#she was super easy to talk to and listened to me and wasnt Weird if i requested specific medication
besnouted · 1 year
i fully wish she could just be my hrt doctor also ive been avoiding seeing mine for almost a year since the clinic reassigned me to a new one lmao
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sneakyscarab · 10 months
i'm back again! were you expecting my return so soon? cause i wasnt :P
nina's thoughts on Touhou 13 - Ten Desires
ok, i definitely did not expect to be writing this so soon. after the training arc of MoF and SA i think the return of real proper bombs to touhou has made me a monster. do you want to know how many runs it took me to 1cc this one? SIX! i might need to graduate to playing these games on hard difficulty… UFO to me made since cause they made getting extra lives super easy, but they cut down hard on extra lives in TD so i don't even know. i feel like i barely even know this game, but its done already.
the basic gameplay is pretty similar to UFO, minus obviously the UFOs. instead theres a new pickup system in Divine Spirits that pop out of enemies and fade away in a few seconds unless collected. there are 4 types of Divine Spirit, 2 common and 2 rare. the two rare types are Pink and Green and are pretty much just life pieces and bomb pieces with a different coat of paint, although you need a lot more than 5 of them now, starting at 8 for a full life/bomb and increasing in cost every time. the common types of spirit are Blue and Grey, blue ones increase the worth of point items, and grey ones increase your trance gauge (i think all spirits do, but grey ones do it better).
the trance gauge itself is pretty weird, when you get hit by a bullet you go into a trance which increases your damage and makes you fully invincible for up to 10 seconds depending on your gauge, and then you die when it runs out. alternatively, if your trance gauge is full, you can manually go into trance, which doesnt kill you when it runs out. its pretty much either a really strong get-out-of-spellcard-free move, or its a weird inbetween mood of "welp im dead in a few seconds, might as well see how much damage i can do"
in terms of playable characters, TD is very similar to Imperishable Night, having 4 choices with 1 moveset each, those being two seperate weapons taped together based on focusing. Reimu to nobodys surprise has homing shots and needles when focusing. Marisa has illusion lasers when focusing shoots magic missiles, although these are more like Nitori's missiles than Marisa's own. Sanae is back again but sadly doesn't get either of her cool weapons from last game, instead having a wind-based shot that goes wide normally and turns into a weird helix shape when focusing. and the 4th option is Youmu returning out of nowhere, although it makes sense given that the Netherworld is involved in this games plot. she has the weirdest weapon, with her unfocused shot being like MoF!Marisa's trailing options, and her focused shot being that you don't shoot while focusing, instead while you hold down focus you charge up a powerful sword slash that you unleash when you stop focusing. the sword charge is a really cool idea and is reminscent of how she played in PoFV, but while in that game her sword deleted bullets, it doesn't do the same here, making you feel really vulnerable. i want to like Youmu's moveset, but im just not a fan. granted, i only played as Youmu one time. i played each character once, then gave Marisa a second shot, then gave Sanae a second shot and got my 1cc. Sanae's weapon set is probably my preferred one just cause it feels like it synergizes the best, but Reimu is good too.
for the new characters, i gotta give shoutouts to the trans icon Toyosatomimi no Miko. She's the reincarnation of Prince Shoutoko, a Japanese historical figure who apparently used to be on the ¥10,000 note, who somehow ended up in Gensokyo and when coming back to life decided "i think im a girl actually". she has the ability to hear the desires (of which there are 10) of those she talks with, and is able to judge their character and motivations through them. however, shes a terrible listener when it comes to actual conversation, and frequently talks past people.
Kyouko is a pretty fun character. although she doesnt do much in this game, in external media she becomes besties with Mystia from IN and they form a punk band together, which is just amazing. if you go to one of their concerts you will almost certainly go deaf considering Kyouko's power is basically to shout things very loudly into the distance. they must get so many noise complaints.
like UFO im having trouble deciding on a third pick. Yoshika is a cool Jiang-shi with an interesting mechanic in her fight where she will summon divine spirits and then eat them to regain health, becoming basically unkillable if you don't grab the spirits before she can. Mononobe no Futo also has some fun attacks, i love how she just randomly jumps onto a boat for some of them, and her final spellcard "Saint Card 「Oomonoimi's Banquet」" is a really fun pattern to dodge, spinning in circles while avoiding the cards flying at you.
final thoughts on TD, uh… it sure is a game! i like how it uses returning characters like the netherworld duo, and Kogasa again lol. the divine spirits and trance gauge are just kinda eh, and the playable character movesets are also kinda eh. i hesitate to call it bad, but its certainly not ranking highly imo.
thanks for reading! i have no idea what the rate of these posts is going to be like, we'll have to see how i handle #14. until next time!
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vemuabhi · 3 years
Wait... somebody hold my pasta! Requets are opennnn! Bello, how are you?? I hope you are doing well!
I was wondering if I could ask for a Killer x Reader fic! I thought like, the reader is the new cook and Killer keeps hovering around like she's poisoning the food idk hahaha In reality, he just wants to be around, but doesn't know how to tell her.
Any special touches are so welcome! And please, take your time writing. I know you are swamped with requests and I'm not going anywhere haha Sorry for the gigantic ask!!
Thank you! Wishing you all the inspiration and love! 💙
Hello author san! Im happy to see you here in my box! This is my very first time writing for our favourite Pastaboy!! Im so excited to write for him. I hope its good and I hope you like it @holykillercake swan~~
Pairing: Killer X Reader
Warning: none. Its Killer fluff!!
Word count: 2.3K
Likes/votes, comments, shares/reblogs are appreciated!
Summary : being the new cook of the Kidd pirates, comes with a very suspicious and also a curious mask dude.
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"Yes. I know that and I added extra sugar for Kidd", you replied to the mask dude who was telling you, the official cook for the crew, how to make coffee for the captain.
"Just making sure", he said and started to make pasta.
"I could make it for you", you said.
"Its alright. I can do it myself. You can now go and serve the coffee to the gang", he replied without even looking at you.
'This jerk... why the hell is he like this?', you cursed under your breath and went to the rowdy gang. Mornings were the only time of the day, the assholes didn't drink.
"Heat! Wire! Wake up!!", you knocked the door and went inside. The roomies had a drowsy look on their faces. But ofcourse these two and Killer mostly stayed up guarding the ship.
Then you went to Kidds cabin and knocked once before entering.
"Captain, wake up", you said and carefully placed the hottest mug on the side of the night stand. He just grunted and turned. You knew, once Kidd woke up his drink would turn warm. So his was extra hot than others.
Once when a traitor was about to kill Kidd in his sleep, the first mate used the boiling hot coffee which was on the captains stand just in time. So... its not only a drink but also a weapon.
You quickly handed the rest of the crew, their mugs and went to the kitchen to brew the stew for the breakfast. Yes ofcourse it was wished by Kidd himself the day before.
You saw the first mate eating his pasta peacefully with his mask on. Before you were the cook, he cooked for the crew and this became his habbit to eat before the crew. He never removed his mask. Not once he revealed his face.
It would be a lie, if you said you weren't interested how he looked like and why he wore his mask always. But slowly you got used to him and his behaviour around you.
He always told you what to add and always asked what you were making. His special interest to the ingredients was weird. He looked at the ingredients and cut them for you everytime. As if you'd poison the food, if he wasn't around.
You were getting pissed by his actions day by day. You went to the stove and continued to stir the stew.
The breakfast was hectic with the rowdy crew and their massive appetite. You did feel someone staring at you once in a while. There would be 2 people if you felt like someone is staring at you. One being heat and other, the blond. Heat sat beside you, so you knew it wasnt him. And you made sure Heat could over come his shyness and ask you for food instead of staring.
You turned to look at Killer and yes, his mask was facing you. You shook your head and continued to eat the food.
And after a bit of training with Heat and Wire, you went to the kitchen to make lunch.
You got irritated when you saw the vegetables already cut. It was the work of Killer and you couldn't do anything but to sigh. You quickly started to mix the already cut veggies with the spices.
Making the Lunch was a bit peaceful. Because during this time, Killer and Kidd used to talk about some upcoming events and handled some paperwork. Sometimes they would build machines or new types of weapons.
The dinner was again a bit difficult. You could cut the vegetables this time but, he'd come to the kitchen and ask you what you were making. Sometimes he used to read books during this time. Sometimes it felt weird if... he wasn't in the kitchen.
Just like everyday after dinner, you now sat in the kitchen alone and looked at the new recipes, thinking what to make tomorrow. And like a routine, Heat came towards the Kitchen and stared at you for a few seconds before calling you.
"Hey.. Y/N", you immediately looked at him and knew what he was about to say. So you got up and went towards the fridge.
"Can I have any leftover dessert you made today", he asked as you closed the door with the dessert in your hands.
Walking towards him you placed the food before him and sat opposite to him.
He smiled happily and took a bite of the dessert and started to eat it with delight.
Yes you loved to see people enjoy the food you make. So you always made sure to save a portion for him.
You decided to ask Heat the question you had for months.
"Heat, can I ask you something"
He swallowed the dessert in his mouth and nodded.
"So... its actually about Killer", you said. Heat curiously leaned over to listen to you.
So, actually.. i feel like he is really suspicious of whatever I do and its really bothering me", you said before closing the cook book and sitting straight.
"How can he be so suspicious even after I am here for more than 4 months. I mean, if he has any problem with me, he needs to tell me right. What should I do? ", you ended with an ask and looked at him curious eyes.
He took another bite of the dessert and started to think carefully.
Finally he answered by saying, "I am pretty sure Killer is not doubting you. Maybe its better if you ask him"
"Why do you think its not the case?"
"Well, if it was... you wouldn't be alive. Its as simple as that."
'Damn that makes perfect sense. Why didn't I think like that', you mentally facepalmed yourself.
"Y/N, I believe there is something else. Why not just ask him", he suggested taking another bite.
"Yeah... thanks", you smiled at him and leaned back into your chair as you continued, "ill do that"
But ofcourse. It wasn't that easy to ask Killer. So a few days passed and one evening, the crew reached an island.
After docking, Kidd wanted to get drunk and fight other drunkards in the bar. Thinking it was a good chance to slip out of the place. The island was beautiful and the stars started to twinkle in the sky.
You walked aimlessly in the streets, which were a bit dark but still were beautiful. You didn't have to be scared. You are strong. One of the Kidd pirates. The one who always trains with the super soldiers heat and wire.
Then a park caught your attention. Walking in it you saw a slide.
'Ha... memories', you thought as you walked towards it.
The next thing you knew was you climbing up on the slide. You were ready to slide down it then you noticed the mask staring at you. You didn't know what to do. Your mind was blocked with the embarrassment. Still you slid down. Oh my... the 2 seconds slide was definitely awkward.
Both of you were so silent and just kept staring at eachother, with a blank expression.
You swore you could see his shoulders shaking. Was he... trying to hold back his laughter?
"What is so funny?", you asked with your cheeks flushed pink.
Damn he turned to another side to avoid looking at you, while he still tried to hold his laugh.
"I.. I just felt like... playing because its been a while", you tried to explain yourself while folding your arms. Then he slowly turned to look at you.
"I... didn't ask you anything", he said folding his arms.
"Tsk... why did you come here anyway?", you asked but you didn't receive any answer. You started to walk towards the swing now. He quietly followed you a few steps behind. Well you got caught so, there is no reason to hide or sacrifice the urge to play.
You sat on the swing and looked at him slowly coming towards you.
"Killer! Push the swing up high", you asked.. more like ordered.
He stood behind you in a blink of an eye and pushed the swing forward. It had been so long since you played like this.
The cool breeze felt so good. You chuckled as soon as he pushed you a bit higher. Oh how it felt like music to his ears.
After a while you asked him to stop it. You tripped as you felt a bit dizzy after swinging for so long. Ofcourse Killer was there to make sure you didn't fall down. You tapped his shoulder and made him to sit on the swing.
"Now It's your turn", you declared.
"Woah, you don't have to", he said but you didn't care and pushed the swing forward. If Killer didn't have his mask on, you could've looked at how he blushed at your actions.
Then you suddenly thought about what Heat told you. You decided it was the correct time to ask him as it was neither awkward nor anyone interrupted you two.
"So, Killer I wanted to ask you something for a while now", you saw that Killer definitely flinched when you said it.
"Wh..what is it?", he replied trying to keep him as calm as ever.
"Do you not trust me?"
"I mean, you are always in the kitchen, asking me what I was doing, what I was adding, what ingredients I was using. It feels like you don't trust me", you pushed him again but he stopped to swing, by placing his legs on the ground.
"Oh no! I do trust you. I never thought you'd misunderstand my actions", he said facing you. You gave him a confused expression for which, he turned away and sighed.
"I was... trying to help you", he mumbled.
Your cheeks turned red at his answer. Then everything made sense. The way he always tried to make you know what the crew liked. How he cut veggies and other items for you. How he made his own pasta to lessen your work.
'God damn it! Now that I think, Ofcourse he was helping me', you started to curse yourself inside.
"So... you didn't knew it", his faced down looking at the ground beneath him.
"Im sorry. Killer please forgive me", you crouched before him and looked up at his mask. 'Aww how sad he seemed now.
"I'm sorry I didn't notice that you were helping me", you said taking his hand in yours.
"Its alright. It might've been my fault. I am this weird looking mask dude. No wonder you got scared"
"No no Killer. Its not because of your mask. Its not your fault. It was my fault. You are calm and collected. You always analyse things before hand. You solve fights between the crew members. You always did help me. You were always around me and made sure I didn't feel uncomfortable. You are an amazing cook and a great partner", you ended saying it.
Well with the last part you got carried away and got real close to his mask. As if you were kissing his mask.
Oh damn. You pulled back but... you were damn fricking sure, you saw shiney light blue eyes.
"Thanks Y/N", he said getting up and as you both still held hands, he pulled you up.
He placed his other hand on your waist to make sure you had balence before letting you go. He waved to you and started to walk towards the exit.
For some reason, you felt like, you'd really miss something if you just let him go now. As if... you'd not see him like always. Your legs worked their way and now you were running behind Killer.
"Killer stop!", you said and he tuned back to look at you. You couldn't stop your legs and almost tackled him down. But he was way too strong for you to tackle him down. So now, his arms were supporting you. Again!
You almost died with embarrassment but... you had to tell him.
"I didn't hate it", you said but he didn't reply. More like he didn't even know what to reply. Or... he didnt even understand what you meant.
"I didn't hate when you helped me. Infact I... liked it. Thanks for helping me then and also from now on too. So please do stay with me", you ended the sentence with looking down at the ground. It was quiet for a while.
'The fuck... why did it sound like a-'
"Is this a confession?", he asked
Your cheeks turned red at his question.
"Ah- I... But...", you struggled to come with an answer then you noticed his shoulders shaking again.
"Idiot! Dont laugh!", you shoved him back and started to walk away.
"Hey wait. No one dared to shove me and walk away", he said and followed you. You smirked at that and continued to walk with your head up.
He then continued, "Well.... except for Kidd, when he is on his period"
This shit made you to crack up and you laughed.
"Damn Kidd would kill you", you said as you placed your hand in his and you two continued to talk. You felt so warm in your heart when you held Killers hand.
Maybe something was about to start between you two.
Meanwhile in the bar of the island.
"*Achoo* I hope I didn't catch a cold", Kidd said as he snatched a drink from another person and started to make a ruckus in the bar.
I hope you enjoyed reading this story. I hope I made justice to my very first Killer fic. I enjoyed writing so much for Killer. He is a comfort charecter of mine after Sanji. I tried so much to get a good plot for Killer.
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Do you remember what episode was it when they were talking about how to split rooms and Veth suggests Jester and Fjord share a room and Jester turns it down and makes it a point to go to the other room where Fjord wasn’t in? Is that the same episode Caleb tells Fjord that Jester can punch him through a wall?
Oh man. I feel like this ask is super passive aggressive, but just in case it isn’t... sure, I’ll play.
The episode was ep 54 “Well Beneath” and both interactions happen at the same time, but I suspect you already knew that, anon.
I think there’s a couple interesting things that keep getting overlooked when it comes to this exchange when Fandom talks about it, though. Especially when painted as proof that Fjord doesn’t respect Jester’s strength as much as Caleb does. Which absolutely isn’t the case.
I think, firstly, for context from Fjord’s POV it’s worth noting that this is very soon after the Pirate Arc, in which he struggled for weeks to precisely keep his friends safe under constant threat and felt responsible for it. Secondly, during that arc he slowly became more aware of the way Jester’s cheerfulness is a front. Starting with the jellyfish talk and leading to his efforts to cheer her up after the whole blue dragon thing, which we know he feels responsible for despite it being an unfortunate mix of events. He also started becoming more aware of how much her support meant for him (see the second temple, in which he was moved by her concern but also kept complimenting her fighting and spells at every given turn). Finally, let’s not forget they were preparing to sleep in a super shady place and boys and girls were going to room separately. I would argue, after the Iron Shepherd’s, there’s certain degree of separation anxiety for Fjord and, as far as they knew at this point of the Xhorhas arc, they were in hostile territory. So no, Fjord isn’t saying “Jester I think you are too weak” he is saying “Jester, your safety is important to me and I am trying to be more vocal about it”. In a hilariously misguided way, which is hilarious for someone as smooth as Fjord, but later experience has proved he gets very clumsy around her because of his growing crush.
As for Jester’s reaction, I think it’s important to note, first and foremost, that she was already crossed at Fjord and Veth before this conversation. She was pissed because she was nearly out of spells and asked them not to go into the well to investigate because she wouldn’t be able to heal them if something went wrong. And they were too curious to listen to her. Remember, what Jester actually called Fjord out on after the HFB WASNT that he left her with the dragon but that he disappeared. Again, separation anxiety. So she’s angry and then Fjord asks if she’ll be safe and she looks angry. But then her friends start loudly, and right in front of her, teasing him about it. This is the guy she is in love with and just convinced herself doesn’t like her back. How excruciating must that be? No wonder she walks away to her bedroom. Also, consider, she doesn’t snap at Fjord over the comment. She does snap at Veth about the teasing, insisting Fjord had no romantic inclinations while making that comment (lol it definitely came from his feeling for her but we know that now for sure).
Finally, I don’t see that exchange as Caleb respecting her more. Honestly. I think it’s a very interesting illustration of something I already talked about and is the fact that, just because Jester CAN take care of herself, it doesn’t mean she shouldn’t be checked in with, shouldn’t be asked “are you okay with this?” You can know someone is highly capable and still worry about them. It’s not mutually exclusive. I do appreciate Caleb loudly reminding everyone how strong Jester is, their friendship is one of my favorite things. The way he delivered that line was hilarious (though sadly ignored by her and everyone else in the middle of the ensuing teasing). But that’s about it for me. If anything, knowing about his crush on her, it almost feels like he kinda WANTED to incite conflict over the comment but it’s hard to speculate about it of course.
Lastly, I think it’s interesting to note that Fjord does this exact same thing a while later, after they just lost Yasha. When, again, they are staying in weird sleeping arrengments (dynasty military camp, this time), when again Jester is out of spells, when they are shaken and tense and feeling hunted down by TLH. He leaves the room and asks “are you going to be alright here?” And he’s v obviously talking to Jester because of his sight line but Sam dismisses it with “yeah, it’s a room” though Jester nods gently in response at the same time. She doesn’t take it as offense (when she isn’t already pissed).
Also, because now I’m thinking about it, you could say there’s other two parallels on Jester’s side to this exchange. Firstly, when she checks in with him in the Xhorhouse and implies they ran away from the ocean, to which Fjord responds defensively. And, much later, when she stops him before they walk into the cathedral, holds his hand and whispers “please be careful, please”. Neither of these means she thinks he’s weak or doesn’t respect him, right.
I don’t know where I’m going with this other than that scene came at a time where Fjord and Jester’s relationship was slowly beginning to mend after the Pirate Arc (I would argue it didn’t entirely return to their easy comfortable rapport until the Kiln Talk though it did get much better after the moorbounder/potions conversation) but people keep taking it out of context (both within their arcs and within the episode itself) and everyone is free to make whatever readings they want but ignoring nuances leads to misguided conclusions in my opinion. So yeah.
Anyway, the ep you were looking for was 54 (wow, over 60 eps ago!)
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Markiplier manor is toxic here’s why
So Markiplier manor (Markipliers official discord server) has gotten a surplus of new people in it, this happened a few weeks ago the manor itself though has been up for awhile. originally a members only server it was eventually opened up for everyone and yes there are alot of genuinely good people and the mods are alright but unfortunately its becoming a toxic environment. 
SO EDIT i have discussed with the mods that being said ... im keeping this up as a reminder of we can do better we can help people who are struggling through something instead of shutting them down we can listen to people who are being oppressed and bravely point out new media that only worsens that oppression and stigmatization and not just the mods who i was kind of harsh towards but who are human everyone as a community can do better and this is a large community think of the work we can do just doing the basics like boycotting problematic content and helping those who cry out for it who need it (and noticing and shutting down manipulative/toxic behaviors) ... i dont know if im going to go back to the manor yet tho im going to let this sit give it a week yall can agree or disagree but know that if you try to be an ass your going to get shut down and your feelings are going to get hurt 
lets start with the basics “triggering topics” triggering topics can be anything in particular but it generally means a topic that relates to another persons trauma. Now while it is important to acknowledge a persons trigger words and try to keep the conversation respectable ive also noticed people use it to shut down people who come on freaking out because their dealing with a stressful situation/something traumatic just happened. This has happened to me personally and to a friend with me it was about being pro choice and having to in short make that actual choice. i was discussing this in the bathroom because i (like anyone else who comes in with baggage) did not know about any pro choice discords at that moment and was afraid of being stigmatized or going onto a discord that says its a safe space only for it to be filled with trolls. Mark manor is labeled as a safe space and many people come on there looking for support with me no one told me that the topic was triggering to them (which apparently it was because a friend of theirs had to make the choice not her herself think what you will) they just went to a mod early on when i just found the server as a member a friend (who i wont name) had gotten.... assaulted majority of her werent online and as someone who has been there and yes when she told me it did trigger my own trauma she needed moral support... the mod shut her down and deleted her comments and didnt give her a pointer to any other discord where she could discuss the topic openly and get moral support and be pointed to resources (it actually took me ten minutes to find and confirm a lgbtq therapy chat earlier this year for another individual discussing mental health) this was before i had gotten on for that day but i noticed those messages and i contacted her when she told me what was up yea it triggered my memories and its not fun but I FUCKING HELPED HER i made sure she went to the police to atleast file a statement (while the police dont always help it is good to have it on file) i even made her a plush and shipped it out to her and i would do it again and again because its not good to basically tell another person to shut up because it triggers others not without atleast trying to help them find another fucking place and making sure their actually ok and in a physical safe place  next is them claiming the manor is a “safe space” a safe space is by definition  “ a place or environment in which a person or category of people can feel confident that they will not be exposed to discrimination, criticism, harassment, or any other emotional or physical harm.” you would also think that the manor would be a safe space in the fact that marginalized and oppressed groups of people would be able to point out problematic content and have an open and free discussion about it and how it makes them uncomfortable. especially people of lgbtq community which alot of people in that chat are. yesterday (and this was what caused me to officially turn away from the server) in the patio (which is the members only chat) a Transgender individual pointed out the problematic content that is huniepop and how it fetishizes trans people as well as other minorities now this game i hear tries to make itself out as a “parody” .... its not its a sexual dating sim what would make it a parody is if sex noises were replaced with donkey sounds and the lewd pictures were replaced with poorly drawn doodles of tits or what have you its a game for incels marks hilarious when he plays it because he doesnt take the game seriously my issue isnt with him its with the developer. and if you did not know (which apparently people dont) the character poli is described as “a girl with a dick” the individual pointed this out because they felt like it dehumanizes them and paints them as nothing more than a fetish... and also apparently you can “choose” is poli is trans which kind of gives off the message that people can ignore trans peoples identity if it makes them uncomfortable... or if they dont sexualize them. and the muslim community is more or less in the same boat i come from the bible belt in usa im not muslim i am not trans but i do have a reason for standing with both and i will get to that in a bit so i was raised in a christian household in a christian setting like muslim women were basically told we cannot have sex and any sexual thought is sinful and we will be punished blah blah blah your even more closeted if your gay or bi because then you can face ... violence that being said to make the woman from the middle east hyper sexual like they did is kind of shitty even for a incel pleasing sex game. the individual who thought it would be ok to discuss this in the server because its labeled as a safe space and is generally “lgbtq” friendly thus believing he would have people agree and discuss ... was unceremoniously shut down by their peers and a mod was notified this person was not hostile maybe a bit frustrated because he wanted to talk about it and thought he would have this genuinely helpful conversation and people would listen and spread the word because to have problematic content be popular can isolate the oppressed group even more so WHEN NO ONE WANTS TO LISTEN TO THEM. if a group of marginalized people notice something problematic with content and you claim to be an ally of said group then you need to acknowledge and support what they say. they told him to go to twitter where he could potentially be bullied and written off ... because again its an INCEL PLEASING SEX GAME.(which means incels if you ever dealt with them will go and say anything to justify the game even using slurs and bullying) and to put the icing on the cake to change the topic they brought up robin ... i actually dont know who robin is as i dont really focus much on youtube creators personal stuff (it feels off for me to not personally know an individual but know their personal stuff without having actually talking to them its weird i know its a thing i have in my head) but apparently they recently came out as female and good for them im super proud of him and the patio members were discussing how they were proud of him as well for beginning to wear makeup and making themselves more feminine which would be great if they werent trying so hard to shut down the trans male who was trying to spread awareness on problematic stuff .... something he pointed out ... and something they gaslighted and said he was being hostile. really its almost as if they only care about trans issues when its someone famous discussing them  so what can we possibly do about huniepop being transphobic and the answer is very easy BOYCOTT IT like... yall were up in arms and boycotted jk rowling with snap and a turn do we only cancel the old and ugly? do we only cancel those who we dont think is funny? mark is not at fault he probably doesnt realize it and any comments made on the issue are talked down upon or drowned amongst other comments im not saying to cancel him im saying to cancel the game HARD. ignore the posts bitch at the dev demand refunds for your game. like consumers have infinitely more power than corps want to admit.  so you basically have a community that claims to be a safe space but only if you want to talk about sunshine and rainbows and its highly hypocritical of them to claim safety.  another thing is emotionally abusive/manipulative people hide in the server and the mods dont ever seem to acknowledge it. i cannot tell you how many times ive gotten into arguments with people who seems nice then turn into assholes then claim to be the victim when i or others go off on them. if you recognize my name you know i dont stand down when it comes to having a snarky or rude comment thrown at me if your going to be an ass were fighting i dont care how nice you seemed beforehand and you dont get to call a mod just because i actually stood up for myself or others sorry not sorry dont be a bitch nuff said.  now why would i care so much about problematic content? why would i care and stand by the transgender and muslim people (aside from being ya know... an actual ally and not someone who claims it for sympathy and brownie points?) its because i am autistic i am also able to function well on my own but there is a movie created by the famous singer sia it is called music it is a movie frowned upon by the autisitic community because infantizes and dehumanizes non verbal autistic people i am fortunate and unfortunate in not having to deal with much stigma unfortunate because i wasnt diagnosed until i was 17 alot of answers about my behavior could have been answered if i had been diagnosed earlier but considering society loves the quiet timid female and i functioned “well” for neurotypicals i was ignored. so yea you bet your ass im standing with them and raising awareness about huniepop and their was this one person when i mentioned this point i cant remember there name nor to do i give a shit about them because when i mentioned how autistic people ... how i was in the same boat with music by sia (again i advise that no one target the actress who was under contract target sia and please boycott her so she knows she cant get brownie points or money for a movie that stigmatizes who she claims she wants to “help” (*cough* profit off of *cough cough*) and only serves as a feel good movie for neurotypicals and ignorant people)  they said “i heard people who hated the movie i heard people who found it alright people are ALLOWED to like problematic content” ... and like ... does anyone else see the problem here? its not hard at all to boycott celebrities for making content  and im going to repeat this point  IF A GROUP OF MARGINALIZED, STIGMITIZED AND OPPRESSED PEOPLE CALL OUT SOMETHING FOR BEING PROBLEMATIC AND YOU CLAIM TO BE AN ALLY YOU FUCKING LISTEN TO THEM AND DONT SHUT THEM DOWN I DONT GIVE A SHIT YOU DONT HAVE A FUCKING EXCUSE. if you cant bring yourself to boycott a piece of media and replace it with the infinitely more suitable forms that supports the group you claim to be for your not an ally your a fucking hypocrite  and that is why i left markiplier manor i am still a youtube special ... thingy member and i will continue to be a member to support mark i want people to overall listen to those who speak up against a creator and a piece of media and listen to us all no matter how “good” something seems. .. also there is a video called listen it was created by nonverbal autistic people  and communicationFIRST a group that sia apparently communicated with for her movie... and then ignored  https://youtu.be/H7dca7U7GI8
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That Be Some Good Buttercream
Summary- Steve and Bucky get your help in replicating a howling commando days battle using Christmas baking fun. But... Does anything ever quite work out the way it should? Set in the same characters I used in Night In, Looking Pretty Fly and Popping Pez and Mismatched Socks. Written for @official-and-unstable-satan​ 300 Follower Celebration Challenge. She still has many prompts, check it out. Prompts in italiacs. No warnings, all fluffy. 
Word Count- 1.6k
A/N- so proud of your accomplishments babes, you are an amazing writer and I love getting lost in your stories and listening to your ideas. I know your just gonna keep going up from here. Love you always babygirl 💚😈💚😈💚😈💚
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“Bucky, they came around from the south end” 
“No they did not. I remember Steve, I was there.”
“Yea, and so was I” 
You and Sam had been listening to the two super soldiers carry on at the oversized table in the compounds kitchen dining area for a good hour before you readjusted the volume on the tv once more. Sam, half laying over half the couch remained scrolling on his phone, remarking. 
“Aint gonna do you no good, they just get louder.”
You sigh and hit the off button, he was right. Might as well go see what these two were up to anyways. Pushing yourself off the couch, Sam promptly stretched his legs out onto where you were sitting, making himself comfterable. “See you on the other side Kid!” He joked, settling into watching youtube. 
Wandering in, you saw the two men bent over  large map, Steve with pencil in hand drawing arrows to discern where they started from, stretching it across what looked like a military base. Bucky shook his head. 
“No no no, Punk, I wasnt up there, I was down here” 
“Bucky, I had you up on the highest point, it just looks weird on paper.” 
“You know what, this is pointless.” You could see Bucky getting aggitated with there project, pushing himself away from the table. “We need like... a 3D model to get this right.” 
Steve to straightened up, his arms folding as he looked down at the heavily marked paper. “Well... Tony does have some...” You interrupt in this time, moving over to the table and taking a peek at what they were doing. 
“You know, I have an idea of how to make you two a 3D model.” Both the men quirked brows, curious as to what you had in mind. "Givingerbread reanatcment.” 
You expected a rebuttal, a laugh, anything, since you were joking. But the two of them actually looked thoughtful, glancing at each other. “It would be easier then trying to draw it out” Steve mentioned. “And easier then trying to get Tony to set up the AI model for us.” 
“Plus we get some fucking cookies... Im in.” Bucky grinned, obviously pleased in the options of snacks. What started as a joke from you became a very serious matter as the two Soldiers dragged you into the kitchen. The two of them looking at you expectedly. 
“I was just joking guys, Im not making you a hydra replica gingerbread base. You know how much shit that would take.” At this point you backtracking a bit, wishing the words hadnt fallen out of your mouth so damn easily cause you thought is was funny. 
“Nonsense, you wont be doing all of it. Were going to help.” Steves already moving to wash his hands as Bucky is digging through a drawer and slipping on a god damn “Kiss the Cook” apron, he found in a drawer, ties it swiftly around his back and rolls up his sleeves. 
“You know you always wanted to boss us around Doll.” Bucky smirks, wiggling brows in a teasing manner. “You finally get your chance.” 
You look between the two men, the two of them nodding in encouragement, Steve composed as ever, waiting for You to explain how to start, and Bucky well he was opening drawers, pulling out random stuff that he thought you might use. He held up a spatula with a smirk, slapping the utinsel against his palm. “How about we get this train moving kids.” 
Relenting, you turn to your phone for a recipe. “Okay fine, since you all insist. We need flour, sugar, eggs, ginger, cinnamon....” While your listing, both men are scrambling to find everything, and piling it on the counter, yourself you bring out some bowls, cookie cutters, lets face it. You needed the actual men to decorate like howling commandos. Turning on the oven to get it preheated, you search for decorations. “Steve, store run? We gotta make this accurate you know, and Buckys all dressed up for a day baking. Hate to send him." You just kinda motion lver Buckys getup, the kiss the cook stretched over his chest, the apron a size to small for him really.
Your already grabbing paper and jotting down a detailed list of food coloring, frosting, candies and such. Steve snatched the list when you held it out, he had a general idea of it all and nodded. "Dont hesitate to put Bucky to work. He just pretends to be all intimidating."
You roll your eyes and back in the kitchen theres a "Steve your a dick" retort from Bucky whos looking over the mess of ingredients piled on the counter. Steve, seemingly joyful as he grabbed keys and left, you suspect you might not see him at least another hour or two. No worries, you had the other super soldier on hand.
Heading back in you hand Bucky a bowl and eggs. "Start cracking, separating yolk from white, and no shells." You cant help but from watching him, looking a bit like a lost child, before he he starts to crack eggs and inspect for shells. You watch from the corner of your eye as you put together the dry ingredients, and start mesuring out the molasses, talking him through the rest of the buttercream frosting ingredients.
Dipping your finger in his finished product, you lick the tip of your finger, smirking at his widened eyes. Yea Steve, hes very intimidating. You maybe took a bit to much pleasure in teasing Bucky on occasion. "Mmmhh my very favorite part.... "
He cleared his throat and looked away, it might be a bit mean, but he would give it back later, this was a dance the two of you played. "Okay, what now?" He said a bit gruff and you grab your rolling pin, holding it to him.
Eyeing it a moment, his brow arched. "Ya want me to roll the dough?"
"Yea Buck, nice and thin, since you two want to make all these outer buildings as well." Pointing to Steve's sketching, And you reached in the dough and piled it on the counter on front of Bucky. "And Steve said to put you to work."
"I notice you gave Steve the easy job." He muttered as he started to flatten the dough.
"I knew you were more capable."
Bucky couldn't hide the grin at the compliment, and afterwards you both measured, cut and got the cookie sheets in the oven. Stealing part of the couch back from Sam and watching trash tv till the oven beeped. Bucky vaulted over the couch, head back into the kitchen and pulled them out of the oven.
"Are they firm?" You ask, peeking at them, a light brush of your fingers against them. The room smelled like bake gingerbread and smooth sugar. Tempting delectables to say the least.
"Yup, now what?"
"Cool and mantle your buildings." You say as You slide them off onto wire racks. "Go get the frosting, and I will show you." Already he was rummaging in the fridge to retrieve it. Peeling off the plastic cling, you pick up one of the cooler pieces and edged it with icing. Folding two pieces together. "Easy as that. You try."
Bucky took it so seriously, the tip of his tongue sticking out of the corner of his mouth as he piped that icing. His brows furrowed together in a dip right at the center. You bite back a grin and get a large dollop of icing on your finger and flick it at the man. Landing right in his face. He drops his cookie in surprise and blinks though the icing. "Fucken hell, Y/N! Whats that for?" Wiping it off, he flicks it back at you and you squeal getting hit.
That's war!
"Oh its on Barnes" smirking as you grab a cookie and crumble it, shooting it at him. Cookies fly, icing it flung, flour, and sugar is used to blind one another, you two ducked around the table, screaming and yelling insults playfully.
Bucky tried using the hose at the kitchen sink to spray you, in which you ducked and rolled right into him, the two of you collapsing in a heap on the floor among all your hard work, broken and scattered. Steve stood in the doorway, arms laden with two paper bags, his jaw hanging open at the mess. Bucky pokes you to get your attention and the two of you sit up, covered. Head to toe in frosting, flour and cookies.
"I was just gone an hour..."
"Its a long time to be left unsupervised." You shrug as you smear some frosting off your shirt and lick it off your finger, Bucky helped himself to your shirt frosting to since he had thrown half the bowl on you.
"Oh damn, thats good!" He grins.
"What about this is good?! You mean your gingerbread murder scene?!" Steve toed a dead gingerbread man with the tip of his shoe.
Bucky looked around and glared at his friend. "IT WAS HISTORICALLY ACCURATE" His voice raided to defend the mess and you promptly stuff a cookie in his mouth to shut him up.
"Come on Steve. Did the Hydra base not look like this after you two and the howling commandos were done?" You throw a cookie at him which bounced off his chest. "Eat a cookie, you feel better" next to you Bucky continued eating broken gingerbread men, grinning at his friend and nodding.
"Best damn cookies besides your mama's!" Bucky added between mouthfuls
"I just... Pick this up you two before tony throws a fit." Turning with the bags of candy he bought, passing Sam, he ditched them on the man still scrolling youtube
"You couldn't watch them for two seconds Sam?"
"And break up that little love fest? Puh-lease" Sam grinned at Steve and dug into the paper bags looking through the snacks, pulling out twizzlers.
@what-is-your-plan-today @p8tn0lish @kitkatd7 @stuckonjbbarnes @sebbbystaaan @kimisama1989 @simsadventures @that-damn-girl @imanuglywombat @jtargaryen18 @stardancerluv​ @princess-evans-addict​
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pbandjesse · 3 years
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Today was a nice day that didnt start great. I wish I had more time off. But for now at least Im back to the 1pm schedule for a few days of the week. I really hope it helps but I just want the world to shut down again and I want to stay home and that feels selfish but Im just really tired and I want to be in my house. It sucks. 
Being tired is part of the reason the morning started off not great. Day lights savings really threw off my body and I woke up at like 1030. Which my body felt was 930. So I wasnt super happy but I tried to be okay with it. I didnt like my outfit at first. I was cold. James made crepes that were great but they also made potatoes that were grey. This is like the 3rd time theyve made potatoes recently that were oversalted and grey and I sort of lost it. I was just like. You wouldnt serve this to a customer at the restaurant, why would you serve it to me? And I just fell apart. I cried on the couch and felt so stupid for being so upset but it didnt make me stop being upset. 
I was just so uncomfortable and tired and upset. I told James to cancel the plans we had for the day. But once we talked it out I felt a little better. I wasnt great, but at least I wasnt crying. The ceiling in the bathroom was still leaking and so Mr Will came over and James worked to figure that out a bit more. I played animal crossing. 
It seems I was mostly right that the water was coming from the kitchen of the upstairs apartment. And apparently a lot of the water is also going downstairs. Its a mess. Between that and the heat issue, our landlady is giving us $400 off the rent. So thats cool at least? Shes a nice lady. 
A little after noon me and James did head out. We listened to music and drove out the the savers to look for a new frying pan. There was a weird car accident in the parking lot but no one was hurt. 
It was nice walking around. But I was a little distracted. Because as we were getting out of the car I looked at my tiktok and realized my cult letter videos had blown up and had over 4000 views on the first, and similar but less views on the rest. A bunch of comments. It was wild. So I was a little distracted. I wanted to make some art out of the letter but I wasnt going to do it yet, but since people were telling me they were looking forward to seeing it I felt like I had to do it today. Ride the wave. 
But I still had a nice time. I got two pairs of shoes. Some yarn and fabric. A little cooking kit for camping. James found 3 pans that needed some love but were still good. It was just nice to walk around really. 
We left there and hit up some walgreens to look for the spring exclusives, which apparently are different from the easter ones. So now Im on the look out for these tulip ones. No luck at the 2 walgreens and a CVS we checked out. But we did get steel wool to clean the pans, and a very dark green nail polish. So it wasnt a complete wash. 
We got five guys for lunch and had a picnic in the car. We listened to a history podcast and it was just nice spending time together. James drove us home and we put everything away. James decided to take advantage of the nice day and go for a bike ride, and I went to go lay down in the studio. 
I never actually slept, but it was nice laying down and being cozy. 
James got back home and we realized it was pie day and we had no pie. So since they were going to go get groceries they would get 3 kinds of pies to celebrate. And I would go play animal crossing with Jess. 
It was fun showing off the changes on the island and how my pipe system works. I like making the changes and showing it off and it was fun to share that with her. I also got to visit a dream island of someone I follow on here that was so beautiful. But it was nice just talking to my friend until James got back home. 
We both had things we wanted to do tonight though. I worked on art. Messing with the cult letter. Cutting it up and making nonsense. One only slightly disrespectful. But an ernst collage for the second piece.  I worked on that for an hour and a half, made an inprogress video. And took a break. 
I took my nail polish off. Made a taco. Worked on scrubbing the pans. They are very very messed up on the bottom but Im getting the copper to show again so thats pretty cool, but my hands were tired and it was a lot of work, so eventually I stopped for the night. 
I took a shower and washed my hair. I dont know why it is feeling dirty so fast lately. But I feel alright now. Just very tired. I really hope I can fall asleep easy. And enjoy my longer morning tomorrow. I hope the kids are chill though. And its just a good day. Fingers crossed. Goodnight everyone!
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tydy-the-megnet · 5 years
Let's Watch Captain Marvel
Alrighty. It's definitely late, but I finally got the DVD. So, I'm watching Captain Marvel.
I've decided to make this post about it, which I will write as I go, because I've seen a lot of discussion about the movie without actually hearing about what happens in it... so uh... yeah. Here are my thoughts as I think them:
Brie Larson looks good with long hair. Also, is Carol bleeding blue...? I want to know what that's about and if it's important
Movie is said to take place in the 90s. Space still already has flying cars. I guess Star Wars wasn't not accurate
Listen Sensei dude, if there is one thing I've learned from anime, emotions only make you stronger.
"You gave me these" *shakes fists* is that literal? Like did Mr Sensei really give her fists or is that referring to her powers...? I know nothing of Captain Marvel
He's talking about controlling impulses again. He clearly hasn't seen any anime
The Skrull are the shapeshifters yeah?
... amnesia...?
Now the supreme intelligence (god ai???) Is also talking about controlling her emotions. I still don't buy it.
Mission time. Digging the banter
"I laugh on the inside. I'm not doing that now."
Hm, not sure how I feel about the helmet thing
Hard light scuba gear? That's cool
I'm digging the kinda star wars vibe
Captain listen to your CO but also dont listen to him at all
Yeah the skrull are the shapeshifters everything makes sense now
Wait is her name Veers? Or is that what she's called just because she doesn't remember who she is?
More of this "too emotional" stuff?
Digging the whole mental probe thing.
*Tries percussive maintain on a person*
"I dont know any Dr Larson"
So that had me confused bc I was like "Wasnt her name Danvers?" But Larson is the actress and I guess that's just a character????
Do I have the two backwards?
Skrull: *snarls*
Captain: *snarls back*
I like her
She fights like an anime character while everyone else is an 80s sci-fi movie
Get the boots!!!
And touchdown! Planet C-53! Locally known as Earth!
I guess Captain Marvel could be called a blockbuster hit in-universe and out huh?
I'm hilarious
Honey in basically in the space-boonies now you got no service here lol
This poor confused security guard lol
She called across the galaxy on a pay phone...? Yeah okay cool cool
"[C-53]'s a real shithole" yeah give it 30 years or so it gets worse
Okay why do people not like Captain Marvel?
She's like a mix of Tony, Thor, and Steve
Is that... Coulson? Young Coulson!?
I don't think that was young Coulson after all...
Or is it?
Why are these bystanders trying to stop Veers(?) from fighting this obviously not normal old lady?
What kinda old lady can flip like that?
oh it was Young Coulson!
Poor Coulson
Damn, Nick
*uses AltaVista*
So it's later 90s. Got it.
Lmao dial-up
I guess they're in california?
Lmao dial-up
Ah so this is the motorcycle scene I've heard about. Apparently they cut the part where she nearly breaks the guy's fingers? Disappointing.
The skrull aren't carbon-based life forms that's so cool!
Not on the periodic table...? Let's see, in the 90s... I guess stuff like rutherfordium and onward wouldn't be on there. Uh, maybe technetium? There might be a couple others but for the most part chemistry was advanced enough.
Unless it's something beyond like 118. Which is weird to think about but whatever I should stop thinking about it
Except elements like that would have to be in group 14 yeah?
Biology isnt exactly my forte but
Okay perhaps it's what we now know as flerovium?
The elements in the carbon group should react similarly enough to be the foundation of an entire life form
That's why silicon is used for synthetic stuff a lot right?
And tin
I'm getting off track the movie has been paused for a few minutes now
I'm just going to assume they are flerovium-based life forms
Oh shit they're in SHIELD
So Pegasus is a flight team, or an AF division, or....?
"I don't know if this guy is really human. I'd better ask a bunch of questions to which I don't know the answer."
A skrull could be saying random words and it would totally work
"If toast is cut diagonally I can't easy it."
Why the heck not??????
"That was a photon blast" is that what that is? Awesome
I want Peter to meet her. I think he'd have a new contender for favorite
"A skrull can't do that. " how is he supposed to know that?
Young and slightly less suspicious Fury??
"Noble warrior heroes"
NASA and USAF. Sweet.
"State-of-the-art two-way pager"
Ah the old tape-and-fingerprint trick. Haven't seen that since the 90s--oh
Fury meeting Goose is the purest scene in marvel
"you sat there and watched me play with tape?" Lmao
"Shes kookoo" "Kree glyphs" ":O"
Veers was the pilot
I still don't know her sensei's name
"Excellent work, Nicholas" ":O"
(I know who Mar-Vell is!)
Okay okay okay
More of this "dont emotion" garbage. Listen Veers, DON'T listen
"You know how to fly this thing?" "Uh" "it's a yes or no question"
They're going to LA
(Louisiana not Los Angeles)
Why do people not like this this is great!
She's got the worst part of Thor, but the best part of Tony and Steve!
(So it IS Carol Danvers. Which means Larson isn't her mother. Which makes since because she's actually Mar-Vell. Who's... well, not the mother.)
The Good Lady Ms. Captain Carol Marvel "I-Can-Boil-Tea-With-My-Bare-Hands-Which-Shoot-Lasers-Too" Danvers Ma'am
"You're jacket. Mom doesn't let me wear it anymore after I spilled ketchup on it."
I dont know this kid's name but I really really like her.
"Call me young lady again and I'll put my foot in a place it's not supposed to be."
... that one is more clever with context but whatever
"Am I supposed to guess where that is?" "Your ass"
Monika. That's the kid's name. She's great.
Ah, more ancient relics they call "tech" lol
Do a barrel roll
She did a barrel roll!
"Your blood is uhhh blue" "yeah but how's my hair"
Ah, "Vers" bc they assumed that was her name. Interesting.
Also I want to get super power by blowing something up that's way cooler than being bitten by a stupid spider
Is she human? Is she not? I've no clue
The skrull are the good guys. Things are starting to make sense again.
... maybe I should've pushed to watch this before far from home.
... huh.
... is she human?
Okay so I'm still a little confused but I think I got it.
Though I won't say I dont want something else to blow up
"Those aren't coordinates they're orbital vectors." "It's basic physics." "Couldnt you figure that out? You're my science guy."
"I just think you should consider what kind of example you're setting for your daughter." That's it. That's the best line in the whole movie. Time to go.
Her suit can change colors on a whim!?!
That's awesome
I mean I saw it in Endgame but
"How do I look?" "Fresh" lmao 90s
"What's a cat?" xD
"Why would I turn into a filing cabinet?"
Space lab. Cool.
Is that the tesseract??
She can pick it up!!
Does that mean she could've wielded the Infinity Gauntlet??????
Pinball lmao
Those bastards
"Only human" HEY I RESENT THAT
(I'm still hilarious)
This is awesome why dont more people love it???
"Good kitty"
This very quickly went from Star Wars to Dragon Ball and I am loving it
She really is an anime character
Did she? Is that? Nerf gun?
Okay Carol isnt that much god mode there was just a nerd gun on the floor okay cool yeah sure
"Just like Havana" TALOS YOU BEAUTIFUL--
Remember how captain america jumped to the outside of a plane and fought through it? Yeah CM just did that in SPACE take that Steve
Still dont know how I feel about the helmet thing though
Yeah, those are explosions
Ronin: O_O
Ronin: .... yeah bye
"I have nothing to prove to you."
Fury lost his eye! GOOSE HE TRUSTED YOU
*thinks back to that moment in Winter Soldier*
"You were Solar and the SHIELD agent?" Omg Carol yes keep up
Fury SINGS?!?!
So like, are her powers just straight up energy manipulation? Because that's pretty cool. Really versatile, too
The way she started the engine makes it seem so
And then she just,,,,,, flies away. Into the night. Like stardust in the wind.
Dig the jacket, though
"The Protector Initiative"
It begins......
"Is it true? The Kree burned your eye out because you refused to give them the tesseract?" "I will neither confirm nor deny the facts of that story"
Lmao Fury
"The Avenger Initiative"
It didnt actually show it but we know
Also, dig the music
Aaand now we see, 20ish years later, the snappening
"I wanna know who's on the other end of that thing"
First of all I love that they dont call it a pager because it's 2018 wtf is a pager amirite?
Second, I love how Carol is just there. Great reveal. 1007391861604016/10
"Where's Fury?" D:
Better question, where is Goose???
*one roll of credits later*
Oh! :D
Lmao the tesseract
God this movie is amazing
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doctorguilty · 5 years
omg i forgot to talk about the full contact haunted house!!! omg ok ok 
subtly horny on main im Sorry 
omg ok it started with like. a non-contact section as like, a warmup, but even that was more involved than I expected!! more than the regular haunted house I went to and ones I remember in the past! all the actors were like. so into their characters and looked like they were havin so much fun and like i said last time.. i’m a very perfect Participant cause I get genuinely scared and I also get immersed in the whole like, roleplay immediately and respond like,timidly and stuff and they are just SO entertained by that! 
so it started with a corn maze thing and right away there’s these like monster girls spooking me and stuff but omg there was this scarecrow guy like. who was RIDICULOUSLY hot,,, with like FANGS and shit... who separated me from bog and made me get down and crawl through the maze into a dead end and like, omg i was like literally getting scratched up by whatever it was around me doing that!! and dirty and leaves all over my clothes n shit! and i was backed up on the ground and the scarecrow dude was like looming over me and threatening me or whatever and he gets like really close to my face and says like “I bet you’re in this position a lot” and im like JKDSAHKSAFHDSKGDFS wowo fucking DIE s !!!!!!!!
and then eventually i get chased out to the end and there’s like this, crucifix, and the girls tell me to get up and stand on the platform and put my arms on my cross , and I do, and they started laughing and rocking it back and forth as i held on like holy shit thats the NON contact part omfg!! 
then the contact part had different thremes like one of the early ones was a clown that smeared fake blood on my face and made me and bog crawl into a box and shut us in and like hit the box with a bat and shit ajdhkdf!!! and there was other themed rooms like, clowns, a butcher/cannibal theme one, there was one that was like! a doll room with doll parts everywhere and this lady actor held out hands and played ring around the rosie of course ending with like WE ALL DIE!! like ,, ass that was cute!! and she pushed me around laughing and called me a puppet like wow , you own me tbh 
a lot of it was getting pushed and shoved and people getting close to my face and wiping blood on it or saying threats in my ear but it was like super cool how everyone had a story like it wasnt just, walking through quickly like there were rooms you completely stop as a character goes through their narrative with you like there was, admittedly Problematique but you know how it is, like a Crazy Person in hospital gown but I really really liked her roleplay objectively like she had a cute/spooky story, like listen im mentally ill and ive been to the ward i have rights, but anyway she leads us to her friend who was supposed to be a little girl (like not played by a little girl)but shes like, violently wants to be friends like hugs me and then like snaps immediately and shoves me back like omg i honestly wish i could go through a second time for the Stories 
OH and at one point i got shut in a coffin that was cool omg!!!! 
omg but the best part. like i cant stop thinking about it. this burly lumberjack guy grabs me and shoves me against the wall outside the next little house to go in, and he says “you like that don’t you”  and i just fjsdfksdg instinctively responded “maybe” like really sheepishly, and the like hillbilly friends laugh and shove me into the next place and I was alone at this point and I hear one of them shout “she likes it slim!” which i guess is a codeword,,, because. im in almost pitch darkness and i can barely make out like, part of the clothes of some big guy in the room, and he grabs me and throws me, and i mean THROWS me, into the wall full force like rocking the planks of the wall with a big bang,  and im so stunned i just stand there and he grabs me again, drags me forward and throw me into another wall, full force no hesitation, it happened like. almost 10 times or something?!?? i cant even see where the walls are. its just darkness and my back hits it... i didnt even scream or nothing i just like yelped when i git the wall but i was otherwise quiet i was like,,,, just in some wild mental state.. until finally he threw me towards the next hallway and at that point i like toppled over onto the ground and like, shambled back up and through the door .... 
i dont even know how to fully explain it but. i cannot overstate how much i enjoyed the fact that happened... like you know how i complain how everyone thinks im weak and fragile, like, emotionally, and physically? everyones scared to touch me, scared i’ll just shatter or something, i am only 117 pounds and not super tall or big i guess.. and i look young and i guess innocent....... no matter how much i tell people i like KNOW that i like roughhousing they hesitate and go easy on me and i hate it so much .. like i know im sore all the time from having a shitty body prone to joint pain or whatever but my pain tolerance for just like, getting roughed up is so high??? so im just like. this dude. bless him. he sees me, a little twink looking mf (though also afab which was everyones impression of me which is also like! relevant to the whole deal with my alleged fragility) walk in and doesnt think nothing of it. he just fucking throws me like a ragdoll over and over  ......like, thats what i payed for thats what i wanted, FULL CONTACT and i wasnt shirked out of that for being small!! because thats what usually happens! everywhere! i wish i coulda thanked him personally like i hope wherever he is he knows i appreciated him sm.... weird sadist man in the dark .. you’re my hero 
HWAHH thats like! the long and short of it though, i came out covered in fake blood and. in total bliss like!! that was probably one of the most incredible experiences of my life, i dont know where else you can go and just. pay to get beat up by actors roleplaying monsters and shit.... im honestly sad i have to wait another year to go back ...... im so glad i did it though, and tbh it was WAY less jumpscares than other things because i imagine the point is more the roleplaying!! which im so like into!!!! 
omg and like. my legs have bruises on them and one of them has a DEEP purple sizeable bruise that like, dully hurts still . and im just. ecstatic about it, nobody was too scared to hurt me ... /w\ finally i feel.. so respected !!  
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malafight · 5 years
Long-Ass Life Update (I’m not dead!)
Finally a life update now that I’m back home. It’s been a painful and tiring couple of weeks :’) And actually some of the days/times might be off because I was like super fucking out of it for most of that time period.
Anyhow, I went to the ER on Friday the 1st after 3 days of severe stomach pain, and the local hospital is like notoriously shitty but I was in horrible pain ok
They actually took me seriously for once, took me back immediately, ekg, ultrasound, blood and piss tests, and told me from the start not to eat or drink anything.
They told me they found gallstones and one or more might be stuck in the bile duct, but they made it sound like it wasnt inflamed and there werent many, so I wasnt super worried? They sent me for an MRI and then told me that they didnt have the capability to get out any stones, so they sent my ass an hour away via ambulance to a much better hospital so they could do the probe thing they needed to. It took until Saturday night to get a room there, though, and they didnt know when I’d get there and since they figured theyd want to do the probe ASAP, I was kept completely without eating or drinking for all of Friday night and Saturday, after not eating more than a few bites of muffin on Friday and next to nothing Thursday either because Everything Hurt.
Also, Fentanyl is fucking magic. Thats the only thing that even vaguely touched the pain.
So anyhow, I get to the other hospital at fuck o’clock at night and God Damn Staved because, like I said, bitches gave me No Fucking Food for an entire day (I’m not kidding that hospital is horrible and has a horrible reputation for ending up with killing people or making situations worse but the next nearest hospitals are an hour away in different directions and I don’t often have anyone willing to drive me that far and I often don’t feel up to driving myself that far if I’m already at “need to go to the ER, fuck the money I don’t have” point, and Saer has only just gotten into the USA and the last time they came with me to the ER they ended up with a virus for like three weeks and I wasn’t gonna do that to them again!!) and finally when I got to that hospital they were like “yeah we won’t be able to do the probe until Monday so eat something and then tomorrow you’re on a liquid diet and then nothing by mouth after midnight” so they scrounged me up some chicken broth and orange juice at like ten o’clock at night and gave me Those Good Good Meds and I slept in a decent hospital bed instead of on a fucking ER bed like Friday night (since they were transferring me at the local hospital they didn’t admit me and I slept in the ER. yeah. i hurt too badly to sleep on my side even with pain meds, and I slept on an ER bed. I had to sleep all day Saturday on and off just to get vaguely rested, but honestly? this whole ordeal has been an adventure in sleep deprivation despite heavy sedatives)
Monday rolls around and they take me for the ERCP (iirc thats what it was) where they put a thing down my throat and cut the bile duct wider so the stone could pass, get that bitch cleared up, all is well. I was heavily sedated and remember none of it, just waking up with different pain in my stomach and the world’s worst sore throat.
I was on a liquid diet from that and until the extraction on Wednesday. I have drank my weight in broth and orange juice.
Wednesday they take me in to remove my gallbladder. It was supposed to be a simple laparoscopic procedure, nip it out, pull it, I go home in a couple days with a couple small cuts on my belly. My dad (and several other people) reassured me that it was routine and quick, and is an easy procedure that should take 2 hours at most. I told him, “Listen, with me, literally nothing is ever easy and you know that”
Fast forward to me waking up and my first thought is “is that a catheter? guess it didnt go so easy after all.” I’m pretty sure the first words I said as I woke up were “told you it wouldnt be easy” lmao
Remember how hospital #1 told me that my gallbladder wasn’t inflamed and there were only a couple gallstones?
It was chock goddamn full of gallstones and so inflamed that when they tried to get it out laparoscopically, it tore. He spent an hour trying to get it out that way safely before realizing that his only recourse is to cut me open and get it out that way. The procedure took closer to 5 hours.
I have at least 20 staples in my belly now and I hope I get a cool fuckin scar but shit hurts still. I was in the hospital slowly ramping up to eating solid food again until Friday when I was allowed to go home to Saer. I can’t lift anything more than 20 pounds for another like month, and my range of motion is a fraction of what it was before. I’m so easily exhausted now and i can barely do anything and it’s really fucking pathetic??? and every time I bring that up Saer is like “they TOOK your ORGAN” so
(its really sad that i’m so conditioned that If I’m Not Doing Everything I Can All The Time Then I’m Not Trying Hard Enough that even after having full surgery to remove an organ I’m like NO I CAN DO THE THING and then end up hurting myself s-sobs)
(we watched the episode of b99 today where gina comes back after getting hit by a bus and when she tried to dance while still in the halo saer pointed at her and was like “it u” and i was like “exCUSE” but like, tru)
anyhow, im home, and i have my wife with me, and saer is such a blessing right now because i cannot do SHIT and they need to help me off the couch sometimes if my dumb ass gets in a position with no leverage, and also ive already fallen off the couch like twice because i was like NO I GOT IT and saer was across the room like BEB NO U DONT and yeah im stubborn and stupid ok saer is saving me from myself for the most part
also also the app i drive for is shutting down in my city at the start of december hhhhh so now i also have to fuckin... find a job like this and uGH do not WANT ffff
but yeah thats something even my parents have okayed me holding off on until I’m better so if even my fuckin parents are like “pls chill???” yall know im fucked up
however i’m mostly weaned off opiod pain meds now and am only using them at night when it’s worse and hard to sleep, tylenol tends to take care of it well enough now. my range of motion is improving, too, but i am just still so easily tired that its frustrating. we went grocery shopping yesterday and even in the little motor scooter i was completely worn out by the end of it.
but im alive! all is well! i will continue improving! sorry for being so quiet during this but like I said, i’ve been some level of sedated for most of this event. not fully sedated except for the two procedures, but fentanyl and dilautin (ok i have no idea what it actually is and google isnt helping but i had a button for it) and then morphine and hydrocodone on top of not getting restful sleep At All due to pain, discomfort, and people coming in every hour for vitals checks... I was fuckin Gone i got fuckall done rip
however once my pain-induced blood pressure spike was lowered (i saw them take it at the ER and it was fuckin RED) everyone was like “...you have really good blood pressure??” like i’m pretty sure i have low blood pressure naturally and my size/genetics gives me high blood pressure and they kinda cancel each other out, but yeah. pretty cool.
my family kept swinging between “IF YOURE IN THAT MUCH PAIN FOR 24 HOURS YOU GO TO THE ER. YOU DO NOT WAIT THREE DAYS.” and “...jesus christ you have a high pain tolerance”
//throws the horns thats what chronic pain does to ya baybee
my mom especially was impressed because she was just like “you’re so calm talking to them about how much it hurts how are you doing that” and im just like “its literally wasted energy to freak out and i hurt too badly to move so im just gonna sit here and tell them im a ten and hope they take pity on me because i have no other options”
anyhow fun new experience and im pretty sure ive broken my brother’s hospitalization record and also pretty sure i’ve got enough medical debt on me now that i can literally file for bankruptcy so
also i can feel a void near my ribs and it is so bizarre yall fuckin organs need to close the gap asap bc this shit weird as hell
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dawnowar · 4 years
So this school lunches thing got me thinking about the way my abusive stepmother treated me as a child.
Thats as much of a trigger warning as you’re getting cause I think its better to process things than avoid them...  I have time to write and this is on my mind this second. Writing is a huge part of how I process things... so here we go.
So i passed on a post cause our local school system is offering free lunches for any kids under 18, which is great. I’m a big proponent for school lunches because growing up my evil stepmother didnt feed me right. and I was a rich kid so i think there was a lot of expectation that i was being taken care of in a way that I was not.
My stepmothers whole thing.. my family’s whole thing.. was pretending we were a normal family. Presenting that way to the outside world. Even in our house there was a huge degree of this. Which made it worse for me because it was so easy for people to assume i was just a weird kid when the signs presented themselves to people who could have helped me.
Anyway since i grew up and especially after she died, so many people told me that of course they noticed things weren’t right and of course they said something and fought for me. I never knew that until recently. So as nice as it is to hear, it didn’t help me live through those 8 or so years she was in charge of me.
At home she fed me candy.  and ice cream. cupcakes, etc. and that’s all. Breakfast was one cup of hot cocoa with two packets of mix in there that was always like a clumpy syrup at the bottom of the cup. After school was candy until my dad got home and we would all sit at the table and pretend to eat a meal together. She would give me the tiniest portion of meat or any real food and then tell my dad how I “eat like a bird”. which is nonsense. He never questioned it any further than that. 
On weekends when I had to eat at home I was allowed noodles and butter, mac and cheese and not a lot else. just pasta. When I got older, I would actually sneak eggs and tuna when she wasnt home. I’m sure she noticed these things going missing but what was she gonna do after I ate it? 
She had a lot of rules on me for every single thing. That didn’t make any sense. Where i was allowed to go, where i was allowed to sit, who i was allowed to talk to.. and i just mean in the house on a regular day... I wasnt allowed to use the upstairs bathrooms at all, i had to use the guest bathroom downstairs and I wasn’t allowed to bathe or shower, but when I got older i started sneaking showers when she was gone as well. 
I’d hear the garage door close as she was leaving and I’d be showering and eating tuna and trying my best to cover up my tracks before she got back. 
All this started gradually... wasnt at once or anything so when it started i was like 8 give or take.. and we moved a couple of times so more rules were put in place as i was moved further away from the neighbors who looked after me. When i was 10 we moved to a different city where I knew no one and i was on my own. Inside my own home. I just had to deal with it till i grew up. But it got much worse before it got better. By the time i was around 14, i was dealing with growing up stuff.. by the time I was 16 she really couldn’t control me anymore, so stuff like what i ate or where I sat or if I showered... i just one day figured out that if i just do things she usually cant or wont stop me. 
She used to steal my things and i didn’t have a hairbrush for years. I wasnt allowed to bathe, or do my laundry and I didn’t have a hairbrush, so you can imagine I looked like Pig Pen from Charlie Brown. She told my teachers I liked being like that or something. One of my gym teachers humiliated me once by forcing me to stay after class and shower as if i was just gross and she was solving the problem. She just humiliated me on top of all i was suffering, so i didn’t look to teachers to help me. 
My evil stepmother was physically abusive to me as well but that was the easy part. She would just go into rages and take it out on me if i didn’t obey her nonsensical rules which were impossible to follow anyway. She would come and attack me while I was asleep any morning my father left for work early. Most mornings. A normal morning for me..... She would wake me up by dragging me out of bed by my hair, onto the floor, out of my room, into the hall, around the corner and down the stairs and leave me at the bottom of the stairs to start my morning routine getting dressed and ready for school. 
Then I watched cartoons in the TV room by myself and drank the chocolate sludge till it was time to get on the bus to go to school where all the kids hated me because i was gross and I spent all day getting teased and taunted till I came home and went back to the TV room where she would either bring me candy or come in an attack me and pull my hair out. I wouldn’t know which one she was coming in the room for until she was doing it. There was a lock on the door and I would lock her out when she was being violent but she had the lock removed. Lied to the locksmith and my dad and made them believe there was a reason to take the lock out, so I started locking myself in the bathroom.
By the time I was 16, I was a much more imposing figure she couldn’t control completely anymore. I was washing myself and i was dressing myself so i didn’t look so dorky and maybe people started liking me at school. I got super lucky that a girl actually became my friend at school. She was not only super-independent but she had a car so she could pick me up and drive me away and she had a job working at a laundromat so i was able to wash my clothes for free and spend time away from home and learn how to grow up into a person who could do something besides just stay alive. 
But clear up to the very end of high school school lunches were my main source of nutrition. My evil stepmother was letting me eat pizza by then too. For her, being fat was the worst possible thing I guess so she just tried her best to fatten me up feeding me only carbs while both her daughters grew up to become anorexic. 
The first day I was actually on my own ever.. I was in England and I had just slept off the jet lag in my new rented room that was just for me. I wasnt on any program or plan. I wasn’t at college, nobody was in charge of me...  i was just there. just me and this rented room and I woke up in the morning with nothing and realized i needed to feed myself. I went to McDonald’s and got a vanilla milkshake and realized i have no idea how to feed myself like a normal person. 
I had to start that day and figure every single thing out for myself via trial and error about how to be a person in the real world.
That woman only had control of me for 8 years of my life and then I went out into the world and became a real person after that. She didn’t break me or destroy me. She did, however, destroy my family.
Its my dad’s fault for letting her. I’ve always felt this way. He was the adult. He was the only one who could have stopped it but instead he spent his time pretending everything was OK. I didn’t know until recently that literally EVERYONE told him, so he was willfully ignorant. He sacrificed his own children for this facade of a relationship with this woman. I can’t explain why a person does that, but he left me and my brother to fend for ourselves.
Which we did and we are ok. 
I don’t care what happened to her or her daughters. She basically stole the life I should have had and gave it to her children, but from what little i know about them from the outside is that they had their own problems which seem much harder to get past than what I had to deal with. 
I don’t mourn the loss of that life i never had any more than I mourn the life that we pretended we were having that we never were. 
I only wish I’d known back then the enormous power I really had if i’d only just kept on telling everyone who would listen truth. If i had told everyone everything at every turn i would have saved myself. I didn’t know that at the time. I was just a kid and I gave up because i didn’t believe anyone was listening once my most trusted adult didn’t believe me. I suffered until I grew up and didn’t have to suffer anymore. 
I am an emotionally healthy adult for the most part. I’m not without scars. It’d be impossible to come out of that unscathed. I’m perpetually single because being alone is safe and comforting for me. Because when people come in, you don’t know if they’re going to attack you or give you candy but neither one of them is what you really need. 
I flailed around for a lot of years as an adult trying to figure out how to take care of myself. I finally got it right after my boyfriend in the late 90s dumped me and I wasn’t dealing well when my best friend died and everything just burned down around me and i had to rebuild everything from scratch slowly and methodically starting with cleaning my kitchen and i found the flylady.org who put me on the path to getting my house cleaning under control and then the rest of it followed. 
Now i actually clean other peoples houses for a living.
We always had housekeepers and those ladies were the best women to me ever in my life and I’m proud to see that I’ve followed in their footsteps. These are the women who cared for me. These are the women who were kind to me. These are the women who worked hard for what they had instead of marrying rich and stealing from their cash-cow’s children. 
I didnt get the evil stepmother until I was around 7 or 8 years old but i had plenty of great parenting, people who loved me, people who took great care of me and taught me to be smart before I got there. I believe this is how I survived. 
School lunches, other people’s good parents, and good role models on my TV. And Rock and Roll, which became a real source of empowerment, an outlet for stress, and a way for me to meet people who became friends as I got older. 
I love all the true crime stories of how abused children grow up and somewhere around puberty they rebel and their abuser can’t control them anymore. I think this is how so many of us get away. We become adults. Probably best you don’t kill your abuser, but there’s some part of that tragedy i can’t help but like when you find out people like Gypsy Rose Blanchard was suffering for so long so she did something about it. 
I never did shit. 
I grew up and got away and that’s good enough. This woman didn’t give a fuck about me and until i got away from her and my dad pretending everything was fine and her daughters going along with it all, I was never going to have my own real life... which i deserved to have. 
Glad i wasnt so trapped i felt like i had to kill her to get away. She was more than happy to let me go away so I was already gone years before i realized i didnt have to let her control any part of my life at all. 
Seems so dumb i still played along for so many years after I was grown and moved away. It’s just the way things were for so long i just kept doing it. 
Until one day my younger sister was getting married and she called me to ask me to be in the wedding and im like...... you dont even like me, why would you want me in your wedding? and she said she orig only wanted her sister but they needed more bridesmaids or something.. maybe that was other sisters wedding.. i cant remember but it was stupid and had nothing to do with me and i was not gonna put my life on hold and spend all this money to travel states away to pretend any of this mattered to me so that was it. 
It was over. Finally.  Totally over.  All I had to do was just not live like that anymore. 
and I did. I live however I want to now. 
So fast forward to present time and im in my early 50s and i get a call says the evil stepmother is dead and my dad is still alive but only barely. My first inclination is to scoop him up and go thank goodness thats over, but unfortunately i doubt he saw it that way. and instead it ended with me trying to contact him directly and not through my step-sister but it was impossible and disappointing since she was still trying to act like the middleman i didn’t ask for but not providing any useful information or assistance in communicating with him.  She wanted me to call him even though he can’t hear so a phone call was just going to be more of the pretending everything is fine I refuse to take part in anymore.
I wrote him a letter directly asking him to take his time and write me back but all i got back was more interference from her and more insistence that i call him. Which I never did..... because he can’t hear. so what’s the point. He died shortly after that and i knew almost nothing about what was happening or not happening at any point.  
So he’s gone now too. Buried with the wife and one of the sisters who committed suicide a few years back. Growing up in a family like this isn’t good for anyone even if you aren’t the target for the abuse. All three of them are gone and im not sorry im glad for it. 
Their dead bodies can lie in the ground pretending they were a good family and no one walking by them ever has to know the truth. That’s how they lived their lives and that’s how they’ll rest forever. 
I expect to have a lot of life left to live and i’m going to do it on my own terms and be kind to people and not value money or other people’s perceptions of me over everything. 
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xcvierbell · 5 years
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[ jesse williams, thirty two, cismale, he/him ] ━ did y'all see [ xavier bell ] walkin’ into [ fox & hare? ] they’ve lived in frostford for [ ten years, ] and you can catch ‘em around town working as a [ guidance counselor at frostford middle school ]. I reckon they’re pretty [ well spoken & educated ] but I hear they can also be kinda [ intimidating & condescending. ] if ya see ‘em around, be sure to say hi.  
hello its autumn again. i play men in their thirties and nothing else. let’s go.
the man, the myth, the legend. xavier. the x man. x truly marks the spot.
when he was a wee lad, he’d spend a few weeks every summer in good ol’ frostford. his grandparents are frostford natives, but his mom was all about getting out of town so she moved to baton rouge for school (lsu baby) and ended up staying there.
mom met the love of her life in college, so sweet so cute so pure.
so xavi baby is a louisiana boy. 
the weeks in the summer he spent in frostford were literal torture like. imagine being ten and your friends are living it up at water parks while you’re chasing chickens for the culture.
he was bored and his grandparents had weird rules and super strict bedtimes even when he got older. it was jank
growing up he was lowkey a nerd. he loved magic treehouse books and slept with his copy of one day at horrorland...he stanned goosebumps books hard. 
he’s still a nerd, but he’s hot now so he’s more on the down low. will he get into heated debates about the symbolism of colors in the great gatsby? of course, who doesn’t? so he’s not really trying to hide it
obviously he played brutus in a high school production of julius caesar, but no one needs to talk about that. he loves dat shakespeare though. he also played basketball and ran track so troy bolton was based on him. 
he went to lsu, duh, because that’s his parents alma matter. he was a big fan of the sports but didnt actually play them cause he was securing that academic bag instead (also he was good in high school but wasnt college athlete good big rip)
he has a masters degree in psychology, which he worked round the clock for. he took summer and winter sessions during school because he was a nutso who loved learning. like. he didn’t WANT the time off he was like give me the KNOWLEDGE. his friends were like yay! bachelors! and he was like catch up bitches i got that a year and a half ago ha ha.
he was planning on pursuing his doctorate but his grandma got sick and grandpa couldn’t take care of her by himself so he came back to frostford to help :’) what a sweetie
he also knew he could live with them without having to pay any rent or anything so...that was a big factor he ain’t all sweet
he helped around the house, helped take his grandma to appointments, made sure she took her medicine just old people stuff, but he was an ambitious little freak so after a few months he started interning to become a school counselor
he already had the degree, he just had to put in some service time. which mostly consisted of him sitting and watching another counselor have awkward conversations with students and hand them pamphlets rather than actually talk to them
so you know, xavier the king really wanted to make a DIFFERENCE 
he actually got in trouble for counseling some kids without being technically cleared to do so but....their actual counselor just didn’t listen to them :/ it wasn’t his fault :/
long story short he is now the counselor at the middle school yall dont wanna hear about this anymore
grandma got better btw, some tlc from xavi baby did the trick
time for rapid fire ridiculousness
frostford is so damn slow he feels like he’s gonna lose his mind sometimes. the routines are good to plan around, easy to organize stuff, but god sometimes he’s like i can’t believe i’m still here
he’s traveled~ as in, when he was in college he went on a backpacking trip to europe and talks about it too often, he also spent a day in paris eating nothing but bread and cheese and, again, wont shut up about it. please dont bring it up
he makes a point to travel somewhere once a year though, during the summer. sometimes it’s some place in the good ol’ usa, san diego’s beautiful. other times he’s gotta be extra and go to iceland. it happens.
he tries to be really honest and open with students that come see him. there are a lot of things going on in the world that teachers and authority figures try to shield kids from, but he’s like they’re not dumb they’re young teenagers they see this shit happening you gotta educate them!
he likes to get on their level and play games with them, basketball, catch, he has a playstation in his office. it’s easier for the kids to open up to him when it’s not in such a formal setting and they’re not forced to make deep eye contact
there’s a decent handful of students who move on from middle school into high school (obvs) but come back to talk to him if they’re having problems. he makes them feel heard :’)
he’s definitely slept with a students mom before but like...on accident? he can’t help who he matches with on tinder these things just HAPPEN
also thinks small town tinder is a form of torture because you’ll match with someone get your flirt on then run into them getting groceries like? theres not enough people here
there are like 45 people in town he rubs the wrong way because they feel like he’s talking down to them, he doesn’t mean to do it but sometimes these small town alabama folk say some real dumb shit
he’s friendly. you know, friendly.
loves a good steak, would potentially kill for it if it’s kobe
sideeyes anyone wearing a red hat. you know why. 
can’t stomach the smell of funnel cake because he threw up after riding too many rides at the fair it’s been 10+ years and he STILL can’t deal
loves atlanta and will take impromptu weekend trips there just to get away from people who think mobile’s classy
loves a good turtleneck
bruh why is this so long gn
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gwisingegooli · 6 years
guess who just got some retail therapy courtesy of a tinder homie who wants a cute girl to spend money on 🙋🏻‍♀️ freal life is so good rn 😭❤️❤️ he’s basically like an irl twitch fan who’s down to have fun shoppin w me HAHA it’s really comfortable & fun hangin w him cause we have so much in common lmao and this is like the main demographic i’ve hung out w all my life!! i super get him, we super vibe LOL it feels like we’ve been friends since forever even though we met today for the first time 😂 in terms of looks he’s pretty average looking but he’s super into me and i actually super like him cause he’s actually great. and bought me like $1k worth of clothes LOL. i initiated all the physical contact, he didn’t even sit too close to me before i had touched him. but i just started being physically flirty with him and then sometimes he would put his hand on my waist and stuff uwu
he also loves that i’m korean and that i sing along to kpop all the time LOL none of his friends even listen to kpop and i played songs in his playlist already LOLOL. its lit.
also he thinks i’m super cute and whenever i’m cutesy he looooves it. which is like omg 😭😭 all i’ve ever wanted is to be cutesy 😭😭😭 and he LOOOVES it like it’s so easy to play w him and i LOOOVE it 😭😭😭 i really feel like a goddess LMAO
also i can’t wait to show him my world LOL just open him up to new experiences. he’s never had korean bbq, wth?? andhe doesn’t like eggs and thought the egg in my burger was weird.. but i was like no thats just bc you havent had a good egg. like have u had a soft boiled egg?? and he was like ?? no
eating at eureka was so lit LOL i ordered two appetizers, a burger, and he got a dessert. he was like uhh as long as you eat everything LOL and then duh of course i ate EVERYTHING LOOOOL. he was surprised cause he thought i wouldn’t eat much cause i’m skinny LMAO. stunnin people w my metabolism since day 1
also so funny cause wherever i went i wondered if people like noticed LOOOL cause he was just buying me hella shit and we had hella bags LMAO and i’m like super cute and taller than him LMAO but we also were p cute together and had really good banter. the h&m employee was like “ are u guys a couple?” and i was like “uhhh kinda” and it was like LOLOL and then i asked him about his h&m discount working there LMAO and he just hooked us up the 15% discount H&M gives when you donate clothes. which is really cool btw. i’m a fan of H&M.
later dav-d was struggling w something and i was like “u good bro” and the employee was like BROOO she called u bro u got friend zoned. i was just laughing kinda and ran away from the situation LOOOL but thats just how i talk okay LOL
we got boba after shopping and i sat w him on the sofa. initiating contact was fun because i like physical flirting and he would be like gently excited and engaged LOL. it’s so funny we had an insane amount of shopping bags.
i also tried his oculus and it was SOO FUUUUUUN!!!! even just the menu was like OMG holy shit!!!
i played roborecall and i was freakin out!! LMAOO it was super stream worthy LOOOOL. honestly my reactions were like suuuper extra but i loved like just feeling as hyped and excited as i want cause i was super comfortable w him and he was super enjoying it LOLOL. i also played beat saber which is SOOOO fun. like i wanna get fuckin GOOD at that game. i wanna beat momoland’s bboom bboom 😤😤
at first i wasnt gonna bang, but after all this royal treatment i was super down to bang. he was suuuuper into me and it made it super fun, and we actually had foreplay, and he ate me out first without me asking, and treated me like a QUEEN. it was like this guy gets it. he knew he was bein blessed with the presence of a goddess LMAO
all i want is a mans to wear cat ears and be cute as fuck for who wants to support me in my dreams hehe. he’s literally giving me a monitor and donating a setup to the gaming club 😭😭
freal, we both really shared an amazing day LOOOL what an amazing connection. i can’t believe he actually just wants to treat his friends so much because it’s fun for him LOLOL what an amazing and sweet human bean.
i honestly had such an amazing day today 🥰🥰 lowkey already love him
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willgayers · 7 years
hiii first of all i love the way you write!!! love love love and i was thinking could you do something about eddie being a flower shop owner and richie a music store owner?? Like eddie is all flowery and soft and richie is A Punk but with the sweetest smile and their stores are in front of one another, they see eachother all the time but they don't know how to interact!!!! xx
first of all thank you so much ❤️
so eddie’s working at the cute floral store downtown where his cousin linda used to work at but now she moved to nyc and recommended eddie,,, her 19 year old cousin to the boss and voalá! eddie’s so cute and cuddly so immediately he got the job!!!!
and richie works at the music store opposite. his story of getting the job wasnt so ‘cute and cuddly’ see he got kicked out of his condo ,,, fired from kfc AND dumped by his girlfriend so he’s bunking at his buddy’s tommy’s place who works at the cd store and one day he was like hey! we’re actually looking for a new worker so r u interested and ofc richie was and yeah.
now as we’ve got the backgrounds covered,,,, one morning eddie comes to work with a takeaway cup of latte in his hand, he’s about to start opening the door when he hears some rattling and a loud “oh, fuck me!!!”
he turns his head towards the voice and sees a boy with out of control black curly hair,, he’s wearing a yellow colored flannel and a pair of ripped black jeans and slightly broken converse and he’s on the ground picking up some cd’s that eddie now figures have fallen down from the trolley
eddie has never seen him before so he’s curious
then the guy turns his head towards eddie too and eddie flusters because ho ho holy SHIT this guy is CUTE
“how do you do” the guy just nods and eddie rushes in to the floral store too shocked to interact with this cd guy
throughout the whole day eddie keeps on glancing outside from the windows of his store while he waters the plants or something,,, trying to see more of this guy and every time he does the boy just waves at him and eddie turns his gaze away IMMEDIATELY as he blushes
richie’s not doing so well on his first week he’s constantly dropping the cd’s or spilling coffee on the table or fucking up the cash system
this may all be partly due to the fact he can’t stop staring at the floral store boy
one day they come to work at the same time,, walking on the opposite sides of the street and glancing at each other, but neither one dares to say anything
richie can’t help but SWOON over the baby pink sweater this other boy is wearing and how it’s hanging all the way down to his knees and he just looks so cute and pure??? in his beige chinos and white sneakers
meanwhile he’s probably scared of richie in his studded leather jacket and chains on his jeans
one day eddie is watering the plants by the window again, gently biting on his lip as he looks at richie outside his cd store , a cigarette hanging loosely from his mouth as he’s putting some poster on the billboard outside
“what are you looking at??”
eddie flinches and turns his head to his co-worker kate that is holding a coffee mug in her hand and then she gasps
eddie looks at the vase and gasps too, turning the watering can up again,, cursing quietly as kate just grabs the plant and goes to change the dirt or whatever and eddie turns his gaze back outside,, kind of upset to see richie went back inside his store :-(
on a snowy ,, dark thursday in december richie’s walking to the evening shift and turns his gaze to the floral store just like every other day but now he sees eddie smiling to the customer and talking something ,,, then listening to whatever the customer is saying with the FRIENDLIEST little smile and then chuckling and oh fuck richie’s in love? he’s so much in love that he doesn’t realize he’s already at the store and now someone opens the door and richie doesn’t notice and the door slams straight to his face and he lets out a grunt as he slips on ice and falls to his butt on the ground
the next day eddie’s counting the cash when he looks up and sees the cd store boy,, lightly limping as he walks to his store
kaspbrak is worried is he ok???
turns out richie’s hurt his tailbone and now he needs a week’s rest
“im totally FINE tommy!!” richie says as he grimaces on his way to the kitchen to get some coffee
“richie you look like a old man that’s shat his pants”
“im FINE!” richie says, trying to straighten his back but soon letting out an ow ow ow- as tommy rushes over to him and guides him towards the couch where richie lays down
“seriously. im gonna do your shifts this week. just rest and watch jurassic park”
but the feeling’s mutual
after the first couple of days of being confused and sad with not seeing richie, eddie finds himself basically running to work every morning hoping that today’s the day he’s finally gonna see the trashmouth cursing and kicking the trolley that won’t move but he’s never there!!!
he’s getting worried
oh my god is he dead???? he was walking weirdly what if he’s dead???
eddie’s a little nervous at work and kate notices he’s glancing at the cd store literally EVERY other second
“looking for the cute record store guy huh?” kate just casually asks as she flips the page of the magazine she’s reading and eddie flusters as he turns his head to kate
“just so you know he’s not gonna come in for the rest of the week”
“????what why????”
“he hurt his tailbone because he fell.”
“he fell???” eddie frowns
“yeah i know tommy who works at the store. he said richie was distracted looking at something and so he fell”
eddie’s heart does a little jump
“richie?” he asks ,, his voice kinda soft
“yep that’s his name,” kate says and sips on her coffee
eddie just feels this weird warmth go through him as a small smile takes over his lips when he thinks of richie
on monday richie’s so fucking READY to go to work he hasn’t seen eddie all week other than inside his brain
and eddie’s practically been the only thing in there
so monday morning,, richie’s walking to work (slightly still limping but definitely not that bad anymore), he wants to go usain bolt and SPRINT but his doctor told him to take it easy so he’s gonna do that but not because the doc said so,,, only because he doesn’t wanna stay home for another week or two and not see eddie again
so eddie’s opening the store door again when he hears the sound of snow scrunching on the other side of the street and turns around ,, nearly dropping his coffee takeaway when he sees richie
richie’s heart flusters as he sees eddie and he stops at the store, both of them just staring at each other
until eddie finally speaks
richie almost chokes on air is that his voice??? that’s the cutest voice ever????
“,,hey” richie speaks
“where were you” eddie asks immediately regretting because oh my gOD now he knows eddie’s noticed him being gone
richie feels kinda happy??? that this cute boy has acknowledged his absence
“i had an accident”
“an accident??” eddie asks even tho he knows about it already but he decides to ask still because he kinda wants to know what richie was looking at when he fell
richie thinks whether he should go for it or not but oh my gOd flower store guy looks so adorable in his pastel pink bomber jacket and grey big wool scarf and the coffee mug in his hand and ????
“well this is kinda funny but i was looking at this cute brunette opposite the street and got hit in the face by a door” richie shrugs “and then i fell”
eddie’s tummy does a backflip and he has to bite down to his lip to stop himself from smiling ear to ear
“really?” he asks
“yeah.” richie says “he’s really cute. do you happen to know his name?”
eddie giggles. LITERALLY giggles
“i think his name’s eddie” he says and richie smiles evER SO SOFTLY BECAUSE EDDIE????? CUTE
“so,, eddie,” richie clears his throat “what time do you get off work?”
“!!! so do i!!!“richie lets out a laugh “you got any plans???”
(no he totally doesn’t but he’s gonna call tommy to come cover the rest of his shift)
“yeah” eddie says and richie’s smile fades because the grey cloud of disappointment falls over his lanky frame now
“with this super ridiculously hot record store guy,, we’re going out for pizza”
and now richie could do a backflip
ridiculously super hot????!?!??
he’s smirking so wide his face might tear up soon
“really??? how hot is he again???”
eddie chuckles
“really hot.” he says
if somehow possible,, the smirk on richie’s face widens even MORE
until he lets out a kind of raspy laugh and glances down at the ground
eddie could pass out from the sound of his laugh
and then ,,, cool and confident AF richie’s like
“see you at six then, eddie spaghetti”
richie mentally slaps himself for saying that outloud because that ruined the whole confident hot bad boy thing he got going on
“eddie what???” eddie asks
“nOTHING SEE YA” richie says and rushes in
neither one of them can focus on their jobs fully that day bc they’re so excited about the date that night and they keep glancing at each other through the windows and smiling so widely at each other
richie forgets to take a customer as he’s just gazing at eddie 
“uh hello???”
richie flinches back to the moment
“yES HI”
and the pizza date went great they had SUCH a fun time getting to know each other better,, laughing so much flirting so much 
(richie totally guided a pizza piece to eddie’s mouth and then was like oops you got some cheese here and then softly brushed it away from the corner of eddie’s mouth with his thumb and looked at eddie’s lips for a little too long and oh GOD the tension™)
and they were just enjoying each other’s company so mUch that they then decided to ,,, well,,,
take it back to richie’s place
which isn’t actually richie’s place
it’s tommy’s
the date went a little too well if you ask him
bc he had to
but oh well! reckless teenagers! what can you do!
so the next morning richie has a day off from work but eddie has the morning shift and OOPSIE he slept in and now it’s 11.25am and he wakes up from under richie’s arm and he doesn’t even realize/remember it at first but now he opens his eyes and sees the cute record store guy asleep without a shirt on next to him with his hair even messier than usual and he’s kinda snoring and he looks so PEACEFUL and eddie’s heart expands and he finds himself smiling at the sight
and then he looks at the clock and realizes he’s slept in
he jumps up so fast he wakes up richie who just goes “??????”
“FUCK im late for work SHIT”
richie’s like wow this cute thing can curse
“i gotta go,” eddie then says
“call me?” richie asks with a pout and eddie wants to sob
“i’ve got a better idea” eddie says, pulling something out of his pocket that turns out to be a pack of bubblegum
“oh wow! silly me im forgetting my gums!! well i better come fetch them after work today!!”
richie has the biggest grin on his face
“bye” eddie says and leans down to kiss richie who kisses him back so passionately that eddie melts in to the kiss and almost just decides not to give a fuck and fall back to the bed
“ohHhhkay i really gotta go” he then breaths out and rushes out of the room before it’s too late
he sees richie’s roommate by the kitchen table drinking coffee and reading the newspaper
and then he looks up at eddie
eddie gulps
“good morning” he says before storming out of the house
once he gets to the floral store there’s sO MANY PEOPLE because it’s december 22nd and it’s almost christmas and well the holiday season is always busy
“kate oh my god i am SO sorry-” eddie blurts out as he rushes in , straight behind the counter
kate doesn’t answer anything at first and eddie feels so bad and he immediately takes the next customer
once the store is a little calmed down ,, customers just walking around kate speaks  
“have fun?”
eddie turns bright red as he looks at kate
“you’ve got…” kate nods towards his neck and eddies eyes widen as he grabs the tiny mirror from the table and looks at his neck that’s got a HUGE hickey
“oh my god!!” he blurts out and kate smirks wide
eddie has to wrap his scarf around his neck
but he kinda likes the hickey
and he smiles to himself at the thought of going back home to richie after work
he could actually get used to it
no. he could definitely get used to it 
and he will because in a couple of months they decide to move in together and its the best god i love domestic!reddie
the end💓 💕 💖 💞 
@superbyersbros @xbell22 @donthateonk8@stenbroughbros@reddiebrekmyheart@itsgreywaterrichie @donvex@blueeyespurpleskies@ageorgymi@oh-youre-the-worst@eddiekaaspbraak @whipashwhipash@rissyq @richietoaster@edskasqbrak@urtury@bukiminajimu @kcutieeesblog @stansmansuris@adorefack @reddieaddict@icyeyes102@denbroughbill @graveyardshipper@taletellingsir@anxiety-freak-yuuri@rheddie@queertrashmouth @richiefreakingtozier@castletozier@tohzier @80soleff @lonewolfhard@low-key-dying @sad-synth @richietoaster @badboyharrington@beepbeep-losers@temptedtozier@kaspbraccs@kylieee827-blog @sad-synth @low-key-dying@officiallyreddie@reddietofall @stanleyboii@eternitynurarms@remushlupin@turtleneckrichie@rosegoldrichie@80srichie@asteroidbill@lonewolfhard @trashmouthgazebos @littlepointman 
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b0stonmanor · 6 years
since yall kept fuckin asking heres 1-155. Go ahead and see how fucking lame I actually am
1: Full name: Madison Lyn (I’m not putting my last name on the internet lmao)
2: Age:19
3: 3 Fears: heights, elevators, being alone for the rest of my life 
4: 3 things I love: cats, coffee, sleeping
5: 4 turns on: (I’m gonna make it nonsexual okay): body mods, humor, good vibes, nice laugh
6: 4 turns off: (gonna make these nonsexual too): rude, nasty, conceited, takes days to reply lmao
7: My best friend: girl: @bohoangel guy: @bostonnanner
8: Sexual orientation: pansexual
9: My best first date: haven’t had a best one yet, need someone to change that lmao
10: How tall am I: 5′8
11: What do I miss: lots of things and people both too many too name
12: What time was I born: 2:06am
13: Favourite color: blue
14: Do I have a crush: still crushin on my last man
15: Favourite quote: either some vine or “I’m here for a good time not a long time” I have way too many favs
16: Favourite place: my room, best friends house, or beach house
17: Favourite food: buffalo chicken or alfredo
18: Do I use sarcasm: of course not 
19: What am I listening to right now: music ;)
20: First thing I notice in new person: smile
21: Shoe size: no
22: Eye color: hazel
23: Hair color: naturally brunette currently red
24: Favourite style of clothing: gothic, pop punk or hippie/boho
25: Ever done a prank call?: I havent personally 
27: Meaning behind my URL: I needed to change my url of 8 years and I wanted something short and easy to remember but I also wanted it to be a band so it would fit my blog and surprisingly this one wasnt taken
28: Favourite movie: I have way too many 
29: Favourite song: again way too many
30: Favourite band: AGAIN way too many
31: How I feel right now: I feel fucking exhausted 
32: Someone I love: okay now Im sad 
33: My current relationship status: okay NOW Im crying but single
34: My relationship with my parents: welp my dads dead and my mom and I are okay
35: Favourite holiday: Halloween or Christmas
36: Tattoos and piercing I have: no tattoos yet and I have my nose pierced and first and second holes pierced on my ears
37: Tattoos and piercing I want: too many
38: The reason I joined Tumblr: I was 12 that should be enough
39: Do I and my last ex hate each other?: No. In fact I could never hate him and I dont think I’ll love anyone like I did/do him.
40: Do I ever get “good morning” or “good night ” texts?: eh sometimes
41: Have I ever kissed the last person you texted? last text over imessage yes
42: When did I last hold hands?: I have no idea
43: How long does it take me to get ready in the morning?: I dont do anything really so not too long
44: Have You shaved your legs in the past three days?: dont out me
45: Where am I right now?: my room
46: If I were drunk & can’t stand, who’s taking care of me?: @bohoangel
47: Do I like my music loud or at a reasonable level?: both
48: Do I live with my Mom and Dad?: mom
49: Am I excited for anything?: nah
50: Do I have someone of the opposite sex I can tell everything to? @bostonnanner
51: How often do I wear a fake smile?: eh
52: When was the last time I hugged someone?: yesterday
53: What if the last person I kissed was kissing someone else right in front of me?: I mean idc but it’d just be fucking weird cause they’re kissing in front of me 
54: Is there anyone I trust even though I should not?: plenty of people lmao
55: What is something I disliked about today?: I’ll do yesterday since today hasnt really happened. But it was fathers day and my heart was hurting so bad cause I miss my dad more than anything and really wish he was still here
56: If I could meet anyone on this earth, who would it be?: my fuckin soulmate bitch
57: What do I think about most?: in all honesty, my ex
58: What’s my strangest talent?: I can do this smile thing that nobody else can do and it makes me look like a frog
59: Do I have any strange phobias?: probably
60: Do I prefer to be behind the camera or in front of it?: in front
61: What was the last lie I told?: that I was a child of God
62: Do I prefer talking on the phone or video chatting online?: video chatting but I dont mind either
63: Do I believe in ghosts? How about aliens?: fuck yes and fuck yes
64: Do I believe in magic?: I’m a god damn witch bitch
65: Do I believe in luck?: I believe in karma
66: What’s the weather like right now? according to my phone its currently clear and 61 degrees
67: What was the last book I’ve read?: I have no idea
68: Do I like the smell of gasoline?: eh
69: Do I have any nicknames? Maddie, Mad, Mads
70: What was the worst injury I’ve ever had?: I had a staph infection in my foot that went back and forth across my foot and then up my leg (doctor said if my mom didn’t bring me when she did I would’ve died cause it would’ve gone to my heart)
71: Do I spend money or save it?: spend it 
72: Can I touch my nose with a tongue?: nope
73: Is there anything pink in 10 feets from me? ye
74: Favourite animal?: cats
75: What was I doing last night at 12 AM?: I have no idea
76: What do I think is Satan’s last name is?: oh shit I’ve never thought of this
77: What’s a song that always makes me happy when I hear it?: good question
78: How can you win my heart?: Be Italian 
79: What would I want to be written on my tombstone? I honestly have no idea
80: What is my favorite word? bitch
81: My top 5 blogs on tumblr: I get asked this way too much
82: If the whole world were listening to me right now, what would I say?: probably some hippie bullshit
83: Do I have any relatives in jail?: I’ve had relatives in jail but I dont think anyones in jail rn
84: I accidentally eat some radioactive vegetables. They were good, and what’s even cooler is that they endow me with the super-power of my choice! What is that power? theres too many lmao
85: What would be a question I’d be afraid to tell the truth on? probably if I’ve smoked or drank or have done anything bad but only if my mom was asking
86: What is my current desktop picture? its just basic 
87: Had sex?: nah
88: Bought condoms?: nah
89: Gotten pregnant?: nah
90: Failed a class?: nah
91: Kissed a boy?: ye
92: Kissed a girl?: ye
93: Have I ever kissed somebody in the rain?: nah
94: Had job?: ye
95: Left the house without my wallet?: ye
96: Bullied someone on the internet?: nah
97: Had sex in public?: nah
98: Played on a sports team?: ye
99: Smoked weed?: ye
100: Did drugs?: nothing hardcore just smoking weed
101: Smoked cigarettes?: nah
102: Drank alcohol?: ye
103: Am I a vegetarian/vegan?: I’ve tried
104: Been overweight?: no answer
105: Been underweight? also no answer
106: Been to a wedding?: ye
107: Been on the computer for 5 hours straight?: ye
108: Watched TV for 5 hours straight?: ye
109: Been outside my home country?: nah
110: Gotten my heart broken?: of course
111: Been to a professional sports game?: ye
112: Broken a bone?: ye
113: Cut myself?: ye
114: Been to prom?: ye
115: Been in airplane?: ye
116: Fly by helicopter?: nah
117: What concerts have I been to?: pink, metallica/volbeat, warped tour 2016,2017,2018, jingle ball, some birthday bash, I cant remember if I’ve been to any other ones lmao
118: Had a crush on someone of the same sex?: not entirely 
119: Learned another language?: not fully
120: Wore make up?: ye
121: Lost my virginity before I was 18?: I’m a child of god
122: Had oral sex?: nah
123: Dyed my hair?: ye
124: Voted in a presidential election?: not yet
125: Rode in an ambulance?: couldve a couple times but my parents decided to drive me
126: Had a surgery?: nah
127: Met someone famous?: I guess? 
128: Stalked someone on a social network?: who doesnt do this
129: Peed outside?: ye
130: Been fishing?: ye
131: Helped with charity?: I think so
132: Been rejected by a crush?: who doesnt get rejected
133: Broken a mirror?: probably
134: What do I want for birthday?: lots of things
135: How many kids do I want and what will be their names?: I have no idea
136: Was I named after anyone?: No but I have the same middle name as my aunt
137: Do I like my handwriting?: ye
138: What was my favorite toy as a child?: I have no idea
139: Favorite Tv Show?: American Horror Story, Bob’s Burgers, The Office, or Drunk History
140: Where do I want to live when older?: New Hampshire
141: Play any musical instrument?: I can play the violin and piano and can also sing but idk if that counts lmao
142: One of my scars, how did I get it?: its barely noticeable but literally right under my left eye (like right at the edge of my dark circle lmao) I got attacked by a dog and it bit me in the face and I had to get stitches but I bitched out and had it glued instead lmao
143: Favorite pizza topping? cheese
144: Am I afraid of the dark?: depends where I am
145: Am I afraid of heights?: ye
146: Have I ever got caught sneaking out or doing anything bad?:nah
147: Have I ever tried my hardest and then gotten disappointed in the end?: haha yeah
148: What I’m really bad at: everything
149: What my greatest achievements are: I fucking graduated from high school. Like I would never wish what I went through on anyone ever not even my worst enemy. It was worse than hell
150: The meanest thing somebody has ever said to me: I honestly dont remember 
151: What I’d do if I won in a lottery: lots of stuff
152: What do I like about myself: my eyebrows
153: My closest Tumblr friend: I cant say @bohoangel cause I’ve known her since 5th grade so I’ll say @bostonnanner even though we met on omegle years ago lmao
154: Something I fantasize about: lots of things
155: Any question you’d like?: literally whatever anyone wants to know
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pbandjesse · 3 years
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Today was such a good day that my post is much later than normal because we were to busy having fun. Its rainy now and Im trying to wind down. But it is hard. Im just in a really good mood. 
I didnt sleep great last night. And I honestly woke up not feeling very good. I just felt sort of off centered. But I knew Jess was here, and shes an early riser. And with James waking up super early now Im sure he woke her up a bit. But even if I wasnt in the best space I knew I had to get up. We had lots of plans. 
And it was a great day. I got up and got dressed and tried my best to shake off the bad feelings. I took a dayquil and it helped by head but my belly was sort of weird all day. James made us biscuits and after I got dressed I had one of those and it was really good. I missed James's biscuits. 
I felt so stinking cute today. It was a really high self esteem day. And Jess looked so cute too! We were just adorable together. 
We had our breakfast and wasted a little time until it made sense to leave for Joanns. Jess decided to drive today because it was going to be rainy tomorrow so I will drive then. It was nice just being out with my best friend. 
First stop was Joanns for tye dye. I wanted to try this tye dye with black and Im hoping it doesnt overwhelm my other colors. But it was a lot of fun running around the store and finding sales for embroidery hoops and looking for the best dyes. We also just touched all the yarn and talked about projects and it was a good time. 
We had to waste enough time there that we werent waiting for Savers across the street to open. And we ended up taking just enough time and were over at the thrift store only a couple minutes after they opened and that was pretty cool. 
The big look for the day was something for me to tye dye. No luck at savers though. I was also looking for a basket for our bathroom that would fit on the ledge over our shower wall. No luck at savers either. But I did get some other great stuff. I got another skirt over all. One that actually fits me, as my other ones have gotten a little to small. I also got a button up dress I love. And some shirts for James. I also got a printed fleece and Im super excited about it because its thinner then my others but still very soft. I have been looking for a printed vintagey looking fleece but they are very in right now so its all expensive on ebay. But I found one in the men's pj section and Im super excited about it. 
It was funny though, when me and Jess were looking at dresses there were some workers there discussing the resale value of some dresses and it was super annoying to hear this person talk about what you can get something for. Stop pricing out thrift stores!! It is so obnoxious. The fun and the value in thrift stores is that you find gems for cheap. Stop pricing things based on labels!! Its such a pet peeve of mine. You got this stuff for free stop being shitty. 
But I still had a lot of fun, even if we have no self control when were together. We spent to much monies. But It was a good time. 
We went and got lunch next. With a pit stop to look at the ross to see if there was a tye dye able thing. No luck. We stopped for hair dye too since this color came out so nice, so I got a new one for next time. And then lunch. 
We got five guys. And we got our sandwiches with only good natured bullying from the cashier about our order. It was pretty funny. And I was just in a good mood. 
We had a car picnic. Talked about life. Listened to music. Complained about how our fries werent spicy.  And then we were off again. 
Next to the goodwill. Much better tye dye luck!! I found a creamy colored button down dress. And some things for Jess that Im just really excited to see what she does with. I found baskets!! The one was perfect but had no tag and I decided to take it to the cashier just so no one else would be disappointed. But then she was like. I can price this for you! And I looked at Jess like. What the fuck! Because I have literally been yelled at by cashiers at goodwill over tags!! This lady was amazing and I am so excited about it. So I got the perfect basket that is the perfect size for $4. Amazing. Incredible. So pleased. 
It was time to go home though. We got back here around 1. And had about an hour to put everything away. Take off tags. Take a breather. We sat on the bed and looked at a sustainable online shop together. And then it was time to get sweetP in his carrier to go to the follow up vet appointment. 
Which went fine. We got out there in one piece. We were a little early but they took him back and said it would be about a half hour and we could go to whole foods while we waited. 
So that is what we did. We got snacks for us and for James. I got 2 juices so I can have one tomorrow. Had a nice chat with the cashier about the cake we got. And then back to the vet. 
Sweetp did very good. Got all his tests and things. But again the bill was twice what I thought it was. So this whole thing has cost almost a grand and Im trying very hard no to be really upset. And just be happy I have a job and can deal with it. Its just. A lot. But I am glad sweetP will be okay. 
So we went home. And tried to keep the good energy flowing. 
We had out snack. Got sweetP treats too. And got to work figuring out tye dye. We watched some videos and made a plan. Jess was laughing at me when I brought out James's broken bike wheel to use as a drain rack over some bowels but it totally worked. I was a little bit of a director making a video well finish tomorrow. And it was just a blast. Like I said I made mine pretty dark. But I think it will come out cool. And if its to dark I will do the bleach dying over that and keep playing with it. It's all good. It was honestly just a blast doing this project together and Im excited to see what happens. 
Once we finished that we spent a few hours playing animal crossing next to each other. The snow is finally gone on our islands so we just worked on taking down the snow based things and moving stuff around. It was a lot of fun just being together. James made us pizza. And eventually I brought out the crayola crayons I brought from my parents and we went through them to find discontinued color names because Jess collects them and it was so much fun. We ended up find a resource that had all the 900+ colors and we started making lists and reading things and just sunk so much time into this silly fun project and I felt like I was in grad school researching again and it was so much fun. I just feel really happy. 
But we were all tired. James had been playing video games and music and spending some of the night with us. But they work such long days, so they are asleep next to me now. Love them so much. Trying very hard to write the correct pronouns, but its hard to rewire. I will keep trying because I love my James so much. 
We all decided it was bed time. Wind down time. I went and got a shower. Bumped my piercing pretty hard so now its bothering me. I tried on all my new clothes and Im so pleased. And now I am in bed and very sleepy. I hope I can just fall asleep easy and tomorrow I will feel great. 
We are going to a mall together. So weird. I hope its just a fun day and we finish our tye dye and we just feel happy. And I hope you do too! Goodnight my friends!! Be safe out there! 
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