#she slicks her hair back to look like her dad btw
egonkula · 3 months
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baby charmac doodlin (you'll get cute happy ones in a moment :3 )
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cloudy-leonhart · 3 years
AOT veterans with a Filipino S/O!!
[author note: did I write this as soon as I posted the first part?? yes. I like writing for this, it’s so fun lolol up next, Marleyan Warriors!!]
Summary: not much, just the AOT vets with their filipino S/O.
Gender Neutral Reader.
Recommended Song: Buwan - Juan Karlos.
Theme: Fluff, Modern AU.
TW: Swearing.
Characters: Hange, Levi, Miche, Erwin, Moblit, Nanaba.
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Hange Zöe
Honestly they fully immersed themselves in your culture, as you know Hange LOVES learning about new things, discovering about your culture, they probably forced you to go the Philippines with them.
They started asking people for directions in english?? You had to step in translate for them, in which they responded to ask to teach them the language.
Yes they keep a small notebook of words they think are interesting. Yes even swear words are in there, not to mention they absolutely just butcher the way you say it.
One time when you both came back, Hange told Erwin that Bakla was a word for a good man, and they laughed their asses off watching Erwin tell people he was Bakla LMFAO.
They actually visited your province, they met your family and was surprised at the fact that they owned a whole farm, they tried to learn with your siblings on how to harvest rice, they nailed it btw.
they named your carabao, Sawney, and your chicken, Bean.
And respectfully so, your family started to call their animals by the name Hange gave them.
They started to cry about the fact that you guys had to go back, and like every time, your mom and dad encouraged y’all to bring filipino snacks back home, in which you did, because you knew that you’d probably miss it when you flew back home.
You guys have a tradition of going to the Philippines for your guys’ anniversary.
They were the one to suggest Aegis to Levi but they prefer someone like Jireh Lim.
Favourite song is probably, Buko. They love the guitar in it.
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Levi Ackerman
He first found out you were Filipino when he caught you packing a balikbayan box for your family back home, (for those who don’t know, balikbayan box is a box full of your country’s snacks to send back to the PH for your family to try.)
He had asked you what it was, and you answered that it was for your family back in the Philippines, in which he responded with helping you, and mainly scolding you about the way you packed it.
“Idiot, pack it like this, so you have more space to place stuff.”
When he first went to the Philippines, he first noticed the cleanliness of the hotels, he looked at you with a ‘is this why you’re so good at cleaning?’ look. 
God when I say your parents loved him, YOUR PARENTS ABSOLUTELY ADORED HIM. He would clean for your mom, and not only that, your mom approved of his cleaning technique, yes she told you to marry him that second.
And that you did, you had your first wedding with you family in the Philippines, and another in where you guys currently lived.
Bye, he absolutely looks AMAZING in a Barong. Your dad helped him slick his hair back.
Your mom and him, bonded of cleaning, sometimes when your mom needs help removing rust on her pans, she calls Levi.
like Hange he and you go to the Philippines for y’alls anniversary. 
Please save this man from the streets, I’m not saying it to be mean but this man almost gave his wallet to a bunch of kids who were hungry.
You gave money instead because you didn’t want your man to be broke lmfao.
He loves seeing you so happy while you’re in the Philippines, he just thinks it’s adorable when you speak your language.
Aegis listener, absolutely no discussion, mans listens to them while cleaning, he listens to “Sayang Na Sayang” religiously.
when Aegis plays in the house, you know it’s a cleaning day lmao.
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Erwin Smith
Please, remember when I said Hange told him bakla was a word for a good man, yes, that’s how he found out you were Filipino, you literally was so dumbfounded, you waited for him in the living room, your friend’s laughing over the phone, man thought he did something wrong until..
“Erwin, can you tell me why you’ve been telling your friends you’re fucking gay??”
Yeah he’s got trust issues now. But he wasn’t that shocked to find out you were filipino, he just thinks it’s neat, he butchers pronouncing shit, he tries to learn filipino jokes??? It’s really bad, like you need to stop him from telling your family to save HIM from embarrassment.
He knows how to cook barbecue lmfao, he sits at your family’s barbecue spot and cooks for them, your dad appreciates the help so much lmao, also he loves drinking the gulaman whenever he’s there, your dad gives it to him for free because, he basically considers Erwin his son now. His awkward, barbecue-cooking, son.
You guys go on hiking in Mt. Butalao, yes you sneak peeks when he’s climbing because his muscles flex, and he sweats. You guys go on a double hiking date with Miche and his S/O all the time.
He was kind of fearful when you went to a province to get in touch with your grandparents, he watched you help their carabao back into their pens, he’s scared of carabaos, don’t blame him-
Surprisingly he’s as good as your dad in basketball, bye I just know the women of your community comes to watch him, he’s ripped, you’re jealous but you don’t say it lmao.
He’s got those jeep keychains lmfao, the fact that he kinda looked like a lost puppy when you’re traveling, like so many people, so little space-
please educate him, he’s confused on everything-
he probably listens to Eraserheads, Huwag Mo Nang Itanong. Yes his ultimate song. 
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Miche Zacharias
probably the only veteran that knows what to do?? Beside Moblit?? He knows how to bless, he knows to call your parents nanay and tatay. He also loves going to where there’s a lot of Filipino street food because he loves the smell, he prefers the smell of bananaque over anything, hotcakes are a close second.
mf was scared when your mom suddenly said, “Oh yeah, I kept your childhood spider.”
YOU OWNED A MF SPIDER?? You were all like ‘omg i miss him’ he was a little scared bitch omg.
You had to explain that you would buy them from the local toy store and you and your friends would make them fight each other to the death.
you know those dyed chicks you get from winning a game, yeah, he was attached to one you guys won, but as always, they weren’t going to live long, I think he sulked for a whole 2 days. He named the chick Richard AHAHA.
ah yes, absolute unit in basketball, yes you and Erwin’s S/O would watch them play basketball together with your guys’ dads. Yes y’all gossiped about how hot they were in tagalog.
Just saying, Miche got some that night. 
He doesn’t fit in tricycles- neither does he fit in jeepneys lmfao- he kinda has to sit on the ground if you force him to fit, in which he has to awkwardly crawl to get out lmfao.
He literally looks godly while hiking, you guys don’t go to your parents’ house when you first arrive, you guys hike.
You guys go whenever y’all feel like it honestly.
“hey hey, reader, Mahal Kita.”
He listens to anything in filipino honestly, he likes chill filipino songs like Tell Me Where It Hurts by MYMP.
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Moblit Berner
He’s a researcher, he makes sure he doesn’t disrespect the culture.
he knows to bless and all that jazz like Miche.
Wait but your family loved him as soon as you told them he was a doctor lmfao?? He’s in nursing.
He’s basically already apart of the family, all your little siblings call him kuya Moblit, he absolutely thinks it’s adorable.
when you guys are sending a balikbayan box, he places toys he bought for your little siblings in the box, with a note written and translated by you for them.
Moblit also knows about poverty in the Philippines, he’s apart of an organization where they give to those who can’t afford real food, even when he’s back home with you, he donates from abroad, everyone knows him as the generous kuya.
honestly I can see him as someone who’s also known by your community, people call him kuya Moblit or tito Moblit, it’s very wholesome when a kid asks him to carry them.
This man looks so nice and kind on the outside but when you guys are at your tita’s bday party and there’s a whole mf buffet, he’s a whole beast.
You know when your uncles have like, food stacked on their plate, and like a cup of buko pandan at the side?? yes, him. definitely.
He’s kinda like sasha in this au, he loves the food so much, he probably finished a filipino dish by himself (it’s the palabok)
he’s also a god at making ice candy?? like he’s so good at filling up the plastic with the liquid lmao.
you guys adopted a stray dog in the community and his name was Moblit, your family takes care of him while you guys are back home.
genuinely, it’s mostly wholesome with him, he doesn’t really do anything wrong besides butchering pronounciation.
Moblit probably watches boxing with your dad though, it’s just too accurate not to be true.
More of a movie watcher than a song listener, his favourite movie so far is Four Sisters and A Wedding.
he cries every filipino movie, them do it to you.
Seven Sundays, he cried for days straight.
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Nanaba found a filipino flag from your collage years in a box, asked you about it, then encouraged you to visit the Philippines because she wanted to meet your family. 
Okay but your family thought she was a guy because of her hair?? 
your siblings can’t say Nanaba, so they call her Ate Nana.
She was kind of jealous of your bond with your family, she knows she shouldn’t be, but she couldn’t help it since her and her father’s relationship absolutely sucked.
And you know this, you had talked with her about it too, it was kinda like a, “are you okay?” and “it’s nothing.”
You had to drag her out to family events, eventually, she started to feel like she was apart of the family, she went swimming with the fam, did karaoke nights, she was basically in the family now.
She felt really happy that you decided to help her educate herself in your culture, and that your family openly accepted her into your family.
when you and her married, she wore a baro’t saya for the wedding reception and she looked absolutely gorgeous in them. She took your last name.
Your mom taught her to do the tinikling dance, and she mastered it easily, you of course danced with her.
she kinda had a guilty pleasure of going to McDonalds in the Philippines, SOLELY FOR THE ROOT BEER FLOAT, that stuff be bussin.
she forces you to go to McD’s whenever’s there’s a new flavour released.
Nanaba loves going on the jeepney, she likes the fact that you ring a bell when you have to get off and she does it every time you guys use a jeep for transportation.
Nanaba knows one word in filipino and that’s Mahal, she uses it so weirdly though, but she’s adorable so you let it pass.
“Reader..erm, I mahal?? you?..” 
she’s both a listener and a movie watcher, she listens to more modern filipino singers, like Patch Quiwa.
Favourite movie is when Vice Ganda’s in it, she just thinks all his movies are funny.
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hypmic-writings · 4 years
hii can i please request kuko meeting his s/o’s parents for the first time 😳 love ur blog and your writings sm btw ❤️❤️
━━ ∘◦ ☆ ◦∘ ━━
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Pairing: Kuko Harai x reader
Genre: Fluff
Warnings: None
Word Count: 981
A/N: More Kuko, yay! This was so fun to do, I can totally imagine Kuko being chaotic and crazy at all times, but then as soon as he cares about something, he’ll get his act together long enough to prove himself - and that would definitely flow over to wanting to prove himself to your parents. Hope you enjoy this! 
⋘ ──── ∗ ⋅◈⋅ ∗ ──── ⋙
“Dammit, just forget about it,” Kuko sighed in frustration, dropping his arms in defeat as the tie wrapped around his neck lay crooked and asymmetrical. You shot him a small smile, setting down the tray of food you had brought and turning to help him.
“Here, let me do it for you,” you said, softly, trying to calm him down. You could feel him shaking slightly under your touch as you slowly straightened his tie and patted it down. “You look good, babe. You’re gonna do great, I promise,” you reassured him as you glanced at the door in front of you.
After almost a year of dating Kuko, the two of you finally agreed to have him meet your parents. Surprisingly, he was the one who brought it up, and when you had asked him why, he had simply grinned saying that if he wanted to be a real man, he had to be able to show your parents that he was worthy. You assured him that he had to do no such thing, but he seemed hellbent on meeting them.
So here you were, dressed to the nines and ready to introduce your boyfriend. He was wearing a tuxedo and you made a mental note to ask him where he got it from, because you had definitely never seen him wear it before. His hair was slicked back and overall, he looked quite put-together and handsome.
It almost made you giddy as you bit back a smile.
“Wait!” he suddenly said, stopping your hand from ringing the doorbell. You turned to him with a raised eyebrow and he clenched the bottle of wine in his hands harder. “Uh…you know what, this was a bad idea, maybe we should just go. We can get food on the way back and just tell them you got sick! They’ll believe that, right?” he said, his words stringing together.
You couldn’t help yourself from shaking your head and holding out your free hand to him.
“Kuko…listen to me,” you said, taking a step forward to look him directly in the eyes. He was unsure and even seemed a bit scared – neither of which were adjectives you would normally use to describe him. “Everything is gonna be fine. You’re such an amazing, great guy and I’m sure my parents will see that. I know they will! Because I did. Trust me, I love you and I wouldn’t bring you to meet them unless I knew they would love you too,” you reassured him, with a warm smile.
His eyes were looking at you, widened with surprise at your sudden honesty, but then he broke into a rejuvenated grin, nodding happily and throwing an arm around your shoulder.
“Damn, you always know exactly what to say,” he said, kissing your head with a small chuckle. “Alright fine. Let’s meet your mom and pops and show them what a great guy you’re dating,” he added, feigning cockiness as you rolled your eyes and swatted him away.
The night went on as perfectly as you could imagine. You had been worried that your parents might think of Kuko as being too loud-mouthed or uncouth, but he was surprisingly a gentleman throughout the night. Your father was laughing and joking with him by the end of the night and you could barely contain your happiness at the prospect of Kuko being warmly welcomed into the family.
“You know, that boy is quite intelligent!” you father said, making you almost choke on your drink as you looked up at him in surprise. You thought about your restless, impulsive boyfriend and let out a small laugh of disbelief. But as your father went on about the religious teachings he and Kuko were discussing you tilted your head in thought.
“Yea…I guess he is,” you trailed off as Kuko came back into the room and your father patted the seat next to him for Kuko to sit down beside him. Kuko shot you a wink and you nodded at him encouragingly.
Over the night, you could tell that your mother was smitten with him as well, and she even gave you a knowing look when the two of you were washing up in the kitchen.
“He’s quite the charmer,” you mother said, making your face heat up as you avoided her gaze. You could hear laughs coming from the living room where Kuko was talking with your father and you hummed a bit.
“Yes…I really love him mom,” you told her, meeting her gaze so that she could see the words you said in earnest. She seemed to understand and immediately launched into another story about the first time she met your father.
Hours after dinner and dessert had finished, you found yourself back outside the door, waving to your parents with your other arm intertwined with Kuko’s.
“That went really well! I think they really liked you,” you laughed, leaning into Kuko. He let out a laugh as well and excitedly nodded.
“Of course, they did, who wouldn’t like me!” Kuko claimed with a laugh. You raised an eyebrow at him and crossed your arms, causing Kuko to laugh nervously and clear his throat.
“Well, it seemed like you got over your nerves pretty quickly,” you laughed, leaning into him once more. Kuko’s face brightened as he nodded.
“Yea that’s because your parents are great! Y/N, why didn’t you tell me your mom was an amazing cook? The food was so good! And your dad, damn, he’s so cool! You know we’re going fishing in a few weekends? I have his number and everything,” Kuko boasted, waving his hand around.
You gazed at him with love in your heart as you congratulated him with a gentle kiss. You knew that nothing could stop you from loving Kuko, but knowing that your parents approved just made everything a little bit better.  
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squirrelcrow-po3 · 3 years
okay so descriptions in a human au. incredibly long post lol
btw imma say fuck it and say they have unnatural hair colors to match their fur colors
icestar (bluestar): hmhmhm i imagine her being mixed (most of the characters will be if im being honest). shes middle eastern and south east european! maybe georgian or romanian (like me heh). she has bluish hair, but she is definitely graying. i imagine she dyes her hair, but her roots are gray and all her hair is gray as her mental state slips. she has a pixie bob. shes tall and slender but leanly muscled.
maplestar (firestar): i imagine him as somewhat shorter and muscular, but only buff as an adult. as an apprentice, hes slightly chubbier and soft looking. he is black, maybe mixed with pacific islander. he has curly ginger hair as an apprentice, but probably has locks as an adult. he also has facial hair as an adult. he probably has freckles.
foxtail (redtail): so their whole family line through adderfang is east asian but he is also mixed black. he's on the shorter side but well build muscle-wise. he has curly hair that's mostly black with a ginger streak. he is still trans as a human obviously lmao.
tigerclaw: he's a big fuckin boy. hes absolutely massive, height and muscle wise. i imagine him as mostly south european. as someone whos mom is italian, tigerclaw acts like every fucking italian man ever (/j lmao). he has long, shoulder-lengthed dark brown hair thats usually slicked back.
spottedleaf: again, as foxtail's sister, she is mixed east asian and black. she is also short and is rather slim with a rectangular body type. she usually has braids with bangs. i imagine she has a hairstyle that's half up in space buns. she also has a 'streak' of ginger in her hair.
boartusk (yellowfang): im glad everyone agrees that shes a slavic babushka. i imagine her as taller and plump but typically slouched over, especially during into the wild. shes an old lady! she has graying black hair that's usually partially covered and a very tired face. again, during into the wild shes somewhat disheveled but after she joins thunderclan, she becomes more comfortable and put-together.
lionheart: also a big boy. but more plump. like muscular fat if that makes sense. he's probably a bit taller than tigerclaw. dad bod and very friendly looking. he and his sister are mixed black and south asian. he has medium lengthed curly hair that's golden blonde. he definitely has a lot of facial hair as well.
erminestrike (whitestorm): like icestar, hes also middle eastern and southeast european. but he also is northern european from his dad's side. he has rather straight white hair. he's always very well-groomed and looks nice. he's also tall and thin like his aunt, and has a slightly athletic build. hes a pretty man.
flashfoot (runningwind): he's a lanky lad. got a real runner's build, obviously. hes mixed middle eastern and northern european. he has medium toned skin but is paler than his sister. he has dusty brown hair that's somewhat short and wavy, usually a bit messy. he looks tired most of the time.
mousefreckle (mousefur): shes shorter than her brother and plump/curvy. like i said, she's mixed middle eastern and northern european. and she has darker skin than her brother. she has thick, wavy dusty brown hair that she typically has in a ponytail. she obvious has freckles, hence her name lol.
willowcloud (willowpelt): i think i mentioned this in a post before when describing her sons as humans but she's mostly southeast asian. she's very motherly looking. shes tall and fairly muscular. even if she's kinda buff, she's soft looking and dresses femininely! she has thick, slightly curly pale gray hair. she usually has her hair in a bun.
leopardsmoke (leopardfoot): she looks a lot like her son, tigerclaw. shes incredibly tall and very muscular. kinda scary looking and intimidating! she's also southern european obviously. she has very sharp features. she has short, pin straight, very dark brown (almost black) hair. she usually styles her hair in a half-up half-down ponytail.
rosewish (rosetail): so since she is pretty much mixed with most of the clans as a cat, she is meant to be pretty racially ambiguous as a human. so her race isn't fully known. she has dark to medium-toned skin with short wavy hair. her hair is mostly brownish gray with a rosy red streak. she has sharp features.
patchsong (patchpelt): he is short and somewhat slim. i imagine him as being black with vitiligo. he has dark brown medium lengthed curly hair. he probably wears glasses as well. like foxtail, he is also still trans as a human lmao.
ferretfang (longtail): like his mother, he is racially ambiguous. he is quite lanky and slender. very fucking tall. probably around the tallest in the clan when hes an adult. he has shortish, spiky hair that's is layered. the top layers are silverish, while the bottom layers are sandy brown. she has sharp features and looks angry most of the time lol.
sandstorm: again, she is racially ambiguous like the rest of her family. she is tall like her brother. as an apprentice she is rather thin, but she beefs up a bit as an adult. as an apprentice, she has medium lengthed sandy hair that's very choppy. she probably cuts it herself. as an adult, she has slightly longer, more well-groomed hair. she has freckles.
darkpool (darkstripe): previously described him in a post. through his parents he is middle eastern, southeast asian, and european. he has medium toned skin. his black hair is straight and somewhat thinner, and is medium lengthed. usually he doesnt style it and is very flat. he wears glasses as an apprentice but stops as an adult. he is taller and thin.
flintstripe (graystripe): also described him in a post. like his brother he is middle eastern, southeast asian, and european. he has darker skin that darkpool but he still has a medium skin tone. he has grayish hair that's also medium lengthed, but more choppy and layers. usually, he pulls it into a ponytail when he's an adult. he is shorter and plump.
raven (ravenpaw): he is mixed black and northern european. he is shorter and thin. kinda awkward looking, especially as an apprentice. but he grows into himself after he escapes to the farm. he probably also beefs up a bit on the farm, but isn't really buff and is more athletically built. he has medium lengthed hair as an apprentice, but has shorter hair as an adult. he also probably wears glasses like his dad.
dustcloud (dustpelt): he is also mixed black and northern european like his brother. he is short as well, but is more average built. he probably needs glasses but doesn't wear them. i imagine he has braces as an apprentice. he has short dusty brown hair. most likely in an undercut or something like that.
frostberry (frostfur): i imagine her as north european. very, very pale lmao. she's also thin and flat. she hair long white hair that's straight at the top with slight waves at the bottom. she has slightly sharp, dainty features. i imagine she looks somewhat fairy-like. along with her pale skin, she probably has flushed cheeks most of the time and long eyelashes.
brindleface: again, since shes related to spottedleaf and foxtail in my rewrite, she is asian. but i imagine her as mixed southeast and east asian. she has long brown hair with a blonde streak. she looks very very pretty and feminine... shes the type of ladies who wears pretty sundresses with big bows and big sunhats.
goldenflower: she is very much a mom and she looks like it. she is tall and plump. but i also imagine shes also quite strong. she is black and south asian like her brother. she has a long golden afro. sometimes she pulls it into a low ponytail. the anime mom hairstyle but bipoc edition lmao. she has very soft facial features.
speckledawn (speckletail): old mom! she's black. she's tall like her children lionheart and goldenflower. but she's also more average in body type. she has a curly bob thats golden brown and graying. she probably has freckles.
sparrowpelt (halftail): he is middle eastern. he has short, well-groomed dark brown hair. he is tall and slim like his son flashfoot. since cats' tails help with balance, he might have had a head injury that fucks with his balance.
smallear: he is a short and plump. he is south asian. he has grayish white hair that is cut rather short. idk he probably just has small ears still lmao.
foggygaze (one-eye): she is northern european. she is short and plump like her daughter mousefreckle. she has white hair thats medium length and wavy. and has freckles.
dapplestep (dappletail): she is mixed black and southern european. she has vitiligo. she has brown and blonde hair. her hair is long and curly, but it's also graying.
thrushlight (thrushpelt): he is also mixed black and southern european like his sister. he has lighter, medium toned skin than her. he has short lighter brown hair that's also graying. he has freckles.
ok now to cats who are born or are kits during the arc
cindershine (cinderpelt): she is mixed black, south asian, and european. she has lightish medium toned skin with freckles. she has gray hair thats thick and curly. she has similar dainty features like her mother but is plumper like her dad. she probably wears glasses. she is also still trans lol.
brightheart: she is also mixed black, south asian, and european. she still has the scar across her face. though it is most likely stab wounds in a human au. she has short, straight hair as an adult. her hair is gingerish gold. she is well build and tall. she has freckles.
swiftpaw: he is mixed black, south asian, and southern european. he has small patches of vitiligo. he has curly, dark brown hair thats in an undercut. he probably cuts it himself. he probably has patchy facial hair like the typical teenage boy facial hair lol.
lynxrunner: she is also mixed black, south asian, and southern european. as an apprentice, she has long, curly hair. but as an adult, she cuts it short. her hair is dusty goldish brown. she is tall but surprisingly thin and twiggy, unlike both of her parents.
brackenshade (brackenfur): he is eastern european and middle eastern. he is lightish medium toned skin with a lot of moles. he has short, wavy bluish hair. he is pretty tall but only slightly muscular. has more of an athletic build than being bulky.
thornsnap (thornclaw): he is northern european. he has pale skin. he has gingerish brown hair thats usually slicked to one side and is well-kept. he has a pretty average build but is slightly muscular. he is also average in height. he definitely has thick eyebrows lmao.
mallowtuft (cloudtail): he is mixed black (and maybe pacific islander) and east asian. he is fairly tall and plump. but also kinda like lionheart, he has a semi muscular dad bod. he has very long, white locs that he pulls up into a bun. as a kit and apprentice, he has unkempt curly hair.
ashflake (ashfur): he is mixed southeast asian, east asian, and european. he is quite short and thin, with a delicate build. probably slightly underweight. he has medium lengthed, choppy hair with messy layers. he has dusty brown hair. his hair obscures his eyes sometimes. he has freckles. he wears glasses.
ferncloud: she is also mixed southeast asian, east asian, and european. she is also rather short but more plump and curvy than her brother. she definitely looks more healthy than him. she has thick, slightly wavy brown hair with blonde highlights.
brambleclaw: he is mixed black, south asian, and southern european. as an apprentice, he has medium lengthed, golden brown locks that obscures his eyes sometimes. as an adult, though, he has shorter, buzzed hair and facial hair. he is tall and muscular like his father.
tawnyspark (tawnypelt): she is mixed black, south asian, and southern european. she has vitiligo. she has long braids that she pulls half-up into a ponytail. she has blonde streaks in them. she is tall and muscular as well and has sharp features.
snowspeckle (snowkit): he is mixed black, south asian, and southern european. he has rather dark skin. he rather plump and quite tall. he has medium lengthed, curly white hair. he is deaf and has a hearing aid.
stormheart (stormfur): he is mixed middle eastern, southeast asian, and european (both from his mother and father's side). he is plump like his dad. though he has shorter, messy dark gray hair. he looks kinda messy most of the time and is very comfy all the time lol.
featherbreeze (feathertail): even though she's only temporarily in thunderclan, ill include her. shes also mixed middle eastern, southeast asian, and european (both from her mother and father's side). she has long, wavy silver hair. she is tall and slender. she is also blind in my rewrite, and typically carries a white cane.
squirrelflight: she also is possibly born during the first arc so ill include her and her sister. she is mixed black (maybe pacific islander), and all of sandstorm's mess jfskdf. she has darkish medium toned skin. she has curly dark ginger hair that she usually pulls into a ponytail or into space buns. she has a lot of freckles. she is plump and curvy.
leafpool: yeah so i gotta include her too. she is mixed the same races as squirrelflight. she is tall and thin, and is very twiggy. she has long, straight hair thats mostly brown with a blonde streak. she usually has it half up half down. she is also trans.
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kittenshift-17 · 3 years
Charloe #21 and #22 preferably in the same one, lots of angst! Love your writing btw!
Scared of Getting Good
They ran hard despite the raging storm booming overhead, their clothes drenching quickly in the violent downpour. Charlie panted raggedly, slowing as they lost themselves deeper in the woods beyond where those who might’ve been dumb enough to follow them into the storm could possibly catch up.  Monroe kept running, but she knew where she was supposed to meet him; knew the rendezvous point they’d agreed on; knew she’d be able to find it, even in the dark. 
Slowing to a walk, Charlie tipped her head back, looking to the sky as lightning flashed in the distance before thunder boomed overhead. It felt good to feel the rain on her skin instead of the constant, dry baking grit of the Texas desert and the stickiness of her own sweat. It hardly ever rained in Texas. The stinging cold of it made her shiver, but Charlie had never felt more alive. God, how long had she been running? Fighting? Killing? Had she stopped since that day in Sylvania Estates when Captain Neville had put a bullet in her Dad’s chest and taken her little brother captive?
It didn’t feel like it. It felt like everything since then had just been about surviving. Even when she’d ditched Mom and Miles in Texas and gone off alone, it hadn’t felt like living. It was all just about surviving. She knew with sickening ease that the day her childhood had ended had been that day in Wisconsin when the Monroe Militia blasted her entire world to smithereens. 
And what a sick joke that this moment, now, when she was trudging through a thunderstorm and pondering the value of her own life, she could already hear the president of that Republic running back for her.
“Charlie?” he called when he was close. “What happened? Were you hit? Why’d you stop?”
General Sebastian Monroe. President of the Monroe Republic. Running to her rescue like she fucking mattered to him. Like his men weren’t responsible for everything that had gone wrong in her life back in Wisconsin. 
“I’m fine,” Charlie replied when he ran back to her, his hands finding her body even in the dark and beginning to wander it, cataloguing, his fingers looking for injuries his eyes couldn’t see. “Just wanted to feel the rain.”
His hands froze on her hips and she heard the strangled sound of fury he choked on.
“We’re in the middle of a thunderstorm and you wanna stop and feel the rain?” he growled furiously.
Charlie sighed, knowing he was going to make her run again. Knowing her moment of reprieve was already over.
“It hardly ever rains in Texas,” she reminded him. 
“You take a few blows to the head in the fight, kid?” he asked and when lightning flashed overhead, she could see he was frowning at her.
Charlie laughed.
“Nah,” she said, shoving his hands away and pushing his chest lightly. 
“You sure?” he asked, his hands returning, this time smoothing over her head, looking for bumps as though he might find something.
“I’m fine, Monroe,” she shook her head. “Just thinking.”
He was silent for a beat, one of his hands gathering the hair plastered to her right cheek and across her forehead, slicking it back and tangling his fingers in the dripping strands.
“About what?” he queried quietly, not stepping back or letting her go.
“It’s nothing,” she shook her head.
“Yeah, sure,” he sneered, and she could hear him rolling his eyes. “Everyone stops in a storm to feel the rain and think about nothing.”
Charlie kind of hated him.
“Thinking about Dad,” she confessed quietly. “And Danny. It used to rain like this in Wisconsin. And snow. We’d get so much snow in the winter…”
“Beats melting in fuckin’ Texas, I bet,” Monroe muttered.
Charlie nodded.
Lightning flashed again, illuminating him in the dark and Charlie met his eyes for that brief second, counting in her head until the thunder boom three beats later.  
“Still blame me for what happened?” he asked quietly in the pattering rain that followed when the sky fell silent for a few minutes.
Charlie sighed, bringing a hand up and fisting the fabric of his shirt where it was plastered to his abs in the rain, thinking about the answer.
“Not really,” she admitted. “You didn’t pull the trigger yourself. I’ve learned enough since then to know that counts for something.”
She didn’t know how it could be, but she had let it go. All of it. She wasn’t angry at Monroe for the deaths of her father or her brother anymore. She hadn’t been for a long time. Not since he’d saved her life in Pottsboro and proved he was a complete gentleman when it really mattered.
“Been a long time since I stood in the rain,” he said after what felt like an eternity, moving closer and bending down to lay his forehead against hers.
“How long?” she wondered.
“Before the blackout, probably,” he muttered. “At least since I stood in the rain because I wanted to, not because I had no choice.”
“Why would you have stood in it by choice before the blackout,” she frowned. “Houses were better maintained back then.”
He laughed quietly.
“Better maintained but just as stifling, sometimes,” he told her quietly.
“Weren’t you in the Marines with Miles?” Charlie clarified.
“Yeah. So?”
“Did you even have a house?” she frowned.
“Real nice, Charlotte,” he grumbled, laughing quietly as more thunder boomed, lightning filling the sky. “Hit a guy while he’s down.”
“What’ve you got to be down about? If you’d had a house, you’d have long since lost it by now, along with everything else.”
“Such a ray of sunshine aren’t you, baby?” he teased, laughing, his hand untangling from her hair and cupping her cheek.
For a breathless moment, Charlie wondered if he was going to kiss her. She’d like that, she thought. Out here in the rain with no one to see them and no one to judge them, it might be nice, just once, to give in to the tension that always bubbled between them, just begging to boil over into something else. Something more.
Biting her lip, she searched his face in the dark, silently begging for more lightning so she might see those brilliant blue eyes and know what he was thinking and whether he wanted to kiss her too. She took a deep breath in, thinking that she should just go for it before the sound of heavy footsteps caught her ear.
“Someone’s coming,” she hissed, panic surging through her limbs as she jerked back from Monroe. “Come on. Let’s go!”
“What? You done feeling the rain?” he taunted, and it was like flipping a switch, the tender, private moment gone in a heartbeat and he was back to his cynical, snarky asshole self.
“Eat me, Monroe,” Charlie retorted, setting off at a run again, knowing that if anyone had dared follow them out of that town they’d assaulted, they would be fast catching up while they dawdled.
Monroe made her run ahead of him this time, refusing to go around her even though he was the faster of the two of them. He stayed right behind her, pushing her on, bending and scooping her back to her feet with his hands under her armpits when she stumbled over a tree root and skinned her knee through her jeans, pushing her forward and driving her to the foxhole where Miles and Connor would be waiting with the rest of their raiding party.
“Who goes there?” a voice shouted, one of their team already there ahead of them.
“Connor’s such a moron in the dark,” Charlie complained to Monroe as they both slowed their pace.
“It’s us, idiot,” Monroe answered his son. “Where’s Miles?”
“Thought he was with you?” Connor called back and Charlie stopped, looking over her shoulder, fear clenching her heart.
“The hell?” Monroe growled, stopping too and looking around in the dark like they might spot Miles in the gloom. 
“He’ll be right behind us,” Charlie assured him. 
“How’d you lose him, Connor?”
“He went left at that water tower on the far side of town, and I went right. Think he was going after you two...”
Charlie’s eyes narrowed when footsteps sounded in the dark again and for a terrible moment, she wondered if it’d been Miles out there in the dark interrupting her before she could kiss Monroe.
“Miles?” she called out hopefully.
The footsteps kept coming and Monroe hauled her closer to their bunker with one arm, while he swung his rifle around with the other.
“Miles?” she called again, knife in hand, ready to fling it at the invader if it was anyone but Miles.
“It’s me,” he grunted when he was closer. “Move. They weren’t far behind me.”
Relief flooded her and she charged into the shelter past Connor where he stood on watch, grateful for the light and the warmth when she descended into the basement and found Aaron, Grandpa and her Mom all inside. 
“Charlie. Thank God,” her Mom said, drawing her into a relieved hug despite her wet clothes and hair.
“Get dry, kiddo,” Grandpa advised, favouring her with a warm smile to show his own relief. “You’ll catch your death in wet clothes like that.”
Charlie nodded, heading for her pack and digging out some dry clothes before slipping into the adjacent room and peeling off her drenched jeans. She was about to pull her tank top off too, but the scrape of boots followed by the rasp of a fly stopped her. 
“Monroe,” she hissed, narrowing her eyes at him, scowling.
He looked over as he shoved his pants down his legs, uncaring that he was commando under them, and that she could see his junk.
“What?” he asked, and though he feigned an expression of concern as though worried she was upset about something, Charlie caught the gleam in those electric blue eyes that he knew exactly what he was doing.
Huffing, she turned her back and proceeded to pull the shirt off over her head anyway, viscerally aware of his gaze drinking in the sight of her. 
“Oh, don’t play cute, Charlotte,” Monroe taunted quietly from behind her. “What? You’re gonna play the embarrassed and blushing virgin? C’mon. This is me.”
“The hell’s that supposed to mean?” she asked, well aware of what she was doing as she stepped out of her wet underwear and stood with her back to him, naked as the day she’d been born.
“I’ve seen the way you look at me when you think I don’t notice,” Monroe taunted, his voice coming closer until she would swear that she could feel his warm breath ghosting over her damp shoulders and feel the heat radiating from his body. “I know you wanted to kiss me out there in the rain…”
“You’re delusional,” Charlie retorted, grabbing the dry shirt she’d brought and pulling it on over her head before wriggling into dry panties even though her skin was still damp. The jeans would have to wait, she decided, turning to glare at Monroe, knowing she’d have a hard time getting the tight fabric up her legs as long as she was wet from the rain.
He was standing right behind her, still naked and Charlie’s eyes dropped to his chest, his abs, and then lower.
“Christ,” she muttered, taking a step back and drawing a smug laugh from him.
“Yeah,” he smirked. “That’s what I thought.”
“Put some pants on,” she rolled her eyes, even though she was having a hard time tearing her eyes off his dick. Had it always been that big? Shit.
“You sure you want me to?” he asked, his voice turning husky and damn him to the deepest pits of hell, no she wasn’t sure. She wanted to reach out and touch him. She wanted to sink to her knees and take him in her mouth right then and there, but Miles was coming and her Mom and Grandpa were in the next room.
“Monroe,” she said tightly, her hand twitching to reach out and run down the steel length of him. 
He laughed knowingly.
“Take a good look, baby,” he murmured before the sound of Miles’ footsteps filled the air.
“Damn it, Bass!” Miles growled. “Put some damn pants on! Christ. I’m blind.”
Monroe laughed, never taking his eyes off Charlie, his eyes just daring her to do as she so desperately wanted, and to reach out and touch him. He bounced his eyebrows at her when Miles kept fussing before conceding to Miles’ demands and stepping into a dry pair of jeans.
“Christ, Charlie, you too?” Miles asked, horrified when Charlie stepped around Monroe in only her panties and her tank top.
“Like I’m gonna be able to get jeans this tight up my legs while I’m all wet?” she rolled her eyes, steadfastly not looking at Monroe when he shot her a knowing smirk about what kind of wet he imagined her to be.
“Just… I don’t even want to know,” Miles shook his head, ripping his wet clothes off quickly.
Charlie averted her eyes.
“Dude, niece still in the room. Hold it with removing those jeans,” she hurried to stop him before he could strip completely as Monroe had.
“Well, move it, moron,” Miles grumbled grouchily. “I’m wet and I’m cold and I want to be neither.”
Charlie shook her head, looking away from Monroe once and for all and trying to get the image of his dick out of her head even though she was pretty sure it was burned into her retinas.
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askmyboys · 3 years
Here’s a furry character I made, im honestly getting invested into those types of babs but i... kinda suck at descriptions lmao, I’ll get better wiht it sooner or later though hopefully
I’ll post Noxis later, gotta just read over his desc again tho bc i cant remember the specific trigger warnings i need to put on his desc so yeye
| Name: Tyrone
| Nicknames: Tyre/Ty
| Gender: He/Him
| Age: N/A
| Height: 7’3”
| Species/Race: Anthropomorphic Dog (Cane Corso is the breed he’s based on)
| Hair style: His hair is essentially just part of his fur- but the fur is slicked back on top of his head to match the rest of his fur really (I mean… Cane Corso fur IS pretty slicked back and not super fuzzy ya know?)
| Eye Color: Caramel Brown
| Fur Color/Body Type: Black and overall he’s pretty average looking, looks a b i t muscular tbh
| Appearance: Let’s start off with the actual appearance instead of the clothing, he got his ears cropped from a young age (where he comes from, it's a mixed thing really, in his pack specifically cropped ears were a rite of passage while to other packs cropped ears were ghastly and considered cruelty but eh to each their own) so now his ears are pointed, he also has a silver earring on the top of his right ear! His teeth are razor sharp and his paw pads are relatively natural coloring a charcoal color, on the middle paw pad of his right paw there is some kind of birthmark there it seems, it’s shaped like a simple circle BUT the birthmark’s meaning is the crucial bit here, it is essentially a high stature sorta thing, only his father has that birthmark of the entire pack, even all the sons and daughters from various litters never held that birthmark, not until Tyrone came along.
His outfit he usually wears is a black leather jacket that has spikes on the shoulder pads with a white t-shirt underneath, he’s got a black collar with a LOT of spikes surrounding it on, more so than the usual spiked collars and they are actually VERY sharp (it’s essentially to protect his neck during fights, I’ll explain that in a bit though) but also it just looks cool, it’s got a bone hanging down the front with his name written in cursive on it, he usually wears charcoal black jeans that are ripped with chains hanging down them (even though his tail is stubby he still cut a hole for it bc that’d still be uncomfy tbh), he doesn’t wear any boots though, boots tend to give him aches while walking.
He’s also got a lot of scars, his most prominent scarring is one on the nose, three over his right eye but he can still see out of it surprisingly, a few long ones near his neck and some old puncture wounds from what looks like dog teeth, and finally claw marks up and down his arms, belly, back, and legs.
Oh btw, even tho he wears a shirt without it you can see he has white patch of fur running down his chest and stomach! Just another lil detail.
| Personality: Tough, stubborn, sometimes a little too cocky for his own good, narcissistic even sometimes? He can be VERY protective and loyal however to the right people/animals, he’s always on high alert of his surroundings and the people around him despite not seeming like he is sometimes, he can be very calm and stable and he USUALLY thinks before he acts but that’s not ALWAYS the case, he can be quiet and reserved sometimes as well but it’s rare, he’s usually pretty much an extrovert although not many people nor other animals approach him, he looks and sounds intimidating as hell and while it CAN be a good thing it can also be a bad thing, deep down he’s a good guy, he’s soft, sweet, kind, and caring! He doesn’t like that most treat him as a terrifying threat or beast, he ain’t about hurting someone just for fun!
The only time he EVER attacks is in self defense OR in defense of the people he cares about, and even then that has to be when he’s ABSOLUTELY pushed to his limit, he’s more so a big referee toward things like fights n shit like that, he’ll body block the two offenders or put himself in front of those he’s trying to protect and usually all he needs to do is speak or growl and that usually sends offenders running off, and even then if they persist he’ll then try giving corrections (corrections are a HUGE thing among his pack) while he won’t actually bite them, he’s going to make a lot of horrifying sounds and act like he’s going to, and usually because to most dogs, not just his pack (yeah corrections are common amongst most dogs too i know) he’ll even go as far as to put someone/another dog especially on their side.
Sure, humans… Are very different and more complex but even then, most of them after being checked by a huge seven foot three dog like him, most will think twice before continuing to try and escalate things. Unfortunately because of his size (he’s the second biggest in his pack, the first being his father likewise) most other dogs, especially ones of his own breed try to challenge him a LOT, and he doesn’t like fighting, usually he ignores these but if they keep on bothering him, he’ll try and give them a warning, aka something like a correction essentially, he’ll tell them very clearly to back off but if they lunge for him or try to go for him at all, then he will NOT hold back, he’s not going to let himself be pushed around or killed just because some dog is butthurt about him being bigger than they are.
| Side Facts: Likewise, his scars have come from SEVERAL fights, some even from his own pack which… His father didn’t take a liking to at all and especially not his mother… His father was the alpha and despite being a male in this situation he actually stepped in quite a lot, however his father was a bit more…
Let’s just say a little more forgiving, his mother was an absolute SPITFIRE, she ruled with an iron fist and she didn’t tolerate ANY bullshit, she’d never hurt any of her pack members nor babies especially but there was no tolerance for certain things and in her pack you HAD to obey the rules whether you liked them or not.
She was MUCH more harsh than his father was with corrections, heh- Tyrone remembers as a pup oh he can’t even COUNT how many times he heard his mom growling, snarling and of course can't count how many times he’s seen her bare her teeth even, she was a no nonsense kind of woman, even toward the puppies she ruled with an iron fist, they were taught along with Tyrone from a very young age how important the rules were and how important energy and certain cues from other dogs were.
Tyrone is very embarrassed however bc the stories his mom always tells were how as a young pup, he was the aggressive little spitfire who didn’t care how big his opponent was, he’d challenge them, try to dominate, and conquer essentially- Nothing was thought through then, in his adolescent years he was always SO damn serious! No play, no nothing! He even growled at the pups trying to play with him! Some little tiny marks that are barely able to be seen came from his mom and dad but, in dog society it’s kinda natural, I mean to be fair, dogs when correcting aren’t like humans, they only have their mouths so when a dog’s correction your BOUND to see a mark here and there.
He does thank his mama for setting him straight though that’s for sure… He sounded like such a handful and even though he has the second highest stature to his father, even he was not safe from the corrections lmao, his mother is actually first in command, father is in second co-command essentially and finally Tyrone is in third- all three of them are p much high ranking, of course since his parents are still living THEY are the alphas but he IS a Beta, the other brothers and sisters being mostly betas and omegas (there are a couple of his brothers n sisters who are also alphas but they are in fourth, fifth, sixth, and seventh place- if i ever name his pack I’ll make sure to clarify who is which ranking)
Overall, Tyrone really loves his family, he’d do anything to protect them even if he wanders a lot and doesn’t stay with them the entire time, he does try and visit as often as he can, he knows eventually he’ll track wherever their roaming as well, usually packs stick together but… Given Tyrone’s status and the fact he’s got the birthmark and is high stature his parents are more so lenient with him, they do still worry bout him ofc but still, he was never the type to just sit still, while his other brothers n sisters don’t really care bout leaving the pack he’s ALWAYS been a wandering spirit, so… They’ll let him be free, they’ll still love him nonetheless in the end.
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camillemontespan · 4 years
first man [drake walker] [one shot]
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@moonlightgem7​ @emichelle​ @ibldw-main​ @jovialyouthmusic​ @sirbeepsalot​ @katedrakeohd​ @saivilo​ @burnsoslow​ @dcbbw​ @fromthedeskofpaisleybleakmore​ @pug-bitch​  @marshmallowsaremyfavorite​ @mskaneko​ @rainbowsinthestorm​ @gardeningourmet​
This is pure fluff. 
I was kinda missing my dad so thought of writing this - the McDonalds scene, btw, is a real life thing my dad did for me and remains a really nice memory for me. 
I was also inspired by the song First Man by Camila Cabello. 
 Amongst the sound of laughter and bubbling champagne being popped, the soft tinkle of a glass being tapped trilled around the room, bringing everything to a warm silence.
Drake Walker stood up and surveyed the room, giving his audience a smile. ‘Father of the bride now requesting permission to speak,’ he joked.
To his left, his wife, Camille grinned up at him and took his hand, squeezing it gently.
To his right was his daughter dressed all in white, a veil framing her delicate face as she looked up at him with wonder.
'Now I know I’m not the best at speeches,’ Drake began, eliciting giggles from the guests. 'I always have to prepare weeks in advance otherwise I’ll trip over my words, say something I shouldn’t and end up swearing.’ He shot a look down at his daughter.
'Don’t panic, Lily, I’m not gonna swear at your wedding.’
Lily giggled and kept her eyes on her father, a smile on her face as she watched him.
'But for this, I didn’t need to prepare,’ Drake continued. 'I already know what I’m going to say. Hopefully I won’t embarrass you but I can’t make any promises, I am your dad after all.. But looking at you right now, how happy you are and how beautiful.. Everything is clear.’
'Awwww!’ the guests chorused. Lily wiped her eyes which were filling with tears. Her new husband, Milo, reached out to wrap his arm around her shoulder, keeping her close.
'I’m going to use this speech to take you down memory lane,’ Drake said. 'Nothing has made me happier than being your dad, honey. You’re the light of my life - as is your sister but today’s your wedding day so right now, you’re the favourite.’
'Dad!’ Luna piped up, adopting an offended expression. Lily laughed and reached out along the table to squeeze her little sister’s hand.
'I’ve always been the protective dad,’ Drake said. 'I didn’t want you leaving home until you were fifty.. Well you’re twenty seven now so well done, you somehow managed to get away with that! But looking at you and Milo right now, I feel good. I’m happy to step back and let Milo take the reins on this. He will look after you now. I promise I’ll always be here for you, baby, but it’s not my job to make sure you’re happy. That’s your husband’s now. But I gotta say.. It’s been an honour to be the first man to ever love you.’
Lily’s eyes were watering as she clasped Milo’s hand around her shoulder. Drake gave her a wink. 'Now, my life changed forever when you were born. I was terrified, excited but mainly terrified.. Jesus, I thought I was going to break you, you were so small..’
Camille gave one last push, letting out a visceral cry as she felt her body give way. Drake had his hands out and caught the baby.
'She’s here, Camille!’ he told her, his eyes wide. 'She’s beautiful!’
Camille let her head fall back onto the pillow, exhausted. It had been a difficult labour, long and excruciating.  It turned out Camille used very colourful language when giving birth. But as she watched her husband with their baby girl in his hands, she knew it had been worth it.
The nurse smiled. 'Do you want to cut the cord?’ she asked. Drake blinked, a look of sheer terror on his face.
'How do I do that?’ he croaked.
The nurse showed him and Drake delicately cut the cord, so carefully. The nurse took the baby to clean her up before wrapping her in a blanket, passing her back to her father.
Drake looked down at his daughter. 'I can’t believe I have one of these..’ he whispered. He stared at the newborn with a dopey smile on his face, unable to tear his eyes away from her. 'Hey there little lady,’ he whispered. 'I’m your daddy.’
He suddenly wrenched his eyes away from her to stare at Camille.
'Baby, she’s got your eyes! She’s opened them! Jesus, they’re brown with gold flecks, just like you. My little owl.’
Camille’s eyes filled with happy tears. Drake moved towards her with the baby in his arms and settled down on the bed beside his wife. Camille let out a breath as she looked for the first time down at her daughter. 
'She’s beautiful,’ she whispered. Drake smiled and passed her to Camille.
'I’m worried I’m going to break her,’ he told her, stroking a lock of Camille’s hair that was slicked with sweat. ‘She’s so tiny.’
Camille took the baby’s hand and pressed a gentle kiss on her bunched fist. 'You won’t,’ she replied softly.
'Do we still want to call her Lily?’ Drake asked.
Camille smiled. 'Do you think she’s a Lily?’
Camille grinned. 'Lily. Hi Lily.’
The baby gurgled and Camille let out her throaty laugh that Drake adored. 'Yeah, that’s your name, baby girl. Lily,’ Camille cooed. 'Lily Olivia Walker.’
Drake pretended to wince. 'Olivia? Really?’
Camille giggled and swatted his hand gently. Lily yawned and settled in Camille’s arms, closing her owl eyes.
'Liv, stop shooting daggers with your eyes at me, we gave her your name,’ Drake said, rolling his eyes good naturedly. Olivia, who was sat at the table nearest the Walker’s, gave him the middle finger before laughing.
'Jokes on you, Walker, your daughter loves me.’
Lily grinned. 'I really do, Aunt Olivia!’
Olivia raised her champagne glass towards her goddaughter and tossed it back. Drake turned back to address his daughter. 
‘So, I think everyone who knows Lily knows how girly she is,’ he said. 
‘Yessss!’ everyone cheered. Lily turned red and hid her face with her veil as Milo elbowed her gently, laughing. 
‘Therefore, I know that picking her wedding dress would definitely have been the highlight of this whole day,’ Drake continued. He smirked at Milo. ‘Sorry, Milo.’
Milo shrugged happily and like he didn’t mind at all; he had the girl of his dreams. Drake sipped his whiskey and began to speak again. 
‘Lily has always been girly,’ he told the room. ‘She loved playing dress up when she was growing up. And often, she would drag me into her dressing up games..’
‘Good on ya, Drake!’ Leo crowed from his seat beside Olivia. ‘Betcha looked beautiful!’
‘Ladies and gentleman, I believe Leo is drunk,’ Drake said, raising an eyebrow. The guests giggled and began to clap their hands as Leo stood up to bow. 
‘Thank you, thank you, I’m here all night,’ he joked, raising his glass before sitting back down to listen to another story.
‘Daddy, you have to wear the pink tiara!’ Lily cried, holding out a plastic pink tiara to her father. ‘I’ll wear the silver one and then we can play Princesses!’
Drake took the pink tiara and placed it on his head. ‘How do I look?’ he asked. ‘Pretty?’
Lily giggled. ‘So pretty!’
She was wearing a purple velvet princess dress and Camille’s high heels. Drake watched as she tottered around her bedroom, singing to herself as she played. He was sat on the floor with her teddy bear on his lap, absentmindedly stroking the bear’s fur. 
‘So what do princesses do?’ he asked.
Lily grinned. ‘We rule the kingdom!’ she said. ‘Just like Uncle Liam!’
‘Of course, just like Uncle Liam,’ Drake agreed. ‘What’s your kingdom like, Princess Lily?’
Lily chewed on her lip thoughtfully. ‘It’s.. happy,’ she decided. ‘It’s always happy and you get to play everyday. We can read lots of books and drink tea.’
‘Sounds lovely,’ Drake told her. ‘What kind of tea? Earl grey?’
‘Noooo daddy!’ she giggled. ‘Chocolate tea!’
‘You mean hot chocolate?’
Lily blinked slowly, as if Drake had just asked her a stupid question. ‘No, chocolate tea.’
‘Ah okay,’ Drake said, bowing his head. ‘Apologies. Where do we get chocolate tea from?’
Lily played with her long dark hair, pulling it through her fingers. Whenever she thought about something hard, her pixie nose crinkled in concentration and her fingers always moved as she thought to herself.
‘My kingdom has a lake filled with chocolate,’ she finally said. ‘You can swim in it! And get tea.’
‘Where is this lake, huh? Why don’t we have one in Cordonia?’
‘I know right?!’ Lily shrieked, bouncing over to Drake to throw her arms around his neck. ‘We need a chocolate lake!’ 
Drake chuckled and held her close, inhaling the lavender scent of her hair. ‘I’ll get you a chocolate lake, baby girl,’ he whispered. ‘You can drink all the chocolate tea you want.’
She drew back with a happy grin on her face. ‘I need to wear my feather boa!’ she decided, suddenly changing subject as she often did without warning. 
‘Do princesses wear boas?’
‘Always,’ Lily said, opening her little closet and rifling through her clothes. ‘They’re fluffy and pretty.’
‘Now, she may be really girly but she’s also a Walker,’ Drake warned. ‘Milo, you gotta know that my baby girl can make campfires and toast smores like a badass.’
Milo chuckled and rolled his eyes at Lily who was looking very pleased with herself. 
‘Be prepared for a lifetime of energy, emotions and joy,’ Drake told him. ‘Because that’s what Lily is. She’s my little pocket rocket.’
‘Smores are delicious!’ Lily squealed. Drake was teaching her how to toast smores over a campfire. She was six years old and in thrall of her father who was making it his mission to make this Walker Family Weekend the best weekend ever. 
Her baby sister, Luna, was in Camille’s lap. They were sat around the fire and Luna’s eyes were lit up from the flames; she was hypnotised. 
‘I want to eat these all the time,’ Lily said seriously. ‘They’re the best food ever!’
Drake held her tightly and pressed a kiss on top of her head. ‘You’re my little girl, you know that right?’ 
His eyes met Camille’s. His wife gave him a warm smile and she looked like she could burst from happiness. Drake could feel it too. This was the life he had always dreamed of. Just peace. The simple things. Smores. 
‘So Lily is marrying the love of her life,’ Drake said. ‘Lily and Milo have known each other since they were four years old but their long relationship hasn’t been without its ups and downs. For example, they were best friends for the most part while Lily brought home many, many, many, many unsuitable boyfriends..’
Luna let out a laugh. ‘So true!’
‘Shut up!’ Lily protested, glaring at her sister. Luna stuck her tongue out, making Lily smile.  She could never stay angry at Luna for long. 
‘We all had bets on when Lily would get together with Milo,’ Drake said. 
‘What?!’ Milo cried. ‘No way!’
‘I bet he would ask her out after the hockey player!’ Maxwell shouted out loud, raising his hand. ‘I got 50 euro!’
‘Damn you, Beaumont!’ Leo growled. ‘That was my hard earned money!’
‘Money doing what exactly?’ Olivia asked, nudging Leo’s knee with her foot. Leo turned red and downed another glass of champagne. 
‘There was Matthew, Ethan, Eli, Patrick, James..’ Drake droaned. ‘Hockey guy.. Swimmer… guitar player..’
‘I’m surprised you let Lily out to be honest,’ Bertrand quipped, making everyone laugh. ‘I wouldn’t have.’
‘I was very tempted to keep her under lock and key,’ Drake admitted. ‘But no, instead I just got my rifle ready and gave those guys plenty of warning.’
Lily held her head in her hands. ‘Dad…’
‘So what are you doing after graduating?’ Camille asked the boy in front of her as she poured him a glass of juice. 
‘Uh, I’m not graduating this year, Mrs Walker,’ Ethan drawled. ‘At all. I’ve dropped out.’
Camille kept her smile on her face as she sat down. Don’t judge. Be kind. Maybe he had a hard year. She could feel Drake tense beside her and willed him to keep quiet. She held out the bowl of salad, offering Ethan some greens. 
‘Yeah, I failed like.. all my classes,’ Ethan explained, clearly not fussed that he was setting off alarm bells in Lily’s parents heads.
‘Oh,’ Camille said. ‘Tough year? I know Lily was struggling with maths-’
‘Nah, I just didn’t go,’ Ethan interrupted. ‘School is a prison, you know? You learn better outside the constricts of education! We gotta get outside, see the world, forge our own path.’
‘That sounds very freeing,’ Camille told him, trying to be polite. ‘Very forward thinking.’
‘So while my daughter is studying at university, what will you be doing?’ Drake asked, his tone thin. Lily was turning bright red, looking like she wanted to be anywhere but at the dinner table. 
‘I’m just gonna see what life is, you know?’ Ethan drawled, leaning back to rest his arm around Lily’s shoulders. Drake’s eyes flicked to his arm while his hand gripped his knife. 
‘Will you be working then?’ Camille asked. ‘I used to work as a waitress while at school. I used my cash to help my grandmother.’
‘My parents put a lot of importance on work..’ Lily whispered to Ethan, wanting to help him out a little. 
‘I work on the side,’ Ethan said. 
‘Doing what?’
‘I work with my buddy at the weekend,’ he said. ‘He’s got clients.’
‘Clients for what?’ Camille asked, taking a long, long sip of wine. 
Lily quickly reached out to take the bowl of spaghetti. ‘Great pasta, mom!’ she cried, her voice high. ‘Delicious!’
Ethan grinned wolfishly. ‘You won’t be interested, Mrs Walker.’
Drake stood up abruptly, making Lily jump. She was on the edge of her seat, clearly waiting for Ethan to say one thing that would lead to disaster. She had been dating him for two months and she had been oddly quiet about him to her parents. She watched as Drake stalked out of the dining room. 
‘Thanks for cooking, mom,’ Lily said quietly. Camille gave her a wink and twirled spaghetti around her fork. 
‘So, Ethan, what would you like to be when you’re older?’
‘Jeez, that’s a loaded question..’ Ethan mused. ‘Again, I’d be in a box, working for the man..’
‘DAD!’ Lily shrieked, knocking over her glass of juice. Drake had returned with his rifle in his hand. 
‘Don’t mind me,’ he called out. ‘I just remembered I need to clean my rifle!’
‘Ugh, I hated that guy..’ Milo groaned. ‘Such a dick.’
Lily was tomato red now. She could only listen as her family commented on all of her previous boyfriends, not kindly. 
‘Patrick was a babe,’ Luna said. ‘But so, so vain..’
‘Hayden was very handsome,’ Camille joined in. Olivia let out a gasp. ‘Oooh Hot Hayden!’
‘What?!’ Lily screamed. ‘He was eighteen!’
‘He was legal,’’ Oliva said dryly.
Drake cleared his throat. ‘Okay, my speech is being ransacked. Back on track now, people, please. So, yeah, we watched a lot of boyfriends walk through our front door and leave just as quickly. It was like a conveyor belt of acne and hormones.’
‘Dad, you’re embarrassing me,’ Lily warned him. 
Drake grinned. ‘Then be prepared for my next story!’
The front door slammed, making Drake and Camille pull away from each other and jump to opposite sides of the couch. ‘Fuck, that was close,’ Camille whispered, re-arranging her hair. Drake smirked and opened the living room door. 
‘Lily, that you?’ he called out. 
He could hear crying. Hysterical crying. 
‘I’ll go,’ Camille volunteered. 
‘Nah, I will,’ Drake said. ‘She’s home early though. Didn’t she have dance practice tonight?’
‘Maybe Harper’s mom dropped her off.’
Drake shrugged and wandered upstairs to Lily’s bedroom where he could hear crying and wailing coming from the other side of the door.  He knocked and waited patiently for permission to enter.
‘Come in..’
Drake opened the door and found his fifteen year old daughter lying in a heap on her bed, crying. He rushed over to her. ‘Baby, what’s wrong?’
She burrowed her face in the pillow, her sobs muffled but still so very loud. 
‘Lil?’ Drake murmured. ‘Baby, what’s wrong?’
She sniffled and raised her head up to look at him. Her eyeliner and mascara was streaked over her face; Drake winced. His daughter did not need makeup but because of her social circle, Lily felt pressure to always try and look perfect. She had to have the right hairstyle, the right perfume, the right clothing.. When really, she was perfect just the way she was.
‘He.. he.. He dumped me!’
Drake blinked. ‘Who?’
Drake blinked again. Okay, who was Kyle again? Was he the footballer? No, that was Logan. The hockey player? No, that was Will. Who the fuck was Kyle?
‘Lily..’ he said, keeping his voice steady. ‘Who was Kyle?’
‘MY BOYFRIEND!’ she screamed, throwing a pillow to the other side of the room. ‘He dumped me! I thought we were so good! He called me.. He called me beautiful!’
Her voice cracked and she broke down again. Drake pulled her into him, wrapping his arms around her tightly. 
‘Shhh, it’s alright..’ he whispered. ‘It’s okay, baby. Shhh..’
‘He made me laugh..’ she whispered. ‘And we had all these inside jokes..’
Drake sighed. The inside jokes were what got you. 
‘I’m gonna be alone FOREVER!’ she wailed. 
Drake closed his eyes. He was so used to hysterical female teenagers now, thanks to Lily. He could write a book on how to manage a hormonal daughter. 
Lily was like Camille in that she wore her heart on her sleeve. She felt everything deeply and she loved very hard. But, she also had that Walker steel inside her heart that meant she wasn’t a pushover. So it was very odd that she was getting so worked up over a boy. 
Until it occurred to Drake that Lily had never been dumped before. She always dumped them. 
‘Okay baby, you know what we’re going to do?’ he said, his voice soothing as he rocked her. 
‘What?’ she asked. 
‘We’re gonna get you McDonalds and we’re going to make you smile again, okay?’
Her eyes lit up. ‘Really? What if mom doesn’t let us?’
Drake gave her a wink. ‘Mom doesn’t have to know, does she?’
Thirty minutes later, they were in McDonalds, chowing down on chicken burgers and inhaling fries. 
‘Oh my god, I wish mom let me eat this stuff all the time!’ Lily said with her mouth full. ‘It tastes so good!’
Drake laughed and watched as his daughter became more animated and happy, like the Lily he was used to. They talked about school, Lily’s friends and new films they had to watch on a dad and daughter date. Eventually, talk turned to Kyle.
‘So, can I ask how you met this guy?’
‘He’s in my English class,’ Lily said, sipping her coke. 
‘How long were you dating?’ Drake asked. ‘Sorry, my memory is a little hazy. You date a lot of boys, honey.’
Lily giggled. ‘A week.’
Drake paused, his burger held in his hands. ‘A week?’
Drake stared at Lily. ‘You were in pieces over a guy you had been dating.. For a WEEK?’
Lily nodded. ‘Yeah. What’s the problem?’
Drake scoffed and picked up her burger, shoving it in the paper bag. ‘Hey!’ she protested. ‘I was eating that!’
‘No,’ Drake said, tossing the burger in the trash. ‘McDonalds is pity food for when a guy breaks your heart after months of dating. McDonalds is pity food when you fail an exam. McDonalds is NOT pity food for a guy you have only dated for a week!’
Lily’s lip trembled. ‘But I really liked him..’
‘What would Aunt Olivia do?’ Drake asked bluntly. ‘If Leo dated her for a week and dumped her, what would Olivia do?’
Lily frowned. ‘Uhh.. stab him?’
Drake was beginning to agree when he realised he shouldn’t. ‘No!’ he said. ‘She would pick herself up, put on her highest heels and she would forget him! What would your mom do?’
‘She would drown her sorrows in a bottle of wine.’
Drake sighed. ‘After that.’
‘Um.. She would see her friends?’
‘Damn right she would,’ Drake said fiercely. ‘So why are you hangin’ out with me? Go see Violet or Harper. See someone who isn’t that asshole and just have a good time. It was only a week. Forget the douchebag, he ain’t worth it. Hell, go see Milo! I like that kid!’
Lily was staring at him as if he had grown two heads. ‘Dad.. why do you go all Texan when you’re emotional?’
‘I don’t know, I just do!’
Milo was laughing as Drake regaled the room of Lily’s dating escapades. He could see Lily smiling so he knew it was alright; Drake hadn’t overstepped. He was really looking forward to being part of the Walker family. He practically was family anyway, from years of knowing Lily, but now it was official. 
Drake’s laughing eyes met Milo’s. ‘So,’ he said. ‘I remember when Milo asked me if he could ask for daughter’s hand in marriage. He was so nervous and had clearly prepared his speech, not that he needed it. I was gonna say yes. Hell, you could have just asked her and I wouldn’t have minded!’
Milo blushed and felt Lily squeeze his hand. She was always a comforting presence for him. Ever since playgroup when Milo was too shy to join in with their classmates, Lily would take his hand and make him feel safe. 
‘I was always gonna agree to you marrying my daughter, kiddo,’ Drake told him honestly. ‘Doubt never crossed my mind.’
Milo was sat out on the front steps of the manor with Drake, their usual spot for talking. Drake had brought out a bottle of whiskey and poured him a glass before toasting to their health. 
‘Remember at your prom and you were waiting for Lily to find you a leaf?’ Drake asked. ‘So I offered you whiskey but you couldn’t drink it because you were seventeen?’
‘Heh, yeah,’ Milo said. ‘Now I can. Because I’m an adult.’
Drake nodded. ‘Indeed.’
They sipped their drinks until Milo broke the silence. ‘Mr Walker, I need to talk to you about something,’ Milo said, speaking quickly, keen to get the words out.  Drake turned to him and regarded him seriously. 
‘Sounds ominous..’
‘It’s not,’ Milo said. ‘It’s important though. I.. I guess I just wanted to ask.. I wanted to ask if I could please marry your daughter.’
He thought Drake was going to punch him. This was Drake Walker. He was known for being protective of his daughters. He was known for bringing out his rifle and ‘cleaning’ it in front of her boyfriends. Why did he ask? What made him think Drake would say yes? He would say no and make sure Lily was sent off to a convent or wherever adult women were sent to avoid marriage and men and dicks. 
‘I just think she’s incredible,’ Milo continued, his breathing turning rapid. ‘She makes me happy and I’ve known her for so long. She’s like my other part of my soul, you know? No, she is my soul. She’s everything to me. I love her. I want to marry her but I wanted to ask for permission first. You can totally say no, I get it-’
‘I’ll step back and won’t ask her-’
‘Milo, of course you can.’
‘Then she can just marry someone else - wait, what?’
Drake was trying not to laugh. Milo looked like he was going to faint. ‘Mr Walker..’
‘Yes, you can marry Lily,’ Drake said. ‘Jesus, dude. Calm down!’
‘What? You trying to convince me otherwise?’
Drake smirked. ‘Then shut up and drink your whiskey like an adult.’
Milo tossed back his whiskey, letting it burn his throat. Drake clapped him on the back.
‘Welcome to the family.’
Later that evening, Drake and Lily joined on the dancefloor to dance together. Drake marvelled at how stunning she looked in her wedding dress; she had chosen a boho gown with flowing white silk and she had taken off her veil to show off her dark hair that was decorated with silver leaves. The leaves were a nod to her and Milo’s childhood- leaves were seen as declarations of love at their playgroup and Milo had gifted Lily many leaves over the years.
As they swayed together, Lily felt tears prick up in her eyes. 
‘I love you daddy,’ she whispered. 
Drake blinked. She never called him daddy. 
‘Honey, you okay?’
She nodded, laughing at herself. ‘Yeah. I’m just emotional. Plus your speech was amazing.’
‘Heh, I talked too much,’ Drake said, twirling her around. 
‘You tell good stories.’
‘I’m a Walker,’ Drake said. ‘We love stories.’
Lily grinned. ‘I’m keeping my last name by the way.’
‘Really?’ Drake asked. ‘Milo’s not offended?’
‘Hell no!’ Lily cried. ‘I’m Lily Olivia Walker. I’m your daughter. I’m a Walker through and through.’
Drake chuckled and brought her in close to hug her. 
‘You’re the first man who really loved me..’ Lily whispered in his ear. ‘I’m forever thankful for that.’
Drake held her tightly. ‘I know, baby girl,’ he whispered back. ‘And I’ll always love you.’
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Mike’s Past.....
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In Mike’s perspective. Still gonna do my Gwuncan/tdas tho.BTW this is based kinda on a million other fanfics I’ve read, so basically, none of the ideas is my own.this story starts when Mike was 9.BTW,in my head,Mike never pressed that damn button,and is a tiny bit more accurate about his DID/MPD.
I always knew my dad’s abuse towards me and my mom would affect me, but not like this..........
In school, I was always quiet.I didn’t have any friends because I didn’t talk to anyone, not even my teachers. Every time someone spoke to me, I could hear my Dad’s voice in my head. “If you or your damn mother tell any nosy b**ch about what happens in this house, I swear to God, I will kill you both with no hesitation,” I remembered him telling me drunkenly as he was preparing to beat me again.I was thinking this as I was sitting in the back corner of the classroom, alone as usual.
“OK everyone, because your parent-teacher meetings are next month, we will have a few tests in the next 2 weeks. We will have the first one today, so get out a pen or pencil and put all books away.”Ms Morresy announced.
“OH NO!”I thought. I always hated tests, but my mom never really cared too much as long as I tried my best, but my dad was completely different. If I didn’t do well in these tests, my life would become an even bigger hell than it already was, and the beatings would be much harder.
I got really nervous and frustrated.I started to panic.All I could think about was the pain that was waiting for me at home.My nerves only got worse when we started the test. I finished all of the questions but one, and we only had 5 minutes left. I couldn’t figure out the answer,and got really frustrated.I felt myself taking a huge, deep breath and my eyes bulge out of my head, and all of a sudden, I blacked out.I had no idea how long I was out for, but when I was conscious again, I was hunched over, at the top of the classroom, pointing at my teacher.I straightened up and asked Ms Morresy what happened. She looked angry. “Go wait outside the door, Mike.”
I did as I was told and my teacher joined me a few moments later.
“What was that, Mike?” she asked. “What do you mean? What did I do?”I asked shyly.
Without another word, my teacher led me to the room where they kept all of the school’s security cameras.She clicked on the camera in our classroom and pressed play. I saw myself getting frustrated while doing my test, and my eyes all of a sudden bulging out of my head while I inhaled sharply. I hunched over in my chair, and my face looked old. One of my eyes was closed tightly and my lips went small and it looked like I had just bitten down on a lemon.
On the video, Ms Morrisy came over to me and asked: “Are you OK Mike?” “Mike? Who’s Mike? Name’s Chester, missy” I........or... ‘Chester’ said. I then heard everyone gasp, and some giggled. “Mike, sit back down and finish your test.” my teacher said sternly as ‘Chester’ stood up. “You dang whippersnapper!Back in my day, we didn’t need tests!”He was about to say something else, but I gasped again and my eyes bulged out of my head.
Ms Morrisy turned off the video and gave me an expecting glare.
I didn’t know what to say. I stood there for a while, trying to process what I had just seen. “I promise, I don’t remember anything. I remember doing my test, and I blacked out!”I said, hoping my teacher would understand.
“Mike, I’m going to have to call your parents. If you are telling the truth, and you don’t remember anything, your parents need to know,” she told me calmly.
I started breathing heavily. How was I supposed to stop her? I got frustrated and it happened again. My eyes were bulging and I took a deep breath. I woke up the next day, on the attic floor. I was terrified. I started to cry. Last time, I was up there, my dad was so angry, he left me up there for days, without food or water, and made my mom tell everyone I was sick. This was the place I was sent when he was extremely mad and didn’t even care if I lived because of what I had done. Even if that was nothing at all.
Usually, I would remember what I did, but this time, I had no idea.
Ms Morrisey called Mike’s parents right as his father was getting drunk and beating his mother, calling her..........bad names. He answered the phone rudely and threw Mike’s mom into the car. He drove to the school drunkenly, each minute Mike’s mother getting even more scared for her life. When they reached the school, his dad walked up to the teacher while his mother ran over to Mike, standing beside her.
“Mike! Are you okay? What happened?” she asked.
“You dang whippersnappers! Why are you calling me Mike? Name’s Chester!”Chester snapped back, while his mother looked up at the teacher, worriedly. His father stared down at him angrily, barely able to stand.
His mother stood up and talked to Ms Morrisey.
“What’s wrong with him?” she asked. “I have no idea! We were in class doing a test, when Mike just stood up, calling himself Chester, and when I took him to the camera room and showed him what happened, he acted so shocked! He told me that he didn’t remember anything and then when I told him I was going to have to call you both, he took a deep breath and turned into this ‘Chester’ again.”Ms Morrisey explained.
“Oh my god!”Mike’s mother exclaimed. She had researched what affects abuse could have on children, and something that came up was something called MPD, or Multiple Personality Disorder, also known as DID or Dissociative Identity Disorder.
Her thoughts were interrupted by Chester complaining about his legs hurting from standing so long. His father thanked Ms Morrisey and grabbed the boy and his mother by the arm and shoved them into the car. All the way home, Chester lectured his father about respecting his elders.
All his father’s anger was bottling up in the car, so when they got home, he went off!
As his father was about to punch him in the stomach, ignoring his wife’s pleads for him to stop, Chester took a deep breath and his eyes bulged out of his head. He ripped off his shirt and his hair slicked back naturally. He changed. “Eh yo! What you think you’re doin’?” this new person said as he grabbed his father’s fist. He pushed him to the ground, but that just fueled his father’s anger. He grabbed his son. “Eh yo! You wanna touch the Vito, you gotta make an appointment!” he said as his father threw him on the ground and started punching and kicking him as hard as he could.’ ‘Vito’ tried to fight back, but he wasn’t strong enough,and eventually passed out. His mother just watched all of this in astonishment. First, an old man named Chester, and now a strongman named Vito?
She decided she wouldn’t tell her husband or anyone about what she suspected. At least, not until her husband was in jail.
His father threw Vito into the attic and locked the door. He then made his way back to his wife, to let out the rest of his anger.
I sat there, in the middle of the floor, crying and confused. I knew my dad had beaten me because as usual, there were a million more bruises on my body and I was bleeding. Like, a lot.
After a while, no matter how much my entire body hurt, I decided that I wasn’t going to just sit there and cry. While I was up there, I decided to at least do something useful so I started practising my gymnastics. My mom signed me up so that I wouldn’t be home as much since it was on every day after school. After a while, I actually started to enjoy it and loved watching the Olympics. Even though none of the other guys in my group wanted me there, because of my dad’s prison record. They thought I might be dangerous.
After days, and days of starvation and dehydration, my dad finally unlocked the door and let my mom make me something to eat.
The next day, when I wasn’t as weak and didn’t look suspicious, I was sent back to school.
I walked into the classroom and everyone was staring at me. I felt really uncomfortable because I had never gotten this much attention before. Everyone just acted like I didn’t exist most of the time.
I put my back at the wall and slowly slid down it, but as I did, I didn’t notice that my shirt got caught on a nail, and it ripped off. While everyone was staring at me, I inhaled again and blacked out......again, with my shirt ripped off and my hair slicked back.
“Eh yo! That’s right ladies, take in the Vito!” he exclaimed, jumping up from the ground, winking at a group of girls at the front of the crowd surrounding him.
Just then, Ms Morrisey walked into the room and started the class. Then she saw that Vito had no shirt on. ''Mike, what are you doing? Put your shirt on, now please!'' she said sternly. ''Eh yo, no problem, but miss, it's Vito!'' he replied as he put on his shirt.
Surprisingly, no one even noticed Mike’s bruises or cuts. Not even the teacher.
 I inhaled again. My shirt was back on and my hair was back to being as pointy as it was before. ''Thank you Mike'' I heard Ms Morrisey saying. I looked around and saw everyone staring at me."What now? I thought.''What is happening to me???" was all I could think the entire day.
After school, I went as usual to the gym for gymnastics, after getting changed in the toilets so no one would see my bruises and cuts. I arrived before anyone else and my teacher let me practice until everyone else got there.
It was just me and the teacher for a while until everyone else showed up. As usual, when they saw me,they rolled their eyes and scowled.
“OK everyvone, today ve vill be vorking on ze bars.” my teacher announced in her heavy Russian accent “so get into ze pairs please”
Everyone had a partner except for me, as usual. I preferred working on my own though. It just meant that there was no risk of me telling anyone about what I was going through at home. I was kind of nervous because I was the only one that had never tried to go on the bars before since I joined late, but I was too afraid to ask my teacher for help because of my dad’s threat.
I eventually mustered up the courage to get on the bars, but I kept falling off. The more I tried, the more I failed, and the more the rest of the class laughed at me. The teacher told them all to stop,but it made no difference.
No matter how much they laughed at me and teased me, I kept trying, and eventually caught up with the rest of the class on the bars.
When the class was over, I went into the changing room to get changed, and one of the guys in my class came over to me. “Hey, Mike, or is it ‘Chester’.....or ‘Vito’?he asked. I stood in front of him, looking confused.”Who are they?”I thought. “Whatever,” he said, rolling his eyes “Anyway, how come you never change your shirt? You poor or something?”He asked with a snarky look on his face. I started to get nervous. I couldn’t tell him it was because I didn’t want anyone to know I was being abused! So, I just stayed silent.
“If you’re not gonna answer us, we’ll just have to see for ourselves!”He exclaimed, as his friends ran over and started pulling off my shirt. I tried to stop them by fighting back and yelling, but they were too strong. I started to cry as I realized that there was nothing I could do. Then, it happened again, my hair fell into a slicked-back style and I took a deep breath as my eyes bulged out of my head again.
The boys easily pulled the shirt off of Mike, but as soon as they did, he grabbed them all off of him. “Eh, eh, eh, don’t touch the Vito! He’s precious.”Vito said as they all stared at his stomach. “What’re you lookin’ at,”Vito asked as they all gasped, and one of the boys ran to get the teacher. Vito looked down and realized what they were looking at. “oh,boy”he said under his breath.
When the boy told the gymnastics teacher what happened and what he just saw,she ran into the changing room to see for herself.
When the teacher saw all of the bruises and cuts on Mike/Vito’s arms,stomach and back,she gasped just like the boys had.She told him to get his stuff and brought him up to her office.
“Mike,how did this happen?”she asked worriedly in her heavy accent. “Eh yo,lady,I ain’t Mike!Name’s Vito!And I ain’t tellin you nothin.That’s for Mike to decide.”he replied, folding his arms.
“Vell, ‘Vito’,vhere is Mike?”she asked,quite concerned. “How should I know?”he answered back rudely. “OK vell,I am going to make a call.Und please put your shirt on.” the teacher asked,leaving the room,asking one of the boys to make sure Vito stayed there.The boy moved in front of the door, trying to look tough,like a bodyguard. “Eh yo, why’s everybody tryna cover up the tan?”Vito asked as he put his shirt back on and gasped,putting Mike back in control.
I gasped again,and opened my eyes to an office full of the guys in my class,surrounding me looking confused. “Oh great!What now?”I thought.I was uncomfortable,so I tried to leave,but someone was guarding the door,blocking my way..All of a sudden, one of the guys walked up to me. “Hey,Vito,what’s up with your stomach?”he said,looking half worried half sarcastic. “Vito?”I asked sheepishly.He looked surprised at this,but most people rolled their eyes.
At that moment,my gymnastics teacher burst into the room,took my arm and told everyone to go finish getting changed.I was scared and didn’t know what to do,so when I got the chance, I fled.
I didn’t know where I was running to,all I knew was that wherever I ended up would be better than with my teacher,or anyone that would ask questions about what they had just seen.I don’t know why,but I ran into the woods.I always loved the woods.It was always a great escape from my dad and school.I started gathering wood to make somewhere to sleep.I eventually made a really crappy cone.Then I found my old fedora my mom bought me when I was younger under a big pile of leaves.I hid it out in the woods because I knew my dad would take it away.I guess I just forgot about it over time.I put it on and,well, the same thing happened over again and I blacked out AGAIN.
“Whoo ee!This won’t do for a good night’s sleep!”This new persona said,knocking down what Mike had built.
He set off to find some more wood and soon found it.He somehow found enough that he was able to make a really good fort out off. “Now that’s what an explorer sleeps in!He said,clearly pleased with his work. “Now to find some barra” he said in a thick Aussie accent.
He set off looking for any kind of food,He had to walk out of the woods and across the field outside of it,but he eventually found a lake.He caught fish and collected water.He went back to the make shift fort he had built and made a fire.He boiled the water and cooked the fish.He ate his meal and went to sleep.
The next morning, he was crossing the field again when he thought to himself “This ain’t what’s best for Mike.We can’t just hide out here forever.”He grabbed Mike’s things and made his way ‘home’.As he was walking,a cop car pulled up next to him. “Yeah, I got ‘im,” the cop said, rushing out of the car. “Mike?”he asked. “you need to come down to the station with me.” “I ain’t Mike.Name’s Manitoba Smith.” he answered. “right...............” the cop answered hesitantly.Then he remembered something. “Oh, right,your teacher told me about that,” the cop said smiling.It was a long, quiet and uncomfortable ride to the police station, but when they eventually got there, Manitoba saw Mike’s mom standing to wait for them.She had 2 black eyes, millions of bruises and even a broken arm. When Manitoba saw her, he was so angry.How dare his father do this to such an amazing woman?
When she saw her son, she burst into tears “Mike!Oh my God!Where were you! I was so worried!O well, that doesn’t matter.It’s over honey! You’re dad’s in jail, and the lawyers said he could even get 50 years or more!”When Manitoba heard this, he breathed a sigh of relief. He still wanted to cry, thinking about what Mike and his mom went through, but he kept it together and smiled up at her. “G’ day Sheila.Mike’s fine.We were in the woods, and of course, I kept us alive with my keen senses and amazing surviving skills.Name’s Manitoba Smith.” he answered, winking up at her.
His mom seemed shocked,but quickly smiled down at him and said “I remember this” pointing to his fedora. “You hid it in the woods!It’s still in pretty good condition.”She said,taking it off his head.He gasped,and Mike was back in control.
When I regained consciousness, I was in the police station. I looked up and saw my mom.She had about a million bruises all over her body,2 black eyes and even a broken arm. I started to cry, I hated seeing her like this. “Mom, what happened? Why are we here?WHERE’S DAD?”I asked, afraid of the answer. “Honey, it’s over. He can’t hurt us anymore.” she said, looking very hopeful “When you didn’t come home from gymnastics yesterday, your dad was really angry,and,well.........this happened” she said,lifting her arm “anyway,the police came looking for you,and they had a warrant. They saw how drunk your father was and charged in,looking for you and found me, in the sitting room.”she continued, trying not to cry. “and the lawyers said, because he has a prison record, he could get anywhere from 50 years to life! The court date is next week.”
I didn’t know what to say! I was so happy, shocked and confused.I didn’t get a chance to say anything, though, because one of the officers came over and said I needed to be checked for any injuries.I had a lot of broken bones that hadn’t healed properly and had a few infections. I was given vaccines and had to stay in the hospital for a while. Most of my bones healed easily and quickly, except for my leg.
The next week I didn’t go to school because of the court hearing and my leg was still in a cast.I was dreading going back. I kept having the same nightmare, over and over again. I would walk in the classroom,and everyone would be staring at me. And some of them would laugh. Then,it would happen again. I would blackout, and then, when I woke up, there would be a bigger group of people surrounding me,staring at me,and they would tease me about whatever happened when I blacked out,and about my dad, and my leg,and everything!
The morning of the hearing, mom and I were picked up by our lawyers. My dad had pleaded innocent, no matter how much evidence was put in front of him.As long as I was in that courtroom, my dad kept staring at me.I just looked down. Every time I looked up at him, I was afraid he was going to run over and kill me and my mom. Just like he promised.
My mom was asked to take the stand, and she looked terrified!But, she got through it and told the jury everything that my dad had done to her.I didn’t even know half of it,and I was horrified.I was next to take the stand and I was even more terrified than my mom was. My dad’s lawyer was asking me questions like ‘Why wouldn’t you tell anyone what was going on if it was so traumatic?’ and ‘How do we know that you and your mom didn’t just plan all of this,seeing as there were no other witnesses?’And every time I gave him an answer, he had another one ready,and he really made it seem like I was lying.I got so frustrated.It was so hard to explain!How could I explain all the fear,all the loneliness, all the pain I felt?I started to cry. And then,at the worst possible moment,it happened again,I blacked out....
“Why don’t ya leave the kid alone?”Chester shouted “Hasn’t the whippersnapper been through enough?”his father’s lawyer just burst out laughing. “This is a joke,right?” he asked. Chester just stared at him,annoyed. His mom and lawyer got really nervous. The lawyer,and everyone but his mother,thought that Mike wasn’t taking the case seriously. His lawyer asked for a recess and the judge let them have one.
“What are you doing?!This could really hurt your case!” the lawyer half shouted when they were outside the courtroom. “Those darn whippersnappers are causing Mike to much stress!”Chester shouted back.The lawyer lowered her voice and and said as calmly as possible, “Mike, please,take this seriously.If we do this right,we can make your father pay for what he’s done to you both!”.Chester thought for a moment.He couldn’t mess this up!The only way to protect Mike was for his dad to go to jail! So, he inhaled sharply and Mike was back in control.
I woke up in the hall, my mom and lawyer staring at me. “Mike? Are you ok?”my lawyer asked me. “Ummmm..............yeah”I said,trying to sound convincing. We went back into the courtroom and I sat back into the chair on the stand. My dad’s lawyer tried again to make me look guilty,and asked me more of those horrible questions,but this time, my lawyer made an objection,and the judge told my dad’s lawyer that he need to change the way he was acting. “No further questions.”the lawyer said,looking very annoyed. Then, my lawyer asked me questions, and I was able to explain everything, even though I wasn’t as strong as my mom and started crying.
I was told I could sit back down,and as I was going,I tried to avoid my dad’s gaze,but I couldn’t stop myself and looked over at him.He looked like he REALLY wanted to kill me!I was terrified,and tried to hide behind my mom.
The court continued for hours,but eventually, the jury left to make a decision.Our lawyer told us that the jury would be making their decision for a few hours,so we should either go home,or get something to eat,but we were too nervous to do anything!
The time finally came where we would hear if my dad would go to jail or not.I was shaking in my seat,and my mom was on the brink of tears.Then, we heard the news.
Me and my mom was crying, and all of a sudden,my dad tried to break away from the cops, and run over to us.He looked angry,and I had never seen the look in his eye that day.I have never been more afraid for my life.He managed to break away and grab me.I screamed and the cops grabbed him off me.I was so shaken up. The cops dragged him away, while a lot of people rushed over to see if I was alright.I couldn’t even speak.
We were finally allowed to go home, but I was still in shock.The rest of that week my mom and I spent getting rid of any sign of my dad in our house.It was hard, -because his stuff was everywhere, and they 2 of us combined owned about 10 items,but by the end of it,we actually saw how nice our house could look!For as long as I can remember, our house was a mess, with empty bottles of alcohol everywhere, and dirt and dust filling the air because we were always not allowed to, or were too weak to clean.But now,it was amazing!Just like any other house, but,I had never lived in a clean house before,so I couldn’t believe it.
Me and Mom had a great week, the best we’d had in a long time,but I kept having the same nightmare.and eventually,I had to go back to school.I really didn’t want to go, but my mom had to send me back at some point.I knew that everyone had heard what happened.
I walked into the room,and everyone went quiet. They all turned to look at me.I wanted to crawl in a hole and die! I went to my desk, put down my crutches and put my head in the table. I could feel everyone still staring at me. Ms Morrisey walked into the room and started class. It seemed like no one could focus,not even the teacher.........they were all staring at me.Finally,lunch came and I could just sit in the corner of the yard, with no one noticing me, just like before.I grabbed my crutches and was slowly making my way out of the classroom when my teacher stopped me. “Mike, I know you probably don’t want to talk about it,but I and all the teachers will always be here if you do.”I started crying, but I quickly dried my tears.Ms Morrisey looked at me sadly. “I don’t think you should go outside for a while, Mike.With your broken leg and everything.”I nodded and sat back into my seat.I put my head down and waited for the entire break.Ms Morrisey went to get her lunch and I ate my alone.
Then,as I was putting away my lunch,a group of guys came in the room. I tried to ignore them when they came over and started teasing me, but they just wouldn’t go away.They pushed me to the ground and took my crutches. They were about to do much worse,but Ms Morrisey came back at that moment and took them to the principle’s office. The boys were suspended and Ms Morrisey continued the class. The rest of the day, I just kept my head down and waited for the day to end, so I could go to gymnastics. I know I couldn’t participate,but I wanted to make sure I didn’t miss anything, and I really wanted to thank my teacher.
When I walked into the room, her face fell. She looked down at my broken leg, and the bruises still visible on my arms and face,and tears welled up in her eyes.It seemed everyone was only noticing my injuries,then, when they knew the truth.I went over to my teacher and said, “Ms,I know I can’t participate for a while,” indicating my leg, “but, I just wanted to come and say thank you.”My teacher pulled me into a hug and said “You can come und vatch if you vould be liking to, und ve vill be happy to be having you back vhen you are healed.”I sat on the bench and watched everyone.
After practice,my mom picked me up and we got something to eat. “So,how was your first day back?”my mom asked,trying to hide how worried she was. “It was...........fine.”I said,looking down.
"Are you sure,you seem upset.".....I looked around and tears formed in my eyes. "Tell me later,okay?"my mom asked smiling. "Yeah'' I said smiling back. We finished our food and went home. My mom didn't say anything else about school until she was tucking me in. "So,do you want to tell me about your first day?" she asked. Tears formed in my eyes again as I told her about my day. She listened intently and hugged me when I was finished. "Maybe it was a bit of a rush making you go back so soon.I'll call the school and tell them you'll be out for a while."she said, pulling away from the hug and making her way over to the door. "Wait, Mom, it's okay.I'll go back. We can't put it off forever."I said smiling up at her. "Are you sure honey? There's no rush!" "Yeah,I'm sure," I said as she pulled me into another hug. "You are the strongest person I know....." she whispered.  
That night, I dreamed everything was back to the way it was before.In the dream,I opened my eyes and the house was back to being a mess, with broken bottles everywhere. I heard screaming and crying coming from another room.I tried to get up, and run to the person screaming,but I couldn't move. I looked down and saw I was bleeding. I was paralysed. I started to cry, but then I heard my mom, screaming my name, begging for help.I was finally able to jump up, and I ran to the room. I saw my dad, doing.......well...... let's just say, he was hurting her....I got really angry, screamed, and jumped on my dad's back. "Leave her alone!"I screamed.He ignored me,and continued.I tried my best to pull him off of her and get in the way as much as possible, but it seemed as though neither of them even noticed me.Then, as you've probably already guessed,it happened again.I gasped and my eyes bulged out of my head.But this time, I could see what happened. It was like watching a movie. I watched myself take a sharp breath,and suddenly,my hair flopped down over one of my eyes, and I began laughing hysterically.This time,they both noticed me. "I told you to get off of her..." 'I' said.For the first time in my life, my dad looked scared.He tried to act tough though. "So......w-what you gonna do a-about it?" he stammered. At this, 'I' laughed like a maniac again. I jumped on my dad and attacked him.I had tried to fight back before, but this time, I was stronger than him. I woke up,and the last thing I saw in my dream was my dad laying on the floor,looking close to death,and 'me' walking away.
 I ran to my mom when I woke up.I was crying and shaking.I woke her up and when she saw that I was so scared,she lifted me on the bed and listened.She seemed just as shocked as I was.We both slept in her bed and comforted each other. The next morning, I walked downstairs for breakfast, still really shaken up, to my mom telling me that I wasn't going to go to school that day. 
“I've booked you an appointment at a psychiatrists office. Then,she told me something that changed my life forever. She told me that before my dad was...well......caught,she researched what affects abuse could have on children, and one of the things that came up was Multiple Personality Disorder.And that I had all of the symptoms. I was really nervous about being examined.I was really self-conscious because I was ashamed of my scars,so I wasn't looking forward to being stared at. We left shortly after and when we got to the clinic, we waited for about 10 minutes until the doctor came out and called my name. He asked me questions about what happened,and at first I felt really awkward and even started crying again. But, after a while,I felt less anxious and calmed down a bit The doctor decided that I needed to get a brain scan done,because my mom's theory of me having MPD was the most likely. He took me to a different room and took an x-ray and some other tests.
When we finally finished,my mom was anxiously waiting for him to tell her what they found. He took us into his office and went through the tests 1 by 1. He explained that the trauma I went through, overwhelmed my defence mechanism, stopping my personality from completely forming, and my mom was right, I have MPD. He went on explaining everything in very technical and scientific terms,while I sat there, my head spinning, trying to comprehend what I was just told. My mom started crying,and I just stared at the floor, not hearing anything that was said.
My doctor gave us another appointment to go and see him in the next 2 weeks, and we went home. 
 The whole car ride home was silent. The only thing I could hear was my mom's sniffles and the cars whooshing past. It wasn't until we got home that I really started to process what happened.We were in the middle of dinner when I burst into tears. It all made sense! The number of times I blacked out, and people calling me weird names!! My mom ran over and hugged me tightly.We both slept in her bed that night, and the next morning, I had to go to school. 
 Now that I knew what was wrong with me, and the doctor had explained it, I didn't want anyone to find out! So, whenever 'it' happened, I told everyone that I was acting, and it was a comedy routine. They stared at me like they didn't believe it, but it was better than them knowing the truth.
 My leg was healed a week later, I got my cast off, and I went to gymnastics. I had missed a lot, and my teacher was too busy with everyone else to help me. She got someone else to show me what to do, but he showed me once and went back over to his friends. I tried to copy what he showed me, but I couldn't! Eventually, I gave up and said 'Ugh, I can't do it!'throwing myself on to the ground.
Then, as you might have guessed, I gasped and my eyes bulged out of my head. I was so confused! Why now? I was a bit frustrated, but not as much as I was any time 'Chester' came out, my shirt was on, and I didn't have my old fedora, which seemed the only way the other 2 came out. I was even more confused, because this time, I could see! And hear what was going on. My teachers were made aware of my diagnosis, so when everyone turned to look at me, she ran over. "Mike? Are you okay?" "I am Svetlana!Russian Olympic Champion of the gymnastics!" 'Svetlana' said with the flare of a flip with a perfect landing. My teacher seemed taken aback at this, and I was too! Svetlana then went over to the mat and did everything I was trying to catch up on and more! Everyone’s eyes were moving from me........or, Svetlana to my teacher,back to Svetlana and back to the teacher. My mom told me later that my doctor asked the teachers not to take me out of class or give whoever was in control of any special attention, and to call them by their own name. In this case, it was Svetlana, so my teacher, after she got over the shock, simply told everyone to get back to work and left Svetlana to continue on her own.
After gymnastics was over, the teacher pulled Svetlana aside and got to know her. She said smiling “I guess I will be seeing you the most seeing as you are so good at gymnastics and ‘is the Russian Olympic Champion of gymnastics.’ Svetlana just nodded happily. When the teacher got to know Svetlana a bit more, she left her to go and get changed, but as soon as she left the room, she came charging in shouting “Svetlana vill not be getting changed in front of a large group of boys!”
The gymnastics teacher realized that this personality was female, and quickly calmed her down.She told one of the boys through the door to pass out my things. One of them did and Svetlana got changed in the bathroom. “Svetlana is thanking you” she thanked the teacher, putting her hands on her hips.
As I watched what was happening, I didn’t know what to think! This was the first time I was experiencing anything like this! Suddenly, I heard a voice behind me. I turned around, scared of what I was going to see. I turned to see myself! I was hunched over, and my face was scrunched up. It was Chester! The first personality my teacher showed me on the camera footage. I was shocked, and froze in my place. “You young whippersnapper! What do you think you’re doing here?!” he said, shaking his fist. “I........I.........um............” was all I could say.
He scoffed and told me to follow him. I followed him through a door and saw 2 more........me’s. One was wearing a fedora, and the other didn’t have a shirt on, and his hair was slicked back. “My other personalities!”I thought.
The personality in the fedora looked up and exclaimed “Well,g’day mate! What’re you doin’ here?” “I........um...” was all I could say. “The whippersnapper doesn’t talk much” Chester cut in. “No matter.Name’s Manitoba Smith, Australian explorer!” he said, tipping his fedora “I.........I’m.....Mike..”I said shyly. “Oh, we know who you are, you silly dingo,” Manitoba said, laughing. I rubbed my arm and felt very uncomfortable. Suddenly, my shirtless personality stood up and walked over. “Eh, yo, what’s he doing here?” he asked Manitoba and Chester. “Name’s Vito! Try not to stare at the tan!” he said turning back to me when Manitoba gave him a death stare.
I didn’t know what to say or do. Neither did the three others. We just kind of stood there for a while, until suddenly, I felt myself being pulled, or maybe pushed somewhere, like into an endless pit. I woke up, at my kitchen table, and it seemed like I had been talking to my mom. She looked at me worriedly and asked “Mike? Is that you?!”I nodded and she breathed a sigh of relief. “I just met Svetlana!” she told me, trying to look as cheerful as possible.
I sat there for a while,listening to my mom explain what Svetlana was like,until I eventually just snapped and rambled on about what I was experienced.My mom sat there,shocked,as I rambled on,and when I was finished,she hugged me and called the doctor.She said that it was nothing to worry about,and it would be happening often,so she would talk to me about it on my next visit.
Me and my mom just kind of sat there,at the table for a while.We ended up talking about my MPD,and what I was going to do.I thought that there was no way I could tell anyone other than my teachers,and told my mom how I told my classmates that it was a comedy act.She agreed that telling anyone would just make things harder for me,but she didn’t like that I had to lie.There was a long silence,and I saw tears in my moms eyes.I hated seeing her cry.Especially when it was because of me.
She suddenly noticed me looking at her and stood up,wiping her eyes.She just laughed and asked what I wanted for dinner.I didn’t answer and she just kind of mumbled something about getting Chinese takeout.
That night,I had just gotten to sleep,when I woke up again.I was expecting to see my dark,plain bedroom,but I opened my eyes to see a tall pink ceiling.I stood up and rubbed the back of my head.I looked around and saw a large,white house,with a black door.I walked towards it and knocked on the door.Vito answered it. “Eh,yo!How’s it hangin’ bro?”he asked. “Um...fine?”I said as he invited me inside. “Let me give you the grand tour!”He announced.
In the hallway,there is a huge staircase leading to the top floor.Downstairs,there is a hallway that leads to the kitchen,which is quite modern-looking,which leads into the sitting room.It’s cozy,with a huge fire,and 70″ flat screen TV.Vito then led me to the gym,which is down the other side of the hall.He explained that he and Svetlana spends most of their time there.He picked up some weights and showed me over to where all of the gymnastics things were.The gym is a lot bigger than it first looks.It is probably as big as the lobby in the white house.It’s weird,because the house doesn’t look that much bigger than a normal house,but all of the rooms inside are huge!
Next,Vito showed me the game room.It has pin-balls,and other arcade games.I was amazed,and wanted to play some,but Vito kept hurrying me.I had never been to an arcade.If I wasn’t doing something related to school,I had to be home.Sometimes I told my dad I was doing an after-school activity,so that I could go to the woods,where I was alone,but I would never risk going out in public.Besides,I never had any friends to go with.
Then,Vito took me upstairs. “This is where our rooms are!”he announced proudly.First,he showed me his room.It has posters of the beach all over it,a bench-press,a desk,a wardrobe, and a pretty normal bed.Next,he showed me Svetlana’s room.She was in there and made a very big deal at showing me around.In her room,she has medals and trophies all around the room,posters of the Olympics,a desk, a wardrobe,and a pink,girly,princess bed.
Svetlana followed us as Vito showed me Chester’s room.It’s just like the last two,just less personal.The only things in the room are a normal bed,normal desk,a normal wardrobe and a walking cane.He complained about ‘us whippersnappers invading his privacy’,but followed us into Manitoba’s room. “G’day mate!Gettin’ the grand tour I see!”.I nodded and he stepped aside so I could look around.He has the same desk and bed as Vito and Chester,but in his room,he has posters of the Australian outback,and Australian animals,the towns,tourist attractions,basically anything to do with Australia.And in the corner,beside his wardrobe,he has a large pile of stuffed animals,all Australian animals.Then,at the end of the hallway,there were 2 more doors.I asked what was behind them,and Vito pointed to the one on the right. “We ain’t got no idea what’s behind that one.No one can get passed the doorway.We keep hearin creepy laughing though.”he said,rubbing the goosebumps on his arms.
“And that one?”.I asked,indicating the door on the right. “Dat vill be your room!”Svetlana shouted excitedly,throwing her arms in the air and balancing on her left foot. “Eh,yo!I wanted to say it!”shouted Vito,giving Svetlana the stink eye.I looked at them both confused.Vito noticed this and scoffed. “On the outside world,you gotta either sleep,or really relax to come in here,so,at night,you do that here.Otherwise,durin’ the day,you go to the sittin room.You can turn on the ‘eyes’ channel,and you can see what’s goin on.That’s called co-consciousness.Lets say,you were in the body,and I was co-conscious,you could hear me,if you listened carefully,and I could see and hear what was goin on.Get it?”.I shook my head yes and walked into my room,waving goodbye to them.I lay on the plain bed,in the plain room,with the plain desk and the plain wardrobe. “I HAVE to change this room!”,is the last thing I remember.Next thing I knew,I was waking up the next morning in my ‘real world’ bedroom.
It was Tuesday,and I got dressed,made my bed and went to the kitchen.My mom made me a bowl of cereal and some toast.I ate it in silence,until my mom asked if I was alright. “I’m fine,I just had a really weird dream last night.It was about my alters.”.I said,as I went on describing my dream. “I don’t think that was a dream.”my mom said when I had finished. “Vito said that it was your subconscious,right?So that must be where you can reach your personalities.” my mom said calmly as I nodded.
I finished my breakfast,brushed my teeth and walked to school.As usual,when I walked in the classroom,everyone turned and stared at me.I looked at the ground and put my head down at my seat.No one spoke to me all day,and I was pretty happy about it.I had a normal day,with normal classes,and a normal break.Everything was just like it was before anyone knew what I was going threw,until we went inside after lunch.Manitoba decided that he ‘wanted a go with the body’ for a while.Even without the fedora.
It felt like I was being pulled back,and I opened my eyes in my bedroom in the subconscious.I freaked out at first,but Chester came in and told me it was normal,and the fedora was just a ‘positive trigger’.But that doesn’t mean that it’s the only way that my personalities can come out.
I was kind of nervous about what Manitoba was going to do,but I decided that if I was going to share a body with him,I need to trust him,so I explored the subconscious a bit,re-decorated my room and then watched a movie.
Manitoba lifted his head and looked around.He quickly realized he was in school and stood up.He walked over to the group of popular kids and placed his hands an his hips. “G’day mates!What’re we chit chattin’ about?”He asked confidently in his thick Aussie accent.The group looked at each other and laughed.Manitoba frowned and looked at them warningly.The group broke up and sat in their seats.Manitoba watched them and took in a deep breath,smiling.He was glad to have a challenge!He wasn’t inside the subconscious,with the same people,and it definitely wasn’t going to be a boring day out in the front.
He didn’t really pay attention during lessons,and couldn’t wait to go outside after lunch.He went on the monkey bars,caught everyone with a makeshift laso when he was on for Bulldog,and played catch afterwards.
The group of popular kids looked over at him curiously.The didn’t understand how quickly Mike had changed.And now he was calling himself Manitoba?He even corrected the teacher that morning when she called him Mike for role call.
They had heard about his ‘comedy’,but he really didn’t seem himself.For years,he was quiet,shy and nervous.But recently,he had been the complete opposite.Loud,outgoing,and confident.They had heard about his abuse and his dad going to jail,so they thought that he had just been more confident the longer he was out of his dad’s reach,but they couldn’t shake the feeling that it was something more.
As they were all going inside after break,the leader of the group grabbed Manitoba’s arm and shoved him away from the class.Manitoba stared at him annoyed. “What’d ya think your doin’ ya wiley dingo?”.The boy rolled his eyes and asked “What’s your deal?!You used to be a a quiet little wimp,and now you suddenly have this ‘comedy routine’ and you’re all confident!”. “Crikey!....Well,I don’t think that’s any of your business now is it?” H grabbed the boys shirt and lifted him close to his face. “Now,stay outta my way!”.And with that he went to catch up with the rest of the class.
At this point Manitoba could feel Mike close to the front.When he sat at his desk,he tried to concentrate really hard,so that he could explain to Mike what he had said to the bully.Manitoba decided that he couldn’t concentrate in the classroom as it was too loud and distracting. “G’day Sheila!You wouldn’t mind if I just slipped out for a moment?I’ve got to concentrate and these little girls are being WAY too loud!”He said,smirking at Ms Morrisey. “Well,Mike.....” [Manitoba glared at her] “I....um..Manitoba.....you can’t just leave in the middle of class.” “Sheila,it’s very important that I can concentrate!Otherwise,I can’t talk to Mike.And I’ve got to talk to him before he leaves the front alright?”Manitoba said seriously. “um....well..I didn’t understand any of that.I’ll let you go into the hall,but when you come back you’ve got to explain what the heck you’re talking about,okay?”she agreed,chuckling.
Manitoba nodded and left the room.He sat on the floor and closed his eyes.He could still feel Mike close to the front,watching what was happening.Manitoba was relieved that Mike hadn’t left and tried to concentrate.This was the first time they had tried to communicate with each other while co-conscious.Although Mike didn’t know anything about DID/MPD,the others had read a lot about it,so Manitoba did have some idea of how to communicate co-con [aka co-conscious].
A few people passed in the hallway and gave him some weird looks,but he closed his eyes,and communicated with Mike.
I decided to go to the front room to check on what Manitoba was doing,and I saw him talking to the popular group of kids.I started to get anxious.Especially when I watched him grab the leader’s shirt and lift him close to his face.I got closer and closer to the TV.Aka the front,and I could tell Manitoba noticed.I could also tell he wanted to tell me something......Suddenly,he got up and walked up to the teacher.I couldn’t hear much but I could tell Manitoba was speaking in a rare serious tone.
He walked out of the room and sat on the floor.He closed his eyes and concentrated.We talked about what happened with the bullies.As Manitoba told the story,it got harder and harder for me to breath.The room started spinning as I thought about what was going to happen.Manitoba tried to calm me down,which he was surprisingly good at,but it wasn’t enough.It got to a point where I felt like I was suffocating and I eventually passed out.
As much as he tried to calm him down,Mike was still having a full blown panic attack.He really wished he had just ignored the dumb bully.Especially when Mike passed out!He had no idea what he was supposed to do!There was no one else even close to the front!And he couldn’t just leave Mike there and go on with his day!And the only way they could all be in the subconscious was if the body was asleep.
He sprung up from the floor and ran into the classroom.He didn’t care about ‘disrupting the class’.He only cared about making sure Mike was alright.
At first,when she heard Manitoba bursting into her classroom,Ms. Morrisey was angry,but when she saw the worry and guilt in Manitoba’s voice and face,she was just scared and concerned.Manitoba started rambling on about how this was his fault and he needed to go asleep and make sure Mike was ok,with tears in his eyes.
The entire class was laughing,but he didn’t even notice.He kept asking to go asleep,so Ms. Morrisey brought him back into the hall,placed him back on the floor and calmly asked him to explain,slowly. “I can’t explain right now Sheila!Mike is passed out on the floor and it’s all my fault!I’ve got to get to sleep and help him!”He said frantically.
Ms. Morrisey knew she wasn’t supposed to give Mike and his alters any special treatment,but she didn’t know anything about DID or the subconscious or anything Manitoba was talking about.She told him to calm down,and she would bring him to the teachers’ lounge to rest.
He thanked her and sprinted there,not waiting for her to catch up.He sat down,and tried to calm down enough to at least meditate.It took a long time,but eventually he opened his eyes in his Australian-themed bedroom.He ran as fast as he could down to the front.He saw Mike was still unconscious,but he looked as if he was waking up.Manitoba tried desperately to wake him up. “Mike!!C’mon ya wiley dingo!I’m sorry mate!I didn’t mean for all this bother to happen!”.He said loudly,shaking Mike wildly.
Chester walked in,shaking his fist. “What’s all this racket?!Back in my day.......”.He stopped when he saw Mike. “Well it’s no good trying to wake the whippersnapper up like that!”.He walked out of the room and came back with a jug of water.He poured it over Mike’s face and he woke up,gasping for air.
Manitoba jumped. “Crikey!I’m so sorry mate!”. “oh.....um...i.i..I..um....sorry...” Mike didn’t know what to say.He was embarrassed he had fainted in front of these people he barely even knew,and his social skills weren’t the best to begin with.
I was terrified,and kind of mad at Manitoba for what he had done,but I didn’t know how or if I wanted to communicate that.
Suddenly,Chester spoke,breaking my thoughts. “Are you ninnies gonna tell me what’s going on here or what?”
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retvenkos · 6 years
“i am flawless, thank you for noticing”
Teddy Lupin
okay, so teddy is very tall - like 6′2 (188 cm)
also, their hair is pretty magical
it’s usually blue but when victoire kisses them it turns pink also, like i said earlier, it perpetually sticks up in the back, and it curls around their ears
brown eyes
and i headcanon a latino! remus lupin, so teddy has some really clear, tanned skin
Victoire Weasley
so homegirl is part veela, so we know she’s really pretty but not the prettiest - louis holds that spot
she’s like a carbon copy of her mom, but with a couple of differences
she has freckles all over her arms and a bit on her face
really long, blonde hair that holds a curl really nice
she’s also pretty tall, i’m thinking around 5′11 (180 cm)
that doesn’t stop her from wearing heels though
Lysander Scamander
so i have already mentioned that he has kinda curly light brown hair and big blue eyes
i also mentioned that this boy has a serious freckle problem
but don’t worry fam, he can make it work
his hair is on point most of the time, always styled and it looks effortless even though he probably spends a decent amount of time on it
he’s probably like 5′9 (175 cm)
Lorcan Scamander
blue eyes and dirty blonde hair that is longer - he can pull it into a tiny bun and dominique definitely is the one who does it for him all the time
doesn’t actually have any freckles on his face, just on his back, arms, and legs
his nose is slightly crooked - you can tell it used to be really straight but then he broke it twice playing quidditch and once because lysander threw a book at him when he was being annoying, you know, like brothers do
5′9 (180 cm)
Dominique Weasley
has really clear skin, and a cute button nose
shoulder length blonde hair and hazel-ish eyes that go from bright green to brown
shorter than the rest of her siblings at 5′6 (168 cm)
she is really pretty too (i mean, have you seen her parents) but she usually tends to downplay it rather than perpetuate it like her sister
but she frequently experiments with her hairstyles and looks good with literally everything
wonderful face shape
Molly Weasley II
cheekbones that could kill a man
a reddish brown bob with hazel eyes
a small nose that’s kinda pointy
she definitely has a widow's peak
5′3 (160 cm)
Louis Weasley
 a blonde with really bright blue eyes
he’s around 5′8 (173 cm) which makes victoire the tallest something she mentions on the daily
he definitely has bigger lips that he’s kind of insecure of, but literally, everyone loves them
his nose is a long one and his skin is very clear
Fred Weasley II
so we all know this boy has amazing dark skin because he looks so much like his mother
his hair is curly and red and so help him god, if you do not ask before touching it, it will be the last thing you ever touch
deep brown eyes that are set behind his glasses
his facial expressions are all george though
5′8 (173 cm)
James Sirius Potter
so i’ve already mentioned his god awful hair and his hazel eyes
it’s dark brown, btw
and like, he’s short. like, 5′5 (165 cm) short
albus will make fun of him so hard.
he’s one of those kids who always looks like they could be up to something when he’s honestly just thinking about chicken nuggets???
his hair - once he grows into it - is an effortlessly messy but beautiful look and literally, everyone (except fred) is jealous of it
green eyes (it’s a potter curse)
also - dimples
Albus Severus Potter
so he has the darkest, jet black hair. 
he keeps it nice and tidy and actually tries to look put together so that people will remember him for something other than having the name of people who died
he doesn’t want to ride on the coattails of anyone else’s fame - he wants to be his own dude
and we know this boy has some crazy green eyes
like, harry’s eyes were green, but nothing is this green
and our boi was short for a hot minute, but in fourth year he just sprouts
we’re talking a solid 6′0 (183 cm)
he very rarely ever stands up straight tho, so whenever he does it’s really intimidating
Rose Granger-Weasley
okay, so being the daughter of ron - the most freckled of the weasleys (fite me on this) - this girl has some freckle issues
like, you could split her freckles onto three separate people and you would say that they had a lot
furthermore, she has some wonderfully curly, dark brown hair
the only difference is that it’s not too frizzy, which hermione was so happy about she almost cried
(she still has issues getting her hair to be tamed)
our girl is about 5′4-5′5 (163-165 cm)
also, i headcanon a black! hermione, so our girl has the most beautiful, dark skin
Scorpius Malfoy
first of all, our boy has some sharp cheekbones
be careful albus - you just might cut yourself
but he’s always so polite and smiley that it’s not something that makes him too regal looking
his eyes are a grey-ish blue but are big and so very kind
he has blonde hair like his pops, but it’s less slicked back and severe
he’s overall just softer than his dad but almost a carbon copy
5′7 (170 cm)
Lucy Weasley
light brown hair that has a natural soft wave to it and is super bouncy
round, coke bottle glasses that are actually really cute
they make her brown eyes big and wide
what a sunshine child, she lives in pastels i swear
5′4 (163 cm)
soft features that make you just smile
Hugo Granger-Weasley
we’ve already talked about his curly red hair briefly
but my lord, is it a mess
it bounces all over the place and is kinda long so his bangs kinda fall in his eyes - which are brown and big
honestly, he’s kind of a heartthrob, guys
his freckles are all concentrated on his face, most notably his nose
they would be his defining trait if he wasn’t smiling all the time
he’s lighter than his sister but still has a nice tan to his skin
(and y’all can fight me on this, biracial kids can be a myriad of colors)
he’s a solid 6′0 (183 cm)
Roxanne Weasley
okay, so first of all, homegirl has some long hair
i guess you would call it wavy, but it’s most defining trait is that it is thicc
and it’s jet black and beautiful
eyes?? 10/10 hazel and piercing
and she has all of her mother’s passion behind them
and she’s tall and lanky like her dad
and she is one of the few to be freckleless, but homegirl has enough charisma she doesn’t need any
she’s also taller than her bro, which she’s very proud of - 5′11 (180 cm)
Lily Luna Potter
she has reddish brown hair that’s in a long bob
it’s straight and actually kinda thin
also, she’s taller than james sirius and they make fun of him for his height at every given opportunity - she’s like 5′7 (170 cm)
carries on the potter legacy with green eyes
a lot of people say she looks like her grandma, lily.
which of course means a sprinkling of freckles
but more so means a kind smile that can turn on you in seconds
AND FLUFF ENSUES. (also, their names are in order of their age in relation to each other, so there’s that)
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So I’m just gunna ramble because I can.
Me a bitch for Vincent Valentine? Absolutely. Please refer back to “Oh No” and “O H N O” tags.
Okay so when he [Vincent] woke he would be roughly 57, but probably just a really depressed 27 year old mentally. Now to get to 60, is... three years.... so he’s just a depressed 30 year old in a 27 year old body but has existed for 60 years.
Also via other math by the time of CoD, Genesis is 28 or so, Sephiroth would also be 28, and Angeal is dead and is also arround 28. Lesson of the day, math is a valuable skill for fos.
Calmly Emmi pulled her long hair back, out of her face as it trailed behind her. reaching out grabbing Vincent’s cold hands. Metal and flesh, but she didn’t mind. “I know, you are not over her.” Her voice soft has honey a contrast to Vincent’s rough voice. Emmi looks at his hands gently. Pulling the clawed one up, opening it and resting her cheek on it. “Even still I’ll wait for you.” A somber tone but a soft smile washes up, no response is heard but Emmi is alright with that.
I really like the idea of Emmi in this case for an SI, is like super aware she’s crushing. Like she full on knows and tries to act normal but we all know how that works, so when she accidentally outs herself and tries to cover it. She’s pretty sure Vincent knows, but she’s gunna act like he hasn’t put two and two together. Let him think that she thinks she’s s l i c k. When she’s not. My god is she not slick, she is always pining because will Vincent ever get over past love? Idk but nether will Emmi!
Emmi not only playing with Vincent’s hair, but because hers is super long, letting him mess with her hair even tho he probs won’t. This is Emmi btw.
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Also Emmi is taller than Vincent by 2 inches naturally and then by 5 inches when she has on heels. Basically Emmi could throw her crush. She’s a lady made of thiccc muscles, and is very proud of her height. Likes to make tall jokes to people shorter than her, ex “how’s the weather down there?”
Hi my names Luna and I’m literally a bitch for Dad figures.
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nightwingswing · 6 years
“The Two Spains” (Boombshells! Jason Todd x Hispanic! Reader) (Part 1/?)
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Hello my lil’ wings!!
I promise soon will come all these hc I promised! And also, the next part of “Stop that wedding!”
so today I discovered that Jason in boomshells is an basque spanish boy! 
And his brief story was settled in the spanish civil war. So being the history buff i am...I had to give this a chance!
So i hope you enjoy this!
This part is longer and more history settled (sorry for the history leson xdd) so you dont get lost. The next part will be more dinamic and romantic. The reader is settled to be a valencian girl, as I know the language and also i know more about how the war was lived there. My grandparents have told me about how it was.
Btw, so you know a bit more about me, Im spanish! Valencian to be more exact. 
Tags: @hamsterforlive @plethora-of-things @wonderlace19 @totallovelesson @algentforthewin @crazyfreckledginger @electra-writes33
If you want to be taged in this or any of my other fics message me anytime!
Also,let me know in the coments your thoughs and if this fic deserves a second part!
(Also, Im sorry if any of the Euskera words are wrong, I do not speak Euskera. Tell me if there is anything wrong so i can correct it!)
[17/10/1936 | Euskadi, Spain. | Nightime]
Your eyes opened in alarm as you heard the strong sound.
You tiptoed over your toys on the ground to get to the door, where you slightly looked out to see what had made that sound.
You saw your father, talking in hushed tones to your mother.  Worry painted her skin pale. Her eyes wide as she and your dad listened close to the wavering, echoing, hushed radio. Your father fist was closed tightly as you closed your eyes to listen intently.
“- Pamplona, Burgos, Zaragoza, Valladolid, Cádiz, Córdoba, Y finalmente Sevilla han apoyado el pronunciamiento del grupo militar de José Sanjurjo. El gobierno-”
[Pamplona, Burgos, Zaragoza, Valladolid, Cádiz, Córdoba, and finally Seville have supported the “pronunciamiento” (a declaration of military opposition) by José Sanjurjo’s military group. The government-]
“¡MIERDA! ¡JODER!” [SHIT! FUCK!] Your father said frustrated. Your mother quickly hushed him, as she saw your cowering form on the doorframe.
“Jason? nire maitea [my dear] Did you have a nightmare? “Your mother smiled as she came to pick you up. You hugged her neck “Let’s get you back to bed” She petted your back as you looked at your father, who looked at you with a dark glance. You hided your face in your mother’s soft neck as she entered your room once again.
“Ama” [mom] you said with a quivering voice. “Why was aita [dad] so mad?”  Her smile faltered as she covered you with your thin cotton sheet.
“It’s nothing you should worry about mi bebe [my baby] Now sleep, my dear. You have school tomorrow.” She brushed your hair back as she kissed your forehead. “gau ona, nire maitea.” [good night, my dear]
“Gau ona,ama” You smiled as your eyes fluttered closed.
What you didn’t know is that it was the beginning of the end.
[ 18/10/1936 | Valéncia, Spain. | Morning]
The sweet smell of chocolate made your eyes fluttered open.
You smiled as the gentle face and warm smile of your mother greeted you.
“Good morning, Carinyet.” [ my darling] She smiled. “Did you sleep well?”
“Good morning, mami.” [mommy] You smiled. “I did. I dreamed of being in the countryside with grandma again!” Your mother smile widened as she brushed you (h/c) hair to the side. Big bags under her eyes as she hugged you tightly.
“Mami? Something wrong?” You asked, hugging her back.
“n-no, perla [my pearl] …just get dressed and join us downstairs.” She smiled.
“Okay!” You smiled innocently. Your mother exited the room as your thirteen-year-old body carried you to the bathroom. You brushed your teeth and changed to your thin but warm (f/c) dress, you put your old weathered shoes on and skipped downstairs.
You greeted your dad and your sibling as you took your seat next to your mother.
The sound of the radio harmonized your breakfast as you all keep silent eating your food. Meanwhile, you zoomed out the news as you looked at your parents face intently.
Your father face looked tired, heavy bags under his eyes. He was dressed in his uniform, it looked a bit out of place, his tie was fumbled as his normally slicked back (h/c) hair was all over the place.
When his (e/c) eyes made contact with yours you looked away to your plate. After eating, your mother coughed to get your attention.
“You all know…how dad works in the army right?” she smiled, holding your fathers hand. “Well…you see…um…y-yesterday-y um..something…big..happened…and ah..we..” her unwavering (e/c) gaze locked into yours put you on edge as your father hugged her shoulder. She sighed heavily as you father spoke.
“We are moving.”
“What?” said your sibling. “Why?!”
“The reason why is not…important right now. We are leaving in two days. We are moving to Castilla La mancha.” His eyes looked into yours as they filled with sorrow. “(y/n) …you will stay with your grandmother okay? She will come pick you up tomorrow.”
“W-what?” you said as your eyes filled with tears.
“WHY?! WHY CAN’T SHE COME WITH US?!” Your sibling yelled, getting up from their spot.
“IM NOT GOING WITHOUT HER!” He yelled back, your father got up as he slapped your sibling’s cheek. You let out a sob as your mother ran to hug you. You hugged back tightly, soaking in her warmness. As you breathed her essence deeply you heard your sibling’s heavy angry steps upstairs. You pulled away from your mom as you followed them upstairs.
You could hear their sobs as you opened their door silently, you peeked your head and with a soft voice asked:
“(tete [bro]/teta[sis])? Can I come in?” You asked softly. They wiped their tears as they sat on the bed.
“come here” they smiled softly as you ran to their arms.  They hugged you tightly. “I promise I will come to find you.”
You smiled. “I know (tete/teta)…I will wait for you to come for me.” You smiled, kissing their tears. They smiled back as they untied the thin chain around their neck, hanging from it a little old white-pink shell.
“Remember this?” They smiled. “You made it for my birthday when you were a small baby.” They smiled and put it around your neck, tying it softly as you looked at it. “You said it was so I could remember you forever… now it’s yours. It’s a promise, that I will come for you.” They smiled, hugging you.
“Wait!” You said, pulling away from the hug and running to your room. Your loud steps resonated on the house as you came back quickly. You smiled cheekily as you showed them a wool (f/c) wristband. You tied it around their right wrist and smiled.
“This is my promise to you that I’ll be there when you come to get me!” You both smiled as you melted in a loving hug.
[19/10/1936 | Valéncia, Spain | Midday]
You sat on the window chair, bathing in the warm sun. Your Ausiàs March book rested on your lap.
It was the one of the few books you could own. A present from your grandfather.
You sighs as your favorite poem was presented before you, it’s pages slightly broken, your smile widen as you take a deep breath and start reading out loud your favorite poem:
Veles e vents han mos desigs complir
faent camins dubtosos per la mar.
Mestre i ponent contra d’ells veig armar:
xaloc, llevant los deuen subvenir
ab llurs amics lo grec e lo migjorn,
fent humils precs al vent tramuntanal
que en son bufar los sia parcial
e que tots cinc complesquen mon retorn.
[Let wind conspire with sail to give me what I long for, carrying me across the sea's perilous highways! Even now I can see the winds from the West and North-West gathering hostile forces: the Sirocco and theSouth-Western must hold them back, enlisting the help of their allies, the North-Eastern and the Midi, and humbly imploring the North wind to lend its support, so that all five of them blowing together may bring about my return.]
Bullirà·l mar com la cassola en forn,
mudant color e l’estat natural,
e mostrarà voler tota res mal
que sobre si atur un punt al jorn.
Grans e pocs peixs a recors correran
e cercaran amagatalls secrets;
fugint al mar on són nodrits e fets,
per gran remei en terra eixiran. 
[The ocean will bubble like a pot of stew taken to the baker's oven to cook, changing colour and losing its natural form as it seethes. Anything that ventures upon it, even for a single moment, will feel the force of its rage, and all the fish beneath will rush for shelter to secret hiding-places. But in the end they too will have to abandon the very sea which spawned and nurtured them and, in utter desperation, leap out on to dry land.]
Los pelegrins tots ensems votaran
e prometran molts dons de cera fets;
la gran paor traurà al llum los secrets
que al confés descoberts no seran.
En lo perill no·m caureu de l’esment,
ans votaré al Déu qui·ns ha lligats
de no minvar mes fermes voluntats
e que tots temps me sereu de present.
[There's not a pilgrim on my ship who will not call upon Heaven, making vows and promises of countless votive offerings of wax. Sheer terror will force out secrets that not even the confessor has learned. But in the midst of this danger, I shall think only of you, and I shall make my vow to that same God who joined us never to weaken in my resolve, and to keep you constantly in my thoughts.]
Jo tem la mort per no ser-vos absent,
perquè amor per mort és anul·lats;
mas jo no creu que mon voler sobrats
pusca ésser per tal departiment.
Jo só gelós de vostre escàs voler
que, jo morint, no meta mi en oblit.
Sol est pensar me tol del món delit
car, nós vivint, no creu se pusca fer:
[ I fear death only because it would mean absence from you, and because death blots out love. Not that I think that even such a separation could vanquish my desire. Rather, the fear that preys on me is that you do not desire me as you ought, so that, should I die, you would never think of me again. Even though it seems impossible that I should be less than happy while we both live, there is one thought that makes me wretched:]
aprés ma mort d’amar perdau poder
e sia tost en ira convertit,
e jo, forçat d’aquest món ser eixit,
tot lo meu mal serà vós no veer.
Oh Déu, ¿per què terme no hi ha en amor,
car prop d’aquell jo·m trobara tot sol?
Vostre voler sabera quant me vol,
tement, fiant, de tot l’avenidor.
[ that you would no longer be able to love me once I was dead, and that you would soon find your love turning to hate. As for me, driven from this world, I would feel no other torment than to be unable to look upon you. Oh God, if only there were bounds to love—for I alone among lovers would have almost reached them by now. Then, instead of being by turns full of fear and hope for all that the future might hold, I would know for sure how much love your heart harbors for me.]
Jo són aquell pus extrem amador
aprés d’aquell a qui Déu vida tol.
Puis jo són viu, mon cor no mostra dol
tant com la mort per sa extrema dolor.
A bé o mal d’amor jo só dispost,
mas per mon fat fortuna cas no·m porta.
Tot esvetlat, ab desbarrada porta,
me trobarà faent humil respost.
[ No one has ever taken his love to greater extremes than I—except those who have given their lives for its sake. While I continue to live, I cannot offer as much proof of my heart's suffering as I could by dying. I am prepared for whatever love has in store for me, good or bad. But Fortune has not yet revealed what my fate is to be. When she does, she will find me waiting up, my gates unbarred, ready to do her bidding humbly.]
Jo desig ço que·m porà ser gran cost
i aquest esper de molts mals m’aconhorta.
A mi no plau ma vida ser estorta
d’un cas molt fer, qual prec Déu sia tost;
lladoncs les gents no·ls calrà donar fe
al que amor fora mi obrarà;
lo seu poder en acte·s mostrarà
e los meus dits ab los fets provaré.
[ The very thing I pray will happen could cost me dear, and yet this same hope consoles me in my great suffering. In that fearful event, with which I pray God will provide me soon, I do not want my life to be spared. When that hour comes, people will see the outer signs of love in me, and will not need to take my word alone. Love's potentiality will be revealed in act, and I shall have proved my words with deeds.]
Amor, de vós jo·n sent més que no·n sé,
de què la part pijor me’n romandrà,
e de vós sap lo qui sens vós està.
A joc de daus vos acompararé.
[ Love, if only I understood you as much as I feel you! As things are, I'll be left with only that part of you that's no good to anyone. Nobody can know you for what you are until he is free of you. What can I compare you with, except a game of dice?]
As you sigh you heard soft claps, you turned to the door and saw your grandmother. She smiled warmly at you.
“You did so great my darling!” the old woman smiled. “you have an amazing voice!”
“¡Iaia!” [ grandma!] You yelled excitedly as you ran to hug her. Her frail arms surrounded you in her warmness. You smiled as your nostrils smelled that familiar smell mixed with the smell of flowers.
“La meua xicoteta pit-roig…” [my little robin] She smiled, brushing your hair. “ Don’t worry, you and I will have a lot of fun on the town.”
“But…(s/n)….(he/she)..” You started tearing up as she wiped them away.
“shhh, (he/she) will come back after everything passed…” she cooed
“but, iaia…what’s going on?” you sniffled.
“(Y/n)” Your father breathed. He was hugging your mother waist tightly. You mother looked on the verge of tears, her arms holding your father weakly, you were sure if your father wasn’t holding her she would be on her knees. Your grandma let you go to hug her daughter, who softly started sobbing and whispering to her. Your father came to you and kneel, hugging you tightly. His uniform felt cool to the touch, his hair tickled your temple as he let out a restrained sob.
“Be careful…” He whispered. “We will come for you soon. Just…be careful…”
“I will, papi…” You sniffled as you hugged him tightly. “Just…promise me whatever is going on…you’ll come back home.” You voice broke slightly as you said the last words.
“I will…” he smiled sadly. “I promise.” You hugged him tightly. Your mother broke to tears as your sibling and grandmother held her.
All of you knew he may not be able to hold his promise at all.
Spain then was broken in two, the known as rebel zone and the republican zone. Families alike where separated by war.
 On Thursday July 23rd a National Defense Board, which would be set up the next day in Burgos. Their Decreet No. 1 established that it assumed "all the powers of the State" and that it would represent the country before foreign powers, although in the following weeks no country recognized it and continued to consider Spain's legitimate government the leftist republican José Giral. Franco was chosen as chief military commander at a meeting of ranking generals at Salamanca on 21 September, now called by the title Generalísimo. Two days after relieving the siege of Alcazáe, Franco proclaimed himself Caudillo ("chieftain", the Spanish equivalent of the Italian Duce and the German Führer -meaning: 'director') 
 On 1 October 1936, General Franco was confirmed head of state and armies in Burgos. 
They were aided by Portugal, the Nazi Germany and fascist Italy, the second made of Spain their laboratory for their  world war II weapons.
On July 27, 1936, the first Italian aircraft squadron sent by Benito Mussolini arrived in Spain.
[27/10/1936 | Euskadi, Spain. | Daytime]
“Kabenzotz!” He yelled as he held his red beanie tightly. He ran between the crowded streets. He bit his lip as he hided behind a group of nuns when he saw his father and his group exit a bar, the shotguns clearly shining on their backs. The nuns sensed his discomfort and stayed put until he saw his father turn the corner. He thanked them and keep running.
He was walking towards his hideout as he clutched a note tightly.
His teacher, Miss Echevarria who knew him since he was practically a toddler had pulled him aside. She knew his family, and she knew how lonely Jason was during the day. She told him she had an old friend whose sister was going to be isolated just like him, she told him they had sorted that both of them needed a friend…so why not them?
Jason sat on the dusty ground as he pulled the note open. It had a small note from his to be pen pal.
He pulled his old notebook and his pen as he read the small smuggled note.
Hello stranger, my sibling told me you were going to be my friend?
Well. This is kind of weird as I don’t know if this will arrive to you.
But my name is (y/n) (l/n) I live in Valencia. I’m 14 years old and I like (f/sport), reading and (f/h). I hope we become good friends! Ill be waiting your response giddy!
Que tinges un bon dia! [Hope you have a good day]
Jason smiled as he pulled the note on his pocket. He put his notebook on his lap as he started writing.
Kaixo! [hello!]
Its nice to meet you! I did receive the note yes! My teacher Miss Echevarria gave it to me!
My name is Jason, Jason Todd! I live in Vizcaya! But I want to see more than my small town! I like adventure, reading and poetry!
Um…could you tell me something about your town? I’ve heard the Mediterranean Sea is very blue and calm! And that you got some pretty flowers too!
I do hope we can become friends! You make me feel less alone!
Waiting eager for your answer!
Agur! zaindu! [Goodbye! Take care!]
The next day, Jason gave his note to a noticeably tired and paler Miss Echevarria, who smiled at him and saved his note on her bag.
Later that day, his note was send through the mail.
“Soon” both of them smiled.
Even if the country was breaking, their bond wouldn’t.
As love had just bloomed.
(So, what do you think?? Do you think i should write a part 2?)
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7pastmidnight · 7 years
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Past Curfew- Chapter 1
author: 7pastmidnight 
summary: senior in hs moving into a new town
genre: horror, thriller, mystery, romance, 18+
warning: smut in later chapters
note: this is my first long fic, so please don’t be too harsh in judgement! i will try to release one chapter a week~ all members will be present along with other JYP artists for added characters. there will be lots of texting dialog throughout the story so I used italics to symbolize it~  I tried to type this quickly so i apologize in advance for any grammatical errors.  I hope you all enjoy it^^
italics = texting
y/a/n your aunts name, 
y/a/l/n your aunts last name
y/u/n your uncles name
    Things have taken a turn for the worst. Everything happened so quickly. It’s been less than a month since your dad divorced your mom and kicked her out along with you. Despite feeling bad for your mom, knowing him, it’s not surprising that he would pull such a stunt. He gave both of you a week to pack everything and find a new place. Your mom decided to move in with her sister in Calistoga, a tiny place about 80 miles north out of your hometown, San Francisco. You have a lot of mixed emotions, you feel a small sense of relief for your mom, but you don’t want to leave your childhood friend Jeongyeon. You lived your whole life with her… you couldn’t imagine her out of the picture like that, especially since you both just started senior year. You send her a text. Everything is packed up, we’re about to drive up there now ☹  You are standing outside the house near your moms car. You look back and take in the thought that, this will probably be the last time you will ever be there. Your mom walks out of the front door with one large box in her hands. She crams the box in the back of her white hatchback without even taking one look back at the house. She says, “Come on honey get in the car.”
  You take one last good look at the house before you turn around and get in the passenger seat. Your mom turns on the ignition and starts driving down the long gravel driveway. You pull out your phone to look at Jeongyeons reply. Take me with you ☹
  My mom said she would take me to visit you sometime since its not that far away. Maybe when I visit I’ll hide in your house lol
  We could totally get away with it too! My mom would let you live here. What is even in Calistoga anyway? Sounds lame
Idk literally nothing. It’s way more rural than San Francisco that’s for sure
  Hey I gotta go I have to get ready for school. Good luck! Text me when you get to your aunts!!
   You look outside at the scenery passing by. You suddenly feel a rush of nostalgia, taking everything in like you’re seeing it for the last time. You can hear your mom softly crying to herself over the music coming from the radio. You know it’s hard on her but you’re not sure how to help so you just leave her be. It was only a little after 7 am, the sun is barely starting to rise. You end up falling asleep on the car ride over to your aunts.
    You wake up about an hour later as your mom pulls up to the front driveway of your aunts. You forgot how huge her rustic estate was. You can see your aunt sitting on a chair on her front patio with her yorkie sitting on her lap. Your mom parks right in front of the stairs leading up to the front porch and your aunt walks down to greet you.
   “Glad you guys made it away from that asshole.” She then turns to you and says, “Sorry you had to hear that hon.” You give a slight shrug and walk over to give her a hug. She hugs you tight and lets you go. Then she looks over to your mom and says, “come here you too.”
   As she lets her go and asks, “Have you all eaten yet? I made some breakfast for you and waffles. “Ooh I love waffles.”
   “Oh no sweetie I meant for us and the dog, waffles, that’s his name.” You look down at the little puffball sniffing at your feet. You let out a small chuckle, “that’s cute.” You look up at your mom and she’s hardly smiling. She looks so exhausted. You walk towards the trunk to start unpacking. “Hold on eat breakfast first while it’s still hot. Come on inside.”  Your mom takes the lead and walks in front of you up the stairs. You look around at the scenery and it’s just what you expected… there is absolutely nothing around you except for the two neighboring houses. You must admit though; the autumn scenery is refreshing compared to the city you were used to. You take out your phone to send pictures to Jeongyeon. As you are taking photos you see from a far a guy leaving one of the neighboring houses wearing a black baseball cap, carrying a backpack. You don’t really think much of it at the time and walk inside.
   You take a step inside and walk down the hallway that leads to the living room. She has some family photos on the wall including picture of her with your uncle. You walk into a wide-open living room with high ceilings. Everything looks so clean and untouched it almost makes you uncomfortable. You find your way to the kitchen where your mom and aunt are sitting down at the table drinking some coffee. You take a seat and help yourself to some eggs and turkey bacon on the table. Your aunt looks to you and says, “Once you’re done eating I’ll take you to the high school to get enrolled, let’s give your mom some time to rest.”
               “Okay, that sounds fine.”
“Are you excited to go to a new school?” Your aunt asked.
“Not really… I hope the school year will go by quickly.”
“Maybe you’ll see some cute boys at school… some better than your dad…”
“y/a/n…” your mom quietly snaps.
“Sorry, I’m just trying to give y/n something to look forward to.”
“How have you been holding up since…?” My mom quietly asked.
  “Since y/u/n died?” she chuckles a bit and says, “I’ll admit it’s been a little lonely, but I’ve been having fun spending his money!” What a typical thing for your aunt to say you think to yourself.
   “That’s how I got little waffles here! I named her after your uncle’s favorite food.” She pauses and says, “I’m actually really glad you’re here. It’s a big house, we need some people besides me waffles and Carol to fill it up.”
“I’m sorry who?”, your mom asks.
   OH I forgot to mention Carol? She’s my maid. She comes up during the weekend to clean the house. I don’t know if you can tell but it looks nice in here because of her. Although I mainly hired her so I could have someone to talk about local gossip with.”, your aunt chuckles.That explains why everything looks uncomfortably clean, you think to yourself.
  “Carol will normally stay here during the weekend. When she’s not cleaning she spends time hanging out at some of the local areas around here. She lives in the city, so I think she likes to get away from it sometimes. I let her stay in a room upstairs until she leaves on Monday mornings. Although I don’t think she’ll be happy to clean up after two more people.” Your aunt chuckles.
Your mom asks, “How long have you had a maid?”
    You quietly keep eating your breakfast as you’re ignoring your mom and aunts banter. You look at your phone to see that Jeongyeon replied. It looks like it sucks there. Miss you at school ☹  btw whos that guy in the pic? He looks kinda creepy How would you know who that guy was? You literally just got here. You assume a neighbor maybe? Still, you felt bad. You and Jeongyeon didn’t really have any other friends than each other, you feel like you practically left her there by herself. Not really knowing what to say you put your phone back in your pocket and stare down at the crumbs on the blue flower trimmed plate you just ate from. Your aunt snaps you out of your trance. “Are you ready hon?”
      “As ready as I’ll ever be.” You reply to Jeongyeon saying idfk who that guy is, he looks shady, but I think he’s my aunts neighbor. UGHHHH I’m about to go enroll into my new school. I haven’t even seen it yet but I already know I’m gonna hate it. But the truth is you are a little excited. You never really made friends at your old high school, maybe this time would be different. You say goodbye to your mom and follow your aunt down the hallway out the front door. The sun is fully out now blinding your tired eyes. You get in your aunt’s white suburban Cadillac. Your uncle must’ve had a lot saved up.
   You two drive down a long winding road before you hit the center of the town. You see a grocery store, a library, a park with a large beautiful fountain in the center. The school is far from your aunts, you’re used to school being in walking distance. At a stop light, you see a sign on a telephone pole “MISSING KIM WONPIL”. The guy looks like he’s about your age too. You sarcastically mumble to yourself, “Oh that’s a good sign. I can’t wait to live around here.”
    “Oh the kids around here can be a little crazy since there’s not a lot for them to do to keep them entertained. It’s probably just a prank since October is around the corner.”
“I can’t wait to meet them all…” you reply very sarcastically.
    You two pull up to the school, it’s kind of large considering this is a small town. You don’t see anyone wondering around the grassy and shady front courtyard. You take that as a sign of relief, that must mean class has started already… you weren’t ready to communicate with anyone just yet. Just as you were about to open the car door this loud black dodge charger quickly pulls up in the space next to you, forcing you to shut the door to avoid getting hit. “WHAT THE FUCK?” you think to yourself, you glare out your aunt’s window to give the driver a mean look, but you were taken aback. This handsome, well built, man with blonde slicked back hair and aviator shades gets out of the car and smirks at you. “UGHHH WHAT A JERK” you think to yourself, but then you hear your aunt say, “oh hi Jackson!” what the fuck?? Your aunt knows this guy?? “WHY?” you think to yourself.
   Jackson yells, “Hey Mrs. y/a/l/n I’m running late for class but I’ll talk to you later! Hope you’ve been well.” He runs into the front doors of the school. You get out of the car and look at your aunt with a puzzled look.
“How do you know that guy??? You ask.
  “Oh, when your uncle first died he helped me with lawn work before I hired help. He’s a good kid, just a little wild sometimes.”
    You couldn’t imagine a guy like that helping your aunt, but you shouldn’t judge a book by its cover.  You and your aunt make way up the stairs leading to the front entrance of the school. You walk in expecting for the entrance to be a little extravagant, but you were a little disappointed. This school just looked normal.  Navy colored lockers on both sides of the hallway. No students in the hallway, but there were some missing signs of that kid you saw plastered on the walls. They’re kind of taking it far if it really is a prank. The office was up on your left. Suddenly you felt nervous. You take a deep breath and follow your aunt inside.
    There was an older lady with short red hair wearing gold rimmed reading glasses, typing away eyes glued to a computer. Next to this lady was a young man, he was probably a student aid. You blankly stared at him while he was reading some paperwork. He was wearing a black and white stripped shirt, had slightly messy black hair and big ears. He looked up at you and gave you a gentle smile. Shocked, you turn around and observe the room pretending like you weren’t just staring. There’s hallway behind her desk. You guessed that down the hall were the offices of the principals or counselors. Your aunt walks up to the counter, and says “excuse me?”
   The woman looks up from the screen, “oh my goodness I’m so sorry! I didn’t even notice you walked in! You’re here to enroll y/n right?”
“Yes ma’am we are.” You aunt replied calmly.
   “Here, take a seat.” You take a seat in one of the two chairs facing the desk. You feel super nervous now. You really don’t want to be here.
   “I’m so sorry about that! Here if you could start filling out this paperwork Mrs. y/a/l/n.”
   You start to pull your phone out of your pocket to see if Jeongyeon has replied. You’re not entirely sure why you have to be here for this part.
    “y/n, would you like a tour around the school?” the woman behind the desk asked.
    Before you could answer she says, “Jinyoung, could you show y/n around the school?”
    “Sure…”, he says shyly. He stands up and says, “come on follow me.”, he says in a calm tone.
You get up and nervously glare at your aunt before you walk out into the hall.
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p101recaps · 7 years
Broduce 101: Episode 11 (Livestream Recap)
I removed the ‘quick’ in the recap title for the last episode because I saw a comment shading me for that since these are anything but quick lol
This post contains spoilers.
We start off with some old trainee videos from school performances and company auditions (hello lil Samuel!) then move into the first intro vids and interviews. 
This is where we cry about their hardships like Mnet isn’t making billions of won off their dreams and haven’t axed more than half of them on the way here.
Special shoutout to chubby cheeked baby Sewoon!
BoA starts us off with a prelude to the season finale. I’ll miss seeing her on a weekly basis and we’re told to vote for our favourite trainee before last week’s ranks
The live broadcast has the first ever Nayana stage set up too, its beautiful
Last season’s winners, the IOI girls are attending (for the reaction shots ofc) but they all look so pretty!! Look at my girl, solo artist Chungha.
Yes NAYANA LIVE LETS GET HYPE look at these cuties grinning away
Whoa its centre Daniel! He has his babiest baby smile on
Samuel has purple hair for the finale, its a better look than the blond
That hall is full kids. This season has raked in that cash. The CEO can probably buy a small country.
IT’S MY ELIMINATED BOYS! The stage is cramped af 
The group name is Wanna.One 
Cut to pre-recorded content for the stage prep, starting off with vocal check in for Super Hot. 
Seokhoon praises Hyungseob’s improvement, Daehwi’s consistency, Byeongari Seonho’s progress.
Centre battle time with the contenders all singing the ‘killing part’. Seonho is unexpectedly not bad, and he says grew taller as his vocal skills did too. Dead.
Sungwoon and Baekho are good, Daehwi takes the key down to hit the notes. Samuel is shaky but fine. Youngmin is also good, and Shin Yumi says he sounds like Jaehwan, prompting Jaehwan to emit a soulless, scornful HA HA before getting up to sing the other team’s song just to show him up
Sewoon is made to sing the line too and he makes up for the little crack in his voice with a funny hand dance
Hands On Me does their check in and then centre competition.
Ong-ssi’s voice wobbles and Jaehwan literally slits his throat because ‘killing part’. Daniel tickles his own chin lol 
Bae Jinyoung is the most surprising because of how clear he is
Jihoon is Centre Jihoon as always (Auntie Jisung is impressed)
Dance check in next! They’ve done their own choreos for the songs for this mission.
Super Hot goes first, and Kahi applauds their effort because its hard to devise formations and choreo 
They all perform the choreo as centre one by one. This looks exhausting, btw but they all do their own little bits to stand out
Hands On Me goes next and their choreo passes muster too.
Next they all try centre choreo. Honestly, all of them have distinct appeals, how do you even pick.
Kahi tells them that centre will be picked based on the vids that were uploaded recently, with every trainee in both groups performing as centre one by one 
They go to pick the centre in the same room that the coaches used for their level evals w/ Nayana performances
Super Hot team goes first, watching every vid. Youngmin’s voice cracks in his vid and Samuel’s eyes widen in response in the background lol
I just realised all of Nu’est but Minhyun is in this group. Baekho falls into a natural leader like role just because he seems to have a lot to say 
They then do an emotional verbal appeal for the centre position, all of them feel like they need it for this last leg of the journey, and then vote.
It comes down to Sungwoon and Samuel, and the live performance reveals who won
IT WAS HA SUNGWOON! Get it, boy!
The actual performance was fine, all of them dressed in red and white. This song is a bit iffy (seriously), but they all perform well. Megaton bomb is the obvious highlight. The choreo is enjoyable, very energetic and gimmicky, the kind that leaves plenty of room for the trainees to insert personal gestures
Lol Cube Chicks do another Troublemaker reference. Jonghyun and Sam do a bit of a dance in between
There’a a bit of choreo that looks vaguely like a Seventeen stage. It’s like a revolving door? I remember seeing it elsewhere. 
Very cute, all in all. The total effect is similar to Oh Little Girl from last mission
They have a lot of cuts to the eliminated kids as the coaches talk to BoA
Sung Hyunwoo’s there, his eyes are glazed over when the camera pans to him lol 
Kwon Hyunbin has dark hair again while Kim Sanggyun has his deep blond slicked back. 
Oh! Kim Taemin is in the stands! He’s lost so much weight!
First reveals are for trainees currently at 11-14. 
This anticipation is the pits. It just drags on and on endlessly. Kenta’s almost crying again
Sewoon, Jisung, Bae Jinyoung, Daehwi are potential trainees. 
I’m losing hope for Auntie.
And then cut to Hands on Me team in the viewing room for centre voting.
Yoon Jisung is jealous of Park Jihoon’s face and expressions lol 
Bae Jinyoung is at peak Sasuke Uchiha levels, coolly and sharply flipping his jacket around. 
Everyone is amazed at how handsome Ong is on screen while Jisung pulls out every bit of his trainee experience in his video. Ong says Jisung’s clever with expressions but expressed it weird lol
Cuts of them working hard and talking about the need to be centre before they vote. It’s down to Ong-ssi and Bae Jinyoung for centre. 
Live performance reveals it to be Bae Jinyoung!
The boys are dressed in sharp suits, which is how you know which one is the stacked team. They all look good, and scrounge up every bit of their charisma for the performance. This song is a lot more enjoyable, and has a choreo that’s more smooth rather than gimmicky, with a lot of jacket flapping. I can hear Minhyun, Ong and Jaehwan’s voices a lot although they all perform well.
There’s a bit of breakdown in between for the rappers’ benefit
Ong-ssi is wearing a pretty choker while Sewoon looks like a boy at his first prom. Bae Jin does the now patent Yoo Hwiseung lip swipe.
There’s a lot of loud yelling for Park Jihoon. It’s so distinct.
Cut to a large thank you letter the trainees wrote BoA. She’s moved by their sincerity and laughs at the cuteness. It’s really rather sweet, even if it is filler content. She was a phenomenal representative - I watched this season for her, and she was so much more invested in actual training than Jang Keonsuk. That guy annoyed me the most last season.
The trainees also send a video letters to their other coaches, thanking them for their help and for teaching them over the last few months.
Cut to the trainees recording with the composers of the token ballad song this season, called Always 
Check it out if you’re keen, it’s meant to be this season’s Downpour I reckon. The boys perform it under soft white and pink lighting. Minki looks like he’s crying at one point, so does Seonho. Sungwoon, Baekho and Jaehwan hard carry the vocals.
BoA closes live voting. 
That’s of the Seventeen members in the crowd! The leader kid! I might have to confirm this later.
Cut to pre-recorded footage of the trainees all gathering together to talk. 
Ahhh it’s product placement for Naver’s streaming service. They listen to their concept eval songs.
Then they talk about their first appearances on the show, and they play their P101 countdown intro videos to all their embarrassments. Guanlin sings All of Me loudly and increasingly out of tune while Sewoon dances Pick Me. Jaehwan dances Seventeen′s Boom Boom lol. 
...I don’t even know what Emperor Hwang is doing.
Then sad video messages to their families for the tears, with that mournful Nayana intro in the background. Then footage of their families watching the video letters and sending one back.
Yoon Jisung has his mum’s eyes, and Samuel has his mum’s mouth exactly. Youngmin looks startlingly like his dad.
My heart aches, ugh. Mnet, you bastards. 
I wish I could fly down to see my mum too :(
All the ugly tears. Seonho is bawling straight up. 
Haknyeon’s mum is there too! And Guanlin’s dad and sister! 
Aw, his sister knows Ong-slate and Yoonjhumma’s clapping. 
Back at live stage, popular model Kwon Hyunbin gets coerced into filling some air time by BoA, so does Kim Taemin, who had to leave because of his sudden illness. Lee Euiwoong gets some screentime to himself to thank everyone for their support and help.
Dorm footage from their last stay with the kids imitating Hyunbin singing Downpour lol
More of that Nayana piano instrumental as they reminisce about their last few weeks in the dorm with the other trainees. A neat little shot of the set with the chairs, then shots of them practicing. 
Back to live for final rankings.
My heart can’t take this. The eliminated kids are all praying too.
Seriously, how can they waste airtime like this.
Trainee at number 10 is C9 Bae Jinyoung. He looks pale and relieved, thanking his fans, parents, and the Mnet staff. 
Number 9 is Pledis Hwang Minhyun!! 
Pristin Nayoung is thrilled while the Pledis CEO looks unimpressed. Why do they even invite these old bastards. 
It takes Minhyun a bit to start speaking to thank people, his words less smooth than normal because of how overcome (lol) he is. His mum cries constantly, I hope he can buy her something nice soon! 
BoA’s making a lot of tiny mistakes off her script because of the live broadcast burden. It’s cute.
Weird clapping forever! Oh, his dad calls up his family to tell them the good news while the eliminated MMO trainees cry in relief. 
He says in his thank you that he really had given up hope, but he’s so appreciative of all the support he received. It’s so cute that all the trainees are so excited, clapping his weird clap and laughing at him. He starts ugly crying again when he sees his dad, and same tbh. 
Everyone loves him so much!! I love him too! My Auntie! He made it! Yoonjhumma! I’ll actually follow this Wanna.One mess because of you Auntie Jisung! 
CUBE Lai Guanlin makes the final group at number 7!
He and Seonho are going to be able to help Hyuna keep Cube from the shredder!
Sweet Byeongari Lai Guanlin first thanks people in Mandarin (a lot of shots of the Chinese Yuehua kids+Kenta), then in English (it’s so terrible but so cute), and then he thanks everyone in Korean. He keeps saying ‘jinjja’ a lot, and his accented slurring gets worse because of how excited and nervous he is. BoA prompts him to thank his dad, which he does in Mandarin. He also gets to do his awkward audition dance. 
Trainee number 6 is Brand New Music Park Woojin! Good on you my wolf boy! You deserve it!
He starts his thank you with a full waist bow, then thanks his voters, BNM family, Rhymer, the P101 PD-nim (the audience protests this - dead but same tbh) and staff, the teachers and his family. He apologizes for worrying people when he was sick - pls. Like people need to feel more entitled. 
Woojin and Guanlin give each other massive bear hugs when they meet at the chairs. 
Trainee number 5 is Fantagio Ong Sungwoo!!
He’s immediately smothered by hugs, his mum is sobbing and his CEO looks happy. Doyeon gets a solo shot as she claps too.
His voice wavers when he starts his thanks, to the staff, Fantagio people, his parents. He does his really, very hyperbole, dramatic and earnest and promises to work hard before ending it with a waist bow. BoA asks him what position he would like (besides the slate) and he says he’ll try to maintain team balance and spirit and then does his Get Ugly meme face. He’s so excited!!
Ah, with him and Yoonjhumma in, you know the group will do well in variety.
You can see the hope leave Daehwi and Sungwoon’s faces as resignation sinks in :((
Trainee number 4 is Kim Jaehwan!!
He gets body slammed by the trainees and his mum looks visibly relieved. Chaeyeon looks shocked as she claps in genuine appreciation, so clearly surprised that the camera pans to her twice.
Jaehwan mentions that he didn’t have much hope as an independent trainee and thanks his parents for supporting him as he rehearsed alone. He promises to be a hardworking vocal and thanks everyone for their support so he can improve.
At number 3 is Brand New Music Lee Daehwi! 
He instantly collapses in shock, his trainees crowd him. His mum begins to sob, so does Jeon Somi. He jumps up and waves at her as she cries in relief.
Obviously grateful, he thanks his BNM crew, the p101 staff, and the usual, as well as everyone who voted him in as Nayana centre to start with. His mum, who flew in from the USA, gets a personal thank you telling her to not worry and thanking her for his support. 
Sat in his chair, he cries a little. I’m so relieved for him too, he’s so incredibly well rounded and talented for a sixteen year old.
Spots for number 2 and the main centre number 1 are between MMO Kang Daniel and Maroo Park Jihoon.
We’re all surprised, I’m certain. I’m more shook by Nation’s Leader Angel Wartortle GodJonghyun not appearing so far. The vote reset must have shaken his ranking up. 
They walk to centre stage for the announcement, the two issue makers of the season. 
Dead at how SM bought NCT a promo ad slot during P101 airtime
The truly expected yet unknown battle of votes between these two leads brings us MMO Kang Daniel at number 1, with Maroo Park Jihoon behind him at 2.
Daniel takes a while to speak, his throat dry from nervousness, saying he was grateful to be able to be in the top 11, much less be centre . Yoonjhumma is rubbing his arms at the revelation, while Daniel’s mum cries. Little Lee Woojin gets a shot. Daniel can barely speak, satoori slipping out as BoA teases him for becoming GodDaniel. He says he loves his voters in satoori, and even BoA giggles.
Park Jihoon speaks next, poised and polished as ever as he rattles off his list of people to thank. He doesn’t mind losing the spot to Daniel at all, and rounds off by doing his adorable Shugo Chara aegyo with the crowd. 
Daniel does a few full waist bows standing at his number one crown chair before sinking into it, finally.
I suddenly remember the MMO kids sitting on the chair like it was the family couch first episode, just so they could know what it was like. It’s been a whirlwind journey.
Time for final spot number 11, between Baekho, Sungwoon, Sewoon and Jonghyun. 
Sungwoon has no expectations. Baekho isn’t sure what to think. Sewoon is nervous too (not as much as Gwanghyun in the crowds though). Jonghyun thanks everyone and anticipates the results.
BoA looks pained being made to draw this out too. 
Nation’s Leader Angel Wartortle GodJonghyun is 14. Resetting the votes and spooking Pledis voters with Minhyun’s rank probably unsettled him. What a shame, I’d have put my money on him as a sure debut bet what with the edits and his general manga boy personality.
Sungwoon looks like his soul has left his body.
Sexy Bandit Pledis Kang Dongho is number 13. What a shame. The crowd screams in support for him anyway.
Gwanghyun and Taehyun are both increasingly worried in their seats. 
How crazy would it be if it turns out to be Sewoon. It was the same for Yeonjung last season, and they’re both Starship vocal kids.
I cannot believe it but I’M SO HAPPY MY BOYS!! Taehyun is fully ugly sobbing in his seat, the trainees around him are trying to comfort him but he’s truly a softie, poor Scratching Ajhusshi.
Sungwoon thanks everyone after running to the stage in excitement, emotional and grateful for everyone who believed in him, and promising to work hard. 
Sewoon, who was close, gives a very well worded and neat speech at the end, put together even through his disappointment. I look forward to seeing him debut as an idol. He’s going to be great.
Kang Daniel leads the last greeting to the viewers and BoA bows out for the season finale.
Well. This has been emotionally draining and completely unexpected. I never thought I’d have so many of my faves in the final line up, I’m going to have to keep following this group even if they put out crap music because there are so many reliable singers too! They sure showed my pessimism, but I’m not complaining. 
For the final time, below is a comprehensive list of the final ranking for Produce 101 Season’s 2 group, Wanna.One:
Kang Daniel
Park Jihoon 
Lee Daehwi
Kim Jaehwan 
Ong Sungwoo 
Park Woojin
Lai Guan Lin 
Yoon Jisung
Hwang Minhyun 
Bae Jinyoung 
Ha Sungwoon 
It’s been wonderful on this blog with you guys! As always, please let me know you spot in any errors!
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bookish-wanderer · 7 years
Hello! Welcome to Life of A Simple Reader! Today I’ve got a book blitz for a YA Fantasy novel (umm, it’s actually a HUGE series) called Forsaken Prince and you’ll find some eye candy covers, excerpts and a $50 Amazon Giftcard Giveaway for the U.S. residents in this post so I hope you’ll enjoy! Btw, you could check the tour schedule HERE!!
Title: Forsaken Prince (Kilenya Chronicles #1)
Author: Andrea Pearson
Genre: YA Fantasy
Release Date: November 1st, 2017
  About the Book
Jacob refuses the role of Forsaken Prince. Until his father and little sister are kidnapped…
When an attractive girl tells Jacob he’s the Forsaken Prince and that an entirely different planet needs his help, he calls her crazy and sends her on her way. But then he discovers dead demons in his house, his mother beaten, and his father and sister kidnapped, and he’s forced to begin a dangerous journey.
Now Jacob must team up with Aloren to find a magical key and stage a rescue with a tight deadline, all while making decisions that affect not only himself but hundreds of thousands of his subjects in this new world. Can he figure out his new magical powers fast enough and will he and Aloren reach Jacob’s father and sister before time runs out?
Forsaken Prince, Kilenya Chronicles Book One is an edge-of-your-seat story of fantasy, adventure, and exciting twists and turns. Grab your copy now to begin the magical journey!
  Add it on Goodreads!
  Buy Forsaken Prince on Amazon!
  All books in the Kilenya Chronicles series: (Amazon)
Forsaken Prince (Kilenya Chronicles #1)
Ember Gods (Kilenya Chronicles #2)
August Fortress (Kilenya Chronicles #3)
 Rise of Keitus (Kilenya Chronicles #4)
Eyes of the Sun (Kilenya Chronicles #5)
Golden Symbol (Kilenya Chronicles #6)
  Remember the eye candy covers I promised in the beginning? Well, here you go:
#gallery-0-4 { margin: auto; } #gallery-0-4 .gallery-item { float: left; margin-top: 10px; text-align: center; width: 33%; } #gallery-0-4 img { border: 2px solid #cfcfcf; } #gallery-0-4 .gallery-caption { margin-left: 0; } /* see gallery_shortcode() in wp-includes/media.php */
Holy moly! A gorgeous PRINCE for each book?? YES, PLEASE!
  Forsaken Prince EXCERPT 1–Getting Home
The lights inside Jacob’s home were off. That wasn’t normal. Mom always kept lights on. She would rather pay an elevated electric bill than live in a dark house. Jacob flipped the switch. Nothing happened. He stepped inside, and something crunched under foot. He looked down. He’d stepped on broken glass. Jacob glanced around the room. All the bulbs had been shattered—the lamp near the front door, the overhead light, and the lamps on the shelves by the piano. Nothing else was broken. His heart did a little flip, and foreboding settled over him. What had happened? “Mom? Dad?” No answer. He stepped into the kitchen. Everything there was broken—not even the battery-operated clock on the wall was still ticking. Jacob’s breath caught when he spotted blood all along the edge of the counter. “Dad! Mom! Amberly!” In a rush, he searched the rest of the first floor, then bounded up the stairs. He didn’t get far before stumbling to a halt. A huge body was sprawled across the top of the staircase. Jacob gasped, stepping back involuntarily, and nearly fell down the stairs before catching himself. It wasn’t human. It couldn’t be. No human looked like that. He clung to the railing, staring at the dead beast. What the crap was it? The thing was huge. Humanoid, with stubby, muscular legs, massive arms, and four fingers on each hand. The wall all around it was splattered with blood and marred with spray from a shotgun. The creature wore dark leather pants. It wasn’t wearing a shirt, and Jacob nearly wretched as he stepped up the stairs and saw a huge gaping hole in the thing’s chest. More blood slicked down the stairs and pooled beneath the beast. The entire thing was covered everywhere with very short hair. Spikes jutted out from the lower jaw, coming to sharp points about two inches from the chin. The eyes had rolled back in the head, the lids open. Jacob stumbled up the stairs, trying not to touch the creature or its blood. Were there more of those things in the house? Was he in danger? And where were his parents? His breathing came in pants and gasps. His dad’s shotgun lay in the hall near the top of the stairs. Shells—some empty—were scattered across the floor. Jacob grabbed the gun and several of the shells, fumbling to load the weapon in case he needed to defend himself. Someone whimpered, and he rushed down the hallway. He passed another one of those beasts, this one missing a head. His stomach flipped. He refused to look at the gaping neck. “Hello?” he called out, clenching the shotgun. “Mom?” His parents’ room was empty. He barely glanced into his and Matt’s separate bedrooms before pausing in the doorway to Amberly’s. A familiar figure huddled on the other side of the princess bed, and he gasped. “Mom!” Jacob rushed to her side, dropping to his knees. He set down the gun and placed a hand on her shoulder. She jumped, shrinking against the wall, her hair falling over her face. “It’s me! It’s Jacob. Are you okay? What happened? What’s going on?” Mom slumped in relief and sobbed. “I’m so sorry.” He gently pushed her hair away from her face, then startled. She was covered in blood. Bruises were blossoming across her cheeks and neck. “What’s going on?” he repeated. “We tried . . . to protect you . . .” “Where are Amberly and Dad?” “They—they took them.” “They who?” Jacob asked. He pulled out his phone to call 911. “The Lorkon.” Mom’s eyes cleared as she concentrated on her son’s face. “They sent their servants. Your father and sister have been taken. You must go get them!”
  Forsaken Prince EXCERPT 2–Beasts in the Hole
Jacob was making his way over a very large section of dried mud when a cracking sound came from under him. He stopped and watched in dismay as a line shot across the surface, starting at his foot. He didn’t have time to react before the crust below him gave way. Jacob gasped, eyes widening as he clutched at the air, trying to find something, anything, to hold on to. He tipped backward and fell, the shell breaking as his body hit it. He was aware of Aloren’s scream, the bright sun in his eyes, and the scent of mud. Cold, damp air rushed past him, making a roar in his ears as he gained speed in his descent. With a thud, he landed on solid ground, and the wind whooshed out of his lungs. Everything threatened to go black. He forced his eyes open, and a dull ache built in his chest. “Jacob!” someone screamed. He tried to pull in the air he needed to breathe. It wouldn’t come, and panic washed over him. How far had he fallen? Everything was dark except for a small shaft of light that came in through the hole above him. His chest was on fire. The pressure built and built until finally, with a gasp, he drew in a ragged, painful breath. “I’m okay,” he called out weakly. Was he? Jacob tested all of his limbs—they each responded, and without pain. But when he tried to sit up, fire raced across his chest again. He must have broken a rib. Or several, judging by how painful it was to move. With difficulty, he rolled over and sat up, gasping for breath, working through the pain. His eyes widened when he saw a crumpled body near him. Aloren had fallen too—had her bubble broken when Jacob’s did? The hole above didn’t look that big. Her eyes were shut, her body unmoving. Jacob crawled to her, doing his best to ignore the agony ripping across his torso. Dark liquid dripped from a wound on her forehead, and judging by the awkward position of her body, she’d broken several bones. Was she even alive? Panic made Jacob’s hand shake as he checked for a pulse. He’d never been around a dead person before. “Please, please be alive,” he whispered. It took a moment to find the right spot in her neck, but he breathed a sigh of relief when he felt a faint heartbeat. Shuffling and grunting sounds reached Jacob’s ears. He looked around and felt his insides twist into knots. Several huge forms moved in the shadows, circling them just outside the ring of light. “Hello?” he yelled toward the hole above. “Is anyone there? We’re not alone down here.” The grunting grew louder, and Jacob stumbled to his feet, curling an arm around his side. He refused to face whatever was coming sitting down. He kept his eye on the closest form and blinked when a man’s hand became visible. What the . . .? The body it came from was definitely not human. The creature stepped forward, and Jacob gasped. It was a bear—or something very similar to one—with human hands and feet. Thick brown fur covered it snout to ankles, and the eyes, ears, and nose definitely belonged to a bear. It roared, and all similarities to a bear disappeared. The roar was like fingernails on a chalkboard times a thousand. The tongue was forked, and the teeth were green and long, like a saber-toothed tiger. The bear-like beast pounced, its movement eerily similar to a cat’s, and before Jacob could react, it had knocked him to the ground. He gasped through the pain, doing everything he could to keep those teeth away from his face. Adrenaline shot through his system, pushing the pain away and giving him more strength than he could have found without it. With a grunt, he rolled out from under the bear-thing, flinging it to the side away from Aloren. It was much lighter than a bear should have been. He growled when more of the creatures rushed him. He didn’t have time to concentrate, to think, to wonder how best to defend himself and the unconscious girl. Jacob practically danced around her, keeping the beasts back, throwing stones and pieces of broken shell at them and tossing the bears away when they got close. They formed a tight circle around him, coming closer and closer. Sweat trickled down his face and into his eyes, blurring his vision. A bear grabbed Jacob’s arm, yanking him away from Aloren just as one of them jumped on top of her, teeth flashing.
  About the Author
Andrea Pearson is an avid reader and outdoor enthusiast who plays several instruments, not including the banjo, and loves putting together musical arrangements. Her favorite sports are basketball and football, though several knee surgeries and incurably awful coordination prevent her from playing them.
Andrea graduated from Brigham Young University with a bachelor of science degree in Communications Disorders. She is the author of many full-length novels (the Kilenya Series and Mosaic Chronicles) and several novellas. Writing is the chocolate of her life – it is, in fact, the only thing she ever craves. Being with her family and close friends is where she’s happiest, and she loves thunderstorms, the ocean, hiking, public speaking, painting, and traveling.
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  Last but definitely not least…
There is a tour wide giveaway for the book blitz of Forsaken Prince. One winner will win a $50 Amazon Gift card. US Only.
  Enter here and good luck!!
  Thanks for reading & hope you have a great weekend!
  Until next time,
Jasmine 🙂
Book Blitz: Forsaken Prince (Kilenya Chronicles #1) by Andrea Pearson Hello! Welcome to Life of A Simple Reader! Today I've got a book blitz for a YA Fantasy novel (umm, it's actually a HUGE series) called…
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