#she’s just doing a lil trolling
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FNAF Baby just wanted to be friends with Abby..
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spookberry · 9 months
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Trolls AU anyone????
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allmyhomieshatelawns · 7 months
anyway anyway, please enjoy another lil somethin i wrote for @djmurphy ‘s Hypno Pop AU!
“Because I’m happy, clap along if you feel like a room without a roof!” My throat stung with the words, volume rising higher with the lyrics of the song. “Dance along if you feel like that’s what you wanna do!”
Cruel irony that. I certainly didn’t want to, but that isn’t what mattered. The village needed to be happy, we were celebrating nearly twenty years of freedom from the bergens. This was a happy time!!
I continued dancing on the main stage, singing with the rasp that had developed in my voice some years ago. King Peppy said it made me sound more mature and that I should like it. And I do! I love how it sounds nothing like the angelic voice that got—
Don’t falter! I snapped back to attention just in time for the knee slide, grinning despite the harsh impact.
The entire village went wild, several in the crowd fainting, and even more screaming for an encore.
I felt tired, like my bones were crumbling away inside of me, but my smile didn’t falter.
“You guys want more? Alright! This one I’ve been working on for a while now!” My lips and throat moved on their own; I wouldn’t be getting any rest anytime soon. Might as well retreat.
Everything was on autopilot, but thankfully the screaming fans didn’t seem to notice or care. They just wanted more. They always want more. It was so wonderful that they loved my music. I loved making them all so happy!!
“Wow, Branch! I can’t believe you did three encores! Where do you get the energy? I would’ve had to stop after the first one!” Princess Poppy was at my side, practically dragging me off the stage.
I was allowed to sag into her side for a moment, it was close enough to Hug Time, it was fine. But all too soon my strings pulled me away, smiling.
“I can’t say no to my adoring fans!” I grinned, the right side of my mouth gave a violent twitch, cramping from the nonstop use. I turned away so hopefully Princess Poppy wouldn’t notice. She can’t think I’m weird, I’m normal, I’m supposed to be normal!
“Branch?” Princess Poppy’s voice was laced with concern, her hand grabbing my shoulder and spinning me around.
I tried to maintain my grin, feeling the corners twitch uncomfortably against the frames of my glasses. I tugged on my blue puffy vest, nerves trying to rise from my belly but thankfully, as always, halted in their tracks.
“What’s up, Princess Poppy?” I asked, my hands now hanging limp at my side since they weren’t allowed to do anything else.
She made a face at her title like she always did, but her hand tightened on my shoulder. “Is everything okay?”
“Everything is perfect! Why wouldn’t it be?” My mouth said, the words a little too chirpy. “The fans love me, and your celebration is going even better than projected!” That should throw her off, get her talking about the party. Everyone is happy.
It worked like a charm. Princess Poppy beamed at me like I had given her, her favorite dessert.
“Thank you, Branch! This party wouldn’t have been half as successful without you here though! You make every party more fun.” She then began prattling on about the different streamer and glitter bombs she had used this time as opposed to last year. She was so dedicated to keeping the village happy! We were so lucky to have her and King Peppy!
I relaxed, as much as I could, and smiled along. Thankfully it didn’t have to be a big smile, I could soften things for the princess.
Soon enough we were in the area considered backstage, and I expected her to peel off and go back to her friends, but instead, she pulled me into a more private dressing room area. My skin prickled at the privacy. That meant bad things. That meant I wasn’t happy enough.
“Branch, I need you to be real with me here. You’ve been acting kind of… off lately. Are you sure you’re okay?” Princess Poppy looked apologetic as she said it, but I felt the immediate effect.
A scream of pop music resounded in my ears, so loud I thought they would start bleeding. The pounding in my head got worse, like a bergen bashing my head against a tree. Even my muscles started to scream, wanting to cramp and twitch as they were forcibly pulled. I wanted to scream and cry and curl up under the bed in my pod, but I stood there beaming.
“Princess Poppy, I assure you, I’m perfectly fine. Just a little tired from the party tonight. Don’t worry about me. I’ll be just fine.” The words were straight from the string and they hurt, like they were being ripped from me. My voice even went raspier, like there was another voice speaking under mine, but I wasn’t sure if that was from the singing or not. It had been a long time since I had to have the string speak through me. I’m supposed to be better than this. Get it together, Branch. You’re perfectly happy!
Princess Poppy took a step back, a frown pulling down her lips.
No! No! I can fix this please—
“Is everything alright, Poppy? I saw you follow Branch back here.” King Peppy’s voice sent shivers across my body, locking up my joints. King Peppy is here! Oh good he’ll make everything better, like always!!
“Oh! Hey Dad, I was just congratulating Branch on his performance!” Princess Poppy lied to the king! Her face didn’t show any hint of dishonesty though, and I didn’t feel compelled to correct her, that would be rude, so I just nodded along, my smile back to the tight beam that had been on display for everyone tonight. I had worked super hard on it to make it perfect.
He looked between the two of us like he wasn’t sure it was the truth, but merely motioned me forward. I went without hesitation of course, my body still rigid and stiff despite the bounce in my step. I stopped in front of King Peppy, smiling up at him.
“Run along now, my darling. I wanted to talk with Branch about something, you know, guy talk.” King Peppy winked over my head at the princess, causing her to gag and laugh.
“Ew Dad, okay. Alright, Branch, it was awesome talking to you!” She hesitated a moment before giving me a hug, squeezing tighter than normal, like she was afraid of something.
I watched her walk away, my pink-tinted vision clouding her shape the further she got. Like I was drowning alone in suffocating pink mist.
King Peppy’s hand landed on my shoulder heavily, and he sighed like the weight of the world was on his shoulders. “I worry about her. I only hope that when it’s her time, she will continue to make the right choices, as I have. Now, come along, Branch. I’ll top you off.”
“Thank you, King Peppy!” I chirped, melting as the string was plucked, and I could just dive back into the haze of my mind. We were having to do this more frequently. It used to be, I could go for a week without having the string played for me, but that time was shortening. I didn’t want to think about what would happen to me should the string stop working altogether. That wasn’t a happy thought, and only happy thoughts were allowed!
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clockworkreapers · 1 year
What are the main characters canon sexuality’s?? Have they any or is it up to interpretation
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Twas from a past pride month I think? Either way here u go. Canonically none of my trolls are like “straight” in the human sense lol they don’t exactly have a concept of it or like most human sexualities due to different social norms and all to them it’s like baseline everything is a valid relationship and any gender expression is also just as valid (why I tend to mark them as masc fem or enby presenting not male or female weird biology headcanon stuff yada yada they are not human) their universes Alternians are more concerned with blood anyways.
Considering quadrants everyone here is technically poly to an extent that’s literally just a cultural thing with seeking out two partners. ANYWAYS.
Sauron is gay he prefers masc romantic partners and he is demi so under the ace umbrella
Falmea is pan and aromantic
Majell is a lesbian she just prefers more fem trolls
Helstm is bi
Then Cybele and Cyrusk are both pan!
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trollbreak · 2 years
< needs to make another cat
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angeltism · 1 year
Omg social interaction is actually the best antidepressant ever holy shit
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storydays · 9 months
You could give poppy and viva a brother!reader,you don’t have to but you could
Viva and Poppy X Brother! Male!Reader
Clay X Male Reader
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“Oh my gosh, HeeLllOOOOOO!!! My name is Viva and It’s so fantasamazing to see other Trolls!” The yellow haired Troll squealed, hugging everyone before getting off track and having girl talk with Poppy, when another figure appeared behind Branch and John Dory.
“Oye, don't mind Viva..” The brothers yelped, turning to see a orange skinned male Troll dressed similar to Viva, except he was wearing a crown on his blond head, and he had dark bags under his eyes. “She’s been like that since we were trollings.”
“Mi gemelo melancólico everyone, (Y/N). He’s the moon to my sun.” Viva and (Y/N) shared twin grins. “Whatever, we’re being rude.” (Y/N) offered fist bumps and high fives to the new Trolls, as Viva called for fries and milkshakes. “Lights on for our new friends, Putt Putt Trolls!”
You were chewing on a fry, ignoring the group, even when Clay arrived when you heard the familiar ping of a Hug Time bracelet. “Hug Time!” You chirped with Viva and hugged the nearest Troll which happened to be Clay. He laughed softly, patting your head, ignoring the looks his brothers’ were giving him. 
You stopped squeezing the green haired Troll, and popped up to Viva’s side, as she looked closer at Poppy’s hug time bracelet. “I’m sorry, what did you say your name was again?” You wondered, looking closer at the pink haired Troll in front of you.
“I’m Poppy.” “Okay, another random question: is your Dad King Peppy?” Viva asked hesitantly. 
“Um, yea.” You and Viva had different reaction: she squealed loudly and hugged Poppy and twirled around happily. You smiled softly, eyes misting, as Clay whispered to you, “Are you okay, cariño?” You nodded your head as you walked forward to hug her Poppy much softer than Viva did but still as sweet.
“(Nickname), our hermanita is alive! And she’s the Pop Queen now?!” Viva squealed again as you held Poppy’s face in your hands. “You’re really alive, Popstar. And wow! You are so grown up now and absolutely rocking that queen look, lil sis.” You gush, excitedly flapping your hands up and down and tapping your feet.
Poppy gasped as she remembered hearing a soft voice calling her a Popstar. “It was you!” You tilted your head, curious to what she was talking about. “I’ve always remembered a voice and a warm smile calling me Popstar, but Dad used to say it was in my head. I have a sister and a brother? I was just saying this! Wasn’t I just saying this? How could I not know about secret siblings!” “That is so Dad.” The three of you chorused giggling amongst yourself.
You took a step back walking backwards as Clay’s arm wrapped around your waist, watching Viva and Poppy talk at rapid speed. Something about planning events and best friends? Before you realized it, you were singing softly with your sisters’, catching up, and watching Clay hang with his brothers’, fighting the smirk on his face.
You found yourself curled up into Clay’s side as you got to know his brothers, while Viva and Poppy ran off towards Viva’s house for sister time. 
You frowned hearing about the danger Floyd’s in, for a number of reasons. You were tired of hearing bigger creatures bigger that Trolls abuse Trolls for any reason.
It’s why Viva and the other Putt Putt Trolls made you their king.You’d do anything for Trolls to ensure they could live peacefully. But you also knew it meant Clay and Poppy were going to leave.
You’d seen the way she and Branch looked at each other, and knew where one went, the other wasn’t far behind.
It’s how others’ described you and Clay. But you also knew that Viva wasn’t going to let Poppy go easily. 
You pulled Clay’s arm making him stop mid explanation.. “Amor, you and your brothers’ should get going, before Viva tries to–” You gasped as the door came down with a heavy thud. “Stop you.” you trailed off, sighing and resting your forehead on Clay’s shoulder. 
Maldita sea.
Oye= Hey
Mi gemelo melancólico = My broody twin
cariño= sweetheart
hermanita= little sister
amor= love
maldita sea= damn it
Part 2?
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d3arapril · 11 months
modern!ellie headcanons
my take on modern ellie. why? cos i love her 🙄 pls enjoy! feedback appreciated as alwayssss~ <3
✧ warnings: brief we3d mention but other than that, none! just ellie being ellie. safe for all audiences!
ellie was quite reserved when u first met and now ur dating she can still shut down sometimes but she's working on it
she's quiet if she doesn't know u...if ur close... ur gonna wish u weren't
literally NEVER shuts up sometimes?? she can be like one of those wind up toys and chatter on and on for HOURS if she's in the right mood
knows random facts about the most obscure things
"babe did u know that there are more than 60,000 tree species on earth??" *silence* "uhhh.... thanks el?"
CHRONICALLY ONLINE!!! knows every meme under the sun, would still use xD un-ironically if u didn't bully her for it
her tiktok screentime is probably like 7 hours a day bc she could spend endless hours just laying in bed scrolling, u get home from work/school and she's sent u 30 messages. u watch every single one <3
she's fairly active on instagram but doesn't really care about followers etc... just posts random photos whenever she feels like it and has several photo dumps dedicated to her fav pics of u. has a highlight called ‘❤️’ with pics of u
would comment on other ppls tiktoks but not post her own vids.. she’s a bit of a troll sometimes LOL
bites her nails/fingers all the time til they bleed... it's a habit
u got her the nail polish that tastes nasty to try and help her reduce the amount she bites her nails but she just started enjoying the taste of it 😐
"i thought this was supposed to taste bad???" she'd ask u with a thumb shoved in her mouth
so obviously gets bitches but is so oblivious to her surroundings and doesn't notice people ogling at her whenever you're walking around together
however if people are looking at u?? its on sight
gets very jealous very easily and has a mad short temper. lowkey toxic sometimes
will wear an 'i love my girlfriend' t-shirt without even being asked because..she loves u..duh?
leaves u notes all around ur home... u open the fridge and she's written on the empty carton of milk that she left in the fridge :/
'i love u ps were out of milk :('
wears flannels/hoodies, vests/plain tshirts and baggy jeans (maybe skinny jeans if she’s feeling crazy. u tell her she’s outdated) with converse every day. 'lesbian uniform' she calls it...
carabiner queen but doesn't actually have any keys attached to it, just keychains... her fav is the spiderman one she won at the arcade. also has a fidget cube attached. Locked And Loaded
tobey maguire is her favourite spiderman :) closely followed by andrew garfield. she says she’d probably have a crush on him if she liked boys. also loves wanda.. obviously
listens to old 2016 rap.. fetty wap has been in her top 5 spotify artists for the past 2 years
also listens to deftones (her fav songs are teenager and cherry waves btw)
uses wired earphones still because she can’t let go.. they’re busted and chewed up to hell but somehow are still going strong
i’m a strong believer that ellie would LOVE watching berleezy and quotes his videos ALL THE TIME. it's "..and bricked.... hello!" whenever she sees u looking nice (which is all the time to her)
knows all the fnaf lore (somehow?? shes never even played it)
super light sleeper, always tossing and turning and she's actually fallen out of bed several times bc she gets so ridiculously restless
always sleeps in until she only has around 15 mins left to get ready. is somehow rarely late
she has no skincare routine but has perfect skin 🙄 just washes her face with some random cheap face wash she found on sale and moisturises when she remembers. she also doesn’t use conditioner bc she ‘doesn’t believe in it’ but has soft hair? tf
always staring at u? she frowns a lot but when she looks at u her entire face softens and she has that lil half smile that she doesn’t even realise she’s doing
u guys have an intricate secret handshake that she practised in her own time so she could get it right
her journal is full of sketches of u, poems about u… girl is so in love sometimes it scares her a lil
made a scrapbook for ur birthday full of everything she’s kept from everywhere u have been together, she even kept the stickers from ur starbucks drinks and stuck them in there <3
wrote a lil song for u and waited until ur bday to sing it to u for the first time… she got so embarrassed straight after so she just hid under the covers
big ol stoner! if u dont like weed she won’t smoke when she’s with u but if u also smoke/don’t mind she’ll loooove to smoke w u. gave u her fav grinder as a token of her love
tried to make special brownies but u both burnt them to a crisp 😔 el tries so hard to be optimistic (for once) “it’s fine babe we can just eat it anyway” “ellie it’s literally crumbling when u touch it…”
tried to stick n poke herself several times but couldn’t commit so she just has unfinished pieces on her upper thighs
loves head scratches and pants like a dog when u scratch the right spot
is this emoji 🧍🏼‍♀️ frequently
that’s all folks (for now……) …. i love her
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vacayisland · 10 months
HIII i saw that you were taking request so im just asking if you could make a John dory x reader insert fanfic?
John dory meeting his spouce on the mission with Branch and Poppy when they find Bruce and hits it off with them while their is working at Bruces little diner?
@!; It's always a "vacay" with you. John Dory (JD) / Reader
"Summary"! John Dory didn't expect meeting the love of his life on a mission to save his brother; yet here he was, finding himself oh so fascinated with you that Spruce, Branch, and Poppy are having to physically pull him away from Vacay Island! "Tags"! Fluff! A lil awkward. Also, not proof read. I need to research JD a little more before writing another fanfiction about him, yet I tried my best with his personality!
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@!; The last thing that John Dory expected from this mission was to find someone who completed him wholly, fully, and completely. The last thing he expected, when arriving to Vacay Island was to fall in love, head over heels for another Troll. The last thing he expected to come from this mission was to find someone who finally understood; understood him and his ways and how he is. Who made him want to be better while helping make him better; and in turn he helps them be a better version of themself. And it felt like some sort of weird destiny. They were only going to the island to find Spruce; a mission with one end goal, one way to go. Yet, when following Spruce (now Bruce) into his co-owned resort, singing had caught his attention right away...
Branch and Poppy kept following after Spruce, who hadn't turned around yet and kept trying to wave the two off while claiming his band days were over and to keep it all hushed-hushed. Though JD had stopped half way through the walk, hearing a tune flutter through the speakers of the indoor seating area. His interest had been captured, it was held captive with ever flutter of the sweet notes that wafted through the air. Though he slowly started to back up to follow his younger brother to get Spruce, he kept his eye out for the person who held such a lovely voice. "This is my wife, Brandy!" JD had swung himself on top of the bar top just as Bruce was introducing his wife. He was about to wave them off, though took a quick double turn when he actually saw who Bruce's wide was. Then grew even more confused when Bruce was bombarded with 10... 11... maybe 12 kids?! "How do you?-" JD pointed towards Brandy and Bruce, managing to interject between all the kids and chaos; Asking the one question that him, Poppy, and Branch were thinking - maybe less Poppy, and more him and Branch. Yet still, how would such a relationship even work? Nevertheless work so well where they had so many children- wait no, JD scrunched his nose as the thoughts that came to mind. He subtly leaned away from the two, glancing between Branch and Poppy and Bruce and Brandy. He turned them out for a moment, glancing back at the open sitting area as everyone chatted and spoke, laughed and cackled, just having a good time. And that's when he saw a flash of color, different from the other warmer-tones. JD didn't notice the way his breath caught in his throat the moment you swung by, landing on the counter top with a skidded stop. Despite wearing roller blades, the wheels didn't bother you. "Brandy! You got the food for Skid and Mary?" "Oh hey! Guys, that's (Y/N), a worker of mine." Bruce cut in as Brandy nodded, ringing a bell before a basket of fries and burgers were pushed out from the kitchen. She would take them, slide them across the counter to you, and you would, as though these plates weren't triple your size, hooked your hair around the holes of the basket. "Thanks, gotta run! Oh- hey Bruce." A wave, bright smile, and you were off; having stopped in for a brief moment but completely capturing JD's attention once again. He couldn't help but watch as you skated off, dragging the plates behind you while dodging whoever and whatever came your way. "So they was singing." JD blurted, not exactly meaning to. Though he captured his brothers and Poppy's attention. Bruce simply crossed his arms, "Oh, (Y/N)? Yeah! They always sing while they work, sometimes they even take a break to entertain everyone with a musical number." Though JD didn't catch it, Branch give him a skeptical look; being quicker to catch onto the way JD looked on you and the slightly softer tone he had.
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@!; JD wasn't sure what attracted him to you yet, but he found himself looking for you every second of their stay trying to convenience Bruce to come help save Floyd. Even during the 'Brozone's back' performance, he looked for your face in the crowd; trying to see if he could catch a glimpse of you and your rolling skating antics. When they were done, while Poppy and Bruce's family were cheering them on, his eyes were stuck on the crowd. His nose scrunched as he tried to keep old thoughts out of his head, wondering why you weren't here praising him for his singing or anything like that. No, he cannot think like that. He's growing, he's outgrown that mindset- "Earth to JD!" JD snapped out of his thoughts at Poppy frantically waving her hand in front of his face. A hard blink and he turned over to the staring company. Brandy had a knowing look, in which JD squinted at trying to decipher. Poppy playfully punched JD's arm, "Oh, good to have you back!" A big grin paired her child like antics, in which JD only laughed and brushed off. "What are you talking about, I've been here since the beginning. After all, I'm the one who found Floyd's lett-" Yet he wasn't able to finish before Branch cut in. "Yeah, half here. Ever since we stepped foot here you've been," And Branch waited no time drawing a circle at the side of his temple, pairing it with a whistle; effectively calling JD insane, or mainly out of it. Poppy playfully slapped Branch's arm away from his head, saying something about how that was rude to do. Branch smiled a little, but tried to keep a straight face, as he gestured over to JD with a 'come on' type of look. Poppy glanced over to JD for a moment then back at Branch, a silent agreement that she would try to make unobvious. Bruce simply chuckled at their antics. "What? What's funny?" JD pointed at Bruce, narrowing his eyes a little as his more laid-back brother. "Oh nothing.." And there was a hint in Bruce's voice that made it sound like there was more. Yet he didn't say anything, arms crossed, as he gave JD a knowing look. An oddly, really knowing look. It threw JD off. He wasn't that readable anymore, he wasn't how he was when the band was together and his brothers shouldn't know how he is! He didn't like that look. So he glanced away from Bruce. Yet there was a feeling in his gut that JD knew that Bruce had some sort of hint of what was distracting him.
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@!; The mission had been delayed a day. Bruce needed to stay back for a day longer to help Brandy with the kids and figure out all the logistics of leaving so suddenly. JD had gone off on his own, letting Branch and Poppy do their own thing, as he went to go walk on the beach. There wasn't much else to do than to walk on the beach and take in the scene. He didn't exactly want to get into the water, despite how impressing it might be to you- And there his mind goes again! JD cursed himself and cursed his thoughts and cursed you!- Then he paused, with a scrunch of his nose. He couldn't curse you no matter how much he was irritated you infiltrated his thoughts. He hasn't even spoken to you! How would he know you would even like him? That he would even like you! "A little help!!" JD's attention snapped behind him as he heard the shout from an all too familiar voice. Yet he didn't have time to react, seeing a troll barreling towards him with their arms extended and a panic-stricken look. JD jumped out of the way, landing in the sand and purposefully with more force than needed to dig himself in. You whizzed by him and he quickly shot his hair our towards you, wrapping it around your waist and trying to hold onto the friction from the sand to slow you down. Yet, maybe he should have dug himself in deeper. He knew this as soon as his left foot lost footing and he shot forward, dragging across the sand and towards you. He tried grabbing onto something, yet you both only crashed into each other; And while that helped to stop you, it also caused you both to barrel and roll into the shore of the ocean, effectively drenching you both in salty water. JD groaned, laying in the mushy sand floor, feeling the waves crash up against him and recede slowly back once they came. He felt groggy, a little disorientated, yet he didn't have much time to reflect on that feeling when someone began to shake him. "Oh my god! Please don't be dead- please!" And with a few slaps to his cheek, JD shoved a hand into the face of whoever was trying to bother him at this moment. There was a silence for a moment, maybe out of shock, before JD heard the person beside him let out a deep sigh. It was a sigh like the weight of the world had been lifted off the person's shoulders, releasing them some sort of trouble or entanglement with liability. JD opened one eye when the ocean drew back again, keeping his eyes half-lidded, as he tried to see who was with him in the ocean. He swore he nearly died the minute that he saw you, soaking head to toe and looking down at him with the most worrisome look. He jolted up to a sit, not realizing his hand was still cupping your mouth until a moment later; When he drew it back, glancing down at it and back up at you, then cautiously placing it beside him. "Are you okay?" And despite how awkward this situation could be, you didn't make it that way. And JD slightly hoped it was because you saw the look on his face; The silent apology he couldn't bare himself to say. He's been working on himself, but he's not that level of worked on yet. Especially since he knew he owed a few people some big apologies.
"Yeah, yeah. I'm fine." JD mumbled after a minute. He took in a deep breath before placing his hands on his knees and standing up, letting out the breath in a long sigh as he did so. "Oh- um! That's good." Your smile was anxious, a little weary, as you still sat in the mushy sand in the fire range of the waves. JD offered you his hand. You took it, allowing him to help you onto your feet. And that awkward silence along with a prolonged holding of hands. JD wasn't sure why, but he noticed the way your hand fit perfectly into his like all your hands were made to do was hold each other. He kind of didn't want to let go, but did so for the sake of comfortability. It would be awkward to hold hands with a strange, right? And no matter how many fangirls they had felt with in Brozone, JD would never know that answer. He guessed yes, by the way your eyes shifted to the left in an uncomfortable fashion. Yet he saw the way your eyes flicked back to his the moment he let go. He noticed the way your hand dropped to your side limp-like, and the small smile that crept to your face. There was some sort of glint in your eyes that drew JD in again. Though he couldn't exactly tell what that sparkle was for; he just hoped you were going the same way his brain was. "Hey," A pause, you were chewing over your words. "Would you like to talk over a basket of nachos?" "Were you reading my mind?" JD cocked up his eyebrow, giving you a snicker as he saw the cheeky look that rose on your face. "Maybe I am, you'll never know! But I have an employ discount I still have to use and this seems like the perfect occasion to take my break." And you grinned a grin that made JD feel like you were looking right through him; That you knew all his flaws and strengths all at once and yet still loved him for every single one of them. And maybe he was insane to think so. And maybe JD should get to know you better before he jumps to conclusions. But, shit, you had him hooked in a way no Troll has had him before.
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.ᐟ this work is published and owned by @vacayisland. please do not plagiarize, copy, or steal this work; like, reblogs, and saves are appreciated :D
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baileypie-writes · 9 months
hiii! 💞 could I please request headcannons for Velvet and Veneer if they had a little sister(she’s like 3) that they brought with on tour? Like their parents made them bring her for some reason. And Veneer treats her like his lil baby and Velvet is super overprotective, sorry if that’s complicated 😭
A/N ~ Sure! Sorry this is a bit short. Hope you enjoy it!
~Velvet and Veneer Looking After Little Sister!Reader~
Fandom: Trolls 3: Band Together
Reader: Female, child, little sister
Relationship: Platonic, familial
Warnings: None!
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Your parents had to leave town for a few days. They couldn’t find a sitter to look after you, so they decided to leave you with your siblings, Velvet and Veneer, who happen to be on tour.
~ Veneer would be so happy that you’re there! He doesn’t get to spend much time with you nowadays, so you two make up for lost time in between shows.
~ Velvet on the other hand, is much less thrilled. She hates babysitting. So she leaves all the caregiver stuff to Veneer. She still talks to you and spends time with you, though. After all, you’re her sister and she loves you! Just don’t get in the way.
~ They let you watch their shows from backstage. They don’t want you being around a bunch of loud strangers in the crowd. You’re so little, you could get trampled out there!
~ Veneer spoils you so much! He buys you anything you want. It’s his way of apologizing for not being home a lot.
~ Velvet will gladly take pictures with you to show off to your friends. She’ll even sign it, just to make sure that people believe that your big sister is a famous pop star.
~ Velvet doesn’t let anybody bother you. She keeps you away from fans and the crew backstage. You’re just so little, she so she doesn’t want any strangers talking to you.
~ They secretly let you eat junk food, stay up late and a lot of other things you don’t normally get to do. Just as long as you don’t tell your parents!
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meraki-sunset · 1 year
In the au with the different spritefusions (Vrita, Equdan, Haleri, Tavlux) what would be the davepeta/jasperose equivalents?
Oooooooooooooooooh let me see.
Okay so in canon, the alpha session pre scratch has 4 kernels and the 6 elements thrown at them are 6 people. 5 trolls and an AI. Resulting in Arquius, Tavris, Erisol and Fefeta, all of which die in their timeline in diferent ways
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Now for the diferent sprite fusion you're talking about, i used the exact same people from canon, but mixed them in a diferent order. Creating Haleri, Vrieta, Tavlux and Equdan. You can find the post about them HERE
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Who most likely didn't exploded and followed Davesprite and Nanna to John's planet and survived te timeline's errasure.
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Pic fo their Godtiers just for fun.
Now, Davepeta and Jasprose come from Post-Retcon, which means the 6 elements conforming the sprites are diferent this time around, forming, not only Jasprosesprite^2 and Davepetasprite^2, but also GcaTavrosprite and Arquiusprite (again).
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SO! all i need to do is pick all the canon people/creatures from the Post-Retcon Sprites and mix them in a diferent way. Like this!
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Giving us as a result something like this
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The fussion of Davesprite and Lil Hal, ultimate self and ultimate Strider, would most likely romantically pursue canon Jade, like Davepeta did in homestuck, but more successfully. Also be an amazing sword master due to the knowledge from all timelines.
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I mean, it would just be Cat-Equius, doesn't have the cool character develompent that Arquius had, but has nice guardian powers and he's not alergic to himself. Plus he's a cat like his moirail Nepeta
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Oh boy, Tavrospersprite^2 has by default achieved ultimate self and is afraid of nothing, because he has knowledge of all Tavros and has learned all their lessons in a second. Will call Vriska a bitch and proceed to kiss Gamzee in one breath, to inmedialty go fight some villain and disappear like a Cheshire cat (isn't alergic to himself because he now knows it's in his head)
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RosepetaSprite is a chill gal, and now has the habilities of drawing and writing, making her the ultimate autor. She's a little heartbroken about not being able to be with Kanaya or Karkat, because this timeline's Rose and Dave are dating them, but she won't let that bring her down
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Ironically Rosepeta is now conected to the other three sprites. Tavros having the memories of her cat and guide, Equius being her moirail and Davar being a fussion of a copy of her father and of her doomed brother who wanted to see her again. She has some heavy back-up now.
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sofiaruelle · 11 months
Oh wow, I was not expecting a whole drawing of them trying the dance and falling around. It's very beautifully done, I rmmbr just staring in awe for a while at first 🩵
I have another odd question about the she trio/ass gang, which u don't have to draw
Cause I saw a little video of Harvey going hard; dancing to MiseryxCPR(xReese's Puffs) and it had me laughing for a long while, and I wondered who would be the ones singing the song if say the stardrop saloon had some kind of karaoke night
My head tells me both Sam and Abagail would end up doing Reeses's puffs, but that would leave one of the other songs without a host :/
Harvey would probably end up saying stuff about how cpr doesn't require mouth-to-mouth anymore or smthn, and Shane probably worried Marnie would walk in-or just, too drunk off his ass having fun to care 🤔
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nah man i just have to draw them. and oh look I even have another essay under readmore! 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂
✨Also my commissions are open! ✨ if anyone is interested! :D< please reblog/share the og comm sheet ,if you can! it would help me a lot thank you!!!
Honestly i can imagine them all just being pissed drunk before attempting to sing the song😂. i know fersure the SHE trio would require more liquid courage for it (heck even to join/start a kareoke sesh!)
Shane gives of major Kareoke Tito (uncle) vibes~. Yknow that one tito who specifically sings “My Way” by Frank Sinatra and has a bunch of classic rock songs under his belt. He’s not good at singing perse but he can at least carry a tune. He and Sebastian would totally connect with singing Misery. but like Shane vaguely knows the song (he’s heard it on radio a bajillion times but he doesnt know the name of the song so its not quite on his playlists) so he when he’s super sloshed and can barely read the screen, he tries to sing it from memory and misses a couple of the words. but hey! at least he knows the chorus and is in tune.
Meanwhile Sebastian has Misery “secretly” on his go to playlist. He doesnt admit it (the songs is too main stream and overplayed but he stumbled upon a vocaloid cover and rest is history.) He definitely always chooses the song every kareoke sesh (although not his first choice) and he’s passionate about it even has a little performance too(lots of head bangs, fist pumps and that classic 2000s disney knees bent together, feet wide apart moment)! For his duet with shane he’s the first to shed a lil tear and that gets shane going and they cry through most of the song in their own lil misery world ignoring the chaos around them.
Sam is a fucking menace for singing CPR and I do agree He and Abigail would go off on Reese’s Puff BUT i can definitely imagine being commited to singing CPR (we all know he’d awkwardly twerk). Especially if it was to troll on Harvey who probably thought it was a wholesome song about doing CPR at a specific BPM. 😂
Harvey good lird poor harvey! He’s probably the most sober out of everyone. It doesnt help that he’s no light weight + lowkey becomes designated baby sitter everytime (he’s soooooooo going charge them extra in the morning if they come stumbling into his clinic asking for some hangover cure). He was so excited about adding a new song to CPR tempo list he was gonna teach at the nex first aid classes!! Who would have thought that a singer with a cute wholesome name like Cupcakke was just so… sooooo SCANDALOUS!!! He should have known Sam was up to something the moment he grabbed him by the shoulder!!! “This is medical malpractice, Samson!!!” He spends the whole trying to sush Sam who’s having so much fun laughing at Harvey’s reaction 😂
Abigal. F e r a l.
Help! Elliot has fallen over! He honestly just has a mild peanut allergy but he has been drinking and hooo boi. thats not good. thank goodness Harvey is sobered up (with the help of Sam ofc) and has an epipen on hand! Catch Leah cackling from her seat by the bar before assisting Harvey.
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Out of The Woods
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pairing: Eddie Munson x Reader
summary: Hawkins is home once again, and you're determined to keep your peace. The past comes calling.
chapter warnings: slow burn, motherhood, swearing, childhood trauma, fluff, sweet sweet memories and friends bonding again. <3
a/n: I don't want to give spoilers, but we may or may not have a run-in with a certain metal head in this chapter! :O (just a taste, a lil treat bc you've all been so good.)
chapter 3: Silver Springs || series masterlist
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NOVEMBER 4th, 1983
Friday was the best day of the week.
Sure, weekends are great, but Friday night meant movie night at the Munson’s.
“You better not make her watching nothin’ scary, Edward.” Wayne huffed, grabbing his choice of cap from the wall, as well as big winter coat.
Eddie’s hand flew over his heart. “I would never! Not so close to the holidays!”
You threw a piece of popcorn at his head as the laughter bubbled from your chest. “Holidays? It’s not even Thanksgiving!” Eddie motions for you to keep throwing so he can catch one in his mouth. You oblige, but not without a protest of your own. “I would like—no, I demand a comedy.”
Eddie bowed to you, peering up and showing off the piece of popcorn he’d caught at the last second “What m’lady wants, she shall receive.”
The trailer door blew out of Wayne’s grip as he opened it, “Christ, it’s freezin’! Turn the heat on, boy. Your date is gonna freeze to death.”
Eddie gives you a knowing look. There’s no point, his eyes send the message loud and clear. The two of you have told Wayne dozens of times that you weren’t on dates, you were just best friends hanging out.
He didn’t buy it.
“Why does she get the heat? Pretty sure I got frost bite when I got outta the shower today.”
“Because,” Wayne slid his hands into a pair of work gloves as he walked toward you. “I like her and I want her to keep comin’ around.” He bent down, and kissed the crown of your head.
You protested, “I don’t wanna bug you—“
“Yeah, yeah, yeah.” Eddie teased. “Ya know you say that a lot?”
“It’s the truth!”
“You could never bug me—ever. Even if you could, who cares? Not like it’s a bad, it’s a good bug you reserve just for me; my bug.”
Your eyes seemed to roll of their own free will, “Eddie.”
He dropped down next to you, putting a hand on your upper thigh as he offered you a twizzler. “Yes, Bug?”
Neither of you had noticed when exactly Wayne slipped out.
You’d compromised that night. Ghostbusters, a little something for the both of you.
About 30 minutes in, Eddie looked at you. He took in how you laughed at something Bill Murray said, how the sound bubbling from your chest made your nose crinkle.
God, he could listen to that sound all day.
When you turned to him, he panicked. Standing quickly, “Uh, shit…here,” he said, not knowing where the hell he was going with the sentence.
Eddie looked around for a moment, what felt like an hour for him was surely only a few seconds. He ended up grabbing Wayne’s old Polaroid camera from the shelf. “C’mon, we gotta take a picture.”
You smiled through your confusion, “Why?”
Eddie shrugged, “Because we never do! And I wanna remember this even when we’re so old we can’t remember our own names.”
“You want to remember a randoms Friday night?”
He nodded. “If it’s a Friday night with you? Always.”
The whirr and click of the camera went off before you knew what was happening. “Eddie, I wasn’t ready! I’m gonna look like a fucking Goblin!”
The timber of his laugh made your heart race. Eddie pulled the film from its slot beneath the lens. “Don’t sell yourself short, Bug. Troll maybe, but never a Goblin.”
You elbowed his ribs at the exact moment he connected with the couch.
“Oof.” He laughed. “C’mon, smile?”
Eddie put his arm around you, pulling you in close. A second later, the flash blinded you both, leaving you dazed and giggly for the next minute.
You held out your hand, and gestured to where the photo of the two of you was laid out to develop. “Let’s see it then.” You demanded.
Eddie pulled it off the coffee table, looking at it before he handed it to you.
He wasn’t looking at the camera, no. His eyes were on you, and he was smiling harder than he’d thought was possible.
He saw how you were leaned into him, your hand holding his as it draped over your shoulder, the light behind your eyes, the smile he couldn’t get enough of.
Eddie felt it then.
So immediate and sudden it felt like his heart got struck by lightning, and it was then that he realized two things:
That this feeling, whatever it was, couldn’t possibly end well.
And two?
He is so fucked.
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It became easier to breathe.
You hadn’t realized just how suffocating life here had become. To be back in Hawkins and still feel like you were hiding and alone. Though now, and in the weeks since you’re run-in with Robin and Steve, it all got a bit brighter and a little less heavy.
Steve was committed to putting the past behind you, a sentiment he all but drilled into your head the first night he visited Maggie and you at the house.
“You did what you thought you needed to do to make it. You’re back now, though. Let us be there for you.”
He also became Maggie’s own personal jungle gym. Whenever they watched a movie or had a snack together, your daughter could be found on top of him in some way. They especially enjoyed watching cartoons on Saturdays; Maggie perched on top of Uncle Cheeseball’s shoulders, because according to her it was the ‘best seat in the house.’
Robin couldn’t be deterred either.
She’s over at least three nights a week now, and Maggie is obsessed—like, seriously obsessed. It’s the sort of bond you watch from afar and admire, the way your friend opened her heart to your daughter. How she’s protected her innocence and encouraged her silliness.
Kids aren’t exactly everyone’s cup of tea. They’re loud and messy and demanding in a totally innocent way. They require you to think before you act and never put yourself first. It’s why any dates you’d been on over the years hadn’t worked out, most people disappeared after they learned of her. Not that you cared, Maggie was number one in your life, and you were damn proud of that.
But now here you are, the life you had been convinced you’d never have was happening before your eyes.
“And ya know what else, Miss M? Your Mom fell right on her butt and slid all the way down the hill!”
Maggie’s laughter echoed off the your living room walls.
“Hey! It was December and Hillcrest is notoriously icy when it snows!” You feigned insult, and tickled Maggie as her laughter multiplied.
“Mom! That’s so silly! How'd you stop sliding?” She questioned.
Robin’s eyebrow quirked up, “Yeah, how did you stop sliding?”
You sighed, embarrassment painting your face. “Steve—Uncle Cheeseball had to catch me.”
The two of them howled with laughter, “Yeah-yeah, laugh it up. I don’t like this, you’re in…cahoots!”
“Excuse me!” Robin objected. “I am a responsible adult!”
Maggie stood with her hands on her hips. “Yeah! Me too!”
You leaned down, kissing her forehead. “Alright, well, it’s bedtime for all adults and former children.”
Maggie whined, but let out a yawn mid-grumble.
“See? Proof.” You booped her nose. “Go on, you have school tomorrow. Teeth, pjs, bed, okay?”
Maggie hugged you, “Okay, Mama. Goodnight, Robby! I’ll see you on Friday for pizzas!”
She ran the few feet to your friend, and squeezed her. “Wouldn’t miss it for the world, kiddo.”
Maggie, by the grace of God, listened. She was so worn out from laughing and dancing and playing with Robin that she crashed as soon as her little head hit the pillow.
“Want me to take the trash out on my way?” Robin asked, hands full of the nonsense she’d brought along with her.
“Is there a 3rd hand in there I don’t know about?” You nodded towards her, “No, Robs. I got it, I just gotta do the dishes first.”
Robin smiled behind you, relishing in the gratitude she felt having you back. “I-I’m so proud of you.” It was a near whisper, and when you turned to your friend, she had tears in her eyes.
“Maggie is…she’s so cool! And you’re obviously an incredible Mom. I’m just, I’m sorry you felt like you had to stay away.”
Your own eyes burned at that. You walked to Robin and pulled her into a hug. “I’m sorry too, I’m sorry I didn’t call, or write…I just didn’t know how to—to be here.”
She nodded into your embrace, adjusting the items she cradled. “Well, you’re here now. Anything you need, say the word and I’ll be here, Steve too.”
You pulled away, “I know.”
Robin grabbed her keys with the few fingers she had free. “I don’t mean to ruin the beautiful moment of love and friendship, but have you thought about...him? About what’ll happen if you see him again? I mean, Hawkins isn’t exactly a big town.” She avoided using his name, and that didn’t go unnoticed.
It’s all I think about.
Fingers toyed with the hair tie around your wrist, “I wouldn’t even know…” your voice faded out. “I’ll cross that bridge if and when I come to it, I’ve been here for a while already, and haven’t even heard anyone mention his name.”
That was true.
Everyone used to talk about Eddie Munson. The troublemaker, the cult leader, the devil-worshipping freak. The boy who was corrupting you, and ruining your future.
These backwoods hicks had no idea just how good he was back then. How kind and gentle and full of courage he was. You couldn’t understand why they hated him, not when you found it so easy to love him.
“I didn’t wanna upset you—“
“You didn’t,” you’re quick to reassure her, “it’s a logical question, and sure, maybe I’m avoiding the subject, but I appreciate you looking out for me all the same.”
Robin shrugged as if it was the most simple thought in the world, “Always.”
She left after an additional 5 minutes of arguing about helping you clean, to which you would not allow.
Cleaning up after a long day, while exhausting, was your only time to yourself. It was the one part of the day Maggie wasn’t asking something of you or looking for something or covered in something sticky.
Why is it always something sticky?
The dishes were done, and the counters were clean. You plopped on the couch, and turned on whatever the tv was playing at this hour and had just begun to fold the laundry, when the stink of the trash left by the door nearly had you retching.
“Nope, not waiting til morning…”
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“Steve, Steve…” Eddie laughed.
The boy threw his hands up in frustration. “Eddie, I’m serious!”
Eddie slapped his friends shoulder. “I appreciate the worrying, pal. I’m fine, I had one beer let’s see…” the metal head looked at his watch, “an hour and a half ago. Why the sudden concern about my health and safety, hm?”
Steve blanched at the question, stumbling over his words. “T-There was an accident tonight! Drunk driver hit the pole on Cornwallis. Cops everywhere, ya know?”
Steve knew exactly why the thought of Eddie getting hurt or worse was suddenly a new phobia he developed. He had just hoped he’d hide it better than this.
Eddie sighed, “Great,” and stood, grabbing his keys out of his pocket, “back roads it is, gonna take me 20 minutes to get home now.”
Steve stood too, causing Eddie to glance back. He pinched his friend’s cheek, “Would you feel better if I called you when I got home, Stevie?” Eddie mocked, pouting his lip.
Steve pushed him away, “Shut up, man. Fine, that’s the last time I give a shit about my friends.”
Eddie laughed, “Nah, I appreciate it, Harrington. I’ll see ya on Friday right? Still looking your car over at the shop?”
“Yeah, yeah. See ya Friday.”
Eddie left Steve’s apartment smiling to himself.
What a good dude.
By the time he hit Cornwallis, the detour was worse than expected. It took him down several back roads and side streets Eddie is usually able to avoid all together.
Not to mention Forest Hills trailer park is on the opposite side of town from Harrington’s place. Eddie is usually able to zip down Main Street to save some time, but with Cornwallis a no-go, it was an addition pain in the ass to avoid the one-ways.
“Oh come on.” He griped. The car in front of him was going what seemed like negative miles an hour. He whipped the wheel to the left, evading the current route and instead, opting for an old way he remembered like the back of his hand.
Even in the dark.
It was eerie. To be on this street that he'd driven hundreds of times, knowing it wasn't leading to you.
He could practically see you, the way you’d sit on the curb until he got there, bag packed with your essentials for a few days. Wanting to get the hell out of this place before your Dad came-too.
The street was dim, lit only by the few flickering street lamps. He attempted to drown out the glimpses of the past, turning up the radio, and blasting Crazy Train so loud it made his windows shake.
Six houses away.
It was a subconscious entity; these memories shouting from the void and demanding to be remembered.
The porch light to your old house was on. “Huh…weird.” Eddie whispered to himself.
His van was barely at your mailbox when he slammed on his brakes, nearly getting choked by the seatbelt. He skidded to a stop, and killed the music.
Either he’s high as a kite, or it was you. Standing right in front of him as you dragged the trash can to the curb.
He’s hoping it’s the former.
You, rightfully so, looked like a deer in fucking headlights. Jumping back when you heard the screech of his tires.
But you know that van—you’d know it simply by the way it sounded coming down your street or by the shape of the headlights shining through the Hawkins fog.
The rusted hinges groaned when the drivers side door opened. Eddie was moving, but he wasn’t sure why. Not when very fiber of his being was screaming at him to stay in the van—to keep driving. Did he listen?
Of course not.
Eddie Munson says your name so softly and with such disbelief, it almost sounded like fear coating his tongue.
You, unlike the boy—man before you, were frozen.
That was the first thing you’d noticed. Eddie still looked like…Eddie, just a manlier—a more rugged version of the boy you’d loved.
He had five o’clock shadow covering his jaw. Cheekbones that were more defined, the hollows more pronounced. His hair was shorter, shorter than you remember it, anyway and he wore boots—work boots. Gone we’re the torn-up Goodwill sneakers he’d saved up weeks to buy.
He was in a black henley and dark wash jeans, though he still had his signature wallet chain and denim jacket.
Your heart slammed in your chest. Your dinner churned in your belly.
You could go. You could turn around and ignore him, walking back into your home and do exactly what he did to you.
But you wouldn’t, you’re better than that—better than him.
“W-Why…what are you doing here?” He half-mumbled.
“Minding my own business.” The strength in your voice surprised you.
Eddie was quiet, very uncharacteristically so, before he shook his head…presumably in an attempt to sort out his thoughts.
“But you’re, you’re here. You’re in Hawkins.” You could practically see the proverbial egg shells he was walking on.
Was he…afraid of you?
Good. You thought. He should be.
You crossed your arms, “Nothing ever did get past you.”
He was stuck. Quicksand was pulling him down, holding his body tightly and dragging him into the Earth’s core. He couldn’t breathe, he was dying.
At least that’s what it felt like.
Eddie cleared his throat. “How, um, how long—“
“A while.” You interject.
How long had you been here? How long were you staying? It didn’t matter, the answer is the same.
“And you’re staying here.” He nodded to the blue house he’s rescued you from hundreds of times.
“I don’t see how that’s your business.” You we’re cold, colder than he’s ever heard you.
Eddie took you in now. You were the same in every way that mattered. Older, sure…but still you, and for that, Eddie couldn’t be more grateful.
You had new smile lines. Were you happy? He hoped to whatever God was listening that you were.
“It’s not, shit. I—I know it’s not. I just didn’t know—“
A noise from inside the house startled you. Your head whipped around, fast as lighting.
Shit. Maggie.
“You okay?” He asked.
No, no, no.
Ignoring him, you turn and start walking back to the house, when Eddie calls your name again, not daring to move from where he’d planted his feet.
You all but spit at him, “Leave, Eddie. There’s nothing left here for you.”
And you meant it.
When you were safely inside, you check Maggie, who was sound asleep.
The noise must have been the door, or the wind, but it scared to half to death.
He didn’t deserve to know her, and maybe that’s selfish, but you aren’t ready to share your daughter yet.
Not with him.
Who knows, maybe you never will be.
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billkaulitzwife · 1 month
The Outsiders Nowadays (in 2024).
Ponyboy (born 2010)
on playstation 24/7
his username is smth stupid like ‘smokersleftlung’ or ‘mylittlep0ny’
“wya?” when ur at his door
noah kahan lover
jeans, steel toe boots, camo shirt, neon orange jacket.
would try to get his friends to read
but gets called a dork :)
“Something in the Orange” on full blast while thinking of Cherry
posts horrendous .5s of himself on snap
typa guy to hold a fish on his instagram
favourite show is probably yellowstone
Johnny (born 2008)
loves open boxing the gang !
sad he has an xbox and not ps like the boys
HATES fortnite.
unironically says skibidi gyat
“hey dal, look at that furry over there.”
its just some kid.
foster care.
dallas would add him on snap and getting annoyed when he said “wyll”
has a stupid bow by his name
like bro you are not coquette.
cries to wlw poetry.
snap user: “ooh_achurch” insta: “cadecade55”
used :3 once and never did it again.
watched friends and says “hes so me” whenever he sees ross.
Dallas (born 2007)
typa guy to yell GYATTT in public
barks at emos and furries
vapes in the school bathroom
would call you a slur for looking at him for more than a second.
mullet + perm combo
jumped a 7 year old and got on the news
male manipulator core
owns a husky named after himself
knife enthusiast.
screams at his dad for ten more minutes on the playstation
“do u send?”
no i do not thank you very much.
suicide boys. lil peep.
thinks he’s dean from supernatural
same username everywhere: “imnottexan”
fav show: big mouth
Adelaide (born 2010)
regina george but on a mental level
arsonist !
had a friend group with “bug” “kai” “arson” and “alex” in 2021 and nearly khs.
almost thought she was bi.
fought a girl in the locker room at school
takis, cookie monster pajama pants, latina makeup
SABRINA AND CHAPPELL LOVER, used to be a swiftie
sturniolo triplet fan (owns all of space camp)
buys clothes from shein
usernames: “addiethebaddie” “adelaidecurtis”
fav show wld be shameless
grew up on spongebob and bubble guppies
writes poetry in her notes app
Darry (born 2004)
“live laugh love” sign somewhere in the house
“Doesn’t know how to text normally .”
has a pinterest board full of pumpkins and dogs
invested in the kardashians
the therapist friend
facetimes the gang when he’s on lunch break
doesnt understand what skibidi is
blasts dad rock when he drops off the twins at school
duct taped two-bit to the top of his car during freshman kill week
did the same to steve
class of ‘22
lowk eats up lana del rey
hates twitter and instagram
username: “darrel_curtis”
believes in angel numbers (me too king)
has a picture of him holding a fish on his instagram to ‘attract the females’
Sodapop (born 2008)
owned wizz for less than a day
trolled little kids on roblox with steve
saw too many… things on omegle.
scrolls on tiktok for hours.
usernames: “thispxssytasteslikepepsi” “sodap0p08”
binges twilight in hiding
also barks at emos and furries
laughs at any kinda fart joke
showed pony a picture of a horse and said “found u online”
they fought.
threatened to break the tv when he couldn’t play slime rancher for three hours
turns his life360 off when he goes out with sandy or to a car show
Two-Bit (born 2006)
broke four controllers when he played seige
trolls on fortnite
finally fucking finished high school (class of ‘24)
ice cream scoop hair
binges bojack horseman
bo burnham’s biggest fan
made a huge deal when the queen died
refused to wear a mask during quarantine because ‘ITS FOR SISSIES’
preaches the second amendment “MERICAAA”
username: “twobit”
sends random memes in the gc when the others are fighting
hates xbox users
complains about adelaide using shein
“tummy hurty” posts on his insta story
would slap the shit out of you if you said seige was just a game
Steve (born 2007)
trolls on dti
eats goldfish like his life depends on it
username: “handletherandle”
also preaches the second amendment
and the first
and the fifth
went on a school trip to dc and hated everything he had to eat
doordashes when he has enough
wld call you a slur for a GOOD reason
avid minecraft player
and overwatch.
mountain dew addict
reposts politics and cars on twitter
hates minion memes
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imasoftieforbarb · 9 months
HEYYYYY I love your writing! I just saw the barb fic and was wondering if you could do a part two?
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Barb x Reader general Headcannons pt 2
She’s so down bad for you
If she wrote in a journal it would probably have your name in hearts in it somewhere
She loves taking you to concerts to see you let loose and have fun
Will 100% show off by lifting you onto her shoulders so you can see better
“Yeah babe you got the drum sticks!”
if you give her them as a gift she will actually put them on a wall above a photo of you two like a shrine
Definitely has a a lil photo book of photos of you two
If you open her guitar case? There’s a picture of you that she took when you were half asleep with stickers on your face (she calls it your natural beauty)
If anyone crosses you?
She’s gonna be getting revenge in your name (if you wanna join in she’s so happy)
Let’s you get in on the planning
“That’s down right devious- LETS DO THIS BABE”
I think her top nicknames for you would be:
Babe, Doll, or especially when she’s drunk she might call you Toots or Hotcakes
She’s totally smitten for you and you can 100% tell after she’s introduced you her dad
He’s such an important aspect of her life so being introduced to him is a major privilege
She encourages you to be yourself even if you’re not a rock troll because he appreciates people being themselves
He absolutely loves you, and he’s super happy to see his daughter happy
That’s all he really cares about
Encourages you to talk, and introduces topics before deciding to pull out then baby photos
And that’s how you and her dad became besties
She’s a bit embarrassed but you promise to show her yours in return
You secretly ask for a copy of your favorite picture (wallet size)
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diorsluv · 8 months
feather , part 29
“ i’m so sorry for your loss ”
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liked by _quinnhughes, trevorzegras, mackie.samo, and 157,890 others
yourusername when he wears matching hello kitty pjs and sticks his head out the window because you thought you heard a rat on the roof 🥰
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mackie.samo AND he ties your skates for you what a gentleman
→ jamie.drysdale only because she’s incapable of tying her own skates
username24 the way she deliberately cut his face out of every photo is unacceptable
→ username65 im new here are we talking about luke hughes
username11 it’s the way even the new people know she and luke are basically together
luca.fantilli guys sorry my face wasn’t in these pics i’m just a little camera shy 😕😕
→ yourusername LITERALLY SHUT UPPP
→ adamfantilli dude you’re gonna get jumped by him one day
dylanduke25 was this your little date with hughesy
→ yourusername i wish 😔
→ edwards.73 YO ⁉️⁉️⁉️⁉️
→ lhughes_06 🙉
→ rutgermcgroarty WHAAAAAAT
→ _alexturcotte go get em lukey boy
→ trevorzegras MIND BOGGLING 🤯🤯
lhughes_06 your man has good style
→ yourusername yes yes he does 🤭
→ username58 GUYSSSS??
jackhughes 👀
→ yourusername nosy bitch 😒
→ jackhughes you don’t treat my brother this badly
→ yourusername quinn is better right quinny _quinnhughes
→ _quinnhughes yes i am
→ jackhughes i wasn’t talking about him dumbass
username86 please tell me they’re dating
→ lhughes_06 i can confirm they’re not your pants!
adamfantilli a rat on the roof…?
→ lhughes_06 there was nothing on the roof 🙄
username67 SOFT LAUNCH?
edwards.73 the skates are CLEANNNN
→ yourusername crisp
→ lhughes_06 lookin fresh out the store 🙏
→ markestapa bro bought new skates for the first date 💀💀
_quinnhughes the hello kitty pajamas are really doing it for me
→ _quinnhughes because he can’t say no to you 😒
→ yourusername don’t get mad at me because he didn’t like the star wars pjs you gave him for christmas
→ yourusername a decade is crazy
username80 it’s been a bit frigid on the dryshughes ship lately…
→ yourusername frigid?!?!?!
→ username80 brrrrr i think i need some more posts from the both of you to warm it up yourusername
→ username29 LMAOO
trevorzegras damn lukes double cheeked up
→ yourusername STOP THIS RN
→ lhughes_06 kicking my feet n shit 🤭🤭
→ yourusername wtf
→ trevorzegras my place in 10? lhughes_06
→ lhughes_06 already there 😘😘
→ yourusername get the fuck out of my comments both of you
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liked by edwards.73, jackhughes, markestapa, and 163,433 others
lhughes_06 don’t tell her but i like her a lot 🤫
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username3 bro they’re fucking trolling us
username45 if that’s not her i won’t know what to do with my life
jackhughes you went to the beach in hoodies 🤯
→ lhughes_06 actually it was quite comfortable 😐😐
→ jackhughes did you go on fucking christmas?????
→ lhughes_06 actually yes we did
username88 if luke was at the beach with his girl on christmas and the only girl he was with on christmas was our lil drizzy…
→ username39 IS THE MATH MATHING???
jamie.drysdale 🤢
→ lhughes_06 😕
→ yourusername ❓
→ markestapa 🤣
→ mackie.samo 😐
jackhughes that looks an awful lot like..
→ lhughes_06 no no finish the sentence 🤨
→ jackhughes no i’m good
→ dylanduke25 that looks an awful lot like your girlfriend luke
→ lhughes_06 i’d hope so cuz it is my gf
→ edwards.73 WAIT WHAT
→ adamfantilli SINCE WHEN??
→ markestapa we were all there 💀
→ luca.fantilli I THOUGHT HE WAS JOKING
→ yourusername we literally watched it happen remember 😭
→ lhughes_06 are you proud of me
→ trevorzegras so proud
yourusername your girlfriend looks so pretty ☹️
→ lhughes_06 she told me to say thank you
→ lhughes_06 with the 🫶 emoji i forgot to add it and she got mad 😕😕
→ yourusername hm your girlfriend sounds mean i think you should leave her 😟
→ lhughes_06 but i can’t i already bought the ring 😔
→ yourusername well now you’re stuck with her
→ lhughes_06 wouldn’t have it any other way
_quinnhughes moosey did you actually buy the ring…
→ lhughes_06 bro 😑
→ jackhughes no it’s a joke
→ _quinnhughes my bad damn
→ lhughes_06 it is ur bad
username74 i can’t tell if he’s genuinely dating someone else or if it’s her and they’re just teasing each other
→ username66 it has to be her
_alexturcotte interesting…
colecaufield YOU WEREN’T LYING???
→ lhughes_06 no i wasn’t lying 😐
→ colecaufield so has it happened
→ lhughes_06 yes
→ colecaufield i don’t trust u
rutgermcgroarty goddammit you’re gonna turn into THAT couple aren’t you
→ lhughes_06 no 🙁🙁
→ markestapa they already are that couple 😔
→ mackie.samo it’s so fucking annoying
→ edwards.73 every day i have to fight the urge to just 🤩🔫
→ yourusername they’re so gross it’s not even funny
→ luca.fantilli 😐😐 yourusername
username60 her eyes look too familiar…
→ username55 so it’s her confirmed
→ username60 WELLLL
dylanduke25 okay you took two of these pics before you even started dating
→ lhughes_06 it’s still a soft launch 😞
→ jackhughes debatable
→ _quinnhughes keep lying to yourself luke
adamfantilli tell your gf she can come to my place cuz i baked pumpkin spice cookies
→ lhughes_06 you and luca need to stop trying to steal my girl
→ luca.fantilli since when do you bake fucking pumpkin spice cookies
→ markestapa pumpkin spice is crazy
→ dylanduke25 go work at starbucks or some shit
→ yourusername aw man what about the pumpkin spice cookies you said you would bake for me 😕😕
→ rutgermcgroarty hughesy’s best friend gets replaced by his gf *GONE EMOTIONAL*
→ yourusername stfu rut
→ adamfantilli there’s nothing wrong with pumpkin spice 😞😞
username42 all i want in life is to know they’re together
→ username i mean im p sure this is her
username69 bro u need to stop and JUST TELL US
edwards.73 gross
→ lhughes_06 die 🤬🤬
next chapter notes ) guys.. I KNOW I’VE BEEN INACTIVE but i’m really trying i promise
tags: @aliaology @hockeyboysarehot @absolutelyhugh3s @jackquinnswife @freds-slut @love4ldr @blueeyedbesson @43hughes @v1olentdelights @dancerbailey3 @random-human02 @ho3forfakeguys@loveforaugust@cstads-blog
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