#she was sad about it!! But she can't help it her alignment is evil
thunderstomm · 10 days
Hot Wheels: Let's Race - Season 2 Thoughts
Season 2 has been out for a few days now, and I've watched every episode at least once through, so I'm finally going through all of my thoughts on the show, what's going on, and what I think is going to happen next. The joy of serialized kids shows!
Everything will be under the cut, just in case. Spoiler alert for all of season two!
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First off- we're finally introduced formally to our "mystery racer"- Cruise! She's the daughter of the villain of the first season, Professor Rearview, and a racer in her own right. I have to say, I think her character design is very clever, having the shape of her pigtails match Professor Rearview's big hair! i know some people may not like that Cruise is his daughter, as opposed to a grandchild or niece, but I think that the fact of her being a direct descendant makes more sense for the story they're telling. That and there's fun to be had with Professor Rearview being an evil dad.
Cruise is undeniably the highlight of the season for me, and my new favorite. I enjoy the angle of the racers having a non-camper opponent, as the lack of constant close proximity, or down-time with one another means they don't have to be cordial or polite towards Cruise, and we see a lot of more intense emotions fester as a result- especially on Coop's end.
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I also think in general, Coop as a character works much better in this season. The pre-established motivation, plus his new outstanding title as the camp champ are threatened directly by Cruise, as he is her primary target to beat, and the determination and vigor it brings out in him is very entertaining to watch.
The rest of the racers sadly don't fare as well, as it feels like they take more of a backseat when compared to season 1, outside of a character focus episode. This feels especially apparent with Axle, who has gone from his role as the main rival, to being good-aligned all of the time. His personality is still intact, but It feels very odd to see him so reduced in role, as the show doesn't frame him as a threat to Cruise also- despite the fact he is probably the only racer outside of Coop who could pose such a threat. The rest of the cast seem much more competitive when Cruise is not in the picture, but once she is, the show relegates them back to supporting roles. Considering the show's age demographic and the story it wants to tell, this isn't a huge problem, but nonetheless a little sad to see.
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We also get a bit of backstory for Dash and Professor Rearview! I'm surprised to see they're the same age- either Dash has aged really well, or Professor Rearview has aged terribly. It's interesting to see they were campers at the same time. Were they friends? The amount of team-strengthening exercises that Dash has her own campers do is re-contextualized by this reveal- is she trying to prevent a repeat of what became of Rearview by making sure they do actually like eachother and get along, meaning the jealousy that comes with losing is minimal, or reduced because they can feel good for the person who does win because they are friends?
The environment that Dash and Rearview were in was clearly far more competitive and unforgiving. Of course, we can't pin it all on just that, as Professor Rearview's coping mechanism and overreaction to his loss is his own fault. Explanations, not excuses. And carrying this grudge for at least 30 years, it has long passed being something to be blamed on the conditions of the environment.
I'd love to see a flashback episode regarding their time at the Ultimate Garage honestly! Who were the other four campers who they trained alongside? I'd like to think maybe Axle's dad, Striker, was one of them. Seeing the exact conditions of the race would certainly help to clarify as much. Not to mention, they already have the 3D models for young Dash and Rearview...
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One thing that was made clear by the episode count, and the season ending about half-way through the level 2 arc is that season 2 has been split in half, and the season 3 we're to get is really the second half of season 2. Which means more time to dwell on what we've gotten, and who will be the winner of the Ultimate Garage. There's also the question of whether the show will redeem Cruise, and have her join the side of good. I personally am conflicted? It would be interesting, and makes sense, but we are also yet to see any desire to change- let alone Cruise's own motivation and feelings towards her father's plans.
One thing I wish we had seen was a slower moment between Cruise and someone else, particularly any of the racers! I think the show would have it be Coop, as he is our main character, and I don't really have an issue with such. Season 1 gave us a whole episode where he was made to work with Axle, and it gave us a better insight into his character, motivation, and storyline. I think an episode like this with Cruise, under a circumstance that suits their storyline and characters better, would work wonders. Cruise clearly LIKES to race, and yet she is willing to help her father win it in order to destroy it? There's the general question of why Professor Rearview would even allow his daughter to be a racer, but considering he was a former racer, I suppose it would be a waste to not pass on those skills. Is Cruise of the belief that her father will spare her car, and allow her to keep racing? I want to see Cruise forced to talk to someone so that we get these answers.
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As mentioned in a prior post, I have two theories regarding the next season's end, the winner of the Ultimate Garage, and the events that could follow. These are both hypotheticals in which Cruise does get a redemption arc, so both of these could very easily be wrong, and Cruise could remain evil, which still would be fun to see.
Option 1: Coop wins the Ultimate Garage. Coop manages to catch up in flame badges to Cruise, leaving the final race as to being between the both of them. Coop ends up winning the big race, much to the delight of the other camp racers, Dash, and his father. However, this victory does not stop Professor Rearview, and he puts his plan into motion to destroy the Ultimate Garage anyways. The campers and Dash all band together to stop him, but It's not enough. All hope seems lost, and there is a moment between Professor Rearview and Cruise where Cruise comes to the realization that their plan working means she will never race again, and lashing out in anger to get a victory that destroys the rich car culture of the city, and takes away something she loves, is just not worth it. She'd rather race again and get a chance to prove herself and improve, rather go down as a sore loser. Using her knowledge of her father, her car's unique abilities, and a little encouragement from Coop and the other campers, Cruise helps to stop his plan. After his defeat, Coop invites the other racers to continue staying with him at the Ultimate Garage, wanting them all to continue improving together. He also ends up extending the invite to Cruise, considering that now she has no place to go, as she's betrayed her father, and now that she's "good".
Option 2: Cruise wins the Ultimate Garage. Despite the campers' best efforts to beat her, Cruise still ends up winning out, and is rewarded with the ownership of the Ultimate Garage, much to the despair of everyone else. She excitedly shares the news with her Father, who is excited to begin the plans to destroy the whole thing. However, Cruise is starting to have doubts. She has all of these amazing cars and resources at her fingertips now, and she can use these to become an even better racer! She tries to convince her father that maybe they don't have to destroy everything, and can keep some of it intact, but he is not having any of that. He's looked forward to this for years! Realizing that he won't listen, Cruise instead asks for help from the campers, admitting that she was wrong, and needs their help now to stop Professor Rearview. Reluctantly, they choose to believe and trust her, and foil the plans with their racing skills. Once he is stopped, Cruise attempts to hand back over ownership of the garage, but the others insist she keep it. They come to a compromise- they'll share. After all, there's a lot they can all still learn from one another, as people and as racers.
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Thanks for reading all of the way through! What are your thoughts on the new season, and your theories, if you have any ! I'd love to hear what everyone has to say!
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kitkatopinions · 1 year
If neo gets a redemption arc it will be way worst than emeralds as there was practically no build up beforehand for it at least emerald had some hints she doesn't want to be evil
So to be honest, Neo was one of the characters I singled out in the first few seasons of rwby as the most likely to be able to be redeemed along with Torchwick, Emerald, and Mercury (and Adam, but I'm not touching that conversation atm.)
Because villain redemption arcs don't always look like "I no longer want to be evil anymore" to "I no longer am evil." They often look like "The thing I'm doing no longer benefits me" to "Now I have friends I want to look out for" to "Now I no longer want to be evil."
The "We're making a new world" people are Watts, Hazel, Cinder. The "We want to destroy the world" people are Salem and Tyrian. Meanwhile, Roman is a vicious thief, but one who is out to survive and has a 'if you can't beat 'em, join 'em' mentality. That's easily turned towards a 'the enemy of my enemy is my friend' thing where if he'd realized that Salem was the true threat to him and Neo, he could've aligned himself with the heroes for the sake of convenience, and then eventually developed relationships and eventually wound up starting to naturally change for the better (in my own fanfics, I add onto this possibility by giving him a tragic backstory that includes an ex-friendship with some of the adults and a passive semblance that fucked with his head.) Neo would go with Roman in a redemption arc, but prior to this 'gets possessed by the Cat' thing, post-Roman's-death, Neo has been entirely hellbent on revenge against the wrong person, meaning that if people had managed to talk sense into her (made more possible by Cinder's betrayal) she could've shifted into 'still bad but now a wildcard that the group might feel like they have to work together with,' and for my part with how Ruby sometimes seems a little Torchwick-ish, I always felt like Neo could develop a messed up devotion based on seeing Torchwick in her and therefore projecting Torchwick onto her, and then eventually that could lead to an actual slow burning redemption.
Meanwhile, Mercury is explicitly going wherever the wind takes him more or less and I also think that since he was raised to be an assassin by an abusive horrible father and then immediately got brought into Cinder's team and therefore Salem's (when we know both Cinder and Salem are abusive to their underlings) I always figured that Mercury didn't know much outside of violence, and if he was given a chance, he'd be able to slowly come around. And Emerald is obvious, she's the one who actually almost felt sad about Beacon and then doubted their actions later in Volume six. Her motivations were tied to Cinder, so imo the obstacle for her starting in on her redemption was just removing Cinder either by death or by having Emerald realize Cinder didn't care about her. This is actually one reason why I think her redemption was badly handled, Emerald's devotion to Cinder was really built up and even included in the very volume Em switched sides in, but didn't play any real part in her choice to leave and instead Emerald pretty much just left entirely out of self-preservation. But, her redemption was really likely from jump.
But yeah, I think that as far as redemption goes, I don't just look at 'who seems like they might not actually want to be evil,' I tend to look at things like 'who has a lot to lose,' 'who has motivations that might be easily swayed,' 'who seems like they might not be happy with their life as is,' 'is this person committed to a nefarious goal or is their involvement more by chance?' That kind of thing.
It's like, some redemptions are Zuko in ATLA, by the time he left his father for the last time to join the heroes group, he had completely seen the error of his ways and wanted nothing more than to help others and save the world. Then there are other redemptions that are like Michael in the Good Place, when he joined the group he was still a massive jerk doing bad things for fun, he just also wanted to fry a bigger fish and allied himself with the humans to do it, and it took time to get him from there to 'these guys are my friends and I want them to be safe' to him talking ethics and giving speeches about how humans can always get better while he tried to save the world.
In the longest running (non-published) AU rwby fic I have that my sis and I did after being disappointed in volume 6, Torchwick, Emerald, Mercury, and Neo all more or less got redeemed together - Roman survived the Beacon attack and was trying to seek out Cinder to find out what happened to Neo, who had been captured by Salem, and he ran into Mercury and Emerald who had just run away after the Haven attack (where Cinder actually did die and Emerald became the Fall Maiden) and they joined up with Roman in his quest to join up with Ruby's group because Emerald wanted revenge on Salem for Cinder's sake. And then while they had joined the good side, they consistently got into hateful arguments and Mercury kept talking about ditching, and eventually they managed to free Neo, who stayed 'on the good side' for Roman's sake while continuously trying to convince him to ditch but at this point the semblance I'd given Roman (which is survival) had made it so he felt like he had to stay with Ruby's group because it was the best way to survive. And only after a grueling year-long adventure filled with turmoil, trauma, spending tons of time with the good guys, some of them getting captured by Salem again, temporarily losing their semblances, encountering a Grimm similar to Apathy only it made everyone angry rather than apathetic so they all got into a huge fight where stuff got addressed... Only after all of that did they actually fully really change, and even then, Neo specifically took longer than the others to really change because she took awhile to stop being jealous that Torchwick cared about people other than her and was prioritizing saving the world over just taking care of her. It was a lot of fun! But yeah, I think this post was way way way too long just to say 'actually I think Neo could've been redeemed before getting possessed by the Cat.' XD
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ineed-to-sleep · 1 year
🌹 🎹 💢🧛‍♀️ for the Lore TM
🌹[answered here]
🎹 do they have any special talents or skills?
Pepper is particularly good in the physical skills department. She can be intimidating, but mostly it's when she uses raw physical strength to intimidate someone into doing or telling her what she wants. She's really talented with potence and celerity, a great climber, and also a pretty good dancer fjfjkgjggk she can also make really good cocktails, tho she's a little sad she can't drink them anymore :/
Vincent is very talented at brooding djffjjfj he's also very professional when he needs to be and really enjoys writing(he used to do a lot of articles and think pieces back in college, but nowadays he mostly writes movie critiques for Isaac and short stories for himself occasionally. Plus there's a diary he updates every once in a while). He'll usually rely on knowledge and information to get what he needs from people, but he can also use presence really well, though he rarely does so unless he's desperate.
💢 what is their moral alignment?
Going by rpg standards, if we don't consider the whole being a vampire makes you automatically evil and only think about how they tackle the world and make decisions, I think Vincent would be roughly on neutral good and Pepper on chaotic good/neutral. It's like, neither will go out of their way to necessarily help everyone(human or kindred), but they do still hold onto their principles and won't turn their backs on people either. The difference being if Vincent has decided to help someone, he'll do what is within his reach but won't cause more problems in order to do so, and if Pepper has decided to help someone, she'll do whatever it takes, even if that means she's gotta break some things along the way.
🧛‍♀️ do they have any preference regarding who they feed on/how they feed?
Vincent used to try feeding at clubs when he was younger, but the club environment isn't his favorite and he's not great at the whole social dance that surrounds it. Plus, he didn't feel great about having to mislead and lie in order to feed. He mostly either drinks out of bags(which aren't great but eh, he's used to them) or occasionally out of people he picks out for being particularly terrible and stalks into alleys. Very creepy, he'll admit, but also incredibly satisfying to leave some horrible dipshit anemic for a couple of weeks. He doesn't think it's gonna fix any problems, but if he really has to feed on someone, it's not that bad of an option.
Pepper likes to feed at clubs and ends up setting the Confession as her main feeding ground. Since she starts working with Venus and is there a lot, she gets to know the regulars and gets herself a little secret goth fanclub that is very much willing to be bitten by a charismatic, hot vampire lady. She doesn't particularly enjoy misleading others to feed either, and would much prefer it be done to a willing party or as some sort of punishment.
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ziracona · 4 years
There is nothing I don’t like about Maureen Robinson
#I THRIVE off of how evil she is!!! Like not that she's a bad person! But this woman's innate alignment is /so god damn CLEARLY/ on the evil#spectrum. But she just frkn chooses to ping pong between lawful and chaotic good instead bc she can#but it's 0%. Not even /1/% bc she /feels she should/. It's not a conscience emotional decision. Just a choice to respect being good and do#it. I see her consider being evil all the time and have to not#woman fkn launched herself into SPACE in a high altitude weather baloon without telling /anyone/ where she was and then told no one the#planet was burning to death I'm dyin the time she was like 'Let's go.' : ) and John was like 'no it's too dangerous' : (#and I /saw/ her think 'if I saw 'oh well the planet is going to flood and kill us all so we have to : ((' John will /absolutely/ believe me'#but then just didn't and was like *grits teeth and smiles* 'ok' just because she knew it was the good thing to do#Maureen 78 times already @ Dr. Smith:  Had it not been for the constant presence of my 12 year old son I would have slain you#Smith: I helped you once so you gotta like me now :))))#Maureen with a gun: Lol u wish bitch perish : )))))#When John was like 'u gotta live for the kids' and insted of being like 'NO! no never!' and having to be dragged off to not die with him#heroically??? Just went 'Okay you're right ToT' and did it??? She is so great#she was sad about it!! But she can't help it her alignment is evil#Dr. Smith: You only like John because he protects you >:-)#Maureen: BITCH /AND/??? Why tf you THINK I gonna like a man??? Rip you can't get 1 human being to love you but I'm different#lost in space#Maureen Robinson#if you're out there...
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maldito-arbol · 2 years
Heart's past is so painful and tragic that I can't believe you have put some hope at the end with Anne being their new guide on healthy relationships because they really need one. Like a lot.
I can't bear to imagine all the amount of cracks Andrias has inflicted on them and how Heart took that so willingly as if punishment and threats were demonstrations of tough love but everyone who has read the chapter knows better. Heart may be objectively smart but they aren't emotionally smart.
Wit and Strength's beginning of their relationship is so sweet and so sad when it went down into a disaster. Strength being so earnest in saying yes to the big question "do you love me?" without being aware that the answer has consequences and you need to be sure about your feelings or else the other party or parties will be hurt even when you don't mean to hurt them. And Wit, so carefree and trusting until her trust is broken and turned her jaded and bitter.
The ways Andrias, Barrel, and Froog interact with the gems are so unique like the Calamity Trio with them too. Andrias is disgustingly violent and manipulative with Heart, twisting their self-worth and self-image; Anne and Heart have a complicated relationship that is starting to take a turn for the better now that Heart has left Andrias. Barrel considers the gems as objects or beings who need to be watched with distrust and treats Wit as if she's brainless; Marcy and Wit had a rocky start because of the second one's lies and carelessness but they decided to improve their dynamic and understand each other better. Froog sees them as people and is kind and friendly with them; it is very similar to how Anne bonded with the Plantars and Wartwood and protected them from Sasha who said they didn't matter. Froog's relationship with Strength began with a nice chit-chat; while Sasha's did during a moment of self-doubt before a dream.
I like how you portray Froog in this chapter. The mysterious Plantar's ancestor is full of virtues and flaws too, you didn't make her a saint but she wasn't someone evil either. She got away from an abusive marriage by falling in love with Barrel who treated her better but she kept her baby and husband a secret. It seems that being secretive is part of the Plantar family.
“You said you were having trouble sleeping, so I made you something. Use it twice a day and don’t overwork yourself. It should help divert the power from your body, but your gem is still unstable. It’s not foolproof.”
Ah! So, that's why she has trouble sleeping because of Strength's power.
--And perhaps there is something to be said about the fact that neither of them have removed their engagement rings.
Love doesn’t come with conditions. You don’t withhold it from someone just because they did something wrong. Everyone makes selfish choices sometimes, but you just keep loving them.--
I love how those two fragments align so much because Froog had made a mistake by not being honest with Barrel about her marriage and the scar and the baby but deep down they still love each other, life just didn't give them a break to sort things out. I bet if Froog had told him the truth about the abusive marriage and the baby, he would've helped her and adopted the tadpole, and been a good father.
Andrias is so infuriating, disgusting, ruthless and so much negative stuff that I continued I would finish by next year. The way he treats Heart is the worst of it but invading his friends' privacy, recurring to the same tactic he used against Marcy in canon by dangling Froog's secret in front of her and Barrel, humiliating Froog with the Jester job, slaving Barrel to reach immortality. Even if secrets and miscommunication damage a relationship, that doesn't excuse or justify Andrias' actions at all.
Heart's jealousy of Wit and Strength's relationship that reflects Andrias' on Froog and Barrel's love reminds me of how jealous Sasha was that Anne and Marcy were working without her. And their confusion at how Andrias holds them compared to the touches of the others is so heartbreaking because they have been manipulated so much that they think being broken and abused is true love.
Last but not least, I'm very proud of Anne. Meeting the Plantars was a blessing for her as it taught her what it means to love and be loved, to have a healthy relationship and find true happiness, and now it's her turn to mentor Heart and help them to heal and fix things between them and Wit and Strength.
But if you’re really that worried about it, you…have your fellow gems, right? Wit decided to help us out, so that means she’s trying. Why don’t you try repairing your relationship with the two of them?
Just like how Anne, Sasha, and Marcy improved themselves and their relationship, Heart, Wit, and Strength can make that possible too.
YEAH I NEEDED TO HAVE SOME KIND OF RAINBOW AFTER THE STORM. Heart’s been through so much,,,, even despite what they’ve done they deserve a chance to become a better person and a second shot at a healthy relationship with their fellow gems.
You got it! Seriously, poor Heart. Getting abused is enough, but then when you understand so little about emotion that you grow to associate love with pain? It’s just. So sad.
The Wength relationship makes me so upset because it really could have been healthy if it hadn’t been for the circumstances of their getting together. Sure, there’s some problems between them, like I’m sure Strength’s energy gets a little too much to handle for Wit often, and I’m sure Wit can annoy Strength with her constant stream of questions, but that’s what working at your relationship is for! Instead they were ripped apart by Heart’s unfortunate misunderstanding of love and Froog’s conflict over her own relationships. And Strength and Froog are both right and wrong in regards to the answer to the Do You Love Me question. Strength does love them. And yet, it pulls back its own sincerity without a care because it doesn’t take the gravity of the question seriously enough. It’s just unfortunate, and man if only any of these ppl knew how to resolve conflict without emotionally destroying each other.
I absolutely ADORE exploring the dynamics between gems and vessels, so you can bet we’re gonna see a lot more of it later! It’s just such an interesting position to be put in on both sides—suddenly you’re sharing a body with a whole ass different person, and there’s Zero way to ensure your personalities and goals will even match up! So, naturally, the ancestor trio and the calamity trio are gonna interact with the gem trio in extremely different ways, especially considering that the way the ancestors treated them severely impacted the way they act now.
Froog is one of my absolute favorite characters to write!! Like I said in the server, her and I share a lot of similarities in both past trauma and secretive personalities, which makes her extremely personal. I also find characters who are exclusively Good to be boring, so I always want to give them flaws and morally gray moments to spice them up. Froog’s actions, while some may objectively look at them as wrong, are still extremely understandable given all the circumstances she’s been put through. She’s a very complicated person, and that’s why I love her. And haha I’ll bet that Secret Keeping Hopediah does is Froog’s blood showing through. Very Glad that the Abuse did Not make it down the bloodline however.
Yes! We’re gonna talk about the Warhammer more in Strength’s chapter and then in Witney’s too, bc Froog and Barrel both have a very personal connection with it—we’ll even get into what’s written on it then ;)
YUP!! God the OG sasharcy’s relationship messes me up so hard. They were really unhealthy, though it’s subtle in the Heart chapter, but there was still that sense that they were both trying so hard and they couldn’t bear to let go of each other even when Andrias tore them apart. I would love to live in a world where Froog had the courage to be honest with Barrel about her last marriage and where Barrel was understanding and willing to help. They both deeply wanted to, but they both chose not to.
Andrias is such an interesting character to me. He’s so horrible and disgusting, and yet he manages to insist every single time that his actions are justified in that they are being done FOR the people he loves. That whole idea that what He believes is best for his friends must objectively be correct, and he won’t take no for an answer. This was one of Sasha’s flaws, but Andrias took his flaw and became a cruel monster that deeply damaged everyone around him in so many ways meanwhile Sasha learned that her controlling nature was hurting the people she loved.
Heart’s jealousy hurts me so much….yeah. It does give me Sasha vibes, the way Sasha tried to steal Marcy away from Anne in PMIT because she worried she was being excluded from the group is very reminiscent of the way Heart tried to compete with Wit for Strength’s affections.
“Okay, so maybe you’re kinda right about me playing games here.” The admission was hard to release, but that hysteria was still climbing its way up Sasha’s throat, threatening to turn into full on madness. “I already knew Marcy liked you before I made a move on her. And I had a suspicion you liked her back, but I just…” her hands balled into fists. “I got her to like me , or tried to at least. Because I was terrified of losing both of you at the same time all over again. I was so sure you’d told her everything, that she hated me and I was gonna have to rebuild our whole relationship from scratch, but then it turned out you hadn’t, and somehow, instead of just rebuilding, I fell for her. Or maybe I already did love her, I don’t know . It’s complicated.”
Heart does lean even closer this time, so their eye is right at level with Strength’s ever changing expression. “You said you loved me first,” they remind it. “You can’t take that back.”
Heart shakes their head slowly. “You cannot love more than one person, Wit,” they tell her. “If Strength loves me, then it does not love you.”
And god I could talk FOREVER about how messed up it is that Heart processes Abuse as love now, but honestly the text speaks for itself, and it’s so heartbreaking…
I am also proud of Anne!! She’s so loving and caring of a person she even wants to help Heart, though she’s maintaining a healthy distance with them at the same time. A kind of “we’re not friends because you hurt me and the people I love, but I care about you still and I want to help you get better because I know you want to.”
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frumfrumfroo · 6 years
Can't the message of the sequels be that in the end nobody "has a place" and what defines people are their choices? And as such Kylo being miserable where he is and not getting rewarded for his evil deeds doesn't mean anything since he still chooses to stay there? Hux also gets tossed around by Snoke (and force choked by Kylo himself) but noone says he doesn't belong in FO. I hope that's not the message, but I can't agree that this reading doesn't hold.
What defines people is their choices, that is a fundamental part of how SW works. You’re taking a figure of speech incredibly literally here. I didn’t want to get deep into it, but by ‘out of place’ I was trying sum up that he fails to suppress his instinct to be compassionate, he fails to subsume his true identity and true name under the mask of Kylo Ren, he fails to sever his attachments and create safety for himself in darkness. He doesn’t belong there even though he thinks he must because of his ongoing and steadily increasing failure to make selfish choices.
If he were ‘becoming a proper villain’, he would need to progress in his ability to choose darkness and he doesn’t. His worst crime is in TFA and he gained nothing from it. It ruined him. He was so weakened by it that Chewie or Rey could have easily killed him when neither should have been a serious threat. Instead of gaining strength or conviction, he’s more impulsive and unbalanced than ever. He can’t escalate from there. He can’t fire on his mother, he can’t follow his own advice to let the past die, he can’t help wanting connection with Rey, sincerely trying to help her, feeling empathy for her. This mutually longed-for central relationship with the protagonist puts enormous emphasis on his status as a victim and as a lonely lost son who can and should be saved. That is extremely counterproductive to building him up as something evil she has to destroy.
Then he does the right thing, he betrays his master (to whom he has ‘given everything’, from whom came his only source of understanding) to save Rey. The only time he is powerful and effective in the whole of TLJ is when he chooses good. He cannot come into his own as a villain if he can’t do any effective villainy, do you see what I’m saying? The more he chooses wrong, the less of a threat he is because choosing wrong has only ever made him more conflicted. If this weren’t SW, again, that could just lead to a sad victory over him where he never heals or reconciles and a death from which Rey would almost certainly try to save him, but it cannot lead to him becoming a villain without conflict. The writing of the character does not allow that. Snoke reads his mind out loud for us to explicitly tell us in words that the only time he is without conflict is when he is being selfless.
Hux getting tossed around has absolutely nothing to do with any of this. Villains are not rewarded for being villains, period, it’s not about whether they get rewarded for evil deeds. Hux does not suffer internally for his choices or lose efficacy because of regretting them, he does not doubt his choices, he has total conviction and he always unquestioningly serves the symbolic representations of evil in the plot. Snoke beats the shit out of him and he remains completely obsequious because his interests align with Snoke’s leadership. He chafes against Ben’s leadership and Ben’s power over him because he knows Ben is motivated by personal vendetta and (rightly) suspects him of not being a true believer.
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we-with-ribbons · 5 years
Bond Levels
A strange and unusual summons eve possesses the body of olga to be a servant. In her battle mode, she can transform into her battle-dress from Magical Energy to enclose her. Under her gloves she has Command Spells engraved on her hand meant for olga for her servant self. 
The servants true name is Eve the first woman. 
Level 1
Height/Weight: ???  
Source: History / biblical text. 
Alignment: chaotic-evil 
Gender: Female
Eve requests to be called a different name due to personal dislike of her decisions. 
Level 2
Eve knows that she's not a proper servant due to the half formed merged between her and olga. Because of this eve tries her best to keep the body of the director away from unnecessary danger while coming up with a reasonable plan. 
Level 3
Eve can be a caster or ruler but it seems berserker fits due to the many tales that have been told about her. Maybe it was because she hasn't heard God's words words unlike her husband she wasn't as close to God as he was. While she can no longer go home to edon she did grow to care for her family. Once she heard Olga's plea to be loved and live, eve decided she would help. Because of this eve grew to learn about chaldea and wanted to protect it. 
Level 4
Eve starts considering being summoned as a proper after growing to love chaldea and the servants there. while she remembered her life and Olga's eve can't seem to hold a grudge. If asked why she'll often smile and walk away. 
" master what's the point of being angry if you have but one life to live?" 
While she does grow angry and go into a berserker like rage when people talk about certain aspects of her past eve doesn't really do anything unless pushed. 
Level 5
Forbidden fruit of knowledge.   
Rank: C - A
Type: Anit-Unti (Self)
This noble phantom allows Eve to tap into magic all around her witch helps strengthen her and push past her body's limitations as well as give her knowledge about her surrounding area and to an extent her opponent.  Her attacks are often stronger and her fighting style becomes more berserker like. 
This noble phantasm is hard to maintain, not because of its power (it’s not that strong compared to some others), but because of how eating the fruit can lead to consequences regarding Eve's and olga's mind. It is in a scenes a double edge sword. 
While eve shares her body with olga it's easy to tell which one is in control. Eve has light blue eyes and is often extremely friendly to whoever interacts with her. Olga has orange eyes and has a bit of a snarky attitude with most people. Over time it seems that eve is slowly starting to allow olga to open up with others. 
Upon Summoning: “servant berserker! I'm -.... Oh sorry…. Yes i do look like olga …. Feel free to call me whatever suits makes you feel better  master!" 
Level Up: “oh ...well thank you!”
1st Ascension: “mmm i don't like clothes mutch but my host likes them so ...why not ? ” 
2nd Ascension: “! Master...thank you for looking after us...”
3rd Ascension: “....please continue to look after her…." 
4th Ascension:  “ thank you master for caring enough to help me know who i am.. Mmm? Why am i crying? ”
Battle Start 1: “on it.” 
Battle Start 2: “I don't like violence , but…” 
Skill 1: “as you wish, Master.” 
Skill 2: “hm…”
Skill 3: “ forgive me.”
Command Card Selected 1: “ yes.”
Command Card Selected 2: “hmm”
Command Card Selected 3: “good bye…"
Extra Attack: “grrr ”
Noble Phantasm Selected: “it seems as if my sins come back to haunt me...”
Noble Phantasm Selected 2: “ as you wish!”   
Regular Damage 1: “Gh-!”
Regular Damage 2: “Ah-!”
Regular Damage 3: “Nh~!”
Damage from Noble Phantasm: “nghhh–!!?"
Defeated 1: “ it's ...cold..is this what it's like to die again ?”
Defeated 2: “…oh ...it hurts ” 
Battle Finish 1: “lets go home master… "  
Battle Finish 2: “we did it master !” 
Bond Lvl 1: “please don't call me eve…. Or olga…. I'm nether "
Bond Lvl 2: “Master, what do you think makes a place home?”
Bond Lvl 3: “ ah…. Master who… who do I look like in your eyes? Am i eve or...olga? I want to be me…. But i promise to help her "
Bond Lvl 4: “…Eh? Master please tell me if I disappear would anyone care? I'm a woman who caused a lot of trouble so ...never mind.  ” 
Bond Lvl 5:  “master….chaldea is so nice. It's… nothing like edon but i want to protect it with all my being. I can see why olga loves this place but….it makes me sad that I'll be leaving soon. I hope miss olga is happy here ”
Dialogue 1: “it's so big.. And seems familiar” 
Dialogue 2: " heh..thank you..to be considered anything other than a servant even if im temporary is nice ”
Dialogue 3: “... Thank you for protecting chaldea the way you have. I was too weak to do so .” 
Dialogue 4: “ah...my body feels different like i'm almost whole...maybe I should go to the doctors and ask what's wrong ?”
Something You Like: “My likes ? I….id don't know i like dried fruit and a nice book... ”  
Something You Hate: “…...i hate shoes....” 
About the Holy Grail: “ i…. It seems too good to be true master..please be careful ”
If Lucifer is summoned: “…forgive me master ill be in my room " 
If Lovecraft is summoned: “ ah ...he's a dear friend to me...i…. I hope he finds happiness...hm? What do you mean i'm blushing! 
Birthday: “Birthday? Ah...let's go make you a cake master!”
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