#shinsou is our favorite purple-haired child
aheckinmess · 3 months
Wash Away the Storm [Shinsou] (Angst)
(One-shot to 1/? in a collection of My Hero Academia one-shots - posted regularly on Saturdays.)
Read on AO3.
Tags: Shinsou x OC, Hitoshi Shinsou, Shinsou soothes the mind and soul, tragedy befalls the OC, angst, hurt/comfort, our favorite purple-haired bean, grief, grieving OC
Word Count: 860 words
Summary: Following a devastating tragedy, Ichijiku is grateful when Shinsou inadvertently helps quiet her mind during her grief.
Author's Note: This one-shot isn't a part of a series, so if you're ever looking to see what character I'm writing for, I'll give a character name and whether it's angst, fluff, or smut in the title. Enjoy!
Ichijiku (Tigress)
"Hey, are you okay? I heard about what happened last week."
"Do you need a minute?"
"You must be so sad! Why don't you go see Hound Dog?"
All of their voices melt together as I try to make sense of everything happening around me. Getting the call that my grandpa died is crushing, and I haven't really wanted to do much except train and fight to get out all of my anger and sorrow.
My friends in 1-A, however, nudge me to seek out help as opposed to my avoidance coping mechanisms. I'd do the same thing, but I don't know if I feel ready to talk about it right now.
Still, I make an empty promise that I'll go see Hound Dog to get Ashido to stop talking to me and then go walk into the forest after school. I don't feel like going home yet to see Naomi. It'll only serve as a reminder of who's not there.
"Are you ever not out here now?" A tired voice pierces through my tumultuous mind.
"Are you ever not out here in general?" I sass back, turning to the purple-haired offender with a roll of my eyes.
His lips quirk into a smile as suddenly my mind is blank. It's blissfully, peacefully blank. I've learned how to combat Shinsou's brainwashing with an exhaustive bout of mental fighting, but this afternoon I don't want to. I just close my eyes to let the darkness aid the empty feeling in my mind.
That's when Shinsou seems to realize there's a problem. My thoughts flood back and I drop to my bottom, pulling my knees to my chest and tucking my forehead on them. Why'd you stop? I think. Why couldn't you just keep all of my memories away? To make the world go away for a little while longer...
"You didn't fight back, Sunshine." He comments softly, sitting down beside me in the grass. "That's not normal for you. Did something happen today?"
Right...Shinsou's still in General Studies. He hasn't shifted to the Hero Track yet. He wouldn't be close enough to anyone to know. I debate for a few moments if I should say anything, but ultimately decide we're close enough friends at this point to tell him.
"I guess it makes sense you wouldn't know yet. Not many outside of my class do." I choke out a little laugh. It lacks my usual humor. "I got news several days ago that my grandpa died while in the Navy." I want to cry, but I don't feel like it. I don't know that I have the energy anymore.
He doesn't make a sound, but I feel the tension in his arms. There's a long pause, not that I blame him. After all, how does one respond to that?
"Did my quirk give you a little break?" He asks after a moment. His arm gently wraps around my shoulders.
"Yeah." I breathe, once again hit with serenity when he brainwashes me and my mind quiets.
"Go ahead and get out a good cry." Shinsou whispers to me. Normally, I would fight this order. Shoot, my body even takes a second's pause like it's deciding whether to comply. But all of my sorrow suddenly combines together and splashes out of me onto his shoulder. "I'll keep you safe." He says as his hand strokes the back of my head and his other arm wraps around me.
Blissful, brainwashed fog swirls in my head as my body slumps onto his shoulder to be held. With a blank mind, I'm able to find that release of grief and tears without holding on so tightly to the pain that accompanies it.
By the time all of my tears are spent, he lets my mind go but I stay tucked into his side. It's so warm. Don't leave me. It feels so good in his arms. I decide to give myself a brief reprieve from grief and imagine what a life would be like with him. More moments like this, whether sad or content, pulled close into his arms to soak in his comfort and offer my own in return.
"Do you think he'd be proud of me?" I whisper.
"Your grandpa? For sure. I'm proud of you, and I rarely admit that to anybody." Shinsou says, shocking me abruptly. His shoulders shake with a snicker. "I mean it. I don't think I've ever seen someone work as hard as you do at helping others feel better, making sure they're alright, and at the same time juggling all of your own responsibilities and emotions. I can barely throw my scarf properly. But you," He pauses and I turn to look up at him. "You learn so quickly. You have the uncanny ability to take your weaknesses and reflect on them to immediately turn them into a strength. It's...nearly inhuman. I love that about you."
His words flood me with warmth and I sigh, relaxing.
"I appreciate that." And I mean it. "Is it okay if I stay here for a little while...with you?"
"I would never leave you to deal with this alone."
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hoekaashi · 4 years
3 am Talks - bnha pt 2
a/n: i fimished part 2! i just really enjoy these ones. there will be one more part for bnha before i start working on hq. pairings: todoroki x reader, midoriya x reader, shinsou x reader warnings: mentions of todoroki’s abuse, a lil mary jane taglist: @suckersuki​, @babydabi​, @bakugoustanaccount​, @animoozies​ part 1 | part 3
‧͙⁺˚*・༓☾ *:・゚✧*:・゚✧✧・゚: *✧・゚:*  ☽༓・*˚⁺‧͙
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⇾ god, this child, would mutter on and on for hours if he could ⇾ talking about anything and everything under the sun ⇾ he would jump from talking about his day - the things he can improve on, the things he was proud of - to suddenly talking about all the things he loves about you ⇾ yes. You will be flustered. but so will he so it’s fine ⇾ it would be so cute, because his ass would transport to his own little world and literally forget you were with him as he just goes off ⇾ but that’s what you think ⇾ because with you, after a certain point of being together, you don’t make him nervous and fidgety anymore so while you THINK he’s in his own world, he actually just loves talking about you ⇾ and then he transitions into talking about his goals for the future ⇾ and you’re just like ????? because what kind of transition is that ⇾ but he’s so sweet and cute, he says that he can’t picture his future without you in it
You headed to the kitchen to get some water, but didn’t expect to find anyone else there so late at night. Midoriya was sitting at the table, hunched over a notebook. You had no idea what he was doing so once you got your water, you joined him. “What are you doing?” Looking up at you, Midoriya gave you a warm smile. “I couldn’t sleep so I just came down here to study.” “You looked like you were zoning out, not studying,” you commented before drinking your water. You could see a gentle blush on his face. “I was, you caught me.” “What were you thinking about?” He sat back in his chair. “Well, it started with me thinking about combat training today. I was close to losing my fight with Todoroki today. If he had better control of his flames, he would’ve easily beaten me, but I can tell he’s gotten a lot better than when we first fought in the sports festival. But that got me thinking of other ways I could improve my costume to be able to fight better. And then I started thinking about your fight and how you did so amazingly against Kacchan. It was a tough battle and I could tell he wasn’t going easy on you. It makes me excited for the next time we spar, I can’t wait to see the new techniques you’ve learned the new moves you’ve come up with. You’re a lot stronger than you give yourself credit for. I can see you easily being in the top five in the future.” When Midoriya looked at you, his eyes were filled with so much love for you. You thought he was just rambling off, but just one look from him told you he knew exactly what he was talking about. “T-the top five?” He nodded. “Yeah. I don’t want to be unrealistic and say you’ll be number two, but top five for sure.” You crossed your arms. “Number two? Why not number one?” “Because I’ll be number one. We could be the top two couple.” You laughed at how cheesy that sounded. “Oh yeah?” “Who knows, maybe we’ll be married when that day comes.” Now it was your turn to blush while Midoriya gave you a smug look. Sometimes you really wondered if the timid boy you fell in love with was all just an act.
.・゜-: ✧ :- -: ✧ :-゜・.
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⇾ yall would need to be pretty close to get him to talk so late ⇾ otherwise it would be you doing the talking and him listening ⇾ but if he trusted you heart and soul, he would open up completely about his past ⇾ he would bare it all for you and even tell you the things he’s kept to himself all these years ⇾ once he starts, I feel like it would be like a dam breaking, everything would just flow out of him - maybe even some tears in there depending on how vulnerable he’s feeling ⇾ we already know he told Midoriya some of his past trauma without fully knowing him, but with someone he trusts, he would be willing to break down all those walls ⇾ if yall had been together for a while, like a few years, he might even go into his future ⇾ more so what type of father he wants to be, if he even wants to be a father (I see him as wanting a family just to prove to his father that he better than him at that too) ⇾ it’s just a very vulnerable moment for him and he’s not looking for pity or comfort, just someone to listen to him for once
Your head was resting on his chest and you could hear his heartbeat. It was a nice rhythm that had you drifting off until Todoroki began speaking. “Do you mind if I got some stuff off my chest?” “You want me to move?” you joked. Your words only caused his arms to hold you closer to him. “I’ve just been thinking… My father has been trying to become a better man. My sister has forgiven him, but my brother still doesn’t want to, and honestly I don’t know where I stand.” One of your arms snaked around his waist and you snuggled closer to him. “Why?” He sighed. “I can see he’s trying, but does he expect all of his past mistakes to be erased? Mother still has trauma from everything she’s been through. Touya…” He took a moment to gather himself. “The things he did were not correct, but he’s been trying, so I should give him a chance, right?” “I can’t tell you what you should and shouldn’t do. You are the only one who had those experiences with him, just like your sister is the only one who lived through her experiences and your brother’s theirs.” You continued to speak when Todoroki didn’t. “No one is telling you to have an answer right now. Years of abuse and mistreatment can’t be erased so easily. Take your time with it.” “I just know that I refuse to be a terrible father the way he was.” You craned your neck to look up at him. “Aww, you want to be a father?” You were teasing him, the two of you already had this talk. He rolled his eyes. “Only if you want to have my children.” “Children? As in multiple?” This was news to you. Sitting up, you stared at him. “I enjoy the time I spend with my siblings. I want my kids to have those types of memories with their siblings too.” “Wait how many do you want?” The thought of popping out four kids was starting to freak you out. Todoroki shrugged. “Four? Five?” “Five?!” He pulled you back down to his chest. “Let’s talk about this at a more appropriate hour, hm?”
.・゜-: ✧ :- -: ✧ :-゜・.
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⇾ oof if this boy is up at 3 am, he’s gonna be high, change my mind ⇾ he would ask, but never force, if you wanted to get high with him ⇾ high Shinsou would listen to music with you and probably talk about the color of the song, or how a specific beat sends shivers down his spine ⇾ but on the other hand, he would also talk about the most RANDOM stuff ⇾ why is the fruit orange named after its color ⇾ who looked up at the sky and said ‘yes we should go there’ but people thought the earth was flat ⇾ make jokes about how before quirks were around, people made and watched movies about superheroes but now those movies are their daily lives ⇾ just random things like that that no one ever thought would be on his mind ⇾ but like, the amount of talkativeness would also depend on his mood ⇾ did he get high for s&gs or was it to destress?
“You wanna join me?” he asked, holding his blunt out towards you. You shook your head and sat down next to him on the blanket he laid out. His favorite place to smoke was the dorm roof because one, he didn’t have to deal with complaints from others about the smell and two, being outside felt freeing. Blowing out smoke towards the sky, he closed his eyes and enjoyed the sound of the music that was playing softy. You were looking out at the city lights that you could see from where you were sitting, holding your knees to your chest. “You ever think that the moon felt violated when the first person landed on her?” You blinked and looked down at the purple haired boy who was now staring at the moon with a hand behind his head. “What?” “Like, did we, as the homo sapien species, ask the moon for her consent before landing on her?” Slowly, you shook your head. “Do you think she would forgive us after all this time? If we apologized for not asking?” You tried not to laugh. “You should do it. For all of us.” Shinsou narrowed his eyes. “I’m sorry, Princess Yue,” he whispered. Before you had the chance to laugh, he started speaking again. “But if time travel were real, do you think someone from the past came here and saw heroes and thought ‘I should make a story about this and get rich’?” “Maybe? Only if it’s real though.” He shook his head. “Capitalizing on our pain, man... how messed up.” Neither of you had said anything after that, just basking in the nighttime breeze and enjoying the music. After a little bit, Shinsou shushed you, even though you hadn’t said anything. “What?” “This part of the song...I swear I’m seeing purple and green.” Your brows furrowed together. “Like Barney?” He sat up, staring at you. “We should listen to the Barney song,” he whispered.
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mhathotfic · 4 years
As earlier promised, here’s the big list of big brother head canons. Real quick though, most of these have little bits of my personal ships in them except for Iida because when I wrote his I didn’t have anyone I really shipped him with and now it’s the exact opposite problem where I have to many Iida ships I love
Warnings: brief mention of child neglect
- Ok, so you know those parents that like to document everything their kid does because they’re just so proud?
- Yeah that’s how Todoroki is with his little sister
- Like I’m not even kidding, she’s the background picture on his phone
- He just loves her so much, ok
- He likes getting new things for her
- Toys, clothes, books
- Really whatever she might need or like
- Enji doesn’t care enough to get her even just some nice things
- So Todoroki might as well take matters into his own hands
- Whenever they go to visit Rei he lets her pick out flowers for her
- She always tries to get her favorites since she wants the visit to be extra special
- She loves it when Todoroki reads her bedtime stories
- She likes to compare him to the story book princes
- She’s really well-mannered and polite
- She calls all of Todoroki’s friends by their name followed by san
- except Midoriya she hasn’t explained why but she insists on calling him Izu-Niichan
- The first time she met Midoriya she stared at him for a good five minutes before he asked her about it
- “In the stories the prince always lives happily ever after with the princess but you and Shou-Niichan are both boys. Hmm… Shou-Niichan likes you a lot though, so it must be ok right?”
- Midoriya.Exe has stopped working
- “(Yn) I think it’s time we head home, it’s almost time for your nap” “Huh? But I’m not even tired yet!” “No arguing, or I won’t read you a story today” “That’s no fair!”
- They don’t talk about that incident
- A week after that though he read her a brand-new story about two princes
- She has definitely figured out why
- Because I’m sure you’re curious her hair is red at the roots and fades to white at the ends
- She once accidentally froze Enji’s legs together
- That’s when they learned she has an ice quirk
- All the Todoroki sibs were just like !!!!! our little sister did that???
- Todoroki was so proud
- He works carefully with her to make sure she can use her quirk to its fullest potential
- He won’t start helping her with hero training until she’s old enough to make that decision for herself though
- She accidentally called him Daddy once
- She doesn’t remember doing so though because she was already half asleep
- But Todoroki remembers it
- It was kinda bittersweet for him though
- On one hand he’s happy that he means that much to her
- On the other it makes him mad that he had to fill that role in her life because their father refused to
- Either way he’s determined to not let her suffer the same type of childhood he did
- She’d have a good life, he’d make sure of it
- Oh boy, he’s such a doting brother
- Midoriya sweetie, honey? She’s six, she can definitely walk around just fine on her own you don’t have to carry her around all the time
- He keeps a separate notebook so he can keep track of her hobbies and interest and do research on them
- See after being bullied for so long he’s really worried about her feeling isolated
- He was really relieved when her quirk manifested
- He’s glad that she won’t have to go through the same thing he did
- But my goodness did it surprise him
- She got their mom’s quirk but it’s a little stronger
- She was sleeping when she first used it
- Inko asked him to check on her and when he opened the door there were so many things just flying around her room
- He just kinda closed the door then slowly opened it again
- He then proceeded to lose it
- “M-MOM!? (YN) HAS A QUIRK!” “Izuku, you’re going to wake her up!”
- Inko is on the verge of cuteness induced heart attack every other day
- Like she’s gone into his room with fresh laundry and found them taking a nap together and she just melted
- She took pictures and if you ask nicely, she’ll show you
- He taught her how to read and write by letting her sit on his lap while he was taking notes
- He didn’t know she was learning from him until Inko started trying to teach her only to find that she already had a good grasp of it
- He’s actually pretty stern with her
- He doesn’t let her have her way all the time because that’s how you end up with a spoiled little girl
- He’s still really gentle with her, but he’ll put his foot down when needed
- “But Oniichan!” “I said no (Yn), you can’t have ice cream for breakfast. It’s not healthy for you ok? You can have some later today if you’re good” “Fine”
- Since she follows him around like a puppy, she’s picked up some of his habits
- She mumbles to herself a lot and has the same love for heroes
- If you ask her who her favorite hero is, she’ll undoubtedly say it’s Midoriya
- She loves his friends especially Uraraka because their quirks are so similar
- She was left alone with Todoroki for about fifteen minutes while the others got ice cream
- She rapid fire asks him about what he thinks of her brother
- “Do you like Oniichan? If you do, then are you going to tell him? When are you going to? How much do you like him? I think he likes you a lot, but I’m still his favorite ok? You can be with Oniichan as long as you don’t keep him all to yourself ok?”
- Once everyone comes back and Midoriya hands her the ice cream she tells him something along the lines of she approves
- He’s really confused until he asks how she behaved while he was gone
-“I think she gave me permission to marry you” “HUH?! I’m sorry Todoroki-kun that must’ve been uncomfortable for you” “I can’t say I’m all that bothered by it actually”
- He’s still not exactly sure what he meant by that
- He lives to make her laugh
- He sees it as a great achievement whenever he can get her laughing until she’s in tears
- They basically have langue of their own and yes that langue is memes
- No one ever know what they’re talking about
- But they look happy, so no one questions it
- He adores her and will find any excuse to brag about her
- They’re on some type of hive mind I swear to God
- Like they can look at each other from across a room and he just nods, and brings her a snack no questions asked
- He always brings exactly what she wanted to
- His friends thought maybe her quirk was telepathy or something but nope
- He calls it his big bro senses
- He calls her Pichu you can’t convince me otherwise
- Pichu is actually a great way to describe her
- She has the same quirk and even less control of it
- If she gets too worked up, she might zap you
- Kaminari forgets to tell his friends about her habit of shocking others so everyone in the Bakusquad has definitely been zapped
- “What the hell was that?!” “Oh yeah, she doses that sometimes”
- He’s actually a pretty responsible brother
- Whenever he goes somewhere with her, he makes sure to have everything she might need
- He always forgets to take everything out of his bag before going back to school though
- “Why do you have a doll in your bag?” “Huh, oh man that one’s (Yn)’s favorite she going to be so mad at me”
- She was, don’t get in between a girl and her favorite doll
- He’s learned how to style her hair in all sorts of ways
- He’s especially good at braiding her hair
- When she lets him, he’ll pick out her outfit
- Sometimes he picks a really nice outfit
- But most of the time it’s obvious she was dressed by him
- Like they aren’t ever bad outfits, but they’re interesting
- He takes her to parks a lot
- She likes exploring new places so he tries take her to different parks as much as he can
- One time a certain purple haired boy happened to be running in that park
- It couldn’t hurt to just talk to him really quick right?
- Wrong, he might have big bro senses, but she has little sis senses and she exclusively uses them to mess with him
- “Hey, Denki-Nii is this your friend?” “Yeah, this is Shinsou” “Oh! He’s that boy you like, right?”
- You ever seen a video of a golden retriever playing with a puppy retriever?
- Yeah thats them
- He’s just adores her so much
- She’s so spoiled oh my God
- He wants to be a good role model for her
- He’s heard that kids base their future relationships on the ones they make when they’re still young
- So, he wants her to know exactly how much she’s worth
- He’s not ashamed of playing dress up with her
- She wants to be a princess and it’s the manly thing to do
- If someone tries teasing him about it, he just kinda looks at them in pity and shakes his head
- “Why should I be ashamed of making my sister happy?”
- He paints her nails for her all the time
- One time she asked if she could paint his
- And that’s the story of the time he went to school with messily done red nails
- He gives her piggyback rides all the time
- Yes, he knows she can walk but this way is way more fun for both of them
- He gets really excited whenever she learns to do something on her own
- Then he gets a little pouty because she won’t need him anymore
- “You’re my best friend! I’m always going to need you!”
- Cue the water works
- Sero called her Minishima once
- It just kinda stuck
- She is now known as Minishima by all
- She picks fights with Bakugou a lot
- She’s on good terms with his other friends
- It’s literally just Bakugou that she picks fights with
- Kirishima thinks it’s hilarious so he provokes the situation
- He’s hanging out with Bakugou today? Better bring the kiddo
- She wants to have a tea party? What’s a party with just two people?
- “Hey! Don’t think that I’ll let you win just because Eiji-Niikun likes you!” “(Y-yn)!”
- It appears that there’s one drawback to his game
- her quirk is crystal manipulation
- Instead of hardening her skin she can crystallize things
- She has definitely used it to trip Bakugou before
- “What the hell brat!?” “He’ll never believe you”
- He did and scolded her about how that wasn’t a nice thing to do and made her apologize
- She looks up to him so much and he doesn’t really know how to handle it
- Like she looks at him like he’s just the coolest person ever
- And suddenly it’s clear to him why Tensei always tried to be someone he could look up to
- Of course, he got it before but it’s just different being the one someone looks up to
- All he wants is for her to be proud to call him her older brother
- He definitely picks out her outfits whenever he takes her somewhere
- She actually insists on it he doesn’t she’ll get pouty
- “(Yn), I you’re old enough to pick out your own clothes now” “But I want you to do it! I always like what you pick Tenya-Niikun!” “If you insist, I suppose I have no choice than”
- She loves riding around on his shoulders
- He knows he’s spoiling her a little too much, but he can’t help it
- He’s just completely wrapped around her little finger
- His friends think it’s really cute
- It’s not often you get to see him relax and let himself just be in the moment so it’s absolutely precious to watch them
- She loves playing pretend and has managed to get not only Iida but the whole dekusquad to join in her games
- Their all wrapped around her finger let’s be honest here, even Todoroki has a huge soft spot for her
- She has no idea she has so much power over them and thinks it’s normal to have five heroes in training ready to drop everything to play princess with her
- Her quirk is also engine but hers are on her heels
- She likes to have impromptu races with him
- He likes to let her win because its adorable to see her celebrate her victory
- He reads to her all the time as a result she well above the average reading level for her age
- Bedtime stories are a chapter or two form whatever classic he’s deemed age appropriate for her
- Nap time buddies, like just super snuggly all the time
- There’s legit a corner in his room that’s dedicated to being the comfiest nap spot for a five year old girl and her older brother one can imagine
- We’re talking fluffy blankets plush pillows a few stuffed animals and some story books in case she wants a story
- Ya know, the works
- It’s really cute honestly
- I can see him being a low key over protective
- Like he seems like cool chill older bro who doesn’t care as long as she’s having fun, but he’s so worried all the time
- He’s just like ‘you’re so tiny, literally everything could hurt you, but you walk around like you could kill God and that’s a problem’
- I know I’ve said literally everyone wrapped around their little sis’s fingers and he’s no different
- Proudest brother of them all
- Will take any opportunity to mention her
- Low key though, it’s way to embarrassing for him to casually gush about his younger sister
- “Who’s the kid on your phone?” “Oh, that’s my sister (Yn)” “I didn’t know you have a sister! She’s so cute!” “Ah thanks, she is pretty cute huh?”
- Ok so you know how some kids decide that when they get older they’re gonna marry the person their closest with because they think that’s what you have to do when you love someone?
- Yeah she thinks they’re gonna get married
- “When I grow up I’m gonna marry Nii-kun!” “No you’re not” “I am to!”
- She gets really jealous and huffy when he has to do something with out her even though he’s home and can hangout with her
- Like she understands when he has to leave for school but now he’s home! That should be her time!
- She’s definitely the 'you can’t date my big brother! He’s mine!’ type of little sister
- There was an incident when she met some of his school friends
- She looked Kaminari in the eyes and told him he’s not allowed to like her brother
- Shinsou has never scooped her up and excused himself so fast in his life
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sumsmasterpiece · 4 years
Sneak Peek with Future Fanfic
I am currently plotting out a ShinKami Fanfiction and I wanted to share what I have so far Shinsou and Kaminari. Comment or message me and let me know what you think about what I have so far~
this story will most likely be mature or explicit when the first chapter is finished and is uploaded. so please keep that in mind while reading the content of examples and backstory.
These are also based on my Headcanons for each characters.
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Denki Kaminari:
birthday- June 29, height- 5’6”, blood type- O Age- 19, eye color-gold yellow, hair color- blond with a lightning streak on his left side that’s black (our right), likes- trendy stuff, hamburgers 
Father:quirk- surge, job- electrician, hair- wheat yellow, eyes- gold
Mother:quirk- thunder detection, job- weather forecaster,hair- dark brown, eyes- brown eyes
Kaminair flirts with anyone and everyone because he likes the attention (never really got great attention from his parents as a child. Denki was a handful as a child with his ADHA tendensies and when he would get stupid after using his quirk. 
Kaminari and Jirou are childhood friends and dated for a year before Jirou met Momo
Had a relationship after him and Jirou broke up
Denki felt pressured to do a sexual act when he wasn’t fully ready. Still haunts him.
Kaminari began to play the guitar because someone told him it would help him pick up chicks but then he fell in love with the instrument
Kaminari is in Jirou’s band (even after they broke up) as a guitarist (other members: jirou [vocals and guitar], bakugou [drums], Momo [keyboard], tokoyami [bass], Kirishima, Sero, and Mina)
Kaminari tries to help Kirishima and Bakugo get together (since Kirishima is like a brother to him 
Kaminari has a thing for purple hair
Kaminari hates when it storms (afraid to short circuit and hurt someone)
Kaminari uses a fidget cube when he doesn’t have Ojiro tail
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Hitoshi Shinsou:
birthday- July 1, height- 5’9 ¾”, blood type- AB Age- 21, eye color- amethyst (dark purple), hair color- indigo, likes- cats and biking
Tattoo- crocus wrap around the cross (rebirth & rising from failure) [on chest], quote on his side, blueberry blossom around forearm with other intricate designs, a large panther along his entire back
Father: Hajime Shinso, Quirk- No Sleep, job- doctor, hair- plum, eyes- dark purple, height- 6’1”, likes- coffee and wine
Mother: Mihoko Shinso, Quirk- manipulation, job- HR, hair- lavender, eyes- violet, height- 5’8”, likes- blueberry anything
Accidentally killed his mother on his 5th birthday in a car crash when he accidentally activated his quirk
His father abandons him because he blames him for his wife’s death
His father finds him years later and blames him still (causing him to have an anxiety attack)
Shinsou was in the hospital until they could contact his uncle and he took him in (uncle is a low time thug who works with villains and uses Shinsou when he gets a little older and more control of his quirk)
Shinsou was bullied in school (being called a freak, villain, and homo/other gay slurs)
Shinsou was the rebellious type (when he was 13 his uncle was caught and sent to prison and shinsou was sent to a foster home) began to think that he’d never be able to become a hero because of his quirk and people using him to do evil (he drank, smoked, and did drugs [just pot])
Shinsou made friends with the wrong people
One night (when Shinsou was 16) he got arrested for assault after he beat up one of his buddies who was going too far with a drunk girl
Naomasa Tsukauchi calls up Aizawa (local hero on call in the area) and after talking with Shinsou for a bit he decides that he will make a deal with him and take him in) (Aizawa knows how the system works)
Aizawa gave Shinsou something to believe in again and taught/train him how to be a hero
Aizawa tells Shinsou about his (Aizawa’s) childhood 
His dad was a pro hero and was watching in acknowledgment when his quirk was activated and couldn’t use his quirk to protect himself
His mother was afraid of him but lied and said she loved him
Hizashi Yamada and Aizawa Shouta are married
Adopted Eri and Shinsou
Shinsou and Eri both own cats (Shin named his Gus [Siberian long-haired cat = white with black patches] & Eri named hers Apple [calico])
Aizawa has an old cat from when Shirakumo saved the kitten named Sushi (tabby cat)
Oboro Shirakumo is dead
Aizawa mourns his death (actually had a crush on him before he died and feels responsible for his death)
When he opened his own agency he first started off as homeless
Shinsou took up drawing as a hobby
Shinsou loves storms, it calms him down. (Especially the sound of thunder and rain)
Shinsou and Midoriya dated for a while (like 5 weeks) but it was mostly a rebound  relationship after Midoriya and Bakugou had a falling out (ending mutually)
Shinsou has a thing for blonds. Had a crush on Monoma and Ojiro
Realizes that monoma was using him for his quirk
First, notice Kaminari around the college campus and found his dumbness amusing and cute as hell
Kaminari is failing in his college courses so Aizawa and Hizashi ask Shinsou to be his tutor
Saves Kaminari from Mineta during a Halloween party
Begins to tutor Kaminari in November
Shinsou is kind of the counselor to midoriya (he has a gay panic moment for Todoroki)
Shinsou runs into Kaminari at a club and is turned on by Denki’s leather pants
The first kiss for ShinKami was during one tutoring session in Kaminari’s room and both were done for the night. Kaminari was showing Shinsou his favorite music sharing headphones.
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monst · 5 years
T’is the season Day 3
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Day 3 What the kid’s want!
I’m glad some of you liked day 2 ^.^ I hope you’ll enjoy today’s as well. Having children is a lot of responsibility. But, once the holidays roll around it seems as though the pressure to keep them happy increase as they want the latest new things! However there are times where people's kids surprise them:
 Toyomitsu Taishiro (Fatgum)
Toyomitsu’s daughter didn’t waste a single second once her mother (Name) told her to start planning her Christmas Wishlist. Heck the cute kid had hers ready since thanksgiving! And, it was the what am I thankful for question that inspired her Wishlist. When (Name) had read what her daughter had written she couldn’t help the smile that stretched across her lips.
(D/N)’s Wishlist!
Dear Santa, Papa, Mama and elves!
What I want for Christmas is to be strong! To be able to get big like daddy so that no one will hurt! I want to be just like him! And be as pretty as Mama if I get this for Christmas I’ll be the happiest kid ever!! And, I’ll fix my bed and never say bad words! I also want that ne dolly Me and Mama saw at the store! And, a new Suneater and Red riot pajama set that brings the tie on mask!!
On the same day (D/N) had handed her mother the list (Name) she exhibited her quirk. She pestered (Name) all day to call her daddy but, it seemed as though the hero FatGum was very busy. But, late at night when the blonde hero came home to his angels (Name) handed him (D/N)’s wishlist.  The smile on his face could split it in half and, when a tuff of blonde hair rounded the corner he knelt down.
“Daddy!!! Santa did it!! He gave me my present early!!” She beamed. It was then that they noticed their daughter’s new pudginess as she hurled herself into her dad’s arms. Her plump body met his round one and (Name)snorted when they bounced off each other.
“Isn’t it cool!!!” She grinned looking at her parents.
“Yes kiddo very cool! I didn’t know Santa gave out early gifts. ya must ‘ave been real good all year!” He praised ruffling her hair.
“Yes! Right mama!!” Her (e/c) locking onto her mother’s smiling form.
“Yeah baby you’ve been the best behaved angel but…. I thought I said no more cookies.” (Name) reprimanded.
“Aww darlin’ let the squirt live, she just got her quirk ya know?” her husband pleaded on behalf of their child moving his arm to bring (Name) into the hug. “ ‘sides’ you were the one to tell her she could have whatever she wanted.”
“What! That was you Taishiro!” (Name) laughed as he hugged her tighter.
“Daddy! What did you wish for!!” (D/N) asked.
“Nothing sweetpea got all I need right here! No need in botherin’ Mr. Claus.”
 Aizawa Shouta
Okay Santa I’m not gonna beat around the bush. Mom’s getting me a baby brother. Eri’s making me a hat. Shinsou’s gonna start training me and, Your gonna get me the new gear I asked for but, I also need something else from you. You need to make sure that my dad goes to my recital. It’s literally the day before Christmas so your not going to be to busy to do it. If you don’t I’m going to make sure that my favorite hero goes to your home and blows up all your reindeer. So make sure he comes he’s always so busy but this is the only thing I want from him so you better do it.
“Why is my son writing like this to ‘santa’?” Aizawa asked you.
“Isn’t it obvious. He’ll do anything to be like his favorite hero. Besides it’s kindof funny.” You laughed.
“It’s funny now but, not when he gets to his teen years. Why’d he pick that one as his favorite?” He grumbled.
“Oh hush! If he hadn’t seen that video of you on youtube praising him he wouldn’t be his favorite.
Aizawa continued to grumble about his son’s choice but even he couldn’t stop the smile on his face at how proud he was the top heroes. He was also glad that his son wanted him at the recital. Sometimes Aizawa felt as if he never had time for his family and that his son resented him for it. He was grateful that wasn’t the case. 
“Shouta are you gonna be able to make it??” You asked looking at the crude drawing of ‘gear’ your son included in his letter. 
“Wouldn’t even think of missing it.” He snorted also looking at the horrid drawing.  
 Shinsou Hitoshi
Shinsou’s purple eyes blinked owlishly at the crinkled sheet you dangled in front of him. Small snickers escaped your lips but, he didn’t miss the way your eyes glossed over with tears. When his eyes finally zoned in on the words his daughter wrote a slow smile slipped onto his face.
I wish daddy could sleep more. He’s always tired and I know he’s keeping other people safe but it’s not safe to go outside tired so please whoever had the ability to do it please make the villains stop being around at night. I miss my daddy tucking me into bed. I miss him reading books to me. And, I want his eyes not to always look so tired. I know it’s a bit selfish but this is the only thing I’m asking for so I hope you consider it.
He knew (D/N) was asleep. It was around two a.m After All and, although he had told you not to wait upon him you always did. He knew that being a hero was taxing and, it was now hitting him. His family missed him but he knew they’d never ask him to stop fighting crime. Tears welled up in his eyes and he rubbed them away.
The next morning Shinsou looked over the note again over a cup of coffee. He was really thinking hard on how he could manage this for his little girl. 
“Daddy! Your not supposed to read it!” Your little tyke flushed running towards her father and failing to reach the letter. 
“Oh I wasn’t?” He teased holding the note even higher. 
“No. you weren’t” She pouted her indigo eyes glaring daggers at her father. “Now it won’t come true and our going to be stuck looking like a raccoon forever!”
“A raccoon?” He muttered. “(Name)! You think your funny don’t you?!”
You snickered from your spot on the table averting your eyes with a shrug. “Oh don’t think your getting out of this either mommy! You were the one who gave him the letter.” She huffed. 
“True. But, how did you expect your ‘wish’ to come true if I found it crumpled in the corner of the bathroom.” You sassed your child. 
“....Good point.” She flushed. “I’ll win one round yet mommy just you wait!”
Shinsou only shook his head at the theatrics. A smirk hiding behind the ceramic cup as his daughter tried to out wit you. She was in for a losing battle. He admitted that sometimes he couldn’t out wit you. When he was finally brought into the conversation he realized just how much he had been missing out and considered asking ‘Santa’ (His mentor) for a bit more leeway with time. After all once they grow up you can’t get these moments back. 
🔥 👶 🎶 🌟 ❄️ 🔔 ⛄️ 👼 🦌 🍪 🥛 🎅 🤶 🧝‍ 🎁 ⛪ 🕯 👪 ✝️ 🎄 🍷 🍴
 Well I hope you liked day three! Tell me below which dad was your fave yeah? TDS will hit ya again tomorrow with Day 4 A walk through town with your favorite burnt man Dabi! Also, Yes I know...this banner looks like Ispy gone wrong…
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random-mha-thoughts · 4 years
Teddy (Shinsou x Reader)
Pairing: Shinsou x Reader
Genre: Fluff!!! Periodt!!
Summary: You’re walking back to Shinsou’s place to help him pack after a party with the Heroes, but he doesn’t seem to want to.
Word count: 1,542
Tags:  @yuki-osaki​ @liviitehe​ @iamsoftsodonttoucheume-blog​ @bunnythepipsqueak​
a/n: Help I think I just devastated myself into wanting Shinsou as my boyfriend hhhhh you have been warned
This might be my favorite of the 3 so far.  Some of you might think Shinsou as ooc here, but this is my note that you’ve been dating for a loooong time and (as it says in the story) he wasn’t always like that, he needed to work at it.  He’s just a giant who loves lazing around and cuddling okay shut up
Shinsou is my 2nd fave boy in MHA so I hope I did him justice.  I agree he deserves so much more love and attention because he’s secretly soft babe.  Not much spice here, but 12 cavities worth of fluff uwu.  
I’m finally done with everyone I wanted to do this scenario for! (If this is your first time here, I’ve also done Bakugou and Todoroki)  I have a huge list of ideas and no clue what order to write them in, plus Icy Hot’s birthday is in 2 days, so I’m obligated to do something special for him.  
Okay I’m done talking now, enjoy!
"Did you have a good time?"
My purple haired boyfriend shrugs.  "You know I don't really care about parties.  I only went because you were going."
I frown at his avoidance of the question.  "Okay, but were you miserable being there?"
"Miserable isn't the word I'd use."
"Hitoshi!" I groan.  It's like pulling teeth with him sometimes.
He chuckles at my frustration before wrapping an arm around my waist and placing a kiss on my temple.  "Just messin' with you.  Of course I had fun, I was with you."
"Is that why you were practically glued to my side the whole night?"  I poke his firm stomach teasingly.
"Not the whole time.  I talked to Midoriya, Todoroki, had a drink with Kaminari-"
"-While you were still within 10 feet of me."
He huffs a stubborn breath and plops his large hand on top of my head to ruffle my hair.  "You're my favorite person there, why would I stray from you?"
I lean into his touch, almost like a pet cat.  "To make friends?  Socialize?  Mingle?  Something to that effect maybe?"  Not that I'm the most extroverted person either, but at least I try to make an effort for friends.
"Yea- No, I'd rather be home sleeping next to you," he dismisses lazily, rejoining our hands together.
I chuckle at his predictable answer.  "Can't say I don't agr-EEH!"
Shinsou suddenly hoists me into his arms bridal style and continues walking down the dimly lit road as if it's the most natural thing.  "Now that I have the thought in my head, I wanna hurry and get home to cuddle with you, kitty."
My arms instinctively cling around his neck.  "Don't you have to pack first?"
He groans in annoyance and picks up his pace.  "Then we really need to hurry."
His overt display of need is amusing.  As I lean against his chest, I'm reminded of when we first started dating.  Shinsou barely even wanted to hold hands in the beginning because he would get flustered, and now here he is carrying me down the street in public.  Even the first time we cuddled, as soon as I leaned on him, his body was stiffer than a board in confusion.  After a while, he's grown into an oversized teddy bear hungry for cuddles.  If that isn't growth, I don't know what is.
"What did you and Todoroki talk about?" I draw circles on his chest absentmindedly, the steady rhythm of his steps rocking my body back and forth.
"Nothing really.  Just hero stuff."
"I always thought you guys would've been good friends, since you're both alike," I think out loud.
"You don't say?"  I can tell I've piqued his interest.
"Yeah, both of you took a while to come out of your shell, you both took a while to trust and befriend people even though both you claimed you didn't come to UA to make friends, you both had your walls broken down by Broccoli boy."  He snorts at my stupid nickname for Midoriya.  "Both of you are touch-starved babies-"
"Hold on," he stops dead in his tracks and eyes me warily.  "How do you know Todoroki's touch-starved?"
"Because every Sunday I go to his place to pet him and rub his tummy," I retort sarcastically.  When Shinsou continues glaring at me, I kiss his nose cheekily.  "Obviously, Midoriya talks about it all the time.  Not to mention Todoroki clings to Midoriya the same way you cling to me."
"I don't appreciate the attitude, Tiny."  A smirk spreads across his face, and I know I'm dead.  Before I can protest, he flings my body over his shoulder.  "You deserve this!"
I smack his back defiantly, my face heating up in embarrassment.  "Hitoshi!"
Shinsou makes a point to skip the elevator and climb all 3 flights of stairs up to his floor with me still slung over his back.  When we reach his apartment, he flings me down onto his couch and looks down at me like a disappointed parent.  "Did you learn your lesson now?"
I nod in earnest.  "I won't tickle Todoroki's tummy without your permission again."
His face turns red and he growls out loud before attacking me in a frenzy of tickles.  "What did you say, kitty?!"
"Stop!" I struggle against him, but he's too giant for me to push him off through my laughing fits.  "You know...I'm sensitive!"
"Try again!"
"O-Okay!  I won't...taunt you...again!"
He finally stops his attack, pinning me under his massive body, my wrists next to my head as I gasp for air.  Shinsou bursts out into a fit of his own laughter.  "You should see how red your face is."
"Shut up."
He collapses on top of me, his head nuzzling into the crook of my neck and his arms caging me against him.  "You're mine, kitty.  I love you."
I smile to myself, playing with his hair.  "I love you too, you giant bear."  He's come such a long way.  I wouldn't have imagined him to anything like this almost a year ago.  It sobering that all this time, we've grown and changed together.  I bask in the nostalgia, hearing his steady breathing against my skin.
And then I start running out of air.  "Babe, I can't breathe anymore, get off."
"Babe, you're smothering me."  I attempt prying his arms from his tight grasp.
"Five more minutes."
"Hitoshi, you still need to pack!"  I finally kick him off the couch, sending him tumbling onto the floor.  "Come on you big lug, we can cuddle later.  Let's go."
After a few minutes of struggling to get him off the floor, Shinsou finally trudges into his room and pulls out his bag, lazily surveying the clothes in his closet and drawers.  He messily throws his them into his duffel, not caring where everything ends up, leaving me the responsibility of folding them up and neatly packing them away.
I pick up a printed black hoodie he threw into the pile to pack.  "Can I keep this for the week, babe?"
He looks over his shoulder and chuckles.  "If you go out in public with that, send me a photo.  You'll look like a tiny child."
While he goes back to throwing stuff in the pile, I strip off my top and replace it with his hoodie, letting his natural musk envelop me in a hug.  I snort when I see myself in his mirror.  Shinsou's hoodie comes halfway down my thigh, swallowing up my entire frame in black.  Moments like this remind me how much larger he is than me, not just his hands.
My boyfriend snickers when he sees me.  "I told you you're tiny."  His arms slither around my torso and he rests his chin on top of my head.
I play with the shoelace strings dangling from the hood.  "It smells just like you," I admit softly, staring at him through the reflection.
His head descends to place a chaste kiss at the base of my jaw, sending warm tingles down my spine.  "I'll be back for you, I won't be gone too long.  And I'll be thinking of you the whole time."
"You better," I pout, not even trying to sound threatening from my tiny appearance.  I hold his chin to place a kiss on his cheek.  "I'll send you a morning text every day."
His cheeks blush faint rose.  "I look forward to it," he mutters before collapsing his head into my neck.
"Hey hey, go finish packing."  I try pushing his giant weight off me to no avail.
He wraps his arms tighter around me.  "I can finish in the morning, my flight isn't until the afternoon," he drawls his breath into my skin, picking me up easily.  "Let's go to bed, kitty."
I have no choice except to obey as he lays me down on one side.  "Someone's very needy today."
Shinsou jumps onto the other side of the bed, removing his shirt in the process.  "I need to store up for all the cuddles I'll miss when I'm away."  He reaches over to pull his purple and black comforter over us, engulfing me in his warmth once again.
My head rests against his bare chest, the gentle thump of his heart in my ear.  "Stay safe on your trip.  I want you back here in one piece."
He hums in response, the noise reverberating against my face.
"And don't skip your meals.  And get enough sleep for once."
Fingers tilt my chin up to face, dark purple eyes boring into mine.  "How will I sleep well when my kitty's not with me?"
I plant a kiss on his lips.  "Think of me next to you.  Or call me."
His smile warms my heart as he clings closer to me and presses his lips against mine in a lazy, slow kiss.  "You always know just what to say."
I move myself up so I can play with his hair, entwining my fingers in his hand at my waist.  We lay there peacefully, hearing each other breathe, feeling each other's warmth, smelling each other's scent.
"You'll miss me, right?" he pokes open an eye to stare at me.
I squeeze him harder.  "Yes teddy bear, I'll miss you."
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meganshinsou-tm · 5 years
Sugarcoated. (m)
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↳ chapter six: strategy
❧ genre: pro-hero hitoshi, adoptive siblings, happy ending
❧ chapter warnings: none
[multi-chap masterlist] [previous chapter - next chapter]
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A pair of (e/c) and ruby eyes stared intensely at Hitoshi over a hand of colorful cards. The man wasn't worried at all, he had just called UNO and you had three cards left, there was no way he was going to lose. He could see you whispering quietly to his little sister that stayed glued to your hip since meeting. Your fingers larger in size to Eri's pointed to each card in a different order, making him quirk a brow and wonder what the two of you were planning. 
The card on the top of the deck was a green 6 and his last card was a wild card, so no matter what was thrown down he would be able to win.
"Okay Sou-Sou, first we 'skip' you, then we then 'skip' you again -"
"UNO!" You blurted out before she forgot.
"Oh yeah, thank you (Y/N), and lastly we use our wild card."
Hitoshi blinked at the green and blue 'skip' cards and the wild card. He wasn't exactly sure if that was how it was supposed to go. 
The hero was baffled by how quickly we was defeated. Looking up he saw Eri with arms crossed and a smug grin and you sucking in your bottom lip trying to contain your laughter at his humiliation. He threw down his last card and pointed a strong finger in your direction.
"You brats! You were stockpiling all your weapons until the last minute!"
"It's called 'strategy' Toshi, didn't you learn that in hero school?"
"Apparently not. Let's all hope a villain doesn't challenge him to UNO any time soon," Aizawa's voice suddenly interjected as he shook his head and rose from the couch, walking to the kitchen.
Hitoshi rolled his eyes and rubbed the back of his neck accepting his defeat and leaned back against the couch behind him. You and Eri were in your own world talking to each other. The lavenderette crossed his arms and watched as you interacted. It was as if Eri had known you her entire life, her little hands held yours tightly and her ruby eyes sparkled. His heart fluttered at the scene and he could tell that by the end of tonight he wouldn't be Eri's personal favorite anymore. 
Your eyes looked in his direction and your lips moved, shaking his head he asked you to repeat yourself since he was so lost in a trance.
"Geez Toshi, stop daydreaming. I was asking where the bathroom is."
Before Hitoshi could point you in the right direction, Eri was up and dragging you. Passing him you smiled and winked. Shinsou smiled back and started to gather up the card game, a few seconds later he could hear little feet running back into the living room. Soon Eri had flung herself at his back, wrapping her arms around his neck. The man coughed as she nearly knocked the wind out of him. 
He finished with the cards and ask the child to sit on his knee. She did so and looked up at him curiously.
"You seem to really like (Y/N)."
"I do, she's special."
"What do you mean about that Eri," he questioned and tilted his head.
"(Y/N) has been hurt recently, when I was healing her I could feel that her mind and body were uneasy."
Hitoshi rubbed his sisters back and looked at her concerned face. Eri's quirk allowed her to do more than heal, she could sense people's emotions and well-being making her very in-tune and perceptive to others. Still she was too young to be given exact details about what you were dealing with and how you came to be hurt. But he knew how much she wanted to help you feel better and so did he.
"Yeah, you're not wrong there little one. We can help her out though!"
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You sat at a massive dining table, Eri right next to you and Hitoshi sat across from you. Shouta happened to make a warm and spicy curry, it was perfect since the weather outside was getting colder and colder. It was also nice to have a home cooked meal that wasn't your own usual three dishes that you cooked over and over again. 
Aizawa questioned you of course, about your education, previous jobs and previous child caring experience. Besides working at the café you only ever worked at your colleges book store in your free time. You came from a decently sized family and had various cousins you'd babysit, along with your own four year old niece and seven month old nephew.
"I didn't know you had siblings." Hitoshi stated, crossing his arms on the table and leaning in.
"Well you've never asked. I only have an older brother, I also have a step-brother but he isn't exactly part of the family, hasn't been for years now. To be honest my older brother and his wife are like parents to me. My own were always occupied with their multiple businesses as we grew up and we were left to fend for ourselves most of the time. I had to grow up fast at a young age. Once him and my sister-in-law got their own place I practically lived there because I hated being in that big house all alone, I went everywhere with them and they would care for me when I needed someone to run to or was running low on food."
"Well it's nice to know you seem very close with some of your family. What businesses do your parents own?" Aizawa asked.
"They own various ones. One is a property development in the inner city, another is a restaurant, and one is a convenient store. They're both very smart and know how to run things well and are well known throughout the city. Every one in school always assumed I was this snooty rich girl but I wasn't. I've earned everything I have now all on my own. My parents taught me the value of hard work and that nothing in this world is just given to you without it."
Hitoshi quirked a brow and hummed. He was learning more and more about you than usual. At work the two of you would just generally flirt and not hold legit conversations about your personal lives. It was admirable to him that you were such a hard worker but he hated what you happened to put yourself through just to reach your goals.
"You know, if you had a quirk, I'm sure you would've made a great hero. It takes me years to instill that kind of thinking into those wild animals I teach."
You smiled and nodded at Aizawa, genuinely flattered by the compliment.
"Can I have an apple now?" Eri chimed in, bored with the adult talk.
You smiled and pinched her cheek, Aizawa sighed and rose from the table, grabbing everyone's empty dishes and Hitoshi got up to get the platter of treats. Eri did an anxious and giddy dance while licking her lips as her brother brought over the apples. Once they were sat down he told her to pick one out, she chose one of the smaller ones you made intentionally for her. 
Before biting into it Aizawa cleared his throat, crossing his arms and looking at the little girl.
"Oh yeah, thank you (Y/N) for making these!"
"It's no problem cutie. Next time I bake something maybe you can help me out."
The little girl had already started eating her apple, sticky red candy covered her lips and cheeks as she happily nodded at your suggestion. Hitoshi crouched down next to her and took a bite of her apple while she was looking away. When she looked back he acted as if nothing happened while he obviously chewed. He couldn't help but hum himself at how good it was.
"Oh my god, if you end up making more junk like this I'm gonna end up gaining a few pounds." The purple haired hero confessed with a smile. 
He then kissed the top of Eri's head and ruffled her hair and walked back over to Aizawa to help him clean up.
"Eri when you get done I want you to go upstairs and get ready for bed, I'll be up there shortly to run your bath," Shouta had ordered over his shoulder.
"Can (Y/N) do it?" She asked, mouth full of sticky the sticky treat.
You awed and Hitoshi chuckled, nudging his sensei with his elbow while joking about joining the club of the forgotten. He rolled his eyes and shrugged his shoulder while rolling up his sleeves.
"Only if she wants to though, she technically isn't obliged to do so just yet."
Eri turned to look at you with her wide and shimmering ruby eyes, a messy smile on her face. "Will you (Y/N)? Please!"
"Of course Eri!"
With that the little girl finished her apple and took your hand, leading you out of the kitchen. Hitoshi looked at you with a smile and wave, you returned the gestures and off the two of you went. Once upstairs you went to Eri's room where she dug out her pj's and took you to her own little bathroom. As you ran the water for her you sat on the edge of the tub as she stood between your legs and you brushed her long hair up into a ponytail. As she bathed she talked a lot, asking random questions about you. You helped to wash her face clean of the sticky red candy and happily answered. Until she asked one question that threw you off guard.
"Are you happy right now (Y/N)?"
"Uh – yes I am Eri. How could I not be?"
"I was just wondering. Would it make you happy to see me and Sou-Sou more?"
You titled your head with a half-smile and thought about her question. That day was really the best day you've had in months, especially after the numb weekend you had. Thinking back to all the frequent visits Hitoshi made to the café, you couldn't exactly remember ever being unhappy when he was around. Granted he got under your skin a few times, but you had a quick recovery time when it came to him. Either you'd go groveling back or he would. His earlier confession ran through your head and you could feel his kiss to your forehead again and the way his hand grabbed yours in a protective and possessive manner.
You looked to the little girl before you as she played with a pink rubber duck that looked like a unicorn. You've only known the child for a few hours but she felt like your own little sister and your own tiny best friend. She seemed to be enamored with you herself, probably because among her elders, you were the only female. You couldn't really imagine going back home after today and not seeing her again, it was heart breaking to think about honestly. With a smile you dried off her face and pet the top of her hair.
"You know, I think that would make me more than happy."
"So, you'll stay with us while daddy is gone?"
"If you truly want me too Eri."
Downstairs after cleaning up Shouta and Hitoshi talked, about you obviously. Aizawa was more than comfortable knowing you were the person asked to do the job. He could tell Eri already adored you to bits and that she wasn't the only one.
"Hey - no inappropriate stuff while the kid is around, got it?" 
He spoke to Hitoshi, the boy wasn't paying attention though as he looked down at his cup of coffee. Rolling his eyes the elder smacked him on the back of the head, making him come back down to earth and glare with violet hues.
"The fuck? What?"
"I said no inappropriate shit while Eri is around!"
"What are you talking about Shouta?" Hitoshi casually said with a smirk and sipped his drink.
"Don't play dumb Hitoshi. I can tell you're falling for that girl, I'm not against it or anything. To tell you the truth I think she's a very sweet person and has a good head on her shoulders. Why she likes you in return though, I don't know."
"I'm just saying, you can come off as cruel and blunt sometimes. Which tells me a lot about her. Either way, what you two do together is your own business and I know with her moving in things will just escalate between you. Just - try to keep it PG when the kid is around or awake. Keep the physical stuff in the bedroom."
Hitoshi laughed, rubbing the back of his head and agreed while looking at the time on his watch and decided that it was nearing time for you to leave, he was aware you probably had to work the next day and he would need to be making a call to work himself. Aizawa informed him that he would be leaving for his trip that coming up Friday, so Eri would need to be picked up from school by him. As they discussed more about certain classes or functions the child had during the next three months, you and Eri were heard coming down the stairs chanting in unison.
"Kim Namjoon! Kim Seokjin! Min Yoongi! Jung Hoseok! Park Jimin! Kim Taehyung! Jeon Jungkook! BTS!"
Both the tired looking men glanced over to see Eri in your arms as you chanted with your fists and smiled walking into the kitchen. You placed the little girl on the ground and she ran to Hitoshi. He bent over and picked her up with a dramatic grunt.
"We're gonna have to get going now kid, it's your bedtime and we got a good drive to make."
"Already," the little girl whined.
"Yes, already. I'll be seeing you again though Friday when I pick you up from school then I'll be stuck with you for three whole months!" 
Hitoshi teased and tickled Eri's sides. She laughed and squirmed until he stopped. Her eyes turned to glance at you.
"You'll be there too, right?"
"Yup, I promise!" You nodded and gave her a thumbs up.
Hitoshi smiled, hearing those words let him know that you would in fact be accepting the job. You looked at him and stuck out your tongue, trying to get him to stop staring, he chuckled and went back to saying goodbye to his sister. You thanked Shouta for the dinner and bid him farewell before you all switched people. Hitoshi and his father talking again as you walked to the front door and he grabbed your coats. You crouched down to Eri's level and she flung into your arms hugging you tightly.
"Goodbye (Y/N). I can't wait for Friday!"
"Me either cutie. I'll see you then!"
Eri took Aizawa's hand and Hitoshi ruffled her hair before they took off upstairs. The lavenderette helped put your coat on along with your shoes before doing his own. He made sure to button up your coat tightly all the way to the top and pull your collar up to cover your face and cheeks, once satisfied he smiled and pinched one of the soft pieces of flesh making you smile back.
"Alright sweetness, let's get you home!"
The two of you made a mad dash through the cold air to the jeep. Your nose and cheeks instantly turned pink once nipped by the wind. Quickly, Hitoshi opened the door for you and hoisted you up and into the seat. Once inside the cold vehicle you rubbed your hands together as your teeth chattered and he tried his best to get in as well. He shivered dramatically once a gust of wind flew in while he shut the door and put the key in the ignition to start the vehicle. His hand turned the heat nob all the way up and he leaned over to turn your seat warmers on. You put your hands to your face, trying to blow warm arm into them and rub them together as you trembled.
"Here, give me those!"
Hitoshi turned to face you over the console, grabbing your hands and cupping them in his. He leaned forward and blew warm air into them and vigorously rubbed your hands between his. Repeating the process over and over until both your appendages weren't ice cold anymore. You watched him closely as he performed the sweet and intimate act, cheeks still pink but not from the cold. 
His violet hues looked up at you from under his lashes and your heart stopped. He smirked and placed a soft kiss to the insides of both your palms. Your stomach did flips and you sniffled. He sat back up and used a hand to cup around the back of your head, pulling you closer to his face, your noses brushed together and he chuckled at how ice cold the tip of yours was. 
"So fucking close, I can't think," you screamed internally and licked your drying lips.
"You don't fair so well in the cold huh?" His deep and monotone voice said, breaking the silence.
All you could do was shake your head, paralyzed by the drop in temperature, except your insides were on fire. Hitoshi looked so smug and was obviously relishing in the effect he had on you. His hand released your head and cupped your cheek, a warm thumb brushing over it. Nexr, his lips parted and once again your eyes screwed shut as you prepared for what was next. A warm kiss enveloped the tip of your nose making your eyes open as you groaned, shoving the man away from you. He let out a hearty laugh as you tried to hide your now red face.
"You fucking play too much Toshi!"
"I'm sorry, you're just so fun to tease sweetness!"
Rolling your eyes you aggressively put your seat belt on, crossed your arms and balled up into the seat looking anywhere but at him. His long arm reached over and ruffled your hair before he secured his own belt and pulled out into the street driving to get you home.
After only ten minutes, the warmth inside the vehicle combined with only the dim glow of the dash buttons and features and quiet music had you passing out in no time. You had managed to slump over onto the center console, still balled up and with your head on your arms. For the longest time Hitoshi was conflicted on whether he could touch you or not, he yearned to. 
A soft sigh left your lips as you nuzzled your face deeper into your coated arm, your other one stretched out and your hand landed on his thigh. His eyes widened as it was a little to close for his comfort right now with you being unconscious. Gently he grabbed your hand and moved your arm back over to your body. Once he let go, his own arm was tugged back as yours wrapped around it and cuddled it like a stuffed animal. Your cheek brushed against him with a satisfied hum and one of your hands intertwined with his. His own heart soared and he smiled, brushing his thumb against your skin.
Quietly he spoke to himself, "Once again, you're going to be the end of me."
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iristheanimedoodler · 4 years
The Fic List
This is a Archive of Our Own fanfiction list! I know I'm really bad at describing these, but I seriously recommend all of them!
💗=My Hero academia
💗A beacon in the dark (Work) by NohaIjiachi💗
❤️This fic is an AU fic, where izuku goes blind around the time he was supposed to get his quirk. A really smooth and heart wrenching ride. Also sorta tododeku.❤️
💗A Cast for Your Heart (Work) by KTG💗
❤️The fic I am currently reading and OH MY GOD IT'S THE BEST. Katsuki almost died in the beginning of it, so you can already tell it's a wild ride. This is an AU without quirks, but with it's own amazing and interesting form of magic. kiribaku and light tododeku (barely any)❤️
💗A deadman's gun (Work) by NohaIjiachi💗
❤️ Honestly Nohaljiachi is so amazing at writing fics. This is an AU where Izuku is never chozen by all might, but is instead chosen by the hero killer, Stain. A vigilante Midoriya au. Midoriya is seriously depressed but then he finds his own way of being a hero.♥️
💗A Mother's Love (Work) by wraven (nataeiy1)💗
♥️ Just a short one shot that somehow pulls your heart in every direction-♥️
💙Aphrodite (Work) by MONANIK💙
♥️ Actually a Voltron fic- A futuristic AU where alteans and humans live in Harmony- and Keith crash lands.♥️
💜Broken Promises and Timelines (Work) by Tyrant_Tortoise💜
♥️ Literally just a smut fic with every different AU sans you can think of♥️
💜Chill or Be Chilled (Work) by TotalSkeletonTrash💜
♥️A fic where monsters are on the surface, and you just happen to meet sans at the vet. Very cute, also a sort of action fic. Lots and lots of plot twists. Totally recommend.♥️
💗Daymare (Work) by IntrospectiveInquisitor💗
♥️OH MY GOD ANGST. ANGST EVERYWHERE. In this fic, Izuku has a nightmare fuel quirk that he's been scared to use all his life, and he slowly gets a grasp on it. Amazing ride.♥️
💗Decay (Work) by XxScarletMaidenxX💗
♥️I don't know why I like this one? It's just semi interesting to me. It's a Shigaraki x OC fic. I guess I recommend it if you like bloody unhealthy romance?♥️
💗DEKU (Work) by RicaIncheroo💗
♥️This is an amazing fic that is short and sweet. Its about a device which almost no one has, and how bakugou, in a crisis, meets Midoriya. Definitely recommend.♥️
💗Dis(associate) (Work) by BeyondTheClouds777💗
♥️A very good fic that I've cherished over a long course of years. Izuku has a quirk- he can leave his body. Imagine how it interacts with one for all?♥️
💗Erased Potential (Work) by theslytherinpaladin💗 
♥️Izuku, quirkless and smart as all hell, hunts down an underground hero (Eraserhead aka aizawa) to help him be a hero without his quirk.♥️
💗I Can't Be a Magical Girl!! You, a Magical Girl, Say (Work) by RMXStudio💗
♥️Also quite Angsty. Izuku is just in the wrong place at the wrong time, and is chosen to defend the world by a mysterious voice who guides him through it all♥️
💗Izuku and Shouto's adventures in sexy land (Series) by NohaIjiachi💗
♥️Just a long series of cute or sexy tododeku one shots. Actually a very good series.♥️
💗komorebi (Work) by Calamitatum💗
♥️A fanfiction that stars my favorite character, Shinsou Hitoshi! Aka purple haired tired aizawas son mind reader! Basically, He's told that if he can trick the villains into letting him into the league, he can become a hero. And he jumps at the opportunity.♥️
💗listen here, sonny boy (Work) by mochibun💗
♥️Izuku's quirk is the ability to heal people's wounds! And of course, he has to become a hero.♥️
💗Live a Hero (Work) by BeyondTheClouds777💗
♥️Izuku Midoriya is a villain. Or at least he was, before he decided to change, and be a hero when he was nine years old. Basically Izuku loves knives and knows how to fight, and he is determined to be a hero.♥️
💙Love is a binary code (LiaBC) (Work) by SasuSoul💙
♥️I LITERALLY LOVE THIS FIC SO MUCH. It's a Voltron*Detroit Become Human fic! Literally everything I've ever wanted and more, with Lance becoming a deviant sex Droid and Keith determined to keep his boyfriend safe. Literally amazing.♥️
💗Magic Runs Deep (Work) by draconicshinx
♥️Izuku can see mythical creatures! This helps him become a hero! Very cute fic 11/10♥️
💗Onto Your Shoulders (Work) by n_lotely💗
♥️ Another hero killer story, but this time, Izuku was RAISED by him.♥️
💗Paper Moons and Glass Stars (Work) by Soundsoftherain💗
♥️ Ground zero, Aka bakugou katsuki, aka the number one hero, is nothing Less then shocked to find out his childhood friend has become a stripper. And a hot one at that.♥️
💗Pulling the Wires (Work) by catsplosionxd, PsychoLimbo💗
♥️A tododeku fanfic in which Izuku is forced to be a villain, and todoroki is determined to get him out of it.♥️
💗quote love unquote (Work) by newamsterdam💗
♥️ Kirishima and Bakugou are fake dating to save the career of the celebrity, and Kirishima having a huge gay crush and wanting publicity for his band, is more than willing to oblige.♥️
💗Secondary Colors (Work) by NaoNazo💗
♥️A Shinsou*Midoriya fic!! I adore it. Shinsou beats the fuck out of Izuku's Bullys (in a legal way) and of course, they fall in love.♥️
💗Silencer (Work) by RebelDoll💗
♥️An erasermic story where they hire someone to use their quirk so they can have a biological child, and that child is Izuku, who happens to have a very interesting quirk.♥️
💙The Marks We Make (Work) by wittyy_name💙
♥️An absolutely adorable modern soulmate au with klance! Anything you write on your skin will show up on your soulmate's. Keith is an artist who paints all over himself to calm down. Lance is a flirt who writes one liners on his palm every morning.♥️
💙Watercast (Work) by Fishwrites💙
♥️Another Klance fanfiction! This is a fantasy au where the three races (human(pidge), avian (Keith, shiro), and merfolk(hunk, Lance) are struggling to stay balanced with this whole earth sky sea thing.♥️
💗Yesterday Upon The Stair (Work) by PitViperOfDoom💗
♥️Izuku does have a quirk; Only his mother knows about it. Izuku can see ghosts. Very angsty, an amazing amazing amazing fic! Definitely in my top five!♥️
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snowe-zolynn-rogers · 5 years
The 7 Times Eraserhead And Present Mic Became Parents
Summary: The seven times Aizawa Shouta and Yamada Hizashi became dads.
Pairings: Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead/Yamada Hizashi | Present
Warnings: Child Abandonment, Mentions of Past Child Abuse, Mentions of Past Trauma, Adoption, Lethal Doses Of Fluff But Also Slight Angst
Crossposted on ao3
Chapter 1: Shinsou
Applying to UA may very well have been the most nerve wracking experiences Aizawa Shouta had ever been through. Little did he expect, only a day after his acceptance letter, to wake up to Yamada Hizashi poking him and prompting him awake.
"What?" He asked.
"I came over to check on you but it looks like someone left something on your doorstep." Hizashi told him and he rubbed his eyes, forcing them open. Ugh, dry eye. He should have expected it to be worse after how many 'faux villains', aka pro heroes, he'd taken down but he hadn't expected it to still act up a week later. He reached for his eye drops and quickly put them in.
"What are you talking about, birdbrain?" He asked.
"I may or may not be talking about the baby that was outside your apartment door." Huh? What baby?
"What baby?" He looked at the blonde, pushing his hair from his face.
"This one." Hizashi referenced the sleeping purple haired baby in his arms.
"Someone left a baby outside my door?" He asked, taking the bundle of white blankets from the blonde.
"I guess so." Hizashi sat on his bed with him.
"He's kinda cute." He muttered watching chubby cheeks a big yawn as the infant cuddled closer to him.
"I know. He's adorable. Whoever it was left a letter, by the way. I didn't read it, I figured you'd want to first since he was left here." Hizashi handed him the note, prompting him to pick his legs up and settle the child on his thighs to rest. He took the note and unfolded it.
"'Future Hero, I can't take care of him. He looks too much like his father. His name is Hitoshi. I just had him last night. Please take care of him.'" He read aloud so Hizashi could hear it too.
"So she saw you get your acceptance letter and figured a future pro could handle it?" The vocal Quirk user asked.
"I guess." He folded the note back up. WHoever she was, her writing was sloppy and almost consumed with rage. Maybe it was better that he keep Hitoshi.
"Are you keeping him?" He could hear the concern dripping from his boyfriend.
"I should. He shouldn't go through the orphanage system like me." He told his blonde partner. Hizashi gave a smile.
"I was kinda hoping you'd say that. We'll make such good parents, Shou!" Hizashi hugged him excitedly. Shouta was smiling holding him as well, watching around him as Hitoshi woke up. As if on cue, Hitoshi started crying.
"Hey now, don't go trying to prove me wrong, kid." Yamada told the baby with a pout.
"He might be hungry, Zashi. Go to the store on the corner and get me some baby formula, bottles, diapers, and one pair of baby closed. One only. We'll go out and get him more later." He told him. And so Hizashi did what he asked, making a run around the corner and grabbing a can of baby formula, bottles, a onesie, and a pack of diapers. Later, when they got everything taken care of, they could take Hitoshi to a store and get him the things he would need. But, for now, he instructed Hizashi on how to make a bottle for a newborn while he dressed the tiny screaming thing. Hitoshi was quiet the minute the nipple of the bottle was in his mouth, quietly sucking on the plastic.
"I keep forgetting you're good with babies." Hizashi told him.
"I'm the baby wizard. Give me your baby and I'll make it quiet." He joked.
"You sure made me quiet the other night." His face flushed red with embarrassment.
"Not in front of the baby!" He shoved at him playfully. But Hizashi still sat next to him, up against his back as they watched both quietly Hitoshi fall asleep.
"We need to get him stuff." Hizashi reminded him.
"Later. He looks cute. I wanna stare a bit longer." The raven insisted.
"I'm taking a picture. We're making a photo album." He told the raven as he took out his phone and took a picture without flash of the two. Shouta would have been inclined to throw his phone had there not been a child in his arms.
"How are we gonna explain this to people? He doesn't have adoption papers or anything that we know of." Shouta told him.
"Well, classes start tomorrow. Chances are we're better off bringing it up to the principal after school."
"I'm sure your mom won't mind babysitting for the day, right?" He asked.
"Not at all. She loves babies. It's sad she couldn't have any other kids after me." Hizashi reminded him.
"Thank god for Yamada Sakuras." Hizashi hummed behind his ear.
"You should get up and eat, ya know?" Hizashi opened his arms.
"Yeah, sure." Shouta handed him Hitoshi and headed to the kitchen to make food for himself. If all he had was a juice pack, Hizashi would be mad again. So he instead opted to to make tamagoyaki for both him and Hizashi. Far too expertly, he put chicken green peppers and the odd teriyaki and fish sauce marinated tofu Hizashi had picked up and tried the other day that he had picked up another of. Okay, he would never admit to keeping his boyfriends favorite foods at his apartment but he certainly wouldn't let Hizashi forget to eat. He put spam and kimchi while he drank his juice pack.
'Fuck healthy, it's food. He'll live with it.' He thought as he turned off the stove and cleaned the pan before bringing the two plates back into the bedroom.
"You haven't eaten, right? Usually you don't if you come over."
"I had coffee. That's about it. I've been stressing out since I got my results yesterday. I wanted to make sure you were getting in too. And to check on you. I can tell you were using the blind setting on your phone all week." Hizashi told him as he sat on the bed with him again.
"Then eat, Zashi. We're gonna go shopping for Hitoshi, right?" He asked.
"Thanks, babe." It was nice to not need to feel on edge.
"I got in. And my eyes should be better by tomorrow for classes. What about your voice? It sounds weaker."
"I may have overdone it a bit. It'll be fine by tomorrow too. Mom's been making me drink gross healing medication in my tea all week and I hate it." The blonde admitted.
"Don't talk unless you can't sign, Zashi. Rest your voice for today." He ordered him. The silence was welcomed, the raven leaning against the blonde's shoulder and hitoshi resting in the older boy's lap while the purple haired baby slept.
'He's ours, Shouta.' Hizashi signed.
"He is." Shouta confirmed.
'I love him.' The blonde signed.
"I do too." The younger admitted.
'We should get going if we're going to get him things.' Hizashi signed.
"True. I'll get dressed and we'll go." So he got up and changed into a plain black shirt and black jeans with dark grey socks and black sneakers with white laces.
'I love my goth boyfriend.' Hizashi signed at him in the mirror.
"I love you too, babe." The blonde hugged him from behind with one arm, the other holding Hitoshi against the blonde man's shoulder.
"Okay, let's go." Hizashi whispered. He would have been more mad if he had spoken at his usual level but now he'd lowered his voice so he could both keep Hitoshi asleep and not stress his voice. Shopping was fine. Given they usually shared a bed, and therefore an apartment, they simply decided to put the crib in Shouta's room. The talk the next day with the principal went fine, he had even offered to help them with the paperwork that allowed them to officially adopt Hitoshi. And thus they had adopted Aizawa-Yamada Hitoshi together.
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Green and Purple (An Imagine)
Tumblr media
Requested: Anonymous
Word Count: 1527
Pairings: None
Warnings: None
Request: Hello! I'm not sure if this is a kind of thing that's up your alley. But how about a My Hero Academia Platonic fic focusing on Midoriya and Shinsou, where Shinsou partially figures out the secret behind Midoriya's quirk (you can decide which part he figures out and how he reacts). Knowledge of recent manga events is preferred but not required.
a/n: That nasty grape boy does not exist. he was YEETED! Into the sun alongside Endowhore! :) 
The insomniac stared through half lidded eyes at the bubble of joy that was on Midoriya Izuku.
The infinity girl and robot were with him at the front of the class, being loud and cheerful.
Groaning, Shinsou put his head down in his arms on his desk, craving the dark after staring at the brightness of their smiles for so long.
“Hey, Shinsou-Kun! We’re all doing out for ice cream after class today, we were hoping you would come with!”
Speak of the Angel.
Shinsou raised his head once more and tried to look disinterested,
Midoriya was practically vibrating in nerves as he gave an anxious smile at the purple boy.
“Yeah! It would be good bonding!” Uraraka pumped a fist in the air, smiling down at him.
“I can agree to the idea that this class could all benefit to a bonding exercise, one that is not directly related to a villian attack.” Iida pushed his glasses further up his face.
“Why me.” It wasn’t phrased like a question, and Shinsou knew he was being kinda short and rude, but he never understood why Midoriya was always so nice to him. The kid with the Villain Quirk.
Midoriya jolted and frowned, “What do you mean? You’re our friend.”
Shinsou’s eyebrows rose a little at that, but his mouth stayed in a disinterested frown.
Iida glowered down at where he sat, “That is highly rude.”
Midoriya jumped again and began frantically waving his hands, “ He doesn’t have to come if he doesn’t want to, Iida! After all, there is the test in Present Mic’s and the test in Hero fundamentals and maybe he has to study but then he might want to talk to Yaoyorozu about the study group she is putting together for this weekend but then maybe he wants to study alone and-”
Shinsou raised a hand and slapped it over Midoriya’s mouth. The boy flushed a deep red, making him look like a watermelon, with his green hair, as he realized he had been rambling again.
When Shinsou cautiously raise his hand, Midoriya squeaked out a sheepish, “Oops.”
“I’ll think about your offer Midoriya.” And that’s all that he was going to say about it.
Shinsou couldn’t deny that Midoriya was interesting. His feud with Bakugou, although a bit one sided, had never been fully explained, but Shinsou could see the little starburst scars when Midoriya was changing and he had a pretty good idea of their relationship before UA.
And then there was his odd relationship with All Might. Shinsou and Todoroki had bonded a little over their shared conspiracy that Midoriya was All Might’s secret Love child.
There was just too much evidence.
The costumes, the whispers, the favoritism, and the quirks.
“You’re all too loud. Pipe down.”
The class grew deadly still and quiet as a giant yellow caterpillar rose from the ground behind the teacher’s podium.
Shinsou put his hand over his mouth to hide his smirk, ‘Nice Dad.’
“Today we’re going to be analyzing hero’s lives. I’ve assigned you each a different hero and I want you to research everything you can from birth to their rise in the hero ranks and write up a five page essay about how they did it and what they could have done instead of heroing based off their quirks. Get to it and stay quiet. You have until tomorrow.”
After tossing out a stack of paper, which students madly scrambled to find their names on, Aizawa fell back to the ground and rolled over so his face was to the wall.
Shinsou strolled to the few papers left on the ground, listening to his classmates as they exclaimed over their heroes.
“Aww Man! Crimson Riot! He’s so Manly!”
“Hmm. Gang Orca. Ribbit.”
“Midoriya! I got Present Mic Sensei Who did you get?”
“That’s so cool Ochakun! I had hoped for All Might, but I got Nighteye.”
Shinshou picked up his paper and stared at the name he had been given.
He got All Might.
Walking back to his seat, he pulled up article after article of All Might’s rise to the Number one Hero.
And after an hour, he realized something. All Might rose through the ranks after graduating UA, but there were no records of him before that.
Searching deeper and deeper into the web, Shinsou pulled up forums of fellow conspiracy theorists and read through some of their thoughts.
And then he read one by ‘IcanDab666’ that theorized that All Might had been given his quirk.
And if he could be given it...then.
Shinsou snuck a look over to where Midoriya was muttering writing in a notebook, ignoring the hate filled glower of Bakugou in front of him.
Once class was over, Shinsou walked over to where Midoriya was packing up, Uraraka and Iida standing nearby.
“I’ll take you up on your offer.”
Midoriya practically beamed. His smile putting the sun to shame.
“Alright Hitochan!”
Shinsou sighed, feeling a headache coming on top of the lack of sleep, “Stop that.”
And he walked away, hearing Midoriya run after him.
The conversation flowed easily between the class, Shinsou keeping to himself. As the class walked into the ice cream store, Shinsou grabbed the back of Midoriya’s shirt and pulled him back out into the street.
“Wha! Hitochan? Is there something wrong?”
Shinsou ran a hand down his face, and fixed Midoriya with his best Aizawa glare, “Tell me the truth Midoriya...Did All Might give you his quirk?”
All the blood rushed out of Midoriya’s face and his mouth began opening and closing but no words came out. That was all the confirmation Shinsou needed.
What he was not expecting was for Midoriya to activate his quirk, grab Shinsou and throw him over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes and run.
When they stopped and he put Shinsou down, he felt nauseous from the sudden speed and stop. Looking around, he saw that they were at Dagobah Beach. Which had been cleaned a few months ago by an unnamed citizen.
“What was that about Midoriya?”
Midoriya surprised Shinsou at that moment as he glared, the sunshine Cinnamon roll, bunny of Class I-A, Glared! At Shinsou.
“Who told you!? Are you the traitor?”
Shinsou blinked rapidly, “Traitor? What? No..” He shook his head to get back on track, “Midoriya, did All Might give you his quirk or not? I was doing the assignment that Aizawa gave us and found that I could find nothing on All Might from before he became a hero and there was this conspiractest who thought All Might was Given his power. Which means he theoretically could Give it to someone else. You reacted pretty harsh and confirmed it. But what was with the running and threats? I wouldn’t tell anyone.”
That was the most Shinsou had ever said to one person and it showed on Midoriya’s shocked face.
“You don’t know about One for All?”
Shinsou took the whisper to mean he wasn’t supposed to hear, so he stayed quiet as Midoriya mumbled to himself, pacing in front of him in the sand.
Finally he sighed and looked straight at Shinsou, “Alright. I guess I’ll tell you since you pretty much already figured it out. But you have to swear to never repeat a word of this to anyone.”
Shinsou raised one eyebrow, “You would take my word?”
Midoriya nodded.
“The word of someone with a Villain's Quirk?” Shinsou stressed. Not understanding why Midoriya trusted him.
Midoriya gasped, “Hitochan! You do not have a Villain Quirk! Your quirk is awesome! A quirk does not make a Villain or Hero! It’s the person who decides who they are! And you are not a Villain! Plus!” Midoriya beamed, “You’re my friend!”
Shinsou couldn’t say anything.
Thankfully Midoriya didn’t seem to expect an answer as he began talking again.
And All Shinsou could do was stand and stare down at the green talking Bunny about All Might, Bakugou, A slime Villain, and the power of One for All.
“So you’re telling me that you do have All Might’s quirk. You really are kind of his child. I knew it.”
Midoriya froze, looked at Shinsou, and then broke down laughing.
“You and Todoroki...” Shinsou felt his lips twitch, traitorously close to a smile.
“Come on Izukun. Our friends are probably wondering where we are.”
Midoriya panicked, “Oh my god! We just ran off and didn’t tell them and I panicked and what if they think a villain or the league took us they are probably worried sick and-” Midoriya froze, and Shinsou froze as well, a smile frozen as he had been smiling listening to Midoriya mutter., wondering what got the greenette’s attention.
Midoriya slowly looked up at Shinsou and then squealed, “You called me Izukun! And you said ‘Our friends’! I knew you cared for us!”
And Shinsou couldn’t find it in himself to care. Keeping the smile on his face as he walked beside Midoriya back to the ice cream store and listen to Uraraka and Iida chastise the both of them for running off, he found that maybe having friends wasn’t so bad.
FOREVER Taglist:
@sxph-t @mialeelavellan @rainydaysrnevergrey @platonic-plots @sociallyawkwardcircus-freak-hi @ayyidkeither @queenbbarnes @mythixmagic @chas-z @thefridgeismybestie @strangersstranger @princess-evans-addict
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plusultrabitchez · 5 years
Rooms on Fire Chapter 2: The Return
Flashback to the UA Sports Festival
"This is not good for me." You look around frantically for a team to join, but everyone turns their backs to you. You figured this would happen if a team challenge was involved. Ever since the attack on the USJ the whole school knew about your lineage and not just the UA Teachers. Your classmates had been understanding about your villain parents since they actually got to know you before they found out, but it was every man for himself at the festival.
You roll your eyes and glance over and see Aoyama and Ojiro standing next to that hot purple haired boy you've seen around school. You also saw him use his quirk during the obstacle race. "Okay, let's give this a try."
"Hey purple hair!" You call marching up to him.
Shinsou turned around to face the person who just called out to him and was met by a short girl with long (h/c) pulled into a ponytail. As she got closer he noticed little wisps of hair framing her face and bright (e/c) eyes. He was caught off guard for a moment. There was no way that a girl this pretty was talking to him on purpose. He gulped but maintained his composure. "Can I help you?"
"Yeah, I'm joining your team."
"Who the hell does this chick think she is?"
Shinsou opened his mouth to talk but was cut off before he could get anything out. "Look, it's simple. I need a team and you need me if you want to win this thing."
"God she's cocky....and pretty. Shit focus Hitoshi." Shinsou put on his best poker face and crossed his arms. "What exactly is your quirk?"
You held up your hand and a blue energy field formed around your arm. "Energy manipulation/absorption." You gave the purple hair boy a grin. "Meaning I can create a energy force field around us so no one can take our points."
A grin grew on Shinsou's face. He was clearly impressed. "Not bad."
"Thanks. So are we gonna do this thing or what?"
Shinsou's smile faded. "Why me? Why don't you team up with some of you 1-A classmates? Or literally anyone in the Hero course?"
You sighed and crossed your arms. Time to come clean. "I'm observant. So I've overheard people talking about your quirk and how you're 'totally villain material'..."
Shinsou's heart sank. Is this what she thought of him? Was this out of pity? He was used to people being harsh about his quirk, but he'd be lying if he said he was completely unaffected. "Well I call bullshit." You continued making Shinsou quirk his brows up in surprise. "You have a insanely awesome quirk and it's idiotic that they're wasting all that talent and potential you have by putting you in general studies."
This made Shinsou's heart sore. This badass and beautiful girl from the Hero course was just smothering him with compliments and he didn't know how to take it. "T-Thank you."
"You're welcome." You we're quiet for a moment and looked down at your shoes. "I...I also know that it's not easy having everyone assume you're a villain because of your quirk or..." you swallowed trying to gather courage for the rest of your sentence as you looked back up at him "...or who your parents are."
The realization hit Shinsou like a truck. “Oh! You're the daughter of-" Shinsou stopped himself as you looked away and your body language became timid. The total opposite of the confidence that you first had when you approached him. He smiled at you and waved his hand dismissively. "Eh, I don't give a shit about that. They wouldn't let you into UA if you were a risk right?"
You smiled and nodded as Shinsou held out his hand for you to shake. "I'm Hitoshi Shinsou."
You shake his hand. "I'm (Y/N) Kubo."
"Let's wipe the floor with these chuckleheads."
You smile thinking back on your meeting. Who would've thought that you guys would actually develop a friendship. You couldn't wait to see Shinsou again.
Your plane was landing soon and Ochaco would be meeting you at the gate. You look over to Hades who was being such a good boy during the flight, but poor Binx and Salem were having the worst time in their carriers. You had given them the medication you got from the vet to knock them out for the trip, but it had worn off. "How are you guys doing?" Peering into the dark carriers to see only to see their big yellow eyes looking back at you from the darkness. Giggling as you remembered Tokoyami "Revelry in the dark." You mumbled to yourself in a gruff voice.
By the time you and your animals got off the plane, found a cart for the cat carriers and picked up your baggage you were ready for a drink and some food. You looked around seeing if you could spot Ochaco, but couldn't see her anywhere.
"We're both short so we can't find each other. We clearly didn't think this through." Hades was getting antsy and he stood next to you waiting on your next move. Binx and Salem were meowing and hissing like crazy.
"(Y/N)!!!" A wave of relief came over you as you spotted the adorable brunette running over to you.
"Ochaco!!!" You ran up to her and gave her a huge hug. You didn't have many friends in your old city so it had been a while since you got a decent hug. Hades started barking with excitement. He absolutely adored Ochaco and started jumping up demanding attention.
"Hades!" She squealed kneeling down to rub his ears and was covered in sloppy kisses. "I think he missed you as much as I did."
You and Ochaco arrive at your dad's house and hopped out of the car. He was out of town on a mission, but you had a key. Kaito Kubo was your adoptive farther and one of the heroes that rescued you from your biological parents when you were 11. He didn't need to take you in, but he didn't hesitate. You took his last name and considered him your father.
It was hard for him being a single dad to a child who was healing from a great deal of trauma, but he was always patient, kind, and supportive. He made sure you got caught up on school, taught you how to ride a bike, always comforted you when kids bullied you. When you graduated from UA he couldn't have been prouder. He was your biggest fan. It was going to be so nice to live close by so you two could hang out.
"It's so nice of your dad to let you stay with him while you find your own place."
"Are you kidding? He wouldn't let me stay anywhere else. As soon as I told him I was moving back he jumped so high he busted a hole through the roof. Speaking of which, I wonder if he fixed that yet." You used your quirk to gently propel yourself onto the roof to assess the damage. "Oh wow, he actually got it fixed. I'm surprised he didn't just throw a tarp on it and call it a day."
Well if he was as excited as you said I'm sure he wanted to have everything perfect for you when you arrived." Ochaco was making your luggage and cat carriers float as you jumped off the roof and activated your quirk just before you landed so you wouldn't hurt yourself.
Ochaco helped you unpack your things and get settled. Binx and Salem were thrilled to be out of their carriers and were sunbathing in your room. Your dad had left flowers and a welcome home gift basket filled with candy and snacks and had filled the fridge with your favorite food and beer.
"So are you excited for tonight?"
"Yeah I am. I guess I'm just a little nervous seeing everyone again. It's been a long time."
"One person in particular."
"Well a bunch of people from our class at UA will be there, and of course Shinsou."
Hearing his name out loud made you smile. "How has he been?"
"He's been really good. He worked with Deku at the agency for a while then got another offer."
"That's great. Hopefully he's getting the recognition he deserves at the new agency. I'm assuming he and Deku are still good friends since you guys were out to dinner last night."
"Oh definitely! They've become best friends over the last year. I don't know if they actually realize that, but they talk and hang out all the time."
You chuckled "A true bromance."
"Absolutely." Ochaco replies through her giggles.
Another thought entered your mind. Asking would surely give you away, but it was Ochaco. She was your best friend nowadays and what are best friends for but for helping you gather info on a guy you like right? "Does....does he have a girlfriend?"
Ochaco started giggling uncontrollably making her face all pink. She was just the cutest. "Absolutely not. I think he's too busy establishing himself as a hero. Climbing the ranks and all that."
"Good for him. He's always been so driven and works his ass off." You hung up one of your jackets in the closet and took another sip of the beer your dad left you as relief washed over you.
"Yeah well I think he needs to get laid." This comment made you choke and spew your beer everywhere. Once you caught your breath you shot her a look. "Ochaco, I didn't ever expect to hear those words coming out of your mouth."
"Well it's true. He works so hard and I don't know what he does in his free time besides hang out with Deku and Iida." She nudged you while wiggling her eyebrows "I think he needs a lady friend."
You blush and start laughing. "I'm the farthest thing from a 'lady' you know that." With this you chug the rest of your beer before throwing the empty can in the recycling bin.
"Ha! Well either way you need to pick out an outfit for tonight. We need to start getting ready soon. Everyone is meeting us at the venue."
You looked at your closet pensively. “Fucking hell I don't know what to wear.”
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Sports Festival Arc
Okay so I’ve just decided to talk about each episode individually since so much happens in them and I have a lot of things to say that nobody cares about ANYWAY MOVING ON here you go!
Episode 14: That’s The Idea, Ochaco
•Can we talk about how Todoroki had the prettiest animation in the intro please???
•Aizawa shows up like I LIVED BITCH we love one grumpy crippled old man (reminds me of this English teacher I had who showed up to class after breaking 3 ribs and couldn’t laugh or move and was in visible pain while teaching, Professor Saunders if you ever see this please just take a day off my dude)
•Mido: “Mineta don’t you know how important the Sports Festival is?”
Mineta: “yes but I just don’t want to get MURDERED”
...you know what he has a point
•Jirou to Kami: “most people miss their chance and end up just staying sidekicks. You know what that’s probably what’ll happen to you. You’re kinda dumb” BRUH SHE DIDNT HAVE TO MURDER DENKI LIKE THAT
•Kirishima being so excited for the Sports Festival is so cute I’m gonna cry
•Ojirou and Hagakure are so fucking ADORABLE
•Uraraka getting all pumped up/ ragey and Mineta being ✖️Mineta✖️ and Tsuyu just straight up SMACKING HIM IMMEDIATELY I LOVE HER COLD BLOODED ASS
•“YOUNG MIDORIYA!!!...do you want to eat with me?” I LOVE DADMIGHT
•Todoroki eavesdropping on Uraraka and Iida talking about Mido/All Might: Secret Child Theories activated
Episode 15: Roaring Sports Festival
•TESTUTESTU!!! loving the other classes showing up like fuck y’all 1A bitchass nerds right now honestly
•Kiri stop thirsting for Bakugou when he’s being an ass we get it, you’re gay and love an angry Pomeranian also WHY ARE YOU JUST STRAIGHT UP JUMPING OFF A BUILDING BOI WHAT IS YOU DOIIINNNNGGGGG ROCKS CAN STILL B R E A K
•Todoroki you dramatic hoe I love you but just. Take a nap. “We’Re nOt hEre To MakE FriEnDs” bitch you soft, shut up
•I’m genuinely curious what exactly is Midnight’s quirk? She’s the “R rated Pro Hero” but like...what is it? Is she just Super Sexy? Is it the pheromone thing that makes people think she’s sexy/ feeling aroused? Like what is her power exactly?
•”I just wanna say...I’m gonna win” KACCHAN HONEY WHY ARE YOU LIKE THIS
•Todoroki freezing EVERYTHING and being unimpressed by the giant robots sweetie you’re so extra
•Birth of Icy Hot Bastard nickname
•Mineta got fuckin MURKED MAN lmao at least he tried
•Mama Midoriya is Best Mom she worries so much
Episode 16: In Their Own Quirky Ways
•KIRI BREAKING THROUGH THE FUCKING ROBOT SCREAMING IM ALIVE HOLY FUCK (Also Testu bursting through too. Intro to the Hard Boi Twins)
•Lets go Sero and Tokoyami!!
•All Might’s little YES watching Mido using the robot part as a launcher for the explosion warms my heart he’s so proud of his boy
•”THIS JUST IN ERASURE HEAD IS A TERRIBLE TEACHER” “wait wHAT” I love 2 chaotic teachers
•Shiggy you’re gross please invest in some cortisone skin cream it majorly helps my eczema it can help you too sweetie
•”the 1st place winner is worth...10 MILLION” Everybody around Mido: Activate Instant Kill
Midoriya my boy rUN
Episode 17: Strategy, Strategy, Strategy
•”Wait, remind me of your quirks again. And your names” Bakugou I’m gonna kick your entitled ass square up babe
•Kiri we get it you want Bakugou to top you. Also I love how Bakugou’s just like let’s fucKIN GOOO SHITTY HAIR
•Iida I love your dramatic over-energetic ass so much
“YOURE SO CLOSE TO ME WHO ARE YOU???” Hatsume please. Take a dozen chill pills
•Ah. There he is. Monoma. Rat Boi 3000. Let’s go babey
•Ah. Cue the Daddy Drama
•This game is just Kill Midoriya, huh
•Monoma is a pro monologuer and honestly? I respect that. But then again it doesn’t take much to get Bakugou riled up
Episode 18: Cavalry Battle Finale
•Shouji is a SCARY BADASS and deserves more acknowledgement
•no matter your opinion on him, Monoma is an interesting character and has a REALLY COOL QUIRK
•Endeavor? Just. Shut up
•Bakugou- I am powered by rage and nothing else
•”Has anyone seen Deku?”
Todoroki: tragic backstory time
Episode 19: The Boy Born With Everything
•Yo FUCK Endeavor lives, man
•Mido ”so why did you bring me here”
Todo ”...soooo THIS IS THE STORY ALL ABOUT WHY I’m depressed/ also are you All Might’s secret love child or something?”
•Okay but All Might asking Endeavor on how to raise a powerful child I’m cackling. But the more Enji talks, the more All Might’s just like “what the fuck are you doing to your kid??”
•Todoroki’s whole monologue is literally just him over sharing and rambling about his trauma I love it
•Bakugou why you being such a creep boo
•Midoriya telling his friends/rivals “I’m gonna beat you” is basically just his equivalent of “I have a crush on you” change my mind
•Kaminari. I’m disappointed in you. I expected the uniforms from Mineta but come on dude
•Ojirou is so PURE long live Tail Boi he is also too under appreciated and he is just. So good
•Kendo is best girl Class 1B
•”Uraraka? Who the hells that?” Bakugou don’t be fuKING RUDE
•Midoriya what did Ojirou fucking TELL YOU
EPISODE 20: Victory or Defeat
•Dadzawa activated, time to adopt a Sleepy Boy into the Hero Course
•Complete BAMF Midoriya has been UNLOCKED PEOPLE
•Poor Shinsou when he goes “im used to people thinking I’m a bad guy” I just couldn’t NOT think of Billie Eilish IM SORRY now I have Bad Guy stuck in my head YOU DID SO GOOD BABY IM PROUD OF YOU
•”Spooky IM A GHOST???” God I love All Might
•”Stop rebelling Shouto”
“It’s NoT a PhaSe DaD”
•Todoroki did you have to go so HARD BRUH WHAT THE FUCK YOU DEPRESSED SHOW OFF
Episode 21: Battle On, Challengers!
•Lmao get wrecked Denki
•Mama Kendo to the rescue come get yo kids
•Everyone at Mido, Please. Shut the fuck up and stop being CREEPY
•Midnight. Please stop lusting over your students it’s gross
•Hatsume played Iida like a fiddle and I’m crying baby boy tried so hard
•Poor Momo
•Bakubabe you’re so UGLY I can’t why is your face like that
Episode 22: Bakugou VS. Uraraka
•”Pink Cheeks” Bakugou just learn your classmates names it’s not that hard
•Ochaco is so fucking STRONG
•”like I always suspected. Bakugou’s a total sadist” sometimes Mineta is just. Accurate.
•Can we please talk about how Aizawa was just like “The FUCK are y’all talking about Bakugou is doing what he’s supposed to do in these games it doesn’t matter if his opponents a girl or not y’all are DUMB” like THANK YOU AIZAWA
•Mic has no chill I miss him real talk we don’t get enough Present Mic
•”You’re wrong Kacchan” YOU TELL HIM MIDO
•Bakubitch may be a little much sometimes and I get why a lot of people don’t like him but he does understand his classmates ARE also strong and powerful and you know he respects them in his own weird way even though he’ll never admit it
•We love supportive parents (Ochaco’s parents. Fuck Endeavor. Just leave these kids aloonnneeeee you asshat)
•”I’m not worried about a couple of kids” you’re clearly not worried about your crusty skin either Shiggy learn some priorities
Episode 23: Shoto Todoroki: Origin
•All that power in one little fucking finger what the FUCK Mido also PLEASE STOP BREAKING YOUR BONES “I’ve only got 6 more chances” well there go your fucking hands my dude
•Aaaaand there goes your arm
•”You haven’t been able to put a single scratch on me yet, Todoroki” you’re doing a pretty good job of that by yourself Midoriya
•Baby Shouto kills me every time IM GONNA FIGHT ENDEAVOR
•Shouji grabbing Mineta by the leg so that he doesn’t fly away oh my god
•Endeavor and All Might come get y’all kids
•Midoriya’s fuckin dead rest in fucking pieces you masochist
Episode 24: Fight On, Iida
•Okay but why is Endeavor such a fucking Brick House holy fuck absolute unit of pure shit
•”In his first match he looked so sad. I was trying to figure out why...” it’s because you have a crush Mido
•And the first of many scars appears
•Recovery Girl is right and she should say it
•All Might said Quirkless Rights send tweet
•Highkey completely forgot about Stain OH WAIT THAT MEANS THE INTERNSHIPS ARE NEXT I really forgot the whole timeline wow
•Explosion Boy vs. Shitty Hair I love competitive boyfriends but Jesus Bakugou
•Testu cheering for his new friend tho? That’s the content I love to see
•Legacy Children Battle (Iida vs. Todoroki)
•”I didn’t know he couldn’t kick like that” he is ALL LEGS that’s literally his quirk Denki what do you mean
•Anybody fighting Todoroki: time to drag a Sad Bitch
•Bruh why did Iida tense up like that was your phone up your ass dude???
•Yo Stain is ugly as fuck
Episode 25: Todoroki VS. Bakugou
•Lmao Midoriya literally triggered Todoroki into using his Left Side
•And Todoroki triggered Bakugou by asking about his past friendship with Midoriya these boys are a MESS
•oh look it’s a Fucking Fire Gremlin
•oh my GOD Endeavor shut UUPPPP
•Everyone listening to Bakugou go off at Todoroki: ...please seek some therapy
•The first time I saw this I highkey thought Bakugou actually killed Todoroki.
•Bakugou going feral for winning I can’t he literally looks like a trapped wolf
•We respect Tokoyami in this house
•About Bakugou ”Look at that face” I’d really rather not
•I’m sorry but Mineta sitting on Shouji’s shoulders is actually adorable
•Iida running through the hospital to his brother: It’s Loss
•I love the Iida Brothers so. Fucking. MUCH
•Shouto I’m so proud of you sweetheart
•Honestly I need more family stuff they’re all so interesting in their own ways and it’s a nice reminder that yes these are just kids and they have lives outside of hero school
SO that wraps up the Sports Festival Arc! I’m going to do the second half of Season 2/ The Internship Arc/ Final Exams all in one post so get ready for another long one ✌🏽
0 notes
meganshinsou-tm · 5 years
Sugarcoated. (m)
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↳ chapter eighteen: festival
❧ genre: pro-hero hitoshi, adoptive siblings, happy ending
❧ chapter warnings: none
[multi-chap masterlist] [previous chapter - next chapter]
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"You volunteered me to do what?"
"To love me for the rest of your life," Hitoshi cooed as he pulled you close to him, arms holding you tight and nuzzling your face with his.
You groaned and tried to push him away before his whimpers and 'kissing-ass' tactics ended up making you cave. The tips of his relaxed purple locks tickled your skin and made giggles want to escape but you stood your ground, at least until the back of your knees hit the bed and the hero tackled you down onto it.
"Toshi-ah! It's not going to work, you can't just volunteer me to make enough candy apples to feed that entire school! It's impossible!"
You tried to sit up but Shinsou wrapped his arms around your waist and laid his head on your chest, making himself heavier on top of you so you wouldn't be able to move. Huffing and puffing, your hand tried to push his face away when he would try to kiss you or pout his lips and make puppy dog eyes.
"You don't have to make them all at once, we can set up a little booth and you can make them there," his teeth lightly nipped at your fingers that were squishing and distorting his face, "Don't you think they'll go great with our costumes, didn't Alice eat a poison apple or something?"
Your head fell back as you laughed and pushed his face back one last time and gave up, "You uncultured swine, that was Snow White. Alice ate cake!"
Smirking, Hitoshi released you and sat up on his hands and knees as you rested on your elbows and looked back at him. 
"Same difference," he replied nonchalantly.
"No, no it is not!"
Rolling his eyes Hitoshi continued to beg and plead, peppering your face with goofy kisses and ensuing a tickle attack until you were giving in and agreeing through your laughter. It wasn't like you weren't going to agree in the first place, you just loved to see him at your mercy sometimes, it was cute. 
It had been a few weeks since Hitoshi started his teaching job and the big UA Halloween festival was just around the corner. Being a part of the staff, your boyfriend was somewhat required to attend and also help out so he used your baking skills to his advantage.
Hitoshi gave you an appreciative smile and sweet kiss before fleeing the bed to turn off the bedroom light and made his way back to plop down onto it as you crawled underneath the warm covers and giggled as the weight of him made the mattress bounce you a few inches in the air. He laughed and joined you under the covers, quickly wrapping his arms around and pulling you close to cradle into his body as you both got comfortable.
You pressed your cold feet to his, making him flinch. You turned and craned your head to look at him behind you with a smile. He returned the expression and kissed your forehead.
"Thank you sweetness, seriously. You're the best!"
You giggled and bumped your butt against his crouch, "Shut up baby I know it!"
Chuckling, you kissed each other one last time before you turned back around and wiggled in his hold as you clutched the thick blankets up and over your face, burrowing into them. Smiling, Hitoshi started to play with your hair and wrapped his arm tighter around your waist as he nuzzled his own face into your hair and the pillow. You both softly whispered your 'good nights' and started to slowly slip off into a deep slumber. 
Your leg kicked slightly making Hitoshi sleepily chuckle, it was a tell-tale sign that you were only seconds from knocking out. A relaxed and content sigh left your lovers chest and he too followed behind you. 
Suddenly you gasped and made him jump and hold your body tighter.
"Where are we gonna get all those apples from?"
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Eri giggled as she twirled around in front of the mirror of her bedroom. Blue and white fabric spun with her small frame and her snow-white locks swirled as well.
"I take it you like it?"
Smiling, the toddler nodded and bounced before jumping and hugging your neck tight. "I love it Unnie, did you make it?"
You laughed and brushed back her hair and helped her put on a pair of brown gloves. "I did not, I'm not that talented. I had it specially made for you though, just like I had all our costumes specially made."
Eri breathed out an 'oh' and smiled as you fixed her matching hair ribbon and necktie. Her dress looked like a classic Alice dress, light blue and with white tulle and a matching white apron. She wore white stockings and brown shoes to match her gloves. The little girl was honestly the cutest thing you'd ever saw and you felt like you were going to die on the spot from her radiating light. You stood to your feet and placed your hands on your hips, letting out an accomplished sigh.
"Where is your costume," she asked looking up at you.
"It's in the other bedroom, I'm about to go get dressed. How about you go see how Toshi is doing with his outfit?"
Eri nodded and hugged your legs before jetting off out of her bedroom door and down the hall to her brothers room. You giggled and walked through her bathroom to the bedroom that was originally meant for you but never used for anything other than storage of your items. The White Rabbit outfit you ordered was laid out on the bed, ready to be placed on your body. You smiled walking towards it and began to undress.
In Hitoshi's room, the man was looking at himself in the bathroom mirror, arms crossed with an un-pleased expression.
"I'm not going," he huffed out and walked back into the bedroom.
A series of excited knocks came from the door, making him look at it as he went to un-do the collar around his neck. The familiar sound of his little sisters voice was heard, making his hands fall and find refuge in his pockets as he walked towards the door to open it.
"What do you want?"
Eri's ruby eyes glistened when her brother answered the door in his full getup, her small hands flew to her cheeks as she squealed and giggled. Rolling his eyes, Hitoshi shut the door, smirking when she whined on the other side of it. Opening the door once again, Hitoshi smiled when he took in the costume Eri wore. She twirled around in it, asking if he liked it or not.
"You look like a perfect little Alice, its very pretty," he replied crouching down to be eye level with the child.
"Unnie did a good job finding our outfits!"
Scoffing and rolling his eyes, Hitoshi mumbled, "A little too good". 
Just by the items of clothing you had gotten for him to wear, your boyfriend could tell you were out to get him. He finally realized that the somewhat embarrassed feeling he was feeling now as he wore a set of purple cat ears, a collar and a stripped purple tail, is what you had to deal with every day you dawned that cursed uniform for that café. 
He used to love how it looked on you, now just the thought of it left a bitter taste in his mouth. Although he knew he could never fully understand the objectification you went through, being that outfit you wore was way more revealing and geared towards the male sexual fantasy. If Hitoshi could make it through the night, he planned on apologizing to you in every way possible about the dumb jokes and flirting he did all over your outfit.
"I knew you'd make the perfect Cheshire Cat Sou-Sou, because your hair matches!"
"Oh is that so?"
Hitoshi grinned and tickled Eri's sides, making her squeal and laugh. 
He stood back up straight and rubbed the side of his neck as his other hand gestured outwards as he displayed himself and did a full circle to give his sister a full look of his costume. He had to admit it was pretty spiffy looking, aside from the accessories he had to wear. 
A stripped purple button up shirt was worn underneath a dark maroon vest. Hitoshi wore brown pants that were rolled up just below his knees and purple striped socks. Brown gloves dressed his hands, the same as his sisters and he wore brown loafers. The ears, collar, and neck-tie, tied the whole look together.
It made Hitoshi smile how much effort you put into ordering outfits for the three of you that corresponded with each other. It had him even more excited to see exactly what you looked like. 
Ruffling Eri's hair, Hitoshi asked her where you were as he pulled his phone from his pocket to look at the time.
"She's getting dressed. We should go wait for her in the living room!"
Eri grabbed Hitoshi's gloved hand and yanked him along as she ran from the bedroom and into the living room. For the girl to be so small she still managed to drag him with all the excitement and energy she had built up. As the two passed the room you were in, Eri yelled out letting you know where to find them, making Hitoshi chuckle. 
He finally removed his hand from Eri and picked her up, making her giggle as he airplaned her the rest of the way. The little girl crash landed on the couch where another tickled attack ensued, making ear piercing squeals erupt throughout the home until Hitoshi finally stopped. The siblings spent the next ten minutes playing hand games on the couch until the sound of a door being opened was finally heard. Both Hitoshi and Eri looked in the direction you were coming from, the clicking of shoes could be heard on the hard-word floors.
Soon enough a pair of furry white rabbit ears came into view and suddenly Hitoshi had a new favorite animal. 
His lazy smile grew wide seeing you in a white collared button-up with a red bow-tie and a yellow vest over it. A red blazer added another pop of color and you wore brown bloomer type shorts that ruffled at the bottoms with a white lace trim stopping mid-thigh. You also wore knee-high sheer stockings and black oxford shoes with white tops. White finger-less gloves dressed your hands and a stopwatch hung from the pocket of your blazer. The moment you twirled and Hitoshi saw the fluffy white bunny tail that was sewed onto the back of your shorts he wanted to die of happiness. The hero didn't think you could possibly get any cuter but damn was he wrong!
You nervously chuckled and rubbed the back of your neck, "Uh – I think we're gonna be late."
Hitoshi quickly covered Eri's ears tightly so she couldn't hear a sound and he looked at you. "You're so goddamn fucking cute!"
You giggled and Hitoshi released Eri so they could both stand and walk to you. The little girl couldn't stop complimenting you as she made circles around your body, examining every detail of the outfit. She laughed when she poked the fluffy bobtail and mentioned how soft it actually was. Smiling, you looked over Hitoshi and his outfit, he noticed and did his own 360 turn, holding out his arms and showcasing himself.
"Aww, aren't you the cutest little kitty cat!"
"Watch it you rodent," he smirked and flicked one of your rabbit ears as he leaned in closer to press a kiss to your cheek.
Hitoshi went to grab his camera out of his bag and thus started a small photo-shoot. He took pictures of you and Eri being sweet and silly. After, you took pictures of them. In one Eri was pulling on Hitoshi's tail and he was giving a looked that showed how done he already was with the situation. In another he held the toddler on his hip and they both made paws and bared their teeth. Hitoshi finally pulled you in and took a few selfies with his phone.
You gasped when you peeked at the time on the device and mentioned that the three of you would really be late. Quickly Hitoshi grabbed his bag and you helped Eri to put her coat on, Hitoshi helped you and himself before bolting out the door. You and Eri jogged off together as Hitoshi locked the door and turned around and smirked as the bunny tail on your shorts bounced along with your bum.
"Be strong Hitoshi, keep your mouth shut until you get back home," he instructed himself while taking off after the two of you.
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"Oh my god, you're (Y/N)!"
You turned around from dipping apples when a young feminine voice spoke to you. The girl was dressed as a witch and looking at you with an awestruck expression. Eri ran to the ordering table of the booth and smiled at the girl, who in turn smiled back.
"And you must be Eri! Wow, I feel like I'm meeting celebrities. You two are very famous in Mr. Shinsou's class. I'm Mia, a 2nd year student."
You smiled at Mia and apologized for not being able to properly shake her hand since you were busy making candy apples. This wasn't the first student of Hitoshi's to stop by and introduce themselves, while also mentioning how you and Eri were the talk of his classroom. It was flattering and also somewhat embarrassing how much they knew about you.
"Every morning we start class by asking Mr. Shinsou if anything cute or funny happened the day or weekend before with the three of you, it's like a ritual. I see you're all matching with your outfits too, you really are the perfect couple," she replied with a swooning sigh.
You laughed and shrugged your shoulders, "Sometimes we are, other times we want to strangle each other because of how alike we are. He can be a real pain in the ass but I love him."
"Aww, you three have to sign up for the costume contest!"
Eri gasped and jumped up and down, "Costume contest, what do we win?"
You giggled and finished making your apples as Mia explained the prizes, basically first place just got a trophy and a gift certificate to one of the best bakeries/ice cream parlors in the city. This news had Eri extremely pumped and excited as she tugged on the hem of your blazer and begged for the three of you to be part of the contest.
"I don't see why not, it sounds fun. Sure, sign us all up!"
Mia clapped and ordered a candy apple while she was there. You gave a fresh one to Eri and she handed it to the girl with a smile.
"I'll go right away to let the students running it know to sign you up. All the art classes will be cheering for you! I can't wait to see what you three got!"
As Mia skipped away you quirked a brow and shrugged and went back to making apples. 
Ever since the festival started you were slammed, order after order for them and for once you finally had a small break and used the time to make quite a few of the treats for the next wave of hungry customers. As you stirred your mixture over the burner you felt a playful tug on your faux tail. A quick kiss was planted on your cheek and you smiled when Hitoshi immediately jumped in to help you.
"I'm back, sorry it took so long, one of the classes needed help setting up for a play," he explained and started to insert sticks into the red apples.
"No problem Toshi, it's been slow thankfully."
Eri ran up and tugged on Hitoshi's cat tail, making him turn to look at her, "What is it kid, shouldn't you be out there luring customers in with your cuteness?"
You and the little girl giggled and she blushed shaking her head, "Sou-Sou, guess what! We're going to be in the costume contest!"
Hitoshi loudly questioned as he inserted a stick with too much force that it broke.
He made a 'uh-oh' expression and tossed the stick. You looked at him questionably and smiled.
"What's wrong Toshi-cat, afraid of a little competition? It's just a costume contest, how bad can it be?"
Hitoshi shook his head and sighed, "It's not just a costume contest, smart one! It's a talent show too, you have to do some kind of performance as well, not just strut around shaking your tail!"
Your eyes widened and looked at Hitoshi with fear, Eri on the other hand was ecstatic! The lavenderette gave you a cocky smile, as if to say you brought this on yourself.
"That little brat, she didn't mention that detail! She was one of your students actually!"
"Let me guess, Mia?" He asked with a smirk and chuckle.
You glared at Hitoshi and nodded, from him knowing right away who the student was you couldn't help but think the girl was known to be mischievous. Damn kids these days, you didn't know how he did it.
"Yeah, she's been going on all week about how she's going to get us into the contest. I told her as long as I'm not around that wasn't going to happen, to which she took literally I see."
You whined and snatched an apple from Hitoshi's hand, "What are we gonna do!"
Hitoshi smiled and slipped an arm around your back, giving your hip a squeeze. "Well, you could sing."
"Uh – no, hard pass! I don't sing publicly, plus its three of us, not just me!"
Eri cheered and squeezed her way in-between the two of you. She looked as if she had the best idea in the world.
"We can do a dance!"
You hummed and shrugged your shoulders, it wasn't a bad idea after all. Hitoshi thought differently, even though he was smiling it was one of those, 'I think the fuck not' smiles as he shook his head. 
Eri seemed to pout and your heart broke, your fist came into contact with your boyfriends arm making him glare. Quickly you coaxed Eri to go bring your finished apples to the front table just so she'd be out of hearing distance when you decided to chew a new hole into her brother.
"Look, I'm just gonna go find the kids running this and tell them it was a mistake," Hitoshi calmly said and went to walk past you. That was until you roughly tugged on his tail that was attached to his belt and yanked him back before you.
"No you're not! We're doing this little contest whether we like it or not, you know why?" 
You grabbed his chin and made him look to Eri as she waved at people passing by. 
"Because she wants to! We're both going to dance our asses off in order to win this thing, all for her! So suck it up and get ready to close this booth down for a few minutes, because we're going to teach you a dance that is sure to make us win. Got it?"
Your fingers released his chin and Hitoshi rubbed it, his eyes looked at you with a mixture of astonishment and excitement. You've never chewed him out like this before and you never were so ... demanding. It was hot to him, he wasn't going to lie. But it also warmed his heart how invested you were in his sisters happiness and he couldn't help but fall even more in love with you. 
Sighing, Hitoshi nodded and pressed a kiss to your cheek. He walked over to his sister and ruffled her hair, crouching down to be eye-level with her.
"If we're gonna win this thing, you better teach me how to dance just as good as you!"
Smiling and squealing, Eri flung her arms around Hitoshi's neck and almost knocked him off balance. He chuckled and kissed her cheek while apologizing for hurting her feelings before.
"It's okay Sou-Sou, I still love you," her ruby eyes looked at you, "I know the perfect dance!”
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