#ship: lucy x levy
1phoebe1 · 6 months
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What happens when the BlackBulls meet the FairyTail Guild?✨Chaos✨🫵
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alive-pancake · 3 months
Y'all know the trend where someone draws two people and the text is like "Would we be soulmates in every universe?" And then they draw the people as different things through different universes but still together?
What would Fairy Tail ships be?
Nalu could be a book and a candle? As a light source to read?
Gruvia a matching winter scarf and hat maybe. Or A matching umbrella and hat?
Jerza armor and sword? Basic maybe but makes sense.
Gajevy is tougher. I'm not kidding I've been thinking of one for this for thirty minutes I can't come up with one 😭😔
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moo-shroomi · 1 month
a list of my fav fairy tail ships except some of them i have liter never heard others ship
-nalu obviously i’m obsessed with them
-minerva x erza call me crazy but those two girls have fat gay crushes on each other
-sting x rogue idc what anyone says they are gay. especially sting. fruit basket ass man.
-cana x lucy i mainly ship nalu like 1000% but also like cana and lucy had so much chemistry randomly like uhhh something LGBTQ is going on with them
-gruvia i think they’re so silly they’re sweetie pies
-juvia x cana fr i ship cana with every female character atp
-mavis x zeref literally they make me so sad i bawled when i saw their story episode bc like they could’ve at least been happy together if the curse didn’t like kinda kill her ish and he would be so different and ugh idk bro zeref also makes me mentally ill in general poor bby
-gajeel x levy they’re actually the cutest cutie pies to ever cutie pie
-millianna x kagura they just seem fruity bro
-laxus x mira i dont think i would ship them if i hadn’t read fanfics that they were in but now that ive read so many fanfics im kinda obsessed with them. they just don’t interact enough in the show
-gray x erza listen ik this is controversial but sometimes they had mad chemistry but like this to me is like i think it’s silly but i don’t think they’d ever be a couple but i think they def did kiss before
idk i can’t think of anymore rn but maybe ill add to this later
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Lucy Heartfilia/Levy McGarden (Fairy Tail)
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Important: Please do not vote if you don't know the characters.
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Chuck + Sarah 🤝 Tim + Lucy
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The amount of ship potential Lucy has (besides Natsu)
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shinpikurage · 13 minutes
Couldn't include every single one I stumbled upon AO3 sorry :( so if you like any other one, even if it's a crackship or really rare, please do tell! I love Lucy ships
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angxlofvenus · 1 year
Hii! I saw your requests were open and I thought I'd give you a hc/fic idea:
The brothers (or whoever you'd like to write for) reacting to Mc using their shampoo/ soap in the shower for whatever reason ^^
I hope this makes sense to you lol, anyways I hope you're having a wonderful day/night, don't push yourself too hard, and drink water!! You can also take any creative liberties you seem fit, or if you decide you don't want to write it I won't be offended ^^
Thank you so much for the request!! This is absolutely adorable, I hope everything is to your liking, Have a great rest of your day/night !! Genre: fluff Ship: Reader x brothers + Diavolo (individual headcanons) TW: clingy demons, minimal cussing, no use of readers' pronouns, second-person pov
When You Use Their Shampoo
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Stepping into the shower, You were greeted with the nice hot/cool water raining from above, Going to start your routine, You reached for your shampoo bottle only to find it empty! Looking around you spotted his shampoo and conditioner, surely he wouldn’t mind… right?
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100% smells it on you no matter how little you used
Won’t tease you in public but as soon as ya’ll are alone? Ho ho, he’ll never shut up about it
Smug, the definition of smug
You had to go and inflate the ego of The Lord of Pride even more
Very possessive afterwards
Congrats, You know have a scary guard dog demon!
He probably wouldn’t even really notice at first
He’d probably compliment how good you smell, Then would slowly realize…
Great, Now he's yelling gibberish while his face slowly gets redder and redder
“You’re gonna give me a heart attack, don’t do that to me!” But will become very clingy
If you say his shampoo smells good, he may lose his mind.
“Well of course ya wanted to smell Like the great Mammon!” 
Poor awkward nerd
He never saw this coming
I think he would realize you used his shampoo but won’t say anything
Flustered to the max
You have broken him
Levi.404 has stopped working, please reset.
After like the third day, You’re gonna have to bring it up
Secretly really likes it, Won’t tell you that though
I think he is very picky about scents so he knows as soon as you walk into the room
A little bit of a tease, asking if you were trying out a new shampoo
Smug 2.0 
He would tease you a little bit around the others but not bad
He would flood you with compliments, You using his shampoo would make him very lovey-dovey
Expect him to ask for ya’ll to just use the same stuff from now on
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Oh honey, he knows.
He knew before you even got out of the shower.
But that doesn't mean he's any less excited!
Better plug your ears because he will let out the loudest squeal known to mankind
Seriously, Lucifer may come and check on ya’ll helicopter mom
Asks what you do and don’t like about it
He just wants you to feel as fantastic as he does when using it
Everyone will know you used his shampoo, He brings it up in every conversation
Would also 100% ask you to use his bath products 24/7
Now Beel has never been really into insane products like Asmo or Luci
So he may not really recognize it at first
If you decide to tell him, This man will become a happy demon puddle
He’ll give you a big smile and tell you you’re free to use any of his stuff at anytime
We don’t deserve Beel
Will bury his face into your hair and just stay there
Takes you out to Hell’s kitchen that night just because he loves you so much
Oh this little shit
Tease! He won’t quit bragging!!
Smug 3.0
Such a brat about it too, He won’t let anybody near you, Well of course he’d let Beel, but who wouldn't?
He has practically locked you up in the attic with him
Why go outside when ya’ll can cuddle? 
Has really expensive products 
He may even have a custom scent
If so, He’ll know instantly that you’ve used his shampoo
He’ll bring it up with a large grin on his face
When you confirm his suspicions, he’ll just laugh
He’s so happy ya’ll are close enough to share things like that, You have no idea!
He may make a sly comment to Barbatos or Lucifer just because he’s a little possessive
Will follow you around like a lost puppy, Now Barbatos is mad at you because even less of his work is done
He can’t help it! He just loves you!
Will be the third on my list to offer ya’ll to just share bath products
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tokkias · 3 months
mrs. dragneel ship: natsu dragneel x lucy heartfilia summary: It's never easy being the new kid, a struggle Lucy is intimately familiar with. It's made just that little bit harder when her first impression with some of her new schoolmates comes in the midst of a prank gone wrong, leaving her stuck wearing some poor Dragneel boy's lost jersey for the day. ao3
Nalu Week 2024 Day 8: Athlete AU
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Soft grumbles of expletives escape Lucy’s mouth as she rummages through the lost and found to find herself a shirt that will get her to the end of the school day.
Being a good Samaritan is not always rewarded by the universe, as she has discovered via her now-drenched white blouse. She was trying to do Levy a favour by delivering some English notes to her homeroom, but in the process, she got caught up in her classmate’s prank war. Admittedly, Lucy had not handled it with much grace—though she felt that was justified given the bucket of water that had been dumped on her—and she had cussed out the sorry sod who had made the mistake of getting her wrapped up in his stupid prank. It had not been her finest moment, but she would rather be remembered for that than the lacy blue bra that had become visible under her shirt.
She can’t go around the rest of the day with a wet, transparent shirt, which is how she wound up here, digging through the bin of forgotten jumpers and jerseys, looking for something to cover her up until at least she was decent.
Unfortunately for her, most of the things that had found themselves in the lost and found were either too small or were downright disgusting. In no world is she going to fit into a hoodie that looked like it might have barely fit Levy, and there is even less of a chance that she was about to put on one of those disgusting pit-stained sports jerseys that had probably been stuck in this bin for years and never washed. She wrinkles her nose in disgust as she tosses a particularly putrid-smelling one aside to pull out a rugby jersey from beneath it. Her hopes are low given that every other sports jersey has smelled exactly as one would expect it to, but upon further inspection, it looks free of any glaring sweat stains. She gives it the dreaded sniff test, but it only smells of crisp cotton. Probably never washed, which is not ideal, but also never worn, so she will take her wins where she can get them. It looks brand new, which means some poor rugby player has gone the whole season so far without it, but their loss is her win.
She flips it over to find the name on the back.
It’s not a surname she’s familiar with, but whoever this Dragneel guy is is tough out of luck because this jersey is hers now—at least until the end of the day. Based on how long she had to dig for it, she can’t imagine he misses it too much.
It’s a little big on her because she’s not built like a rugby player, but it provides ample room for her chest where the smaller shirts didn’t. She rolls up the sleeves so they don’t hang past her hands and accepts her new look for the day. It’s not one she would have otherwise gone for, but she supposes right now she doesn’t have much of a choice.
She gets a few stares throughout the day, which is to be expected, but no one makes any comment, which is the most she can ask for. She prefers these stares to the utter humiliation she received falling victim to some stupid kids prank this morning.
She tries not to hold it against the poor guy because she knows it wasn’t targeted, and she was just in the wrong place at the wrong time and got caught in the crossfire. She had once thought that pranks were just a dramatisation of school found in film and television for entertainment value, but as she has discovered, this is just a reality of public schooling. No one would have been caught dead dumping a bucket of water on another student at her old school, and while she likes that things aren’t as strict or uptight here—she feels as though she can be a normal girl outside of her academic expectations—it’s just that being caught up in a prank war is not exactly a great first impression.
She’s new in Magnolia—a fresh piece of meat in the student body—and she’s never necessarily been the best at making friends. It’s always been study first at the behest of her father, and everything else comes second. With her transfer, she’s been determined to make a good impression and to find a better balance in her life with a new group of friends. While maybe her social skills might be lacking in some departments, she does know that cussing someone out generally isn’t considered to be polite, and so she does feel a tinge of guilt over how she handled that situation. She wonders if maybe she should apologise to that guy if she ever sees him again, though given the circumstances of their first meeting, she almost wishes she wouldn’t see him again, at least not anytime soon. She’s had enough shenanigans for today.
Even if it’s not what she wanted to wear when she dressed herself in the morning, her new lost-and-found jersey gets her through the day. It keeps her warm when she’s walking between classes, and it’s the perfect size that it just feels like an oversized hoodie. She’s rather fond of it, actually, and even when her shirt is probably dry underneath, she doesn’t stop to consider taking it off. She’ll take it home, wash it, and return it to the lost and found in the morning. All things considered, it’s pretty comfy.
Lucy’s never had a boyfriend before, but she wonders if this is what it’s like to be a hoodie-stealing girlfriend, always enveloped by the soft embrace of her lover, their comforting scent weaved into the fabric. It doesn’t really smell like anything, but that just gives her the creative freedom to wonder about the mysterious Dragneel boy that this jersey once belonged to. She had always imagined herself dating a fellow academic, someone who could match her wits, who would enjoy a night in with her as they poured over their text books, but as she felt the soft fabric of the jersey on her arms, she supposed dating a rugby jock wasn’t out of the question. She imagined herself going to his games and cheering him on every week. She would be his lucky charm. He would win all the games she attended and narrowly miss out on the one game she had to skip to study. When he’d score a try, he would look up into the stands to make sure she was watching and flash her a smile so bright it could only be rivalled by a thousand suns. Oh, how her heart would beat for him in that moment. She would kiss him after that game, no matter how gross and sweaty he was, because unfortunately, love doesn’t stop for body odour. His fingers would tangle in her hair as he pulled her closer, regardless of all the eyes on them, and—
Gods, what was she even thinking! She didn’t know a thing about this boy aside from his last name, and yet here she was, bordering on doodling Lucy Dragneel in her margins. Maybe the social isolation really was getting to her.
She pulled herself together and drew her attention to the whiteboard, only drawing a few love hearts across her school notes. Unfortunately, not even her need to be an academic weapon could truly trump her hopeless romantic personality.
She let the thoughts linger as she walks through campus at the end of the day. If they won’t stop plaguing her, then it wouldn’t hurt to indulge them just a little. She’s certain that they’ll wash away with the jersey, and this incident will just be a silly blip that she looks back on with only mild embarrassment.
She notices the rugby team on the field as she walks past. They’re not actively practicing when she catches a glimpse, but rather they seem to be roughhousing while they wait for the rest of the team to arrive. She tries her best not to watch for too long lest she accidentally be caught in her fantasyland again of watching her Dragneel boyfriend while she watches him from the stands. Their chatter, though loud, is generally unintelligible as they all try shouting over each other, so she doesn’t know what they’re talking about until one of them shouts a little louder than the rest.
"Hey, Natsu, isn’t that your jersey?”
She doesn’t pay it any mind because what they’re doing on the field isn’t any of her business, but it’s not long before one of them starts calling out a little louder.
She’s not sure if the person is calling out to her, but she doesn’t recognise the voice, so she assumes they’re not and proceeds to ignore them.
“Hey you! Girl wearing the rugby jersey!”
That one, she cannot ignore. She knows for a fact that she’s the only girl around wearing any sort of sports uniform, and the voice of the boy is so loud that pretending she couldn’t hear him would be more embarrassing than him yelling and chasing after her. She submits to her fate, sucking in a breath. She turns on her heel only to come face-to-face with just about the last person she had expected to see again today.
It’s that stupid prankster from this morning! There’s no mistaking it—she would recognise that messy pink hair and dark charcoal eyes anywhere, and now here they are, standing right in front of her.
“That’s my shirt!” He declares. “Give it back!” He promptly demands.
She’s too caught off guard to even think about replying in a prompt manner. Her mind is running a million miles a minute, trying to think of what to say. She debates apologising like she had considered earlier and yelling in his face again because, on one hand, she feels bad for the way she acted this morning, but on the other, here he has the audacity to ask her to give him back the shirt that he lost.
“What? No! You can’t just ask a girl to take her shirt off like that!”
“But it’s not your shirt!” He retorts. “It’s my jersey, and I need it back!”
He has her there, but that doesn’t make what he’s asking of her any less inappropriate.
"Well, if you wanted your jersey so badly, maybe you shouldn’t have lost it in the first place,” Lucy huffs.
She wonders where this Natsu guy gets his audacity, first getting her caught up in his stupid prank and now demanding she give him back the jersey she only had to wear because of him, without even stopping for a moment to think maybe he should apologise.
She can’t believe that this is the boy she’s been building romantic scenarios in her head about all day.
“C’mon, please? Gildart’s has been givin’ me shit since the start of the season for losing it, so I really need it back,” he begins to plead, his voice and expression softening from the original demanding anger he met her with. He looks a little pathetic in that moment, and she almost feels sorry for him. "Look, I’m sorry for getting your shirt wet this mornin’, but I sorta really need my jersey ‘cause my old one’s torn to shit.”
He’s not lying. She can see that the one he’s currently wearing is threadbare and permanently stained from what is likely years of playing on the field. It’s no wonder that he got a new one, but it is a wonder that he somehow managed to lose it before ever seemingly wearing it. She doesn’t give in immediately, even if she does feel a little bit bad, but then he hits her with these puppy dog eyes that makes her heart melt in her chest, and she can’t say no to that.
“Fine,” she concedes.
Now that her blouse underneath is dry, she pulls the jersey over her head and hands it back to him, which is met with the most genuine enthusiasm she thinks she’s ever seen. He tugs his own jersey off and literally tosses it to the ground before tugging on his new one, and she must admit, he looks rather handsome when he’s in a clean shirt with seams that aren’t ripped up the side. He flashes her a grin so bright that it almost makes her forget how they got here.
What it doesn’t make her forget is the voice in the back of her mind that is already planning their wedding, and she has to hold herself back from whacking herself in the head to quash it in its steps before she makes a damn fool of herself. She just tries to politely smile back and pretend she hasn’t been thinking all day about how his lips might feel against hers.
“Thanks, uh—” He pauses and meets her with a blank stare for a moment before she realises what he’s silently asking of her.
“Lucy,” she tells him.
“Right. Thanks Luigi! You’re the best!”
“It’s Lucy!” She yells out, but by that point, it’s too late, and he’s already running back to the field.
It seemingly doesn’t matter what her name is because, in that brief period of time, she may have manifested their hypothetical relationship a little too hard.
They call her Mrs. Dragneel for the rest of the school year.
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ftrarepairweek · 7 months
Rare Pairs Week 2024
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Banner by @kiliinstinct Brought to you by a new mod-team, we're thrilled to be able to bring this event back! It was previously hosted on @ftguildevents, and as we continue working on overhauling that page, we decided to give this event its own corner of tumblr.
Check out the Rules section for the list of ships that are excluded from this event.
Event Information
Dates: April 7th - 13th
Submissions  - Anything and everything - art, fics, poetry, amvs, headcanons, manga colorings, aesthetics, etc.
💕 Day 1 - Warmth 💕 Day 2 - Distance 💕 Day 3 - Team Up 💕 Day 4 - Festival 💕 Day 5 - Fears 💕 Day 6 - Sanctuary 💕 Day 7 - Tradition
Event AO3 Collection: Fairy Tail Rare Pairs Week 2024
Event Tag: Use the tag #ftrarepairweek in your first five so that we can see it! You’re also welcome to mention the blog @ftrarepairweek. Please make sure to tag any triggers appropriately.
Extra Info: This event is open to all ships (excluding the ones listed below), including brotp, lgbt, and poly.
Please reblog to help spread the word!
No character bashing
No incest
No canon minor x adults ships
All entries must be previously unposted and original to the blog posting.
The following ships are not eligible for this event. You may still include them as side ships in your entries if you wish, but the focus must be on the rare pair. ✨natsu x lucy (nalu) ✨gray x juvia (gruvia) ✨gajeel x levy (gajevy) ✨jellal x erza (jerza) ✨mirajane x laxus (miraxus) ✨elfman x ever (elfever) ✨loke x lucy (lolu) ✨zeref x mavis (zervis) ✨natsu x lisanna (nali) ✨gray x lucy (graylu) ✨laxus x lucy (lalu) ✨gray x erza (grayza) ✨bickslow x lisanna (bixanna) ✨gray x natsu (gratsu) ✨sting x rogue (stingue) ✨freed x laxus (fraxus) ✨erza x mirajane (erzajane) ✨erza x lucy (erlu)
We will always accept late entries!
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projectcaramel · 2 months
Obey Me! Random Headcanon #17
The Undates' + Luke's favorite anime.
Relatively well-known - Gintama; it's playful, asinine, and serious all at the same time; he loves the chaos and the fourth-wall breaking. His favorite parts are those where Gintoki and Hijikata are both featured.
More obscure - Magi; he loves the entire storyline, as well as all the major characters, but if he were forced to pick one, Morgiana would be his favorite. He ardently roots for her and quietly ships her with Alibaba. (Don't let him talk to Levi about that; he will throw a party.)
Relatively well-known - Elfen Lied ; Leave it to Barb to enjoy the infamous one, but Elfen Lied catches his fancy because of its brutal exploration of human nature. His favorite character is Kaede (Lucy/Nyu), who ignited a particularly vicious bone in his body.
More obscure - Jigoku Shoujo (Hell Girl) ; Another callous discourse on human nature, and he has off-handedly remarked that many of the seven brothers would have been dragged off to the anime's version of Hell long already, a fact which he finds amusing.
Well-known - Hunter x Hunter ; He's in it for both Gon and Hisoka. Gon, because he admires his resilience, and Hisoka because his character makes him itch to write even more bizarre characters.
More obscure - Trigun (1998 ver.) ; It's an oldie, a goodie, and fairly unique. He loves Vash and his ideals, and he once likened him to Lucifer, if Lucifer hadn't become hardened and cynical (the person in question did not appreciate this comparison).
Well-known - Saiki Kusuo no Psi-nan (The Disastrous Life of Saiki K.) ; he laughs at some of the ridiculous things Kusuo has to deal with, but he thinks Kusuo is too mean and arrogant. He likes Kaidou because the Chuunibyou sufferer ultimately has a good heart.
More obscure - Sakamoto desu ga? (Haven't You Heard? I'm Sakamoto.) ; another comedy anime, Luke initially had a preference for Yoshinobu before Sakamoto grew on him due to his acts of kindness and coolness. (Yes, he hummed the opening a lot.)
Well-known - Chainsaw Man ; he initially wasn't interested until around the second or third episode. He stayed for Makima because she made him curious and soon found himself swept into the story that was more complex than Denji might have made it out to be.
More obscure - The Ancient Magus' Bride ; he thinks the story is sweet, particularly Chise's consistent exposure to the wonder of the world. He was pleasantly surprised by the turns the anime took.
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-- Caramel: I had more difficulty finding well-known anime that suited this batch. --
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Masterlist 2
Multi-Part fics
Tired dad! Lucifer: Intro Part 1 Part 2
Asmodeus' trip to the human world: Part 1 Part 2 Part 3
Whb thoughts and analysis
Leviathan with an angel kid
Leviathan and his relationship with childhood
Tf did they do to Asmodeus???
Pb please make Dantalian being Asmodeus' kid canon
What nobles parented the kings
Whb x reader headcanons
Making a pokémon team for the kings (+Gamigin)
Some whb characters reacting to being called coaie
Whb characters seeing MC pace around to music (MaDD edition)
First time meeting Gamigin
Gamigin lover headcanons
Showing whb characters animated movies
Whb nobles seeing MC with a random demon
Whb kings comforting MC after a wax
Marbas friendly firing
Avisos cuddle pile (fic)
Mc teaching whb characters a cultural dance
Satan comforting sex repulsed MC
Mc an Minhyeok being siblings (fic)
Paradise Lost misadventures
Mc wants a baby
Gamigin realises that Mc is mortal
Mc that has a plushie collection
Gamigin and Mc both having autism
Gamigin and death once more
Kings when MC dates one of their nobles
Whb kings when Mc gives them a heart-shaped necklace
Dantalian doesn't get his dick distroyed today :(
Nobles getting baby fever
NSFW and darker posts
Lucifer NSFW alphabet
Gamigin NSFW alphabet
Zagan NSFW alphabet
Dark headcanons
Being Asmo's fuck toy (dark hcs)
Platonic yandere Lucifer x Gamigin (dark hcs)
Raiting whb kings based on how much experience they have with humans
Show don't tell (Lucifer x Afab!Mc x Gamigin)
Asmodeus NSFW alphabet
Miscelanious whb hc
Lucifer is Satan's dad ?!?!?!?
Bael is done with Beelzebub's bs (Teambuilding edit)
Pokémon team for whb characters
Random headcanons about some whb characters
Gamigin calling Lucifer dad
Rating Paradise Lost demons on how safe you are going to them
Paradise Lost is so silly
Whb characters' opinion on manele: Gehenna
Lucifer x Gamigin platonic hc
Paradise Lost nobles being called babygirl
Avisos nobles being called babygirl
Marbas and Buer being silly (tw: romanian)
Rating Avisos nobles on how eadible is their cooking
Lucifer's experience
Asexual hc for whb
Tartaros is Romanian inspired
Mammon x Mc propaganda (Emirate edit)
Jjyu getting burned
Abaddon headcanons
Why Satan hates Asmodeus
Leviathan lost his uncle priveldge
Not now sweaty, mommy's cyberbullying
What social medias do the kings use
Raphael's a gamer
Asmodeus visiting Eater in the human world
Dantalian being a prince hc
Dantalian need a new suit
Paradise Lost hcs
Meeting with all the kings
Levi trans real
Lucifer being orthodox on main
Paradise Lost nobles when Gamigin draws them as dragons
Relationship between Dantalian and the kings
Shipper Au
The nobles being wingmen for their kings
Average ship war in the MCxking community
Mc trolling the shipping forums (and getting doxxed in the process)
How the kings would react to seeing the ships about them and MC
Ppyong posting ship art of him and Paimon
Kings reacting to King x Seraph fics written by MC
Shipping tier list
"I owe Bimet so much money"
The Seraphs reacting to King x Seraph fics
Morax being a supportive older brother
Nobles reacting to their ship coming true
Nobles reacting to Mc being in a poly relationship with all the kings
Kings reacting to Mc shipping their nobles with angels (or themselves)
Bimet selling merch
Shippers when Mc x Sitri is trending
Mc that wants a secret relationships due to the shippers
Mc that ships the shippers with their king
Mc x Glasylabolas gone wrong
Artist!Mc drawing ship art of the kings
Lucy Dulap (my Mc)
Double standerds
Gabriel's priorities
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beargyufairy · 8 months
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lucysarah-c · 6 months
Passive agreesive ship Anon asks
I'm going to say this once. If you've come to my account seeking exposure and attention, because that's obviously what you're looking for, or if your intention is to come to my inbox and create drama, because that's what that type of approach implies, I'm sorry to inform you that you've chosen the wrong account. I won't be participating.
I won't reply because it's evident that we wouldn't agree, and it's clear that someone writing an ask with such an attitude isn't seeking another point of view. Let me reiterate, if you've read one of my posts that's specifically intended for people interested in "levi x reader," and you've come to argue with me while being part of a different ship within this fandom, that's HIGHLY problematic. DON'T. I don't visit fanfics or blogs dedicated to certain ships to argue or engage in conflict because I have something called self-love and, frankly, a life of my own.
So, send as many asks as you want, in anonymous mode or whatever, I'll block you a hundred times, and I won't reply to any because that would be a waste of my precious time.
Have a lovely day,
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another-lost-mc · 10 months
are u more of a rare pair sandwich enjoyer (luci + barb, sol + satan, levi + diavolo etc) or do u have common tastes /derogatory (dialuci, attic club) or r u in the in-between (sololuci, mephisto + mammon, asmo + thirteen)
u probably alrd know but for clarification lmao i mean this in a poly sense
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I don't read much OM! fic content that's not reader-inserts so that probably affects my preferences a lot. I think my tastes skew towards what's popular with a few obvious outliers. I admit this is one of those situations where polyships I like to write aren't necessarily the ones I like personally. (I don't post self-ship content on this blog but the fav bias definitely shows. lol)
Note: as I've mentioned before, the demon brothers in polyships together are platonic-only since I don't write demoncest.
I've written:
MC x Mammon & Levi
MC x Beel & Belphie
MC x Diavolo & Barbatos
MC x Asmo & Solomon
MC x Solomon & Simeon
MC x Simeon & Michael
MC x Simeon & Raphael & Michael
Polyships I'd consider writing/have wips for:
MC x Mammon & Levi & Asmo
MC x Barbatos & any combination of (Asmo/Solomon/Simeon)
MC x Satan & Solomon
MC x Mephisto & any combination of Asmo/Barbatos/Solomon/Simeon
MC x Lucifer & Satan
MC x Lucifer & Michael
MC x Asmo & Michael
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fairy-nerd · 27 days
Hello! Fairy nerd here! I love the Manga and Anime of Fairy Tail.
Ships: Natsu x Lucy, Gray x Juvia, Gajeel x Levy, Erza x Jellal, Elfman x Evergreen.
I also like to do funny ships, like not a real thing, but funny to ship.
I have read Fairy Tail about 4 times and watched the anime 6 times. (Yes I am aware I have an issue, I really love this anime)
If you are an account that hates any of the ships I love, That's fine, feel free to explain to me what it is you dislike about it and I will have a normal convo with you. No attacking, just a nice talk. If you come at me in a text sounding mean. I will sound mean back. Fair warning.
Anyways, Fairy Tail is a show about friends and family! So, in my account, we are friends and family. So welcome!
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