#she wants to sing like jiro and wants everyone to be okay!!!
epickiya722 · 2 months
36 notes · View notes
destinygoldenstar · 1 year
Rei Takeo/Cure GoldenAsh Being A Mood (Sketched Artistry Pretty Cure) (Part 2)
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Episode 13:
Jiro: “And according to my calculations, an Inkling appears once every week, so you will be fighting a monster every. single. week."
*everyone bursts out laughing*
Rei: "That's a good one Jiro! There's no such thing as a monster of the week! You're full of it!”
Rei: “Scavenger hunt. Great."
Botan: “And I see the rest of you are chic's."
Rei: *cracks her knuckles* "Oh, you think you're funny!" 
*Shes about to charge, but Keiko and Sora hold her back*
Botan: “Overreaction. Typical chic." 
Rei: “Chicks are idiots, and I'm looking at one right now."
Botan: “I deal with stoves every day, that doesn't hurt me.”
*Rei snarls*
Keiko: “Don't worry about it, it's all okay, Shiro's probably a picky eater, maybe more so than Rei is-"
Rei: “At least I'm not a brat about it!"
*Cherry Azure GoldenAsh and Crimson are stuck in a pot*
*GoldenAsh snarls and punches the walls with fire and metal*
Cherry: "Cure G, that won't work-" 
*She dents the pot*
Azure: “Oh wait... That works somehow."
Rei: "You better explain yourself right now Nikko!"
Shiro: "What? Why? What did I do?" 
Rei: “You were working for Botan! Giving away Midori's full name to him, so Midori could cut herself and lose the game? Your mean comments from earlier, telling Midori-Chan to quit?! It adds up!"
Shiro: “I didn't even know who that egomaniac was until today, alright?! I just moved here!! How could I have had an alliance with him?!"
Rei: “Oh okay… 'Just moved here', tense to wear anything other than black, rude as can be... Are you working for those aliens that've been attacking?!"
Shiro: "Alien things...?! I-I haven't seen those until today either-! H-how c-could I possibly-?!" 
Shiro: (thinking) Kaede, you were wrong, they're smart! This one knows! She already knows!! What do I do?! They know!!!
Midori: “Rei-Chan, seriously? That's way too far of an accusation! Give her a break!"
Keiko: "Sorry about Rei-Chan, she's impulsive like that..." 
Rei: “I'm telling you-!" 
*Sora and Akemi put their hands over her mouth*
Episode 14:
Sora: “Ah, here we go! You want one of us to warm up your vocals?"
Keiko: “Oh! I'll do it!"
*Sora and Jiro run to the back and plug their ears*
Akemi: "This is..."
Orenji: "TERRIBLE!!!"
Rei: “HEY!" 
*grabs Keiko by the wrist*
Rei: "You are a disgrace to the very concept of warm ups."
Jiro: “That was actually, the dumbest thing we could have ever done. Why did we do that?"
Keiko: “Because it's fun!" 
Rei: “You three are actually insane. Guess Akemi and I are the only sane ones here."
*Akemis happy enough, giggling*
Rei: “I will show you how to dance the steps!"
Keiko: "Like you can do better!"
Rei: "Unlike you guys, I actually know dancing choreography and took lessons from my dad, before he left, I mean."
*Rei demonstrates for Akemi*
Rei: “Second position vertical. Hand up and over. Bend the left leg. Hands to the chest. Hand out. Raise it. Right foot step in front. Transition to a twirl from there. Tip toe to right stage. Scroll hand through the balance beam as though they're human artifacts. Lay on the floor. Look frustrated.”
Keiko: “That's you everyday.”
Rei: “Leg over the back. Roll over. Sit up. Look up. Hands to the chest. Aim right hand at the ceiling- That's your left.”
Akemi: “S-sorry. Shall we do it all over again?"
Rei: “Is there something I'm doing wrong?"
Akemi: "What? Oh no, it's not you. You're cynical and you're aggressive, but you're not necessarily doing the wrong thing by calling me out."
*All the Cures get muted.*
*Azure is trying to explain what’s happening, but is muted.*
*GoldenAsh mocks Azures lip sync with her hand, but is muted*
Noir: “Voice cancelation aura! That doesn't affect Erasers! I just erased all your voices in an instant. Frankly, it sounds so much better in here."
*GoldenAsh is screaming something. Probably bad words. But she’s muted.*
Noir: “Music to my ears.”
Akemi: “I don't know what path my life is going, and I don't know where my voice will take me, but... it's just nice having one, ya know?"
Rei: “Oh yeah, definitely. Honestly, the nerve Noir had the guts to take away my pleasant voice! I mean come on, everyone likes it when I talk!"
*Keiko, Sora, Jiro, and Midori give iffy looks at her.*
Rei: "What? It's true! Don't give me that look!"
Keiko: “Maybe that Kaede girl had a wig.”
Rei: “Or it was Shiro.”
The others: “Rei, no!" "Seriously?!" "Come on, Rei!"
Rei: “What?! Don't you think I have a point?! Shiro shows up, and then there's this new Eraser?!"
Midori: “You don't have proof besides that!" 
Rei: “I think it's proof enough! There's eyes on us! They're trying to get us from the inside! Sure, we foiled their plans on Akemi, but it's not stopping there! Keiko could be next!"
Keiko: “D-does that mean I get Rei protection?"
*Rei nods yes*
Keiko: “…sweet."
Episode 15:
Keiko: "I told you that you weren't good at math!"
Rei: "Yeah, like you are any better!"
*They both got bad grades*
Rei: "I still did better than you.”
Keiko: “Like, by two questions!"
Rei: “It's a basic equation, I get two questions more than you, therefore I get a higher number than you do, therefore I get more questions right, therefore I did better."
*Keiko draws a little medal around Rei's neck in her head, reading 'Not as bad at math as you could have been'.*
*Keiko and Rei are coming over*
Keiko: “Sora-Chan!" 
*Sora doesn’t answer*
Keiko: "How'd you do?"
Rei: "Oh please, I'm sure she got a perfect score and she wants to rub it in our faces."
Sora: “I failed, I failed so bad, I'll never recover from this, I'll never recover from this..."
Rei: “It's a 97! Get over it!"
Akemi: “Yeah, that's still an A.”
Keiko: “I did so much worse than you."
Sora: “You don't understand... I can't get any job whatsoever if I don't get good grades. Let alone with my father... he's gonna kill me."
Rei: “Over a 97, who cares?!"
*Soras on the desk bawling*
Rei: "I dunno about you guys, but... I find this to be absolutely pathetic to cry about."
Orenji: “Alright, Pretty Cure! I'm just concerned about one thing... where's Ayano-san?!"
*They only just now noticed she’s missing*
Rei: *face palms* "How do we not notice she's not here?!"
Jiro: “…she was screaming. That's it. Screaming. For no reason at all. It was like she was possessed by a ghost."
Rei: “I guess she's really insane, then... I mean, hanging out with Keiko so much earlier than the rest of us..." 
*Keikos offended*
Orenji: “Sora-Chan sold her soul! Sora sold her soul! Sora sold her soul!!"
*Keiko, Rei, Midori, and Akemi charge at the door, trying and failing to yank it open*
*They fail and collapse on each other*
Jiro: "That's a push open door."
Rei: “Why does it have an arched handle then?!"
Keiko: “Sora-Chan!! I-I know you're in there, Sora-Chan! You love fashion! You can't give up on it! You're smart, and beautiful, and you can do anything you put your mind to! Don't let the Erasers take you over!!"
Sora: “Uh, Keiko? I'm not brainwashed."
Rei: “Exactly what brainwashed people say..." 
Rei: “She is not invested in that marketing test.”
Jiro: “Can you blame her?"
Shiro: “Wow..."
Rei: "Why are you here?"
*Rei is locked outside the classroom. She’s banging on the door. No one notices*
Sora: “I get at least a hundred on this test, I can do the edit. That'll be my reward. I'll deserve it."
Rei: *trying to get a bird out of her hair* “Deserve it? Girl, no one said you had to deserve doing the things you like! I don't like that mindset. You like doing something, do it. You don't have to earn it."
Shiro: “Of course she does."
Keiko: "N-Nikko-san! What are you...?"
Rei: “Painting birds.”
*The bird continues to use her hair as a nest. Rei groans and gives up*
*All the Cures are studying the same textbook together*
*Keiko falls asleep on the desk*
*Rei falls asleep on Keikos shoulder*
Rei: “Seven hundred eighteen inches divided by four! Go!"
*Sora hesitates*
Rei: "Did I stutter?"
Sora: “No, just, I don't know how to do that in my head.”
Rei: "Write it down. I'm not stopping you."
*Writes it down*
Sora: “One hundred seventy nine and five tenths!"
Rei: "Nineteen hundred fifteen divided by twenty three!"
Sora: “What?!"
Rei: "Eight hundred one divided by twenty!"
Sora: “Okay, I didn't mean 'what' as in, 'I can't solve it', I meant 'what' as in, 'why should anyone have to answer that?'"
Rei: “Tell me about it!"
*Rei snaps her pencil in frustration of the test*
Rei: "Hey hey hey! This isn't mine!"
Teacher: “Is there anyone else here named Takeo Rei?" 
*Rei slumps in her chair over the 59% on her test*
Keiko: “Thought you were smarter than that, Rei-Chan.”
Rei: "Math is not my strong suit, okay?"
Shiro: “Ninety seven?!! Ninety seven?!! That's impossible! I ch- I... was just picking random answers!"
Sora: “That's... strangely good luck.”
Rei: "Oh please, Nikko-san cheated. She's just mad that the tests are rigged against us."
Shiro: “Cheat? Me?! I have no idea what you're talking about!"
Keiko: “You did better than me and Rei.”
Rei: “It's an A! You aced it! You're this upset over a 93?! Who cares?!?! You still did better than so many of us!!"
Sora: “I care, Rei! I don't need your mean jabs right now!"
*Rei stops talking*
Shiro: “It's not mean when you're just telling the truth. You said you had to get a hundred to be able to do this dress edit. Your reward. Well, you didn't get a hundred. You can't do the edit. You didn't earn it."
Rei: “Get out! Sora doesn't need you to throw her down right now!"
Shiro: “She's throwing herself down!"
Rei: “Get. Out!" 
Shiro: “We're in class. I want to get out. But I can't."
Rei: “Then... go to a corner, read a book, or something, I don't know! Just don't be near Sora-Chan!"
Rei: “Well... Not what 'please let us get there first' being wrong, is exactly what we had in mind..."
Keiko: “W-who are you...?"
Kuran: “I believe the question should be, who are you?"
Rei: "We're not scared of you Shiro!"
Kuran: “Shiro? Don't know who that is, but sounds like a human's name. Bleh!"
Midori: "Shiro? Really?"
Rei: “It's obviously her! She just dyed her hair and she's wearing different clothes."
Keiko: "Or, you just don't like Nikko-san, one or the two."
*Kaede aims a scythe at Rei*
*Rei tenses up*
Inkling: “What is a theme?"
Cherry, GoldenAsh, Teal, and Crimson: “Huh?"
GoldenAsh: "Be more specific."
Inkling: “6/2(1+2)"
Inkling: “Cure GoldenAsh!" 
GoldenAsh: “Of course... Nine!"
Cherry: “I thought you were bad at math!"
GoldenAsh: "I'm bad at math that has no relevance to life. There's a difference."  ~
Cherry: “That's not even a question, that's..."
GoldenAsh: "Oh my gosh, it's simple multiplication! You got this!!"
Cherry: “Eh... You see... depends, what kind of crackers are they?"
Inkling: "WRONG!!"
Cherry: “I never studied that!!"
Teal: "Yes we did!" 
GoldenAsh: “You actually have the IQ of a ROCK!!"
Teal: “Eh?"
GoldenAsh: “Oh come on, that's an easy one!"
Kaede: "No giving away the answer! We'll eliminate you automatically!"
GoldenAsh: “When was that a rule?!"
Teal: “I blame my job not being related to this…”
Crimson: “Just guess!!"
Teal: "The setting affects the plot by affecting the plot!"
GoldenAsh & Crimson: "You call that a guess?!!"
Inkling: “9 - 3 / 3 + 1"
Inkling: “Cure GoldenAsh!" 
GoldenAsh: “How is anyone supposed to solve that?! Nine, minus three is six, divide that by three is two-"
Inkling: "TIME'S UP!!"
GoldenAsh: “Wha-?! Since when was it timed?! You never said that!"
Kuran: “I just did. Your fault you can't find the answer fast enough. Such a failure."
*Shes not happy*
Inkling: “The answer is 9! Cure GoldenAsh: Eliminated!"
*GoldenAsh gets trapped in sticky notes*
GoldenAsh: “That's not fair!!"
Kuran: “I'm sorry, it is fair. It's your fault you're not good enough."
Crimson: “What was I thinking?!"
GoldenAsh: "I don't know, but I don't get how you miss that!"
Crimson: “There's no purple in our group! That's how my director describes spotlights!"
Azure: “Hit me with your best shot!"
GoldenAsh: “Azure! You don't have to do that!"
*She says while trapped on the wall by a sticky note*
Akemi: “Well?" 
Sora: “She loved it!"
*Keiko, Midori, and Akemi squeal and throw Sora into a group hug*
*Rei smiles but tries to stay out of it. Keiko drags her into the hug*
Episode 16:
'April 8th,'
'It's me. Takeo Rei.'
'Even to this day, I hate the fact my mom made me move to this boarding school.'
'Not to say it's all horrible. She's doing her best to keep us financially afloat in our shabby little place. Other girls at my school stay in these cozy little dorms. Not me. Can't afford it.'
'I will admit this, I told myself for awhile that I was done with friends. I didn't need them. They only tore you down. Then like some anime, a talking bird comes down to force you to become your fantasy superhero self insert, Ash Goldenflame... kinda. Okay, so they only allow you to have 'Cure' at the start of your name like some cult, but point is, I'm a superhero.'
'I also associate with girls now, which is... kind of a huge shift for me. Like, I'm not 'the tough sarcastic outcast' anymore.'
'Gina Akemi is actually a really nice girl, and I relate to her quite a bit.'
'Chokawa Midori is a girl I have huge respect for, even if I don't always agree with her.'
'Ayano Sora, I admit, we're still working things out, but I do think we've overcome her... jealousy?'
'Over who? Well, her best friend, Sakura Keiko, who...'
‘I have mixed feelings about.'
*Rei goes after her, seeing Ichiro bullying Keiko*
Rei: “What's your problem?! Why don't you just leave her alone?"
Ichiro: “Relax, okay?! I asked the chick if I could see what she was drawing, she agreed, so I took her book so I can see, and suddenly she's mad when I turn the page!"
Rei: "Don't. Mess with her."
'Ichiro is problematic to say the least. I do everything to slap sense into someone immature as him, and yet he never listens. Treats me like I'm the bad guy. Hey, I'm a very noble person.'
Ichiro: "This is why no one likes Takeo."
*He leaves*
Keiko: *blushing* “Rei..."
*Rei hands Keiko her sketchbook back, realizing there’s a drawing of Rei*
*Rei blushes hard at that drawing*
'I'm upset she drew me without permission. I'm upset she drew me without permission... I swear!'
'Frankly, I have a reputation in my school. It goes like this: I mind my own business, then someone thinks I'm pretty, walks up to ask me out despite not even knowing me...'
Boy: "Come to claim that kiss beautiful?"
Rei: “I told you no! Never gonna happen! Not when you act like this around me!"
Boy: "You're so annoying... aw, that beauty of yours is a waste!"
'...I give the logical answer. And then they find out my personality, and bully me for the rest of the year.'
*A guy throws paper at Reis head*
*Rei catches the paper and tears it up*
Rei: "You better have a proper definition of what a trash can looks like buddy!"
*They run away*
'It's always the same. Sometimes I... I don't know if it's me, or not me.'
Teacher: “How about Takeo-san?"
Rei: "I didn't raise my hand."
Teacher: “I called on you. Not paying attention, are we?"
Rei: “If I wasn't, I wouldn't have responded.”
Teacher: “Give me the book."
Rei: "It's private!"
Teacher: “I'm not gonna read it. Your attention needs to be brought onto the things that'll benefit you in the real world."
Rei: “Okay." *goes back to the book*
Ichiro: “You are impossible, Takeo-san... Was she always like this?"
Rei: “Yes! It's called being real."
Teacher: “Alright, that's it.”
*he throws textbooks on her desk*
Teacher: “Send these to the library. Now."
*sees Rika*
Rei: (thinking) Go in. Set the books on the front desk. Get out. Go in. Set the books on the front desk. Get out... No. Go in. Set the books on the desk. Get out. Go in... Set the books on the desk... Get out! Get out before she sees you! There's no way she's here... she can't be...
Rika: “Taki?"
*Reis frozen*
Rei: “Suki?"
*Rei and Rika stare at each other, Rika with a smile*
*Then Rei turns her back on her*
Rika: “Wait, why are you-? Taki-sama!!” *grabs Rei* “Please don't tell me you forgot about me!"
Rei: “Your name is Suki Rika.”
Rika: “It's so great to see you again! I didn't think you'd be in this school! I mean, I thought you quit writing after you..."
*she hugs Rei, who is uncomfortable*
Rika: “It's so great to see a friend again! Oh, did I mention how great you look? Takeo Rei with short hair? Gloves? What?!"
Rei: “Great, bye Suki!"
*she tries to leave. Rika follows her*
Rika: “Taki! I got so much to ask!"
*Rei is doing schoolwork, ignoring her classmates getting into a paper fight*
*At the door window, Rika is banging on it and waving at Rei*
*Rei is having lunch behind the stairs, minding her own business*
Rika: *popping out of nowhere* “Hi!!!”
*Rei is jumpscared*
*Rei is at the library reading a book*
Rei: “I can see you!" 
*Rika is hiding behind a bookshelf*
Rika: “Coincidence?"
*Rei gets up and leaves*
*Rei is walking down the hallway*
*She whips her head back behind her*
*No Rika*
*She jumps the turn*
*No Rika*
*Rei sighs in relief, walking ahead-*
Rika: “Taki!!”
*Shes outside. Banging on the window. She has paper that says ‘I love you Taki-sama’*
Rika: “I love you!!! Taki!!!! Talk to me!!!!”
*Rei, embarrassed, walks away*
Rika: “Wait!! Taki!!! Come back!!! Taki!!!!”
*Rika falls off the windowsill*
*Rei is exhausted, head on the desk and book over her head*
Shiro: “Tak-"
Shiro: “U-uh..."
Rei: “Oh… Thought you were someone else, Nikko-san..."
Shiro: “Someone push your buttons?”
Rei: “Why do you care?"
Shiro: “Hey, who are you avoiding anyway?" 
*Rika shows up and charges at them*
Rika: “Who are you?! What are doing with Taki-sama?!"
Shiro: “Excuse me?!"
Rei: “She's not my friend."
Rika: “I'm already starting to like you! Miss...?"
Shiro: “Nikko Shiro.”
Rei: “I see you two are perfect for each other.”
Rika: “You think so?"
Rei: "Yeah, you're both stalkers and you're obnoxious."
Shiro: “I've been called much worse."
Rika: "Taki-sama! You should go!! You should do this with me! We could be friends, be a little trio with us an Nikko-san... who knows? They might teach you a think or two on originality."
*Rika leaves. Rei looks at the poster of the book club*
*She crumbles the paper and throws it away*
Keiko: “Rei? Rei-Chan? You're not going?"
Rei: Too much on my plate.”
Keiko: "You don't even do anything!"
Rei: “I don't want to go! Okay?"
Jiro: "Rei-Chan, I really think this will be a good experience for you, as a writer, and since you know people, you can... talk more?"
Rei: “I can't write."
Sora: “Rei-"
Rei: "I'm not going, and that's final!!"
*Sora steps back*
Rei: “Sora, I'm sorry, okay? I-I said that badly... I-I know you're trying to help, but... I can't do this..."
Rei: “I get that. I do."
Shiro: “Sure you can! I know you can! You are a brilliant strong girl, and you're scared of a little book club?! Come on, I'll be there with you!"
Rei: "The cure to my curse..."
Shiro: "You know, Suki-san will probably force you to come anyway."
*Rei is dragged to the library by Shiro*
Rei: “Nikko-san!!!"
Shiro: “This will be fun!"
Rei: "Getting pulled by the arm is not fun!"
*They get in, and the entire book club stares at Rei*
*Rei is shaking*
Rika: "You came!! Taki-sama!!"
Rei: “Let's get this over with..."
*Rei takes a seat next to Rika*
Rika: "Don't worry! As long as you earn it, you're fine."
Rei: "Like how you earned the markers I gave you."
Rika: "Okay seriously, what is your problem?"
Shiro: “This is a book?" 
Rei: “It's mythology. Read the room."
Shiro: “How do humans read these things and not get bored? There's no pictures."
Rei: “Your head is a picture.”
Shiro: “Wow, Takeo-san's insulting me!"
*Rika shoves Rei to make her raise her hand*
Librarian: “Takeo-san! Participating!"
Rei: “U-um... Person versus self."
Librarian: “That is correct!" 
Shiro: “You know this stuff?"
Rei: "It's beginners writing class."
Shiro: “There are classes?" 
Rei: “Yes, and guess who took them. Since she was four."
Rika: “She said she was self taught. That's why she's always writing and not paying attention in math class."
Rei: “Suki..."
Rika: “Then she reads a lot of books, books that nobody wants her to know that she likes."
Rei: “Suki!"
Shiro: “Oh, what kind of books? I'm curious."
*Rika holds up the book*
Rika: "The Chibi Gold Games?"
Rei: *embarrassed* "Suki! Stop it!"
Rika: "She has all nine books. Her social media account is filled with reviews on them. As well as some other books she dunks on."
Rei: “It's a good series for kids!"
Rika: “She's 'BookBurner58' if you want to find her.”
*people look at them*
Rika: “Yeah, she's THAT chick! She doesn't want to tell anyone that! Her own mom doesn't know she has social media!"
Rei: “SUKI RIKA!!"
Rika: "She ships Mai and Mia! She has one shots! And she has a knock off of-"
*Rei duct tapes Roma’s mouth*
Shiro: “Takeo, what gives?" 
*Rei buried herself in her book*
Rei: (thinking) I can never talk to humanity again. I'm just gonna be friends with the Chibis for the rest of my days. Their lives are simple... so much so that book eight was the worst of the saga...
Rei: (thinking) Whatever. This can't get worse.
*she enters the club room*
Rika: “She's great! Isn't she?!"
Rei: *dropping her stuff* “What are they doing here?!"
Shiro: “Was only introducing Rika to the rest of your friends.”
Rika: “I'll be honest, surprised Taki-sama even had friends.”
Rei: “Har har.”
Akemi: “Weren't you Rei's friend?"
Rika: “Yeah! Of course! I was shocked to see Taki-sama in this school, considering how much she 'can't write'. But we were great friends in elementary school! Then, one day, Rei just... stopped talking to me and... I don't know why."
*Reis fists are clenched from her seat. She’s not happy. She’s standing up*
Rei: “Alright, we have club stuff to do, and you're not a member! The exit's over there!"
Rika: “What?! You can't force me to leave!"
Sora: “Yeah Rei! What's the problem?!"
Rei: “Suki-san isn't a poet, she's a hack! She just copies and pastes, changes the subject, and then somehow nobody catches onto the plagiarism!"
Rika: “Ha! Wow! Saying something that only applies to YOU! Just great!”
*The Cures are confused*
Rika: “Fine. I'll leave. I thought I was talking to Taki-sama. Guess not."
*Rika and Shiro leave*
Keiko: “Rei...? Something you're not telling us...?"
Rei: “I don't want to talk about it."
Keiko: “Rei-Chan?"
Rei: “You can't keep away from me for two seconds, can you?"
Orenji: “Hey, Keiko-Chan's worried about you, and so am I."
Rei: “Oh I'm fine, I'm just... reading a book!"
*She’s holding up her Chibi book*
Rei: “Wait..."
Keiko: “So you're into that, huh?" Rei: “O-of course not! My account is secret to my family, and-" 
*Now it’s even more embarrassing*
Rei: “It's training for writing! Writers train a lot..."
Keiko: “They do? Wow! Can I follow you?"
Rei: “It's not mine! It's for a friend... you're my only friends..."
*Rei face palms*
*Keiko holds up a drawing*
Keiko: "So for this friend, you kept this doodle of these two chibi girls making out for them?"
*Rei uses her Neon Pen to burn that doodle* 
Keiko: “Okay..."
Rei: “I like it. So what? It's been with me since I was a kid."
*Keiko elbow bops Rei to get her to loosen up. It works*
Rei: "If you tell anyone about that, you will sleep on pencil shavings."
Orenji: "So what's the deal with Suki? Don't like her?"
Rei: “Don't like her? That's putting it lightly! And for the record, she didn't win any of that stuff. She didn't do anything with her life besides draw emo sketches! That stuff was... my rewards."
Keiko: “Figured. If she's using your accomplishments to look cool, she must like what you do."
Rei: “Did you not hear me? She's lying to you to make herself seem friendly and cool. At least I'm straightforward."
Orenji: “And yet you're not telling us what's going on! Please, we care about you Rei."
*Rei sighs, slumping on the edge of the bridge*
Rei: "She didn't lie about one thing. I was friends with her once. A pretty long time ago. Then she... then she... then she said I needed to be 'tougher', that I needed to work on my mean sprit... and then I moved on to better things."
Keiko: “Who said you needed to work on meanness? That makes no sense."
Orenji: “I mean, it did rub off on you-"
Rei: "Did not!"
Rei: “There's such thing as a 'true friend'. Rika isn't one of them. Sometimes... sometimes relationships can't be fixed. Sometimes dark colors can't be made bright again. I mean, that's like saying an Eraser, our sworn enemies, can become a Pretty Cure."
(Are you sure about that?)
Keiko: “We all have stuff to work on, but that's why the past is... whatever! Who cares?! Right here, right now, Takeo Rei is a golden gal! Nothing will change the core of that!"
Rei: "Goodness..."
*An Inkling shows up*
Rei: “You gotta be kidding me..."
*Kaede and Kuran appear*
Kaede: “Nope. We’re pretty serious.”
Kuran: “When I feel like it, at least."
Rei: “Who did you rob this time? Huh?!"
*Notices the Rika statue*
Rei: "Okay. That's fair."
Keiko: “You're not supposed to like this!!"
Rei: "Did I say I wouldn't save her?!"
Kaede: “Now now sister, all good things come to those who wait."
GoldenAsh: “Yeah I don't believe that policy."
GoldenAsh: “I am not nothing. I have my faults, like everyone does... but I'll make up for them and protect everyone! Suki, Nikko, my friends, Canvas Corner, EVERYONE!! And I can do so much more than be firepower!"
Sora: “Are you gonna tell anyone?"
Shiro: “Oh yeah, I'm announcing it to the entire world as we speak."
*All the Cures become shocked. Except for Rei*
Shiro: “I'm kidding. I gain nothing from telling people."
Rei: “You meant that?" 
Shiro: “…Yes. I was wrong to accuse you before I even knew you and what you... I'm sorry."
Rei: “I'm not innocent. And I... this is a lot of trust I have to put on you now. I'm not comfortable with that. Seems I have no choice though."
Shiro: "Is that forgiveness?"
Rei: "You need me to spell it out?"
Rika: “I didn't know what I did was gonna be... tone it down, will you?!"
Rei: “Please get off me."
*Rei runs up to see Ichiro bullying Keiko*
Rei: “Ichiro, get a job! You want to see her drawing? Keiko-Chan is gonna present it."
Ichiro: “Is she now?"
Keiko: “Rei-Chan..."
Rei: "You will never feel better if you keep that stuff hidden. Are you an artist?!"
*Keiko shows them a drawing of the sun*
*Ichiro’s impressed, and Rei gives a thumbs up*
'Would have been better if she drew me to be honest.'
'Frankly, I have a reputation in my school. It goes like this: I mind my own business, then someone thinks I'm pretty, walks up to ask me out despite not even knowing me...'
Boy: “Come to claim that kiss beautiful?"
Rei: “Hey, I am not ready for that yet."” *points to Rika* “Did you know she's single?"
*the guy chases after Rika, who’s scared out of her mind*
'...I offer a new situation. And then no one bullies me for the rest of the year.'
'It's always the same. But that's just me being me.'
Teacher: “How about Takeo-san?”
Rei: “I didn't raise my hand."
Teacher: “I called on you. Not paying attention, are we?"
Rei: “That's a thirty degree acute angle."
Teacher: “…I stand corrected. My bad."
Librarian: “Takeo-san, were you always so good with literature?"
Rei: “I'm a bird."
Rei: "I did something right today!"
Sora: “So... are you getting back to writing?"
Rei: “Uh-m-maybe...? I...? C-could I...? I could... I have a lot of ideas..."
Keiko: “What kind of ideas? More Chibi shipping fanfics?" *She’s reading one* “I didn't know you had a thing for rainbow colored kids!"
Rei: “AAH!"
Keiko: “Sheri? And her pink bun? Is that me?"
Librarian: “Get out of my library!" 
*Rei chases Keiko out of the room*
*They’re still loud outside*
Keiko: “Aw come on it's addictive!" 
Rei: “It's private!" 
Keiko: “You left it open in the library!" 
Rei: “Keiko, give it back!" 
Keiko: “You're just asking me to say I love you at this point!" 
Rei: “My story needed a lo-loafer! A loafer!" 
Keiko: “Now you're calling me a shoe?!" 
Rei: “Ye-I mean no! No! Keiko!!! Give up!!! I will chase you across the country!!! Give it back!!!"
Akemi: “Should we help them?"
Sora: *drinking coffee* “I say let them have it."
Episode 17:
Cherry: “I am so sorry! I-I tried to get here, and-"
GoldenAsh: *shivering* You left us in freezing temperatures! Other than that, I don't care. You saved us."
(This is one of only two lines she has in this episode)
Episode 18:
Rei: “Orenji, it's the weekend. We're meant to sleep."
Sora: “We need to know how they're even broken, right? Like, what's clogging the ink to work?"
Rei: "Maybe we should open them up and find out..."
*she tries to break the Neon Pens. It’s not working*
Rei: “O-okay, hang on, I can get it. I can get it..."
*Orenji snatches the pens from her*
Orenji: "These Neon Pens are not replaceable!"
(Flashback to Episode 11 when she nagged Midori for attempting the same thing…)
Orenji: “Okay, so first thing we need to do: We find Keiko's third pen!"
Rei: “How do we do that? You want Jiro to make a Neon Pen tracking device?"
Keiko: “About Shiro... Do you think she'll come back?"
Orenji: “I don't know.”
*Rei looks up from her seat*
Rei: “She took advantage of you. How can you forgive that right away?"
Keiko: “…Rei, I... I'm so sorry!"
*Rei turns around*
Rei: "Sora-Chan? Do you know anything about this place?"
Sora: "I don't. This is kind of Keiko's place."
Rei: “Yeah... Keiko's place..."
Orenji: “I guess this is Keiko's old school?"
Rei: "Keiko's old school? But..."
Akemi: “Rei, what's wrong? You've been awfully genuine ever since we started this trip."
Rei: “Wow..."
Sora: “Do you know this place?"
Rei: "To tell you the truth... this isn't just Keiko's old school..."
Keiko: *banging her head on the desk* “NOTHING!" *bang* “NO IDEAS!" *bang* “NOT FOR HOURS!" *bang* “USELESS.” *bang* “STUPID.” *bang* “HEAD.” *bang* “OF NOTHINGNESS!!" *bang* "That is now probably concussed..."
Rei: *writing in her notebook* “Wow..."
Orenji: “You don't know how to make this?!"
Rei: “That is a first for you, I have to say. I don't know how I feel about it."
Jiro: “I'm gonna go get ready to eat out.” *leaves*
Keiko: “Okay...?" 
*Keiko looks at Rei, who is blushing at her* 
Rei: “U-uh... I-I'll go too... starving..." *runs away*
Rei: "She's like a blank slate. Not the writers block kind, but like there's nothing going on in her head."
Keiko: “Maybe she was raised differently?" 
Rei: “Either way, our point is, she's like diet Keiko, but without the cutesy appealing density."
Keiko: “The soldier represents war. The ramen represents peace after the war. And the noodles represent... the grandparents?"
*thought process broken*
Keiko: “It sucks! I'm sorry!"
(Delicious Party roast)
Rei: “Have you tried... uh... N-nevermind."
Keiko: “Rei? Are you okay?"
Rei: “I-yeah-I-I take back what I was gonna say. Really, it would make things worse and..."
Keiko: “I never said that, I would like your input, actually.”
*Rei blushes*
Rei: “U-uh... jelly! W-would that work?!"
*Midori, eating some, nods yes*
*Rei chuckles and fans her red face*
Rei: “It’s hot in here. I’m dying.”
Sora: “Okay, I guess Rei's out of the idea list..."
*Rei sighs in relief*
Shiro: “And I thought grandparents were supposed to be cooks.”
*Rei pinches Shiro’s feet*
*It makes Shiro fall over*
Shiro: “What is that for?!"
Rei: “If you want to stay with us, you better be nice. Senior Sakura does so much for us while we're here."
Akemi: “I haven't had chili in a long time..."
Rei: “Great. You two can try it together."
Seikai Takeo: “Loud crowd, huh?"
Rei: “Hi dad.”
Seikai Takeo: “You okay, sunshine?"
Rei: “I'm fine."
Seikai Takeo: “Okay... fine as in you're fine, or fine as in you're not fine and you just don't want to talk about it?"
Rei: "Why do you feel the need to do that?”
*He stares down his daughter*
Rei: “It's my... friend... We came on this trip for her. This is all about her needs. And you know, Sora, Midori, Akemi, they're all supportive. They have no problem helping her with what she needs to get done for the best of... everyone. I can't support anyone for the love of me."
Seikai Takeo: “That's ridiculous. Why can't you help the Sakura kid?"
Rei: “I'm... me. I open my mouth, and bam, everything becomes about me and my bad mouth. Keiko doesn't need that, she can't afford that, so... I'm doing her a favor. Then of course, doesn't help that you're here, and..."
Seikai Takeo: “You speak, and it's about you. That's the basis of life for anyone. In one of my classes, a kid cracked a joke about Pluto. Kids laughed at the joke. It became about the kid. But I didn't react, and I let it be."
Rei: “We're teenagers now. Doing dumb girly teenage stuff..."
Seikai Takeo: “You want to help her."
Rei: “Of course I want to help her! Are you kidding me?! But this is about HER. Not me. She knows what's best."
Seikai Takeo: “You know... if she didn't need anyone's help to find her inspiration, she wouldn't bring you here."
*he tries to hold her hand, but she moves it away*
Seikai Takeo: “You were your own inspiration with writing. Since the day you told me about a kid being made fun of at school, you wanted to write a happy ending for her. Since the first black light sequence of the fair you saw, you drew your own characters. Keiko may not be like that, but I don't know her well-"
Rei: “She's... I didn't know how I wanted to approach her, other than she was nicer to me than anyone has been for a long time. On the one hand, she can do really stupid stuff with her mind, which is both chaotic and cute-I mean-uh-crass! It's crass! That's a bad word to use... But any way, she doesn't know what to do, which is a first, so I don't know if she needs me-of course she doesn't need you, what are you thinking-UGH!! Y-you get it! I'm bad. She's great. Even when she's not great, she's somehow better than me..."
Seikai Takeo: “Sounds like you won't know if she needs your help if you don't help her. I met Satomi and Koi at these fairs, and your mom was helping clean their house floors. She needed help, but she didn't want to disappoint anyone either. From there, you can tell what came of us. And seeing how she's raising you, I think the messy parts are my favorites. Yeah?"
Rei: “Yeah... It's... messy... I just thought I hated people and people were dumb, but since Keiko... I'm seeing good sides of people I never knew were there. I'm feeling things I never knew I could feel..." 
*She looks over at Keiko in the fields, admiring her* 
Rei: “Puberty sucks. It sucks."
Rei: “What's your problem?"
Shiro: “H-hi Takeo... Okay, about Keiko-"
Rei: “Save it. You're being no help."
Mei Nikko (Kaede): “Don't tell me how to deal with my sister-"
Rei: "You can chill out."
Shiro: “Huh... I thought darkness was bad."
Rei: “It is. That's why people do this."
GoldenAsh: “Cherry, your call?" 
*No answer*
GoldenAsh: “I say we go silent fist.”
Azure: “Cherry, we are in no condition to get her! We have to get her some other time..."
Cherry: “But-"
*She thinks about it*
*She sighs and back off*
*GoldenAsh puts a hand on Cherry’s shoulder to comfort her*
*They both hug each other* 
Cherry: “I thought they were gonna take you too..."
GoldenAsh: "I know..."
Rei: “If that was me, and one of my friends was kidnapped, and all my loved ones were turned to stone, I'd probably be that upset too."
To be continued…
(I both love and hate this character)
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katsukikitten · 3 years
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WARNING 18+ BIRB NOT BIRB SMUT! Band AU, harem collab. In which reader meets her favorite faceless singer. Little over 3k
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Sweat trickles down your spine as your favorite song is blasted from the large speakers. Fog from the stage lingers just above your head as you feel as if you were in a dream. The setting is surreal especially since you actually managed to WIN those rare radio tickets to see a band in concert. And not just any band, your favorite fucking bad.  
The band consisted of four people, Bakugou Katsuki, the drummer who was angrier than any person you'd ever seen wearing nothing but skinny black jeans and a perpetual frown. Jiro, so cool and sleek in anything she wore as she tore up her guitar as side vocals. Then there was Denki, funny, cute even, on the bass with his electric blonde hair and killer smile. Lastly there was "Dark Shadow", the lead vocalist. 
No one knew his real name or what he looked like, he chose to wear a headpiece in the shape of a raven or crow. You loved him, even without knowing his face. 
He was so fit, strong arms and deadly abs that could be seen from beneath his cut off band tee crop top, much like you were wearing now. His voice was soothing as a bird's song, whether he was screaming or singing. The sound so uniquely beautiful it brought tears to your eyes the first time you heard it. And standing here with nothing but a small barricade and stage separating the two of you was a dream made in heaven. 
He sings your favorite song, looking out into the crowd, body drenched in sweat from the high energy show as he jumps to the beat. He pauses to hit a long note and while the guitar riffs he looks into the VIP section. You swear you feel as if he is looking dead at you. The next few lyrics are packed full with emotion as he gets onto his knee, one hand holding the microphone while the other gently floats towards outstretched hands. 
"I've been looking for youuuu, I just need to find youuuuu and when I do, when I do I'll dress you in my band teee and make youuuu~"
But it's yours that his fingers brush, intertwining his fingers with yours as tears prick your eyes. 
"Mine. Forever miiinee~" 
The world stops, his silky voice smoothing over your skin before it erupts in goose flesh, he holds on to your hand as he sings the chorus again. The screaming people around you fade away as you hear nothing but his sultry voice. 
As if he were serenading you in the kitchen of your home. 
"I've been looking for youuuu, I just need to find youuuuu and when I do, when I do I'll dress you in my band teee and make youuuu~"
"Mine. Forever miiinee~"
He squeezes your hand as he finishes the note, releasing your hand slowly before starting to stand. The music begins to fade as he huffs, trying to catch his breath before looking over the band. He sees that ever might need just a second more to take in some water so he brings the mic close to his face as he shouts. 
"Are we having a good time tonight?!" 
The crowd erupts into a scream, so loud you can barely hear the one tearing up your throat. 
"I can't fucking hear you, extras!" Bakugou shouts into his own mic. The sold out stadium shakes rivaling the bass of the sound system as they all play off random notes and beats. When the deafening roar becomes a hushed, dull roar Bakugou sets the beat, Jiro and Denki join in as their most popular song begins to bump through the speakers. The song sets a heavy, hype beat that can get anyone to bang their head to. You start along with them, booze lighting up your system and causing you to ignore the charged air around you  
Some of the bystanders, some of the women especially were jealous of the fact that you were holding hands with none other than the DARK SHADOW. 
"Stupid bitch." They murmur amongst themselves, "Let's really fuck her up." 
One says before shoving her unsuspecting and overly excitable boyfriend into another guy while shouting. 
"MOSH PIT!" The crowd follows suit, putting you in the thick of it. Normally you could handle a little mosh, staying on the fringes to avoid too much damage but being in the center was beginning to spell trouble. The world spun as body after body began to slam into you, turning you this way and that before someone begins to take advantage of the situation. A sleazy guy you had hoped to avoid "falls" into you, rough palms grabbing a handful of your ass, beneath your skirt. A yelp lost to the crowd leaves your lips, tears burning in your eyes as this man set out to ruin what was possibly the highlight of your life. 
He was going to ruin it with his disgusting cigarette breath, lips sloppily kissing at your throat as he moved the two of you closer to the barricade. His fingers dig into your ass, spreading your cheeks as he shouts into your ear. 
"These fishnets for me slut?" He slurs, chuckling as he presses your back into the cool biting metal, "Love the crop top baby, do you got a bra on underneath?" 
A sob threatens to rack through your body as your elated high quickly turns into stomach churning nausea. Desperately you look up to the stage, anything to distract you from the fingers that try to venture between your thighs, while the other rips at your favorite top.
Tokoyami jumps, stopping to adjust his feet for steady ground to do the screaming part of the song, he glances down into the crowd, silently looking for you. The woman who made his heart flutter for the first time in years and when he sees your face tilted up towards him with fear and pain twisting your features he loses his cool. 
"Fucking stop!" He shouts, the lyrics gone for now as the music abruptly stops, the man holding you startles as the light follows Dark Shadow's accusing finger. He is illuminated by the stage light as bystanders rip him from you, he punches one guy and makes a run for it. 
 "Aye yo security. Get this asshole!" Dark Shadow shouts, leaning down for your now outstretched arms. Pulling you on stage with ease as his fingers flutter over your shoulders and sides for injuries.
"You okay my sparrow?" He coos softly and you nod, and he guides you towards the back of the stage, leaving the two front members to appease the excited crowd. He presses a cold water bottle to your hand before pulling up a chair a few feet from the drum kit. 
"Stay by Bakugou okay? He'll take care of you." He wipes some sweat from your face before squeezing the nape of your neck. Bakugou glares your way with mixed emotions before doing his show starting beat to get the crowd jumping. 
"Anyone else wanna act like a fucking douche?" Denki asks, walking up and down the front of the stage waiting for Tokoyami to return to the forefront. 
"NOOOOO!" The crowd shouts, Denki offers a cheeky smile before adding. 
"That's my good fans!" He blows a kiss to the crowd and the screams fly up an octave. 
"Alright let's start this shit from the top!" Jiro shouts, letting out some hypnotic notes before looking towards Tokoyami. 
"Actually, let's give them a sample of the new album. Let's give them a tease. Do you wanna be teased?" He asks the crowd aiming the mic towards them as if he needed to. 
"SHOW US! TEASE US!" The crowd chants before Tokoyami looks towards his band members. 
"I dunno do they deserve it?" Bakugou prodes and the audience lets out a dejected whine. 
"Promise to behave?" Jiro teases and the crowd collectively screams out desperately "YES!"
"Well keep your hands to yourself and listen up cause you're only gonna hear it this once til it drops!" Tokoyami shouts before Jiro starts playing that hypnotic sound, shortly after Denki joins in. Bakugou twisting his drumstick as he waits for his cue impatiently. Dark Shadow takes in a deep breath before singing the haunting first lines of their new song. 
"What do you do, when it's stalking after yoouuu? What do you say when it's just a breath awaaay~? Coming closer and you can't seem to get awaaaaay?" 
"Always watching, always loooomming-" 
Bakugou slams his sticks down hard onto the kit, foot tapping the bass drum at an alarming speed as everything seems to be hitting a climax. 
The last line he screams and the crowd is overcome with emotion. The height of the music and the new song that the band pours their hearts into, sends the crowd into a frenzy. Sweat dripping from everyone as their black shirts dampen around their collars. 
The song the crowd wanted to last forever comes to an end and you find yourself standing to scream, tears in your eyes.
"That was amazing!" Curling your fingers into a fist, Dark Shadow turns back to see you, out of the millions of people there tonight, in that moment he could only hear you.  
"Well I think we gave them a good show huh?" Denki asks into the mic, Bakugou drums a heavy beat as he shouts. 
"HAVE A GOOD NIGHT!!" The band members shout in unison before waving and slowly backing off stage. Tokoyami rushes towards you, hand slipping around your natural waist as he guides you into the darkened stage towards his dressing room. Your heart is racing in your ears as the silence becomes deafening. Being this close to Dark Shadow you couldn't help but notice the little cushion that keeps his helmet from damaging his throat and the intoxicating smell that rolls off of him like a cool breeze. He smells like cedar and pine at twilight while the wind brings with it the threat of snow. 
You shiver despite the warmth of his touch. Swallowing the lump in your throat you force your tongue to cooperate as he steps in front of his door politely opening it for you. His small silver chains clink from the motion.
"You must be tired, are you sure you want...company?" If you could see his face you imagined he'd be smiling. Pressing his hand at the small of your back to urge you inside. 
"I'm sure." He walks in, waiting for you to follow before he slumps onto a worn leather arm chair. Your platform converse move on their own as you cross the threshold of the room, closing the door behind you. 
"Lock it, would you sparrow?" All you can do is nod as you turn the lock until you hear a soft click. He gestures for you to sit on the couch beside him before his broad hands go towards his helmet. 
The blood rushes from your face as a moment of honor and horror wage war in your gut, pulling your heart down towards your feet. 
"Wait!" You shout, startling both of you and you feel heat rise into your cheeks and throat, "I don't want you to feel obligated to take it off. We can just...talk." 
Nervously you fidget with the hem of your skirt, thinking he was going to kick you out for being so lame. 
He stands and you flinch before he sits beside you on the love seat. If you could see his eyes you wondered if they were sparkling. His winter woods smell tickles your nose and you smile. 
"I'd love to just talk. But first." He must notice your ripped shirt as he stands again. Rummaging through his suitcase to find the first edition band tee ever made for TOKYO MOB.
"I couldn't!" You half shout and then squeak, "I shouldn't" 
"I insist." He says softly placing it on your lap before giving you his toned back. The cropped tee he wears shows off the dimples in his lower back that has you thinking of what it would look like while those hips piston into you. Quickly you toss your ripped shirt aside and slip his over your head, relishing the present smell, heart stirring.
"It's safe." You say softly and he turns around taking the seat beside you again. 
After a small awkward silence the two of you begin to talk, the conversation coming easy as you gushed over his voice and where you went to college when he asked. Him wanting to know more about your life and the night ended up being about you instead of him for once and it was nice. 
Nice to not have someone prying or clawing at his neck to find out just who he was and what he looked like, suddenly heat rushes to his pants. His hand comes to rest on your knee just below the hem of your skirt, ringed fingers sliding beneath the black fabric. You swallow, looking into the face of the bird mask and softly speak. 
"How- how would we kiss?" It feels stupid, embarrassing that you would even think that. He kills the light by the love seat flooding the room in total darkness before he takes off his helmet with a clatter. 
"Like this." His lips are by your ear now sending ecstacy through your body in the form of a spine tingling shudder. He kisses at your lobe working his way down your throat and then up to your jaw, avoiding your lips as he tastes every inch of you he can. His damp hair tickles your nose as he moves you to him, hovering over you as he kisses the plane of your stomach beneath his lifted shirt. 
"You look damn good in my shirt baby." He trails his tongue up your sternum causing you to moan, he smirks against the bone before sucking at the supple skin of your breast. Choosing them for his canvas to paint in blacks and blues that you would soon come to wish would last a life time. His free hand twists your nipple, pulling it as he scrapes his teeth against your other. Tongue flicking against the sensitive nub another moan escapes your lips as he plays with you for what feels like hours. He doesn't even go to touch your aching cunt until you're covered in a sheen of sweat. Begging for his hands to move lower as your vision spots in the dark from his sensual touch alone. Your own hands explore up his defined abs and torso occasionally catching the cool metal of his chains, this time you decide to pull him into a kiss. Your lips touching his for the first time all night and you feel like a live wire. Hungrily and aggressively trying to devour him as you feel music dancing through your blood, humming in your bones, he groans amplifying the feeling as his clothed hard on presses into your core. His tongue swipes over yours and the thought of not even knowing what he looks like arches your back into his touch. 
Finally he flips your skirt up, his fingers venturing between your thighs and when he finds no fabric and the satisfying sound of your slick he bucks his hips, biting at your breasts. 
"So wet sparrow…." His voice is soft breath and a little desperate causing your cunt to clench. He circles your clit until you're crying, his fingers occasionally checking for a stream of tears. When he feels the droplets on your face he chuckles shoving his fingers knuckle deep going agonizingly slow until you're fluttering around his thick curled digits. You cum hard and he whispers praises in your ear, several times as your body shakes and you think you won't be able to make it through the night. 
"Ready for my cock babe?" He asks gently swiping his thumb over your swollen and heavily abused clit. You perk right up, ready for the finale silently thanking the gods for a band members stamina. You notice him shaking as he leans down for a kiss, his stomach sweaty and sticking to yours. You fist his hair, pulling him back just a bit. 
"You'll be okay?" You can just make out the gleam of his teeth from his smirk before his voice comes out as pure sinful husk. 
"The question is, will you sweet sparrow?" 
Too stunned to answer he swallows your silence with a kiss before he sheaths himself inside you. Relishing the moan in his mouth and the fluttering of your velvet walls as they adjust to him. You were so wet, so ready for him as he slowly rocked his hips. Your half wish from earlier coming true as your hands fly to the dimples of his lower back, trying to urge him to quicken his pace but he keeps it languid, deadly. Each stroke hitting with purpose. The head of his cock hitting that cushy spot as his pelvis snapped against your clit. The sensation sends you into a never ending moan. Each gasp his stage name as he marks you as his, nails raking down your arms as he praises. 
"Such a nice pussy you have. Taking me so fucking well." He lingers by your ear, his tone the opposite of his lustful words. Your own nails claw down his back in viscous lines as he keeps you on the edge. The coil, steady and tight as you feel the pressure in your stomach growing. He can feel how tightly you're squeezing him and how your thighs are locked around his waist. He press his fingers into your stomach as his thumb swipes over your clit, his hips snapping faster and faster as he waits for what he hopes is coming. The pressure becomes too much he overstimulates your body, shaking as you cry out. 
"I can't, I can't…" 
"You can, just for me. Don't be shy, cum for me baby." His deep voice sends a chill through your body, you go rigid, quiet before your body jerks and releases a clear liquid onto his pelvis and cock. Shaking as he fucks your through it before his voice comes out strained as you milk him. 
"Imma cum baby, where do you want it?" 
"In me, I promise I have an IUD just fucking cum Dark Shadow!" You gasp and he obeys, adding to your pleasant after shocks, filling you to the brim with his hot seed with a husky grunt. He collapses onto you fixing your shirt before he gently withdraws, keeping his face to your chest as your fingers find his hair. You try not to let your thoughts wander and as if he could read your mind. 
"I promise you, you're the only one who's made me do that." He kisses your throat gently before his hand searches for your free one, interlacing his fingers with yours before he hums. Slowly singing you to sleep. You welcome the feeling as exhaustion blankets you in darkness.
"Uh miss." The voice comes as a shock as a large man tries to wake you from a distance. You startle, grabbing at blankets to cover yourself although you're fully clothed.  
"Hate to wake you miss but we're locking up. The venue is closed and the band is…" Although he looks a brute he clearly has some sort of heart. Unable to say what you know.  
"Gone." Tears burn your eyes as you think of how stupid you were. To ever think you were special enough to be anything more than a groupie. A note sits on the bedside table. 
"Should we cross paths again, Sparrow. I'll make you forever mine" 
The note blurs as you recognize the lyrics to the song. You look down at his band tee and wonder if your favorite song was more of a gimmick to pick up fans than some fated promise. 
And so life moves on.
You can only tell that time has passed from the fading color of your bruises. Slowly they melt from a cold bluish black into cool greens and warm dotted yellows. You sigh, looking in the mirror before you head towards your room for clothes.  Finally mustering up the courage to wear that stupid band tee he gave you again. It still smells faintly of him, of the winter woods suspended in forever twilight. Of musk from your sweat and his. You fight back the tears as you remind yourself you just put on mascara, finally choosing to participate in a social life after having your heart broken for being a fool. You decided to get ready sooner rather than later, otherwise you would have backed out from the plans and mopped around the house. You figured some coffee would help kill the time as you lace up your converse thinking of your favorite shop. You head out and walk leisurely to the cafe off the beaten path of downtown.  The street is full but not overly so as people browse the shopping district of the huge city you call home. Everyone fades into the background until your eye catches against a handsome man, dressed in tastefully torn black jeans, and an onyx turtleneck. You would be concerned for his attire in this weather if he wasn't so damn handsome. You must catch his eye as well as his face instantly lights up when he makes eye contact. He beats you to the cafe door, holding it open for you with ringed fingers like a gentleman waiting for you to enter. The gesture feels familiar causing your heart to squeeze in your chest, feeling trapped beneath your too small rib cage. As you walk past him you think you smell something familiar. 
Like cedar and pine, dancing on a snowy wind as the sun sets the world on fire. 
Your world on fire as you grip at the front of Dark Shadow's shirt trying not to cry. You just wanted your fucking macchiato and to move on with your life. You had lived every fan's dream of sleeping with your favorite band member. Tasting Dark Shadow's blackberry mouth. Shouldn't that be enough? 
Your aching heart said otherwise. 
Suddenly warmth is behind you, radiating off of a thick body as the handsome man bends over to put his profile to your ear. Goose flesh prickles your skin in late August as he says with a voice that drapes you in sinful black silk.
"You look damn good in my shirt, sparrow." 
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hypmic-writings · 3 years
Hey this is the Ichiro dad simp, iN DA BUILDING. Just wondering if I could request more of something like that? Maybe Ichiro and the F!MC are going out for dinner and Jiro and Saburo have been left with this kid. Whether their kid is a few years old or a baby, I’ll leave that to you 😉
━━ ∘◦ ☆ ◦∘ ━━
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Pairing: Ichiro Yamada x fem!reader (ft. Jiro and Saburo)
Genre: Fluff
Warnings: Baby stuff
A/N: Aww, I think Ichiro would be an amazing dad! He would be so attentive and joyful and fun - definitely supporting his kid and wanting to help out with every little thing. Jiro and Saburo would just find babies so weird when they were still a bit younger haha in this one, everyone is aged up about 4-5 years and you and Ichiro have been married for a while too! Enjoy~
⋘ ──── ∗ ⋅◈⋅ ∗ ──── ⋙
“Okay, so dinner is in the fridge and don’t forget to sing her that little song she likes before tucking her in for bed, okay?” you said, clasping Jiro’s hands tightly in your own as you stared him deeply in the eyes with a pleading look. Jiro nervously glanced between you and Ichiro and chuckled.
“Y-yea, of course, I got it,” he said, sheepishly. Saburo rolled his eyes with a groan and practically pushed Jiro out of the way, reaching to take your hands instead. He gave you his most innocent, polite smile and nodded.
“Don’t worry, Y/N. I’ve written everything down and I’ll make sure this idiot doesn’t screw anything up. Yuki will be perfectly safe with us,” he reassured you, making you nod.
You were about to respond with another frantic comment when Ichiro walked over to wrap his arm around your waist. You stopped short and looked up at him, only to find his lips pressed against your forehead.
“They’ll be just fine, Y/N, I promise,” he told you with a warm smile. “Yuki’s almost 1 and she barely ever cries so you don’t have to worry about them taking care of her.”
“I know but…” you started, but Ichiro shook his head.
“No buts. We haven’t had date night in months and we need to get out of this house,” he told you, rubbing the backs of your hands soothingly. “It’ll only be a few hours and only a short drive away, so let’s have some fun. I trust my brothers, don’t you?” Ichiro asked you with a grin. You glanced at Jiro and Saburo, now much older and more mature than they were when you first met Ichiro and you nodded.
“Of course I do,” you told him, managing a smile. Ichiro nodded and reached over to take Yuki from her crib, holding her up high and smiling at her.
“Daddy’s gonna take mommy on a fancy dinner! Isn’t that fun?” he cooed, his voice going higher as the tiny baby giggled happily in his big arms. You watched him with a smile on your face, loving how good he was with her as he turned towards you. “Say bye-bye to mommy,” he said, picking up Yuki’s hand to wave it at you.
“Bye baby,” you smiled and bent down to kiss Yuki once more as Ichiro handed her off to Saburo.
“Thanks again for doing this, guys,” Ichiro said, grabbing his keys and making his way to the door, one hand pulling you along. “We’ll be back by 9, okay?”
“Yea, that’s fine!” Jiro said, shooting Ichiro a thumbs up. “You kids have fun,” he joked, making Ichiro laugh and making you smile as the two of you headed out on your date.
*  *  *
“This place is so wonderful,” you said, happily munching on your meal as you sighed and leaned against the table. “You were right…I needed a night out,” you admitted, closing your eyes softly.
“I told you. We can be good parents and still take time to ourselves you know. That is important,” Ichiro remarked, taking a sip of his Ramen broth. You hummed as you rested your chin on your hands.
“Do you think we’re good parents?” you asked, thinking about Yuki and how crazy the past year had been with everything that had happened.
“Well, I don’t know about me,” Ichiro said with a chuckle, leaning over to take your hand and tightly hold it, fingers rubbing against your wedding ring. “But I think you’re the most amazing mother,” he told you, making you roll your eyes. “I’m serious. You’re so attentive to Yuki’s needs, and you’re always on top of everything. I can see how tired you’ve been just taking care of all of her needs. You really are a great mom,” he said. This time, you could feel the heat rise to your cheeks as you waved him off.
“Well, it’s both of us, right? You’re the one that helps wake up at 2am when she’s crying and I swear you’re the fastest diaper-changer in Ikebukero,” you laughed, making Ichiro chuckle.
“I guess we just make a great team then,” he said with a smile. You nodded to him and moved in closed, pressing a kiss onto his lips and humming. A moment passed with the two of you eating before you heard him chuckle.
“Do you think my brothers are handling her okay?” he asked, making you stare at him knowingly.
* *  *
“God, why do babies poop so much?” Jiro cried, hastily removing the soiled diaper and throwing the new one onto Yuki as she bawled out tears.
“Pay attention to the video, it says the pin needs to go here,” Saburo said, pointing at the diaper and making Jiro groan. “Stop whining, it’s your fault for losing the bet, remember? I fed her, so now you have to change her!”
“Yea, yea,” Jiro said before laughing. “It was worth it to watch her throw up on you,” he added, pointing at Saburo and jeering while the younger brother glared at her.
“I’m never having kids,” Saburo mumbled as he walked away to find Yuki’s pacifier.
*  *  *
“Hey, how was she?” you asked, peeling off your jacket and handing it to Ichiro as you walked into the house. Jiro immediately shot up from where he was laying on the couch and told you to hush.
“Shh, we just got her to lie down, don’t wake her up now!” he hissed, making you stop in your tracks. Saburo walked into the room and stood next to Jiro with his arms crossed. Ichiro walked over and smiled at his brothers.
“How was she?” he whispered. “Hopefully she didn’t – ”
“Do you two know what time it is?” Saburo demanded in a hushed tone. You pursed your lips and looked at Ichiro with a guilty look. “It’s almost 11 and you said you would be home at 9!”
“Sorry, bro, we just got to talking and we haven’t been alone in so long and we…” Ichiro began, trailing off so as to not go on about that night’s exploits. Jiro shook his head at the two of you.
“Like I said. I’m never having kids,” Jiro shuddered before grabbing his own jacket.
“What happened?” Ichiro asked, his smile wavering as you stood beside him.
“Nothing, Jiro’s just being overdramatic,” Saburo sighed, rubbing his temples. “She was perfectly fine, ate dinner and changed her and played with her and everything. She was just being a baby…a dirty, stinky baby,” he mumbled.
“Oh, well thank you both so much for looking after her!” you said, sighing relief as you kissed Ichiro’s cheek, quickly hugged Jiro and Saburo and then went into the bedroom to make sure Yuki was sleeping soundly.
“Need a ride home?” Ichiro asked, lifting up his key.
“Nah, I drove here,” Jiro said, holding up his own. “Saburo, need a ride?”
“Usually I would never say yes, but I just need to get out of here before it starts crying again…or worse…pooping,”Saburo said with a pained look. Ichiro had to hold back a chuckle as the two walked out of his house with a speedy goodbye and a wave.
“Is she okay?” Ichiro asked, having walked through the house to find you sitting on the bed with Yuki in your arms.
“Yea, she’s perfect,” you told him with a smile. “Your brothers did a good job,” you added, nodding in approval.
“I knew they would,” he whispered, brushing away a spot of lint on Yuki’s towel. The two of you sat beside each other for a moment, just happy to be together as a family before Ichiro spoke up once more.
“Do you think she’ll be lonely without any siblings?”
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bread-elf · 2 years
Hearts of Tenacity Fest - A duo with Kon!
This script was written to be formatted into the addon Storyteller. The emotes and lines were posted in real time to match the song, which is why the script may appear to be lacking in detail compared to previous works. Kon snickers and nods his head. "I’m excited to say that I’ll be MCing her underwater talent show too! So you best all come down to see it and sign up!" He smirks gazing out among the crowd before his eyes fixate on Jiroki. He grows a very sly grin on his face almost instantly. "That’s right you heard me. She chose ME to MC it. Doesn’t that just stiiiing. You know, like a jellyfish!" Kon starts laughing at his own lame ass joke. 
Jiroki starts to squint as Kon makes direct eye contact at her, quirking her head a bit. "Are you talking to -me- right now?" Kon snorts at her. "Nah I just like looking at you while talking to other people." He cleverly quips with a sarcastic grin. "But never fear Jiro dear, for I will prove to be the best MC for our beloved Marnie." Jiroki narrows her eyes at him. "Oh you’re talking to me alright." Her sass is amplifying, beginning to move to stand herself up. "Marnie is -my- best friend. Just because she asked YOU to MC makes you her lackey! I think you’re letting your ego swell too big from all the shows you been hosting!" Talthorn looks to Marnie just snickering at their antics. He tries to reassure her by motioning for her to slooooowly back away with him while Kon and Jiro hash this out! Kon leans his head down and in towards Jiro. "Mmmm, afraid I might make a decent MC like you and sharpen is that it?" Jiroki lets out a guffaw at that, and she starts walking herself up on stage to face Kon, as if it was totally okay for her to do this right now. "And here I thought you’d suddenly start gloating you were better, since you had to so graciously point me out about hosting for -my- best friend’s event!" She says, though she blows Marnie a brief kiss. "You can strut and dance and do whatever you want, I don’t care! But let’s not forget the most important thing that everyone here NEEDS to know…" "Oh my, you’re actually going to confess in front of all these people that I -am- better? Jiro I’m honored!" "NO!" Jiroki clears her throat. "No, no. What I mean is…" Jiroki lets out a huff, and she flips her big hair back over her shoulder as she begins to sing. Music starts here.
"Anything you can do I can do BETTER!" "Ha!" Kon jerks back in a mocking laugh, hand on his stomach. "I can do anything better than you!" Kon crosses his arms and rolls his eyes at her dismissively. "No you can't." "Yes I can." "No you can't." He eyerolls. "Yes I can.~" "No you can't." Jiroki proudly poses, hand on her chest. "Yes I can, yes I can!" She fans a hand out spinning away from him. Stepping towards her he casually shrugs. "Anything you can be, I can be greater." A hand on his chin he leans teasingly towards her. "Sooner or later I'm greater than you!" "No you're not!" "Yes I am." "No you're not..." "Yes I am!" "No you're not!!" "Yes I am, yes I am!" He sings, turning away from her. "I can shoot a partridge, with a single cartridge." Raises a pretend gun to his eyes and shoots it. "I can get a sparrow, with a bow and arrow." She knocks a pretend arrow on her imaginary bow and fires! Kon places firsts into his sides standing proud as he sings, "I can live on bread and cheese!" "And only on that?" "Yup!" He nods. "So can a rat..." Kon winces. But teases her by grabbing a wine glass nearby as he sings, "Any note you can sing I can sing higher." Jiroki turns her head away and sings. "I can sing any note higher than you." "No you can't."
Jiroki raises an octave. "Yes I can."
Kon raises his own octave. "No you can't."
"Yes I can!"
"No you can't!"
"Yes I can!!"
Kon proudly sings with one arm fanning out,  the other on his chest. "No you caaaaaaan't!"
Jiroki fans her own arm out towards the audience. "Yes I- CAAAAN!!~"
Kon stands behind her eyes wide as suddenly his wine glass shatters! He blinks at the broken glass then at her. "How do you sing that high?" "I'm a GIRL!" Jiroki pushes him aside as she walks past, hips swaying as Kon's eyes follow her movement before he snorts. "Anything you can say I can say softer." Jiroki raises her head in a sassy tone. "I can say anything softer than you." Kon places hands on his heart and looks away. "No you can't." Jiroki copies him. "Yes I can." Kon looks back at her mocking her softly, "No you can't, "Yes I can." Kon barely whispers towards her, "No you can’t." Jiroki squeaks. "Yes I can. YES I CAN!!" Proudly declares at the top of her lungs in his face! Kon jerks back from her in shock! But now dances around her proudly, chest out. "I can drink my liquor, faster than a flicker." "I can drink it quicker." She grabs at her belly and makes a puke face. "... and get even sicker." Kon looks confused, how is that better? "I can open any safe!" He shows off his long elven nails. "Without being caught?" "Juu bet" "That's what I thought you crook..."
Kon sweats at that. "Any note you can hold I can hold longer." "I can hold any note longer than you!" "No you can't." "Yes I can." "No you can't!" "Yes I can!" Kon rears his head back and holds his voice deeply, "No you caaaaaaaan't!" Jiroki quips back. "Yes I can." She pauses then takes her own pose, arms up high and head back as she sings out! "Yes IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII-" Kon blinks at her, eyes shifting towards the audience a bit exasperated. Eyes shift back to Jiro then as he silently mouths, ‘damn.’ "IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII-" ..... "IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII-" Kon boggles at her. "IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII- can!" Jiroki smirks at him. "Yes You Caaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaan!" Kon reaches out to pat her back and make sure she’s okay. "Where do you keep all that air?" Jiroki fails at her words. "Nhh." Motioning painfully at her abdomen. Kon grimaces, "Ooh." He tilts his head, not certain what that meant! "Anything you can say I can say faster." "I can say anything faster than you!" Kon turns and leans in to bring his face right before hers. "No you can't." Jiroki turns and leans in to bring her face right up to Kon's. "Yes I can." "No you can't." "Yes I can." "No you can't. Noyoucan't. Nyehcan't. Ncan't. Can't!" "Yes I can. YesIcan. YesIcan. YesIcan. YesIcan!" Kon hangs his head in defeat as Jiro fistpumps at the air in victory. But then he leaps across the stage, "I can jump a hurdle." Jiroki slides her hands down her waistline. "I can wear a girdle." "I can work with leather." "I could fill it better!" Kon turns and shakes his rear side to side at the knock of the beat. "I can do most anything." "Can you bake a pie?" Jiroki asks, almost hopeful. "No…" "Neither can I..."
Kon grins and rubs his nails along his chest, glancing back at Jiro over one shoulder. "Anything you can sing I can sing sweeter." "I can sing anything sweeter than you!" She smugly smirks back at him. Kon places hands on his hips as he slowly turns enchantingly. "Noo you caaaan't." As he sings magic stars start to rise around his face, grasping hold of Jiroki’s hand to dance. Jiroki is not deterred, batting eyes back at him with a sweet blush as she accepts. "Yes III ca-ha-ha-ha-haan." Kon lays heavily on the chocolate sweet depth of his voice, bringing her in for a slow dance. "Noo you caa-aan't." Jiroki moves along with him as magic stars start to rise around her face, getting dipped by the man. "Yes III caaan." Kon uprights her after the dip, spinning her outward. "Nooo you cann't." His eyes narrow playfully. Jiroki allows him to spin her outward, extending an arm. "Yes I caaan." "Nooo you cann't." Kon pulls her back in. "Oooh yes I caaan." Jiroki spins beautifully and returns back to him.
Kon suddenly forces her to take three harsh steps back! "No you can't, can't, can't!" Jiroki suddenly forces him to take three harsh steps back! "Yes I can, can, can!" Both elves wrap an arm around each other’s waist, fanning out opposing hands side to side in their grand finale! "No. Yooou-" "Yes. I-" "Caaaaaaaan't!" "Caaaaaaaan!" Both bow, and continue their usual shenanigans. @konietzko-sylvoran @succulent-tart
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I'm curious for your headcanons ship thing so... could you do ShinKami (Shinsou x Kaminari) and AwaMomo (Awase x Momo)??? 👉👈
Of course! These two ships are 🔥🔥 content.
ShinKami headcanons for the soul:
You know who everyone sees Kiminari being a mess and Shinsou helping him get out of those situations? Well, nope. Denki is usually the one helping other people around. He goes with Bakugo to make sure he doesn't destroy to much, he stays with Jiro and Momo to make sure they're okay... And he uses his quirk to prevent him things to become worst.
So you has Shinsou underestimating certain situations and Denki goes to the rescue. Denki is a class 1-A kid, he knows how fast things can go wrong. Shinsou is BOLD. He tends to test how far he can go and— Aizawa is working on it too. So imagine his surprise to know Denki, for all his craziness, is the one keeping an eye on Hitoshi.
Denki pays Eri for extra information on Shinsou. What does he likes? How is he feeling? The little girl didn't want to take the money at first but Denki told her she can buy nice things for Aizawa and Shinsou so she's actually doing him a favor. Shinsou suspects about their deal but Eri always says Mirio is the one giving him money. And Mirio won't expose them, because Eri is so proud of herself... He can't do that.
You have those days when Aizawa and Shinso are training together and guess what? Denki asks Present Mic to show him some moves. Aizawa is losing his mind because Mic main tactic is screaming at the top of his lungs and Kaminari clearly can't do that. He can't use his power all at once. Bad tactic for the kid. Somehow Mic ends up training Shinsou's voice so he can project it more and use it in different ways, while Aizawa teaches Denki to be smart with his quirk, setting traps to his enemies.
And for the last touch: Shinsou sings like an angel and Denki plays the guitar like a demon, so you have some good quality fanfic tropes in here.
Now, AwaMomo for the heart:
I have this headcanon that Awase loves making sculptures and Momo wants him to teach her.
Just imagine Awase being all shy because he has a goddess by his side, complimenting him every five seconds. He's trying his best but he's close to fainting. I share the feeling. Momo is just so much. All of it.
When Momo makes him a sculpture of himself as a birthday gift, he just— he needs to do it. He says it is unfair because she was secretly studying him and he hasn't had a chance to study her properly and gift her with something like that. A+ flirting, Awase. Go for it.
Momo invites him to her house then. There he can inspire himself with her family's garden and study her sitting among the flowers. THEY ARE JUST A+ FLIRTING AND THEY'RE OBLIVIOUS TO THAT. Everyone in class 1-A and class 1-B are dying. Innocent kids must be protected. Shinsou just shuts both Monoma and Bakugo up at the same time so they wouldn't ruin the moment.
The day comes, Awase is NERVOUS and Momo is BLUSHY. They both are concerned about doing something wrong in front of the other. Oh boy.
The more Awase sees of that mansion, the worst he feels because he doesn't belong among that opulence. Still, there's some mercy. Momo fits in it perfectly, but he can't help but think that she also fits among the chaotic mess of class 1-A. She's still Momo, the same Momo he has spent days with. The same Momo that laughs at his jokes and was upset she couldn't do more when Bakugo was kidnapped, even if she made a genius plan in a second and was able to give the exact location of the villains to the pro-heroes.
The tension keeps building. They sit in the garden, Momo in a chair looking at the trees, Awase staring at her while he crafts with his hands. He's in awe of her beauty, but she seems... Sad? Worried, maybe. Yes, she is not feeling comfortable, so he asks politely if he's doing something wrong. If she doesn't want to be there, there's no need—
Momo raises her voice with a hard "No " and they stay quiet for a moment. They stare at each other, hesitant. And then Momo starts talking about how worried she is because he probably had had professionals modeling for him and she doesn't know if she's doing things right. Is she moving to much? Is she in the correct light? He's such a good crafter, his quirk is so delicate and precise, she's a little ashame of the tiny pathetic figure she gave him for his birthday. But he's to polite to say so, he'd never hurt her, right? So how can she be sure that he liked it? How can she—?
She stops talking and Awase just looks at her. His face is blank, mouth a little opened. Momo stands and it's about to run away when he takes her by the wrist. How? Is that— Is that how she sees her? His voice is a whisper but his tone is deaf serious. How can she not see that everything she does is perfect? The figure she gave him? Awase was unable to put into words how much it meant for him. No one ever took the time to learn from him or ask him about it or even look close enough to capture the details of his face in a sculpture. He was just the craftsman, a faceless worker. He doesn't have a flashy quirk or a good personality. He's no one, compare to others. And she grew up among some of the finest pieces in their country! And still! Still she sat beside him day after day, interested in what he was doing.
Awase realizes he's been holding her wrists and he lets her go. Momo is crying in silence. It breaks him and he's about to apologize when she hugs him so tight, it's leaving him breathless. They don't talk. He rubs her back and breaths her in. She holds onto him, burying her face on his shoulder.
Somewhere, hiding between the trees, you have the idiots from class 1-A and class 1-B trying hard to not scream.
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thesweetestkimberry · 4 years
Beach Day
Pairings: Hanta Sero x Reader
Summary: 1-A goes to the beach, a day that began with insecurities and mishaps turned into a night of new love and acceptance.
Warnings: OOC characters, Mineta being a perv, might be some curses?, mentions of stretch marks and insecurities of the body
Notes: SO this was kinda written with a fuller body in mind because I have one, and a lot of the time I struggle with accepting my body. It’s not a huge factor in the story but it is there. I hope this story kind of helps you forget those insecurities for a bit.
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『° 。✰˚⋆☾⋆。✰°』
“How come you’re still wearing your clothes (y/n)?” Uraraka asked sincerely as you tensed, shooting her a nervous smile, “I’ll take it off in a bit! I just wanna get situated.” You said taking a sip of your drink from your spot on the sand. You and Mina had set up underneath a large umbrella, putting your towels side by side and arranging your belongings.
“She’s just insecure.” Mina said, making you flick sand at her while she laughed, “Whaaat!?” The girls shouted, “You have nothing to be insecure about!” Momo tried, making your mind race,
“That’s what I keep telling her!” Mina once again interjected. It took all your will to not find a way to zip his trap with your quirk. “American and Japanese ideas on the body may be different, but that doesn’t mean yours is bad.” Tsuyu said in her usual blunt manner making you sulk,
“And with that new bathing suit Toru and Mina picked out, I’m sure you’ll look great!” Jiro said shooting you a thumbs up as her earphones waved. Knowing you weren’t gonna win this, you sighed, “Okay, but only for a bit.” You said as you began to remove your shirt and shorts.
The girls twittered amongst each other about how you looked, which made you insecure about your body. Your fingers subconsciously raced over the stretch marks on your stomach, breasts, and thighs, your mind shooting to what the ones on the back of your arms and thighs looked like. 
 Finally stepping out from under the umbrella, you tried to cross your arms over your stomach, which was softer than the skinny toned girls in your class. The pink girl huffed and tried tickling you to get you to ease up, tickling you to do so and as a result of your laughter, heads began to turn, and some stared a lot longer than you would’ve liked.
Suddenly you heard a loud SMACK, the boys who were playing volleyball winced and groaned. Turning your attention towards them, you saw Sero with a quickly reddening imprint of the volleyball on his face, making you cringe.
Kaminari patted Sero on the back and laughed, “That’s what you get for staring.” He joked, making the boy flush. “Don’t act like you guys didn’t look!” He yelled loudly making them all tense as you looked over. They all threw their quirks at him, either shocking, singeing, or freezing him.
You quickly turned away when the girls called you over again to join them in the water, which you had agreed too, since you usually swim far enough for the water to reach up to your chest. You and Tsuyu swam for a while, the other girls played with a beach ball on the other hand, laughing and splashing water at each other.
Suddenly, you froze and shrieked.
“Something touched me!” You yelled as you frantically looked around, Asui tilting her head curiously. “Was it some seaweed?” She asked you as you wiped the water off of your face,
“No no, like, something touched my ass!” You said as she disappeared into the water, probably to look around.
After about a minute, you heard splashing and yelling. Looking over in that direction, you saw Asui break the surface and come out holding Mineta with her tongue. Swimming over to the shore and shaking him
“You’ve got to be kidding me.” You said exasperated as he trashed in her hold, swimming back to shore to meet her. “I think this is the piece of trash that touched you.” She muttered as best as she could with her tongue sticking out.
“Hey let me go! I’m thorry it was just out there! You know you thouldn't be wearing thomething like that if you didn’t want anyone to touch you!” Mineta said aloud making you cover yourself as best as you could with your hands, even pulling down the bottoms to cover your ass that was barely poking out.
“The hell you say scumbag?” You heard an aggressive voice say, making you flinch. “He touched (y/n)!” Mina shouted as she came to console you, seeing how you had gotten.
“Give me the scumbag, Frog.” Bakugou said with a chilling smirk making your skin crawl. Asui did as he asked and tossed the kid at him, Bakugou caught him by the head effortlessly, careful to avoid actually grabbing his quirk. Mineta thrashed and cried out, pleading for help while everyone turned a blind eye.
“I'm about to win this game you damn extras.” Bakugou said as he ran back to the court, everyone following. 
Getting into position to serve, he threw Mineta up into the air as he screamed. The blonde ran up and jumped into the air, and spiked the screaming student using his quirk, sending Mineta over the net and creating a mini crater in the sand.
The other girls cheered while you winced, still covering your body. “Hey, you okay?” A voice behind you spoke. You turned around to see Sero, still adorning the bright red mark on his face, 
“Yeah.” You said with a small chuckle, reaching out to hold his face. He blushed as you examined the injury, noticing that you were very close to his face. “Check out this new spell that I found.” You said as you closed your eyes and focused on him, chanting some spell quietly, you then looked back up at him and smiled.
You gently bounced in your spot, making Sero notice how the air dried your hair, adding beach waves to your hair. “What’d that do?” He asked rubbing the back of his head, You pulled a small compact mirror from your bag nearby and showed him his reflection,
“Oh shit! You healed it?” He asked as he poked at his face, only making him flinch and gasp in response. “I only made the visual injury disappear, the pain is still here.” You said as he gently poked his face still. 
“It’s kinda useless, I know.” You said looking down dejectedly, but Sero quickly and gently grabbed your chin and tilted it up to look at you. “Nonono, it’s great! It’s pretty cool actually.” He said with his contagious smile. Realizing what he did, the two of you blushed, but before you could say something Kaminari cut between you two, 
“Leave room for the holy spirit.” He said leaving you two at about 3 feet apart, both laughing.
When the day began to darken and the air turned chilly, you all bundled up and started a bonfire with the help of Todoroki’s quirk. S’mores were made and stories were told and laughter was flowing. Everyone was having a great time, and you and Sero couldn't help the glances you two would share.
You later found yourself separating from the group and walking along the shore, feeling how your feet left imprints in the sand. 
“Mind if I join you?” A voice came from behind you, the wet sand concealing his nervous approach. You turned with a smile at the newcomer, nodding as you turned back around, “Of course. What draws you over here Sero?” You ask once he takes his place next to you, the boy in question shyly rubbed the back of his neck, 
“Well, you.” He mumbled, head turned away from you, obscuring his answer. You turned to him and asked him to repeat what he said, making him fluster, “W-Whales, you know?”
You chucked at how quickly he answered, turning back around and craning your neck up to the sky, “I don't think we’ll see any whales, but we can see the stars.” You say as the boy turned to look at you, seeing as though you had stopped walking. “They’re beautiful.” You whisper.
Sero looks at your hand that rested at your side, empty and waiting, practically begging for him to take it into his own. 
And that's exactly what he did. 
At the feeling of his hand in your own, you turned your attention to the blushing boy, your face turning into the same shade. “Sero?...” He swallows the nervousness he had gotten stuck in his throat, preventing him from speaking properly. “(y/n), we’ve been friends for a while, but I found myself wanting to be more than that.” Realizing where this was going, you stepped closer and squeezed his hand.
“You're beautiful, and I don't just mean physically. Your everything is beautiful! Your eyes, your smile, your personality. Not to mention you're so strong in so many ways! Your quirk, your reason to become a hero, the way you just exist is an amazing thing alone,” he rambled, words nearly blending together, your brain nearly frying to keep up with what he was trying to say.
“But why me?” You whisper more to yourself, only for him to hear you, “what do you mean?” He asks lifting your chin so his eyes could meet your glossy ones, “I don’t look like Momo, or-or Mina,” you begin, not looking directly at him in shame, “I’m not pretty like the other girls in our class im-” Sero cut you off with a hug, “Stop that, I don’t want Momo or Mina, I want you. It’s you who distracted me earlier from the volleyball, it’s you who I imagine holding close, your body is beautiful and you know why?” He asks holding you at an arms length to get a good look at you, as you shook your head, “It’s beautiful because it’s yours.”
You stare at Sero with wide eyes, admiring how cute a blush looked on his face, “Look what i'm trying to say is-” grabbing his cheeks and planting your lips on his, his eyes widened for a second, hands flying up in surprise, only for his eyes to begin fluttering closed as you deepened the kiss, his hands finding their place on your waist and pulling you in. With chests against each other, you both could practically feel how hard your hearts were beating, almost threatening to burst out of your chests.
He groaned against your lips when he felt you begin to pull away, making you giggle at his reaction, “can I finish my sentence next time?” He joked, eyes still shut in bliss, “maybe you just talk too much,” you quip back, now meeting his eyes, “I mean if that's your way of getting me to shut up then I'll just never stop talking.” 
The ocean stretched to where the two of you were, the surprisingly warm water sending a shiver through both of your bodies. “So, would you want to maybe go out? Maybe be my girlfriend?” He asks lightly squeezing your sides, making you sigh contently. “Not maybe,” you begin, pulling him down to another kiss, however you stop just as you feel his breath fan over you, “definitely.”
“Thank you Hanta.”
『° 。✰˚⋆☾⋆。✰°』
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luna-ie-dreams · 3 years
Could you do headcanons for anyone of your choice comforting their s/o who feels demotivated and burned out (I had to drop college b/c tuition got too high :'] )
Ohhh I love this one! And for bnha? You got it! I have a few in mind that would be good for this! (I’m so sorry to hear about your college situation but I totally understand ;-;) 
【 Bnha s/o x burned out! gender neutral Y/n 】
This boy is constantly aware of your emotional state
He can tell if you have mood changes but won’t press you unless you tell him what’s wrong
He will always be checking up on you and asking if everything is ok
But the one day you actually tell him that you are losing motivation and on the brink of a burnout, he will instantly drop everything
He’ll politely ask you to stop working, studying, or whatever task you have
 Sits you down on the couch while prepping a movie for later
He’ll ask if you want anything to eat or want to take a hot bath
After that he’ll bring you a pile of blankets while placing himself close to you
 During the movie he’ll constantly be reassuring you if you need, or rub circles in your back to relieve any stress you may have
If you’re burnout is majorly bad, he’ll cradle you and hum to drown out anything bothering you
You’ll have to be a bit more straight-forward with Kiri
But overall when he notices he makes up for it in a sweet way
Kiri will validate and tell you its okay to feel burned out 
With your permission he’ll drag you away from your work and ask what you would like to do or go
His mission is to absolutely make you feel pampered to take your mind off
Whether that means cuddling or taking you out somewhere
Would display affection majorly, just peppers you with kisses
And if it’s really bad he quietly talk with you about anything to keep you engaged and off of the stress
She’s not the best when it comes to comforting
Probably worrying if she’d upset you in anyway
She sees first hand of how much you overwork
Practically knew a burnout was bound to happen
With what she lacks in words, she’ll play music or even strum on guitar
Hoping to soothe you with the music
She’ll snuggle up to you and play with your hair
Maybe order what you’d want to eat for dinner
If it’s really bad she’ll ask you to rest with her and play some sleep playlists, maybe even softly singing you to sleep
Izuku (Deku):
This boy would be worried out of his mind
As analytical as he can be, he wouldn’t be aware of your mood status
When you open up to him about the stress and burnout finally
He feels his heart break a tiny bit that you are feeling that way
When it comes to comforting he’s a simple guy
He’s bad at cooking but he’d try making your favorite food
Full on protective boy, he won’t let anyone mess with you while you’re stressed
Will cuddle and nap with you
If your stress is really bad, he’ll plug in some headphones and rub your back softly
Will constantly praise you for your hard work and reassure you that you’re fine
Headcanons completed! If there’s a specific character you guys wanna read about just ask me in my inbox! But I chose the characters I think would fit pretty well (but overall everyone could fit depending lol) 
I hope you guys like what I came up with! <33
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reddeux · 4 years
Ghost Choir
OVERVIEW: A game of Dare or Dare had you confessing all of a sudden and the turnout is not what you expected at all.
PAIRING: Tokoyami Fumikage x Reader!
A/N: Song used is titled “Ghost Choir” made by Louie Zong and the lyrics are created by Sage. On another note, I also started posting my short stories on Wattpad. Check it out there. Wattpad name is on my Bio. Hope you enjoy! (Also, thank you for 15 followers! 🥰)
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“Come on, Y/N. It will be fun!“ Mina began tugging on your sleeves with big pleading eyes
“The last time you said that we were chased by Bakugou for pranking him in his very room. My ghosts are all traumatized because of that.“ You said with arms crossed while leaning at your door frame
“We won’t be doing any more pranks, I promise. We’re just gonna play a simple game. With all the girls.“ Mina said with her hands folded in front of her face
“Please, Y/N! Girls Game Time is not complete without you in it.“ She added
You raised an eyebrow at her and you can feel your 5 fluffy little ghosts landing on your shoulders and head. 
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They patted you with their stubby little hands as if indicating that they want to play whatever it is. They floated in front of you and gave you their sweetest and cutest pleading stances.
“You guys, really wanna play?“
The floating marshmallows all nodded their heads and you just gave out a defeated sigh.
“Fine, we go play with Mina and the others.“ You said and the fluffies all made happy chirping noises and did a little happy dance
Mina also did a little happy dance and she gathered the ghosts in her arms.
“Yey, thank you Y/N! I’ll go on ahead and take the fluffies with me. Follow when you’re ready!“ She said and already ran towards the elevator even before you can something with your ghosts tucked in her arms
You sighed again and just shook your head before walking into your room. You cleaned the books and magazines scattered on your bed since you were busy studying before Mina knocked on your door. You also vacuumed a few cookie crumbs on the floor and threw their wrappers in the trash. Don’t want those ants crawling all over your room now, right?
When you deemed that your room is tidy enough, you went out and made your way towards the common room where you see the rest of the girls and your ghosts on their laps. You smiled at the sight and you sat down beside Momo on the floor and Mina stood up from where she sat.
"Welcome ladies to our weekly Girl’s Game Time!” Mina said like she’s some kind of game show host
“I am tonight’s hostess, Ashido Mina. And tonight, we will be playing a round of Dare or Dare!“ She added energetically that caused all of you to giggle
“I’m sure all of you know how to play this game since none of you live under a rock.“ She added and sat down on the floor with the rest of you
A collective yeses were heard but all of you kinda stopped when you heard a familiar yet very unwanted voice.
“What are you doing here, Trash Grape?” You asked with venom in your voice
“What? Is it bad to want to join in on the fun?“ Mineta cheekily said as he sat behind Asui and Ochacko
“You do realize this is an allgirls gathering, right?“ Jiro asked
But even before Mineta can answer, you took the ghost on Momo’s lap and whispered something in it.
“Ballerina Dentata.“
You then chucked the ghost towards Mineta as it transforms into the lamprey ballerina from one of your weirdly favorite movies, Cabin in the Woods. Mineta gave a very high pitched scream as he scrambled to get up and run away from the ghost that is chasing him around until he disappeared into the elevator.
The girls gave a sigh of relief as your ghost returned to you, now on its fluffy form, and landed right on your lap.
“Good Floof.“ You said and nuzzled the ghost
“Okay! Now that that’s done. Let the games begin!“ Mina said and your game did commence
It was a fun game that resulted in numerous laughs, embarrassments, and a near fight between you and Hagakure on what is the best Romantic Comedy movie of all time. 
When it was your turn to do the dare, it was Momo who will tell you what to do.
“Y/N-san, I dare you to sing to the first person who comes out of the elevator.“ Momo said and pointed at the elevator
A collection of ooohhs can be heard and giggles followed after. You shake your head a gave Momo a playful glare. She knows that you love singing. But the downside is, you hate singing in front of an audience. Even if it is just one person, you still hate it.
“I have no choice do I?“ You asked and stood up from the floor
“Well you can always do our all-time dare which is to confess to Tokoyami.“ Mina said and wiggled her eyebrows
They knowing that you have a serious infatuation with the Dark Lord of 1-A really has it’s downside. Especially with Mina and Hagakure. Boy, you having a crush will always be a topic during sleepovers.
“Yeah, like I will do that. I don’t wanna embarrass myself in front of my King.“ You said and stretched your body
“I bet he will appreciate it you calling him his King. Why don’t you just try it, don’t be a chicken.“ Jiro said while wearing a bunny ear headband as part of her dare
You just gave her an unsure look then all of your attention went towards the elevator when it dinged. Literally, all the girls piled behind you in anticipation to see who will be the victim of your dare. They were all excited, while you were dreading this moment and sweating bullets. It’s also not helping that your ghosts are hovering above your heads cheerfully.
The second the elevator door opened revealing the person, you just muttered an ‘Oh hell no’ while the other girls screamed in delight and were jumping up and down behind you like little kids.
“You all seem to be in high spirits.“ Tokoyami said as he stepped out of the elevator with Midoriya, Shoji, and Iida in tow
“Oh my fudging enamel pins.“ You said as you looked at the girls with a playful glare
“Holy macaroni, this is gold!“ Hagakure said and quickly ran towards the boys
“Perfect timing guys. Tokoyami, can you please join us for a few minutes. Only a few minutes.“ She said a little to eagerly and made him sit on the sofa
Tokoyami is somewhat confused abwhat is happening especially since he can see the girls pushing you in front of him but you struggling to be at the back.
“Do the dare now. It’s only natural.” Tsuyu said in a hushed voice
“But I don’t know what to sing.“ You whisper shouted while still being shoved by the girls
Your ghosts get to seem to be confused too as to why their master is being shoved by the other girls and also why your face is so red. But when they heard the word ‘song’, they got excited and floated in front of Tokoyami.
“Why hello, little ones.“ He said and the ghosts began to sing
Oooo oooo ooo love Oooo oooo love Oooo oooo love My darlin' baby I'm floating in wistful bliss Won't you come love on me darlin'?
You looked behind you to see your fluffy little ones singing the first verse of your original song to Tokoyami. You felt a push behind you and you just sang for the heck of it.
Y: Oh honey, won't you come around?
T:  I'll come around
Your eyes bulged in shock when Tokoyami answered. He knew your song? Later, you’ll have to ask him about it, for now, let’s sing.
Y: Do you play me for a fool? T: So into you. 
Tokoyami stood up from the sofa and approached you. He took your hand and kissed it. Y: Will you be there? T: I will be there Y: Will you need me? T: Like I need air. Y: ...Lovin' me? T: Lovin' you. Y: Still, I'm blue... T: Only blue skies 
Both of you began slow dancing with a few twirls that Tokoyami made you do and everyone watching you is either smiling wide, taking a video, or squealing in delight at the show. (Ghosts Ad Nauseum) When I'm with you My love is so true One look in your eyes Like stars in the sky Y: I lose my mind my mind my mind my mind Our love is so sweet Ghosts: Like the moon and the sea T: I'll see you in my dreams until we meet again, goodnight
At the end of the song, your foreheads are against each other and both of you are looking into each other’s eyes. Tokoyami has his hands on your waist while your hands are holding his shoulders.
You were the one who broke eye contact first by laughing genuinely and engulfing him in a hug. You heard him do his deep chuckle as he returned your hug and spun you around. The other spectators are clapping happily and some of them even continued taking pictures and sending them to your class group chat. 
Tokoyami then leaned towards you whispering something.
“My Queen.“
You felt your face burst hot and you snuggled your face in his chest.
“My King.“
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souridealist · 3 years
bnha characters as customers and employees in an american all-night convenience store transported (with its products, legalities, and expectations) into the middle of japan because I need something to think about while I’m on shift:
midoriya: employee, manages to stay cheerful and kind at seven in the morning and at the end of a second-shift-didn’t-show-up kind of double, so everyone is absolutely positive he’s a space alien, but he can remake the coffee in absolutely superhuman time so nobody is going to say anything
uraraka: employee who silently judges the people playing the lottery but is friendly and bubbly with them anyway. basically lives off of the free-for-employees coffee and the food that’s gone dry in the case and the baked goods that get thrown out at the end of the day.
todoroki: employee. only has this job because he’s trying to piss off his father and is rapidly discovering how much a banana costs, and everyone knows it, but he’s not a dick or anything. supernaturally good at pulling food out of the oven exactly enough seconds early to meet food safety standards but before it starts to burn, because a lot of it does burn if you wait till the timer goes off.
jiro: second shift with the occasional overnight, depending on how it fits around her concerts. sings while she works and it’s adorable. will shank you if you point it out or if you leave the grill understocked.
tokoyami: absolute cryptid of the night shift, rarely seen by the others for more than five to ten minutes at a time. good at his job, clearly, since the store is in one piece and usually clean when he gets off, but still.
aoyama: shows up drunk at 3am to buy six energy drinks, claims it’s because of the time difference from france even though they absolutely see him once or twice a month
bakugo: gets a coffee in the morning, shoves the coffee over the counter, shoves his card in the machine, grunts angrily in response to any questions asked of him, and leaves. that’s it. (there is coffee he makes himself in his house, coffee that you can’t get to go in a hurry, and crap, and he doesn’t want to pay for crap with pretensions of being something else.) finding out that he and deku have known each other for decades is a rite of passage for new employees.
asui: okay I can’t actually picture any of the 1A kids as big tobacco smokers, but that demographic needs to be represented in here somehow, so by the same magic that put this [REDACTED CONVENIENCE STORE] I’m assigning that trait to her, on account of the voice. anyway she’s the blessed kind of customer who gives new employees coordinates for her cigarettes of choice -- “red one, third shelf down, over to the right, perfect, ribbit.”
aizawa: the old man who comes in every day to buy a newspaper, a coffee, and a pack of cigarettes, like some walking platonic ideal of a convenience store visit. (this is a real guy.)
yaoyorozu: places an online order for two boxes of chicken wings and six bottles of Gatorade at quarter past nine in the morning. (this is also a real guy.)
midnight: shows up between one and four am in full dominatrix gear, buys a packet of chips and an extra-large slushy.
koda: brings his (non-service) dog in the store but the dog is well behaved and he lets everybody pet it so nobody is going to ever make a thing about it.
fatgum: always nice and friendly but also buys every hot dog on the grill ten minutes before lunch rush.
ashido: one of the seven thousand customers in a day who comes in and energy drinks in enormous multiples of three because there’s apparently a buy-three-get-whatever-off sale in perpetuity.
shoji: the guy who enters the store SILENTLY somehow despite the fact that the door chimes at you and always shows up when you’ve got your back to the counter restocking the tobacco and then you turn around and jump out of your skin at six feet of man standing there waiting for you for an unknown amount of time
hagakure: the guy who enters the store silently somehow despite the fact that the door chimes at you and always shows up when you’ve got your back to the counter restocking the tobacco, but she says “hi!” cheerfully and then you jump out of your skin anyway but you know she wasn’t waiting and she doesn’t do it in a snide or passive aggressive way so it’s fine
monoma: the iphone that the god damn online orders come in on, which gets jealous of me paying attention to the flesh and blood customers and starts shouting in a gleeful self-aggrandizing chime until sufficient attention is paid
kendo: the employee who works way too many hours and teleports across the store from any corner of it in order to deal with the aforesaid online order chiming
iida: the guy who says “oh, and a bag please” after you’ve already rung him out and then hands you seven cents in change for bag tax even though a) it’s not a big deal and b) you’re definitely not going to ring out a transaction for only bag tax on one bag, but you’re nonetheless impressed by his dedication to law and order. (also a real guy.)
denki: “can I get a blunt.” he means he wants one of the cheap individually wrapped or two-pack cigars, suitable for turning into a blunt. (this is also a real guy.) 
kirishima: comes in with his own bag and hands you four large bags of beef jerky, blithely explaining “yeah I have six of each of these” while pointing to the bulging bag, which makes him very easy to ring out but also means you have to keep your jaw from hitting the floor
shigaraki: just gets a soda and two slices of pizza. honestly an extremely unremarkable customer for night shift.
endeavor: cop who comes in all the time because the store unfortunately lets cops get free fountain coffee and use the bathroom. never ever ever puts the seat back down.
mineta: banned from the store.
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Tickling! Plus Ultra! 1
“Why do I have to come again? We already sleep in the same damn building, so what’s the point?” Bakugo groaned, pressing his forehead against the doorframe of his dorm. Kirishima smiled at him. He was wearing a plain white shirt and fuzzy red pants with dragons all over it. If Bakugo was being honest, he thought that Kirishima looked very attractive in his pajamas. Not that he would ever say that out loud. Ever. 
“Because everyone is already downstairs and ready for the games! We’re just waiting on you.” Kirishima said, tilting his head a little bit. Bakugo huffed and turned away to hide his blush. He shoved his hands in his sweatpants.
“Okay, fine. But don’t expect me to participate in any stupid shit,” Bakugo huffed and began following his friend down to where the others were waiting in the main room. Everyone was now in their pajamas. There had been a bottle laid down, but Iida was lecturing the others about acting immaturely. Mineta was whining about it.
“Kacchan!” Deku exclaimed, waving Bakugo over to where the others were sitting in an oddly shaped circle. Deku, unsurprisingly, was wearing a pair of fuzzy blue pants with Allmight faces all over it along with a shirt with Allmight on it as well. Bakugo didn’t even need to see what kind of slippers he was wearing to know that they were also probably Allmight themed.
“Don’t overthink this, Deku. I’m just here so that Kirishima doesn’t complain to me all night,” Bakugo grumbled as he sat down. Kirishima plopped down next down to him, their legs touching ever so slightly. That worked with Bakugo though. As much as he liked the crazy haired red head, he still needed some time to actually admit it openly. It seemed that Kirishima didn’t really need for him to say it aloud though, which made him feel a little more relaxed.
“How about we play Truth or Dare? That’s fun!” Urarakasuggested once Iida sat back down.
“Truth or dare can be hot.” Mineta said, ogling over Momo as she stretched her arms over her head with a yawn.
“I am going to have to insist that we have some rules regarding this new game!” Iida said, chopping at the air. 
“Yeah, I’ll have to agree.” Momo said with a pout, crossing her arms over her chest. She glared daggers over at Mineta who just waggled his eyebrows suggestively. 
“Alright then, we are agreed. First rule, nothing we cannot ask any of our fellow students to admit to anything suggestive or do anything suggestive.” Iida said, pushing his glasses up his face. 
“And we probably shouldn’t do any damage to the building or each other,” Ochako said, waving her hand around in general. 
“This game isn’t gonna be any fun,” Bakugo huffed and he began to get up. Kirishima caught him by the wrist and pulled him back down. What was the point of this game if he couldn’t make two students fight to the death? It just seemed like they were just going to ask each other about crushes which was beyond boring to him.
“It’ll be fun! I’ll start!” Mina said, jumping up and looking around quizically. “Tsu! You first! Truth or dare?”
Tsuyu straightened up, her tongue sticking out of her mouth. She had been off in her own world, not really paying attention to everyone as they bickered about the games and the rules.
“Uh, truth?” She responded. 
“Okay,” Mina began, “Are frogs your favorite animal or is it really something else?”
“Well…” Tsuyu thought for a moment, looking up as she thought over the different animals that she liked. “I would have to say cats. They’re very sweet, though of course frogs are very easy to relate to.”
“Huh. Never pegged you as a cat person.” Mina murmured before sitting back down. She gestured for Tsu to continue. Tsuyu got up and looked around for a moment before pointing at Jiro.
“Truth or dare?” she asked.
“Dare.” Jiro responded confidently, twirling one of her earphone jacks between her fingers. 
“I dare you sing a random song in a scottish accent,” Tsu said and sat back down. 
“Lame dare.” Bakugo grumbled under his breath. Kirishima elbowed him in the ribs. 
Jiro stood up and began singing Jingle Bells in the worst scottish accent any of the 1-A students had ever heard. Soon, just about everyone was laughing. Even Iida was cracking a smile. The only one who didn’t seem impressed was Kacchan Bakugo. He just sat there with an eyebrow raised and his arms crossed over his chest. 
“Kirishima, truth or dare?” Jiro said once she had finished.
“Dare,” Kirishima said, leaning forward. He looked a little too excited to embarrass himself in front of his entire class. Bakugo rolled his eyes.
“I dare you to make Bakugo laugh,” Jiro said before sitting down.
“That’s stupid. You can’t rope me into your dumb dares,” Bakugo huffed, shaking his head. 
Kirishima turned towards Bakugo with a smile that was not unlike a shark’s. Shitty hair was definitely planning something and Bakugo wasn’t sure if he was going to like it. He leaned back, looking Kirishima up and down and trying to figure out what exactly the plan was.
Then, it clicked.
“Wait–” Bakugo began, putting up both of his hands defensively, but it was already too late. Kirishima pounced on him and began digging his fingers into Bakugo’s sides.
Bakugo went rigid. Of course it tickled, but he wasn’t about to let the whole class know. He was supposed to the the badass, the next number one hero. He couldn’t let the others know his weakness was something this…this childish.
“Aw, what’s wrong King Explosion Murder?” Kirishima asked, that shark like smile still spread across his face. Bakugo glared at him.
“I’m gohonna…” Bakugo began. A giggle had slipped and he clamped his lips shut before anything else could get out. The laughter was beginning to build up in his chest.
“What was that?” Kirishima asked innocently, tilting his head to the side.
“Careful, he sparks when he’s tickled,” Midoriya chimed in, scooching away from where Bakugo’s fists were clenching and unclenching. Bakugo’s head whipped over to turn his glare to Deku.
“What?!” the entire class erupted, and suddenly the eyes of pretty much every single 1-A student was on Kirishima and Bakugo.
“He’s ticklish?” Uraraka asked.
“That’s…kinda cute, man.” Denki said.
“Most people have sensitive nerve endings. It is quite common,” Iida chimed in with a small nod. 
“You guys could help you know.” Kirishima said.
“This is supposed to be your dare, but…okay.” Jiro said before moving in next to Bakugo. Her hands joined the fray. Bakugo let out a small noise, trying to push himself away from the two of them. 
“Oh, you’re not getting away.” Kirishima said and used a hand to grab his wrists. He held them above Bakugo’s head and then used his harden quirk to keep them up there.
“You are so dead, shitty hair.” Bakugo growled. Kirishima stuck out his tongue. 
  Jiro began poking and prodding around Bakugo’s stomach and sides. Bakugo squirmed and jolted slightly. It seemed like she was meticulously mapping out which areas got the biggest jump or the most effort to muffle a laugh. Kirishima made a claw with his hand and hovered it over Bakugo’s left underarm. Bakugo was definitely sweating now. He could feel that something bad was about to happen. Like the calm before the storm. The two were just waiting for–
“FUHUHUHUHUCK!” Bakugo laughed when the two of them both descended with their tickling fingers. Jiro had zeroed in on two areas, one just to the left of his navel, and his lower rib on his right side. Kirishima was clawing at his armpit – easily his most ticklish body part. 
Sparks began flying from his hands, though they fell harmlessly on Kirishima’s hardened hand. 
“GUHUAHAHAHAYS STHAHAHAHAP I’LL KIHIHIHIHILL YOUHOHOHOHO” Bakogu barked in laughter, his feet kicking out as he struggled against the three tickling hands. There was no escape from the tickle torment.
“Wow that is a lot less threatening when he’s laughing,” Deku murmured.
“Aw, his laugh is so cute!” Mina exclaimed. 
“I never would have guessed he was so ticklish.” Momo said with a soft smile.
“FUHUHUHUCK YOUHOHO” Bakugo laughed, shaking his head.
“You sure are talkative. Think we can fix that, Jiro? Plus Ultra?” Kirishima said, looking over his shoulder at his tickler partner. 
“Plus Ultra.” Jiro responded and now her earphone jacks were tossed into the mix. One began poking around Bakugo’s stomach randomly while the other sent small pulses of vibrations into Bakugo’s navel. Kirishima also began digging his thumb into Bakugo’s underarm.
Bakugo went absolutely ballistic. His head was thrown back and his eyes squeezed shut. He couldn’t get out a coherent sentence as he was just overwhelmed by the otherwhelming feeling of being put through ticklish hell. Sparks began flying more frequently from his hands, sounding like distant fireworks. 
It was only when a stray spark hit Kirishima’s now non-hardened hand that the intense tickling stopped. Kirishima flinched and brought back both hands. Once Bakugo’s hands were free, he shoved Jiro away by her shoulders. He curled up in a ball, still giggling. 
Neither of the ticklers were harmed. Jiro just sat back on her heels while Kirishima sucked on the part of his hand that still stung. 
“Well, guys, I’m sure Kacchan doesn’t want to play anymore after–” Kirishima began. He felt pretty good about the hell he had put Bakugo through, but there was a feeling that maybe Bakugo could have one longer because…he enjoyed it maybe.
“Deku.” Bakugo said, huffing as he attempted to breathe again. “Truth…or…dare?”
Midoriya looked like he was in shock. He had honestly thought that Bakugo would run off to his room after being tickled like that. But, even with that, he wasn’t dumb enough to fall for that.
“Truth!” Deku squeaked out. Bakugo growled softly, feeling as if he was cheated.
“Where is your most ticklish spot, Deku?”
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icy-hxt · 3 years
can you tell me what you think about the kids at 1a?
hi anon, I'm sorry that I took so long to answer this, when I saw your ask I felt really lazy, because there's too many people in the class lol
this is going to be a long post, since we have 20 characters to cover, so I'm putting it under the cut
okay, first of all I want to say that I don't hate any of the kids at 1a besides mineta, BUT, I do have a feeling of indifference towards at least half of them and do dislike some, I always thought that the story would been benefited if there were less people in the classes, since hori would've been able to develop them better, so don't expect me to talk a lot about everyone. also, don't take everything that I say too seriously, this is not a character analysis, I'm just doing it for fun.
anyway, the order that I'm using to list them is their seating arrangement in the class, so let's start
yuga aoyama: I already said this here before but I really like aoyama, he's ridiculous in the best way possible, he feels like a character that horikoshi took away from ouran high school club or something. since the chapter where he and deku became friends were released I felt like he deserved more screentime, because his backstory about him thinking of himself as different than the other kids in the class because of his quirk being "defective" is really interesting, I always wanted to see more of his friendship with deku and he overcoming his fears (since he was shown to be easily frightened)
mina ashido: I LOVE mina, I think that her design is so cool and her personality is really likable, when we had the kirishima flashback and we saw her protecting her friends from machia even though she was scared too was the moment that I decided that we deserved to see more of her in the story, I really liked to see she having a bigger role for a female character in a shonen, I wasn't too bad in the war but I still want more
tsuyu asui: okay, this is going to be controversial because I feel like everyone likes her, but I feel really indifferent towards her, maybe I was influenced by one of my friends that really doesn't like her but since that scene where she says that going to rescue bakugo is the same as acting like villains I started to not care about her all that much, and yes, I know that she admitted that she was wrong and everything but yeah, I don't really click with her personality (but I don't hate her, please don't be mad at me kdbdgsusj)
tenya iida: ah, what a respectable little man iida is, I really like him, I think that the way that he take everything so seriously is hilarious, like him acting super dramatically in their exams to be as similar as possible to his vision of what a villain is. I really like how he grew since the stain arc and how he decided to be a hero that prioritizes the safety of others in detriment to fighting the villains. I'm really happy that he became the focus of the story lately and that he was the one who could hold deku's hand, I want him to have a bigger role in the story for now, maybe even encountering with stain again and showing to him that he's now a great hero
ochaco uraraka: I love her personality, she's really cute, and her fight with bakugo at the beginning of the story was a highlight to me back then, but, I feel like her character became too much attached to deku after aoyama made her realize that she likes him, almost felt like her personality was gone and her only defining feature was having a crush on him, anyway, thank god that apparently she's going to have importance right now in the story because she's too much of a cool character to become just the romance interest for the male lead
mashirao ojiro: denki playing with his tail is cute, I think that is funny how horikoshi always describes him as the plain one, it was cool when he refused to participate in the sports festival because he didn't felt like he deserved
denki kaminari: oh this sweet dumbass, I love him, he's so funny and cute, I think that is that funniest thing how he just decided to call bakugo "kacchan" and is super overly friendly with him and bakugo just lets him, I actually don't think that he's "stupid" as part of the fandom seems to think, I strongly believe that people can be smart in their own ways, maybe he's not the brightest in math for example but he already showed to be able to come up with strategies, I feel like denki has a lot of anxiety inside of him because of his quirk, but i also feel like he's really genuine in trying to be a hero, overall I really like him, he's really sweet
eijiro kirishima: this swee- I mean, super manly man is amazing, I feel like kirishima is for bnha what rock lee was for naruto, I really really really like him, I love his personality and I love even more his backstory, he's really a great person and he deserves all the love that he get from the fandom, I hope that we're going to see even more of him in the future
koji koda: he's adorable, his voice is really adorable the japanese dub, his quirk is like a disney princess
rikido sato: he bakes, I like cakes and pies, we would've been best friends
mezo shoji: since I saw that hori said that he uses his mask because people are afraid of him I'm impatiently waiting for his face to be shown, and if he doesn't look like a junji ito monster or something I'm going to be pretty disappointed, anyway, I like his personality, he was really cool at the forest arc (I clearly don't remember the arcs names, I'm sorry lol), and I feel like he could have a bigger role in the story if hori finally decides to address the prejudice against people with mutant quirks
kyoka jiro: she kind of reminds me of a girl that used to bully me in middle school because of the way that she treats denki but I still like her lol I liked how she learned that is okay liking to sing and music in general and being a hero at the same time, because after all a lot of people were saved by music and/or their favorite artists, but since I find her quirk so cool I wanted to she her fighting more
hanta sero: he's funny, even funnier than denki, he has a really relatable sense of humor and I love him for that, his quirk is really cool, but I feel kind of bad for him because deku now has practically the same one and he's not the only spiderman in the story anymore (his quirk being similar to spiderman was actually what made me like him in the first place because peter is my favorite hero ever)
fumikage tokoyami: my 12yo emo self shakes inside of me every time that I see him, anyway, I really like him, how would I not? he has a bird head, he's nice without being overly friendly and dark shadow is really cute, I don't really remember everything that happened in the war but I remember him saying to hawks that he believes in him, so I really wanted to see him frustrated at his mentor because of what he did to twice please horikoshi address the consequences of twice's death, I'm tired of waiting
shoto todoroki: ah my angel, shoto was the reason why I started reading the manga back in 2015, I knew that he was going to be my favorite just by seeing his character design. I love shoto, I want him to become the happiest person in the world because he really deserves it, I know that everyone thinks that deku is what an ideal hero looks like but o me it is shoto, he's kind, sweet, forgiving, has a heart made of gold and is just genuinely a good person, I could talk about him for a whole week without pause and still find more things to compliment about him so let's move on before I write over 10000 words about how much I love him
tooru hagakure: she... exists...
katsuki bakugo: while shoto is my favorite, I have to admit that bakugo has the best character development in the hero side of the story, I used to hate him at the beginning of the series but now I love him, a lot, he shows that horikoshi knows how to write a compelling redemption arc if he planned it since the beginning, I love that he started only having "fight" points at the entrance exam for ua to now having his first priority at saving people, bakugo is other that I could talk about for hours so let's move on
izuku midoriya: I like deku when he's not putting his nose at the todofam business, he's a good kid who needs some self esteem urgently, the way that he never seemed to care about his own well being always made me nervous, even though I never felt like he was in real danger, he's the mc for a reason, to summarize: I like him personality wise but some of the narrative choices that hori made for him are not my favorites
minoru mineta: I don't care, I hope for him to vanish from existence
momo yaoyorozu: she's the stereotypical anime girl with glasses (but without glasses in this case), I like her personality, she's really cute, her quirk is neat and she's super smart but, everytime that she puts her hero costume on... I feel super uncomfortable... this is not her fault of course but I think that I would like her even more if she was less sexualized
I could write more if I take more time to think, but I'm not going to do that today, if you want to know my opinion about other characters or something more specific about the kids feel free to send me other ask
also, I'm sorry if there's any atrocious grammar mistakes on this, I didn't reviewed the text and wrote just what I had in my head in the moment at four am
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kirishimaskousin · 4 years
Finding Out His S/O Can Sing
Please enjoy these fluffy head cannon/one shots for Bakugou, Kirishima, and Denki. I linked all the songs, and 100% recommend them. 
Warnings: none
A/N: I don’t think each student has their own bathroom in the AU dorms,,,,but I’ve taken creative liberties. fight me. Also, I tried not to be too specific about gender or race, but Kirishima’s is about wash day sooooo. (my blackness is showin....not sorry) 
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Bakugou Katsuki
Song: Kiss You Right Now by Duckworth
It was Saturday evening. You had come to Bakugou’s dorm earlier that morning to study for a big test. 
Bakugou sat at his desk and you sat cross legged on his bed, surrounded by notes and books.The studying was going well...
Until you fell asleep. 
“(Y/N) Do you have notes from chapter–”
He turned around to see you sprawled out on his bed. If it was anyone else, he’d be mad that they were wasting his time. Instead, he just looked over your frame. He studied the rise and fall of your chest, the slight twitch in your lips, and the small sliver of torso that peeked from under your tousled shirt. 
He picked up the notes you were laying on so that you didn’t crumple them any further and left you to go train. 
When he returned, he expected you to still be asleep or to be gone to study on your own. 
So, when he heard a muffled voice coming from his room, he stood listening for a moment. 
The voice was mellow and effortlessly enchanting. He’d never admit it, but he wanted to stay there listening forever. 
He cracked open the door just enough to see you sitting at his desk and wearing one of his large hoodies with your headphones in. You were facing away from him, doing more singing than studying, so he stepped inside to watch you dance around in your seat. 
You fell silent for a moment, and Bakugou opened his mouth to speak. Before he could call you out though, you began to sing in a more sensual tone. 
“I think I wanna kiss you, right here in front of everybody, right now.”
A blush crept up bakugou’s neck, and a crooked smile played on his lips.  He rubbed the hairs on the back of his neck as he tried to make a decision. 
“I think I wanna miss you, purposely leave so I can come back to you, right now.”
Part of him wanted to keep listening, drinking in your buttery voice. 
The other part of him wanted to wrap his arms around you from behind and give you the kisses you sang about. 
And a teeny tiny part of him just wanted to scare you.
“That's some holy matrimony, how we joining our lips. Holy moly the one and only to grip on yo hips.”
With those exciting words, your dark voice, and the languid motion of your head, he made up his mind.
With two large strides, he crossed the room and spun you around in his chair. 
The sudden movement made you jump and clutch your chest, but you barely got the chance to scold your smirking boyfriend before he planted a harsh kiss on your lips. 
One of your headphones laid on the desk, still playing as Bakugou kissed your breath away.
“When I kiss you, Right her in front of everybody, right now.”
As if he could hear your lungs screaming for air, Bakugou pulled away and walked towards his shower. 
“If you wanted to kiss me, you could have just said it.” And he shut the bathroom door behind him. 
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Denki Kaminari
Song: Electricity by: Sam Pinkerton
Class 1-A was still riding the high from the school festival. Everyone had worked so well together and had so much fun showing off their talents that they decided to have their very own class talent show. 
Chatter and giggles filled the common room as everyone piled onto the plush couches. You were running a bit behind, so all the seats were filled when you got there. 
You scanned the group, looking for a seat on the floor with the best view of the “stage”. Before you could find your seat, Denki called out to you.
“I saved you a seat right here.” He patted his lap and you chuckled a little. 
Kaminari never really cared about PDA. He was so proud to call you his girlfriend and he took every chance to show the world that you were together. He’d hold your hand in the market, pull you close when you shared a booth at a restaurant, and even stole kisses on your strolls. 
For the most part, you were okay with his affections, but you rarely let him do such things around your classmates. You knew they’d tease you relentlessly, and mineta would definitely be a perv about it. 
But, everyone was focused on their conversations, so you took your seat in Denki’s lap.  
“What’s cracking cutie?” He laughed, nuzzling his face into your neck. “Excited to show off your talent?” 
“Um, not really.” You held up your hand to show your trembling fingers. “I’m a bit nervous.” You’d been a part of the technical team for the school festival, so no one had to see you, but today there'd be so many pairs of eyes on you. and Shoji’s quirk didn’t help 
Denki grabbed your hand and brought it to his cheek. “Don’t worry babe, I know you’re gonna be great”  
“You don’t even know what my talent is.”
“That is true,” he let out giggle “but everything you do is amazing. I believe in you.” He gave you a quick peck on your cheek. You weren’t sure if it was your nerves, your heart, or Denki’s quirk, but you felt a spark where his lips had been. Denki pulled you in tight, as everyone began to perform.
The talent show was almost over, and it was your turn. You looked to Jiro, who was plugging her guitar into an amp. She nodded to you once you were ready, and you took the stage. 
Looking at all your classmates made your stomach flip, so you looked to your boyfriend instead. He sat there in his pikachu onesie  I couldn’t help myself clapping his hands with the biggest smile on his face. 
A smile that eased your nerves.
Jiro began to play, you closed your eyes, and let the words fall from your lips.
“I remember the first time that I ever looked you in the eye”
The smile on Denki’s face slowly melted into an amazed gasp. He’d call you an angel before, but he was starting to think there was more truth to that pet name than he originally thought. 
The lyrics dripped off your tongue like syrup, and your voice wrapped him in a warm embrace.
‘I love you like I never stopped. I need you not to break my heart”
 You opened your eyes, staring into Denki’s. Everyone was leaning forward in their seats, but you only noticed Denki. 
“The electricity between you and me”
A blush dusted the tip of his nose as you shared sickeningly sweet stares. His proud gaze filled  you with confidence to sing harder. As long as you were singing to him, everything would be fine. 
Before you knew, the song ended and Denki was released from his trance.
“WOOOOOOOHH!! THAT’S MY GIRLFRIEND EVERYONE!” Denki ran up to you, pulling you into a suffocating hug and jumping up and down. Heat rose in your cheeks. His praise meant the world to you.
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Eijiro Kirishima 
Song: If I Was Your Woman cover by: Alicia Keys
Kirishima had heard you sing many times before. You two would sit down to play a video game or watch funny videos, and end up singing silly made up songs until Mr. Aizawa came to yell at you about breaking curfew. 
Kirishima hadn’t heard your real voice though. Whenever you sang together, your notes were broken up by fits of giggles and silly dance moves. 
He didn’t know how well you could sing until the day you brought all your hair and skin care products to his room. It was one of your few days off from hero training, and you were in desperate need of a wash day, but you also wanted to spend time with Kiri, so you decided to compromise. 
Wash day in Kirishima’s room!! 
He just sat back as you connected to his speaker, played your washday playlist and disappeared into his bathroom. 
The songs on the playlist were all soulful and rhythmic, something Kiri wasn’t used to.
This guy def listens to EDM and rap 25/8
He just sprawls out on his back and savors the domestic symphony. The sweet melodies, the sound of your shower, and your light hums all wash over him.
Kirishima is at peace, and nearly falls asleep. But, his ears perk up as he hears your voice spilling under the bathroom door. You weren’t humming anymore. You were actually singing, and it was heavenly. 
“If I was your woman and you were my man”
He had definitely underestimated your talent. Your voice was soft but textured, like you were pulling the lyrics from your very core. He turned the speaker down to hear you better. 
“You're a part of me but you don't even know it. I’m what you need but I'm too afraid to show it.”
You were filling the song with passion and heartache, but it came so easily. Your voice was so strong and clear, unlike anything he’d ever heard from you.  
Kirishima, captivated by the song, got up to stand by the bathroom door. You hit every note, rode every riff, and blew him away. Your voice reverberated through the walls as he anticipated the song’s climactic bridge. 
“If I were your woman. If I were your woman, here's what I'd do. I'd never, never, stop loving you.”
The words rang in his chest, and tears welled in his eyes. He wanted to suck the tears back up, but even Crimson Riot, the manliest man, would cry at your performance. So he let the droplets fall. 
The song ended, and the water turned off. He could hear you padding around the bathroom as you continued to hum to yourself, but He was stuck there, replaying your song over and over in his mind. 
You stepped out of the bathroom, steam pooling at your feet. “Why are you standing at the door, Kiri?”
He didn’t answer. He just took in your smaller frame, clad in fuzzy shorts, one of his band tees, and a towel wrapped around your head. How could you be so casual after singing your heart out?
“I- I’m just glad to be your man.” He pulled you into a hug that nearly crushed your ribs. 
It took a moment to click, but when it did, you let out an airy chuckle. “Oh you heard me? Oops.”
“Don’t apologize, you sounded so beautiful.”
“Thanks Kiri. I’m glad to be your woman.” You left a soft kiss on his lips then pulled two packages from behind your back. “Now,” you said, excitement bubbling inside of you, “Time for face masks!”
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bnhasimpgirltm · 4 years
Until the End  [BNHA (Platonic) x Reader]
Pairings: BNHA (platonic) x reader
Warnings: a lot of death, swearing
Genre: Small Fluffy moments, and soft angst
Word Count: 3685
A/N: this idea was born from the chat between me and @jayjee.art (Instagram). She was going to draw cheerleader Bakugo and not show me, so I used my power and decided to do this. I really like writing flashbacks, so this is similar to the first fic I posted on this blog (a Todoroki fic). I’m so sorry for not posting a lot. I’ve been working on three things at once, so it’s a lot, but I hope you guys like this one! This is also a call to make platonic love a normal thing. 
note: this one is a little confusing to read, so I recommend reading it a little slower than you would read other things on my blog. 
“RUN!” Todoroki yelled urgently.
“We can’t get out,” you yelled in a hoarse voice. The smoke was getting to your lungs, and everything was on fire. You could barely see Jiro and Kaminari, and Todoroki was completely obscured.
“Keep trying!” He yelled back. 
You had been trying, and it was no use. 
“I’m sorry guys,” Kaminari shook his head. “They blocked the radio signals, I can’t call for help.”
Jiro let out a sob, but kept mining at the walls with her ear jack. 
“Can you defuse the bomb Todoroki?” You asked. 
He shook his head. 
“At least try!” Denki yells back.
“If I cut the wrong wire it will kill us,” Todoroki explains worriedly. 
“IF YOU DON’T DO ANYTHING WE’RE GOING TO DIE ANYWAYS!” You scream while hitting the wall uselessly. 
“I don’t know which one to cut,” Todoroki sweats, either from the heat or because he was nervous. 
“Cut the red one! That’s what they do in the movies!” Denki cries out.
Todoroki cuts the red wire and the ticking stops. 
Everyone let out a sigh of relief, glad to not die a horrible death to a bomb, and now trying to find a way out of the hot, stuffy, vault.
But then, it happened so fast. Todoroki had cut the wrong wire. 
Since Todoroki was the closest, he was first. 
“You do it like this (Y/N),” Todoroki said.
“This is so dumb Todoroki,” you whined. “How about we kick back and head over to hang out with Midoriya and Iida instead of doing this!” 
Todoroki thought about it for a moment, wondering if it was a good idea to let you off. 
“Fine, we can go watch a movie or something with Iida and Midoriya.” Todoroki sighed. 
“Perfect!” You fist pumped . “You’re the greatest best friend Todoroki.” 
You and Todoroki enjoyed small moments like that. They were the best examples of your friendship.
You fell to the floor laughing.
“So you’re telling me you don’t know how to ride a bike?” You asked Todoroki.
“No, I never learned,” He replied back stoically.
“We can teach you!” Midoriya offered with a smile. “(Y/n), can you get my bike?”
“Yes! Oh my gosh this is going to be so fun!” You jogged to the bike rack and took Midoriya’s bike, bringing it back to where he and Todoroki were standing. 
“Lets get started,” you clapped your hands together enthusiastically.
The last thing you heard from Todoroki was “I’m sorry I let you down again.”
Jiro was next. You and she were inseparable.
“(Y/n), do you want to join me tonight for open mic?” Jiro asked you. 
“Of course,” you agreed. “It was super fun last week.”
“That’s great, I get a little nervous singing in front of the class,” she admitted.
“It’s okay Jiro, you have nothing to worry about!” You reassured. “You’re a great singer.”
Music built your friendship, but it stayed up because your personalities matched so well. 
“Jiro!” You screamed. “There’s a Hot Topic that opened in the mall!” 
Jiro put the book down, and shot up from her seat. 
“No way!” She said. “Lets go!” 
“I know!” You excitedly did a victory cartwheel in the common room, then ran with Jiro out the doors.
“Oh my God is this Heaven?” Jiro asked.
“Maybe not, but it’s close,” you responded, looking up at the mass of band shirts and merchandise from your favorite shows. 
“How does this look, (y/n)?” Jiro asked, holding out a My Chemical Romance shirt.
“It suits you Jiro. You should get it,” you gave her a thumbs up.
She smiled back at you, digging a Fall Out Boy shirt out from under the stack and tossing it towards you. 
“We can rope Denki and Momo into this so we can be the quartet,” you joked. 
“Is this an excuse for us to get more shirts?” Jiro asked.
“Maybe?” You bit your lip and let out a loud laugh.
Jiro laughed with you, and soon, you were both on the floor laughing.
The last thing you heard from Jiro was a strangled sob, mixed with the word “Help”
Then came Kaminari, your wild card of a friend.
“Haha! Nice one Kaminari!” You yelled. This was the fifth game that Kaminari had gotten a stuffed toy from, and much to Kirishima and Bakugo’s dismay, they were the ones who had to hold them,
“Kaminari, can you chill out on the games?” Kirishima complained. “I’m being drowned by these things.”
“I’m on a roll and no one is going to stop me!” Kaminari proclaimed proudly. 
“How about (y/n) plays the next game, and if they screw it up and don’t win, we can go do something else?” Bakugo bargains.
Kaminari thinks about it. “Fine, (y/n) is a carnival game God, there’s no way they’re going to lose!” 
“You’re going to be eating your words in a minute Dunce Face,” Bakugo retorted.
You and the Bakusqaud walked over to a game that Bakugo was sure you couldn’t win. 
“This isn’t fair!” Kaminari complained. “No one ever wins this!”
“That’s the point Dunce Face,” Bakugo rolls his eyes. 
“Watch and learn everyone,” you gave a ticket to the worker behind the counter and got three darts. 
“There’s no way (y/n) is going to land three darts,” Kirishima said.
You lined up with the balloons and threw the first dart. 
“Lucky shot!” Bakugo argued. 
You looked back and grinned at him.
“We’ll see about that.”
You looked back towards the balloons and aimed again. 
“I’m just super lucky, I guess,” you mocked.
“Tch, you’re not going to get the third one,” Bakugo claimed.
Rolling your eyes, you throw the last dart at a green balloon. It bounces off, and Kaminari’s excited face shifts to disappointment.
“Ha, I told you,” Bakugo says triumphantly.
While the dart falls to the floor, you use your psychokinesis quirk and lift it.
“Eh?” Bakugo asks.
Guiding the dart forward, you stab the green balloon with it. 
“You were saying Bakuhoe?” You snarkily said. 
“THAT’S CHEATING!” Bakugo whined.
“Nice one (Y/n),” Kirishima fist bumped you, and Ashido laughed at Bakugo’s complaining.
“Which one do you want?” The person working asked.
You looked at all of the plushies.
“That one,” you pointed. 
The person working handed you the giant Ground Zero plushie and you added it to the growing stack in Bakugo’s arms.
“I hate you so much,” Bakugo groaned.
“This is awesome,” Kaminari took his phone out and took a picture of Bakugo buried under the plushies.
“I hate all of you,” Bakugo repeated.
To think that you would never have another moment with Kaminari was unthinkable. You thought you would both have forever to do stupid things together. 
“(Y/n)!” Ashido called. 
“What’s wrong?” You asked. 
She paused for a minute to take a breath. “Kaminari is going to do human tire bowling!”
“Oh my gosh, yes!” You squealed. “Lets go! Where is he?” 
Ashido motioned for you to follow her, and when you two left the common room, you saw Kirishima stacking trashcans and Kaminari standing next to Bakugo.
“This is dumb, someone is going to get hurt,” Bakugo complained.
“You worry for us Bakugo! How nice!” Kaminari prodded at Bakugo.
Sero impatiently rocked the tire back and forth. “Come on guys, lets get started.”
“I’m going first, and then Bakugo and Ashido will go. That means Kaminari and (Y/n) are a team, and they’ll go third.” Kirishima explained. “It’s like normal bowling. You get two tries, and then the next team goes. The next round, the person who wasn’t in the tire gets to be in the tire. We’ll do ten frames, so each person gets to be in the tire five times.” 
“Did he do the math right Bakugo?” Sero asked. 
“Yeah whatever, lets just start so I can beat all of you,” Bakugo smirked. 
“You’re on Bakuhoe,” you teased. “Come on Denki, let’s do this!”
The last thing you heard from Kaminari was a scream that tore through the vault and through your heart.
You were the last one hit, and your eyes teared up. It was as if everything slowed down. 
You saw your mother.
“(Y/n), come over here,” your mom called. She was watching a news broadcast of heroes who had stopped a small gang of villains. 
“Wow!” you had said. “Someday I’m going to be a hero just like that!” 
“I know you’ll be a great hero,” your mom hugged you close to her. “I know that you’ll make me proud.”
You saw your acceptance into UA.
“Did you get that mail?” You almost tackled your mom as she came in. 
“Yes, I did.” She chuckled. “Someone’s excited.” 
You shuffled through the mail that she put on the table, and found what you were looking for.
When you opened the envelope, you realized that you had been accepted into UA, the top hero school in Japan. Not only had you been accepted into UA, but you were also put into the hero course, and you would be in 1A.
“Mom! I did it!” You had shrieked. “UA HERE I COME!” 
“I’m so proud of you!” She jumped up and hugged you. “You’re going to be a hero!”
“I can’t wait!”
You saw short moments with your friends.
“Bakugo what are you reading?” You had asked.
“Hah? Nothing,” Bakugo sat on his book and defiantly looked at you.
You looked at him, suspicious, and using your quirk, you pushed Bakugo over and grabbed his book.
“Bakugo, you read ‘Maid Sama!’?” You looked at him, shocked. 
“Yeah, what about it?” He said, trying to keep his tough guy facade up.
“Bakugo, why didn’t you tell me?” You shrilled, “We could have had so many good convertations you UWU boy!”
“Shut up,” he grumbled.
You knew that Bakugo the gremlin would miss you, Kaminari, and even Todoroki. Though he would never admit it.
“How could you do this?” You asked Kirishima. “How could you betray me like this?”
“(Y/n), I’m sorry, I didn’t know-” He started. 
“No! I don’t want to hear it! I despise you Eijiro Kirishima!” You yelled. 
“Shitty Hair, put the damn card down,” Bakugo said, annoyed.
“NO! DON’T DO IT!” You pleaded. “I thought we were best friends!” 
“We are (y/n), but I must do what I have to do,” Kirishima slowly put his second to last card down. “Uno!”
“Stop him!” Ashido begged. “Someone put a wild card down!” 
“I got you!” Kaminari was after Kirishima, and he placed his wild card down, choosing red. 
“Damn you,” Bakugo grabbed another card from the deck and added to his slowly growing hand of eight cards.
“I call skip!” You put a red skip card down and skipped Ashido. 
“(Y/n)!” She whined. 
“I had to Ashido, you could have put down a card that would lead to Kirishima’s victory!” You reasoned. 
“Guess what color my last card is,” Kirishima let out a shark toothed grin.
“No!” You all yelled.
“Red seven,” he placed his card down. “I win!”
You all wailed and groaned and complained. 
“Who wants to play again?” You asked.
When you needed small things, they always came through, because you always came through for them.
“Todoroki, my drink is warm,” you complained.
“What should I do about it?” He asked, stoic as usual.
“Maybe you could make me a couple ice cubes,” you prodded.
“(Y/n), you know I’m not supposed to use my quirk without permission,” he argued. 
“But this is an emergency!” You dramatically said. 
“Fine, only this once,” Todoroki agreed reluctantly. He made four ice cubes and put them in your drink. 
“Thank you Todoroki!” You grinned at him as you sipped your drink.
Yeah your friends might have been idiots, but at least they were always there for you, comforting you in your worst moments. 
“Hey (y/n), are you okay?” Midoriya asked you. 
“Oh yeah, I’m fine Midoriya,” you said through sniffles. 
He looked at you with wide eyes. “Are you absolutely sure you don’t need me to stay?” He asked.
“Well, I do need someone to talk to,” you patted the open spot next to you on the bench.
Midoriya sat down and hugged you. “It’s okay, you don’t even need to tell me what happened.”
“Thanks Midoriya,” you said. “I’m glad you’re here.” 
“I’ll always be there for you. You’ll always be my friend!” Midoriya smiled at you and you smiled back. 
They were also there to celebrate your greatest acheivements.
“WE DID IT!” You yelled out. 
“Yeah we did,” Jiro echoed.
“I’m so glad I met you guys,” you said to your classmates. “Stay in touch with me alright? And don’t be afraid to call for help! You’ll always be my girls!”
“I love you all!” Ashido squealed. 
“Love you too,” Jiro repeated.
“You guys are the best,” Yaoyorozu added. 
“I can’t wait to be a pro hero,” Asui said.
“I hope we can see each other again soon,” Uraraka and Hagukare said at the same time.
“Same! I’m going to miss you guys so much,” you teared up and the girls of 1A group hugged.
“(Y/n), who’s agency are you going to go to?” Uraraka asked.
“Well actually,” you started,”I think that I might start my own agency.”
They all blinked at you in disbelief, then broke out into grins.
“You’re going to be great!” Yaoyorozu excitedly said. 
“I’m so happy for you!” Hagukare shouted. 
“Enough about me, who wants to get the rest of our classmates and have a graduation dinner?” You asked. 
Everyone cheered and hugged. 
It was the end of your chapter at UA, but you would start a new one once you formed your agency. 
You hoped that Yaoyorozu, Uraraka, Ashido, and Asui wouldn’t be too broken up over your death.
“mY Ex-mAn BRoUGhT hIS nEw GiRLFrieND,” you sung loudly.
“She’S LiKE oH mY GoD, BuT I’M jUST goNNA ShAKE iT,” Ashido continued.
“anD tO thE FeLLa OVeR ThEre WiTH ThE hELLa GOod HaIR,” Jiro bopped.
"Won’T yOU coME oN oVEr BAbY wE cAN shAkE, sHAke, ShAKe,” Uraraka finished. 
You all burst out laughing, as Jiro danced with Yaoyorozu. 
“I’m so glad we got to spend today together,” Ashido said. “Pro hero work has been exhausting!” 
“Oh my gosh, you’re so right,” Uraraka sighed.
“I’m just glad that we could all make time to hang out,” you said. “We can always get together though.”
“Right, now who wants popcorn?” Jiro asked. 
Who knew that would be the last time you would see them in person. It was a realization that brought on strong emotional pain on top of the physical pain that came with being in a burning vault. 
Your mother spoke again, but unlike earlier, it wasn’t filled with energy. It was soft. 
“(Y/n), I’m so proud of you,” your  mother said. 
Her voice was soft and loving. It was warm, in a good way.  You missed your mom and wished that you spent more time with her after graduating.
You hugged your mom tightly and asked “Really?”
She hugged back and smiled. “My child is a pro hero that’s running their own agency. How could I be more proud?” 
“I love you mom,” you said, choked up.
“I love you too,” she said.
You had so much love to spread around, and you had given it to all of your friends. They had always deserved it.
“Shut up,” he grumbled. “I trust you okay, so don’t go around talking about what you saw.” 
“Okay, okay,” you agreed, then more seriously you said,”I love you, Bakuhoe.”
“Eh?” He asked, clearly confused.
“I said that I love you, best friend,” you repeated. 
“Yeah whatever, I tolerate you more than others I guess,” Bakugo rolled his eyes. 
“And that’s enough for me,” you sat down on the couch next to him.
“Who wants to play again?” You asked.
Everyone agreed. 
“Guys, I know I don’t say it enough, but I love all of you,” you quietly mentioned. 
“Our platonic love will keep us all together forever!” Ashido commented. 
“This is too much love, I think I’m going to fall into a hole and die,” Bakugo dramaticaly recited. 
“Bakubro, you have got to join the dark side,” Kirishima said. “We know you love all of us in your own twisted Bakubro way.”
“We should make shirts that say ‘Katsuki Bakugo Wuvs Us’,” Kaminari suggested. 
“Oh my God yes,” you agreed. 
“Thank you Todoroki!” You grinned at him as you sipped your drink. 
“That is the only time, okay,” he reminded. 
“Yeah I know.” You agreed on impulse. “I love you Todoroki, you’re the best friend I could have.”
“That’s very sudden, (y/n),” he said, surprised. “What brought this on?”
“I just need to tell all of my friends how much I care about them,” you explained.
“I’ll always be there for you. You’ll always be my friend!” Midoriya smiled at you and you smiled back. 
“I love you Midoriya,” you said.
“I love you too (y/n),” Midoriya said back. 
You smiled at Midoriya and embraced him.
It was the end of your chapter at UA, but you would start a new one once you formed your agency. 
“Girls, before we leave, I want you to know that UA wouldn’t have been the same without you guys,” you started. “I love all of you to the moon and back.”
“We love you too, (y/n),” Yaoyorozu said back. 
“I know, and I’ll remember until the day I die,” you linked arms with Yaoyorozu and Jiro, then started to skip around. 
“I still want food though, so lets go.”
“Right, now who wants popcorn?” Jiro asked. 
You all raised your hands and Jiro counted the hands that were in the air. 
“This is super random, and I know I say it a lot, but I want you guys to know how much I love all of you,” you said thoughtfully. 
Uraraka didn’t say anything and hugged you tightly.
“You have no idea how much I needed to hear that,” she sobbed quietly. 
“It’s okay Uraraka, we’ll be here for you, always,” you held her tightly. 
Your memories finished flashing in front of your eyes, and just as fast as it started, everything was over. 
And despite everything going on, you managed to smile. 
Yes, you were in pain, but just like in all of your life’s special moments, you had pushed through to let your positivity shine through. You smile would be the last thing that your friends would see of you, and you knew that your job here was done. 
They could live knowing that you had died loving them. 
“I love you, all of you,” you whispered, closing your eyes. 
Quite fittingly, those were the last words you said. 
Then, you welcomed the darkness. 
The next day, you and the other’s that had been trapped in the vault didn’t show up for work, so a group of pro heroes searched for all of you. 
The first place they checked was the vault that you had all gone to. The door was blown off, and they found four bodies that day. 
Four true heroes, lost forever. 
“Who are they?” Midoriya, the pro hero “Deku”, asked. 
“We haven’t identified them for for sure yet, but based on the information we know, we can assume (y/n) (l/n), Shoto Todoroki, Kyoka Jiro, and Denki Kaminari,” the police officer said. 
“What?” Bakugo stood next to Midoriya, questioning the officer.
“We know that you were good friends with who we assume the deceased are, and offer our condolences,” the officer walked away, not wanting to be suceptible to the wrath of Ground Zero. 
“Kacchan-,” Midoriya started.
“AGHHH!” Bakugo yelled, kicking the wall.
He remembered you and Dunce Face, and even Icy-Hot and Earjack girl. 
You had all meant something to him, even if he never showed it. 
“Ground Zero, sir, you and Deku have been the two requested to customize  (l/n)’s headstone,” a small, wiry man said. “The police said that it’s highly likely that one of the bodies is (l/n)’s, and that we should make arrangements.”
“Give it,” Bakugo motioned for the clipboard he was holding, and the man turned it to him. 
He paused on the engraving. 
“Kacchan, let me,” Midoriya said, taking the pen from him and filling the engraving part out. 
Bakugo read what Midoriya put, and reeled back. 
“I love you? Isn’t that a bit basic?” Bakugo asked. 
“(Y/n) loved us all, and was never afraid to say it,” Midoriya said pointedly.
“Give me the damn clipboard Deku,” Bakugo grabbed the clipboard and scratched out ‘I love you’, writing ‘The greatest gift to give is love, and I shared this gift with everyone.’
Handing the clipboard back to Midoriya, Bakugo folded his arms. “Well?” He asked. 
“I like it Kacchan,” Midoriya approved. 
“(Y/n) would have liked it too,” Bakugo looked at his feet.  
“(Y/n) loved everyone, and wanted us all to get along, so why don’t we start over?” Midoriya asked. 
“I guess we can do that,” Bakugo kicked at the ground, wanting to say something snarky, but refraining. He had been such an ass to Deku, so who was he to refuse a fresh start?
“Hi, I’m Izuku Midoriya, the pro hero, ‘Deku’,” Deku stuck out his hand.
Bakugo shook it. 
“My name is Katsuki Bakugo, and I’m the pro hero ‘Ground Zero’,” Bakugo introduced.
“I think we have the potential to be great friends,” Midoriya smiled at Bakugo, not in admiration to worship him, but this time as an equal.
A friend. 
Bakugo smirked back. “Yeah, I think I can make that work.”
With that, Bakugo and Midoriya walked away from the vault together, surprising everyone.
The pair knew that you would have been proud.
They had put aside their differences and past to create something new. 
All because of you. 
For even in death you were still bringing people together.
And as long as people remembered you for that, you would never truly die.
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hey-there-love · 3 years
Summary: Being the new kid is hard right? Try moving across the world to attend the elite hero course at U.A. Unfortunately following the path of straight and narrow is difficult when you find a blonde ball of death throwing twists in it. Nobody said it was easy. New experiences, new friends, new interests...what could go wrong?
Chapter 3: Happy Tears
Content Warnings: adult language, cringy situations, eventual smut
WC: 2.5K
You all made your way to the kitchen and everyone began to make their plates. “Y/N get us some water and I’ll get the food!” Mina said sweetly before pointing you in the direction of the cups.
“Oh it’s alright Mina I can serve myself.” You said reaching for a plate.
“Y/N come on, what’s the Japanese food have you eaten before?” She said and swatted your hand away.
You looked down at your feet and responded quietly, “Sushi and Ramen.”
“Trust me. I’ll hook you up.” Mina laughed and ushered you off. You shrugged and grabbed your drinks before making your way to the long table to sit next to Yaoyorozu.
“So what is this meal that’s already making my mouth water?” You questioned staring at her plate.
“This is Yakisoba. It’s a summer time dish. It’s basically fried noodles, cabbage, vegetables, and pork all mixed up in a barbecue sauce. Iida, Koda, and Shoji prepared this together.” She said thumbing to the three chefs in the kitchen admiring their work. “Sato made a big cake for dessert to celebrate too!”
Mina returned and slid the plate in front of you. You all waited until everyone sat down before digging in. Iida began to clear his throat as he stood at the end of the table.
“Classmates! We usually don’t eat together like this due to conflicting schedules, but tonight is special. We welcome our new classmate Y/N to U.A!” There were cheers and bangs on the table, making you blush. “As outstanding students of this fine institution it is our job to make her feel as comfortable as possible with open arms! We begin classes again next week after our short break” There were some groans, he shot the objectors a look and adjusted his glasses before continuing. “Let’s not forget why we’re all here. To train to be the greatest heros of our generation! Make sure you’re caught up on all your reading and homework as we approach Monday!”
“Iida we love you dude, but can you wrap this up? We’re starving!” Kaminari snickered and elbowed Sero.
“Yes well...dig in!” Iida finished and sat back down. You carefully picked up your first bite with the chopsticks and placed it in your mouth. The explosion of flavors erupted in your mouth as you moaned slightly.
Uraraka raised her eyebrow at you and asked, “That good huh?”
You nodded quickly and wiped your mouth. “The chopsticks I’m sorta nervous about, but I swear I don’t think I want to eat American Japanese food ever again.”
Your side of the table laughed. “Yeah they don’t have shit on us.” Sero said popping his t-shirt, earning a laugh. The rest of dinner went by quickly. Before you knew it you were full and probably needed to be helped up from your seat.
“Oh god, I think I’m going to have to work out twice as hard tomorrow.” You groaned and put your hand on your forehead. Mina patted your back and agreed.
Afterwards all the girls migrated to the kitchen to clean up since the boys cooked.
You washed, Jiro rinsed, Tsu dried, Mina and Mimi packed up left overs, while Uraraka and Hakegure wiped down. There was a lot of dishes to wash, but you knocked them out fast since you were all chatting.
Come to find out you and Jiro had a lot of common music interests. “Finally someone has taste around here.” She commented.
“Hey! I’m sorry we all don’t appreciate rock, but she was literally singing Ariana Grande in the bathroom earlier!” Mina pouted pointing a spatula at you.
You put your hands up in defense. “What can I say? I’m a music fanatic. Rock and Rap are for working out, Pop is for good vibes and Alternative is for relaxing.”
“Good vibes?” Tsu pondered out loud.
“Sorry, I forgot figures of speech were a little different here. Good vibrations. Meaning you’re feeling at peace, happy, relaxed. You can also feel bad vibes which are the opposite.” You explained.
“Oh ok, so Bakugo gives off bad vibes?” Tsu asked putting two and two together. You all cackled.
“Yeah something like that.”
“I think he’s just got a wire loose somewhere up there.” Momo replied and pointed to her head.
“No that’s definitely Denki. That’s why he shorts out all the time.” Jiro shot back and threw her thumbs up in the air and started to look off into space. That made the girls laugh harder. You looked confused.
“Oh trust me you’ll see. It’s hilarious.” Hakegure said patting your head.
“I don’t think you should be talking about your man like that Jiro because we all know he makes that face infront of you than anyone else.” Mina retorted and smirked. Urarka slapped a hand over her mouth to cover her laughter as Jiro turned pink.
“Oh yeah? At least I don’t sneak pictures of Sero shirtless Mina.” She short back.
“It was one time!” Mina cried out. By this time everyone was breathless from laughing hard.
“Damn Mina! Seriously?” You howled and almost fell over.
“Atleast Bakugo didn’t touch my panties!” Mina said and then quickly shut her mouth. “Oh shit, I’m sorry” she choked out before all the girls turned to you and screamed out.
“Mina!” You hissed. You were flooded by questions as you had to retell the story you told Mina in confidence.
“I would literally die. Like you would have to bury me in the courtyard, Y/N. How are you still standing?” Momo grabbed her chest.
“Well...I guess it gave him something to remember me for?” You tried to make light of the incident.
“Oh don’t feel bad Y/N! Izuku has unfortunately seen mine too.” Uraraka said, attempting to make you feel better.
“Oh don’t act like he doesn’t sneak out of your room in the middle of the night Ochaco.” Mina said poking at her.
“Hey!” She cried out.
“Oh don’t act like it’s a secret the next day we ask him about his night and he turns as red as this plate.” Jiro retorted holding up the plate she finished rinsing.
You snorted and shook your head. “Wait, wait, wait. Who’s with who?”
“Well since you asked, Kaminari and Jiro are an item. Uraraka and Deku have this secret love affair brewing” Tsu said adding quotations around ‘secret’. “Momo is in love with the oblivious Todoroki.” She earned a glare from Yaoyorozu. “What? I call it like I see it. Hakegure and Oijiro are happily in love and Mina...well Mina just wants to get laid.”
Mina splashed Tsu slightly before smiling to herself. You kinda felt a little bad for sitting with Todoroki since you didn’t know, but Yaoyorozu seemed to be fine. “Well Ladies, I think kitchen duty is finally over." Uraraka said tying up the trash.
"Cool, I think i'm going to head up. I've got to call my parents." You said wiping off your hands. There was a chorus of good nights as you made your way to the elevator.
Once the doors closed you leaned against the wall and closed your eyes. You had a wonderful night. All the stress about not being accepted were completely squashed. This felt slightly like home. Once on your floor you opened your door and sat down in the desk chair.
Pulling out your phone you began to face time your mother . She answered on the first ring. Her smiling face came to view as she called for your father.
“Hey there’s our sweet girl! I’m glad you made it there safely!” His voice boomed through the speaker. You had a large grin planted on your face.
“I definitely did! No problems what so ever. Mr. Aizawa actually picked me up.” You explained rubbing the your head sheepishly.
“As he should. My baby girl shouldn’t be all alone in a foreign country! You know I could have easily flew with you there right?” Your father said.
“I know Dad, as much as a appreciate you, I have to learn how to be independent sometime.”
“Well, we know that sweetie. We’re just missing you so much, this is the first time you’ve been away without us protecting you.” Your mother started and began to choke up.
‘Oh boy, if she starts to tear up I’ll definitely start to cry’
“Momma please don’t cry. I’m fine. See I’m right here. I’ve got this cool dorm room, everyone is really nice here, and they’ve got a killer gym. I’m fine.” You said as your voice cracked.
“Oh our baby isn’t a baby anymore, Brandon.” She said looking up at your father. He gently kissed the top of her head.
Oh that was it. That threw you over the edge. You began tearing up. “We’re going to miss you so much sweetheart. These aren’t sad tears. This are happy tears. We’re so proud of you and all you’re becoming.” Your mother said leaning into your father. You got a lot of your fathers traits, but the cry baby trait you got from your mother.
There was a small rasp on your door as you turned to look at who the visitor was. Kirishma stood in your doorway with a sad smile. “Hey guys, I’ve gotta go. I’ve got some help with my room. I love you both I’ll call you tomorrow I swear.”
“We love you too, Y/N. Stay safe.” The face time hung up. You swiftly used your sleeve to wipe your eyes.
“Hey, come in.” You said and waved him in. He walked in quietly and shut the door.
“Are you going to be alright?” Kirishma asked putting a hand on your shoulder. That simple act of kindness sent you right back over the edge. Tears silently fell as you looked at your feet. He crouched down so you were eye level. “You know it’s been almost 2 years since we moved into the dorms and I still get home sick...” he trailed off. “I know this is a lot different than my situation though, but it’s okay to cry.”
You nodded slightly and continued to cry. He hesitated before figuring out what to do. “I hope I’m not crossing any boundaries, but is it alright if I hug you?” (we fucking love a man who asks for consent)
“I would actually really appreciate that, Kirishima.” You replied, then wrapped his arms around you. Deeply inhaling his scent, you rested your head on his shoulder. He squeezed you slightly and rubbed your back. He was an expert at comfort or you really needed a hug. Either way you basked in his warmth and your tears subsided. You both sat together, enjoying each other and the silence for a few more minutes before you pulled away.
“Feel better?” Kirishima asked searching your eyes for any more tears.
“Oh yeah, much better. Sometimes it feels good to let it out.”
“Trust me I know. I cry sometimes too. It happens and it’s manly to admit it.” He chuckled and stood up.
“Bullshit. You seriously cry?” You pondered, faking being shocked.
“It hurts me to think I wouldn’t. I’m sensitive and I think I just might now.” He said and began to sniffle. If all your stuff wasn’t boxed up you’d throw something at him. “Ready to get this party started?” Kirishima asked and rubbed his hands together.
“Yes, but first I have to take these contacts out because I feel like my eye is about to fall out.” You walked over to one of your suit cases pulling your glasses and contact cases out.
“Holy crap your a glasses nerd? Color me impressed.” His jaw dropped. You flipped him off and walked to the door.
You were about to walk out, but you turned around and called to him, “Hey, Kirishima.” He looked up. “You tell anyone this happened and I will end you.” You held up your glowing hand.
“Look, I literally just walked in and you said you were leaving to take your contacts out!” He threw his hands up in defense. You shut your door and padded to the bathroom. Once your contacts were removed you splashed some cold water on your face. You dried off and slid your glasses on.
“Holy shit, Iida shouldn’t you be using your own bathroom?” Bakugo said walking out of the shower with a towel his bare shoulders.
“Oh ha ha. You’re hilarious.” You said flinging water at him.
“Oh relax cherry it was a joke.” He said shaking his hair off in your direction.
“Ugh. Seriously. I smell like wet dog now.” You short back. You felt your cheeks heat at your newfound nickname.
“Pretty sure you smelled ten times worse when you crashed into me earlier.” He retorted and put the towel on his head to dry his hair. Since his eyes were closed you took the opportunity to look at him. His body was magnificent. Broad shoulders led into strong arms, his perfect pecs led to his toned stomach, a happy trail led straight into his shorts which hung deliciously off his hips. His v-line was like an arrow pointing straight to his-
“Oi, take a fucking picture it might last you a little longer.” Bakugo broke through your thoughts. You broke your gaze and stared at the counter top racking your brain for a witty response.
“Does that mean you’ll pose? I only take tasteful nudes .”
“Oh you take nudes? I didn’t peg you to be scandalous.”
“N-not me!” You squeaked.
“What a shame, I’d keep one tucked away close to my heart.”
“What heart?”
“The cold, black one that doesn’t mind seeing your thong, Cherry. ” Bakugo ended the battle by walking out the door.
Your heart banged against your chest. You were going to need more water after that.
Finally getting yourself together you went back into your room discovering Kirishima almost finished with the book shelf.
“Hey, good job! It looks great” You high fived him.
“You think? Who needs a hammer when you have me?” Kirishima said slamming the nails in place with his palm.
“Wow, my hero.” You could see a blush creep up his face.
You both worked quickly and diligently making your bed, filling up the book shelf, and organizing your desk. Pretty soon all there was left to do was put on the finishing touches.
“I think we make a good team, Kiri.” You said looking around at your work.
“I’d say so too. I’m gonna get going now it’s pretty late.” You nodded and walked him to the hallway
“Thanks again. For all of it. I’m glad I made a great friend today.” You said giving him a side hug.
“No problem. I’ll talk to tomorrow. Maybe we can work out or something.” Kirishima grinned and turned to walk away.
“Deal.” You called to him and watched him walk around the corner as you made your way to your room.
“KIRISHIMA?” Mina whisper yelled as her head popped out from her door way.
“Goodnight Mina!” You waved her off and shut your door. You quickly changed into a tank top and sweat pants and slid into bed. You fell asleep with a smile on your face.
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bongugourokishima33 · 4 years
Wicked Games | Bakugou Katsuki
Summary: Bakugou did something stupid and now he’s trying his hardest to fix it... in his own explosive angry boy way~ 
Warning: Angst, cheating, thick f!reader, slight smut (maybe...)
Word Count: 1,882
A/N: Bakugou x reader x Todoroki... It’s been a minute but I have a lot of draft works. I hope you enjoy this one! Tagging is not my specialty... you guys should know this by now, I try though! Umm, this is going to be for all my thick babes out (though if not don’t worry you can change that in your mind) thick thighs save lives, and my gay ass just wants to have a fic out there that mentions it.
P.S: I’m taking some requests, starting with fluff shit first so feel free to request (I really only write about Todoroki, Bakugou, and Kirishima...)
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‘Y/N! Stop damn it, it’s not what it looks like!’
Your eyes fluttered open to the light from the window that shined on your face. Shit... another night of hell, another morning waking up feeling like shit. The gross images from that awful day keep playing through your head over and over, there wasn’t a night that they don’t replay in your mind.
Sliding up out of bed and slipping on some shorts and a baggy t-shirt, you tossed your hair up into a messy bun and walked out the room of your dorm. It’s been months since that dreadful night, but you still couldn’t get over the pain that lingered in your heart after it broke into pieces.
At first, everyone was concerned, noticed that you and him stopped being all over each other, you two wouldn’t even look in each others direction. They suspected what happened and kept their mouths shut. Your best friends, Mina and Jiro especially knowing that when the time comes you will talk to them about what happened sooner or later, but you're later was never.
“Y/N!” Mina smiled sitting at one of the tables eating breakfast, You gave her a soft smile and scanned the room, looking for the only person who could make your hellish night better.
“He’s in the common area, love,” Mina smirked giving you a wink, which made you slightly blush.
You strolled down the hall and made a left seeing him sitting on the couch, tapping away on his phone, Kaminari, and Ojiro sitting across from him on a different couch.
“Yoo, Y/N you look... horrible,” Kaminari said noticing your puffy red eyes, and resting bitch face look, you flipped him off and stood in front of the icey hot hubby.
“Roki...” You mumbled out dryly, your voice slightly cracking.
Without looking up from his phone, he opened his arms up and you sat down in his lap, straddling his waist as you curled up into his chest. His arms wrapped around your waist, and his smell fills your nose as you rested your face into his neck.
“Nightmare?” He asked, whispering into your ear, you nodded melting into the comforting kiss he planted on your head.
“You know there is  a thing called your room you can do all that in.,” Kaminari said frowning.
“You’re just jealous you don’t have someone to do that with.” Ojiro chuckled as Kaminari glared at him in protest.
“I’m sorry” You felt the tears starting to prick at your eyes.
You always said sorry, anytime thoughts of him ran through your mind you tore yourself up. It wasn’t right, the feelings, the love you still have for the one who ripped your heart of your chest. Todoroki knows, and still loves you, and comforts you and even lets you vent to him. He’s incredible, and you don’t deserve him for all that’s he’s done for you.
“Don’t be.” You could feel his arms move, knowing he placed his phone down to give you his full attention. Snaking his feelings up your baggy shirt to caress your sides he leaned down to place a kiss on your lips, your head still trying to hide against his neck.
He won’t ever admit it to you, how much it hurts that you still think about Bakugou, that you still love him. He knows it’s not going to do anything to change your feelings about him, but he can’t help his feelings for you and he will always love you.
Guiding your face out from hiding with your chin, he made you face him. Kissing you tenderly he rubbed his thumb over your cheek. You kissed back wrapping your arms around his neck, your stomach tingling slightly at the loving assault of his lips on yours.
“I’m telling you, man, that wrestling match was crazy cool!.” Todoroki broke away after hearing Kirishima’s voice, you glanced over the two-color hair boy and saw him walking into the open space, Bakugou beside him.
“Yeah whatever, I’m still not watching it dumb ass,” Bakugou grumbled running his fingers through his hair. His eyes trailed over to you, locking gazes with one another. You looked away and continued to kiss Todoroki, trying to get the images of that night that popped back into your head out.
Even though no one will ever know, besides Bakugou himself, it pissed him off seeing you with someone else besides him. Knowing all too well that it was his fault that things happened the way it did.
“Dude... why don’t you just go talk to her, it’s been months you need to apologize.” Kirishima said mumbling to him as they continued to walk away from the common area.
“Shut the hell up.” Bakugou snarled lowly,
Pulling out his phone, unlocking it to see a background picture of you guys still on his phone.
“The longer you wait the harder it will be for you to do something about it.” Kirishima said sighing as they continued walking. 
“Is there a reason why you guys called me here?” You asked looking at all the girls piled in Jiros room, as you stood by the door resting your back against it as it was closed. 
“Look, we’ve been friends for years since we were little, and I’m tired of seeing you this hurt over a dumb ass.” Jiro said getting up and placing her hands into yours. 
“Jiro...” You signed hating how everyone is starting to hate him, even though you shouldn’t care and you should feel the same too. 
“Don’t, you need to stop defending him, he’s not yours anymore, and he doesn’t deserve your kindness.” Mina said waging her  finger. 
“Jiro said you love singing, and you used to make music when you guys were younger... so we thought let’s make some music!” Ochaco blushed shrugging her shoulders. 
You stared at everyone blankly and shook your head, holding your hands up. 
“No, not happening.” The thought of singing again sadly hurt now
“Nope, he’s not gonna take another thing away from you, yes he used to listen to you sing, and you guys had your whatever... but don’t let that ruin your hobby, you're talented and you need this.” Jiro huffed grabbing your arm and her guitar. The rest of the girls grabbing more instruments from Jiro’s closet. 
“W-where are we going?!” Leading you out the room, the girls dragged you down the halls and down to the common area, moving stuff around and setting up some stuff. 
“No one’s here, they are practicing and improving their new super moves... I talked with Aizawa and we got this whole place for a few hours to ourselves. So let’s make some music.” Jiro smiled looking at Momo who came out of the from the kitchen area with a tray full of tea cups and snacks. 
“Yeah this will be fun... come on.” Mina said handing you the mic. 
“Okay.” You licked your lips biting them after, trying to ignore the nasty gut feeling you had. 
After the breakup, when you had time you spent it alone working on a new song that was just for you. You never thought about making it known to anyone, or wanting to ever think about singing after making it. 
“Yeah, so after this chorus you can come in, playing like this...” You said showing Momo the right notes to play smiling at how things were going after an hour of teaching everyone how to play the melody. 
“Like this?” She asked making you smile as you nodded loving the beat of the music. 
“Perfect, then it’s goes on repeat like the first verse, then the song ends.” You grinned. 
“Well, let’s hear what you wrote I think were ready.” Jiro smiled, noticing yours on your face. 
“I don’t know guys...” You fiddled with the keys on the piano 
“Get over there and sing!” Mina groaned shoving you towards the mic, you sighed knowing you had no choice and picked it up sitting on the stool they set beside the mic stand. 
Jiro smirked and started playing, queuing everyone in moments after, you took a deep breath and brought the mic up to your lips. 
“ You love to be a trouble maker Leaving now then fuck me later It's always later later later And I let you come back 'Cause sticking 'round is in my nature And tolerating bad behavior You know that I do that You love that I do that” 
The memories of how Bakugou would dismiss you randomly, or not text back like he used too flooded your mind. 
 “ Yooouuu, you know my weaknesses You banking a break of my rules Yes you take advantage Know how to manage My whole fucking planet” 
The feeling of the music, matching the words you sang made your heartach, missing his arms that wrapped around you. That held you when you were feeling down, or happy. His smell that would fill your nose when you breathed in his scent. 
“ You've been playing wicked games You know what to do to me I tried to stay steady I'ma leave but you Try to make me misbehave Fucking up my energy One day I'll be over all them wicked games, yeah” 
That horrible night popping back up into your mind as your sang your heart out, subtle tears falling down your cheeks remembering how he had that girl under him. How her voice sang his stupid name, the ways your did when you were in her position. 
“ Always show up when I'm fending And in the moment it's appealing But you're so good disappearing And I'm just so bad at the truth you know my weaknesses You banking a break of my rules Yes you take advantage Know how to manage my whole fucking planet” 
Everyone stared at you, silently tearing up as they listened to your words. 
“ You've been playing wicked games...” You sang softly, lowering the mic as you shook your head not wanting to continue, trying to hold onto yourself so you didn’t break down and cry in front of everyone. 
Ochaco and Momo rushing over to you to hug you and comfort you, as you let the tears run down your face, hating how your heart was breaking all over again. You stayed in their arms for a moment but knowing that it’s not their arms you wanna be in made it even harder. 
“Let’s stop for now.” Jiro spoke softly smiling sympathetically and walked up to you and moved some of your hair out of your face. 
“I need to go lay down.” You whispered breaking free from their arms and making your way to your room, holding back your screams. Once you saw your door you ran, opening it and shutting it closed locking it. it wasn’t fair at all, what happened, you didn’t deserve it and you knew you didn’t. 
Teary eyes blurring your vision as you slide down to the floor and cried in your arms, knowing that things will never be the same again. 
You snapped your head up, your heart racing as you blinked away the water from your eyes to see Bakugou sitting on your bed. 
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