#shonen jump power linkage
sundove88 · 3 days
Project Link Up All Stars- The One Thing You Can’t Replace
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Art by @kindabizarretbh
Victor Nefario (Shonen Jump Power Linkage, Linker of Frieza)- Narrating it
Michael DuPont (Mega Man Mega Linkage, Linker of Dr. Wily)- Mr. McNamara
Lucas Daybreak (Mega Man Mega Linkage, Linker of Zero)- Jake McNamara
Various other Linkers from other installments as the Party Guests
Rami Banjarski (Super Smash Bros Power Linkage, Linker of Donkey Kong)- Kid who broke pool table
Kokoda Masuko (Crayon Shin Chan Linkage of Mayhem, Linker of Shin Chan)- Kid who took a crap on the computer
Darren Wilkes (Mega Man Mega Linkage, Linker of Duo)- Chicago Police Officer
Jonathan Rue (Persona Linkage of Light and Dark, Linker of Ren Amamiya/Joker)- Alex
Note: Everyone here is drinking soda and stuff like that.
Another story I heard about myself, this one happened not that long ago. There was this guy at Rivet Bay Middle School whose nephew went to the city’s neighboring high school. His name was Michael DuPont and his nephew Lucas Daybreak went to that high school. He’s a freshman, while I’m a seventh grader. So he’s two years ahead of me.
And Mr. DuPont was a butthole, and one weekend, he and his wife decided to leave town, which you should never do, if you are a butthole. And Lucas decided to throw a party at his uncle’s house.
And everyone- us Linkers and their Partner Characters around our cities heard about it and we all got up individually and thought…
“Okay, let's go over there and destroy the place.”
I walked into this party. Everyone I had ever met was there and everyone was drinking soda like it was the end of the world. People were drinking soda like it was the Cybertronian War and Ratchet was coming to saw our legs off. It was totally unsupervised. We were like the Decepticons without Soundwave, we were running wild.
I walked down, I walked down to the basement. They had a pool table in the basement. One Linker took a running start and his Partner Character threw his body onto the pool table and broke it in half. Another Linker found out which room was Mr. DuPont’s and went upstairs and his Partner Character took a crap on his computer.
So the party was going great.
I'm standing in the basement, and I'm holding a red cup; you see in movies. And I'm standing there and I'm holding a red cup and I'm starting to black out and I guess someone said like something, something police and in a brilliant moment of word association, I yelled: f** Da Police! f** Da Police! And everyone else joined in. A 100 drunk white Linkers yelling “f** Da Police”. With the confidence of guys who have already been to jail and aren't afraid of it anymore, you know that like, I'll serve my nickel, you come and take me, confidence. But white children.
The reason someone had said something, something police was because the police were there. So Officer Darren Wilkes walked down the stairs and got to the bottom in the basement and looked out over a sea of drunk toddlers yelling; f** Da Police in his face, but he was almost impressed.
He was like wow, and then he leaned into his walkie-talkie and went, get the paddy wagon. And my friend Maximus, who is now a Linker, this man’s got a Partner Character in the form of Cell, he grabbed a Fanta, threw it on the ground, and yelled scatter.
And everyone ran into different directions. We all ran in different directions. It was like that scene in Ratatouille when the humans come in the kitchen and all the rats go in different ways. We all ran in different directions.
I ran into the laundry room and I jumped up on the washing machine and I crawled out through a window into the backyard and now I'm running through the backyard and there was this big chain link fence and I thought I've never climbed a fence that high before. And then I woke up at home.
On Monday, I went to school because that's what we always do. And I'm walking into the school building and who do I see but Lucas. And he says to me hey, were you at my party on Saturday and I said no, you know, like a liar. And he said things got really outta hand. Someone broke the pool table. Someone took a crap on my uncle’s computer.
But the worst thing, he says; the worst thing is that someone stole these old antique photos of my grandma and my aunt and uncle are freaking out about it. And I had that thought that only blackout drunks and Steve Urkel can have. Did I do that? I figured no. I wouldn't have done that.
But I was never sure, until after I became a Linker, relax. I'm playing video games with this kid named Jonathan that we also met on the internet with. Few weeks later, we’re Linkers by now. We're playing video games for a couple hours with our Partner Characters, and then Jonathan says to me, hey, come here I want to show you something and he takes me into his bedroom and then he takes me into a side room off of his bedroom. Never a good thing to have.
He shows me a tiny room that is covered wall to wall in stolen antique photos from different people's parties over the years. And I said why? Why do you do this? And Jonathan said, because it's the one thing you can't replace. That's the end of that story, but how screwed up is that right? That's crazy.
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shonenlinkage · 1 year
Shonen Jump: 💖Sparkle Squadron 💖
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When dark forces threaten the Jump World, high school students from different towns and schools must band together to save their homes by becoming the legendary warriors known as the Sparkle Squadron.
With crazy hairstyles, outfits that would make a cosplayer green with envy, and attacks that will literally blow you away, will these unlikely heroes (90% of whom are crossdressing) be the ones to save the planet from the danger that awaits? Find out in Shonen Jump: Sparkle Squadron...
...Coming never!
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April Fools, Linkers!
Did I give ya a good laugh or what? Anyways, stay heroic, no matter what!
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thunder-jolt · 11 months
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Name: John "Johnny" Wilkes
Partner: D (Vampire Hunter D)
Age: 37
Birthday: December 21, 1985
Star Sign: Sagittarius
Class: Magic
Home City: London, Britain
Fave Food: Whiskey (Not REALLY a food, but I'll add Shepherd's Pie if that's fine)
Least Fave Food: Haggis
Pet Peeve: Mistaking him for being a different age just by his appearance. (For example, being mistaken for age 20-something, when he's not...)
Hobby: Working at a cafe (his presumed profession) and taking walks in a garden.
About: Growing up, his life wasn't all that much. He was just an ordinary guy with parents of high expectations and was generally outcasted among the many others like him who were more successful than him. So he tried to be more mature, which ultimately made him lock away his childhood, becoming someone that isn't him. Yet, how he came to be a Linker is interesting, as most others just come home, and soon BOOM! they became a linker to their respective link. Though in John's case, it's much different, it was when he was on a walk to a garden that he met his link. He was taking a stroll to the garden, on a foggy night, before hearing the clopping of horse hooves, and there John saw the silhouette and soon saw him... It was almost love at first sight to John and even asked who the man was. And well, the rest is history.
Abilities: His arsenal isn't all that much, just a simple sorcery for defense buffs and attack buffs that's all. Though, if by pure fat chance, he can place a powerful spell that can bend the battleground or reality to where the enemies/opponents would be, or become most vulnerable.
John "Johnny" Wilkes (Vampire Hunter, D): "Not much to say, but I suppose a good welcome would suffice." (A Locked-Away Past) ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
Shounen Jump Power Linkage belongs to @sundove88
Also, bonus (though I'm a bit indecisive if this is my best decision or my worst, anyways here you go):
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CONTEXT: Lorraine telling John to stop being horny for D.
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thehyperrequiem · 2 years
My Shonen Jump Power Linkage Incorrect Quote
So, tell me what ails you, Mcqueen?
-Rebecca, to her linked Character; Thunder Mcqueen
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artisticangel · 2 years
Hear me out for Zamasu’s potential Linker for Shonen Jump Power Linkage:
A scientist who wants to harness the ultimate power of immortality, and ostracizes any, if not all of his peers in his quest to get it.
I think he’d give Zamasu a run for his money.
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marimonchan · 2 years
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How about my Shonen Jump Power Linkage OC Victor, the first person and the one with the Jean shorts and purple t shirt? And brown hair.
Yes I can do it, I will ask for more information about the character in private so I can draw
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Interesting points of the famous Shonen trio Naruto, Bleach and One Piece
There were three popular manga series that were published in Weekly Shonen Jump in the early 2000s, namely Naruto, One Piece, and Bleach. All three manga had long-running release schedules, were prominent in the magazine, consistently ranked high in polls on popularity, and had high revenue for their publishing companies. They were all unstoppable forces in the world of manga.
One interesting similarity among the famous trio of Naruto, Bleach, and One Piece could be the way they constructed their stories. Each manga was a remarkable battle manga, featuring characters facing each other in intense battles. Of course, these battles followed fairly similar patterns, which many fans enjoyed. Let's take a look at some of these similarities!
All three manga had similar characters, especially their main protagonists. Luffy, Naruto, and Ichigo were all courageous young men, full of energy and with plenty of potential. All three had a never-give-up attitude and always tackled problems head-on. They all desired and trained to become the strongest.
For Luffy, it was becoming the Pirate King, for Naruto it was becoming the Hokage -the top ninja in the Leaf Village, and Ichigo wanted to have enough strength to protect his loved ones. The characters they met during their adventures were also quite similar. They all encountered cute girls, some unfriendly foes, wise mentors, close friends, and bloodthirsty villains.
Epic Battles
All three manga shone in their handling of battles, which were a significant part of their storytelling. Each story revolved around battles between the main characters, their friends, and allies who were ready to fight for them. Meanwhile, the antagonists used their immense power to try to dominate. This allowed the main character to draw out their untapped potential and emerge victorious.
The ongoing exchanges and linkages, which reached new heights, were depicted in all three manga for extended periods. The characters used all kinds of skills and strategies to win in a battle.
All three manga series showcase the themes of friendship, effort, and victory, which are the core values of Shonen Jump. Friendship holds great significance, and alongside the protagonist's companions, it can include anyone who supports the main character's success, such as family, friends, allies, and anyone else they encounter on their journey. Effort refers to the difficulties and actions that the main characters undertake to achieve their goals. Part of this involves a pre-established readiness towards their goal, followed by the process of creating challenges and hardships that they must overcome. Finally, it is a state of never giving up, maintaining the spirit and determination to conquer their objectives.
Friendship is a recurring and powerful theme in the manga series mentioned above. Friends play an important role in the protagonist's life: they help each other, push each other to be better, and provide emotional and mental support during tough times. The main characters often acknowledge that they would not have achieved their positions in life without their friends.
A common and intriguing concept among the famous manga series Naruto, Bleach, and One Piece is the feedback from the protagonist's love for their friends. They explain how one's weakness can restrain everyone and the true power that lies in an individual's ability. The heroes' objective is to prove the opposing faction wrong by using trust and team spirit to emerge victorious. The opposing characters are flawed for relying on others instead of themselves, unlike the main characters. You are welcome to visit Bleach Store to purchase
your favorite character merchandise with their images printed on them. You can find the link to the store at https://bleachmerchandise.shop. Happy shopping!
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sundove88 · 5 months
My First Art of The Year! (Shonen Jump Power Linkage Redraws)
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So I decided to start the new year off right in terms of art by doing redraws of three of Shonen Jump Power Linkage’s ladies!
From left to right- Lysa Nanook, the Linker of Broly, Lily Chun, the Linker of Naruto Uzumaki in her Linked Form, and Akane Horikawa, the linker of Orochimaru!
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Here are the original pics for comparison. I think I definitely improved!
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sundove88 · 4 months
Linkers of The Dreaming Moon (MLPFL) and Raging Saiyan (SJPL)
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I give you not one, but two Linkers! Claire Anderson from My Little Pony Friendship Linkage (MLPFL) and Lysa Nanook from Shonen Jump Power Linkage (SJPL)!
Claire Anderson (Princess Luna): “Sol, is it true that the legend of a world full of horses is genuinely real?” (The Silver Dusk) ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Claire is the younger sister of Soleil Anderson, and she is more of a night owl- which should be obvious, since she’s the Linker of Princess Luna!
She disappeared prior to the start of the installment, and the mysterious woman that was creating the Disharmonians for the debut episodes for the main team? Spoiler alert, that was her in the form of Noire De Lune, Nightmare Moon’s Linker!
And her crescent moon necklace became her Harmony Crystal; and that pink pouch on her hip? That’s for carrying her Friendship Digi-Pad; the installment’s transformation trinket.
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Lysa Nanook (Broly): “Here now... J-Just hold still for a moment! You’ll feel better! After all, I don’t want you to suffer more!” (A Warrior in Need) ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Anyways, it looks like someone got on Lysa Nanook’s bad side and decided to get a fistful of fury!
And yes, she only goes into this mode when her loved ones are in danger or when things seem desperate, because it takes up a lot of energy!
And yes, she is the Linker of Broly! But she prefers protecting others than going on blind rampages 24/7. And btw; the art of her is a redraw of this old pic:
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More Linkers will be coming soon!
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sundove88 · 8 months
Birthday Present for @kindabizarretbh
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For your birthday, I wanted to draw The Brookstone Twins, but I decided not to on the favor that my hands would hurt a lot- so I decided to draw Dante Ramiro, the linker of Dio, in his Linked Form!
I’ll draw the Brookstone twins soon, promise! And happy b day!
Also, have a funny doodle I made:
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Benson Vanderblit (Endeavor’s Linker): Do you think…
Donnelly Hyun (Dark Cacao Cookie’s Linker): …We should stop them?
Dante Ramiro (Dio’s Linker): Nah.
For context:
Endeavor, Dio, and Dark Cacao Cookie spotted the last piece of chocolate peanut butter pie on the dining table and they all got in a fight cloud over who would get their piece first.
And what makes this scene funnier is that Patrick Seitz voices all three of the Partner Characters!
You’re welcome for the visual. And happy b day, friend!
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sundove88 · 7 months
Project Link Up All Stars Incorrect Quotes- Native American Speech (Happy Thanksgiving!)
Erika Fierceheart (Piccolo’s Linker): Wait!
Calandra Rubens (La Signora’s Linker): What?
Erika Fierceheart (Piccolo’s Linker): We cannot break bread with you.
Calandra Rubens (La Signora’s Linker): Huh? Jessie, what's going on?
Jessie (Pokemon): Erika!
Erika Fierceheart (Piccolo’s Linker): You have taken the land which is rightfully ours. Years from now my people will be forced to live in mobile homes on reservations. Your people will wear cardigans, and drink highballs. We will sell our bracelets by the road sides. You will play golf and enjoy hot hors d'oeuvres. My people will have pain and degradation. Your people will have stick shifts. The gods of my tribe have spoken. They have said, "Do not trust the Pilgrims. Especially Sarah Miller.”
Calandra Rubens (La Signora’s Linker): James, she's changing the words.
Erika Fierceheart (Piccolo’s Linker): And for all these reasons I have decided to scalp you… and burn your village to the ground.
(Cue an absolute riot and the entire production going to hell)
Happy Thanksgiving, my moots!
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sundove88 · 3 months
Drowning in Torrential Grief (Shonen Jump Power Linkage)
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Sky, nobody can describe this feeling
Can't deny, or are you blind to the likes of me?
Hello? Feels like I'm alone, isolated in this world
Cold breeze just blew and passed me by
Lai lai la Lai lai li
Into my eyes
Lai lai la Lai lai li
Give me the light
Screaming out memories of a love that I've lost
Lai lai la Lai lai li
Cry through the night
Tears in my eyes
While you are having a sweet dream
I'm alone, sitting at the far end of the darkness
Ignore, someone's knocking on my door
But I know
I'm the only one who can stop this storm
Lai lai la Lai lai li
Into my eyes
Lai lai la Lai lai li
Give me the dark
Holding back memories of the days, you and me
Lai lai la Lai lai li
Just let it rain
Just let it rain
Lai lai la Lai lai li
Into my eyes
Lai lai la Lai lai li
Give me the light
Lai lai la Lai lai li
Into my eyes
Lai lai la Lai lai li
Give me the light
Screaming out memories of a love that I've lost
Lai lai la Lai lai li
Cry through the night
Tears in my eyes
Tears in my eyes
The reason why I decided to post the lyrics to III. THE RAIN and make a vent art of Aaron Shelby (In Linked Form) look like he’s drowning is due to Akira Toriyama’s unexpected passing. Here, he’s drowning in not just water, but his metaphorical negative emotions.
Hope you like it- and on a lighter note, I also posted my The Road to El Dorado Crossover Casting that’s also dedicated to him.
And don’t worry, Aaron will be fine. It’s hard not to feel devastated when someone who has inspired you so much is just gone…
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sundove88 · 6 months
Birthday Present for @istie-lou
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Istie Schmidt (Cabba): “As someone from Luxembourg, it is an honor to meet the kids who helped save the world alongside us.” (Meeting The Ones You Help) ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
This here is a birthday present for none other than @istie-lou, aka one of my favorite DBZ artists ever.
I know she stopped posting art for no reason at all months ago, but I’m hoping that she makes a comeback with lots more. Happy b day!
This one is of her self insert in SJPL, with said self insert character being the linker of Cabba.
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And this second pic was inspired by various scenes from The Little Mermaid, but it’s Eddie seeing Vegeta’s merman form for the first time! Talk about a fish out of water!
Plus, I may have made Veggie a bit… too smoking hot. As in like so hot that he gives you third degree burns. As in like I made him shirtless without veering into NSFW territory hot.
Heck, he has a gorgeous royal blue tail to boot- matching his armor. I wanted to give him the chest plate, but decided against it because it most likely came off during the transformation.
I hope you like them and hoping you’re strong and safe!
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sundove88 · 1 year
Project Link Up Transformation Sequences (Part 1):
Because my Poll from yesterday did really well, Have Some Transformation Sequences for Project Link Up! (They’re mostly of the main protagonists.)
Shonen Jump Power Linkage (Aaron Shelby):
Inspired By: Cure Sky’s Transformation (Hirogaru Sky PreCure)
Aaron: Power Linkage… Activation!
(Aaron scans his Linkage Card into his Watch, and the transformation begins)
Goku: Aaron, let’s do this!
Aaron: You said it!
Aaron: Heroic Hop! (His dark teal undershirt pops on, and so do his shoes and belt)
Goku: Extreme Step! (The orange part of Aaron’s Gi appears)
Both: Sparking Jump! (Aaron’s wristbands pop on, and his hair gets golden tips)
Goku: The linker of the Super Saiyan…
Aaron: …I’m Aaron Shelby!
Super Smash Bros. Power Linkage (Celestia Haruno):
Celestia: Power Linkage… Activation!
(Celestia scans her Linkage Card into her Watch, and the transformation begins)
Kirby: Poyo, Poyo Poi! (Let’s do this, Celestia!)
Celestia: That’s what I’m talking about, Kirby!
(Celestia begins creating her outfit to replace her old one. Her t shirt changes into a pink t shirt with a yellow star; with her overalls becoming fluffy pink casual shorts. She then gets red high top sneakers with stars on them. She also gains socks- one long pink one with stars and one short white. Her hair comes last; with it being dip dyed pink and bunched into pigtails- with the hair ties becoming shooting stars.)
Kirby: Poyo Poyo Poyo Poi… (The Linker of the Hero of Dreamland…)
Celestia: …I’m Celestia Haruno!
Genshin Impact Elemental Linkage (Terry and Tara Wilkins):
Terry and Tara: Elemental Linkage, Go! (They insert the Linkage Charms into their Elemental Amulets)
Aether and Lumine: Let the elements of Tevyat flow through you two!
(Terry and Tara do as their partners say and allow their clothes to melt away and their hair to change their style. The siblings’ brown hair gets blonde tips and their outfits begin to take shape- Terry gets Aether’s shirt and pants, while Tara gets Lumine’s dress and Lily hair accessories. Finally, after their shoes come into being, they allow themselves to take up their swords and finish the transformation.)
Aether: The linker of the male traveler…
Terry: I’m Terry Wilkins!
Lumine: The linker of the female Traveller…
Tara: I’m Tara Wilkins!
Both: The Elemental Linkage… is here to save the day!
Cookie Run Sugar Linkage (Cedric Grimsley):
Inspired by: Cure Whip’s Transformation (KiraKira PreCure Ala Mode)
Cedric: Sugar Linkage… Decoration! Gingerbread!
(He places his Linkage Treat in his Tasty Compact)
Cedric; With Bravery…
Gingerbrave: …and Sweetness…
Both: …It’s time to mix it up!
(Cedric lets his normal clothing disintegrate as he does a backflip onto the cookie, allowing his auburn hair to get white streaks. He also allows his new sneakers to become Gingerbrave themed, and draws out his outfit- a gingerbread colored t shirt with skull candy buttons and shorts. He then puts his Tasty Compact into its carrying case, then takes his Candy Cane in hand.)
Gingerbrave: The linker of Crispy Bravery…
Cedric: …I’m Cedric Grimsley!
Overwatch Power Linkage (Hannah Smith):
Hannah: Power Linkage, Activation! (Scans the Linkage Card into the Overwatch Connector and the Transformation Begins)
Tracer: Let’s get started, Hannah!
Hannah: You bet, Tracer!
(Hannah does something akin to a street dance, allowing her current outfit to disintegrate. Tracer helps launch her into the air, and Hannah gets an outfit similar to that of her partner’s. As flashes of blue light fill the air, her hair also styles itself up and she gets a visor like Tracer’s. Finally, as she gains her partner’s signature pistols, she lands on the ground feet first, but not before she puts the Connector into its carrying case.)
Tracer: The Linker of a heroic time jumper…
Hannah: …I’m Hannah Smith!
Brawl Stars Battle Linkage (Devon Starling):
Devon: Battle Linkage, Engage! (Inserts the Brawl Gem into the Battle Compact)
Colt: Ready for action, Devon?
Devon: Heck yeah, Colt!
(Devon allows his normal clothes to fade away into light. As he uses the Battle Compact, he allows his new clothing to form- a pale blue shirt and jeans + belt, purple cowboy boots, a denim vest, and then his hair gains a pinkish-red dip dye exactly like his partner. He then turns two orbs of light into his revolvers, and places the Battle Compact into its carrying case)
Colt: The Linker of an unlikely Brawler…
Devon: …I’m Devon Starling!
Sanrio Dream Linkage (Hanami Tanaka):
Hanami: Dream Linkage, Awaken! (Inserts the Dream Crystal into the Dream SmartPhone)
Hello Kitty: Let’s do this, Hanami!
Hanami: You said it, Kitty!
(Hanami allows her clothing to fade away and for her hair to come undone. Once she does that, she allows her long black hair to bunch itself up in girly pigtails and to gain a gorgeous red Hairbow, which also turns the lower half of her hair white. Then, she creates a striped t shirt and cute overalls-with apple and bumblebee patches. She then creates her sneakers- white with red bows. After this, she places the Dream Smartphone in its carrying case.)
Hello Kitty: The linker of sweetness and bows…
Hanami: …I’m Hanami Tanaka!
Transformers LinkSpark (Mateo Driver):
Mateo: LinkSpark, Roll Out! (Inserts the Energon Gear into the Auto-Gauntlet)
Optimus: Mateo, it’s time.
Mateo: Here we go, Optimus!
(Mateo allows his normal clothes to turn into light. With his Auto-Gauntlet he begins to create his armor that looks exactly like Optimus Prime. As he lets his armor come into being, he also makes sure to get his shoes- Warrior ready boots. He also adorns himself with a visor and face mask so as to protect him from any dust in battle. The finishing touch is the headpiece, and with that marks the end of his changes.)
Optimus: The linker of the Autobot leader…
Mateo: …I’m Mateo Driver!
More will be coming in Part 2, so look out for that!
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sundove88 · 8 months
Delia Mason (Shonen Jump Power Linkage) (Birthday Present for @plasticoceanpearl)
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For her birthday I have decided to draw none other than Delia Mason, the Linker of Dragon Shiryu and one of the main gang’s best friends!
She’s of Malaysian American descent and she loves yoga, paperback romance novels, and of course… her best friends in general!
Here, she’s sitting on the swing in her backyard, gazing at the sky as she dreams of her next adventure.
Happy b day, friend!
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sundove88 · 1 year
Rosters of Project Link Up!!
Everyone, do you remember the polls from a week or so ago?
Technically, the ultimate answer was yes!! And here, I made Google Docs that link to some of the rosters of Project Link Up stories!
(Shonen Jump Power Linkage)
(Cookie Run Sugar Linkage)
(Super Smash Bros Power Linkage)
(Genshin Impact Elemental Linkage)
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