#she reminds me so much of kafka
zwan99 · 11 months
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endlesslytired · 1 year
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(according to Qingque in KUWSR ^^^)
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yoredoesmore · 2 months
can we recieve a fanfic where reader is petty and could take his vice captain job (soshiro hoshina)
if she really tried? So kind of like enemies to lovers trope, and how he realized she actually didn't despise him was he overheard a conversation with okonogi, while Y/N was like simping and head over heels for him
a/n: i took my time writing this because i never wrote enemies to lovers before :’) i hope you enjoy it!
pairing: Petty!Hoshina x Petty!Reader
genre: enemies to lovers trope
[wc: 2,4k ]
Too Sweet | Hoshina Soshiro
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“Did I tell you guys about the story of how I almost became Vice Captain?” You yelled into the round, beer glass lifted high up in the air.
“You? Vice Captain? No way!” Kafka laughed, wasted as much as everybody else around you.
The stench of alcohol and meat lingered in the air and the tension was packed and steamy. Two hours ago, the Third Division managed to neutralize a Daikaiju with a Fortitude Level of 8.3. Of course you could not have done it without the Kaiju on your side, Kafka, but it was indeed a group accomplishment. Thus, everybody felt lifted in both spirit and mind– and the alcohol only added to the cheerful atmosphere.
“Oh yes! Captain Ashiro was gonna pick me instead of mushroom head over there but he flashed his little katanas and bat his pretty little lashes to secure the spot for himself. Talk about tactical maneuvers!”
The entire table immediately fell into a fit of laughter, unable to hold themselves back anymore from the jokes that came at their Vice Captain's expenses. Even after another ten minutes, the mockery took no end. You continued to tease and joke about Hoshina, despite him only being a couple tables away from you, as the joy was too sweet. But as the time passed you eventually forgot about his existence, until he spoke up to remind you.
“You talk quite big for someone who can barely hold a gun. Don't think I didn't notice your little accident during the fight against that group of Yoju two hours ago.” Hoshina made sure to pronounce the word Yoju, not just to tease you but simply out of spite. Deep down he knew that the alcohol was speaking out of you, yet that did not stop him from feeling slightly irritated by your remarks.
“Maybe if you hadn't been standing right in front of the Yoju, I would have managed to get a better shot at the thing. Being a close distance fighter while everybody around you needs a clear field of vision to work must be quite tiring, hm? Maybe I would have been better off as the Vice Captain after all.”
Hoshina’s face twisted into a serious grimace upon hearing your words– a nerve had been struck. Even the others knew not to speak up anymore, the drastic change in atmosphere indicated that a fight was about to go down.
“Then how come everybody else managed to do their job just perfectly, huh? Maybe something distracted ya, Vice Captain?” Hoshina's words stung sharp in your chest. Especially him calling you that made the aftertaste of alcohol in your mouth even worse.
The both of you were now standing right across from one another, only a couple inches keeping you apart.
“Are they..about to fight??” Kafka asked Reno, worry lingering in his voice.
“Putting all my money on L/n.” Was all Reno had to say, leaving Kafka shocked.
“That ugly ass bowl cut of yours must have distracted me.”
It was a silence that swept over the room that had everybody on high alert. One little slip of their mouth– or even the slightest bit of laughter falling out of their lips, would meant certain death. Your comment about Hoshina's hair came out way too fast, as if you have been waiting to mention it. The annoyance was evident on the Vice Captain's face. Never in his life has he been provoked to punish someone as much as he was now.
The man stepped closer, leaving little to no space between the both of you as he spoke up again.
“Is this funny to you, L/n?” Hoshina slightly tilted his head to the side as he spoke. The tone he had chosen to ask that question forced shivers down everyone's back. Hoshina was a patient man who did not let his emotions get the best of him most of the time but right now it was clear as ice that he was pissed.
“Maybe we should stop the-”
“Fucking hilariousss.” You dragged the s’ to really make it sting.
And from then on all went downhill…
“I did What?!” Your screech was so loud, it almost cut Okonogi’s ear off clean.
“Yep. The two of you almost got kicked out of the bar, if it hadn't been for Izumo and Kaguragi going between you– the only rationally thinking adults at yesterday's get together might I add.” The woman fixed her glasses as she made the remark.
Your eyes sat no longer in their sockets but rather on the floor, rolling around like giant marbles.
“Fuck..fuck!” Embarrassment rushed through your body, the images of yesterday's fight slowly returning to your mind. To think that you would act out in such way, simply because of a couple glasses of beer– it made you feel ashamed.
“That fucker knows how to push my buttons, dammit!”
“Oh please.” Okononig finally looked up from her laptop, all attention now on you.
“Even without the alcohol, Hoshina is able to draw out the most aggressive reactions out of you. You two always nag on each others throats, how come?”
Your eyes refused to meet hers as she waited for an answer, your gaze drifting towards anything in the room but her frame. How did you end up like this? It was a good question, unfortunately, you yourself did not know the answer. The tension between you and the Vice Captain has become so palpable that the wall it has created kept the both of you far away from one another. Every interaction, every conversation and even the smallest comment– your encounters would always end up in some kind of fight.
“That idiot..if he wasn't so damn cute I would have fucked him over a long time ago."
“Understa– what now??” Okonogi thought that she misheard you, that she has been listening to so much of your complaining that her ears were playing tricks on her. But one look at the dreamy face you were making was enough for her to know that you were indeed dead serious.
“He always has that stupid smirk on his face, it's driving me crazy!” You allowed your body to slump down onto the couch as you started to reveal your true feelings.
“Ugh, Konomi! He is so annoying. He thinks that just because he has a cute face he can act all cocky with me! I could take his spot as Vice Captain anytime I want, snap, just like that! He should be more careful around me!”
Either the alcohol was still speaking out of you or your mental state was much more fragile than Okonogi had thought. She did know that you had a little crush on the Vice Captain all the way back then when you first started out but to think that your feelings have not changed, despite the lack of chemistry between the both of you. It was truly impressive yet also worrying.
“Then why not just take his spot?” The woman asked a rhetorical question, sarcasm hanging in her voice.
“I like it when he gives me orders.”
“I'm just kidding, gosh!” You sighed and allowed your hand to fall over your face.
“But…I do like the way he acts when he's in control of a situation, he's too sweet.” A giggle slipped from between your lips. “Hoshina is the best when he goes all serious, be it in a fight against Kaiju or when arguing with me. The look on his face is somethin’ else I'm telling ya! And when he grabs me by the arm to push me away, gosh! I just want to melt!”
Okonogi found herself unable to come up with an answer to your slightly concerning confession. It was such a cliche, constantly arguing with the person you liked simply to see a specific side of them but at the same time she found it cute. To think that the Platoon Leader knew no other way to interact with her crush than to annoy him, it was childish but sweet. Like a highschool romance maybe?
“Don't ever tell him how much you admire him, it will definitely go to his head.” The woman returned to her workload yet she continued to pay you some of her attention
“Ha! Never, not even in my dreams. Okay, maybe in my dreams.” You giggled “If he held my real tight maybe and..oh Okonogi! This man has me in a chokehold, ugh.”
You went into an endless ramble about what specifically you liked about the man. His voice, his way of thinking in battle oh and not to mention his body– one could have thought you were talking to your diary. But your friend did not mind, as she found listening to a second voice instead just the one in her head while working rather refreshing.
“Oh and one time I caught him mid workout late at night and you wont believe how good he looked in that fucking compression shirt. I was ogling so hard, he caught me and I had to pretend to be mad at him for making so much noise late at night.”
“You gotta tell him how you feel someday, Y/n.” The woman replied but her words fell onto deaf ears. You had built up too much tension to now come out with your true feelings. Especially after yesterday's fight, you now had to avoid the man for an unseeable period of time before interacting with him in any type of way. The only way you could ever end up together was if he, for some reason, made the first move but that thought was a fantasy and nothing more.
“Thank you so much for listening to my bullshit rant, Konomi.” You gave the woman a long hug from behind while she remained seated.
“Always here to listen to you.” She smiled. And with that you left her shared office.
On your way back to your room, you encountered many cadets who greeted you with a smile. You returned their kindness, making sure to smile and wave at any soul you encountered. But once the space you walked through became less lively, less and less cadets now passed you by until you were all alone, so did the change in atmosphere become more suffocating. You felt a presence behind you, poking and scratching at your back.
At first you tried to ignore it, not paying your alarming thoughts any attention, until you were fully convinced to have heard something move behind you.
“Who's there-” Your entire body immediately froze upon locking eyes with Hoshina.
“Oh great, it's the Vice-” Hoshina grabbed you by the wrist, stopping you mid sentence, and pulled you into the closest room. His ambush came so fast and sudden, you barely had time to fight back. The man made sure to close the door behind himself as he had you where he wanted you to be, a dangerous smirk sat on his face.
“What the hell do you think you are doing!” You spat, the entire situation seeming so random to be real.
“I'm going to enjoy this immensely.” There was something playful in the Vice Captain's voice, something that even you feared. Before you could even progress what was about to happen, Hoshina placed himself right in front of you, head slightly tilted to the side and arms crossed over his chest.
“So, ya like it when I give ya orders, huh?”
Everything in your brain came to a temporary halt as you heard those words come from his mouth. Embarrassment wasn't even enough to explain the sheer humiliation you felt in that very second. Every inch of your body was telling you to run and hide into the nearest corner available. Did he..overhear your conversation with Okonogi?!
“Came by to tell Okonogi that I needed some info on somethin’. Didn't get the info I wanted but def left with sum I needed.”
“I have no idea what you're talking abo-” Once again you found yourself being cut off by the man. Hoshina pushed you back against a table, causing you to stumble and plop down onto it. He then positioned himself between your legs and moved his body closer to yours. His actions seemed like something out of a movie, a scenario one would strictly encounter in the world of fiction, yet he was right in front of you, playing with your heart and sanity.
“Here I was wondering why ya always rushed to get on my nerves. Guess our little Platoon Leader has a crush on her Vice Captain, hm?”
Your brain stopped functioning the second you felt Hoshina's hot breath against your lips. Now that you were seated on the desk and he stood right in front of you, you were about the same height. Forced to stare into his eyes, you found yourself choking on your own words.
“Oh p-please. You probably confused my voice for someone else's.” You tried to save yourself but your efforts were in vain. As your gaze started to drift away from his, Hoshina opened his eyes and placed his fingers under your chin, forcing you to look at him again. He was surely enjoying this, especially after the humiliation you put him through yesterday.
“Look at me.” He ordered, a smug grin on his face.
“All this time I was wondering where all this hate for me was comin from. Ya had me feelin real bad after every damn fight, felt like an asshole and everything.” He chuckled.
“Oh you are an asshole.” You rolled your eyes, the fight in you still alive.
“Yeah but you like this asshole, a lot even.”
As the tension grew thicker you realized that there was no going back from this. Your feelings were laid out all over the room with nowhere to hide. But although you felt humiliated and exposed, a part of you felt relieved that you could finally drop the act. You reached out for Hoshina's wrist and held onto it tightly.
“So what if I like you.. If you let your guard down for even a second, I will still take your position as Vice Captain and kick your fucking ass.”
Hoshina's eyes widened for a second, surprised that you were still going at it, but he liked that about you. That is why he tolerated all the mockery and jokes, because he too was desperate to see a certain side of you.
“How cute. Unfortunately, you are in no position to open your mouth that much.” His fingers grazed over your lips ever so lightly, applying the smallest amount of pressure onto them. His touch had you weak, yet you could not allow yourself to let your guard down. If you showed Hoshina even one second of weakness, he would use that to tease you for all eternity.
He of course knew that and therefore tried to get as much out of this situation as possible.
It was an opportunity too sweet to ignore.
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shroomdreams · 2 months
Since we’re in monsterfucker territory, maybe could I request gn reader that’s shorter than character of your choice that teases reader a lot about being small
Turns out reader is a shapeshifter who just doesn’t want to waste energy being tall but decides to show them whose boss in the bed >:)
Characters off the bat that I think could work: Aventurine, Sampo, Scar, Kafka, blackswan, Boothill, jing yuan, Kaeya, Lisa, tartaglia, venti,
Sorry that it’s super obvious I’m not as far into the other two fandoms lol
Love To See You Come Undone
Various Sub!Characters x Dom!Shapeshifter!Reader
a/n: oh buddy YOU ARE IN FOR A TREAT! Let's make this a multi-fandom post >:3 btw because the reader is a shapeshifter they'll be treated as gender neutral, but I'll specify if they're topping/bottoming THE SIZE KINK IS REAL IN THIS ONE GUYS
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Sampo (Top!Reader)
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Sampo, Sampo, Sampo... Even though he follows an Aeon known for their unpredictability, he never expected this side from you. He had fun teasing you for your height, assigning you an array of height-related nicknames whenever you two interacted
He was loosely aware that there's something beneath that visage you wore, but he figured that you'd be easy enough to figure out. What kind of noises can he get you to make? What faces will you show him? Too bad he's imagining the wrong end of the spectrum
When he got you in bed, you had him lay back while you slipped into something more comfortable... His eyes widened as your form grew to tower over him, caging his now smaller body beneath him. "H-heh, guess you can teach this old dog new tricks?" He weakly says as you smirked down at him
Sampo finds himself desperately clinging onto a pillow for dear life while you ravaged his behind, hips clapping against his ass as your cock rubs his walls, his eyes rolling up as he let out breathy moans. Sure, he wasn't a virgin, but he'd never been fucked like this before! Sampo arches his back when you slowed down, thrusting deep and slow
"Mmmggpphhh- Oohhhhhaaaaaa- OoooooohhhfffffffffUUUUCK!"
The fool cums the same time you do, panting as your seed fills his ass. You lean over and inspect his fucked out expression, his eyes crossed and tongue out. You take a moment to snap a picture for your own pleasure later on
After that, Sampo doesn't view you the same anymore. He still jokes around with you, but he whimpers when you remind him who's really in charge
Kafka (Top!Reader)
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You're as short as Silver Wolf, maybe even shorter by a few inches. It doesn't matter as Kafka often kidnaps you to dress you up in various frilly outfits. "It's cause you're a lil' dolly, sweetie~" She teases, fixing the bow in your hair.
Really, you tolerated it for so long, but it got on your nerves whenever Kafka condescends to you. So one day, she receives a brown, paper bag with her name written on it. Inside was a lingerie set in her signature purple. When she confronts you about it, you tilt your head with a smile. "It wouldn't fit me, silly."
Intrigued, Kafka drags you to the bedroom so she can prove it. But to her shock, you were correct. In fact, it seems that the lingerie is specifically fitted for her. Kafka clicks her tongue. "Hm. I didn't realize you had it in you, sweetcheeks."
Kafka decides to indulge you for today, sensually caressing her body, the lingerie perfecting hugging her curvy body. However, when she joined you in bed, she noticed the size disparity between the two of you had been flipped... To a greater degree. You seem to sink into the mattress, her body nearly falling into your chest.
In the blink of an eye, Kafka finds herself with her eyes clothes and your tongue shoved in her mouth, moans swallowed by you as you slid your fingers in her panties. She rocks her hips back and forth on your much bigger fingers, tainting your digits with her arousal
Kafka sighs as you bounce her up and down on your cock, playing with her nipples while your cock kisses her cervix. "Mmmph, ahhhh~ Fuck, harder, dolly." Harder? You'll give her harder. You suddenly wrap your arms around her waist and pull her down with you. The sounds of skin slapping against skin fills the room as your hips thrust up into her tight cunt with wild abandon. "Oh shit- Ohhhh fuck- Ah! Ah! Ohhhhhh fuuuck!"
You fuck her so hard she squirts, her fluids drenching the sheets as you fuck her through her orgasm. Kafka gasps, twitching as you pull out of her, feeling your cum splatter against her ass.
She still calls you her dolly, but now she knows better than to condescend to you these days
Tartaglia (Bottom!Reader)
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Ah yes, the Eleventh of the Fatui Harbingers. You caught his eye when he spotted you training with the bow. He challenged you to a duel, which he won with much difficulty. From then on you became somewhat of an obsession of his.
He thinks you're absolutely adorable when you fight, using your small stature as advantage against taller targets. He likes to joke that the only way you could beat him is in bed. Unfortunately for Childe, his jokes inspired devious things in mind
You've actually had a few sexual encounters with Childe, though he never ventured to the treasure you kept hidden within your undergarments. He figured you must have wanted to wait before doing the deed... So imagine his surprise and excitement when you told him that you want to do it for real.
What he wasn't expecting is your taller stature and your much bigger proportions. His pants suddenly feel much tighter as you pin him to the wall, engaging him in rough kisses. "Hey comrade, how come you- mmh- kept this from me?" He pants, watching you pull down his pants
Childe gasps and groans, leaning his head on the wall as you rode his cock. Your much bigger size meant that his poor legs were constantly being bruised, but he loved it so much. "Aaaaaagh! Hnnng- Coming-" You slammed down on his length, watching him cry out as his cum painted your walls. But it wasn't enough
The Harbinger whimpers, his hands futilely trying to keep your hips up as you bounced on his dick, his thighs sticky from the many orgasms you wrung out from him
The unfortunate side effect is that he's now obsessed with egging you on for another duel with him, this time in your larger form
Scar (Bottom!Reader)
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THIS MAN. Hoo boy he's been pestering you non-stop to join the Fractsidus. He claims to have felt the energy RADIATING from you, the potential you have to bloom in the organization is something he salivates over.
He's very touchy, nipping and biting at your ears in an attempt to rile you up. Handsy fellow too, he's very intrigued that a small body like yours attracted him to you. He wants to know just what you are, since he's extremely certain that you're just what the organization needs
Indeed he finds out what you are when you reveal your taller stature to him. In this one, you're actually a human fused with a tacet discord through ambiguous means, but Scar will focus on that later. Right now he finds you stupidly sexy and if he doesn't bone you right then and there he's burning all of Jhinzhou to the ground
His mouth hangs open as he inches his cock deep in your hole, the heavenly warmth you exude makes him act up. Rutting into you like a lil' bunny, he can barely reach your chest, laying his head on your stomach as he growls through his lust. You laugh and pat his head.
"S-See? I knew- mmmmph- I knew you'd be perfect!" Scar says in between pants, his hair sticking to his forehead while sweat dripped down his face. You coo at him, teasing the tacet mark on his neck. He groans, snapping his hips into your warmth and creaming deep inside.
But it didn't stop there. Scar continued to fuck himself into a stupor, your warmth so inviting- Like he bit into a fruit so sweet he wanted to eat more. You laid back and allowed him to rut into your heat. You were supposed to be the one moaning, and yet here Scar was, his mouth slack open as he came again and again
In the end Scar did manage to get you onboard the Fractsidus. You know that one pic of a bunny being obsessed with his giant gf? Thats you two everytime you're seen together.
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hoshiina · 2 months
pairing: hoshina soushirou x gn!reader (no prns)
request: hiii idk if u take these kinds of requests but id like to see jealous reader (preferably if reader and hoshina are already in an established relationship and reader works in a different division, meaning they dont get to see each other much) like maybe he’s used to calling okonogi “my dear” and its the first reader heard him call anyone with a pet name like that and she starts to overthink and gets pouty/ sulky and hoshina doesnt notice it at first but when he does he starts teasing her which doesnt help HAHAHAHA if its ok can it be hurt/ comfort and end in fluff & HELLO!! can i request an angst to fluff with hoshina where reader thinks he likes okonogi more than him especially since he is against revealing him n reader’s relationship to the third division (for other reasons of course). hopefully this isnt too specific!! i hope u have a wonderful day:))
notes: hoshina calls the reader “darling”, hurt comfort, him accepting jealousy a valid emotion (very important to me i fear), so sorry i merged the reqs!! i hope this was satisfactory for both TY FOR THE REQ!, this is a twt thread i thought about while writing this, (l/n) mention in the bonus part
wc: 1400
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Oh, you hated when this happened. You hated when your heart started to tighten in this horrible way you knew well. You hated being jealous.
You hated how self centered it made you feel and how it ate away at your thoughts and feelings. It made you feel like your good thoughts were disintegrating to horrible ones. However, what you hated even more was how it meant you were doubting his love for you— and that was the last thing you wanted to do. You didn't want to doubt him, nor did you doubt him, but when the jealousy got to your head it was over. You were stuck in a loop.
To top it off, the cause of this all was truly harmless and hardly that big of a deal, but that's usually how most anxious thoughts start. They start little.
You were called to visit the 3rd Division to help with research on a field you were particularly knowledgeable on, and you happened to hear Hoshina's laughter from the operation room, so you went in to take a peek.
“It was not that funny,” Okonogi was saying to him, but Hoshina only continued to laugh.
“Yes, it definitely was,” he laughed. “I knew Kafka would forget about that hole in the training grounds again.”
“Why don't you remind him, then?”
“Comedic relief, of course.”
“Alright then.”
“Okonogi dear, you're no fun,” he said.
They said a few more things, but you couldn't seem to focus on their words. ‘Dear’? Was that merely a simple pet name? Or was there more to them than you initially expected?
Oh, the worries started to fill your head. And they were things you didn't want to be worried about— Okonogi was always so sweet to you when you popped by and you knew Hoshina loved you. The last thing you wished to do was doubt them, nor did you want to make things awkward around them. There were just so many things that you just didn't know about, being in a different division as him. You doubted they even knew you were dating, and the voice in your head would only get louder.
It was then that Hoshina saw you at the doorway and called over to you.
“Are you done with work?” he asked, his voice excited and hopeful. Your heart stung.
“Not quite yet,” you tried to sound disappointed, but for the right reason. “I’ll get going now.”
You walked away from the room as quickly as you could, seemingly naturally. You didn't want to be there and you didn't want to talk to him before calming down first— you were sure you'd say something silly if you spoke now.
Yet, immediately you heard footsteps behind you and a hand you knew well grab yours.
“Soushirou?” you asked, turning to look behind you.
“What's wrong?” he asked, his voice soft and visible concern in his eyes. “Do you feel unwell?”
Pang in your chest again.
“Not at all, nothing's wrong?” you said, but you could see the way he pursued his lips— the hurt in his eyes from how you wouldn't tell him what was troubling you. Gosh, why did you feel this way? Why must you feel much silly emotions.
“It's truly so stupid,” you said. “I'll tell you another time.”
“Alright,” he said, letting go of your hand. That one was your bad— you knew he wouldn't push you any further, even if he wanted to.
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Dinner that night was awkward. You weren't even that jealous, but the fact that you felt something was gnawing at your brain upset you. Not to mention the fact that you were keeping something from him made you feel even worse.
“How was your training?” you asked.
“Alright, I suppose,” he said. There was a horrible moment of silence. You weren’t sure what to say.
“I think I’m getting a hang of this new technique,” he finally continued, but you wouldn’t look up at him— you were afraid he wouldn’t look your way.
“I see,” you said. “That’s really cool… I’d like to see someday.”
“I’ll show you as soon as its better,” he said.
The rest of dinner felt… quiet. The two of you still talked throughout it but it was terribly different from the usual lively catch-up you’d have— it was heart-wrenching quite frankly.
So as you’d imagine, going to sleep was even worse. You subconsciously faced away from him and pretended to fall asleep quickly, hoping he’d sleep soon too. You hated what was going on, but you just couldn’t bring this up. You knew it was silly and you knew you’d forget soon enough. You’d probably regret making such a big deal out of it.
“Darling,” he said, and immediately you turned to face him. He was already facing you. “You don’t have to tell me if you don’t feel like it… I’m sorry I pushed you.”
Gosh, you thought. You gulped. You wished he wasn’t so kind.
“You’re going to think I’m so annoying though,” you said, voice cracking in a way you didn’t wish for it to and immediately his eyes widened.
“Darling, what happened?” he asked, suddenly worried. “You could never be annoying to me.”
“I… heard you…” you started and he just listened— he waited. “I heard you calling Okonogi, ‘dear.’ And suddenly I—”
“I’m so sorry,” he said, without hesitation. “I hadn’t even realized I did that, it was completely by habit. I won’t anymore.”
You finally met his eyes and the way he looked so horrified he had made you feel bad was so prominent in his eyes.
“No, Soushirou,” you said. “I didn’t mean for you to have to change anything— I know so well that both of you are so sweet to me and there’s nothing going on. I just—”
“Darling, calm down,” he said, cutting you off. “You’ve done nothing wrong, why are you beating yourself up? This was my bad and that’s about it. None of this is you.”
“I—,” you said, taking a moment to collect yourself. “I hate to be jealous, Soushirou. I’m so sorry.”
“Why?” he asked and you paused to look up at him, utterly confused.
“Why?” he asked again.
“It’s such an… ugly feeling,” you said.
“Is it?”
“Is it… not?”
“What’s wrong with being jealous?”
“Because it’s like I’m doubting you or something… when I don’t at all.”
“I think that’s a different thing entirely, no?” he asked. “You can know in your head that I’m in love with you and still feel something else— they’re not always the same. A little jealousy is perfectly healthy, I think.”
“Oh…” you said. You wanted to say so much more but there was so much to process first. Your heart swelled with such warmth.
“I get jealous too. I hate when Narumi gets too close to you or bothers you when I’m not around,” he continued on. “But in my head I know you’d never do anything to hurt me and you’d stop him if he crosses a line. I’ll try to stop if that bothers you though.”
“No,” you said. “That sounds… nice. I’m rather… happy… you were a jealous actually. But I’ll make sure to keep some more distance between Captain Narumi next time.”
He laughed. “Sounds good. But you tell me if there’s anything more that bothers you okay. I’ll fix myself up.”
“I will,” you said and he kissed your forehead. “But Soushirou, I don’t mind much anymore. You can stay the way you are.”
“No, no, stop overthinking. You need to sleep now, you have an early morning tomorrow.”
“Yeah. You too Sou,” you said and he hummed.
Once you were certain he was asleep, you kissed his cheek and slipped your hand into his. You liked holding his hand when you fell asleep, but you weren’t sure if it made it harder for him to fall asleep.
“Thank you,” you whispered to him. “You mean the world to me.”
You lightly kissed his cheek, careful not to wake him up, but to your surprised he smiled. He squeezed your hand and without opening his eyes, “You missed,” he said.
He kissed you on the lips and you laughed, snuggling up against him. “You were awake.”
“I was waiting for you to hold my hand,” he said. “I like when we hold hands when we sleep.”
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From then on, Hoshina stopped calling Okonogi “dear” as much, and it’d only happen when it truly slipped out of him from force of habit.
“Vice-Captain, you’ve started dating (l/n), haven’t you?” she said to him one day while they were sorting through files.
“How... did you know?” he asked. The two of you had been dating for quite a while now, but he was more surprised she guessed you correctly.
“It’s terribly obvious you’re completely in love,” she said.
He blinked. And then he laughed. 
He’d have to ask you that night if he can share the news with everyone, properly, then.
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nomazee · 6 months
enough to make me cry
blade is your only roommate, your only friend, and your only way home from this terrible party you found yourself in.
blade x gn reader — 3.3k — college & roommates au!, very americanized college experiences, frat parties, mentions of drinking & vomiting, could be read as platonic but there are definitely romantic undertones, feelings of inadequacy/being out of place, hurt/comfort, social anxiety, blade is probably ooc i'm gonna be so honest, mild kafka & reader friendship, erggg im probably missing something
notes: no i have to be so honest blade is probably completely out of character i have not played a single side quest with him in it but i just think he has reluctant roommate-to-best friend potential and i wanted to pour that into a fic,,, this is mostly unintelligible but i did proofread! love you all
A warm hand rests on your shoulder, and the first thing that you think is Blade’s hands are supposed to be cold.
It’s really pathetic. You’re somewhere in a stupid frat house, the thrumming of music around you. There’s the flashing colors and sounds of Mario Kart on the TV, the smell of puke (probably yours) and corona lite, and a hand on your shoulders that you’ve discerned is not your roommate, Blade’s. 
Looking to the side, you follow the hand (painted, manicured nails, definitely still not Blade’s), and it leads up to an arm up to a shoulder up to a face, and—oh. 
“You’re—” you pause, getting your words in order before you puke them up, “you’re Blade’s pretty lady friend?” It’s supposed to come out as a statement, but leans more to a question. She looks down, a bit of a teasing grin on her face, but her eyes are a little soft so you trust her. 
“Is that what he calls me?” she jokes.
“No, I’m— I came up with that.” If you had any dignity left in you, you’d be embarrassed to admit that to her. Unfortunately, you’re pretty sure that Kafka (the pretty lady friend in question) just held your hair back and wiped your face as you puked into a frat-house toilet, flushing your dignity away with your dinner. Your eyes burn with tears and mortification, and you pray that only Kafka saw your embarrassing mishaps.
“I called him to pick you up,” she tells you, already looking away from you and scanning the room as if looking for something, or someone. “I would take you home myself, but I’ve got some things to take care of. And I’m assuming you didn't bring your keys with you?” 
A quick pat-down of your pockets confirms that, yes, you somehow managed to leave your keys at home, the one personal necessity that you were supposed to bring besides your phone. Which, thankfully, you do at least have.
“Umm, the…” you mutter, tongue tangling uselessly as you try to find a way out of here without facing the impending doom of Blade’s aggravated scolding and his I told you so’s. 
A week ago, you went to him with an invite to this frat party and begged him to come with you, saying something like You don’t go out much, this is your chance! He’d adamantly refused, calling it a bad idea and rolling his eyes whenever you brought it up. But you were stubborn, and you wanted to have a fun college experience, so you forced him to drive you to the party with the promise of paying for his next gas payment and getting your own ride back home at the end of the night. 
“I can go,” you finally tell Kafka, mind stringing along memories and thoughts and alarm bells of get your ass home before you have to sit in an awful car ride with Blade, “It’s, like, a fifteen minute walk, don’t call him.” 
“It’s a little too late for that, kid,” Kafka drawls, amusement in her words. She’s smiling down at you, and you’re reminded of how small you feel. “He’s already on the way.” 
“No!” you protest, a little too loudly, but not loud enough to be heard over the thumping of music and bodies and voices. “It’s— Kafka, please, just tell him to turn around, I really don’t want him to deal with me today.” 
If you knew her even less, you’d misinterpret the twitch in her expression as concern—but you’re not too dumb, so you read it as amusement. “Trust me, he’s not going to have a problem with that. You’ll be fine.” 
Whatever that means. Kafka’s too cryptic for your liking, but you won’t complain. She wiped up your vomit from the dirty bathroom tiles and stayed with you to make sure you didn't get trampled, and she didn't complain about any of that. In a week, when you have enough strength to face her again, you’ll treat her to a good, expensive, flaky pastry. She seems like the kind of person who would love those. 
Her phone buzzes with a text notification, and she clicks her tongue, standing up and pulling you with her. Her hand is still warm, seeping through the sleeve of your shirt as she takes you by the forearm, gentle but guiding. Your stomach churns at the thought of seeing Blade, the thought of him seeing you like this. Freshly-puked-out with a nasty stomachache all because of a party that he told you not to go to. 
You hold back your protests as Kafka leads you through the still-crowded frat house. What time is it? Has nobody gotten bored yet, seriously? At least you didn't kill the mood by running to the bathroom and weeping into the toilet. It seems like nobody noticed, except for Kafka, and you don’t know if that should make you feel comforted or just more upset. 
The cool air of the night hits you as you step through the front door, eyes tracking your feet as you walk down the concrete steps. You see the silhouette of Blade’s ugly blue car in your peripheral vision, but you don’t want to look up in fear of seeing the disappointment on his face so soon. He’s going to rip you a new one, and then call you a slob and kick you out of the apartment and say I can’t have a party fiend living with me even though this was your first party ever, honest. 
You barely register that you’ve reached the passenger side of Blade’s car, only coming back to awareness when Kafka opens the door for you and starts nudging you into the seat. A really pathetic part of you wants to grab onto her arm and cry hard enough that she just relents and lets you walk home, but you’re already half into the passenger seat, looking everywhere but Blade. 
“Take care of them, won’t you, Bladie?” Kafka commands lightly, her hand leaving your arm as you get situated and buckled up in the car. Blade lets out a little huff in response and your stomach sinks. He’s already annoyed. 
The car ride to your apartment is only five minutes at this time of night. You just have to survive five minutes in silence and pray that he doesn’t tear into you and scold you like a disappointed parent. A glance at the clock on the car’s console confirms that it’s half past midnight. What the fuck. What were you even doing at the party for that long, besides vomiting and crying? 
The car rumbles, exhaust sputtering a little bit as Blade pulls out from the side of the street and drives slowly, carefully, as if not to rattle you, and you really just want him to speed up and throttle the car around so you feel more guilty about waking him up in the middle of the night to come pick you up. Blade goes to bed at eleven, the latest. You can’t imagine why Kafka thought it would be a good idea to call him, of all people, but then you remember that you kind of don’t have any other friends on campus. Your chest tightens at the thought. 
Blade makes some kind of sniffling noise, his way of trying to initiate some kind of conversation. There’s not even any music playing, because he always drives in dead silence because he’s abnormal, and on any other day you’d tease him about it like you always do. You see him turn his head to you in the corner of your eye, but you refuse to acknowledge him. You wish he’d just start scolding you, yelling at you or something. 
Tears prickle behind your eyes, painfully so, but your hands tighten around each other in your lap as you will yourself to not cry like a baby in front of your roommate. He lets out another sigh, but it doesn’t sound angry, just tired, and somehow that makes you feel worse. 
“What were you guys even drinking?” is his question of voice, and it’s the one question you didn't want him to ask, and you can’t help it when the tears spill over and you bring your hand up to wipe them away frantically, hiccuping a little bit as your gut churns. 
“What—” Blade stutters, and he never stutters, and you see him whip his head around to look at you, crying into your hands over a simple question, and you just want to leave the car and walk home like you told Kafka you would do. He pulls over to the side of some residential street. There’s a dog barking in a yard and wind chimes clinking together, and you think of your handmade bottle cap wind chime hung in the balcony of yours and Blade’s apartment, and it just makes you cry more. 
The car comes to a full stop. Blade puts it in park and turns completely to you. You spare a quick glance at him through the gaps between your fingers, and there’s something like worry on his face, which you’ve never seen before. His face is pinched, lips parted as if wanting to say something, but he can’t. He’s waiting for you. 
“I didn't drink anything, Blade,” you sob, feeling miserable at the state of yourself, at how you went to a frat party with nobody you knew and just walked around like a lost child, too scared to drink or talk to anyone, too anxious to say a word. “Not even a shot, or a sip, nothing from the fridge. It was so stupid, you were right, okay? It was a stupid idea, and I shouldn’t have gone.” Your breath catches in your throat, and the car is dead quiet as Blade lets your words sink in. 
You try not to make so much noise when you cry, but you’re sniveling and wiping your face and wishing that he would just stop looking at you like that. You can still see the ruby-red of his eyes even when you can’t bear to look up at him, and it makes you so viscerally upset. 
Blade is beautiful, really, and it makes you so upset that he looks better than you right now despite him being dragged right out of bed by Kafka’s phone call with a request to pick you up just minutes ago. You, who spent hours selecting an outfit, just to feel inadequate and wholly ugly the minute you walked through the door. It felt like you were back in middle school, spending hours with your parents picking out an outfit to a school dance, looking through ties and pants and shoes, just to show up and feel both overdressed and underdressed, feel like a fool, feel like you just can’t look the way everyone else does. Like something is always a little wrong. 
“Kafka said that you got sick. You didn't drink anything? You’re sure?” 
“No,”  you confirm pitifully, wanting him to just drop the topic and drive the rest of the way home and never talk about this again. “I was just anxious, and I puked like an idiot. Kafka helped me, she was the only one that I knew at the party. I don’t know. I don’t remember anymore. I was just anxious.” 
He says your name, not unkindly, but with a prying tone that just makes a fresh wave of tears stream down your face in rivulets. “Why would you go if you didn't know anyone?” 
“I don't know!” you shout, heated with embarrassment. You’re acting like a child, throwing a tantrum and crying and shouting in Blade’s car. The seatbelt is too tight on you. You fiddle with it, pulling it from the juncture of your neck and shoulder and loosening it, scratching your bitten nails against the scratchy cloth and looking out of the car window so that you can avoid Blade’s awful, terrible, intrusive gaze. 
“I just wanted to be normal, or something. I don’t know anybody from any of my classes. I don’t talk to anyone from my major. And then I got the invite for the party somehow and I just thought it would be fun. I don’t know, Blade, I know I should’ve listened to you, I’m sorry.” 
“Stop,” he says firmly, fully turned to you now, as if he wants you to look back at him, to listen to whatever he’s going to say, and that’s the one thing you don’t want to do. You hate that he’s being kind. You wish he’d be sarcastic and mean and cruel, bite into you and feed off your self-pity. But he’s being nice, nice in the same way that he’s nice when he buys the right brand of milk for you (because the others make you sick, and the taste is different), or when he drives you places in his car when it’s raining so that you don’t have to take the buses everywhere, or when he comes home with your ridiculous coffee order that costs a hellacious amount of money with all of your substitutions and additions and flavorings. 
“There’s nothing to be sorry about,” he says resolutely, leaving no room for argument, “Just— I didn't know you were feeling like that. I would’ve gone with you if you told me you needed someone. I assumed you were going with a friend.” 
You don’t respond with I don’t have any friends, because you’re pretty sure that’s clear enough by now, and you don’t want to confirm what’s already been confirmed a million times over just from the way you act. The way you cling to yours and Blade’s apartment, the way you never spend a second longer than you need to in any of your classes, the way that sometimes, when Blade goes out for class or work, you sit on the couch in silence with your laptop out, doing your work for the week and checking the clock and taking naps so that you don’t have to feel so alone for so long. 
“You didn't want to go,” you say instead, “I wasn’t going to make you just because I’m— I don’t know.” 
“I would’ve gone for you,” he tells you, really tells you, with a force in his words, like he wants to drive the point into you with a stake, driven right through your heart. “I would do a lot of things if you asked. You just need to ask.” 
You don’t— you really don’t want to think about what that means. What he means. You rip your eyes away from the car window and turn to face him. He’s not too close. You almost wish he could be closer, but you would suffocate under the pressure in your stomach and behind your eyes. 
He shouldn’t say things like that, things like You just need to ask, because you’d ask for a lot if given the chance. You’d ask for him to come to parties with you, stay by your side, let you put a hand on his shoulder and guide him around another disgusting frat house as if you know what you’re doing. You’d ask him to sleep in the same bed as you some nights, just a foot away from each other, backs turned to each other but still close enough that you can feel the unnatural coldness that radiates off of Blade. 
You’d ask him to introduce you to Kafka and that other girl they hang out with, to say something stupid and funny like This is my abhorrent roommate, be nice to them, and that way you’d have more contacts in your phone that aren't just Blade and your parents and two old high school friends who you haven’t spoken to in a year. You’d ask him to be a lot more than just a plus-one to a party full of people you’ve never met. 
“I just want to go home,” you breathe out, a guilty confession burning your gums and leaving a sour taste in your mouth. “I’m sorry.” 
“Stop saying sorry,” he asserts for the second time tonight, making your lungs squeeze as you puff out a tired exhale. Blade turns back in his seat, taking the car out of park and heading back onto the road—driving slowly, yet again, avoiding cracks and potholes in the road. “You need to eat something. You’ll wake up with a hellish headache if you go to bed dehydrated.” 
“I don’t think that’s true.” 
“I said it, so it’s true,” he says petulantly, turning the car down into a road that’s definitely not in the direction of your apartment building. To your hidden delight, the glowing sign of a twenty-four-seven ice cream store comes into view, and you sit up just a little bit. Blade slows the car as he turns into the drive-thru, glancing at you with an eyebrow half-raised. 
“What do you want? I’ll order for you.” 
“I don’t have my wallet,” you admit, just a little bit embarrassed. “I didn't even bring my keys with me. Do you think they take Apple Pay?” 
A breathy laugh escapes him, and you catch sight of a dimple pressed into his cheek, and you want to press your thumb into it and look at his smile, just for a little longer. “Don’t be dumb. I’m paying,” he tells you, the same way he has every time he pays for your cafe drink, or when he comes home from work with your favorite, and says You’re broke enough without having to pay for these drinks, don’t pay me back in that snippy way he shows his care. 
You ask for a medium vanilla milkshake, with sprinkles, and he gets you a large instead, which you’re more than grateful for. He refuses to let you look at the receipt for the total cost, and hands you the milkshake with a comical severity that you often see in him. The sweet drink washes away any bitter taste left in your mouth, and you feel a little better, a little nicer in your haphazard party outfit and under Blade’s fleeting gaze. 
A deep sigh escapes you, one of relief, when the car finally parks at your apartment building. Blade puts a cold hand between your shoulder blades, unobtrusive and leading, and it’s a comforting contrast from the heat lingering on your skin from the party and the closed car. It feels right, more in-place than Kafka’s warm hands were when she wiped your face and kept you steady, though she was just as gentle. 
Blade all but tosses you onto the couch, claiming that it’s much too late for a shower and he’d rather not deal with you collapsing from exhaustion in the tub. You relent easily, the exhaustion of the night hitting you and soaking into your limbs. 
“I’ll let you sleep on the couch,” he says, and it’s a good and kind thing, because he knows that sometimes you hate your bedroom because it’s just too empty, and the constant sound filtering into the living room puts you at ease. He never lets you sleep on the couch, because it’s bad for your back, and he jokes about you developing adult onset scoliosis with the awful way you sleep. Letting you do it, just this once, is another one of his small mercies. 
The TV is on, humming at a low volume, and your legs are thrown across Blade’s lap. You’re shocked that he’s willing to fall asleep with you like this, but he’s kind, sarcastic and biting but kind all the same, as much as he loathes to admit it. It’s not too lonely, you decide, hearing the bottle cap wind chimes on your balcony clink together in dissonant harmonies. 
(There’s a missing text from a new contact on your phone when you wake up, coming from pretty lady friend, extending an invite to brunch in two days, and you kick your legs on the couch in giddy excitement, thinking about how you’ll rope Blade into coming with you, too.)
taglist: @tragedy-of-commons
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amphibiahawks321 · 7 months
Please some Kafka fucking Male Reader for being a brat by fucking him with a vibrating strap-on until his so brain dead he can only mutter Kafka
M!Reader : Kafkaaaaaa come oooooon
Kafka : Dear again we already discussed this I know how much you love movie night with me but it's been a rough day today-
M!Reader : Pleeeeeeeeeease
Kafka : Dear....
M!Reader : Come ooooooooon
Kafka : .....
Kafka : Dear we can do it tomorrow-
M!Reader : Nooooooooo
M!Reader : Nowwwwwwww
[Kafka grabs Y/N's sleeve and drags him somewhere]
[M!Reader thought 💭]
It actually worked!
Enters bedroom
M!Reader : So what do you wanna watch! GASP have this new-
[Kafka grabs Y/N's shoulders]
M!Reader : ???
[Throws Y/N on the bed]
M!Reader : !!?!?
M!Reader : Kafka what are you-
[Pins both of his hands down]
Kafka : Nah ah~ you seriously think I would let your bratty attitude scot free...
M!Reader : ....
M!Reader blushing : .....
[Kafka starts biting Y/N's neck]
M!Reader : Ugh~....k-kafka t-too hard...
Kafka : Good...
[Kafka stops biting leaving a huge bitemark]
Kafka : so pretty~
[She placed her hand on the Hickey]
[Kafka takes off Y/N's pants and underwear]
Kafka : Chuckles look at you~
[Reach her hand through the drawers next to the bed]
M!Reader : H-huh? What are-......0/////0⁉️
[Pulls out a vibrating strap-on]
M!Reader blushing : W-woah woah woah! D-don't you think t-this is a little extreme for a p-punishment
[Kafka chuckles and wears the strap]
Kafka : No~
Kafka : And I want to remind you something~
[Whispers in Y/N's ear]
[M!Reader blushes even redder]
Kafka : Am I clear~?
[M!Reader nods]
Kafka : Use your words....
M!Reader : Y-yes...
[Kafka chuckles]
[Kafka starts slowly entering Y/N]
M!Reader : O-oh f-fuck~!
M!Reader : S-slow down! P-please~
Kafka : Chuckles I don't think so~
[Kafka starts entering Y/N a bit faster]
M!Reader : Nngh~!!
Kafka : Chuckles it's fully in now~
[M!Reader starts tearing up from the pleasure]
Kafka : Fuck you're adorable~
Kafka : I haven't even started moving~
[M!Reader pinned down hands and Kafka's hands start holding onto each other]
Tumblr media
[Kafka starts moving her strap]
M!Reader : S-shit~!
[Kafka starts moving back and forth]
[M!Reader releases a whimpering moan]
Kafka : Chuckles such a moaning mess for me~
Kafka : you haven't felt anything yet brat~
M!Reader : H-huh-!!?!!?
[Starts thrusting faster]
M!Reader : A-ah~!!
[Kafka chuckles]
Kafka : Fucking take it.....
M!Reader : S-shit~! Aah~!
[Kafka immediately takes off her jacket and Crop top while keeps thrusting]
M!Reader : Uugh~! F-fuck~!
[Kafka stops thrusting]
M!Reader : Pant why pant did you stop-!!?!!?
[Kafka placed her left breast inside Y/N mouth]
Kafka : Chuckles what would happen if I~
[Kafka let's go of her left hand from Y/N's pinned down hand and starts jerking Y/N off]
M!Reader : MMM!?
Kafka : Chuckles hm~?
[Kafka pulled out her left breast out of Y/N's mouth]
M!Reader : K-kafka~
Kafka : Fuck....
[Kafka starts thrusting even faster and rougher]
M!Reader : Aah~!! K-kafka~! Kafka~!
Kafka : T-that's right... Say my name...
M!Reader : K-kafka!
Kafka : I'm not going to stop until you only mutter my name~.....
[Kafka continues thrusting]
M!Reader : Aah~! Kafka~!
Kafka : Say it..... Who's been a brat...
M!Reader : M-me~! Me~!
Kafka : Who do you belong to....
M!Reader : Y-you~! Only y-you~!
Kafka : Chuckles say my name brat...
M!Reader : Kafka! K-kafka~!
M!Reader : Kafka~! l-let me cum! P-please!
Kafka : Cum for me... Cum for me...
30 minutes later
Kafka : pant pant pant
M!Reader : pant pant pant
[Kafka kisses his forehead with a chuckle]
Kafka : You made it up to me for being such a brat~
M!Reader : Pant k-kafka...
Kafka : Yes babyboy I'm here~
[Kiss his cheek]
Kafka : Pant pant Pant
Kafka : Chuckles I think you deserve a reward~
M!Reader blushing : Pant s-seriously pant a-again Pant
[Kafka Let's out a giggle]
Kafka : Movie night~?
M!Reader : .....
M!Reader : ✨0v0
186 notes · View notes
danisdistant · 3 months
sunday - your past sins are meaningless now - part one
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»» ──────ஓ๑ ★ ๑ஓ ────── ««
sunday x stellaronhunter!reader
although it was only three days, it felt almost eternal when you’re locked up in a dark room. it doesn’t help that hunger has been gnawing away inside his body.
jade had been checking up on him periodically from time to time to remind him that her offer still stands. even hours before the trial was in preparation, she gave him one last chance. granted, her patience was growing thin.
“are you really going to die like this, sunday?” she said, walking up to him as she lifted his chin. he was already pale-skinned, but even in the dark she could tell he was almost as white as a ghost.
even with this confrontation, sunday refused to maintain eye contact with her. “i’ve told you, for the past three days. i do not want your pity.”
“…well then.” jade sighed, releasing his chin and turned around for the last time. “i’ll go ahead and let the rest know that the trial is still under way.”
“you should already know that your death won’t be quick and painless.”
and just like that, the door shut once more, sealing his faith. sunday felt numb. he knew he could’ve accepted her offer in the first place, at least for robin. but right now, he couldn’t bare to see her face again. not after what he’s done.
he can’t run away from his sins, after all.
»» ──────ஓ๑ ★ ๑ஓ ────── ««
“wow, golden hour is so… golden.” you mumbled, walking around the hustling and bustling city. “it almost makes me feel like i wanna spend all my money on the casinos.”
“yeah yeah. do that and you’ll get caught by the bloodhounds.” silver wolf spoke through the hologram as she crossed her arms. “oh yeah. kafka told me to remind you about her gift. seems like she really wants some new shades.”
“shades huh?” you placed your hand on your chin. “doesn’t she already have like fifteen pairs of them?”
“well yeah, but i’m sure she’d like some from penacony.” she looked around before pointing at a store on the side. “over there, they’re selling some sick looking things.”
“wolfie… that’s a game shop.” you stared at her in disbelief before shaking your head. “unless you want me to get kafka some shades based off some paper birds.”
“anyway, how much time left do i have till i have to break a bird out of its cage?”
“three system hours and twenty-five system minutes.” silver wolf typed something in the air before her relaxed expression turned slightly more serious. “you better start moving [name]. some bloodhounds are getting close.”
“alright. i’ll move and get something for kafka. and a new console for you.”
“haha, that’s what i’m talking about, [name]. alright, i’ll get back to you once you break in. try not to get spotted. i hope you maxed out your stealth points.”
“yeah yeah…” you muttered, turning off the hologram before placing the device into your pocket.
as you set your eyes on the game store, you wondered what kind of games they would be selling in a dream?
»» ──────ஓ๑ ★ ๑ஓ ────── ««
“thirty system minutes.” silver wolf said in your headset as you started to walk to sunday’s supposed location. “apparently, his trial is in about an hour, so security in the area is a lot more tight.”
“should it really matter if i make a big scene or not when i break in?” you mumbled quietly into the mic as you passed by some people. “i mean after all, we’re here for one person. break in, save him from the cage or whatever, and leave.”
“eh, if you’re all in on min-maxing your bounty when you’re caught, i’m fine by it.”
“what?! no way, i’m stuck on 6.9 billion credits.”
you could hear silver wolf’s smirk over the mic. “nice. well, it doesn’t matter anyway. it’s about to go up to 7 billion.”
“hey! you aren’t authorized to enter here.” an ipc guard blocked your way to the entrance of an ipc building. “turn around, or i’ll have to resort to force!”
“7.1 billion. sorry, miscalculated.” silver wolf replied as you pulled out your weapon. “don’t worry, i have the screenshot of your bounty, and i’ll share it with the others. anyway, the guard just called back up. good luck.”
“thanks wolfie. i’ll take it from here.”
»» ──────ஓ๑ ★ ๑ஓ ────── ««
sunday sat still. he was counting the seconds, minutes, and hours, he had left once jade closed the door. he had been stuck in complete silence, minus his own heartbeat and breathing, for four hours now.
as soon as he heard footsteps, he knew that his time was up. he stopped counting. at this point, he wondered if he should finally look at jade in the eye.
“dang it, it’s locked!” an unfamiliar muffled voice came from the other side. his wing twitched, suddenly curious at the foreign voice.
that’s… not what he was expecting at all. was someone else besides jade going to escort him? or is it someone unauthorized trying to break in?
“ugh, i’m just going to brute force it.” the voice said before a loud audible thud filled the room. sunday noticed only a small dent appeared on the metal door.
“dang it, it’ll take me forever to open this!” you groaned as you looked around for some kind of lock or code. you weren’t tight on time, but you did wish to get out of the creepy dark hall and room as fast as possible.
“tsk.” silver wolf clicked her tongue after a brief pause. “if you’d wait a second, you wouldn’t have made yourself noticeable to five other ipc guards. anyway, the code is six-nine-four-two-zero.”
“ok- got it.” quickly, you punched in the numbers and the door opened before you.
you weren’t exactly sure what you were expecting when you heard that sunday was locked up in a room. but, you certainly weren’t expecting him to be chained up in a chair.
“jeez.. the security on you is quite impressive.” you mumbled, causing sunday to finally look at you confused.
“…you’re not the ipc..” he muttered, trying to recall where he has seen your familiar appearance before.
right, you’re a stellaron hunter, specially [name]. he had seen you on the ipc broadcasting channel here and there after your interference with the company.
but, what exactly are you doing here? what exactly are you going to do with a man who’s going to be dead soon?
“nope, not with those suckers.” you smirked slightly, partly listening to silver wolf’s keyboard as she tries to find a way to release the chains. “i’m [name], one of the stellaron hunters if you haven’t heard about me before.”
“right now, your trial is upcoming in a couple of minutes, but i’m here to get you out.” giving a thumbs up, sunday shook his head.
“…don’t. i deserve what i’m going to be charged for, even if it means death.” he muttered, turning away as you looked at him surprised. you were honestly expecting him to be ecstatic to leave.
well, it doesn’t really matter how he feels. after all, the script did say to free him from the chains.
“uhuhh..” you said, listening to the footsteps outside that seem to be getting closer. “well, a little birdie told me to get you out of your chains, is to just snap them.”
“wait- you’ve.. disabled them??” sunday looked at his wrists to realize that the dull purple glow was gone. at a slash of your weapon, both of the chains snapped off his wrists.
he gasped, although he wasn’t sure why. surprise that the chains actually broke? relief that he’s free? or infuriated that a stellaron hunter is helping him?
“alright bird man.” you turned around as more ipc guards appeared at the door, aiming their weapons as you prepared to attack. “i’m going to save you, whether you like it or not.”
really, sunday himself wasn’t sure if he did mind being saved or not.
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“alright, that’s the last guy.” you huffed as the final body fell to the ground with a satisfying thud. “we’ll be leaving penacony as soon as we wake up.”
“and if you’re thinking about running away, i have a small bird keeping my eye on you.” you glared, causing sunday to respond with a small nod.
so, it seems she really is serious about breaking me out and taking me hostage. it’s no secret that the stellaron hunters are planning something.. yet, i’m in no condition to fight and resist. sunday said mentally as he followed you out of the area. although, i wonder who’s the other stellaron hunter she’s referring to as her bird…?
despite his suspicions, sunday believed that the best course of action is to do as you say as the two of you break out.
“alright wolfie, we’re at a safe area. get us out of the dreamscape before more ipc guards catch up to us.” you placed two fingers on your headset as silver wolf gave you the clear.
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particular-one · 1 year
oh, i was raised on little light.
synopsis. 5 times that blade listed every reason why he can never be with someone like you, and the 1 time you proved him wrong. pairing. blade x gn! reader cw. hurt/comfort, a lil angsty on blade's part with brief mentions of blade's insistence on dying, implicit spoilers about blade's lore in general author's note. i have been itching to write a 5+1 fic for the longest time now....i was listening to northern attitude and it reminded me of blade so bad. hello blade nation i know i understand why he’s so angst-ridden appealing to write for 🙁
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when blade met you for the first time, everything in him knew you would be different from the rest of the group. you were the newest addition to the stellaron hunters, whom elio took a great fascination towards — why so, he never figured out, but this landed you in the same ranks as him, kafka and silverwolf.
you easily found a friend in both kafka and silverwolf; blade knew that much because he had watched as you indulged in kafka's innate interest in beauty despite the clear confusion in your eyes. he had seen how you would chat with silverwolf about the latest games that she's invested most of her time into.
but he would merely observe you; if, in any way, you had tried to interact with him, he would brush you off with a cold shoulder, never responding to your rather inquisitive words about him.
he didn't understand why you wanted to know so much about him, nor did he expect to be greeted with the same smile and greeting despite constantly keeping you at arm's length.
that was when he knew that you were too nice for your own good, but most of all, you were too nice to someone like him, who'd push you away even when every inch of his soul did not want to.
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the second time was when you had accidentally found out about his despondency with immortality's curse and in turn, everything that blade had wanted to hide from you.
when you had approached him about it, blade immediately went on the defensive and angrily asked you to stay away from him. he didn't — couldn't bear to see the hurt in your eyes when he snapped at you, thus, the stellaron hunter turned his back on you and fled. which had exactly been the source of the never ending spiral of thoughts that was slowly consuming every fibre of his being.
he's done it now. he's blown any chance that he could form anything meaningful in this ruined life of his.
he had not noticed your presence in the common room, until you made a clanging noise that was the result of two porcelain cups making contact. blade was startled to see you here, especially when he had just uttered those spiteful words to you. he stood up to take his leave, when you called his name.
even the way you said his name had a gentle tenderness to it; he hated how melodious your voice had sounded, hated how he watched as you gingerly set down two porcelain tea cups filled with jasmine tea, one quite noticeably for him, hated how you took the seat in front of him and told him that you were sorry, and that if he ever needed someone to talk to, that you would always be there for him.
but most of all, he hated how his heart rose at your promise, and how much he clung to your words since that night. all the while fully knowing that he could never subject you to being intertwined with the likes of him.
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the third time was much more of a painful wakeup call — quite literally. blade had always prided himself in diving straight first into battle without a single thought, desperate to die and get on with it. this mission was no different, but now you had been watching over him and ready to provide support if needed.
today's battle was much more vicious than his usual ones, but blade had always enjoyed the thrill of fighting. it had been the uncertainty of whether it would finally be his time that allured the stellaron hunter.
but… things had gone quite differently today. for the first time, blade was not seething in his obsession to die when he had seen you valiantly fight off the enemies that had threatened to overwhelm him. ha, as if they could.
he had not noticed that one was charging straight at him with his spear raised, and for a split second could quite literally see his long life flash before his eyes just as he narrowly avoided a fatal injury if it weren’t for the fact that you shouted for his name.
"stay still. i still need to bandage your side." your voice had inevitably brought him back to reality, just as you wiped off the last of his injuries with a warm towel. you had insisted on patching up his wounds yourself, and even when blade had told you that it would just magically heal by himself, he learned that day that it was rather hard to say no to you when you pleaded.
also, he could barely say no when he saw how you were radiating in concern and worry for him. not to mention how your eyes had gleamed like stars in the sky, but that was besides the point.
at the touch of your hand, blade suddenly winced at the contact. you immediately retracted your hand and mumbled an apology, but blade could see that your eyes was moving towards where he covered up the scars he's accumulated for fighting for over a century.
"are you wondering about my scars?" you seemed rather surprised at his question, but most likely due to the sudden indulgence to what you had been obviously looking at.
you slowly nodded. "do they still hurt?"
"not anymore." not any more than his painstaking wish to be free from the shackles of immortality.
you had started to set down the alcohol and bandages on the floor just as blade averted his gaze from you. the silence that proceeded was rather deafening, even for someone like blade who would rather sit in uncomfortable silence than deal with something intimate.
which was ... quite the contradiction to what he had previously allowed you to do, but you had slowly become the exception to many things in his life.
"there, all done. don't be too reckless next time, okay?" you smiled at your handiwork, and even if blade couldn't exactly benefit from whatever you had just done, he somehow felt a thousand times better than he's ever felt in a century. a flicker of a smile could unmistakably be seen in his features, and whether you had caught that or not, he saw you grinning all the same.
on a normal day, blade would have found himself grumbling about losing yet another chance at death, but instead, here he was, smiling at you.
the thought of dying at last had evidently crossed his mind more than once, but never did the thought of dying for someone else. blade very well knew that he could never be that selfless; maybe he had been once upon a time, but that had only costed him the sweet liberation of death.
and yet, the fact that he feels that greatly for you was enough to keep him up the rest of the night, the image of your blinding smile forever seared in his mind.
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the fourth time these thoughts had started to creep up to him again was when the both of you coincidentally crossed paths at an ungodly hour, that you had the bright idea to go gaze at the stars together.
the thought of doing something together made his heart clench, but blade, against his better judgement, allowed you to take his hand in yours as you searched for the perfect spot to watch the stars from from their location.
the skies were clear that night, as if the universe had anticipated that two sleepless beings would be standing at the dock and watch the stars align before their very eyes. with a watchful eye, he stared as you could hardly contain your own excitement. "look, look! there's the brightest star — oh, i never thought we could get such a proximate view from here!" you kept flailing your hand everywhere and he wondered where exactly you had found that energy.
that was when he realized you had never let go of his hand, and instinctively, blade found himself clenching your hand in an attempt to let go. noticeably, your gaze flicked towards him, a momentary glance but the emotion it held in it was enough to send a chill down his spine. he could feel your grip on his hand loosen slightly, but blade didn't want to be a fool any longer.
something in him told him to keep holding onto you, as his fingers interlocked with your hand and held it firmly. blade could hear your breath hitch at his sudden gesture, but naturally, you just smiled and squeezed his hand back.
oh, how your smile had always made his heart ache.
"beautiful, isn't it?" you whispered under your breath, as your eyes were now fixed on the sky above the both of you. the world felt dangerously quiet, but he did not mind the fleeting peace it gave him. blade simply hummed in approval, his mind lost in the moment but he never found the urge to peel his eyes away from you.
to him, you were the brightest star that night and how he foolishly hoped that you’d never get tired of shining your light on him.
“yes, it is.” but foolish dreamers could never get what they want.
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the fifth time was the last time, the time where blade had fully convinced himself that he could not possibly get involved with someone as great as you.
you were sitting across from him as you shared another cup of tea with him. blade could vividly remember the first time he had done this with you like it had only happened yesterday. still, it had been months since then — but you still haven't changed at all.
"is there something in your cup?" blade hadn't realized that his gaze became fixed on the porcelain cup that you handed to him minutes ago, that he barely even touched it. "no. it’s nothing.”
whether you had sensed his avoidance or not, you didn’t comment on it further. blade ended up taking a sip of his tea just as you were fiddling with the detailed carvings on your cup. now, it was probably his turn to sense that you had been avoiding something. “is there something on your mind?”
you looked up at him suddenly, no doubt wondering if blade had just said what he said — not that blade was particularly good at providing a form of care like you did, but his silence had always made him a good listener.
“you know, i really appreciate that you’re spending time with me.” you started, as blade watched your fingers graze over your cup for the millionth time, a habit that you had often done when you were nervous. how he knew that was something he’ll take to the grave.
blade didn’t say a word, only resorting to taking another sip from his tea. what was there to say? that he felt the same but a million times more in magnitude? it would be uncharacteristic of him to admit something that embarrassing. maybe, it had been his lack of response, that you continued to talk.
“sorry, i know you would prefer much quieter companions,” you spoke with a suppressed laugh, the same distinct chuckle that blade could recognise even from a mile away. “truthfully, i thought you even disliked me.”
it was his turn to be perplexed, as blade looked up to meet your gaze that was … on him. you sheepishly smiled at the sudden confession, before you took a big gulp of your tea. his head was spinning, and maybe it had been something in the tea, but blade could feel his tongue loosen with the many things he had been holding back. “i did. i do.”
a twinge of hurt crossed your eyes for a moment, before you casted your eyes downward. “oh.”
“i hated how nice you are,” he blurted out. “i hated how you would look at me with a great deal of concern in your eyes like i am someone to be pitied.”
“i hated how you’d still try to be there and talk to me, even when i had pushed you away before.”
“i hated how you are able to read me like the back of your hand. i hated how you could easily make me feel safe with your smile.” blade had wanted to stop talking, but the words kept going.
“i hated how gently you would tend to my scars, how your eyes would sparkle at the mention of something you love and how downright mesmerizing it is for me.” he watched as your eyes widened, before they were plunged in a tirade of emotions that were no doubt a result to his words.
he wasn’t finished yet, though.
“but most of all, i hated how whenever i’m around you, or even think about you, dying is the last thing i’d ever wish for.”
the uncomfortable silence settled in between them again, save for the whirring of the machines that blade was suddenly grateful for. he couldn’t bear to even look up at you, lest he’d see the hurt in your eyes again. “blade...”
“sorry. that was very unbecoming of me. i can go.”
“blade...” he took the last gulp of his tea before bringing the cup down with a clang. “thank you. for the tea, as always—”
“blade.” he looked up to finally meet your gaze that was only a breath away from him, before he could feel your hand gently cradling his cheek before you leaned your forehead against his.
oh. oh. you didn’t say anything more but still singlehandedly calmed his largest worries with just a simple gesture.
“you know, you could have just told me you liked me a lot.” typically, the cheeky and teasing tone in your voice would make him groan, but only this time, he allowed himself to smile. “also, what did you mean by the tea?”
now he was confused. “didn’t you give me tea?” you shook your head. “what the hell was that then?”
you could hardly suppress a grin. “you said you wanted rice wine one time, so …” so that’s why all those words spilled out of him … a groan escaped blade just as you laughed at his mishap, but not that he completely regretted it.
he knew that no matter what he did, he could never deserve someone like you — but he would choose to die for you a million times, that much was certain.
but for now, blade could most definitely contend for choosing to live for you instead.
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written by carlyle (@particular-one) copyright: all content belongs to particular-one on tumblr (2023)
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erikatsu · 11 months
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ᥫ᭡ your love for one another is desperate– fleeting while holding onto the hope that immortality doesn’t have to end.
❥ pairing: blade x fem!reader ❥ cw: angst. established relationship. the mara is trying to strike blade. mentions of past marriage. reader is a vidyadhara and nd coded. selfship coded. reader is referred to as “sweetheart”. ❥ series masterlist.
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nights like these you wished you could turn back time. oh, the things you would give to make him whole again, but nothing could undo the damage that had been done centuries ago. the moon was shining through the window of the room you shared with him on the stellaron hunter’s ship, being outshone by the lamp on the bedside table as blade drew in sharp and ragged breaths. your heart clenched in your chest while you ran your fingers through his dark locks in an attempt to comfort him, brushing loose strands away from his clammy skin.
take a deep breath, it will pass. you had to repeat these words to yourself as you tried to keep him calm. it was the first time since you had left the xianzhou that he’d flared up, and unfortunately kafka was not around to help you. of course, this was not your first time handling his affliction but it had been a long time since then. if you let your mind wander to the past, you’d only end up blaming yourself once again. if you had found him before she did, or if you had found him as the signs of mara in his newly immortal body began to manifest you could have stopped it from getting to this point. although now, it was all history. he would never again craft anything with his now inept hands, the high-cloud quintet was no more, and the friendships he once cherished had shattered before his eyes.
the whole time he’d been gone, the only thing he’d been able to hold onto was you.
you didn’t think you could forget how intrigued kafka was by you. your name was one that she had never heard before, and it didn’t take her long to figure out why. if she knew of you, your memory would’ve been taken from him, and if she’d done that, well… kafka wasn’t sure how different things would be now. but, she figured since elio hadn’t said anything, you were alright for the time being. besides, she figured you must mean a lot to him if he had brought you back on top of keeping your existence a secret.
you sighed, leaning forward to place a gentle kiss on the top of his head. you knew coming with him would be difficult– that things would never be the same as it was so long ago. the man you knew then was not the man currently lying in your lap. his hair, his eyes, the way he held himself, the way he spoke, even the way he looked at you and held you. nothing was the way it used to be. snow white tresses had turned to a dark blue– leaving you curious if it naturally changed like it had when it went from black to white with age, or if it was something that happened instantly. the lilac of his eyes now mimicking the colors of a flame. that arrogant smile of his, along with his boastfulness had long been replaced by empty looks and humbling silence.
there was a time that you remembered when you had avoided him like the plague. despite being well known throughout the luofu, you kept to yourself. a lot of people found that odd and you often ended up as a topic for gossip or the butt of a joke. when yingxing first showed an interest in you, you didn’t think he was sincere. but he worked hard to show you he was serious– learning more about the vidyadhara and their customs. you don’t think you had ever been more touched than when he’d given your very first jade piece to you, nearly shocking you to the point where you couldn’t speak.
he’d always been so thoughtful with his gifts, especially with everything he hand crafted– much like the ring you still wore on your hand. even after he’d left the luofu, you refused to part with it. you wore it to keep others away, and to remind yourself that there would always be hope. while you had been sad and angry over what had happened and what he had done, you were more upset that he kept it from you until he no longer could. instead you had found out through jingliu when she came to get you for help subduing the former high elder and what he created. you still couldn’t bring yourself to call it what it was– an abomination, a monstrosity. even though it was ultimately a tragedy, it did set the vidyadhara’s on a path that most of them had longed for. the path that broke them free of their rebirth by introducing other species to their dragon heritage. a path that you once wanted more than anyone.
you frowned, knowing that thinking of the past only brought up all the emotions and dreams you once had. dreams that you would now never get to achieve because you had left the xianzhou behind when ghosts from the past had come back all at once.
it was a difficult decision. on one hand, you had someone to take care of. granted, it was technically a punishment that the preceptors had given you for transferring the soul of the dragon monster into an egg, but you still loved and cherished her as if she were your own. it wasn’t a punishment to you, and bailu had long proved she could handle herself. but when it cane down to it, it was her who encouraged you to leave. she knew bigger things awaited you, and she knew what love could do to people.
you leaned forward, brushing his hair back to lay a tender kiss on his forehead. you pulled him closer to you, his breathing growing more ragged when you wrapped your arms around him. he clung to you, and tears filled your eyes at your lack of ability to do anything. you couldn’t guide someone with out a soul, and you knew that because you always tried yet got the same result– failure. it wasn’t that you wanted the yingxing you knew back, not at all. you would always love him no matter who he was. what you wanted was for him to be free of the phantom pains and the real pain caused from the mara. vows were vows, and until he died a true death, not even that could part you two.
you wanted more for him than becoming everything he hated. he was so proud back then– arrogant. rightfully so you believed, but you did like to humble him. he’d reached many feats as a mere mortal, from becoming a master craftsman in his youth to becoming the furnace master of the luofu. if he had been born a native of the alliance, he would have been head of the entire artisanship commission. he so worked, much harder than anyone else. and you could sense that fighter in him still, barely hanging on as he struggled everyday against the mara.
it was as if he’d heard all the thoughts running through your head, he slowly sat up. you let him go, meeting his eyes to see if he had succumbed or pulled through. the vibrant reds and oranges had dulled down to their normal colors, telling you that it was in fact subsiding. you nearly breathed a sigh of relief, but he spoke before you could.
“i’m sorry.”
your eyebrows drew together in confusion, “you shouldn’t apologize for things out of your control. and don’t bring up past actions, it will make it worse. you bear far more of that guilt than you need, and because you can still feel that i know part of your shattered soul is still in there, somewhere.”
he looked away, “sometimes i forget how well you know me, especially now.”
your lip quivered as you tried to give him a small smile, “while you may have changed, i made you a vow over seven hundred years ago. whether you are blade or yingxing, i will always choose to love whoever you are. and even though this is so hard, i know i am not whole without you. but i don’t expect you or even ask that you return these feelings. i just ask that you let me in enough to be able to guide what’s left of your soul away from the mara if i need to.”
blade met your eyes again quicker than you had anticipated, nearly startling you. he shook his head, cupping your cheek and running his thumb along your skin, “i fear you may not find it, but instead the monster that lies within. i’d never forgive myself if something happened to you because i do love you. in this life or the next.”
“i’m not afraid,” your nose burned as tears fell, nearly choking on your words. “i would do anything to not see you suffer.”
he had no rebuttal or denial. instead he pulled you into him, letting you silently cry into his shoulder. you knew he could see the toll this was taking on you, and while this conversation was not much it was progress. your heart ached on days like these, but before he’d returned to the luofu it was in seemingly unfixable pieces. despite being a completely different person, he was your entire world. you knew unconditional love, you felt a sense of belonging, and you were selfish all because of him. he made you a better person, or at least a better version of yourself.
you like to think while he most definitely fell first, you fell even harder. maybe it didn’t matter now with how the two of you were holding onto one another like lifelines– terrified the other would slip away if one of you let go. but you would take all of this over a world without him, and you would always be thankful for this second chance.
“i love you,” your voice was muffled by the fabric of his clothes, but he still heard you.
instinctively, almost like muscle memory, he gently kissed the top of your head and whispered, “i love you more, sweetheart.”
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jymwahuwu · 1 year
Ever since the 1.2 update released and the storyline continues.. I remember the scene were blade and danheng met. Blade said he was loosing control when he saw danheng and his mars urges to kill him.. and I immediately thought of something when he said those..
So like.. what if we're one of the people who will pay the price? And the same situation where blade is loosing control over his mara strike.. and instead of trying to kill us.. he noncons you instead in a more feral state. Not giving you any mercy nor stopping until we're a sobbing mess and covered in white cream... (Man I don't even know what I'm thinking of...😀)
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CW: non-con, recording without consent, others are watching, revenge, yandere, afab reader
I've thought about this too…if we're going to pay the price🫣 but Blade doesn't want to kill us, just wants to see us suffer or be ravaged…it must be that he loved us in Xianzhou, but…we betrayed him.
You are now forced to transform into immortality, just like him. Blade is chasing you. He does not control your freedom. Just putting a collar around your neck for a few days pushes you out, allowing you to walk around any planet. However, no matter which planet you visit, the Blade is destined to find you, pin your head to the ground, pounding you in the back, hitting sensitive spots. He knows your sensitive parts and forces you to orgasm. No matter what new friend, bond, or even new lover you have now, the end result is - you are strapped in front of them and have to sit on him and ride his cock like a dumb slut. "Blade…I'm sorry…" The tears of fear in your eyes were as stinging and sour as the ruthless betrayal you had brought him.
Will Silver Wolf and Kafka join? 🤔Silver Wolf may be more sympathetic to you and persuade Blade to play some games instead of chasing you endlessly, but she won't do much. Blowing bubble gum while recording and saving some videos of you sobbing can still be done. Afterwards, she refuses to do anything, and leaves to play the game. Kafka…she'll fuel or stop Blade in his Mara state, watch you get ravaged by Blade, and be like- "Bladie, listen to me: unleash the mara."
Those painful and hateful memories flooded into his mind, the scarlet eyes staring at you deepened, and the balls pressed against your sore and wet cunt. "Blade…don't…don't…I was wrong!! Stop…" You don't know if it's an illusion, feeling the already terrifying dick thicker and harder, buried deep inside you, against the opening of your uterus. And the white cream that had been pumped in couldn't bear this size, accompanied by the loud sound of soaking water, and some flowed out, dripping along your butt on the bed.
After it's over, you're lying in bed, exhausted, even your tears have dried, panting slowly, your body filled with cum, every hole fully cared for. The lady with the violet eyes and hair, remind him. "Bladie? Don't go too far. Take your little pet to take a bath." In the blurred vision, you watched the bandaged hand reach out to you, then hesitantly picked you up and took you into the bathroom.
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nqmonarch · 7 months
Valentines Day w/ HSR Characters!
Doing Calc homework and am very stressed, i can feel it everywhere in my body. the math is just not mathing mentally today (i looked at trigonometric identities today so maybe thats why)
Just writing out some messy ideas to take a break
Btw if u sent in a request and I haven't answered it yet I am working on it thank you for your uh question ask thingy i appreciate it, i like to know what people like to read bcus tbh i like to write anything altho jingyuan gets like +10 points cus he fluffy
Valentines Day With Some HSR Characters (Jing Yuan, Blade, Dan Heng, Stelle)
Jing Yuan
Jing Yuan is old school romantic. You cannot tell me he wouldn't arrive home with a big bouquet of roses (does HSR even have roses?) and 20 other gifts, including but not limiting to boxes of chocolate, teddy bears, and at least one gag gift. There's gotta be at least one, he'd make a dad joke out of it too.
Then he'd reserve one of the best restaurants on the Luofu and bring you there. He'd probably have booked a private room, thank goodness because no one wants to hear the general continuously compliment you until you're a puddle on the floor. What he is best at is attacks. But if he gets a compliment in return he'll freeze up for a moment before playfully returning it.
Jing Yuan doesn't put on his normal coy facade today, instead he just embraces how much he loves you because he's happy to still have you in his life.
Blade does not know it's Valentine's Day. It's not his fault, cut him some slack. Anyway Kafka probably reminds him that it's Valentine's Day about half way through the day to which he goes into a silent panic. You can't tell he's panicking he's just staring at the wall with a blank face, he actually looks like he wants to murder someone.
The two of you end up celebrating though! He... pulls something together, it really is something. Sure he smells like blood and the waiters are scared, and taking over this restaurant for a Valentine's Day dinner was definitely not in the script but... It could be worse. He's trying his best, really.
Afterwards you and Blade share lots of cuddles! Something he's pretty good at! Holding you just tight enough, and keeping you close to his side-- you just won't be able to get up if you want to get water or anything. He doesn't say too much but you can feel the love in each caress.
Dan Heng
Dan Heng doesn't really like going out, why would he when all he needs is right by his side? So the two of you stay on the express in the archives. What matters isn't where you are but the company. He'd probably get you a few trinkets from different places he's collected over the years, a necklace, a sick looking compass, whatever fits your vibe.
Dan Heng would probably also write you a love poem, and make you read it or awkwardly recite it in front of you. If you read it out loud though he will get unbelievably embarrassed and snatch it away from you. He'd give it back but he'd take some coaxing, be nice okay? His face is already red.
Then when the night draws to a close the two of you would curl up together on that sorry excuse of what he calls a bed. The majority of your body would be on Dan Heng's using him as a pillow, and his arms would be wrapped around your body keeping you still and warm.
Dan Heng's bed is not it man. Personally, I'd get back problems.
"You are the one who deserves the golden trash the most," Truly romantic words from Stelle as she hands you a golden trashbag. That is just the first of the gifts she gives you tonight, and the one that's most valuable to her. It's the thought that counts right? You still have no idea what she's talking about when she mentions fighting Sampo as a trashcan...
The two of you spend a romantic night together, walking down the quiet streets of Belobog, and-- did Stelle just investigate a trashcan again? You should be used to this. On the bright side, every time she gets something cool she comes up to you with the biggest smile on her face, it's beyond adorable. Sometimes the trashcans even have good stuff, like a scarf Stelle lets you wear that thankfully doesn't smell like trash.
It's just good to spend time with the person you love. She spends her time catching you up on everything new from her adventures, and when it's too cold to stay out any longer the two of you head to the Astral Express. Where you shower together and then doze off on one of the Express' couch cushions while playing games. Your head rests against Stelle's reminding you, you're never alone.
Okay I need to get back to homework, fun break thanks guys. Imagine being alone on Valentines Day couldn't be me, I have my Calc Homework. It told me I was integral to it <3 legit peak partner material.
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fleetingtemper · 1 month
little kafka brainrot
very suggestive indeed, gn! reader but can b read any way :), established relationship
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the way kafka kisses you is addicting. when she returns home from missions, there aren’t words exchanged when you open the door to find her peering down at you with those ever so empty irises and a smile gracing her face.
her gloved hands cup your warming cheek and her lips are crashing onto yours. despite coming back from battle, her appearance is unchanged. her jacket is lazily draped over her shoulders and collar kept neatly folded. the only slight difference was the scent of ash and bloodshed.
you sigh into the kiss contently, happily indulging in the familiar scent.
kafka ran her tongue over your slightly chapped lips before pushing deeper, exploring your mouth. a gasp left your throat but was quickly silenced by kafka pressing you against the doorframe. your heart drums against your chest and suddenly, you get the urge to dishevel your lover for a chance.
you bite down gently on kafka’s lip and suck, leaving blossoming marks. you’re overwhelmed with a possessive urge, to own her as much as she owns you. she hums in surprise before returning the favor, albeit much harsher.
you feel her nibble on your bottom lip, drawing blood. the metallic taste is swiped away by kafka’s tongue before she re-entered your mouth. you feel lightheaded from every suck and bite from kafka. her grasp on your face has moved to your waist and slowly dipping up your shirt, caressing your ribs, causing you to shiver with pleasure.
“kafka…!” you breath out
“i don’t remember you being this frail, pup,” she whispers into your ear. your lover’s lips are bruised purple and her face dusted pink. you can only imagine the mess you looked.
she continues with a rapid assault on your neck, trailing to your collarbone, biting and sucking and lapping up the blood as she went. “kafka…” you whined. the mix of pain and pleasure was becoming too much.
kafka’s hands are now gripping your thighs with an iron grip. you think that there will be dark marks the next morning. she runs her fingers up your leg while skillfully attacking your throat with dark marks.
you remind yourself to accessorize your lover’s neck at some point later. just as soon as she’s had her way, of course.
pulling back with a gentle pop of her lips, kafka admired her work. your neck was smothered with flowering hickies and your lips swollen. she felt a surge of pride seeing your submissive appearance, eyes watery and your cheeks bright red. how cute you were, she thought.
maybe you deserved a reward.
“you’ve been so good waiting for me, baby. how about i treat you to a fucking?”
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deathbxnny · 1 year
☆《Returning home to you.》☆
A/N: I've been in such a writing mood today, so don't mind me~
Summary: HSR characters return to you after a long mission/trip/day of work.
Characters featured: Kafka, Blade, Welt, Jing Yuan, Gepard
Content: Fluff and nothing else really(?), sfw
Reader has no set pronouns!
((Not really proofread, so I apologise for any mistakes.))
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The work of a Stellaron hunter is difficult and time consuming. And so, whenever Kafka comes back home to you, after a month long trip into far away galaxies, she hardly ever leaves your side after. She clinges to you, teasing you with sweet words, asking you if you've missed her. And she knows you have, as she also missed you dearly.
She sighs in satisfaction, when she finally gets to hold you in her arms in bed, her face burried in your hair, arms wrapped tightly around you. She whispers soft apologies in your ears, swearing that she had done everything she could to come back to you as soon as possible. Her voice is slow and gentle as ever, so soft and loving just for you.
She hands you gifts and trinkets as an apology, smiling with an amused and content in glint in her eyes, as you happily thank her for them. She spoils you rotten and enjoys every moment of it.
Coming home to you is by far Kafka's favourite thing, even if she sometimes wishes, that she'd never have to leave you in the first place. But seeing the excitement and happiness in your face, after a long time of absence, makes it nearly worth it.
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Blade tries to seem unaffected, indifferent. But it's hard to keep up, when he finally sees you again after so long. He says nothing of how much he missed you, how much he yearned for you. He doesn't know he'd even begin to phrase this deep passion and love he had for you.
And so, he shows it by gifting you trinkets, pretty clothes or just gifts that reminded him of you. It's his way of apologising in a way. To silently show you, that he did think of you, whilst he was away. He always thought of you, one way or another.
The way he holds you also tells you more than enough. His hands on your waist or his arms around your body are tight and desperate, a quiet confirmation that he did miss you. Horribly so.
He tells you about small details from his missions, people that bothered him, perhaps even a mention of Kafka's shenanigans or the capture of a Stellaron. You listen with interest, even if most of it is vague for your safety. He doesn't want to speak about the gory details with you.
When you were about to fall asleep, safely tucked away in his arms, you could've sworn that you heard him tell you that he missed you. But you can't be for certain, especially not if he denies it so stubbornly as he always does.
》Jing Yuan
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He demands kisses and hugs from you the moment he steps through the door. He's exhausted, yet saved the last of his energy just for you. After such an seemingly endless day at work, he wants nothing more than to be doted on by his dear S/O. Which you ofcourse don't mind doing.
You help him out of his armour and help him get into something comfortable, before he asks for you to cuddle him. He just wants to hold you close and forget all his troubles and duties for just a moment. Being a general demands so much from him and you are one of the few things that bring him solace.
He nearly dramatically tells you about his day, his hands absently trailing along your curves in comfort. Eventually he just falls asleep mid sentence, his head burried in your hair, the familiar scent lulling him into a peaceful slumber only you could provide him with. His grip is tight and secure even in his sleep, that's for sure.
Sometimes he enjoys cooking for the both of you, even if you insist that he should rest and that you can do it for him. He just finds it relaxing to do mundane and domestic things with you. It was his way of resting and you eventually just learn to go with it. You don't mind anyways, ofcourse. Spending time with him is something you love doing the most.
》Welt Yang
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After a long mission that kept him away from the Astral Express for a while, he practically fell into your welcoming and gentle embrace. His hands find your hips, holding you close, as he whispers of how much he missed you into your hair.
He tells you many stories of his travels, about the things he experienced when he was away. And you listen to him with curious eyes, your body curled up into his, as you both of you sip on some warm tea.
He in turn listens to you talk about what you've done in his absence. No matter what it is, he'll always listen intently, never missing a single detail, no matter how mundane it is. He keeps everything stored in his mind an heart, your voice enough to bring him joy.
It fills him with warmth and happiness to know, that he always has someone to come home to now. A person he'd protect with his life. He sometimes just stops mid sentence just to tell you how happy he is. How glad he is to have you.
He'll keep you close to him, your head resting against his chest, as you both relax and watch the stars together. You don't need to say anything, basking in eachothers presence at last is more than enough. And he wouldn't have it any other way.
》Gepard Landau
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He never comes home without something to give to you. He knows, that his work and duties as the captain of the Silvermaneguards can be alot of strain on a relationship, which is why he makes sure to put a smile on your face everytime he comes back. He gets you flowers most of the time, one's that remind him of you. Once you smile, he can finally allow himself to also relax.
He's not the best with words, often times getting too flustered to actually tell you how much he missed you. Not that he needs to say much with how tightly he hugged you. He's just glad to be home with you.
He's used to being busy all the time, so expect him to still clean or cook with or for you. You're probably going to have to restrain him to the couch to make him stop or just join him in bed for a well-deserved cuddle session. You can always just do your chores tomorrow, once he's well rested.
Gepard tells you about some things that happened out on the front lines, yet nothing disturbing or worrying. The last thing he wants is for you to feel worried or scared about anything. He'll always protect you after all. He listens to you ramble about your day, about how you visited Serval or how you saw a cute dress in a shop. He listens to everything you say.
He falls asleep pretty fast in your warm embrace. He doesn't try to, but he can't help it, when you're so comforting to him after such a long day.
A/N: Thank you for reading! Requests are also open!<33
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yunxi-11085 · 1 year
"recklessness leads to reckless situations."
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˚ · . pairs ¡ platonic(?) blade x gn!reader, platonic kafka x gn!reader, platonic silver wolf x gn!reader
˚ · . sypnosis ¡ "You are a stellaron hunter currently on a mission when you— somehow being the curious cat you are, opened a box and something sprayed in your face. and your previous experiences were a great reminder that you shouldn't randomly open shady boxes that look like treasure chests.
now here you are, being dragged away with a burning sensation in your face and a not-so-pleased blade. he was glaring at your back the entire time that you felt like he could drill holes through you by now.
TLDR; you turned into a cat, now you have 3— 4(?) caretakers. “
₊˚ପ⊹ tw ¡¿ : (none) just fluff and you turn into a cat (no use of y/n or name)
·˚ ༘ tags //
@ send me an ask if you want to be tagged in my stories!! (please also specify if you want only the continuation of the series or all!)
You are a stellaron hunter currently on a mission when you— somehow being the curious cat you are, opened a box and something sprayed in your face. and your previous experiences were a great reminder that you shouldn't randomly open shady boxes that look like treasure chests.
now here you are, being dragged away with a burning sensation in your face and a not-so-pleased blade. he was glaring at your back the entire time that you felt like he could drill holes through you by now.
and then you go poof!, it seems the effect of whatever sprayed in your face started working.
now you feel like you've gotten reallllllyyy small, and theres a long heavy thing you feel just right below your back. it moves on its own?!!
you stare up, and a pair of red frowning eyes looked back at you.
"maybe i should've let kafka or silverwolf go on this mission..." you frown but it just looks like you are trying to sleep, to him it seems. he grabs you by your neck rude and as you see familiar doors he immediately drops you on the couch and leaves.
you wanted to scream at him but all that comes out was just a loud meow.
you go dumbfounded.
you walk, with four legs because you felt like you couldnt raise your 2 legs up. you almost fainted when you saw yourself
you are.... now a cat.
you stare blankly at the tall mirror, a white cat stares back at you. you tilt your head, it does the same.
the door creaked and you flinch at the sound, maybe because you were now a grimalkin your ears became really sensitive.
"oh my, i wonder why blade left such an adorable animal here.." its kafka! your instincts moved you and you almost tackled the lady, on the legs of course. "it seems so excited to see me?"
"that must be your weird thoughts, it looks like it is trying to tell you something" silver wolf said, looking at you with knowing and judging eyes. it seems she saw you transform through the cameras.
the cheeky hacker she is.
"hm~ then i wonder what it is trying to say" kafka knelt down and started rubbing your head.
"meowww" you leaned into the touch and stared at her magenta eyes.
"so adorable, it reminds me of them. dont you think? silver wolf?" silver wolf didnt give any answer and pressed something on her phone. a ding! sound came up and she showed kafka something.
"oh my~ it seems like it really is our little darling~" kakfa looked at you and smiled, though it sent shivers down your spine once you interpreted her expression. she picked you up and held you with both arms, “what did I tell you about going through suspicious boxes and chests?” she poked your nose and continued, “if you wanted treasures so much, we could give you everything you know?”
you avoided her eyes and looked at silver wolf with pleading eyes, she who just stared back at you with an expression that asked ‘are you stupid?’
i mean!! that treasure chest looking thingy was glowing! you couldn’t help but give in to your deep desires y’know?
you pouted, but as a cat it looked like you were puffing your chubby cheeks. which leads to the lady holding you to pinch your chubby cheeks and smile at you.
“it’s fine though~ this cutie over here can do as many mischiefs as they want” she rubbed at your ears and started giving you belly rubs. the cat body you were in reacted immediately and started purring
well you have to admit, being a cat has its perks too.
kafka gave you a plate of tuna which you reluctantly ate because you were a cat, and when she whipped out a cat toy. you didn’t know how, when, or why but your body moved in instinct.
after a long, tiring afternoon of playing. you slump down on the couch ready to sleep. you feel someone sitting next to you and you snuggle closer, wanting more of the warmth.
the person flinched but slowly put their hands on your back and started patting you. you give a light purr and fall deep asleep.
well all you know is that you woke up back in your normal body, head laying comfortably on— blade’s lap?! you jump up and you hear click!
you look at the source of the sound to see kafka and silver wolf holding their phones out and taking pictures of you and blade next to each other.
blade slowly wakes up and frowns at the bright light to see a red faced you, and two people pointing cameras at you.
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end note ¡ welcome to my second hsr fic!! i originally planned to write blade x reader smut but i just wanted to write fluff today y'know??? so cat reader it is. i really wanted to add more but i think i would make it cringy to read so i went against it lmfaooo
just imagine bladie warming up to reader and they actually start interacting now lol
i wanna write dan heng or jing yuan w/ cat reader so bad!!!
crossposted on AO3 ¡ here
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nijigasakilove · 3 months
Kino the episode. Hoshina backstory and motivations finally revealed, which made his battle against Kaiju number 10 that much more powerful. Not only was he fighting to protect his subordinates and base, but also to prove his doubters wrong and Mina right for believing in him.
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While the rest of the Kaiju defense force may use guns, Hoshina’s blades are the perfect pairing for Mina and her fighting style. She’s great against massive Kaiju and he’s a small to medium specialist. Her giving him those words of encouragement probably saved his life and career, no wonder he wants to stand next to her. Both he and Kafka have been massively impacted and motivated by Mina.
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Some of the blade cutting sequences reminded me of Captain Levi, they really cooked with all of Hoshina’s scenes and showed the speed and precision he attacks with. The level of skill and attention to detail for every strike didn’t go unnoticed.
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But even that wasn’t enough. This felt like a heavyweight fight with both sides just going back and forth. I figured Mina showing up wouldn’t be enough to take out Kaiju number 10, but I didn’t think he’d go all mutually assured destruction and try to nuke the place.
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Kafka’s reveal scene was so awesome and very much in character. He didn’t give it much of any thought and just rushed in to save the people he cares about. That impulsive but considerate nature of his is what’s endeared him to so many people to begin with.
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The staff COOKED with that iron man esque save the day scene. Production IG have to win animation of the season for the job they’ve done with these big set pieces in this.. and as you’d expect, Kafka’s thanks for saving the day… “you’re under arrest” 💀 I can’t wait to see what the consequences will be
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