shegrowsmama · 4 years
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Have you listened to (or read) any Eckhart Tolle?  If you’re looking to dive in to some helpful spiritual teaching, check out his books: The Power of Now or A New Earth, or others.  Oprah keeps his book at her bedside.  I’ve listened to the teachings while driving in the car, and it’s really good stuff!
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shegrowsmama · 4 years
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So much to still learn about growth.  So much to say.  Just remember - “You can handle whatever this week throws at you.”
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shegrowsmama · 4 years
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Check out this cool puzzle from @biddleandbop! It features people with all different skin colors - 🥳🥳🥳 I’m going to have a hard time waiting 2 more years to purchase this until my son is big enough to give it a go 😂 If you’re diversifying your bookshelf, why not do your toy shelf too! And thanks to @primarydotcom for this tip in your weekly smile-file! #diversity #diversifyyourtoys #representation #chooseyourtoyswisely #growth #shegrows #shegrowsmama https://www.instagram.com/p/CCd7AMrhyfE/?igshid=1tyizbztryqan
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shegrowsmama · 4 years
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👆🏻👆🏻 Don’t Zoom In 👆🏻👆🏻 It’s so easy to get caught in the trap of NOT posting, because it’s not clean enough, styled enough, artsy enough, (and on and on). Well, I’m usually caught in that trap - and I’m just here to say - go ahead, post it anyway. I’ve seen three small ants in our main floor in the past couple days, and I’m QUITE certain it’s because of this.... dried up chicken from dinner, yogurt splat on the mat, dirty spoon, Bambas snack pieces, and so many other unidentified food bits hanging out on the high chair/mat/floor. Should I clean it up tonight? ✅ Yes ✅ Will I? 🚫 Nope 🚫 Here’s to messy, sticky, left-over food, disorganized, barely keeping it together photos/homes/lives. We’re all doing the best we can. #youareenough #messy #sticky #selfconscious #postitanyway #truth #vulnerable #bereal #growth #lotstolearn #shegrows #shegrowsmama https://www.instagram.com/p/CCKb9SNBK6c/?igshid=3dffvjvwpdhe
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shegrowsmama · 4 years
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👀 Anyone else still up? My baby (11 months old tomorrow), finally figured out how to pull himself up to stand in his crib. He did not, however, figure out how to get back down except to just LET GO and fall straight backwards, head first into the opposite side of the crib. Also- I forgot (until this moment) about the 11 month sleep regression. Yay. #parenting #parentingishard #parentingfail #11monthsold #sleepregression #crib #cribcrash #shegrows #shegrowsmama https://www.instagram.com/p/CCILHdJBWOP/?igshid=1aq3kyv65hr3v
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shegrowsmama · 4 years
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Well??  Let’s do it!
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shegrowsmama · 4 years
I LOVE supporting small companies, local companies, communities, sustainable companies, B-corps..... and yes, I still get my fair share of Amazon boxes at the door.  I’m going for PROGRESS, people - not perfection.
So, imagine my surprise when I found a way to diversify my bookshelf while also supporting LOCAL bookstores all around the country!  I can be patient - I don’t need that next book TOMORROW.... in fact, all the books I’ve ordered through Bookshop.org have arrived in 3-5 days!  
If you’re looking for a way to support local communities -- check out Bookshop.org.  They’re the bomb.
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shegrowsmama · 4 years
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I’ve always found it difficult to answer the question “How are you?” Most of the time, I want to say, “I’m kind of ok... not that great... could be better... can I get a hug?” Since I know that question isn’t always a genuine inquiry about my physical and mental state, but more a polite gateway to the other person’s ability to speak, I usually just say, “I’m fine.” These are some cool ways to get to the heart of genuine connection with others, without having to say or hear “I’m fine.” #howareyou #howareyoureally #connection #genuine #curiosity #speakyourtruth #growth #shegrows #shegrowsmama https://www.instagram.com/p/CB3ErE7hzAq/?igshid=4qwn48tfw3e5
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shegrowsmama · 4 years
Rudine Sims Bishop, professor emerita from Ohio State University, speaks on Mirrors, Windows and Sliding Glass Doors as metaphors for diversity in children’s literature.
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shegrowsmama · 4 years
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Whose Toes Are Those is a great exploring and guessing book for little ones. We love the rhyme and cadence of the words, and the sweet brown skin of the child in the book! @jabariasim authored a favorite in our house! #blackbooks #babybooks #boardbooks #toes #blackauthors #diversebooks #diversifyyourbookshelf #growth #shegrowsmama https://www.instagram.com/p/CBxxJouB_Qb/?igshid=ljst7bgftqw7
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shegrowsmama · 4 years
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I am always on the lookout for books with Black or Brown characters to bring into my home. My son is 10 months old, is biracial, and an absolute sweetheart. Someday I’ll tell you about the #windowsandmirrors quote that changed the way I view children’s literature. For now, let me say Thank You, Target, for allowing my son to see a brown boy bedtime story. The dollar spot at your local Target may still have these! 🏃🏽‍♂️🏃🏽‍♂️ #target #targetdollarspot #targetfinds #babyboy #books #babybooks #brownboy #shegrowsmama https://www.instagram.com/p/CBwJIy8hfSf/?igshid=iy4t92o8g94o
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shegrowsmama · 4 years
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Hi, I’m Maren.  This photo was taken in August, 2019 - eleven days after my baby was born.  Looking back on this, it amazes me how I was able to even sit for this pose.  I was surviving on 1 hour of sleep per night, recovering from an unplanned cesarean, and being driven to therapy appointments multiple times a week.  We had been to the ER and hospital 4 times in his first 8 days of life, and I only got to shower twice.  And yet, the strength and growth it took to sit for this photo is nothing compared to the growth that’s happened in the following ten months.
If you’re looking to see a put-together mother’s journey, you will not find it here.
My hope is that by sharing openly and candidly about my own growth into motherhood and beyond, I can bring a sense of relief and understanding to others.
If no one finds hope and strength in this journey except me, then it will still be enough.  Because, I am enough.  You are enough.  We are all, enough.
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shegrowsmama · 4 years
Repost from @artbyannaalvarado
Allow yourself to grow and change. Your future self is waiting. #ArtbyAnnaAlvarado #evolving
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shegrowsmama · 4 years
We can't become what we need to be by remaining who we are.
Oprah Winfrey
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shegrowsmama · 4 years
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I love this picture because it’s such a great reminder that healing and growth are not a straight shot upwards.  I slightly dislike this picture because the cute rainbow make me think that healing is going to be fun and pretty.  In my experience, healing has never been fun OR pretty - but it’s definitely been worth it.  I would not go back to my days pre-therapy.  I would not choose what seemed comfortable at the time, over the uncomfortable present.  There’s so much power in healing - so much growth.  When we allow ourselves to heal, we bring a more complete and effective version of ourselves to our relationships, to our communities and to our world.  We could all use a little healing right now, so we can work together to heal the world.  It’s not going to be easy or pretty - but it will definitely be worth it.
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shegrowsmama · 4 years
Strive not to be a success, but rather to be of value.
Albert Einstein
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