#she is the last one in the legacy save file
moonedaurora · 3 months
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Thee Lost Save File
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atavist · 1 month
The Last Shall Be First
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In 1994, the deadliest year in New Orleans history, Len Davis of the NOPD ordered a hit on a civilian who had filed a brutality complaint against him. The most notorious cop in the city went away for murder but left a hidden legacy of harm in his wake. People are still crying out for justice.
Issue no. 150 is now live:
Over the years, the various men whom Davis helped in one way or another to put away for life had advocates on the outside, well-meaning people who did what they could with the resources they had. Juluke pretended that he understood the documents a lawyer shared with him during his appeals—he didn’t know how to read and wouldn’t learn until he was 31 and still locked up at Angola. His grandmother always believed in his innocence, and when she passed away in 2008, it felt like he was left without a soul in the world who truly cared about him. One of Singleton’s young daughters saved the money she otherwise would have spent on sweets—she liked Honey Buns best—because she wanted to help pay the $25,000 retainer she’d heard someone say her father needed for a good attorney. Just the thought of her kindness and naïveté made Singleton tear up. He told himself that if he weren’t in prison, a rival in the drug game might have come along one day and shot up his home. His big-hearted daughter might have been killed.
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zapreportsblog · 10 months
can you do a Twilight Jasper X reader where the reader is Jasper's descendant and she turns out to be a teacher at Forks High School. She goes by her last name which is Whitlock. She does find out they're all vampires eventually. She actually ends up meeting the major later on. Instead of Jasper trying to attack Bella on her birthday, the reader saves the day by stepping in front of the major and calming him down. Feel free to change anything else. Just keep the reader being related to Jasper and that she ends up being a teacher. Garrett is her mate.
Ooh my what an interesting idea
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✭ pairing : garrett x reader x jasper hale
✭ fandom : twilight x reader
✭ summary : (y/n) is the mate of Garrett and the descendant of jasper Whitlock back from his human days, now attending forks she meets her extended family and even saves someone
✭ authors note : l swear you twilight fans come up with the most interesting ideas but I can’t say I ain’t the same
✭ twilight masterlist
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In the quiet town of Forks, (y/n) Whitlock walked the halls of Forks High School, her footsteps echoing softly against the linoleum floor. As an English teacher, she had dedicated herself to shaping the minds of young students, guiding them through the world of literature and writing. With her dark hair pulled back into a neat bun and a determined expression on her face, she exuded an air of professionalism.
Unbeknownst to most, (y/n) carried a secret within her veins, a legacy that connected her to one of the town's most enigmatic figures. She was a descendant of Jasper Whitlock, a connection that had been kept hidden from the world, even from the Cullen family themselves.
As the students filed into her classroom, (y/n) greeted each one with a warm smile, her eyes holding a hint of curiosity as she studied their faces. Despite her best efforts to remain impartial, she couldn't help but notice the nuances and expressions that resembled those of her ancestor.
Among her students was a familiar face - Jasper Hale. His golden eyes met hers as he walked into the classroom, a fleeting moment of recognition passing between them. Jasper's attention had been drawn by her last name - Whitlock. He had heard of the name before, in stories from his past.
Throughout the lesson, (y/n) engaged her students with discussions about classic literature, her passion for the subject evident in her words. Jasper's gaze lingered on her, his thoughts a whirlwind of curiosity and intrigue. There was something about her that stirred memories he thought long buried.
After the bell rang and the students began to file out of the classroom, Jasper approached (y/n) with a soft smile. "Miss Whitlock, your last name caught my attention."
(y/n) turned to him, her eyes meeting his golden gaze with a mixture of surprise and curiosity. "Oh? How so?"
"It's just... well, it's a name I've heard before," Jasper replied, his tone thoughtful. "In stories from my past."
A knowing smile tugged at (y/n)'s lips. She had expected this moment to come eventually, the moment when the legacy of Jasper Whitlock would be acknowledged. "Jasper, isn't it?"
His eyes widened slightly in surprise. "How did you know?"
She chuckled softly. "I have a feeling we have more in common than just our last name. You see, I'm a descendant of Jasper Whitlock as well."
The revelation seemed to take Jasper by surprise, his gaze searching her face for any signs of deceit. "Is that true?"
(y/n) nodded. "It is. Jasper, it's a pleasure to finally meet you. The stories about you and your family have always intrigued me."
Jasper's lips quirked into a genuine smile, a sense of camaraderie settling between them. "Likewise, Miss Whitlock."
As the two of them stood in the empty classroom, the weight of their shared lineage hung in the air. It was a connection that went beyond mere coincidence, a thread that bound them together through time and history. And as they exchanged stories and anecdotes, (y/n) couldn't help but feel that fate had brought them together for a reason, linking their lives in ways that neither of them could have predicted.
“Would you be interested in coming over for dinner?” Jasper asks.
“Sure, I’d love nothing more,” she smiles.
As the evening sun dipped below the horizon, casting a warm glow over the Cullen household, (y/n) Whitlock found herself standing at the doorstep, flanked by Garrett. Her demeanor was calm and collected, her eyes meeting Jasper's golden gaze with a sense of familiarity. She had agreed to join him and his family for dinner, curious to learn more about the Cullens and the connection they shared through her lineage.
Jasper greeted them both with a polite smile, his easy manner putting (y/n) at ease. The Cullen family welcomed them into their home, and (y/n) couldn't help but feel a sense of intrigue as she looked around the elegant interior.
As they settled in for dinner, conversations flowed freely. The Cullens were curious about (y/n)'s knowledge of vampires and how she had come to be familiar with their kind. When the topic arose, (y/n) and Garrett exchanged a knowing glance before she began to explain.
"Garrett and I have faced the Volturi before," she began, her voice steady. "When we decided to be together, we knew the risks of him being a vampire and me being a human. So, Garrett found a way to make me a half vampire."
The Cullens exchanged surprised glances, intrigued by the revelation. "A half vampire?" Carlisle inquired.
"Yes," Garrett confirmed. "We discovered a way to blend our strengths and weaknesses, allowing (y/n) to benefit from the aspects of being a vampire while retaining some of her humanity."
Esme's eyes softened with understanding. "That's quite remarkable."
Jasper's curiosity remained piqued as he looked at (y/n). "And how did you come to learn about your ancestry and my connection to you?"
(y/n) smiled softly. "I've always known about vampires, considering my own mate is one. Garrett helped me understand my heritage, and through research, we pieced together our connection to your family. We discovered that I'm a descendant of your brother-in-arms, Peter. He was a close friend of my ancestor, Jasper Whitlock."
Jasper's eyes widened in surprise and a hint of recognition. "Peter was a dear friend. It's incredible to think that our bloodline has continued to intertwine through the generations."
The evening continued with laughter, stories, and shared experiences. (y/n) found herself at ease in the company of the Cullens, her connection to Jasper and her mate Garrett creating an unspoken bond.
As dinner drew to a close, Jasper's gaze held a mixture of curiosity and appreciation. "It's not often we meet someone who understands both our world and the unique connections we share."
(y/n) nodded in agreement. "And it's not often I meet others who share such intriguing stories. It's an honor to be here."
Garrett wrapped an arm around (y/n) with a proud smile. "We're grateful for the acceptance and understanding."
As the night grew darker, (y/n) knew that the paths that had led her to this point were guided by fate, weaving together the lives of vampires and humans in ways that were both unexpected and remarkable. And as they bid the Cullens goodnight, (y/n) felt a sense of camaraderie and connection that stretched beyond bloodlines, transcending time itself.
Garrett and (Y/N) had seamlessly integrated themselves into the Cullen family, becoming an integral part of their lives. The Cullens, known for their unique abilities and compassionate nature, had opened their hearts and welcomed the couple with open arms.
In a gesture of love and acceptance, the family decided to build a cozy cabin for Garrett and (Y/N) in the depths of the surrounding woods, a place they could call their own.
The cabin stood tall and sturdy, nestled amidst the trees, offering a sense of tranquility and seclusion. Its rustic charm blended harmoniously with the natural surroundings, a testament to the Cullens' attention to detail and their desire to make Garrett and (Y/N) feel at home.
On a sunny day, the Cullens gathered at their grand house to celebrate Bella's birthday. The atmosphere was filled with laughter and joy as the family exchanged gifts and shared stories. Garrett and (Y/N) were excited to be a part of this special occasion, witnessing the love and unity that bound the Cullens together.
As Bella eagerly unwrapped her gift, a small box from (Y/N) and Garrett, she accidentally nicked her finger on the sharp edge. The scent of her blood filled the air, instantly triggering the primal instincts of the vampires in the room.
Jasper, known for his struggle with bloodlust, felt his control slipping. His eyes darkened with hunger, and his muscles tensed, ready to pounce. But before he could react, (Y/N) swiftly stepped in front of him, her eyes filled with determination.
“Jasper, calm down," she commanded, her voice steady and unwavering. "You have the strength to control your urges. You can resist." To everyone's surprise, (Y/N) possessed a unique gift of her own - the ability to manipulate and control emotions. She had honed this power over the years, using it to bring peace and harmony to those around her.
Jasper's eyes flickered with a mix of confusion and admiration as (Y/N)'s influence washed over him. His tense muscles relaxed, and the hunger in his eyes faded away. He regained control, his gaze softening as he looked at (Y/N) with gratitude.
“Thank you," he murmured, his voice filled with genuine appreciation.
But as Jasper's emotions settled, a different side of him emerged. The Major, as he was known, stepped forward, his presence commanding and intense. His eyes gleamed with a fiery determination, ready for a battle of wills.
“(Y/N)," the Major spoke, his voice deep and resonant. "You have an extraordinary gift. I can sense the power within you. Tell me, how did you come to possess such control over emotions?"
(Y/N) met the Major's gaze, her own eyes filled with a mix of curiosity and respect. She understood the weight of his alter ego, the strength and intensity that lay dormant within him. "I have spent years honing my gift, learning to understand the intricacies of emotions," she replied, her voice steady.
“It is not just about controlling them, but also about empathizing and guiding them. Emotions are a powerful force, and with great power comes great responsibility."
The Major nodded, a flicker of admiration crossing his features. "You speak the truth, (Y/N). Emotions can be both a blessing and a curse. It takes a strong individual to harness their power for good."
As the conversation between (Y/N) and the Major continued, the rest of the Cullen family watched in awe. They marveled at the connection between these two powerful beings, recognizing the potential for growth and understanding that lay within their interaction.
In that moment, the bonds between the Cullens and their newfound family members grew stronger. They realized that they were not just connected by blood or supernatural abilities, but by the shared experiences and the unwavering support they offered one another.
As the sun began to set, casting a warm glow over the gathering, the Cullens and their extended family retreated to the cabin in the woods. They continued to celebrate Bella's birthday, but now with a newfound appreciation for the strength and unity that bound them together.
In the depths of the woods, surrounded by nature's embrace, Garrett, (Y/N), and the Cullens found solace and a sense of belonging. They knew that no matter what challenges lay ahead, they would face them together, their bonds unbreakable.
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fieldoffae · 1 month
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starting @asphodelmoon's Occult Legacy Challenge
(a bit of background to Yaretzi and her family below)
As a child, Yaretzi's family would often visit her grandmother in Strangerville before her passing. This woman was eccentric and ingenious, two traits Yaretzi had always thought highly of her due to. She had always accepted Yaretzi when no one else seemed to understand her, no matter who she was. She adored the moments they'd spend in her front garden; the two of them tinkering away at projects until nightfall, but this fun would often end with a strange person waddling their way past the home, their eyes were wide and their posture funny as Yaretzi thought back then. It would cause a sudden shift in her grandmother's mood and she'd be hurriedly pushed back inside for dinner or some other fitting excuse.
Many years later during the summer months of school holidays as she was nearing the end of high school; Yaretzi's home had erupted into flames deep into the night. She was able to be saved but the smoke inhalation was far too much for her parents to endure and they passed that night. She had no one left but herself and extremely distant relatives.
She had always been an expert with schooling, passing with flying colours and not a single grade below A, but this sudden change was difficult to manoeuvre, her grades dwindled and just as it felt everything was leaving her grasp; she was called about a scholarship to university. She felt hope, she could study with what little funds she had gathered and become a scientist as she had always dreamed.
Yaretzi attended university and as expected by those around her, passed with flying colours. As the term came to an end, she gathered all her savings and moved to the only place she knew would welcome her (and be cheap enough), Strangerville. Her grandmother's run down trailer had been upkept as best as possible by Meredith Roswell, a long-time family friend.
While unpacking her belongings, she stumbled upon her grandmother's very old computer that had been left behind, taped to it were sticky-notes with the passcode. As she logged in and had a snoop about, clearing out some old recipes and junk files to make it her own, Yaretzi came across a folder labelled "DO NOT TOUCH" and as one does when coming across something like that; she clicked on it. This folder contained semi-coherent ramblings about a "mother plant" and "mind control", all things Yaretzi tried to pass off as an old lady spewing words out.
But Yaretzi couldn't get those words out of her mind, they gnawed at her skull in an attempt to get out before she finally gave in and dove deeper, her own investigation had begun in a last-ditch attempt to finish what her grandmother started.
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skibeegames · 11 days
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Grove Family Introduction
✩°。🧸𓏲⋆.🧺𖦹 ₊˚
Welcome to my Grove family introduction. This is the current legacy family I am playing but not my OG legacy family save. As this family is my current household this is the family that will currently be featured the most on this Simblr at the moment. But I do intend to show my other legacy family (play is on hold for this world as I am building my ultimate save file and want to put that out chronologically) in the future. I also wanted to put in a 'fun fact' and say that with most of my gameplay when new generations are born I will randomize traits and aspirations and create their looks with CC based off how they originally looked and dressed before makeover's so that they have more personality.
I will be posting some past screenshots from this save to catch up to the current portrait from above and to show how our founder started out. So spoilers incoming obviously, haha. <3
Brienne Grove
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Brienne is the Matriarch of the Grove family and the founder. She is very cottagecore and a very sweet sim. I am very biased as I made her but I think she is very beautiful and just has all over comforting mum vibes. Her aspiration is soulmate and her traits are romantic, cat lover and loner. The Grove family did own 2 cats but they both passed shortly before the birth of their final child.
Akira Kibo
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Akira Kibo is Brienne's loving husband and I think she will have definitely completed her soulmate aspiration with him. I gave Akira a CC makeover as he was originally a townie from City Living. Akira's aspiration is The curator and his traits are self-assured, jealous, and romantic. Brienne and Akira met on a night out and after a long night chatting (woohooing), they found out they were expecting a new addition and have been inseparable ever since.
Atlas and Mabel Grove
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Brienne and Akira were most surprised (me too) when they found it was addition(s), plural not singular. These are the twins, Atlas and Mabel. Mabel is one of my favourite sims. I have never seen such a unique sim. She is so pretty. Her aspiration is Successful lineage and her traits are bookworm, horse lover and neat. Atlas has the Beach life aspiration and his traits are goofball, clumsy and party animal. These two were obviously very close as children.
Willow and Aubrie Grove
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Willow on the left was the next child and after her came Aubrie. Aubrie is the last teen left at the moment and these 2 are very much middle child personified. Willow has a secret her family does not know of and Aubrie is just all around adorable, she was the perfect little sister until her little brother came into the equation quite late. Willow's aspiration is Werewolf initiate (quite telling what her secret is now) and her traits are outgoing, creative and cheerful. Aubrie's aspiration is Party Animal and her traits are music lover and socially awkward.
Myles and Howdy Grove
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Finally is Myles and Howdy Grove, yes, I am grouping the baby with the horse. These two are literally the cutest. Myles is definitely one of the most if not the cutest infant I have had so far. He is a sensitive infant. Miss Howdy is Mabel's horse but she is the family pet and she is still a little baby but will end up being quite big as she is a Clydesdale horse. Her traits are fearful, mellow and defiant.
So there it is, the Grove family so far which is soon expanding 👀. I hope you enjoy my posts about them now that you got to know them.
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cas-sims · 6 months
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Adair just had his birthday (and I need to start a new save file) so it's time for the first heir voting in the Alphabet Legacy! Here are some short descriptions of the three! Adora dreams of becoming a pro ghost hunter. She doesn't mind getting scared every now and then - she's kind of a daredevil, and she's a bit eccentric, anyway. She hates modern technology and loves to spend time outside, preferably with other sims. She's strong and independent, but would love to have a family of her own one day, too.
Ambrose wants to become a chess master. He's very smart, charismatic and friendly. He loves to meet new people (especially women!) and to hang out in trendy spots. Everything comes easy for him, as he's a lucky sim! It does not pair up well with his absent-mindedness, though!
Adair is the most creative of the siblings. He is a very good guitar player and a brush master, already making some nice money out of his paintings. He can sleep through anything, and he loves to munch on a good snack. Adair likes to keep everything around his nice and neat, and can't stand sims that make a mess around themselves.
The voting lasts for ~20 hours, depending on when I'll be able to check in here to see the results :)
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novapark · 21 days
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The Nova Family - Mainline Gens 1-6 [Founded 2013]
So I wanted to reintroduce my main family line for the new people and recentish mutuals who aren't familiar with them yet. My blog is named after my old Adam and Eve challenge town which was founded and maintained by this family until the save file died in gen 5.
Okay with that said, let's buckle up cause this shit is long and it gets campy and weird at times but here is the general telling of the Nova Legacy up until Bastian's generation.
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Generation 1 - Founders Cole and Ember, they had Edric, Dagny, Folke, Ander, Oliver, and Liv. They were farmers with few neighbors and fewer worries.
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Generation 2 - Dagny took over for her parents once they passed on. She was a pretty chill chick who founded and ran the village consignment shop. She had two children with her husband Kellan, Owen and Edda.
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Generation 3 - Edda had a one sided affair with a local farmboy named Miles that resulted in her daughter Sedona. Her parents took care of her child so she could go to Uni where she met Cid and they went on to get married and then divorced, then married again in old age. They had three children together Payson, Page, Phoenix.
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Generation 4 - Page quickly took over management of the town from her mother as soon as she was able. Thinking it had languished under her elders for too long she quickly began selling land to outsiders in an effort to expand her influence and her wealth. She married her childhood best friend Vivek and they had four children together, Kiran, Teagan, Regan, and Penelope (who Page is expecting in this picture).
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Generation 5 - Regan was a romantic from the start, always dreaming of her perfect match and once she found Bryn she knew it was him. Unfortunately he was much too old for her and already married but no one stops a Nova with a dream. To this day no one knows why Bryn's ex-wife left town so quickly after she turned 18. It's a mystery to everyone. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Anyway, they had 8 children (partially due to her mother Page's meddling with fertility potions): Zoey, Brenden, Brielle, Brynna, Maddox, Ferryn, Laryn, and Kamryn
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Generation 6 - Being born between two sets of triplets gave Maddox a bit of a complex. He was always forgotten but also always forgiven when he acted out. So is it no wonder he grew into a monster?
He wasn't that way at first though, his love for his first wife Allison and their children - Willow, Dawn, and Layne mostly kept him in check. The root of his obsessions with genetics would begin there though, with one of his first experiments resulting in his plantsim child Ivy.
Unfortunately around this same time their youngest was born he got into a personal feud with a local group of vampires who took their revenge by setting his house on fire. The resulting blaze claimed his wife and although his children survived he soon abandoned the girls to seek a new life in exile.
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His second wife was the clone of his lab assistant who died in a mysterious accident soon after they met. They had three children together, Nova, Bastian, and Delora. I don't think there's a picture of all of them together. She divorced him midway through her last pregnancy then later died young of an unusual disease.
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His final (known) wife was Morgan, is who he had Terran and Skye with. She divorced him in absentia because he fled from their home in Strangetown after "the incident" with his son Bastian.
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And that brings us to Bastian, who was my main sim for a couple years so we'll get to his assorted tales and children in another post. This is very much long enough.
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artsy-hobbitses · 1 year
Hi! I would like to ask how Strongarm ( Pre-War) gained Sideswipe trust/ When Sideswipe decided that despite her being a cop Strongarm is worthy his trust what ultimately led to him helping to save her life
Because her Gotta Do Right instinct is more overpowering than her allegiance to the thin blue line, and it’s something that happens often enough that she’s made enemies on the force  who don’t like that she’s a Legacy Prick Pick who’s messing up their quotas (She and OP can brofist on this one) and won’t back them up when they have to explain their fuckups in court. 
There is no arrest without a warrant, ALL infractions are recorded—even that of fellow officers—and if you turn off your camera, she has hers on. She comes equipped with de-escalation training, PRIORITISES it and has no compunctions about stepping in if fellow cops step outta line.
Part of it IS because she’s a Legacy Pick—to an extent, she WAS Teflon when it came to this sort of thing, the higher ups coveted her after all, she didn’t come to them. Complaints would be filed over how difficult she was to work with, but for a while, like Prowl, she was still seen as more an asset than she was a liability, so she wielded that privilege to the best of her ability. 
Sideswipe saw it on the streets when she forced the shutdown of a ‘bait truck’ operation in an impoverished neighborhood and made calls to NGOs and aid centers instead of arrests when dealing with desperation-driven shoplifting. 
He saw it when she was off-duty because when she wasn’t in uniform, she was doing an Olivia Benson and checking in on victims of the cases she helped handle.  
He saw it in lockup personally a couple of times when her colleagues wanted to hold him beyond the remand period for whatever minor infractions they would bring him in for (vandalism, public disturbance, misdemeanor obstruction) and would try to bait him into violence so they could tag him with the felony of assaulting a police officer. He’s a hothead, not an idiot, but more surprising to him is that SHE knows exactly what they were trying to do, calls them up for it and makes sure he’s released on the dot at the end of his remand period. 
So it really wasn’t hard to trust her. 
Basically, she’s a straight arrow, an honest cop (by which I mean she’s a buff Judy Hopps) who genuinely cares, which has Sideswipe bemused and mildly concerned (Him? Give a shit? Dream on, Shortstack, but you best keep an eye out yaknow—the real dark stuff ain’t in front of your ranks, it’s behind ‘em). 
Because good cops don’t last out here.
At some point, she’s investigating Sideswipe’s claims that the murders of several prominent union activists in Hell’s Kitchen have gone under the radar, and she decided to pick it up despite her colleagues telling her that it’s just gang-related activity—you know how they are, you know what that place is like. 
She gives Sideswipe a burner cell so they can keep in contact over the case and trade info, after which she discovers:
The entire thing is part of a particularly bloody union-busting effort funded by a local pro-Functionist politician and carried out by cops on his payroll. 
There is paperwork filed on Sideswipe, approving the detainment and use of ‘behavioral conditioning’ via Mnemosurgery on him (similar to what had been planned for a young!Jazz) after the local three-strike law was amended to also include public disturbance-type misdemeanors. 
She immediately passes the intel and warning to Sideswipe and heads out to what she believes is a sting operation on a drug cartel. Which it IS, except the plan was for her to be ‘a hero killed in the line of duty’ and oops literally no one told her until she’s trying to remember how to breath and can feel some of her insides on her outside somewhere down the back of her waist.
No one has a chance to monologue though! All she needs to hear is “couldn’t let you warn him” and she’s firing off salvos in a fight for her life. Takes down one dirty cop, the others scatter to wait for backup, and she escapes out the back.
She doesn’t make it far though. Crumpled in a filthy alley somewhere, she makes the call to Sideswipe and does something she’s never done in her life; ask for help.
Because she doesn’t know who else to call (she can’t call her family and put them at risk, she can’t call her colleagues because she clearly can’t trust a lot of them, can’t go to a local GH because there will be a BOLO out for her—you’re all she has right now).
And Sideswipe drops everything and answers. 
Because good cops don’t last out here, he fuckin’ told you, but like hell he’ll let you die out on the streets. Shut up, don’t tell him all the things you wanted tell your old man that you never said before this—you tell your old man that in person, because whatever it takes, he’s making sure you get out of this alive. 
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heididthat · 2 months
So I did a likkle ting while taking a break from studying for my last exam of the year.
Backstory: so before my computer wiped in October and I lost all my CC and save files, I decided to make a legacy family in late to early 2023(?) (The Bure Family) consisting of mom and dad (Kandi and Landon), 3 sons (Kamden, Kalen and Karson) and a baby girl (Kamia). The plan was to have Kamden, the oldest befriend Eunjoo, the fourth of six Sung-Vale Children (I'll do more posts on their families in the future). However, they happened to have a crush on each other naturally so by their sophomore year of high school, they became official.
In their senior year, however, Kamden jumped the gun on me and spontaneously proposed to Eunjoo at the Romance Festival (this was around mid 2023). I still do how he managed to do that but she said yes and they've been engaged on the low (with the exception of their families knowing). After High school graduation, Eunjoo moved from her parents San Myshuno and into The Bure Family Home in San Sequoia, where she and Kamden sleep on opposite ends of the house, per his mother's request.
Joon-Su and Sangria, the Sung-Vale Parents, and The Bures both agreed that they would fully finance the wedding if Eunjoo and Kamden graduated from their postsecondary studies first. Well after a tumultuous “four years” of postsecondary studies, I'm pleased to announce that both Eunjoo and Kamden will be completing their degrees in History (Pre-Law) and Economics (Education) respectively, in the spring and have set a wedding date for this coming summer!
In celebration of their upcoming nuptials, I wanted to share some photos and gifs!
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I got so excited, I was just doing whatever
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The gifs:
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(The quality of the second one is trash because Tumblr wouldn't let me be great lolol 🧍🏾‍♀️)
Lastly, my favourite edits of all the photos I took:
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I love my sims🥰
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fab-potato-weird · 8 months
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Demon Slayer Ocs
( Swipe to see more drawings )
Warning this post have long description and broken grammar
Aaaaaa Finally its Finished :"0💗💕💖✨️✨️✨️💕💖💖✨️💗✨️✨️💕💖💕✨️✨️💕 an oc i created around the the swordsmith arc still on going but managed to finished now because i been unmotivated :")
OC Info
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🌸Keima Atsuko🌸
Age : 20 y.o
Height : 170 cm / 5,57 ft
》A bit info about Keima
▪︎Her family are dead because of the demon but luckly she Saved because of Shinjuro arrived at there on time.
▪︎She had nowhere to go so she follow Shinjuro and there she end up become his student
▪︎Among Shinjuro students she the most weak one because she don't have a combat / fighting experience before so she have to learn it from zero
▪︎took her 1 and half year of traning to finally enter final selection
▪︎On her first pay check ,first thing she bought is Her Haori because she saw alot of her demon slayer have pretty haori
▪︎If she had dayoff / no Missions she always pay a visit to swordsmith Village just want to hangout with Iroha ( the daughter of swordsmith)
▪︎She pretty close with Iroha she sees her as her own little sister.
▪︎On her birthday she received a wakizashi made by Iroha because she want made something for her.
▪︎Other than Iroha She also Pretty Close with Young Kochou Sisters especially with young Shinobu, she loves teasing her because she think her grumpy attitude are cute.
▪︎Used to be a Tsugoku under Shinjuro Rengoku because she the only one who bear with his strict traning ( only lasted for a month because of his "sudden" retired)
▪︎after the former hashira retirement she got an offer to become next flame hashira but she refused it because it too sudden.
▪︎Died on age 20 because Fighting uppermoon 2 ( before Kanae meet an uppermoon 2)
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🍁Iroha Takumiya🍁
Age : 18 y.o
Height : 168 cm / 5,51 ft
》A bit about Iroha
▪︎Dream to be a professional Swordsmith just like her Father
▪︎She don't have a friend in the Swordsmith Village because of she a bit "violent "playing with them
▪︎her only friends are the demon slayers and some other swordsmith apprentice
▪︎ a (fomer) Swordsmith apprentice
▪︎On her birthday she received a haori from Keima ( the maple leaves pattern )
▪︎Keima bought her a haori with maple leave pattern because of Iroha Hair color reminds of an Autumn
▪︎Heard Keima Death ,her feelling filed with sadness and furious to the demon who killed her
▪︎Few days after Keima death she decided to bought her father leftover nichiri blade and secretly runaway from swordsmith Village because she want to become a demon slayer
▪︎ train under kyojuro ( because she ask him to train her )
▪︎ Traning for six month because she already good with fighting with wooden katana before and fast learner
▪︎went to final selection along with mitsuri
▪︎after Kyojuro death later she Got an offer become next flame hashira but she refused the offer because her only reason she become a demon slayer just to kill an uppermoon 2 who killed Keima
First time drawing them in kny art style 💗💕💗💗💕💖💕💕💗✨️💗💕💗💕💗✨️✨️💕✨️💖💛💕💗💕💕
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An Au where Keima survive fighting upper moon 2
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》A bit about the AU
▪︎If Keima still alive her Age would be 26 y.o she become 2nd oldest hashira
▪︎her haori are damage alot during the fight because she love the haori so much she tried to find a tailor to recreate her damaged haori ( even it cost her half of her savings lol )
▪︎After Kyojuro Death she got an 2nd offer again to be a next Flame Hashira so this time she agree with it
▪︎ Keima the ribbons are inspired by the previous flame hashira cape because she want to keep Rengoku legacy and the remembering of her dear friend Kyojuro death
▪︎Iroha would Never become a demon slayer and she pursue her dream to be a swordsmith
▪︎She become one of the nicest swordsmith because unlike other swordsmith gone furious every time a deomon slayer broke the sword
▪︎Even she the nicest in reaturn she want a demon slayer to return a favor in exchange she fix their sword without being furious, the favor can be tell the story about their mission or they teach her about fighting techniques
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lordelmelloi2 · 8 months
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@bink4 Actually, Makoto Sanda has confirmed in Gray's materials that the relation between her and Waver will remain teacher-student and not progress into a romantic one. Of course the anime likes to give fanservice at random times, but as you probably already know as a Fate fan, the fanservice is what they do to keep the money going from what I understand -_- in many ways.
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from Gray's TMDict article
I don't think fans of Case Files really have to worry about Gray and Waver's relationship being unhealthy tbqh. It's been shown time and time again that the reason why Gray takes care of cleaning and cooking is so she'd have something to do in London, and quite frankly, it's healthy for her to be doing that given that back in her hometown she had literally everything controlled for her, from when she went to the bathroom or ate to what she ate and when she slept, all so she'd successfully become King Arthur. Waver could tell from the beginning that Gray had low self-esteem & would likely feel really bad if she was just taken care of Even More when she got to London, so it makes sense to let her just take care of whatever things she chooses to take up, since for her it'll be something that compells her and makes her feel like she's not just being taken care of again. Waver's given her an allowance since she had come to London anyways. Gray's been stated to have the kind of attitude to more or less compulsively take care of stuff like that, since she immediately kind of starts taking care of Ergo as well and even proudly tries to be a good "Big sister" to him.
I've seen some comments lately about how Waver's mentorship of Gray is "unhealthy" which puzzles me because they have very firm boundaries with each other, and Waver isn't dependent on Gray at all..? it's been shown that Waver takes care of Gray very well and encourages her and supports her self-esteem also? he doesn't criticize her or anything, he doesn't put all his emotional problems on her or anything, the only thing I think that is the actual flaw at this point in Adventures is that he's a little Too guarded with her sometimes and that can make her feel like she's not able to communicate well with him? Given how intense his internal turmoil is I would bet he has decent reason to not show his emotions since the last time he had a self-despair spiral out loud he inadvertently ended up dismissing his entire Legacy and how he saved Gray and his students and she slapped him for that lol and after that he apologized 😭 I think as a teacher and student bond they have one of the best ones in a lot of media. It's great to see a teacher and student to learn from one another and grow together in the way that they did. And it's wonderful for them to help each other out, and I'm glad that Makoto Sanda has just outright confirmed that Waver is actually competent on his own because I hated seeing people act like he was an incompetent manchild for years or that he was forcing Gray to take care of him when he never did such a thing. Waver protects Gray in the ways that he can, too. I don't think their relationship is unbalanced at all. At least not in a way that would show it being problematic in the slightest. I think sometimes people are just shocked that their bond is so genuine and caring that they instinctively flinch and assume it's bad or unhealthy in some other way or assume that Sanda is going to steer it into hell or smth.
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bunbeeplays · 2 months
The Lemon Legacy: Generation 1, Chapter 76 - The Answer
Ophelia finally gets the memo and her heart nearly stops when she sees Xander on one knee.
Xander: You taught me what true love is. I've known for a while that I want to spend the rest of my life with you. Now I want to make it official. Ophelia Marie Lemon, will you marry me?
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Ophelia: This isn't a joke, right? Because if it is I will dump you into the next save file-
Xander: I may make jokes at inappropriate times but I'm dead serious right now.
Ophelia: Oh my…
Xander: You still haven't answered. What do you say, Lemon Cake?
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Ophelia throws her arms around his neck and he can feel her tears seeping into his shirt. He soothingly rubs her back with his free hand.
Xander: Come on, the ring isn't that ugly, is it? I tried my best!
Ophelia: You're so not funny.
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Ophelia composes herself and straightens up.
Ophelia: I love you so much.
Her composure doesn't last and she practically tackles Xander in a hug.
Ophelia: You're the best thing that's ever happened to me, Alexander Pappas. Of course I'll marry you!
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Ophelia: This ring is gorgeous, honey.
Xander brushes a stray tear from her cheek.
Xander: Thank Hilary. She was a huge help. You should have seen me the first time I went into the jewelry store. They asked how many karats I wanted and I panicked and left.
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Ophelia: Did Drew know? Is this why they insisted on getting manicures, so my nails would look good for photos?
Xander: Yeah, that was all their idea. They had to have a good one sooner or later.
Ophelia: Don't be mean to the father of the bride!
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Ophelia can't believe this. She's really engaged. She's going to get married to Xander!
If you had told her this a year ago, she would have laughed in your face, but after a year of bonding, ups and downs, and a lot of woohoo, she couldn't be happier if she tried.
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Ophelia: Marshmallow! Mommy and Daddy are getting married! Isn't that exciting?
Marshmallow: i do not know what that means but if it means more snuggles i will allow it
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simsandgiggles · 1 year
What you missed in the OG Normal timeline ...
Since I know some of you really like the weirdness of the Normal family and for documentation sake, I wrote out everything that happened in the lost save file under the cut. If you’re interested in this kind of stuff, you can also check out my plumtreeapp because it is my favorite part of this legacy and I document everything on there. 
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Gen 15: Coral’s generation finished largely uneventfully. At one point L (the l stands for llama) Faba dies but Coral just magics her back to life. Lots of chaos and at one point the family goes to downtown San Myshuno and just freezes the whole plaza. Sick.
Gen 16: Xenophilius (un-lovingly nicknamed Phil) started studying robotics at Foxbury Institute where he meets Lilith Pleasant who apparently in this universe lacks ALL sense because they start dating. They have a son named Princeton Normal, then twin boys Harvard and Yale. Lilith graduates with a degree in villiany, Phil makes a robot named T.H.O.T. Bot (Theoretically Human Operating Thingy). Phil dies while contributing his big alpha brain knowledge to the research machine. Lilith realizes she wasted her youth on a BOY and falls in love with T.H.O.T. Bot. Her son Princeton Normal is so angry that he DIES of his heart EXLODING. Harvard marries a cheese-haired mouse-faced sim named Zoe. Lilith and T.H.O.T. Bot have a lovely wedding and conceive a miracle child named Chad Bot. 
Gen 17: I decided I hated myself and implemented the rule that everything the sims use must be grown, made, or dumpster-dived for AND the entire generation must be a in MICRO HOME. Yale Normal suffers in a tiny trash lot for a while, eventually falling for bag-head Jeb Harris. They have dumpster bag-head triplets Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle Normal. Yale somehow convinces all of Evergreen Harbor to go green and the eco footprint is green! Yay! Meanwhile Jeb spends all day on their trash lot dumpster diving, and the kids grow up awfully because they literally sleep on beds dug from the trash outside in the rain.
Gen 18: Yale and Jeb break up and split custody of the kids while they are teens (I hated this pack and wanted it OVER), with Recycle and Yale moving to Mt. Komorebi. Recycle has a blossoming romance with local nepo baby Kiyoshi Ito. They grow to young adults and have a baby boy named Everest and THAT is the last thing that happened before my laptop died. I did not think this much happened. Anyways. 
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randomfoggytiger · 1 year
The Mulder Family In-Depth (Part IV-2) Bill Mulder's Tainted Legacy
It's time to sum up the whole of Bill Mulder's decisions.
Bill Mulder was a man who was devoted to his fledgling family, dotingly showing off a picture of his son and lovingly participating in his family's Halloween celebrations. He seemed to be a central and loving figure in his early marriage and fatherhood....
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And then Bill made some terrible decisions.
After he was recruited into Syndicate work, Bill Mulder was first-hand witness to the travesties his government and its shadow groups propagated to keep the public from knowing of their unjustifiable dealings with the enemy while trying to save their own skins. He witnessed the radiation of a sailor who was witness to the black oil and its effects. He helped track down a man who had escaped unlawful experimentation which had turned him into a creature unable to check his own impulses (leading to the death of the man's wife.) And Bill worked shoulder-to-shoulder with an ex-Nazi party member who was trying to create an alien-human hybrid, even posing in a photograph with the man in question.
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Bill Mulder is a man smeared with the sins of his past. But the lowest that he sunk was the damage he inflicted on his own family through his cowardice. Bill let the depravity of his choices touch his home-- tearing apart his family in the wake of his daughter's abduction. He chose his daughter as the sacrificial lamb for the Project; and, while he never wanted harm to come to her, and always hoped she would return, Bill forever lost his daughter because he had "thrown in." The sunk cost fallacy was greater than his family's innocence. Tena hated him forever for his choice; and he nearly lost his son as well, pushing Mulder away to ease the guilt of his conscience. This never did work; and it only furthered the hurt and trauma both men felt. And when Mulder lost Samantha again (before they knew she was an imposter), Bill channeled his raw pain into angry chastisement: closing the opened channels between himself and his son once more.
Redemption was handed to Bill in the form of discovery-- Spender visited with the warning that the State Department's classified files had been intercepted and leaked to Mulder. Bill knew it would only be a matter of time before his son learned the depths of his involvement; and, while he used alcohol as a booster, he finally reached out to offer the Truth. He never fully grasped this opportunity, fleeing from the emotions he and Mulder felt; but, though he had been forced to confess, Bill tried, refusing CSM's policy of denying everything so that his son would know the Truth from him. It's what he owed him. But, ultimately, he fled; because he knew it was not enough.
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Bill Mulder was shot, execution-style, in his bathroom, incapable of looking his son in the eyes as he sputtered out his last words.
It was Mulder's near death that gave Bill one last chance to right his personal wrongs to his son. During the Blessing Way ritual-- dream, vision, or a connection formed between this life and the afterlife-- he was able to admit and apologize for the egregious wrongs and heinous acts he'd committed to his country and (more importantly) to Mulder. This confession was given its due weight from the dead man; but it did not ease the soul-rending pain Mulder felt when he later learned more and more of his father's lies and involvements.
Forgiveness may have been granted; but Bill would forever be tainted in the eyes of his son. Time would help sort the soiled glory of this last confession; and personal failures and near exact repeats of his father's mistakes would bring Mulder closer than ever to genuine understanding (One Son.) That understanding would later be honored in Mulder's own son by carrying on Bill's name (though that choice was ham-fisted and fumbled since the writers of the show never laid the bricks to build up to that decision... but I digress.)
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Bill Mulder, the Man, was an innocent who pledged his loyalty to a cause that he didn't understand or, at first, fully comprehend. By the time he was in the thick of it, he had sold too much of himself and was too cowardly to back out of it. It wasn't until the full brunt of the consequences of his actions hit (literally) home that Bill withdrew from the life he had been drawn into.
Too late.
Does this make Bill an unwitting victim, a misguided hero, or a cowardly man blinding himself to the horrific atrocities he was committing? I believe he was all three at different moments; but that, at the end of the day, Bill Mulder was a man out of his depth and his league.
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As he said to his son: "You’re smarter than I ever was. Your politics are yours. You’ve never… ‘thrown in’."
Thus ends Bill Mulder's involvement in this analysis. Next up: Tena. In the meantime--
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typingtess · 1 year
Tiptoeing through the “A Long Time Coming” guest cast
Gary Cole as NCIS Special Agent Alden Parker Wilmer Valderrama as NCIS Special Agent Nicholas "Nick" Torres Vanessa Lachey as NCIS Special Agent Jane Tennant Yasmine Al-Bustami as NCIS Agent Lucy Tara
Everyone here has a role on the sister shows. Teams photo and selfie. Teams with a body.
Kavi Ramachandran Ladnier as NCIS Reserve Agent Shyla Dahr Back from “Flesh and Blood” in early November.
Lesley Boone as Nina Barnes Knew she was a keeper!  Boone is back from “Come Together”, the season 13 finale. Hanging with Wilmer Valderrama and ECO. Maya Stojan as Morgan Miller Played Tory Ellis, the NYPD Video Tech, in 27 episodes of Castle, Kara Lynn Palmas/Agent 33 on Marvel’s Agents of SHIELD and was Meredith Ragen in the “Decompressed” season 13 episode of NCIS.  Wouldn’t the NCIS Navy Yard staffers recognize Morgan Miller as Meredith Ragen?  #ThingsToPonderAtNight.
Had guest roles in episodes of Entourage, Criminal Minds, How to Live with Your Parents (for the Rest of Your Life), Grey’s Anatomy, The Resident and Magnum P.I. (2022).   Trailer and Hawai’i photo.
Jose Pablo Cantillo as Pierce Was Duff Gonzalez in Standoff, Hector Salazar in Sons of Anarchy, Caesar Martinez in The Walking Dead, Dave in Taken and Carlos Jimenez in Mayor of Kingstown.
Appeared in episodes of Law & Order: Criminal Intent, Law & Order: SVU, ER, CSI: Miami, Medical Investigation, Crossing Jordan, Nip/Tuck, Bones, Eyes, Monk, CSI (2008), The Closer, Lie to Me, Hawthorne, Dark Blue, Lone Star, Terriers, The Good Guys, Law &  Order: LA, The River, The Finder, The Mentalist, Rush, Constantine, Damien, Shooter, The Last Ship, The Rookie, SWAT and Magnum P.I. (2022).
Guest starred as DEA Agent Mark Sisco in last season’s “Thick as Thieves” NCIS episode.  Wouldn’t the NCIS Navy Yard staffers recognize Pierce as someone else?  #ThingsToPonderAtNight.
Stephen Mendel as Jimmy McCann Longtime working actor.  Played Det. Freddie Carson in the CTV/CBS series Night Heat in the 1980′s.
Played Col. Tretyakov in the season six “Legacy” part one JAG premiere and Fred Pettis in the season 14 “Off the Grid” episode of NCIS.  Wouldn’t the NCIS Navy Yard team members recognize Jimmy McCann as someone else?  #ThingsToPonderAtNight.
Guest starred in episodes of Hart to Hart, Hot Shots, Night Heat, Dallas, Father Dowling Mysteries, Equal Justice, Sisters, Beverly Hills 90210, Saved by the Bell, L.A. Law, Murder She Wrote, The Hunger, The X-Files, The Practice, Judging Amy, The West Wing, 24, CSI: Miami, Jack & Bobby, Sleeper Cell, Las Vegas, The Bold & The Beautiful, Criminal Minds, Sons of Anarchy, Mad Men, Allegiance, Revenge, General Hospital, Grey’s Anatomy, American Woman and You’re the Worst.
Voices characters in a number of animated series.
Written by:  R. Scott Gemmill wrote/cowrote “The Only Easy Day”, “Brimstone”, “Breach”, “LD50”, “Found”, “Borderline”, “Absolution”, “Archangel”, “Tin Soldiers”, “Impostors”, “Cyberthreat”, “Honor”, “The Watchers” and both sides of the NCIS Los: Angeles/Hawaii Five-0 “Touch of Death” episodes, “Recruit”, “Free Ride”, “Wanted”, “Ravens and The Swans”, “Impact”, “War Cries”, both ends of the “Deep Trouble” season five finale/season six premiere, “Inelegant Heart”, “Praesidium”, “Traitor”, “Active Measures” (season seven premiere), “Blame It On Rio”, “Internal Affairs”, “Matryoshka” part one,  "Talion" (season seven finale), “High Value Target”/”Belly of the Beast” (season eight premieres), “The Queen’s Gambit”, “Under Siege”, “Unleashed” (season eight finale), “Party Crashers” (season nine’s premiere), “This Is What We Do” (episode 200), “Các Tù Nhân”, “Goodbye Vietnam”, “Ninguna Salida” (the season nine finale), “Hit List”, “Asesinos”, “Till Death Do Us Part”, “Choke Point”, “The Guardian”, “Hail Mary”, “Kill Beale Vol. 1”, “Alsiyadun”, “Fortune Favors the Brave”, “The Bear” (season 12 premiere), “Angry Karen”, “Love Kills”, “Russia, Russia, Russia”, “The Noble Maidens”, “A Tale of Two Igors” (season 12 finale), "Subject 17" (season 13 premiere), "All The Little Things", “MWD”, “Work and Family” and “Game of Drones” (season 14 premiere).    
Directed by: Dennis Smith directed “Fame”, “Standoff”, “Rocket Man”, “Cyberthreat”, “Exit Strategy”, “Patriot Acts”, “Out of the Past” part one, “The Livelong Day”, Between the Lines”, “Deep Trouble” part two, “Black Budget", “Black Wind”, “Blame it On Rio”, “Defectors”, “Matryoshka” part one, “Granger, O”, “The Queen’s Gambit”, “Hot Water”, “From Havana With Love”, “Plain Sight”, the lighthearted “Monster”, “Superhuman”, “One of Us”, “Smokescreen” part one, “Decoy”, “Mother” (episode 250), “Alsiyadun”, “The Bear”, “Angry Karen”, “Signs of Change”, “Fukushu” and “Dead Stick”. Scouting locations. Call sheet. With Vanessa Lachay at the foot of the office staircase. With Wilmer Valderrama in the office.
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slifarianhawk · 1 year
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chapter 5: what is your game?
When my mind drifted back into consciousness i yet again felt my wrists chained. There was a sterile scent in the air. I kept my eyes closed, for the breeze I felt on my body told me I was bare and naked. I dared not shift for across the room for I heard the message I recorded.
"Alistar what have you gotten yourself into now? Well if you're hearing this then I'm...... more than likely Surgei put me down." I sounded very melancholy, "you went ahead with the plan I presume. I warned you not to take on Wesker. I was never able to take him down in mine his practice sessions before he was infected. My guess you're out cold or coughing up blood on a cement floor." I heard a choked sound almost like a sob.
It was Wesker, I was shocked. Was he crying? I highly doubt what I was hearing. The monster Chris had painted in my mind wound never cry. I only ever heard this sound only once.
"Wesk, if you're listening to this you probably found Alistair snooping around your facility, which one are you at Ohio, China, heck given your wanted status probably the run down research base in Africa. Do me one last favor please... From husband to wife... You can consider it the last wish long over due... Look after her please. She is my legacy. I'll even give you an incentive to take this. Inside her bracelet is a vial of my blood its probably dried by now but the virus contained in it. This is why Vladimir killed me. The Angelis virus, my creation is now in your hands...and if thats not enough four data sticks one on the angelis virus, one on the Wesker children project, Vladimir's personal back up files, and the last one a gift to you, they are in the modified magazine of Alistars beretta 92. I know you'll be able to find them, after all you designed that gun. Fuck I'm out of time. Good bye and Alistar the game is yours now." The message cut out.
A few moments later I heard the door open and when it closed curiosity struck me on what had happened so I barely opened my eyes to get a peek of who all was in the room. I wasn't surprised when I saw Wesker at the computer at far right of the room. This triggered my thoughts what he had planned for me. I looked up to see my bracelet was missing. The bait was taken. I crack open my eyes a bit more; however, I ended up regreting it.
"I know your awake so stop playing dead!" he demanded with a sorrowful voice.
With no other option I did what he said and looked into his dark red eyes as he turned to look at me from across the room. In this action, I saw the whole situation of my predicament. I was chained to a hospital bed in a gown that was clearly ment for test subjects.
"Che Finally managed to get over your hissy fit I see." I retorted acting as if I didnt give a damn, to be honest I didn't.
"Defiant, so you are just like her, tell me something and I might let you live. How did she die?" He stood up walking over to me.
His glare sent shivers running down my spine, " You want to know how she died? Che it's what she would want I guess. It was back in February 2003. Shortly after she gave me this necklace Vladimir released the T-virus in the facility. She was in charge of the hunter b.o.w.s, disqusting creatures. Vladimir had put her there as punishment for fighting back against his advances. She became forced to .....breed with them."
I had to stop for a moment to prevent a flash back, "It wasn't pleasant, I tried to save her from that area. The hunters wouldn't have it. They got a new toy and they wanted to keep it. I had to mow through fifty of the bastards."
"That doesn't matter to me, WHAT I WANT TO KNOW IS HOW SHE DIED!" He shouted standing up and grabbing his samurai edge from the computer desk.
I jolted away from him tears cresting my eyes, "I was getting to that. I'm sorry, its is a long story."
"Well shorten it!" He snapped aiming the gun at my head.
"SHE WAS SHOT! SHE WAS SHOT!" I screamed, in horror.
It was cold and snowy. Cracks had formed in the ceiling. The cold steel and concrete floor was against my bare . The green lizard creatures surrounded me. Loathing was all I felt, my blasted uncle Vladimir dared to pull this after what he did to me and Alistar.
It was vile, no it was more than that it was downright wrong. To be used as nothing more than a breeding tool, that was the biggest insult. She was Far stronger than he was but she knew she had to protect Alistar. If what he told her was true but it would explain why he had brought on to the project. The he in my mind was Vladimir Sergei.
I let out a rage induced shriek. My eyesight going red, my nails turning in to long tapered claws. I was going Equinoxal, Then click, click, click, slienced gun shots went off in my ears. Soon enough each of the hunters fell with a single gunshot wound to their deformed skulls. I started to shake and I turned my head.
What little light there was, was being reflected back by black sunglasses. The man who stood infront of me was in a black suit and had blonde hair. Without a single doubt, I knew it was my estranged husband Wesker.
"Hmmm it seems the Colonel has developed quite a few interesting new B.O.W.s." he said studying me for a second.
"Wesssskerrr?" I said taking a step back and covered my mouth. Was that my voice? It was rough and scratchy, almost like a banshee. I was horrified.
"Intelligent, and wings and not that disfigured, but still probably just a protype." He chided pulling back the hammer.
Wait wings? Was I that far gone, I didnt think I was, "I'm ssstill yourrrrrr wife". My voice was going more and more.
"My wife died years ago in the raccoon city incident." He said blankly then he fired five shots in to my chest.
The piercing pain was excruciating. I clutched my chest and started to seize up. He just shot me.
My breath was jagged and harsh, "If you're still alive when I get back. I'll bring you to my base as a test subject."
He walked off heading to the elevator that headed to Vladimir. The man I pledged myself to...just shot me square in the heart. Chuckling I spit up blood. He was alway a better shot than I was after all.
It was sick, even after this.... I still loved him.
Flash back end
At this he dropped his gun and collapsed to his knees. My body keep twitching my vision tunneling. I noticed my claws starting to grow. I started to calm from the panic attack.
"That B.O.W...... it truly was her. I killed my wife." He stood up and punched the wall, "Until I deem it or until you die. You will serve me. Try and escape... I'll kill you too." He walked out of the room.
Pov Change
I stormed out of the medicial center. Was it true? Did I actually kill her? It couldn't be, she wouldn't of been captured. She was far to smart to get caught. I needed to see if what that message was true.
"Wesker dear, What are you doing?" Excella said draping her arms around me to my annoyance.
"Where are the guns that woman brought with her?" I asked with a less than pleasant tone.
"Why do you ask?" She tilled her head as if to question my motives.
"There was something in the Beretta from my ..... my deceased wife." I spoke in a matter of fact tone.
"Wait what do you mean wife?!?" Excella shrieked as if this revelation would change everything.
"It is intel on something she was developing, spencers plans, sergeis intel files and something that was a surprise for me apperently. Now where is it!?!" I turned to her and demanded an answer.
"Its in the storage room down the hall. Oh look at the time I need to prepare the next dosage." She pointed and ran off sweat beading on her head.
Flithy rabbit, that is all she is. I clicked my tongue and went down the hall. Soldiers are heading down the hall some stopping to solute me. The majini are decent guards but most are slow. I need to design better one. They need more intelligence.
Stopping at the storage room, I growled and looked around. In a fit of rage, I slammed my fist into the wall leaving a massive hole in the concrete.
Damn her, this Alistar came and threw a major shot to my mental stability. Not that I'd ever admit it. Tabitha used to tell me back in the training facility darkness was her friend, that silence was her haven. Maybe thats what I need right now.
I stepped into the room and the black pack was laying on the desk. It was a simple swiss army pack, the only things that were majorly different was a long sliver sheath and three metal bottles that held most likely water or sports drink. Opening the bag I found the parts for a high powered sniper rifle, herbs, shotgun shells, then I saw the handgun holster.
It was Tabithas S.T.A.R.S samurai egde. In top condition non the less. This is what she mean be recognize it. It's the gun I gave her before our first misson. The only thing that was different was on of the spare magazines. It was a storage modification. Rendering the gun useless for no bullets wouldn't be able to be loaded.
Just as Tabitha said four data sticks fell out as i remove the top. One saying W.C.P.. One saying U.M.F.C 014. One that said where angels die. The final one I saw the title and it left me in utter shock.
"My game against Spencer's ambitions." I could almost hear her say it.
"Tabitha, my delicate lotus, just what was your game?" I spoke disturbing the silence.
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