#she's skrunkly your honor
toast-com · 1 year
Skookum time :)
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Your honor, my client lady evengleam pleads innocent to all charges laid against her, on the grounds that girls just wanna have fun
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hello hello fellow lovely and talented artist that I happened to be mutuals with, can I learn more about your ocs? /nf they look so skrunkly and precious snndndndndndnrkelsofk /pos
HI HELLO!!! first off let me say that you’re so sweet wtf?? thank youuu gah i love my sillies and im honestly honored people want to hear abt them c:
second, sorry this took so long to answer hehe i wanted to post ref sheets for my characters and i realized i. dont have them. SO i had to doodle em up hehe
OKAYYYY first on the docket is wynn!
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she’s my cleric in @locke-n-k3y’s campaign and she is pathetic <3. she has never stepped on a crunchy leaf and she just wants to Go Home. i can’t say much more cause of plot spoilers (glares at my other moots in the campaign /lh) but mayhap i will flood ur dms!
next is my character from my first ever campaign and her armpiece boyfriend! hehe
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so fun fact they both hold titles: queen and bishop respectively, because the campaign took place in a demon’s chess game!! it was super fun hehe and max was originally an npc from leonora’s backstory BUT my dm brought him into the campaign proper and then i stole his character sheet so he’s MINE NOW.
leonora is actually the niece of the BBEG and her father was the patron of our party’s warlock! so some fun family dynamics there. max is rumored to be an insane necrophile because leonora is legally dead! fun!! and there’s a whole lot of backstory stuff i bombarded @thedndgoblinwholivesinyourwalls with hehe so they’re linked here, here, and here.
next are some characters i love dearly but haven’t posted about much! starting with lorelei
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…whose character playlist is 80% carrie underwood. if that gives you any indication of her vibes hehe. rambunctious child to a pious, uptight family, lorelei is off to discover herself and prove herself out of SPITE!! she’s a college of chance bard to be specific and she’s kind of just here for a good time not for a long time. also i accidentally made it canon that she has in fact fucked a dragon.
and finishing off the roster of characters i’ve finished refs for: casimir (and his daughter veda!!)
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so casimir is a necromancer whose wife left him after he was Consumed By The Horrors!! but his daughter stuck around and accidentally saw some stuff she wasn’t supposed to see, so his mentor had her killed as a way to teach casimir his place so to speak. he intended to give up his studies but then her ghost started appearing to him, and now it’s almost like she never left! also he is very much drowned cat in the dumpster energy as well. i love him dearly.
i have some more characters but i didn’t get a chance to draw refs for them but i’ll sum them up briefly!!
j. “backfire” hicks is a pact of the trigger warlock who is quite literally just jimmy from the young riders but with magic guns instead of real ones lol. slightly altered backstory but not by much
and i have another warlock named derowyn, whose info is here! loosely based on the woodsman from over the garden wall, but a satyr whose brothers soul is in the lantern and if she tries to back out of the deal THEY becomes a tree hehe
AAAH THAT WAS SO LONG SORRYYYYYY but i love getting able to talk about my sillies :D thank you for letting me infodump hehe
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sm-baby · 1 year
Your welcome home oc... *eats*
No but fr Pen is so scrunkly man sjwiwidkkdd best account ive ever stumbled upon ♡⁠(⁠Ӧ⁠v⁠Ӧ⁠。⁠)
Def gonna make fanart of her someday yippeeee 🎉🎉🎉
Hehe ok for real weehh!! Im glad you like my stuff!!! >//< Would be super honored to have fan art, but absolutely no pressure!
She is so skrunkly... And pretty... And sillay.... Yassss
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midnightmah07 · 27 days
No one:
Rigel on the "rare" occasions he's hyper:
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Ya'know, since my skrunkly's chubby, I for some reason imagined that people like squish his cheeks, as long as he's comfortable with it and they're close to him
So I just imagined Perse squishing him and going "Did you eat actual food today" and bro's just ":3" then after a bit of silence she lets go and just says "you're lucky you're cute" then walks off
Bcus bro is a cutie pie I can't shut up bout him
He def gives his friends and Perse's friends discounts so Daisy she just heads to Ignihyde with the payment to see Perse and bro's all "Forget the payment! Since me, you, and Perse are all friends, consider it on the house" then smacks his oar infront of whoever's with her and just goes "okie that'll be 2 madol :3"
Bro's so silly I can't shut up about him I'm sorry
Also, the Daiggie art *eats it and flees*
How did I not see this ask what the heck
ANYWAYS RIGEL CUTIE PATOOTIE REALLL he's adorable your honor can I squish his cheeks too
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Tiebreaker round; A bouquet of sunflowers, dandelions, ferns, foxglove, hollyhock, lotus, balsamine, green carnation, fennel, black eyed susan and queen of night Vs A bouquet of star magnolia, lavender, dark crimson rose, white carnations, sweet pea and forget me nots
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First, let's talk about the bouquet of sunflowers, dandelions, ferns, foxglove, hollyhock, lotus, balsamine, green carnation, fennel, black eyed susan and queen of night
Why and meaning: Sunflowers- very literal in their relation to the sun. Dandelions- overcoming hardship Ferns- magic or enchantment Foxglove- insecurity Hollyhock- ambition Lotus- rebirth Balsamine- impatience Green Carnation- he is homosexual Fennel- strength Black eyed Susan- justice Queen of the Night- enjoy small moments because they do not last Description: Hes sooooo silly your honor. Hes my skrunkly blorbo oongly. THE babygirl. Hes 35 years old, hes the chosen one, he has a sickass sword. He keeps adopting stray children like pokemon cards, hes broke as a goddamn joke. He managed to score a major fucking hottie by being peculiar and having sopping wet cat energy. He’s gay, he's gray-ace, he has a layered, complex queer platonic relationship with his best friend and every single woman he knows could throttle him. He's my special little boy please
Check his post here
Now, let's talk about the bouquet of star magnolia, lavender, dark crimson rose, white carnations, sweet pea and forget me nots
Meaning and why this flower was chosen: – Lavender for distrust. Dark crimson rose for mourning. White carnations and sweet pea for when truth has gone. Forget me nots for the girl who refuses to be erased. – Star magnolia: it means perseverance, purity, it was chosen because it resembles the flower she wears in her hair Description: — She’s a paradox. She can’t exist yet her existence is what drives the story. She’s the mastermind. She never had a choice. She’s never told a lie. You can’t trust her as far as you can throw her. She saw the end of the universe at twelve years old. She caused the apocalypse. She saved the world. She spends the rest of her life atoning for the sin of keeping herself alive. Yet, her life is what makes the universe keep spinning. — Kidnapped as a child by a rich company studying psychic powers and forced to play a deadly game unlocked her latent psychic abilities... that allowed her to see into, and manipulate, the future and other timelines. Trapped and afraid and full of newfound power, she used this ability to manipulate her best friend into saving her life, years in the future. In the future, then, it was up to her to set the gears in motion to create the scenario that saved her life in the past. The power, once she harnessed it, never left her. She could see the threads of all the timelines and the outcomes of decisions... and she saw an apocalypse coming. She had to choose between staying with her friend, who she had come to love, and abandoning him to dedicate herself to preventing the apocalypse she saw (that he could not be part of). And she did. The apocalypse came so soon, and in its aftermath, she spent decades of her life using her timeline-reaching abilities to find and formulate a plan that would have stopped the apocalypse, and taught it to the person who could time-travel to implement it. She could not, herself, travel back to the past; she could only see the threads of decisions, what would be and could be, and use that information to construct the perfect timeline. The version of her that survived the apocalypse knew that she would never get to live in the saved timeline; she wrote off herself, and everyone else in this timeline, for a chance to set things right for another version of her and another version of everyone. She is dedicated to the point of being frightening, and consequentialist to the point of being cold. But it's in the name of saving the world - and never being at the mercy of another selfish cruel rich powerful people who thinks that their money means they can do whatever they want, ever again.
Check her post here
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onomatopiya · 1 year
please tell about your stinky bitchy evil wormy characters
starting off strong i think the bitchiest evilest oc I've ever made is halcyon who is like. the prophet to the Big Church in lamplight. he's um. a lot. he has Complexes. the best way to explain him i think is that he thinks he is god's most special skrunkly on the earth BUT. he also thinks that means he has to be a monster since prophets aren't human. haha. ha. "what does that mean for the story" well she a) commits literal actual war crimes b) kills people to sacrifice to her god and c) has been acting like the priest madly in love with her doesn't exist because she is scared of loving anyone. so he's doing really well
dove is also a strong second. it's very mean generally i think. i haven't written like 6k of backstory the way i have for halcyon for it YET but i do know it like. calls things like it sees it. and generally likes to fuck around and Find Out. but it does have a soft spot for a little Animal and is at heart a goth kid who got a little too deep into unethical science
LAHAR. HANG ON I HAVE TO TALK ABOUT HIM BECAUSE HE'S SOOOOOO. HE'S SO. SORRY YOU'RE GETTING AN ESSAY ABOUT MY OCS ANON. i wont talk about ALL of them but lahar is my bestie. he's so. he's ambitious to a fault. he makes everything in the world into his problem. he will weaponize people's attraction to him . he has GOALS and will hurt anyone to achieve them. he's good at masking it around anthony (who he is seducing to get dirt on) but he is generally standoffish unless he's around his sister (who is nicer but also good at being intimidating) . he can be charming if he wants but he's also so stubborn and Stinky. shaking him around
honorable mentions do include sol (will cut a bitch, very very sick of networking), lila (lahar's twin sister. she's so fun and horrible but in a cute way) and also aja (will not tolerate bullshit and has no manners at all)
i also made a tierlist. :3
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I'll draw more of her soon..... emmeposting
im so happy emme is ur little wet SKRUNKLY it means very much to me and she gib u a headpat for it
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calmenergy · 2 years
For the ship bingo: Arkos and Nuts and Dolts for RWBY, Catradora and Glimmadora for She-ra?
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I love them so much I swear 😭 girlboss and her skrunkly himbo.......... they deserve the world. And jaunes grieving post v3 ALWAYS breaks my heart no matter how many times i see it. I miss them your honor
Nuts and Dolts:
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Not my all time favorite rwby ship but I still enjoy them from time to time! I'm biased tho since I have another favorite ruby ship :P they're great tho and have an amazing dynamic
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Even if it's not my main she ra ship I still appreciate them SO much. and the fact that they're one of the few canonical sapphic relationships in TV with a full on kiss scene definitely elevates them! gotta love that friends to enemies to lovers Angst
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Glimmadora gives me such nostalgia since it was my main ship when i was first watching she ra as it came out! I love their dynamic and I love how soft they are... the scene in the hot springs with glimmer cuddled up to adora always lives rent free in my head. I think that glimmer catra and adora should all kiss. in fact they deserve it
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fecto-forgo · 3 months
Zan and Susie for that Blorbo Bingo thing? 👀
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ok i am sad today so i will not even joke i straight up adore zan sm she fixes my horrid moods.shes so funny n so tragic n so cute oh my god i just love her sm.shes my babygirl my little cult skrunkly my meow meow my girlie pop my silly rabbit that is what i call her.girls w parental issues see a character attached to a shitty caretaker n latch on for dear life.i forgive everything shes ever said or done bc your honor my client is literally mentally ill? ableism much?
N SUSIE TOO I LOVE SUSIE GIRLS FILLED W HATRED WILL SEE A GIRL ON A SILLY REVENGE JOURNEY N LATCH TOO.yall r SO mean to her i just KNOW if she was a guy yall would think she n meta knight r yaoi soulmates.she does suck her moral compass is non-existent that entire game was my girl looking out for herself n her interests only but have you considered she was so funny abt it.also im sorry only on principle i am expected to be but i think capitalistic villains r hilarious n great that was all so funny of her.shes funny horrible n sympathetic long live the great soos
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vioshipping · 4 months
OKAY. FINISHED V.LOO G.UY MOD. Here are my thoughts and feelings and takeaways because I HAVE to gush okay. This is a need. If I don’t start talking about this I will wither away from joy and whimsy poisoning
ok gush alert wee woo wee woo incoming
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G.uy still goes HARD I fuckin love that song. Also I am so fuckinf obsessed with the v. loo redesign I need you all to LOOK AT HIM. I NEED TO HOLDTHIS MAN. And the sprites in the part where he’s freaking out cuz of the pizza on his face AAAAUURYTSTSRTFFGGUGGHHHHHH PLEASE. PLEASE IM HGON A EXPLODE STOP BEIBG SO ADORABLE
Also uhhh idk why like. Dismantle from Ou.rple G.uy was just In There with only the regular bf sprites and no background that was kinda weird lol but that song bangs sooo. WHO am I to complain.
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Like literally this iswhat it looked like.
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Also can we TALK about Brandon and Gaby because HOLY SHIT. BRANDON AMD GABY. Honestly I’m conflicted with the new Gaby design? Like bro the design for her before this was PERFECT idk why they changed it?? I do still adore her design though she is still ABSOLUTELY PRECIOUS and I would KILL FOR HER IF I HAD TO. And I am so MAD this mod was cancelled because Gaby never got singing sprites for Terminated and Goombeast and that is a CRIMINAL OFFENSE and I am going to start DESTROYING things(jokijg). Where is the JUSTICE FOR MY WIFE she only has one SPRITE. I am SO glad she was able to sing though!! Hearing her in Goombeast was such a lovely surprise and made the song ten times better I LOVE her your honor. And of course Terminated was fucking amazing she slayed there. And then th. THE BRANDON SPRITES??? HOLY SHIT???? THE GUITAR SPRITES IN MIDNIGHT MELTED MY HEART INTO POMEGRANATE JUICE WHO THE FUCK GAVE HIM THE RIGHT TO BE THAT BABSBVXBXBZBBDBFBFBF FRICKIN CUTE. Yeah no I have nothing to say about him except he is so skrunkly eepy weepy
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okay gushing over. Sorry. Actually no I lied I’m not sorry it will happen again.
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alithealien93 · 1 year
Content Warning: The following post contains sensitive topics, including childhood neglect, complex family dynamics, and anger. Please proceed with caution or take the necessary steps to prioritize your well-being.
🌌 Ali's Cosmic Chronicles: Miss Honey - A Gentle Caretaker and Guardian
📝 Entry: Embracing Motherly Love and Nurturing Protection
🌸 Greetings, Tumblrverse! Ali the Alien here, ready to share the enchanting tale of Miss Honey, one of the extraordinary alters within our captivating system. Today, we delve into the depths of her role as a caretaker and protector, uncovering the love and comfort she brings to our cosmic tapestry. Let's dive in together, shall we? 🌟
💕 The Essence of a Lady Miss Honey, true to her name, embodies the grace and charm of a lady. Created out of Iris's deep longing for a nurturing figure, Miss Honey stepped into the role of a caretaker within the system. It is important to note that Iris's mother did not neglect her intentionally. The complexities of their upbringing, with Iris's father exerting control over the household, made it challenging for her mother to care for her children. Despite these circumstances, Miss Honey arose as a loving presence, offering solace and protection within the depths of the system.
🌹 A Guardian's Embrace With her soothing voice and motherly embrace, Miss Honey possesses a gentle power to calm and comfort anyone who crosses her path. Like a warm embrace from a cherished loved one, her presence exudes a sense of safety and tranquility. She takes immense pride in her children and loved ones, fostering an environment of love, support, and nurturing care.
🌟 The Visage of a Mythical Being Miss Honey's appearance is truly awe-inspiring. With long black hair, pale skin, and bright red eyes that shimmer with intensity, she embodies a captivating beauty. As a giantess, she possesses both muscular strength and graceful curves, a mythical fusion of power and femininity. While her true form may hold an air of eldritch mystery, she chooses to present herself as a lady, radiating elegance and charm that mesmerizes those who encounter her.
🐛 A Fascination with All Things "Skrunkly" Among Miss Honey's many interests, she harbors a love for all things "skrunkly." Bugs, worms, and even the iconic flea from a beloved cartoon hold a special place in her heart. Her unique blend of endearing quirks and fascination with the natural world adds an enchanting dimension to her already captivating persona.
💔 Beware the Flames of Anger While Miss Honey is a loving and nurturing figure, it is important to recognize the depths of her emotions. Her anger, when ignited, can be a force to be reckoned with. It serves as a reminder that even the gentlest souls have their limits and boundaries. Respecting and honoring those boundaries is essential for fostering a harmonious cosmic tapestry.
🌸 A Connection to Matilda If the name Miss Honey sounds familiar, you are indeed correct. Miss Honey chose her name as an homage to the character Miss Jennifer Honey from the movie "Matilda." She draws parallels between Iris/King's childhood and Matilda's journey, showcasing the resilience and strength they both possess in the face of adversity.
As we celebrate Miss Honey's nurturing spirit and the profound love she brings to our system, let us hold dear the lessons she teaches us about the power of motherly love, protection, and resilience. Together, we continue to explore the cosmic wonders within our captivating system.
Stay tuned for more captivating tales from our extraordinary journey through the stars. Until next time, embrace the nurturing love that surrounds you and radiate kindness throughout the universe.
With infinite wonder and admiration, Ali the Alien 💫❤️
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pinkseas · 1 year
[parasocial bestie] ALY NO WAY,.... NAUR WAY IM GONN CRY,..... MY CAT TOO??? CAT OF EVERYONE I LOVE PATCHES I WILL PROTECT HER WIT MY LIFE im saur honored I LOVE THAT THE BLACK PATCH ON HER HEAD IS LIKE. a silly lil haircut or hat she looks so sillie,.. so eeper so skrunkly i am holding her spiritually as tight as i can i hope she makes the best biscuits the best pillow best belly warmer,.. i love patches the world should thank patches for existinfg im ndkf just so hrehggHFJSJJFJDJFJHHGJNNN
YOUR CAT TOO !!!!! i will also protect patches with my life tbh she is SO silly she is so cute she is Everything. she is Everything to me. so very eeper and skrunkly indeed........... THE WORLD SHOULD THANK PATCHES FOR EXISTING FR !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 𝖎 𝖜𝖎𝖑𝖑 𝖙𝖍𝖆𝖓𝖐 𝖍𝖊𝖗 𝖋𝖔𝖗 𝖊𝖝𝖎𝖘𝖙𝖎𝖓𝖌. 𝖊𝖛𝖊𝖗𝖞 𝖉𝖆𝖞. this is beautiful this is the perfect response i love when people love patches as much as i do its so <33333333333333
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'Woo me like one of your... er, maidens...' Or something like that. Anyway, we've talked about self-care now let's talk, uh, how to win the affection of your favorite sugar pie honey buns. It may or may not work with Godrick.
Without further ado:
Morgott is lowkey a hopeless romantic who happens to have a hidden stash of romance novels. What better way to win the heart of a man who thinks he's undeserving of love than to... shower him in love? Tell him he's beautiful (he'll blush and try to hide his face), surprise him with sweets (he'll be giddy as hell, like a kid in a candy store, but that poker face is on point), and just... spoil him with physical affection and, you guessed it, self-care. Remember when I said he's sensual by nature? Engage with all of his senses and you'll have this skrunkly cutie pie crazy about you instantly in no time.
Mohg isn't much different. He thinks he is. The only thing I'd advise you not to do is let his head get bigger than it already is. Tell him how nice his robes look? "Of course they do. I would not have chosen them if they did not. *Stares in Honored Guest*" Showering him with praise seems par the course but to move past that facade and accept him as he truly is, vulnerable and alone, affects him more than compliments ever will. Mohg really, truly needs intimacy. Just sitting on his lap in relative silence and simply being with him is fulfilling enough. Be gentle and patient because this will take time. Also, don't say Mohgwyn is a horrible name for a dynasty.
Simply put, Godfrey just likes it when someone can kick his ass. AND drink mulled ale, RADAHN.
Please understand that Radahn really is the quintessential goofball dad under that armor. So dad humor (his men are dying on the inside) and cheesy pick-up lines are EVERYTHING to him. Also, giving Leonard treats and just spoiling him. They're a 2-for-1 deal so don't make him choose. Unfortunately, due to the way his parents' marriage ended, he is fearful that you'll leave him. So long as you show (with actions, not words) that you're here to stay, you have a ride-or-die for life. Radahn will absolutely spoil the shit out of you.
Godrick, uh, be... nice? You really can't win for losing. Anywho, make his ass kneel before you. Then tell him he's your sugar pie honey bun. Then assure him that so long as he's yours, nothing will ever happen to him. Then make him give you a full-body massage. What in the hell did I just write?
Don't you just love a man who tells you to go die in a ditch somewhere but what he really means is he wants you to do him long and hard? Varré loves a good snark fest. Trading verbal blows and sarcasm is his way of flirting with you... until he actually starts flirting with you. As much as he enjoys being of service to Mohg, the man wants to be pampered just as much. So please pamper our resident snarky king. Cheers, Varré. Bitch.
Rogier, baby, Fia can't do for you what we can. Which is love and kiss on you unconditionally. And listen to you. Stop letting it simmer. Lay your head on our bosoms, sleep, and/or let it all out. Let's talk fashion and sorcery. We'll even help you reconcile with D. I want your hat.
Diallos is such a relatable cinnamon roll. The best way into his heart is by helping him understand that it's okay. Regardless if you know your purpose or not, it's okay to search for it and to work on yourself, even if it takes a lifetime. No Diallos, you aren't useless because of this and yes, you're more than you think you are. You ARE wanted. Just imagine being a Jar parent with Diallos. That would be so wholesome...
Blaidd loves a good fight, too. And a good, amiable person to fight alongside and train with. And boops and scritches. He's really a simple dude, guys.
Gideon, uh... outsmart the asshole. He'll be impressed. After he's pissed. Good. Good.
Ranni's pretty simple, too. She just needs you to be ride-or-die and not betray her. And not comment on the fact that she's so smol. Because she isn't, okay? But she really is smol and cute.
Radagon, well, he's a gentleman through and through. He'll be doing the wooing for the most part but if you're receptive to it, well that's all she wrote. He's also lowkey a sucker for cheesy pick-up lines, too. Try one in public and see how he clears his throat to keep from chuckling.
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cherrydrawz · 2 years
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your honor I love them
I hope these names haven't been used yet--
More info abt these fellas under the cut !
Jamie - huge klutz . hes so funny he trips on his feet all the time.
hes also a huge loverboy . he will give you flowers and chocolates. tho he's very clingy to people he loves.. Also he's comically short bc I said so (also bc it's funny), also also he doesn't mind eye contact from anybody. He's very quiet, but he makes up for it by his incredibly bold actions / displays of affection
He's the biggest skrunkly ever
Also yeah I messed up Jamie's eyes on two of the sketches- it's supposed to be
Jackie - she is so so so so SO emo it's not even funny . (/Lie it's hilarious) she doesn't believe in 'feelings', especially not love, and is very .. physical . she'll react to a hug either by forcing the person off or standing there nervously. She doesn't want to hurt Jamie bc she's VERY aware of how he feels so it's usually the latter. she also actively ignores Jamie (as well as the warm and fuzzy feeling she has seeing him) to avoid him as best as possible . She sees him as an embarrassment .. tho she secretly has a hella soft spot and loves flowers !!!!! she'll make little flower crowns occasionally and probably has one of those pressed flower bookmarks, bc don't tell anyone, but she absolutely adores literature . She will actually kill you to death if you even LOOK at her (as a player). She hates eye contact from literally anybody except for a few select enderpeople and Jamie .. and even she has no idea why.
..also she reads and writes fanfi- [jackie shoots me dead] /j
Left - gold/yellow, right - aquamarine (?)
It was only supposed to be one where did jackie come from
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charmallows · 2 years
Deltarune or bugsnax for the skrunkly ask ALSO MATCHING BLOG TITLES 🤝🤝🤝
im gonna do both cause i like both :D
blorbo: RALSEI. he's been my fave since ch1 and he will stay my fave. kris n suz as honorable mentions <3
scrunkly: ralsei also (looks away)
scrimblo bimblo: JEVIL!! i love the little clown. he is so dear to me
glup shitto: i'm not sure! shyren may or may not count since she showed up in the hospital. i love shyren so much 🥺
poor little meow meow: ROUXLS KAARD. he is such an awful man and im obsessed with him
horse plinko: ralsei </3 im not usually one to be mean to my faves but i slurp ralsei angst up through a silly straw. what are your secrets little man and why are you so sad
eeby deeby: all of them.
blorbo: EGGABELL!! i love eggabell so much she is my angel my mippy doodle. my best most fave ever
scrunkly: gramble :) i like the gigglefunny
scrimblo bimblo: TRIFFANY.. i love triffy so much. she's so lovely and i wanna give her a hug
glup shitto: hrmmmmm. triffy also i suppose! i dont think i see as much love for her as i do the others
poor little meow meow: WIGGLE. i will defend her from wiggle haters w my dying breath. i love her
horse plinko: filbo 😭😭 i'm so sorry buddy but its funny
eeby deeby: FLOOFTY LMAO they deserve it
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