#she they xe dulcigender
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She/They/Xe gender flags!
bigender - agender - genderfluid cassgender - maverique - neutrois gendervoid - feminenby - dulcigender
pls credit me if you use- thnx!
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mogai-headcanons · 2 years
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John Egbert from Homestuck is an autistic bi demiromantic acespec omnisexual nerdimasc spectrial genderwind nimbgender googender slasheric sillygestic gendersilly sillyghostgender horrorgender breathaspic magiboy with ADHD, PTSD, and BFRBs who uses he/him, breath/breaths, wind/winds, goo/gooes, gho/ghost, 👻/👻s, ☁️/☁️s, 💨/💨s, and 💙/💙s pronous and is dating Dave, Roxy, Dirk, Karkat, Eridan, and Hal, and June Egbert is an autistic futch intersex transfeminine nerdimasc sillygestic breathaspic ghostgender loserboygender nimbgender googender screamspinnic roachgender demisexual acespec omni lesbian with PTSD, OCD, and ADHD who uses she/her, xe/xem, gore/gores, slash/slashes, gho/ghosts, wind/windys, 👻/👻s, and ☁️/☁️s pronouns and is dating Nepeta, Rose, Dave, Terezi, and Roxy!
Rose Lalonde is an autistic pixelnonbinary blackcatgender grimgender escriricesse gamergender eldrifigender uzumakic lightaspic malefic finalgirlic eldritchicesse paneldritchnes horrorhypic horrorcosmium nerdgender geekgender sapphilunic tessefem nepresiyn lesbian with PTSD and motor tics who uses she/her, they/them, it/its, wiz/wizard, grim/grims, 🥀/🥀s, 🌙/🌙s, 🔮/🔮s, and 💜/💜s pronouns and is dating June, Jade, Jane, and Kanaya, and Dave Strider is a bi turian crowgneder timeaspic ontfille loserboygender boyfuck jockaesic trans boy with PTSD, tics, anxiety, dream anxiety, depression, and BPD who uses he/him and tick/tocks pronouns and is dating John, June, Jake, Sollux, Karkat, Equius, and Eridan!
Jade Harley is an autistic femme greysexual demisexual lesbian pupgender plantgender transfeminine spaceaspic techgender genderspace grandmacoric girlfuck aetherebris wildgender objectfeminine stellamouric beyondix nepresiyn trans girl with ADHD, BPD, narcolepsy, depression, and MADD who uses she/her, pup/pups, woof/woofs, click/clicks, glitch/glitches, 404/404s, flor/flors, 🎃/🎃s, 🌱/🌱s, 🌿/🌿s, 🌼/🌼s, 💾/💾s, 📺/📺s, 🔭/🔭s, 🧬/🧬s, 🧪/🧪s, and 💚/💚s pronouns and is dating Rose and Nepeta, and Jane Crocker is a genderqueer dulcigender cakegender lifeaspic lesbian who uses she/her and any sweet-related pronouns and is dating Rose, Roxy, Jasprosesprite, and Calliope!
Roxy Lalonde is an autistic PNC panromantic greysexual bellussexual intersex nonbinary trickstermodic xenogender transfeminine catgender ultrapinkgender catgirlgender compugothic queerlexic hearteyen voidaspic meanboybubblic girlfuck nyancatic phostechial heartpunk queerpunk xXRawrRa1nb0wXx flippinknostalgic clearpinknostalgic instancespotlinic techgender aurorian calypsian lunarian spacialian cometian phoebian lunettian venusian xenogirl with ADHD, depression, high empathy, and hypersexuality who uses she/her, he/him, they/them, fae/faer, nya/nyas, 💖/💖s, 👾/👾s, 🍬/🍬s, and 🍭/🍭s pronouns and is dating John, June, Jane, Calliope, and Nepeta!
Dirk Strider is an autistic gay alderpridian robogender silencegender heartaspic narcgender biohazarlexic grandelusogender boyfuck trans boy with PTSD, BPD, NPD, SPD, StPD, psychosis, dermatillomania, anxiety, and depression who uses he/him, it/its, bot/bots, byte/bytes, and 🤖/🤖s pronouns and is dating John, Jane, Equius, Eridan, Karkat, and Caliborn, and Jake English is an autistic gay greyromantic transfeminine venturegender genderskull genderqueer hopeaspic mascprox demiboy with NPD, psychosis, and depression, who uses he/him pronouns and is dating Dave, Dirk, Hal, and Karkat!
Calliope is an autistic lesbian asexual spaceaspic eldrifigender deitygender volightfluid praegender apogender libragirl beyondix nepresiyn deifigirl with PTSD and BPD who uses they/them, it/its, ae/aer, and ue/uer pronouns and is dating Roxy and Jane; Caliborn is an autistic apogender praegender ultragender deitygender narcgender transmasculine timeaspic autigender asexual gay guy with psychosis and NPD who uses he/him, it/its, and ue/ues pronouns and is dating Dirk; and Hal Strider is a nonhuman gay shadowturian alderinternet robogender trans heartaspic narcgender cuavgender digiboy with BPD, ASPD, and NPD who uses it/its and byte/bytes pronouns and is dating John, Jake, and Equius!
Aradia Megido is a frogkin autistic biromantic asexual ghostcoric genderdead vulcuric phosghostlial polaroidghostic crypthauntic genderclock fossiligender autigender dentegender haldon bonegender timeaspic agender mortugender froggender nepresiyn demigirl who uses she/her, they/them, it/its, bone/bones, skull/skulls, and ram/rams pronouns and is dating Sollux and Eridan, and Tavros Nitram is a disabled neurodivergent butch gay aroaceflux intersex genderpunk transmasculine breathaspic scrappunkic genderjunk punxgender anapunqueeric birl with PTSD, AvPD, and anxiety who uses he/him and xe/xem pronouns!
Sollux Captor is a bisexual glitchgender techgender hazardgender phostechial phosglitchial interkeyboardic doomaspic trans guy with bipolar disorder, BPD, depression, AVPD, PPD, PTSD, and psychosis who uses he/him, it/its, psi/psis, bot/bots, buzz/buzzes, 🐝/🐝s, 🍯/🍯s, 🕹/🕹s, 💊/💊s, 🔴🔵/🔴🔵s, and ⚪️⚫️/⚪️⚫️s pronouns and is dating Dave, Eridan, Aradia, and karkat, and Karkat Vantas is a queer omni/bi turian bloodaspic fogboy with anxiety and PTSD who is dating John, Dave, Sollux, Dirk, Jake, and Eridan!
Nepeta Leijon is an autistic aldervulpus alderfelidae transfeminine nonbinary genderqueer xenogender heartaspic hearteyen xXRawrRa1nb0wXx nyancatic tacnaynic cutiefleshic girlfuck jockaesic chaospunkgirlic coragigglic lovelettric pinkiegutgorgender neoncoric bloodgender goreaesic nimbgender catgender vulpisgender lovecoric cupishipgender crushgender catgirlgender foxtheric genderfox vixengender fuchsgender cometian horrorgender bimoirallegic lesbian who uses she/her, fae/faer, sie/hir, fox/foxes, they/them, he/him, nya/nyas, purr/purrs, blood/bloods, claw/claws, love/loves, :3/:3s, 🦊/🦊s, 🐱/🐱s, 💚/💚s, ♥️/♥️, ♦️/♦️s, ♠️/♠️s, and ♣️/♣️s pronouns, is dating June, Jade, Roxy, Terezi, Feferi, and Eridan, and is moirails with Equius!
Kanaya Maryam is a transfeminine spaceaspic lipstickgender vampgender lesbian who uses she/her and vamp/vamps pronouns and is dating Rose and Vriska, and Terezi Pyrope is an autistic disabled blind asexual lesbian transmasculine agender nonbinary genderqueer xenogender dragongender scenix scemox nyancatic mallgothix mindaspic toxigender deathwaltzica toxinull œilsanguine neoncoric leetgender phosneonial phoscrimsial phoshazarial glitchcoric hypergender speedcorigender nightcoregender nightcorixen lesboy with ADHD, tics, and depression who uses he/him, they/them, it/its, she/her, xe/xem, ze/zem, 💥/💥s, 🌈/🌈s, and ❤️/❤️s pronouns and is dating June, Nepeta, and Vriska!
Vriska Serket is a vidarian lesbian greysexual lightaspic farleogender spidergender dicegender dundrassic dodecadicegender gelidagender trans girl with PTSD who uses she/her pronouns and is dating Kanaya and Terezi, and Equius Zahhak is an autistic demiromantic pan turian intersex transfeminine stalgiagender equusagender voidaspic robotgender loserboygender demiboy with BPD, anxiety, DPD, hypersexuality, OCD, and motor tics who uses he/him, she/her, bot/bots, neigh/neighs, strong/strongs, 🐴/🐴s, 🤖/🤖s, 🔩/🔩s, and 🥛/🥛s pronouns, is dating Dirk, Hal, Dave, Tavros, Eridan, and Feferi ,and is moirails with Nepeta!
Gamzee Makara is an aspec gai singularian nonbinary agender sodagender clowngender hazardgender honkgender cringegender clowncoric magikavine rageaspic jestergender xenoboy with psychosis, schizophrenia, OSDD, and bipolar disorder who uses it/its, they/them, and honk/honks pronouns, and Eridan Ampora is an autistic flamboric omnipan omnisexual intersex transfeminine transneufeminine genderfluid azurgirl pangender rosboy princegender scudcoric eldrifigender genderfin homestuglystorica gillgender wizardic prinxgender aurorian prettygender girlboy with BPD, NPD, SPD, PTSD, depression and BFRBs who uses all pronouns, especially ocean-related ones, and is dating John, Dave, Dirk, Karkat, Nepeta, Equius, and Feferi!
Feferi Peixes is a pansexual girlflux eldritchicesse gillgender euclimeatin genderfin eldrifigender horrorcosmium frigender femingender fishcesse phemiegender frühlingssonnegirl girl who uses she/her, fae/faer, and glub/glubs pronouns and is dating Nepeta, Equius, and Eridan; Damara Megido is a panromantic fraysexual timeaspic traumacoric hedonigender trans woman with PTSD and hypersexuality who uses she/her pronouns and is dating Meulin, Kankri, and Cronus; and Rufioh Nitram is an autistic disabled greyromantic bi gay genderbruised mutagender anarchogender popunke genderpunk trans man with anxiety, PTSD, and AvPD who uses he/him and wing/wings pronouns and is dating Kankri and Cronus!
Mituna Captor is an autistic disabled pansexual omnisexual polargender deathgender ticgender edmgender electrogender skategender popunke doomaspic nonbinary guy with tics, ADHD, PTSD, and bipolar disorder who uses he/him, it/its, tic/tics, and h3/h1m pronouns and is dating Latula, and Kankri Vantas is autistic demiromantic nebularomantic bisexual omnisexual alloarospec bloodaspic tragigender nepresiyn guy with BPD, anxiety, OCD, NPD, motor tics, dermatillomania, and hypersexuality who uses he/him pronouns and is dating Damara, Rufioh, Latula, and Cronus!
Meulin Leijon is a deaf disabled autistic mewgender catgender comedigender tragigender genderplot heartaspic cupidcoric hearteyen loveflux lovegender ultrapinkgender lovecoric crushgender idyllean genderlovesick nyancatic tacnaynic pupcrushic followgender transfeminine demisexual bi lesbian with ADHD, DPD, and tics who uses she/her, mew/mews, nya/nyas, purr/purrs, love/loves, heart/hearts, 💚/💚s, 💖/💖s, 💗/💗s, and 💘/💘s pronouns, is dating Damara, and is in a soft-romo relationship with Cronus, and Porrim Maryam is an ascendplatonic queerplatonic omniromantic pansexual shadowlesbian omniflux spaceaspic ascendgender trans woman with OCD who uses she/her, 💚/💚s, 🖤/🖤s, and ♀/♀s pronouns and is dating Latula and Cronus!
Latula Pyrope is an omnisexual scenix mindaspic nightcoregender nyancatic nightcorifem xXRawrRa1nb0wXx 80scoric skatergender arcadean cuavgender transfeminine xenogirl with ADHD, OSDD and OCD who uses she/her, xe/xem, rad/rads, sh3/h3r, x3/x3m, 1337/13375, leet/leets, and 🕹/🕹s pronouns and is dating Mituna, Kankri, and Porrim, and Aranea Serket is an autistic femme lesbian transfeminine angelgender sapphilunic mingender maingender lightaspic lesboy with NPD and psychosis who uses she/her, he/him, and light/lights pronouns and is dating Meenah and Porrim!
Horuss Zahhak is an autistic otherkin gay orchidromantic asexual cupiosexual tranmasculine cuavgender equusagender voidaspic autigender demibxy with BPD, DPD, social anxiety and low empathy who uses he/him pronouns, and Kurloz Makara is a greyromantic polysexual bi turian alloaro genderqueer goreaesic kenochoric magikavine emox demivoid psuedoman dollgender meatboy meatesque rageaspic nepresiyn mxn with NPD and psychosis who uses it/its, they/them, he/him, honk/honks, and 💀/💀s pronouns or no pronouns!
Cronus Ampora is an autistic zeloromantic pansexual transmasculine citycoric citysetstalgiaesic urbanox fallangelcoric hypersgender jockaesic 50scoric greasercoric greasergender genderhuman hopeaspic grandelusogender demicaedgender boy with hypersexuality, NPD, psychosis, anxiety, BPD, depression, HPD, and PTSD who uses he/him pronouns, is dating Damara, Rufioh, Kankri, Porrim, and is in a soft-romo relationship with Meulin, and Meenah Peixes is a butch lesbian queengender lifeaspic ascendgender gillgender genderfin qupha demilesboy with psychosis and NPD who uses she/her, he/him, it/its, they/them, glub/glubs, hic/hics, gold/golds, and 👑/👑s pronouns and is matesprits with Aranea!
The Handmaid is an orchidaroace dreadsexual byumasexual glitchgender cuavgender mulium traumatagender reprigender decredogender caedgirl psuedowoman with PTSD and tics who uses shx/hxr and it/its pronouns; The Summoner is a transhet bisexual faunagender genderpunk trans man who uses he/him pronouns; and The Psiioniic is a glitchgender ticgender postgender genderbruised denchigender pesmentropian agender turian with PTSD, tics, bipolar disorder, and chronic pain who uses he/him pronouns!
The Signless is an omniromantic cassexual orchidsexual man with PTSD and hallucinations who uses he/him pronouns and is in a relationship with The Disciple, an autistic omniromantic asexual catgender masogender trans woman with PTSD, dream anxiety, BPD, and hallucinations who uses she/her and claw/claws pronouns; and The Dolorosa is a femtraet trans ascendplatonic dolorromantic lesbian with chronic pain and PTSD who is dating the Her Imperious Condescension and Marquise Spinneret Mindfang!
Neophyte Redglare is a dragongender agender genderqueer femprox lesbian with BPD who uses he/him, she/her, they/them, it/its, glare/glares, drak/draks, law/laws, and neon/neons pronouns and is in a relationship with Marquise Spinneret Mindfang, a womasexual piratecoric seagender hadogender farleogender trans woman who uses she/her, vae/vaer, and sea/seas pronouns; Executor Darkleer is a bimoirallegic aromantic turian voidgender agender man with BPD, DPD, UDD, anxiety, PTSD, and dream anxiety who uses he/him, it/its, and h3/h1m pronouns; and The Grand Highblood is a bloodaesic goreaesic paintgender rainbowgender abinary alloaro pan turian with psychosis and OCD who uses he/him, it/its, honk/honks, blood/bloods, gore/gores, and skull/skulls pronouns!
Orphaner Dualscar is a greyromantic pansexual orchidspec complaisgender greasergender tiredgender man with PTSD and chronic pain who uses he/him pronouns; Her Imperious Condescension is a royalgender queengender ultragender ultrapinkgender flippinknostalgic lesbian who uses she/her and HIC/HICS pronouns and is in a relationship with the Dolorosa; Davepetasprite is an autistic aroace bigender abinary catgender crowgender glitchgender genderfluix lesboy turigirl sprite with tics who uses they/them, xe/xem, nya/nyas, caw/caws, gli/glitch, 💚/💚s, and 🧡/🧡s pronouns; and Tavrissprite is an apothiaroace traumatagender bigender sprite with a panic disorder and OSDD who uses it/its pronouns only!
Erisolsprite is a transmasculine depriflux agender postgender omni turian with depression, bipolar disorder, and chronic pain who uses it/its, vor/vors, doom/dooms and he/him pronouns; ARquiusprite is an autistic turian angled aroace healegender happysunshineic demiboy with tics who uses he/him and it/its pronouns; and Fefetasprite is a nonverbal autistic transfeminine bigender pinkgender clearpinknostalgic catgender genderfin gillgender tortbenic princessgenderflux lesbian with anxiety and ADHD who uses she/her, nya/nyas, glub/glubs, pink/pinks, and any pink emojipronouns!
Jasprosesprite is a hyperverbal autistic catgender nyagender lovegender hearteyen hypergender nyancatic ultrapinkgender pinkgender lesbian with BPD, ADHD, hypersexuality, and tics who is dating Jane; Davesprite is a bi-oriented aroace crowgender heroian sprite with depression and OSDD who uses he/him and caw/caws pronouns; Jadesprite is an unlabeled exiccogender gendersad agender girl with depression, DID, and anxiety who uses it/its pronouns; and Gcatavrosprite is an autistic gay catgender boy who has PTSD, and uses he/him pronouns!
dni transcript here
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mogai-headcanons · 2 years
Sorry for the submission– it wouldnt fit in an ask!
can i ask that for “trans girl” and “trans boy” etc, you just use the general trans flag instead of the all pink/all blue ones? and for terms like “bi lesbian” and “pan gay” can you use the individual label flags and the flag for the overall term? thank you!
John Egbert from Homestuck is an autistic transmasc bi demiromantic acespec omnisexual nerdimasc spectrial genderwind nimbgender googender slasheric sillygeistic gendersilly sillyghostgender horrorgender breathaspic magiboy with ADHD, PTSD, and BFRBs that uses he/him, breath/breaths, wind/winds, goo/gooes, gho/ghost, 👻/👻s, ☁️/☁️s, 💨/💨s, and 💙/💙s pronouns, is dating Dave, Roxy, Dirk, Karkat, Eridan, and Hal! June Egbert, is an autistic transfem futch intersex demisexual acespec nerdimasc sillygeistic breathaspic ghostgender loserboygender breathaspic nimbgender googender screamspinnic roachgender omni lesbian who has PTSD, OCD, and ADHD, and uses she/her, xe/xem, gore/gores, slash/slashes, gho/ghosts, wind/windys, 👻/👻s, and ☁️/☁️s pronouns! Gore is dating Nepeta, Rose, Dave, Terezi and Roxy! Rose Lalonde is an autistic pixelnonbinary blackcatgender grimgender escriricesse gamergender eldrifigender uzumakic lightaspic malefic finalgirlic eldritchicesse paneldritchnes horrorhypic horrorcosmium nerdgender geekgender sapphilunic tessefem lesbian with PTSD and motor tics that uses she/her, they/them, it/its, wiz/wizard, grim/grims, 🥀/🥀s, 🌙/🌙s, 🔮/🔮s, and 💜/💜s pronouns, and is dating June, Jade, Jane, and Kanaya! Dave Strider is a bi turian crowgender timeaspic ontfille loserboygender boyfuck jockaesic trans boy with PTSD, tics, anxiety, dream anxiety, depression, and BPD that uses he/him and tick/tocks pronouns, and is dating John, June, Jake, Sollux, Karkat, Equius, and Eridan! Jade Harley is an autistic femme graysexual demisexual pupgender plantgender transfeminine spaceaspic techgender genderspace grandmacoric girlfuck aetherebris wildgender objectfeminine lesbian trans girl with ADHD, BPD, narcolepsy, depression, and MADD who uses she/her, pup/pups, woof/woofs, click/clicks, glitch/glitches, 404/404s, flor/flors, 🎃/🎃s, 🌱/🌱s, 🌿/🌿s, 🌼/🌼s, 💾/💾s, 📺/📺s, 🔭/🔭s, 🧬/🧬s, 🧪/🧪s, and 💚/💚s pronouns, and is dating Rose and Nepeta! Jane Crocker is a genderqueer dulcigender cakegender lifeaspic lesbian who uses she/her, and any sweet related pronouns and is dating Rose, Roxy, Jasprosesprite, and Calliope! Roxy Lalonde is an autistic PNC intersex panromantic greysexual bellussexual nonbinary trickstermodic xenogender transfeminine catgender ultrapinkgender catgirlgender compugothic queerlexic hearteyen voidaspic meanboybubblic girlfuck nyancatic phostechial heartpunk queerpunk xXRawrRa1nb0wXx flippinknostalgic clearpinknostalgic instancespotlinic techgender aurorian calypsian lunarian spacialian cometian phoebian lunettian venusian xenogirl with ADHD, depression, high empathy, and hypersexuality who uses she/her, he/him, they/them, fae/faer, nya/nyas, 💖/💖s, 👾/👾s, 🍬/🍬s, and 🍭/🍭s pronouns, and is dating John, June, Jane, Calliope, and Nepeta! Dirk Strider is an autistic gay robogender silencegender heartaspic narcgender biohazarlexic grandelusogender boyfuck alderpridian trans boy with PTSD, BPD, NPD, SPD, StPD, psychosis, dermatillomania, anxiety, and depression who uses he/him, it/its, bot/bots, byte/bytes, 🤖/🤖s pronouns, and is dating John, Jake, Equius, Eridan, Karkat, and Caliborn! Jake English is an autistic transfem greyromantic gay arogender venturegender genderskull genderqueer hopeaspic mascprox demiboy with NPD, psychosis and depression who uses he/him pronouns, and is dating Dave, Dirk, Hal and Karkat! Calliope is an autistic lesbian asexual spaceaspic eldrifigender deitygender volightfluid praegender apogender libragirl deifigirl with PTSD and BPD who uses they/them, it/its, ae/aer, and ue/uer pronouns and is dating Roxy and Jane! Caliborn is an autistic apogender praegender ultragender deitygender narcgender transmasculine timeaspic autigender asexual gay guy with psychosis and NPD who uses he/him, it/its, and ue/ues pronouns and is dating Dirk! Hal Strider is an gay robotgender shadowturian trans nonhuman heartaspic narcgender alderinternet cuavgender digiboy with BPD, ASPD, and NPD who uses it/its and byte/bytes pronouns, and is dating John, Jake, and Equius! Aradia Megido is an autistic biromantic asexual ghostcoric genderdead vulcuric phosghostlial polaroidghostic crypthauntic genderclock fossiligender autigender dentegender haldon bonegender timeaspic agender demigirl who uses she/her, they/them, it/its, bone/bones, skull/skulls, and ram/rams pronouns and is dating Sollux and Eridan! Tavros Nitram is a disabled neurodivergent intersex butch aroaceflux gay genderpunk transmasculine breathaspic scrappunkic genderjunk punxgender anapunqueeric girlboy with PTSD, AvPD and anxiety who uses he/him and xe/xem pronouns! Sollux Captor is a bisexual glitchgender techgender hazardgender phostechial phosglitchial interkeyboardic doomaspic trans guy with bipolar disorder, BPD, depression, AVPD, PPD, PTSD, and psychosis who uses he/him, it/its, psi/psis, bot/bots, buzz/buzzes, 🐝/🐝s, 🍯/🍯s, 🕹/🕹s, 💊/💊s, 🔴🔵/🔴🔵s, and ⚪️⚫️/⚪️⚫️s, and is dating Dave, Aradia, Eridan, and Karkat! Karkat Vantas is a queer bloodaspic omni/bi turian fogboy with anxiety and PTSD who is dating John, Dave, Sollux, Dirk, Jake and Eridan! Nepeta Leijon is an autistic transfeminine nonbinary genderqueer xenogender heartaspic hearteyen xXRawrRa1nb0wXx nyancatic tacnaynic cutiefleshic girlfuck jockaesic chaospunkgirlic coragigglic lovelettric pinkiegutgorgender neoncoric bloodgender goreaesic nimbgender catgender vulpisgender lovecoric cupishipgender crushgender catgirlgender foxtheric genderfox vixengender fuchsgender cometian horrorgender bimoirallegic aldervulpus alderfelidae lesbian who uses she/her, fae/faer, sie/hir, fox/foxes, they/them, he/him, nya/nyas, purr/purrs, blood/bloods, claw/claws, love/loves, :3/:3s, 🦊/🦊s, 🐱/🐱s, 💚/💚s, ♥️/♥️, ♦️/♦️s, ♠️/♠️s, and ♣️/♣️s pronouns, and is dating June, Jade, Roxy, Terezi, Feferi, and Eridan, and is moirails with Equius! Kanaya Maryam is a transfem spaceaspic lipstickgender vampgender lesbian who uses she/her and vamp/vamps pronouns, and is dating Rose and Vriska! Terezi Pyrope is an autistic disabled blind transmasculine agender nonbinary genderqueer xenogender dragongender scenix scemox nyancatic mallgothix mindaspic toxigender deathwaltzica toxinull œilsanguine neoncoric leetgender phosneonial phoscrimsial phoshazarial glitchcoric hypergender speedcorigender nightcoregender nightcorixen asexual lesbian lesboy with ADHD, tics, and depression who uses he/him, they/them, it/its, she/her, xe/xem, ze/zem, 💥/💥s, 🌈/🌈s, and ❤️/❤️s pronouns, and is dating June, Nepeta and Vriska! Vriska Serket is a lesbian lightaspic greysexual farleogender spidergender dicegender dundrassic dodechadicegender gelidagener trans girl with PTSD who uses she/her pronouns, and is dating Kanaya and Terezi! Equius Zahhak is an autistic demiromantic pan turian transfeminine intersex stalgiagender equusagender voidaspic robotgender loserboygender demiboy with BPD, anxiety, DPD, hypersexuality, OCD, and motor tics who uses he/him, she/her, bot/bots, neigh/neighs, strong/strongs, 🐴/🐴s, 🤖/🤖s, 🔩/🔩s, and 🥛/🥛s pronouns, and is dating Dirk, Hal, Dave, Tavros, Eridan, and Feferi, and is moirails with Nepeta! Gamzee Makara is an aspec gai singularian nonbinary agender sodagender clowngender hazardgender honkgender cringegender clowncoric magikavine rageaspic jestergender xenoboy with psychosis, schizophrenia, OSDD, and bipolar disorder who uses it/its, they/them, and honk/honks pronouns! Eridan Ampora is an autistic flamboric omnipan omnisexual transfem transneufem intersex genderfluid azurgirl pangender rosboy princegender scudcoric eldrifigender genderfin homestuglystorica gillgender wizardic prinxgender aurorian prettygender girlboy with BPD, NPD, SPD, PTSD, depression and BFRBs who uses all pronouns, especially ocean-related ones, and is dating John, Dave, Dirk, Karkat, Nepeta Equius, and Feferi! Feferi Peixes is a pansexual girlflux eldritchicesse gillgender euclimeatin genderfin eldrifigender horrorcosmium frigender femingender fishcesse phemiegender girl who uses she/her, fae/faer, and glub/glubs pronouns and is dating Nepeta, Equius, and Eridan! Damara Megido is a panromantic fraysexual timeaspic traumacoric hedonigender trans woman with PTSD and hypersexuality who uses she/her pronouns, and is dating Meulin, Kankri and Cronus! Rufioh Nitram is an autistic disabled greyromantic bi gay genderbruised mutagender anarchogender popunke genderpunk trans man with anxiety, PTSD, and AvPD who uses he/him and wing/wings pronouns and is dating Kankri and Cronus! Mituna Captor is an autistic disabled pansexual omnisexual polargender deathgender ticgender edmgender electrogender skategender popunke doomaspic nonbinary guy with tics, ADHD, PTSD, and bipolar disorder who uses he/him, it/its, tic/tics, and h3/h1m pronouns and is dating Latula! Kankri Vantas is an autistic demiromantic nebularomantic bisexual omnisexual alloarospec bloodaspic tragigender guy with BPD, anxiety, OCD, NPD, motor tics, dermatillomania, and hypersexuality who uses he/him pronouns, and is dating Damara, Rufioh, Latula, and Cronus! Meulin Leijon is a deaf disabled autistic mewgender catgender comedigender tragigender genderplot heartaspic cupidcoric hearteyen loveflux lovegender ultrapinkgender lovecoric crushgender idyllean genderlovesick nyancatic tacnaynic pupcrushic followgender demisexual transfem bi lesbian with ADHD, DPD, and tics who uses she/her, mew/mews, nya/nyas, purr/purrs, love/loves, heart/hearts, 💚/💚s, 💖/💖s, 💗/💗s, and 💘/💘s pronouns, is dating Damara, and is in a soft-romo relationship with Cronus! Porrim Maryam is an ascendplatonic queerplatonic omniromantic pansexual shadowlesbian omniflux spaceaspic ascendgender trans woman with OCD who uses she/her, 💚/💚s, 🖤/🖤s, and ♀/♀s pronouns, and is dating Latula and Cronus! Latula Pyrope is an omnisexual scenix mindaspic nightcoregender nyancatic nightcorifem xXRawrRa1nb0wXx 80scoric skatergender arcadean cuavgender transfeminine xenogirl with ADHD, OSDD and OCD, who uses she/her, xe/xem, rad/rads, sh3/h3r, x3/x3m, 1337/13375, leet/leets, and 🕹/🕹s pronouns, and is dating Mituna, Kankri, and Porrim! Aranea Serket is an autistic lesbian transfeminine angelgender sapphilunic mingender maingender femme lightaspic lesboy with NPD and psychosis who uses she/her, he/him, and light/lights pronouns and is dating Meenah and Porrim! Horuss Zahhak is an autistic otherkin gay asexual cupiosexual orchidromantic tranmasculine cuavgender equusagender voidaspic autigender demibxy with BPD, DPD, social anxiety and low empathy who uses he/him pronouns! Kurloz Makara is a greyromantic polysexual bi turian alloaro genderqueer goreaesic kenochoric magikavine emox demivoid psuedoman dollgender meatboy meatesque rageaspic mxn with NPD and psychosis who uses it/its, they/them, he/him, honk/honks, and 💀/💀s pronouns or no pronouns! Cronus Ampora is an autistic zeloromantic pansexual transmasculine citycoric citysetstalgiaesic urbanox fallangelcoric hypersgender jockaesic 50scoric greasercoric greasergender genderhuman hopeaspic grandelusogender boy with hypersexuality, NPD, psychosis, anxiety, BPD, depression, HPD, and PTSD who uses he/him pronouns, and is dating Damara, Rufioh, Kankri, Porrim, and is in a soft-romo relationship with Meulin! Meenah Peixes is a butch lesbian queengender lifeaspic ascendgender gillgender genderfin qupha demilesboy with psychosis and NPD who uses she/her, he/him, it/its, they/them, glub/glubs, hic/hics, gold/golds, and 👑/👑s pronouns and is matesprits with Aranea! The Handmaid is a orchidaroace dreadsexual byumasexual glitchgender cuavgender mulium traumatagender reprigender decredogender caedgirl psuedowoman with PTSD and tics who uses shx/hxr and it/its pronouns! The Summoner is a transhet bisexual faunagender genderpunk trans man who uses he/him pronouns! The Psiioniic is a glitchgender ticgender postgender genderbruised denchigender pesmentropian agender turian with PTSD, tics, bipolar disorder, and chronic pain who uses he/him pronouns! The Signless is an omniromantic cassexual orchidsexual man with PTSD and hallucinations who uses he/him pronouns and is in a relationship with The Disciple, who is an autistic omniromantic asexual catgender masogender trans woman with PTSD, dream anxiety, BPD, and hallucinations who uses she/her and claw/claws pronouns! The Dolorosa is a femtraet trans ascendplatonic dolorromantic lesbian with chronic pain and PTSD who is dating the Her Imperious Condescension and Marquise Spinneret Mindfang! Neophyte Redglare is a dragongender agender genderqueer femprox lesbian with BPD who uses he/him, she/her, they/them, it/its, glare/glares, drak/draks, law/laws, and neon/neons pronouns and is in a relationship with Mindfang, a womasexual piratecoric seagender hadogender farleogender trans woman who uses she/her, vae/vaer, and sea/seas pronouns, who is dating the Dolorosa! Executor Darkleer is a bimoirallegic aromantic turian voidgender agender man with BPD, DPD, UDD, anxiety, PTSD, and dream anxiety who uses he/him, it/its, and h3/h1m pronouns! The Grand Highblood is a bloodaesic goreaesic paintgender rainbowgender abinary alloaro pan turian with psychosis and OCD who uses he/him, it/its, honk/honks, blood/bloods, gore/gores, and skull/skulls pronouns! Orphaner Dualscar is a pansexual grayromantic orchidspec complaisgender greasergender tiredgender man with PTSD and chronic pain who uses he/him pronouns! Her Imperious Condescension is a royalgender queengender ultragender ultrapinkgender flippinknostalgic lesbian who uses she/her and HIC/HICS pronouns and is in a relationship with the Dolorosa! Davepetasprite is an autistic aroace bigender abinary catgender crowgender glitchgender genderfluix lesboy turigirl sprite with tics who uses they/them, xe/xem, nya/nyas, caw/caws, gli/glitch, 💚/💚s, and 🧡/🧡s pronouns! Tavrissprite is an apothiaroace traumatagender bigender sprite with a panic disorder and OSDD who uses it/its pronouns only! Erisolsprite is a transmasculine depriflux agender postgender omni turian with depression, bipolar disorder, and chronic pain who uses it/its, vor/vors, doom/dooms and he/him pronouns! ARquiusprite is an autistic turian angled aroace healegender happysunshineic demiboy with tics who uses he/him and it/its pronouns! Fefetasprite is a nonverbal autistic transfeminine bigender pinkgender clearpinknostalgic catgender genderfin gillgender tortbenic princessgenderflux lesbian with anxiety and ADHD who uses she/her, nya/nyas, glub/glubs, pink/pinks, and any pink emojipronouns! Jasprosesprite is a hyperverbal autistic catgender nyagender lovegender hearteyen hypergender nyancatic ultrapinkgender pinkgender lesbian with BPD, ADHD, hypersexuality, and tics who is dating Jane! Davesprite is a bi-oriented aroace crowgender heroian sprite with depression and OSDD who uses he/him and caw/caws pronouns! Jadesprite is an unlabled exiccogender gendersad agender girl with depression, DID, and anxiety who uses it/its pronouns! Gcatavrosprite is an autistic gay catgender boy who has PTSD, and uses he/him pronouns!
long homestuck submission here, can you add that aradia is also mortugender, froggender, and frogkin, that jade is stellamouric and beyondix, that calliope is beyondix, that cronus is demicaedgender, and that feferi is a frühlingssonnegirl? thank you!!!
homestuck submitter— sorry to keep adding things but can you add Nepresiyn to aradia, jade,rose, calliope, kankri, and kurloz? thank you!!
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mogai-headcanons · 3 years
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Ai Ohto from Wonder Egg Priority is an autistic lesbian nonbinary catgender kittygender magicalgender wondergender cutegender sweetgender softgender autigender musicgender dulcigender genderfleur genderfluff magigirl with anxiety, depression, C-PTSD, insomnia, and OSDD-1 who uses she/her, they/them, xe/xem, mew/mews, cu/cute, fae/faer, kit/kitty, sof/soft, purr/purrs, and fluff/fluffs pronouns!
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mogai-headcanons · 4 years
ai ohto from wonder egg priority is an autistic (flag instead of symbol ty) nonbinary catgender kittygender magicalgender wondergender cutegender sweetgender softgender autigender musicgender dulcigender genderfleur genderfluff magigirl lesbian with anxiety, depression, c-ptsd, insomnia and osdd-1 who uses she/her, they/them, xe/xem, mew/mews, cu/cute, fae/faer, kit/kitty, sof/soft, purr/purrs, and fluff/fluffs pronouns!
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