#short thank you list
avizou · 10 months
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when you called me i became your flower ♡ for @kimtaegis
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3rinbkk · 11 months
yoongi’s masterlist 🍊
shoot your shot by @yoon2k
genre: smut, fluff.
love lockdown by @personasintro
genre: zombie apocalypse au, enemies to lovers, angst, fluff, eventual smut. summary: it started with a supposed virus all around the world. it continues with people turning into monsters who want to eat everything that’s alive.
three tangerines by @kithtaehyung
genre: brother’s best friend au, implied age gap au; angst, smut.  summary: “when Yoongi told you he would be there if you needed anything, this isn’t what he had in mind”.  NOTE: THIS IS MY FAVORITE FIC EEEVEEEER,, just wanted to say thank for this beautiful masterpiece <3
cyberslut by @kimnjss
genre: social media au. smut, college au, secret identity, tutoring au, slight themes of infidelity. summary: he has no idea who you are... up front, you're sweet and innocent- but in reality you're the exact opposite. running your own nsfw account, where your favorite topic is his hands.
your yoongi by @yoongiphoria
genre: fluff and smut. NOTE: i don’t know why i can’t tag you, but i genuinely hope you see this. thanks for your work &lt;3
don’t argue by @yoongiofmine
genre: fluff, smut, idol au, established relationship. summery: after almost six years together, yoongi asked you to move in with him. you’re done packing your whole apartment for the move, and he shows up to make sure your last night at your old place is special. 
so close by @namfinessed
genre: major angst, fluff, second chance romance summary: words are not enough for people who are so close and so in love, or a fit in which yoongi loses you but will do everything in his power to win you back.
yoongi chokes you as a xmas gift by @noteguk
genre: pwp, established relationship.
next door by @personasintro
genre: fluff (?), smut. summary: your neighbor doesn’t respect your complaints about him being loud, but you don’t let it slide so easily.
first love, last love by @kithtaehyung
genre: angst, smut; opposites to lovers, high school/university au. summary: after the most pivotal moment in your life, you never thought you would ever see him again. years later, you cross paths in the last place you ever imagined him to be. was this the universe giving you a second chance? or were yo destined to repeat the same mistakes you fought hard to forget?
sweetener by @taegularities
genre: fwb/kinda enemies to lovers; fluff, smut. summary: you used to know how he sounded when you were wrapped around him, but circumstances have pulled you apart and sent you scattering in opposite directions. feelings shouldn't reappear so easily by simple words, but when you find yourselves in the same place again, this is exactly what happens.
illicit favors by @yoongiofmine
genre: fluff, tiny angst, smut, non idol au, friends to lovers. summary: when your editor tells you to re-write the chapters of your books because the sex scenes are weak, suggesting you write them from experience, what do you di when you lack any kind of sexual experiences in general? you go to your fiend and ask him for help with it.
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thepenultimateword · 1 year
hi! i was wondering, could you do a prompt list with assassin x vigilante/supervillain/or superhero pairings? whichever pairing floats your boat, really
i understand if not, though, so no pressure! i love all your snippets and prompt lists, & appreciate all of your hard work on here !! 🤍🤍
How about ALL of them 😊
1. A hero with a no kill rule does not accept the agency’s recent hire of a heroic assassin, never missing an opportunity to remind the assassin how much they disapprove of their methods.
2. An assassin is hired to kill the city’s golden boy/girl Superhero. They have no problem with this until they are face-to-face and oh geez, they are fumbling. Superhero has a lot of experience with this sort of reaction and thinks they’re just a really big fan.
3. An assassin with a speciality in dispatching super powered beings is hired to protect a blossoming rookie whose power, once properly trained, is predicted to turn the tides of the hero-villain conflict. (Bonus if they’ve also been hired by a separate party or kill them, and they’re unsure which order to follow through with)
4. Assassin and vigilante have always been uncontracted parties. They don’t have benefits or big teams backing them up, but if they ever needed an extra hand, they always had each other. When assassin signs onto a local hero agency, vigilante is mad, especially when part of their contract prohibits them from teaming with any unregistered heroes.
5. An assasssin who will kill anyone for the right price meets a vigilante who only kills when necessary. What begins as a bond over their alike criticisms of the “No Kill Rule” gets complicated as they realize the gap in their ideologies.
6. Assassin is sent to kill Supervillain but ends up easily captured. Instead of killing assassin like they expect, Supervillain pays them double to be their companion, something they can’t achieve naturally because of their terrifying reputation. Since assassin was brash enough to try to kill them, they should have no problem, right?
7. Assassin is just a hungry little meow meow on the streets. Supervillain doesn’t mind taking them in and feeding them, giving them a roof over their head and a warm place to sleep, and if they provide assassin with work to get rid of a pesky hero for them, then they’re just that generous.
8. The agency sends assassin to take out a dangerous rogue hero, what they don’t tell them is that this hero, Vigilante, has the power to temporarily or permanently negate others’ super abilities, something assassin heavily relies on to complete jobs.
9. Assassin is on the bad side of too many people and now has to fight off their own hired killers. Superhero has never acted particularly fond or approving of Assassin but suddenly they are determined to protect them.
10. Supervillain takes Assassin hostage, blood-thirsty for vengeance over a loved one’s death. The problem is Assassin doesn’t remember killing anyone of that description.
11. People may think Assassin is Supervillain’s attack dog, but to Supervillain, they are their most trusted ally and maybe, possibly, if the increasing butterflies in their stomach can be trusted, something more.
12. Assassin goes undercover as a rookie Hero in order to get close to and kill Superhero. However, the more time they spend with their new mentor, the more they question their assignment and own will to kill them.
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moregraceful · 8 months
i made what was a huge medical decision today that has been received very badly by my family and i feel absolutely nothing but pure freedom and joy about it. the thing i'm really fixated on rn is when should i post this fic i just finished
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mwagneto · 12 days
how come I've never heard of the Tardis Guide before oh my fucking godddd finally a way i can catalogue all the doctor who stuff I've seen/read/heard etc holy shit
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distortedkilling · 2 months
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ALIAS / NAME:  bug
BIRTHDAY:  a day “ψ(`∇´)ψ
ZODIAC  SIGN:  gemini
HEIGHT:  5'1" and eating all your crumbs
HOBBIES:  writing, drawing, rp, walks, games, reading
FAVORITE  COLOR:  grey but like, all colors pls
CURRENT  BOOK: i need to read a book that isn't manga or architecture
LAST  SONG: revelations (zack hemsey)
LAST  FILM / SHOW:  watching murder she wrote in the background rn
INSPIRATION:  honestly? anything can be depending where my brain is at. sometimes i just look at worms for this worm. i like staring at patterned things for my other two chucklefucks i write.
BEHIND  URL: it's his final form's name shortened :') i wasn't very original
FUN  FACT  ABOUT  ME: i have a high pain tolerance and i use that ability for good and not evil! ᕦ(ò_óˇ)ᕤ
tagged by: @cowboynanami, @yukikorogashi, @menazerie (thank you sweet and cool beans uwu)
tagging: pls i don't know who hasn't done this yet. if you haven't, now you have to. tag me so i can read. :')
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scribblersobia · 4 months
Day 1
I am grateful for my health. I am grateful for all the cells and tissues in my body. My body parts are as perfect as wine. I am thankful for my clear skin and my soul shines. I am grateful for the healing and health. I am thankful for my arms, my torso, my head, my legs, my buttocks, my hands, my hair, my fingers and all my body parts. My body is perfect, healthy and happy. My cells are dancing to their favourite song. My skin is singing a melodious song. My heart is content and happy. I love my body. I am miracle. I am so grateful for my health. Thank you so much universe for this home that I call my body. Thank you so much. 🙏🩷
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notnights · 5 months
It’s kind of insane to me that kids are putting words like “pedo” and “incest” in their bio so casually. Like sure it’s for your DNI but does putting those words and discussions in the spot that’s basically the name tag on your shirt not make you feel icky??? Having it there every second of every day??? Right on your business card??
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if you're sitting there feeling sorry for yourself, wondering why no one's commented on your hiatus status(es), i'll help you figure out why
you're behaving like a selfish, entitled bitch. you're throwing a pity-me-party while you accuse people of favoritism in the same breath. like, no wonder your ~CoMmUniTy~ won't feel sorry for you, or interact with your bad artwork or your other uninspired bullshit when you bitchfit that no one's sharing your shit: no one wants to interact with that melodrama. there's better writers out there that don't cry about interaction bullshit.
you need to grow the fuck up, and maybe do people all a favor by not coming back.
Wow... thank you for sending me this present shortly before Christmas (Dec. 20th, to be exact). Real lovely stuff.
So listen while I break this down by section and say things later on that I don't mean:
If you're going to call me an 'entitled bitch' or criticize my content, you should really take ownership of your words like a grown-up first. You're welcome to those opinions, I suppose; but it means NOTHING when you send me this from a position of cowardice. If your goal was to hurt my feelings and upset me, I would only award you with partial congratulations, if that.
I'll concede it was a bit of a "bitchfit" if it makes you happy, because yes, it kind of was. I'll take ownership of that: I should have been better, and I wasn't. I should have been a lot calmer, and I wasn't.
Maybe then more people would have given a damn about me and what I had to say. Or maybe they wouldn't. I don't know anymore, quite frankly. I can't say I ever did.
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Your point about "better writers out there [who] don't cry about interaction bullshit" is wrong, by the way. I can think of several fan writers (and I'm not going to compare content quality because that's gross) either on my dashboard or in fandom tags (many with larger followings + outreach than me) who've complained about lowered interaction these days at one time or another.
Or several times, even. It was largely and perfectly fine when they spoke up about it. Weird to me, anon, how it's okay when these unnamed and so-called "better writers" speak up, but not the little guys.
Some people are a little too comfortable telling those with smaller followings/outreach to just suck it up because interaction has been bad for everyone lately. Or placate themselves with excuses for why they didn't offer any sympathy to people who admit to struggling with feeling like belonging, or those wishing they felt more included. Noticed. Remembered. (Whatever the case may be.)
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I mean I've seen who repeatedly makes the cut on these stale recommendation lists that float around… Your 'pool of so many talented writers/artists in this fandom' is more of a damn puddle. You'll have to fucking forgive me for just wishing to be remembered (for one or the other) and included in these little "~fandom enrichment activities~" at this point once in a damn while! Why's it such a fucking crime to you, anon, that I just want people to remember I'm here too?
I spoke my feelings about things feeling like a popularity contest rather than a true community back in December, and you thought that warrants calling me a selfish, entitled bitch? Telling me do people a favor and not come back?
What the fuck??????
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I think you're something of a rancid tar pit for hoping to kick someone while they were down, or whatever it was you intended by all that. Did you get the warm and fuzzies typing this out? Did you feel good about yourself for choosing to be malicious to someone going through a hard time? Someone admitted they were going through a hard time between Seasonal Affective Disorder, and being upset about a lot of trivial stuff, and you thought "Hey; let's pile on!" was the correct solution rather than offer any kindness where you had witnessed a lack of?
It would be so tempting to stoop to your level and wish you nothing but ill on top of telling you to do me a favor and fuck off; I'm going to encourage you to learn to have a little more compassion for people instead and be a better person than whatever you are now going forward. May you learn to be kinder to people in the future, anon… You make the world a far better place that way.
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xiaoluclair · 8 months
psst xiao, i wrote my first F1 fic (landoscar) and i would be so honored if u read it (it’s short like 8k) if u blessed me with a xiao analysis i believe i would transcend to valhalla 😳 but honestly no pressure if u don’t want/don’t have time, i just wanted to reach out and ask :3
link to fic post: https://www.tumblr.com/jennarations/730309563231944704/thunderstruck
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rockingrobin69 · 2 years
Writers on tumblr rec pt. #1
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Hot weather, short attention span, haven’t really been able to read much on AO3, but did you know that tumblr is actually full of really really really cool people who make really really really cool things? Like:
1. @m0srael​​ who’s completely stolen my heart with this fic, and then have you seen the unbelievable marvel that is The Pleasure of a Fleeting Year yet???
2. @ghaniblue​​’s style makes me cry laughing and also cry with ache and also did I mention NHHGGGG
3. @bunnimew has such beautiful microfics, each seeped in atmosphere and story with briiliant interactions! I beg you to see for yourself. You can start here or here or here or
4. @saintgarbanzo​​ ​has the most brilliant mind and puts it to use in the most brilliant ways and writes the most brilliant things
5. @makeitp1nk​​ nails it every single time. Like how do you even cope with this one and with this brilliance and erm excuse me this one??
6. @curlyy-hair-dont-care​​ writes the absolute sweetest stuff you’ve ever read and they WILL steal your heart and make you smile and want more more more
7. @geesenoises​​ has such an enchanting, captivating style, I can read each microfic five times in a row and still go for more: see one example and yes there is more I kid you not and also this is just too awesome
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Hi! Huge fan of your fics, kinda new to Tumblr. Do you ship any of the engines (if you don’t mind me asking?) 
Hey, thanks for dropping a line!
I was a non-shipper for quite a while, then I started dabbling. I'm open to lots of different (and conflicting) ships but some of the ones that I'm most committed to are:
Also, if you trawl my archives long enough, you’ll see occasional references to Toby/Diesel and James/Porter. And you might wonder: Wait, are they f***in' serious? The official answer is that the former is just for a lark (specifically, for a dare)… but the latter I am indeed pretty serious about. ;)
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bokatan · 1 month
♠ for Reed and Mercy
[ relationship asks ] @fuzzydreamin
♠ : Character my muse would have a one night stand with. 
Danse, if he ever gets over his ghoul issues enough to be around Mercy
Deegan and/or Emogene Cabot, just about any combination of them here would be plausible
If we’re going with just Reed: Knight-Sergeant Gavil, Maxson, KL-E-0, maybe Preston later on in their storyline
If we’re going with just Mercy: Cait, Glory, Preston, maybe KL-E-0, maybe Curie
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desertfangs · 1 year
Had some thoughts after reading your recent fic
Do you think Armand and Daniel might have had a slight role reversal in terms of energy levels after Daniel was turned? When Daniel was mortal he was always getting older and more tired and finding it harder to keep up with the forever 17 year old with an immortal's boundless energy.
But when he's finally in the blood, maybe it was Armand's turn to feel like the slightly grumpy and tired 500 year old man with his hyperactive puppy of a fledgling.
I'm just picture newly turned Daniel throwing a coat around Armand's shoulders and dragging him out the door while Armand tries to suggest they have a night in, wondering if this is how Daniel felt all those years
Oh my gosh, this is a great question! (Also thank you for reading my fic!!)
I do think maybe they have a slight role reversal. Or, at the very least, their dynamic changes a little. Daniel is very high on being a vampire at first. Armand tells him, "You take a lot of teaching." He's a little overwhelmed by Daniel as a vampire, and Daniel is a little overwhelmed by heightened vampire senses, and while they are in the midst of a crisis, I do think Daniel takes some time to adapt to his vampire senses and abilities. I think Armand is fantastic maker and teacher, and Daniel is lucky to have not only him there but also so many others who can give him tips and tricks and also tell him stories about when they first turned.
(I will say I don't think Daniel is particularly an outlier. It might be an unpopular opinion, but I think his reaction to vampirism is pretty standard, especially given how potent Armand's blood is. We don't get a lot of him as a vampire until we see him again mad in Marius' house, but I've mentioned before I don't think it was being overwhelmed by vampirism that did him in, but rather Armand's apparent death drove him mad.)
But yes, once Daniel has the blood and is a vampire, he's no longer being run ragged by trying to keep up with Armand. And he's also no longer burdened with the knowledge of his own aging and death. I am older than Daniel was when he was turned, and I can tell you as you get older, your body DOES WEIRD SHIT. Stuff stops working as well. And I'm not even THAT OLD. But like... imagine living with Armand, ageless and turned at 17, while Daniel keeps finding more gray hairs or new lines on his face or he can't move his left arm one night because he slept on it funny - that had to have to weighed heavily on him. So I think it was just the sword of Damocles, over him all the time in those last couple of years, and no matter how hard he tried to ignore it and push it back, it was hanging above him ready to fall.
So Daniel is lighter and unburdened as a vampire. He's ready to live forever with Armand. And Armand is absolutely proud of him and still loves him, of course, but Armand is a fatalist who starts to worry about when things will fall apart. I don't think that fear becomes too pronounced until later and I don't think he starts subconsciously pushing Daniel away for years yet, but it's in the back of his mind that Daniel may not need or want him anymore one day.
So in that respect their roles have changed. Daniel probably is excited to go travel or see some show or just go to Miami and walk around and shoot the shit and talk about the drunks stumbling past and all the tourists running around. He wants to go see and do everything now that he can do it without stressing about the lines on his face when he catches his reelection. He's excitable and hyper and like... I don't know how long dude is high on being a vampire, but I kind of think that initial burst probably lasts a while. And Daniel is talkative and affable and no doubt getting along with everyone.
Armand, meanwhile, is also dealing with all of his ex's in his house. So there's that to consider, too. And playing host. And running whatever business he's running on Night Island and elsewhere. (He has people! But he still needs to sign checks and papers and check in.)
So yeah, I do think a lot of '86 and '87 and maybe even '88 are more of Daniel going "Hey, boss, let's go see this thing or do this thing" and Armand being a little more... maybe not reluctant but less quick to jump on board with the idea. Not all the time. He's still Armand, he still likes to go see things and learn things! But sometimes!
I'll tell you, I think the real karma is Benji and Sybelle, wherein he has to indulge their interests and needs and suddenly Armand is there at TG remembering when he used to be the one dragging Daniel out the door as Sybelle grabs his hand and drags him to the music store or to see some concert and he's like "Ah, this must be how Daniel felt."
Thank you so much for the ask! Sorry for the long essay. TL;DR: Absolutely! LOL! I love the idea of Armand grumpily sitting in his office wondering if he can hide out and avoid being dragged to yet another rock concert with Daniel and Lestat over on the mainland for the 3rd time in a week.
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floofgryph · 2 months
(Some more headcanons for Ames and her plushies?)
More Ames and her plushies headcanons
Ames doesn't let the mean kids that are in the orphanage touch or play with her plushies.
Whenever there is a thunderstorm, she goes under the covers of her bed and plays with her favourite plushies.
She needs to sleep with her plushies or she'll experience a severe panic attack or a horrible nightmare.
She has a much easier time creating scenarios for her humanoid plushies than her animalistic ones for reasons she's not entirely sure why.
She's not fond of recreating uncomfortable real life events with her plushies because it makes her skin crawl.
She likes it when adults incorporate meaningful moral lessons through the use of her plushies.
She occasionally reads bedtime stories to her plushies
She doesn't like to get her plushies dirty
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lakecoded · 9 months
as a respected scholar on the subject what’s your top five mission impossible action setpieces 🤩
omg thank youuuuu for this. i love thinking about the action setpieces in the mission impossible movies 🥰 spoilers for the mission impossible movies below lol
it's simple compared to the other setpieces but i LOVE the prison breakout scene in ghost protocol. it has a fun dean martin song scoring it, there's a very fun ethan and benji interaction, ethan is at his most insane, the choreography is well shot. it's just a great opener for a movie!!
ROME FIAT 500 HANDCUFFED CAR CHASE YOU WILL ALWAYS BE FAMOUS ‼️this is actually like 3 different car chases in one and has pom klementieff try to run them over in her massive armored truck and is the reason i want to see dead reckoning a third time in theatres <3 incredible slapstick premise taken seriously but still SO fun
another simple one but i love the footchase through london in fallout. its very fun seeing tom cruise sprinting as fast as he can on the roofs of london and cutting to henry cavill walking very calmly. the music does a lot for this scene. and i love tom cruise yelling that he's jumping out of a window in front of very confused office workers. also shockingly the setpiece that actually injured tom cruise (he broke his ankle jumping between 2 buildings)
another one from fallout and i think this is technically 2 different action setpieces but they blend together so well that i'm counting them as one. and it's the plot to break lane out of police custody + the motorcycle escape through paris. the planning scene for this is ALSO so good (again the music adds SO much to it) like i just love seeing a plan come together and then immediately fall apart. tom cruise driving against traffic at the arc de triomphe is so thrilling and the part where he crashes surprises me every single time. chef's kiss
tom cruise esai morales knife fight on top of a moving train + bridge explosion + hayley atwell and tom cruise running through vertical train cars before they collapse into the river. i don't know how to explain it any better. it absolutely rules
honorable mentions to the bathroom fight in fallout and the entire airport sequence in dead reckoning (i LOSE it every time shea wigham is like "where the fuck is HE" as you see tom cruise absolutely booking it behind him) and tom cruise hanging off the side of an airplane as it takes off in rogue nation and the OPERA SCENE and like every scene with phillip seymour hoffman in mi3 (not really action setpieces but he is SO GOOD in all of his scenes that it should count and the hospital escape in ghost protocol and and and
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