#she is literally a child. that’s not bodyshaming
yuikomorii · 7 months
I’ve recently just seen your post on the person that claimed Yui looks childlike, and I completely agree with you, she doesn’t? I mean, her body doesn’t even look like it’s under-developed, she’s got nice legs/thighs and it’s canon that she has wide hips anyways (u can even kinda see it in the anime when she’s wearing Cordelia’s dress) what kind of a child would have wide hips? Yui at the very least has a slim pear shaped figure. And she’s not even that flat as I’ve seen in the cgi’s that came with the post. Her breasts are small but they’re not completely flat, and that doesn’t make her childlike? Being short/petite doesn’t mean you’re childlike or can’t have curves, bc my cousin is literally 5’0 but her body doesn’t look under-developed, bc she has curves even if she’s petite. Even if she didn’t have curves, that wouldn’t make anyone a child. Anyways, that person needs to snap back to reality because shaming adults for not having “mature” features and making it seem like they’re children is NOT it
// Preach!! I really can’t comprehend how people are able to think that Yui looks child-like. She sometimes acts childish but this doesn’t mean she looks like one. 😭😭
I also don’t get why she’s constantly bodyshamed by antis or even fans when she literally is a C cup. I don’t know whether it was fully confirmed or not, since it’s impossible to know all content, but it seems like Japanese fans collectively agree that she’s a C. The whole Chichinashi thingy is just a JOKE to call out the Japanese players, who are on average flatter than her.
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Everybody knowns Yui is designed to have appealing body and I’m tired of seeing people treat her like the most under-developed heroine out there when she’s actually one of the most fit-looking ones.
Last but not least, it’s not that Yui doesn’t look mature, she’s just surrounded by tall people, which is not something surprising given that boys are usually taller than girls.
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punkeropercyjackson · 4 months
Sasuke and Neji stans who're also Hinata antis are so obvious with how they don't actually care about abuse victims.For starters,nobody who does pits us against eachother based on 'who had it worse' because it's just basic decency not to,for seconds they expect Hinata to have fixed the system as a literal child with no political power that'd been disowend by her dad,for thirds they don't actually potray Sasuke and Neji's trauma responses and only have them be rude and angry and violent over their abuse instead of showing stuff like dissociation and bad/lack of self-care habits,for fourths they make fun of Hinata for her stutter and autistic traits and even her body including scenes where she's a minor and fetishize Sasuneji's own autism-codings to fawn over them that they'd call them cold-hearted bitches for if they were women,for fifths they ship Sasuke with NARUTO because he was obsessed with projecting his coping mechanisms onto him to invalidate his own and call their dynamic 'gay history' and for sixths and last they treat irl abuse victims like shit the second they don't agree with them.You're not revolutionaries girlypops,you haven't done activism or direct action in your lives and you dedicate loads of time to bodyshaming,victim blaming amd adultifying an anime girl while saying your male faves are female-coded
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jaiistg · 1 year
Reader as "im insecure" and Azul ashengrotto as "if you cant love you insecurities then I will."
"When I see your face,theres none of a thing that I would change cause girl your amazing.Just the way you are."
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-An very important note,pls read.
Hi! So this is related to what happened to me yesterday.Im already insecure of myself and my guy classmate told me negative things and made me hate myself even more.I know that alot of people are going tru this which is why I made this post.I want to make people feel good and I just wanna say looks don't define who you are.You are beautiful/handsome and perfect just the way you are and whenever someone tells you negative things about yourself thats a lie.They are probably jealous of you which is why they wanna make you feel insecure of youself,plus who are they to say that? They aren't even perfect.Noone is.I hope this post makes you feel better.make sure to drink water and love yourself<33 I love you soo much and Im proud of you.
•Azul is really confused on why your insecure of yourself I mean,your literally perfect to his eyes.
•If only you could see how you look like in his eyes...<33
•Whenever he sees your face he falls all over again for you.
•Since he knows your insecure he tells you everyday how pretty you are, ect so that you can gain self confidence<33
•He will ATTACK people who bodyshames or faceshames you.He dosent understand why people do that,like are they happy that they made someone insecure???? They are proud of doing that shit???
•Trust me,he knows how hard it is being insecure of themselves.He himself experienced it but now its just in the past.A very bad past that is still stuck to his head.
•He dosent want you to feel the way he felt when he was a child which is why he made a promise to himself that HE WILL PROTECT YOU NO MATTER WHAT.
•You tried breaking up with him because you thought that he deserved better,it went likee this.
"Why did you wanna see me?" Azul asked
"Listen,I wanna break up with you."
"W-what why? D-did I do anything wrong? Please tell me,!! We can do better!!"
"No.Its not your fault."
"then why....?"
"You deserve better than me.I don't even know what you saw in me that made you like me.Im sorry if Im an overthinker,im not even pretty enough to be your girlfriend.Which is why im letting you go.You deserve to be with someone much better then me,im really sorry but im doing this for you.Your better off without someone like me."
"No,Y/n,Im not letting you break up with me.I don't ever wanna be with anyone but you,fuck I can't even imagine being with someone else! Your perfect to me.Im grateful to have a girlfriend like you and anyone else would be.I love every single thing about you.Theres no single flaw I see everytime I see you."
•You had a mental breakdown because someone said negative stuff's about you and god,Azul couldn't take it anymore,he had a talked with the guy.
•Everytime you started to feel insecure of yourself Azul is always there to comfort you.He loves you so much :((<33
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basingstokemercury · 1 month
Finally actually watched the Chocolate Factory film (original). I read the book years back and remember very little of the Depp film I watched when... elevenish maybe?
I had low hopes going in, at least it cleared the musical's "actually killing them on stage" bar?
First off, this feels like some kind of twisted horror world where everyone is obsessed with chocolate. Kids' film, yes, but I had absolutely no investment in the stakes. And I love good sweets as much as anyone.
Related: I don't like the... fetishisation? is that right? of poverty. Charlie comes from a comically exaggerated background, but it's just a backdrop to make the contest more important to him or something. Again, he's a kid, but how is chocolate the most important thing to him? A lifetime supply of it would be a pleasant way to keep spirits up, but wouldn't solve any long-term problem.
Hey, people with chronic illnesses! Turns out all you need is the right impetus to get up and be just fine, right?
And here we see some very sweet little kids who... Well, only one of them really has any kind of vice. One likes eating and has the audacity to also be a little fat, another, well, WHAT ON EARTH IS WRONG WITH CHEWING GUM AND BEING A BIT COMPETITIVE SHE IS A NORMAL CHILD, the third could use to have his television habits supervised but as an older sister it's normal for young kids not to understand that violence on television doesn't mean it's fun in real life, and the fourth throws very polite tantrums when she wants something because SHE IS A CHILD.
Gene Wilder's charisma is disarming here, but I must remember that this is a tenor and therefore capable of anything (opera joke, for my non-opera followers). He still smiles placidly and quotes as children are hurt, so I have no sympathy even if his acting was the best part.
"You can eat anything in this room! Wait, not that, I never told you and will do nothing when you are hurt because of it!"
Bodyshaming! How fun! Making fun of a young, adorable kid's looks!
Literal tunnel of horrors with flashes of insects crawling on people and dead animals. Seriously, what the fairfax? This is a kids' film!
"No! Don't eat that! I will not explain why until you are actually harmed and it's too late!"
These are kids. Kids don't always follow rules, especially when they don't understand why the rules are there.
This is where I started really, really hating the Oompa Loompa songs. They're incredibly annoying somehow.
Veruca might be throwing a tantrum, but she is very cute and a good singer. At least the song has the decency to put the blame on her upbringing, but then why should she be hurt? Someone could have stopped her at any time before she endangered herself.
My dad noticed there were only four suits at the entrance to the very creepy TV room. Which seems to mean the accidents were planned.
And here we have an absolutely egregious case. Mike does not activate the device himself, he stands on the pedestal and the operator knowingly presses the button! THIS WAS NOT HIS FAULT THEY INTENTIONALLY HARMED HIM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
That last song personally offends me. "Television makes you stupid"??? I grew up on nature and science documentaries. I was quoting David Attenborough to my parents as a toddler. I'm sure educational TV existed back then in some form, at least?
Joe's indignation at being told off for breaking the rules is just ridiculous. You did it knowingly! You've seen how harsh this man is! Yes, Charlie only strayed at your instigation, but he could have refused, couldn't he?
And we fly into space inside a Dalek. The end.
Oh yeah, the songs? This barely counts as a musical.
Opening number was okay, if rather meaningless lyrically.
I remember nothing of the mother's lullaby thing, literally zoned out while she was singing it.
Golden ticket song a bit more fun but lyrics could still use work.
Pure Imagination, the only one I knew going in, was a bit disappointing in this rendition. Wilder's lovely voice is not at fault, the arrangement didn't grab me.
I've stated my opinion on the "making normal kids out to be monstrous" songs already.
And the one child who gets a song to herself? Okay, that I liked. It was fun.
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13beachesxx · 9 months
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this came up on my feed today and made me wonder, like really made me wonder why women end up doing this. there's a woman on tiktok just like this and she looks so cool now i wanna be her. her "before" look was literally some republican karen nightmare. it's insane what a different haircut and closet and makeup can do to a person, makes a whole new person. and then i guess it hit me that women who do this do it because they feel freedom for the first time in their lives to do exactly what they want, and that they otherwise or before felt unable to because they've been pressured by their partner / family / social circle whoever into a fear of being their true selves and repressing it to toxic lengths. and after that breakup or life shift or whatever, they know true freedom for the first time in their lives. i almost envy that i'll never know what that's like because i've always been free to do whatever the hell i want, whenever i want. as far back as i can remember. not a single person gave me pushback for outfit choices, hair choices, most life choices. even as a child.
maybe it's the opposite extreme spectrum of this experience. almost gives you a "no one cares about me? huh, okay" kind of feeling. i could've shaved my head and gone around like that for the majority of my teens and twenties and no one would have questioned it. i guess that's a blessing more than anything, because i've never experienced the utter bullshit of people placing expectations on very superficial things. the only times i got pushback was when i had gained weight and the length of certain outfits, bodyshamed to wear something more covering because it was "unacceptable" for me to be seen outside at that weight in something that short/revealing (but of course had i been perfectly thin, nothing would have been said lol). i can't remember what i used to do in those cases, i've blocked most of those interactions from memory because they're not pleasant. but i do remember raising up a stink. hell i remember leaving the house one way to appease she who shall not be named and then changing back into the exact outfit i want, lmao. can't police my fat ass, die mad about it.
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oraclekleo · 1 year
I'm being anonymous here hope you don't mind . But I want to vent . Hope it's okay for you ?? Soo for past years I'm avoiding being less sentimental about the way my parents body shame me . But for the last couple of months it's like I'm on edge . I can't anymore .... The moment they start this topic my head instantly start to hurt and I get a lump in my throat then I went back to my room and cry in front of mirror. Silently so they can't hear me . I just stare at my reflection like a statue . Numb . All red and teary eyes. I'm always not like this . I love to pamper myself . Do skincare and put on my fav makeup and style my hairs however I like . I feel good GOOD !! And also I stare in front of a mirror and pose , with just my undergarments and it makes me feel sexy and gorgeous . Then I blast my fav Playlist and dance like there's no tomorrow. I feel alive and lovely . But God knows why it triggers me so much when my parents body shame me that too infront of others and then I fall into this loophole of self hatred . I DON'T WANT TO. I DON'T WANT TO FEEL DEPRESSED AND SAD . But alas it's just happens . The weird thing is that they themselves don't realize they are hurting me . If I tried talking them they thought I'm seeking their attention and it's literally my job to be slim and trim . Also why they bring my favs food item and feed me then next day bodyshame me . It'd weird . It almost feels like a cycle. And I don't fucking wanna repeat it .
So so sorry if it feels uncomfortable or drains your energy while reading this because rn my energy is low and my head hurts so much . Have a nice day ahead .....
First of all, no vents can ever disturb my energy. So be assured you are causing no trouble whatsoever for me.
Parents do have this disgusting habit of ruining their children - through body shaming, inflicting guilt, emotional blackmail and many more. And I know what I'm talking about. Been there done that. My mom was a fantastic person. I learned so much from her and I admired her. But she had no idea how much pain she put me through. And I never told her.
Your parents don't realize how hurtful their words and actions can be for a child, a person who is still sort of figuring their own identity out, seeking some comfort in their own skin. And unless you undergo some family therapy, they will probably never know. Because you have to pass exams and test ride to get a stupid driving license but any idiot can give birth to a child. No offense. But I would seriously make people who actually want to raise a kid study for it.
Anyway! There's no easy solution. Sorry if you are not seeking for one but my core nature is a problem fixer.
You could sit down and talk to your parents as rationally as possible. Parents often think you are seeking attention when you get emotional talking to them but when you stay logical and calm, it usually has a better efect. Just like you told me. Sit with them, ask them why they buy the food they know you can't resist, why can't they just stop buying it. Try to stick to the facts.
Obviously, this is a sensitive topic so maybe for various reasons you can't do the above. Sometimes it helps to remind yourself that since the day your mother brought you to this world, your parents' influence on you is gradually decreasing and one day in future you will wake up completely independent on them. Their opinions won't matter. This painful chapter of your life will come to it's end one day and new, more free and beautiful chapter when you will be able to be yourself without feeling any kind of pressure or guilt will begin.
And I can guarantee that. It took a very long time but at one point, my mom's opinions on my body or fashion or likes and dislikes, stopped to matter for me. At one point I realized that my life and my body are mine and mine only and she has no right to tell what to do with them. She can make suggestions, sure (and some were pretty nasty), but I'm not obliged to obey.
Don't let your parents being miserable at their parenting job ruin your life. You are better than that. Stronger than that. More beautiful than that. Whenever you start feeling bad about what they say, just remind yourself that their opinions are their opinions but they don't have to matter for you. They don't you inside out. They never did. You know who you are, who you want to be. They only see a little fraction of your whole beautiful self and they can't even appreciate it. Why should you care and hurt over words somebody like that says?
Parents are often connected to us through blood but that's so little! They often don't know us, the true us. They are basically like strangers. And would you care what some weird stranger say about you? You wouldn't, of course because strangers have no real impact on your life.
I'm not sure if I'm making real sense here but hopefully you can find bits and pieces of useful information in this. 😊
So yeah! I don't mind vents. I'm like a teflon pan - other people's emotions slide off of me and I can stay impartial and rational about their issues. And don't feel stressed by their problems. 😊
I hope you can feel better soon. And even a bit better tomorrow and the day after that. Remember that this period of your life is not forever. You will feel good in your body. And people will love you for who you are. Our bodies grow old and decay eventually. It's our personality that leaves a print in other people's memory and heart. 😊
So! Aspire to be a good person and comfortable yourself, not to make your parents happy. Especially when they clearly are not so good themselves. And you will never make them happy, by the way. No matter how hard you try, they will always find something to shame. It's a waste of time. Invest your energy into making yourself happy. The results there are guaranteed. 😁
Okay! I think this is long enough.
Feel free to talk to me anytime.
Kleo 🦄
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gyubby99 · 6 months
@disneyanddisneyships Sharing this list in honor of Canon Alistar's choice to stop baing shitty
Why I hate C*non Alistar
1. Bodyshamer
2. Ugly as hell
3. He's a guy obviously
4. Doesn't understand what "no" means
5. Would not hesitate to hit a girl
6. He's not Elias
7. He's not Loreley either
8. He reminds me of Hans
9. Willing to fight a girl
10. I dislike the king but he kidnapped him
12. He kidnapped Emilia. A literal child.
13. He captured the man he will never be; Elias.
14. He hit Ella.
15. He started a freaking war because he couldn't take rejection
16. He exists.
17. His people killed some of Ella's INNOCENT people.
18. Called Ella a fat ugly pig (wich she is not)
19. He killed Elias
18. He threatened his own people into fighting against Ella's. Sick person. Fuck you.
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avionvadion · 3 years
Age gaps are fine. Not when the age gap includes a minor.
My biological parents are the same age- born in the same year, and are a month apart. My step mother met my father several years after the divorce (I was, what, four or five? I was supposed to be a save the marriage baby but they divorced anyway) by some online video chatting thingy, and when it became clear she wasn’t trying to scam him for money he flew over to the Philippines to meet her. She came over to America and got married when I was seven.
Currently, my dad is like 53 and she’s 37. So that’s... some big age gaping right there, though not as bad as my mom and stepdad. She’s 53 and he’s... either in his seventies or eighties??? I’m not close with him, I actually find it somewhat disturbing, but I love my mom and they’re grown ass adults so I’m respecting her choice. If she’s happy I’m happy, and he’s nice to her so! That’s a thing.
Both those couple have about a 20 or so year age gap. Sounds a little disturbing when said out like that, but when you say the ages themselves? 37-53 and 53-70(??) It’s not so bad. Why? Because they’re adults. Mature adults- three of which are in their second round of the marriage game.
But to explain my point, because they’re all adults the 20-ish age gap isn’t bad. If they had been YOUNGER when they met and/or got together, however...
17-33 and 13-30.
Ya’ll see the problem? That’s when the age gap is problematic. That’s when it’s gross and very much not okay. And that’s what the nasties don’t understand.
So here we go again:
Sango is 17.
Miroku is 18.
Kagome is 15.
Inuyasha is mentally/biologically 15.
Sesshomaru is mentally/biologically 19.
Rin is 8.
It’s so freaking obvious at this point. There shouldn’t even be anything to discuss. Her official art literally PAINTS her as a child in Trashahime. Like- okay, nasties.
Ya’ll wanna talk about short women? Specifically, short Asian women? Let’s fucking go. I’m 5’3 and white as hell. My step mother is a 4’11 Filipino woman. KAGOME IS A SHORT FICTIONAL JAPANESE WOMAN STANDING AT A WHOPPING 5’2.
Rin don’t even reach Kagome’s shoulders. This is a freaking child. She speaks like a child, acts like a child, and looks like a child. She’s not short because she’s Asian or because she’s meant to be a short woman; she’s short because she’s a freaking child. She has no bodily proportions a woman should have, short or otherwise.
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This isn’t even the body of a woman who is flat chested. It’s just a child. Towa and Setsuna has more bust than her and- they’re also children?? And older than her in appearance??? Moroha is flat chested too, and is the only one who even comes close in age and appearance to this picture of Rin. You nasties wanna talk about historical accuracy? Okay, let’s go.
It is historically known that a child can not consent.
A child can not give birth to twins (who she would have had prematurely because twins take too much space on a womb) and survive.
Rin would be dead. She would have bled out from the process and died. Adding to the fact that she was a child who hasn’t developed properly, Rin probably wouldn’t have even lasted half the pregnancy time before going into early labor.
As such, Towa and Setsuna would also have died. Your precious child queen and her twins would have died, and it would have been your even more precious Pedomaru’s fault because
1) He got a child pregnant. 👏
2) He got a child pregnant knowing a child can not consent. 👏
3) He got a child pregnant knowing a child can not consent and would not be able to carry the offspring to term. 👏
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deansblorbo · 2 years
God I hate myself so much
(Pls do ignore if Im annoying because it’s just my rambling here)
#something I absolutely hate about my body is when I gain a little weight it shows somuch on my face and chin#im trying so much to lose weight and this one doesn’t just go away#and that’s my biggest insecurity#and along with all this my mom bodyshames me almost on a daily basis#she goes on about how horrible I look and How no one is gonna like me with this body#Like please I’m trying so hard to fit in with everyone else and after hearing all these I barely feel like seeing people#and when people look at me I automatically assume that it’s because they’re judging me based on how I look#Sometimes I feel like literally chopping up and burn myself down so that everything will just end with that#now I’m just used to hearing all this but sometimes when you’re in that mood when just wanna hear something nice and have to hear stuff#like this it really hurts you know#and sometimes even my relatives does this#One day there was this family reunion and somehow the topic changed to marriage#and my cousin told to me like...”it would be really hard for someone to love you in a marital relationship” because I’m overweight#i tried so hard to stop myself from crying there and something that hurt me more washow my mom didn’t say anything when he said that#Like if I have a child and someone says something like this to them I would never tolerate that#I try so much to make myself look more confident so that people will like me#but I feel like I’m failing at that too now#Gosh I’m so sorry I just kept on rambling#im not feeling in the best state rn :(
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sunootonin · 2 years
i am officially done with the kpop Fandom.
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you are actually sick in the head if you think this is "fat". I've seen so many comments under jiwoo's fancams of people calling her pig and saying that she'd be prettier if she lost weight. YOU ARE TALKING ABOUT A MINOR WHOS 16 FUCKING YEARS OLD! SHES A FUCKING KID!! WTF IS WRONG WITH YOU??
jiwoo has a very prevalent rectangle or pear shaped body. I'd say she leans more to the rectangular side. but nevertheless her body is gorgeous. YOU are just used to seeing idols with inverted triangle/ pear or hourglass shaped bodies who are extremely lean which is again NOT A BAD THING . jiwoo doesn't need to lose weight for anyone. it is actually so refreshing to see some body shape diversity in media and i was beyond happy to see jiwoo with her NATURAL and healthy body, debuting. I will not have shallow thick minded assholes body shame this literal child into losing weight and thinking she's not pretty enough because she literally is. Jiwoo doesn't need to lose weight for anyone. She is stunning as she is and no it is not how the industry is or should be and it is not her job. As an idol, her only job is to be a good performer. She is an outstanding dancer with good vocals and amazing stage presence. THAT IS ENOUGH FOR HER TO BE AN IDOL. no matter how much weight she looses she is still not going to have a defined waist line like you want her to because that is NOT her body type and THAT IS OKAY. SHE IS STUNNING. heck i literally hate nmixx's debut but I will not sit here and let you guys bully a fucking child.
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honeybeanboo · 3 years
genshin boys with eating disorders : pt. 1
DISCLAIMER: okay first off! i have an eating disorder and i wondered what my favorite characters would be like in my situation! i am not pro-ed whether it be BED, ednos or anorexia or others. i'm using this for comfort and please do not use this post to further your own disorder!
albedo ✔
bennet ✔
chongyun ✔
diluc ✔
eating disorders, mental health challenges, bodyshaming, dysphoria, self harm, fatphobia
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┅ albedo ┅
❂ restrictive eating disorder
❂ started + time had: before the traveller arrived, he's had it for a year or so
❂ who knows: sucrose suspects although doesn't hasn't told anyone yet
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the nature of albedo's ed is forgetfulness and recording
he works in his camp all day, at his desk, doing experiments which in itself takes up a ton of his time! what started the behaviors was simply overworking himself and to the point where he was almost getting sick [ :( albedo ] the alchemist would forget to eat, multiple meals a day he would skip, chemicals in the vicinity making it unpleasant to eat, so he would opt for nothing at all
albedo doesn't recognize what he's doing as an eating disorder, he pushes the thoughts away when they remind him of what he's doing and that it's wrong,,, over time, he would end up having a small breakfast and wouldn't eat until dinner, subconsciously slipping into a routine and writing down each meal he would have, taking care to never fill more than half his note-page
chemicals in his lab constantly are bubbling and changing, so even when he decides to eat, they interrupt him and he constantly leaves unfinished food on his desk for sucrose to find later and wonder why he always leaves it there
- has always been secluded but avoids mondstat more and more, sending sucrose into town for errands and stays in dragonspine to do experiments -- this leads to never getting new clothes and in turn, him working to stay in the clothes he has
- denies everything if mentioned, seems confused at the mention
- very protective of his notebook
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┅ bennett ┅
❂ restrictive eating disorder
❂ started + time had: around the time he became friends with razor and met fischl - around 6 months
❂ who knows: fischl definitely knows but chooses not to say anything due to how bad she is with talking about feelings :(
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the nature of bennett's ed is dysphoria and responsibility
as we all know, bennett has always had horribly bad luck and although he doesn't know it, a lot of people admire him for his perseverance, albeit avoiding his company
he almost always finds a way to overcome the overwhelming hopelessness and guilt of always relying on other people for help and bringing them down with him, but as he enters his 15th year, it gets too much :(
when he met razor, and befriended him, the boy was something of a miracle, he stuck around, he helped bennett and taught him survival tactics :D he was bennett's best friend but bennett felt so incredibly guilty about relying on him for protection, friendship, and good food, he began to turn it away and began to disappear without warning to neither fischl or razor
he would go out adventuring, trying to bring back things to cook for lisa, for razor, for fischl, for kaeya, for diona, he felt like a burden and gave back as much as he could to make up for the consequences his company brought
≡ trans bennet headcanon: he's always been told he's small and thin by his dads, even before transition, so after he began to do more physical activity and bulked up a bit, it weighed on his mind
- dysphoria plays a lot into bennett's ed, not wanting to fill out the curves he always hated
- after a particularly bad batch of eggs he had cooked up, he threw up in the cat's tail's bathroom and that in turn started a small purge cycle before someone in town noticed and took his to the doctor which scared him enough to make him stop
bennett i will just sob and cry on the floor
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┅ chongyun ┅
❂ restrictive / purging eating disorder [overeating in beginning]
❂ started + time had: started during his intense studying period for his exorcisms (can't remember the specific method he mentions) - around 2 years
❂ who knows: no one, although an older woman that works at Wanmin Restaurant is worried about him
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the nature of chongyun's ed is control and work
chongyun has always been unstable, whether it be physically or emotionally, due to his build-up of ying energy, so it's no surprise when he bubbles over during the crunch of studying. his teacher pushed him harder and harder each lesson and the things he had to do to keep his stirrings in check weren't the healthiest, one of which was eating specific foods in excess
he bubbled over one day and had a full on mental breakdown, but with his family not near the place he took lessons, he turned to the thing he thought was making his ying energy multiply, not the workload but instead the food
the exorcist's disorder waned off when he met xingqiu, it being the happiest time in his life, a friend to talk to about practically everything, but then when his exorcisms began to only cause distress to the people he thought they would help, his energy became too much and he began purging, which helped enough for him to continue [ :( i'm so sad ] the popsicles help to calm his stomach after a purge and he came up with a low cal recipe to eat tons of
- the calories didn't matter much to him, but xingqiu was very into numbers as well as books, so it began to weigh on him
- he passed off any bad mood as just tiredness from his work
- xingqiu, my man i love him but he's completely oblivious although slightly worried about "burnout" for his friend
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┅ diluc ┅
❂ restrictive eating disorder
❂ started + time had: around when him and kaeya were fighting, like really fighting and he hurt him badly - 3 years
❂ who knows: a lot of people suspect, but either dismiss it, or are too scared to confront him due to his intimidating nature T-T
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥
the nature of diluc's ed is discipline and control
diluc tends to be very critical of himself and very hard on himself, which you may not know just from talking to him, or even from being a friend of his, as he tends to keep a lot of stuff to himself - if he makes a mistake, he takes all measures to make sure it doesn't happen again
when he and kaeya were fighting and things got violent, he burnt him quite badly right on his eye which is the reason why the captain wears his eyepatch - this scarred the brothers' relationship badly and diluc quite took literally took those scars unto himself,,, he would let himself be burned easily by his elemental powers, constantly feeling the immense guilt of their tension :[ he healed easily, but would do it again and again
although kaeya forgives him, diluc continues to remind himself every so often that he is the reason for problems, taking the responsibility to fix them, even though they may not even be his! he acts alone and aloofly even when the other person doesn't blame him in the slightest [ TT ]
diluc doesn't drink, he doesn't want to lose control, he never wants to loose control, which is why people almost never see him eat
he eats in small portions and toughs it out, disciplining himself, trying to prove himself worthy to no one but himself
- people have offhandedly mentioned that the bartender never seems to eat or drink - "hardly seems human sometimes"
- when he was caught by the traveler being the darknight hero, this worsened this "discipline" for himself, the man not thinking himself worthy if he was defeated so easily
and that's part 1! i'll make a part two soon because this is really fun and i really enjoy making these- i will include a more wide range of eds in the second part which will be kazuha, kaeya, razor, and childe
bennett's really made me sad dang
anyway bye!
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I agree with you. I wish we could have stopped them but the things have escalated and we can't do anything about it. Even Scs fans are afraid to call them out and you are right, they do come in numbers and attack whoever says anything against them. They refuse to see how problematic their tweets are!! And even if someone point it out to them all they do is bully those people..
I joined this Fandom 2 yrs back and that time I have never seen anything related to Meltie. Sure Fandom talks about their on screen chemistry but that's it. But lately I was really shocked to see so many people shipping them together ignoring the fact that Melissa is married. And they constantly post out of context SDCC 2019 videos and I don't know about others it makes me really so uncomfortable. I was so shocked when I came across a tweet about Hux*** and I think you shared that in your Tumblr. I asked one of my mutual who is actually friends with those ppl who ships meltie, told them its creepy and they just asked me to ignore it 🤐
I don't know how someone can ignore those kind of tweets. I don't have many followers, just a small account so I know my efforts are futile and few others Scs ignored me when I sent them messages. So I gave up. I just muted all those accounts. Trust me it's not one or two accounts, it's 200 accounts. When I saw your Tumblr post I hoped that now they will stop shipping Me**** but nope, the amount of tweets only Increaaed so I just keep on muting those accounts. I really don't want to be bullied. It's really painful to be called weirdo, homophobe (when I am a lesbian) and other names.
I agree they are hypocrites. I have seen so many Scs often call out your fandoms behavior towards Melissa & Chris marriage, their child. But that's what Me**** is doing right now. They are being invasive and are disrespecting Melissa's private life, using her child.
Only SC fans with big followers can stop their weird behavior but they are keeping their mouth shut. Frankly I understood recently that they really don't care about Melissa and refuse to accept her as the person she is, and are converting her into a person to fit their narrative. And what scares me is that they are dragging other teenagers into their mess who think its cool to ship them for real.
I am glad Supergirl is ending soon. And no way I encourage any sort of bullying against the actor/actress. I do agree that Chris receives a lot of unnecessary hate. It's fine if they don't like him but there is no need to mock, bodyshame him repeatedly!! If you don't like him. Fine, forget about him. Stop talking about him. Stop protecting your hate on him because Melissa isn't with Katie.
I think they know how problematic they are and they are proud of it. They use it as a sword, because who is going to call them out, when everybody knows it’s an invitation to being called the worst names you can imagine?
I don’t remember when melties started to rise, I think quite early, for sure I have seen shit around SDC17, but for some time they kept they shit under the radar.
The problem is that a lot of the bullies are big accounts OR their side accounts are big (for example, making gifs, posting pics etc.) and even when people scream they don’t follow RedKrypto and she is bad blah blah, they follow redgifs and they don’t see a problem. Also… sometimes I have an impression that a lot of people don’t call out the bullies because well, they silently approve what they have doing aka scaring other shippers out of social media and making them silent – it’s not an observation about only SC fandom but many more. It’s the “let’s keep silent and see how the nasty guys take care of the other fandoms ;3”.
Nah, they are not going to stop and my posts are not going to make them (I post this shit in one place only to have an easy and quick access to receipts when I need evidences while arguing with them).
Sorry to hear you were called like that, I can tell you I feel you. My asexual ass is constantly called straight by them, along with the normal homophobe, women hater, racist etc. Just think about it like that – the way they call you like that, while they don’t know a shit about you, says a lot about them, not about you. Also, remember your mental health is more important than the idiots, so if it helps, block them and sail away.
The fact is there are weird people in our fandom too and some folks should take a literal CHILL pill. It’s ok to root for a couple, even real life couple, but the moment you start demanding things and be creepy is the time to take a step back.
I mean, big sc accounts would help for sure. At least maybe some of their followers would at least think about the issue. Also, the fact is the only person who could make things much better, not only in this case but also about the cast hate and some actors receiving death threats, stays silent too.
Yeah, we talked about it a lot here and the conclusion is the idiots treat Melissa like a Barbie doll and projects their fantasies on her. Basically, she is not a real person for them, but objectified piece of meat.
I mean, if they call themselves Mel’s fan then at least they should simply ignore him. They don’t need to like him, they don’t need to respect him, but he is Melissa’s choice. She chose this man to spent her life with and have a baby. What they do with their hate is basically saying she is incapable of making healthy decisions and creating healthy relationship. What is absolutely disgusting.
Anyway, it’s an neverending topic to talk about.
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justzawe · 3 years
"Hayley Atwell being their fave because she has big tits." It's creepy when fans act like they know what a guy wants from his so. Chris Evans fanbase likes bodyshaming his exes for not having huge butts bc he joked about being a butt guy once. (And ofc they like Hayley Atwell, poster child of White Feminism. When fans pointed out the lack of diversity in her show she dismissed it as whining and she told poc to wait for their turn so of course she's perfect for a certain corner of TH fanbase)
So many of these women have “pick me” mentalities.
I’ll never forget someone showing me that anons were sending in their body stats to ZFC, and she would tell them if she thought Tom would fuck them or not. Not only is that wild, but it was sad to me that these women were putting so much of their self worth into whether this literal stranger would find them attractive.
And wow, I didn’t know that about HA
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You have the gall to talk about harassment? How do you live with yourself tinhat when every single day you harass a child, document his every breath and examine his face, harass all the people whom Louis and Harry love, bodyshame their girlfriends? Larries being the horrible hypocrites who dare talk about harassment and play victim when every single one of you engaged in the conspiracy harassed people and support those whom harassed them for over a decade now.
lot to unpack but I'm done with classes so let's fucking go.
a) none of us "harrass" any child. you are the ones making endless fanpages and fucking weird edits of louis swapping faces of every kid he meets with the child's face. HE'S FUCKING FIVE YEARS OLD and his face is plastered across all tabloids.
b) addressing face-tuning and implants or whatever people do to themselves is not bodyshaming. Nobody fucking cares it's the truth, like it or not. You are the ones giving it a negative image and adding on to the shaming of people who get implants. You've got to be kidding yourself if you're saying they don't get implants. she literally got fucking sued over it.
c) Harass people harry and louis love? like who? we're not the ones commenting absolute filth referencing a disgusting fic which romanticizes mafia, violence and mental health problems on the posts of Louis' underage sisters. but daytona baby am i right?
d) and YOU have the gall to talk about harrassment after you've actively sent death threats, doxxed people and chased people out of the fandom??? you feel entitled to talk about "harrassment" of a bunch of people who are remotely related to harry and louis, and yet here you are harrassing people for no fucking reason.
e) it's a conspiracy you say? then leave it be. "tinhats" or whatever you say are always proved wrong if it's truly a conspiracy. they're not furthur used to hint at the theory. (show me your fucking socks or screenshots of defenceless on Spotify on walls anniversary)
I'd rather apologise for being wrong rather than regret not catching these fairly obvious hints from people i deeply care about. Fuck you.
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weeklyella · 3 years
The topic about unrealistic body image on the internet and the way it affects the younger generation has been discussed probably about hundred times. Bullying people nowadays is considered something normal and those who are being bullied have ti ‘just deal with it’. It’s not normal to expect from a child to accept being called ugly or fat.
Recently I noticed that this habit of bodyshaming people online has turned around. It’s a small turn but at least it’s something. There is a trend on Tiktok that literally shows everything that is hiding behind the camera and how bodies, faces and hairstyles really look like. The trend is called “A quick reminder that not everything you see on the internet is real”. The video is usually 10 seconds long and in the first 5 seconds the tiktoker looks really good and then in the second part of the video he or she shows how lighting and posing can change your whole appearance. When I first saw a video like this I was really shocked from the comment section and how positive were people about this trend. There were haters, of course. There are always haters but overall people loved the video. I loved it too. A few days later a started seeing stuff like this all over Instagram too. Boys and girls were doing it and they were all being completely honest about their make up, clothes, hair.
I started thinking about how most parents don’t let their kids browse on the Internet too much or have a Facebook account. I don’t really know what are they protecting the child from but in my opinion bullies and unrealistic body image are dangerous stuff too. Both of these can influence a young person’s confidence without a reason. In stead of hiding all the platforms, we can just make them a better place and a little bit more friendly.
These Tiktok videos really gave me hope about the app and the internet overall. Of course, there are good and positive people online but when something becomes a trend it’s more likely to reach a lot of people and make them do the same. Not to bully themselves. But to show what a real body looks like. To show that there is no such thing as studio lights whenever you go or a perfect outfit that stays perfect no matter what. We all want to have pretty pictures in our profiles because we want to remember the pretty moments or we just want people to like us. In order to achieve both of these things we forgot what the real world look like and how the real world is SUPPOSED to look like.
The trend also made me this of one of my favourite episodes of Black Mirror. For those who don’t know, Black Mirror is a series in Netflix that shows the future live on earth and how technology affected it. The episode I thought about is the first one from season 3. The storyline is about “an insecure office worker living in a smiley, status-obsessed, nightmare finds a way to join an old friend as one of society's elites”(Wikipedia). The world that the characters live in didn’t look much different from ours. People wanted other people to like them. They literally had a score above their heads. When you think about it we all have a ‘score’ based on our social media accounts. Fake smiles, sucking our stomach, expensive make up, perfect hair or the perfect couple. Nobody shows the not so perfect stuff I don’t understand why. We all have them and yet everyone is acting like they don’t exist. In the end of the episode the main character, who was played by Bryce Dallas Howard, goes insane and end in prison for not having enough likes. We haven’t gotten that far but we are pretty close. Some people really feel that they are in prison, not able to express their passion and show who they are because they won’t be rated with five stars.
We need to learn how to use the Internet and show ourselves some self love. The platforms are for sharing content, talent, pictures of tour dog or your baby. They are not for shaming and bullying people for who they are.
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cereul · 3 years
felt bad because i saw my parents for the first time in a while yesterday, but only for a couple hours because i had to drive back before it got too dark, and they had just come back from visiting my brother who lives kinda far. they were upset because he yelled at them a lot while they were there and he had serious road rage but it was because he's been regularly starving himself so he was hungry, and i was like it sounds like he has an eating disorder guys... but my mom is focusing on how his gf is gonna leave him when she sees how angry he gets when he's hungry and i was like holy shit can you shut up. literally how can you say that about your son. so i try to explain hey i think he needs help that sounds like an ed. and theyre like omg why does he think that way. and im like because you guys have been bodyshaming him since he was a kid. and they were SO appalled that id say that they were like huh?? no we didnt??? we never did??? and i told them no you did because you did the same to me and they got so upset and my mom was going "oh okay so its all MY fault then. thats what you basically just said. thats just not true anak i know it isnt" and i said it doesnt matter if you dont think that because kuya thinks that and thats his reality. i left later and i had such a sour taste in my mouth that we kinda fought about that but also hugely upset that my parents were more concerned about his fucking gf leaving him and how they played a role in shaping their childs mindset than the fact that he has a serious problem. like??? of fucking course you guys shaped his mindset??? youre his parents???? and i wanted to comfort them and be like ik you guys didnt do this on purpose or whatever but then i was like. nvm my parents dont need comfort if they really think they arent the reason my eldest brother is so fucked up
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