#she's still a baker
patchworkmelody · 6 months
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What if I spiffed up some of The Birds. What if Sprinkles was like. A secretary bird. The Threat Feathers, but at rest. You understand.
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trobeds · 1 year
i know the hunger games isnt about romance i know it isnt a love story but. theres just something so beautiful in the way peeta is the personification of what it means to heal and he /is/ the dandelion and the bread and the hope that things can be better even if they wont be fixed. even if the nightmares dont stop he will still hold her. wake her up and tell her shes alive. shes safe. and when its over and done and theres no more saving or protecting or trying their absolute hardest to die if it means keeping the other alive, the horrors dont stop. but katniss will still find that comfort in peetas arms.
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robinfollies · 3 months
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Been really pondering Fantoccio and the cursed citizens lately… like, if you’re stuck in a city for 15 years with some of your only company being these cursed globby versions of the people that used to surround you normally, you’d start to Notice Things that remind you of who they used to be, right?
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ofbakerst · 5 months
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geronimomo-spd · 5 months
obsessed with the fact that apperently Dodo's actress (Jackie Lane), after retiring from acting after doctor who, was apperently Janet Fielding's agent (TOM BAKER TOO??)
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and then Janet Fielding went to become Paul Mcgann's agent
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and then i discoverd that apperently Wendy freaking Padbury (mother fucking Zoe Heriot) was the agent of but not limited to: Nicholas Courtny, Colin baker, AND DISCOVERD MATT SMITH
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...if you want to work on doctor who get you a 60s who agent i guess XD
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layla-keating · 4 days
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lovelydrusilla · 7 months
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patrick "you are the queen of my heart, grace" jane
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residentfurry · 1 month
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zoe warmups <3
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heyclickadee · 6 months
So, today on silly headcanons that don’t matter and would probably never apply to the batch’s situation but I like them anyway: Random thoughts on what would happen if each of the batchers had to make a cake (and had unlimited access to all of the ingredients that they’d need):
Omega: Woo!! Cake!! *makes a bunch of space chocolate (there’s space chocolate, right?) cupcakes with a few different colors of icing so that she can put them together and make it look like Ruby. Wrecker keeps walking by to help out and even sneaks her some ruby chocolate chips so it can be a ruby chocolate Ruby cupcake cake. The end result is very cute, even if Omega does have to end up having to use mantell mix to make the face (someone kept eating her cupcakes and she ran out by the time she got to the face). The kitchen, though—it’s a complete disaster by the end, and Omega had the best time making that mess*
Hunter: So…my batter’s cured solid in the mixer. Is that supposed to happen? *Okay, so, his cake looks gorgeous. He’s managed to paint a sunset on Pabu onto what looks like a three tiered cake with buttercream, and it’s got this amazing texture and impressionistic look. Unfortunately, when you cut into it, it’s just three tiers of ground up ration bars fused into a kind of concrete using burnt caramel. It tastes like sand and death.*
Echo: It’ll be perfect as long as I follow the recipe. *He looks at the recipe, sees at least five ingredients he can’t eat, and decides to make a smoothie that he can eat instead. He’s not a big fan of cake, and that’s okay. It’s a really good smoothie.*
Tech: Baking is just chemistry. What could go wrong? *Lots of things. Lots of things can go wrong. Turns out that chemistry (outside of biochem) is a bit of a blind spot for Tech, and our guy can’t just follow directions without experimenting a little. Or a lot. In the end, he does end up with something. It’s not cake, but it’s definitely something. Some might call it clam chowder in a bread bowl. Really good clam chowder in a bread bowl. Just—it’s definitely not cake.*
Crosshair: Hhmm. *Crosshair can’t be too bothered to make a cake, so he buys three boxes of space funfetti cake mix, follows the directions on the box exactly, stacks the three funfetti cakes with funfetti icing in between, and then decorates the whole thing with the icing leftover from both Hunter’s and Omega’s cakes. That said, his piping is amazing. Everyone’s afraid to eat his cake because it looks so pretty. He also ate about five of Omega’s cupcakes, but it’s okay—she kept putting them on his side of the table so that he would.*
Wrecker: YEAH! CAKE TIME, BABY!! *disappears for three days and re-emerges with this gravity defying illusion cake that looks like the Maurader flying over a rocky moon full of B-1s. The B-1s are made of tempered chocolate and full of salted caramel, he’s using at least four different flavors of cake and three different kinds of cream filling, there’s a ganache river on the moon surface, the marauder cake is actually levitating (because Star Wars), it has jets of sugar glass that actually light up coming out of the engine, AND it fires choux pastry proton bombs that actually explode with jogan fruit mousse when they hit the ground. There’s even a whole section especially made for Echo so that he can eat it. And it all tastes perfect. He ends up the designated cake guy on the rare occasions they need a cake, and he couldn’t be more delighted.*
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littlerosette · 5 months
save me “i know this would have happened anyway” everlark aus please save me.
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pure-patissiere · 4 months
┌── ⋆⋅🎲⋅⋆ ──┐
♡𝒓𝒐𝒍𝒍 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒅𝒊𝒄𝒆 𝒂𝒏𝒅
𝒑𝒍𝒂𝒚 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒈𝒂𝒎𝒆♡
└── ⋆⋅🎲⋅⋆ ──┘
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buckingham-ashtray · 5 months
Remember this?
Remember “John there's something I should say I've meant to say always and then I never have since it's unlikely we'll ever meet again I might as well say it now”?
Remember “Sherlock is actually a girl‘s name”?
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butchcaseyjones · 7 months
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i post for the archiegirls (i am the only archiegirl)
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hlo-pok-hopey · 24 days
What if mold simply doesn't know how to human?
Let's say there're 3 types of the infected:
- molded (mold completely overtakes the body)
- controlled by Evie (e.g. Jack, Marguerite and Mia)
- conscious (e.g. Lucas and Ethan)
As it was stated in the game, mold is very defensive.
Take Lucas' case for example. He already feels threatened, unloved and unhappy. Mold simply takes on these emotions and also amplifies the already existing mental illness, leading to extremely violent behaviour.
In Ethan's case, he doesn't feel unsafe. Therefore, mold doesn't act up during the break between re7 and re8.
If we talk about Jack, Marguerite and Mia, their violent behaviour is caused by Eveline. Evie's case is similar to Lucas'. She was deprived of family and love since birth, which obviously made her traumatized and unhappy. Mold inside her tried to compensate this unhappiness by protecting Evie from everyone who tries to harm her and also by giving her comfort in creating a new family for her. However, Evie doesn't know what family should be or feel like. Her frustration activates mold's defensive mechanisms, which leads to violent behaviour in Mia and the Bakers.
In addition, mold itself might have trouble grasping the concept of humanity. After infection, it acquires all of its host's memories, but it struggles to properly execute human behaviour. This might also be the reason for exaggerated facial expressions seen in the Bakers (especially Lucas). Mold is trying to figure out emotions, affection, love and human connection, but fails miserably.
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I have to go to work :( this is swiftiephobic
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highlifeboat · 9 months
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Together forever.
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