#she just don’t care she let that hair grow
wintersbitterfly · 2 days
✩ˎˊ˗ star-crossed lovers
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genre—forbidden love (?)
pairing—siren karina x princess fem!reader
disclaimer—karina only speaks a bit of broken english just for the concept of this fic.
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the sound of the waves crashing against each other made you feel at peace as you sat on the rocks that were along the beach shore.
you weren’t worried about any potential dangers by being here. nothing had ever really happened to you. although your father tells you never to go to the beach past dark, you don’t listen.
plus, there was a certain someone that you would always wait for here by the rocks of the shore, hearing her song always let you know she was nearby.
suddenly, a splash along with tiny sprinkles of water hitting your face and arms made you let out a small shriek and covering your face before looking up, seeing her.
she had a goofy grin on her face as she looks up at you, her long black hair flowing in the water.
you smile a little, “that’s how you decide to greet me, karina?”
karina lets out a small laugh before swimming up to join you on the rocks.
“did you have any trouble getting here? i know the currents have been getting strong lately.” you ask the siren sitting beside you.
she shakes her head, “i strong swimmer.”
“i don’t doubt it,” you giggle.
“i bring present for you,” she says before showing what seemed like a necklace in her hand.
it was a crystal gem that was a beautiful blue color, held together by the strong string karina had found to use for the necklace.
“wow…rina it’s beautiful.”
karina reaches to put the necklace around your neck, “you save me. i, now, owe protect you. necklace, keep you safe.”
you look at her confused, “protect me?”
she nods, “necklace magic. protect you from my kind. scream or song no affect you, even mine.”
a smile is brought to your face before you feel her take your hand in hers, “i promise, i protect you, with my life.”
she brings your hand to her lips leaving a small kiss on the back of it.
“i promise to do the same.” you tell her.
you never expected to have fallen for a siren, ever in your life.
growing up, your father has said to beware of such creatures because they are dangerous.
and while that may be true, your opinion of sirens has changed because of karina.
she was a sweet and loving girl who just wanted a mate to call her own.
and besides, you did save her one time.
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you were walking along the beach, the current strong and you were trying to be more careful as you balanced on the edges.
it was only when you heard a small shriek that made you freeze. another shriek was heard which had you searching for what was making that noise.
what you saw made you feel a pang of sympathy and worry.
a siren.
her tail was trapped under a rock that was surely putting her in a ton of pain.
tears left her eyes rapidly as she tried to move, but to no avail.
you slowly made your way to her, and when she saw you, she was quick to hiss.
“i-it’s okay. i won’t hurt you. let me help you.” you reassure as you walked closer to her.
she only hissed at you once more before you moved in front of the rock boulder, and used all of your strength to push it off her tail.
she cried out feeling it roll across her tail, but the pain was finally subsided when it was completely off.
you look down at her tail seeing it was slightly crushed. thankfully, sirens can regenerate just fine.
but it still made you feel sorry for her.
“i know it hurts. if you stay here, i can bring something that should help. i won’t be long.” you tell the siren.
she only stares at you with a uneasy expression; she was scared.
of course she was. she was a siren caught in plane sight of a human. she was for sure going to end up dead.
but all that worry went away when you had come back with a bottle of what seemed like medicine?
would it even help for a creature like her?
she didn’t know, neither did you. all she knew is that the pain wasn’t in her mind anymore.
it was just filled with thoughts of you.
who were you? and why were you so pretty and nice? and what kind of human were you that you didn’t try and kill her on sight.
after giving her the medicine, you look up at her, “this should help.”
karina didn’t say a word, but she only decided to go on her way, swimming back in the ocean and away.
“you’re welcome…” you sigh, but you couldn’t help but wonder if you would see the siren again.
and surprisingly from there on out, you both kept meeting one another everyday.
you’d check on her tail, and thankfully, it was healing just fine.
she was thankful, though she didn’t really speak much.
“you don’t really talk much, do you?” you ask her.
she simply shrugs.
“well…my name is y/n. what’s yours?” you were met with a blank stare and silence once more.
you sigh, “i guess i’ll do most of the talking…”
to your surprise, the siren was willing to meet you everyday. she would meet you always by the time the sun goes down when you’d sneak out from the castle.
and who would’ve known that you both would soon eventually fall for one another…
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“what you think about?” she asks tapping your head with her fingertip.
“just about you.” you smile.
“i think of you, too. a lot.” she confesses as she scoots closer to you.
the sudden confession made your heart beat faster as she was closer to you. maybe she felt the same way.
karina’s never felt any kind of romantic love in her life, and maybe it was because of how sirens worked.
she couldn’t deny that sirens were violent creatures. it’s in their nature.
but growing up, all she ever thought and yearned for was for someone to love and to love her in return. she never thought it would be with a human, but she wouldn’t have it any other way.
“do you ever think our kingdoms will ever come together?” you ask looking out at the moonlight settling on the water of the ocean.
karina shrugs, “human siren war for long time. i think it take long time to stop.”
the siren wasn’t wrong.
the war between sirens and humans have been continuing for centuries, only stopping for a brief moment ever since your father and mother had you, as well as karina being born.
but due to the safety of you both, your parents had forbid you from the waters, and karina from the surface of the land.
“but, i know…i be with you. i want you. nothing stop me from you.” karina says, “i no care what father says. you, my mate. i, your mate.”
you smile a little as you look at karina, a small grin on her face.
you hold her hand in yours, her lips land on your cheek as a sweet moment was held between the two of you.
maybe one day you’d both be able to bring your kingdoms at peace.
but for now, you both remain in secret.
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one-idea · 2 days
Here's an idea: time travel fix it, but the time traveller is Zeff.
Casually fixing what he can for his Eggplant's future Nakama, like bribing Mihawk with a nice wine to mention what Arlong is up to to Jimbe.
I love a time travel fix it with an unlikely hero. Because the Strawhats have a lot of information about what needs to be fixed. Their time travel fix it’s make sense. But the fun ones are their allies who know major events but don’t know everything.
(I saw someone try this with Mihawk and like the man only knows major events that the strawhats get into. Also he’s way more likely just to show up and watch the chaos while drinking wine.)
Zeff being sent back is so fun. 1) he’s a great character who obviously loves Sanji and would want to do what’s best for him. But also 2) he has no idea what half the inciting incidents are! How will he ever know what to stop?
He does have some information though. So let’s say he gets dropped 21 years in the past. He’s still a pirate. Ohara was just burnt last year and Rodger died 3 years ago (fact check me)
Most importantly Sanji is about to be born. His little eggplant is about to be born into one of the worst family on the sea. Well not if he has anything to say about it. He’s still Red-Leg Zeff, the pirate captain.
He knows they can’t do a full frontal assault but some sneaking around gets him to Sora. And a quick “how do you feel about taking all the kids and running?” She’s in. Anything to get them away from Judge.
And it’s stupid easy because they are babies who are only a few days old. Judge only cares about their test results he isn’t watching them. So Zeff and a few of his crew just nab Judges wife and kids, and quite a bit of loot.
Zeff is booking it out of there. But not without kick judge through at least one wall durning the escape.
He makes the decision to quiet the pirate life early. He’s got Sora and the kids to worry about. They open the Baratie early. He knows exactly which cooking staff he’s hiring.
As he separated from the crew he tells them that if they run into a girl named Nico Robin to bring her to him.
He starts establishing the Baratie as a location for all to dine in. But this time he’s focused on making connections. Keeping his thumb on the pulse of both pirate and government movement.
Raising the five kids he’s acquired along side Sora, the genetic programming takes but without it being supported as they grow eventually gets out of their systems. Sanji being the most in touch with his emotions followed by Reiju. Their brothers struggle with emotions but are a lot better and more adjusted than they are in cannon.
About two years into this restaurant one 11 year old Nico Robin is delivered by his old crew. The girl is super freaked out but he sits her down and tells her that’s she’s safe, he’s got ears everywhere and will know if the governmental coming after them, and he won’t let them take her. Plus who’s going to be looking for her at a high class restaurant. It also helps that he’s got a gaggle of children already so she can stay off the floor hanging out with the kids. Sora also dyes Robin’s hair purple and that with age is enough to make people not immediately recognize her from her bounty poster.
5 years later the red hair pirates a bouncing around the East blue and Zeff waits. Waits until one day Shanks comes in one arm short and bragging about his son. (It helps that Sanji and his siblings are helping out so Shanks and Zeff are just casually talking about their kids.) He grabs the captain and pulls him to the side and tells him that Luffy is in danger and that there is another little boy on that island, a boy who is the son of his old captain. Shanks thinks he’s crazy at first but he knows things about Luffy. The scar under his eye, and other things.
Enough to make shanks curious enough to turn around and find Luffy and his TWO new brothers. He quickly collects three children and returns to the Baratie. (Kicks door open while holding three children “you were right!” Zeff surprised by the third child but not mad) (I don’t think he knows about Sabo)
Luffy and Sanji get on like a house fire with Luffy loudly declaring that Sanji will one day join his crew as his chef. And Zeff is standing there watching them with a proud smile, because somethings are just meant to happen.
Meanwhile Shanks as turned to look at Zeff
“anything else I should know about?”
Zeff just snorts “a lot. You still friends with Hawkeyes or have you to made it official yet?”
(With the Baratie around earlier he had to witness young Shanks and Mihawk flirting, it was painful)
Shanks gets sad “he’s mad about well you know…” the missing arm. And Zeff feels bad about that but he had no clue how the man lost it in the first place so there was no way he could stop it.
“If you run into him tell him there’s a crazy kid in the east blue gunning for his title. If he wants to keep things interesting he might want to train him.” (The Baratie is Mihawk’s favorite establishment Zeff could also tell him but he has a feeling the swords master would listen to Shanks over him.)
This is how Mihawk shows up at a dojo where a 10year old Kuina and 9 year old Zoro are training. (A year before Kuina’s death) he sees their skill and hears Kuina’s father’s opinion about females and training. He knows it’s an opinion that is also popular in Wano where this man is obviously from, but it’s not the way the rest of the world works. He approaches and offers to take over the training of the girl “who won’t make anything of herself” and the “feral gremlin using sword handles for teething.” Kuina’s father isn’t to sure about all this but he can’t really refuse the greatest swordsman in the world nor will Kuina or Zoro stay once they hear about the offer.
Mihawk has now obtained one verbally polite girl who will break every rule the moment his back is turn and one backpack leash gremlin.
He and Shanks are regulars at the Baratie for parenting advice. Luffy meets Zoro’s and again claims him as part of the crew. Years later Zoro and Sanji argue over who will be the first official member (Sanji: Luffy asked me first! Zoro: but I was the first one to physically join the crew!)
But currently the three run a muck on the Baratie pulling pranks on their older siblings (Ace, Sabo, Kuina, and Reiju are all the same age) or just Sanji brothers (they are still learning emotions and will sometimes join in on the chaos, other times they are a rival faction but if they ever get to mean Luffy and Zoro put them in their place)
but eventually Luffy runs into Robin (she tries to stay out of the way as much as possible to not get the Baratie in trouble. Zeff tells her she doesn’t have to but Trauma is a thing) Luffy loves her instantly. She quitely reading a book and Luffy joins her for story time and she never gets mad at his interruption and is so patient with him. He looks at her with a grin of a small sun and tells her “when I’m captain you’re going to be on my crew!” Robin is a little freaked out because she doesn’t want to bring the world government down on this little boy. But Zeff talks to her later and tells her that Luffy isn’t a force that can be stopped. It takes time but in the next ten years Robin comes around to the idea of being on Luffy’s crew with Zoro and her little brother Sanji. As soon as Luffy claimed her he told the others. Sanji was pumped! Zoro just accept it but he comes around to really love Robin.
At the same time that the boys are all being adopted Zeff is making some calls and contacts. The Baratie has been open for over 9 years he’s got some high connections. He eventually gets a hold of Jimbei and tells him that Arlong is in the East Blue and causing trouble. (Arlong has just started in the East blue, Zeff has no clue of the time clock) he points Jimbei in the direction of Cocoyashi.
Jimbei gets their right at the time of Arlong raid in the village. He walks in right as Arlong and Bell-mére are having their confrontation. I don’t know exactly what happens (I haven’t met Jimbei yet) but he’s able to stop it.
Bell-mére asks how he knew they were in trouble and he tells them about the Baratie. The village wants to thank the man who alerted Jimbei so Bell-mére goes (she is a retired Marine and probably the best sailor.) and takes Nojiko and Nami with her. Of course Shanks is visiting with the boys and Luffy and Nami instantly hit it off. “This is my Navigator!!!” Shanks is laughing because the kids going to have a whole crew before he has a boat.
Once Luffy is ready to set sail he meets up with Zoro and the two head to the Baratie to pick up Nami, Sanji, and Robin. Zeff points them in the direction of Suyrup village to “get a ship” where they pick up Usopp and save Kaya. (This absolutely does not make Usopp’s feeling of inferiority worse by the time they get to Water 7. No way. It’s not like everyone else on the crew until Vivi and Chopper have known each other for 10 years. He’s not the odd man out in any way.)
Zeff doesn’t have a lot of information about their adventures so he can’t truly stop anything but he does know some thing. (Nami leaving the crew. Luffy and Zoro being from the east blue and having connections with Shanks and Mihawk (Mihawk totally goes the the Baratie to drink during the time skip. Zeff knows Zoro is his kid) he knows Ace is Roger’s son and that he dies. But he doesn’t know anything that isn’t in Sanji’s letters or the news paper (which is full of lies)
He makes the best decisions he can for Sanji.
He saves Sanji from Zeff as soon as possible
Accidentally saving Sora, Reiju, Ichiji, Niji, and Yonji
After Sanji set sail Zeff decides to expand the Baratie. It’s a chain
Patty and Carne take over the East blue branch
Reiju runs the one in the grandline.
Ichiji runs one in the west blue
Niji runs one in the south blue
The north blue doesn’t get one until Judge is dead they all agree on that
Yonji bounces from place to place helping as he is needed
Zeff and Sora open one in the New World.
Zeff might not know everything the Strawhats went through but he knows the major events and by having a home base in almost every sea he’s got ears everywhere. His old crew is still out there acting as ears for him and bring him news.
Anything he can help the Strawhats avoid or remove from their path he sends word
He tells Shanks about Ace.
Accidentally getting Luffy, Ace, and Sabo adopted
Saving Sabo from the Celestial dragons
Giving all three boys the chance to train with the Red Hair Pirates and learn Haki early while also getting a feel for the Grandline and New World
Ace’s death is prevented because he knows about Blackbeards plans and tells Ace to watch out for the man and to not trust him. It helps that Ace grew up with Shanks who never liked Blackbeard at all.
He tells Mihawk about Zoro
Kuina is accidentally saved
Both get to train with Mihawk far before their adventure. Mihawk loves it because the two are “trying to kill him” but they are also competing with each other and it’s MESSY they are so dramatic in their own weird way and he’s living for watching this gremlins fight while he drinks wine. When Perona shows up he finally has a goth child who wants to dress presentable and drink wine while making his other children. The family is complete.
He puts out feelers for Robin having no real hope she will show up
Accidentally gave her a loving home and help her feel safe while also preparing her for the adventure ahead.
He points Jimbei in Arlong direction. He has no clue what Arlong is truly up to.
Accidentally saves village
Saves Bell-mére’s life and kick starts the Strawhats.
The Strawhats still have a lot going on but because of advance trading some received as children and the stronger bonds.
He can’t do anything to Chopper, Franky, Brook or Usopp because their trauma is already passed Franky/Brook or he doesn’t know their stories well enough to intervene, Usopp/Chopper.
But he does make the safest home possible for his little eggplant.
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iliketangerines · 13 hours
Can you possibly do like mk men with children?? Like anyone you wanna write- I imagine like mk11 Kano with his beard then he shaves and shows the baby but the baby doesn’t recognize him- or starts crying- or like shao Kahn with a baby carrier. I also think of Kung Lao with like three kids sprawled out ontop of him as he’s trying to sleep. Like one of them has their foot in his face-
clean-shaven stranger
a/n: i really liked the first idea so....kano
pairing: kano x gn!reader
warnings: none :)
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you watch Kano lift your baby into the air, making some sort of ridiculous sound as he does so and your daughter laughs in delight
she’s only a few months old, but she had the same vigor as her father, excitable and a trouble-maker in the works, finding every which way to exhaust you and Kano
but it was bliss, and you snap a picture of the scene on a digital camera before leaning back in your chair continuing to read your book
your daughter babbles out a jumble of words that don’t make sense together but she gurgles out a baba, and Kano coos at her, tickling her stomach and saying that, yes he was her baba
the time ticks by quickly as Kano plays with her and then passes her to you to be fed with the bottle as soon as she got fussy
he sits behind you, warming your back with his heat, and he keeps his thick arms wrapped around your waist as you cradle your daughter in your arms
your husband rests his chin on your shoulder and watches with what you can assume is heart eyes as your daughter starts to grow sleepy, eyes drooping close
she’s trying to fight it so hard, startling awake every so often and eyes fluttering open, but she loses the fight and soon falls asleep in your arms
you stand up carefully, rocking her slowly, and wrap her up in her blanket before placing her down in the crib, slightly rocking it as she lets out a little noise
the both of you stand over the crib, watching to see if she awoke, but as the minutes passed by, she stayed firmly asleep, little snores escaping her
your husband grabs onto your hand bringing you away from your daughter, and he closes the door to her room gently, barely a sound coming from it
you give him a smile and wrap your arms around his neck and plant a kiss on his lips, his beard scratching against your face, and Kano chuckles and wraps his arms around you as well
the both of you just rock to a silent beat as you hold each other, a quiet moment just for yourselves, but then he finally pulls away and says that he wants to shave
you pout at him, fingers coming up to rub them through the coarse hair and saying that you liked his facial hair, but he just says he wants to try something new
sighing at him, you relent, and the both of your make your way to the bathroom
he washes his face, and then he rubs shaving cream into his coarse beard and you grab the shaver from the drawer and sharpen it
it was one of those old-timey shavers that you saw in barbershops or historical dramas, but Kano took great pride in his facial hair and only wanted the best for himself
so you learned how to shave using it
he turns to face you, leaning down to give you better access, and you hold his face gently and scrape it across with careful and precise strokes
it’s only the sound of his hair being cut as you work in silence, and the both of you look like a mess, having taken care of a baby all day
and yet, he looks at you like you were the most fashionable and beautiful person in the world, and you just pinch his nose and tell him to stop looking at you like that as you finish up
he smirks at you, and your eyes widen in horror as you realize what he’s about to do, and you try to step back
but it’s too late and he smashes his clean-shaven face into yours, specks of shaving cream and cut hair smushing into your cheeks
you squirm in his hold, trying to get away, but you can’t squeal or shriek in fear of waking the baby, so it’s just a silent struggle for a few minutes between the two of you
by the time he’s done, you look even worse, dirty shaving cream shoved all around your face, but he just gives you a passionate kiss at the end, his hand cupping the back of your neck and a soft groan leaving his throat
you can’t help but melt into it, your hand coming up to rest on his shoulder, and the two of you just kiss in the bathroom until your lungs burn
finally, you pull away, and the two of you get ready for bed, his warm body surrounding you and his mechanical heart beating against your back
the both of you fall asleep quickly
and then you’re awoken by a scream and cry from your baby for food a few hours later, and Kano presses you into the bed and tells you to get some rest, and he’ll get the baby
you smile and hum, thanking him as you let the dredges of sleep drag you back down into dreamland, and he quickly leaves the room to warm a bottle of milk
it’s only a few minutes later when you hear a louder wail cry for help, of distress and not just for milk, and you shoot up and out of your bed
quickly, you slam open your drawer and grab your gun, breathing heavily and hoping and hoping that the Red Dragon or the OIA hadn’t found your baby
you kick the door down, raising your gun up, but it’s just Kano, looking distressed as he holds your daughter in his arms, who has tears and snot running down her face
he looks bewildered and distraught, and when your daughter spots you, her hands immediately come up towards you and make a grabby motion
you drop the gun to the floor and rush over, Kano easily handing her over, and she immediately calms down, sniffling into your shirt and tiny hands gripping onto it like a lifeline
asking in her in a soft voice why she didn't want daddy, she just shakes her head, hiccuping out not daddy, not daddy
you look to Kano, and he’s brought his hand up to rub his bare chin
you realize why your daughter can’t recognize him, and you let out a snort as you bounce your baby in your arms and get her to calm down
your husband narrows his eyes at you, crossing his arms and asking what was so funny, and you smirk at him and say to your daughter, oh yeah, daddy has a beard, doesn’t he
your daughter nods in agreement, looking Kano from the corner of her eye and then turning her head away, and Kano has his jaw dropped in astonishment
he reaches for her again, saying that he just shaved, but then she starts screaming again, and so he drops his arms back to his side
his eyes are wide, jaw dropped, and he looks from you to his daughter, and you just hold your hand up for the bottle in his hand
he hands it over to you, and you give it to your daughter, one of her hands gripping onto it as she starts to drink the milk
Kano grumbles, eyebrows furrowed and lips turned into a dejected frown, and you just smile and burp your daughter as she falls asleep again
you put her down in her crib again and wait to see if she wakes up again, but she doesn’t
you turn to Kano, and he’s still pouting so you just give him a quick kiss and drag him out into the hallway and softly close the door
shaving his beard didn’t seem like the brightest idea anymore
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alluraaaa · 2 days
transgender voltron thoughts. separated by character. voltrans thoughts
this got long so the rest is under the cut
trans man. he/him. realized it as a tween. like 11
already had the “shiro” nickname from his surname but chose takashi because it’s the name his mom planned to use. his momma was his best friend growing up so takashi is a special secret name only certain people can casually use for him <3
has a model minority complex and thinks he has to be a perfect person and a perfect role model and perfect everything else. he doesn’t think everyone needs to be like this but he does you don’t get it he needs to be perfect in order to gain basic respect
(he has anxiety) (went thru a frat boy phase tho where he let loose a little)
he’s a bear. when he started t and gained weight and started growing thicker body hair he was like “FUCK YEAH”
wanted top and bottom surgery. irl modern phalloplasty can take skin grafts from the arm and for sillies shiro did that. but on the arm he lost. can’t even show off his cool graft scar 🙄 stupid galra
him and adam are t4t. he picked the name adam because his deadname is eve and he’s the funniest ever
trans man. he/him. realized at like 6
randomly walked up to his dad and said “pops i wanna be a boy” and his dad went “okay son :^)” and helped him with picking a new name and pronouns. that’s why he ended up with keith of all names
his dad planned on helping him with puberty blockers and hrt because keith said he wanted it but. he died before keith got to that age :^(
so unfortunately keith had to go thru one puberty and then another. and THEN he gets a weird galra puberty in his 20s. puberties gerog
shiro was the one to help him get access to testosterone and top surgery <3 yay trans brotherhood ^_^
keith doesn’t care about his junk enough to get bottom surgery tho. he really only got top surgery to get cool ass scars on his chest. he doesn’t give a shit about gender essentialism and isn’t afraid to stab a transphobe ❤️
trans girl. she/her. also realized when she was real young
same as keith she was just one day like “i wanna be a girl” and her parents were the same and immediately accepted her and helped her with transitioning (she had a bit more social transitioning tho because she wasn’t in the middle of bum fuck nowhere)
unlike keith tho she got to do puberty blockers and start e as a tween and stuff. good for her!
she picked the name katie but it’s not short for anything. she gets the question all the time and she always rolls her eyes
detransitioning for the garrison sucked like ass and she hated it but she did it for her family. coming out to the team was a huge weight off her shoulders
she has a love/hate relationship with femininity but i already went through all that in another post so i’m linking it here. smiles 😁
bigender man/woman. she/he. realizes it while with team voltron
THEE most obvious egg ever. also very obvious bisexual but hasn’t realized that either. it’s painful to watch sometimes (send help to hunk because you know he immediately clocked lance)
he likes women so much because he’s straight!!!! and a lady’s man!!!!!!!!! he doesn’t wanna be a girl and even if he did that’s a universal unspoken secret that all boys have but agree to never talk about!!!!!!!!!!!!
once pidge comes out the rest of the team have more casual talks about being trans and lance is so tbh creature at them. hunk definitely gossips about how clear the closet is behind lance’s back #messy
lance never realizes on her own what happens is keith tells her despite hunk saying that that’s rude. he blatantly tells lance that she obviously wants to be a girl and that she can do that if she wants to. and when she says she likes being a guy keith says she can be both if she wants. she can do whatever she wants forever
after that she thinks about it for like a day and then is like “yayyyyy i’m a boy and a girl and i like boys and girls ^_^”
she has soooo much fun with femininity she plays dress up and is so pretty ❤️ she is indeed a lady’s man but also very clearly wanted to be beautiful like ladies are. and she is ladies!! yayyyyy
didn’t change her name because she loves being leandro alvarez-núñez-cuesta-espinosa so so much ❤️❤️
agender. any pronouns. realized as a teen
just fully doesn’t care about gender. obviously will respect people’s genders but like. gender as a concept is irrelevant to him and he opted out of gender. he’s too autistic for it tbh
use whatever pronouns you want. make up funny pronouns. fuck it we ball
“this is hunk bong’s my best friend i love bong so much” “lance oh my god”
hunk is a childhood nickname and only family (and lance) know his birthname. didn’t care enough to change it when coming out. he likes his name!! why change it!!
he’s a genius mechanic with access to super advanced alien technology so for funsies he invents a machine that can do instant top and/or bottom surgery with no problem. he can mess around with it for funsies or fashion or whatever. and ofc the team has free access to it as well <3 the only one to use it often tho is lance #besties
trans girl. she/her. realized not long before the events of the show
the post about trans allura that inspired this whole post here
was able to use her shapeshifting powers to her transvantage (trans advantage)
her being out for not long before the war is why she was so excited that pidge is a girl. she’s a girl making friends with other girls!!!!!! and that excitement doubles when learning that pidge is earth’s equivalent of trans yayyyyy
in my mind the notion of people fitting into gender roles on altea is the same vibe as the notion of women wearing skirts not pants irl. like that’s an outdated idea but not that outdated unfortunately :^/
i don’t think there was major misogyny or transphobia on altea tho. not sure if it makes sense to anyone else but it makes sense in my mind ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
nonbinary. any pronouns
when allura came out she sat down with her parents and coran (honorary third parent) and talked about her feelings and thoughts on gender as a whole. coran went “oh. is that not how cis people think?”
he’s not a man or a woman but he’s not sure what he is exactly. he’s coran!
he’d make homemade hrt. may or may not have weird side effects
24 notes · View notes
fantomefawn · 3 days
Barely Tolerable
The harringrove pride and prejudice au begins
So here we go…. The pride and prejudice au that I’ve been working on. I initially planned on finishing the whole thing before posting but honestly with. Urn out I just lost momentum. I’m hoping just having it out there will help me gain motivation again….
It’ll be on AO3 as well.
If you like it thanks. If you don’t… oh well? I’m not writing it for you. I’m writing it because I have an unhealthy obsession with both p&p and Harringrove lmfao. It is ABO just a heads up.
That being said…. Here we go…
Barely Tolerable
Chapter 1: Gasp
It is a truth universally acknowledged, that a single Alpha in possession of a good fortune must be in want of a mate.
Even though little can be known about the feelings or actual views of such an Alpha when they have entered a new neighborhood, this concept is fixed so firmly in the minds of the surrounding families the Alpha in question is often considered the rightful property of someone and their omegan children or even of a more than hopeful Beta.
Mrs. Harrington considered herself very capable and somewhat sly and when it came to matters involving manipulating her husband, she generally refused to pull her children in on the task. However, this current undertaking was causing her undue stress and while she would rather not have to use her children as a means to an end for it, she would eventually let them in on her plans if she must.
“My Dear,” she began her tone was syrupy and gentle, as her hand inched toward her husband’s arm to gain his attentions, “have you heard that Cherry Lane has been rented out finally?”
There was a deep sigh that filled the whole of the room.
“No, Dearest. I hadn’t heard.” He found his eyes wandering from his book toward the ceiling. He wished more often than not he had married someone perhaps less beautiful and less manipulative and perhaps someone who could not still use their wiles after five nearly grown children together. This was not his lot in life however and that meant he was left currently trying in vain to avoid her eyes. The Omegan wiles were still there even if they were aging and annoyed him just as often as they worked.
“Well it has. Mrs. Henderson came to visit me today and she told me all about it!”
There was not even a sigh in response this time. Mrs. Harrington was a person who found silence abrasive and suffocating, and she especially couldn’t stand it when her husband was helping create it. She didn’t care much that they were in his study where he sought refuge from any and all noise, excepting of course his favorite child.
His attempts at a silent avoidant retreat would not work, she would not be out done in stubbornness.
“Don’t you want to know by who?” His wife’s impatience would only cause him misery if he allowed it to grow. He and his book were resigned to their fate of being parted. This resignation yielded yet another sigh.
“Not particularly,” he looked at her finally a tired slope to his body reflecting he had conceded in this battle, “However it seems you want to tell me, and I have no objections to hearing you.”
It was only half a lie.
She rubbed at his hand and gave him a pretty smile as a reward for giving in to her so quickly and she took the invitation for what it was.
“Mrs. Henderson told me that it is being rented by a young Alpha of a large fortune from west of Indiana. She came down on Monday to tour the place and she fell in love with it. She came to agreement with Mr. Clark immediately and she will move in just before Michaelmas. Her servants will be here by the end of next week to get things in order.”
“What is her name?”
“Cunningham.” She traced over his hair, happily indulging him in physical affections for being so willing to keep interest.
“Is she married or single?” She gave him a flat look, obviously think that was a dumb question.
“Single of course! A single Alpha of good wealth! Four or five thousand a year. What a fine thing for our children.” She was preening like a peacock over her assumed good fortune for the future of her children. Her husband though enjoying her attentions had no problem with ending that for her right then and there. He straightened and with firm eye contact and raised brows asked her a question.
“How so? How can this possibly affect them?” It was her turn to be exasperated by her mate and she huffed out a breathe to let him know how he’d displeased her.
“Robert, must you be so tiresome? I know you are aware that I mean she should marry one of them.” He did live to vex her. It was one of his favorite pastimes even if he wouldn’t admit it out loud. He took great pleasure in mocking nearly everyone though, so it wasn’t just her that was his target. She was however one of his most favored.
“Oh! So that’s her reasoning for moving here then? She is looking for her mate?” He lived for the sound of her deep aggravated outbursts.
“It is very likely for her to fall in love with one of them! I insist that you go to meet and introduce yourself to her when she arrives. It is only proper.” Her face was set sternly but he could very rarely take her seriously as he did view her an exceedingly silly woman.
“I don’t see a reason for it honestly. You and the kids can go or better, yet you can send them by themselves since it might save Ms. Cunningham the devastation of falling for your beauty. Since you are just as lovely as any of our children, she might find she likes you best.” Natalie Harrington let herself be flattered even if she was aware he was doing just that, flattering her.
She slid on to his lap firmly if only to further help convince him.
“My darling Husband, you flatter me. While I have had the absolute pleasure of having all my share of beauty, I don’t pretend it’s still in the realm of extraordinary. When an Omega has five grown omegan children to think of, its best to divorce oneself from so much vanity.” While Robert agreed with her there, he did find the irony in it, since she most certainly had not divorced herself from any vanity over the years. He was begrudging in acknowledgement that even as she got older, he was lucky and her looks truly hadn’t diminished very much. She still cut a rather elegant looking figure and face.
“Natalie, in those cases I assure you the omega doesn’t have much beauty to begin with.” She played with the fabric at his sleeves and pursed her lips.
“Robert you really do need to go see Ms. Cunningham when she comes into town. It’s only right.”
“It is truly more than I intend to do I assure you.”
“Consider your kids, please. Consider what a mating like it would be like for them and what it would mean for the rest of the family. Sir James Hopper and Lady Joyce Hopper are determined to go just for that fact alone. You know they never seek out any newcomers. You have to go. You know we can’t visit her if you haven’t. Imagine the scandal. You would ruin your children. What if I was silly enough to do as you said?”
“You are certainly attentive to your cause. You know I’m sure Ms. Cunningham will be very pleased to see you, in fact how about I send you with a letter? Just a few lines assuring her that she has my heartfelt and glad consent for her to marry any of my children if she wishes. Though you know I have to put in a good word for my little Steve.” She grew vexed at his teasing especially when Steve was brought up.
“You’ll do no such thing. Steve isn’t a bit better than any of the others. He is not nearly and beautiful as Robin or even half as good humored as Angela is and yet for some reason you are always giving him the preference.” Robert was a bit miffed at that.
Steven was his favorite, and he wasn’t shy about his preference, and while perhaps at his birth he’d been a bit disappointed by his not being an Alpha after his first born hadn’t been born an heir, he found very quickly his heart was owned by him. The child of his very soul. Steven was a strangely perfect mix of five separate people who he held in high esteem for one thing or another. It was strange to him his wife held no preference when two of those people were his wife’s own parents, her very self-seen in his looks. He was not afraid to admit the likeness Steve held to his own Alpha mother; his own favored parent really made him immeasurably soft toward his second child.
“None of the others have much to recommend them, except for perhaps Robin. The rest are silly, vain and ignorant like other omegas. Stevie has a quickness and sense of humor about him that none of the others possess.” She shook her head in irritation.
“How can you abuse your children like that? You find too much joy in irritating me.” He certainly couldn’t deny that.
“You cannot possibly comprehend how much you make me suffer.”
“I hope you find a way to get over it, my dear, and that you live to see at least twenty young Alphas of wealth come into the neighborhood.”
“I certainly don’t know why you would wish that since you won’t visit them.”
“Oh, no need to worry about that. If we suddenly get an influx of twenty Alphas, I will visit every single one. ”
Mr. Harrington was a strange mixture of quick parts, sarcastic almost caustic humor, reserve and mercurial temperament that even twenty-three years later into their marriage Natalie still couldn’t understand him much of the time. She was less difficult to understand, she was a cold beauty, and while she wasn’t perhaps as smart as her husband, she was still a fierce thing to behold with an uncertain temper. She often considered herself nervous, which she put down to the the fact that at this juncture in her life, all she could think about was getting her children all married off. Any reprieve to be found was in having visits with her friends and gossip. She was known for having a keen mind and ability for getting information.
Mrs. Harrington would not put it past her husband to try and find a way out of this meeting, but she was determined to convince him to be out their door and marching toward Cherry Lane as quick as possible.
The sound of his younger sister’s piano filled Steven Harrington’s ears as he was closing in on his house nearing the end of the current chapter in the novel he was currently reading. The walk had been perfect, warm, breezy and sun-dappled like a painting. He put his bookmark, a wide faded piece of embroidered linen, in it and closed the book as he was rounded the corner, servants were doing the laundry which he knew would smell like sunshine later. He rubbed his thumb across the cover of his book satisfied with where his story currently was and as he came up the set stairs at one of the entrances to his home, he paused staring through the window in amusement as he saw and heard his parents squabbling. He couldn’t tell what they were saying but he could hear Robin yelling out chastisements toward their youngest two siblings in the background which was just barely louder than their aggressive giggling. Though there was a year between them they were so intensely bonded like that of a person and their shadow they were often referenced as twins. Steve shook his head and crossed the threshold into his home and before he could get closer to another set of stairs to go to his room where he intended to grab some extra paper for a letter, he came across his giggling youngest siblings with their bodies pressed near the entrance to their father’s study, the door only just ajar, listening in on their parents.
He immediately grasped at the back of clothes and tugged to get their attention,
“Angie, Dustin what have I told you about listening at the door?” Steve was incensed as the two kept up their quiet but undoubtedly giddy behavior.
Angela scoffed briefly at him and swatted back at his hand before cheerfully responding,
“Who cares about that Stevie? Someone, an Alpha, has finally rented Cherry Lane!”
Dustin who was barely older than Angela and more like her shadow immediately piped in,
“Ms. Cunningham from the West, she has 5,000 a year!” Steve let go of Angela’s skirt in shock.
“Really?” Steve couldn’t help himself as tried to look over the two of them to see his parents talking. The pair quietly squealing in unison that she was single made him give way back into an amused smirk.
“Who’s single?”
Steven grinned down at Robin who had come around the corner at his side before turning his face back toward his parents and whispering to her,
“A Ms. Cunningham apparently.” Steve was annoyed and amused in equal measure as Dustin shushed him and rolled his eyes at Robin who gave him a look of commiseration.
“Mr. Harrington, you must go and visit her. Welcome her into the neighborhood.”
The children all watched as their father seemed to move in near circles around his wife whilst asking her,
“How can it possibly affect them if I go and visit Ms. Cunningham?” They all heard rather than see their mother stamping her foot.
“How can you possibly be so tiresome and annoying? I’m hoping she might marry one of them. I sincerely doubt I could have been all that much clearer about it especially since this isn’t the first conversation, we are having about this.” Mr. Harrington didn’t even make direct eye contact with his wife, but he did arch his brow in her direction.
“Oh! So that is her design in moving here?” The sarcasm was a viscous poison as it dripped from his mouth. As he made his way toward the other door to his office to leave his wife huffed and pursed her lips making haste to follow behind him.
“You have to go as soon as possible to introduce yourself!” Her urging was louder still as their father opened the door more swiftly and came across all but one of his children. He was exasperated but still managed a fairly entertained expression as he made eye contact with Steve.
“Goodness. So many people.” He tutted as he made his way into one of the sitting rooms his remaining child was practicing her piano in with a book, he would no doubt have no opportunity to read as the rest of his offspring and wife moved in behind him. Before he could manage to sit down in a chair his wife and his two youngest were talking over each other in their haste to convince him he needed to introduce himself and earning them the acquaintanceship of Ms. Cunningham.
“Robert Harrington, you know good and well we cannot visit if you haven’t!”
“Papa! Are you listening? You never listen!”
“Please Papa!”
“As soon as possible Robert, I mean it!”
Dustin who was simply overcome with excitement over the prospects of what could happen with this new mysterious outcome spoke directly to his mother.
“Mama, its fine even if he doesn’t visit her right? I heard you say that Mrs. Henderson promised to introduce us at the next party!” Natalie gave him a rather severe stink eye.
“I sincerely doubt Mrs. Henderson will do any such thing. She has some omega nephews of her own to concern herself with. She’s selfish, hypocritical and uncharitable,” Mrs. Harrington’s pretty face set itself into a sneer, “I have no good opinion of her. I need you all to remember that there are very few Alphas of large fortune in this world and more than plenty of pretty omegas who deserve them.”
“Well, I can’t say I have a better opinion of her,” Robert’s face was flat as he gazed into his wife’s eyes, “But i’m glad you won't depend on her uncharitable heart and selfish ways to help you.” This was of course a mistake on his part and after moments pause shrieks erupted again.
“When is the next ball?” His eyes were made contact with Angela but before she could answer Dustin had beaten her to it,
“In Two weeks!”
“See Robert! That isn’t enough time! Mrs. Henderson won’t be back until the day before. She can’t possibly introduce us when she won't have met her either.” This statement drew half of his family back into a tizzy, the loudest among them his youngest daughter and son and his very own wife.
Robert Harrington sighed deeply as he sat down heavily in his chair, all of the commotion had made his middle child Nancy finally pull herself away from the black and white keys in bewilderment. He watched and his favored eldest children sat calmly with cheerful expressions on their faces on the couch.
“My Dear, I think you can have the advantage over your friend and maybe you can introduce Ms. Cunningham to her.” Natalie threw her head back with exhaled frustration.
“Tell me how I am to do that when you I have not been aquatinted with Ms. Cunningham and you will not go visit her to make the acquaintance?”
“To be sure two weeks isn’t much time I grant you. You can’t truly the makings of an Alpha in just two weeks. Still, it will have to do,” he gave a insincerely sheepish grin toward his wife, “ Mrs. Henderson and her nephews simply must have their chance and given that she will take it as a kindness if you decline her the introduction I will simply have to offer it up myself.”
His children merely stared at him, while his wife wiped her hands in agitation and exasperation down her face.
“Nonsense. All you do is speak such nonsense.”
“Now what could you possibly mean by that,” his cheeky grin was sure to drive his wife insane as she was clearly at her wits end, “Do you consider it stressful to be the one introducing others? I don’t think I can agree with you there.” Natalie lifted her hands and choked the air in front of her in frustration and her husband triumphed in his teasing of her just grinned.
“I am sick of talking about Ms. Cunningham,” his wife declared firmly, so tender in her vexation, the topic having thoroughly drained her.
“Well, that will make an acquaintanceship very awkward, Natalie I wish you’d told me that earlier.” The glare in his direction was caustic and fiery and he basked in it.
“What acquaintanceship? You won’t go and visit her!”
“Well, there is no need for me to go and visit Ms. Cunningham, since I already have.” Excited gasps filled the room as his sillier children starting flitting and dancing around the room in joy. Nancy and his Wife were in total confusion. Robin was excited but remained composed and his favorite child Steve was laughing at everything going on.
“Robert, I swear you have no compassion for my nerves! Why do you insist on teasing me at every turn?”
“No my dearest, you are incorrect, I am very fond of those nerves of yours. They have been my nearest and dearest friends these last twenty years!” Steve barked out a laugh as Angela admonished her father for speaking in such a way to her preferred parent.
“Seriously Robert… is she likable?” His wife had an eager look on her face before his youngest darted forward swishing her skirts as she danced toward him.
“Is she handsome Papa?”
“Who?” Nancy was finally trying to demand knowledge of what everyone around them was speaking of.
Angela made her way back to Dustin and grasped his hands, “Oh I am sure she is going to be breathtakingly beautiful.” Dustin squeezed her hands back as he let out a giddy laugh himself as his sister then insisted on continuing her twirling.
“At 5,000 a year it wouldn’t matter if she had warts and a leer.” Steve felt his mother’s reprimanding glare on him for his commentary before she crossed further into the room and closer to his father.
“Who has warts?”
“I will give my most welcome consent for her to marry any of my children should she choose them.” He smiled in sweet way at all his family.
Angela sat on the floor directly in front of him and in a surprisingly earnest way asked him, “So will she come to the next ball, Papa?” Robert looked at his youngest taking in her eager hope and hummed first in response.
Mr. Harrington nodded as if in thought and let the anticipation rise in the room before he graced them with an answer.
“I do believe she will be, yes.” In an instant there was excited shrieking. Robin shook her head at the silliness of of the youngest among them while Steven laughed as he got more comfortable on the couch before turning and leaning his chin on the back to watch as Dustin and Angela spun Robin around in dizzying circles as they attempted to bargain for things to borrow and her help for the ball. Robin was being far too indulgent with them, but it certainly provided Steve entertainment. It surprised him that it was his mother that interrupted their swinging of their elder sister.
“Oh Angela, sweetheart I know you are the youngest but don’t worry! I am sure Ms. Cunningham will dance with you.” Natalie was all smiles for one of her favored children.
Angela was all unearned pride as she answered, “I am not in the least bit concerned. I may be the youngest, but I am the best of us all.” Dustin was the only one who took true offense. Steven and Robin just rolled their eyes just to their sister’s antics.
“Will someone tell me what we are all talking about?” Mrs. Harrington was all exasperation toward Nancy as she ended the kiss with her husband to chastise her.
“Honestly Nancy, you ought to pay more attention.” Nancy looked apoplectic. Steve sighed and gestured for her to sit down beside him and the now lightheaded Robin. He grasped a pair of shoes and embroidery thread laid across the table where he’d abandoned them earlier and and he prepared to tell Nancy everything she’d missed as he started to sew the thread into the half-finished design.
“I’ll fill you in, just come sit down.”
Robert Harrington stared at his son stitching evenly into the shoes as Nancy peppered him with questions before he even had gotten a chance to speak, and his heart ached with fondness.
“I hope Ms. Cunningham likes them, Steve.”
His son’s response was a radiant smile beaming his way before he finally cut Nancy’s off.
“Please, please please,” the pleading was annoying him greatly, “Please, Steve you promised! Please teach us how to make love potions. The ball is two weeks, you have to help us!” Robin was snickering at him from where she sat watching as the youngest two poked and prodded at him. The traitor.
Right now, he had no clue because she was his favorite. He was quickly reminded when all of sudden the superior voice of their middle sibling rose to attention in their ears, and he had someone to look at in commiseration.
“You shouldn’t encourage such things Steven. It’s all silliness and no self respecting person would make a love potion. It isn’t even real.”
“First off, I wouldn’t teach them how to make a love potions, I never promised that. I wouldn’t know how. That would probably be Mama given how much she wants us all married off as quickly as possible. Secondly, who made you the authority of what’s real or not, Nance? Please do try to remember they are just kids, and they are allowed to have fun. I’d teach them little charms just like Mama taught me and Robin when we were little kids. It’s all in good fun. You know having some of it doesn’t mean you can’t be a self-respecting person. I know that no one would accuse you of testing out that particular hypothesis, but I assure you that I have.”
Normally Steve tried his best to deal with Nancy’s self-righteousness with as much grace as he was able, but she did love to make it difficult for him. Robin was much better tempered with her even if Steven didn’t really lose his temper with her too often.
Nancy pursed her lips, a fire rising in her at the slight but before she could bring herself to say something she was clenching her hands into fists at her elder brother’s eye roll and head shake. Her face reddened and everyone could sense the rage building in her bird like frame.
Robin gave him a look and surprisingly even the younger two were quiet, but they did tend to be in the rare moments Steve gave one of them a true dressing down, he wished that quality would last forever. It was rare for anyone to be scolded by him since he was generally so easy going, cheerful, and always ready for a laugh. He took more after his father with his sarcastic quick quips and teasing.
Nancy was far more likely to take someone to task even if it didn’t carry much weight.
Nancy was not a person who took criticism well, but she happy to often be the one to dole it out as well as bits of commentary she felt showed off how ‘wise’ she was. She was a someone who felt she was always right, an authority of most subjects and was bull headed enough to never listen to anyone else or take another’s opinion into consideration. She was frightfully jealous and while she strived to be seen as ingenious, she often fell short. She was easily slighted and superior with a need to command attention for all the things she felt she was accomplished in. While she would deny it profusely, she desired to be the center of attention. She was lacking in self-awareness and common sense in many regards.
Steve often felt she was the living embodiment of a misguided lecture.
While he could appreciate her dedication in all her chosen hobbies he struggled with her constant need to sermonize at everyone and how inappropriate she could be with it.
He begged the universe to have patience with her, a patience that shouldn’t even be difficult given she wasn’t even the sibling that drove him the craziest. Angela held that crown steadily.
Steve felt the weight of Robin’s eyes on him and sighed and tried his best to remember that Nancy was still a kid and for all her faults he did love her even if he perhaps didn’t always like her.
“I’m sorry Nancy, why don’t you come in and join in? I’m sure you’d enjoy it if you gave it all a chance. It’s just silly fun. It isn’t anything serious.”
“Are you serious?” She dipped her head and looked him both brows raised in incredulous derision. The silence wrung out as Steve counted to ten mentally, Robin’s eyes begging him to not to escalate this.
He said nothing.
“I have better things to do. Reading for instance. Someone in this family has to have decent character and you’ve all left that job solely to me.” She was swift in her exit her nose in the air.
Steven shook his head getting rid of the invisible ichor her threadbare morality left in the air.
“Okay! Go outside and grab some pansies,” Steve prodded Angela and Dustin to unfurl from where they leaned into his sides, “come on let’s get going. I’ll tell you your fortune, but I won't wait around to do it forever.” His siblings were giggling as the ran to leave for the garden.
Robin stared at him with amusement, “Aren’t you forgetting something?” He furrowed his brow for only a second before yelling at the kids, “Bring back some apples as well!”
They shouted an affirmative.
“They are going to be convinced you’re telling them the truth.” Steve shrugged at his older sister.
“Why can’t things just be fun?”
Robin’s expression was heavy and flat at it settled on his face.
“Mama named me Robin because of these silly little charms and superstitions.”
“Ah, yes,” Steven straightened up and cleared his throat before taking on a mocking falsetto, “A robin singing on the sill of a window predicts happiness in love and one who builds a nest near your home means good luck for anyone who lives there! Well, my dears I knew I had to name you Robin for those things happened right before I found myself pregnant with you.”
Robin rolled her eyes and laughed.
“Now she hangs all her hopes and wishes on me, all because I’m a fortune come true apparently.”
“Maybe you are all her hopes and wishes come true Bobbin. You are her favorite, even more than Angie.” They both let the words sink into the air around them before shaking their heads.
“An alpha child. That would be all her wishes and hopes come true.” They said this in unison before cracking up.
“Stop all that laughing,” the twins came rounding the corner into the room, Angie clutching dirtied pansies in her hands and Dustin attempting to juggle apples in his arms, “This is serious business! It’s time to tell our futures.” Angela threw the flowers onto the tables and flounced onto the settee next to him.
Robin caught his eye and once more they were laughing. The dual shrieks did nothing to help them stop.
Eventually they calmed down and Steve in all his red-faced teary-eyed glory croaked out an,
“Alright! Alright! Choose one flower each and for your fortune come sit next to me so I can help you read it.”
Angela promptly shoved a yellow and red blossom into his face while the other two had fun choosing their from the bunch on the table.
Steve sputtered and jerked his head back as it nearly went into his mouth before sighing and taking it out of her hand. He touched each velvet petal carefully and counted each line on them and was actually a bit discomforted by the fortune he was to give his littlest sister. He never assumed to reach such things in the flower.
“Listen Angel Fish, remember it's all just a bit of fun,” he looked at her hesitating whilst she looked him in all eagerness, “When you read a fortune from a Pansy you look at their petals and you count the lines that lay on them.” He drew the flower closer to her so she could look as he tapped at the petals.
“Well Stevie, what do they mean? What is my fortune”
“You have five lines here,” he tapped gently at a slightly bedraggled flower petal, “there is trouble ahead but you will overcome it and this one next to it has eight lines so you will have a fickle sweetheart.” Angela’s face was screwed up in distaste.
“This one has four lines though and it means your wish will come true!” She looked at him like he was an idiot.
“Either you’re reading it wrong or Nancy is right and this stuff is dumb. How can my wish be coming true if I have to overcome something and my love will be fickle?”
Steve shrugged at her not sure what to tell her even as the whole thing made him feel a bit sour. He would not mention the other petal that held six lines indicating a surprise was in store.
“It’s just silly fun Angie, you aren’t supposed to take it seriously. Besides we still have to see what’s going on with the apple.” She nodded at him though she was not fully satisfied.
“Me next! Come on Ange, move over stop hogging Steve please,” Dustin was poking at his younger sister heartily until she finally relented and moved with a huff her blonde locks hitting Dustin in the face. Robin was just staring at Steve rather thoughtfully having cottoned on to his discomfort.
Dustin was much gentler in his handling of the pink blossom in his hand, and he moved into his brother snuggling into his much taller frame leaning his head into arm to look at the lines with him.
“Okay, Dust Bunny let's take a look,” he hummed as he counted all the lines and was just as shocked by his little brother's fortune as he had been for his little sisters, “Wow, Dustin! Yours is interesting as well. Every single petal has 9 lines running through it. That means you’ll go over water to get married and a bunch of them have the longest line running smack dab in the center. Make sure when you announce your engagement you do it on a Sunday.”
Dustin pulled back from his brother and with it his flower and just stared at it in contentment.
“A Sunday.” Dustin was so serious and very nearly reverent when he said it that Steve and Robin had a hard time not laughing but somehow managed to keep it to a smile.
Robin got up and twirled own blue blossom against his nose eliciting a laugh front he tickle it caused. He gently grasped the blossom and as carefully as he did with his other siblings counted their lines.
“My, my, my… I am just ever so shocked Robin. Four lines,” he looked at her mouth open in mock surprise, “Your wish is bound to come true.” Robin swatted at him laughing.
“Alright you smart Alec, what else?” Steve tickled her at her waist causing to her to laugh and flint away from him.
“Honestly Rob, most of your petals had 4 lines, you are just destined to be lucky in love I suppose.” A faux long-suffering sigh left him as he fluttered his eyelashes in mock envy.
“Hmm,” she gave him a screwed look before attacking him in her own tickle fit practically laying on him as he giggled and squirmed, “You said most, out with-it Stevie darling! Am I to marry a man with warts and no fortune? Will he be cursed to only speak in riddles? What am I to suffer in my marriage?”
The younger set were snuggled together like puppies laughing at their antics.
“Eight lines! You are cursed like our little sister your sweetheart will be fickle.” Robin let out a long-suffering sigh, and Steve wondered if he got that habit from her as she lay more firmly on him winding her thin arms around him.
“Well don’t tell Mama, all her hopes and dreams just dashed right there.” Steve snorted at her declaration.
“Steve it's your turn! Don’t you want to know your fortune.” Steve looked at the light purple flower that lay lone on the table and made a face.
“Ugh that would be so much work to get it.”
“Ah, it must be a changeling! Steve would never say something like that. Steven Harrington who walks all day and every day. A changeling child indeed.”
“I won't move Robin just to read my own fortune. Count out the lines for me one of you.”
He gripped Robin even tighter to make his point while Angela rolled her eyes and sat more firmly into her seat. Dustin was the only one with any true curiosity out of the two, so he was the one he grasped the left-over blossom in front of them.
“Six! Seven and four.” He hummed in acknowledgement.
“So, I too will have a wish come true, a surprise is on its way and my love will be will faithful.”
“Clearly,” Angela’s voice was resolute, “That was supposed to be my flower and that is very obviously my fortune.” Steve and Robin rolled their eyes but left it alone.
“Well, what about the apples?” He looked over at Dustin who was eyeing them hungrily.
“Perhaps Bobbin and I were just peckish.” He received twin looks of annoyance.
“Fine, fine. Take away all my fun. I want you to each take one of the apples and peel the skin off without any breaks. You want a nice long peel.” Robin had only sunk into her further and they were practically combined with little chance at separation. Angela and Dustin willingly untangled themselves and did as their brother instructed.
“Once you have the whole peel, I want you to take it with your right hand toss it over your left shoulder.” They gave each other skeptical looks at they continue peeling but did as they were told once finished, giggling as they tossed the long-wet curls over their shoulders, each landing with a soft noise that they pretended made them feel gross.
Steve and Robin, moving as though they were one being instead of two separate individuals, raised themselves together refusing to untangle, and took a look.
“Well, it’s a good thing you guys chose different colors since you did it at the same time. Which one of you had a pink apple?” Dustin perked up quickly at the question.
“Me! I wanted it to match my pansy!” He was up standing next to her eldest siblings in a split second his air matching that of a puppy trying to stay still for his owner.
“Good look on trying to figure that one out Steve. I cannot make heads or tails of what that’s supposed to look like.” Steve winced because Robin was right. It was not the shape of a letter.
“Dust Bunny, I am afraid your sweetheart is not solidified yet. That shape looks like a… tangle.” He slumped for a moment his hopefulness somewhat dashed before he perked back up.
“Maybe it means it’s a strong love! Because we will tie the knot,” Dustin nodded to himself emphatically, “Yes! That must be it. Steve, you’ve told us about invisible strings right, what if it's just proof, you’re right about all of it.”
“He’s right little Stevie, you have in fact told us all about invisible red strings of fate and how we all have these lovely, destined soulmates.”
“Oh, you make me sound so dumb and so much less practical than I really am,” Steve was laughing however unashamed that he was a dreamy as he was pragmatic, and he sometimes longed for the days where it was just Robin and Steve watching fireflies as babies and thinking they’d seen faeries. When their mother and father, both told them tales of other worlds and divining the future. Their father was still cheeky and fun, but it was different back then. So was his mother.
In his minds eye he could see it clear as day, late summer evenings when the air was cooling down and the colors of sky were blending colors and there was still light, just enough light out to shower the world in a golden glow. His mother spinning in circles with them and making flower crowns, catching fireflies and telling them stories of magic and faeries, of witches and ogres and mermaid. Making paper fortune tellers and showing them carefully how to make their own.
“Well Angel fish I must say... you have a bunch of looping letters I see an ‘h’ and I see a ‘t’ and maybe a ‘g’. I have no clue who you may end up with especially because you have three that I can see, and it isn’t indicative of first or last name. It seems perhaps, your pansy was correct, and you are in for a surprise. One even we can’t predict.”
Angela was annoyed to say the least and it was apparent.
They all drank tea to dampen their scents as was considered proper for Omegas, but her annoyance was so strong the scent of it was enough to make Steve wrinkle his nose.
“How boring! At this rate, I ought to have just picked daisy petals,” She threw her own flower to ground before sitting back dramatically down on the couch again, “Steve, you have to help me embroider my shoes for the ball. I have to be the most fashionable there.”
“Angela… all of your shoes are already embroidered.”
“I’m going to buy new ones obviously.” Steve refused to give her an answer and instead without even looking at Robin, he addressed her.
“Bobbin lets go for a walk; I’m starting to get a headache.”
Robin pursed her lips hiding a smile because she knew full well who the headache was.
“Of course, Stevie.” She detangled herself just enough to make the walk easier and looped her arm through his and they made their way outside leaving Angela huffing away in the background, no doubt getting ready to complain to their mother.
It seemed that over the course of the next day it didn’t matter how much Mrs. Harrington, or their children tried to wheedle information out of him, Mr. Harrington wouldn’t be compelled to give them any decent details about Ms. Cunningham.
All of them strategized attacking him in multiple ways, including outright bold questions, sly hypothesis he was welcome to correct, and clever little workings peppered wherever they could find a place for them. He would not be compelled. He was so painfully immovable and even more painfully good at pretending he was too dumb to understand what they meant.
Not even Steve could sway him, which was a sore spot for the rest of them as they had been relying on him folding like a deck of cards for Steve.
Eventually mostly all of them graduated from trying to gain anything from him and took any secondhand knowledge they could glean from Lady Joyce Hopper.
Sir James, she had let them know, had been very impressed by her. She was young, wonderfully pretty, very agreeable and seemingly kindhearted. She was good humored and intended to bring a large party of people with her at the ball.
There was nothing more delightful to hear as far as Mrs. Harrington was concerned. To be fond of dancing was clearly a step toward falling in love. There were hopes in the minds of the whole town that her heart would be secured by one of of the many Omegas and Betas in town.
“You know if I can just see one our children married and settled down at Cherry Lane,” Natalie told Robert as she brushed her hair getting ready for bed that night, “and all the others just as well settled, I don’t think I would have anything else to wish for.”
Mr. Harrington did not think that was possible regardless of how well all his children married.
A few days later Ms. Cunningham had apparently paid Mr. Harrington visit and sat with him in his library for the span of about ten minutes. Of course, Mr. Harrington had planned it for a time that wife and children would be gone, lest they meet and end all his amusement.
The visit itself was not particularly great. Mr. Harrington being determined to keep having his fun bordered on rude, nervous that today would be the day his wife and children would come home sooner than expected.
Ms. Cunningham had come with the hopes of meeting the famous Harrington Omegas, of whom she’d heard nothing but wonderful things about. She heard over and over how beautiful they were and kind and intelligent, so she was more than a little disappointed that they were not home, and she was only to deal with their father. He came across as a bit austere given that he hadn’t seemed much interested in keeping a conversation going. Manners had dictated over the years that these sorts of visits lasted at least fifteen minutes before perhaps an introduction was to be made. Even without introduction fifteen minutes was the standard, so it was a bit of an affront that it lasted only ten. She knew it was under his discretion she might be the rest of his family given that he was their Alpha but still she felt it was a bit misleading and lacking in decorum however she was a forgiving sort, so she didn’t hold it against him.
It was a shame though; she really had wanted to meet the rest of the Harrington’s she’d heard so much about.
The Harrington siblings however were at the worst disadvantage being unable to even catch a glimpse at what she was like.
Mrs. Harrington while lamenting their poor fortune and grieving over such a husband, immediately dispatched an invitation to dine with them. She wasted no time in planning the courses, but it was to no avail. She received word back that Ms. Cunningham would be unable to do dinner with them as she was to be in Nevada the next day and simply couldn’t accept the honor of their invitation.
Natalie was instantly annoyed by this. She couldn’t possibly imagine what business Ms. Cunningham could have that would have her leaving so quickly after his arrival to Hawkins and this soon turned into her having anxiety that perhaps the young Alpha would constantly be traveling somewhere and would never fully settle down at Cherry Lane as she ought to.
Lady Byers was the one to talk her down suggesting that Ms. Cunningham being away in Nevada was only in fact to bring a rather large part of people back with her for the ball. Mrs. Harrington still being rather wound up meant Joyce felt she had no choice but to try and coax her friend into relaxing by suggesting this would perhaps mean more Alphas for her lovely children. This did work to make her more bearable but only for a little while.
Joyce truly adored Steve and Robin and even Dustin, everyone else she cared about to a lesser extent, especially since many of them were so hard to deal with. Mrs. Harrington was a good friend to have though even if she could be positively exhausting. Joyce could acknowledge that for all her bad qualities she’d certainly had her better ones.
Soon someone reported that Ms. Cunningham was bringing twelve Omegas, five Betas and two Alphas with her to the party. Every eligible Omega and Beta were in mourning by those projected number of fellow omegas and betas. Things were slightly better around town when the day before the ball the new rumor suggested instead of twelve and five, she had actually only brought six altogether, five Omegan sisters and a Beta cousin.
This was all proven false as soon as the party was actually in motion.
The ball itself was lively if somewhat casual in taste, there was no theme and though people were dressed up no one was in particularly fashionable colors and fabrics. This made some of the people nervous that it would be seen as too lowbrow by the big city standards of Ms. Cunningham and her entourage. Still, the lights were warm, brilliant and glowing and the ornate chandelier in the center of the ceiling was bathing everyone in glittering golden cheer. Nearly everyone who was dancing was also laughing just as brightly as those light shone. The atmosphere was cozy and familiar amongst the many families of the town. There was a raucous quality to the party however, but it lacked a certain pretension. Everyone was milling about excitedly, many already drunk on spirits and food.
Steve’s youngest siblings were nearly floating in merriment while they were in the throes of dancing. Steven and Jonathan Hopper were clapping joyfully along as they watched the progression of the dance, having to nearly shout to hear one another as they took in the the many fun and funny sights of the couples dancing across the floor. Some of those already drunken guests were making some very funny blunders alongside some odd couples. His own parents were looking on in the distance at what was nearly the other end of the hall in indulgence whilst his sister Nancy was standing near them playing the role of a dour little shadow.
In a fit of joy and affection Steve grabbed turned to Robin who sat on the other side of him and grabbed her hand, “Now, if every Alpha in the room doesn’t end up in love with you by the end of the night, then I am no good judge of beauty.”
Robin blushed and let out a short laugh that would have sounded like a scoff coming from anyone else.
“Or Alphas,” she said shaking her head. Steve was giggling in at her response.
Leaning into her he scrunched his nose and shook his head at her and still laughing said, “No, they are far too easy to judge.”
Robin rolled her eyes and thumbed gently at the green sleeve of Steve’s shirt before patting his hand and telling him, “They aren’t all bad.” The three omegas' eyes were all over the charged room.
“Humorless poppycocks in my limited experience!” Steve shared a grin with Jonathan as he gave his reply.
“One of these days, Steve, someone will catch your eye,” Robin smile was glittering as she looked around the room, humored by her brother but also will anticipation for eventual arrival of Ms. Cunningham, “and then you’ll have to watch your tongue.”
Jon watched the siblings in great amusement. While Robin was older and closer in age by just a year, he was particularly close with Steve who he had a deep unending fondness for.
Though he remained smiling Steve scrunched his nose again and shook his head with amused disagreement toward his sister.
A hush came over the entire room and suddenly there it was. This wouldn’t understand until marked the before and after.
There stood Ms. Cunningham and her party in the entrance hall staring out at all of of them.
The dance came to an abrupt end and all partners moved away parting like the red sea for dazzling newcomers. The three Omegas stood to see the figures who had caused such a sharp relief to the ongoing fun. There were murmurs all around, but nothing so easily heard or understood.
While Jonathan and Steve were looking on in curiosity, Robin was struck in awe by a member of the group who stood so elegantly in the front.
The group was decidedly less than had been rumored and consisted of three women and two men.
Where they were stood it was hard to make out too much about them and Steve wondered about which of the fine ladies was Ms. Cunningham and who all was with her.
When the gentleman Alpha, Sir James Hopper, the host of the ball, finally made his way up to greet them with a bow and a thankful welcome, Steve took the time to ask Jonathan the question that was burning up in his throat.
“So, which of the painted peacocks is our Ms. Cunningham?” Robin turned quickly to look at Jonathan also curious for the answer before turning back to stare at the new guests.
“The small one on the right with the strawberry blonde hair, that’s our Alpha. The older woman on her close left is her Omega sister, the two further back are her Beta brother and his Beta wife.”
Steve had never let his eyes wonder away from the party that was now walking down through the path created by the rest of the guests. He hummed quietly in acknowledgement before asking another question.
“And the man with a quizzical brow?” He was being fairly kind. The man was to be sure beautiful, with longer dark blonde hair and a face he was sure even from this distance could make others weep but it was set in fairly dark glare.
“That is her good friend, Mr. Hargrove.”
Steve let out a huff of laughter as he looked over each of them.
“Goodness,” he started, “He looks miserable, the poor soul.”
Jon hummed back in amusement, “Well, miserable he may be, but I assure you, poor he most certainly is not.”
Steve grinned, he found it all so funny. The older Omega was haughty and stood closer to the miserable beast of a man as she looked down her nose while making acquaintances with others as they were all led through.
“Tell me.”
“You sure you can handle it, Steven?” Jonathan himself couldn’t hide his quieter amusement very well either and tugged at his friend's sleeve so he would lean down so he could whisper the rest, “He is an Alpha of 10,000 a year and he owns half of California.”
Robin stared at Jonathan in astonishment over what she was hearing, but Steve was not so easily impressed by some random Alpha of incredible fortune. He knew the alpha was out of the realm of possibility past acquaintanceship, and he did not even at this point seem to think that even that was in that was a possibility with the way he carried himself. No, Steve thought, that is not the kind of Alpha who would acknowledge an acquaintance with the people of this room.
“The miserable half?”
The response gave way to Jonathan letting out a quiet snort and giggle in surprised amusement. He ducked his head into his chest shaking trying to make it quieter whilst he hunched closer to Steve who did nothing to hide how delighted he was. Even Robin couldn’t hide her mirth so well.
She nudged her brother quickly and discreetly tried to tap at Jonathan’s hand urgently as it seemed the small party of newcomers was to pass their way with Sir Hopper making introductions and commentary about the building.
Steve felt a eyes on his face as the three of them curtsied with lowered heads as the group was starting to pass. His head being lowered prevented him from seeing the blonde figure do a double take at him. As the three of them came back up smiling his eyes met a pair cornflower blue one. It was brief and electric eye contact before the blue ones snapped away from his and turned to face forward once again. Steve couldn’t help but stare, mouth slightly open at the man as he strode further away before demurely looking down at the ground. A thrum had run through his body forcing him intensely upright when their eyes had met. Steve shook off the arresting moment with a huffed out laugh. The eye contact had been unexpected and the feeling of it interesting.
It had felt the way a gasp does when leaves your body in shock.
16 notes · View notes
molsquinn · 3 months
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Long hair Willow you are so important to me
189 notes · View notes
ieirism · 8 months
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pairing: gojo satoru x f!reader
setting: modern au
genre: smut and fluff
contains: brother’s best friend gojo, protective older brother geto, use of pet names (baby, princess, sweetheart), unprotected sex, slightly mean gojo (but he ends up soft and sweet, I promise), dirty talk, overstimulation, mutual pining, dacryphilia, oral (f receiving), cheesy and happy ending <3
summary: satoru had promised suguru that there'd be no funny business while he takes care of his heartbroken baby sister... but he's never been the greatest at keeping promises.
“Stop being so mean to her, Satoru.” Satoru looks over at his best friend, who's clicking his tongue in disapproval, with a nonchalant grin.
“Not my fault she’s such a crybaby, Suguru.”
“Come on.” Suguru shoots him a warning look. “That’s my little sister you're talking about.”
“Hey, hey,” Satoru laughs, raising his hands in mock defense. “You gotta teach her how to grow thicker skin. Not my problem.”
“Every time you come over, she ends up crying.” The black-haired man sighs. “Don’t be a jerk just for one moment, won’t you?”
“Mmh, no promises.” Satoru grins. Sue him, he’s simply too addicted to the way your face scrunches up indignantly whenever he teases you, the futile yet endearing clenching of your small fists at your side, and most of all, the uncontrollable blubbers that leave your lips as tears roll down your cheeks.
Years later, you’re still the same. Just a little crybaby coming apart at the seams, completely at Gojo Satoru’s mercy.
“S-Satoru…” The high-pitched whine of his name only elicits a laugh from the man between your legs, sending shock waves of pleasure shooting through your body.
“Baby, you gotta stop movin’ so much.” Satoru’s large hands grip your thighs, holding them firmly in place as he continues to feast on your dripping pussy. “Gotta let me eat you properly.” He punctuates his point with a loud suck on your clit that has you mewling and twitching under his hold.
“T-Too much!” You sob, hands curling into the silky white stands on his head, tugging uselessly. “S’too much, S-Satoru…”
“You wanna take my cock later, princess?” He hums against your cunt, licking a hot stripe up your slit, chuckling as he watches your pussy clench around nothing. His gaze lazily travels upwards, greeted with the sight of you nodding furiously as tears stream down your cheeks.
“Yes,” you plead with wide, teary eyes. “N-need you.” Satoru smirks.
“Then be a good girl and let me prep you,” he coos, before diving right back between your folds, enjoying the broken sob that leaves your lips as he draws zigzags across your swollen clit.
“I really don’t understand you,” Suguru bristles, frustration evident by the way his eyebrows furrow as he eyes Satoru.
“Hmm?” Satoru looks at him with feigned innocence. “Whatever could you be talking about, dear Suguru?”
“You’re unbelievable.” He sighs. “Those gifts you bought her… they’re worth almost a million yen. What the hell is wrong with you, really.”
“Well, you told me I made her cry.” The white-haired man shrugged. “I had to make up for it, didn’t I?” Suguru squints suspiciously, at a brief loss for words.
“...You are not normal,” he finally scoffs.
“Of course not,” Satoru agrees, unfazed.
“You can’t keep doing this. You’re gonna end up spoiling her.”
“And what’s so bad about that?”
“Gimme another one, baby.” He’s faintly aware that if he makes you cum again, you really might pass out. However, he can’t really bring himself to be too concerned about that, not when he’s quickly becoming addicted to the taste of your dripping cunt and cries of pleasure.
“C-Can’t, I can’t — “ You sob, entire body shaking around his mouth; you’re so sensitive.
“You can,” he insists between hungry slurps, not letting any of your arousal go to waste. “Fuck…” You’re so sweet. Just how did he survive this long without having a taste of you?
“Please…” You’re still shy, trying your best to stifle your cries even as they fall in a steady stream from your trembling lips. Each loud squelch of your sopping pussy still has you cringing a little, not to mention the embarrassment that washes over you every time you catch a glimpse of your juices all over Satoru’s face.
“Don’t hold back anymore, sweetheart.” He reaches up to grab your wrists, pulling them away from your mouth even as you blubber out a weak protest. “Wanna hear you this time, say it loud. Say my name when you cum.” One more combined thrust of his fingers, deep into your hole with a flick of his tongue across your clit has you creaming on his lips for the fourth time.
“S-Satoru!” You’re unable to control the beautifully loud whine of his name as Satoru greets your orgasm eagerly, savoring every last drop of your release on his tongue.
“You made her cry again.” Suguru says, rolling his eyes as he approaches his best friend at their meeting spot.
“Huh?” Satoru raises a brow. “Haven’t even seen her since two weeks ago. What’d I do?”
“She’s sad you’re moving away.” Suguru tuts. “Can’t imagine why. Probably because she won’t be able to use you for your wallet anymore.”
“You implyin’ I’m just a wallet to her?” Satoru exclaims, a little offended. The black-haired man shoots him a deadpan glare.
“You know you’re not. But even you’re not enough of an asshole to use that against her.”
“It’s just college,” Satoru muses. “Kid thinks I won’t be back for her?”
“In two years she’ll be going off to college too.” Suguru shrugs. “She’ll get over you.”
“What a cruel thing to say.” Satoru laughs it off, ignoring the small flicker of jealousy that flares to life deep in his chest.
Satoru watches as your chest heaves up and down, in your effort to try to recover from the multiple orgasms he had just given you. You’re lying limp on your bed, unable to move save for the periodic twitching of your thighs.
“Sorry, princess, was that too much?” He’s teasing, but there’s a genuine edge of concern to his voice as he cups your cheek in his hand. You nod, a few tears falling down your face. “Aww, forgive me. You’ll forgive me, right?” In response, you tug weakly on his shirt collar, asking him to come closer. He relents, allowing you to drag him down towards you. Satoru’s about to ask what you need, before you suddenly tilt your head upwards to kiss him.
Satoru lets out a small noise of surprise as your soft lips press against his, hesitant at first, but deepening once your fingers find further purchase in his shirt, gripping tightly. He wraps his arms around you, pulling you up into his lap.
You kiss him a little clumsily, still boneless from your release but Satoru doesn’t mind. Doesn’t mind at all, of course, when your lips are so soft against his, and he can swallow every quiet whimper that escapes you.
“Satoru…” Your voice is raspy and small, but your eyes are wild as you cling helplessly to him. “A-Am… Am I ready yet?” His jaw goes slack in awe at the adorable, troubled expression on your face. Your lips are swollen into a permanent pout now as you look up at him with those wide doe eyes that always had him weak.
“...Think you are,” he heaves, realizing that he’s just as fucked out as you are. It takes everything in him to hold back the urge to just take you.
“She’s grown up.” Satoru raises his eyebrows in pleasant surprise at the pictures that Suguru shows him. Your family had recently gone on vacation, so Suguru had been gone for an entire week, leaving his best friend and roommate all alone.
“That’s what you’re looking at?” Suguru shoots him an annoyed look.
“Oh,” says Satoru, glancing back at the picture. “Uh, nice waterfall.”
“One of the seven natural wonders of the world and all you can see is my baby sister.” Suguru exhales deeply.
“What? You can’t blame me too much. Kid’s changed,” the white-haired man shoots defensively.
“She’s twenty, not sixteen anymore. Of course, she’s changed.” Suguru pinches the bridge of his nose. 
“I know that, I just…” Satoru pauses, glancing back at the picture. You’re still tiny, only reaching up to your brother’s, and by extension his, chest. Your face has matured, though, baby fat gone from your cheeks. That didn’t stop you from being any less adorable, though — your smile is as radiant as ever. He can’t help but let a small smile of his own slip onto his face.
“Hopeless,” Suguru mutters in disbelief. “Hopeless, the both of you.”
Satoru lets you unbutton his shirt, watching in amusement as your eyes narrow with focus as each button pops open, slowly revealing more and more of his skin.
“Um…” You’re nervous. It’s plain as day from the way your lip wobbles as your eyes sweep down the view of his chiseled chest and torso, only to end at the prominent bulge in his slacks.
“You sure you’re okay with this, princess?” He cups your chin in his hand, gently tilting your face to look straight at him. “Need to rest?”
“N-No!” You protest immediately, shaking your head. “I…” You glance back down at his erection, a flicker of desire in your eyes. “I need…” You trail off, unable to say it.
“Okay.” If he was feeling meaner, he would make you tell him exactly what you want. But he wants to be nice today, especially since you’ve already cried so much for him. “Okay, baby. Don’t worry, you’ll have it. Can you unzip me? Can you do that for me?” You hesitate for a moment. Satoru briefly wonders if he’s perhaps pushed you a bit too hard.
But then you’re reaching for him, small hands finding the top of his pants and slowly undoing the button. Your fingers close around his zipper, slowly tugging it down.
“Good girl.” He pecks your forehead. “Take me out of my boxers, alright?” As his angry, swollen cock springs free from his underwear, you can’t contain your gasp.
“Oh…” The soft sound leaves you almost involuntarily as you stare and wonder at how the hell that’s gonna fit in you. He’s thick and long, rock hard and dripping with pre-cum. You slowly wrap your own hand around his cock, lips parting as your fingers fail to meet in the middle. Your own pussy clenches in a combination of fear and excitement.
“See why I needed to prepare you, now?”
“Sorry to spring this onto you all of a sudden, especially since you just got into town.” Suguru sighs over the phone.
“Don’t worry about it. If you’re not around to take care of her, duty falls on me,” says Satoru as he reverses his car out of the parking lot, heading to the location Suguru had sent him.
“Let me know when she’s home safe. Tell her I’ll be back tomorrow.”
“Yeah, will do.”
A pause.
“And… no funny business, got it?”
“Don’t know what you’re talkin’ about.”
“I’m serious, Satoru. She just confronted her asshole cheater ex. She doesn’t need you drooling all over her right now.”
“Relax, dude. I’m not that desperate.” Satoru rolls his eyes.
“Good. Keep it that way.”
His conversation with Suguru lies in the back of his mind, forgotten, as Satoru places a gentle hand on your shoulder. “Lay back and relax for me, sweetheart.” You immediately obey, laying yourself down on your bed, heart beating fast in anticipation.
“S’gonna hurt, right?” you ask softly.
“Don’t worry, baby. I’ve gotten you ready, see?” Satoru comforts you, brushing his fingers against the wetness still soaking your entrance.
“Oh.” Tears suddenly well in your eyes. “Um, s-sorry, it just always hurt with him…”
“What?” Satoru’s eyes darken, unsure if you mean what he thinks you do.
“He just…” You bite your lip, trying not to let your tears fall. “H-He just p-put it in, y’know?” His heart drops in his stomach. Two years, two whole fucking years with that asshole, and he had never given you proper foreplay? No wonder you were so sensitive and responsive to his touch, your body had never received the attention it’s always deserved.
“Baby.” Satoru squeezes your hand, fighting down the urge to find that asshole and beat him up. That could come later. Right now, he has to focus on you. “It’s not gonna be that way this time. Not with me. Okay?” You nod, squeezing his hand in return.
It’s the first time he’s seen you in person in four years, and here you are in the passenger seat of his car, crying your eyes out.
You feel absolutely humiliated. You had called Suguru to ask him to pick you up from your ex-boyfriend’s house after you dumped him, but he had told you he couldn’t.
“I’ll send someone to get you. Hang tight,” he’d said.
You just didn’t know it was going to be Gojo Satoru, who hadn’t returned to your hometown since he graduated high school.
“I’m gonna bring you home,” Satoru had told you, getting out of the driver’s seat to open the car door for you. “Relax, okay? You’re safe now.” He had buckled your seatbelt for you before settling in himself, starting the engine without another word.
The car ride back to your house is silent, save for the continuous sniffles that wrack your body as you try your best to stop your tears. Satoru silently puts a box of tissues in your lap at some point, and your heart stutters at the action.
You’ve known for many years now, that you never got over your first love.
Clothes fully discarded, Satoru lowers himself on top of you, enamored with the way you shyly glance down at`his cock, gaze wavering for a moment before slowly looking back up at him, eyes begging for him to do something.
“Tell me if you want to stop.” He brushes his fingers, tender and gentle, across your cheek. You nod, hand curling around his bicep.
“Kiss me,” you request, and he gladly obliges, leaning down to peck your lips.
“M’gonna go slow,” he tells you. “You want me to stop, hit me real hard — “ He smacks his own chest. “ — Right here. Got it?”
“I won’t,” you say bravely, eyes glimmering with determination. “I… I can take it.” Satoru laughs quietly.
“Alright, princess. Don’t act all cute, you’re just rilin’ me up now.” You smile, a little mischievously.
“Oh, you caught me.”
“Fuck…” Satoru groans, pressing his forehead against yours. “You’re gonna kill me.” His fat tip taps against your clit once, twice. You gasp, eyes going glossy as you feel your swollen pussy clench desperately around nothing.
“Satoru,” you plead. “P-Please…”
“I’ll give you what you need. Relax for me…” He aligns his tip with your entrance, prodding between your folds. Inch by inch, he sinks his cock into your warm, throbbing cunt, almost blacking out himself at the sensation of your tight, velvety walls clamping around his cock.
“A-Ah…!” You whine, gripping his bicep and squeezing your eyes shut. The stretch is almost too much, but the delicious sensation of being filled to the brim has you seeing stars.
“You okay?” Satoru pants, willing himself to stop from splitting you open on his cock to check on you.
“Yes,” you whimper. “Yes, a-ah, please k-keep going…” Satoru rests his head in the crook of your neck as he continues to push himself in, enjoying the soft, labored whimpers as you take more and more of him, deep into your sopping hole.
“Almost there,” he coos. “Almost there, princess…” After what feels like an eternity, he finally sheaths the last of him in you, biting at your shoulder as he finally, finally feels exactly the sensation of being one with you.
“Drink. You’ll feel better.” Satoru places a glass of water in your hand as he leads you to your living room couch. You stubbornly refuse to look at him, letting the glass sit uselessly in your hand as you stare down at your lap.
He sighs, not sure what he should do. He’s never been good at comforting others, let alone his friends’ kid sisters. He knows you’re not a kid anymore, you’re a full grown adult, but the way you’re sulking and ignoring him says otherwise. Still, his fondness for you wins above all else as he takes the water back and puts it on the coffee table, letting you sit in silence.
”You gonna be okay by yourself?” he asks instead. Satoru doesn’t want to leave you alone, but he’s not sure if his presence will even help. He hasn’t been an active part of your life in years, and he has a feeling that this incredibly vulnerable moment isn’t the best time to barge back in. You don’t reply, twiddling your thumbs.
“Call me if you need anything,” Satoru says hesitantly. “You have my number, right?” No response. “I’m gonna write it down for you.” He finds a spare stack of Post-Its and does just that. You don’t react even when he sticks the note right on top of your forehead, in a shitty attempt to lighten your mood. Your deadpan glare, so much like your brother’s tells him it did not work.
“Suguru’s gonna be back tomorrow,” he tells you, taking the note off and soothing the annoyed crease between your eyebrows. “Go get some rest now, yeah?” You look away. Satoru sighs. Seeing you upset like this hurts him way more than he would like to admit. “M’gonna leave. Get to bed soon.” He pats the top of your head, just like he always used to do, which always made you whine when he messed up your hair. You’re quiet now, not a peep of complaint leaving you.
He really misses hearing your voice.
“Bye, then.” Satoru’s about to turn around and leave, but you do something that seems to shock both of you. Your fingers curl and grab onto the hem of his collared shirt, stopping him in his tracks. He stares down at you in surprise, trying to process the sight of your small, thin fingers holding onto him for dear life.
“Stay.” The one word was enough to crumble his self-control.
You’re struggling to adjust to his size; he can tell from the way you’re digging your nails into his arm and the trembling of your thighs around his waist. Satoru stays still, waiting for your permission to go any further, right hand rubbing soothing circles on your hip.
“Don’t stress yourself, baby, just tell me what you want, when you want it,” he murmurs against your neck, waiting patiently, torturously, for permission to move.
You’re so overwhelmed by the sensation of being stuffed full; Satoru is much bigger than your ex-boyfriend and yet, the feeling isn’t painful. It’s so good, a throbbing ache that extends outwards from your core all the way to the top of your head and the tip of your toes. You can hardly form thoughts, let alone words, as your pussy stretches around him, trying to accommodate the sheer size of his cock.
A few more moments pass, and you feel like you’re going crazy. The feeling of being so, so full is one that you’ve never felt before, but you think you’re already addicted. Your thighs flex instinctively, closing tighter around Satoru’s waist and pushing his cock even deeper, pressing right against your sweet spot. You mewl, wrapping your arms around his neck, silently begging to be closer to him.
Satoru leans into the kiss you give him, groaning as your walls suddenly clench once around him, brain filling with nothing but white noise. “Fuck,” he grits out against your lips.  “Fuck, baby, I don’t know how much longer — “
“Move.” Your command is quiet. Satoru almost wonders if he’s misheard you. But one look into your pleading, begging eyes confirms what you want. Unable to hold back any longer, he pulls his hips upwards, snapping right back into you with one long, hard thrust. You cry out, nails sinking into his shoulder blades.“M-More,” you whisper. “Need more.”
He doesn’t need to be told twice.
Satoru’s at a loss for words and actions as you stood on your tiptoes, reaching up and bringing his head down to kiss him. His arms instinctively wrap around your waist to steady you, craning his neck to allow you better access — oh shit, what the hell is he doing?
He lets go of you like he’s touched something on fire, pulling back from the kiss. As your heels land back on the ground with a soft thud, he’s greeted by the sight of you looking like you’re about to cry again. “Wait — “ He reaches for you, but retracts his hand; he’s not sure if he can trust himself to stay in line. His heart is beating so fast, you had just kissed him, completely out of the blue.
Satoru knew about your crush on him when the two of you were younger. You started having feelings for him when you were thirteen and he was fifteen, making it painfully obvious. You followed him and Suguru around like a lost puppy whenever he came over, despite Satoru’s constant teasing.
He thought your actions were funny at first, becoming the root of his continued teasing. Despite still making you cry all the time, you always came right back to greet him with a smile upon his very next visit. After a while, Satoru looked at you with fondness, in the way that one would gaze at a small animal. You were harmless, sweet, and so very adorable.
Satoru didn’t return your feelings at the time. You were just Suguru’s kid sister that he liked to toy with sometimes. You were awfully cute when you were mad.
But now, as you look up at him with desperation and longing, his heart clenches faintly in his chest. You’re so, so beautiful — the pictures Suguru had showed him hadn’t done you justice in the slightest. You somehow look so enchantingly gorgeous at this moment, even with tears glistening in your eyes and rolling down your cheeks.
Would you hit him if he tried to wipe away your tears?
He never gets to find out, because you speak his name softly, drawing him in like a moth to a flame. Satoru leans down to carefully listen to what you have to say. “W-Want you.”
“So good, so fuckin’ good for me, princess,” Satoru groans, reveling in the dizzying heat of your pussy as he drags his cock in and out of your walls, fucking you at a steady pace. “You feel me in there? You feel me in your little cunt?”
“Y-Yes,” you manage to sob out between moans, each rough snap of his hips into you melting your brain into jelly just a little more. 
“What a perfect lil pussy,” He chuckles as you squeal after a rather rough thrust, the loud squelch of your hole sucking him in echoing through the room. “No sane person in this world would ever give this up this tight wet cunt.” You whine at his filthy words, drool dripping out of the side of your mouth as Satoru continues to ram into you, faster, harder.
“Satoru!” You’re crying out his name over and over, legs wrapped firmly around his waist, pushing him deeper and deeper. “S-Satoru, I-I — “
“You likin’ this, baby? Tell me how much you like this,” he coos into your ear, hand reaching down to rub at your swollen clit.
“I l-like it s-so much, i-it’s so ahh…! I-it’s so good,” you sob out. You never thought sex could feel like this — you never understood why the people around you were so obsessed with it, especially with the treatment you received from your ex.
Now, though, as each rut of Satoru’s dick into your cunt kisses your sweet spot, you get it. You don’t know if you’ll ever be able to forget this feeling of being filled by cock so brutally sweet.
“Hold on.” Satoru had tried to protest, he really had. You’d just broken up with your boyfriend. Like Suguru said, the last thing you needed was any funny business. “Listen — “ He sighs out your name, making your bottom lip wobble. “You have to go rest, don’t be reckless.”
“Please.” You tug at his sleeve, staring at him with that puppy-eyed look that always gets you what you want. He really had spoiled you, hadn’t he?
“Not now,” he tried to reason with you. “You’re still hurting, you’re not in the right mind.” You glare at him.
“Who’re you to say m’not in the right mind?” you whine. “I…” You suddenly seem to lose your confidence, staring down at the floor. “...I only ever wanted you.”
“What?” Satoru stares, wide-eyed, at your confession.
“Know you don’t want me that way,” you continue, voice small. “But I… don’t care.” You sniffle. “Don’t care, Satoru. Just want you.”
And when you tug desperately at his shirt again, this time, Satoru is too far gone.
“Fuck, I’m close.” He growls into your neck, his pace picking up as he chases after his release, He coaxes you to join him, thumbing at your clit and cooing for you to “Let go, cum for me, c’mon. Cream all over my cock, princess.”
The only sounds in the room are a symphony of your moans and the slick sounds of his cock pushing in and out of your hole as a coil forms deep in your gut, threatening to snap at any moment. You feel tears stain your cheeks as Satoru’s pace increases, pounding into you so deep you can practically feel him in your throat.
“S-Satoru, I’m g-gonna — !” You cut yourself off with a loud, lewd moan, cunt clenching down hard around him as you come undone for the fifth time just this night. You swear you lose consciousness for a second, lost in the euphoric feeling of your release as your swollen pussy throbs in satisfaction.
“Shit..“ A few quick, shallow thrusts later, Satoru finishes as well, thick ropes of cum splurting into your womb, filling you with a warm sensation.
“A-Ah…” you whimper out, pussy fluttering weakly around his softening cock, which is still fully sheathed inside you. A white ring remains on his dick as he gently pulls himself off of you, cum dripping from your spent pussy onto the sheets. Satoru tuts, placing a pillow under your hips so you won’t leak.
You’re only faintly aware of what he’s doing as he leaves briefly and returns with a warm, wet towel, gently asking you to open your legs for him. You obey, but you’re so exhausted you can’t help it as your eyes droop shut. The last thing you remember before falling asleep is Satoru leaning forward to peck your forehead, praising you for taking him so well.
You wake up a few hours later to sunlight streaming through your bedroom window, making you squint a little as you sit up in bed. You immediately gasp at the ache between your legs, and the soreness racing up and down your body.
Memories of the previous night come flooding back as a sleepy groan sounds from next to you. Satoru stirs, awakened by your panicked sound, asking softly, “You okay, baby?”
Oh god. Shit. Fuck. You actually had sex with Gojo Satoru.
“Hmm?” He looks a little concerned at your lack of response, pulling you against him. “What’s wrong, sweetheart? You in pain? Sorry, did my best to clean you up and everything.” Only then do you realize that the place between your thighs is no longer sticky, and that you’re wearing a fresh set of underwear with Satoru’s unbuttoned shirt wrapped around you.
“...What did we do?” You whisper in a muddled mixture of shock and amazement.
“You regret it?” he asks carefully, pulling back a little to gauge your reaction. You shake your head vehemently, snuggling back close to him. You breathe in his scent, eyes fluttering closed. You feel so right at home in his arms.
“No.” You ponder for a bit. “But it’s never gonna happen again, right?” Satoru’s breath catches in his throat.
“I know last night might’ve given you the wrong impression.” You swallow hard, trying to contain the feelings bubbling up within you. Satoru just looks so beautiful under the morning sun, his crystal blue eyes glittering in the light. You know you’re not mistaken, you’ve never been so sure about it — you love him. “I don’t… do this. Thank you for being with me for this one night, but…” you trail off.
“Hey, hey.” You’re crying again, and this time, Satoru wipes the tears off your cheek, cupping your face between his hands. “What’re you talkin’ about?”
“Don’t want just this from you,” you continue vaguely, looking away shamefully. “But I don’t… I don’t expect you to want the same.” He stills at your words, trying to decipher them properly.
“You still in love with me?” He deciphered them spot on, but that doesn’t stop a humiliated squeak from leaving you. You’re huffing, face on fire with a mixture of frustration and embarrassment.
“F-Fine, whatever! You know already, so…” You look away, gnawing at your lower lip. “That’s w-why — “
“Don’t really know why you’re so upset, princess,” he cuts you off, pulling you out of the downward spiral he sees you’re about to fall into. “Think…” Satoru pauses to swipe at a tear at the corner of your eyes. “Still such a crybaby,” he can’t help but say, watching with amusement as you scowl at him with all the ferocity of an angry kitten.
“Ugh, jerk! Four years later and you still can’t take me seriously, God, why do I even bo — “ He cuts you off again, this time with a kiss. When he pulls away, he’s smiling gently, chuckling at your dumbfounded expression.
“Think I love you too,” he finishes. “So you’ve got nothing to worry about.” A few moments pass.
“...Are you fucking with me?” You look him dead in the eye.
“Technically, I already did,” he replies cheerfully. You look at him in disbelief. “Okay, sorry, sorry, sweetheart. Let me spell it out for you.” Satoru holds you close to him, tracing slow, comforting circles along your back. “Be my girlfriend?”
You answer him with a kiss of your own.
Suguru sighs, fishing in his pocket for his house keys as he approaches the front door. He’s worried about you; although the bastard had cheated on you and deserved to have you dump him, he knows you’re still probably heartbroken.
Or at least a little heartbroken. Suguru’s aware you never really that into your ex, if your drunk phone calls about how much you miss Satoru were enough evidence. Hiding those from his best friend was tough work; he would have to sit in the bathroom or the closet with his headphones and speak as quietly and carefully as possible to not rouse any suspicion.
Either way, he knows you definitely need some cheering up right now. He’s brought you a box of cupcakes from your favorite bakery, hoping it would be enough to at least get you in a talking mood.
Imagine his surprise when he opens the door and the first thing he sees is Gojo Satoru. Not only is Gojo Satoru standing in his kitchen, but he’s wearing Suguru’s apron, a gift from you many Christmases ago. To make things worse, he’s nearly butt naked under it, only wearing a pair of boxers that are — wait a second, are those Suguru’s as well?
“Oh hey, Suguru!” If Satoru is nervous or embarrassed, he plays it off well as he turns around and waves, flashing the stupid, faded picture of Remy from Ratatouille on his apron right in Suguru’s face. “You hungry? Was just makin’ some eggs.”
“What the actual fuck,” Suguru grits out, putting two and two together as you choose that moment to wander out into the kitchen, wearing nothing but an unfamiliar collared button down that reaches down nearly to your knees. Satoru’s.
“S-Sugu.” Your eyes go round, stopping in your tracks. No one speaks for a moment. Satoru’s still happily cooking eggs. Suguru’s expression is stone cold. You’re staring at your brother with embarrassment written all over your face.
“Baby, you ready for food?” Satoru steps away from the stove to wrap an arm around your waist, smooching you on top of your head. You make a stuttered noise under your breath, glancing back at your brother.
Suguru’s smiling now, but not in the traditional sense. He looks almost maniacal as he slowly places the box of cupcakes on the table before locking eyes with Satoru. Finally, the white-haired man has enough shame for his casual grin to falter.
“What happened to no funny business?”
Satoru is forced to abandon the stove, running away from a fuming Suguru chasing after him with the first thing he could find on the dining table — a carrot.
“Sugu, stop, it’s okay — “ Your pleas fall on deaf ears as your brother is hell-bent on finding a way to murder his best friend with a vegetable. You sigh deeply, moving to go after them when you suddenly smell something burning. Your head snaps to where the eggs Satoru was cooking are now sitting blackened over the flame.
Needless to say, the first morning with Gojo Satoru as your official boyfriend was far from perfect.
Thankfully, you would have many, many more mornings with him, each more wonderful than the last, that this one quickly faded from importance.
But not from Suguru’s.
“I still remember,” Suguru says, clearing his throat for dramatic effect. “When I opened the door on that one morning, and you were not only in my house, but you were half-naked wearing my apron and my underwear — “
Satoru groans as the audience bursts into laughter at his best man’s speech, burying his face in your shoulder. You’re giggling right along with them, sparing your new husband a peck on the cheek as his best friend continues to tear him apart.
“Then you had the audacity to pretend nothing was wrong — “
Satoru knew he would never live this down, but he had zero regrets. Not when you’re sitting right next to him in a pretty white dress holding his hand under the table.
“Well.” Suguru looks over at him, raising a brow. “Got anything to say?” Satoru takes the mic from him, face splitting into a shit-eating grin as he says two words:
“Worth it.”
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screampied · 3 months
Sorry this is super specific but angry mean and sloppy hate sex w the jjk boys (specifically nanami) is all I've been thinking about 🥹🥹🥹
໒꒱ ₊˚ ‘ SCREAM, NO BOLOGNA ! ’﹒⺡
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sukuna, toji, gojo, nanami, geto
જ warnings. fem! reader, hate séx, implied multiple órgasms, praise, dirty talk, facefucking, hair pulling, choking, overstim, squìrting, implied breeding, daddy kink, the bed kinda… breaks, mdni.
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“now now sweetheart,” he’d coo. his voice had such a sugary rasp as he spoke. you moan, feeling him casually bend you over with just one hand. you felt him softly caress the soft edges of your ass, lovingly stroking a thumb against your sheer skin before bringing his leaky tip towards your soaked folds. “was that little fit you threw earlier in the mall necessary? told you to wait until we got home.”
“don’t…care,” you huff out with furrowed eyebrows. your breath wafts against the soft material of the cushioned pillow as you pout. nanami raises a brow, making you arch just a little before your lips part. “i was bored all day. just f-fuck me, kento. s-stop bein' all nice ‘n just be rough with me.”
“my oh my, what a filthy mouth you have,” he clicks his tongue, and nanami purposely leans up close to you. you mewled once he grabs a fistful of your hair. he has a good grip before giving it a slight yank. you let off a whimper once the head of his cock skims past your entrance. not once but twice. his words were so rich, coated with pure tease before he lays his weight right up against you. “rough she says,” he whispers, and he brings his free hand to grip your waist. nanami was so precise and slow with his hand movements. you let off a gasp the minute he starts to ease his way inside. “if you wanted me to treat you like this, you didn’t have to be such a—”
he gets cut off by creating a single sloppy thrust against you and you sob out a whimper from how thick he was. a few good inches and you then started to feel yourself stretch. “…brat,” he concludes, and you even hear nanami’s voice get a tad bit lower. his tie tickles against your spine as he starts to move and your eyes didn’t hesitate to quickly rolllll into the very depths of your skull.
nanami didn’t mind being rough, especially if you asked nicely. whenever he was though, his thrusts were just godly. so good…
your maw dangles open as he’s just whacking you in all the right spots, all the right places.
he still had his work clothes on too—you couldn’t wait, you needed him now. his girth stretched you out in every way imaginable, you dumbly jerk against the bed before letting off a cute squeal. “k-kento, harder. choke me. harder pleaseee.”
nanami kisses his teeth, cocking his head to the side as he intakes a sharp concise breath.
“you’re somethin' else, you know that?” and you feel the warmth of his fingers wrap around your neck. his fingers, so thick. you hit back and forth against him—your pussy just squeaking a high pitch tune out in harmony. “rougher baby?” he huffs out, and you moan once he caresses the middle part of your neck. “you—you like bein' arched over like this for your husband?”
“y-yes,” you’d whine out, feeling his gentle touch graze against the fat of your ass. he loved caressing every inch of your body, so gentle. the tips of nanami’s thumbs gingerly press into the sides of your hips before he delivers a mean two second stroke. you gasp, wanting more, more of him being so spry and vigorous with his hips. “fuck me h-hard, ‘ken.”
nanami grows quiet, watching how your torso cutely gets propped up against him.
you were just aching . . . soaked for more of his thick inches plugging inside of your sweetened cunt. he loved the view. such a pretty wife being all arched for him, taking round after round. he wanted nothing more than to just lean right up to you and run a hand down your spine.
he adored getting under your skin, making you all shy and timid. once nanami starts to get ruthless, you’re making all types of noises, such noises reverberate across the entire room — ricochet after ricochet, just bouncing off the walls.
“jus’ like that, kento,” you’d whimper out, and the feeling of his thick cock delving all inside of your walls had you so wet—you were drooling all against the bed sheets. he hit it just right, nanami’s breath became rough and raspy. you wanted him to be a bit rough, so he was more than happy to oblige. you squeezed down against him and he groans, watching your chest slam and jolt against the beat cushiony mattress.
“g-goddamnn,” he throws his head back in pure ecstasy. you had him going feral, he was enticed with how good you made him feel. vice versa, you swallowed him whole. your cunt was just sputtering out sweet noises that made his ears practically pop. he liked seeing you like this, drooling for more cock. strands of saliva seep from the corners of your mouth solely based on how deep he reached inside of you. “sweetheart, you’re gonna—make a mess out of me.”
his voice was so low, it was sweet. how he spoke so rich and smoothly yet his thrusts against your aroused core was the entire opposite. you moaned, momentarily after a while you started to feel a sudden tension build up. a rush of waves went through you, and you whined once his tip kept smacking against your precious g-spot.
again, and again, and again, constant loop. your walls had him in a tight chokehold—quite literally, you were gripping around him like a vice before you squealed out a, “k-kento, o-oh my godddd. i feel, ‘m gonna— right there.”
he chuckles, deepening his hits against you. your cute words were suddenly broken, you couldn’t fully speak a sentence without choking up. he had you throbbing, slick running down your thighs with your jaw cutely open. he was so hefty. his base just rams right into you, it had you dizzy, toes curling and eyes just crossed. your ankle shook before you gasped at the abrupt feeling of you finally reaching your peak. “fuckkk kento,” you’d sob, and you only then realized you’d just squirt all over his cock.
“oooooh,” nanami hums, and he slows down just briefly. he ends up finishing around the same time as you, painting on your your spine with a gorgeous canvas of his own seed. it shot out in thin ropes on your back, you felt so warm and yet empty once he pulled out. nanami had such mahogany eyes full of love, running a hand down your waist once more before having a shy abrupt expression. “did . . my wife just squirt on me?”
a question, a simple question you couldn’t answer but he already knew. he smiles, soft chocolatey irises lingering towards your sopping wet pussy. he brings a hand towards it, giving it a sweet pat.
“mm. appears she did,” he answers for you, and he couldn’t be rough and mean to you for that long. he loved you too much, especially your body. nanami groans, feeling you wriggle your hips up against him, a sign that you wanted him to keep going. nanami’s lips tug up into a smile before he flips you over, slowly prying your legs open before humming. “can you do that again, my love? show me how much of a messy wife you can be.”
“woah. easyyyy now angel,” geto smirks, and he’d be laid back against the soft cushion of the driver’s seat.
he had you propped up right on his lap. it was tranquil, the two of you being surrounded by a secluded spot with a few streetlights making the scenery a bit more bright. your bottom lip quivered, hovering over his angry tip before swallowing thickly. “hm. i know you’re my ex ‘n all, but with a look like that i’d say you’re still in love with me.”
“just— shut up,” you’d grumble. he chuckles, bringing two rough hands towards the sides of your waist. he loved more than anything to touch you, to run and strum his svelte lengthy fingers all against your skin. it had you weak, he had you weak. geto and you were on and off, sure. but the pent up annoyed intimacy was always amazing. toe curling even, you try to hold back a moan the moment his cock starts to kiss against your folds, his tip gradually going inside. “fuck you.”
geto leers at you before a sly smirk compresses against his pink lips. “…girl, bye,” and his sassiness catches you off guard. with an eye roll, he moves you closer towards his chest—reaching against the left side of the seat to make it recline back. “all this talk for someone who still struggles to take me, even with prep. get serious.”
you glare, not knowing how to reply and he snickers at how quick he made you shut up. your glare turned into a cute eye-widening expression, because that’s when you start to feel his cock massage your inner walls.
“s-shit,” you’d gasp, unhurriedly feeling him sink inside. geto was always so thick, a perfect fit for you. that grip you always gave him. he loved it more than anything.
he still also loved you more than anything, but no one had to know that. “s-so fuckin’ big, suguru.”
“gotta be to stretch my favorite pussy,” he breathes, feeling you start to rock your hips—you moan at how quick he reached you so deep. geto had an upward curve, never failing to locate your most secretive and tender spots with his plump tip. he massaged your gummy walls so good it had your thighs already spasming. it was embarrassing, he had you wrapped around his finger.
you hated it, you hated him, is what you kept telling yourself. alas, you hated him enough to ride him into complete oblivion. “mhm. tug on my hair a bit, angel. always love when ya do that.”
you moue at him, forgetting how much of a slut he was. perhaps an even bigger one than you. you grab onto his silky healthy hair, giving it a nice tug before he slips off a moan. “heh. aw, does me moaning for you turn you on? felt you squeeze all against me jus’ now.”
“s-shut uppp,” you’d huff out, your voice starting to become a bit nervy. geto’s fingers trail against your waist before you start to grind against him. as his seat was reclined—he had such a pretty view of your face.
whilst you’re wrenching and jerking strenuously against him. his dick expands all inside you, his sheer girth, his cockhead that was dragging all through your folds. the more you moved, the more you coated his entire lower shaft with your glistening slick.
you made sure to use your hips in such a sensual motion, rotating them before swerving back and forth. geto grows quiet, your cute moans being the only sounds in the car — replacing the vehicle’s deafening silence with your sweet murmurs.
“still mad at me?” he suddenly whispers, your rhythmic movements driving him to the first street of plain insanity. you always knew how to ride him just right, hands of yours roamed all down his abs that poked through his white tee. “i can see right through that pretty bratty expression. you just wanted to fuck me. admit it.”
“stop—talking,” you’d grouse cutely, narrowing your eyebrows at him. you knew he was right though. geto groans, feeling you start to bounce on his lap . . the lap you were happily straddling. your eyes ran down his perfectly structured body, he wore a simple leather jacket with a white tank top underneath. a pretty figure, his abs were clenched and tightened all because of you. you moan, feeling his dick brush and swipe against your g-spot. it didn’t even take that long. geto’s taken by surprise the minute your fingers wrap around his neck, giving him a tight squeeze.
“well shit,” he gruffs out, giving the right part of your hips a squeeze. slender fingers of his go towards your ass before smacking it. you moaned, and geto hums. “got the audacity to choke me? kinky girl,” and as his pitch grew low and husky, you felt your pussy throb. it was pathetic—just a few words from geto’s mouth and it’s already enough to have you drenched. “if you’re gonna choke me, at least do it harder. i like it rough in case you don’t know, girl.”
he was such a brat, and you thought you were the problem. you didn’t even know if that was possible—you glare at him though, giving his neck a slight squeeze and he moans. “now fuckin’ ride me. and stare at me the whole time too,” and he then grabs you by the neck this time, pulling you into a deep sloppy kiss. it was a mixture of many feelings. a low groan gets caught in his mouth as he feels your hips gradually speed up. geto’s tongue runs against yours, and he can’t keep his hands off you — off your ass. “fuck me. fuck me, f-fuckkk,” and his last words were a bit slurred. you were taking him fully, grinding your hips to where he even starts to stutter.
geto’s ego gets ahead of him, so much so to where he ends up cumming early. it shot out so much that he’s taken aback. dark hooded eyes staring into your soul practically. geto’s out of breath, losing track of time as your spongey walls soaked him for all that he was worth.
“and you call me the brat,” you’d pant, leaning in to press a slovenly wet kiss against his jaw. you paused your hips, letting off a soft moan once you felt him overflow your cunt with a dump of his cum. geto’s the one glaring at you now, and then he stares at you once you kiss near his neck. “still finishing early like always.”
“hmph,” he pouts, not wanting to face reality that you’d have the one up on him. geto was so cute and pouty, beads of sweat racing down the sides of his forehead before he mumbles a pouty, “i’ll take you outside this car ‘n fuck you on the hood, don’t play with me.”
“do it.”
“my girl,” he slyly says.
“foolish woman. the nerve is beyond me,” sukuna growls.
his nostrils flair up, witnessing as you’re happily on your knees for him. not even the slightest bit scared. albeit, you were a bit irked that he pulled out his shaft only to make you—in his own words, ‘clean up your own mess.’ he’d snicker, watching your pout turn into a cute scowl before leaning in to bring a kiss towards the top part of his dick. “oh good. ya know exactly what to do. thought i was gonna have to lecture you.”
as your knees bury themselves into the ground, you take a brief look at the cursed shaft right in front of you.
you stared in awe for a moment, so lengthy. such a pretty swollen mushroom tip, just glistening with droplets of his seed that was just inside you nearly a moment ago. “shut up,” you’d loll out your tongue, tasting the bitterness that resided against his frenulum. “mhm.”
sukuna grunts, the vibrations you purposely made to make him feel bundles of nerves stir up inside. he grips onto the crown of your head before a side of his pearly white canines show.
“watch that mouth ‘n tend to your meal,” and his voice was raspy, a tad bit shaky. you could hear it in his voice how sensitive he still was. his recent release took quite a lot out of him—that much was a no brainer. sukuna had a near curve to him, length decorated with markings all over his skin.
you ran your tongue in each particular spot, staring at him the entire time before giggling. “teasin' whore. stop wastin' time ‘n get it wetter for me. spit.”
with a glare, you part your lips, spitting right on his tip before leisurely taking him into your mouth. again. he was just so thick, sweet girth included. “cute little pout ya got goin' on. what’s the matter? don’t like being told what to—do?”
you abruptly gag, feeling his tip prod against the very back of your throat. sukuna sneers, watching how much of a messy girl you already were for him. so sloppy, strands of spit were already starting to run down your chin and decorate your chest. you kept him so warm inside your mouth, swirling that pretty tongue of yours against the plump front part of his dick. that spot, it made him nearly give your hair a mean rough yank.
“s-shit,” he’d roughly breathe out, and once sukuna starts thrusting his hips into your mouth. you hold onto his clenched thighs, making an attempt to relax your jaw. you felt a vein that ran alongside his fat cock twitch alongside your tongue. he groans once he sees your eyes flutter. “this the only way to get you to s…stop talking back to me, princess? fuck your sloppy mouth until you’re drooling all over me, huh?”
being bratty, you give him a nod and he glares. his glowering gaze quickly turned to a caught off guard look and your tongue’s so playful, skimming all against his tip—sloppily having all kinds of strands of spit run down the crevices of your lips.
“my nasty girl,” he huffs, rolling his bright eyes at how easy you made him get so close again. his thighs started to ache, and he’s still got a firm grip on the crown of your head. “nasty. nasty. nasty,” he enunciates between each vigorous thrust into your mouth. he liked hearing your noises, gulp after gulp. cute lashes fluttering and all.
your spit paid a huge role, contributing to making him all slick — so filthy.
a glistening cobweb of your own lewd saliva trickled off your lips. sukuna grabs your chin, smearing it all over your lips before his own bottom lip quivers. he had a pout. sukuna ryomen was pouting all because of you. he wanted to kiss that bratty mouth, it irked him. you were so pretty, having your tight throat be stuffed like this.
“fuckkk,” he growls, feeling his thighs start to tremble. you always knew right when he was about to finish. his breathing with get irregular and his voice would be super deep and husky. thrusts against your face began incredibly sloppy while your lip gloss smeared all over your lips, ruined. “relax that fuckin’ jaw for me. gonna paint that throat white just how ya like it.”
not even long before he says that, sukuna ends up finishing again. you don’t even realize how soaked you were between your legs, cramped up fingers playing with yourself while your mouth was being salaciously occupied. a nice load coated the tip of your tongue—he pumps a good amount into your mouth, sweet sweet ropes of cursed cum.
“don’t fuckin’ swallow yet,” and you blink twice. sukuna pulls his throbbing now flaccid dick out of your mouth before getting down to your knee-level. “give me that kiss you owe me, brat,” and with a tug on your chin with one hand, you moaned, feeling sukuna sneak a rough yet somewhat passionate kiss.
he tastes the entire mess on your lips, not even being fazed before he pulls you away with a cute scowl. “did you enjoy the meal?” and he squeezes your spit-glossed lips together. you nod with cute puffed up cheeks before swallowing and he narrows his eyebrows, stroking your chin. “tch. good. because now i gotta clean you up. touchin’ yourself without asking me. bend the fuck over and face the other way. yeah.”
“soooo much back talk for a slutty arch like this,” toji grumbles. you steadily shudder, feeling him run fingers down the soft skin of your spine—you moan sweetly, gnawing on the bottom of your lip. “you claim you 'hate' me ‘n ya still get this pussy all soaked f'me without me havin' to say anything, baby?” as you spoke, you arched your back, slowly…
oh, you hated it, no…loath was probably a far more better word.
you loathed how easy it was. no matter what, toji had always found himself back in your bed—or vice versa, you in his. safe to say, he couldn’t get enough of you.
perhaps he had a bit of attachment towards you, or maybe the main thing was that he was infatuated with your sweet sopping wet pussy. “fuck you toji,” you huff out, feeling big rough hands grab your ass. he’s playing with the fabric of the string that ran down, taking in your curves before springing his weighty length out.
just feeling his fat cockhead. leaky and all…
casually smearing against your slick entrance, you felt yourself salivating shamelessly, puff after puff, the pants that departed from your lips were never ending.
“fuck you toji,” he mocks your tone, his raspy rough tone trying to pitch to yours—simply humiliating. “dumb words for a dumb little girl,” he snickers, and you gasp once he makes you scoot your ass up towards him. while your chest welts against the bed, you let off a whine once he gently starts to make his way in.
you took toji numerous times, a plethora of times, but it was as if every time was the first. toji was so thick, regardless of if he was barely in yet or fully, you always felt all of him—effortlessly expanding throughout your spongey walls like it was equivalent to an elastic band.
he was so mean and it always turned you on. the way he was the only one to memorize all your sensitive spots. he knew every inch of your body, the specific precise angle to hit with his dick to tear out those cute shrilling orgasmic whimpers from you. “just f-fuck me then. always take fuckin’ forever.”
“i’ll take as long as i want ‘n you’ll still get wet for me, whore,” he coos, burying his massive cock right into you. you couldn’t see him, but you could probably guess he was throwing his head back right about now. he loved that feeling, the salaciously delectable grip your pussy had on him, happily taking him in like it’s missed him — it did, and maybe you even missed him too. when toji’s mean, he’s fucking mean. he fucks mean, and his dialogue is always even meaner. “now be a good girl ‘n open up for me. missed my girl.”
plump lips of yours were all pretty and glossed, parted open with a little drool coming out. it was a sight. once toji’s dick figures out a sensual rhythm, you’re right back to where you started. his pace was simply mouthwatering. striking and snapping against you with such abrasiveness, you could barely keep up. toji’s stamina, it was never something to be taken light either. his hefty base taps near your ass again and again.
that makes you wet, just imagining how full he must be. “d-daddyyy,” you’d gasp out, basically being shoved right into your own mattress. your breathing was very much competitive — having an entire race with your irregular breathy pants. “f-fuck.”
“what’d you just call me, baby?” toji gruffs, and his voice was a deep low. the baritone that resided in his words had you pulsating. he cups your ass with two hands, moving it closer towards him to get a deeper and thorough angle before he sneers at your cute whimpers.
“s-said toji,” you’d whine, dragging out your words. your sweet words were all unsteady and bumpy all due to his thrusts against you. you were bouncing back and forth, mimicking his tempo.
toji sneers. “nuh uhhh,” and then he brings a hand towards the curvature part of your neck, stubby fingers stroking against your skin. “don’t lie to me. tell me what ya said originally,” and then you feel his hips pivot. toji’s dick prods against that spot, his curve brushing past your walls and you moan out. “orrrr do i gotta make this sloppy pussy tell me instead?”
you whine, feeling him bring a sharp sting to your ass. he loved giving you a spank or two, dragging out those sweet whimper from your mouth left and right. your cunt throbbed whenever his palm made contact with your ass cheek and you finally sputter out a, “daddy. called you daddy, toji.”
“yeah. you fuckin’ did girl,” he grunts, his voice was so pitched. such rude hips of his, no manners whatsoever . . snapping right into you, it was so good.
his full balls, hefty and all pressed up against your entrance, you’re in a trance. profusely drooling for him to fill you up, everywhere. leave your sweet hole dripping with nothing but his sticky cum. toji titters, seeing how you were trying to keep up with his pace. you failed miserably though.
despite that though, toji doesn’t realize how good he’s fucking you because not even moments later, he hears the wood of the headboard split. your ears twitch upon instinct, and you sort of sink further into the mattress. his bummy weight smacked right into you from behind.
“whoopsie daisy,” he shrugs, pausing for a moment. toji realizes the bed—well, your bed was now broken. with a sly grin, he makes you lean forward before pulling out to smear his leaky tip over your entrance. you whined, feeling yourself so close before he just departs. “fun time’s fuckin’ over,” and then he spanks your ass for probably the countless time, getting off of you. “mhm. my bad, doll. i’ll throw ya some cash for a new box spring the next time i see ya.”
no he won’t.
he’d come home pissed off, probably from losing a battle and he’s so annoyed. gojo isn’t used to losing, and he’d rather not talk to you about it in full detail. at least not yet.
“hey baby. was work okay?”
“princess, i need you.”
his voice was richly raspy, gojo sounded kind of needy. you stared at him, and his hair was all ruffled and tangled—a bit of his clothes had a few battling rips and spreads.
he needed you badly. his eyes roaming across your pretty physique only made things far more intense. that sundress you wore, it showed off your curves and he just only then imagined it being torn off of you. “i-i’m so annoyed, but i’ve been thinkin' about you all day…. ‘m kinda hard too.”
“come here then, baby.”
those simple four words that came from your mouth—all it took for him to go straight feral.
within seconds, he didn’t waste no time to press his hot lips onto yours.
gojo was aching, just the way your hands roamed all on his clothes made him shiver. you were the one who started to shiver next, the moment he’s got you laid flat on your back in a simple mating press.
“f—fuck,” he’d groan, and you can’t help but be so noisy. the way he’s jackhammering his thickset cock in and out of you. squelch after squelch, your legs just mindlessly sway and droop over him before you whimper. that’s when you feel gojo dip his hips even further into you. his rhythm, it had your head spinning, mind racing. it was indescribable, your pussy coated his entire length with nothing but your satiny glossy slick. “look at me,” he grumps out. you nearly throb, seeing him get all close up to your face. he’s heavily panting, heaving whilst pretty cerulean eyes stare right back at you. intently.
he was balls deep, his thrusts became extremely vulgar. soft white clouds of breath run past his lips before he grabs underneath your chin.
“damn. ‘s all her fuckin' fault,” he grouses cutely. a near pout then spreads onto his lips. you furrow an eyebrow—confused by what he meant as 'her' before with a free hand, he grabs onto your ankle. his eyes avert towards your sloppy pussy before grunting. “been thinkin’ about this pussy all day. think that’s why i lost, princess,” and his breathing was so hitched, driving such merciless thrusts into you. “got me s-so damn distracted. all ‘cause of a pussy this wet.”
“i’m the reason you lost?” you moan with a sly smile pressing against your lips. gojo’s still maintaining a grip on your chin, he then intakes a sharp breath—only then deepening his jagged thrusts against your entrance. “tell me more baby.”
he’s so careless, such vigorous thwacks going back and forth against you. it gives you whiplash. eyes nearly crosses and tasting your own sweetened saliva salivate inside of your mouth, you return his eye contact. he fucks you like he hates you—when in reality, he loves you more than an anything.
“mhm. right when i was about to get the job done, started thinkin about….about…fillin' you up,” and he swallows thickly at the thought, envisioning the entire thing in his mind. you whimper once he grabs ahold of your ankle, you’re jerking against the sofa with the stupidest expression. “stuffin' you full ‘n then plugging it back in when it spills. was so pissed when i realized i was daydreaming.”
just saying it aloud makes him palpitate. it was an ongoing race with his heart, beating quickly as he gave you such rugged hits against your entrance. your legs, oh how he loved the way they’d just jangle right beside his face. gojo found himself creating soft bike marks near your ankle, groaning out a, “you make it s-so hard to be mad at you,”and gojo’s voice cutely cracksz he can’t help but lean right into you the moment he feels in self grow full to the upmost extreme. he had so much to give you, his kisses—now they were sloppy.
as he’s plummeting solid lengthy inches in and out of your cunt that forevermore gripped him, gojo leans in to kiss you. he whines the moment you kiss back, feeling your legs lock around his slim waist, the heel of your foot skims against all of his forbidden battle scars. he was so sensitive there, he tasted sweet. enchanting.
“mine,” he groans, slowing his hips down briefly before reaching a hand down towards your tummy. his hips stutter before that’s right when he came, licking the side of your mouth before panting once he poured deep ropes of cum inside of you. “s—so pretty like this,” and his hand roams near your belly, so soft and tender. he pulls out just to stare at the pretty ring you had that coats around the base of his dick. a rich sheeny color, he licks his lips before pressing another wet kiss against your mouth. “you’d look so much prettier with a round belly. wanna give you a baby or two,” and then he moans once he feels your legs lock around his waist even tighten. “if—if you’d let me, pretty girl.”
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atyourmerci · 26 days
I hope your daddy doesn’t own a gun
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Southern dbf!abby
Cw: smut, MDNI, dom!abby, subfem!reader, age gap (r! Is 20, abby is in her 30s), masturbation, phone sex if you squint and turn your head, lil sprinkle of degradation, fingering, voyerism, no y/n, no pdor
A/N: I hate this<3
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They all saw you as a child, still just daddy’s little girl in your pigtails and bloomers. Even at twenty, after ditching the pigtails and swapping the bloomers with mini skirts that let your ass peak out, didn’t deter their perception of innocence.
Your father was a wealthy man, charismatic and giving that drew the people around him in. Most of his friends watched you grow from childhood, through the ugly duckling phase, all the boyfriends, and growth of your now womanly figure. Not that they noticed. Not that you cared- other than her, Abigail, your father’s best friend from college. Abigail went on to work at your father’s company after college and frequented your life from birth.
You couldn’t recall when it shifted, when she went from your father’s best friend to a toy dangled in front of your face, so close yet unattainable. Clean cut, dressed in button ups, khakis, the cowboy boots that peaked through the bottom of them. Her hair neatly tied in a braid.
The only time you’d seen it down was when your dad held a backyard rager you snuck out to watch. Most of the party had dissipated late into the night, but you had spotted Abby and one of the receptionists in your pool. You watched as the pretty receptionist lazily dragged the strands out with her fingers as Abigail worked her mouth around her chest.
Thats when the heat in your chest began for her, watching her control. Seeing how she could have anything she wanted. You wanted her to desire you, need you so badly shed take you there, even with the risk of wondering eyes.
This night ended as they all did. At the end of the night you’d get sent to your room so they could smoke cigars and speak of vulgarities that you now were more than aware of. For fucks sake you were in college now, getting tossed around by pitiful girls that still couldn’t make you come. Abby would, you knew it.
You’d touch yourself at night to the thought of her for the past couple of years, she’d know how to take care of your needy cunt. You’d think of yourself in the pool that night, how your fingers would dance through her hair. The scent of musky pine still overwhelming your senses even though her skin was bleached of pool water. How her fingers would feel deep inside you, her hand covering your mouth to quiet you.
Your father would kill her.
“Alright hun, why don’t you head to bed,” your father says after a fit of laughter. Everyone continues the comfort, your eyes dart to Abby, who seems to be the only one privy to your father’s prompt.
“Dad don’t you think i’m too old for that now,” you try not to get defensive but it comes out bitchy. He gives you that stern glare, the ‘don’t make me ask you again’ look and you glance back at Abigail who gives you a pitied pout, “be a good girl, listen to your father.”
You huff out, making a scene and storming off. Slamming your bedroom door behind you, infuriated. Pissed at your father for treating you like a child still, pissed at Abigail for backing him up. Pissed that she looked so good tonight, the way she put her hand on your lower back to pass you, whispering a ‘xcuse’ me darlin’. Maybe it was her goal to work you up just to leave you helpless and begging.
Your window has a shot of the backyard, all your father’s friends laughing over cigars and bourbon. Pissed how she called you a good girl, right in front of your father, everyone, knowing the effect it would have on you.
She wanted to tease you, work you up in front of everyone? Then they should all watch what she did, a careless act on both ends.
Throwing yourself on your warm sheets, pulling up your sundress to reveal your bare cunt. Driving your head back into the sheets as your fingers work at the pulsing flesh, so tense from the slow incline Abby had you on all day. Your fingers slid so easily through your folds, pearly white slick coating your harsh fingers.
Your breath panting and eager, so ready to revel in your own pleasure after being ripped from it. You’re already close, feeling your stomach tighten in anticipation as you feel your phone buzz at your side. ‘Abigail Anderson’ illuminates your face, without giving yourself a chance to catch your breath you answer.
“Don’t you dare think of coming,” Abby says sternly. Your face flushes, fuck. You peer your weary eyes at the window next to your body, Abby stands a couple feet away from the men, staring dead at you through the glass.
“Wha-“ you pant out, staring dumbly at the woman that never gave you this extent of her control. Your head drops back down onto your pillow, too embarrassed to admit your shameful actions.
“I didnt tell you to stop, did I sweetheart?” Abby says with smugness in her tone.
“N- no ma’am,” giving into her so easily, running your hand down your body to meet back at your sopping cunt that buzzes at her words. “Good girl… you like that, don’t you?” She says doubling down- so fucking sure of her power over you, your mind, your cunt.
“Yes Abby- yes! please Im so close,” you bite down on your lip for relief, your hole clenches over nothing, fingers eagerly tracing circles around your swollen bud. Any moment you’d break, heels digging into your frilly sheets as your chest soaks with sweat. You hear the line go flat on your phone.
You were too fucked to stop, you were going to let yourself have this. Gripping into the sheets you prepare yourself, legs shaking as your door swings open to Abigail. Your legs wide open for her eyes to feast on, she takes a moment to gawk at the sight before locking the door behind her.
She walks over to the head of your bed, unbuttoning her shirt as she watches you drive lazy motions over your clit. She discards her shirt to the side, revealing her bare chest. Climbing so slowly up to you she places her hand on your sloppy cunt, cupping it as her other hand covers your mouth, “Don’t make a sound and I’ll let you come.”
Wild eyed you nod your head, letting her run her thick fingers down the slit of your cunt to collect your release. The smell of pine thick in the air, the sound of her fingers dragging in and out of you the only peep to be heard.
“you think about this all the time don’t you darlin? Turned into a nasty little girl, didn’t ya.” Abby begins to pick up her pace, fingers sliding in so easily. Your eyes roll back, mind going numb.
“Tight little cunt you got, swallowing my fucking fingers,” you try not to scream out, but her unrelenting pace at your hole was getting to be too much. The feeling of spilling over hitting you once again. Your screams are muffled by her meaty hands, but she can feel your pulse around her.
“You gonna come baby?” Abby coos, looking at you pitied and cruel. You shake what motion you still had left in your head.
“Be quiet so your daddy doesn’t hear what a whore his little girl is,” she laughs at how pathetic you are, all from just her fingers.
like that you’re set off, squirming under her heat as she fucks your pussy through it, watching you opened mouth panting as your head pushes into your plush pillows. Biting into the flesh of her palm cant block off the guttural scream you let out. She pushes down harder at your mouth but only pushes her fingers deeper. Every last drop she was going to get out of you.
Thats when you hear the ring of a jiggle on your locked doorknob.
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yandere-writer-momo · 2 months
Yandere Fairytale Series:
Part 1 Part 2
Yandere Witch x Rapunzel Reader x Yandere Prince
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For many, long years you had resided in an isolated tower deep in the forest with an elderly woman named Agnes and her daughter Hilda. The three of you had lived here together and created a nice home for yourselves in a place no man could ever harm you… or at least that’s what Agnes instilled in you and Hilda since you were children. Men were evil and couldn’t be trusted. They would lure you in with sweet words and promises, but then they’d swallow you whole like a beast.
Since you were ten, Hilda and Agnes never let you lift a finger nor did they let you outside. “It’s dangerous for you. You’re far too delicate for the forest. Leave it to us, (your name).” Agnes would always tell you before she took Hilda with her to forage and hunt.
Despite your years with the two of them, Agnes told you that you were not biologically her child. “Hilda and I found you in the forest one day. You were just a baby and we couldn’t leave you… so you can stay here with us, forever. You’re ours, my dear.”
They’d brush your hair as it slowly began to grow longer than the length of the tower. Your long hair was used to come and go after Agnes and Hilda sealed off the door to ‘keep you safe.’
Every time you’d ask to go out or inquire about what they’d see, Agnes would shut you down. “Curiosity killed the cat, dear. You just wait here, we will be back.”
The mother and daughter often took trips for supplies. Whether it was berries or necessities, their trips only took a few hours… sometimes they took a few days. It just depended on what they needed. The pair never let the supplies dwindle much. Agnes hated being irresponsible when it came to stock.
It was when you were over the age of twenty that Agnes’s health took a turn. Hilda would often weep with you as she held you close. You and Hilda had grown so close… Hilda swore she wouldn’t let her mother down. That’d she’d carry on her will. (A will you didn’t have a clue about)
When Agnes passed away, Hilda immediately took charge over the chores around the tower. The beautiful young woman often fretted over you as she made sure the two of you were cared for. She took over brushing your long locks and gathering supplies.
Sometimes Hilda would braid her long black hair with hers. So ‘the two of you were connected.’ It was always fun whenever Hilda would let you play with her hair.
“Don’t worry, I’ll be back! I can bring you back your favorite berries.” Hilda would gave you a reassuring smile before she headed out into the forest. You watched her form until she disappeared into the trees.
So you’d get back to painting the walls with a hum. Your hair draped behind you like a waterfall as you sat on your homemade swing.
You nearly jumped out of your skin when you heard a loud clank on the side of your tower. What on earth was that?!
You jumped off your swing and ran to look at the balcony. A grappling hook was slung around the metal frame as a hooded figure began to scale the tower. Who we that?!
You went to shut the balcony door but ended up slipping on your own hair. Your back hit the floor as you whined in pain. Your eyes wide in terror at the knight that now stood in front of you as he quickly winded up the rope. The knight mumbled some curses before he shoved the grappling hook in his bag.
“W-who are-“ the knight pushed you further into the tower as he put a gloved hand over your mouth. Your body trembled when you looked into their lilac eyes. You’d never seen such pretty eyes before…
There was shouting below and the sound of hooves. Was this knight being pursued? You couldn’t tell since the knight held you firmly in their arms until the voices disappeared into the distance.
The knight breathed a sigh of relief before they released her. You quickly shoved the knight away from you as you scooted your body as far away from them as you could. You swore your heart was about to leap from your chest.
“Who are you?” You shakily asked but the knight gave you a small bow. Their hands slipped off the silver helmet on their head to reveal a rather striking individual with sharp features and long, lavender hair.
“I apologize for my intrusion. I’m Prince Vinicio of the Corcoran kingdom.” The knight’s voice was a lot deeper than she expected. How could a woman have such a deep voice?
“Prince? Don’t you mean princess?” You softly asked which made the knight erupt into laughter.
“No. Despite my rather feminine appearance, I’m male.”Vinicio smiled warmly at you. “I just noticed how long your hair is. Have you been growing it out for a long time-“
You jumped when he reached a hand out to you which made him frown. Vinicio’s mind began to wander as he glanced around your home. Did you live here all alone? This wilderness was not becoming of a lady, especially not one as stunning as you. “I apologize, I didn’t mean to frighten you.”
“P-please leave. I’m not supposed to talk to men.”
Vinicio frowned but gave you a small bow out of respect. You must be being held against your will in this lonely tower… he’d have to gain your trust to save you.
“I apologize, I’ll take my leave.” Vinicio put his helmet back on but turned to give you one last look. “But can I meet you again tomorrow? I can talk to you from below the tower. I won’t climb up here again.”
You bit your lip. Agnes had always warned you and Hilda about men but Vinicio didn’t seem dangerous… “Okay. But only if you promise to not climb.”
Vinicio smiled warmly at you. “I promise.”
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papercorgiworld · 5 months
Pansy’s interrogation
Theodore Nott and Mattheo Riddle
Weird behaviour and rumours have Pansy asking questions and figuring out who the guys are crushing on.
Warning: Mattheo says a foul thing.
I feel like I’m spamming tumblr with unasked for fic’s, like I’m anxious that I’m bothering everyone, but at the same time: here’s another unasked for fic. Also, English is not my first language and this is not proofread, so feedback is very welcome.
For more interrogations: click here
For more Theodore: click here
For more Mattheo: click here
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Theodore Nott
“Rumor has it you are tutoring first years?” Pansy sits down next to Theodore with a cup of tea in her hand, carefully stirring. Theo growls, he knew this was coming, he knew Hogwarts was notoriously fast when it came down to gossip, but it hadn’t even been a day. Pansy raises her eyebrows, her way of saying ‘spill it, I want to know’.
“So?” Theo simply shrugs trying to downplay it and thereby hoping to avoid spilling his hidden agenda.
“Not really your thing, is it Notty-boy?” Pansy playfully ruffles through Theo’s hair. He immediately gets her hand out of his hair and tries to comb it back to its regular mess with his fingers. “It earns Slytherin points.” Theo finally explains when his hair is remodeled.
“Earning Slytherin points?” The girl huffed, clearly not falling for his excuse. “If you really cared about our house points you would start attending class, stop doing drugs and getting caught, and you would keep Riddle out of fights instead of getting him into more fights.”
Theodore frowned and forced his lips into a line. “Keep Riddle out of fights, who do you think I am, the pope?!” Pansy shakes her head. “Don’t try to change the subject.”
Theo looks away and feels saved when he sees Draco approaching them with his usual dramatic walk. He should be enough distraction for Pansy. “Theo, I heard you’re tutoring first years?” Right. How could I forget, he’s Hogwarts' second biggest gossip.
Enzo joins the group now that the entire common room knows Theo is a tutor thanks to Draco. “Really?” Enzo quips and Theodore simply nods. “(Y/n) must be so pleased that you’re helping out with her tutoring project. She had trouble finding capable and willing volunteers.”
Draco huffs at Enzo’s oblivious reaction. “Theo is so whipped for (y/n).” Pansy mouths an OMG at Theo who immediately realizes he will never hear the end of this.
Suddenly Blaise and Mattheo arrive. “Mate, you tutoring first years?” Mattheo asks, ignoring everyone else and with a very confused expression. Theo sighs and lets himself sink in the sofa, wishing it would swallow him. “If you’re tutoring? Why don’t you help me?” Blaise adds a little offended.
“Apparently, Theo is only doing this to earn points… with (y/n).” Pansy explains with an unmistakable grin on her face. Theodore rolls his eyes and stares at the ceiling for a moment. I need a smoke. And new friends.
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Mattheo Riddle
Pansy flops down next to Mattheo who up until then was enjoying his quiet time lounging on his favorite couch in the Slytherin common room. Mattheo doesn’t recognise Pansy’s presence and simply continues reading his book.
Pansy’s smirk grows wide, she’as already enjoying herself and she hasn’t even started interrogating her victim yet. She turns herself to face Mattheo’s side and dominantly places her arm on the back of the couch behind him. Now he’s closed in the game begins.
“I hear it’s been a while since you’ve had a shag?” Annoyance fills Mattheo’s eyes as he stops reading just to stare in front of him.
“I’m assuming everything *pansy gestures to everything between his legs* is still working fine. So… No luck on the market ?” Mattheo’s eyes roll to the corner of his eyes to stare at Pansy.
“Pans, don’t.” Mattheo returns his gaze back to his book.
“You must get frustrated? Getting no release.” A heavy breath leaves Mattheo’s chest. He really didn’t like it when Pansy played her games.
“Oh, but he has plenty of Willing Witches magazines. He gets by.” Blaise jumps to take a seat on the couch opposite of Mattheo and Pansy, spreading his arms to take up the whole couch. Mattheo’s jaw clenches clearly not amused by his friend's humor. When Pansy giggles, Mattheo can’t help but feel exposed and blush a little.
“Why do you care?” Mattheo finally breaks, giving Pansy his full attention.
“I want to know why you’ve been playing boring at every single party for the last few months. Girls talk, you know.” Mattheo rolls his eyes. “Girls talk? Wow, that’s news.” His sarcasm had a poisonous undertone.
“If the guy wants to be on his best behavior, let him, Pans.” Blaise cuts in, attempting to get Pansy off Mattheo’s case.
“Why? Why are you suddenly done with manwhoring about?” As every part of Mattheo’s body tensed, Pansy threw a quick glance over to Blaise to affirm her suspicion: she was onto something.
Acting quick and avoiding a witty or snappy comeback from Mattheo, Pansy moved a little closer to Mattheo. She let her head fall to the side and put up an innocent face. “Are you trying to impress someone?” Mattheo’s dark eyes shot at hers. “Ah, that also explains why you’ve been attending classes more often.” She added enjoying how the puzzle pieces were falling together. “And, it’s been a while since you’ve had detention for fighting. Oh please, don’t tell me, are you trying to convince (y/n) that you’re a good boy?!”
As soon as Mattheo heard your name his face went from cold and annoyed to shocked and horrified. It lasted only for a second, his dead eyes were even more furious than before. “Pansy. If it ain’t for sucking dick then I advise you keep your mouth shut. Now, go bother someone else.”
Pansy was used to harsh language, but Mattheo’s denigrating tone made her tense. “I wonder what (y/n) will think about your foul mouth.” Pansy got up, pleased now that she knew what made Mattheo tick. Mattheo on the hand was frustrated that he led himself get played by Pansy’s games like this.
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augustinewrites · 1 year
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gojo, to no one’s surprise, is very comfortable with his new, self-proclaimed status as a dilf. 
because he’s well aware of the way people stared whenever he walked around with his eight month old daughter sitting snug against his chest in her mobile carrier. he knows the effect it always has when he would lift her little hand to wave at the enamoured strangers. because all babies are cute, sure. but he’s convinced that rina is the cutest.
you’d wanted to leave her with nanami for the day, concerned that she’d be too fussy, but gojo had insisted on bringing her with you. she was the ultimate bargaining chip, with her adorable blue eyes and huge noise cancelling headphones.
well, your bargaining chip’s nap was cut short when her father pulled her out of her car seat to tour the open house, her little face scrunching with the beginnings of a whine as satoru talks about crown moulding with the realtor. you reach into the diaper bag you’re carrying to pull out a container of banana puffs, handing them to him. 
he shakes a handful into his hand and shoves them in his mouth, talking through a mouthful about natural lighting.
“satoru, you’re dropping crumbs on her head,” you scold, taking a puff and placing it in her mouth yourself. her expression smooths and she gurgles happily, letting you rub your thumb over her round cheek.
laughing, he carefully sweeps the crumbs away as rina peeks up and sends him a gummy smile. he can’t help but beam back at her, brushing his lips against her forehead as he sways back and forth. 
the realtor excuses himself to take a call, leaving the three of you to explore the backyard. 
“this is nice,” your husband hums, glancing around. “a patio, lots of grass for rina to crawl around on– maybe even play with the dog…”
“we are not getting a dog,” you deadpan, reaching up to place rina’s little, flower-dotted hat atop her head. she immediately reaches up to grab at it, but satoru is quick to strap it under her chin. she whines, kicking her legs unhappily as satoru turns to you.
“so, now that we’ve seen the whole thing, what do you think?” he asks excitedly. if he had a tail, you’re sure it would be wagging. “a safe neighbourhood, four bedrooms with lots of space and natural light, new appliances. it checks all our boxes, babe.” 
“it’s pretty perfect,” you admit with a nod. “my only concern is that it’s a little far from the school. your family leave is up soon, and the commute through tokyo is crazy—”
“what if i didn’t go back full-time?” he says abruptly.
“megumi’s doing better now,” he starts carefully. “and the students don’t really need us anymore. i’ll still swing by just to check up on everyone but,” he gently pulls rina from the carrier, holding her up so his smiling face is level with hers. “i’ve got someone else who needs me now. and i want to be around to watch her grow up in this house. one with lots of natural light and space to run around.”
he presses a kiss to each of her cheeks. she responds by kicking him in the chin, then grabbing a fistful of his hair. 
satoru is nothing if not adaptable (you’ve known this since the time megumi refused to eat anything that wasn’t orange and he still managed to feed the kid a balanced meal). he’s always able to be whatever people need him to be. whether it’s as a friend, a teacher, a boyfriend, or a father. 
and you’ve never seen him as…relaxed as he’s been these past few months. satoru is nothing if not adaptable, always rising early and returning late, going where he was needed when he was needed. but now he’s finally able to be where he wants, and he wants to take care of his family.
he seems to read your silence as hesitation. “i know it might be a little tough later on without my full-time salary, but–”
“but nothing,” you interrupt, smiling as you press a kiss to your daughter’s cheek, making her giggle. “the three of us will figure it out.”
“just the three of us?” he asks, shifting rina to one arm and wrapping the other around you. “what about a–”
“we are not getting a dog, satoru.”
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nereidprinc3ss · 3 months
toaster waffles
in which spencer is woken up by fem!reader and their young daughter after being away on a case
fluff warnings/tags: none really, a bit of suggestiveness between spencer and reader but nothing explicit, their daughter is a genius duh, i love dad!spence so fucking much holy shit a/n: i wrote this in like thirty minutes so good luck! just needed to write dad spencer it just needed to happen idk
“No—baby, we have to let daddy sleep in,” you chide your daughter, jogging to catch her as she races down the hallway on clumsy little legs. 
“No! I wanna see daddy!” She yells—and if Spencer wasn’t awake yet, he will be now. You give in, opening the bedroom door for Ada with a fond (exasperated) sigh. 
“Daddy! Daddy wake up!” 
He blinks sleepily several times, sitting up and grinning at his daughter as she attempts to climb up onto the bed. 
“Hi, princess,” he laughs, grunting dramatically as he pulls her up onto his lap. “Oh my gosh, did you get all grown up while I was gone?”
He catches your eye as you stop at the foot of the bed, arms folded and mouthing an amused ‘I’m sorry.’ Spencer smiles and almost imperceptibly shakes his head, eyes sparkling as Ada attempts to use him as playground equipment. No apology necessary. 
“I made you breakfast!” she remembers, grabbing onto his shoulders and springing up and down on the bed. His eyes go wide. 
“You did? Where is it?”
“Oh no!” she claps her hands to her cheeks and opens her mouth wide, Home Alone style. Spencer laughs. “I forgot it!”
Then she’s wriggling off the bed and running as fast as her little feet will carry her, presumably to the kitchen. 
“You like cold toaster waffles, right?” you tease, approaching the bed and filling the now empty seat that is Spencer’s lap. His hands find your waist as you wrap your arms around his neck. 
“I would go so far as to say I love them. Hi, baby.”
“Hi,” you murmur, resting your head on his shoulder. “I missed you. I forgot how hard it is when you’re gone.”
He hums, running his hand over your hair. 
“I know. Me too.” Spencer now only consults on cases, and very rarely is he actually obliged to travel with the BAU. It was never easy before, but now that you have a child, it takes more out of everyone. “Hey. Look at me.”
You do, lifting your head and meeting his soft gaze. He leans forward and captures your lips in a gentle kiss, brushing his thumb over your cheek before pulling away. “I love you. Thank you for taking care of the progeny while I was away. I know it’s not easy on your own.”
“Eh. She’s alright. She reads to me at bedtime.”
Spencer grins, eyes darting back to your lips. Several quick kisses are pressed there in succession, and it’s not exactly how he wanted to say good morning to you but that will have to wait until later. 
Ada is at the door again, waffle in hand, making a half-disgust half-delight face before prancing back to the bed and receiving another airlift from Spencer up onto the mattress. 
“What do you mean, ew?” he asks in mock offense as her legs swing in the air. “You’re next!”
You watch in unadulterated joy as he peppers little kisses all over her face and she pretends to hate it, squealing with glee.
“Is that for me?” he asks once she’s comfortably sharing his lap with you, pointing to the forgotten waffle. She holds it up, pressing the disk against his lips. Spencer takes a bite, makes an exaggerated yum sound, and kisses her forehead once more. “Thank you. That was delicious.”
“You have to eat all of it so you’ll grow up big and strong.”
“Oh, okay. I’ll do that. Why don’t you leave it on the nightstand and go find a book we can read together?”
“Game of Thrones!”
“No!” he laughs. “That book is way too grownup for you!”
“But I read the first three pages!”
“I know you did. And Auntie Penelope is still in big trouble for that. Go get Lord of the Rings.”
Full of energy despite the early hour, Ada skitters off again to find the book. 
“She’s too smart for her own good,” you sigh, listening to her making up a song as she picks through the book shelf in the next room. 
“Intelligence is generally more nurture than nature. If we act fast we could probably stunt her IQ to just two or three standard deviations above the average.”
You giggle, straddling him as he slips his hand under your shirt to rub your back. Then you try to school your features into a serious expression.
“Not funny.”
That big, lazy grin might never fade—and you’d be happy to look at it forever. 
“You’re right. Not funny at all.”
“Hey,” you remember, grabbing his biceps. He raises his eyebrows expectantly. “I was gonna make you real breakfast. What do you want?”
“You don’t have to do that.”
“I know I don’t. I want to. So tell me what you want.”
“Anything other than a toaster waffle.”
You snort, moving to slide off the bed. 
“We can probably make that happen.”
“Hey—" he catches your waist, pulling you closer. “Penelope is taking Ada to the park this afternoon. We’re gonna spend some time together, okay?”
After having an entire child together, you still get butterflies when he looks at you like that. 
“What if I have plans this afternoon?”
Spencer doesn’t even look mildly concerned—just tilts his head, brushes his thumb over your lips. 
“Then I’m asking you to cancel them, pretty girl. I owe you some undivided attention.”
You chew on your lip. It’s embarrassing how easily he can still fluster you. 
“Right now I have to go find out why our child is being so quiet.”
He laughs, letting you slip from his grasp for good. 
“She probably got into the Stephen King again.”
You pick up the waffle and gesture at him with it emphatically as you walk away.
“This is all your fault.”
“Mm… let’s call it a team effort.”
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pupkashi · 3 months
satoru loves yapping [to you]
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satoru was always chatty, shoko could definitely attest to that statement, subjected to too many conversations she definitely did not care about.
“isn’t it hotter than usual? i swear last year it was colder around this time of year-” he began, continuing to talk as shoko tried to focus instead on healing an injured itadori in front of her.
it seemed that his chatty characteristic only amplified when you were around, his eyes would visibly brighten, practically gleaming when you appeared in his eyesight.
“sweetheart! how are you? staying cold in this heat?” you can help but smile at him, walking straight into his already outstretched arms and squeezing his waist a bit, pressing a soft peck to his cheek before pulling away.
“heat? it feels so good out today!” you sigh happily, waving yellow to shoko and itadori, “it is hotter than last year though I’ll tell you that,” satoru grins at your words, turning to shoko with a flint in his eyes before turning back to you.
“that’s what I said! global warming is getting too severe-” the two of you walking out hand in hand, the taller man still talking as you listened intently.
satoru never felt the need to be quiet around you, always finding things to talk about no matter the task or the hour.
“and so you would think that since they were doing so bad they would think of making changes right?” you nod along, humming so he knows you’re listening, “but no! they keep going with same stupid strategy and it’s so frustrating as a fan to see, i just want him to achieve his dreams,” he sighs sadly.
“can you pass the salt?” you ask, taking it from his much larger hand, thanking him before speaking up again, “why does he keep resigning if they always treat him so poorly?” you ask, satoru smiles, heart warming at the fact that you really do pay attention to him.
“he’s always wanted to win with Ferrari- let me take you back to the beginning” he begins, giving you a summary of charles leclerc’s life as you finish cooking dinner.
you could always tell when he got a bit insecure of how talkative he was, but you’d always smile at him, urging him to go on. “and then what? why’d you stop talking?” you’d say, making him smile widely before quietly starting again.
“I’m listening, angel boy,” you mumble in between dreams, listening to him talk about how orange juice isn’t the same as it was when he was growing up and how the new game he downloaded was more complicated than it seems.
it could be nearing 2 in the morning but you wouldn’t mind, satoru would be discussing how and why wombats have cube shaped poops and how koalas eat eucalyptus and pandas have half a brain cell they don’t bother to use.
“it has no real nutritional value and that’s why they have to eat so much of it,” he mumbles, eyes drooping as he cuddles closer to you.
“aren’t they made to digest meat?” you whisper, head tucked into the crook of his neck, your breath running a chill down his spine.
“think so, dunno” he mumbles back, breathing evening out before he’s fully asleep.
your eyes open slowly as you crane your neck, his pink lips slightly parted as he takes soft breaths, snowy hair pointing every which way.
you can’t help but smile at your lover.
“goodnight pretty boy” you whisper, pressing a soft kiss to his cheek, “my little yapper,” you chuckle to yourself, already looking forward to what he’d talk about tomorrow.
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a/n: hi friends ! just a quick little something i put together bc i miss satoru so bad lately </3 he’s def a yapper and i want to hear him talk all day and night
taglist (send an ask to be added!): @chilichopsticks @anime-for-the-sleepless @safaia-47 @nanamikentoseyebags @fushironi @nineooooo @the-mom-friend-dot-com @gojoshooter @sat6ru @beautiful-is-boring @sweetheart-satoru @luna0713hunter @torusmochi
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peachesofteal · 7 months
Light on -single mom/neighbors fic Simon Riley/female reader Prompt(s): fire alarm, reader backstory, reader cooks for Simon, requested by multiple.
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The chair at your kitchen table is small. 
It’s so small, he’s half afraid he might break it, the rickety wood creaking under his weight, and he shifts, leaning back to test its ability, hoping it won’t give way on him. The wood makes a louder groaning sound, and your voice carries from the hall, half of a jest in your tone. 
“Are you trying to break my furniture?” Shit. 
“No.” He shoots to his feet, patting the little wooden chair like he’s trying to comfort it, embarrassed that he’d been caught. “Jus’ trying to test it, make sure it’s not gonna collapse on me.” 
You have an eyebrow raised, returning from your bedroom with a pajama clad Emmaline, little red onesie dotted with deer, your hand patting her back firmly and bouncing her in your arms at the same time, her little brow furrowed like she’s irritated with you. 
“It’s fine. I’m just kidding.” You look down at her and sigh. “Are you going to let me put you down so I can finish dinner?” 
“I can take her.” He offers, and you flash him a relieved smile. 
“Hear that?” You hum in her ear, planting a kiss on the top of her head. “Your favorite person wants to hang out with you.” His stomach clenches. 
“Come here baby girl. Let’s let mum have a break, yeah?” He reaches, and you bend down to place her in his arms, the smell of your skin, your hair, the scent of your laundry detergent flooding his senses. Emmaline is so small in his hands, but he’s growing more comfortable holding her, and when she settles against him easily, he can’t help the warmth that flares in his heart, overflowing through his body with pride, and… something else. Something strong. Something he thinks he knows the name of, but is too afraid to voice. Something that has him dreaming about giving you his last name, giving it to Emmaline too, tacking Riley onto the end of both you, as a stamp, a seal, a promise.
“She still needs to burp.” You tell him softly, pulling the cloth from your shoulder and arranging it onto his, fingers lingering when you smooth it out. “Do you know-“ 
“Yeah.” He assures, swiftly, and you smile again, hand brushing against his when you give her on last little pat on her back. 
“Okay. I’ll work on dinner then.” 
“You ah- don’t have to keep feeding me.” He tells you, even though the full plate of pot roast with stewed carrots, potatoes, and gravy makes his mouth water, massive portion settled in front of him like you’re trying to make sure he’s never hungry again. 
What a good girl, he muses indulgently. Good little mum. Good little wife. Emmaline coos in his arms, still awake, settled on his knee with her back to his stomach, one hand firm around her tummy. He bounces her, one hand with a fork stabbing into a carrot, the other holding her steady. Safely. 
“I can take her, if you want to-“ 
“No. You sit.” He inclines his head, and you blink, before automatically folding into the chair diagonal from him with your own plate. The room is quiet, fork chiming against china, until you speak again. 
“I don’t mind it.” You swallow, taking a long sip of water. “Cooking. For you.” You whisper it to your plate, like it’s a secret, like you’re ashamed, and he tamps down the urge to reach for you. “You do so much for us, you’ve- I don’t know how to repay you.” You’re mine now, sweetheart. You don’t have to repay me. It’s my job to take care of you. Take care of you both. It almost all comes out of his mouth, but instead he changes hands on the baby, putting his fork down and extending the one closest to you, palm open on the table, a gentle entreaty. 
“I don’t mind, helping. Someone’s gotta take care of you girls.” Your eyes go wide, lips parting, before you’re collecting yourself, looking down into your lap with a stunned little smile. “Sweetheart, I-“ 
The words are robbed from him, stolen by a screeching, blaring noise in the hallway, a high-pitched alarm that has him out of the chair, shoving the table with one hand and positioning himself between the door and you, curled over Emmaline who’s now crying, startled. 
“Fire alarm.” You wince, but when he doesn’t relax, your expression goes waxy, soothing, and your hand finds the inside of his elbow. “It’s just a fire alarm, Simon. People fuck with the pull station now and then. Probably nothing.” It takes a second, a second too long for his brain to catch up, and when it does, he blanches, looking you over for fear, repulsion, of him. Distaste of the secondhand reaction that he just cannot control. 
He doesn’t find it. Only blithe acceptance. Understanding. He clears his throat. “Let’s get outside then.” 
It’s cold outside. Winter is in full swing, and he’s happy he forced you into your winter jacket when did, amid your distraction, too pre-occupied with wrestling a screaming Emmaline into her coat and hat, swaddling her up in a fluffy blanket before you even stopped to think about yourself. 
“It won’t be long.” You tell him, alternating between trying to soothe the baby’s frantic tears, and looking around anxiously. “Station seventy-four is just a few blocks north.” Station seventy-four? “Look, see?” You point, cooing at Emma, red emergency lights flashing down the street. You stray closer to him, pressing into his side, and he puts his arm around you, squeezing your shoulder. You’re… nervous, and he’s not sure why. The fire alarm didn’t seem to rattle you too much but now, you’re chewing on your lip, eyes scanning across the people milling about outside. 
“You alright?” He murmurs, and you nod. 
“Just cold.” You reply through clenched teeth. 
It doesn’t take long for the fire service to get the building sorted, and once they give the all clear, you break from his side, beelining towards the front of the building. He’s about to jog after you, surprised at the pace that you've managed to make, when he hears someone calling your name. Practically yelling it, and he pulls up short.
It's a firefighter. He approaches you with an open palm, like he's trying to corner a wounded animal, and your face pinches at the corners, hand cradling the back of Emmaline's head. Simon inches closer, getting within ear shot, using the dark and the people still scattered about to sink into shadow, becoming Ghost, silent, unnoticed, and lethal. Nearly unseen.
"-are you?" The firefighter asks, staring at the baby in your arms with wide eyes.
"I'm fine. We're fine." You reply stiffly, looking away with a grim, haunted expression.
"You never come down to the station... we'd- we'd love to see you both. Or if you ever needed anything, we're here for you. We-"
"Thanks." you cut him off, trying to turn away, but he steps after you, protesting.
"I know it doesn't-"
"Officer." An older man interrupts, sharply, and the younger firefighter straightens.
"You're needed for system reset." He instructs, and the officer takes one last look at you, something conflicted in his face, before nodding and stepping away. "He's not wrong." The Captain tells you gently, and you shake your head.
"We don't need anything from you."
"You need community. Support. The station is a family, we look after our own."
"I'm not your own." You snap. "He was! He was your own. And how well did you look after him, Captain?" The words are vicious, pointed like arrows, seeking to maim, to hurt, and the look on your face is so anguished, so tormented, that Simon can't stand to see it for one more second.
"Everything alright?" He steps between you and the Captain, positioning his body so that you're half hidden, and your shoulders immediately slump, tension draining from you when you look up into his face.
"Yeah, let's go inside. It's too cold out." You tell him, and he nods, casting a glance over his shoulder at the frowning man, letting his hand slide over your shoulder and down your spine, directing you inside and keeping you close.
"Are you sure you're okay?" He asks again once you're in the hallway outside your door, and you turn into him, close enough that he can lean his nose down to skim through your hair.
"I'm okay." You whisper, fingers finding his at his hip. "We're okay."
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bucks-babe · 26 days
Let Me Be of Service
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Pairing: Husband!Bucky x Pregnant!Wife!reader
Summary: With your growing belly, it gets a lot harder to take care of yourself. Luckily, your husband is always willing to lend a helping hand
Warnings: Fluff, a little smut, reader is heavily preggo, established relationship, Bucky is down bad, Bucky shaves his girl’s cooch and boot, crack fic, embarrassing stories about each other, implied smut at the end, banter, Bucky calls reader Petal and she calls him Duckie
Word Count: 2.7k
A/N: A little something something to hold you guys over while I’m working on part 2 of Change My Ways For You. Thank you to @buckys-wintersoldier for beta reading; however, any and all mistakes are mine and mine alone.
You hear the clashing of pans in the kitchen followed by your husband’s curse. It brings a smile to your lips, knowing that he is trying to make you breakfast in bed, even though he is probably the worst cook you have ever met. When you first started dating, he made the joke that he was the only person that could start a fire with water. 
You didn’t believe him until he actually did start a fire while boiling water at his first and only attempt to make pasta for the two of you to eat. You still have no idea how he managed to do that, but ever since then it’s either you cook, he ‘helps’ you in the kitchen, which is you giving him the easiest thing to do and hope that he doesn’t blow you up, or you order out.
But ever since you got pregnant, doing everyday tasks has gotten harder. You get out of breath from just standing up. Don’t even start with trying to pick something up off the floor. If it hits the ground, it’s going to stay there until Bucky picks it up if you can’t grip it with your toes. Cooking has become a near impossible task for you. Who knew that carrying a super soldier baby would be so hard? 
Your belly was larger than the average woman’s stomach for how far along you are. It wasn’t just that your belly was big though. It caused so much back pain that it was easier to just lay on your side all day, and your feet ached and pulsed from the shortest walk. 
You felt like a bad wife, not able to help take care of the house, or yourself for that matter. But Bucky was a saint, he doted on you every second of the day. He took his leave of absence as soon as you started grunting while moving around. Bucky loved every minute of it though, albeit he hated seeing you in pain, but every change to your body was incredible to him. He was obsessed with how round you were, how full your breasts are, and the cute little pout that is always on your lips.
So you appreciated Bucky for trying to make you something to eat; although you knew it was going to be disgusting, possibly inedible, you would take it with a smile on your face because he tried and that was something you were grateful for.
You decided to get out of bed, not to take over making breakfast in the fear of burning down your house, of course not, but to watch your man in action. When you shifted, however, it became painfully obvious that you were overdue for a shave. The prickly hairs on your pussy were uncomfortable, making putting your legs together almost painful.
You have no idea when the last time you shaved was. All you knew was that it was when you could still see your feet, and that was a loooonnng time ago. Bucky didn’t seem to mind your body hair. He would still eat you out until you had to roll over from the weight of your belly making it hard to breathe. He never once complained about your public hair and you honestly forgot that you hadn’t shaved in so long, until this moment.
Throwing on Bucky’s henley, grateful that he was so fucking beefy so you could still fit into his shirt, although tight around the belly, and wobbled out to the kitchen. Bucky heard you, your feet heavy on the wood floors. “Petal, you’re going to love this! I made you grilled cheese and guess what?” He spins around, bright smile on his face, a grilled cheese plated in his hands. 
“I have officially made something edible without us having to evacuate the house, AND it’s only slightly burnt.” The early morning sun casts a soft glow on his naked chest. He looked like a Greek god, corded muscles topped with a bit of softness, the result of your cooking and less time with the Avengers. 
“Good job, Duckie. Good thing too because I’m starving. Bug isn’t going to stop kicking my bladder until she gets something to eat.” Crow’s feet bloom around Bucky’s eyes. He falls in love with you harder every day, seeing you carry his baby into the world, keeping her safe in your belly.
Bucky sets the singular grilled cheese at your spot on the table, pulling out the chair for you to sit, strong hands grabbing your waist, making sure you don’t strain yourself too hard. He spins around and gets you a cup of your favorite morning drink and places it in front of you, quickly sitting down opposite you, eagerly waiting for you to take a bite.
“Duckie, aren’t you going to have one, too?” His sweet Petal was too good to him.
“Well, Petal, only one turned out.” He gives you a sheepish smile and you can only giggle at him.
“Do you want half of mine then? I don’t mind sharing.” You were starving your ass off, but you wanted to reward Bucky with something for being so good to you.
He vehemently shakes his head. “Uh, uh, Petal, you and Bug need to eat. I can find something else. Now hurry up and tell me if I meet up to your standards.”
Before you take a bite you reach over the table to grab his right hand, running your fingers over the wedding band there. He couldn’t wear it on his left hand, but you wanted everyone to know that he was yours. “You always exceed my standards, Duck.”
Bucky blushes and gestures for you to have a taste. Your eyes widen as the cheesy snack hits your tongue. “Oh my god, this is actually good!” Bucky leans back in his chair and does a small victory dance, proud of himself for feeding his wife.
His celebration is cut short when he sees you shift in your seat, clearly uncomfortable. “Petal, what’s wrong? Is Bug kicking?” Bucky is by your side in seconds cupping your belly, only to find that Bug isn’t causing a raucous.
“It’s kind of embarrassing.” You look down, away from his prying eyes.
“We have been together for 8 years, Petal. I stood watch while you took a shit on the side of the highway, it can’t be that bad.”
You whip your head around. “Duckie! We don’t talk about that. I told you not to bring that up again. It was one time!” Bucky only laughs and turns his head away.
“Petal, we both know that it was twice and we had to stop by Mcdonalds so you could wash yourself after you wiped with poison ivy.” Bucky was barely containing his laughter, while you were dying of embarrassment. “You know, that was the moment I knew I was going to marry you?”
You scoffed. “When we were stuck on the highway while I popped a squat? That cannot be when you knew you were going to marry me. That is not what you said at the wedding.” 
“Didn’t think that you would appreciate that story being told to all of our friends and family. But your secret is safe with me.”
“Since we are bringing up the past, remember the time you were training with Sam and he hit you in the balls and you pissed yourself. You called me to bring you a new pair of underwear and I made sure no one knew.” You turned your chin up.
“C’mon, Petal, it wasn’t even that much. It was just a dot. And it wasn’t my fault I had a full bladder. Don’t make me bring what happened the other week when you-”
You slapped your hand over his mouth, grabbing him by the back of his head and pulling him close to you. “Don’t. You. Dare. We never mention that again, we forget it ever happened, yeah?”
Bucky moans at your dominance, it never failed to get his cock hard. “Okay, okay, I’ll stop, but you have to tell me what’s got you wobbling in your seat. And I know it’s not because my cooking turned you on.”
You took a deep breath before looking into his eyes. “Promise you won’t laugh?” 
“I can’t promise that, Petal, but I won’t judge you.” Of course, Bucky and you always laughed at each other. Never when it was something serious. But you were able to joke around when the other did something embarrassing, but he would never joke about it if you were uncomfortable.
“My pussy hurts.” You squint your eyes, the grumpiest look on your face, and cross your arms.
“Petal, that’s all you had to say. I’m an expert on taking care of my sweet girl. If I lick her bud would that make it better?” You feel your cunt pulse at his words, but the scratching is too annoying to let you get turned on.
“No, Duckie! I mean my fucking hair is too long and it’s poking me and it fucking hurts and I can’t reach to shave because of this huge belly, and it makes me feel like a sasquatch and I just want to feel pretty.” You almost burst into tears, not knowing that you had so many emotions bubbling under the surface, but then again you were pregnant and couldn’t control them.
“Oh, Petal, you are the most gorgeous woman on this planet, shaven or not. And you don’t need to worry about doing anything for yourself, you hear me? If you wanted me to, I would wipe your ass for you.” You sucked your teeth and slapped his chest.
“I’m being serious!”
“And so am I.” 
Without another word, Bucky picks you up like you weigh nothing and heads to your bedroom and sets you down on the soft covers. “Duckie, what are you doing?” He still doesn’t say anything as he walks into the bathroom to get a towel and your conditioner and sets them on the bed. He leaves the room only to come back a minute later with a bowl of water and his razor. “You cannot be serious right now.”
“Oh, Petal, deathly.” He flicks the towel out and lays it on the edge of the bed and sets you there, your feet planted on either side of you and you’re forced to lay back with your belly.
You don’t see what he is up to, but you feel his hot breath fan across your folds and he groans. “Petal, is this making you wet? Your husband between your legs about to service you?” He chuckles as the twitch of your clit. “Fuck, prettiest pussy I’ve ever seen. Makes my cock so fucking hard, could cum in my pants just from eating her.”
“Duckie, don’t lie. I know it doesn’t look pretty. Probably could fucking braid it.” You fight the urge to close your legs. You haven’t had sex in almost three weeks, mainly because your body is so exhausted all the time and you know you wouldn’t be able to enjoy it.
“Petal, when have I ever lied to you? You think I would lie straight to my pretty girl’s face? How could I lie right in front of Heaven?” He leans in closer and you hear the deep inhale he takes. “And about that braid comment, I learned how to braid hair in Wakanda so that isn’t a problem for me.”
He gets a giggle out of you. “I can’t fucking believe you. You’re such a dork.” Rather than hear his chuckle, you feel it, his mouth pressed against your cunt, lapping your juices. “Fuck, oh shit, don’t stop.”
“Mmh, so fucking good. Don’t even need to eat breakfast when I have this meal on a fucking platter.” He dives back in, arms wrapped around your thighs, keeping you in place. With his hands occupied with your thighs, you were able to grind against his mouth, urging him to focus on your clit. Bucky was in his own world, the hairs pressing against his face not deterring him in the slightest.
His groan is deep and sends shockwaves up your spine, unable to stop the jerk of your hips. All at once, Bucky lets go of your thighs and turns away to sneeze. With great difficulty, you sit up and stare at him, perplexed. “Duckie, you better not fucking tell me that my pubes make you sneeze or so help me.”
Bucky falls onto his back, clutching his stomach as his laughter rings out in the room. The obvious tent is his pants still there. “I’m sorry, Petal, just tickled my nose is all.” His entire face is red, each word coming out in a wheeze. 
“Duckie, it’s not funny.” Even at your protests, you feel yourself unable to control your laughter. 
“If it’s not funny, then why are you laughing, Petal?” Bucky is finally able to control himself enough to sit up and rest his head on your thigh.
“Because you were laughing. Don’t you dare try and eat me out right now.” You push his forehead away, much to his dismay. “Are you going to shave me or not?” Your pout has him pressing his lips together to stop the giggle from leaving his lips.
“Of course, my hedge.”
“I’m only joking.” 
You lay back and prop your feet up again, jolting slightly as Bucky runs his hands, dipped in water, over your folds and mound. While slightly more prepared for the conditioner, it still feels foreign to have his hands touching you like this.
“Fuck, Petal, just one more taste.”
He starts with your lips, using one hand to hold them tight, taking extra care not to knick your sensitive skin. “Hey, Duckie?” The only view you have is of the ceiling so you don’t see the absolute concentration on Bucky’s face, tongue poking out, and eyebrows furrowed.
“Yeah, Petal?”
“Do you think it’s normal that I’m getting turned on by this?” Bucky loved that you were comfortable enough in your relationship to casually talk about random things, knowing that he wouldn’t judge you for them, most of the time he was on the same page as you anyway.
“Probably not, but if it makes you feel any better, I’m solid as a rock right now.” You giggle at his casual tone, almost as if he was asking you how your day was. “Don’t move, I’m performing a delicate operation here.” It only makes you giggle more and Bucky has to pull away, leaning over to the side so you could see his face.
“Okay, I guess I’ll just lay here then.” It was Bucky’s turn to suck his teeth in but doesn’t say anything else.
“Hey, Duckie?” Bucky sighs and begrudgingly answers. “Is that my slick running down my ass or water? I need to know how embarrassed I should be.”
“I could give it a taste and answer you.”
“Ew, no. I probably have little bits of hair everywhere.”
With each stroke of the razor you feel yourself relax more and more. The constant presence of his hands soothing you. Bucky taps your leg to signal that you’re done and picks you up, bending you over the bed. “Duckie, we are not having sex right now.”
“Petal, you know that I am very thorough in everything that I do, and I still have your perfect ass to shave” You groan and bury your face into the covers.
“C’mon, Duck, this is worse than before. I feel so exposed.” Bucky rubs his hand down your spine, his other hand reaching under you to support your belly.
“Nothing I haven’t seen before, and I’m going to make my girl feel pretty.” He lands a light slap to your right asscheek and grinds his hips against your cunt once before pulling away.
He works just the same, using one hand to spread you open while carefully removing all your hair. When he’s done he pulls back, one hand cupping each cheek. You huff when he jiggles your ass to his heart’s content, letting him have his reward for taking care of you.
“Duckie! Did you just bite my fucking ass?” 
“Couldn’t help it, Petal, so fucking sexy.” 
You contemplate if you should kick him or kiss him. Your decision is cut short when he rolls you over again, now looking at your face. “Petal, we still have two legs to do and they both lead to my favorite petals.”
Fuck, you were in for it.
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