#shes cool i guess
full offense alters tail is so pointless it could have been like an extra arm or something, but no its a
that doesn't even behave like one, even tho its supposedly controlled like one. No showing emotions, no using it as an actual weapon, and balancing on it?? You'd give yourself an incredible back ache and pull it out of its socket or something.
Ugh its just a glorified extra arm with a portal gun, if it's a tail why doesn't it ACT LIKE ONE ??!!
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useful-boy · 1 year
I have played through two completely different books in my story app that have absolutely no relation to another, but both have made use of the name Aster (in one it was a family name, in another a first name), and every time I see it my ygo brain just goes "bitch boy"
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somnimagus · 7 months
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My page for @sheikahzine; about Impaz's duty to her village, empty of people and full of memories.
[id in alt text]
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zivazivc · 3 months
do you think freesia and jd would ever get back together? or will they stay sort-of friends?
I'm not going to lie, I kinda like the idea of them starting to date again and seeing where it takes them. 🙈 freesia sneaked into my heart for some reason (she kind of started this new trend of mine where i make ocs that were created to be dicks and then me just getting protective of them and trying to reason out their awful behavior kasjsdj)
also their ship already has a #1 hater and #1 supporter, both of which are doing it for the wrong reasons...
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rapidhighway · 7 months
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trying to show you the absolute cinema i had the pleasure of watching in tonights dream. We could’ve had it all
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crocchompers · 4 months
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Some REALLY old stuff that I forgot about posting I don't have the full screenshot of the second one but like- I really like the way I did her hair bc I don't color too often lol
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tubbytarchia · 4 months
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@mcyt-yuri-week Day 5, Rose/Thorns I never stop thinking about SL episode 8 never ever
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kamabokobun · 11 months
Have you considered:
Zelda but she comes back a little fucked up
The princess can have horns
as a treat
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She was forced to eat cement when she was a worm
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themortaldraw · 3 months
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sigtheta · 6 months
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An eye for an eye makes justice blind
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windmills123 · 5 months
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have you ever thought about a world where everything is exactly the same... except you don't exist?
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ghouljams · 1 year
seeing fae!ghost mess with love's tethers makes me want liebling to use that against our resident nasty boy. make him suffer!! (in a good way)
In which the worst fae-touched woman in the world is just dying to help Liebling's relationship. Ghost please get a handle on your darling.
There's a low deep rumbling coming from König, he's growling you think. Warning whatever monster is in front of you to stay away. His hands bracket you on either side of the counter, shoulders hunched protectively over you. When you look up at him, you can just peek under his hood at his bared teeth. 
You glance at the door and sigh, great the specter of death is back. Love gives you a smile and a wave. She just about skips over to you while Ghost follows her. 
"Don't worry we're not here for long," she tells you, which you're thankful for. König is always weirder when they're in the shop.
"What's up? What do you need?" You ask, trying to lean out of König's shadow.
“I thought you might want to know a trick I learned," Love lights up gold all over, you've noticed that happening when she's excited. You have also noticed that she gets excited over weird stuff, like dead bugs and slasher movies, you usually try to proceed with caution.
"Hit me," you tell her. She grabs your hand and presses it against your chest, curling your fingers around some phantom thing with Intent. 
"Should be around here somewhere," she mumbles, she frowns and keeps smacking your hand against your chest. You almost feel something brush against your palm and you wrap your fingers around it instinctively. Love pulls back, crossing her arms and screwing her mouth to one side. "Maybe not," She says, leaning back against Ghost, "Damn, boring."
You really don't know what she's so upset about. You curl your fingers tighter into a fist against your chest. König vibrates behind you, still agitated you guess. You settle your fist back on the counter, feeling something pull like a loose string on a sweater. Something unraveling that you didn’t even know was strung tightly.
König's hand slams against your back, forcing you to bend over the counter. He hunches over you, breathing hard and ragged as his hips press against your ass. Your chest heaves against the counter, your eyes wide as you stare at Love's grin. König growls, and you feel his saliva drip wet against the back of your neck. Your fingers tighten around whatever invisible thread you were directed to grab and he grinds against you. 
He is absolutely filthy rocking against you. You try to push yourself up only to be pressed more firmly against the unyielding counter. König’s teeth scrape the top of your spine, possessive, dangerous, you try not to go boneless at the feeling.
"Alright, let's go." Ghost's arms wrap around Love's waist and hoist her up.
"Come on, it's just getting good!" Love groans, kicking against Ghost's hold. Ghost whispers something in her ear and she turns red. “Mmhm, yep, let’s go," she nods quickly, letting Ghost carry her out of the shop.
"König," you gasp, fuck that is- that is his cock sliding against you. God that feels big.
"Out," he snarls, making the other fae in the store jump and run for the exit, he rests his forehead against the counter next to you breathing hard, "Let go Liebling, or bitte-” his voice shakes, “-pull harder."
You don't know what he's talking about. Harder? You're not pulling anything, he pushed you down. You whine, your chest feels hot, and you are starting to get uncomfortably wet between your legs. You want- König's eyes dart to the gold lighting up in your chest -you want more. His stomach jumps, pulse thrumming, you smell so good. All of you so greedy for him, tethers pulling at desires he knows you won't say aloud. You are working him up and he is trying to avoid doing something you will regret.
He cannot get banned from the shop a second time.
You squirm under him, it feels absolutely, pathetically, pointless to try and fight out from under König. You should tell him to get off, that is the smart thing to do. You’re going to do just that as soon as you can think of anything but the desperate way your cunt clenches when he rubs his cock against it.
"You would look so cute on my cock Liebling," he sighs, somewhere between resignation and annoyance, "Ah, but you would be mad if I fucked you here, and I cannot have that."
“König,” You try again and he hums like he’s listening, you don’t think he is, “you need to get off.”
“I am trying, you are not very good at-”
“Off of me,” You specify, but you don’t really want him off do you? Your chest is so pleasantly warm and your fingers buzz with some strange magic that makes König’s hand slide down your back and over your hips.
“Then let go,” His voice is starting to get ragged at the edges, dangerous. You don’t want to let go. You very much want to keep holding on. If you let go he actually will pull away from you, he’ll stop letting you press your hips back against him, his breath won’t pant in your ear. 
You shake your head as his hand closes around yours.
"You are being very naughty, Liebling," he tells you, trying to pry your fingers apart. You squeeze your fist tighter and he growls at you, “Behave.” Funny that’s what you tell him, it’s strange to be on the other end of it, makes your stomach all flippy. You press back against him, away from his hand and the end of this. You feel all of him lurch forward before his teeth clamp down around the back of your neck. You freeze.
Big teeth, big König, you like big, you really like big. 
He pries your fingers loose and the tension snaps, the thread winding back into the sweater. You can’t control your breathing. All your muscles seem to shake and melt against the counter without whatever hold you had. König, fuck, you still want him but it’s gentler now. A low simmer in your stomach, not… whatever it was before that has you absolutely soaked.
“Ich werde diesen Märchenjunges töten,” König spits, and then he’s gone, and you are utterly, painfully, alone in the shop.
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Starlo should be Clover's dad
Why? Because ↓
1) Both dress into cowboy-themed attire to feel braver/more important than they are
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2) Clover, instead of a regular kid, wants to feel like a hero; Star, instead of a regular farmer, also wants to feel like a hero
In reality, Star is not the tough guy he pretends to be. His optimism, protectiveness and caring nature make him a hero though.
In reality, Clover started off as a scared kid who became more confident and skilled thanks to Flowey's resets. Their heroism comes from their forgiving and selfless nature and the hidden courage they got the chance to explore.
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2) Both acted childish during a dangerous situation Clover came down the mountain with a toy gun so that it would bring them comfort/they'd feel more in control of the situation (if you remember, Frisk refused to play with Asriel's toys in UT, saying how they're "too old," and I assume Frisk and Clover are the same age).
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Starlo brought a fake gun before confronting Clover in genocide, just to feel cool.
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3) Both not only value justice, but base it on compassion
Clover's entire mission was to bring justice (avenge the kids), but along the way changed that mindset (in pacifist). Star says how him and his posse aren't bandits, tests Clover's sense of justice and morality with the trolley problem, and wants to give Ceroba a second chance despite her actions.
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4) Starlo's got protective fatherly instincts
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5) fatherly pride
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8) a lot of monsters associate Clover with the Dunes/Wild East
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9) oh and... Starlo referred to the Wild East as Clover's.... home. Twice.
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he could have easily said 'Wild East'
... get the adoption papers.
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sonknuxadow · 4 months
this is probably an unpopular opinion with the amount of "everyone is married with kids" type future aus people make for sonic characters but i cannot see sonic getting married or having a kid ever. if he did somehow end up with a kid hed be the worlds first transmasc absent father or however the joke goes
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boilingrain · 2 months
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I've literally never had a murder occur this quickly in clangen what is wrong with Rimespore
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um-jammer-rammy · 4 months
y'know what? fuck you *jaxxes your ragatha*
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