#she said go!!! we'll find each other again!!! this is a love song!!!!
nicollekidman · 2 years
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she literally saved both their lives here because he was too in love with her to ever go on his own. their first love song and her being the one to let him go is what made sure they’d be together in the end
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wandascrush · 6 months
Let the light in
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Summary: The Avengers are separated after being hunted down and forced to live life on the low, causing a painful break up with the love of your life. What happens when she finds you again? Pairing: Natasha Romanoff x Fem!reader
A/N: Based off of this request
Warnings: Angst, violence, loneliness, blood, breakup, team separated, depression, kissing, comfort
Song: Let the light in- Lana Del Rey
The team sat around the dark living room, the familiar voice of one of New York's most famous news anchors echoing in through the air, “Good evening New Yorkers, today we open our headline with some shocking news:  Former Stark enterprise building, located on the upper east side, exploded earlier today by a missile attack on the Avengers. Sources say Tony Stark was currently using it to house new plans for an updated Avengers training arena and larger compound.  Two architects, three investors, and one security manager was injured. Two of the victims later succumbed to their injuries after the explosion. Reports confirming the source of the violence are still unknown, however the Avengers were believed to have been inside the building at the time- hence the attack. The founding members of the Avengers Initiative such as Tony Stark, Steve Rogers, Natasha Romanoff, Thor Odinson, Y/N L/N, and Clint Barton have yet to speak out. This marks the second targeted attack on our world’s heroes in nearly a month since the Maximoff twins incident in Barbados, where Pietro Maximoff was nearly assassinated. It raises the question for us all: Are our heroes being hunted?” 
The screen went black, bye bye news lady. The room was so silent you could hear a pin drop. “What’re we gonna do Tony?” You got no answer. 
For the first time in the decade you’d known the team, (except for the Maximoffs & Peter) you saw uncertainty in all of their eyes. Tony threw his classic sunglasses on the couch, squeezing the middle of his nose in a useless attempt to massage an oncoming headache away, “Fury… thought it’d be wise if we split up for awhile-,” he was quickly shut up with protests from the group.
“It’s too dangerous. This isn't easy for me, but we're facing a threat that's beyond anything we've encountered before. I've crunched the numbers, run simulations – the Avengers need to disband temporarily. We scatter, go off the grid, and regroup when the dust settles.”
“This is bullshit, Tony. You know it is. This is exactly what they want-” 
“Tasha,” your gentle touch on her back always softened her heart, but not today. She didn’t even look at you. 
“It’s not the end, Nat. It’s like a strategic retreat. We're ensuring we'll live to fight another day. For once, I’m with Stark on this. We play it safe, keep low profiles, and spread out,” Steve sat forward, resting his elbows on his knees and taking a hard look at everyone, “we’re family, we keep each other safe. And this is how we do it.” 
As much as the idea made your stomach churn, he was right. He always was. This was your family. Every holiday, happy memory, laugh and cry and battle and bruise was all with them. This team is how you met the love of your life. You loved each other, and if this is what needed to happen, then you’d do it. 
But that didn’t sit well with your girlfriend. 
“No, end of story. We’re not separating.”
“You know I don’t think it’s just you’re choice, Natasha. I mean we have to decide this together,” your fingers lightly brushed the edge of the bed, nervously playing with the soft sheets you had just bought.
“Exactly, and I. Said. No.” She was acting like a stubborn toddler that didn’t want to eat her veggies, crossing her arms and raising her voice an octave.
It was then when you saw something different in her eyes, those beautiful green orbs that held so much sadness and joy at the same time. But today they were cloudy, like a storm was brewing in her mind. You gently slipped off of the bed and stood in front of her, pressing your forehead to hers, “You know it’s going to be okay, right?” soft palms caressed the side of her cheek, immediately feeling her sigh into your touch. “It’s going to be okay, you’ll see.” You wish your words were true. 
    Two months later the Avengers were spreading out all across the U.S., saying choked up goodbyes and packing your things. It was agreed upon that there’d be a team meeting once a month, every month, for the next year until you could figure out who the threat was, and how to eliminate them. You thought San Francisco sounded nice, fresh, and a little more peaceful than the hustle and bustle of New York. And it was, for a time. You got a haircut, dyed your gorgeous h/c locks to a rich h/c shade. You bought a sweet little home with a bay window over looking the Golden Gate Bridge, started building an in home gym and library, and kept an extremely low profile. You finished file work and other Avengers paperwork at home, with a high security grade laptop. Natasha on the other hand, refused to dye her hair, or keep a low profile. She didn’t want to admit that she was depressed, but it was glaringly oblivious. Being thrown out of her comforting routine put a wrench in Natasha’s life that not even you, her beautiful girl, could fix. All day she would do her paperwork, workout, and just keep to herself. It was like you weren’t even girlfriends anymore. Finally, in the fifth month of living “undercover,” she finally agreed to go on a low key date with you to a small, cozy bar on the outskirts of the city. You got dressed up for the first time in what felt like forever, did your makeup real pretty, and even did braids on Natasha’s silky hair. She looked happy, finally. Adorning a brown leather jacket, dark blue jeans, and a low cut green top- her classic silver arrow necklace sitting pretty on her chest- your girlfriend looked like her old self again...absolutely perfect. 
“You look gorgeous, baby,” swift arms swept you into a gentle kiss, smirking against your lips and pulling you close to her waist. 
You thought that night would be perfect, but by 11 pm you two were home and icing her bloody knuckles, static tv voices echoing in the background. You felt hot tears rising to the surface, but you never let them fall. It’s not like you were just mad or angry or disappointed…no this was something more. You were embarrassed. Embarrassed by Natasha. You thought you’d never say that sentence, but then there you were, apologizing to the bartender for your girlfriend's rowdy behavior, and throwing $20 to the guy she completely knocked out before nearly carrying her out of the bar and into a cab. Within the next two weeks she packed her bags, and your home was changing once again, now empty. 
  8 months later 
    The team said that you’d only be separated for a year, or less, but you were coming up on a year pretty soon and none of you were any closer to figuring out who the threat is. But you, you moved on, strived forward, and kept going. Your breakup with Nat had been one of the most painful moments of your life, but you didn’t let it stop you. These days you hardly cried over her at all, never even thought of the old days. Well, except for last Tuesday, when you saw one of her old sweaters and lied in bed for the rest of the day, or on Thursday when you heard her favorite song and- well, never mind that. You were at the top of your fucking game. 
  Ms. Romanoff, on the other hand, had moved out of San Francisco completely and settled in Washington D.C. from the last you heard. She attended the monthly zooms, same as you, but you two never addressed one another. Natasha pushed all of the heartbreak she harbored deep, deep down until she would lie down for bed and reach out next to her…but you were never there. 
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m1ssunderstanding · 7 months
Understanding Lennon McCartney Rewatch Part 1.1
So disclaimer: I took screenshots instead of photographing my screen this time, but the quality of footage is a thousand times worse so the images are still mostly shit. But anyway, here we go :)
We're going to have to keep a tally on how many times they refer to their relationship in romantic terms. Less than a minute in, Paul has used the description, “great love affair.”
And John's right on his heels with “the sexual equivalent of . . . People in love.” So there's 2 already. Oh boy.
That opening montage of John and Paul just living for the light in each other's eyes should actually be the official music video for “I wanna hold your hand.”
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Also I wonder how many songs they have about hiding. Someone's got to have a list somewhere right?
I adore the absolute lack of reaction to John manhandling Paul.
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And then This Look. He's in love with him, ladies and gentlemen.
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I remember seeing somewhere that this footage was literally right after they'd finished “she loves you.” Which was pretty recently after Bob Wooler, which was right after Barcelona. And if you're like me and you think that song is secretly about their relationship? If Paul's just been singing “she said you hurt her so, she almost lost her mind, but now she says she knows you're not the hurting kind. She said she loves you” at you, after all of that? Of course John's acting like a fucking puppy dog.
Poor George tally number 1
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Excuse me??? John wants to live in the Beatle apartment instead of with his actual literal wife until Paul decides to move in with his girlfriend? What? He's so insane. Cynthia, you're lucky Paul's a fucking social climber.
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I think it's indicative of two things that Paul said “screw secret girlfriends” while John happily went along with secret wives. One: different levels of security in masculinity (John doesn't have gay eyebrows etc) and two: different relationships. Jane and Paul's relationship was a smart career move for both of them and I think, being upper-class, and having her own career, and not being a mother, Jane was in more of a position to have a say.
Every time I watch that footage of Ken Dodd asking about their parents I physically cringe. Poor poor babies. Do your research you idiot! I don't think that ever happened again. I wonder if Brian made sure of that.
Paul literally talks like such a husband here. “We've thought about it, and probably the thing that John and I will do . . .”
Obsessed with Paul shouldering himself between George and John after George's little joke shove. It's so protective and yet so subtle. Exactly the same strong posture and easy smile as when he stepped between John and that interviewer during the Jesus scandal.
Poor George tally number 2 (you can't quite tell from the pic but John is shoving him out of the way because how dare he put his suitcase by Paul's?! That's John's suitcase's spot!!)
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All the Beatles were cuddly with each other. It's one of the cutest bits about them, the puppies in a basket aspect. But I think we'll need a “noticable spacing difference” tally for this rewatch, too, and here's the first.
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Paul wearing John's hat for attention and it fully and completely doing the job? They're so embarrassing!
I actually love that John's imitation of his upper-class Scottish family (which Paul can't do) is actually much more convincing than his broad Liverpudlian (which Paul nails in two variations, one based off his own family) I'm obsessed with the class dynamics between them.
Poor George tally three. He shares this one with Ringo. That moment when Paul's pretending to interview them about their purple hearts and cuts them both off with, “thank you. Mi-mister Lennon,” and John and Paul proceed to completely forget the other two exist for who knows how long – certainly longer than the videographer was willing to record.
I find John sliding into Paul's raspy “tiiight yeeeah” with his very turned on “mmmMM it's been a hard” extremely suggestive. I'm sorry but I do.
It's like he thinks if he looks away for too long he's going to disappear or something. Which. Now that I said that. Yeah. That is what it is. Poor separation-issues baby.
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Ringo: Paul, you wrote a beautiful song and you sing it great. John: yeah and you're SEXY! Let's not forget that, everyone.
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Am I crazy to obsess over every little musical similarity in their songs? Yes. Can I help it? No. The little “oh-oh ohoho” in the If I Fell demo is exactly the same as in Imagine and (frothing and writhing) it means something I can feel it! I just have no idea what.
I also find the lyric change from “i hope that she won't cry” to “i hope that she will cry” extremely interesting. There's always a heterosexual explanation. Trust me, the straights are the Simone Biles of mental gymnastics. But while the published lyric can be read as a man bitter toward his ex girlfriend hoping to hurt her by flaunting his new relationship, the demo version is trickier. Could it be that he doesn't want to hurt his wife's feelings by letting her know he's in love with someone else? But who else could John Lennon possibly have been in love with at the time?
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“Too too much in love. Woah, too too much in love with you.” My heart
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zegrasdrysdale · 4 months
also if your not uber uber busy could YOU PLEASEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE write a fic based off of one of these songs (feel free to do all of them my queen but NO PRESSURE) I also don't mind who the fic is with use who ever you feel would go best with it :)
Before you Go - Lewis Capaldi
It's Not Over - Daughtry
Goodbyes - post Malone
Circles - Post Malone
I hate you, I love you - Gnash
Mr Brightside - The Killers
Scars to your beautiful - Alessia Cara
Thank you I might request more but again no pressure
[ it’s not over ] j. drysdale
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paring : Jamie Drysdale x fem!reader
summary : Jamie and his girlfriend broke up right before he was traded to Philly. when Jamie comes back to pack up the rest of his things, she tries to fight for them since she doesn’t believe it’s over for them
warning(s) : angst galore ! a few uses of Y/N
author’s note : giving me free range to write this abt whoever was probably not the best idea, especially when i like writing jamie angst 😈
fic inspired by :
I was blown away What could I say? It all seemed to make sense You've taken away everything And I can't deal with that I try to see the good in life But good things in life are hard to find
The NHL season ended without a word from Jamie since the day he got traded to the Flyers in January. Nearly four months passed after he was traded and she never got so much as a text message from her former boyfriend of nearly two years.
They shared a whirlwind of a relationship where they met, said they loved each other, and moved into an Anaheim apartment down the street from Trevor all within a year.
She truly loved him, and she truly messed up before he left for the trip to Nashville that he never came back from.
She knew there were rumors going around Anaheim about Jamie's trade, and Jamie blocked them out every time he heard even a whisper about him getting traded out of Anaheim. He didn't want to hear the reality. When she tried to get him to see that, he walked out the door for the trip after they got into a fight. He packed a bag and spent the night at Trevor's.
Now that the season is over, she expects him to come back to finish packing whatever he didn't grab over the All Star break in February. She couldn't just leave the apartment. She couldn't leave all of the memories behind so easily, especially since she still loves him.
Trevor texts her the day after the season ends and tells her that Jamie is coming in soon to grab the last of his things. Jamie couldn't even let her know that he's coming by. She spends that night curled up in their bed.
We'll blow it away, blow it away Can we make this something good? Well, I'll try to do it right this time around
The following morning, she's up early and thinks about what she can do to fix what's broken between them over a cup of coffee. She has no idea if he's mad at what she said or mad at the fact that he did get traded out of Anaheim.
Maybe she shouldn't have said anything about the trade before it happened. Maybe he wouldn't be about to move out the last few boxes he packed in February if she let him process his future trade on his own.
She fucked up, but maybe she can fix it. It's not over until they both think it's over, and she doesn't think it's over with them. She'll try to do it right this time. She'll be supportive of him instead of trying to get him to see reality. That's where she messed up because Jamie was probably trying to cope with the fact that he wasn't wanted in Anaheim anymore by the team that put their faith in him and drafted him 6th a few years ago.
All she wanted to do was prepare him for the possibility of being traded across the country, and she was met with radio silence since he walked out that door.
He walked out that door with her heart and took it across the country with him. She has to try to fix what's broken. She's not ready to say goodbye to him. She's not ready for him to become a memory or a ghost that haunts her dreams.
The sound of a key in the door grabs her attention immediately. She was leaning on the kitchen island and stands straight up when the door opens. She leaves the cup of coffee on the counter because she is afraid that she's going to drop it when she sees who's walking into the apartment.
She bites her lip so she doesn't say anything when Jamie walks into the apartment for the first time with her there since the fight a bunch of months ago. It feels like a lifetime ago when he walked out the door.
He freezes when he sees her in the kitchen. Their eyes meet and she has to hold back tears.
Jamie looks so much happier and healthier than the last time she saw him in person. The bags under his eyes have gotten lighter. He is practically glowing.
He was working so hard while he was playing for Anaheim because he felt like he had something to prove. He felt like he needed to prove that he belonged here. Philly wanted him so he probably was able to relax.
"Hi," she finally breathes out when the silence gets to be too much for her. "You look, um ... you look good."
"Thanks," he replies, voice quiet. "Are the boxes still in the bedroom?"
She nods quietly and Jamie makes a quick escape down the hallway. She rests her elbows on the counter and puts her face in his hands to hide any emotions that Jamie could see when he comes back out into the living room.
Her throat closes up and tears prick her eyes. She had no idea that seeing him again would cause her to have this reaction. Seeing Jamie will always probably make her have some kind of reaction.
Let's start over I'll try to do it right this time around It's not over Because a part of me is dead and in the ground This love is killing me, but you're the only one It's not over
When he comes back into the living room, Jamie is carrying one of the six boxes that are left. That's probably the biggest box so he has to carry it by itself. The other boxes are light so they can be carried two or three at a time.
That means she's running out of time to talk to him before he walks out of her life completely.
She walks back to the bedroom where his remaining boxes sit in the corner. She sits on the bed so she can catch him when he walks back into the room. With a quick wipe of her cheeks to dry them, she settles on the mattress with her legs crosses and waits for Jamie to come back.
There are footsteps in the hallway and Jamie appears in the doorway a second later. He pauses mid-step when he sees her sitting on the bed they used to share.
"Can we talk?" she asks as her entire body shakes with anxiety and nervousness. "Please?"
Jamie walks over to the corner and piles two of the boxes on top of one another. "I don't have time," he tells her as he picks up the pair of boxes. "Trevor is waiting for me outside to take me and my stuff to the airport for my flight to Toronto."
She frowns as he walks out the door with his things, but she quickly throws on a pair of slides and follows him. "Jamie, please," she begs. "I don't want to let you leave without saying what I have to say. I don't want you to get on that flight without talking to me first."
He gets on the elevator and she jumps on with him. He presses the button to go to the first floor and the doors shut. "(Y/N)," he sighs. "I can't do this again. I don't want to do this again."
"I want to fight for us, Jamie," she says anyway as the elevator keeps descending to the first floor. "I'm not letting you just walk away so easily again. It was a mistake the first time letting you walk away. Especially because you didn't come back."
The doors open and Jamie walks out. She follows him out the front door. Trevor's car sits next to the curb, and he leans against it. "There is a reason I didn't come back," he comments as he throws the boxes in the trunk of the car. Then he looks at her. "I was traded, remember? I bet you do because you kept reminding me that I was going to be traded."
His words cause her to freeze as he walks away. She looks at Trevor, who just points in Jamie's direction. "Go," he tells her. "He's just being hard to get."
She runs after him as he approaches the elevator. The doors open and she once again joins him in the small room.
"I should've been a good girlfriend and be there for you to help you cope with the possibility of being traded," she says to Jamie. "I shouldn't have kept telling you to face reality. I didn't understand how you were feeling, but I do now. I wasn't there for you and was making it harder for you. I'm sorry."
The two walk back into the privacy of their apartment because it's still technically Jamie's apartment too. Once the door shuts, Jamie spins and faces her.
"You made it seem like you were excited to move to wherever it was I got traded to," Jamie snaps. "Meanwhile, I was leaving behind the life that I had made for myself over the past four years. I was leaving the best teammates behind, I was leaving my best friends behind. I pushed myself so hard once those rumors started that I hurt myself trying to prove that I belonged here. I hurt myself trying to prove that I had a spot on the Ducks, and they still traded me anyway. There's a reason I didn't want to face that reality and it's because I was leaving everything behind. Then there was you who seemed like you didn't care what you were leaving behind."
"Because I was ready to move across the country to be with you!" she shouts at him. Her voice is strained as she chokes back tears. "I didn't want to leave everything behind, but I was ready to start a life with you wherever you ended up, then you walked out that door and never came back. You ignored every single text and call I made. You never gave me the chance to explain myself, and now here we are."
He walks back into the bedroom to grab the last three boxes. "I didn't want to hear your excuses," he says as she follows him. "I didn't want to listen to how excited you were to start the next chapter of our lives or whatever while I was struggling to walk away from Anaheim. Sorry if I needed a second."
As he stacks the last boxes on top of each other, she says, "I would've given you as much time as you needed, Jamie. All you had to do was talk to me. Instead, you ignored me." She pauses as Jamie lifts up the boxes. "If I could do the last few months over again, I would. If I could be there for you then I would. I'd support you through anything. I did support you. I watched every single Flyers game you played in and I had to resist the urge to call you when you got hurt a few weeks after the trade. I had to ask Trevor how you were even though he was hurt too because I wasn't sure if you'd answer and I was worried you'd hurt your shoulder like you did last year. I cheered for every point you got and I loved you from 2,700 miles away while you were ignoring me."
Tears form and fall down her cheeks as she tells Jamie what been happening with her since he left. She's angry, but she loves him so much that she's willing to be angry at him for a second while they talk for the first time in months.
She's willing to be angry at him for this one moment.
Jamie puts the boxes on the ground and looks at her. "You still loved me and supported me even though I was ignoring you?" he asks like he doesn't believe her. She nods and wipes away her own tears while she looks at Jamie. "I didn't know-"
"You wouldn't have known because you refused to talk to me," she interrupts as she rubs her face. "I'm sure you didn't bother asking Z how I was either because he didn't tell me if you did ask."
"I asked him not to tell you."
He sighs and runs his fingers through his hair. "I did ask how you were doing, but I told Trevor not to tell you I was asking because I wasn't sure if I wanted to talk to you yet," Jamie explains. "He didn't tell me that you still loved me and were supporting everything I did in Philly."
"Still love," she corrects. "Still support. I always will because I thought for years that it was going to be the two of us til the end. When you walked through that door a little bit ago, I was getting ready to fight for us. I didn't think it was actually over between us, but you tell me if it's over or if we can start over."
Jamie stays quiet, and the only reason she doesn't immediately tell him to leave is because she can see that he's genuinely thinking about her words.
I've taken all I could take And I cannot wait We're wasting too much time Being strong, holding on Can't let it bring us down My life with you means everything So I won't give up that easily
His phone buzzes and he takes it out of the pocket of his shorts. He looks back up at her and says, "I have to-"
"Go?" she interrupts again. "Then go, but know that I'm not done fighting for us and our lives together."
"(Y/N)," Jamie sighs. "I have to go tell Trevor that I'm staying." Her eyes widen. "It's not over between us. I don't want it to ever be over between us, so if you'll let me, I'd like to start over. Redo the last few months or so with you."
All of the tension leaves her body and she nearly falls to the floor. She lets out the biggest sigh of relief, and also the loudest sob that echoes off the walls of the bedroom. She covers her face and cries into her hands.
A pair of arms wrap around her shoulders and she smells Jamie's familiar cologne on his body as it engulfs her. "We'll do it right this time," he assures her. "I promise.
I'll blow it away, blow it away Can we make this something good? 'Cause it's all misunderstood Well, I'll try to do it right this time around
Let's start over I'll try to do it right this time around It's not over Because a part of me is dead and in the ground This love is killing me, but you're the only one It's not over
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mindl3sssoul · 1 month
Fluttering Love
“I don't feel lonely when I see her
Even my sad emotions dissapear far way, She's my fairy of shampoo
I will love you now”
་༘࿐Summary: where Yuuta unexpectedly falls in love with you, who illuminates his world and transforms his life with your presence.
✧this is based from the song fairy of shampoo by dosii!
Word count: 1.2k
Reader's gender is unspecified!
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Chapter 1
Yuuta never hoped for that accident to happen. Seeing the lifeless body of the girl he had promised a whole future with at the only age of 11 made him wanna throw up. The metallic scent fills his mind, unable to process whatever happened right now.
He could only mumble her name in distress, tears finally building up, threatening to fall out. Her head bashed on the ground when the car strikes her. Lying on her own pool of blood, her navy dress tainted by the crimson red. The voices of people around yelling, one asking for help, calling for the ambulance, as if it's not too late.
He dared to utter her name once again, in a moment of silence Yuta's eyes widen, his breath hitching as he hears that terrifying voice. Desperate to find its source, he glances around him. "Rika-chan...?" he mumbled, barely audible. The world fading on his sight each second, threatened to be consumed by the darkness engulfing the place.
Everything went silent, he's in a void, lost and puzzled, then, he hears a voice.
"Yuutaaaa... we'll be together in the future, right..????" He heard the same high-pitched, distorted voice again. A figure emerges from the ground, it's head having a shell like structure looking a bit similar to brain, several tendrils connecting from the back of it, a mouth full of thin sharp teeth.
Yuta stumbles backwards, a cry escaping his lips as he sees the grotesque form rising from Rika's body. "W-What are you...?" he stammers, his heart pounding in his chest.
The monstrous form rose up beneath him, its hands tightened around his ankle, it's other hand reaching out to cover his face, he shut his eyes close in terror and tried to free his ankle from the large hand's grip.
Everything, went silent again.
A few chattering he hears again, everything slowly coming back to place, he blinked a few times, his vision still blurry, after a few seconds, he finally became conscious of everything around, he was zoning out. He blinked a few times, their words rang through his head a couple of times. looking at the person infront of him. It was his assigned deskmate.
How embarassing. A blush crept to his face from embarrassment, turning his head away in shame. Beads of sweat forming on his forehead, sliding out his red cheeks. His lips quivering, he still remember what happened earlier when he zoned out. Giving him chills.
Ever since that day happened, he would be always haunted by the after events of Rika's death. Which lead him to almost not eat or sleep, going as far as locking himself inside his room, even cutting everyone off. His mother would always check on him, but will just be met with silence and sobs.
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"I'm [Last name] [Name], I'm gonna be your deskmate so uh pleasure to meet you."
You did it, you finally introduced yourself properly! Lost in your own thoughts, you were almost jumping out of success. You grinned to yourself, turning your head along with your gaze away proudly, crossing your arms. After a few seconds, maybe 25, you never heard any word or sound coming from him, only your teacher discussing infront and a few chatters at the back.
It took you awhile to decide whether if you should turn and ask him what he's on. Hesitating for a moment, You stare at the boy infront of you, he was staring almost right into your soul, damn, tilting your head in confusion, puzzled on why he's speechless infront of you.
Almost you can imagine a question mark above your head, you pondered, have you said something wrong? Is there anything wrong with your introduction? Or is he just mesmerized by you? Brows furrowed in concern, You hoped it was the third one but he got you almost shitting out with that stare, it was a little frightening but it doesn't bother you really much.
Couple minutes of silence passed, you finally decided to try and break him out of that state. You turned to him again, feeling nervous, you waved your hand infront of his face, analyzing him. There was something alluring on the dark circles under his eyes, and the way his dark blue irises shines like a sea illuminated by the pale moonlight at a breezy night. You find yourself eventually staring at his irises, lost in it.
You realized and shook your head, breaking out of it, you sighed and decided to ask him. "Hello..? Are you still with us..?" Questioning him quietly, your voice a mere whisper in order not to get catched talking loudly by your teacher. Genuinely concerned for the guy, you tapped his shoulders gently. Still after a few moments of silence, you sighed in defeat, grumbling to yourself as you rest your head on your palms.
You spare him a glance again, having no choice but focus your gaze at the boring whiteboard infront. But you know you have to take a second glance when you caught a glimpse of him blinking, turning your look back, he was not staring at you now, he had totally turned away, his slightly dishevelled hair covering the side of his face a little but you can see a faint scarlet on his cheeks.
He was zoning out for 4 minutes. "Mhm yeah.. he was definitely zoning out." You mumbled to yourself, giving a low huff before picking up your pen, clicking the top of it continuously. Bored seeped to you, hoping that somehow the class would be dismissed early.
You attempted to distract yourself by drawing various objects, just cats and stick figures, or attempt at spinning a pen with your fingers like what you always see on your social media main page, but you always end up dropping it or screwing up which makes you frustrated. So you just made simple origamis, like paper stars during the 3 subjects and each of them having 40 minutes of sessions. Yet even when you never usually listen to those lessons, you still manage to get passing scores which makes your classmates wonder how you get it.
You occasionally glanced at your deskmate who's either fumbling with his fingers or looking around the classroom, by also trying to be not noticeable. His head was down the entire time, turning left or right.
However, the moment he meets your eyes a second time, he becomes tense once again, looking frightened as if you were going to eat him alive. Even though you didn't really know the boy, there's something about him that makes you want to at least lend a hand. But that would be out of character, you thought.
So then, you just sighed quietly, leaning your back at the hard wooden chair, waiting for the class to end. After all, there's only 5 minutes left before recess.
Those slow 5 minutes of hell finally ended. your stomach is screaming inside you, it's big back ass wanting nothing but food again, but you always end up buying candies at the cafeteria which doesn't even satisfy your hunger enough.
You went back to your class, you don't see any more student inside except for him. Sitting all by himself, you didn't expect this but he was staring at your seat, not in some kind of weird way, but with melancholy and guilt. Feeling bad that he may have you feel uncomfortable when he was right there staring to your soul.
You moved forward, supposingly, you were approaching your seat, like as usual you do. But you find yourself standing before him, handing him a piece of candy you bought. Your hands were shaking mildly, hoping that he would take it sooner or it may fall from your hands due to your akwardness.
a/n: I'm so sorry for the slow ahh update! I have been busy with school lately so please be patient with me! T T, I'll try to update faster when I have free time!
🎐blue star divider by soulari!
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samiswifey · 9 months
Christmas With Her
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Paring: Sam Carpenter x Fem!Reader
Warnings: none
Summary: set in the same universe as my Back To You au. It's your first Christmas back in the city and Sam decided to go all out for your short visit back
Getting the news that you were coming back for Christmas Sam quickly decided that she had to make this the best Christmas ever! She knew how important Christmas was to you and you coming back was a big deal that she started putting up decorations to make the apartment a little more festive for your arrival. She knew the Christmas before she left wasn't your best and she has always had it in the back of her mind that she wanted to make that up to you. Now was her chance.
"Sam, don't you think this is too much," Tara motioned to the decorations that covered the house. "She's only here for three days." She said pointedly.
The short time you were here made Sam frown but she covered it back with a smile. "Yes it's only three days but I still want those three days to be the best for her." She said. "Christmas hasn't always been easy for Y/N and I want to make this one the best."
Driving into the city you couldn't help but completely relax at the realization of finally being here. It wasn't a super long drive back but it was long enough for you to be tired and ready for a nap. However this also fueled your excitement for seeing Sam again. Yes you guys call and FaceTime but that's so much different from actually seeing her in person again. She's also the only reason why you're even excited about this holiday and that definitely has to count for something.
Driving for the last few hours you should have been exhausted but the minute you pulled into the parking lot of the familiar apartment complex you felt all the sleep exist your body and you just felt more awake then ever right now.
Stepping out of your car you held a two bags filled with gifts as you made your way up to the door and knocked twice. It wasn't even thirty seconds before the door opens and your pulled into a bear hug by Sam. She said nothing as she repeatedly kissed your face. You giggled but let her continue until she decided to stop on her own.
"Sam stop eating her face and let Y/N come in." Tara teased.
Sam giggled but let you go to walk inside. Your eyes grew wide when you saw how decorated the small apartment was. The decorations were super fancy but they were lovely and they reminded you of home before everything went bad. It was beautiful.
"Oh Sam the apartment looks beautiful! I wish I could have been here to decorate." You said awestruck.
Sam moves next to you and holds your hand. "Hopefully next year we'll be together and then we can decorate together." She said. You smiled at her when she said. "I would absolutely love that."
With this being the first time you guys have seen each other physically in two months you and Sam decided to enjoy each other's company to the fullest. You were both cuddled on the couch with your fingers locked together as you and Sam made small talk on the couch. The conversation wasn't deep but it was meaningful to you. You liked these kinds of conversations because it showed you a more fun side to Sam. She is usually so serious so when you two just got to cuddle and talk about random things you definitely cherished them.
"So what do you do on Christmas morning? Like what's your perfect day?" Sam asked.
You smiled as you thought about it. "We wake up early to make breakfast and we eat together while watching those cheesy Christmas movies," you laughed. "Then we open gifts! All while singing Christmas songs - you'll hate it at first but you'll soon find yourself loving it because you're having so much. Then we eat dinner together and spend the rest of the day just enjoying our time together." You told her. "It would be perfect."
Sam saw the look of excitement in your eyes and she knew that she was about to make this Christmas perfect for you. She, in her mind, still felt like she needs to make it up to you. Like she has to keep fixing what she broke all those years ago. She wants to show you that your relationship is serious to her and that she truly does love you. This relationship is not one sided and she hopes that making this the best Christmas ever can show you that. She has to make tomorrow perfect
Waking up very early Sam slowly climbed out of bed and tip toed to the kitchen to make sure she had everything she needs to make French toast. She knew it was your favorite when you were kids so she's really hoping that that's still true because she would feel horrible if she got it wrong. That would be a sucky way to start Christmas.
"Sam what are you doing up so early?" Tara asked as she steps into the kitchen.
Sam continued checking ingredients that she had. "Making sure I have everything to make French toast with." She muttered out. Tara was confused by that. "But you hate French toast." She comments. "Why would you want to make it for breakfast?" She asked.
Sam smiled to herself when she thought about you. "Y/N loves it and I want to start Christmas Day with her favorite breakfast. So I really need to make sure I have everything to make it the way she loves." She explains. "It has to be perfect."
Waking up you frowned when you noticed that Sam was not next to you. Sitting up you slowly got out of bed and made your way out of the room. The smell of French toast hit your nose and you smiled as you walked toward the kitchen. You didn't say anything as you watched Sam cook breakfast while singing to herself. You smiled when you remembered that she used to do that back when you were kids. You have always loved Sam's voice and that's something that will never change.
Sam turns around to smile at you. "Baby I'm so glad you're up! Breakfast will be ready soon." She said. You walked up behind her and gently wrapped your arms around her as you watched her cook. This was something that you used to do a lot before Christina caught you and it forced you to stop showing affection to Sam in public because you didn't want Sam to face her mother's fury again. However now things are different and you can show her all the love and affection you want without being scolded.
"I never asked, but is French toast still your favorite?" Sam asked.
You nodded as you moved to stand next to her. "It's the only good memory I have from my childhood. Us eating French toast together on the weekend. Watching whatever random thing was on TV." You said. Sam laughed "remember when we came across that really bad shark movie! We both wanted to change the channel but it was so ridiculously bad that we kind of got stuck watching it to see how it ended." She said. You laughed loudly at the memory. "Yes! Oh it was so bad that I can't believe it went on to have five sequels!" You exclaimed. Sam shook her head. "They were so bad."
Once breakfast was done you and Sam sat at the table with Tara and the twins there bickering about some new horror movie that had come out. Neither you or Sam really cared for horror movies but you found the conversation interesting considering how heated debates between Tara and Mindy got.
"I don't agree that all B horror movies are bad movies. There are a lot of good ones out there." Tara said.
Mindy scoffs "yeah, like a handful! Most of them are poorly written torture films with little to no plot to keep the film interesting." She argues. This caused them to argue over which movies were actually good and which ones were just had great kills but a terrible story. This conversation was never ending.
The afternoon came fast and you were all sitting around getting ready to open presents. The gifts you got from Tara and the twins were amazing. Yes Mindy gave you joke socks but you absolutely loved them. Chad gave you a coffee maker since yours broke last month and Tara got you three new journals because she knows how much you love to write. The gifts were amazing and you were happy that they loved everything you got them.
Sam sat a little off to the side with one gift in her hand because it was the only one she had to save up for. Her heart was beating fast in her chest as she slowly moves closer to you. "It's not much but I saw it one day when I was out and it reminded me of you so I saved up and was finally able to get it last week." She said quickly. "I really hope you like it."
You smiled as you took her gift and slowly unwrapped it. You gasped when you saw the raindrop diamond that you had when you were younger. Your grandma gave you hers and you absolutely loved it. You wore it everyday until your mom stole it from you and pawned it for money to give to her boyfriend. It was nearly identical to your original one.
"Baby... I love it. It's so beautiful." You said as you leaned in to kiss her. "Thank you."
Sam smiles as she helps you put it on. She was so happy that you liked it because she was extremely worried that you'd hate it, but you didn't and that made her completely relax.
"I hope you guys don't mind but I went all out on getting you guys gifts. I wanted our first Christmas together to be special." You said softly.
Everyone pulled you into a group hug and told you that it would have been perfect no matter what. You being here with them was what was making it special and that had you smiling like a fool at that. It really warmed your heart at how welcoming everyone was. It was amazing.
Spending the last few hours cooking you have never laughed as much in your life as you did today. The last few years you were completely dreading the holiday but this year, spending it with them, had you excited to see what next year bought you.
"Baby do you remember that recipe for that cake you used to love?" Sam asked. "Tara wanted to make it because we have everything here but she just needs the recipe," she adds.
You thought for a moment as you tried to remember everything that your grandma used to put in. It was a fairly simple cake but she did things a certain way and that's what you needed to remember.
"I know everything but she did things a certain way and that's what makes this cake so special." You said as you walked away with Tara behind you.
Sitting on the couch you and Tara looked through one of your notebooks with recipes from your grandma. They were everything you used to love eating that she would make for you. It was bringing back memories of you with your grandma in the kitchen cooking some meal that she thought up. It was always an incredible time when you were with her and just the thoughts alone made you smile.
It made Sam smile at how easily you could make everyone around you happy. It was the thing she loves the most about you because whenever she's been upset you were always there to make her smile and just cheer her up. Even when things fell apart you were there making her laugh and forget for just a moment. She'll never be able to repay you for everything you did for her. She is forever grateful for you.
Sitting around the table there was nothing but happiness and laughter as you and the core four shared stories. Yes some were embarrassing but that's what made them the more fun to share. Dinner was delicious and very well made. Sam kept glancing at you and smiling as she kept your hands locked together.
You could tell that Sam was the most happy she's been in a while and it was an honor to you that you were able to be apart of why she was so happy right now. It made your heart swell to see Sam happy and you would do anything to keep her smiling forever.
With the night winding down you and Sam snuck off to the bedroom for some alone time together. You both sat on her bed as she held another small gift in her hands.
"I wanted to wait until we were alone to give this one to you." She said softly. "It's something that only you and I will know the meaning behind."
You kissed her softly before pulling away to open the gift. Your eyes grew wide when you saw the silver bracelet with your name and Sam's name on it. "Did you recreate our friendship bracelets from when we were kids?" You asked. "Sam that is so sweet!"
You leaned forward and kissed Sam again. This kiss was deeper and much more passionate then the last few you've shared today. Sam could feel the love you were pouring into the kiss and she gave you back the same amount. It was a kiss that told you both everything you needed to know. Your love was real and you both were excited to see where the future takes you. Today was perfect and filled with memories that neither of you could wait to share with your future family. Although Sam was very nervous things turned out way better than she could have hoped for and it filled her heart with happiness to know that your first Christmas with her was absolutely perfect. It was incredible.
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olenvasynyt · 5 months
I don’t listen to Taylor Swift but here’s my analysis of Guilty As Sin? being Elucien coded
I am not saying SJM posting this song on her story is a sign that Elucien is endgame or that Elain’s book is next, this is just my interpretation of a song and it is not based in fact!  I also don’t know TS lore or her dating history, I only know about the football guy, and Matty Healy because I’m ex-The 1975 fan
Drownin' in the Blue Nile He sent me "Downtown Lights" I hadn't heard it in a while
Downtown Lights by The Blue Nile is one of Matty Healy’s favorite songs and a verse from that song is this:
“Sometimes I walk away When all I really wanna do Is love and hold you right There is just one thing I can say Nobody loves you this way It’s alright”
If I were to relate this to ACOTAR, this is reminiscent of the stairs moment when Lucien is leaving to find Vassa and an army and we can see this longing and affection for Elain but he walks away.  Sometimes I walk away when all I really wanna do it love and hold you right.  I think we are going to see her POV of that moment and I feel like it is going to be very prevalent in Elain’s book because Elain takes a half-step.  What does that half step mean?
My boredom's bone-deep This cage was once just fine Am I allowed to cry? I dream of crackin' locks
This could be about how Elain is being kept in a box in the Night Court, about how she might have been trying to love it before but she wants to get out, it’s not the right place for her.  She does not fit in the Night Court, we see this when she wears black and it sucks the life out of her.
Crashin' into him tonight, he's a paradox I'm seeing visions Am I bad or mad or wise?
Elain sees visions.  And people also suspect that she could be seeing visions of Lucien.
What if he's written "Mine” on my upper thigh only in my mind?
Mine is a song by The 1975 and this song is about commitment and questioning what’s right and having this assurance that love is right.
Looking back on 2009 When people said that it was raining all the time I see sunshine 'cause I know that you are mine
“No, we saw rain, you guys weren’t right for each other, but he still sees sunshine, because I know that you are mine.”  This also reminds me of when Lucien says in his head “I am yours and you are mine”. 
I'm slippin', fallin' back into the hedge maze Oh, what a way to die
This could be about Elain struggling to navigate her thoughts and the visions she is probably still having but pushing down.  She might be better at controlling them but her control is slipping.
I keep recalling things we never did Messy top lip kiss, how I long for our trips Without ever touchin' his skin How can I be guilty as sin? I keep these longings locked in lowercase inside a vault
Again, as I and many people talked about before, Elain could be having feelings of attraction and affection towards Lucien, her mate, but she is shoving it down.  
We've already done it in my head, if it's make-believe Why does it feel like a vow we'll both uphold somehow?
People often headcanon that Elain is having sexual feelings and maybe even sexual visions of Lucien.
And the vow is the vow of accepting the mating bond and she feels guilty of that.
My bed sheets are ablaze I've screamed his name Buildin' up like waves crashin' over my grave Without ever touchin' his skin How can I be guilty as sin?
Again, we get this idea that Elain could be having attraction towards Lucien.  And we got fire imagery too!
What if I roll the stone away? They're gonna crucify me anyway What if the way you hold me is actually what's holy? If long-suffering propriety is what they want from me They don't know how you've haunted me so stunningly I choose you and me religiously
It’s people saying “you guys are wrong for each other.  You are wrong, you guys don’t fit together”.  We see this with Feyre questioning why her and Lucien are mates, Nesta yelling at Lucien, saying “we’ll decide what she needs”.  A lot of people don’t think Elucien are right for each other but Elain could be thinking “we are right” but she is too influenced by other people’s opinions that she doubts herself.  “But what if she chooses him?  What if she rolls the stone away, officially bringing to life the feelings she could have for Lucien?
They don’t know how you have been haunting me so stunningly I choose you and me religiously
Lucien has been haunting her, and Elain decides to choose him.
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baelabong · 3 months
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Pairing: Sana x fem!reader
Synopsis: Again just based on the lyrics
Genre: Angst/fluff if u squint
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The rain pounded against the window, mirroring the storm inside her heart. Y/N sat on the couch, knees drawn to her chest, staring at the phone in her hand. The message she had drafted a dozen times remained unsent.
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She knew this moment was coming. The distance, the unspoken words, the late nights filled with more silence than conversation—it was all building up to this inevitable confrontation. The apartment door creaked open, and Sana walked in, soaked from the rain, her expression a mixture of fatigue and resignation.
"We need to talk," Y/N said, her voice barely above a whisper.
Sana nodded, shedding her wet jacket and shoes before joining her on the couch. They sat there in heavy silence, the air thick with unspoken tension.
"I don't know how to start," Y/N admitted, her voice trembling.
Sana looked at her, eyes reflecting the pain they both felt. "Just say it. Whatever it is, just say it."
Y/N took a deep breath, steeling herself. "I feel like we're falling apart. Like we're both here, but not really... connected anymore."
Sana closed her eyes, a tear slipping down her cheek. "I know. I've felt it too."
Her heart clenched at the admission. "I don't want to lose you, but I don't know how to fix this. I feel like I'm standing here, naked, with all my flaws exposed, and I don't know if you can still love me like this."
Sana reached out, her fingers brushing against Y/N's. "It's not about your flaws. It's about us. We've both been hiding behind our fears, and it's tearing us apart."
Y/N nodded, the tears she had been holding back finally breaking free. "I'm scared. I'm scared of losing you, but I'm also scared of this emptiness between us."
Sana pulled her into a tight embrace, their tears mingling. "I'm sorry," she whispered. "My career... it's been consuming me. I never wanted to make you feel like this. You know all I ever wanted to do was to give you a comfortable life."
Y/N sobbed into Sana's shoulder, the weight of her feelings crashing down on her. "I feel so alone, Sana. I miss you. I miss us."
Sana held her tighter, her own tears falling freely. "I miss us too. I hate that my work has come between us. But I need you to know that I love you. I always have, and I always will."
Y/N pulled back slightly, looking into Sana's eyes. "Then show me. Show me that we're worth fighting for. Because I can't keep doing this if things don't change."
Sana nodded, determination mixing with the sorrow in her eyes. "I promise. I'll make time for us. We'll find a way to make this work."
Y/N wanted to believe her, but the scars of neglect ran deep. "It's going to take more than words, Sana."
"I know," Sana replied softly. "But I'm willing to do whatever it takes to make you feel loved and cherished. I can't lose you."
Y/N nodded, her heart aching with the hope and fear intertwined within her. "I can't lose you either. But we have to be honest with each other, about everything."
Sana took Y/N's hands in hers, squeezing gently. "I promise. No more hiding. No more letting my fears get in the way."
As the song continued to play in the background, they sat there, holding each other, letting their raw emotions flow freely. It wasn't going to be easy, but they were ready to face it together. They had stripped away their fears, their insecurities, and now, they were ready to rebuild something real, something beautiful.
Sana pressed a gentle kiss to Y/N's forehead, a silent vow of the love they shared. They were naked, but they were no longer afraid. They had each other, and that was enough.
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stormruff · 8 months
Jealousy 2
Pairing: RedHair Pirates x Reader, Uta x Sister!Reader, Shanks x daughter!reader and some Straw Hat Pirates x reader
Warnings: agnst
A/C: Sorry for delay in posting, my college comes back to classes and kill my time, but here it is. sorryfor the mistakes and enjoyy (we'll have part 3)
Part 1
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"(n/n)! (n/n)! Look what I find! "
Your relationship with Uta a lot improved, since from that day on, Shanks tried to make you interact more with the crew, you learned a little with each officer on the crew. Beck taught you how to fight with Shanks, some medicine with Hongo, improve your aim with Yasopp, cooking with Roux, and your music skills with Monster and Punch.
"a sheet music? where did you find it?"
"Here on this bench, can you read sheet music?"
"very little, but I understand that one a little. shouldn't we talk to these strange uncle or Shanks?"
"Nah, It's okay, you worry too much. they don't know anything, that uncle wants me to stay here, and stop being the singer for the Redhair's pirates!"
"Uta... This weird uncle loves your voice maybe..."she shush you with her index finger in your lips.
"Don't you dare behave like Shanks! He says the same thing! I belong to the Red Hair pirates like you! We are Shanks children! We will be the most powerful of the New Genesis!" She removed her finger away from your lips. "Let's play this song! I start and you accompany me with the flute, okay?"
You sigh: "Fine. Let's do with! I wanna see Monster face after this!" You giggled putting your flute near your lips.
Uta take a breath and...
Everything went out.
It was like a blink of an eye, you felt the noise of the waves… and murmurs. Soon you heard words… but you didn't understand.
"Boss... waking up." You tried to concentrate more.
"Guys.. slowly... she... hit... head... hard" You felt a headache and begin to regain the conscience.
"(y/n) are you awake?" Shanks voice come into your ears.
"hm... Shanks? What... What happened?" You tried to get up, but Hongo hands pinned you in the bed.
"At least she didn't hit her head so hard." Beck says. he was stand up beside Hongo.
"Uncle Beck..."
"Thank God, she didn't lose her memories." Hongo sigh in relief. "do you wanna sit up?" You nod and Beck aproached you and put his hand under your shoulder and sits you up in the bed.
"There you go, Troublemaker." He smiles, and Shanks aproached you.
"How are you feeling, little archer?"
"What happened?"
"You've already asked this question." the capitain teased with a smile while his hand brushed your hair.
"And you didn't answer..." You rubbed your head.
"I wanna bring some painkillers for her, I will be right back" Hongo stand up and smile faintly to you and left the room.
"I will warn the others, that our little Devil is awake..." Beck pat your shoulder and left.
You notice the sudden silence. Shanks finaly spoke.
"You slept for three weeks... You worried me..."
"Three... weeks...? I... I... don't remember anything after I close my eyes for start play my flute... Wait. Where's Uta? Is she fine? Does She? Does she..." Tears started to fall as you thought the worst. Shanks quickly cut those thoughts short.
"Uta is fine, don't worry."
"I want to see her!"
"(y/n). Uta stayed in Elegia." Shanks smile faded for a while. "She will become the best singer in the world, and she couldn't do that with us. She decided to stay."
"That... That... That's a lie, Shanks!" You shouted your tears running out your eyes. "She said... She said..." You sob "She said she wanted to stay with us! She wanted to stay with us! You abandoned her?! If you did this please tell me!"
"I didn't abandon Uta, (y/n). Listen, I know you've been through a lot and are very mature for a 10 year old… but you're still a child… all I can say is that you and Uta messed with a sheet of music that you shouldn't move." he hugged you. "Do you want Uta to make her dream come true?" You nod. "So be happy, I know you're sad, but you have to be strong. When the time comes, we'll see her again, and when that day comes, we'll be very proud. Promise you'll be happy for your younger sister?
You took a while to respond. "I promise"
He smiled.
12 years later
“already awake at this time, (y/n)?” Robin says when she sees you in the kitchen "you slept really late last night."
"I wanted to sleep more, but a certain commotion invaded my room." You sit in the table, ruffling.
"(y/n)-chan! I'm sorry that you sleep has been interrupted!" Sanji runs after you with heart in his eyes with a tray with a glass of milk and cookies. "I made these cookies for you! But before you eat, Let me know who are the bastards who bothered you."
"Don't worry I already take care of it."
"what is this (y/n)? Why so much violence towards us?" Luffy says rubbing his head followed by Usopp and Brook, the three has huge cocks in their heads.
"We just got a little carried away, there was no need to hit us, like that." Usopp say walking towards you.
"Stop giving excuses like Uncle Yasopp!" You shouted while hit Luffy who tried to eat your cookies. "If I had known that spending a few months with you would be such chaos, I would have stayed with Shanks."
"Even Brook was among them?" Nami asked.
"He took advantage of these two idiots coming in to invade my room."
"Don't get me wrong, (y/n)-chan, I was just curious to know the color of your panties."
"PERVERT!" Sanji kicked him.
"You are too, wire eyebrow!" Zoro shouted.
"SILENCE!" Nami put an end to the chaos. "What (y/n) would think about us?"
You giggled.
"No problem, I'm used with Luffy. And I can see, you are pretty excited. What happened?"
"I'm so excited to met princess Uta!" Usopp shouted and you froze, your cookie fell in the ground with your glass of milk.
"(y/n). You okay?" You woke up from your trance of amazement, with Robin's voice.
"Uh, I'm fine. Just... surprised..." you went to pick up the broken glass, but Sanji stopped you.
"she has the same name as your sister, Is it not h-"
"It's just a coincidence Luffy." You cut him. "You must be excited, Brook, they say Elegia is a song heaven."
"Yes, it feels like I'm living a dream. But you must be excited after all you are an instrumentalist too."
"It had been a long time since I played a complete song" You had learned to use your flute as a weapon, you were from a windy island after all, maybe using this knowledge and the power of wind manipulation that you acquired from your island could launch stronger attacks. and you also coated your flute with Haki, which made it more resistant, as well as your archery attacks.
"We're coming to Elegia, Luffy." Jinbe's voice resounded as everyone went upstairs to pack their things to dock the ship.
"I can't believe it, Shanks! Did you really bring us here?!" Uta exclaimed, jumping off the ship.
"Elegia, the paradise of music! Feel free, girls." Shanks yelled putting you on his shoulders.
"Can I ask a favour to you, (n/n)?"
"Of course."
"When you see that Uta is going to get into trouble, activate big sister mode, okay?" You nod. "Uta is in your little hands..." he smiled and placed you on the ground "anything that happens, you can call any of us"
"Okay!" you jumped and did a somersault, running to the entrance of the island. "Run inside!"
"Ah Zoro." the swordsman broke you out of the trance of memory "did something happen?"
"We've already docked."
"Ah, thank you for warning me. You can go ahead, I'll meet you."
"are you sure? the island is very big. you can get lost on the island.”
"I'll be fine. I'm not going to get lost." You headed outside heading to the room they lent you at Thousand Sunny. "I'm not like a certain swordsman..."
"your..." he clenched his teeth when he heard your giggle.
You came to a conclusion, when you saw Elegia, you had already been transported to Uta's world. just like all the Straw Hats. You had to tell Luffy and the others the truth, but you didn't want to and couldn't meet your little sister.
you went to the remote side of the island, where your memories took you. Soon a song started, you knew the melody right away.
"Our song..."
"Uncle Punch! Monster!" you came running to Punch and Monster. Punch smiled picking you up.
"look who it is! Our favorite flutist!" Monster who was on his shoulder laughed along with him.
"What's wrong (n/n)? you're really happy."
"Why didn't you wait for me (n/n)?" Uta came running as you giggle.
"You are too slow!"
"Ok! ok! What the two little ladies want?"
"We write a New song together!"
"Uta!" You shouted.
"A song?" Monster came down from Punch's shoulder
"Together?!" Punch shouted happily picking up Uta too "I can't believe these little girls wrote a full song! Boss will love hear that!"
"Shhhh!" Uta says "It's a secret! we only told you because we want help.”
"what kind of help do you two want?"
"I'm having some problems with the sheet music." you said.
"and I want more things in our song!"
"what did you want?" Monster asked.
"a flute solo that (n/n) is going to do!"
"Will you play a flute, (y/n)?!"
"Well... I didn't agree 100%..."
"but I decided that she will!"
Monster and Punch laugh, and Punch put you two down.
"Fine we'll help you two, but we need to know one thing..."
"What" You and Uta ask together.
"the name of the song you fools!" Monster giggled at the comment.
"Your... what?" You gritted your teeth at the monkey.
"The name... the name... name..." Uta pondered "I know! New Genesis!"
you stopped chasing Monster and he stopped running. "New Genesis? It's wonderful, I loved it!"
you were deep in thought when you hit something, or someone.
"Don't you watch where you're going? You idiot."
"I should be asking that question, (y/n)-ya.”
"Trafalgar Law?!" You and Law have known each other for many years... you exchange favors from time to time, largely because of the alliance between him and you.
"Wait? What are you doing here? Don't tell me..."
"Don't even think that." he said in his serious tone, extending a hand to help you. "I came to accompany... Bepo." You remembered how much the polar bear liked Uta. "but I have to admit, she's quite strange, she just arrested Big Mom's crew, she seems to be extremely strong, not just anyone can defeat Oven, But there's something I want to know."
"what would it be?"
"strawhat-ya said something a few minutes ago... about Uta-ya..."
"yes...she's my sister."
"WHAT?! YOU ARE UTA'S SISTER?!" Bepo shouted surprised.
"Oh! It's the same thing! Why didn’t you ever tell me?!”
"Bepo... it's enough" Law cutted his firstmate.
"I'm sorry." bepo apologized, you almost let out a rare laugh, when you felt a strange tingling. You activated your Observation Haki.
"Luffy has problems. Uta captured his crew and him."
"I see"
"Sometimes I forget you have Observation Haki"
Law rolls his eyes and extends his hand. "Room. Shambles." Luffy appear near you together with Bartolomeo.
"(Y/n)?! Oh Trafalgar you are here too. Wait, what's happening here?"
"(Y/n), You won't believe who I found." Luffy says he excitedly.
"Let me guess: my younger sister?" you replied seriously.
"your younger... wait did you know? Why didn't tell me?"
"we don't have time for that stawhat-ya, we have to run away."
"Law is right. we have to go. Uta is coming here."
"Welcome to Elegia, the music heaven" a weird Old Man call your attention. "Red haired pirates I guess, Feel free, I see you brought two beautiful little girls, may I know their names?"
"I'm Uta, and she is my big sister, (y/n). She is a flutist and I am a singer." Uta introduced you and her to the old man.
"Uta, let (y/n) introduce herself"
"It's okay Uncle Beck."
"a singer... and a flutist, you're too young to know how to play such a complicated instrument."
"(Y/n) She may be very young but she plays very well." Shanks says like a prouldly father. "She is a genius!"
"I would like to see your talents." the old man told you and uta to follow him... You looked at Shanks before follow Uta.
"(y/n)-ya, focus." Law's voice called you again... but it was different. you felt like you were in a different place, in Law's arms. you blinked to focus. "you were going to hit your face against the wall"
"Oh, I'm sorry and thank you."
"Why didn't you stop me from banging my head against the wall?"
"she wasn't being stupid."
"(y/n) are you a little too quiet? Is Uta?"
"you always diverted the topic when we talked about her. Why Shanks did-"
"That's not the time to talk" you cutted him.
"It is!'
"What are you doing? Run away now, when we're safe, we'll hear the answers. Right (Y/n)-ya?"
You sighed getting up. "I promise, I'll give the answers for all of your questions" You looked up. "We need to hide, now" You looked at the Uta soldiers.
"Hey all of you!" All of You look up. "Come here."
It was a man, a old man with gray long hair in the laterals and no single hair on the top, a scar is noticed of his head, and the voice is so familiar.
"You grow up, (y/n)."
Applause, applauses and more applauses.
To Uta.
You are beside her and you just hear the sound of the people screaming Uta's name and you are invisible.
"Amazing! Please Uta stay here in Elegia and I will teach you the music art! I'm begging!" This broke your little heart in little pieces, you walked away slowly whimpering while Beckman picks you up and lets you cry on his shoulder queitly. You feel a hand rub your back softly for a second before leaving.
"You did great, troublemaker"
"No one even listen my song... Uncle Beck"
"(y/n)?" Luffy said. "What happened to you today?"
"I already say: nothing."
"Who are you?"
"I ruled Elegia a time ago, my name is Gordon."
"This was a Kingdom? But I don't see anyone here!"
"Elegia has once known as a greatst musical Kingdom in th world, but it dissapeared overnight."
"This place just dissapear?"
"They say the island was attacked by a famous pirate."
"Let me guess: Twelve years ago?"
Your voice caught everyone in suprise.
"Y-yes..."Law afirmed
"how did you know the date?"
"This was the last time I've seen Uta." Your look was fixed in Gordon. "Long time no see, Gordon."
"do you know each other?"
"Long story."
"Let's talk about Uta. I raised her, here in Elegia, we are the two people in the island,when she is alone, she always sing about her adventures in the sea..."
you stop listen, in some time... you don't when, but your mind was in your sister. Shanks said he didn't abandon her, and you believed him. she was the perfect sister. The singer everyone loves.
"Please, I"m begging stop Uta! Luffy I know you was his friend and (y/n) she is your sister!"
you couldn't have time to reply, when you realise her plan.
"Wait, her plan is the live show?!" Law shouted as Bepo addressmake noises again, Law turns arround ready for scold the Polar Bear. "Bepo-" He froze to see his first mate changed in mini cute form. "What the-"
"she is here." You speak calmly, running your hand to your bow.
"Gordon. Why are you here with that pirates"
"Uta, why you leave Shanks' ship?"
"Why don't you ask to her?" she pointed to you.
You start walking towards her with your bow in your hands.
"Lil sis."
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You'll always have my heart
Every year on her birthday, without fail, she would receive a gift from an anonymous secret admirer. She's gotten necklaces, chocolates, flowers, each gift sweeter and more extravagant than the last. This year, when she opened the box that was tied with a red ribbon, she shrieked and dropped it to the ground. - by @unboundprompts
"Do you have any plans for tomorrow?" Mina looked at me with a sly smile. I shrugged. "Eh, after uni I'd probably just buy a cake and rent a movie. Why?"
"Dammit, Rose, you can't celebrate your birthday like that! No, tomorrow I'll pick you up at eight, and we're going out."
"No," her look turned stern. "You are going to party. You only turn twenty-three once!"
I sighed with a smile, nodding. There was no talking Mina out of this, and maybe just mage,it would be fun. Right? I mean, parties and bars and discos weren't really my scene, but then again, maybe getting out of my comfort zone would be good. Maybe I'd meet someone cute and get laid? Yeah, this plan wasn't too bad, I supposed.
Still, there had been a reason why I didn't really want to go out. Ever since I turned seventeen, every single birthday, I'd received an anonymous gift. The first time, it was a necklace. It had been made of silver and had a tiny bat-shaped charm on it. I didn't wear it often, but I absolutely loved it. When I turned eighteen, I got a set of ruby earrings and a bouquet with dark red roses. Every single gift came with a single note:
For Rose
This year, I had wanted to stay home. I had wanted to see who the person was that had given me those wonderful gifts. Besides the jewellery, I had gotten luxurious chocolates, leather-bound copies of my favourite books - how that person knew what my favourite books were, I didn't dare to ask - and at one point they'd even given me concert tickets to my favourite band. The gifts were huge, incredibly lovely, and thoughtful - especially since the giver had always been anonymous.
He didn't need to look at a calendar to know it was almost time again. Her birthday. She didn't know him yet. She had seen him on the boardwalk, of course, but they hadn't talked. She was always leaving in a hurry the second it became crowded, and she always seemed to be in the company of her best friend. Still, Paul didn't mind watching from afar. Not yet anyway. She was his, or would become his in the near future - so he could wait until she found her own way to him. And if it took too long, he could always interfere anyways.
Over the years, he had given her many things, from small trinkets to bigger gifts. This year, he wanted to give her something that showed her a bit about who he was. What he was, what he was like - and something that would show her what she could potentially mean to him.
The other boys had looked surprised when he said he'd go out on his own tonight to feed, but they soon caught his drift. During the feeding, he would find the most perfect gift.
"Happy Birthday!" Mina grinned as she threw my front door open. "Are you ready to go?"
I nodded. "Yeah. Where are we going, I don't really do well-"
"In crowds, yes, I know. We'll go to a small bar downtown. I invited just some friends from uni. There won't be a big crowd, and I let them all swear not to break out in song." She grinned as she saw my relieved expression, realising how much I hated being sung to on my birthday. Taking a deep breath, I nodded, grabbing my bag and heading for the door. It would be alright, maybe even fun - and if I didn't go now, I'd never leave the house at all.
The bar was nice and small, as Mina had promised. Strings of fake flowers hung around the door and were wrapped across the bars on the ceiling. Some dreamy popsongs were playing on the radio, and the light inside was dimmed but cosy. Yeah, this was a good place. As I ordered some shots for all of us, we got talking. We played some rounds of never have I ever, some truth or dare - and I felt absolutely perfect. A bit tired, sure, but this was good. It was fun.
"Will you get home safely?" Alex looked at me as he was about to walk to his car, being followed by Robin and Sam. I smiled and nodded. "Yeah, it's not too far. Besides, Mina has to go the same way."
"Alright. Happy birthday, Ro!" He stepped in his car, dragging the others along when they wanted to burst out in a happy birthday song. I laughed as he pushed them in the car, and waved as they drove off. Mina stood next to me, looking rather satisfied with herself.
"You had fun tonight."
"Yeah, I did."
"Good. Now, let's get you home. You said something about cake?"
I nodded. "Can I get a raincheck for that?"
"Very. I just want to get home and dive straight into my bed."
Mina chuckled. That's how we finally ended up at my door, smiling and laughing. She said her goodbyes, and as I walked to the front porch, I noticed something standing on my doormat. I walked closer and saw that it was a box wrapped in shiny blue paper. Once again it held only one note.
For Rose.
I picked it up, surprised by the sudden weight. The box definitely looked lighter than it was. I walked inside, locking the door behind me. The box ended up on my kitchen counter as I decided to grab a piece of cake before opening it.
It was only when I put the cardboard box with cake back into the fridge that I noticed that my gift seemed to be leaking. A slimey, red substance formed on the bottom of the box. Weird. It was sticky and had a strange coppery smell. Quickly, I tore the paper off. I tore the top of the box off and threw it behind me on the ground.
I peered inside the box.
I screamed.
A heart. A human heart. An actual real human heart that was still bleeding laid in the box. Someone had given me a heart. Someone must have stolen that heart. Did - did the giver kill? Is that the message? That - that I'm next? Or that he can kill me anytime? That this is the beginning of some strange blackmail plot? Oh god - there was an actual human heart on my counter and -
I ran to the bathroom, throwing up in the toilet.
Forget cake, forget a joyful reunion with my bed - I needed help. I needed someone to come in and say, "Ma'am, you're right. This is absolutely insane. Don't worry, we'll take it from here, and we'll make sure that no one will ever deliver a human heart to you again."
I didn't notice how much time passed, as I leant against the cold tiles of my bathroom. I tried to calm myself down, but every time I thought I was calm, another wave of nausea hit me. It wasn't until my doorbell rang that I realised I couldn't just stay on the ground and that I had to get up.
Paul had thought it was the most romantic thing he could do - while also conveying to her what he was and could be. Giving someone an actual heart, telling them not only are you mine but I am yours and I'd give my heart to you? It was the shit chick's loved, right?
But when he heard her screams, heard her get sick, heard how she cried and whimpered, and was close to breaking down in panic again, he knew that he needed to help her. So, he flew down to her front door and did the only thing he could do without being a total creep. He rang the doorbell.
It took a while, but after a couple of minutes Rose - his Rose - opened the door. "Yeah?"
"Hi, I'm Paul. My bike broke down and I was wondering if I could maybe use your phone?"
Rose nodded, not really answering. When she stepped aside, he assumed it was an invitation and stepped forward.
"I'm Rose, by the way. Phones in the kitchen, just eh - I got a horrifying package, and I don't think I'm capable of cleaning it up, so just please don't freak out?"
"Don't worry, doll. I can help if you want."
"It's not gross in the way you think," Rose mumbled, pointing him towards the kitchen. Seeing how much the heart had leaked, he could sort of understand her reaction to it. Also, he realised now that being human meant she had other standards than a vampire. Where another vampire would have thought this gift to be cute and thoughtful and heartwarming, he now realised that for a human, it was none of these things.
"Do you have some trashbags?"
"Yeah, the cabinet on your left. Why, what are you-?"
"Cleaning this up for you. It's probably just a stupid prank or something."
"Sending a human heart is a stupid prank?" She sounded panicked. He knew he had to be quick.
"It probably is a pig heart - it won't make it any less creepy, but at least it doesn't come with murder?"
He saw her relax a little. "I didn't think about that. I mean, I am still horrified, but in this case, I'm just really glad it is not human."
Paul smiled, finishing the clean-up. As he brought the trash out, he realised that he still had to make that phone call if he wanted his story to be consistent. So, he dialled the video store and told Max that his bike had broken down. He hung up and was glad to see that Rose had calmed down a little.
"Will you be alright?"
She nodded, biting her lip a little. "I think so. Thanks, for helping. You didn't have to."
"Yeah, I did. It's only kind, and I didn't want your birthday to be ruined by this."
"How did you know it's my birthday?"
He just pointed at the cake standing on tne counter, that had Ha and Birt written on it.
"Do you want some cake, as a thanks for helping?"
Paul shook his head. "I would like a date, though. Let's get some Chinese tomorrow."
Rose didn't know why, but without thinking, she agreed. "Pick me up at eight?"
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dietmountaindewbae · 9 months
what about fetus sub Al?
xxii. room on fire
alex turner x reader
Tumblr media
word count: 7784
summary: Alex (btb!), Andy, and Matt invite you to see The Strokes live in London
warnings: sp*t, unpr*tected s*ex
song recommendation: automatic stop by the strokes
───── ୨୧ ─────
Closing shut your locker you grab your heavy backpack on your shoulders, the day felt like it was slower than ever but you were happy your next period was a little more fun, literature with your favorite teacher, you read a few pages of the book you were reading in class at home when you couldn't sleep, hearing some music while at it, a lot of people hated to read with music but it just fed your imagination.
Suddenly you heard three voices calling out your name from the hallway, running up to you, "You won't believe it!" Andy said to you, "You won't, you won't!" He said as he giggled from the excitement of Alex and Matt catching up to him.
"Won't believe what? Why? What's going on?" You asked them, they were all jumping up and down nudging at each other's shoulder, smiling at a piece of paper, they were acting like three little girls finding out their crush likes them.
"You will shit yourself!" Matt said.
"It's not me that has" The bell rang meaning to go inside the class, the teacher could be fun and all but hated delay, "I can't with you three seriously, I'll see you in class" You walked in, Alex and the rest following behind you, and that's when they all circled you, "Quit the bullocks, what's going on?"
"Guess who's coming to London?" Alex said, he was blushing from the joy, and you hummed.
"The vines?" You guessed, they all said no with their head, if they were this excited it had to be huge, and that's when it clicked, "...The strokes?" You said with a hint of doubt, Alex finally showed you that piece of paper, and you gasped so loudly, "Really?!"
"It's official, we have to go!" Matt announced.
"Go where mister Helders?" The teacher came inside making Matt's smile turn into a serious one, he looked like he had shat himself... again.
"N-Nowhere" He answered.
"Go back to your seat, please" He nodded sitting behind you while Alex sat next to you.
"Come with us, love, we don't always get to be 16 and go to a Strokes concert" He whispered to you, "Everyone is coming!" He insisted.
"Of course, I want to go, I'll do my best to convince my mum.... plus, what's the point of having a strokes shirt if I haven't seen them live?"
"Young lady if you're going to socialize with Alex let it be outside" The teacher raised his voice, the rest teasing the both of you with their stares and giggles, you and Alex were close, but not as close as you'd liked, he hardly ever spoke to you about a secret he had, or when he was feeling down, yes, he did it sometimes, but not as much as Matt or Andy talked to you, you tried to make him, but it maybe wasn't as easy for him to trust you, you wondered why, you've known each other since middle school, he wasn't always like this.
"Sorry," You said giggling along with Alex.
"Do you think everyone at school will go? Like... Lauren maybe?" Lauren, what else could you say? She was your friend, not your best friend but you hung out with her often, Alex and Lauren talked a lot too, he said it was friendly but what Lauren said was different, you didn't know why but when he asked you about her you felt a little off.
"O-Oh, I don't know, maybe" She liked pop music better but she pretended to like them because of Alex, she liked him but he played dumb about it, and when Lauren noticed that she began to play dumb as well, hoping that it'll grow some interest on him, maybe it was working.
"I hope you can come with us, we'll book a room and everything, I'll talk about it later with me mum"
"How's Penny?" You asked dearly, she was the kindest and coolest woman you'd ever met, and for the rest of the class, you kept whispering to Alex about how excited you felt.
A few days passed and soon enough Andy got tickets for the three and begged their mums for a room in any place they could get them, your mum wouldn't agree to let you go with three boys to London for a massive gig of some "messy" rock band, you were short on money, and for what you knew everyone was going, except for you, either you got a job fast or not go at all.
"Girls, you won't believe it!"Lauren announced during lunch some other band would come to London as well, she already had her tickets to The Strokes, but she sounded way more pumped about this other band, so you sat there, ears pitched, on the look for what was she going to say next.
"So what are you going to do?" Your friend asked.
"I'm selling my ticket for The Strokes," Your heart skipped a beat and you were fast to say you wanted it.
"How much?" She gave you the price, but you were still short though, you had to think of a bribe she couldn't say no to, "How about I give you what I have on me and... do your homework for a month" Lauren laughed at you.
"Until the end of the year!" She demanded, you stood your ground.
"It's for a month, you should be thanking me" It was a good deal, you weren't just giving her money but you were saving her from getting kicked out of school for skipping class to go out with his 20-something boyfriend-situation.
"Deal" She handed you the ticket, and you gasped and hugged her, "Have fun" She rolled her eyes.
"Thank you!" You took your things and ran to get to Alex, all three of them had breakfast outside by the hidden threes to have a smoke, you had never felt so excited before, your little heart was about to beat out of your chest, and your lower abdomen hurting because you were running too fast, pushing people away, until you crashed with a boy falling on your ass, "Oh, Alex!"
"Love, a-are you ok?! Oh God, I'm so sorry I didn't see you" He helped you, picking you up from the floor, and you gasped his name, "What's wrong?"
"Guess who's going to the gig?" He gasped as you showed him the ticket.
"You're coming with us?!" He spun you around, picking you up in the air, "Oh my god! That's so great" He hugged you so tightly you were happy to feel short on air, "I knew you would manage to go, so I booked an extra room for you, I knew you would make it" You hugged him close, it was so nice and considerate for him, you didn't expect for him to do such a thing.
"I'll give you back every penny! You didn't have to" He shrugged and waved it off, scratching the back of his head.
"I suppose that's what mates do, right? Besides, you shouldn't be thanking me, you should be thanking Penny" You broke into laughter with him, your eyes locked in a stare, "We made it!"
"I know, we're going to see The fuckin' Strokes!" You yelled, "We're going to fuckin' London to see The Strokes baby!" You both jumped up and down like little children, you were so happy feeling the euphoria of just the thought, and then it died as your mind couldn't escape reality, 'not that fast' it said, "Shit..."
"What?" He says.
"Me mum, she's gonna kill me... and I need the money for the train!" Alex pursed his lips and you massaged your forehead, a pulsing pain in your head increased, and your stress murdered your excitement.
"We'll figure summat out... leave it to us"
That same afternoon, around 6 o'clock your door was almost knocked over by the various and brutal knocks on it, you went running downstairs in your pajamas and a giant wet towel on your head, "Oi!"
"It's us!" Andy said from the other side of the door.
"What the fuck are you-" They shushed you, coming in one after the other, you pulled Alex to the side, "What are you doing?" You whispered.
"Taking care of it just as I promised... nice pajamas" He joked, your snoopy pajamas were your favorite, and you followed Alex into the kitchen where your mum was. You are certain that she won't let you go after this, she hates it whenever people just come into the house with no warning, but she said hello to all of them with a warm hug and a smile, they bribed your mum with her favorite biscuits and tea.
That evening, they made a PowerPoint slide called "10 reasons why your daughter should be allowed to go with us"
"No. 1 reason is..." Matt said, "She'll be well taken care of, protected, and have her own space"
"No.2 is, she's the only one with enough brains to lead us through London," Said Andy.
"No 3. is, we're proper lads, and we'll behave as such" Alex smiles at you.
Seven slides after, and a couple of biscuits and cups of steaming tea, your mum agreed to the proposal, mainly because they had taken the time to make the slides and gave her plenty of reasons to trust you with their company, after all, she's practically best friend's with Matt's mum and had a good concept of Alex and Andy, maybe she was in a good mood today. After the boys left, you were left alone with your mum cleaning the dishes as she gave you the money for your train ticket, and you spent the night packing with a smirk on your lips, listening to the strokes on your MP3 all night.
You kept counting the minutes to see them, and when the time arrived you were bright and early at the station, smiling at Alex when you saw him waiting for you at the entrance, "Ready?"
"I was born ready for this moment" You exaggerated making him break into laughter, "Where's Andy and Matt?"
"They took the train earlier to check us in, so once there, we'll just shower and go" You jumped up and down feeling your heart pumping faster, "I'm delighted you came with us actually, so happy"
"Why?" You said once inside the train, Alex like the gentleman he is and the one he promised to be, put your bags away, "Dips on the window" You said.
"Knew it," He sat next to you, unwrapping his scarf, "Well... to be honest, I don't think Lauren likes the strokes with the same passion as me and you do"
"But... even if she doesn't like them, I thought you liked her," You said to him puzzled, "I mean... you're always talking to her, hugging, kissing her cheek... thought you'd be happier if she came" He even kissed her at a party once, even though he says he doesn't remember doing such, you did, and you didn't want to sound so bothered by it but you were, it made you feel strange, even a little jealous.
"But that doesn't mean I like her, besides, I think she only likes them bigger boys, way more fitter than me" He cleared out, and you playfully squeezed his arm.
"You're quite fit Alex, don't say that" He scratched the back of his head again, you notice he often does it when he's nervous, he takes a peek at the book you take out from your purse, along with your music and your wired headphones.
"What 'ave you got there?" He takes your book away from you, it was an edition of Edgar Allan Poe's poetry, then he grabbed your MP3, going through your music, he had grown interested, he didn't understand why he wanted to touch your stuff, wanted to see what's inside your purse, your books, your music library, your head, he wanted to know more, he always did, "You win the prize for the most interesting girl... not that you're not pretty, you're beautiful" He talked to you with such shyness it made you feel special, and the look in his eyes, the little sparkle in them, he bites down on his tongue, feeling as though he had completely fucked up with the words he chose to say, you weren't answering and he was panicking, you stared at him with a grin on your face, it made him feel nervous, his stomach going in circles.
"Thank you" You answered, he could finally breathe, "D'ya wanna share?" He hummed as a yes, discreetly sitting closer to you so you could share your music, and your book with him, you smiled at him, watching the threes go by one by one, all in a row, a beautiful landscape hidden in between them, watching them go by so fast made your eyes tired, your head fell to his shoulder you were quick to take it away.
"Oh sorry," You said to him taking a little space but he pulled you in, wrapping his arm around your shoulder as an instinctive, a few butterflies woke in your stomach, and in him too, even if he wasn't sure what was he doing, he went with it when he saw a beautiful smile appear on your lips.
"Don't worry, you can fall asleep, that's what me shoulder is for" He smiled at you so kindly, it made your heart melt, his sweet cologne, his soft skin, and his coffee brown eyes, you could spend the whole train ride counting his long eyelashes, and then, you fell asleep on the crook of his neck, and he rested his head on yours, you felt safe and warm.
A few hours on the train, and one taxi drive later you arrived at the hotel, the boys ordered some pizza, but you were thinking about looking flawless, so you juggled between having pizza and applying eyeshadow, it was hard but it paid it off very nicely, you heard one thousand knocks at your door.
"Can we come in?!" Matt asked, you opened the door with your toothbrush in your mouth.
"Hey! I swear, give me two seconds" You gathered your hair into a ponytail to spit on the sink, Matt, and Andy laughed at how funny you sounded, but Alex was in awe, you had chosen to wear your strokes shirt but you customized it into your own original off the shoulder shirt with some holes poked in it, you had traced the outline of the boys from a magazine, and painted them on your shirt with black paint and a thin brush, it fitted you big like a dress, fishnets, and your dirty old motorcycle boots, but what had him so invested on you were your eyes, even in the dark they sparkled, and your red plump lipstick.
All of them were dressed in their best gowns, wearing light washed ripped denim jeans, chunky belts under their graphic tees, and tracky shoes, zip ups, and denim jackets, Alex's messy and spiky hair looked cute on him, he chose to wear a white striped blue navy shirt, ripped denim, his jean jacket and dirty reeboks.
"Take as long as you need" He whispered, again Andy and Matt laughed at Alex signing him to sit on the bed next to them.
"You got that look on your face man" Matt teased, while Alex denied it.
"What face? What look?" Matt signed him to look at himself in the mirror, his cheeks were flushed, his mouth dry, and his heart going fast, he looked flustered.
"That face" Alex rolled his eyes and gave him a little smack on the head.
"Fuck off," Alex said to Matt.
"I can see little birds around your head and everything" Andy teased, but as Alex was about to say something else you walked out.
"Done! Let's go, let's go!" You grabbed your giant messy leather stubbed purse fixing your hair before leaving, "Wait, do you guys think I look ok?" Matt and Andy put their thumbs up, they were in a hurry.
Alex was the only one who came back and looked at you from bottom to top, his eyes smiled at yours, and said, "Gorgeous" He grabbed your hand and shut the door.
The venue wasn't big enough to fit the number of people inside, all pilled up together outside the Alexandra Palace, it felt like a huge ball of mass, you were holding on to Alex's arm for dear life, shaking from the cold, he noticed it and gave you his jacket since he knew you would be too embarrassed to ask, he felt like he had acquired a roll, as your protector, someone who not for one second would take their eyes off of you, even if his arms looked so thin they were strong, he made sure to take good care of you, and not only that, he proved himself he was good enough to be with someone like you. He hadn't noticed how much he liked you until you softly slept on his shoulder, his stomach felt the butterflies much bigger, wilder, his heart had warmed up for you, and he never admitted to it, until spending that ride on the train, he had always wondered with that idea on his head, he always wanted to get to know you better, take you out, but he couldn't, he knew he wouldn't ever, he never wanted to be your friend, and whenever he talked to you he knew if he had the chance to make out with you he would, and that would ruin everything because he knew he wouldn't let go of you after that, it was different with Lauren, she was the only thing that kept him from acknowledging the fact that he only wanted you. Once inside you pushed your way to the front, Alex behind you, his arms caged you against the barricade, grasping it for dear life, making sure not to squeeze you as more people tried to make their way to the front.
Suddenly the lights changed color, and everyone started screaming as Julian came out from the back, you jumped up and down like a little girl, he was so hot when he looked all sweaty and messy, everyone began to cheer and you joined in, it was huge, your euphoric heart was beating in your ears when they opened the gig with Reptilia, you were having the time of your life, hugging the people you loved the most, taking pictures of everyone all together, you never expected to meet them, you never believed in the right place, right time until you teamed up with them, even if it sounded silly, those boys really made you laugh, mostly the one that grasped your arm tightly, you took his arm away, but quickly grabbing his hand, for a moment his heart had shrunk but rushed back when you took his hand, and your eyes so tender, he was melting.
You found yourself jumping up and down along during Soma with Matt, just like two kids, the crowd was wild, you were screaming at the top of your lungs every single letter of their lyrics, dancing with each of the boys, there was crowd surfers, people jumping on each other, Alex grabbed your hand and your bag to assure you had fun, he was having enough fun watching you smile, and sing, twisting your feet, swaying your hips, your hairy was messy, and your eyeliner a bit runny but in his eyes, you never looked so beautiful, Matt nudged Alex's shoulder.
"Kiss her!" Matt yelled, "Go on, take your shot either you take it or leave it!" Alex laughed so hard, Matt had planned perfectly his joke as Take it or Leave it began, he could protect you, and be tough, but when he had to speak and tell you something so risky, he got scared of losing you, not only losing your friendship but also losing the little you two had built together over the years, he was so scared of not being the boy you needed, but he had nothing else to lose, the timing was perfect, there was no better place, he took the shot, and if things went wrong he didn't care anymore, he would still be there even if he had to start in first base all over again.
He called out your name, you were dancing with some random girl you met, and you turned to face him, he didn't look ok, he looked pale, and his sweat was cold, "Are you ok?!"
"Yes, I'm ok but-" He held your hands together, "I have to tell you summat!" People started to push you far from him, you were suffocating, not strong enough to fight it.
"What!?" Your ears were ringing from the loud music, he was trying to say something but he was fighting himself mentally.
"I have to-"
"Al, come closer I can't hear you!" The struggle to find the right words to phrase what he wanted to say was unbelievable, he felt so nervous and excited by the hope that maybe you could like him too, so he didn't think about it anymore.
"I like you!" He screamed but the music was only getting louder and the crowd rowdier, the only way to make it out in one piece was by jumping and throwing yourself to the front, you were struggling to reach Al as the crowd went crazy.
"You what?!" You asked again, you saw him annoyed, that look in his eyes was different, he was looking at you differently, he grabbed your elbow, finally being pressed up against him, he hugged your waist securing you in his arms, "I'm sorry I couldn't-"
"Shut up" He crashed his lips against yours, cupping your cheeks, deepening the kiss as the rush took over him, his body pressed up against yours, the room was silent and his lips on fire, his mouth tasting like heaven, his lips kissing yours until he was running out of air, he demanded more, so his tongue slipped inside your mouth in an eager but lovely kiss, it had set free all of the butterflies on your stomach, he was happy you returned the kiss just as eager as him, you bite down on his lower lip before breaking the kiss.
"Al, is that what you were trying to do?!" You smiled at him.
"Yes!" He sighed getting closer to your ear, "I like you, I have for a while now... I can't help meself when I'm around you!" He gave you another peck on your lips, it was softer and sweeter than the others but it ignited a fire within you, it tingles, and  you ached to be closer to him, it was never close enough, "I was too shy to tell you before cause I thought you wouldn't like me, I made excuses but I don't care anymore I just wanted to tell you, that's why I never made a close friendship with you, I never wanted to be your friend!"
Your cheeks burned as you kissed him again, it was more euphoric, scaling up another step, this time his hands dropped to your hips unconsciously, he pulled you closer, his arm around your lower back, while your hand was scattered on his hair, the crowd reduced to just you and him, only in that room, gasping for air but hungry for more, he couldn't handle it any longer and neither could you.
"I do like you, and a lot but I was also too scared to tell you," He shushed you with a kiss, he had always imagined this in his head, he always had a soft spot for you, always so caring about the others, a true honest friend, and not only were your looks, it was everything about you, he didn't want anyone else, he had to make it official, and the thrill got the best of him.
"Do you wanna be me girlfriend?!" He yells loud enough for Matt and Andy to hear it, they rush to save you two since you were getting further and further away from the front, they wrap their arms around you two, pushing the people away, jumping up and down, making Alex hug you tighter to him.
"So what do you say?!" Andy screams into your ear, Alex's brain couldn't decipher what made his heart go as fast, maybe it was the fact there was a small chance that you might say no, or the fact he was watching his favorite band live, with the girl that set his heart on fire since that kiss.
"I say yes!" You screamed to Alex, making him blush hard, you kissed his cheek and Alex tried his best to not hug you as tight since he was all sweaty, but you didn't care, you pulled him in closer, kissing his sweaty forehead.
"She said yes!" The crowd cheers you all up when they hear Andy announcing to everyone your answer, some of them were nice enough to make room for your little circle to go back to the front, Matt and Andy climbing the barricade while Alex held you the same way he did before, he gently puts his arms around your waist, his chin resting on your shoulder, and you cup his cheek kissing his lips and his nose. He gets hypnotized by the way your body moves against him, the sweat that runs from your neck to your collarbone making your chest shine, the little strap of your black bra falling to your shoulder, and he doubts it but he slides it back in place kissing your shoulder, you knew this was something he was afraid to do, but he felt enough trust to do it, you smile at him, dancing, sweating and crying from the excitement, you truly felt alive in this moment, this is something that was meant for you, you were sad about the concert ending but it was the start of something new, only one more song left, and they sing a cover from The Clash as a perfect way to close it, you sing with Alex but his hands travel down to your hips to make you face him, and he took a step forward to kiss you with a tremendous passion, Matt and Andy cheering for him, you had never thought Alex would be like that, so eager, people were pushing Alex, making you bend your back over the barricade, and you laugh as you see Julian's face upside down but nevertheless Alex leans in to kiss you just like that, he pulled you back in to not let you get hurt, you feel it inside him, he wanted to touch more than just your hips, and that shyness only made you get hotter, you grab his hands and put them in your bum, feeling his cheeks get hotter, and your tongue goes inside his mouth the moment he catches his breath, you gave him obvious signs that you wanted more, and he was ready to give you more.
The rush back into the hotel made you leave Matt and Andy in the lobby, the moment they turned their heads, you two had disappeared into the elevator, being all over each other, all sweaty and sticky, you had little to no clothes, and you were even feeling hotter as Alex hands grasp your bum the same way he did at the concert, you were blushing hard, he was following your lead, paying attention to your moves, feeling good about himself whenever he heard you sigh, but that wasn't enough for him, he wanted more noises, more touching.
The elevator door opens and you grab his hand, opening the door in a rush, and kicking it shut with your dirty shoes, walking to the bed and laying down gently in the white and cold bedsheets, you shiver, and he stares at you with a smile, "Are you sure this is what you want?" He asks, just to make sure he wasn't getting carried away or even making you do things you weren't a hundred percent sure of doing.
"Very" You answer with confidence, crawling across the bed and pulling him to sit down on the bed, you throw your leg over him, straddling him in between your thighs, "And you?" He pulls you in closer, sitting you directly on his crotch, that was his big answer.
"Can I?" His hands gently pull on the ends of your shirt, you give him a nod, and with the same gentleness he takes off your shirt, throwing it to the ground, you wore only black panties and that same beautiful black bra, it was simple but quite enough for him to get him all worked up, it was the first time he had seen any girl like that, ever, "Shit... is it too late to confess summat?"
"No, no, what's the matter?" You ask, getting a bit nervous about what he was thinking.
"I've never-... I haven't, you know... done it before?" You try to not giggle from his self-aware nervous self, you know if you did, he would get even more embarrassed, "I know you did it with... you know who, and I just... haven't had the chance, this is possibly as far as I've come to" He giggles from the nerves, and you massage his shoulders to make him feel at ease.
"And Lauren?" He shrugs.
"Never actually did anything with her" He confessed, "I just held back, wasn't ready... but now I am" You lean in to kiss him very slowly, "Now I feel stupid"
"Why?" You stayed quiet to hear his answer, you knew if you spoke too soon maybe your chance would get ruined, and you wanted him so badly, and he didn't want to feel unprepared.
"'Cause I've got this gorgeous girl in all of her fuckin' glory and I don't know what to do" You hug him closely, your chin on his head, and his hands lightly caress your back up and down slowly, you know exactly what to do.
"Just... relax, and enjoy the ride, don't think about anything... just let your body do it, ok? There are no wrong answers" You knew if he had no time to think then his heart and his body would do the rest for him, so you lay him down in the bed, feeling his shirt climbing up his hips, his boxer's band clinging onto his jeans, and your fingertips run over that uncovered piece of skin turning it into goosebumps, you look at him through your lashes as you hold the button of his jeans in between your fingers, he nods and you unbutton them, taking his zipper down and pulling his jeans off, he wore grey boxers, his cock battling his way out through them, his tip was red and warm, peeling off his skin as it grew bigger and harder in your hands, his hands run through his face and cover his mouth as he sees how your mouth opens to suck him off, the feeling of your soft tongue around his cock felt so good, kissing his tip and sucking it in your lips, your back arching as you tongue presses flat down on his cock licking it up like lollie, and spit on it, tugging it out.
"Oh... that's so fuckin' good love" His eyes roll back, biting down on his lip, his hands search for your hair, caressing it at first to then push your head down against his cock, you were determined to take him all in but you couldn't without gagging, you choke and Alex gets worried, had he done something wrong? It sounded like he did, "Are you ok... I'm so sorry" You grab his hand and hold it tightly.
"Alex... it's ok, don't apologize for that, you're just too big for my mouth" You climb into his lap, "What are you doin' with that shirt on, baby?" You tease him, enchanting him with your seductive voice, he immediately takes it off but never lets his eyes tear away from yours, you run your hands down his chest, so warm and soft, "That's better..." Then he takes the opportunity to unclasp your bra, sliding it down your arms and throwing it to the floor along with your clothes, he sighs as his hands slowly grab your tits and knead them gently in his hands.
"You're so sexy..." He kisses you slowly, running his hands down your smooth and fragile body, his fingertips grazing your back, he wants to touch every inch of your skin but wants to keep something from you, something that won him over, "Do you mind keeping the tights on?" He asks in his most shy and quiet voice.
"Why? Is that a turn-on for your Turn-er?" You tease him and he says yes with his head, now he has flipped your body to make you lay down, pinning your hands to the sides, and a smudge smile crawls to your face.
"You'll see now" He crawls down your body, peppering it with wet and loving kisses, he rips them apart with his hands, pushing your panties to the side, your pussy glistening with your juices, "Fuckin 'ell, you're so fucking pretty... I wanna taste it" He hints, you hum a yes immediately pushing his head down in between your legs, your fingers rub your clit and spread your wetness all over your pussy, getting him invested, if he could, he would watch you do that for hours, but when you were ready, he threw one of your legs over his shoulder, eating your pussy as if he was kissing you, spreading open your lips with his thumbs, and letting his tongue dance around your clit in circles.
"Fuck... me!" You choke out, pulling his hair and pushing his head on your pussy, his thumb pressed down on your clit, studying how your body moves with every touch or simple movement, he was amazed, he didn't even know what he was doing but if it felt right for you, it was right for him, and he thought about what could your body want, he was too ashamed to ask what he could do next, so he decided to check up on you.
"Am I any good?" You manage to push yourself up and say.
"Don't speak, just keep going" He submits to your orders, and keeps giving you head, he went deeper down, sucking on your little hole and pushing his tongue inside it, it turned him on so much, the flavor of your cunt, it was special, he could be smothered in it all day, his lips turned plump as he sucks harder on your clit and he goes back down to fucking your hole with his tongue, the sensation so overwhelming on your body, you feel something rising from there, all piling into your tummy, he sees you turning and twisting on the bed, your legs quiver, he sees the green light for him to continue, pressing his tongue flat against your clit, feeling more sweetness leaking out your pussy, and he doesn't end until you do, covering your face in the pillows so you muffle your moans as he licks every inch of your pussy and your sweet release, his dick was so hard, his impulses took over him, he climbed on top of you, throwing the pillow away so he could kiss your mouth, you feel his hard tip poking your inner thigh, "Fuck..." You sigh into his lips, "Do you wanna... you know?" You said with a giggle.
He bites down on his lip, his eyes sparkling, dark, and dilated by everything you've done together, "Yeah, I want to" He quickly fetches his jeans from the floor, Matt had once given him a condom as a joke before a party, and he carried it around just in case, but the one single condom he had, he couldn't find it anywhere, and he was certain he had put it somewhere in his pockets, "Shit" He slams his hand to his forehead.
"What's the matter?" You crawl to the edge of the bed where he is sitting, and you caress his shoulders, "Are you ok?" He felt like the No.1 idiot in the whole century.
"Don't have a condom" He muttered under his breath, and you quickly fetched your purse, you had an old condom in there, but nothing was safe enough, so you took matters into your own hands, you both wanted this, and it was going to happen.
"Get on top, come on," You tell him as you lay down in the bed, once he has settled on top of you, and his nose is grassing yours, you ask him, "You wanna take a risk with me?"And how could he say no when the girl he had this massive crush on was naked, on a bed, willing to give him what a man always wants, and there was not a single condom, "I didn't come prepared, didn't know this was going to happen, so I guess I fucked up too" You make him feel at ease when you make his stupid mistake that he was beating himself up about, turn it into a much human one, "So either you pull out or I will raise your kid into a killer machine" He breaks into laughter, blushing at your jokes, you didn't know what else to say.
"You know what? I think this was meant to be, love... right here, and now, as if everything had lined up for us, you kno'? I-I will pull out in time, don't worry" He kisses your temple, his fingertips lightly tracing the lines of your lips.
"Or... I've got a better idea" You tease him, "But first you better start fucking me big guy, and then you'll see" Alex pushed himself inside you with such ease it made a shiver crawl up his spine, he couldn't help himself, he moaned hard into your mouth, biting down on your lower lips, he makes a fist with the blankets, as his hips thrust inside your pussy slowly at first, but hearing those little gasps that come out of your mouth made him lose control over himself, gathering a pace that made your legs shake again, his hand slides down your thigh, putting it around his torso, you wrap him in, grabbing his bum and making him chuckle, he pushed himself deeper in, burying his cock inside you as he sees you bite down on your bruised lip, your eyes roll into white shiny pearls, his arms grabs the headboard tightly for support, "Oh my God... harder, please..."
"Like that?" You couldn't believe how terrifically good he was at this, and how he had the audacity if he was doing it right when he knew he was, judging by how hard you were trying not to moan, you were completely wrong about Alex, he wasn't shy, he wasn't reserved, he was cocky bastard, and you loved it, he knew what he was doing to you now, he was more confident about it, going harder just like you asked, driving your head to the edge of the bed, he feels so hot when your walls grip him, "God... you're so fuckin' tight" He hums at the feeling, grabbing your hips and driving them against his, the sounds echoing all over the room, you were sure everyone could hear it by now, you felt so close, you take your hand to your pussy, rubbing it in desperate circles as you bite on your knuckles, he sees everything so closely, how his cock glistens as he thrusts out of you, your pussy red, and your neck arched, your fingers so dirtily masturbating yourself, he was losing it, and he quickly pulled out of you before he could finish inside you, "Fuuuck" His voice shakes.
"Can you handle five more minutes, Al?" You were panting, trying to get your heart to go back to its normal rate, but it was so hard.
"Yeah, I think so..." You kiss him hard, pushing his body to the other edge of the bed, and strapping his arms down with your hands, he sees how your pussy slides down his wet cock slowly, your hair all over your face, you body covered in sweat, and kisses, his eyes focus on your hips, rocking back and forward, your clit rubbing against the short hairs on his cock, you didn't. know what it was, but he looked so hot with his little ingrown hairs, he looked more manly, his eyes couldn't believe what was happening, his brain wasn't working, he was just feeling everything so deeply, it wasn't just the need for the closeness or the warmth, it was what was behind all of that, the love, and the intimacy, you both felt it.
"I think I- fuck..." You choked out as he had taken advantage of the fact your whole body became stiff, this was the moment, he pressed your body against his tightly, feeling his heart about to beat out of his chest as he drove himself inside your hole, "Oh fuckin'... I'm gonna-... don't stop!" You cry out, you stare into his dark brown eyes as your insides squeeze out your release, you wanted to be the one in charge, so quickly push his arms up, pinning them down, fucking yourself into his cock, you were panting, and gasping for air as your pussy became a dripping and soggy mess.
"If I could cum inside you I would, but you feel so fuckin' hot... it-t's, you're-" He chokes in his own words, that same stiffness and need to keep fucking you until he finished took over him, he went faster and harder, losing control over himself.
"Come on, that's so good, Alex... come on big boy, you can cum wherever you want to" He squeezed your ass so hard, his mind clouded with lust and the pictures, and noises the came out of your pretty lips, this feeling overcame him, the sounds of your skin, the words that roll out of your mouth, your hands on his body, the love, just one last thrust of his hips and he quickly pulled out of you, "That's good Al..." You see his tip was leaking some cum already, you quickly get on all fours, and jerk him off fast with your hand, opening your mouth to let him slide to the back of your throat, and you pull back, sticking out your tongue so he could see himself cumming all over it, moaning and whimpering, so cute but so hot at the same time, he covered your whole mouth with his warm and creamy cum, you hum as he settles down back to reality, blushing hard as he sees you had swallowed some of it, but it was too much, the taste wasn't bad but the texture felt too much for you, you slowly walked to the bathroom as best as you could spitting that ball of cum off your mouth.
"I'm sorreh" He said once you laid down on the bed next to him.
"For what?" You ask him, and he shrugs and sighs.
"I dunno, I made a mess didn't I?" Alex beating himself up for that little detail in such a beautiful moment made you hug him closely, this was huge for him, and he wanted you to feel good.
"I liked it..." You confessed into his ear, "It was just that I didn't know what to do with so much, it's not a bad thing baby, don't worry about it" You kissed his cheek lovingly, "I had a great time"
"Me too" He turned to face you, your eyes focused on his completely, "And I hope we have more fun together..." He teased making you blush harder and giggle, "Sorry for breaking your tights... I'll buy you new ones"
"What you need to buy are condoms," You both break into laughter.
Watching the sun peek through his honey-colored eyes, were probably the second most beautiful thing, the first one was his face and big nose, how you love that nose and his cute smile, you were in deep for him, his arms around your waist, warm and cozy, and you didn't realize when you both fell asleep until you heard Alex's phone buzzing through his jeans, both of you woke up together as you heard knocks at your door, he quickly put on his same clothes from yesterday, while you changed into fresh ones. Alex opened the door with his face all red, Matt and Andy on the other side of the door with naughty grins.
"Matt is callin'" You stopped dead in your tracks as Matt and Andy look at you and back at Alex.
"There you guys were! Hello, good morning" They joked towards yours and Alex's red faces, you stood behind him and he glanced at you, "You have 5 minutes to be downstairs, we'll see you there, bye love birds" Alex shut the door, hearing their little laughs all the way down the corridor, and you couldn't hold it in either, you laughed and collapsed to the floor, your laugh so contagious him laughing just as hard.
In less than 5 minutes you were downstairs with Alex, him secretly holding your hand as you both check out, "That was very fast" Andy teased towards Alex.
"Fuck off" He raised his middle finger to him and Matt both, he didn't care about their little giggles and jokes, in this moment, it was sunshine and happiness, he wrapped his arm around your waist as you wait outside for a cap to come and pick you up.
Thankfully you were right in time for the train, Alex made a deal with Matt to take his seat next to yours in the back, and when the moment came, once inside the train he sat next to you, putting your bag away, and hugging you close to him in the seats, you stare into the sky as Alex's stares into the reflection of the window, your hands holding his as the other sits in your lap, legs crossed and your eyes a little tired but still mesmerizing, and in that moment he realized how much he loves you.
"What are you thinking about?" You say as you see him so lost in his thoughts, he smiles at you so brightly.
"Nothin'" He chuckles, you wait for him to speak since he has the words coming out the tip of his tongue, "It's just that... I'll need to check all my dirty jeans to see if I can find the condom Matt gave me"
"Oh... your mum won't be happy" You joke, and he pulls you in closer to him, maybe it was the boredom of the long train ride but, you inched closer to him, a not-so-clever idea popping into your head, "Hey..."
"Meet me in the bathroom?" You teased him, pecking his lips gently, he looked straight into your eyes, a small heat wave coming to his body, you weren't joking, he could see it in your eyes, you chose to wear a skirt on the train ride with some knee socks to keep your warm, you discreetly pull down your panties, and hand them over to him. He's in awe as he sees you leaving to the back of the train, into the bathroom with a cheeky smile on your face.
"Fuck" He sighs.
What?! Bonus chapter bitcheeesss! sorry for the 4-day vacation you guys, hope you didn't miss me much love you 💋
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em-prentiss · 18 days
when you hold me, it holds me together: Emily is stranded at a bar. She calls Hotch.
sweet nothing: Aaron and Emily’s daughter finally says her first word, but when she does, he’s not there. 
and when I break, it’s in a million pieces: Emily has a panic attack. 
I love you, it’s ruining my life: Emily's life is hardly okay after Doyle. Coming back and finding the man she loves with another woman doesn't help matters. 
you put me on and said I was your favorite: A closer look at Aaron and Emily's relationship.
I used to float (now I just fall down): Emily has a bad day and Aaron tries to help her through it. 
you can see it with the lights out (you are in love): Aaron and Emily, through different lenses. 
I know I don’t speak your language (but I wanna know more, baby): It's no secret Emily knows multiple languages. Sometimes, Aaron likes to show them off more than she does.
it always leads to you (in my hometown): Unrelated snippets of hotchniss based on every song in evermore. 
touch me with a kiss, feel me on your lips: In which Aaron and Emily have a no strings attached kind of relationship. 
I didn’t know if you’d care if I came back (I have a lot of regrets about that): Scratch is finally down, but Aaron doesn't come home. Not until Emily runs into him by accident.
my sleepless night, my winless fight: It’s Emily’s first case as Unit Chief and she struggles to sleep with Aaron miles away.
to leave the warmest bed I’ve ever known: It’s JJ’s wedding, and Aaron knows Emily is leaving. He tries to stop it. 
amaranthine: Aaron takes care of Emily while she’s on her period.
this is where I wanna be (where it’s so sweet and heavenly): Aaron, Emily, and the small steps they take towards each other (infinitesimal, tentative, but they get there). 
passed down like folk songs, our love lasts so long: Unrelated snippets of hotchniss based on every song in folklore.
if you’ve bled, I’ll bleed the same: Aaron looks after Emily in Colorado.
that old familiar body ache, the snaps from the same little breaks in my soul: How Aaron deals with Emily's death. 
got lovestruck (went straight to my head): Emily brings a cat into the BAU.
oh can we just get a pause? (to be certain we'll be tall again): Hit and Run with established hotchniss.
I hope I never lose you, hope it never ends: How the team finds out about Aaron and Emily.
strange what desire will make foolish people do: Alaska is cold, and their joint room has only one bed.
when you know, you know: In celebration of Aaron and Emily's engagement, the BAU takes a trip to the beach.
Retrouvaille: It's Morgan's wedding, and Emily makes the trip from London.
everybody wants you, you can have them all (but I got what you need): Mick Rawson flirts with Emily. Aaron doesn’t like it. 
is there someone else or not? (cause I wanna keep you close): Aaron meets Beth. Emily won't admit she's jealous, but she definitely is.
these hands had to let it go free and this love came back to me: A Route 66 fic where Emily finds out about Aaron's surgery.
you could call me babe for the weekend: Emily comes back to help save JJ. She may or may not spend the rest of the weekend at Aaron's.
one single thread of gold tied me to you: Aaron visits the BAU after he gets out of WITSEC. 
say my name and everything just stops: Aaron and Emily go on an undercover date. 
Redamancy: A soccer mom pays extra attention to Aaron. Emily doesn't like it - and she does something about it. 
hold me, love me, touch me, honey (you'll be the first who ever did): Aaron looks after a concussed Emily. 
Soft Sundays
(aka the soft fics where nothing happens, really—some of my favorites to write and read)
Persuasion: Emily finds a stray cat. She wants to take it home; Aaron does not.
this love is glowing in the dark: Emily comes home drunk. Aaron is more than happy to take care of her. 
have I known you twenty seconds, or twenty years?: Two mornings, twenty years apart. They are parallel to each other; mirrors. 
no, I didn’t see the news (cause we were somewhere else): Emily opens the door to Aaron's apartment and finds her whole team waiting for her. She's not exactly fully dressed. 
burnt toast, sunday (you keep his shirt, he keeps his word): Emily needs a midnight snack. Whilst preparing it, she accidentally wakes Aaron.
in another life, I would have really liked just doing laundry and taxes with you: Emily and Aaron let the laundry pile up. Tackling it is a joint effort, one neither of them wants to do. 
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callsign-dexter · 1 year
Echoes of Talent
Request: Hey lovie!!!!
So I was scrolling threw tik tok as one does at one in the morning lol and I came across a video of a girl singing and her dad finding out and thought omg totally maverick
so i was wondering if you could write about maverick finding out his kid can sing?
maybe reader is like 14 ish 
100% your choice :)
Pairings: Maverick x Daughter!Reader
Warnings: fluff
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Singing was a passion of Y/N she loved doing it but got embarrassed when she did it in front of anyone else. This includes her father. Maverick loved his little girl to pieces and always supported her. He would catch her humming to herself at times but never singing, this was usually when she was listening to music while working on some homework.
Maverick made it his goal to try and hear her sing. Each time he had made it known he was there she would stop and go to humming. She always somehow knew he was there and he didn't know how. He wondered if anyone else had heard hee sing and when he asked they just shook their head.
Friday around 5 PM he had come home from work a thought he heard a voice and went to the source. He found his daughter there but she was just humming away. She looked up and greeted him. "Hi, Daddy." She said and got up and hugged him.
"Hey, Sweetie. Have a good day at school?" He asked and she nodded.
"Yea I did. Got a bunch of homework that they gave us." She said when she released him from the hug. "I already have most of it done." She said and walked over to the table and continued her work. Maverick smiled at his daughter and she started humming again, he didn't know what the song was but it was catchy. He moved out of the kitchen and started to get into his regular clothing. He let it go for the evening not wanting to push his daughter into something she didn't want to.
It didn't happen for a few more weeks, that or he was just too busy with work to notice. Cyclone was on his ass about something that happened at work and he wanted him to push the current class of cadets harder. Y/N wasn't around much since she always was busy with the sports that she had going on.
There was one person who knew she could sing because he had caught her one day. He also encouraged her to sing. He also played the guitar while she sang. Who would that be? Well, none other than Robert 'Bob' Floyd. He had been in the same room as her and she was listening to her music and signing. When she looked up she was startled but he just smiled. He also ended up teaching her how to play the guitar but she preferred him to play and her sing.
It was a summer day and she had been sitting at the bar doing some summer work at The Hard Deck after the afternoon rush while the Dagger's had their annual dogfight football game. She had opted to stay in the air conditioning and grabbing drinks for them when they needed. She had been listening to music and not paying attention when Bob walked in. She was singing quietly to herself and it made Bob stop and listen she had an absolutely stunning voice. She was singing Battleships by Daughtry.
I'm sinkin' inside
And the mass and lines are broken down tonight (down tonight)
I swallow my pride
But we're drowning in the ocean
And it's tearing my heart open, baby
We're high then we're low, first it's yes then it's no
And we're changing like the tides
Yeah, but I want you, I need you and I guarantee you
We'll make it out alive
'Cause I don't wanna fight no more
Even when the waves get rough
I don't wanna see the day we say we've had enough
And I don't wanna fight this war
Bullets coming off our lips
But we stick to our guns and make love like battleships
Like battleships"
She hummed some parts of it but then went back to singing and Bob just stood there.
"Bombs fly through the air
And I know that we're both playing not so fair
Oh-oh, so, show me you care
Got my white flag open, it's waving
'Cause you know this love's worth saving baby
We're high then we're low, first it's yes then it's no
And we're changing like the tides
Yeah, but I want you, I need you and I guarantee you
We'll make it out alive"
He walked up to her and tapped her on the shoulder and she jumped and he jerked back. She ripped the earbud out of her ear and held a hand over her heart and turned around. "Bob? You scared me." She said and he smiled apologetically.
"I'm sorry. I came in to get some water." He said and she nodded and got up and got a water bottle behind the bar. "You have a beautiful voice." He said as she stood up and blushed.
"Thank you." She said and handed the bottle to him.
"Does anyone else know that you sing?" He asked and she shook her head 'no'. "Why not?" He asked
"I don't like how I sound and I sound horrible." She said, water bottle still in hand.
"Well your secret is safe with me. You have a very beautiful voice. If you want I could play guitar and you could sing." He said and she looked at him with tears in her eyes, sat water down, and walked around the bar and hugged him.
"Thank you. I would love that." She said and Bob hugged them back and that is how they ended up almost every weekend at his house. Maverick was fine with it. She sang and he played guitar.
They bonded over this and were just as close as she and Bradley were. She was close to everyone but they just had a stronger bond. They were just too shy people who loved music and hated expressing themselves. They were practically the same person but with a huge age gap.
Maverick didn't find out she could sing until a month later. She was home but Bob was there since he volunteered to stay with her since Maverick was going out for a few hours. Bob and Y/N were in the living room and she was singing Every Light In The House by Trace Atkins. It was a favorite of hers and she couldn't help but not sing it.
"I told you I'd leave a light on
In case you ever wanted to come back home
You smiled and said you appreciate the gesture
I took your every word to heart
'Cause I can't stand us being apart
And just to show how much I really miss ya"
She sang the beginning and she sang it beautifully. Bob was smiling and encouraging her with a nod and so she continued singing.
"Every light in the house is on
The backyard's bright as the crack of dawn
The front walk looks like runway lights
It's kinda like noon in the dead of night
Every light in the house is on
Just in case you ever do get tired of being gone
Every light in the house is on"
She continued singing. Maverick had just gotten home and walked through the door when he stopped and heard a guitar and a beautiful voice singing. He smiled when he realized it was his daughter's voice. He listened to her sing then he decided to walk into the living room and stand in the door way. Bob noticed him but didn't say anything but continued to playing and smiled.
"If I should ever start forgetting
I'll turn the lights off one by one
So you can see that I agree it's over
But until then I want you to know
If you look south, you'll see a glow
That's me waiting at home each night to hold ya"
Maverick couldn't believe this was his daughter's voice. It was almost the end of the song and she had yet to notice her father was there too caught up in the song. He didn't know she was this talented.
"Every light in the house is on
The backyard's bright as the crack of dawn
The front walk looks like runway lights
It's kinda like noon in the dead of night
Every light in the house is on
Just in case you ever do get tired of being gone
Oh, every light in the house is on
The backyard's bright as the crack of dawn
The front walk looks like runway lights
It's kinda like noon in the dead of night
Every light in the house is on
Just in case you ever do get tired of being gone
Every light in the house is on"
She finished the song as Bob finished the last note. "Hey, Y/N/N turn around." She looked confused but did as told and found her father standing there and she blushed fiercely. She couldn't believe that she just sang in front of her father.
"You're amazing, Darling." Maverick said and she looked down.
"Thank you." She said quietly
"Why did you find it from me or anybody besides Bob?" He asked and she looked up and over at Bob who nodded.
"Bob found out when he came into The Hard Deck for water after a game of dogfight football a month ago and he offered to play guitar while I sang, that is what we had been doing pretty much every weekend. I also don't think I sound very good when it comes to me singing." She said and Maverick looked at her in disbelief.
"Darling. Your voice is perfect. I know you didn't get it from me. It sounds like her mom's voice when she sang before she passed." He said and that made her cry, her mother died when she was 3 years-old. "It sounds like an Echo of her." He said and she looked up at him and then got up and hugged him.
Now that she had gotten compliments from Maverick and Bob. She started to sing more often. All the Daggers and Penny had heard her sing especially when she thinks nobody is around or its in a hushed tone. Bradley played the piano while she sang and everyone loved it. Nothing could stop her now. She gets to do something she loved and doesn't have to be shy about it anymore. Maverick was just glad he could hear her sing freely. It brought good memories back that he thought was gone but not when she sang. He knew that her mother was smiling down on her when she sang, she would be so proud of her little girl, Maverick knew he was proud of her. Then again he was proud of her everyday, nothing was going to change that.
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eventuallyaugust · 1 year
21. be careful what you wish for (written)
note: i'm writing this while listening to this (its a filo song & idk what the english song could measure up to the vibe that song gives me)
warning/s: too long chapter ahead, yunjin js too detailed when it comes to seol, and usage of unofficial uno rules; no beta
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"are we really going to do this, unnie?"
"yes, and besides, it's about time to shut yunjin up. so why can't we grant her wish with seol?"
two people huddle together while talking in hushed whispers, one looking around for unsuspecting passersby.
"uh, hi? may i ask what you're planning to noona?"
the pair jumps startled and turns around to see a 5'11 foot guy with a knowing glint settling in his eyes. behind him are his two members who are looking at the pair with curiosity. "please tell me you're doing what i'm thinking you're doing. if you need help, my members and i can step in."
the pair looks at one another before looking back at the tall guy. "and what are you thinking exactly?"
he tilts his head, raising a brow at chaewon and sakura. "you're going to trap those two in noona's studio, right?"
sakura asks as she raises a brow back, "how are we even going to do that without getting it opened from the inside?"
yeonjun, taehyun, and beomgyu look at each other before they share a laugh, a mischievous smirk appearing over their lips. "just do one thing and leave the rest to us."
"love is sour, love is sour grapes ~"
hyunseol nods, her right hand spinning a ballpoint pen with her eyes trained on the lyrics sheet and her blank expression makes the six girls nervous. "thank you, girls, but i noticed something." she then looks up from the paper, looking at yunjin. "why are you nervous, yunjin-ah?"
the tall girl blushes as she looks away, her fingers finding the hems of her shirt. "uhm, i'm sorry. i didn't mean to."
"may i ask what seems the problem? your voice really seems nervous earlier unlike what we had practiced last time, so we can address the problem." hyunseol leans against her seat and trains her eyes on the 5'8 foot girl who is still fiddling with the hem of her shirt. "yunjin-ssi?"
"i-i just want to be perfect for you, sunbaenim."
surprised, hyunseol's head jerks back with a blink. what? she said what?
the eyes of some le sserafim's members widen before turning their heads to their tallest member while chaewon and sakura keep their attention on the 5'11 foot idol, holding themselves from smirking by how taken aback hyunseol was at what had happened.
you're so stupid, yunjin! what did you say that?! 'i just want to be perfect for you', ugh! stupid stupid stupid!, yunjin mentally reprimands herself as she turns impossibly redder. hyunseol then gets flustered once what the american had said finally sinks in her mind.
"p-perfect? for me?" hyunseol repeats, sounding a bit in disbelief and clears her throat, shaking her head. "what do you mean by that, yunjin-ah?"
"w-what i mean is that, i'm nervous to mess up parts, sunbae. you're just so cool and i just don't want to mess up in front of you. it's too embarrassing."
you're such a simp, yunjin, chaewon thinks to herself as she shakes her head. good thing we'll be doing you a favor.
"please, don't call me sunbae. i would like to be called as seol unnie or unnie. not sunbae or sunbaenim because that honorifics make me feel old", the txt member addresses. "yunjin, we're on the same level. we're equal, so please don't think highly of me. i'm just seol from txt.
"and please, don't be afraid to mess up. that's why i'm here to help whenever you have any trouble. just because we're idols doesn't mean we lost our humanity. you're allowed to fail and try again and most importantly, you're allowed to have feelings, yunjin. don't let others make you think otherwise."
fuck you, hyunseol, yunjin thinks to herself as she tries to contain her raging heartbeats at bay, her ears joining the flustered fest. for raising my standards higher. fuck, god, why did you make her to be so so perfect? and my type too?
"o-okay, su— i mean, seol unnie. i'll remember your words."
the big hit idol nods and grabs her pen, smiling. "all right, let's try that again."
do the plan, sakura noona!
the oldest le sserafim member eyes hyunseol's phone laying on the table and remembers what yeonjun told her earlier.
"you need to grab seol noona's phone, sakura noona. seol noona has two phones, okay? one is for personal use while the other is for business use. i heard from noona that she left her business phone charging in the practice room because she rarely uses it nowadays. so, you need to take the other phone, it's the one in the black phone case and believe me when i say she keeps her eyes on that phone. you need to create a distraction for her before you grab the device, or else, she'll catch you."
le sserafim just finished practicing for their vocal practice (yunjin asked the txt member if the group could have a vocal practice doing the final recording) and now, they're ready to head to the cafeteria. chaewon and sakura share a look before their eyes fall on the unguarded phone. it's now or never.
"unnie", the bighit idol looks up from the music sheet and meets chaewon's innocent eyes. normally, hyunseol would question the behavior of the '00 liner, but she has no energy to ask.
"yes, chaewon?" the said girl then moves to shield the phone from the 23-year-old idol's sharp eyes. "do you need something?"
while chaewon talks to hyunseol, sakura immediately makes her way to the phone and grabs the device, stuffing it inside her pocket. when she looks up, she meets the eyes of her members: kazuha, eunchae, and garam. yunjin, on the other hand, is too engrossed on gathering her things to notice sakura's odd behavior, her thoughts still about txt's oldest.
sakura raises a brow at the maknae line and the trio raises their brows back, their eyes focused on the phone as if they're asking their oldest member, what are you doing?
trust me, sakura mouths and walks away when chaewon gently tapped her back, a signal to get away from the txt oldest. the leader then taps yunjin's arm, catching the latter's attention. "come on, let's go. it's time to eat."
"it's okay, unnie. i'll catch up with you guys. i just need to talk to seol unnie."
hearing that, chaewon almost cheers and scream, but she holds herself back and softly smiles at the '01 liner. "okay, we'll wait for you in the cafeteria."
she then meets sakura's eyes and smirks before gathering her members, knowing very well she and the oldest succeeded. the five out of six members walk out and are surprised to see the people outside the studio.
on the other side, yeonjun and the rest of txt members stand patiently. chaewon makes sure to close the door behind her before sakura gives hyunseol's phone to yeonjun.
huening kai, confused on what's happening asks as he crosses his arms in front of him, raising a brow at the pair. "why do you guys have seol noona's phone?"
uh-oh, yeonjun thinks to himself as he starts sweating. i didn't think ahead, fuck. we forgot to tell huening kai. shit, we're doomed.
while yeonjun starts having a mental breakdown, beomgyu immediately jumps into action, leaning against the maknae's 6'0" figure. "please, just this one, hyuka. help us trap seol noona and yunjin in the studio."
sakura starts off as she tries to support the oldest of txt's maknae line, "uh, yes, you see, yunjin likes-"
"- seol noona? we know. she isn't exactly hiding her infatuation very well." huening kai cuts le sserafim oldest, looking unimpressed.
the le sserafim members look at txt's maknae in shock, blinking. "what-?"
chaewon immediately covers eunchae's mouth before the latter could scream and asks, "how do you know?"
"we've noticed from our last vlive", taehyun answers before continuing. "and if we noticed, i'm sure seol noona did too, even before we did."
"yeah, she isn't exactly dense like she usually shows", soobin voices out.
"so...", yeonjun trails off as he looks at '02 liner hesitantly, knowing the success of their plan will depend on the maknae's decision. "are you going to help us, hyuka?"
the txt maknae looks at the phone adorned in a black phone case, thinking over the options he has before smirking.
"give me the phone."
"thank you again for the kind words from earlier, i guess i need to hear that. it's been a hard month for us."
the '99 liner smiles, as soft as the pillow and as warm as the rays of the first peak of sunrise. "you're welcome, i can tell that you guys start to feel the pressure. being in the industry is hard, i'll tell you that. you girls will be needing a friendly face amidst of the chaos. you're lucky because i'm willing to be in that role."
"i guess we girls lucked out when it comes to you."
"yeah, i guess so..." an awkward silence ensues as yunjin tries her best to save the conversation, but came up with nothing.
"i better go now, my members might be waiting for me."
"yeah... i hope you and your members eat well."
"you too." yunjin eyes the huge paper bag near the 23-year-old idol's work station and tears her eyes away from it. i really have no game against karina when it comes to seol. she's just confident, cool, and pretty and i'm just me. what do i even have that she doesn't? there's nothing, might as well give up.
"see you later, yunjin."
"see you later, unnie." the 5'8 foot idol bids a greeting and heads to the door. when she grabs the door and twists the handle, she blinks when she didn't hear a small click.
she takes a deep breath and decides to try again, calming herself down because if she didn't, she'll end up embarrassing herself more in front of her crush. let's not panic immediately, i must have just done something wrong.
"fuck", yunjin curses in english under her breath as the realization finally settles in. she's stuck inside with seol, the current subject of her infatuation. her hold on the door handle loosens until her arm comes back on her side. god, why now? why?!
hyunseol, on the other hand, turns her seat around when she still sensed the le sserafim member's presence in the room and tilts her head at the latter's back, the music sheet now thrown on the table with abandon.
"are you okay there, yunjin?"
"k-kinda? i-i don't know." hyunseol frowns at the reluctant response from the american before standing up from her swivel chair. when she approached the soon-to-be idol,
she notices the latter avoiding her eyes which is unlike what yunjin was earlier when they were practicing. flirty, attentive, and confident. her sudden change of behavior confuses the bighit idol even more.
what's gotten into her?, hyunseol thinks to herself and decides to grab the door handle and open it. just like when she welcomed le sserafim in her humble abode.
but except this time, it doesn't open. like she usually expects it will.
hyunseol blinks and tries again, but to no avail. surely the door is sealed shut, leaving her trapped inside with yunjin who is undoubtedly one of the pretty girls the txt member ever met in the industry.
oh fuck.
get yourself together, hyunseol. where's your phone?, her mind reproachfully speaks as she immediately springs into life and looks around the studio, her eyes desperately looking for her personal phone.
the very one sakura just stole minutes ago.
"wait, it can do that?"
"yeah, seol noona showed it to me some time ago. apparently, there are times she likes to be alone, so she often locks herself in her studio while she does songwriting. i remembered her saying that the door could lock someone in and out using her phone."
the five txt members and five le sserafim members take shelter in txt's practice room. on hyunseol's stolen phone shows a live footage of txt oldest member looking for something, but txt knows she's looking for her phone that was in huening kai's hands.
"aw, now i feel bad for unnie", chaewon voices out when she caught the distraught expression over hyunseol's face.
"me too, but it's already done, chaewon-ah."
"so that's why you asked something from seol unnie while sakura unnie stole seol unnie's phone", eunchae remarks as she looks at her leader and her fellow member in realization before she throws one piece of french fry inside her mouth, her eyes trained on the phone screen.
"yeah, that's why", chaewon comments before she takes another sip from her drink. "sakura unnie needs to grab the phone without getting seol unnie suspicious, so i stepped in."
le sserafim and txt have agreed on eating their lunch inside the latter's dance practice room to spy on their fellow members trapped in a studio. it sounds weird and creepy, but chaewon and sakura deemed it being the only way for yunjin to slowly adjust being around the txt member, knowing hyunseol having the nation's best friend persona only need several minutes to strike a conversation with yunjin.
hyunseol sighs as she sits back down on her swivel chair. she's certain now if she wasn't minutes ago. there's no way out of this room without her phone.
she then looks at yunjin who is starting to space out on the couch inside her studio before rummaging the paper bag her manager had dropped. she scowls when she saw two takeout containers inside and two sets of plastic utensils with two bottled colas on the plastic bag near it.
she mentally sighs in exasperation and rolls her eyes when she realized something. her phone is on the table earlier, but after chaewon asked her about something, it just disappeared.
is it magic? no, she strongly believes there is no way it just magically went missing before she got trapped with yunjin because she knows it's possible huening kai is an accomplice of chaewon and sakura with a few bribes being made. the maknae is the only one who knows about the studio door.
hyunseol then turns to the cctv camera she installed in her studio that overlooks the whole room and narrows her eyes while crossing her arms.
huening kai immediately drops his hold over the phone, his action catching everyone's attention. "uh-oh."
yeonjun asks, looking at the maknae, "what? what?"
the maknae meets the second oldest member's eyes and scowls, "we're doomed, noona finally realized what's happening."
hyunseol throws yunjin a glance and immediately returns her attention to the cctv camera when she saw the latter in the state of spacing out. with a disapproving shake of her head, the txt oldest member signs as she clenches her jaws, you shouldn't have done that, huening kai. chaewon and sakura, is this why you stole my phone for? to trap me and yunjin inside? you guys better sleep with an eye open tonight.
huening kai whines as he gives the phone to soobin. "you hold the phone, hyung. i cannot hold it while watching."
"what did she say?", sakura asks curiously, looking at the txt members.
"she's asking you and chaewon if trapping her and yunjin is the reason why you stole her phone, noona", yeonjun shares and gulps. "she also said that we better sleep with an open tonight."
"i don't know if i should be scared or not by how much she is glaring at us right now", chaewon mutters, her eyes trained on the idol.
"it's okay to be scared of seol noona, chaewon noona.", huening kai comments and frowns. "you're luckier than us, though. you guys don't share a dorm with her."
hyunseol then rolls her eyes and turns away from the camera, massaging her temple. getting annoyed isn't going to help. focus, seol. you're not the only one who's trapped inside. you're with yunjin, think about her. she must be starving.
"hey." the txt member's raspy voice brings yunjin out of her thoughts and they share a look for a moment before the korean smiles warmly at the american. "come on, let's eat. it'll take us centuries before we bust out of this room and believe me, there's no way we could leave the room if i don't have my phone with me."
the former opera singer tilts her head with a frown, her brows creased together. "but your phone was here moments ago."
yunjin noticed it, the device laying within the txt member's reach while she and her members have their vocal practice. it couldn't possibly just disappeared, right?
"i have a feeling on what had happened to my phone." yunjin looks at the bighit idol.
the '01 liner then stands up and helps hyunseol setting the big foldable table up. "what's happened?"
hyunseol carefully takes out the two bibimbap-filled containers with bulgogi meat draped on the side, drinks, and utensils before laying them on the table. "chaewon distracted me while sakura unnie grabbed my phone and used the chance to run away when you told your leader you'll catch up with your members in the cafeteria before trapping us inside."
the le sserafim member throws hyunseol a look. "eh? did they really steal your phone?"
"i believe so, because we wouldn't trapped right now." the txt immediately corrects herself, not wanting yunjin to misunderstand her statement. "n-not that i don't want to be with you, of course. j-just..."
"oh, hyunseol's stuttering."
"wait, what?" the txt and le sserafim members huddle together, their eyes glued on the phone screen. and there hyunseol is, stuttering and blushing like a madman.
"j-just that... it's too coincidental for us to get trapped here, right?" hyunseol succesfully plays it cool with a chuckle and a shake of her head. great quick thinking, seol.
"and besides, think about it, yunjin-ah. they wouldn't trap us here if they have no reason, right? there must be something they want to achieve for them to drag my members in this shenanigan."
there must be something they want to achieve..., yunjin lingers on the thought and her eyes widen when she remembered her tweets from the night before. fuck, chaewon unnie and sakura unnie must've seen my tweets about seol, and now i'm stuck with her. great, good job, yunjin.
"hey, you good?" the 5'8" foot idol blinks and meets hyunseol's eyes before they share a small smile and look away, blush adorning their cheeks.
"i swear to god, they're so gay for each other", sakura fake gags. "like you can see how they look shy around one another and it makes me puke."
"y-yeah, i'm good." yunjin clears her throat and looks away.
"all right, here's your utensils. let's eat, yunjin-ah." the txt member then drags her swivel chair closer to the table.
despite being awkward at first, the pair slowly adjusts in the silence and enjoy the food manager yongsun had dropped off before yunjin gasps and the bighit idol worriedly looks at the soon-to-be idol only to see the latter looking at the food in amazement.
"wow, this is so good." yunjin takes another bulgogi meat from her container and immediately sighs in delight. "where did you buy this food, unnie? it's so good."
"manager unnie bought it from a friend of mine. i'm glad you enjoyed it." hyunseol chews and adjusts herself on her seat, throwing yunjin a look and noticing something on the latter's face. "hey."
the former opera singer stops chewing and looks at the tall girl, her awaiting eyes trained on the bighit idol.
she looks like a puppy, hyunseol thinks to herself. she'd make a cute puppy.
the american's action makes the txt member giggle before the latter grabs a napkin laying discarded on the table and stands up from her chair.
"hang on, you have something on your...", hyunseol trails off as she leans closer to yunjin, her free hand holding the latter's chin in place. the soon-to-be idol's breath hitches at the close proximity of their faces, the gentle hold the tall girl has on her chin, and the concentration looming over the txt member's face.
yunjin isn't certain if she caught hyunseol's eyes darting back and forth from the mess on her jaw to her lips. on top of that, she notices the latter subconsciously licking her own lips while wiping the offending smudge on her face.
the pair then locks eyes for a moment, the humming coming from the a/c being the only sound in the room. the '99 liner's voice rings in yunjin's ear, noticing a hint of softness laced in them. "hey, you okay? you kinda... spaced out there."
"yeah... i'm good..." are the only words yunjin could say at the moment, her voice a bit slurred from the moment.
"okay, there you go. your face are all cleaned up." hyunseol subconsciously runs her thumb over the former opera singer's jaws and immediately lets go when she realized what she did, turning her face away with blush dusting her cheeks.
"uhm...", yunjin stutters with a flustered face when hyunseol finally moved away and sat back down before she looks away as her hands cover her face, immediately missing the warmth over her jaw. "t-thank you, you didn't have to. that was so embarrassing, i'm sorry you have to see me like that. i don't normally eat like that, i'm usually—"
"no, no, don't do that. it's okay, it wasn't embarrassing at all." the bighit idol giggles and waves her dismissively. "trust me, you're cute from where i'm seeing you, yunjin. there's no need to be embarrassed and besides, you're a pretty girl, yunjin. i hope you can see that."
"ahhh, seol noona!!!" the txt members loudly squeal and runs around their practice room with huening kai being the loudest while the le sserafim members sit on the couch, stunned.
"t-they are flirting, right?"
huening kai's loud voice fills the room. "yes! seol noona is flirting with yunjin noona! we told you, they only a nudge to start talking."
yeonjun and beomgyu then throw each other a look and share a knowing smirk.
"t-thank you, you're kinda pretty yourself too", yunjin mutters before immediately stuffing her mouth with food, hoping the food will ease her flustered mess.
hyunseol chuckles as she opens her drink and takes a sip. "thanks, i'm glad you found me attractive."
the le sserafim's opera singer lets out a yelp as her face turns redder than any existing red color in the world, hell even redder than the nose of rudolph the red nose reindeer.
the txt member chuckles, her eyes looking at the 5'8" foot girl. "okay, okay. i'll stop now. let's continue eating in peace."
"no fucking way."
chaewon and sakura have their hands over the ears of their minor members, garam and eunchae who looked at the two oldest members innocently while txt chuckles at their oldest's reaction.
hyunseol whines as she takes another two cards from the deck, her five cards in her hands becoming seven while yunjin smirks triumphantly, holding up four cards.
the pair just finished cleaning up the mess they made with their trash stacked on one corner, waiting to be fetched. now, they're playing uno with the uno cards the bighit idol always carry with her once they decided that their members won't be coming to free them sooner or later.
and now, from where yunjin is looking, hyunseol is losing at the game.
"fuck, how come you're so good at this?!", the txt oldest groans as she sighs before taking another two cards from the deck.
the txt members look at one another at their oldest member's questionable choice of words with mischievous smirks before bursting out in a laughter while sakura and chaewon facepalm with a shake of their heads, leaving le sserafim's maknae line looking at the phone screen confused.
"i'm a pro at this, unnie. my little sister could tell you that." yunjin then puts down two of her cards which is both 8 from red color before holding up her two cards. "i'm closer and closer to winning, unnie. you better catch up."
"oh, i'm gonna catch up all right." hyunseol grumbles as she places two cards down, still on the losing side.
"they're so gay for each other", chaewon comments as she watches hyunseol and yunjin entertain themselves with uno cards.
"what's the meaning of this?"
both members of txt and le sserafim tense up at bang si-hyuk's terror-filled voice before slowly turning around to see the producer himself with their managers, moonbyul and yongsun standing beside him guiltily. the producer looks at the two groups with raised brows and arms crossed.
"i'm sorry, guys. he asked me where hyunseol is and i tried to lie to him, but he doesn't believe me", yongsun apologizes as she meets the eyes of the txt members.
"that's okay, noona. at least you tried."
"where is hyunseol, huening kai?" si-hyuk knows that the txt maknae is aware of the door mechanics of hyunseol's studio and seeing the phone of the txt's oldest in huening kai's hold, he has a hunch on what's happening.
he also notices that yunjin is nowhere to be seen with her members and realizes what the two group did, narrowing his eyes at the phone. "did you two try to play matchmaker on them?"
"yes, pd-nim. we're sorry."
si-hyuk sighs and massages his temples. "it's okay, but you guys need to apologize to those two, not me. i'm not the one who was trapped in there. come on, let's fetch them."
"ha, i win! take that, yunjin. i told you from the start, i'll win."
"aww, i lost. that's too bad."
truthfully, yunjin was supposed to win, but seeing the determination burning in hyunseol's eyes make yunjin change her mind and let the tall idol win.
normally, her competitive side always aim to win every game, but her infatuation on hyunseol won over her competitiveness. with the txt member, she doesn't mind losing—no, scratch that, she will never mind losing. as long as she gets to see that wide smile appear on hyunseol's face, losing to her in will always be worth it.
although she and hyunseol only spent almost an hour inside the studio, it gave yunjin an idea as to why people adored and befriended the txt member. the perfect person to be with, why?
hyunseol is open-minded to several topics whether it may be controversial or not. she isn't quick to turn down other people's opinions, but instead, she listens attentively because she said that people's thoughts are what makes people people, giving a glimpse of what kind of person they are.
the txt member is also kind and understanding because like what happened earlier, she addressed the opera singer's thoughts about herself of not being good enough or the fear of messing up. she understood yunjin's fears and made it like it was okay to be in that state because at the end of the day, they are humans first, idols second. idols have to look out for each other in the cruel innerworkings of the industry they work in. it's natural to think like that, but they shouldn't think like that all the time.
the bighit idol is funny too because surprisingly, she has a sense of humor that align with yunjin's and share laughter at the jokes they throw each other as if they share one braincell. as if they made the inside joke together.
and at last, she is a people person. she was warm as the first peak of sunrise, easy to make friends, and an excellent listener because hyunseol makes sure to stop whatever she is doing to listen and lend her ears to the person talking. like the idol did when yunjin shared a few tidbits of her life.
if those qualities didn't make yunjin fall for hyunseol before, it surely did now. not only the 5'11" foot idol is her type, but she also became the opera singer's standard.
like people said, why settle for less when you know you deserve more, right?
"that was a good game." yunjin giggles at the bighit idol's words before she helps the latter gather the discarded cards on the couch. "although i was so sure you would win minutes ago, yunjin."
"i didn't think it through, unnie. i thought i could do a miracle in the game, but i suppose you immediately noticed my bluff and won."
"probably—" the door of the studio opens and the pair immediately gets on their feet when they saw bang si-hyuk standing on the other side.
"pd-nim", hyunseol politely regards the producer with a greeting before she sees her members and the rest of le sserafim standing behind him. she then returns her gaze on the producer. "uhm, good afternoon?"
"i was informed that you guys have been trapped in here." si-hyuk motions yongsun beside him before looking back at the idols. "we've come to fetch you. i hope you guys are okay while being trapped inside."
hyunseol and yunjin share a look while si-hyuk notices the way the pair immediately look at each other. the two idols then look back at the producer with smiles plastered over their faces. "no, pd-nim. we are okay. manager unnie managed to drop off some food in the studio before we got trapped, so..."
"we ate well and played some cards to pass time. it was good, despite getting trapped against our will", yunjin adds to hyunseol's statement, smiling at the thought of the interactions she shared with the txt member.
"okay, that's good to hear. also, hyunseol." si-hyuk nods and looks at hyunseol who flinches at the producer's gaze.
"come, i need to talk to you about something in my office." the six members of txt look at one another before the oldest looks back at the producer.
"solo schedule?"
"no, it's code oh." the five txt members look at hyunseol with wide eyes.
"c-code oh?"
"yes, now, come on."
"but the trash, pd-nim." the 5'11" foot idol motions to the neatly stacked paper bag in the room and si-hyuk looks at the five members of txt, the latter immediately realizing what the producer will say.
"your members will take care of it as their punishment of trapping you and ms. huh here. right boys?"
"yes! we'll do it!"
"it's okay, noona. we'll take care of it", huening kai states as he gently drags the oldest out of the room. "bang pd-nim needs to talk to you."
"okay, okay. i'll go." hyunseol then looks at yunjin and smiles with a slight bow. "i'll see you around, yunjin-ssi."
she then looks at the rest of le sserafim with a smile. "good luck on your debut, okay?"
"see you around, seol unnie." chaewon waves with the rest of her members.
si-hyuk then leads the txt's oldest member away from the group and yunjin's eyes follows hyunseol before the pair disappears around the corner.
"you girls really are evil." yunjin finally speaks up as she meets her fellow unnie line members before a smile breaks out on her face. "i can't believe you guys did that."
"so, yunjin noona." the former opera singer the turns her head to meet the eyes of txt's maknae. "what do you think about seol noona?"
summary: txt's oldest member, oh hyunseol just want a peaceful life after pandemic with her members, but it seems like fate wants to shake things up.
taglist (open!!): @curly-fr13s , @neuftaeng , @myothegreat , @yoontoonwhs , @nasyu-kookies , @awkwardtoafault , @osakis-gf , @dream-chasers-things
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hymn-of-muse · 1 year
Not My Flower.
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a Yasha x Reader requested by @botanicalbard
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"tell me, bard. you've been seen with the nein quite often, you're familiar with them, yes? tell me all you know of them." a man demanded in a low tone, face obscured by shadow in the dimly lit room.
you'd left the tavern after you and your friends had a few drinks, all you wanted was a bit of fresh air as the ale started to take affect on you. you we not expecting, however, to be grabbed from behind and dragged into the alleyway next to the tavern, a hand silencing you and arms holding you firm so you couldnt run away.
the next thing you knew, you found yourself in a small room, windows covered up and the lighting too dim to make out any doorway outline, unless it was behind where you sat on a stool, ankles restrained and hands tied at the wrist around the support beam you were leaning against.
a man, clearly trying to intimidate you into talking about your friends weaknesses and secrets, stood over you with his arms crossed. you could hear someone in the corner shift, so you knew it wasnt just him here.
"i'll ask you again-"
"no i heard you" you interrupted "im just not sure what it is specifically you want to know, i mean theyre a lovely bunch, sure, but you cant just be so vague, do you want me to give you an introduction for each individual? i can do that in song!" you told him smugly
"what?" he gave a confused look upon your sudden compliance "no-no, no songs, just tell me-"
"are you sure? i got a really good one! oh! or i could sing you a tale of the mighty nein's greatest adventures thus far! what a brave and interesting party of beings they are, like this one time-"
"stop that!" the man snapped, agitated by your interruptions and clear attempt at stalling him for more time. "enough of your games, bard, just tell me what i ask of you and nothing more. if you comply, we'll consider letting you go unharmed. got it?"
"come on, you went through all this effort and all you want is a little information? why not a whole story, huh? not even one song? all you want is small talk? thats so boooring" you groaned, putting emphasis on the 'o' in boring.
the man gave a grunt of frustration as he grabbed hold of your shirt collar and got all threatening in your face. "shut up! just tell me each of their weaknesses, secrets, some information i can ACTUALLY use!"
"one, ew your breath smells. two, nah thats lame. besides, by now they likely know im gone and will come looking for me. you made a huge mistake thinking i was a good kidnapping choice." you chuckled, still smug as ever.
"yeah? what makes you so sure they'll find you?" he grumbled.
"because the barbarian's my girlfriend, and she can get really physical when shes angry"
"heh, you think youre safe? youre not going anywhere till i get something outta you" he glared, raising a fist to throw a punch just when the door swung open with a crash, breaking it off its hinges.
in the doorway now stood yasha after she'd kicked in the door, the light outside illuminating the room and as she stepped in with heavy foot falls, the anger on her face was clear as day. she gave an icy cold glare to the man who's fish was frozen in the air.
"how did you..?" the other person in the corner finally spoke up with a weak voice.
"your neighbors made a noise complaint" yasha stated, storming closer to the man who threatened you a minute before as he stumbled back and reached for a weapon to defend himself with.
when he tried to swing a club at her, she grabbed it and tore it out of his hands, tossing it to the side and grabbing him by the arm. she swung him around and threw him into the other person, knocking them both out on impact when the hit the wall.
"are you hurt?" yasha asked you as she quickly moved to undo your restraints, a gentle hand moving to the side of your face to make sure you were alright. the look of concern on her face said everything.
"i knew you'd find me" you smiled sweetly at her, leaning your head into her warm hand as her shoulders dropped in relief.
"of course i did. i wouldnt let anyone hurt you." she spoke with a light chuckle to her voice, hoisting you into her arms and walking out of the room as she carried you. "not my flower."
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reblogs are appreciated! im sorry this took a while to get done! /g
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annymation · 6 months
How much have Magnifico and Amaya changed in Swap Au and what are the changes in their backstory (you mentioned that they also switched roles)? Does this mean that in Swap Au, the parallels between the villain and the hero are Amaya-Aster and Magnifico-Asha?
Alright, so in this swap au, it was pretty easy to imagine Star!Asha and Human!Aster, like, it's just them but Asha is more bubbly and optimistic while Aster is a bit more mature and realistic, nothing crazy... BUT THE ROYALS SWAPPING IS SO CURSED THE MORE I THINK ABOUT IT!
So let's talk about them one at a time:
Queen Amable the Sorceress
Okay so for this to work, we'll change some things slightly. Amaya's backstory in this AU remains pretty much the same as Kow!Magnifico. Bla bla bla she wanted to be queen but didn't want to grant wishes and learning magic was too hard for her cause' her heart wasn't in it, badabim-badaboom her parents make a new heir.
However, this new sibling is not Florian, but oh don't worry, Florian will show up later. Swap Amaya had a sister, a sister named Harmona. You might remember her from the villains backstory I wrote way back. Originally Harmona was a mean girl that stole Amaya's boyfriend, but in this AU, Harmona is a good person, in fact, she's pretty much your typical Disney princess that wanted to study magic and one day become a good queen for Rosas
And a good queen she becomes indeed, leaving Amaya quite displeased for being casted out into the shadow of her little sister.
One day, a young man was found, passed out and floating adrift on a boat near the kingdom's shore.
Harmona ordered that he'd be brought to the castle at once, so she could help him with whatever he could need. Obviously the dude is our good ol' Swap Magnus
So Magnus explains he rather not talk about his past just yet, because it's oooh so traumatic, and all he wishes is to repay the queen's kindness by serving as her royal potion maker
Harmona agrees, seeing how her older sister seemed infatuated with the stranger
(Ya know, when you swap the genders it feels weird that Harmona is hooting for her sister to date this guy they just found at sea with no backstory, maybe I'm just looking too much into it but like, suddenly it's no longer a little sibling being a cool wingman and now it's more like "Wtf are you doing? He might be a sociopath" and indeed, he is)
Amaya fell head-over-heels for Magnus, but the guy just wouldn't reciprocate to her advances no matter what. But she knew the feelings were mutual.
Magnus admitted that indeed, he did love her, but to love means to hurt when that person is eventually gone, and that was a pain he didn't want to go through... Not again. (More on that in a bit)
But Amaya convinces him, saying they'll find a way to live happily EVER after. Saying he'll never lose her (lol and then years later she chases after Star!Asha into a storm and dies for a few minutes and he desperately brings her back to life, sacrificing his own youth lmao)
The two of them start dating, doing all that lovey dovey stuff like kissing, giving each other presents, plotting to kill her sister, baking cookies, all that good stuff.
1 year later and Harmona is dead.
Amaya rises to the throne, now with a magic staff she obtained in a quest. And after some practice with Magnus, she knows how to appear a lot more kind hearted and charismatic in the eyes of the public. Soon the two are nicknamed Queen Amable and King Magnifico (I considered renaming them different things so it's not so confusing but I can't think of anything, sorry)
The queen is a very passionate about giving her people everything they need, she's dramatic and has a larger than life personality. I know I've always said Kow!Amaya was inspired by Mother Gothel, but swap!Amaya here has that Gothel mannerisms to the MAX, like she's full on breaking into song here and there and cracking jokes that may be a lil bit passive aggressive if you pay close attention to what she's saying.
She has a bit of a temper that she does her best to keep under control when in public, but she's also very calculating, not letting her emotions take too much control over her.
She becomes more and more vicious as the story progresses, being absolutely ruthless in her pursue for Asha's magic and finding great joy in making Aster suffer along the way
I'll just let this image speak for itself
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Ooooh boy that's the best part! Pinterest here I come!
Alright, so first thing's first, in this Au Amaya is older than her husband, and unlike him, she doesn't like drinking youth potions, they taste horrible and cause a lot of pain before taking effect, so she let's herself age a lil bit, after all she is aging like a fine wine.
In conclusion, her hair is white.
And like Kow! Magnifico, she wears no crown, her hair IS her crown
How is her hair you may ask?... It's shaped like a rose
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I can't quite decide if she'd have a rose on top and loose hair that give more of a elf vibe or if she'd have a rose shaped bun that give more of a bride vibe, ya'll decide in the comments
Her dress would be tones of white and gold.
King Magnifico the Warlock
If you play D&D like me you might have gotten all giddy seeing that tittle, thinking Mag made a pact with an evil entity or something, but nah, sorry, I'm just calling him "Warlock" cause' that's the male equivalent of a witch
On Kow!Amaya's backstory, I was inspired by the greek myth of Persephone and Aphrodite fighting to win the affection of Adonis, but ultimately Adonis preferred Aphrodite.
But with Swap!Magnifico, I'll be taking inspiration from a certain other myth. The myth of Apollo and his lover Hyacinthus.
In the myth, Hyacinthus was a beautiful spartan prince, so beautiful, that he attracted the attention of not just one but TWO gods: Apollo god of the sun, music and prophecy, and Zephyr, the west-wind. However, Hyacinthus fell in love with Apollo first, which made Zephyr quite jealous. So jealous, that he went the "If I can't have you, no one can" route and straight up murdered Hyacinthus.
So yeah, you might already imagine where I'm going with this. So enough with the greek mythology class and let's go to Magnus version
Magnus was a young man that lived in a simple village in Greece, but he desired more in this life, to make a difference and help others
So, he started studying potion crafting, to heal the ill and rejuvenate the old, offering to help all of those in need. However, Magnus felt like the people didn't actually love him for who he was, they only wanted favors from him. He wondered if he'd ever meet someone that loved him for who he was
That's when our boy Hyacinthus shows up, but I'mma just call him Ryan for short.
So Magnus and Ryan fell deeply in love. But oh no, someone else is also in love with Ryan, can you guess who it is?.......... Yeah it's Florian, told ya we'd see him later
Florian was overtaken by jealousy, and decided that if he couldn't have Ryan no one else would.
One day, Manus and Ryan are partaking in a game of throwing a metal discus the highest they can. Florian takes this opportunity and once the discus falls in a place that they can't see, he steals it, hides behind some bushes while the couple is looking for their discus, and BONCS the metal discus right on Ryan's head, killing him.
Magnus did not see who the heck threw the discus. Consumed by grief, he locked himself away from the world for days, to mourn the death of his lover, but it didn't take long for people to come asking for more potions, more favors.
Magnus knew that whoever killed Ryan was in that village, he had no way of knowing who, but he knew one thing, they were all rotten, ungrateful pests that deserved a fate worse than death. Consumed by his wrath, he began to architect a plan.
So the gay go do crimes.
Magnus poisons their crops, thus cursing all the villagers, including Florian.
He sails off, running away from the few people that didn't get cursed, and later ends up lost at sea, until he's found by some sailors of Rosas. And the rest you already know.
So Magnifico in this AU functions as a calming and supportive husband for Queen Amable, though, although he's very gentle with her, his way of calming her is very... Unhinged.
Like, let's say Amaya is stressed because they can't find those dang kids, Magnus reaction to this is being like "Aww my darling, don't fret, I promise you as soon as they fall in our grasp I shall use my potions to turn their bones into mush, make their blood boil like hot oil, and we shall rejoice as we listen them pathetically shriek in pure, delicious agony" and he says all that in the sweetest voice you've ever heard.
He's like, an evil henchman, but that is actually competent, even though sometimes he can get a bit silly, which is very dangerous, don't get near him when he's getting the sillies
Honestly I might be more afraid of this version of Magnifico than the normal one, because the normal one at least has a fun showsman personality, this one just stays quiet most of the time in the background smiling menancingly, that is when he's not pretending to be nice to Aster, acting almost like a father figure, or showing his totally unhinged true nature. Terrifying.
Eh here's a meme for him too, it's basically their couple dynamic:
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Magnifico with a crown is cursed, but oh well, let's see what I can find on Pinterest
Alright, so straight up, he has Chris Pine's hair from the D&D movie. And he wears a relatively simple crown
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His clothes are tones of white and blue with hints of yellow, taking some inspiration from greek clothing styles.
He wears the hood of his cloak often.
OKAY this took a while to write, but it was really fun imagining these alternate versions of the characters! Hope you liked them.
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