#sherlolly secret santa 2019
Surprise! Mod Gifts From The 2019 Round Coming Up!
So I finally managed to dig deep into my Tumblr inbox and I found five or six prompts from the 2019 round that were supposed to be mod gifts. The actual asks are on my main account, but I’ll post the stories here and use the asks to alert the particiapnts that their (very late) gift is up.
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simplyshelbs16xoxo · 5 years
‘What I Want (For Christmas)’ Chapters 1 + 2
Surprise @yourdistinguishedglitterstudent I am your secret santa! I hope you enjoy this two-part fic I wrote for you! @sherlollysecretsanta​
FFN | Ao3 | Buy Me a Coffee?
Chapter 1: Pining
                Molly sighed deeply. It was almost December. Sherlock hadn’t even been back for a month, and yet, he was already plaguing her thoughts. She bit her bottom lip as her fingers twisted the engagement ring this way and that as if it would make her feel differently if it hit the light just right. It wasn’t long before she had given up the fight. She knew her heart would always belong to Sherlock Holmes—not the famous detective who hid behind the façade of a high functioning sociopath, but the real, flesh and blood man who shared his heart with her.
                Speaking of, the detective swept through the doors to the morgue just as Molly switched the radio on. The chorus of Mariah Carey’s ‘All I Want for Christmas is You’ echoed throughout the room, leaving Molly no choice but to laugh at the coincidence. Though she hadn’t notice, Sherlock was watching her with an amused look.
                “Something funny?” he asked, unable to keep his lopsided smile off his face.
                Molly wasn’t sure how to answer without giving herself away. “Inside joke…”
                He raised his eyebrows in disbelief.
                “…with myself,” she clarified. Wanting to change the subject, she turned the questioning on him. “How are you adjusting? Being back in London and all.”
                A surge of affection for his pathologist welled up inside him. “Well, it hasn’t been easy,” Sherlock confessed. “Change is annoyingly difficult.” Including your engagement, he thought. Had he not been an honorable man when it came to loyalty, Sherlock wouldn’t have held himself back from snogging her in the stairwell. So, why did he find himself inching closer toward her?
                She nodded, empathetic to his struggle. “Look, if you never need an escape from it all, I have a guest room you can use.” What was she saying??? And, goodness, he was getting awfully close to her. It began to feel warm in the lab…or maybe it was just her face turning every shade of red.
                A wistful look reached his eyes, not unlike the one that appeared before the cheek kiss that nearly landed on her lips. Sherlock was taken by surprise when Molly had him wrapped up in a warm embrace. Much to both their surprise, he reciprocated, wrapping his arms around her petite frame. “Thank you, Molly.” His voice was soft as velvet.
                For the first time since his return, Molly allowed herself this one moment of honesty, coming out in a whisper. “I missed you.”
                Thomas Barnes may not have been the smartest guy in the world—especially not when Sherlock Holmes was around—but he knew there was something between Molly and the detective. Anyone with eyes could see that. They had been friends for years before he came into the picture, and anybody would be relieved to see that their friend was alive and safe after all. Whatever those two had ran deeper than that, though neither of them seemed to realise it.
                As he saw his fiancée hugging the detective, Tom didn’t feel jealous or scorned. He felt sorry for them. He knew that Molly loved him, but she wasn’t in love with him. No. She was in love with Sherlock Holmes, and possibly completely oblivious to the fact. Tom did love her, but he knew Molly closed parts of herself off to him.
                He moved quickly out from behind the glass, going down towards the morgue. Once Tom rounded the corner, he nearly collided with Sherlock Holmes who appeared to be momentarily surprised at his appearance.
                “Mister Holmes,” Tom laughed lightly. “I’m sorry, I didn’t realise you were coming this way.”
                The detective was noticeably uncomfortable. “Quite alright…Tom?” He cleared his throat. “Well, I must be going. I was just checking on an experiment Molly was helping with.”
Sherlock stalked off down the hall, but stopped short before going out the doors. “And one more thing...”—he turned to face Tom—“…Don’t let her down. She deserves every happiness.”  
                Tom found it interesting that Sherlock had felt the need to assure him nothing inappropriate had been happening. And nothing was. A hug between friends, though it probably meant more than it appeared on the surface, was nothing to get suspicious about. There was a look in the detective’s eyes that he couldn’t quite place, but he knew the man must be heartbroken. And then Tom made up his mind. He’d need to keep up appearances until the last possible moment if it was going to work. He was going to help bring them together.
                The guilt was eating her alive. She loved Tom, but her heart would always belong to Sherlock. She was irrevocably in love with Sherlock, but his timing sucked. Molly noticed the way he danced around the truth in the stairwell. It damn near killed her to watch him walk away. But it was the right thing…wasn’t it? Here were two men who loved her and she was tearing them both apart. With Tom, she knew she was holding back. Deep in her subconscious, she felt like she’d be betraying Sherlock if she opened herself up completely to Tom. At the same time, it wasn’t fair to her fiancé; she knew that.
                “Hi, Molly,” Tom smiled, breaking her out of her reverie. “I saw Sherlock…”
                Molly froze.
                “…Is everything alright?”
                She laughed out of relief. “It’s alright. He’s just struggling with everything that’s changed since he’s been…well, gone.”
                “Remember when you told me you had always wanted to throw a Christmas party at your flat?” Tom asked.
                Molly nodded. “Yeah, but we never got around to talking ‘bout it. I thought we were going to your parents’ for Christmas?”
                Tom considered this. “We’ll just have the party the weekend before!”
                A smile began to bloom across Molly’s face. “So…we’re actually doing this? I’ve got to invite John and Mary, and Greg! Anderson would like to come as well, and oh! Mrs. Hudson!”
                Tom noted the one exclusion. “Yes, and Sherlock as well!”
                Her face fell. “He’s not much interested in Christmas parties; trust me, I know from experience.”
                It made him curious. What happened at that Christmas party from Sherlock and Molly’s past? Tom figured the best way to get Molly on board was to present things differently. “Well, we should at least invite him to let him know he’s always welcome.”
                Molly bit her lip anxiously as she thought on it. “You’re right; it would be the kind thing to do.” Her smile returned. “I need to start planning! I’ll see you later!”
She ran off to her office, making the necessary phone calls. Tom was satisfied with how well things appeared to be going. Hopefully, it would all work out.
Chapter 2: What He Wants
Molly looked around the room knowing she had outdone herself. It looked as if her sitting room was transformed into what it felt like to be inside a Christmas tree. Garland and fairy lights adorned every possible surface, giving off a romantic glow. The tree in the corner had gifts aplenty beneath it, the branches decorated with tinsel and shiny baubles. Everyone had RSVP’d—well, everyone except for Sherlock, but she tried not to let that upset her.
When Tom walked through the door, Molly jumped feeling as if she had been caught doing something she wasn’t supposed to do. God, this was torture. She swore her heart was trying to kill her, ironically enough. He carried a bag of decorations in his gloved hand.
“Though we could use a few more finishing touches,” he explained. “Like…” Tom pulled out, much to Molly’s horror, “…mistletoe!”
“Um, don’t you think that’s a little much?” she asked, now biting her lip. Nausea overcame her. She hadn’t a clue why it bothered her; it wasn’t as if Sherlock was actually going to show. It would be fine.
“Nonsense, Molls!” Tom exclaimed. “Mistletoe adds a bit of romance…sometimes unexpectedly.”
Molly watched as he hung it in the archway leading to the kitchen. The counter was filled with all sorts of goods that she had spent the last two days baking. The mistletoe had reminded her that she and Tom hadn’t kissed in, well, weeks. Not properly, anyways. There were cheek kisses and the occasional top of the head kiss, but he hadn’t dared touch her lips. Yet the only part of the situation that brought on clarity was the fact she hadn’t even noticed until now. And wasn’t he the one that was so insistent on inviting Sherlock?
“Tom, what exactly are you doing?” she asked.
He looked at her as if he had no idea what she was talking about. “I don’t know what you mean.”
She sighed, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear. “You haven’t really kissed me since—“ That’s when it hit her. “Since you probably saw me hugging Sherlock in the morgue. Tom, nothing is going on between me and Sherlock.”
He laughed. He was laughing at her. “Molly, I know you didn’t do anything.”
She was utterly confused. “Then what exactly are you getting at??”
Tom dropped the other decorations onto the sofa, walking towards her. “I was hoping I’d be able to keep this secret longer, but Molly, I can’t allow you to marry me.” He slipped the ring from her finger.
The relief in her eyes was apparent, though her eyebrows knit together in bafflement. “I don’t—Tom, what’s going on?”
But Molly never found out what he was up to, as John and Mary arrived, walking through the door. This was going to be a long evening.
Sherlock Holmes stared himself down in the mirror. He was dressed impeccably in his usual attire, his aubergine shirt peeking out from underneath his suit jacket. He knew it was Molly’s favourite colour on him. What was he doing? She was engaged and safe in the hands of that man. All that mattered is that she remains safe and happy. She was happy…wasn’t she?
It would be rude to not stop by. In fact, both she and Tom had invited him. His mind was made up. He would make an appearance, but he would not be staying longer than an hour. That was all he knew he could manage.
He slipped on his scarf and coat, glancing back at himself one more time in the mirror. “Once more unto the breach.”
Taking a deep breath, Sherlock knocked upon the door. What he saw took his breath away. Molly stood there in ruby red flats and an emerald green chiffon midi dress with a ruffled skirt and a bow tied in the front just a couple inches below her breasts. Her dark hair had been left down in tantalizing waves. She was gorgeous. A sharp pain ached in his chest.
Molly looked alarmed. “Sherlock,” she smiled with a radiance as bright as the midday sun. “ Come in! I didn’t think you’d show.” If Tom was trying to push her towards Sherlock, she certainly wasn’t going to fight against it. She was exhausted from fighting her heart. For once, she would allow herself to give in.
“I thought I’d stop by,” he smiled back. “Oh, um…” Sherlock searched the inside pocket of his coat, retrieving a small, neatly wrapped package. “This…is for you.”
Whatever she had been expecting, it wasn’t that. Sherlock never gave gifts to anybody. Everyone had been acting so strange lately. In fact, it felt as if everyone’s eyes were on her. Molly checked behind her shoulder to make sure it wasn’t the case. John and Greg were talking with Anderson, and Mrs. Hudson and Mary stood by Tom who was looking toward her every so often. Okay, so she was just paranoid. Great.
“Thank you,” she told him, “but you really didn’t have to get me anything.” Why was this so difficult? She could hardly form a sentence around him. And God help her, he was looking at her as if she were the most precious thing in his world.
“I wanted to,” he assured her. She made no move to take the gift, so he kept it in his coat pocket for safekeeping. Sherlock couldn’t help but notice the deep red colour staining her lips. And then he tried to imagine how they would fit against his own; how he would kiss her if he had the chance. And, wow, it was getting toasty in here. For once, he was thankful for the interruption that occurred.
“Sherlock,” Tom smiled, extending his hand toward him. “Glad you could make it!”
“Ah, well, yes,” Sherlock replied, “I couldn’t let Molly down.”
“Well, come on, have a drink!” Tom exclaimed.
“I better not, I—“
“He doesn’t usually drink alcohol—it messes with his thought process,” Molly explained. “But perhaps a dessert?”
Tom perked up. “Yes, of course, there are plenty of desserts! Molly baked them herself.” What was that one that Sherlock liked again?? “Uh, she made ginger nuts—she says they’re your favourite!”
Sherlock couldn’t keep the smile off his face when he looked over at Molly. She apparently talked about him a lot. “I suppose a few would be alright.”
“Great!” exclaimed Tom. “It’s just through the kitchen.” He said this, noting the mistletoe he had hung there not long ago. He hoped that this would work.
Heading toward the kitchen with Molly, Sherlock said hello to everyone. He was much more cordial this time around compared to the last Christmas party. That one had gone disastrously. The scent of the baked goods grew stronger the closer they were, and then Mary piped up before they had a chance to enter the kitchen.
“Look who’s under the mistletoe,” she teased. And sure enough, as they both looked up, mistletoe was indeed in their presence.
Sherlock felt a rising panic. “Mary, you know full well she’s engaged. That would be inappropriate.”
“Oh, go on, Sherlock,” Tom encouraged him.
WAIT. Tom was telling him to kiss his fiancée? What was in those drinks? Sherlock was utterly confused. And poor Molly was so red, she could have been a decoration on a Christmas tree.
Molly pinched the bridge of her nose, now fully aware of what Tom was trying to tell her before John and Mary interrupted them. He was trying to set them up. He knew how she felt about Sherlock.
Sherlock turned his attention to Molly, noticing it was her left hand pinching her nose. He also couldn’t help but notice there was no longer a ring adorning her finger. Throwing caution to the wind, he pulled her in close, taking her by surprise. He cradled her face gently with one hand whilst he held onto her waist with the other. He leaned closer, softly brushing his lips across hers.
She was melting into him…in front of everyone. At this point, Molly didn’t care. Tom wanted to break things off just to play matchmaker? Match made. She nudged his nose with hers, encouraging him, and finally his lips were pressed firmly against hers, his tongue tracing the seam of her mouth. Sherlock wanted to taste more of her, but he had to get a grip on himself with others around them still. Breaking their unexpectedly passionate kiss, he leaned his forehead against hers.
“It’s about bloody time!” shouted Greg whilst the others cheered.
“I knew it,” Anderson repeated. “I told you, but did anyone listen? Noooo.”
“You’re no longer engaged.” It was all Sherlock could think to say at the moment.
Molly smiled. “It appears I’m not.”
“Would you like to be engaged again?” he asked, a knowing smile on his face.
“Oh my God,” Mary half-whispered, sharing her joy with Anderson.
“What?” Molly was dumbfounded. “Sherlock, I—“ His eyes never left hers, gazing at her adoringly. Regardless of how fast this appeared to be moving, she knew there was never going to be anyone else but the man standing in front of her. “It was always you.”
He pressed a kiss to her cheek, and whispered in her ear. “Open your gift, then.” Sherlock pulled it from within his coat pocket and this time, Molly took it. Beneath the wrapping, there was a small wooden box with a painted anatomical heart on the lid. Opening the box, she revealed a lovely diamond set in a rose gold band. On either side beneath the jewel, two miniature skulls resided. A few smaller diamonds cascaded down the side of the ring beneath each skull.
Molly lifted her head, looking up into his eyes. “Would you?” she requested. He complied without hesitation.
As he slid the ring on her left hand, he spoke softly. “Even in death, we will never part.”
The others cheered once more, happy for their friends. Tom was alarmed by the morbid Christmas it turned out to be, but then again, he supposed you couldn’t avoid it when Sherlock and Molly were in the room. He had to admit, they understood each other in ways nobody else did. And that was okay. They were clearly made for one another.
Molly realised there was one thing that made absolutely no sense to her. “Sherlock?”
“Hmm?” he replied as he kissed her once more.
“Don’t you think it was a bit risky gifting me a ring for Christmas? I mean, to your knowledge I was still engaged to Tom,” she questioned.
This made him chuckle. “I thought I’d present another option to you; it’s only fair if you know all of your choices.”
“Is that so?” she was calling him out on his fib. “That doesn’t seem like you. You’re usually prepared no matter the situation.”
Sherlock sighed in defeat. “Okay, fine, there were two gifts. I only brought the ring in case I had another chance. After all, I did muck it up last time I tried.”
               “Last time? When was this? I think I’d remember you proposing,” she pointed out.
               “I was going to in the stairwell that day, but then I noticed your ring before the words could come out,” he admitted.
Molly shook her head in amusement. “You’re an idiot,” she laughed, “but you’re my idiot.” And she couldn’t wait to spend the rest of her life with him. A thought occurred to her then. “Sherlock?”
“What do you want for Christmas? I’m afraid I had nothing prepared for you this year.” Molly worried at her lip.
“What I want for Christmas, Molly, is you,” he smiled. “Only you.”
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A misletoe adventure
Merry Christmas @kai517-teenwriter, your Sherlolly Secret Santa is here. I had started working on this almost two years ago - surprisingly long after Christmas - and when I was thinking about what to write for you I remembered this story. I hope that you had an amazing day and that the rest of your holidays will be as incredible as your Christmas. And of course, that you’ll like this little story as well. 
Thank you @sherlollysecretsanta for organizing this amazing event once again! And for your help with beta reading this story and all the amazing corrections you made. Love ya! ♥
This wasn't working. Why it wasn't working? He had planned everything down to the tiniest insignificant detail but his very carefully crafted plan had failed miserably. Or maybe he was the one that had failed miserably. Almost his entire flat was full of mistletoes in the most perfect strategically places with only one goal in his mind: to get Molly Hooper underneath one of them and finally kiss her.
He had even -barely- tolerate John's laughter when he called him in Baker Street that morning to ask for his help to put all the mistletoes in place. Sherlock was sure his friend was laughing now, too, watching him seething in frustration with his failures. Because so far, everyone had kissed everyone except he hadn't succeeded to kiss Molly yet. John had kissed her first and then Lestrade and then Mary and even Mycroft! How was possible that his own brother managed to get a kiss from Molly and he hadn't? The saying that was going something like ''when you desire something very much the whole universe will conspire to make it happen'' was bullshit. He never believed it, to be honest; that's why he had filled his flat with mistletoes. But obviously, the universe was conspiring against him.
That's how he had now ended up on his couch, with his arms crossed across his chest, pouting like a child and glaring at the other side of the room where Molly was chatting with Mycroft and Lestrade. Mary was sitting beside him with Rosie dosing off in her arms while John was helping Mrs. Hudson in the kitchen, laughter coming from almost every corner of the flat.
Except for Sherlock, of course.
‘‘Oh, you’re insufferable,’‘ said Mary after he let out another annoyed scoff. ‘‘Just go there and kiss her and stop acting like an overgrown baby!’‘
‘‘No.’‘ He pouted harder.
‘’Unbelievable,’‘ she sighed. ‘‘Fine. Do as you want. But just so you know, Molly knows.’‘
‘‘Molly knows what?’‘ he asked.
‘‘Why almost every inch of this flat is covered with misletoes. Seriously, Sherlock, you aren’t subtle.’‘
‘‘She knows no such thing,’‘ Sherlock said, looking affronted. ‘‘Mrs. Hudson could easily have done so, just to irritate me.’‘
‘‘True, she could. But she didn’t. And everyone in this room knows that she didn’t. Including Molly,’‘ Mary said with her usual teasing gleam in her eyes.
‘‘You don’t know what are you talking about,’‘ said Sherlock, getting up from the sofa only to storm off to his bedroom.
He had no doubt that Molly knew nothing about his feelings; that was why he had flooded the place with misletoes. How could she possibly know the reasons behind them hanging everywhere when Sherlock, with his previous callous behavior towards her, had made her certain that he wasn’t interested in her romantically?
He fell to his mattress face first, groaning into the pillows with his stupidity. John was right, that he was rather stupid for a genius sometimes. Not that he would ever say that to his face. His smugness would be unbearable. 
Sherlock knew that he had to fix this.
Mary’s words of just going out there and kissing Molly came back to him. Maybe she had a point, after all; he could admit that much easier. Maybe all he should do was actually act on his plan instead of just practically following Molly around his flat hoping to get her underneath a mistletoe, only to have everyone else in the room doing it so.
With his mind all made up, he got up from his bed and practically ran to the door, only to collide with someone when he opened it. He blinked several times when he saw Molly there.
‘‘Molly...’’ He tried to speak but words abandoned his mouth and mind when Molly lifted herself on her toes, her hands winding up in his hair as she pulled him down in a soft sweet kiss.
It didn’t last long due to the sounds of their friends cheering and catcalling from somewhere behind Molly. Sherlock stopped the kiss and glared to their friends' general direction. It was effective enough for all the whistling to stop and they practically ran away, pretending they didn’t see anything. That failed spectacularly, as Sherlock could hear comments of how ‘’it was about bloody time’’ from Lestrade or ‘’finally’’ from Mrs. Hudson and his brother or ‘’you owe me 30 pounds’’ from Mary to John. 
He rolled his eyes and then looked down at Molly again, who looked like she was trying to contain her laughter. He tried but couldn’t bite back his own smile.
‘‘Molly?’‘ he said. ‘‘What was that about?’‘
‘‘Well, I think that I left you to your own devices and suffering for too long, and I decided to take matters into my own hands,’‘ answered Molly, as she pointed somewhere above his head.
Sherlock looked up and saw another mistletoe hanging above his bedroom door and chuckled. ‘‘So am I really that obvious huh?’‘
‘‘Yes,’‘ said Molly emphatically. ‘‘Extremely obvious.’‘
Sherlock laughed. ‘’So now what?’’ he asked, suddenly feeling nervous all over again.
‘‘Now we’re going to enjoy our Christmas dinner. After all, your parents will be here soon and then, if you behave...’‘ Molly trailed off and bit her lip suggestively.
‘‘If I behave, what?’‘ he prompted, swallowing even though his throat was suddenly completely dry.
‘‘If you behave, then we might do something more than just kissing underneath the mistletoe when everyone has gone home,’‘ she finished, and with a last smile towards him, she turned around, motioning suggestively to him as she returned to the living room.
Sherlock had no idea how long he stood outside his bedroom door blinking hard. He pulled himself together when he finally heard his parents' voices coming from the stairs, just about to enter the flat. He took a deep breath, ruffled his hair and moved quickly to welcome his parents, determined to be the epitome of a good son tonight.
All in all, decorating almost the entire flat with mistletoes? It was the best idea he ever had.
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theemptyquarto · 5 years
Hi, @juldooz, this is your 2019 Sherlolly Secret Santa, as you already knew because my dumb ass didn’t remember to push the anon button that one time!
You said you like Historical AUs so here is your gift, a TAB-verse tale.  It’s called “Elementary, my fair lady,” and is available on AO3 and fanfiction.net 
Hope you like it!
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Ho Ho Ho! Merry Christmas, Shelby! I finally finished your present. It is inspired by all of your spooky Sherlolly Fics. I hope you like it. :) <3 
Lots of love, 
Your Sherlolly Secret Santa, Kathi! 
Song: “You Haunt Me” by Lisa Hannigan 
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basketcase1880 · 5 years
Thanks to @sherlollysecretsanta for organising the Secret Santa this year.
This is my gift for @4gap3, it’s called
Secret Santa Can Change A Life. 
Hopefully, it fulfils your wish. (It’s also over on Ao3). Also, this is my first Sherlolly work.
Summary: Sherlock and John are flatmates; however, their landlady doesn’t believe this, despite the fact that John has a girlfriend when he moves in with Sherlock. John’s girlfriend has a new flatmate too, who just happens to be a specialist registrar in the morgue at St Bart’s. John and Mary think that their flatmates would be perfect for each other, so start planning to set them up, not knowing that the pair have a history with each other.
“Would you be needing both bedrooms?” Mrs Hudson asked as John and Sherlock looked around the open plan layout of the kitchen/diner/living room of their new flat. “Mrs Turner next door has married ones…”
 “Of course, we’ll be needing both rooms,” John said, rather shocked at the insinuation of their new landlady. “I don’t think Mary would take too kindly to sharing with Sherlock if she were to stay over.”
 “Oh, you’ve got a girlfriend?” Mrs Hudson asked, shock evident in her voice.
 “Mrs Hudson,” Sherlock reassured the older lady in a monotonous tone. “Not everyone is as fluid as I am in who occupies my bed.”
 “Oh, very well, Sherlock,” Mrs Hudson scoffed as she pulled the tall young man into a brief hug, which, surprisingly, he returned. “It’s good to have you back. When your mum told me you were coming back to London I made sure the flat was ready for you. I don’t like you staying with your older brother.”
 “I believe the sentiment is reciprocated,” Sherlock replied before turning to face John, who was shocked at the camaraderie between the two figures in front of him. “I used to rent this flat when I was at college and Mrs Hudson and my mum are old friends.”
 “Less of the old,” Mrs Hudson laughed before beginning to leave the 221B. “And just remember, I’m your landlady, not your housekeeper. So, keep the place tidy yourself.”
 Sherlock just nodded as he made his way to the bedroom on the main floor, while Mrs Hudson left to head back down to 221A. John just gaped after Sherlock and followed behind him. He needed to ask where the other bedroom was.
 “I thought you didn’t want to share,” Sherlock commented as he lay on his bed with his fingers steepled under his chin and gazed up at the ceiling.
 “I, uh, don’t,” John stammered. “I was just wondering where the other bedroom was?”
 “You need to go back into the stairwell and climb,” Sherlock explained. “Your bedroom is on the next floor. It has a small ensuite so, you don’t need to wander down here in the middle of the night. Also, I work better at night. I don’t want you disturbing my thought process.”
 John just nodded his head and left Sherlock’s room, heading up to his new room. He had invited Mary over later for a take-away, so he wanted to make sure his room was set up to watch a film too.
 When Mary came around that night, she was excited to tell John that she had managed to find her own roommate. Molly was a sweet girl who worked in the morgue at St Bart’s.
 “She’s a specialist registrar,” Mary explained. “You wouldn’t think it to look at her, though, she looks like a schoolteacher or something.”
 “St Bart’s, you say?” John asked. “Sherlock goes there to run some of his experiments and collect materials. Maybe they know each other.”
 “We can try and gauge if they know each other,” Mary suggested. “Maybe we can try and set them up together?”
 “Mary, you’ve known Sherlock a while,” John dismissed, shaking his head. “Why would you willingly submit anyone to spending time with him, let alone set them up on a date?”
 “Because underneath that greatcoat and cockiness has to lie a soft heart,” Mary smiled. “I mean you have seen him with his parents, haven’t you?”
 “Alright, alright,” John relented. “But don’t come running to me when it all fails.”
 “I’ll try and hold back on my ‘told you so’ dance,” Mary retorted with a smug grin. “You know, when Sherlock and Molly are getting married.”
 John just rolled his eyes before playing the movie on his laptop. He had a bad feeling about Mary’s plan, he couldn’t pin down the exact reason, but he knew there was going to be something to come out of this plan. If only he knew if it was actually a lot more complicated than they initially thought it would be.
  "I need to go to St Bart's," Sherlock said suddenly, a few months after they moved in and John had been inducted to Mary's matchmaking plot. "They're letting me use their equipment to run some tests."
  "Do you work out of St Bart's a lot?" John asked, seeing the perfect opportunity to ask about Molly.
  "Relatively so," Sherlock replied. "It's the only hospital my brother could get me clearance to work with."
  "Mary's roommate works at St Bart's," John explained. "She's a specialist registrar in the morgue."
  " Young Molly, " Sherlock said with a small smile John was sure he had imagined. "I've seen her about; she seems like quite a smart young woman."
  "She must be," John agreed. "Mary said Molly knew in high school she wanted to work in the morgue. I remember from my time at medical school that hardly anyone wanted to work there."
  "Not everyone is as squeamish as you, John," Sherlock said in lieu of a farewell as he grabbed his coat and disappeared down the stairs.
 "He's noticed her," John said to Mary as she came into his room. "He's over at St Bart's working on one of his experiments, so I said your roommate works there. He apparently also knows exactly who she is as I didn't have to say her name."
  "That's brilliant," Mary smiled as she kissed John's cheek. "Did he say anything else about Molly?"
  "Said she seems like a smart young woman," John supplied. "Has Molly said anything about Sherlock?"
  "Not particularly," Mary answered. "But she has appeared rather flustered when I've mentioned him, and she goes quiet when I invite her to come over for our weekly dinner with Mrs Hudson."
  "So, do we move on to stage two of the plan?" John asked. "Because I think Sherlock might be sweet on Molly. I can't be sure of it, but I think Sherlock smiled when he said her name earlier, it was so fleeting, but I think there was definitely a smile."
  "Next week is Christmas and Molly isn't going home," Mary said with a smile. " I'm going to bring Molly along to dinner. I've already discussed it with Mrs Hudson, and she suggested we organise a Secret Santa and rig it so that Molly and Sherlock get each other."
  "Then you get me?" John inquired "And I get you? Sherlock would see right through that."
  "Not exactly, " Mary said, rolling her eyes. John could be so dumb at times. "You're forgetting Mrs Hudson. I thought you could get me; I get Mrs Hudson and Mrs Hudson could get you."
  "Still seems like Sherlock will see through it, but I'm in," John said rather doubtful. "What's your plan for allocating our recipients?"
  "I got Annie at work to put the recipients' names into envelopes," Mary began. "And the envelopes all have our names on them. The configuration of Santa and recipient is as we discussed, and I've given Mrs Hudson her envelope. Here is yours, and Sherlock's, you can inform him of the impromptu Christmas plans and give him his Secret Santa allocation. You may also have to explain the whole premise to him."
  "Thanks for that," John said rather flat, he knew explaining something like this to Sherlock would be a feat on its own. Never mind ensuring he bought the gift in the first place. "Want to go for a drink before I tackle Sherlock when he gets home?"
  Mary just smiled and began leading the way out the room. She knew John would need some liquid courage before he talked with Sherlock.
 Sherlock loved spending time at St Bart's. Little did anyone know that he actually spent most of his time admiring a certain young woman whom he had known for many years. Molly had been in several of Sherlock's chemistry classes while at university and he had admired her thirst for knowledge, so it was a natural reaction for Sherlock to seek her out to be his lab partner. After they graduated, they had gone their separate ways, however, Sherlock had kept an avid eye on Molly's career from afar. When he found out she had become a doctor at St Bart's, Sherlock had almost begged his brother to get him clearance to work out of their labs for whatever reason Mycroft could devise.
 When Molly discovered her old university friend was working pretty much alongside her, she was overjoyed. But her mother's words of warning from her university days made her wary about restarting the friendship. Molly had confided in her mum one holiday she had developed feelings for her lab partner, but somehow word of Sherlock's notoriety had gotten back to Mrs Hooper, who had told Molly to forget about him and focus on her studies because 'boys' like him will only bring heartache', and so Molly decided to keep her feelings to herself.
 Sherlock had been the one to approach Molly when he started working out of St Bart's, so Molly gladly accepted Sherlock's friendship but told him they had to keep it quiet for the time being but didn't tell him why. Sherlock accepted this as he had made it known that he 'didn't do friendship'.
 So, here they were, two years later and still maintaining their friendship. Even if both of them were keeping to themselves that they held deeper feelings for each other than just plain friendship.
  "...You mean John hasn't clocked we know each other?" Molly asked as they are lunch in her office. "I think Mary knows something though. She keeps trying to get me to come over for your weekly dinner."
  "You should come," Sherlock assured Molly. "It would probably please Mrs Hudson to meet you. But I don't think John has realised yet, he only just mentioned that you are Mary's roommate and that you work here when I said I was working out of St Bart's today."
  "He's really that oblivious?" Molly asked. "I thought Mary was exaggerating when she told me the story of them getting together."
 “Oh yes,” Sherlock smiled. “For a doctor, John is quite dense. Not like someone else I know who is a doctor.”
 Molly blushed at Sherlock’s comment, but before she could say anything in reply, her phone pinged with Mary’s specific tone to let her know she had received a text message from her.
 Since you’re not going home for Christmas fancy spending it with me round at Baker Street? Mrs Hudson suggested I invite you since we’re doing Secret Santa. Mx.
 “Mary’s just invited me to join you all for Christmas,” Molly explained as she put her phone down. “Apparently Mrs Hudson suggested she invite me since you guys are doing Secret Santa.”
 “You should come,” Sherlock smiled. “No one should be alone at Christmas. I would be going to my parents’, but Mycroft has given them a cruise holiday for their Christmas, so I’m staying at Baker Street.”
 “Thank you, Sherlock,” Molly said thankfully. “Now tell me about Mrs Hudson, I might get her for my Secret Santa.”
 “She likes to bake,” Sherlock smiled, remembering the ginger nut biscuits she would leave in a box next to his bed some days. “But I doubt you will get her as your Secret Santa. Going on our earlier discussion about Mary and John and whether they know we know each other; I think they are trying to set us up with each other. So, we will probably be given each other.”
 “Oh?” Molly said, rather shocked at the idea. “And what do you say to that?”
 “I say we see how long it takes them to realise we’re already together,” Sherlock explained, deciding now was as good a time as any to let Molly know of his feelings. “We’ve been tip-toeing around each other for the past eighteen months, Molly, and who knows how much longer we’ve had deeper feelings for each other. So, why don’t we give whatever this is a chance?”
 “University,” Molly replied in a small voice. “I’ve had feelings for you since university, but my mum told me to forget them because ‘boys like you will just bring heartache’ so I decided to just focus on my studies.”
 “Is that why you withdrew?” Sherlock asked, thinking back to those years where Molly was his only friend and Molly nodded. “I thought my behaviours had pushed you away.
 “No, if anything I was more attracted to rebel you,” Molly said with a shy smile. “But word of your antics had gotten back to my mum and she warned me off you, so I withdrew.”
 “I wish I hadn’t gotten in with that crowd,” Sherlock replied sadly. “I got into some pretty heavy stuff, and Mycroft ended up having me committed to try and clean me out. Pretty much destroyed any trust he had for me; we’re still trying to get back to where we were.”
 “But he got you the permission to work from here,” Molly said with some confusion. “So, there must be some trust there?”
 “Mutual appreciation,” Sherlock explained. “If I have a lab I can work from, independent of any government or law enforcement agency I can work for him when he needs me to.”
 “Well, I’m grateful for that,” Molly smiled. “I got to reconnect with one of my best friends, and maybe explore something deeper…”
 “I second that, Molly Hooper,” Sherlock smiled in return before leaning over to press a chaste kiss to Molly’s cheek. “Now, I suggest we get back to work before we have to face our respective flatmates and face the music that we have been allocated each other for this Secret Santa. Have your interests changed much since you were in university?”
 “Nope, still the exact same kooky girl you knew back then, only slightly older,” Molly assured Sherlock over her shoulder as she exited her office. “And I’ll think of something aptly appropriate for you, don’t worry.”
 “I could never worry about anything you give me,” Sherlock muttered to himself as he and Molly went their separate ways. He fully intended on texting her later to discuss how their evenings went.
 When Sherlock arrived home, John was in the living room typing away on his laptop. Sherlock could see the intense concentration on the doctor’s face, so he couldn’t resist the opportunity to mock him.
 “Some mystery illness puzzling you there, John?” Sherlock asked.
 “No, I’ve got Mary as my Secret Santa,” John explained. “I’m trying to find her the perfect present. Oh, that reminds me, you’ve got someone for Secret Santa, too. Mary’s invited her roommate to spend Christmas with us next week since she’s not going home for the holidays, so, I don’t know what one of the five of us you’ll have.”
 “Obviously I won’t be given myself,” Sherlock said as he walked over to the envelope John was indicating to. “And you have Mary, so I will either have you, Mrs Hudson, or Mary’s roommate…”
“Molly,” John injected. “She has a name, she’s not called ‘Mary’s roommate’. God forbid you get her as your recipient. Do you even know how Secret Santa works?”
 “Thank you, John,” Sherlock said, rather disturbed with his roommate’s current attitude to him. “And yes, I do know how Secret Santa works, John, I’m not an idiot,”
 Sherlock sulked off to his room, John’s dismissal of him and his intellect really irked him at times. So, he was glad to have reunited with Molly. When she confirmed she was still the same girl he knew back in university, he knew exactly what to get Molly. She had been a right history buff, despite the fact that she was a science nerd, and she loved musicals. There was many a night Sherlock would play some of her favourite musical songs on the violin because they were too poor to afford to go and see the shows themselves. Of course, Sherlock had insisted that he could afford to pay for them to go, but Molly had told him no. They should live their lives like real students, unable to afford the finer things in life unless they saved like crazy. So, Sherlock reluctantly agreed, but made a promise to himself that when they were finished with university, he would treat Molly to a night at the theatre and now he had the chance, he knew exactly what show he would take her to see.
 When Molly arrived home, Mary was desperate for her answer since she never replied to the earlier text.
 “So, what do you say?” Mary asked as soon as Molly sat down on the sofa. “Are you joining us on Christmas Day?”
 “Yes, but be aware, I am on call,” Molly answered. “So, if an urgent case comes in, I will need to leave. Especially since ‘on call’ now includes medical examiner for the Metropolitan Police.”
 “That’s fine,” Mary smiled and pulled out an envelope from behind her back. “This is your Secret Santa allocation. I had Annie at work put someone’s name in each of the named envelopes I gave her, so, you can’t even call foul if you get someone you didn’t want…”
 “It’s fine, Mary,” Molly smiled reassuringly. “You and John have spoke enough about Mrs Hudson and Sherlock. I’m sure I will be able to figure out a gift if I have either of them.”
 “You won’t have Mrs Hudson,” Mary supplied. “I’ve got her, just trying to work out something for her now.”
 “Well, you better be quick,” Molly reminded her friend. “You’ve only got a week to buy her something. Now, if you don’t mind, I’m going to have a bath to wash off the smell of the morgue off before I settle down to sleep. I have tomorrow off, so I can go and shop for whoever is in this envelope.”
 “Lucky you,” Mary called after her friend. “I’m not off until the weekend, so lots of last-minute shopping will be done.”
 “Well, behave yourself,” Molly called back. “I don’t need you going on a murder spree right before Christmas.”
 Molly laughed as she began running her bath and took the opportunity to open her envelope, smiling as she saw Sherlock’s name. It may appear Sherlock was right, but Molly knew exactly what she was going to get him. Molly had always had a fair interest in the arts and was particularly skilled in drawing. There was one night in university when Sherlock had been playing the violin for her, so Molly began to sketch him. Over the next few days, Molly devoted her time to perfecting the drawing and finishing it off with colour. Unfortunately, that was around the time she began to withdraw from him, so, she had been unable to gift it to him. She had kept it safe and secret all these years. Molly had decided on the way home from work that she was brave enough to gift it to him now and she was willing to let their friends know exactly what the story was between them.
 Settling into her bath, Molly smiled when she received a text from Sherlock.
 They’re trying to set us up. -SH
 I know, but it means I have the perfect Secret Santa gift for you 😉. Molls x
 Oh, do tell? -SH
 No chance, Sherlock. Molls x
 But it does mean we would have to tell them our history. Molls x
 Don’t worry, we would have to explain ourselves with my gift to you too. -SH
 That’s good. I have tomorrow off and was planning to go and see It’s A Wonderful Life and White Christmas. The Regent Street Cinema is showing a double feature. Want to join me? Molls x
 I think I will. -SH
 I will text you tomorrow to agree on a time. Sweet dreams Molly Hooper. -SH
 Sweet dreams Sherlock Holmes. Molls x
 Molly enjoyed the rest of her bath with a smile on her face. Not only were she and Sherlock tentatively dating, their friends had no idea they knew each other, let alone were dating, and were trying to set them up with each other. She had the perfect gift for him without having to worry about buying it, and it appeared that they were going on a date tomorrow to see her favourite Christmas film.
 So, the days passed much too quickly for Molly. Yes, she was desperate for her friends to learn about her history (and hopefully future) with Sherlock, but at the same time, she was happy for it to remain just between the two of them.
 They spent most nights texting each other, although when it was safe for ream (read: Mary and John were out of their respective flats) Sherlock would call Molly just to hear her voice. He could feel himself becoming more and more like his younger self who yearned to be near Molly, to hear her voice and see the light shine in her eyes.
 Sherlock actually surprised himself on Christmas Eve when he found himself slipping into the pew beside Molly at the church service. Yes, he accompanied her in university, but he had never darkened the doorstep of a church since they went their separate ways years ago. Molly was surprised to see Sherlock there, too. But she just gave him a small smile and entwined her fingers with his.
 After the service, Sherlock and Molly walked for a while hand in hand, just enjoying the silence of each other’s company. The only thing that would have made the scene any more perfect would have been snow. Reaching the end of Molly’s street, Sherlock stopped and pulled Molly in closer to him, wrapping his arms around her shoulders.
 “I wish I could walk you right to your door,” he whispered in Molly’s ear. “But I fear we may be rumbled if I were to come any closer to your flat.”
 “Yes, Mary has been trying to get hints on what I’ve got you for Secret Santa,” Molly smiled into Sherlock’s throat. “But we only have to wait until tomorrow, I can’t wait to see their faces when they learn the truth.”
 “I’m looking forward to that too,” Sherlock agreed as he noticed Molly try to supress a shiver. “But for tonight, I must insist you return to the warmth of your bed.”
 “Okay, Sherlock,” Molly agreed, but before she could walk away, Sherlock cradled her head in his hands and pressed a soft kiss to Molly’s lips. The kiss was both passionate and soft at the same time and it stole Molly’s breath she had spent most of her time at university imagining what Sherlock’s lips felt and tasted like, and here she was, finally getting those answers.
 “Merry Christmas, Molly Hooper,” Sherlock smiled when he broke the kiss. “Until tomorrow.”
 “Merry Christmas, Sherlock Holmes,” Molly returned when she reluctantly pulled away from his touch. “Until tomorrow.”
 Around lunch time on Christmas Day, all five gathered in Mrs Hudson’s flat where Christmas dinner was being prepared curtesy of Mrs Hudson and Mary. John and Molly were discussing the latest edition of the Lancet, while Sherlock was struggling to keep his eyes off Molly. This, of course, did not go unnoticed by the other four occupants of the flat.
 Mary and Mrs Hudson chatted quietly amongst themselves in the small kitchen about how smitten Sherlock appeared, while John was struggling to keep his smile to himself. Molly just kept glancing at Sherlock and every time she caught his eye, they exchanged sweet little smiles that they thought the others wouldn’t catch.
 Once everything was cooking away, Mrs Hudson encouraged everyone to gather around the Christmas tree to exchange their gifts. The rule was that everyone had to place their gift inside the Santa sack when they came in so that it would be harder to guess who had gifted to who. Of course, everyone knew who had gotten Sherlock and Molly. Even if they weren’t supposed to know.
 “Right, here we are, my dears,” Mrs Hudson said as she handed over each present. “On the count of three we’ll all open our presents. One. Two. Three!”
 Everyone suddenly began tearing into their gifts. John was the first to open his, and found a new stethoscope inscribed with his initials and the year he graduated. Mary was next and hers was something similar, only this time it was a fob watch for her to wear at work. Mrs Hudson then opened a gift voucher for a fast car experience at Knockhill, she may be an older lady, but Mrs Hudson could be a speed demon when she wanted to be. This left Molly and Sherlock staring at their gifts from each other.
 “How did you know?” Molly asked at the exact same time Sherlock asked: “When did you draw this?”
 “What is it?” Mary asked as she moved between the two of them to look at the gifts. In Sherlock’s hands was a framed drawing of what appeared to be a younger Sherlock playing his violin with a passion, while Molly held two tickets to see a musical, Six, she had been trying to get tickets to for ages. “Wow, these seem really personal gifts guys. Anybody care to explain?”
 “We’ve known each other for years,” Molly began to explain. “We were at university together.”
 “The best lab partner ever,” Sherlock smiled.
 “But we drifted apart after we graduated,” Molly continued. “We met again two years ago when we both started working at St Bart’s at pretty much the same time. And we’ve been building a tentative friendship since.”
 “Decided to keep it quiet,” Sherlock added. “Mrs Hooper isn’t my number one fan and Molls didn’t fancy a lecture about how ‘boys like me only bring heartbreak’, but last week we decided since we were doing this, we would give a relationship a go.”
 “And here we were trying to set you two up all along,” Mary said shaking her head. “I’m just glad that you both saw the light and have decided to consider things other than your work at times.”
 “Of course,” Sherlock smiled as he held out his hand for Molly to take. “Molly is worth more than all my work. Now, who would like to hear the stories behind these gifts?”
 Mary, John and Mrs Hudson all nodded in agreement. So, Molly decided to take the initiative and start.
 “I love musicals,” Molly began. “But being a poor college student in London, I couldn’t afford to go to the theatre every week. Of course, Sherlock offered to foot the bill, but I would tell him ‘no, he needed to experience life as a struggling student if he wanted to hang about with me’. So, instead, he offered to play some of my favourite songs from musicals on his violin. One particular night, I was in an arty mood and I had my sketch book out while he was playing, and I began drawing him. I had intended to give it to him as a Christmas present that year, but we drifted apart after my mum’s warning and Sherlock got in with a bad crowd. I kept the sketch to remind me of happier times with my best friend.”
 Everyone was smiling at that story, but soon all eyes were on Sherlock for his story.
 “As we’ve already established, Molly loves musicals,” Sherlock began. “What you may not know is she also really loves history. Particularly the Tudors. I don’t know how many times we watched that TV show, or even the film Carry on Henry. Over the past two years I’ve been able to see that Molly hasn’t lost any of these interests, and I’ve also heard her complain about not being able to get tickets to see this particular musical. So, using my connections, I was able to organise the tickets for the two of us to go and see Six, which incorporates both of these topics, what with it being a musical about Henry VIII’s six wives.”
 “That’s so sweet, both of you,” Mary gushed. “No wonder you got flustered whenever I mentioned Sherlock. You wanted to keep whatever was going on between you special. I completely understand.”
 “Seriously, you guys are good,” John said. “Managing to keep this to yourselves, especially with Mary and I being your roommates.”
 “That’s just because you are oblivious, John Watson,” Mrs Hudson chastised. “Now, who’s for some Christmas dinner? I think it must be ready by now.”
 The rest of the night went by with all five of them enjoying good food, good wine and good company. All while enjoying the splendours of Christmas TV. Who would have thought a little thing like Secret Santa would bring the most joy to two long lost friends newly reunited?
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mychakk · 5 years
It’s your Secret Santa here! Omg I can totally relate to the busy life. Time just gets away so quickly. I’m glad that you’re excited about Christmas. Christmas is so special to me because I was adopted when I was little and Christmas is the day I went home to my forever family 😊 Do you have a favorite Christmas memory?
I'm sorry I'm answering so late. I had such a hectic two weeks before the weekendthat I literally collapsed on Saturday and slept it all off. Then hectic time once more... but! I haven't forgotten you ask!
First if all thank you for sharing such a wonderful Christmas memory with me! It makes me feel all fuzzy inside to think that Christmas has such a special meaning for you. There are some issues in RL, worries all way round, and this was such a bright spot of information! Thank you!
As for me, well, Christmas has always been a family time. We've spent it with closest family on Christmas Eve when we celebrate a special Christmas dinner, then with extended family on Christmas Day and Boxing Day. So it's always a good memory for me personally. Ever since my parents died, I've especially cherished the times my aunt takes us (me and my brother) under her wings, including us in her Christmas celebrations. Both sets of my grandparents are also dead, so she kind of share her parents with us to and they all make as a step family for us. It's nice to know we are important to them and they care.
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stlgeekgirl · 6 years
I’m so sorry it took so long but here you are, just in time for the #ILYanniversary2019 , the final chapter!  Hope you enjoy it. 
Ardour and Abjection Chapter 3
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It's your Sherlolly Secret Santa!! How's your week been? I thought I'd give you a sneak peek of your gift! First look in 3...2...1... 'For the first time since his return, Molly allowed herself this one moment of honesty, coming out in a whisper. “I missed you.”'
Today is my last day teaching. A year ago I thought this was my dream. It just isn’t right. I hated it from day one. But I’m ready for the day. Tomorrow, and the next few days, I get to spend so much time with my absolutely wonderful boyfriend who spoils me way too much. We’re going Christmas shopping and visiting my sister who hasn’t met him yet. So while my week was hectic, the next 4-5 days are going to be great!!
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Latest & Greatest Sherlollbrary Additons 07/11/19
The Bee's Day by rachel614 (orphan_account) (Rated K, One-Shot) Retirement fic AO3 2019 Falling by thisisartbylexie & Emcee (Rated K+, One-Shot) Post Reichenbach, Flatmates AO3 c. 2013 Hallucinations, Hauntings, and Demons in the Night by cactusnell (Rated T, One-Shot) Post Reichenbach, Alt TRF AO3 2019 Home by LRRH17 (Rated K, One-Shot) Post HLV, (Temp) Flatmates AO3 2019 The LexCee Collaborations by thisisartbylexie & Emcee (Collection) AO3 2019 Mint Chocolate Chip by mizjoely (Rated K, One-Shot) Kidlock AO3 2019
Quiet by thisisartbylexie & Emcee (Rated K+, One-Shot) AO3 2013 Sherlolly Secret Santa (Unexpected Pregnancy) by dirtyaim (Rated K+, One-Shot) Pregnancy fic tumblr 2014 Sleep (Homes Sweet Holmes series) by Amalia_Kensington (Rated K, One-Shot) PTFP, Married Sherlolly, Parentlock AO3 2019 Teenlock Part 2 by writingwife83 (Rated K+, One-Shot) Teenlock tumblr 2019
Time for a change by MrsMendes19 (Rated  T, Complete, Multi-Chapter) Abuse, Teenlock AO3 2019 You deserve it by Alba_lass12 (Rated T, One-Shot) S3: Matters Most, Pregnancy fic AO3 2019
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All My Tomorrows (Sherlock; Sherlock x Molly)
And finally settling in to finish the last two mod gifts for the 2019 round! This one is for @manus-multae-cor-unum, using Frank Sinatra’s song “All My Tomorrows” in the fic. Enjoy!
All My Tomorrows - Sherlock has thoughts about his relationship with Molly one afternoon when they're cleaning up the flat.
There were so many things that were different about their relationship than other ones he saw around them. John and Mary’s marriage was an outlier, it seemed, but in other ways, it wasn’t. He knew John mourned his wife to this day, but they had not had a typical marriage since Mary’s secret had come out when she was pregnant with Rosie. But for that period of time where things were good...Sherlock wanted that with Molly.
It had taken him some time to realize that was what he wanted in life: marriage, settling down away from his profession, perhaps children at a later point. He would never have thought himself being domesticated would be a goal in his life; he’d spent so long alone and preferring life that way, no matter how lonely it had gotten, that to have a family of his own choosing and a woman he wanted to spend his life with should feel strange. But it didn’t.
Molly was doing some cleaning in the sitting area of Baker Street, music flowing freely around as he “helped.” He wasn’t slacking too often in the actual capability of helping, but he’d simply stare at the wondrous, perfect woman in front of him in awe that she chose him, long before he even realized she had wormed her way into his heart, and she kept choosing him, over and over, every day, every evening, every minute that she could.
She loved him, and that was one of the many reasons he loved her as well.
The song changed and he decided he’d had enough, plucking the spray bottle from her and sweeping her into his arms. There was space for the two of them to dance around the room, and her smile and surprised laughter told him that she didn’t mind this interruption to the cleaning.
Today I may not have a thing at all Except for just a dream or two But I've got lots of plans for tomorrow And all my tomorrows belong to you
This song...he’d felt it should be their song, for all the truths it held. She knew her father had enjoyed Frank Sinatra, and she often played him while she worked. He knew the words to this one and sang it to her as they danced, moving effortlessly around the furniture, close and yet closer still in more than the physical sense.
Right now it may not seem like spring at all We're drifting and the laughs are few But I've got rainbows planned for tomorrow And all my tomorrows belong to you
Things were good. Yesterday, or the yesterdays when his sister pulled her stunt with the confession, they hadn’t been. It had taken time and explanations and trust and love to heal, but they had and here, now, they were so much stronger for it. Those three words came more easily now, more often, and meant so much more to him and to her than they had that afternoon at Sherrinford, though he still had not told her of destroying the coffin with his bare hands because love, even loving her, had overwhelmed him.
No one knows better than I That luck keeps passing me by, that's fate But with you there at my side I'll soon be turning the tide, just wait
He knew luck was on his side now and had been for some time, but she had been there when it wasn’t, when the only thing keeping him from going back to drugs to alleviate the boredom was the cases from Lestrade and the work at Barts he found himself doing in the path lab. She had been there, seen him through it, a solid, steadying aspect in his life he had neither asked for nor thought he wanted at the time, but now he knew he could never do without her. His luck had changed for the better, but it could all go away again like the changing of the tide, and as long as she was by his side, living her tomorrows with him, he would be fine.
They would be fine. Together.
As long as I've got arms that cling at all It's you that I'll be clinging to And all the dreams I dream, beg, or borrow On some bright tomorrow they'll all come true
He dipped her then and then raised her up, and she threw her arms around his neck and kissed him. He kissed her back, amazed that he could lose himself in the act, amazed that he could feel so much love for her. She was the light in his life that had been there even when the darkness had threatened to overtake him. It was all he could do not to ask her now, run off to the nearest registrar’s office and get a license, find a church, and get married today.
Tomorrow, he would ask. Get down on one knee perhaps, slip the ring on her finger before she awoke. He’d had the ring for months now, not sure when the best time would be to ask because he wanted it perfect. And there was never a time that seemed perfect enough. But maybe that was the point. If the act of dancing in the sitting room were to lead to this, a kiss where he felt his knees might go weak if they didn’t find a place to sit soon, or a kiss passionate enough to make him suggest retiring to his bed for the rest of the day, sod cleaning, then maybe there were other simple moments that would lead to a proposal that would be memorable for all the right reasons.
Tomorrow, he would ask her and find out if she would be joined to him for the rest of their lives. He was fairly sure she would say yes; he was hopeful, at least. Because all his tomorrows belonged to her, if she’d take them, and as they broke apart and he looked down at her, her eyes brimming with love and more, he knew she would take care of them.
Yes, tomorrow. He’d ask her tomorrow.
And then a new chapter in his life would begin.
And all my bright tomorrows belong to you
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simplyshelbs16xoxo · 5 years
🎅 Ho Ho Ho! I hope you are having a great day. 😊 🍫What's your favorite KP episode? 🍫 When did you start shipping Kim and Ron? 🍫 How do you think they'd celebrate their first Christmas together? Your Secret Santa. :)
Thank you, I am! I hope you are too! My favorite Kim Possible episode is Emotion Sickness in season 3! So the Drama is my fave KP movie hehe! I was shipping them before I even knew that term lol! I was around 7 or 8 years old, so circa 2003 or 2004.
I definitely think Kim and Ron would do a joint holiday celebration since Ron is Jewish, though you can tell by the only Christmas episode of the show that he gets more excited about Christmasy traditions. Since I feel robbed we didn't get to see them celebrate the holidays together in season 4, I think they would have spent time at each other's houses with their families.
Ron decides to get advice from Monique to help him do something romantic for Kim during their first Christmas as a couple. As to what that is specifically, I haven't thought that far, but I'm thinking something sentimental like decorating the playground at the preschool where they met and having hot cocoa and laughing at the fact they're much too big for the playground 😂
Enjoy this hilarious line from the Christmas ep
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Molly Hooper Appreciation Week Spring 2019 Round!
(I know I usually have a Molly graphic but I’m borrowing this laptop and Phtotshop is being a pain so improvisation with a stock photo I had.)
We’re are definitely doing a round this year, but for the first time, there is only one themed day! My own personal New Year’s resolution this year is to clean out my Tumblr inboxes of as many fic prompts as I can, and I thought that this might be a good thing to extend to others as well. Hence our 2019 Free For All Round! The one and only theme day we will have will be the usual Valentine’s Day/Galentine’s Day/Singles Awareness Day prompt, but this year, it will be optional, as are the prompts below. It will run from February 10th, 2019 to February 16th, 2019.
As I said, this is a Free For All round, which means the entire week you can post whatever Molly-centric fan creations you want. However, as some people like prompts, these are character-centric prompts of people you can include in the fics, as well as our regular February prompt:
Day 1 - The Holmes Family (anything involving Sherlock, Mycroft, Eurus or their parents) 
Day 2 - The Watsons (anything involving John, Mary, Rosie or Harry)
Day 3 - The Yarders (anything involving Lestrade, Sally, Dimmock, Stella or  Anderson)
Day 4 - The Baddies (anything involving Moriarty, Moran, Magnussen, Culverton or any one shot villains)
Day 5 - Valentine’s Day/Galentine’s Day/Singles Awareness Day (any fic involving these holidays celebrated in February)
Day 6 - The Rest (anything involving previously unmentioned characters like Irene, Mrs. Hudson, Meena, Archie, Tom, Janine, Anthea, Kate, etc. as well as crossover characters)
Day 7 - Free For All (anything that didn’t fit into a themed day that focuses on Molly)
- Any kind of fanwork you can think of is acceptable for this week: fanfic, fanart, fanvids, manipulations, gifsets (please make sure they are your gifs, though, and you’re not taking them from others without permission), meta, headcanons…anything you can think of that would celebrate Molly Hooper that would fit in with a theme (or just show love for her in general on Day 7) will be accepted with much pleasure. - Be kind and respectful to everyone participating. We don’t want any wank because this is a week for sharing our love for a character who loves pretty much everyone we’ve seen her meet. - If there’s something submitted that you like, please like it (or even better, reblog it so others can see it too)! If there’s a link to it on another website, go to that website and leave them love there as well. - Any and all romantic ships are allowed. Het, femslash, poly…you ship it, we want to see it! We turn no one away. All ships are valid ships. Likewise, all takes on Molly’s sexuality and gender are valid for this week as well. Not everyone shares the same headcanons but we should all be respectful of others. - If you post something for the day, please make sure one of your first five tags is molly appreciation week. We will not be using secondary tags this round as the daily prompts are optional this round. - NEW THIS ROUND! We ran into a problem at Sherlolly Secret Santa last round where I could only view about half the tagged posts where it’s one of the first five tags. If you want your work to be reblogged on @mollyappreciationweek you must @ the blog somewhere in your post. I get alerts on the activity when the blog is mentioned and then I will know to go and save your post to the drafts to reblog when the round is over. I will still check the tag but there is no guarantee I will see your post unless you @ @mollyappreciationweek as well.
There will be a collection, as per usual, which will be opened as soon as I make it for people to post their works. It will remain open for perpetuity as you are always allowed to answer these prompts even after the posting dates are officially over. When it is created you will be able to find it on the parent collection (so this way the link is sort of up now and not lost in reblogs).
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theemptyquarto · 5 years
Apparently my Sherlolly Secret Santa is a much better Secret Santa than I am had given her credit for, because the mod of the collection just sent me a ton of lovely fic snippets, precisely one of which had made it into my inbox, thanks Obama Tumblr.
"Mary, what do you think of this color?" Mrs. Watson studied the swatch of silky, forest green fabric thoughtfully. "I think it's perfect for a December wedding...for the tablecloths," she said with a twinkle in her eyes. "But for the bride to be, how about something a little more...dramatic?" And she pointed at the bright red swatch Molly had been considering for the bows on the flower arrangements.
“Sherlock, why are we out here, again?” John winced as another branch just missed slapping him in the face from where a certain consulting detective was pushing through the undergrowth. “Mistletoe, John, mistletoe!” he called back. “I promised it as Molly’s ‘something new’ to include in her bouquet. My father swears there’s some out here.”
“Mrs. Hudson, what exactly is...this?” Sherlock raised his hand. Dangling from one finger was a blue satin garter. “It’s a blue satin garter, dear,” she replied. Before he could make a scathing comment about stating the obvious, she added, “For Molly, of course, to wear under her gown. Blue and old all in one. I wore it with the most darling white mini-dress,” she reminisced with a fond smile, even as Sherlock pinched the bridge of his nose and winced.
“Oh, isn’t she just adorable!” Mrs. Turner gushed as Rosie toddled down the aisle in her green and red plaid taffeta dress, haphazardly flinging white rose petals in every direction except where they were meant to land - including directly into her father’s face as she reached the nave of teh church. The church rang with laughter, loudest of all from the groom-to-be.
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pennywaltzy · 4 years
A few things:
- I found my claimed Summer Of 100 Stories prompts, so even though it’s not summer, I’m going to start answering a bunch of them. I promised people they’d get the fics, so fics they shall get.
- Sign-ups for Sherlolly Secret Santa are over, but I still have to pair everyone up and send out the info. However, I also owe gifts from at least 2018 and 2019, so they will be posted to @sherlollysecretsanta first and then cross-posted here.
- I’m still taking claims for kiss fic! I used up a few of the claims today, but trust me, I have millions of asks so I can find substitutions. You want a kiss fic, hit me up!
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ukthxbye · 6 years
Hello, friend! It’s your Sherlolly Secret Santa. Hope you had a lovely weekend, and a good start of the week. Hope the Tumblr purge passes quickly for you... (personally, I’m waiting for the next week to be over, and presto bang-o! Winter Break!) Any New Years’ resolutions for you in 2019?
Tumblr media
I am not an artist and I don’t post anything NSFW minus a couple fics so I am pretty safe from the purge.
New Years resolutions? To write more and lose the last 30 pounds I need to. That’s pretty much it. Oh and in that working out to do a proper unassisted pull up. It’s literally the hardest exercise to do and you have to reach this perfect equilibrium of your weight and your muscle strength. But I hope by next it’s a real thing for me :)
Hope you have an awesome week!
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