#she yelled at bim
starburns · 2 years
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keyforshort · 5 months
Dimension 20 Live Highlights
Cast was;
Murph - Riz/Kugrash
Emily - Ylfa (Jet cameo)
Zac- Pib (Pis)
Ally - Kristen
Siobhan - Ruby
Setting - Unsleeping City
Pib oneshotting Don Confetti by eating him and becoming the new Don
Yfla and Ruby immediately play fighting but also kinda real fighting and being unsure of what was happening
Pib: "Wait am I the adult here?"
Pib and Ylfa both thinking the Bodega was Ylfa's grandmas apartment
Ruby commanding the sweets aisle
Lemone coming to life and Gilear (who was a table) making him his bitch
Epona holding a table at gun point and Riz not reacting until remembering it was Gilear
Pib pretending hes a New York native
Riz almost getting oneshot by a disintegration ray until zac reminded him of uncanny dodge, and then getting swapped out for Kug anyway
Riz's reaction to gettting disintegrated was just "ow"
Kug and Pib going for each other almost immediately (I didnt realise Riz had left because Murph started hissing)
Ylfa trying to play Gin Rummy with everyone she meets
Ylfa beating La Gran Gata at Gin Rummy
Pib and La Gran Gata having the most instant flirty energy
Ruby asking everyone if they're Ceresian and Ylfa thinking she means lesbian
Ruby being Ylfa's lesbian awakening
Wally thinking he's in Die Hard
Ylfa holding Chunggledown Bim's ass cheeks closed like a vice
Kristen elbow dropping table Gilear because she misunderstood a plan
Pib getting shoes and renaming himself Pis (and regretting it immediately because the audience would not let it go)
Kugrash kept turning people into reverse centaurs
Aguefort saying "You guys do the plan, while me and Babayaga do something else" "what?" "SOMETHING ELSE"
Chungledown Bim getting a nat 1, Siobhan getting up and spinning in a circle celebrating like 10 times before realising no one else got up at all
CDB getting another catastrophic failure, Brennan sitting on the floor in reaction to it
The cameramen struggling to get Ally in frame when they all got on tbe floor together. Finally getting them in frame and then they FUCKING MOVED AGAIN
La Gran Gata calling him Pib, the audience yelling "Pis!" And the LGG going "No, PUSS IN BED MOTHERFUCKERS"
Jet lives
Will add more if I think of them
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maranull · 2 years
Could we have some headcanons for ER ladies coming out/realizing they’re not exactly the straightest ruler in the first grade math class?
Hi, so sorry for taking so long!! Bim and the Milli-Anon had asked before you and Bim's ask needed some research. Plus life... Sorry!! 🙏
Headcanons coming right up! Going with the modern AU, cause I'm pretty sure that, at least during and after the Shattering, the creatures of the Lands Between cared not about sexuality and gender.
Gotta say tho, it is quite hard to write about identities that I'm not part of. If something comes off as disrespectful or uninformed, know that it's not my intention and I'd like some polite education if that happens.
Meli's ace and lesbian (no, I'm not projecting)
She first realized she liked girls when she read a lesbian romance novel and realized that the only reason she didn't care for romance was that the only romantic things she had seen or read where straight
Actually relating to the characters and their wants in the lesbian romance kinda kickstarted a line of questioning in her mind, and things went from there
Figuring out that she was ace came much later, after she realized that people actually enjoy imagining sexual situations and also themselves in them
That was never something she cared for, and when she found the ace label she adopted it fairly quick
The only people she comes out to are very close friends and/or partners
She feels like no one else really has business knowing
Ranni is bi
She figured it when she realized her interactions with Tiche where very similar to when she talked to her boy crushes
Meaning she was adopting her typical I'm-trying-to-be-cold-but-the-warmth-I-radiate-around-you-rivals-the-sun behavior 👍
She came out with a presentation to the class, although the presentation was more about how pretty Tiche is
The presentation had chapters and bullet points
It was 20 pages long
Her sources page just said "Trust me bro" and "Look at her!"
The teacher tried to stop her after she went over the allocated time and she simply raised her voice over them to the point of yelling
Malenia is lesbian
Due to her sickness and innate reservedness, she was fairly socially secluded, but she first started questioning when she overheard other girls talk about boys the way she sometimes thought about girls
Her coming out was just her getting a pin, putting it in her backpack and answering "yes" in a firm tone, if asked
Had something here but I feel it was disrespectful, even if it wasn't meant that way. Deleted it, sorry.
Thank you for bearing with me, and thank you for the ask! <3
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a-vamp-and-a-half · 4 months
“She-she’s exaggerating!” Evan yells quickly, fearful of how the crowd gobbles Ferox’s words up as he meets Neora’s stricken expression “Its just-just friendly squabbles!”
“Oh folks he’s humble” the host coos into the mic “So very modest indeed. They’re always so shy before their first show aren’t they?” He says teasingly as the crowd chuckles
Many were wearing holding masks, flipped currently to show Comedy, with a few lingering on Tragedy as they impatiently waited for the show to start
The host simply chuckles seeing them, brushing a thumb against his lapel “Not Archie tho, bless his soul. That barbarian rushed right in and left no survivors with that baritone! Ah to think how big he’d have made it” the host almost sighs along with the crowd
“But yes. Rules! Rules our dear Archie did not listen to, eager as he was, boring as they are!” The crowd laughs
“Betting may commence right now! Prices may be promised to our dear contestants upon their victory, and blessings for their performance. However! Remember none may transform their nature given skills” the host laughs
“Start the betting! And shout your favours in turn!” He cheers, and in the back Neora could be seen rapidly talking with someone
The betting among the crowd seems to be mostly in Evan and Bing's favor for doing well, a few extra bets on Evan because of his costume.
"FEELING REALLY GOOD ABOUT THE FUN OF SINGING!" calls out a voice in the crowd. The lights focus on Bim, who seems to have come in a different entrance than Green- and who seems to be quickly tucking something that looks suspiciously like his Tome into one of the layers of ruffles in his maid's skirt.
"WH- DOC?!"
One by one, every member of The Fam calls out their presence. Ferox leaps to her feet in her seat, searching for them in the crowd and applauding, cheering, and pointing at each of them.
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iamvegorott · 2 years
Ink Month 2022 Day 6
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Day 6: Haunted
“Are you sure you can handle this?” Jackie asked as he and Phantom handed their ‘tickets’ to one of the students sitting at a little table. 
“It’s a ‘haunted hallway’ made by some of the students. How bad could it be?” Phantom scoffed.
“You’re just a bit…jumpy.” Jacke chuckled.
“I am not.” Phantom pouted a little, looping his arm through Jackie’s and letting him lead them into the beginning of the decorated hallway. 
“Hi, Mr. Boiman! Hi, Mr. Phantom!” Robbie greeted with a wave of his sheet-covered hand. Phantom always got a little kick out of the kids calling him by his first name but adding the ‘Mr’ still. 
“Hey, Robbie.” Jackie greeted back. “Love the costume.” He added with a gesture. Robbie wore a white sheet over his body, loop-sided holes cut out for his eyes and mouth and a hand-made sign hung around his neck that said ‘Boo’. 
“Thanks! Me and Blank made it together. Follow me!” Robbie spun on his heel and started walking. 
“And you were worried,” Phantom whispered his giggle to Jackie 
“Better safe than sorry.” Jackie chuckled back, looking around at all of the decorations the students had made. They were cute drawings of ‘scary’ things. Ghosts, zombies, nothing that really would give anyone the creeps. It was a school event, they were probably told to hold back as well. 
“Found Blank.” Phantom pointed where he was looking, showing Jackie that Blank was wearing a costume as well, the same thing as Robbie. 
“Cute.” Jackie could see students moving behind the blanket walls, the lights making them look like shadows. “They seem to be having-” He stopped when all of the lights suddenly went out and a high-pitch laugh came from behind them. Phantom was about to say something when a scream happened in front of them and it scared him enough that he jumped up into Jackie’s arms and yelled.
“Got them!” Bim’s voice laughed in the darkness before the lights were turned right back on. 
“Told you it would work!” Yandere popped up from behind them. “Are you okay there, Mr. Phantom?”
“I am perfectly fine.” Phantom huffed as if he wasn’t being held in the air by Jackie.  
“Good job, guys.” Jackie chuckled. “Got us good.” 
“Mr. Brody’s coming!” A different student called. 
“Oh! We have to set up again. Bye!” Yandere waved as she and Bim took off. 
“‘How bad could it be’?” Jackie teased when the kids were gone.
“Shut up and put me down.” Phantom tapped at Jackie’s chest. 
“No~” Jackie sang and kept walking.
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sullina · 2 years
"Um..." Meliodas shifted a bit, "I'm not... er, I don't think I can ustrr the appetite for it right now."
Galand stared at Meliodas, catching his almost lie but choosing not comment on it, h had corrected himself afterall. Zeldris however was not pleased,
"Melioda... there's no way you aren't starving by now."
Gelda gave her mate a look, prompting bim to change his tone,
"Can... can you at least try?"
Meliodas thought a lament before nodding, trying to starve himself further won't help at this point. Zeldris looked pleased as Gelda shifted and got off the bed,
"I shall go collect the others." She said, Zeldris nodding at her as Meliodas went back to staring at the comforter. Once Gelda had left he turned back to Meliodas,
"C'mon, we need to get you ready. We're eating in the dining hall with the others."
Meliodas was silent but allowed his brother to lift him up, carrying him to the ensuite bathroom to get dressed. Gone was his simple bar uniform, replaced by a blue tunic in the open collared style of the demon clan and a fresh pair of black trousers. He was allowed to keep his shoes.
Meliodas started feeling cold when Zeldris liften him out of the nest. Whether that was because of what was about to come, the clothes, or his still ongoing starvation, he wasn't sure. He kept pulling and tugging at the tunic, movements involuntarily slow. He really didn't want to be here and food was about the last thing on his mind right now. He wanted to curl up somewhere dark, where no one would find him and never leave, but unfortunately he couldn't do that.
Zeldris watched Meliodas adjust his tunic. The bandages on his arms were uncovered and upon a closer look, Zeldris also noticed quite a few scars on his chest he hadn't noticed before. Just what had his brother been through...
Zeldris went to pick Meliodas up again after he was done adjusting his clothes only for Meliodas to stop him. "I can walk, I think", he said, not wanting to appear even weaker to his enemies and former pack than he already was. He took a step and immediately would've fallen flat on his face if it weren't for Zeldris catching him. "I'll carry you. Your wounds don't need worsening." Lacking the strength to argue, Meliodas just nodded, keeping his eyes focused on his legs.
Meanwhile, Gelda had gathered the other commandments and was trying to get them to settle down. Zeldris had told them all what happened in the town he tried to get Meliodas help in and in their discussions, theories were running wild and quickly escalating.
"Everyone, SHUT UP!" Galand yelled. "If Meliodas walks into this room with everyone yelling and arguing about him, he won't make a peep!"
"Meliodas? Scared?", Derieri questioned. "Since when does Meliodas get scared?" Any demon looked up to the eldest demon prince prior to his betrayal as a prime example of what a demon should be like, or at least what the Demon King thought a demon should be like, and a demon should not be scared, no matter what was happening.
Galand shrugged. "I don't know. Meliodas begged Zeldris not to ask about what happened with me in the room, but he knows he'll have to tell us eventually. Speaking of, no one except Zeldris is to initiate any questioning on that topic, got it?" He glared at each and every single one of his fellow commandments, lingering on Melascula and Estarossa. They all gave their reluctant agreement. Knowing his commandment wouldn't affect any of them, Galand hoped they would keep it.
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honourablejester · 3 years
I’m rewatching bits of Disney’s The Sword in the Stone right now, because I got Merlin’s ‘Hockety Pockety Wockety Wack’ song stuck in my head (it’s actually called ‘Higitus Figitus’, it’s just one of those songs), and I’m remember how much I adore Merlin and Mim’s weird rivalry-slash-friendship. They’re amazing. Two curmudgeonly old magic users living in run-down shacks in the woods, having lethal playfights with each other.
(What else can you call the wizard duel when, at various points, Merlin almost asks Mim if she’s okay after he landed his fat walrus ass on her, Mim yells at Merlin that he wouldn’t dare when he’s going to ram her off a cliff from behind, both of them cheat gleefully at the end as if that was the entire point, and a victorious Merlin is gleefully nice to Mim after he’s infected her with a disease whose only cure is sunshine, which he knows for a fact she absolutely hates)
Like, Mim is evil, withers plants by touching them, tries to murder a kid, and ‘finds delight in the gruesome and grim’. Merlin is good, more or less, and spends his time trying to help people, even if as grumpily as possible. They’re opponents. But they’re also a perfectly matched pair of curmudgeonly old farts, about equally lethal to the crockery, equal in power and magic, call each other things like ‘bungler’, and spend all their time together trying to score points off each other.
Also, I just love this little point of comparison:
Merlin, being hit on by a squirrel: “There now, you see? I’m an ugly horrible grouchy old man!”
Mim, gleefully, showing her ‘beautiful’ form to Wart: “But it’s only skin deep, for zim zabrum BIM! I’M AN UGLY OLD CREEP!”
I’d love that, you know? Call it the asexual dream, but I’d love to be a grumpy old magic user, being gleefully ugly, living in cottage/tower full of books and crockery in the woods and every so often having a shapeshifting duel with my equally grumpy-and-asexual rival.
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artificialqueens · 3 years
Something More (Taywhora) - pureCAMP
A/N - Hi Ortega, love you xx
Here’s a cheeky little girl band au in which A'Whora is sort of in love with her bandmate, Lawrence is sort of in love with her makeup artist, and Bimini has no idea what’s going on. Enjoy, bing bang bong <3
Death by a thousand cuts lingers on A’Whora’s mind. There seems to be a million ways to express how she’s feeling; the straw that broke the camel’s back, the final tipping point. The way that little things just build and build and build until their crushing weight is suddenly made noticeable to the poor fool trapped beneath them, already without any hope of survival.
Maybe she’s being dramatic, maybe poetic. Maybe that’s why she’s good at writing lyrics, why she scribbles them down in glittery notebooks that Lawrence makes fun of her for buying. They can hardly use what she writes in her free time, the need for fun, relatable and light-hearted lyrics far outweighing the demand for her emotional ramblings, but nevertheless she’s still alright at it.
More than anything, it’s the numbness that bothers her. This pain isn’t jarring, soul destroying, artistically tragic like she wishes it was. She mostly feels an ever-present nothing, with the occasional empty hole like a vacuum in her stomach that weighs on her late at night, alone in bed. The feeling is heavy and cold, but she can’t describe it any better than that. She’s tried, and the scrunched up paper and furiously crossed out words provide more than enough explanation as to how that endeavour went.
Is she ridiculous to be angry over wanting a little communication, knowing she herself hasn’t done it either? Is she hypocritical for internally begging Tayce to explain when she knows full well she’s not explained her side?
Whatever the answer, she’s an idiot for hooking up with her bandmate.
Sighing frustratedly, she throws her pencil across the room, likely to never be seen again, and shuts her notebook. The pencil flies through the air and hits the wall just as Lawrence enters, missing her head by mere centimetres. She reels backwards out of shock and then clings onto the doorframe, one hand on her heaving chest.
“Fuck me! You trying to kill me or something?” Lawrence demands, her expressions every bit as big and blown up as they are on stage.
A’Whora flops onto her bed as Lawrence sits on hers - they’re sharing the hotel room, Tayce and Bimini paired up across the hall.
“Not you, babes.” She rolls her eyes at herself, stretching her legs out as her head crashes into the pillow.
Lawrence snorts. “Trouble in paradise?”
“It’s far from fucking paradise and you know it, you nasty bitch.” A’Whora shoots back, relieved that neither of them are stupid enough to interpret any malice in the harsh way they speak to one another.
Truth be told, A’Whora and Tayce’s hooking up is probably the worst kept secret in all their band management. Tayce seems to think nobody knows, and she’s all the happier for it, but A’Whora knows for a fact that Lawrence, the entire style team and their management all know what’s going on - it’s really only Bimini, bless her, who’s in the dark about it. The second worst kept secret is Lawrence and their makeup artist, Ellie, but that’s the farthest from A’Whora’s mind currently.
“It used to be fun, you know what I mean, like? Like it’s just me and Tayce and we’re having a good time and everything, there’s no pressure for dating or nothing like that, ‘cause she weren’t ready for it.”
Lawrence blinks. “Am I supposed to be sensing a problem here, or?”
A’Whora groans. “Shut up, bitch, I’m trying to do a fucking monologue for you! Anyway, it’s just weird because I swear like I haven’t done anything and nothing’s changed at all but her texts are really friendly rather than like flirty now?”
“And you haven’t sent me off to Ellie’s room in a while so the two of you can fuck like rabbits.” Lawrence finishes, a sly grin on her face knowing that she’s just pissed A’Whora right off by interrupting the aforementioned monologue.
Crude as she is, she’s right - and A’Whora probably would’ve worded it in a way more disgusting manner herself. It’s a decent system that they’ve rigged up, honestly. Whenever Tayce texts, or A’Whora texts her, she sends Lawrence off to go find Ellie, makes up some lie about why their bandmate isn’t sleeping in their room tonight, and then they can spend some quality time together. It’s simple but efficient, hence its brilliance.
“Sorry babes. You know you can still go see her even if I’m not seeing Tayce?”
Lawrence snorts. “Nah, you’re fine. To be honest she’s fucked me right off recently so I’m not in the mood to see her.”
It’s horrible, but A’Whora’s secretly glad that she’s not the only one entangled in some kind of romantic or sexual turmoil. “Aw, what did she do?”
“None of your business, you nosy bitch!” Lawrence half-yells, but bizarrely, she’s still not mad. “You were ranting about your secret lover?”
“Fuck off,” She shoots back, “I was done, anyway. She’s just, like, reset. I don’t get it.”
She’s not strong enough to confide what she really thinks. It clouds her mind constantly, a small part of her brain daring her to just come out and say it in the malicious hope that she’ll find out how it feels to broadcast. Her stupid, selfish brain is worried that Tayce has met someone, someone she likes, someone she’d be willing to, or interested in, pursuing a romantic relationship with. Because romance has never been part of their deal, something they’d agreed on. Romance was off the table for Tayce because she wasn’t ready, and A’Whora was fine with that.
Maybe she was in the wrong for going along with the hook ups and flirting under false pretences. A’Whora had hoped, secretly, that over time, Tayce’s aversion to love and commitment might begin to soften, and surely the most natural, safe way to ease into it would be with someone who she already knew could have a fun flirty rapport with her, not to mention a metric fuckton of sexual chemistry?
Behind every flirty text held the secret hope that Tayce’s feelings would one day find the strength to break out. A’Whora hadn’t meant to get attached to her bandmate like she had, but there seemed to be fuck all she could do about it now.
“Well,” Lawrence announces, rolling onto her back and gesturing up in the air with her arms, “You’re fucked off, I’m fucked off, I say we go and get absolutely steamin’ and forget that we’ve ever felt a positive emotion towards someone who doesn’t give a fuck.”
A’Whora closes her eyes, heart sinking. “I’d actually love to, but we can’t just go the two of us, because then we’re leaving out the others. Bims’ll wanna come, and if Bims comes we have to invite Tayce and I literally don’t wanna see her because it’s so weird that I’ve been like, demoted to friend.”
“She removed the benefits,” Lawrence nods understandingly, “In many ways, we could compare her to the Tory government.”
“Could we fuck,” A’Whora laughs in spite of her own heavy misery. “You’re literally insane. Loz, what the fuck do I do about this?”
Lawrence shrugs. “I told you, my best solution is to go and get smashed! If we just drink here then we didn’t go out without anyone so we didn’t break any friend rules and they’re none the fucking wiser to our collective romance issues.”
The word romance makes A’Whora tense - it’s uncomfortable to think about it like that, almost embarrassing to dwell on her own feelings as having a romantic nature about them from a purely sexual relationship. Luckily for her, a sneaky or perhaps Freudian slip catches her attention and drags it away from her own issue, A’Whora bolting upright to stare at her friend.
“Lawrence Chaney. Did you just say collective romance issues? I thought you and Ellie were just fanny friends!”
Understandably, Lawrence is horrified at her turn of phrase, but A’Whora doesn’t miss the telltale reddening of her ears that suggests she’s said something she shouldn’t have. An eye-roll powerful enough to induce a tsunami follows Lawrence shifting herself up, glaring at A’Whora, and then scowling.
“First,” She replies, one finger wagging in front of her, “Never fucking say fanny friends ever again. Second…”
A’Whora gasps, already anticipating some gossip.
“You’re gonna get me a fucking gin if you’re gonna make me talk about this.”
More intelligent girls, or perhaps just less heartache-y ones, would know better than to get wasted in their hotel room the night before a show, but A’Whora and Lawrenced have never been the best at smart decisions. Ironically, it’s the deceptively smart bimbo Bimini who usually is able to reign them in, though she often chooses not to. Left to their own devices, there’s a lot of gin and a little bit of lemonade that seems to mysteriously disappear as tongues get looser and inhibitions get lowered. Before they even know what’s happening, both girls are sitting on the floor between their beds, legs stretched out before them, bemoaning their woeful, humiliating love lives.
It’s almost as if they think that if they don’t get it right now, they never will. To some extent, in A’Whora’s mind, that’s true, even when she knows, realistically, that she’s only in her mid-twenties and life goes on. But really, what is love if not an agony freezing you in time, a force that makes the past a mere blur and the future non-existent? Love is present and now, and if she misses her chance, who says there’ll be another?
(Almost everyone says there will. But A’Whora is drunk and her words are happy and her mind is sad.)
Luckily, Lawrence has been talking for long enough that A’Whora doesn’t have to spill all her thoughts into a drunken spiel that she knows wouldn’t make a lick of sense. She keeps swearing and avoiding the point, but somewhere in her long-winded ramble confessions start to unravel themselves, and a good scandal is enough to distract her for the time being.
“So I fuckin’ - aw fuck, hen, do me a favour and refill me?” Lawrence asks, A’Whora just passing her the bottle and gesturing for her to continue. “I fuckin’ asked her, y’know, are we just doing this or are we something more, like, fuckin’ stupid thing to ask honestly and I regretted it as soon as I did but then she answered and fuck me.”
She makes an effort to impersonate Ellie - a slightly higher pitched, slightly less intensely Scottish accent with something of a mockingly nervous whine to it as she repeats, “I’m keeping my options open. Fuckin’ options! I’ve no’ had anyone since her and I wouldny’ fuckin’ want to either and she’s fuckin’ got A, B, C or D all the fuckin’ above! It’s fucked.”
A’Whora gasps. “Bitch, you proper like her! You like Ellie!”
“Say that any louder and I’ll box your fuckin’ ears,” Lawrence threatens, only half kidding judging by the glare in her eyes. “Am I wrong to feel fuckin’ betrayed that I didn’t know she was seeing others as well as me?”
She snorts. “Loz, babes, I’m losing my mind at the very idea that Tayce has found someone, look who you’re talking to.”
Lawrence shrugs in agreement. “Makes me feel sick.”
There’s a pause. “Actually, that might be the gin.”
Another pause. “Oh, it’s the gin.”
She all but launches herself up and towards the bathroom, A’Whora instantly going into a flap. If Lawrence is sick on the carpet she’ll literally never forgive her, but she needs to help her friend, but fuck if she’s gonna stand there in the bathroom gagging at her. She decides, vaguely last minute, to run out into the corridor and grab some cold water from the machine, panicking and shouting her plan in the general direction of the bathroom before dashing outside. Embarrassing, but at twenty five years old A’Whora still can’t handle someone being sick.
A brief but unwelcome thought flits into her head - I’d help Tayce. She shakes it away, tells herself she wouldn’t, but a sad stupid part of her knows she could sit there and painfully gag her way through helping Tayce if she needed to, because she’s a spineless idiot who fell for her bandmate. There’s a flash of guilt for the fact that she wouldn’t do the same for Bims or Lawrence, but reasons that she has to draw the line somewhere.
The hotel has this awful chintzy carpet, a weird swirly print on a red base that reminds A’Whora of weird-smelling care homes and outdated grandma’s houses. Just looking at it makes her head spin uncomfortably - maybe she’s a little drunker than she thought. Perhaps she’ll get two cups of ice water instead, sober herself up a bit and all.
Then Tayce is standing in front of her all of a sudden and A’Whora has no idea how she’s got there.
(Did she… summon Tayce? Manifest her presence?)
“Girl, you alright? You look a state,” She greets, her accent charming enough to rid the words of their potential offense.
A’Whora vaguely points ahead of her, aware of how dumb she probably looks. “Goin… getting water for Loz. She’s absolutely pissed.”
Tayce laughs, baffled. “Babes, what are you playing at getting drunk the night before a show? Gotta make sure you shake off the hangovers before or else you’re done for!”
“Water fixes all.” A’Whora has no idea what to say. Why would she? She’s been lamenting this girl’s very existence for the past…. God knows how many hours, and now she’s here and she has to slip the besties facade back on except she’s a bit too drunk to remember how to do it properly. Sober A’Whora is going to cringe for days over this, she already knows.
Unsurprisingly, Tayce starts to follow her to grab the water, declaring “Well I’m coming with you, sounds like you’re gonna need someone sober to put you both in bed, you absolute lunatics.”
They’re just walking next to each other and yet A’Whora has never analysed her own way of walking so much in her life before this moment. Are her steps too large? Her arms swinging too much, or too little? Which foot comes next? Is Tayce thinking about how weirdly she’s moving? Should she be trying to keep pace with her or will that be even weirder and she’ll realise what a creep she’s been hooking up with all this time and fully decide against any possibility of something more between them?
They’re just walking. Just one foot and then the next.
Ahead of them, the water cooler glistens like a mirage in a desert, a tantalising goal signalling the end of their journey. A’Whora almost feels like she’s been trekking for hours next to Tayce, unsure of what to say, unsure of what her own act to keep up with is.
Naturally, she fumbles in her attempt to get a flimsy plastic cup from the stack, and then all come crashing down before she can even realise what’s happening. She turns to look at Tayce, the both of them momentarily stunned.
“Oh my god, you absolute beast!” Tayce screeches, her voice hushed for the sake of the late night but laughing all the same, clutching the cooler for balance. “We gotta pick all these up now!”
They do; A’Whora thinks about accidentally brushing her fingers over Tayce’s as they scramble to get everything, and then doesn’t. She thinks about abandoning the water and fumbling keys into locks until they fall into one another and forget everything else. She thinks about just blurting out the truth.
By the time all of the potential scenarios have flown dizzyingly through A’Whora’s drunk mind, she finds herself with two cups of water in her hands, Tayce with the same, leading her back to the hotel room and giggling as she instructs her not to spill a drop. A’Whora laughs, pretending like she’s not struggling to figure out how tightly she should be holding them.
Pretend is easy and she’s always been good at it. Pretending she’s a real rockstar with her Sing Star microphone and Playstation 2 in the living room. Pretending she’s not nervous the day before the biggest audition of her life. Pretending she’s a real musician in a band and not one of four girls shitting themselves backstage at the biggest arenas in the city. Pretending like Tayce might fall for her one day.
Once they get inside - it takes four swipes of A’Whora’s key and brief panic that she’s somehow got the wrong one - it’s clear that Lawrence is done with throwing her guts up and has settled herself in a chair, furiously typing on her phone.
“This room smells like a minibar, you hounds!” Tayce half admonishes, her grin entirely downplaying her words and making A’Whora’s heartbeat jump into overdrive. “Lawrence, what are you doing?”
“Communicating-my-feelings,” She answers through gritted teeth, each word punctuated with a particularly aggressive stab at her screen.
Out of curiosity, A’Whora peeks at the screen, and upon seeing a horrifically large wall of text typed out in the chat box with no end in sight, snatches the phone immediately. “Tayce! Hide it! She’s writing a fucking essay!”
Whether A’Whora’s drunk coordination is better than when she’s sober - hopefully not - or Tayce is just talented, she deftly catches the device and locks it.
Lawrence all but springs up, incensed. “Fuck off with that! Ellie needs to know- I’m fucking pissed!”
“Ellie?” Tayce pauses, looking down as if she’ll still see the message. “As in, makeup artist Ellie?”
“Who fuckin’ else?!” Lawrence lunges and misses.
“Knew it.” She’s adorably smug, so much so that A’Whora decides against telling her that literally everyone knows. Her perceived victory makes her face light up and she’s already so beautiful that ruining childlike glee like that should be considered blasphemous. It would be a sin to wipe that smile from her face using anything other than her lips.
She holds the phone up in the air above her head, unreachable. “Right. Well, Lawrence, you can have this back after you’ve drank this water here, brushed your teeth and got into bed, okay? I think that’s a fair deal.”
“Get fucked,” Lawrence responds, totally deadpan as she snatches the plastic cup, spilling half of it down her front and not noticing. “I will drink your magic water and then you will fuck off and I will tell Ellie that she’s a slimey wee bitch.”
Tayce laughs, unfazed. “On second thoughts, darling…” She tucks the phone into her bra and gives a little flourish. “Sort yourself out and I’ll get it back to you in the morning. I’m not having you abusing our lovely Ellie ‘cause you’ve had a lover’s tiff.”
Lawrence squints. “Fuckin’… A’Whora will get it for me. I’m sure you won’t mind feeling her up, eh hen? Though I bet your girlfriend might have something to say about it. OOP!”
A’Whora feels her face flushing, and the panic slams into her like a wave hitting the beach full force, washing over everything. At first she was glad Lawrence was drunker than her, hoping to make less of a fool of herself in front of Tayce and direct the attention onto their favourite Scottish menace, but Lawrence being drunker means Lawrence with an even looser tongue, and for someone who loves to crack a joke and make a cheeky observation at the most inopportune moment, A’Whora finds herself wishing she’s passed out snoring instead. Tayce just laughs and manages to mother hen her into the bathroom, where A’Whora spots her in the mirror, grumpily brushing her teeth like a petulant toddler in the midst of a tantrum.
“Tell you what, I could never have kids, this is bloody exhausting!” Tayce explains, her big bright smile distracting A’Whora, thankfully, from the bulge of Lawrence’s phone. At least, it’s easier to pretend, even mentally, that that’s why she keeps looking at her chest.
“God, I know!” She laughs back, faking it harder than ever and sipping her cup of water. She feels sobered up already, though she’s sure she’s probably not, all too aware of her red cheeks and Lawrence’s loose tongue and terrified something else will be said.
“I mean, what on earth was that? I don’t have a girlfriend, I can tell you that.” She chuckles as if the idea’s ridiculous. A’Whora wonders if she genuinely thinks that, if she doesn’t realise just how many beautiful men and women would fall down at her feet if she so much as paid them a glance.
Lawrence stumbles out; in the two minutes she’s been gone, she seems to have forgotten entirely about her phone, and she looks at the pair with lidded eyes. “Fuckin’ shattered, girls.”
Tayce beams at her. “Get your arse in bed, then!”
A’Whora finishes her water, and Lawrence is asleep in seconds. For good measure, they poke her a couple of times, but since she’s very clearly breathing and seems fine, they decide to stop tormenting her and to just let the poor girl sleep. Tayce sets down Lawrence’s phone on the nightstand next to her, making sure to plug in her charger so it won’t be dead when she wakes up, and the tiny act of thoughtfulness makes A’Whora’s heart swell in a manner she’s wholly embarrassed of.
As if she’s swooning at a girl charging her friend’s phone? It’s ridiculous and she knows it.
“Shall I walk you to your door?” She offers, holding her arm out. Tayce laughs and takes hold of her elbow, waggling her eyebrows suggestively.
“Ooh, promenade!”
“You’ve been watching far too much Bridgerton, you have,” A’Whora teases her, jabbing her side as they make their way back down the empty corridor. “Do I have to start calling you My Lady or something, babes?”
Tayce swats her away. “In bed, maybe. Oh, I’ll happily be a Duke or a Duchess, I mean have you seen the pair of them? Bloody gorgeous!”
A’Whora’s chest seizes up at the casual mention of being in bed together. Is the stalemate over? Is Tayce about to explain why she’s suddenly frozen on her and decided she no longer wants to hook up? What the hell even is the reason if there’s no girlfriend? She’s just gone off A’Whora now?
“Oh my God. Tayce, I can’t do this.”
It’s out there. She can’t go back now, can’t reel it back in. She’s fucked.
Tayce stops mid-hallway and frowns, worried. “You alright? If you don’t feel well you can go back, you don’t have to walk me to my room.”
“No, not that,” A’Whora massages her temples, trying to encourage some kind of eloquent thought to help her out, trying to stimulate the part of her brain that writes lyrics, to no avail. “This, us, the weirdness, I can’t do it. I have to know what’s going on, I’m literally going spare over it.”
“I don’t- I don’t get what you mean.”
“Us!” A’Whora cries, then shushes herself, acutely aware of her volume and the people sleeping adjacent to their conversation. “You- you don’t text me the same, and we haven’t- in ages, and I just… Tayce, do you like me?”
Tayce frowns even deeper. “Of course I like you, Rory.”
“Do you proper like me? Do you like me like I like you?”
She feels like a child, enacting a schoolgirl crush with a scribbled note that asks them to tick a yes or no box drawn in pink felt tip, the kind fuzzy from little fingers pressing too hard. If anything, it’s worse than that; at least some prior planning went into those, and a clear question with a yes or no response indicating some kind of confidence. A’Whora has no idea what she’s doing, where she’s going, anything.
“Rory… do you-”
A’Whora cuts her off. “Lawrence thought you might have a girlfriend because I thought you might have one because I was ranting about us to her and how shit I feel that you’ve lost interest in me. We got drunk to ignore how shit we both feel and it didn’t work because she almost blabbed to Ells and now I’m here blabbing to you but I literally can’t help myself. I never can when I’m with you.”
It’s only when she’s finished that she realises Tayce’s expression is full of fear, and her heart sinks like a lead balloon.
“You told Lawrence about us?”
She swallows, guilt seeping in like cracks in a dam. “Tayce, I… We’re not the big secret you think we are. A lot of people know, or suspect. Is… Is that the issue?”
Tayce chews her lip, eyebrows furrowed. Every millisecond that she doesn’t speak is agony, each second another stab to A’Whora’s heart, tiny needles of time cutting into her as she waits and waits for the ugly truth. This is it, now, the swirling nausea in her stomach tells her, this is when it all ends. This is where you scare off the love of your life.
The… what? The fucking what? The who of her what?
Too late now.
“I haven’t lost interest in you. I don’t think that’s even possible. I’m like, obsessed with you.”
A’Whora freezes, expecting virtually anything but that. “You- what? But- huh?”
“Yeah!” Tayce laughs nervously, unsure of how to react - they have that in common, at least. “I mean, girl, look at you, you’re gorgeous. I was getting freaked out by how much I, like, feel, so I just shut everything down and denied it all. I mean, I figured if I was freaking myself out, you must think I’m a right old weirdo. Have I got this all wrong?”
The ice melts. A’Whora can feel the shards shrinking, the wounds closing up, the warmth returning to her in a blossoming not unlike the flowers of spring, freshening the air and sweeping away her anxieties.
“I’ve never been so happy to call you an idiot in my life,” A’Whora tells her.
Tayce cocks an eyebrow. “You dirty liar, you love calling me an idiot,” She bites back, not leaving room for A’Whora to reply before kissing her right then and there, in the middle of a hotel corridor, leaning up against the wall for support. A million chemical reactions spark off all at once, a frenzy of activity rendering her incapable of doing anything but wrapping her arms around her bandmate, her best friend, her everything, and kissing her until she can’t breathe.
When they have to come up for air they do, all gasping and pink cheeks and dazed eyes. Every cell, every nerve, every neuron in A’Whora’s body is awake and alive, drawn towards Tayce like a magnetic pull. She can’t ignore it, and can’t think why she’d ever want to.
“Will you fucking stay still?”
“I haven’t moved an inch, hen, your shaky hands are not my problem.”
Ellie huffs, big pink earrings dangling from her ears swinging as she moves her head. They’re shaped like hearts, the word ‘doll’ in cursive across the middle in sparkling letters, and it’s adorably Ellie Diamond in every way possible. Even irritated, she’s oddly cute.
“Lawrence! I’m not trying to make you look ugly, stay still for me!” She pleads.
A’Whora watches from her chair, face already expertly done. She woke up pleasantly early, nestled happily in Tayce’s arms after everything. They’d decided to go back to A’Whora’s room, just in case Lawrence woke up and tried to send reams of abuse to Ellie, and ended up laying together cuddling until they fell asleep. No matter how sober A’Whora swore she was, Tayce just giggled and told her there was no chance of anything more than a cwtch, at least until the morning.
Thankfully, they’d kept Lawrence’s phone away from her, but there was nothing she could do but watch helplessly as Ellie and Lawrence engaged in a battle of attrition while doing makeup.
Lawrence rolls her eyes so hard A’Whora can practically feel it from across the room. “Not to worry hen, there’s more than one girl in the band, I’m sure you’ve got options on who can look pretty and who can’t.”
A’Whora winces at the low blow, and judging by Ellie’s expression, all pouty lips and big sad eyes, she’s hurt. More than anything, she wants to rush in and fix things for them, help them do the big talk and work it all out, but she knows it’s not really her business. They have to do this for themselves, so she sits quiet and prays that they will.
“Oh my god.” Ellie sets down her brushes and stares Lawrence in the face, awfully bold and completely unexpected. “Are you gonna hang this over me forever? I just - didn’t want you to think I was too forward! I’ve been regretting it all night, I regretted it as soon as I even said it! I can’t stand you being upset with me.”
Lawrence’s expression softens. “What?”
“You’re, like, the best person ever. I look up to you so much, I don’t think I could admire anyone more than I admire you. I really didn’t mean to upset you, I didn’t want to come on too strong.”
There’s a pause - A’Whora holds her breath, and notices that just across from her, Bimini is suddenly paying attention, her phone long since abandoned in her hand as she gapes at the two of them, dumbfounded.
Lawrence throws her arms around Ellie, squeezing her in an embrace that seems too tender to be looking at, the next best thing to a kiss when in the middle of painting someone’s face. Ellie squeezes back, her lips mouthing words that the other girls can neither hear nor try to. This is for them and them alone.
Tayce enters just as they break apart, throwing herself into the seat next to A’Whora and grinning. “Hiya, gorge, what’d I miss?”
She leans over and kisses A’Whora’s cheek.
Bimini’s eyes pop open. “You and- and then her and- what the fuck? Babes, I think we skipped a few chapters!”
“You just haven’t read the book,” A’Whora winks at her.
“Right, right,” Bims nods understandingly, ever one to just go with the flow. “And is the big lesbian orgy before the concert or after?”
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inkribbon796 · 3 years
What a Beautiful Wedding Ch. 5: For the Dancing and the Dreaming
Summary: Dark and his family try and get out of their little reality bubble.
A/N: I should have had this out yesterday, but someone *glares at Chase* were being difficult.
Title comes from the song “For the Dancing and the Dreaming” from How to Train your Dragon 2.
Chapters: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8
Channel 2
The instant Dark mentally came back to himself he pulled everyone back into the Manor. But he also found that Anti and Henrik were within the same bubble as well and grabbed them as well.
The instant he started explaining things everyone started waking up.
“Who knows how long we’ll be here,” Dark finished.
“At least ve’re avake,”[1] Henrik decided from where he was standing with Chase.
Illinois, who had only been away for the past couple of minutes, was trying to remember where he’d been before this before remembering he’d been at his wedding and flying into an immediate panic.
“Eric!” Illinois realized with horror.
He got up and raced through the front door, he planned on running all the way to the park but the instant his feet were outside the door he was already reaching the chain link fence to Eric’s backyard.
But Illinois was not deterred, he was getting his fiancé back if it was the last thing he did. Illinois practically vaulted himself over the chain link fence.
“Eric, dulcito[2],” Illinois called up outside his window before thinking: “screw it!” and used his lock picks to break in and start creeping towards Eric’s room. He’d save punching this fake Derek until he was sure Eric was safe.
Just because he wasn’t real, and more importantly dead, that didn’t mean he could cause Eric a lot of pain.
Eric was asleep when Illinois walked up to his bed and shook him away.
“Dulcito,[2] we’re going home.”
Eric screamed in surprise, and Illinois held his hands up.
“It’s me, it’s me,” Illinois said, already starting to cry in relief. “We need to get home, we got dragged in and . . . please forgive me.”
Eric flinched before letting out a quiet gasp, “Illy?”
He practically threw himself into Illinois’s arms, starting to sob profusely as Illinois held him.
“I’m so sorry, I should have rescheduled the wedding, it should have been the happiest day of your life,” Illinois apologized.
“I wanna go home,” Eric told him, and went to move before he felt a sharp pain stab through his legs, mostly from stress, mostly from not having his actual good prosthetics all day and having to make do with bad ones.
“Eric?” Illinois asked in distress.
“My legs,” Eric sobbed in pain.
“I got you,” Illinois promised, picking him up in his arms.
Eric clung tightly to Illinois’s shirt, and then coiled up when a pounding came from the other side of the door.
The timid young man let out a terrified whimper.
“Eric what’s going on in there?” Derek yelled, trying to break down the door. “Who’s voice is that? Open this door!”
“Shit,” Illinois hissed, prepared to fight Derek.
“Illinois should start walking, quickly before Derek can enter,” the Host spoke up.
Illinois and Eric startled but out of reflex, Illinois began to start walking. He took two steps and suddenly he wasn’t in Eric’s home, he was running into his own. And the whiplash just about made him go unconscious. If he hadn’t been aware he was in a sitcom from hell, he wouldn’t have felt a thing.
“What was that?” Illinois looked around wildly. They were walking into the living room of the Manor.
“The Host used a screen wipe,” the Host smiled.
“This whole place is a shithole,” Illinois snarled as he rushed to carefully set Eric down on the comfiest-looking couch. “The laugh tracks were already giving me a migraine, thanks for stopping them.”
“The Host was not a fan of them either,” the Host agreed.
The instant he realized they were back in the house, Dark checked them over briefly when they came over and then Illinois set Eric on the couch and the two of them almost immediately fell asleep, wrapped up together. Dark stretched a blanket over them and then walked into the kitchen.
Mostly to collect his thoughts and figure out some kind of plan of attack. If it was just himself, Dark would worm his way out and hunt the Actor down. But he wasn’t alone. There was Lunky and Eric to consider, along with the triplets. All of them had no hope of standing against the Actor on their own. He couldn’t see what was out there, and didn’t want to take his chances.
“How yeh holdin’ up?”[3] Chase asked.
Dark was sitting at the large dinner table, he had a coffee in front of him. He wasn’t sure where or when he’d gotten the coffee from but he had it.
The sooner he was out of here, the better. He didn’t like how easily it was for the anomaly to pull him around.
“I’d think you’d want out as soon as possible,” Dark told him.
“Well nothin’s[4] happened yet,” Chase told him and walked over. “Sides,[5] at this point we should prolly[6] stick together.”
“You can do that perfectly fine in any other room,” Dark told him, trying to sound uncaring but he could still remember waking up with Chase in the morning.
“Yeah, but I was worried about yeh,” Chase told him, not taking a seat yet and just leaning against the table. “Sides,[5] Bim was growlin’[7] at me, so I decided ta[8] give him his space.”
“I’m fine,” Dark told him sharply.
“Kay,”[9] Chase agreed, not wanting to push him. The two of them were quiet for a bit.
“What do you want?” Dark growled.
“I told yeh[10],” Chase started.
“No, you’ve given me some thinly veiled plot,” Dark glared, “but not what you actually want. Is it the triplets? Is it boredom? Everyone wants something.”
“What if I just want you? Have yeh[10] thought about that?” Chase asked.
“Don’t play with me, Brody,” Dark scoffed angrily. “What do you want?”
Something in Chase just snapped, something that was always compelling him to take care of Dark. “I’m not fookin’ jokin’. I actually wanna be with yeh. Yeh frustratin’, self-absorbed piece ‘a shite. If I was gonna lead yeh on, I’d be actin’ like Wilf.”[11]
Dark’s jaws clicked shut and he glared at Chase.
Sighing, Dark tried to tune out the anomaly, which was whispering to him. The most tempting of whispers. To just push everyone else out and the anomaly could give Dark what he wanted. Could give him the power he wanted. Could give him a version of Wilford that would never look away from him. Children who would always need him.
It was so tempting, but Dark knew better. The anomaly couldn’t give him that infinitely. It would falter, it just wanted a living battery to feed off of.
“Dark?” Chase whispered, taking a seat next to the Entity. His tone gentler as his anger was fading.
“I can open a portal to let you through, but I don’t know how long I can keep it open,” Dark told him. “I also don’t know what’s out there. We’ll have to be careful. We need to make sure the weaker spawnlings do not go out first.”
“Sounds good ta[8] me, but heads up, Illinois isn’t goin’[12] anywhere without yah[10],” Chase chuckled. “Kid’s a little needy when it comes ta[8] yah[10].”
“Illinois has Eric now, he doesn’t need me,” Dark corrected. “I was safe in here, he was a child again. Once we go back out I have to prepare his territory, I have all these arrangements to make and—”
“Dark, Dark,” Chase urged. “Listen ta yerself. Yer Illinois’s dad.”[13]
“Wilford is his father,” Dark reinforced.
“Bubbles didn’t raise him, you did,” Chase reminded sharply. “Wilf went off an’[14] did whate’er[15] the hell he wanted. You made sure the kids were safe. Granted he didn’t have a choice sometimes but the point stands.”
“I can’t have children,” Dark said, but it was his blue soul that put the words there. “I’m not allowed near them. Demons don’t feel things like love or joy, they just exist.”
“We both know that’s not true,” Chase told him, desperately trying to get through to him. “Yeh[10] adore those kids. E’eryone[16] in this whole fookin’[17] town knows that.”
Dark went quiet, hanging his head, he didn’t have a firm rebuttal for that. “I . . . I’m not . . .”
“Those kids are yers[18] as much as they are his. Our boys an’[14] Tempus are just as much yers[18] as they are mine,” Chase told him. “Yeh can have ‘em an’ see ‘em just ‘cause yeh want ta. Not because yeh need ta pay fer ‘em.”[19]
Chase mentally froze because that last part had just slipped out, he’d never considered . . . He mentally thought about Memento and Mori and how the two of them would show him knives and things Dark had just given them. Of Illinois and his adventurers and power within the city. Or Bim and how Dark just let him literally eat people. “Dark yeh know yeh don’t have ta buy yer own kids’ attention, right? They fookin’ love yeh.”[20]
Dark made a disbelieving scoff.
“Dark, they compete fer yer attention whene’er yer in the room,”[21] Chase told him. “Why do yeh[10] think Bim an’[14] Illinois are fightin’[22] all the time?”
“Siblings just do that,” Dark dismissed.
Chase looked up, “Oh my how are yeh[10] this fookin’[17] dense? Dark, yer[23] lucky yer[23] cute.”
A slightly darker grey blush briefly spread across Dark’s cheeks, he looked away from Chase for a second.
“If that’s how yeh[10] think siblings are supposed ta[8] act, did Damien an’[14] Celine participated in death matches or somethin’[24]?” Chase commented, trying to lighten the mood.
“Something to that effect,” Dark admitted. “Celine was always the favorite because she was able to perform magic. Their father was very harsh with Damien because he was a null. If he hadn’t died the way he did, he would have surely become a demon.”
“Yer[25] old man was a fooker[26],” Chase told him. “Maybe I should have Host use the anomaly ta[8] brin’[27] him back so I can kick him in the dick.”
“Only if I can kill him for keeping me prisoner in his house for decades,” Dark promised.
Chase smiled, before really looking at Dark. “I was serious early.”
“About which topic?” Dark asked.
“I’m exactly where I want ta[8] be,” Chase promised, finally saying when he’d been trying to remember to tell the Entity for months now. “There’s no one else I want ta[8] be with.”
“You’ll get bored,” Dark told him.
“Yeh[10] managed ta[8] keep stuff interestin’[28] in all the years I’ve known yeh[10],” Chase smiled.
“You’re human,” Dark reminded.
“Depends on who yeh[10] ask these days, don’t think I’ve got many ‘a[29] those years left,” Chase confessed. “Henz an’ Marv prolly don’t either. ‘Sides, if someone does manage ta kill me, I’ll make sure my ghost comes back an’ haunts yeh. I’ll bang some pots an’ shite. Make sure yeh know it’s me.”[30]
Dark’s brow furrowed, he was still looking for something. Then, “You’re with the heroes, if you wanted to be with me, you wouldn’t have turned me down when I asked.”
“That wasn’t me turnin’ yeh down, that was me sayin’ no ta bein’ yer hired gun,”[31] Chase told him in exasperation. “I don’t mind the dates, but I’m not killin’ fer yeh.”[32]
Dark wasn’t looking at him, Chase inched a little closer.
“Here, I’ll use my regular equipment, we can make it look howe’er realistic an’ fancy yeh want, an’ I’m there. But I’m not killin’ on yer order. Defending yeh or the kids is one thing. But becomin’ yer private hitman is off the table.”[33]
“That sounds reasonable,” Dark told him.
Chase just about had the urge to lean in all the way and kiss him. But he felt it was all going too fast. This was still so new. So he didn’t.
Instead, Wil broke the silence.
“Awww,” Wilford suddenly appeared next to them, smiling and wrapping his arms around the two of them. “Look at the two of you.”
“Don’t push yer[25] luck, Bubbles,” Chase snapped at him.
Wilford just hugged them tighter, pressing his face closer to Chase’s until the marksman pushed Wil away and kicked him in the shins, cursing at him as he did so. Dark rolled his eyes as he watched them.
Outside the bubbles, the heroes were busy popping the next one they’d jumped into. Freeing Nate, Mare, Marvin, and Quackity among the other heroes, villains, and civilians they’d pulled free.
Phantom was a bit disoriented and started looking around, trying to find an easy escape.
“I had awesome power, this better be worth it,” Quackity rolled his eyes as he looked around. “Where’s Dream?”
“Still in one of the bubbles,” Punz answered.
Quackity stared at Punz for a little bit before smiling, “Hey Punz, how much would I have to pay you to have us just leave Dream in there?”
“Twice what you pay Purpled,” Punz told him, checking his guns.
“Fuck!” Quackity hissed, kicking some rubble. “Come on, dude!”
Another rumble passed through the area as one of the bubbles began to ripple violently and two tendrils snapped out of it, one shot out like lightning and attached itself to the bubble Dark was in while the other snatched up Phantom and pulled him in.
When the first tendril latched on it dragged Dark away from Chase and Wil and before anyone had any time to think it yanked him in and Dark’s bubble popped. The bubble started rapidly growing in size, and it yanked the smallest bubble into it and consumed it. It stopped swelling when it was twice its former size.
“The fuck was that?” Illinois shouted from where he’d dropped to the ground, looking around wildly. “Was that the Actor?”
“No, the Actor does not have the anomaly,” the Host said as he began inspecting the area with his own aura. “That bubble contains Techno and Phil and with the absence of other stories, the anomaly is desperately trying to keep what it does have. Its hold is weakening. Which means the Host will not be able to keep the Actor at bay for much longer.”
“Do you know who are in the other bubbles?” Ponk asked. “Be really nice to have fucking Skeppy right now.”
“I’m right here,” Marvin shot at him.
“I give you one of these books and Skeppy will kill me,” Ponk told him.
“Hey, wait a second, is that one ‘a[29] the,” Marvin recognized the spell book he had as one of the cursed tomnes he’d been trying to get from the Server for months now.
Ponk held the book to their chest, backing up, “Uh . . .”
Sam shouldered his way in-between, shoving Marvin back as he summoned his trident. “We don’t have time to wait around.”
Ponk just stared up at Sam, leaning into him before they looked back at the Host. “So who’s where? Where’s Skeppy and Bad?”
“That one,” the Host gestured to the bubble higher up, “however it needs to be loosened by another two bubbles before it pops. There are too many powerful demons in there powering it.”
“Okay,” Ponk sighed in frustration.
“Techno, Philza, Big Man, and Ghostbur,” the Host pointed with his aura to the largest bubble that Dark and Phantom had been dragged into.
He continued to the farthest one, “That one has the Actor and all of Silver’s friends.”
“Fucker,” Silver spat, trying to fly towards that bubble at top speed but bounced off. “Give me my friends back!”
“And the last one’s got the Sides in it?” Bing asked from where the Google androids were encircled around him.
“That’s the strongest one,” Nate grumbled in frustration. “Why’s he in that one?”
“Because the entire legate is in there, it is likely it will be one of the last to pop for that reason. On its own it’s indefinitely sustainable.”
“Shit, he’s like a living battery,” Nate hissed.
“I’m going in,” Illinois decided, looking at the bubble Dark was in.
“Stay here with Explosion Boy,” Chase told Illinois, gesturing to Eric.
“My dad’s—” Illinois started to shout.
“Let us handle it, we can’t have all ‘a[29] our magically powerful people in one easy ta[8] capture area, stay with yer[25] fiancé,” Chase told him. “I’ll make sure nothin’[34] happens ta[8] him.”
“If I see there are any problems, I’m going in,” Illinois told him.
“Fine, that’s fine,” Chase told him, then he looked back at Jackie. “Jackie, come on.”
The Host lowered the bubble Dark had been dragged into and then ripped a hole in the bubble long enough for Jackie and Chase to go in.
Channel 6
Jackie and Chase walked in and a wave passed over them as their outfits changed. Snow buffeted them as they stood in thick warming fur coats and wool clothes.
Jackie was still in his mask but their clothes colors had changed to deep purples and dark reds
“Let’s go,” Chase yelled over the snow as they followed the road and hoped it would lead to a town.
Accessibility Translations:
1. At least we’re awake.
2. sweetheart
3. How are you holding up?
4. nothing’s
5. Besides
6. probably
7. growling
8. to
9. Okay
10. you
11. I’m not fucking joking. I actually want to be with you. You frustrating, self-absorbed piece of shit. If I was going to lead you on, I’d be acting like Wilf.
12. going
13. Listen to yourself. You’re Illinois’s dad.
14. and
15. whatever
16. everyone
17. fucking
18. yours
19. You can have them and see them just because you want to. Not because you need to pay for them.
20. Dark, you know that you don’t have to buy your own kids’ attention, right? They fucking love you.
21. Dark, they compete for your attention whenever you’re in the room,
22. fighting
23. you’re
24. something?
25. your
26. fucker
27. bring
28. interesting
29. of
30. Henz and Marv probably don’t either. Besides, if someone does manage to kill me, I’ll make sure my ghost comes back and haunts you. I’ll bang some pots and shit. Make sure you know it’s me.
31. That wasn’t me turning you down, that was me saying no to being your hired gun
32. I don’t mind the dates, but I’m not killing for you.
33. Here, I’ll use my regular equipment, we can make it look however realistic and fancy you want, and I’m there. But I’m not killing on yer order. Defending you or the kids is one thing. But becoming your private hitman is off the table.
34. nothing
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starburns · 2 years
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poison--ivory · 4 years
Uninviting Cataclysm(Alastor x Reader) Chapter 1
Daily routine isn't always good
(You call the old couple mom and dad) *Also sorry I didn't mention until now that you have really curly hair and your biracial(so you can decide what your skin color is)* •You were also raised up north and still kind of speak with that dialect• 
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June 6, 1915 Age: 20
  The morning sun pushing through the curtains along with the sound of dogs barking slowly woke you up. Forcing yourself up and managing to bear from the comfort of your bed and it's still warm sheets. First, tidying your bed spread neat before mom could scold you.
  Making your way to the wardrobe to gather clothes for today's venture, you grabbed a (f/c) V-neck, short flutter sleeve dress that hits mid thigh. With matching flats to best match your dress. Oncing over the choice for today you thought it was best enough. Setting them on the bed and quickly making your way out of your room and into the hallway.
 Swiftly moving down corridor to the bathroom to freshen up before breakfast. Seeing that your old mom already set a nice bath for you. Letting your gown carelessly fall off your frame and removing your undergarments. Mindlessly going into deep thought about your day.
  You usually go to the library to read or grab a book. Maybe chat with the sweet old lady and her seven year old grandson who run the place. Then, possibly taking a stroll around the fair that just open for the summer. By that time your already bringing your twin something for lunch.
  Later, you either stop by the market to pick up groceries or you help your mom take care of wealthy white kids. Their parents pay mom a great deal to care for their children. She does literally everything for them from making meals to sewing dresses or little suits. But, some clients left after my brother and I showed up I guess they didn't want their children to be near a person of color for too long. The ones that stayed seem nice enough. My personal favorite being a middle aged man, Henry Bourgeois, who always said, 'hello' and gave me small tips for caring for his daughter Sally.
  Your skin started to prune sitting in the water for too long. Stepping out of the tub and snatching a towel from the rack you started to dry off. Starting with hair and slowly making your way down to your toes.
  Wrapping the towel around your womanly frame you crept back to your bedroom and got dressed.
Once downstairs the smell of bacon and spices hit your nose and triggering your mouth to salivate. Walking into the kitchen you found your mom just about done with her last plate to place at the table with the two others. You greeted her with a warm hug and a 'Good Morning, Mom'. She smiled back and gave your cheek a quick peck. Then went to sit in your chair and wait for your plate.
"Good Mornin', sweetheart. How'd sleep?" She asked, turning back around to slide the eggs on the plate.
"Better than yesterday I can tell you that for sure. The dream I had was so realistic with the flames of hell melting my flesh. I could of sworn that my eyes busted through my soc-" You were cut off by a plate slamming down in front of. Looking up mom had a stern look to her aged face.
"Now ya need ta stop talking 'bout ya dreams like that. Really unladylike especially in public," She spoke with a slight authoritative tone. Lightly limping to her chair she spoke again, "it's just a dame should stay in her own lane. Not that I don't wancha to get a little fire on me now. Men just don't like that talk ya know."
Nodding to her response she took the answer and went on her to turn up the radio for the daily news.
Good Morning, ladies and gentlemen and welcome back to the radio show.
   Staring your favorite radio host, I Alastor, to brighten up your morning with a few songs, but let me darken your day for just a minute with such sad news. Another body was found by an egg last night floating down the bayou.
  Coppers have yet to capture this Button man. This tallies up to over twenty people in a span of two years.  Now what most of you fine folk want to listen to here we have, Mr. Artie Matthew's play the 'Weary Blues'
The piano playing filled in the silence that would have been forks hitting plates trying to pick up flimsy fried egg.
 The killings haven't been new and have been the norm for awhile. You can hear people talking about it at every street, alleyway and bar.
 The coppers haven't caught the guy yet and it puts lots of people on edge. Especially people with families.
 Nearly shoving food in my face causing mom to tell you to slow down. But, hardly listening you shove the rest of the bacon into your mouth and make your way to the sink to scrub your plate and placed it on the drying rack.
"Bye, mama. I'll be back before you know it!" You yelled from the front door way and before you could venture outside she yelled back.
"Pick up some milk and bread before ya get home, would ya?"
"I will, mama."
"Have a safe trip and the cabbage on the table for ya." She slightly limped over and gave both of your cheeks kisses.
Checking the table you hurriedly snatched the money and skipped out the door. Slamming it shut behind you.
Walking down the curvy road that leads into the city. The walk leads you through a small, little wood patch and into a small clearing that slowly shows small businesses and shops. The library is located near the school which is pretty far off from other buildings.
Reaching your destination, the library stairs are long wide, and white cemented staircase with two pillars on each side with the big doors that lead into the actually building. Pushing pass them you nearly run into a little boy, Joseph Bonnefoy.
"Oh, where are in such a rush to?" Smoothing out your dress asked in a slight taunting tone.
"Granny said I could go out for a short break. I'm getting myself a few chocolates as a snack." The words rushed out of his tiny mouth. Hardly catching his breath when he was finished.
"Well aren't you grown now, Joseph. Next thing you'll tell me your getting old enough to get your own house." Jokingly ruffling his hair, he smiled and waved off vanishing from sight once down the incline.
Sauntering into the building you noticed that Claire Bonnefoy wasn't at the front desk where she usually was. Probably in the back.
Making your way down the aisles of books you traveled around for a good five minutes passing books you didn't find interesting or they didn't have good covers. Coming across a couple of good ones you touched 'The Good Solider' reading the summary you decide to give it a try. °°It's set just before World War I and chronicles the tragedy of Edward Ashburnham, the soldier to whom the title refers, and his seemingly perfect marriage plus that of his two American friends.°°
Strolling around the aisle for a bit more you grace yourself with some dark writing. Traipsing on to some dark fiction you grabbed a fairytale book of the 'Grimm work original fairy tales'. Walking back to the front, Mrs. Claire was already their and ready for me. Smiling I greeted her and handed the books over. Smiling she rung them up and complimented the choice for this week.
" How have you been, Mrs. Claire. Not to intrude on your personal life, but is it true that the last person who died lived close to you." You questioned.
"Sadly, yes 'n I've been thinkin' of sendin' little Joseph up state with his aunt 'n uncle in Arkansas for awhile 'til this calms down." Her shaky hand clenched around the book harshly, "Or if they finally catch the bastard whose doin' all of this maybe mah little boy can stay. 'Til then mah old joints can't move like they use tah."
" Lititle Jo 's gonna feel so sad, he really likes New Orleans."
"Yes, I know dear. But, I'd sleep betta at night if he was somewhere safa." She slide the books in a paper bag and handed them over. A melancholy smile on her sweet face. "Been saving up on a train ticket for some time now. Most folk don't come by tah rent out books anymore. So, it took some time 'n hard work tah earn the money."
The killings have did put everyone at alert. Well, most people still hang out past sun fall just to watch the city come to life. Which I won't lie it is gorgeous to witness the night come to life. But, for old bims like Mrs. Claire she's dang plum tire and could use the time to calm her nerves. Maybe I should visit more once Joseph''s left.
"Thank ya, Miss. (Y/n). I'll see ya next week or so."
"The pleasure's all mine and I'll give these books back in no time."
Waving to the old bim you make your way back out the library and on tour way to your next destination.
    Making your way back to the house to fetch Issacs's lunch you had to maneuver your way through the crowd of busy people scrambling around to get out of the sweltering heat and catching up with friends.
 Your brother works at a boiler repair shop. Fixing cars and getting scraps of cabbage to make up for the bills that weren't paid. He's always been a hard working guy, he's selfless and protective. I still remember when we were kids and father used to hit him, so hard, but came to my defense whenever I was in trouble.
 Traveling down the dusty road you made it to the repair shop where two boobs stood out front. One was always silent and the other was a continuous flirt whenever you came around.
As soon as they could hear your shoes hitting pavement the flirt Clay shot up to welcome you.
"How are doing this afternoon, (y/n)." His hand went out to grab your, which you quickly pulled back, "you know that offer still stands that if you wanna get tonight."
"I would, but I'm pretty sure your wife would raise all hell." Walking past him to look further into the garage. "Where is my brother, is he not here?"
Floyd spoke up, which startled you. His voice is pretty deep and gravely for a man only four years older than yourself. Blowing the smoke from his mouth he tapped the ash upon the ground to stare at you.
"He left early to go out with his dame. Told us to tell ya not to worry too much and that he'll be back home later tonight." He stole another drag from the cigarette.
"He could at least gave me heads up before I came all the way out here. What I'm supposed to do with this now." Dangling the bag of food from side to side.
"I'll take it off ya hands for ya." Clay swooning in to steal the bag and retreat back to standing next to Floyd. "Wish my wife could cook like your ma."
  Huffing you said your good byes to them both with a very excited 'see ya' from Clay and a small wave from Floyd.
  Once far away enough you groaned louder to reduce some irritation of making this heart felt trip. Pulling on your face to stop tears from forming you sighed and kept walking to your next venture.
 The scratch mom gave you was enough for bread and milk. But, she also gave you enough to get something special from you little trip. You decided on a cup of coffee at the nearest restaurant with a beignet. It sounds so good right now and with more pep in your step you made it to the store in no time.
  The corner store was full of people that day bustling around to grab what they need and storm out. You being the small self you are you tried to cram your way in and failed miserably. You tried this process several times and came out with the same results. Someone bumped into your small frame and sent you falling backwards. Gloved hands snatched you up before you could hit the ground.
You were in a state of shock before being knocked out of your stooper by a young man who you realized pulled you off to the side. With eyes wide you tried to make conversation, but no words would come out the only thing you could look at was his face.
"T-Thanks for helping me." You tried to mustard a smile, but it came out weird.
"You look like you were in quite the pickle their, my dear." Hands still on your waist he motioned with his head down the street. "You know there's a nice restaurant around here that serves the best venison. I think you would just adore it. Could possibly calm your nerves my treat."
Mouth still dry you tried to speak, "I don't want to impose on your lunch regimen." Shaking your head and slowly moving backwards.
"Oh, but I insist my dear I did invite you didn't I." Pulling you closer by the hip, your face heated up more than normal. Now following the man who you didn't even pick up the name you two made your way around the corner and down the street.
  Stepping inside the small business you noticed only about six or eight people in here. Nicely decorated with bar stools and five booths along the wall and a bathroom across from the front entrance. But, it did smell really delicious in here maybe it won't be,  so bad to have just a bite to eat. He did say he was paying. He lead us to a small booth in the back and waited for me sit down first before taking his seat across from me.
 "Why did you bring me here I barely know you, sir?" Playing with your fingers to ease your nerves by making your fingers stretch and squeeze together.
 His eyes looked off to the side in deep thought before he shrugged. "You looked interesting, my dear." Reaching over he scratched under your chin and his smiled covered more of his face. "Smile my dear you know your never fully dressed without one."
 Making a smile fall upon your lips you smiled back. His eyes slightly narowed and his smirk stretched a bit. Suddenly, a very curvy and thick lady stood in front of our booth.
"Oh, Al are here to hear me sing again tonight. If you are your way too early, hun." She giggled.
"Oh no my dear, Mimzy. I'm here with a new friend of mine. She's going to have seasoned venison." His arm motion towards me and I froze on the spot.
Sticking your hand out for handshake, "HI, my name's (y/n). Nice to meet you."
She stared you up and down before slowly taking your hand and managing a small smile on her face. "You must be a fan, Al here, right. A lot of dumb dora fall head over heels for this man."
 I guess she read the confused look on your face and answered for you. "Alastor, the radio man of New Orleans."
"Oh, sorry I guess I didn't notice." Turning your attention to Alastor, "sorry I didn't recognize a popular figure like yourself."
"It's fine dear a lot of people don't recognize the voice with the look." I'm guessing he's talking the creole look. To be honest a lot of people don't sound like the ethnicity on the phone until you see their face. But, I can't really judge I get turned down in person more than on the phone looking for a job.
"Well I'll go tell the servers the usual for you, Al." She looked you over, again. "What will you have?"
"She'll be having the same as me, mim." Alastor strong smile had her face painted in a light pink. She straighten her posture and cleared her throat and told us it it'll come out in no time. Once she gone I asked how long they've known each other.
"Mimzy and I go way back when she was a small singer. Know she travels from time to time to spread that lovely voice of hers." You just took noticed he speaks with hands a lot more than most people. But, you seem to like that.
 Smiling back you told him that really amazing. It was you mothers goal before she stated using. He asked you about your occupation.
"Well, I really wanted to be a baker, but no plots are open, too expansive or I'm not the right skin tone for this establishment." Looking up for just a second you could have sworn the smile on his face fell and quickly went back into place.
"Isn't that just dreadful." He focused up at the ceiling for awhile and shot his head down to smirk at me, "How would like to work for me for a fair price a hour?"
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bimswritings · 3 years
Games and Prizes
Ships: Reylo/Finnpoe
A server event that I recently took part in, with the prompt I received being carnival for @perry-the-rebelpus! I've never written for in show ships but I loved doing this. It leans more towards fairs since that's what I have more experience with, but never the less, I hope you enjoy! I also took a more modern AU approach as I felt it was the best way to tackle this!-Bim
“Really Rey, we don’t have to do this.” Kylo tried to convince her for what felt like the thousandth time, and most likely was. Ever since she had discovered he had never been to a fair, she insisted on going, even calling and finding someone to cover her shift at the mechanics. The stubborn girl wouldn't have it though, ignoring his protest as she hopped off the motorcycle, grabbing the helmet from his hands and tossing it along with her own under the seat.
“Nonsense. Carnivals are an important part of growing up.” Her hand interlocked with his own, guiding him in the same direction as the crowd that was steadily streaming in. Ranging from families with excited and energetic children, to young couples such as themselves. “There was one that came through town every year when I was a kid. My parents always took me for a special treat at the end of the harvest.”
Rey’s eyes took on a softer, more distant look. One that Kylo knew all too well. It was the same one he got when talking about his own family, feelings of both sorrow and yearning for better times. Times that, despite how much they both may want to, they can’t go back to.
He lifted their intertwined hand, bringing Rey’s attention back to the present as he placed a light kiss to her knuckles. A small smile curved her lips, and they continued on to the increasingly bright lights of the carnival, the setting sun only highlighting their peaks further.
Once inside, they were quick to buy their wristbands for the rides, Rey practically bouncing with excitement the entire time in line. As soon as the offending neon green bands were in place she was pulling him towards the rides, her eyes bouncing between each one.
“Oh, let’s go on that one!” She pointed towards what could only be described as a giant wheel. It was as if a ferris wheel had been taken and laid down on its side, with the seats all inverted and its spinning capabilities dialed up a thousand.
“I’m not sure. Those seat belts don’t look like they would do a very good job of keeping me from flying off.” He eyed the offending items warily, to which Rey simply rolled her eyes as she pulled him into line.
“Children go on it and live. I think you’ll be fine Mr. ‘Tall and Brooding’.”
It didn’t take long for their turn to arrive, and it seemed like only in the blink of an eye were they strapping into the seats, the ride operator barely giving the belts a tug before moving to his operating booth in the center. With the press of a button the ride was whirring to life, slowly picking up speed until they were all but plastered to the side of the ride. The seats they were strapped to began moving up slightly, and it was only now that he noticed they were on rails that allowed them to move up and down with the increased G-force.
The pressure pushed his face back, though nothing he wasn’t used to. It was hard to focus on the ride with Rey beside him however. Her laughter spilled above the loud whirring of the ride and excited and terrified yells of the other riders. It was something he would never get used to, with how carefree and joyful it always sounded. Something he would always strive to hear as often as he could. Nothing could compare to the gut churning reaction he had when he heard it, though the sight of her stumbling, off balance and clearly still slightly disoriented, as they got off the ride came in a close second. It did nothing to deter her, still smiling as she pulled him to the next ride.
On and on they went, ride after ride all evening. It was only after she had proceeded to destroy him in bumper cars time after time that he suggested they go and get food.
“We can ride a bit longer!” Rey had tried to protest, not content to take a break until they had ridden all the rides at least twice. It was the first time she had been able to go to such an event ever since her parents had passed, and she was determined to make the most of it, even if she went a little hungry. Her stomach seemed to have other plans however, cutting her off in the middle of her protest with a loud growl of its own. Her cheeks flushed as Kylo chuckled, wrapping an arm around her shoulder and steering her towards the vendors. All night the smell of the overpriced and greasy food had been tempting him, though he dared not to eat any of the potential nauseating treats while Rey was still determined to ride so many things that spun.
After paying for a slice of pizza each, as well as an almost comically large elephant ear to split afterwards, they settled down on one of the far tables away from all the action.
“Thank you.” Rey spoke, finally breaking the comfortable silence that had developed as they watched others pass by. He cocked his head slightly to the side, confused and prompting her to clarify further.
“For agreeing to come, I mean. I know places like this aren’t really your style.” She grew suddenly shy, finding her fingers more interesting than anything else at the moment. Her nails nervously picked at one another, though there was nothing much to pick at. Years of working at the mechanics had left them short and cracked in places, much tougher than you would think for the rest of her looking so soft. Yet her hands were one of his favorite things. Hands that held his own softly, as if they weren’t the hands of a man who had killed dozens; that would softly card through his locks while absentmindedly laying on the couch. Hands that would hold his face close, brushing over each scar tenderly as she whispered soothing words for minutes, hours. As long as it took.
He thought her hands were the most beautiful things in the world, both then and now, as he took them in his own.
“For you, I would go anywhere.” He leaned in closer, locking games as he lightly pressed his forehead to hers. She was warm, her skin almost burning in contrast to the cool night air. Though it was anybody's guess how much it was due to her body temperature, and how much was caused by the quickly rising blush that consumed her face. “Especially if I could see you as happy as I have today.”
“You two really need to get a room.”
The third voice took them both by surprise, so wrapped up with one another that they hadn’t even noticed their audience, and in his surprise Kylo jolted forward, bashing his skull against Rey’s before falling backwards off the bench and landing painfully on his tailbone.
“Finn!” He heard her joyous shout. Propping himself up on his elbows, he spotted the named man, who was currently receiving a hug from his girlfriend, as well as Finn’s own boyfriend.
“Dameron.” He nodded, climbing to his feet as the man returned the gesture silently.
It wasn’t that they didn’t like one another, quite the opposite actually. They held nothing but respect for each other, both having spent time in the air force. The only rift came from the fact that Kylo had run more covert missions, often flying solo or with just a single partner, while Poe was in charge of and flew an entire squadron. He thought of him as more of a mercenary, while Kylo would consider his potential wasted on such general missions. Still, the greatest offense in his eyes was still the fact that he had chosen to date someone from the marines. The marines. Of all the branches, he had to choose someone from the one known for shooting first and asking questions never. The two might have never seen each other after serving, yet fate had other plans; of which being in the form of their respective partners having been best friends through high school and college. They had only met again by chance after moving to the same small town in hopes of living a quiet, simple life.
“I should have known you guys would be here. You’re never one to miss a fair.” Rey continued, moving back around the table to sit next to Kylo once again, who was still rubbing at the sore spot on his head, briefly wondering what her bones could possibly be made of to have not even flinched at such a hit.
“Maybe if we told you, we wouldn’t have to be subjugated to your nauseating sweetness.” Poe teased, leaning across the table while Finn rolled his eyes. “I have to say, I’m disappointed in you Ren. There’s children around here you know.’’
Kylo said nothing, only gathering their trash and standing, the rest following in suit as he spoke.
“Well, it was nice seeing you again, but we were about to continue our date night and-”
“You guys should join us!” Rey cut in, taking him by surprise. Even if it was her best friend, she was never really one for group outings, preferring just one or two other people.
“It would be just like old times!” Finn agreed.
Kylo was about to protest, and from the way Poe had opened his mouth he was too, but before either male could get a word out the two had already linked arms and were strolling away, deeping in conversation and leaving their dates forgotten. So, begrudgingly, the two men followed.
By this point night had fully set in and the activities of the fair were in full swing. Brightly colored tents lined the venue, creating makeshift paths that helped to funnel the large number of people into a form of organization. It seemed that Rey had had her fill of rides, as she and Finn continued on deeper into the games and shows section that ran along the outside. Here, vendors yelled and mocked, teased and prodded; anything they could do to get the attention of the passersby. Games of skill, strength, and pure luck, though anyone with half a brain knew that the majority were all rigid. Above and lining all the booths were more stuffed animals than Kylo had ever seen in his life, and though some of them he found creepy and downright ugly, he could see the appeal of some.
“Hey Rey! Look!” Finn pointed to one of the stalls, highlighting a create he had never seen before. It looked like a penguin, except the eyes were far too large, and it lacked a beak as well as the stark black and white of the animal in favor of more neutral tones.
The two were at the booth in a flash, the vendor already talking to them as Kylo and Poe caught up. Just from the looks of the man, Kylo immediately didn’t like him. He had spent enough time around others to be able to get an accurate read on them, and this guy had the same shifty, fox eyed look to him that all new recruits who were too big for their breeches had.
“Well hello there.” He leaned in, far too close for Kylo’s liking, and he felt himself tense, his pace quickening to reach them as the man continued his speel.
“Feel like testing your luck against the mysterious and dangerous kraken to free one of its victims.” He gestured to the creatures above.
Rey was immediately digging in her bag, looking for her wallet with Finn doing the same beside her. Before she could get too far however, he was there. Stepping between her and the booth, he pulled his wallet and slapped the five dollars on the counter. Poe did the same next to him.
The vendor collected the money with one fell swoop, tossing two balls onto the counter for them to load at the suction cup guns laying there. He did so with ease, the object feeling almost childishly small and fragile in his hands as he raised it to the target; a kraken shaped cutout a number of feet away. A spiralled target rests dead center in the middle of its forehead.
He fell into proper shooting position naturally, bringing the poor excuse of a sight to eye level as his arms locked.
‘Pop’ ‘Pop’
A jolt traveled through his body. Not because the dinky little object had any form of recoil, but because of how far he had missed the mark. The ball had barely even glanced the side of the creature, and from the look Poe had he had missed just as badly.
He shook it off, ignoring the amusement he felt coming from the two beside him and blaming it on the simple differences of the object from what he was used to. Of course it wouldn’t fire like a normal gun. Expecting the accuracy to be anything more than lacking would be stupid of him. Now that he knew just how off it was, he could adjust accordingly. Both paying for another round, the shooters were loaded and aimed in seconds. Going of where it hit last time, he raised the end a bit and brought it slightly to the right.
‘Pop’ ‘Pop’
They fired again, and again they missed.
“Oh, too bad my friends. I guess you’re not as skilled as your little dates thought you were.” The vendor taunted, sending a wink Rey’s way.
Feeling anger quickly starting to rise within him, there was no way Kylo was about to give up now. He paid another five, giving him another ball.
Then another.
And another.
And another.
Several minutes and thirty dollars later he was nowhere closer to winning, his shots, instead of coming closer, were going more and more astray from the target. With each miss his anger rose, and Poe was doing no better beside him.
“For the love of-”
“Ah ah~ Watch your language.” The vendor smirked, only making his temper worse. “There’s children around here after all. What example would you be giving them if you showed how much of a sore loser you were.”
Kylo genuinely thought he was going to hop over the booth and wipe the smug smirk from his face. A gentle hand brought his attention as Rey gently pried the shooter from his grip, a concerned smile on her face.
“Hey, let me have a shot at it.” He hesitated, not wanting her to feel the same discouragement and embarrassment he currently was. The look in her eye stopped him short. It was the same look she had whenever she was working at the shop or on his car at home. A look of utter confidence in what she was doing.
The three men stared at the two friends in astonishment as they high five, already moving on to picking out which of the stuffed creatures they wanted.ly the same position he had been in early, evidently having taken Poe’s place as well. The vendor leaned in closer, Rey clearly doing her best to ignore him as she focused on the target.
“Now sweetheart, what you’re going to want to do is-”
The familiar simultaneous pop of the ball leaving the suctioned end sounded, just as it had with his previously. Unlike their attempts however, instead of silence the pops were answered with the sound of a loud buzzer and the muted cry of the kraken as its eyes lit up red.
The three men stared at the two friends in astonishment as they high fived, already moving on to picking out which of the stuffed creatures they wanted.
“The one in the very back! He looks the softest!” Rey exclaimed, pointing. There was nothing left for the vendor to do but grumble as he grabbed the creature, along with Finn’s choice. All but tossing the animals he was quick to shoo them away, his persona turning from sour to cheerful on a dime as he lured the next group in to the nearly impossible game.
“I just don’t understand.” Poe shook his head in disbelief. Finn gave him a comforting squeeze.
“Rey and I grew up with these games every year. We’re practically professionals.”
“Yeah.” She nodded from under Kylo’s arm, which was thrown around her shoulder. “The vendors hated us. We nearly got banned the one year when we were going around seeing how many we could win before they closed.” They both laughed at the memory, leaving their boyfriends to simply shake their heads.
By now it had grown late, the group foregoing to visit any of the barns due to Poe’s hay allergy. They could always come back tomorrow. After walking the other couple to their car, they made their way back to their Rey’s ride. After pulling the helmets from under the seat, Kylo was surprised when Rey tossed the stuffed animal to him.
His brows furrowed questioningly as he glanced back between her and the creature.
“Are you...are you giving this to me?”
She nodded, slipping on her jacket to protect her from the wind.
“But you were so excited for it.”
“You said that you’ve never been to a fair before, so I assume that you’ve never gotten one of the ridiculously large stuffed animals from one.” She spoke, turning to him. “It’ll be a nice way to mark the occasion. Besides,” she smirked, moving to pull her helmet on. “,it's not like we don’t share a bed anyways. He’ll be there no matter what.”
With that she pulled on her helmet, tilting her head cheekily before tossing her leg over the bike. He climbed on after, his chest feeling lighter than it had all week as he wrapped his arms around her waist. The stuffed animal was sandwiched safely in between them, ready for the journey home.
There was no one more perfect for him, and he reminisced on the fact as the bike roared to life underneath him. He could already picture the stuffed animal and how ridiculous it would look in their otherwise modern styled and well kept room. Normally all the small trinkets and knick knacks Rey would bring home were restricted to her hobby room, him not being able to handle the clutter they created. This however? This would fit perfectly in their room.
She still had to be the one to name it though.
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theprinceofflies · 3 years
Sleeping Beauty
Ship: Danti
(dapperstache, google/chase/bing implied)
Dark walked the halls of the long empty halls of the old castle. No empty wasn't the right word. Frozen, that was it. Almost a hundred years had gone by since it had frozen. He paused in front of the Jims. Frozen in place chasing a dog.
A cruel twist in their fate. The fairy had said they would continue to age and die before their prince could awake. She must have changed her mind. Maybe she didn't want Dark to be lonely as he stayed to protect the prince. It wasn't much though everything around him had just stopped.
Dr. Scheeplestien and Dr. Iplier were frozen in the healer's ward. Dr. Iplier focused on mixing a concoction while Dr. Scheeplestien stared out the window, awaiting everyone's fate.
Jackie and a young squire were mock duelling in the ballroom. Marvin was frozen in fear, staring at where the fairy had appeared to bring her curse to them. The Host sat in the library talking to Bim Trimmer. Yandere was staring at a well-known knight who they had fallen for.
Google was reprimanding Chase and Bing for breaking a vase. Bing and Chase seemed seconds away from attempting to 'kiss it better' while Google, as usual, didn't notice.
Illinois was in the dungeons with Yancy, laughing because Yancy got himself stuck in jail for two days. Yancy was growling as he reached for the keys on Illionses belt.
Ed was in the kitchen sneaking some food. The Chef was about two seconds away from threatening to chop his arm off.
Wilford, Darks second in command, sat at a table surrounded by other knights and guards staring at JJ, a lovesick expression stuck on his face. JJ was sighing something to Robbie, stuck in a silent laugh.
The king and queen sat at their thrones joking about something. Jack was doing finger guns while Evelien was covering her mouth, eyes filled with joy.
Now only Dark was left. Left to make sure no one got hurt because of vines or wild animals. Oh, the vines. They stretched all over the castle, seeking to strangle the inhabitants. Huge dark green thorny vines.
Dark cut one down now as it was reaching for the Jims. He continued down the hallway, reaching a tower. He didn't know how the fairy did it but she had managed to place the tower right in the centre of the castle and make it seem like it belonged there. He ascended the steps now. Something he had done every day. At the top of the tower, there was a door, leading into a well-lit room. It was already open and Dark scolded himself for it.
The Prince lay sleeping on a bed. His green hair tied in a long braid behind him. It seemed to be the one flaw in the fairies spell. The only thing that didn't pause in time. Dark just braided it and prayed he didn't have to cut it.
Anti. Dark had been his guard when he was awake. Hopelessly devoted to him as Anti said. He could recall it vividly.
"Don't be so stuck up."
Dark sighed. "Come down from the tree your majesty."
"Oh come on that fairy needs me for her spell so she's gotta keep me alive till then," Anti said giggling. Dark sighed again, that was true. "What do you say I jump."
"Your majesty you can not-"
"One two three!" Anti shouted as he jumped from the tree.
Dark caught him as he fell. "Anti!"
"Aw I know you would catch me. Hopelessly devoted is what you are." Dark didn't respond, instead, he just glared. "And did you finally learned my name hot stuff?"
Dark blushed and set him on the ground. "I apologize to your majesty."
Anti laughed. "Seriously use my name dickhead."
"Live a little. You've got another year of me and then I'll go to sleep and wake up with a handsome prince." Anti said and leaned again the tree.
Dark sighed. "And what is this handsome prince going to look like?" Anti froze. "You always say you want blond hair and blue eyes and," he said prompting Anti.
"He's going to have black hair and dark eyes. He's going to be kind to me. He's going to love me. And I," Anti trailed off.
Dark just stared at him. That wasn't what he normally said. His next sentence was about how his future husband would have a big dick and then he would go into fits of laughter. Beautiful maniacal laughter.
Dark shook his head and smiled at him. "You'll find out in one hundred and one years."
Anti nodded, not really feeling reassured.
"Come one I hate writing lessons. The Host hates me and you know it." Anti crossed his arms and glared at Dark.
"You are not skipping your lessons," Dark said plainly.
Anti sighed. "Fine."
Dark smiled and turned around. "Well-"
Dark turned around to see Anti hopping out the window. "Shit!"
Dark dragged Anti out of a bush muttering to himself. "You can skip your lesson, just don't run away again and don't tell anyone I let you skip lessons."
Anti giggled. "Yay!"
"Why are you so adamant to skip your lessons?" Dark asked, letting go of Anti.
Anti hopped up and smiled sadly. "Well in like five months I'm going to fall asleep and wake up with everyone I love dead," he trailed off.
Dark nodded. "Do you want to watch the soldiers train?"
It was one of Antis favourite things especially if Dark was in charge. But if he wasn't commanding everyone he liked watching people fight Wilford who honestly played dirty most of the time. "Hell yes!"
"Wilford!" Anti shouted, running over to the training grounds.
"Anti darling, how are you?" Wilford drawled, leaning against a fence.
"Aren't you supposed to be training?" Dark asked.
Wilford chuckled. "Yeah, but I like the view."
Dark raised an eyebrow. "It's just the castle."
Anti frowned. "Yeah, I oh," he trailed off.
Dark looked concerned. "What is it?"
"JJ's working."
Dark turned to see JJ, the royal advisors apprentice sorting papers. Wilford sighed. "Isn't he just lovely?"
"Have you even talked to him?" Anti asked smiling.
Wilford shook his head. "Have you?"
"Well, it was rather awkward. He just stared at me, smiling. It was very one way."
"He uses sign language Will," Dark said.
"I can learn sign."
Anti laughed. "You're hopeless."
Wilford giggled, his moustache twitching. "I know."
"Just promise me when I go to sleep you'll talk to him."
"I promise."
"It's tomorrow," Anti said pacing back and forth.
Dark stood in the centre of his room nodding. "I know."
Anti grabbed at his hair. "My first kiss is going to be when I'm fucking passed out."
"You could change that I'm sure one of the squires would kiss you," Dark said.
Anti glared at him. "Help me pick an outfit."
"Outfit?" Dark asked with a chuckle.
"I'm stressed, Dark! Now green or blue?" Anti asked, peering into his closet.
Anti looked back at him. "The black suit in the back of the closet with the green trim. You've always wanted to wear it, wear it."
Anti blinked at him. "Yeah, that's a good idea."
"I'm full of good ideas Anti."
Anti smiled and nodded.
The fairy had come the next day, early in the morning, taking everyone by surprise. She pulled Anti up the stairs and then he was asleep. He did look gorgeous in the outfit.
After Anti had fallen asleep and everyone had frozen, Dark was left alone. Not able to sleep or eat, just watch and guard everyone. He supposed he should thank the fairy for sparing everyone in the castle. He supposed.
Dark jumped as a crash cut through the silence. He walked out of Antis room and closed the door. He stood in front of the oak door awaiting the stranger. Footsteps approached and a young man appeared. "Hello? Who are you? Do I need to fight you?"
The man had sort of a blue and black swirl pattern on his armour. He had blond hair and black and blue eyes. He glared at Dark and grabbed for his sword. "No, I'm the guardian of the prince. He's in his room you can pass."
"Dude you look tired." The man said tilting his head.
Dark shook his head. "What's your name?"
"Thank you, for saving us all from this curse."
Die laughed nervously and nodded at the door. "Could you move?"
Dark stepped aside and Die walked into the room. Anti lay still as ever in the room. Die sucked in a breath. "So I kiss him?"
Die walked over to him and leaned over. Dark turned away and closed his eyes. "Um."
"What?" Dark asked.
"It's not working."
Dark blinked and turned back to him. "Did you kiss him?" he asked almost frantically.
"Yeah see?" He leaned over and kissed Anti for about five seconds before pulling away. "Not waking up."
Dark walked over to Anti, panic evident in his expression. "He has to."
Die shrugged. "I don't know dude."
"But he has to!" Dark said, staring at his friend and prince.
"Why don't you fucking kiss him then?" Die muttered.
Dark stared at him. "What?"
"Kiss him. If he's supposed to wake up then you try."
"That's not-"
Die raised an eyebrow. "I dare you."
"Fine but when you try again and he wakes up you won't breathe a word," Dark growled at the prince. "Not a word."
Die nodded.
Dark sighed and leaned over Anti. He kissed him gently, meaning for it to be a peck on the lips before he pulled away and yelled at the other prince. That was until hands gripped the back of his head, pulling him closer. Anti pulled away giggling. "Hello, hot stuff."
Dark pushed him away. "Not me, him," Dark said, pointing to Die.
Anti raised an eyebrow. "I woke up kissing you," he said pointing at Dark.
"There was an issue with the curse it took too long, he kissed you first."
Anti nodded and turned to Die who smiled at him as if he had accomplished something. "Aw, that's cute you can leave."
Die's smile vanished. "But I-"
Anti waved him off. "Shoo get out."
Die blinked rapidly. "But I-"
"No not you. I didn't wake up kissing you so it's not you getting out."
Die left the room grumbling to himself. Anti stretched and hopped out of the bed. "I don't think I'll be able to sleep for a while."
Dark nodded taking a step back. "Your majesty I-"
Anti grabbed the front of his shirt and pulled him in for another kiss. "Darky please," he whispered. "Use my name."
Dark blinked at him. "What?"
Anti groaned. "Oh my god, Dark, you're my knight in shining armour. Not him."
"Because I fell in love with you, not some rando that didn't exist when I fell asleep," Anti said waving at the door.
Dark just nodded, standing stiffly and staring at Anti. Anti grabbed his braid. "Did you do this?"
"It was messy."
Anti laughed. "You know I asked her to let me grow my hair out, I've been trying for a while. Didn't think it would be this long."
Dark nodded again. "At ease soldier," Anti said.
Dark relaxed and paused for a second before he quickly pushed Anti against a wall, kissing him deeply. Anti squeaked in surprise but returned the kiss. "I've missed you," Dark whispered, running a hand through the prince's hair.
Anti sighed. "Well, I would say I missed you two but it was a blink for me."
Dark pulled away from the prince. "We should probably make sure the others are ok."
Anti perked up. "She spared them?"
Anti cheered, grabbing Darks hand and running down the stairs with him. They exited the tower and saw soldiers cutting down vines that had now grown aggressive. "Anti!" Wilford said, smiling. "Do you have any idea where all these vines came from?"
Anti shook his head and turned to his guard. "Dark?"
"They grew when Anti fell asleep."
Wilford frowned. "But he's right here."
Dark nodded. "It's been a hundred years Will," he said and smiled at his old friend.
"What," Wilford whispered.
"You were frozen for a while old friend."
Wilford thought for a moment and turned to Anti. "Wait then where's your prince?"
"Right here," Anti said, hugging Darks arm.
"You?" Wilford asked pointing at Dark.
Anti nodded and Wilford squealed. "I'm so happy for you!"
"Thank you," Anti said and kissed Darks cheek.
Wilford giggled and swayed back and forth. "So Dark?"
"I was frozen for a hundred years."
"Anti was asleep?"
"Yes, Will I don't know how this is not registering."
Wilford grinned and took off. Anti laughed and Dark stared at where he went. "Remember his promise to me? To talk to his crush? He's either gonna talk to JJ or fuck some shit up."
"I should-"
Anti grabbed his arm and pulled him down the hallway. "Oh no, you don't. We're going to talk to my parents." Dark nodded and yawned. "After that, we can go to sleep."
"I can go to sleep. I believe you and the rest of the castle will be up for the next two days."
Anti snorted. "I don't think I'll sleep for a week."
Dark laughed and smiled at the prince. "I think I'll sleep for a week."
"Don't you dare I want to talk to you."
"Ok," Dark whispered and kissed Anti on the cheek.
Anti nodded and kissed him on the cheek. "Thank you for protecting me."
"You're very welcome my darling prince."
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a-vamp-and-a-half · 8 months
“Alright chief” she grins with a short nod, nodding as everyone reached their little group “We all got our tasks done!”
“We got so much candy!!!” Odette yells quickly, raising up xeir arms as the kids cheer “We cannot lift it up! Well I can, but we cannot lift it up!” Xe yells
“I’ve got so many gumballs ARGHHHHH”
“Mines lighter cause I got cotton candy”
The kids quickly show off their candy to Bim and Odette’s Nonno now Odette and Neora had broken the greeting barrier
"Not to be that person, but," Bim whips out a bag of his own. "I promised Doc and Blue I'd pick these last few 'treats' up on the way into town."
He passes toothbrushes. "Again, blame Doc and Blue."
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iamvegorott · 3 years
For the mistletoe thing.. how about some fluffy Darkstache?
“The weather outside is-”
“Shitty.” Google’s change of lyrics got Bing to stop singing and laugh loudly. Google smiled at his joke working and being able to make Bing laugh. The two of them were walking down the hallway of the Ipliers Manor, hands intertwined.
“Run, run, run!” Yandere squealed as she booked it down the same hallway, causing Bing and Google to separate as she ran between them. They watched as Bim followed right behind her, almost tripping over his own feet.
“What?” Google turned to see where they were running from. “Nope!” Google grabbed Bing’s hand again and started running as well, Bing going with him and laughing the whole way.
“Why are we yelling?” Dark asked, stepping out of his office. He looked down one side of the hall where the four were still running and when he looked down the other, he was greeted by the sight of an…interestingly dressed Wilford running towards him.
Green pants, red sweater, entire body covered with a shimmering gold string that overlapped each other in diamond-shaped patterns. The ends of the sleeves for the sweater and the pants were puffed out with white and the sweater had a deep V-neck collar line that also had the white puff. He had a classic Santa hat on his head but with something green tied to the front of it.
A mistletoe.
“Dark!” Wilford cheered, not giving Dark any time before grabbing him and pulling him into a quick kiss. “Happy holidays!” Wilford said with a large smile and ran off once more; leaving Dark to stand where he was with a now burning face.
“Dark watched as the festively-dressed man took off, the feeling of his soft and tender lips on top of his own for even that brief moment had him craving for more.”
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pxppet · 3 years
“dinner” with Chase x Bim? >:3
Tight red dress shirts and stiff grey coats don’t suit Chase Brody. Henrik practically had to wrestle with him to get him to not wear a hat to his date. “No baseball caps at fancy restaurants, dumme!” Scrabbling to push hair down over the round white scar on his head, and fumbling out the door with his brothers yelling encouragements behind him, Chase makes for the taxi. 
His phone doesn’t vibrate the entire time he rides in the taxi. No texts come in, and he sends none in return. The widow rushes with wind, the world crisply passing him by. “Uh, stop here please-” he interjects to the driver, who slams his breaks and grumbles about “American asshats” in a thick Northern accent. Chase steps out of the car, hastily apologizing as the driver pulls away. He takes a shaky breath, smoothing his hair over the scar, over and over again. 
He checks his phone again... No word from his date yet. Ah well, maybe she made a reservation. That’s probably it, yeah. He walks up to the doors, and a man in a tailed suit opens the heavy black wood. Chase notices the raise of his nose and scowl of his mouth, and blushes, tugging at his suit and trying to look like he belongs here. He does belong here. He’s just as good as the fancy suited and dressed men and women waiting in the coat room. 
“I-i don’t need a coat chip, actually,” he tells the persistent man shoving the red token in his face. The man’s eyes are squinted, taking in every flaw he can find, from the sagging suit to his shirt being too tight to his green hair still being mussy after trying to gel it back. Chase clears his throat, and the man stops staring, turning away with a “hmph”. He leads Chase through darkwood oak doorways into the open area of the restaurant. 
“Reservation?” a sniffly woman in a tight fitting green suit peers down at him over her nose. Chase rubs the back of his neck softly, feeling prickles of sweat beading under his shirt. 
“U-uh... Either Brody or Evanes?” 
“Evanes?” the woman raises an eyebrow, as though she’s better than him, as though her suit and voice and scoffing lips are the god and denizen of this restaurant. Chase glowers as she turns around and checks her list. She huffs. “No Evanes listed. You’re clearly not in the right place, hun.” She stresses the last word, like speaking to a child. And Chase feels like ones, a silly little kid dressed in his father’s suit. 
He shuts his eyes, stuttering over his words. “I-i uh... well I have... I h-have a date with-”
“Me,” a familiar voice cuts in, a hand resting on Chase’s shoulder suddenly. Chase starts and gasps, whipping around to see... Bim? 
“Bim? Wh-... What are you doing in Brighton, my man?”
“Well I’m here for our date, silly!” He grins, teeth sharp and beyond anything a human should look like. Bim gives the lady in the green suit a “look”, a mixture of strained apology and softened hatred. “Take us to our table, Maggie. You’d hate for me to let Mr. McDouwl know about you disrespecting my date, surely. I mean we all know he’s two steps away from letting you go after the chocolate fountain fiasco! Be a dear and take me to my usual table.” The woman puffs up and turns pink, snatching up menus and stalking off towards their table. Bim chuckles and grabs Chase’s hand, dragging him along behind him. 
“Bim, what are you doing? Why are you even here, bro?” Chase is blushing bright red all the way to his ear tips, being dragged along behind the much more smartly dressed American friend. 
“Well, I saw you walking in, and what are the odds! I also reserved a spot for tonight, shock and awe. Ha ha ha. Plus, buddy, slugger, champ, it seems like you got stood up, no?” Chase blushes impossibly more, his shoulders sinking at the truth of it. Bim’s smile twists with sympathy as they’re guided by the flustered Maggie into a three-seater table, dark green velvet chairs and a pure cream white table cloth, silverware already set out and waiting for meals to come. Chase sinks down on his elbows against the table, head in his hands. He doesn’t really feel like eating anything right now. Hell, he doesn’t feel like ever eating again. He stares at a fish knife, contemplating if it’s sharp enough to cause any damage. 
Bim clears his throat. “Well? I saved your ass Chaser, do I get a ‘thanks daddy’ or something?” Chase barks out a loud laugh then slaps his hand against his lips, going wide-eyed. Bim grins as other patrons stares them down. “C’mon hun, surely I get at least a kiss after that!”
“Oh my god, man you’re killing me, stop!” Chase is shaking with restrained laughter, his hand muffling his plea for mercy. Bim laughs, his strangely monotone separation of the syllables of ‘ha ha ha’ amusing Chase immensely more. “Dude I don’t remember you being such a dork.”
Bim twiddles with his fork, staring at Chase with intensity. Chase could swear that his golden eyes flashed red for a moment. He swallows dryly and tugs at his tie awkwardly. 
“Oh, don’t you remember? I was joking just the same when Jack first introduced us!” 
“W-well, um... I was kind of too busy like... you know.” Chase gestures vaguely at the air, trying to dismiss it. 
“Oh, no no, you’re going to tell me what was going through that pretty head, Brody. What was distracting you when we first met, hmmm?” He tilts his head, teeth glinting like a predator. 
“Well, you’re famous and...” Chase sighs shakily, straightening out his suit, pushing his hair down over his scar. “You were really intimidating, Bim. You were like... everything I wanted to be, y’know?” Bim raises a brow at him. “You were this bigshot celebrity, even though you were made by a Creator, and you didn’t even try hiding from the world like me and my friends do. You’re... brave, and loud, and brash, even when it annoys people. You give zero fucks!” 
Bim hums, scratching his chin, the grin never leaving his lips. However, his eyes have softened, and his cheeks are dusted in red. “Well then, Chase, no need to suck my dick so hard, ha ha ha,” he deflects, rolling his eyes as his blush fades away. 
But Chase is not oblivious to his rosy cheeked grin. Chase smiles back, small and nervous, trying to interject confidence to match his dinner date’s. Bim averts his gaze, lifting a napkin to his mouth and coughing quietly. 
“If you don’t stop being such an adorable motherfucker I’ll gut you like a fish, Chaser~” Bim say flirtily. Before Chase can even respond Bim calls over a waiter and orders the sweetest wine they offer. How did he know how Chase likes his wine? Bim must pay a lot more attention to things than he lets on, Chase thinks softly, looking at Bim glowing under the subtle red lighting. Maybe I should pay more attention too. 
The two spend the rest of the night sipping wine between quips and blushing, wolfing down rare steak (just as delicious as Bim said it would be), and leave the restaurant arm in arm, pink-faced and laughing. They share a long glance, a soft touch of the hands, equally embarrassed though so differently built. Chase, nervous and unsure in the world, scarred and blue-eyed. Bim, confident, gilded hunter’s eyes, and far, far away from anything Chase could dream of being. Yet both of them were built to entertain. 
Both of them were made to make others happy. And that habit far from excludes each other on this lovely night. An evening wasted to fruitless romance hangs heavy on their wine drunk tongues as they go their separate ways, different lives, different worlds, awaiting them on the other side.  
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