#she looking prettu
toucheholland23 · 2 years
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Fancy Tayvah ☺️💖
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lowcallyfruity · 7 months
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worldend · 1 year
i really dont like zeldas design in skyward sword idk what it is abt her but i just dont like it. she does look better ingame than in official art though
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thxnks4themrms · 5 months
Chat don’t forget to hype up your TikTok moots whenever they post themselves
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dtaegis · 1 year
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look at my sunobus boy
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highlifeboat · 4 months
listening to the girls’ voicelines while fighting ethan within context is heartbreaking, but outside of context is prettu funny lmfao dani literally says “I’m telling mother on you!” (her tone sounds betrayed in the fight but) she really is the baby of the family huh?
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Daniela's voice lines when you fight her are honestly SO funny
Because they range from "Poor Manthing, no place to run?" to "I'm telling Mother on you!" to "Good~ Now harder." to "Why are you doing this?!"
Like the range between taunting/acting like a bratty child/flirting/sounding betrayed is insane. Also I think she's the only daughter that calls Ethan by name, the other two only ever call him "Manthing".
All the lines where she sounds betrayed are kind of sad tbh. She has way too many lines where it sounds like Ethan was her lover that betrayed her. (Granted she does have a line that's literally "We're through!" so..)
Actually there's some interesting things in their dialogs. (I don't think all of these are in-game, or at least I haven't heard them, but they are voice lines by the voice actors for the game so I take them as canon)
Cassandra has a few voice lines that are "Sometimes I want the first bite, you know?"/"I need to get a taste in before my sister gets in the way."/"Hair, skin, nails, I get what's left." Which, to me, implies Cassandra is at the "bottom" of their hierarchy, not Daniela like one would imagine. Which is interesting considering Cassandra seems to be the avid hunter, and arguably more capable than Daniela is. (Bela even alludes to the fact Daniela is the least dependable between the two) I assume Bela is the top of their hierarchy because she's the eldest and the "brains" so to speak, but considering Daniela is neither as smart as Bela or as much of a hunter as Cassandra, it's surprising Cassandra wouldn't be "above" her. Unless, of course, Daniela is Alcina's favourite and gets more favourable treatment simply for being the youngest.
She also has a lot of lines about being able to "smell" Ethan so... Bloodhound Cassandra Dimitrescu real and canon. (Which explains why she sniffed his blood off the napkin
Bela has a lot of voice lines insulting Cassandra and Daniela. "Worthless sisters, I have to do everything myself."/"Can't depend on my sisters, especially Daniela...."/"Where are those stupid sisters of mine?"/"I'm always taking care of their mess." But the other two don't really have any insulting their other two sisters. Cassandra says Bela "complains so much", and Daniela says her sisters are terrible because "They're always too busy to play.", but Bela says a lot of those lines like she's so tired of them. (Granted that could just be an eldest sibling thing)
Daniela is also the only sister that compliments the others. "Have you met Bela? She's the smart one."/"I wish I could hunt like Cassandra." Which is just... adorable. Peak little sister looking up to her older sisters as inspiration.
Daniela also has a line that's something like "I'll be even more beautiful, you'll see! Just like Mother!" which mirrors Alcina's line of "One day I'll be beautiful, just like Mother Miranda."
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You know about One Piece right? There is a story that after Oda married the stage actress who plays Nami he twicked her design to reflect how prettu she looked to him. Also he upped the skimpiness of her outfits in a blatant "I want my wife to wear this" thing.
My point:
Do you think Marcy did the same with her characters after she started dating/married Sashanne?
I still have to catch up but I read One Piece.
Didn’t know that about Oda and Nami, neat I guess.
As for Marcy, I don’t think she’d make sashanne’s characters more sexy since in Amphibi-Anne it’s a retelling of the Trio’s (mostly Anne’s) time there and since they were 13, I doubt Marcy would do that….the time skip at the end and any sketches therein however…
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I dont know if this was a dream or me daydreaming but i was in love with a prettu pretty girl and she loved me and i stared at her a lot and now i think of her more she was beautiful i wish she was real <- delulu
ill find her....eventually...and shell love me
I was sitting eating i think i was with friends and her and i wasnt looking at anyone else but her,,,she my gf she had food on her mouth and i rubbed it off SHES REAL GUYS <- trying to manifest her
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sillymoonboi · 6 months
Taurus x Jupiter on a date?
Such a gentleman
Jupiter is still sad after solar death but she still looks prettu when she cries
Also she stole saturn new man- wow
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puppyslutposting · 3 months
mfbm YOUR SO PRETTU!! Thank u handler heheheh m gonna look at this fkr a while n drool maybe.,,,,, wish i had a handler like yorhs she sewms like she treats you sosos well!!! 🦊
WAAAAAAA TYTYTY!! >W< I was genuinely like, so worried when I posted it that people wouldn't like it (I'm pretty insecure about my body tbh but I'm working on it :b) so that makes me sosoSO HAPPYYYY!! YAAAAAY!! I'll have to take more pics for the future... X3
Thanks for the ask!!~
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superluigiglitchy · 6 months
Really specific ass headcanons on the cast of SMG4
Meggy is really stubborn about sleep not because of her coffee addiction but because of nightmares she has from the anime island incident, the YouTube graveyard and pretty recently from Wild Spaghetti and Wren and pretty much just her trauma in general which results in her having some pretty bad insomnia
She's gotten better though because the glitchy gang don't want a repeat of what happened the last time she didnt sleep for days (read: she got a pretty bad fever because her human body hasnt adjusted to her newly made immune system and prettu much had a breakdown both from the stress, sleep deprivation and delirium caused form her fever) and she's trying to be better for them
What usually helps her sleep is having her cat Loaf near her, having one or more members of the gang sleep in a cuddle pile with her, a good cup of tea with some ramen noodles or the most embarrassing one for her: being rubbed behind her pointed ears
So far Mario and Luigi are some constant cuddle buddies of hers but Tari is a close second with Melony, Boopkins, Saiko and surprisingly Bob in third
With Meggy only looking human physically, she still retains all her inkling functions (plus a little something extra thanks shaggy) meaning yes she can still very much purr and she hates it
Mario and the others often exploit this
I am applying my inklings are basically aquatic cats headcanon onto Meggy and no one can stop me
Saiko is allergic to pollen and is practically knocked out during the first week of spring, yes Tari fusses over her a lot during this time
Bob is capable of being a good business man, he just needs to shed his old habits and bad practices this is easier said than done though
Unbeknownst to anyone not even herself, Tari is very susceptible to viruses, why she hasn't been infected by any is both a combination of dumb luck and being smart on what video games she enters (which is also a result of dumb luck) however that may change soon if TvWare involved now
Kaizo very much teases Saiko about her crush on Tari after he found out every chance he gets, he in turn nearly gets whacked with a hammer by the red faced pinkette
He's super supportive of her crush and will kick anyone's ass who objects, wingmans with Meggy so the idiots can finally confess to eachother
Mario wears a lot of star patches and bandages because he's silly like that
Peach went apocalypse survivor mode for a few weeks and did pretty well while trapped in the demon pit her castle was in, it's just that she got infect by the demon goop A week before SMG4 and the others could go down there to fetch the star, if the crew were to return and search around the remnants of the castle they would find a camcorder and a series of videos tapes of Peach's exploits and find the last 3 tapes are of her expressing her thought as she's been thinking of her actions from the past few years as of late and her regretting how she treated the others, Mario especially and how she wants to apologise to them and treat them all better once she gets out of this literal hell hole
Of course we all knew what happened after that
Luigi has seven evil ex boyfriends, each of which have experienced the wrath of Mario
Mario is also super supportive of Luigi and will also kick anyone's ass who objects
Peach and Daisy are dating, no one is aware of this and no one has figured it out
Pls add Daisy to SMG4 I want to see her kick ass and be a menace
Tari knows some karate moves and will not hesitate to use them post- western spaghetti, clench just speeds up the fighting with a laser and other dubious weapons that Tari didn't know her arm had
Boopkins has a guilty pleasure of watching scooby doo
Smg3 would make an animal sanctuary for any friends Eggdog makes
When Meggy gets sick (which is rare AF) she sorta acts... Kinda like a feral cat
Bob can confirm this statement with all the beak bite mark scars he has and scratches too
For some reason she's not mean to Mario, Luigi, Saiko or Tari (which is to be expected) but also Jubjub and Boopkins
Mario and Luigi consider Meggy A third Mario brother, Meggy cried for an hour straight when she found out about this because of how happy she was
She know uses the named Meggy Spletzer-Mario
Yes I still find it funny Mario and Luigi's last names are Mario so Mario Mario and Luigi Mario
Swag and Chris married for tax benefits
Everyone thinks that's a lie
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okkotsuus · 1 year
tw vent (i’m getting too comfy on here lmao!!)
i so genuinely wish i was conventionally attractive, like i’m attractive once people get to know me i like suddenly become pretty to them. but i wanna be able to be admired from afar. i want to be able to not always have to make the first move. i want to be pretty and skinny and liked. my eyes are uneven, my jawline is uneven, my lips are uneven and i just wish i had the power to sculpt my face like a block of clay. i want to be pretty, but i’m too tall and too big for most men to ever find my attractive on the surface. women like me, and i’m thankful for that because i’m bi. but i’ve never truly solved my need for male validation that stemmed from my parents. as a kid my mom never commented on my physical looks, only how smart i was or my clothes (which she chose) which never let me build self esteem. my dad worked a lot and was like virtually never home, but he’s here now and he’s like my besy friend. my mom was a prettu cheerleader growing up who everyone liked and she loves to talk about how nice she was when she was my age. my brother always made fun of me whenever i ate anything that wasn’t an apple. i grew up as the chubby, ugly, nerdy, weird kid and that image haunts me like a ghost i can never get rid of. i’m too socially anxious to be outgoing and charismatic and i’m not nice enough to strangers to be seen as kind or caring. i’m too weird to be accepted by anyone who doesn’t get to know me. i’m too ugly for people to want to get to know me in most cases. my face isn’t eurocentric other than the fact that i’m pale, my indian nose is too big for my face and i have my dad’s face shape. my rib cage is too wide and i hold onto weight easily no matter how little i eat or how hard i work out. i’m not even funny enough to be liked. everyone i know is better than me, prettier than me, more well liked than me. all i have going for me is that i’m smart but now people just use me for answers or help and sometimes it’s the only reason why people talk to me so i can’t bring myself to deny it. all my friends would never choose me in a room full of people. my mom loves my brother more than me and she always will. i will never be anyone’s first choice except maybe my dad. i just want people to like me, so desperately. i just really can’t do this anymore and i don’t know what to do. my therapist is on leave and i can’t talk to anyone because i can’t stand feeling weak. the only good thing i have going for me is that i’m reliable, and i can’t let that go too. i’m sorry this is dumb i’m being dramatic.
love you all mwah mwah i’ll post something maybe tomorrow 🩵
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ratsoh-writes · 11 months
She finished texting in the family group chat. basically screaming in there that she got a date with Pluto. Kovu just called her simp.
She looked at the rock and went closer to it, examining it with her eyes. she never once picked anything up, without permission.
"Ohoho, thats prettu as hell. Man i shoudl show you my collection. My dad recently gave me and my finally our own roomes and he even made a display area for my crystals"
Pluto: ooo! That s-sounds great!! I u-used to have one too I’m my old room back b-before the crash. I-it was just all asteroid pieces mostly..
They talk rocks some more, and mavi is wowed by some of the very rare crystals in his collection, and fossils. Pluto seems to favor ocean related fossils above others. And the majority of crystals are in their raw forms. But a few polishes and carved pieces are mixed in
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darth-bagel · 3 years
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Yes, I am picking out pretty screens for queue today-- more Yeraen in KotFE ✨
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EHHH???? EHHH ???#++#+#+$($)$(*
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rosewoodprincess · 3 years
Mini rant~
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