#she was so bossy and rude and liked picking on me
thestarmaker · 1 year
Sometimes I think about how my high school of ~100 kids per grade had such a different vibe than a lot of bigger ones. Yeah there was a lot of loyal "friend" groups and infighting and kicking people out drama, and don't get me started on the fighting-over-boys nastiness that I've witnessed, but people were generally pretty civil to each other otherwise. There wasn't that much bullying aside from a few cases of One Person Hates You because everyone's family knew each other on at least a surface level and we knew word would get around to Everyone. It was awfully funny tho, even me and the girl who Hated Me for like 3 years in middle school/early high school openly talked abt being civil just to not be miserable all the time at school
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luveline · 5 months
Hiii!! Could I request a bombshell reader x Spencer where someone (a local police maybe) says something rude to her about her appearance or something and normally it doesn’t really get to her, but something snaps and she kinda shuts down/is rude to Spencer until he coaxes it out of her? Sorry it’s long I had an idea and ran w it loollll
ty for requesting angel! confident fem!reader, 1k
Spencer shouldn’t expect his colleague to hold his hand, especially one so confident. What sense would that make, a woman as established as you are, who smiles without a lick of worry nor smugness, wanting to hold his hand? 
But you do it all the time, is the thing. In the car on the way to crime scenes, in the hallways of the office, under the round table. It started as a tethering for his distractedness, when one day he’d wanted to talk but hadn’t had the presence of mind to walk at the same time, so you’d taken his hand and led him to the office. You’ve been taking it at your discretion ever since.  
Spencer knows something is wrong —you haven’t tried to hold his hand all day. And even if you aren’t interested in him romantically, Spencer has come to crave the touch. He’ll accept platonic hand holding. Anything, really. 
“You’re staring very deeply, Dr. Reid,” you mutter, shades from your usual lightness. 
“I’m thinking.” 
“Aren’t you always?” 
“About you.”
“Well,” you smile fleetingly. “You should always be thinking about me.” 
“You’re truly humble.” 
His joke doesn’t land, it crashes and burns; your smile fades completely into a short, sharp line. Your gaze moves back into the restaurant, waiting for the team's food order in silence once again. 
Spencer’s pinky finger twitches across the gap. 
“Is everything okay?” he asks. 
You stay quiet, Spencer worries. He takes the bags before you can when they bring your food to the collection desk, two lumps of heat he holds to his thighs as you begin the walk back to the hotel. Tonight, the team will pick at their food together and rehash the same arguments they’ve been making all day, filling in each other's gaps, and tomorrow the work will start again. He can’t have you this unhappy again tomorrow. 
“You’re amazing,” he says, watching you turn to him from the corner of his eye, “you know you are, we all do, everyone who meets you. I know you don’t need me to tell you that, or to feel better, but… I’m here for you. If you want to talk. It’s been a hard couple of days, and talking about traumatic events as they happen and directly afterward make them easier to recover from.” 
“I’m not traumatised.” 
“Upsetting,” he corrects. “Having a shoulder to cry on is good for you, and I can be that shoulder. You know, if you need me to be.” 
He can’t know this in the moment, though maybe one day you’ll tell him, further down the line when the hand holding is better defined, but you look at him and you love him. To know Spencer is to love him. Or at least that’s how you’ve always felt. You’d love to cry on his shoulder about what transpired that morning if it weren’t embarrassing to think about, you’re upset over a throwaway comment made by nobody important. 
Spencer offers his company earnestly. He stammers. It’s amazingly sincere, as he usually is. He won’t mind if it’s embarrassing, he’ll just listen. 
You clear your throat. “I know I’m not to everyone’s taste. I know that the way I… present myself isn’t what most men like. People love confidence, but not when it’s bossy, not when it’s– when it’s vain. And I am vain. I think about my appearance a lot, I think I’m beautiful most of the time, I try so hard to have that be true.” You eye him thoughtfully. “Do you realise that?” 
He shakes his head gently, one ear toward one shoulder and then the other, as though balancing. “Sort of. I know you put effort into your appearance, but I also assume a lot of it to be natural.” 
“Right, well. It’s not natural. Not really. My natural beauty wouldn’t be all the beautiful to most people. And I’ve accepted that, I know what I like about myself, and–” You’re losing the thread of your point, an upset creeping into your melodic tone and turning it ragged. “When people tell me they don’t like how I look now, I guess it hurts because I know they wouldn’t like me before, either, and I feel defeated because I know I can’t win.” 
“Who said they don’t like how you look?” Spencer asks, confused, on his way to annoyed. 
“Officer Friendly.” You look to your shoes, watching the steps you take. “Guess he wasn’t as nice as we thought.” 
“What did he say to you?” 
You shrug. “Same story. He doesn’t like girls who wear makeup. Doesn’t like uppity women.” 
“Did he call you that?” 
“What are you gonna do if he did?” you ask without malice. 
“Morgan’s teaching me self defence for a reason.” You smile at his light joke, though it doesn’t last. He transfers the takeout bags into one hand, the other held out to you, his fingers sliding down your arm to your wrist. “You know you’re beautiful, with or without makeup. And you’re not uppity, you’re out of his league. There’s a difference.” 
“You’re flirting with me.” 
“No.” He wishes he had the wherewithal sometimes, but this isn’t flirting. “I’m being honest with you. Men like that don’t like you because they know they’ll never, ever have you, or anyone like you. There isn’t anyone like you,” he adds, sliding his hand into yours. 
He squeezes all your fingers together twice in quick succession. 
“Don’t let a jealous chauvinist halfwit make you think you’re not good enough,” he says. 
You curl your fingers around his before he can take his hand back. Slowly, you squeeze his hand. Then, smiling, you let him go. 
“I’ve never heard you say something mean like that,” you say. “Halfwit. That’s crass.” 
“I was going to say he’s an asshole, if that’s better.” 
Your laugh echoes off of the sidewalk. “That’s perfect. Say something meaner.” 
The insult he uses next doesn’t bear repeating. 
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lasirenatarot · 1 year
{18+}What turns them ON about you?❤️‍🔥
Pick -a-card reading.
*intended for your specific person in mind, but can be used for future spouse if you modify the question. If traditional gender roles don’t apply to your situation convert the words to feminine&masculine energy.*
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->Pile 1
{Brad and Angelina}
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{cards that fell: king of fire; mirror; justice; the world;5 pentacles;ace of swords; 7wands; ace of swords;2 wands}
This pile is really interesting, this person loves earning you in a way, feeling emotionally $ubmi$$ive, like you have control over them in all aspects without even touching them.
You may be bossy,this is definitely a turn on for your person. Ironically you chose the Brad&Angelina pic, and the situation being painted with those cards is exactly Mr and Mrs energy.
They enjoy a push and pull dynamic. If you try to dominate them I feel like they would also enjoy it👀 (even if they seem sceptical at first).
Arguing may be a turn on of theirs, puni$hing them with your absence or other ways when they don’t act accordingly; (that includes the makeup $£x after.) May sound toxic for some, but they may be one of those people that start little arguments for the smallest things sometimes, on purpose, so you two can ‘make up’ and they can ‘apologise’ by being good and pleasing you however you want (you know how) after..
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They like when you’re acting kinda bitchy & like you’re ‘the prize’ they need to earn, but the key here is to do everything in moderation and not be mean&rude 24/7.
Your confidence may be a turn on for them. When you’re seducing them on purpose and then pulling away &acting like they can’t have you..(yet), because they should work more and ‘be better’ to get your attention. Your person needs constant passion to feel stimulated.
->Pile 2
{Vincent and Monica}
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Cards that fell: 2fire,the punishment,earth,the priestess, 9water,king of water, 9swords,10chalices,knave of chalices,9pentacles,2pentacles }
This person loves the fact that you seem to have no restraints around them, you are quite open emotionally, in tune with your emotional side and know how to balance it well. (earth sign moon/venus energy).
Getting dolled up for them is sth they would probably appreciate- nice dress, hair & makeup done..
It may be a turn on for them knowing only they can have you in ways other people cannot.(you can tell them some bs like ‘yOu’Re tHe bEst I eVer Had..’ etc😂😂 it doesn’t matter if it is actually true, it would make them feel like a God.)
Praising them may be a turn on as well, it would make them feel more dominant, more in their power. Letting them take the control in bed, as well as non-$€xu@l situation would also be a little turn on for them, again, it would make them feel appreciated.
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Knowing they can be the person that is capable of fulfilling all your needs is something very important to them. This pile is heavy on the praise k/ink, they need to feel desired&needed.
When you attend to them & their feelings, have obvious feelings for them ( i feel like this is important to mention, they may have been in a relationship where they’ve felt unappreciated, unwanted, not desired enough by their previous partner. The partner might have used them in a way.)
$€xting and writing notes to keep the anticipation during the day when u’re not together may work on them.👀
->Pile 3
{Jane et Serge}
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Cards that fell: the moon, justice, the tower, 8pentacles, 10wands, 8fire,6air, 4swords, the world, king of air, ace of fire, temperance }
It will be hard to explain this energy but bare with me:
This person probably likes what I like to call more « bright » women- women who are confident&feminine, such who love the spotlight and getting lots of attention. ( in my mind is this scene where Jessica Rabit where she performs..)
People who are sensual & confident but not arrogant may be just their type.
A situation where they can feel turned on by you is for example if (hypothetically speaking) you’re in a group setting with some ppl who do not like you, they are passive aggressive with you, but you choose not to reply with the same energy and remain kind&graceful.(they may feel the urge to protect you and stand up for you in such situations) When you act like a « damsel in distress » basically, and they can be your « savior »..
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A turn on for them I feel like it would be a situation where you’re ‘feeling yourself’, for example if you’re dancing in the club and they happen to be there as well and see you doing that.. $educing them in public places where you can get caught (or public $\€x)
Another turn on for them would be for you to ‘put on a show’ for them (you can decide yourself how, ex. give them a lap dance or sth, beautiful lingerie, a special dress..). They probably like the concept of « femme fatale » type of women who can ‘turn their life’ around.
This may not resonate for all, but if you are from a different culture/country, this may also be a turn on for them.
Decks used: ‘$£xual magic’ oracle deck by Lo Scarabeo; ‘Manara’ €rotic tarot deck by Milo Manara/ Lo Scarabeo;
That was all from today’s PAC.
thank you for reading! Hope it resonated.💞 Don’t forget to follow for more.
-La Sirena.💋
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lutawolf · 1 year
My Personal Weatherman and the D/s element Ep 4
If you haven't read the others, they can be found here.
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Ahhh, nothing gets me going like a sub wearing what their Dom picked out. That subtle ownership. Why yes, I do pick out all my husband's clothes except the dreaded work clothes. I refuse to take the blame for those tacky things.
Right off, we can easily see that this is not an M/s situation. The fact that Segasaki is asking Yoh what he wants to do, tells us exactly what we need to know. Yoh is explaining what he is going to do. That is not something a slave would ever even think to do. We can easily tell that he is a subby sub though, cause when Segasaki brings out the Dom, Yoh eases back.
OMG, that chin grab! @bl-bam-beyond pretty please gif that chin grab.
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That chin grab with the "No." Ugh, how all my lovely subs doing? Are you still here? Have you been able to finish the show? Or are you stuck here on rewind?
Yoh actually questions Segasaki as to why not. Anybody still thinking Yoh a slave? Cause not to be rude, I can't fix stupid. This boy, a brat. Fuck, this whole scene is really showcasing their dynamic. "But we made a promise." "Tell her that you can't go anymore. Do it. Do you even know why you are in this house." And once again, we're back at the misunderstanding stage.
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A fangirl, I see. OMG, this is adorable. Yoh is like, sure. Let's look at the tie of my Dom, bestie.
Yoh calling with Segasaki standing over him. This episode is killing me in the best possible way. Don't revive me! (No! I have not taken my ADHD meds, don't judge me!) "I was ordered to stay home." Hahahaha! Then the ahhhh, after he tells her that he will make it up to her. Letting you know he was likely just punished by Segasaki. Yes, my mind went here.
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Then the reward of the head pat, "you did good."
She showed up to check on him! Woot! Haha, she is about to find out who is boyfriend is. Hahaha. I'm dying. Meanwhile, his boyfriend is like, "guess it's time for a face off." Ya'll I'm not okay. I'm laughing so hard.
And Yoho stepped over a line and got put in his place. But he is too busy having a crisis to care! 🤣🤣🤣 Her face is my favorite.
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That effortless lie. He wasn't feeling well. Uh huh. I love these two dumbass friends. I need sake too!!! I'm dying. Shit, I can't breathe through the laughter.
Now it's Yoh's turn to be jealous. Ahh, he got drunk and fell asleep on the floor. The places we find comfortable when we are drunk.
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Nope, he doesn't want to go to the bed. I love the outer dialogue we are getting. I really enjoy that we get Yoh's side of things and from his perspective, but this rounds it out a bit for me.
And look at that beautiful smile when Segasaki finds out she's married. "Are you in your rebellious phase." Does this sound familiar to certain people whom I will not mention by name!?! Hmmm! Brats! Stop breaking my heart! Make him stop Segasaki, make him stop!
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Fuck, I love these two so much. Everything he is describing is very much a Brat Tamer. Bossy but gentle. Controlling but caring. Charming and unreasonable. Brat Tamer.
The way his squishes Yoh's face! Ahhh, these two are gonna kill me!
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"It would be nice if you stayed drunk forever." Because of the honesty. Segasaki likes Yoh's quirks, but he also wants the honesty and the connection.
I need the curry story now! But apparently, I must wait. Heavy sigh.
Hope you guys enjoyed this! Let me know in the tags if you did. 💜💜💜 See you next time.
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littlewestern · 7 months
Henryships, please!
This one goes out to @belle-aesthetics who asked for Henry as well!
Henry!! Oh Henry, how troublesome you are to ship sometimes. I feel as though he's in a similar situation to Gordon where there aren't any engines that are an exact perfect fit in a way that I find satisfying.
I prefer ships where the whole is greater than the sum and facets of all characters involved are brought out by the relationship that wouldn't be revealed otherwise. But Henry has so much work to do on himself and his own confidence that it's hard to set him up in a relationship that feels balanced in that way. It's not impossible to make work, but it often feels like shipping him with other engines is an exercise in trying to pair everyone off who doesn't have a partner, which I don't care for... But I do have a few thoughts.
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Good ship! Solid canonical foundation, mutual respect and admiration, shared experiences on which to build further growth!
I mentioned in the Gordon post that Hiro likes being supportive and leading by example, and it's easy to imagine him finding a relationship with Henry satisfying for that reason. Henry needs someone who will build him up with reassurances and encourage him to be more self-assured. It's really cute, and I think that they'd both get something out of it.
The thing I think holds this ship back from being really top-tier is that I feel like Hiro might fall into the trap of being too helpful? Because he is so cool and nice, I could see him doing the thing he does in Henry's Hero where he tries to let Henry off the hook and ends up taking on way more work/responsibility because of it. Someone with more investment than me could do something with that, but I just don't see the potential for growth here in either of them. That wouldn't (and shouldn't) be a dealbreaker, but it makes it far less appealing for me personally. Now, a similar ship with a little bit more edge to it, that might be something. Which is why I might suggest...
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Oh you know I love me some Green Engine Solidarity. And it doesn't get much more solidary than this!
Rewatching the show this last time around, I was a bit surprised by how many incidental little moments these two have together, it's probably about as many interactions as Henry has with, say, Edward - intrigue!
I like this ship for a few reasons. Emily, like Hiro, enjoys "helping" other engines, but she's usually much less gracious about it, especially in the early seasons (which are the ones where I like her the most). Unlike Hiro though, Emily would not be out here cutting Henry any slack if he started getting skittish about ghosts or rain or whatever else. This is an opportunity for growth on both their parts, as Henry gets encouragement without coddling, and Emily gets practice being a bit more defthanded and gentle with her attempts at building Henry up. This is the kind of relationship I like to see!
A unique thing about Bossy Emily, though, is that she's actually never rude to Henry as far as I can remember. She ticks off quite a few engines in those bad old seasons, but Henry she's always quite sweet to. Henry matches that with a joking kind of camaraderie we don't see much from him, which I love. When Hatt asks another engine to take the mail in Percy's stead, Emily volunteers Edward for the job and Henry immediately picks up the assist by saying how Edward knows how to do everything, swanky eyebrows and all.
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After all, the mail is a job for a small engine.
They also have a connection with being safety oriented. Henry cares deeply about protocol, and does not fuck around when someone is out here flouting them for the sake of convenience Gator ahem. In another episode, Emily is assigned the title of Safety Engine, which would have been a great addition to her character arc of feeling like she has no job except for the fact that it's never brought up again afterward. Ray never forgets, though, and if it were up to me I would simply pull that into being a regular and acknowledged aspect of her character. But nobody asked me, of course.
Henry is also among the engines Emily asks to be her best friend in a later episode, which... Y'know, she asks every engine she sees but Henry readily agrees!
Idk, I think they're cute. If I wasn't ride or die for Emily/Caitlin also I think this would be my favorite ship for the both of them. That being said I do have one more dark horse contender that might be. Slightly controversial.
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I love this episode, it's so funny to me.
"You need a big, strong, Duke's Engine to protect you? ;)" takes me out every time I watch it, and I have watched it a frankly embarrassing number of times.
Spencer, to me, is the kind of blue-blood type who is aware of his station, aware that his build and breeding make him the envy of every railway, and finds the idea of being brought down into the gutter with these common engines... utterly thrilling. He can't say that's what he wants, but oh god does he want it - and it manifests in him trying to get Henry to hide behind him like a scared teen watching a horror movie with their crush. Hi-larious.
They're not good for each other and I'm not sorry. This is my favorite Henry ship by miles. Go watch The Beast of Sodor if you haven't already, it's so great.
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aurora-313 · 6 months
Thank you for the tag @fangirlfindings !
Sorry I'm late with the tag, friend. Been a bit busy the last week or so!
Another unpublished story draft from my Shiba Ichigo AU.
"About damn time we found them... Kaien," Ichigo hails, lifting a hand in greeting as they breach the forest line into the clearing where members of the 10th and 13th have rallied. There, Rukia's spirits lifted to find her lieutenant and other members of their joint expedition had been trading words. "I found one of your strays." Stray? Rukia bristles. This irritating man is just so... ugh! He's pushy, bossy and so incredibly rude. Utterly insufferable! "Glad to see it." Kaien returns, wearing that carefree smile. "I'd never forgive myself if anything happened to our little Rukia-chan here." She bows her head respectfully. "I'm deeply sorry for any trouble I caused, Kaien-dono." "Don't sweat it, Kuchiki. It happens." Kaien returns, with that easy grin that warms Rukia up inside. She nods demurely. Then Kaien turns his attention to Ichigo, producing something from his belt. "Oh, and Ichigo? I'm not your mother. Please stop making me pick up after you." Kaien hands him back a slashed wooden badge of office and Rukia's stomach drops like a stone. The bold daffodil insignia stands out in black on the carved surface. Mortified, Rukia realises she just spent the last half an hour mouthing off at the 10th Division Lieutenant. If the ground could open up and swallow her whole right now, that'd be dandy, thanks.
Already tagged a set once so whomever wants to do it is so tagged.
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hugsandchaos · 11 months
Can we get a fic where Uzi, V and J somehow get into a tickle fight?
This could be a way for them to bond along with the hangout session that N set up for the three (N forced them to) :]
Of course, I don’t mind! Sorry about the wait! I think I did pretty well with this one, so I hope you like it!
J sat next to Uzi and waited for her next words as she rummaged through the insides of the landing pod N was sent down in. For whatever reason, Uzi decided to check it out while they were supposed to be “hanging out”, but she was apparently finding some weird stuff. J didn’t know how exactly it happened, but she was apparently helping her. She had given Uzi the screwdriver that fell out of her toolbox when she accidentally knocked it over while half her body was cramped inside and Uzi started requesting other tools from her or for her to hold something for a couple seconds.
V was sitting on an old cargo chest and occasionally blowing bubbles while watching them. The only real sound was Uzi working, V’s bubbles popping, and the muffled wind outside.”...I’m bored.” V piped up. J glanced at her and waved her over. While V was slightly disappointed that it was all J could think of, she wasn’t going to pass up a chance to cuddle with her girlfriend. Never. She stood up and hopped off the cargo chest, changed her bubble wand back to a normal hand, and plopped down next to J. She leaned against her and grabbed her closest arm to put it around herself. A small yellow blush appeared on both of their screens.”Now give me affection.” V demanded.
J smiled a bit and lightly pushed V’s head to rest on her shoulder before putting her hand back down to lightly rub V’s arm. V smiled and her tail thumped ever so lightly against the metal floor.”Hey, you said that all the pods are supposed to have a sort of program that makes it return to its original location, right?” Uzi chimed in. J glanced over at her, surprised by her question. Had she actually gotten into the systems from down there?”Yes. Why do you ask?” J asked. Before Uzi could reply, J burst into giggles.”Pfft- hehehey! V! What ahahare you dohoing?” She asked, trying to stop herself from laughing as V scribbled her fingers on her side. She gave J a smug look and reached her other hand around to tickle her other side as well.”I said I wanted affection, but you stopped.” She teased. J covered her mouth with one of her hands to try to hide her growing laughter.”Ihit was fohor twohoho seheheheconds.” She said. She tried using her free hand to push V’s away, but it didn’t work since every time she managed, V would just dive back in.”That’s two seconds too many.” V said.
“Cohohome ohohohon! Pftt- hahahahahaha! Hahahaha!” J was thrown into a fit of giggles by V’s continuous assault on her both of her sides. She soon removed her hand from her mouth and instead tried to hide her face. Being ticklish was a bit of an embarrassment for her, and Uzi now knowing that the bossy murder drone is ticklish probably made it worse for her. Right now, though, she’d have to focus on getting V off of her. Without being rude or anything. In fact, she was going to give V what she wanted.”Yohohou wahahahant atehehention, huh? Hahaha! I’ll gihive yohou attehention!” J said. She shot both arms out and picked V up. She pulled her onto her lap and immediately began tickling her back, using one arm to hold her and the other to tickle her beneath her arms. V was caught off guard by this and immediately burst into giggles.”Wahahait, whahat? J! Hahahaha! Hahahahahaha! IhIhIhI’m suhupposed to behehe tihihickling yohohou!” V said. J could tell that she didn’t hate it, though. One, her tail was still wagging. Two, she wasn’t doing much to fight back or escape. J smiled. She always thought V’s laughter was one of the cutest and most beautiful things she’s ever heard, even though she had more than one laugh, if that makes sense.
“Yeah, well, you’re adorable when you laugh like this. Don’t blame me, it’s really your fault for being cute.” J said with a shrug. V blushed from the compliments. “Ihihis thihis a chahahallenge?” V asked. Before J could reply, V began to tickle her beneath the arms, which was a pretty bad spot.”Wahahahait!!” J cackled, squeezing both arms to her side, but all it did was trap V’s hands there.”Nohohoho!! Hahaha!! Stohohohohop!! Hahahahaha!!” J squirmed around and tried to get up without hurting V or anything, but it was a bit difficult. Especially with part of her mind occupied on the tickling. V’s tail continued wagging and she stuck her tongue out in a smug manner, like a silent “I win”.
Oh, V was going down.
J pushed herself forward so she could get on top of V and began tickling her back, her own tail wagging as well.”Tahahake thihihis!! Hahahahaha!!” J said through her laughter. V started laughing again when J tickled her sides, but she still tried to reach up and tickle J back. She’d have to buckle down and fall on top of her at some point, then she could find a way to win the newly established T fight.”IhIhIhIhI’m nohohot gohohoing to loose! Hahahahaha! Hahahahahaha! Hahahahaha!” V declared.
While those two were tickling each other, though, Uzi managed to drip out from underneath the desk. She had to move very slowly in order to avoid herself from being noticed. A small part of her was pretty curious to see who would win, but a bigger part was telling her to escape before it was too late. So, despite her mischievous side being happy she found a way to potentially come out on top if she ever got into a play fight with them and wanting to learn all their weak points, Uzi began putting her tools back into her bag so she could sneak out.
As soon as she managed to zip her backpack up without making much sound, Uzi heard a very light thud and turned to see that J had fallen on top of V. J wasn’t going to give up, though. She looked at V and smirked.”Yohou shouldn’t hahahave done that.” She said. She moved down a little so her head was above V’s belly. The horrified realization was clear as day on V’s face as she tried to prop herself up with her hands.”Wait!!! Wait a minute, don’t!!” V pleaded. When she managed to push herself up to get away, J took advantage of it and wrapped her arms around V’s waist. She took in a deep breath, pressed her face against V’s belly, and blew.
V threw her head back and her arms gave out.”AIIIIEHEHEHEHEHAHAHA!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! HAHAHAHAHA!!! NOHOHOHOHO!!!” V laughed loudly and squirmed around uncontrollably. Unfortunately for her, J wasn’t going to get off, stop, or let go until she won.”HAHAHAHAHA!!! HAHAHAhahaha!! Uhuhuzi, heAHAHAHAHAHAHALP!!! NOHOHOHOHOHOHO!!! HAHAHAHAHA!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! HAHAHAHAHA!!!” V pleaded.
When she calmed down enough from the second raspberry, she looked over to where Uzi should be, but was surprised to see that she was gone.”Uzi?! Whehehehere’d yohou goHOHOHAHAHA!!! HAHAHAHAHAHA!!! J!! STOHOHOHOHOP!!!” V said. J, who was previously focused on torturing her girlfriend’s belly, heard the seriousness V managed to push into her tone and stopped. She looked up and immediately found Uzi standing at the door, trying to walk silently even though she was wearing boots.”Where are you going?” J asked.
Uzi tensed up a bit and turned around, looking a little nervous for a second before she changed her expression to the best fake seriousness she could muster.”Just going outside. I want to see if I can get a look at the systems from the outside.” She said. A small digital bead of sweat appeared and disappeared from her screen in only a few seconds. Both murder drones glanced at each other, then got up and began creeping towards her. Uzi’s eyes widened a bit and she took another step towards the door, this time not really caring about how much noise she made.“I don’t think you’re telling us the truth.” J said. Uzi took another step back, now halfway outside the entryway.
“I am, though. Some of those systems are pretty far in the back, so...” Another bead of sweat appeared when she realized how close J and V were getting. They were grinning maliciously and V was stifling a mischievous giggle.”Anyways, have fun with your lovey-dovey stuff!” Uzi said before turning heel and sprinting outside. J and V immediately took off after her.“Oh no, you don’t!” V yelled. Both of them chased her around the pod, and both of them were gaining on her quickly. J was the one to catch her by wrapping her arms underneath Uzi’s arms and lifting her up off the ground, then wrapped her tail around her ankles so she’s have a harder time getting away. V slid across some nearby ice to jump and stop right in front of them. Uzi immediately began trying to use her arms to push herself out of J’s grip and began struggling to move her legs, even when she tried pulling them up and slip free.”Hey, let go!” She said. She felt her backpack being removed from her back.
“Why? N wanted us to bond a little, so we’re playing a game together.” V said. She immediately reached for her sides and began squeezing them repeatedly, and Uzi immediately shut her mouth to try to prevent herself from laughing. She shook a little with muffled laughter and squirmed around to escape, but to no avail.”Oh, a challenge? I enjoy a challenge!” V said teasingly. She began spidering her fingers to see if that’d work, and it helped a little. Uzi shook her head and bit her lip to prevent herself from laughing. She tried pushing V’s hands away, but let out a small “Oh no” when V managed to grab both of her hands with her tail and lift them up.”Hey, not fahahahair!” Uzi said. She wasn’t able to stop the giggles that had slipped through.”Hey, don’t blame us for your apparent inexperience in this situation.” J said. V raised both her hands up as if trying to intimidate Uzi with the gesture.”I think I’ll try right here.” She said, going for Uzi’s belly. Uzi burst out into laughter and tugged hard on her arms and legs.”Hehehehey!! Wahahahahait!! Whahahat dihihid I dohoho?! Hahahahaha!! Hahahahahaha!!” She asked through her laughter.
“You didn’t do anything, you just need to participate since you were in the room when it began. And like I said, N wants us to bond, and I’m having fun. What about you, J?” V asked. J hummed thoughtfully and waited a few seconds before nodding.”Sure, this will do nicely.” She said.“Nohohohohohoho!! Hahahahahaha!! Hahahahahaha!! Nohohot my behehelly, plehehease!!” Uzi said. V out a simple “Nah” and continued tickling her.”Hahahahaha!! Hahahahahaha!! Hahahahahaha!!” While Uzi was struggling to get free and mentally cursing herself for having weaker metal than the average worker drone, V glanced at J with a pretty casual expression.”You know, I’d test her feet to see how bad they are, but it’s kind of cold out here and the heater inside N’s old pod is broken. Maybe when we get back to our pod?” She suggested. Uzi shook her head at the thought, this was embarrassing enough for her.”Nohoho!!” She cackled. It seemed her answer went unheard, though.”Not a bad plan.” J said, agreeing with her idea.
“Yehehehehes ihit ihihihis!” Uzi argued. V and J both turned their attention to her and V gave her belly a light squeeze, which made her squeak and laugh.”Hush, the adults are talking.” J said. V nearly laughed at her statement and continued tickling Uzi.“Plehehehease stohohohop!! Hahahahahaha!! IhIhIhI wohohon’t mahake fuhuhuhun of yohour lovey-dohovey stuff anyhymohohore!! Hahahahaha!!” Uzi pleaded. J raised an eyebrow.
“What did I just say?” She asked.”Besides, you’re not exactly in the position to make bargains. It’s up to us wether or not we stop.” She said. V hummed.”Well, she is at a bit of an unfair disadvantage, especially if this is supposed to be a tickle fight. Even though I’m having fun, maybe we should stop... in about five minutes or so.” She said.
“Nohohoho, wahahahait!!”
Luckily, they stopped after only two minutes and let her go after that. Uzi ran a good few meters away from them once she had gotten free and glared at them both.”I hate you both.” She said. V laughed at her.”We’ll let you have a fair fight next time.” J said with a roll of her eyes.
“Why not now?” V suggested. Uzi took another step back.”Because I have a better idea!” She said quickly, not wanting to be part of another tickle fight (yet). V put a finger up on her chin briefly, then smiled. Clearly, she was still wanting to keep the tickle fight going, but she seemed open to other ideas.”Alright, I’m listening.” She said. Uzi nearly sighed in relief hearing that. Maybe she could get out of this.“What if when N gets back, we ambush him?” She suggested.
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neptoons1998 · 1 year
First meeting
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Tag Gang: @mal-urameshi @pantherheart @somethingcleaverandwhitty
Summary: Shuri finds a new playmate.
Shuri is used to being forgotten. Maybe that was a tad dramatic but with her father being the literal king and her old brother next to the throne. Her feelings and dreams weren't on top priority; no matter what her mother would say about them. She will always be sideline, no matter how much she pushes against traditions. But there was one place that she could forget about her status as the spare, the young princess waited until her tutor gave one final yawn. 
Perfect, it was her time to escape. The princess slipped away from her tutor, now she could go to her special place. 
The special place was located between two mountains in between the mountains was the waterfall that spilled water. This was the place that Shuri liked going to. She doubted her stupid brother knew anything about this place, she bet even her parents didn’t know anything about it too! Just a Shuri was going to enjoy her solitude, she was confused when she heard laughter. Her cuoristy getting the better of her crept closer to the waterfall. There stood a girl around Shuri’s age, as she poorly tried to twirl her stick like the Dora’s do. 
"Who are you?" Shuri shouted out startling the young girl, “And why are you in my spot?”
 The girl frowns as she turns her head to Shuri, still holding her stick. The young girl sucked her teeth, causing Shuri to be angry. How dare she not answered her questions!
“Hey I’m talking to you,” Shuri yelled again. The small girl’s quirked up one of her eyebrows. Shuri gritted her teeth, “For someone so small. You’re acting very uppity.”
“I’m not small,” The girl answered back. “Mama said I’m the perfect size.”
“Well then answered my questions,” Shuri said. Riri gave a ‘humph’ as if she was going to talk to someone who was so bossy and rude. 
"And why should I listen to you?" Riri asked crossing her arms. Shuri puffed out her chest showing how regal she could be. Just like her mother had taught her, "Because I am the princess.”
The girl looked at her. The pair fell into silicene before Riri laugh so hard that a few birds flew away. That’s not the reaction I wanted, Shuri thought as she felt her face becoming hot. The girl was supposed to back off and bow to her. She wasn’t supposed to be laughing at her. If T’Challa was here would join in.
“Stop that I’m serious!” Shuri demanded causing the small girl to laugh even harder.
Riri wiped a tear that spilled from her face, “ Stop you’re going to break my kidney or something.”
Shuri stomped closer to the girl, “I am the princess!”
Riri rolled her eyes before picking up her stick that fell into the water, “And I’m American.”
Shuri growled, “You have to respect me.”
“Says who?” Riri questioned, “Because the only person I do that is my mama.”
“You listen to everything your mama says,” Shuri commented. Her whole mood was soured by the fact some village girl didn’t care to respect Shuri and her title. Do I even have a title besides being the spare?
“Yeah,” Riri answered, “Don’t you?”
Shuri sighed as she gives up. She’ll sneak back to the palace before her tutor wakes up. She was too humiliated to keep talking to this girl. 
“Whatever.” Shuri started the trudge home. Maybe I plead to the chef to give me extra dessert tonight. 
Riri with a confused sketch on her face as she swirled her staff, “Hey where are you going?”
“Not the palace?” Riri questioned as she followed the girl. Shuri groaned, “I would call the palace my home yes?”
“I don’t know, you tell me,” Riri answered back. 
“You’re very annoying, village girl,” Shuri said hoping that would string to the small girl. Riri rolled her eyes once again, “Yeah well you’re very bossy and rude, princess.”
“I am not!” Shuri said, “I’ve been told I am a delight.”
“They got to be lying, “ Riri giggled as she continued following Shuri. The princess was confused about why she was following her. Did she want to know if she really lived in the palace?
“Why are you following me?” Shuri asked. The pair were at the palace’s doors. Riri looked up at her, “Why do you think I’m following you?”
“Because you are.”
“No, I’m not,” Riri commented. Before Shuri could question the girl again Okoye, the new fifth in command, pushed the doors open.
“Princess,” Okoye bowed before she turns her attention to her daughter. 
“Riri,” Okoye greeted as Riri raced up to her mama. Riri pulled away from her mother and turn her attention back to Shuri.
“So you were telling the truth,” Riri commented. Now it was Shuri’s turn to roll her eyes. 
“I have no reason to lie,” Shuri commented. Riri laughed at the royal’s comment, “Well that explains a lot really.”
“You need a friend. No wonder why you were so bossy to me, “ Riri commented, “So how about it?” The small girl lifted her hand to Shuri. Riri could feel her mom wanting to yell at her, but Okoye wanted to see how this would be played out. 
What could be the harm in having this small girl be her friend? Before Shuri could think about the consequence she shook Riri’s hand, “Friends.”
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ascendancy-echoes · 4 days
Chapter 34: Starling
Zarya whined loudly and stomped her foot. She fiddled with the necklace in one hand and searched through the containers with her free hand. She picked up a small handful of salted meat that reminded her of jerky. She also found a small jar filled with berries and honey.  After dishing up her food, Zarya sat down across from Flea. She slowly nibbled on her food, pondering all the questions she had for Flea. No one really talked to her about Mystics back home. She knew of them, that most lived in a land across the strait, but she had never really wondered why none ever visited Guardia until very recently. Her parents had spoken quietly about it, but she knew Mystics that looked almost human had moved to Guardia the week before.
She recalled the cat-man and his hurt friend. What had he meant about ‘mean Mystics’? He hadn’t seemed mean at all. Just scared. Thinking about the strange cat-like Mystic, she looked up from her bowl at Flea. He was kind of bossy but Zarya understood adults knew more than her and he was right to be cranky when neither of them had slept well or had much food until now.
Her thoughts wandered to recalling how Flea had looked almost human when they first met. He had colorful hair like her and her parents. His long pointed ears fascinated her and she wished she could have ears that wiggled and moved to show how she felt. She thought about how each morning, Flea would go through the routine of changing his look with magic. Giving him the bracelet seemed to have helped a bit since he didn’t take as long to change his look when he fiddled with it. Still, each time, he looked like a lady, something that confused Zarya given the fact he had been angry with her for calling him a lady.
“Why are you staring at me?” Flea asked. “It’s rude to stare, kid.”
Zarya pondered how to respond. She chewed on her food while she dug through her bag for her cards and pulled them out. She tapped on the pictures, slowly forming the sentence to ask why he looked like a lady if he was saying he wasn’t one. Why did he look like a woman… like her mom? “Flea uses magic to change his look,” she noted aloud. “Change your look? Man like Dad?” Flea stared at Zarya, almost glaring. He couldn’t believe a child could be so audacious as to ask him why he chose to assume the appearances he did. However, he realized despite Zarya’s rudeness, she had a point. Why was he still assuming feminine forms? Had he grown so used to appearing as a woman that he had forgotten to consider anything else? Zarya’s comment had dredged up the feeling he would get from time to time that something must be wrong with him. He wondered if he was broken as a Mystic and broken by human standards as well. “Flea is happy?” “Why would I be happy?” Flea snapped. “I’m starving, exhausted and I’m stuck in the middle of nowhere with you asking me rude questions.” He looked down at the scraps in his bowl. Despite how disgusting cold confit tasted and how much he had always hated pickled carrots, he had managed to eat every bite. He had been that desperate. Leaving the bowl at the table, he muttered, “I’m going to lay down on the bed… Do whatever you want, kid. Just leave me alone til morning.”
Zarya sat there as Flea got up and walked into the small bedroom. Flea collapsed face first into the woolen bed stuffed with straw. He turned his face towards the wall, away from the door and Zarya. The smell of hay reminded Flea of his childhood home. He hated it. He wanted to be in a warm inn room, far from wherever this farm was. He found himself pondering Zarya’s questions and recalled how he could have presented himself as male to Ozzie and Slash when he first met them, like he knew he was deep down. He found himself wondering why he had chosen to appear as a woman when it made him so mad. 
Finally, he realized the reason. Time and time again, he presented himself as a female so they would be forced to see his skills as a shapeshifter and not put him on the frontlines as another male soldier sent to die in the name of Ozzie’s army. Despite the ease in which he had learned to detach himself from the act of killing when needed, he didn’t really want to go out of his way to kill others and did his best to avoid the task.
Exhaustion overtook him as he reached this epiphany. He drifted off into a fitful sleep and didn’t wake up until dawn, when he heard the sound of Zarya singing in a language he had never heard before. Groggy, he lay on the bed. Thanks to the nightmares of being hunted down by Slash and Ozzie, he had slept terribly although maybe more physically comfortably than he had been since arriving wherever he was. The sound of Zarya singing to herself in the main room of the farmhouse reminded him that he wasn’t alone and that he was still stuck with a strange human child. Part of him had hoped she would have wandered off so she wouldn’t slow him down in getting back to Guardia, but he found himself unbothered that she was still there. Suddenly, Zarya appeared at the doorway and said, “Good morning, Flea.” “Get up, eat breakfast,” she added, turning around and walking back towards the hearth. Flea sighed and got up. He saw Zarya stirring something in the pot that had been full of moldy stew. Zarya looked up at him and said something about cleaning dishes. That’s when he saw she had restarted the hearth’s fire and had somehow found a way to clean up the copper pot that hung over it. Clean boiling water bubbled inside it. Zarya resumed singing her strange song and poured a bowlful of some type of grain into the pot. She left the pot to get a spoonful of the honeyed berries she had eaten the day before and added it to the pot. Flea noticed that Zarya had set the table with two bowls and cups of water.
This girl made no sense whatsoever. She acted like a little child over the most trivial things but somehow she was self sufficient enough to know how to clean a cooking pot, start a fire and make porridge. He said nothing and watched her as she stirred and sang for a few minutes.
“No milk,” Zarya remarked as she put a few scoops of the thin porridge into a bowl and offered it to Flea. Seeing him hesitate to take the bowl, she echoed his sentiment from the day before, declaring flatly, “We need to eat if we’re gonna survive and find you some other humans.”
Flea snatched the bowl out of Zarya’s hands and snapped, “You mean find you some other humans. I need to get back to my own kind.”
Even as he said it, he realized there probably wasn’t any going back as ‘Flea the Void Mage’, he’d have to start over as some nameless Mystic and avoid ever being seen by Slash or Ozzie. A prospect that frustrated him as he had grown used to his life under Ozzie’s rule as well as the name Flea. It wasn’t going to be easy to start over.
Zarya added more honeyed berries to her own bowl of porridge and sat down across from Flea. She ate quietly and stared at Flea as she did. Flea kept his eyes on the lumpy concoction in his bowl. Taking a bite, he realized it wasn’t half-bad, but he wasn’t about to praise Zarya for her cooking.
As he begrudgingly ate, Flea found himself thinking more about what Zarya had said the day before and the epiphany he had before he had passed out. Wherever this was, he had yet to see any Mystics. It occurred to him that Slash likely presumed he was dead. There was no need to look like ‘the infamous Void Mage Flea’. Zarya clearly had no idea who he was supposed to be or she would never have asked for his help. She would have run away like any sensible human. 
He could look like anyone or anything he wanted. He was a shapeshifter after all. He closed his eyes and shivered as the cold feeling that always came with shapeshifting washed over his entire body. He thought of the various male forms he had seen and assumed. He still wanted long hair but maybe not too long. He thought of the many styles of clothing he had seen in his travels. He’d need something practical but also comfortable. The coldness lifted and Flea opened his eyes to see Zarya smiling at him.
Zarya beamed and said, “Flea is a man. Flea is wearing a dress!”
“It’s a tunic and kilt… and I have pants, but yeah…” Flea replied. He raised an eyebrow, asking. “I assume it meets your approval?”
“Nice boots.” Zarya smiled brightly. “Pretty skirt. Flea is a pretty man.”
Flea smirked. “Thanks, kid.”
After eating as much as they could, Flea grabbed an empty sack and told Zarya to pack up some food for the road. Anything they could carry. Zarya frowned and asked about the farmer. Flea let out an annoyed sigh. 
“Kid, no one has been here in weeks… No one is going to care that we’re taking this food. Sometimes it’s okay to take without asking, got it?”
Zarya wondered what her parents would have done in her place. They were always telling her she needed to ask permission before taking anything. Flea seemed to feel the opposite. Given the circumstances, she decided borrowing some food was okay if it meant she would find her way home to her parents. She let out a whiney sigh and helped Flea pack the dried fruits and salted meats.
Flea led the way out of the farm and to the dirt path that followed along a small fork in the river. The farm must be near a village and maybe they knew what had happened in the farm or how far Guardia was from wherever they were. As the day went on, Flea insisted that they eat as they walked so they would find a village by midday.
Sure enough, by early afternoon, Flea spied a village in the distance. It looked not unlike one he grew up in. However, as he and Zarya neared the village, Flea realized it was quiet like the farm. Crows circled overhead. A vague sense of dread built up in Flea’s gut.
“Stay here, kid,” he said to Zarya. “I think something’s wrong.”
Flea shifted his form to that of a crow and flew up and towards the village. From his vantage point he could see that there was no activity in the village. He flew down for a closer look and found some of the buildings had been on fire while white symbols hastily painted on the doors of the buildings that were still standing. Cautiously, Flea flew down to a broken window and landed on the windowsill. He could hear the sound of flies buzzing and the place looked abandoned. Flying back up, Flea spied what looked like a gravesite just outside the north part of the town. He could see graves, some yet covered. There didn’t appear to be signs of violence in the small village, but something had killed those within its walls. Now the abandoned farm with its shallow graves made sense. A deadly illness must have claimed the farmer and their family and swept through this town. Sure that the town would be a danger to him if he stayed and no humans were around to take Zarya, Flea flew back to Zarya who had settled down on a nearby rock and was playing with a music box that played a jovial tune.
“Bad news kid,” he sighed after returning to his human disguise. “No one’s home in that village. It’s got bad air or something.”
Zarya hummed to her music box, seemingly not acknowledging Flea. She mumbled something about silver points and giggled before looking up at Flea with a quiet and serious expression.
“Find some humans?” she asked.
Flea rolled his eyes at her question. Picking up his sack of food, he snapped, “Will you quit asking me that?! I already promised you I would. You don’t need to keep stating the obvious, kid. Now let’s get going. Hopefully we’ll find another village before dark.”
Three days and two more abandoned and burned down villages later, Flea was at his wits end. Sleeping under the stars was not for him. At least they had food, but that too was beginning to run low. Zarya’s naive optimism was also starting to wear him down. He thought from time to time of just leaving her in the middle of nowhere. If she could cook, she could survive on her own.
But he couldn’t bring himself to do it. For as annoying and strange as she could be at times, Zarya kept showing him kindness and she seemed genuinely curious about him and Mystics in general, occasionally asking oddly vague yet direct questions. He did his best to understand her questions and answer her, letting her curiosity distract him from how miserable he was. Realizing that Zarya knew nothing of the war or Mystics beyond the fact that they weren’t humans, Flea couldn’t help but wonder what sort of sheltered life she had led before they met.
One morning after he had changed his appearance for the day, she asked him to change again. The request Flea off guard. What was wrong with his appearance that she wanted him to waste magic changing again? She hadn’t complained before.
“Flea changes his look, please?” she replied in response to him asking why she wanted him to do such a thing. “Please change his look? I wanna see, please.”
“Okay, but only because you asked nicely,” Flea replied. Honestly he didn’t want to push it because it was still tiring but a part of him had to admit that he was pleased that Zarya thought his power was interesting. He reverted his ears back to their long elvish appearance, made his braid short again and the same traveling clothes as before, although he added some earrings for fun.
“I change now.” Zarya declared with conviction. “Zarya changes her look now.”
“Kid, you can’t shapeshift,” Flea sighed. “You’re a hu-“
Zarya was a human. He was sure of that. Until he met those strange teens who were looking for Glenn, Flea had never seen a human with magical abilities. Even then, they weren’t that talented. Zarya, on the other hand, did something he never expected.
Flea watched as Zarya drew some strange, shadowy lines in the air. The shadows leapt to her hands and Zarya reached up to cover her ears. As she brushed her hair out of the way, her ears became covered in the same shadowy magic and took on a pointed appearance before the shadows dispersed like smoke.
Zarya felt the edge of her ears and grinned. She bounced into place and said, “Ears!”
They weren’t as long as Flea’s but they were indeed pointed now. Flea stood there, completely speechless as Zarya continued to bounce in place. She repeated the symbol and then ran her fingers through her hair, changing the shade. Zarya flapped her hands and made happy-sounding noises, occasionally saying “big ears'' as she hummed and squealed.
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“How the hell… did…” was all Flea could manage to say.
“Magic,” Zarya replied with a smile. 
“I can see that, kid… but how the hell did you copy me?” Flea asked.
“Copy,” Zarya echoed. She looked thoughtful for a minute before she picked up a small stick and drew a stick figure with pointed ears, claiming it was a drawing of Flea. Adding an arrow, Zarya drew the same symbol she had traced in the air and repeated in saying his name. Finally, Zarya repeated his name once more as she drew another arrow and another figure.
“Flea… is… magic,” Zarya said slowly. “I see it.”
“You… ‘see’ magic?” Flea asked, gesturing quotes as he said the word ‘see’. He still didn’t get what Zarya meant about him. Of course he had magic. He was a Mystic. Maybe she meant she could read his aura the same way he could see hers if he focused.
Zarya nodded. “I see magic. I see spells.”
“How do you even have magic?” Flea asked, having wondered for a while now. He was prepared to not get an answer given Zarya hadn’t given one before. He tried to remember what those kids had told Glenn. Someone had given it to them or taught them…
“Dad.” Zarya answered after a moment. She spoke in that same odd pattern of speech like she was remembering something someone had told her. “I’m just like mom and dad.”
It was not the most helpful answer as now Flea wondered how her parents had magic. He sighed. 
“So you know fire, healing and now you’re a shapeshifter like me,” Flea noted. He smirked, feeling oddly proud of Zarya for learning how to do his kind of magic. “Any other surprises, you little starling?”
Met with no answer to his question beyond her echo, Flea said, shifting to have human ears, “Well, I guess we should keep following the road along the river. Everything needs water and we’ll be more likely to find humans if we follow it.”
Zarya wordlessly followed Flea along the riverbank. Flea was still mad about being transported to who-knows-where but he was less mad about Zarya following him than he had been. She had potential. Maybe it wouldn’t be that bad to travel with the kid for now. 
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pakimakas · 2 months
stop bc irl friend is confusing the fuck out of me and i literally dont know how to view her anymore 💔 like CHAT she's making it seem like i've been an absolute asshat to her but im always agreeing to her plans and picking up her ft calls and talking to her for literal hours... wdym we're drifting apart and i'm being rude + bossy to you?? :( im really fucking trying to keep up this friendship but damn it you make it really hard when you don't even try to understand why i behave a certain way (which im not even)!!!!!🤗 tired of being unable to have a serious conversation w her without being called angry dude... god please send me some good friends this upcoming schoolyear because idk if ill be able to last w her as a close friend if im this tired after only two years. also- "idk if she likes me anymore"?!2!2?22 BITCHH I LITERALLY BROUGHT BACK PASALUBONG FROM THE PH FOR YOU BE SO FR W ME!!!! 💔 AND IT WAS A WHOLE STUFFED ANIMAL!!!!
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badp1l0t · 3 months
Tagging @lee1504 in all of these posts bc…;)
Summery for lazy ppl: Girl won a game and jokingly shouted things like “you suck” to the other team. One girl on other team didn’t take to kindly to this. The girl told the principal that the other girl punched her in the stomach and shouted VERY rude things to her, which was all fake. The innocent girl got in trouble and is still accused of these crimes to this day.
Me and my classmates were in gym, playing a game of uhhh lets say volleyball. One of my classmates, whom i’ll call spinach (I wouldn’t call them a friend, more so an acquaintance, but they’re really popular and has charismatic energy) was on the team that won and yelled out “YOU SUCK!” and other stuff as a joke to the other team. One of the girls did NOT take that so lightly.
As i walked to the school office, which is basically the front of the school, to pick up my lunch that was dropped off, i saw that girl. She held het stomach tightly and was hunched over. I didn’t ask any questions because i didn’t care for the girl and bc i thought she was bossy and annoying. However, later that day after i was done eating, i saw spinach crying. I was told some of the drama from her friends. The obnoxious girl from before told the principal that Spinach pinched her in the stomach and shouted really rude things to her. But the thing is. NONE IF IT WAS REAL. Spinach obviously got in trouble and told her side of the story, but the principal didn’t believe her, and to this day, she is still accused for these fake crimes, only me and her friends know what it true.
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hi love!! can i please request a matchup for jjk &/or aot? whatever’s easiest for you :) i’m bisexual & use she/her pronouns!
for my personality, id say im pretty bubbly and excitable. i’m an isfj & cancer, & i try to look on the bright side and try to listen to/help when they’re sad. im very affectionate with the people im close to, and i kinda cling onto my friends arms and hug them a lot. i love anything soft or cute, especially animals!! im kinda scared of bugs though, but i still always try to take them outside, even if i have to go kicking and screaming. i get distracted pretty easily, and have a hard time dealing with change. i tend to be a bit bossy and unreasonable when it comes to something i’m interested in. i also really like going for walks, shopping, yoga, baking (even though i’m dreadfully awful at it), and reading. i like complimenting strangers, and i try to see the best in everything & everyone! though i can’t really tolerate it if somebody is overly cruel or rude to the people i care about. i have a very “do no harm, take no shit” mentality :)
for my appearance, im 5’1 & have fairly long light brown hair. my eyes are hazel, im fairly pale with a few freckles sitting across my face, & my cheeks are perpetually rosy andjfjjek. my style is usually pretty soft & girly, & i really like dressing up even if i’m not going anywhere. i also really like to do makeup, both on myself and others. also since i’m on the shorter side, i like to wear platform shoes since being tall makes me feel cool!
pleas & thank you!!
I match you with..
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Gojo Satoru
- He teases you about your fear of bugs but will pick them up and put them outside for you.
- He’ll take you shopping and will let you buy whatever you would like. He will also take you out to a fancy restaurant and will compliment your outfit every single time.
- He will poke the freckles on your face in a very loving way.
- It is a disaster in the kitchen whenever you two bake together. Somehow ingredients ends up getting everywhere.
- He likes your makeup skills and lets you put makeup on him and actually goes out with it on.
- He doesn’t really like to read so he much rather listen to you talk about it. He’s that type of person that if you are ranting about a character you don’t like he’ll side with you.
- If you compliment his eyes he’ll remove his blindfold and make eye contact with you while complimenting your eyes.
- He’ll send you pictures of animals that you like and sometimes he’ll send you cursed images of animals and will laugh about it.
- He likes that you try to see the best in everything and everyone, and that you look on the bright side.
- Whenever you hug him he will almost always give you the biggest and tightest hug back.
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Armin Arlert
(Some of these hcs are Modern AU so I hope that’s okay)
- When you guys go on dates he likes to take you to the beach and you guys will walk along side the shoreline, talking and enjoying the moment together. He’ll gift you real seashells from the ocean too.
- He adores your outfits and loves your style.
- When he’s pampering you with affection he loves to kiss and trace your freckles.
- He does yoga with you to relax and tries to learn more about it.
- He helps you bake and tries to teach you new recipes, especially around the Holidays.
- He thinks makeup looks gorgeous on you even though he believes that you don’t need it.
- He likes to read the same books you enjoy so that he can talk to you about it.
- He is really patient with you whenever you get a little bit bossy or unreasonable.
- When you guys get married he would love to adopt a cute animal with you. He will promise to take care of it the best he can.
- He tries his best to help you with change and will be there with you every step of the way.
- He loves it whenever you cling onto him and hug him or even show him any type of affection. He really doesn’t mind at all, in fact he really enjoys it and never gets tired of it.
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mikareo · 10 months
hi!!! i love your account it’s so cute :) can i please request a matchup for jujutsu kaisen? im bisexual & use she/her pronouns <3
for my personality, id say im pretty bubbly and excitable. i’m an isfj & cancer, & i try to look on the bright side and try to listen to/help when they’re sad. im very affectionate with the people im close to, and i tend to cling onto my friends arms and hug them a lot. i love anything soft or cute, especially animals!! im kinda scared of bugs though, but i still always try to take them outside. i get distracted pretty easily, and have a hard time dealing with change. i tend to be a bit bossy and unreasonable when it comes to something i’m interested in. i also really like going for walks, shopping, yoga, baking (even though i’m dreadfully awful at it), and reading. i like complimenting strangers, and i try to see the best in everything & everyone! though i can’t really tolerate it if somebody is overly cruel or rude to the people i care about. i have a very “do no harm, take no shit” mentality :) my ideal date would probably be some kind of picnic or a walk in a park on a nice day, i like very aesthetic things ahsjsbsj
please & thank you! have a nice day <3
💌 ✮⋆˙ love letter to...rezqwr!
hi!! i rlly hope u like this character asjkl the pictures i used are so pretty like i'm in awe of them i love this chara sm :) have an amazing day and enjoy reading !!!
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[ ꒰ᐢ. .ᐢ꒱₊˚⊹ ᰔ ] your personality matchup results!
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congratulations . . .‧₊˚👒✩MAI ZENIN₊˚💐⊹♡
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⋆⭒˚。⋆ chemistry analysis . . .
while i was reading through your information, i was really torn between yuuji and mai. i feel like you and itadori would have a really good base for a relationship— but i decided it would ultimately be platonic, which lead me to pick mai. i think you two would have a lot to give each other, balance wise, and are, in my opinion, the most compatible out of the jujutsu kaisen characters.
mai has such a gentle soul that she hides behind her prickly personality. she doesn't want to show any types of weakness in case there are those who underestimate her, but with you, it's very different. you have open empathy and kindness, something she wishes she could publicly show, and she has so much admiration for how you carry yourself. whether you're comforting a friend or saving a bug from the corner of your kitchen, she's in utter awe with the natural beauty of your heart. as your relationship progresses, she hopes some of that goodness rubs off on her and gives her the courage to show her true self to her peers; which is something that only you can encourage her to do.
a seemingly unfortunate similarity between the two of you, is your resistance to change. while you're more headstrong and opinionated when you aren't happy with the direction a situation is going, mai is more of a pushover. she's too afraid to really say what she thinks and covers up her fear with aggression and insults. with you, however, she has someone who can speak up for her. while you encourage her to state her true feelings, she stands by your side and supports your remarks and occasional 'unreasonable' responses. you're both very aware of your distaste for change, but don't judge the other for it. rather than arguing, you listen to each other and figure out what's bothering both of you; leaning towards healthy conversations instead of toxic ones.
it's tough to get past mai's phony initial persona, but when you really get to know her, you find out that all she wants is to be like all the other girls in japan. she wants to go shopping. she wants to get her makeup done. she wants to laugh and smile with someone she loves without having to worry about curses and whatnot. with you as her companion, she now has the ability to go do these things and having someone to share those memories with. you make her feel like a normal person, and that's the most valuable thing in the world to her.
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box-architecture · 8 months
Jet is in the really weird position of only 'technically' being a hybrid. The only hybrid feature Jet displays is the slight point of their ears. Their parent had been a fairy like Hannah, but genetics are a roll of the dice, and Jet otherwise passes as an ordinary human to most.
Unfortunately, hybrid hunters don't really see it that way.
Sam and Punz end up destroying a pillager base that was used as part of transport for hybrid hunters, and while most of the people there were able to be returned to some sort of family or community, Jet was alone, clinging to Sam's flank that made Punz's throat close painfully.
Dream wakes up, creeper cubs cuddled into his side, rabbit girl curled up by his head, to the sounds of Punz and Sam rummaging through the cupboards trying to figure out what Jet can eat. He feels like he should be more surprised than he is.
Jet spends two weeks in Sam's shadow, following him around and scooting away anxiously when the cubs get too close, too curious. Sam is perfectly happy to cuddle his Treasure and show them his Redstone and set them in his lap while he works!!! But when they manage to build a temporary room for Jet and tuck her in for the night, he frets and worries over how the other kids are feeling about this new addition, how his partners feel, will Jet ever become comfortable with Dream and their kids? Will they have to find someone else to take care of him?
All the uncertainty eats him up until Punz is drawing the curtains around their bed into a makeshift box and holding Sam to keep his anxiety from becoming a full blown panic attack.
Dream quietly tells Honeydew that Daddy was too tired to read her a story for bedtime, and offers his own stories instead, and that is when Honeydew huffs and decides she's had quite enough of all of this nonsense. She gave her newest sibling two weeks to come to her, been very good and didn't overwhelm them like Father asked, and now she was going to take over. Clearly they didn't understand the importance of bedtime stories, if they were tiring Daddy out so much.
Jet ends up being pulled outside by Honeydew the next morning, who leads them and two curious creeper cubs to the field just outside the house, sits them down, and demands they all make flower crowns. The creeper cubs are like 3 and so all they really do is roll around in dandelions (Lute) and sneeze from pollen until they get tired and fall asleep (Joy.) So that leaves Honeydew being very bossy and over explanatory to the most bewildered Jet about how flower crowns work and which dad was which and how bedtimes worked and why Jet needed to stop being so skittish because how were they supposed to play games when Jet wouldn't even look at her??? Honestly.
She demands Jet ask questions and tells them the Rules-
("you can't ask Papa to pick you up if it's a bad pain day. That's rude. And you can't wake up Joy and Lute during their nap times. That's also rude.")
-and makes a shooing motion at Dream when he comes out to see how they're doing. He makes a face. She makes a face back. This goes on for a minute while Jet watches, and Dream becomes significantly less scary.
"Why does he look like that?" Jet asks quietly when Dream goes back inside. Their eyes linger on the grooves deep in his skin, all the way up his arm and neck. Honeydew blinks.
"He got captured. Uncle Techno rescued him." She nods very seriously. "He told me so. He saved him from a bad place, like Daddy and Father saved you. So you can't be rude about it, okay?"
And this makes sense to them both because they're like 10 at most and when Honeydew eventually marches inside with Jet in tow, announcing that Jet wants spaghetti, Jet fidgets and sits by Dream at the dinner table instead of Sam.
"Hi." Jet whispers.
"Hi." Dream whispers back.
"Can I have some?"
And they work their way from there.
Jet ends up losing a lot of their anxiety as they get older and settles on being quiet but calm and introspective. They still have fears and worries, but they're a lot less palpable than Joy's. It helps a lot that Jet doesn't desire to impress so much as they want to just have a nice home, run a good business, make beautiful things. They're not looking to change the world in the way their other siblings crave
Random note: Jet becomes a mannequin more than once because child Honeydew likes to place dress up, and Jet, who hasn't yet discovered their love of colors and textiles, will often critique what they're being dressed with, while Honeydew nods accordingly and changes it up to match what they're saying. Lute is climbing into the jewelry chest because Pretty Shiny and Joy is looking at picture books on the bed while occasionally being draped in fabrics
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boombambaby · 10 months
Drabble; Chicha is Clever
It’s a beautiful day in the village. The sun is shining, birds are chirping. The air is humid and stifling, but there’s just enough of a light breeze for it to be mostly bearable. It’s the day after his impromptu ‘hut-welcome’ party in Pacha’s village, and Kuzco is enjoying his ‘vacation’ away from the palace by laying out and worshiping the sun on his chaise lounge and eating grapes by the handful.
His eyes are closed against the glare of the sun, the hand not feeding himself grapes resting behind his head as a cushion. Despite the pampering he’s endured all his life, this is by far the most relaxed he’s felt in years. No Yzma to worry about, no mid-morning meetings before he’s fully awake, no peasants complaining at him for hours on end. He should’ve done this years ago! In between one grape and the next, there’s a heavy pile of something suddenly dropped on top of him, and Kuzco sputters as he flails his way through it to figure out what’s going on. “Hey!” He shouts, heaving an over dramatic breath once he’s finally free of the. . . wet towels? He’s greeted by Chicha’s scowling face, towering over him with her arms folded across her chest.
“Good morning, your Highness.” She grounds out, raising an eyebrow at him. “Enjoying yourself?” “Well I was, until I was so rudely interrupted.” He unceremoniously shoves the pile of dirty laundry to the ground beside his chair, where his grapes lie in a mangled heap.
What a shame.
“Sooo. . . what’s with the towels? Out of soap?”
“No, Kuzco. I figured since you had so much fun dirtying everything yesterday, you wouldn’t mind lending a hand cleaning up after yourself today.” . . . She can’t be serious.
“You can’t be serious.” Her raised eyebrow says otherwise.
“Hah hah, good one Chicha. You had me going there for a sec. Woo!” Kuzco laughs, brushing an imaginary tear from his eye. “Me, washing laundry. Like a peasant. Hah!” If anything, her scowl gets deeper and she bends down to pick up a towel with an almost perfect imprint of Kuzco’s muddy face on it to throw back at his head.
“Around here, we peasants like to clean up after ourselves– and I could use the help while Chaca is watching Yupi and Tipo is out with Pacha. Come on, Kuzco.”
With that, Chicha turns and starts to head back up the hill leading to her and Pacha’s hut, fully expecting Kuzco to follow. He’s still sitting there, staring back and forth between the towel in his hands and Chicha’s retreating back as she disappears from his line of sight.
After he realizes she isn’t coming back, Kuzco begrudgingly picks up the dirty towels laying around his chair and stomps up the hill after her, muttering about ‘bossy peasants’.
Truth be told; Kuzco’s never done this before because no one has ever bothered to show him how to do it. He grew up in lavish accommodations, with maids and butlers catering to his every whim. What use would he have for washing his own clothes? He has people for that sort of thing!
Chicha, despite her annoyance at his constant complaining, is patient with him. Showing him the wash basin full of water and dirty clothes, and the saponins used for washing everything. How to hold the garments so he doesn’t scrape his hands with the rock.
It’s slow going at first, but he’s slowly getting the hang of it by the time they’re just about finished and he’s draping the last of the towels over the now empty basin’s edge.
“BOOM, baby! Check me out! I did ALL the laundry, by myself with these two hands!” He holds his hands up for emphasis, missing Chicha’s annoyed eye roll entirely as he spins around in a dance circle.
“Oh yeah, look at me and my bad self! Booyah!” He stops dancing when he notices her watching him from the couch, amusement warring with annoyance evident in her expression. “Oh no, please. Don’t stop on my account. It was all you, llama boy.” Kuzco scowls at the nickname, but there’s no heat behind it. “One? Don’t call me that. Ever.” He takes a seat beside her on the couch, huffing out a faux annoyed breath. “Two– you didn’t really need my help with any of this, did you.” Chicha hides her smile behind an overly casual shrug.
“I underestimated you, Chicha. You’re clever. Tricking your Emperor into doing your dirty work for you– literally.” “What can I say? It’s about time someone taught you some manners.”
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panfluidme · 1 year
Growin' Up Wrong (Donnie's Story)
Master Post, Chapter Two
Gwen had gotten her glasses last week and things were better for her.
Well, except one thing. She had this gut feeling that something about her wasn't right. Splinter let her wear whatever she wanted or play with whatever toy she wanted, but her pre-school teacher insisted that because she was a girl, she had to play with the more traditionally feminine toys.
Gwen did not like Mrs. Haarmann, at all. She was rude, bossy, and controlling. Despite having a mixed class, she did not want any boys talking to any of the girls and vise versa. Which was such a dumb rule, in Gwen's opinion.
The worst thing Mrs. Haarmann did was forcing Gwen to play with feminine toys. Gwen found herself enjoying the toys she could take apart and build (like the class's big Lego set) or the robot toys with mechanical features. Toys that Mrs. Haarmann considered to be boys toys. Gwen didn't have anything against dolls or tea sets, but they weren't her cup of tea (no pun in intended).
Mrs. Haarmann also did not respect any of Gwen's boundaries. She would grab her hand, or pick her up, and ignore Gwen's whimpering protests. She would try to force Gwen to "speak like a normal person" and not use sign language.
Gwen's complained to Splinter about her, and he's complained to the pre-school's owner about her. Yet, nothing actually got done. If Splinter tried to remove Gwen from the class, the school would threaten to tell people where he lived (which he didn't want so he could avoid the press and paparazzi as much as physically possible).
This meant that Gwen was stuck with a woman she hated for the next year or two.
Mrs. Haarmann crouched next to Gwen, putting her boney hand on her back, and smiled. She smelled strongly of perfume, causing Gwen to cough.
"What are you drawing?" she asked in her fakely sweet voice.
Gwen raised her hands to sign her answer, but Mrs. Haarmann grabbed her wrists.
"Use your words like an actual person."
She tried to yank her hands free, whining in discomfort. Mrs. Haarmann's grip tightened, her eyes flashing with warning.
With a defeated huff, Gwen mumbled, "robot."
"Robots are for boys. Shouldn't you be drawing a unicorn?"
"Because unicorns are for girls. Robots are for boys."
Gwen thought then looked up at her. "Then I dun't wanna be girl."
"Excuse me? You are a girl, you are not a boy."
"I dun't wanna be girl!" Gwen repeated, raising her voice to be louder than it has been before.
"Go to time out. Your father and I will be having a talk about this when he comes to pick you up."
"Now, Gwen."
Gwen huffed and stomped to the time out corner, kicking a classmate's Lego creation.
Splinter arrived to pick Gwen up and saw that she was in time out. That made him frown. Sure, she could have freak outs (Splinter suspected that she had autism and got overstimulated very easily because of it), but overall, she was a well behaved kid.
"Good evening, Mrs. Haarmann."
"Good evening, Mr. Hamato. You and I need to talk about your daughter."
That can't be good...
"Is something wrong?"
"I had asked her about her drawing during art time."
"Did she draw something inappropriate?"
"Yes! She drew a robot!"
Splinter furrowed his eyebrows together in confusion. "Was the robot doing anything violent?"
"Then I don't see what the problem is. Gwen has a small obsession with robots."
"Robots are boy things. And when I told her that, she said she doesn't want to be a girl."
"Huh. Hey, Gwen, could you come here?"
Gwen slowly came over and sat in the small chair next to him. She looked up at him with curious eyes.
"Mrs. Haarmann here said that you don't want to be a girl anymore. What would you rather be?"
A small smile formed on her lips as she thought. She made the sign for 'boy.'
"You want to be a boy?"
Gwen nodded.
"Do you have a different name you want to go by?"
She stopped to think. "Donatello?" she said softly.
Splinter smiled and nodded. He turned his attention back to Mrs. Haarmann. "Gwen would like to be Donatello."
"She's a girl! She can't be called Donatello."
"Sh— he just said he wants to be a boy," Splinter said simply. "So, he can be a boy if sh— he wants to be."
"And if you continue to harass him and mistreat him, I will be suing you." He stood up. "Come on, Donatello. We've gotta go tell Auntie Carol and Uncle Kirby the news!"
Donatello nodded excitedly. He made grabby hands, showing that he wanted to be picked up. Splinter smiled and picked him up.
"Remember, treat my da— son right, or I will sue you for harassment."
Mrs. Haarmann gritted her teeth. "Fine."
Chapter Four
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