#she's turning 4 today (may 19)
look-at-honeycomb · 1 year
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Another year older ♥️
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This is a message to my black brothers and sisters
Learn about African proverbs and know your culture is filled with poetry
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1) Only a fool tests the depth of a river with both feet.
Meaning: You don’t jump straight into a situation without thinking about it first.
2) Knowledge is like a garden: If it is not cultivated, it cannot be harvested.
Meaning: If you don’t make efforts to acquire knowledge then you would not expect to have it and if you do not put the knowledge you have to use, you cannot expect to gain anything from it.
3) Sugarcane is sweetest at its joint.
Meaning: Good and sweet things of life may appear difficult to achieve but in the end, it is worth it.
4) If you offend, ask for a pardon; if offended forgive.
Meaning: This is as simple as it sounds: If you upset someone, apologise to him or her. If someone upsets you, forgive him or her because what goes around, comes around.
5) Don’t set sail using someone else’s star.
Meaning: Avoid copying someone else. Just because someone has been successful in what he/she does should not be what will make you to do the same thing and expect to be successful.
6) The best way to eat an elephant in your path, is to cut him up into little pieces.
Meaning: The best approach to solving a problem is to take it bit by bit; one at a time.
7) A restless feet may walk into a snake pit.
Meaning: If someone is busy doing nothing or is involved in what he does not know about, it is easy for him/her to get into trouble.
8) A chick that will grow into a cock can be spotted the very day it hatches.
Meaning: You can easily foresee the future of something through the character and tell-tale signs it exhibits today.
9) After a foolish deed comes remorse.
Meaning: Feeling sorry always follows a foolish act.
10) A man who pays respect to the great paves the way for his own greatness.
Meaning: What goes around, comes around so whatever you sow, you shall reap.
11) He who does not know one thing knows another.
Meaning: No one knows everything, but everyone knows something.
12) A roaring lion kills no one.
Meaning: You cannot achieve or gain anything by mere sitting around and just talking about it.
13) Do not call the forest that shelters you a jungle.
Meaning: Do not insult someone who is taking care of your responsibility or taking care of you.
14) When a king has good counsellors, his reign is peaceful.
Meaning: What defines a man is the circumstances and people around him and if they are good, he turns out good.
15) It takes a whole village to raise a child.
Meaning: The society is responsible for the moral characters it creates and everyone in a community should be responsible for helping to train a child irrespective of who the parents are; offering correction where they are needed.
16) If a child washes his hands he could eat with kings.
Meaning: If you prepare and allow yourself to be well trained when you have the opportunity, you will achieve a lot and be favoured in due course.
17) The Rain does not fall on one roof.
Meaning: Trouble comes to everyone at one time or another.
18) Life is like a mist or a shadow; it quickly passes by.
Meaning: Life is too short, and you only live it once.
19) Wherever a man goes to dwell, his character goes with him.
Meaning: What defines a man is his character which is, inseparable from him and follows him everywhere he goes.
20) Do not look where you fell, but where you slipped.
Meaning: Don’t look at your mistakes; look at what caused your mistakes, otherwise you may repeat the same mistake again.
He who sees an old hag squatting should leave her alone; who knows how she breathes?
Meaning: You should never interfere in someone's issues, particularly when you do not know anything about them.
Anger against a brother is felt on the flesh, not in the bone. Meaning: You should forget and forgive anything your relatives did to you.
Maize bears fruits once and dies because it is not rooted in the ground. Meaning: You will never get to the top and stay prosperous without a good foundation.
He who will swallow the 'udala' seed must consider the size of his stomach. Meaning: 'Udala' seed is an apple seed. It is never digested in the stomach
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thalialunacy · 4 months
[for the @calaisreno May Prompthagoreum Theorum. Cheers to ya'll for still following along despite it being, you know, June.]
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20) (21) (22) 23: apology (24) (25) (26) (27) (28) (29) (30) (31)
At first, partially because it's 6am, neither of them recognise what Rosie is actually saying. But it's clearly directed at Sherlock, who looks at John from the table with an eyebrow raised.
John shrugs. 'What was that, sweetheart?'
She helpfully points at Sherlock. 'Say sorry!'
'Oh ba--balderdash,' John says. 'There was an episode of that Australian programme about apologising, I didn't think--'
'Be sorry, Sherlock!'
Sherlock looks merely amused. 'What for, Miss Rosamund?'
She moves her pointer finger to John, but her accusatory gaze stays on Sherlock. 'You ate banana.'
'I… ate your father's banana without asking?'
She nods decisively. 'Say sorry.'
'I'm very sorry, John. I shall ask next time before doing anything nefarious with your banana.'
How they manage to keep straight faces, John has no idea, but they deserve an Olympic sodding medal in parenting for it.
'She's not even old enough to really get the concept of apologising,' he says as it occurs to him. 'I can't--'
'Nonsense, she's brilliant. Aren't you?' This last is to Rosie, obviously, as he clears away her cereal bowl.
John rolls his eyes. 'Oh, so now you're in favour of emotional intelligence.'
'When it applies to my--' He smothers a wince, John is certain of it, but rallies immediately. '--my young flatmate, here, absolutely.'
He stands before John can say anything else. 'Time to be off, yes?'
'Sherlock,' he starts a few minutes later, but they're halfway out the door and he knows he's being cowardly.
Sure enough, Sherlock waves it off. 'You're for pickup today, correct?' John nods. 'Good. I've that case, have to go make several witnesses cry.'
John hides a grin, in case his newly-pious daughter is paying attention. 'Try not to get arrested, yeah?'
'I make no promises,' Sherlock calls back as he heads off down the pavement.
'John,' Sherlock says that night, once he's changed clothes and washed the distinct aroma of back alley rubbish off himself while John put Rosie to bed. 'You could take a turn from your daughter about the apologising. Be a good example.' His voice is light, but careful. Only a little bit mocking.
John, who is standing in the kitchen making coffee and around whom Sherlock has just reached to avail himself of the biscuits, is certain he didn't hear correctly. 'I beg your pardon.'
'No, you don't.'
John stares at him, mouth a little open. 'This? Coming from you?'
'Who knows you better?'
'No, I mean-- You never apologise.'
'Implying you yourself are a model for showing regret?'
John can practically hear the 'zing' of the direct hit, and it irks him. 'Fine, I apologise for nothing!' He stops. 'No, that's not true, I apologise for some things. A few things. Several things. I apologise for about half of the things!'
'That doesn't even make sense, you realise.'
'Shut up.' He pulls Sherlock to him. 'Shut up, you absolute wanker.' He drags their mouths together for a surprisingly filthy kiss considering how tired they both ought to be.
John has a suspicion, though, and he breaks the kiss. 'What's this really about?'
'Don't know what you mean,' Sherlock says against the skin of John's jaw.
'Sherlock…' He swallows, considers pulling back but isn't sure he'd be able to get through this if eye contact is involved. 'You know she's yours, right?'
Sherlock stills, his cheek brushing John's, and John feels him close his eyes. 'John, you mustn't say things that aren't true.'
'Oh for--' John does pull back, then, pulling on the back of Sherlock's neck and keeping him in check so he can't escape. He waits until Sherlock's focused on his face, on his nose today. 'Here's the thing: You're right. Beyond, you know, the big-- Beyond what we've worked out in therapy, I'm shit at apologising. I'll work on it for Rosie, and for you. Starting with--' He takes a deep breath. 'I'm really bloody sorry I ever gave you the impression I didn't want you as Rosie's father.' He sees and feels Sherlock's sharp inhale. 'I just thought you knew that you already are.' 
'John.' The air leaves Sherlock's body in a stream, warm and damp on John's skin. 'You're serious?' he asks, doubt small but lingering in his voice. 
John clears his throat, breaking their gaze to look down at Sherlock's collar. 'I asked-- Well, the papers have been drawn up, and I owe your brother now which will only come back to bite us in the arse, but--' 
Sherlock's mouth captures his in a desperate kiss, and John finds himself held so tightly he actually feels his heels parting from the lino.
'Sherlock,' John manages when they break briefly for air.
'Sorry, right,' Sherlock says, very near sheepishly, and loosens his grip.
'Don't be sorry, just, you know.' He tilts his head to indicate the hallway. 'Come to bed with me?'
Sherlock's eyes darken with a combination of lust and merriment. 'Where I can do nefarious things to your banana?'
John groans, then turns away and starts down the hall. 'Oh God, dad jokes now? I have so many regrets.'
'No, you don't.'
John smirks and holds the bedroom door open. 'No, I really, really don't.'
[ <3 ]
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sinner-sunflower · 6 months
A HH Lucifer-centric AU 18/?
PART 1, PART 2, PART 3, PART 4, PART 5, PART 6, PART 7, PART 8, PART 9, PART 10, PART 11, PART 12, PART 13, PART 14, PART 15, PART 16, PART 17, PART 19, PART 20, PART 21, PART 22
I've really debated whether or not I'll post this particular part today or do another mystery and have it revealed in a flashback or something.
But then I said nah I'll give it now so you all can enjoy!
Very dialogue heavy.
I appreciate again your reblogs, likes, and very especially, your comments. Something about seeing your reactions or theories motivates me even more. Nothing says writer's pleasure like the suffering of their readers <3
Once upon a time, all Lucifer wanted was to create and be happy. To love and be loved just the same. Being the Angel of Creation and Humility, his Father often sought his counsel regarding the first creations. He was affectionately called 'my Morning Star' by his Father, reminding him that he will be the first light His creations shall see.
When tasked with guarding the Garden, he embraced that duty wholeheartedly. But with Adam's growing ego and Lilith's festering defiance, he could feel himself struggling. He had tried so hard to make it comfortable for the both of them but it was never enough. The only reason Lilith stayed in the Garden for as long as she did was because Lucifer refused to leave right away.
Lucifer: It's my duty, Lily!
That's what he had said. He loved Lilith but he was still very much afraid of what repercussions his Father may give for his disobedience.
Then comes Eve.
Eve was a lovely girl. She's Lilith but softer. She's Adam but kinder. But she has no free will. Adam treated her like a maid and she took it all with a graceful smile.
And well, you know what happened next.
An apple. A sin. A trial. A fall. Darkness. Fire. He wants to get outOUTOUTOUTOUT!-
A makeshift table with 2 chairs appear in between him and Roo. The Root of All Evil moves to sit and motions for him to join her. Lucifer hesitates but follows.
Roo: See, dear fallen, your old man damaged me enough that I can't get my original form to heal like it was before. And just when I was recuperating my power, you and your sinful lot sealed me! Low blow, by the way. Thanks yo you, my vessel is truly destroyed.
Lucifer: That's why you take on these forms?
Roo: Yoou got it! I can show you what I originally looked like but it's merely confined in this space. Like every caged animal, I crave freedom. Freedom I am not willing to have without a proper vessel.
She giggles as Lucifer's expression dawns in realization.
Lucifer: You... want me? As your vessel?
Roo: Yup!
Lucifer: But- Why?
Roo: Consider it an investment! Why, I can't think of anyone better to powerful enough to control Hell and dear enough to hold against Heaven.
It was Lucifer's turn to scoff.
Lucifer: Hold against Heaven? I don't have any value to the people up there. I am no longer an angel?
Roo had to put a hand in her mouth to prevent her from laughing too much again.
Roo: Naive, little fallen. You really think that?
Lucifer: I know that! Or did you forget that I was exiled into this god awful pit?!
Roo: Ah. But that's all, isn't it?
Lucifer: I- huh?
Roo: Your angelic status is all that they took from you, no? And this place is merely a change of office. You still answer to Heaven, whether you admit it or not. You still watch over humanity, albeit the worst ones. And most importantly, you were not stripped of your heavenly powers. You know why? Because you-
She boops his forehead and it took all of his willpower not to bite her finger off.
Roo: -are God's little favorite.
Lucifer: That's not true.
Roo: Yes it is. Tell me, Lucifer. If God was to punish you for the greatest Sin ever committed, why leave you with power to rule it? If that was you, wouldn't you take away all of their being and leave them to rot in the very bottom of the grave they dug themselves? Why would I cast them out them make them rule it? That's just absurd.
Lucifer: You're speaking nonsense.
Roo: Am I? The old man obviously loved you enough to let you keep your divine powers. He probably could not stand the thought of His beloved son suffering at the hands of some lowly human souls.
The Sin of Pride wants to rebuke but can't get the words out. He always did wonder why he still had his wings, why he could still create, why he was made the King.
'Was it really your love, Father?'
He shakes his head and leaves that thought. He may not be at the bottom of the food chain, that doesn't change the fact that he did not, is not suffering.
Lucifer: And you think saying all that will make me give your reign on my body?
Roo: Of course not! But you asked and I gave my answer.
Lucifer: And what happens if I say yes?
Roo: Not a matter of if, fallen. I know you will.
Lucifer: I need you to be more specific.
Roo: Insurance. We already established that you do not have anything else to trap me with and I'd be more than happy to consume all of Hell. It will be a nice snack before my comeback. So, really, what other choice do you have?
Lucifer: I am not just going to let you use my body to get out of here and destroy Hell another way!
Roo: Woah! Who said I'll be destroying Hell? I just want a vessel so I can explore! Plus, as soon as I enter your body, your little Ring would be back to normal.
She produces a golden contract out of the blue and lays it down for Lucifer to see.
Roo: So, let's make a deal.
Lucifer: No.
Roo: Hush. Let me finish. I get my vessel and I won't touch a single thing in Hell anymore. Your body will act as my new "container" by which, until your demise, will remain yours.
Lucifer: What? My demise?
Roo: Yup!
Lucifer: I'm immortal. If we go through with this, you'll never see the light of day again.
This is too good to be true. Not only will Roo be sealed for good but then Hell will safe. So why-
Roo: Then what's the fuss? You trap me forever and with you being immortal, won't even have to think about the other end of the bargain. Fun, right?!
Lucifer: No. What are you not telling me? Why after my 'death'? Is something going to happen that will permanently kill me?
She just gave him a menacing smiles.
Roo: Time is relevant, fallen. There will always be slips and an ancient being like myself, I'm bound to see something in between.
Lucifer: Quit being cryptic!
He is at his wits end. The longer he stays here the worse it gets outside!
Roo: Let me put down the basics of this offer then: I get my vessel and I'll stop this little party trick of mine. I will reside inside you until your 'hypothetical death' by which I'll claim all your being, powers and all. I'll even throw in a sweet deal of letting you keep your soul or have you give it to whoever you wish.
Lucifer: .....
Lucifer: I want to add conditions.
Roo: Be my guest~
Lucifer: In the aftermath of my death, you will do everything in your power to protect Hell and its people against anyone or anything that puts it in danger as long as you reside in my body. That means I also prevent you from leaving this vessel for another to get out of that clause.
Roo: Wonderful-
Lucifer: Hold on. I'm not done. Since you said that you do not wish to have property of my soul, you are to give it to Charlotte Morningstar. She will also ascend as acting ruler of Hell upon my death, not you. But you get to keep being the most powerful demon in Hell.
Roo: Hmmm. Sounds fair. I like those odds, my friend. So-
Roo holds out her glowing red hand. She no longer wore Charlie's face but instead she is now a blob of shadows and eyes. Lucifer has to narrow his eyes to prevent him from being blinded.
Roo: It's a deal then?
Lucifer can already feel Roo's energy inching inside him
Lucifer: Deal.
A handshake. A drop of blood. And a binding contract.
The game is set.
Holy shit?? This was so long??
Fun fact: this was one of the scenes I wanted to do in my first AU post, the radioapple one with Lilith and Eve. But this is more fitting here now.
please leave what you think!
If there are some changes then it's me proofreading it after posting a;sdkla
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oldmanjenkins985 · 23 days
So, I'd like to bring something to everyone's attention because I haven't seen like, anyone talk about this. It kinda pertains to Tessa's age (I think, I'll get around to explaining that in just a sec)
So y'all remember the flashback in ep 2 to the mansion, right? It was at the very start of the episode.
Take a look at Tessa in it.
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That's...very clearly a different model, right? She looks a *lot* more child like to me here, around 10-12 years old.
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Just compare it to ep 5's model and you can instantly tell there's a difference. She looks a lot more mature and her head is much wider. Her features are more pronounced and she generally just looks more lady like. I estimate her age is anywhere from 16-19 years old as I don't think she's older than a teenager. Behavior isn't a super great thing to go off of in terms of age, but she does still seem pretty childish. She's about as dramatic as me and I'm 18, turning 19 in a few days. Her physicality could also match anywhere in that age range as I've seen girls go into highschool at 15 and leave at 18 and they looked like, exactly the same.
I think this is very clearly establishing a timeline here with a much younger Tessa appearing in ep 2 and then an older one in ep 5. Shows that she's had these drones for a while. It doesn't confirm her age still, trust me I looked the best I can and there's really nothing major for her either being a minor or adult. Hence why I went with the estimate of 16-19 as I really don't think she's much younger than that. MAYBE 15 if you *really* stretch it. I've gone over some points before that may hint to her age like the wine glass but ultimately I don't think there's enough evidence to definitively determine an age. She's almost certainly in her teens though, with ep 2 Tessa being 10-12 like I said. Just based on guesses
And no, I don't think this was simply a model change due to budget or just a change Liam made because he was unsatisfied with the first model or whatever. The reason I believe this is because Spacesuit Tessa and Flesha were both designed at the same time, and Tessa's proportions were very clearly designed in a way to allow for Flesha. And given Spacesuit Tessa would've had to be ready for ep 3, I doubt there was much time between ep 2's production and ep 3 to make the Flesha design and then change Tessa's to match with it. Especially since ep 4 we actually get to *see* Flesha who would have ep 5's Tessa model's proportions. In fact, I think it's literally a modified version of Tessa's model and not the actual Flesha model. So I believe the ep 2 and 5 differences *are* delibrate and a way for Liam to tell us at least a few years have passed between those events. It makes sense too since the relationship between Cyn and Tessa seemed to have gone from inseperable bond (they have the same hair and have had multiple photos together, including one with the main three and her parents), to complete disdain as seen in ep 5
Ultimately, nothing is really confirmed about her age from my research. But I do find it interesting that Liam definitely wanted to show us two different era's of Tessa's life, even if her younger years were shown extremely briefly.
One more thing I'd like to point out is that Tessa's model isn't *completely* unique there are a couple of people at the party who seem to use it as a base, this lady being the most obvious.
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She very clearly uses at *least* Tessa's head. I wouldn't be surprised if they just threw the clothes over the rest of her model as well.
That's all I've got for today. Have a good one folks
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3terna15unshin3 · 8 months
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Then Because She Goes
Instagram AU (volume iii)
volume i — volume ii — back to masterlist
a/n: heyyyyy here it is!!! a few people have asked for this and i kept saying i’d do it but i kept putting it off for so long😭 they’re always so fun to make and now that i’ve written so many blurbs there is so much more material to work with so it was especially fun this time around, hope u enjoy🌟🌟
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Liked by 1975adam, denise_welch and others
este.manansala NYE🌟 (+ aftermath)
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rass1975 Pho after a night out is crazy
↳ trumanblack Actually the most ideal time for pho
giveurself4try I’d recognize that chest tatt anywhere
_catekeeling this COAT?????? omg
↳ este.manansala i pretty much live in it
1 January, 2021
trumanblack added to their story
28 January, 2021
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Liked by oliverpereira99 and others
este.manansala Valentine
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noacfdefender so cute😭😭😭
trumanblack Mine
↳ este.manansala hi x
14 February, 2021
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Liked by charli_xcx, r0bberz and others
trumanblack Bea❤️ Last day on earth out now!!! x
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radvxz !!!!!!
este.manansala Obsessed
bedforddanes75 Why were you in a dressing gown
↳ trumanblack Idk studio felt sophisticated that day
24 March, 2021
este.manansala added 4 posts to their story
8 April, 2021
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Liked by patriciavillirillo, weyesblood and others
este.manansala I’m begging you to go read Crying in H Mart !!! jbrekkie is such a fucking light, it is a privilege to know her and i am so moved/forever changed by this book❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹
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jbrekkie Este 🌈 Thank you for reading!
denise_welch ❤️❤️❤️
trumanblack I wept the whole time jbrekkie
3 May, 2021
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Liked by percyjmanansala, pollymoney and others
trumanblack My este.manansala turns 30 today. Please never ever ever ever leave my side, there's no me without you x
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trumanblack That last slide will be us in 40 years btw
charli_xcx dirty thirty!!!!!! the cutest ever <33
↳ Liked by este.manansala
1975adam Happy birthday bestie este🎂
↳ este.manansala "bestie este" lmfao ily
denise_welch That is totally you two in 40 years!!!! Xx
↳ Liked by este.manansala and trumanblack
este.manansala I love you
↳ trumanblack LOLML
↳ trumanblack LOMOL!!!**
↳ trumanblack LOMOMLLOLMOLLOLOMMLOL!!!!!!***
↳ trumanblack fuck sake
2 July, 2021
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Liked by arianagrande and others
trumanblack Stop asking me when DLID is coming out
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turnthebiglightoff We wouldn’t be asking if you hadn’t told us it was finished 😐
↳ Liked by este.manansala
rass1975 Mate… that fucking mug
↳ trumanblack What about it?
**↳ Liked by este.manansala
_catekeeling u cut me out of the second slide
28 August, 2021
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Liked by bedforddanes75 and others
este.manansala Cali for a bit
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trumanblack LA SUXXXX👎
↳ percyjmanansala Come home then!
**↳ este.manansala soon!!!!!!!
unitepariahs yall are in LA.. things are happening arent they
phoebebridgers 🤘🤘
19 October, 2021
este.manansala added to their story
23 October, 2021
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trumanblack added 2 posts to their story
14 November, 2021
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Liked by iliwysleep and others
este.manansala I’ve missed you Manchester🎄🎁❄️
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_catekeeling don’t leave me again :(((((
trumanblack My first kamayan😎
bedforddanes75 I dream about your mum
↳ bedforddanes75 Her cooking ^^^^^
g3orgiaheadley Dano!!! My fur baby!!
24 December, 2021
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bwabys-scenarios · 1 year
Part 20
Illumi x Reader x ??????
part 19
part 21
taglist: @tsukilover11 @mercyboluthecrazychicken @sxyriii @merinfawleygoestohogwarts
if you wanna be added to the taglist, make sure your account can be mentioned and comment a red heart❤️
warnings: Kurapika is kinda falling in love with reader? may do an short ending with him after York New? This chapter is very main 4 focused. Also illumi is toxic AGAIN!! BOO
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The morning sun was just starting to peak over the clouds, illuminating the path before (Name)
The girl had packed her three friends treats into a basket and was on her way to the servants quarters to deliver them.
The three had informed her they’d most likely be coming to the manor the 14th to rescue Killua, which she was excited for.
The entire time she’d been there, (Name) hadn’t been able to sneak away to meet with him. Every time she was caught by either Kikyo or a butler. Kikyo would innocently inform her that Killua was being punished, and to run along before (Name) had to join him.
(Name) knocked on the door, Zebro opening it shortly after.
“Miss (Name) I wasn’t expecting to see you here today! What is it you need?”
The old man kindly held the heavy door open for her as she walked in. Her friends were sat at the table, eating breakfast when they spotted her.
Gon shot out of his seat, jumping up to hug her. “(Name)!”
The girl laughed, patting his back as he sniffed the air. Kurapika stood as well, setting his fork down and prying the boy off of her.
“(Name), what brings you here?” He asked, his eyes on her large basket. Leorio approached as well, Gon watching with hungry eyes.
“Oh, if you didn’t know, tomorrow is Valentine’s Day! I came here…”
She shoved her hand into the basket, the sound of crinkling plastic being heard.
She pulled her hand out, in it a small bear. “To give you this.” She handed the bear to Kurapika, grabbing a bag of homemade chocolates and cookies for him as well.
“Happy(early) Valentine’s Day!”
The man looked at the gift, his face turning tomato red. He looked between the gift and (Name), his heart thumping against his chest. “For… for me?”
“Yes!” She smiled, the sight causing Kurapika to shrink into himself, holding the bear to his chest.
“Thank you (Name), I-“
“Oh, here’s yours too, Gon and Leorio!”
She handed their gifts out, each receiving a bear and two bags of treats. Gon hurriedly opened the bag, stuffing several cookies into his mouth before he could be stopped by Leorio.
“Oi, don’t eat too much, we have training today!”
Kurapika watched the scene with a sigh, looking down at the bear. His was a light shade of red, with a blue heart. It was soft, looking up at him with cute button eyes.
A part of him felt… sad that he wasn’t the only one receiving her affections, but he pushed those feelings away. He didn’t have time to think about what his heart wanted, besides revenge.
“Did you hand make these, (Name)?” Leorio asked, staring down at his orange bear with a green heart. She nodded, slightly nervous.
“Yes! The hearts are scented!”
The three boys sniffed the hearts, each giving her a surprised look.
“(Name), thsi may be the most thoughtful gift I’ve ever received.” Kurapika said softly, looking at the bear lovingly. Leorio held it up, tears flowing from his eyes.
“Oops, sorry (Name)!”
The four chatted, (Name) eating breakfast with them. Her training was called off until either Kalluto or Illumi returned, so she decided to work with them for the next day.
“I’m gonna be staying here tonight. Is that alright, Zebro?”
The old man nodded, pointing up the stairs. “I’ll have a butler prepare a room for you upstairs. Take it easy, Canary told me you received an injury yesterday.”
The three’s eyes were immediately on her, watching her tug her sleeve further down her arm. Kurapika frowned, grabbing her arm and pulling up her sleeve.
There was a deep purple bruise in the shape of a hand on her skin, with what looked like the imprints of long fingers on the edges.
Behind his contacts, Kurapika’s eyes turned a deep scarlet, the man barely able to control his breathing.
“Who did this to you?”
(Name) flinched at his voice, shrinking back into her seat. “It’s not like that. I was sparring with someone.” She replied.
That wasn’t the full truth, Illumi had angrily squeezed her arm, exasperating the bruise, but she didn’t want to give her friends anymore reason to dislike him. They didn’t understand him!
“… I see. They should be more careful with you.” He let her go, still internally seething. He knew she wasn’t telling the entire truth, but wouldn’t call her out on it now. Kurapika cared for her feelings, and knew pushing her would only make her clam up.
“Well, (Name) wants to train, she can’t progress without a few bumps and scratches.” Gon said, crossing his arms. “I don’t like her getting hurt either, but if they treat her too gently she won’t get any better.”
(Name) beamed at the boy. Finally, someone who understood and didn’t treat her like a child! “Gon’s right. (Name) is a hunter now, she needs to be strong. Although I myself could never harm a lady!”
(Name) giggled at Leorio’s words. Kurapika leaned against his chair and sighed. He knew they were right, but for some reason he couldn’t stand to see her in pain. The way she flinched at his touch worried him greatly.
“Alright boys, let’s finish up breakfast and get to work!”
(Name) looked at the testing gate, groaning. “Yikes, I forgot how big this thing was.”
The group were standing in front of the testing gate, Leorio, Kurapika, and (Name) stretching to ready themselves. Gon’s arm was still injured from his fight with Hanzo, so he stood near them, obviously jealous that they got to try and he didn’t.
“Should I put on the vest too?” (Name) asked, pointing to the black vest they all wore.
“Maybe not, it’s-“
Kurapika was quickly interrupted by Zebro. “I think that’s a good idea!”
Zebro handed (Name) the vest, which caused her to instantly topple over.
Kurapika and Leorio rushed over, the girl grunting as she struggled to hold the vest up. “Its- it’s so heavy! How the hell are you all wearing this thing?”
“It might be hard for you to hold, but it should be easier to wear. Here, I’ll help you put it on.”
Leorio gestured for her to lift up her arms, the man slipping it over her head, sliding it down past her shoulders. He stopped right before her chest, staring.
“I think I’ll take over here.”
Kurapika smacked Leorio’s hands away and pulled the vest over her chest. Ever the gentleman, he had her spin to make sure the nothing was bunched up.
“Oh wow, this sucks, but I’m here for the long haul.”
She waddled around, trying to get used to the added weight. Kurapika and Leorio had to stifle their chuckling at her antics.
The three continued their work, now carrying around heavy plates of disks and doing push-ups. (Name) had gotten used to doing push-ups, but not with the extra weight. Even so, she did better than Kurapika and Leorio, able to do 30 at once before collapsing.
“Wow (Name), where did all that strength come from?” Leorio asked, watching the girl do her 30th push-up.
“Let’s just say my trainer in the Zoldyck mansion thinks running a few miles and doing a hundred pushups is LIGHT exercise.”
The sun began to set, the three exhausted. As they walked back to their shared home for the night, they caught Gon training. He was scolded by Leorio and Kurapika, who had to remind him he was supposed to be resting.
“Ahh I’m beat!”
(Name) sat down on the couch, her vest folded up in the closet. Zebro had taken it once they walked inside, stating she needed to sleep without it to not exacerbate her injury.
“So, who’s taking a shower first? I know I’m not sleeping with a bunch of sweaty boys in the house.”
Kurapika had sat down next to her, raising an eyebrow. “Of course you can shower first. It’s only fair.”
“Fair? Why don’t we make it even more fair by playing rock paper scissors?” (Name) asked, grinning.
“That’s really isn’t necessary-“
“Deal!” Gon leaped from his seat, using his good hand to make a fist, indicating he wanted to play.
“Okay, we’ll do me versus Gon, then the winner will go up against Kurapika. Then the next winner will go up against Leorio! That’s how we’ll decide who goes first. Then the rest of the losers can play again to decide who goes second!”
(Name) smiled, the others agreeing to her rules. Gon sat in front of (Name) holding out his hand.
(Name) sat with her knees pulled to her chest, an obvious pout on her face. The two other boys poked her legs, laughing softly.
“How did I lose to every single person?” (Name) whined, kicking at Leorio as he poked her.
“I’m not sure, you must have awful luck!” Gon said with a laugh, leaning his head against her shoulder.
“I didn’t know Kurapika was so good at Rock Paper Scissors! He had no mercy!” Leorio cried.
The order of who got to take a shower was as follows: Kurapika, Gon, Leorio, then (Name). She had lost every single round, the hope leaving her eyes after each defeat.
“If you hadn’t been stubborn, you could have had your shower first.”
Kurapika leaned against the doorway to the bathroom, his wet hair sticking to his forehead and cheeks. Gon leaped from his chair, passing Kurapika and slamming the door. They could hear him singing some song as he readied his shower, causing the three to laugh.
“Hey, Kurapika, you really should dry your hair. You might catch a cold.”
He pushed back a strand of wet hair, sighing softly. “It takes too much time, and my arms are tired.”
“Oh, then let me do it!”
Kurapika didn’t have time to process her question, as (Name) was already standing up and grabbing a towel and pulling him over to the couch to sit on the floor. She sat on the couch, pointing the spot in front of her.
“Come on, it’s no trouble.”
He watched her for a moment, deciding to humor her. He sat down in front of her, close enough so she could reach his head. The first thing she did was gently run her fingers through his blond locks, causing the young man to stiffen.
“I’m gonna start now, okay?”
She placed the towel on his head, gently wrapping it around his hair and fluffing it. She started to hum softly, Kurapika relaxing under her touch.
He hadn’t been cared for like this in a long time, it reminded him of being a child. Her touch was soft, caring, like that of a mother. Kurapika had to try his best to hold back tears.
It was painful to remember, especially when those memories were of the Kurta clan. No matter how much time passed, little things like this were enough to plague his mind.
(Name) pulled the towel back, her fingers running through his hair again. “Mmm, still a bit damp. Do you want me to leave it, or-“
“Please continue.”
His tone surprised (Name). It wasn’t that of her usual calm friend, no this was from a desperate man in need of her touch. She wasn’t stupid, she knew Kurapika was hurt. Just one look into his eyes told her something had broken him, changing him into a man that he had never wanted to become.
So she did continue, drying his hair and humming, stopping ever so often to run her fingers through his locks and compliment the pretty color.
It wasn’t much, but Kurapika appreciated this attention greatly. He wasn’t used to being cared for so tenderly. The last time he allowed himself to relax in this way was around his old friend…
“Your hair is all dry now, Kurapika!”
She smiled down at him, ruffling his hair. He nodded, standing.
“I’ll return the favor once you’re done, (Name).”
She paused, scratching the back of her head. “Well, I’ll probably just blow d-“
“There is no blow dryer.” Zebro called from the kitchen. (Name) groaned, accepting Kurapika’s offer with a shy smile.
‘She was so willing to help others, but why does she seem to hate accepting things in return for her kindness?’ Kurapika thought, glancing at her. This had happened a few times before, along with her viewing herself as useless.
Although he wanted to address these issues now, he knew it wasn’t the time. She had enough on her plate, being basically kidnapped and (in Kurapika’s mind) sexually harassed by a literal assassin. He stored this information away for later.
The door flew open, Gon exiting the bathroom with his hair sopping wet. (Name) glanced in Kurapika’s direction before giggling.
“It seems I’m gonna be drying a bunch of peoples hair tonight.”
She ended up drying both Gon and Leorio’s hair, adding in some of her leave in conditioner to Gon’s hair as he whined.
“I’m sorry, but it’ll help with the tangles. I hope you don’t mind smelling like strawberries for a while.”
He didn’t, and the other two ended up getting some mixed into their hair as well. Although Kurapika seemed to take care of his hair the best, it was still in need of some extra love.
The group of three left this experience with silky locks, all smelling of strawberry soap. It didn’t seem to bother them much, Gon sniffing himself every once and a while with a grin.
(Name) left them to walk up to her room and grab a change of clothes. The butlers had been there alright, filling the drawers with all the clothing she could ever need.
After picking her pajamas for the night, (Name) strolled to the bathroom, locking the door behind her. She didn’t think they would come and peek on purpose, but she did know that one of them may forget she was showering and walk in to use the restroom.
Something similar had already happened on the airship, Gon having walked into the ladies room accidentally. Thankfully just (Name) had been in there washing her hands, because she doubted Ponzu would have been as nice as her.
The girl stripped, dropping her clothes into a laundry basket and stepping into the shower. The water felt nice on her tired muscles, but stung at her injured arm.
Usually she could take long showers, over 30 minutes, but today she settled for 15, quickly washing her hair and body before exiting.
She slapped on some lotion and moisturizer before slipping into her pajamas, yawning lightly. The finishing touch was wrapping a towel around her hair.
(Name) walked out of the bathroom, sighing in content as she looked at the dinner table. It had been set up, with the main dish being a roast. There were mashed potatoes, broccoli, and rolls as side dishes, the scent of it all causing her to drool.
“Mmm, nothing beats a nice dinner after a long day!”
(Name) took a seat next to Gon, having a plate handed to her by Seaquant. During her first visit to the servants quarters, Seaquant had been a bit rude, but now he was more polite when he wasn’t ignoring her.
“Thank you!”
(Name) dug in, the others staring as she devoured her meal, kicking her feet happily before she stopped, placing her fork down. “This… wasn’t poisoned was it?”
Kurapika blinked, giving her a confused stare. “Poisoned? Why would it be poisoned?”
(Name) thought back to her first night at the manor, and how Illumi had questioned if her food had been poisoned before she ate. “Mmm… I guess it wouldn’t be, since this isn’t the main house.”
She continued her meal, her three friends now a bit concerned. Was she being poisoned on such a regular basis that she had to ask?
When (Name) finished her meal, she began to walk upstairs, yawning. “I’m gonna go to bed. I-“
Kurapika followed behind her, (Name) pausing to stare at him.
“Kurapika, what are yo-“
“Did you forget I said I’d help dry your hair?”
She blinked, then shook her head. “No, of course not.”
“I can tell you’re lying. Hurry up, it’s getting late.”
Kurapika sat on her bed, watching as (Name) pulled the towel from her hair and handed it to him. The wet hair hung around her face, water dripping onto the floor. “I have a bit of a tender head.” She whispered, looking away in embarrassment.
“Don’t worry, I’ll be gentle.”
She sat cross legged in front of him, her back to him. Kurapika realized in that moment he had never dried someone else’s hair for them, dropping the towel on her head.
He tried his best to remember the feeling of her hands in his hair, the amount of pressure she applied. Eventually he began to towel dry her hair, humming an old Kurta lullaby.
“Mm, you have a nice voice Kurapika. What’s that song you’re humming?”
He ran his fingers through her hair to test how damp it still was, placing the towel back on her head to continue. “It’s a lullaby, one my people used to sing to the children at night. I’m a bit surprised I still remember it.”
Usually talking about the Kurta filled him with pain and anger, but right then in that moment, the phantom troupe didn’t exist to him. The only thing that really mattered was that she was here, gently leaning against his knees and smiling.
“That’s sweet. Your people must of been very talented to produce such a sweet melody.”
He softened at her words, glad that she couldn’t see the tears pooling in the corners of his eyes.
“Yes, they were.”
After he finished drying her hair, Kurapika lingered. For some reason he didn’t want this moment to end, didn’t want to leave her comforting presence.
“Kurapika, would you like to see some pictures of my cats?”
The blond nodded, greedy to spend more time with (Name). She stood, plopping onto the bed next to him. When she was this close, he could smell her lotion, sighing contentedly at the soft lavender scent.
She pulled out her phone, scrolling through a few pictures of her cats, squealing in delight at some.
“Oh, and this is Tammy! She’s actually pregnant right now, and I’m soooo mad I won’t be home when she has her babies!” She huffed, showing him a picture of a brown tabby cat with a small round belly. He chuckled, seeing a reflection of (Name) taking the picture in the mirror behind the cat.
“She’s cute. When will she be giving birth?”
“Mmm, I think within the next week or so. We’d only discovered she was pregnant a few weeks before the exam.”
She peered at him, smiling sweetly. “You can have one of the kittens if you’d like. I trust you enough.”
Kurapika blinked, a light pink on his cheeks. “I would gladly adopt one if I actually… had a home for her.”
(Name) tilted her head at this. “Do you not have a home to return to?”
This seemed to be a sore subject, causing the blond to sigh and look away. “No. After my clan was massacred, I never was able to find a place that felt like home. I go from place to place, but never stay for long.”
(Name) nodded, placing a hand on his shoulder. “I understand. In that case, you’re welcome to come stay with me if you need to. You’ll always have a place in my house, okay?”
This time Kurapika let his tears fall freely, nodding. “Thank you (Name), you don’t understand how much that means to me.”
She wrapped him in a hug, patting his back gently. They stayed like that for a while, (Name) rocking him as he pulled himself together.
“I think I’ve taken up enough of your time.”
The man stood, brushing the tears from his eyes and giving her a brave smile. “I’ll head to bed now. Goodnight.”
“Goodnight. Don’t be a stranger, I’m here if you need me!”
(Name) watched him go with a hand over her heart. She could physically feel his pain and suffering, barely holding back tears of his own.
She was determined to be the best friend she could be to him, a good influence on this heartbroken boy. Unbeknownst to her, Kurapika looked down at his hand, imagining the feeling of her hair and the smell of her skin.
A part of him wanted to stay longer, but he knew it was late. It was going to be a long day tomorrow, and (Name) needed her sleep.
He lied down on his bed, looking up at the ceiling above him with soft eyes.
“I hope she has good dreams.”
(Name) awoke to the sound of grunting and groaning. She rubbed her eyes, glancing at the alarm clock on the nightstand next to her. It was only 3 am, she’d had 4 hours of sleep.
She stepped out of her room, peering down the hallway to see Gon and Leorio doing the same. She glanced between the two, an unspoken question between them.
‘Who’s making that noise?’
A cry rang out into the night, the three rushing towards the sound. They ended up dashing into Kurapika’s room, the blond writhing in his bed, asleep.
Leorio crouched down to shake his shoulder, but was slapped away. He gasped, pulling back.
“That hurt. Maybe we should just leave him be. It seems like he’s just having a bad dream-“
(Name) gave him a look, the man silencing himself instantly. She stepped forward, just out of Kurapika’s reach. “Hey, wake up. You’re having a bad dream.” she cooed softly, bending down. He whined, relaxing ever so slightly at her voice.
She thought back to earlier when he’d told her about the lullaby he’d been humming and decided to hum it for him now.
His contorted face instantly softened, his limbs falling to his sides. She took this as a chance to push his hair back off of his sweating forehead.
Gon yawned, rubbing his eyes sleepily. “I’m gonna go back to bed. You got this?” He was worried for Kurapika, but knew that his presence wasn’t helping anything. (Name) nodded, not pausing her humming.
“Alright, I’ll be heading out too. Try to get some sleep, (Name).”
With the two gone, (Name) was left alone with the blond, sitting on the floor next to his bed so she could be comfortable.
She glanced to her side to see Kurapika’s eyes boring into her, his breathing slowing.
“Yes, I’m here.”
He reached for her hand, squeezing it tighter than he would of if he was more in control of his emotional state. She didn’t complain, only watching him with a careful eye.
“You were having a bad dream. Would you feel better talking about it?”
He thought for a moment before shaking his head. “That’s alright.”
Kurapika watched her, his eyes going from an intense red to a soft grey. “Was that… the lullaby I told you about earlier?”
“Yes, I thought it might help you calm down.”
“… it sounds much better coming from you.”
She giggled, patting his head. “Quite the charmer huh? Let’s get you tucked back in.”
Kurapika lied back down, (Name) pulling the cover up to his chin. “Thank you, I’m already feeling much better.”
“That’s great.”
She stood, sitting on the edge of his bed. “It’s getting late, I’m gonna go ba-“
He grasped her sleeve, his eyes wild. She’d never seen him look at her like that, like a desperate animal.
Kurapika pulled on her sleeve, his chest rising and falling slowly. “Can you stay until I fall asleep?”
She sighed, a tired smile on her lips. “Of course.”
“I’m sorry…”
“Don’t be.”
He leaned back against his pillow, able to relax with her near him. Kurapika didn’t understand why, but having her around made him soft.
He was usually a very cold and calculated man, but that flew out the window when she was near. It was like he could be vulnerable, childlike, soft, and she wouldn’t judge him for it or call him weak.
What was it about her that made him feel this way?
“… I had a dream about the massacre.”
(Name) stiffened at his statement, looking down at him with worried eyes. “Oh my god, I’m so sorry. That’s awful.”
She pushed back his hair again, letting her hand wander to his cheek, caressing it. Her lifted his hand to hold hers, his thumb brushing over her knuckles.
“I have these dreams frequently, so don’t blame yourself. Nothing we discussed earlier caused this.”
He sighed, letting go of her hand. (Name) yawned, pinching herself to stay awake.
“I’m going to try and sleep now. I’m so sorry, but your presence helps me… relax.”
He closed his eyes, finally able to sleep in peace. (Name) stayed with him until he started to snore, knowing that he was knocked out.
She snuck out of his room, climbing into bed. It was 5 am now, (Name) sighing before passing out.
The three awoke earlier than (Name), allowing her to sleep in a bit. Kurapika felt guilty for keeping her up so long, nervously tapping his fingers against the table.
“Mmm, I think it’s time to wake her up. If we train without her, she’ll be pissed.” Leorio stated, standing from his chair. Kurapika stood as well, walking past him and up the stairs.
“I’ll do it.”
Leorio and Gon shared a glance, confused by his strange behavior.
Kurapika knocked on her door as he opened it, the sound doing nothing to stir the sleeping girl. He paused at her side of the bed, giggling at her disheveled hair and clothes.
“(Name)? (Name), wake up. It’s time for breakfast.”
She whined, turning away and smacking his hand away from her shoulder.
“Mmnn… I told you to stop Illumi.” She groaned, pouty.
Kurapika raised an eyebrow at that, shaking her again. This time she stirred, looking up at him with sleepy eyes. “Kurapika? Mm did you sleep well?”
He felt soft again, sitting next to her on her bed. “Yes, thank you. I was able to sleep peacefully because of you.”
She nodded, swinging her legs over the side of the bed to sit next to him. “That’s good. I was really worried about you.”
He felt his heart thump against his chest, out of embarrassment or happiness he wasn’t quite sure.
“Don’t worry, it was just a bad dream. I don’t-“
She looked him in the eye, completely serious. “Kurapika, I don’t care if it was just a bad dream. When I see my friends suffering, I can’t NOT worry. Even if it’s annoying or if I’m deemed a worry wart, I’ll never stop worrying about the well being of my loved ones.”
Kurapika’s breath hitched in his throat. What was with this girl and her innate ability to bring tears to his eyes and a clench to his heart?
“It’s not annoying at all, (Name). It feels… nice to be cared for. Just…”
He looked away, struggling to find the words. “Maybe it’s hard to accept care when it’s hard to care about yourself.”
Her words caused him to turn back to look at her. The air was different, (Name)’s eyes boring into the wall.
“Yes. It is.”
Kurapika had no room to be angry that she didn’t seem to care about herself, because he was in the same boat, but something made him grab her hand in a tight grip.
“Kurapika, w-“
He leaned forward and pressed his forehead against hers, his eyes locked on her (e/c) ones. She gasped, the color a beautiful scarlet, one she’d only seen a few times before.
“I won’t pry into your business, because I would rather you not do the same with me, but just know one thing.”
He smiled, pulling away slightly to cup her cheek. “I care about you, and I’m sure Gon and Leorio do as well. Even if you can’t seem to care about yourself, we will do it for you. You will always have someone that loves you and wishes for the best.”
He wasn’t shocked to see tears threaten to fall from her eyes before she pulled herself together, leaning into his touch.
“Have I ever told you you’re a sweet boy?”
“A few times.”
They laughed, (Name) standing up and stretching. “Alright, I’m gonna get changed. I’ll meet you down in the kitchen in a minute.”
Leorio watched Kurapika leave the room with a raised eyebrow. His blond friend had a sweet smile on his face, holding his cheek.
“That took a while. What, were you busy making out or something?”
Kurapika stiffened, causing Gon to gasp.
“Wait!! Were you really!?”
Kurapika gave them a look, quieting the two instantly. “We just had a chat. Besides…” he folded his arms, a sly smile on his face.
“I wouldn’t kiss and tell.”
(Name) jogged down the stairs wearing a skirt and sweater. Leorio blinked as she sat down next to him, looking at her skirt.
“You sure you wanna work out in that? Its not exactly the easiest to get around in a skirt without… you know.”
He acted out the scene, twirling around the screeching when his skirt(a pillow) flew up, “exposing everything”.
“Leorio, you’re deplorable.” Kurapika said with a groan, covering his red face.
“But I’m not wrong!”
She laughed, standing up and twirling.
“Unlucky for you Leorio, I’m wearing a skirt with built in shorts!”
The group ate breakfast, finishing their meal before walking outside. This time Kurapika helped (Name) get her vest on, gently sliding it over her shoulders.
“They’re getting kinda close, huh.” Leorio whispered to Gon, who shrugged.
“I guess! I’m just glad Kurapika seems happier.”
Leorio nodded absentmindedly, watching the two giggle at each other with worried eyes.
‘I just hope he doesn’t get too attached too quick. It’s never good to put all of your chips into one person, especially within such a short amount of time.’
(Name) helped clear the table after breakfast, singing along to a song Kurapika didn’t know. When finished, she looked at the group and gave them her biggest smile.
“Happy Valentine’s Day!”
They all smiled back, the older two a bit bashful.
Kurapika, Leorio, and (Name) stretched in front of the testing gate, Zebro watching over them.
“Hey, why don’t you try removing those vests today?” Zebro called, Leorio grinning.
“Oh? Music to my ears!”
The two threw their vests off, Kurapika turning to help (Name) with hers.
“Ah, she can keep her vest on. After all, it is you two who must open the gate.”
(Name) frowned, her hands on her hips. “I don’t mind keeping it on, but I want to help my friends.”
Zebro sighed, shaking his head. “I wish I could let you, but this has to be done by your friends. If you help, it wouldn’t be fair to their efforts.”
(Name) rolled her eyes but complied, watching the two as they worked.
“It’s okay, (Name). Just you being here helps us enough!” Leorio stated, him and Kurapika pushing the gate in sync. It began to open, the guards watching on in shock.
“Damn it… it won’t move any further!” Leorio grunted.
(Name) turned her head at the sound of the ground shaking, seeing Gon had taken off his vest and sling. She moved to stop him, but paused when she saw determined look in his eye.
He strolled forward, placing his hands on the testing gate.
“Why are you using your left arm?”
“It’s okay. My arm’s healed now.” The guards watched on in a mix of shock and excitement, (Name) cheering for them.
“Healed?” Kurapika questioned.
“Are you sure Gon?”
“Yep! Anyway, we have to push together, right?”
The two nodded. “Right, let’s push!”
“Let’s go!”
The three pushed, the sounds of their effort causing (Name) to anxiously rock on the heels of her shoes.
“You got this!”
“It’s opening…” Seaquant mumbled, Zebro chucking in response.
The door finally opened, Gon falling through onto the ground.
Kurapika and Leorio held the doors open, trying their best to control their breathing. “It opened.”
Kurapika and Leorio grinned. “YES!”
“We did it Gon!”
(Name) rushed in, helping Gon up as the doors closed, the two men leaning against the now closed gate to catch their breath.
“That was amazing! I can tell how hard you boys have been working!”
She pinched Gon’s cheek affectionately and helped the two to their feet
“Follow the path, and head for the mountain. The mansion should be somewhere up there. I’m ashamed to admit that even though I’ve worked here for twenty years, I’ve never been up the mountain. Sorry that I couldn’t be of any help.” Zebro said, watching over the group with kind eyes.
“No, that isn’t true. You’ve been a huge help. Thank you for everything!”
Gon gave a quick bow before sprinting off towards his group.
“Mmm, this is a different path than the one I took up the mountain, it’s much… nicer.”
(Name) skipped along the path, stopping every few minutes to admire the scenery. She wasn’t able to get out much, and Kukuroo Mountain was beautiful.
“There’s another path? Well if this one is easier we’ll take it.”
Leorio didn’t know that although the path was clearer and easier to traverse, it would be harder to get past. There was someone waiting for them, someone that would not let them by easily.
“Leave. You’re trespassing on private property. I cannot allow you to pass without permission.”
(Name) looked at the girl, immediately recognizing her as Canary. Canary blinked, smiling at (Name) politely.
“Miss (Name) is an exception of course.”
“We called ahead, and we came through the Testing Gate.” Gon began walking forward.
“The butlers did not give you permission to enter.”
“What do we need to do to get permission? I said I was Killua’s friend, but they wouldn’t put him on.”
“I wouldn’t know, because no one has ever received permission, besides Miss (Name).”
“Then we’ll have to trespass!”
“I suppose so. In any case, this is where I draw the line. If you take one step beyond this line, I’ll remove you by force.”
Canary pointed to (Name) then behind her. “Miss (Name), you are free to continue down this path if you’d like. You’ll reach the butlers quarters in no time.”
(Name) stiffened, shaking her head. “No, I won’t go without-“
She stopped, turning to Gon. He gave her a smile and a thumbs up.
“It’s better if you go ahead. It might make it easier if we have an inside man.”
Kurapika nodded. “It’s better for you to be safe instead of staying with us. I don’t want our actions to get you in trouble.”
“No buts!” They yelled in unison, causing the (h/c) haired girl to pout.
“Fine! Canary, don’t go to hard on them.”
She didn’t answer (Name), only a hint of a smile for her response.
When (Name) reached the butlers quarters, Gotoh was waiting outside for her. “Miss (Name).” He greeted, waving her inside.
She spent the next few hours being scolded for helping the “intruders” and training her Ren. As the day passed by, she checked the windows constantly to see if her friends had made it yet.
“Master Killua is on his way.”
(Name)’s Ren faded immediately, the girl jumping up excitedly. “Really? Oh my gosh!”
Gotoh led her upstairs, where she was told to wait until Killua arrived.
She sat on a couch, staring at pile of… chocolate robots? Weird, she’d never seen something like that before.
“Miss (Name), Master Killua has arrived.”
Killua rushed into the room past Gotoh, tackling her into a hug. “Killua, you’re okay!”
She gave the boy a tight squeeze, patting his head gently. “I… I didn’t know if you were gonna be okay.” Killua said, his voice barely above a whisper.
(Name) looked over his face, frowning at the wounds that littered it. “I thought the same with you. What happened? Illumi told me you were being punished, but I was hoping it wouldn’t be so…”
Killua sat up, crossing his legs. “Well, I did stab my brother and mother, so I let them punish me a bit. But now that’s over, and I’m gonna see Gon again!”
(Name) smiled widely. “Yeah, I actually saw them earlier today. They’ve been working really hard to rescue you, ya know. You have some really good friends.”
He paused, sniffing the air. “(Name), what’s in that bag you’re holding?”
He pointed to the small cloth bag, tilting his head in confusion. “Oh, this? It’s for you!”
She handed him the bag, allowing him to tear it open. It was like watching a kid open a present on Christmas Day, his eyes lighting up when he laid eyes upon the chocolates and treats.
“I made you your own teddy bear and some baked goods! Happy Valentine’s Day!”
He immediately began munching on the chocolate, happily telling her how good it was. “Almost as good as my chocolate robots!”
He downed the treats quickly, turning to the aforementioned robots. (Name) remembered Illumi ordering several entrees during dinner, giggling. Him and Illumi were alike, in some ways.
“Gotoh is gonna tell us when Gon gets here, so we can just relax. What have you been doing?”
After a lengthy explanation of what had happened during her stay, Killua nodded his head. “I don’t like it, but I agree with Illumi. Kalluto knows better than to use his full strength against a non-target.”
“Ugh, everyone keeps saying that.”
“Because it’s trueeee!”
They stuck their tongues out at each other. “Anyone ever tell you how annoying you are?”
Killua paused.
A memory surfaced to his mind, one of him and (Name).
“Killua, are you here?”
The young girl peered behind a tree, her voice tinged with worry. Usually the young assassin would be there by now, but he was uncharacteristically late.
She already worried enough about Illumi getting hurt during a mission, and now her heart was thumping painfully in her chest thinking about her young friend being hurt, if not killed.
Before she could think anymore, a dark shaped jumped out of the trees, screaming. (Name) yelped and fell, tumbling down the small hill and landing against a log.
“Oh no, (Name)!”
Killua had planned on spooking her, not killing her! He ran down the hill, watching as the girl sat up, groaning. He knelt beside her, apologizing as sincerely as he could.
“Ugh… has anyone ever told you how annoying you are?” She asked, ruffling his hair. The comment had no malice behind it, something Killua wasn’t used to. She wasn’t angry that he had caused her to get hurt, just a bit annoyed.
flashback end
“… yeah, someone told me once before.”
He stared at (Name), his catlike eyes taking in her face. She treated him like she always had, with a motherly touch and kind words. Had her memories returned, or was she this kind to every person she met?
(Name) leaned against her chair, huffing. “I swear, i only met Illumi a week ago but he acts like he gets to make all my decisions for me.”
Nope, she definitely didn’t remember. He was starting to feel bad for his older brother, if only a little bit.
The two chatted for a bit, Killua become more impatient by the minute.
“Geez, how long do we have to wait? Hey, Gotoh!” He opened up the door to a dark hallway throwing his voice into the dark.
“Anyone around?”
(Name) joined him, confused. “What’s going on?”
The two rushed down the stairs, opening the door to the living room to see their friends sat on a couch, being applauded by several butlers.
“Gotoh, is Gon here yet?”
“Killua, (Name)!”
“Oh, you’re here, Gon! Along with… Kurapika!”
“I’m just an afterthought?”
“It’s Leorio!”
The group laughed, (name) leaning against the back of the couch. “I can’t believe you came, what happend, your face is a wreck!” Killua teased.
“Yours isn’t any better!” Gon replied.
“Hey Gotoh, I told you to let me know as soon as they arrived. What were you doing?”
The butler bowed in Killua and (Name)’s direction. “Forgive me. I had them participate in a little game.”
“A game?” Killua asked, already suspicious.
“It was nothing more than a poor joke. I apologize for any aggravation. Did you enjoy yourselves?”
Leorio rubbed the back of his head, relieved. “That was some really good acting.”
“What, did they try something?” Killua questioned, his eye on Gon.
“No, they were entertaining us.”
“Really? Well anyway, let’s go somewhere else. Anywhere else, right now. If we stay here, my mom will give us all an earful!” Killua groaned out.
(Name) watched them from behind the couch, smiling. They noticed she wasn’t joining in on the conversation, Kurapika deciding to ask her about it.
“(Name), are you coming with us?”
She shook her head. “No, I have training to do. Illumi has been kind enough to allow me to stay until it’s completed.”
The four visibly deflated, Killua whining like a child.
They perked up, looking to her with excited faces. “I’ll accompany you all to town. Let’s spend one last day together, until we have to go out separate ways!”
That seemed to be enough for them.
(Name) returned home the next day, having made plans to meet the group September 1st in York New, the same time she was meeting her old friend.
She yawned, being escorted back to the manor by Canary. “Gon said you gave him a beating. He’s stubborn, isn’t he?”
Canary had a hint of a smile on her lips. “Yes, he is.”
The two walked in silence, Canary holding open the door for her as they entered the manor. It was nearing dinner time by the time she’d gotten back.
The group of five had done some shopping in town and eaten lunch together, wanting to spend as much time with each other until they were forced to part ways. Kurapika and Leorio would be going their own way, while Killua and Gon had decided to stick together.
Because Gon didn’t have a phone, Killua and (Name) exchanged numbers so they could stay in contact.
As (Name) changed out of her clothes and into a new dress for dinner, she heard several notifications on her phone.
Unknown: hey (Name), it’s killua. be careful, my family is crazy, and I think mom is a bit too interested in you
(Name) sighed. She already knew this, but appreciated his warning nonetheless. She set his contact as “Lil Guy”, giggling.
The next message was from her old friend.
Grumpy Pants: received gift, thank you
Her heart beat faster, a hand resting against her mouth. Her friend almost never thanked her, he must of really liked it!
The third message was from Illumi.
Illumi: I’ll be home later tonight. Don’t wait up.
She closed her phone. (Name) didn’t want to admit it, but she was a bit excited to see Illumi. She had just said goodby to her friends for at least 7 months, and could use his company.
She sent him back a quick message before running to dinner.
Strawberries: okay, be safe!! <3
Illumi looked over (Name)’s message with a pang in his heart. Her kindness truly knew no bounds.
“It’s almost time, Illumi.”
Hisoka looked completely different, his extravagant appearance and voice altered by Illumi’s needles to make him look and sound average.
After all, it wouldn’t make sense for Hisoka to attack (Name). Illumi wanted to keep his business arrangement with Hisoka, and if he did after Hisoka attacked (Name) she would probably be upset.
“… alright. I’ll give you the signal when she returns to her room.”
He looked over her message, biting his lip. Was this really the right decision? He didn’t know, but Illumi was desperate for her to learn her weakness. The thought of her going out into the real world unaware of the dangers in it made him insane.
“… I’m sorry (Name), but I’m going to be breaking my promise tonight.”
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rafeinterlude · 5 months
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𓂃ㅤ⭑. Exterior Gambles
Summery : basically the hunger games with outer banks characters !!
Warnings : none for now
mood board : ⛏️
a/n (1) this is my first time seriously writing a fanfic so be nice, tell me if there’s any grammar errors !!
Words : 567 ( I thought it would be more 😞 )
  CHAPTER 1 : 𓂃. ㅤ Reaping Day : District 12 (JJ MAYBANK)
   It was reaping day, July 4th. A day every 12 to 18-year-olds across the 12 districts dreads, until the day they wishfully turn 19 to finally be free from the horrible tradition that haunts every family. Then the freshly 19-year-old focuses on demanding, mind-numbing work in the districts. 
Like everyone else throughout District 12, Jj Maybank awoke in his ancient unsteady bed with paper-thin covers. Thoughts of what the day would bring clouded everyone's mind. It was quiet in a coal-filled district, normally on a day off he would hear loud children playing outside in sunshine hidden by gray trees and people selling in The Hob, Jj would be there seeing what was for sale so he could feed himself and his dad (if he’s feeling generous). But of course not today when the peacekeepers are on high alert getting ready for the annual reaping.
Jj had to get dressed up nicely with a warn-down suit from his cousin, it was mandatory to dress up for the ‘special’ event as the Capitol put it. Which was his least favorite part of the reaping (other than getting chosen but he didn’t want to think about that possibility, what would his dad do without him? he would sincerely die without his only son taking care of him even though he didn’t appreciate it but what was he supposed to do? it’s his father.)
After he bathed the most he had in months and put on his ‘appealing’ clothes he headed out with the rest of the district getting a sharp sting on the tip of his index finger which turned into a scar after it had been redone for 4 years. Then he went into the line of other 16-year-old boys most of whom he recognized from school and The Hob but noone he was willing to talk to and they were waiting just like the rest of the district to see what 2 people would be torn from their families and closest friends.
Jj looked up at the overdressed woman who walked across the stage and stood behind the microphone in between the 2 fish bowls with everyone’s names from 12-18. She had the weirdest accent he’d ever heard and had the most ridiculous makeup he’d ever seen (before her he had never even seen makeup before) caked onto her face which was especially horrible even more than last year.
"Happy Hunger Games! And may the odds be ever in your favor," she called out to everyone anxiously watching her, teens wanting to know if they'll be alive next year and parents in anticipation to see if their children will be safe.
"Ladies first," the exotic-looking woman said then walking over to the female bowl and swooshing around with her hand over the hundreds of names of innocent children before picking one up taking it over to the microphone, and said,
“Eris Vapser,” The 13-year-old girl with grayish blue eyes that perfectly matched the sky and dark umber hair whom Jj had only seen her a handful of times before, as she gingerly walked towards the stage with everyone staring at her seeing her stood to the right of the announcer close to tears.
“And now for the boys!” she happily shrieked and seemingly snail-walked over to the male bowl of names, she picked one up and shouted..
“Jj Maybank!,’ she yelled across the district.
a/n : (2) i know that cannonitcly Pope is richer then John b but it would just make sense if he was in district 11, also i’ve watched all of obx and read/ watched all of the hunger games so that means… I will probably get so many things wrong so.. don’t expect everything to be perfect. ( also kinda based on Crimson Rivers on a03 by zeppazariel ) ALSO ALSO some direct quoting but that’s only for the reaping. Popes perspective will be next !!
tags : @haven247 @hewwokitti @redhead1180 @rafecameroninterlude @lustnluv @rafesbimbo & thank you for beta reading (i changed it up a bit) @rafecameronsgun
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minniebbang · 4 months
within the forest | chapter 4
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pairing: fairy!Chan x princess!reader word count: 2.8k words summary: a plan that didn't go well a/n: I'm writing something but I'm scared of how it'll turn out.
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“Princess Flora, please leave the kitchen.” The head chef spoke out, causing the long-haired woman to spin around to meet his stern gaze. She sighed lowly, hearing that name slip out from him again although countless times she reminded him not to call her that unless it was outside of the palace or her future husband was coming.
Her arranged future husband is coming today. Since she’s 19 years old and next in line to take the throne, her father has asked her to get married to someone to help reign Stellious. She dislikes it, yes but she had to obey it. It’s the only way to maintain Stellious peace with other kingdoms that may appear as a threat to them.
“You always recognize me, Simon.”
“Your hairpin, your majesty. Now, please leave the kitchen or the king will be upset with me.”
Her hand automatically reached for the lily hairpin tug on the back of her hair whilst smiling softly. Of course, how hard she tried to blend in with the crowd, the palace people would know it was her by her custom hairpin. So disguising as one of the cookers was impossible with the hairpin on.
“How about let me go this time? I want to help prepare the food for the prince. I’ll cover you up if Father finds out.”
Simon shook his head, disapproving of her idea. He abruptly raised his head when hearing heavy footsteps approaching the kitchen area. He held the princess by the shoulder, pushing her to the staircase that led to her room.
“Princess, the prince is coming. Please head to your room and get ready. The king wouldn’t be pleased to see you here.”
“Fine, see you in a bit.” She ran off. Her silhouettes slowly turned blurry in Simon’s vision as she parted from him. He released a sigh of relief and shook his head before returning to the kitchen. The sole daughter of the king had always something up in her sleeve.
Maybe after 3 hours, we’ll meet again. She muttered and ran to her room with a big smile and exhilaration crawling inside her although it was a bummer she didn’t get a chance to cook for him, as in Bang Chan. She never intended to cook for her future husband once she set foot in the kitchen. She was embarrassed because Chan was the one who prepared meals for her when they were hanging out.
Shutting the door, she changed into new clothes, a much simpler one and took her archery set between the interjected dresses. Grabbing the black feather off the table, she held it tightly and filled her mind with his image but the creaking of the door interrupted her.
“Princess Flora, why haven’t you changed yet?”
“Ummmm….I will but can you give me a moment, Sara?” 
The maid averted her eyes from her face to the object she held. Quickly, she grabbed Y/N’s hand gently.
“Let go of the feather, Princess.”
She glanced, cocking her brows. She was bewildered by the request. Does the maid know where she is heading? Her father must have told her already about her disappearance without a trace a decade ago. 
“I apologise but I don’t want to.”
In a blink, they vanished from her room, leaving the door wide open for anyone to witness their sudden disappearance.
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Y/N let go of the feather, realising the surroundings had changed from the bedroom with brownish walls to an open meadow. Birds chirping the sweet melody of the morning soon entered their ear. Sara observed around while confusion struck as her hand slowly fell to the side. 
“What am I going to answer him now..?” she whispered while walking back and forth between the door and Sara, dumbfounded by the situation. She’d promised Chan not to bring anyone with him to the cottage. Bringing Sara with her was an incident, she never thought Sara would hug her the moment she teleported here. 
“Should I knock… ugh!” she shut her eyes for a mere second, gaining back her composure before heading toward Sara, only to be greeted by empty air. Agitated, she glanced at every corner(although there weren’t any corners because it was a huge forest) searching for Sarah's small figure until a peal of laughter entered her ears. The voice was coming from behind her. 
“Sara!!” she made her way toward her and kneeled beside her. Sara was too absorbed with her watching until Y/N had to call her name twice for her to notice her existence beside her. Sara’s shoulder jolted in surprise.
“Your Highness! I’m sorry I ran without your permission!!” She instantaneously rose to her feet, bowing her whole body - a sign of begging for forgiveness. A sigh left Y/N’s lips as she commanded Sara to stop what’s she doing.
“Did this flower and butterfly attract you?”
“Yes, they did, your highness. My mother doesn’t allow me to step out of the kingdom. All I saw and breathed in my 18 years of life were flying dust from the carriage and the suffocating smell of mixed charcoal and freshly baked bread. My life isn’t beautiful like it is in your palace.”
Sara spoke as her chin rested on her arms. It looks like Sara shared an almost similar story with her.
“I didn’t mean like am I hating on Stellious. This kingdom is beautiful! I simply describing the environment in the late evening!”
“Don’t be afraid to speak your mind, Sara. It’s not like I will punish you for speaking ill about Stellious. Honestly, I never feel happy in the palace. It’s empty since my father keeps me away from everyone but luckily I found this place and him.”
As in queue, the screeching sound of the door along with his voice came. A voice that sounds like home to her. 
"Y/N, I thought you wouldn't be here today." He spoke from the door. She emerged along with Sara. A bright and beautiful smile rested on Y/N's countenance and lit a smile on Chan's lips. She went to Chan.
"Didn't I promise to come yesterday? I want to continue our practice."
A chuckle escaped as he shook his head; entertained by her child-like attitude. Although she grew up, she always his little flora.
"Never forget how excited you were when I said I can teach you archery.”
He raised his head and came in contact with Sara’s eyes. Her figure was frozen, stunned and speechless by his appearance perhaps. Unsure of what to do, Chan just sent her a small smile.
“You bring someone with you today.”
She sheepishly grinned at him.
“She was hugging me while I was holding the feather. So, here we are”  She spread her arm widely, lightly chuckling. 
“I’m sorry, Chan.” Her arm fell to her side as a sigh escaped.
“It’s fine, little flora. Sometimes it’s more fun to have extra company. Her name was Sara, right?”
She nodded. “Sara, come in!” He waved his hand, gesturing for her to come closer to them. Seeing the gesture, Sara headed to them cautiously. After everyone got inside, he shut the door. 
“Let’s go to the backyard. I have prepared everything in the back.” 
He pushed the teak door open, leading them to the back. Y/N followed him behind but stopped when she didn’t hear Sara’s footsteps. She looked behind and mentally face-palmed herself. Sara didn’t move a bone or her eyes; stuck in the same place and her gaze was fixated on his dark wings. She grabbed Sara’s wrist, dragging her with her as the arrows in Y/N’s sling bag clicked against each other, filling their walk with a repeated sound.
“We’re here,” Chan announced and headed to the set-up table and two seats. On the table, sandwiches were plated and three to four pure water were seated there. The backyard almost looked identical to the front yard except it was more lively. Flowers in different colours and varieties spread out through the meadow.
“My apologies, Sara. I didn’t know you were coming so I didn't prepare any extra,” He glanced at her with an apologetic smile. Sara shook her head and hand, denying his word in every way possible.
“No! My apologies mister because I accidentally follow your highness. I’m sorry I have burdened you!”
“You’re not burdening me, Sara, don’t worry. Anyway,” He glanced at Y/N.
“Should we begin our practice now?”
She placed her sling bag down and snatched her bow and arrows from the bag while Sara settled down on one of the seats, awkwardly running her eyes elsewhere other than Chan’s gigantic wings. It wasn’t her fault that she was astonished by Chan; a species that every folk in Stellious was afraid of. Both from their ‘special’ features and abilities. For centuries, the king had to hunt them down because they were a threat to the kingdom but were they?
Chan stood beside Y/N, watching her close her right eye and aim for the bullseye at the round sharped target across them. 
The First shot, failed
The Second shot failed
The Third shot failed
She let out a heavy sigh and dropped the bow to her side, disappointed at her current mark. The first and second arrows were on the white circle meanwhile the third one was on the black circle. Sure, she was a beginner and shouldn't push herself to make the arrow land on the yellow circle but she was hoping to get it at least once.
“Don’t push yourself too hard, little flora. Just relax.”
He went behind her and placed his hand on top of hers, positioning the bow. His touch was gentle as if holding her hand hard enough would shatter it. He correctly fixed her shoulder and hips and stepped aside.
“Think about someone you dislike and with a deep breath, you let go of the string. Ready?”
She hummed in response and took a deep breath. She aimed for the bullseyes again but this time with an image of someone she dislikes currently. She doesn’t hate him but dislikes his abrupt decision. A decision that he made without considering her feelings. She still loves him, so much in fact. Releasing the bowstring, the arrow landed on the bullseye. Chan smiled, glad his technique worked.
 Now he wondered, who was in her mind?
“Who are you thinking?”
“My father…He arranged a marriage for me since I will reign Stellious soon.”
She placed the arrow in the bow and let go of the string.
Bullseye again.
“He said I'm incapable of ruling the kingdom alone and need a husband by my side. I hate arranged marriages because it's like pushing my feelings aside.” She’d said in a low and dissatisfied tone. She placed the bow on the grass, glancing at him afterwards.
“I’m sure he has his reason, little flora. No father will do something stupid unless it’s for his daughter's bright future. Your future husband will take care of you if I’m not here anymore” 
Her eyes widened as he uttered the last sentence. She punched his shoulder lightly as her lips dropped, forming an upside-down smile. 
“Don’t say that, Chan. I’ll protect you from whatever coming for you. I promise”
She shoved her pinky toward him and he intertwined it, giggling at her statement. Just like the little girl he met 10 years ago, she was unaware of what danger coming upon him. Not even she could protect him from it. She shouldn’t know the truth because he knew it would be the reason her happiness died. Let him conceal the painful truth with his smile and white lies.
“Okay! Let’s continue!” 
After a couple of minutes, they stopped training. How exhausting it might be but she was satisfied with the result of today's hard work. Sara, who had been seated and watching her was surprised by the princess’s skill. Ever since taking care of Y/N, she never saw the princess doing this activity. The princess schedule is often packed with manners class and history classes. It was a rare sight to see the princess doing something that only the boys and the women warriors were allowed to do in the kingdom.
“Good job for today, little flora.” Chan ruffled her hair as her ears turned a hint of red. She isn’t used to Chan’s way of showing his affection although she did it to him when she was little.
“I can do better but it’s fine. I can always try tomorrow and the day after.”
“True. Since you did a good job you should be rewarded with a present.”
“I’m not a kid, Chan.”
“Who says only kids deserve presents? Let’s hurry up before the sun goes down.” 
Carefully, Chan took her hand and pulled her to the side of the backyard, forgetting Sara’s existence there for a while. Sara followed them behind quietly, afraid of disturbing their leisure time together. 
Upon arriving, Y/N gasped at the sightseeing. They were a river streaming through the middle, splitting the meadow into two. The trees were high in height and their stems stretched out toward the river, covering the illuminating sunlight for anyone who was resting there. She was sure she wasn’t dreaming but the place looked exactly how she would describe her haven. Quiet and serenity with him.
Chan patted the space beside him, inviting her to sit with him. She sat beside him and immediately rested her head on his shoulder. She likes being this close to him, it reminds her that she has a friend, a friend that she could rely on, a friend that she already assumed was her blood brother.
“So, how was he? Is he a kind man?”
“I hope so. Today, supposedly, is my second day meeting him. My father expects me to get to know him better today.”
“But you run away. The day before too.”
She laughed, throwing her gaze at the slow-streaming river.
“If you were me, you would run away as well, Chan. I don’t like talking about myself because I don’t know myself well. There’s no point telling him lies.”
“You grow up well, little flora. I’m proud of you. I can’t wait to see you as a queen.”
“A queen…such a heavy word for me”
“Hey, I’m here for you if you need any extra hands”
From the reflection, she can see his wings moving to the front, hugging her shoulder. Taking the opportunity, she caressed his wings. Letting her fingers run through the black wings, brought her back to the first day she met him.  A meeting that began her joyful life.
“I love you, Channie”
His hand went for her shoulder, pulling her into a hug.
“I love you too, let’s stay as best friends okay little flora?”
“You like calling me little flora.”
“People in the kingdom called you Flora because the king asked them but for me because the little you had changed my life into a beautiful one. Like flora, they decorate the forest and people’s homes so it becomes more comfy and stunning”
“Thanks for those unwanted words of affirmation, Chan”
From afar, Sara became an audience. Today's event proved all of her assumptions about Chan’s species wrong. A fairy can be kind-hearted toward humans. One could not fake a sincere smile for a long time. They’re not wicked as the king told them. Was the king lying to them? To the civilians of Stellious? If yes, what for?
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What could be more mortification than your daughter doesn’t show up when the prince was in your palace? No, she disappeared magically while changing and the cat got your tongue trying to give a good excuse. A bad way to end your day, huh?
The king slammed his hands on the table, and the loud thudding rang throughout his medium-decorated office. A flushed red face, clenched fists and bared teeth as he contends the madness that crawled inside him from leashing out. His right-hand man couldn’t defuse him unless he wanted a punch in his face. 
“Gale, did you send the guards to search after the princess?” He asked sternly. Gale nodded his head
“Good. I’m going to check her room” The king exited the office and headed straight to the princess' room. An instinct came to him but he brushed it off because he believed his only daughter wouldn’t do that, not to him. His steps died as he caught a glimpse of the slightly creaked door to the princess’s room. Somehow, he felt his instinct was right.
He pushed the door widely and from the corner of his eyes, he saw black powder scattered on the floor. His anger raised when he kneeled to get a better view of it. That fairy...
“Command the guards to expand the search in the forest, now!!” 
A peaceful and gorgeous evening for the princess but an unforgettable one for the king. The evening when the king's patience exploded and the only left was madness, he wanted blood under the fairy's body. For him, the fairy had crossed his limits. 
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thatbanditqueen · 11 months
Bless Your Heart
An Elvis-o-Ween One Shot
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A response to the month-long writing prompt for Halloween/Fall
Summary: It's 1957, and Jan's dreams come true when she gets invited up from the gate to join Elvis' parties at Graceland. But not all that glitters is gold, and this new social circle may have a few angels and demons among them.
Warnings: No real smut, suggestions of sex, but there is a teensy bit of scary gore at the end.... so no minors and be forewarned. This was a new experience for me, I easily could have written about Elvis romancing ghost girlies all month, but I wanted to challenge myself. Not sure if it worked but... here goes nothing.
You can check out last week's Elvis-o-ween here:
Little Blue Toes
WC: 6.8 K
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6:05 p.m. Thursday, September 19, 1957
Graceland, Memphis TN
The evening sun was slowly turning red when Jan hopped off the bus, and it burned orange circles into the back of her eyelids. She shook them away, distractedly nodding at the driver as she turned her attention to the crowd down the block. The rolling hills of Whitehaven were still a deep green in the fall, but Jan hardly noticed and clutched her purse as she got closer to the gate. She tried not to be too obvious as she craned her head to see Graceland from the back of the crowd. It looked smaller than she had expected, a grey matchbox on a hill in the dusky twilight. Jan told herself that she would have to come back on the weekend, now that she knew how easy it was to get here. Now that she knew, after reading that article in the newspaper, that his fans regularly gathered in front of the house. She could plan her trip out better than she had today. After reading the newspaper at lunch, she had impulsively jumped on the bus to Whitehaven after work.  Feeling a pebble in her shoe, she was gracefully trying to hop on one foot and shake it out when two shadows loomed over her.
“See, told you it wasn’t Susie. She’s too dressed up.”
Jan squinted up at the girls in front of her.
“No, uh, not Susie.” She straightened her skirt and hesitantly stuck her hand out, grateful for the excuse to talk to someone. “Jan.”
“Heidi.” The blonde announced and tilted to the shorter brunette next to her. “And Arlene.”
“Y’all regulars?”
“Oh yeah, we come here all the time.” Arlene gushed. “We’re just waiting for him to finish breakfast and give Travis the signal.”
Jan looked through the white wrought iron gate up at house.
“What do you mean, wake up and give Travis the signal?”
“Oh, well, he sleeps through the day. Has breakfast round 4 or 5. Sometimes he’ll come sign autographs at the gate, but -” Arlene leaned in toward Jan and her eyes twinkled. “Uh, well, when he’s in town he likes us to be here in case he wants to have some people up for a party. He has parties most nights. We’re kind of in his gang -  OW.” Arlene grabbed her rib cage and hit Heidi back. “Hey, what gives?”
“You shouldn’t be bragging, Arlene, cuz we can't bring her with us and now she’ll feel left out.”
Jan smiled politely, and tugged at the pearl button on her white, linen gloves. “It’s ok - I gotta catch the last bus back home anyway.”
Jan wanted to ask the girls what Elvis was really like in-person. Before she could, though, a loud gasp filled the air and she was pushed into them as the crowd jostled closer to the gates. A tall dark figure strode down the drive dressed all in white. White dress shirt, white sport’s coat, white pants. He looked like an angel. Jan was absolutely mesmerizing and dropped her purse watching his hair flop up and down with each bounce of his white loafers. The kids around her shouted out “Hey Elvis” and cheered, but she couldn’t say a thing. She could barely breathe as her tummy flip flopped watching his mouth form into a crooked grin. She vaguely heard the other girls chatting next to her.
“I wonder if Anita Wood is up there?”
“Nah, she’s down in New Orleans at a beauty pageant, he told me last night.”
“You’re so lucky you don’t have a mom who treats you like a child, Arlene. What I wouldn’t give to stay until 2 or 3.”
The gates opened, and Jan ended up right behind Arlene and Heidi in the semi-circle around Elvis. No one pushed or prodded to tried to sneak past the guard house. It was all very civilized, and a jovial atmosphere percolated between the open gates as Elvis went from person to person, signing memorabilia and teasing the folks he met. When he made it to Arlene, Jan watched in awe as he drew her to him and pecked her sweetly on the ear, asking if she brought him his favorite cigars like she said she would. Jan would give anything to be in his gang. She would bring him all the cigars and if it meant he would hug her and kiss her and tease her too. But when his blue eyes flitted over to her, she found that her mouth had gone completely dry and she couldn’t say a word.
“Who’s ya friend with the big brown eyes?”
“Oh, that’s Jan. It’s her first time here.”
Elvis’ smirk deepened. “Cat got ya tongue?” He winked, kissing the top of Jan’s glove. “S’ok, honey. I don’t bite.”  Then his teeth grazed over her knuckle. “Much.”
Jan felt the air hitch in her throat at the way he looked at her from under his eyelids. She no longer needed her hand. He could have it. He could have anything he wanted.
Elvis chuckled. “Why, you’re as shy as a mouse. Got anything for me to sign, lil mousy?”
Jan stuttered and fumbled about in her purse for something, handing Elvis the first thing she found. Her sweaty, monogrammed handkerchief.
“I didn’t know I was coming today.” She whispered slowly, and her voice trailed off as she watched Elvis wipe his forehead with her hankie and pocket it with a wink.
“S’ok, lil gal, bring something tomorrow.” Then he whispered into Arlene’s ear and moved on through the crowd.
Arlene snaked her hand through Jan’s arm and led her toward the house. “Elvis wants you to come up to the party with us.”
Jan squeezed Arlene with a giggle, smoothing her hand over her skirt as they walked. The house got bigger and bigger as they strode up the drive and Jan realized that the round curve of the hill created an optical illusion that made it look small from the road. But now she found herself in front of a grand, Neo-colonial mansion. Large, white columns flanked the front of the house, and two white marble lions stood guard at the entrance way. It was like standing in front of a magical castle. Jan felt that she ought to be wearing a silk, red evening gown instead of her belted navy shirt dress.
They did not enter the front door. Instead, Arlene led Jan around the front of the house towards the sound of music playing and people laughing on a patio surrounding a large, shimmering pool. There was a gay crowd of young people drinking pop and mingling around. Heidi adopted a hushed, intimate tone as she pointed out the others in the gang.
“That’s Lamar, he’s always eager to please Elvis and does anything he asks - and so is Alan - the shorter stout one. That skinny little creep is Gene, and that’s Mack, he usually drives us home. The guy next to him is Richard and that’s Frances, our friend, I’m not sure how she already got up here - “
“- is she going with Elvis?”
Arlene chimed in. “Well, he’s seeing a few girls. There’s a singer, Anita, who he steps out with pretty regularly. But me, Heidi and Frances, we’re just his friends. EP is a very physical person. Likes to love on all the gals. That’s just the warm, sweet kinda guy he is. Sometimes he’ll pull me on his lap, and give me a little kiss.”
“Lucky girl.” Jan murmured.
“Mmm.” Arlene answered. “I’d rather be friends with him than date him.”
 “Really? Why’s that? Don’t you find him attractive?”
“Of course, Elvis is the most!” Heidi looked at Jan as if she had questioned the existence of gravity. “But, well, once he goes all the way with a gal, he almost never wants to see her again. His dates come and go. But his friends, well, we’re forever.” Heidi exchanged a knowing glance with Arlene.
“Like Susie.”
Heidi clicked her tongue. “Pretty sure Anita’s got her knees sewn shut til she gets a wedding ring.”
“Well, I keep my knees shut too.” Arlene interjected. “I don’t even know why any girl would want to go to bed with Elvis when they can kiss him as much as they want. There couldn’t be anything better than kissing Elvis.”
Jan raised her eye brow, thinking of a hundred other things that she could imagine doing with Elvis. But she kept them to herself and smiled, hanging back to straighten the lines on her hose as the girls joined the party. She had just finished putting the right leg in place when she looked between her legs to find Elvis watching her. His cheeks flushed, and he bite his lip before walking over. All Jan could do was sigh as he grabbed her by the waist and introducing her to everyone around the pool.  His guests, his housekeeper, Alberta, and then his mother who was just about to go inside. Mrs. Presley hugged Jan tightly and thanked her for coming to visit them, adding in a high, chipper voice.
“I’m so glad my baby is making friends like you, I can tell you have a  kind heart, Janice. I really can.”
“Nice of you to say, Mrs. Presley ma’am. I like to think I have kind heart.”
“What’s this about a sweet lil ol’ heart?”
The two women turned to find a petite blonde in the doorway behind them.
“Oh Anita.” Mrs. Presley took the blonde’s hand. “I was just saying to Jan here, how glad I am to know her. She is a good, sweet girl. I’m so glad you get to meet her, I thought you were out of town. Can I get you some food.”
The blonde smiled and licked her teeth, her blue eyes looked Jan over with a cool smile. “Thank you ever so, Mrs. Presley, but I just ate and I’m fit to bust if I swallow another morsel.”
Mrs. Presley smiled. “Well, I just know you two will be thick as thieves. Be good little babies.” She hugged them together tightly once more before saying good night.
Jan could not stop herself from staring at Anita. Her platinum blonde hair shone in the silver light and her short, busty figure filled out a tight, pink wiggle dress. Her creamy white skin was so radiant Jan would have sworn it was glowing and the contrast made her luscious red lips stand out all the more. Some of Anita’s red lipstick had smudged around her mouth and on her front teeth, and Jan pointed to her own mouth to mime helpfully.
“Why, bless ya heart,  you really are the sweetest thang looking out for me. And you’re so pretty too. I could just eat ya up!” Anita squealed as she pulled out a compact and fixed her lipstick. “I cain’t tell you how many other girls would just let me walk around looking like a fool all night.”
“They’re probably jealous, I, uh, heard you’re Elvis’ girlfriend.”
Anita pursed her lips in a tight smile. “Sometimes I think everyone knows that ’cept him. Excuse me.”
Jan walked back over to where Arlene and some of the other girls were huddled around a bucket of pop watching Anita stomp over to where Elvis stood with his arm around a cute redhead while Lamar told stories about the drive home from LA.
Arlene handed Jan a Dr. Pepper. “I see you met Anita, I could have sworn she was supposed to be at a beauty pageant in New Orleans.”
“Look, I think she’s had her nose done.” Heidi gasped. “Or, well, something is different - she looks prettier than the last time I saw her. I wonder if there even was a beauty pageant. Maybe her plastic surgeon is in New Orleans.”
Jan looked at Heidi as she spoke. “You don’t like her very much, huh?”
“She’s too possessive, and she tries to chase us off. You should have seen her trying to convince Arlene that she should go back to Chicago.” Heidi kicked the pavement with her saddle shoe. “Too bad for her, Elvis wants us here. And I plan to hang around as long as I can.”
Just then, the record changed on the jukebox and The Five Satins song. “In the Still of the Night” began to play. Jan looked over and blushed when Elvis caught her eye staring at him. Yes, I plan to stick around as long as I can too, she thought to herself, looking down at her feet. The mischievous way Elvis raised his eyebrows at her made her feel funny and she couldn’t handle looking at him for too long without grinning like a mad woman.
The night went on and Jan’s whole body tingled from the heady mix of music, moonlight and raw, unadulterated exposure to Elvis under the stars at Graceland. Sitting out in the cool night air, caught between the twinkling night sky and the glimmering pool, Jan felt as though she had finally arrived. The evening had turned out to be more magical than she could ever have imagined. She hated to pull herself away, but she gave in at midnight and went to call a cab.
The kitchen was dim this late at night, illuminated only by the soft lights above the stove, and Jan finally found a phone book in a drawer under the cupboards. She was leaning against the counter, flipping through the pages when two hands startled her working their way around her waist. She glanced over her shoulder to find a dark mop of hair grazing her cheek. Then Elvis’ breath was warm on her ear.
“Looks like I caught a lil mousy.” He slowly turned her around to face him, grinning at the way she blushed. Then his eyes fell on the phone book and his lips turned into a frown. “Ain’t going, are ya lil gal? Why, it’s still early. Ain’t had the chance to learn all ya secrets yet.” He winked as he said this, and it made Jan’s heart melt.
She would have told him anything he asked. If she could talk, that is. It was difficult for to do that when she looked into Elvis’ earnest wide-eyed stare. She could hear the party out on the patio, there must have been over thirty people here who wanted to be near him. However, to look at his pouting lips and feel the needy caress of his thumb at her waist made Jan feel as though she was the only person in the world and she was letting him down by deserting him.
“I, um, I have to be at work at 7:30 tomorra.” She stuttered, staring at the floor just to be able to get the words out. “It’s time for me to turn into a pumpkin, I guess.”
Elvis rubbed her cheek. “Aw heck, I guess that’s s’ok. I’ll get Mack to drive you home.” He paused, eyelashes fluttering down for a moment. “But, uh,  you can’t leave before telling me a few of your secrets.”
“Like what?”
“Like, say, how old are you anyway, huh, lil mouse?” His thumb now rolled over her belt buckle, rubbing her stomach back and forth along the edge.
Jane’s face turned a bright, beet red as she stuttered out her response. “Um, I’m 18.”
“In school?”
She shook her head. “Just finished. I - I’m at Goldsmiths, in the steno pool.”
“Hate to think of these poor lil fingees, banging away all day.” Elvis took her hand, examining her fingers. “Didn’t even know a department store needed a steno pool.
“Um, well, uh - we’re in the business offices on the 18th floor. Most people, they, uh, they never see us.”
“That’s the only floor I wanna see, from now on. ‘specially if all the lil gals up there are as cute as you.” Elvis’ ran his hand through his hair, smirking at the way Jan blushed even harder. Their eyes were locked for a moment, and his forehead dropped on to hers as he murmured in a boyish voice.
“Sorry I didn't get to sign nothing for you, like ya wanted. Come back tomorrow?”
Jan nodded.  Elvis kissed her on the cheek and put her into Mack’s car, leaving her with a mouth stuck open in giddy disbelief the whole ride home. She pinched herself at least ten times to make sure she was really awake. That she had really been to Graceland and met Elvis Presley.  Then she fell asleep thinking of a pair of playful blue eyes glistening above her.
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It was not long before Jan became a permanent fixture at Graceland. She would go home from work, change into a cocktail dress and take the bus to the Winchester Road stop.  Every time Travis or Vester let her through the gates she would shiver with anticipation for whatever the night would bring. It was more than just getting to be in the sunshine of Elvis’ affection, though that alone was something she lived for.  No, spending the evening at Graceland also meant trips to the skating rink, nights at the fairgrounds, bonfires, music, swimming or fireworks. It was like a never ending summer camp or a holiday resort, like the ones her cousins in New York told her about. And Jan never wanted to check out of this one.
During her days Jan would carry a little notebook around and write down clever things to say to Elvis that she thought would make him laugh, practicing them at her desk while she typed. She often was too shy to actually make these jokes. But she felt  more confident just having them ready when she went over. It was usually past midnight when she got home, but Jan just doubled her coffee, determined never to miss an evening at Graceland.
That is, until a big storm hit Memphis the following Saturday.
Jan considered taking a cab over, and called a few of the others to see what they were doing, but she couldn’t get through. The switch board operator told her the storm had knocked down several phone lines through town. Resigned to a night in, she had just made a kettle of hot tea and settled into watch Lawrence Welk when the phone rang and Frances told her Elvis was asking where she was.
The rain poured down on Jan’s cab all the way to Whitehaven. As usual, the curtains were all drawn for the family’s privacy, but tonight it made Graceland look more ominous and the exterior lights cast eerie shadows on a building with no visible life to the outside world.  Buckets of rain poured over Jan as she ran from the car to the door, and she stopped at the mirror in the entrance way to try and fix her face. She hated driving in the rain, even as a passenger, she was on edge the whole time and unable to relax until she got to her destination. It made her feel a bit off tonight, and then she felt silly for feeling off. Why, she could hear someone playing a Dean Martin song on the piano, the house was filled with enough music and laughter to block out the sound of the storm, and there she was, feeling like a stick in the mud. She shouldn’t have come. 
Jan was distracted from her thoughts of regret when she noticed that someone had put their cigarette out on the floor, staining the beautiful white carpet that lined the entry way. She had just bent down to pick it up when she heard Elvis’ voice, and looked up to see him leaning in the entryway with a few members of the gang.
“Silly lil mousy, scared of a few rain drops. Havta start calling you fraidy mouse.” He leaned his head back and the others joined in with his laughter. “Stead a fraidy cat, fraidy mouse.”
Jan’s eye twitched, and she looked into the mirror. She looked like a wet rat, not a mouse, and she felt like a silly child. She didn’t want to be here anymore.
“You’re not being fair, Elvis, have you even been outside today? I don’t have a car. And it’s a hurricane out there. If you thought about anyone other than yourself you’d know it wasn’t easy coming here.”
Elvis eyes widened and he jumped back as if Jan had slapped his face. “Not fair, huh? Don’t think of others, huh? I cain’t believe my goddamn ears. That’s all I do. You know all you have to do is call and I’d come get you.” His shoulders were back and his hands were at his hips as he roared to the ceiling. “Ain’t fair. aint’ fair. Well if you feel like that you should jus go on back home. No one wants you here anyhow.”
Jan could feel the tears welling up, and she ran past the staircase, through the kitchen and down to the basement so no one would see her cry. She had never seen Elvis loose his temper before. He could be cocky, teasing, oblivious, but now she knew what it was to feel the pummel of his brief, yet intense, bout of rage. Jan slammed her fists down on her knees, mad at herself for loosing her composure. She had immediately regretted what she said, and now she was sure that she had screwed everything up. Elvis would never let her come back. And the thought of loosing her membership in his special, secret club that she had only just began to experience brought forth another round of deep sobs.
Eventually, once she could breathe evenly without blubbering she found her compact and took a look and then promptly put it away. Her makeup was beyond repair. So instead, she began to think about how she could possibly leave without anyone noticing. Then she heard the floor squeak across the hall, and wandering toward the TV room to take a look. She stood in the doorway and looked around.
“Hello? Someone here?”
“Boo!” Elvis jumped out from the projection closet and grabbed Jan, eliciting a high scream that ricocheted through the rooms.
Elvis grinned and licked his thumb to clean off her runny makeup. “See, I was right. You really are a jumpy little fraidy mouse tonight. A pretty, silly, cute and wet lil baby mousy. Come on upstairs, honey, and let’s fix your face.”
Jan let herself slump into Elvis chest as he walked her up to his bathroom and sat her on the counter. Somehow Elvis had a drawer full of makeup, and she gave herself to him completely as he dried her hair and did her eye shadow.
“I’m sorry, Elvis. Bout earlier. I don’t know why I said that, you’re one of the most thoughtful people. It’s just. I’m just.” She sighed. “Driving in the rain and storms always scares me.”
“Aw, honey.” He rubbed her cheek, then puckered out his lips as a cue for her to do the same. “S’ok. Cain’t bare to stay sore at you. You know I ain’t gonna let nothing bad happen to you, baby. Next time, you call me and I’ll come get ya. You’ll always be safe by my side.”
Jan nodded as Elvis drew her to him, holding her tight as he leaned in to kiss her forehead. He began to get a goofy look on his face, as if he might kiss her on the mouth, when Mack knocked on the door and pulled Elvis aside.
“EP, George just called about a story in the evening paper. I gotta tell you, right away.”
Elvis nodded at Jan to go back downstairs, where she found the other guests exchanging hushed whispers and nervous glances. Walking through the various rooms, she finally found Arlene, Frances and a few of the other girls with Gladys on the back patio listening to the rain thump against the green metal awning.
“Oh Jan, we had to get some fresh air. It’s just too awful for words.”
“What is it Mrs. Presley? What’s happened?”
Heidi took her hand and pulled her into the corner.
“It’s Susie, the police found her body in the woods off the Nashville Road.”
Jan’s brow crinkled. “Oh no. Oh no. Oh no. I never met her, but  -  but, ugh, how horrible. What happened?”
“They think she was attacked by animal.” Heidi leaned in closer to whisper in Jan’s ear. “Her heart was torn clean out of her chest. Mrs. Presley is very upset, she was over here all the time.” Heidi squeezed Jan’s hand. Tight. “She was one of us.”
The rest of the night was a blur. Elvis  asked most of the guests to clear out before gathering the gang in his bedroom, where he cried openly and asked Alberta to bring them a coconut cake. Then they sat around eating on the bed, sharing their favorite memories of Susie. Heidi left at midnight, and at three Jan looked over at Arlene and Frances and asked if they shouldn’t go to. Elvis’ soulful eyes looked over from where he was slumped across his bed.
“Aw, don’t leave me babies. I can’t bear to be alone.”
Frances. “What, a slumber party with all of us in your bed tonight? What will people think?”
“Fuck ‘em. Nah, people know y’all are good lil virgins, so who cares what they think.” Elvis’ eyebrows went up for a split second when Jan looked away at the word virgin. But if he thought anything of it, he kept it to himself.
The girls went into the bathroom to change in to some of Elvis’ pajamas shirts and get ready for bed. Jan cautiously asked if the others had ever slept over before.
“Oh yeah. A few times.” Arlene handed Jan her comb. “It’s all very innocent. You know Elvis, he hates to be alone. ”
Frances nodded, chiming in. “Yeah, hanky panky is the last thing on his mind. He’s proud that we’re good girls. And when he finds out someone isn’t -”
“Gosh I feel so bad.” Arlene looked at her self despondently as she finished rolling her hair. “I thought that was why Susie wasn’t coming back. I thought she had seduced him in a weak moment, and then he couldn’t bear to have her around anymore knowing she was fast.  Boy oh boy, I guess I was wrong.”
“You didn’t know, who would have thought she was dead? Honestly, your theory was the most logical explanation.” Frances rubbed Arlene’s shoulder as they consoled each other.
Jan smiled sympathetically, feeling very awkward because she wanted to share their grief but couldn’t, not really. She looked out into the bedroom at where Elvis lay in the center of his large mattress, staring off into space and wondered if he really banished girls after he slept with them. It seemed an anathema to everything she had learned over the last week about how kind and warm and instantly familiar and sweet he was with women.
Once they were ready for bed, the girls climbed in next to and Elvis he grinned a big crooked grin when Jan scuttled over to claim his right arm. The four of them cuddled in together, talking about Susie, and then musing about the things they wanted to do before they died. Arlene wanted to see the pyramids, Frances wanted to own a horse and Elvis said he wanted to go on a safari in Africa. When it was Jan’s turn, she murmured that this was her dream, to have friends who loved and embraced her so openly. And then she hid her face in Elvis’ chest, blushing as the others cooed over her.
The rain continued, and eventually the conversation moved on to happier topics, such as what people probably eat for dinner in heaven. Spaghetti and meatballs, if Arlene was to be believed. Every so often, Elvis would lean into and start kissing the side of Arlene or Jan’s forehead absentmindedly. Then Frances would claim she was left out and Elvis would make a big production of kissing them all. And then there would be another round of giggles and tickles and little kicks under the covers.
Jan wasn’t quite sure what time she fell asleep, but when she woke up she was nestled into Elvis armpit and the others were gone. Thick black curtains covered the windows and made it impossible to know what time of day it was from the sunlight, at least. Jan hoped it was Sunday morning but she suspected it may already be the afternoon. Pushing her cares aside, she leaned further into Elvis warm body and moving her hand over the cool silk of his white monogrammed pajamas, trying memorize exactly how this felt so she could play it back in her mind’s eye when ever she wanted
“Uh oh, looks like there’s a lil mouse in ma bed.”
Jan felt Elvis’ lips on her forehead, and turned to see his eyes dancing under half open lids. She let out a little snort as she pulled herself closer to him, savoring the cozy cocoon of sheets, blankets and Elvis that enveloped her.
“I wonder where the others are.”
“Probably downstairs stuffing their gob, if I know Arlene.”
Jan swatted Elvis playfully, and he chuckled, stretching his arm out around her with a yawn. She sat up to read the clock on the mantle, and thought of all the little things she had told herself she would do before work tomorrow. Elvis grabbed her pulled her back into his chest.
“Ughhhh, it’s almost 2 in the afternoon.”
“Huh, so, why hurry at this point?” He grinned and caressed her stomach, leaning on his side to hover over her.
“I’m glad ya here, lil gal. Glad we can comfort each other during hard times. An I’m glad you been coming over,  you one of my sweet lil girls now, Jan." He kissed her cheek, his lip spouting. "Now, you gotta promise you won't go on no dates when I’m outta town, it would break my heart.”
Jan nodded up, her mouth hanging open. “No, you can trust me Elvis. I won’t see anyone else.”
A lock of his black hair dangled over his forehead, and Jan flinched when Elvis’ hand moved over the low curve of her belly.
“Honey, you know you ain’t got nothin’ to worry about with me, though. I would never hurt you, or do anything wrong to you.”
Jan nodded. “I know - I just - I guess I’m just not used to being around men like this very often. But I like it. I like being around you.”
“Huh, well, that’s good. I don’t want you spending time with anyone else, lil mouse. You know I meant it when I say I’m glad all you girls are good lil virgins. You know I’m not like most guys, I respect you.” His fingers smoothed over the hair above her widow’s peak. “So you ain’t gotta worry bout that.”
Jan broke their eye contact and looked up at the dark blue ceiling.
“What - what is it, honey? Ain’t nothing to be embarrassed talking bout, should be proud that you’re a good girl.”
“I’m - I.” Jan hesitated and met Elvis eyes as she rolled over the pillow and looked into the mirror, watching his face as he nuzzled his chin into her from behind. He ran his fingers over her matching navy blue pajama shirt.
“What’s the word, lil mouse? You know you can tell me anything?”
Jan rolled back into him, murmuring into the white lining above his collar.
“I’m just afraid you won’t want me around anymore. You - the gang - spending time here. It’s the best part of my day. But I don’t want to lie to you, Elvis.” Her voice got even lower and she trembled. “I’m not a virgin.”
Elvis tilted her chin up to meet his gaze. “Ya not?”
Jan slowly shook her head. “But - but I’m not here to try to seduce with you.”
He let out a loud cackle.
“No? Don’t find me attractive, huh?”
“No, I do. It’s just that I know - I ‘ve heard. That is, they say once a girl goes all the way with you, she’s not allowed to come back.”
Elvis’ brows furrowed and Jan wasn’t sure if he was hurt or about to laugh again until chuckle rang out. “What? That’s the stupidest goddamn thing I eva heard. How would any of those lil hens know, anyway?”
“I - I - I don’t know, I never asked.” Jan’s voice trailed off as Elvis chuckled into her cheek as he kissed her.
“Well, don’ worry baby, I ain’t trying to take advantage of ya, virgin or not.” His hands roved over her sides as he looked deep into her eyes. “Man oh man, mousy gal, look so sweet and innocent though, never would ‘ave guessed.”
Jan felt a tingly warmth start to coil in her belly and she gasped as Elvis rolled his nose over hers. He moved closer, his hand roving under her pajama shirt and trailing under her bare breast.
“Thanks for not taking advantage of me, either way.” Jan muttered, slightly distracted by the nips at her ear and the succession of slow and firm kisses that followed on her neck.
“Naw, honey. Wouldn’t dream a it. Furthest thing from my mind.”
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Jan didn’t know what would happen the next she arrived at the Graceland gate house, she half expected Uncle Vester to turn her away. But he waved her through, and she chided herself for being silly. Elvis was so kind and warm, she could never imagine him banishing her after what they had shared. He had been so sweet, so kind, so gentle. He had conjured a pleasure from deep within her that she had never experience before, and she felt as if she had only truly been with a man for the first time when she was with him. Still, as Jan walked up the hill to the house she vowed to resist the urge to experience that pleasure again. She didn’t want to loose her friendships with the other girls. And so, as she stepped in the door and removed her coat and gloves, she swore to herself she would never go all the way with Elvis Presley. Again.
Solemn oaths, however, are so very difficult to keep. And Jan found herself changing her mind the minute Elvis whispered in her ear to sneak up stairs and wait for him in his bed room when Mack went to drive the other members of the gang home. Heidi, Frances and Arlene said nothing, but Jan could tell they knew something was up. They must, have, she reasoned. Especially once Elvis started picking her up and dropping her off himself. Sometimes he would take her home alone, but when he picked her up most evenings he would park and honk outside her ladies boarding house with some of the other guys and ask if they had any available rooms for Lamar. Jan caught Arlene staring at her out of the corner of her eye all the next week, and then Heidi trapped her on the landing that Friday.
“Just be careful. ‘Member: keep your knees closed, that’s the only way to make it last now that you’re one of his girls.”
Jan’s brow furrowed “But we’re all his girls.”
“You know what I mean, Jan. Anita is coming back from New York in a few days, I hope you know what you are doing.”
Jan swallowed hard as she watched Heidi descend down the staircase. Had she just been a bed warmer during Anita’s absence? Was there a way to go back to how it had been at first, when the most she did in bed with Elvis was have pillow fights and tickling kisses? But then when he squeezed her hand and rubbed his thumb along the side of her palm she was powerless to stop herself from answering his silent call and going to wait for him in his bedroom.
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It was Sunday, Elvis was going back on tour the next day. It was her last night with him and Jan ran out of her apartment the second she saw the winged tips on the back of Elvis’ white Eldorado outside her window. She slid down the banister and jumped off the end, soliciting a humpf and a stern glance from the boarding house matron at the front desk. Jan giggled. She couldn’t help it. But her gait slowed when she noticed the single blonde bob in the driver’s seat.
“Why hey there, Miss Janice, how are you?”
Jan frowned and leaned into the car. “Looking for me Anita?”
The blonde’s a tight fake smile grew across her face. Jan couldn’t help but notice that she had bags under her eyes and the rosy color that had animated her creamy pink skin when they first met had faded. Anita no longer had that radiant glow, she looked sickly and pale. This didn’t seem to dampen her energy, and she giggled and patted the seat beside her.
“Come on, honey, thought we could go for a lil ol drive, have a lil ol talk.” She winked. “You know, girl to girl.”  Jan sighed and rubbed her neck, looking around as she considered what she should do. What was the worst that could happen? Anita might yell at her, she might start a scene with Elvis later. Maybe Jan could stop her from doing that, could talk some sense into her or even convince her she was wrong. So Jan took a deep breath and got into the car.
“How was New York?”
They made small talk as Anita guided her car around the block and drove further from the lights of downtown Memphis into the dark, black night. “In the Still of The Night” came on the radio as the Eldorado made its way through the outskirts of Memphis. After a while, Jan stopped trying to come up with things to say, and awkwardly started to suggest maybe they should get back, unless there was something specific Anita wanted to discuss. Anita turned again to smile, and pulled the car on to the side of the road. She shut off the engine and Jan suddenly felt a tremor of fear rise up her spine. An owl hooted out in the woods, off beyond the shoulder. Other than that, there was no one around.
“I don’t know what you’re playing at, Anita. I thought we were friends.”
Anita shifted in her seat to look at her directly, and Jan could swear she saw a flash of yellowish green in Anita’s eyes.
“Why you must think I was born yesterday, to be friends with a lil tramp that goes doing the hanky panky with my man.”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about.” Jan whispered, her voice stilted and unsure as she blinked at the ground. She shivered when Anita scooted closer along the front seat and leaned into Jan’s face, sniffing her cheek.
“Heavens to betsy, honey. I can still smell him on you.”
Jan began to mutter that was not even possible, but her voice trailed off and she swallowed hard in disbelief as she watched Anita’s mouth grow wider and wider and her teeth extend into a row of sharp daggers. Jan tried and failed to find the door handle, so instead, she opted to crawl out through the open window. Somehow Anita ran around the front of the car lightening fast and managed to tackled Jan to the ground before she could run. Her small body had the strength of ten men as she held Jan down by her shoulders on the cold dirt that lined the dark road.
“Please, please, I’ll stop, I promise. Cross my heart.”
Anita smiled down at Jan and her yellow eyes burned bright in the black night.
“Bless your heart, that’s just what I’m after too.”
Then, with a flash of her smile, Anita ripped through Jan’s chest with her teeth and devoured her still-beating heart in one gulp, savoring the way it throbbed down her throat. Jan’s screams echoed through the forest and down the Nashville road, but there was no human around for miles and miles to hear them.
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Heidi, Arlene and the others looked for Jan at the gate over the following days and weeks. Once or twice, they thought they saw her walking down the street from the bus stop, but they were wrong.
“She must have slept with him.” Arlene explained, smoothing her skirt as they walked around the pool.
“I warned her, I said, once girls go all the way with him, they never come back.” Heidi tutted, looking across the patio and nodding her head at Anita. “Gosh, she looks even prettier than the last time. Must have had more work down when she was ‘at that job in New York.’”
“Oh fooey, to hell with Anita Wood.”
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OK, but seriously, look at these photos from before and after she started dating Elvis. You cannot tell me Anita wasn't gobbling up the hearts of innocent gate girls when Elvis wasn't looking!
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Happy Elvis-o-Ween.......
I am working on at least one more or two more Elvis-o-ween fics so let me know if you want to be tagged. For now just tagging randomly. So also feel free to tell me to fuck off.
@whositmcwhatsit @arrolyn1114 @be-my-ally @missmaywemeetagain @ellie-24 @vintageshanny @peskybedtime @shakerattlescroll @lookingforrainbows @from-memphis-with-love @powerofelvis @ab4eva @kingdomforapony @ashtag6887 @dkayfixates @eliseinmemphis @waiting4brucewayne2adoptme @louisejoy86 @i-r-i-n-a-a @horror-movieshoes @everythingelvispresley @doll-elvis @j-v-9-2 @notstefaniepresley @richardslady121 @crash-and-cure
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Thoughts I had during TGCF Season 1 the Recap!
Basically, I recap the First Season of TGCF with my reactions, before my Season 2 binge watch!
Ep 1
-Don’t go out there… don’t go out there… don’t go out there… don’t go out there… *Bride gets snatched* Okay, maybe you should’ve gone out there.
-Right after XL ascends, Lan Hai and Qing Tao then go, “Huh, Who is that?”  Then everybody yells at them, “PRINCE XIE LIAN!”
-So much Property Damage…
-Who you gonna call? Ghostbusters!
-Fu Yao, *Is sarcastic and rolls his eyes* Basically me: He’s just like me fr!!!
-Hehehehehehe Dick joke XD
-Sees Bride!XL: HAHAHAHAHAHAHA I’m Sorry XD!
-Yeah right a few alterations, she totally fixed his make up calling it.
-*Sees Bridesmaids NF and FY like* W H E E E Z E XD XD XD XD
-So that’s how he was able to last longer than the previous bride
-Pass me the Aux cord!  You better not be playing mainstream garbage! *Turns on One Flower and One Sword and vibes like there’s no tomorrow*!
-I now pronounce you both husband and husband!  You may now kiss the gro- I mean, bride!  
Ep 2
-Honey, He looks a little too good looking to be the Ghost groom
-That temple looks abandoned, and the animation camera for walking inside
-There’s the ugly mob
-Hehe Xie Lian’s aggressive kindness
-When the mob scooched away from Bride!Lian I freaking lost it XDXDXDXD
-And Nan Feng and Fu Yao inch away instead of defending him!  
W H E E Z E!
-The fact they both agreed to not explain anything XD!
-Xiao Ying is a real friend
-And hurting the injured is a real low for the mob
-They have enraged the ghost groom
-KO!  Flawless victory!
-Zombie brides!
Ep 3
-Didn’t know it a zombie apocalypse happened in Ancient Feudal China (I need to brush up on my history)
-Welp, now they’re grateful 
-Wait a minute, he was an acrobat???  Xie Lian Pre 3 ascension life spinoff when??? (That’ll prolly never happen)
-Man here comes the Bride Pun count: 3
-Now that is an Azula level breakdown
-They are not merciful with the body count in this whole series
-Woah saved by literal divine intervention
-Geez, Pei Ming this is why we don’t Ghost our Exes, Pun Count: 4
-Man, Xuan Ji, maybe you should’ve heard of the phrase, “Plenty of Fish in the sea”
-The way Xie Lian blinked when he realized he was still in the wedding dress XD!
-Restoring faith in Ming Guang
-Oh no Trauma
Ep 4
-He’s so distraught he couldn’t follow
-The telepathic matrix, is basically the world’s first discord server
-Thank you Ling Wen
-Aw he likes Hua Cheng’s name!
-That explains the fall of Xianle and the Moldy Face Plague
-Let’s be honest, Bai Wuxiang is totally responsible for Covid-19
-Woah Hua Cheng has made his mark on Heaven
-Aww he thinks the Butterflies are beautiful!
-Honestly, smart move Mu Qing and Feng Xin
-Oh she is so burnt out
-Yeah, who was the Prince of Xianle anyway?
Ep 5
-The way he blew off that maple leaf
-Oooh that subtle hinting later on and symbolism with Xie Lian
-The way he moved in closer *fangirls like no tomorrow*
-I freaking love the instrumental version of Hong Jue
-Is he touched starved?  He is touch starved
-I love that when San Lang scared the Ghosts shitless they ended up running like no tomorrow, Ghost 1: Book it guys our lives depend on it!  Ghost 2:  But we’re already dead! Ghost 1:  Well it’s just an expression!
-And there was only one bed.  Oh my gods there was only one bed!!!
-Aw he caught him staring
-I believe you Ox cart man
-Heck with how popular TGCF is right now, Xie Lian would be worshipped today by fans like us
-His luck did rub off on you and you should take it all Xie Lian
-Welp time to go start the next arc
Ep 6
-Woah, that old man is traumatized
-Of course being a martial god, he has experience in combat.  Have you seen him in a sword dual at Yinian bridge? (Subtle Phineas and Ferb quote)
-Yep called it, and the gong noise when the door opened!
-“How did we get out here in the middle of the ocean???”
-Awww look at San Lang’s emo hoodie!
-You know what’s better than one evil Daoist?  Two evil Daoists!
-And he drank the whole thing like a boss
-Now Nan Feng’s acting like an NPC from a fantasy video game
-The woman in the teal cloak saw him
-He’s touched starved again!
-Best chemistry ever!
-And after Rouye grabs San Lang and Xie Lian says, “I didn’t mean San Lang”. Rouye goes: “Really? Ok!”  And then lets him go, that’s just the hypothetical dialogue I’ve got for the silk band
Ep 7
-It’s official!  Xie Lian is shorter than San Lang people! 
-I’ve heard of a close knit unit but this is just insane!
-There’s so many people
-Ooooohhh That poor poor general
-Oh no and 4’s an unlucky number in China
-He is sucking the venom out like a G!  Get yourself a man like San Lang people!
-You know we’re all thinking what Xie Lian’s thinking about how he’s going to clean San Lang’s bloodied lips (I’ll let you share your answers in the comment section)
-And Fu Yao’s stuck with merchant sitting
-Really lovely desert travel music!
-Yeah he does know an awful lot
-Uh oh the woman in the black cloak spotted them
Ep 8
-Thank you San Lang for protecting your man like a champ!
-Ooooh cool more Ban Yue lore!
-Ooooh his poor, poor head
-And San Lang’s expression, is worried if he hurt him, but it worked!
-Yeah but our faces don’t stick out of the ground like a fresh tater!
-Aw no they’re gonna need sacrifices
-Zhao’s fight response kicked in
-Eeenie meanie meinie that kid (probably Kemo)
-“Sully not thine honor on innocent blood” That almost sounded like a bible quote…?
-Dude Xie Lian was royalty
-Trust fall!  (You’ll see next ep peeps!)
-Oh and Xie Lian’s scream!  Kind of needed more raw emotion though
Ep 9
-He’s gonna jump into the pit, he’s jumping into the pit, he jumped into the
-Xie Lian’s like: Well I am going down there, but I won’t go down alone!
-The pit’s entrance is sealed!
-Trust fall!  TRUST FALL!  
-He touched his throat!
-There’s your answer Xie Lian
-Dance fight!  Dance fight!
-You’re just gonna excuse the mass murder San Lang committed in the pit?????
-Let me just find somewhere that isn’t covered in blood
-Oh yeah you’re grateful for San Lang carrying you
-The faces they made when he called them out for jumping into the pit XD Xie Lian’s eyes are wide and blank while San Lan has a cat face! XDXDXDXDXD
-She came down!
Ep 10
-She saw Xie Lian and San Lang
-So many fallen Ban Yue soldiers
-Hi Fu Yao
-I wasn’t kidding when I said Fu Yao isn’t great at crowd control
-Thank you Fu Yao
-She’s holding his hand and he’s patting her head my freaking heart!!!! 
-Oh No! Vomit trigger warning for this episode people
-Xie Lian raised her more than her Yong’An father did (and to some extent her late mother)
-It was still a good choice after all Xie Lian
-Take it easy with the ‘Bad Cop’ routine Fu Yao
-Oh no a scorpion snake
-Well that’s bad
Ep 11
-Aiaigasa!  It’s Aiaigasa again folks AAAAAHHH!!!!
-Scorpion tailed cobras why’d they have to be Scorpion tailed Cobras?!?!?!?!?
-That explains the sandstorm
-Ooooh Pei Xiu army backstory
-Ugh Classist general
-No Ban Yue!!!!  She was so young!!! T - T
-Yeah where will Xie Lian go from here?
-Oooh Yizhen got name dropped too!
-Uncle Jiang is cured!
-And the way he’s running away from the duo XDXDXD!
-Here’s why Fu Yao left early, as they healed Uncle Jiang he contacted Nan Feng through the telepathic array and Fu Yao’s reason is:  Come on, you know how horrifying his highness’ cooking can be.  This is just my theory, and I’d love to hear your possible ones in the comments!
-And the way Hua Cheng moved in closer and just preferred to be called ‘San Lang’ my freaking heart!!!
Ep 12
-We are back in Puqi village folks
-I freaking love how Xie Lian says ‘The Crimson Rain Sought Flower’ Howard Wang’s voice could act as my new sleeping aid
-Oh yeah San Lang does treasure you dude
-Ban Yue deserves all the head pats!!!!
-Ban Yue, I think you should keep living despite all the mistakes you’ve made… other than that I also don’t know the answer like Xie Lian
-Aww Xie Lian will love him no matter if he’s hideous or a monster he really does have the best standards!
-Awwww He’s hot when he’s mad!
-Another Reason why Hualian works so well is that San Lang also Respects!  Xie Lian’s!  Boundaries! (Yep still not getting involved with the Helluva Boss drama folks)
-It’s official!  That looks like an engagement ring people!
-Dude pass me the Aux cord!  Ya better not be playing mainstream garbage *Puts on Hong Jue at full blast and vibes like no tomorrow!*
-It’s like they’re running towards each other AAAAAHHH!!!
-Welp, see you guys later for Season 2!
Season 2! Here I come!!!!
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saltygilmores · 1 year
Thoughts While Watching Gilmore Girls, Season 2, Episode 21- Lorelai’s Graduation Day, Aka Lovesick Stepcousins In The Big City, Part 3
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I'm cheering Rory on as she leaves school grounds, leaving these 35 year old classmates in the dust, and as she manages to pull it off under the eyes of two teachers or administrators. Yes yes yes! Well from here on out it's going to be pure Literati appreciation with only minimal anger and rage, you know, my usual shtick. That being said, when that happens I start to sound a little disjointed, like, this episode is so pure and precious and enjoyable that I really don't have much snarky commentary on it and I can just watch it. What am I without my snark powers?
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Destiny awaits. In one of many examples of what I call "Gilmore Girls Poor"*, which is a term I coined myself for how AmyShermanPalladino views lower/middle class/urban/city life, Rory manages to end up in the Port Authority Bus Terminal in another dimension. The Alternate Dimension, 100% white, Spotlessly Clean, Nearly People-Free New York City Bus Terminal where she stared down a scary dude without being stabbed and she was offered a locker to store her book bag. (*More examples of GGP: In season 4, Jess is 19 years old, a high school dropout, and is living in a clean, rat and roach free, enormous New York City apartment with working utiltiies and large windows that in today's housing crisis people would murder him to get, he just needed a bed frame and to pick his shit up off the floor but we are supposed to believe its a crack den; Rory and Lorelai live in a beautiful home and eat take out and restaurant food every day on nothing more than an innkeeper's slary)
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This was cute. Rory the little mouse getting ignored by city folk. I love it so much.
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I think AmyShermanPalladino inserted this smoking guy to make it look like Rory was in a rough part of town. Someone finally gives our little mouse an abrupt answer on how to get to Washington Square Park where she can meet her stepcousin and her destiny.
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The little smirk before he turns around! And then, and then...and then...the big grin when he sees her!
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I am STARVING for stepcousins!!!!!! ..And the Emmy Award for the whitest words ever spoken on teleivison goes to Alexis Bledel, as Rory Gilmore in Gilmore Girls:
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Baring his naked forearms like a saucy strumpet. Book sticking awkwardly out of his back pocket. He either finds the smallest books or has the roomiest ass pockets that he keeps pulling that off. How does he do that?
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This is all so precious and pure I could die.
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He is RAPT with attention listening to her silly stories. Show me where Dean or Logan ever paid this much attention to her telling one of these stories.
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We know, Bubs. We know :(
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Red alert! Red alert! Our first display of physical contact!
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Jess says he eats from this hot dog cart every day. Let's unpack this: 1) Holy child neglect, Batman! I mean, Liz Danes. You can't even make your kid a peanut butter and jelly sandwich once in a while? This boy is feral. These are survival hot dogs. This may be all he can afford to eat on his own. 2) How are you still as skinny as a rail? 3) How's your blood pressure? 4) Where are you getting the money?
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This sweet bubba unquestionably paid for Rory's lunch like a true gentleman.
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I refuse to acknolwedge any sort of Behind the Scenes Hollywood mumbo jumbo like "Milo wasn't ACTUALLY eating the hot dog" or “umm, it’s a prop hot dog”. i am firmly committed to a scenario where everyone on the set for this episode was like "Milo our precious vegetarian baby boy we will get you a tofu hot dog to eat"
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Ending this chapter with this adorable face.
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Just Another Weekend
George Russell x OC!Vettel
It had just been a weekend like any other in May.
Well, the same as any other weekend when your father has spent the majority of your life racing and he's the only parental figure that you have.
But it was Monaco. And Monaco is its own breed.
I guess that's how we had ended up drunk off our asses, my father nowhere to be seen, George and I sneaking off ourselves.
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liked by sebastianvettel, kimimatiasraikkonen, and 119 more
rosannavettel we're up early this morning in the josie & rose house and we're ready to watch some racing!
sebastianvettel can't wait to spend the day with my two favorite grils :)
rosannavettel who taught you how to do non-emojis
"Papa, ich verstehe nicht, für wen wir uns einsetzen sollen," (dad, i don't understand who we are supposed to be rooting for) I whisper, eyeing the headphones that are sitting snuggly over Josette's curls, her eyes shut tight with small snores escaping her lips.
She sounds just like her father did.
"Wir feuern Redbull an, meine Liebe," (we're rooting for redbull my dear).
"I'm going to pretend that I don't take offense to that," A sassy Monesque voice chimes from our side, making sense since the walls are painted red.
"Charlie, you know Papa means nothing harsh by it, you know that," I assure, him kissing my cheek and Josette's head in response before side-hugging my father.
"He knows he's tied with Mick for my favorite Grid Kids," Papa assures, Josette giggling brightly without reason, simply happy to be alive.
"And how is my favorite princesse (princess)?" Charlie asks, kissing Josette's head.
"I thought I was your favorite princesse?" Lando's voice rings, bringing more laughs out of the little one, clad in black romper with polkadots. "But if my replacement is as cute as this little muppet, I'm sure I can accept my fate."
"Lando, please meet my daughter Rosanna and her daughter Josette. Rose, meet Lando Norris, -"
"McClaren driver, number 4," I recite, "We met last year when I visited for the Monaco GP."
"Right, you told me you were barely 19 at the time, we bonded over being too young for all these old people," Lando laughs, eyes now drifting to Josette. "But you're a new addition, aren't you muppet?" He asks, leaning in shaking her hand jokingly, giving her enough time to get her other hand weaved in his curly hair and offer a yank.
"I am so sorry, we've been working on the hair pulling," Is all I can offer, untangling my daughter from his head as he waves me off.
"Don't worry, she get's me all the time," Papa assures the boy, who's name is called from somewhere behind us, earning the attention of the little group we have formed. It's when turning that I see them. See him. The other 2019 rookies.
"Sebastian, didn't know you'd be attending today!"
"Wanted to see Lando, Lewis and I for our home race?" George asks cheekily, Alex shoving his shoulder into the blonde when he makes eye contact with me.
"If it isn't Baby Vettel," Alex is the one to greet, gently pulling me into a hug around Jo. "You know, Lily was wondering why you were never up to go out when we've been in the area. But now I see there is a new baby Vettel, hello sweetheart."
"She's adorable," George compliments, an awkward smile gracing his handsome face.
"She kind of looks like you Georgie," Lan jokes happily, not realizing the magnitude of what he's said, with no one understanding what's been said.
Except for George. Because he's actually a very intelligent man, and he knows how to do basic estimation and math.
And based on the look in his eyes right now, this man is feeling intelligent today.
"Could I offer you two a tour of Mercedes? I'm sure Lewis would love to see you both."
Fuck, he used the secret weapon. He knows I adore Lewis, and so does my father.
"You go on Rose, I want to go say hello to a few more people," Papa assures, swatting my presence away before wrapping his arms around Alex and Charles, leading the group of drivers away.
"So?" I can't help but respond, Josette's head tilting slightly to the side at the presence of the man in front of us.
"Um, how have you been, Love? I see you have -"
"Just ask the question I know is swirling in your mind, George, there's truly no point in beating around the bush," I can't help but interrupt, never a fan of small talk.
"So then she's mine?" He asks, knowing the answer. "I had a feeling, but given what you've just said I'd say it's pretty clear what my answer is."
"Biologically she's yours, yes," I respond, Josette giggling and throwing her arms around my neck. "I would have mentioned it, but given that it was a one nighter and you didn't answer my calls for the first two weeks, I'd say it was difficult at best."
"What calls?"
"Don't pla-"
"No I'm being genuine Rosa, I never got any calls from you. I would have dropped everything if I had known about..."
"Josette Elise," I supply, "We call her Joss, although my dad calls her Ettie."
"Josette," He mumbles, his accent making Joss giggle as her attention is drawn to him. "I love it," He continues, her little hand reaching out and holding his finger, too tuckered to fully reach out for him but wanting the connection. "And she's wonderful."
"I'd like to think so, but she is entirely too much like my father," I can't help but complain, not at all meaning it.
"I'd like to get to know her, if you'd let me? Get to know you better as well, outside of being Vettel's daughter?"
I can't help but smile. He genuinely seems like he wants to get to know her. Know us.
"What do you say, Joss? Do we want to let him get to know us?"
She just giggles, smiling a cheeky smile and babbling happily.
Looking to George, I can see the love and admiration in his eyes.
So with a soft smile, I look to the man in front of me. "Looks like you'll be getting to know us."
And he smiles back.
two years later
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liked by rosannavettel, sebastianvettel, and 221,926 more
georgerussel63 my everything 🤍
rosannavettel we love you georgie 🤍
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thalialunacy · 4 months
[for the @calaisreno May Prompts Faire. g-rated today, lol.]
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) 17: chaos (18) (19) (20) (21) (22) (23) (24) (25) (26) (27) (28) (29) (30) (31)
'Daddy! Tiger!' 
John, who had been focused on his eReader, finds his daughter standing in front of him with a manic light in her eye. 'Tiger!' 
He looks around the sitting room until his eyes land on the plush tiger Sherlock had gifted her those weeks ago, then he holds it out to her. 'Say please, Rosie.' 
She grabs onto it and waddles off, definitely not saying anything resembling please. John rolls his eyes, lips twitching.
Two days later, she refuses to leave the flat, which is new and different. 'No, Daddy! Tiger will be lonely!'
John drops his head in defeat. 'Sherlock, will you--' Sherlock reappears, holding the toy, before John has a chance to finish the sentence. 'Thank you,' he says tiredly.
And so forth.
'D'you think she's got an imaginary friend tiger?' he ponders aloud as he and Sherlock wait behind a delicious-smelling Burmese restaurant for some counterfeiters. 'She seems awfully keen.'
'Hmm,' is Sherlock's non-answer, and John huffs, watching as the detective's mind churns through the facts of the case and completely ignores everything else. Some things never change, John thinks. Thank god.
Luckily (?), the mystery is solved the very next day.
Everyone in the household is very sleepy and warm, recharging from the excitement of the past week, so the sitting room is quiet and peaceful in a way it rarely is.
Which means, of course, that it must be shattered.
'Tiger!' Rosie suddenly shrieks from Sherlock's lap, and slides off so quickly she loses her balance but scrambles back up, unfazed, to shamble towards their visitor.
Which is a cat.
A rotund, wide-eyed, orange-striped cat.
'Tiger!' his daughter yells again, and the cat is off like a shot.
'Whoa there,' John says, scooping Rosie up and turning to follow the path of the creamsicle tornado. It's swift, the cat disappearing (back?) into Sherlock's room with alacrity, but surprisingly destructive.
John quickly assesses the aftermath while Rosie squirms to go after her new best friend. The skull is on the ground, books and papers are absolutely everywhere, a couple frames have jumped off the walls somehow, Sherlock's spindly music stand has wilted in terror, and Rosie's toys are, if it's even possible, even more of a chaotic mess than they'd been minutes before.
John closes his eyes and prays for patience. Both his and Sherlock's. But then he hears--
He opens his eyes to find Sherlock laughing. Doubled over laughing, in fact.
'Are you…' John asks dubiously, eyeing him. '... all right? Did it destroy something you hated?'
Sherlock snorts. 'No, no, it's just--' He puts his hands on his hips and clears his throat, the grin echoing on his face. 'Twenty years ago, if you'd told me I'd one day not only be sober, but with a partner and child and now a housepet--' He barks out another laugh, seemingly unable to stop himself.
John grins at the word "partner," then clocks the rest of the sentence. 'Wait-- We're keeping it?'
'Yes!' Rosie contributes with gusto. 'Keeping the tiger!'
Sherlock strides over and plucks Rosie out of John's arms. 'Yes, we are. Inasmuch as one can keep a cat used to the out of doors,' he amends. 'What shall we name him, Rosamund?'
'His name is Reginald,' Rosie says. Or at least, John thinks that's what she says. She's barely two and a half, after all, and John still sometimes feels like she's speaking a foreign language.
Sherlock, though, nods as if he heartily agrees. 'Reginald is a fine name. Your father will have to go and procure some food, a box, and probably some flea-preventative, and then our new friend Reginald will be all set.'
John starts to protest, but both his daughter and Sherlock turn big eyes on him, and he has absolutely no chance. 'Yeah, sure,' he says dryly. 'You can hold down the fort while I do so?'
Sherlock waves a hand, already moving on to walk Rosie around the room, presumably assessing damage. 'Of course.'
'Right.' John shrugs on his coat and heads out.
The last thing he hears is, 'Now, did you know, Rosamund, that a group of tigers is known as an "ambush" or a "streak"?'
Child, partner, cat, John contemplates as he steps out into the grey brightness. It's exactly what he'd thought for himself twenty years ago. Except... nothing like that at all.
Thank god.
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matan4il · 11 months
Daily update post:
An independent terrorist attacked took place today, terrorists fired at an Israeli vehicle, it overturned and the driver was killed. So far, over 1,400 people in Israel were killed on Oct 7, then 9 people were killed in the north since Hezbollah joined Hamas in firing at Israel, and at least 19 Israeli soldiers were killed in Gaza since the ground operation started. The number of hostages, after 4 were released and 1 was rescued, is 242. Over 50 people are still missing (meaning it's unknown if they were murdered by Hamas or kidnapped).
Of the 19 Israeli soldiers killed in Gaza, at least 13 were killed by anti-tank fire. The attack in Jabalyia targeted the Hamas terrorist who was in charge of the anti-tank units. The damage from the IDF's strike was increased tenfold, because the terror tunnel Hamas built under the camp collapsed. Here is a high ranking Hamas terrorist talking about why they built terror tunnels, instead of bomb shelters for the civilian Gazans:
The operation also wielded a lot of important intel.
One of the Israeli soldiers killed in Gaza is the Druze officer, 33 years old Salman Habaka. On Oct 7, without waiting for orders, he went down to the south, joined soldiers there and helped stop the massacre in kibbutz Be'eri, where Hundreds of Hamas terrorists were torturing and murdering civilians. May the memory of this hero forever be a blessing.
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Iran forced Jews living there to disconnect any communication with their relatives in Israel.
The evacuation of wounded and foreign nationals from Gaza through the Egyptian border was really important to Israel. Today, Israel also turned to several European countries, asking them to send hospital ships that can treat wounded Gazans.
Germany has outlawed all Hamas activity there. I try not to comment too much on the news flowing here, but this is so important, and I'm very grateful to hear this!
Several more direct hits from rockets in cities around Israel, with fires breaking out. In one case, the family was in their house when it was hit, they were in the bomb shelter, and had to be rescued from it. Israel has intercepted today rockets from Hamas, from Hezbollah, and from the Houthis in Yemen.
I mentioned that 9 Israelis were killed by Hezbollah's rocket fire into Israel's north (I couldn't find an official number on how many were wounded in total, but based on daily reports, it has been twenty at most). The terrorist organization released an infographic in Arabic, which claims they've killed and injured 120 Israeli soldiers and officers. I'm mentioning this because it's again a reminder that terrorists, who have no problems targeting civilians, also have no issues lying.
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Pro-Iranian militias are reported to have moved into the south of Lebanon, to help Hezbollah.
Ella Hamawi was fatally injured by Hamas terrorists on Oct 7. For almost a month they fought to save her life, but she has now succumbed to her wounds.
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(for all of my updates and ask replies regarding Israel, click here)
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violant-apologia · 8 months
The Airs of Pilgrim's Dawn
a randomiser quality: 38 little snippets from life in my silver city
0-4: A gust of smog from the East.
5-9: A jade figurine is thrown from a window, smashing into fragments onto the cobbles.
10-14: A preacher and a tracklayer stand at a street corner, chatting about the lack of weather.
15-19: A tracklayer walks down the street with a pushchair, laughing at her infant’s babbling.
20-24: The most recent Hour of Dance lasted all night. Limbs are still sore, but there is a sense of solidarity in the city.
25-29: The Burrow-Church is bright and looming.
30-33: A ginger tom slinks into a nearby alley.
34-37: Urchins run through the street, flicking pigments at one another. Their graffiti is left half-complete on a high wall.
38-41: A mechanical failure: this street’s red night lamps haven’t turned off. The buildings are illuminated in a sleepy orange-pink.
42-45: The whistle of a locomotive. A tracklayer reacts with a grumble — her partner with a nostalgic sigh.
46-49: A couple of gendarmes patrol a street, chatting amicably as they go. Pilgrim’s Dawn may have fewer laws than London, but what is sacred must still be protected.
50-52: A particularly forceful drum beat startles a group of pigeons from their roost. They mingle with bats in the cavern air.
53-55: A spirifer (is that the right term, where spirifage is not a crime?) bows to a passerby, trenchcoat clinking as he does so.
56-58: A stall offers ‘REAL HADDOCK PIES’ – though they smell like Evenlode angler.
59-61: The smell of roses and sulphur is thick today.
62-64: Yet another frieze is carefully carried up to the Burrow-Church. Theology, it seems, is an active process.
65-67: A young bohemian reads poetry on a street corner. The imagery is beautiful, but his delivery could use work.
68-70: An effort is made to align phonograph music with the earthen drum beats. ‘Close enough’ is achieved, and a small dance floor forms on the street corner.
71-73: A tracklayer’s hanging garden falls as he tends it. Porcelain, roses and soil scatter over the cobbles.
74-76: A fire breaks out – the accompanying screams are only of tourists.
77: There are no door knockers in Pilgrim’s Dawn.
78-79: A Starved Man lumbers through the streets. Dancers swerve to avoid him, snatches of suspicion visible from within their pirouettes.
80-81: ‘The Bun: A hairstyle for the working man!’ a poster proclaims.
82-83: A green-eyed devil sighs as he watches a couple dance. One tries to spin away from her partner but stumbles – she falls into his arms, laughing.
84-85: A pair of Clay Men tango slowly in a crowd; their quavers are the others’ semibreves.
86-87: A rat lingers by a carving of your face. It scratches its back using your nose.
88-89: A rose-scholar looks over a balcony at the dancers below, jots down notes of their movements.
90: Morning prayers: north, east, south, up, down.
91: The sound of the sea – not the zee, the real thing – seems to emanate from the south.
92: A young deacon tries to explain what a ‘Judgement’ is to a curious Clay Man. It’s clear that she doesn't entirely understand the concept herself.
93: A fox? No, just your imagination.
94: ‘My daughter!’ cries a tracklayer, eyes wild and regretful. ‘No, I—’ And then he snaps back to himself.
95: An Infernal Tourist protests – the Rose Giveth Its Verses to Devils – but the tracklayers dance on, heedless.
96: A black, shuttered palanquin is borne through the streets by two weathered Clay Men. There are whispers – surely not the Empress? … Another royal? – but nobody impedes their progress.
97: A dolorous devil stalks the streets. He tries to keep to the sparse shadows and startles at dancers of the Terpsichore.
98: Trumpets at the gates; a regiment of devils pass through on their way to the Burrow-Church.
99: A bulky figure in a glittering cloak sweeps through the streets. Insults are hurled in its wake.
100: The ever-present drumming has a lazy, contented quality to it today. Is the Drummer… happy?
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