#girlbossed too close to the moon
asleepinawell · 10 months
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Nael van Darnus - The White Raven
Tsuki ni kawatte, oshioki yo!
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kinokoshoujoart · 10 months
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when I said Aya / Pony used rough speech in JP version of the original AnWL… this is what i mean. when asking what Rock’s doing here she calls him a comically rude pronoun (キサマ/貴様) that has a very shonen anime enemies/ rivals sort of feeling
this is the correct dialogue option to increase his hearts btw!! he is, as usual, unfazed & all smiles that you’re talking to him. the other option is just telling him “go home”.
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groovylittleclown · 1 year
So I'm working on/wanting to make the Poltergust 5000 from Luigi's Mansion: Dark Moon, which has been one of my favorite games ever since I first got it in 2013 or 2014. (Having favorite status does not make it immune to me forgetting about its existence for months at a time. No, I have not finished this game.)
My original plan was to use one of those toy or real vacuums that everyone else uses, however there are a few problems with that.
1, I am a fursuit handler and general handler/costume help in my group of friends. So I would be really impractical for me to have a big thing on my back and 2+ other bags on me. So it needs to be able to open to store stuff.
2, The vacuums tend to be really small and really uncomfortable, and I have major sensory issues, especially with my back, so that just wouldn't do.
So I talked to this guy I met yesterday at work, while we were waiting on a task to do, and he suggested those bubble cat backpack things. I got super excited because that would work perfectly!! It's big and comfortable enough, and I can hold mine and my friends' stuff while we're walking around!!
So I ordered a gray one. The plan is to paint the clear part red and then figure something out for the button panel and vacuum hose. I want the hose to be detachable for easy storing, repair, and so I can use the bag without it.
So, my first thought was cutting a hole for the hose and putting a thing that the hose can connect to in its place. I'm not exactly sure how that would work, so I'm getting a second opinion on that. My other thought is gluing the attachment piece onto the acrylic itself, so I don't have to deal with cutting it.
There's also magnets, but I'm not sure if that would work.. or if I'll be able to get my hands on some that are strong enough.
That leaves the button panel, the hose itself, the wheels, and the actual flashlight/vacuum head.
From the cosplay crafting videos I've watched, using a black vacuum hose with cut-up pvc pipe works best. Or is at least what they all use. So I might follow their lead on that one. I'm gonna talk to my dad about all this to see if he has any thoughts. He's not a cosplay guy, but he has a garage with tools, so..
I have no ideas for everything else.. And unfortunately, I'm incredibly picky with a mile long list of things I don't like(over-exaggerating). I don't want to do the big big buttom that I've seen. I'm not a fan of it.. I don't know what else I could do, though. I have a short time frame and a small budget.
Oh!! Another thing!! I want to find a way to attach the vacuum head to the bag body so I can go hands-free from time to time. Like while I'm eating or guiding people or something.
If anyone who sees this has any ideas, I'd love to hear them because this is my first time doing any of this. That being said, I will be updating on the progress of the Poltergust 5000.
I had to fight with Amazon to order it, so my mom did for me, so I'm not sure when the bag is getting here, but some other stuff is arriving tomorrow, so hopefully then as well!!
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drowningincaffiene · 9 days
healed myself so hard literally nothing and no one has any effect on me. i mean slay. but i seem like a bitch now
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vexedcreature · 2 months
ALRIGHT! It's time again to decide which celestial body our newest life series winner is!
ZombieCleo is a tough one, but after about 5 minutes of research I've got an idea. She's the Gaslight in Gaslight Gatekeep Girlboss, and is also in the divorce quartet, in which everyone else is also a winner so we've got something to go off of.
The moon, the star, and mars. What do they all have in common? They're all either very close to earth, or easy to see in the night sky. Now, which planet is easiest to see? Venus. Also I looked up pictures and it's orange so that's cool!
Theres some mythology parallels too! In the myths, Venus (Aphrodite) and Mars(Ares) are lovers, and Cleo and Martyn were soulmates! What's ironic is that Venus and mars weren't supposed to be together, because Venus was married (not of her own accord) to Vulcan(Hephaestus) Who is a cool guy, and did want to make thing work, but she rejected him. So I thought it was funny that Cleo actually rejected Martyn for Scott, sorta the opposite of the myth.
And and and!!! Venus and Diana(Artemis), the goddess of the monn often disagreed with each other, as Venus was the goddess of love, and Diana had sworn off romantic relationships.
Theres something to be said about the fact that Cleo also keeps saying that various teammates are her husband. (Bdubs in third life, Etho in limited life) also she was always fighting with Etho, which could tie in to the myths again!
Ive written a lot more than I thought I would, but im just so happy cleo won I've wanted her to win for ages!!!!
ANYWAY. Cleo is Venus case closed. <3
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gsstories · 1 month
Incorrect Quotes: Bird Edition!
Peacock Sun: If Moon and I were drowning, who would you save?
Owl Adira: You two can't swim?
Peacock Sun: It's a hypothetical question, Adira. Who would you save?
Owl Adira: My time and effort
Owl Abigail: We were taught me to be nice first, because you can always be mean later. But once you’ve been mean to someone, they won’t believe the nice anymore. So be nice. Be nice, until it’s time to stop being nice. And then destroy them
The Peacocks:
Owl Adira: Couldn't be me.
Owl Abigail: Ahh! A ghost! Owl Alanis, running out: There’s a ghost?? Peacock Moon, appearing from his hiding spot: I’m not a ghost!! Owl Adira, raising her claws: I can fix that.
Owl Abigail, after doing something dumb: I don’t think we can gaslight, gatekeep, or girlboss our way out of it this time.
Owl Adira, cracks her knuckles: Genocide it is.
(They ended up getting in trouble) ----
Owl Adira, at the bar: Guess I'll drink my sorrows away.
Owl Abigail, after pecking a visitor who ruined her feathers: The path to inner peace starts with four words
Owl Abigail: Not my fucking problem.
Peacock Sun: I dare you- Owl Adira: Alanis is not allowed to accept dares anymore. Peacock Sun: Why not? Owl Alanis: "I have no regard for my own or others personal safety", as some would say.
Owl Alanis: wasn't icarly that guy that girlbossed too close to the sun because he was down bad for apollo?
Owl Adira: ...ICARUS?
---- Peacock Moon: If you were my mate, I would put poison in your coffee Owl Adira: If you were my husband, I'd drink it.
Peacock Sun with an injured Adira: On a scale of one to ten, how would you rate your pain?
Owl Adira: Pi.
Peacock Sun: Pi?
Owl Adira: Low level, but never ending.
---- Peacocks be originally from @missterious-figure's Wine and Feathers AU The owls belong to me!
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mystqueerion · 10 months
A south park high school au where some people around the school are monsters/fantasy creatures and others are monster hunters. Kenjorine focus and Kenny is one of the monster hunters and Marjorine, a seemingly normal girl he can't get out of his head is who he starts dating. Come to find out the reason he was so impossibly attracted to her is she's a siren
Marj- siren
Stan- werewolf
Kyle- ghost
Bebe- witch
Wendy- bebe's familiar (can shape shift from human to cat) (they're dating)
Tweek- mummy
Scott- vampire ("my blood intake ith low!")
Heidi- banshee
Everyone else just regular humans
Clyde on Craigs ass about how he could ever fall for a monster when he finds out tweek is a mummy and then Scyde 😭
Tweek is constantly in bandages so he doesn't dust away and Craig just thinks he's the clumsiest mf in the universe
He's always drinking coffee to offset his need for centuries of sleep
Tweek has the power to hypnotize and control people and raise corpses to fight for him, but they go back to dead after he stops using his power instead of staying as zombies
Kyle found out Cartman is the head of the hunters and he already fights w him all the time so he haunts him and their headquarters in an attempt to take them down
Kyle can go completely invisible for a short amount of time, can walk through walls, can possess people and objects, and can hover a bit off the ground. And when he possesses people he can hear all their thoughts
Stan got shot by Tolkien because he saw him as a werewolf on his dad's farm (like just the shadow and glowing eyes) but because he got injured he reverted back to human form so when tolkien was outside there was just a guy with a bullet wound in his leg so he took him to the hospital and cared for him for a week.
Stan can shapeshift into a giant wolf and when he does he has huge claws so he can do massive damage from that, sharp fangs he can bite with; could snap a human in half in his jaw, can run incredibly fast. He doesn't only shift on a full moon, but if it's a full moon he physically is forced into wolf form until the night ends
Tolkien doesn't understand when the hunters are out one time why the giant werewolf that caught him and was about to kill him just let him free and ran off
Bebe and Wendy are just girlbosses. Bebe is a witch and she likes brewing potions she can throw at people to attack thatll disorient them while wendy in cat form will attack with her claws while they're stunned, obviously not like Stan's bc they're just cat claws but then Bebe can use her magic to emphasize the wound
They make fun of the other monsters because "how tf did you all fall for hunters"
Marjorine is a siren so she has an alluring pull to her for people in the radius. She can intensify it at will and she really really likes Kenny so she feels guilty but she does it every time he's around her (she doesn't know she wouldn't even need to bc he just thinks she's cute on his own)
When she sings she can hypnotize people to follow her and she uses that to lead them to deadly areas because she doesn't really have good fighting powers. She has fangs if you look close enough and a lot of physical strength because of being able to drown people. When in the water she gets gills on her arms and webbed fingers. If she stays in too too long, she'll start developing a tail that's some kind of cross between mermaid tail and a tentacle she can use to drag people under.
She's in a fight with someone once and almost dies because they're a hunter equipped with gear to withstand siren charms, and the tail is growing but it hasn't fully yet so she's trying her best to stall from dying desperately hoping it'll grow in time, because they've also got her arms locked since she needs to hold off the weapons they're holding. She gets the scar on her eye from this fight and last minute she finally uses it to grab their legs and pull them under.
Scott is a vampire and he uses the guise of diabetes to make people think he's just refilling his insulin rather than going off to the side to drink blood pouches. If he doesn't drink blood for too long he'll pass out so he has to carry blood with him at school. His powers include turning into a bat, regeneration if he gets wounded, and just killing people by draining all their blood. His fangs are incredibly sharp but if he smells blood it can become a liability bc he's weak to resisting the draw to it
Heidi turns into a ghostly form and can fly and screech loud to deal sonic damage. It's also foretold whoever hears a banshee's shriek will expect a death in the family so basically she has the power to curse people. She also can turn invisible for very very short amount of time like a couple seconds but with a short cooldown, only in banshee form, and uses it to make her targets confused where she even is during her attacks on them, and they can't locate her from the scream because it's loud enough it echos the whole area. In human form she has to try and control her anger because if she doesn't and she gets too angry she'd scream LOUD and give herself away/be forced into banshee form
I was thinking about the goth kids and I like the idea of them all being monsters and being like "society just doesn't get it" of some sort but Henrietta being a witch was one of the only ones I thought of. I also think it would be really funny if one of them was a vampire after hating on the vamp kids but I don't have any further ideas than that for them
Someone asked and yes shelley would also be a werewolf but her powers are like way less than Stan's and also when she shifts her wolf form is much smaller. Basically she has wayyy better control over it than him SHSJFJ
In the story Stan keeps getting into situations that almost gives away who the monsters are because he struggles the most with fighting the instincts of his powers. And Stan being the kind kid who wanted to save all the baby cows and couldn't shoot a bunny HATES that he has to go out and kill and run around and stuff to keep himself sane. His werewolf side sort of takes over and he sort of blacks out when he's in that form because his thoughts are completely driven by instinct at that point, ESPECIALLY on the full moon forced shift.
Only a specific amount of kids were allowed to become hunters at the school after passing tests to make sure they'd be good at eliminating any monsters that made their way into the school because the humans still sort of struggle to realize most (keyword most) of the monsters atp just want to live normal lives rather than kill but a lot of them i.e werewolf Stan act based on instinct and lack of control for their powers. And some are like bebe who's favorite hobby is killing men as it should be tbh
Thats why when Kyle finds out Eric is the leader of the hunters he's like oh fuck yes an excuse to torment this bitch HDJFKF he haunts their office and like is constantly using scare tactics on him when he's invisible and possesses him to humiliate him as revenge for all his bullying
And someone asked about the vamp kids so lemme say they'd be humans who idolize vampires not actual vampires, cuz everyone else is like we have to get rid of monsters they're dangerous and meanwhile vamp kids want to be one of the monsters so bad instead of boring humans and they're like vampires are misunderstood you guys don't get it
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the-hawthorns-ocs · 1 year
Monarch Spiderweb!
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My fave evil woman. She is simply Girlbossing too hard
Character Bio:
Kinship: The Hawthorns
Pansexual; Molly; she/her
Age: (3 cycles, 4 moons; ~29 Hyrs)
Voice Headcanon: Lilith Clawthorn (pre-redemption) - The Owl House
Title meaning: -web =  a cunning, intelligent cat; a cat who is good at getting what they want.
Role: Monarch
Vice: Mothheart (brother)
Previous Role: Guard
Heir: Night (son)
Mother: Pinefang
Father: Ospreycry
Siblings: Mothheart
Mate: Monarch Lightfall
Kit: Heir Night
Extra Notes: She is based on a Black Widow spider!
Character Summary:
Monarch Spiderweb is a cunning manipulative cat. Her father is a spirit in the Dark Maw, and her took her under his wing, training her within the dark underworld.
She was mates with the previous Monarch, Monarch Lightfall, and had one kit with him, Heir Night. But Spider never truly loved Lightfall, she had only became mates with him for the power it would give her, and because she knew that Lightfall would then make her his Vice.
Once Spiderweb's son became a Trainee and the official Heir, she killed Lightfall to become the new Monarch. Only a select few cats close to Spider know the truth of Lightfall's death, which includes her son Night, who she has been training to be her perfect successor.
As Monarch Spider has been slowly changing the kinship's allegiance to the Dark Maw rather than the Stars, and currently the Stars have little to no connection to the kinship.
Most cats support Monarch Spiderweb's position as leader, or are too afraid to do anything to stop her. The cats who are openly against her do not last long, and mysteriously disappear or die.
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petit-cactus · 7 months
TGCF characters astrology placements
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Xie Lian: July 15th
So we know he's a Cancer boy. For some reason i totally see him being a Pisces moon. definetely has Aquarius placements too
Hua Cheng: June 10th
Raging Gemini. There is Scorpio high up on his chart, i can smell it. He has that Boldly emotional but scared of being shot in the heart vibe. Also Taurus placements because of the lavishness and sensuality...
Shi Qingxuan: my favorite character in tgcf after Hua Cheng. Fun, playful, full of life...
I've seen people con them as an Aquarius, i personally think they're more of a sweet Saggitarius. I'm gonna for Saggitarius Sun Taurus Moon because one of my friend has this placement and she gives me major SQX vibes.
He Xuan: Saggitarius too since he's SQX's astro twin. Pretty sure he did have that potential to be a fun, loving person once upon a time.
Despite his cold personnality, you can tell he longs for that warm cozy life....
Feng Xin: my favorite angry malewife. Dense but loving... it's kinda giving Aries + probably an earth moon (Taurus again?)
Mu Qing: the original mean girl. Very realistic but definetely emotional and vengeful. Virgo Sun Scorpio Moon, me thinks.
Pei Ming: Manwhore Mansplain Manipulate, i love him very much. Libra Sun all the way (no one is as much of a serial charmer as a Libra man). Probably Leo Moon. Considering he is that good alpha male mix of confident, sexy and boastful.
Ling Wen: Gaslight Gatekeep Girlboss, no wonder she's Pei Ming's bestie. Capricorn girl. Something in her points towards Air Moon (Aquarius?).
Yushi Huang: Taurus mommy. She's giving warm, mature, mother-earth taurus vibes.
Jun Wu: he's a hard to read character... for plot purposes i assume it must be close to xie lian? Which makes sense tbh... Only a cancer could be so unhinged (im a cancer, i know what im talking about)
I'm not that familiar with the remaining characters (Yin Yu, QYZ, LQQ, Qi Rong...) but ill proabbly make a pt.2 for them~
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sekai-no-koi · 7 months
info on each beneath the cut, for the uninitiated
Gale from Baldur's Gate 3:
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rated most pathetic and yet also most arrogant man in the party
nerd who girlbossed too close to the sun. now all his old friends are telling him to sacrifice himself to make up for it
he wouldn't be charming if he wasn't so transparently needy
well known for suddenly acting like he's in a relationship with the main character regardless of the player's intention
given the opportunity he would absolutely girlboss too close to the sun again he has learned nothing
The Wizard Gale from Harvest Moon Animal Parade
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Prefers to keep to himself but lives in the town to help the other villagers anyway. Most of them don't truly believe in his magic, though, and he's well aware of this
Almost never leaves his house, when he does it's to retrieve a stolen object and to help you with The Witch
Apparently will live longer than the average person
Drinks coffee to stay up all night so he can study the stars
Has no family, until he marries the farmer. Dreads outliving the farmer
Well known as the best husband in any game ever
Best Gifts: Fugue Mushroom, Hot Coffee, Shining Coffee Beans, Shining Ground Coffee, Coffee Ice Cream, Shining Tea Leaves, Pontata Root, Crystal accessories
I love him
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wardenwyrd · 10 months
Writeblr Introduction
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Dotted in secret stars and whispered moons lies The Warden O' Wyrd; too bright smiles and sharp eyes linger on her skin, miasma orbiting their visage. When dusk's hands sweep fluttering eyes closed her shackles, in turn, loosen.
Greetings and welcome all, I am Wardenwyrd - connoisseur of messy queers, the freaky & occult, and all things speculative fiction! I am freshly new to Writeblr and am keen to dig my claws so fellow denizens of Writeblr interact if you enjoy my vibes < 3
Open to ask and tag games !
◈What I write ◈
Anything and absolutely everything speculative, weird horror, all shapes and forms of queerness, and a metric ton of worldbuilding.
Genres: Fantasy (Low, high, dark, fairy tale-esque, etc), Sci-Fi, Paranormal, Romance, Horror, Mystery
Fantastical, often ethereal and treacherous worlds flavoured with flowery prose
Queer, neurodivergent, and disabled characters and themes. All kinds of diversity really. Always looking to broaden and grow my noggin' with wisdom
Gender queer characters. An UNBELIEVABLE amount of dyed hair and pronounces.
Body horror: elegant body horror; gross, grimy body horror; wonderfully queer body horror 'til I burst at the seams; all sorts. Twisting of the body into something other than human as a form of beauty my beloved < 3 < 3
Characters who desperately need therapy (That would be my fault)
Rich settings and worlds. Give me intricate magic systems !!! give me ecology that could be shown in a nature documentary !!!
🌔About Me 🌒
Goblin in my (late) teens. I've been writing for a whiiiile but started really getting into it about half a decade ago. I will ravenously consume all forms of creative media.
⭐Likes ⭐
Favourite colour: Purple my beloved Favourite band: Mili (I'm so normal about them) Favourite genre/s: Gothic lit, Fantasy, Horror romance, whimsical fairies Fav insect: Moths/Butterflies
Creative writing college student
Panromantic Ace | Queering my gender to the max
English (Regrettably)
Autism kreachure
Revolving door of hyperfixations on science-y stuff
Purple hair (Not beating the stereotype allegations)
[Note: I am very bad at deciding on WIP names]
My surreal fantasy WIP comprised of a collection of different stories linked by a unifying setting.
Colour-Coded to the max. Each central story focuses on a character assigned a colour, differing in tone, POV, and focus. Main three are purple, blue, and red.
Literal becomes figurative, and figurative literal
Charms and incantations of old swirl in from afar, weaving our hands together with something much deeper than flesh – a curious sentiment oozing from the recesses of Damsel’s cloak as the feeling of moss and stone wove through my veins; cold and refreshing.
‘What absurdity’, The Arbiter would think to himself. After all, those carmine red eyes of his delve into the primaeval madness: in their muddy depths lies the shivering madness - Fear. From fear is the knowledge wrenched from uncertainty and bloodshot eyes. Dread is the light; tugging on world-weary watchers. 
Sort of portal fantasy, sort of not. The stories in this WIP span across many eras and places, yet often find themselves connecting and mingling. Incredibly queer.
Main characters:
MC of Red, Jack Pronouns: He/Him Bnuuy ass trans Victorian boy. Pasty and WILL combust in the sun. Autism creature. He gets a himbo bf and sick asf t-surgery scars as a treat &lt; 3 Character Playlist
MC of Blue, Hel Pronouns: Any/All seemingly innocent girl but remove the innocent and girl part. Kind of an eldritch horror after a character arc but like, that's the good ending. So old surnames weren't a thing in the era they're from. Character Playlist
MC of Purple, Dorothea Pronouns: She/They Gatekeep, Gaslight, Girlboss. Autistic adhd precocious mess who WILL make it your problem. Genuinely manipulative but has great hair so it's fine. Character Playlist
Other notable mentions
[Note: I will elaborate on all of these later]
Witch WIP
My beloved blorbos < 3 Once I figure out how to frame and present it in a more refined way I like I shall be posting about this.
Personal & Cultural struggle within a fantasy context | Disability & Identity as a main theme | Aroace protagonist and Queerplatonic relationship | Magic inspired by folklore and myth | Found family
Low Fantasy setting in a somewhat alternate earth
Sprawling magic system
Conventional fantasy groups but with a spin: revamping those vibes
Witches aren't just funny flying women but genuinely inhuman creatures with spicy shit going on
Demons and angels but: demon is the colloquial term for a class of magical beasts characterised by dense essence, not like hell demons. Angels are living algorithms born from patterns and don't have an actual association to any gods.
MC Playlists:
Branwen | Ingram
Five Steps From Hell
Biblically Accurate Angelic-Flavoured paranormal apocalypse
Autistic MC
More horror oriented than action
Lots of vibes.
MC becoming something not very human, but they're more worried that they aren't worried too much about it
I've got some dastardly plans for this one. Vibes and atmosphere whilst the world falls apart and neurodivergence is a great combo.
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martian-astro · 4 months
hi love🌷[a small feedback by the way- your atmakaraka series is right on point😭 like i have a mars atmakaraka in third house and the way i related to every single word haunts me lmao the only thing still saving my younger sibling for me is my venus in third house closely conjunct mars lmao. 100% recommended to any person who wishes to understand atmakarakas]
i hope this doesn't bother you too much but ive noticed this thing about ashlesha energies and living 'sorrowful' lives; often their lives are seen as tragedies that serve as warnings to others and stories to many.
more often though, they usually die to leave behind mysteries regarding their deaths. questions that leave many thinking about how or why they died, or if they even died at all and not murdered unceremoniously instead.
also, they often leave suddenly, or switch energies suddenly. leaving not in the sense of dying, but rather releasing content that contradicts expectations or previous trends or suddenly forsake the very thing that acted like their trademark.
also! they somehow seem to promote the whole agenda of 'gaslight, gatekeep, girlboss. '
[ashlesha stellium] sridevi. it is often commonly believed that she was killed by her own husband and had a very poor post-marital life lacking of warmth from her mother-in-law; she also had an extremely co-dependent relationship with her mother. [you're also indian so i think you know the tea lmao] she left behind a huge mystery about who exactly killed her or if it was simply an unfortunate accident after all.
[ashlesha rising] marilyn monroe. the iconic lady of the 1950s who shed light on the history's beloved blonde bombshell characters with her sparkly charm and sexual appeal. arguably adored by all, her death was shocking to all. she died by suicide, most probably, considering official statements and her own condition in the recent weeks before her death. she also left behind the question of her death, though many prefer to accept her death as a suicide made in the desperate attempt to escape.
[ashlesha moon] lana del ray. today, lana has showcased depression, sugar daddies, toxic relationships and general toxicity in life and love in such a way that it has led to the formation of an entirely new kind of coquette aesthetic which seems to romanticize dependency in relationships. while the whole question of right or wrong is an entirely different thing id rather not ponder, she certainly has been quite the pioneer when it comes to this!
i was wondering, if you could expand a bit on these topics in correlation to ashlesha energies! having an ashlesha stellium myself ive felt that their energies are quite similar to mine!
personal experience being that i have a strong inclination towards the coquette aesthetic! since im no content creator other themes won't be so apparent, but people also always compliment me along the lines of 'feminine', 'dark', 'enchanting', 'serpent eyes', 'darkness incarnate'.
i hope this isn't too much to ask! please be safe wherever you are and have a nice time! i hope such an exploration of nakshatra energies will be as thrilling for you as they are for me! XD
So first of all, thank you so much for the feedback, I'm so glad that you liked the series and found it to be relatable. I love it when people go out of their way to let me know that they like my content, it really means a lot.
Now, about the Ashlesha nakshatra, I don't think that being ashlesha dominant has anything to do with these women having lived a sorrowful life. You must have noticed that one more thing is common in the charts of these 3 women, and that is having their atmakaraka in Saturn. I remember this one time I was trying to look for women who had bharani ascendant. I looked at the charts of atleast a 100 female celebrities and I'm pretty sure that 70 of them had Saturn atmakaraka. I think all of us know how female celebrities are treated in the entertainment industry. They constantly date and sometimes even marry abusive men, they are sexualised by literally everyone around them, they are unable to speak about the abuse that they go through because they are not powerful enough. These women have different nakshatras but they ALWAYS have saturn atmakaraka. I don't think I can expand on the topics that you talked about in correlation to ashlesha energies, because I personally feel that those topics have nothing to do with ashlesha Nakshatra.
If I had to describe Ashlesha nakshatras in my own words, I would say that they are cunning and beautiful women who are capable of being extremely successful if they manage to harness the energy of the Ashlesha nakshatra. I have noticed that ashlesha women are more likely to succeed if they maintain an air of mystery and keep people guessing. This strategy does not work for all nakshatras, for ex; I have noticed that people tend to like uttara bhadrapada women more if they talk about their family and constantly post pictures and videos about them.
I hope I was able to give you the answer that you were looking for.
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time222pretend · 4 months
ok i've been hype as hell for opening day but i wasn't smart enough to draft an intro so apologies bc i'm writing this as fast as i can to get it out on the dash. anyways this is yang hyein aka the yang canon and under the cut is a tl;dr (that's actually long as hell) about hyein (tho tw abuse) and please give this a like if you're interested in plotting!
ok so important part first: libra sun, aqua moon, pisces rising
now the rest: only child of yang sihyuk the current patriarch of the yang family and bc she's a girl she's the last of the yang line so like imagine growing up with that pressure
and tbh her dad like lowkey (highkey) resents her for being born a girl and like tbh bro didn't want to marry her mother anyways so like really was just another strike against her as far as her dad was concerned
and like bro also was very much in competition with park i's father so like the yang vs park competition was INCREDIBLY real in his mind so like again having a daughter by a lady he didn't even fucking want like it was like he lost in a way so like def punished hyein even tho like bro it was your sperm that determined the biological sex but anyways
so like idk growing up her dad def used the bible to enforce his will but also justify his actions and like explain away his like shitty behavior (ie cheating on his wife like abusing his family emotionally and physically bc he's frustrated with his own life)
and like tbh hyein tried very hard to be a very good girl and like present that way bc like if she did she kind of sort of gained her dad's approval but like also she was raised in a way where like ok your dad treats you like shit but also constantly reminds you that you're better than the rest so you need to act like you're better than the rest and be the girl they think you are
and tbh it was a lot easier to be that way as a kid bc she had a mother who like tbh had nothing better to do so she just fully invested into her daughter and was super overbearing
but her mom passes away when she's 12 and like idk the whole illusion kinda like starts to break apart from there bc part of it is like going from always being monitored and like having too much attention to just having none and her dad not giving a shit about her so long as she's out of sight out of mind paired with starting puberty and feeling rebellious and stuff
but like her dad is not about to be actively publicly embarrassed by a daughter he didn't want so like kinda does the whole double life thing where as like you know publicly she's still a good church girl sits in the front pew whatever and like idk outside of church though she starts hanging out with kids she shouldn't (s/o jeongbin, park ii, bae, and moon) and smoking and drinking and whatever and like a dumb part of her kinda thought like ok this is how life is gonna be and in a fucked up way she can be like her dad and present one day and have her private life be that
only like shit kinda never works out that way bc we all know what happens to jeongbin and tbh she never talks about that but like safe to say she was actually in love with jeongbin though their relationship genuinely was kind of fucked up and one of those things where like when you're raised by a bad man you seek out shitty men but she did love him
and idk after her went "missing" i think tbh part of her went missing with him like she got a lot colder and tbh she hardly ever talks about him ever again and like lmao gets engaged to his cousin and keeps it like business is moving but like idt she ever like processed the trauma she just moved on the way she did and the way she knows how to do things is pretend everything is fine and good
only she kinda girlbosses to close to the sun bc like a couple events happen simultaneously, she and park i get engaged, and like her dad has a stroke (which tbh probs from the stress of her getting engaged to the son of his rival but WHATEVER), and she starts having these honestly terrifying dreams of jeongbin being PISSED at her and they feel so real the shit is starting to scare the fuck out of her
and it all culminates bc one day like a little before the wedding she finds this dead fox on her doorstep and it's been mutilated and like tbh i think it was the straw that broke the camel's back for her and pushed her over the edge and she literally was just like "fuck it" stole some money from her dad and just skipped town
and then the subsequent 8 years as far as hyein is concerned are redacted like no one needs to know what she was up to, or what she did or why like if you ask her what went on while she was gone she's just like "huh? what are you talking about" like let me gaslight u into thinking nothing happened even tho like girl you came back even colder than you were before and like you seem more concerned with your position in life clearly something happened
and the something that happened is like a girl who got catered to her whole life had to meet the real world and it was a fucking rude awakening
but anyways she FINALLY comes back to goero in january of 2023 even though she'd been back in korea for a few months and tbh she came back bc like jeongbin's official funeral but also like tbh idk if you've been treated like shit for 8 years suddenly all the shit you went through growing up doesn't seem so bad and like it feels nice to be home
even tho home is like worse in some ways bc her dad has had a few more strokes since she's been gone and her stepmom (we don't have time to get into that girl) and aunt have been "running" the family business and by that like bro running that shit into the ground so like hyein is happy to be home but also like coming in on a fucking mess and at the end of the day it's HER inheritance they're fucking up so like she literally has just stayed in town and like took her dad's spot on the elder council and been fighting with members of her own family to like get control of shit so she can fix it
and tbh incidentally like her taking over for her family's timber business actually ends up helping a bunch of people working at the mill which cool for them she was just fixing the business bc she's been a broke loser for 8 years and she's fucking done with it adn the company was super mismanged but i guess it's nice some people benefit
but tbh like even though she's benefitting people and tbh fr stepping more into her power and the role she has people like def resent her bc girl you've been gone all this time and now you're just gonna run shit like nothing happened? and hyein who in goero was never told no is just like "yeah i am" and not apologize for it
bc if she were a man it'd be fine but she's a woman so like anyways yeah probs has a reputation for being a bitch and like judging by her actions in the past like they're def not wrong like lmao she def takes what she thinks belongs to her no questions asked but like tbh she actually means well and like what not so yeah
i could've added more but this is long as hell so hmu for plotting and i apologize for talking too much i'm just excited
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That last one was so good but like...imagine if it was BOTH of the twins. You finally manage to escape one and then boom! The sequel!
a/n: alright, lets all collectively pretend this didn't take me a week to answer TwT. honestly i really like the idea of being taken by the abyss prince/ss annd eventually being "rescued" by the traveler, but mostly just wrote about lumine being a girlboss. maybe i'll do a part 2 later for when aether shows up.
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tw: yandere content, spoilers for chasm+hilichurl lore, aether as MC (implied) and lumine as abyss, dead bodies, implied kidnapping
You were really regretting not bringing a watch.
Always on the hunt for adventure, you had volunteered to help a mining expedition evaluate the lower levels of the Chasm. Having heard many horror stories about the things that lurked in the shadows, you had been overly cautious in your preparation of supplies: plenty of emergency food, water, rope, and flares.
But after an unexpected cave in separated you from your team, the one thing you wished for repeatedly was a watch. Without one, it was almost impossible to gauge the passing of time, deep in a seemingly endless expanse of rock and ruins, locked away from the sun and moon.
The feeling only worsened when you found them.
Hilichurls, their bodies slowly rotting away, infected with the dark ooze that littered the chasm's walls. You had had unsavory run-ins with hilichurls in the past, of course, but you couldn't help but feel pity for them. Some of them were dying, still writhing in pain from time to time, but others were long dead, their bodies preserved in the inky substance and cool cavern air.
Swallowing the bile in your throat, you decided to help them. You knew you couldn't cure whatever ailment tortured them, but at least you could bury the rotting corpses left lying out, perhaps putting their souls to rest. After all, it seemed the same fate would meet you soon enough.
Without any sort of time piece, it was impossible to tell how long you spent digging grave after grave, but eventually you had taken care of most of the easily accessible corpses. You didn't have any sort of flowers, but you had been able to decorate the freshly turned dirt with small geodes and loose stones.
"What are you doing?" a feminine voice whispered from behind you. You turned to meet a young woman with blonde hair and a layered white dress.
"I got lost from my adventuring party," you laughed awkwardly, dusting the dirt from your outfit.
"No," she corrected, meeting your gaze with cold golden eyes. "I mean what are you doing right now?"
"Oh," you bit your lip hesitantly. "I know it's kinda weird, it just felt cruel to leave them out in the open like that, y'know? I know they're dead now and it's not like they'll even care whether their corpse is lying around or buried six feet under-"
You inhaled sharply, composing your thoughts. “I know it won’t make a difference, but it makes new feel better.”
"You buried them?" she asked softly, leaning down to inspect the freshly-dug grave.
"Uh- yeah, I tried decorating them too, but it's not like you can find flowers this deep in the Chasm," you joked. Her lips curved upward, halfway between a smirk and a genuine smile as she pulled a white flower out, gently placing it on the stone.
"Thank you," you knelt beside her. "I know its sort of silly-"
"Its not," she stated firmly. "I think its wonderful that not all of your kind are so...selfish."
"M-my kind?"
"Mhm," she nodded, tucking your hair behind your ear as she examined your face. "Do you want to leave here? I know a way out."
"Of course!" you grinned eagerly. "I sort of just assumed I'd die down here."
She extended her hand and you took it easily, helping her stand back up. "You know a way back up?"
"Of sorts," she tilted her head towards a figure behind her, a man clad in thick armor stood behind a swirling violet portal. You swallowed nervously, staying close behind her.
"My lady, what are you-"
The blonde raised her hand to silence the dark figure. “What’s your name?”
“Oh. Y/N.”
“Y/N,” she repeated, as if tasting the name.“Come with me. It won’t make a difference if you refuse, but it’ll make me feel better.”
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deermiraculouswhen · 7 months
guy who girlbossed too close to the moon
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youremyheaven · 12 days
That Solar explanation in the krittika post is so me coded 😭🫠. The more I learn, the more I’m starting to realize my strongest planetary influences are fucking opps lmao!
Have you noticed any difficulty with finding balance/satisfaction if one has planetary influences that traditionally don’t harmonize? For me it’s Sun and Venus; I have balance from extremes of either, but I am split between that harsh solar girlboss and a lovey-dovey romantic venusian and then a yapping ketuvian in the middle 🗿. I’m extremely ambitious as you describe for solars but this split makes it so hard to get things accomplished, although my saturn aspect to my amk sun helps a bit with stability, I have no idea how to remedy this imbalance 😭.
It’s so difficult to have a literal split, I can shut off my emotions or I’m all in on them, this id with people too. Romantic relationships for me usually end up with me having to cut off a loser but I do have feelings for an Uttara Ashada moon man that is the sweetest but we are so distant with each other 😭 I don’t know how to easily express my feelings and don’t really know how to handle that closeness but I crave and need it like water. I have very few relationships I actually feel happy about and nourished from.
I want to find the middle path so badly but Sun and Venus are just both extremes even with a Revati sun. Do you know of any mantras or practices that can help with bridging that kind of like,,,,existential gap? It not only makes relationships difficult to cope with but I also am constantly dissatisfied, and so fucking bored and angry but I just try not to touch that, nothing useful there for me. There is ALWAYS something missing inside and I am terrified of missing something that can relieve it (swati ketu,,,🗿) which makes it hard to also satisfy my solar ambition. (The irony of my ardra saturn aspecting my amk and having a “split personality”.)
But yeah basically life is pain, which is ironic because my first 20 years of life have been in my krittika venus dasha and I’m getting ready for my revati era in june. Maybe life will be less misery with s different nakshatra over my dasha? Because I genuinely cannot take this anymore 😍 I will snap if I live another year like this 😍😍💃💃💃😉😉😜
I think everyone struggles with balancing all of their energies. We're all kind of pulled in different directions from time to time. If we wait for it to all fall into place, we'll spend our lives waiting. We just have to roll with the punches tbh but I understand how heavy it must be to swing between extremes like that 😪
Tbh I'd say any nourishing maternal Goddess will be of aid here. Kali, Matangi etc are more aggressive/fierce Goddesses. Whereas Tripura Sundari, Bhuvaneshwari, Lakshmi etc are all gentler more soft vibes?? I think they help with everything from feeling internally soft, receptive and at ease to being magnetic externally and attracting prosperity because how we're on the inside is what we reflect externally.
I'd suggest against worshipping more fierce aggressive Goddesses in general but especially if youre energetically feeling imbalanced, the Goddesses don't play around, if they have harsh principles, you will feel its impact and it's best to not invite that in when you're not in the best state to receive it.
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