#she stays winning
rachelfoleyisntdead · 5 months
reminder that only Alex Wesker succeeded. Other resident evil villains wish. they all failed, but she's built different. She's a goddess, she's immortal, she transcended, her story isn't over.
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glitchviper · 9 months
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(click for better quality)
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starkatzz · 8 months
Super smash bros peach>>>
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nerdlytreasure · 2 years
I need a special edition of acofaf that’s just Grabalba
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skyhawkstragedy · 2 years
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live footage of Taylor watching the house spiraling and targeting each other while her target gets smaller
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kankuroplease · 1 month
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He tried to kill her granddaddy, so what’s a few million Ryō?
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mostlykind · 2 years
somin’s vocals !!!!! literally insane
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yamchala · 1 year
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manlet x girlfailure (lovingly)
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bigfatbreak · 6 months
Hey I was wondering if you would do a post about how you make your feralnette au? I really like how you color it and was curious about your process.
Yes this is absolutely for plagiarism purposes /j
(I want to incorporate something similar on a smaller scale within my artwork, I don’t plan on posting anything but I can run the art past you if your worried about me actually stealing your style)
sure! as a note I'm not a pro or anything, this is just how I render my comic for ease of access
as a general note I draw everything in black and white first
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I use a LOT of texture heavy brushes for effects, and specifically because I render with gradient maps a lot. people ask me why I do AU's in different styles - usually anything outside of feralnette is done in color - but that's because the rendering process is different.
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for instance in the dad villain au, I do basic linework and chunky colors. if I was to do Feralnette in the same style, the gradient maps wouldn't nearly have the same effect, as you can see up there ^
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when a gradient map is applied I can fiddle with the color values to set a Tone for the update I'm going for, while also making it really pretty, bc textures can really bloom the subtle colors in a gradient map. I get a lot from the CSP page itself, but I also MAKE a lot too. this specific map I made by color picking off of a neuron map from a brain scan I thought was pretty~
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I don't do the feralnette AU in full color because generally, anything IN full color will have significance - either to show that a scene is important character development,
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is a flash back,
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or to put emphasis on something supernatural happening.
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with Feralnette, when something is colored purposefully, its to emphasize it, whether that be to highlight character moments, or to stress that something eldritched and unnatural could be occurring, as its colors that do not exist in the pre-existing gradient map. Color out of space, yknow?
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((SOMETIMES I put gradient maps on my colored chunky stuff, but once again, for the purpose of creating a tonal shift, like when papa Tom shows up in the dad villain AU!))
anyway I hope that helped!
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regina-del-cielo · 9 months
Maybe it's a 'study finds water is wet' type of thought, but
considering it's an action movie whose overall plot is "immortal warriors Fuck Shit Up™️", I think it's significant that in The Old Guard the thing that makes Copley pull red strings through his Murder Conspiracy Board and say "[Merrick] doesn't care what [Andy]'s done with [her immortality]" is the people they save, not the ones they kill
Most of the Conspiracy Board is him circling random newspaper headlines and faces on old photographs to (more or less realistically) follow the immortals' treck through the world and big historical events. Which is, in-canon, not much different than putting portraits from different centuries next to a picture of Keanu Reeves and saying "they look the same, clearly Reeves is an immortal!"
But then there are the connections. A little girl holding Joe's hand in WW1 becoming the youngest (and first) woman to be awarded a Nobel Prize for Medicine (suck it, Kozak). Or the grandchild of a family that Andy saved from [something] helping people escape from the Khmer Rouge genocide in Cambodia.
They are warriors. They have fought and been in the midst of countless wars, major or minor, throughout history. They must have killed as many people as they saved... and yet.
It's not them taking out a random warlord or dictator or rabidly hateful politician that has tangible repercussions in history. It's the children and families they get out of war zones, save from accidents, protect from natural disasters. People to whom they give a second chance at life, and grow to change the world (or even just their own world), like a mysterious stranger once changed theirs just by holding out a hand or patching a wound.
I don't know I just think it's particularly neat
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ahappydnp · 7 months
Can you help me understand who Charlie is? I just assumed she was a cool girl gamer, but I've seen things that suggest a history with Dan?
charlieissocoollike is one of the og brit youtubers! she started making videos in 2007 and was super popular, but then quit for a few years (her channel is still there but she did private all of her old video after she transitioned) and now mainly does twitch.
dan was OBSESSED with her and she was one of his youtube crushes
dan says she's his favorite youtuber (x)
in 2010 dan went up to her at a meet up and she didn't know who he was so he just awkwardly asked for a hug (x)
'i offered charlie a pez once' (x)
geek week 2013 where they were on the same team (x)
dan's now deleted shipping video (x) (deleted bc of alex) dan said he was so nervous to be around charlie his hair curled with sweat
charlie on dan's youtube crush list last year at his soho show (x) "i have been in love with her for 15 years, she knows this"
charlie also had a band called chameleon circuit which dan was a fan of (screenshot from the timeline of dan asking phil if he wants a cc badge)
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creaturecherry · 3 months
Okay, yes, Ennard.
But I love the idea of Elizabeth using Bon-Bon's arms for pigtails because she MUST be pretty AT ALL COSTS!!!!!!!
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anna-scribbles · 3 months
thirteen update 💕💍🍽️🩸
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chapter 5: february
“These things do not concern you,” Papa told him flatly. “I will run my household however I see fit. Your concerns are with your schoolwork and your modeling.” Blood pumped heavy and fast through Adrien’s heart. That wasn’t—fair. Concern was about all he was capable of these days. “And what about Maman?” Adrien asked, exhausted, reckless. “May I be concerned about Maman?” Something shifted on Papa’s face, all his emotions smothered in stone.
The best day of Adrien’s life was eight months and six days ago. No contest.
It was a crisp kind of cold that day, the Paris sky blooming a bright and brilliant blue overhead. The sun pierced right through the brisk February air, a shock of spearmint and adrenaline in his veins. He couldn’t stop widening his eyes, couldn’t stop smiling. The city was so alive. Strains of love songs poured out of open cafe doors and onto tourists, their hands full of red roses and lovers’ hands. The cobblestones sang with the patters of paired footsteps all down the street. It was the city of love always, but today especially. Today Adrien was made of the stuff, just bursting with it.
And, like every other day in the running for the best of his life, Marinette was there.
“You’d better not pull anything,” she warned, tightening her grip on his hand as they passed by a tourist couple looking very… engrossed with each other in the middle of the street. “And—and if you do, you have to tell me. Right now.”
Marinette’s brow was lightly furrowed, the bridge of her nose just barely scrunched up. Her hair was pulled half-back with a pink ribbon, matching the shade of the skirt she wore beneath her velvety black peacoat. Her Mary Janes clipped anxiously down the road and Adrien’s heart danced and swelled and spun in his chest.
“Pull something? Me?” Adrien stepped aside so their arms were outstretched, and then pulled at Marinette’s fingers, sending her tumbling back into his arms. She looked up at him, trying to frown, smiling. He grinned. “I would never.”
“I’m serious.” Marinette untangled herself from his arms and interlocked her fingers again with his. Her hand was the warmest thing in the world. She looked at him sternly, wagging a finger in his face. “I need to know so I can—prepare. Especially if it’s something crazy. No funny business.”
“Marinette,” he moaned, draping a wounded hand over his heart. One corner of his mouth quirked into a smile, eyes darting to meet her gaze. “You think I’m funny?”
She groaned. “I think you‘re—I think you’re ridiculous, and sappy, and romantic, and I think it’s Valentine’s Day in Paris”—this part she shouted, which drew a few stares—“and I think you’re about to take me on an insanely adorable date, and I think Alya took me to get my nails done last week—!”
“You’re so thoughtful,” Adrien remarked, swinging their hands back and forth. “And observant. What a beautiful mind you have, my lady.”
“You have to tell me,” Marinette insisted. She stopped them on the street and frowned at him, pink flushing the apples of her cheeks. “Is it—are you—?”
“Hm?” Adrien murmured, brushing a lock of hair behind her ear. Marinette’s cheeks went ablaze.
“I—you—you know what I mean!” she spluttered. “Are you gonna…you know!”
He tilted his head to the side. “Am I…?”
read on ao3
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autumnal-rains · 11 months
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Tell the Two Fingers, That Ranni the Witch cometh, to rend thy flesh
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deimcs · 10 months
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[PERSUASION] The lyrics are a trick. You've always had an audience - your followers. Get rid of them.
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the-sleepy-silurian · 5 months
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If Dark Disciple has a million haters im one of them. If it has a 1000 haters im still one of them. If it has 1 hater its me....
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