#shipping and movieverse stuff
aphantimes · 1 year
am i really shit at looking or are knuckles centric fics p uncommon
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stormxpadme · 28 days
There's a bit of fanfiction negativity in the tags :(. Looking for something to cheer me up, what's your personal scogan fanfic favorites?
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Yeah, I saw that, both in the scogan and scogean tag, with posts even including the character name tags. Like. Not cool, people. Way to make authors feel shitty who have been guarding the ship lighthouse for the last 20 years. Claiming in the most popular tags, there's only like 1 good fic among more than 1500? Wow, okay. So I was very happy to receive your ask. Let's counter that negativity with some awesome scogan reads!
Damaged by scottxlogan
Can't do any scogan rec list without including the leading authority on the subject. @scottxlogan is the author who pulled me into this ship years ago, not to mention they're a great friend, unbelievably talented writer and artist, and they deserve all the love. Damaged is surely one of their most ambitious projects and deserves every single view, kudos and review out there. Set in the DOFP finale verse that is no doubt the author's specialty, the story comes with an alluring, intricated plot that leaves you on the edge of your seat along with all the feels.
Submission by scottxlogan
I'm also including a newer work by the same author in case you just want to get a feel for how wonderfully she writes these guys, not to mention the shameless steamy goodness that are the author's smut scenes. scottxlogan is an expert at reversing common fandom tropes believably, and this will leave you longing for more of these power exchanges easily.
he carries the reminders by Wolfsheart
@mischief-and-tea-by-the-sea is another great friend and author I would trust even with my biggest squicks (not that she writes those anyway :D). She's not only technically brillant and very well-versed in the lore which makes every pairing she writes a great read (check out her Tony/Emma, too!), but she'll also never fail to make you laugh or put those hearts in your eyes. And don't miss all those pop culture references that even put Peter Parker to shame! She also gives us scogan fans exactly what we need with stories like this one, combining our fav hurt/comfort tropes with a healthy dose of canon fix it.
I loved you since I knew you by strangenewwords
@strangenewwords is a fairly new and dearly beloved addition to our group at @scoganbingo events, but she's already made a huge impact with her delicious smut and angst stories that hit you right in the feels. Technically also brillant, the linked story is definitely one you don't want to get spoilered for beforehand because the ending will leave you in absolute awe and tears. The author doesn't shy away from including the darkest sides of Scott's past but handles every subject with the necessary care and respect, and as I said ... You don't want to miss out on all that delicious smut!
The Day Before the Soldiers Came by Cerylid
Cery is offering a much-needed fixit for the team dynamics between the X-Men and Logan before X2 with this story. It comes with a lot of humor but also far more feels than you expect. The texting is hilarious but it's the quiet tones that get to you.
Speaking of fix-its, since that negativity in the tags kinda got to me, too, I might just throw in one of my own works here too since I also got lots of Scogan stuff out there.
My spirit's sleeping somewhere cold
is basically my go-to X3 fix-it. You look for something to make that movie right, you got it all right there. Along with a bit of horror (we are talking about resurrection, after all) comes a dramatic rescue mission in a mental limbo, and you get an Avenger and Emma Frost guest-starring. There's a couple of follow up chapters that explore both scogan and Tony/Emma a bit further, and we even get a Laura version in old movieverse along the line, and of course all the nasty nasty smut you guys are here for.
So, that's it from the top of my hat. All these accounts have even more great stories to check out, and there's lots of other scogan authors out there with great stories to enjoy. So don't let anyone tell you, there's no quality scogan stuff on AO3.
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beetelbabes · 8 days
☆ they/them | you can call me showtime | matching with @lydiababes
☾ new to the fandom | I'm 21+ so please only follow me if you're at least 18+!
☁︎ will be posting about beetlejuice content a lot (mostly movieverse tbh) & some beetlebabes stuff so if that isn't your jam, don't follow me! i ONLY ship them romantically in the second film! everything else is platonic besties
‧₊˚ looking for new people to follow like this if u post similar content (will follow from main) ♡
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(image by lydladeetz on tumblr)
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peaches2217 · 5 months
So... 💛 for the ask?
💛: What is a popular ship you just can't get behind, and why?
Maybe this one's too easy, but for me, it's Bowuigi. BUT! There's a catch!
I've slandered the ship left and right here on my account, but the truth is most of my frustration towards it is from pure oversaturation. Maybe that's hypocritical coming from a Mareach shipper, but like... go on AO3 and look under the Mareach tag. 4/5ths of those fics are Bowuigi fics in which Mario and Peach are just sorta there, contributing to the plot with varying degrees of relevancy. And that's so fucking annoying holy shit
But as much as I rag on it, there's Bowuigi content I adore! Within the context of the game's universe especially, because it could actually work. I'm especially weak for Stepdaddy Luigi content, because a dude bonding with his brother's maybe-evil-maybe-just-an-asshole nemesis on the grounds of a shared love for Jr. and/or the Koopalings? Yes?????
The Bowuigi that I don't like is stuff that's explicitly from the movie universe. A lot of Movieverse Bowuigi stuff, I've noticed, tends to be heavier on stuff like "Nobody makes Luigi feel loved or important except Bowser" and "Mario's a no-good brother and Bowser offers Luigi the respect that his own twin brother won't give him so Mario tries actively sabotaging the relationship" and other shit like that, which doesn't even make sense within its own canon, given that 1.) the entire fucking movie is about how unshakable Mario and Luigi's fraternal love for each other is and 2.) the movie's one of the few times Bowser's shown to be legitimately, sincerely evil - and his only interaction with Luigi consists of torturing him before slamming him to the ground and threatening to kill him to spite Mario.
You've got an entire Gameverse's worth of Morally Gray Bowser with which you can crank out all sorts of both fun and heavily plausible ship content with him and Luigi, and that's the angle you go with?? Do y'all get where I'm coming from???
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artsy0wl · 2 years
Secret Admirer
This is a fun little Nightsilver fic. As well as my first for the ship. I kind of got interested in the ship after finding some really good art of it. Mainly from the Fox movieverse. Though I may try to expand on it in other adaptations. In the meantime, though, I wanted to share this.
This is meant to be a simple and sweet fic where Kurt has a secret admirer. It takes place after X-Men Apocalypse.
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Roses are red,
Kurt’s fur is blue,
Nightcrawler has an admirer,
Can you guess who?
One little poem was enough to cause chaos. When it showed up in Kurt’s room, Kurt didn’t think much of it. It was cute, and it certainly got Kurt’s curiosity, but he wanted to take it slow and investigate on his own. His compatriots disagreed.
Scott was reasonable about it. He offered to help Kurt look for his admirer, should the blue mutant choose to pursue it. He also offered safety tips.
Ororo was also intrigued by it. She found it cute, if a little cliché. But she love the idea of Kurt having a secret admirer.
Jean and Jubilee, meanwhile, were a bit more energetic when learning the news. They wanted to find Kurt’s admirer for him. He deserved to find love and that was all that mattered.
Blue fur in twilight
Eyes shine like electric diamonds
Embrace silver waves
This haiku was found in Kurt’s coat pocket. How it got there, he had no idea. Maybe a student snuck it in there when he wasn’t looking. It held a clue in the form of carefully placed color choices and phrasing. Blue fur was a reference to Kurt. Electric eyes could be a comparison to how his glowed, or perhaps implied a weather based admirer.
Ororo was the first suspect because of that. But after a few moments of inoffensive interrogating, Jubilee was able to cross her off with a bang.
Silver waves was Jean’s term to investigate. She wondered if it could imply a mutant with water based powers. Maybe even ice, since it could have a silvery transparent look. Ororo could be a possibility, but with her excluded, Jean investigated other mutants, only to turn up short when the mutants who had water based powers claimed they weren’t interested in him. And Bobby, the only ice based mutant on the premises, stated that, while Kurt was certainly someone he wouldn’t mind dating, he didn’t believe he was Kurt’s type and Bobby had a boyfriend already.
Kurt, meanwhile, was enjoying moments of relaxation. Since he wasn’t doing the investigating, he could catch up on some reading. No one bothered him, save Jean and Jubilee with reports and Scott clearing the air with questions on how to ask Jean out.
When they weren’t around, everyone seemed to leave him be. It was peaceful. Yet, he never seemed alone. Several times, he could have sworn he felt a breeze run passed him. But with no windows opened, he wasn’t sure what caused it.
Come to think of it, Kurt realized he hadn’t seen Pietro much since this started. He saw him in passing, the speedster stating he had a lot of work to do. Pietro also appeared oblivious to what was going on, or at the very least indifferent. He shrugged off the love letters as something endearing, but not his business, wanting to respect Kurt’s boundaries in regards to it. It was sweet of Pietro, if only a little bizarre. Kurt assumed Pietro would have been curiously nosy about this kind of stuff.
Beautifully blue elven cat,
With raven black hair I wish to pat,
Dainty and gothic,
Strong and catastrophic,
Wait for a humble and silver chat.
This poem felt ominous and planned. Was this flirting in poem form? What was an ‘elven cat’ and why did his admirer call him one? Was Kurt’s admirer going to show themselves soon?
Sitting on the couch in the lounge area reading, Kurt ignored the speculations and scheming that Scott, Jean, Jubilee, and now Bobby, were involved in. Kurt felt a quick breeze before noticing that Pietro was sitting next to him. His arm slung around the blue mutant’s frame as Pietro eyed Kurt with curiosity. Kurt kept his sight on his book, but waved his tail a little to signify he knew Pietro was there.
“Any luck on this secret admirer business?” Pietro inquired.
“Not really.” Kurt confirmed, turning the page. “I haven’t been investigating much, but I welcome the mystery.”
“Do you?”
“Yeah. I mean, I don’t know why I would have a secret admirer, but it’s kind of sweet in an awkward and mysterious way.”
A low hum escaped Pietro as his arm wrapped around Kurt’s shoulders. A slightly purple hue painted Kurt’s face as he was pulled closer to Pietro.
“What makes you think you don’t deserve an admirer?” Pietro inquired. “You’re adorable.”
“I don’t know if you’ve noticed, but I’m a bit funny looking.” Kurt mused, still a little purple in the face. “Demon and all. People seem to think I’m some scary monster.”
As though attempting to comfort Kurt, Pietro hugged him. It wasn’t right that people called him a monster and demon.
“You’re not a monster.” Pietro argued. “You’re an elven kitten.”
“I wouldn’t say… what did you say?”
“You’re an elven kitten. An adorably blue elven cat with electric eyes.”
Pietro’s hand ran through Kurt’s dark hair, patting his head oh so gently. Finally setting his book down, Kurt looked at Pietro with wide eyes.
“It was you?” Kurt realized.
“Yes.” Pietro confirmed with a nod. “I’ve fallen for you. Hard. Since they day you teleported into my life.”
Pietro’s free hand cupped the side of Kurt’s face, causing the mutant to turn an even deeper shade of purple. Flattered, shocked, and confused, Kurt had so many questions. His mind felt like a tornado of surreal curiosity.
Until this point, Kurt never considered the option that he was loved in such a way. And though Kurt wasn’t on his mind most days, Kurt couldn’t lie that Pietro was charming in an energetic and optimistic way. Like a super charged bunny with a smile that made Kurt’s heart flutter. But one thing plagued Kurt’s mind.
“I… I never would have thought… Why me?”
“Because you are sweet, strong, and are deserving of love.” Pietro stated, chuckling as the flattery ruffled Kurt’s perplexed feathers. “You're so cute when your confused.”
Leaning closer, Pietro barely hovered over Kurt’s face. Warm breathes tickled Kurt’s face, anticipation and curiosity growing.
“May I kiss you?” Pietro asked.
Stunned, Kurt froze for a moment. The question itself was innocent enough, but what he asked for was a surprise. After a moment of silence, Kurt nodded, sealing the deal with a literal kiss.
The kiss was soft and gently, closing the case of the secret admirer. Neither one care if anyone saw, as both relished the soft intimacy. Both craved the affection, not wanting it to end. And it was all thanks to three lovely poems.
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alarajrogers · 8 months
how do feel on the evolution of Cherik shipping and has it ever annoyed you how people always play up the romance and downplay everything else (the friendship the incompatibility of worldview) to make just another gay ship.
When I read your archive (what survives at least) there seemed more diversity of ship type than now where there's almost a Cherik template and if you follow it you'll get likes/kudos whatever
Infuriated, honestly?
I thought, naively, that I would be really, really happy if the Xavier/Magneto ship really took off. I did not realize at the time this would involve incredible amounts of Charles woobification (World's Most Powerful Telepath. Not a helpless sex toy. Thank you.), the surgical removal of Erik's intellect, Charles feminization (I'm not talking about genderswapping Charles, I'm always down for a genderswap, I'm talking about going on and on about how pretty and girly he is, having him mistaken for a woman, fucking Alpha/Omega dynamics), and huge quantities of no powers AUs in which the characters aren't remotely recognizable.
Also, overall the entire fanbase forgetting that the whole point to this ship is that they are lovers-to-enemies (while still being in love.) Remove any ideological conflict and this isn't Charles and Erik anymore. You can have them work through it and get a happy ending but don't make it disappear.
Nowadays all I read is stuff that says it's comicverse, and if it turns out it was mistagged and it's really movieverse I usually nope out of it. It's, like, rare for me to find movieverse versions of this pairing I like anymore.
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rphunter · 1 month
hello people of tumblr. i'm getting back into roleplay after a long time, and i'm hoping to make some friends who will write and plot with me. i'm 21+, so please be 18+ for my comfort and the fact that a lot of my fandoms are horror based. there's gonna be a lot of dark stuff here. that said, i am open to all relationship types- romantic, familial, platonic. i enjoy exploring all aspects about a character, not just shipping though i do enjoy it. i am lit to advanced lit, but tend to match my partner's length. i prefer discord for organization but writing in tumblr dms isn't a dealbreaker. i prefer canon characters against my own, but i am not opposed to ocs if they are well developed. now for my list of fandoms, and my muses, with the highest wants having a 🦷 next to them.
IT (book and 2017-2019 films): Pennywise the Dancing Clown 🦷
Ghostbusters (Frozen Empire): Garraka 🦷
A Quiet Place (franchise): Death Angel OC
Five Nights at Freddy's (Movieverse): Golden Freddy, Freddy Fazbear, Foxy, Chica, Bonnie
NOPE (film): Jean Jacket 🦷
The Thing (1982): The Thing 🦷
Jurassic Park/World (films): Rexy, the raptor squad, Giganotosaurus, The Big One, Atrociraptor squad, Spinosaurus, Indominus Rex, Indoraptor- literally any dinosaur actually.
this is mainly my excuse to play a bunch of monstrous muses. i can also make up a slew of ocs on the spot that are supernatural; werewolves? hell yeah? vampires? yes please? sea creatures? demonic entities? dragons? aliens? i can do it all.
if this sounds up your alley, like this and i'll come find you. thanks!
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mthofferings · 1 year
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Lady Gigi
See Lady Gigi’s existing works here.
Preferred contact methods: Email: [email protected] Twitter: LadyGigiArt Discord: LadyGigi#5001 DeviantArt: jijikero
Preferred organizations: - Anything from the list of approved organizations
Will create works that contain: Genderswap (F to M), MxM platonic/romantic relationships, Peter Maximoff (Evan Peters), canon, canon-divergent, historical/movie/books/no powers AU, mutual pining, miscommunication, angst, happy ending, domestic/slice of life, fantasy, getting together, established couple, love confessions, first kiss, first time, hurt/comfort angst, dark, mpreg, omegaverse, furry, dubcon, non-con, themes, most kinks/BDSM, incest, SFW, NSFW
Will not create works that contain: Genderswap (M to F), sexual acts with minors and animals (Rocket being the one exception), hetero pairings, FxF pairings, Pietro Maximoff (Aaron Taylor Johnson), bodily waste kinks, food kink, dismemberment/extreme gore, death, mech/machinery, x-ray vision
  -- Art --
Auction ID: 1035
Will create works for the following relationships: Bucky Barnes/Any - Any Universe Logan/Any - Any Universe Loki/Any - Any Universe Peter Parker/Any - Any Universe Remy LeBeau/Any - Any Universe Stephen Strange/Any - Any Universe Steve Rogers/Any - Any Universe Steve Rogers/Tony Stark - Any Universe Tony Stark/Any - Any Universe Wade Wilson/Any - Any Universe
Work Description: I'll create one 1-6 panel(s) A3 size (11"x17") pencil comic page with digital lettering and simple backgrounds of two male characters (for Character/Any: one Marvel male from the relationships listed above and the other male from ANY universe even outside of Marvel if you want). Digital file will be sent by email. If the auction exceeds $75, then the comic page will be inked traditional (digital can be requested but will take longer to complete). If bids exceed $150, then a page will be added (additional pages added in $100 increments at $250, $350, $450, maxing 6 pages at $550). If bids exceed $350, then the pages will be colored in Photoshop. If somehow bids go over $550, then another male character can be added. References such as pictures, descriptions of the clothes/poses/settings, etc. would be extremely helpful but specifically noting the desired universe—while I specialize in comic/anime/manga/chibi, I can imitate other art styles. You can write the dialogue or you can leave it to my discretion. Also, I may be a smut creator, but I do enjoy drawing comedic and wholesome stuff too. After the auction, please reach out to me with a description of your request before the new year (when I will start the request). If this is won by a pod bid, then please have all the details (comics-wise, who's paying for shipping if they want a page and who gets what page) ready by 2024 as well. I will provide a very loose rough draft and allow one round of edits/revisions. After the pages have been completed, the original pencil/ink drawing can be mailed at the auction winner's expense if requested (cost to be confirmed).
Ratings: Gen, Teen, Mature, Explicit
Can pods bid on this auction? Yes - Podbids welcome!
-- Art --
Auction ID: 2024
Will create works for the following relationships: Bruce Banner/Any - MCU Edwin Jarvis/Any - MCU Erik Lehnsherr/Charles Xavier - Any Universe Hank McCoy/Any - Any Universe Howard Stark/Any - MCU Quentin Beck/Any - MCU Rocket Raccoon/Any - Any Universe Pietro Maximoff/Any - X-Men movieverse Ultron/Any - MCU Jeff the Land Shark & Loki - Any Universe
Work Description: I'll create one 1-6 panel(s) A3 size (11"x17") pencil comic page with digital lettering and simple backgrounds of two male characters (for Character/Any: one Marvel male from the relationships listed above and the other male from ANY universe, even outside of Marvel if you want). Digital file will be sent by email. If the auction exceeds $75, then the comic page will be inked traditional (digital can be requested but will take longer to complete). If bids exceed $150, then a page will be added (additional pages added in $100 increments at $250, $350, $450, maxing 6 pages at $550). If bids exceed $350, then the pages will be colored in Photoshop. If somehow bids go over $550, then another male character can be added. References such as pictures, descriptions of the clothes/poses/settings, etc. would be extremely helpful but specifically noting the desired universe—while I specialize in comic/anime/manga/chibi, I can imitate other art styles. You can write the dialogue or you can leave it to my discretion. Also, I may be a smut creator, but I do enjoy drawing comedic and wholesome stuff too. After the auction, please reach out to me with a description of your request before the new year (when I will start the request). If this is won by a pod bid, then please have all the details (comics-wise, who's paying for shipping if they want a page and who gets what page) ready by 2024 as well. I will provide a very loose rough draft and allow one round of edits/revisions. After the pages have been completed, the original pencil/ink drawing can be mailed at the auction winner's expense if requested (cost to be confirmed). For Rocket/Any, I would love to draw Rocket/Capwolf.
Ratings: Gen, Teen, Mature, Explicit
Can pods bid on this auction? Yes - Podbids welcome!
-- Art --
Auction ID: 3009
Will create works for the following relationships: Bruce Banner & Clint Barton & Steve Rogers & Natasha Romanov & Tony Stark & Thor - MCU Frigga & Loki - MCU Madisynn King & Wong - MCU Michelle Jones & Ned Leeds & Peter Parker - MCU Nick Fury & Talos - MCU Jeff the Land Shark-centric - Any Universe Bruce Banner & Hela & Loki & Thor & Valkyrie - MCU Edwin Jarvis & Howard Stark & Tony Stark - MCU Peter Parker & Peter Parker & Peter Parker - MCU, TASM, Spider-Man (Raimi trilogy) Floor & Lylla & Rocket Raccoon & Teefs - MCU
Work Description: I'll create one 1-6 panel(s) A3 size (11"x17") pencil comic page with lettering and simple backgrounds for ONE of the ten ships listed. Digital file will be sent by email. If the auction exceeds $100, then the comic page will be inked traditional (digital can be requested but will take longer to complete). If bids exceed $200, then a page will be added (additional pages added in $150 increments: $350, $500, maxing 5 pages at $650). If bids exceed $350, then the pages will be colored in Photoshop. References such as pictures, descriptions of the clothes/poses/settings, etc. would be helpful but not necessary. You can write the dialogue or you can leave it to my discretion. Also, I may be a smut creator, but I do enjoy drawing comedic and wholesome stuff too. After the auction, please reach out to me with a description of your request before the new year (when I will start the request). If this is won by a pod bid, then please have all the details (comics-wise, who's paying for shipping if they want a page and who gets what page) ready by 2024 as well. I will provide a very loose rough draft and allow one round of edits/revisions. After the pages have been completed, the original pencil/ink drawing can be mailed at the auction winner's expense if requested (cost to be confirmed). For the Jarvis & Howard & Tony prompt, I'll draw kid Tony.
Ratings: Gen, Teen, Mature
Can pods bid on this auction? Yes - Podbids welcome!
The auction runs from October 22 (12 AM ET) to October 28 (11:59:59 PM ET). Visit marveltrumpshate.com during Auction Week to view all of our auctions and to place your bids!
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Mun is 20+. No minors.
I'm non-selective. I'm down to RP with anyone, so don't be afraid to drop into my inbox/tag me in stuff! My style can sometimes lean a bit towards the lengthier side, but I don't expect anyone to try and match that.
I don't RP outside of the Resident Evil universe. I'm up for anything within it, though! I enjoy the games, the comics, the novels, etc. alongside the Anderson flicks.
I'm OC & AU friendly. I love to hear about 'em, too, so please share with me!
I multiship, so I'm open to pairing the Rains with various characters. Lemme know if you're interested in shipping.
I like having multiple threads. If you want to start a new thread with me while we already have another going, feel free!
I don't have any exclusives. If you see me already RPing with somebody who has the same muse as you, that doesn't mean that I'm not interested in interacting with you.
You'll find blood, gore, & violence here, so be warned. It appears both in my writing and occasionally in my icons or reblogs.
I don't write smut. My ace ass simply can't <3
Although I also write for the Rain clones, I always default to the OG Rain when replying to asks/tags. So if you'd like to interact with Good or Bad Rain, please specify!
There might be times when I'm slow at replying. I promise I'm not ignoring you. I've just got other stuff going on too, y'know? And on that note, I don't expect fast replies from anyone. Take your time!
Also on @crashandswirl (multi-muse) & @roleplay-evil (starters).
If you have any questions or anything, feel free to ask!
Starter memes || Starter calls || Interest tracker || Tags || Promo
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Rain comes from the 2002 film, Resident Evil. Alongside it and various headcanons, my interpretation of her is loosely based on the novelization, Resident Evil: Genesis. (I do have a lot of problems with that book and how she was written in it, though). The clones come from Resident Evil: Retribution and take loose elements from the novelization of the same name.
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Name: Rain Melendez Ocampo [extended info sheet/verses here]
Eyes: Dark brown. However, I do occasionally make them partially light blue after infection.
Hair: Dark brown
Pronouns: She/her
Age: Dependent on verse.
In the movieverse, twenty-three at the time of the Hive Incident in 2002.
Also in the movieverse, her late twenties to early thirties in Extinction through to The Final Chapter, which ends in 2012.
In the game verse, her early twenties during the time of the Raccoon City Incident in 1998.
Height: 5'4"/163 cm
Sexual/Romantic orientation: Homosexual/homoromantic
Former LAPD police officer.
Paramilitary commando for the Umbrella Corporation. U.S.S. (Umbrella Security Service).
After Apocalypse, working to screw over her last employer and aid survivors.
In the gamverse, after Raccoon City, a BSAA soldier.
Personality: Rain is tough, intimidating, prideful, and full of tenacity. But beneath that rough exterior is a caring person looking to do good and help others. If sacrificing/putting herself at risk means saving someone, Rain isn't likely to hesitate.
She's fiercely loyal and protective toward friends, none of whom are safe from her ribbing or attempts to rough around.
Often, Rain comes off as crude and/or blunt since she isn't very careful with her words. If she has an opinion, she probably won't refrain from telling you. Vulnerability, however, isn't something that comes easily to her. She tends to simply close herself off with an "I'm fine."
You might find that she has a slight temper... Perhaps more than slight. Most call it hair-trigger. Her anger usually comes and goes in quick bursts.
Rain was heavily infected by the T-virus and received a dose of the antivirus when it should've been far too late. She should've died. Instead, she woke up sometime later in an empty hospital, having been put under quarantine and subject to various tests. She left, unsure of what exactly happened to her.
Some other stuff:
She looks pissed off most of the time, but that's just her resting face.
If she's especially prideful about anything, it's her marksmanship. For the most part, it isn't misplaced, either. She's a damn good shot.
On the topic of guns, Rain is pretty knowledgeable about them in general. Firearms are a huge interest of hers.
When she worked at Umbrella, she was a part of a unit known as Sanitation led by Commander James "One" Shade. Other teammates included Chad Kaplan, Olga Danilova, Alfonso Warner, Vance Drew, and J.D. Salinas. All of these people died right before the outbreak in Raccoon City.
J.D. was Rain's best friend. She partially blames herself for his death
When she was a part of Sanitation, she'd use a Heckler & Koch MP5K and a Springfield Armory M1911A1, which are guns she's still rather fond of.
She was born in New Jersey and lived there until the age of thirteen. That was when her family moved to California, where she stayed until receiving a job offer from Umbrella.
Her family consisted of a father, an older brother, and a dog.
She speaks Spanish as a second language.
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Name: Rain Melendez - AKA "Bad Rain"
Eyes: Dark brown. There's a faint red haze when her retinal implants are in use.
Hair: Dark brown
Pronouns: She/her
Age: Dependent on the verse.
In the Anderson flicks, in her early twenties during Retribution, which takes place in 2012.
In the game universe, she'd realistically be alive sometime between the Raccoon City Incident in 1998 and Umbrella's end in 2003, during which she'd be in her early to mid-twenties. She could survive past that, though.
Height: 5'4"/163 cm
Sexual/Romantic orientation: Homosexual/homoromantic
Occupation: Security operative for the Umbrella Corporation. U.S.S. (Umbrella Security Service).
Personality: Rain is programmed to be ruthless, tough, and intimidating. She's cold, blunt, and matter-of-fact, typically to the point of heartlessness. Her care for others is incredibly minimal, and most of her loyalty lies where it was programmed to be.
When she's given orders, Rain follows them without question or hesitation. Vulnerability and weakness are something she very scarcely allows herself to show.
She's stubborn, being somebody who fights until her absolute last breath. There's also a fair amount of cockiness in her.
While not impossible to form a bond with her, it certainly isn't easy. If her programming breaks, she becomes much more like the Rain she was cloned from, but still far less selfless.
Rain is a clone manufactured by the Umbrella Corporation. She was created to protect one of their testing facilities. More specifically, Umbrella Prime, which is located underwater in Kamchatka, Russia.
Some other stuff:
Following the destruction of Umbrella Prime, she was presumed to have been eaten alive by a horde of Las Plagas Undead (basically T-virus zombies with the intelligence to handle firearms/drive vehicles) after plunging into the depths of the Arctic Ocean. This could be changed in threads, though.
Following a self-injection of the Las Plagas parasite, Rain gains superhuman strength, accelerated healing, and far higher pain tolerance. This happens right after the destruction of Umbrella Prime, so it wouldn't apply to anything taking place before that... Or where it doesn't happen.
Also after that incident, she started experiencing a deep-seated unease around deep bodies of water. Not something she'll admit to.
Rain has retinal implants that allow her to quickly identify people and bioweapons in Umbrella's database via facial scan. They also feed her direct orders from her AI superior, the Red Queen.
While Rain knows that Umbrella manufactures clones, she doesn't realize she is one.
Her weapons of choice are a Colt M4A1 (with an underbarrel M203 grenade launcher attached) and a SIG P226R.
She also speaks Spanish as a second language.
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Name: Rain Ocampo - AKA "Good Rain"
Eyes: Dark brown
Hair: Dark brown
Pronouns: She/her
Age: Dependent on the verse.
In the Anderson flicks, in her early twenties during Retribution, which takes place in 2012.
In the game universe, she'd realistically be alive sometime between the Raccoon City Incident in 1998 and Umbrella's end in 2003, during which she would be in her early to mid-twenties. She could survive past that, though.
Height: 5'4"/163 cm
Sexual/Romantic orientation: Homosexual/homoromantic
Occupation: (Programmed to believe she is an) environmental activist.
Personality: First and foremost, Rain is good-natured. She's always looking to do the right thing, help others, and stand up for what she believes in.
Although she prefers non-violence as a solution to problems, when it comes down to the wire, Rain will do what it takes to help somebody in danger. There's definitely a protective side to her. She's a quick learner and brave.
Most people would probably describe her as an ever so slightly awkward, quirky character. Often, she's somebody who will speak without thinking her words through.
Rain is a clone manufactured by the Umbrella Corporation. She was created as a civilian to be placed into a test simulation to demonstrate the capabilities of Umbrella's bioweapons. However, rather than dying like she was meant to, she survived the simulation.
Some other stuff:
Rain died in Retribution after getting knocked clean off an elevator platform by an Uber Licker, which is essentially a licker the size of a tank. She snapped her neck upon impact with a wall. However, that could be changed in threads.
She's a vegetarian. She doesn't enjoy the taste of meat products, nor the idea of eating animals.
Unlike either of her counterparts, her full first name is Larraine, which she does not enjoy being called.
Rain is entirely unskilled with guns. She's not particularly fond of them, either. Two of her programmed memories include campaigning for gun control and marching against the NRA.
She enjoys particularly outdoorsy physical activities such as hiking, biking, and climbing.
She also speaks Spanish as a second language... As well as ASL as a third.
Rain has three dogs. Two pit bulls and a Rottweiler.
Outside of her dogs, her family truly never existed, but she believes that she grew up with three brothers and a mother in the suburbs of Raccoon City.
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darkrpfinders · 1 month
hello people of tumblr. i'm getting back into roleplay after a long time, and i'm hoping to make some friends who will write and plot with me. i'm 21+, so please be 18+ for my comfort and the fact that a lot of my fandoms are horror based. there's gonna be a lot of dark stuff here. that said, i am open to all relationship types- romantic, familial, platonic. i enjoy exploring all aspects about a character, not just shipping though i do enjoy it. i am lit to advanced lit, but tend to match my partner's length. i prefer discord for organization but writing in tumblr dms isn't a dealbreaker. i prefer canon characters against my own, but i am not opposed to ocs if they are well developed. now for my list of fandoms, and my muses, with the highest wants having a 🦷 next to them.
IT (book and 2017-2019 films): Pennywise the Dancing Clown 🦷
Ghostbusters (Frozen Empire): Garraka 🦷
A Quiet Place (franchise): Death Angel OC
Five Nights at Freddy's (Movieverse): Golden Freddy, Freddy Fazbear, Foxy, Chica, Bonnie
NOPE (film): Jean Jacket 🦷
The Thing (1982): The Thing 🦷
Jurassic Park/World (films): Rexy, the raptor squad, Giganotosaurus, The Big One, Atrociraptor squad, Spinosaurus, Indominus Rex, Indoraptor- literally any dinosaur actually.
this is mainly my excuse to play a bunch of monstrous muses. i can also make up a slew of ocs on the spot that are supernatural; werewolves? hell yeah? vampires? yes please? sea creatures? demonic entities? dragons? aliens? i can do it all.
if this sounds up your alley, like this and i'll come find you. thanks!
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ollibeuu · 2 years
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original post
a rec list of one fic for each mphfpc character (including victor, ricky, and other side characters!)
enoch -> Opre, roma! - nr1enochkinnie_miha222: oneshot (410 words); rromani enoch
horace -> Mr forgettable - Ghostie_Luther: ongoing fic (last updated jan 11, 2022); horace has an eating disorder and smokes (this is my fav mphfpc fic of all time.)
hugh -> (to the tune of Mr. Sandman:) Mr. Bee Man, Here is Your Drink - putyourpantson: oneshot (1558 words); fiona pov; cafe fic; super super super underrated
fiona -> Sorrow Is Not My Name - lizard_bitch: oneshot (3507 words); fiona pov; disabled fiona; enoch cameo appearence; SO GOOD!; also highly highly underrated
millard -> A Step From Invisible - Rozavie: ongoing fic (last updated aug 4, 2022); millard x lily fic; millard pov; post-canon college fic; SUPER FUCKING DUPER UNDERRATED HOLY SHIT THIS SHIT IS FUCKING FIRE
claire -> Birthday Wishes - icannotevenhhh: oneshot (3355 words); miss peregrine pov; it was hard to find a good fic for claire no one writes about her :(
olive -> The Inner Workings and Complications of Being a Pyromaniac - mikasasha: ongoing fic (last updated oct 15, 2017); MOVIEVERSE SORRY GUYS; floatingfire (emma x olive); THERE IS SEX IN THE EIGHTH CHAPTER; it's really good for god's sake just read it. it's even got a hollowheart counterpart that is amazing too
if you're really that snobby about movieverse (or don't like sex), here's a bookverse olive fic from quotev called Olive vs. Emma
jacob -> You're Only As Good As the Hole In My Pants and the Bruises On My Thigh - mikasasha: oneshot (3266 words); SEX SEX SEXY SEXXX; MOVIEVERSE AGAIN; this was my fav fic for a while; and it actually introduced me to my favourite song of all time, Hatefuck by Cruel Youth! which is what the title is based off of
again, if you hate movieverse or sex then here's a super cute jillard oneshot (1353 words) titled Disappear by icannotevenhhh
emma -> Emma, Forever Ago - ArrivalOfTheBirds: ongoing fic (last updated feb 27, 2022); book rewrite; love it slaying amazing
bronwyn -> The Salt on Her Lips Stings My Wounds - icannotevenhhh: oneshot (4916 words); gorgeous; emwyn isn't my fav ship but this fic is GOOD
alma lefay peregrine -> I've loved you for a thousand years, I'll love your for a thousand more - Regal_Feather: oneshot (2308 words); godDAMN THIS SHIT IS FUCKING FIRE
noor -> Change may evoke happy tears - Birdiesflying: oneshot (894 words); joor; trauma (but like, sentimental trauma. cute trauma. wait that sounds bad--)
victor -> Invisible Ink & Visible Crushes - Spooky_Spooks: oneshot (1405 words); villard; just super cute and even more underrated
ricky -> Death Follows - Empressiveallydone: oneshot (4669 words); ricky pov; absolutely beautiful, it's one of those fics that kinda makes you think
lily -> Love at No Sight - LeelaSmall: oneshot (3137 words); this is a speculation on what happened exactly when they met
isabel cuckoo -> Duty - Pearlislove: oneshot (1501 words); isabel can draw n stuff; jacob is the only other character in this fic
honourary oc mention -> the red-eyed boy - p1nkigutz: ongoing fic (last updated sept 23, 2022); fucking good LISTEN PEOPLE, GOOD OC'S ARE GOOD. BAD OC'S ARE BAD. LEARN THE DIFFERENCE
obligatory ship mention -> Eighty Years - dragonsdendoodles: oneshot (3305 words); enoch and horace-centred; enorace; A BANGER 💪
the point of this rec list isn't to actually recommend you good fics. it's to recommend you good authors. read these fics; if you like them, go to the author's page and read more. look through their bookmarks. make a note of when you see them comment or kudos on another fic. i chose most of these fics with the intention of diversity, otherwise most of them would've just been one or two author's fics.
go out of your comfort zone and read something you usually don't read. read the movieverse. read the bookverse. read the miss peregrine/reader fics (there's plenty). read the filthiest, fucking smut ever. fanfiction is made for the fans, and if you're limiting yourself, then you're actually hindering yourself
these are the known tumblrs of these authors: @icannotevenhhh, @memekasasha, @miha-777, @averyauthorship, @evil-feather, @ghostie-luther, @birdiesflying, @dragonsdendoodles, @leela-small
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carcrash429 · 11 months
couple days left to bid for @marveltrumpshate 2023!
do you have a favorite character that's hard to find stuff for? do they have a cool logo, either official or unofficial? would you like a cross-stitched version of that super cool logo??
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– Craft or Merchandise –
Auction ID: 2012
Will create works for the following relationships: Avengers fandom any gen and ship - 616, MCU X-Men fandom any gen and ship - X-Men movieverse
Work Description: Round 4x4 logo/symbol cross-stitch eg: Hawkeye’s chevron, Captain America’s shield $20 and up will do a half and half maximum 4 colors winner will be required to provide at least one example picture of the desired logo/symbol. For shipping, I will cover costs for within the US and split costs with bidders for outside the US.
Ratings: Gen
Can pods bid on this auction? No - I’d rather not be bid on by pods
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avani008 · 2 years
Dear Yuletide Writer 2022!
Here are some things I think are rad: snark. friendships. sneaky twisty endings. stories with bite. characters with personalities. stories that make their writers happy. mythology. humor. stories that dig into and expand on the canon, whether that’s backstory or minor characters or worldbuilding. brown paper packages tied up with string.
Stuff I’m not so keen on: rape, incest, mentions of RL pandemics/quarantines or cancer? more into het and femslash than slash. no modern AUs for the fandoms I’ve selected this year, as I’m interested in the canon settings; AUs that preserve the canon setting (either canon divergence or trope-based [soulmate, daemons, fantasy elements in non-fantasy canons]) are not just fine but would be much adored!
Treat Policy: Yes, please!
Fandoms Requested: Ponniyin Selvan (2022), Regency Faerie Tales- Olivia Atwater, Spymaster series- Joanna Bourne
Ponniyin Selvan
Characters Requested: Kundavai, Nandini
Where to Find Source Material: currently playing in theaters, but supposedly coming to streaming (Prime?) in November 2022
I love so many characters in this movie (and the source material), but to exactly no one's surprise, I loved Kundavai and Nandini best. I'd really love to see anything more about one, or both, of them (writer, you do have explicit permission to only feature one character in your fic, if that is what works better); but also here are some prompts that may help!
A quick note, though: while I'm familiar with the novel, the movieverse seems very different--starting from the fact that everyone is aged up in this adaptation to bigger details (Kundavai is implied to be solely responsive for Nandini's adolescent banishment, Vanathi's...entire personality). I'm totally fine with incorporating elements of the novel, but a fic based only on what we see in the movie is fine, too!
Another quick note: for people familiar with the novel, certain revelations and fakeouts about Nandini's backstory skirt the no-incest DNW. If including it is necessary for your fic, that's fine; but I ask you don't center the fic around that particular tension.
For Kundavai:
Kundavai is my historical (and fictional!) favorite, and I loved how the movie showcases her political competence and general smarts--so tell me more about that! 5 times fic for Kundavai backstory? Love it. Kundavai having to solve a mystery and save the day? Amazing. Kundavai's political and moral development, taking into account her very real blinders about class/caste that we see? Please!
In terms of shipping, if you want to stick with canon verse: Kundavai and Vandiyadevan have pretty great chemistry, and I'd love to see something that explored their relationship further, since most of their novel scenes establishing their attraction got cut (though Karthi did a phenomenal job in quickly conveying that *this* crush/flirtation was serious). What actually did happen during the offscreen scene where Kundavai gives him her message for Arunmozhi?
For Nandini:
Nandini is unsurprisingly such a clever, mercurial, magnetic character-- one of my favorite scenes is the compression of 3 chapters in the book, where she faces down 3 different men confronting her, all into the space of 5 minutes; she handles each differently, easily swinging from amused indifference to indignant earnestness to furious authority. Also fascinating: her unapologetic "Yes, I have [grown accustomed to luxury]" to Ravidasan, her co-conspirator, her tangled feelings for Aditya (unlike book Nandini, who isn't nearly as venomous about him), but, more than anything the scene where Nandini is staring at the throne. Not only does she seem far more longing than we've seen her look at any man around her, but I adore the choice to have her picture her younger self (alone, rather than as royal consort) enthroned, rather than her present self: is this because her present self is no longer worthy of it? Who knows? Nandini could easilyfuel a thousand character studies by herself, and certainly all of those questions would be great to include.
Or: again, while Kundavai's protegees got cut, Nandini's handmaidens are very prominently around--and clearly involved in her scheming, both in terms of her husband's plans, but also the Pandya plot? Why? Are they also ex-Pandyas, or (the more interesting option, IMO), is Nandini, with her experience of being looked down upon, actually a phenomenal boss who inspires incredible loyalty? Exploring their relationship and who these women are and how they interact with her would also be fantastic.
For both together:
One of the things that intrigues me the most are the years just pre-canon where Kundavai and Nandini are technically both part of the royal court; we know Kundavai spends most of her time away, but surely she must have made other, earlier visits. While their verbal sparring is ever- delightful (and one of my favorite things about their relationship), I'd particularly love something about them being forced to work together to solve a problem--political intrigue? a mystery at court? a conspiracy? They'd be a startlingly brilliant team despite (or because) how much they clash, and I'd love to see them together.
Or, naturally, their troubled backstory. Aditya accuses Kundavai (both in the novel and in the film) of being motivated by jealousy only, while her defense is her duty/her internalized casteism/classism, but what if there was more that inspired her to act?
Finally: if you want to acknowledge the incredible chemistry between them, and pair them together (as enemies-to-...still-enemies-but-now-with-benefits?), absolutely go for it!
Regency Faerie Tales- Olivia Atwater
Characters Requested: Dora Ettings, Elias Wilder
Where to Find Source Material: Your local library, bookstore, or ebook supplier!
This fandom, along with the next, were two surprise discoveries this year, both amazing in their own ways! The Regency Faerie Tales are such lovely comfort reads, with truly likeable, pleasant characters --though paired with an honest look at the social inequalities of the time period, and the chilling nature of Faerie. Consider:
That last paragraph of the epilogue and its implications! How does that come about, after their previous distaste for Lord Hallowvale’s world? How do Elias and Dora adjust to a rejoined Dora, and how is that different from their previous relationship, if in any way? How do they adjust to life in the faerie realm?
Or: each of the books is clearly vaguely based on a fairy tale--"Rumplestilskin" " Cinderella" "Goose Girl"--so maybe something that centers around another fairy tale? The Little Mermaid, Beauty and the Beast/East of the Sun West of the Moon, and Snow White would all be interesting given the themes and backstories that the characters have, and I'd love to see a take on them!
Or, an exploration of Faerie would be so intriguing! Tell me more how its alien customs and structures really work. In particular, while I haven’t requested her specifically, I’d be totally fine with the inclusion of Lady Hallowvale, even if you wish to set it prior to the Epilogue. I’m also fascinated by the similarities and differences between her and Dora, but also the parallels between her and Elias, especially given his backstory. 
Finally, if you are interested in worldbuilding, and/or other cultures, I would love to see a more inclusive look at characters, magic systems/entities, fairy tales from other countries! How do they play into this world? How does (or doesn't) magic change this world? How do Elias and Dora react to storytelling tropes from another culture altogether?
Spymaster series- Joanna Bourne
Characters Requested: Justine DeCabrillac, Adrian "Hawker" Hawkhurst
Where to Find Source Material: Your local library, bookstore, or ebook supplier!
In contrast to that last fandom--while they share a nominal setting in the Regency period--the Spymaster series is all brilliant characterization and intrigue. The action plots are superbly paced, where the romance doesn't take up too much from the main plot, and the limited perspective works so well--the Annique twist in the first book took me utterly by surprise, and then delighted me. 
So writer, if your long standing dream has been to write canon-typical plotfic, I would be so ecstatic! Couples working and bantering together is always one of my favorite things to read, and the espionage aspect of this series is a particular strength . While we see a lot of glimpses of the Adrian-Justine relationship, I think there's always room for more, so whether you want to add a post-canon adventure, or invent one we didn’t see between flashbacks, it would be great!
I also love these characters, and their relationship--I love the pining in the face of duty, the very real tragedy* I love how it extends in bits and pieces of the years, I love how it's frequently interpreted and misinterepreted through outsider POVs. Something that plays with outsider POVs would also be so fascinating, again, at any time during the series; or, what a happily ever after looks like for these two crazy kids.
*again, DNW caveat: it's okay to acknowledge canon-accurate mentions of prior assualt in this case, but I would really prefer that it be kept to a minimum, with no on-screen incidences.
Finally, although I haven't formally requested, Annique (and her irreverent narration) is always a delight. I love her instant platonic-soulmates friendship with Adrian, and I am intrigued by Joanna Bourne's words on her blog on how Annique compares with Justine:
When I was writing Annique, I was making her the other side of the coin with Justine. They were both child spies, about the same age. Both raised by Lucille. One relatively protected, innocent, a child of the light, one who had not killed. The other abandoned and debauched, a child with little light inside her, a willing killer.
And they knew each other, of course, as they were growing up. They were more than a little jealous. When Annique makes the remark about the doppleganger, she's thinking of Justine.
Adrian, in TSL, come fresh from one side of the coin to the other and neither Annique nor Adrian realize this.
This is such an amazing dynamic we never see on-screen, and I would love to dig into it further at both ends.
I hope at least some of these prompts help! Thank you in advance and have a wonderful Yuletide yourself:D
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lycheelovescomics · 2 years
ITP lychee is a fandom dinosaur
it's always fun, reading fic for a fandom as old as xmen (an ever evolving canon/media), for a ship as old as logan/ororo (an ever evolving ship, but always a fan favorite for whatever reason!)
they hadn't been ""canon"" until like 2013, but there was a lot of fic and a healthy following even before then. and everything had different... eras, I guess, you could call them? 🤔
there's 1990s to early 2000s stuff where the main source of romantic conflict was either forge or jean. some fun comicverse fic, some TAS-based fic, even evoverse fic (all had their own brands of rolo). if you wrote these you deserve an award 🥇
2000s was also when the movies were peaking and movieverse loganroro was its own thing with its own character interpretations and tropes. jean and scott get regularly character assasinated in these fic lol 😰
there's post-2006 stuff when storm was written out of xbooks because she was suddenly (very suddenly) getting married to BP and! my god!! the resulting drama and angst fic!!!! lmao 💔
then there's the "they're canon now??" honeymoon phase that lasted a year or so. too short after thirtyodd years of subtext. 😭
I'm still waiting to see what 2020s rolo fic can be since the fandom has kinda died down. someone needs to write an AU where logan leaves the trauma trainwreck of xforce and put him on mars to heal pls. maybe he can help 'ro tear brand a new one, then have some fun with the battle-loving side of arakko. or maybe the new TAS reboot will breathe some life back into the ship?? 😤
this post brought to you by reading and comparing rolo fic hosted on: ao3, the rolo realm, ffnet, and some old archived webpages that i hope stay on the internet forever 🥲 RIP to the yahoo mailing list i still think of the lost fic there...
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venomsbabe · 6 years
If the anons or ask box isn't working let me know.
Also you can ask Eddie brock stuff on anon if you want to.
Don't abuse this or send hate.
I will turn it back off.
This is for some fun roleplaying and fun ok?
So go ahead and ask Eddie brock.
Its movieverse eddie brock this time. So ask Eddiebear anything.
(Gonna take a crack at this. I have watched bits and peices of the movie so give me some slack. I will not be doing shipping unless its self ship questions. Hopefully i will be able to see the movie soon( i want to but im putting my expectations very low but i need to see it anyways)
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darling-miaxoxo · 2 years
The peculiar social media influencer
a/n : hey guyss like i said in the last part i would try and get up part 2 in a few days so here yall go :)
Fandom: Miss Peregrines home for peculiar children.
Relationship/ship: Alma Peregrine x fem!Reader
Peculiarity: Teleportation
Warning/s: mentions of anxiety
pt. 2 (pt. 1 )
recap: dinner then continued a few bits of drama here and there luckily not me in it luckily then movie night came woohooo!
the 'movie' then began it was all just fine if I must say nothing too weird. But then I checked the time and saw that reset was soon so Miss Peregrine then turned on the lights then sighs were all heard from around the room Miss Peregrine then announced that its reset time then their sighs soon became into happy noices we all then went outside then Miss P gave the command to put on our gas masks so I did even though its gonna make my hair look absoloutely terrible when i take it off but thats fine absoloutely fine if I could find my haircomb. Then Miss Peregrine started playing the gramophone which started playing "Run, Rabbit, Run " then the planes with the bombs came it started giving me shivers due to my anxiety, when the bomb came just a few seconds before it would hit the house Miss Peregrine then stopped time and continued to reset the loop lowering my anxiety a little bit then its time for bed we went inside changed into some pjs atleast I did, i dont know about the others though I waited until 12 am so that i could teleport out of the loop to make the post on my insta then I teleported back, So once it was 12 am I did my plan and fortunately nobody saw me or else i would be in BIG trouble from miss peregrine then I fell asleep but not before I set an alarm at 7 am of course .
~ The next day ~
I woke up to the sound of my alarm clock so I woke up, showered, put on a croptop a jacket over it of course put on some shorts, long y/f/c socks, and to top it all off some sneakers, did my skincare and haircare routine, put on a little bit of makeup and then done! I look absolutely gorgeous I went downstairs and I saw Miss P making breakfast so I went down and said " Hi Alma how can I help? " cause for once I actually remembered that she told me to call her Alma when were alone and then she answered my question saying " Set up the table but dont you think thats a little revealing darling? " again blushed a little at the darling part but then I said " I have shorter ones but I think you would like that a little too much " sending her a wink and then just did said task and then got goosebumps but I just dismissed it
Alma's POV:
Dear God I dont what y/n has been doing to me when she was setting up the table I couldn't help but watch her set up the table but then I remembered that I still have to cook the eggs so I shook those thoughts away for now and went to cook some eggs with her still on my mind...
~time skip to when breakfast is done~
Right now I was in the garden while the children played but then I checked my watch and there was 1 minute until that baby squirrel falls the hell out of that tree so I just teleported to the tree and then I saw Emma probably on her way to get the baby squirrel up so now I just wait for around 55 secs and then Emma said "Hey Y/N hows it going? " "nothing much just the usual stuff, also waiting for that damn baby squirrel to fall down" I said then she just sat down next to me and then a few seconds later the damn squirrel finally fell down I just teleported it back up then Emma said " Hey wait there's Olive! " and I said " Alright lets go there! " then I teleported us to Olive. Emma then said to Olive " Hey Olive! " "Hey Emma, Hey Y/N " Olive said we both sat down next to her Emma then said " Hey Y/N do you still have feelings for you-know-who " and I said "yeah pretty much" " OoOooh " they both said the day continued as regularly as it always was..
~time skip to dinner~
I sat in my spot between miss Peregrine and Olive, Miss Peregrine then gave the command to start eating so I did, as always conversation started me on the lookout for drama again.
Emma POV:
I was sitting next to Olive this time with Jacob on my right Olive on my left who was sitting next to Y/N and since its been 20 years and Y/N still hasn't confessed about her feelings I whispered to Olive " Hey Olive lets try to get Miss P and Y/N together its been 20 years and the girl still hasn't confessed so meet me in my room later " and I tell the same to Jacob and told him to tell the others beside the children, cause the children might accidentally tell Miss P.
Movie night came and it was Horace trying out clothes again, The next image was Emma And Jacob holding... HANDS??.. so now apparently I think Emma and Jacob are now GF and BF finally that girl got a bf that girl waited basically 30 or 35 years for one and she finally got one, But that also means I missed Out on romance that's honestly sad but that's fine.
~time skip again~
Emma POV:
"Alright so we only have 30 days until Y/N leaves so heres the plan.."
Y/N pov:
I woke up to the sound of my alarm checked the time and it said 6:15 AM
I did my daily morning routine I checked the time 6:45 AM I went downstairs, helped Alma, ate breakfast, Did my chores, Talked to Olive and Emma, and then I saw Alma I zoned out a little bit , thinking again on how it would feel to be in her arms..
" Y/N. Y/N!" I heard emma say " Hm? " turning to look at her " you zoned out what happened? " " oh nothing just thinking" giving the girl a smile " alright.."
~time skip to movie time (Sorry if theres a lot of these I just dont know what to write lol)~
Emma POV:
"its time for the plan to activate! " i whisper-yell to olive we made sure that y/n sat next to Miss P. Y/N clearly blushed even a little bit this is only the beginning.
Y/n POV:
I sat next to Miss P as it was literally the only seat left I flushed just a little bit then the 'movie' began it was him trying out new clothes, and then the image flashed but then it was me and Alma holding.. HANDS? I was seriously gonna faint luckily Alma turned on the lights before I could faint giving me some air to breathe. now its reset time yay!
Emma POV:
"hey Olive, Horace's dream showed Y/n and Miss P holding hands I think we should let it play out and in 15 days if their still not together we do the plan ok? " I said to Olive "fine, fine there goes 2 hours of sleep " she said
Y/n POV:
Reset was fine my anxiety didn't go up this time. I went to sleep but all I could think about was Horace's dream was it true? is it actually gonna happen? I then decided to confess my feelings to her tomorrow hoping that she feels the same if not I'm leaving for another 5 years to wear off that embarrassment or just not come back at all. I went for the 1st option
~ the next morning and after breakfast ~
Its after breakfast and im very scared right now so lets hope this works.. I asked her if we could talk after she cleaned the dishes she said yes and here I am in her office about to confess my feelings while still being EXTREMELY nervous so I said " Alright let me just put it straight I- I have feelings for you.. " very nervously and she said " Well...  Then your feelings are reciprocated I have feelings for you too " " Really?! " "Yes really darling"
Alma POV:
After Y/n confessed her feelings I confessed mine too. It was really awkward I must say.
Y/n POV:
I walked behind Alma and wrapped my arms behind her waist and asked " Hi love how can I help?" she tensed for a bit just a little second and then she said " set up the table dear " giving me a quick kiss on the cheek. I did what I was asked and then Alma asks me " Darling arent you going to be leaving in a few days? " " Its fine after the 1 month is over I'll just announce to my followers that ill be taking a break for 1 year then once that 1  year is over ill announce to my followers that ill be making posts once a month instead of once a week after 6 or 7 months ill announce to my followers that ill be quitting and then ill be staying with you my love. " I answered back and she asked " how are you gonna post dear its the 1940s " " I'll just teleport out of the loop every month dont worry my love " I answered
~ after dinner and reset ~
" love im going to bed care to join me? " Alma asked, I giggled a little bit before saying yes
a/n: so uh this is part 2 lemme know if yall want a part 3 ik this is crap so yeah if this gets 3 likes ill post a part 3 ^^
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