prof-marvolius · 8 months
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Críptido del día: Skookum (Bigfoot de Washington)
Descripción: Aunque bigfoot es un críptido que tiene presencia en prácticamente todos los 49 estados continentales de Estados Unidos y Los 10 territorios y 3 provincias de Canadá, El estado de Washington es el que alega tener la mayor cantidad de avistamientos de la criatura. En el estado de Washington los nativos chinook los llaman "Skookum" que puede traducirse como "fuerte" o "demonio" desde mucho antes de la llegada de los colonizadores europeos en esa región se han presentado historias de encuentros con el críptido más famoso de Norteamérica. incluso hay registro de llamadas al 911 por invasiones de bigfoot a patios en propiedades rurales, una de las más fomas grabaciones fue hecha en 1997, un hombre llamó aterrado, suplicando que enviaran ayuda, por un "Sujeto cubierto de pelo de mas de dos metros que había entrado a su patio trasero". Incluso el estado de Washington ha promulgado leyes para proteger a los bigfoots de cazadores furtivos y existen letreros para indicar "cruces de camino de sasquatch" en las carreteras de diferentes partes del estado.
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toast-com · 1 year
I wasn't that big of a fan of American steam locomotives, but Skookum changed all of that.
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Look at her. She is green.
And Clover Valley Lumber Company No. 4. Him too. He's just a really big tank engine, it's so funny.
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NILES CANYON RAILWAYS steam excursion train heads back to Niles with ten...
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word-of-day · 8 months
Word of Day
large; powerful; impressive
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hunkydorynagoya · 1 year
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【FIDELITY(フィデリティー)】は、1941年に米国ボストンで創業したアウターウェアを専門に取り扱う歴史あるブランドです。過去にはアメリカ海軍への納入実績を持ち、品質の高いアイテムを生産しています。厚手のウールメルトンを使用したピーコートやダッフルコート、CPOシャツなど、ブランドを象徴する代表的なアウターとして人気があります。 1939年に米国ワシントン州で創業されたアメリカを代表する老舗メーカー【SKOOKUM / スクーカム】とコラボしたヴァーシティージャケットです。ボディーにはウール混率90%のヘビーメルトン素材を使用し、袖はシボ感のある本革製と本格的な作りが秀逸です。右胸には両ブランドの刺繍ネーム入り、左胸と左袖にはレトロな雰囲気のサガラワッペンが付いています。王道のネイビー×ホワイトのカラーコンビにゴールドのリブラインが良いアクセントになっており、ゆったりと広めに取られたワイドシルエットがイマっぽい雰囲気で着用をお楽しみいただけます。是非、この機会にお試しください。
オンラインストアも是非ご覧ください。 HUNKY DORY NAGOYA | ハンキードリー名古屋店 〒460-0011 愛知県名古屋市中区大須3-13-9 アンドール大須1F-D Map Tel:052-251-3390 e-mail:[email protected] Open:12:00-19:00(水曜定休)
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relaxingvr · 1 year
8K VR180 Relaxing River and Waterfall
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intrepid--wander · 1 year
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mybuddyjimmy · 1 year
Skookum [SKOO-kəm]Part of speech: adjectiveOrigin: Chinook Jargon, mid-19th century1. (Of a person or animal) Strong, brave, or impressive.Examples of skookum in a sentence“Growing up, I had a skookum cat who feared none of the neighborhood dogs.”“The documentary explained how the skookum grizzly bears would grab salmon out of the water to hunt.”
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digragnagaoka · 1 year
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. SKOOKUM(スクーカム) - LETTERMAN JACKET << Thank you sold ! T様、お買上げありがとうございます🙌 . . . ボディのウール、スリーブのレザー共に質感が良く オールブラックな為、品格の漂う一着でした。 レターマンジャケットとはスタジャンのルーツであり、 19世紀、大学野球チームのエリート選手のみが着用を許された憧れのユニフォームだった。 . . 冬物の高価買取≪≪まもなく終了 ブランド古着の他にもバイカーウェア、キャリーバッグなど、��ーカー品からブランドインテリア雑貨まで幅広く買取いたします。 人気アイテムはさらに高額査定となります。 【 キズ・ヨゴレがあってもお売りいただけます 】 他店では買取できないマイナーブランド、季節外の物やミリタリー、ビンテージ物もメンズ・レディース問わず買取可能です。 ご不要になった ブランド古着・ブランド品 お売りください。 ■ブランド古着の買取・販売店(ディグラグ長岡店) ■定休日なし/営業時間 10:00~19:00/無料駐車場あり ■〒940-2105 長岡市緑町1丁目86-31 イオン長岡店さまより徒歩5分 >>最新情報はプロフィールページで公開中<< . . 私たちは古着屋という、ブランドやメーカー側に直接利益を生まない現場ですが、優れたデザインや機能を持つ製品をお客様に見て触れてもらうことで、新たなファンになるお手伝いになればと、これからも応援を続けます。 . . #skookum #スクーカム #新潟県 #長岡市 #古着屋 (ブランド古着 DIGRAG長岡店) https://www.instagram.com/p/CnJozHhL9ez/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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Short & Sweet - Five Games You Can Finish in One Afternoon
   Triple-A game titles are always boasting 80-hour-long campaigns, hundreds of hours’ worth of collectables and all sorts of other time-consuming features, but what if you simply don’t have that kind of time on your hands? Not everyone is able to sit around playing games 24 hours a day, so it’s a good thing these shorter games are around. These games can all be finished in a single session each if you want, making for a fun, no-commitment afternoon. Some might be a bit more expensive than others, but they’re all an experience worth the cost - you’ll have tons of fun playing through these quick little puzzlers and will remember them long after you put them down. Enjoy!
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LEGO Builder’s Journey    This isn’t your usual LEGO game - there’s no minifigures to unlock, no gold bricks to collect, no goofy film adaptations or anything like that, and yet it’s probably the one game that truly captures the real fun of playing around with LEGO. LEGO Builder’s Journey is a simple and charming story about a father and son told through a series of short puzzles that can be solved in just about any way you can imagine. With relaxing music and gorgeous graphics that look better than actual LEGO bricks, this game tells a surprisingly heartfelt tale without saying a single word and allowing a level of creativity unlike any other puzzle game. It’s a little pricey for a 3-hour game, but lovers of LEGO and puzzles will certainly find it worthwhile.
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Please Don’t Touch Anything    You’re standing in front of a mysterious red panel with nothing but a large red button on it, and told not to touch anything. Naturally, it’s time to touch everything. Like a deceptively small puzzle box, almost everything you interact with on this panel causes something new to pop out - more buttons, switches, number pads, dials, levers, tools, and so on. Pushing the right combinations of buttons, switches and numbers results in various “endings”, most of which result in the poor city shown on the monitor being obliterated in various ways. It takes only a few hours poking around to get all the endings, though some of them are a bit more obscure than others. Messing around with a virtual doomsday machine has never been cheaper or more fun!
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The Pedestrian    One of the most fascinating and expertly-executed concepts for a puzzle game I’ve ever seen, The Pedestrian takes the little stick figure you see on various street signs and brings him to life. It’s up to you to guide him through a bustling city, rearranging various signs and panels around the fully-modelled 3-D environment to get the Pedestrian to his destination. Taking you through apartments, subways, warehouses, construction sites and more, the puzzles get very complicated very quickly - expect quite the challenge even for the most puzzle-minded of players. It’s a bit expensive for its length, but definitely worth grabbing on sale if you want to spend an afternoon challenging your mind to its limits.
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OneShot    Don’t let the simple artstyle and short length fool you; this innocent little adventure will mess with your mind, your computer and your heart like nothing else. A lost child named Niko finds themselves stranded in an unfamiliar, dying world, and the power to potentially save it is thrust upon them. It’s up to the player to guide Niko along their journey, solving puzzles and meeting various characters still clinging to life in this cold, dark world. Also, the game knows who you, the real player, are. While it can be finished in one sitting, the endearing cast and thought-provoking writing, on top of a soul-wrenching ending no matter what choices you make, will leave you thinking about this game forever.
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INSIDE    A bleak and dystopian world, eerie monsters, disturbing story elements, zero spoken words, and a lone child trapped in the middle - the developers at Playdead certainly know their strengths. The people that brought us the creepy classic Limbo give us the brilliantly unnerving follow-up INSIDE, a 2.5-D side-scrolling survival game with sinister puzzles and horrific experiments. Playdead have definitely upped their game with this one; be wary of vicious guard dogs and spine-chilling mutations, and don’t play it too late at night if you want to get any sleep! Despite taking only a few harrowing hours to finish, INSIDE will leave your skin crawling for days afterwards - and coming back for more.
   All these games and more are great for those short afternoons when you want a quick and memorable game that won’t eat up your free time. Do you know of any other games that would be a good fit for this list? Let me know! Reblogs and likes are much appreciated!    Thanks for reading!
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allbeendonebefore · 1 month
me mentally eating popcorn and yelling "OHHHHH!" like a goal was just scored every time Ontarian instructor says "shed-ule"
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satoshi-mochida · 4 months
The Pedestrian coming to Switch on January 18
Gematsu Source
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The Switch version of side-scrolling puzzle platformer The Pedestrian will launch on January 18, developer Skookum Arts announced.
The Pedestrian is currently available for PlayStation 5, Xbox Series, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC via Steam and Microsoft Store.
Here is an overview of the game, via Skookum Arts:
The Pedestrian is a 2.5D side scrolling puzzle platformer. You are The Pedestrian! Enter into a dynamic 3D world with stunning graphics and challenging puzzles. You play by rearranging and reconnecting public signs in order to explore and advance through each engaging environment.
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toast-com · 1 year
Skookum time :)
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khulkarjiyo · 2 months
Skookum Vitamin C Serum त्वचा में निखार कैसे लाता है? जानें इसे लगाने के फायदे और संभावित नुकसान
जब भी Skin care की बात आती है तो Vitamin c serum को नहीं भूला जा सकता। क्योंकि यह स्किन को चमकाने दाग धब्बों को कम करने एंटी एजिंग के रूप में इसके अलावा कई तरह के और फायदो के लिए जाना जाता है इसलिए विटामिन सी सिरम को एक स्वस्थ स्किन केयर के लिए बहुत जरूरी माना गया है और Dermatologist भी इसे रिकमेंड किया जाता है। Skookum vitamin c serum in hindi लेकिन एक अच्छी ब्रांड और आपकी स्किन को सूट करने…
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tmmfmp · 3 months
Game Developers
Thomas Brush is an indie game developer who is best known for his artistic vision and commitment to crafting memorable gaming experiences, like his game "Neversong" which was formally known as "Once Upon a Coma". Brush does all the work for each of his projects from the art to the coding and the music. He has inspired many new indie game devs thanks to his course which teaches you how to get into the industry.
Skookum Arts LLC is a development studio founded by Brent and Devin George and their childhood friend Ben Swinden. They are most known for their game "The Pedestrian" which has a unique 2D and 3D environment. The game involves you playing as the little man from the road signs and you have to solve puzzles to progress in the environment.
Studio MDHR are the developers behind "Cuphead", one of my favorite games. They spent years working on every asset, hand drawing every little detail and animating it. The brothers that founded the studio named it after their grandparents who inspired them with their love for classic animation. The game itself is a run and gun action game where you fight bosses to collect their contracts for the Devil to make sure that you don't lose your souls to him after Cuphead went after foolish riches.
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zarathesilentgamer · 4 months
The Pedestrian🚻Demo - Zara The Silent Gamer
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