#she is the hive queen. she is girl. she is boss.
worldwhampion · 7 months
Trick or treat!
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familyvideostevie · 2 years
𝕟𝕠 𝕘𝕠𝕠𝕕 𝕒𝕥 𝕨𝕒𝕚𝕥𝕚𝕟𝕘: 𝕤𝕖𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕞𝕓𝕖𝕣
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a farmer's market steve harrington x reader au part 1 [7.2k] | part 2 [8.3k] | part 3 [13.3k] | part 4 [4.6k] | au masterlist
You haven't called home in two weeks. But then again, no one has tried to reach you, either. It took one to drive here and the other you’ve spent settling in. The main house is quiet most of the time, except when Bob turns up the radio as he cleans. If you try really hard you think you can hear the gentle hum of the hives, a soothing buzz that never ceases. Bees are like that: always working, always caring for their queen. Never unsatisfied to do so forever.
"It must be nice," you'd said to Bob when he showed you a piece of comb for the first time. The beekeepers at New-Bee's farm only wear netting on their faces, which made you only a little bit nervous but you'd pushed it down.
"What do you mean?" your new boss asked you.
"To know what your life means," you said softly. A single worker bee crawled onto your hand to explore. Her tiny legs tickled a little. "To know how you're supposed to spend it." Bob gently clapped a hand on your shoulder and smiled at you.
"I think you're going to learn a lot from the bees while you're here. And from this town. If you want to."
And right now you're wondering if you want to. If this hadn't been a huge mistake -- snatching at the vague opportunity your parents had presented after you dropped out of college. To work at and live on a bee farm in Hawkins, Indiana owned by a college friend. To help out for the last few months at the local farmer's market. To see if you can figure out what's next before the goodwill of everyone around you wears out.
It's still a little warm for September. You and Bob had been a bit red-faced unloading the beeswax candles, soaps, and jars of honey onto the wooden stand you're running. You'd reassured him you could handle selling by yourself until he came back to help you pack up when the market ends at 2 pm. The other stands are looking thinly staffed -- school starting has taken away most of the summer hires -- and you see plenty of people your age. A boy with a tangle of long hair and a black bandana around his neck is organizing mushrooms a few stalls over while laughing at something the tiny woman you know to be Joyce Byers says to him. She's got a clipboard in hand and looks very serious. A pretty girl in a Hawkins Band shirt sporting a backwards baseball cap is bickering with another boy whose back is turned to you, but you can see the work gloves tucked into the back pocket of his jeans, his arms straining against his t-shirt as he gesticulates wildly.
You sigh and yawn, checking your watch. 8:50 am. Market opens in ten minutes, and you can already see people milling around on the surrounding sidewalk. It's going to be a long day.
"Hello? Anybody home?" You startle out of your stupor to see the boy with the gloves standing in front of you. He's alarmingly pretty -- messy hair and cheeks dotted with faint freckles, chewed lips pouted as he looks at you with annoyed eyes. His baseball shirt is tucked into his jeans and the gloves are in one hand now, a hand he's settled on his hip like he's about to chastise you.
His name tag is crooked.  It reads Sara's Farm: Steve.
"Hi," you say, a bit dazed. "Can I...help you?"
"Who are you? Where's Melanie?" He sounds impatient and almost rude, glancing over his shoulder as if checking for someone.
"Uh," you point to your own name tag to answer his first question, wondering if he actually cares about the second. "She's back at field hockey. So can I help you...Steve?"
He starts at the sound of his own name before his brows narrow again. He seems to have a very quick conversation with himself before he leans on your stall, his demeanor changing completely.
"Well, she put aside some candles for me. Any chance you can hand 'em over?" It's almost like he's flirting with you, but he's still glancing over his shoulder, his fingers tapping on the wood betraying his impatience. Maybe he's buying them for the girl he was talking to earlier.
"I'm really sorry," you say, bending down to check the crates of glass jars. "I don't know anything about that." You hate to disappoint this cute boy on your first meeting, even if he's not exactly charming you.
He sighs and rubs his free hand over his face. "Look," he says. "Are you sure? You're new, so maybe you just didn't see them, or maybe you're not looking in the right place--"
"Do you want to do my job for me?" you snap. It doesn't feel like he's being rude on purpose, but you're bristling. This is your stall and yes, you're new, but you know what you're doing. Steve throws up his hands and backs away a little.
"No," he mutters. "Sorry. I'll just -- come back later." He turns away without another word and you feel your mouth twist into a frown. Hopefully not everyone is as sour as this guy.
"Harrington, be nice to the new girl!" calls a rough voice. "Don't mind him, he's not usually such a sourpuss." It's the long-haired boy by the mushroom stand. He waves.
"Fuck off, Munson!" Steve sends his middle finger in that general direction and does not look at you.
"Christ," you mutter. But you can't think about it for long, as Joyce unties the thin rope at the entrance and townspeople spill into the square.
It's not a hard job, not really. And you do like talking to people -- hearing about how much they love Bob, love the candles. How they use the honey in their tea or to fend off seasonal allergies. It's nice to have people smile at you, to have their hands brush yours as you take their change. It makes you feel lighter, makes you feel needed. Most people are charmed by your newness, giving recommendations of local businesses to check out and asking you how you like Hawkins, their Midwest kindness making your cheeks ache.
The morning rush dies down a little around 11:30, so you resolve to look for those stupid candles again. Because no matter how unpleasant this Steve Harrington might be, you don't like that he thinks you're bad at your job. And he looked pretty anxious to get his hands on those candles. You search every crate for anything with his name on it until you finally find a small parcel tied with twine and labeled "SH."
"You're welcome," you mutter. A glance at the stalls around you proves fruitful as you get a glimpse of Steve for the first time since this morning. He's standing close to the mushroom stall whispering furiously to the same girl from earlier. You slide out from behind New-Bee's and trot over to where they're standing, parcel in hand.
"She couldn't find the...uh...stuff I ordered weeks ago, Robin. I mean, keeping track of stock isn't hard. I don't know where she came from anyway. Maybe she'll be gone once Bob realizes she's losing stuff like an idiot." The girl -- Robin -- has the decency to grimace when she catches sight of you. You're tempted to drop his candles on the ground right then and there, but you instead put on a smile that your mother once called "extremely unsettling."
"Steve," you say loudly, putting a hand on his shoulder. He's warm through the fabric. He turns, eyes wide. A flush spreads across his cheekbones.
"I found your things." You make sure to keep your voice sticky sweet. "So sorry it took so long. I'm just so new and stupid." You shove the parcel into his hands, leaning into his space. His pupils dilate and he smells a little like sweat, a little like apples. "You don't know a thing about me," you hiss, "so I think you should go fuck yourself." You flash your teeth at him and turn on your heel. Robin bursts into laughter but you don't look back. Your fingers tingle and Steve's scent fills your nostrils. Why are you getting so worked up over a random boy?
Maybe because you're staring down the barrel of three Saturdays of farmer's markets and you've already made an enemy.
By 1 pm you are very hungry.
"Damn," you say to yourself. You'll have to bring a snack next time.
But then, as if by magic, a girl appears in front of the stand. She's young, probably high school-aged, with long hair pulled back in a ponytail. She sports a Sara's Farm name tag that reads Jane.
"Hi," she says. Her eye contact is intense immediately, but something about her makes you smile, even if she works with Steve.
"Hi," you echo. She holds out a brown paper bag. You raise your eyebrows but reach out to take it from her. "Thanks?"
"My dad told me to welcome you," she says. "It's just an apple and a scone we made this morning. I figured you forgot your lunch. Eddie always does." You must look confused at her name dropping, so she points to the mushroom stand first, and then to the white tents where Steve had disappeared earlier. "Eddie. And my dad's farm."
Your chest is doing something messy as you take in that this girl has brought you food. "Thank you," you say, softer this time. She beams at you.
"Was Steve mean earlier?" You open the bag and pull out a gorgeous red apple rather than answer. She huffs. "He's been so rude this week. I think it's because he doesn't know what to get Robin for her birthday." Girlfriend, maybe?
"Candles," you mutter. He must have bought the candles in advance for her. It doesn't make you like him anymore, but it makes you see why he was a little desperate. But he didn’t have to call you stupid.
"So, who are you? Why are you in Hawkins?" the girl asks. You point to your name tag for the second time today. "Oh!" she says, just realizing that she never introduced herself. "I'm Jane, but you can call me El."
"Hi, El." Her question doesn't carry any accusation like Steve's had. She’s genuinely curious with a child-like kindness that makes you want to hug her. "I don’t have a fun story or anything. I didn't want to be where I was, so I thought I'd try somewhere new." You shrug and take a bite of the apple. It's crisp and fresh.
"Maybe you can start making one now that you're here."
"Making what?" You wipe juice from your chin.
"A story."
You realize very quickly that you don't have much to do to fill the week. Bob insists that you take a while to settle in before helping out around New-Bee's and he gives you the keys to one of the farm pickup trucks to explore whenever you want. But most of your days during the week are spent wandering the property or taking as long as possible to buy groceries with the money you're being paid -- money that you feel a bit strange taking, considering you're living in Bob's house and only working here because he knows your parents.
But goodwill is goodwill, you suppose. By Wednesday you've made two different kinds of muffins and one loaf of banana bread with a cookbook tucked away on a shelf.
"Not that I'm complaining, but I think it might be good for you to go into town," Bob says through a mouth full of the latter. "Go for a walk in the square. Go to the library! Maybe you'll see some of the kids your age who aren't in school." You smile thinly at him as he whistles his way to the hives. He's being kinder than you deserve, like a cool uncle or something. No one else who works on the property really talks to you.
"The library," you mutter. You could do with something to read. Or at least another place to sit and waste time. You scowl at the idea that you'll run into some other "kids your age" if their name is Steve Harrington, but it's worth the risk because you're so bored.
The parking lot is empty except for some bikes in the bike rack when you arrive. The truck sputters a little when you put it in park and you hop down into a fairly nice day. The chill has finally started to set into Hawkins, the sky a mess of fluffy white clouds and enough sunshine that you shade your eyes.
The front desk is deserted when you go inside. There's a small bell on the dark wood that is begging to be pushed and your hand is midair when a voice comes from your left.
"That never does anything," it says. You turn and see the girl from the market -- Robin -- with a stack of books in her arms. One of them teeters off of the top and you surge forward without thinking to grab it so it doesn't fall. She beams at you. You want to smile back but remember that she's maybe Steve's girlfriend and probably remembers how rude you were on Saturday so you step back quickly, clutching the hardcover. History of Art, it reads.
"Sorry," Robin says. "I've been walking around with all of these trying to find someone to check them out for like, 20 minutes but this place is a ghost town." She plunks her stack on the front desk with a sound far too loud for a library but no one shows up.
"We didn't officially meet," you say, biting the bullet. Steve Harrington be damned, you will not be known as the rude new girl in town. Even to your apparent nemesis's girlfriend. "You're Robin, right? And uh, you might have seen me at the farmer's market? I'm--"
"Oh, I know your name!" She says it with such warmth that you feel the corner of your mouth lift. "How could I forget? You burned Steve better than I could ever hope to. Seeing pretty girls be mean to him is like, the best thing ever."
You can't tamp down your confusion in time and Robin clocks it. Her eyes widen and her mouth forms an "o" before she bursts into laughter. Not just a chuckle, either. She's bent over, hands on her knees, shaking.
"Sorry," you say. This is the loudest you've ever been in a library in your life. "I think I'm a little lost." She straightens and runs a hand through her bob.
"You probably thought I was his girlfriend, right? Everyone does at first." You tap your fingers on the front desk and chew on your lip, nodding.
"I mean, he was buying stuff for you when we met." When he was rude, you don't say, but Robin picks up on the way your shoulders tense because she sighs.
"Yeah, he told me all about that. And he deserved the telling off you gave him!" Robin rings the bell just once, almost absentmindedly. "I feel like I need to apologize for him but he obviously should do that himself."
You huff. "Yeah, well. It's fine if he never does. We don't need to be friends." The thought causes a pang in your chest that you don't totally understand -- maybe it's because this lovely, kind girl is friends with him and that makes you yearn for companionship, too. Maybe it's because when you saw him for the first time you couldn't look away.
"He's a good guy," Robin hedges. "I met him when I started working at Sara's in high school and he's been there like, forever. He worked the market in the summer and then Hopper -- the guy who owns it -- took him on full time after graduation and he moved onto the property. Which is a pretty sweet gig if you ask me because he doesn't have to pay rent and he gets to like, be outside all the time." She sighs, examining her nails as she keeps talking. "I don't know how much you know about the whole thing, since this is your first time here. I mean, we all know about you because Bob told us you were coming and all that. But most of us do summers at the market growing up and maybe a little after when we can. It's just part of the town, part of our lives. Everyone there has a story, you know? And for Steve, the market and Sara's are like, his things." She seems to want to say more but stops herself. "Sorry," she says, a little sheepishly. "I talk a lot."
It must be nice to have a tether like that, you think. To have a place to gather, to know that you can always come back to. Your chest aches again and you blink rapidly, trying to think of something else to talk about. "What are you here for?" you ask instead. Robin takes on your change of subject kindly.
"Gotta rent these for school." She pats the top of her stack of textbooks. "I'm in college nearby enough that I come home a lot. And I forgot to get everything on my course list in time so there aren't enough copies at school. I don't have class today and I drove back yesterday because it was my birthday and Steve threw this party for me and all that stuff, so." She shrugs like it's no big deal.
"Happy birthday," you tell her, and you mean it. She winks at you.
"Thanks for the candles," she says. You roll your eyes but huff out a laugh. "He's really not that great at gifts. Better at doing stuff, you know?" You nod. Robin cracks her knuckles and rings the bell one more time. A woman finally pops out from the hallway behind the front desk as if she's hearing it for the first time.
"Library card, Dolores," Robin says, jerking her head at you. "Then all of these for me." The woman doesn't say a word but holds her hand out for your driver's license, which you pass over.
"You were here first," you mutter.
"Yeah, but my best friend was a dick to you, so." She examines you for a long second and you want to squirm, but you meet her gaze. "You're not bad at your job," she says. "He'll get over himself, I promise. But I hope you like it here and I hope he didn't ruin my chances of becoming your friend."
"Here," the librarian says, shoving your license and a plastic card that says Hawkins Library under your nose. You take them from her as she starts to scan Robin's books.
"No late returns this time, Ms. Buckley," she says. Robin makes a face that says 'who, me’?
"See you on Saturday!" Her words echo behind you as you give her a little wave. Maybe you could be friends with her. And Steve, if he apologizes. And stops being such an asshole. And they're not dating, so Robin wouldn't have vouched for him unless she really meant it. How else are you going to spend the next few months? You can't sit in Bob's house every day. So maybe you need to suck it up and try harder this weekend, try to be nice. But something in you doesn't want to -- something that feels like Steve sees you as an outsider. As someone who doesn't belong at his market, this place that is clearly the center of the community. And the last thing you need is someone telling you that you're not welcome here.
You're so busy thing about Steve fucking Harrington that you don't realize until you're halfway back to the farm that you didn't even check out any books.
Unloading everything yourself for your second ever Hawkins Farmer's Market is probably not a good idea. But Bob was stressed this morning because a new queen was being introduced to one of the hives so you told him you had it covered. One box of honey and candles and soap is easy. But by box five? Holy shit, your arms hurt.
You're hauling your last box to your stall when you hear a low whistle from the Sara's Farm tent. You flick an errant piece of hair out of your eyes and glare in that direction only to find Steve Harrington with his arms crossed, frowning. He's in dark blue work pants today and a white shirt with a flannel pushed up to his elbows. And a stupid baseball cap on his head, backward.
"Have you been standing there this whole time?" Your voice is more disbelief than anger. But then he shrugs.
He takes a step forward. "Damn, why didn't you ask for help?" His hands form fists on his sleeves as he looks at all of the stock you've carried by yourself. It looks like his stand is all set up already.
"Don't you know how to put on a hat properly, Harrington?" you snarl, perhaps a bit harsher than you intended. Steve takes a step back and his eyes widen before he turns on his heel without so much as a wave.
You think about saying something else but it's then that you realize your stool is missing. And something in you deflates. Sure, you could stand for the next five hours but who really wants to do that? You look around as if it'll appear by magic, as if it's hiding behind the crates you brought in. But it's nowhere to be found, so you just start to unload, setting up your display and trying not to worry a hole through your lip.
"That looks nice!" Joyce Byers has her hair pulled up in a rather frazzled ponytail but she's all smiles as she compliments your work. "You okay over here?"
You shove down your discontent and nod. Joyce has been nothing but kind so far, coming to check on you at New-Bee's more than once, and she does her best to keep the market well-run.
"Well, actually," you say, grimacing. "I think the stool I had last week has moved somewhere? Would I be able to get another?" Joyce scribbles something on the clipboard she's holding before nodding.
"Oh, of course. I'll have Jonathan find something. Stuff can get moved around when the stalls get put away, so I'm sure it's somewhere!" Movement over her shoulder catches your eye.
It's Steve. Moving your stool behind crates of apples and plopping his annoying ass onto it. You clench your fingers into fists and any goodwill you were considering after running into Robin this week totally evaporates.
Fuck him.
"You okay?" Joyce asks. You blink and smile at her.
"Just a little tired," you say. "I'll be okay standing until Jonathan has a second." Not even a single part of you wants to tell her that Steve took your stool. It would feel like defeat. In what, you're not totally sure. Joyce pats you on the arm and heads off on her rounds.
You sell a few soaps and a very large jar of honey to a strange man called Murray who asks your opinion on wiretapping. He's just left for Rick's Mushrooms when a boy with a mop of hair and kind face approaches carrying two wooden crates.
"Uh, hi," he says. "My mom said to bring you these?"
"Oh thank god," you moan, louder than you probably should. "Jonathan, right?" You step around the stall to grab them from him. He's got a name tag on that says "Byers Flowers."
"That's me. Sorry I couldn't find a stool. But if you stack these it should work." You do as he says and plop down and sigh so big that Jonathan laughs. "Who is watching the flowers if you're here?" you ask. Maybe this boy could be your friend. 
"My little brother, Will." A smile spreads across his face as he keeps talking. "He's better at it than I am, really. Really good at selling people on big bouquets."
"I'll have to buy one sometime," you say, and you mean it. "Thank you for these, really." You kick at the crates with your heels. 
As soon as Jonathan goes back to his job you feel your good mood slowly slip away. Someone must have it out for you because you can see Steve perfectly from here. He hasn't flipped his hat around all day and he's barely using the stool that he stole from you. You watch him flirt with old ladies and girls your age alike, watch him juggle apples for kids and recommend different kinds of tomatoes and potatoes and squash and it makes you furious.
It makes you so mad and you don't dare think about why.
A nice girl your age is admiring some soap when she notices you staring. "Do you know Steve Harrington?" she asks you.
"Uh," you say, embarrassed to be caught. "No?"
"Probably best," she sighs. "You're new in town, right?" You nod. News spreads faster in Hawkins than wildfire. "I've got nothing against him, not really. People change, right? But he was a piece of work in high school. Lots of girls, lots of broken hearts." She shrugs.
"You ever date him?" you ask. She laughs.
"No. Had a boyfriend the whole time. But he's a flirt, that's for sure. I'd be wary, I guess is what I'm saying." She picks up the soap she's eyeing. "Can I get this?"
"Sure," you say, grabbing the purchase pad. "And thanks, I think. But I don't think I'll be going anywhere near him."
"Hi, Brenda," the boy in question interrupts. The girl -- Brenda -- grabs her soap and hands you some cash before grimacing and giving Steve a wave. "Thanks," she says to you. "Hi, Steve." He rocks back and forth on his heels as she walks away, hands in his back pockets. You want to knock the hat off of his head.
"Harrington," you say, sitting back on your crates.
"On a last-name basis, are we?" You cross your arms. He nods to himself before taking a deep breath. "Okay. I wanted to apologize for last week." Your eyebrows raise but you say nothing.
"Well, Robin told me that I was a real dick, and I--"
"Oh, Robin told you," you say, slapping a hand on your thigh. "So you're here because Robin told you to apologize, not because you realized you were an asshole?" Steve looks gobsmacked that you've turned this into an argument, and you’re a little surprised yourself, but you keep going. "Save it, Steve." You say his name like it stings to have in your mouth.
"Woah," he says over you. "What is your problem?"
"What's my problem?" you grit out between your clenched teeth. "My problem is you think you own this place and you make assumptions about people before you know them." Watching him all day has made you like a pipe fit to burst. With loathing, you tell yourself. "And you stole my stool."
"I...what? Your...stool?" he sputters. He takes off the godforsaken baseball cap to run a hand through messy hair before replacing it. "I have no idea what you're talking about." His eyes harden and you realize you've actually pissed him off, maybe for the first time. The smile he sends you is sharp and you don't like it. It makes him less handsome. "Well, I'll leave you to your beeswax. Good luck wrangling those bees, bee girl. Can't be that hard if you can do it."
It's a cutting remark you don't expect. "Bee girl?" you say in disbelief. "I have a name, Steve! What is your problem?"
He starts to walk backwards. "Or should I call you honey?" He ignores your question. "Nah. That's too sweet for you." He barks a laugh at his own joke and it's a bitter thing.
When you're packing up your crates at the end of the market he brings back the stool. It slams on the pavement, startling you into turning around with a yelp. Your mouth tugs into a frown at the sight of him, his hat on the right way this time. He's got that same ice-cold smile on and you fight a shiver.
"Here you go, honey," he says, the word sounding like an insult.
"Go away," you say before you can stop yourself.
Steve just shrugs. "See? Doesn't work too well." He salutes you. You flip him the bird as he turns because what else can you do? Strangle him? If only, you think. If only.
The details of your life in Hawkins start to fade into the background. You've been here for over a month and have been at two farmer's markets and you've got hardly anything to show for it. A few arguments and not a single friend to speak of, though there are a few friendly people. And you're hardly friendly these days anyway, still smarting from the argument you had with Steve.
Okay, so maybe he didn't steal your stool. But he was mean to you! And... you were mean to him. What a mess. An embarrassing, juvenile mess.
It only gets worse when you start to see the Sara's Farm pickup truck everywhere. In the parking lot at the grocery store, stopped at the Arcade, just driving through town. You only actually see him once -- heading into Family Video with Robin -- but it makes your cheeks heat and your fingers twitch every time. Why does he get such a reaction out of you? How is one boy single-handedly causing you to become a recluse in your new home?
"I'm sure he's not that bad," your mom says. You've finally caught your parents at home and have spent the last twenty minutes being uncharacteristically detailed about your life. You can't help it -- you just want to talk to someone.
"He's rude," you huff. "He's rude, and everyone knows him and he won't leave me alone."
"Is he cute?" Her voice is tinny through the phone line. You scoff, and she laughs. "Yes, then. Always makes it worse." Your mother sighs. "Maybe you just need more work, baby. Ask Bob."
Bob, who continues to be so kind to you even though you do hardly anything. You know she's right. The whole purpose of this relocation to Hawkins was for you to find something you liked, something you were good at. To figure your shit out and to work hard. To get the ground under your feet again. So you take her advice and see what you can get your hands dirty with. He’s thrilled and soon you find yourself in one of the property sheds.
"It's fairly simple, but you do need to pay attention," Bob tells you. "The other beekeepers and I harvest the beeswax, so it's all ready for you." He gestures to a metal tub covered with what looks like a cheesecloth next to the stove. "I've written out the steps to take for making soaps and candles and everything is labeled."
The small workroom has a kitchen sink and a fridge. The shelves are stocked with lye, bottles of oils, and plenty of pots and jars. "It smells wonderful in here," you say. In truth, it's a little overwhelming but not unpleasant.
"You can make any scent you want, just write it down so we can label it right." Bob gives you a smile. "And be careful with the hot wax. I've burned myself tons of times."
He leaves you to it. You turn on the radio and set it low to keep yourself company. And the work is easy, Bob was right. You decide to make candles first, melting the beeswax on the stove and adding some of the oils to make it smell good. You lay out the jars with the wicks pulled tight across the tops and start to pour.
"Fuck," you hiss. A bit of the hot wax splashes onto your fingertips but you don't drop the pot, instead finishing your pours as your skin throbs. You set the empty pot back on the burner and move to the sink, peeling the now-hard wax off of your skin to reveal a reddening welt.
"Damn." You run it under cool water for a second before steeling yourself to do it again. Because you finally feel useful. And so you do another batch and another. And the next day you try soaps. You put colorful bandaids on your fingertips until your hands look like the rainbow but you get better and you stop getting wax on your skin. And by Friday night, when you and Bob are labeling everything you've made, you feel proud.
"You're going to be selling stock you made tomorrow," he says. "How does that feel?"
You smile and you mean it. "Like I'm doing something right."
You've finished your setup early for your third farmer's market and decide to talk a walk around the stalls. There's a jewelry table next to a stall selling loose-leaf tea across from Rick's Mushrooms. A curly head is barely visible over the stall's counter, whoever it belongs to clearly organizing something underneath. You wrinkle your nose at the array of gilled fungi, one of your least favorite foods.
Eddie pops up from his crouch and grins at you. "Hey there new girl." Not your name, but better than bee girl. "Wanna buy some 'shrooms? I'll give you an early bird discount."
"Nah," you say. "Don't really like them." You admire how he's got them all laid out like he's taken care to make the stand pretty as well as thoroughly stocked. "We haven't really met, I'm --"
Eddie says your name, eyes on your name tag. "Talk of the town!"
"Nah," he scoffs. "I mean, I know you're new at New-Bee's. And with Harrington's antics since you got here I'm sure everyone else does too." You scowl at the mention of Steve, who you haven't seen yet. "Oh, looks like he's gotten under your skin!"
"He's everywhere," you grumble. "And he's nice to everyone but me."
Eddie hums, tucking his hair behind his ears. "Well, we've all got good sides and bad sides, sweetheart." He seems to eye how you take the pet name, but from him it feels friendly. "Harrington is used to this place. He's known it for years, worked summers here since he was in high school. I think he's unsure how to deal with a new girl."
"That's what Robin said." You rub your arms a little against the morning chill, your bandaged fingers throbbing dully. “But I heard he was…different in school?” Eddie whistles long and low, crossing his flannel-clad arms. He’s wearing silver rings on almost every finger and he’s got dirt under his nails, you notice. 
“Total douchebag. I probably shouldn’t tell you this, but he started at Sara’s because he got community service hours for vandalism or something. Took the fall for some shit his asshole friends did.” Eddie shrugs. “But it did him good. Less of a douche after that. And how he’s pretty close to being a good guy.”
You drum your fingers against your thigh and wince, forgetting they’re blistered. There’s a story there and despite yourself, you want to know more. "I just don't get why he's so hot and cold with me."
"Probably bothers him that you don't like him very much." Eddie's got a sly smile that looks suspicious.
"Well, if he was less of an asshole maybe I would!" He laughs at you, not unkindly.
"Okay, sure. It'll be an interesting end to the season!" He cracks his knuckles. His next words are softer, more earnest. "You ever want to hang out, let me know. I know it’s hard to be new somewhere."
The market goes by as usual. Every time you sell a bar of soap or a candle that you made it's like the slight throb of your fingers ebbs for a moment. You tell a few mothers that you made them yourself and they fawn over you. But even so, there's a whisper in your head that you haven't seen Steve all day. Is he working today? He doesn't seem like the type to take time off.
You realize that you've spent so much time thinking about Steve Harrington that you could be considered obsessed. You've only really spoken twice as it is, and neither time has been pleasant. But there's something about him.
Maybe that something is how he sidles up to stand next to you behind the New-Bee stand with an expression so worried you don't refuse him. There's a part of you that never wants to refuse him, a part of you that is tired and lonely after three weeks without friends. You let that part take over for today with Eddie’s words top of mind, let him stand next to your stool with his hands in his pockets.
"Do you ever actually work, Steve?" you ask, his first name rolling off of your tongue in your tired tone. "Seems like you come to bother me a lot."
"Hi," he says softly. He doesn't take your bait. "Uh, what happened to your hands?" He juts his chin at the bandaged fingers in your lap. They've felt tender for the last few hours.
"If I tell you you'll just make fun of me." You huff. "Bee girl is so bad at her job she burns her fingers, or something."
"C'mon, now." His concern doesn't fade but it hardens. "I'm trying to be nice. I'm here to apologize, actually. Though I'm not sure what I'm apologizing for."
You cross your arms and study him as if you could discern his intentions from his soft yellow sweater, his belted jeans, his mussed hair. He looks so lovely you could scream. "I burned them making all of this." You gesture to the candles and soaps around you. Steve steps up to inspect them, closer than you were that first day when you cussed him out. His arm brushes yours and he gently traces the outline of a comb-shaped soap you'd made.
"These are pretty," he mutters. Your mouth falls open.
"Are you being nice to me?" He scoffs and...is he blushing?
"Robin told me to --"
"Oh, Robin told you. Again." Steve scowls at you but it's got less heat than last week.
"Fine. I thought I'd try to be nice to you." He runs a hand through his hair, eyes on your hands. "Just for today, though," he says, teasing. "Since you're injured."
Maybe it's your hands hurting or Steve's light tone or the things Eddie said this morning, but you can't find it in yourself to argue with him. "Okay," you say instead. He looks a little surprised.
"Okay," he echoes. "Uh..." Clearly, he didn't think he'd get this far. You smile a little and let him waffle for a topic of conversation. "Did you meet Jane?" he settles on.
"El? She brought me lunch the first week." You haven't spoken with her since, but she waves at you whenever she runs back and forth across the market doing whatever her dad needs -- you haven't met him, either, but you expect you will eventually.
"She told you to call her that?" Steve asks, sounding surprised.
"Yes?" Have you messed up somehow and soured this remarkably pleasant conversation already?
"Damn." He laughs a little. "She wouldn't let me call her El until I'd worked at Sara's full time for three months." You watch to see if this will make him sour, if you need to queue up a barb, but he seems incredulous rather than mad.
"Hey, listen," he says. "I wanted to ask you --"
"You don't work here!" Four teenagers have appeared in front of the stall and Steve's easy expression turns to a scowl.
"Good to know you've been paying attention, Henderson." Steve's voice isn't cruel, though it is annoyed. You wonder what he was going to ask you. "What do you want?"
"We're here to see Will but thought we'd meet the chick you won't stop talking about first," says the only girl, her fiery hair in a braid down her back. She eyes your reaction to her words as you send Steve a confused look.
"Sorry, what --" Steve doesn't look at you.
"Alright, alright, that's enough. Go bother someone else." They don't move and Steve sighs like a put-upon parent. "Fine. Meet the biggest pain in my ass: Dustin Henderson, Mike Wheeler, Max Mayfield, and Lucas Sinclair."
"Hi. Are you all...students?" They stand close like kids who've been together a long time, used to orbiting each other's space.
"Juniors," Lucas says. "We haven't been to the market in a few weeks because we're working on college applications."
"You're old," Dustin says. Steve swears softly next to you. "Do you know anything about college?"
"Um, no." You fiddle with the sleeve of your flannel. "Well, a little. I went but I dropped out.” You feel Steve turn towards you but you don't look.
"Ask Nance when she's back next time, yeah?" he says. Mike smacks his own forehead.
"Shit, I didn't think of that. My own sister!"
"Go take that big brain of yours to bother Will, okay, shitheads?" Max nods at you and tugs Lucas away by one hand, Mike's jacket sleeve in the other.
"I'm gonna...go," Steve mumbles, stepping out from behind the stall without another word. You don't realize that Dustin hasn't left until he speaks again.
"You don't look mean," he says. He crosses his arms like he's looking at a puzzle.
"Excuse me?"
"Steve is probably so obsessed with you because you're like, really pretty. But he won't admit it."
"Oh, so he's pulling my pigtails because he likes me?" you grumble but your face feels hot. "How mature of him." You don't really believe it. Dustin must be willfully misunderstanding Steve's complaining. Plus, he's a heartbreaker, right? Not someone you'd want to be involved with, no matter how nice he is to look at. No matter how good some people say he is.
"He's just a bit of an asshole sometimes," Dustin says fondly. "Don't hold it against him."
"I've heard that before," you say. "Why is he friends with a bunch of high schoolers? No offense." Dustin grins and you see that he's got almost perfectly straight teeth under braces.
"None taken. He was...kind of our babysitter? But now we're too old for that so we just hang out with him because he needs more friends."
"Wow," you say. "Harsh." But you're smiling. You don't want to find the story endearing but you do and it makes you sad more than anything. To see these kids so obviously bonded to each other and their older friend. In another life, you'd wonder if there was something going on here that made them this way, that made this town so close. But as it is, you feel the ache in your chest that's been bothering you for years -- since you went to school, since you left, since you arrived in Hawkins. The ache that wakes you every day, that feels like a bruise in your chest when you fall asleep.
The ache that disappears when you talk to Steve but returns full force as soon as he walks away. 
tags: @cheerupbarry @srrybutno @97soroka @sunlitide @gloryofroses19 @carpediem1219 @themarvelousbee @sunshinehollandd @katsukis1wife @imherefortea @spideyboipete @lonelywidow @louderfortheback @actual-mom-steve-harrington @steveharringtonscarkeys @pennyllanne @ducky-is-dead-inside @ih3artcry1ng @escape-in-time-x @sea040561 @manyfandomsfanvergent @blandyton @liberhoe @annaisweird
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stevenbasic · 10 months
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Growing into the Job, Post 336: A Saturday at Melissa's, p11 (9PM, Randi)
We were kinda sorta still watching the movie, another superhero thing that was in the theaters a couple years or so ago. Sushi had all been cleaned up, and we’d let him start to recover, dialing back on our, uh, whatever they called these things - pheromones. Missy was reclined, he was cuddled up into her and had been put back into some loose clothes after he’d complained a bit. Most of us were still in swimsuits, though I’d put a little tube top on over mine after our last spurt nearly burst me out of my bikini. Fuck, my tits were getting huge. We’d all grown. 
“Hey, has anyone heard from Marisela?” I asked, to no one in particular, stretching my jaw, “She was supposed to be here.”
I didn’t really get a response. I’d been here only a few hours but he’d came like a bunch of times today already. We were all just sort of lazily recovering, enjoying the new size and energy. Some of us handled it differently than others, and though nobody really talked about it too much some of us were beginning to change in different ways. I stretched out my jaw again, which tended to feel a little sore afterwards, and considered Marisela once more. “Should someone call her?”
“I already tried. Nothing,” Josie replied, casually rubbing J's bare foot. I thought I saw the ends of her long brown hair twitching. She’d gone back to watching Black Widow shrink Ant Man down for like the third time, Amelia was checking her nails.. 
Hm. Well, fuck it. If no one else cares I don’t either. These were odd chicks, for sure, this little friend group of ours. That I’d become the responsible one was a laugh, and I tried not to get too concerned about the weird shit that was going on. I figured I’d worry about whatever Marisela was doing later tonight. Maybe tomorrow. 
Scarlett was holding the guy in her hand and scowling down at him while he tried to joke his way out of something stupid he’d just done. I gererally thought superhero movies were fucking stupid but had to admit the effects in this one were pretty amazing. It was one of the first ones, along with the first She-Hulk movie, that really caught people’s attention, big girls and all that. 
“Haha I dunno..!” Missy laughed back, hugging his head back into her boobs, “Maybe! Would you like that, sweetie..?”
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We all laughed as a few girls turned to watch him blush and stammer something we could barely hear. Missy, for her part, took it upon herself to gather him in a little closer, bundling him in the thin blanket he’d been given. I didn't even have to look. One of her hands was definitely under that blanket.
I’m sure I don’t have to spell it out for you people, but for all her quirks, we all adored Missy. Josie, Katie, Amelia and I have known her a long time, Shanette even longer. She’s a special friend to have. It’s been a trip, watching what’s happening to her in the middle of all the crazy shit that’s going down in the world and seeing how she’s drawn this hive of girls all around her. This job had been haha really good for her, to say the least, and it had given us all the opportunity to not only make bank, but to become more than what we were before. Some of us were worker bees, some were becoming more like warriors or soldiers, but everyone had their part. I like to think the boss girls were something even more special still. But Melissa, again for all her oddities, was definitely our queen bee…and she seemed blithely happy with this new little boyfriend of hers. It’s good, she deserves to be happy, especially with what her life story has been. And I have to admit he was pretty cute, so vulni and getting more so everyday. It made my mouth water, thinking of it, and my jaw flex remembering the couple times I had him in the car and in his apartment a few months back. Yummy... 
The guy was a hard-triggered mess unable to think with anything besides what was between his legs. Most of the time that didn't seem weird anymore. It certainly didn’t bother Melissa. In fact, I think she sorta loved it. She would've had trouble seeing anything odd or strange about it. Her view of men was certainly different than most people’s, with the way she was raised. That she even seemed to consider this guy as human, let alone someone to care about, was a big step for her. She’d had him tamed through his libido, which was sort of her go-to automatic thing and not a surprise seeing as how she’d treated boys before, but she honestly seemed to love him. 
Jesus Christ I sound like such an adult. The important thing was that she had him by the dick and that was that. Her new thing was that she wanted us all in on the deal. Well, okay, we could become his protectors, his guardian angels or whatever. It certainly felt good, this new kind of energy we were all getting since yesterday. I could feel it in my teeth and jaw.
Watching Black Widow zipping up her top, hiding away and trapping Ant Man in her bra and then having to fight off some robots got Melissa thinking. She and the rest of us sort of chatted about it, and it was obviously making him kinda nervous. I sensed it, and she certainly did too. She spoke up, finally, and sat him up a bit on her lap. It was weird, kinda. How her voice seemed to make the movie go quiet as all the lasers and punching noises faded into the background. We were all - all like, I dunno, dozen of us - turned to her. Attentive. 
”Jay, I want you to tell them what we talked about last night,” she said. Melissa was half-reclined on the couch, her long legs stretched out and taking up a good number of seats. Shanette sat alongside her on the other wing of the sectional.
He was turned on her lap a little awkwardly at the waist, so he could look back down at her. He nodded his head, like he knew exactly what she was talking about, what she wanted him to tell the crowd of us. “Melissa, uh…because of what’s going on with my, uh…health, thinks I need some…protecting.” 
As the words left him I watched Shanette whispering in Missy’s ear. As she pulled back, Melissa shook her head in the negative and spoke up again. “No,” she said to him, “That doesn’t sound right. Try again, sweetie.”
I saw his reaction - he was a little taken aback. But he paused, and rather than argue, he thought for a moment and reworded what he’d said. ”She believes it’d be in my best interest if you all helped her-“
Shanette was whispering in her ear again, and again Melissa stopped him. ”Uh uh uh,” She said, herself stopping to think now, “I know what’s wrong. Try saying it like this ‘I’m starting to have a hard time, and I need all your help. I need you all to become more protective of me.’” Melissa looked at him with those big, golden-green eyes of hers and I could see the gears turning between them. “Try that, honey,” she instructed, already expectant.
You could tell he felt awkward, all those female eyes on him, the center of attention. But, he was able to repeat her word for word: “I’m starting to have a hard time, and I need all your help. I need you all to become more protective of me.” 
When we all gave several half-claps and ‘good jobs’, you could see his face growing redder. He felt happy and self-conscious at the same time, surrounded by a bevy of bosomy bikini girls praising him like he was a shy schoolboy.
“Much better,” Melissa lauded, petting his shoulder and gracing him with that big dimpled smile of hers.
”Melissa, th-that was embarrassing,” he said, plainly, making us all purr in delight. The light of the TV screen silhouetted the shapely figures of Aubrey, Katie and the B-girls from behind, covering J with their shadow.
The room erupted with an “Awwwww..!” as I watched his vulni little eyes settle on his reflection in the glass pool doors. The TV gave off just enough light for him to see his shrunken little self - and I swear he was smaller now than he was this afternoon - surrounded by his big beautiful protectors on every side. He was seated in the middle, a little man on his girlfriend's lap, right where he belonged.
”Don´t think of it that way, sweetie,” Shanette giggled, “think of it as a lesson…”
“...and you just needed some help with it,” Josie chimed. 
“But I´m sure that, from now on, you will pay attention to what every woman says, right?” Melissa finished. She was sitting up straighter, now, and had pulled him slowly closer to her. I could see her eyes light up as he had moved closer to her right breast again. This whole exchange was so, like, enlightening. She obviously didn’t want him to feel as if he had no say in the matter. She wanted him to think that he had at least some power in this relationship of theirs, but she also needed him to know what’s what.
“We’re all excited to help you,” Lakshmi spoke, turning ever so slightly towards him on the couch, that big rear end of hers pivoting and causing something - springs in the sofa? - to groan.
“We want to keep you safe,” said Aubrey.
Melissa continued. ”Does that make you happy?” she asked, “Are you happy you have us, you have me to protect you?”
His voice cracked, adorably. ”s-SU-ure?” he answered, “Yes?” That caused the girls to titter and giggle excitedly, though I could tell he couldn’t make out what they were saying even as they were all - me included - drawing in closer to him. The whole place already looked like a big slumber party from some weird-ass porno.
”So tell me… why?” Melissa pressed. Their gazes were locked, intent on one another.
”Uhhh…” he began, searching for the right answer, “if someone tries to h-hurt me, you’d stop them?”
Melissa shook her head while her words came quickly. “Oh no no no,” she said, “If someone were to try to hurt you I wouldn’t just stop them. I’d absolutely murder them.”
When his smile changed we all felt the electricity. Her own excitement surged and we all began to warm slightly. He was picturing it, we could see, he was imagining what someone with the size and strength of Melissa could do to another human being, and it turned him on. Missy shivered, and needed to squirm her legs below him.
“We all would,” someone else said. I think it was Amelia, at first, but then the others joined in in chorus. 
“Yes, cutie…”
“You have us…”
“Your girl army…”
All our voices were echoing off the high ceilings, sounding louder and louder. I don’t know if the others were noticing it but I was watching him flinch.
“Your big pretty bodyguards…”
“We’d fucking kill them.”
Girls were laughing, and onscreen Black Widow was again arguing with Ant Man, who was complaining from deep inside her cleavage. The robots were crumpled and smoldering, beaten, but she still hadn’t unzipped. 
Melissa continued to smile, satisfied with the enthusiasm of her girls. ”What else?” she asked him, “What else are you happy about?” The smell of our perfumes, the chlorine in our wet hair, and the lingering tang of wasabi filled the room as we waited for him to answer.
”Uhhhh….” he began, struggling again under the attention of a dozen jigglebunnies. He knew there was a right answer, somewhere.
Josie spoke up to help. ”How about this, Dr. J…say this:” she began, “‘Now I don’t only have one girlfriend, I’ve got thirty…”
Lots of giggles.
”Th-thirty?” he stammered, looking over at Josie. 
”Haha yes!” Missy laughed, “Thirty girlfriends! You lucky little guy!”
“So lucky!”
“And soon we’re going to hire more,” Missy added.
“More girlfriends??” someone sang, “OOOOoooo YES!”
“Okay, Fifty!” Josie called.
“Sixty!” offered someone else.
“And the more of us there are..?” said Brittni.
“...the stronger we get?” finished Bobbi.
“A hundred!” called the redheaded Julia, who’d arrived an hour or so ago. She and a couple others were actually standing on the second-floor balcony above us, outside the bedrooms, watching from up there.
“A thousand!!” laughed Stephanie after her, also from the balcony. When’d she get here? I think there were three of our witchy friends up there, too.
Anyway, I felt it myself, for sure - this group of women swelling in strength, excited and energized. We were a unit, a hive, a family - and we were growing. So weird; three months ago you’d have never been able to convince me I’d be hanging out with some of these people. But now, look at all of us. Each one of us that joined the group just makes us bigger and better, makes her bigger and better. Is that what’s making Melissa so strong? I thought, The more of us there are, the more powerful she becomes? I’d seen her, in the parking lot just yesterday, casually pushing one of the construction guy’s pickup trucks out of the way. He’d parked it blocking in her beemer, and she moved the thing like it was nothing. 
“A million!”
Does she even realize it?
There was the patter of strong footsteps as several more girls came in from the kitchen, bare feet and high heels, both. Silvia, Nadia and Kori were here now, and had been swimming and looking for wine in the fridge. Bessie had also arrived, still in her BOOMfood uniform and pumps. Among everyone, the growing, giddy crowd, Missy seemed to draw all light and attention to herself. Look at her, I remember thinking, seeing her holding him so small on her lap, I fucking love her.
“A million girlfriends, Jay, how does that sound?” Missy laughed, “Could you handle all those kisses?”
The girls loved that, and we all smushed in closer. The movie still played, and with the doors out to the pool now left open you could hear the sound of the hot tub from outside the room. The floor was damp in places and there were warmly wet towels everywhere, left by the few who had not fully dried their hair. Some of us - oh yeah, me haha - had their towel around their waist.
“We need you, sweetie, to start getting used to having as much physical contact with the girls as possible,” Missy continued, as the pile of girls swarmed in closer still, some crawling onto the couch, across the ground, gathering towards him with the sofa pillows they had brought to sit on the floor, “It’ll help you bond.”
“Yes, bonding. Lots of bonding,” Shanette cooed, pressing her big breasts together in her overmatched blue bikini, causing his eyes to goggle.  
“I’m going to need my good morning hug every morning,” Josie offered, pushing a pillow up alongside him, between him and the back of the couch.
“Me too, and a good morning kiss,” said Katie, also adding a pillow to support him and leaning in to smooch him on the lips. 
“Bonding…” Shanette cooed again. 
“Everyone will need their good morning hug, and their good morning kiss when they come into the office, okay Jay?” Missy charged, watching his eyes follow Katie’s chest up and then rivet to her brilliant smile as she pushed back her thick blond hair.
“Yes lots of physical contact,” I said, moving in myself towards him seeing how hard he obviously was, with a tent pulling the thin blanket up off his hips, “Let’s try it out…” 
At that I scootched in for my own kiss, my mouth opening wide - though not nearly as wide as haha I could open it - to take his own. The girls were building pillows around him, attempting to make him even more comfortable as I could taste Katie’s cherry chapstick on his lips. I added my own lipstick to his face, my mauveness, smearing it on him. How do you like that flavor, boy? I then heard him grunt, feeling the surprise when he realized the size of my mouth. I chuckled thinking about how he’d react if he realized I could probably swallow his whole fucking head if I wanted. I grabbed his cock through the throw blanket, and we all heard him groan, everyone giggling as his body tensed into spasm.
“Who’s the best kisser, Dr. J?” I asked, giving him another quick peck, this time right between the eyes. Then I licked him up his face, chin-to-nose-to-forehead. “Me?”
“No no no you have to try us all!” Josie squealed, suddenly leaning in aside me to plant her own lips on his. His eyes had closed, so he couldn’t see how her hair, in the strange way it had started to do over the past week, began to swirl and curl, with a movement of its own. One strand reached out towards me, one towards him, caressed his face.
I sat back and Missy, for her part, just watched and smiled as the entire crowd of us moved in for kisses. His face, I could see, was quickly coated with smears of lipstick, the sheen of glosses, pink and red and shiny. Aubrey, Lakshmi, Brittni and Bobbi. Amelia and Katarina and Shanette. Even the new girls Silvia and Kori and Bessie and the rest got in there, everyone taking their turns on his lips, settling for his cheeks and neck and shoulders, back and belly when needed. He was a-glob with lipstick, all over his body, the girls sitting back to apply more to themselves, to each other, when others slid in to take their place on him and his skin. The blanket, which had been across his hips, was gone. If he’d had on shorts or anything underneath those were gone too, and now it was cock, all cock. Huge throbbing cock again, nearly ten inches of it rising from his weak-ass skeleton. As we kissed him - I’d gone in for seconds, thirds - hands were on him, now. The other girls were cooing and clucking, groaning and texting and taking selfies and group pics with him swimming in his harem, drowning in their lipstick, trying to stay afloat as our mouths sucked him into our depths. In all his glory he was now only weakly twitching and he would have long ago collapsed and flopped over were it not for us all, for the pillows around him, and for Missy’s strength holding him up from behind. She, in fact, finally eased us all away to allow him breath, while we all writhed alongside him, buzzing and squealing. She turned him, gently, pivoting him at the hips and - his chin in hand - took him in for a kiss of her own.
If you’ve never seen a man’s brain melt, it’s quite the fucking sight.
Missy drew him into the kiss, and I could see how his jaw stretched and his eyes widened as she was pushing her huge tongue into him. She moved it around his mouth, down towards his throat, claiming her territory and then, drawing breath herself, began pulling the air from within him. His eyes began to flutter closed. She wanted to take him deeper into herself to make him closer to her. Just as I’d felt the pull, the instinct to eat him, the want to suck him right into me, I could see Melissa was struggling with the same hunger. She wanted him. She wanted all of him. She wanted to suck out all his brains along with his come and all his manhood, leaving him a dribbling pathetic husk. She didn’t want to kill him, she wanted him alive to hug and cuddle and care for. But she would take his breath away. She would control his breathing, filling him with her own oxygen and keeping him alive at her whim. Haha she wanted to do more - I could see, I could fucking see how she wanted to just be able to open her mouth wider and wider and wider and just YOMP - but she wasn’t quite that big yet. What she could do is fucking suck the life out of him if she wasn’t careful, and so she released the kiss before he began to suffer any real discomfort.
“C’mon, Daddy,” she urged, “Come for us...”
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The other girls, too, cooed their encouragements. I was chiming in myself, my lips the closest to his left ear. 
“Let’s go, you little shit,” I sneered into him, as my mouth all but ate up his ear, “come for us again.”
I was in his left ear, Lakshmi had moved into his right, both of us were purring and slurping and tonguing his brain. Others were between his knees, sliding lips up thighs and around his sac. Hands caressed arms, slid over chest and shoulders. Still Josie stroked him, as Melissa gazed into his failing eyes. 
“Go ahead, Jay, it’s okay,” she said, giving him permission. This was her boyfriend, her new man, the love of her life, and she haha was willing to share. We were all his, and he was all ours. “Give yourself to them, Jay, I want you to…”
“Come for us,” we hissed.
“Come for us now,” I said.
My smile grew so huge around his ear when, yes, finally, we all felt him shudder and collapse, like a dying fucking beast underneath us all, this pride of lionesses. When he finally came the girls - and me, and Melissa - all sang his name and Josie pumped and pumped and pumped. We watched him wither, we watched his jaw fall open and his head bob like a marionette on his neck. Though he’d climaxed countless times today, come still rocketed from his dick in gushes and fell onto his chest, into my hair and Lakshmi’s. And then, as she still pumped, Josie sat up straighter and drew his eyes to her tits. She pulled back her shoulders, thrust her big breasts out, straining straining straining at the top of her bikini and waiting waiting waiting for - oh god, there it was, there it fucking was - the warmth, the strength, the power that swelled and there it was she knew it, we all knew it - we were all just about to-
Josie’s top burst, her bikini snapping apart. Her tits ballooned outwards, and Missy began to laugh as he moaned an ‘oh my god’ in the weakest, most pathetically male voice you could imagine. She had  begun to grow, we had begun to grow, all around him, visibly. He was watching us and he was watching us fucking grow. Staring at Josie’s burgeoning tits and the swirls of her hair dancing about her shoulders, he was staring into his future and feeling his world close in all around him. “Get ready little man,” I whispered into his ear, “your girls are going to eat you alive…”
thanks in huge gobs to ResistanceIsFutile for his inspiration, contributions to atmosphere and editing on this one.  I’m also using brother Beetlebomb’s render of Dr J…again.
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snitchesnsneeds · 1 month
Bethany's Bizarre Miraculous Reviews Episodes 3-25 and 3-26: Heart Hunter and Miracle Queen
So, this is it. Goodbye, Chloe.
You ever think about how weird it is that Miraculous season 3 still uses the season 2 opening despite all the new heroes and kwamis introduced? We got to see 6 more Miraculouses here out of the 12 of the Chinese Zodiac.
So that's where pizzaboy Luka came from! Seems to be a delivery boy more than anything.
Yes! Luka! And hopefully Lukanette!
pfffft Gabriel really busted out the "Our get along shirt"
Yes! Kagami and Adrien having friendly interactions with Marinette!
Andre needs to divorce his garbage heap of a wife. Does he know about the affair?
Yes! Kagami and Adrien spending happy time with eachother!
Yes! Silly Kagami and the three having mischevious antics!
Ooh, the ballpit pool as well! The three of them are so cute and fun together. Now all we need is Luka and we'll have the superior love square! One that's actually a square as well!
Kagami might have feelings for Marinette too?! Whoopee!
Marinette with her hair down is peak.
The Evil Egg that Eats Everyone
So the ice cream guy isn't really polyamorous, but just concerned about having too many flavors? I mean, peppermint and orange kinda sounds like toothpaste and orange juice, but searching it up there are people who think otherwise,
Marinette letting Adrien and Kagami be happy together. Yippee!
Master Fu's monologue really went back to normal halfway through, huh?
Steals your girlfriend
And there it is. Honestly it's less of a jape and more of a downward spiral. Chloe wants to help in deakumatizing her parents, Ladybug broke her own rules by bringing back Ryuko when Hawkmoth knows her identity as much as Queen Bee's, and paralysis being a better fit for this fight than Logias. Girl felt abandoned by her crush, and Hawkmoth only manipulated her in person because he couldn't do it with an akuma, as well as it giving her the special treatment she craved.
And the superior ships fall into place.
The bees actually stinging people wasn't in the budget?
Now that's what I call a hive mind!
Oooh, and the moth's back as well!
I'm glad the water voices aren't back. Oh yeah. A lot of stuff's coming back. This really is a season finale!
Love me a good boss rush!
Again with the baldness.
And yet, Ladybug tries to get Chloe back on her side. What an angel.
Pfft she's really putting on everything
And there's Chloe's villain meltdown. Ladybug didn't even tell her she couldn't be Queen Bee anymore. Chloe broke ties with Ladybug on her own.
Why and how are they in love again? One's a karen and the other's a pushover.
mmmm, crumbs of Julerose.
And so we get Lukanette and Adrigami. They should've stuck with these ships and abandoned the love square, but no. Not even for one measly episode.
It's been said a bajillion times before, but it's weird how Miraculous says a grown adult terrorist with too much beef with two 14-year-olds can be redeemed but a 14-year-old with blatant issues is irredeemable and the scum of the earth. Admittedly this wasn't as bad as expected. I know the first two episodes of season 4 are going to make this look like paradise. So much disrespect. I'm probably going to watch the two specials in this season, and move on to rereading that fic I decided I still love and take a long hiatus to review a different Franime series. One I've known for much longer, and feel much fonder about as well.
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blubushie · 2 months
(this got long, sorry. I DID say you couldnt stop me, significantly less sorry about that.)
Okay first of all, the characters are stupid thin. Yeah, its a stylized artstyle, I can get behind that, cool, Vivzie’s gimmick is that her designs are fun and bouncy and remind you of DeviantArt, good for her. But a gimmick shouldnt get in the way of quality! Not every character has to be stick-straight thin! Beelzebub is a character from Hazbin Hotel’s spinoff, Helluva Boss. One aspect of her character is that she’s extremely skinny due to her stomach being a lava pit. Except.. She doesnt looks skinnier than the other characters! Because they all look like they can fit a grand total of half their nervous systems in those scrawny torsos! AND more on Beelzebub, she lives in a hive, she’s referred to as a ‘Queen Bee’, theres a lot of bee/insect/honey/motifs about her… and she’s a wolf. A bee-wolf hybrid, sure, but functionally a wolf. The thing is, insect anthros exists, and they look good, and if you had any sense while running a show, you’d either ditch the heavy insect motifs or learn how to draw a damn anthro bee. Angel Dusts body is as thing as his arms and the other characters don’t fare much better. The buff characters have a bad case of ‘skipping leg day’ just so Vivzie can give THEM toothpick waists too. Give me Asmodeus with stomach fat or give me death. Actually, give me 75% of the characters with more body fat or give me death. I say 75% because the skinniness isnt an inherently bad thing, the whole show is stylized so its pointless talking about fat ratios. The problem is that ALL THE FUCKING CHARACTERS ARE BUILT LIKE THIS. Second of all, theyre way too overbearing. Take Husker. Cool design. Nice and simple. Digging the overalls-- oh god why does he have wings. Why does his tail look like that. I guarantee you if you take away the wings and give him a normal cat tail, his design would be good. But for some reason they keep on adding more details, more giant huge additions, more weird accessories that SCREAM “emo preteen who pathologizes their kinda strict parents”. Sir Pentious, now! Like that he’s a snake and remains legless. LIke the pinstripes. Aaand his hat has its own face. Why? It detracts from the character’s facial expressions because now you’re looking at his damn hat for the facial expression changes. At least the eyes on his hood are just tiny pupils, but his hat has a fucking mouth too! But even so, the eyes on his hood are still distracting, especially since Sir Pentious’ head is so small in comparison. Thirdly, SO MUCH GODDAMN RED HOLY SHIT. Cool it with the fucking red. Please. We get that its hell. We can tell because a character swears every other words and pulls the ‘>:D’ face every damn second. You dont need to make everything red. Please just fucking stop it. Its nothing but eyestrain and takes away from good character designs when so much of their colours are just black and different shades of red. Characters like Vox, who is mostly blue, was genuinely such a relief even though he still had some red because FINALLY something wasnt red or a light hue of red. Heres the kicker, that 50k video of Verbalase being chased by Charlie had better colour schemes than THE SHOW ITSELF. It was OKAY TO LOOK AT. The colours didnt give me a headache for once. None of the main cast’s designs work together. Husker looks like a cartoon character. Charlie looks like a “Sans’ Girlfriend” persona. Vaggie looks like a fantasy rpg character. Alastor looks like someone’s 2 edgy 4 u serial killer oc. And none of them work together. DOUBLE kicker, one character has a nose that isnt a pointy, anime girl, miniscule thing, its a hooked nose. And she’s themed after the 1920s. And she’s fat. And she likes money-- its a fucking jewish stereotype. 
You could make these designs so much better just by remedying ANY ONE of the points I made! Change the colours! Remove obstructive elements! Give them varied bodies! These designs only appeal to little kids cause theyre bright and move around a lot! But theyre functionally awful! There I said it. God.
Presented without comment (I have nothing to add cuz you said it all)
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shortcakeart · 8 months
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Wings of fire tarot part 2, explanations below the cut! Part 1!
The Empress (Glory): this is one that I liked aesthetically and the meaning is a bit of a stretch. The empress stands for motherhood and nurturing which are not exactly traits that Glory outwardly shows. She is fierce and independent. However I think in her role as queen she displays these traits. She cares deeply for each rainwing, which is why she makes a challenge fo the throne in the first place. As she grows into the role, she’s shown as being a just and caring queen who gets to know every one of her subjects, which you could argue is nurturing compared to the previous queens. The card shows a woman sitting in a forest surrounded by animals, which reminded me of Glory in the rain forest with her sloth.
The Queen (Scarlet): she is THE queen of wings of fire. And she does embody some of the negative traits of the card: domineering, need for control, bossiness, greed. She’s a girl boss, ok?
The High Priestess (Clearsight): the high priestess is the card of secret knowledge and intuition, which works well with Clearsight’s advanced future sight powers. She has visions, she knows secrets, but she needs to use her intuition and judgement to sort out the right path. The card shows the priestess sitting between two pillars, so I included them imagining that they are columns in the nightwing palace. The card also has lots of moon imagery.
The Knight (Tsunami): This was one that I knew I wanted to do for Tsunami before I knew what it meant because the role of a knight fits her character so well. There are several different meanings for the knight card depending on its suit, but I found that the knight of wands fits Tsunami best. Energy, passion, and impulsiveness, that’s Tsunami for you.
The Hermit (Winter): Quite literally, Winter does isolate himself from others even in his group of friends. He’s a founder of Sanctuary, but he uses the town to hide out and study scavengers mostly unbothered by others. While early in his arc, he could have embodied some of the cards negative traits (isolation, loneliness), now he is on a journey of soul search and introspection (which are positive traits of the card) while he discovers what he wants in life.
The Chariot (Qibli): Qibli is a very triumphant character. He came from an abusive and neglectful family in a place where he had to fight for everything. His wits and ambition caught the attention of Thorn, who helped him survive the Scorpion den and he became an outclaw. The chariot can stand for overcoming obstacles, ambition, determination, and hard work, which fit with Qibli’s story. Despite his insecurities, he maintains a cheerful attitude.
The Star (Kinkajou): the star can mean many things, including hope, inspiration, spiritual renewal, enlightenment, and opportunities. Kinkajou is a bundle of energy and friendliness, which leads her to be a source of hope for others. To me, she appears enlightened. She doesn’t have much of an arc but she’s a surprising source of wisdom for her friends and brings them together many times.
Justice (Luna): Luna’s arc had a lot to do with justice. She has always been fighting the hive wings and the unjust situation that she grew up in. She believes in an equitable and fair society and portrays it in her art. She is holding flame silk to symbolize the sword in the card. The flame silk can be a weapon, but it was also the trait that marked her as both dangerous and useful. At the end of her book, she has helped to bring about the justice that she was always searching for, but she realizes that the hardest part is that she is unable to change the minds of those who do not agree with her.
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alien-hybreed · 25 days
Character Profile: Laura Carter
Story: Overtime
Species: Human (former) Alien Hybrid (current)
Gender: Female
Appearance: Human - 5'3", slight build, short blonde ponytail, perpetually scowling
Alien Form - 9', dark blue scales, clawed hands and feet, long tentacles in place of hair, human jaw visible within a secondary outer jaw.
Personality: Detail-oriented, demanding, self-proclaimed girl boss, struggles to make friends naturally
Occupation: Store Manager, Alien Hive Queen
Motivation: Human - Being the highest authority in the room
Alien - Being the highest authority on the planet (primary) propagation and reproduction of her species (secondary)
Relationships: Michael (drone), Luke (drone), Warren (drone), Daniel Kochek (drone), Daisy (Hive Maiden), Rhiannon (Aberration), Caitlyn (Hive Maiden), Natalie (Hive Maiden), Tiff (Hive Maiden)
Status: Unconfirmed
Likes: Men who do as they're told, being right, being in control, being worshipped
Dislikes: Weakness, insubordination, attractive women, confident women, confident men, when people don't put items back exactly where and how they found them.
Favourite Snack: Chicken
About: Growing up in the sleepy rural town of Woodshurst, Laura Carter had always been the bossiest kid in the playground. Assertiveness and authority came easily to her and was rarely shared. Perhaps that's why she was content to retain her position as the Store Manager of the local Snack Arnold's restaurant, rather than pursue any greater aspirations. There she was queen of her own little kingdom whether her staff liked it or not.
That all changed one fateful evening when she became infected by an alien parasite that landed on her family's property. Mutated by it into a shape-shifting Hive Queen, she relishes the prospect of infecting the rest of her town and eventually, the world. Her willpower and unshakeable conviction make her the perfect candidate to rule the Alien Hive as its Queen and mother, spawning more parasites to turn women into her subservient 'Handmaidens'.
She was last seen fighting the aberrant Hive Maiden formerly known as Rhiannon outside the Woodshurst Shopping Mall, prior to the town's destruction.
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ahungeringknife · 7 months
365: June 14
Dealing with wizards was like dealing with gnats sometimes. Or flies. They always liked to buzz around Gup whenever he left the Temple Grounds. Alak Hul didn’t allow Wizards in his guard. He wasn’t quite sure why but he was sure he had a good reason. So wizards didn’t come around and were usually unwelcome around the Temple.
But today a Wizard name Ah-Lakah and her sister Ah-Hakah had shown up specifically looking for him. Which was incredibly annoying because he’d finally managed to snap Dornuk out of one of his grumpy moods and then as soon as they showed up and started cooing over him it’d come back. Gup had entertained them politely for a brief while but they didn’t get the hint.
Thankfully he’d asked his uncles what to do when girls were giving him unwanted attention. Mostly because he just wasn’t interested. He got various answers from ‘ignore them’ to ‘tell them to fuck off’ to ‘you’re a Hive, threaten to use their skulls as drinkware’. Even though that last one would absolutely be interpreted as a come on. His mom always just said to be polite around others but they were getting on his nerves so bad!
“Sisters,” he said, speaking over them eventually.
“Hmm? Yes squire?” they called him that teasingly and he didn’t like that.
He breathed in. “My name is Xolkûn, and I was busy before you arrived. Now see yourself out,” he refrained from adding ‘please’ like he’d been taught by his mom and uncle Savant. Hive didn’t say ‘please’. That was weakness.
“Oh. It just looked like you were managing an acolyte of Alak Hul’s,” Ah-Hakah said.
Managing? He sputtered in annoyance. “No? That acolyte doesn’t work for Alak Hul. Are you so stupid you didn’t even notice he doesn’t possess the rings and draping of his color guards?” he demanded. The nerve of these girls! Showing up and then reducing his best friend to some guard he bossed around.
They hissed at him. “We are not stupid,” Ah-Lakah said, curling against her sister.
“It certainly looks it from where I’m standing. Can’t remember my name. Don’t know what a color guard of Alak Hul looks like. Don’t know Alak Hul doesn’t even like Wizards in his territory,” he folded his arms. “You are two very stupid girls.” They hissed at him again. “Wasting my time with your self flattering conversation. I’ve had Inquisitors seek out my sword. What makes you think you’re of interest to me?” Now he was just being mean but they were annoying him! And they had been for long enough! “Get lost before Alak Hul finds you stinking up his territory.”
“You will amount to nothing,” Ah-Lakah hissed as her only curse as Ah-Hakah dragged her away.
“By the Light,” Gup muttered, rubbing his horns once they were gone. “That was by far the most annoying wizards I’ve been around in a long time.” Now where had Dornuk gone off to? He looked around and after a bit of brief searching found his friend sitting on a bench just around the corner typing furiously into his tablet. He sat down heavily next to Dornuk with an annoyed noise. “They’re gone. You’d think by now these fucking wizards would get the hint,” he groaned.
“Wizards are stupid and other than the Queen don’t think about anything but their own pitiful schemes,” Dornuk snipped out, pissed off. He was always so pissed off after Gup had to talk with some wizards.
“These two were especially stupid. They thought you were Temple guard.” Dornuk made an almost laugh of a noise. He rubbed his face. “Maybe it’d be better if I just lied and said I already promised my sword to someone,” he groaned.
Dornuk looked at him sharply. “Like who?”
“I don’t know? Maybe one of Sivra’s friends? She’s got wizard friends right?”
“I… think so? But it doesn’t have to be a wizard.”
“I know. Alak Hul I know wouldn’t let me promise my sword to him. That’s… weird…? I guess?” he shrugged. He didn’t get it. Alak Hul had explained it years ago but it just sounded like an excuse for himself so he didn’t have to carry the burden of Gup’s sword too. He’d train it but wouldn’t carry it.
“Pick a name at random,” Dornuk said.
“Yeah but what if they actually exist?” Gup asked. “I let my mom pick a name and suddenly a wizard is excitedly banging at my door.” Dornuk grimaced. Gup bumped his arm, “Got’cha,” he said, amused.
“Got’cha out of that grumpy mood.”
“I was not,” Dornuk insisted.
“You’re right. You weren’t grumpy. You were mad. What were you mad about? Those wizards?”
“I wasn’t mad about the wizards,” Dornuk said.
“Yeah you were.”
“I was not,” Dornuk got himself riled up instantly.
“What is your problem?” Gup asked. This happened all the time now it seemed like. And it’d never happened before! When they’d first become friends he’d been prickly because Dornuk had never had friends before but that was years ago. He was normally so fun honestly. It was just the last few months it seemed like everything Gup did made him mad or he worked himself up about something. And Gup had no idea what it was about or why.
“I don’t have a problem. You have a problem,” Dornuk looked away, gripping his tablet so tight he was nearly around to rip it in two with his bare hands.
“Yeah my problem is you,” Gup said. “What did I do to make you so mad all the time?”
“I’m not mad,” Dornuk said sharply. For a second soul fire burned in his eyes. He was very upset.
“You are literally mad right now.”
“Well maybe I wouldn’t be if I liked you less,” Dornuk snapped then immediately slapped his hand over his mouth, face open shock at his fool mouth.
Silence hung in the air between them. “Oh,” Gup said and now a lot of stuff made sense. Dornuk wasn’t mad at him; he was jealous. He was furious with jealousy watching all these wizards openly, without any regard at all, flirt with him. Gup knew regular Hive didn’t really process soft emotions the best so that explained why Dornuk’s jealousy had come out as being snippy with Gup.
“I should go,” and Dornuk hopped off the bench and very much tried to run away from that confession.
But Gup was bigger than him and his strides longer. He caught up to Dornuk immediately and grabbed his arm, pushing him into the well manicured hedge that made up this part of the Temple’s gardens. “Do you really like me that much?” Gup asked him.
Dornuk squirmed under his heterochromatic gaze and didn’t meet his eyes. Why was he so embarrassed? “Yes,” he said and then he got annoyed and smacked Gup on the chitin of his arm. “Why the fuck did your morph come out like this?” he demanded.
“Like what?”
“Do you know what you even look like, idiot?”
“Yes? No? Clearly no?”
“Even with all those wizards flirting with you?”
“I guess? I don’t really pay attention to Hive beauty standards,” Gup admitted truthfully. Then Gup asked, almost stupidly; “Am I hot? Shit did I come out of my morph hot?”
“Yes, you lumbering ogre,” Dornuk said and he was just staying cranky so he didn’t sound embarrassed about it.
“Oh… and you think that?”
Hive couldn’t blush but Dornuk did get that deer in the headlights look Gup had seen on shows before. He looked down and cleared his throat. “Y-yeah,” he coughed.
Gup looked down at him. It hadn’t really… occurred to him before? Then he remembered his mom asking after him and Dornuk after she picked him up every time. How was Dornuk what did they do did anything happen? Dornuk said Savathun was likewise curious about their hangouts. Alak Hul asked him about wizards too and if he liked any and why he always turned them down and what he was interested in. Gup just didn’t… care? Really? In that way he took after his mom a lot.
“Wow. I am dumb. I am literally the last to know,” Gup said.
“What?” Dornuk squinted at him.
“Oh so you also didn’t know?”
“Know what?”
“Like everyone who knows us thinks we’re a thing,” Gup said and he watched Dornuk also doing his own mental gymnastics. He knew he was right when Dornuk smacked his hand to his face with an annoyed noise. Then, carefully, Gup asked, “Is that… something you want?”
Dornuk looked at him and it was so difficult for him and Gup knew it was. Romance for Hive was so weird. You wanted it but wanting it and having it left you open for destruction. It was as good as handing a knife to someone and daring them to stick it in your back. Hopefully Gup and his mom had been enough of a ‘human’ influence on him growing up he wasn’t quite like that? If he was it’d be like trying to part his uncle Savant with one of his Vex pieces: nearly impossible.
“I— do,” Dornuk admitted slowly like he couldn’t believe he was saying it himself.
“Okay,” Gup said.
“Okay? That’s it?” Dornuk asked, confused.
“Sure. You’re my best friend. I like you a lot,” Gup said softly. It wasn’t even a lie. He did like Dornuk a lot and was way more ‘normal’ to Gup than most Hive. “Especially if you stop being mad at me all the time,” he sighed.
“I’m not mad at you. I’m mad at those… fucking worthless wizards,” Dornuk seethed and Gup snickered. He knew Dornuk had some rage buried deep down he didn’t call upon often but for a moment he did. “Thinking they can just come in and act like they own the place. Annoying, pretentious, prissy, bitches. All of them.” He was so mad but it wasn’t directed at Gup so it was fine!
“Well I don’t think that will be a problem now since you’ve taken me out of the courting pool.” That made Dornuk start. Not that it wasn’t true. And framing it as Dornuk taking and not Gup giving also helped with that for Dornuk he knew. It was hard for Hive to accept things given to them (Gup had no problem but he’d been raised by Guardians so he didn’t count) and only accepted it when they could take it for themselves.
“Yes. I suppose I did,” Dornuk said slowly, no longer seething.
“Feel better?”
“… Yes,” Dornuk admitted. “My worm was about to eat a hole through my chest if I didn’t say something.”
“Mmm, don’t do that,” Gup gently patted his chest. “I would like you to stay with your chest fully intact thank you.” Then he reached down and hugged him.
They’d hugged before but Dornuk wasn’t usually a touchy feely type unless the mood struck him so Gup was surprised when Dornuk grabbed him tightly, burying his face in the thick meat of Gup’s neck. Dornuk relaxed in his grip and when Gup released him looked incredibly flustered but happy. So happy. His eyes were shiny, the air around him seemed jovial. Gup had not seen Dornuk this happy in a long time.
“Also,” Gup said, “We… should not tell my mom. Or Savathun.”
“Why not?” Dornuk asked.
“Because I know my mom at the very least and she is going to be… the most annoying Guardian in the system”
“Ohhh. Okay. That’s fine. I don’t mind keeping you to myself for a bit,” he said but flustered himself even saying it, tripping over his words.
Gup leaned down to nuzzle him which made him even more flustered and shyly pushed Gup’s head away. “So what were we doing before those dumb wizards came to bother me?” Gup asked.
“Uhh- I think were were going to convince Naktasha or Grace to play that new movie you brought from the City?”
“Oh right! I completely forgot. You’re going to love it. It’s a movie about some Cabal fighting Hive and the Hive don’t win, but they kill a lot of Cabal. My mom won’t let me watch it so I had to smuggle it in. Let’s go find Grace, he’s always way more on board for this kinda stuff,” and he grabbed Dornuk’s hand and went to find Sivra and her Ghost.
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sundove88 · 2 years
Bee Movie (Sundove88’s Version) Casting
Fresh out of college, Wormsworth the Nega Boss finds the prospect of working with honey uninspiring. She flies outside the hive for the first time and talks to a human, breaking a cardinal rule of her species. Wormsworth learns that humans have been stealing and eating honey for centuries, and she realizes that her true calling is to obtain justice for her kind by suing humanity for theft.
Wormsworth as Barry B. Benson (Balan Wonderworld)
Yuri Brand as Vanessa Bloome (Balan Wonderworld)
Meruem as Adam Flayman (Hunter X Hunter)
Mariano Guzman as Ken (Encanto)
President Haltmann as Layton T. Montgomery (Kirby)
Susie as Herself/Layton’s Daughter (Kirby)
Mosquito Girl as Mooseblood (One Punch Man)
Genesects as The Pollen Jocks (Pokemon)
The Radiance as Janet Benson (Hollow Knight)
Psyhco Mantis as Martin Benson (Metal Gear Solid)
Amber Sugar Cookie as Lou Lo Duca (Cookie Run)
Queen Sectonia as Herself/The Queen of New Hive City (Kirby)
Taranza as Bob Bumble (Kirby)
Milky Rose as Jeanette Chung (Yes PreCure 5 GoGo)
Barktholomew as Bee Larry King (Balan Wonderworld)
Bandana Dee as Hector (Kirby)
Royal Queen as Judge Bumbleton (Smile PreCure)
Various Characters as The citizens of NYC and New Hive City
Here’s your hint to the next Casting:
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thegeminisage · 1 year
ok we are SO back 1 hour yet again let's get these redeads
EWWWW the weird tree from before is like...birthing them. so gross
ZELDA?????????????? omg evil zelda time!!!
lol how buliara in these voiced cutscenes just grunts. cmon just dont have her here
i saw something flying that looked like a giant dragonfly? but it had limbs? glowing eyes????
and im like: no way. no way no way no way. but i shot it down. killed it with fire. gibdo bones. THEY HAVE INSECT WINGS AND THEY FLYYYYYY
cathy did say "wait for it" when i asked if they were scary. kill it WITH FIRE those bitches are NOT gonna get the jump on me i'm a seasoned veteran
oh wow. theyre called gibdo HIVES. whats worse than redeads? making them BUGS!!!
oooh am i gonna build town defenses...that's really cool
ok. ive prepped!!!! im nervous!!! but we are doing it!!!!!!!!!
absolutely WICKED thunder and lightning happening outside rn. totally rainless. the ambience.......
that was really. really scary
lol and immediately a blood moon. rip.
awww barta let me fire the canon and got scolded lol
EWWWW gibdo WING!!! gross loot
oh man going thru the sand shroud and getting beset upon by redeads...bad. they were shambling slowly and i got em fast but i don't like not being able to see them from a distance
oh my god this light puzzle 🥺 it really IS like the spirit temple...i LOVE that throwback weh
um.......idk what to do at this second pillar lol. do i like turn it? hit it?
sidetracked by a shrine. monsters around it, quicksand, the works. walking in quicksand is CRAZY i just noticed how fast it drains your stamina......
found a travel korok lol. sorry buddy you're gonna have to wait. i cannot see shit
i'm just gonna look up this pillar thing. rip.
YES ok theres a pushing wheel thingy i missed bc of the shroud. ok
tbh thank fuck for my sandboots i could never do this with having to walk slowly
AAAAAA i found more redeads. a trail of arrows stuck in the sand leading up to them...spooky
this puzzle being a triangle <3 triforce iconography
it's fake zelda........................................
i gotta admit, it's less shocking once you know she's really flying around up in the sky lol
oh my god oh my god oh my god THIS IS ITTTTT this is the thing from the trailer!!!!
oh. gibdo hives bad
lightning temple! i knew it would be lightning
weh the music.
my god it's HUGE...i guess i just have to get to the top?
remind me of the pyramid from alttp lol. like The one yk
every time i think i'm at the top i find more layers!! am i even doing this right? if there's a cool way to do it i don't want to miss that...
i made it, but nothing up here...there must be a way inside i'm missing
omg you can blow away sand with tulin's ability lol
ok i went back down and...nothing. i guess i gotta look it up :/
ok, maybe i did it wrong
What The Fuck Is That.
i don't have this desert armor upgraded like at all <3 i'm getting my ass beat <3
lol and now i'm supposed to get to the roof from INSIDE...girl i already did that from OUTSIDE
i wanna see the temple tho so i'm going
oh wow this is AMAZING...this feels like a proper dungeon
there's bones in the hole below this bridge. like, gibdo bones. like loots. feels like a trap
only one way to find out i guess
and a keese wing. no trap. that's so weird has someone been fighting here or something
eugh a redead in this room. as creepy as it is when they shamble just watching them lie there is somehow worse
this bobby trap just scared the SHIT out of me. wtf
just checked my map. this shit has SEVEN FLOORS and a basement??? no wonder the climb took so long.......truly a proper dungeon...........................
A TRAP!!!!! there was a hive in a hole and TREASURE in the hole but i couldn't attack the hive until i got the treasure!!! when i was in the hole!!!!!!!!!!!!
ok, im getting ym ass kicked. gotta change back into real armor. much as i love dressing to match the set
this construct did scare the shit out of me btw
OHHHH the mirrors :( just like the spirit temple...
ok, i made it to the temple proper. gotta quit here bc i have an early morning, rip :( i cant waaaait to sink my teeth into this one!!!
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dr-drckken · 2 years
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Day 30: Character Wishlist
1. Dr. Doofenshmirtz: ALSO putting doof on my list because i think having him on multiple lists really speaks for how much his ass needs to BE HERE. begging, pleading, down on my knees. look people, what do I need to do to convince someone to get Doofenshmirtz!! He’s literally the best cartoon dead known to humanity AND he’s a mad scientist. We could be the best of friends, chopping it up on the block. Talking about lab safety! Complaining about how hard it is to find a good lab assistant! I’m not Anya, I don’t have his daughter to entice you with, but I do have his predecessor in funny little cartoon scientists in a beloved children’s show. The point of a disneyrp is for the crossovers and this could be THE crossover.  AND if you use nick cage his could be us: https://thyla.tumblr.com/post/702286691264872448/pedrohub-the-unbearable-weight-of-massive-talent
2. Jackson Storm: i know he was voiced by armie hammer and that’s weird, but like pls. Join that Cars hive! I think he could be a fun addition. We’ve seen the mean girl trope before but let’s talk about a mean GUY! which….yeah we have also seen before, but since it’s being done for my personal benefit i think that’s totally fine and welcome and im giving you permission. I know the mean jock boy has plagued the world, but I ALSO KNOW that with the world that has been created here at swynrp, that the cliche could actually be fun instead of annoying.
3. Mike and Sully: putting them back on here because they have not left my mind since last year kids and at this point they probably never will. Only thing keeping me from getting one is that fact that they wouldn’t have their buddy and thankfully my brain won’t allow one to live while the other is not there. 
4. Eda Clawthorne: The only thing keeping me from getting Eda at any given point is that I would love to write with her, but like I would also love to WRITE her and fjdskajfdksl it’s a very frustrating position to be in you know. She’s just such a good character!! I love her! She adopts people left and right! She’s funny! She’s powerful! She’s got a funny little demon deal to grapple with! Her sister is here!! AAGHH! Begging someone to get her before I give in besties. 
5. Cruella de Vil: I just think she’s neat. And by neat I mean unhinged and possibly one of the worst Disney villains out there lmfao. but that’s what I like about her. I think more women should be able to be mean and evil and commit atrocities. We’ve had our time with the Order Boys (and knife girl) in the hunting ring, but I just think it’s time that a new villain clan takes the spotlight. 
6. Arawn Prydain: ….that being said, I also think we need some less than nice sorcerers hanging around. There’s a few in the open characters tag, but since we’ve got Eilonwy and Taran hanging out I think Arawn would be a good addition to the ranks. Plus with all our #spooky gang characters, a baddie necromancer would be fun to see adding to the mix.
7. Granmamare: I think we should have more merfolk in GENERAL so I’m going to advocate for a QUEEN because, like, come on now, how fun is that. An ethereal lady wandering the town and trying to find like minded people to bring back home to run off the poachers? That’s a fun plot. I like it. I think she should be here, being everyone’s mom. 
8. Scuttle: We’ve got a lot of business owners around town! Some new, some old, but who we do NOT have is the antique shop owner with all his little merfolk friends. I SIMPLY THINK it would be fun to have the kinda kooky, very fun, very well meaning, very bad singer, Scuttle come join us down in Swynlake Town. both because that’s my boss! he could have some really cool stories/shit to say about the stuff he sells! and another business owner to spice things up! what’s his perspective on everything? if he EVEN HAS ONE
9. Winnie the Pooh: I just think this one is really funny. COULD BE TRAGIC IDK, there’s always something a bit tragic about winnie the pooh but still. let’s get this cutie in here! a guy who used to be a literal stuffed animal?? must give the best hugs in town. and this town could use them. and if he doesn’t wear crop tops then idk maybe you shouldn’t be playing him actually. just a thought.
10. The Recess Gang: doing a 5 in 1! I really like the recess kids’ skeletons and think they should all be here, having a grand old time. Whether that be in secondary or even in the uni. There’s nothing like a core group of friends just making their way through life together despite the different paths that they came from to this point. They’re all different but that’s what makes their dynamic work baby!! 
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laryna6 · 3 years
Kyoya is both a cloud and a mist, so it’s possible he’s Tsuna’s cloud and Dino’s mist.
If one goes with the harmonization fanon, that has interesting implications for Daemon Spade. Maybe Daemon wasn’t Primo’s Mist and instead Alaude was both his cloud and his mist. Giotto needed someone to hold the mist ring, therefore Daemon, but Daemon’s mind jumping to blaming Giotto as an alternative to dealing with grief doesn’t really make sense in a harmonization relationship. Even if he did blame Giotto’s policies, he’d want to keep his other precious person safe, so he’d want Giotto locked up somewhere Daemon can check in to be sure he’s fine instead of letting him eff off to Japan. We could use Daemon being Yandere to someone other than Chrome.
‘Secondary’ flames being able to bond both explains why secondary flames exist - better social networking is a big advantage so they don’t lose out to flame purity - and Gokudera being GRR at Yamamoto. Gokudera has rain flames and subconsciously probably sensed Yamamoto’s stronger rain flames edging him out of forming a rain bond with Tsuna.
The only flame type besides Sky Gokudera lacks is Mist, so we could have a ‘verse where Tsuna’s only actually harmonized bonds are with Gokudera and Mukuro/Chrome.. which would... be a terrifying alliance actually. Mukuro pointing out ‘your mafia dad sucks do you really want to bring Tsuna into that life? Where people will try to use and poison him? But they won’t let him free, the only way to keep him safe is to burn it all down.’ Tsuna going ‘I don’t want to be a mafia boss’ and his two actual guardians are ‘don’t worry Tsuna~ we’ll destroy the mafia so you don’t have to worry about a thing~’
In the anime Kawahira-obaasan was having tea parties with chibi Haru and currently-identifying-as-her species was probably a lot more open and casual re. flame use (I’m convinced the Vindice insists on omerta to shrink the pool of potential flame users for Checkerface to draw from in an attempt to foil his plans, since they don’t actually care about preventing death when one of the Vindice makes serial killers as a hobby), so I could see her teaching Haru flame tricks she could use to... encourage the bullies to leave her alone. People being WTF at this ditzy civilian being able to use her flames and like, when she makes a weird remark about flames, is it like stuff she made up about them? Is it lore held closely by the most elite of families only? Is it stuff even the Vongola don’t know?
Also, she’s a Lightning/Cloud, so. Infusing the costumes and dolls she makes with lightning flames multiplied with cloud flames = incredible tanking ability. Imagine a battle scene where Haru is sewing a stuffed animal while someone is trying to kill her and the enemy is getting incredibly effing frustrated, only for her to finish and infuse the plushie so it can keep the enemy occupied while she, Tsuna and their friends GTFO.
Kyoya watching her plushie army in action and nodding because he too has an army of cute fluffy pompadors. Apparently he is not the only person with taste. Addressing her as ‘Queen’ as in hive queen. She takes the Lightning Ring to take Lambo’s place in the ring battle, although she assures Lambo she won’t take his place in Tsuna’s family (since Lambo’s family sucks for sending a kid to fuck with Reborn).
Oh, and Reborn is very likely part Mist because of his love for costumes and such (mist flames would explain why people fall for them), while in the above ‘verse Haru’s costume thing comes from 1. pretty/badass clothes 2. magical girls 3. sewing is fun 4. trained by a Mist (who does costumes themselves).
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stevenbasic · 3 years
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Omigod, how amazing was that! She was such a queen, up in front of everybody at lunch, welcoming the new girls, announcing the new construction, getting us all pumped up. She even called me out- “I’m so happy to be surrounded by so many strong, beautiful women who all want to grow, become bigger, better females - like Josie, here, who’s been with us for a month. Already she’s, like, grown so much!” Eeeek..!
The breakroom was packed! With Melissa, all of us, and the twenty-whatever new girls, I counted almost forty people. The new doctor was there, the new nurse practitioners, all the girls for the new back office. The only one missing was Dr Jjjjjjjj….! “He’s being a little shy today,”  Missy said to everyone - awwwww! He was in his office, and still hasn’t shown his face all day. “But he can’t wait to meet you,” Missy said, “and I’m sure you all can’t wait to meet him!” Omigod the cheers and laughs and - I even think I heard CiCi groan haha she’s so weird.
But yeah Melissa was a queen up there, so tall. So radiant, her smile. “I’m so proud of all my worker bees, and so excited to bring so many new girls into my little hive,” she said, “with the world changing like it is we’re gonna make this the perfect place for you all to get ready for it.” She went on to talk about the new wing for the study, and all the improvements. It’s so cool how our expansion is going to help make everything better, how it’s so important for women. It’s like we’re playing a big, big part!
“And, did you see, girls? The construction?” Missy said proudly, “We have men working for us, now, building our new home.”
“At least they’re good for something!” someone called out (haha I think it was me!!)
Everyone laughed!
“They’re helping us make this a place for women to come and improve themselves, succeed, grow…” she continued. Everyone was listening!
“Get better than them!”
“Get stronger!”
Everyone was cheering!
“Bring him out, he should be here!”
Omigod just the thought of him, this man, this little boss man all holed up in the wall cowering behind his desk afraid of all the big girls outside, hearing us all laughing and joking being smart and successful and getting together while he’s just shaking and quaking and quivering all alone. His world is changing and he doesn’t even know the half of it. It’s growing all around him and all he can feel is his place in it getting smaller and smaller and nnnngh it makes me so crazy crazy like hot and excited and I might start fucking growling.
Our days of being little are over. Bring on the women turn them all into little mice
Meow meow!
Hear that, little boss man, all holed up? Huh? Do you? That’s the cats, the cats are scratching at the walls
and we’re turning into she-lions
We’re going to tear the walls down with our long nails our claws,
our bare hands
we’ll find you u can’t hide anymore little mouse
and when we catch you haha
We’ll show you what your kitties are capable of
we’ll show you what girls can do
Rrraar haha!
Huge thanks to UnseenHarbinger for letting me Melissa-fy his render (and just what -is- that little model at her feet?). Check his DA and Patreon for some more excellent GTS stuff.
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thehypercutstudios · 3 years
Bww MoD - Unacceptable Bee-Havior
This is for my bww au called Masters of Disguises, so yeah big info is in here.
Anyway, here’s an idea of a Story that is made by me and help by @sundove88.
Synopsis: When the Popular Girl at Timeville Public School, Jennifer Raddison, loses the Spelling Bee to one of her classmates, she eventually turns the entire school into her own hive! Can the gang overthrow this mean queen of honey…or will they join her Zombee army?
Nega boss of the Day: Queen Apis Immortuos (Dusk Butterfly + Double Trouble + Sickle Slinger + Queen Bee)
Negatized victim: Jennifer Raddison (who is voiced by Tara Strong) (She was Negatized by her jealousy and anger after losing the spelling bee to Cindy Jameson. After she is purified, she makes up with Cindy and decides to no longer be a spoiled brat again.)
Transformations Used:
-Corn Patterned Bangle (Used by Jose to turn into Hurricane Howler)
-Monster’s Arm Cuffs (Used by Leo to turn into Breakdancing King)
-Iridescent Unicorn Necklace (Used by Emma to turn into Mare Do Well)
Nega Boss Unlocked: Wormsworth
Hope you guys like it!
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loopingtangent · 3 years
So I'm playing chicken with my anxiety and watching Resident Evil.
(I say this is chicken, because I actually don't tend to mind zombie movies, but since the panini happened, I haven't been able to watch them... like I love Pride & Prejudice & Zombies, but I tried watching it last March, and I couldn't get through the opening narration...)
Also, my apartment makes so much fucking noise! Between the neighbours and the pipes.
I don't remember which tall, dark guy she ends up with. They look too similar. Only difference is one has stubble, and the other doesn't.
I also remember like ~3-4 of the guys in black. Which doesn't bode well for the others' survival.
Really, the diced meat scene is barely 20 min into the movie? (No I was just ignoring the movie for the first 10 min, were actually at 30 min...)
Just, general curiosity, why isn't there some failsafe of, if the AI kills everyone, maybe ask why? Because like, a smidge more communication between the Red Queen and the surface, and this whole first act of the series might not have happened?
Also, just like the whole dude with the fire axe, was that supposed to be the equivalent of pyramid head? I've never played the video game so I've only know a small amount of what's going on. (There's a ghost dog jump scare in one of the movies, pyramid head, zombies, and there's apparently a lady in the new one that everyone wants to be stepped on by?)
You know, once upon a time, that CGI actually scared me. Now it just looks weird...
You know, splitting the party is the number 1 cause of TPKs...
My dude, you are an absolute moron if you think she was alive?! (Also, why did they not cross-reference cop's name with the staff? Opps, nvm...) also, his rationale is kind of familiar (and slightly relevant to here and now).
So Alice has super badass skills magically, but not her not-husband? And she doesn't think to question it? (Also, just imagine how fun it would have been to be a zombie extra on set?)
Also, gold star to Kaplan for that performance.
Are they keeping Rain around just to show how people turn into zombies?
Oh, there's a potential of a cure. Nice...
"I've been a bad, bad girl..."
Oh gees wiz, look at those pipes that have been hanging in that cabin all movie, I wonder if they'll get used for anything...
Wait, boss fight is over and there's 15 min left? /s
Oh dear, cop guy is freaking out, and now there are people in biohazard suits...
They were underground for like 3 hours. And shit went to hell? (Future Loop: nope, they got out, she got locked up, and then the Umbrella Corp went back into the Hive...)
How long was she actually out for?
Overall, it's a solid movie. I'm always more for the ethical choices than the zombie shooting, which this had a bit of. Am I going to watch the rest of them, yeah, probably... is the second one currently begin loaded into the blu-ray player, yes...
Rating: 7/10 (probably slightly mood dependent, because it's usually an 8)
Any movie you want me to review?
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gale-gentlepenguin · 5 years
ML au: Queen Bee’s City AU: Character Bios
Chloé Bourgeois: Transfer student from Paris. Her Father is Mayor of Paris and her mother is Audrey Bourgeois, a famous fashion Critic. She is bossy and expects everything to be handed to her, but now that she is a student at an elite Private School, she realize her clout that existed in France is irrelevant, she is just a pretty face.
Despite this revelation, Chloé decided that she would make a name for herself, as New York City’s greatest hero, Queen Bee.
Without any super powers and a city that seems a lot more sinister then her previous abode, Chloé has a lot of hardwork to do if she wants to be noticed as hero. She will also need more help then she realizes, and maybe, just maybe, she can be a true hero.
Derek Dalvir: Native New Yorker and son of David Dalvir, Founder of DalTech. Much like his Father, Derek is a talented inventor, but unlike his father, is more focused on inventing Gadgets he has seen in comics and movies. His father claims he will grow out of such a useless hobby.
Derek found himself carrying a beaten up girl in a bee themed costume after leaving a comic book store after witnessing the girl try and fail to stop a car jacking, and soon he realized that his hobby his father called stupid might be something that can help people but more then anything, keep this crazy French girl from getting killed.
Gabby Chisme: Daughter of a respected Digital Media organization CIO, Editor of the school paper and Creater of the BuzzBlog, (The Bee vigilante news Arc-Hive). After being saved by the Bee heroine, she became inspired to write about the heroine. Being the Queen Bee’s number one fan.
She ends up befriending Chloé Bourgeous who seems to share her interest in city’s new hero.
Melody Harmonic: A quiet girl who usually volunteers at the school Library. Always loves talking about books she read and enjoys. She happens to be Derek’s crush. But there is more to her then she lets on.
Dominic Capo: One of several Crime bosses that work in New York. He was living a good life until an insane girl in a bee themed costume started mucking up his endeavors. At first it was a minor annoyance, with the occasional drug deal getting interrupted. But when she started stopping arms deals and leading to major busts of his clients and associates, Dominic decides to start a crusade against this annoying bee. Hiring individuals to ‘Handle’ the pest.
Exterminator: Personal hitman of the Capo family. Their true name and face are a mystery. Some say that the exterminator is a group of people all mascarading as one person. They are a top notch assassin and now they have their eyes on Queen bee.
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