there may be no issue, he simply could not tell and that was concerning. It was usually seen as nothing to be upset by, being a non-carrying mate, so often they were the one to assist and were integral to the raising of the offspring, but it was not in keeping with the coldness she had shown of late, Loki was unsure if she would be in any manner of use to Alma, much less Ella, who he knew she would rather walk over hot coals than assist, and with the manner that Ella was speaking, it was clear that Greta and she were close, so if Greta also carried, he knew there was a significant chance that Angrboða would interpret that as Greta choosing Ella’s “side” over hers. He could see this going very wrong indeed. “It will not be easy.” 
“The truest path rarely is,” Ella commented. “You are best suited to the role of King of your generation of your family, there can be none of full mind that could argue such but to some, blood means more than mind and that is what we need to focus on, not letting such talk take too much hold because if it does, it does no one any favours.” 
Laufey listened for a few moments, contemplating her words and indeed everything that had been said as well as his own thoughts. “Arden?” The advisor looked at him. “Have Helbindi, Greta, Býleistr, Alma and Angrboða sent for, we deal with this now.” “Yes, My King.” He did as instructed and had the king’s other sons and their mates sent for. 
“Father?” Loki was unsure of it all. “We need this sorting immediately. I cannot rest without it being so. Ella, get yourself a seat, that child must be starting to weigh on you.” “He is resting contently, My King, and I am thankfully of good health to continue standing through anything I am required to at present, so if you do not take offence, I would rather remain standing for now.” Laufey chuckled slightly, knowing that little would convince Ella to do something she deemed unnecessary. “I am curious, without the Soul Forge the Allfather trusts so greatly, how have you come to assume it to be male?” “We have seen him.” Laufey found himself frowning at his son for his statement. “She has used her seidr to show him to us and he is male, I assure you.” Laufey could only smile proudly. “Such fine news. A female child would not be unwelcome either, mind.” 
“Going by the gender statistics, more than a few females are required to continue Jotunheim’s new prosperity. I have read…” Ella’s statement was cut short as the door to the room opened and Býleistr and his mates entered. 
For a moment, Býleistr looked worried but seeing the manner in which his father was seated and how Loki and Ella were standing, he became uneasy. “Father? What is this?” “We will speak when Helbindi and Greta arrive.” Was all his father gave him in response. 
Alma and Angrboða looked around worriedly also. It was most irregular for a mate to be brought in on such meetings but it was clear all were to be involved in this one. When finally, a tired-looking Helbindi and a somewhat confused Greta joined them, everyone was looking around with expectation. 
“Please don’t tell me there’s another war, I am going back to bed if there is.” Helbindi pleaded. 
“No, there is not,” Laufey assured him, “After one war, many realms like to regroup before beginning the next. No, we need to discuss a matter of importance to Jotunheim.” Helibindi and Býleistr looked at one another, then to Loki, who clearly knew what was afoot. “I am stepping down as King.” “What?” 
“How?” Laufey raised his hand, silencing his youngest and oldest sons. “I am stepping down whilst I still live. I am too weary for this, I have done so in all but name already. I cannot hold court for any notable length of time any longer and I cannot spend the last of my life like this. I want to rest before I die.” “But...we don’t...has this ever been done?” Helbindi asked. 
“Not that we know, but Father insists on doing so,” Loki stated calmly. “I tried to talk him out of it but he will not be swayed.” “Some will think this a bad idea, Father.” Býleistr declared. “Some will think it too soon.” “I know, but that begs the question, if I died tomorrow, would they think it too soon then?” “You would be dead, that alters things.” “It alters little. I am not fit for my station any longer. Be reasonable, what does it say for Jotunheim as a realm if the one who presides over it is a decrepit old Jotunn? What images does that portray of us over the realms? This is a realm that is about to see an explosion of youth, vivacity, growth and renewal, you cannot have an old being stand over that, the realm must be portrayed as it has to be.”
Býleistr and Helbindi did not argue that. There was no manner to argue such. “So, Loki takes the throne, why does this involve us all being here?” Helbindi asked. “I will not deny that being told in advance and not hearing it in the throne room without warning is nice, but our mates too? Why?” “Because you were not in the throne room yesterday, and as such, you are not aware of something that we are.” Laufey began. “There was a filthy lie circulated by Kristoff, do you recall him?” His sons nodded. “He and another circulated a rumour that your brother’s mate was disloyal to him in his absence.” Automatically, both Jotunns looked to their own mates, hurt at such an accusation. “No, not your mates, your brother’s,” Laufey clarified. Both then looked to Ella, who was somewhat grateful that neither seemed to think her capable of such a thing. Seeing the look on her face, they knew that there was no truth in the words. “She proved them to be nothing more than lies in mere moments, it is a pity you were not there, she tore Kristoff to strips, it was quite amusing. But that in itself is not the issue, what is was the manner in which he spoke, most concerningly, with regards bloodlines, specifically, Loki’s.” 
Both Býleistr and Helbindi found themselves reacting to that news in anger. They always joked with Loki on his mixed heritage meaning that he was slightly shorter and had hair as opposed to their standard Jotnar appearance but it was only ever in jest and they never allowed others speak down of their brother in their presence. “And?” Though Býleistr and Loki’s relationship was strained as a result of everything with Angrboða, Býleistr knew his Loki to be the only one of the three of them suited to the role of King, he had spoken many times with Helbindi on the matter, both hated the idea of being king, they were not of the mind and were entirely happy to serve their brother, knowing that he would listen to them when they would suggest matters and that he would never dismiss them from the home they knew their entire lives. 
“We are concerned that any show of doubt amongst this house in its entirety would cause issues moving forward,” Laufey explained. “I don’t follow, Father,” Helbindi confessed. “Why would there be doubt?” “With me?” Býleistr felt a terrible strike to himself at that statement. “That I would betray us?”  He thought of his time on the battlefield, his time before he left, how his guilt at loving his new mate had caused such consternation with his brother and how he thought they could move past it with everything, but instead, it was now that even their father did not trust him. 
“No, my son,” Laufey ensured he made that clear immediately. “Nothing of the sort. I merely wanted you all here so that we are all able to air any grievances we have because come my announcement, we must stand as one, this whole house.” 
Býleistr looked at Loki, who nodded. “I told you, after the war, I am not having anything so petty take up my time. Now, I have even more to consider, meaning I have even less time to worry about such things. You are my brother, you are one of the best fighters on our realm and you are the most learned on our military history, I can think of no place I would want you but by my side in this, especially with the transition over of the reign.”
That caused Býleistr to feel better, seeing his brother to truly mean it. “I will do all I can for Jotunheim, I always said that but understand that I also wish to assist Alma through carrying our child, that is all I ask, to be given the chance to be able to assist my mate. I assume you already know that she is carrying through your own mate as I am informed that she knows.” 
“Yes, I gave him a slight rundown of everything in your time gone. I did so with Alma’s permission, as of course, you are aware.” Ella smiled. “It is a good reason to do all of this right now, with the current number of child-bearing Jotnar, we need to make sure everything is as smooth as possible for the new generation and their parents for when they come, it is only a few short years to such.” 
“Then I guess if none can change Father’s mind and this is going to happen, we organise ourselves and ready for the madness that is going to be Loki’s reign,” Helbindi joked. 
“Like you could do better.” Loki scoffed in return. 
“Hey, I already said, do you know that Midgardian empire, Roman, I would have it like that.” He declared proudly. 
“You are aware there is a saying on Midgard about something entirely insane and falling down around you, society breaking apart is to be likened to the final days of the Roman Empire, don’t you?” Ella asked, recalling the empire in question and its implosion. 
“That was the best part of it, one emperor tried to make his horse a member of his council.” Though Ella could not agree that it was a good idea, it was clear Helbindi did actually know something of the era he referenced so she could only laugh in reply. 
“Now that is sorted, I need to ask all four mates, do any of you have an issues you wish to voice? For after today, any regarding the matters discussed today will be seen as purposely siding against us all and will not be taken well. We as a house must be one, even when we do not always agree.” 
There was no denying every eye on the room was on Angrboða, who saw fit to glare at Ella, who in turn merely stood forward. “Hate me, loathe me, be indifferent of me, I could not care less which you choose, but after today, come any reasonable request made by the new King, you do not stand against him on it lest you wish to embarrass this house, which I know you do not wish to do, or indeed his brother, your mate, which we all know you would never wish to do.” 
“Reasonable request?” Býleistr questioned. 
“Well, if Loki were to demand you and Helbindi go and live on Muspelheim or massacre all male born children or some other utter mad idea, I would expect you to at the very least question him as to why he would order such things, but if he were to say to check on the Western lands of Jotunheim as there seems to be some discord there, I would think it a fair request, would you not? You would not deny such a reasonable thing, would you?”
“You speak too much as one who acts like she has any standing in it, like you know so much,” Angrboða snapped. 
“And you speak as one who merely wishes to incite anger whilst never truly adding anything to a discussion.” Ella retorted. “I speak because I was asked to assist with this, when I was informed of my mate’s ascension to the throne earlier, I remained silent. I also need you to say what needs saying now and not any time after this so that we can ensure the wellbeing of the realm going forward.” She walked towards Angrboða with her shawl still warmly around her shoulders and blocking her pregnant stomach from view. “I know you feel attacked by this and I know you feel cornered. If we are all honest, it is you and your anger at myself and Loki that is the biggest concern moving forward, to say anything else would be a barefaced lie and if you would cause no issue, then it is an unwarranted concern on our behalfs and that is not fair on you but we need to know that the whole house will stand together and that includes in defence of you should it ever be required.”
“I will never require your help.”  
“We saw how long eight months can be, or indeed, you and Alma only had seven months without Býleistr, so do not say with such certainty that you will never require such. Seven months is a long time, not much shy of four thousand years is far far longer. But I will stand in your corner for that time, so long as we all remain as one unit throughout.” 
Angrboða was uncertain of what to say. She was by no means unintelligent, she knew that to decline Ella’s offer would be met with anger and was nothing short of a declaration that she was a liability to the House of Laufey. She had truly cared for Loki and his casting her aside for the ugly Aesir caused her immense pain but she could not allow her chance to remain with the mate she now had and the company in Alma, who she did truly like also to be taken from her because of the aesir she rarely saw. One glance at Býleistr and Alma told her that they were both pleading for her to cease her sniping at Ella, accept what was being said and get back to their own little area of the palace and continue with their own happy lives. For a moment, she looked at Loki, noting the indifference in his features. For a time after she declared she would no longer allow herself come second to the Aesir he had been assigned as a mate and especially when Loki had found out that she had bonded with Býleistr, she had seen forlornness, heartache and sadness in his features, now she only saw indifference. If anything, he seemed displeased at her even being so close to his mate, like he did not want her to even be in her presence. She did not need to look at Laufey, she knew well that the King disliked her beyond words for her actions with Býleistr and Loki and that the Aesir mate of his second son held a place in his heart she would do well not to upset. She finally looked at Ella again, who seemed all but voicing her attempts to have Angrboða agree with her. “I will never stand against my mate or this house, regardless of my personal opinion of some in it.” “Then it is settled.” Laufey rose to his feet. “I will announce it tomorrow, so everyone is to be in the throne room for it, no excuses and no being late.” 
He left the room leaving his sons and their mates standing there, Arden looking amongst them all as he did so. “Now, we best prepare everything,” He urged. 
“Yes,” Loki nodded. “We will ready ourselves now so that our night is not taken over with this.” He looked over to Ella. “I am sure you can think of a thousand aspects to this that none other can.”
“I never actually assisted in a coronation before,” She confessed. “My parents have protocols in place for if my father was to fall into a permanent Odinsleep and my brother was to take the throne to assist the transition for when such a mournful time is to come but actually doing one, I have not planned or bore witness to, but I know some aspects and I will endeavour to assist as best I can. I am sure whilst you deal with official matters, Alma, Greta, Angrboða and I can organise a few things between us?”
“Please, there is much to be done.” Arden gave her a list which consisted of many different duties.
“Norns, you men may see your beds tonight but I fear you will be alone in them with this list.” She scanned through it, allowing it to be altered in angle as Greta came over to read it too. “Easy knowing they left the real work to the more capable sex.” She handed the list to Alma who, along with Angrboða, read through it. “Well, the sooner we start, the sooner we are done. We will be in the old meeting room to the back.”
“That was the old war meetings room,” Helbindi informed her. “From, you know…” “Considering that if any bother us outside of providing us with something we requested or food, there will be war, I think it apt.” She walked off without another word, the other mates following her as she did, Greta smirking whilst she did so. 
“Something is different in your mate,” Býleistr noted to Loki. “She seems more...abrupt.” 
“I can’t believe Kristoff was so stupid as to accuse your mate of being disloyal,” Helbindi scoffed. “How did she deal with it?” “She stormed into the court, blasting both doors clean off their hinges and demanded the accusers step forward and stand over their accusations, Kristoff tried to act as though he didn’t loathe those not entirely of Jotnar blood and pretended they had been liaising in private for months but true to her personality, she ridiculed him as she proved his words false and had him reveal his true motives in the process, hence our knowing how some will react to my being named king.” His jaw clenched as he thought of Kristoff’s words. “He and his ilk are even more angered that in eight short months, we will be announcing the arrival of my even less Jotnar heir.” Loki awaited his brothers’ reactions. 
Býleistr simply frowned as he tried to compute Loki’s words while Helbindi visibly counted out the time. “But you’re not her mate long enough for you to have a child?” “Aesir and Vanir take only eighteen months to carry and birth.” Loki informed him. 
“So she...that quickly?” Helbindi was startled by such news. “How are their realms not infested to the point of overpopulation?” 
“They actively plan not to have children,” Loki informed him, having asked Ella himself how such was not an issue.
“Why would anyone wish to not have more children?” Býleistr could not comprehend such an idea. 
“Because unlike on this realm, others have a young population, not an old one. Ella told me of Midgard, it has had a population surge of nearly one and a half billion in the past two decades alone.” 
“One and...what in the...don’t they only live less than a hundred years?” Helbindi tried to comprehend such a concept. “So, that means you’re going to be King with about forty minutes before your mate has a child?” “More like eight months than forty minutes, but that is indeed what will be happening. Ella will birth our son in the near future.” Loki confirmed. 
“You cannot tell if it is a son before it’s born,” Býleistr scoffed. Loki merely gave him a smug smirk before going to deal with some of what needed to be done to ready for the impending announcement. “Wait, can they?”
Helbindi shrugged. “The only reason you knew she was in the same palace as you is because she called your name. According to Greta, she shot two jagged on-fire swords out of thin air and she knows spells that according to the Aesir we fought with, the Allfather and Allmother cannot manage, if she has told Loki that she carries a boy, then she is carrying a boy.” 
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wolfpawn · 4 years
Pride and Prejudice, Chapter 47
Story Summary - Based on an idea I had that I submitted to Imagine Loki. Imagine Loki was raised on Jotunheim as Laufey’s son after the war, but an agreement was then made that he would wed Odin’s daughter so Odin could secure the alliance of Jotunheim through the marriage. Loki, in turn, was raised to be king of Jotunheim, but how he views Asgard is far different from how Odin’s daughter is raised leading to a clash of cultures as well as uncertainty between the pair of betrothed youths.
Chapter Summary -Ella is asked for her input into the situation before the whole House of Laufey is informed of the matter.  
Previous Chapter
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Ella paced as she thought over everything. Laufey began to get tired even looking at her. “If I may?” she began. 
“I fear you forget you were told all this specifically for your input,” Loki chuckled. 
“We need to make it that none question the situation. That as far as the house of Laufey is concerned, there is this and only this and all stand behind it.” She inhaled deeply. “All within it.” “My brothers…”
“No, Loki, not just them.” She gave him an awkward look. 
“No.” He realised what she was referencing. “She’d never…” “So long as there is even a single scent of an alternative or uncertainty, some will argue, some will argue regardless but if there is even one possible chance of causing unrest, then there are some that will exploit such. We stand united, then none can try and do so. We get her in line, we rally together and we remain a strong single unit. No in-fighting, no weaknesses.” “How will that help?” Laufey asked, not out of dismissiveness but interest. “You see my father’s house, is there any weakness in it?” “None.” “No, because he never permitted it. Thor’s rages, my father’s Odinsleeps, they were not allowed be perceived as weaknesses, we stood as one. Behind closed doors, matters could be different, my father incandescent with rage at my brother’s stupidity and actions, my mother’s terrible fretting for my father’s health, but none outside can know those times, not in court and especially in the realms of our enemies, for they will be like carrion to a dying animal, circling, ready to feast on you as soon as you are too weak to fight back. We always stood as one in it.” Arden, Loki and Laufey looked at her with uncertainty. “I will not take offence if you think this too much. I merely wish to answer your question as best I can.”
“It is something we must consider,” Laufey stated. “If for nothing more than to deal with this situation. With two mates carrying and possibly a third, the house must ensure to be as safe as possible at this time.” 
Loki nodded slightly. He was unsure of what to think. There was a considerable chance that Angrboða would be unhappy that of the mates, she could potentially be the only one not carrying a child, he knew that had a risk of her being even more sour, when she and his brothers and their other mates would learn of Ella’s condition and how soon their child would arrive, there could be animosity, there may be no issue, he simply could not tell and that was concerning. It was usually seen as nothing to be upset by, being a non-carrying mate, so often they were the one to assist and were integral to the raising of the offspring, but it was not in keeping with the coldness she had shown of late, Loki was unsure if she would be in any manner of use to Alma, much less Ella, who he knew she would rather walk over hot coals than assist, and with the manner that Ella was speaking, it was clear that Greta and she were close, so if Greta also carried, he knew there was a significant chance that Angrboða would interpret that as Greta choosing Ella’s “side” over hers. He could see this going very wrong indeed. “It will not be easy.” 
“The truest path rarely is,” Ella commented. “You are best suited to the role of King of your generation of your family, there can be none of full mind that could argue such but to some, blood means more than mind and that is what we need to focus on, not letting such talk take too much hold because if it does, it does no one any favours.” 
Laufey listened for a few moments, contemplating her words and indeed everything that had been said as well as his own thoughts. “Arden?” The advisor looked at him. “Have Helbindi, Greta, Býleistr, Alma and Angrboða sent for, we deal with this now.” “Yes, My King.” He did as instructed and had the king’s other sons and their mates sent for. 
“Father?” Loki was unsure of it all. “We need this sorting immediately. I cannot rest without it being so. Ella, get yourself a seat, that child must be starting to weigh on you.” “He is resting contently, My King, and I am thankfully of good health to continue standing through anything I am required to at present, so if you do not take offence, I would rather remain standing for now.” Laufey chuckled slightly, knowing that little would convince Ella to do something she deemed unnecessary. “I am curious, without the Soul Forge the Allfather trusts so greatly, how have you come to assume it to be male?” “We have seen him.” Laufey found himself frowning at his son for his statement. “She has used her seidr to show him to us and he is male, I assure you.” Laufey could only smile proudly. “Such fine news. A female child would not be unwelcome either, mind.” 
“Going by the gender statistics, more than a few females are required to continue Jotunheim’s new prosperity. I have read…” Ella’s statement was cut short as the door to the room opened and Býleistr and his mates entered. 
For a moment, Býleistr looked worried but seeing the manner in which his father was seated and how Loki and Ella were standing, he became uneasy. “Father? What is this?” “We will speak when Helbindi and Greta arrive.” Was all his father gave him in response. 
Alma and Angrboða looked around worriedly also. It was most irregular for a mate to be brought in on such meetings but it was clear all were to be involved in this one. When finally, a tired-looking Helbindi and a somewhat confused Greta joined them, everyone was looking around with expectation. 
“Please don’t tell me there’s another war, I am going back to bed if there is.” Helbindi pleaded. 
“No, there is not,” Laufey assured him, “After one war, many realms like to regroup before beginning the next. No, we need to discuss a matter of importance to Jotunheim.” Helibindi and Býleistr looked at one another, then to Loki, who clearly knew what was afoot. “I am stepping down as King.” “What?” 
“How?” Laufey raised his hand, silencing his youngest and oldest sons. “I am stepping down whilst I still live. I am too weary for this, I have done so in all but name already. I cannot hold court for any notable length of time any longer and I cannot spend the last of my life like this. I want to rest before I die.” “But...we don’t...has this ever been done?” Helbindi asked. 
“Not that we know, but Father insists on doing so,” Loki stated calmly. “I tried to talk him out of it but he will not be swayed.” “Some will think this a bad idea, Father.” Býleistr declared. “Some will think it too soon.” “I know, but that begs the question, if I died tomorrow, would they think it too soon then?” “You would be dead, that alters things.” “It alters little. I am not fit for my station any longer. Be reasonable, what does it say for Jotunheim as a realm if the one who presides over it is a decrepit old Jotunn? What images does that portray of us over the realms? This is a realm that is about to see an explosion of youth, vivacity, growth and renewal, you cannot have an old being stand over that, the realm must be portrayed as it has to be.”
Býleistr and Helbindi did not argue that. There was no manner to argue such. “So, Loki takes the throne, why does this involve us all being here?” Helbindi asked. “I will not deny that being told in advance and not hearing it in the throne room without warning is nice, but our mates too? Why?” “Because you were not in the throne room yesterday, and as such, you are not aware of something that we are.” Laufey began. “There was a filthy lie circulated by Kristoff, do you recall him?” His sons nodded. “He and another circulated a rumour that your brother’s mate was disloyal to him in his absence.” Automatically, both Jotunns looked to their own mates, hurt at such an accusation. “No, not your mates, your brother’s,” Laufey clarified. Both then looked to Ella, who was somewhat grateful that neither seemed to think her capable of such a thing. Seeing the look on her face, they knew that there was no truth in the words. “She proved them to be nothing more than lies in mere moments, it is a pity you were not there, she tore Kristoff to strips, it was quite amusing. But that in itself is not the issue, what is was the manner in which he spoke, most concerningly, with regards bloodlines, specifically, Loki’s.” 
Both Býleistr and Helbindi found themselves reacting to that news in anger. They always joked with Loki on his mixed heritage meaning that he was slightly shorter and had hair as opposed to their standard Jotnar appearance but it was only ever in jest and they never allowed others speak down of their brother in their presence. “And?” Though Býleistr and Loki’s relationship was strained as a result of everything with Angrboða, Býleistr knew his Loki to be the only one of the three of them suited to the role of King, he had spoken many times with Helbindi on the matter, both hated the idea of being king, they were not of the mind and were entirely happy to serve their brother, knowing that he would listen to them when they would suggest matters and that he would never dismiss them from the home they knew their entire lives. 
“We are concerned that any show of doubt amongst this house in its entirety would cause issues moving forward,” Laufey explained. “I don’t follow, Father,” Helbindi confessed. “Why would there be doubt?” “With me?” Býleistr felt a terrible strike to himself at that statement. “That I would betray us?”  He thought of his time on the battlefield, his time before he left, how his guilt at loving his new mate had caused such consternation with his brother and how he thought they could move past it with everything, but instead, it was now that even their father did not trust him. 
“No, my son,” Laufey ensured he made that clear immediately. “Nothing of the sort. I merely wanted you all here so that we are all able to air any grievances we have because come my announcement, we must stand as one, this whole house.” 
Býleistr looked at Loki, who nodded. “I told you, after the war, I am not having anything so petty take up my time. Now, I have even more to consider, meaning I have even less time to worry about such things. You are my brother, you are one of the best fighters on our realm and you are the most learned on our military history, I can think of no place I would want you but by my side in this, especially with the transition over of the reign.”
That caused Býleistr to feel better, seeing his brother to truly mean it. “I will do all I can for Jotunheim, I always said that but understand that I also wish to assist Alma through carrying our child, that is all I ask, to be given the chance to be able to assist my mate. I assume you already know that she is carrying through your own mate as I am informed that she knows.” 
“Yes, I gave him a slight rundown of everything in your time gone. I did so with Alma’s permission, as of course, you are aware.” Ella smiled. “It is a good reason to do all of this right now, with the current number of child-bearing Jotnar, we need to make sure everything is as smooth as possible for the new generation and their parents for when they come, it is only a few short years to such.” 
“Then I guess if none can change Father’s mind and this is going to happen, we organise ourselves and ready for the madness that is going to be Loki’s reign,” Helbindi joked. 
“Like you could do better.” Loki scoffed in return. 
“Hey, I already said, do you know that Midgardian empire, Roman, I would have it like that.” He declared proudly. 
“You are aware there is a saying on Midgard about something entirely insane and falling down around you, society breaking apart is to be likened to the final days of the Roman Empire, don’t you?” Ella asked, recalling the empire in question and its implosion. 
“That was the best part of it, one emperor tried to make his horse a member of his council.” Though Ella could not agree that it was a good idea, it was clear Helbindi did actually know something of the era he referenced so she could only laugh in reply. 
“Now that is sorted, I need to ask all four mates, do any of you have an issues you wish to voice? For after today, any regarding the matters discussed today will be seen as purposely siding against us all and will not be taken well. We as a house must be one, even when we do not always agree.” 
There was no denying every eye on the room was on Angrboða, who saw fit to glare at Ella, who in turn merely stood forward. “Hate me, loathe me, be indifferent of me, I could not care less which you choose, but after today, come any reasonable request made by the new King, you do not stand against him on it lest you wish to embarrass this house, which I know you do not wish to do, or indeed his brother, your mate, which we all know you would never wish to do.” 
“Reasonable request?” Býleistr questioned. 
“Well, if Loki were to demand you and Helbindi go and live on Muspelheim or massacre all male born children or some other utter mad idea, I would expect you to at the very least question him as to why he would order such things, but if he were to say to check on the Western lands of Jotunheim as there seems to be some discord there, I would think it a fair request, would you not? You would not deny such a reasonable thing, would you?”
“You speak too much as one who acts like she has any standing in it, like you know so much,” Angrboða snapped. 
“And you speak as one who merely wishes to incite anger whilst never truly adding anything to a discussion.” Ella retorted. “I speak because I was asked to assist with this, when I was informed of my mate’s ascension to the throne earlier, I remained silent. I also need you to say what needs saying now and not any time after this so that we can ensure the wellbeing of the realm going forward.” She walked towards Angrboða with her shawl still warmly around her shoulders and blocking her pregnant stomach from view. “I know you feel attacked by this and I know you feel cornered. If we are all honest, it is you and your anger at myself and Loki that is the biggest concern moving forward, to say anything else would be a barefaced lie and if you would cause no issue, then it is an unwarranted concern on our behalfs and that is not fair on you but we need to know that the whole house will stand together and that includes in defence of you should it ever be required.”
“I will never require your help.”  
“We saw how long eight months can be, or indeed, you and Alma only had seven months without Býleistr, so do not say with such certainty that you will never require such. Seven months is a long time, not much shy of four thousand years is far far longer. But I will stand in your corner for that time, so long as we all remain as one unit throughout.” 
Angrboða was uncertain of what to say. She was by no means unintelligent, she knew that to decline Ella’s offer would be met with anger and was nothing short of a declaration that she was a liability to the House of Laufey. She had truly cared for Loki and his casting her aside for the ugly Aesir caused her immense pain but she could not allow her chance to remain with the mate she now had and the company in Alma, who she did truly like also to be taken from her because of the aesir she rarely saw. One glance at Býleistr and Alma told her that they were both pleading for her to cease her sniping at Ella, accept what was being said and get back to their own little area of the palace and continue with their own happy lives. For a moment, she looked at Loki, noting the indifference in his features. For a time after she declared she would no longer allow herself come second to the Aesir he had been assigned as a mate and especially when Loki had found out that she had bonded with Býleistr, she had seen forlornness, heartache and sadness in his features, now she only saw indifference. If anything, he seemed displeased at her even being so close to his mate, like he did not want her to even be in her presence. She did not need to look at Laufey, she knew well that the King disliked her beyond words for her actions with Býleistr and Loki and that the Aesir mate of his second son held a place in his heart she would do well not to upset. She finally looked at Ella again, who seemed all but voicing her attempts to have Angrboða agree with her. “I will never stand against my mate or this house, regardless of my personal opinion of some in it.” “Then it is settled.” Laufey rose to his feet. “I will announce it tomorrow, so everyone is to be in the throne room for it, no excuses and no being late.” 
He left the room leaving his sons and their mates standing there, Arden looking amongst them all as he did so. “Now, we best prepare everything,” He urged. 
“Yes,” Loki nodded. “We will ready ourselves now so that our night is not taken over with this.” He looked over to Ella. “I am sure you can think of a thousand aspects to this that none other can.”
“I never actually assisted in a coronation before,” She confessed. “My parents have protocols in place for if my father was to fall into a permanent Odinsleep and my brother was to take the throne to assist the transition for when such a mournful time is to come but actually doing one, I have not planned or bore witness to, but I know some aspects and I will endeavour to assist as best I can. I am sure whilst you deal with official matters, Alma, Greta, Angrboða and I can organise a few things between us?”
“Please, there is much to be done.” Arden gave her a list which consisted of many different duties.
“Norns, you men may see your beds tonight but I fear you will be alone in them with this list.” She scanned through it, allowing it to be altered in angle as Greta came over to read it too. “Easy knowing they left the real work to the more capable sex.” She handed the list to Alma who, along with Angrboða, read through it. “Well, the sooner we start, the sooner we are done. We will be in the old meeting room to the back.”
“That was the old war meetings room,” Helbindi informed her. “From, you know…” “Considering that if any bother us outside of providing us with something we requested or food, there will be war, I think it apt.” She walked off without another word, the other mates following her as she did, Greta smirking whilst she did so. 
“Something is different in your mate,” Býleistr noted to Loki. “She seems more...abrupt.” 
“I can’t believe Kristoff was so stupid as to accuse your mate of being disloyal,” Helbindi scoffed. “How did she deal with it?” “She stormed into the court, blasting both doors clean off their hinges and demanded the accusers step forward and stand over their accusations, Kristoff tried to act as though he didn’t loathe those not entirely of Jotnar blood and pretended they had been liaising in private for months but true to her personality, she ridiculed him as she proved his words false and had him reveal his true motives in the process, hence our knowing how some will react to my being named king.” His jaw clenched as he thought of Kristoff’s words. “He and his ilk are even more angered that in eight short months, we will be announcing the arrival of my even less Jotnar heir.” Loki awaited his brothers’ reactions. 
Býleistr simply frowned as he tried to compute Loki’s words while Helbindi visibly counted out the time. “But you’re not her mate long enough for you to have a child?” “Aesir and Vanir take only eighteen months to carry and birth.” Loki informed him. 
“So she...that quickly?” Helbindi was startled by such news. “How are their realms not infested to the point of overpopulation?” 
“They actively plan not to have children,” Loki informed him, having asked Ella himself how such was not an issue.
“Why would anyone wish to not have more children?” Býleistr could not comprehend such an idea. 
“Because unlike on this realm, others have a young population, not an old one. Ella told me of Midgard, it has had a population surge of nearly one and a half billion in the past two decades alone.” 
“One and...what in the...don’t they only live less than a hundred years?” Helbindi tried to comprehend such a concept. “So, that means you’re going to be King with about forty minutes before your mate has a child?” “More like eight months than forty minutes, but that is indeed what will be happening. Ella will birth our son in the near future.” Loki confirmed. 
“You cannot tell if it is a son before it’s born,” Býleistr scoffed. Loki merely gave him a smug smirk before going to deal with some of what needed to be done to ready for the impending announcement. “Wait, can they?”
Helbindi shrugged. “The only reason you knew she was in the same palace as you is because she called your name. According to Greta, she shot two jagged on-fire swords out of thin air and she knows spells that according to the Aesir we fought with, the Allfather and Allmother cannot manage, if she has told Loki that she carries a boy, then she is carrying a boy.” 
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prideguynews · 6 years
Franklin millionaire businessman Monthly bill Lee received a shock upset during the GOP gubernatorial most important in essence simply because he arrived throughout as a great dude. He did not run assault adverts, and he travelled throughout the point out in an RV 2 times, location up extremely scripted town halls in all ninety five counties. He talks a lot about his faith and how his enjoy for Jesus got him by way of the worst time in his everyday living, when his spouse died in a tragic horse-riding incident. But other than admitting he does not consider in gay relationship, Lee has not talked a lot about what that faith seriously appears to be like like, and the press corps has but to press him on it. For some cause, Lee has turn out to be noticed as a “moderate,” not compared with Governor Monthly bill Haslam. He’s not.
Some of this arrived to gentle Tuesday, right after The Tennessean exposed a point out trooper had been canned from Democrat Karl Dean’s protection detail right after leaking information to Lee’s campaign about a “Muslim function.” Explained function was actually a meet up with and greet at Yassin’s Falafel Dwelling in Knoxville, a cafe operated by a Syrian refugee with a genuinely inspiring tale, but Lee evidently thought it was in a mosque, and that a photo of Dean in a mosque would be damning.
But to attendees of Grace Chapel, the Williamson County evangelical church of which Lee is a longtime member, affiliation with Islam is very pretty much damning. 1 visitor pastor, Michael Brown, gave a sermon on March 1, 2015, on “Understanding Radical Islam,” which he says he was precisely requested to give by Grace Chapel’s pastor Steve Berger. Brown started off his sermon admitting that perhaps not all Muslims aid violence or are trying to choose above the nation with Shariah legislation, but as he went on, the implications are crystal clear: Christians in authorities are only trying to do “what’s correct,” whilst in Islam, “there’s no separation of church and point out,” and if Muslims choose above we could all be beheaded.
Islamophobia is not new to Tennessee politics, and it’s specially not new to evangelicals in Tennessee politics, but when 1 is operating for governor of a point out that has the biggest inhabitants of Kurdish immigrants in the nation, it’s value questioning why no 1 is inquiring Lee about this. It is also value inquiring about Lee’s sights on females and the LGBT group, above and outside of gay relationship.
During the most important, there were rumors that Lee had informed supporters at a compact fund-raiser that U.S. Consultant Diane Black “didn’t glimpse like governor material” and that he did not understand why she did not just want to remain home with her grandchildren. Lee and his campaign denied it, just like they denied inquiring the trooper to get a photo of Dean in a mosque. But it’s crystal clear Lee is not a proponent of females in leadership, offered the make-up of his personal corporation. Out of 13 people in leadership roles, together with Lee himself, only 1 is a female, and all are white. At Grace Chapel there are no woman pastors, and no female serves on the board.
Specified Pastor Steve Berger’s sights, on the other hand, it’s unclear why any female would want to provide in church leadership. On September 30th, Berger gave a sermon on Brett Kavanaugh, entitled “Biblical Skills for Bringing an Accusation In opposition to An individual.” In it he cites verses from Deuteronomy, Matthew, and 1 Timothy that say not 1 but two or 3 witnesses (at least) are essential to bring an accusation of sin in opposition to another person. “This is a moral legislation here,” Berger says.
“I’m telling you, I’ve been victimized. I’ve been abused by phony accusations,” Berger says, later on in his sermon. What accusations people may have been, Berger does not detail. But he states that considering that his accusers did not deliver many “witnesses” (which can, he says, consist of fingerprints or DNA evidence), then it was the accusers by themselves performing unbiblically. “For this cause alone, and listen to me, for this cause of two or 3 witnesses alone, Dr. Ford’s testimony, as it relates to this Choose Kavanaugh concern, does not meet up with the biblical requirements to bring forth a legitimate accusation.”
Berger went on to say that even if Kavanaugh did rape another person, he’s still certified for the Supreme Court, simply because “Moses was a assassin ahead of he was the world’s biggest lawgiver,” and “King David was an adulterer and assassin as a King,” and “Saul of Tarsus was a assassin ahead of he turned Paul the Apostle, the biggest Apostle in the heritage of the church.” (Notably, Moses and David and Paul all actually sought forgiveness, a thing Kavanaugh has not carried out.)
This is considerably from the only offensive sermon Berger has offered. In a June 28, 2015, sermon entitled, “It’s Evening in Sodom,” Berger laments the SCOTUS ruling legalizing gay relationship. He preaches that his followers should not be hateful to their gay pals, but they should “beg them to cease their wickedness ahead of it’s as well late for them” — i.e., ahead of Judgment Working day — and says that holding again “truth” in the name of “love” is the real “hate.” Useless to say, the church also does not consider transgender people are genuinely transgender both.
Berger is an energetic proponent of gay conversion treatment, i.e., the discredited belief that 1 can “pray the gay away.” Tennessee is sad to say not 1 of the 15 states and territories that has banned the observe, regardless of opposition by the American Psychiatric Association, the American Academy of Pediatrics, and the Planet Health and fitness Firm. But Berger not only preaches about the observe, he’s on the board of the Reformed Hope Community, which describes alone as “a coalition of ministries serving people who motivation to conquer sinful relational and sexual challenges in their life and people impacted by these kinds of behavior, significantly homosexuality.”
Berger is 1 of the customers of Lee’s “Community and Faith-Based Advisory Council,” together with musicians Michael W. Smith and Ricky Skaggs, NASCAR driver Darrell Waltrip, and retired hockey player (and Mr. Carrie Underwood) Mike Fisher. Lee has talked a lot about producing a new point out place of work of faith-dependent and group initiatives if elected, which, at this point, appears to be just about unavoidable offered the polling and Dean’s unwillingness to go on the assault. Regardless of whether the place of work comes to exist stays to be noticed, but during an interview in early July, I requested him about the program. 
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Lee downplayed the faith facet of the place of work and informed me that he wishes to “reach out to nonprofits that are undertaking the perform that authorities are unable to and should not do, regardless of whether they’re faith-dependent or not.” At the time, a write-up on the Breitbart-esque Tennessee Star had expressed “concerns” as to regardless of whether the place of work would have to perform with Islamic nonprofits, and I requested Lee about it. He said he hadn’t browse the post. I then requested if he was attuned to the requirements of Muslims in the point out, specially offered the Kurdish group in Nashville.
“My spouse has worked in a ministry that serves Kurdish refugees, I’ve been to Kurdistan and served with refugees from ISIS in refugee camps,” Lee replied. “I consider that the perform of nonprofits is impressive and crucial, and that is what this is about. And I am a Christian, so my encounters and my perform with non-earnings that are undertaking productive perform has been Christian corporations, so that is what I discuss about, simply because I discuss about my encounter, and I will aid operates that are undertaking, conference some of the biggest problems in our group that I consider authorities should not meet up with, it’s not the role of authorities to do that. But it is the role of the nonprofit group and I would persuade that type of perform, for certain.”
When requested for remark on the numerous challenges Wednesday, Lee’s campaign communications advisor Chris Walker got a bit testy. “A cherry-picked sermon does not equivalent Monthly bill Lee agrees with this,” Walker said of the Kavanaugh sermon. I said that I wasn’t just searching at 1 sermon, that I wanted to know if Lee agreed with Berger about the “usefulness” of gay conversion treatment. “If this is a Steve Berger tale, you require to discuss to Steve Berger,” Walker replied. When pressed on regardless of whether Lee agreed with Berger’s benchmarks for “biblically reporting” sexual assault, Walker questioned regardless of whether I had long gone by way of all of the sermons offered at Dean’s church.
Dean is a Catholic who (when not campaigning) consistently attends the Cathedral of the Incarnation, the seat of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Nashville. The church has mass 3 instances daily (only 2 times on Friday and as soon as on Saturday), so even if all the solutions were archived on the web like Grace Chapel’s (they aren’t), it’d be a lot to go by way of. But, like numerous other Catholics, Dean has publicly damaged with the church on quite a few challenges. He does think abortion should be legal, he supported legalized gay relationship a long time ahead of SCOTUS did, and he’s okay with females in the pulpit. And compared with Lee, Dean is not operating adverts touting his partnership with Jesus.
Cari Wade Gervin is a freelance political journalist presently bouncing between a couple of metropolitan areas in Tennessee.
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