#shipp fic
izypezylemonsquezy · 2 months
Hey uhh
I do fanfics sometimes :)
It's still incomplete but I'm slowly filling up
Shipps (m/m)
P1 Dude x The Antagonist
Duken Nukem x P2 Dude
P2 Dude x P3 Dude
The Antagonist x Psycho cop
(Queer coded hcs, canon related characters)
Here's my edgy shooter shipp one-shot collection
Blood and gore (contextual)
Canon typical bigotry
Canon typical violence
‼️It's very self-indulgent, very gross, very bloody, sometimes bigotry, very nsfw
Might be some sensitive topics‼️
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heikyoprincesse · 5 months
There just a hc that I love so much and I don't see anyone talking or writing about
Sanji used to have some rats as "pets", right? So like, his boyfriend just- giving him one after Sanji says about this little good thing in his childhood and how he kinda misses having one again (since we see how Sanji still loves rats)
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bastardbeewoman · 2 months
I truly am loving all the dungeon meshi ship fics but I for one CANNOT wait for when the canaries make their anime debut and people get to know them, because I am STARVING for more fics regarding whatever codepent insane polycule and/or found family dynamic all of them have with each other
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hdkwhdkw god how i HATE the way every sakura-center fanfic is always about sakura realizing she isn't strong and that she needs to take her treaning more seriously AND THAT'S GREAT i love that but i definitely don't like that they always make her like, give up on sasuke(? or don't care about him or whatever. and i mean that doesn't make the fics less good or anything but c'mon, she's a twelve years old, let her have a crush at least. where are the fics where idk she realizes that sasuke (strong, and from a strong family sasuke) wouldn't like her if she's weak and doesn't take the ninja life seriously enough and blablabla and decides to do better because of that??? idk that's something I'd like to read i guess
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lifad-designer · 3 months
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Purple Vixen - Jujutsu Kaisen
Ainda na época que usei o username incrível @adordavergonha, fiz essa fic que AINDA ESTÁ POSTADA e foi recentemente atualizada com o capítulo 2, uma #nanamei. E você pode ver indo no meu perfil, o @minerva-lefay, ele estará nos links aqui do meu perfil no tumblr e se você abrir o tumblr no PC poderá acessar por lá também.
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ifdimpeul · 1 year
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#PEDIDO DE CAPA — “Segue a Trend” feito por louisat.
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moongeonight · 6 months
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An unexpected meeting, phantom thief AU!
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Summary: Shuichi goes to investigate the place where the phantom thief could perhaps be living But he is not prepared for the surprise that awaits him...
A/N: This is tickle fanfic!, I also lost the message from the anon who sent me the request 😔 luckily I was able to take the screenshot, I hope you enjoy it! And I'm sorry for taking so long! I was busy with work.
shuichi was investigating about the phantom thief, a crazy man who has been his headache for the last two months non-stop, he left clues but always managed to escape Shuichi sighs with tiredness.
"Of course he doesn't go down this easily... Alright... What have you planned THIS time?!" He sounds like he's almost ready to give up.
In the middle of his thoughts her boss, Kyoko Kirigiri, had sent him some images of evidence which pointed to where the phantom thief could currently be living.
Shuichi was ready and takes out a notepad and pen and frantically starts drawing out a list of all the clues he's collected so far.
"Ok, let's see... So, the Phantom Thief is always leaving some kind of a calling card... It's very odd to say the least. And from what we've gathered, they must be an expert at hiding and escaping... I guess we'll just have to be faster then them..."
he knew that it was probably something reckless since his job as a detective was mostly to investigate but... He was too intrigued by this new evidence, so much so that even he himself wanted to go to investigate.
"This might be our first real lead to the Phantom Thief... I can't let that chance slip away, I'll get to the bottom of this, even if it means I end up spending all night investigating."
He determined to catch the Phantom Thief, no matter the cost. He decided that he was going to investigate the place, regardless if her boss approved or not.
Shuichi was now in front of the door of the supposed house where the phantom thief was...He was nervous but determined, he knocked on the door and... Nothing, no one opened the door.
After waiting for a moment, Shuichi decides to try the door handle. It was unlocked! He cautiously opens the door and steps inside.
He couldn't go much further since when he entered it was all dark and Pam someone hit him from behind.
Shuichi falls to the ground, unconscious, as he lets out a moan of pain. In the pitch blackness, he could hear footsteps approaching, He heard a voice say.
"nishishi! I think it worked. But to be safe... I'm gonna tie him up."
Shuichi wakes up, He finds himself lying in a dark room. He can't see anything but he can tell that he has been tied up. He feels groggy, he tries to recall what happened but it's no use.
Suddenly, a light turned on and the phantom thief appeared in front of him. He was eating a lollipop.
"I know you woke up, detective. No need to struggle, you won't get out of those ropes." he sat on the floor in front of shuichi.
"Nishishi! I have to thank you, detective. You really are amazing!, finding my hideout so quickly! And all those items of yours were helpful."
Shuichi looks down, He then tries to move, but the restraints on his wrists make it impossible to get free, He starts to panic.
"Let me go, you bastard! What do you even-" Shuichi was cut off.
"Oh! You're so cute, detective! I'm just wondering what should I do with you? You know, it's not really easy to find people who can be useful to me. It's quite rare, actually... I think you earned the honor of knowing my name! I'm kokichi ouma"
Shuichi went quiet, He felt his heart sink to his stomach, His worst nightmare has come true. To think that he had underestimated Kokichi, the great liar. And now, he's been captured by him.
"D...Damn it..." Was all he could say, with his face turning completely red with embarrassment, he feels his face heat up.
"Nishishi! You're so cute when you're embarrassed! I just love it when people have a big reaction just because of me." Kokichi took another bite of his lollipop.
"But now... I would like to know some things, like, for example, how did you know where I was living?"
Shuichi was caught off guard by this question. How was he supposed to answer that question without exposing the truth about the lead he got from Kyoko?.
"Err... Well... I...umm... I just, erm... guessed...?" Shuichi replied sweating bullets.
"Aw, no! You can't fool me, detective! I'm the one who fools people, remember? You're just trying to hide some information!" Kokichi laughed.
"I can give you another chance to speak... or, I can use my other methods to make you tell me the truth."
Kokichi got closer to shuichi,he put the lollipop on the table of the tiny room and looked right into shuichi's eyes.
Shuichi was at a loss, He knew that Kokichi would see through him no matter what he did, He closes his eyes to steel himself for what was to come.
"So... this is the decision you have made, detective. I will have to torture you if you don't tell me the truth."
Kokichi said in a very serious tone although in reality... He didn't even plan to torture him, at least not in a serious way, he was known for being a prankster so he had to use that.
"Oh gosh... Why do you make me do this?! Don't you understand that if you don't talk then I'll be forced to... to..." He opened his eyes again, his face full of anger and seriousness.
"I'll have to... to tickle you until you tell me!"
Shuichi's eyes widened in complete and utter shock "Wh-What?! Y-You aren't serious!!"
He was practically in disbelief that Kokichi would try something as childish and ridiculous as tickling. And it was in these moments where all of Shuichi's fear and dread immediately disappeared and was replaced with a mix of confusion and curiosity.
"Of course I am serious! I could never lie, especially when it's time for this... I guess it's time for you to know what being tickling means!"
Kokichi's expression turned from serious to a mischievous one and he started tickling shuichi's armpits.
"Ah...! W-wait! Whahahat are you dohohoing?!"
Shuichi was still pleasantly surprised but he couldn't resist the giggles that escaped him when he felt the tickling.
Kokichi couldn't help but laugh out loud when he heard shuichi's giggles.
"nishishi... I'm tickling you! Did you really think I would torture you?! Your reaction is so funny to see!" He kept laughing and kept on tickling shuichi.
Shuichi continued laughing while thinking about how the situation changed so quickly.
"ah-h! Nohoho! Stop! Stohohop it! Hahaha! Please!"
"No! I won't stop until you tell me how you managed to find me!" Kokichi said as he continued tickling shuichi's armpits.
Shuichi didn't know what to do, should he take the risk and tell him? He had too many thoughts in his head and the tickling wasn't helping.
"I cahahan't tell you! Hahahaha! Just stop already! please! Hahaha!"
"Heehee-! I won't stop! I won't stop until you tell me everything, I must say that i have never seen a detective like you, Most detectives don't laugh and beg for tickling to stop!"
shuichi could do nothing but blush at the teasing while continuing to laugh in an embarrassed voice.
"AHAHAHA! s-stop making fun of mehehe!"
"Oh? You're blushing? Aw... that's so cute! Hehe, don't worry, detective I wasn't making fun of you, I was just stating a fact you're the only one so far who reacts like this! You're really adorable!"
Kokichi continued to giggle and now tickling his ribs, honestly he almost forgot that he started this to find out how Shuichi found him, but this was more fun.
shuichi's ticklish reaction was even more noticeable and his laughs were getting more and more uncontrollable.
"Hey hey! Is that a sign of surrender? Are you already tired from the tickling, detective?" Kokichi said with a clearly amused mocking tone at Shuichi's laughter
"AHAHAHA! Y-you are the wohohorst! HAHAHA!" Shuichi laughed and screamed at the same time.
"Ahahaha... I think you're tired of this! Would you like for me to stop? Maybe you'll tell me my question then, will you? Or should I keep going?"
Kokichi then put his whole hand under shuichi's ribs, making his ticklish reaction even more intense, his fingers were going up and down with great force and he didn't stop, he simply laughed with every movement.
shuichi was laughing and now he could barely pronounce words but he managed to say with difficulty.
"Oh! Well, I'm glad you're going to give me the answer I want to hear! That's very mature of you, detective, But just to be sure, I'm still going to keep tickling until you say it" Kokichi said with an intense smile.
A few seconds later, shuichi said the words kokichi wanted to hear.
"Just... please stop! HAhaAhAha! You can have the information! I got them from Kyok-hahahaha!..."
Kokichi's fingers kept going up and down, making shuichi's laugh more, He couldn't even finish his sentence due to his intense laughter.
but he couldn't say much more, since sirens were heard outside the house.
Kokichi heard the sirens and thought "Oh shit, time to escape"
He untied shuichi quickly and gave him a lollipop to keep his mouth shut while saying.
"Well it was nice to meet you in person detective~ we should do this more often!"
And with that he ran out the back window of the house while the police finally entered in with a very red-faced Shuichi having a lot to explain...
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navstuffs · 2 months
*wipes the dust from my tumblr*
heeeyyy, how are you all? guess who is slowly coming to writing? i took some time off tumblr and honestly, never felt better. i plan on writing for more characters as well, so i will not just write about leon/carlos (i still have fics for them, not leaving my ot3 yet).
also, i must warn my otps are coming back in full force on may and june: loustat, rhaenicent and sydcarmy so i will be posting tons of shit abt them. you're more than welcome to come freak out with me!!
oh also, im seeing hozier thursday (total random fact)
hope you are doing well <3
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fumble-art · 2 years
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When you're a wallflower at your own recognition party
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circeletters · 1 year
ngl just wrote a banger guys.
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docheros · 2 years
26, 28 or 29 w/ tae/orion or dochero 👀👉👈.......
"Who cares if someone see us?"
boom gay people (thanks again for the ask sunny!!)
— Tae! — Orion laughed, being kissed all over their face — we...
— Shhhh, Dr. I'm in the middle of something important.
— Which involves my face and your mouth?
— In some seconds, both of our mouths!
Tae pressed their lips together in a gentle kiss, hugging them. Orion smiled, holding her face and caressing her cheeks with their thumbs.
There was something to it, something adventurous, that made both of their knees weak and their faces hot. Like a kid almost getting caught doing a prank.
— Tae... — their hands travelled down, stopping on her arms — shouldn't we be worried of being seen?
— Who cares if someone see us? — she shrugged, giving them a quick warm peck — we don't have anything to hide.
— Apart from our pseudo relationship, sure.
— Ah, c'mon. It's on their faces. If they don't get it, it's not our problem.
Orion giggled, going in for another kiss.
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saebaragi · 1 year
kinda heartbreaking to read abandoned fics. there's some really good stuff last updated 5 years ago out there
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dtaegis · 2 years
i was writing so much and my creative juices were flowing but then i ate and nothing i write is good anymore
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sk-willow · 2 years
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Star Wars - All Media Types, Solo: A Star Wars Story (2018), Star Wars Original Trilogy Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Qi'ra/Han Solo, Leia Organa/Han Solo, Leia Organa & Luke Skywalker & Han Solo, Chewbacca & Han Solo, Leia Organa & Luke Skywalker, Leia Organa & Han Solo, Luke Skywalker & Han Solo, Luke Skywalker/Han Solo Characters: Han Solo, Qi'ra (Star Wars), Leia Organa, Luke Skywalker, Chewbacca (Star Wars), Lando Calrissian Additional Tags: Canon Compliant, POV Han Solo, Han Solo Needs A Hug, He gets it, Minor Leia Organa/Han Solo, Family Feels, Han Solo loves his two twin suns., Han Solo is a Good Person, Luke Skywalker & Han Solo Friendship, but it is free to interpretation Series: Part 22 of Star Wars-Fictober_2021 Summary:
"En los bosques de Endor Han recuerda cómo obtuvo su apellido, además, el Imperio ya no existe, sorprendentemente él ayudó a lograrlo."
O, Han ama a los gemelos Skywalker, aquí una reflexión sobre ello.
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ifdimpeul · 1 year
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#DOAÇÃO DE CAPA — “Crush Culture” com Sehun e Kai.
status: indisponível.
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Todo mundo hablando del lenguaje de las flores en Helluvaboss...Mientras tanto yo... De inmediato pensé en las Venus. No tenía idea de que tenían flores blancas. Siempre pensé que las hojas eran las "flores"
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