#yurgir bg3
deimcs · 10 months
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[PERSUASION] The lyrics are a trick. You've always had an audience - your followers. Get rid of them.
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mist1e · 1 month
Little Rabbit
Got all Yurgir's sweet-talk (almost all).
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milesplayshu · 9 months
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Do you think they explored eachother's bodies?
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laserlope · 1 month
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Yurgir jumpscare!
Some buds love him, so here he is.
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glittergoats · 9 months
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Yurgir has easily become one of my favorite NPCs in Baldur's Gate 3, he is just so funny
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alphagravy · 7 months
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wellthebardsdead · 1 month
I think-
I think Yurgir committed beastiality with Nessa the displacer beast.
I was wondering what the succubus spittle was doing on a random spider near where you confront Yurgir because I usually just kill him or convince him to kill himself. But this playthrough, I talked to him and her and went through every option and I realised. That spider is her food.
He’s drugging her food with aphrodisiacs and the way they refer to each other- I don’t think it’s in the affectionate way some pet owners refer to their animals. I think he’s doing a lot worse 😬
Which- I mean he’s a hell beast, I shouldn’t be surprised he’d do something like that but- poor nessa!!
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hopeforkitten · 6 months
What about Yurgir in our branch of infernal fans? I really like Yurgir.
He has a low pleasant voice and he calls us little rabbit. If he had called, I would have given him the crown of Karsus and gone on a date with him.
What about the dynamics of Yurgir and the warlock-Raphael's Tav?
I really want to see it.
Think about it, they can argue not only about the battle strategy, but also endlessly talk about their contracts, because opinions are polar different. One is forced to serve Raphael and the other enjoys it.
The level of cohesion of Tav and Yurgir on tasks where he would speak about us as kindly as about his panther from the kingdom of shadows?
"You're a worthy warrior, even if your head is bad."
How about sitting on Yurgir's non-prickly shoulder while you return from a mission? I agree. Tav's legs are small and he gets tired quickly.
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cloverthebarbearian · 4 months
Astarion: Hey, Yurgir? Why does Tav call you babygirl?
Yurgir: How about we stop talking for a little while.
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unreadpoppy · 4 months
Wash My Dreams Away - Chapter 6
Halsin x Gwen (Tav) / Raphael x Gwen (Tav) on the side
Read on AO3
Chapter 5
A/N: This chapter took me so long to make and it's so big but here it is. I’m probably going to be taking way longer now to update my on going fics because my university classes came back and so did my internship which means I’m either tired or stressed most of the time. Also, tw for suicide since Yurgir kills himself in this one.
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As Gwendolyn’s insomnia persisted - though now she was able to take a few, small naps -  the group decided to give attention to other matters, halting the search for the Thorm family mausoleum temporarily. 
In that time period, Halsin saw the state in which the fist, Art Cullagh was, and thought it possible that maybe he would know how to find Thaniel. After finding his lute in the House of Healing, Art woke up, explaining what had happened to him. With that information, the druid opened up a portal, rescuing the nature spirit. Now, it was only a matter of reuniting him with his other half. 
However, while on this mission, Gwen discovered the grim fate of Locke and Komira - Arabella’s parents. Though Withers had reassured that the young tiefling would be safe, now that she had the Weave with her, Gwendolyn couldn’t help but feel for her. 
“Someone so young shouldn’t have to go through such grief.” She had said to Halsin. Since he wasn’t getting close to solving her insomnia problem, he’d offered the next best thing: company. 
“Nature can be quite cruel.” He replied. “But it always balances itself in the end.” The druid looked at Gwen. “She may have lost her parents, but she has found great power within. Besides, Arabella still has the other tieflings to look out for her.” 
“I know but…I wish there was more that we could do for her.” She sighed. “That I could do for her.”
Halsin placed a hand on her shoulder. “You saved her life, Gwendolyn. And you brought her comfort and shelter when she most needed it.” He told her. 
Gwen looked forwards, watching the girl playing with Scratch and the owlbear cub, laughing around, a bit of her magic sparking. The tiefling nodded and then shook her head. “It’s amazing how always right you are.” She gave Halsin a smirk, the closest thing to a smile she had given to anyone in the past days. 
It may not have been much, but the old elf had to admit how much he had missed seeing her smile, even if it was this. He chuckled. “No one is ever always right. I just happen to be good at observation.” 
Gwen huffed, and shook her head. Her attention shifted towards his tent, and upon seeing the sleeping Thaniel, she sighed. “Have you figured out what’s wrong with him?”
Halsin nodded. “The shadows rended him in two when they bore him away to the Shadowfell. Half of his essence remained here, amidst the curse.” The druid proceeded to explain how the other half must have been corrupted from being in the shadow cursed land, that it might not recognize Thaniel or be reasoned with. 
Gwen nodded. “You have any ideas on how to find the missing part?”
“No matter how the shadows might have twisted it, it’s still a part of Thaniel’s essence. It will resemble him somehow, and may show part of his powers.” He proposed. “Look for signs of life in the darkness. Wildflowers, where everything else is dead.”
While he spoke, Gwen began thinking if she had seen anything like that before. The wildflowers part, especially, spoke to her. 
“I think…I think I know somewhere we could look first.” She said, cautiously. “My memory may be a bit foggy now but I remember collecting a night orchid - Shadowheart’s favorites - near this old house.”
Halsin nodded. “It could be a beginning. I’ll admit that, when we first entered the shadow cursed lands, I saw something of the sort. Fool that I am, I did not grasp their significance at the time.” He shook his head and continued. “There is a ruin, some way outside of Last Light. I caught a glimpse of fresh blooms there, but did not investigate further. I shall mark it on your map.” 
Gwen put her hands on her tights and pushed herself up. “I’ll go get to it.” She yawned, turning her back to him and walking away. 
Halsin quickly stood to his feet. “Gwen, wait.” He gently grabbed her wrist, turning her back to him. “This is not a burden you have to bear alone.” He said, looking into her eyes. “Every moment counts, and I’ve asked much of you already without being at your side.” 
Gwen raised a brow but let him continue. “If you want me, I’m yours. Against the curse, the Absolute - anything. Just say the word.” At that, the tiefling could feel the blood rushing to her cheeks. She took a deep breath as he said“I’ll be ready.” 
Looking at him, she could see the sincerity in his words. She had been for a long time for him to join them, not just because he would be a valuable asset, but so that Halsin would be around more often. In truth, she had become intrigued by him. Halsin had a heart as big as his stature but he was also fierce when needed. He was a good listener, wise and when around the druid, Gwen felt safe. In the past weeks, she had gotten closer to him, considering him a friend. 
‘I wonder if he feels the same.’ She thought. ‘If there could be more…’ A stray thought passed through her head, of them becoming more than friends, but she shook her head.
“I think you should come with us. I want you to come with us.” Gwendolyn finally spoke up. 
Halsin smiled. “Now our roots can deepen - together.” 
The tiefling ran off, gathering the others, and soon, they were in search of Thaniel’s missing half. 
Once Oliver and Thaniel were reunited, the fey arose from his slumber, putting the party back on their mission: if the shadow curse was to be lifted, Ketheric Thorm must die. 
The Thorm Mausoleum. After a day of search, the entrance was finally there. There was a mixture of feelings - relief that they were one step closer to their goal, and anxiety, for only the gods knew what awaited them. 
As they approached it, Raphael made his presence known.
“Our hero but thought a treasure ahead, Did not consider the peace of the dead.” He said, turning his attention to the party. “Through the dark she went creeping, And awoke what was sleeping. A new grave they dug, which she herself fed.”
For a brief second, Gwendolyn thought that her mind was imagining him, considering how deprived of sleep she had been, but after seeing the expressions on her friend’s faces, she knew he was real. 
Gwen sighed. “How long were you practicing that little recital?”
“Until it was perfect.” He said. “I’ve grown quite fond of you, you know, in my own way.” Gwen raised a brow at that. “I thought to give you a warning for the dangers ahead.” 
The devil proceeded to talk about a creature, one as infernal as he, that lay within the Mausoleum. With a little prodding, he revealed that this creature was an old enemy of his. The ‘devil incarnate’, as Raphael put it, was a strong and dangerous foe that should be put down quickly. 
“And don’t think I’ve forgotten about you, Astarion.” He turned his attention towards the vampire. “When the beast is dead, I’ll consider payment enough to translate those scars of yours.” 
“A fairer deal then I expected” The elf replied. 
“You wound me, spawn. I always deal fairly.” Raphael eyed Gwen up and down for a moment before continuing “And we’ll close this particular deal soon enough - vanquish the beast and all will be revealed.” 
At that last phrase, the devil looked straight at the tiefling, a smirk forming on his lips. She squinted her eyes at him, trying to understand if there was some underlying meaning behind those words, however, before she could think about it, he was gone. 
‘Of course there’s a temple of Shar here and of course it is full of traps.’ Gwendolyn thought to herself as Astarion finished disarming yet another trap. After the place was cleared, the party moved forward, Shadowheart quickly noticing the skeletons of several Dark Justiciars. 
They explored more, stopping when they found a displacer beast and a voice said “What’s this? Fresh entertainment?”
The group looked up and were met with the sight of a large and strong devil, one Gwen recognized as an orthon. This must be Raphael’s enemy. 
“But you’re too fresh for this place, aren’t you? There’s a whiff of the surface to you.” He took a great sniff. “And you - tiefling. You have more infernal blood than others of your species“ He said, looking at Gwen. “...There’s something else, almost hidden by your fear-stink…cherries, musk…sulphur.” The orthon paused for a moment, getting angry. “Raphael! I can smell him all over you. Where is he?!”
At that, Gwendolyn felt Halsin tense up behind her. She thought, for a moment, about her options. Raphael had warned them about how dangerous a direct confrontation with the devil could be, and she was too tired to fight. Considering how she had been able to evade a fight with the corrupted Thorm family before, she wondered if she could get the orthon to off himself as well. 
“Wait - you know Raphael?” She asked him, pretending not to know that they were acquaintances. 
“That perfumed trickster swindled me - trapped me.”
“You know, I’ve had dealings with the devil. Maybe we can help each other.” She offered. 
“Where is he? Spit it out - now.” 
“What are you doing?” Astarion whispered. “The devil told us to kill this thing, so let’s stop chatting and kill it.” 
She turned back to look at him, sending a message via the tadpoles. ‘Trust me.’ 
‘Oh, I’m sorry for questioning the decision making of our sleep deprived leader’ He responded back, sarcastically. 
Gwen rolled her eyes and turned her attention back to the orthon. “Let’s share our experiences about Raphael. Perhaps there’s something we can do to help each other.” 
“Bargaining, are you?” He scoffed. “There’s nothing you can do. It’s not just the wall that keep me here. Not the traps, the dark or the creatures it hides. Something stronger holds me here - a contract.” The devil explained.  “Either I fulfill it, die trying or forfeit my freedom. If I leave this place now, I’ll become Raphael’s slave.” 
Putting a hand on her hip, and trying to bring her most charming smirk, Gwen said, gesturing to herself “You are in luck. I happen to be an expert in such deals - and there is always a loophole.” 
“Raphael is no foolish story-devil. His mind is different. Sneaky. Listen…” The orthon began to sing, and Gwen had to cross her arms so as to not cover her ears. 
As she listened to the contract-song, she felt a chuckle of crackling fire in the back of her mind. Her patron, Skathís, enjoyed a cleverly constructed contract, it seemed. Especially the ones with a built in loophole. 
“Pay attention to the song’s last couplet.” She could hear him whispering in her ear. “The clause is near impossible to complete.”
“That’s it.” The orthon finished. 
“He’s the one who slaughtered the Dark Justiciars.” Shadowheart said. 
“We can kill now? Because if he doesn’t die, Raphael won’t say a damn thing about my scars!” Astarion complained, and Gwendolyn turned back to shush him. He huffed, crossing his arms. 
“Parchment can burn. Oral agreements aren’t worth the tongues they’re waggled out upon. A song lingers.” The orthon explained. “I did as instructed, but the song still rattles in my head - the contract still stands, somehow. If I break it, I’ll become Raphael’s slave - forever.”
‘Always deals fairly my arse.’ Gwen thought, remembering what he had said outside the mausoleum. Then, she once again felt Skathís presence. “Allow me to help, daughter.”
She nodded, feeling his diabolic words on her tongue when she spoke. “You always hear the song, orthon. Kill yourself, be reborn in the Hells, break the contract.” 
Gwen could feel her father’s grin. A job well done. As the orhon called Raphael a bastard, impaling himself on his sword, the tiefling put her hands on her hips, pleased with herself. The others looked at her, impressed. 
“Does…that count as killing him? That had better count.” Astarion said, smiling. 
“I told you to trust me.” She told him, and walked away. 
Back at camp, Raphael appeared, keeping his word. He told Astarion of the grim tale behind his scars, of the Ritual of Profane Ascension and the pale elf’s part in it. The vampire excused himself, needing a moment to think of it, leaving Gwendolyn and the devil alone. 
He turned his full attention towards her. “Don’t think I haven’t noticed you, dear Gwen.” He said, putting a finger on his chin. “Tell me, how well have you been sleeping? Not well, I take it.“ Raphael smirked. 
Her mouth opened, surprised. How did he know? “What do you mean?”
“My, have you taken a look in the mirror recently?” He replied, gesturing to her up and down. “It doesn’t take much to figure it out.” A glint in his eyes told her there was more to it than his keen observation skills, but she couldn’t figure out what. 
Gwen sighed, not having the patience for this. “If you’ve come only to insult me then-”
“Ah, I apologize if my words struck a nerve.” He bowed. “Regardless, I come with a gift.” Raphael moved his hand, a vial with a red liquid appeared in it, a small card tied at the top of it. “For your sleeping ailment.” 
She took it from him, analyzing the drink. Although Raphael had kept his end of the deal with Astarion, she felt that something was off. Gwen looked at him suspiciously. “You’re not trying to poison me, are you?”
��Your lack of sleep is making you say the most absurd accusations. If I were to want you dead, I would have done so long ago.” Raphael scoffed.
She raised a brow. “Then why help me?” 
“Why?” He asked, incredulous. “Because my compassion is boundless, my little butterfly. I stride amongst the needy, giving comfort where I can” He repeated the same words he once said in their first encounter. 
“Compassion is not something befitting of a devil.” 
Raphael smirked. “Ah, but it seems your patron thinks otherwise.” Gwen gulped.“You may try to hide it from your companions, but I know the secret of your heritage, warlock. That your patron, the cambion Skathís, is also your father.” 
He looked down at her. “You think I wouldn’t know how dearly he sang in your ear, showing you the loophole? How eager he was to help end my contract?” His face was contorted in anger. “Did you think I would take kindly to another fiend interfering in my business? After all, I said it was you who must kill the orthon.” 
She froze, not knowing what to do. She hadn’t done anything wrong - it wasn’t as if she could deny her patron’s wishes, but she couldn’t predict his next move.
She gulped. “I, uhm, apologize, then, if my patron’s help was so upsetting to you.” 
He raised a brow. “Hm…I shall not blame the daughter for the sins of her father.” Raphael took a step forward. “Regardless, I must be on my way.” He pointed towards the vial on her hands. “The gift still stands. Take it, and you shall have the sleep of the just.” A light engulfed Raphael and he was gone. 
Gwendolyn stood there, looking at the liquid. It wasn’t a good idea to drink something a devil offered. Afterall, he put a loophole in the orthon’s contract, only the gods knew what this potion could have. 
But, another part of her, the one that was desperate to sleep, wondered how bad could it be? Raphael had kept his end of Astarion’s deal, and truly, he hadn’t done actual harm to the party. Gwen tried to call on her patron’s wisdom but he was silent. 
‘Some sleep would be nice.’ She thought. ‘I need to rest, so I can get better and help the party more. Besides, how am I to face Ketheric when I haven't been in my best state possible?’ 
And so, after all had gone to their bedrolls, Gwen opened up the vial and drank everything, not taking a moment to read the card. In an instant, she was asleep. 
As morning came, and all woke up, Halsin was the first to notice that the pink tiefling had actually slept through the night. She was still in her bedroll, while the others were getting ready. 
He crouched down next to her, smiling and nudging her shoulder. “I see you finally got some rest. I hate to cut it short, but we must get on with the day.” 
Gwen showed no signs of waking up. Halsin frowned, gently shaking her shoulder now. “Come on, Gwen, you have to wake up.” 
Still nothing. “Gwendolyn.” He said, grabbing both of her shoulders, raising her slightly from the bedroll. Her head lolled back, eyes still closed. He put his head on her chest, listening to her heart beat. Still trying to be gentle, he shook her once. “Gwen, wake up!” 
“Halsin, what’s wrong?” Shadowheart said, frowning while getting close to him. The others soon turned their attention towards them. 
“It’s Gwen…she won’t wake up.” He said, worry in his voice. She kneeled next to the tiefling, placing a hand on her forehead. 
“Maybe we should throw a bucket of water on her - that’ll wake her up.” Astarion said, and Wyll smacked him on the back of his head. “What? I was just trying to help.” 
As the two healers continued to try and figure out what was wrong, Minthara pointed at something. “What’s that on her hand?”
Halsin took one of Gwen’s wrists and saw that her fist was enclosed on an empty, glass vial. He took it, and read the small card tied to it. 
‘Sweet dreams
- R.’ 
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anreed-bg3 · 2 months
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littlemourningstarr · 5 months
If Yurgir calls me little rabbit one more time I'm just gonna 💦💦💦
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junorsky · 5 months
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yes I was sober when I made this
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janearts · 7 months
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Roisia in her original Divinity: Original Sin build was a witch and witchcraft spells are a combination of D&D's Necromancy + Enchantment schools. I replicated that in-game and had a think about the… complications that might arise when Astarion realises that this unassuming woman has also been a bit of a deft hand at persuading, deceiving, and manipulating her targets too.
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taygra5shaon · 28 days
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Persuasion 20✨
just found weirdly funny to be able to make those guys kill themselves just with with your words...
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maturiin · 10 months
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my favorite bg3 npcs
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