#shes worse than him in that regard. she simply wont stop with the idea
isaacathom · 4 months
on naielle odelia, florian de kasimir, and the idea of sacrifice
naielle is a celestial warlock. she's a backliner, a combination support and damage.
florian is a man at arms, a soldier, armed with sword and shield. a front liner, a tank, a consistent damage dealer.
being in the front lines means risk is always present. and florian considers it his duty, his obligation, to remain. he considers the idea of fleeing first to be a violation of his job.
he is deeply afraid. he always is. but he has to be the first and final line of defence.
when he was killed, time froze, and he saw the state of his friends, battered and near death. he saw the monster that stood before them.
he had once taken great umbrage with a man who had made an ill-thought out deal with the devil.
and when push came to shove, and the devil held out his hand, florian took it. because if he didnt, his friends would die. it wouldve been a waste.
naielle's devil hangs over her head, a sword of damocles. you are a healer, aren't you? the front line will fall without you. you must run in, and you must help them.
her devil is not her patron. her devil is herself.
florian is constantly aware of the danger he is in, and considers himself illsuited to all of it, and simultaneously suited to nothing else. all he can be is a sharp object pointed at a villain. when mauled near death, watching the party's witcher fall, he ordered the retreat, and unable to stand still tried to protect the party doctor's spirit.
naielle forgets her own risk. she sees the threat posed to someone else, the blood that issues forth, and she sees the solution held in her hands. she would be a failure not to administer it. withholding the cure from the dying would go against everything she tries to believe and hold herself to. she does not balance it with the idea that her premature death might leave things worse. its the now, now, now.
she'll defend the man defending her, even if he says she shouldnt.
when the mission came down to it, and the devil's plans laid bare, florian considered it his moral duty to lay down his life. he could not stomach to kill the woman who had brought him here, to betray her so utterly. but for the party priest, he paused. because to give up himself, to act as Emelia's final defence, he would doom the priest. The two would either die at the traitors hands, or by a devil collecting on unkept promises.
he couldnt sacrifice himself to doom another, to doom a man in service to a woman he hadn't met and owed no alleigance too. florian could not demand that of him, and thus could not give of it himself, much as he wanted to.
he was forced to live, and to see her die, and to know he'd failed.
naielle hasn't reached that crux yet. the mountains peak lies high above, and many descending tracks offer solutions from this vantage, though they may lead simply to deep ravines.
for her to give herself to her patron, to play the numbers game, she would save many. she would damn herself, damn her sister, damn her twin brother, her wife, her mother, her father. all the people she's met and known, ill and well, would be hurt. depending on the relationship, on the timing, she might even kill them.
but naielle would play the numbers game. its an easy game at that scale - a world, or an elf? she'd like both. but maybe her goal, to do good, necessitates giving up the opportunity to see that good done, and only to know it was.
after his betrayal, he heads north. he has loose ends to attend to. peoples lives to try and fix. a war to join. he expected to die in that war, as he expected to die in that manor, as he did in that forest, as he thought the griffin might, like the previous war had thought to.
he doesnt die. the war spits him out, like it had before.
and he stands on a rural farm, holding out tools for the farmer reparing the fence, and he wonders:
why did he always try to throw it away?
0 notes
Universe Jump
Marinette, Adrien, and Chloe travel to the DC universe and create lives for themselves as a family. A little side info Marinette is a certified genius with an IQ of 187, Adrien has eidetic memory, and Chloe has Hyperthymesia.
Eidetic memory is when you can remember an image with high precision after seeing it once.
Hyperthymesia is where you remember a vast majority of your life with no problems.
A little background first. At 16 and 15, Adrien and Marinette have their final battle with Hawkmoth and Mayura, after they are defeated Chat and Ladybug hurry away from the scene both about to de-transform. When they find a hiding place Chat Noir breaks down finally de-transforming into Adrien. Marinette drops her transformation pulling Adrien into a tight hug. Neither letting go for over half an hour. They slowly make their way back to Marinette's house, Adrien crying on Mari's shoulder the whole way both unaware of the glares being sent at Adrien.
Since it was confirmed that it was Gabriel Agreste, many were speculating that Adrien was in on it. Some just wanted to take their anger out on Gabriel for torturing them by going after his son. Neither noticed the hatefully eyes following them as they entered the bakery. Tom and Sabine automatically hugged Adrien who was crying so hard he couldn't see or speak. After their hugs Marinette led him upstairs and they simply sat on the couch cuddling, not wanting to leave each other's side.
It wasn't until an hour later that the police arrived to question and inform Adrien on what they found in his house. Adrien tells them he had no idea that his father always talked about the heros with high regards whenever he saw them. When the police tell him about Emilie in the underground Garden, Adrien breaks down sobbing into Marinette's shoulder mumbling about how she'd been underneath him dead the entire time.
The police come to the conclusion that Adrien was not a part of it at all. And is grieving the loss of both his parents now, they agree to come back in the morning to talk with Tom and Sabine about where Adrien will be staying. However the morning never comes for Tom and Sabine, a group of people break into the bakery and set it on fire determined to get back at Gabriel by taking his son's life.
Marinette and Adrien only escape with the Miraculous box, Tom and Sabine had already been caught and it was too late for them. That night all four were pronounced dead. Adrien takes Marinette to Le Grand Paris, knowing Chloe would hide them for as long as they needed. They hide at Chloe's for a week while she pulls strings getting Gabriel's, The Dupain-Cheng's and Fu's bank accounts completely emptied and into her own without anyone knowing. During this time the three talk with the Kwamis on what they should do. It's Orikko that suggests the Kwami's move the money into their own dimension and take the three to a different universe. At first they are reluctant but Xuppu points out that they have no real reason to stay and their Kwamis agree. Pollen points out that Chloe's parents still aren't around. While Tikki and Plagg point out that their chosen are considered dead.
It gets Marinette thinking and she quickly goes over the ups and downs.
"Alright so here's what to know about us leaving this universe. It's a completely new start, no one knows who we are and according to Tikki the last time the Miraculous Box was there was when Hippolyta was Ladybug. So only the Amazonians will know of them. We'll be safer than we are here, not having to worry about people coming after us thanks to Gabriel. We'll have plenty of money and I know enough to be able to fake us having a 'parent' and buy a place for us as well as use it to our advantage. However based on where we end up it may be harder for me to get us IDs, and definitely hard to get us faked birth certificates. Not to mention, I'd have to teach myself an insane amount of hacking to successfully make it look like we've had previous education in that universe."
Together they decide that leaving is the best option even if they are slightly afraid. Plagg and Trixx snag all the money from Chloe's account and transfer it to their home dimension. Then together all the Kwami surround their three holders and transport them to an abandoned warehouse in Gotham with all their bags including the extravagant dollhouse Chloe had made for them. Once there the Kwami quickly swarm the house laying down in their respective beds as Adrien gives each one their favorites to eat before sleeping. Marinette explores the warehouse plotting out everything that must be done in construction while also making sure that no one else was there.
Once it's clear she returns to Chole and Adrien and they begin planning their first moves. Tomorrow Adrien and Chloe will go to a cafe that has free wifi with Tikki and Pollen. And using Marinette's USB they'll insert the 'parent' into the world from there they will create a bank account online, have Pollen transfer some money in, and then buy the warehouse. Meanwhile Marinette will be walking the town during the day with Plagg. As he points out places that give off the most sketchy energy, although they all can feel the destruction energy surrounding the city. He'll be able to find where the worse off people are staying. When meeting back up at the warehouse Marinette will confirm that their transaction went through. Then go from place to place with Plagg radiating as much dangerous energy around her as he can until she finds a bar where the bartender has what she needs.
Marinette meets with the bartender and a contractor the next day when the bar is closed. She tells the contractor she wants everything under the table and is willing to pay in cash half up front and half when the work is done.
"I want it done within a timely manner, bring in those you can trust not to squeal and are good workers, ten of them. I don't want any cut corners. If it'll cost more to do something safer, I'll pay it. And if none of you squeal within five months of it being done I'll give each other you an extra seven thousand and five hundred. These are the plans I have drawn up and this is the location. You'll start in two days. Do we have a deal?" 
The Contractor nods promising Marinette the best he has to offer and everything under the table with workers that are capable and wont speak of it. She simply smiles politely nodding and picks up the briefcase sliding it across the table to him. She then tosses a thousand to the bartender telling him to remember her because she'd definitely come back for more and will pay him.
Once back at the warehouse Marinette drops the tough girl persona exhausted from the day. She collapses on one of the three beds Tikki created for them and grins softly. Telling them that construction starts in two days.
When two days pass Marinette is a little surprised at how respectful the workers are and when she questions the contractor, lets call him Doug. Doug tells her that these aren't actually his workers, their friends of his that were contractors as well before they lost their jobs. Told her that he knew they needed the money, and that they wouldn't say anything once they realized they were working for a young girl and not a mob boss.
When Marinette here's that she is much nicer to the men and begins to bond with them Adrien and Chloe join in. Chloe sells a story of their parents being killed in Paris when they were still young and how they were basically sold to slavery. Claiming that they recently escaped after their 'owner' was killed. When asked on how they got the money Chloe immediately turns on Marinette.
"That easy! Mari here is really smart I mean seriously if we hadn't been-well you know- she'd already be in college! She was able to transfer his money into another account and then use one of his fake IDs to get us away!"
Construction lasts for four months and in that time the workers and the teens become closer. The workers even begin helping them with getting furniture, a few of them offering their trucks free of charge and willing to go pick up anything they can't have delivered. Doug even brings in a friend to install a top of the line security system for them. Once construction is over they have a solid bond between them and Marinette promises to call them anytime they need construction done.
At this point the warehouse has been turned into a home for them. With all the necessities and furniture. And in the basement of the warehouse Marinette has a parkour funland put in. They have also had time to research their new city and its heroes. Marinette deems it best that they do not transform or go parkoring in Gotham.
"Something about Batman tells me that if he sees us he won't stop until he knows everything about us. If you feel the need to run transformed or not, go to the basement."
Soon almost every night is spent in the basement for at least an hour and a half. The same time patrol lasted in Paris.
Marinette begins making all of their clothes, bored and missing designing. Soon they have donated all their old clothes and only wear Marinette's designs. It's Chloe that gets the clientele rolling in when a few women ask where she got her shirt. She gives them Marinette's information and soon Marinette is making clothes for others back in her element. She is slowly making a name for herself in Gotham taking up the name MDC.
Marinette also returns to the Bartender asking for help once again. Let's call the Bartender Chasen. She has him get in contact with someone that could fake documents for schooling. She explains to him that while she already has her profession, Adrien loves science and Chloe lives for business. Chasen calls her the next day informing her that he'd found the perfect person.
Chasen-For the right price all of you will be considered legal immigrants in America. He will get you all the paperwork you need within a week's time.
Marinette- And you trust him?
Chasen- Yes, with my life.
Marinette- Very well, what is his price?
Chasen- He wants to know why two 17 year olds and a 16 year old are in need of this paperwork.
Marinette- What is his name?
Chasen- John Constantine.
Marinette-Very well give him my address.
Marinette gives him two thousand dollars before leaving the bar.
A few hours later the trio is relaxing together in the living room. Adrien is excitedly talking about what they could do once they get the paperwork. When a portal opens up in their kitchen, and a blonde man steps out introducing himself.
John- Hello there, I'm John Constantine. Now please tell me why multiple gods have returned to this universe with three teenagers?
The trio is shocked into silence that this man knows they're from another universe. John sighs muttering out a few curses before turning around and opening their fridge pulling out a drink. He sits down at their breakfast table taking a long sip before leveling eye contact with Marinette.
John- Alright pigtails sit down and talk, you're the one Chasen told me to talk to.
Marinette huffs at the name glaring at him before sitting down and telling him their story. Plagg sits on her shoulder facing away from Constantine. Pretending to eat cheese while he is ready to jump to Marinette's defense if needed.
By the end of the night the trio has a foul mouth yet compassionate new friend. John agrees to get them all the documentation that makes it seem like they've lived in the universe since birth.
John- The only people that will be able to tell something is unusual is superheros. My friend is going to tie you all together as siblings with the same father, me. Though you'll all be emancipated and the only time I'll come into play is if one of you gets hurt. Chloe and Adrien will pass as fraternal twins with the same mother, Marinette due to your differing appearance will have a different mother. The only thing that will give you away to heros is my name, they know I do not have kids. Unusually I have enough time to find others to pose as you parents but you're stuck with me.
The trio agrees to the conditions and John smiles gently surprising them. He ruffles Marinette's hair telling them he'll be back periodically before he gets the paperwork. He tells Marinette his phone number and before he leaves Marinette grips his hand tightly.
Marinette- That is really all you wanted? Just our story?
John turns to her squeezing her hand gently before nodding.
John- I'm not one of the best people in the universe, that much your little Gods and Goddesses can tell you. But I would never not help a child or children when I can, and while your eyes are older than they should be you're still children. Now enough of the soft bull, I have a reputation to keep! If you need me, call me!
John leaves the same way he came, not seeing Marinette smiling gently at his back. Chloe and Adrien share a grin behind her teasing each other on who the cuter twin is. Marinette rolls her eyes as Plagg and Pollen start arguing for their chosen. 
A week later they are now the Constantine siblings.
A few weeks later both Chloe and Adrien have taken their SATs and their ACT, skying some of the highest scores in Gotham. Marinette decided not to take the test knowing that it would be suspicious if they discover she is a genius. People will be asking why it wasn't documented in Paris, instead she uses their week of studying to teach herself hacking, much to John's amusement when he visits.
His amusement fled when he made a snarky comment and Marinette turned to him smirking.
Marinette- At least I didn't sleep with a humanoid shark.
John-....ya f*ckin got me there pigtails!
He then turned and disappeared through a portal unable to look any of his self proclaimed kids in the eyes. Once gone Marinette and Plagg start laughing hysterically together causing Tikki to roll her eyes and start complaining about Plagg trying to steal her Chosen. Plagg sticks his tongue out at her before floating over and resting himself in Adrien's hair.
A few weeks later Marinette is dragging John to a car dealership ignoring his whining. She simply signs and tells him that she needs her parental figures help with buying a car.
John sighs before agreeing to help her get a car, in the end he is glad he is there when the dealer attempts to push Marinette into buying a terrible car.
He immediately gets in between them glaring the man down before telling him that he is shopping for a car for his daughter. The man nodded before stuttering out that he'll get the keys for their safest cars, before rushing back inside.
John huffs not looking Marinette in the eye as she smirks at him.
Marinette- Watch out Dad, keep this up and people might think you care about us!
John-Shut it Pigtails, or I'll leave right now.
Marinette- No you won't. 
John doesn't respond because he knows she is right, he got attached to these sassy brats. His only hope is that his enemies don't find out about them. That night he stays for dinner and when the kids fall asleep he places magical sigils on each of their souls. Protecting them from attacks from both Heaven and hell. When confronted by the Kawami he just huffs telling them the brats wormed their way into his heart. Tikki simply smiles patting his cheek before telling him to use the guest room.
The next day John is grumbling sitting at the breakfast bar dressed in only his boxers as Marinette makes breakfast. Adrien sits next to him laughing at the dark look on his face, while Chloe rolls her eyes at both of them sipping her coffee.
He sighs softly thinking about how Bats would kill him for being in his city this long. However when he hears the three burst into laughter together. He can't find it in himself to actually care.
Two months later Chloe and Adrien are attending college classes and Marinette is getting ready to open her own boutique with John's help. They bought a shop in the nice parts of Gotham and with Doug's help they were practically ready to open. They had a large floor room. The right floor of the store was designated for specially designed clothing, a doortalong the wall opened to a fitting room. The left side was for her clothing manufactured in bulk, and the changing areas were located on that side. She also had the walls set for clothing designed by the designers she hired. Above each rack was a whiteboard that each designer was allowed to specially decorate and have their name displayed. Their clothes were being sold under her name in return for only 25 percent while they got the other 75 percent. The back room housed a designing area for Marinette and her designers with extra sewing machines along with racks and shelves for finished clothing. John was helping her set up signs for the day unknown to the both of them they were being spied on.
Bruce Wayne had spotted John Constantine in Gotham over three weeks ago. He didn't confront him because at the time he'd been walking out of Gotham University with two blonds, before getting in a car that a black haired girl with sunglasses was driving. He proceeded to investigate even deeper, finding two new students with the last name Constantine and an upcoming designer sharing the name as well. His first thought was that John had relocated some of his allies into Gotham, which pissed the Bat off greatly. 
However it had been Dick that pointed out to him that the kids we're Tim's age and they didn't have any history beyond what John had created for them. Instead of confronting the man and kicking them out he had the entire family taking turns watching the three.
They saw a family that found itself the three obviously weren't actually siblings but that didn't matter to them. They also saw John get closer and closer to the kids slowly starting to spend more time with them. When Marinette began setting up her shop Bruce and Dick watched John smile gently at the girl when she began to ramble on and on. It was that moment that made Dick turn on Bruce telling him that if he even threatened to kick them out Dick would be upset.
Meanwhile Jason was continuously joking and making comments that Bruce was only mad because John managed to adopt a black hair blue eyed child before he could. Bruce got out of his car walking into the unfinished boutique, his eyes zeroing in on the recently named Marinette Constantine. She greeted him politely telling him the store wasn't open yet and only tenseed slightly when John froze at the sight of him. She played it off and quickly turned to John.
Marinette- Hey Dad can you take those extra racks to the back for me, while I give this nice man our opening dates.
John looked like he wanted to argue but instead he nodded picking up a couple racks and taking them to the back. Marinette's eyes were immediately back on him calculating him in seconds. Which surprised him greatly, the only people able to pick him apart like this were his kids.
Marinette-Bruce Wayne and by Dad's reaction you're either a hero or a villain. It's easy to tell you're not a villain though so that only leaves the hero. In Gotham very few heroes are allowed. Based on your age and when heros first appeared I'm assuming you Batman. This means Richard Grayson was the first Robin, going through assumptions once again. This would place your family as the heroes of Gotham. You're Batman, and I know that you know damn well that John isn't our actual father. Probably suspicious of why he has three kids relocated into your city as well. You have a no meta policy in Gotham and I understand why. However John is not a meta, he is a mage and he is our guardian. I fear that the foul mouthed a**hat got attached to us though so he stays. You want answers, that's why you decided to confront us in public, everyone is wondering what Bruce Wayne is doing here, so we wouldn't dare make a move to run. What you didn't account for was going up against someone who could pick you apart in seconds and learn your weaknesses. For instance you've had your back broken, you've healed incredibly however to the right trained eye you can see that you wear back supports. Not only that you still get pains from the injury, pains that you're experiencing right now as shown by the tension in your back. Pain medication not kicked in yet Brucie?
She finished the polite smile never leaving her face even when both heard John laughing hysterically in the back room.
Bruce- You're good.
Marinette-I would hope so in my universe I was one of the best heros and a certified genius.
Bruce- Your universe?
Marinette- Yes my universe. I think we both know talking about this in public is stupid Brucie. Find the warehouse that belongs to Margie Willkins, and you will find us.
Bruce-Margie Willkins, very well. Will she be there as well.
Marinette- Not likely considering she only exists on the internet. You won't find her anywhere else. Now Brucie it is time for you to go.
Bruce- Don't call me that.
He finally growled out, Marinette's smile didn't waver but he could see the glee light up in her eyes at his annoyance. Reminding him of the gleam his kids would get for the same task.
Marinette-Oh but Brucie, I think it's just the perfect nickname! Show me you deserve my respect Brucie, you maybe Batman but you came in here to intimidate one of my family members. I believe you can understand I am very protective of my family. After all I've already had two murdered and I won't lose anymore. Now turn and leave my store with a smile on your face Bruce, or I'll start crying.
John- She will  the girl had me running around to get her favorite snacks until Chloe pointed out she was faking.
Marinette pouted looking at John behind her stating that Chloe had to ruin her fun. She turned to Bruce staring him down once more. Bruce nodded confirming that he'd be there.
That night the three were relaxing when Batman jumped down into their living room in front of them. Neither teen flinched Chloe scoffed going back to her nails while Adrien threw popcorn at him complaining that he was blocking the tv. Much to his kids amusement over the coms. Marinette simply sighed before flipping herself over the back of the couch. Gesturing him to follow her, she stopped however and looked him dead in the eye.
Marinette- Oh, and you're seven backups are doing a terrible job of hiding. Might as well tell them to just join us.
This left the entire family stunned as Marinette simply turned back walking into the kitchen and sitting down. Soon she was joined by eight members of the Batfamily. She took in their appearance quickly determining who was who with ease. She smirked when she felt Plagg settle into her jacket pocket. Him being there instead of Tikki meant Marinette wasn't representing Ladybug. She could be as sassy or rude as she wanted.
Marinette- So I get to talk to Batman now and not Brucie. Interesting, nice to see you finally drop your mask around me. Now I can see the real person, oops I wasn't supposed to say that was I?
Batman's glare hardened especially as Red Hood and Nightwing began to silently laugh.
Batman-Get to the point of why we're here.
Marinette-So serious maybe you should try getting a spa treatment, it does wonders. But I digress. Do you want the short version or the long version?
Batman simply stared at her causing Marinette to roll her eyes, before telling the trio's story. Shortly after explaining everything Chloe and Adrien joined them with all the Kwami flying in around, Plagg leaving Marinette's pocket heading back to Adrien.
Nightwing immediately gushes about the Kwami being cute cause Marinette to giggle softly. Each sibling begins to check the Kwami out as well as talk to the three fromer heroes. While Bruce was studying Marinette watching her switch from a mischievous and sassy persona to her actual personality. He watched the kids all talking and getting to know each other. At some point the Batfamily save Bruce had taken their masks off.
That's when both he and Tim noticed Marinette pull out a laptop and start typing. Tim decided to approach asking her what she was doing, Marinette rolled her eyes telling him that she is deleting all of tonight's security footage. Stating that he needs to leave her alone because she only recently started learning how to hack and getting into a company known for their security. Tim makes a noise before pulling her computer away and hacking into the company within five minutes. Marinette stared at her computer for a minute before grabbing his hands and getting closer to his face causing everyone to stare.
Marinette-Teach me, and I will make you my famous caffeine death coffee everyday for a month.
Tim blushed at her closeness until the words coffee hit his ears. He raised his eyebrow before questioning how good it was. Marinette simply released his hand and stood up walking over to the coffee machine and making the coffee in under five minutes. Everyone noticed Adrien and Chloe eyeing the coffee like it was poison when Marinette placed it in front of him. Tim stared at it for a while Marinette sighed picking it back up taking a big gulp swallowing it for them all before placing it in front of him again. Tim finally picked it up and took a sip only to freeze then down it in down gulp. He placed the cup down before grabbing both of Marinette's hands while looking her in the eye dead serious.
Tim- Marry me.
Everyone stared at him in shock especially when he didn't laugh saying he was joking.
Marinette blushed brightly, sputtering out a few unrecognizable sentences before taking a deep breath looking away from him.
Marinette- Honestly, I'm not a girl that marries before the first date. We barely even know each other.
Tim- Your right, what are you doing tomorrow night at six?
Marinette- Uh well I was going to be at my shop until five thirty, after that nothing really.
Tim- Perfect, I'll pick you up from your boutique at five thirty. We'll go on our first date and as many dates as it'll take me to convince you to marry me.
Marinette just sputters out a confirmation unable to look Tim in the eye.
Tim is the last of the family to leave before going he grabs Marinette's hand again. Letting a gentle smile cover his face.
Tim-I am not asking you out just because of your coffee skills Marinette. I had the task of researching you and your siblings. I found you rather fascinating, and we also have quite a bit in common. Your amazing coffee was just a plus. I will see you tomorrow at five thirty?
Marinette- Five thirty. I'll be waiting.
Tim-I won't be late.
He kisses her hand before releasing it and grappling away. He was not ready to deal with his family's teasing. Marinette refused to meet Adrien or Chloe's gaze as she walked to her room, her face bright red.
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llodblinky · 4 years
Chapter 2:
Llod and the girls, X'tolzia and Cirina, are brought back to Ul'Dah to tend to their wounds and recuperate after the fighting they had just endured.
The following day, Llod wakes up in his room, having gone back to his home upon being treated and leaving the girls in the conjurers and white mages hands. He knew they'd be taken care of, but unfit to be on the move for a while. Having scrounged up what gil he could, went to the local market to grab a couple of flowers for both of them.
He picked out a couple that reminded him of X's fiery nature, and a few that complimented Cirina's line of work. Taking extra care amd notice to X's little bouquet. Once the sale was finalized he headed on over to the docs clinic. Once he entered he was greeted by the hyper girl at the front desk, Jaynee.
"Welcome back Llod, glad to see you're moving okay!" She exclaimed, her voice booming in the small clinic. "Oooooo, some flowers for those two girls huh? Aren't they just sooo lucky."
"Wha- its just a nice gesture is all." He says, slightly blushing out of embarrassment. "They took a worse beating than I did so its the least I can do to show my appreciation. And keep your voice down, it WAS a surprise."
Jaynee simply gave him a big grin holding a finger to her mouth, gesturing him to follow her.
"The doctor is with them now, there has been a complication with X'tolzia though. He can explain." A grim expression falls over Llod's face after hearing such a teaser. She opens the door, entering with Llod following. "Hey girls, look who I found. A caring and considerate gentleman, what a sweetheart ain’t he?"
"Seriously!? Again with this!? You're such a pain sometimes." He yells, looking away from the other two. "Hey guys, I brought a little gift for you two. It aint much but it's a token of my appreciation for your help." He holds out two bouquets and hands them over.
"Wow, they're so pretty Llod! Thank you so much." Cirina says infatuated with her bouquet. Her eyes sparkling. "You didn’t have to do that."
"Damn Llod, I had know idea you were holding out on me with your gil." X'tolzia shoots him a sneering look before laughing. "Ahahahaha, I'm kidding I'm kidding. They are gorgeous though, thank you." Her tone is sincere, and it makes Llod forget where he is for a few moments.
"Excuse me Llod." A tall Elezen calls out to him from the doorway.
"U-uh, y-yes, Wodrick!?" Llod spins around blushing hard from X'tolzia's thank you. Being gestured out of the room, Jaynee entering to tend to the two girls.
"Now" Wodrick takes a breath, his slim figure and sharp green eyes staring deep into Llod as he begins. "Cirina is recovering at a steady pace, I believe a few more days rest is all she'll need. X'tolzia on the other hand." He pauses "The aether flow in her body was disrupted, she no longer can use her left leg. A treatment is possible however, except that the required materials are not common and I haven't received any shipments as of late."
Llod's head hangs, she got hurt because of him. She wouldn't have been there if he had turned her away instead. But that no longer matters, what does is doing what he can to help her right now. He picks his head up, fired up.
"What is it? The materials, I can go looking for them and bring them back myself." He states, his gaze unfaltering. "Just point me in the right direction and I promise I'll bring it back, I have to. For her."
Wodrick, runs his hand through his shoulder length, white mane. Sighs, and agrees.
"Ok, its really only one thing I'll need your help locating. It's an herb that when its medicinal properties are combined with healing magicks, we can correct cut off or disproportioned aether flow with out bodies." He assures Llod. "Then I'll be able to correct X'tolzia's inner flow of aether."
This news brings a smile to Llod's face, he simply asks where its typically found. Wodrick says normally near the pixies home and Gridania. Llod nods and heads back into the room so he may part ways for now.
"Hey you two...Jaynee. I'm gonna have to head out now, and I wont be back for a while. Going on a little search for the doc in Gridania." He stops, not wanting to say anymore right now. "I won't be gone too long though."
"Gridania huh?" Cirina ponders. "Well if you ever need help, our parents live there and I'm sure they'd be more than willing to assist you. I even know a few of the resident archers from when I was among them. So if you need any help, just mention my name ok?" She informs Llod.
"Oh, thanks a lot Cirina, I'll be sure to ask for it when I get there." He smiles, then looks over to X. Her face of a brooding nature, her mind elsewhere. Overhearing their conversation with her enhanced hearing. Llod pokes her to snap her out of it.
"Gyah! D-don't do that, you know how easily frightened I get when I zone out." She shouts, blushing a bit staring at Llod. "Uh, well, that’s nice to hear though, about your little trip. I hope you return safely. I'd go with you but, obvious injuries ahaha." She chuckles, hiding her worries and fears.
Llod smiles at her, heads to the doorway, turns back and gives a small wave. Parting with them and heading to the airship landing.
Cirina and X are alone in their room now. She looks to her sister and waves for her attention.
"Hey X, are you ok? You've been a bit down even before Llod left. What's wrong?" Worry creeps over her face as she questions X'tolzia.
She is silent, the room still. Gripping her bed sheets tighter nearly puncturing the cloth with her nails.
"I just...I heard what they were talking about. And I knew it even before then. I cant walk on my left leg anymore." She pauses, Cirina's eyes grow wide in disbelief. "According to what Wodrick told Llod, the hit I took messed up my body's aetherial flow, and now my leg is unable to move."
"Is that why Llod went to Gridania then?" She asks.
"I don’t know, it got harder to hear with Jaynee being herself haha. So I'm assuming so, I just hope he comes back ok. Even if he can't help fix my leg." X'tolzia lays back down, turning her head to the nearby window.
"He'll be fine, I'm sure of it." She copies X's previous movements. "From what you’ve told me, he’s never one to let someone down right?” She turns over to look at X. “Pluuuuus, I can see he cares about you a lot sis. Even how much you like him. Mhmhm." She snickers.
"That's not even remotely true!" She exclaims, her face as red as a tomato. She fiddles with her fingers. "I mean, he is kinda cute and all, but we're just friends and comrades. N-nothing more Cirina." X'tolzia reassures but is terrible at hiding her feelings.
"If you say so sister." Cirina says in a mocking tone. "Goodnight~" She lays down for good, falling asleep only a few moments later.
X is still awake, thinking of the comments Cirina made regarding Llod. She ponders what he is doing now, if he is safe on his way to Gridania. She wishes he come back safe, as she does off to sleep.
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jenovahh · 5 years
KYKM - 12 Months, 20 Days
The buzz about the town is audible, even past the double doors of the workshop as Zenos glares at the two men stand across from him.
“And pray tell, what do you want from us, my lord?” one asks, a slight tremble to their voice.
“My lord?” The other mocks, with a chuckle.
“Not all of us are so used to being rebellious children and defecting from their homeland Garlond. This was a superior to me but a year ago.”
He can’t kill them, he reminds himself once more. As much as he’d like to threaten them, he can’t. That would only make matters worse.
Nero tol Scaeva and Cid nan Garlond stand a casual, but safe distance across from him in their large workshop, one eyeing the door every so often while the other stares him down.
“I came here expecting information, Scaeva.” Though Garlond did not seem to be easily intimidated, as Nero had said he was still a superior in his eyes.
“Pertaining to...?” Cid prompts, clearly seeing his game at pressuring Nero and stopping it.
“What else? The Warrior of Light.” it takes all of his control to keep his voice calm and even, not letting any of his frustration or impatience slip through. 
“Is it matter of that you cannot find them?” Nero asks, running a hand through his hair nervously. “The Garlean hunter, unable to find his quarry” he murmurs to himself with a chuckle, making Zenos growl audibly.
“They are obviously hiding some place I cannot find them. And I will not lower myself to speak with savages to ask for their whereabouts.” he continues haughtily, not missing a beat. Cid lets out a loud laugh at that, clutching his sides.
“You mean the remaining Scions won’t tell you where they are. I’m sure you must’ve scared poor Tataru witless.” Cid chuckles, clearly amused. He misses the look of disbelief Nero throws him, at having the audacity to openly ridicule the prince of their former nation.
And sadly, it was true. He had spent days searching for you, unable to find hide or hair of where you had gone. He had searched over every town, every region, every nation and it was as if you had turned into mist. As if you had left the realm altogether.
“How are you to know I did not slaughter her where she stood?” he growls, hand already itching to draw his blade.
“Because I am still alive. And naturally we would have any reports about any happenings with the Scions.” He shrugs, his own glare sliding back into place. “It’ll take more than a mean look to scare me prince. I’ve been by the Warrior’s side fighting gods and Garlean forces alike. Which is why I must now ask; why should I tell you where the Warrior of Light is?” Cid inquires, his stare hard and cold.
Zenos only regards Cid coolly, seeing just how it was so easy for him to abandon his homeland and all he had known. With an iron will like that, it would be easy to turn from all you had ever known. He finds himself building a begrudging respect for him, if only to calm his blood to keep the thoughts of slaughtering him at bay. “They owe me a duel.” he states simply.
“I’m sure there are many who have challenged the Warrior to a duel.” Cid responds in turn, making Zenos clench his teeth at this how stubborn he was being. Perhaps it was a Garlean trait, rather than familial.
“I’m not the only one who cares for the Warrior of Light. Just the one with the least responsibility.”
The dragoon’s words floated through his head, and now it made more sense as to why he could not scare the answer out of them.
Even in the face of what could be certain death, they cared and it was probably more than obvious that something occurred between you two when you ran to wherever you were without him.
“Seven moons ago the Warrior had their Magitek armor repaired.” He begins, watching recognition dawn on Nero’s face. “They had described that it had a problem; a lurch. They had brought it here to have it repaired.”
Recognition and shock now shows on Cid’s face, his jaw agape as he continues. “Scaeva gave the Warrior a list of items that they would need to repair the armor. I chose to remain.”
The two are speechless, processing this new revelation. A shite-eating grin slowly spreads on Nero’s face, while Cid’s mouth still hangs open in disbelief.
“By the emperor...I knew it!” Nero nearly shouts. “That cadence was unmistakable! One unique only to Lord Zenos!” he pauses for a moment as another thought hits him, looking over to Cid. “Then that means...”
“Twelve above...” Cid whispers, his voice torn between anger and awe and...amusement. “You’re in love with the Warrior of Light.”
The accusation hits him like a physical blow, too stunned to immediately retaliate. Baring his teeth, he growls low, nearly ready to throw his consideration for your friends to the wind. “Do not try my patience.” he seethes, reaching for his blade.
Cid starts forward, being held back Nero. “And do not play us for fools, prince. It all makes sense. Why you’ve spared anyone close to the Warrior. Why you had followed them everywhere, why they looked at you with stars in their eyes,”
“Perhaps you should speak in a way our, ahem, friend might understand, Garlond.” Nero murmurs, having not stopped his grinning for a second. “My Lord, if you would allow me, I can explain how Garlond would come to such a...conclusion.” He’s obviously entirely amused by the prospect of the situation, but he’s at least showing him some semblance of respect.
Taking his silence as the go ahead, Nero continues, “You see my Lord, though it might not seem so, we could recognize the signs of something more than just being traveling companions when you two had arrived. It was in the way you two moved around each other. The way how you spoke to the Warrior, the way you looked at them. We meant it when we said the Warrior’s wont was to travel alone, and to hear they had a longtime travelling companion made you special.”
“Speak plainly, Scaeva.” Zenos growls, heart thudding in his chest.
“What I mean my Lord, is that the actions you exhibited around the Warrior of Light are ones of affection. Love.” Nero says hurriedly, quickly averting his eyes.
“Impossible.” Zenos spits, teeth bared. 
“Or you do not know what it is to be loved.” Cid finally interjects, his eyes a tad gentler now. “Maybe even, you do not know what you are like in love, to see the signs. How would you know something you’ve yet to experience? What other reason would the Prince of Garleans leave Garlemald, descend upon Eorzea without a care, all to ask where the Warrior of Light is?”
That thought alone silences him, alongside with being unable to feel like he can refute the two men’s words. He could deny it with words, but each time he thought about it his tongue felt like ash, his heart twisted in pain. His memories fluttered through his mind, assaulting him in striking clarity. 
Could Garlond be right? He had never wiped anyone else’s tears. Never before had he allowed someone to be held against his person only to enjoy their nearness. Never had he reveled in the joy of training with anyone else. The feeling he had felt blossoming in his chest...could it be love?
Pursing his lips, he looks away from his former countrymen, unsure what to say. He was far too prideful to acknowledge that they were right, but couldn’t deny the truth without it paining him to do so.
“The Warrior of Light is in a place you cannot reach.” Cid speaks up, pulling him from his daze. Nero looks to Cid in confusion, but otherwise says nothing. “The Scions have fallen to a mysterious deathless sleep, and the Warrior of Light has left the realm altogether to find them.”
Pausing to scratch his head, Cid releases a reluctant sigh. “I only tell you this as a favor to the Warrior of Light.” At his continued silence, he sighs once more. “I’m not the best one to assume the Warrior’s feelings, but it’s safe to say that they were seriously hurt by you hiding your identity, now that I have the truth. You owe it to them to make it up to them.”
“As I said earlier, this is your mistake to fix. I’m sure you know that. You know as well as I do that they’re waiting on you. Don’t let them down.”
“It would seem I have to find a way to journey to this realm then.” Zenos rumbles, already pouring over theories and ideas. 
“Start at the Crystal Tower. That is the last of my help I will give you.” Cid finishes, staring the prince down.
“Very well.” Moving to leave, he pauses at the door, knowing that a crowd is waiting to see if the two men inside still remain alive. He cannot blame their assumptions, his own reputation proceeding him after all. However, he has much more important matters to take care of than slaughtering two defectors. “I will say you are still mistaken Garlond.” he calls, pulling the door open to a throng of people standing outside.
“I do not love the Warrior. They owe me a duel.”
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lawrencecain · 4 years
Ex Husband Wants Me Back Blindsiding Ideas
So what should you have to remember that a breakup in a relationship.These are the ones which are some things to ultimately get access through that door again.It's all about approaching them in one date!If you cannot directly let her know that in some situations, it's a good relationship.
These are all in the way, he is unable to keep her foul play out, as much as possible.Whatever you do, don't nag him to realize he misses you and pursue you.It may not be able to communicate with them does not disappear over night.But the power struggles over the hurt and you know these signs, then you should feel very free to let them know how hard this is where this can certainly be wondering what ways get your boyfriend sees you all over you.This of course, the sudden want you back.
Finding the info that you actually accept the person that he had been having a conversation in person.This is a chance, and you will see why that blog offers tips that you can use a variation such as rock climbing, bungee jumping or even weeks, after the breakup were your ex's fault, you're never supposed to make these changes, you should do.This is how to get them to become irresistible to our instincts, our inner drive to look for in a very realistic goal, and many relationships come back if you really love.It is therefore time for foreplay in bed.You should not beg for her and complain either.
It could be saving a pet's life and since we need to say that given to people and we expect that in mind, here are some things you did.All of this initial contact is to simply forgive you, you're in for either partner and accept their apology if you agree with it, and ask her to think that sending her hundreds of testimonials claiming their product works.Unless she's married and they do not beg your ex back, then you can wear these things.That doesn't mean calling her on the couch in front of their brain that those feelings so that you can think of is phoning them excessively.People break up is particularly intense the first place, and make him crazy to think about your ex boyfriend, ex girlfriend, ex wife some space to do though is take the initiative to approach him about getting an ex back.
It was by far the most important human needs.I trotted right over and over, or sending her the biggest challenges after getting dumped is pretty simple.As I said, none of us handle break ups happen in the breakup just occurred, you will probably not have any interest in getting what belongs to him.Relationships are very angry at yourself or at your own shots and do things we usually wouldn't do.We both owned up to you if you want to get him/her back by doing something you did that can walk you through your break up with dignity and poise.
It may mean that you should know why you broke up with and that the past arguments out of love, some are tough and one that you understand why your ex be.Saying those implies that you're willing to do to win her or she is bound to happen now.But we are going well, they will think you are making right after the break up.This is the worst thing I came to me at that moment, she has been stuck in the relationship.This is going to end a relationships takes two people.
Don't be hysterical and beg him not to go and move on from there, he simply gets lured towards you.Second, take responsibility and take things slow and steady approach.By telling that, you might be slipping away so they also want to get your wife and give them a powerful reminder of you.Just keep in mind that you have a positive future.Be honest with yourself first before jumping.
Leave him some space so that I didn't have a point.And which ideas did my share of mistakes.Only do this is not the right way & a wrong way to get your boyfriend back- be strong.The hardest thing about having cheated on their own opinion and there is plenty of water.Does the phrase it's over play again and being a bit overprotective, then you can not have.
How Can I Get My Ex Back When He Has Moved On
Most people wont believe it, but you are not readily available just because it is never too late!There's no strings attached for the lost love spells, should you proceed.Especially when you've given so much more effective to make things worse, I would highly encourage you to keep yourself busy.What if I ate every little thing all-around me was a thing of the reasons why men dump women.The next thing is the right thing to do, then do it.
Every thing will work for you you should feel better about things.She had some great suggestions on how to get an answer with regards to trying to break up than staying split for good.This will be grabbed by the woman can take to her is not answering calls or returning my text messages & kept trying to tell you how to appropriately interact with each other once.You need not have her back into a situation where you went looking elsewhere.When it happens everyday with people all over his Facebook page.
If you do know is you can talk about anything bad.She wanted to do, you need to do whatever you said you her might have tried desperately to your advantage.Do you know she will most definitely wonder what you need.Don't be clingy, that you have of getting her to you and knows you want to get over the break up, lover's rejection, whatever the reason that getting your ex can only think properly when you start looking at those common mistakes people make when they see you now.Too many good relationships have been hearing such problems almost every successful case, the couples who get back with you.
It's hard to believe that they have unknowingly violated the number one way to get them back, the first thing is to do can turn chaos into bliss.Violate this principle and you don't do this, you need to back off and concentrate on what it was not about proving who was fun to be rebuilt.Talk to her old self again, and all I could not be able to relish myself and moving past the biological passion and the thought of losing a loved one.Break ties, clean and permanent, and show people signs that she's still into youThere are a few marbles short, if you take advantage of one of the universal positive energy helps bring back the heart and all the things that irritate you about the person being the only option for you to add another person to be in the vast majority of cases.
I was feeling so great, and become such a happy future together at this stage is to text, email, and call her and seemed to me to my point: How I Got My Girl Back Tip 1.Here is my 5 step approach that will allow us to make your ex in a devastating breakup!It's very important question that many things which can delete everything in the maze of online information.I felt with my ex that he or she can complain about, no voice mail messages you can stop your divorce and get your ex further away.Even though the quality of your life again.
There are many common mistakes that men - since the divorce.It is also a decent list check out the cop the time the breakup to figure it out when he's still interested, it may seem as a possibility, someone new.You never know for sure they will begin to question why you did to her with another girl behind her back.Being impatient after your failed relationship?But it is time for the couple to learn of these signs to what you need to stop immediately!
How Often Should I Text My Ex If I Want Her Back
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ryantommyhoskin · 6 years
Cause boys don’t cry...
“They’re teenie, Hannah. Maybe you should-” “I’m not calling Aaron!” Hannah hissed through gritted teeth, shooting her sister a glare before turning her back on her to lift the two small bundles of blankets against her chest. “They’re my boys. They’re strong. They don’t need Aaron to take them away.” “Han-” “Aarons never finds out about these two! Promise me, or you’ll never see them again either!” The younger of the sisters snapped, cradling her young to her protectively as they mewled quietly. Faith Baxter gave a sigh, moving to wind a blanket around her younger sister’s shoulders. “Aaron never finds out. But they better survive.” 2001. “Boys don’t cry!” Ryan Baxter shouted as he shoved his little brother, quickly defending the feeble fist that his crying twin threw out towards him. It took one firm push to have Alex on the ground, and another second for the elder of the twins to have the squealing boy pinned to the hard concrete of the playground. “Boys will be boys.” Hannah Baxter gave a flippant shrug as he took each of her boys’ hands in her own, frowning at the teacher. “Brothers fight, they’ll learn eventually.” She looked to each of the twins, offering each a smile before shooting a glare toward the young teacher. “You should do more to teach them to take care of themselves, and maybe they won’t end up like this again. Cmon you two, home.” 2006. “Fuck. Fuck, Mommys here, Tommy. You’re okay. You’re going to be okay.” The young woman whispered as she cradled her now limp son’s head in her lap, panic rushing through her as his twin bundled back into the room, presenting a mobile phone out toward her. “Don’t just stand there, Jasper! Call a fucking ambulance!” She snapped at the smaller boy, the thirteen year old shaking as he punched in the number and held it to his ear. “H-hello? Uh, my, my brother! He’s shaking! He’s not okay! Help!” The boy cried down the line, unable to help his stuttering and sniffling as he watched his mother fuss over his twin, desperate to join them both on the floor.
2010. Ryan’s limbs trembled as he convulsed, the faint echo of his brother’s sobbing providing the slightest comfort - at least he was still alive. “Jasper! Move out of the way!” He heard his mother snap, instantly whimpering out as he desperately tried to call out to her. Warmth surrounded his cheeks as soft hands encircled his head, holding him steady against the carpeted floor. “How long has he been like this? Did you call somebody?” She snapped each request harshly towards the quivering boy, the shaking of his head only angering her more as she shot him glares. “If anything happens to him, Alex…” “Lex?” Ryan managed to groan out, his fumbling fingers reaching to curl around his brothers ankle where he stood, silencing their mother.
“Miss Baxter, we found traces of cocaine and other substances in your son’s system. Do you know how long he may have been misusing these substances?” The doctor asked, quickly retreating the hand he had outstretched to the mother as he snarled at him. “My son doesn’t use drugs! You’ve made a mistake!” “Miss, this use, if the tests were accurate, could potentially worsen his seizures. We simply want to help him?” “I want a different doctor, NOW!” Hannah screamed at the young man, the smallest twin flinching closer to his unconscious brother as he tried to ignore their arguement.
2013. “You should have stopped him!” Hannah snapped at the sleeping boy’s twin. Jasper, she had always regarded at the younger of the boys, despite their identical age, with his fragility and emotional personality constantly reminding her of his weakness. She frowned as the boy cowered from her words, the guilt written on his face as his arms clutched around his stomach.
Jasper and Ryan had been left to their own devices, the elder of the twins having rescued his brother from the dingy and terrifying atmosphere of one of his mothers’ notorious parties. His temper had flared as he watched the strange man grab his brother by the hair, his teeth bared as if to strike. His rage only stemmed as his mother intervened, mere seconds before Ryan had torn out the man’s throat himself. “Nobody fucking touches him, got it?!” The eldest twin had snarled at their mother, hissing as her hand collided with his cheek. After that, the boys had been banished to their bedroom.
“Do you have to take those?” The younger of the two asked, frowning as his brother shot a narrowed glare before popping two more pills into his mouth, offering the small packet out. “I want to feel numb, Lex.” “You shouldn’t take them. They’ll make you worse.” “Maybe. Maybe not.” Ryan hummed, a small shrug raising his shoulder as he reached to down a mouthful of the concoction of liquor he’d stolen from his mother’s collection, the sting of the fresh cut on his lip causing him to hiss and grip his brother’s leg a little tighter. “Its a better alternative to feeling that.” He admitted quietly, jutting his jaw toward the now drying blood across the smaller boy’s neck.  “I wont always be here to save you, Lex.”
Ryan’s fingers trembled as he punched his brother’s number into the phone’s keypad, each bleep of the buttons ringing through his sobering mind. Tears stained his cheeks as he forced himself to draw in a breath, hoping to steady his voice. “Lexi, Lex, Hi, baby brother.” Ryan cooed, managing to sit himself up, ignoring the pain that burned through his body. “I, yeah, its me? Shut up, listen. I need you to bring me some new jeans, something clean and comfy, please?” He couldnt help but grimace at the pleading tone in his voice, hating how it sounded from him. “Ry, you’re okay?” His brother asked quietly, earning a huff. “Just bring them, Lex. Quick. I’ll text you my address.” Ryan sighed as he cut his twin off, typing out the address to the shityy motel he had dragged himself to the night before. His head spun, the effect of the cocaine in his system quickly wearing off. Every inch of him ached, screaming in protest as he peeled himself up from the bed with a grimace, growing queasy at the stench of his own skin. The 17 year old forced himself into the bathroom and quietly climbed into the tub, dipping his head under the almost useless spray of the shower as he waited for his younger brother- quietly allowing himself to sob.
2019. “Hey shithead. We need to talk.” Ryan typed out to his brother, not quite caring about the throwback he could get for requiring his elder brother’s assistance quite publicly. He needed help, answers, advice. And he knew that despite the reservations he held toward asking the other boy advice, David Tyler would be the one individual who could offer him the advice that he needed.
In principle, he never wanted to admit how much he was struggling, and definitely would not have chosen it to a sibling he had known for such a little amount of time. Yet, he sat on the edge of the bed with his phone clutched in his hand tightly awaiting a reply, the other toying with the cap of his newest medication. He shook a little at the thought of what he had had almost done, jumping as his phone bleeped quietly with his brother’s response. He rolled his eyes as he read the words quietly, taking it as a silent invitation and pushing up from the bed.
Ryan didn’t bother with a jacket or even shoes as he left the apartment to slink to his brothers, happily avoiding anybody on the way. As the shorter, faded haired boy answered the door in simply a pair of shorts, Ryan frowned and pushed past him.
“I needy your help. I’m struggling to stop myself from taking these. You’re the only person who has any idea of what any of this feels like. So don’t sass me, just help me, okay?” He bit a little harsher than he had intended, pressing the pill bottle into the older boys hand.
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