#she's such a girlboss though
wolfythewitch · 1 year
turning on anon not to send hate, but to send odysseus hate which is always right
i apologise for the fact that you like odysseus but he sucks. he cheats on his wife, who deserves so much better (i am penelope girlboss truther) and he spends a whole year just vibing with circe and then complains about how long it takes him to get home. admittedly his men also suck, but the majority of his problems stem from how much he sucks - bro is hubristically yelling at some guy who admittedly did eat his friends but doesnt deserve the hate. im a polyphemus apologist. also has a hell of a grudge against that guy in the trojan war who literally didnt do anything. cant remember that guys name something like themocles or themistocles???? that might bbe some persian guy tho or possibly thersites. anyway friendly reminder that he cut that guys head off for literally no reason (they were literally on the same side) also odysseus litrally flashed nausicaa. hes a problem. sorry for my wrong opinions
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fcstellae · 4 months
how people treat franziska in aa2 is a litmus test for how u treat women in media i think bc yes shes irrational and shes angry and shes mean to phoenix. she thinks her brothers dead. she thinks phoenix is responsible for that. not only does she think her brother is dead her father is recently arrested and has been disgraced and her entire world is flipped upside down and shes in a foreign country and shes barely 18 and her brother is dead and her fathers in jail for murder and she's the only von karma left. of course her only thought is revenge on the person who's caused it all. how would you react in that situation?
((also imo people are way too serious about the whole whip thing. Ace Attorney is a game with slapstick violent humor. It's supposed to make you laugh. She's not abusing Phoenix, the source material is making a joke. What's important to note is that AA's writing is very sexist at times and of course it's not treating her or her feelings seriously. But no one takes issue when Godot throws very hot coffee in Phoenix's face, or when Pearl hits Phoenix so hard he passes out, because they know it's the games comedy. So what's the difference when Franziska does it?))
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frogseasons · 2 years
tlt but JUST from ianthe’s perspective would be hilarious. you (necromancer) go to canaan house with your sister (who you trick people into thinking is a necromancer) and babs (your walking jerky stick). there’s a bunch of weird people and a hot nun but whatever. you sneak around and are Smart and u put things together. some people die, whatever, u get on with ur Sneaking and Smartness. you figure out how to become a lyctor (you have to kill babs). you kill babs, eat him (his soul), that’s all par for the course for you. and congrats, youre the first new lyctor in a myriad!!!!!! and then the rest of the weird people who are still alive decide to go and attack you about it. oh turns out ur predecessor has been hanging around, you get in a tussle and she slices off ur arm. ouchie. and she goes down at the hands of the hot nun so at least there’s something good going on. later you and the hot nun get picked up by god, u don’t know where ur sister is but hey! the hot nun is now ur built in bestie for the rest of ur eternal lives. but nooooo she’s depressed because her other nun friend went and died on a fence and boohoo she got ate just like babs. blegh. she asks you to crack her skull open which seems like a good time so you do, and now she owes you a favor and can’t remember the nun friend so things seem kinda dandy. and you get a sloppy lil makeout sesh later too. on ur all expenses paid vacay to god’s house his old friend/fuckbuddy takes you under his wing. swords suck because of ur arm but you get a front row seat to the most interesting and fucked up sitcom in history. the hot nun is There and yeah she might be having some brain issues but u get to play dress up with her and she also makes u a shiny new bone arm. u ALMOST get another kiss after god starts getting fucked in the dining room by two of his besties but the hot nun has it out for the other bestie that’s been trying to kill her for months so u don’t get to have that fun. eventually ur fight with a cosmic horror gets interrupted and the dead nun takes over the hot nun’s body and u witness the death of god. but he comes back and in quick succession he is out of besties and u saved his ass from mega hell. in the next few months you watch god fall into his newest depressed slut era but at least he makes u a new bestie out of the dead nun (who’s his kid?????) and her corpse, u guys even make friendship bracelets and have a handshake. u get to pilot babs’ corpse around on another planet and finally see ur sister again and kiss her on the lips through the jerky body. and the hot nun is back too!!!!! but some of those people from wayyyy back are still there and they take over the jerky body and u have to race them to god’s ex’s unbreakable tomb. and then god’s ex wakes up and beats ur ass and then gives the hot nun a sloppy kiss. what is a girl to do.
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randombrainrots · 4 months
do you ever think about how Sooyoung's childhood was like, how she was left alone to grow up, how she was basically erased from her parents memory in a way Sooyoung couldn't even consider them as family ever, how that would mean she never got to feel what a family was like, how neglected she was and how the only way she was shown love was through objects, through money, never through real love, and how in spite of that she still managed to pick herself up and go persue whatever she wanted to achieve, how even when she was never shown love she still had this monstrous affection to save Kim Dokja's little world trough sole words— AUGHHH, it's just too much, she's incredible
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theabigailthorn · 1 year
almost done with the research phase of the next episode of Philosophy Tube - there's a high probability that Kelly will be back lmao
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thecruellestmonth · 3 days
Batman never argues for the sake of compassion or rehabilitation in UTRH. Batman was especially callous, punitive, and lacking compassion throughout that early 00s era. He was not championing compassion, rehabilitation, redemption, justice system reform, or (HA!) abolitionism in UTRH—he did not have faith in those things for *the kind of people* whom Red Hood murdered, and he did not have faith in those things for Jason himself.
Every single person that Jason hurt is someone that Batman would hurt. Every single person that Jason murdered is someone that Batman would've unhesitatingly thrown away to rot in prison (a prison system explicitly shown and stated to be outrageously inhumane even by the horrifying standards of the USA).
If the person was lucky, then prison would reform him sufficiently that he could be employed through Wayne Enterprises (Gotham City's biggest employer, seemingly a monopoly on legal employment options for the formerly incarcerated) once he got out after... however long he'd been sentenced. Non-violent felonies can earn years, decades of prison time. Or if he was unlucky he'd be killed by one of the regular prison-breaks staged by Batman's rogues (including Red Hood that one time when a Batman kept him in prison, but more consistently by other repeat rogues).
Red Hood's argument is ''blah blah my crime is not like the other crime‚ my new cycle of violence is totally better than the current 20-year-old cycle of violence.'' Batman's argument is not "we can't throw criminals away‚ they're people just like us :("‚ but instead more like ''ew Jason has succumbed to his inherent criminal nature‚ sucks how he needs to be thrown away with the rest of the susperstitious and cowardly lot.''
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rookflower · 1 year
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you see, i don't hate ivypool, but i also think dovewing should be legally allowed to kill her if she ever wants to at this point because come on
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froggy-nebula · 3 months
vriska is really funny cause when you look at the shit she actually does shes not the best at manipulating people or flarp or combat she just cant win at any of her hobbies
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tvckerwash · 3 months
I like to think that during pfl (using his s9 characterization, not s10) wash is the guy you go to when you want to know something (ah la a line in the fall of reach novel I believe where chief says the enlisted personnel always seem to know stuff bc wash is clearly enlisted).
he's in a position where he's privy to information from the higher-ups, and he's friendly enough with the lower rungs that he knows the gossip going around. as a bonus though, wash ain't no narc, so if you want that information you need to offer him something of equivalent exchange (consequently fueling the 'guy who knows things' thing). for example, north had to tell him about using equipment in the field in order to get him to tell him what his meeting with internals was about.
wash isn't the only guy who knows things, of course, but he's the guy who has the widest base of general knowledge. ct is also someone who knows things, but she's a lot more specific, and what she lacks in scale she more than makes up for with how in-depth her knowledge is. wash is where you learn about something from, ct is where you get all the juicy details (to the point of it almost being tmi). she also has an equivalent exchange policy, but people tend to be a bit more reluctant to get information from her because of what her knowledge is (and the borderline 'insane conspiracy theorist' energy doesn't help either).
florida? well...you don't wanna know what he knows. the cost is simply too high.
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autumnrory · 7 months
really and truly unless it's a discussion about why peggy/steggy fans shouldn't like endgame, at this point idk why people feel the need to continually make the argument about her having a family as if that's the biggest problem about the ending especially when i figure most people are of the belief that it was another timeline or whatever idk what the current consensus on that is in the mcu and i don't care
but what about the fact that it destroyed steve's family? does that not matter because it's not the standard spouse and children but is instead a family he built for himself with sam and nat and bucky? because it's easier to decide steve is a selfish asshole and always has been instead of acknowledging that that storyline did more of a disservice to him than to anyone else? like oh maybe peggy's family was erased and that's horrible but it doesn't matter that steve's family was abandoned in the midst of the kind of trauma he knows very well?
i've said it before but it makes me so sad that so many people just turned on steve and decided a decade of movies don't matter in the face of one shitty desperate attempt of a movie to make him look like a pathetic creep just so they could justify their heterosexual nonsense ending
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anon-a-jay · 14 days
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Here are the promised Cyn drawings, she’s a certified silly little gal who never committed any war crimes.
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manitapaleta · 2 years
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mommy? sorry. mommy?? ...sorry.
S2 milfs!!! and Marco hehe
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dorianwolfforest · 8 months
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Shut the fuck up
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asleepinawell · 1 year
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Nael van Darnus - The White Raven
Tsuki ni kawatte, oshioki yo!
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amoransia · 2 months
Really late, but here's my ekuoto chapter 70 commentary. Nothing special, just me freaking out. You know. The usual.
Watch out for spoilers!
Dante got a very special dialogue balloon with "..." in it. Which is curious to me. I'm sure it means some sort of reflection or surprise happening within him; I really want to what he's thinking. How do you feel? Knowing that the that child you were entrusted can't even bear to be awake anymore? That he runs to escapism? Must suck. Anyway.
On the other hand, dearest Daniel is real composed. Good job on getting info out of Belphegor. That's not really a high bar, though lmao... I mean, how are you a demon and can't LIE? Embarrassing... Go back to demon high school or something. Fall from grace again! The whole premise of your existence is being a lying thing that leads people to sin, and you're here having communication issues??? Dude. That's so moe.
Everyone thinking Belph's got something up his sleeve is fucking hilarious. No. Sorry. He's not Kira or anything like that. It's not all according to his "keikaku". He's just kinda dumb and suffers from Villain Monologue Syndrome...
Him saying "my witch", though... ough! (takes critical hit)
Really funny how he showed him off sleeping and everything. Why are you bragging? Is this something to show off? I guess it is for you... I'd be embarrassed if all my coworkers suddenly saw me sleeping on a plasma 100" inch TV, though. Maybe have a little consideration! Also, I don't think anyone's mentioned this before, but I think it's a cool detail that Priest's in a fetal position. Not only does this position bring one comfort, but it can also represent how he's about to be "reborn" as a witch of Sloth. The sphere he's sleeping in can kinda be a uterus, right?
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Belphegor and Mikhail replying to each other while Leah was suffering out of confusion was funny. She got the straight man role forced onto her. Miha's "I see!" was cute. Very casual, as if he wasn't talking to a Demon Lord lol. To be fair, Bel is not really intimidating.
Meanwhile, Vir is busy trying to lead his shounen manga team to victory... (or not really.) They'll definitely get some piece of Belphegor though. I wonder what it'll be... he doesn't have anything like Asmodeus' eyes sticking out, so this is a mystery to me.
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Me when I get excited about an interest of mine and end up yapping too much
Dante and Vergilius are heading to the same place, so they'll meet up again... I'm looking forward to the mess that comes out of that 👀.
Imuri needs to step up her game, or I'll be taking matters into my own hands because this is ridiculous. Femme Fatale? Wtf are you talking about. Fraudmuri. The Demon Lord of Fraud. Her true title.
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Her biggest crime so far is being more in love with the idea of being in love with Priest than actually caring for him. Does that make sense? So far, she hasn't done any effort in actually coming to know him. She needs to KNOW!!!! At least I can respect that she also takes male rivals seriously... and her aggressiveness towards them. Lole.
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She doesn't call Priest "sleepyhead" in the JP raws. I don't really mind the addition, but I thought it was worth noting here anyway. Makes it cute.
"It'll be over soon" Naw bro Imuri is coming at you with a fucking sledgehammer. Watch out.
Tiny Imuri is so fawking cute. I've been craving these Imuri flashbacks for forever because we know virtually nothing about her. What moves her. Why does she long to love!! We'll know in due time, I guess. But please show me a bit of it, Aruma-sensei...
Asmodeus being considerate enough to make sexual things vague to Imuri is nice, but it confuses me a bit. Well. I shan't dwell on it, lest my head blows up.
Imuri seems to have some complex about being a demon with no demon power, because she keeps asserting that she is a demon? Am I explaining this properly? Like in this chapter (ch.70) and chapter 3.
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Imuri imagining the BL route... save me... my fucking sides... I burst out laughing the first time my eyes laid on that panel. True to her succubus nature, she didn't even consider the possibility of them using blood or whatever else instead of straight-up KISSING. Those are still bodily fluids, right?? Calm down, girl! Stay put!!!
"I'm not letting his first kiss go to some guy that just appeared!!" HE'S BEEN THERE FOR A DECADE! YOU ARE THE NEWCOMER!!! IMURI, GIRL!! You absolute buffoon! Clown, even!
Whew. Lmao.
This arc also feels like a callback to that one "sleeping beauty" comment from chapter 3.
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...except their roles have switched.
This time, Imuri will be the one kissing Father on the cheek to wake him up, and it'll be so, so cute. Trust. Trust me. This will happen. (Going insane).
Go and make him your witch, Imuri... Dew it... Make a move... (screaming and crying)
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crescent-rolls4 · 2 months
the thing about hailey probably crushing on jake, is people think it ruins her character but it doesnt. it allows her to be more vulnerable with him, which in turn shows us more of her character. she doesn’t have to be “uptight sassy girlboss” all the time like people want her to be because thats not what she is. people also think she makes it her entire personality, which is so false. she clearly values her friendship with jake more than any romantic feelings she has for him. hell, she considers him family. she gets flustered from time to time and can be open with him, and its not a bad thing. her relationship with jake brings out her true character, let her have that!!
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