#she was wearing a tank top and a hippie skirt (cause she’s like a hippie) and at one point she jokingly flexed her back muscles and i MELTED
htylmg · 1 year
last day of school was today. thinking many thoughts
#i talked to a girl i used to have a crush on earlier this year the whole day and. hoo boy#i can see why i liked her let’s just say that#she’s just so. present yknow#like when someone talks you can tell she’s listening with everything in her#meanwhile my dumb ass is out here interrupting people all the time#but looking at her do it doesn’t make me feel worse it makes me feel BETTER#she’s like human serotonin#fuckkkkk this can’t be happening again#🫣🫠😶‍🌫️#god. and she’s a redhead but she may be the only one who actually PULLS IT OFF#and she’s muscular. ohhh my god she’s muscular#she was wearing a tank top and a hippie skirt (cause she’s like a hippie) and at one point she jokingly flexed her back muscles and i MELTED#thing is she has a boyfriend which is just. yeah sure great#tbh i would not mind being a homewrecker for her#that basic white boy can’t compete w me i got the power of curry and good grades on my side 😤😤😤#and one of our mutual friends all but confirmed she liked me back then too#like she app talked about me CONSTANTLY and was always checking her phone for my snaps#which got me kicking my feet twirling my hair yknow#but she told me she liked someone else back then so ???????#he was the dumbest football bro to ever exist i couldn’t believe he was in an ap class w us#but i digress. she’s gorgeous and has an amazing personality and likes to be around me sooo#this summer is gonna be my august summer probs#ooh i can’t wait#🐋.txt
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flowerchildwritings · 4 years
Dearest Siblings
This was requested about my Oc Juniper, here ya go @storypanda88
This takes place after Belle messages you about having siblings, you two end up over at Lord Diavolos due to him suggesting to play a Game of 21 questions (after you taught him about it)
You were sitting in between Mammon and Leviathan, wearing your jean shorts and tank top with a flannel overskirt as it was the weekend. We had just went one round of 21 questions soon landing on Beelzebub again.
Beelzebub:" Okay ...um I choose Juniper."
Beelzebub had to be reminded to ask a question, as he was more focused on his bag of lamb jerky. You chuckled nodding for him to ask.
Beelzebub: "So...I wanted to ask how many siblings do you have?"
Your face went bright red, mainly cause now everyone was staring at me asking why you never told them.
Juniper: ' oh, um..I am the oldest of five, Lucifer i think it's your go now!"
You tried to hurry the question but Lucifer, seemed shocked he wondered why you filled out you had zero siblings on your application.
Lucifer: "I also pick Juniper, why did you if you have siblings put zero in your application?"
You nearly choked, on the tea you were drinking to calm down.
Juniper: " My family is super cautious, so we do not tell about our family incase the people who hire us or something try to harm us."
The boys looked at you sympathetically, it was sort of a half lie...your family was cautious but it was because they did not want anyone coming after them if they could use magick on them.
The next turn belonged to Diavolo who smiled to you, as your heart raced.
Diavolo: " What are their names? "
You figured to give up on changing the subject, finishing your human phone out of your bag you brought always keeping it on you even though it did not work out of habit. You soon pulled up photos of your siblings the first one being your twin brother.
(so i will describe each sibling cause why not?)
You showed them your younger twin Hawthorn, but you usually called him Thorn. He is 6 foot tall compared to your mere five foot 3 tallness, yet had our silver hair like your mom his eyes matching your odd green and nearly bluish purple eyes in each eye. He was beside you at last year's Beltane before he left to an out of state college to finish his degree.
Juniper: " This, is my twin Hawthorn..but he goes by Thorn."
Beelzebub nearly giantess that you were also, a twin and Asmodeus cooed how cute he was.
Mammon: ' Wait, so you have a twin? Is he as weak as you ?"
You pushed him and stuck your tongue out soon going to your younger brother Jasper.
Jasper was 21, he stood at 6 foot 1 had long dark blue hair with dark green eyes like your dads and gauges done he was a tattoo artist the picture was him also at Beltane playing a guitar.
Juniper : " This is my little brother Jasper, he's kind of like you Asmodeus a Huge flirt!"
Asmodeus squealed at your brother: "Juni! He's so cute and that beard ! He looks like he could -"
Lucifer cut him off with a hand to the back of his hand.
Lucifer: " Show us the rest of them, please ?"
He was genuinely curious and felt more close to you as he was also the eldest.
You ran through phone, going to your little sister Esmeralda, she was only 19 standing at a good 5 foot 7 going to school to be a mechanic at the time she had her braid done like yours, but with Black hair as your dad her eyes were slightly dark blue nearly purple like your mom's.
Juniper: This is Esmeralda, she's 19 but she can fix cars better than any damn mechanic in our town."
Diavolo said she looked like a sweet succubi he had met once. You honestly did not know if to thank him or hit him.
Satan said she looked cute, but only because she was wearing a cat print ribbon.
You scrolled to soon show your youngest brother Larkin was was 5 foot 8 he had black hair that was curly like your mom's, and green eyes he was only 16 and you took this picture at his birthday last year.
Juniper: " This is Larkin, he just turned 16 this April."
Leviathan seemed to be laughing as he pointed to your phone:
" Why do you all have name or nature? Is that normie thing or just for humans?'
You saw Mammon death glare at him as you smiled.
Juniper: " Well, actually we do it because we love nature like you live anime bit my parents are hippies ."
This was true your parents were hippies, and did not help they were also witches bit that's besides the point.
You scrolled down to your last sibling who was holding your family cat and with your parent. The youngest was your sister Peridot at age 14 and 5 foot 5 she had black hair that was braided like yours and her eyes were a deep blue purple she looked so much like your dad next to her who stood at 6 foot 3 wearing a his normal flannel over his shirt after getting off work from the school where he taught history. Your mom with long white silver hair in braids wearing her long sweater and skirt as she used to work as a nurse before falling sick she was small yet muscular woman at five foot 4 you were the smallest yet oldest.
Juniper: " This is Peridot, and she's the baby like Satan so she's also spoiled on the left is my Dad his name is Caspian my mom is on the right her name is Estelle"
You put away your phone, as you did not notice you had teared up Diavolo holding your hand gently.
Diavolo: " Would ...would you like to speak to them ?"
You looked up you, nodded your heart aching for you family as it had been a few weeks since coming here. The Brothers soon gathered around you to comfort you as Diavolo spoke.
Diavolo: " Well, i could let you and Solomon's phones have the ability to contact your relatives and friends...I guess i did not consider this asking humans to come here."
You tackled this man to the ground , Lucifer picking you off him with Barbatos . Soon you all went home you and Solomon soon calling your long missed families as soon as you got home.
That night, you could actually let the boys see your family through video time. The whole making it seem like a normal country was the easy thing, explaining their names meant something else into their country for your familie's sake you just called them Beel, Luci, Mamo, Levi, Sati ,Asmo . When they met Diavolos and Barbatos through the phone , it was Dia, and Barbatos.
Simeons and Luke were easy to pass and Solomon you just said he came from a super religious family, when they called and could see Belphagor you called him Belphie saying all these names were normal thing in their country with ease.
The hard thing was convincing your siblings that no you were not dating Mammon.
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laserdog10 · 5 years
OC Test: Casual Weekend Wear
"What would your OC usually wear on the weekend?" (A/N: Gonna be using my Voltron OCs for this, enjoy!)
Yorha: It really doesn't matter the weather, I'll be wearing this 'cause I can. *is wearing a cobalt blue hippie skirt, purple tank-top, and arm warmers* And I need more "open" clothing so my tail can move. *wags her aforementioned appendage*
Heron: I'm not sure if this is hereditary, but I think I picked up my dad's love for sweaters and sweatpants on the weekend. *Is in a simple black hoodie, gray sweatpants, and jet black socks* Also I look good in black and I am willing to suffer in summer heat because of it.
Zak: Heh heh, you guys are too extra, go for something like this! *Poses dramatically in a white T-shirt and khaki shorts*
Yorha/Heron: ...
Vivi: Ummm, how's this for simple attire...??? *Wearing black robes with an intricate earthen gold trim, black stockings hidden underneath*
Heron: Nice!
Yorha: You look pretty!
Vivi: Th-thank you! Zak, what do you think?
Zak: *red* U-u-uhhhh...you...good look....beautiful...
Vivi: *hides her face behind her sleeves, "Aaaaaaaaa he thinks I'm beautiful!!!", she screamed in her mind*
Yorha: Awww.
Heron: You look pretty good too.
Yorha: *NUCLEAR BLUSHING* ThanksmygrandmaKroliamadeitformeOKBYE!!! *runs off in embarrassment*
Heron: Huh...
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domesticangel · 6 years
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ok ive been wanting to do an OC redraw/redesign for a while now and uh, well here it is !!! top is obv the revamp and bottom is these three’s original designs ,,, the bottom pic is 9 years old (holy smokes) so i made them during my middle school emo/scene phase when i was like 12 so thats why they're.........Like That lmao but left to right in both pics is jude, elliot, and skipper!!! this was? so fun honestly
ummm lots of info/backstory about them under the cut lol
so in the original pic/designs… if I remember correctly jude and skipper were in police academy training to be cops and elliot was some punk ass kid theyd end up seeing around a lot cause he was in and out of holding for Delinquent Things, and ofc they magically became friends. Im pretty sure they were all 16/17 when I first made them which makes no sense at all (teen cops??? Ok) but like when ur 12, teenagers are Practically Adults BUT none of that is Canon TM anymore. In their redesign they range from early to late 20’s; I usually peg jude around 26-27, elliot is probably 23-24, and skipper is 21.
jude was the very first oc I ever made so shes always had a special place in my heart… I started churning out rapid fire ocs when I was in middle school that id toss when I was bored with em but shes the one that always stuck around!! Shes been a big honkin lesbian ever since her conception, so id use her a lot to express BabyGay feelings I didn’t really know how else to process. design wise I kinda just simplified her look; I have no fucking clue why she used to have an eyepatch and cat ears (I mean, I do, its because I was a weeb) but I got rid of those along with the scene hair and gave her longer hair with more natural waves and some freckles from spending a lot of time in the sun. her gray eyes and hair were always kind of her signature, so those got to stay! She mostly just wears anything that’s easy enough to move around and get work done in; tank tops, loose long skirts, etc. think futch hippy. anyways jude is now just a simple plant witch who uses her skills and connection with the elements to run a modest local farm, and even though shes fairly content in her lifestyle, she wants nothing more than a gf/wife that she can work hard to give a good life to :3c shes a hopeless romantic and has a bad habit of falling a little bit in love with every woman she meets, but shes mad shy when it comes to flirting, so more often than not shes just a sweaty ball of pining and infatuation. Whenever shes feeling some type of way about a girl she either obsessively takes on projects around the farm or house to distract herself or rants to her plants about how shes too afraid to express her feelings. RIP useless lesbian jude. Anyway shes the oldest of the trio, so shes very protective of elliot and skipper in a mother hen kind of way. She gets embarrassed when she realizes shes lecturing them like a cranky old maid, but they secretly don’t really mind it and often come to her for general life advice. I think her sign would be Taurus :3c (and probably an air moon since she’s kind of a space cadet)
elliot was REALLY FUN to redesign bc I honestly just wanted him to look like one of those people who had a HUGE scene phase way back when and just… never completely grew out of it lmao so I gave him the two-tone mullet he deserves, grown out roots hes definitely not gonna bother to re-bleach and re-dye, and piercing scars under his lip from where he used to have some tacky ass snakebites that he probably had to take out to get a job or something lol. he couldn’t completely give up piercings though, so the labret and gauges got to stay. Dudes not COMPLETELY stuck in 2007, but he does still enjoy a lot of the OG emo/punk bands and the fantasy of making it big in his own band and touring the country in a fashionably clunky van. He doesn’t exactly have a band, but hes working on that. Hes halfway decent on vocals and a guitar so he spends a lot of time combing through the local college town he lives and works in in hopes of finding some people who’d wanna play some gigs with him. But in the mean time, he works as a barista in a local café, which usually hooks him up by letting him do some acoustic sets at night every now and again. Hes a very warm and upbeat person, and will happily engage and talk the ear off of anyone close enough for him to do so, stranger or otherwise. He also regularly reminds jude and skipper how much he loves both of them and how glad he is that theyre all friends; He doesn’t really have much in the way of embarrassment or apprehension when it comes to what hes feeling. Hes the official unofficial “plan-maker” of the friend group and is able to bring them all together for quality time, because hes not at all passive like jude or skipper, and… usually has the most free time out of all of them lol. elliot is pure Leo and that’s about all there is to that
And finally, congratulations to skipper, who against all odds, looked normal enough that I didn’t really have to change anything at all about his design! Just had to ditch the uniform for your typical Tired Gay mustard sweaters. Skipper is an English major in his sophomore year of college who, like most people in their 20’s in liberal arts programs, is desperately trying to figure out what he wants out of life and also doesn’t know what sleeping or self-care is. He really enjoys writing, but doesn’t really know if he wants to do it for a living or if he even could. He grew up with pretty cold and distant parents, so on top of knowing they don’t really approve of his major, he pretty much always operates under the assumption that if hes not working himself to death hes not justifying the space hes taking up or the air hes breathing. Emotionally speaking hes more emo than elliot will ever be and his blood is probably 75% caffeine. He having kind of a rough time tbh but hes gritting it out in hopes that things become more clear eventually. He’d be way worse off if he didn’t have jude or elliot, who hes more thankful for than he can ever bring himself to express. They were essentially his first real, close friends, and despite skipper being incapable of asking for help, they always seem to know when he needs someone to talk to or even just a brief distraction; Jude has an open door policy for her farm and will let him come over and cuddle some rabbits or sit and talk over tea on her porch whenever he needs to, and elliot cant remember the last time hes made skipper pay for anything he ordered from the café, or the last time he even had to ask skipper what he wanted. Because hes the youngest of the three its sometimes their instinct to protect him, which embarrasses skipper out of his mind, but he knows they mean well. Hes the physical embodiment of Just Doing His Best and is a stone cold Capricorn
They’re still besties but basically met just from living in the same town; jude and elliot met when jude started providing the café’s local roast from the coffee beans she grew on her farm so elliot saw her fairly regularly and of course was like Oh Friend? Jude always liked how forthcoming elliot was as it complimented her generally reserved nature, and elliot always thought living on a farm and growing your own food was pretty punk rock and therefore pretty dang cool in his book. They both got to know skipper because he came to the café every. single. day. to ingest ungodly amounts of espresso and study all day, and when elliot took an interest in skipper, jude suggested he invite him to one of his gigs since the poor guy kinda looked like he needed a break. Skipper initially kind of politely shot elliot down, but jude took a chance and found skipper later to tell him how much itd mean to elliot, and that if it made him feel better she’d go with him, since going to events like this was different for her too. skipper apprehensively agreed at that point, and the rest is history !!! they all kinda hit it off after that
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wroteasongabouther · 7 years
fratboy!harry - part 15
hope you all enjoyed!! :))
 fratboy!harry tag >> story page
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Rolling Stones, Ramones, The Beatles, Pink Floyd - wait is that The 1975? You pull out the vinyl from Harry’s shelf and see you are right. Following that vinyl was The Neighbourhood’s vinyl too. All the oldies and then these goodies hidden in between. You smile and put The 1975 vinyl on the player. Had never used a record player, you bite down on your bottom lip and hope for the best. Then, Matty’s voice is filling the room quietly. 
Turning around, you see Harry shift in bed a little. You let out a small sigh and turn it up, then walk into the bathroom and brush your teeth. As you’re rinsing your mouth, you hear Harry muttering something over the music. You smile and walk over to stand in the doorway. 
“Turn it off,” Harry grumbles while managing to sit up in bed. You chuckle at his state - the messy hair and grumpy facial expression. 
“It’s almost one in the afternoon, H, time to get up,” you sing and walk towards him. Harry groans loudly and falls back onto the bed roughly. “How you feeling?”
“Shit,” Harry mutters. 
You chuckle again at him and sit back against your pillow as Harry’s laying across your side of the bed now. Reaching towards him, you brush back his hair off his face. Harry had drank a lot last night. Like a lot more than you’ve ever seen him drink before. After some time after three in the morning you had to help him into bed and he passed out instantly. Then this morning he didn’t budge one bit. 
“You missed breakfast with the boys,” you say, “Brandon made waffles, the girls made smoothies, it was great,” 
“Wait,” Harry sits up again and narrows his eyes at you, “yeh went out there and sat with the guys in that?”
You look down at the white tshirt of Harry’s you were wearing. You had on a sports bra under and those spandex shorts you had wore the first morning waking up in Harry’s bed. It wasn’t covering much though, you’ll admit it. 
“Trav literally saw me in my bra and panties last weekend, didn’t think it really mattered anymore,” you shrug. 
“I told you you should’ve put on my jumper while going to grab your laundry,” 
“I’m not that bothered by it, H,” you shake your head and lean back against the headboard. 
“Fine,” Harry mumbles and then is laying back down again - this time he’s closer and you know he wants you to comb through his longer hair again. So you do, letting the music fill the silence between you two while you play with Harry’s hair. “Sorry I slept in, were you bored?” Harry asks. 
You shake your head, “no, I showered and sat with everyone while eating and then I came back in here and went snooping around,” 
“Of course,” Harry chuckles. 
You take a moment, fingers still in Harry’s hair, to think of what you were going to say next. During your looking around, you found more family pictures. Harry had a story you wanted to hear. But you also knew you couldn’t pester him because you weren’t exactly an open book when it came to family either. Sure, you’d tell Harry about your family - just maybe not everything. You swallow hard and fall deeper into thought. 
“What’s wrong, little bird?” Harry asks in a soft voice. 
“Nothing,” you shrug. 
“Fine, what kinda question you got for me then?” 
“Will you tell me about your parents? I mean if you don’t want to then you don’t have to,” you ramble off and Harry sits up then. Judging by his twisted up face, you can tell he’s got a serious hangover. 
“Sure,” he nods and rubs his eyes. “Uh, my dad’s a business man, comes from a family of business men like way way back. Roaring 20s kinda back,” 
“Really?” You ask, brows pulled together as your cross your legs now. 
“Yeah, one of the few families in England that made something of their business during the war,” Harry states. 
“That’s kinda cool,” you smile, “what about your mom?” 
“She’s a saint, nicest woman you’ll ever meet,” Harry states with a smile. Butterflies flutter in your stomach at the mention of meeting his mom. Maybe one day you’d get that far in your relationship but it was still really really really early. “Her family is sorta the opposite of my dads. His is old money, stuck up buggers. While my moms side are all hippies who will tell you the craziest stories from the 60s and 70s,” 
“That’s so much cooler,” you chuckle while imaging Harry’s grandparents going off about Woodstock or whatever else happened in England during those hippie times. 
“Yeah,” Harry smiles and nods his head, “guess my family’s pretty cool,” he agrees. 
“When did your parents meet?” you ask, turning to lean against Harry and his arm immediately falls behind your back to wrap around your side. 
“After my dad went to school here, my mom worked at the cafe by my dads office in London. Then they had my sister Gemma, then got married and then had me, all pretty quickly actually,” Harry explains. It was sort of heart warming, to hear about Harry’s family. You wanted to know more, you could hear him talk all day. “And now I’m here in America while they’re all back home. Gemma just had her first baby last summer, Jackson, and he’s growing like a bloody weed,” Harry continues without you even asking - causing your heart to burst in your chest. 
“He’s so cute,” you mention, “from the photos I’ve seen at least,” 
“Yeah, got his looks from his uncle,” Harry jokes. You laugh and pinch Harry gently. 
“You knob,” you say while Harry brings his other arm around you and pulls you closer to him. He’s silent then, but you can tell he’s got questions too. That’s just how Harry worked. He got quiet when he’s brain goes off. 
“Tell me about your parents,” Harry whispers against your hair. You swallow the lump that’s immediately in your throat. You didn’t have a sweet family story like Harry did. 
“Uh, my dad’s got a electricity company back home. My mom was a hair dresser till I was about 15,” you shift in Harry’s arms while thinking of what to say next, “they got divorced when I was 15 too,” you add. 
“M’sorry,” Harry mumbles. 
“It’s okay, divorces happen,” you shrug, “my step dad is pretty cool I guess. And if they hadn’t met then my half sister Bailey wouldn’t be here,” you end up smiling while bringing up Bails. She really was the best part of your life. 
“I’ve seen you sending Snaps to her, yeah?” 
“Yup,” you nod, “spoiled brat got an iPad for her fifth birthday,” 
“At least you getta see her face,” 
“Wanna send her a picture, she’ll love it,” 
“Why? You tellin’ your baby sister all about me, little bird?” Harry teases you.
“Duh,” you wink and lean out of Harry to grab your phone off the side table. You sit on your knees and open Snapchat. Harry covers up with the blanket, right up to his chin, then as the camera flips on the two of you he sticks out his tongue. You chuckle and do the same, tapping the screen and then sending it to Bailey - saving it first of course. Bailey answers instantly, you smile and lean back into Harry before opening it up. And there she is, missing her first tooth and grinning up close to her front camera. 
“She’s adorable,” Harry says. 
“Got her looks from her sister,” you tease Harry while poking his side. He chuckles at you. 
Some time passes by, mostly in silence as the two look at your phones. You’d show each other a photo or video from last night, looking through Snapchat stories to waste time. You pass Harry the water bottle that was sitting on the side table, you had put it there hours ago now, and he chugs half of it. Finally Harry complains about being hungry and drags himself into the bathroom. You lay in bed, snuggling up under the covers while waiting for Harry to get finished. 
You’re fighting falling asleep as you hear Harry enter the bedroom once again a while later. Sighing, you shut your phone and wait for him to say something. But next thing you know, the blanket is flying off your body and Harry’s hand is spanking your bum. You screech, flipping around to glare at him. 
“You prick!” you shout. 
“Hey, you liked the spanking last night, babygirl,”
“You’re such a pig,” you mumble but grab ahold of his awaiting hands to lift you up off the bed. He uses all his strength and lifts you up into the air, causing you to stumble back into him while chuckling. You loved when he got into these goofy moods. 
“Change,” he says abrutly. 
“I don’t have any other clothes here by my costume, remember? I took my clothes home the other day,” you state while walking over to where your red mini skirt, top and boots sat.
“Oh, right,” Harry nods. 
You think about it, then decide to slip into the skirt and tuck in the front of Harry’s white shirt you were wearing. It was a look that’s for sure, you think while zipping up the boots. You ruffle with you hair and hope it looks good enough to pull off what you wished looked kinda ‘model off duty’ idea you got.
“How do I look?” you ask Harry while turning towards him. He had been turning off the record player and putting away the vinyl as you changed. 
“Gorgeous, as always,” he says with a smile while stepping to you and kissing your cheek. You can’t help as the blush creeps on your cheeks.
As Harry leads the way out of the bedroom you admire him. He’s got on a pair of black jeans on and a white tank top. His tan was still there as the cooler months had come in now. His wet hair drips down the back of his neck, you bite your neck as your mind turns to dirtier thoughts. Harry turns into the kitchen and you’re surprised to see Kate and Travis standing around together, close enough to brush into one another. 
“Hey,” Kate smiles as she sees you. 
“Hey,” you smile as well. It was kinda weird having another one of your friends hanging around the frat house.
“Nice outfit, it actually looks really good,” she comments. 
“Oh thanks,” you chuckle while glancing down at yourself. Guess it would do, just a little much for a college kid.
“Good to see you’re alive,” Travis says to Harry as he opens the fridge and grumbles out a response. “You and Eddy finished the tequila and the rum last night, hey?” 
“Jesus Christ,” Harry replies while rubbing both his eyes with the heels of his hands. He shuts the fridge doors and turns back around to look at you. “Want to head to the diner?” 
“Yeah, then I need to get home and study,” you say while pushing you hair to one side. 
“’Kay,” he nods, “I’ll grab my keys,” 
You nod and pull your phone from your waistband of your skirt. There’s another Snapchat from Bailey, but you decide to answer her a little later and then go to your next notification. It’s a text from Alex, which brings a smile to your lips. He didn’t text you as much as he once did, but you blamed the busy college lives you both lived now. 
Hey, how’s it going? Ran into your mom a while ago, she looks better just so you know. I just wanted to let you know my mom invited you for Thanksgiving if you’re planning on coming home. 
hey!! i’m doing good hbu? and yeah she told me, and she sounds better too so thats good.. i havent booked a flight home yet, honestly not sure if i cant afford coming home for thanksgiving and christmas so i’ll let you know but tell jane thanks for the invite!! miss you
I’m good, just tired of this school crap lol. And yeah far enough, flights basically across the country aren’t cheap. Miss you too Boo!
You smile again while reading the nickname. It was a childhood nickname, given to you cause it was one of your first words, also cause you loved Monster Inc while growing up. Then it caught on, and just became a thing you guessed. But it was nice to hear, brought back lots of memories. You send him back a quick message just as Harry comes back into the kitchen with a beanie on his head and keys in his hand. 
“Ready?” Harry asks, you nod and then say bye to Travis and Kate before walking out of the house - which was disgustingly dirty all around. 
“Oh my god,” you gasp while stepping outside and seeing the garbage all over the lawn. 
“Should’ve seen it last year, it was worse, someone broke a window too,” Harry states while unlocking his car. 
“Who cleans all the crap up?” 
“Uh, our maid,” Harry says while you get into the car at the same time he does. 
“Sorry? Maid?” you ask in a shocked tone. 
“Yeah, she comes every Monday morning and when we call her in,” 
“I shouldn’t be surprised cause there’s no way that house could stay as clean as it does with so many guys living in it,”
“Hey, I’m pretty clean,” Harry winces while pouting.
You roll your eyes at him and then look out the window as he drives towards the diner. As you pull up to the diner you think back to the first time Harry had brought you here, it was just lunch between two friends after he had came to apologize for being rude at James’s party the day before. Since then, there’s been more apologies but things also got better too. You glance up at Harry as he holds open the door for you. You really hoped this went a long way, cause you were so hung up on Harry you don’t know what you’d do without him at this point.
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askmyiuseoc · 5 years
Blaire ● M / 6'0 / ancient ● tan and littered with scars. the biggest covers the right side of his face and he's blind in that eye ● wears a long red hood. has feather earrings ● highly opinionated. talks a lot ● like kids more than adults. strong maternal instincts Charlotte ● F / 4'10 / ancient ● dullahan with fair skin. wears misc. animal skulls as a head (mostly does) ● cottagecore aesthetic ● you can never tell if she's serious or not since she doesn't have facial expressions. so good at poker ● likes skipping rocks and playing with her horse, Lottie Aurélien ● M / 5'3 / 20 ● a porcelain pale vampire. covered in freckles and has soft auburn hair ● big sweaters and scarves. only wears pants if he absolutely has to ● friendly but doesn't have many friends. lives alone in a cabin in the woods with 5 cats ● likes witchy things and magic staves Esmeralda ● F / 5'7 / 23 ● prehistoric harpy with forest green plumage. dark olive skinned long brown hair. almond eyes. a few simple tattoos ● she has multiple forms, ranging from "mostly human but with wings" to "gigantic bird". ● in her human form, she wears white bando and long a white loincloth. in her bird form, she wears nothing. ● earthy. quite crude and usually covered in a layer of dirt ● likes lances and often carves her own● girlfriends with Nautica Kione ● M / 5'9 / 500 ● light toned kitsune with 5 tails. sandy blonde fur and undercut hair ● street punk fashion. wears a lot of black leather. ● the internet is for porn ● likes chain smoking. he thinks it's cool and he smells gross constantly Daeva ● trans F / 5'6 / 20 ● a science experiment chimera. human, cat, snake hybrid. mostly human, with cat hears and tail + venomous fangs. purple hair with green accents in a pixie cut ● wears long flowy dresses ● very flexible ● likes dancing and hiking. she's especially good at ballet ● created in the same lab as Samael. calls him Sam Samael ● M / 5'2 / 19 ● human, cat, snake hybrid, the product of a science experiment. black curly hair ● only wears black. tank top, baggy jeans, spiked choker, fingerless gloves, and glasses ● has a wired, aggressive personality but Daeva helps calm him down ● likes loud dubstep and rap ● created in the same lab as Daeva. calls her Dee Luka ● trans M / 5'4 / 240 ● a deer faerie with long thin flowery antlers. rich skin and dark hair ● wears a long blue coat and scarf over a vest and cargo pants ● he's an awkward but gentle person, despite the fact he has a resting bitch face ● likes poetry and reading. is usually holding a book Colt ● M / 5'0 / ancient ● demon. tan skin with light pink hair and big blue eyes. bleeds black ● fairy kei fashion. wears big bows ● he can drain someone's life force by kissing them ● has a cheerful disposition and is usually smiling● likes causing others grief for the fun of it but doesn't cause physical harm Nautica● F / 5'5 / 22 ● lionfish mermaid. fair skin covered in freckles. bright curly orange hair, usually in a messy ponytail ● naturally venomous and predatorial ● bright bohemian and hippie boho fashion. usually has a hibiscus flower tucked in her hair ● can communicate with other sea creatures and has a slight distaste for humans● likes looking at herself in the mirror● girlfriends with Esmeralda Mannequin ● M / 5'6 / 21 ● medium skin tone. has sharp canines and a large scar on his mouth. messy dyed lilac hair ● pastel goth. wears skirts and a cute medical mask to hide his mouth ● nicknamed Mannequin because he's as warm-hearted as a piece of plastic ● i'd say go to hell but I never wanna see you again. a tad bit dramatic ● lonely but he secludes himself anyways ● likes insulting strangers Bunny ● M / 4'8 / 25 ● descendant of the moon bunny. dark skin and white hair. little white freckles that look like stars ● formally wears beautiful robes and a goddess sash he got from his grandmother. casually wears skimpy, revealing clothing ● if Texts From Last Night was all from one person ● is flustered by genuine acts of affection ● likes garter belts Dalian ● F / 5'5 / 26 ● golden honey skin tone. long, wavy, dark brown hair. has a beauty mark below her mouth ● witchy dresses. wears lots of jewelry (rings, bracelets, necklaces, anklets, elegant hair pins, ect) ● mature but believes every single conspiracy theory ● cynical, has a tendency to mope ● likes and practices witchcraft. collects tarot cards and magic orbs Kato ● M / 5'8 / ancient ● a man made of shadows. literal pitch black skin and hair. has green eyes ● classy suits. main one is a white tux with a baby pink undershirt ● self confident and aloof ● likes being vague and unhelpful. gotta cram in as many double meanings as possible Silas ● M / 6'1 / 30 ● werewolf. pasty skin and messy black hair. has grey wolf ears and tail. dark eye bags ● long trench coats and fur trimmed coats. pretty plain clothes underneath ● the classic werewolf berserker when the full moon comes out ● he's killed people he likes on accident because of this ● a very lonely, pessimistic person. ● likes alternative rock Quetzal ● F / 5'11 / 27 ● werewolf. dark skin with bright, pale patches (vitiligo.) has tan wolf ears and tail. blind in both eyes ● wears jeans and tank tops. not a fan of dresses ● a very perky, bubbly person. laughs a lot ● she bites. frequently ● likes jump scaring and otherwise harassing both strangers and her friends alike. Fabian ● M / 5'6 / 21 ● peacock harpy with porcelain pale skin. deep blue hair and eyes ● stylish, classy. wears a lot of makeup ● your words can't hurt me these shades are gucci ● easy going, very anti-confrontation ● likes long candle-lit bathes and compliments Jackie ● M / 5'9 / 24 ● imp. almond brown skin. unnaturally orange hair, black undercut. black, slit eyes. has a long, orange forked tail ● dresses flashily. not above wearing crop tops and capes. likes dressing in orange ● almost always holding his fox familiar, Vinx ● charming, playful, extroverted. can be a bit of a prick (sometimes accidentally) ● likes impressing strangers
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talesfromafork · 7 years
This post contains helpful affiliate links.
When it comes to packing clothes for travel, most peoples’ advice is to pack light, but packing light isn’t always easy. It usually involves some battle over clothing that’s functional and great for site-seeing versus clothing that’s fashionable and so perfect for dinners, going out, and you know, looking pretty. Luckily for us, these travel bloggers who travel frequently are a pro at packing both functional and fashionable clothes. Check out what they never leave home without on their adventures around the world.
1. Little Black Dress
Image by Bobo and Chichi
Image by Bobo and Chichi
Photos by Megan
Megan of Bobo and Chichi loves her little black dress because she can dress it up or down and even wear it plain. She changes up the look of it by adding a kimono, sweater, pantyhose, or layers it with literally just about anything. It’s even versatile when it comes to footwear! She wears her comfortable Vans, sandals, and booties with her little black dress depending on where she is.
Check out these easy to dress up, down, and around little black dresses to pack.
2. Combat Boots
Both Mika of the Seoul Child and I agree that our combat boots are our must-pack fashion item for any trip. They’re comfortable enough to walk around on Europe’s cobblestone streets all day long and are lightweight. On the flip side, they look great with just about anything from dresses to shorts and can easily convert into nighttime bar and club apparel. Depending on how you dress up your boots, you can even wear them to dinner!
Mika is a fan of the Dr. Marten brand while I like these combat boots that have a little pocket for my cash. Style + function + security in One = Ultimate Winner!
3. Colorful Skirt
Photo from Diana’s Instagram https://www.instagram.com/dianamiaus/
Photo from Diana’s Instagram https://www.instagram.com/dianamiaus/
Diana’s Instagram is full of colorful, flowing outfit inspiration. Follow her!
Diana is a fan of packing a long, colorful skirt especially because of its potential to give a photo the extra pop it needs. Besides how pretty it looks in photos though, long skirts are great for any climate because you can easily change up the top, add a jacket or wear stockings underneath.
Check out all these colorful skirts! They come in various colors.
4. Sarong
Photos by Amanda
Amanda of the Travelling Blizzards uses her sarong as a wrap around her shoulders, a beach cover-up, a scarf, a top, and a dress! In addition, she’s used it before as a beach towel, shower towel, blanket, and dirty clothes wrap. Is there anything that this sarong can’t be used for?
Check out these multi-purpose sarongs for your next trip! Click through to see other colors.
5. Multi-colored Scarf or Lightweight Shawl
Photo by Star
Star of 87 Pages loves using her bright, multi-colored scarf as a head wrap, cover-up at temples, sarong at the beach, statement accessory for Fashion Week, and even as a picnic blanket! Jennifer of Luxe Adventure Traveler finds that the colorful aspect of it jazzes up any monotonous outfit.
Donna of Nomad Women uses her lightweight shawl just like Star and has even used it as a blanket on the airplane and towel in a pinch. She calls it the best of all possible travel accessories.
Check out these versatile and fashionable shawls.
6. Black Leggings
Photo by the Travel Pockets
Candy of the Travel Pockets always brings a simple pair of lightweight black leggings. She throws it in her carry-on or in her backpack when she’s out exploring in certain places. If she gets wet or spills something, she has her leggings as backup! If she’s wearing a skirt and gets cold, she throws on her leggings for warmth. Even when she’s not traveling, she always has a pair of black leggings in her car just in case. In addition, Billie of Sante Fe Travelers loves that her pair of black leggings are great for hiking but then can get dressed up for dinner.
Check out these recommendations.
Fleece lined for cool weather
  Extra soft and comfy
High waist tummy control workout leggings
7. Black Bikini
Photo by Sonal of Drifter Planet via Instagram
For Sonal of Drifter Planet, her black bikini is like her little black dress. Besides her black tank top, sarong, and bindi, her bikini is a must-pack functional and fashionable clothing item because she’s able to wear it for yoga and at music festivals. On that note, I always recommend packing a bathing suit even when going to cooler climates because you never know when you’ll have the opportunity to go to the sauna, jacuzzi, or even a hot spring!
Check out these recommendations.
Cutout Top Bikini
Classic Triangle Bikini
Racerback Bikini
Ruffle Off the Shoulder Bikini
8. Plain Dress
Photo by Nina
Nina of Where in the World is Nina loves packing a plain dress. There’s no need to mix and match because the dress is the entire outfit but if need be, she throws on leggings to make the outfit warmer or dresses it up with accessories to make it look fancier!
Check out these simple but pretty dresses.
Sleeveless Dress
Off the Shoulder Dress
Scalloped Dress
9. Black Top
Photo by Bilyana
Bilyana of Owl Over the World always packs her favorite plain black top ’cause it’s perfect for hiking or dressing up with accessories to wear out at night. On top of being practical, it’s comfortable.
Check out these simple but functional dresses.
10. Lightweight Cargo Jacket
Photos by Samantha
Samantha of There She Goes Again lives in her green cargo jacket from H&M because it’s lightweight and perfect for laying. She’s worn it hiking, wandering around Frankfrut in the winter, and recently in the Atacama Desert. She also likes that it makes her look slimmer compared to her other jackets, which might sound vain, but “when most of your friends are between size 2-4 and you’re a 10 on a good day, it comes in handy.”
Check out some of the jackets we recommend.
11. Chambray Shirt
Allison of Eternal Arrival loves her chambray shirt as it works well layered under a sweater in cold weather, on its own with a skirt or jeans on mild days, and worn open as a light jacket over a dress on hot nights.
See some of our stylish recommendations.
12. Lightweight, Loose Pants
Photo by Claire
Claire of Claire’s Footsteps is all about her baggy hippy pants because they’re lightweight and breezy. This makes it especially good to wear in warmer climates when she needs to cover up or on long bus rides.
Here are some recommendations for stylish but comfortable lightweight pants.
13. Hat With SPF Protection
Michele of a Taste for Travel specializes in traveling to destinations filled with lots of sunshine. Thus, her most important functional but fashionable piece is her Tilley Endurables Shantung Straw Fedora, which has a UPF 50+, an interior pocket for stashing money/ID and packs well.
Here are some recommendations for UPF 50+ hats that fold or roll into your bag easily:
With so many different types of functional yet fashionable items, your packing light woes should be next to nothing now! Do you have a functional yet fashionable clothing item? Share with us by commenting below!
Thanks for stopping by! xo.
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Travel Style: Functional and Fashionable Clothing Staples to Help You Pack Light This post contains helpful affiliate links. When it comes to packing clothes for travel, most peoples' advice is to pack light, but packing light isn't always easy.
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