#shes a doctor of loveeee
donutdrawsthings · 8 months
Something I love about making 13 fanart is that while 13 is largely unpopular in the fandom, all the reblogs I do get on an art piece with her are from people who are REALLY passionate about the 13th Doctor. And the notes are filled with nice comments about 13 and certain episodes!
It's really so refreshing to see among all the hate she's been bombarded with over the years!
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lesbiandonnanoble · 10 months
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that one bit of longest day where sam and tanhith hold each other in the desolate bloodstained collapsing time sector while she’s crying & he’s just coughing and coughing up blood an shit .kept replaying in my head so
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okcat · 2 years
also the entire reason my mom cooked what she did td was to bring it to our doctor LMAOOO
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klausysworld · 11 months
Hello hello! Hope you’re doing well :)
Loveeee your style of writing. I have a request )if your are up to it as it’s a hard topic) but would you do one of Klaus x human reader and she miscarries her and Klaus’ baby. I need to feel pain. But could we do a flash forward with a happy ending?
Totally understand if you do not want to write this.
Anyways, hope you have a wonderful day! 🤗
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(Story is about miscarrying!!! Please do not read if this will upset/harm you and also know that I am always here to chat 🤍)
The love of a child
Klaus hadn’t wanted the baby to begin with. He thought it would only be a nuisance, a weakness. As usual it was Elijah who convinced him otherwise and forced his brother to house the poor innocent girl he had impregnated.
She had sobbed through the entire night when they brought her ‘home’. Klaus sat and listened to her sobs through the wall while he sighed and thought over his possible decisions.
Once she finally went quiet he went into her room, finding her curled up under the blankets. He gently pulled her head up onto a pillow and tucked her in, kissing her head gently before leaving the room.
Klaus was no stranger to one-night stands but he remembered when he had taken her back to a hotel room that she had been nervous, she had told him it wasn’t something she had done before. He felt a small amount of guilt that she now had a negative attitude towards both him and sex but he shoved that aside and behaved as though it slipped his mind.
He would ignore her when she came down for breakfast, her eyes still red and puffy.
For the first couple weeks he pretended she wasn’t there. Walked past him, almost through her and never spoke directly to her. It was only when Rebekah came and noticed the distant look in y/n’s sad eyes. She had yelled at Klaus that he needed to be looking after this girl, that she was family now.
Rebekah tried to warm Y/n to the idea of having a baby but when nobody was home she had gone to the doctors, she wanted to book an appointment for an abortion but somehow Klaus had figured it out. He dragged her home with little resistance.
She sat in silence as he screamed at her, called her every name in the book. She didn’t move when his hands harshly grabbed her shoulders and he shook her, Rebekah had to shove him off when she walked through the door. Y/n stayed on the floor until Klaus stormed out and went to his art room. Rebekah looked after her and made her feel better, made sure she ate and drank before she went to bed.
It was after Klaus had a few too many drinks that he came into her room. She was sat up and reading a book when he stumbled inside, his angry expression washed away within seconds and he was sighing heavily.
She put her book aside and pulled the covers closer to him when he sat opposite her on the bed. It was quiet for a moment before he began to speak
“I didn’t want to hurt you” he started, glancing between her eyes and his hands. “I’m…I’m sorry” he whispered but she gave little to no reaction. Klaus bit down on his tongue and clenched his hands “I want this baby, with you. I know I said I didn’t and I thought if I left you alone that would be better but- well I was wrong and…and..” he breathed heavier as he struggled to think of the words
“It’s fine” she mumbled and he sighed again
“It’s not” he breathed and she shrugged “I don’t want you to have an abortion” he whispered, his heart feeling tight “but if you truly want to-“
“I don’t” she uttered with a crack in her voice and shook her head, confusion came over him until she whispered her next words: “I thought it would be easier”
He nodded and they fell back into silence. He could sense her discomfort but he didn’t want to leave. He just stayed and watched as she began to grow tired and cold. A question itched at his mind until he asked it
“Do you regret meeting me?” He asked quietly and she shrugged “coming back with me?”
Y/n shifted at the mention and he frowned to himself. “It’s not ideal” she murmured “but it’s happening and we might get something amazing out of it” she mused and he smiled.
“Yeah…we will” he whispered and gently, cautiously placed a hand on her shoulder. She didn’t want to tell him that they were bruised from how he grabbed her earlier and so instead just placed her hand on top of his and smiled back.
Eventually he stood back up and gave a soft kiss on the back of her hand and went to his own room.
They both went to sleep with hoping of a better tomorrow.
He tried his best, brought her some toast upstairs for when she woke and a glass of juice. She was still quiet but thankful as he stayed and spoke to her for a few minutes, finally sharing what was going on in New Orleans and why it was so important that she stay indoors.
He left her be for the rest of the day, Rebekah came and chatted with her for a bit and then Klaus came back with something for her dinner.
This system repeated itself for another couple of weeks before things began to get too much. Kidnappings of Y/n, accusations of Klaus wanting the child to be used to create hybrids, wars between Marcel and Klaus and finally they were moved into the compound. Y/n felt like she was being eaten alive nearly every day. Each of the vampires watched her like a hawk, some with fear of what Klaus would do to them if they went near her, some with disgust that she was carrying a monster of a baby.
Once she began showing, Klaus was much more attentive. Even though the bump was small, it was there. That was enough to spark something inside him, paternal instincts if you will.
He wanted to look after Y/n, be the one she looked to when something went wrong. But taht was the problem, too much was going wrong. Her life and everyone else’s lives were put in danger far too often. She was stressed all of the time and upset almost always.
Klaus spent as much time as he could with her, keeping her snuggled against him while he rest his hand on her tummy and kissed her temple.
“It’s all going to be much better once this one’s born, I promise you my darling” he told her and she believed him, she really did. She would sit and listen to all the ideas he had, the nursery designs and the name possibilities. Sometimes they would talk about what the baby would look like, whose eyes they’re hold have, hair colour and whatnot.
Time seemed to float away when they imagine their child, it was just them. For a moment Klaus would feel human, he would feel warm and he felt love. Love for the baby, and love for Y/n.
He knew how she worked now. He knew when she was hungry and he knew exactly what she craved, he knew when she was feeling affectionate. For once in his life he was happy to hug someone, to dance with her and laugh. He knew when she was crying just because of her hormones or if something had happened.
But the cry he heard that evening was one he would not forget.
He remembers Marcel slamming the door shut behind them all. And then the echo of a broken sob reaching each Mikaelson. Elijah and Rebekah looked towards each other while Marcel frowned. Klaus knew in that instant that something was terribly wrong and so did the others.
And just like that, they were all upstairs. Klaus was breaking through the locked door of her room and others hurriedly followed. Silence overtook them all as they saw her sat on the carpet, dark red staining her thighs and sticking her dress to her. Her face was in her hands as another sob left her.
Rebekah’s hand flew to her mouth and Marcel ushered her out to give Y/n some space.
Klaus was already on his knees and lifting her up “no no no no” he whispered, his eyes watering and throat closing “no it’s okay, it’s okay” he repeated, holding her to his chest.
Elijah looked down as he listened to a non-existent heart beat. Without a word he crouched down beside Niklaus, a hand on his shoulder and the other on the back of Y/n’s head.
Klaus buried his nose into her head as tears flowed down his face. He listened to her cries and Elijah’s gentle voice as he tried to calm her down.
After a while Elijah left to inform Rebekah of what she already knew. They both tried to speak to Klaus, to have him stand up or let her go so they could have her cleaned but he just stayed frozen. Y/n had cried herself unconscious and was barely aware of anything around her, not that she could care any longer.
“You can’t let her wake up covered in blood” Elijah whispered. Klaus sniffled as he slowly lifted his head. Both eyes had pink rings around them and his rose had a rosey glow.
“How could this happen?” He uttered and Rebekah had to step outside to stop herself from crying in-front of him. “She’s so far along” he muttered confused and Elijah nodded
“I know…I’m sorry” he whispered and Klaus wiped his eyes. “It’s all going to be okay, you’ll get through this. None of us are going to leave you alone through this” he tells him firmly but the look in Klaus’s eyes were so distant that Elijah knew he hadn’t heard a word
“She’ll have to deliver it” he mumbled emotionlessly and Elijah’s expression went solemn. Klaus tightened his hold on her as he rested himself over and over in his head.
Elijah silently encouraged Niklaus to stand with Y/n, they carried her to the bathroom where they wiped her thighs clean. She woke halfway through but had nothing to say or do. Klaus tried to speak to her but his voice failed him each time and so Rebekah pushed through and spoke to her instead.
They lowered her into the freshly ran bath and gently cleaned her over. Rebekah and Klaus dressed her as though she were a helpless doll before putting her into Klaus’s bed.
Elijah rang the doctors to bring her in the next day and they all sat within the room where she lay.
Y/n had assumed after that day that they wouldn’t have her around any longer after she had to have the remains of their baby removed. Thought that they would kill her maybe. But instead they kept her so close from then on.
Marcel and his vampires were much kinder, softer. Klaus didn’t care to be ‘king’ and battles were dismissed instead of discussed. Enemies ignores rather than demolished.
It was a quiet life.
She slept in Klaus’s bed each night, curling to his chest and clutching her flat stomach. Each morning he would kiss her face to wake her and apologise for the day to come. He tried to keep her fed the best he could and often bathed with her. In the back of his mind he was treating her how he would have treated their baby.
Holding her, loving her, feeding her, washing her, putting her to bed and carrying her wherever he went.
Elijah and Rebekah could clearly see it happening but neither of them would say anything after seeing the heartbreak of each of their faces.
Marcel however, eventually snapped and told Klaus straight that he couldn’t baby y/n every second of the day.
It resulted in arguments and fights, mental and physical until Klaus couldn’t handle it and broke down into tears. That night Y/n held him instead, stroked his hair and whispered soft phrases to him.
They learnt to lean on each other, care for one another. As time passed by everything slowly became easier, they baby was never forgotten but now a much happier memory rather than a sad one.
The Mikaelsons had been living a rather ‘normal’ life since everything. It was odd to begin with but it was lovely in a way. Rebekah had Marcel, Elijah learnt it was okay to let go a little now that Y/n was there to be with Klaus and Kol was happy with Davina. Everyone was doing well.
But then Y/n got pregnant again. Something that was supposed to be good now terrified her.
Rebekah and Davina tried to convince her it was a great miracle, Elijah and Klaus were insisting on not overwhelming her with everything and she was just petrified.
Klaus was happy. He saw this as another chance, a godshot if you will. But he understood why y/n didn’t want this, he had very similar thoughts and fears to her. Klaus could never know the exact feelings she had when she went through that, the pain, anger, confusion, guilt, he would never know that she blamed herself for so long for losing their child. So he didn’t truly understand her but he tried to. And when she begged him to just abort it so that it wouldn’t happen again he booked her the appointment. He drove her there, held her hand in the waiting room but when her name was called she wouldn’t get up.
“Love?” He whispered, glancing to the doctor who was looking around the room repeating her name “sweetheart?” He murmured softly, sliding off his seat to squat in front of her. She stared straight through him to the floor until the doctor gave up and went back to her room and only then y/n stood, grabbing Klaus’s hand and walking back to the car.
He said little to nothing but kissed the side of her head gently and promised her that this time would be different. Nobody spoke at home, but they were all mentally cheering when Klaus gave them a little smile and took Y/n back upstairs to their room.
He followed her into their bed despite it being mid afternoon and pressed his face to her neck. Y/n turned her head and kisses his lips gently making he hum and smile
“I don’t want it to be a big deal” she whispered and he nodded
“I know” he uttered, hovering over her “just know that I’m happy with this decision but I only what this for us if it’s what you want. Don’t put yourself through anything okay?” He cupped her face as he spoke to her, firmly but softly.
“I won’t…I just…I really want this, I do. I’m just scared…”
“I won’t let you hurt again” he promised and she tried her best to believe him.
He could sense her worry all throughout the pregnancy, the fear and the pain hitting at her constantly. He tried his very best to soothe her, and to help her look at the future rather than panic over the past.
And then when she gave birth to a beautiful and healthy baby, none of those worries mattered. She held their bundle of light close to her chest at all times, night and day.
Klaus grew jealous fast which made her laugh and reluctantly share their child. They would lay with their little one in between them, listening to the babbling and clapping.
Neither of them realised the amount of love they would feel, for their child and for each other. This baby sealed them together, promised them both an eternity of happiness and peace.
Family, and somewhere to always call home.
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girlgenius1111 · 2 months
how is the relationship that sol has with mapi different to the one she has with ingrid?
like when would she go to a certain person over the other and would ingrid/mapi (particularly ingrid) understand why she went to the other rather than both of them?
I absolutely adore this whole universe you’ve created and want to know everything about it lol so no pressure to answer this :)
also hope you’re doing well post-op!
i loveeee this question.
sol feels generally very safe with ingrid and mapi.
i would say the times that she prefers mapi to ingrid is anytime she thinks shes in trouble. she's never really experienced mapi getting mad at her but ingrid was so strict with her when she first arrived in spain, she's still a bit traumatized for that. it's getting better with time, but her instinct when she's done something wrong is to go to mapi, who will always assure her that even if ingrid is mad, it doesn't mean either of them love her any less.
also, ever since she broke her wrist for the second time, mapi has been her go to for doctor's appointments. she really appreciates how protective mapi is with her, and she remembers so clearly how good of a job mapi did taking care of her and keeping her calm when she had to go to the hospital. she liked ingrid to be there too, but for some reason, if she had to pick, it would be mapi.
sol wants ingrid when she's anxious. from very early on in her life, ingrid was the only one to bring her comfort when she was anxious, and sol hasn't ever really felt very comfortable letting anyone else see her in that state other than ingrid. sol knows that ingrid knows exactly what to do to help her, and its nice for her to just have to listen to ingrid and not figure everything out herself.
she also goes to ingrid is she's feeling depressed. not at first, because she isn't sure how it will be received, but after a few months she figures out how to communicate what she's feeling to her sister, and when that happens, she just wants to be with ingrid. sitting in silence, probably sleeping, but with ingrid.
i wouldn't say that the relationship is super different because it very much is a sisterly relationship for sol and ingrid and sol and mapi, but i think what she needs from them is different. ingrid is comforting and kind and safe, and mapi is protective and calm and safe.
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c0rvidfagg0try · 4 months
Wishlist for 9-1-1 S8:
Ravi Begins plz plz plz hes so clearly a member of the family now PLEASE
just more ravi in general tbh
Bucktommy thriving
Bucktommy fade to black sex scene like Buck’s had with the other ppl hes been with
Tommy comforting Buck through a hard day
Tommy and the rest of the 118 bonding (specifically Chim and Hen)
Christopher gone for like the first half or less of the season while Eddie finds himself (possible Eddie gay but also just eddie gets a hobby besides punching ppl)
The 118 annoying the fuck out of Gerrard
We learn what May’s doing in college and it is in fact that shes trying to become a doctor (personal HC i have cuz of tsunami arc)
Possible Buck Pride Month things
Bathena not going through anymore trauma plz dear lord
I want Michael and David back so bad this is probably just wishful thinking but i want it
Possible acknowledgment of Chris being Bucks other dad
Possible Buddie divorce era 2.0 becuz chris talks to buck and not eddie
Maddie and Chim being happy and in loveeee and also more Jee
Karen and Eddie bonding im begging u writers
Might add more to this at a later date i have so many wishes
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bonesfucker3000 · 15 days
favourite star trek headcanons?
Oh boy I have ALOT hehe (thank you so much for asking :3) (and these are just my silly headcanons and it's totally find if you disagree with them <3)
Id like to hear your favourite headcanons @etherealspacejelly :3
Kirk: Hes trans and pansexual (or bi I like both), that bitch loves to vouge its his favourite dance move hehe, kept the boob window shirt from amok time and wears it just to annoy Spock, is Jewish, (this one is more for AOS kirk but whatever) He LOVES 90s and early 2000s rap and hip hop such as the Beastie Boys.
Spock: Jewish on his mums side, is gay MLM or unlabelled (I like both hc), really likes ambient music and falls asleep to it and white noise.
Bones: Is bisexual (yeah no, no character in TOS is straight sorry) loveeees to sing country songs when no one is around or can hear him even while on duty (Kirk definitely caught him once singing and teased the living fuck out of him), he loves to wear low raise jeans (old man whore), he has anger problems, a chronic smoker (yes yes he's a doctor but come on...he needs to let off some steam man) loves old country music especially from 20th century Earth, a massive fan of Dolly Parton and sings her songs regularly (his singing voice isn't actually that bad either, quite soothing but slightly deep)
Chekov: bi-curious (NO SLAVIC PERSON IS TRULY STRAIGHT...coming from a slav hehe) weed smoker so he probably smells like kush 50% of the time, is eastern orthodox (religion wise) he absolutely adores late 20th century (80s-90s) Russian Post-Punk such as Кино and Nautilus Pompillus, he also listens to Bladee and the drain gang in general (idk man he just seems like the average drainer/Bladee fan) also uses She/Him pronouns...(or that's just me projecting myself onto him)
...yeah you can CLEARLY see which characters are my favorites hehe (also I didn't put on hc for sulu scotty uhura or chapel since I barely have any)
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silliestlittledemon · 3 months
The 12th doctor caregiver headcanons!
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- He has had to cancel multiple lectures because he physically wasn't able to leave you alone for 2 hours.
- Loveeees yapping to you about his interests! Only when you're non verbal though, he's gets too embarrased when talking for so long when you're able to respond.
- He adores giving you a bunch of little kisses on the top of your head.
- He doesn’t leave you alone with Missy anymore when you regress. The last time he did so, she taught you about 20 new cursewords.
- He's too afraid to leave you on your own without anyone watching over you. That also counts for when you're sleeping, he'll just sit besides the bed, waiting for you to wake up.
- He's horrible at actually going through with punishments. Most of the time, he'll put you in the corner, look at you for a good twenty seconds and instantly decide you've been sitting there long enough.
- He attempted singing you a lullaby once but he thought it sounded horrible... and is now too embarrased to ever try singing again.
- ^ He's now learned how to play all your favourite lullabies on his guitar instead. ^
He uses a lot of innocent lies to get you to behave. Stuff like 'You know if you don't stop being naughty right now, the bogeyman's gonna come get you.'
- He always makes you hold his hand while walking out in public cause he's terrified you'll wander off without him.
- He isn't a huge fan of being called dad cause it makes him feel old. He manages to ignore that feeling for you though.
- He always carries some kind of comfort item around for you. Even when you're not around him he still always has something stuffed in his pockets.
- If you have long-ish hair he's constantly gonna want to put your hair in ponytails, braids and buns cause he thinks it makes you look absolutely adorable.
- He prefers taking care of baby regressors, just cause they're generally more quiet then older kids. Also cause he's able to hold baby regressors in his lap all the time.
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HURAY IVE MADE HEADCANONS AGAIN Brrrbr I really needed these... the past few weeks have been ROUGH 😞. Anywho, IVE GOTTEN SO HYPERFIXATED ON THIS OLD MAN IT'S NOT EVEN FUNNY ANYMORE. He's taking up about 80% of my thoughts atm. Also I want to eat his hair
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miss-ery-3 · 2 months
heyyy friends. long time, no see haha. you've probably all forgotten about me, but i'm here to tell you: i'm back (once again) bitchezzzz😎
i don't think i've checked in for like...... 3 months ish?? four months maybe??
quick update: i've been constantly switching between almost not eating for days, to eating everything and anything since then. i'm very thankful for the days, where i haven't eaten, because i haven't gained tooooo badly, and i'm still a lower weight than when i started this blog last summer (almost a year ago i think!!!). i am still about 3 kgs down from that, i think. i know it isnt a lot, but it is better than being the same weight or heavier!
well, other than that, life has been quite shit. ive had several breakdowns, including at my doctors :'DD yayyy she then referred me to a therapist and told me that i suffer from stress, anxiety and possibly ocd. yippie. love that for me
my bf and i have been not-so-good either, but we're still together, although most of the time we spent together is spent crying and talking about our relationship and all the suffering i've been through in the time we've been together. yippieeeee. loveeee that for meeee
if ANYONE remember my ✨pants of horror✨ which are a size xs-s, i just tried them on, and they do fit, although a bit tightly.... last summer, i couldnt even get them over my fat fucking thighs. small victories everybody
my stats atm are:
Height: 162 cm/5,4-ish feet (i think?)
Weight: 56,6 kg/125-ish pounds
it is currently 6:15 pm where i am, and i have had a lot of water, coffee and a bowl of greek yogurt today, so my weight is probably lower than 56,6 kg when i wake up tomorrow. i will update you :**<33
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lizzie-queenofmeigas · 8 months
My Opinions Of TVDU In 2024
(They really haven't changed all that much but I feel like sharing)
–I loveeee Delena. Yep, I love this ship with all my heart and I'm not afraid to say it.
–I loveee Damon, probably another problematic opinion but I don't care.
–I don't like Caroline. There, I said it. She is just the kind of person that would irritate the shit out of me. Honestly, until season 8 I couldn't handle her scenes.
–Bonenzo is the best. Loveee it. They deserved better and I personally want to stab Julie Plec for how they ended.
–Bonnie deserved better. This is an universal truth.
–I hate Tyler, but I recognise that he was right to hate Klaus and right to be mad at Caroline for sleeping with him. Revenge on Klaus was kind of dumb, but understandable. He was right to want him dead.
–Klaus is my beloved, always going to be and I'm not even sorry.
–Marcel is a Mikaelson!!! Marcel is Klaus's son and his treatment is another reason for me to feel murderous to the writers of the shows.
–I don't like Kol. Yeah, he was right in many things, but he came across as somehow self-righteous and believed himself better than his family. Like bro, you aren't.
–Finn deserved better. I honestly still wonder if Finn knew about Klaus's real father, 'cause if he did Klaus would have a valid reason to hate him. I am saying this because in The Originals season 2 episode 3 we have flashbacks of young Klaus and the necklace Esther gave him. If I remember correctly Finn was always in the background and even retrieved the necklace when Klaus lost it. Given that Finn remembered Freya and what happened to her, it wouldn't be far fetched to think he knew who Klaus's real father was and hid it as well. That being said, he is a victim of his parents as well and deserved better.
–I hate Elijah. He just gives me the wrong vibes.
–Marcel and Rebekah made sense and I ship it. The Mikaelson family is insane with their romantic relationships, so they just sort of clicked.
–Kol should have taken the cure instead of Rebekah. Bekah could just adopt, but what is going to happen with Kol when Davina dies? Nothing good. Plus, he loved being a witch.
–Hayley and Klaus and Klaus and Cami made way more sense than Haylijah and Klaroline. Honestly and throuple with Klaus and the two women who call him out on his shit the most would have been chef kiss. Hope deserved two moms.
–Every Klaus ship made more sense than Caroline. Bonnie? Bennett witch and he likes witches. Aurora? First female vampire (other than Bex) and met him when he wasn't as he is now. Elena? Has Tatia's face, and I think if Klaus just tried to befriend her and explain why he needed to break his curse she would've helped. Camille? Her mind, she clocked him the moment they met, not to mention the O'Connell legacy. Genevieve? Powerful Witch. Hayley? Baby mama, werewolf princess and hybrid, not to mention they are similar. Stefan? The ripper days gave off fruity vibes. Damon? I love their scenes together, they have a similar vibe to them. Rebekah? He is literally killing her boyfriends left and right. Elijah? The codependency is strong here, Elijah's girlfriends have a higher mortality rate than Rebekah's boyfriends. Katherine? Tatia's face, also they are similar. Greta? Their few interactions in season 2 pointed to a thing going on.
–Elena is overhated. Baby has the biggest survivor's guilt in the universe and still she soldiers on. I hate when people said she was less compassionate as a vampire, I honestly thought she was the same. Like, she controls her hunger to become a doctor. She is too good for this world.
–Enzo should have been introduced sooner, Bonnie and him should have gotten together sooner.
–They should have explored Damon's trauma with Augustine more, and the fact that he always disregards his emotions.
–Klaus wolf side should have been explored!!!
–Unpopular opinion, but not everything Katherine did was necessary for her to survive. She could have easily contented herself with one Salvatore brother, but she had to go after both.
–Davina and Klaus needed more scenes together. I mean, that's her adoptive grandpa!
–Lily was awful, Damon was in his rights to not forgive her.
–I liked Valerie, and I liked her with Stefan.
–They should have explained more about Klaus ability to have children, 'cause that was weird. I loved it, but weird.
–Alaric should have died and the twins should have been raised by someone else.
–Matt lived too long.
–Jeremy and Damon were kind of funny.
–Bamon was really great.
–They should have addressed the fact that growing up Damon was the only one there for Stefan. We saw that in the flashbacks but they should have said it more.
–Damon purpose in life was to live for those he loved. My take on him.
–Damon was pretty humanity-full vampire until after Augustine when he turned off his humanity. But, five years of torture in the hands of humans would do that to a guy.
–The witches opinion on vampires were ridiculous. This species has been around for over a millennium, they are pretty assimilated in the magic ecosystem. I think their extinction would actually do more damage than their existence.
–Mikael and Esther deserved more pain.
–I think Dahlia only tried to negotiate with Klaus not only because he was Hope's father but because he was the only one who wasn't Mikael's son.
–Vampire/Supernatural politics are actually so interesting.
–Lexi was too hyped. And I don't get what she had against Damon in the forties.
–Legacies doesn't exist.
That's all. For now.
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audr3y202 · 1 month
Hi there! It has quite honestly been a while since I’ve posted a rp ad in general, but I’ve been pretty bored lately so I’d love to rp with anyone if they are interested! I prefer third person but I’m also open to first person as well! I’m in love with slice of life scenarios, so I’d love to do roleplays based on that genre if interested. I prefer being the carrier, and if the story/plot is great I can write paragraphs and pages. Here are a few likes and dislikes, some scenarios, feel free to message me if you’re interested or wanted to work something out, I’m very open to compromising and working out a roleplay, so feel free to message!
Likes include:
* Pregnancy symptoms are a big love for me! I love being able to play out a pregnancy with all the symptoms such as: Morning sickness, Tender breasts, Heartburn, Constantly running to the bathroom, Extreme Fatigue or soreness, Hormonal/Emotional, Cravings and Sensitivity to smells, Swollen feet/etc, and so much more!
* Throughout the pregnancy, I love when the partner really pampers the carrier, treating them like a queen while she goes through the process of growing a baby. Being extra clingy towards the partner, Mood swings, stretch marks, sex throughout pregnancy, baby kicks, outgrowing clothes, one or multiple babies, finding out about the pregnancy, going to doctors appointments together, glucose tests, Ultrasounds, honestly I’m not too picky, I’m very open if you want to add other parts as well, and I’m sure I’ve missed a few of my likes in there. I love drama! Maybe having a little argument over not being able to have a craving or something very small would be something or even crying because the partner ate the last of what she was craving, I’m up for anything and I’d love to add it in if interested.
* Birthing is a favorite of mine, I love when it’s taking forever, no progression, maybe even Pitocin being involved, a difficult birth is one of my favorites. Nausea/Vomiting can also be added into giving birth as well as other symptoms. Home births, water births, hospital births, car births or even almost being a car birth are some likes of mine, as well as water breaking, pushing to no avail and taking forever to dilate, maybe even being denied an epidural or it fails. Messy difficult births are a favorite. Even before giving birth scenarios as well, such as losing the mucus plug or even a membrane sweep that brings on labor. Doing everything to kickstart labor, overdue births, unplanned birth in an unexpected scenario or even denying even being in labor, and tearing. I’m open to adding more and I’m sure I’m missing something as well.
* The postpartum process once the baby is born is something I really never get to do after the birth but if it’s something that interests you, I love the aftercare after the baby is born, cleaning up or even getting some stitches while we get to see our newborn for the first time is a favorite of mine. Being in pain for a while after birth and still being uncomfortable as her body heals while also being in charge of a newborn is something I’d love to play out with someone if interested, this includes doctors appointments for both the carrier and the baby and so much more!!
• I’m just very into the slice of life part of it, but I also loveeee drama, arguments or even toxic relationships but staying purely for the baby(maybe they work it out eventually, but a whole lot of drama before that of course!)
* Dislikes include; Scat, Gore, Unbirth, Rape, Hyper birthing, Gas, Incest, Ageplay, Alien Pregnancy(Humans only), Futa, etc
* I’m open to many scenarios, maybe a complicated relationship or situationship, or even just husband/wife, boyfriend/girlfriend, I’m up for any suggestions really!
* I roleplay mainly on here but I can also do discord if you’re more comfortable with that!
* If you’re interested, please feel free to message me, I may not have listed everything but if there’s something you wanna add to it please tell me. Thank you so much!
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littlemissagere · 1 year
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CG!Baizhu & regressor!Reader (mentions of more than one little and Qiqi!) 🐍💚
Requested by @apreciouspuppy ! 🫶 (sorry this was made speedily, but i LOVEEEE cg!Baizhu :D )
Headcanons !
Baizhu is a very attentive caregiver, and very indulgent when babying you and caring for you while regressed. No matter what age you regress to, he will always find something for you two to do together! Qiqi will also help with you, she'll play with the littles Baizhu takes care of, and write in her journal all your favorite activities, so she can remember them!
Baizhu is also very good with nonverbal kiddos, as well as any kind of regressor. He can adapt quickly, and will make and establish schedules, spaces, and anything else you may need for you. He wants all his kiddos to be happy and feel safe! 💚
Even though Baizhu can’t always go around playing it’s hyper littles, due to needing to take breaks so often, he will still engage with them, like asking them little questions! He'll also read them bed time stories, give you the perfect medicines for anything he spots, he is a doctor after all!
Baizhu would probably call his Littles a variety of nicknames such as: Little one, Qixing, Kiddo(s), Sweet one, Sweetpea, Dear, etc!
Cw: Mentions of minor injury
You were playing in the clinic as Qiqi and Baizhu work and occasionally check up on you, always being attentive to you. You were looking for something in one of the shelves in the back of the clinic when you accidentally cut your finger! You felt tears well up in your eyes, and before you knew it—Baizhu had come to your aid.
“Little one, what’s the cause for your tears?” his calm and gentle voice brought some ease to the little fear you had felt due to getting a little cut. You show Baizhu the small cut on your finger, and he takes your little hand gently into his own to examine it.
“Oh my… it seems you have a little boo-boo, dear. Here, let’s get you all fixed up.” Baizhu gently picked you up, and set you on one of the chairs in the back. He called Qiqi in, and she brought a wet rag, and the bandaids. Baizhu held your little hand, and cleaned the small cut. He applied a cute bandaid of your choice. Qiqi then awarded you a lollipop as a reward for being such a brave little kiddo!
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akajustmerry · 6 months
doctor who for the ask meme <3
ooooh alright lets do ittttt
My rating (1-10): pie/10 - i have a complex relationship with the quality of dw it is both the best show in the world to me and the worst version of itself simultaneously always
My favourite character: apart from the Doctor because having them as a fave character is kind of a given otherwise why watch lmao, my favourites are river song, bill potts and martha jones
My least favourite character: everyone from 13's era (except the master) and rose tyler (for reasons too complicated to explain, like, i love her dearly but i also hate how she's written with a passion that burns like a furnace)
The character I think I'd be friends with: bill! she's gay and loves sci-fi!!
The character I think I won't hit off with: 10th doctor. i'd beat him to death with a mouldy burger patty
My favourite episode/scene: when the 12th doctor confronts the master(s) in the season 10 finale! love that speech. love their reactions. my favourite episode changes day-to-day but today I'll go with The Long Game for the rupert murdoch shade
Whose clothing style I like best: ncuti's doctor is by far the style i've loved the most for any doctor i loveeee his crop-top/jacket combos. also, bill's of course <3
Times I watched it (and if I would again): there are episodes i've watched countless times, but all of (new) who i've watched probably about 4 times? and classic who once.
Send me the name of a series / film
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grandadtwelve · 1 year
Angus Flint and/or Bill Potts?
unfortunately have not seen the entirety of lair of the white worm so let’s do bill !!
sexuality hc: I mean it’s canon but 🫵🏼 lesbian
otp: unfortunately I find heather deeply boring but I loveeee a jenny (doctors daughter) x bill rarepair moment
brotp: I genuinely think rose and her would get along SOO well. but within canon definitely twelve
notp: I said this before but her and thirteen or her and river or her and missy all make me deeply uncomfy bc like. she’s the doctors kid, yk?
random hc: yaz met her once. the doctor was having a bad day/being an asshole so yaz went to some cafe on whatever alien planet they’d landed on instead of hanging around the tardis. bill was there, sitting alone with an earth book. yaz struck up a conversation, one thing led to another, and bill gave her advice about her “girl trouble” for a full forty-five mins before she actually realized who yaz was talking about
favorite line: bill has some really fucking funny lines but my favorite has to be the “do you know any sci fi?” it was just too good
one way in which I relate to this character: I really love her reactions to things! I think they’re much closer to how I would react than some of the other companions
what gives me second hand embarrassment about this character: nothing she’s perfect xo
cinnamon roll or problematic fave
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roseposts-stuff · 2 months
hello folks!!! it is time for doctor who series 9 rankings!!!
1. Heaven Sent (9x11) - peak. fucking. doctor who. one of my (and many other's) favourite episodes of ALL TIME and for a REASON!!!! it's so clever and well written and well acted and it's visually GORGEOUS like!!! peter capaldi is so good and i firmly believe he's the only actor who could've pulled this off, basically a 50 minute monologue come on man!!! i wish i could watch it for the first time again it's brilliant
2. Face the Raven (9x10) - SO GOOD!!! i love rigsy and i'm so glad he came back haha. clara's death is actually so heartbreaking and SJSJSJ the conversation between her and the doctor omg THE WAY SHE USES HER LAST MOMENTS TO MAKE SURE HE WON'T SEEK REVENGE OR ANYTHING OMG i love that!!! and it's also like visually so so so beautiful like visuals are a big part of how much i enjoy an episode as you might have noticed if you've seen my rankings before, like honestly i don't care too much about if the cgi is good or not etc. but them colours and lights and stuff need to be right!!!!!
3. Under the Lake/Before the Flood (9x3/9x4) - this is, again, SO good, i LOVE timey wimeyness doctor who should do WAY MORE timey wimeyness like you're a time travel show, USE IT!!!! i like the side characters and the beginning of before the flood with 12 explaining bootstrap paradox to the audience is so great and THE FADE FROM 12'S GUITAR TO THE THEME!!! it makes me so happy
4. Hell Bent (9x12) - is it a perfect episode? no. but i think it gets SO MUCH undeserved hate. i love love love clara in this, and the scene where her or the doctor have to forget everything is so good imo. i'm really interested in gallifrey and i haven't seen much of classic who yet so i take every scene in new who very gratefully and with great interest. i THINK people criticise the episode for having 12 suddenly be so ready to kill and stuff, and in any other episode i'd agree, but after heaven sent and the way his and clara's relationship is so codependent and toxic, it makes complete sense in my opinion. i loved when the doctor and me met at the end of the universe it was interesting imo, and i LOVEEEE that clara and me's TARDIS is the same one 11, river and the ponds were in series 6!!! and i like the way first you think clara has forgotten stuff but then you find out it's 12 who did (idk if it was obvious to everyone else but me, you can fool me so so so easily it's not even funny i believe almost anything the plot wants me to believe. which probably greatly affects the fact that i can enjoy doctor who so easily.) yeah i really really enjoy this episode
5. Last Christmas (9x0) - honestly why don't people talk about this episode more?? like it's SO interesting and just a bit scary, i love love love the idea of dreams inside dreams, like i don't really have complaints about this episode tbh it's really great and has a fascinating concept
6. The Husbands of River Song (9x0) - this is peak comedy i was laughing half of the duration of the episode probably, i love river obviously, and i liked her and 12 together. gotta love nardole as well lmao. i don't have much to say except SLAY socialist 12 and this is so funny like 80% of the run time, which is how a christmas special should be
7. The Girl Who Died (9x5) - i like this one!! 12 acting like he's a norse god and then the guy appearing in the sky and 12 tries to impress everyone with a yoyo was absolutely hilarious to me, that's peak humour in my mind. me was a bit annoying in this one can't lie like this is my least favourite me appearance, because HOW was she so stupid like girl i know those random guys you live with would've started fighting without a second thought but you're so much cleverer than them come on, but whatever, i forgive her i did care about her in the end. i loved the 12th doctor realising why he chose the face like YASSS GIRL!!!! and them making the video was so funny and random i ADORE 12 and clara in this, and i love the theme of immortality it's very interesting and i love when it's explored in doctor who
8. The Zygon Invasion/The Zygon Inversion (9x7/9x8) - i think it's. good. i love clara controlling the zygon it was sooo interesting and the sort of space she's in felt so weird and interesting i loved it, and obviously the doctor's speech is fantastic and peter capaldi delivers it perfectly. however, i do think it's not that well paced or something, like sometimes it feels really slow and sometimes everything is happening at once, and basically reasons to watch it would be 12's speech and jenna coleman. i did like osgood as well tho and obviously i'm the biggest kate lethbridge-stewart stan i take anything with her even if she's in it for 2 seconds
9. The Magician's Apprentice/The Witch's Familiar (9x1/9x2) - i LOVE the doctor and davros' interactions and missy and clara are brilliant together. i love missy. the opening is brilliantly funny, i adore 12 SO MUCH, i love that he plays his guitar god knows in what century and teached the people the word "dude" i LOVE that, and how he just appeared in his davros chair and had tea what an icon i'm his biggest fan, i don't care if it makes no sense i'm here for the entertainment and that's what i got. but like i mentioned in the last series ranking... steven moffat does NOT understand the daleks. i respect him a lot as a writer, but he can't for the life of him write the daleks. "Into the Dalek" i can excuse because it's fun enough and the radiation is probably affecting the creature's biology, but this episode acting like the cases or armour or whatever are the ones controlling how the daleks act is just bullshit, the daleks are a genetically engineered race full of hate, not just some random squid aliens inside propaganda cases for god's sake. funny how the daleks of this dalek episode are the worst thing in it
10. The Woman Who Lived (9x6) - i enjoy this episode, i don't think it's bad, but it's not good enough to deserve to be higher on this list. me is an interesting enough character and i like that she doesn't remember everything, it's really fascinating. i also like how she's pretty much morally grey, a bit like the doctor. yeah, it's enjoyable but nothing special imo, and sometimes i just. didn't get the plot, which i understand and can excuse because it focuses on me and the doctor but i dislike the plot and the lion alien
11. Sleep No More (9x9) - it is a bit boring isn't it? i don't actively hate it, and i really appreciate the way it's filmed, i think it's really cool. i LOVE that we're kinda the monsters there and that it's a sort of video, but it doesn't save it from the fact that it's utterly tedious
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wrongcaitlyn · 2 months
HIII i hope the eras was so fun!! i’ve been following u since the she-ra era (remember wrongcatra lol) right as i was starting to fixate on arcane and pjo. AND UR A SWIFTIE SJSJSJ!!! its so crazyy how u like everything i like! i love when editors/writers switch interests the exact same time as me
i loveeee talk ur talk and i was wondering if in the future (like far far farrrr future) solangelo would ever have kids? like adoption or biologically idk!
SDJFLASJDFLSJDFSAF OH MY GOD???sdlkFJSKLDFJ OH MY FUCKING GOD NO WAYYSDFJSDJF????lsDFKJSDF sorry im like dying here i STILL cant believe that some people know me from wrongcatra, that feels like so long ago... WOAH. thats actually so so cool to know that our interests followed like parallel lines omg <333 some sort of soulmate type shit i'd say!
ANYWAY now to actually respond to the ask - thank you so much!!! the eras tour was INCREDIBLE i truly had the time of my life <33 and honestly i have the same thing with finding editors that have the same interests... like whenever i see someone who posts both pjo and arcane im like?? omg???? are we the same person??? i can just tell you guys that i'll be starting to post abt arcane on here as november rolls closer bc the hyperfixation is already creeping up on me again... god i love that show so muchSDJKLF
as for whether theyd have children! i've been thinking about this for a while actually, and im leaning towards no. or at least- my idea is that both of their jobs are just *incredibly* time consuming, and very chaotic, with nico traveling a lot, and will- well, will's gonna be a doctor, so... yeahJKLSDF that speaks for itself! (in case u want more detail, i was thinking of him being a pediatric surgeon? idk why but i also always pictured him working in the er, maybe bc that's similar to what he does at chb, though he could also try to work in a less hectic environment as they grow older, i'm not entirely sure)
so i don't think that it'd be something that they'd even start thinking about for a very long time, just because they wouldn't have time for a kid, they wouldnt' be able to give them the attention they deserved (and with both nico and will having dealt with various levels of neglect as kids, that's definitely something they wouldn't want to put on a child)
HOWEVER. i think that. one day when they're much much older and maybe will changes his job slightly so its less of late nights and stuff, and nico decides not to tour for quite a bit and focuses more on other,,, projects, i think they would foster! probably young children, like before school, so their kids wouldn't have to deal with yk,, the attention of having a famous parent (will knows that issue all too well), but i think that they would actually feel really fulfilled and happy doing that. and who knows, maybe one of those children, they would one day adopt - i'm thinking of it now, maybe a pair of siblings or smth like that, i think it would be sweet :) but yeah, tbh, i don't have that many thoughts on what will happen past the timeline of greatest of luxuries, or at least no definite plans, but i think this is the most likely scenario :)
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