#short mind my beloved
hms-incorrect-quotes · 5 months
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assassin-artist · 10 months
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my first official fanart for Mind Blind and it had to be this
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beanghostprincess · 9 months
We talk a lot about Sanji protecting Usopp, but we keep ignoring how beautiful and hot it would be for Usopp to lose his mind over somebody hurting Sanji.
There's this huge fight against another crew, and in theory, everyone has their own fights already and there aren't any problems. But turns out the guy Sanji is fighting against is a sniper or, well, a long-distance fighter and something Sanji can't win with his combat style. But he's stubborn and he keeps wanting to win because otherwise he'll feel useless (he already can't fight against women, he's not gonna let this guy do this to him).
But he's bruised and bleeding and struggling to keep up more every time, and everybody's focused on their fights so they don't pay much attention to it. It's Sanji, he'll handle it. But he can't handle it, actually, and it hurts. Mentally. Physically. Everything hurts. But he doesn't give up or ask for help because that's just the way Sanji is. The guy he's fighting against is about to pull one of his moves, and Sanji might be stubborn, but he's smart enough to know that this one is going to be the end of the fight and probably him if it keeps hurting him this way.
He's hurt and weak and breathless and scared, for once, so fucking scared. So he closes his eyes and prays for the best.
Then, all of a sudden, he hears a loud scream and incoherent cursing when a presence appears right in front of him, making him open his eyes.
"Hey, babe." Usopp smiles down at him quickly before returning his eyes to the damaged guy in front of them, preparing his slingshot for another attack. "Need a helping hand from your amazing captain Usopp?" Sanji doesn't even have the strength to talk. Too embarrassed about it. Too hurt, too. The cook presses his hands into fists and tries to stand up, failing and falling to the ground in the same second. Usopp frowns, concerned. "Love-"
"I can help! I can win! Just-" He feels like crying, but that would be more humiliating than his boyfriend having to save his ass. He keeps staring at Usopp's back, and he just feels so protected and warm by his presence that it almost makes him feel bad how nice it feels to be covered. "I can do this!"
"You can't." Usopp mutters, ready to attack again. "But that's fine. I'll just do what you can't, right?"
The cook can't fight against that logic. Their logic. His logic, to begin with. But he still feels like he hasn't done enough to help. Like he's a failure for even thinking about how romantic and good it feels to be taken care of this way for once.
But even if the frustration is still a lot, he gives in to Usopp's words. "I guess." He sees Usopp aiming at the guy, far away from them. So much Sanji can't even see him properly. His boyfriend stays quiet for a long while, his breathing is heavy and his hands are shaking. Sanji keeps hearing him curse under his breath, and he doesn't know where his funny and charismatic sniper has gone. So that raises a question: "Are- Are you mad at me? For not asking for help?"
Because it has happened before. Countless times, at this point. Usopp never gets truly mad, but he does always end up worrying too much and begging Sanji to stop fighting on his own all the time and start relying on others.
Sanji can see some sort of smile from where he's sitting. "Mad? At you?" His hands stop shaking to aim better, squinting. He never ends up answering the question, leaving it in just a sarcastic scoff. "Are you alright? How much did he hurt you?"
The cook frowns at that, holding his bleeding arm close to his chest and refusing to look down. "It's fine. Chopper will-"
"How much did he hurt you, Sanji?" His voice is way deeper now. Serious. It makes Sanji shiver under his words.
He doesn't have the heart to tell him, but he does it anyway. "My arm-"
"Legs?" Sanji ignores the shaking that suddenly takes over Usopp. "Can you move?"
"I'm sorry-"
"You have nothing to apologize for." And then, he goes back to aiming. This time it does feel like he's about to attack. "I'll protect you when you can't. I'll fight when you can't. I'll save you when you can't save yourself. I'll make people regret their actions when you can't... And this scumbag has some apologizing to do."
So Sanji watches as his boyfriend takes the other sniper down with sudden, swift movements that the cook can't even see properly and doesn't even understand, at this point. He keeps watching as Usopp beats the shit out of this random pirate because he decided to hurt him. The sniper keeps on attacking and attacking and attacking and Sanji can only see him move in front of him, cursing under his breath and hearing his name being repeated over and over again like a mantra Usopp keeps to gain courage.
The fight ends almost instantly for Sanji, the obvious winner of the fight shining over him with an exhausted smile and some wounds that aren't nearly as bad as Sanji's. "What? Impressed of your boyfriend saving your ass for once?"
Sanji doesn't know how to tell him that he has never been more in love with him.
They help him get up from the floor (Franky ends up carrying him), and nobody makes a single comment about this thing happening. Not even Mosshead, who's walking right behind him with Usopp by his side. Sanji pretends not to, but he listens to every word of the conversation.
"Well done there." Zoro keeps his monotone tone, but he always sounds a little bit happier when talking to Usopp. "I'm surprised you weren't scared to death."
Sanji senses Usopp being offended even before it happens. "Hey! Have more faith in me, idiot!" The sniper sighs. "The one thing I'm good at and you still say these things..."
He doesn't have to turn around to know Zoro's shrugging his shoulders. "I just figured you'd do your thing."
"I was scared." Sanji can't gasp at the confession, but he buries his head deeper on Franky's back. "But it's just- My feet just moved on their own." The cook knows Usopp's looking at him. He always knows. "Besides," He takes a deep breath, his next words coming out from a place deep in his heart Sanji has never seen. "I can't let anybody take him away from me."
Sanji fights the urge to jump to his arms, and decides to give in to sleep right away, not fearing who might attack from behind anymore.
Usopp will just do what Sanji can't.
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corviiids · 6 months
how do i get viz media to let me just write and publish a new death note light novel because that's basically what im writing at this point
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tomaturtles · 9 months
I'M SO GLAD YOU ASKED Campus Apocalypse (also known as Gakuen Datenroku) is an Evangelion spinoff manga!!! It has 4 volumes and 22 chapters, and it's basically an AU series with an action-y shonen feel to it.
It retains a lot of the cast and some elements from the anime, but for the most part does its own thing with the lore! Instead of piloting giant robots, the kids fight angels using these magic-y weapons (Shinji has a gun, for example), and the angels themselves are very different from the main series too. It can be odd at times, but it's a pretty fun and interesting take on the series imo!
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The plot gets a little wild at times and the ending is sadly pretty rushed (I think it got cancelled?), but it's a fairly quick read and has enough neat concepts along the way that I feel it's worth checking out! :] (i am of course biased, but y'know)
What Personally makes me so fond of it is that it has more of the main 4 kids as friends, as well as features Kaworu as one of the main characters and introduces him right at the beginning! He gets to interact more with Rei and Asuka, as well as has more time with Shinji, and I really really love how his and Shinji's relationship is developed.
It's not as explicitly Romantic as in the anime (CA mostly focuses more on the friendships; there's some ship tease and it occasionally leans towards Shinji/Rei, but the romantic stuff is vague enough that you can see what you wanna see for the most part imo), but it's still very sweet and meaningful all the same. The development of their friendship is a significant part of the story, and it's not that hard to view it in a romantic light. It's like. Friends to lovers kawoshin. To me
IN SHORT: Campus Apocalypse has a different vibe from the anime and has some interesting stuff, but it may be just kind of average as a whole. BUT it does some specific things really well imo and said things are like catnip to me. If you too enjoy seeing the main four interacting and being friends and Shinji and Kaworu's relationship being able to take more time to develop, it may be worth checking out!
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justplaggin · 9 months
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jo1 stylist a fellow stormbringer victim???
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kim-ruzek · 6 months
I just watched the finale of S6 of NCIS for the first time in years and my god it once again has hit me just how much I bloody love that episode
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aroace-poly-show · 7 months
your turn to share how'd you end up in this hellhole of a fandom /pos
GOD okay i’ve always been fated to get the gacha game chokehold. the other two i remember that got me before pjsk was genshin and cookie run kingdom but i know there’s been more that i’ve tried that i just forgot about.
anyway over on pinterest theres like. a genre?? of vent posts where people will just write text in a particular font over cute images (they’re not always vent posts sometimes its just. whatever. yk) and one of the ones i saw a lot were rhythm game cards but specifically project sekai cards. also pfps. a lot of people i followed had pjsk pfps. and at some point i remember someone bringing up the game so i got curious about it. and also had genshin friends who i asked about it and they also wanted me to try it!! so i did. yay. (i confused it with enstars first though. please don’t ask how. i don’t know either. i’m still so embarrassed about it)
i have the worst memory ever so i don’t know how i felt about most of the characters at the beginning? i just know i liked shiho (my first 4*) and nene (first 3* and i LOVED the cotton candy card it was so cute) but aside from them i knew nothing about anyone and didn’t have any strong feelings about anyone. also yk that like personality test they give you for a unit? i got n25 and out of spite/to be funny to no one but myself really i decided to pick wxs instead them bc i figured they were the emo unit and most of my friends irl at the time called me emo a lot skjhfdjk. the intro story was silly but i’m pretty sure i didn’t read any of the main stories for a while. i wanna bet i read wxs story first i just have no idea how i felt about it i completely forgot
um. i remember the event when i started was the one with an in the cage card>??? I CANT REMEMBER THE EVENT NAME. oh shit no i do it was bout for beside you. is that the right name. idk. i pulled on that banner for the Gacha Dopamine and that was when i got shiho i think. ummmm. i didnt get events for a while. i had my speed at 1.0 bc it made sense to me that the slowest would be easiest. yeag. this was a long ramble sorry
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ishikawayukis · 2 years
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missing young k hours D-34
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britcision · 2 years
Listen. Could Dead and Loving It be a fraction of the length and maybe finished by now if I only focused on Danny and Jason?
Would it be a better story?
Probably, from several perspectives
But it absolutely would not be the same story, and nor would it be the story I want to tell
Because I am hopelessly addicted to ensemble casts, and I don’t want the boys to exist in a vacuum. I want Jason to run off with his siblings and with Danny’s friends, and I want Danny to fuck with the bats
I want them to touch all the parts of each others lives that existed before they met, and will still continue to exist after even if things change forever between them
I want all the background characters to interact with each other, have their own inner worlds and their own motivations, and yeah, this absolutely means this is not an efficient telling of a slow burn romance
Because the story isn’t the slow burn romance
The story is these two people, and the world they live in, the story is the way Duke and Cass both see Jason differently than Dick and Tim ever could and that matters, and that none of them are wrong
The story is Danny finally telling people who will listen about the Anti-Ecto Acts, and all the fucked up things the GIW do, and being able to ask for help and have that be okay
The story is messy and complicated and will have so many rises and falls, so many pivotal moments that are drama and combat and so many that are just two people talking to each other and finally seeing eye to eye
The story is the way that Jason’s relationships with his family can finally mend, now that he has someone who can get him the help he’s needed
The story is the way that Danny can come to terms with the responsibilities of being a king, the constant question of agency and power and what he’s worth if he’s only Danny and not the Ghost King
The story is Clockwork fucking with the pair of them because he specifically thinks it’s funny (he’s right)
And yeah, there’s a slow burn romance in there. There’s also a coming of age tale, and a story about healing and reconciling and moving forward knowing you cannot change the past, but you can do better
Unless fucking Clockwork decides you can change the past because yeah then it’s fine to just go do that I guess
I was kinda considering breaking the story out into multiple chunks because holy fuck is 100k an intimidating chunk of words, but I’m not gonna
It’s all one story, and you will be my hapless victims as we get to fucking 300k or wherever this beast ends because we are not here for efficient story telling and motion of the plot
We’re here for the connections, the characters, the meaningless bullshit that would absolutely be cut in anything anyone ever wanted to sell, cuz I am not selling this
Imma write every fucking scene I wish I got from books, TV, movies, podcasts, actual plays, every fucking time I scream at the characters to just fucking talk to each other because messy is good too
Messy is okay
Stories don’t need to be marketable to be worth telling, and this one’s gonna be too long and intimidating for some people and that’s okay
But I fuckin’ rolled in from Critical Role which averages around 500 hours of content per campaign and a cast of 7 plus Matt’s NPCs
And I STILL want more goddamn character moments from all of them so I haven’t found a size yet that I can’t manage
I love reading focused stories that I can get through fast, and fuck, look at the rest of my AO3; I will fucking never diss a one shot, or a short story, or a piece that really focuses in on one or two characters
Delicious, I love them, my bread and butter
It’s just not what this mess is gonna be, and that’s okay too
Gods be fucking willing we will not have another six chapters that take place over the course of three hours, but we’ll just have to see how that shakes out cuz I’m being possessed by a seemingly infinite number of plot bunnies and my own tendency for “hey it’d be funny if”
And oh boy has it been funny every time
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fitzfunnymoments · 1 year
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Sporty in Boxing Clever
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synthshenanigans · 1 year
hey i made a thing :}
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legacyphoenixx · 9 months
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Hello everyone please look at how pretty my Ranger is thank you
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beanghostprincess · 7 months
That Fem!Sanuso fantasy AU I'm writing is consuming me mentally and physically in the best way and I can only think about it and the only reason I don't post more abt it it's bc I'm already annoying enough with my 10000th daily Sanuso posts but I swear this is me thinking about it
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eye-of-yelough · 2 years
Something soooo unintentionally metal and trans-coded about the “I am not of mortal men” line. Ok dude.
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thedeadthree · 2 years
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