#shinra kusakabe drabble
mambalae-s · 1 year
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until : kusakabe shinra x reader
note from author: it’s been a while since i’ve last written a fic, and this one is very near and dear to me. i’d started it over a year ago, during a dark and very hard time. i didn’t know how it would end when i started — i’d only been channeling the hurt and pain that i was feeling at the time, all while pining over one person who made me feel alright. over this year, they were patient with me. ever so gentle, who listened to me on my worst days, who took care of me and held me when i cried. even when i was afraid they’d hate what they saw and think that all my fears were irrational and pathetic, that i would push them away, and even now i fear sometimes that i will, they stuck with me. i couldn’t at all predict that they would become this person for me, even though i wanted to be close to them, i didn’t think i was worthy. but they stuck with me, and they tried for me and they were there for me and loved me. so this, in more ways than one, is dedicated to them. a thank you for being there for me without knowing they would at the time i started writing this so long ago.
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shinra has never seen you at your worst, and you do your best to make sure he never has to.
after all, who are you to trouble him with the silly burdens you carry? he, who feels and lives and leads a life entirely separate from you — there surely is no room for you to invade so selfishly.
for him, you hold it all together. for him, you’re mindful of the words that huff warm air against the winter’s numb fingers, of the answers and false assurances you give when he inquiries about how you’ve been. lying with the words of “i’ve been doing alright” come so naturally to you, a reflex and a byproduct of the years you’ve spent hiding from the world. no longer does your brain process the words, no longer does your tongue go numb, nor does your throat tighten around the aching sobs of yesternight. desensitized you've become, an old friend to deceit and the old art of falsehood that, at times, you wonder when you'd become so good at pretending. it hurts that you did.
yes, you keep your heart behind lock and key for his sake, but gods above, it hurts so fucking much when it all comes out. it’s always when you’re alone, when the silence welcomes every pain and every ache that you keep buried deep — it’s the only time that it’s safe for your walls to crash and tumble. your wounded inner child who’s spent so many days staring up at the moon with tears streaming down her face, she only feels safe enough to reveal her pain where the warmth of unrelenting flames won’t see.
it’s when you’re at your most vulnerable that your ego sinks sharp claws into raw, bleeding skin. loneliness, to you, is the tormentor that mocks you with the desire to reach out to someone, to anyone who would be there to make the pain a little more bearable. to anyone who could possibly listen to you, to be there for you and help you pick up those pieces that lay like broken glass. how badly you want for him to hold you against him and tell you that things would be fine, that you would be alright and that he would be there for you, but how could you be so selfish and greedy to want that of him?
how could you think of showing him that broken side of you, the one who can’t smile and the one who hurts and the one who’s falling apart at the seams? he would see someone so damaged and beyond saving that he would walk away, repulsed by the sight of you with your bleeding heart on display, and you would have pushed away the one person who made things better and you just can’t let that happen, because if he leaves, you’d be left with nothing.
it’s terrible, you realize, just how much he means to you. without meaning to, you’ve come to rely on shinra to be what keeps you strong, to keep you going even in the midst of everything you feel. with him you feel safe, and cared for, and cherished. and your foolish heart, there are times it wonders if it could even be loved. could someone like you truly be loved by someone, loved by him? with all the childish yearning in your soul, you want so badly for that possibility. your fantasies tell you that yes, you could mean something to him, just as he does to you. that he could look at you and see value in what little you had to offer him, that he would believe you to be enough—
and you bring yourself back down to earth and tell yourself that you could never be enough.
why? why can’t you be enough? why must you be so damaged and undesirable? why would you ever delude yourself into even believing there’s a possibility for you to be loved? you, who has so many flaws and wounds and despairs, could never be loved.
despite it all, shinra doesn’t give up on you.
your ringtone startles you in the late hours of wednesday night, his name listed with a flaming meteor emoji illuminating your drowsy expression. the ache in your heart throbs — once, with longing, twice with guilt, a third, sharp pain tears through your ribcage with self-loathing. oh, how you loathe this version of you. this pitiful, broken, worthless version of you who can only be good for crying herself hoarse, sobbing until your lungs convulse and your body forgets to breathe. you hate the you who silences her ringer, the cheerful words "get better day by day" only worsening these passing days, weeks, months that seemed to hurt more and more. the you who pulls the covers over her head, who cowers away from the sun and falls to a cold darkness, you berate her, shame her, and scream at her to do better, be better, why can't you just get better?!
you're in no state to speak to shinra right now, you decide, though every bit of your ailing spirit wishes to. even though you long for his presence by your side, though you want so desperately to seek comfort in his warmth, you convince yourself that you are not worth any of it from him. you tell yourself tonight, just as you do every other night, that kusakabe shinra shouldn't have to see you like this. kusakabe shinra, whose smiles dazzle the world, whose eyes twinkle with an everlasting fierceness and love for life, he should never be bothered with someone as silly, immature, unhappy like you. the smiles you would give to him are too broken, too crooked, and far too weak for him to see — no, he can't ever see you like this. you ignore his call and let your screen darken.
and yet, it isn't the last attempt. from your warm little cocoon, you hear your phone's vibration go off once, twice, and a third time again before he begins texting you.
shinra ☄️ :
hey (y/n)!! you haven't fallen asleep yet, have you?
it's still so early... and i hadn't heard from you in a while...
is everything okay? please text me if you see these...! i'm worried...
guilt, as it washes over your body, is cold, dull, reminiscent of icy waters, and immediately, you feel the need to apologize. how dare you cause him to worry? how could you, if only you'd responded to his last message so many hours ago? if only you'd done better to convince him, to keep your smiles right, to answer his texts and watch the tiktoks he'd sent and—
"—but lord, you know i'm tired."
(y/n) :
i'm sorry... i haven't been feeling well today...
no sooner than you press send, with your tongue caught in your throat does the read receipt show up beneath your text. promptly at 10:16 pm; he'd been waiting for you to text him back? the idea alone hurts, and again, you're swallowed up with guilt. truly, you don't deserve his concern, his worry, time or care.
shinra ☄️:
ah… :(( oh no..
are you feeling sick??
"are you feeling sick?" your mind takes the question apart until it's unrecognizable, till it's meaning changes and becomes something new. "are you in pain? are your symptoms physical? is something hurting?" and the answer you provide yourself tears you apart because, truly, there is nothing physically wrong with you, so why? why aren't you feeling well? what in god's name is wrong with you, why are you being this way?
no.. i'm not really sick,, i just...
i've been feeling down i guess...
how can you tell him exactly what it is that you've been going through and still have it all make sense? how can you explain to him that all it is, is past wounds and traumas that continue to haunt your waking life? how do you say that you're still fighting the shadows of yesteryears, of distant pain that never leaves your consciousness?
you think — truly, really, earnestly, and desperately on the whips of a dying prayer that you can't. not like this.
you don’t want to hover over those three bubbles the way you do, but there’s a plea swirling between shattered breaths as you watch them appear. they’re gone, dancing on what you tell yourself is abandon dear god, he’s abandoning you, he’s abandoned you. he’s left you on your own, in these seconds that feel like eons he’s seen a glimpse of that ugliness that you’ve tried to hide for so long but no longer could. the paintings of dark skies and rolling thunders bring the taste of eternal rains, and these blazing embers want nothing to do with a storm years toiled. your heart twists within your chest and you lose yourself, spirals of anger, despair and hatred for yourself that would consume you on torrential winds — and you, broken girl who sings on ice-christened teardrops, you can do nothing but to let yourself fall. farther and farther, beneath cold waves of a raging sea, until—
shinra ☄️:
i understand… :(
a single text message, colons and bracket that form a sad frown: it’s what stops your descent. abrupt. unexpected. but so, inexplicably wanted.
shinra ☄️:
i’m close by right now and i have some curry i made!
we can eat it together if you’d like! :)
one, two, the world pauses on three beats. each the thumping of your needing heart, each echoing a sentiment that, between his written words, shine through like a beacon of salvation.
let me be here by your side.
and a fool you would be, to trust this glimmer of hope. a spectacle it would be, for you to dare and dream of the warmth he offers, to believe that you are worthy of such grace. your shadows of sin know better, and they remind you of that truth unchanging. that you are unworthy, unworthy, a sinner before the face of god.
yet, your thumbs pause on your writings of detestable humility, because despite those rolling clouds, the light of someone who cares for you reaches far beyond that familiar gray.
yeah… yeah that sounds nice.
it’s the single plea, the bitter taste of a succumbing prayer that you finally release: please stay with me. don’t go, don’t leave me here on my own. you pray, your breath dancing on ashen smoke and dust, for this person who would reach out to you amidst arctic waters. and shinra, this brilliant boy of orange sunsets, he holds on to it. he takes it between tender fingers, and protects it with every bit of care that he holds for you. you realize, as your tearing eyes behold the single text message he sends, that despite the cold that permeates your storm-weathered soul, that it’s warm. for the first time in a long time, you feel a warmth that had always been promised you, as if it had been waiting for you to finally let it in. a single flicker of a soft flame, one that had would only ignite should you let him, shinra had always been there for you.
and you tell yourself, solemnly and resigned, that perhaps, it’s time you finally let him be there for you.
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© mikaecore — rb’s+feedback are greatly appreciated!!
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intheticklecloset · 8 months
TickleTober Day #22: Flame
Shinra and Arthur (Fire Force)
Shinra was in a total panic. He had no idea how to get out of this. How could Arthur put him in such a position?!
“Come on,” the blonde growled, the pyrokinetic’s feet tucked under his arm as he scribbled ruthlessly at his bare soles. “Do it!”
“I CAHAHAHAHAN’T!!” Shinra cried, laughing hysterically despite himself. His friend couldn’t seriously want him to… “I’LL KIHIHIHIHILL YOU, YOU IHIHIHIDIOT!!”
Arthur scoffed. “Please. As if the mighty Knight King could be taken out with some puny flames.”
“YOHOHOHOU’VE SEEN MY FLAHAHAHAHAMES!! AHAHAHAHAHARTHUR!!” The fire soldier tossed his head back and dissolved into wheezing laughter when his roommate dug into his toes. “THEHEHEHEHEY’LL INCIHIHIHINERATE YOU!!”
“Just do it, devil! I won’t stop unless you do it!” Arthur demanded, keeping up his merciless tickling pace with ease.
Shinra clutched his stomach and screamed with laughter, mirthful tears springing to his eyes. He’d already been tickle tortured for nearly five minutes straight – he couldn’t take any more, but what Arthur was demanding was impossible! He wouldn’t allow himself to ignite his flames to get away. He’d hurt his friend, and despite the blonde’s irritating, delusional tendencies, they were still teammates. He couldn’t do it!
Arthur tsked and readjusted his grip on Shinra’s ankles, wiggling his fingers deliberately between his toes now, easily keeping up with the darker boy’s thrashing. “You know how to get out of this. Just do it, unless you want me to keep tickling you to death?”
Shinra was losing his mind laughing so hard. He was always ticklish, but his feet were the worst, and if Arthur didn’t stop soon, he didn’t know what he was going to do. He couldn’t ignite his flames!
But maybe…
Shinra allowed just a sliver of the ticklish distress he was feeling to seep into the soles of his feet. The heat didn’t bother him, but it made Arthur finally, finally drop his ankles and rear back with a yelp of surprise. “Ouch!”
Immediately, the fire soldier curled in on himself, still giggling helplessly as he spat out, “I w-wahahaharned you, it wohohohohould be wahahahay too hot!”
Arthur regained his composure surprisingly quickly and shot Shinra a smirk. “Oh, I know. I just wanted to see what you’d do if you were backed into a corner like that. Clever trick, just making them hot enough that I couldn’t hold on. Your self-control is pretty impressive.”
Shinra blinked at him. “Thanks?”
Then Arthur lunged for him, digging into his ribs, and Shinra tossed his head back and shrieked with laughter all over again. “Ahahahahahaha! Ahahahahaharthur, wahahahahahahait! Nohohohohoho!”
Arthur chuckled along with him, keeping up easily as he teased, “Now I’m going to tickle you just for the fun of it, you devil.”
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miniyellow5 · 2 months
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I have no idea what conjured me to draw it, I just heard Shinra say 'you just gotta believe!' And I was like tf, he parappa or what-
Then the dots slightly connected that Iris has a literal flower name, he's in love with a flower too. In conclusion, get parappa beamed ye idiot!!!
Og screenshot is under the cut:
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swoftbambi · 3 years
𝟏 𝐲𝐞𝐚𝐫 𝐨𝐥𝐝𝐞𝐫 𝐦𝐲 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞 🍰🍦
˳ ⊹ ݂ pairings: shinra x gn!reader
˳ ⊹ ݂ authors note: i wanted do something for my friend nev or @kaugura !! cause it’s their birthday!!!!
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you woke up with excitement in your voice. today was your birthday and this year you got to spend it with your boyfriend, Shinra. Pulling the covers off of you, you turned to look at your boyfriend, but to your surprise he wasn’t there.
a small frown made its way on your face. shinra told you today and tomorrow he would take off from work. you rolled out of bed, rubbing your eyes. a delightful aroma hit your nose, which made your tummy rumble.
walking down the stairs, you hear the sound of your oven dinging, indicating that whatever was in there was down. as you got closer you found shinra in sweats in the kitchen mixing something in a large bowl.
“shinra?”, you yawned, “what are you doing?”. he turned to you smile. it was the nervous smile you loved and adored.
“nothing in just cooking, go back to bed, or um you can put something on the tv”, he nervously stuttered. he hid the bowl he was mixing behind his back. as you got closer he started walking backwards.
you looked around to see little flurries of flour on your counters and droplets of milk. you snaked your hand around his back to pull the bowl out of his hands. shinra’s smile still plastered onto his face.
“what are you making?”, you dipped your finger into the bowl and put it your lips. the taste of sweet vanilla hit your tastebuds and you hummed in delight. “this is really good, but what’s it for?”.
shinra sighed, before walking towards the oven pulling out a baked cake. “it was a surprise, but i’m not really good at lying”, he admitted, his smile now turned into a pout.
“aww, that’s so sweet, it’s ok”, you said coming over to hold onto his face, “i love this present very much”.
“are you sure?”, he said playfully, his pout changing to a smile.
“yes i love it very much”. you went over to kiss him and he did the same.
he pulled away, “that’s great now we can eat cake!”. you laughed as he pulled you towards the other side of the kitchen so he can cut slices of cake for the both of you.
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do I write the sweater + lingerie with genya, tanjiro, jinjin, or shinra?
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forever1kay · 2 years
Anime, Manga, & Cartoon Masterlist
MISC: (coming soon)
This list will take you to the masterlist of headcanons that include many different anime and cartoon characters from many different anime and cartoon shows. Other characters (such as characters from shows I don’t write about) will be included in the misc masterlist as well!!
→Jujutsu Kaisen masterlist
LINK NOT YET AVAILABLE!!! Characters I will write about from this show are as follows; Nanami Kento, Megumi Fushiguro, Satoru Gojo, Yuji Itadori, Aoi Todo, Maki Zenin, Mai Zenin, Nobara Kugisaki, Junpei Yoshino, Toji Fushiguro, Toge Inumaki, Yuta Okkotsu, Suguru Geto, Noritoshi Kamo, and Ryomen Sukuna. If anyone you’d like me to write about isn’t on this list, you can let me know and I’ll tell you whether I write for them or not.
→Hunter x Hunter masterlist
LINK NOT YET AVAILABLE!!! Including characters such as Gon Freecss, Killua Zoldyck, Hisoka (this is a strong maybe), Kurapika, Leorio, Shizuku, and Chrollo. Some works about specific characters may be strictly platonic, but that depends on the requests I get and how much I change them.
→School Babysitters masterlist
LINK NOT YET AVAILABLE!!! Featuring characters such as Ryuuichi Kashima, Usaida Yoshihito, Hayato Kamitani, maybe Maria Inomata, and maybe Yuki Ushimaru (but the last two will likely only be inserted into headcanons). The babies of course will only be included in works where you have the role of a babysitter (or in Kotaro & Taka’s case, you’re the s/o of their older brother).
→The Disastrous Life of Saiki K & Saiki: Remastered masterlist
LINK NOT YET AVAILABLE!!! I will only write about Kusuo Saiki, Aiura Mikoto, Shun Kaidō, Kineshi Hairo, and maybe Reita Toritsuka. Works about any other characters will only be in the form of headcanons and drabbles (and that’s only if you request them).
→Avatar: The Last Airbender & The Legend of Korra
LINK NOT YET AVAILABLE!!! Including characters such as Aang, Katara, Bolin, Sokka, Suki, Zuko, Toph, Korra, Haru, Mako, Asami, Jet, and Azula. Any works about the younger characters (such as Kai, Jinora, etc) will only be strictly platonic and Y/n will get an age change for those specific works.
→Demon Slayer masterlist
LINK NOT YET AVAILABLE!!! I will write about Tanjiro, Giyuu, Rengoku, Zenitsu, Inosuke, and anyone else if requested!
→My Hero Academia
LINK NOT YET AVAILABLE!!! I’ll write about Midoriya, Todoroki, Kirishima, Kaminari, Dabi, Bakugo, Yaoyorozu, Shinso, Aizawa, Hawks, All Might, Twice, Sero, etc;
LINK NOT YET AVAILABLE!!! I will write about Hinata, Kageyama, Oikawa, Kuroo, Bokuto, the Miya twins, Suna, and (possibly) anyone else requested!!
→Tokyo Revengers
LINK NOT YET AVAILABLE!!! I write about: Mikey, Draken, Takemichi, Chifuyu, Mitsuya, Smiley, Angry, Akkun, Yamamoto, Baji, Naoto, Kazutora, Shinichiro, and anyone else requested. I don’t write full fics about Kisaki (and I probably won’t write hcs about him often either) so please don’t ask!
→Fire Force
LINK NOT YET AVAILABLE!!! Featuring characters such as Shinra Kusakabe, Arthur Boyle, Ogun Montgomery, Akitaru Obi, Benimaru Shinmon, Takehisa Hinawa, Tamaki Kotatsu and Iris. If there’s any main characters I forgot, please let me know!
→Carole and Tuesday
LINK NOT YET AVAILABLE!!! I will write about Carole, Tuesday, Pyotr, Roddy, Angela, Ezekiel/Amer, Crystal, and possibly (but probably not likely) Cybelle!
→Sk8 The Infinity
LINK NOT YET AVAILABLE!!! I will write about Reki, Langa, Cherry, Joe, Shadow, possibly (but not likely) Adam, Tadashi, and STRICTLY sfw works for Miya. Let me know if you have any requests!
→Seraph Of The End
LINK NOT YET AVAILABLE!!! I will write about Yuichiro Hyakuya, Mikaela Hyakuya, Guren Ichinose, Shinoa Hiragi, Shiho Kimizuki, Yoichi Saotome, and (possibly) anybody else requested!
→Total Drama (Island, Action, Revenge of the Island, All Stars, Pahkitew Island)
LINK NOT YET AVAILABLE!!! Introducing characters such as Duncan, Cody, Gwen, Heather, Alejandro, Mike, Lindsey, Shawn, Bridgette, Geoff, DJ, Chris, Ellody, Izzy, Justin, Katie, Jasmine, Sammy, Rodney, Dawn, Leshawna, Sky, Ella, Shawn, Dave, Tom, Cameron, Priya, and Julia. If there’s anyone else you’d like me to write about, you can request and I’ll let you know whether I’ll do it or not!
LINK NOT YET AVAILABLE!!! Including the main six characters such as Wyatt Williams, Nikki Wong, Jude Lizowski, Jen Masterson, Jonesy Garcia and Caitlin Cooke.
→One Piece
LINK NOT YET AVAILABLE!!! Including characters from both the live action and anime show of One Piece. Characters include Luffy, Zoro, Mihawk, Sanji, Shanks, Koby, Usopp, Nami, Nico, Franky, and Nefertari. I might add to this list later!
LINK NOT YET AVAILABLE!!! Including characters such as Vlad “Dracula” Tepes, Trevor Belmont, Alucard, and Hector. Requests for this show are currently closed because I’m not that far into the show yet and I don’t want what I write to be out of character. I’ll add to the list later :)
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ao3feed-lokiangst · 3 years
Random drabbles I wrote while high on sleep deprivation
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/3nKl93G
by kana_akabane4256
Welcome to the train wreck of which is my maldaptive daydreaming which I attempted to put into words.........it's a mess... I know
Words: 217, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia, Overwatch (Video Game), 炎炎ノ消防隊 | Enen no Shouboutai | Fire Force (Anime), Marvel Cinematic Universe
Rating: Not Rated
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: Multi
Characters: Sho Kusakabe, Shinra Kusakabe, Benimaru Shinmon, Bakugou Katsuki, Takami Keigo | Hawks, Iida Tenya, Todoroki Shouto, Dabi | Todoroki Touya, Usagiyama Rumi | Miruko, Monoma Neito, Eri (My Hero Academia), Chisaki Kai | Overhaul, Shigaraki Tomura | Shimura Tenko, Akitaru Obi, Amajiki Tamaki, Maki Oze, Original Female Character(s), Original Male Character(s), Soldier: 76 | Jack Morrison, Reaper | Gabriel Reyes, Sombra | Olivia Colomar, Lúcio Correia dos Santos, Hana "D.Va" Song, Widowmaker | Amélie Lacroix, Vulcan Joseph, Iris (Fire Force), Loki (Marvel), Peter Parker, Thor (Marvel), Tony Stark, James "Bucky" Barnes, Natasha Romanov (Marvel), Bruce Banner, Clint Barton, Vision (Marvel), Wanda Maximoff, Sakamata Kuugo | Gang Orca
Additional Tags: Chisaki Kai | Overhaul Being an Asshole, Good Parent Chisaki Kai | Overhaul, Pro Hero Dabi | Todoroki Touya, Shinra Kusakabe is Trying His Best, Sho Kusakabe is a good child, Genderfluid sho kusakabe, Trans (FTM) Shinra Kusakabe
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/3nKl93G
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Characters/ Types of Request
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**Characters will be added if I can imagine them actually saying the words I write
All characters will be aged up 21 yrs.+ if they are originally minor. I will repeat once more, I started this page incredibly young --- back then, it was appropriate for me to like kid characters because I was a kid myself. But I am older now. If you want me to write about a character that first premiered as a minor, I will only write about them in an adult setting. Meaning, all characters, from this day (1/3/2023) and onwards, are fully grown adults going through adult situations w/ the exception of a flashback or .
My canon universe --- BNHA is a University Setting. JJK is a current/post-canon University Setting. Haikyuu!! is a University Setting. Anything before 2023 is to be treated as a teenager's want to practice literature.
From now on, things will work differently.
If you read this, thank you for your time.
Feel free to request according to the establish rules.
One Piece -
Monkey D. Luffy
Portgas D. Ace
Zoro Roronoa
Sanji Vinsmoke
Trafalgar D. Law
Kid Eustass
Katakuri Charlotte
Silvers Rayleigh
Gol D. Roger
Doflamingo Donquixote
Dracule Mihawk
Marco the Phoenix
Benn Beckman
Sir Crocodile
“Aokiji” Kuzan (ex-marine ver. too)
“Kizaru” Borsalino
“Akainu” Sakazuki
“Fujitora” Issho
Captain Koby
Rocinante Donquixote
Monkey D. Harp
World Government
Rob Lucci
Kyoshiro / Denjiro
My Hero Academia -
Pro-Heroes/University Students
Katsuki Bakugou
Izuku Midoriya
Shouto Todoroki
Hitoshi Shinsou
Eijirou Kirishima
Denki Kaminari
Tenya Iida
Hanta Sero
Momo Yaoyorozu
Ochaco Uraraka
Fumikage Tokoyami
Mina Ashido
Mirio Togata
Tamaki Imajiki
Inasa Yoarashi
Eri (Parental)
Shouta Aizawa / Eraserhead
Toshinori Yagi / All Might
Hizashi Yamada / Present Mic
Tsunagu Hakamata / Best Jeanist
Keigo Takami / Hawks
Enji Todoroki / Endeavor (Debatable)
Nemuri Kayama / Midnight
Taishiro Toyomitsu / Fat Gum
Sekijiro Kan / Vlad King
Shinji Nishiya / Kamui Woods
Tomura Shigaraki
Touya Todoroki / Dabi
Chisaki Kai / Overhaul
Himiko Toga 
Haikyuu!! -
Keishin Ukai
Date Tech High
Assassin’s Creed - 
Ezio Auditore
Altaïr Ibn-La'Ahad
Connor Kenway
Jacob Frye 
Yusuf Tazim
Shay Patrick Cormac
Haytham Kenway
John Wick -
John Wick
Fire Force -
Company 1
Leonars Burns
Karim Flam
Rekka Hoshimiya
Huo Yan Li
Company 5
Company 7
Benimaru Shinmon
Hikage (Parental)
Hinata (Parental)
Konro Sagamiya
Company 8
Akitaru Obi
Lisa Isaribi
Maki Oze
Takehisa Hinawa
Shinra Kusakabe
Tamaki Kotatsu
Viktor Licht
Vulcan Joseph
Sho Kusakabe (Parental)
Jujutsu Kaisen -
Yuji Itadori
Megumi Fushiguro
Nobara Kugisaki
Gojo Satoru
Toge Inumaki
Levi Ackermann
Maki Zenin
Aoi Todo
Kento Nanami
Suguru Getou
Toji Fushiguro
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Imagines - (Open)
Imagines will consists of a requested or on-the-spot-idea with a gif/pic with a really short story
Oneshots - (Closed)
When sending a request, I will write a 1k-word fic based on requested scenario and character. If I’m really familiar with the character, I may write more to it.
Drabbles - (Closed)
Very much like oneshots but usually consists of less than 700 words.
Headcanons - (Open)
These are really fun to do! Send in a few characters names and I’ll tell you how they’ll likely to react depending to your requested scenario
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intheticklecloset · 3 months
*pokes head around the corner* Heyo! 👋🏻 I’ve returned for another lemonade if that’s alright 💖
If possible, could I please get a blueberry (🫐) lemonade and ice cream (🍨) for Fire Force and our beloved Tamashinra? :3 (Tamashin? ShinTama?…Shinra and Tamaki anznannsns) if not that’s totally okay!
I hope your days going good friend! Love the event and all your prompts so far! 🥰🥰🥰
🍋 Lemonade Special Order 🍋
Shinra x Tamaki my beloved!! Rewatching Fire Force has made me ship them so much all over again! Thank you for the excuse to write a little fluffy drabble for them! 💖
“Oh, h-hey Tamaki,” he stammered, looking flustered but smiling despite himself, thanks to his nerves. “What’s up?”
“Are you okay? You left pretty quickly back there.”
The company had been in the middle of enjoying some homemade ice cream that Maki had created when Shinra had suddenly yelped and jumped, causing the dishes on the table to shake precariously. Before Hinawa could scold him, he’d bowed and murmured an apology and gotten out of there like he was rushing to put an Infernal to rest.
“Oh…yeah…yeah.” Shinra sighed and leaned against the lockers in the hall, looking everywhere but at her. “It’s nothing.”
Tamaki frowned. Arthur had been sitting next to him at the table, and it wasn’t lost on her that right before Shinra had reacted, the blonde had shifted slightly toward him. “Did he hurt you? I’ll gladly kick his ass myself—”
“No,” Shinra said quickly, though his smile seemed more at ease now. “He didn’t. But…thanks, Tamaki.”
“Then what happened?” she insisted.
“Oh. I, uh…he just…I’m just…” Shinra stammered, finally scraping a hand down his face in resignation and muttering, “I’m pretty ticklish, and he…surprised me.”
Tamaki couldn’t help it. Her whole face lit up, and she grinned as Shinra’s eyes widened. “You are? Is that all? There’s no need to be embarrassed about that.”
“I…I know, but we were eating—”
“Can I see?” she asked, reaching as though to try it, but the next thing she knew she’d been spun around and pushed against the lockers herself, Shinra holding onto her wrists. He caught himself a moment later and retracted, then smirked and reached for her instead.
“Sorry, Tamaki,” he said as his fingers gently tickled her ribs and sides, making her shriek and giggle in place, pushing at him uselessly. “Maybe later.”
“Shihihihinra!” she squealed, gripping his arms to try and escape, biting back a louder yelp when he found her waistline. “Nohohohohoho! Plehehehehehease, I prohohohohomise I’ll leheheheheave you alone!”
The fire soldier stopped then, and after a few moments of catching her breath, Tamaki looked up and locked eyes with him, surprised to find him looking tenderly at her.
“I never said I want you to leave me alone,” he said softly.
Tamaki blinked in surprise, blushing. But she managed a smirk all the same. “Well, that’s good. Because I am going to tickle you at some point now that I know, Shinra.”
He chuckled. “Guess we’ll see how long I can outrun you, then.”
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intheticklecloset · 5 months
Barista's Choice Coffee Shot
Fire Force
Arthur and Shinra
Arthur never woke up before Shinra, so when he crawled out of his bottom bunk one morning and found himself staring at a bare foot directly in front of his face, he fell back in surprise, blinking at the thing as if it were an alien creature.
“Oi, devil,” he grumbled, swiping a finger down the arch of the foot in annoyance, “get your foot out of my face.”
Nothing. No yelp, no jerking the limb out of the way. No reaction whatsoever.
Shinra was still asleep?
Intrigued, Arthur stood up, turning to glance at his bunkmate’s body on the top mattress. Sure enough, the devil was out like a light.
It took him only a moment to remember that this was his friend’s day off, but still, the incredible urge to mess with him was too strong to ignore. He smirked and gently grasped the ankle dangling over the edge of the top bunk, scribbling his fingers into the sole.
He wondered how long it would take Shinra’s body to wake him up, but the answer was not long at all, as within the first half a minute the dark-haired boy was giggling tiredly, still unaware of the predicament he was in.
“Whahahahat—” Shinra tried to tug his foot away, but Arthur tightened his grip, deciding at the last minute to duck down out of sight and keep him guessing. “Hehehehey – whahahahat’s going on? It tihihihihihickles!”
Arthur grinned. Oh, this was just too much fun.
Once it was clear that Shinra was definitely awake, the blonde decided to go for the kill and scribble under his toes. Sure enough, he heard a loud screech from above him followed by more determined tugging at his ankle.
“Arthur? Who is this Arthur you speak of?” the blonde chuckled, still hiding below Shinra’s bunk. “I’m the tickle king, come to punish you for your misdeeds, devil!”
Shinra shouted some jumble of words that he probably hoped to convey that he knew it was his friend messing with him and that he’d pay later, but all Arthur heard were desperate shrieks in the midst of helpless laughter, and he smirked with satisfaction.
The devil deserved to wake up happy on his day off, after all.
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intheticklecloset · 3 months
Heya!!! I saw you were looking for fire force requests, and I'm currently in the process of reading the manga so I thought I'd send something in! Maybe you could do something with Captain Obi and Shinra, with blueberry 🫐 and stargazing ⭐? I've always loved their sort of parental dynamic, given Shinra's backstory and all. No pressure or anything though, and I hope you're having fun with your event!^^
🍋 Lemonade Special Order 🍋
Shinra couldn’t remember the last time he’d really stargazed for the sake of actually being mindful about it. He’d taken in the night sky with his teammates before, but it had been years since he’d just lay down on the ground and stared up at the stars and the moon, truly taking in their beauty. It was nice. It was peaceful.
At least, it had been until Captain Obi had come to join him.
Now – thanks to a comment he’d made about feeling unsure about everything regarding the White Clad and the Evangelist – he found himself reaching for the stars as though they could help him escape the situation he suddenly found himself in.
“Cahahahahahahahaptain!” he cried, pushing uselessly at Obi’s heavy form while his company’s leader tickled his ribs ruthlessly, drawing out desperate shrieks and giggles from him as he did his best to move any part of his body at all. He couldn’t even bring his arms down protectively thanks to the captain’s deviously ingenious positioning. “Plehehehehehehease, nohohohohohohoho!”
“I know you smile a lot because you’re always tense,” Obi chuckled, thoroughly enjoying himself, “but I want to see a real smile, kid. Come on – just relax and take a minute to enjoy yourself.”
“Buhuhuhuhuhut it tihihihihihihickles! Cahahahaptain, I – no!” Shinra nearly screamed when Obi teasingly squeezed a thigh, making him spasm and choke out a panicked laugh. “Nonono, not there plehehehehehehease – CAHAHAHAHAHAHAPTAIN!!”
Smirking, Obi swiftly snatched up Shinra’s wrists in one hand and pinned them to his chest, using his free hand to pinch and knead along the boy’s thighs, kneeling over him so he could barely kick to relieve the ticklish sensation. “There, now, isn’t that better? Must feel good to laugh, eh, Shinra?”
Obi finally stopped and released him, ruffling his hair as he climbed off of him and lay on the ground at his side. “Take it easy, Shinra. We’ve been over this. Company Eight has your back. We’ll go after the White Clads with the assumption that your brother is with them. You don’t have to worry about any of it as long as you’ve got us.”
After taking a second to catch his breath, Shinra clenched his fist in his shirt and whispered, “Thank you, captain. That means the world to me.”
The two of them spent the rest of their night together, observing the beauty of the stars above. Shinra couldn’t help but wonder if Sho was watching them, too.
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intheticklecloset · 8 months
TickleTober Day #16: Beware
Shinra and Tamaki (Fire Force)
“W-Wait…Tahahahahamaki, wait!” Shinra pleaded, curling up defensively as she jabbed his side with her fingers.
“No way,” she shot back, trying to look angry but failing the more he let out those adorable giggles. “Look at me!”
“I cahahan’t!” he whined, letting out a surprised snort when she jabbed his ribs, still refusing to open his eyes. “Your Luhuhuhure!”
Tamaki huffed in frustration, but honestly, she understood where he was coming from. She appreciated it, too – she really did. But would it kill him to look at her in her dress for the event tonight for even a brief second? Surely nothing could go wrong that fast!
“You’re not going to look at me at all before I go?” she pouted, switching from random poking to full-on digging her fingers into his ribs.
Shinra squealed and arched his back, but stubbornly kept his eyes squeezed shut even as he tried to push her away. “Nohohohohoho!”
The event tonight was for all of the ladies of the Fire Force departments exclusively – as a thanks for what they did, and a chance to talk among themselves without having so many men around as they normally did when they were on duty. Tamaki was looking forward to going with Iris and Maki – both of whom were waiting for her right now – but she’d wanted to see Shinra before she left. She’d wanted him to see her in a dress instead of her uniform.
She’d wanted him to tell her she looked pretty.
Instead, Shinra was laughing and squirming in place, curling into himself even as he tried to back away from her, failing miserably in all of it. Sure, she could have worn a more modest dress – but honestly, with her Lure, it didn’t matter what she wore.
“Fine,” she said at last, giving up on her attack and turning to leave. “You don’t want to see me. I get it.”
But she was already going, cheeks burning with humiliation. Fishing for compliments? How desperate was she?
Shinra grabbed her arm before she could walk out the door. His voice was so, so gentle when he again said, “Tamaki.”
She turned hesitantly, expecting his eyes to still be closed.
They weren’t.
His gaze swept over her, briefly taking in her petite figure in her dress and heels before settling back on her eyes and smiling. “You look beautiful.”
Tamaki bit back a gasp. Not just pretty. Beautiful.
She couldn’t help but smile back. “Thank you, Shinra.”
He grinned, then closed his eyes again. “Now seriously, get out of here before your Lure kicks in and ruins that dress!”
She smacked him with a laugh, then hurried to finally catch up with Iris and Maki.
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swoftbambi · 3 years
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*"artistry 🍵🌿
-;pairings: shinra x neutralartist!reader
-;warnings: none just fluff :3
-;word count: 986
-; authors note: this is for bestie @vuljo so i hope you enjoy, essentially your like a big brother/sibling to him and share an apartment together. yada yada i really liked this concept so i wrote it!! btw i never have wrote for shinra before so do not come after me!! love ya mwah!
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you were working in your in the corner of your makeshift studio in your shared apartment with your friend shinra.
running the paintbrush down the canvas, the bright watercolors made beautiful swirls and figures. the greens and blues mixing together making a beautiful landscape on your canvas. you didn’t usually get lots of motivation nowadays, it seemed like you’ve painted everything and your brush was getting bored using the same strokes and patterns. zoned into your painting you didn’t even realize your roommate had come back home from work.
“you painting again?”, his voice called. shinra was in his baggy suspender pants and black shirt. he already kicked off his flip flops, placing them right next to the door.
you whipped your head towards him, “oh yea, i got some motivation”, turning back towards the unfinished painting.
shinra plopped down on the couch, laying his hands on the back of it, laying his head up. turning towards him you noticed his eyes were closed before he let out a small sigh turning back towards you.
“tough day?”, you asked, stroking your paintbrush lightly.
“Mm it’s always a tough day out there, but it was alright out there”, his ruby eyes staring at you.
he came up beside you and with his hands folded across his chest, “hey that’s pretty good y/n”.
you turned over to him being met with his short black hair and small blush.
“thank you, it’s supposed to be some landscape of tokyo”, you picked out some pink paints and started dotting on small flowers blossom petals on the ground.
shinra hummed, “how come you haven’t painted me yet?”.
he had a small pout on his lips, crimson orbs meeting yours. he looked like a tiny puppy, waiting for your answer.
“maybe it’s cause your ugly”, giving him a little smirk. his mouth fell agape at your reply.
”i am not ugly”, he huffed walking back over to the couch.
you laughed to yourself as he slouched back into the cushions of your couch, turning on the television.
the picture you were painting was actually a memory that came to you when you were little. shinra and you playing in the park your mom used to take you both to. before shinras mother passed, you all would play small games and look onto the lake you dubbed ‘the lake of fire’.
once his mother had passed, your mother took him in. it was like a having your best friend as your sibling. literally. to be honest, you didn’t know why you thought of that memory today, and why you got the sudden urge to paint but here we are.
ours had passed, shinra ordered ramen and fried pork for dinner leaving you some by the small stool beside you.
“you should get something to eat, you’ve been sitting there a long time”, shinra said.
you sighed taking a bite of the noodles still concentrated on the canvas, that was half drying on your easel.
the glass of water your brushes were bathing in was murky and light. the easel spotted with blots of watercolors and water splatters.
turning over you saw shinra, was still on the couch watching his weird shows. he was waiting for you to go to bed like he always does.
when he moved in with you and your mom back in the day, he would wait for you to go to sleep together, not wanting to be alone. he carried the habit to now, but you didn’t really mind it.
“shinra you could go to bed if you want”, you called out.
he turned his head towards you, his midnight hair covering the tops of his eyes, “i’m good”, he turned back towards the tv, “are you almost finished?”.
taking out the slim brush from the glass, tapping it lightly, “almost i just have a couple more things to add, it won’t take long”.
he hummed in his response, returning his attention back towards the screen.
the brush danced lightly as you filled in the sketch of toddler you and shinra, laying on the soft green grass. painting shinras cute little blushes that were more prominent when he was a child made your heart swell with joy.
it seemed like you were done waiting for it to dry. to be honest you didn’t want to show shinra, as it was more like a painting for you, a very intimate one. so, you hid it in a closet for it to dry, keeping it out of his sight.
the next morning you woke up later than you usually do, probably because you were up all night, but you wanted to see the end result of your creation. wanting to spot any detail unpleasing to the eye or a spot that needed more color. you are met with a tilted shinra staring into your closet.
his face was in awe, he looked like he unlocked something almost. a key fitting into its keyhole.
“is that me... y/n?”, shinra pointed at the black haired, rosy cheeked kid on the ground.
you looked over at the painting, inspecting it from afar, “yes”, you sighed, “does it look good?”.
he turned back to you, sort of shocked at your question, “i love it y/n”, he went over to you embracing you in a hug.
shinra was warm, whenever you hugged him it felt like family, it felt like home. squeezing him tighter you felt him rub his head on your shoulder, letting out a small laugh.
“ok you can stop being sappy now, shinra”, patting his shoulder. he pulled away before looking back at the painting again with a little frown.
“what’s wrong, did i mess something up?”, you looked over at his face.
he shook his head, pointing at himself in the painting, “my forehead is not that big!”.
you scoffed and rolled your eyes, “are you joking?”.
“i’m being serious change it!”
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© 2021 all rights reserved flavoni do not copy, repost, edit, and/or plagiarize any of my works.
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intheticklecloset · 3 years
Fire Force Barista's Choice Coffee Shot
@giggly-squiggily Trying my hand at writing for Fire Force for the first time! This one's for you! Thank you for introducing me to such an amazing anime! 🥰
“Arthur,” Shinra grumbled, sauntering into the room he shared with the blonde, “get up. You’ve slept long enough.”
Arthur didn’t reply.
Shinra sighed, moving over to the bottom bunk, grabbing his friend’s shoulder. He shook him gently. “Hey. It’s past noon. Get up already.”
“Ugh, go away,” Arthur groaned, shifting slightly, his voice muffled by his pillow. “It’s my day off. Let me be.”
“I know, but it’s almost one o’clock and you have to be up at seven in the morning. You’ll never be able to sleep tonight if you don’t wake up now.” Shinra grabbed his blanket and ripped it way. “Get up. Come on, the girls have made lunch and everything.”
“Their cooking sucks.”
“Don’t let them hear you say that.” Shinra sighed, crossing his arms, staring down at the stubborn blonde who still refused to move. “Don’t make me use force. I will.”
“Begone, devil,” Arthur mumbled.
Shinra grabbed his waist and dug in. “Who are you calling a devil?”
Arthur was fully awake in an instant, bursting into laughter, feet kicking the air as he rolled over and tried to shove Shinra’s hands away. Despite his darkening blush, he couldn’t hide his wide smile nor cover up his unstoppable cackles. “Stohohohohohohop! Bahahahahack off, you fohohohohoul fiehehehehehend!”
“This devil is showing no mercy until you get your butt out of bed,” Shinra smirked, chuckling along with him as he found his lower ribs, eliciting a squeal. “Come now, mighty Knight King. Surely a little tickling isn’t enough to bring you down?”
“Of cohohohohohohourse not! I’ll n-nehehehehever give in to the lihihihihihikes of you!” Arthur shot back defiantly despite his increasing desperation to get away. “Ehehahahahahahaha! S-Stop tihihihihihickling me and fihihihihight like a mahahahahan!”
“Why should I?” Shinra smirked, squeezing his thighs next. “You’re the one who said I’m a devil. Devils play dirty, didn’t you know? Now get up.”
“Nehehehehehehehever!” Arthur squealed, his giggles turning into shrieking laughter when Shinra ducked down to climb into the bottom bunk with him, straddling his hips and wiggling his fingers wildly all over his stubborn friend’s torso. “EHEHEHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!! SHINRA, NOHOHOHOHOHOHO!!”
“Oh, so I’m Shinra now?” the devil teased.
Arthur was laughing for a long, long time.
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intheticklecloset · 2 years
13. "Don't do that, I'm ticklish!" With lee Tamaki from Fire Force! She's so cute and imo def needs more love! If you don't want to write for her, then lee Shinra!
I'm sure knight king or one of the girls would be able to have the lee in some sort of scenario where this fits. Maybe the girls are trying on clothes and have the lee join? Or the lee is getting patched up after a small scratch or measured for new gear? Idk. Your work is top tier 5 stars, I'm sure if you decide to write this req it'll be epic!
Why is there a Maki and a Tamaki in the same show I have gotten them confused so many times—
“Don’t do that!” Tamaki yelped, jolting away from Maki and whirling around, shifting a little. “I’m ticklish!”
Maki blinked, then giggled. “Oh, sorry. I wasn’t trying to tickle you. I’m almost done anyway – do you think you can hold on for just a second?”
Tamaki blushed, embarrassed by her overreaction. “Y-Yeah.” She cautiously turned her back to Maki again, hugging herself. “Just be careful.”
“Of course.”
From where he sat across the room from the girls, Shinra fidgeted in his seat, blushing as well. Tamaki is ticklish? He thought. That’s super cute. For a brief moment he wondered what her laugh would sound like, but then he shook his head and got back to work. He wouldn’t feel right lingering on the thought; if he got too hung up on it and acted on his curiosity her Lucky Lecher Lure might kick in, and what was the last thing he wanted.
As it turned out, his curiosity was satisfied anyway. Within half a minute Tamaki was absolutely squealing, writhing as Maki grabbed onto her sides and ribs and tickled her from behind.
“Mahahahahahaki, dooooon’t!” she pleaded, giggles bubbling out of her despite her protest.
Shinra’s eyes widened. Stay put, he thought. Stay put, stay put.
“Ah-ah-ah, where are you going?” Maki teased, wrapping her arms around her and hugging her to her chest, still tickling her ribs as much as she could. She then glanced around as if looking for help of some kind and – to Shinra’s elation and worry – her eyes met his. “Shinra! Lend me a hand.”
“Nohohohohoho!” Tamaki shrieked, cheeks pink and smile bright as she wiggled in Maki’s grip. “Dohohohohon’t you dahahahahare!”
Shinra got to his feet. Screw it. I’ll just be really careful. He grinned his devilish grin and asked, “Should I hold her or tickle her?”
Maki smirked at him over Tamaki’s shoulder. “Whatever you want. Just make sure she doesn’t get away!”
“Sure thing,” Shinra replied, unable to resist the urge to gently scribble his fingers along Tamaki’s belly and draw out her adorable giggles himself. Maki hooked her arms under the smaller girl’s and held her in place, and the three of them spent a good few minutes laughing together, relieving some stress and having fun at the same time.
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intheticklecloset · 2 years
Heyo friend! Oo sentence starters! I’d love “Don’t do that, I’m ticklish!” With Lee!Arthur You can pick the Ler :3 I hope you’re doing okay and take care friend! 🥰
I'm hanging in there! Having a distraction definitely helps - especially a cute one like lee Arthur! Thank you for the prompt! ^^
“Don’t do that!” Arthur squeaked, pulling away from Vulcan with a jerk. “I’m ticklish, you peasant!”
Vulcan blinked, then grinned. “Sorry, bud. I was just trying to congratulate you.”
Shinra smirked, wiping dust and grime from his uniform as he tuned in to their conversation. “You’re so ticklish you felt that even through those layers? Pff. Pretty weak, Knight King.”
Arthur glared. “I am not weak! I merely dislike the distraction.”
“Come to think of it, I don’t know anyone with ticklish shoulders,” Vulcan mused, entering his curious, experimenting mode. He grabbed Arthur by the shoulders and squeezed again, again pulling a startled yelp out of the blonde. “It is pretty impressive that you can feel it even through the uniform.”
“Shut up! It’s not even my shoulders! It’s my neck, you jerk!” Arthur snapped. When Vulcan and Shinra just stared at him with evil smiles, it took him a moment to register what he’d done. He shoved away from their resident technician once more and tried to book it, but both of them were on him in a second, tackling him to the street where they’d just finished putting an Infernal to rest. “Wait, no!”
“Shinra, hold him!” Vulcan laughed, narrowly avoiding Arthur’s fist as it came up to try and punch him.
Shinra happily obliged, wrestling Arthur’s arms out to his sides and pinning them, giving Vulcan the access he needed to wriggle his fingers into the neck of the blonde’s uniform and gently skitter along the skin directly.
Arthur clamped his lips shut but couldn’t stop his giggles from bubbling out of him, making them sound muffled and breathy. His assailants grinned at each other.
“Come on, you know you want to laugh,” Shinra teased mercilessly. “What’s wrong? Is the mighty Knight King a little too ticklish to take it?”
Arthur growled and cursed as the dam finally broke and high-pitched, infectious giggles spilled out of him unhindered. He squirmed on the ground, trying to twist his neck out of the way, but it was all useless. “Nohohohohoho! Unhahahahahand me, you fiehehehehehends!”
Vulcan hummed thoughtfully, abandoning his neck to squeeze his sides through his thick uniform, pleasantly surprised when Arthur arched his back and shrieked, beginning to struggle for real now. “Man, you’re super ticklish!”
“Shuhuhuhuhuhuhut up!” Arthur half-demanded, half-pleaded. At this point his giggles had become laughter, and his face was beginning to turn pink with a blush. “Leheheheheave me alohohohone!”
“No way,” Shinra chuckled, forcing his arms above his head and sitting on them, bringing an abrupt end to his resistance. “This is gold!”
By the time Captain Obi and the others caught up to them, Arthur was more than ready for a nap back at the station.
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