#shite in nineing armour
kcsplace · 1 year
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The Striker’s New Groove
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theory incoming! i think rebecca's going to tell bex about rupert cheating, bex is going to leave him, and rebecca will then support her through the divorce, and in doing so become closer with diane. they'll become an unconvential lil family 🥺🥺
diane is the only child on the show it would make sense for rebecca to become the mother of i think, and this season has a particular focus on unconventional families (when i say unconventional i mean not a nuclear family btw)- there's ted saying "I love our family, no matter what it looks like" and there's also higgins' joke about the boy and his father which illicits a few responses of different unconventional families (gay, sperm donor). as well as this in the latest episode we see bex beginning to stand up to rupert- in fact specifically mirroring rebecca's jab in 2x10 of "it's naptime" "for you or the baby" with her own joke of "it's way past your bedtime". also by rebecca telling bex about rupert cheating it would be a nice parallel to the discovery that rebecca's relationship with rupert started with them cheating on rupert's then-wife. AND it could be that rupert gets way more fucked over by the press this time because he now has a child and because he has a younger wife- unfortunately the press would find rupert cheating on bex far more scandalous than him cheating on rebecca.
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fanficfanattic · 6 months
My old boss finally watched the show and the only discussion we had on it was her asking two questions:
1) Who is the bloody fan in the finale?
2) Should I know these people?
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ailec-12 · 1 year
I was rewatching the gala ep (1x04 For the Children) and I've just noticed Ted's table was number 9.
Rebecca placed Ted at table 9 in the episode he does some of his white knighting for the first time.
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andyridgeley · 1 year
now hear me out richmond is a CLUB and coach beard danced at a strip CLUB a-
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rebeccasbiscuits · 1 year
Not quite yet up to coherence about that episode!!
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sy5starplaty · 1 year
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sylvies-chen · 1 year
ok since the last one blew up I figured I would do this again so
diversity win! the silly ridiculous welsh man on your favourite football team is gay!
no but in all seriousness the colin storyline is really interesting, I like that they’re kind of playing this storyline as him not being out to the team and maintaining the sort of heteronormative facade that is expected in the very dude bro culture of football BUT without the internalized homophobia element this time which is normally included. like he doesn’t *seem* to be repulsed by his own sexuality in any way and his boyfriend is more than willing to sit with him for a night pretending to be just friends so I really like that they’re a healthy couple who seem to respect each other’s boundaries with sexuality
I also think ultimately, even if he slips up or is tempted to do something with this information, that TRENT WILL DO THE RIGHT THING IN TRENT WE TRUST
rebecca hinting at her psychic appointment and ted appearing immediately WORK WITH ME HERE SOULMATISM also noticed that thigh touch oop-
roy training jamie??? oh this is going to be comedic GOLD
it’s definitely bad that jamie’s right though. like, actually right about something for once???
zava is a much different kind of diva then expecting, in that he’s not so much a diva as he is a cult leader. uhh…. adorable! 😀
also wait MMM THE PSYCHIC TROPE OMG IMA EAT THAT UP EVERY TIME also guys. guys I can already smell the reactions to the green matchbook thing coming from miles away. we don’t need to worry! the matchbook was literally the first thing she mentioned of many things, it in no way means sambecca is endgame so we can all breathe. the family rebecca is a mother to is the AFC richmond family of course!!! and the shite in nining armour is most likely the guy that the whole of england has been calling names since his arrival, mr ted lasso himself!!
also OOH OMG SHE’S PREDICTING THE WATER SCENE WHERE REBECCA’S GOING TO FALL IN and the way she grabs rebecca’s hands when she says “but you’re safe” calling it now that ted will pull her out and make her feel safe sifjsifkskfkd 🥺
michelle dating her former marriage councillor is all kinds of weird and YES, unethical!! thank you to sassy for pointing that out! we love her for it
final comment: sam’s restaurant seems like SUCH a vibe oh my god I’m so proud of my baby for creating a community out of bits of his culture from his home, trying to bring home to england and celebrate with his richmond family ugh his big heart I can’t 😭
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babytarttdoodoo · 1 year
AU where Zava went to West Ham
Nate, even the dark side manager version, would absolutely cave under the 'pass to Zava' philosophy.
Roy still offers to train Jamie but does it weeks earlier in the season: "you're the best player on the team" "oh, thanks, coach" "but you're not good enough to beat Zava... yet".
Richmond still probably don't stumble onto Total Football until Amsterdam but their teamwork isn't utterly obliterated over the season either. (And hooray Colin isn't benched.)
Jamie (in peak condition) actually gets to go toe-to-toe with Zava (not in peak condition) with full prick permission during the West Ham game.
Rebecca was angry Rupert seemed to 'win' again by getting Zava but Jamie actually became her 'shite in nine-ing armour' by playing fucking circles around him.
The team doesn't need to be 'motivated' by the Nate video and so don't go insane in the second half (regrettably because I love the feral himbos).
Zava still retires after that game whether Richmond win or not (remember when irl Beckham decided to retire because Messi blew past him on the pitch?).
That actually gives Rupert a reason to start hating Jamie and be willing to target him in the final.
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catastrophicbleus · 1 year
Can we all agree that "shite in nining armour" is Jamie? He's Richmond's No.9, Roy called him a piece of shit in 1x04, and Beard once called him a "poop in the punch bowl". Then, obviously, there's the fact that it's a play on "knight in shining armour" implying, I think, that Jamie - who's finally the best version of himself on and off the pitch thanks to Ted, Keeley, and Roy - is going to save Richmond when Zava inevitably disappoints them.
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a shite in nining armour is obviously jamie. poopeh and his number and all. y’know, the TRUE hero of the team 😴
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invisibleraven · 1 year
"i'm sorry did you just call my birthday my 'womb escape'??" for the Greater Polyphantoms Polycule?
"I'm headed to the mall, you wanna come?' Carrie asked the assembled group.
"Hard pass," Luke mumbled around the guitar pick in his mouth. "But will you bring me back a soft pretzel?"
"If you can remember your manners and ask nicely," Carrie replied.
"Fine. Any one else?"
"I've got a dentist appointment, otherwise I would, sorry," Alex said apologetically.
Julie barely looked up from her book and shook her head, and since she was using Reggie as a chair, he just shrugged with a 'what can you do' expression.
"I'll come, I need to get some new socks," Willie replied.
"I'm down, Flynn piped up, grabbing her purse. "I gots gift cards to spend."
"Oh yeah from your..." Willie stopped, the word on the edges of his brain, but unable to make it to his lips. "Womb escape!"
"I'm sorry did you just call my birthday my 'womb escape'?" Flynn asked, hands on her hips.
"Birthday! That's the word!" Willie said with a snap. Then he looked at Flynn. "Sorry, my brain no words good today."
"Another shite in nining armour situation?" Carrie asked.
"Okay, now I'm double confused," Flynn said as they climbed into Carrie's little pink Bug.
"We were watching Ted Lasso," Carrie explained. "And one character had a brain fart. So they said shite in nining armour instead of knight in shining armour."
"And my brain does that sometimes. Mostly when I read, thanks dyslexia," Willie explained. "But sometimes when I'm speaking too."
"Sounds awful," Flynn replied.
"Eh," Willie replied with a shrug. "I usually just laugh it off, but it's the first time I've ever said something as dumb as womb escape."
"I mean, it is apt," Flynn conceded. "Just please never say it again."
"Seconded, I think I'm traumatized," Carrie joked.
"I'll buy you a PinkBerry to make up for it," Willie said. "Or an Orange Julius."
"What I'm hearing is that you're thirsty and magnanimous," Carrie stated. "But I will glad accept."
"Me too," Flynn stated. "Then I am hitting LuLuLemon cuz mama needs a new set of yoga pants."
"Fine by me, I think they have a sale on now anyways," Carrie replied. "Where do you wanna get socks Willie?"
"Figured I'd look around the GameStop, they have new Pokemon socks out and I wanna see if there's a Gengar pair," he said. "Plus I promised Alex I'd pick up the game he pre-ordered.
"Honestly I never would have thought of Alex as a gamer before now," Carrie said. "Reggie yes, but Alex?"
"It helps relax him," Willie said. "Plus he can kick Reggie's ass any day of the week at Smash Bros. Not Carlos' though-that kid is a killer."
"I think he'd resent you calling him a kid since he's nearly twenty, and taller than you," Flynn said.
"I've known him since he was twelve, to me he'll always be a kid," Willie stated.
"How do you think Flynn and I feel? We've known Carlos since he was in diapers!" Carrie interjected.
"Anyways, I told him I'd stop calling him kid when he could legally drink, or when he stops referring to me as his cousin Throckmorton, whichever comes first," Willie said.
"Guess he's kid for another two years then," Flynn giggled. "He's never gonna stop calling you that."
"There are worse things he could call me I guess," Willie finally said.
"Alright losers, let's go shopping!" Carrie said as they pulled into the mall.
They all barrelled out of the car, Willie leading the way, because as much as he loved the girls, and shopping, he wanted to get his smoothie on first.
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hacash · 1 year
So I really don’t want Sam/Rebecca back again, I’ll be honest. However I’m not so worried as some people by all the green matchbook (the show’s never done us a psych-out before about Rebecca’s love life, after all...) and the fleeting glances from Rebecca at Sam’s restaurant - isn’t this still meant to be reasonably soon after the last season ended? I’d been expecting some ‘Rebecca’s still getting over the breakup’ stuff early in the season, and tbh this is more what it feels like to me...after all, if you’d loved and lost, and moreover loved and lost Sam Obisanya, you’re not getting over that in a heartbeat.
Also, I may be wrong but to me, ‘shite in nining armour’ doesn’t sound like a malapropism that Sam would make.
...It sounds like one Ted would make though.
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All right, gang, one final fanciful what-if for you to consider before the episode josses it all… (Just a fanciful what if, mind you. Not a prediction. Don’t deal in those.)
A friendly between Nigeria and England, right, with Sam and Jamie both on the pitch. Sam’s being brilliant because duh, so an English player fousl him pretty badly and maybe stands over him all mocking afterwards, get up you fucking pussy. It’s all rather nasty – but who comes bounding up but our very own shite in nining armour, getting in his teammate’s face and telling him to lay the fuck off Sam or fucking else, and yeah, it ends with a yellow card for Jamie (and for the other English player, obviously, he’s not getting away with this shit) and Jamie helping Sam up, you okay, man? There’s a hug, too, before they go back to trying to fucking devastate each other (but you know, sportsmanship like).
And then we can have Roy asked about it afterwards (he was probably there watching, you know, and as an old English player and the coach of both lads, his opinion is Sought) and him just going, “Yeah, I’ve gotten a yellow card for fighting an arsehole on my own team for being a prick to Sam, it’s the fucking right thing to do."
I mean, I don’t even want this, because I really don’t love the trouble it’d bring Jamie and Sam doesn't need anyone to save him but just, the parallel of it all…
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praecurokat · 1 year
Ted Lasso S3E5 Thoughts- This Episode Made me Cry (w Joy) *SPOILERS*
-Did not expect Hamilton stan John Wingsnight to make another appearance.. tbh I forgot he existed.
-Interesting how the psychic’s prediction about the ‘shite in nining armour’ played out.
-Hmm the way Jack and Keeley are looking at each other… and going to get lunch.. hmmmm.. It’ll never happen though.
-“My wife Christina is the only woman I see with clarity. Every other woman is a smudge”. So on brand Zava.
-“I can’t believe that our white whale has the same name as the strip club I danced at while in college.” Somehow not unexpected. The Beard lore continues.
-Ted comparing Trent to a ‘sadistic nature documentarian’ sent meee…
-Roy crossing the line from gruff and angry man to serial killer.. ‘4:00 a.m is the hour people are least prepared to defend themselves’. Then Shandy calling about that business deal at 4 am. And Roy picking Jamie’s training time as 4 am..
-My hope for Colin or Trent content is fading like Zava’s vision when he looks at women other than his wife.
-What is in Barbara’s drawer? More snow globes? Murder weapons???
-Ted Lasso Drinking Game: drink every time someone says ‘father’.
-The roller coaster of emotions before Jack and Keeley kissed.. I went from despair that they’ll probably never get together to crying with joy.. pls i did not expect that! Finally a win for the Gays..
-Jade is being nice??
-Ted canonically plays both Roblox and possibly Fortnite. Concerning.
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blessyouhawkeye · 1 year
still holding out for the psychic's shite in nineing armour to be jamie. this episode's reference is a red herring jamie is a shite (affectionate) and his jersey number is nine. jason sudeikis i fucking see you.
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