#she was actually one of my more normal gay awakenings
angelicvomitdolls · 9 months
When I was like 11 I had a crush on Petra from Minecraft Story Mode so I laid hours per day on the bathroom floor and imagined my self insert Minecraft Story Mode oc dating her. Then one day I realized this would make me gay and had a complete breakdown over it like I was literally this scene from Shiroi Heya no Futari
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orcelito · 2 months
There's also the impulse to be like "women ain't shit" but that's a lie I love our women. Not women as a whole's fault that one of them turned out a selfish bastard of a coward.
I just need to find a woman who doesn't treat me like That. Get me a good butch. I need me a good butch.
#speculation nation#id love a good butch who can pick me up and help move my furniture#and who is so sweet and treats me like im someone valuable (& not immediately replaceable ...)#the bar is actually so low. god why do i keep ending up dating assholes?#ex before this ex wasnt an asshole. i was the asshole in that situation.#but that's where the whole. wanting to find someone right for me comes in.#god 'ex' really is such a vague term for me. i got bad ex goth ex uhh other good ex but still sucked#nothingburger exes 1 2 3 4#and the gay awakening ex who i really shouldve given more attention to but unfortunately i was a stupid 16 year old#and broke up with her for my bad ex. alas.#and then theres milquetoast ex and uhmmm. well i actually dont know what im going to label my most recent one.#i dont think it's fully sunk in yet what happened. bc it really was so sudden.#i last saw her on thursday and everything was normal and nice. just like pretty much the whole of the 6 months with her.#and then she started hanging out with the coworker i guess. and the rest is history.#i think she lied about being busy spending time with friends to excuse why she was so distracted on the weekend.#she was probably busy spending time with that girl. who she apparently feels like shes suffocating if shes not in the same room as her#it does suck in a lot of ways. but also with her friends. i was trying rly hard to spend time with them and be liked by them.#one of them's moving into my building this next year. across from my unit. so i wonder how thats gonna go.#my ex mentioned how she'd be spending twice as much time here then just last saturday.#and now. well. like fuck she's coming in here anymore. but i wonder if i'll see her going to visit her friend.#id been kind of excited for it. looking forward to spending time with a neighbor too. but probably not anymore.#i do wonder what her friends will think. i hope she tells them the truth and they chew her out for being such an asshole.#literally breaking up with me over text. who fucking does that??? she didnt have the guts to hear me cry???#i'll make sure she sees the full force of my displeasure when she drops my gifts off tomorrow.#she used to like how rough around the edges i am. well she's gonna see just how rough around the edges i Really am.#i kind of. dont really want to see her. but i also do. i want her to look me in the face and talk to me#to see who it is she's dropping. to see how it has affected me. even if she didnt see my heartbreak as it happened.#i laid into her Hard so she knew just how badly she hurt me. so that she would feel even a fraction of my hurt.#so she would feel Guilty. she apologized over and over. said she knew she'd regret it. but she just Had to do it.#'this will be my life's regret' then why'd you do it? fucking impulsive dumbass. what bullshit.
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columboposting · 2 months
I say this as a certified gwen cooper stan and defender and lover etc etc so if i see anyone in my replies coming for my girl its on sight. But it is honestly completely batshit insane to me the way seasons 1 and 2 of torchwood consistently do this thing where on-screen development or depiction of Jack and Ianto’s romantic relationship is directly preceded by a category five Gwen and Jack Unresolved Sexual Tension event. Like, Jack propositioning Ianto over Suzie’s corpse comes right after a scene where Jack and Gwen make moon eyes at each other from across the Hub; in Kiss Kiss Bang Bang Jack only asks Ianto out on a date after a failed attempt to woo Gwen; in Reset, Martha’s conversation with Ianto about getting him and Jack a red UNIT hat comes after her convo with Gwen where both of them are like “man we must be the only two people in the world who havent been with Jack.” The obviously most insane example is in Something Borrowed when Gwen and Jack dance together extremely intimately AT GWEN’S WEDDING and Ianto literally has to WALK OVER to take Jack off Gwen’s hands. (If I missed any more examples please tell me because i feel like I did. Also Fwiw not every Janto scene follows a Gwack UST event, though by the same turn not every Gwack UST event is followed by a Janto scene. But I think there’s enough here for it to be a pattern.). So there’s this consistent thing where we see Jack make moon eyes at Gwen and only going to Ianto after this fails to result in anything substantial. This creates the impression that Ianto is Jack’s second choice for a partner, and that Gwen is his first.
You could argue that this pattern constitutes Jack choosing Ianto over Gwen, but… I dunno. The obstacle that consistently stops Jack from pursuing Gwen further in the scenes I’m talking about is not his commitment to Ianto but Gwen’s commitment to Rhys. (If you want an example of TW S1/2 actually showing Jack choose Ianto over Gwen I’d point at End of Days: Gwen metaphorically awakens Jack by kissing his corpse (he doesn’t seem to object but Gwen is obviously the one initiating), and then Jack immediately runs off to make out with Ianto. Compare with, say, Kiss Kiss Bang Bang, where Jack tries to initiate with Gwen, gets cock-blocked by her engagement ring, and subsequently asks Ianto out. You see the difference?
To set my cards on the table I am obsessed with Jack and Gwen’s straightbait situationship, and I think it is completely fine and cool and entertaining, actually, for Jack and Gwen UST to coexist with canon Janto (Jack is from the Free Love century and has two hands; meanwhile it baffles me that people get on Gwen’s ass for the crime of (checks notes) being into Jack Fucking Harkness, as if being attracted to him is not completely normal and understandable), HOWEVER the show’s scene to scene editing CONSISTENTLY gives the impression that Jack would choose Gwen over Ianto if given the opportunity. So for all that I think a lot of Gwen hate is like, people being unfairly mad at Gwen for “getting in the way” of a gay ship that, per the show’s writing, she never actively interferes with or disapproves of and is generally shown to support, the way the show uses the language of editing does actually kind of value Jack’s hypothetical straight relationship with Gwen over his existing gay relationship with Ianto in a way that frankly fucking sucks. I have no idea whether or not this was intentional or whose fault it is (if I had to blame anyone I’d blame the writers involved and the editors involved, but tv production is complicated and this is a systemic problem that would be difficult to identify if you’re only looking at one episode at a time) but whatever happened its like. A lowkey homophobic element of an otherwise mostly queer-friendly show. Literally what were they thinking.
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jjsmaybank20 · 2 years
Bitchy is my Type Pt. 2
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Leighton Murray x Fem!Reader
Summary: Reader is a motorcycle riding, tattoos, badass type. What happens when there is a new volunteer at the Women’s Center who is just her type, but instead of getting along, they become enemies? But what if those hateful feelings turn out to be something more? Or Enemies to friends to lovers.
Warnings: Language
Word Count: 1.2k
Pt. 1 Pt. 2
navigation  the sex lives of college girls masterlist
There are many very unique people during poetry night. "Happy Father's Day. "Dad, "thanks for always protecting me from spiders, "from nightmares, from feeling respected as a woman." You snap with everyone else.
"My nipples are my own. But will they ever truly be free?" You hold back a laugh at the motion the girl makes while saying this. 
"Oh, beautiful, disgracious skies. For amber waves of pain!" Everyone around you snaps aggressively in agreement. You hear Leighton call out, “Yeah.” Then you hear Alicia berate her. “Leighton, stop filming people without their consent.”
You can practically feel her eye roll. “Yes, Warden.” When you turn around you see Leighton drinking another glass of wine. “Are you seriously getting drunk at an event that you're working because you were caught getting drunk?”
She stops to think about it for a second, before nodding her head. “Yep.” Alicia groans. “Ridiculous.” You are about to yell at her, until someone comes in front of the group and you remember that there are other people still there. 
The girl states, “I figure, if it's okay with you, I'll sing a few songs tonight. This first one is about a woman who deserves more love than she gets. Mother Nature. 
The meadows so cloverly 
Awakening my ovaries 
Awakening my ovaries” 
Leighton bursts out laughing and quickly runs outside. You follow her, making a mental note to apologize to the girl singing for the interruption. “Leighton, what the actual fuck? That's it. I'm not signing off on any of your hours tonight.”
She stops laughing instantly and whips around to face you. “What? Wait, you can't do that. I deserve double hours for sitting through this shit.” You look at her with an astonished look on your face. “Why? All you did was drink wine. And eat very noisy snacks!”
“But I was here.” Leighton whines. You shoot her a glare. “I don't care. You know, you just wasted three hours of your own life. Zero down. 100 to go.”
The next morning, you make your way into Sips. When you see Canaan, you go right over to him.
“Hey, man! Where have you been?” You ask him. Normally, you two hang out almost every day. You guys had known each other since the 4th grade, and you were inseparable. Practically brother and sister. “So sorry dude. I was going to text you. Econ has been crushing me and I asked for some shifts off so I could study for the finals.”
You nod in understanding. When you see Kimberly come in, you call for her to come over. 
“Dude! How the fuck do you put up with Leighton? She is the most entitled person I have ever met, and that's saying something. I have dated a lot of snobby people, but she takes the cake by far.” Kimberly gives me a look before saying, “Look. Yes, Leighton is a lot, and yes, she can be very entitled, but she is super sweet once you get to know her.” 
You shoot her an unbelieving look before you hear Lila call for you. “Y/N! Bring those big, strong, lesbian muscles over here to lift these boxes for me! I just got my nails done.”
You roll your eyes before walking over towards her. “I told you not to call them that. Just call them my muscles please.” Lila smirks at you before saying, “If I was gay, I would hook up with you just for the abs.” You snort before lifting up the five boxes she wanted you to move. “YAS! LESBIAN MUSCLES!”
Later that day, you were cleaning up the Women’s Center with Leighton. While you were actually cleaning, she was sitting and looking at her phone. Suddenly she says, “Look, I know you're in charge or whatever, but I really think it would benefit you to take things a little less seriously.”
You grunt out, “Oh, it would, huh?” while trying to put away a folding table. Leighton puts her phone down dramatically on the chair she is sitting on. “Yeah, okay. Like, if you didn't notice the song that girl sang was beyond terrible, then I am genuinely kind of worried about you.”
Before you can stop yourself, you let out a laugh. “Of course, I knew it was terrible. If she was good, she wouldn't be playing at the Women's Center!” Leighton gives you a “no duh” look before exclaiming, “Uh, yes. I agree!”
You pause what you're doing and turn towards the blond girl. “Okay, look. Some of these people are really fucking annoying. Doesn’t mean I say it to their face. Instead, I smile and cheer them on, and then mock them privately. Maybe give that a shot.”
Leighton sighs and throws her head back. “All right. All right, I will try to be less of a, um– Oh, God. What did you call it?” At the same time you both say, “A dumb, cis bitch.” You chuckle, finding the nickname you had come up with hilarious. Leighton nods with a strained look on her face. “Right. That’s the one.”
You just shrug and go back to trying to force a folding table to fold. “It’s true, you sounded like one. You know, it might be hard to stop. Just wait till it’s October, when Ginger starts her shit about her coven.” Leighton freezes for a second before violently asking, “What the fuck is a coven?”
The light laugh that you let out is enough to make the aggressive look on Leighton’s face melt almost instantly. You don’t notice, and you go back to your work as if nothing had happened.
Once you finish up, you offer to give Leighton a ride to her dorm on your motorcycle. She accepts hesitantly, but you assure her that it is completely safe. When you hop on, she pauses and looks at the bike worriedly.
You let out a sigh and say, “Come on, Leighton. I haven’t got all day.” When she finally moves forward and sits down behind you, you reach for her arms so that you can wrap them around your waist. She quickly pulls them back, snapping, “What the hell are you doing?!” 
You put your hands up in defense, quickly snapping back, “Calm down! Jesus. If you don’t want to fall off, you have to wrap your arms around me. Otherwise, we can’t go anywhere.” You can practically feel Leighton roll her eyes behind you before slowly worming her arms back around you. 
You try to ignore the feeling that you got when she did this, and you start on your way towards her dorm. She slowly but surely gets more comfortable and ends up putting her chin on your shoulder so that she can see where you are going. 
When you finally get to her dorm, Leighton hops off. She goes to walk towards her building before freezing and turning around. She calls out to you and quickly asks, “Hey, um. What did you mean last night? When you said me being straight hasn’t stopped you before?”
You freeze for a second, not expecting that question. When you finally snap out of it, you recompose yourself. You shoot her a smirk and casually say, “Well. I have a theory that everyone is at least a little fruity. I’ve hooked up with and dated quite a few women who thought they were straight. So, hasn’t stopped me before.”
You give her one last smile before speeding off towards your apartment. The question threw you off, but then you realized why she asked it. This was going to be fun.
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Sliding into here with a very silly Awakening au, if that doesn’t sound like my normal field that is because it’s actually about Outrealm stuff and the Einherjar.
This is a level past the fic I made about Awakening’s dlc maps, this is uh, actually just about the Spotpass ‘bonus box’ armies and the units you can recruit from that.
There was a certain point where I looked at what I had done and was like; ok, so Petrine is interacting with Soleil and Ophelia in Regna Ferox over half a decade after Fire Emblem Awakening because by that time the fates trio are back and the new gen Shepards are fighting remnant Risen and Outrealm threats alongside Einherjar, also Titania is there too and she and Petrine are gay for each other, because of course.
Also also there’s weird original lore and intrigue about Robin, Henry, and their quest to both eliminate and understand the remaining directionless Risen. 
Also also also there’s a genuine Robin character study buried in one of the fics by complete accident when I did not intend for her to be a big focus?
How did I get here???
This is less me gushing about an au and more me sincerely begging all the writers here to let themselves be silly sometimes and have some fun. This project was fun as fuck to work on, and yeah it’s inherently niche as shit and mostly written for me but we need to treat ourselves more often.
I want all of you to write something for you and no one else at your earliest convenience, this is your homework from your friendly neighborhood Petrine simp.
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cocogum · 7 months
Amalia gives me major pansexual vibes✨💖💛💙
(a rant on why you should think so, too)
Yeah, this is canon I don’t care.
One thing that you need to know about Amalia is that she gives off MAJOR SUS VIBES and I’m so done with waiting for someone to say it first. So here I go.
You can’t tell me that the way she kept staring at her bodyguard in season 1 wasn’t gay. There’s no way. If Armand wanted her then so was Amalia lol.
Eva doesn’t usually make herself look so girlish, she’s always uptight and thinks about work first. But every time she did have her hair down and tried to look her best (whether she did it intentionally or not), Amalia would LITERALLY BLUSH. Like we’re not talking about a pink blush that we barely see to the point where you have to squint your eyes to see it. No, no we’re talking about RED RED.
And I have two scenes you can see in Season 1 to prove it!
Exhibit A : “The Ugly Pageant” (Season 1 episode 4)
This episode started it all!
So if we fast forward to the scene where the group learns that the doors to the castle only opens to cursed princesses, Yugo gets the idea that they should dress to look the part in order to get inside. They get dressed and compliment how weird they all look before Eva comes out of the bushes to reveal herself.
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Okay first of all, let me just say how cute it was for Amalia to try and convince Eva to let her help her 💕 she’s such a cute bestie 💕✨
Second of all, DO YOU SEE THAT BLUSH?!? Ruel and Yugo were just as surprised as Amalia but they weren’t blushing!! Only Amalia was!! Like what kind of reaction is that when you see your bodyguard dressing up?? THAT’S NOT A NORMAL REACTION! Also look at how red her blush is, it’s FREAKING PINKISH RED.
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But if you think that the blush in the Ugly Princess episode was only on Amalia’s face because she was wearing some actual blush, then YOU’RE SORELY MISTAKEN.
Because here she is, not even a second earlier. She’s got no makeup blush on!
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I find it funny and cute to believe that that scene could’ve very well been Amalia’s awakening. Cuz like imagine not waking up to THIS:
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And now here’s another scene I want to show you.
Yes there’s more! ✨✨
Exhibit B : “Vampyro” (Season 1 episode 6)
Cuz not even two episodes have passed, and we’ve already got ANOTHER SCENE where she blushes YET AGAIN at Eva!!
Gruffon brings the group to Fourfoot, a shady town with a gloomy atmosphere. Gruffon insists that they need to pass through it to go to Oma Island so the group decides to stay and sleep in an inn for the night. But it turns out that the leader of the town was possessed by a level 5 shushu by the name of Ombrage (also known as Shadowfang in the English ver.) and she specifically told him to bring Eva to her so she can possess her and be freed from her prison.
Vampyro manages to get Eva and this causes Amalia to scream at the guy to give her crush bodyguard back.
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Fast forward, the group eventually gets to Vampyro’s place, followed by Dally too, and THIS IS WHERE I LOSE MY SHIT-
Cuz as soon as they get inside, Amalia is faced with an unconscious Eva looking like she’s in the process of being possessed.
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I get that Eva looks really good in that outfit but you gotta stop!! You’re blushing at the wrong time! 😭😭 Even Dally had some decency to not focus too much on how she looked in that moment 😩😩
I can still go on and on and talk about all the other things Amalia went through with Eva (like the time she snapped and let the Tree of Life possess her body when she heard Eva’s screams, or when Amalia held Eva’s hand before showing her THE MOST SACRED PLACE IN THE SADIDA KINGDOM THAT ONLY THE ROYALS CAN HAVE ACCESS TO, etc, etc.) but I believe she was mostly worried for Eva since they were getting an actual friendship between each other.
But it doesn’t change the fact that Amalia blushed at Eva EVERY TIME SHE LOOKED BETTER THAN NORMAL.
I rest my cases.
The answer is obvious at this point.
Also, it’s not like Ankama never portrayed any lgbtq+ characters in the past before.
In the show “The Treasures of Kerubim” (which is all about Kerubim telling his past adventures to young Joris), there are two reoccurring lesbian characters: an osamodas named Simone and an ecaflip named Julie.
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Simone is the housemaid of Kerubim’s house (which is a literal shushu lol) so we get to see her often in pretty much all the episodes while Julie, a hairdresser from Astrub, gets to be seen from time to time since she’s Simone’s girlfriend. Keep in mind that this specific show came out in 2013 so not only was Ankama depicting lgbtq+ material but they were also NEVER afraid of showcasing the two girls loving each other and even plainly showing it when they had the chance (for example, there was even A FULL EPISODE THAT HAD ONE OF THEIR DATES IN IT)
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So if Ankama can make obvious lesbian pairs without trying to lower it down or trying to exaggerate it back in 2013, who’s to say that they couldn’t make Amalia blush when seeing Eva dressing up BECAUSE she had some kind of crush for her in the beginning?
All I can say is that based on the pieces of evidence that we got, I suspect that Amalia could be bi or pan.
I’m leaning more toward pan though because she was able to love Yugo even though he has his dragon blood problem. (<- this truly made her look like she cared more for his personality rather than how he looked)
Actually, I bet that she would still love the guy even if he was a full-grown woman too 😆😆
(Female!Yugo x Amalia is my guilty ship and I can’t help it, it’s super cute. I think about it so many times while i’m also thinking about Yugo x Amalia 😩😩)
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rake-rake · 8 months
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A list of short very random and lowkey weird Yuta hcs
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Loves spicy and greasy food
Animals are afraid of him
Wishes his jacket was black bc u got any idea how hard it's to clean blood from white fabric??? Wtf is this punishment
Prefers to eat with his hands than chopsticks unless it's a need
Very beautiful cursive handwriting (that only he understands)
Listens to MCR and SOAD
Hardcore Soulsborne gamer
Reject Japan return to Kenya (fr he's fucking gone as soon as he can)
Speaking of Kenya. Had a girlfriend while there. They broke up in friendly terms bc he was too gay.
Also had a boyfriend afterwards. Went well until he got cheated on. Ouch.
No but seriously fuck Japan he's so leaving once all shits done he hates it here
Heavy smoker to counter his appetite (can't keep most food down ty CT he won the fucking lottery)
Fuck asiatic martial arts Neo Engolo is his jam
Did his eyeliner with his katana at least once (literal slay)
Kusakabe? More like Dadkabe
Todo's kinda hot ngl but also no
Takada fangirlie but normal about it
Megumi was his gay awakening
Doesn't like Yuji lmao
Gojo neither but yall know that already (Onyx's Gojo is a exception bc murder)
Probably learnt hand signing to communicate with Toge better bc he's a sweetie
Also crashes at his bed at 3am after missions bc company and no talking just sleep
Always brings thoughtful souvenirs for the girlies from all his travels (also for Megumi bc he's an honorary girlie)
Likes teasing Maki and seeing how far he can go before getting hit (worth it)
*Messes up* "It was Miwa-san, Sensei." (Hater)
*Strangles Kinji in his sleep*
Will have a chat with PETA if Panda talks about tits one more time
*Sees Nobara* damn girl you're fucked up lemme train you
Mai = girlboss
Naoya shut the fuck up you got drunk and cried on my shoulder once
"I'm gonna fuck your mom and give her a child she actually loves."
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astarionancuntnin · 4 months
Four fictional crushes
WHEW OKAY thanks for the tag @nyx-knox !! <33
ive had WAY more than 4 but ill go for those that influenced me the most, gonna go from oldest to newest (one of them is not like the others)
1. Elena Fisher (Uncharted)
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ive been in love with this woman since i was 9. yeah she was my bi awakening. "i like her a normal amount," young ellie said. "i just want her in my life and im devoted to her and i wish she was real and i dont know if i wanna be her or kiss her but thats normal right?" yeah, okay young ellie, denial is a river in egypt
2. Liara T'Soni (Mass Effect)
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yeah i was fully aware i was very gay at this point. i crushed HARD on her, i had reached my acceptance stage, in this household we simp for strong women
3. Sombra (Overwatch)
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she. my evil awakening (actually that was mara from haven like, a year before sombra got in my life, but sombra (and then moira) only reinforced that pattern i wasnt noticing until then). bonus points for making me change my favorite colour from blue to purple (currently in my lilac era)
4. Astarion (Baldur's Gate 3)
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FIRST OF ALL - the actual AUDACITY for breaking my streak of previously exclusively women crushes (many others happened between the three mentioned, those were just the most influencial)
SECOND OF ALL - i was initially going to romance karlach when i first got the game. I DONT KNOW HOW I FELL FOR HIM INSTEAD. i wish i had recorded myself playing those first hours to notice where/when/how this happened, truly, honestly, sincerely
but yknow what, ill give him that: he brought me back to tumblr after a 6 year hiatus on my end and he somehow sparked my dead creativity back to life.
tagging: @communistfries @danielsbackupglasses @spite-made-me and @bardic-inspo for funsies uwu
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I too am a minor but tbh my bi-awakening was so freaking weird. Like, tell you what I was so sheltered from the queer community when I was young that I didn't even know it existed until I was 12. Even in my country gay people as well as bi people are taboo and are considered dirty, they are always shown as prostitutes and always having wild sex, they are always in adult movies and TV shows and I have never seen a normal, comfortable gay romance in my life. I only got to know about it on the internet. It amazes me how my parents are still trying to shelter me from this side of the world but also know and think that I know everything about it(It's the matter with everything honestly they never show me or talk to me about things like even normal things like studies and other things but expect me to know about it and if I don't they are surprised). At first, I thought I was a lesbian then I ventured out more and thought I was Pansexual but then with realization I think I am a comfortable Bisexual. All throughout my life I either didn't know what LGBTQIA+ was made to believe it was something "bad and dirty" but then I fell for my own straight best friend (tough days, will never tell her) then I fell for another one of my friends who was actually bi too, we flirt with each other a lot, I even asked her out on a date, it was pretty much settled but I couldn't tell my mom about the whole "date" thing and so I said just a casual meet up and study session and she declined and so I missed my chance, then afterwards the exam pressure started, I didn't have any time to do anything but study and then turns out she started dating another guy(Stings more because a few days ago she asked me if I had some beads for a bracelet, because she wanted to make couple's bracelets for her bf I had to painfully decline) but I think I am slowly moving on from her, though the progress fails each time I look at her again. But now I think I might have found someone on this webbed site, we are the same nationality and we have a ton of chemistry, but because of problems and that we are both minors there is no way to progress this relationship sadly :( (Also yes I am bi because I am still attracted to guys, just the wrong guys since the guy is an asshole with a nice face and great manners and flirtation skills, the problem is he's dating a girl I've knows since I was 12, but they got together on a fucking dare, tell me how long that's gonna last, still the amount of shit I've heard on this guy is terrifying and there is no chance whatsoever, pretty sad but oh well not the last guy)
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faithlesbian · 1 year
what do u think the negative reactions to transfem angel are? *cough* kate lockley *cough*
ah! short answer is i don't. I think (aside from being a legitimate lens through which to View The Text) for me the Trans Angel Reading is like, my little passion project and my joint imagined AU that lives in me and @titsgirlbuffy's brains so if im not doing proper analytical posting im mostly filling up that daydream with funny and heartwarming stuff, bc to be honest if i wanna see Angel suffer all i need to do is watch the show. so in short i haven't really given much thought to that side of things.
that being said now you've brought it up i do think the way the supernatural functions as a queer metaphor so often across both shows opens up interesting conversations about discrimination, very much including how Kate lockleys attitude towards demons stood in for other forms of bigotry. we see her becoming more and more hateful and distrustful of the supernatural long before we see her racially profile Gunn, and it would make sense for that to also map on to homophobia and transphobia given that's the more common metaphor. she's not in the show from s3 onwards and I wonder if that would've changed how certain plotlines that used that metaphor were handled, such as the s3 episode that old gang of mine which imo handled almost everything very poorly bc by placing demons as a (thinly veiled) stand in for queer people and putting Gunn in the middle of the conflict it basically ended up saying you can't be black and queer without betraying one of those communities?? I need to write like a proper post about that episode at some point bc they fucked that in ways.
anyway i realise i haven't like answered your question at all but i think while there would obviously be Early '00s Transphobia it wouldn't be from any of the main characters. Fred would probably have the hardest time processing I think, bc she had such a crush on Angel (handsome man who saved her from the monsters) and I don't think it's something she likely has prior experience with given her Normal Texas Upbringing, but that'd come from confusion rather than disapproval and it wouldn't take her long to get over. I think Wesley would also have the same problem given that imo Angel was basically the cause of his gay awakening in ats s1 so he's like the person who made me realise I like men... isn't actually a man... but that's Wesley's personal crisis and he wouldn't let it affect his support for angel
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metalplague · 2 years
(Some) Jane "The Killer" Hcs
Name is Janet Ann Walton, only goes by Jane tho.
She/Her Pronouns.
Is a Lesbian, realized she was at about 16 years old, came out when she was 18.
Her gay awakening was when she saw Anjelica Huston as Morticia Addams and Jennifer Tilly as Tiffany Valentine.
Is honestly obsessed with Morticia and Tiffany in general, especially their clothing style, they are two of Jane's main fashion inspos.
Something Jane loves doing with her outfits is doing all dark colors and then she adds a random accessory or something that is really fun and colorful for no apparent reason.
One of her favorite accessories is a mini backpack with Hello Kitty on it that Sally got her for Christmas one year.
She has a pet Ragamuffin Cat that she named Winston.
She took him in after finding him in a box on the side of the road.
Speaking of roads, she owns a motorcycle and she can be seen on it quite often.
She actually has one of those sidecars on her motorcycle and Winston is normally found in it, specifically when Jane is using the motorcycle.
She is around her 20s or 30s, no one knows her exact age, her birthdate, or really any personal info about her at all.
Ever since what happened, Jane has constantly struggled with her memory, at times she will even forget it ever happened.
Still has a burning hatred for Jeff, but has, in ways, given up on trying to kill him, mostly because every single one of her attempts has failed, she has gotten close a few times, but not close enough..
She does not hate Liu, she sometimes thinks that Sully is a pain, but overall she thinks that Liu is a pretty decent person, the fact that they are Jeff's sibling throws her off a bit tho, so she still tries to keep her distant from Liu and Sully.
She does tend to be considered more of the "Mother Figure" out of all the creeps, mostly because of how mature and even authoritative she can be.
Does treat Sally, Lazari, and even some of the creeps as her own children at times.
Despite how old she acts, she wishes at times that she could be a kid again, at least then she still had her parents, friends, school, and her entire life in general as well as her future.
She has burns, scars, etc. on almost 100% of her body, but it has gotten to the point where she has figured out how to cover them with ease, but nowadays she just doesn't cover them because she doesn't feel the need to as much.
She still wears her mask, her face is the one part of Jane that she can't bring herself to uncover, mainly because that is where most of the scarring is..
This is all I have for Jane for now!
Like I have said before with my other hc posts, if you have any questions about Jane (or even Winston) then ask away!
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selamat-linting · 2 years
i've been postponing my homestuck read for days now, focusing on other work and stuff. it was only yesterday that i stop doing my little break. here's my thoughts :
-post scratch world are fascinating. everyone is 15 and the parents are now the kids and vice versa. it seems like a mix between alternia and earth! Lusus exists but concentrated on jake's island, i've seen a lot of callbacks to earlier dialogues and certain troll only things like the quadrants being mentioned, and im pretty sure the rival baking empire was headed by the troll empress who found her planet destroyed.
-anyway, the parents?!!?!?! theyre now the kids? how does that work? dirk and roxy did mention their parents are dead so maybe the sburb alpha version of dave and rose just isnt in the picture but man i wanna see i wanna i wanna see. and now everything i know about the alpha kids makes me want to go back and look back on the beta kids interaction with their parents to go Hmmmmmmmmmmm
-that being said it would be extra screwy is the alpha guardians (grown up beta kids) are actually still alive theyre just absent cunts so the alpha kids resent them and believe the real ones are dead. Oh roxy, just wait until you see your child / mother.
-my thoughts on jane crocker : heartbreaking. the AU version of your favorite beta kid is a billionare 😭. to be fair all of them becomes rich kids in this alpha timeline lol. Okay jokes aside, im very concerned for her and use of crocker tech. Im with dirk and roxy on this. She's a pretty pleasant fellow though. Most normal person out of the crew. There is something very sad about them. Like, they dont get to have a semblance of a normal life or even participate in society for reasons related to the game before the game even arrived. Theyre prepped for this one grand adventure only and its more traumatizing than actually fun. if they won, the world still ends.
-roxy is so. she reminds me of my neighbors' kid who bragged about drinking CT (a local very strong alcoholic drink) but a girl genius. im just fascinated in general. a rogue of void? sleepwalking? owns many cats? she would have been a popular wizardposter on tumblr. i can tell her favorite banned wizard council spell is greater baja blast.
-but mostly im interested in the areas she sleepwalked in. im pretty sure i saw dead dreamself terezi or nepeta and karkat with a knight of blood godtier outfit but no eyes, indicating he's dead. and ofc gamzee and equius but he's still alive. wait he's wearing glasses so i have no idea. I thought this is one of those dream bubbles thing but im even more weirded out with dead godtier karkat. is the void is more of a place for abandoned possibilities? or did i just mistook things over here? rose was there but somehow thats to be expected. she's trying to awaken roxy right? what will roxy do with her access to the void? what will she stole from the depths of the abyss?
-and dirk. wonder what he finally saw at the skies of derse. he's the prince of heart right? the only heart player i know is nepeta and we never really see her powers in action. i cant wait to see whats in store for him. also, he's actually gay? AND A BRONY???? A BRONY??? i mean yea he fucking love puppets but we knew that since act 1. i have no idea how he became friends with everybody like he cares but he's also abrasive as hell to everyone, esp when he likes the guy a LOT. im so sorry for jake.
-jake is a lot more naive than john. which is saying something. and an accomplishment because he's like constantly hunted by literal monsters and death robots. everyday he's fighting demons barehanded but stay silly. i wonder how jade and jake could even get to know each other like, theyre not even in the same timeline.
-and UU. who the fuck are they? is it lord english minions trapping the kids? or what here? They look nice and cheerful but im very skeptical here. couldnt wait to see more of them
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hey, I wanted to ask, because it's around the era you like, what are your thoughts on the rosie/pepper kiss + the way the show handled it? also making pepper homophobic (w her mum and) by bullying rosie out of questioning her sexuality (which never made sense to me since she's a teacher) what was the point in any of it? they obviously didn't want to take it seriously. it could've been interesting but instead rosie ended up w frazer. was it just too early for proper lgbt relationships or?
One of these questions is easier to answer than the others. The point is ratings. Around this time, you'll notice that there was several 'big' storylines that seemed to pan out into nothing (Scary Mary as an example) because (i suspect) the show knew that it was going to lose it's BBC contract (The last episode to air on the BBC was during Carmella's pregnancy) and it was trying to rally the ratings to seem as appealing as possible to other bidders with the ultimate winner being Ch 5. iirc there was actually a small bidding war between two channels? So, yeah. Funbus was an era who perhaps girlbossed a bit close to the sun in it's twilight storylines. Pepper and Roise were a casualty of that. And it worked, it did get people talking about Neighbours again even if it was in a negative way. To my recollection, the reception was not positive.
As for why it never went anywhere......I loathe the phrase but yes, it was far too early in Neighbours history for lgbt+ regulars. (also check out this of the time article. really interesting) The mid 2000s was a pretty homophobic time to be alive, I mean people still used gay regularly as an insult right? Neighbours characters didn't stop being casually homophobic in GENERAL until at least 2010. I don't think that they were trying to be homophobic, but for a modern audience the 'Frazer's masculinity is threatened...AGAIN' storyline just doesn't sit quite right. The general salaciousness of Oliver and Ringo. It's not out of character, it's just something that leaves a bad taste in my mouth. Carmella however was so normal about gay people i love you Carmella. I’m sure you’ve heard the rumours of Stingray being set as the first gay regular only for that to never eventuate. I feel as thought Neighbours was trying to set the precedent that they could do a gay character for a long time before actually doing one. 
The conspiratorial part of me wonders if maybe Pepper’s Mum’s storyline may have had elements that were initially set to go to Pepper and Rosie re: acceptance but the smarter part of me knows that the tight schedule Neighbours works on they probably wouldn’t have had that kind of time. To my knowledge Neighbours almost never re-films anything because things are so tight unless the situation is dire, but even then I couldn’t point to something I know 100% was refilmed. 
As far as Pepper being homophobic, I go back and forwards on it. I think it makes her story a little more interesting for someone who is generally billed as loving and kind to have this dark spot in her Personality . As something that potentially comes from her feelings about her mother in her parents divorce, exploring that, I think wasn't strictly a bad call since she did end up coming around. I don't think we should never have homophobic characters (which...in Peppers case seemed to be more about her mother than her being gay.) because I believe homophobic people have the capacity to change. Even so, much of her behaviour was not warranted, snapping at Janae for asking about the brand of her jeans, for example. I would wonder if she really DID have some feelings awaken for Rosie and was now not sure how to deal with them.
I feel like I've written and re-written this part like a million times because i cant quite be sure I'm actually answering your question but like. as a Story Beat, I think that them kissing was good! Yes it was ratings bait, and clearly not written with the intent of following through but As you say, there is absolutely something in Rosie and Pepper that works well together. Rosie is a character that I think would have been perfect to do a coming out story for. Someone who spends all this time with men, trying to figure out why her relationships with men are not working the way she wants them too, and why don't men respect her anyway but as it turns out, it was a womans touch she needed the whole time.
Pepper would have also been a good character to go through a period of self discovery with. After her pap-smear storyline, when she basically tells Rosie she thinks she has no value if she can't have sex I mean. Heartbreaking. But also I would have loved to see that concept explored deeper with a more meaningful character than Adam. Especially Rosie, who was very strictly no sex until marriage. Obviously Rosie is not judgemental of Pepper’s choice to have sex outside of marriage, but she is very supportive of Pepper and her quest to separate her value from her looks.  Call me crazy but I think those opposing view points in a relationship would be delightfully angsty. Of course, a gay teacher storyline in 2000's neighbours would not have been handled very well so perhaps it was best that we stayed clear of that one.
I really don't know if I've actually answered your question or just prattled on for a long time about Neighbours. So to recap in a more clear, concise way i probably should have approached this ask with a month ago when you sent it to me:
My thoughts on the Rosie/Pepper kiss are that it was a wasted opportunity to do something really interesting and different with the show that would have aligned with the core values of neighbours, however was perhaps best not pursued with the quality of writing and general landscape regarding homophobia at the time.
My thoughts on the way the show handled it: I like that they took the time to explore homophobia as a pervasive, toxic poison that is also inherently linked to toxic masculinity re: Fraser acting as if Rosie's sexuality is in some way a reflection on him, as well as more generalized homophobia (albeit probably not seen as homophobia by the characters in question) from Ringo and Oliver. Pepper's homophobia is more interesting as much of it seems to be based more toward her mother than a generalized dislike of gay people. Her reaction however was not warranted, especially toward Janae who got caught in the crossfire. Exploring internalized homophobia would have been really interesting, but probably not handled well in terms of the quality of the show's writing. I don't like that they then proceeded to continue pushing interesting women into the arms of annoying and or uninteresting men for the duration of their time on the show, and that ultimately this storyline did not do anything useful for either character which it really should have.
The point: The point was that they were trying to rally ratings for the show to secure funding for the future after their contract with the BBC came to an end -- This was also evident with the amount of sensational storylines that led nowhere around the same time.
Was it too early for a proper gay relationship: in a word? yes. Owing to the social climate of the time more than anything else even a usually boundary pushing show like Neighbours is not immune to being held hostage by homophobia. Equally evidenced by a negative reaction from the conservative public and those who still saw homosexuality as an affront to 'family values' which was what the incorrectly perceived Neighbours as a proponent of.
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pinkarachnia · 2 years
Lesbian Anime Review #6 - Citrus
My partner is on a trip for two weeks, which means I have some time to finish some shows that are embarrassing to watch with another person in the house.
So it’s time for a lesbian anime review because I just finished Citrus and it was pretty bad.
I’ll try to recap what the plot of this show was but I watched the first half months ago and I’ve probably forgotten some of the events.
This is a story about a delinquent girl who starts crushing on the preppy student council president girl.
The protagonist, Yuzu, sees the president girl, Mei, kissing a teacher behind the school. Then she confronts her about it and Mei kisses her in a dubious consent kind of way and is like, “that’s what that kiss was like for me”. So Yuzu goes and gets that teacher fired because she’s pretty based actually. But also getting dubcon kissed by a hot girl is Yuzu’s gay awakening because I guess she’s a huge disaster lesbo.
If this was the point where they started dating then maybe the show would have been cool but instead what happens is Yuzu’s mother marries Mei’s absentee father and they become step sisters. How unfortunate.
Hijinx ensue I guess. From this point they just do a will-they-won’t-they for 10 episodes while they introduce the occasional side character. They decide to start dating at the end. Yes I will spoil the plot I don’t care. It’s bad.
So something to understand about this show is every character is fucking insane. No one acts like a normal person except for two characters, Yuzu’s straight friend and a bisexual girl she meets around episode 10 who was also pretty based for being a queer character who is normal about it. The main characters can’t have a single conversation where one of them is allowed to finish their sentence. Mei is determined to storm away before Yuzu can finish what she’s saying all the time. It was a bit frustrating because they could have resolved so much if they would just talk like normal people but no one is normal in this show.
They have a plot where Yuzu’s childhood friend turns up and she’s crushing on her because of course she is, but she’s also fucked up and evil so she tries to emotionally manipulate Mei, who retaliates with her evil lesbo kiss schtick but she gets caught on camera and blackmailed into doing other stuff. But also the girl holds up her phone to her like “here’s the photo I took” and Mei doesn’t do shit about it, and later in the episode she deletes the photo from the same phone and the screen says “deleted from all of your linked accounts” like bitch you could have just grabbed the phone and pressed delete when she put it in your face and you did nothing?? Insane behaviour.
Anyway they don’t resolve anything about the sibling thing. The parents are still together in the end and the main characters have just?? Moved on from that???? So I guess they’re just cool with it or something. Like I said, insane. Idk if there’s more story beyond where the anime ended but I don’t care if there is. They did a plot in episode 11 where Yuzu’s new cool bisexual friend wants to date Mei and honestly they should have let them hook up at the end and have that be the real ending. Yuzu deserves better. This show was bad.
I thought the protagonist was fun. She had great energy and was also an idiot and I like that.
The straight girl was one of the best characters in this show about lesbians. Why am I putting this in pros
They drew the characters in different outfits a decent amount and I like it when shows do that.
Fucking inhuman behaviour the whole time.
These bitches are cooked in the brain.
They coloured Yuzu’s knees in bright pink all the time and it always looked terrible. Like it was kind of funny but in way where I will still mark it down for it.
They're still sisters at the end and they don't seem to act like that's a problem.
Girl what the fuck.
Don’t bother with this one gang, I knew it was bad when I was half way through and it continued to be bad. Last couple of episodes not as bad due to the presence of the nice bisexual girl. She can have rights.
I’m giving this one a 4/10.
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roguecs17 · 2 years
So, I want to talk about Helluva Boss, namely episode 1 of season 2
I namely wanted to talk about a few main things, buts let’s go scene by scene
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First of all, baby! Stolas is precious, and precious and gay
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While it did break my heart it was good to learn he and Stella didn’t marry for love, considering their present situation. It wasn’t so much that they fell out of love over time, but that they never loved each other at all, only getting together out of the need to bare an heir.
Even if Stella were a good person (which she is definitely not!!!) their relationship would probably have never worked out considering that Stolas is completely, utterly gay.
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I mean, look at his face when he sees Blitz, that is a boy with a puppy love crush.
Honestly learning they’d met when they were kids makes their later arrangement that much more heartbreaking for a number of reasons
While I don’t have the screen grab for it, one thing I did wonder is if ‘worm horse’ was foreshadowing (is it foreshadowing if we already know the shadow) to Fizz losing his arms and legs.
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For one, while it clear that Blitz was made aware of why he was sold to the Goetias it might have been that Stolas was never told that his father literally paid for Blitz to be his friend.
Also isn’t it utterly fucked up that Blitz’ dad LITERALLY sold his son for five bucks, and manipulated is scared child into stealing for him, which if Blitz had been caught I have no doubt that Stolas’ father would’ve killed him for it, especially since he is just an imp.
It was especially difficult for me that when Buckzo (I think that’s his dad’s name) talked about ‘helping pa and ma’ and Blitz says ‘of course I want to help ma’ not you or you guys, just his mother, which is just really sad considering the end of the last episode.
It also makes me wonder if Stolas got into trouble because of Blitz’ stealing, as much as it was fun in the moment, and fun for the two kids that day, there had to have been an afterward
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Another note, which really hurts is that Stolas told Blitz about his grimoire and how it could take demons to the human world.
Which is later how Blitz knows to steal it, using that knowledge from the day when they were friends.
While I don’t think Stolas was pining for Blitz all these years, he was his gay awakening, and it makes sense for those feelings to come rushing back when he says him again later, though it’s obvious that Stolas is not as suave and forward as normal, despite his flirting.
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It’s, almost sweet how they end up flirting, especially since it wasn’t coercion. Stolas was openly and enthusiastically wanting Blitz, and Blitz definitely could have made up with the book, especially since they didn’t really keep it quick
The last thing I wanted to talk about was Stella. Originally had had some sympathy for her, and with the knowledge given that was understandable. Her husband cheats on her with someone she views as beneath her, and she rightfully gets pissed, to the point of actively wanting him dead.
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However, my view point has changed with this episode.
We’re shown and told that Stella and Stolas never loved eachother, that isn’t why they got married, as mentioned earlier.
We’re also shown that Stella, even pre-adultery, was incredibly mean and nasty towards Stolas. Publicly humiliating him, throwing things, yelling, and insulting him- and shows sick glee and making him suffer.
I really like the scene at the end, here:
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You can see that Stolas actually looks, frightened, of Stella, and throughout this scene you see his exhaustion turn to anger, and while he is drawing back in the end he really does stand up for himself and his happiness as he forces the divorce
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I really love this last shot, the finality of it, that Stolas is truly cutting Stella out of his life
All in all, fantastic episode, well worth the wait, and thanks I didn’t need my heart
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minniesmelody · 2 years
There’s a man with no life in his eyes
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𝗣𝗮𝗶𝗿𝗶𝗻𝗴: Gareth Emerson x Fem! Horror lover!Reader
𝗦𝘂𝗺𝗺𝗮𝗿𝘆: you and you’re boyfriend Gareth have a movie date at the theater to see Friday the 13th part 5
𝗪𝗮𝗿𝗻𝗶𝗻𝗴𝘀: mentions of gore, a few cuss words, mentions of nudity, slight Bisexual hints, mentions reader’s gay awakening
𝗣𝗢𝗩: first person- Y/n
𝗠𝗮𝗿𝗰𝗵 𝟮𝟳𝘁𝗵 𝟭𝟵𝟴𝟱, 𝟳:𝟰𝟱 𝗽𝗺
“231, 232, 233, 23- ah ha, 234 and 235 my lady” Gareth said as he found our seats.
The both of us currently at the cinema that was built inside the star court mall, both excited to see the newest Friday the 13th film that released a few days ago.
Funny thing is, before me and Gareth got together, he never put on Horror films when we would hang out or have movie nights cause he took me as a “normal” girl, and most girls are scared of films like that and don’t wanna watch them. Not me though.
I’ll never forget Gareth’s face when I told him I loved horror movies, that it was my favorite genre of movies and I loved the Friday films.
After that we started seeing all the newest and best horror movies that released together.
As usual, another year in the 80s passed by meaning another Friday the 13th was coming out. Technically it wasn’t supposed keep going and last years Friday the 13th was supposed to be the final installment of the franchise, which I’m glad they have decided to keep it going.
𝟴:𝟮𝟬 𝗽𝗺
“So I’m here to help. You can count on me, Rob. You too, Vi. Want a chocolate bar? I’ll give you half, but I need half for later”
“Piss off”
Damn. She’s hot.
“You like that girl?” Gareth whispered to me, trying not to be loud in the theater.
“Babe, I see you staring at that Violet girl every time she pops up on the screen”
I just shake my head playfully and look back at the screen.
𝟴:𝟯𝟬 𝗽𝗺
“It’s showtime!”
I quickly take my hand and cover Gareth eyes. The blonde haired diner waitress flashing her tits on screen as she starts changing out of her works clothes.
The shot quickly changing and I uncovered his eyes.
“Was that really necessary?”
“Yes, yes it was”
𝟴:𝟰𝟱 𝗽𝗺
I didn’t even cover his eyes this time, too shocked myself of what’s happening in front of me.
Did a porn star or porn director do this film? So much nudity, more than usual.
Two of the characters, on a blanket, in the woods, fucking. And it’s showing it.
“Hey can we do that the next time we go out to the woods?” Gareth asked with a smirk on his face.
I playfully hit his arm and rolled my eyes.
𝟵:𝟬𝟯 𝗽𝗺
There she is again, this time swaying her hips to the music that played in her room.
“Can it wait?” She said, continuing to sway her hips.
“You know I don’t blame you, she does remind me slight of you a bit” Gareth said quietly to me.
“Me? How?” I asked
He just shrugged his shoulders and took a sip of his drink.
𝟵:𝟬𝟱 𝗽𝗺
I wasn’t even looking at the screen, I was just glaring my eyes at Gareth as I watched him.
Another pair of titties on the screen.
He slowly turned his towards me, a smirk slowly rising on his lips.
“Don’t worry Y/n, yours are better than hers anyways”
“Oh my god Gareth shut the fuck up” I said with a giggle.
𝟵:𝟬𝟴 𝗽𝗺
♫ there’s a man with no life in his eyes…
Well damn. She died.
“That was a boring kill, it looked like he stabbed a pillow, probably did” Gareth said, annoyance in his voice.
Can you tell when it came to kills he was very serious on how stuff happened and when it happened? Basically the kill expert, this boy is.
𝟵:𝟮𝟯 𝗽𝗺
“What? Oh that’s so stupid!” Gareth said standing up and saying a little too loudly.
Jason ended up not even being Jason, instead being the paramedic from the beginning of the movies, the first victim being his son so he came for revenge.
𝟵:𝟯𝟯 𝗽𝗺
“That was stupid, hopefully the next one is actually Jason” Gareth complained as we walked out of the theater and out of a the mall doors.
“Really that’s what your worried about? I’m more interested in who’s idea it was to have so much nudity in this one”
He just chuckled and kissed my cheek.
Fingers crossed the next one has less tits so I don’t have to cover his eyes.
𝗔/𝗡: I absolutely love this movie, It gets a lot of hate but it’s honestly my favorite Friday film. And yes, I had to add in the gay awakening for Violet bc she was one of mine so I had to add it in. And yes this film was actually directed by someone who directed porn, watch this film at your own risk! I might make this into a series too, basically you and Gareth going to go see different movies together and how it goes!
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