#she was looking at my responses like babe do you even know your technical knowledge
lemememeringue · 2 years
end of the year performance review went well. showed my boss the bald doll head I keep on my desk.
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hard-core-super-star · 11 months
no because literally, in a single ask there are many different topics and the answers just get longer. I imagine you opening your inbox and seeing some aks that look more like the digital bible itself😶
I'm telling you! I'm behaving now. I changed.
I'll wait, and I already have my doubts about something but I don't know if it's a reference. the 119% thing.
totally, just like they did when they guarded at all costs that Kate would be played by hailee. It would be really funny if the Nightwing phase hadn't just been a phase.... unless...👀 I also don't know how well-known this mafia game is, but I've literally never heard of it until now. you're good at FIFA? for further scientific research. i- i never played GTA, my mom was ok with me playing mortal kombat and seeing the most graphic and merciless deaths, but not with me stealing cars and running away from the police 😔
okay, if I go watch it for the gay shit and I come out of it sad I'll blame you and you'll pay for my therapy. If she's supposed to be an irredeemable villain then she did something really fucked up, right? because I'm kind of more of a fan of villains..... to a certain point... um yeahh..of course
I'm literally eating myself up because I want to know what this cliffhanger is, I mean, the show was cancelled... knowing this isn't going to ruin my experience, is it?
queerbait, queerbait is everywhere- oh, the denial, it's okay, thinking like this can keep you sane, but it's between ava and sara? wait, I got lost hwjakksskskk you defend flash until you possibly can't anymore, but only watch for caitlin? how does it work? RIGHT? It took me a while to like caitlin exactly for that reason. and don't judge me, but it got tired to a point where I wasn't even rooting for barry and iris to get together anymore. they almost made my hair gray for a while, but I recovered.
now I understand why there's SO MUCH supercorp fics, these people are drooling and surviving on crumbs- think with care <3 hdjskjsk
– 🌟
i’m happily surprised and impressed that we've managed to talk about so many things at the same time and, despite the slight confusion sometimes, we still have MORE to say. it's not often i find someone so willing to read my paragraph-long responses and then RESPOND with their own paragraphs. [and needless to say, i absolutely love reading your responses, even if they're long]
mhmm, we’ll see about that.
it technically is a reference but i don't know if you're thinking what i’m thinking. and if you're not one of us is going to end up looking like an an idiot 😶 [it’s me, btw]
i mean, he's technically still my favorite superhero so i guess the phase still isn't over. i’m just too gay to obsess over a man the way i obsess over kate. i don't think it's that well known but i love it. idk what kind of research you're doing that requires this knowledge but yeah, i’m pretty good at FIFA. not like super amazing or anything but i’ve played it all my life so i think i’ve developed some skills. funnily enough, my mom was the opposite way. mortal kombat was too violent but planning heists and stealing cars was fine. [but not until i was like…10 or something]
babe, i hate to break it to you, but i can't even pay for my own therapy so you're on your own. stop asking questions because i WILL write an essay on her. basically, she does do fucked up shit BUT she's also heavily, HEAVILY, traumatized. i can't get into it without giving out too many spoilers but as the show goes on, we learn she's genuinely just a heavily messed up person and NOT a Joker type of villain who causes pain for the sake of it. [she's also not a sociopath, no matter how many times the characters say she is smh. she's also queer-coded af so there's that]
it's probably my fault for bringing it up everyday lmao. it doesn't ruin anything at all, it's just frustrating. they do finish the plot of season 7 nicely so that's why i just ignore the cliffhanger. it was supposed to tease season 8 but then season 8 never happened. the thing that pisses me off is that the CW didn't bother to tell the writers or the producers or the ACTORS that they wouldn't be getting another season.
sorry, i phrased that weird because it's technically a spoiler. the queer-bait is between zari and a new character hence why i didn't give many details in case you decide to watch the show again. sara and ava aren’t queer-bait at all, they're just queer 👍 it doesn't work very well but like the flash still has some really good things in between all the shitty writing. [that's another reason to watch batwoman, btw, their writers are out of this world] plus, like i said, caitlin snow was part of my gay awakening so it's not like i could just ditch the show even while it was going downhill. i don't judge you at all, i hated their relationship in the last few seasons. idk how they did it but they made me dislike barry at some point which is a crime because he's my boy!!!
akdkkdkskk that's a perfect way to put it, no further comment is necessary. i’m definitely not thinking about it 😶
0 notes
4stars-uswnt · 4 years
A Little Miscommunication [Lindsey Horan x Reader]
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A/N: this wasn’t necessarily requested but it’s dedicated to @sauceysonny​ hope this gives you the lindsey content you were looking for ;)
Lindsey had been calling and texting you for the past ten minutes, wondering where you were. The two of you were supposed to meet in her room for your lunch date, but you were nowhere to be found.
You and Lindsey started dating a couple of months after you got traded to the Thorns. You both had been dancing around your feelings, until Emily convinced Lindsey to woman up and ask you out. She took you out to dinner and then ice cream after, as you spent hours talking and getting to know each other better. Although your relationship was fairly new, only dating for about two months, you knew that Lindsey was the love of your life, and she had a feeling as well.
Deciding to go look for you, Lindsey made her way towards your hotel room. She knocked on the door only to be greeted by your roommate and her best friend, Emily Sonnett.
“What’s up, Linessi?”
“Uh, I’m looking for (Y/N).”
“What, can’t keep track of your girlfriend.” Emily teases, causing your girlfriend to roll her eyes. “I think she might be in Press’s room.”
“Thanks, Em.” Lindsey nods, heading towards Christen and Tobin’s room. As she goes to knock, she can hear you giggling at something the older forward had said, and she can’t help but feel a pit of jealousy turn in her stomach.
“I’ll get it.” Your voice muffled by the door. “Oh, hey, babe. What’s up?”
“We were supposed to meet to go on our lunch date.” Lindsey frowns, holding up her phone to show you the time. Your eyes widen, as you cover your mouth.
“I am so sorry, Linds. I completely forgot. Give me on sec, and we can go.” You apologize, as you slip on your shoes and grab your phone. “See you later, Chris.” You call back to the woman, closing the door.
“You’ve been spending a lot of time with Christen.” Lindsey observes.
“Lindsey Horan, are you jealous?” You tease, a glint in your eye.
“No!” She scoffs.
“I’m not.” Lindsey insists.
“Good. Because you should’t be. I only like you.” You lean in to kiss her cheek. “Now, let’s go get lunch. I’m dying to try their quinoa salad.”
The next day, as the team makes their way onto the bus to head to training, Lindsey is waiting for you to join her at the back, where you normally sit. Much to her disappointment, she sees you enter the bus, laughing along side Christen, and you slide into the seat next to her.
“Looks like you’re stuck with me, kid.” Tobin smiles, plopping down in your usual spot.
“Why aren’t you sitting with Chris?” Lindsey tries to hide her disappointment, but Tobin can easily see through the midfielder.
“She and (Y/N) wanted to spend some time together and talk about some stuff.” The older woman explains, shrugging.
“Oh.” Lindsey sighs.
Tobin lets out a small laugh. “What, you don’t wanna sit with me?”
“No! That’s not it at all.” The blonde insists.
“Relax, Linds. I’m just playing.”
Lindsey gives her mentor a tight smile, before slipping in her headphones, deciding to listen to music for the rest of the ride.
Back at the hotel, after training and after everyone had showered, Lindsey shoots you a text.
Hey, you wanna grab some dinner? I found a good Thai place in town.
Sorry, babe :/ I’m already getting dinner with Chris.
But I did ask Mal if she could switch with Em tonight, and she said yes!
Aw, okay.
Have fun. I’ll see you later.
Lindsey sighs and shuts her phone off. She couldn’t help but wonder if there was something going on between you and Christen. You had been spending a lot of time with the other woman, and Lindsey couldn’t help but feel neglected.
But there couldn’t be anything going on right? You wouldn’t do that to her. And what about Tobin? There was no way.
Despite those rational thoughts, your girlfriend couldn’t shake the unwavering feeling building up in her chest. Feeling sorry for herself, Lindsey ordered some room service and put on a movie, deciding to have a night in for herself.
After one and a half rom coms and two slices of pizza, which Dawn would not condone, Lindsey hears you slip through the door.
“Hey babe.” You smile at your girlfriend, who’s lounging in a pair of Thorns sweatpants and a Stanford t-shirt she’d stolen from you.
“Hey. How was your dinner?”
“Oh my gosh. It was delicious. We went to this Mexican place, and their tostada salad was so good.” You gush, taking off your jacket and throwing your phone onto the bed.
“You do love your Mexican food.” Lindsey fondly smiles.
“You’re right. I do. Hey, I was gonna jump in the shower really quickly. Did you need the bathroom?” You ask, already stripping off your clothes.
Lindsey just shakes her head. “No, go for it.”
As the water starts running and you get into the shower, Lindsey hears your phone ping, a text from Christen appearing on the screen. Against her better knowledge, Lindsey peeks over to read the text.
Thanks for dinner! Love you ❤️
Lindsey swallowed the knot forming in her throat. Hearing the water stop, she leans back over to her side of the bed and continues to watch the movie. After a couple more minutes, you come out of the bathroom, still drying your hair.
“What movie are you watching, babe?” You ask.
“Legally Blonde.” Lindsey mumbles.
You frown at your girlfriend’s monotone response. Climbing into bed, you snuggle next to her. “Hey, you alright?”
She nods and hums.
“It’s just you’ve been quiet all day and a little distant.”
Lindsey internally scoffs and stops herself from rolling her eyes. “How could you have noticed? We barely spent anytime together.” She mutters under her breath.
But being so close to her, you catch what your girlfriend had said. Picking your head up from your chest, you look at your girlfriend. “What’d you say?”
“I said that we’ve barely spent any time together today, so I’m surprised you paid attention to me.” Lindsey repeats, annoyance seeping through her voice.
“Are you mad at me?” You raise your eyebrows.
“Oh, so now you notice?” Lindsey snorts sarcastically.
“Linds, what’s going on? Talk to me.” You plead, honestly confused at this point.
“Nothing. Everything’s fine.”
You scoff at your girlfriend’s behavior. “You know, I asked Em to switch with Mal so that we could spend a nice night together, but if you’re gonna act like this, I’m gonna go back to my room.” You tell her, already sliding out of the bed.
Lindsey softens, cursing herself, as she sees you sliding on your shoes. “No, (Y/N), don’t go. I’m sorry.”
Putting your hoodie on, you turn back to your girlfriend. “Lindsey, clearly something is on your mind, and you’re upset about something I did. I’m not going to sit here all night and pry it out of you, so if you have something to say, I’m listening.”
She looks down at her hands, ashamed to say anything at this point.
“Ok, well I’m gonna go back to my room. Goodnight, Linds.” You sigh with disappointed.
“G’night, (Y/N/N).” Lindsey whispers, as she watches you leave and the door close.
At breakfast the next morning, Tobin sits down in the seat across from Lindsey and watches her.
“What?” The blonde midfielder looks up from her food.
“What happened last night?” Tobin accuses, as Lindsey shrinks under the older forward’s glare.
“Uhhh, I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
“Really? You don’t know anything about (Y/N) showing up at our hotel door last night in tears, rambling on about some fight the two of you had?” Tobin raises her eyebrow, daring Lindsey to deny it again.
“Oh. Well you see, it was’t really a fight, more like I wouldn’t really open up to her.” She mumbles, avoiding the other woman’s eyes.
“Linds, what’s going on? (Y/N) told us how you’ve been really short with her and sort of giving her the cold shoulder.”
Lindsey wants to scream, feeling as if everyone was blaming her. Couldn’t they see what she was seeing?
“I’m worried that (Y/N) might be cheating on me.” She breaths out.
“What?!” Tobin’s eyes widen, and her jaw drops.
“She’s been spending all her time with Christen, and they giggle and whisper to each other, not even trying to hide it. Oh my gosh, how could they do this to us?” Lindsey cries, rubbing her forehead.
Tobin bites back a smile. Seeing the older woman grinning, Lindsey tilts her head.
“Why are you smiling? Aren’t you upset Christen might be cheating on you?”
“Lindsey, I think you’re misunderstanding the situation.”
Your girlfriend shakes her head. “No, I don’t think so. I mean all the signs are there. What else could it be? And I don’t know what—”
“Lindsey!” Tobin interrupts the midfielders small ramble. “I think you need to talk to (Y/N).”
Lindsey closes her mouth, and nods. “Yeah, yeah, okay, you’re right.”
Finishing her breakfast, Lindsey clears her plate and makes her way over to where you’re sitting with Emily and Mal.
“Hey, (Y/N), can we talk?” She nervously scratches the back of her neck.
“Yeah, sure.” You smile, getting up from your chair, the two of you making your way into the hallway.
“So, you wanna tell me what’s going on in you head?” You softly ask.
Lindsey chews her lip nervously before answering. “Are you cheating on me?”
“What?” You raise your eyebrows, as your eyes widen. “Why on earth would you think that?”
“It’s just— you’ve been spending like all your time with Christen, and you guys are always texting or laughing about something. I just thought maybe…”
“You think I’m cheating on you with Christen?” You clarify.
Lindsey sheepishly nods, and you break out into a fit of laughter.
“What’s so funny? Tobin laughed too.” Your girlfriend frowns, not seeing the humor in the situation.
“Babe,” you regain your composure, “the idea of me and Christen together is just gross.”
The blonde stares blankly at you, waiting for you to continue.
“Linds, Christen’s my sister. Well, step-sister technically, but still.” You explain.
Lindsey feels her cheek flush with embarrassment, as she brings her hands up to cover her face. “Oh my gosh, I’m so stupid.” She grumbles into her hands.
“No, you’re not.” You gently pull your girlfriends hands away from her face, taking them in yours. “I should’ve told you. It’s just, as you know, Chris and I are really private people. Half the team doesn’t even know.”
“I’m sorry I accused you of cheating.” Lindsey apologizes, locking eyes with you.
“It’s okay. It was a misunderstanding.” You bring her hand up to your mouth, kissing her palm. “But I hope you know that I would never cheat on you, okay? I only love you.”
Lindsey perks up at that, a smile breaking out onto her face. “Did you just say what I think you said?”
You beam, your eyes full of love. “I love you, Lindsey Horan.”
She pulls you into a searing kiss. Once air becomes necessary, you lean your foreheads against each other.
“I love you too, (Y/N) (Y/L/N).” Lindsey whispers. “Now and forever."
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hermionemonica · 4 years
Hiding it from her: Chapter 3
Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3
Despite going to bed way late in the night, Kagami woke up on her usual time. She was tempted to skip the gym for the day, but she knew the physical exercise would help her clear her mind before the evening. And she needed to go to the fencing academy as well, she had not shown up the previous day without any notice.  
The evening arrived faster than she would have liked it to. As the hour neared with every passing second, her anxiety reached greater heights. Even now she could not help but question herself if she was ready to face the man who she had loved with all her life, who had lied to her with a smile on his face, who had betrayed her very trust. Was she prepared to hear the answers from him?  
Since last night she had been preparing in her head what to say. How to start the conversation so that there was no way to wriggle out of it. She needed to put an end to this, to settle this once and for all. If for nothing else, at least for her own mind's peace.  
Kagami reached Adrien's apartment at 6:50 pm. As soon as she rang the bell, the door swung open and Adrien greeted her with a smile. Kagami hesitated before entering. She could not help but remember the last time she had come to this place. She breathed some determination into herself. There was a task at hand.  
“Come in here,” Adrien pulled her into a room that appeared to be Marinette's working space.  
“Are you sure I should be here?”  
“I would not have called you in otherwise!”  
Kagami looked around herself. The room was an organised mess. Absolutely Marinette. She walked over to the board set up on the wall, on which were pinned several unfinished sketches, quite possibly the ones she was working on currently. She noticed the little doodles and random words etched on the margins of the papers. Kagami smiled to herself, thinking of the eccentricities of the girl. But the smile disappeared in a moment, when she remembered what she had done to her. Her heart clenched painfully in her chest.  
“Here you go.” Adrien’s voice brought Kagami down to her immediate surroundings.  
She turned around to see him holding a dress in his arms. One of the most magnificent dresses she had ever set her eyes on.  
It was a mid-thigh length dress with a maroon satin base. The dress flared out at the waist, and a black mesh fell over the entire bottom part. Details were embroidered in gold over the mesh. The same gold circled the waist like an ornate belt. It had a halter neckline, and the collar was accentuated with a golden border.  
“Wow,” she breathed, “this is beautiful.”  
“I know, right?” Adrien exclaimed with glee. “Now put it on, I'm gonna go outside.”  
“Me?” Kagami was surprised.  
“Duh, yeah! This was made for you!” Adrien rolled his eyes, shoving the dress into her hands. “Be quick now, we have other work to do as well.” Saying so, he ran out of the room, gently shutting the door behind him.  
How hard would it be for Adrien to be a little less vague? He was making it really difficult for her to feel sorry for him.  
This was made for you, he had said. Did he mean that literally or figuratively? Recent events must have addled her brain, she was looking too much into everything.  
Kagami turned the dress around in her arms. It was a breath-taking piece of work. She admiringly ran her hand over the embroidery, feeling every stitch underneath her fingers.  
It was then that she saw it.  
Just under the belt, on the back of the dress was a very familiar pattern sewn in with the same gold. She had seen it enough times to recognise it instantly.  
Marinette's signature.  
That only added to her confusion. Marinette had made a dress for her, without her knowledge? And that was the one she was going to wear today, of all days?  
She nervously moved near the door. Leaning against it, she called out “Adrien?”  
On receiving no reply, she opened the door. Adrien was sitting in the drawing-room, and while she had a clear view of him, he could not see her because his back was turned to her. It appeared that he was talking to someone on the phone.  
“Umm... Adrien?” She said a bit louder to get his attention. It worked.  
Adrien turned around in his seat. His face immediately fell. “Yeah, I will talk to you later,” he spoke into the phone before ending the call.  
“Is there a problem?” he spoke in a concerned voice, walking towards her. “Does it not fit you?”  
“No, that's not it,” Kagami hesitated. “Adrien, are you sure I should wear this?”  
A confused look came on his face, and then he burst out laughing. “Kagami,” he said, “will you stop worrying now? Just do as I say, okay? Trust me.”  
Kagami was getting concerned, but about something else. Adrien still had the nerve to laugh? Was he losing his mind?  
Adrien pushed her back into the room. “Now please hurry up, alright? And um, maybe do something with your hair to go with the dress, okay?”  
It was all very strange but Kagami was left with no choice but to concede. Maybe this was Adrien's attempt at making her feel better about herself, of boosting her self-confidence. She stripped off the jeans and t-shirt and put on the dress. Standing in front of the mirror, she could not help but marvel at how good the dress looked on her. There was no doubt it was made for her; it was fitted to her measurements, complimenting her shape, skin tone and her eyes. Even though she and Marinette may not be on the best of terms right now, she had to praise her work.  
There were some hairbands and bobby pins and other accessories on the table, but Kagami was really not in a mood. So, she put her hair in a short braid that hung over her left shoulder.  
Kagami opened the door very silently. But she could not see Adrien anywhere. Panic began to bubble in the pit of her stomach, and she called out for him, “Adrien!”  
“Just a minute!” his voice came from the room to her left. Kagami breathed a sigh of relief. She took a seat on the couch as she waited for her friend.  
After a few moments, her ears caught the sound of a door opening behind her. She turned around just as Adrien was emerging from his room.  
Kagami saw that he was dressed up as well. He was wearing a light green formal shirt and tailored black trousers that made his legs look even longer than they originally were. He was also wearing a salmon pink tie. His hair was brushed back, and it made his cheekbones look very chiselled.  
“Oh my God, Kagami, you look... phenomenal.” Adrien's eyes were widened and his mouth was open.  
“Thank you,” she acknowledged the compliment with a slight nod. “You look good too.”  
“Thanks,” Adrien flashed her a grin. “Let's go then?”  
Kagami nodded.  
Adrien produced a pair of sandals for her that perfectly went with her dress. At this point, there were so many questions in her mind that she had lost the ability to even think for herself. So she just did whatever Adrien asked her to. It didn't look like she had a choice anyway.  
When she sat in the car, she finally relaxed. She knew what was going to happen now. No more surprises, right?  
Or so she thought.  
Adrien pulled up at the side of the Liberty. “Here?” Kagami asked, because she was expecting to go to Luka's apartment. Liberty had been empty since Anarka went on tour with Jagged more than three months ago.  
“Yeah,” Adrien said, typing away on his phone. “Do me a favour Gami, just go on. I'll catch up with you in a bit.”  
“I could wait for you?” Kagami suggested.  
“Uh, I think not,” came Adrien's response, which sounded a little weird. “Seriously Kagami, you know your way around. Go on now.”  
Unsure, Kagami got out of the car. Adrien was right, she did know her way around this place pretty well, having spent a lot of her late teenage years there. Luka used to help her sneak out behind her mother’s back, and most of the time they would just chill on the houseboat. Luka would play his songs on his guitar for her. She had had her first kiss with-  
No. Snap out of it, Kagami. This was not the time to think about all that stuff.  
Kagami stepped up on the deck. Strangely, most of the lights were out. She began to doubt if Adrien had brought them to the right place after all.  
Unconsciously, her steps had brought her to Luka's old room. Well, technically Luka and Juleka's old room. The room was dark, and presuming it to be empty, Kagami began to retrace her steps out of the room.  
Just then she stopped. Someone began to play a guitar inside the room. A nostalgic, romantic tune. She spun around on her heels just in time to see the room be lit up in fairy lights.  
And sitting on the bed, with a guitar slung over his shoulder, was Luka Couffaine.  
Kagami was stunned into silence. What exactly it was that rendered her speechless was uncertain. It could be seeing Luka appear out of the darkness, or the pretty way the lights lit up the deck, or how ethereally handsome Luka was looking in that purple shirt (and that maroon tie that was exactly the same shade as the dress she was wearing). But at that moment, she lost all ability to think, speak, or move by herself. So she stood there, staring at the man in front of her, forgetting what she had even come here for in the first place.  
“Hey,” Luka said nervously. Receiving no reply, he went on. “I am so sorry, my melody, for keeping you out of everything. I am really bad at hiding things, as you know. And since this isn't something I could have told you, I had to hide it from you. But turns out, I messed up big time, huh?” He let out a little laugh. Kagami was still frozen with the same expression on her face, so Luka decided to take the risk of walking a few steps towards her. “I really did not mean to make you feel left out of it. It's just, you know, I couldn't tell you. I know I did a bad job at it and you have every right to be pissed at me, but please talk to me, babe.”  
“Wha- what's going on?” she finally managed.  
Luka smiled, in that handsomely Luka way of his that made her melt into a puddle every time. It was only with a lot of conscious effort that she managed to hold her composure, although her cheeks felt like they were on fire. Thank goodness for the dim lights.  
“Kagami, I love you,” as he spoke he kept walking towards her, “I love you so much. My life has been infinitely better since you became a part of it. There is nothing I feel luckier about than you loving me. You make me feel whole. The last twenty-four hours have been such a torture for me. And I never ever want to spend another moment separated from you, as long as I live.”  
Saying so, he took a box out of his pocket and got down on one knee in front of her. He opened the box and held it up in front of her. It was a ring. “Kagami Tsurugi, my Dragon Queen, will you marry me?”  
Kagami's eyes widened. “Wait,” she said, “what is happening?”  
“I-uh, I am proposing to you?”  
“And can you please smile a bit Kagami? You're ruining the shot.”  
Kagami's head turned to the side to see who spoke.  
“Yes, that's me. Now don't bother us,” she said as Adrien appeared behind her, “keep going.”  
Kagami looked back and forth between them. “This is so not what I was expecting.” She clapped her hand to her forehead.  
Luka stood up, concerned. “My melody, are you okay?”  
“This is what was going on these last few days?” Kagami whispered, almost on the verge of tears.  
“I guess I'm allowed to tell you now,” Luka rubbed the back of his neck, “Yeah, this is what I had been planning behind your back.”  
“And you,” she turned to look at Adrien and Marinette in the doorway, “You two were a part of this?”  
“Well yeah,” Adrien sounded just as nervous.  
“Please don’t murder us Kagami,” Marinette said.  
Kagami turned to look at Luka. “I am so sorry,” she muttered, before embracing him with all her strength. “I am so sorry for ever doubting you.”  
“My love,” Luka wrapped his free arm around her.  
After a while, she let go of him. “And I owe you an apology too, Marinette,” she turned to her, “Please forgive me.”  
“I have no idea what is happening, but I forgive you. Although I have no idea what I'm forgiving you for. Please don't tell me later that you made me forgive you for eating my chocolate croissants, because you know I would never forgive you if you did that,” she ended with a fake glare, making everyone burst into laughter.  
“By the way,” Luka said, with a smirk, “I didn't quite catch your reply back then?”  
It took Kagami a while before she got what he was talking about. And then her face broke into a radiant smile. She grabbed Luka's face and pulled him down to her level to rest her forehead against his. “Yes!” her voice was both emotional and excited, “Yes, yeah yes! Of course I will marry you, my snake prince!”  
“And now I got a perfect photo!” Marinette cheered on.  
Luka put the ring onto Kagami's finger. It was a gold ring; the top of the ring was in the shape of a dragon's head with a ruby set in the place of its eye. Kagami gasped, making Luka smile. He then lifted her chin slightly to kiss her. Kagami wrapped her arms around his neck and smiled against his lips.  
They broke off after a minute. “By the way, Marinette,” Kagami turned around in Luka's arms with a stern look on her face, “I am going to have a word with your boyfriend for confusing my brain all evening.”  
Adrien laughed nervously, but Marinette blushed red. “Actually,” she spoke in a little voice, “My fiance."
“What!” Luka and Kagami exclaimed at the same time.  
Marinette held up her hand to show them the sapphire ring that sat on her finger.  
“When did this happen?” It was Luka who asked.  
“This morning,” Marinette replied, “Right after I woke up.”  
“Way to go, Adrien!”  
“What?” Adrien raised an eyebrow, “You guys really thought I was going to let Luka beat me at this?”  
Marinette playfully smacked him in his chest.  
Kagami noticed that the shade of Adrien’s tie matched the colour of the dress Marinette was wearing, just like her and Luka. Oh. So this was the entire fuss about the dress.  
“Let's take a group selfie?” she suggested.  
“Hell yeah!”
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nalgenewhore · 5 years
“What happens if I do not like him, Daddy? What if he,” her chin trembled and tears pooled in her eyes. “What if he does not like me?” She flipped the hood of her fleece hoodie up, the little bear ears popping up.
Lorcan stifled his laugh at his daughter’s concerned tone and furrowed brows. “He’s going to love you, princess. I promise.” 
Stella Luna squinted her golden caramel eyes up at him, the angular shape reminding him so much of his wife. She sniffled as he crouched in front of her and cupped her face in his hand, wiping her tears away. “Do you pinky promise, Daddy?” She held out her hand, pinky out. 
Lorcan obliged her and hooked his pinky around hers, “Cross my heart and hope to die, stick a needle in my eye,” he promised, smiling when she giggled at his response. He stood and as he did, scooped her up, propping her on his hip. “Ready, babe?” 
Stella Luna nodded and he started to walk through the hospital to the maternity ward, bouncing her as they turned a corner. She laughed and smiled wide, freezing and tightening her arms around his neck to get him to stop. “Daddy,” she said, her eyes wide in fear. “If I do not like him, will you take him back and get a new one?” It took all his willpower to not burst into laughter at her question and serious face. 
“You can’t take babies back, Stel.” 
Her mouth popped open into an o-shape, her eyes widening even further. “Well, why not? You give him away and try again!” Technically, she was correct, and he had nothing to say until, “Or, put him back into Mommy’s tummy until he is a better baby.” 
He kissed the top of her head, hiding his smile, “No dice, kiddo. Once he’s out, there’s no going back.” 
Stella Luna frowned and warily regarded him, deeming his words to be somewhat untrue. “I’ll ask Mommy about it.” she told him decisively, letting him know she did not believe him in the slightest. “I would like to see her now, please.” 
Stella Luna let her head fall onto his shoulder, her fingers tracing over the ink lines creeping over his neck above the collar of his hoodie. Soon, they arrived at the hallway Elide’s room was in and he let her down, her hand wrapping around his ring and pinky finger. 
They walked quietly, Stella Luna occupying herself by swinging their joined hands between them. Lorcan glanced down at her and smiled, his breath hitching at the knowledge that he and Elide had now created two beautiful and absolutely perfect beings from scratch. He stopped at Elide’s closed door and put his free hand on the doorknob when she squeezed his hand, panic clear on her face and in the way she froze to the spot. “I do not like this, Daddy. Up.” She held her arms up, her hands opening and closing in a grabby motion. 
Lorcan picked her up, rubbing her back over her fluffy fleece hoodie. “It’s all alright, Stel, baby. I pinky promised, didn’t I?” Stella Luna nodded and wiped her eyes with her fists, her bottom lip sticking out. “Want to go see your Mommy?” 
She nodded, “I think I am ready now, Daddy. You can open the door now, please.” Her voice was trembling slightly and quieter than usual. 
Lorcan smiled at her tone and the way she buried her face into the crook of his neck and shoulder. 
The room was soft, a gentle sort of quiet, like lazy afternoons spent napping on the couch or golden mornings that started with his wife curled in his arms. 
Elide was in the same place he had left her in to meet Stella Luna in the waiting room after Fenrys and Nehemia had taken her for the night after Elide had gone into labour. She wasn’t able to tear herself away from the baby in her arms, wonder in her dark eyes as their son slept. 
Stella Luna shifted, peeking out to look at the baby before hiding again, their normally bubbly girl shy. He huffed a laugh and Elide looked up at him, smiling at the two of them. “Hi, Stella Luna. I have someone for you to meet, you know. He’s very excited.” 
“Hi, Mommy,” Stella Luna replied, her voice muffled from where it was still firmly nuzzled into Lorcan. “I would like to meet him later, if that’s ok.” 
“But you were so excited to meet him, baby. What happened?” 
She shrugged and lifted her head, glancing nervously down at the sleeping infant. “Where is he?” She looked at Lorcan who was confused. “When is the real baby getting here? That is not my brother.” She looked extremely unimpressed by the bundle Elide held and neither of them knew what to say. 
Lorcan blinked, opening his mouth, “Stella Luna, babe, that is your brother, lovie. That’s him, right there.” 
Her eyes widened and her jaw dropped. “But he’s so tiny! I thinked my brother would be bigger, don’t you, Daddy? Why is he so small, he could get hurted, you know, it is not safe to be that little, Mommy.” 
It seemed she was over her initial shyness as she squirmed to be let down. Lorcan set her down and she trailed over, standing on her tip-toes to peer down at the newborn, her little hands gripping the edge of the mattress. “Hello.”
The baby stayed sleeping and Stella Luna looked up at her mother, “He didn’t say anything, Mommy. Why?” 
Lorcan chuckled alongside Elide and sat in the chair next to her bed, leaning over to kiss her softly. Elide smiled and kissed him back before turning to Stella Luna, “Newborns don’t talk, princess. He probably won’t talk for a while.” 
Stella Luna frowned at the baby and climbed into Lorcan’s lap. “I will be very bored, you know. Is he just supposed to stay silent the whole entire time, Mommy?” She tucked her hands into the big front pocket of her sweater, nestling back into her father. Lorcan and Elide shared a look, the two remembering when it seemed like Stella Luna never stopped crying. 
Granted, they were two broke and barely out of college kids who had absolutely no business actually having a kid themselves and no doubt did everything completely wrong. “No, he’ll will still make noise, Stella Luna. Babies cry and laugh and make sounds that seem like words.” 
“Oh. What is his name, Mommy? I think Auntie Mia saided to me and I forgetted it.”
“This is,” Elide tilted him slightly, “Orion Nyx Salvaterre Lochan.”
“Hm.” Was all she had to say as she yawned and her eyes fell shut. “I like his name, Mommy.” With that, she fell asleep, her hands leaving her pocket to grip Lorcan’s own hoodie. 
“Trade with me,” said Elide, smiling at the sight of her sleeping daughter. “I miss that girlie.” 
Lorcan grinned and stood, carefully making sure to not wake the five-year old as they cautiously made the switch. He sat back down, cradling the infant to him, tears pricking his eyes. Elide saw that and laughed, “You big softie.” She shifted Stella Luna and winced, “Fuck, giving birth is the worst.” 
He huffed a laugh and looked down at the baby, down at their son. “Worth it, E?” He looked back at her, his brow quirked up. Elide nodded, tilting her head to kiss him fully. 
“So worth it.” A gentle coo interrupted them and Lorcan looked down at the bundle in his arms, still feeling an electrified shock pass through him as he took in Orion’s bright silver eyes, wide open as he stared up at him. 
“We did good, didn’t we, Lochan?” Lorcan flicked his eyes up to Elide, no hiding the tears building in his eyes. Again. 
“We did so good, Salvaterre.”
@myfeyrelady @kandasboi @the-regal-warrior @rhysands-highlady @highqueenofelfhame @westofmoon @empire-of-wildfire @city-of-fae @shyvioletcat @alifletcher2012 @tangledraysofsunshine @ttakeitbacknoww @tswaney17 
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super-trouper · 4 years
Wayhaven Week 2020 Day 4
Pairing: Felix/F!Detective (Grace Buckley) Prompt: Tranquil/Thrill Note: 90% of this is just my detective fawning over Felix and you know what? It’s what he deserves.
Adam would be proud of him, Grace thinks, amused, as she watches Felix frown in concentration, fully absorbed in his task. He’s taken to the new information like a fish to water and Grace’s heart swells with affection for the vampire at her side. The two have spent the entire afternoon with her explaining everything and running him through the basics, and she struggles to think of an instance she’s seen him more focused on learning; it’s inexplicably adorable.
“Babe!” Felix jumps suddenly, jolting her out of her thoughts. “Look at that, my Pidove evolved!”
Then again, she doubts Adam would approve the focus of that intense concentration is Pokemon, of all things.
This raises another curious thought if Adam even knows what Pokemon is, but that’s a question for another day. Right now, Grace can’t really pay attention to anything but Felix, which, in general, seems to be the case quite often. She shifts around to prop her chin on his shoulder and glances down at her old 3DS in his hands.
“Wait, you have a shiny Tranquill?”
He does his best to shift his head around and look at her. “What’s a shiny Tranquill?”
They haven’t covered the topic of shinies yet, mostly because Grace didn’t think it was essential information, but now here Felix is, with a shiny on his very first time playing the game. She would be more surprised, really, but it only serves to confirm something she’s known for a while now; Felix is no ordinary man in a way that has nothing to do with the fact he isn’t human.
She can’t stop herself from pressing a quick kiss to his cheek and basks in the way a familiar grin spreads on his lips.
“I think I like that whole shiny Tranquill thing.” He winks at her, or at least does his best to with their faces so close together, before adding, “No, but really. What is it?”
“Well, basically, a shiny is just a regular pokemon with different colouring. They’re usually pretty rare, though. Less than a 1% chance to get one.”
Felix’s eyes gleam. “I guess I’m just that lucky then,” he says, and as he meets her eye once again, his gaze so warm and affectionate, it’s hard not to think he means more than just Pokemon. Grace can’t stifle a smile.
“Keep it up and you’ll be the very best in no time at all,” she reassures, referencing the show’s theme song. They listened to it earlier and Felix seems to enjoy it very much, if their impromptu karaoke sessions throughout the afternoon are of any indication.
They continue playing for some time, with Grace’s head remaining propped up on his shoulder, her arms wrapped around him. Despite her excitement over the existence of the supernatural world, she finds she enjoys those quiet, mundane moments with Felix just as much. Not that moments with him can usually qualify as ‘quiet’, but his voice is quickly becoming one of her favourite sounds so it’s not like she minds.
The game seems to be going well too. By the time he reaches Slateport City, Felix has assembled one of the cutest teams she’s ever seen, which makes the following exchange inevitable, really, when she thinks of it.
“Wait, contests? You never mentioned that!” he says as if she’s committed a personal offence against him and in retrospect, yeah, she thinks she should’ve figured he’d be interested in that.
“They’re not really a thing in most of the other games,” she admits somewhat sheepishly. “I guess I just sorta forgot.”
“They’re not? Why not? I wanna show off my adorable pokemon.”
“To be honest, contests were pretty crappy back in the day. It was just piling accessories on top of your pokemon and hoping for the best.” Felix’s expression tells her her explanation’s done nothing to discourage him and Grace laughs. “Trust me, it sounds a lot more fun than it is.”
“But in this one it’s better?”
“Definitely. And you know, I don’t think I ever collected all the ribbons in any of my playthroughs.”
Naturally, Felix absolutely cannot move on until he has all of them. His journey to becoming the very best is quickly sidelined in favour of becoming top coordinator and honestly, as long as he’s having fun Grace is happy. Late afternoon seamlessly bleeds into early evening, but neither of them pays any particular attention to the change outside, much too wrapped up in their little bubble of joy and casual domesticity.
Somewhere in the back of her mind, Grace thinks about how she could never enjoy moments like these with Bobby. He never really showed interest in any of her hobbies, much less tried them out himself. And she’s not in the habit of thinking about Bobby, usually, but with how much he’s inserted himself back into her life as of late, it seems inevitable not to notice how much he falls short when compared to her new boyfriend.
Boyfriend. The mere word is enough to send her heart into a flutter and Grace snuggles deeper into Felix at the feeling.
“This is taking so long,” he complains as he fails to win another ribbon. “How did Chaz beat me? My Tranquill is way cuter than his Mychoke.”
“Machoke,” Grace corrects with a smile. “Why don’t you make some pokeblocks and feed them to Tranquill? That should give you an extra edge in the first round.”
Felix takes her advice and in the next contest, he manages to beat Chaz by a few points.
“Ha!” He pulls away from Grace in order to fully turn around and face her. His grin is wide, his amber eyes practically sparkling, and Grace already feels an answering smile tug at her lips, a subconscious response to his excitement. “Gracie, you’re a genius.”
“I do take great pride in my Pokemon knowledge.” She laughs but pulls him in for a quick kiss anyway. At the very least, it’s supposed to be a quick kiss but once their lips touch, she can’t help but get distracted and the kiss lingers.
A part of her marvels at how no matter how many times they kiss, it still never fails to give her butterflies. She doesn’t consider herself particularly sappy or overly romantic, but with Felix, everything just feels more meaningful and exciting.
“We should do that more often,” he grins at her once they part.
“What, kiss?”
“Well, yeah, definitely that too. But I meant more the whole ‘spending time together without crazy killers or deadly illnesses lurking around’.���
Once again she smiles, something she seems to do a lot around Felix. “I’d like that. And technically, we still haven’t even had an official first date.”
He blinks as though the thought has only now occurred to him. “Let’s go on a date then.”
“Right now?”
“Why not?”
Well. No time like the present, Grace supposes and nods along, giddiness rising in her chest. “Okay. Sure. Let’s go on a date.”
A familiar cheeky grin spreads on Felix’s lips and makes his entire face light up; Grace is pretty sure her heart skips a beat.
“This is going to be the best date ever,” he says and she has no doubt he’s right.
Tranquill: a dual-type Normal/Flying Pokémon that evolves from Pidove starting at level 21.
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blackcatkita · 5 years
A Not So Blue Christmas
Book: Open Heart
Pairing: Bryce x MC (Kayla)
Word Count: 2925
This is my contribution to the 12 Days of Fictmas- 2019 edition and true to form, I am posting this at the literal eleventh hour. I was assigned “Blue Christmas” by the late and great Elvis Aaron Presley (may he rest in peace). Big thank you to @leelee10898 for hosting this event and wrangling us all and to @darley1101 for creating the awesome moodboard you see below. I hope you like it and happy holidays!
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A Not So Blue Christmas
When Kayla matched at Edenbrook, some 980 miles from her hometown of Chicago, she knew there would be things she would miss out on. Her proud Irish family was huge and freakishly close; three brothers and one sister with Kayla smack in the middle, five aunts, three uncles, twenty-six first cousins and an absolute lunatic of a grandmother to round it all out. And that was just on her dad’s side. Birthdays, holidays, graduations, anniversaries; they were spent together whether you wanted to be there or not. Going away to college had been a blessing. For the first time, Kayla got to be seen as her own person instead of Sean and Connor’s little sister but she would be lying if she said she didn’t miss her family. The last time she saw them was back in June when she took Bryce home to meet everyone. Well, almost everyone. No one should have to be subjected to the entire clan on the first meeting, no matter how confident and easy-going her boyfriend was.
It was worth it though. She’d wanted to be a doctor for as long as she could remember and working with Ethan Freaking Ramsey on the diagnostics team was a dream come true. Her career fed her constant thirst for knowledge and allowed her to help people so she didn’t mind not being there for every little thing her family deigned worthy of celebration. Christmas was different. Christmas in the Donovan house was a huge deal.
The house would be so full it was fit to burst, food, candy, and cookies as far as the eye could see. Her oldest brother Sean and his wife Meghan sniping and snarking at each other, everyone spoiling the hell out of her niece because she was the first child, seeing what new bimbo was Connor’s latest flavor of the week because he was too stupid and too much of a playboy to find a nice girl, Gran handing out shots of whiskey and hitting on any poor soul whose only mistake was dating or marrying one of the Donovan girls; she’d had a field day with Bryce. Her dad and uncles escaping to the garage or basement, betting on how long after dinner it would take her mom to throw in the towel and switch from wine to liquor; Kayla was going to miss it all.
But Boston provided joys of its own; a group of friends she considered family that included the most supportive boyfriend the world had ever seen. Working as much as they did with no way in hell of getting off on a holiday meant none of them would be going home but that didn’t mean they would spend Christmas alone. Luckily, their apartment was spacious enough to house everyone for the open house party she and her roommates planned, though Kayla wondered why hosting always fell to them. Ethan had an even better apartment and you didn’t see him inviting anyone over. Rude.
“And, voila!” Kayla exclaimed from her post at the kitchen island. The cheese tray she put together looked damn good if she said so herself. Cheese ball in the middle with alternating yellow and white cheeses surrounding it in a pinwheel pattern. Yep, damn good indeed. “Sienna, where do you want the cheese tray?”
“Umm…” Sienna didn’t look up, too preoccupied with arranging upside-down raspberries on top of the chocolate ganache cake she made. “The banquet table by the window maybe? There’s more room for people to mill around over there.”
Kayla looked around, finding only empty space near the windows. “Banquet table?”
Glancing up, Sienna shook her head and went back to the raspberries. “Bryce!”
“Yo!” he called out.
“Where’s that banquet table you said you’d set up?”
“Oh, shit,” he laughed before bringing the table in from the living room where he and Elijah had been fiddling with the tv for the last half hour. “Sorry, ladies.”
“What are you even doing in there?” Kayla asked as Bryce unfolded the legs and flipped the table right side up.
“Helping Elijah with the surround sound,” he answered simply, taking a folded red tablecloth from the kitchen table and spreading it over the one he just set up.
“Do you really need to be doing that right now?”
Shrugging in response, he sauntered over, gave Kayla a quick peck on the lips while squeezing her ass, then snatched a piece of cheese, popping it in his mouth before going back into the living room.
Minutes later the front door opened with a thump and Jackie’s voice rang out, “Oh, hell no. You two don’t get to do whatever it is you’re doing in here while we do all the work. It’s all hands on deck so get your asses up and help. And before you say it, no, Lahela, I don’t care that you don’t technically live here. God knows you’re here enough it’s like you do. You can start by putting these bags of ice on the balcony.”
Eyebrows raised, Kayla slowly turned to grin at Sienna, finding her covering her laugh with a hand plastered to her mouth. “Remind me to buy Jackie a pony for her birthday.”
“Or a bottle of tequila,” Sienna giggled.
Kayla picked up her glass of red wine, waiting for Sienna to do the same before clinking their glasses together. “Hear. Hear.”
An hour later, people were trickling in. The cold food was moved to the kitchen table and the hot to the banquet table because that’s where the outlets were, the bar was set up, holiday music was playing and Kayla was mingling in a fitted midnight blue dress that was both sexy and elegant.
“I’m loving this party even more than your last one, Donovan.” Zaid’s tone was as dry as ever, expression impassive as he bopped to the beat of ‘Jingle Bell Rock’. “You’ve outdone yourself.”
“Oh, thanks! It was a team effort.” A knock sounded at the door and Kayla excused herself before opening it with a smile.
“You came!” Kayla gasped, putting on an air of shock with her hand pressed to her chest. “I never thought I’d see the day!”
“This is for you.” Standing stiffly in the doorway, he thrust a bottle of red wine into her hands. “I know you like red.”
“I do, thanks, Ethan.” Considering how reluctant he looked, she grabbed him by the wrist and tugged him into the room. “Come on, no one’s gonna bite you. Can I get you anything to drink? Bryce is supposed to be playing bartender but he’s fallen in love with my tv.”
A brief look of confusion flashed across Ethan’s face before he shook his head, probably deciding he didn’t care enough to ask. “What do you have?”
Kayla shrugged. “Everything? I can make you a brandy old fashioned or cranberry mule. Those are our signature drinks.”
“Old Fashioneds are generally made with bourbon.”
“Not in the Midwest,” Kayla smirked. “It’s really big in Wisconsin.”
“You’re from Chicago…” Ethan shook his head again. “What’s a ‘cranberry mule’?”
“Bryce,” Kayla called out. “What’s in the cranberry mule?”
Bryce’s voice came from by the tv, only now he had the thing turned to the side. “Four ounces ginger beer, four ounces cranberry juice, two ounces rum and the juice of half a lime.” His head popped up, looking at her over the top. “Put that in a shaker then pour over ice and garnish with a slice of lime and some cranberries. Make sure you use a copper mug.”
“Ok, seriously, what are you doing over there?!”
“I’m almost done.” Grinning, Bryce shot her a wink and ducked back down.
Rolling her eyes, Kayla turned back to Ethan. “Don’t ask because I have no idea what he’s doing.”
“I wasn’t going to. I don’t care.”
“Nice,” she stated, raising her eyebrow and pressing her lips into the tiniest pout. “Well? Your drink, Dr. Ramsey?”
“I’ll take Scotch if you have it.”
“Uh… if we do it’s probably not very…” Kayla grimaced, leading Ethan to the bar across the room. “Oh, wait! I think Landry might have left some here.” Reaching her destination, Kayla ducked down and pulled a bottle from the lower shelf. “Ha!” she exclaimed as she stood up. “Score one for the jackass.”
“Babe! Kayla!” Bryce shouted out over the noise. He smiled when she looked over, then his gaze seemed to move past her and he gave a subtle nod. “Can you help me with something quick?”
“Be right there!” she replied as she splashed some Scotch in a glass. She handed it to Ethan and gave him a little push. “Go have fun. Socialize. Be normal.” Ignoring his look of disdain, she moved back into the living room. “What’s up?”
“I need you to sit on the couch,” Bryce instructed, turning the tv back the right way.
“Because I need to make sure the angle is right.”
“Angle for what?”
Bryce’s eyes widened, brows raised to give her a look that said, ‘just do it’.
“Fine.” The couch that had been filled with various guests all night was miraculously empty and Kayla sat down carefully so she didn’t flash everyone with the new lingerie Bryce had given her. That show was for his eyes only. “Are you finally going to tell me what you’ve been up to?”
“Stop asking questions,” Bryce laughed as the conversation around them grew quieter. “Elijah?” The music cut out and the lull in conversations spread through the apartment. “Ok, now push the input button on the tv remote.”
Brow furrowed, Kayla reached for the remote on the coffee table. Whatever he had planned, it seemed like most of the people in attendance were aware of it. If it turned out to be a slideshow of embarrassing photos from throughout the year or a video of her drunk ass singing karaoke, Bryce was a dead man. All eyes on her, Kayla pressed the button and the tv lit up. She screamed, both of her hands flying up to cover her mouth as tears sprang to her eyes. Before her, her family sat crowded together, enough of them they filled all seventy inches of the screen.
Her dad Sean leaned forward, squinting at the camera in front of him. “Is that it? Can she see us now?”
“Oh my god, Dad.” Squished against him, Kayla’s nineteen-year-old sister Brianna rolled her eyes. “Why do you think she’s screaming?”
“Shut up, you’re all ruining it!” Gran scolded from where she was wedged between Kayla’s dad and her brother Owen. “On the count of three… one… two… three…”
“Nollaig Shona, Kayla!” Everyone shouted as they smiled and waved, not exactly in sync but close enough.
“Nollaig Shona, everyone!” Kayla returned the sentiment, smiling and waving back. She looked around the room at her smiling friends and colleagues. “That’s Irish for ‘Merry Christmas’,” she explained. Her lip began to quiver and she looked at Bryce, waving him over as her eyes flooded with tears. “Get over here.” She felt her face crumple and pressed her palm over her lips as her boyfriend finally came over, looking uncharacteristically subdued. Sitting beside her, he slung his arm around her shoulders and she turned toward him, hugging him around his waist as she buried her face in the crook of his neck, trying to choke back her quiet sobs.
“Hey, everybody.” Bryce’s voice was tight as he gently rubbed her back. He cleared his throat and when he spoke again, she could hear the smile in his tone. “Merry Christmas. Thanks for helping me out with all of this.”
The comforting movement of his hand didn’t cease as he continued to chat with her family and when she was sure the tears had stopped flowing, Kayla peeled herself off him. “Well, my make-up is officially ruined,” she laughed, swiping at her cheeks. Sienna appeared out of nowhere and with tears in her eyes, thrust a wad of Kleenex into Kayla’s hands. “Thanks, Sienna.” Kayla did her best to clean the mascara from beneath her eyes then smiled, shaking her head in awe. “I just can’t believe you’re all in front of me right now.” Her eyes watered again.
“That man of yours is more than just a pretty face, Kayla,” her sister-in-law Meghan said.
“And what a face it is,” Gran added, giving the most exaggerated wink possible.
“Oh, don’t I know it, Gran,” Kayla agreed. “Great hair, too.”
“And a body to boot!” Gran slapped her hand on her skinny little knee. “Bet he’s a right stallion in the sack. You young ones get all the action these days.”
“Okay! Enough of that!” her big brother Sean shouted, clamping his hands over his four-year-old daughter’s ears while Kayla’s dad dropped his head in his hand mumbling something Kayla couldn’t make out. If she had to guess, it was ‘Lord in heaven’.
“Sorry, Sean,” Kayla laughed. Her eyes roamed the faces in front of her; her dad, grandma, her sister and two of her brothers, a few aunts, and uncles and some cousins. “Hey, where’s mom and Connor?” Of all her siblings she was closest to Connor, they were best friends on top of being brother and sister and her mom was her biggest cheerleader. No way would they not be a part of Bryce’s surprise.
“Oh, I imagine they’ll be coming in the door any minute now,” her dad said with a twinkle in his eye. “We’ll let you get back to your party, Punkin. Don’t forget to call us now.”
“I won’t, Dad,” Kayla promised. “It was great seeing you guys and I love you all so much!”
“We love you too, Kayla!” they all shouted back, waving again as they said goodbye.
“Now how the hell do I turn this damn thing off…” her dad grumbled, looking down at his remote before the connection ended.
As the music started and the party resumed, Kayla turned to Bryce, who was looking mighty proud of himself. She grabbed a fistful of his sweater and pulled him to her, planting a kiss on his lips. The doorbell rang and she pulled away. “Duty calls but later, you’re mine.”
“I mean, we can just kick everybody out now,” he teased, leaning in for another kiss. She laughed, giving him a swat on the shoulder but he snuck one anyway. “Get the door, babe. I’ll even come with you.”
“Ah, now that your ruse is over you’ll join the festivities?”
“Something like that.” Grabbing her hand, he pulled her to her feet. When they reached the door, he stopped her a few feet away with an arm around her waist then stepped forward to open it himself.
“Shut the fuck up!” Kayla shouted when she saw who was on the other side.
“Kayla Donovan!” her mom Erin scolded. “Such language!”
“And on Christmas too!” her brother Connor added in a mock scandalized voice with his eyes wide and a palm pressed to his forehead.
Her mom laughed, holding her arms out wide. “Surprise!”
The initial shock had worn off and Kayla launched herself into her mother’s arms. “I can’t believe you’re here!” She held tight for a moment, then turned to Connor.
“Brat,” he greeted.
Laughing, he grabbed Kayla around the waist and lifted her off her feet, bouncing a few times before setting her back down. “Damn, it’s good to see you, Kay. Bryce,” Connor nodded as Bryce turned away from the warm hug her mom had given him and held out his hand, doing that weird handshake-shoulder clapping thing guys did. “Good to see you again, too. Thanks for inviting us.”
“Let’s get you guys a drink. There’s a ton of people you have to meet.”
Heart full and cheeks sore from smiling, Kayla paraded her mom and brother around the room, introducing them to all of the people who had become so important to her. When Sienna eventually dragged them to the kitchen to eat, Kayla turned to Bryce, smiling up at him as she looped her arms around his neck. “You.”
“Me.” His warm hands slid around her hips, pulling her tighter until they were pressed against his.
“You’re the best boyfriend in the entire world.”
“I know.” An easy smile spread across his cheeks. “Handsome, too.”
“And the smartest, most thoughtful,” Her words were punctuated by quick kisses. “most supportive, sweetest, the best lover, the…”
“Stop, you’re gonna make me blush,” he laughed, then raised his eyebrow as his lips settled into a cocky smirk. “You’re not wrong, though. I am pretty amazing.”
“And so humble,” she laughed with him. Gazing into his eyes, she knew she was exactly where she was supposed to be. Bryce was home, no matter where it was. “Seriously, Bryce, this was… I can’t believe you did all this.”
“I almost didn’t think I would pull it off,” he admitted. “The Portal thing was supposed to be here weeks ago but it got lost somewhere in Ohio and just came today. Then your dad couldn’t get his to work and threatened to throw the thing in the lake, and now today your mom and Connor’s flight was delayed by like four hours. I’m surprised I survived.”
As he spoke, Kayla’s smile grew wider and when he finally stopped talking, she pulled him down to press a slow kiss to his lips. She pulled back, just enough to lock her eyes with his. “I love you.”
“I love you too, baby. Merry Christmas.”
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snkpolls · 5 years
SnK Chapter 125 Poll Results
The chapter 125 poll closed with 1,469 responses. Thank you for your support! This month’s poll results were compiled by /u/alooulla,  /u/_Puppet_, @shifter-lines​ and @momtaku​.
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While still overwhelmingly positive, and slightly improved over Chapter 124, the “wow” factor still wasn’t there for many. Those selecting a perfect five was less than half of respondents (49.3%).
Transitions were unbelievably good, hardly noticed we were at 5 different scenes this chapter.
Not really hype like some chapters have been, but it was wonderful to see all the character and story development.
Created a number of different plot threads, but was not as satisfying as recent chapters
Everyone in this chapter (except Flock) deserves love
Good chapter, juggles lots of POVs excellently and opens up multiple opportunities for where the story may go. I love how desperate everything is.
Beats gonna drop soon
Jean honey if you push Floch out the hole in the wall everyone will swear it was an accident
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They only appeared on two pages, but “Levi and Hange are back” was the top pick out of a long list of options with nearly one-third (27.7%) selecting them. “Armin and Mikasa’s argument” secured second (14.3%) and “Annie and Hitch together” (12.6%) round out the top three.
I loved Annie's backstory, the conversation between Floch and Jean, the talk between AM, Shadis, mr Leonhart, literally everything.
I loved hearing Annie and Hitch talk, and the Levi and Hange situation finally got addressed :)
I'm so happy to see Levi and Hange, and so happy that they've run into Pieck and Magath. I hope they can reach some kind of truce and work together.
Floch is the Queen of Paradis confirmed.
Shadis once again made this chapter for me. What a great, deep speech. He is a true hero.♡
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While denied the favorite moment, Annie was the favorite for chapter MVP with more than one-quarter of respondent (26.6%). Hitch, the other half of the girl power duo, made a strong showing (19.6%) for number two. Most shocking perhaps is that Hange (13.6%) squeaked out a narrow victory over Floch (12.6%) for third.
Annie is the best girl
Floch did nothing wrong
Hitch nipping at Historia's best girl-crown
Floch is such a crazy piece of shit, I love him, he's a great villain and I'm glad that Isayama added a character like that to the story. Also, funny with how he represents the rabid Eren stans, parroting the bs they keep saying ("we're free now reeeeeee").
S H A D I S  T H E  C H A D I S
Hange my queen how the hell did you save Levi, I wanna know!!
Hitch yeeting Annie made me scream, I love them together so much.
My babes Shadis and Magath are BACK!! 😍
So happy to see Hitch back. She is such a fun character and so underrated!
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The citizens of the walls are as divided as the fanbase over Eren’s actions.  36.7% are on the side that says the Eldians on the island would all be dead without Eren, while 34% respond with the fact that he’s responsible for many of their deaths himself.  25.1% don’t want to side with either faction.
“You can’t make an omelette without breaking a few eggs”
Both are right and wrong at the same time…
Both sides are ignorant as to what is actually happening so it is difficult to gauge who actually feels what they do considering their limited knowledge but I'm edging towards the justification of it.
Eren has planned this all along, he knows there will be no true peace by doing the rumbling and has some kind of third goal
Even if the first expression is true (and no one can say if it is or not for sure) it doesn't make the belligerents right, or mean that Eren shouldn't be held accountable for his actions
Both sides are justified. Both sides reacted according to their personal views in response to an outside force they had no control of.  
I sympathize with both. One on hand, it seems as though the wall titans were the only effective retaliation the island had left, but on the other hand, Eren did kill many of his own people and aiming to wipe out the rest of the world is definitely pretty extreme for even Eren. That's why I think there's still a HUGE part of his plan that we haven't been made aware of yet.
There's no real right answer here. Obviously genocide is bad and no one can deny the fact that Eren killed his own people but, what other options were available in the limited time they had?
Whatever your thoughts on The Rumbling, Eren is being extremely reckless and it's going to backfire like crazy. Member when Erwin pulled off an almost-bloodless coup? I have a feeling Ereh is too preoccupied with thoughts of PATHS and FREEDOM to really consider the consequences of stuff like civilian casualties or letting a fascist cult take over the government.  
What the tic tac patty wack snick snack quarterback big mac heart attack race track double back guy named jack did he just do?
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Annie’s finally back!  And she sure got a lot of page time, finally getting her chance to speak her story.  The majority thought seems to be that it was okay, at 60.3%, whereas 33.2% absolutely loved it, and 6.5% thought it was a waste of time.
Develops her character a bit but otherwise not too important
we got an entire Annie backstory and it answered NONE of my questions about the crystal. If its purpose was just to protect her like the Warhammer's crystal, and she was semi-conscious -- why couldn't she escape it on her own?  Is there something unique about the Female Titan? Was it a chrysalis? Has she undergone a metamorphosis?
I'm just glad Annie's back
I really liked it and especially the Annie focus although I expected more from her justifications.
Don't care for her this late in the story tbh it's just a waste of pages
this chapter confirmed that Annie is the best character of SNK !
It was pretty much exactly what I expected, fairly boring and didn’t change my perception of her character at all
This puts so much context on the murders she committed back in the female titan arc and her personality in general. This is so great! Waited forever for this
I especially liked learning Annie's entire backstory, and her interactions with Hitch in this chapter were great.
Lil' Orphan Annie deserves more spinoffs. We need one about her awkward preteen years trying to fit in with the popular girls while continuously kicking them in half by accident.
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There sure was a lot to consider in all Annie said, and the two primary thoughts seem to be a feeling of tragedy that she never felt that anything mattered, and a hope that she’ll see her father again, at 23.7% and 22.6% respectively.  
Can't forget what she has caused, but glad she found meaning in life.
I hope she can find peace
I understand her reasoning, but her saying she'd do it all again hurt a lot.
Interesting plot point, but was it really necessary? Kinda felt like forced drama to add this "adoptive child" thing.
Is it wrong to wish for her happiness?
It may mirror Eren's motives. To her, nothing else matters except returning to her father, not even other people's lives. If Eren is intent on protecting his friends, then other lives wouldnt even matter.
It's interesting how seems similar she is to Reiner but how different they actually are. Annie is nihilistic and realistic because the lack of love, Reiner is idealistic and longing for love in a tragic way because he fantasize the love which doesn't exist
Annie has always been, in my opinion at least, one of the most honest characters, and I'm glad we can see that her core hasn't changed (but I’m so happy we can hear her talk and that we are finally getting some character development). Unlike Reiner and Bertolt, Annie never pretended to be friends with the Shinganshina trio, she never acted more nicely than she felt she should. She kept to herself and did what she knew she had to do. But this does not make Annie cold or resilient to atrocities; when she was manipulated by Reiner to take off Marco’s 3D maneuver gear, we can see she doesn’t do it easily and she does show remorse, in spite of everything. All of the SnK characters are tragic, some more than others, and for me, Annie is probably one of the most tragic ones. Adopted, trained to become a killing machine, completely alone with no one to really rely on once she joined the army, Annie goes towards her goal, stripping every bit of romanticism from the notions of peace, good vs bad governments, Marley, Eldia, humanity, etc. Annie does not fight, or pretend to fight, for the greater good; as perceptive as always, she sees the situation for what it is, just like she sees people for who they really are. I hope this brave young woman gets a happy ending with her dad.
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Hitch sure was surprised that Annie had actually been listening to her all that time, but the fandom wasn’t.  86.3% found it reasonable, but 10.7% still aren’t convinced it makes sense.
Considering we had Ms. Tyber being aware of her surroundings in her own crystal, looking back on that it's like "oh yeah that seems legit". Granted I'm sure Ms. Tyber had practiced the technic to use it in battle proficiently. But it doesn't seem too out there for Annie to be at least semi-conscious 
Honestly no. But this story has people transforming into giant monsters so I can't really complain.
I find hard to believe she is not crazy. Being unable to move in darkness for 4 years with only voices to keep her company is pretty brutal.
I'm wondering how her body condition is near to normal.
It reminds me of ymir being a mindless titan for 60 years
Wall titans also seemed to be semi conscious if I remember the original scene with eye movement and fear of light energizing them.
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We ended last chapter on Annie in a pool of this liquid, and this time we see Hitch follow it to where Annie is.  But… what is it?  66.2% think it has something to do with the crystal’s hardening, 15.2% DO NOT want that knowledge, and 11.6% think it’s a human bodily fluid.
A fluid to keep her alive (something like the lcl in evangelion)
Amniotic fluid is the warm, fluid cushion that protects and supports your baby as they grow in the womb.
a liquid that makes her body hibernate so she can stay alive
I think it's a weakened form of the hardening. Perhaps it was also this fluid around the creature in the well from Ymir's backstory.
If I recall correctly, some crystals do have water in the form of “hydrates” so in theory, the fluid in Annie’s crystal is what kept her alive by supplying nutrients and and water to her body. Because of this, the fluid may have possibly come from Annie’s Titan as it formed the crystal around her.
amniotic fluid - some unique property of the Female Titan
Tears of readers who waited too fucking long for Annie to break through
Armin juice
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So many groups in so many places!  Where is this one going to end up?  A little over half, at 55.9% think they’ll run into another group before they get to a specific destination, about a quarter at 23.4% think Shiganshina, and 19.2% think the port.
Following the Colossal Titans
Honestly it was very reckless of hitch to let Annie go. If she causes more trouble for Paradis then what will she do
Based on them leaving Stohess in the same direction as the colossal titans it is likely they will pass through Trost. They will continue south towards Shiganshina and maybe the port but on the way they will likely run into Hange, Levi, Pieck and Magath, or Connie, Falco, Armin and Gabi.
Kiyomi's plane
Marley, to Annie’s father
To Historia
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We jump across the ocean, only to find Mr. Leonhart starting a rebellion in Liberio!  About half feel there’s going to be an absolute bloodbath, 32% are glad they’re finally rising up, 11% are focused on Mr. Leonhart being a badass, and 6.1% are scratching their heads as to how this is relevant.
I feel it's setting up for eldians in all internment zones rising up, although i don't know what significance that would hold if they're gonna be flattened like pancakes anyway
I'm actually glad because while I have still and always despised the Warriors, Annie's dad felt relatable to me, good to see non-powered, regular citizens rise up against the enemy
Isayama stop trying to be clever with names is there a single part of this series you haven't put thought into?
It is rather unsettling to see since it all seems to head towards a massacre although the reactions of the Eldians are understandable and sound.
It makes sense why they'd rise up: they know what's coming, and they just want to get to safety. After all, they should be spared from the Rumbling because of their race. As expected of the Marleyans though, they won't listen to the Liberio Eldians' current plea, and it will surely cost them (the Marleyans).
The Marleyans are comically dumb it's not even funny; I mean why would they orchestrate a revolt now
This was Eren's plan all along, he wants Eldians everywhere to rebel under the threat of the wall titans.
Why should we care about what happens to anyone outside the Walls? This scene was totally unnecessary.
Worldwide Eldian Rebellion I am excited
I'm worried about them! :(
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A somewhat interesting split here; though most responders think there’s more to come with Annie’s father and being killed by the gate guard wouldn’t be the right way for him to go, especially with unfinished business with his daughter. The next highest response was ‘I am not sure’ followed by ‘No he won’t survive’ with a still respectable 24.7% of the vote. One to keep an eye on, here.
Weird that she wants to return home so much just because her dad was nice to her for a few minutes (he's been torturing her all her life).
It had some very much needed character development for A LOT of characters. I can't wait to see how certain plot points like Connie's mom and Annie's wish to see her dad will be resolved.
I saw some parallels between Mr. Leonhard vs. the guards and volunteers vs. Floch. Anarchy reigns; power struggles everywhere, yay! I want to see Mr. Leonhart leading a rebellion. I want to see Eldians all over the globe rising up and busting out of internment zones. Also - we got an entire Annie backstory and it answered NONE of my questions about the crystal. If its purpose was just to protect her like the Warhammer's crystal, and she was semi-conscious -- why couldn't she escape it on her own?  Is there something unique about the Female Titan? Was it a chrysalis? Has she undergone a metamorphosis? Will it even matter if Ymir is freed from her sand slavery and refuses to transform any more titans? Still -- it's interesting that Annie was adopted, and I have to wonder if her lineage is important.  Final thought: I'm growing tired of Isayama sidelining people by having them unconscious/uncommunicative. I get why he may want to render some characters unable to affect the plot at certain points but 'unconscious' is his go-to and I'm losing patience with it. Okay, Historia got stuck with 'pregnant' but I lost patience with that ages ago. Wake up already, Reiner. Say something, Levi. At least Falco's awake again. And Annie, for the love of Eldia, please explain your crystal.
Speaking of Mr. Leonhart, he may be crippled and defeseless against the Marleyan guards, but at least he wasn't swayed by fatalism against his current government unlike Jean/Armin.
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Instructor Shadis is still instructing, and 46.1% of you are still chanting SHADIS THE CHADIS.  23.5% loved his advice, 16.5% enjoyed the callback to being a bystander, and 12.1% wish he’d encouraged them to rise up.
Foreshadowing that they‘ll overthrow Eren and Floche.
He gives up too easily. I don't like this.
I'm glad he told them not to fight the Yeagerists but for the wrong reasons
Shadis doesn't want them to risk their lives, understandable, but giving Floch&Co time to gain even more power is not a good idea.
He's being smart and cautious because they've had enough losses for now
By far the best piece of advice he could have given them. Not is it only the most reasonable thing to do in the current situation, but it also goes to show how much Shadis values life and how well, thanks to his experience, he can see what the future might bring. When he thought fighting was a viable option, he wanted the trainees and soldiers alike to dedicate their hearts (and he dedicated his own as well), but now when he sees that they’re clearly getting overpowered and that any form of resistance would inevitably lead to death, he advises them to stay put, but not lose sight of themselves. That’s what a good leader/ elder/ parent does. Despite the fact that he failed as commander and that he was usually the only one to come back from his missions outside the walls, he shows that he has learned a lot and can strategize and draw the right moves. And it even reminded me of Levi, this desire to not waste lives. And Shadis is special, I just wish he’d realize that along with many others. Unfortunately, a very underrated character.
I am hyped to see these characters actually amount to something because of chadis!
A giant death flag.
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Armin has returned to being shell-shocked like he was in Shiganshina, and he took it out on Mikasa, but was he justified?  Just over half don’t think he was justified, but don’t blame him for snapping.  23.9% believe it was the right choice to try to make her more independent.  The last two options are tied at 10.3%, saying he was completely in the wrong, and the other saying he was justified in that Mikasa needs to focus on more than Eren.
Armin has been the one others rely for guidance, however at this point he seems stressed and probably over thinking (when he refers back to Erwin).
Armin just reached his breaking point. So much has happened in one day, and he needed to rant.
Asking ANYONE to stop thinking about Eren right now is pointless, let alone Mikasa. He was wrong, but stressed out.
Both. She needs to be encouraged to make her own decisions, but he didn't need to be mean about it. She has always been nice to him.
Feel like many are misunderstanding mikasa's comment about eren. He is the biggest concern so why shouldn't she mention him? Personally I don't think she was still in eren obsessed mode.
That's a complex question. Everyone is stressed right now, especially Armin, feeling guilty for being brought back and feels so much weight on his shoulder to be a leader so to say. So it reasonable for him to yell and it might spark something in Mikasa as well.
Armin needs a nap, a warm bath, and a foot rub.
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Mikasa’s character development is being pushed to its tipping point now, will Armin’s words make her start thinking for herself?  The majority, at 56.3% think that leadership isn’t her style, but she’ll step up and support what she feels is right.  18.6% feel that she’s already made the step into thinking for herself, and the last two options are split at 11.3% between a full ‘yes she’ll finally step up’, and a full ‘she’s always thought for herself.’
Armin: think for yourself! Mikasa: Where is my scarf?
Hopefully, I want to see more independence. Assertive and confident in her actions.
I don't know if she'll able to think for herself. maybe she will do something, but I guess whatever she will do on her own, I don't want to expect much from her. Anyway I have the feeling that Mikasa's own decision could be that she accepts Kiyomi's offer and leaves Paradis because the whole situation is obviously killing her.
I hope Isayama has something special planned for Mikasa's development
Mikasa has always thought for herself. She’s never been a leader, but she’s always followed her own hearts desires. Nobody knows what to do and for once it was actually reasonable for her to ask about eren, given what he’s about to do to the world.
Mikasa isn't wrong to look to Armin for leadership, but when she brings up the elephant in the room, he flies off the handle at her. But ultimately, I think that Armin is right. She'll have to make decisions based off her own judgement and I'm excited for it.
I kinda doubt that. She went to Jean, because Armin told her so and I don't think that she would do anything in the situation between Jean, Floch and the Volunteers. If she would be able someday to make her own decision, I'll think that could be to do with Kiyomi's offer to go on one of her ships, but we will see.
I think she will be an impromptu leader, similarly to what she did at Trost after eren got eaten by the santa titan
Mikasa did nothing wrong, she tried to take advice instead to run somewhere else like Connie or give up like Jean.
Yes she’ll become more independent. I think itll lead to “see u later eren”
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The question of whether Armin or Erwin should have been revived in Shiganshina proves to be one of the most contentious issues in the series, nearly on par with when we asked you guys what you think of Eren’s (stated) plan. 52.2% of you are Team Erwin, and 47.8% are Team Armin. Regrettably, I can’t make a good joke out of either of those numbers.
I've said it before, but I think Armin was the best person to revive from a story telling point of view. Erwin was the better leader, no doubts there, but it is the lack of him that has pushed all these other characters to develop more. I believe the relationships between characters and the characters themselves would've remained more static if he had still been there. So therefore, Armin was the right choice
Erwin wouldn't have let any of this happen
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There could only ever be one winner of this question; given the girls fandom of Eren in general and Mikasa in particular, 72.5% of you picked Louise as the scarf thief, particularly since she knew it was there and gave it a look after Mikasa left. The next highest answer was Eren having sent someone to retrieve it, at 13.8%, followed by ‘someone else at 9.1%, with Floch and Jean respectively taking up other minor answers. I look forward to the questions in the future of why the scarf was taken, and how will it affect the story?
Oh, and Louise definitely has the scarf. I think there will be a confrontation over it and Mikasa will Realise Things, so that's cool.
Louise totally stole that scarf.
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808 of 1,395 of you came out to represent Gabi Gang, while the remaining 587 of you like Mia better. Mia Myriad? Eh. Mia Myriad’s weird. I like Gabi Gang better.
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Floch tells Jean he can finally have the life he always wanted, what was Jean feeling at that moment?  40.5% think he was just totally shell-shocked, 30.4% think he;s faking weakness for a plan, 16.4% think he had an epiphany about Eren based on what Floch said, and 10.7% believe him to be considering what Floch has to say.
Definitely debating whether or not to kick his head in-- once he's decided I think he'll pounce
he has been asking over and over for how long they would have to keep fighting. So Floch telling him is over has a great effect on him. Although he will chose to keep fighting.
He is bothered that the Yeagerists consider him a “hero”
He is in disbelief over how AWFUL Floch is and once his brain processes it he will snap and punch the bastard in the face
He's both in shell shock and trying to fake weakness.
I think he's coming up with some sort of plan to finally rid the world of Floch.
Jean looks so tired in these panels, as in physically tired and mentally. He probably wants this all to be over, and Floch is giving him a way out. But Jean has come too far to give up, I think, so I hope he turns his brain back on.
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THE ROCKS ARE GONE.  About half of the fandom, at 46.2% are pretty sure Jean pocketed them to use as a weapon.  29.7% did not notice the disappearance, and 24.2% think it’s just Isayama overlooking an inconsistency.
Bitch boutta throw some rocks
I hope Jean can something do too otherwise the Volunteers would get forced to fight for Eren and to help him destroying their own motherlands (oof) or get killed. I hope the theory about the pocket rocks get relevant and true in the next chapters
Floch be a bitch with a nest boutta get moulded by rocks
Getting ready to bash floch
there was a gun next to him and then it was gone. The boy boutta blooooow
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Eren doesn’t seem to have confided his plan in anyone, but Floch says otherwise.  60% confess Eren likely told him a fair bit, but not everything, 32.9% think Floch’s just BSing his way through things to look better, and 5.6% truly believe Eren told Floch everything.
Eren is the only one who knows his true plan, anyone that claims to know what Eren is doing was just a pawn that Eren used.
Eren probably forgot who Floch even is
Considering how Eren is acting now, I fear he did tell him everything after seeing his extremism.
Floch believes Eren told him everything, but he probably didn't.
floch is an arrogant bitch who thinks eren and him are best buds
I mean, the plan so far seems to be 'let's retrieve Zeke, overthrow the government and unleash the Rumbling', so why won't he tell Floch all of it? He seems to be fully on board. If there is more to the plan, then Floch doesn't know it.
I'm still not sure how much of Eren's betrayal of Zeke he was in on, but I'm damn sure Eren didn't task him with any 'removing internal resentment' job.
Jean knows he has more of Eren's trust than Floch does. From this, Jean figured out either Floch is lying for his own gains, or is being used by Eren.
Floch is just a dumbass and Eren is using him to get the necessary pieces into place without him doing it all himself
Something tells me Floch actually just overheard Yelena talking with Eren about Zeke's plan during the railway opening ceremony. I could've sworn that in the chapter Floch mentioned that he "heard" Eren's plan, and the way he uses that word gives me the impression he only listened to parts of what Yelena told Eren without knowing what Eren's ulterior motive was when learning Zeke's plan.
That’s certainly what he *thinks*
Eren is manipulating Floch's ass six ways to sunday and I'm here for it
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From previous polls, Floch seems like a popular choice to die next, but who would do it?  Nearly ¾ of that fandom believe Jean will end him, though 6.5% don’t believe Floch’s dying anytime soon.  Eren, Mikasa, Shadis, and Yelena were other popular options.
Could be anyone at this point, really. Would be cool if it was just some random volunteer and the death would be meaningless.
Better not be anyone, Floch is making way more sense than Armin
I hope no one does, he's the most entertaining character at the moment
I really hope all of the above and I hope it'll be a gruesome death.
King Floch is the father and will outlive the rest of the 104th.
Let him be squashed under a Titan foot, pls
Nobody, Floch will be the only survivor of the rumbling
HISTORIA! QUEEN!!!! How is the rightful ruler of Eldia not a choice here?!
I hope he doesn't die at least next chapter, because him dying is too predictable. But if he does it should be Jean.
I HOPE IT'S EITHER LEVI OR HANGE. But I think it's probably going to be Jean.
I think floch is going to have an utterlessly meaningless death. Just to show the irony that surviving that day didn't change shit.
I think since he survived on pure luck and destiny up until now, I could imagine his death will be more by accident or by unfortunate circumstance then someone else succeeding to kill him
SHADIS THE CHADIS no but actually probably Yelena or Mikasa.
The 109th Recruits
Onyankopon, Jean and Mikasa, I hope.
Who knows. Hope he dies.
It'll be a team effort
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Bets for the Return to Ragako arc are placed, and the majority (~43%) of you think that the overwhelming scent of cinnamon wafting from Falco will entice Connie to spare him. Not far behind, with 30.5% of the votes, is the prediction that Armin and Gabi will swoop in and save the day. The next most popular option was Falco feeling the sudden urge to die for Reiner, causing him to transform and escape. Following that was Falco realizing his predicament without getting his memories back, and after that, a very small amount of you guys (18), think Falco’s gonna get chomped.
Connie finna die
I can't think of how bringing back Connies mom will save Reiners life, so it won't happen.
Is it weird that I think Connie's mom has already turned back to human?
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An overwhelming majority of you guys are most excited to see the Magath/Pieck/Hange/Levi squad team up, while the distant runner-up is Hitch/Annie, followed by Armin/Gabi, and then Connie/Falco. I can’t imagine why Connie/Falco got the least votes here.
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With a 31.6% majority, the… quad...duo… quaduo? That’s definitely not a word but it should be, technical definition pending. What I’m trying to say is that Team Magath/Pieck/Hange/Levi got the most votes for “Who’s going to meet up with Historia?” Following that was… uh, nobody. As in the next most common answer is “nobody”. You guys are not making this write-up easy for me. After that was Team Hitch/Annie, followed by Armin/Gabi, and then Connie/Falco. The graph is proportional enough that you can see all the percentages, so that’s cool.
Historia is the key to ending this story and getting all the context we need. Which means we probably won’t see her again for awhile.
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We didn’t ask for a reason behind this selection, but Reiner’s rather ill-timed cozy cottage snooze (58.5%) trounced Levi’s “return of the mummy” slumber (41.5%). Maybe it was the appeal of the fruit and snacks?
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Nearly 60% of you think Levi will recover enough to encourage the others to fight, 20% think he’ll recover enough to fight, and 15.3% think he’ll be unconscious for awhile. The white space on the graph is what happens when there are too many single-voter responses, but we can read them behind the scenes, and one of them suggested that we’re about to learn how titan serum affects Ackermans, and I just want to say that I appreciate your devotion to Titan Science™, anon.
Crack theory: he‘ll eat Zeke after Zeke offers himself up because he lost his will to live. So yes, he‘ll be fully healed and badass again.
He is going to become a shifter by eating Zeke with the cooperation of Pieck/Magath, fulfilling his promise to Erwin.
He won't be recovering but he'll fight all the same, with his teeth if necessary
He'll recover enough to make one last heroic action before dying
I don't really know. I hope he can still fight. I think Isayama-sensei didn't let Levi live to be a useless soldier.
i don’t want him to participate. i just want him alive
I think that Levi will not be able to fight, but he'll be awake, and I'd like to him take on a mentorship role. I would love to see him make a full recovery by the time the manga concludes.
Some unforeseen magic will happen
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The destruction on the ground, Floch’s reign of terror, and the 104th’s horror at what’s unfolding seems to have shaken some in the fandom with one quarter of respondents indicating that their support has lessened somewhat (20.6%) or significantly (5.7%). The remaining 75% are staying the course with close to 40% completely opposed to the rumbling and 35% in full support of it.
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The responses here are about what we might expect; a fairly even split between those who support Eren fully (or at least think he’s got some mysterious ace up his sleeve) and those that do not support him/are losing faith in him. Interestingly, the smallest response was from those who have lost a significant amount of faith in Eren, indicating the battle lines are still drawn at this point.
Eren did nothing wrong
Eren Yeager is GOD! Bow Down!
We're left in the dark of what Eren is really planning and so I can't judge this consequence too much. It is very extreme and I'm skeptical of it all.
Another aspect of the continual violence and really justifies Eren's position.
The inner fighting among themselves is going to get worse and they all will turn on Eren.
They should support eren, and the yeagerists, not plan to overthrow them
I DONT GET WHAT IS EREN TRYING TO DO? How is he gonna claim he wants to protect his people then end up killing him ??
I hope that among his friends there are on the eren side, eren's decision was correct, although it was too cruel, but it was all for the people he loved. why his friends no one sided eren , I'm sad to think about it.
I love eren but :(
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As much as I hate to think about the end of the manga, and the subsequent never-ending feud over the serum bowl and the Rumbling, we’re bound to become the next NGE at some point. It can’t be stopped. The majority, at 45.7%, think we have until around Chapter 134, which gives us about nine more months. Following that, 30.2%, think we have until Chapter 138, which gives us more than a year. A lesser but still significant quantity of votes say we have until Chapter 142+, and I feel a little bit like the Vince McMahon meme typing this. You know the one. Lastly, 8.7% of you think there are only 5 chapters left. Why anyone would even entertain such an idea is beyond me.
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Wow! A huge split of opinion here regarding hopes for next chapter, as might be expected; but out in front with 27.8% of the vote is a wish to see more Hange, Levi, Pieck and Magath; no doubt because we haven’t seen them for a while. Coming up in second place is Jean and Mikasa, with a number of fans hoping they will fight back against Floch. And of course, third place is the everpresent wish to see Historia once more. What on Earth is she up to???
Historia hopefully
A solid chapter with a lot of great character development. Who wants to bet that Connie and Falco are going to run into Historia at Ragako?
Give me Historia
Jean has an epiphany about himself and Eren's actions (since Floch is Eren's fanboy, like Jean was to a certain degree))
Jean and Floch will fight!
If Floch doesn't make Jean react, I don't know who else will. Their relationship has always been complex, so it would be beautiful to see Jean killing him. But as long as it's not a Jaeger, I'll be fine.
I can’t help but feel that there was something odd about the way Hange spoke about Levi to Magath and Pieck. “Rest assured, he’s just a harmless man who failed to die”. Harmless? Levi? Really? And Hange doesn’t speak like that, so to me this looks like strategizing and covering something up. I don’t think Levi is 100% okay, far from, but I don’t think he’s on the verge of death. And even if Levi will physically be unable to fight, he still isn’t harmless. He wasn’t dubbed Humanity’s Strongest only for his physical strength; Levi is smart, he’s an excellent leader, he’s compassionate and experienced. So, even if we don’t see him engage in fights as a soldier, I believe we will get to see him devise plans and strategies, negotiate, etc. After all, we still don’t know what the Ackermans are capable of. We know they have superhuman strength, so I believe we’re all in for a surprise (or not so much of a surprise) when it comes to Levi. He’s played an enormous part in the story already, but his story isn’t over. Best boi love him yes.
I hope he can still fight. I think Isayama-sensei didn't let Levi live to be a useless soldier.
All aboard the ship! Ms. HanjiXMagath is setting sail! (???)
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Reddit continues to dominate the responses to this question, and this month there were literally more people who don’t discuss the series than people who discuss it on Tumblr. A direct consequence of banning Titan-presenting nipples, surely. Lastly, something ominous is going on in the Snapchat cult, because there were only two of you this month, down from five last month. That’s still enough to reproduce though and it makes me uneasy. Regardless of where or whether you discuss the series though, we appreciate all of you guys’ participation in the poll. We literally couldn’t do it without you!
hE dID nOtHing wrOnG
I mean it's not like Eren could be like "wait while you're breaking out of the wall, can ya be clean about it?" but also....yeahhhhh umm I'm not positive that Eren cares for the majority of Paradisians
Petra's death still burns... Yet I can't really hate Annie.
[Annie’s] story kinda looks like a copypasta of Zeke's but I'm glad it's established she doesn't care for her grand goal and would sacrifice everything to achieve hers if it needs to be brought again
I feel for the wall Titans, they've been conscious for the last century, just chilling there.
Isayama couldn't have made the parallel between Annie and Eren any more blatant if he tried.
I don't know why people are so surprised with Eren being in cahoots with Floch. He is already killing billions to secure peace for Paradis, installing an authoritarian government for the same reason is not unlike him. He already said, he is going to take the freedom from people if they threaten his even innocents.
0/10 no Reiner. jk, the chapter may not have "action" per se, but i love the focus on how the rumbling affects all the characters, including the eldians in the camps. also, all the pairings are really interesting. i hope the HLMP combo leads to good things for the future. i wonder if Armin & Gabi'll talk, and whether she'll learn that he is the Colossus titan, or if she'll catch onto Reiner's great familiarity with these people…
another average chapter in SNK standards (awesome in manga standards)
Another set-up chapter - would be good to see some major events occur to keep the momentum going. Also want Eren/Zeke POVs
After 10 months of wondering where Levi was and if he was alive, i fully sympathise with Annie stans, who had to wait the better part of a decade. But I'm glad to know Levi's alive for now.
Seeing almost everyone other than the Jeager brothers was so damn fresh. Now everyone's gotta work together to stop the total downer ending.
Felt like this a needed chapter to see where all the characters’ directions are headed. Whether we see more compromise or more tension between characters. It creates more anticipation and excitement for what’s to become of Eren and his plan.
Isayama been sleepin on some important characters 💤
Very interesting seeing so many different perspectives, if only we could get Historia some day
Great chapter. But if hange teams up with Pieck and Magath I am going to be very disappointed. They have no reason to rely on the the people who have been trying to exterminate them for years. I get they need to stop eren but they cant let forget the atrocities Marley has done to them. Regroup with the rest and figure out another goddman way.
A very interesting chapter. I fully expect an emotional outburst from Mikasa any time now. Maybe directed at Eren himself.
aaahh I just want Zeke
Give me Eren
Give me Historia
How the hell will Isayama cover all these separated smol groups in only 12 chapters??? Can he rly end the manga this year cos I have doubts!
All pieces are on the move, time to wrap things up, Isayama-sensei! Though I don't see any way to stop Eren, unless they maybe use Historia and her royal blood? Can't wait to see how Isayama will solve all of this.
I love the setting of the rumbling as a slow moving mass of dust and meat that we’re all powerless to stop. I love how we’ve seen it from the perspective of people on the receiving end of the destruction, from people that support it and most of all, people who would never support it but are still benefiting from it. Regardless, none of them could stop even if they wanted too. It makes the issue seem so much more real.
Annie is pretty much like Eren right now, knowingly doing terrible things for the people they care about, both have accepted the cruelty of the world and acted accordingly and is not like the world has given them reasons to think otherwise. But this mentality has only brought pain and suffering around them and to themselves, I hope in the end she changes her outlook in life and finally goes against the "current"  of the way things are as she described and do the right thing.
Annie needs to get Armins head out of his ass. Floch was executing people next to his friends and he just runs off wtf
I DONT GET WHAT IS EREN TRYING TO DO? How is he gonna claim he wants to protect his people then end up killing him ??
Armin did nothing wrong. I've seen people complaining about he "yelling with waifu" and even comparing with Eren, even tho what Eren did was totally intentional, while Armin wasn't he didn't mean to hurt her, he snapped under stress, but when he saw he hurt her he regretted so much that even brought Erwin to the picture. But apparently his feeling and emotions are nothing compared with Mikasa's...
Armin made the right choice to go after Falco. His strategy is to ally with the Warriors and Marley. His tactic is to use Falco as barter. It is the best move he can make with the situation as it is. If he succeeds he gains Connie back in the fold, Falco, Gabi, Reiner, Pieck, and Magath. This type of quality help will raise morale and lessen the pressure that everyone feels. Hopefully they work as a team and communicate with each other. Don’t be like Eren who has no fog of war because he knows how it ends and, yet, doesn’t tell anybody about it.
As long as the rest of the world is unwilling to negotiate peacefully I’m not sure what other options were on the table. Obviously eren’s actions are irredeemable, but I feel that he’ll have the same sentiment Annie expressed: if this is the only way his friends make it out alive then he’d choose this path every time. I don’t think all of the blame is on eren(though he is still responsible for his own actions). Every side played a role in this and it should have never come to this to begin with.
I really appreciated the scenes with Armin, Mikasa, and Jean. The rumbling is a world-changing/ reality altering event and Armin said as much, but I'm really hoping these three can manage to salvage some peace for themselves despite the chaos.I think Eren has already accepted his own mortality re: the Curse of Ymir and has fully resigned himself to doing whatever he deems necessary for Paradis, I'm interested to see his end. I also enjoyed seeing Levi and Hange, I never doubted their survival; it also might be a further indication that Floch is BS'ing his way with his power grab when he said that they were killed...This series is excellent.
Wake up already, Reiner. Say something, Levi. At least Falco's awake again. And Annie, for the love of Eldia, please explain your crystal.
Can't wait to see Jean snap at Floch
It was great but isayama please let us see eren...
I just really hope Connie doesn't die but I'm not feeling too optimistic... I can't believe Annie's back and I'm really looking forward to whatever her and Hitch do next.
The reaction to the Armin and Mikasa scene initially drove me up the wall, because people's readings of Mikasa are just so fucking bad--she's literally right??? LMAO. Mikasa and the 104th have always followed Armin's guidance, so she isn't even wrong when she asks how to make herself useful. But the reaction to her question about Eren is just...
Levi surviving the thunderspear was bullshit. Hopefully he stays permanently injured and not overpowered again. Isayama give us Historia please. I hope we get to see my baby Reiner wake up next chapter. I wish that Reiner and Annie meet again please
I got emotional when Falco was starting to "remember" Connie. While Sasha's scenes after her death could have been written better, every time I see a Ymir reference, something interesting happens. We need to remember best girl, and finally we get to see that Connie was an important comrade of hers.
I hope Connie makes the right choices, my boy has suffered enough!
It somehow gave positive vibes despite the apocalyptic setting, and I was extremely happy we got to see almost everyone again.
I want to see more about what happened to Ymir Fritz after she gained her freedom.
I'm glad Levi is ok but i gotta know: how is he able to breathe when HIS ENTIRE FACE HAS BEEN BANDAGED UP
It's the end of the world as we know it, and I feel fiiiiiiiiiine
Lame ass chapter, everything feels pointless and forced and the ambiguity and moral grayness of the story is gone.
Levi has to give meaning to those deaths. It's what will give peace to his heart. He deserves to fight one last time.
mikasa let me hug you and protect you
Can we agree Keith is badass? He advised trainees to not lose themselves despite the government. It's such a stark contrast with Floch in this chapter. He was so traumatized by his first mission as a SC, losing his comrades, watching them die meaningless deaths and seeing the SC fighting over who should be lived other than the commander. As he shot that voluteer he made it clear he casted his values aside for survival. In the end he learned they were just as meaningless as Marlowe's death.
More Yelena pls
This chapter was a lot of scenes I had been waiting for put together. We had Annie and Hitch interaction, an update on Connie and Falco, Gabi and Armin now heading their way, and Levi and Hange are finally back. Now all we need is Historia. The wait for her stopped being funny a LONG time ago...Actually scratch that, it wasn't funny to begin with. 😒
Levi is alive bitches
Really glad it's not all wrapping up with Eren activating the rumbling. Seeing how everyone is handling the chaos has been incredible. I was telling my friends that I honestly don't think the final battle will be against Eren. It's just everyone versus the pure chaos of the situation. I don't see Eren getting beat
The EMA trio was never my favorite, but it still kinda hurt to see them all split up.
The Erwin references were amazing!! Both in the manga and the end text!!
With all these relatively slow-paced, character-driven chapters recently, it seems as if the ending will be very rushed. I have faith in Isayama’s writing skills, but I just hope he will be able to pull off an ending that will do justice to all these wonderful characters he has built up, while rounding out the plot in a satisfying way. This story, in my opinion, is a masterpiece so far - and an ending could either make or break it at this point. Either way, I look forward to seeing the coming chapters very much.
Where is Kiyomi ? (2nd edition)
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jamielea81 · 5 years
A Walk in the Park
Chapter 9
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Description: When your husband dies in an accident, you try to move on with your life. When the memories of your shared home become too much even after two years, you make a drastic change and move to California. A new career, a new way of life, and an attractive new friend help you move on to find the happiness you need. *This will be a slow burn*
Pairings: Chris Evans x Reader Tim OFC x Reader (Tom Welling face claim)
Warnings for this chapter:  Fluff, curse words, and Angst! I’m sorry.
Unbeta’d, so all mistakes are my own. This is purely for fun. Comments and reblogs give me life. Tags are open. Please send me an ask if you would like to be tagged.
Read Chapter 8 here
Saturday ended up being a 16-hour day. The wedding went off almost without a hitch. Just a few drunk groomsmen and an upset mother of the groom due to the drunk groomsmen. It wasn’t an uncommon thing. You always were sure to have a pot of coffee brewing, a few packets of calming tea, and mints on hand for moments like these. Luckily for your team, the bride never caught wind of the drama on the other side of the church.
In between the wedding and reception, Victoria learned all about the drama with Chris that had occurred the last couple of weeks, including your emotional blow up last night. Victoria is a wonderful listener, but not one to offer much advice. She simply told you to let him go. “You have a great new thing with Tim. You should really see where that’s going and fuck Chris.” You raised your brows at her and she promptly slapped your shoulder. “You know I don’t mean like that! But…maybe with Tim?” You then promptly slapped her.
The long day allowed you time to bond with Juliet. You had worked with her a few times, but never more than an hour or two. She spent a lot of the day trying to convince you Colleen wasn’t that bad. But for every positive point she made about Colleen, she also would add in a negative one that left you both in hysterics.
Sunday you slept in. You had tentative plans with Tim, but you were exhausted and your feet hurt. It was heels for most of the day and you were kicking yourself for not switching to flats during the reception like Victoria had. After an early morning potty break where you practically crawled to the bathroom, you sent Tim a text asking if you could meet later because you really needed sleep. He was understanding and asked you to text him when you were more awake.
Tim: Sleep well babe.
Thanks for understanding <3
It was after two in the afternoon by the time you were showered and dressed. You were also starving. You scarfed down a full can of Pringles in less than 10 minutes. You weren’t proud, but you were satisfied.
Tim had suggested a trip to the Santa Monica Pier and you happily agreed. It’s a place you had heard about but never visited before. You suggested meeting him there since it would be out of the way for him to pick you up. Tim had asked that you meet him at a building called the Hippodrome. It was easy to spot because it was rather tall with large arched windows and a dome of some sort on top. When you arrived Tim was already there, leaning against the building like a Greek God if you were being honest. He had on navy shorts, white V neck t-shirt, and sneakers.
“Hey beautiful,” he said while walking up to you pulling you into a big bear hug. “Are you feeling better?”
“Hey yourself.” Kissing his cheek softly before pulling away.  “Yeah, I was just out of it from yesterday. It was a really long day and I just needed to recover.” He intertwined your hand with his left. “So, what first?”
“Well, in this building, is a carousel that’s over 100 years old. I thought we should go for a spin,” he says, eyes and smile both bright. “Technically it’s a merry-go-round since there are other animals besides horses that you can ride.”
“Look at you with the knowledge!” You squeeze his hand and walk to the entrance.
Tim paid for the tickets and you both entered the line to wait for your turn. After a short wait you both picked your horses and had a pretend race. Even though your horses were side by side, yours was slightly more forward, but Tim joked the whole time that he was gaining on you.
After your very tiring race, you both decided you needed food. Tim grabbed a couple of hot dogs and a large portion of fries while you picked up a funnel cake with strawberries and extra whipped cream. You both met up at a picnic table for your mini feast.
“I think your eyes are bigger than your stomach. There’s no way you’re eating this,” he gestures to your hot dog and a pile of fries, “plus some of that,” pointing to the very large funnel cake.
“I think there’s a lot about me you have yet to find out.” You said while grabbing a fry and stuffing it in your mouth.
“Oh, I bet.” Tim said grabbing a handful of fries and shoving them in his mouth.
Since the sun was still warm in the sky, you both walked down to the beach, removed your shoes and walked along the shore. The water was still freezing but the late afternoon sun helped. You picked a few shells off the beach and after gently cleaning them off in the ocean water, Tim stored them in his pockets.
“I’m glad today worked out. I feel bad that I’m only really free on Sundays.” He said.
“It’s alright. We’re still just getting to know each other. I’m sure you could squeeze me in more if we continue to, I don’t know, get to know each other.” You said with a laugh. Why am I so awkward?
Tim stopped walking suddenly, almost making you trip on your own feet. He turned to you, taking both of your hands in his and stood there with intense eyes. Looking like a prince from some sort of fairytale. You on the other hand stood there, mouth agape, with your hair in your face. If he weren’t holding both of your hands you would be taming your mane. “I want to continue to get to know you Y/N. From what I know so far, I really like.”
He started to lean down to kiss you, but the he noticed your mess of hair. He released your hands and gently tucked your hair behind your ears and kissed you. Man is he smooth.
The kiss started slow and tender, but once you slipped your arms around his waist, you both let go. You parted your lips inviting him in and he eagerly accepted. Tongues clashing for dominance. Hands pulling each other as close as possible. Tim slid his hand down to your ass and squeezed. You heard a couple of cat calls and whistles causing your both to break apart laughing. Your cheeks were warm with embarrassment, but you couldn’t take your eyes off of Tim. Smiling at each other like a couple of teenagers.
After a little shopping on the pier, picking up a few candles and bath bombs, Tim walked you to your car. You stood against the driver’s side door with Tim leaning against you, both of his hands gripping your arms. He licks his lips and smiles. “Any way I can convince you to come back to my place tonight?” He asks.
You heart flutters and your pulse quickens. You really want to, boy do you want to, but you aren’t there yet. You know going back to his place means more than just watching a movie or a glass a wine. Going back to his place is that next step. A more intimate step. One that you weren’t quite ready to make. You quickly tried to come up with an excuse but in the end decided the truth was the best option.
“I really, really want to.” Biting your lip, you continued. “I’m just not ready yet. Please don’t take this as a cop out, but I haven’t been in a relationship for a while, so I’m just not there.”
“Oh. No, I totally get that. Yeah. That’s, that’s fine.”
Well, now you felt like shit.
“I just really want to spend more time with you before we get that point.”
He nodded his head and leaned down to kiss you. It was soft and warm, not rushed like earlier. He pulled away and kissed your forehead, holding the kiss there for a while. “Then, well wait.” He smiled and you pulled him back down for another kiss before saying goodnight and driving home.
Monday morning brought good news. Colleen had called both Juliet and yourself into her office. She was very impressed with how you both handled the wedding on Saturday and with how well you both had worked together. As a reward, her word, not yours, you and Juliet would be solely in charge of a dinner party being held on Friday. A good portion of the business your company worked on were dinner parties or parties in general. Usually they were wealthy clients who didn’t want to work with a catering company directly, so instead hired an event coordinator to manage that for them. Everything was already planned and, in the works, you and Juliet would just be there to make sure everything went smoothly and to supervise any staff working the party.
As soon as you were dismissed, you rushed back to your desk and fired off a text to Victoria about your exciting news. Of course, she already knew and sent affirmations about what a good employee you are and how this is well deserved. There was one other person you really wanted to text, but you weren’t sure if you should. Yes, you and Chris spoke at his party, but it still felt unresolved. Why not, I’m just going to do it!
Y/N: I get to co-manage an event this week!
No immediate response was received, so you threw your phone in your handbag and carried on with your day. Not until some time later did you question why you hadn’t thought of telling Tim instead of Chris. You’d have to think on that one later.
The week carried on with a couple of late-night planning sessions with Juliet, usually at a wine bar, but it was work none the less. You never did hear back from Chris. Your optimistic side said he was busy. You’d settle for that for now.
Tim met you for coffee on Thursday. He picked the coffee house that you had your first date in. It was nice and you enjoyed seeing him sooner in the week than your usual Sunday. He would be coming by for dinner at your place on Sunday. You decided to keep it easy with pizza and beer. Tim was a wonderful cook, so you’d leave the cooking to him.
All day Friday you were on cloud nine. Juliet seemed to be in the same mood and you both floated about the office. You even went as far as grabbing lunch for everyone, even the interns. Nothing could spoil your mood.
At 4 pm, Juliet and yourself arrived at the client, Sarah Johnson’s home. Sarah was hosting a dinner for 10 friends, 12 counting herself and her husband Zack. Knowing that people often brought an extra plus one of two, you made sure the catering team with prepared for 15.
While Sarah’s home was luxurious on the inside with a rather large dinning room, the outside was even grander. Her patio was as large as most people’s living rooms. The outside had two separate seating areas with couches and chairs. The seating area to the right had a gas fire pit that was to be turned on right before guests arrived. Even though it wasn’t requested, you brought graham crackers, marshmallows, chocolate bars, and skewers for s’mores. This was definitely a Hollywood dinner party, but who doesn’t enjoy s’mores as a great after-dinner treat?
The seating area to the left was pushed further down the patio to make room for a large table. The rental company was there and ready to set up when you both arrived. Juliet was stationed in the house waiting for the catering team while you stayed outside directing where the table and chairs would be placed. 
Once everything was moved into position you started to set and decorate the table. Several bunches of flowers were already waiting in water buckets to be placed in the small square vases you brought. Dried branches and clear glass beads were sprinkled on the pale pink table cloth. You set the table for 12, keeping a few extra place settings in the kitchen just in case. The flowers and fragrance-free candles were placed last. The Johnson’s large swimming pool had several water and lighting features, so you played with them until you found a setting that fit the mood. 
You checked in the with Juliet who was being kept busy with both Sarah and the caterer. Guests would be arriving any minute now so you ran to the bathroom off the kitchen to freshen up. Hearing new voices, you quickly exited the bathroom and excused yourself back outside. A few guests made their way outside with Sarah and Zack in tow. Minutes later drinks were brought outside by one of the servers and Juliet. Seeing that both Sarah and Zack were outside entertaining about half the guests, you decided to go back inside to greet the guests as they arrived and usher them outside. 
The party was on the younger side. Sarah and Zack were about your age, in their mid 30s, but the majority of their friends were in their early to mid 20s. You had counted eight guests so far including Zack and Sarah. You shot Juliet a text that two more guests had just pulled up. A young woman in her early 20s, wearing a short tight black dress started her way up the walk. You opened the door with a smile plastered on your face. “Welcome,” you greeted. 
“Thank you so much. I’m just waiting for my date, he had run back to the car.” You nodded your head and held the door. She was blonde with large sparkling blue eyes and a perfect smile. “This is a beautiful home, I just love it here.” And she’s even really friendly.
“It is a gorgeous home.” You said with a smile.
“I’m Hannah by the way.” She stuck her hand out and you gave her yours telling her your name as well. You heard some shuffling at the door and looked up to see Chris walking in. He looked at you but didn’t say anything. You didn’t say anything either, but that’s only because you were you were so surprised to see him. “There you are. I was getting worried.” She giggled. 
“Sorry about that.” He grabbed her hand and started to walk into the house further.
“H-hi Chris.” He turned his headed and nodded to you. The asshole just nodded. I am sure Hannah just thought you were a fan, you were mortified.
“Is everyone outside Y/N?” Hannah asked.
Taking a quick breath and composing yourself, you nodded and gestured with your hand. “Yes, right this way. Is there anything you would like to drink?”
“Vodka tonic for me and a beer, right honey?” She said.
“Yes, please.” He replied, looking everywhere but at you.
“Of course, I’ll have it brought out to you. Enjoy the party.”
You quickly told the bartender their order and pointed out who the drinks would be going to and excused yourself to the bathroom. You just needed a minute. Him being here was unexpected but this was your and Juliet’s chance to make an impression. Surely if tonight went well, you would be given the chance to take the lead in the future. If he wanted to play it off as if he didn’t know you, so be it.
After touching up your hair and a few calming breaths, you left the bathroom with a smile plastered on your face.
The rest of the evening went smoothly. You treated Chris as you would any guest and the evening was a success. High praise was given for the s’mores, especially after many alcoholic beverages were consumed. You and a couple of the servers did have to assist with the marshmallows after a few fell into the fire and on the ground.
Everything was cleaned up and put back in place around midnight and you were thankful. It took a lot of effort to ignore Chris ignoring you. Smiling throughout the night wasn’t all that easy, but Juliet hadn’t noticed, so you called it a success.
On your drive home you decided you were done with Chris Evans. So much for the “we’re fine, we’re friends” comment he said last weekend.
After getting home, you jumped in your shower, and then changed into a large t-shirt for bed. Grabbing your phone to plug it in, you had one missed called and three text messages. All from Chris. Clicking open the text thread you found yourself getting angry.
Chris: Could you call me when you get this?
Chris: I just want to talk to you.
Chris: Let me explain.
Turning off your phone, you placed it back on the night stand and tried to fall asleep. You had to stop in the office for a couple of hours so you wanted to be rested. Except you couldn’t. You kept thinking about Chris. His behavior the last few weeks and the person you knew him to be shortly after you had met, they weren’t the same person. Even though he acted like you were a stranger tonight, you were more upset with him at the party last weekend. While he said you were still friends, he never apologized when he knew you were hurt. And now he wants to talk? What’s that all about. Would it be mature if I texted back Fuck you? This was something you would have to think on. As it stood now, you didn’t plan on calling or texting him back.
@crimeshowtrash @cocomel0613 @flamencodiva @the—blackdahlia @thefandomzoneisdangerous @maddie-laufeyson @shameless-pope @tessvillegas @pivans @angelus320 @symonlyjen5 @inlovewith3 @humandasaster @sleepylunarwolf @ fanfiiiiiiics
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gay4eraser · 5 years
Okay okay for Konnyboy, 1-10, 12, 13, 18, 21, 26, 30, 31, 36, 42, 45, aaaaand uhhh 49
babe p l s lol 
A LOT about fighty boi (in bnha universe) under readmore! 
1. What’s their full name? Why was that chosen? Does it mean anything? 
Konstantin Ezekial Blovasky! He was named primarily because his father was a Russian immigrant and his mom wanted to embrace his father’s culture along with hers. There’s not much sentimental thought put into Kon’s name, and tbh I can’t actually remember much about my thought process behind naming him 
2. Do they have any titles? How did they get them? 
Uhhhhhhhh h h hh h hhh hh h h He technically should have a few military ranks and he was honorably discharged, but see, the thing is I have enough military knowledge to fake it to someone who knows nothing about the military. Idk enough to actually say what ranks or whatever he has. 
He was, however, a Warden... though if you call him that you’d better be prepared to run 
3. Did they have a good childhood? What are fond memories they have of it? What’s a bad memory? 
Kon had a terrible childhood, partially because he grew up believing he was quirkless. He also grew up the son of an immigrant and a rather helpless, chubby child - Kon as a kid was always getting into fights and learned very quickly how to fight back. 
His mom is absolutely the majority of his fondest memories - Mama B taught him how to use a gun, how to treat a lady, she raised a proper gentleman through and through and she was a redneck badass alllllllll the way. 
4. What is their relationship with their parents? What’s a good and bad memory with them? Did they know both parents? 
Kon never knew his dad Stephen, because his father’s citizenship in the US was dependent on him completing several tours in the United States military. This is actually a pretty normal way to get a US citizenship and Kon’s father was pretty glad to do it. He met Theresa and they got married right before he left - technically he could’ve gotten citizenship through the marriage, but the marriage itself was last minute. 
Unfortunately Stephen was killed in a training accident when Kon was a baby and it lead to Kon’s extreme dislike of people mishandling or joking around with guns. One of Kon’s worse memories is his mother crying as she sobbed out how his father died when she considered him old enough. 
One of Kon’s BEST memories is his mother watching proudly as he left on his first tour. His absolute worst memory is coming home to nobody. 
5. Do they have any siblings? What’s their names? What is their relationship with them? Has their relationship changed since they were kids to adults? 
Nope! Kon’s a single child, Theresa was too heartbroken to have another husband. 
6. What were they like at school? Did they enjoy it? Did they finish? What level of higher education did they reach? What subjects did they enjoy? Which did they hate?
Kon didn’t enjoy school because despite his straight to the point nature he’s really not a school type person. He got rather middling grades that bordered on nearly failing when he had some particularly rough years. He was a very angsty, angry teen. He ended up leaving high school and heading into the military right away once he graduated. 
Though he usually enjoyed history and government classes, rules and systems work great for him. He HATED any classes that had philosophy in them because high school teachers are never looking for proper philosophical answers they’re looking for a Specific Answer lol 
7. Did they have lots of friends as a child? Did they keep any of their childhood friends into adulthood? 
Kon had a few people he hung out with - and like, two girlfriends - but no, not anyone he kept contact with. Nobody was particularly surprised when he left and never came back. 
8. Did they have pets as a child? Do they have pets as an adult? Do they like animals? 
Kon had a pet goldfish as a child and then his mom proceeded to get him a brand new one every time it died. This led Kon to believe he had one goldfish most of his childhood when in fact, neither of them were good at taking care of aquatic animals. The goldfish was named Mike and Kon didn’t learn the Truth until he graduated high school and was rather Horrified 
9. Do animals like them? Do they get on well with animals? 
He likes them well enough. They’re a responsibility and he doesn’t see much reason to have them. He’s perfectly content to interact with other people’s animals and never have his own. Most animals are ambivalent towards him. 
10. Do they like children? Do children like them? Do they have or want any children? What would they be like as a parent? Or as a godparent/babysitter/ect? 
Kon is both a GREAT and a TERRIBLE influence on children. He won’t lie, he doesn’t blunt the hard truth, and he cusses like a motherfucking sailor. This means that when babysitting, kids LOVE him, but their parents certainly do not. He’s the PERFECT caretaker for traumatized, cynical children whomst hate society 
He ends up adopting the two lovely genderless duo Andi and Rosey and Kon is officially a Dad. He’s so weak. He didn’t expect to be overcome with so much emotion. The kids fall asleep on him one night and he carries them to bed and he actually stops and cries because. Oh my god. He has children. They’re so precious. 
12. What is their favourite food? 
He doesn’t much care about food but he likes corn nuts. Unfortunately he can’t really eat them after the Desert Incident because his jaw is weak on the left side and corn nuts are HARD AF. He’ll still suck on the barbecue ones. 
13. What is their least favourite food?
Again, he’s not really into food stuff. He can’t stand anything Hot after the Uncident though and he hates liquids because they tend to spil out of his mouth easily. 
18. What’s their favourite genre of: books, music, tv shows, films, video games and anything else
Kon loves mystery novels, watching and bitching good naturedly about shitty reality TV/soap operas/B-Movies, and every time he calls the plot like ten minutes in. The kids are so mad. 
21. Do they have a temper? Are they patient? What are they like when they do lose their temper?
Kon is odd, certain things will trigger his temper very easily, and he’s VERY easily irritable, but in certain situations he can be surprisingly patient, like with kids. He gets very pissy very fast with grown ass adults who should know better. Kon cusses a lot as a general rule but he can get downright vicious with the cursing and insults when somebody pisses him off. And while he doesn’t resort to violence without due reason, he really, really is not above whooping someone’s ass just because they pissed him off. 
26. How do they act when they’re happy? Do they sing? Dance? Hum? Or do they hide their emotions?
Kon is usually oddly quiet when he’s happy. Sometimes he may smile idly or just sit and stare off, chilling. If he’s around people he doesn’t like he ups the cheerful factor just to fuck with them, because he’s a known Grouchy Asshole. But in private he’ll possibly hum and rumble, talking to himself. He has a very nice gravelly/raspy voice. He also may seek out casual physical affection when relaxed and happy. Just holding hands or a hand on someone’s arms or bumping shoulders. 
30. Do they exercise? Regularly? Or only when forced? What do they act like pre-work out and post-work out? 
Kon is probably letting himself go at “this” current point and he doesn’t work out as often as he should. When he gets really, really angry he goes to a gym and beats up people/punching bags until he’s black and blue. But otherwise he’s mostly just older muscle hidden under some chub. 
After all, exercising means you get sweaty and very, very hot. 
31. Do they drink? What are they like drunk? What are they like hungover? How do they act when other people are drunk or hungover? Kind or teasing?
Kon never drinks. If he does get drunk, he’s a giggly dissociate drunk who stares off into the distance and chuckles ominously. 
36. What are they good at? What hobbies do they like? Can they sing?
Kon’s good at managing and following orders. He’s also good at breaking orders when he needs to. He... doesn’t really have hobbies? Having a pseudo-personality take over your entire mental state and leaving you with several years of blurry, blank memories kind of fucks up your concept of self. He’s honestly trying to figure out what he even likes at this point. Reading and being a Dad seems to be a good thing that he likes. 
He in fact can sing, but not very traditionally well. He’s a bit tone deaf as well but his voice is really nice to listen to regardless. He’s pretty deep! 
42. What are their goals? What would they sacrifice anything for? What is their secret ambition?
See, Kon has no idea at this point. 
After the Incident and the People, he barely even knows his own mind anymore. He’s trying to rediscover himself and what he even cares about. His whole life is going through a crisis. 
However, he does seem to enjoy the kids, and he damn well will drop everything and anything to take care of them and protect them. He’s quickly learning that caring about himself might be hard but he damn well can care about others. 
45. How do other people see them? Is it similar to how they see themselves?
People who don’t know him personally see him as a rough, grouchy, constantly scowling asshole. And... he is. 
But people who know him better know that he’s just a rather private person who’s been through a lot and they can tell when he’s in good moods or not. He sees himself as an honest, serious man who isn’t very social or very good at the social game. He’s very well aware of the type of person he puts himself out to be though. It helps keep people away generally. 
49. What is their most valued object? Are they sentimental? Is there something they have to take everywhere with them?
Kon used to have a picture of him and his mom that he used to carry around with him. Somewhere around a certain timeframe, he lost it... he feels really shitty about it. Otherwise he’s not too sentimental. 
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folerdetdufoler · 6 years
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well this is a bit ridiculous. it’s been nearly three weeks and i’m still thinking about oslo. i’m not sure why i’m dragging this out, but a part of me probably doesn’t want to acknowledge how important it was to me. i don’t want to give it that power. it has it though. that city, those people, they have my heart.
when i got home on friday night we made vague plans for the parade the next morning, which ended up being “maybe we’ll get into the centre around one? eh?” so i spent a lazy morning with brown cheese, a slightly improved showering experience, and then my best attempt at pink stripes on the ol’ apples. i do not have a single photo of myself from pride except the shitty bus selfie i sent kit and i...can’t find it? so just use your imagination. i had a hint of cardamom on the wrists thanks to haidee, plus the rainbow pin from her on my backpack, and i was feeling pumped. i chickened out on wearing the socks she gave me because i didn’t want to spend the day in the sun and end up looking like a meme. i admire everyone else’s commitment to fashion with the risk of such a tan line, and wonder if they just spend the entire summer in socks pulled up their calves and dirty trainers.
but i digress. we hop off the plane at lax with a dream and my cardigan and follow the rainbows to the parade route. along the way i’m texting locations back and forth with a few folks but never make the connection happen, so we just keep walking until we settle a ways down karl johans. we’re maybe four people back from the barricade but we can still see everything, and certainly hear everything. fryd, my translating queen, explained who each group was, what some of the signs said, and why their presence in the parade was important. otherwise i would’ve spent the whole parade just waiting for the next bus with an english pop song blaring from it. i mean, i did that too, but i also learned about the parties in between. as the parade went on we were able to squeeze closer to the barricade, and ended up next to a lovely person who would scream HAPPY PRIDE to each group and get a rousing response. josefin waved her flag and we cheered and danced, and i felt the purest admiration for every person who was there representing a life without shame.
i don’t think i’m one of those people, yet. i don’t have any shame about my sexuality, or at least sexuality in general, but i live in an extreme denial of the damaged state of my body, and that overshadows many other aspects of my life: my sexuality, my career, my relationships, my place in this world. i would never be able to walk in a parade like that with a clear conscience. i would never be able to say that about myself. but because i find it so impossible for myself, it becomes a much more impressive accomplishment for everyone else i see. and to have what felt like an entire city embrace that pride, well...i couldn’t help but smile. i felt the love and acceptance on such a large scale that i thought: okay, maybe it’s possible.
i didn’t want to leave that bubble of hope.
after the parade finished i literally battled the crowds to find a spot in pride park. we were sweaty and tired but there was that energy of everyone still celebrating and i didn’t want to let that go. i didn’t care if it meant standing in line for an hour for pizza, because it was still an hour in that bubble. so i did. also the guy selling pizza was very attractive.
we ate and drank and saw a very tan morten in his tutu and then we gave up. or at least i did. i was sweating through my shorts and feeling quite keen on a swim, so i brought gaya, rino, and laura back to the house for a dip. we spent the afternoon cooling off, which gave us a few hours to just chill. @wehave4ever came out, and josefin and zee recreated the kiss, with fryd filming underwater (with a fucking phone! WHAT). aside from the pool the house is designed for entertaining, with plenty of seating and a great indoor/outdoor vibe. so after the rush of the early afternoon, it was nice to have space to spread out and reenergize for the evening.
i just have to circle back for a moment because...nadège. we met, finally, at the bus stop! i had already jumped in the pool but jumped right back out when she was on her way, and then scurried like a wet rat down the street in my suit and towel. i think it says a lot that i was comfortable enough to walk through the neighb in my swimsuit, as well as let that be nadège’s first sight of me, so i hope i didn’t offend anyone with the appearance. but yeah, i felt like i was at home, seeing an old friend, and dragging her up to my room to hang out, even though technically she was a stranger stepping off the bus, and i only recognized her because she wasn’t the woman with a stroller. anyway, i’m struggling to express what it is, both in person and in the fic i’m writing, that transition of an online relationship to a real life one, because the emotions are so...contradictory. i know you, but i don’t. i can tell you anything, but i should probably start with hello. i think i barely talked to her because i was so nervous and didn’t want to ramble, which is...what she sees me do on the internet every day. ugh. bottom line, i met a woman i admire so much and she has a very cool phone case and now i just want to fly across the atlantic again so we can sit down and have a proper conversation. bra story.
we hopped back on the bus to scoop isi, and after a couple of false starts ended up at tgi friday’s (in? at? on?) aker brygge. because my knowledge of the city is limited to skam locations i hadn’t spent much time by the water, so this ended up being a nice detour with a hint of home. i’ll admit i was a little on edge because i wanted to get to the closing night party on time, but this was a lesson in patience as well as who-the-fuck-shows-up-early-to-the-club. lesson learned.
the club was loud and i was scared. i wasn’t familiar with the music, and because i wasn’t really dancing all i could do was look around, and that felt creepy. i kind of gave up after a while, turning into a wallflower next to a group of girls who seemed just as unenthused. but then a barely clothed soul in heels got me grooving, backpack ‘n all, and i finally got over my prejudice against music that did not have lyrics i could sing along to. you just need a fuckin’ beat.
that didn’t stop me from running though, when gaya texted me from downstairs announcing the return of pop music. i think i eked out about 45 minutes in my element on another sticky floor before the fire alarm went off. it was ten minutes until closing so the jury is still out on a proper fire or just an efficient way of shutting down the club, but it was an interesting way to end pride week. we found our bus, waited for a less crowded one, and went home.
i chose the master bedroom in the house, and it has a small balcony, and for the third night in a row i watched the moon for a few minutes before falling asleep. thanks for a great night, babe.
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khhunniewriting · 7 years
On & Off (2)
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[ Suggestive Content ]
As Bloo reached the apartment he saw you standing at the door with a guy he did not recognize. You were smiling as you handed something to him. He cleared his throat as he got closer so you could notice his arrival.
You turned in his direction giving him a genuine smile. “Daniel, you’re home early.”
“Sorry, for interrupting.” He gave the guy a cold hard look before moving past both of you and making his way inside. “I’m going to be with Minah.”
The guy felt he wasn’t welcomed and immediately excused himself. “Sorry for taking so much of your time Y/N. I’ll keep you updated on the work.” He shoved the flash drive you had given to him in his pocket and left. You were finally free for the next few months.
Bloo came back out when he heard the door shut. “Who was that?”
“Co-worker,” you simply responded before sitting back down in front of your computer. Unlike him, you didn’t realize Bloo was bothered by his presence. 
“Why was he here?”
“He was picking up a flash drive with all the backups for the game I was working on. Once again I have nothing to do.” You turned your computer off and turned to Bloo who stared intently at you with crossed arms. 
“You were smiling a lot.”
Your head tilted to the side in question. not really understanding why he said that. “So...” you trailed off hoping he would fill you in.
Bloo rolled his eyes with a sigh, “Forget it.” He stormed off into the bedroom leaving you with questions.
You knew that phrase, it meant you had failed to recognize yet another small thing that Bloo expected you to know. That phrase always started trouble and you knew today was no different when Bloo came back with his jacket. “Where are you going now?”
“Out” was his only response. 
When he slammed the door shut you threw your hands up in disbelief. To your knowledge, you had done nothing wrong. You smiled at your coworker it’s not like he found you sitting on his lap or touching him like those girls would do to him at the club.
When Nafla found Bloo drinking with some girls late into the night he figured there was trouble between you two... again. He approached Bloo and sat across from him and the girls. “Trouble in paradise?”
Bloo downed another drink feeling annoyed by Nafla’s question. “You know for someone who isn’t in a relationship you sure do give a lot of advice about them.”
Nafla knew his friend was drunk and didn’t let his words get to him. “So I’m not in a relationship right now. I have been in one before.” He took the next drink Bloo had lined up for himself and drank it. 
“Never a long-term one.”
“So, I still think I have a better shot at making a commitment than you.”
 Bloo chuckled, “I have a daughter with Y/N, we’re pretty committed.”
“That doesn’t really mean you two are committed.” Nafla hated to think badly of his friend but sometimes he wondered if perhaps Bloo took you for granted. Every man wished they had someone as understanding as you. Someone trusting, loyal, kind, and beautiful to top it all off.
The girls weren’t bothered by the fact that Bloo was technically taken. They were just looking to have a good time with him and would take what they could get. That’s why they stayed by his side and clung to him with the hope that he would go home with them.  But they were slightly put off by him talking about you.
Nafla shook his head at the fact that Bloo would rather waste his time on those two than with you. “I always deny it when I see you’re sober but I really do think Y/N could do better.”
Bloo’s defensive attitude broke, he was hurt by the truthful words of his friend. “You’re right but I love her more than anyone ever could.”
Nafla nodded knowing that could possibly be true. He knew Bloo loved you more than he loved himself. “That’s true so try and solve your problems idiot.” If it weren’t then he would have probably tried to do something about the feelings he had for you. He stole one more drink from Bloo and ran off with it.
When Bloo was sober Nafla was careful to hide his feelings for you but when he was drunk it seemed like a good chance to get it off his chest knowing he wouldn’t look into his words. He didn’t like loving his best friend’s girlfriend when he knew he could never do anything about it.
Later that night you woke up when you heard Bloo stumbling into the bedroom. “It’s too late for you to just be getting home, Daniel.” 
“Babe, you’re awake.”
“More like you woke me up.” You got out of bed to help him. As you got closer you could smell the overpowering scent of alcohol. “How drunk are you Daniel?”
“Are you calling me Daniel?”
“Are you really too drunk to know your name?” You began to mentally prepare for his behavior knowing that he was probably a four on your drunk scale. 
He shook his head, “I know my name is Daniel but why do YOU call me Daniel?” His face inched closer to yours making it hard for you to look away.
You remained silent not knowing how to answer his question. Once he sat down on the edge of the bed the room was engulfed in an uncomfortable silence you were desperate to break. “Because it’s your name...” you gave him the obvious logical answer but you were smart and often learned from your mistakes. You knew this was probably not the answer he was looking for. 
“We’ve dated for so long and you still call me Daniel.” His head hung low with disappointment. “Do you really love me?”
“Of course I do,” you were always ready to admit it. “Why do you always ask like you don’t believe me?” Now you were the one who was hurt. 
He shrugged, “sometimes I don’t.” 
You shook your head in disappointment. How could he doubt you when you’ve shown him how much he meant to you time and time again. “We’ve been together for so long Daniel, we live together, we even have a daughter together. If none of that convinces you then I don’t know what will.” It was starting to get hard to breathe as your chest tightened. This feeling was very familiar and you hated it because it made you say and do things without thinking. “Maybe we should break up.” There it was before you could think about it the words had already been said. In a rare moment of emotional weakness, tears started to well up in the corners of your eyes. 
Bloo sobered up for a quick second when he saw your tears. 
“You’re so stupid Daniel,” you could barely get the words out before you started to cry.
“I’m sorry baby,” he held you tightly against his chest immediately regretting everything he had said.
It was hard for you to tell if he was drunk or not so you wondered if he meant what he said but you didn’t care. At the moment you were letting yourself enjoy the comfort of his arms. It always felt nice to be held by Bloo. 
His lips rested on the top of your head as he muttered, “I love you.”
“I love you too,” your words were muffled by his chest but he heard it. That was all you needed to feel better. You wiped your stray tears away and looked up at him with concern. “I didn’t mean it.”
“I know,” Bloo couldn’t resist, he closed the gap between his lips and yours in an instant. It was the cycle; fuck up, fight, kiss, fuck and make up. He was still feeling tipsy and fell back onto the bed. As he sat down he curled his finger motioning you over, “come here.”
The next morning Bloo woke up when he felt someone hitting his chest. There was almost no force to the hits but they got his attention. He opened his eyes slightly and saw his baby girl sitting beside him. 
“Daddy,” she said looking up at you as if asking for permission to hit him.
“Yeah, wake up Daddy Minah.” You had placed her on the bed hoping he would wake up with her movements but so far he didn’t seem bothered.
The little girl began her attack once more with your encouragement but Bloo kept going back to sleep. Her brow furrowed when he wouldn’t wake up, you could tell she was getting frustrated. 
 “Daniel wake up,” you joined her in the wake-up call and shook him a little. 
“Daddy!” Minah sternly called out to him making you laugh.
“Daddy!” Every time you said something Minah would follow.
“Should we hit him?” you asked. 
“I heard that,” Bloo’s eyes opened when he heard you planning to gang up on him. Once he was up Bloo pulled his daughter up and gave her a kiss on the cheek. 
You turned away when he looked at you feeling embarrassed. You couldn’t believe you had said that and wondered if he had heard it or if he was still sleeping at that moment. “Are you happy now?” you asked.
“What do you mean?” He wasn’t sure why you were asking. He didn’t remember a lot of what happened the previous night but judging by the resh hickey on your neck he knew something went on. 
“Yesterday you came home and confessed something while you were drunk.”
His eyes widened wondering what he had said. He thought really hard but all he could remember was seeing you underneath him. then it slowly came to him that you had been crying. He began to worry, “what did I say?”
“That I always called you by your name and you didn’t like that.”
Bloo couldn’t believe he finally said something about it. He had always thought about it but never said anything. Then he remembered just a moment ago you didn’t call him by his name. “So I wasn’t dreaming when I heard you earlier.” He chuckled seeing you blush so early in the morning. “You know you don’t have to force yourself, Babe.”
“I want to try it if it will make you happy.” You were determined to make Bloo trust in your feelings. “I can call you Babe, I can do that just don’t make me call you Hubby-” you shivered at the thought. “Or Bae, that’s just silly.” What the hell was Bae anyway? You could never wrap your mind around the word or why anyone would want to be called that.
He pulled you in for a quick kiss, “that’s fine baby.”
Later that day Nafla saw Bloo’s Instagram story and smiled as he saw his friend’s bright smile next to yours. You two were having fun at the park with Minah looking like a perfect family. “Stupid Daniel, this is how you always should be.”
A/N: Mini breakup.
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gelphie · 7 years
how do you square elphaba with the rather blatant antisemitic undertones to her design? From the sharp teeth, monstrous appearance, green skin, and the sexualized revulsion from her peers, there are very strong overtones of antisemitic tropes present in everything about her, even if the point of the character is to subvert the value of appearances and initial reactions? an aside, do you have any Jewish analog peoples/characters in any of your fics? any knowledge valuing very old ethnoreligions?
Hey! super long answer, putting it under the cut. Nice ask, dude. Let’s go.
Before i get into the meat of this (about the caricature and my opinion on that) I’ll answer your aside questions. An important thing to note: I’m Australian and have always lived in Australia, and there are not many Jewish people in Australia (at least not compared to the US.) You don’t get educated or get any kind of Jewish cultural knowledge/exchange unless you’re in the right community or intentionally trying to learn about it.SO that said! I don’t have any direct analog of Jewish peoples/characters in my fics. Because I have very, very little knowledge of Jewish culture, and have no personal experience with Jewish people, even indirectly. I’m not the right person to write about that. Pretty much everything else ive written about in my fics have been things I’m at least semi-experienced with (ontop of research I do), and that’s the only way I can ensure they’re handled correctly. As for very old ethnoreligions… I would say the closest thing to that in TLC is Quadling animism (ancient spiritual beliefs that are still v/ well recorded by contemporary Quadlings), though that’s not quite comparable to Judaism. In SM there will be at least one, possibly a few, though there hasn’t been much world building yet because the plot is just being established and I don’t want to give spoilers. (Spoilers tho: Kumbrician witches.)
SO. NOW ON TO THE ACTUAL QUESTION.The Wicked Witch of The West from the 1939 movie was 100% an anti-semetic caricature in case anyone was wondering, go look it up. (in the WoO books she was not green and a completely different character.) With most racist caricatures, the response is to Delete the caricature from existence. It’s offensive, it’s insidious, ect. And I think talking about the original Wicked Witch and condemning that design is super important? Most people do not know its a caricature! and so we have movies taking after The WoO (1939) that continue to frame the Wicked Witch as evil and therefore perpetuate that caricature.
Elphaba… is technically a caricature, since she IS the wicked witch of the west, but ofc the intent/framing there is totally different. Because Elphaba is very much morally correct - shes far ahead of her peers + her time - and is by far the most compassionate character in Wicked. Also, despite peoples distaste at her skin, she is clearly someone that is desired; she has everyone from hot socialite white girls to attractive Vinkan princes digging her, which is nice. She is who we relate to. And relatability is the antithesis of a caricature’s goal.
So the question there is: is that good, was it worth it, did it work? Did twisting the caricature work? Is it ever a good idea to try to redeem or reclaim a caricature? 
In my personal opinion, and in discussions with other people on this subject, in the case of the Wicked Witch of The West and Elphaba Thropp… yes. It was a good way to counter an incredibly normalised cultural caricature. The WoO was a game changer of a movie. Technically, stylistically, musically; its an iconic movie that’s never going to fade out of film history. Attempting to simply reject that movie would have been like … just not really possible? It was too big a Moment. So I think having the meaning of the green witch, as a symbol, be changed from bad to good (via an incredibly popular & iconic musical) is one of the better ways to counter that. And I think it’s worked! people fucking love witches! People aren’t interested in unsympathetic witches!! And it’s not a coincidence that people have come to love witches in a post-Wicked age. Wicked helped place witches firmly in the role of a relatable character. (along with other media dearly loved by the queer community, like hocus pocus & a bunch of fantasy books with cool witches and look, witches are just great.) And the green witch has become the most iconic witch.
Is that changing DONE? No. We still get media made with the green witch as evil and ugly. (Like OZ The Great and Powerful. Which, go figure, a terrible movie that no one talks about.) And that effort to redeem that caricature, to the point that it eclipses the messages of the 1939 movie, must continue. And I think it will? Most people seem way more into ‘sympathetic witch babes as analogues for oppressed people’ than ‘gross scary witches’. We just gotta keep that going, and include the green witch in that group of relatable, sympathetic, loveable witches! 
That said, there are some things to watch out for to avoid perpetuating/playing into Elphaba’s caricature roots while writing her! Don’t be excessive with their facial features? Like give elphaba a big nose because big noses are beautiful, give her a pointy chin, but not comedic/ridiculous levels. And be careful with the tone of written descriptions. Even from the perspective of other characters. Having glinda (even falsely/while ignorant) narrate about features such as their nose, chin and teeth with disgust is… not great. It’s canon that glinda looked at Elphaba pre-any sort of friendship and was like “omg ur beautiful” so its not even super ic. Anyway I hope that is a satisfying answer, lmk if I’ve missed anything really important on this subject… and im gonna go read about this caricature again to refresh my memory lmao
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leisurelypanda · 7 years
Life is Good chapter 2
Craig had a nagging suspicion that Andrew was getting his kids hooked on unhealthy breakfasts. Before he moved in, he never made his kids hashbrowns, fried eggs, and chocolate chip pancakes. Maybe when they went out to the diner, but he always made his kids healthy food. Fruit, eggs, and such. Certainly not sugary cereal featured in commercials when his kids were watching tv.
That wasn’t to say that he didn’t get anything out of letting his bro cook. It was kinda sexy and adorable to watch him cook and see his daughters making a mess out of pancake mix and chocolate chips. By the time breakfast was done, 1) it was nearly brunch time and 2) his kids and bro looked like they got more pancake mix on their bodies than they used for the actual pancakes. Though he did silently worry whether Andrew was a (charmingly) bad influence on them.
That being said, he is really good at making breakfast,Craig thought to himself as he grudgingly enjoyed some fried potatoes and over easy eggs. At least he hasn’t given them coffee or something, he thought. His kids definitely didn’t need that. He was hoping to keep the knowledge of its existence from them for until they were at least 16 when their childhood energy has tapered off.
“Dad?” asked one of the twins.
“Yes, Briar?” he asked. “What’s up, kid?”
“Can we have get a dog?”
Suddenly he was coughing up a storm and Andrew started thumping his back until he had it under control.
“A dog?” he asked. “When did this come up?”
Hazel climbed into his lap. “Well, we just thought that it’d be nice to have a dog. And it would be great opportunity to learn about responsibility.”
“Uh-huh,” Andrew said as he shoved more pancake in his mouth.
Oh great he’s been through this before, thought Craig. My bro’s got this.
Andrew swallowed. “Amanda put you up to this, didn’t she?”
Briar and Hazel looked at him, trying to look like the innocent children they technically were. “Nooo?” They chorused.
Andrew chuckled, and Craig was briefly distracted by his boyfriend’s laugh lines. He was glad that his bro had been happy, more or less, since college.
“What do you think, dude,” Andrew asked him. “Can the girls have a dog?”
Craig picked at the rest of his plate, then leaned in to kiss his daughter on the cheek. Just then, River started fussing “We’ll see.”
That evening after the kids were put to bed and Craig and Andrew were getting in their nightly cuddle, watching Long Haul Paranormal Ice Road Ghost Truckers. Craig had to admit, he had absolutely no idea what was happening, but it was awesome. The show and the cuddle. His bro was great at cuddling.
“So what so you think?” Craig asked his bro.
“Eh, this episode is good, but it’s not the best they’ve ever aired,” Andrew said noncommittally.
Craig laughed. “Not the show, about getting a dog.”
“Oh,” he replied eloquently. “Well, I guess I haven’t thought about it much. It’s your house and they’re your daughters, after all.”
Craig frowned and looked down at his boyfriend. “Dude, you live here, too. You have as much say as I do. And as far as my girls are concerned, you have as much a hand in raising them as I do.”
Andrew sighed. “I don’t know dude. You’re the one who models a healthy lifestyle, coaches their softball team, you volunteer for their school, you have your own business, and you still make time for them at home. You do so much for your girls, and it’s amazing.”
Craig turned the tv off and reached over his boyfriend’s shoulder and took his hand and laced their fingers together. “Andrew, babe, you do so much for my girls. Hell they probably think of you as a dad already. You make my kids laugh, you make their lives fun. Remember last week when you were messing around with my kids?”
Andrew laughed. “Yeah, they rode around on my back shouting ‘Pony’ and giving me orders.”
Craig beamed. “Yeah, dude, that was the most beautiful, adorable thing I’ve ever seen. My girls’ lives are better with you here. That makes you their dad in my book.”
“Bro, you’re gonna make me cry,” Andrew said, his voice cracking. Craig looked down to see that there were, in fact, tears in his eyes. He rolled his boyfriend over and held his face, wiping the tears away with his thumbs.
“I love you, Andrew. My girls love you, I know it. Never forget that, bro.”
Andrew leaned in and kissed him, slowly and sensually and filled with love.
“Deal,” he said with tears still in his eyes. “I love you, too. And for the record, I’d love to get a dog, but can we really handle it?”
Craig smiled. “Bro, it’s just a dog. How bad could it be?”
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ryik-the-writer · 7 years
Rumbelle fic: Never Unwanted
Rumplestiltskin is about fed up with Belle babysitting the Charmings children night and day; Belle tells him her true reason behind the act of kindness.
Warning: anti-Charmings and anti-Zelena because I’m still salty about their behavior.
A03 Link.
Rumplestiltskin glared after Zelena as she smirked her way out of his shop, cooing a goodbye to her baby daughter as she let the door slam behind her, waking his own son who was asleep in his bassinet behind the counter.
The Dark One cursed the wicked witch for waking his son, but felt a wave of relief the second he had the babe in his arms, his light weight and scent soothing the nausea in his stomach from having his former captor in his shop.
It had been a month since the Black Fairy’s defeat. Storybrooke had entered an unnerving peaceful spell devoid of curses or new enemies. Many of the citizens who had been living each day waiting for the next crisis now had the opportunity to move forward, to travel and start families.
However, some things never changed. The second Gideon had been restored to his infant form the Charmings were back to shoving baby Neal back into Belle’s arms, and Belle was more than willing to be their unpaid babysitter despite the threats they had made to Gideon when he was under the Black Fairy’s control.
Quite frankly, it made Rumplestiltskin’s blood boil each time the high and mighty Snow White would waltz into his shop, put her baby boy into Belle’s arms with chirpy instructions and waltz out like Belle was her scullery maid. Did she really thing she was still a royal and that Belle was a submissive servant? If anything, Belle was above her, considering he was the one with the power and the status.
But, no matter whether Neal being dropped was planned or sudden, and no matter what plans he and Belle had, Belle was always there for the Charmings to drop their baby onto. Frankly the new father couldn’t imagine ever wanting to just leave their child, even if it was only long enough to “help Emma pick out curtains for the bathroom” as Snow had given as her reason earlier.
But it was what it was, and really, it was a comforting site seeing the young Charming and Gideon side by side in their prams, giggling and playing together. Though his foreseeing abilities hadn’t worked since the casting of the dark curse, he could see that the two boys would be good friends in the upcoming future.
It wasn’t until a week after his mother’s defeat that he realized Zelena’s daughter might be the third member of their possible trio.
Zelena, sins apparently abolished, had begun to take after her indirect family in the treating-Belle-like-a-nursemaid department. She and Regina had begun taking sisterly trips together, which usually involved activities that infants couldn’t and shouldn’t be involved in, thus little Robyn had become an official member of the Gold Pawnshop/babysitting service.
Usually, Gold wasn’t around to see Zelena come and go, thus he could tolerate the whole fiasco. But today, Zelena had decided to stick around the shop and “chat” with Belle, which really meant that she got to send Rumple evil looks while Belle wasn’t looking.
It was in that moment that Rumple felt a surge of resentment, not just for the Charming’s or Zelena, but for Belle as well, unfortunately. How could she let them treat her like this? She was smarter than this! She knew what they had done to her in the past—he made sure of that. More importantly, she knew what Zelena had done to them! She took Bae from them, and had yet to express any kind of remorse! And here she was with a baby, seeming to mock Bae’s death with her existence! It was enough to make him crawl out of his skin.
Rumple knew good and well Belle admired the “heroes”. Star-struck she was because she wanted to be just like them. He wished he could help her see that, though the Charmings had good hearts and good intentions, they were, well, selfish. They went to any lengths possible to get what they wanted, or “to do what was best for everyone” as they always justified.
It was a bit of a mixed, toxic message if Rumplestiltskin had to say so, one he hoped wouldn’t be spread to the next generation.
“Hey.” Belle whispered, pulling Rumple from his angry daze. “Are you okay? Gid’s fussing in your arms.”
Rumplestiltskin looked down at his squirming son and instantly cooed to sooth him.
“Sorry son.” He whispered to the boy, laying him out in the playpen with his fellow infants. Neal was definitely bigger than the latter two, having a good month and a half on both. They were all healthy though, and the idea of the three of them having a future together was looking more and more plausible.
Which terrified the ever-living Hell out of him.
“Belle.” Rumple whispered when she finished blanketing the children. “Can we talk for a moment?”
“Of course.” Belle agreed almost too enthusiastically.
The couple hadn’t had the chance to go to Archie’s for therapy (which Rumplestiltskin partially blamed the Charming clan for), but they had started working on their communication skills. Though the wounds of the past were only now starting to scab, they had agreed to leave past events in the past and focus solely on the present and future. No secrets, no half-truths and whole lies. Just the truth, even if the truth was unsavory.
Belle led him to the back of the shop and waited patiently for him to state his case.
“Belle, I need to know,” he began hesitantly, not wanting to insult her good-hearted nature but also wanting, if needed, to talk sense into her, “why do you keep doing this? Keep babysitting their children every time they ask?”
Belle’s good-natured smile dimmed some, her stance hardening. “Because it’s the right thing to do.”
Rumplestiltskin caught the recited messaged of her tone.
“That…may be so sweetheart, but…” he paused to choose his words carefully. “It’s not healthy. You have your own child and responsibilities and their expecting you to carry theirs. It’s wrong Belle, on their part at least.”
Belle nodded, not in agreement he could tell, but in reply to his words. He took it as a sign to continue, to go deeper into the issue.
“Belle, I know you admire the Charmings, and that you think that—that they are your friends,” he had to pause to settle the vile threatening to rise on that lie. “and I know Zelena’s a mother now and their you two are becoming…friends…but I—”
Belle shot up, staring down at him. Rumple cursed himself for…whatever he said to earn this reaction.
“Do you honestly think I’m doing this for them? After everything they’ve done to us? The blackmail, the way they’ve used me as a pawn against you? Threatening our son and calling it bonding time? You honestly believe I think those self-righteous hypocrites and that murdering bitch are my friends?”
A coo from the pen caused Belle to pause her rant, her breathing steadying and heated cheeks cooling as she calmed.
“Then why do you do it?” Rumple inquired more quietly, both in shock and in awe that she’d refer to the Charmings in such a way.
“For them Rumple.” Belle cried, pointing a hand in the direction of the playpen where the three babes slept without the knowledge that their parents had a bloody history between each other.
“I’ve know quite a few royals in the past Rumple, friends with their children actually.” Belle confided. “And one thing I’ve always seen is how their parents toss them to nurses and headmistresses until their old enough to begin their royal duties.”
Rumple watched the tears well in her eyes. “Did your parents…”
“No.” Belle confirmed with a hasty swipe to her eyes. “My parents were very much involved with my upbringing. I was lucky that their status didn’t go to their heads. Neal and Robyn aren’t that lucky. I don’t want them to feel…unwanted.”
Rumple closed his eyes for a moment, remembering a small boy who was abandoned by his papa for selfish purposes. If it were for the kindness for two spinsters, he would have truly been alone.
He wondered briefly if he had ever made Bae feel like that, and sent a silent prayer for forgiveness.
“They love them Belle.” Rumple promised, taking his wife’s hands. “They just…they just don’t quite know how to be parents yet.”
Belle nodded. It was hard to imagine it, but Snow White and David were technically new parents just like Zelena.
“I just hope they realize their errors soon. They should be spending these moments bonding, to make memories and trust. They almost lost that chance when they went to the Underworld. What if they had never come back? Don’t they ever think about that? How can they just push their children aside?”
Rumple could feel her pulse racing through her wrists. “You’re talking about you too, aren’t you?”
Tears ran quietly down Belle’s cheeks and Rumple pulled her into his arms.
“Tell me sweetheart.”
“I abandoned him Rumple.” Belle cried, the blunt of her sobs muffled by his jacket. “I sent our newborn son out into the world to grow up without us and we almost lost him.”
Rumple rubbed her back, his heart breaking with each sob. “You were scared Belle, and I didn’t make matters any better. You were doing what you thought best to protect him.”
“But I didn’t protect him. That bitch got him.”
“But we got him back. He’s asleep in his pen with Neal and Robyn. He’s going to grow up with the best mother in the world.”
Belle pulled from his chest. Smiling wetly at him. “And the best father.”
Rumple nodded and seated her on the cot, handing her a handkerchief and waiting patiently for her to finish grieving before he pressed on with the subject.
“Do you really want to know what would have happened if the Charmings had never returned from the Underworld?”
Belle stared at him, horror and curiosity filling her eyes.
“You would have gone to the convent everyday just to feed and read to them. After a while you would have adopted them, and they would have grown up with you and Gideon and been happy and safe and loved.”
New tears filled her eyes, these of joy that her husband thought that much of her. “You really think I would have done that?”
“I know you would have.” He smiled, kissing her hand. “You’re a natural born hero.”
Belle shot forward and kissed him, wrapping her arms around him tightly. Rumple instantly returned the gesture, holding her close but keeping his hands still lest their encounter became too passionate. They were supposed to be babysitting after all.
“No matter what happens with their parents,” Rumple husked, rubbing Belle’s cheek, “Neal and Robyn will always have a safe place to come to with us. We can always talk to their parents if you like. And, maybe slip them a flier to Ashely Boyd’s daycare?”
Belle giggled with a nod. “I think that might help. Maybe they just need to have their eyes opened.”
A gentle cry came from the crib, signaling the awakening of one of the babes.
“Speaking of eyes opening.” Rumple smiled. “We better see to that before the other two wake.”
Belle nodded and went back to the pen to see to the fussy babe: Gideon.
Rumple smiled as she soothed their son. She had always had the fire of a mother in her heart.. She already loved Neal and Robyn like her own and, with time, he hoped he would too.
They were to be his son’s friends after all.
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Buster & Rio
Buster: Breakfast? Rio: What's on the menu? Buster: All sorts by the looks Buster: I can't take no credit, like, it's all the girl from last night's doing Rio: At least you were honest Rio: but I'll stay here then Buster: At least come and grab a plate for them Buster: There's shit loads Rio: Just save some Rio: I'm not dealing with the second-hand embarrassment of your morning-after Buster: She's not that bad Buster: And she's not staying long Rio: Bit weird Rio: and trust, she'd rather I didn't Buster: Only 'cause you're making it like that Buster: Don't Buster: Come and eat Rio: Was only next door, you know Rio: not dying to put a face to the voice Rio: 😶 Buster: Suit yourself Buster: Not sorry one of us had a good night Buster: And especially that it was me Rio: Fuck off Rio: don't gloat Rio: not room in the bed for 4 Buster: Shame Buster: Plenty of room in here Rio: Shut up or I'll send them down Rio: swarm of locusts would be preferable Buster: Not much of a threat when it solves my problem Buster: Couldn't get rid of this girl any faster myself Rio: thought she weren't that bad Buster: Doesn't mean I want her getting comfortable Buster: You ain't that bad some of the time but still fuck me off Rio: 😂 Rio: Doubt she's bought her toothbrush, babe Buster: She doesn't need to in order to outstay her welcome, believe me Rio: Dickhead Rio: let her finish her breakfast first, at least Buster: why should I? Buster: Didn't ask her to make it and she got what she really came for Rio: She still did though Rio: Roll with the punches, kid Buster: Says you hiding under the bed covers Buster: I already said my thanks Rio: What have I got to thank her for?! Buster: Breakfast, if I've gotta Rio: I see what you're trying to do Rio: but I'm not scaring her off for you Rio: perfectly capable yourself Buster: And you reckon you're the polite one Rio: I didn't fuck her Rio: not my problem, or responsibility Buster: Dramatic Rio: says you Rio: wanting to make this into a full cast production Rio: poor girl Buster: I was just trying to give you some fucking pancakes or whatever Rio: some fucking pancakes Rio: 😂 Buster: Shut up Rio: You're funny Buster: Obviously Buster: Got many talents Rio: Spare me the list Rio: barely opened my eyes here Buster: Coffee's on Rio: 👍 Rio: you owe me bed delivery Buster: Do I have to fetch and carry for them as well? Rio: they aren't awake but waft some fucking pancakes under their noses and they'll love you forever Buster: I don't owe you that big Buster: In fact, you owe me for last night's heroics. Becoming a habit for you, ain't it Rio: Technically, Edie owes you Rio: take it up with her, like Buster: I told you, I didn't do it for her Rio: Reckon it's more of a habit for you to offer up your services then Rio: but fine, what you want? Buster: I'll think about it Rio: You can have a bonus on the cab money Buster: I don't need that Rio: What do you need? Rio: Already know your silverware's stocked Buster: No rush is there, you don't have anywhere to be until this girl leaves Rio: Would be shaming for you and her if we beat her to the door, yeah Rio: up your game Buster: Enjoy your coffee, babe Buster: You know I don't feel shame Rio: Evidently not Buster: You've got it covered for us both though, like Rio: You what? Buster: You can come out now Buster: She's gone Buster: Stop cringing Rio: That's different Rio: Not my shame to own Buster: There's no shame for none of us to own Rio: You reckon? Buster: Yeah Rio: She's walking it rn Buster: Says you Buster: She's going home happy Rio: You let her take a doggy bag? Rio: Thoughtful Buster: Fuck off Rio: Chill Buster: Chill yourself Buster: Back on the judgement this early Rio: I ain't judging her Rio: empathizing Buster: Whatever Buster: Don't compare me to the cunts you hook up with, cheers Rio: How do you know they're cunts Buster: It doesn't take a genius Rio: Fuck off Rio: and I'm being judgy Buster: Not fun being on the receiving end, is it? Rio: Whatever Rio: Didn't call out your taste Buster: Only 'cause you know it's decent Rio: Decent and expensive aren't always mutually exclusive Buster: I know Rio: Made it to Sunday Rio: got any sins to confess? Buster: Not yet Buster: Still early enough Rio: That's the spirit Rio: Just glad I'm going back with both of 'em and nothing too horrific to hide from the parentals Buster: You're welcome Rio: Claiming that win as entirely your own are you? Buster: As good as Buster: What good were you, like Rio: Ha Rio: you'd have found out if I weren't here Rio: welcome from the drama I saved you from, wanker Buster: Yeah yeah Rio: 🙄 Buster: What you doing today besides giving me grief? Rio: Nothing Rio: Just chillin' 'til we leave Rio: what're you up to? Buster: Football Buster: Come and cheer me on if you want, I know you love it Rio: Ha Rio: Idk, is any of your team fit? Buster: Only the captain Rio: Unless you're coming out and this is the love story of the century Rio: shut up Rio: Indie'd be about it though so why not, time to kill Buster: Alright Buster: Try not to let the enthusiasm go to my head Rio: If you wanted a WAG reckon you just let her leave 🤷 Buster: You're really gutted she's gone, aren't you? I'll give you her number Rio: Funny Rio: as if you've got it saved Buster: Fair Buster: Can't deny that Rio: Mhmm Rio: got your number, McKenna Buster: You wish, babe Buster: No need to go that far Rio: Deny it all you want Rio: 1-0 to me Buster: How do you reckon you scored? Rio: Being generous and just counting from the numbers bit Rio: we know there's been plenty more before but don't reckon you was on top of your game so Buster: Always at the top of my game Rio: Good to know Buster: Didn't see that one coming, with all your insider knowledge? Rio: Had my suspicions but consider it a free kick or whatever Buster: 'Course you did Rio: You can't be surprised? Buster: Nothing surprising about you, babe Buster: I know what I'm getting Rio: Fuck off Rio: Call you basic ONE time Rio: let it go 😏 Buster: Who's gonna make me, you? Buster: Like to see it Rio: I know you would Buster: Scaredy-cat Rio: Nah Buster: Sounds like it Rio: Dunno what you're hearing then Rio: Not me Buster: Prove it Rio: Alright Rio: How? Buster: You tell me Buster: You're the one bossing me about like Buster: Thinking you can tell me anything Rio: Clearly love it Rio: Given you the chance to take control and you've chickened out Buster: 'Cause you're not ready for it, babe Rio: You reckon? Buster: I know Buster: Been giving you chances since you got here Rio: You're crazy Buster: You reckon? Rio: not 100% on that one Buster: At least you're admitting that Rio: Only fair Rio: as you went first there Buster: 😇 Rio: Bit late for that 😂 Buster: Stop trying to get me to church, I see you Rio: You need Jesus! Buster: He needs me Buster: I'm good Rio: Sure he wants you on his team Rio: Idiot 😏 Buster: Who could fill pews faster? Buster: Got girls praying I'll look their way as is Rio: I'm ignoring you now Rio: That's blasphemy and bullshit Buster: Can you? Buster: Good luck Rio: Easy Buster: Go on then Rio: I'm coming down to get food Buster: Need an excuse already Buster: You're shit at this Rio: No, I'm telling you so you vacate Buster: Why would I make it that easy, you've got that covered, so you reckon Buster: I won't even be a distraction like, you're that good at ignoring me, yeah? Rio: I don't need you staring at me Rio: creeper Buster: Just want Rio: Obviously not or I woulda asked you to stay Buster: Obviously you're trying to save face 'cause you couldn't ignore me if you tried Rio: Eurgh Rio: Can't say I didn't try and warn you Rio: I look like hell so enjoy 🖕 Buster: Relax, I'm going Buster: Don't need to see the state of you Rio: Thanks Buster: Purely selfish act Buster: Trying to keep my breakfast down Rio: Changed your tune Buster: She's gone now I can admit it tasted alright Rio: Funny Buster: Accurate Rio: You chat such a load of shite Buster: Should be easy to ignore then Buster: Step your game up, babe Rio: Polite, ain't I Rio: and you're loud, so Buster: More fool you Buster: And none of you are giving me peace & quiet, thanks Rio: You want me to ignore you? Rio: Come tomorrow, wish granted, like Buster: Thank Christ Buster: Can't come soon enough Rio: You and your heroics Rio: Gotta stop offering, like Rio: Learnt your lesson? Buster: I can't help how desperate you are Buster: Gotta sort that yourself Rio: Please Rio: Had it all handled Buster: Nah Buster: You're chatting shite now Rio: Never know now Rio: Hypothetical, init Buster: All I know is you can say please to me next time Rio: Already thinking 'bout the next time Rio: who's desperate? Buster: Gotta Buster: I know what you're like Rio: No gotta about it, boy Buster: Says you Buster: I'm not that cunt Rio: I am? Rio: Charmer Buster: I never said that Buster: I'm just saying I'm not sorry for giving a shit when you come to me needing it Rio: Okay Buster: You sure about that or you wanna take the piss some more? Rio: I weren't Rio: just defending myself Buster: Whatever Rio: It ain't Rio: but you know, IOU Rio: good on my word, whatever you think Buster: Easy to say when I haven't asked for anything yet Rio: Yeah Rio: Try me Buster: When I know what I want, I will Rio: Cool Rio: Know where I am Buster: Yeah
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