#she was part of the shower too tho not like a completely random person
senju · 11 months
oh man so a few days ago we're walking down the road and there's this bridal party walking between places going bar hopping and the bride is aaaaaabsolutely trashed yelling i love dick!!!! and the literally most butch woman i've ever seen goes i don't!! girl we know!
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suiana · 10 months
So to give to a little context first. I have a friend whom I met from my old online school. We have a enemies dynamic. We've each other for 2 years now. When we first met I was the one who talked the most, which he used to see as "annoying". Ever since I left the online school and became busy with my new irl school, I started messaging him less and when I do, he acts more and more nicer and chill than before. To the point he stared flirting with me but I always brushed it off as I also flirt with everybody. Did I forget to mention we are the complete opposite of each other. He's extremely introverted online while I'm literally just putting out my phone number for everyone to see. Irl tho I'm introverted and scared of people unlike him who suddenly has the ultimate rizz and getting into fights with other boys.
One time he messaged me while putting on his just as he got out if the shower. Lemme tell you I was dense af back then. He literally asked for shampoo recommendations. I didn't know anything about men's hygiene so I told him to use a flower scented shampoo. He left for 15mins which I thought was because he was drying his hair. No he was running to the store. He asked for which shampoo brand I use. I didn't want him to know that much about me so I said any sakura scented one.
Another time was when we were talking about a game we like and he thought about cosplaying the character I liked and I thought of it as just some teasing between friends and went along with it by saying I prefer the female characters.
I'm always questioning my sexuality so I'm always joking around that I'm gay and I think that's the reason why he hasn't been straight forward.
He started his own irl school last week and a girl kept looking back and forth at him and when he was about to go home she stopped him saying he could always ask her for help about studies and the school.
And again with a different girl but this time is his deskmate. Apparently every single girl he has met had asked him if he has a gf to which he responded with "not ur business" and I already knew something wasn't right at this point because I have seen his face before and he is mid. Sure ig some girls r into tall boys but he's a freaking emo.
And did I tell you about my suspicion about his deskmate not even being a real girl because the Coincidences if them being neighbors and having way too much in common is too suspicious. Did I also mention "her" personality is completely unreal. She says she's "not like the other girls" and HE him out of all people fricking agreed
And his description of her sounds exactly like me. Short wolfcut, gets mistaken as a boy, kinda tall. Even her behavior is like mine, Just randomly zoning out. And the last thing that completely threw me off guard was her grades. She's the Top of the class. I'm literally part of the student council.
But then I wanted to meet her too if she was comfortable with it but y know what he said.
Idk I can
He thinks I might accidentally hurt her feelings. He has known me for nearly 3 years.
And his response to me was
"Didnt mean it but since she has many mental issues and tried to suicide her self because of got bullied and mocked,i just don't want to makes her feel bad and depressed"
I relate to her so now im always telling him to protect her even if her stories might be worse than mine.
But now that I'm rethinking about it
I think he's lying to me
I heard getting advice from random strangers on the internet is better than getting actual help /j
I actually really like him and I don't have the courage to confront him directly about it
There's a very high chance I'm just being delusional and should continue being some wingman
But I don't have any other friends to tell this and I really need to get it off my chest and get other ppls opinions so I hoped I didn't make too many Grammer mistakes
don't worry about making grammar mistakes it's totally ok
u should subtly try to egg him on for answers
like asking what's Ur ideal type, what would u do if u date me, do u think we'll be more than just friends etc
if he hints that he does like u maybe u can shoot your shot lol haha, and don't be disheartened if he rejects u, there's plenty of fish in the sea :3
imo u probably have a good chance of getting that because he probably likes you ++ no guy I've seen would do such things for someone they just call a friend :)
I hope everything goes well for you bae and all the best
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misterghostfrog · 3 years
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LOOK OK, i’m going to start by saying this one... got away from me a little bit. And I didn’t originally mean to combine the prompts, and neither are technically correct. BUT consider you can’t stop me
39. Kissing tears from the other’s face.
30. Pulling away from a kiss, whispering words of love against each other’s lips.
Cw; This takes place after the unknowing but before Jon wakes up in canon, and Martin starts in a rough headspace. Also accidental compulsion.
(This is actually a sorta part-2 to the pre-unknowing ficlet I did! Tho u don’t gotta read it to understand it works as a standalone too. Anyway welcome to the AU ZONE)
EDIT: fixed a typo
Martin usually visits Jon on Thursday.
He used to visit every day. But the nurses began to give him looks after the first month, and it was hard to balance checking on Jon with regular life things like groceries, laundry, and work. So he’s cut back. If only to preserve his sanity.
He considered Sunday. But Sunday is the day he visits his mum, another thing that has been hard to balance with- well. Everything. Besides, it’s hard to stack that much heartbreak into one day.
The receptionist gives him a funny look. He would give himself a funny look too, he looks a wreck, he knows it. She knows him, so seeing him on a wednesday looking like he crawled out of the back end of hell. Or maybe just hasn’t done any laundry for a few days. Or showered. And got in a fight and lost.
He’s already waited too long though, he thinks. He... well. It’s his last chance, he supposes. If Jon isn’t coming back, then...
It’ll be for the best.
He turns the knob on the door, he knows what he’ll say. Even if he’s talking to a dead man he needs a speech apparently. And-
He bounces off of something- or someone. Who trips back a step in turn.
“Oh god- I’m so sorry-” He says almost automatically.
“No, don’t worry about it I wasn’t-”
“I wasn’t even looking where I was going a-and-”
“Really it’s fine-”
The man isn’t a nurse, Martin’s sees that much. He’s tall-ish. Handsome, certainly. Definitely no-one he’s ever met. And certainly no-one he thinks might have a reason to visit Jon. Not that Jon shouldn't get handsome visitors, but- well. He doesn’t- didn’t? Have many people outside of the institute he ever talked about. And so this guy turning up out of the blue is... well.
“Er- I’m sorry, but who... who are you?”  He’s not- he’s not upset. that this random stranger is visiting Jon. It’s just weird is all. Yeah. Really weird, actually.
“Oh! I- I’m- I’m a friend of Jons.” The man says with an awkward smile, his eyes darting down to his shoes for a moment as he says it. “Er- Antonio.” He tacks the name on like an afterthought. This time his gaze flicks somewhere around Martin's shoulder, he shuffles on his feet.
Martin’s never been an expert at picking up on lies, not to say he’s bad at it. He just doesn’t find it something to worry about generally. But it’s hard not to notice when ‘Antonio’ is basically holding an imaginary blinking neon sign that says ‘I AM LYING’ with accompanying metaphorical Morse code with the same message.
He swears he’s heard that name before though.
“Oh. Er- he’s never um, talked about you?” he says carefully.
“Oh, yeah. Very old friends. Haven’t um- talked in a while.” ‘Antonio’ waves a hand awkwardly. And casting consistent looks towards the elevator.
“Anyway! I’m uh- I’ll be going now. Visits over stuff to do y’know.” He’s already walking away as he says it, backing up for a moment and casting a quick wave before trotting away down the hall.
“Oh, y-yeah. Sure, bye?” Martin waves- though ‘Antonio’ isn’t looking. Watching as he basically runs down the hall.
“Bye!” ‘Antonio’ throws over his shoulder as he turns the corner to the elevators.
Well then.
That’s not how he thought this visit was going to start.
He pauses for a moment. He’d been working off of something of a momentum. Check in with the nurse, make his speech. And be ready to say his goodbyes. But that... whatever just happened. Well, it threw him off.
He sighs.
It doesn’t matter. Weirdo visiting Jon. Seems about right, actually. If he thinks about it. Probably left a statement somewhere too, just to complete the weird weird picture.
The word ‘weird’ is starting to sound less like the a word the more he thinks about it.
He pushes the door to the hospital room open, he knows he’s imagining it. But the air feels heavier. The dread of the situation. The finality. Jon is still there, unmoving in his hospital bed. There's several machines tucked into the corner, they’d unhooked him from everything after the first month when it became clear that this is simply his state of being. That’s also about the time the nurses started telling him Jon probably wasn’t waking up.
He’s not going to wake up. Martin knows he’s not going to wake up. He’s been fooling himself for so long but now with the flesh attack he needs to do something. Or at the very least stop feeling like he’s doing nothing. But being miserable isn’t a solution either. 
Maybe there is no solution. Maybe it’s just, problems. Stuff he can’t fix or deal with and just- has to let it follow him until he dies.
He shifts, and his ankle twinges.
He’d tripped. It’s so stupid, it wasn’t even the monsters. He’d just- fallen and ended up hiding in a side room while everyone else dealt with meaty things crawling out of the floorboards. Just sat and hid and did nothing.
He’s tired of doing nothing.
Jon snores, interrupting his train of thought.
Martin smiles, god he’d forgotten Jon did that. Those little snorting snores- he’d only heard them a few times, back at the institute. It had scared the hell out of him the first time he’d been living-
Martin blinks. And watches as Jon scrunches his nose, making a small irritated noise- and turns over.
His head skips, rewinds. Plays what he just saw back. Jon is breathing, how long has he been breathing? Doesn’t matter, he’s breathing which means he’s alive but what-
That weird guy. “Antonio”
He’s gone, Martin knows he’s gone. But he checks anyway. Even running all the way to the elevators. But he’s gone.
And Jon...
Jon is alive.
The thought hits his brain, and then slips away like a wet fish. There’s no guarantees. This could be a fluke, this could be a trap. It might not even be Jon. Just... something that looks like him, and snores like him. And-
A nurse taps him on the shoulder. And he realizes he’s been staring at the elevators for, well, he doesn’t know how long. Long enough to catch several concerned glances from passers-by though.
“Are you alright sir?” She asks, politely. He recognizes her, he chatted with her once when visiting Jon. She’s nice. She does the check ups a lot of the time, one of the few who’ll actually do it.
“He’s alive.” He says flatly, instead of answering. Because he’s not sure what the answer to the question is anyway.
The doctors do tests, though not many. According to them he’s fine. Fit as a fiddle aside from some fatigue and a little confusion. Which clearly makes them uncomfortable. Which he understands. A man wakes up from a three-month coma like he’d just rolled out of bed on a Monday morning? It makes him uncomfortable too, he thinks.
Basira drops off a statement. ‘Just felt like I should’ she’d said when he asked why. And neither of them felt particularly good about that answer.
After the statement he’s fine, not even fatigued. He’s alive.
He keeps looking at Martin.
Martin isn’t sure why he doesn’t want to look back.
Maybe it’s because it still feels like a trap, all of a sudden he comes back with no- no fanfare no effort. Right as rain and just... there.
Nobody else wants to deal with him right now- not after he just pulled a Lazarus like that. Jon wants to go to the institute. But Martin isn’t having it. He just woke up from a three-month coma. He’s going home. And yes- his lease apparently expired before the unknowing, so he doesn’t have a place to stay. And yes the only person willing to give him a place to stay is Martin. And Martin... well, it’s Jon. and even if it wasn’t, in the wake of losing three months of his life- and a friend. Or someone who had been a friend at a point before this all went to hell. He wouldn’t leave him alone for anything.
Martin tries to force himself to come to terms with it as they both climb into his car- this is what he wanted. He should be overjoyed. But it feels... it feels like if he looks at Jon for too long he’ll just... disappear. Or stop breathing again. Or stop being Jon.
“Good to see not too much has changed while I was gone.” Jon says wryly as he wrestles with the seatbelt. Which squeaks as he struggles to pull it out far enough to actually fasten it.
Martin just hums in response. Not trusting his voice not to betray whatever it is he’s feeling right now.
The drive to his flat is mostly quiet, aside from a few awkward attempts at conversation from Jon that all fall miserably flat. Eventually he gives up, and the rest of the drive is spent in silence. 
It’s not too far from the hospital to his flat. So before he knows it he’s leading Jon up the steps to his home.
It’s not much, he knows. Can’t afford anything truly fancy when carrying medical bills around. But it’s nice, homey. He hopes.
“Home sweet home.” He says, dropping his keys on the table by the door and hoping he sounds cheery. Because he doesn’t know what else to be right now. He’s figured out what emotion he’s feeling, though he’s not sure it counts as an emotion honestly.
Stupid, isn’t it? 
“The bathrooms down the hall- I think your stuff’s all in storage at the moment,” his voice wobbles at that, he swallows “so we’ll have to go get that soon. You can help yourself to anything in the fridge-” He’s stopped by a hand on his wrist. Familiar, too-thin, and cool.
“Martin.” Jon says. “Did I... did I do something to upset you?” It’s a question, small and helpless. Martin just wants to brush it off, he’s fine. He just needs time-
“You died, Jon.” He says instead. The words coming out unbidden.
“I- I came back.” He tightens his grip on Martins wrist for a moment before loosening  “In one piece even. I believe that was a part of our agreement” There’s a note of teasing in that last part, Martin wishes it was funny.
“I said come back safe Jon, not ‘come back from the dead’” Jon's hand drops from his wrist.
“Do you not... Are you not glad I’m back?” He sounds- sad. Of course he sounds sad Martin basically just said he wished he'd died.
“Of course I’m glad your back, I just-”
“Then what’s wrong?” The words are just- they’re just words. But Martin feels something pull in his chest.
Martin looks at Jon for the first time since the hospital.
“I’m scared, Jon! I You were dead for three months, Y-you didn’t even have a heartbeat and I-” He brings a hand upland runs it through his hair, Jon doesn’t need to hear this. He should be resting not listening to Martin dump his issues like this- “you were dead and I was the only one left. A-and yeah you came back, but- god what even is this! You’re just, fine. A-and I’m- I don’t want you to not be fine but I- I can’t even prove to myself that you’re real and not- I-I don’t-” He forces himself to stop. clamping his jaw shut around the words that suddenly feel like they’re pushing at the back of his throat like bile. Jon stares back at him, eyes wide and confused and hurt. He’s disheveled and still wearing the pajamas Martin had brought for him in the first week. Small and tired and maybe even real. He looks at Jon until he can’t because his vision begins to blur and his eyes begin to burn.
“Martin, I- I’m- I’m sorry I-” Jon's blurry form moves, and Martin shuts his eyes. Shaking his head. He should be the one apologizing, Jon didn’t need to hear that and he just- threw it at him.
“I’m-” Martin tries to apologize, but it comes out as little more than a croak. Cool hands cup his cheeks, and he opens his eyes. Jon's face is closer now, eyes scanning desperately over Martin's face.
“I- I’m not- I don’t know what I am but I’m- I-I’m me. I-I promise, I don’t know how to prove it to you but I-” Jon starts, and Martin can see his lips move to form the words-
Jon is here, he’s alive. He’s awake. His hands are on Martin's cheeks and he’s running his thumb through the tear tracks, fumbling over awkward reassurances. and looking so, so earnest. Hell, he made a joke about a conversation nobody else heard. Something just between the two of them, nobody else. And to fear entities, maybe that doesn’t matter. But for now, with Jon so close and acting so perfectly imperfectly Jon. Martin can let- no. Make himself believe. Jon’s not dead, it��s not a trap. Not right now, not yet. Just for right now, Martin isn’t alone anymore.
It doesn’t take much to lean forward, pressing their lips together. Jon makes a small, cut-off sound of surprise before melting into it, letting a hand move to the back of Martin's hair and the other fall to his shoulder. Martin's arms wrapping around Jon's waist.
Eventually they have to part for air. Martin doesn’t open his eyes, but he can feel Jon's breath on his face, and his hand in his hair and it’s all just another reminder he’s alive. And so wonderfully real.
He feels Jon move after a moment, using the hand he’s left on the back of Martin's head to guide him down. Pressing now-warm lips to the wet patches on his cheeks. Martin tries to laugh, he’s not sure why. It all just seems a little absurd all of a sudden. but it comes out as sort of a wet hiccup. Prompting Jon to tilt his head, and lock their lips together again.
Martin doesn’t know how long they stand in his entryway, trading kisses and just... being in each other's arms. But it’s long enough he’s run out of tears for Jon to try to kiss away, and the strange wired feeling has faded. Leaving him tired and heavy and in desperate need of a lie-down.
He pulls back, though not far. He can still feel Jon's lips against his as he speaks.
“Please don’t die again.” He says softly.
Jon sighs, pressing a small, chaste kiss against his lips.
“I’ll do my best,” he says, and Martin can feel the words as Jon's mouth brushes his as much as he hears them. And then he kisses Martin again, like he’s trying to seal the words there with his lips.
And, Martin supposes that promise was enough last time. It might be more than enough for him now.
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Hi hi! Can I please have a MHA matchup? It’s perfectly fine if you can’t!
Hogwarts house: Hufflepuff
Zodiac: Sagittarius
Random fact: I’m associated with the color pink a lot and I’m bi 🏳️‍🌈
Looks: 4’11 female, she/her pronouns, pear body type, kinda muscular, brown skin, dark brown eyes, dark brown short hair, long lashes, eye bags, thunder thighs, Big pouty lips (the one thing I actually like about my face) and a few freckles. I also have reading glasses
Personality: I’m very shy and reserved at first, pretty standoffish and won’t talk much. you will definitely have to make the first move cause I refuse. But once you approach me it’s a 180! Sometimes I’m still like that but it’s only if my social battery is low, I’m tired, or I’m in a new situation without someone familiar. I go on long rants about literally anything and everything, (if I have a shit day I recommend ear plugs) Im dramatic, loud, energetic, silly, super Sarcastic, Honest, the group comedian, incredibly stupidity childish, forgetful, pretty go with the flow, passionate and enthusiastic! I’m pretty rational And logical when it comes to making decisions and am usually aware of what going on around me, i will try to break down the problem is and find a way to solve it. Then there is the other part of me that is completely impulse and emotion even tho rational wins most times if I’m stressed good luck with getting me to make good decisions. I’m a ambivert! I talk super fast to the point I have to repeat myself a bunch so my friends can break down what I’m saying, I love making people laugh I think I’m pretty smart but I have no common sense. I’ll tell you random facts I just learned for the hell of it! If I was to describe myself in another way I’d say burnt out gifted kid who just said F it. I thrive off praise and people cheering me on especially at sports events and will work harder for criticism. Im a “I’ll do anything for 5 dollars” kinda person. Im low key kinda a know it all and a smart ass I always have something to say and I am not one to sugar coat. I’m a huge foodie! My love language is physical touch and giving gifts, especially food! like to be taken care of. I’m pretty caring if your sad I’ll bake for you and try to emotionally comfort you as much as possible and friends have told me I give good advice, I’m very protective of all my friends and family.
How I look when talking about something I’m passionate about lol:
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Cons: i overshare, I get frustrated really easy.I am prone to procrastinating and giving up sometimes even if Ik the deadline is tomorrow, its hard to get motivated to do anything without someone being on my ass about it but once I start I can continue without much pushing as long as I don’t have too many distractions. Im insecure about my personality. I’m emotional I’ll cry without realizing it, I’m a pushover,I have really bad social anxiety Even tho I love people. Behind closed doors I’m very clingy and honestly kinda dependent.
Likes: working out, orange, reading, sleeping, going out to party’s with friends, butterflies 🦋, milkshakes, fashion, world building, drawing, animated movies, STUFFED ANIMALS!!! Specially pigs, I love cuddles, sports (cross country, volleyball, and wrestling) writing story’s, blankets, cheesy romance novels, cooking and eating new food from new places! Affection (hugs, cuddles, forehead kisses, head pats, holding hands) as long as it’s not in public or at least minimal in public,shopping, fantasy stuff, drama, and my cats!
Dislikes: being dirty. I can get sweaty, muddy, messy but if I don’t have a shower there will be hell to pay, I don’t like eating or drinking after people, felt fabric, dolls, The cold in general, sad movies (I’ll ugly cry so hard) , coffee, being sick, being picked at for my height.
I’m sorry ik this is long you don’t have to reply!
Hi Darling, how are you doing? Are you drinking enough water? Did you eat today? I hope you're taking care of yourself because I know your match up would want you to.
Your My Hero Academia Match Up is...
Kirishima Ejiro
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Y'all are literally goals.
Not only does he drink his three daily glasses of respect women juice, but he will literally eat it if it were pre-work out.
Kirishima sees you as a goddess that has been so kind to bless him.
He practically worships the ground you walk on and constantly makes sure that you are his number one priority.
Howver, he never takes it too far to become almost obsessive over you. Yes, he loves you, but he also knows that you need to have time to yourself and your friends.
When you two are together you work out most of the time. By that I mean that when you are done with your work out you have to drag him out of the gym.
After showering and eating you can bet on getting some of the best cuddles he has to offer.
Kirishima's love language is Words of Affirmation. This means that he tells you that he loves you and everything about you.
He will still give you all the hugs and kisses you desire, he just has to tell you to let you know that he loves you.
He especially loves that he is able to joke around with you and that you get along with the same group of people.
He likes to surprise you with small things because he knows how much you love them.
Sometimes its a piece of cake from a bakery and other times its a small stuffed animal.
He also makes sure that you have at least three of his hoodies to rotate out when they stop smelling like him.
He also didnt tell you this but he now buys them one size larger so he can see how cute you look when your basically drowning in the fabric.
Kirishima will also be the first person to understand your insecurities. He knows how cruel people can be so he will always be there to reassure you when you start to belittle yourself.
He is the kind of partner who will joke around with you on your best days and wrap you on a blanket and kiss your forehead on the bad ones.
Alternate Choices
Aizawa Shota
Midoriya Izuku
Kaminari Denki
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toorumochi · 3 years
KaruShuu OTP Questions
Ah- I created ehhh 4?? I suppose KaruShuu head-canons posts today but do I regret it? Absolutely not, I loved it. So here you go, have another one, don't be shy, read it.
Also, please keep in mind that these head-canons are completely made up by me in a way of that it's just how I would see it sksksk also here, KaruShuu would be probably adults?? Also married??
Anyways, enjoy~ 🌸
Who is the most affectionate? Sinceee they got married, I'm sure the longer into the relationship, the more they have opened up to each other? Karma would be the type to wake up first in the morning and kiss Shuu good morning, but since Shuu is an early bird, he would wake up before Karma and make breakfast for him. Thats how he shows affection ❤️🧡
Most common argument? Sad to think that they NeEd to argue 🙄💅 but oh well- I thinkkk they would argue over super silly things. For example what to watch (If you have read my previous head canons, you will know what I mean by 'Shrek Marathons'):
"Let's watch something"
"Sure, what do you have in mind?''
Karma would just grin over to Shuu and Shuus eyes would widen, "Hell no"
"Absolutely ye-"
"Karma don't you dAR-"
They ended up watching (again for the 12 time this week) Shrek.
Who apologizes first? Karma apologies fly out of his mouth faster than they stop arguing. Karma would rather apologize than not let them talk for the next few hours.
Favorite (non-sexual) activity to do together? They enjoy getting massage! Ifff KaruShuu was too lazy to go out to get a professional massage for a few hours, they would do it to each other. (It usually ends with them making out later on but I'll delete that part)
Who is most likely to carry the other? Karma would carry Shuu ❤️😩 Ugh bridal style to embarrass him 💀💅
For Karma, by Shuu: Tamponhead (I used this one in my fanfic and I will forever love it), Moron, Karma. Tbh, I don't think neither like these pet-names or nicknames since that think they are 'cringy'.
Tho, Karma has quite a few: Shuu (Main, he doesn't use 'Gakushuu' but when he does, Shuu melts lol), Pumpkin, Orange, pumpkin pie, Strawberry shortcake (bc he loves strawberries so why not call Shuu one 😌🤚🏻), Sugar cube (Idk I think it's cute, tho I don't know if that's even a nickname- 💀💀)
Also a note: They would definitely not use 'baby', 'babe', 'honey' bc- noooo 😩💀
Who proposes? Karma 💅
Who sings along with the radio? Karma would sing along but he is horrible at singing and Shuu makes him KNOW it by him singing and Karma shuts up but finds it hilarious at the same time.
Who worries most? Both do, depending on the situation. Shuu would be worried about stuff like paying taxes or things like that, meanwhile Karma is worried for Shuus health, if he is eating enough as well as getting enough sleep every night. Shuu is a hardworking bee after all ✨
Who always wants to take selfies with the other? Karma wants to, for example they are traveling somewhere for vacation and Karma wants to take as many pics as possible with his husband so he can later on put them into an album ❤️😩 (KaruShuu as a married couple >>>>)
Who likes to playfully tease the other? Ohhh~ Karma teases Shuu all the time, but there are times where Shuu would feel playful so he would tease back
Who has the weirdest taste in their music? Karma I'm begging you- his music taste changes every week and road trips are a disaster for Shuu
Who remembers what the other one always orders at a restaurant? Karma remembers because Shuu is always ordering the same things since he is minimalistic lol but Karma is a living chaos when it comes to food so Shuu can't remember it all.
Who is embarrassed to take their clothes off in front of the other? Lmao no matter for how long they are already together, no matter if they are married, no matter how many times they had done it, Shuu would be the one to be embarrassed about it every time.
Who tops? ...Okay so here, personally as someone who writes Fanfics, Karma tops. Always. I just- I just can't imagine Shuu as a top?? my friends gave me some really valid reasons for Shuu to be a top but I just can't see it 😩
Who initiates kisses? Both I guess? But mostly Karma
Who reaches for the other's hand first? Oooo here an example! If they are driving in the car, and Karmas hand is free, Shuu usually reaches for it but as soon as Karma needs it to drive, he has to let go. Or if they are in the cinema - Shuu would definitely hold onto Karmas hand the whole time - as comfort, since they usually watch Horror movies together so yea 😌
Who kisses hardest? Who is most ticklish? Both is Karma, but when it comes to tickling, even tho Karma is more ticklish, he is also stronger than Shuu so he can easily pin him down and tickle him, just for the sake to see Shuu giggle which kills him bc God damnit isn't he adorable?
Who brings an animal they found home? Lol depends on the animal. I would say Karma is a cat person and Shuu is a dog person b u t Shuu is allergic to cats so they can't have cats. But I think if Karma would be the one to bring an animal home, it would be a dog.
Who holds the umbrella for the other when it's raining? Karma's shoe laces often get untangled, so when Karma bends to tie them, Shuu stands over him with an umbrella to keep the rain from pouring on him.
Who tries to playfully embarrass the other in public? Karma 😭
Who kills the scary bugs? Oh lemme tell you about this one:
Shuu HATES bugs, since he always had the feeling of his father having a bunch of centipedes around himself whenever he acted manipulative and so on so he hates them. So one time when Shuu was taking a shower, and Karma was in the kitchen, Shuu suddenly screeched so Karma went to check on him. He walked onto a Shuu, covering himself with a towel and looking absolutely T E R R I F I E D at the ceiling, stuttering. Karma was hella confused so he looked up and oop here we go, a spider. Karma obv took the spider off the ceiling to free it, but first he had to tease and scare his husband a little by walking towards the shower stall, "Shuu look~ He wants to be friends with you~", the way Shuu screamed at this made almost all of the windows in the apartment break.
Who asks the weird questions at random in the middle of the night? Karma does that on a daily basis, but when Shuu is a little bit drunk, he would ask weird questions to which Karma never has an answer but he jokes around.
Who hogs the blankets? Karma hogs them and Shuu ends up having a cold the next morning 😭
Who wakes up first? Shuu is an early bird, but Karma wakes up first for work.
Who wants to stay in bed just a bit longer? On weekends, they both stay in bed a bit longer to cuddle ❤️💕
Who always makes coffee for the other each morning? Karma makes coffee for Shuu before he leaves for work 🥰
Who cries during certain films or when reading sad books? Lmao Karma cries during Shrek every time the scene comes up where Shrek had an argument with Donkey 😔
Who gets scared during horror films? Shuu 😩😩 He would (as said before) take Karmas hand for comfort
Who tells their friends/family about the relationship first? Lmao none since GakuHOE is well, a hoe so they won't trust him b u t I have the feeling of Karmas mom being actually super supportive?? But they wouldn't tell her, she would just get the hint and then when she receives the wedding invite she goes "oh-".
What do their friends/family think of the relationship? Rio was shipping this since the beginning of middle school aight, she loves it and she even threw a party for them. #IstanRioNakamura
Who is more likely to ask the other to dance with them? Karma would ask Shuu to dance obv but Shuu would go along 😩💕
Who cooks best? Karma! And Shuu loves his cooking! :D
Who wears the other's jacket? Shuu is the one to wear long coats, and Karma those thicc jackets. Shuu usually gets super cold even with the coat on, so Karma gives Shuu his jacket on top of the coat lol.
Who uses cheesy pickup lines? Karma- anywhere. Have an example:
"Hey Shuu, could you feel the shirt?", he asked Shuu while they went shopping and Karma wAsN't sure about his T-Shirt choice so Shuu was running his fingers slightly over Karmas chest with the shirt still on and thinking about the material, then Karma went: "Know what it's made of?", and Shuu looked at him and was about to answer him, but Karma was quicker and continued, "Boyfriend material", ObViOuSlY with a grin and Shuu was a gay blushing mess 💅 but then Shuu went along, "What do you mean boyfriend? I can only see Husband material", and tuRNED AWAYYYYY~
Who whispers inappropriate things in the other's ear during inappropriate times? AAAA I T H I N K I've written sum like this before- So two things that happened:
KaruShuu were invited to a funereal or sum and pls the church was quiet and stuff but obv Karma had to joke around and he leaned over to Shuus ear and whispered a joke into his ear which made our stubborn Shuu giggle and the church was this close👌 to throw them out lmao
Shuu was at work, and Karma likes to call him randomly, but oh well Shuu picks up and Karma starts to tease him over the phone maybe something very sexual stuff (knowing Karma he would) and Shuu just- he is sitting at his desk and his workers are giving him looks about why is he blushing so much.
Who makes the other laugh most? Karmas jokes always make Shuu laugh, sometimes even cry since they are hilarious.
Who would have to bail the other out of jail? Oh my God- Shuu would have to bail Karma out of jail maybe during college years, but I think Karma would mature a bit more as an adult
What would be their theme song? YOOO- A WHOLE PLAYLIST WOULD BE NEEDED-
Who would sing their child back to sleep? OOO!! Karma would be the type to read stories, but Shuu would sing them to sleep :D
What do they do when they're away from each other? I can imagine that they both have those business trips from time to time, so when they are apart, they FaceTime each other every evening to check on each other. Yes indeed they must stay at fancy hotels for their business trips and they are being served food, but they still check that the other one is eating and sleeping well. Oh and good morning and goodnight texts™️🥰
A headcanon about them that stabs your feels? Oh- oH GOD- That maybe they tend to act very distant at first in their relationships?? Or more cold? For example Shuu, he would not really know nor show much affection to Karma and Karma at first thinking that Shuu doesn't love him at all (which isn't true bc Shuu loves him deeply) but then he after some time figures it out when Shuu opens up to him more.
A headcanon that mends the previous one? That they both after some time spend together, have the opportunities to open up to each other, know each other better as well as find out each others weaknesses and strengths which makes their relationship stronger. I absolutely love them ❤️😩
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anotherhellchild · 4 years
📂 i love your headcanons!
Aaahhhh thank you so much!! 
Alright so, in honour of ur username…. Imma spout a Dadzawa + Bakuson + cat headcanon 
(Quick shout out to @arschemy first tho! This was originally her idea and she really helped me <3)
The sun’s going down and Katsuki is on his way back to the dorms from his run. 
It’s cold out, not cold enough for a jacket but definitely cold enough for a long sleeved shirt. The sky is getting darker and Katsuki’s heavy breaths become visible after every short exhale. The boy’s maybe got another three or four kilometers left before he’s back at UA’s gates, he’ll probably be there in about ten minutes.
A small, dark gray dot appears on the light gray concrete about two meters away from Katsuki’s feet. Then another falls a little away from there. Soon, more specs materialize and before Katsuki knows it, rain starts pouring down all around him. The street is empty. His hair dampens and falls down his forehead, wet locks of blond hair cover the top of his eyes. Raindrops slide down his neck and partially soaked socks make every step uncomfortable. 
He should probably pick up the pace.
There’s a loud shriek. Or more accurately, there’s a loud shriek-like sound. 
The noise comes from the alleyway to Katsuki’s right and the teen halts his movement right away. 
Taking a couple steps back, Katsuki peeks past the corner of the wall. He’s just in time to see a cardboard box flip over and fall to the ground. After a moment of nothing, the thing knocks itself about three centimeters to the left.
Katsuki’s pretty sure unanimous objects aren’t supposed to be able to do that.
He should probably investigate this. 
Making sure to keep his footsteps light, Katsuki carefully steps closer to the box. He needs to be cautious, you never know who or what could pop out from under a box in a sketchy alleyway. 
Oh. It’s just a fucking cat.
Somewhere, deep in the teen’s heart, Katsuki’s honestly a little relieved. Everywhere else though, Katsuki feels really stupid. 
Not everything is out to get you, you fucking idiot.
Maybe he’s starting to turn a little paranoid.
The side of the box lifts up slightly, just enough for a little black paw to stick out from underneath. 
Katsuki stares.
A black nose nudges it’s way underneath the box too, it fits perfectly in the gap created by the small paw. Whiskers and pointy teeth poke out from under cardboard.
Soundlessly, Katsuki crouches down.
The cat's head nudges and squirms it’s way out from underneath the box, once the small, drenched face completely finds its way out of its cardboard prison, it freezes.
Katsuki doesn’t move.
Big, red eyes stare into his.
Neither of them blink.
Rain still falls around them. Fat drops of water crash to the ground and two creatures get soaked in a stare off.
The cat gives first, it carefully tilts its head before cautiously continuing the process of getting out from under the box. It’s eyes stay locked on Katsuki.
Katsuki blinks then, the movement is slow and he doesn’t dare move any other muscle.
The cat blinks back. The thing’s found its way out from the box and it takes a cautious step towards the blond. Its black, spikey fur is a little tangled and really wet. Its ears are back and flat against its head. The thing looks underfed, cold and ready to pounce.
Katsuki offers his hand.
The distance between the two is closed slowly. After a couple sniffles, the cat comes even closer, maybe it senses Katsuki’s warmth. Maybe it craves that warmth.
Katsuki didn’t think he’d be relating to a fucking alleycat when he left for his run an hour ago, yet here he is. 
The boy carefully gives the shivering creature a pat on its head. The thing immediately demands for more.
He can’t get attached to the fucking cat. He’s not even a cat person for fucks sake.
A little black paw comes up to tap Katusuki’s hand after it paused in its movement. Big red eyes seem to glow in the dark.
When the hell did he become so weak?
Katsuki prays to any deity that nobody hears him enter the dorms. He really really really does not need anybody talking to him right now.
The cat squirms around in Katsuki’s shirt. The thing’s still shivering a little bit, but it’s already much better than twenty minutes ago. It serves as a nice lil’ heater on Katsuki’s chest too.
After looking around to make sure the coast is clear, Katsuki makes a bee-line for the stairs. By some miracle, he actually manages to make it to his room undetected.
Once he’s got the cat inside, Katsuki does his best to help the little guy out.
First, he takes the thing to the showers. Luckily for them, it’s too early in the evening for anybody else to be around in the bathroom so they get all the space they need to clean/ warm up. 
It doesn’t take long for Katsuki to discover the hardest part of the whole ‘cleaning process’. Even though the damn thing is already soaking wet, it absolutely refuses to touch the warm, clean water Katsuki prepared for it. Lets just say that giving the cat a much needed bath has earned the boy quite a couple scratches. 
The cat’s an annoying lil’ beast.
After both of them are all cleaned up though, it’s easy for Katsuki to brush the tangles out of the cat’s fur. The animal doesn’t put up any fuss and it actually seems to lean into the touch.
Katsuki finds some dinner for the both of them after all that is said and done. The cat desperately needs some food and water and although there isn’t any cat food in the dorms, they both make due with some random things Katsuki finds in the kitchen.
It’s too late to go out to a pet store right now, that’s just going to have to be done tomorrow.
The rest of the night, Katsuki and the cat just chill together. Katsuki honestly never knew watching a cat chase a laser could be so entertaining.
This kind of sucks, he thinks a couple hours after he found this monstrosity of a creature stuck under a fucking cardboard box in some random alleyway. 
He looks down to where the bundle of black fur is curled up on his chest, the damn thing is purring and maybe maybe it's definitely already earned a special spot in Katsuki's heart.
I can’t keep you.
Katsuki knows he can’t. It would be unfair to the cat and it would be too selfish of him.
It’s not like he wants it this way, but he knows- he knows the cat deserves better.
So, there’re really only two options:
1) Take the cat to a shelter. It’d probably find a good home to live in. There’s no guarantee that would be the case though.
2) … Aizawa’s birthday is coming up. Katsuki hasn’t thought about what he wants to give his sensei yet but, everyone knows the man has a soft spot for strays. 
Yeah, Katsuki’s already made up his mind.
It’s been a suspiciously normal birthday so far. Shota’s a little over 15 hours into the day and somehow, with his hell class, nothing drastic has happened yet. It’s almost unsettling, not that Shota’s complaining of course. He just… isn’t used to this relative normalness. 
Whatever, he’s decided to just enjoy it. Perhaps the gods have finally decided to grant him a small break and the least Shota could do is accept that.
Anyway, Shota’s almost done giving his feedback speech to the kids and once it’s over, he’ll finally be free to take a much deserved nap. 
“All in all, you guys did a good job today. Each of you know what you need to improve on individually so make sure you do. Dismissed.” 
The class tiredly falters to the changing rooms at his words, except one stays where he is. The sight makes Shota sigh.
This is gonna be trouble, he thinks. The particular kid who's decided to stay behind is kind of notorious for- well he’s notorious for a bunch of things, but Shota will just use the word ‘danger’ for now.
Bakugou walks towards him as soon as the rest of the class is gone.
“Hey teach, I uhh gotchu somethin’.” The absolute hell child kind of awkwardly scratches the back of his head with those words. It’s obvious he’s having trouble with this, nevertheless Shota is incredibly proud of how far he’s come with his people skills. “Happy birthday I guess.”
Bakugou hands him a small, poorly wrapped package.
Honestly, Shota’s pretty surprised by the gesture. He… wasn’t expecting this. The class has already congratulated him with cake and gifts this morning, it was cheesy and sappy and sweet and it was done. The moment has already been had and it’s also already passed. Now Bakugou, of all people, is showing an extra form of affection towards him with whatever is wrapped in that paper.
Has the kid been hit with a quirk or something?
Unwrapping the package, Shota discovers... a collar. 
Oh god.
It’s red with black seams on the outside and black with red seams on the inside. 
Shota’s getting a very foreboding feeling about this, he’s also quite confused.
The man looks up to find Bakugou smirking.
“You can flip it around so either the black or red side shows.” The boy says.
“Bakugou, wha-?” 
“I chose this colour cause it matches with his eyes.”
The kid crosses his arms over his chest. Somehow, the smirk on his face grows, an unnamed feeling in Shota’s chest grows with it. 
“Also, I haven’t gotten a name tag yet cause I figured you’d want to name him yourself. Personally, I kinda liked ‘Dynamite’, but it’s obviously up to you though.” 
Shota gulps. Pieces are falling together and he’s not sure he likes the picture they show. 
What exactly did his devil spawn student do?
There’s no way- did he? Did he do what Shota thinks he’s done?
“Alright alright, look.” The kid says, hands up in a defensive stance. “Calm down sensei, jeez. Stop looking at me like you’re having a heart attack. I’ll explain, Okay?”
Shota takes a deep breath. He will show now sign of hope or excitement on his face.
“I was out on a run last week and I found a stray cat. I brought it back to the dorms cause it looked like shit and I- I just didn’t wanna leave it there.” Bakugou frowns at that, his gaze tears away from Shota’s and focuses on the ground instead. “Whatever. It’s really sweet and it deserves a good home. I knew you really liked cats and with your birthday coming up and all I just kinda figured you might want him? If you don’t then that’s fine of course, I just- hmph. It’s a good cat, okay?” The words are spoken clearly, Shota knows they’re used to hide insecurities though. Katsuki’s on the defensive.
There’s a lot to unpack. The main thing Shota notes is that Katsuki’s clearly gotten attached to this cat of his. 
To be honest, Shota’s already made up his mind about this. 
“So, you’re telling me you’ve been hiding a cat in your dorm room for a week now? You’re aware that’s against the rules right?” He keeps his voice calm and monotone.
The kid huffs. “Yeah, I have. And I do. I wanted to wait till your birthday to give him to you though, it’d kinda spoil the surprise if I told you.”
“True.” Shota stands up, thank god his capture weapon is there to hide his smile. 
Katsuki looks up to him and there’s a bit of a pause. He stares at Bakugou and Bakugou stares right back.
 “Well, am I going to be allowed to meet Dynamite or what?” Shota says, one brow quirked up in challenge.
Bakugou releases a breath, shoulders relaxing. “Yeah, you better take good care of him though, sensei. You won’t be forgiven if you don’t.” There’s a smirk on the boy’s lips, but his eyes are dead serious.
A fucking shovel talk.
Heh, leave it to his hell child to give such a casual yet intimidating shovel talk about a cat. 
Pretty impressive.
He’ll be a fine hero, Shota thinks.
So, Dynamite is a fucking angel. Shota loves him and it’s no wonder Bakugou got so attached to him, the cat literally follows the boy around everywhere and Bakugou is definitely its favorite person.
It’s kind of nice, seeing the kid relax and let loose whenever he comes over to the teachers dorm for the creature. It happens quite often and Shota even brings the thing over to the dorms sometimes, just so Bakugou can hang out with it for a while.
What? It’s good to see the kid’s shoulders slump down whenever Dynamite sits on his lap. Bakugou absentmindedly strokes soft, black fur and the actions automatically makes his guard drop, albeit slightly. 
Honestly, at this point Dynamite isn’t even his cat anymore. It’s his and Bakugou’s cat.
Shota doesn’t mind.
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katsukisbimbo · 4 years
Bokuto Koutaro x Reader
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✯pairing: Bokuto Koutaro x Reader
✯genre: strangers-to-lovers au!! with fluff, cRack aND!! smut!! slight angst too. uhh the several uses of the term “fat c0ck” because bokuto has a big dick
✯summary: meeting bokuto was a roller coaster you weren’t ready for, but you knew that if you had the chance you’d ride on it over and over again just to experience everything all over again
✯wordcount: 3.7k
✯note: hey guys i’m slowly pushing requests out so i hope you guys can bare with me!! this is for @gulfwanq​ who’s writing i absolutely love!! keep making great content love, muAh
you first met bokutou when you went to the local convenience store near your school
you really wanted some onigiri plus you didn’t have lunch
aNd onigiri miya was closed today
rUmbLe RuMbLe
gosh you were hungry
when you went to grab the last onigiri on the shelf you were surprised to see another person grab it before you
like huh
do i have to bite this stupid persons hand of-
you turn your head to look at the culprit and
your jaw DROPS
this man is gorgeous
and he looks like an owl
a really cute owl
“if you could kindly take your hands off of my lunch i’d greatly appreciate it >.
and that’s the nicest way you could tell someone to fuck off really
but he just smiles and pulls the onigiri towards him and turns to walk away
you jump on his back and try to choke him?? and steal the onigiri back??
and this dude is just laughing
what part of this is a JOKE to you HUH
this is LUNCH
you were not here to play games with cute boys
but you would make an exception if he played with your-
the store owner sees the two of you fooling around and just kicks you both out
in the end neither of you ended up with the onigiri
“did you see what you did horn head? now i’m hungry”
and he just grabs your arm and pulls you into a different direction
“hEY- wHere are you tAking mE” you yelled exasperatedly at the random boy who was pulling you
“we’re going to get ramen”
oh ok
but like,, was he going to treat u or,,,
“i’m paying, come on”
who were you to turn down free food??
especially from a beefy looking dad-
“wait a minute,,, who aRe you?”
“hEY HEY HEY!!! dOnt you know me y/n??? i’m bokuto koUtaro!! i’m in the top 5 ranking of japan’s aces!!! i’m the best!!!”
his name,, did not ring a bell
nothing at all
“uhh,, ok,, how’d you know my name?”
ruh roh
bokuto started sweating profusely when you asked him that question
siri how do you tell your kouhai that you’ve noticed her ever since she was a first year but you were too pussy to actually talk to her or ask her out until you saw her trying to get the last onigiri at a convenience store so u say ‘hey why not steal her onigiri and make her fall in love with me’ so that’s exactly what u do
siri: here are the search results for “adult diapers”
“ahh i’ve noticed you around before n i kinda thought you were cute”
take in bokuto didn’t even care that you didn’t acknowledge him before like he just cares that you’re talking to him now
n he was just avoiding your gaze but all u could think about was how cUTE!! he looked
and that was how you met bokuto koutaro
now he was almost leaving you
and through the months, bokuto had weaseled his way into life as your best friend, and in your heart, but as something more
it was easy to catch feelings for him
i mean,, who wouldn’t
you were currently in his bed, waiting for him while he showered
bokuto had graduated just today and you were gonna miss him so much :((
while you were thinking about bokuto, you didn’t realize that he had already exited the bathroom, sHIRTLESS
his grey sweatpants were hanging low on his hips, giving you a show of his v-line and delicious looking abs
he turned to you and gave you a heartwarming smile
he was too cute for his own good
“kouuuu come lay with me”
he dried his hair a little bit more before hanging the towel back into the washroom, then made his way to your spread out figure on his bed
he crawled on top of you and wrapped his arms around your waist while his head rested on your chest
your hands automatically made their way to bokuto’s head, massaging his salt n pepper locks just the way he liked it
he looked too pure right now
“kou?” “mm?” hummed bokuto
“i’m gonna miss you. so so much.” you forced out, feeling your tears starting to drip down your cheeks
bokuto immediately noticed the quiver in your voice and looked up, only to see his precious girl crying
“oh no bAby please don’t cry, please don’t cry i’m so sorry pretty girl come here” he cooed as he sat up and scooped you up into his arms, sticking you back in forth as you buried your face in his neck
but this only made you sob harder
“whyre you crying pretty girl? i’m not leaving tokyo, and i’m still gonna live here. you’re still gonna see me” he reasoned
he didn’t gEt it
he was going to go to a different school, meaning he wasn’t going to be with you all the time
and going to a new school means meeting other people
what if he meets someone and falls in love with them
and what if he just leaves you behind
you wouldn’t know how to deal with all that pain if that ever happened
you knew that bokuto was a busy man but you weren’t ready for him to leave you completely
like yeah you coUld come to his house to see him but you wouldn’t want to distract him from doing work or anything
you just weren’t read to let your kou go and that was okay
“i-i don’t want to be left behind” you sniffled
instead of comforting you even more, bokuto just tightened his hold on you and started laughing, letting you head the deep timbre of his voice
his laugh was so cute
“what do you mean pretty? im not going anywhere so how can i leave you?”
did u rEALLY have to spell it out
bokuto looked at you expectantly as he lifted your chin to make you face him
you shifted your gaze to the suddenly interesting pillow at the foot of bokuto’s bed
“i’m scared that you’ll find someone better than me” bokuto’s eyebrows shot up in surprise and opened his mouth as he was about to interject-“i’m not the prettiest, or the smartest, or the coolest or the most athletic, but yet you chose me to be your best friend kou” you mumbled
all bokuto could do was watch as his love broke down in front of him, spewing all these lies about herself, degrading herself in front of him
honestly bokuto was pissed
who inserted all these negative thoughts into your pretty little head?
who made his special girl feel like she wasn’t enough for him, when it was him who didn’t deserve her?
she is kind, understanding, and loving. she is also vEry smart. which is why he couldn’t figure out why you thought you were less than what you were
he didn’t understand how you couldn’t see how wonderful you are
“i’m scared that you won’t return my feelings”
there it was
bokuto pushed you by your shoulders, far enough to let you see his beautiful face, but not too far to the point where it seems like he’s doing it out of disgust
“oh y/n. my sweet girl, my special girl, you have absolutely nothing to worry about! y/n, i’m in love with you, i’ve been in love with you since you were a second-year. and i never doubted oNce that you were the one for me.” he stroked your cheek
“im so sorry if i didn’t reassure you, pretty. i just thought that you already knew these things. i’m kinda stupid, even for one of the top 5 aces in japan!!” he joked, causing you to let out a few giggles
you looked into his bright eyes, and cupped his soft, warm cheek, and slowly leaned towards his pink lips
“kOu!!! y/N!!! dinners ready!!”
you immediately placed your hands on his chest, planning to push him away and coax him to going down for dinner
he leans down and captures your lips with a heated kiss
your hands made their way into his still damp hair and tugged, making him groan into your mouth
your body involuntarily arched at his touch, letting you feel his bulge as he pressed into you
you started to rock your hips against his, wanting to feel the friction between your clothed groins
“k-kou— kou please‘ you whimpered into his mouth, not knowing what exactly you were begging him for
“shit babe i gotta stop or else i won’t be able to hold myself back,, and i want our first time to be special” he mumbled against your kiss bitten lips
he was so cute :(( he wanted your guys’ first time to be special :((
mom :( i’m :( in :( love :(
“okay kou, lets go downstairs then” you suggested as you tried to push him off of you
“bUt pretty giRL—“ “no whining kou, lets go big boy, you must be hungry” you said as you finally got him off of you and sitting on the edge of his bed as you tried to pull his arm
“yeah i’m hungry just not for food tho” he mumbled lowly, not letting you catch it”
“what was that?” “nOTHING i’m starving haha let’s eat” “oh okay”
after the both of you made your way downstairs, bokuto i’d mom had immediately noticed your interlocked hands and started cheering
“I KNEW IT!! Y/N WAS GONNA BE OUR DAUGHTER-IN-LAW” she yelled in her husbands face as the both cheered while you and bokuto just stood there
“i’m so proud of you son, you finally grew a pair and asked her out after what? months and months of pining after her? ‘dAd how do i ask a pretty girl out?’ and ‘daD she’s so beautiFul i feel like i’m gonna pEe myseLf’”
any time spent with bokuto was never boring
after that day, bokuto had taken you on several dates, until he formally asked you out
and he was the best boyfriend you could ever ask for
he always had snacks ready
he always made sure to text you and call you to tell you whenever he was busy so that you wouldn’t worry
he always made you one of his top priorities which felt nice
and bokuto just gives you so much love
but one thing is that,,, bokuto is very jealous
he would get all mopey and dejected whenever a guy or girl would come up to you and ask you for your number, or if you wanted to hang out with them sometime
obviously you declined, informing them that you had a boyfriend
but the fact that people still wouldn’t leave you alone pissed him off to no end
he voiced his thoughts to kuroo, who just thought that he was being stupid
there was no way you are gonna leave him for anyone else
bokuto was stupid to not see how utterly and completely in love you were with him
all you had in your heart was bokuto and nobody else was needed
but there was this one incident, where someone had groped you in public, right in front of him
and he went ballistic
if it wasn’t for his friends and you who held him back, he would’ve certainly gotten arrested for assault
even though it would’ve been fair
sexual assault is a big no no
after that day, you made sure that whenever you sensed bokuto feeling down or jealous, you would insure him that he was the only one and will only be the only one
which usually got him feeling better in a span of 2 minutes
when bokuto had gotten into the MSBY Black Jackals, you were so proud of him
you were happy that he was able to do what he loved and made it into his career
he was really an excellent volleyball player
you would try your best to make it to all of his games and he honestly really appreciated it
he was so thankful for you for being as loving and supporting as you were to him, he honestly didn’t think that he deserved you
but let’s be honest
bokuto deserves the world
meeting some of his teammates for the first time was hEctic
they had all come over for a small get together at yours and bokuto’s condo
hinata wa stour favourite, just because he was cute and you saw how much he admired bokuto
and sakusa was very nice?? surprisingly you got along with him just fine?? which surprised everybody else
but miya atsumu
this boy was something else
you lOved him!! honestly!!!
but he was just a little shit sometimes it made you want to rip out your large intestine and eat it
he would sometimes crash at your shared condo with bokuto, after a night of drinking with their team
and he’d let you clean up after him AND your boyfriend, as they were both drunk out of their minds
there was one night where you had to sleep in the guest bedroom because koutaro and atsumu had fallen asleep in your bed
while cuddling each other
but all in all he was a great guy, and someone you loved as your brother
the first time you had sex with bokuto
you were afraid
bc of the fact that you were a virgin n it was your first time
but luckily it was kou’s first time too!!
which put you at ease a little
but you were still afraid that you might not be able to satisfy him?? like what if he says that it doesn’t feel good?? or if he says that you sucked at sucking dick??
that would be so sad
so you did what you had to do
you contacted all your female friends and asked them to teach you how to uh sex
which was a very awkward conversation between your friend group, since most of them were virgins too
they suggested to take it slow and not spring it on him all at once, especially since most days he’d be too tired from practice
so after practice, you made your move
bokuto had just gotten home and had gone straight into the shower after giving you a little peck while you were cooking in the kitchen
you decided that you were going to let him eat to gain some strength before you sucked him dry
after his shower, he excited the room with black sweatpants hanging low on his hips
kinda like deja vu
this was a scene that would never get old
you say him down and fed him, knowing that he liked being babied on some days
and you honestly didn’t mind, you liked taking care of your boyfriend
he was just too cute
after dinner, you washed the dishes and pushed him on your shared bed, face first
you sat on his bum and started lather his back with lavender oil, knowing that he loved the smell and how warm it made his back feel
you started to massage his back, slowly starting to press your thumbs into the knots in his back, making him groan at the feeling
it went like that for at least 45 minutes, you finished up after tending to each knot in his back, making you feel very accomplished
you flipped him over, only to see his blissed out face. his eyelids were drooping and he had a little dopey smile on his face
you put your hands on his chest and slowly made your way down until they reached the hem of his sweats, which you slowly pulled down
releasing his semi hard cock from its confinements
you felt yourself start to drool at the thought of gagging and slobbering all over his fat cock
he was barely conscious until you licked a fat strip from the base to the tip
which woke him up pretty well
“s-shit babe“
his large calloused hands tangled themselves into your hair and started slowly pushing your head back onto his awaiting dick
which you gladly took into your mouth
he stared with a slow place as you caressed his cock with your warm tongue as he pushed your head down, and suckled on his tip when he pulled back
you loved the feeling of his fat cock going down your tight throat
the feeling of your drool and his precum mixing made you clench your thighs, which didn’t go unnoticed by your boyfriend
“fuck, thats it pretty girl, take it down your throat. you’re such a good girl. baby’s gonna take my load right? you’re gonna be a good girl and swallow it all for me right?” he teased as he pulled you off of his dick
you coughed and nodded your head, moving your face near his crotch again, wanting to keep it in your mouth
he chuckled at the desperate look you had given him when he didn’t give you what you wanted
luckily, you had only been wearing your panties and one of bokuto’s oversized shirts
you loved wearing his clothing especially because you liked having yourself covered in his scent
he just smelled so nice
he pulled you up and pushed your hips to turn you around
which made your hips over over his awaiting mouth while your were faced with his dripping cock
you started to slowly give the head kitten licks, until those licks turned into long and hard sucks
he pushed your panties to the side and grabbed your hips, pushing your pussy into his waiting mouth
his tongue was relentless
alternating from roughly licking your clit to dipping his tongue in your slit, moving his tongue with vigour
his manhandling had made you work even harder, getting him closer to his euphoria
cuz you are the cause of bo’s euphoria🥺
yEah yEAh yEah yEah yEah yeAhhhh
once hit started to stroke your clit with his thumb
it was over.
you were done and creaming on his face while bokuto was releasing on your face as well
bokuto really do be hitting different
he gently pushed your body off of his and reached for a towel, gently wiping your face while whispering apologies
after he was done he gently kissed your lips and got on top of you once more, using both his hands to spread your legs to reveal your glistening slit
(psa sex isn’t really like this irl LOL i’m exaggerating it,, but if u find someone who cares enough about u then it might just be like how i describe it👁👄👁 my first time having sex was with a skinny weeb gamer boy who sold marijuana to the crazy people downtown so,,)
bokuto shoved two meaty fingers into your hole, spreading you out even more and scissoring you
making you arch your back off of the bed
shit bokuto felt like he was about to bust just looking at you
“i’m gonna make you feel so good pretty girl, you won’t even remember anything but my name.”
👁👄👁 ok den
one thing bokuto loved to do was go on late night drives with you??
it was surprising that bokuto had a license in the first place but after he had graduated you had forced him to get one, because obviously it was necessary smh
he had taken you to your guys’ favourite spot 
which was just on top of a hill that had a beautiful view of all the city lights 
his car always had extra pillows and blankets just in case you guys had a last minute trip to your spot
he immediately set up the pillows in the trunk and beckoned you to come over and sit next to him 
““i love being here with you kou, it’s like just yesterday i was still tackling you in the convenience market for the last onigiri” you reminisced 
he laughed and buried his nose into your hair, loving the smell of your fragrant shampoo
his large hands rubbed your sides, making you snuggle into his side even more than you were 
he was just so warm  and cuddly 
it was hard not to just bury yourself in him 
“i love you y/n. you know i’d give you the world if i could right?” ““i know kou, i love you too. you don’t need to give me the world because i have you, you are my world”
you never failed to fluster him, after years of being with each other 
you were so in love with this boy 
all you knew was bokuto 
he was your first everything, and hopefully your last 
he slipped out of your hold and stood up, admiring the view of the city as he walked a little, until he suddenly turned to face a confused you 
like y was he suddenly standing up 
until he wasn’t 
this was bokuto koutaro, the love of your life, down on one knee, as he held a white velvet box, which contained the prettiest diamond ring you could ever get 
you immediately felt tears starting to stream down your face, even though he hasn’t said anything yet 
“y/n,, i’m so in love with you. i don’t wanna be with anyone else but you. you give me happiness, love, faith, and courage. i want to be by your side until we grow old together. i have loved you since you tried to choke the shit outta me in that convenience store. you loved me at my worst, and my best, you are the cause of all good things in my life. you are the cause of my euphoria. no, you are my euphoria. pretty girl,, will you continue being my euphoria?”
you couldn’t help yourself as you jumped into his arms and started peppering kisses around his face while mumbling yes with each kiss 
he took your hand and gently slid the ring on your finger 
now he could show people that you were his, as he was yours
“i love you kou”
““i love you more, pretty girl” he mumbled as he kissed the top of your head 
“kou,,” “mm?” 
“i’m pregnant”
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coolpolarbear123 · 3 years
Band Camp Day 4
I'm sore in muscles that I didn't even know I had. Which is saying something since I took a 300-level anatomy class last semester
August 18th, 2021
<< 4 >>
this is,,, late:
Forgive me, I know how late this is, but band camp got hectic really fast, and then classes started, and I'm trying to do these now while I remember
today's senior prank: plastic wrapping the tower. It went very well
when rehearsal started, our band director immediately said that he was taking the two drill instructor librarians to make pregame drill copies, so that's where I went
we learned how to copy drill, and apparently we missed the snake, which was a huge thing last year (bc piccs started and dominated it)
and we missed step-2 drill, which I'm completely okay with
tho when the drill instructors demonstrated it, apparently my SL had to go up in my place so that it'd be an even amount of people, which I'm actually okay with bc that makes sense, and it's not ML2
i mean what
anyway, back in the copy room, my accomplice and I were counting how many drill charts each section needed, then labelling the sections with sticky notes. I drew a bear on each sticky note
I drew a lot of bears yesterday, and none of them stuck for more than two hours. it's been a really hot and sweaty week
oh also our band director mentioned that he's leaving for a funeral tomorrow night?
anyway, about an hour and a half later (10am), we returned to the field and handed out drill
the drill instructors were then called to go get numbers (basically we each get a number, and the drill instructors are told which numbers are for which section)
and I guess everyone was talking about the bears? bc my DI got up there and was like "wait, you guys are getting bears?" and then showed the piccolo sticky note, which reads "diccalos" with a drawing of a penis
that penis is poorly drawn and captioned "this is clearly a pair of scissors"
the mello DI took a picture he thought it was so funny, which has been fueling my serotonin levels
and!! people kept mentioning that they liked the bears! I was very excited about it
we learned the first half of pregame. I got the same spot as last year, surprisingly. And I'm next to more piccs, which is also really cool
the drumline's been facing a lot of issues with not knowing what number of people should go on which instrument bc things keep getting switched around by various people
this caused a lot of confusion on the field when there were 6 snares but only 5 charted snare parts
and our band director was NOT happy about it. He kept saying useless stuff like "it seems like you found a place, just use that" and other things like that
one of my good friends is on drumline and she cried. Apparently her drill instructor was really close to crying too
lunch time/passport to campus (a thing that helps people check in and does not apply to me since I live off campus and am a senior)
although we did get lunch from 12-3 because of that. I had time to shower, which was so nice
I currently am drenched in sweat as I type this, tho, so it does sorta feel like it was for nothing
the clarinets started sitting with us, and our freshman is talking to their freshmen, which is really good bc she needs friends who aren't just seniors. I'm very excited
okay but also during lunch we heard some CRAZY tea like. There's this sophomore clarinet player who wanted to get with this sophomore drumline dude and they were this close but APPARENTLY she has chlamydia like wtf and then he blocked her on all social media they had each other on?? and then she kept trying to add him on everything?
AND the drumline is recruiting, so she's like "imma switch to drumline" so yikes @ the drumline good luck
we had outdoor playing rehearsal since we can't be in the band room and ig the previous room we were using is now being occupied by people returning to campus or smthn idk
also the music librarians asked one of the old librarians for help with something EVEN THOUGH us drill librarians knew how to do it so um
we started playing songs that we're gonna do in our first halftime show, and the key signature on the first one is funky, so he had us play that scale, and the piccs sounded so bad that he relocated us so that we could spend time tuning
well the problem was that one of us was playing the wrong scale so yes i'm sure we sounded out of tune
but then we had to tune everyone, then we did it note by note, and then half an hour later we rejoined the band
our band director was like "some of them are smiling, some... aren't" that was awkward
and then we played some more, and at one point he's like "drumline only play this" and then they did, and we politely, softly, clapped
emphasis on SOFTLY and the band director got mad because we shouldn't congratulate them for not being good
like jesus fuck give the drumline a break
and then to top it off, we didn't even get sectionals. the closest we got to sectionals was the piccs tuning
there's also this random man who's standing with our band director, but the kick is that I know who this random man is
my friend from drumline said that her old band director was coming to be our sub while our band director was away for the funeral
sure enough, we got the intro. he's our sub, he's taught 7 people in the band, etc, etc, alumni of my uni, played sousa, etc etc
then we had dinner, which was the last free meal we got for band camp. The pickings were slim, but it was all fine. the other drill librarian didn't sit with the piccs and that was mmmmmm bc I get that she's trying to be an Older Sister to one of the fish clarinets but pls sit with your section
Then we were back outside for more marching rehearsal, where we learned the rest of pregame, marching AND playing. Which like. Yeah, that's pretty on track for a normal band camp? Usually it's good by Thursday and today is Wednesday, so not bad!
I'm mostly worried because two years ago, we didn't do a lot of pregame during band camp and he got angry during the season when we didn't know it very well like
maybe you should have stuck to your normal schedule
also I fckn hate the pregame song. Hooray for Hollywood can suck my rectum
our band director said we might do halftime drill tomorrow? which means the other drill librarian and I have more to print? maybe? tomorrow morning?
our fifth year DI was noncompliant! for the first time in five years! our DM made sure the band knew that
also two other piccs haha. picc party in the noncompliance
half the band was noncompliant which kinda... wasn't fun bc it takes the purpose out. It's not as humiliating when everyone's doing it with you
it's kinda bc the mellos are doing the thing that the trombones do, where when one is noncompliant, everyone is, and personally I think that should Only be a trombone thing
it's better and funnier when only one section does it
after singing the alma mater and fight song, we flash mobbed dance again
the after band camp stuff was trivia night, which didn't have a huge turn out, but it was fun. I learned that I HATE one of the clarinet freshmen.
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mgkconfessions · 3 years
Happy New Year! <3
I have to post my opinion about their New York trip like this, because I don’t know how to split all of this into multiple answers for your confessions! ^^
I don’t know about you and I might be speaking too soon, but since this blog is all about theories and thoughts I'll tell you anyway ^^. To me it seems like Kells is taking steps back from focusing so much on Megan and making everything about her to concentrate more on his family, friends and on making headlines because of his work again. In other words he’s starting to act more like his old self. This won’t happen immediately and it isn’t completely in his control either, but when he spent the nights at the studio last week, it already reminded me of old times and him and Megan also stopped with their public “private” paparazzi pictures for now and I don’t think that’s because Kells and Megan decided not to sell their relationship anymore, because they're still doing that, but they seem more distant than before and maybe one of them got tired of making everything always about their relationship. It seems like before he left to fly to Montana the mood between them was already off and although they’ve seen each other and smiled for the paparazzi when he came back, in private videos from friends Kells recently seemed often less interested in her than usual, for example on Thanksgiving he sat with his back turned to Megan and paid more attention to Casie and Ashton or at the beach birthday party they didn't stand together, Megan looked completely out of place and like she only came to pick him up. When you remember how they didn't leave out any opportunity to showcase their relationship in the beginning, the New York trip was the third opportunity that he missed to post something lovingly about their relationship now. The first missed opportunity was Thanksgiving, second one was Christmas, where I fully expected him to post something about Megan and how "happy" he was that he found her and she was his best gift of the year. Something over the top and cheesy like that. But he didn’t post anything and instead came back to Instagram for the first time after a long time with a whole post dedicated to Casie, emphasizing how he took her to New York to show her the ball drop in person. Although Megan was there too, he didn't mention her with one word. When they flew to Cleveland for the opening he still included both of them in his post, but this time it was only Casie and overall it seemed like he was also focused so much more on her and gave her as much attention and love as he could during their short trip. Their pictures and videos turned out so wholesome and adorable, I won’t be over their cuteness for a while and I missed random, but real content like that from him a lot :’)!
In my opinion about what I said how Kells seems to become more involved with his friends and family again and keeping the attention more on his music and work, showed throughout the whole trip too. A big role in this played Megan too tho by simply being weirdly absent from every group picture and even the ones from them arriving at the hotel. Usually she’s attached to his hip, but Kells could even be alone in an elevator with Casie and Ashleigh! :D Maybe they took pictures of Megan, but it would be weird that no one wanted to publish them then and her behaviour is literally not wanting to have anything really to do with Kells’ friends and family since they started dating, so her being absent from the whole group isn’t anything new. I also don't believe in the theory that she did that to let Kells get all the attention, because why did she then show up for the first time ready and prepared to kiss Kells after his performance in front of the press? When everything was more low-key and private, she didn't want to stand in his light and steal the show, but for the official part of their trip after his performance when all eyes and cameras were on him she thought this was the perfect moment to show herself to not make everything about their relationship again? She used his prime time to show herself, did the minimum in their private parts and got her headlines for just being there although Kells was the one with the performance. Also she didn't leave it at the kiss, she had to show everyone how she only sees him as a child, a lamby, again by cleaning his mouth like he’s 5 years old and embarrass him in front of the paparazzi. Megan always puts herself and how she looks first, no matter how humiliating and awkward that would make everyone else look. She didn’t came to support him, she came to put on a little show and get her headlines with the least amount of effort.
I’ll talk about their awkward interactions and kissing pictures more later, but first I want to mention Slim’s live stream, because it further shows the whole theme of the trip: Kells focusing on Casie more than on Megan and Megan low-key not being able to handle not being his centre of attention ^^! You can see in the back of Slim’s live stream and also in videos from Dub and Baze that after they all went back from their performance the rest of the group was already waiting for them, like Megan, and she came immediately into the room when the boys walked in to greet them. This time with a big smile on her face, but nevertheless her fingers under her chin she tried to look happy and enthusiastic as if she already felt that this trip Kells wouldn’t be all about her, so she needed to put more effort into getting his attention and with effort I mean following him around and interrupting his moments with Casie. At first Kells was busy celebrating with the boys and hold on to Dub while jumping around with him, which is also a closeness with the boys that we haven't seen for a while from Kells, before he quickly ran into Megan’s direction as if he suddenly remembered that he has a girlfriend waiting for him too lmao. Now in Slim’s live stream you can see in the background that Kells likely spent around 6 or 7 seconds in Megan’s direction before he was already standing at the other side of the room. Then Megan follows him, but doesn’t get his attention, because he already turned around to pick Casie up and hug her for around 30 seconds before he threw her on the bed and the way Casie was laying in his arms, you could tell that she didn’t plan to let go off her dad any time soon. She would have stayed there even longer ^^! When Kells walked towards the bed you could see how Megan was still following him, but what else is she supposed to do when in all these months she didn’t make any other friendly connections with the rest of the group and usually excludes herself. Kells is her only attachment figure and she never looked like she wanted to change that and get actually and seriously involved with other important people of her twin flame’s life. I’ve read and was also told that Ashleigh made a short live stream and apparently the moment she told everyone that she was live, Megan scooped closer to Kells. Another example of how she is always focused on not leaving out a camera moment and playing couple when she knows she's being filmed. Remember Randall's live stream where Kells and Megan had already walked passed him, but Megan pulled Kells back to shove her face into the camera, the moment she found out Randall was live too? Same energy!
Then I assume they all went down again to watch the ball drop and I don’t know when exactly what happened and in which order, but it’s also not important this time. But we got the cutest video of Kells grabbing Casie, holding her head with both of his hands to shower her with kisses and then holding on to her and hugging her. What did Megan do? Stand awkwardly behind him and then trying to interrupt their daddy-daughter-moment to start a conversation with him while he was still holding on to Casie. I wonder if Megan’s children were at home without mum and dad, watching that exact moment of the show and having to see their mum standing there with her new lover and his daughter celebrating the new year instead of being with them. Brian and Megan were both wrong for putting their partners over their children that day! And now we’re talking about Kells and Megan’s awkward kisses with open eyes, half hugs while the other hand is deep in the pocket and incredibly weird tongue licking that made Shawn and Camila some competition. Now compare how Kells showed Megan any type of affection with how he acted with Casie. Two different types of love, but usually people still show affection in the same way and intensity. While he was so loving and caring with Casie and you could easily tell how much he loves her and how much he wanted to show her that, his affection with Megan was quite lazy, lacking of any real love and to use Sommer’s words: half assed. From neither of them it seemed to come from their heart. It looked more like a duty, a show for the paparazzi or just lust. Again look at the video with Casie, compare it to the pictures with Megan and you won’t find anything that justifies their statements about how deep their connection is which comes from a place of deeply rooted love and not superficial lust. Kells even kissed Sommer with more passion than Megan and he was basically cheating on Sommer with Megan!
You could argue how Megan is probably acting more carefree with Kells when there aren’t any cameras and she doesn’t know that she’s being directly filmed and then she’s a lot more affectionate with him, but is she? Because in this snippet, where she first took a picture with a fan and Kells was laughing besides her and moving closer to her, the moment she realized his closeness, her head jerked away from him, maybe because he startled her, but even when he went in for a half hug while his other hand was resting in his pocket, she moved her entire upper body away from his arm before he even touched her and pulled her down even more. She literally leaned out of the hug after she had already moved her head away from him like she didn’t want him to touch her and get close to her at all and it also seems like her arms were in front of her body again, so she was completely blocking him. Obviously they have physical contact and kiss each other and all that, but I’m questioning how much Megan is really into that and if most of the time she isn’t just putting on an act for everyone involved when she has to and it benefits her and the rest of the time she’s more annoyed by him and in a “don’t touch me” mood. She called him a wildfire and tsunami, she wanted to date the rock star, but she doesn't seem to be able to match that type of energy. Actually she seems to be turned off by it and like she doesn't know how to handle Kells, when he's "too much" and feels more embarrassed by him. But Kells is a person who easily goes to extremes and can be a lot to handle and you’d think that at least his own twin flame would have no problems to deal with that since they’re two halves of the same soul.
Two days after New Year’s Eve Kells posted another series of pictures from their trip. We already know how he sees Megan as a sex object more than a woman with a personality for example when he proudly had to tell everyone that Megan is getting his dick everyday that wishful thinking lol and by including the awkward and really embarrassing tongue licking picture as the only couple picture from that trip to show everyone how he’s the one shoving his tongue down Megan Fox’s throat, only proves that even more. It isn’t about love, it isn’t about Megan as a person who he fell in love with, he’s dating every guys’ wet teenage dream for his ego and it’s becoming more and more obvious how this relationship is lacking so much real love and real interest in each other so they have to exaggerate everything because they want to act like this is super deep and the real deal when it isn’t. Megan is only here for the PR pictures and to become relevant again and occasionally lets Kells get close to her, but overall she always looks uncomfortable and like she was forced to spend time with everyone else and Kells is just in this relationship for attention, to stroke his ego and pride and to prove something to himself and everyone else. It’s crazy how obvious this has become. There was another cute moment of him on the floor with Casie and Megan filming them asking him like a true mum would ask her 5 year old son why he's lying on the ground instead of I don't know, lying on the other side with him? Sitting on the ground too and just enjoying that he played on New Year’s Eve in New York and let that experience and achievement sink in? Megan can act however she wants to act, but in my opinion Kells needs a girl that would just lie next to him without hesitation and not question why he's doing "weird" things. He doesn’t have a stick up his ass and neither should his girlfriend!
I hope that he will change a lot of things 2021 and his tweets and him being more active again on social media make me hopeful, but we will have to wait and see how Kells will surprise us this year!
Bottom line: The moment Kells seems to act more like himself again with focusing on his daughter, friends, family and music, he also seems to start focusing less heavily on Megan and leaving some of their staged paparazzi pictures behind while Megan seems to become more clingy and desperate the less attention he fully gives her.
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queenmendes · 5 years
new life chapter || pt. 3 ||
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Summary: Y/N is a young actress; already one of the most known in the industry, She started out on Marvel, playing Feuer (Foi yer) Stark, the adopted daughter of Tony Stark; now with that coming to an end, she is ready to start a new chapter in her life. Who knew it would all begin with a livestream?
Word Count: 3,840 
A/N: Sooo, I have no idea what the hell “camp” means for the Met Gala so I am stealing the Zac Posen dress (big one that lit up)  from the 2016 one as Y/N and we are just going to act like Zendaya isn't there so they don't clash (love her to death tho, she’s queen) and I wanted to do a Social Media part for this chapter so please go with it ;) thanksssss, enjoy xxxx
“Whatcha mean you have never had Joe’s Pizza?” Your eyes wide as you stare at the tall Canadian in front of you. “You’ve been to Manhattan how many times? This is unacceptable.” Shawn laughed but let you drag him into the pizza joint. Shawn had just arrived in New York last night; he called earlier today to take you up on your offer of showing him New York. With him, was his best friend Brain and a few of his other team members, including Cez and Josiah. You also decided that your team deserved a day out and they joined as well.
The day was spent running around the city like wild teenagers. Going to all the basic places, like Time Square and the Empire State Building. You also stopped by the World Trade Center memorial, as no one has seen the masterpiece created. You showed them the small, hole-in-a-wall shops that you loved as well as the hidden park that barely anyone knew about. The group even walked along the Brooklyn Bridge, but that was photo aesthetic purposes mainly. However, it was almost 10 o’clock and everyone was hungry, so it was time to hit up your favorite pizza place.
“This better be the best pizza of my life.” Shawn said as the group filed into the small restaurant. You scoffed.
“Trust me. It’s amazing. Classic pizza.” You replied as you waited in line. Shawn stood behind you, his chest lightly brushing against your back. Each of you have been a bit touchier; the reuniting hug lasting long and random ones throughout the day also, with hands brushing against each other’s constantly.
“Oh my! Y/N!” Joe, the owner, exclaimed as you came into his sight. He rushed around the counter and gave you a friendly hug. You smiled at the middle-aged Italian man.
“Joe! You are a sight for sore eyes.” You said as you pulled away from the man. He rolled his eyes at your compliments but still smiled. He turned his attention to Shawn, who stepped to the side to give you some space.
“And who are these lovely people?” Joe asked, his thick accent more noticeable, as he scanned the small group.
“This is Shawn.” You introduced before continuing for the rest of the group. “They are also here for the Met.” You explained. Joe shook hands and introduced him. Joe returned behind the counter, placing an apron around his waist. Everyone placed their orders and went at sat more towards the back as you waited.
“I take it you come here a lot?” Brian asked, referring to the reunion that seemed like two old friends reuniting after years apart. Chris laughed, almost mockingly.
“Oh, you have no idea. Anytime we are in the city. And I mean, every. single. time.” Chris explained dramatically.
“Hey, is not that bad.” You defended yourself and all of your team stopped to give you a deadpanned look. You pouted but nodded your head. This was an addiction for you. You thought. The next few minutes was filled with random chatter across the group. Everyone having their own small conversations.
“So, Mendes.” You started and he turned to you, a look of amusement in his eyes at the use of his last name. “Any new music coming?”
“Wouldn’t you like to know?” He teased.
“There is then! No one is suspicious unless something is happening.” You observed. Shawn laughed.
“How many investigating shows do you watch?” He mocked.
“Many.” You proudly smiled. The two of you laughed as pizza was set in front of each person at the table. You rubbed your hands together, grabbing the slice and biting into it. The taste of heaven filled your taste buds. You looked at Shawn as he bit into his own slice, waiting for his reaction. He looked at you from the corner of his eyes and chewed slowly to mock you.
“Alright, that’s pretty amazing.” He said finally, and the rest of the group nodded in agreement as everyone chowed down.
Everyone decided to come back to the penthouse your team was staying at. The small group was formed around the living room, deciding on what movie to watch. Since you were picky about what movie is picked, you were in the kitchen making popcorn for everyone and gathering other snacks.
“Need any help?” Shawn asked from behind you.
“You can get some drinks.” You laugh as he salutes before making his way to the fridge. He grabs a variety of drinks and places them on the counter.
“Thank you for today.” Shawn said after a moment of silence. “It meant a lot that you let my team come with us.”
“Of course. They work their ass off for you, I know mine does. They deserve fun, random days in the city.” You waved you hand in dismissal. “Besides, you friends are awesome. I had a lot of fun with them today too.”
“Just them?” He asked, stepping closer to you until he was inches away.
“Well, I guess you played a part in it too.” You whispered. A small, soft smile appeared on his face. The two of you just stood there, chest to chest now, in your own little bubble. His eyes going back and forth between your lips and eyes. One of his hands gently grabbed your hip, pulling you as close as possible while the other made its way to cup your cheek. His thumb gently brushing it. Finally, Shawn begins to lean into you.
“What is taking so long?” Chris yelled from the living room, causing the peaceful bubble to burst. You sighed in annoyance.
“Coming.” You softly yelled back. Shawn’s hand dropped from your cheek, but before he stepped away, you kissed his cheek. “Soon, Rockstar.” You promised before stepping away and gathering the popcorn and other snacks, making your way into the living room. Shawn stood there in a daze for a moment, before smiling big. Soon.
The next afternoon could be described as one thing and one thing only. Hell. Everyone was in a frantic frenzy, running all over the penthouse. It didn’t help that you were exhausted from the all-day outing yesterday and late-night movie marathon that took place after. Apparently, you could not just watch one Harry Potter movie. Nope, it had to be three.
Now here you were, sitting on the couch, slowly drinking your second cup of coffee. Already knowing you would be needing another one. Everyone else in the background, setting up everything needed to make you pretty. And judging by the reflection you saw in the mirror; it was going to be a challenge. There was even a camera from Vogue here filming the entire process.
“Uh, what are you doing?” Stacy all but screamed. She didn’t even let you breathe before continuing. “We have 5 hours until you have to be walking across that carpet, and it is going to take an hour to get you in the dress and out the door and you are just sitting there, drinking coffee? Ass, shower, now”
“She took my coffee.” You whispered to Angie. Angie patted your shoulder.
“I’ll make you another. Go shower before she comes back.” You did what you were told because no one wants to face Stacy’s rage. Once you were out of the shower and into a robe, Chris led you to the makeup chair. It was like a swarm of people immediately getting to work. Simultaneously, Chris started drying your hair, Stacy start doing a skin mask to prep your face and your hands was pulled as your nails started getting painted.
“Do not touch your face.” Stacy instructed as she finished applying the mask. You nodded and began scrolling through social media to pass the time. A minute later, however, you phone started ringing.
Curly-Haired God is requesting to face time. Those words sent you into a slight panic since the two of you almost kissed last night; since you promised him it would happen soon enough. Oh, and your face looked like a monkey splatter mud all over it.
“Hey.” You finally answered. Shawn paused, trying not to laugh. “Don’t laugh at me. Stacy pretty much threatened me to do what she says.”
“I’m not laughing at you.” Shawn said, but you see his mouth twitching. However, he didn’t even try to hold it in, and his laughs filled your ears. You rolled your eyes but smiled. He had such a cute laugh.
“Was there are reason you called, Mendes?” He finally stopped laughing but his smile was still there.
“Yeah, did you know we are sitting at the same table?” You got excited.
“Wait, really? Oh my god, sweet! Who else is sitting with us?” You asked.
“I only know Miley Cyrus and Liam Hemsworth.”
“We are going to have a dope ass table.” You concluded. Shawn nods in agreement. However, the moment was ruined by non-other than Stacy.
“Say goodbye.” Stacy said. You looked at her and pouted. “No, no, no. Put those eyes away and say goodbye, we have to get you ready.” You nodded.
“I’ll see you later?” You asked.
“How will I find you?” Shawn teased.
“Oh, trust me, you won’t be able to miss my dress.” You smirked before waving goodbye and hanging up. Stacy began taking off the mask as Crystal got all the makeup ready. You other hand started to get painted as well. Now, you simply leaned back and let yourself get pampered.
“Is it too late to eat something?” You were ignored by every single person as the small army was getting you into the dress. It was truly beautiful. It was a Zac Posen design; it was a light, sky blue gown that flared out passed the waistline. It was your own Cinderella dress. The best part was that it completely lit up, but it also made it a struggle to get in, so nothing shifted.
Your makeup was done amazing perfectly. Y/E/C standing out at the dark, navy blue eyeshadow that surrounded it. “I want to be a Targaryen” was all you told Chris about your hair and he did not fail. It was loosely curled into waves and had a complex braid wrapped the back. Stacy came over with the famous baby blue jewelry boxes.
“These are beautiful.” You gasped as Stacy started placed the three-layered choker around your neck before placed another one, that was thicker and almost looked braided, right above the other. A series of diamond, ring bands were wrapped around your fingers; all random widths. You decided to do simple, small studs for earrings. The last piece was a bracelet that resembled the three-layered necklace. All the pieces were very elegant but simple, so the attention isn’t away from the dress. Angie held onto you as the see-through high heels were placed on your feet.
“Are you nervous?” The Hailey, from Vogue asked from the side.
“A little. These kinds of things are a really big deal. I’m always more nervous for the publics comments because I don’t ever want to be like out of theme or anything. The critics and even just general people are really judgement if you don’t fit the theme.” You explained “But I completely trust Zac and I am in love with this dress.”  
“Who are you most excited to see tonight?” Hailey asked.
“Kim Kardashian West. I love her and she is a really good friend of mine. She actually called me like a week ago because she found out that Zac was my designer, so she was really excited to see what I was wearing. I’m excited to see her because she is the cover girl and she’s wearing Mugler, who is amazing.” You answered as you gather some things you would need for the night.
“Alright, we need to be out the door now people.” Angie said.
“Let’s go to the Met.” You smiled at the camera before carefully walking out the door.
The flashes were constant. Shouting was coming from every direction as you made you way down the pink carpet. You’ve been on the pink carpet for about ten minutes now and so far, everything was going great. You weren’t going to light the dress up until you got closer to the end of the carpet. Thankfully, the photo portion doesn’t last long.
“Y/N! Oh my god. Hi” Liza waved from her spot mid-way up the stairs.
“Hi.” You greeted once you were in front of her
“Wow. Okay, look at you. So, tell me about what you are wearing.” She said after a moment of fangirling.
“It by Zac Posen. It really is just incredible. I told him, jokingly, that I wanted to feel like a princess, but he made that his inspiration and added his own twist to it. Look.” You said, before pressing the small button on the side of your waist. The entire dress lit up softly from the blue lights embedded inside it. The crowd from behind instantly gasped in shock at the new feature of the dress. More people trying to get more pictures.
“WOW.” Liza gasped. “Now, Endgame has premiered, we won’t spoil anything, but what is next in your career?”
“I really don’t know.” You honestly answered. “I’ve been acting since I was 10 years old and I am forever grateful for everything that has happened to me and how amazing the whole MCU has been and what we created. I am looking forward to a break where I get to just travel where I want and be with my family and friends; if I find a project along the way, then that’s great.” Liza nodded.
“Well that sounds like a great plan. You really have made a great name for yourself and anyone would be lucky to have in their movie or show.”
“Thank you so much.” Her attention went behind you and before you could turn to see what she was looking at, a hand gently laid on your back.
“You weren’t wrong when you said I couldn’t miss your dress.” Shawn said as he came into your line of vision. You smiled as you looked him over. Damn, he looked good. Like really good.
“You look great. Your hair! Let me see.” You said, grabbing his head to turn his head to the side so you could see it better. “I love it.”
“Thanks.” He blushed. “You are absolutely stunning.” The two of you completely forgot about Liza and the camera, simply staring at each other with soft smiles.
“It’s great to see you again, Shawn.” Liza said, breaking the silence. You stepped away slightly.
“Sorry I should keep moving, it was nice talking to you Liza.” You bided goodbye to her before turning to Shawn. “I’ll see you inside.” With that, you walked away, heart beating uncontrollably. Unknown to you, Shawn’s eyes didn’t leave your retreating figure until it was out of sight. Damn, she looked breathtaking.
Inside was even crazier than the carpet. Everyone’s attention turned to you as you walked in. It was quite nerve-racking but what else would you expect when you were literally glowing. As you made the way to your table, you stopped and mingled. About every 30 seconds, someone approached you, designer and celebrity.
“This is fabulous.” Kim said as she approached you. You smiled as you looked over her outfit. It was gorgeous. The silicon dress fitting her like a glove, the jewels representing water droplets.
“Me? Look at you.” You gestured. “This is amazing. How can you even breathe?”
“Oh, I can’t. And I am praying that I don’t have to pee because this corset isn’t coming off for a while.” She laughed and you with her. “I can’t help but wonder, what is going on with you and Shawn Mendes?”
“I don’t know what you are talking about.” She just gave you a look. “Ugh, I don’t know. He’s so sweet and funny, and god, have you seen him? Don’t get me started and when he performs?”
“What are you waiting for then?”
“The right moment, I guess.” You shrugged. Kim smiled.
“Trust me, the right moment doesn’t happen unless you make it.” You were silent for a moment. She was right.
“When the fuck did you get so wise?” You laugh.
“Law school changes you.” She joked. The two of you got some photos taken by one of the photographers before parting ways. Finally, you made you way to the table you were assigned too. Miley and Liam were already standing near it.
“Thank god, I haven’t sat down in like 2 hours.” You said after greeting them. The three of you sat down and began talking about random things as you waited for everyone to settle and the event to get started. A few more people joined the table, most your recognized. Shawn took his seat next to you, his hand brushing against your back once again. He greets everyone at the table before turning slightly to face you.
“You really do look stunning.” He whispered as the event started on the stage. You blushed.
“Thank you.”
The night continued on. Dinner was served and conversation were held. Cher did an iconic performance that sent everyone into a buzz. Now, you were slowly going through the museum gallery, looking at all the pieces. Hailee Steinfeld was walking next to you, taking about random things or what you liked in the gallery.
“A certain tall, Canadian hasn’t stopped looking at you.” She commented.
“You are the second person tonight to mention him.” You comment back. She grinned.
“Well, I’m not one to believe social media but you two look like you’ve got some chemistry going on.” Hailee explained. You didn’t say anything back, just smiling as you continued to walk the gallery.
If you thought earlier was hell getting ready, then you were wrong. Everyone rushed around you once again to get you ready for the afterparty. Finally, though, the dress was off, and you could breathe; mostly in relief that you didn’t ruin the dress. As everyone got what they needed, you went into your room to have a minute alone. It didn’t last long before you phone rang though. You answered without looking to see who it was.
“Hello?” You answered as you laid back.
“Hey.” Shawn’s voice softly came through. Immediately, you could tell something was wrong by his tone.
“Are you okay?” You asked softly. Shawn let out a shaky breath.
“Actually, I know it’s a lot to ask but is there any way you wouldn’t want to go to the afterparty and maybe just hang out? It’s just my anxiety is kind of getting to me and-“  
“Shawn, of course we can just hang out.” You interrupted. “It’s not at all a lot to ask.”
“Thanks. I’m really happy you said that because I’m in the lobby” He shyly said. You laugh.
“Come on up. I’ll tell everyone.” You make you way back into the living room after throwing on leggings and a big hoodie. “Hey, I’m not going to the afterparty.” You said loudly, making everyone freeze.
“Uh, what?” Angie asked.
“I’m not going to the afterparty. Shawn is coming over to hang out.” You said as a knock sounded through the room. You quickly answered it, seeing Shawn standing there in a hoodie and sweats. You opened the door wider, gesturing for him to come in.
“Thank you, again.” Shawn whispered. You grab his hand, hoping to give some comfort.
“You don’t have to thank me Shawn.” You led him towards the living room. Everyone was still standing where you left them.
“You’re really serious?” Chris asked. You nodded. “Okay, less work for us.” Chris shrugged before placing the comb down and threw himself on the couch. You laughed before leading Shawn down the hall, into your room.  He sat on the bed as you stood in front of him, still holding his hand. Despite the size, it fit nicely around your own.
“Are you okay?” You asked. He nodded.
“Just a lot of people at the Gala, lots of questions.” He explained. You stayed quiet. “Actually, there was a lot of questions about you.” He confessed. Your eyes widen.
“You too, huh?” You laughed lightly. “This can wait. How about we order some food and maybe finish that Harry Potter marathon?” You suggest. Shawn smiles and nods. You call in the food as Shawn gets the movie started. While he was distracted, you rush and grab all the blankets you can find.
“Let’s get the movie night started.” You throw the blankets on top of the soft giant that laid across the bed. You lay down next to him and pressing play on Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire. Grabbing the blankets, you lay them all across the bed, snuggle under them. No words were said, both entranced by the movie you’ve seen many times but it’s a work of art.
“Here’s the food.” Chris quietly said, placing the two pizza boxes, an order of wings, and a cookie down on the bed. He even brought plates and water for you. You smile in thanks before he walks out. Shawn laughs when sees pizza.
“You really are always down for pizza, huh?” Shawn asked, as he sits up and grabs one of the boxes.
“Always.” You reply before grabbing a slice of your own and a few wings. The two of you ate and watched the movie. There was no pressure to talk; you were just enjoying each other’s presence.
You lay back down after eating as much of the food as you both could handle. This time, closers than before. The next movie began playing when Shawn shifted closer to you. You smile lightly before making a bold move and placing your head on his chest, snuggling into his side. Shawn sighed in content.
“What did you mean when you said, “You too” early?” Shawn asked. You tilted your head to look up at him.
“A few people asked me what was going on between us.” You explain, shrugging.
“And what is going on between us?” Shawn asked, looking down at you.
“All I know is, that I like you too much for it to be a friendship.” You confess. His eyes widen in shock but light up.
“What is I told you it was mutual?” He asked, smiling. You sit up and turn so you are facing him. His had grips your hip slightly, just like the previous night. Unlike last night, no one interrupted you. Your lips met his. Your hands cup his face as both of his move to wrap around your waist. This kiss was soft and sweet, nothing rushing either of you. Only pulling away when you needed to breath. He rested his forehead against yours, softly panting.
“Can I do that again?” He sweetly asked.
“I’d be upset if you didn’t.” He did and it was better than the first. 
Tag List: @yourwonderbelle , @neralondon  ,@bensbuttercup , @andibecamethestars , @feliciaceciliamariajacobsson , @winterin127
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lou-is-creative · 4 years
Unpredictable (pt 3)
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Fandom: 6 Underground
Main characters: Four/Billy // Oc: Eight/???
Shipping: Four/Billy x male!OC
Chapter two: Newbie
Song: Twisted, Missio
𝔹𝕖𝕗𝕠𝕣𝕖 𝕪𝕠𝕦 𝕣𝕖𝕒𝕕 𝕥𝕙𝕚𝕤, 𝕡𝕝𝕖𝕒𝕤𝕖 𝕣𝕖𝕒𝕕 𝕥𝕙𝕖 𝕡𝕣𝕖𝕧𝕚𝕠𝕦𝕤 𝕔𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣𝕤. 𝕐𝕠𝕦 𝕔𝕒𝕟 𝕗𝕚𝕟𝕕 𝕥𝕙𝕖𝕞 𝕠𝕟 𝕞𝕪 𝕞𝕒𝕤𝕥𝕖𝕣𝕝𝕚𝕤𝕥!
AN: The picture isn’t mine (unfortunately tho) Have fun~
It was about 7am as the boy decided to take a break. He was getting tired and really was in need of a shower and some sort of caffeine to stay awake. And to look at least halfway like a decent human being. Saltwater tended to force his hair into tiny curls, which looked everything but serious or dangerous.
He pulled the new car into the driveway of a gas station and parked it a little bit further away, since there were less people parking there. He didn’t want to risk his new possesion being damaged.
He took a quick glance at the freeway and groaned a little annoyed. Once he was done showering, he'd have to deal with the increased traffic. Which would cost him both, nerves and time. Nerves and time he just didn’t have.
The boy pulled his hood over his head to hide the curls and his face. He looked like an average teen with his black hoodie and his Adidas sweatpants. Which was a perfect disguise. He grabbed a backpack in which he had stored both, decent clothing as well as his toothbrush and everything he needed in the bathroom. After locking his car, he quickly made his way over to the building.
The woman in front of him at the cash desk didn't pay much attention to his looks. She looked way too tired and annoyed.
"What can I do for you?"
"I need a shower, where can I find those?"
Asked person kept chewing her gum and pointed at a door with a big sign on it that said 'shower'.
If he was embarrassed? For sure. Would he ever admit or show? No.
The boy stretched and walked his way to the shower rooms and took a short hot shower to get washed. Despite his love for warm showers, he tried to keep it as short as possible. 
As he walked out of the shower, he put on some decent clothing and blow dried his hair so his curls wouldn’t be visible. With his hair straight and fixed, his clothes fresh and changed, the only thing he still needed was a coffee or something similar. 
As the young man looked at the metallic blue watch on his wrist, he decided for an energy drink. There was no time left for coffee and the chances that he would spill the liquid all over his seat was way too high to be risked. He grabbed a random can, just because it was blue and matching to his watch. He then paid both, the drink and his shower before he left the building and opened the drink to take a sip. And his face was telling stories. He looked so disgusted, that if someone would have tried to describe the scenary, he’d desperately try to find a stronger word.
“I gotta stop choosing things just because they look nice.”
He mumbled and got to his car.
Three hours. The amount of time he’d normally need to reach his destination. But with the increased traffic, it could also take him five. Which would ruin his goal to take less than ten hours. But the young boy wasn’t ready to give up his goal. He took a short look at his watch. Eight am... What a ridiculous coincidence it was to start his car then.
"Benz, find me a way without too much traffic."
He announced and buckled his seatbelt. Saying Benz was so much easier than always addressing his car with 'Hey Mercedes' Which is why he had that changed. And to be honest, he was glad he did.
"Okay sir, I have found a way without much traffic. Do you want to take this road?"
A short look at the display in front of him and a small nod.
And again, he let the engine growl and drove off into the morning sun.
The young driver wasn't the only one enjoying the sun at this hour.
Four grabbed his board and starred into the clear blue sky. It was hot already so he had to use the remaining time as good as he possibly could. Skating in the middle of the day was just impossible with this weather.
The blonde man made his way to a local skate park, wearing a disguise so no one would actually be able to make out that it was the same person that was skating there. One was already fed up whenever he thought about the fact that four went to a skatepark. Why couldn't he just stay at their so called batcave?
But sometimes, the young man just needed his space. Although he liked spending time with people, he needed to be alone from time to time. To calm himself or to think about certain things. Today was such a day. He didn't know if the whole thing with that other guy was a good idea. He doubted it to work out well. Besides, couldn't they find another way into the highly protected mansion of that stupid CEO?
Four let his thoughts drive off completely. Until he took a pause to grab his water bottle, he had brought with him. With the hat pulled into his face deeply, he watched other skaters. Some of them were still pretty young and skated with helmets and their mothers watching. And sometimes this sight made him think of himself as he was younger. Ever since he could remember, he was a very active child. He learned how to skateboard before even wanting to ride a bike. Parkour took over his life as he got sixteen. And until this very day, it was one of the biggest joys he had. The adrenalin rush, the challenge, the kick. But also, the view. Just like the one he had on top of the Duomo. He liked to remember the breath-taking sight of Florence, just not exactly what happened there.
As Seven came to the team, he acted as if Six death left him unaffected. Only he could know that this wasn't the case. It actually was a lie. Six was young, adventurous and addicted to adrenalin, just like he was. They got along well, and he eventually wanted to teach him how to drive. It was something he never had a chance to learn. His family wasn't in possession of a car or enough money to pay his drivers licence.
But this chance was taken away from him. Just like he was taken away from him. Someone who could have been a close friend.
The blonde man looked into the sky for a second, protecting his eyes from the sun with his hand. It was time to return home. One would get really pissed if he would stay out all day. It could cost them.
Plus, he was kind of curious about this new guy that was supposed to join them today. He obviously had his reasons to grab his board and drive home again. As he arrived, he found the others outside of the plane wreck.
One walked up and down while the others were sitting close by. Four got off his board and leaned it against the plane wreck.
"For fucks sake, Four where have you been? Don't you know we don't have any time left to waste?"
Four raised a brow at him. Then he turned around to face Seven, throwing him a questioning look. As if he wanted to ask what the hell was wrong with One. But Seven just shrugged.
"Do you have any clue when that guy will arrive?"
Five asked and eyed Four for a second.
"No idea. But he was supposed to arrive today."
"But you do know that today still has plenty more hours?"
Two asked and Seven made some space so Four could sit down next to him. One groaned. Of course he knew. But they needed every bit of time they could get. Desperately.
Just as he wanted to turn around to respond, he heard the sound of a car approaching. Curiosity spread and the others stood up to see something. But all they saw was dust. At least for a while. It didn't take long for the car to become more visible. It was driving fast.
 "You've reached your destination."
The boy glanced at the navigation system before looking up again to see a bunch of people standing in front of an old plane wreck. He stopped his car a few meters away from them.
Four stood up and took a step forward, trying to make out what the new guy looked like. But the windows were tinted so he couldn't see anything. At least not until the boy got out of his car.
Each and every one of them scanned the newbie from head to toe. They looked at the straight black hair, which was neatly styled in a middle part and looked freshly cut. At his black pants, which he paired with a black dress shirt with rolled up sleeves. He was dressed black. completely. Even his sunglasses were black. The only coloured thing he was wearing, was the metallic blue watch.
As he approached the others, he took off his sunglasses and the car seemed to lock itself. And as he looked into Fours direction, the first thing the blonde noticed were the light brown eyes. The sharp gaze, the serious face. He appeared so grown up, although he barely looked older than nineteen, maybe twenty but not older.
The new boy finally stopped, focussing on One, who was now directly in front of him.
"I see you've found your way here, which is nice, but may I ask you, what the fuck that is?"
One asked and with one short movement of his head, he made obvious what he meant.
The boy’s car.  Eight turned around to face his car, raised a brow and turned back to look at One.
"A car, obviously."
He said, hiding his confusion about that question.
"No, I-",
One rubbed his sleeves,
"I mean the colour. You can have a car, we've talked about that, but that colour-"
"What's wrong with the colour?"
Eight looked at One as if he was ready to murder him for the criticism on his car.
"I think it looks pretty fucking cool."
Four interrupted and shrugged as he leaned against the metal of the plane. Eight looked at him shortly before pushing one of his hands into the pocket of his tight jeans. A bright grin appeared on his face as he shortly pointed at Four, raising his eyebrows at One.
"See? This guy has a good taste."
Four couldn't bite back a grin and bowed sarcastically.
To be fair, the car looked very nice. It was a Mercedes C- Class with the typical AMG design. But the colour really made it special. It was blue. Metallic-blue but matte. It looked unique.
"You know what I mean. We had talked about the colour."
One said and Eight nodded.
"I know. I will have it repainted regularly. Don't worry."
One nodded and looked at the boy.
"Well then, welcome to the team."
Eight nodded and looked at the other ghosts who simply greeted him with a nod. Unfortunately, they didn't have the time to really get to know the newbie. It was running out on them and they still had a long way to go.
"Follow us inside, we need to use the time we have left efficiently."
AN: Again, if you like this story, feel free to share it or leave an ask💕
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xfanfics · 4 years
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Destiel Fic Rec List Part 1
Last Updated in October 2014. Posted in May 2020 for posterity. Listed in no particular order - the total rec list will have ~250 fics. Header graphic used with permission.
This part of the list contains: 48 fics.
Other Destiel Rec Lists: [1]. [2]. [3]. [4]. [5]. [6]. [7].
For Science! by pm_lo E | 21k | ABO, Omega!cas, Alpha!Dean,
Selected transcripts and supporting materials from Dr. Castiel Williams and Dean Winchester’s seminal study on physiological and psychological sexual response by gender designation.
Even though this is a dialogue/email text only story, I still very much enjoyed it and found it ridiculously hot. Maybe I'm just easy. (No I'm not. This fic is good, read it.)
Forget-Me-Not Blues by noangelsinthegarrison E | 68k | Firefighter!Dean, Professor!Cas, Misunderstandings, Mutual Pining
Sam and Jess are getting married and Dean couldn’t be any happier for them. Honestly, they’re kind of disgustingly perfect for each other and Dean’s pretty damn excited about staying with them the week before the wedding. He’s Sam’s best man, of course, and he doesn’t even mind that Jess has her own best man to share in all the organizational duties. The more the merrier, right? Except Dean must have done something to epically piss off the universe because Jess’s best man just happens to be Castiel friggin’ Novak. He’s got even hotter since High School, but apparently no friendlier and if Cas wants to spend the week pretending like they’ve never met before? Fine. Two can play at that game.
THIS WAS SO GOOD I'M TEARING UP. tropes abound and I love it!
Cops and Robbers by kinkstiel E | 53k [WIP] | Detective!Dean, Criminal!Cas, Top!Cas, Bottom!dean
They locked eyes for a minute and then Cas leaned back as far as the cuffs would let him go, spreading his legs obscenely wide. “I want you to suck my cock, Dean.” Dean balked, mouth going dry in a second, eyes slipping to the now visible bulge in Castiel’s suit pants. “Um,” he said stupidly, face flushing red, eyes unable to pull away. Cas hummed. “Depending on how well you suck me, I might just tell you everything you want to know.” He licked his lips, smirking slightly when he caught Dean’s gaze. “And with sinful little lips like yours,” he made a low whistling sound, “I don’t doubt you’ll get every last name out of me.
So very good. Love the dark and dirtiness of it. It does get lighter and sappier towards the end tho.
Cursed or Not ❤ by Ltleflrt E | 115k | witch!Cas, shapeshifter!Dean, switching
While experimenting with magic when he was a kid, Sam accidentally cursed Dean. Now, Dean is forced to wear a spelled amulet constantly, or he'll turn into a random animal. For a little over a decade, he's learned to live with the curse, and has even found it useful in some cases, but he sure would be happier without it. When he meets a witch named Castiel, he's offered a deal. Instead of assuming all witches are bad, Dean can spend a season getting to know him. If at the end of the season, Dean still thinks he's evil Castiel will send him away with his memory wiped of the whole experience. But if he learns that Castiel is not the monster Dean assumes he is, he'll lift Dean's curse. It's an offer Dean can't bring himself to pass up.
Literally perfect. Enthralling world, magical relationship.    
Surprise Package by wannaliveindeansdimples E | 3k | Hot, , Dom Cas, Sub Dean, Light BDSM
When Cas' roommate Meg has to go out of town suddenly, she leaves him an unexpected gift.
So so hot. Non extreme Dom!cas and sub!dean.    
Never Have I ever by sweetdean M | 78k | Fluff,  High School AU, top!cas, bottom!dean
When Jo drags Dean along to a game of "never have I ever" with her friends, he finds himself getting caught up in a lot more than just a game. “Never have I ever hung out with such an asshole,” Dean countered, positively shocked at his own sass. Cas smirked again. “Oh, are we hanging out now?fricken adorable  
Road Signs by gemmiel E | 9k| Canon!verse, true form
Dean is curious about how angels have sex. Castiel shows him.
Damn. True form, soul sex, and regular sex. Yes please.    
It's Brilliant, Really by snarkymonkey E | 15k | Fluff,  AU, Professor!cas, Stuntman!dean
Castiel Novak is a History adjunct at Stanford University. He's also the most patient younger brother. When his older brother, Gabriel, decides to start *wooing* one of his younger waiters, Castiel reluctantly agrees to double-date with the intended paramour's older brother. What he didn't expect, however, was how much his own life would flip over such a careless decision.
Adorable. Hot, and adorable.  
Gabriel's Unfortunate Mistake by JackHawksmoor E | 8k | Hot,  AU
an answer to a prompt: Gabriel decides to hire a prostitute for his virgin brother Castiel as a joke, but instead accidentally hires Dean, a professional Dom. The moment Dean first lays a hand on him, Castiel knows he is lost. Dean/Castiel AU.
Um mm.... Damn. That was hot. Newbie sub!cas and pro dom!dean    
Well-Beloved Unto Me by  Moorishflower E | 3k | Alt!Canon, tentacles
The Winchesters don't get rewarded for all the shit they go through, so Dean is understandably wary when a few recharged and promoted angels offer him and Sam the vacation of a lifetime. Title comes from the Song of Solomon.
True form. And sex. MY FAVE.  
How to Date an Angel in 12 Easy Steps by Fourthduckling E | 23k | Fluff,  Alt!canon
It's not that hard to date an angel. All Dean has to do is fight off hordes of vampires, research gay porn, get sucked into a crappy Narnia, endure Sam's comments, creep out on Dr. Sexy, get harassed -- oh, and that's right-- figure out he's into Cas. Easy, right?
SQUUEEEE. Perfect and cute and cuddly.  
Two Wrongs Don't Make A Right But Three Rights Make A Left by the0voice0from0above E | 45k | High School AU, Dancer!Cas, Welder!Dean,
The beautiful Garrison Ballet School becomes home to a reckless bunch of misfits after the Colt Welding Academy is severely damaged in a fire and has to close for repairs. Needless to say, Castiel and his friends clash with their unwanted guests but there's one boy in particular who infuriates him.
Dancer!au. Love it love it love it!    
Rest My Angel by cobalt_wings E | 86k | Fluff,  Season 9 AU
Angels are falling from the sky, and Dean is losing it. Sam is dying in his arms, and one of those burning, twisting figures blazing through the night air might be his very own angel, Castiel. What can he do to help those he loves?
Sex and domestic and lots of fucking. My fave.    
One Species Too Many by wallmakerrelict E | 21k | Fluff,  Alt!canon
While Dean is laid up for a month after breaking his leg on a hunt, Cas decides that it's a perfect time to adopt a litter of kittens. But even though he's gotten better since Purgatory, Cas still isn't quite the same as he was before fixing Sam's head, and being trapped in a cabin with him for weeks on end is making that all the more obvious to Dean. When Sam takes off on a hunt, Dean has to figure out on his own how to navigate his new relationship with Cas while also helping to raise a bunch of fuzzballs that aren't even cute. Not even a little bit. (Well, maybe a little bit.)
Team free will with kittens!! So fluffy and domestic but also a touch of angst.    
It's A Bet by vitamindesi E | 34k | College AU, top!cas, bottom!dean
Destiel College!AU in which freshman Dean is dared by his best friends to hit on senior Castiel at a party. He wants to say no but then someone starts a bet and Benny bets a sum that is ridiculously high for a student and Dean can’t disappoint Benny, right? I deviated only, but hopefully it suffices.
So fabulous and smutty I want to cry. Literally perfection.
Your Call Cannot Be Completed As Dialed by eBob, K_K_TiBal T | 66k [WIP] | Fluff,  College AU
AU in which Castiel accidentally sends a text message to the wrong number and befriends the person at the other end of the line. However, accidents don’t just happen accidentally, and sometimes two completely different people are exactly what the other needs.
Equinox by luchia E  | 12k | Alt!canon, time travel
In which Castiel is the weird time-traveling freak who just might be the love of Dean Winchester's life.
Confusing but perfect time travel fic.   
If I run by betty days E | 4k | Hot,  AU, sexting, long distance relationship
"Dean Winchester is a red-blooded American male. He lifts all the things. He aims for functional strength. He counts his macros and makes fun of curlbros. He is not a member of the Tarahumara tribe and he will not read Born to Run, no matter how many times Sam tells him to, because Starting Strength is the only book Dean will ever fucking need." Wherein a friendly competition with the mysterious ThursdaysAngel turns into a sexy selfie-trading spree that motivates Dean Winchester to train for his first marathon.
Soo. Hot. Makes me want to actually exercise?    
The Little Things by Alreadypainfullygone T | 2k | Angst,  Cancer, Major Character Death
Au based on 'the big C' in which Dean gets very sick, and deals with it the denial way. Meeting a homeless man on the way. Dean/Castiel Angst. Warning for trigger - Cancer. sorry if you think I dealt with it badly.
This is only 2.8k words, and yet it managed to make me cry.    
Do What Feels Good by  Catchclaw, cymbalism E | 12k | Hot,  Alt!canon, PWP
Castiel learns to love alone time in the shower. And then he learns to share.
Fuuuuuck that was hot. Castubation and shower sex is just so hnnnggg.    
All That Is And Used To Be by MisaChan E | 26k | Alt!Canon, wing!Kink
Dean never even knew anyone was living in the old estate outside of town until its mysterious occupant contracts his shop for a very specific job: a custom piano bench with grooves cut into the back. He finds Castiel and his terms to be eccentric with a capital E but the money is too good to turn down and anyway, Dean can't help indulging his curiosity about the guy and his secretive, isolated life. There are secrets that will not stay hidden and stories that refuse to be forgotten. Especially when they happen to involve Dean Winchester and the angel Castiel.
Ugh, I love this story. Concept, execution, and characterization are all perfect.    
Do I Have Something Like That? by MysticMoonhigh E | 2k | Hot,  horn!kink, wing!kink
based on the tumblr post I made: Does anybody know any demon!Dean fics where Cas makes Dean climax by basically giving his demon horns a hand job because I want this so badly out of lifE | I'm. I've read this about three times and I think I'm finally coming to terms with my alien biology kink. Hot. Wink!kink and horn!kink. Yes.    
The Doctor Will See You Now by  PetrichorPerfume E | 7k| Hot,  PWP sub!dean, gentle dom!cas, wing!kink
Dean has a medical kink. Castiel is more than happy to oblige. Starring Castiel as the slightly unorthodox Dr. Novak who enjoys prescribing enforced chastity and daily tease and denial sessions, and Dean as his needy, submissive patient who will do anything for a chance to come.
Wowowwowowow. Um. This was super hot. Nnnghhhh.    
Into Your Hideaway by thepinupchemist E  | 176k |Angst,  a/b/o, omega!dean, alpha!cas, mpreg
Driving down a deserted road in the Rocky Mountains, Castiel finds something unexpected: An omega. Not only an omega, but a naked, injured, pregnant omega. Dean doesn't talk much at first, but that doesn't change the brightness of his soul. It also doesn't stop Castiel from falling in love with him.
I just... Wow. This was an amazing story. Beware that it is possibly very triggering, because of rape, assault, violence, and general bigotry. But perhaps because of all of that, you get a story that is almost painful in its reality, and it is all the more loveable for that.    
The World Crashing All Around by thepinupchemist E | 36k| Alt!canon, best friends wing!Kink, kid!fic
During a storm in September of 1987, Dean and Sam hear something hit their roof. When they brave the backyard to investigate, they find a fledgling angel. A story about best friendship, spoiled plans, and love, in four parts.
OH MY GOD. This was perfect all the way through. From soul bonds, to slow burn, to growing up together as best friends, it's all my favorite. And it even has wing kink, which is literally the best.    
Share Your Burden by aTimeOfMagic E | 3k Hot,  PWP, Sub!dean, dom!cas
Set at the end of 'Are You There God? It's Me Dean Winchester.' 4.02. Castiel shows Dean that he deserves respect, and Dean comes to see that Cas is not, in fact, just a 'hammer'. He also learns that his 'people skills' are definitely not entirely 'rusty'.
Damn. Um, really hot. Also, unexpectedly sweet.    
Flawless by Vaerin E | 69k | a/b/o, accidental bonding, sub!dean, dom!cas
A contract is out on the Winchesters, a large sum of money the reward for throwing them off their game. A witch in the town they happen to be passing through decides to collect. She sets her sights on Dean, trying to seduce him into leaving his job to stay with her. When she can't even convince him to warm her bed, she decides to turn her job into his punishment. Knowing he fears commitment and can't stand the thought of being with a man, she works a spell between him and Castiel... the one friend he can call a safe haven. When they end up mated the next morning, not only does the Winchester family business suffer... but so does Dean's friendship with Castiel.
Cute long soul bond fic. Contains sabriel.    
Chasing Normal by Donovanspen M | 16k | Fluff,  First time, Cuddling & Snuggling
Dean reevaluates his definition of an 'apple pie life' and what that means for him, personally.
This is the definition of domestic fluff and smut. There's a wee bit of angst because hey, it's set in the canon verse. But so worth it.    
Hold On by somuchforbaggles E | 92k | Fluff,  Angst,   mental illness
Castiel is sure that nothing in his life will ever change. Everything that happens to him is predictable, from the stability of his job to the unrelenting sporadic anxiety attacks, he can rely on his life to stay the same forever - until he saves Dean Winchester from the path of an oncoming train. From then on, everything changes for both of them, and the only way they can deal with it is together.
Woww. This was an amazing ride. Angsty and fluffy, then angsty again, then back to fluffy. So good.    
I said to myself again by avyssoseleison E | 2k | Fluff,  Praise!kink, Self-esteem issues
Dean finally lets himself be appreciated and cared for by his angel.
Praise kink is my ultimate weakness    
The One Thing You Can't Lose by MajorEnglishEsquire T | 4k | Fluff,  Cuddling & Snuggling
You know what I like a lot? The thought that Dean can just tug Cas anywhere at any time and Cas, who can lift tons without effort, who can demolish things with the light of his grace, who has battled and gone to war, has defended and broken, will just let Dean do it.
fluffy love    
Spit Slick by VeraBAdler M | 1k | Fluff, , First Time
[no description]
A super cute fluffy little oneshot :3 (tags say 'happy sex' and 'sexy cuddling' if you need more to go on)  
Late Bloomer by somuchforbaggles T | 7k | Alt!Canon, Wing!kink, Wingfic, Soulmates
On every child’s seventh birthday, a celebration is held to mark the beginning of their journey as a fledgling - a sprouting ceremony. It doesn’t matter if the child hasn't shown the symptoms of emerging wings yet, for it is scientific fact that every child grows wings in their seventh year, sometimes even earlier. Castiel is not every child.
A coming of age wing fic. With mates. Basically, I'm in love.    
Sleight of Hand by aileenrose M | 64k | Angst,  Human AU, psychic cas, journalist dean
Dean Winchester has interviewed them all--mob bosses, serial killers, crooked politicians. Next he plans to unveil the con-man who markets himself as Castiel, a reclusive and secretive "healer" who claims to heal the sick in return for thousands of dollars. Dean's expecting a challenge, but he never expected Castiel to be so clueless or sweet...or that he might be telling the truth.
I HAVE SO MANY FEELINGS ABOUT THIS AU. The one where Dean is a skeptical journalist/professional idiot and Cas is a socially inept healer and mind reader. There's lots of angst, but the payoff is so worth it.    
Leaning In by Anonymous T | 15k | Hospital AU
Castiel never changed out his scrubs, Dean had a way of getting himself injured and Sam seemed to think it was a good pairing
Even though I have no idea who actually wrote this story, it's worth a read. I'm always up for a good medical AU.    
Someone I Forgot to Be by  MatildaMavis E | 36k Fluff,  Angst,  Human AU
Castiel is content - sort of - with his quiet life in Boston...at least, until his new neighbor moves in. It's Dean Winchester, the cliched long lost love of his life. Can these two idiots find their way back to each other after eight years, after fame and loss and heartbreak? After Dean has found love again with Cas' neighbor, Lisa? Fate can be a sadistic bitch, they've both learned that, but maybe they've matured enough to be able to handle it this time. The sparks, the attraction, the tension...or maybe not.
I thought this would be extremely painful, and it sort of was. But it was so worth it.    
Didn't Get That Particular Memo by Snarkymonkey E | 5k
Dean has worked with his best friend for years and maybe it's a bit more than that for him but not for Castiel, right? Right. And really, he'd feel so much better if Castiel would just get a companion already. Because it's not like Castiel actually wants him, right? Right.
Damn, that was fucking hot.  
Cas, You Had A Baby? by allthebeautifulthings9828 M | 132k | Fluff,  Alt!Canon, Kid Fic, Slow Build
At some point in every angel's life, raising a fledgling is required. Castiel's turn comes rather unexpectedly when his superiors hand off a newly created infant angel to him and leave him to raise it with all of Heaven's principles of blind obedience. He's not sure what to do, so he tucks the fledgling in his coat and goes straight to Dean and Sam Winchester. Together, Dean and Castiel hatch a plan to raise the fledgling away from Heaven's control. And soon, the angel Hael arrives with news that, after Castiel disappeared, she and four other angels ran from Heaven's oppression with their fledglings. Castiel finds himself the unwitting ringleader of angels choosing to raise their fledglings with the principles of free will. Is angelic parenthood too much for his deepening relationship with Dean? Who can they really trust? (Disclaimer: This story depicts fledglings consuming honey for the nourishment of their undeveloped graces. Human babies cannot consume honey, so please do not feed it to your infants. This is fiction.)
Oh. My. God. I admit that I was skeptical at the beginning about this story, but let me tell you, it sucked me in. Sometimes, you run across a story that has wonderful OCs that you get attached to. This is one of those. And of course, the baby is adorable.    
Healing by Jacqueline Albright-Beckett M | 2k | Fluff,  Canon!verse, PWP
Castiel can heal more than just physical wounds.
Sensual and romantic.    
Better Late Than Never by whelvenwings G | 23k | Fluff,  Alt!canon, friends to lovers,
When Dean first sees Castiel, he's clinging on for dear life - and things never really get any easier. In fact, they get a lot harder; Dean's worst enemy isn't always the monkey bars. Bound together year on year by the ritual pact of being a Guardian Angel, Dean and Cas grow close, showing loyalty and bravery in the face of danger. But will they ever find the courage to admit their true feelings for each other - and will it be too late by the time they do?
i LOVE best friends to lovers fics! and this delivers on that perfectly.    
Like A Candle In The Window On A Cold Dark Winter's Night by TardisIsTheOnlyWayToTravel T | 6k | Fluff,  Canon!verse, asexual Cas
In which Castiel saves Dean, Dean saves Castiel, there is beer and TV watching, and if it weren't for the monsters and assassination attempts, life would be almost perfect.
A cute little fic I've read multiple times :)    
How many slams in an old screen door? by dandelioness T | 15k | Fluff,  Theatre AU, Asexual Cas
In which Castiel is a theatre major terrible at first impressions; Dean is a set designer who likes Cas anyway; and the most chaotic production of Les Miserables in history somehow manages to go off without a hitch. Or, just as you should never give a moose a muffin (because he'll want some jam to go with it), you should never give a blank check to a university theatre department.
This is perfect. I can't speak for the accuracy of the information and feelings given about asexuals/asexuality, but I enjoyed this fic nonetheless.    
Breath of Heaven by solacesnake18 E | 9k
When Dean is wounded and dying in Purgatory, Castiel returns from his self-imposed exile to help him.
Wow. True!form cas and metaphysical sex that somehow manages to be poetic, emotional, and erotic all at once. I approve.    
The Mirror by CloudyJenn M | 24k | Canon!Verse,
When Dean touches a strange mirror, he's whisked away to one alternate reality after another and it doesn't take him long to realize the universe is trying to tell him something.
One of my favorite fics, and a fandom classic. So beautiful. It's a trip, but you'll love it. The ending makes me really emotional.    
Rock 'n' Roll Queer Bar by chasingrabbits E | 121k | Fluff,  Human AU
Ellen and Jo Harvelle run Harvelle's Roadhouse, a bar that unintentionally becomes a beacon for wayward queer souls. Her employees: Dean, the smartass runaway with a big heart and bigger mouth; Castiel, the college drop-out turned hippie; his (surprisingly heterosexual) trouble-making brother Gabriel; and Charlie, who has been told several times that the back room is not to be used for after-hours Dungeons & Dragons games. But there's a lot of love in this place, and a new family for anyone who may otherwise be without.
Sweet little (well, not so little really) universe. Link is to the series.    
A Million Ways to Go by chasingrabbits E | 91k | High School AU,
Castiel Novak is a preacher's son living in a world of black and white. Pragmatic and dutiful, he doesn't understand why anybody would want to make waves. Then the Winchesters move in down the street. Soon many of the skeletons in the Novak family's closet are exposed, and as the family faces them, Castiel begins to understand that there are many ways to see the world and so many more ways to live than what he's been told.
Wow, this was a ride. Set in an alternate!canon where Cas is a repressed preacher's kid and dean still grows up a hunter. Also, lots of Sam and Gabriel brother!feels. Not sabriel.
Like That Foreigner Song... by DevilMadeMeDoIt E | 5k | Hot,  Alt!Canon, Deancest, Time trave
Dean and Cas have been together for a while now, but Dean always regrets that he has been with so many people in the past. He wishes he could go back in time and tell his 15 year old self that there is someone worth waiting for. Cas gives him the chance and the outcome is one that neither of them expected.
Oh god, this was a perfect little story. So much love.    
TutorMate by faeryn M | 21k | College AU
Sam leaves Dean's laptop logged in to some app called "TutorMate" and Dean meets his brother's tutor. Cas helps him with his own work and they strike up a friendship. Before long Dean finds himself growing attached to the cute, clever Cas and flirtatiously suggests they go on a date if he applies himself to his college work. Cas agrees, but Dean discovers his online friend is not quite what he expected. (Or, in which Dean thinks he's met a cute girl and finds out he's actually met a cute boy.)
Wowowwowowow adorable. Perfect little college AU.    
More recs coming soon.
9 notes · View notes
lcnguor · 4 years
10 Underused Character Questions
Name: Leonora Clemm - Jereau Age: 25+ Your favorite picture of your muse’s fc:
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What would be their twitter name? What sorts of tweets would they tweet?
something random like @deadtired for her personal , she has one for her penname but that’s another story . she will most likely tweet like... every 3 weeks or straight up 5 times a day for an entire week --- there is no between . and it will be mostly about stuff she did or pictures of things she likes , like her pet rabbit .
What’s their favorite genre of movies? Of music?
not much of a movie watcher , nora is more into series --- but really like horror movies or disaster / end of the world ones . she often forgets the titles at the end of the day . as for music , she is quite into alternative rock , but enjoys classic rock and funk . and flamenco --- as much stereotypical for someone that grew in barcelona that sounds .
What’s on their top queue on Netflix?
a bunch of unfinished series , including the Robinsons futuristic remake and if it’s medieval , she surely has seen it . although , she checks another streamer since netflix doesn’t have Britannia . one of the only series she did finish was You and Merli .
What’s their favorite scent? Do they smell like that?
coffee and chocolate , city wise . more natural would be the scent of jasmine . however , she does not smell like any of those , as her hair often has a lemon scent on . nora smells more like citrics in general , especially after a shower . 
Apple or Android?
android , she really can’t get used to apple --- finds it too complicated in terms of connecting one thing to the other and the cloud and whatnot . android is easier and she mostly uses her phone to watch videos , google stuff and play games . she is a candycrush loser .
Favorite Season? Least favorite season?
fall is her favorite season , not too cold , not too hot --- no fucking allergies to deal with . although she does like the rainy part of spring . as for least , she doesn’t have any in particular , perhaps summer mostly because she can’t wear her hoodie and holes up in her apartment with the aircon more often than being out under the sun .
Are they a bottom or top or versatile?
absolute bottom , tho --- she can be versatile depending on the partner , but nora definitely has a thing for being dominated . take note , kids ...
Describe their morning routine. Do they wake up early or sleep in? Do they press the snooze button a bunch of times or do they immediately get up?
it’s not even a morning routine , honestly --- more like dragging herself out if she has to OBLIGATORY wake up early , if not , she just sleeps past midday ... she wakes up , brush her hair , wash her face , brush her teeth , get some shit to eat and then improvise how to continue . she completely gave up on alarms when there is no obligatory dead or alive situation kind of need . 
she is a very simple person ...
If they were to be compared to a canon character, who would that be?
OOF --- that’s pretty easy . Boogiepop from Boogiepop Wa Warawanai in the way she acts and deals with situations but a lot like Rock from Black Lagoon in general aspects , like personality or his empathy and way to adapt to crazy shit .
Finish this sentence, muse : “What would ____ do ____ ”
“What would you do if I decided to stop having such good morals?”
tagged by: @maljefe ♥ tagging: @waveringiridescence , @clawins , @saevus , @ethaeria , @swungbat , @ofsights , @batoushoujo , @clawins , @hesinged , @hitsujie , @fcarher​ 
5 notes · View notes
Hi! Can I please have a Haikyuu matchup? It is absolutely fine if you cant!
Hogwarts house: Hufflepuff
Random fact: I’m associated with the color pink a lot and I’m bi 🏳️‍🌈 she/her prounouns
Looks: 4’11 female, pear body type, brown skin, dark brown eyes, dark brown short hair, long lashes, eye bags, thunder thighs, Big pouty lips (the one thing I actually like about my face) and a few freckles. I also have reading glasses
Personality: I’m very shy and reserved at first, you will definitely have to make the first move cause I refuse. But once you get to know me it’s a 180, I go on long rants about literally anything and everything, (if I have a shit day I recommend ear plugs) Im dramatic, loud, energetic, super Sarcastic, Honest, funny, childish, forgetful, and pretty go with the flow! I’m a pretty rational And logical person I think about pros and cons and probability and am usually aware of what is going on around me. I will try to break down what the problem is and find a way to solve it. I can adapt pretty well in social situations I know what to put out for certain groups and can just adapt to situations generally. Then there is the other part of me that is completely impulse and emotional even tho rational wins most times if I’m stressed good luck with getting me to make good decisions. I like playing around but have hard lines with boundaries when it comes to physical touch at first. I have anxiety real bad and I’m worried that my friends actually hate me and have a hard time being myself. I love making people laugh I think I’m pretty smart but I have no common sense. I’ll tell you random facts I just learned for the hell of it. If I was to describe myself in another way I’d say burnt out gifted kid who just said F it. I’m sneaky. I thrive off praise and people cheering me on especially at sports events and will work harder for criticism. Im a “I’ll do anything for 5 dollars” kinda person. Im low key kinda a know it all and a smart ass I always have something to say and I am not one to sugar coat. I’m a huge foodie! My love language is physical touch and giving gifts, especially food! I’m pretty caring if your sad I’ll bake for you and try to emotionally comfort you as much as possible and friends have told me I give good advice, I’m very protective of all my friends and family, Im pretty creative I laugh at pretty much anything.
Cons: i accidentally overshare, I get frustrated really easy.I am prone to procrastinating and giving up sometimes even if Ik the deadline is tomorrow, its hard to get motivated to do anything without someone being on my ass about it but once I start I can continue without much pushing as long as I don’t have too many distractions. I’m emotional I’ll cry without realizing it, I’m very stubborn. Behind closed doors I’m very clingy.
Likes: working out, reading, sleeping, going out to party’s with friends ( yea ik a girl with social anxiety loves partying and people I’m just as confused), milkshakes, fashion, world building, drawing, animated movies, STUFFED ANIMALS!!! I love cuddles, sports (cross country, volleyball, and wrestling) writing story’s, blankets, cheesy romance novels, I love cooking and eating new food from new places! Shopping, fantasy stuff.
Dislikes: being dirty. I can get sweaty, muddy, messy but if I don’t have a shower there will be hell to pay, I don’t like eating or drinking after people, felt fabric, dolls, The cold in general, sad movies, coffee, being sick, being picked at for my height.
Random fact: I’m the shortest girl on all my sports teams, I played all around for my volleyball team and then got moved to right back and server.
Hi Darling. I hope you're doing good and I have to say, I wish you would love more than just your lips because you sound like a beautiful girl and I'm sure anyone would find you gorgeous and if they don't, then they must be blind.
Your Haikyuu Match Up is...
Sugawara Koshi
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Y'all are the type of couple that people thought you were going out before you actually started going out.
You two simply compliment each other so well that it's hard not to think so. Honestly, there was no drastic change when you two started dating.
In the words of Grey's Anatomy, he is your person. You person that you can tell anything to and the person you go to when you have trouble. He is the person that you trust with your life.
Koshi is always the one who will be at your side in times of happiness and sorrow. He will wake up in the morning and his first words will be telling you how beautiful you are.
He knows the feeling of self-doubt and he understands it well which is why he constantly will be there to help you.
However, he will need the help as well. He may try to hide it, but he isn't the best liar in the world.
For those times when you are dared to do something dangerous, he will pull you away before you attempt to make a fool of yourself because let's be honest, we all make fools of ourselves.
Koshi will always be there to lend an ear when you feel the need to rant. He loves to listen to you talk and if you want his advice he is more than willing to give it to you.
Koshi's love language is words of affirmation so it feels nice to him whenever you talk to him about your troubles. It makes him feel more validated in a way.
Don't fret though because he will always be there to tell you how much you mean to him and how much you help him even if you don't think you do.
He also loves to get you small memorabilia for every date. Anything from a quick photo to some jewelry, he likes to know that you have something to look at and remember these moments buy.
However, Koshi isn't perfect and does have his flaws. He tends to push you away when he has his rougher days. He says it's because he doesn't want to burden you when in reality he is too scared to show you that he is afraid of a lot of things.
It definitely takes time, but he has gotten better at opening up to you and realizing that he isn't a second choice to you.
Altogether, he is someone who will be your person as you will be to him.
Alternate Choices
Osamu Miya
Keiji Akaashi
Daichi Sawamura
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serenagaywaterford · 5 years
random thoughts:
jsyk, Serena swam in the place my dog poops. I hope Fred stepped in it. Die Fred.
(spoilers obvs)
NOT. ENOUGH. JANINE. the only time i cheered out the entire 3 episodes was that one glimpse of janine.
I got to see my girl Alma though which was lovely.
OMG. Can... I just... that scene with Emily walking through the hospital was the dumbest fucking, most American stupid scene ever on this show. It was so fucking cheesy and absolutely 10000% unrealistic. Who actually thought it was a good idea? They should be fired. Or sent to go work on Grey’s Anatomy or something. Not even that shitshow aka SVU would do something as painfully cliched and cheesy as that. Firstly, this show is fucking stupid. Okay. If all this shit was happening, Canada would have got like MILLIONS of refugees. Seeing the cops escort some raggedy refugee would be common af. Maybe it’s the baby thing? Still, Canadians aren’t gawkers like that. We also don’t like embarrassing displays like that. It’s so American it hurts.  NOBODY CLAPS LIKE THAT IN A FUCKING HOSPITAL. It’s a quiet place, okay. Also, why don’t any of these doctors have anything better to do? Anyway. I hated that scene so much.
Nick is so boring. So boring. He’s just a wet doughnut. I sorta liked him getting angry at June but also I wish I cared about anything he has to say. Bye Nick Bland. Good riddance.
Lawrence’s one liners? Funny. Lawrence? Disgusting awful psycho. I hate him sfm. 
Fred? Also disgusting. I hate him 10000x more. Everything about him is repulsive. He’s so much worse this season. I hate everything about his entitled, poor me, manpain. I hate hearing about any of his feelings. Fucking die already. I found him interesting enough as an antagonist in the show before but no longer. Redundant.
Beth. Too good for Nick. Too good for this world.
Too much staring. I AM SO SICK OF IT. It wastes time. Is redundant af at this point. I’m bored. Stop it.
Moss... um. Honey. I love you but... what the fuck was up with all the over-acting? 302 seemed particularly bad. Like I just can’t take it anymore. Who directed 302? They should be fired too for making her do that. Also, lady from Transparent, what the fuck was up with her acting?
Luke is useless. Like, I get it. I get why he’s a huge damp sulkbaby but I mean. I don’t want to see it? I’d rather just not see him at all cos literally I can’t recall a scene of him not being fucking useless or ignorant. Or half-assing it. I want to like Luke, honestly. But I just... don’t. I love the shit outta Moira and Erin, and I adored Moira/Emily interactions. But Luke? Miss me with his manpain.
Once again, I hate Lawrence. He is no good. He’s so fucking creepy and gross. I do not understand why people like him? And I don’t mean, “I don’t know why people like this character.” I mean, “I don’t understand why people like this person.” As a character, sure, he’s interesting and revolting and does his role well. He’s even got some funny lines and Whitford has great delivery. I mean these people who LIKE HIM. As a person. They think he’s great and a good guy. I don’t get it. Are we watching the same show? He’s a great character and a terrible person. That said, he’s still a dude and I’m not about to say he’s such a great character that I want to know all about him. Nah, bros. I wanna know all about Emily, Moira, Serena, Janine, Alma... and June I suppose but we already have quite enough of her. I don’t care about Lawrence’s backstory or emotional turmoil. I don’t need his perspective cos I’ve seen it before, I know it already. It’s in so many movies, books, and TV. So, he may be a well-written character but he’s not a fascinating one. If we wanna dig around in the psyches of bad people, Serena and Lydia are far more fascinating cos bad women’s stories are so much rarer to explore in any depth.
So, June got her feet lashed to shit again. And then she’s just walking around like no biggie next scene? Did the writers forget the first season when June couldn’t walk at all? All I’m asking is a bit of a limp?
June going straight to the house that just housed the handmaid that ran away with June’s baby seems... well, like complete bullshit. Never.
SERENA ISN’T WEARING HER WEDDING BAND. She’s done. She hates that man and I hate the fact everyone is pushing her to just get over it. Fred... is horrible in literally every single way. Every. Single. Way. (And sure Serena is horrible in some ways, but not nearly the same ways as Fred.) I just want Serena to be free of him. I want her and June to murder his ass. Graphically. That is the only violence I want to see on this show in the future. OMG, I can’t actually explain how much I hate him and I vomit in my mouth thinking about Serena having to get back with him. Even if I know she has to in order to survive. Ugh. 
UM. Okay, the “blood against the snow” bit was really interesting. I don’t recall Offred saying that in the book but Atwood brings it up often when talking about red. It was clever to include her own words, just like last season with the “men are afraid women will laugh at them...” bit.
But speaking of weird inclusions: Lawrence reciting book!Offred’s line about how easy is it to invent a humanity for anyone. It was curious they had Lawrence saying that to June, whereas it’s Offred in the book thinking that about the Commander.  “He was not a monster, to her. Probably he had some endearing trait: he whistled, offkey, in the shower, he had a yen for truffles, he called his dog Liebchen and made it sit up for little pieces of raw steak. How easy it is to invent a humanity, for anyone at all. What an available temptation.”
My wife, when Nick showed up in 303: “Oh, this prick again!” Just out of nowhere cos we don’t talk about fandom shit. She has no idea the extent of my sick obsession with this show. She doesn’t know how much I loathe Nick lol. She’s completely casual and even she can’t stand Nick. Which is so lovely. And then when he was yapping about going to the front, she just muttered, “Hopefully he’ll die there.”
OH MY GOD. I HATE MEN. That whole Commanders meeting scene made me want to throw up multiple times. It started with the words “shipment of females” and just got progressively worse with every passing second.
Except... LMAO. June: *sees Fred at a meeting* Fred: Hello. June: Hey you see Serena? How’s Serena? Is Serena okay? Serena’s tough. She’s great. She’ll be okay. I love her. *proceeds to do the world’s worst cringe-inducing seduction* I think on some level even Fred knows it’s bullshit.
I love comparing June’s seduction of Fred to her seduction of Serena. They’re very interesting contrasts. She’s so painfully fake with Fred. And only sort of insincere at times with Serena. 
Man, Sylvia is a dick lol. LOOK RICHMOND IS HARD ENOUGH TO GET ACROSS WITHOUT YOUR LIME GREEN CAR BLOCKING THE ONE MOVING LANE OF TRAFFIC!!!!!! Jokes aside... I actually really liked that scene of Emily finally calling her. That was touching and the closest I came to actually getting sniffly.  Actually no. Traffic on Richmond is no joke. I’m not kidding. That was a dick move, Sylvia. LOL.
June saying Nichole gets her politicianess thing from Serena absolutely fucking slayed me. I don’t even care if she was emotionally manipulating her af, it seemed genuine in parts of that convo. TWO MOMMIES. June used her flashback!June voice at one point. Honestly, these two actresses run this town.  You can tell how broken Serena is tho cos she’s oblivious to how manipulative June is being. She’s been aware in the past as soon as June does her whole “Say nice thing, bond over babies, ask for something” method and called her on it. It’s June’s only trick. It’s transparent af. And Serena knows it. Yet, she seems completely wooed now and not at all suspicious. So, when she gets her wits together again, I suspect Serena won’t be so malleable.
I’ve said a bunch of stuff about June/Serena stuff in my tag rants so I won’t repeat it. I just fell in love with it all.
PRAISE BE!!! We didn’t actually have to see a Nick/June sex scene. Behold His miracle! I was so relieved. And then... curiously they continued that love-theme-y music all the way over into Serena’s scene with June and that was not a coincidence.
I know people really like that Boomtown Rats song being the music to the fire... And it’s a jam. But... it’s about a real school shooting and I feel like that’s just a little... off? (Not to mention Tori Amos’ version is better, imo.) I mean, okay, I did some drama courses in university and I did a thing about that song so I researched it all and it just to me doesn’t fit at all. A 16-year-old girl shot up an elementary school. And somehow, call me crazy, but that’s completely inappropriate to use in this scene. I get female rage, etc etc. I get they didn’t want to go super obvious and use a song about burning houses. But considering how EXCELLENT a song they chose for 3x03 with that Roy Harper track you’d think they’d find something better for the bed/house burning. Not only that but the motive for Spencer was ... literally nothing. She didn’t like Mondays and thought it would be fun to kill a bunch of kids--which is the complete opposite of Serena’s motivations. It just devalues it.
I want more of Emily’s journey. This is the first time I’ve actually been interested in Emily tbh. And Clea Duvall is a treasure.
I want a Moira/Emily BROTP. Honestly Moira just seems like the best friend anybody could have?
WHY IS NICK A COMMANDER?! WTF????? Was I just not listening carefully enough? Is he? Cos I don’t really pay attention when he’s onscreen tbh and the wifey was like “Why’s this guy a commander now?” And I was like, “What do you mean he’s a commander?” Honestly, Nick is just like a piece of furniture. I barely notice him onscreen lol. Okay, this has nothing to do with my dislike of him. It honestly does not make any sense. We saw that other Commander only got promoted because his wife got pregnant. WHY THE FUCK WOULD THEY PROMOTE NICK? What on god’s green earth has he EVER fucking done well? Why the shitting hell would they promote a Guardian who, under his watch, has had one handmaid kill herself, another one escape/”get kidnapped”, wife cheat on him then get executed, allow a BABY to get kidnapped, the house get burned down????? All those things seem like Very Bad things and put all together seem like something that would put him on the Wall for being such a shitty employee rather than someone who deserves MORE responsibility. There’s literally no reason to make him a Commander. Just conscript him to the Chicago front. You don’t need a reason. He’s a grunt. Eye or not. I DO NOT GET IT. Fred gets demoted and Nick gets promoted? Nahhhhh mans. Not buying it.
So little Nick. I love it. I want zero Nick, but this’ll do. I’ll even put up with him being a Commander (LMAO) if it means he goes away for a while.
Lawrence calling out June’s terrible seduction technique (it is really bad), and calling Fred stupid = :} 
OK BACK TO THE BURNING WATERFORD HOUSE... i cannot abide how SLOW June is ALL. THE. FUCKING. TIME. Like, she shows up in Serena’s little pyromaniacal bedroom inferno and is like “COME ON!” and pulls her out of the room in what appears to be a hurry. Then as Serena and Rita are rushing out June just fucking stops and starts staring at all the smoke as if she’s on fucking shrooms. Then there she goes on her bullshit... Hey, bish, the house is literally burning down cos your crazy ass soulmate set fire to her own life and maybe you should leave. No? Not interested? Sure, stand there. Feel up the walls like I did once on MDMA. Makes total fucking sense. TAKE YOUR TIME WHY DON’T YOU? Why not? It just reminded me of 2x13 when Rita was saying “You gotta leave NOW!” and June just took it upon herself to carve a bunch of shit onto the wall for no goddamn reason.
OKAY. I WAS RIGHT. The other night when I was like, “I think I know that beach.” I do know that beach!!! My dog likes to take dumps right where Serena was. (I clean up after him, don’t worry.) I can point out that beach on a map if you want. There are also heroin needles and ticks in the bushes. There is literally a water treatment plant 200m away. I go swimming exactly where Serena was and once a dead fish floated by and I had to wrestle my dog away from it. I have been swimming there a lot. It’s nice in the summer. HOWEVER, poor Yvonne in her drysuit doing that in fucking November or whatever. This lake is fucking cold even in summer sometimes lmao. Like, I’ve spent so many hours right in that spot... cos well, I used to live right up the road so duh. Of course now that I don’t live there now and it was winter so why would I take my dog swimming, that they decide to film there. OF COURSE.
Speaking of filming, not that anyone cares, they were at the St Lawrence Market at one point. It was so obvious. Wasn’t really paying attention to any of the other locales tbh. If I watch again and pay attention I prolly could pick out a few more but honestly the only person that entertains is myself.
I still can’t believe Serena was being reborn on dogshit/dead fish beach. 
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sae-bae-ran · 6 years
-Hello i want to request! RFA+Sae+V -Can you write about MC who has trust issues and haven't told them any kind of secret or family problem even tho they had been dating for a year.She just can't trust anyone and they realised they don't know anything other then ordinary things. *sorry for grammar mistakes >.
Hi! ^^ Thanks for the request! I hope you like what I wrote! You have a good day too, nonny!
Masterlist || Ko-fi
RFA + Saeran reacting to an MC who has trust issues
Hyun Ryu // Zen
It wouldn’t be a lie if he said this whole year you’ve been dating has been the happiest of his life. Not only did he find the perfect girl but it also seems like you are his lucky charm, judging by all the awesome roles he’s been getting ever since he met you.
Everything seems to be perfect…
Except one thing.
He barely knows anything about your family and past other than the most ordinary things, like your mom’s name for example.
It’s perfectly okay if you don’t want to get into too many details and he’d completely understand if you’re not on good terms with your family, but deep down he fears you don’t trust him enough to talk to him about it.
One evening right after dinner, you lie on the couch, legs tangled as he peppers your face with kisses, the TV long forgotten.
“Babe,” he’s hesitant at first but your curious eyes and the small smile on your lips give him enough courage to continue. “I understand if something happened and it made you lose your trust in people. It makes me angry, it really does, but I can’t fix that.”
Brows furrowed, you lower your head, unsure what to say. His fingers are gentle as he hooks them under your chin, lifting it up so you can look him in the eyes. “What I can do is show you that I’m different. You can trust me, princess, and I’m gonna prove it to you even if it’s the last thing I do.”
His curious nature made him ask all the question he could think of about you once he felt comfortable enough in your company. Which, in all honestly, wasn’t too long after you two started dating.
It didn’t bug him at first when you politely refused to answer his questions about your past. He figured you hadn’t opened up to him yet, so he gave you more time to do so.
Yet, after a year of dating nothing has changed. As much as he tries not to let it get the better of him, he can’t help but feel a bit hurt.
Lying awake in bed one night, he comes to the conclusion that keeping quiet about the problem would only mean he’s the same as the people who betrayed your trust in the past.
Gently tugging at your shirt, he wakes you up, eager to talk to you. Your slight annoyance doesn’t dissuade him and he makes you turn around to face him, your hands in his as he sits propped on one elbow.
“MC, have you watched Cinderella?” You look at him, eyes wide in surprise at his absolutely random question.
He sees this even in the dimly lit room, so he wastes no time in giving you an explanation. “One of the characters there said ‘Even miracles take a little time’ or something along those lines…”
Bright red creeps up his cheeks and he’s grateful you don’t seem to have noticed it. “What I’m trying to say is that I’ve been patient with you and I will keep that up. Trust is not something you gain overnight and I get that it’s even harder for you.”
You pull him towards you in a tight embrace, making his breath hitch in his throat. “Thanks, Yoosung. Let’s take it slow.”
When it comes to your relationship, Jaehee and you have always taken your time with getting to know each other, your quirks, and your habits.
That’s why it takes her quite a while to notice taking your time with opening up runs deep.
She doesn’t hesitate to raise the question once she realizes there’s a problem, but she’s very careful to approach the subject since she doesn’t want to hurt you or bring back bad memories.
“MC, I realize this might be a sensitive topic, but I’d like you to know I will always be here for you.” Her hand slowly glides on the leather couch until it reaches yours. Once it does, she lets the tips of her fingers intertwine with yours, a gesture so endearing it brings a small smile to your face.
“I can’t fix you and I can’t change the past, although I wish I could. We can seek professional help if you’re willing to commit to it. Whatever your choice is, I will stay by your side and support you.”
Tears gather in your eyes at her words. “No one has ever treated me so kindly, Jaehee.” You pull her into a gentle embrace that she returns immediately. “Let’s work on this together.”
Falling for you was easy for Jumin. You made it easy, with your bright smile, kind heart, warmth, and your accepting and understanding nature.
So even though he’s head over heels for you even a year later, he can’t help but feel a bit confused, hurt, and even helpless.
It’s not hard for him to figure out someone hurt you deeply in the past, so much so that the consequences have taken roots in your heart, leaving you unable to fully trust your partner again.
The thought of you being hurt makes him angry, but even more so baffles him. Who would be so cruel to prey on an angel like you?
He watches you from his comfortable position on the couch, his head in your lap, your fingers running through his hair. Your eyes are as bright as ever, but there’s an underlying sadness in them that he wants to snatch away and throw it in a dungeon it won’t ever be able to escape.
Slowly, he reaches his hand towards your face, his fingers gentle as they caress your soft skin. You close your eyes, letting your body and mind get completely absorbed in his touch.
“I love you, MC. I can tell you have gone through some hardships in the past.“ You open your eyes, but refuse to meet his gaze. Memories of past abuse flood your mind and threaten to trap you in their darkness, but there’s persistent light, albeit faint, that stops them from doing so.
“I know you have been mistreated in the past and I understand why you find it hard to move on. I want to help you, my love. I will shower you with endless love and affection in the hopes that one day you will find it in your heart to truly trust me. Even if it takes years, I will not leave your side.”
707 // Luciel // Saeyoung
He knows. Oh, he knows.
The pain you went through. The mental abuse. The way you were treated like an object rather than a person. He knows. And he hates that this happened to you.
Your ex promised you the world, then went ahead and lied to you, cheated on you, and then came back to you with a fake smile and another series of promises that they never intended to fulfill.
It wouldn’t be a lie if Saeyoung said he wants to make that person pay for what they did to you. He wants to drag them through hell and then back again, just so they could feel the same pain you did.
Yet, he knows he can’t do that. He has another top priority now and that is proving to you he’s not the same as that sorry excuse of a human being.
Saeyoung regrets pushing you away in the early stages of your relationship. He had pure, but badly executed intentions. So now, despite occasionally doubting that he’s good enough for you, he’s dead set on showing you his love is genuine.
Your hand in his, you sit on the hood of one of his cars, admiring the otherworldly beauty of the countless stars in the night sky. You feel his grip on your hand tightening, so you turn around to look at him, a trail of tears on his cheek faintly glowing in the dim light.
“I love you. I’ll keep on loving you forever if you let me, MC. Even long after I’m gone from this world, I’ll still love you. I hope one day you can believe that. I’ll wait patiently, so take your time, okay?”
Ray // Unknown // Saeran
He’s had his fair share of his trust getting trampled on, so he’s just as cautious towards other people as you are. Sometimes even more so.
Yet, he’s not like that when he’s with you.
You managed to gain his trust fairly quickly, showing him a part of life that he always craved for. Not only are you his first and only love, but you’re also his best friend.
Unfortunately, that doesn’t seem to be the case for you, too.
Even after a year of dating, he knows practically nothing about your past.
The bright man he is, he quickly comes to a realization that infuriates him as much as it scares him. Someone hurt you and the wound they left behind hasn’t healed yet, rendering you unable to fully trust anyone.
Saeran respects your choice to keep things to yourself, but he’d be damned if he let your wound unattended. Besides, even though he doesn’t want to admit it, deep inside he knows that not taking any action would cause you two to fall apart in the long term.
Making breakfast with you is one of his favorite things. Sleep still evident on both yours and his face, you two pace around the kitchen, trying not to break the eggs before they get to the pan.
“MC…” He’s hesitant, but he knows he has to say this and he has to say it before it’s too late.
“Sometimes I’m scared… Scared that this all might be a dream that will disappear when I least expect it. And I can tell you’re scared as well, perhaps for different reasons…”
He takes one egg from the pan and carefully places it in the middle of the vegetables in your plate. “But I know we can get through this.” Pausing for a second, he looks up to meet your eyes. “Together.”
Jihyun Kim // V
Having gone through an unhealthy relationship before, he knows it’s hard to let people in again after your trust has been betrayed in the past.
That’s why he’s patient with you.
He’s okay with you taking your time with opening up about your childhood, your family, and the issues you have with your parents and siblings, but he’s not okay with you keeping secrets that concern your relationship.
Of course, he wouldn’t make a problem of it, but rather tell you why it’s something that you two need to discuss.
“It’s okay to be scared, MC. I am, too.”
The smile on his face is comforting, soothing the pain your fresh wounds cause you. His words hit home, so you feel yourself willing to give this a try.
If he can confront his fears, so can you. If he’s able to find it in himself to trust you, then so can you. You’re not gonna let your fears control you and possibly ruin the most harmonious and healthy relationship you’ve ever had.
“I will not hurt you, MC. I’ve learned a lot and this time.. I want to do things right.“
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