#she returns and is like...Thena is...somewhere safe
softquietsteadylove · 2 years
Oh my dear, please continue the mermaid AU.
Maybe something where Thena tried to protect Makkari from a fisher net and got caught. Gil seeing the boat at the dock, Thena in the net and he cuts her free when no one is looking.
🖤✨ Hugs an much looove!!! ✨🖤
Gil went still in the middle of pulling the chord of the small motorboat. He was just about to head home, but he leaned over the edge, staring into the water. He saw it--he knew he did.
There!--a streak of red, so quick if he had blinked at the right time it would have been gone. But he had seen it, he was certain. He wasn't sure why, though. He looked around him, making sure no one was around his end of the docks to see them in the dark. He whispered, "Makkari?"
A little distance away, a head popped out of the water to glare at him. Just like Thena.
He waved at her, although she disappeared from view. Just a for a second, though, before popping up in front of him again.
"What are you doing here?" he whispered, knowing that even if she couldn't hear him, that she could tell what he was saying from watching him say it. "You shouldn't be this close to land!"
She rose slightly with the help of her tail thrashing rapidly under her. She moved her hands too fast to follow, too.
Gil blinked and shook his head. "I-I don't know what-"
Makkari huffed, slapping her hands down and splashing him as she did so. She pressed her fingers together before bursting them outwards, like an anemone. Her lips moved.
"Th-Thena?" he guessed, and she pointed at him and nodded.
Makkari pointed to herself, and then moved two of her fingers around in a swimming motion.
"You and Thena were swimming," Gil narrated as he watched. Again, Makkari confirmed he was right. Her other hand dove down over them, but she flicked one finger against the other. Her left hand pulled up only one finger. "You and Thena...then you got caught?"
She shook her head.
"Thena," he corrected, his heart dropping when she stared down into the water. "Thena got caught."
Makkari nodded, gesturing over her chest.
"Thena protected you from a net?" Gil guessed, to which she offered a miserable nod. He didn't have time to dwell on it, though. And neither did she, since she had endangered herself plenty just to come and find him. He leaned so far over the edge of the boat he was close to falling in. "Makkari, what boat was it?"
She turned in the water, pointing over to where the larger, more heavily equipped boats were docked. The crews were probably in the pub currently, drinking away a long, hard shift.
Gil finally took the plunge, slipping into the water as quietly as he could. Makkari looked a little bewildered, but he released the edge of the boat in his hand. "Can you show me?"
She appraised him and how serious about this he was. She just swam off, although Gil could tell she was moving at a snail's pace for her own ability. It was for the sake of leading him. He moved gently in the water, kicking minimally and angling his hands. "If I go by dock, someone might see me. The less people who know about her, the better."
Makkari seemed almost impressed by his reasoning. She eyed the boats they passed, seeming familiar with each one. When they finally arrived at the largest boat, she pointed, spelling it out with her hand.
Gil frowned at it: the Deviant. "I know this guy."
Makkari looked at him, splashing him slightly again to prompt him to continue.
Gil huffed, pulling himself up to the ladder. "Kro--it's illegal, but he'll take poaching contracts sometimes."
Makkari tilted her head at him, and again he was reminded of Thena. His heart lurched in his chest.
"We have a responsibility to fish only what's needed, avoid species that are endangered, that kind of thing," Gil listed, moving up one ladder wrung at a time as he looked at Makkari below. "Kro will basically hunt anything if he's getting paid. And he's pretty cruel about it, keeps trophies and stuff."
Gil's blood chilled even further, and not just after his impromptu evening swim. If Kro thought he had truly caught something as magnificent as Thena, then who could say what he would do with her?
Gil looked around the deck, making sure no one was on it. It seemed unwise to leave her unguarded, but maybe they had all left to go spread the news and gain even more of a crowd for their big reveal. He snuck onto deck, soaking wet boots and all.
The arm was still held aloft, the net with their catch still suspended. Gil's gut twisted as he saw a few shimmering scales scattered around under it. "Thena?"
He rushed to her as carefully as he could. Her voice was small and fragile. She was obviously exhausted from the struggle, and he couldn't imagine what it felt like to be captured like a wild animal.
Gil collected the scales on the deck and shoved them in his pockets, determined to leave not a trace of evidence for them to keep. He stood, hooking his fingers through a loop in the net. "I'm so sorry, Angelfish."
Thena sniffled, blinking her tired, bloodshot eyes at him. "I didn't think anyone would come."
Gil shook his head at the mere suggestion of it. He could see her eyes were raw from crying. Her skin had red marks from her struggling against the net. He could even see where she had tried to gnaw at it with those fangs of hers. But these nets were thick, made to be durable--they had to all but be sawed open.
Thena leaned into his touch as he brushed two fingers against her cheek.
"It's okay, I'm gonna get you out of there," he whispered, pulling out his pocket knife. He reached up, sawing at the top of the net with the serrated back edge.
"How did you find me?" she whispered, her voice unable to muster more strength to it after the worst day of her life.
"Makkari came to me," he whispered back, sawing desperately at the top of the net. It was a terrible angle for it, and his arm was already burning from the effort.
"We were swimming," Thena sighed, shifting miserably in the bottom of the net. "The whole boat shook when it blared its horn. It interfered with her echolocation, and she didn't realise the net had hit the water. I moved her out of the way of it."
No wonder Makkari had looked so miserable when she finally found him.
"I knew she'd find someone, but I assumed it would be Ikaris," Thena murmured, her fatigue getting the better of her. "Although I guess he wouldn't have been able to rescue me up here, anyway."
Gil tossed his knife down catching Thena in his arms before she could fall to the hard deck of the boat. She clung to him, and he held her tighter than he ever had before. "You're okay."
Thena buried her face in his chest, her whole body trembling from head to tail.
"You're okay," he repeated in a fragile whisper. He felt around for his knife, shoving it back in his pocket and adjusting Thena in his arms. "We gotta go, Angelfish."
She held tight as he stood, moving towards the back of the boat. "What if they know it was you?"
"They won't," he rushed out as he slid down the ladder, just barely keeping them from splashing into the water by one hand. Thena's tail came to life once submerged again, able to keep her afloat better than he ever could.
Makkari was by her side in a flash, wrapping her arms around her.
Thena nodded, weakly but firmly, "I'm okay."
Gil swam closer to them, still watching around them for signs of people on the pier. "You two have to get as far away as possible. I mean it--don't come anywhere near the surface for at least a week."
Makkari balked at him, although Thena didn't seem surprised.
"Kro won't be happy his catch got away," Gil murmured, looking up at the side of the Deviant. "He'll be looking for you specifically, and he'll cast wider and deeper until he finds you."
Makkari nodded, ready to speed away already. She pulled at Thena's arm, frowning when she resisted.
Thena moved closer to him again. "I want to stay with you."
Makkari's jaw dropped.
"Thena," Gil sighed, but she cuddled right up to his side in the water. "It's not safe, Angelfish."
Makkari startled even more at the little nickname.
Thena shook her head at that, though, burying her face against the sopping wet sleeve of his shirt. "The safest I can be is with you."
Gil hated to admit it, but maybe she had a point. If her other option was staying at the bottom of the ocean for a month straight, maybe it was better to just keep her with him. With any luck, it would be the last place anyone would look for her. "I don't know, Thena."
"Please?" she whispered, using those big, amazing green eyes of hers on him.
He sighed. What a sucker, he was--a suckerfish. His hand found hers in the water. "Okay."
Thena looked at Makkari, her hand moving as she spoke. "Tell them I've found somewhere safe to hide. That's all you need to say."
Makkari gave Thena a look, shrugging widely at the total lack of explanation it offered.
"Just tell them," Thena asserted, and certainly Makkari only acquiesced given what Thena had been through. "And you: like Gil said, no more boat chasing for at least a moon cycle."
Makkari made a face at both of them, moving her hands and flicking water at them.
Thena rolled her eyes at her.
Gil smiled; for all their squabbling, the two hugged each other tight as they prepared to part ways temporarily. Gil received Thena at his side again, although he nodded at Makkari. "I promise I won't let anything happen to her."
Makkari narrowed her eyes, hissing at him before slipping under the surface and speeding off in the blink of an eye.
Thena sighed, burying herself against his shoulder and using her tail to keep them both afloat. "Can we go home?"
Gil pressed a kiss to her forehead, "yeah, Angelfish. Let's go home."
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light-yaers · 3 years
All Too Well - Chapter Nine
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Ko-Fi | Fic Masterpost | Chapter List
Warnings: Rated M for swearing, alcohol, death and mild sexual content. F!Reader.
Word Count - 3.2k
Chapter Nine
“He’ll come for the Domo first, you know that,” you said, standing next to Thena in Arishem’s chamber. You’d forgotten how beautiful she looked in her armour. Fierce, a true warrior. 
She smirked at you. “I know,” she replied. “You need to get somewhere safe,” she said, her face softening. You raised your brows at her. 
“I’m not missing an opportunity to piss off Ikaris,” you said jokingly, but there was no denying the nerves that raced through you. Thena pursed her lips at your attempt at lightening the mood. You laid a gentle hand on her pauldron. “Don’t worry, I have an idea,”
When you said idea, you didn’t actually tell Thena what you had in mind. You left her in the chamber as the Domo stopped at the sight of Emergence, flashing into existence as the invisibility shield disappeared. It wouldn’t be long until Ikaris came flying at the ship—you’d leave the fighting to Thena in a heartbeat. 
You made your way to the control room, passing Phastos as he steered you towards a bubbling volcano in the middle of the Pacific. You squinted at the view. 
“Such a shame this is the end of the World. It’d be quite beautiful otherwise,” you said. Phastos hummed at you impatiently. 
“I think I preferred it when you kept your jokes to yourself,” he said, stressed. You let out a huff. 
“Yeah, I missed you too, Phastos,” you let out, smacking him affectionately on the shoulder before you made your way out of the room. 
“Where are you going?” he raised his voice at you. You waved back at him playfully. 
“Don’t wait for me!” you yelled back, breaking into a run towards the main entrance of the ship. As you reached it, the Domo lurched beneath your feet, which could only indicate one thing—
Ikaris was onboard. He’d probably broken straight through a wall or the roof. You stayed focused on your plan ahead, knowing that Thena would be able to defend herself more than enough against Ikaris himself. 
The entrance of the ship slid open when you hovered your hand over the door; winds swept inside the corridors immediately. In the distance, heading towards the volcano, you could see the outline of Sersi, Druig and Makkari. You sent them a silent prayer, before you started your plan. 
Slowly, carefully, somewhat recklessly, you rounded the doorframe and began to climb the outside of the Domo. You were aiming for the roof, but you had a lot of wall space to scale before you could make it. 
You latched your fingers onto the metal exterior, breathing in and out steadily as you began the most extreme rock-climbing game you’d ever encountered. It wasn’t that you were afraid of heights—you actually liked the thrill that came with them—but it was the mere thought of what would happen if you fell from this height, straight into the choppy Pacific below. 
You wouldn’t allow yourself to dwell on it; your plan didn’t include fall into the sea and die. So you simply continued climbing, all the way round and up the Domo, until your fingers finally grabbed at the roof of the vast ship. 
You laid on the roof of the ship, breathing deeply until your jelloid legs returned to normal. You smiled to yourself; you’d done the first part of your plan, at least. 
The next part would, arguably, be a lot more death defying. 
Hoisting yourself up, you started running the surface of the roof, fighting against the vast winds and rising smoke levels being emitted from the erupting volcano. Ash flew through the air, collecting on your armour where it slowly cooled down and flaked off to the sea below. 
You didn’t look back to the ground below; you didn’t want to get too caught up in watching Druig attempt to put a Celestial to sleep. It would only distract you. 
In the middle of the roof was an Ikaris sized hole, falling all the way through into Arishem’s chamber. You approached it swiftly, hearing the clatter of Thena’s weapons and the unmistakeable buzz of Ikaris’ laser vision. Below you, they were fighting each other; probably until one of them couldn’t continue. 
Now, all you had to do was wait. 
And you didn’t wait for long. 
Beneath the volcano, you saw the Uni-mind activate. Golden strands lifted Druig from the ground first, before branching off to Makkari and Sersi beside him. The three of them hovered as separate strands shot out from your Eternal, snaking their way through the sky towards the Domo. 
“You’re too late,” Thena said below, breathing heavily. Ikaris grimaced, stepping back from her as he realised the Uni-mind would soon reach the remaining Eternals. With a scowl, he took off the same way he came—
And you sprang into action. 
He shot into the sky, dipping down towards the volcano, but you were already running to the edge of the roof. 
I hope this works, Arishem. 
You catapulted off the roof before you could stop yourself. 
For a few seconds, there was a feeling of dread. He’d change flight paths, he’d notice you above him and shoot you without a second glance, you’d miss him completely—
But then you wrapped your arms around his neck and your legs around his waist, latching yourself onto his back as he let out a yell of surprise and faltered in mid-air.
“Stop this! Please!” you yelled right into his ear, as he scrambled to keep himself on course for the volcano; for Druig. He grappled at you, scratching at your arms that were strangling him and kicking at your legs that were cutting off his blood flow. 
“Get off me!” he yelled back, going red from the lack of oxygen to his brain. He slowed flying, dipping down until he was aiming for the beach below, instead of the volcano further on. 
You thought you might both crash to the ground below, but Ikaris had always been stronger than all else.
That’s when his fingers pried between your arms, separating them from his neck. You gasped when his palm slapped around your wrist, and in one tug it was all over. He flipped you over his shoulder, through the skies, until he was dangling you in mid-air. 
He slowed to a hover, above the beach. 
Your hand went limp. You couldn’t feel your wrist as he held it tightly. He was the only thing keeping you alive right now. One slip, and you’d fall a thousand feet to the ground below with nothing to cushion your fall. 
Still, no words came out of your mouth. What could you say in this situation? What could you say to such a person—your family, your brother, your enemy, all in one. 
“I’m happy you got to grow up,” he said, his tone a mixture of sternness and sadness. You sent him a soft smile, trying to hide how much your heart was breaking. You cleared your throat.
He unfurled his fingers from your wrist.
Time slowed as you fell, but he stayed amongst the air and clouds and sky above. You reached for him as you fell, but his gaze only flittered across your shocked and wide-eyed face. 
He let you go. He watched you fall, helpless. 
Arishem, my love for him is gone. 
You wondered if Thena and Phastos could see you right now, uselessly descending to the beach below without any chance of sticking the landing—
Until the Uni-mind finally reached you. 
Those golden strands wrapped around you like a large hand, cascading through your armour until you were covered in the glow of your collective power. Just before impact, you were held so tightly that your entire body skidded to an abrupt stop, hovering you a metre off the ground and halting your fall completely. 
You stretched out your arms, allowing the power of the Uni-mind to inhale your energy. You could feel them all—Sersi’s softness, Makkari’s playfulness, Thena’s strength and Phastos’ wit—
Druig’s thoughts. 
For once in your eight thousand years of this life, you could feel what he was thinking, what he was feeling. He was tired, he was strained, interjecting his way into Tiamut’s mind with the help of his family—and it was working. It was fucking working. 
You glanced up, sending a smirk at Ikaris as he stayed in place above you. His expression was one of torment and frustration. 
“No,” he breathed out, looking towards the slowly decreasing volcanic eruption. 
Frozen in place, suspended by the Uni-mind, you watched as Ikaris flew at full speed toward Druig. The flash of his laser vision spread across the small island, casting a yellow glow over the sand of the beach, and you gasped when the Uni-mind evaporated into thin air. 
You were dropped with a thud, falling onto the soft sand of the beach. There was no time to waste. With everyone free of the Uni-mind, Phastos quickly landed the Domo. You hardly noticed him and Thena approach you; you had eyes for only one being.
“He got to them,” you said morbidly, as the volcanic lava began to bubble and splutter once more. “Are they safe?”
“Safe? No,” Phastos said. “Capable? Eh,”
You turned to him swiftly. “Not helping,” you let out, before the unmistakable woosh of Makkari appeared next to you. 
“They’re fighting,” she signed. “Ikaris and Druig,” 
“Sersi? Sprite?” you questioned. Makkari only shook her head. “We have to help—,”
You were cut off by something sharp, something stinging—
“No!” Thena screeched. 
Your body froze immediately as the iciness of a blade pierced the tiniest weak spot of your armour; your rib. Time slowed then, as you looked up to meet Thena’s wild gaze. She summoned her blade, swinging towards you crazily, as if she was about to swipe your head clean off your body. 
Her blade struck a tendril, disconnecting whatever stabbed you from your body. You fell to the ground, unable to feel anything but pain, coldness, shock. Your ribs were definitely cracked; or broken; or both. You clutched your side—blood pooled in your palm. 
“Deviant,” Thena said strongly, standing off with the humanoid deviant; the one that killed her Gilgamesh. 
He’d found you all. 
Phastos and Makkari rushed to you, hoisting you from the floor. Makkari took your whole weight. 
“Take her somewhere safe,” Phastos said, before his hands twitched into action. You hardly had time to breathe before Makkari was running. And Arishem—she sure did run. 
You still remembered the first time she’d taken you on a trip. Within seconds, you’d traversed back and forth of the Equator, only at the expense of needing to comb a brush through your windswept hair afterwards. 
Makkari stopped upon a large rock, one high enough to see both what happened on the beach and beneath the vast volcano. Time was running out—fast. Ash descended from the sky in golf ball sized clumps. Rocks and other sizzling debris were thrown from the crater unceremoniously. 
Tiamut was rising. 
And you were injured; unable to help; in the dark about whether Druig or Sersi were alive. 
Please be alive. Please.
“Alive,” his voice croaked from behind you. You whipped your gaze onto him, relying on Makkari’s strength to help you stay upright. The sigh of relief you released was cosmic. 
He approached you softly, but you could tell he was holding back for your sake. Makkari transferred your bodyweight to him. “About fucking time,” you breathed out. He let out a tired huff. 
“I’ve never been a punctual person,” he joked back, but it was short lived; it was rushed. “I can’t do it a second time. It won’t work,” he admitted. You placed a gentle hand on a singed section of Druig’s armour. “He always did have a good shot,” he said sadly, taking your hand in his and looking towards the volcano sullenly.
“Sersi?” Makkari signed. Druig winced. 
“Heading towards the volcano. She’s getting as close as she can,” he explained. “Ikaris or Sprite will be on her tail any minute now,”
“Tiamut?” you let out. 
“She’s stronger than she looks. Ajak chose her. She’ll do it,” he reassured you, and you allowed his words to soak deep into your skin. You squeezed his arm tightly, dropping your forehead onto his. You gulped. 
“We have to stop them,” 
“You have to sit down for five minutes and kickstart your healing,” he retorted. You wanted to fight him, to hit him, to go running towards oblivion as if you had the power to destroy a Celestial all by yourself; but he was right. “I’m always right,” he whispered. 
“You are,” you croaked back. 
He pulled away, slowly helping you drop to the floor. The deviant struck you deep, and without Ajak your healing would take extra time. You knew this would be the fastest way for you to get back to the fight. 
“Both of you, go,” you said, peering up at the faces of Makkari and Druig. “Get Ikaris, get Sprite. And the deviant on the beach—,”
“The deviant on the beach?” Druig’s voice cracked like a teenage boy. You smiled at him gently. 
“Go,” you repeated. “I’ll be fine,” Makkari looked to Druig expectantly. He frowned, focusing. 
“Go to the beach, help the others. I’ll find the lad,” he commanded. In a flash, Makkari was gone. Druig dropped to his knee, skimming his fingers over your wound. It was already starting to heal. 
“Arishem’s children,” was all you said, and he understood immediately. He nodded at you once, but a smile soon crept back onto his devious face. 
“Is it true you jumped off the Domo roof to catch Ikaris?” he asked lowly. Part of you wanted to laugh, and the other wanted to cry. 
“Maybe,” you let out softly. “Didn’t do much apart from almost get myself killed,”
“Don’t say that,” Druig said sternly. “That, what you just did?” he poked you in the chest softly, once. “Is the most demented and brilliant thing I’ve heard in two thousand years,” 
“Demented and brilliant is what every girl wants to be called,” you said, holding in your laughter as pain shot through your side. It was easing with every passing minute, but you didn’t want to push it. 
“You’re not every girl,” he said, his voice almost raw. 
Maybe you wanted to kiss his stupid face. 
But it was not the time.
“And you have a god to stop,” you said, flicking your eyes to the ever-erupting volcano to your left. Druig swallowed his words, standing strongly. 
“Don’t die,” he let out, mimicking you. You smirked at him. 
“I’m not going anywhere,” you said, repeating his words from earlier. 
Gone like the wind, he ran off towards the blistering volcano. You clutched at your rib, peering through the small weak spot in your armour that had allowed the deviant to hit you. A scar was already forming, as your ribs rearranged themselves slowly and agonisingly back into formation beneath your skin. 
You prepared a mental clock—five minutes. That would be enough time for your ribs to set back in place, and you could get back out there. Sure, the pain wouldn’t have passed, but you didn’t care about that as long as you were healed enough to fight. 
Shuffling on the rock, you peered own at the beach. Phastos, Thena and Makkari worked tirelessly to take down the deviant, but it was proving difficult without extra help. With the addition of Gilgamesh’s power, the creature was putting up a very hard fight. 
You watched uselessly as the deviant summoned his power; gold encased it’s fist and it punched the ground boisterously—a blast erupted beneath the compacted sand particles, encasing the Eternals’ feet with in earth and knocking them off balance. Phastos was thrown backwards, stopped from falling over just from Makkari’s sheer speed at catching him. 
It was horrible to watch, knowing you’d be useless if you tried to help currently. 
Four minutes. 
You turned to the volcano then, overseeing what was happening with Druig and Ikaris. Your boy was still after him, tracking him down as both him and Sprite were heading for Sersi, further up the volcanic ridge. 
Three minutes. 
Ikaris had always been weird towards Druig, but only know did you realise why. Druig was the first to reject Arishem, to go off on his own. All this time Ikaris had been harbouring such a deep devotion for the Celestial, doing his bidding without ever stopping to evaluate his opinions. 
You gasped subtly, as you saw the outline of Ikaris flying overhead, heading straight from Druig. You hoisted yourself up from the floor slowly, grunting through the pain in your ribs, but no blood fell from your wound—you’d be more than fine. 
Two minutes. 
Drugi yelled at the man, soaring well above him. Even from here, you could see the golden glow of his eyes when his power shone through. You didn’t condone Druig using his powers on other Eternals before, but this was different. 
Ikaris was too far gone. It was too late. 
Your heart skipped when Ikaris dipped from the sky suddenly, floating down until you were sure he’d crash right into the rocks by the Druig’s feet. 
He did it. He controlled him. 
You stopped yourself from cheering—this was more painful to witness than getting fucking stabbed. You thought that was it; Ikaris had yielded, Druig had done it; only Sprite remained. 
One minute. 
You mentally readied yourself to get back out there, stepping up until you were on the ridge of the volcano, a straight shot towards where Ikaris was still descended to the ground towards Druig. 
The powerful man continued on his path, down, down, down, until his feet finally hit the ground opposite Druig. You let out a relieved breath. 
And then your heart lurched within your chest.
Ikaris picked Druig up by the collar, zooming into the skies as fast as a missile. Druig struggled within his grasp, trying to get out of his tight grip, but it was no use—he’d fall if he didn’t hold on. 
“Druig!” you screamed, raising your hands to your mouth as you looked up, way up, at Ikaris and Druig in the skies.
Unceremoniously, like a ragdoll, like a clump of dirt, like anything that wasn’t a member of his own family—Ikaris dropped Druig. You knew what it felt like, when the air surrounded you and you had no way of stopping yourself from falling, but this was so much worse. 
Ikaris activated his laser vision, aiming directly at Druig’s chest. He blasted your boy to the floor; his body cracked through metres of volcanic rock; his armour crumbling under the force of Ikaris’ power. 
The silence that came afterwards made you want to be sick.
Druig didn’t get up. 
The rage started in your stomach, as it always did. Ikaris slowly flew back to the beach, landing upon the sand with the same etiquette of a royal, but you knew he was a fake. A killer, betraying and being personally responsible for the death of Ajak, Gilgamesh and now...
No. Don’t say his name.
You jumped back down onto the rock, balling your fists tightly as you oversaw the beach. Makkari knelt on the floor, hands clasped over her mouth as she mourned Druig. Thena was elsewhere, fighting the deviant that killed Gil. Phastos looked ready to explode, the same as the atomic bomb he’d invented in World War II. 
You were finally healed. 
But you were far from calm.
And you knew who would be the first to feel your wrath, stood upon the golden sands.
Times up. 
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eddysocs · 2 years
Marvel OC Masterlist
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Love Interest: Steve Rogers
Fic Title: Mrs. America
Plot Summary: Dixie Evers is the perfect woman, as if she were hand crafted for Steve Rogers. And she was. Having been experimented on by HYRDA back in the day, she was cryogenically frozen and revived not long after Steve himself was found. Implanted with HYDRA tech, she’s sent out in the world to cross paths with the Captain, but she still maintains her free will and she’ll fight for the man she falls in love with.
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Name: Emma Knight
Face Claim: Jess Bush
Love Interest: Eleanor Bishop
Fic Title: Knight Takes Bishop
Plot Summary: Eleanor Bishop is not above hiring people to do what she feels needs to be done. And that’s where Emma Knight comes in. Eleanor needs someone to keep her daughter in check, be her conscience and make sure she’s safe. She expects Emma to bond with her, be a roommate, a friend, maybe more if that’s what it takes to reason with Kate. Emma does her job well, earning Kate's trust and friendship, but her job is made more difficult when Emma realizes she’s starting to fall in love with Eleanor. Can she remain objective and do what is required of her, or will her feelings make a complete mess of things?
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Name: Farrah Quan
Face Claim: Sonam Kapoor
Love Interests: Stephen Strange, Everett Ross
Fic Title: A Life Divided
Plot Summary: Shortly after Stephen banishes Dormammu and the Dark Dimension from our world, that Farrah appears from seemingly nowhere. It’s then that she confesses to him that she’s been trapped in the Dark Dimension for ages. Free once more, she doesn’t disclose much about how she got there or how she remained trapped for so long. It’s up to Stephen to determine if she’s all she claims to be and if she’s not, to figure out the truth of her past.
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Name: Halle Conners
Face Claim: Natalie Alyn Lind
Love Interest: Tony Stark
Fic Title: Iron Will
Plot Summary: What starts as a fling at a gala, turns into an arrangement between Halle and Tony for her to pose as his serious girlfriend to keep up appearances as Stark Industries goes in its new direction. As a stunt for the press, Tony and Halle stage an abduction where Iron Man is meant to save her. When the attempt at saving her goes awry, Halle will wind up injured and it’ll be up to Tony to save her, but he knows Halle will be forever changed if he’s successful.
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Name: Heather Cohen
Face Claim: Minka Kelly
Love Interest: Clint Barton
Fic Title: Wind Beneath Your Wings
Plot Summary: Once employed by NASA for her brilliance in her field, Heather Cohen was fired when a psychotic break coincided with her latest technological development misfired and cost the lives of three people. She was then institutionalized for two years before returning to society. That’s when SHIELD sought her out. Hesitant to return to her work for fear of hurting others, it took her some time to accept their offer, but now she works side by side with the Avengers, and sees a way to make up for her past, by engineering her own super suit and becoming Lady Peace.
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Name: Lori Canmore
Face Claim: Morena Baccarin
Love Interest: Natasha Romanoff
Fic Title: Lifesaver
Plot Summary: Dr. Lori Canmore has run across her share of atrocities in the Emergency Department, and she’s great under pressure, so when The Avengers approach her to be their personal physician, Lori can’t pass up the opportunity to play her part in saving the world. And treating the scrapes and scars of a bunch of heroes is a pretty great gig when one of those heroes is Natasha Romanoff.
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Name: Marzana Ozeranti
Face Claim: Jennifer Lawrence 
Love Interest: Janet Van Dyne
Fic Title: Wasp’s Nest
Plot Summary: Janet Van Dyne kept many secrets regarding her time trapped in the Quantum Realm. One of the bigger ones was Marzana. A member of a race known as the Krexiens, she was banished to the Quantum Realm for breaking Krexien customs. Marzana spent a total of twenty five years with Janet, until Janet was eventually rescued by her family. Upon Janet's return, she crosses paths with Marzana again and it doesn’t come with the warm welcome Janet was hoping for. When her past comes to light, Janet will have to make a choice that could change everything.
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Name: Naomi Day
Face Claim: Maddison Brown
Love Interest: Bruce Banner
Fic Title: Banner Day
Plot Summary: Naomi is far from a hippie. She’s a scientist. So what if an experiment with a rare plant went a little wrong, leaving her with the radiating power of calm? The only problem is, she can’t seem to shut it off. People around her often fall asleep just by being in her presence. When she meets Bruce Banner, he seems more immune to her effects than most. They balance each other in more ways than one. She only hopes he can help her to control her newfound abilities.
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Name: Nikita Youkai
Face Claim: Elena Anaya
Love Interest: Loki Laufeyson
Fic Title: Beautiful Creatures
Plot Summary: The Landvætirr are a peaceful race, all save for Nikita. Nikita thrives off of fear and chaos. Ousted from her realm of Vanaheim after an incident of a prank gone horribly awry, Nikita is displaced until she eventually finds solace with another lost soul, in the form of Loki. Within one another they find an understanding unlike either has ever known. And together they’ll sow the seeds to make all of the nine realms finally understand them the way they understand each other. No matter what it takes.
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Name: Petra Salt 
Face Claim: Sadie Stanley
Love Interest: Pepper Potts
Fic Title: Salt & Pepper
Plot Summary: When Petra first comes to Stark Tower, seeking a meeting with Tony Stark to invent something that would help her control or suppress her abilities, she’s met with only dismissal. At least until Pepper Potts steps up and offers to work with her. Undertaking the project is no small task and Pepper has never seen anything like her abilities before. And Petra is not very forthcoming with how she came to acquire them.
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Name: Phaedra Kane
Face Claim: Nathalie Emmanuel
Love Interest: Ayesha
Fic Title: Golden Girl
Plot Summary: Phaedra joins the Guardians shortly after they save the galaxy (the first time). All geared up for their next adventure, Phaedra is more than happy to assist the Sovereign when they enlist the Guardians’ aid. But when Rocket steals the batteries they were meant to protect, and the Sovereign’s armada is after them, Phaedra is going to have to choose where her true alliance lies.
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Name: Quinn Anderson
Face Claim: Ester Exposito
Love Interest: Jeri Hogarth
Fic Title: Legal Matters Of The Heart
Plot Summary: Quinn’s always been a hustler. She knows her way through every loophole of the law. Or, so she thinks. But an act of self defense lands her in some legal hot water and after calling in a favor from old pal Jessica Jones, she gets acquainted with Jeri Hogarth, lawyer extraordinaire. But when it’s case closed, will the two be able to go their separate ways?
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Name: Rebecca Wildes
Face Claim: Juno Temple
Love Interest: Agatha Harkness
Fic Title: In Every Lifetime
Plot Summary: Rebecca was Agatha’s mortal lover going back all the way to the Salem Witch Trials. And she’d lost her, over, and over, and over again. Each time Rebecca would die and Agatha could not stop it. So many times she’d lost her, but she’d found her again, this time in Westview, NJ. Under Wanda’s control, even Agatha could not break her spell. So she waited, bided her time until she could figure out how to harness Wanda’s power to go back and save Rebecca like she wishes she could have that first time.
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Name: Riva Braun
Face Claim: Cote De Pablo
Love Interest: Helmut Zemo
Fic Title: Reformation
Plot Summary: When Zemo breaks out of prison, it seems everyone wants his head on a platter. But it’s S.H.I.E.L.D. Agent Riva Braun who leaves with him as her captive. But turning him in to her organization is far from her plan. Riva has other goals. She’s starting her own organization to reform villains. And Zemo is her first project.
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Name: Shauna Glover
Face Claim: Nora Arnezeder
Love Interest: Valentina Allegra de Fontaine
Fic Title: Protect & Serve
Summary: Shauna was a good girl once. She had a good life; a nice job, a decent house, a cat and a girlfriend she thought she could get pretty serious about. That’s all to say that everything was going well for her until the CIA knocked on her door. When Director de Fontaine told her that her girlfriend was not all she seemed and was in fact the head of a growing terrorist organization, the life she envisioned crumbled to ashes. So Shauna let herself be recruited by the CIA and that made her the woman she is today. She may have been deceived, but from that deceit, she grew strong. She trained with former black widows, learned strategy from expert tacticians and negotiators and became one of the CIA's greatest assets. All of this under the thumb of Valentina Allegra de Fontaine, the one woman she now swears to protect and serve for as long as she lives.
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Name: Veronica Harvey
Face Claim: Carlson Young
Love Interest: Kilgrave
Fic Title: Power & Control
Plot Summary: What began as a silly game played by a group of young girls, became a reality as Veronica learned that she actually possessed telekinetic powers. And what went from a fun and dazzling party trick soon became something much more dangerous. She learned to use her ability to manipulate, deceive and endanger. She’s had her fair share of run ins with Jessica Jones, and now she’s out to get her. And after a little surveillance, she thinks she knows the perfect way to do just that. A man named Kilgrave.
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