#she's so sweet guys there was this little toddler girl in front of me and it was just so cute
possumlark · 1 year
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reysdriver · 22 days
i need more dad James 🫣🫣🫣🫣
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James comes home from a trip to the farm supply store with a wild surprise — dad!farmer!james x mom!reader fluff
warnings: a little bit of fighting but it's absolutely not angsty, some parental nervousness ig
words: 1.3k
a/n: I need more of him too lol (I'm gonna use this ask to test out my new au tho so I hope you're ok with that <3)
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James came home right when you were starting to prepare dinner, much to the joy of you and both your children. You scooped up your baby girl from her play mat on the ground, then right on cue, your toddler showed up at your side, rushing to the front door with you. 
“I guess you heard the door too, Haz?” You asked your son, holding out your hand for him to take.
As he looked up at you and nodded, he took your free hand so that the three of you were all going together to see James. 
Once you saw your husband at the door, all you felt were the butterflies in your stomach that still hadn’t flown away even after all these years. But then, you noticed how he was leaving very little space between him and the door as he closed it, and how he was covered in little strands of fur even though he was just running a few quick errands. 
Before you could even ask him about it, he wrapped his strong arm around your waist and pressed his lips against yours. It took you a bit of time to register what was even happening, but as soon as you started to melt into the kiss, James pulled away and flashed you a sweet smile. 
He then bent down to greet both Ivy on your hip and Harry standing beside you. 
“I have a surprise for you and the kids.” James said, mostly excited with a hint of guilt. 
You raised an eyebrow at your husband. “What are you talking about?”
He shrugged and touched the door handle, ready to open it. “I can’t really tell you. It’s better if I show you.”
He opened the front door to reveal a ridiculously small horse standing fifteen feet away from you and tied up to the bannister outside. 
It was half your size and incredibly fluffy. You had to resist going over to pet it just because you were so in shock at the fact that your husband came home from the farm supply store and surprised you with a whole horse—or maybe just a third of a horse, based on its size.
A thousand and one thoughts raced through your head but before you could make sense of any of them, Harry giggled loudly and began to run towards the horse in front of you all. 
Panicking, you called your son back and walked him back to the porch. You used your free hand to hold him tightly against your thigh so he wouldn’t run back the animal James just surprised you with. 
“You bought a pony on a whim?” You asked your husband. 
“No, of course not.” He shook his head. “She’s a miniature horse. They’re totally different. The guy I bought it from told me all about them!”
Of course. Now that the horse’s title is settled, everything is fine. 
“James, we need to speak in private. Stay here.” 
His face flushed. He knew you were mad because you almost never called him by anything other than your various pet names for him unless you were upset. 
You then ushered Harry back inside the house to the living room, where you set Ivy back down on her play mat. 
“Play with your sister for a minute, Haz. If she gets fussy at all, you can come get me outside, okay?”
He smiled and nodded, sitting down next to the one year-old. “Can we play with the pony soon?”
You exhaled, unsure of how to respond. “Your dad says it’s a miniature horse, not a pony. And maybe, if you’re good.”
The boy seemed satisfied with that, so you pressed a kiss to the top of his head and walked back outside, where you found your husband looking extremely guilty as he awaited your return. 
Once you closed the door behind you, he immediately tried to make the situation better. 
“Lovie, I knew you’d be reluctant about all of this, but I swear I can explain—”
“You bought a horse, James! You were only supposed to be going out for a new shovel and some paint, then you come back with a horse?!”
 “Well, I got the other stuff, too, it’s just in the truck. I just got to talking with a man at the supply store and he said he was selling some of those cuties right out of his horse trailer in the parking lot.”
You sighed and crossed your arms. “How much did it cost?”
“Not much at all! The guy was selling them for bottom dollar ‘cause he’s moving soon and needs ‘em gone!” James rested his hand on your upper arm and stroked lightly. His voice softened, and so did his expression. “Believe me, I wouldn’t have bought her if we couldn’t afford her. I’m always thinking about our family.”
You were trying real hard not to look into your husband’s pretty eyes because you knew the second you did, you would have no choice but to give in. You stared at the porch swing, the miniature horse, the chicken coop, anything but James. 
And he could clearly tell you weren’t convinced just yet, so he kept going.
“Look, I know we got rid of most of the animals before Harry was born, but those were the more unstable ones, and that was back when we were nervous about everything. Now we’re more experienced, and she’s just the sweetest thing.”
You exhaled, peeking through the window to check on Harry and Ivy playing on the living room carpet. 
“They’re just babies, Jamie.” 
He bit back a smile at the use of his nickname, letting him know you were warming up to the idea. 
“Harry’s already three, love.” He removed his hand from your arm and gestured at himself. “I was just barely older than him when I started riding the real horses, and now look at me!”
He smiled and posed with open arms, which in turn made you smile. 
“I love looking at you.” You said sincerely. “You’re the best.”
“Your words, not mine.”
You giggled, then pulled him in for a kiss. And not just one to distract like when he first came home. A real kiss, and a good one too.
When you pulled away, you left your hands where they were and caressed softly. 
“Next time you want to do something extravagant for the kids like this, talk to me about it first, okay? If you kiss me enough, I’ll say yes to anything.” 
James raised an eyebrow, insinuating things that made you glad the kids were inside. 
Your jaw dropped in mock stun. “Not like that, Jamie! What do you take me for?!” 
The two of you both laughed, and he pulled you in for a sweet hug. “My wife, the mother of my incredible kids, the love of my life. I could go on.”
You would have claimed he was just flattering you as an apology for buying the horse, but you had already told him he could keep it. Plus, he says things like that far more than he had ever bought something crazy and needed forgiveness. 
“So I can go introduce the kids to the horse for real now?” 
Your gaze moved over to the animal a few feet away from you, and you nodded as a response to your husband’s question. 
“As long as you have a saddle for that thing.”
He grinned, then kissed your nose quickly before darting away. “Thank you! It’s in the truck! I love you!”
You laughed to yourself, and shook your head amusedly while you walked towards the miniature horse that you now owned. 
“Hi there, sweetheart.” You greeted, brushing her mane with your fingers. “Welcome to the family. James there can be a bit daft, but I think you’ll like it here.”
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fangirlandtheories · 1 year
Do you remember when we used to sing?
Eddie is away on tour while Steve is taking care of their daughter a few hours away. Too bad she can't fall asleep without her special bedtime song...
Steve’s brows pinched together as the cries grew in pitch and volume, almost drowning out the familiar click of ‘Hey it’s Eddie, call me back or don’t, I’m not your mother.’ from the speaker of his phone. 
He had shifted from frustrated to desperate as he glanced over at their daughter, red faced and snot nosed. Bedtime was a solid hour past due and didn’t seem to be looming any closer. 
“It’s okay, sweets, we’ll call him again.” Steve soothed as he ran a hand down the toddler’s back. 
“Daddy!!!” She screamed again, choking with the effort of her sobs, as she squeezed her eyes shut. It had been love at first sight for Eddie and Steve when they had met Rayne’s mother. She was young, just turning 20 in the fall, with curly blonde hair and big brown eyes. She was looking for someone who wanted a baby that couldn’t naturally have their own and the agent connected the dots for them. After several months, little Rayne was theirs.
“I know,” Steve muttered as he pulled up Eddie’s contact again. Eddie had taken a break from touring after the adoption of their daughter but had recently started back up. It started off pretty well, the excitement of getting to have a Dad weekend with Steve pulling her through, but now the newness was gone and all little Rayne Munson-Harrington wanted was Eddie. 
Eddie usually found weekend gigs but had found a week long slot in a club in St. Louis that promised great publicity and even better payment, so Corroded Coffin hit the road and Steve held down the fort with some help from Robin and Wayne. They were obligated to babysit, she was named after both of them afterall, and he was grateful because work had been taxing enough without adding a feisty 4 year old to the mix. 
A flu bug was sweeping it’s way through Hawkin’s Elementary and it spared no casualties in Steve’s kindergarten classroom. He spent the day trying to keep the class from putting things in their mouths and making sure everyone washed their hands, sending a child or two home after seeing the greenish pale tints of nausea pass over their faces. He knew that he’d have to deal with kids puke at some point, especially as a parent, but he’d like to avoid it at all costs. 
“Pick up your phone you ass.” He hissed through clenched teeth, rocking the inconsolable girl in his arms as he dialed again.
Eddie first felt the familiar jolt of vibration in his back pocket  just after the first chorus. The second time was just a few verses later. He smiled into the microphone as he continued to sing, ignoring his phone. The third time was in the bridge of the song, a particularly terrible time to take a call as Eddie’s hands were preoccupied with his guitar. The fourth time happened in the final notes of the song. The fifth during the applause. Eddie frowned as he pulled the device from his pocket, ignoring a glare from Jeff.
“Hey guys, you won’t believe this but my husband is facetiming me right now. This is like the fifth time he’s called so I’m going to answer, everybody be quiet and let’s see how long it takes him to remember that we had a later show tonight.” Eddie laughed as the audience silenced quickly. Steve’s irritated yet grateful face popped up on the screen seconds later.
“Hey love…” He crooned with a cheeky smirk.
“Your daughter is very upset with you.” Steve ignored the affectionate nickname. 
“Why is she my daughter whenever she’s mad?” Eddie rolled his eyes. “Is she alright?”
“She’s been screaming since 8:30 Eds.” Steve ran a hand through his hair and blew out an exasperated sigh. “She’s refusing to sleep until you do it, that’s why I’ve been calling.”
“Steve I’m um…” Eddie glanced nervously at the audience in front of him. “Kind of in the middle of something.”
“Yeah I wanted to be relaxing right now too but our kid needs her dad and since he’s five hours away the very least he could do is sing her the damn song so that we all can get some rest.” Steve squinted at him. “You’re being weirder than usual. Are the guys there with you?”
“Yeah the guys are definitely with me.” Eddie ignored Gareth’s snicker. “Can I call you-”
“Edward, so help me God, sing the song so that she can go to sleep.” Steve interrupted. “Look at her.” Steve turned the camera to the distraught little girl and Eddie’s heart clenched.
“Hi angel, I hear you’re a little sad.” He frowned in solidarity with her as her lip stuck out. “No, don't cry, it’s okay Ray Ray.” She howled louder, tears popping from her wet lashes. He winced as he lip quivered, his resolve wearing down to nothing. He glanced over at Gareth, leaning over to whisper to him before looking back to his phone.
“Alright fine, let’s sing it, yeah?” Eddie placated. “You’re breaking my heart Bambi.” The wide eyes and long lashes practically gifted the nickname to her. He glanced back at Gareth who gave him a thumbs up before looking at the audience. “Daddy’s band is going to help him sing it, is that okay?” Rayne whimpered as she nodded, snuggled into Steve’s arms as he held the phone in front of her.
“Wait, are you on stage right now?” Steve leaned forward. “Shit, I’m sorry babe, I didn’t mean to interrupt the performance.”
“You couldn’t interrupt if you tried.” Eddie smiled. “Isn’t that right?” Steve could hear cheers from the audience. “We love our rock and roll family here and we honor our traditions, most of all the bedtime song. Ready boys? Sing along if you know it, our most honored guest is in the audience tonight and would love to hear you guys.”
With that, Jeff  played the opening notes on the guitar while Gareth tapped out the beat with the rarely used tambourine. The bass thumped along to Eddie’s singing, and though it admittedly wasn’t their usual style, the band loved Rayne like she was their niece and they would play anything to make her happy.
“-In the misty morning fog with our hearts a-thumping” Eddie held the microphone in one hand and the phone in the other, beaming at the smile on Steve’s face. “And you, my brown eyed girl.” Rayne giggled and clapped, tears still on her cheeks but sadness having finally passed. 
Hours and miles away, Steve smiled as he shut the door to his daughter's bedroom, the nightlight softly glowing, as he hummed the song to himself. Tomorrow there would be a series of tweets about Eddie going soft and videos flying all around the internet, but for now, and for the first time that evening, the Munson-Harrington home was quiet.
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hailey-murdock · 1 year
Long Enough
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Paring: Peter B Parker x fem!reader
Warnings: 18+ Smut, Dom!Peter, Switch!reader, degradation, orgams denial, and praising, dirty talk, extreme teasing, facesitting, makeout, dacryphilia, masochism, Breeding, marking, voyeurism, fluff, aftercare (I think that's all)
Summary: Peter finally returns after two weeks of being gone, and he makes sure to show his wife how much he missed her. (Reader is Mayday mother here)
Other Characters: Mayday Parker, May Parker
WC: 6.5K (this is pure smut 😭)
A/N: this fic took me about 3 weeks to get done 😭😭😭, so I hope yall enjoys this. The fact that this is my longest fic and that it's smut, it's insane! I'm gonna go to hell for this so whoever reads this, I'll see you in hell soon. (Reblogs, comments and likes are appreciated)
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Peter had been gone for about two weeks now, each day promising you he’d be back but never showing. You knew that there were times he had to go to the Headquarters. You took your toddler Mayday downtown New York for the day, stopping at a coffee shop for lunch.
As you waited in line to order, Mayday suddenly turned around in your arms and smiled, blabbing about her daddy. You look up, seeing Peter standing by the entrance with flowers in his hand for you and a small teddy for Mayday.
“Hey hun…I’m sorry about the long week.” He says with a soft sheepish smile, approaching your table. You wrapped your arms around Peter, feeling absolutely relieved as you felt his warmth radiate to your body. You pulled away from his embrace and punched his chest.
Peter winces from the force of your punch (maybe he taught you how to throw a punch for self-defense), before pulling you in for one last kiss. “I couldn’t have asked for a sweeter welcome, babe. Did you miss me? As much as I missed you?” he asked sarcastically and playfully, with a sweet smile on his face as he cupped your face. "I’m so happy right now that my little family is together again'.
"That's what you get for scaring me Peter! But I'm glad you're finally home. Of course I missed you". You couldn't help but pull him into another kiss not caring about the people watching.
Peter couldn’t help but grin into the kiss, kissing back passionately as it lasted a few moments longer than it should be. But it couldn’t be helped, he had just come home and he had to show his wife how much he missed her.
A wide smile appeared on your face as you pulled away. You took Mayday into your arms. "Say hi to daddy sweetheart", you say to your toddler.
Peter softly smiles, as Mayday immediately jumps into his arms and hugs him. “Hey Princess! So happy to see you again. How are you doing?” he exclaimed, with an excited smile as he lifted her high into the air.
Your baby giggles and smiles, holding tightly onto Peter's neck. Your heart swelled with love and warmth at the sight in front of you. Peter with your daughter but his daughter as well. You couldn't ask for more.
“She’s so big now! I swear, Mayday just grew overnight. Look at her, she’s almost as tall as you are now. Before we know it she’ll be taller than both of us.” Peter's chuckles, looking down at your sweet little girl with a wide grin and loving eyes.
A small chuckle comes out of you. "Oh babe, don't say that. She will always be our baby girl".
"Well even if she is getting bigger, she’s still our baby girl, and she’ll always be our princess". Peter replies, hugging her tightly. As she squeals out a little laugh, he plants a sweet little kiss on the top of her head.
"Yeah she is, we just got here. Oh, I didn't cook today so we can eat here together, if you want".
“Sounds good to me! We can order something and have the rest of today to ourselves. I’m glad I’m back with you and Mayday". Peter says with a warm smile, looking at his family with the most loving gaze he could muster in that moment.
"Yeah babe, let me just order our usual". You leave your baby with Peter to go and order the food you guys usually liked to eat. As you turned back with the food, you couldn't find your husband. "Peter"?
"Yeah babe, right here". Peter smiles lovingly, looking up to you with his green eyes shining, as if he's staring deep into your soul. The loom on Peter's face made you feel loved like never before. You sat down next to Peter and handed his food. He takes a bite of his sandwich, before taking you into his arms again and kissing you with all his might, feeling as if he hasn't done so in months.
You couldn’t help but feel giddy and full of joy, knowing you had the perfect family. Of course, your family wasn't just a regular family, after all it's not like many women had their husbands as Spider-Man.
A deep shade of red blush appeared on your cheeks the way Peter kissed you. "So I was thinking".
“About what babe"? Peter questioned sweetly, taking in each of your words as if they were the sweetest music he could hear. He rested his hand on your cheek, his eyes locked onto yours. Peter can’t help but smile as he sees your lovely face in front of him once more.
"What if we could get someone to take care of Mayday tonight, so we can have the night together....alone"?
He chuckles softly, placing a hand on your hip and pulling you closer to him. “Oh really? Sounds like you want to have some fun tonight". He whispers in your ear cheekily, with a devilish grin.
"Maybe". A smirk creeps onto your face. "After all you can't blame me Peter, I, your wife, was alone and I needed someone to take care of me". You whispered the last into Peter's ear.
“Well I’d be more than happy to "take care" of you baby. After all, I need to make up with you for all this time I’ve been away". Peter whispers back, leaning close to give you a little kiss as he stares into your eyes, his face full of love and adoration.
"Mhm that's what I like to hear, now eat up we are gonna need a lot of energy tonight". You chuckled as you helped Mayday eat in her chair.
"Yes ma'am, of course". Peter smiled, before finishing up his meal in one final bite. “All done, are you?” he asks, tilting his head to the side as a small bit of food falls from the corner of his mouth. He chuckled for a minute, before gently wiping his mouth with his index finger and licking it, giving you a wink.
"Peter"! The small but yet meaningful action caused your panties to grow wet, and the smell hit Peter's nostrils. He bit his tongue to make sure nobody heard his groan. You blush furiously.
Peter smiled at the sight of his wife getting all flustered by his teasing. One of the highlights to your relationship, in his eyes. A little banter and teasing, nothing could beat that. He stands from his seat and pulls you close once again, resting my hands on your hips and giving you a soft smile.
“Are we ready to go home and have a romantic night in? I just can’t help but keep thinking about you…”
"We still need to find a babysitter Peter".
“Is there no one in the neighborhood we can ask? A teenage neighbor or something"? Peter questions, raising an inquisitive eyebrow. He didn’t exactly know many people in the neighborhood, other than those he fought and saved countless times. But he was confident that somebody in the neighborhood could babysit.
"Can't you ask Aunt May"? You suggested it to your husband.
"That’s not a bad idea either. She does live a few blocks from us after all. Maybe she’ll stop by to help her favorite nephew out".
You nod in agreement. “Should we give her a call then, babe"? You questioned, leaning in to give Peter another soft kiss. A gentle pat on the cheek was the final touch, as he held you close.
"Mhm yeah let me call her". As you called May, Peter played with Mayday. You couldn't ask for more. Satisfied was the word you would use to describe your life.
After ending the call with May, you walked back to Peter. "May said she could take care of Mayday, so let's go back home to get her things ready. May said she would come in 15 minutes".
“Perfect, let’s go.” He grins as he grabs your hand, before leading you out the door and back to your apartment. Peter gives you a light kiss on the cheek every now and again, giving his beautiful wife the attention you deserve as the three of you make the walk back to your home. Besides Peter knew how touch starved you could get. He opens the door for you, taking your hand as he steps inside the warm comforting home.
Peter takes Mayday into his arms for you to get a bag for Mayday. After a few minutes May comes and takes Mayday and her things. The two of you say your goodbyes as they leave. You turn to Peter with a devilish smile. "Hi". You batted your long lashes at Peter trying to act innocent. But Peter knew what kind of game you were playing, and who was he to deny your teasing. You wanted to play dirty? Then so be it.
He can’t help but smile as he turns and sees you, a devilish look in your eyes.
“Hey babe. What brings you such a delightful expression”? Peter questions, moving a piece of hair from your face. He loved this game the two of you both played.
"Oh no reason". A smirk appears on your face while you walk towards him and your hands rest on Peter's chest as you look up at him seductively.
Peters blushes a little, as he looks down into your eyes with his own burning green eyes. He could feel your soft hands on his chest, and he enjoyed it. Peter caressed your cheek with his own hand. “Whatever the case may be, it suits you well”.
You tilt your head slightly and a quiet hum is the only noise in the room before gripping his shirt to pull Peter into a messy, heavy, and passionate kiss.
Peter grinned as you pulled him down, pressing his lips into yours. One hand on your cheek as the other on your waist. The kiss was passionate and messy but yet soft, like two lovers who had missed each other for a long time. He could hear your daughter babbling from the other room, before you guys broke the kiss.
The kiss left you dumbfounded, the desire of wanting your husband to touch your body clouded your mind. You couldn't think about anything else. Not even form a single word.
Peter was mesmerized by the way his kiss had left you. He couldn’t help but feel pride in his chest to know only he was the one to make you fall apart under his touch. “What did I tell you? I always know the right way to take care of you". He pulled you close once more, kissing you again while holding you tight. Peter lived for the way the whine, whimpers and moans would escape from you in moments like these.
You moaned at the sensation and pulled your bodies even more than possible closer. Your reaction was exactly what Peter needed, as I continued to hold you close and kiss you. He couldn’t lie to you and say that he didn't want this. He needed this. Eventually you pull apart once more. Peter looks down into your eyes, a loving gaze filling up. “Are you ready for tonight"?
"Y-yeah but first I need to do something". You grin before going to the bedroom to change into a red lingerie set you had just brought a week ago. As you walk out, you see Peter on the couch with his legs spread out. You could just cum at the sight in front of you. "Now I'm ready".
Peter smirked as you entered the room, his eyes wide and jaw dropped. “Wow, I didn’t expect that. You look absolutely stunning babe”. He gets up and he approaches you, grabbing your waist. “You just look gorgeous. This might be your best look yet".
"Consider this a welcome back present" you whisper in his ear. "Unwrap me Peter".
He chuckles softly, his breath catching in his throat at your words. He wraps his arms around your waist and lifts you up into the air. “I might just have to, I can’t keep my hands off of you".
"Then better get to it". Surprisingly you get out of Peter's grasp. You turn to walk to the bedroom giving him a view of your ass. "Aren't you coming"?
Peter's heart started to race as you gave him that teasing view. A grin is plastered on his face. "Oh I definitely will be in a minute" he teases back. He takes his time walking towards you, his eyes glued to the provocative view in front of him.
Before he knew it, Peter was standing behind you with no words spoken. He reached his hands to either side of your body, and leaned his head against your right shoulder. His breath was hot right beside your ear as he whispered: “You look perfect".
”Peter please, I've missed you, I missed your mouth, your hands and your…..cock" you said very quietly the last word.
He couldn’t hold back his laughter as you spoke of missing him, even more so considering the final part. Your voice was deep and seductive, he loved every moment of it. “You missed what baby? I didn't quite catch the last part. Be a good girl and say that one more time” Peter said with a smirk, raising his eyebrow.
You were growing more desperate by the second. A rush of blood went straight to your cheeks, embarrassed to repeat what Peter had asked you to say. But being his "good girl" was something you badly wanted to be. "I missed your cock. Need ya to fill me up".
One thing Peter always loved about your relationship is how direct you are. Other people would dance around this topic, but you, god, you were straight to the point. A chuckle left his mouth as you continued to speak to him in that way. “I think I could do just that….”.
"Please Peter, please….. f-fuck I need you".
When he heard your words, Peter was almost convinced that they were honey for his ears. He was all yours, after all. He let out a soft sigh, before his hands came up to your face. “Oh sweet girl, you don’t have to ask twice. I’ll be right back, you be ready". He winked, as he walked back to the living room and closed the door.
Peter entered the room, a devious grin on his face. It was the perfect night. You whined as you waited for him. Your clit is desperate for anything. The ache was starting to grow more and more as time passed. But you knew if you touched yourself you would get punished. As Peter heard your whining, he smirked, knowing full well that he had you right where he wanted you. Once the door was opened he made his appearance again, looking better than ever. Peter looked down into your eyes.
“Are you ready to get this started"?
"Y-yes". You say already breathless. The more you thought about his fingers, mouth and cock, it made you dizzy. The thrill was rushing through your veins.
“Good girl. Now don’t move". Peter said with a smirk, before making his way over to the bed. Without a word he laid down, leaning over you with a soft smile. “How do you want to begin"? Peter asked, before planting a quick and soft kiss below your ear.
"Whatever- i-just need you n-now". You leaned in to feel his lips against yours. He smirked, as he felt your breath on my lips. But never touching your lips, fucker, you thought. “As you wish, my love". Without any hesitation Peter began to undress, starting with his shirt. “Just for you-“.
Peter had never in the entire time you've been together this flustered or needy. He didn’t mind at all, he loved seeing his best girl with great desire for him. Hunger in your eye. The smell of your arousal in the air is stronger by the second. His pants feel tighter as he inhales your arousal. It was getting painful, but so good. After all he was a sucker for pain. But Peter wanted to focus on you first.
A smile fills up on Peter's face. “Well if you say so". He gives you a kiss, before cuddling you close. His game was just starting. “I’ll let you take it from here, I’ll just lay here and enjoy the show" He smirked.
"But Peter, I wanted you to show me how much you missed me" you whined desperately.
“Ah, of course. You want this night to be mutual, of course". Peter says, giving you a soft smirk and a nod. “In that case, I guess I have something else up my sleeve…”.
"Peter don't tease". You give him the best pout you could in front of him as you give him "fuck me" eyes.
He chuckles at your pout, and he feels an urge to tease you even further with the way you looked at him. But he kept his lips tight, only smirking at you now. “Oh I’ll tease you all I want, and I’m not gonna give in to your demands. Remember who the fuck is in charge”. Peter was so close to your face, his warm breath blowing against your face.
You nodded, not wanting to push his limits tonight, that could be for another night. Your leg wraps around his waist, trying to pull him closer.
Your leg wrapped around him caught him by surprise as he wasn’t expecting it, feeling a jolt of shock go through his body. He lets out a quiet gasp, before smiling. “Well that’s a new one". Peter wraps his arms around your back. “Are you getting impatient, my love?”
You nodded quickly trying to please Peter. "Y-yes sir".
"In that case, I wouldn’t want to make you wait any longer for it, would I"? He comments, giving you a smirk as his hands move down your back towards the top of your thighs.
"P-please Peter, I need it".
He bites his lip, before smiling softly. “Oh I think I know exactly what you need, sweet girl". His hands continue to move further down towards your thighs. A soft smirk on my face, as my hands move ever so slowly to your inner thigh…
"Peter I swear to god if you don't fuck me in the next minute, I won't let you cum inside of me". You threatened him, wanting him to act quickly.
That last part caught him off guard, he wasn’t expecting that. Peter let out a chuckle, his hand gently trailing down your inner thigh slowly. “Now what makes you say that"? He asks, in a teasing tone.
"You aren't inside of me or using your mouth on me".
He smirks, leaning in to give you a soft kiss on the lips before whispering in your ear. “Well you sure aren’t making it easy for me, with the way you just talk to me". He says, in an almost seductive tone. “You sure you can talk so dirty to me? Because as it seems, I might just need to punish you for it…”
"I- no, please, I'm sorry sir. Please I just need you".
He speaks to your soft ear. “Oh so now you want it? Now that you’ve apologized? I wonder, where were those sweet, innocent words of yours earlier. That’s what happens when you try to disobey my orders, baby". Peter whispers, before pressing his lips against your neck and moving his tongue along your skin.
The sensation was enough to make you moan out loud for him. "F-fuck peter".
Your small moan of pleasure was the only thing he needed to hear, knowing that it was time. Peter pulls you closer to himself, your bodies pressing up against each other as he feels the heat rising from your body. Peter gives you a soft squeeze before moving his hands up to your chin, gently resting them on each side of your face as he smiles down at you.
"I promise to be a good girl but p-pleaae don't punish me".
He nodded at your words, giving you one final kiss for good measure. “Perfect". He whispers in your ear, before you even know it Peter had already moved off his pants and boxers, he pushed aside your panties and moved aside your slick folds to put his cock inside of you. He takes a deep breath in, before letting time slow down just for a moment. Peter reaches in for one last tender moment with you before looking into your eyes.
“I love you, with my entire soul. You mean everything to me". Peter whispers to you. “I won’t ever leave you, alright"? He whispers in your ear, leaning in to kiss you once more.
The only thing you can think of right now is Peter moving inside of you. He wasn't even moving faster but yet it was perfect. The stretch was worth it, if you could you would have Peter inside of you 24/7. His touch was addicting. "I love you Peter, god, you're making me feel good".
"That's what I do best, sweetheart". He whispers, before kissing your neck. A soft smirk fills his face as his own voice leaves his mouth. “Just remember, it’s only going to get better".
The more Peter spoke to you the more your arousal dripped down onto the bed leaving a wet spot. You arch your back so that Peter could take off your bra and the pleasure was overwhelming. "F-faster".
Peter let out a soft chuckle, as he kissed the side of your neck. “Is that another command from my obedient little lover"? He asks, with a small smirk on my face.
His movements were even slower which caused you to groan out loud. "I'm sorry". The room was filled with your whimpers.
Peter smiles, a more mischievous expression taking over his own face as he continues. “Oh you need a little discipline then"?
Peter wanted to record your whines and play them later off for a release when you couldn't help him out. But hearing them now, together, he couldn't ask for something even better.
"Peter please, I want to cum".
He couldn’t help but giggle, before speaking in a soft but teasing tone. “Oh? Is that what you want? How cute". He smirked as he stopped his movements.
"Yes please". You had never begged so much as you had done right now. The embarrassment was the last thing on your mind. You didn't give one shit. You wanted, no, you needed to reach your orgasm.
“Well in that case, why don’t you ask nicely"? Peter asked in a soft, seductive tone.
"Please sir, please let me cum please".
He smirks. “You really can’t hold back, can you”? Peter chuckled, watching your begging from a soft, knowing grin.
"Please I can't handle it".
“Oh can’t you? Do you really want me to make you cum sweetheart? God, you're such a slut. Never met someone who was such a whore like you. Getting cockdrunk easily. I've barely moved and you're already falling apart".
"I'm your slut, you know that". There's a tone of annoyance and despair in your voice. It was making you wanna take charge instead.
“Oh dear, are you already getting impatient”? Peter rested his hands on your waist. “You were the one who wanted me to tease you, but it appears you can’t take much teasing. So I should let you release yourself from it then hm"?
"Please Peter I'm begging you, please make me cum, it's been two weeks since you last made me cum, please Peter".
His smirk grew as he heard you beg, your voice filling him with a sense of pride and confidence. “You really can’t handle anything, can you"? Peter says in a teasing tone.
"Can you blame me? I was alone without you for two weeks Peter". Your voice was breaking of how badly you wanted to cry. Your clit was getting puffy and it was bothering you. The feeling of Peter's cock inside of you was overwhelming
He sighs, his smirk filling the room. “I suppose I can’t blame you. In that case, I should really make up for those two weeks, shouldn’t I? Make my good fuck toy feel good, isn't that right"? To not move, not even a single muscle. He made a sound every now and then, your tightness was making it harder for him to not cum inside of you.
"Y-yes please sir".
Your pleading could convince anyone to do anything, as you continue to grow more desperate for his touch. He leans in and whispers in your ear. “As you wish, sweet girl. But you better be ready once I start, as there’ll be no stopping me now". A wink soon filled his face, as he began to move his hips once more.
You couldn't believe how hot you were getting by Peter's words.
“I’ll be honest hun, you looked extra beautiful tonight in that lingerie that you had on earlier. I loved my present".
You bit your lip to conceal the moan that was gonna escape easily out of your throat. "Mhm only for you baby. Fuck you feel so good inside of me. Sir give me another baby please, fill me up with your cum".
A soft smirk spreads on Peter's face as he hears your words. “Only for me, huh? Well it’s not a surprise we make a hell of a couple. Want me to fuck another baby into you? Want everyone to see that you're mine”? The last part wasn't even a question, it was more of a statement. Hell, you were married and sometimes that ring wasn't enough to get the ladies off of your husband.
Your hips move upwards to gain a bit of friction from Peter just to receive nothing but the air. He pulls out of you.
He takes a moment to see your response to his tease. Peter leans down your neck, his hot breath fanning over your skin. He holds back though, not wanting to give you his full touch
He chuckles, as he hears your pathetic whimpers and pleads. He can see the desperation in your eyes. “Don’t blame me when this is all we end up doing tonight, sweet girl. You keep begging like that and I don’t think I’ll be able to stop…”
"Then don't sir, let go for me" and that's when he lets out a groan at the tone of your voice. It was filthy and dirty of you. But Peter loved it so much that he smiles hearing your sedating words. This is what he was waiting for, as you finally let go of your restraint. With your permission, Peter knew nothing would stop this now. He moves further up now, resting his head against your chest as he moves my hands further up to your breasts…
You could taste the copper on your tongue after biting your lip in anticipation of what Peter was gonna do to you.
He gives you a soft kiss on your neck and collar bone.
"Please just do anything", you shudder as his wet but warm lips were on your skin. It made a chill run down your spine.
Peter gives you one final smile, as the moment he had been waiting for finally arrived. He leans in once again to tease you, but before he even begins, he whispers "Are you sure"?
"Peter! Yes, you have my permission so stop asking", you grew irritated by the second, wanting to take matters into your own hand.
You unconsciously spread your legs wider for Peter. He gives you a playful wink, “Ready"? You suddenly go silent as he slowly moves closer to you once more, a soft smirk filling his face. Peter leans in slowly, taking his time as he moves up your body, “Did you really think it would be that easy to make me start”?
"Peter Benjamin Parker I swear to God if you don't put your dick inside of me and fuck another baby into me, I'll take Mayday and divorce your ass".
His eyes fill with a knowing smirk as he hears your words. A soft sigh escapes his mouth, as he looks into your eyes. “Now would you say that to me in front of our daughter? What would she say if she heard you saying those words? Would she approve”? Peter asks in a teasing tone.
"She's only two, she doesn't understand babe".
“Oh she’ll understand one of these days. Just think about it, when she's older, she could be in her room. And she hears her so innocent mom whining for my cock” he says with a chuckle. “And when that happens, what will she think of her good mom?” Peter goes in even closer, his soft voice barely even breathing over your ear. Does he even care how close he is to you? Or does he just want to tease you as much as he can?
"Sir stop fucking teasing me or I won't let you cum tonight".
Peter fucking chuckles at you, at least your resolve to get the reward has not wavered. “Oh you haven’t given up yet then?” His lips are almost touching yours. “I guess we still have a little bit of a way to go, if you’re still wanting this as much as you did before, don’t you?
You couldn't handle the teasing anymore. So you somehow managed to flip yourself so you could straddle Peter. "If you won't fuck me, then I'll just take what's mine".
All the work Peter had done before to get to this point had been erased, as you managed to get on top of him. A small grin fills his face, as he finally sees the payoff here. “I can’t complain, now can I”? His hands now grab a hold of your hips.
"Mhm nope", you say as you grab ahold of his dick and sit on him. Once he bottomed out inside of you, you moaned at the stretch. Peter was thick and sometimes you wondered how he made it fit, but he would always say "Don't stress that pretty little head of yours, I'll make it fit baby", and he always did.
Maybe after all, all of his teasing did help in the end. The sound you made when his tip hit that one spot that made you fall apart was pornigraphic. But the embarrassment of it was the last thing on your mind. As a matter of fact, you didn't even think. It was just you and Peter.
Of course your pleasure was amazing but for Peter it was overwhelming. It took so much of his willpower to not cum the moment he felt the warmth of your pussy wrapped tightly around him. That sound you made was nothing like he had ever heard before in the time he's been with you.
It gave him a wave of satisfaction over him, as your voice told him everything he needed to know. It was as though everything had been leading up to this moment, as his heart began to pound in his chest and Peter felt a rush of excitement. But he still wasn't done with his teasing just yet.
A soft sigh escapes Peter's mouth as you start to take over. “Took you long enough, eh" he says in a teasing tone, just to get a rise out of you.
"Fucking shut it Parker, or I'm not gonna sit on your face after I'm done ridding your dick".
“Oh baby, you look so cute trying to take charge here", he let out a chuckle, as he looked up at your face. “That's your way of asking me to shut up"? Peter smirks, before giving you a wink.
You pulled him out of the one place he considered heaven and you groaned at the emptiness inside of you. But you would not stand his back talking anymore, you moved to hover over his face. "Since you wanna use that mouth so badly you might as well make it of proper use".
But with his stupid strength he stopped you before you could sit on his face. “Is this your way of punishing me now?” he asked, continuing to tease you.
Peter continued to speak, as your attempts to stop him were only making it more fun to talk. “So would you say that was a good idea"? The smirk still stuck on his face. He lets out another chuckle, as your attempt to silence him only made him laugh more. A soft smirk crosses his face, as your actions had the opposite effect on him. No, he wasn’t going to shut up.
"Peter I-".
He gave out a small laugh. “Sorry, I can’t hear you", he says, with a small chuckle coming out of his mouth. "Care to repeat that baby”?
You lower yourself onto his chest as you stare into pretty stupid brown eyes. "Fuck me please...I'm tired of your teasing".
“Glad to finally hear that". Peter says, as he sits up a little bit. “We could’ve just done this earlier on, instead of me teasing you". You couldn't believe him. You had literally told him earlier that you wanted him to fuck a baby into you, but this was all apart of him plan.
"Please just do it now, I've been good sir. You always say good girls get rewarded".
Peter finally agrees to your request. “Fine then, I’ve had enough fun for one night. So what do you say? You really want to make your dreams come true"?
You nod rapidly, at any moment you know that you're gonna break. "Y-yes please".
All of Peter's teasing has been leading up to this moment after all, so it was time for him to finally give you what you’ve been waiting for. “I hope you know you still owe me one, once I’m done here", he smiles playfully.
"Yes yes whatever you say sir". You didn't care about anything especially when he was about to give you the one thing you desperately needed. You move lower to his lap just hovering over his cock.
Your tone shifted, as you became more serious. Peter could feel the warmth of your wet cunt radiate onto his cock, it made it twitch. He had no idea how he was able to not cum after an hour of teasing.
After the moan that escapes your throat, it makes you feel like a porn star. It was disgusting and sinful. God, how Peter missed the sounds you made for him. Only him. Your hips rotate slowly and steadily, grinding into Peter's
Savoring the feeling of his cock stretching you, filling you completely. You squeeze and relax your pussy around him. Peter's arms are wrapped around you, pulling you tight against him, skin against skin.
Peter moves his hands slowly down your waist, feeling your soft skin against his fingers, down to your hips. He holds your firm ass in his hands and purposefully begins to move his hips up and down into you, grinding more than anything else.
You lift yourself up a little, your big round tits right in front of Peter's face. He traces his tongue along the underside of your breasts and around your hard nipples, circling them, teasing them. He flicked his tongue across your nipples, then sucked them into his mouth.
You raise your hips and begin to pump up and down, slowly at first, deliberately, taking Peter deep into you. Then slowly let him slip out, almost all the way out, with the head of his cock right at your wet and dripping lips, you lower yourself on him again.
"P-Peter….. fu-fuck".
His hands move back up your waist and massage your tits as he sucks them again into his mouth leaving dark purple hickeys, for him to see. Your long silky soft hair drapes down and brushes against his face, caressing him with the softest touch.
"My slut, taking my cock like the good slut you are".
The two of you begin to thrust into each other harder and faster. The intensity is greater than what you had both imagined. Little by little Peter is pounding into you with a perfect rhythm, your hands running through his hair, pulling it.
Wrapping his arms around you, Peter rolls you over onto your back, still deep inside you. He grabs your ass with his hands and lifts your hips up off the bed as you wrap your legs around his waist, pulling him into you.
Holding you, Peter thrusts into you -- full, deep, long thrusts, slapping against you each time. Your lips are wrapped tightly around him, as if pulling his cock into you. Thrusting, he watches as your tits bounce back and forth.
The bed sheets wet with your juices leaking down onto it, his cock disappears into you then re-emerges, pounding you. You on the other hand, you play with your tits, tweaking your nipples.
You both roll around on the bed, and continue to fuck each other senseless, alternating who's on top -- sometimes slowly, often hard and fast, always completely in tune with each other. Holding, caressing, kissing..., you fuck and suck each other for almost two hours.
Peter holds back, denying himself his own orgasm. His priority is to make you cum as many times as he can until you beg him to stop.
"I'm g-gonna-". Peter was so lost into his pleasure that he couldn't make out the words.
"In me, cum in me". You weren't lying when you told him that you wanted him to put another baby into you. There was no barrier for either of you. This was the moment to do it.
Finally, after pulling four orgasms from you, he can no longer hold back and unleash a powerful orgasm into you. You are sure he had never came this much before.
His hot cum hitting the depths of yourpussy, filling you and dripping out around his cock. He collapses on top of you, completely spent and satisfied, never happier than he is now.
You hold each other, catching your breath, kissing and fondling one another. Your body glows from the moonlight that peaks through the window of your bedroom and the beads of sweat -- Peter doesn't know if you have ever looked more beautiful, but he knows that your beauty is the woman inside, the woman that has his heart safely tucked away, as much as the sheer beauty of your body and eyes.
You know how much he loves you and he knows how much you love him. Your sex alone is great, but making love is the greatest pleasure of all for the two of you.
You lie together on the bed in each other's arms. Not long after you fall asleep in Peter's arms. He gets up to clean himself and you as well while you sleep. He tucks you in properly after.
Peter climbs in with you, and holds you until he falls asleep, happy and content, hoping and praying for another day to spend with you, and thanking God for another day he had been able to spend with you.
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sweetsbfreex · 2 years
Summary: your three=year-old joins Chris in his workout
Warnings: none!
Pairings: husband/dad!chris evans x reader
The pitter-patter of tiny feet against the extortionate floor hits your ears before the sound of a soft, cherub voice. 
“Mommy?” Evelyn calls out.
“I’m in here, honey.” You answer from the living-room, placing your book on your lap. 
She walks through, clad in a boxy patriot baby tee, her pampers, and pink socks. Evidently, it’s a very chill day in the Evans household. Beside her, her Mickey Mouse stuffie drags along the floor. 
“Hi mommy,” she waves her little hand as she comes closer. 
“Hi sweet pea. Is your cartoon all finished?”
She nods a yes. 
You go to respond, but she speaks first. You can tell a thought has popped into her mind with the way her eyes widen.
“Where daddy?” She looks around the room as she asks. His snuggly, strong figure is nowhere in sight, only his mug from earlier. 
“He’s working out in the gym downstairs.”
“Okay!” She turns swiftly, making her way to the basement.
Evelyn makes her way to the basement, down the steps carefully, with one hand clasped around the railing at all times. She walks into the expansive room filled with everything you need to exercise. It always makes it easier for days like this, where you or Chris can workout at home. Or have his personal trainer meet him there. 
“Daddy?” Evelyn calls out. 
Chris is in a prone position, his body supported on his palms and toes of his shoes. His chain clinks against the mat. With his biceps bulging and face glossed with sweat; Chris doesn’t hear the sound of his name until two pink socks stand in his view. 
Chris sits up and pulls his earbuds out. 
“You alright, honey?”
“Hi daddy,” she waves.
“Hi honey” he smiles and chuckles. 
“What are you doing?” She asks and slightly tilts her head to the side. 
Chris tilts his head too, as a quip. “Working out, so I'm all healthy, and can fight all the bad guys.”
“Me too!” 
“You want to be healthy too?”
“No, fight bad guys.”
Of course, Chris thinks to himself. 
“C’mere my brave girl.” Chris grasps her by her sides, tickling her protruding tummy as she squirms in his hold. “We’re gonna start with pushups. So you gotta get on the floor like this..”
She listens intently, but struggles, of course. But that was what her father’s support was for. In the end, she ends up with her butt in the air, unable to get her body flat like her father. But she pushes up and down on her arm, smiling up at Chris.
“I do it!” She laughs. 
“Look at you, you’re gonna beat all the bad guys’ butts.” 
He pats her diaper bottom before getting into position so he can continue. They workout side-by-side. A toddler and her father, the imagery almost ridiculous in the juxtaposition between the two. 
It only takes one set of ten push-ups, before he feels small hands on his back and a little grunt of her trying to lift her body onto him. So he drops his body into a plank, on his knuckles. And she plops herself on her father’s back, gleefully and giggly. 
“Ready!” But it’s all muddled since her filled cheek is flat against his back. Her arms hanging against the side of his body, feet laid out straight, and her Mickey Mouse stuffy is left behind on the floor. 
He pushes up and down, slowly, cautious as not to disrupt her too much. But she could care less as she laughs, at some point wrapping her arms around his neck. 
“Daddy strong!”
“He has to be,” he answers with a laugh. “How else am I gonna protect you and mom, hm?”
“Dodger.” She answers seriously. 
“That’s true,” he rasps, his breath picking up as he continues to chat and workout. 
Some time passes before he gets close to the ground again. “Ride over.” He jokes. 
His toddler slides off his back to stand next to him
“Are you ready for the next part?” He asks. 
“Yeah!” She claps her hands together and jumps in excitement.
Chris walks over to the rack of dumbbells. He picks up the set of fifty and one five pound dumbbells. He sets the smallest in front of her and holds his in each hand.
“We’re just gonna lift some weights.”
Chris knows there’s no way his three-year-old would be able to lift the dumbbell, but she’s as stubborn as a mule and wants to be involved in every shape and form of her parents’ lives. While Chris does his bicep curls, he cherishes the way his little one stares at the dumbbell for a little too long, then peeks up at him in question. 
“You got it,” he encourages, a lopsided smile on his lips.
So she goes for it. 
She uses both her small hands to grasp the handle. She tries with all her little might, a small squeak past her lips represents her efforts…
“Oops.” She stands to her full height, an innocent look masking her face accompanied by an embarrassed grin. 
“You toot?” Chris asks in hysterics. 
“Wasn’t me,” she crosses her arms over her chest. “Dodger!” 
Chris can’t help but lean back as laughter takes over his body. She’s precious, he thinks to himself. Taking in her distraught face, puffed out cheeks, and furrowed eyebrows. 
“Not me, daddy!”
“Okay, okay,” he drops the dumbbells to pick up her upset figure. “You don’t gotta be embarrassed,” he dotes and kisses her cheek. 
It’s three in the afternoon before you know it. Chris always finishes his workout by three, so by this time you go to the gym with a strawberry coconut protein milkshake— and a strawberry shake in your other hand, since presumably Eve had joined her father. 
You walk into the sound of a familiar, deep laugh which brings an immediate smile to your face. And heat on your cheeks at the sight of a post-workout Chris. 
“Hi,” You greet the two as you walk in. 
“Look who’s here,” Chris turns towards you and wraps an arm around your waist to pull you closer. “Hi,” his eyes brighten at the sight of you and he pulls you in for a chaste kiss. 
“Hi, mommy,” Evelyn recovers quickly, a bright smile on her face as she waves.
“Hi, honey.” You kiss her cheek. “Did you have fun working out with dad?”
You hold up both cups (one smaller and decorated with Bluey). Chris grabs Eve’s cup and hands it to her before grabbing his. He takes a sip, always looking forward to his wife’s smoothies. They’re always the perfect consistency and garnished with whatever fruit she has used. 
With your hand free, it naturally falls to the nape of Chris’ neck. Your fingers running through his soft locks. 
Eve is quick to take a sip, a milk mustache left behind her in haste. 
“What do we say?” Chris reminds her.
“Thanks, mommy!”
“Thank you, sweetheart.”
“Of course. Anything for my babies,” you squish their cheeks in jest. 
if you enjoyed pls don’t forget to reblog or give feedback if ur up to it &lt;3
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junekissed · 1 year
balloons & handmade cards
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member — dad!junhui x f reader genre — reeeally sweet fluff word count — 700 synopsis — your son and daughter tag along with your husband at the store while he buys some last-minute gifts for mother's day. warnings — reader is called mommy, jun is called daddy notes — based on an interaction i saw at the store today that almost made me burst into tears bc it was so cute i love kids so much !! i hope all of you have a happy mother's day, whether you have someone in your life or not, i'm giving all of you big hugs 💓
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"all right, kids, we're almost done here," junhui says as he stands in front of the greeting card section, a huge bouquet of flowers and a shopping basket full of groceries balanced in his arms. two toddlers run around his legs, each of them holding a balloon tied around their wrists that say "happy mother's day" and "i ♡ my mom".
he stops in front of the seasonal section, scanning the rack before picking one up and looking at the front. "did you guys finish making your cards for mommy?
"i did!" the older daughter of the two says as she jumps up and raises her hand in the air.
"so did i!" the younger boy adds. "i wrote that i love her a bazillion times infinity."
"well, i love her more than that!" the girl says, and jun has to hold back a laugh as he stands between them to separate them and stop them from fighting about who loves you the most.
"she knows you both love her very much, don't worry."
the girl jumps up and down again and points to a card at the bottom of the rack. "hey, daddy, i drew flowers on my card that look just like those!"
jun grins, reaching to pick out a different card and opening it to read the inside. "great job! i know she'll love it, sweetheart, i'm sure she can't wait to see them. when we get home make sure you hide your cards in a really safe spot so she won't find them before tomorrow."
the boy cranes his neck to stare up at the balloon waving back and forth as he tugs on the string, mesmerized by the way it moves. "daddy, why do we have to hide them?"
jun laughs and grabs an envelope from the rack. "because then it wouldn't be a surprise, silly."
"oh, right."
the girl tugs on his pant leg, and he looks down at her as he tucks his card into the basket and starts walking away from the aisle. "daddy, can i get a piece of candy?"
"we have sweets at home, honey. you can't have dessert tonight if we get candy now, and a little birdie told me that mommy has ice cream for later…"
"ice cream!" they both scream, and jun laughs, happy that his distraction worked. you probably won't be happy to have both your kids bouncing off the walls after he'd promised them ice cream for dessert, but he'd take care of them later.
"yes, ice cream. let's go pay for these quick, we have to hurry home before mommy sees what we got!"
with a squeal the two kids race off to find an open cashier, and jun follows close behind, double checking everything in his basket.
the lady at the cash register rings up everything with a friendly smile, even giving each of them a sticker with the store's logo on it.
"what do you say to her?" jun asks, and a chorus of "thank you!"s erupt from the kids before they dash out of the store, dragging him behind them.
"you guys hold on tight to your balloons, okay?" he says as they walk out the door, shrugging the bags of groceries onto his shoulder so he has both hands free to hold onto each of them. "don't let them fly away, because then we won't have any for mommy tomorrow! now, here, hold my hand while we cross the street, and look both ways first."
jun helps both of them climb into the backseat of the car and buckles their carseats before putting everything away in the trunk.
once he's sure all his passengers and cargo are secure, he slides into the driver's seat, ready to bring everyone home.
he glances over his shoulder at his daughter as he buckles his seatbelt. "yeah, princess?"
she grins at him, showing off the gap in her teeth from when the tooth fairy visited last month. "i'm so excited, i love mommy so much!"
the car starts with a hum, and jun smiles. "i'm glad, honey. i love her so much, too."
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❯ drabble taglist: @foxdaisy @tinkerbell460 @just-here-to-read-01 @blizzardfluffykpop @ny0sang @matilde111 @noniestars @noraehey @squiishymeow @pearlygraysky @baekhyunstruly @tenn87 @blowfishish @raevyng @odetoyeonjun @dkakapizzaboy @enhacolor @highkey-fangirling @baldi-2 @onlymingyus @variety-is-the-joy-of-life @potatofrieswithketchup @stariightjoyy @strawberri-uyu @tigermoonbiss @emmmm127 @hybe02z @sstarrysshit @g00dtimenotlongtim3 @yourfavoritefreakyhan @fr0g-filez @chocolatekdramakpopfreak @synthetickitsune
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❯ i hope you enjoyed this!! if you did, consider reblogging or leaving a comment or an ask :) it shows me this is something people want to see more of, and knowing people like this makes me want to write more of it! thanks for reading!!
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justhere4kpop · 1 year
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Wooyoung x Single Mom! Reader
Your life gets flipped upside down when you take a new backup dancer job at KQ Entertainment, you lied in your interview how will you get out of this one?
Genre: Mostly Fluff, Some Angst.
Warnings: (?) Angst, Mentions of cheating, self-doubt, and arguing.
w/c: 8715
a/n: Ahhh the longest one I've written so far!!! Oh god, I really hope it's good and that you guys like it, I've never written anything this long and I'm so scared to post it hahaha. I feel like even as long as it is it might feel a little rushed. I have no idea....it took me a long time to write anyways so any and all feedback is welcomed. Okay AH! Enjoy, please!
tags: @cromernet @starillusion13, @jaehunnyy (for you Chippie)
Do I wake up every morning with my hair in every direction, toothpaste foaming at the mouth, a stained t-shirt and pajama pants, and a toddler crying because I can’t hold her? Not every morning…sometimes I don’t get to brush my teeth before breakfast. Today was a really important day for me though and I absolutely could not bring my screaming toddler to my first day as a backup dancer at KQ Entertainment.
“What do you think Sweet Pea? Pancakes for breakfast?” I looked at her. “How about some fruit too? Grapes, Cantaloupe?” she smiled.
“Mama!” she pointed at the plate.
“I know I know they’re coming.” I flipped the stove on and kept brushing my hair. This is what I get for letting her try to braid it last night. “I knew I should’ve prepped last night.”
Of course, the day was going to be crazy, I’m a ball of anxiety there’s no way I couldn’t be.
“Do you like the melon today? It’s in season so it should be nice.”
“Juicy.” she smiled. “I like it!” she raised it in the air.
“I’m glad, maybe I’ll get more the next time we go to the grocery store.” I ate with her and wiped her mouth when it got to be too much.
“Are you excited to hang out with grandma today?” I picked up her plate so we could go wash dishes together.
“Grandma is coming?” she looked at me.
“Yes, are you excited?” I looked down at her and pulled her step stool up since she insists she can ash her own dishes.
“Mmmmm I dunno.” she shrugged and I chuckled.
The doorbell rang.
“Hi Mom, thanks for watching her again.” I sighed opening the door a two-year-old attached to my hip. “Saja, say hi to grandma.” I nudged her and she hid behind my shoulder. My shy little girl.
“Oh still shy as ever I see. Does she talk to anyone?” my mom chuckled.
“She’ll talk to me, especially when she gets upset…she’s just nervous around people. In fact, we were just talking about you coming over.”
“Oh, how fascinating.” she smiled.
“Okay let me just show you around really quickly to make sure you know where everything is. It’s been a while since you traveled here and I really appreciate it.”
I gave her the tour around the apartment, sure it wasn’t big but it was enough to stress me out, and have trouble keeping clean. Important numbers on the fridge, obviously call me if there’s an emergency. Snacks in one cabinet, dry food in another, what she likes and doesn’t so far, what she likes to do all day, hopefully, if the weather is nice they can go to a park. I went to get ready while Saja was distracted and put my bag together.
“Where we going?” she asked and patted my bag by the front door reaching for her shoes.
“Unfortunately today Pumpkin you have to stay with grandma while Mama goes to her first day of work.” I pushed the hair out of her eyes.
“But-”her eyes gazed over. “But I wanna go.” she pouted and big tears started forming.
“It’s just like that time that mama had to drop you off at daycare for the first time sweet pea, remember how much fun that turned out to be. You met Junie, and Kiri.”
“But I no want mama go.” she hiccuped.
“I know baby, I’ll be back before you go to bed I promise. Probably even before dinner ok.” I hugged her and spun her around. “It’ll be hard today, but easy tomorrow ok? Just gotta trust me.”
“Otay.” she wiped her eyes. “Promise come back?”
“I promise. I’m not ever leaving you.” I kissed her forehead.
And so that’s how the first day of the rest of my life began. I got to KQ, nearly died from exhaustion on how much they taught us that first day, raced home to be there for my kid before she went to sleep, and did it again for months, some days it was picking her up from daycare, sometimes my mom would take care of her. Of course, I made some work friends who wanted to hang out but I couldn’t… I can’t just go drinking after practice, I have to get home to watch the new episode of Octonauts, read bedtime stories, and make sure her “homework” (coloring.) is done.
“Oh come on y/n, come out with us.” Jaeun begged.
“I-I really can’t, I have to get back home.”
“What do you have a kid or something?” he teased.
“S-Something yeah. I um…just a tight schedule and I’m trying to make ends meet.”
“Oh second job?” Eun suggested.
“It’s just important and I can’t just…I don’t really have free time. I’m sorry, I really do want to but I have so much to do…” I bowed. “Thank you really. I appreciate it every time you ask me. I’ll see you around.”
I started to leave when a voice spoke up next to me.
“Nice work today y/n.” came the calm cool voice of none other than Jung Wooyoung.
“Th-Thank you Mr.Wooyoung.” I said again with a bow.
“Maybe they can’t convince you out but could I?” he quirked an eyebrow…..Is he flirting with me?
“I’m s-sorry I really have to go.” I picked up my bag and left. Did Jung Wooyoung just talk to me….and ask me out? Are you kidding me? I can’t get…I can’t.
“Mama.” called out the small voice waiting by my front door.
“Hi baby.” I picked her up and smiled once more. “I missed you too.”
“You look upset.” my mom said looking me over.
“It’s ok Mom, maybe later.” I didn’t want to talk about it in front of Saja. “For now, let me see what you learned today?”
“Color!” she ran over to the table after I set her down and started telling me the names of the colors.
“Wow look at you my smart girl.” I smiled and looked at the drawing she made of the rainbow. “Definitely going on the fridge today.”
“Yay!” she smiled and went to pick out the magnet for the drawing.
“I got asked out for drinks again.” I sighed.
“I would’ve watched her honey, you can go.”
“It wasn’t just by my coworkers this time…it was one of my bosses….I don’t know I’ve maybe bumped into him like 3 times but I haven’t really ever had a conversation with him and I…I couldn’t say yes.”
“Why not, it’s been a while since you had a date.”
“Mom I’m not really…dating material…I have a kid and…I don’t know.”
“y/n, you should try it…just…take a chance.”
“Maybe….I’ll…I’ll think about it mom.”
“I just want you to be happy kiddo, and to not feel so alone.”
“I’m never alone…but it would be a little nice to…think about some help…Mom he doesn’t want kids! What am I even saying.” I sighed.
“This one!!!” Saja ran back in with a rainbow magnet for her rainbow drawing. “I want dis one.” she smiled.
“Okay that one it is.” I smiled and took her rainbow to hang it up. “And so now which one is your favorite color?”
“Yellow.” she smiled.
“Good choice.” I kissed her head. “Come on let’s get ready for bed.”
I got her into her yellow duckie pajamas, we washed our faces, and we brushed our teeth and read together, she’s trying new words but also told me what color each things were. My smart girl.
“Goodnight Princess.” I whispered and kissed her head leaving the room.
“y/n.” my mom called me over. “I really want you to think about having fun with your friends.”
“I will mom…I…They don’t know I have a kid and I just, I don’t know wouldn’t it just be weird I’m suddenly the mom friend.”
“Honey, you already act like a mom because you’ve always been the mom friend.”
“I just don’t want to get hurt again….I don’t want Saja to get hurt again.” I looked back at her door.
One year ago, it was raining, I’d just gotten fired from my job for falling asleep in a meeting because my good-for-nothing partner wouldn’t take care of his own child at 2am. I came home to a screaming Saja, no furniture except her bed and mine, and a letter on the counter with photos of my worst fear….he was cheating on me this whole time. At least he had the decency to leave his keys. I was so scared I called my mom and that night I did the only thing I could hold onto my screaming one-year-old and cry too. I just wanted the best for her, unplanned or not she deserved as much love as I could give her. In some small ways, she tried too, if she saw me having a bad day after I couldn’t find a job she’d offer me a snack, if I fell asleep while we were together she’d curl up next to me and stay put so I could sleep. She was truly one of the best things if not the best thing to happen to me. I just wish I could give her a good life where she doesn’t have to worry about things at 2 years old…she shouldn’t see me cry already. Now the opportunity was knocking on my door, figuratively of course…Just the prospect of a date was terrifying, could I really let someone in like that again?
Jung Wooyoung is nothing but consistent…consistently a pain in my ass, he really doesn’t quit I mean at first it was every other day he’d ask if I was busy after work, but now it’s twice a week…he won’t stop…He’s famous, he’s…he’s an idol he wouldn’t want anything to do with me if I said I had a kid. He’d leave me alone…can I really expose myself like that? What if I get fired? I really need this job…Christ, what am I going to do? Just keep saying no he’ll give up and move on. Right.
“Oh you’re just mad someone actually said no to you Wooyoungie.” San teased his best friend as he pouted at another failed date attempt.
“It’s the way she carried herself, and that she always looks after the others, I mean I’ve seen her make sure everyone has water before drinking herself, and if someone looks unwell she’s the first one to check on them.” Wooyoung groaned flailing on the couch.
“Didn’t know you had a thing for moms.” Hongjoong chuckled.
“What do you mean?”
“She’s a total mom friend making sure everyone else is taken care of.” he smiled at the younger one, rejection never looked so good on someone.
“You could’ve just dated Seonghwa if you were into that.” Mingi spoke up.
“He’s not my type.” Seonghwa flipped the page he was reading.
“No you’re not my type! I’m everyone’s type!” Wooyoung stood up flabbergasted by the thought. “Jung Wooyoung is everyone’s type.”
“Just don’t catch a harassment case.” Seonghwa sighed. “I like her a lot, she’s kind.”
How could she say no to Jung Wooyoung so many times, he’s charming, handsome, funny, super attractive, sexy, cute, hilarious, and a dance machine. Maybe he should start with…
“How about lunch?” Wooyoung smiled.
“Hmm?” I looked up at him.
“Come get lunch with me.” he nodded.
“Oh um I-”
“You never want to do anything after work so why not during, we get a long enough break, I’ll even buy for being a pain in the ass so much.”
“Really Mr. Wooyoung I’m flattered but I have my own, it’s alright.”
“You seriously have to stop calling me Mister, I’m not that old and I’m not even your boss.” he smiled. “Just have lunch with me…us really a group of us are going.”
“I……okay.” I said sheepishly thinking about how much my mom is going to yell at me for not going.
When he said group I wasn’t expecting all of Ateez to be the group. Oh god, do I look okI should really sit like Six feet away just in case there’s cameras and does my breath smell ok?
“Hi y/n!” seonghwa waved. At least he was kind….they all are I don’t know what I’m saying.
“H-Hi Seonghwa.” I flushed and waved back sitting at the small metal table with them, the chairs dragging on the floor causing the shrill sound to ring out.
“Guys this is y/n…the one rejecting Wooyoung.” he smiled.
“Okay so not cool!” Wooyoung yelled. “I finally get her to come down to lunch and you embarrass me.”
Lunch with Ateez was becoming a regular thing, every week now I’d go with Wooyoung and we’d chat and…I almost felt like another member, sure they did this with others but it felt really special…I felt special. Mom was right I do need more friends. Maybe it wouldn’t be so bad if I just let go and got to know Wooyoung. 
“Like a good mother.” Hwa chuckled.
I did a spit take. “Sorry! Just inhaled too much water.” I coughed and my phone started ringing. “Oh sorry I have to take this.” I got up to answer around the corner.
“Mama!” the voice came from the small face on my phone.
“Hi Pumpkin are you having fun with grandma?” I smiled.
“Grandma makes Tteokbokki like you! But not as yummy.” she smiled and held it up.
“Oh? But I learned from grandma so shouldn’t hers be better?”
“Oh now you know it was your grandmother that taught you this recipe, I can’t cook to save my life.” she chuckled.
“And who’s that?” came a voice from behind me.
“Shit!” I jumped and dropped my phone.
“y/n? y/n?” my mom spoke.
“Mama?” Saja called out.
“S-Seonghwa. I-”
“So you are an actual mom?” he smiled.
“N-No I-....I um…it’s my niece and I” I felt the anxiety creep in, I got nauseous and I could taste the bile in my throat.
“Can I see her?” he smiled and sat next to me and picked up my phone but face it away in case I said no.
“Mom I’ll call you back ok. Saja it’s ok.” I smiled lightly at the phone and hung up. “Am I fired?”
“Fired??? For what? Did you steal a water bottle too?” he smiled. “Those are free.”
“No for…for lying about not having a kid.”
“It doesn’t matter that you have a kid pabo.” he picked my face up. “Why’d you hide it?”
“I really needed the job, it’s just me providing and…I didn’t want to be turned down because I have a daughter.”
“I see…y/n you were hired because you are insanely talented and can dance circles around any of those guys, mom or not. I think they wouldn’t have been making you stay so late if they knew, it’s important to be there for a child too.”
“I really need this job Seonghwa.” I felt the tears fall.
“You’re not losing your job honey I promise. It’ll stay between us….only if you let me say hi.” he smiled.
“I…” I picked my phone up and called my mom back. “Hi Mom, um…sorry my um…my boss scared me and he…yeah.” I nervously handed Seonghwa the phone.
“Oh that’s not who I wanted to say hi to hi Mrs. (l/n) you’re very lovely, I wanted to meet y/n jr. though.”
“Oh Saja, come say hi to Mister??”
“Seonghwa.” he smiled waiting for the small child.
“Hi.” Saja said smally as my mom came down to her level with the phone. “Mama??”
“I’m here sweet pea.” I called and peeked over Seonghwa’s shoulder. “Hi baby, what’d you have for lunch?”
“Potatoe.” she said getting quite shy at the man looking at her.
“And?” my mom prompted. “We tried pajeon, and Kimchi for the first time.”
“Kimchi?” Seonghwa smiled, “how exciting. Did you like it?”
“Spicy.” she frowned.
“Maybe we’ll try radish Kimchi she likes crunchy things.” I nodded. “I should get back to my own lunch honey, anything you want to say to Mr. Seonghwa?”
“......pretty.” she blushed looking away from the phone.
I think Seonghwa short-circuited he nearly dropped my phone.
“I’ll be home after work okay, be good for grandma, bye mom, thank you.” I smiled softly and hung up. “Mr.Seonghwa?”
“You really are ana amazing person.” he smiled and hugged me. “Next time we’re meeting in person.”
“Wouldn’t that be unprofessional?” I questioned.
“I don’t care that little ray of sunshine is getting spoiled by her uncle Seonghwa now.” he smiled.
If Seonghwa could’ve felt the eyes burning into the back of his head at the glare Wooyoung was sending the older man he’d probably be dead. I on the other hand couldn’t process what just happened…everything felt so strange, letting Seonghwa in on my secret…I wasn’t sure I liked it but it was…nice to let something out.
“And what were you two talking about?” Wooyoung questioned as we sat back down.
“Nothing, I was just making sure she was ok.” Seonghwa shrugged like nothing happened.
“Sorry just a weird phone call. I’m okay.” I nodded and looked down at my lunch.
“Aww cute!” Wooyoung pointed out the note Saja had wrote for me. “Where’d you get that.”
“Must’ve came with the wrap, I didn’t notice.” I looked at the scribbles that I’m sure were supposed to be words but what really made me tear up was the heart, it was mishapen and wobbly but it was her.
“Hey? Are you sure you’re okay?” Wooyoung lifted my chin up before the tear hit the paper.
“Yes, I’m ok.” I looked at him and blushed a bright red.
“Promise?” he held out a pinky for me. Saja does the same….
“Promise.” I whispered and let a few tears fall.
That’s where my relationship with Wooyoung took a turn. I noticed the small things at first…the little notes in my bag, the heart on my water bottle, and getting me lunch, or a snack, he always came to talk to me during breaks, and we always sat next to each other if we could during things, bus rides to venues for performances, meetings, anything. It all felt so nice. I felt…happy. Maybe it wouldn’t be so bad to give him a chance…even just one. 
“Hi cutie!” Wooyoung yelled over the phone as I answered.
“Hi Woo.” I smiled lightly at the phone and walked out to the little patio I had.
“Why so quiet?” he questioned.
“No reason. Just enjoying the peace.” I had just put Saja down and I didn’t want to risk her waking up.
“Listen I was thinking-”
“Isn’t that a dangerous game.” I chuckled cutting him off.
“Come to dinner with me?” he smiled. “Please?”
“Before you say no! Just…one chance, look I know you said your ex was terrible and left you with nothing but I just…y/n you’re great, and smart, and wonderful, and beautiful, and…and amazing…please…just one date so I can stop my terrible attempts at flirting. I’m running out of pick-up lines to use on you.”
“Wooyoung I….”I looked back at the apartment and a cool breeze wrapped around me sending a shiver down my spine. It would be nicer to try having someone else around. Was I ready for him to know everything? “Dinner sounds nice. Maybe Friday?”
“Friday.” he smiled, you could hear the grin. The wonderful grin followed by his melodic giggle. 
Maybe we can try again…maybe this time won’t hurt so bad. Maybe he’d stay.
You’re getting too ahead of yourself y/n. Just one dinner, and maybe it’ll be okay from there, just take it one day at a time.
Friday came quicker than I’d like and I still had no idea what to wear, what to do, all I knew was my mom was excited and I felt like I was going to throw up again.
“You know Saja likes watching him perform onstage, she says he moves the most like water.” my mom smiled. “She gets so happy seeing you on the tv.”
“I know…she asks to watch a performance before we go to bed usually.”
“Aren’t you excited?”
“No…I mean I am but, god this could go horribly wrong.”
“But it won’t, I’ve seen the little notes, you have this boy smitten like he’s a teenager.” she chuckled.
“Yeah but eventually I’m going to have to tell him about Her.” I motioned to my daughter.
“How do you know he doesn’t like kids?”
“I didn’t say that, but he has been thinking I’m just some poor single woman this whole time Mom, and I don’t know how to bring that up, Oh hi by the way I’ve been lying to you for 4 months, and actually have a two-year-old, hope that doesn’t change anything.” I groaned and pulled on the black cocktail dress I had picked out.
“Honey, I don’t think it will…you trusted Seonghwa with saying hello.”
“That was over the phone and this is different mom…this is a…potential love interest, you know a maybe boyfriend, Seonghwa is no more than a potential babysitter and even that’s a maybe.”
“I think you should let some people in…it’ll be good for you to have more than just me for her. Also I have plans for tonight”
“I know you’re right mom I just…. MOM!!! And you didn’t tell me!” I groaned and picked up my phone. “Fine.”
“Just giving you an extra push dear.”
“You are…I swear!” I hit dial.
“Hello?” the voice on the other end of my phone croaked out.
“Hey, could you…do me a favor.” I sighed.
“So you want me to meet your daughter, and babysit her while you go on a date with Wooyoung?” Seonghwa questioned me as I stood with him in the hallway.
“Yes…because my mom forced this…”
“How so.”
“She ‘made plans’ or whatever so now I need a babysitter or I have to tell Wooyoung I’ve been lying this whole time.” I sighed.
“Hey hey okay, I’ll do it.”
“I figured since you brought a goodie basket.” I eyed the stuffed animal behind him. “Saja.” I called out coming back inside. “Come meet Seonghwa.”
Seonghwa could barely contain himself waiting to meet my two year old.
“Mama?” Saja hid around the corner.
“Hey sweet pea, it’s okay…remember him, he’s from the tv.” I held out my hand for her and she walked over to hide behind me.
“Hi Saja.” Seonghwa said calmly and in a quiet tone getting down to her level. “I’m Seonghwa, I work with your mama, remember we talk on the phone.”
“....pretty.” she blushed.
“She remembers.” I pat her head. “Why don’t you show Mr.Seonghwa the painting you did.” she nodded and ran to go get her newest art piece and came back over, she stopped and looked between me and him before taking a cautious step forward. 
“Oh my goodness, look at this.” he smiled. “Okay let’s see….a cat?” she nodded. “Wow what a beautiful cat. What’s his name?”
“Rainbow.” she said quietly.
“Rainbow? What a perfect name.” he smiled. “And is mama going to hang it up?” he looked up at me.
“Yes” she smiled and ran off to find the magnet.
“She likes you, I promise, she’s just shy at first.” I breathed. “I have to get going I don’t…want to be late.” I looked at her in the kitchen.
“I promise nothing bad will happen.” Seonghwa tried reassuring me.
“Last time I left her alone with a man he took everything and left.” I brushed him off and grabbed my things.
“Y/n” Seonghwa placed a hand on my shoulder and I tensed up. “I understand, but you deserve some help, and some fun.”
“She’s all I have Seonghwa.”
“Y/n I promise she’s in great care, I wouldn’t dream of hurting either of you.”
I sighed. “Saja. Come give mama a hug please?” she came running over with a new magnet for her cat drawing.
“Where go?” she questioned holding her arms up for a hug.
“Mama is going to go see a friend because she really likes this friend ok? It’s called a date.”
“Date?” she questioned more.
“See when two adults, like mama and her friend like each other more than just friends, which is a very complicated feeling to understand even for adults, they go out to do things together, like eat dinner or watch a movie.”
“To see if they like each other’s company more than other people.” I smiled. “However no one’s company is better than yours sweet pea.” I kissed her nose. “So you stay here and play with Seonghwa and Mama will be back later, like when you stay with Grandma.”
“Are we go on a date too?” she whispered.
“Sure.” I smiled and she was blushing as I put her down. “Have fun okay?”
“Yes ma’am.” Seonghwa smiled and Saja walked back over to her table.
My phone dinged again and I made my way out and downstairs to Wooyoung and his very expensive car.
“Didn’t know you could drive.” I raised an eyebrow,
“Very recent, you look beautiful” he smiled.
“Thank you.” I blushed and he opened the car door for me. “Not so shabby yourself sir.”
“Thank you.” he smiled and closed the door gently and mumbled to himself he told me what he said later was “Wow she looks beautiful.” however I think  “okay rizz master Wooyoung, you gotta work.” sounds more like what he actually said…don’t let him tell you otherwise.
“So I was just thinking a quiet dinner without all the noise from the guys and maybe a walk?” he smiled.
“Sure, I’m just along for the ride.” I nodded. “It’s been a while since I’ve done this so you’re going to have to carry me along.”
“Don’t worry I’ve got you.” he smiled.
Throughout the course of dinner I learned that work Wooyoung, friend Wooyoung, and date Wooyoung are three very different people. He seems different.
“Yeah no order whatever you like.” he smiled and gestured to the menu.
“I’m not used to this kind of stuff.” its usually chicken nuggets and mac and cheese…why am I suddenly craving it…or pizza, I could so go for a pizza right now.
“Well only the best for you.” he smiled nervously. “How am I going to pay for this?!” he thought to himself.
“Right.” I swallowed nervously and looked at the menu. There aren’t even prices listed. “Wooyoung?” I looked up at him over the menu.
“Hmm? Yes, oh did you have a question?”
“Have you ever eaten here before?”
“Oh yeah loads of times!” why am I lying??” 
“What do you recommend?” I blushed a little, I knew he made good money but…I don’t know this seems a bit much.
“Well there’s the uh Hakarl.” he said and pointed. “That’s good and then the Bird’s Nest Soup.” he nodded.
“Oh okay. Why don’t you pick for me, I mean I want whatever you’re having.” I shrugged. He knew what he was talking about.
“I don’t have a clue what I’m saying! What did I even recommend!” he yelled at himself.
When the waiter came back he ordered for us and we left it at that, I finished my glass of wine and looked around at some of the dishes…they all looked interesting…to be kind…I don’t know if I can do this.
“Um excuse me.” I pulled a waiter aside and asked about the dish he had just served. “What did she order?”
“Ah that ma’am is the Bird’s Nest Soup” he smiled. “You see the saliva turns hard-”
“Thank you.” I interrupted and turned back to Wooyoung. Saliva? “Wooyo-”“Y/n” we both said at the same time.
“You go first.” he gestured.
“Wooyoung I really appreciate this but I…I can’t do this…this food is…it’s way too much for me.”
He sighed….here it comes.
“Thank god.” he breathed out. “I really didn’t want to find out what the other thing I ordered is.”
“Can’t we just go get a slice of pizza? Like normal?” I looked down at my hands.
“Please.” he stood up and walked over to our waiter talking to him before handing over his company card and explaining everything. “Let’s go before they bring it out.”
I nodded.
What started off horrible and scary turned into something magic, we found a place by the park close to my apartment and got three sliced of whatever pizza sounded good and just sat in the park. Much more my speed, much more…relaxed.
“I just wanted to impress you.” Wooyoung looks down at the slice of pizza in his lap. “I thought…maybe you’d like it if I took you somewhere special.”
“Who says Pizza isn’t special?” I looked at him but his eyes were turned down to the ground. “Woo?”
“I just….I really like you, especially the more I’ve gotten to know you, you’re kind, and gentle, and just…you’re absolutely wonderful y/n and I really fucked this up tonight.”
“Hey.” I nudged him. “Hey” I said a little more sternly and lifted his chin up to meet his gaze. “I’m still here aren’t I?....I appreciate that you think I deserve some fancy restaurant where we sit 10 feet away from each other and the menus don’t have prices and we’re waited on hand and foot, but…that’s not my speed. I prefer picnics and pizza and bullet train sushi and…fried chicken, and mac and cheese, and stupid little fruit cups.” I smiled at him. “I like it when we have lunch together and we eat ramen or tteokbokki, or even rabokki!”
“I’m sorry.”
“You have nothing to apologize for Wooyoung.” I kissed his cheek. “I’m having a great time eating pizza in my favorite park with my second favorite person on the planet.”
“Who’s the first?”
“No one you need to worry about.” I chuckled and blushed.
“Ahhh your mom then.” he smiled. “Thank you…for not letting me feel like I completely fucked this up.”
“Quite the contrary, you’ve shown me that I really mean something to you…I mean that place was faannncyyyy.”
“You do mean something to me.” he looked into my eyes and there was that intensity that he had when he was dancing. The look of “I’m doing this and no one can stop me.”
“Thank you.” I rubbed his cheek.
You know how it goes, he walked me home, I got the third degree from my mom on how it went…except Seonghwa joined in, I tucked my two year old into bed and then…I had a full moment in bed in my pajamas where I squealed and kicked my legs and just…he kissed my cheek and held my hand and and and…pizza. Yeah. I could…I could get used to having Wooyoung.
It was just like any other day, it was warm and sunny, Wooyoung wanted to go out on a date and we decided another park date, kimbap which of course he made, in fact he made all of the food we ate, mandu, rolled omelet, potato salad, some pajeon, and finally because this obviously isn’t enough food for two people he also made my favorite cucumber salad . I really am one special girl. 
“Woo this is too much.” I chuckled looking over at him as he kept bringing out more food.
“Nonsense, you’ll love this.” he smiles but you can tell there’s something bothering him.
“Are you ok?” I looked at him his face tight.
“Yeah, no it’s..it’s nothing I’m fine.” he nodded but he seemed more in his own head now.
“How about next time I’ll make the kimbap? I’ve been told I make it pretty good.” I smiled trying to lighten the mood.
Sure everything was going well, I really like him but I don’t know he seems a little distant recently and I can tell something is bothering him. I…
“Woo?” I said putting down my things. “You know we can talk about things right?”
“I….y/n…I….” he started and closed his mouth a few times. “What’s your relationship with Seonghwa?”
“Seonghwa? I don’t know…friends I guess. I mean I can certainly feel safe around him.” I looked at him confused.
“I know…what I’m about to say is…I know…Are you…Are you cheating on me?”
“What no?!” I looked at him incredulously. “Cheating?? Wooyoung I would-”
“Then why is it that you drop everything when he calls?” he looked at me getting a little teary eyed. “Why is it that when he calls you leave the room? Hmm? What private conversation can’t Wooyoung hear?” he was getting upset.
“Wooyoung it’s not like that-” I started.
“Well then how is it y/n! Because it certainly seems like you two aren’t just friends!”
“Woo please listen to me.” I said my voice quivering a bit. “Please take a breath and listen.”
“Then start explaining…I thought it was me and only me.”
“It is!”
“I saw you together!!” he stood up angrily.
“He’s just my friend Wooyoung I swear nothing more!” I looked at him, my own tears blurring my vision. “Wooyoung I would never cheat on you I swear, please just listen to me!”
“So you can lie about-”
“Mama?” a small voice called out. 
“S-Saja!” Seonghwa’s voice called out.
“Seonghwa?” Wooyoung looked over at his friends familiar voice. “What are you doing with a child?”
“Mama!” Saja threw herself into my arms hugging me tightly. “Hi!”
“H-Hi sweet pea.” I looked at her and moved her hair lightly, I could feel Wooyoung looking at the scene before him. “Wooyoung, this is Saja…my…daughter.”
“Daughter? Are you two-?”
“No! Wooyoung I’m just…I just babysit while you two go out.” Seonghwa looked at him.
“Is she yours?” Wooyoung looked at the child and then back to Seonghwa.
“No.” I said and held her closer. “She’s my ex’s…he left…Seonghwa just…he found out I had her and I needed someone to look after her because I really wanted to go out with you but I…” I felt like I could throw up.
“Wooyoung did…I wouldn’t do something like that to you.” Seonghwa looked at the younger male, anger burning behind his pupils.
Wooyoung looked between us grabbing his things.
“Wooyoung, don’t leave…you’ll regret it if you do.” Seonghwa warned the younger male. I covered Saja’s ears.
“Well what was he supposed to think Seonghwa…afterall I drop everything when you call, I go to you when I don’t know what to do, I call you late at night because she’s crying.” I shrugged. “I would think the same….Maybe I should go.” I moved to get up but Wooyoung stopped me before I could get further.
“No.” he looked at the blanket. “Don’t.”
“Saja why don’t you and Hwa go play.” I looked at her and kissed her forehead.
“Hwa Hwa!!! You It!” she got up and ran away.
Wooyoung sat back down and folded his hands together in front of me.
“Wooyoung I…This isn’t how I wanted it to go.” I looked away from him. “I promise there is nothing go on between us other than he’s my babysitter…I think of him as my older brother honestly. I have feelings for you and you only.”
He stayed quiet before nodding and looking over at Seonghwa and Saja playing.
“Why’d you lie y/n? About…her?”
“No one would hire a single mom…I needed the money before she got kicked out of preschool and we lost our apartment so I begged my mom to come help take care of her just until I had enough that I could come clean about it.”
“We have plenty of parents I don’t understand.” he looked at me.
“By the time I finally got to KQ I had been turned down so many times I-I-I panicked it was the only thing I could think of and I was desperate and they..you were all so kind and I-” tears rushed down my face. “And then you showed up and everyone else and then Seonghwa found out and I got scared and you kept asking me out and making me smile and…this isn’t how I wanted you to meet. I wanted you to meet her please.”
He stayed quiet and I wiped my face, before I knew it he brought me into him and rubbed my back.
“I really have made an ass out of myself haven’t I?” he whispered into my hair.
“I understand where you’re coming from though Woo really.” I held onto him.
“Tell me everything.” he asked
I told him our backstory, how my ex left, cheated, basically robbed me, how Hwa found out, I told him what I could and he listened.
“I’d really like to meet her if you let me.” he picked up my face and cupped my cheek. “I promise I’ll listen better.”
“Woo it’s not your fault, what were you supposed to think.”
“That my girlfriend wouldn’t cheat on me.” he squeezed me a little. “I’m sorry.”
“I’m sorry too…..I’d really like for you to meet her.” I looked at him. “This isn’t how I wanted you to find out.”
“Whenever you’re ready.” he brushed my hair back often like I do for Saja. “Some times…things work out differently than we want them to.”
“Are you still mad?” I asked.
“I’m still….trying to figure out why.” he sighed. “It makes sense but…I just…I.”
“You can be upset Wooyoung, its a big thing I hid from you.” I shied away from him.”Does it change how you feel about me?”
“I don’t know…maybe? I….I mean-” he looked up at me and I knew he could see it, the heartbreak on my face, I never was good at hiding it. “No baby I-”
“No…no it’s fine Wooyoung…” I moved off him. “I wouldn’t…” I stood up and turned away from him. “I wouldn’t feel the same about me either, it’s probably why I got rejected from everything else.” probably even why he left in the first place. “We’ll just go.”
“No baby, stay. We can have lunch, I’m sorry.” Wooyoung pleaded.
“Mama? Can I has water?” Saja came over tired from playing.
“Here!” Wooyoung jumped up and opened a bottle for her. “I made all this food would you like a snack?”
She looked at me and I nodded and we sat back down only this time apart.
“Y/n.” Seonghwa looked at me.
“It’s nothing.” I turned away from both of them to pay attention to my daughter. “It’s just me and Saja.”
Seonghwa looked over at Wooyoung who looked down at the blanket and pushed food over to us before looking to Seonghwa and away again.
“Saja what do you say?”
“Gram…Sa…Ham…Mama what was it?” she looked at me. “Oh! Hamyida!”
“Good.” I chuckled and wiped her face. “We’ll get going now, thanks for running into us Seonghwa…It was nice to meet you.” I got up and helped Saja up before starting our walk home.
“Mommy?” Saja looked up at me.
“Yes sweet pea?” I stopped.
“Why you look sad?”
“Oh don’t worry angel, I’m okay. I just really thought it’d turn out different.”
“Like what?” she questioned. Every the curious two year old.
“It’s nothing you need to worry about Saja.” I picked her up.
“Can we play with Hwa Hwa tomorrow too?” she yawned.
“I’ll ask him later baby. Let’s get you home.”
I got her home, and of course, she was asleep on me when we walked in. I put her down and sat by her bed, I couldn’t stop the tears that came down my face. I thought everything would work out this time, I thought that maybe…maybe one day he’d be here too…maybe she’d go to sleep and we’d stay up and watch a movie together, maybe we’d play games, or have friends over, or…it was always too much to ask. Too much for me to be happy. Not even a text when I walked through the door. Was this really over?......I’ll turn in my resignation on Monday. 
Monday came and went but my computer screen remained blank, I didn’t want to write a resignation letter it’s only been a few months but, I loved my job, I loved the guys, my friends….I loved him. I called in sick I just couldn’t see him, of course by now Seonghwa and Wooyoung had told CEO Kim who asked if there was anything he could do, if Saja was sick or anything. No. There was nothing anyone could do.
“Mama again!” Saja called out pointing to the finished episode of Paw Patrol. I replayed it for her and pulled myself into the chair more, staring at the blank document.
“Saja I’m going to the potty, don’t answer the door like usual ok?”
“Otay!” she smiled and sang along to the theme song.
I just wanted to splash some cold water on my face, something to get it out of my system.
“Hi!” I heard Saja yell from the living room.
“Saja? I told you-”
“Hwa Hwa!!!” she screamed and I ran out to see two men standing in my now open doorway.
“Sorry, I used the spare key.” Seonghwa flushed and spun Saja upside down.
“Why are you here?” I stood there wanting to grab my child from them.
“Baby I’m sorry.” Wooyoung pleaded. “Please can we talk.”
“No, it’s fine. You don’t need to apologize.”
“I do. Please.”
I pushed him out into the hallway and closed the door.
“Wooyoung you shouldn’t…you made it clear how you felt.” I looked away from him.
“No I didn’t because that wasn’t how I felt. That isn’t how I feel y/n.”
“Then how do you feel, because I think “I don’t know if they changed” after that means anything different but it-”
“It didn’t change how I felt okay! I…I panicked…I freaked out because I…You have a kid and sure I love little kids, I love Kyungmin, I love babysitting, and I love playing dress up and tag and…I really love them you know I do, but…it was scary. I no longer had to impress just you I’d have to impress your daughter, I’d have to figure out how to…be a good role model and…take care of her and I’m just a cool uncle or big brother I’ve never had to…be a parent.”
“You’re not her parent Wooyoung.” I crossed my arms. “And how do you think I’m going to feel! We Slept-” I quieted down. “You were the first person I’ve slept with since I had her and you just……..I’m her parent Wooyoung.”
“Yes but we’re dating, so that means I need to be there for her too, because you don’t just date the one person, that’s the most important person in your life I can’t just…I have to be a good example. None of it changed how I felt about you, after you two left I just wanted to do it all over again, I wanted to ask you on a picnic and play tag and push her on the swings and..please believe me y/n, I want to try again. I feel so stupid ok, I have real genuine feelings for you and I hurt you I know I did, I just…one more chance baby please. I’m sorry y/n please. I promise I’ll spend the rest of my life apologizing if you just give me one chance to make it up to you.”
I sighed. “It’s not up to just me Woo….give me two seconds.” I walked back inside and he stayed in the hallway. “Saja?”
“Hi mommy!” she called out from the couch where she was giving Seonghwa a makeover. “Princess Hwa Hwa.” she smiled.
“Oh how lovely.” I smiled and looked at Hwa…I need a photo. “One photo so we can remember your masterpiece?”
“You can take ONE photo. Make it count.” Seonghwa looked at me and I took a photo of him and Saja.
“Saja honey?” I came down to her level. “Would you like to meet mommy’s friend from the other day? The one with all the food.”
“Yeah!” she smiled. “The one mommy likes!”
“Yes, the one mommy likes.” I smiled. “Come on.”
I carried her to the door and took a breath, everything was going to change once I opened this door.
“Ready!” she called out. Ok.
I opened the door half expecting Wooyoung to dart…thank god he was still there when I opened my eyes.
“Saja, this is Wooyoung.” I looked at him. “Wooyoung this is my daughter, Saja.”
“Hi!” she smiled and waved.
“Hello Saja.” he smiled back. “It’s very nice to meet you.” He pulled a flower out from behind his back.
“Where did you-?” I looked at him.
“Flower!” she smiled and took it. “Mommy likes a maggisin!”
“Would you like to come in for coffee.” I looked at him.
“I would love to.” he smiled
This was it, Wooyoung was entering my life, he was seeing the real me and my daughter. I set Saja down to go play with Seonghwa but she stayed and talked to Wooyoung, she showed him all the pictures she drew and all the things she did for pre-school, he smiled and listened the whole time. He helped with a snack since she was getting hungry and he even let her do his hair, and for once in the past 7 months I’ve known him, I could finally breathe. It felt as though a weight has been taken off my chest and I could actually let him see me, the real me. It felt good. It felt so fucking good.
Wooyoung is a wonderful partner, truly. Saja loves him, she’s started calling him every night before bed if he isn’t here to tuck her in, she likes to tell him about her day, he plans dates with all three of us and sometimes even just the two of us, the guys have slowly been introduced to her and they all claim to be her favorite uncle (we all know its Seonghwa). Wooyoung has been maybe slowly moving in slightly, his stuff appears more and more, and what do you know he’s usually attached to it, and now, almost a year later her birthday was coming up and I had no idea what to do.
“Okay I know it her birthday but I was thinking we could bring her to work and surprise the guys for a birthday party?” he rubbed my cheek, the soft sunlight drifting in for the morning.
“She would like it, especially if San and Hwa were there, and Mingi, she likes being tall.” I kissed the palm of his hand.
“I’m sorry.” he said and looked at me fondly.
“For what?” I questioned.
“For everything. For being ignorant, and stupid. For-”
“You don’t have to keep apologizing for that.” I held his wrist gently.
“I told you I’m apologizing for it every day.” he kissed my nose.
“Good Morning!” Saja called out and climbed into the bed and on top of Wooyoung. “Wooyoungie!”
“Hi Princess good morning.” he smiled and kissed her head. “Did you sleep well?”
“From the looks of her bed head I’d say so.” I chuckled.
“Well I better get those pigtails back in before Hwa Hwa sees you then hmm?” Wooyoung lifted her up and got up to go to the bathroom with her.
“Woo?” he turned around. “It’s a great idea.” I smiled. He smiled back and nodded.
As I made breakfast Wooyoung made sure they got their morning ritual done, you always have to dance in the morning if you want your day to go well according to him. Saja likes spending time with him and frankly, this past year it’s been so nice to not feel like a single parent.
“Okay and 1,2,...3 and 4. Good! Okay Okay. shh shh.” Wooyoung spoke. “Eomma!!” he called out.
“Yes?” I peaked around the corner.
“Saja wants to show you something.” he smiled and nodded for her.
He started playing the music to Case 143, the chorus specifically and she looked like she was going to do it but then turned to Wooyoung and looked scared.
“I can’t” she whispered. He stopped the music and got down to her level.
“Hey hey what’s wrong princess?” he scooped her up.
“I can’t do it.” she sniffled.
“Of course you can.” he smiled. “You practiced hard with me while eomma was busy.”
“Too hard.” she looked away from him.
“I think she’s just nervous to do it alone Woo.” I looked at him and gave him a small smile.
“Do you want me to do it with you princess?” he pushed her hair back.
“Want Youngie do it too.” she whispered to him.
“Wooyoungie will do it too.” he nodded. “Okay? Together?” this time it was her turn to nod.
He started the music over and set her down.
She looked at him as they started and even though she was shy she saw him do it and knew he meant it when he said he’d do it with her. It gave her the boost she needed to do it too. Before my eyes here she was trying her best to dance along to Case 143 by Stray Kids and for an almost 3-year-old, she did a great job.
“Oh sweet pea that was amazing!!” I scooped her up and kissed her face. “Such a good dancer.” I smiled.
“Like Appa!” she smiled and pointed to Woo. I stumbled a little.
“O-Okay breakfast time.” Wooyoung clapped and took Saja and sat at the table to eat breakfast. “Baby? Come eat ok?”
We’d talk about it…after breakfast.
“I’m sorry.” Wooyoung confessed. “She started calling me that last week when I was watching her when you had to stay late with Yunho and I didn’t correct it but she knew you would be scared if you heard and-”
“Is that what you want?” I looked at him. “Is this what you want? You know you can’t leave if she starts calling you that.”
“You are what I want y/n. Nothing else. Just this.” he nodded, I’ve never seen him look so serious. “I may be young and handsome, but I-I I can be a dad too.”
“Are you sure?” I held his hand and he gave me a firm squeeze.
“I’m sure.” he nodded.
“Of course you taught her how to dance.” I wiped my face and chuckled.
“She’s got quite a talent, I think she picked it up from her mom.” he smiled and kissed my cheek. “I’m not going anywhere..in fact, I was waiting until her birthday but…Maybe it’s time I…move in?”
“And what else could you possibly bring over…You already live here.” I smiled and kissed him.
“I have some other things.” he chuckled and kissed me back.
“I love you Jung Wooyoung.” I smiled and held onto him.
“And I love you l/n f/n.” he smiled back and held my hips.
Do I wake up every morning with my hair in every direction, toothpaste foaming at the mouth, a stained t-shirt and pajama pants, and a toddler crying because I can’t hold her? Not every morning…sometimes I wake up in the arms of my loving boyfriend, sometimes with no clothes, and sometimes I wake up to the sight of my daughter getting ready for the day with her two favorite people, I see a smile on her face as her appa cries dropping her off for school, I see the joy on her face when the guys come over and San talks to her about her day, I see my daughter being surrounded by more love than I could ever ask for. Surrounded by her 7 uncles and her appa, better than I could’ve asked for. 
Sometimes I wake up to the biggest smile I could ever see, more radiant than the sun, and I know this is all real. Wooyoung is real, and he’s here Forever.
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rxqueenotd · 5 months
The Verdict- Chapter Seven
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Pairing: Vincent Renzi x OFC
Warnings: mentions of vomiting, mentions of pregnancy, divorce. see prev. tags.
A/N: I am a woman of the people and with the reaction from last chapter, you guys can have this one early. I’ll be in NYC all week, so I’m not sure I’ll have the next chapter written until late next week. Anyways, I hope you guys enjoy and I look forward to your reactions! (Someone make new Swann gifs, please, with Vincent’s hair)
Leah's arrival at JFK at noon left her feeling disheveled. Boarding the flight from Paris at around eight PM, she landed at JFK at two PM, with jet lag immediately taking its toll due to the time change. Craving a quick dinner, a speedy shower, and the comfort of a warm bed, Leah knew she had no time to waste as duty called. She promptly arranged for a car to take her to Brooklyn Heights.
Living just a few blocks away, Brooke's apartment was a convenient stop for Leah. With two toddlers and a six-year-old, she understood that asking Brooke to meet her for coffee was out of the question.
“Mommy, Auntie Leah is here!” The front door swung open, hitting the wall with a thud as a snaggle-toothed girl rushed into Leah’s arms. “Hi, sweet girl.” Balancing the girl as she entered, Leah closed the door behind her. Once the girl wriggled free, she beamed up at Leah.
“Aria, don’t wake your brother and sister,” Brooke scolded as she appeared from around the corner. Opening her arms, she warmly embraced Leah, her old friend.
“France suits you,” Brooke remarked, eyeing Leah playfully.
“I brewed the strongest coffee I had, knowing you must be exhausted,” Brooke said, leading Leah into the kitchen and seating her at the bar. “Not just from the time change, but from the hot lawyer you've been hanging around with.”
Leah rolled her eyes. “Kate and her big mouth strike again.”
Accepting the coffee Brooke handed her, Leah leaned back, her chin resting on her hands.
“Tell me all about him. Distract me from this ridiculous divorce,” Brooke said, a twinkle in her eye.
Leah decided to cut to the chase. She briefly recounted the details of the case to Brooke, who seemed disinterested, before delving into her move-in with Vincent and the ensuing events. Speaking about it out loud felt surreal, as if she was observing herself from a distance, noting the absurdity of it all.
"It's... crazy," Leah confessed, taking a sip of her coffee.
"It's real," Brooke reassured her. "The way you light up when you talk about it says it all. You're practically glowing."
Leah buried her face in her hands, letting out an embarrassed groan.
"Are you going back to France?" Brooke inquired.
"Yeah," Leah confirmed. "I only came back to assist you with the custody agreement. I intend to see the case in France through to its conclusion."
"Ever the resilient one," Brooke chuckled. "Stepping out of your comfort zone at last."
"Took you long enough," Brooke teased.
They spent the following hour poring over Brooke's divorce settlement and custody arrangements, discussing her entitlements following the dissolution of her marriage and what she would be left with.
"So, you'll be there tomorrow, right?" Brooke asked anxiously.
"Yes, of course. It's normal for lawyers to attend mediation sessions. I just need to catch a flight at noon," Leah replied.
"My little jet setter," Brooke teased, eliciting a playful response from Leah in the form of her raised middle finger.
After ordering enough takeout for a family of five, Leah indulged in a quick shower, trying to reacclimate to life in her apartment. She felt like a ghost, haunting the familiar spaces she once occupied. The bed felt foreign, lacking the softness and comfort she had grown accustomed to in Vincent's bed. Thoughts of him consumed her, wondering if he was thinking of her too. Memories of their time together played on a loop in her mind, only to bring her back to reality, picturing him peacefully asleep. She questioned her longing for his arms and wondered why she had been denying the truth of her feelings for so long. She welcomed the embrace of sleep gratefully as it finally enveloped her.
At five in the morning, Leah found herself facing the day with weariness in both body and mind as she rose from her bed. Swiftly preparing for the day, she reached for the pre-selected outfit hanging in her closet. Satisfied with how she looked in the high-waisted slacks and neatly-pressed silk shirt, she effortlessly slipped into her red bottoms. Fashion had taken a backseat during the intense involvement in Sandra's case in France, but then, as she admired her reflection, she felt a sense of familiarity wash over her, reconnecting with her old self after a long time.
Stopping at a midtown coffee shop just before seven, Leah placed her usual order and waited patiently as the barista worked their magic. Suddenly, a wave of nausea swept over her, causing her to break out in a cold sweat. Her palms turned clammy, and she felt the color drain from her face as a tingling sensation spread. Pushing through the crowd of waiting patrons, she hurried to the bathroom, slamming the door shut just in time to drop to her knees and empty the contents of her stomach into the toilet. After the ordeal passed, she rose unsteadily to her feet, wiping a cold paper towel across her neck to soothe herself. Her complexion was devoid of any color, while the tips of her ears blazed a scarlet red, a stark contrast to her drained face. Shaking off the episode, she emerged from the bathroom with a facade of composure, determined to carry on as if nothing had occurred. "Out of sight, out of mind," she reminded herself as she grabbed her order and briskly made her way towards the meeting place a few blocks away.
"You don’t look so good," Brooke observed as Leah joined her in the lobby.
"I had bad takeout last night," Leah explained, falling into step with Brooke as they entered the elevator.
"Was it Ming’s?" Brooke inquired, sharing her own unfortunate experience, "They nearly killed me with the worst food poisoning last year."
Leah shook her head in response, and Brooke fell silent. As the elevator doors slid open, they were greeted by an army of lawyers and Brooke's soon-to-be ex-husband, the epitome of an asshole. Leah couldn't help but wish she had managed to hold in the urge to vomit a little longer, just so she could unleash it on the whole group.
As Leah swiftly tidied her apartment, preparing it for her return, she called for a car to take her to the airport. During the journey, her thoughts raced. Brooke's shattered marriage, torn apart by an unfaithful spouse, and the collateral damage inflicted upon her children, weighed heavily on Leah's mind. She pondered the cruel twist of fate where love, once a beacon of hope and joy, could spiral into darkness.
Vincent also occupied her thoughts, a figure of quiet strength and unwavering kindness. His gentle demeanor nurtured the connection between them with each touch, each embrace, each glance.
She mulled over what she knew of Vincent, what remained a mystery, and the things that seemed to divide them. Yet, in the midst of this contemplation, a spark of hope flickered within her, a tiny flame fueled by the warmth of his presence and the thought of being back in France with him.
Leah hurried towards the designated gate, her mind racing with thoughts. Despite her intelligence, she often found comfort in the saying "ignorance is bliss" and lived by the mantra of "out of sight, out of mind." As she deftly entered the corresponding number/letter combination into the CVS vending machine, she swiftly grabbed her selection and made a beeline for her gate.
Leah suddenly felt a wave of regret wash over her. She regretted moving in with him, getting involved romantically, and losing focus on her original purpose for being in France. The weight of her failures weighed heavily on her as she navigated through the airport and boarded the plane, almost like a zombie in a daze.
In the tiniest lavatory imaginable, Leah's hands shook as she ripped open the box, a sudden turbulence tossing her around like a forewarning as she gazed at the stick in her grasp. Completing her task, a sense of humility washing over her, she hurriedly washed her hands and concealed the evidence within her bag. Back at her seat, she drew a deep breath, preparing herself for what lay ahead. Nestled within her bag was her destiny—a small, blue plus sign, a souvenir from her time in France.
It was nearly seven PM when Leah landed in Paris and headed to Vincent's apartment. She expected him to be alone, so she was surprised when Joan answered the door.
"Bonsoir," Joan greeted Leah, opening the door wider for her to enter with her bag.
"Salut," Leah replied, glancing around the empty kitchen and living room.
"Where's Vincent?" she inquired.
"He's gone with Tim to the country house," Joan explained. "They're clearing trees from the main drive due to bad weather."
"Ah, I see," Leah nodded, walking into the space and heading towards the bedroom to drop off her carry-on and slip out of her shoes.
"You look nice," Joan complimented. "Did you win your case?"
"It was just a mediation," Leah clarified. "Divorce arrangements, custody agreements... all the unpleasant stuff."
"I'm glad I never got married," Joan admitted, motioning for Leah to join her at the table.
Leah poured herself a cup of tea and sat across from Joan.
"I understand," Leah acknowledged.
"My Vincent was always a stoic child. I don't think he ever truly needed a father," Joan reflected. "Maybe he did, but that ship has long sailed."
Leah listened attentively, chiming in, "I witnessed quite a battle during that mediation.”
"And you're scared, aren't you?" Joan asked, smiling knowingly at Leah.
"Of what's happening between you and Vincent," Joan elaborated.
"I'm not sure if it's fear or logic guiding me right now," Leah confessed. "Nothing seems to make sense."
"When I got pregnant with Vincent, by a worthless man, I had nowhere to turn. I was deported from Ireland and returned here. I had my parents, well, my mother briefly, but that's another tale. Despite being conceived in such dire circumstances and raised with all my quirks, he turned out to be a good man. I couldn't be prouder of him," Joan proudly stated.
Leah smiled at Joan's openness, slightly taken aback until Joan added, "But you're not pregnant by a worthless man, are you, Leah?"
Before Leah could respond, Vincent arrived, greeting her warmly as he removed his jacket and boots.
Joan hugged Vincent, giving Leah a knowing look before seeing herself out.
"What was that about?" Vincent asked, brushing Leah's cheek.
"Nothing," Leah replied. "Did you know your mother is psychic?"
Vincent chuckled, "Don't tell her that, or her ego will inflate even more."
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crazyunsexycool · 2 years
My little love
Chapter 6
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x enhanced!reader
Word count 5.3k
Warnings: a bit of crying (happy tears), kissing, Bucky gets to relive a bit of the 40s, Bucky is a whole ass charming warning ok! So much fluff!
A/N: if you’ve read the last chapter of is it a crime? Please accept this as an apology 😂 also I’m having issues with tags again so if you see you’re tagged more than once I’m sorry!
Series Masterlist
Ch. 5
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Charlotte stood in the middle of the mats in the training room. Arms spread out to stay balanced and big bright eyes on you. Nat sat behind her, hands hovering around Charlotte just in case she fell. You sat in front of her with your arms extended trying to convince her to take her first steps.
“Come on Lottie I know you can do it.” You say sweetly.
“Won’t Barnes be upset if he misses her first steps?”
“I’m recording just in case. I’m hoping her first word is dad or daddy.” You add as Charlotte wobbles in place and falls softly against Nat’s hands. She giggles as she tilts her head back to look up at the redhead. Nat scoops her up and sits her on her lap, tickling Charlotte sides to get the toddler laughing fully. “She should already be walking and talking but with everything hydra did these developmental stages were delayed.”
“What about her abilities?”
“She hasn’t had another vision. At least we don’t think she has or she hasn’t had any bad ones.”
“That’s good, Steve told me Bucky’s been on edge since the second one.”
“Yeah, he barely leaves her side. I’m surprised he went on this mission.” You say as you get up and take Charlotte from Nat.
You both head over to the row of treadmills and place Charlotte in the playpen you had set up earlier.
“Knowing him, he'll try to finish this mission as fast as possible so that he can get home to his two girls.”
You smile at her comment. She still didn’t know Bucky had asked you out but the thought of having a chance of being with him had you grinning like a love struck teenager.
“What’s that smile for?” Nat asks as she starts up her treadmill.
“Bucky asked me out.”
“What? When? Why didn’t you tell me?”
“Tell you what?” Wanda asked as she joined both of you.
“Bucky asked Y/N out on a date.”
“Finally!” Wanda exclaims.
“Ok you two are being dramatic.” You say with a laugh.
“You’re kidding right? I have a hard time ignoring both of your thoughts when you’re in a room together.” Wanda says before changing her voice to mimic yours. “Bucky looks so good in that shirt. Oh he’s so sweet. The way I would let him fu-“
“Ok enough! Little ears.” You say as you nod toward the playpen. Wanda grins innocently at you.
“You’re going to have to tell me more about that last one.” Nat tells Wanda before turning back to you. “It’s only taken forever for him to ask. Tell me you wouldn’t have said yes if he asked as soon as he moved into the compound?”
You don’t say anything, instead you focus on starting your workout by setting an easy pace on the treadmill.
“The silence is so loud.” Nat says with a smile. “Have you guys decided on when and where you’re going?”
“Not yet. We really didn’t get that much of a chance to talk about the date when he was called in for the mission.”
“Hhmm, well from what Steve has told me, he’s a hopeless romantic. I bet it will be something special.” Wanda assures you.
“We could literally go anywhere and I’d be happy. I just like spending time with him.”
“And he’d like some alone time with you.” Wanda wiggles her brows.
“What? Trust me Charlotte wouldn’t be an only child if you two had been dating for a while is all I’m going to say.”
The three of you laugh at her statement before you continue with your workout and discuss what you could possibly wear to this future date.
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It had been three days since Bucky had left for the mission and he was finally coming home. Steve had called ahead and let the team know they were headed back. By 3:00 pm the jet finally touched down at the compound. Steve and Sam quickly exited the jet and it was obvious the mission hadn’t been an easy one. Sam gives you a quick hello before he keeps going.
“If it isn’t my favorite person in the whole world. Did you come to welcome me home?” Steve said as he got closer.
“Of course I did. I missed having you around Rogers.”
“You know I wasn’t talking to you,” he says as he kisses the top of Charlotte’s head. His voice goes high pitched and slightly squeaky as he talks to her. “I was talking to this sweet Angel right here, wasn’t I? Yes I was, sweet girl.”
Charlotte claps and smiles in approval.
“Wow, you should give your next pre-mission speech in that voice.”
Steve playfully glares at you as he straightens himself up. He looks back at the jet before looking back at you a defeated sigh escapes his lips.
“This one was rough for him, he’s in some type of mood.”
“Thanks for the heads up. Go rest.”
You adjust Charlotte on your hip and head to the jet. Bucky is still in the spot you assumed he’s been in during the whole flight. It was obvious he was lost in thought because you were practically in front of him and he hadn’t even moved.
“Bucky?” You called out softly but he didn’t react. “Buck?” You said his name again and still nothing so you wave your hand to move his left hand.
His eyes snapped up to yours but he quickly looked down. You set Charlotte down, letting her hold on to your legs as you sat down next to Bucky.
“Wanna talk about it?”
Bucky shakes his head. You place an arm on his back and rest your chin on his shoulder. A few minutes go by with both of you just sitting in silence while Lottie’s attention is held by everything around her. You were thankful she wasn’t walking yet or she should have caused some trouble.
“I froze.” Bucky reveals with a sigh. “Steve and Sam needed me and I just froze on the mission. That’s never happened before.”
“Why do you think it happened?”
“I don’t know. One second I'm in hand to hand combat then another I’m ducking under a desk. All I could think about was what if Lottie is left alone because of one well placed bullet?”
“Oh Bucky,” you wrapped your arm around his midsection and hugged him tightly. “I know how scary it is to feel like this. I just wish there was something I could say to help.”
Bucky tilted his head to finally look at you and you offered him a warm smile. He rests his forehead against yours and closes his eyes.
“For the first time in a long time I was scared I wouldn’t come back home and now I’m afraid I won’t be able to shake that feeling. I have too much to lose now. This is the first time I want to be home. To be here for her… and you.” He says softly.
“You’re here now, we’ll figure out how to deal with everything else together.” said as you cupped his cheek.
Bucky pulled back slightly to be able to look at your properly. His eyes darted from your eyes to your lips, his tongue dragged along his bottom lip before he started closing the small gap between you. Clapping and giggles interrupted the almost kiss. Both of you turned your head to look at Charlotte who now stood in the middle of the aisle.
“Oh my god.” You gasped.
Her eyes lit up when she noticed the attention was on her. Suddenly she takes a step and then another until she’s standing in front of Bucky. She’s gazing sweetly up at him and her arms reach out, a silent request to be picked up by her father. Bucky on the other hand is a sobbing mess. He picks Charlotte up and peppers kisses on her now chubbier cheeks. The action only causes her to giggle more before she puts both of her hands on his face. Charlotte babbles and coos happily at her father and you can’t help the happy tears that fall from your eyes as well.
“You did so good, doll.” Bucky says before giving her another kiss.
“I’m so proud of you sweet Angel.” You say with a smile. “Let’s see how much we can get her to walk.”
You get up and Bucky grabs his go bag after placing Lottie on her feet. Bucky starts walking backwards and calling Lottie to follow him. You stay behind her just to make sure she doesn’t hurt herself. Wobbly step after wobbly step Lottie follows Bucky out of the jet happily until you get to the ramp. You grab one of her hands and Bucky grabs the other but you let her lead. It took an extra minute or two but she safely reached the leveled ground. Then she took off, with every step she got a better sense of balance and slightly faster.
“We are never sitting down again.” You joke.
“I’ll have to go to the store and get some extra baby proofing items. Make sure she doesn’t get into anything that could hurt her.”
“That baby proofing thing might work for regular kids but she has the serum. All she would have to do is pull a bit harder and she could probably rip anything apart. We might have to talk to Tony about it.” You tell him while keeping your eyes on the now wondering toddler. “Come this way Lottie.” You call out to her as Bucky holds the door into the compound open.
She stands in her spot for a moment looking between you and the open hanger door. It was obvious she wanted to head back outside and explore.
“Charlotte Barnes, inside now.” Bucky says in a slightly stern voice.
You have to stifle your laughter when she pouts but does as she’s told. She tries to walk faster than she can and she wobbles. You and Bucky have matching smiles as Lottie keeps going until she trips but catches herself, her little hands hitting the floor before she could actually hurt herself.
“You ok sweet Angel?” You ask as you get closer. She just babbles and stands up to continue her journey. “This way, Lottie.” You say after asking Friday where everyone was.
You stepped into the living room before Bucky and Lottie and called out to everyone to look in your direction just as she rounded the corner. Lottie stops dead in her tracks when she notices all eyes on her. Bucky is right behind her, unable to keep his eyes off of her and smiling. It’s silent for a few minutes before everyone cheers and the toddler starts clapping along.
“Come here, Charlotte.” Nat sat on the floor and stretched her hands out.
Charlotte starts walking towards Nat and at the last second changes direction and heads for Steve. She throws herself on his legs and waits for him to pick her up.
“Traitor.” Nat mumbles.
“Everyone here needs to understand that I am her favorite person.” Steve gloats. “So when did this happen?”
“On the jet. Nat and I had been trying to get her to walk all week and nothing. I think she was waiting for her dad.” You say as you and Bucky take the love seat. His arm rests over the back of the couch where you’re seated and everyone notices how at peace and happy you both look.
Charlotte wiggles against Steve and he puts her down before she makes her way around to Sam. He teaches her how to give a high-five and immediately decides that everyone needs a high-five. Clint, Wanda and even Bruce stretch out their hands as she gets closer. She smiles and coos happily. When she gets to Tony she begins to babble and he holds a full one sided conversation with her. He nodded along and gave a few oh yeahs as she pointed at random objects.
Soon enough she gets tired and makes her way to you and Bucky. He scoops her up and sits her in between you both. She leans into your side and yawns softly. Then you feel it, she tenses beside you and you’re quick to pick her up. That distant look in her eye and her breathing is very shallow. You don’t have to say anything, Wanda is already reading her mind. As quickly as the vision started, it stopped but there was no crying or fear Charlotte simply wrapped her arms around your neck and rested her head against your shoulder.
“Wanda?” Bucky asked, worry evident in his voice.
“It was a good vision.” She smiles at both of you.
“But what was it?”
“I’ll tell you when it happens.”
You and Bucky look at each other confused but shrug. There wasn’t anything you could do to get her to talk. You turn a bit and ask Bucky if she’s asleep and sure enough she is. He takes her from you and gets up from the couch saying he’s going to put her down for a nap. You grab his go bag and follow him out.
“I can’t wait for their wedding.” Steve says.
“Who do you think will be the best man and maid of honor?” Sam asks.
“I’ll be the best man obviously, Lottie will be the flower girl and Y/N won’t have the heart to choose so Wanda and Nat will share the title of maid of honor.”
“Do you have the seating arrangements and flowers picked out already too, Rogers?”
“Tony don’t start,” Steve shakes his head. “Besides, we're all thinking about it.”
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“I changed my mind.” You whisper as you stand by Bucky at Lottie’s crib.
He was looking down at her with such fondness. With every passing day and every moment you witnessed them interacting you could tell that he was accepting and loving fatherhood. You understood his reaction at first, the existence of a child which he had no recollection of willingly creating was terrifying. It opened up old wounds and brought up new questions. But you could see how the knowledge of someone so pure and innocent existing and being hurt how he had been tugged at his heart. The heart he had said so many times was tainted and broken that he couldn’t be considered worthy of love or good. Yet here he was doing both of those things all because of this tiny person that was part of him.
“About what?” He asked, worried you’d changed your mind about the date about him, or even worse about Lottie.
“When I said I didn't know what to say to help. The reason we have to go out there and fight is because of her. She’s already been through so much but we have the ability to not only keep her safe but get rid of the things in this world that would try to harm her again.” You sigh as you rest your head against his shoulder. “I mean we might not be able to save her from things like heartbreak but the other things. Hydra, anyone that might want to use her, we can stop them.” You take his hand in yours and pull him out of the bedroom and into the living room.
“Heartbreak? You think I’m going to allow her to date ever?”
“Wow you sounded like my dad for a second.”
“Please don’t ever say that again.” He shivers.
“But it’s true,” you laugh as you take a seat on the couch. “It’s ok though, I’m a total daddy’s girl. I’m pretty sure Charlotte is too.”
Bucky smiled at the thought as he pulled you into his side. He places a kiss on your forehead before getting completely comfortable.
“So.” Bucky says.
“Do you still want to go on that date?”
“Did you change your mind?” You look up at him. “It’s ok if you did. We don’t have to go out on a date”
“No way did I change my mind. I just wanted to make sure you still wanted to go.”
“Oh, well the answer is still yes.”
“Friday night?” He asks hopefully.
“It’s all yours, Barnes.”
“Good. I just have to decide where I wanna take you.”
“Please say dancing.” You sat up straighter and gave him a hopeful smile.
“A little patriotic bird may have said that you used to go dancing all the time.”
“That was decades ago,” Bucky frowned slightly. “I don’t even think dance halls exist anymore.”
“Well it’s ok. As long as I spend time with you I don’t care what we do.” You relaxed against him again and rested your head on his chest. Sighing happily when you felt his arm wrap around you.
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Between starting up your training again and having a now walking toddler on your hands the days had blurred together. You stood in front of your closet in your robe as you looked through some outfit options. Nothing stood out to you and since you didn’t know where you were going you really didn’t know what to wear. There’s a knock at your bedroom door and Nat and Wanda come in once you give them the ok. Nat places a dress bag on the bed and Wanda has a few bags in her hands.
“What is going on?”
“Barnes recruited us to help you get ready for your date tonight. Hence all these things.” Wanda said as she put her things down. “Let’s get started.”
The three of you joked as you did your hair, nails and makeup. Nat held up the garnet bag to reveal a beautiful red dress. The style reminded you slightly of dresses from the 40s but not in such an obvious way.
“He’s here.” Wanda announced as she walked back to your room. “Oh Y/N, he’s going to lose his mind when he sees you.”
“You think?”
“Of course, maybe by the end of the date Lottie will have a sibling.” Nat wiggles her brows.
“Oh come on, you’re being ridiculous.”
“Yeah well wait until you see him, you’ll be climbing him like a tree.” Wanda gives you a cheeky grin.
You roll your eyes as you put on some of your favorite perfume. Nat and Wanda say their goodbyes for the night and walk out of your room. After doing one last once over in the mirror you finally walk out to the living room.
Bucky was up and off the couch as you entered the living room. He was dressed in a white button up shirt with a navy blue suit and matching tie. His hair was parted on the side and styled back and he had shaved. It was as he had been pulled straight out of the 40s. His smile was sheepish as he made his way over to you. You noticed how his eyes traveled the length of your body and his cheeks were tinted pink when he realized he had been caught.
“You look just, breathtakingly beautiful.” Bucky holds in hand out, offering you a beautiful bouquet of your favorite flowers.
“You look amazing. And thank you.”
You walk into the kitchen and quickly get a vase to fill it with water and place the flowers in. When you turn back you find Bucky just watching you with a lazy smile on his face.
“Ok, I’m ready if you are.”
“I am, shall we?” Bucky offers you his arm and leads you out of your apartment and the compound and down to the garage.
When you get to the garage you start walking towards Bucky’s car but he stops you, instead guiding you out a bit further. You smile when you see a car that was easily from the late 1930s or early 1940s. It was obviously well taken care of.
“My family used to drive a car like this. Thought it would be fun to drive it tonight.” Bucky explains as he opens the door for you before jogging around to get into the driver's side.
“Is this yours?”
“No,” he chuckles, “it belongs to a friend of Tony’s.”
“Hhmm, so what are we doing tonight?”
“It’s a surprise.” He winks at you before he starts driving away.
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Bucky parked on a busy street and walked around the car to open your door. He stretched out a hand to help you out and then offered his arm for you to take. The conversation in the car was easy, mostly talking about who was babysitting Lottie and all the rules Bucky made Steve promise to follow.
“You know Steve’s going to spoil her right?” You ask as you cross the street.
“Yeah, but when has he ever followed the rules?”
“You’re right. That's why I told Nat to check up on them.”
Bucky chuckles as you finally get to your destination. You could hear music coming from inside and there were others walking in and out of the building. They were also dressed in a similar style than both of you. Excitement built in your chest as your grip tightened around Bucky’s arm.
“Bucky, where are we?”
“See for yourself, Sugar.” He says as he opens the door.
It was like stepping back in time. The sound of live music is even louder but not bothersome. There was a hostess at the front that Bucky went to speak with while you looked into the main room. The dance floor took up most of the space but there was a bar to the left and tables and booths surrounding it as well as a balcony with more tables that you could look down from. Your eyes traveled throughout the room, taking in the decoration and how it seemed like it had been taken straight from the 40s. The band was on the stage at the back of the room and they were playing like their lives depended on it.
“Ready?” Bucky whispered in your ear as he placed his hand on the small of your back to guide you to your table.
“Yes. Bucky I can’t believe you did this.” You say excitedly.
“If my girl wants to go dancing, I’ll take her dancing.” He said boldly before taking your clutch and placing it on a table with a reserved sign on it. “Shall we?” He offered you his hand as the band started playing a slow song.
You smile and nod as you place your hand in his. Bucky pulls you onto the dance floor. He walks on to the dance floor but not too close to the center. It’s his training kicking in, he can’t help it. He puts one hand on your waist and holds your hand in the other while you place your free hand on his shoulder.
Bucky begins to lead you in a slow dance. You look around as other couples join. It was definitely the best date you’d ever been on and the fact that it was with Bucky made it even more special.
“So, your girl huh?” You look up at with the intent to tease him a bit but the intensity in which you find him looking makes your heart skip a beat.
“Was I too forward?”
“No, I’d like to be your girl if you really want that too.”
Bucky smiled before he dipped you. “You have no idea how much I want you.” He confesses as he pulls you back up.
“The feeling is mutual.” You whispered as you continued to dance.
The night is filled with music, dancing and laughter. You barely sit at the table Bucky had reserved for you, only doing so when he went to get drinks for both of you at the bar. You’d had someone take a picture of you so that you could frame it later. It was good to see Bucky like this. A glimpse at the young man he used to be, before the war, the serum and all the pain he went through. His eyes were brighter and his smile was blinding.
By the end of the night he had draped his suit jacket over your shoulders as you walked back to the car.
“Hungry?” He asks as he slides into the drivers side.
“Good, I know just the place.”
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You sat in a booth in the back of an old diner. Bucky had mentioned him and Steve used to go there all the time.
“It’s been family owned since the 20s.” He mentions as he puts down the menu.
“When did you find it again?”
“When I first got to the compound. Steve and I would get on our bikes and just ride. It helped clear my mind. One night we were driving through our old neighborhood and we passed it.”
“It must be nice to have somewhere to go to that reminds you of those days.”
“It’s helped a lot actually.” He says just as the waitress comes up to take your order.
You both give your orders the waitress and when she leaves Bucky gets up and slides into the seat next to you.
“I can’t remember the last time I had this much fun.” You say as you grab his hand under the table.
“Me either.” He sighs before clearing his throat. “I wanted to talk to you about something.”
“Is everything ok?”
“Yeah everything is ok. More than ok actually. For the first time in a really long time I feel happy. And a lot of it has to do with you. I care about you a lot and I really want to see where this, between us goes. But it’s not just me I have to worry about now, there’s Lottie too. I don’t want you to feel like I trapped you in this relationship or something or that I used Lottie to pressure you into this.”
You put a finger over his lips to get him to stop talking.
“I care about you too. I have for a long time, longer than Lottie has been in our lives. If anything I wouldn’t want you to think I’m using Lottie. I care about her a lot and not just because she’s your daughter but I do think the Barnes family have a way to steal my heart. I take care of her because I want to, because she deserves to be loved and cared for and she deserves happiness, just like you.” You smile up at him. “So ask me the question.”
“Y/N will you be my girl?”
“I’d love nothing more.”
Both of you smile at each other and Bucky begins to lean in. The sound of a plate hitting the tables pulls you out of the little bubble you created. Bucky glares at the unsuspecting waitress.
“Here you go folks, let me know if I can get anything else for you.”
“Thank you.” You say as she leaves you alone. “Eat up or it’ll get cold.”
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Bucky intertwined his fingers with yours as you made your way back into the compound hallways. You both stop when you get to your door. To anyone else it may seem a bit odd, his own apartment was down the hall and around the corner but Bucky was a gentleman at heart. You turn to look at him to find him already looking at you with a soft smile.
“Thank you for tonight Bucky, I had so much fun.”
“I did too, and we’ll go out again soon. I promise.”
“I’m counting on it, handsome.”
“Goodnight, sugar.” He says before leaning in and kissing your cheek.
As Bucky pulled away you tugged on his tie just enough so that he would get the hint. You smile at each other as you lean in. His soft pink lips brush against yours lightly. The seconds before your lips finally meet his are torturous. And suddenly his lips are on yours, moving together as if they had done so many times before. Bucky’s hands grip your waist as yours meet being his neck. You feel the slightly tacky texture of the pomade he used to do hair. A small moan escapes your lips as Bucky deepens the kiss and pushes you against the door. There was no way for you to understand how a kiss could be soft and sweet but also set you ablaze. The butterflies in your stomach had turned into a hurricane in the most delightful way. You didn’t want it to end.
You find yourself following his lips as you realize he’s pulled back slightly. Bucky rests his forehead against yours but it takes you a second for your eyes to flutter open and meet his bright blue ones. Your lips are still slightly pursed so he gives you another quick kiss.
“Goodnight, sugar.” He says as he finally starts walking away.
“Hey, that’s not fair.” You call out, hearing him chuckle.
“Trust me sugar, we’ll be doing a lot of that. Good night.”
“Good night.” You grumble back before walking into your apartment with the biggest smile.
Bucky walks into his own apartment where Steve and Sam had agreed to watch Lottie. Both men were asleep on the couch but he could hear Lottie cooing softly in his spare room. When he walked in he found Nat sitting on the floor with her.
“So how did it go?” She looked up once Bucky was in the doorway.
“I’ve got my girl and now I’m getting my doll. Come here baby.” He lifted her and peppered kisses on her cheeks. “What are you doing up so late?”
“Those idiots you left in charge put her to sleep too early. But she only woke up a few minutes ago.”
“Well thanks for looking out for her, I got it from here.”
“No problem. See you later sweet Angel.” Nat says before leaving.
After taking a quick shower and getting ready for bed Bucky sat against the headboard of his bed with his daughter on his chest slowly losing her fight with sleep. He allowed himself to dream about what his new future would look like now that he really had you. As he finally fell asleep his last thoughts of the night were of his girls.
Ch 7
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Taglists: @kunaikunari
Series: @buckystevelove
@spencerriedisagorgman @talesofadragon. @superduckmilkshake @samfreakingwinchester
Permanent taglist: @kunaikunari @rebekahdawkins @cjand10 @nalny5 @sturchling @angywritesstuff @seitmai @writing-for-marvel @goldylions @darkhairedmenrule @little—baby—bear @almosttoopizza @littleseasiren @pono-pura-vida
Series taglist: @buckystevelove @vicmc624 @just-someone11 @sjsmith56 @emily-roberts @spencerriedisagorgman @talesofadragon @superduckmilkshake @samfreakingwinchester
321 notes · View notes
attheendoftheline · 2 years
You might say that the boy was touched…
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I adore the fact that we get to see Orpheus’s not only be “blessed” by the gods with his voice, but also have a real connection with them. Now often times being blessed or favored by the Gods never goes well— usually it’s a few years of good stuff happening then a gnarly end or string of bad luck (no different here). What I like is that here Orpheus has a tangible relationship with at least two of the gods. Being Hermes Ward and Persephone? Well she just likes him.
His relationship with Hermes was expanded in a sort of unseen backstory, in Working on a song Anïas goes into detail on how he came to be under his wing. He was partly raised by his mother but she’d be gone for impossible lengths of time on her own, so she left him with Hermes. The idea of a minor goddess showing up on the doorstep to a train station with a wiggling magical toddler and going ‘here’ is wildly entertaining to me— even more so for Hermes just to “alright” and keep him around. No better city for a musically inclined kid either.
I love how some of this is seen throughout the show, most of the time and especially in the beginning Hermes watches him sing with the proudest look on his face. Yet he’s not entirely easy going, there’s several times through the show as both a narrator and a father figure he tries to snap him out of things or explain what has to happen and how. That amusement can very easily turn into frustration one of my favorite lines is in Chant where Hermes tries to pull Orpheus back into the story and realize what’s happening with Eurydice - he’s yelling at this point “talk about oblivious”. He’s stern, he’s annoyed but the same man who’s told a million bedtime stories to the same kid.
Hermes wants to interfere so badly. Do you know how easy it would be for him to tell Eurydice to not take the deal or to get Orpheus away from his table? But he can’t on two front. Being a God and being a Narrator. In stories like this there’s just nothing you can do and that must kill him… he has some stake in this game! He raised that boy! How many times has he seen this happen wanting things to go right and how many times has he has to sing it again? It’s the fates that keep messing with things— the world of mortals goes the way they want and they’ll be damned if they change it any time soon.
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Now persephone? She’s fun, honestly she gives “Wine aunt” energy. Popping in sometimes completely unannounced and slipping candy and drinks across the counter to her favorites. She would have seen Orpheus since he was a child as she always comes through the same station (hell it’s Hermes line. This man does everything it’s mentioned in the book he’s also conductor). She adores Orpheus, he’s a sweet guy and a generous server. He takes her coat and always makes sure everybody has a full glass and is happy. I can imagine it being a late spring night and he’s still at the bar listening to her stories— complaining or just talking to talk— not out of obligation but out of a genuine hope for friendship.
And Eurydice? The girl is brand new to town, no one’s seen her before but Persephone instantly offers her a drink and to dance and enjoy herself. She then sees the look the two have in their eyes and all but pushes them together like Barbie’s. Once again I morn her cut Chant II line talking about how they reminded her what true love was. She also takes a different route then Hermes by trying to interfere directly. She speaks up! She yells! She makes Hades listen, I think she actually realizes— unlike Orpheus and Eurydice — that she’s just as trapped by the narrative. So she steps in…she tries, it does little difference though.
Unlerelated note but if the gifs are getting annoying tell me
127 notes · View notes
Operation Death Wish | Chapter 12
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Synopsis: Jake Seresin knew what it was like to lose people he loved, he’d been losing them his whole life. Yet in the midst of chaos as the world as he knew it ended Jake found somebody he never wanted to lose. But what if he’d already lost her.
Warnings: swearing, dystopian descriptions, gore, death, violence, alien descriptions, fighting, sexual images, 18+ (minors dni), angst, some fluff at times.
So here is the final chapter of Operation Death Wish. Massive thank you to everyone who has read and enjoyed this story. As always huge thank you to Sophie @callsign-phoenix for proofreading and discussing ideas with me. Hope you guys all enjoy the final instalment.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~3 years later
“Adam, stop trying to feed Bradley mud pies,” Nat called, hurrying over to pick up her son who in return gave her a toothy grin, whilst waving his mud-caked arms around. Little Bradley just looked around confused at the commotion, watching as his Auntie Nat scooped up Adam, who began crying in protest. “Honestly, whoever said boys are easier than girls was lying,” Nat huffed, trying to wipe the mud off her son’s chin.
“You’re telling me,” Jake replied, picking up little Bradley and swinging him round gently, causing the little boy to erupt with a fit of giggling. Little Bradley’s laugh was infectious and soon his father was laughing along with him, balancing the little boy up on his shoulders. Bradley’s chubby hands found their way into his father’s blonde hair, pulling at the tufts that stuck up. Jake had let his hair grow out a little and he now spotted a beard which while his son loved it, his wife found it ticklish.
“Come on, Bud, your mum’s gonna be waiting for us.” Jake began to walk towards your home, waving goodbye to Nat who was still trying to wrangle Adam into his pushchair, while the three year old fought tooth and nail, screaming angrily.
Jake began to hum along and soon Bradley was joining in, singing away with his father to one of the nursery rhymes he’d been taught at school.
When they reached their front door, Jake set little Bradley down, the small boy hitting the door angrily, impatiently waiting for his father to unlock it.
“Alright Bud, hang on…” but the little toddler had already dashed inside, throwing off his coat in the hallway and running off, giggling wildly. Jake chuckled, picking up the discarded coat and hanging it on the hook in the hallway before following after his son. The house was usually quiet though and as Jake neared your shared bedroom he could see why. Bradley was nestled into your side on the bed, looking down in awe at his baby sister who was sleeping peacefully, cradled in your arms. You looked tired, your hair tied loosely in a bun on the top of your head and dark circles around your eyes. Your daughter was only a few days old and was still very new to the family, but everyone was adjusting well. You were a natural mother, your maternal instinct kicked in very quickly with Bradley while Jake had taken a little longer to get the hand of things. Bradley had been ecstatic to be a big brother and had spent hours staring at the sonogram of his little sister, talking to her but was always a little disappointed when she didn’t reply.
“How’s my two favourite girls?” Jake spoke, leaning against the doorway with his arms crossed, admiring the view. You looked up at your husband, adoration evident in your eyes as you watched your little family.
“We’re good,” you replied and as if she knew your little girl began to wriggle your arms, beginning to grumble before letting out a small cry.
“Oh baby bear, what’s wrong my Darlin’?” Jake asked, lifting his daughter gently from your arms and cradling her to his chest, whispering sweet nothings to her as she calmed down.
“She just wanted her daddy,” you smiled, watching as Jake pressed his lips softly to the baby's forehead.
“It’s ok baby bear, papa bear’s got you now.”
You weren’t sure where the bear analogy had come from, but Jake was definitely a papa bear.
Your son was feeling a little left out because he snuggled deeper into your side, picking up your hand in his little one.
“Hey, Bubba, did you have a good morning with your dad?”
“YEAH!” The little boy screeched, before remembering his little sister. You all sat with baited breath, waiting for the wailing to begin, but it never came. Jake sighed, coming to sit next to you on the bed, the baby in one arm, while his other cradled your shoulders.
“Yeah, we had good fun didn’t we, Bud.” The little boy nodded eagerly at you.
“Adam was trying to feed him mud pies again.”
You laughed, “poor, Nat. Her and Sophie certainly have their work cut out with that one.”
“They sure do,” Jake grinned, he had been more than a little amused on multiple occasions when Bradley had acted like a little angel while Natasha’s son acted as if he’d been possessed.
“I can’t help but feel bad for them,” you giggled a little knowing that despite everything Nat would never change him for the world.
“Yeah, I do too, but not too often. She used to give me enough trouble now she’s just getting a little taste of her own medicine.” Jake jibed playfully and you grinned at him.
“If I remember rightly, Leuitenant Seresin, you were a bit of a trouble maker too.”
Jake opened his mouth to protest but soon fell silent as his daughter began to babble in your arms.
There was a knock at the door followed by a large crash and a few choice words before your fathers head poked around the door frame.
“Can I come in,” he whispered awkwardly, his eyes scanning the room as if he thought he’d catch you in some scandalous act with your husband.
Jake waved him in and Mav entered the room, a bunch of wildflowers in one hand and a bottle of alcohol in the other.
“Sure thing, Pops,” Jake replied, waving your father into the room. Maverick grumbled under his breath at the ‘insulting’ phrase.
“It makes me feel old.” He’d complained on more than one occasion.
“How’s my beautiful daughter?” He asked, standing at the end of your bed, eyeing the small bundle in Jake’s arms. Maverick had been away on a long distance patrol for the last few weeks, trying to find survivors and connect with other colonies.
“I’m good, Dad, just tired,” you admitted, trying to hide a small yawn.
“And who is this little precious?” Your father perched on the edge of the bed, letting little Bradley crawl onto his lap with a fond smile.
“This is little Roo,” Jake replied, smiling in awe at her as she scrunched her little face up in a defiant pout.
“Roo?” Maverick asked cautiously, watching both your faces curiously.
“Yeah, Jake named her as I named Bradley,” you spoke plainly.
“But Roo?” Your father asked again as if he could quite believe your daughter's name.
“Yes Roo, I thought it’s short for Rooster,” Jake said, watching Maverick’s face contort almost painfully at the mention of his name. “I owe him my life, and without him I wouldn’t be standing here today with my perfect family,” Jake spoke fondly, resting his hand lovingly on your shoulder as you looked up into his dazzling blue eyes.
“I think it’s… perfect,” Maverick managed to speak up, his voice breaking slightly as he became choked up.
“Oh Dad,” you reached forward, grasping his hand in yours and squeezing it gently. Your father smiled at you, eyes glistening with unshed tears.
“Well come on then, let me have a cuddle,” Mav reached forward and you carefully placed Roo into his arms. His smile was infectious as he smiled down at his granddaughter while Bradley snuggled into his side. In that moment you were at peace, as if nothing could touch your little family nestled together in your bedroom. You snuggled further into Jake’s arms that he linked around your shoulders, cradling you close as he placed soft kisses to your hair. “I love you,” Jake whispered, his lips brushing the shell of your ear causing you to shiver. “And I love our family.” Craning your neck you smiled at him. Jake looked older than when you first met him, wrinkles had begun to form at the corners of his eyes and a few gray hairs peaked through his blond locks. He was still as handsome and charming as the day you first met him, even after everything you had endured.
“I love you too and the family we’ve created together,” you reached up cupping his stubbly cheek in your palm. “I love you, Jake Seresin,” you whispered.
“I love you too, (y/n) Seresin.” Jake nuzzled his face into the crook of your neck, breathing in your scent as he held you close.
This moment was perfect and Jake couldn’t help but wish this feeling would never end.
Taglist: @wkndwlff @a-reader-and-a-writer @callsign-phoenix @imjess-themess @averyhotchner @mayhem24-7forever @sunlightmurdock @callsignmaverick5 @ssprayberrythings @smoothdogsgirl @xoxabs88xox @luckyladycreator2 @abaker74 @elenavampire21 @classyunknownlover @okiegirl24 @flashyourgreeneyesatme @airedale17 @shadowolf993 @flyboyjake @topguncultleader @callmemana @marchingicenotes7 @t-nd-rfoot @shanimallina87 @mayhemmanaged @jstarr86 @starkleila
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bunbeeplays · 4 months
The Lemon Legacy: Generation 1, Chapter 87 - Adventures in Sistem-Sitting, Part 2
Violet is so excited to listen to the book Ophelia is reading her, she can't even sit down! Really, because I tried to make her sit down and she just wouldn't. Toddlers, man.
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Later on in the night, Violet stumbles upon Marshmallow in the mudroom leading to the backyard.
Violet: I can speak kitty! Meow meow, prrrrr.
Marshmallow: talented, brilliant, incredible, amazing, show stopping, spectacular, never the same, totally unique
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Xander never actually ate lunch so he's starving by dinner time.
Xander: Aren't you going to have anything?
Ophelia: No, I accidentally ate some normal quality food for lunch and now I feel kind of nauseous. You know how my refined palate gets.
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Xander: Your stomach's still bothering you? You said you felt nauseous during the wedding too, and the move.
Ophelia: That was nerves, that's all. This is unrelated. I'm sure some water will settle my uncomfortable moodlet.
Xander: If you say so.
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Ophelia: What are you doing out here, silly girl?
Violet: I'm bein' a kitty!
Ophelia: Oh really? Well, even kitties need their sleep. Let's get you ready for bed.
Marshmallow follows her new bestie out.
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The previous owners used this room purely as storage for the furniture their kids had outgrown, but at least it meant the Sistem kids had places to actually sleep.
Ophelia reads Violet another story, since this kid cannot get enough books, and tucks her in as she dozes off.
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It's time to put Velma to sleep again too, but Ophelia can't bring herself to do it just yet.
Xander: The boys are in bed. Want me to put Velma down?
Ophelia: Nah, I want a little bit of snuggle time.
Xander: Well, these kids got me beat. I'm going to bed. Night, Lemon Cake.
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The former owners left a lot of the furniture in their old nursery, so Ophelia goes there to rock Velma. She still feels gross, but the soothing motion of the rocking chair helps. Velma certainly seems to enjoy it.
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Ophelia: Xander's right, you are a little jelly bean, aren't you? You sure are as sweet as one. I could just eat you up!
Velma squeals as Ophelia lifts her higher in the air.
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Ophelia doesn't want to get Velma too riled up before she puts her to sleep, so she goes back to calm rocking and snuggling.
Ophelia: Do you think I'll be a good mommy, Velma? I think I will.
Velma can't talk, but she doesn't look like she'd argue with you, girl.
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Ophelia: I hope when I'm a mommy, I have a little one that's as sweet as you. Marcie makes such cute babies.
Ophelia feeds Velma a quick bottle and burps her before it's time to put her down for the night.
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Well, Velma can certainly give you a vote of confidence on whether or not you'll make a good mom, Ophelia. She's a happy camper, at least!
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Ophelia and Xander are woken up by a little girl crying, but not Velma.
Xander: Violet's probably scared from waking up in an unfamiliar place. Want me to take care of her?
Ophelia can faintly make out Violet calling for "O'fia" from outside the door.
Ophelia: I've got it.
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Xander's theory was right. Ophelia can't blame her for being a little scared. She's probably never been anywhere overnight without her parents.
Violet: Can we call Momma?
Ophelia: Momma's sleeping. We can call tomorrow but how about a snack?
Luckily this appeases the toddler.
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A sleepy Violet conks out before Ophelia can even finish slicing some strawberries, but placing the bowl in front of her wakes her up again.
As she digs in, Ophelia grabs a small bowl of grapes. She thinks she can stomach that.
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Soon after, Xander is once again woken up by noises of discomfort, though these aren't from being scared.
She certainly doesn't LOOK too sad about what she just did, moodlet!
Xander: Sheesh. You sure know how to wake a guy up. Let's get you cleaned up, stinkbug.
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Xander: You're lucky you're cute.
Xander lays her down on the changing table and gets to work changing her diaper. Velma giggles and kicks her little legs.
Xander: You think this is so funny, don't you? I guess if someone else had to wipe my poopy butt, I'd laugh too.
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Xander: What the- How'd this get in your diaper?
Hopefully her siblings weren't looking for that toy. They're really not going to want it back now.
He tosses the toy dragon aside, making it Tomorrow Xander's problem.
Xander: All better, huh? Back to bed with you, Miss Velma.
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Violet seems in higher spirits after eating her snack and getting lots of attention.
Ophelia: Alright, girly, what's it going to take to get you back in bed?
Violet: Story!
Ophelia: Another one? You drive a hard bargain, kid.
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Ophelia reads another book to Violet, softly, as to not disturb her brothers.
She may be exhausted but she's getting plenty of experience for the future.
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ace-for-eddie · 1 year
Part 4
Eddie and Hopper sat on the porch waiting for Wayne to arrive. 
“Listen Munson. I know we haven’t always been on the best of terms.” Hopper started.
Eddie hummed, feeling himself tense up.
Although Hopper had been instrumental in getting his name cleared of the murder charges, they hadn’t really had many conversations since. And any before usually involved Hopper reciting the Miranda rights and Eddie being shoved into the back of the police car. 
“But uh… while I won’t hesitate to arrest you again.” Hopper pointed his finger in Eddie’s face. The front door swung open as Joyce walked out onto the porch.
Hopper cleared his throat and continued. “I can tell that you’ve grown up a lot, kid. And the shit this town has dumped on you isn’t right. I will do everything I can to help you in this. And if you aren’t sure what to do with this little girl… your little girl, you can… you can always come to me one Dad to another.”
Hopper placed a strong hand on Eddie’s shoulder, sniffed then nodded before walking back inside.
Eddie was stunned and simply nodded in shock. 
Today was getting weirder and weirder, and given Eddie’s standard, this was next level intense. 
Joyce smiled warmly and took Hopper’s place pacing a soft hand on his shoulder. “It’s going to be okay.”
He took a deep breath, “...okay.”
Wayne arrived in his beat up pickup concerned that Eddie was sick, hurt or had gotten into trouble somehow. He was not expecting the news that he was basically a grandfather.
He teared up a little, then started laughing. Loud. 
“Shit Eds, I didn’t think you…” he stopped realizing Joyce Byers was beside them. “I didn’t think that girl… was your type,” giving Eddie a knowing look.
Eddie huffed a laugh. “She wasn’t. But I was still figuring things out 3 years ago. And it’s okay Ms… I mean Joyce already knows I’m gay. She’s safe.” 
Wayne smiled at Joyce. “Thank you for being here for my boy Ms. Joyce.”
“Of course! It takes a village right?” She smiled. 
“Speaking of which. When can I meet my grandbaby?” He asked. “Is it okay if…if I call her my grandbaby?”
“Wayne, I wouldn’t have it any other way.” Eddie smiled and hugged his uncle. “You’re gonna love her. She’s amazing…” Eddie led the way to introduce Evelyn to her Grand-deddie Wayne. 
Of course, Wayne instantly fell in love with the sweet child, reading her another book as she nuzzled against his side on the couch.
Eddie found El and Will at the table in the small kitchen and pulled up a chair.
“Hey guys, uh thanks for helping so much. Wow, this is so weird.” He ran his fingers through his hair. 
“She is very sweet. And she likes you a lot. You are a good Dad Eddie.” El smiled. 
He just smiled and stared at the table. “Thanks Supergirl.”
“Have you told anyone else?” Will asked curiously.
“Uh…no not yet. Please don’t tell anyone though okay? I want it to come from me.”
“Of course. It’s not our story to tell.” Will smiled at Eddie using the same phrase Eddie had used when Will came out to him in recent months. Eddie offered to be there to talk if he ever needed anything. He knew how hard it could be to be gay in such a close minded town. 
“I should probably tell Henderson soon though, so he doesn’t shit himself if everyone else knows first.” Eddie sighed. “Can I use your phone?” 
“Of course.” Will stated.
“Are you going to tell him on the phone?” El asked.
“Yeah, why not?”
“It seems like something to tell friends in person.” She replied. 
“Uh… yeah I guess so. I’ll see if he can come over.” Eddie didn’t know if he’d have the energy to deal with Dustin Henderson and a toddler today, but figured it would be worse to wait.
The phone rang a few times before Claudia answered and brought Dustin to the phone. Eddie invited him to come over to the Hopper-Byers house and waited on the porch with Will.
While Eleven and Joyce took to washing Evelyn’s clothing which reeked of smoke and something like cat urine. Joyce threw some of the pieces away immediately and decided she’d be making a trip to the children’s section at Goodwill the following day. 
Dustin Henderson was dropped off at the cabin and took the steps two at a time.
“So what is so important you need to meet me at Hopper’s cabin?” Dustin rolled his eyes.
“Well, Henderson. I just wanted to congratulate you on becoming an uncle.” Eddie smiled his snarky grin while Will tried not to laugh and choke on the soda he was drinking.
“Eddie, what the hell are you talking about? I’m an only child.”
“Ouch man, didn’t know you thought so low of me. Wow. Okay nevermind.” Eddie put his hands up in defense.
“Oh, well, yeah you’re like my brother. But what do you mean… uncle? Did you get a dog or something?”
“Ew, no. That’s too much responsibility.” Eddie grimaced. “I got a kid.”
“You got a kid?”
“I got a kid.”
“Where did you get a kid Eddie?” Dustin was starting to get tired of this bullshit.
“Well DustyBun, when a guy and a girl…” Eddie started and Will just about fell off his chair.
“Shut up. What the hell did you drag me out here for?” Dustin stomped.
“No, I wanted to tell you I have a kid. A daughter actually. Her name is Evelyn.” Eddie beamed. 
“You’re… you’re serious.” Dustin started to smile. Eddie nodded.
“How? When?”
“That’s a longer story…” Will stated from behind Eddie. “Sit down.” 
Dustin peeked through the cabin window to see Eddie’s uncle Wayne sitting on the couch napping with a toddler and his eyes grew incredibly wide along with his smile.
“You want me to be… her uncle?” He teared up.“Yeah, man. Just feels right.”
“Holy shit…tell me everything.” Dustin plopped down to hear about Eddie’s news.
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abbatoirablaze · 2 years
Burning Up, Chapter 5
Word Count:  1.6k
Warnings:  some sexual tension.  
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“Curtis…I-I don’t know…I don’t want to intru-“
“You are my girlfriend!” he smiled sweetly, leaning down to cup your face in his hands.  You felt like you were melting as you looked up into his eyes.  Your big, brutish firefighter was so delicate and tender with you.  It was hard to imagine him as anything but your soft, lovable teddy bear.  In just the short amount of time that the two of you had been together, it was like you shared every secret you’d ever had with him and vice versa.  The two of you knew everything about one another.  
He smiled and leaned down, his lips gently curving against yours, “I want you to be there with me…the guys…they’re like my family. And you get along so well with the other wives and girlfriends.  They love you almost as much as I do.”
You sighed, “Curtis, th-“
“Come with me baby, please?”
“Happy Thanksgiving everyone!”
A few of the girls jumped, and you couldn’t help but giggle as your burly firefighter finally let go of your waist long enough to hold the door and greet his co-workers.  
You’d caved faster than an abandoned house being demolished to his begging; especially once Curtis pulled out the big guns.
“I want all of them to know you’re my future!” he said sweetly as he nipped at your thighs.  Your breath had hitched in your throat as he’d dropped to his knees and had begun running his stubbled cheek against your bare legs.  You whimpered when both of his hands cradled your hips, and he nuzzled you once more.  Your thighs clenched and he smiled.  
His eyes met yours and you knew that it was game over.
“Curtis…a-are you sure?”
“I’ve never been more sure of anything in my life, baby.”
You’d never seen him so excited either.  
He was all smiles as he led you into the station’s kitchen, where Andy and Steve’s wives were already making food.  Andy’s teenage son Jacob was lounging on one of the lazy boy chairs that were sitting in front of the television, but he stopped playing on his phone when he saw Steve’s kids charging him, “UNCLE CURS!”
“Hey Sarah!” Curtis grinned, picking up a toddler and spinning her around.  She squealed in excitement while the little boy held back a moment, “Stevie.”
“Hi Uncle Curtis!”
“There’s someone here I want the two of you to meet!” Curtis grinned as the little girl squealed yet again, hugging him roughly around the neck and pushing her face heavily against the older mans, “Sarah…can you say hi to Uncle Curtis’ special lady friend?”
She looked at you curiously and you felt a blush rise to your cheeks as Steve’s son, a carbon copy of himself rushed your legs and hugged you.  
“She’s pretty!” Sarah commented, a doe-eyed look gracing her face, “are you gonna marry her Uncle Curs!”
“If she’ll let me,” he smiled gently, pressing a kiss to her cheek, “one day…”
“She’s warm!” Stevie smiled looking up at you, “can you pick me up?
“Stevie!” Steve’s wife commented, coming into the kitchen, “you’re a little big buddy…remember how mommy and daddy talked to you about that last month…”
The little boy frowned, and you bit your lip, not entirely sure on what to say.  But his wife wrapped her arms around you quickly, “it’s good to see you again…I thought for sure this guy would have scared you off by now!”
“Uncle Curs sweet!” Sarah chirped from his side, “Uncle Curs teddy bear.”
“See…someone likes me!” Curtis teased playfully as he passed Sarah off to her mother.  Then he held his arms out to Stevie, and the little boy began grinning ear to ear, “don’t worry bud.  I’ll still pick you up!”
“He’s six…let the kid enjoy it while us old men have our strength!” Curtis smirked.  The little boy wrapped his arms around Curtis’ neck and you felt yourself internally swooning once more.  There was something so domestic and sweet about the situation that drove every instinct of yours towards wanting to pull him into the nearest supply closet and screw his brains out.  
“You okay princess?” You looked at your boyfriend, shaking your head as a knowing smile placed itself on his face, “you were kind of zoning out there for a second.”
Laurie’s wife nudged you as she joined your side, “oh, I know that look.  We all get it when we find ourselves falling for one of you jackasses…hey…come help us get set up before the other guys get here…we can gossip about our brutes while he settles in with the men down in the gym.”
“Is that where dad and Uncle Steve went?” Jacob asked quickly, his brows raising.
“Come on kid,” Curtis smirked as he put Stevie down and wrapped his arm around the teenager’s shoulders, “you’re old enough now to join the men…”
“But dad sa-“
“You’re becoming a man now, Jake…it’s time you learn about what we do when we leave the women and children out here!" Curtis teased.
Jacob got a huge grin on his face as he quickly agreed to follow your boyfriend.  Meanwhile the women led you back into the kitchen where you sat down the sides you’d brought.
“So…tell us everything!” Steve’s wife smiled, leaning against the counter when Jacob and Curtis disappeared down the hall.
“He moved you in with him, didn’t he?” Laurie grinned, “he’s head over heels in love with you…if he hasn’t asked yet it’s only a matter of time.”
“He hasn’t-we haven’t-I mean-“
“Have you two slept together?”
You felt a blush rising to your cheeks as Steve’s wife questioned you.  Your heart raced as you looked down the empty hall.
“That’s a yes!”
“Girl…you don’t have to say anything…you’re cock drunk off that man…”
“Now all we need is to find a good girl for Johnny…”
“I swear if he brings another stripper I’m going to throttle him myself,” Steve’s wife sighed giving you and Laurie a look, “I-“
“Wasn’t Barnes the one that brought a stripper last year?” Laurie asked.  
Your eyes widened, “what?”
“Oh yeah…”Steve’s wife sighed, “you’ve got a lot to learn about the boys and their shenanigans.   When Steve and I found out about Stevie, Bucky started a baby pool at the station, and then him and Johnny got drunk and took it down to the strip club and blew it all.”
“That’s a story for another day though…come on, let’s get the side dishes started.”
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 “I just wanted to take this moment to say that I’m so extremely thankful for everything that we’ve been given this year!” Andy began as he made his announcement.  A few eyes roamed around the table, but yours were entirely focused on one man as he gently squeezed your hip.  Your heart raced as you looked into Curtis’ eyes, “we’ve made new friends, had a great year, and all of us are safe, happy, and healthy.  And for that I’m grateful.”
“HERE HERE!” Johnny cheered, lifting his glass.
“Storm!” Steve warned, shooting the younger man a look.
He smiled, but everyone’s attention, including yours turned towards Andy when you heard him sniffle.  
Laurie gave him a sympathetic look and stood beside him, her arms reaching out while she comforted the chief in his tears.  
“It’s okay sweetie!”
Andy nodded, and sniffled once more, “I know sweetheart…guys…there was a reason that I asked everyone come tonight, aside from it being our normal little Thanksgiving get-together…I’ve been talking it over with Laurie and Jacob, and I’m going to be taking on a role at the academy…I’m moving on from being your chief…”
“Chief, you can’t do this!”
“Who’s going to take over for you?”
“HEY…hey…I get it!” Andy said quickly as he held up a hand to silence his men, “look…I’m doing this for my kid and my wife.  I’m pushing into my late 40’s an-“
“Chief we all know that you’re turning 50 in a few months!” Bucky smirked, cutting the chief off.  Andy gave him a look.
“As I was saying…my late 40’s…I’m going to finish out the year…but when I have my birthday, I’m resigning.  I’ve already talked it over with the commissioner, and my replacement has been chosen…your next chief is going to be our very own Cap…Steve Rogers.”
Steve gave him a gentle smile and stood up in his chair. His wife gasped and he put his hand over hers, “surprise honey…”
“Steven Grant Rogers…”
“You didn’t tell her?” Andy asked after a moment, “did you?”
“Not at all!” his wife said quickly, “oh god…Andy I’m so sad you’re resigning…but Stevie…this is what you’ve been dreaming of since you were a child.”
Andy smiled, and Steve breathed a sigh of relief, happy that his wife wasn’t upset with him.  
“Well…this next bit of news will come to a shock to everyone…Steve’s already picked his replacement as well.”
“You already have a new captain in mind?”
“It’s Buck, isn’t it?”
“Who’s the new cap-“
“Everett…I want you to be the next captain!” Steve said firmly, staring at Curtis.  You tore your eyes away from Steve and looked at your boyfriend, your mouth gaping ever so slightly.  He looked like he was as shocked as you felt.
“Curtis…you’re going to be the next captain!” Steve repeated, gesturing to your awe-struck giant, “you know…assuming that you want the position.”
“Curtis?” you asked, gently shaking your boyfriend’s side.  He gave you a look, tears in his eyes.
“Move in with me, baby?” Curtis asked gently, ignoring the rest of the room.  You gasped again, surprised at just how things were moving so quickly.
“Make me the happiest man ever,” he tried again, “there’s only one thing more in this world that I want over being captain…I-I want you to move in with me.”
A few of the girls gasped around the table.  
Johnny rolled his eyes playfully, “way to ruin the moment Everett!”
“Shut up, Storm,” Laurie hissed, tossing a roll at the young firefighter.  When you still hadn’t answered, Laurie shot you a curious look, “well?”
 Chapter 6
Tag List:  @tenaciousperfectionunknown, @lohnes16, @wintasssoldier
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jobrookekarev · 1 year
So I Showed up on Your Doorstep
Chapter Six of Nine: The only thing I wanna do, Is make it up to you.
Words: 4,729
Summary: Jo and Alex finally talk and lay their hearts out to each other. 
Fandom: Grey’s Anatomy.
Relationship: Alex Karev/Jo Wilson, and Jo Wilson/OC. 
Characters: Alex Karev, Jo Wilson, Luna Ashton-Wilson, Izzie Stevens, Alexis Stevens, and Eli Stevens. 
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences. 
Additional Tags: Hurt/Comfort, Abuse, Domestic Abuse, Bruising, Porch Swing, Toddlers, Soft! 
Read at AO3
Read at FFN
AN: Special thanks to @Iamtrebleclefstories for help with this chapter a few months ago. Leya wrote a couple of lines in the dialogue between Alex and Jo, and I’m really thankful for her help on this.
Also sorry for the late posting. It's been a long week.
“The brown one is named Misty, and the tan one is named Sally, and the other one is named Bailey. She's all black and she's really bossy!” Alexis said, counting the horses on her fingers as she described them to Luna. 
“‘orsey,” Luna said, and the girls shared a giggle as Jo wiggled the boot onto her little foot.
They were sitting in the entryway, putting on their boots. As Izzie was getting ready to take them to see the horses. Jo was a little nervous about Luna going to see such a big animal, but the farmer, William, reassured her that the horses were sweet as honey and wouldn't hurt a fly. Plus, Izzie would be with her the entire time.
“Bailey, now who came up with that name?” Jo asked with a smirk as she zipped up the zipper on Luna’s boots. She was once again borrowing a pair of Alexis's old boots.
“Mommy named that one. She said it was named after her mentor,” Alexis said with a smile as she slipped on her cowgirl boots.
“It seemed fitting,” Izzie said with a smile as she finished putting on her own boots. “Okay, is everyone ready? Where’s Eli?”
“Coming,” Eli said, running down the stairs with Alex hot on his heels. “I couldn't find my favorite cowboy boots, so Daddy was helping me look for them.”
“They were in the toy bin, of course,” Alex said, with a shake of his head and a laugh.
“Alright, let's go,” Alexis said, running out the front door as all of the kids got up. 
Luna quickly got up and turned to run after her before Izzie scooped her up and settled her on her hip. “Hold your horses, Luna. Let's say goodbye to your Mama.”
“Have a good time, baby,” Jo said, handing her over to Izzie and adjusting the knitted hat on her head that was out of place in the early spring heat, but Luna insisted on it.
“No, you have to come with us!” Alexis insisted, running back when she saw no one was following her.
“Yeah Jo, please come. You gotta see the chickens, especially Zoe,” Eli said, referring to the black and white spotted chicken and Jo’s least favorite.
“Oh no, I guess you'll just have to see Zoe without me,” Jo said, not looking the least bit disappointed as she ruffled Eli’s hair. “Besides, I see the chickens with you guys every day. I'll see them with you tomorrow, I promise.” 
Alexis and Eli nodded but hung their heads as they walked out the door. Both of the twins had become so attached to Jo and Luna in the past few days. They never wanted to do anything without either of them.
“Okay Luna, are you ready to go see the horses? Yes, let’s go see the horses,” Izzie said as she cooed at Luna and walked out of the house. “Say, bye-bye to Mama, bye-bye.”
“Bye-bye, my Little Moon, have fun,” Jo said as she waved Luna and Izzie off, watching them walk down the dirt road with the twins. 
Alex watched them all together as Jo waved them goodbye until they walked up the road. He knew why Izzie was taking the twins and Luna away for the afternoon. He suspected that the two of them had orchestrated this so Jo could talk to him. Since the night she showed up, they hadn't gotten a chance to be alone, and he knew Jo still wanted the full explanation for why he left. 
Then she looked back at him. She had that look on her face, that helpless little look with her lips slightly parted. It broke his heart every time he saw that look across her face. She parted her lips like she wanted to say something but no words came out. It was like she was frozen in heartbreaking silence. 
Finally, instead of speaking, she walked past him. Jo walked back down the hall to the guest bedroom that had become her and Luna’s room. Alex followed her, standing in the doorway. Jo sat down on the bed and sighed as she stared at the wall. It was then that he knew it was time to talk. As he walked up to her, he caught her eyes. In her eyes was a sea of hurt. 
The last time he messed up like this was when he hit DeLuca. That time they had several months to heal and talk. They kept going back to each other and talking a little more each time. Right now, it was all at once. Although Alex wasn't sure where they would go from here. He could still feel that pull between them, that thread of fate that kept bringing them together. 
He knew that he had to make it right, but he wasn't sure how. He wanted to speak first, but he didn't know where to start. As he looked at her, he knew the words he had always wanted to say, but as he opened his mouth, nothing came out. He wanted to say that he was sorry, and he knew what it would mean to her. 
Jo had always been one for words of affirmation, it was part of her love language. He remembered how she worried at the start of their relationship and how she needed a little extra reminder that she was loved and wanted. Even after they were engaged and later when they were married, she still liked to hear that he wanted her, that he loved her, that he wouldn't leave her. He knew that words alone wouldn't fix this. Still, he had to try.
“Jo,” Alex said before she cut him off.
“You left me. You left, Alex,” Jo breathed out, still in a state of disbelief. 
“I know,” Alex said, staring into her eyes, as much as he wanted to look down and hide his shame, he didn't want to look away from her. 
“So why did you do it?” Jo asked, crossing her arms and glaring at him.
“When I left to go see the twins after Meredith’s trial, I just wanted to meet them. It was such a shock to learn about them, and I didn’t know what to expect. So I went to see them without you. I thought that afterwards I would come home and tell you about them. Then we would figure it out together. I thought we would all work something out, but... Izzie didn't want me going back and forth between here and Seattle. And she didn’t want you to be a part of the twins’ lives either. She gave me an ultimatum. Stay and be a part of the kid’s lives or leave and never see them again. Since I didn't have any legal right to them, I stayed and sent you the divorce papers.”
“Bullshit, I know you didn’t just divorce me because Izzie told you to. That was your decision, Alex!” Jo said, her voice raising as she glared at him. “So tell me why? Why did you leave me after spending six years telling me you wouldn’t?”
There it was. The anger that she had for him. She was justified in it and Alex paused because he didn’t have a good reason as to why. In divorcing her, he had been a coward, and here he was facing his cowardness, but this time he wouldn't run away from doing the difficult thing.
“Every time I thought about going back to you, I thought about how I would only see them, my kids, part-time, maybe less. The longer I stayed here, the harder it was to leave. I had become their dad. I did all of the things that I had always wanted to do as a dad. I made their lunches, I helped them tie their shoes, I played with them, I read to them, and I tucked them into bed. I didn’t want to lose that and I knew that if I fought Izzie for custody, it would hurt everyone, me, her, you, and especially the kids.”
“I know why you did it, Alex. I know that you wanted to be with your kids. Now that I have Luna, I understand the kind of sacrifices you make for your child. I know that Izzie didn't make it easy for you, and I know that you had to move to Kansas to be with them. What I don't get is why didn't you tell me?” Jo asked, her eyebrows knitting together and her lips parted as she just stared at him. The desperate cry for answers in her eyes.
“I, I just… you… and I…” Alex fumbled with his words as he tried to find the right words. He paused and took a deep breath before he continued. 
“I thought about how I had betrayed you, and it just got harder and harder to tell you the truth. You had just gotten out of treatment for your depression. You were doing so well and I was so proud of you. I didn't want to take you away from your support system, from Meredith and Link, and your work and everything. I know how hard it was for you to trust people enough to let them help you when you needed it. You ran for so long, but you stopped running, and you put down roots. You built a home in Seattle. Telling you, bring you here, meant that you’d have to leave it all behind. Then all you’d have left was me, and we both know that as much as I wish I could be enough, I’m not. I can’t replace your friends, your family, or your home. Then the longer I thought about it, the more I knew I didn't want to break you again by taking all that away from you. So I sent you a letter and the divorce papers and... I left you. Just as I said in the letter, I knew that you would be strong enough to move on and find someone so much better than me. In a way you did, you found Luna and you poured all of the love that you had for me into her. And I know that because I know you and I know the way that you love. I'm so glad that you have her. Being a mother is everything I could’ve wanted for you, Jo.” 
“But you didn't think that leaving me wouldn't break me in a way that I could never recover from?” Jo whispered as tears welled up in her eyes. 
Jo stared at him with her eyes full of tears and tears collected in his eyes as well. The hurt between them was overwhelming and it spilled over in the tears on their cheeks. Jo took a shaky breath as she looked away from him, putting a hand over her mouth as she took a second. Alex sat down on the bed, just watching her before she turned back to him.
“No, it's just, I don't know. I thought it would be easier for everyone,” Alex said as he looked down and pressed his lips together. “I thought I was sparing you from a greater pain.” 
“But it wasn't easier for everyone, Alex! It wasn't easier for me. You leaving hurt me more than anything else in my entire life. And I get why you did it. I do. I don’t fault you for the sacrifices you made, but that sacrifice didn’t have to include me. You decided to let me go without even giving me a choice in the matter.”
“I know, I know I didn’t give you a choice and I should have. I should have told you about the twins from the start. I should've never left you. I should've done so many things that I didn't do. I should've done the hard thing and worked it all out between the three of us. And I don't have a good excuse to give you because there's no excuse for what I've done. I regret what I did every single day and for what it's worth, I'm sorry. I'm truly sorry, Jo.”
“You left, and it was just so easy for you. And I want to trust you again, I do, but tell me. How do I know you're not going to leave me again?”
“You don't,” Alex said with a shrug and he knew he was breaking her heart again as he watched her face fall, but he continued. “I’ve broken your trust. I know any promises I make to you now are just going to seem empty. I don’t think you’ll ever truly know for sure that I won’t leave again and that’s my fault. I destroyed the trust that we had. But I want to try and rebuild that trust. I’m willing to try, Jo. I want to try if, if you’ll let me.”
Jo stared at him with that look, that helpless look that she always got. Her lips were turned down in a frown and slightly parted. Her eyes were wide and glassy with tears that had finally fallen down her cheeks in a silent waterfall. That look broke his heart every time he saw it across her face.
“Seattle isn't my home,” Jo whispered with a shake of her head.
“What?” Alex asked as he wasn't sure what she said.
“Seattle isn't my home,” Jo said a little louder as she stood up and took a step towards him. “You're right. I stopped running and I put down roots, but that was because I had you. You made me want to stay. My home isn't just a city, my home was you. And now my home is Luna. And yeah, it's Meredith and Link too, but we could have still kept in touch with them. We could have called and emailed and visited them all the time. I mean Meredith moved last month. She left too and it was hard but she did it. Everybody else left. Everybody from our intern class isn't in Seattle anymore”
Alex nodded, he knew what she meant. It was hard to watch everybody leave Grey-Slone. At first, it felt like a victory. You were the one that stayed and kept up the good fight. Then staying meant that you were the only one there. And it started to look a little less like success and a little more like surviving. 
Sometimes Seattle felt like a college town, especially when they were interns. It was just a stop along the way. It was the place where they went for a few years where they learned and studied and grew up into the surgeons they are now. Then they left for bigger and better things. They left to go where they were supposed to go.
“I meant what I said when I proposed,” Jo said, looking up at him with eyes pleading for him to believe her. “You're my home. You're half of my heart and I don't want to be without half of my home and heart.” 
Alex's lips parted as he slowly absorbed what she had said. He was her heart and he was her home. It wasn't those three little words of I love you, but it was better than that. His heart soared in his chest as he felt the same way he did the night she proposed with the same words. He felt the same way he did when he first confessed his love to her in the dark halls of the hospital, with the rain pounding on the windows. And just like he did that night, he took a chance and laid out his heart to her.
“I love you, Jo. I've missed you every day since I left. From the moment you got here, I’ve felt more at home than I have in a long time. You’re my heart and home too,” Alex said, taking a step toward her as well.
Jo didn't say anything, but she didn't need to. She let her body talk as she closed her eyes, letting the tears fall as she took another step forward and reached out to him. Alex didn't hesitate to reach out and wrap his arms around her. 
Jo leaped up and crashed into him with desperate lips and she kissed him. Alex kissed her back and moaned into her lips. He held her tightly against his chest as they kissed. He held her as they kissed until Jo’s knees gave out, and Alex picked her up and carried her over to the bed. She clung to him as he kissed her. Alex just kissed her and held her and Jo still leaned into him as they laid together. 
Despite their mutual confession of love, Alex knew it wasn't the right time to sleep with her. Jo seemed to feel the same and didn’t move her hands from his cheek. Instead, he just kissed her and relished in the feeling of being in her arms again. Jo was tired and it had been an emotional afternoon for both of them so he wasn't surprised when she soon pulled back and fell asleep. Her breathing evened out as she started to snore and he closed his eyes as well. He soon drifted off, falling asleep knowing that this was the first of many nights with her again.
“Okay guys, go grab a book and start reading. I'll be up as soon as I put Luna down,” Izzie whispered to the twins as she carried a sleeping Luna on her shoulder and they walked into the house. 
Izzie wasn't sure what to expect when they got back. She wasn't sure where Jo and Alex were as she stepped into the house. She just hoped that they weren’t naked on the couch. She figured it was a toss-up between screaming and fighting and the tearing of clothes and rustling of sheets. So she was surprised to find that the house was eerily quiet and that the main room was empty as the twins quietly ran ahead of her. 
Luna stirred on her shoulder, and Izzie paused, but Luna let out a sigh and quickly settled. The toddler loved the horses and even had a short ride on Misty with her. She then fell asleep on the short walk back to the house. It had reminded her of when the twins were little and she took them in the stroller to see the horses. Then they would fall asleep on the walk back. It was part of the reason why Izzie loved the farmhouse. She had wanted to give her kids the idealistic life in the country, and the little side house on the farm was the perfect place. 
Izzie had moved here when the twins were Luna’s age. She didn't want to raise her kids in the city and she didn't want to accidentally run into Alex somewhere. She had stayed in Chehalis with her mother as she finished her residency and fellowship in Olympia. After she got pregnant with the twins, her mother threatened to tell Alex about them. So when the Kansas City Hospital offered her a position, she took her kids and left. For the first time, she found herself leaving Washington. The state she was born in, the state she grew up in, and the state she had hoped to raise her children in. However, the moment she stepped onto a little farm in Kansas, she knew she was home. 
Izzie walked down the hall but paused at the doorway to Jo and Luna's room. Her intention was to put Luna down in the pack and play, but she didn’t want to walk in on them in bed. However, as she got to the door, it was still open, and Izzie peaked in. She was surprised to see that they were in bed together but fully clothed. They were lying together, on top of the sheets, wrapped in each other's arms, and fast asleep. 
She wasn't sure what this meant, but she hoped it meant something good, for Alex's sake and for Jo's too. In the past week that she had gotten to know her, Izzie found that she really liked Jo. She was fun and easy going and just so kind. As she watched the two of them together, she could see why they fell in love and got married. They were perfect for each other. She didn't know how Alex ever walked away from Jo, even for the sake of their kids.
She smiled at the two of them before she went over and laid Luna down in the pack and play, making sure to take off her shoes and put them on the floor next to the suitcases. If they were going to stay here any longer she should really buy a crib and a dresser for them. She laid a blanket over Luna before going over and putting a blanket over Jo and Alex as well. 
“Mommy, why are Daddy and Jo sleeping together?” Alexis whisper yelled as Izzie turned to see both her and Eli standing in the doorway holding a few books.
“I guess they got tired and wanted to take a nap too,” Izzie whispered as she ushered them out of the room, closing the door behind her.
“But when two adults sleep together, it means they're in love, right?” Eli asked as Izzie raised her eyebrows at him. She had no idea where he'd gotten that idea as she had never let any of her boyfriends stay over. “It means Daddy loves Jo, right?”
“Are they going to get married now?” Alexis asked, her eyes lighting up. 
“Daddy and Jo sleeping or taking a nap together doesn't necessarily mean they're in love,” Izzie said, although it was obvious to pretty much everyone that Jo and Alex were head over heels for each other. 
She often caught Alex staring at Jo throughout the day with that lovesick look. And when he wasn’t looking, Jo would stare at him with the same lovesick look. She knew there was a lot of hurt between them that they had to work out, but she hoped they did. After everything they had gone through, they deserve to be together.
“I hope they fall in love and get married. I want to be their flower girl,” Alexis said as Izzie laughed and pulled her over to the couch as they all sat down. “But either way, I want to keep Jo and Luna. I really love them, Mommy.”
“Sweetie, we can’t just keep people,” Izzie said with a smile running her fingers through Alexis's hair.
“Why not? We kept Daddy,” Alexis said, shrugging her shoulders as if it was that simple.
“It's different with your dad, you guys. Alex is your father. He should be a part of your life, but Jo and Luna…” Izzie trailed off not wanting to say that they shouldn't be a part of the twins' lives because they should be. 
She wanted them to continue to have a relationship with Jo and Luna. Still, she wasn't sure what to say. Jo was their almost stepmom. Izzie couldn't help but wonder if this was what it would have been like if things had worked out differently and Jo had been a part of their lives.
“I hope that Luna and Jo stay. You and Daddy haven't been fighting as much since they got here and Daddy’s been really happy,” Eli said, with a smile, as Izzie looked over at him. 
Eli was right though, as much as they tried to keep their arguments away from the kids, Izzie and Alex had been butting heads since he got there. However, she realized that they hadn't had a single fight since Jo and Luna had arrived. The things that would usually tick them off and send them into a fight just seemed so small now. Instead, they had been communicating better and working things out. Now that she thought about it, it was all because of Jo. 
Friday night, after they put the kids to bed, they were talking about who was going to take the twins to soccer practice the next day. Both of them hated soccer practice. The other parents were always so rude and judgemental, but the kids love soccer, so they put up with it. It was always an argument over who would take them, but this time Jo had told them just to start trading off every week, that way it was fair. She also asked if she could go with them. She said it'd be nice to get out of the house and go to the park with Luna, so Alex and Izzie agreed. The next day Izzie and Jo had taken the kids to the soccer field and they had all come back in high spirits. Jo said that she loved taking the twins to soccer practice. She even made a friend with one of the moms, and Luna played at the park with the other toddler. She asked to take them to soccer practice this week too.
“I hope that Jo and Daddy get married. Then we could keep her and Luna forever and I could be their flower girl!” Alexis said with a huge smile across her face as if she already knew it was going to happen.
“You know what, Alexis, I hope they get married too,” Izzie said with a smile as she gave in to them. “But it might be a couple of years before that happens.”
“If Daddy doesn't marry Jo, I will,” Eli said with that signature Karev smirk. Although he was only seven, he was certainly his father's son. He looked and sometimes acted exactly like Alex did and sometimes it took her by surprise.
“Okay Romeo,” Izzie said, putting her arm around Eli's shoulder and pulling him in. “Let's start reading. What book do you guys want first?”
Alexis and Eli quickly settled on a book and put it in her lap as Izzie began to read to them. It was rare these days that she got some alone time with both of them, but they each tried to have some one-on-one time with the kids. When Alex came, everything changed. Suddenly there was this whole other person in their lives who loved them and was a parent to them. 
As Izzie slowly accepted him into their lives, she realized that he didn’t intend to take the kids away from her. Alex didn't take anything from them, he only added to their lives. He added time and care and having him around was good. Now he added Jo and Luna, and Izzie knew it meant more love and a little sister for her kids. That was more than she had ever wanted for her kids. She hoped that Jo and Alex could work everything out so they could keep them, even if the two of them had to go back to Seattle.  
Izzie had thought about returning to Washington too. She wasn't sure if she wanted to go back to Seattle, but she missed her home state. Things between her and her mom were better. Robbie was a decent grandmother and the twins loved her. When she moved to Kansas, she was offered a position in oncology. She hoped to be chief of oncology by the time the twins were in school. However, the hospital had passed her over in favor of giving it to her rival, who had done his residency at the hospital.
A few months ago, Snohomish Medical had offered her a position as chief of oncology, along with a small grant for her research. At the time, she hadn’t considered taking it. Alex had just settled into their lives, and she didn't want to upend the twins' whole world twice in one year. Snohomish had recently contacted her again and told her the offer was still on the table. Now that Jo was here, Izzie knew she would ultimately pull Alex back to Seattle. She now considered taking the job and moving them all to Snohomish. Although she loved the farm, she knew that regardless of where her kids grew up, they would have parents who loved them, and that was the most important thing. 
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dead-blondie · 26 days
Continue from here || @finaldisorder
"You're mumbling." Tatum interrupted. No malice behind it, she just thought he should know. "Now I see why you don't do the talking." The girl thought out loud, a dig if someone were to squint, her voice suspiciously calm as her head tilted while her eyes lidded with indifference.
She usually wasn't this much of a backbiter towards strangers; as she earlier thought 'first impressions count'. Truth be told, the carefree mannerisms, the wide eyed expressions, the overall goofy and clumsy exterior, it triggered her. She's witnessed it all before, she's fell victim to it all before, being as horribly stubborn as Tatum was, it was no surprise she clashed with the energy and got snappy due to it. Misguided anger in simpler terms.
A flicker of something with deeper meaning flashed deep in her eyes; leaving quicker than came. "High school?" She spoke lightly, before covering the tone up with a scoff. "A toddler could get more done than you." The girl made her way a little closer, the height did absolutely nothing to stop her from taking control of the situation, didn't even phase her. "So maybe next time you can remember that's all you do best. Dancing is obviously not one of them, is it?"
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It wasn't her. It really wasn't like her, and to some extent she knew this sweet nervous guy in front of her didn't deserve it. But why did he have to act so much like him? When she was already overwhelmed before even meeting him. "I'm here to keep people in line." Was all she used as a responce. He was still willing to talk to her?
"And begrudgingly get used to crime scenes." For some pathetic reason, Dewey thought it might be best for her to see not every crime scene was as bad as the Woodsboro massacre. Help her get some sense of scale. Having apparently 'gotten over' everything that happened far too quickly. Dewey just wanted to make sure she was dealing with it in a healthy manner, turns out it was bottled down and covered over with the title of 'therapist', dealing with others emotions rather than her own.
"My brother-" A confused expression was elicited once she realised she didn't actually know where he had gotten of too, taking a moment to roll her eyes and stop looking around before she leaned her head up to look at the jittery male. "I'm really tired of waiting around to have a mini lecture from doofy doofus. You can show me something more exciting right?" Her voice laced over with something more sweet but it's full intent was playful. She wanted to sneak off, and her best chances was using someone like him to figure out her best course of action. If this wasn't a facade like she still believed it was, she could play him like a violin no trouble. "You wouldn't let me bore to death, would you?" A more than one meaning question, there was some unresolved issues for sure underneath that bossy mouth and pretty face.
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