bills-bible-basics · 10 months
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MOUNT OF OLIVES AND OLIVE TREES -- KJV (King James Version) Bible Verse List KJV Bible verse list compiled by #BillKochman for #BillsBibleBasics. Topic: "Mount of Olives and Olive Trees". Visit https://www.billkochman.com/VerseLists/ to see all my lists. "And when they drew nigh unto Jerusalem, and were come to Bethphage, unto the mount of Olives, then sent Jesus two disciples, Saying unto them, Go into the village over against you, and straightway ye shall find an ass tied, and a colt with her: loose them, and bring them unto me. And if any man say ought unto you, ye shall say, The Lord hath need of them; and straightway he will send them." Matthew 21:1-3, KJV "And as he sat upon the mount of Olives, the disciples came unto him privately, saying, Tell us, when shall these things be? and what shall be the sign of thy coming, and of the end of the world?" Matthew 24:3, KJV "And when they had sung an hymn, they went out into the mount of Olives." Matthew 26:30, KJV "And when he was come nigh, even now at the descent of the mount of Olives, the whole multitude of the disciples began to rejoice and praise God with a loud voice for all the mighty works that they had seen; Saying, Blessed be the King that cometh in the name of the Lord: peace in heaven, and glory in the highest." Luke 19:37-38, KJV "And in the day time he was teaching in the temple; and at night he went out, and abode in the mount that is called the mount of Olives." Luke 21:37, KJV "Jesus went unto the mount of Olives." John 8:1, KJV "And when he had spoken these things, while they beheld, he was taken up; and a cloud received him out of their sight. And while they looked stedfastly toward heaven as he went up, behold, two men stood by them in white apparel; Which also said, Ye men of Galilee, why stand ye gazing up into heaven? this same Jesus, which is taken up from you into heaven, shall so come in like manner as ye have seen him go into heaven. Then returned they unto Jerusalem from the mount called Olivet, which is from Jerusalem a sabbath days journey." Acts 1:9-12, KJV "Behold, the day of the LORD cometh, and thy spoil shall be divided in the midst of thee. For I will gather all nations against Jerusalem to battle; and the city shall be taken, and the houses rifled, and the women ravished; and half of the city shall go forth into captivity, and the residue of the people shall not be cut off from the city. Then shall the LORD go forth, and fight against those nations, as when he fought in the day of battle. And his feet shall stand in that day upon the mount of Olives, which is before Jerusalem on the east, and the mount of Olives shall cleave in the midst thereof toward the east and toward the west, and there shall be a very great valley; and half of the mountain shall remove toward the north, and half of it toward the south." Zechariah 14:1-4, KJV Please note that online sources state that the Garden of Gethsemane was, and is, a small grove consisting of eight ancient olive trees which is located at the foot of the Mount of Olives, just outside of what is today known as the Old City of Jerusalem. "Then cometh Jesus with them unto a place called Gethsemane, and saith unto the disciples, Sit ye here, while I go and pray yonder." Matthew 26:36, KJV "And they came to a place which was named Gethsemane: and he saith to his disciples, Sit ye here, while I shall pray." Mark 14:32, KJV "And the angel that talked with me came again, and waked me, as a man that is wakened out of his sleep, And said unto me, What seest thou? And I said, I have looked, and behold a candlestick all of gold, with a bowl upon the top of it, and his seven lamps thereon, and seven pipes to the seven lamps, which are upon the top thereof: And two olive trees by it, one upon the right side of the bowl, and the other upon the left side thereof . . . Then answered I, and said unto him, What are these two olive trees upon the right side of the candlestick and upon the left side thereof?
And I answered again, and said unto him, What be these two olive branches which through the two golden pipes empty the golden oil out of themselves? And he answered me and said, Knowest thou not what these be? And I said, No, my lord. Then said he, These are the two anointed ones, that stand by the Lord of the whole earth." Zechariah 4:1-3, 11-14, KJV "And I will give power unto my two witnesses, and they shall prophesy a thousand two hundred and threescore days, clothed in sackcloth. These are the two olive trees, and the two candlesticks standing before the God of the earth. And if any man will hurt them, fire proceedeth out of their mouth, and devoureth their enemies: and if any man will hurt them, he must in this manner be killed. These have power to shut heaven, that it rain not in the days of their prophecy: and have power over waters to turn them to blood, and to smite the earth with all plagues, as often as they will. And when they shall have finished their testimony, the beast that ascendeth out of the bottomless pit shall make war against them, and shall overcome them, and kill them. And their dead bodies shall lie in the street of the great city, which spiritually is called Sodom and Egypt, where also our Lord was crucified. And they of the people and kindreds and tongues and nations shall see their dead bodies three days and an half, and shall not suffer their dead bodies to be put in graves. And they that dwell upon the earth shall rejoice over them, and make merry, and shall send gifts one to another; because these two prophets tormented them that dwelt on the earth. And after three days and an half the Spirit of life from God entered into them, and they stood upon their feet; and great fear fell upon them which saw them. And they heard a great voice from heaven saying unto them, Come up hither. And they ascended up to heaven in a cloud; and their enemies beheld them." Revelation 11:3-12, KJV If you would like more info regarding the origin of these KJV Bible verse lists, go to https://www.billkochman.com/VerseLists/. Thank-you! https://www.billkochman.com/Blog/index.php/mount-of-olives-and-olive-trees-kjv-king-james-version-bible-verse-list/?feed_id=106980&_unique_id=6566fed0b672b&MOUNT%20OF%20OLIVES%20AND%20OLIVE%20TREES%20--%20KJV%20%28King%20James%20Version%29%20Bible%20Verse%20List
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Ben Shemen Youth Village, 1940
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girlactionfigure · 1 year
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den123 · 2 years
The lost
The lost
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eretzyisrael · 1 year
Following Hamas's criminal invasion of southern Israel, brave men and women have stepped up to defend their homeland, with dozens sacrificing their lives in the process; These are their names
Yoav Zitun, Ilana Curiel, Elisha Ben Kimon, Meir Turgeman, Israel Moskvitz, Roni Green Shaulov|Updated:10:13
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More than 700 Israelis were murdered on the first day of the war against Hamas. So far, only a few dozen names have been released.
Reports emerged on Saturday of the death of Nahal Brigade Commander Col. Jonathan Steinberg among numerous others. He was killed in clashes with a terrorist near Kerem Shalom. On Sunday morning, the names of an additional 25 fallen soldiers were reported.
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Nahal Brigade Commander Col. Jonathan Steinberg
(Photo: IDF Spokesperson's Unit)
Steinberg, 42, from Shomria, was en route to a clash site where his soldiers were engaged with terrorists. He encountered a terrorist on his way there and was killed during a firefight near Kerem Shalom.
The names of the fallen IDF soldiers that have been released are as follows: Sst. Roi Weiser, 21, from Efrat, a Golani soldier; Sst. Adir Geori, 20, from Jerusalem, a Sayeret Matkal commando; Cpl. Ariel Eliyahu, 19, from Mitzpe Yericho, a 7th Armored Brigade soldier; Sst. Guy Simchi, 20, from Gedera, a Paratrooper; Cpl. Shira Shochat, 19, from Modi'in-Maccabim-Re'ut, a Unit 414 soldier; Sgt. Maj. Aharon Parash, 36, from Ofakim, a Technology and Maintenance Corps inspector; and Lt. Shilo Cohen, 24, from Sderot, a Shaldag soldier.
Maj. Amir Sakuri, 31, from Jerusalem, a Sayeret Matkal commando; Warrant Officer Ido Rosenthal, 45, from Ben Shemen, a Shaldag soldier; Maj. Ariel Ben Moshe, 27, from Kiryat Bialik, a commander in Sayeret Matkal; Cpl. Danit Cohen, 19, from Sderot, a soldier in Southern Command; Sst. Or Mizrachi, 21, from Petah Tikva, a Nahal soldier; Cpl. Amit Gueta, 21, from Rehovot, a Maglan soldier.
Earlier, the names of the following fallen were cleared for publication: Col. Roi Yosef Levy, 44, from Shavei Tzion, commander of the Multidimensional Unit, also known as the “Ghost” Unit; Lt. Col. Yonatan Tzur, 33, from Kedumim, the commander of the Nahal Reconnaissance Battalion, Maj. Avraham Hovlashvili, 26, from Ashdod, an officer in Caracal; Sgt. Itay-El Marciano, 20, from Shoham, a Paratrooper; Pvt. Ofir Davidian, 18, from Patish, a logistics soldier in the Home Front Command; Cpt. Tal Grushka, 25, from Kfar Saba, a Nahal officer; Cpt. Arye Shlomo Tsering, 27, from Raanana, a K-9 Unit officer. Sst. Ilay Gamzu, 20, from Ashdod, a Paratrooper; Sst. Ohad Cohen, 20, from Idan, a Shaldag soldier.
Cpl. Itamar Ayash, 19, from Kiryat Gat, served in the Southern District of the Home Front Command; Maj. Ido Yehoshua, 27, from Yavne, commander of the training platoon at the Special Air Forces School. Cpl. Uri Locker, 19, from Pardes Hana Karkur, a Golani solider; Maj (Res.) Omri Michaeli, 35, from Nes Ziona, a Duvdevan soldier; Maj. Vitali Skipkevich, 21, from Ariel, an Egoz soldier. Lt. Shoham Tomer, 23, from Srigim, company commander in the 934th Reconnaissance Battalion; Lt. Itai Maor, 23, from Rosh Ha'Ain, a platoon commander in the Golani Brigade's 51st Battalion; Lt. Rom Shlomi, 23, from Moshav Ganot, reconnaissance platoon commander in the Shaldag Unit. Cpl. Yaron Zohar, 19, from Kiryat Ata, a Golani soldier.
Cpt. Adir Aboudi, 23, from Modi'in, a commander in the Home Front Command; Cpt. Yotam Ben Bassat, 24, from Bat Hefer, a commander in the Multidimensional Unit; Sgt. Ofir Tzioni, 21, from Yokneam Illit, a commander in the Home Front Command; 2nd Lt. Adar Ben Simon, 20, from Neve Ziv, a commander in the Home Front Command; Sgt. Or Asto, 21, from Be'er Sheva, a logistics NCO in Golani.
Fallen IDF soldiers and officers from the Swords of Iron War
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(Photo: Israel Police, IDF Spokesperson's Unit)
Sgt. Eden Alon Levi, 19, from Nirit, a commander in the Home Front Command; Sst. Yuval Ben Yaakov, 21, from Kfar Menahem, a solider in the 7th Armored Brigade; Cpl. Guy Bazak, 19, from Givatayim, a Golani soldier; Pvt. Nerya Aharon Nagari, 18, from Talmon, a Home Front Command soldier; Pvt. Naama Boni, 19, from Afula, a soldier in the 7th Armored Brigade; Lt. Iftah Yavetz, 23, from Ramat Hasharon, a commander in Maglan.
Lt. Col. Sahar Mahlouf, 36, from Modi'in, the commander of the 481st Signal Battalion; Sgt. Ofek Rosenthal, 20, from Kfar Menahem, a Maglan soldier; 2nd Lt. Yanai Kaminka, 20, from Tzur Hadassah, a commander in the Home Front Command; Lt. Or Moses, 22, from Ashdod, a commander in the Home Front Command; Sst. Omri Niv Feirstein, 20, a Home Front Command soldier; Cpl. Dvir Lisha, 21, from Nitzan, a Golani soldier.
Sgt. Ido Harush, from Mitzpe Ramon, a soldier in the 7th Armored Brigade; Sgt. Menashe Yoav Maliev, 19, from Kiryat Ono, an officer in the 7th Armored Brigade; Cpl. Netanel Yang, 20, from Tel Aviv, a Golani soldier; Maj. Chen Buchris, 26, from Ashdod, the deputy commander Maglan; Lt. Or Yosef Ran, 29, from Itamar, a commander in Duvdevan; Cpl. Adi Gurman, 19, from Hogla, a Unit 414 soldier; Sfc. Amir Fisher, 22, from Tel Aviv, a Duvdevan soldier; Lt. (Res.) Ido Edri, 24, from Givaton, an infantry officer.
Raz Tzioni, father of Sst. Ofir Tzioni, said, "We spoke to him for the last time Friday evening, he said that everything is fine with him. On Saturday when we realized what happened, I sent him a message 'Write that everything is fine...,' but he didn't respond. In the evening, the army representatives came to inform us."
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Fallen police officers
After a day of intense combat, where Israel Police officers, Border Patrol soldiers and commandos valiantly stood at the forefront of battles against the enemy, the Israel Police solemnly announces the death of 30 of its members. The following are their names:
Chief Superintendent Ge-ar Davidov, commander of the Rahat station; Chief Superintendent Itzhak Shvili, commander of the Segev Shalom station; Superintendent Martin Kuzmickas, commander in the coordination of enforcement operations unit; Chief Inspector Shlomo Moshe Al, officer in the Yamam counter-terror unit; Superintendent Nisim Lugasi, deputy commander of a Magav unit; Superintendent Amin Ohonadov, squad commander in the Yoav unit; Inspector Andrei Poshivi, town station patrol officer; Inspector Alexei Shamkov, officer in the Yamam counter-terror unit; Senior Non-Commissioned Officer Meir Abragil, Sderot station investigation coordinator; Sergeant Major Chen Nahmias, sniper in the Yamam counter-terror unit.
Sergeant Major Roman Gendel, instructor in the Lotar counter-terror unit; Sergeant Major Yehuda Kedar, non-commisioned officer Border Police officer at the Eshkol Ein Habsor station; Sergeant Major Roni Abuharon, detective at the Rahat station; Sergeant Major Adir Shlomo, head of logistics at the Sderot station; Sergeant Major Igal Iluz, bomb sapper; First Sergeant Bar Sivan, fighter in the Yamam counter-terror unit; First Sergeant Alon Barad, investigator at the Rahat station; First Sergeant Alexey Borodovsky, Negev Yasam patrol unit; First Sergeant Vitaly Karsik, forensics department crime scene investigator, Tel Aviv District; First Sergeant Alik Poznyakov, detective in the Magen unit.
First Sergeant Melik Karim, investigator at the Be'er Sheva station; First Sergeant Yoram Eliyahu Cohen, fighter in the Yamam counter-terror unit; Staff Sergeant Major Dror Elton, sapper in the Yamam counter-terror unit; Staff Sergeant Yaakov Shlomo Krasninski, fighter in the undercover police unit; Staff Sergeant Major Elior Yifrach, detective; Sgt. First Class Avi Buzaglo, detective at the Rahat station; Sgt. First Class Michael Lizmi, detective at the Be'er Sheva station; Sgt. First Class Shai El Knafo, town patrol in police’s Southern District; Staff Sergeant Alyona Astapenko, town patrol at the Ofakim station; Corporal Ravit Hanna Asayag, Border Police officer in police’s Southern District.
The harrowing details from the incident near Moshav Re'im, where Hamas terrorists raided an open-air rave, are gradually coming to light. So far, the identified victims from the event include Tzur Saidi, Omri Ram and Aviad Halevi.
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List of names of the deceased from Netiv HaAsara
Shortly before midnight on Saturday, the names of 15 victims in Netiv HaAsara, a town of less than a thousand people near the Gaza border, were cleared for publication: brothers Amit and Yigal Wax, Oren Stern, Shlomi and his wife Ayelet Molcho, Hevik Segal, Gil Ta'aseh, Adi Baharev, Tal Keren, Ruthi and Aryeh Akuni and their daughter Or, Nurit Berger, Marina Almagor and Danny Vobek.
Vobek, a resident of Netiv HaAsara, had been a volunteer with the ZAKA divers unit for many years. The organization said that "he took part in dozens of rescue missions, dedicated to saving lives and honoring the deceased. During the brutal attack on Netiv HaAsara, Vobek courageously defended his home and friends, ultimately losing his life in the battle against armed terrorists. ZAKA volunteers, alongside the entire nation of Israel, mourn his loss, share in the pain, and extend condolences to his family and loved ones."
Talia Marcelle, from Kiryat Arba, was murdered in the surprise attack on Kibbutz Ein Hashlosha near the Gaza border. A few years ago, Marcelle relocated from the Talia farm in the Hebron hills to Kiryat Arba. She was fatally shot on the kibbutz where she was celebrating the holiday.
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Dolev and Odeya Swissa and their two daughters
Dolev and Odeya Swissa were murdered in their hometown of Sderot. They leave behind two young daughters, ages 3 and 7. Dolev, who was shot by terrorists, was found dead Saturday night. A search was conducted throughout the night for his wife Odeya, who was considered missing until her body was discovered in the morning. "We don't know how the girls were saved," said Rehovot Deputy Mayor Zohar Blum, who is married to Dolev's sister. "We woke up to a dark morning."
Blum added, "Following the heart-wrenching news of Dolev's murder and a sleepless night, we have now learned that Odeya, his beloved wife whom we searched for hours, was also mercilessly murdered by the assassins. This young couple's lives were tragically cut short in the war, simply because of their location near the Gaza Strip and the startling ease with which the terrorists invaded their home. A remarkable couple, they leave behind two young, now orphaned, daughters. My heart aches for my wife and her family in Sderot.
Aharon Haimov, a 25-year-old senior paramedic and ambulance driver with Magen David Adom (MDA) from Ofakim, was fatally shot on Saturday morning en route to treat the wounded in his hometown. He is survived by his wife and two children. Haimov began his career with Magen David Adom as a post-high school volunteer before joining the organization in a professional capacity.
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Magen David Adom senior medic and ambulance driver Aharon Haimov, 25, of Ofakim was killed on his way to treat injured
“He was a person who put the good of others and the value of life ahead of everything else — including today, on this tragic morning,” said MDA Director-General Eli Bin.
Israel Fire and Rescue Services announced that Kiryat Gat Fire Station Commander Battalion Chief Shalom Tzaban and Senior Firefighter Yevgeny Galsky were also slain in the attack. Tsaban, 60, a father of two, joined the fire brigade in 1992 and was posthumously promoted to fire deputy chief. Galsky, 34, served in the Netivot fire station. He was promoted posthumously to the rank of sergeant firefighter.
Israel Fire and Rescue Services Commissioner Eyal Caspi extended his condolences to the families and commended the firefighters and commanders who were working tirelessly in numerous locations throughout the conflict zone.
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Israel Fire and Rescue Services announcement of the death of Shalom Tzaban (right) and Yevgeny Galsky
The fire brigade on Sunday morning announced the death of Sergeant Major Firefighter Eric Yehuda Marciano, 50, who joined the fire brigade in 1996 and served as a team leader at the Kiryat Gat Fire Station. He is survived by his wife and three children.
His daughter Coral said: "He went on duty, and probably because of the pressure, he forgot his bag at home. I wrote to him, 'Dad, you forgot your bag.' At 7:05am, he told me he would come back to get it and at 7:20 he no longer answered me, he had already encountered the terrorists. Numerous trucks loaded with armed terrorists entered the area. He fought the terrorists and managed to save a child. I knew my father was dead before we were informed; someone saw him dead and sent me a picture. My father is a hero. He was my whole world. He was a father who always put us first, and himself second, placing everyone before him."
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Head of the Sha'ar HaNegev Regional Council, Ofir Libstein, was killed in the terrorist attack on the Gaza border town
(Photo: Contact)
The head of the Sha’ar HaNegev Regional Council, Ofir Libstein, was killed during fighting with Hamas terrorists Saturday morning. “Ofir was killed when he went to defend a town during the terrorist attack,” the council said.
Israel Amichai Vitzan and Moshe Yedidya Raziel (Rosenberg) were killed in Kerem Shalom. They were both residents of the West Bank settlement of Psagot.
Nine people, including a number of children, were killed when rockets struck their communities in the northern Negev, which do not have shelters, according to local authorities.
In Arara, Yazan Zakaria Abu Jama was killed when a rocket landed near his home. In Alba’at, brothers Malek Ibrahim Alkra’an, 14, and Jawad Ibrahim Alkra’an, 15, were killed in a direct strike. Alba’at cousins Amin Akal Alkra’an, 11, and Mahmoud Diab Alkra’an, 12, were also killed. Faiza Abu Sabaakh, 57, and her granddaughter May Zuheir Abu Sabaakh, 13, were also killed in Alba’at.
On Monday morning the IDF released the names of a further 16 fatalities among its force.
Lt. Col. Eli Ginsburg, 42, a commander of the Naval Commando 13 unit, from Dovrat; Private Lior Levy, 19, an operations commander in the Home Front Command, from Dimona; Corporal Adir Tahar, 19, a soldier in the Golani brigade, from Jerusalem; Staff Srg. Uriel Moshe, 21,from the Golani brigade, a resident of Rechasim; Major Peleg Salem, 30, from Netanya; Corporal Amit Tzur, 19, a fighter in the Golan Brigade from Eliachin; Corporal Elai Bar Sade, 19, a fighter in the Golani brigade, from Ramat Gan; Lt. Itai Cohen, 22, a commander in the Engineering Corps' Yahalom special unit, from Rehovot; Sgt. Ben Rubinstein, 20, from the Lotar anti-terror unit, from Hod Hasharon; Srg. Yaron Uri Shai, 21, from the Nahal elite unit, from Kadima-Tzuran; Srg.(Res.) Roi Nagri, 28, from the Lotar anti-terror school, from Tel Aviv; Staff Srg. Itamar Bruchim, 21, paratrooper and commander in the officers' school, from Ashdod; Lt. Nitai Amar, 22, Engineering Corps, from Ma'alumim; 2nd Lt. Yonatan Gutin, special forces, from Modi'in; Staff Sgt. Tashgr Tekah, 21, Golani Brigade, from Jerusalem; Staff Sgt. Naveh Eliezer Lacks from the Matkal special forces unit, from Lod
First published: 00:25, 10.08.23
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transfemme-shelterdog · 2 months
Girl cum? Oh you mean shemen.
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dafyomilimerick · 1 year
Gittin 38
"If a Canaanite slave is in jail, And escapes (not released, or on bail)," As was taught by Rav Shemen: "The master names them in A get and they're freed without fail."
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workersolidarity · 9 months
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🇮🇱⚔️🇵🇸 ☠️ 🚨
The Israeli Occupation Forces (IOF) acknowledged the deaths of two more soldiers on Monday. Bringing the total number of soldiers killed in the fighting in Gaza to 156.
The two soldiers killed were named:
☠️ Master Sgt. (res.) Nitai Meisels, 30, of the 14th Armored Brigade, from Rehovot.
☠️ Sgt. Rani Tamir, 20, of the 50th Battalion of the Nahal Brigade, from Ganei Am.
Occupation Authorities said both soldiers were killed in Gaza as a result of operations invading the Gaza Strip Sunday.
Earlier Sunday, IOF authorities announced a total of 10 soldiers killed over the day, and a total 14 over the weekend as Occupation Forces ramped up its operations invading the north and central areas of the Gaza Strip, including Gaza City,
Those soldiers names were:
☠️ Staff Sgt. David Bogdanovskyi, 19, of the Combat Engineering Corps’s 603rd Battalion, from Haifa.
☠️ Staff Sgt. Orel Bashan, 20, of the Combat Engineering Corps’s 603rd Battalion, from Haifa.
☠️ Staff Sgt. Gal Hershko, 20, a squad commander in the Combat Engineering Corps’s 603rd Battalion, from Yiftah.
☠️ Staff Sgt. Roy Elias, 21, of the Combat Engineering Corps’s 603rd Battalion, from Tzofar.
☠️ Staff Sgt. Itamar Shemen, 21, a paramedic in the 36th Division, from Lapid.
☠️ Master Sgt. (res.) Nadav Issachar Farhi, 30, a combat medic in the Yiftah Brigade’s 7810th Battalion, from Herzliya.
☠️ Master Sgt. (res.) Eliyahu Meir Ohana, 28, of the Yiftah Brigade’s 7810th Battalion, from Haifa.
☠️ Sgt. First Class (res.) Elyassaf Shoshan, 23, of the 646th Brigade’s 6646th Battalion, from Jerusalem.
☠️ Sgt. First Class (res.) Ohad Ashur, 23, of the 646th Brigade’s 6646th Battalion, from Kfar Yona.
☠️ Cpt. Oshri Moshe Butzhak, 22, a team commander in the Nahal Brigade’s reconnaissance unit, from Haifa.
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darkhelgi · 2 years
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Ben Shemen Forest יער בן שמן. Лес Бен Шемен. Утро пятницы самое время отправится на прогулку на природу. 25 минут от Тель Авива по скоростной трассе, и вот яркие ковры анемонов, изящные цветы диких орхидей, буйная зелень, сладкий медовый аромат цветущих кустов ракитника. Мия ходила и нюхала то ромашки, то анемоны (ветреницы), находила пчел и огромных пауков :) Весна в Израиле уже в самом разгаре , еще чуть чуть и начнется лето, жара жара... А вы какое время года любите больше? #hikinginisrael #benshemenforest #flowersofisrael #flowersblooming #anemone #orchids #natureofisrael #kalachovtours_hiking #hikingwithkids #походывизраиле #гидвИзраиле #гидыотдыхают #прогулкаполесу #веснавизраиле #Израиль #ЛесБенШемен #ТельХадид (at יער בן שמן) https://www.instagram.com/p/CpDL7_nIDN8/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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nach-yomish · 20 days
Day 55: I Samuel 10 // שמואל א' י
(Link to full chapter text on Sefaria)
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monsooninn · 2 months
Berakhot 9a: 29. "The Lineup."
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There is a new magic word in this Mishnah, Rabbi Yanai, "The Master of the Disciplines of Ya Anai, "In God's Name, This is Who We Are."
This is what the Mishnah states God said to Moses before he says, "tell the Israelites to line up, it is time to leave":
29. "Speak please in the ears of the people" etc. Say Rabbi Yanai: There is no "please" except for a request, the Holy One, blessed be He, said to Moshe: At your request, go and tell them to Israel: At your request, Q [line up] those from Egypt silver vessels and gold vessels, let him not say...
Egyptian vessels are 1622, אוב ubb, "a leather bag used in necromancy or sorcery". No one should be the victim of a magic spell or lie and become a tool of a fool for a dictator or tyrant= "Moses, ask the Israelites to go and see if anyone else wants to be free."
The Value in Gematria is 7912, עטא‎ב‎ zetab, "Show willingness to find the keys to the house and do that which you are obligated to do."
The Hebrew word for olive tree is זית (zayit; Deuteronomy 8:8, 2 Kings 18:32, Amos 4:9), or the fruit of it; olives (Micah 6:15) and olive-oil (שמן זית, shemen zayit; Exodus 27:20, Leviticus 24:2).
A person who occupied any of the few highest earthly ranks — the king, high priest and a prophet had no earthly superiors — was called an anointed (see the name Messiah), and anointing was done with olive oil (Judges 9:9). A failure of the olive harvest was a disaster because that would mean that Israel's social structure couldn't be maintained (Deuteronomy 28:40).
And it also caused the olive tree to be one of the most symbolical entities in the Bible. What is symbolizes, however, is commonly not very well understood, but it's by no means an accident that Jesus' passion began with his arrest on Mount Olivet.
The word 'ab followed by the letter yod usually makes the ab-part possessive. The construct אבי ('abi) may mean "father of," "my father," or form the adjective fatherly (literally "of father").
Also note the following structure, and remember that a man's "house" is not simply a building but rather his wife and children:
The noun אב ('ab) means father and possibly comes from the root אבה ('bh). A verb spelled and pronounced exactly the same as the assumed root of the word אב ('ab) is the verb אבה ('aba), meaning to do something under obligation or upon request.
The opposite, ta'a, is to disobey God and wander around in error:
"The verb תעה (ta'a) means to wander about and is used to describe the unsteady gait of drunkards (Job 12:25, Isaiah 28:7), of sheep or cattle without a herder (Exodus 23:4, Jeremiah 50:6), of homeless people (Genesis 21:14), and of foolish people (Ezekiel 44:10). It marks a lack of direction or objective and emphasizes the uselessness of the effort of going somewhere while in fact one is going nowhere at all. The noun תועה (to'a) means a wandering or straying from a certain path; a confusion or an error (Isaiah 32:6 and Nehemiah 4:2 only)."
To prepare to leave Egypt in God's Name, leaving behind persons who would otherwise go nowhere at all without the goodwill of persons who understand the Seder and the Haggadah is not the Jewish way. We are not fighting the Republicans and Mormons just for our own sakes, but for the happiness of everyone who yearns to live on a free, untroubled planet.
Thus ends 9a.
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checkitchurch · 3 months
Shemen The Holy Oil of God| PT2| Pastor Isaac Samuel II
Shemen The Holy Oil of God| PT2| Pastor Isaac Samuel II Start your day with inspiring morning devotionals designed to uplift your spirit, strengthen your faith, and deepen your understanding of the Word of God. Join us every morning for a few minutes of reflection, prayer, and encouragement, drawing you closer to God’s presence and purpose for your life. 👉This program takes place online every…
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bobelblogger · 5 months
more grimdark setting with jenkel hyde/jack the ripper vibes
Fucking Futa's by Jack Bertram Graham
How it always starts, a well meaning dumb cunt gets other dumb cunts to hatch a dumb cunt plan to make the world a better place, squat and shat out a monster who made more turning females into breeders and males in bitch boys, took over their homeland, the neighboring countries, hopped the channel and took Albion, they just do as they please now, wipe their asses with our flag, appropriate vice dens for their personal use, banned men from voting or decently paid work, seized any male property and force them to 'resettle', fucking burnt down all tea and tobacco shoppes.
I've already been witness to oppression twice, of my father for nationality, of my fancy for skirts, thrice won't be for my sex by some puff buff tited shemen pissing on my patch, a blow will be struck for the humiliation heaped on us.
A curfew in place of six to seven for women and seven to six for men, futastein's didn't have one, I nicked wardrobes from a foreclosed theatre to obtain disguises, assumed the identity of a librarian and rumoured occasional hog boinker, cover for a natural skin ailment hence her smell they turned up their noses at the scent as I gathered reports on troop movement and depots of munitions during the allotted hours then smuggled it to the resistance holdings through the wider underground.
I wanted to get more then even, they fuck everything that moves on two legs, maybe even blow eachother, but they haven't ever been fucked by a real man, I'd be the one to do it.
My acquired target of seven fresh off the barge with an older Futastein as their CO, not regular Hingmact grunts but field nurses from the Medikorps, going by the crossed Helix in blue on white armbands, I switched from incensed revenge to an almost dutiful fervor, teach these haughty bitchs an anatomy analogy lesson.
A wolf in sheep's clothing laying in wait for sheep thinking themselves wolves, my night will come.
Plowing their way inland through homeguards with pitchforks didn't waste time surrounding the capital, began pillaging and assaulting the populace as soon as they entered, anyone that ran was chased down and pulled from their refuge kicking, fitted with collars and tags to be shipped off while compliants were registered, let go to return home.
Took over the city police headquarters after publicly stripping and unmanning the boys in blue with their own truncheons and manacle cuffs left wearing their custodian helmets, atleast two hundred black clad futasteins made it their berth, having to get through all of them for only seven wouldn't be worth it, risk reward ratio wise.
Wait for the sheep to graze afield and take them unawares, gives me some time to clean up for the occasion.
Having only two nice dresses and wigs for my prowl, gathered my fake breasts bra, false cameltoe lacy panties, matched bonnie blue stockings and heel slippers and silk gloves, on my head a very pompadourish blond curly wig some face powdering, ruby lipstick, fake eyelashes and beauty mark, Betty Butte stepped into the evening with a head tossed cackle.
Making my way along the Thames by an estuary, past the dubbed Hellcell station by the firmly gripped subjects of Lunduin for if taken in, came out never the same if they ever did.
Maybe two thirds of the way to the bar a Hingmact patrol stopped two pedestrians as a poonhund sniffed their persons, I looked up to check Big Bess' clock face saw it was five twenty, too early for blitz hour, they must've set up extra search posts for a special occasion or visitor.
'Don't draw attention to the plot, they won't strip search me, it's still within curfew, I've gotten through before, I'll give them the dumb blond schtick, if a ragdoll gained life.'
"State your name, business and present subject v card, step aside to be patted down, no exceptions."
A burly double d racked futastein ordered a young lady and her friend. "You're were the mayor's little frau nein?"
"I am Edwina Teed, my husband was resettled, I am returning with my lover to my home from a bank deposit trip."
"Well it says here your box hasn't been packed since may sixth, your rear requires a cavity check for clearance."
Getting closer to her held by the neck bent her backwards in an embrace and tongue kissing her quite roughly.
The futastein's gloved hand slipped down her side over her hip under her skirt sunk into her anus with three beefy fingers.
"Mhhhmm!" Was all the petite prissy prey could murmur as she stood clamped in the predators claws and jaws.
Getting turned on myself I looked out at the evening skyline of Lunduin and it's changing shape with dozens of phallic towers being constructed with free male labour, use of which was given solely to first class citizens.
Lady Teed's plumper companion sheepishly popped open her bodice and pulled down her bra to show intent then knelt with a forced look of eager hunger, the slightly shorter futastein handler of the sniffer walked up and ordered the mutt to sit, then patted the kneeling damsel and motioned to her gray trousers.
Nodding she grasped the hem zipper and pulled down, out of the toothed maw a massive beefy cock of monstrous girth and length and two jawbreaker balls, its pungent musk having an effect her on as the woman attempted a amateurish hand and tit fuck with her flustered theatrical panting and moaning.
"A Vagetarian I see, only munches muffins, time to introduce a more protein rich meal to your palate." Taking a wide stance with hands on her head as the futastein mused in reaction to the dithering damsels uncoordinated efforts, taking a fistful of her brown hair brought her mouth to the bulbous helmet and watched her suck on it like a teat.
Thinking of his last paid buggering, a nervous rental with red hair cut short, pulled down trousers bent over and took it like a champ, left a handkerchief for a prize, come to realize the bugger left my pay.
Finally, the frisking futastein let Lady Teed go as her friend was doused in a cowl of spunk, helped her to stand then stamped their cards and waved them along, breathing slow Betty strode up to the checkpoint.
"Betty 'Amoursau' Butte, librarian, numerals five two eight zero, last analyzing, may tenth." As I held my card.
"Du reichst like shitezen when you walk by, did you hear of the bath, I ought to dunk you in that river there."
"Oink Oink, hog love and case of fever left rashes, water and perfume aggravates my pores." Betty beamed.
Quickly curtsied and began walking past as the poonhund wrinkled it's nose in distaste for my scent.
"Not yet, come here you ditzy broad." The busty bitch ordered cracking her knuckles. "Cavity search, spread 'em."
Prepared for that outcome used a vice to gap my asshole and applied my own sploge for further proof.
Given my stench and generally annoying airs, the not enthusiastic futa plied and gropped my rectum and fauxclit.
Waved me through with a grimace as I sauntered with a dervish skip and continued into the evening merrily.
Der Tip, a dive only permitted to first and second classes during daylight, after dark a rarity for third class if they paid a oral toll as a reminder entertainment was for their betters free of charge.
Outside parked one dozen sidecar conjoined motorcycles, the guns normally mounted on them were absent.
These especially predatory Hingmact troops raced over the countryside night and day keeping watch, they tipped the monotonous invading spear that wounded Albions heart of Lunduin, riding around the streets chasing anyone until they came to the police station, sodomizing jailed and jailor alike before looting then torching every tobacco and tea shoppe before dumping it in the Thames, banners of the futareich hung from parliament, the clock struck noon as ashen rain poured down.
For my kindred and kinks, I entered the establishment with a slight jilt to accentuate my tipsy flair.
Inside raucous laughter mixed with fumes of liquor and boiled leathery sweat wafting around the place.
A bunch of Trikers and their property of vested bitches danced and felt up each other to oompa music.
Get a glass, then sit and wait for the sheep to come and drink, maybe twenty minutes maybe be thirty.
"Shirley cider, half a lime shaken not stirred, on the rocks." Muttered in farce cheer as the woman barkeep turned.
"We nicht do cocktails, Kopftmester, Vise, Cooze, Buch, Pierless, Schwanzhonig ein pint und Ich not Shirley."
In a forced Vemaran accent, eyes seemly dead with nothing behind them, a barmaid dress and red braids her visage.
"Regrets madam, pint of Pierless with foam aplenty please, when does the stand up start?" Asked in a bratty tone.
"Der stand up is after your curfew und the mic is broken so nein this nacht." She scoffed sliding the pint to her.
Such as she had resisted temptation to chug it in one go, drank and watched the futasteins joust cocks and spank their spousal slaves in pace with the musical tempo on poles and rope swings topless and bottomless and loving it.
Eye to the entrance and lavatory, both men's and ladies had extra signs allowing futa's to use either, perfect.
"Mistress Berdina, mind bar tending I'm due for a drain." To a curtained alcove whence stepped a tall buff Futastein.
Betty felt the menacing exhale stream from its nose down onto her face as its pint glass dwarfing fist took a checkered rag and began wiping down the bar, garbed in a black turtleneck and white apron with words across it.
Kiss Der Cock
"Fe fi fo fum, I smell cum from a freshly plowed bum." Berdina stiffed the air and smiled darkly at Betty.
A few seconds in feint timid repose Betty replied. "Well with a buffet of dick how could I resist." Sipping her pint.
"You smell like a prostitute after rounds on the docks, why das feck haven't you bathed?" Her nose wrinkled.
"Sores and rashes prevent me from fully cleaning my body, I make herbs and scent oil to treat it." Betty supplied.
"Very quant reason, that drink will be ten Futans, it's nearly to curfew so you better finish and leave before then."
'No pound anymore, now minted with the value on one side and FR on the other as the new currency.'
"Jah ma'am habinsky vermhoeven kibbensme comfurdle, stupf." Betty took a long swig and hopped from the stool.
Digging in her rack for her coin purse, placed the amount on the bar and curtsied the tender before wobbling off.
If this was to work her targets should be in here about now, surveying booths and dance floor didn't see them.
Just as the clock rung quarter to seven, just as she despaired of her quest from the door stepped in seven futastein's.
Medikorps insignia and berets, slender build framed by brutish shoulders and legs, wide bulges in the trousers.
Two looked older, even a few gray streaks in their brown and black manes, the rest bob blond or hazel locks.
Quite the flock to maul and she had until six to do it how droll, a short lavatory detour and Betty would be ready.
Entering the ladies loo noticed the wall of plaster casted cocks on the walls.
Looking around the stall on the ends door was closed, two shadows of shoes peeked from under as she closed in.
Walked to and briskly tapped on it. "Taken mutterficker, use another." A forced accent voice responded.
"I just want you to know I know your secret, so open it or I let it be known to all, choose now." She gambled.
A few tense seconds with inaudible self musings and a resigned exhale followed by a click the door swung out.
Betty rushed in and closed the door before the lass could stand or pull up her panties, flustered and vulnerable.
"What's your name barista." Betty spoke running a gloved hand down the quaking lady from temple to chin.
What's that matter to you, plan to blackmail me with exposure or turning me over to those filthy beasts?"
"Surely they drink, just slip the seven medics it and watch them drink it, curfew is near so make it snappy."
Pulling a paper packet of small size from her bra and waved it over the woman's head while gesturing a faux de pas.
"I'm not Shirley, I am Veronique, formerly of Frankia, four familial relations suffered for aiding my flight."
"That tattoo upon your wrist, a lass lovin member of the league of lesbians." Betty recited from ballot memory.
"Legion Of Lesbos, I am, my mother and grand mother were, its outlawed." Veronique replied with grim curtness.
"A land of ladies only in cycle with nature, no pricks no problems." She continued before Betty could speak.
'You fled because you despise dick and your family took the heat, sounds like you and I are in similar situations.'
"I have no where else to go, this place was my friends who got resettled and I ran it until the futa's took over."
"You should fight back, if you truly want a future or freedom in a new age you have to help forge it." Betty replied.
"How, they are stronger and faster and smarter, the city's in lockdown with patrols and turncoats all over---"
"Just shush up and kiss me." Betty bent down puckered up and smooched Veronique's full pouty lips with gusto aplenty, audible muwahs and coos with a hand at her cheek and other by feel disturbed her bodice claspes.
She fought the kiss at first with feeble shoves and neck jerks, unsure if this was what she desired at the moment.
Before letting it happen and kissed back still seated on the marble throne with her skirt and panties at her waist.
Betty held her hands in Veronique's while squatting as she moved from mouth to neck to breasts and then belly.
Humming as she did lightly nipping while a hand grabbed the flush chain and the other her rosebush twat.
"Veronique, have your oral obligations been met, allow me to fulfil them with my fingers and tongue." Betty quipped.
With a tacit shiver and nod V spread her legs and leaned back, B slipped her pointer and thumb inward probing the crevice with the touch of a velvet drill etching out the width as she sunk more digits increased pace moaning softly through pursed lips with hurried breath, delved deeper with nearly her whole fist tickling and pinching, Veronique turned her affections to playing with her breasts to her hearts desire as she stifled an urge to get it over and done then drowned it in neurotic seas of lustful bliss.
Betty withdrew her fingers and craned her neck began lapping and exploring with the tentative tip at first then sunk into the gaping of her gap with a muffled slurp and mutter of "delicious." Wholly suckled her clit clam for the pearl.
Veronique braced a foot against the door and draped the other over her questing companions shoulder, head tossed mouth agape with her cave being splunked could hardly suppress her breathy gasp of utter fulfilment.
A fresh breath of air wasn't forthcoming to Betty's mouth so inhaled through her schnozz as warm clear spray hit her tongue with tingling sweetly bitter salty mixture. Arose from fruitful forage in the bush licked her lips lurringly.
"Ok V, do your part for Lesbos, leave the rest to me and make haste out of Lunduin." Betty gave up the pill packet.
V steadied her legs, stood pressed her barmaid skirt and apron into place nodded, took it, washed up and left.
Quickly wiping her face reapplied her lipstick and powder then exited the stall to choose her weapon.
On the wall hung plaster cast futa cocks, next to it's length and owners name, Betty took a veiny girthy mold.
Good and snug in her ass under the dress, the clock hit seven with a grin as she sauntered out the door.
The bar was loaded with trikers and at a booth the squad of Medikorpers, ordering drinks from Veronique.
Could've been but with the street lamps turning on and a slow trickle of males wearily shuffling into the bar,
At seven nineteen the first of the flock swaggered out the bar whistling as unmanned males knelt as it passed by, from the outline Betty swiftly pulled out the futa cast girded with her garter straps over her own knob, a wicked thrill shivered up her spine stepping in time with her prey.
Just shy of an unlit alley saw the futastein slow and then stop with a sway before it undid the belt and zipper unsheathed its monster and began to urinate against a shope door it was then Betty struck.
A brush previously used for pasting posters was procured and used to smear paste over the futastein's face.
It's eyes and mouth were shut and steered mostly by prods into the alley and pushed over a crate.
Hiking up her dress Betty pulled off the futas unbuckled belt wrapped it around the futa's wrists while the trousers fell to its ankles, scooted the thong aside and placed the cast cockhead against the rectum then said.
"No lubricant, no foreplay, I'm going in dry so brace for a long hard rogering, as the first of many to learn this night."
Islena vaguely shook her head in reply and tried to talk, of course that was unable to happen so Betty began.
Each thrust produced a muffled groan and buck from the
Islena with dildo, reamed
Angrid with cum bucket, pranked
Prinza with flagpole, hoisted
Jofinne with fountain, bathed
Helga with statue, posed
Merthe with pillory. spanked
A front the scaffold in old Trafalgar square crowds of submissive city folk were herded onto the green as Betty stood manacled and slightly chilled in the crisp dawn air, a hemp rope hung in front of her gaze between two VERY pissed futastein guards, a long pause as the silent air
Jack stood nude and completely exposed
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girlactionfigure · 9 months
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The IDF this morning released the names of 8 more soldiers who fell in combat in the Gaza Strip:
🇮🇱 Master Sergeant (res.) Nadav Issachar Farhi, 30
🇮🇱 Master Sergeant (res.) Eliyahu Meir Ohana, 28
🇮🇱 Sergeant first class (res.) Elyassaf Shoshan, 23
🇮🇱 Sergeant first class (res.) Ohad Ashur, 23
🇮🇱 Staff sergeant David Bogdanovskyi, 19
🇮🇱 Staff sergeant Orel Bashan, 20
🇮🇱 Staff sergeant Itamar Shemen, 21
🇮🇱 Staff sergeant Gal Hershko, 20
May their memories be a blessing.
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den123 · 2 years
Yin and yang
Yin and Yang
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deadlinecom · 8 months
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